- r . -40Iiir . • . . i . . . . , • ... . _ , • ...• - , . • •,. ~ • • - , • . ' - • : g===i • '7 . ^41 , 1 =,:14 •- ' • It•:;• . --- . • .. „,—....,.., - . . • •il, M • • - _ ..• * . •:' I ~,, ••, ~ • • . :. 6:7: '4.--ZaZ,,t,,L.',.t:r:1..1•75Y,',',;7!ig..•*".;47.1T11-•:;.:••• •1-••••,,P?;' ter. • • . r ....... • ~ • ... •,... • \• .... ~ . . . . ..,7 • . ........ .__. , _ . ....„. ....... .._. ...._ ....„.,..._.......,.. ____, . •v_ _.... . i" s t a PUBLISHED BY Elm PUBLISIIINCI ASSOCIITIOY FRIDAY, trANEYAIrt" 13, _ 1663. ‘..TBMCONsmoTtONAL AMENDMENT r . Turiieems to be no prospect of l 4 pas- 1 i saga of tiliainiiidient V the *Use.' 31r. ' r - om4 - igNew.Yotic, Mr. Irialcazr, otteit: tuel4i.44 Mr. Kato; of ifisebriti,'whO yea. 5 red against It at kit session; have indicated a wißleigness to vote for it, now, and there • may;bejgrua : or ,twin inorq f . but Governor irsirrpri , has - resigned, and: a . pro.slavery been * man has DR elected in MT. STEBBINS' i place,. by...which Preedont bases two 'rites and slavery gains one ; so that,'nnleei there aze . stingee netlet appareat, the amend inegt,annot pass at this seasion.. We lad` hoped that the .'election had taught the, oppo. altion'ttettar setae: ;Init., like, the Dearborn; they seemnever tolearn or fofgei aiything. Thejlehate,`horrever, which the amend - . . meat haa called - put, has shown. that .the wiser men in the opposition ranks are 64 ..awakiii).4".the feat that, slatery is too star . gone to be worthy of their regard any piikg. er. bk .- speeches' of keiara. Onnit., of New York, and .risscs.w, , of lientnelty; show this clearly; andthek were sustained, to'a certain'exisitctytiro others on that aide,' Nessrs:NOontruee and Want; who, while Imirilliag. to %vote'. for the_ constitirUanal amendinent, asserted 'slavery to be - actually at an end. Mr.Wano declared himself 'itp-' posed tei; Gie readullasiOn "intit;.'the ' Union with tie rights of- slave- property 'of any 'State which our triumphant armies' had subjected, but ha*tak .not. willing to 'pro long the war longer than was ..necessary .to, effect Ira legitimate_ object.", Mr. VOOR HIES, the Icath,r, in the -present- House, of the pro slavery wing of the Democratic party, asserted that ."the queition of sla very was rapidly diminishing in importance, whether for good or evil—lC was passing away." ''. All these ' are healthy a s igns, and nithougi,, such. men. tui. Biaorts Biroona and FEn'tespre, WOrna may keep the rank and file arkpcii• little . . party in' Congress' from . voting for the amendment, P. is plain that the light bss dawned upon at least a ---_____ r. portion of tbe. leaders; and We ' , may not therefore despair of its eventually' slitting upon all.' - - : ' . . As an evidence of 'Prcigress in the same direction;' we quote the following from the , . N. Y. Leader, the organ of the Tartusumy faction ottbat, : ' • . t ‘Tbezaimormnicr party never adrocatted slavery as a moral institution. 'That is a question that will not, admit of . discussion. But slavery Ivrasa recbsalzed. §tato right, guarantied by the Co:min:aim aa one of the compromises' by which the union of States wa,s farmed. :Being a Constitutional right, 'it could only- be Constitutionally' rogated. ate commitld : Mot • Abrogate IL States cannot shicide,'lmor forfeit their Constitntionsf tightS t,lurrebellious acts of a member ; Of ;their scidiens. viduals Cimstitutiozial:pidriciples te e main. Ilittrinfirpullic Sentiment- is ;mul -1 mously against' lsrein the war has fur ; utilised us with the opportunity- fOr its legal, abolitiont,ther rebel,' aro preparing . to ,do away with. Itjand an advantage may be gained by:ibrestaliftir and thus are forcedid the eitivictibn. that the tune: les come lurid the einiutry, of this curse in ''f 4 l a Conatitupoilar hiartncili! atid Oust Pr* - : viaion be made for the remuneratson maim loyal slavuluildida witelarer found, we stud' , support the Contitutional-amendment to that effect mow: - before 'Congress; J-:Thia • - 1 , not the neace:.raan'a 'doctrine; - buts it id ; - .monad Democratic doetrine,rind,left Darts bas proved fi:lnch, by Ida .tIFA, . ' 1 REMO:Oir " Ciii.itilrirß. , . . - .. , We were loth to believe the .. report that '•, ! ..1 •Cien. BIPTLEE bad been renfered e antthave refrained frorii,,iefifttiklig *lt . the report, : 1 :',...., in the hope ' itaceingli,contradieted. But t'' there seems norei!enforlougerdottbt; and' ....:::', - we teluetiurytbiing tnnselrei4regardtt ., 1,. We know not what maylier cheep the' z , 1 reasons for, 1111 removal; but if the one as , signed by telegraph: be. 'corn et; that it was, ~. 4 done to mete the *ay easy for thaitabrais- I:. sion of the l!iontli,"We do not - scruple f d rty- 1 41 that it is the , pooreet. of all reasons., 'Tile. ;;--: • rebels haVe no claim upon our consideration ;•14 that should warrant them in dems,ndiripthe removal of inehii4dtifulinthlicaennthosta a condition Precltdeni• to- their-sulnialislon, To make such concession :to tli.eta, now, ' is to pail the waylbrixtricesaion upon eon. cession hereafter. The only waytotuake „: 'their submbution';effeetive is .to , malus it an :-,:, conditional-1f We allow•tliera tgi be: our i masters in coaling back they will -he enr ~;;;. masters ever after. , . -- .• . Oen. BrzLEtt has earned the , batred, of 'Rebels and theirNorthern'synipatidzers by ,:::1 • the transcendent skill and ability shown by. ' 4 ::lusrging the.tnists roliesed,in him. 1,..,-. They fear hire heattuse they Imorr , ,whata heavy hand helms ]aid. on • thOra.; lle has been faithful to his Government; and that i .:;.• is his only offense. All the more•reason, „;,..* therefore, why lip shonld 'not be.put out of the way to avoid offending the'speatitish tastes of thole:whom he ',has so thoroughly; circumvented. : ,;• ,'.,- - -- ' ' ", _ - • t h ikki ••••;. ' Turtit.4lll:miBncix ; • .- ~ :•;.-; .... he reports of the New Tork itoild arid as to tltirßlair'nilsidoit'to Richmond: . • , 1 T • - i . - ! ' ;•• * be taken wi lls grains f allow. ,:lance. We do" not believe , ther;old znah, - 113rArn, hat gontiitirtichmond ao.i.Peaco •:. commissioner ; a t ill ; 'and we ' feeLtrery cer-' I'' tain he 'doegnot go with antbadly tii - offer ' 4' . " the.bolunitutionse it is and the,Union as ..... it was" as one ofthe tongs of ,peace. ' The 1 ' Preildent. ls totY•openlilcOMMitteti• 6' the -,'• Constitutional '. amendment' abolishineela , • , to offer - •the'Rebehi, the empty suilur•:, i. once of "the4::nistitUtb:tint a; it, 0. 1 !.: , 'Air,.• ;1 tßr•mn, it will mOnt :probably turnou t,; , ' !gone on his own-Pdieti - business t o Rich . rnoad, and will'undtittbiectiYAvAti, himself • 'of any opportunity of: sounding ,the: Reirel rgairennent as to it, Peace Incllinitkilia:: ,?B oo ut that he goea as ctinliiieei4AitefllClLLlO f ..' nimitaloner, we dozes Wove- ,:.:, '.. -:: ' 1 Mr. irwcoix but laid:?. down in his Res , the terms on whic h ' . the rebels ca n . ' .., art peace at' arky`:thement, ...Viz: .sUbmis ision. Ile does, not need to seedtt commis? • itioner to propose this to, them, nor- Is. if at hill likely lie would 'now undertake to pro. tpose new terms; nt war with his own Views to lately uttered. . , . .: , Our readers will do'well not to give too :ntich heed to these peace rumors; p eace will come In due Mite. It Cannot be Ur. •..,ded. Everything iii.,worklng favorably to. .yard it Just now; and all that is needed is to let things take tkeircourse. • Let patience ;love her perfect werli.... ", A • i'', 4. • •?.• t..„ GLooirr.—The 'Mobil:load Eramhier of a re. t - .,.tvat date makes the following iombraredections Ippon the rebel situation. If there Is a scintilla. ' Joe of camtbrt or consolation UV. ..be derired pow It, we hope itmay,do those whom' it may goncern good; but..we den% see It? ••., „, There Lsuch a Wog aeibeirt-b k ,for n 4. ' !,F. 7 -ons ' as for individuala. • There are arch things 4 a hopelesaneas and despatr, lethargy and apathy IN coariction that all that it will do most come 1 .,:,0 naught, all sacrifices it"can- make, be render -..„;.lsllltPobtliritititilOirnrfdl eem em a tin t t, ca goT 3 of relic ti a z.' .;!'ird =Peen:cut, will Prndate tklaLetati:of !fel.. . ficsgi j rs aat an e y nation, however heroio. find , however t vcs—:---------1..-,....,,: .;;'„ ~ qTwo pAriuorio ,young wOrliaa, ibing . near * lt - gar Loaf Mountain In 'Attila, latt week took' ws to oar foram ot the whereabouts of a party . .; osbea guerrillas, ten of whom ; were cail. sad seat to Wilithlagion. , ' • • ' • ' rM i ;t: Stlfttl QN i IN.C-r ANTIITSLAVEBV-5/1" . . . We 1 arc just 6)mplatea the 'reading of a volume entitled "History of ‘. Uie Antra Slavery Nesinieri of the Thirty-Seventh and Thirty-Eighth Congresses," by I lon. nEAR.T WITAIOII, U. S. Senator tram Has iiamsetta: ; It is a very interesting epitome of this most Interesting chapter of'Anteri con history. the authernsisottght to nar .ratc,:with broriti,fainiess and iinpahiality, the history of the antbtaaymy jegislation of Congrets artntig the p a st ;three:years of civil war, ,It.waslda aim wasto prevent to the , 'readcitho position, frOlings anti opinions Of. the chief actors in Mon great , measures: All will adnat the ability' or . mix to predent - a true' hntory' of. 'such: Men and sea measurei, ' Himself ,an , able, nest, and- fearless . champion' Of _hurasn rights,, ever amongst' the' fo'reniost in7pre attd advocating the - chime of the Oppressed, in Congiresi and . ilseihere he balms Whereof' he -writes.:- ,11 It lahatereatingand Instritetive,ta note the progress of thetinmenzeidisfrOni,likt; doWn .to _the ,Prenit .date. Caution:llY:- doubtingly at first, step l by n ate,p,..fmm,t* ?, - President down ioihe repreSentative,Was ow. Men led by the handed'. an overruling Provldence, 'until .. .tin lireient'adisunied stand point inn beenresched.• the ranke7 l of the army called the freedinentothe'r4o of las ritee.,". l Thirmiirti jasiice received him in Witniai of tds .mimhood,' liefore et my foreign ceurt,he was acknOwiedged . ti,:citir,anit.f iris 6Matry, and la entitled, to her.picriechon.. The capital of - otd:itatiOn". ...was:raged of the foul stain that dLitionored -her M Un'eYis of the :Atkins. -.the 'fisgb , tlye slave acts were blotted otit., the Ilea of Ireedom--waconditioaar, parietnal,' arid immedlate,Fwit'set open our broad domain; , and nein tbe - present Congress we Confident ly await the crowning act which shall make slavery forma impossible,-and liberty the one supreme, universal; unchangeable law, in every part of ourdamalns. , In such legislation'we aro pleas' ed to note that our county was represented ,by men who, by'voiCe _and vote, &lava:their influ ence _in favor- of freedom. ROIMIT MCKSIOtiT it'quoted by Er. WiLsors, 'from' his speech In the House, Juno, 1id,1862, In -favor of tho recognition of the RePubliesof Hayti and Liberia. We ,rtlio' °tisane a !lengthy * quotation front the great speech of . Han. Tnemai WitzLins;delivered in ihrt House, April . Ifto4,ort the bill guar anteeing to certain states a republican form of gevemmerai,.. Mr. Yi!F.son souk or this speeel, that 7 it )11113 one of "rate beaatyand . masterly power.'-' WILLIAMS iras also honored by a positlou the: lonse,Cknn mittee on the Jtiuliciary, to - vrhont'ivis to fened the bill OP EL Aturirei and the-joint -rEsolutiort `Of:Er.'.WiLsori, id. December, 1863,- in reference to the Ctinatitilickkal • ... atil c u lntellt;o l bldblibt.g . 47 10 rY, • TES folprai be found of great Interest. to all who feel Interested in the subreet treat ed of; It should lie redTbyttli:r • • • . TII E. NAII OII ALfIANKING. ST.Silkiii. ~The city" and' ' State of Neiii Yo rk have. held.i4 whet the.,nationsiibarthirig:sii,' i teniperstateritly; Ind' the banks of the city - :blive - threatened they would . not. come late It. - iiideas..the banks of the cormigc#./.44e iabould be compelled ,to' `redeem their issaeri• .frheiT:`. 4 Ot '64 4 1 1e;4 1, 0: 4 44 -441PrPlent Pr ° 4 - : : Abliiti of Oia: , ",,n ciiiicossign,,bein g wide to ..,th,.0 , 4i ha! , f4„4 1 4. 3 444egnae-tinsintathaotthe , , it•tate.rtregettip& ready. to transpose them , . Selves intonathatal banks; and the prolpeet hitt:alt - Ilene of that:4l,lll4oon fled Itatie-' Sees .as hcild oriL . The Rate :Stipenntenileot ,of Ihnsks; *ho les , 'hitherini thinivn - every Possible obstield in . thes . : ttitiof thel'istional, beills;itial:et:/ist' , caved:ii." , lia.recomi , mendd the tepetillif the ltinl, Making', the fonaatiorio , . rig onsthy. ' ' ' ' t all baialtr . ' liatliiiti - " other.than the :titans authority illegal' , "Ife . rfurtherisia f' ' -... :: - '' "", ... I ,-; • :t.. Fifteen tacking sinseistioni have gives holice of their intention to close the bust nMS Or banking wider the , State lawei: The: :sost of these have done so as a preparatory' gels tovreidsreAnganitinevorder theta* - V tkargress. diary others are known -ts. 7 1 4 . 'iie.),elin erianuenalits for a ihnsTai 6'4;1111- 4'r : rt. ' . Where are manyeonxideratioltswhiel t ruder it desirable that the intended 'change should. be rendered. as expeditions, - and with. as little disturbruiee to existing business re. • lotions, as Practicable." ..-.-". ..,- ' ~'.- . • lftzees&of Women trr.Mouiraehite ttsr." dOv. Andrew, in his annual message calla attention to the camas Of srotnen in liaise chi:wefts, and to the surplus of men in Ore,, gon, , QllfOrnia - and other reineteWestc:rn' ctrruhautiltiea. OregonV hav1nr.62,160 inhabftailts, according to the mesas of 1860, there,Were 10,061 males over fittem,years old, and Only 0,878 fee:tales above that age,. „Its .popnistiori is now ,eitimated at over 100_ ~ M ., ,t hiiudisproportleii jot remalaing. In Massachusetts there were '25'4881 males betweed the .ages of fifteen and Mitt; and L'e7,ooo females,; or ajutrins Of •0ft,161;,. The cheesy, ':the Goseenor says, oNotneaVor'all ages ab&re fifteen ,y4rs, was sa.w..' absorption of men the nillitary epd 'ea int seitice during the .intinvening ' font:yews increased, lleta Aispropottion., Andl it. ltra'diaastrottonet itslisordenthemarket it reduces women dud men to an tapregtiml competition foremplopitent fitted foil:ma Worley. tender to increase the number, both of:leen , unable %tip:whiten. fandliec, and of women whom'ust maintain; than's:. selves: onaideit.' iiritlied i arid"..Mfingd. .society , it' la ; the s odice and duty of Man. to: protect 'Tome*: to furnish, ker., p,spherri.a 'l'PPmtv home.. lii.r4nru•-abencomforts, tetnes'arto adorns3lOmesticilfa, erAl,the tense; of ,social infittetetes;.: Q'hts is' also the 'gaudy. l'rosidentialiohler. Whets mdi= ,tiro driven -to the corhPetlints of the- Market ;with men, or where men eteleit-on wised(' Told unrefined' hy the Vretenee :Of" • w ornem -Society: 15 , .. weakened and' dej :morello : Ite,recommenda the. adoption' of. aorn-luactical."Fay..by :which young: women`may t • e - enabled.to emigrate to.naip fiti • lialdik.pr Um W estern: • • • • - J, • .Its,4,l 3 susrm l— A''Yrenita ) jointud thatissiaT %mutt:ono tot.7o..fltd q: ofa'-dyer, ..Mhsfoituno.to ti eaukhtbithe enraged him .Wed, wbo caIK blit„Workentrabout bloc, antiositlmalt itmy-ecreekony.t.lter gallant. was pittnged hato ttealdron. pnapeted.rorhults, ng a true blew color to Tarions fabrics. in , a second the unfortunate youth badacquired such,a tint that be dare-not appear in padle. , ilia friendsimplored:Abe Ayer torestora the' poor fellow. to .his natural hue, burgle vitt less answer was "It isimposhible. is of a beautiful color, anclaill . imn do for hirols to change him to a green.or viblet." Tids is rather a worse predicament than that".ba" tettich Mr. Tittlebat Titmodse found hiinself. - • Tut latest "oil story" Is that of an old lady In West Virginia, - who took the advice' or a Tltitor, andpoured some petroleum alone the streamt - which watered her farm. , • The report spr.lad abroad of surface ladleatlon - on the sand, nd a brigade of ' oil 'Lenten came, who bought the kind at a tab - Motu price, the owners rierechig to glee the lady one-eighth of the oil:- The purehas ers set up their derrick- and put down an augur. and In a short • lima attack: a well which yields one hundred barrels of oil per day., • , Thum ow:••rmt Isnrays.--Governor Connelly, of :Sew Mexico, urges In his annual address, that the sierra .3lndre and our mountain' re pions Ulan be swept, as :with a broom, :or the savage Indiana that Inhabit them. - From *these mountains has yet to come tho treasure; In gold and silver, that Is to cancel our enormous no tional debt, and supply us In all gum to corm with The meta/Ile wealth thaxwill deft* the pihses of all future wars, and maks us the, most In4cpendentspeoplo on esnh2r - GOVERNOR. AITDRZIV gar; his annual -P-_ sage: "I know of ao more useful objecetnWhiall, the commonwealth-can lend ita atd, than that •ok, worement wapted in a practical wapto °pop :the door of malgratton to mpg - women -who are: wanted' for teachers, and tor everyottier'apprck. prtate as 'well as dommtle emphomenf la gio:ri T mote West, hat who arolivint'paxtaas At:4'lm, In . , COLT'S :Jkiatetiar its nattibrii harlot Cutest IR' order_for,7pnik hundred Uvular's& muskets Girth,: iirm,b, the coat at otilett teat two tmltiod dOA~rr MEE „...„, - TWO St. -.Alba sit'llobiters--The rt system and. Celestial Grievances. The telegraph iliebasionally conveys to 113 the substance of . (aerie erroneously inter preted, /I id tIA incidental weakness for whicb'no one can possibly be cousidcre.l responsible. The Montreal Judge who Ilas the St. Al bans robbers in hand, has not—althottgb our Sunday's telegram read differently- 7 aveed td try theprisnaers on the merits of the °vi de:nee. /lc has decided that it doevaut need a special warrant from the' GosOmor-Gen-- cml to arraign 'a robber or murderer' for crime committed within 'Unitent States ter ritory. On that point thili owzi. pew Dv/wry i d s reifectly satisfied, in iegal min, -and is enabled to eeneinde that an ordinary warrant may issue' against 'robber - Ur mur derer, if his clime beeii I -within the terzitoty,of any State With which preat Britain - has :concluded an extradition treaty. But this. Ituriburits - deeisioni so far' from doterniining the right- of jurisdiction in the ease of the St., Albans, robbers, has simply 'brought . the 'presiding. justice, up standing, qufneti and still more profound. question, whether then! Is any Extradition'. Treaty bettiteri thit State . ,Yermont and Great Britain ! • ”. < Weild not misrepresent ths ' h-easm the slightestdegroo. The Counsel fur. the ' Albans rubbers, on. findizimthat tfie warrant for the 'remit andmialitt -the Orbs:kers was - Altogether sufficient id the lirst•initarme it was on their point tharerimes :triimmitted . united "States 'merely Mean althea Mimuile- ted within the,Distriet of Columbia, Ind In . the lb* doelt-yar4 arsenals, &11., belong, ing to ;thia.leneral , GovernmenA Startled by 11dAyie.w Of the easeflEty. Justice. Smith,' I It seems, luta taken the :nuttier. Ai '4llo* .ani - w, in order to arrive ht te*fentiatio and satisfactory. benelushat . 434,i!trlitither Termont in really a titt,nitantrio;pa r rt,'_Or,pro - -These of our.rcatleiniiho ate dikioited to doubt Whether tide sort:or-.1/oscrahnitloo can tallV,prenit in'the Sitihly colonial :re ' gions'nortlielf . us,- may consult the leading Montreal newspaper on Monday,, width ore read as &flows": ' ' " TfieJanTera who were seal; to thin elty'On the part of the Federal •Govenuebta• and' the' Suttee Vermont, In the =metal' the Sf. Albans raiders, returned, we , =antitank with Iv.mtry low.opinion of the fairness loward'the 'United suites of out - ecnutssi and we liciltvaall attempts from those quarters to appear,dirertly or Inaireet ly, is this international cask areal an end: 771• whole ?capon:eighty of jurjaintd itvcrettikre 7a le,ft ehp-e it in Fy Bdongs, INA our oriaopm.nd.. It'will not raise oar -reputation' for falraets see the quibble, 'takenqinntettietej , that our law onlY refers to . . persons" who MTS..' committed 'Crimes in-the District of ColuMblit; or some of. the forts, dock-yards, or arsenals of the Unitbd States, and not to crimes 'committed in any of the States." ' ' It la surely not .only due; to their own self-respect that the legal minesentativea of the State and Federal Goiernments Mould retire for good from the Montreal' courts, but due to the Geverzunent they represent, that they should refithe to. have - its. acts .• widen*, 'taken pp as a matter en &Mem by a third-elau Provincial judge. , : The knave who 'could raiee the, question Whether Ver =tint was ...United aides territory, is the: sense of an Inteniational treaty, and the judge who could_ so far insult opr legal tn.,. presentative& as to . hold the:lustier, Open' for future deliberatitM, Are pnabably debt the duty ai,dgeed to them : Bet it Is right 'that we should cut the putter Short aa sow as possible by anothpr road: These unhap , py,calonista ate now; whittle, over the•dif ticalties' caused hY th o•llutspeet l .7F4°: Do they. wish that systein. inane tt , permanent thrtekttion! These ao-talled.jaclielg trials In./donne:ll would seem to Eire an: =tins-. tire answer, if they do not forebode' dome-, I thingstill worse,—,iv;‘ri • I • IrAnna:Arm, Driloointltti. A., eel:nips -146:31.:, recently p o ll a "lilt Co Tiffany it; and houglitlitent, ald4 by heittliedV,hottagel, a Ter" stylish arbortmentef Jewelry her, own : 'proper wearing. Before they had oche conclud ed their perches* a strang*,Whoem a *lll can` came in;"andatter requlringthe melees nfhalf the standrinta, betigittra far more !wen sire abet coatlteaecticeent of fiddlier: precioni . wawa, for tho'adormtnent'bf her 0:7011. ,Iptere- Mra. 4. to lies. B. (in an Undertone :) (featly Bithddyt't ' • , • 1" ' • • C.l (overhearing . )' *to, :1‘e•• Tua Calciaia Eweishitese is*li MU fivii i pi...: ' port 'dr the board of , Reverana At: aPiksuil 'that, ' an& talikhg ivcry .. allovance , fot Itib Maris or .dnytight ankother, dmritecits. the rbtisfiarneif ixdittirthis Sear,in :the morthmement moth:mit • dot India emintated , ate 9,000,000! of 7matindt, , - 1 4fditd 4 / 3 4.88.miliiMla in.thettevionitaienn: ' :,01 : ads liplowitiii.iikAinpfaseilmbont onbAtitirth - :mill bb retelned for riamettle emiumption; , and , ' _the remainder expected.. Theoreezioder cordie;:` .itien -Ms hiereated. - mimes' of MT: Pet ..e t. A~P. toi the high prim of "English ~e itttniv. r ipg:Prtatioa-hat legclodhnficiehinc , - Azathre :740zinfhettut of the, tutUrec I . llil ' ; litilttil In t .--, , F alr.:' • ' ..?..' . r 11), 4:,' • : ..? ' l . 6i T .111(M iii - greZ' BSI 6.;"g 7 oT e i bile;-. reheat turpentine are note: itrnikiMod. weekly Lit;lvedoE l l, MilLi:Thoril Octigne et 1 3 9 201.. :: • , . - ~.,.m. . . • .., -- - eViiraCjVTIWES. _ _ br Ztan:AiLriiiitii4. Leg.xvi.o.:l,, 4 ,.. 4 Ithis tgaum,r),,. , PrASSULk e titi4:, ~; 'so, WILL 131 MELD IN 3 ?lE4T , wAteDi=ALLEC3Fititit,' , • To ditidi' Itig;efirtict WARD.Fita.ii , TllE'intArr aim bo'nbindotiols' or not. It &Imola etthre4 'urn:loth. ravolled of the IV Let all T,UBIf OUT ON 131 . 4mbzit:pi Tut. Jamtd.., . --- ~...,..—........,... I -. SikllMODfaar Drieust? Obarriur: rl l, 7 io ; !halms_ ,Ortair Doe. ZO, DM, ' ~ viva A , 41 ZWEItAiegLZETINGI, UP ‘ E.'' STOCKUOLDENS *Cale .DANT •:Willit • ' held atthIBASIXI.Mt /191,0,40itiVJJNIXAYW January Oth 180, et l' o cloOlt,p43l,,conaNlyr •-atet decide w etheethe Colirpa f set( ofee an,. , Aasoolation forthalltrilhen Meant , cruder Cie" L Laws of the United Ntetteld'end .whsttrar It .hall exercise the :pourer conferred by. the /Let of th e Legislature of thin stAut,,snutied, "An,/set nes blind the Banks of thisUoMMenairialth- tor bee... Anoociations ter, Bankhar. under - the Lean' of ‘ tiW A l nilr e §late%” aPProsed did Of Ani;ltalt/trugli to ta cow furtlierattionhitilma_y, easuayaon. &sari.- By order of the Hoard or D Yip. '.. delkella ~ . i -,,- TORN': P.IIEF.OII Unshleiiii gri rr --- - - - 31 sarsiiil7lo-PrentritSiii;4",'3' ...-., q I`t - ; ' PlttibunittpDeehte. , , -o t l ~..71. (Me-NOT/AM ,IN ~, Tr lame rent agreeably SiS.Serilion /of; the General fasemhly of -the Commoteenl - a ( 2.t Pennsylvania, entitkViAntket enabling /build 1 1 1 ; =the Commonwealth to tenures Amodationa Lethal ItL ll;; ; Ta r trOdng; l 47 l fgV/e.lt ~1641, tnat .nehltockholffen of Le «Jamie* nag . luiye Ude day toted.** bethimeenclian flewleistion,' • , and that its Directors , bee ptoctired the eptheoliT ;1 1. of the owners of too re thattlwCdthlrds of the Us, Fre, ] ital tittrek to rankle. the *.ertilleato therefor by Ont lama of the United Slated , , ; ,•• ~.. • •. - deakim , ' , ,i ....1N0.43.,3LADT/AraVelbJen .. ' Incor.N °TICE Or r e ltaart,,Pittaim_rsh,Deo.laiL • , 11.=pw .Is it DO.PMT IU/IFEN. .: r ia.•=7- agreeablyreifies .NI L gt the act of the (ten cral latembly of the Commonwealth of Penusyl: gaols, entitled &lin-Act enabling Bonk, of the -romtoonirealth to heemiiiiassoalatteut Or the rtile ; Tjt Y kibl etWird47,72 4 g;lS L Tg . 1864 ,...natthri v tOcitholders of ~ ' " c7 1 ,,... (Pt, ' -:«k • of the Clty of Pittsburgh, Anil county of Allegheny * hasethts day voted to hccomestichotritsielationi 'Under the namo and title of 4 Th.'lron City Nile , tionallank of.Pihe a titttrburgh,”. of the o and.t ners hat its ilireetors hare procured ( h anti. w of more "than twathlrde of (Ice Capital Stock to make the certificate required 'Ciente, by the - Laws of the United States. -- deildtm !., . ...,' IGIIN , DIAGOFFIN, Cashier. ' : e--Zriirliiiiiliilik , iviiiii•E- iniike ...z.e .the drat mirth* of the corporation tO be ~,jii the ENTLIippi.SE On, VO., will wing on TIIURSCAT, December ”Dt. h, Pio, in Ildam, a south Saw Dflll °Mee of lir, John Dolman, ,at the end of the Itirmlngham•Bridge, at 1 ' O'clock p. m.; for the peyote of organization ado tion of-By-Lawa, election of (Moen, Sae , nini for the purposes authorized and more particularly ape. .aided in an depot the General Assembly of the • Cotomonivestlif of Pcomilginla.entltled "An AM relating to Corporations for 31cchnniesdrahnufao• tzring-,lllointand 41.1411TiorPilfPosee,"apProred tl r nth day of Ju1y0.883., ... . • . -•; ' , • ..lei.lairititsf.. , A..(1. tiMlTtf. Sealy, pro tem:, lr . .TAt i blit . 4ll 7 lJ.M . . OPTIDE TAIL* , 0 radi be paid to Pitts. burgh holders of stock at the 'edict!, of RlUltallDe 1 SON, lIARLIX & CU., le Irwin street- deli= 1 • rsoBlloll' CRACK ll lB.—Fivolas. Bcm f :Af a u t tr b iza wine Orsokers just receive Amity Oroce Bt r or rl e . 74 for Isla at retail at the • sfffiw jolt Clorster of Liberty and Ifaad sra . V e TUA---s36 tbt=i7 6. Y,lll l l s ::::llllli - io ' xlaed from Molten, a few barrels of extra ot slily GoldeftPgrupi al** a prime artlek of AM 4 :at Spro t t, ton lab by the gallon or barrel, at the .Faml rr ,Jala , I INO. A- nr.rtsuLw.. .1 o.lg r E MAPLE , EILTUAR,--4 7§3mall al 4 tritsb r aitiolir l e .Bl4 l Jut ree4- , •- 4 c''cier N l4 CM berty alatbreark Jill CIIKEBE.r-At low Price, ; to closo'o(ini4a f. , For.me by ='' - 6 )J...#1420. 1i inLICINBOK.I"-4 • '.l7isztro;haa..-..5,4iief0 i.l'A' it ' .1/11/"Elt 7 E . '; 7 l'i'Z'. , :. - -,,,.. - -- - -;1 - :7-L-- :-. - - ------ "% - 7----- .: , IlLrli A young Inan 'between 1...4 r.., .tand- nr sears of age, -to ittrall au *lke ale make Mansell goner 111. usefuL Erututre at fro. e 5 1 Smltheeld greet.' Jalargtt lowns - oiszs WI ) _-_-_,. ,__....___ _ . • ... 1104 a pleman the Beetled Ward e . the blaoeheater B 1 through tbellttati I Janl3.ltl' ... I," ;RING . . BOiGI NN Call Homo la - a p 'rate lasilty le Mislibelyr °kr, on the line of tiwor. Applicants ean-apply Vi Post 0.M.n.. Box oce., 1 . 11 - rananna. Jann‘tyll, 1885. .TILE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ofjthe COLI MMIL . OIIfIXOTPAITY hate thij dat Ceclared a Dinlend, NO.-10. afTWO 1N611.0/ANT. on d the CePttit.Staelfo'payaida on Rids , the tete inant. WESTERVELT,Sea'f. 1 J Brehrre TOtiniltito-,1% Allegbeil7 tilt). tun] of moeireirewoodrlitur, eoeutning EIGHTY-FIVE ACIW.S. • , Inquire Of .<— 0.-ClOLEtieriN% Wagon Works, Marron arepue,Allegtieny utr. jammawsw 017ICe or IliCoroaciensi.•• NAVIOATIoN Pyrometer'', lan: MA TOE BOARD OP MANAGERS 4)f- t • •■•• RIONONGARELA NAV/OAT/ON e thieared *D n I t lo CPA •pXrasthavOodpanyd ocl TYVE i PEROENT. h e fo st - o t k six semiths,- ele'.TWO DOLLARS AND A • 'RALF A SUM:, Dee lona U. S. Revenue sx, - Payable to, the:Stoslausidera 'oe• their fetal rto., sontsilms Althielitt- • _-.•;•Wr EAKEWEL t ; AND.KiR R S'.OP -•-• LANINP* Wrot.ULokory Creek, Warren On 'lmprovements-ti t , log house' and: arinre • ,pares eared, 1 and •Of under fendepapogepart of, the tract, euttabliibt boring. mall has b bored ror est rutiointennot, lend a flee 111011 r Or oil Thee been obtalsed.', oilman elate/hat lagoon Lily can. ersamenee stumping, tt. will prove to - . be altotakpayloi well' „For partentlan wee". • kv , zatANDES - svALLsou louts, Warren Cro.; Pa: ':FOR 13ATI.E.ly1, aro authorized to - sell a LOT OP OftOOND,.. eonialtday -TWELVE ACRlOViitit of which Are planted bx fruit, near the irlilaguY. =adenoid - adjoininL the property of ota.•,aDe from . Est The'properT about onofourth the Doppler - I e Steubenville Rail tai ACRN,S , font Milos from • Leasing. county seat of .Alsznake county, /ewer welt timbered with heavy white Oak. Thu. PrMie :Stahel/mid : tuna threntstrWs propert. '3:UNTO* the share Will be traded far goad. mar. 'lran) Stocks . • • STEEL RAILEV.• • WWtlaa Hall VORTT IEA . _ /X amudu. nirsamm. .01,4 me Illinowiedra seldom acquired hY Petit clans. Dly long residence la •thia nikr. W 1 4,4110_ amount of paunch treated-spayan, .by : mica?! ' euracient-proof of tny success': SPERMATORRECEA.orSETUAL WEARNMS :And all diseases analog Owrifrom, aro cared In s much shorter-11mo that, heretofore by my . NEW. WEOETABLE 13E311ROFS. Birdlahlea sear to- any part ofthe Raton; All letters must contain a `el amp to pay eel urn post ClorreapOndeace held' meted. • Urns*, to SaitTliFl age. ELD street, naar Dia mond. :Address J. W. RILANSTROP, ...bazar - . 'l3ox 800. Plitabureb. Pa. • THE ANN 1;l4-tr MEETING . - , TOT.IN - limuitlle•,Llbrat7 ,ant Mithanits, Institute,' bea•at Libiary Hall, b athe reEN. Jim 6 tTlitlDAY.;.7anuert lath i .st 754* Welisaki and the Annual Elation' for ottleini trlli titheldsoe the mama evening betlyeeil Abe hours of 7 41 4 E 7 ordero f tha Paa!slllt7r.ect4Z Pt -Sed riints, , .TatimetTll,4Bll6.l • . • The lollei;ieg - Wee qoaiiestei: FXLIXtB. - BRUNOV. .TOR. P. WOR,RISIARk HENAN': WOLD.3IIIP JAS. J. DciNliT44,..._ -W. 13 ..11PGUWAN,I" z- •;490rj. , EDWAPI. suluzums, s. surra: !T.'co4Err,-- ^ 17- AVOO;J:IitPCFEr IN:.ORDER -TO FURTLIDER' THE HE, 'SIGN of the Ifitiobal Dealt lair a° words uniform curreney, sad to valises UN eoestanaity . Mon the lo ts Incideat to the circulation of dote dated leak note, thafollowlag hanks tonnages di ,tnat'on and afterFeltner y, 1363, they ipay bet only stab Istintel &swill De received at par oa depiadt and M payment - of ell debts due them. They til swam .tratn their etuttooteravalt , distant -Statohank oaks, wlllch they may receivela the reillleetaurie 01 Dulness, at the aetemir Crf tun them home for redemidlon,but will oot meeive each feasts on deposit as ciarreaey” le cood ie =hellemet' thet' this -arranirentent mill lt 'nay: y shollah the Widow custom Of t Vo e fu e r Onrittl,, t Nornit i b " °-°l a 2 Oil Izt.oziml ° &uaw here, live - plate to's better. class at notes not aulditer,te diaconal: " Tor gird roll abet :thl n ton& eat e r b attiteitutt4the aceslietteaceardec.Opereo ' af iugmaggcoartuanytaregpoottaurson.: J Wile it. ;Si:Ml.7:4' Mahler Mt.*atioail :le:GEollo4•Valitlei-Faritiorf -1: 10 ;;in.e1t # ll l4 , Ct. D rahle a raermaaTruat sad LT V* OS2 , O 1 4:NAuoam, mat Pltieburgb- ' . • J. rt: Itt 0514 PM Pnviifti I'DA.NfaSPV-voq, 'maiden Oitimas iffatloo. I(lGMsl,h uisMomestdorlid.tratlona3lisalt.t. . 000 S; Outdar Alleek•ni Utah. . • tetfebt . . ~ . pirrea ..zoiA t Aktp; : IWORLYNT7 .-. rgm - oxstrittiamti:4ler: , ik,a,r,„ for sUbiariplinel4o the Capital Moor iSt" tit:attune named, C ompadyFldsee,,beed"OPOned at the Banking llotuteol, .•.:: • 11 i)DI1ONI , lit ahll a ea , c , 7s4bartasirret.! ~.,:.,. . • Ttigaboivii OeinPany sin owsetirilt aiorpliof . 'indrea(oo447nief,irnlanbia Territory '. In.yenangeCetuanils,rn,loptar from the eelebrat . ited, ,, ,Xxonowirirelthr) IS' lgarded, tul d o lkut'llt -1 mr . ...r=g a 1i J .....,-;w : , :t1 , 41 .. a:, hum t vic yoAbb, di hundriWieNdu , -.. ... Bilkiilldi , toilii..Beath,; for itainicutilort; 4stc , -I - :j..-,-, tt t , '..Y.?" 6 ,i . 14 BLfligiig 1 ;it(-3Ang'll:Li" , 41. ~ TTIELISC.A.X4I 4 , i :,11101.11).ALY. MIMEO, el t Siiimiiiiiig '''' BAYAILM TA / 4103 t Mt V . ...‘ . drill deliver the; iiith z,eiesis ;Sr die couisei• itto 1.1.1•1: - ---.: 1 ..r. , , :,--.. -4; r,...:: ';1::•,..r.,: - , "Otirsehis mid • Op! ludaiione:- ,i;,, , Dc;: v ge ipett , ! l l . ?!s)o9 l i,.:rtmozuoiracato i I•kket. Do aeit... , -Ito itieriiaii.stiP` • .THORtAA:alltEwEi t L,'Yol, • ' - 43 /LtSr A , olawift , h,:- , 2....-.... t-: ,::- . ~ ',2:l aß l. ,:p......., ~..:, sitlys :.; i ',-f . ~... .;,-....-ALentrs Ocititinltteiw - 11aila GO. .0013241: - Y F : 1 . , iI, artartaalai :4; •. 4 t 3.':,": . Any plitienfinytnit Frojyiir , fo. lIV ON, DI(M) ACII.F4 Or F A ARD,Ine sisist , ... - - .. ;. : -la 00:te SS , t01rp0r404,!! , "1. wit] ifint'tiii Iniinklata cii.i*ualiinni.b.Tll4drallit. ~ ~:,- - . i -1- - ,, 1 s. , Y: - ..iovisit'?r` - : 1.... :.,---. ,z, . ...- . n.x,itis, pr.thabiatieic.i , , ~ , nrcli.tt . 4t',l4,ll ) :*iiiti li o (icwiy; Ind, qualli.i. surorgeot: : , • -..• All:IW 100 biixiii•iiiiaiiiiiiii eilie $ -so - w.!.it: enema,- i ,-. • • ; , ~. 7 6 ..itilek.PYIEse roysti Roll /MBA.; .. ; ... , Wohnslielier k etiele4: ',:: ' - .± • , jf ion doselsCaerledYeas44, '1;1 : - 4 -.!• : :- . 1 e..ls.lntyrels .. .ctabailerj . . :! , ..F ,.. .. . - f , ...: .' 1„ 141 inii4c : n ie ru i rytTelq i iiiii• A. . ''.;% att streets Prldsb - SI a XVI* 1 ...fren.yed, • ava for kale at $6ll Lit l ettyaittert. • L -, - . , _ - '..l,Jnio :- I - . porr.E.a.m.licra it sittik7. - .4-H,,,,..tp1. irr.gnifyibliii - Filiii: -,"' 1"- ?!!=i t y- 1 , - iermi couidtcts alstrieWrts- ' .•• ':, 'Ta . . P';r:PP. awl. -TAN a, lea_ ~ t 8 - 15 EdIAL'4o..ppldr... , TAX': It i l :....,--OAD, •lissysied In elenordanei With the ael. of Congress, apprteed Tiled ,16`31.,1s pew In th is Dr. nee, end on end alter: hICADAY,the lith. - instt, I win he ready to tereiet the amount or ratei: - -.., 'this Tax must herald ono; berme the gltk Inat.'t: alter that date the penalty tit le raie tent will lse a. Added:. .• -: : -- . . -WllsLlAllt LITIT.Z. , ..I.7.nu:s • : ..-. -' : ; - Collector 234 Ms. -Pr. 1,% , • I.II.TV . L4I4II3TUIVA LIPYICIa t • d • - .. •., RitttibUlTC. 'DM WIDENING 'OF OENTEN A 81 , 1 E.'. 111 .-The Report of the-Viewers appointed by eminclls to USIA. the damages for the widening of Center' ATCDUC,IIIII been felt At my 001e1); ,',!ill persons nterratell are hereby' notified to call et my allica - end 1' , ..Y their nasessmenti iyithlo thirty days from thls,date, ar lelns 1011 bir Pled lo 'Cuart Mt the MOW, with eolqi, and tees, ' ' del:92li -- ' :- ''i - CitySollalt.or led Fifth it.' L , biiiii;* . Viiiits Was ouairriiri .SiiiiiiiiiiiTait .• .- -4. • ..,-. . - rzrrsounnu Jan. 0, mos. .. . THE' ANNUAL 'NEETIA . G.QP' Tit 4. • stockholders of the Plttsbuiti'llr.lllrtolnala Passengerj Railroad "COmplinr-trill be' Mail 00 ,1130NDA'k, 'ha tlith lost., at 1034 o'clock lb in.,et ' thellOnotigeholn House, In the (lily of Mesh alybi'l at *hlebrt=ej and piece ea -election for IllreetalM will be held:- ,' : ...WX K. / 1 / 1 11 PiCt WY , :. .., . ..Nvni t m 81E111411BD witotonT tignitits; • 1 . • • t • fld.. ;28 Elottth ptir Stria; 7 7; ,4U I*PIIIILATEPPENIAII"f' stlipiqpiir"-ao t frtre7l; l4 4" l "''' l " Illnflitliesll , ll3o I =ME rn, int, 4 ..---!•1•410611 BEST: lionfs.llOpi 'of theoll egion IMPROVED MAP OP _ - • MANGO:4IOIMT du. itEGIONS. Title Is the BM? and DIEIST4I.ELLA TILE .11Lsp ,yet; pahltehect • Size USW Inches: Petaeoll,Bo; In Pocket Fbrnr, s 2 olounterk 101,60. • HUNT'S I!dAPS OF WEST -1111811 ill AND OHIC 'Pewvaltiog g gut. 6biisbed ; 4aiaid and beat.' Priee, Iln pocket Form, 111,60; Monaca, $2,50. Atoned, post pelt, on rettelpt - 111' prise. - Addresti all orders, to . Insurer PtomPt e m eatioN ta , • nit P. illTAM'Pablisher, .19 FIFTH St.;1IIASOP(10 HALL. , • • In !rest, to by IPribilinkecl Feb. lag THE OIL REGIOHS-010EHRS'iLti . Ni -with Maps and Charts dike Allegheny River, 011 :Creek, ten., and Illtairstlons.- Pries kr. i Aviv' A lc Eciti,AlOE'S—AND y /11.WL t.' -- - „, ~ ~. Rear Fri*, :inutql.l4h,-1865, *' NFIROS tElf , CENT NOVEL, - 110. 30; i sinike'y gxiiidgra.4s ; - . • 49 1 4 , Co X.O ;II Mir 'OES 24, XX) 311.., Thls IS a Novel of Interest, by the antharof the Scout-of the. Neuatalna,' , !oFt ol liekleg" . Flanger,l'4slgidtoots.the ! • 'Snakeril warcryWake CpSnakestuslthatri,,' • 1 became a tettor.to hisdusky foes. The whole book is superior:" toanyi hint thethas been tie heti fare loan time. The following is a ISt of IdunriPa Ten - Coolrovehr, wblek and MS familiar its.liensehold . ' No. li."The The • Tripperia itelteeit. • S. Ttid Patriot 'llighwayman. 4. The ,Rainted tlaionleL .;s..The Troth pie." S. The Man. - Eaten. I. ;Charlotte Temple. 8. Tho Death-Pate 9, The:lndian Slayer, "10. ; The ThgerettheOceari. 11. ThS Ilunter'iTrlurinh. • 12. The Ocean Iltwera 13. The Tory Outwitted.' 14. -• Zeke Sternum, the Lion Hearted Secret,- id lie? oarr e *the Seas. IA The Captive, Malden. ng , d Joe; or Thq Demon of the Woods. 113. Th Lodge: Smut of the hlcaudains. 19.. The -Poreat 2O. The Roll kiting. Rangers: • li. Rattlesnake Lick'. or, .the Flower of the Wigwam. 21.-Rickety Tom, the.' Sorer. The Imps of the Praiser or. The Slasher of the Cane. ,24. The Robber's Terror. Theoei the hatpin.. Lightfoot, .be Scoot.. 27, Giant Spy of Puaßer Mll. 43. Scar Cheek,- the Wild. Ralf-Breed. 29. - 9qaint-Eyed Bob. ,to. Faster Snodninui or, The Sp3l..n Bride. . Theme books are forsalehy all news agenti and Ilookseners and seat post-pald,on receipt of prlie , 10 arida eac h.. Liberal bqms to Agents. ; GEORGE tatitELO:.at CO.. ' bkrze2i ,- ••...are: ass Wl99lain _ ....ttif 3 ALZ—W,vory'.valUable Fritil in De rry' townshlti, lecatmoreland county. Pa, contain-lag Stout ameli well . Improved, and to a kie n state r op u ltel rttioars, in 1 , 4111%41w daaliAlestmoreLuid county, Pa. Improvements Its land is of - the best quality. Coal and eitzin in abundance: - . Also, STEAM ENGINE, for Saw MITI or dther .purposee, with the outings, machinery, 'S/ wheel, The unseat Is nine inches' In ammeter-sod tour foot stroke- Two Borer., IT feet.loot and 1 4 tucks In diameter; all in good order, and will , bO. , aso, A FARM of WO acres in West•Wheatfield. taernaldp s ladLsna county, Pa., about three miles from the Penn'a Railroad - .. • Also, FARM of /34 aereain.Oonemeugh town ship, Indiana count Rail road , ,Arso, a beautiful F.ARBTof Itelseree;wll4/ilar BRICK ROUSE, with 12 rooms, finished ' in ro cs: " Cr.' style, .vradithoUsa sad bairooven attached; a" ,large spring house, bath house, smoke hone; err, lute b bank - tarn, fruit trees ofupon every description; chUrc and school hottia built the Dna This. farm adjoloe thovillsge of Loubville, and ii two- - .and-ahaif mile* Troia thee - depot' kV Livermbre,lie .licestmoreistal county Pa. on th e 'Northwestern palms& Also, TWO BRICK ROUSES and LOTS in • Elizabeth borough. • • - Abe,. A OF4TFEIF,TWO-,AORES ins Ferri' township, teellitantelsalbouldi. about- tWo, miles from lit. Clair AtAtion on the Peonla R. R., 'a steam ;law • mill nearly completed - with all the zitetikrizytlc...e=u!..l.w trate m itts:Lst. e to , aboodance, Also goo.T" aas atIMP: be W cheap. Also 19 acres s °loins the village of ~,New Derry, In the very beat stake - Menitivation, 81114 ab_ondsnee Of fruit of every demorlotioa. - For Mrther partietlarntazulreed ";. • ' ' .O. IL TOWER.liteti Estate Agent, de r/. No. Ilaßonett; street: 'FORNITIIRg AliD -r - • - OANEAND 'r-i:'-'- a Manned Mime, . ' . go* P . " r rAmserrszt.r. • • • .':•31104r141,10/4 . rsrAtztly: • • • - 'o *. a c e ! },E P,'T .49 Mil:9o6. ll3 o., .T• NEW BUOKS. .I' . .aiti 00 rOelt!,m' .:4 2.6atbiiiiWiiiii4iii. ,E,... ilt b :=o (P 2 ;T:f . ibafT -- e", ; I '"" - ' " °° -- ~ In the,T OorivasaLente: by b ler.....r4r.. S. - Pittehm D. 1) 113 7 Di t ar a y of jt t "y perylyambyeathon of-"00t.i.. - ' :', Ifainll • ' . Chateau Frsuar; or Home Scene' to FrattOes 1.73 ,- .by 011 ye pegan...,:../,.....i... - ~. ' . . .... .thco Corrtlalloo and Cosaarrrat/oo of Forces• . a ~.. eerie, pf4xEdtionik by Prot:o46re; t. i HA1111221 . 2Sayer, or. Faraday ' PAK. .Ii Lieblg . Carpenter, &a .. ' ' 203 istory of he- Presbyterian Church - In the - , ' United .E tee by. E. If. 0111etrt r01e......" IV oh Vouie end Rome Paper* by Mm. Stowe..., I 60. .Smelt* for btbriebt.by.leas Ifosloer ' - ,-,2 )1,- ' •', 1 . 1:),4 1 / 1 3, °LAMER k (10.. '. An" - - .! -• . ''' '',-- - *avow r• '' 1 1 4 40 . 014 03'8; : ,;,`,...: . !.- ' r • .1 . OUTLET-SAW 11:11L, , ' .' '''-'..-• ' AND i .II4IIIIS.II'.VARL.V -i" , Street, All '~._ _eg be .-....i:—. Ig St !Qr." -,.i ii i,d , ~, .n. : .. aI. • - ': O --,...,.... IL ' WE STEAD" Elitlizir .. prepare to Ottrntsh! ,-- • , , .! . , ..• lISTEArf lENGINES;' t. T . ...i, tench 0 red of for oil wells and other pus. „posts, on, shortest notlee. Haring different 'steed Eago a qa.lbuLada, aod flashing other*, tap, i tubliorani, t e at o =iSlept r b i a L noet , oay" site 7.11 , 1' 1/1 LILIAN FISREIf, Fifth Ry - a - rd, -'" hleaside and Anderson strede r •. , ••• -•- . , Plttsburth•,yo. ._ 13(1 WOOD STREET. SPORTS Elil3 latiteitheattention of Sportsmen and on•s• tit _ . Ms snimund stoek of CHINS 'POWDER PLASKS ,butir MIS and POUtDIES, DRAM FLANK!! :s.l4l.lnemrt4i cg . l , 7 h l,.e4ea li ktnd, msiti r . ..Moak. ,Thi ls i re. 8., P. altilpfataas,,-,; --v ft .iii ~. d Rectilineal Zaiiiii'Airi ...., ~ 1 No: t HAN, israltrr; dem PeAs4 .. :!:' f L , tieNiN 4 NA .': '' •of 011INERY,DUILDINOSS, WI DM BRlrs OS • Pluspßat RtDs on nit ddt3 - , 1 - •• '-. - • 0 1, =wawa Rim 46(Der, wits speed: .4assettnr. nt stales of eirorinp----5u4.21 ..PAP r Xt -- - ____ 4 ~..:,, ..is,,,Lte cum . !) t U rtaU ' Zi2V 9 " ' - dbleilaies oft ne A aim wantnl - ;:Li i !kO r r" Jett :A EB4: A Ale (....- .., . DISEASE , S: 0 , ,_ MITIIIIIRICT,seat Rand, all diseases of a r Dririteaat 4471tfi154:111. -.Atr Ito 0ng...... jr 1 a ,e =ther . sia inun_ey refunded. Pena zroltfha 3341.Lr1i, 's.' ern) , ziPiTAF DRAW/NOS; sod SPE(II. 1.1 AT/ON:fy en 1-41:14f bulldiarsoind super. Intends thotreiectlOn on tesSonabl• tennO. air °Mee' oIANDERSON' nit EET,. belitotas‘ • Lasoik. and Ito inson., Allegheny Mtg.' ' lit!tiAgnr.siga CARUZI CQ., Wholemile den ra •In 'POREION AND DOMES TIC - DRY. GOODS, No. 91 Wood street, third Louse above Dhimand alley, Pittsburgh. - - Fr !MCI' / 1.1 / 1 8T nkr l . B T .OBUNCII BURIAL' Gllom).—Accnling to an act of the Lents. Astute:the llegitist Church, of Pittsburnin disinter an I remove the dead imillosond so • nlnlne from h rißurtigg °MUM' on Spouse street; and cense the gams to be .properly and carefully" pried In ouch Quads ns the Church msyaeleet %for burial pimp° es. W. It. JalOpOld. l'resident'lloard at Trustees. CITIZENS' I NATION/I+, B ANA .-- •An-ein7tion • - ' FOR•• 1111‘i E . - thi Ott Ilene Ift.tlottel, Beek will, befield et the lIANXINt.YJIttpiE, otrAIONIIAT;teIIt ilia,'l. weett , thei beets $.l . .12 et. er I }o Dot at.LLlttirktoltdotht. (ikAirliE A T ..-ILOUR,;42. "lima 4r Ptimb Wh a t il * 4 ' Tif.44l ,ll ll2E * & (‘ 'tit;_ p ' e ' jell . • , o. 281 Libettr `cot v~ N 'l.speliftj gar] -- Fo u yCAlTOrprpl9,og, , for aste dtlQ _tny zra rty a et.- 4.1113 : prltkur r3IIO.IIAKEIL k. zitztat, • rtf) Liberty streak MANS t c-Weipijor 1Y 2 ,4 4 :0:*! . : 7 . 1 .;4flo ''a,.:,, 008 - <ktgalefit - 7: 7 !..._ ! malum diNucimul dfitlttAllB Acearrivo' •Mrl4pa 11 11fIttiain.jsi • Second Weal.' 2A , matt ftok sold ;Ip • -`• Pulmonary Complaints. I'm: thirty years past the Expectorant has been belore the public, each succeeding year adding to Its popularity. and extending the demand, until 0011/ ls known and appreciated - In all igniters of the world, and admitted to be the Groat Remedy • of the Age for that widely prevalent Class of Dis eases, for which It is specially designed. Raring successf ufilystood the test of taint, the • salon still Inereaping,und• - the direct testimony of cures erected by Its use _accumulating on out ttals, the Proprietors of the Expectorant fretful. recommending to,ttiorettlicter with row newed &air; notrindeed; as - being absolutely` rnlilnfallible In all cases, bat the h Most , orelisble o within tire reach ofpublic, calculated in woos cases to eradicate the...lra/lone diseases for which it is commended, and in all easel to afford. tt Is.alio worthy of notion that the testimony to the temedial proportion of the w , oectorant Is not confined to the illiterate and credulous, but Intate, 'fifittdePerlions of intelligence and ..character, idea , gyrufm, physicians , and others,licoupybagthe most preelmnt stations id 'aunty, too honest to im pose on others, and too ssuchiona. to be imposed upon themselvea, not only use, but recommend it. in the higheat.terarefor tge. 1 1 1 11fOtaityet.its sue-- cells In ill dileines tribe Pulmonary Orgasm. Thf u expectorant is especially-commended to 15tin re Teachers, and - , others accuatomed to nfea Ing-Intlabile;forAc relief of Roariatels, end all aoaelter/ttlYettote, nue Xotetreeitheusteg the Ile Expectorant and ell Dr. Serie , ' Vitally Ideclicines ere sold by Agentirand - Druggists every where; from Whom Ma" be -110-gratis JaOsibrd• 'teal Almanac,' containing a reliable Calendar for ,genefal use, mach ogninablreliiferonatitoint for-the. -sick, and the testimony of thou who have. imam-. al their health by the use atoneßeMedlee:;Blll.4, mean on*, and pteserre it for ervirloa. , : -.Agin ferPiltobutihiltdo.:VAßNESTOCE 00:- All egheny cithpAßß &BRILL and FRED. 1ff..11-WESi and seldtly.romaggists generally: Jail,. Wei` ' • 08, THE . • . 1101313INS' -- iztiatsTion.T., • BARREL. : • • 'Nei Toni, October 26 ) teia. A.. nif.ob, -1113 road We ace resolved of our Yard et' Penh= my, New Jersey an Invoke of Refined Petroleunifrom TltursillepPa,orie of the barrebl haring the brand ofthe!'fiennetical Barrel (nobbles' Planta.) j'Aocareful ex/unitarian of thla"cask shown Lt to be in:perfect 'order, (no:evaporation or:leak:lKM and the wood as dry as before It wee filled. The other barrels of. the Invoice were In, fair order. but had : leaked or etaporated about two gallons each. • We cheerfnlly - recommend the Hermetical Bartel to /refiners and Shlpners'of Petroleum. TREALBLEY, PIIELPS'n. CO. • TALM(TIRE'S FIIIMOTIT EXPIIKSB AND TEMOVaII TICE= 07 1 / 1 01, , IBS Broadway, corner Dry Street, (ou Depot, Jersey Oily.) • • New York, November 0f,1864. • Taytnn. Aduory, Broadway.' • We received at our Depot, Jersey Crity, on the lath of October last, an Invoice of Petroleum from . Titusvilte,Pa..; of which were four barrels haring the Brand of the "Hermetical Band Co.; Rebbfas , 'Patent.. A- careful examination of these Barrels shows them to be perfect.order, no evaporation or. leakage. The outside of the wood of the. barrels is is dry as before they were filled. . We understand . the above ihtpnienfliai three works on the - road, .and was tratudslaped three times. Since they bate been at our not, they have been subject to considerable rough tre y and exposure' to, sun and rain. A few days ago they *ere guageci and found-to contain all tie oil that was originally prat in them. • The loco sr.:Petal:dews - from leakage 'and crayon atloo between here and Oil Creek, amounts to from oto 211 yet cent. We have no doubt the. Robbisa!-- Bernwftical Barrel would save this. entire loss,..aa: well as alliosserof Petroleum "whew on storage, E. IL 'VALENTINA pale. • ' ~.. . . . '-'.. " We will be prepared Ins short time'to tetratiliiii Refiners, ;Barrer , BLanufacturera :and doge= is Crude Oil,' samples git Burets prepared py : . - , • , .. , ROBBXNS' - PROCESS,. , Which Lrtlt iaminstrate to 611 intemsted tot • 89e!18!141 ktkat L clamed -IV* 14 - errnetiear acre r mit it .6t-traaoruatiOU, OH; tbs; Spirits eiTtiveatlqe. , , • - • • . ... virnpvutgato OIVELLPORITION, •-: • • .•.. • itir Months, without injaty In the allghterrnegree. I The • p aa of preparing Barrels. by ftobbiart• method very simple, et____Untrk most She/ processes a um, abd Int , mr , tomyAlr. - • ' ' ' boil% b iE .. er P;Brk"blitai "e l= 9ble" 1 11 1 eas STAp ma c r ' bna rortleZ nth' , ne t al far natu t tr.ras,Coeve assn.' al , :, • ^ - . IZIPM7OOII..,Ftr It co. ' CI NIIIONIL Bat OP PITTSBIIGH, e of Plttsluigh, le the moat, oeAllre , a awe of Pennaylraolk bag been dttlY sad and lecordlogle the rettalreetente ...lied_ tra.,i of Clo ctim= a n areae d., , entl irup tl re cd rea : ide , Aa tz Ai s t t i = o c pro.' lathes and extem - ydlon` thereof,. approved !smp a, 1861, and Al complied with. all theßrovialone of bid act oleatie be ers t liqtr a :th before tom mencing-t.* business of upd#.lol,,,d; ortrPairgre''d " t iVmP!'"ller) IRON cafr 7/A410262* Pr z tE O F nfaffnl."l l4 lthe cite PAttlibUrfrh, th ' tk county "of Alleithely r and-State • of peree,yte,,,,h„ an . thotiseu to'commence the business of Banking cue , der the act kforreatd. _ - In teallnoor wltereof„ witness, ety hand (E. And of Ottlee, this thlttPdrat day of' December, A. It. 18114. MICK DIcINILDOCII, isetemd 1 Comptroller of the Onzrener. . TREASURY . SPARTMENT; -- i f 07101 q r. COUTTROLLIM 011/ TM g tionitstrar, '. • • it Watbin g ton. December eth, 1981. Wii .E EAB, BY SATISFACTO Y T , • erhiePee presented to the undersigned, It lms been madel to *Near .thst ...The - Merchants sad ittraufacturers National Bank of Plusburgh,ot In! the °aunty pr Allegheny sod State of -Peertrylva, Ns.-has beep duly 'orstutized tinder and' accor ding ' to the requDessents of the Actor Gowan enth.W :to Act to provide a Nitionsi Ou.rrency, mental bye pledriPlieritedStrites Bonds, sail to'protide for the c Istion and redezipitore thereof," Ap.. ,proved Jun 34, 186 f, sad haincomplicd. with ay the provision* of said act regatred Lobe complied srith' 'thus act • before commencing the baneils Of kinkier Under ; Now tliertifore, I,..iftrolt.liethrtaxialf; Oomptrbl:, let of the Qatency. do Strobl' certifs that i‘The Er:chants mut hisatittpturers National Eutk of. Pittsburgh!! In the city of IPlttsburgh, to Maroon. ty of Alleghenn.and mate . orPesurylvsnla r ie an tholized to commence the business of Waking' un der der the act aforesaid. ':f ::. --,• , -.-f , .. BAILEY FAt ~ ;; co.J „ FRACTICAI Prlrld3lEll.3, : 48 AND - • FECUPT ATTENTION GIVEN To "iltPilftt. wary pee i ption of Itakldnl Conitiutily 11ATII?T T ritub • it. , IMPT BATIt, Pitabuliiii7OluTiOnii7 V°TICE RS HEREBY GIVEN Agrees,. WY to Itoltikrattba'AanArine-ckukiratla sembly of vh VoMmonweelth of Pennsylvania, ettritledl.,SS ctenablinc Banks of thwOosunose licalth•to me swocinuons for Jtas . .. p moos of Banking, rand 'r.ttilyscillawAvocrtelkJclieaftaktelf"4o. _ L T :i e v lCh li tat:rd tie -a I k4=9 - It,k lit' 11.iitt VI - Plttsburyb, a Ccountr:of , Allekttarnyi klaVolkkle May voted to b Me Mach IknattOttllifilD, issadqr the, . name and tttl ofe,ThevAltribehrfrafkmal."Thok of Plttastakha ap4-thAtita - dtroalors have proem. td the ntitnOtt y et trews/ma or, msee,suritseLz thirds or the c plbal arrock.lodaniva, the serttllanto! required there if-.llttlia lots ofUte tTatted • States. aellarti. ,: -,'-- ' '!.IIV . °gar: ostnieti , : lift Wan ' Cf; -: - - - 7 ' ;7,7 I '. . , Ira All Itit brambeib'enrettifir Attended to, by rope rtencert,pmer lent workmen. A floc sasortment of UAS BINKS .1 HA If TUBS . .. ' . •, ' - . WATER CLOSETS ' ' • ,- ..„ „ T otter "NT &S . clorisissuy on but and msdi to otter . _ .. _„. ; . , • ti 0.60 FEDER L STREET, AllegAeny;,.. *Aid ' EriettRERTIC iSTßEET,Pittaburgh mbilvawdir - • • • • • • - . , , ~ • _________ REJUYEN4TOI; - _ . . ~ e i t Will, I. nature' own nothoon: iOmota - A - r i t , nd t to Ste Minion' or. Will make lt row on Bald Heads. ._ ... . _ „..• Wilt reatom 0 Natural Seerettona- :Will retiovefll lhoulrulYnndatekten. .; .Will make t Halt Bon and Olosay. ' ....-Will peter, the Otidieel Color to old. and. ..:..... Will 'lmre the Hal: from Falling Ott '.'.; Will cum allblmaaell of theZtealm- 'For 41.4 by-. ' ' ' Sr:acne' acahraToft, ~,, did ,-- , v‘ihe Stalthde/d and Yeortn *Meta. ' BifilitittETS C134,10L0W.13t13,•&e.: 11 , 4 , ....„' 4I 21.11rs d iviiii - ii.oviins, ‘.1.4.$ ~ ..16—vimo , s Oakland Greenhouse. - Velem' lett wlth"3 - B. H Met, IT rOtnitllity7 it nib" it - Bro h .42kti000 met, DUl2.lllllth & 004, 04. led um, ntnuliat the reenhoomal IteelePt l 7 - .11 . . to . elivaNd Bed daily. at , the , abwre med.- places. - aklan tu,ll 4.4 l ll,filtmankonda eTestyl Mean tnloules '.' . . ... . -.. ~ ., ,. 1 :. -4°-15,30t: 1rk . ... , °-1 1 , 1 1. 8 -JO IMENNI MMEMI .YrE ir 41:i PE* TIS AWE .4"2; . JATNE'S EXPECTORANT, A SAFE AND:STANDARD REMEDY FOB COUGHS. COLDS, WHOOPING COUGH, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CON BUMPriON • PLEURISY, CROUP, nbansExEss, AND ALL ia-r ,or rum ! - flousintr Darx.atrissr,.. tpouns , - 1 Ooilit or Ovicar, .I.'' 13 / 44311 r&r03r. Decomberst• vac 3 ' EAF3,NrBY, , OATISFALOTO T rldr Pterented tti• thrlittionatme. iiky ad t o A.P.P,r 3 bai the ',l .• I- ','. . .. ... ... .. - . , . . oaf whewit it linos azyband'aml'aeal of office, this •elg!lth day 'tf - Diaae mber, Mt' Nl* liteCtrla . Unlit,. of the Currentr. !•::.(r.L . ,'444. - Li - i , ,,;1.7..,P, ,, ,1;1:. - i. TATE ;S: SEVILLA LFRti ELS AsatitOKlS . M orAdom,l a ;Tr Mol3d2rE & ANDS& N0.1091%00411.. ."'r aDliwirisr..irrivrrs THE GREAT PURIFIER. lIENAPANAKA Since the introduction ormedicine, the origin of disease has .perhtips, bea,n the sublect wf Jowl se. , .. ... . .ttotis and soleittitio Onnaideration by Die most . . . Learned of the professloythan any other Cenzieeted . With the lowa of thoCireat Creator; note.rew hero contended that all diseases baretheir attain in the stempacb; others, the solids of the body; oilers, again, and by far, the giiiiteai nitathei,emiter.d ape reason that the taboo Itself hi the very foUntila Or "Ilfe--that If it becomes Impure them disease in Its - Profit forme—Scrofula, CanctlVMeers, U., appear; and indeed, experience In treating.this Maas of dtt cafe* hYlturfirtag the:b/ood - and thereny et Raids thelt eradication and. cure, - prove thi.,to be the correct theory: acting - tip= Which theory, the mod. Icianow known as umfareireza, was composed and rought nto ipractice, producing the most grit to usesoon exerchiersueh'ifteistery Corer 'SCROFULA, DLCF.DA.TION fr - PIMPLES " an .Tea FACE, TETTTS, SALT DEIEWAI, 1 ; LIVER COMPLAINT,"LOSS or { APPETITE, DYSPEPSIA, . 1 ~ - ,RHEUMATISX, ORE. , • ..„ • • fte., ditto_ as tt; give, from the time it .I.i.Atat. taken, enterer. "'feu, the good t° t" p l a ti t lauVir i a/Htfirtle' ' AZ .4 : en thought oem. i t ` -put It up I'll bottletat f 00.".... ON' each,--es many persons are dl sad to fry an artt. de but are often deterred at the, expense ,so the , trial hernean,be.made at,a , moneraft.Ontlalt ant' 'satiety'. the — purchafer - that" the article is What; is claimed for it to be, viz: the greatest StrAtrit ors= era brought before. the people. DellchteFeinnlestkrilliind . h¢ it trientedginety 'That the public may form someidesi or Its Veen. Dae chratlre merits, we subjoin a lint of the pried payartioles of the ts aMteceed, with a eho ° " .description &the net and adaptation of eaoh,ta. ken ftom the highest authoritylanown to medics sciende. . . • • HONDFRAS.SARSAPAILIZU.. ~ ,' ' • Li mad with a beneficial effbetin cues of Rhea= tisa,icrofulous Affection", cntaiteoue.Diseama and other &played torialtions bf health: • • DVWSLIO2I "atonic, dlutetic, ar arid aperient. ~ It lie a „pie,. 4 sale upon the livelVexcittug ititentangnia. to season. It has bean oinch uieti In Germany Is discs aof tfib digestive organs. - ~ _ IODIDE : POTASSIUM. -beThficea Allt i f t I. u d s i e s d ea s a e-I S l e n r Wh lo h n t dl o o t n r w i ih pent benefit; It has also been used with much suo- CPS In'treatiernt for Inibunmation of the, Eye,. It generally inernaseethe appetite and flesh. t ' • LATENDER FLOWEi3 .Are etrornotte, took, and_hlghly tart:orating cases of Nerro DebiLaY.- " • • WINTER cßeetr . . . • • -711. empettalry valu a ble to eases Sc roful ata Rheiamhtimm. cgprognx FLOWERS . , Are advantsgeouslr used In oases of Enfeeble d DI. gestic:li but Are .espectally., applicable tosaies.o fleueral Debility with weak Appetite. 11EZEliEON Liar. It acts favorably as an alterative In Chronic' f; !notion., Chronic Ehronnatism and °batma n:Db. neriars or the Skin. The. balance of the format is withkeltras a • re. li/retina against (rind. StbiON JOHNSTON, • • „. COR. SMITIIFIELO ... 1 1.11DTOURTII STS.; • • your intelligent Physician hbreiln.lan 'at the *bon, tear*. Pi!'4l!'?!.P?',YB7 -.—We beg leave Lel return our. , mantra loom friends end' tltt, pabilegederedly for their 'liberal petraaage bestowed on us MVOs; the past--.our ilist.year In business. .... ~ •, ~,, ~.., ' We werewell alvereof the dittlaulty of, el ems ..introdttclagPiantewhi,ch previous to our staillegi , ~had songennyin this tocamy, Yin: theyEradbtary, New Terk,nact.ftehentaker b. 1.10,, paliMaiphta.,. yet evenoMere throughout the country Were ten, tattered the beer Piano PortieeTtheday. _ Oar sue . etre ingot then It time hits Dm enceedettout sati n Ertidbury hap for many near! teen ,' 5 the Planormusafaeturingbnsineasin Ne=. . 1 ;and le popular antler kW litany stacuLardwmile,, cal we ek 'llls perfect knotriedge of the Many Pt- . 11.11011 . bet° the publlyand their- thanes, led Ilm. • 'some` Mr yea" : Coca,: to : corudrunt lariNEW. SCALE lANO, which,. in !ho netination'of of. ',best. musical - abllityln .this coustrz end eminent ; *manta of Europe; MANDE ' I .INRIVALED. 'For . . Mi li ti lnwm . 4 l..WlPlwtt,Eltnettg tryoet...;• . T.NEY „ , ' Messrs: S ' e.hinsakericiCo. (noW the Schumacher , Plano tufagferlog Co.) arytke.oldess, Platte; makers la the itultiaT'.EtAtes_ ,esul level mtkned tt: yid+ poptibitify fay the. pint lbtrty. yearn 'Um 01, this and m th er !smoothen -At "the 'Wort 'TSdr, -ando!, , hi, ANL, their •.•pi0w....., *snider st poise Gehl Medal, "For Esperier. Tone in conslusionoreerilliake . ticeStfon to 'aPetir-Of • the Piano "snow stonstrimted by first clans =Mere. Many are doubtless. under the - =erasion; (partio.•• 'Warn since tie /the, pplaketien or a cattl claming Tor one mapulacttireeltioperiminovet &lathery) , ,that there arecertninestatalal parts of the Pfeil° Made sod teelthe.fee' them by letters patent., We' areplepardd tsVprove to ell with 'May wish toes. i statue the inthilecl,..thatnuch lantot the feet: , The' eltterencebetwren Mullion Mess . ytrngPlanos 1 ilea In the OADR:Of Ault; The perfeetstrrange-. meat of.w armoires theldthela, osier of Tokio, 1 line Alexi 1 - ' ability,. In , this Ett..ltradbun VMS emlimentlt uellled•for,the task wt. inh he. has so .i rThe prig p.a.= ts MA- goldPlarto am-I:pen. ' feet harms lenge/ thetodes throughout the enthe seale—the MIS +Mist 'itor'overbalauee The treble, nor th e tre ble the beal,'"and the middle times pow-. 1 erful eholigh to_balanele both; combined with's. fine Annum quality, so thst * melody will. stand out above the sheers penyinsat, whim. played la a "Sloe We are h to be able to Mite that the NEW 'SCALE PIANO , of. Wm. IT •BradburWitfter The 1I moat theroggirgests, hes been prom:maned , by the ' 1 7,,best musical critiques to possessie the ragtag dm. , gone all the emerald, ot nperfeet iustrument—WE.,, CIIAI..LEh GE 'TEE' WORLD' TO, FR9DcpE XMAS P FMOT A PIANO FORTE. '"" , Btrosig, berlointednisse 'Mr Um, MlOst M,Mer.; zieT,hrelimetiltr t vn ... l. .. 2 . ii iv el n e dea ad l h t.:r u e:e t: NlL of • Of my New Ocele u rie l ;er , 7ortes, have given mottagn i i moot emph i lle Mid Mtge/ailed tettimoniaLL ;The following , espettniett of the yolunttuy testinteurf. I•Arn - ft&da tly receiving from gentlemerteathely dials terestep, .anst.es - - will acknowledged most , 'll,loroutdd7 For '44Rtlest , in:judge o f , the merits of a • oWe hate ettiffelned; with muCh care, Mr. Wet. .11.; , FIRAUIIIII‘T'II - New Seale Plano Fortes, - =ILE to our slant= Flinch:l power, purity, richness, equal:. ity e f tone, and thereugh wothmsaship; Mr: Riad. 1= Vsleetruretstecteel...., • • - - • • - . "We Mut great brilliancy egld a besuunel singing quAllt'of tone meet happily blended. We here. meets seent:uare Piano Forte combining so on.. Ay of thelss - thtPe-sesentha to a perfect losttM. s';11:1IIII)s, ; • ; ' Sakti N:Pattlion, .--. .Ilarry fianderrenr, Charles Grebe. - cosecs yrsdel, :, • .1 John Winkler, ' j hobertlfellerC . • : IL E. Matthews, Clowles , Wele... . j F. L.liitter,• - - , 'A. UM Wild ' ; ' - i. Theodore Thomas,. , , . !. it. D. Ttmni, •• ' - ! ClAit Cr. Deatem.- . . Wil tient blown, - 1 • Robert Stoepel.„ . ' ...- Max leareteck,,,.. -,, ~. Strakosab, ." ,'• - . Theo -Moelling; Ceti numb tr, - F. FL Naafi, . .-, ~ Oustave It • Itherdkr-, • ,',.., 3 • -Theo. lia ' editor/CY. olduelPit neiterep.: :j -lobo Bi nd 11,Organist 11 : 1 O:Datehees , thetrob;; Geo.W.' 111 Ml= OrtonastOmee Crettrelf,.., -- • ~ • ‘, . .C 3 .I.MVEICIA..." Tnelmr••;. ••••••:' ~, The renowdeP Pleonasm, Composer, alter a Moto' . Rased therougssminatton or - WM.li , Beadba , , T/L'l 7.7.64;317.1,V,T,1,Pv%113A'itki4 r .:n.i1'.1 lirsd bury's Mk 'cantle Plandrertes, and it le My' eptrdomthat They are: Ivry superior Inatitmenty 1 haVe'eneelelly , remarked their.thateugh work. =metal.. and tbetiower, purity, rkdunsm &Minim, fly of titer tide,' Vreeotamen.L.thereAme, hese . Metro meet, tit ther public ilittenertand doubt Yoh Mr-their stmecilar , ,,..;•,l:: S. tIOMVRALIV ' New York. f *PA:Wt. , ' : 'n• -+ •• --, ;-7 • 39Aiiti= It 1 & .B ABE, - , ~. ' • i., .. ~M .... , .... 8 0LE.A0ENITI,' . jalOold • • 1 .1-,,..,ai'129-141: Illialetstreet: • ] vr,E6nori AND ORA:Ditlf.. - EiltUat, tvir,sors PUEMltrat Leek ,Stileh Sewing Michines wt.n. SUIVINE.a CO.; No'" Mr= STREnr . -1r ~. : v. JEt }U t ~. Coinages/On Merchant - - - ASftl - • 'AiZeili. .~ Denier In , near, etrieesn: Drlell and Fireein i Fte. and cli farm acre UnitMS/WI ki ineiihandhee,iltiebdrgh mac• . °factures Cl d Relived Oils, et dealers And tundra*. Auter. rstbs, Xfo.t"Ai LIBMrY inurxr,Oppo•!: I4te Wenn ttreet,) Elnsbuntb,Psb - Alrancesmaden4d ennmPt stteatien eye* tt. 'consignment, slut cerrespoudence.. - ~ P erninueon lip-omen/was & Speer, Lloyd; tr. Black; Wur.' McCully le Co., f litdDanald tx. buckles, ache I. Hews & On; lk OCA., `4, Flow. k nr. 4.`cw. '-seltrtyd/Ir.wir `1 . 41”14.111, „ and Real E444# . 4 . 044 stcdcopi , • 1:11 -. 4 zetistreiylit msht, 4 .44:ofaH4i,iviLiatis Lula& des_ar AWINTEN DRE.BII 00()D3 • • • ir. M. BUACHETP.T 'Winter Cloakt at Coat WINTER • LONG BRAWLS AT COST, Etalraorods at Cost. North East corner. of 4th aad Market eta ja9 IiWDSONE PRESENTS, For the .18tolzday8, , , eidv. ii.'oEotiitiu AT MACIIIIIi t . filliDElk afa 'f II .MARKET.STREET,. Pittsburgh,' We have now open aid *rural receiving, dallf ' ' 40.4..r..23 • Alargin ai ted beautiful asserguipat geode , beck " u - wße F ent ab P9 , hlkrieleg gibetril= i t ' t d ' • • • :1 _Hglge.Conater Pearl - Steel: Jet mud OM Beltduakesi‘Beitit; and Belb. riabloni; Oaaltmere and Silk daub; Rea& Drosses and Nets; Laee Vella; Larevand Embroil. 'lined Pollan and Hamikarobletal Worked WI and blow - ork , hee = ,,L- Clgreimientjettideul lak Satchels,. anted:.• '; ':•.' liesideneeme usual heavy steak ofliesieerealed; T . riescalepiltatlens i d Snag Wars. • Zinnaf EAT 01:?, ILWRILTA,L a 6 0 .04' • NO 17..And.19% Filth At:► Datia , trrpxcli.tpf •'• ; ; cos, _ . To lobicA the; esll th.e.lOteooa oithstiesmitomm. A splendid Aisottaient;Ot :` " :DRESS CLOAK rainnuicas• • li/ou zmiaßowskinw Ann laoicaeosei • XIALYORAWAND 00P BELE 1' - yr. Dm SHIRTS AND DBA.WES.St liOSIEBY• AND GLOPESt__.. • • •'' • ' - • ZEPHYR AND,ZEPHYR' AriIitICIODS;; • ,S all 0010,18. • • $ *UM 11281.#41,C1at Oir&WK Goops .• ' 11211p1A*13 ' and IntAlathi •-; Qui supply , ikemseltes with - eiramthla in ear • • - atookat the' - is , ' Very Low st Pxices,.; - " GREAT: MO(MMI7), DENNISON s & 66`;: •81 Market street, , • , ARE IMTERapyrrED OLOISE.ovr. THEIR ENURE s:STOCIt. GOODH., theta , Unaer•garmeats, White . Skirt; : /Ace, Oo EllowEs,ll4. to, • : los ihget Art, 1 A , ..}2._W ASSORTAIEN'-, II - ..“- . TIS, i rons . and; Cloak , -011enass ee ' ~. ta, B - -..., .• t Oingnr, Chenille atul,Sugal,,Fritere 2itior. ir t.. . Undereleevee, 'Elden Sets, (of the finest quality, , Lace and Linen CollarsandliandkerehhtfeOlnves, :Hosiery, Balmoral and /loop Skists;..Seealtfa4 . -- - Shatets and :Saw:m.4oC SII:AIWZNii iiathway's Ene."--'l.-,..,."7',.': steeled Collo* and Unlit; forladletrimdgentlenienf Wash' Leather Gloves, in all liZell;.(ll3usin's Kid ' • Olotes, fa light sizes; Ribbon Nets,fringe_d order, togetber,srith ,a. - nene'let,' of ldralq.Water. falls and Flowers, • Will brfnund at • - 4raer. MOWRY'S TR1111311110.-ST4RE, :7. •' -. No; 21 Fourth street, near Farm street. . • , Particular attention rites tool fanitur•Peat rad:l •', ...: ' all other kindsorLactit—Aidd Black ISeee Tells. ... jai° • .. '' • -• 4UCTIOX &ILE'S: • , ,'.:;__'...,' • ' -; -......'...,. ILVErt PLATED'ITARE:—(Ii If I " kg DAY and SATURDAY, /snowy 12ti and lath ...., ,ALIO okllock e. m."andhoh•bek P. In.'ettalt day, win " ' - be: sold on Abe 24 floor of-the Coma:WNW Sales-,',,,,7 . , E 4 0 4 ,4 as -Birth , street, an elegant stook of. pure. ;silver piths! oraneoenaltactric :tea: sati; cake , btitl.'" , ; Jett, table castors, tea and table . spent" Alesete r -,,:' 7 •:- spo ons l /B.lee ult.l o tea • titres, • butiet ktilvel,. ;. .11a. attention of a ea is invited to all 49otb •• 'i %.., .? 'stock, whites can UMW be exuktned at the Sales ' •. , Donau. Sales gat.„TblttalarlantlYtaly evenhapi , 1. , • -'' - , -Jats l, ' '; -t• - :•: . A: ls2 eltlVAD44Aliette: ' ' - LADIES'L ELEGANT cliz — :)M ---- "• . n.-0 'FRIA and SATURDAY, Jltatiatrittkaittl -.4th. at - ./Coatoloe,k a. in., and ;o'clo .12:oina.veach tut, will be , sold- ton the: attend damn( the ,Clozwul , : •, c... inertial, Satre - Booms; tat Eltth-: street; the - inedeat, 4:: -••• stock. of Ladleat.eloake tier bflbred in this catf,, eon-pried: 4 the latest ,dad tacit tirmt stiles-.,' .... Seequen, Circlet, Masques, auti of .roact thett,.. , ,• ~..'-, Castor • Bearer, Doeskin,.,Trlcot,, • Wate r /Roof, •••••'"••••••••. •••' Chinch'lllaand. petersham; h'so. Opera Cloaks.- .. •• ,• • , ' : • The attention or Ladiei is teepfwtfulir invited &I" , - •• -.."-•,- this supentotateek r which Is now open to exatnink _ Sides also on ' TltunalarnridTeLisy eveniatts, at t - 23-itt'eloek.. ' • ~ A. atcILWAIIKE, Auevr. .. - I h .r /ClTii W.Rittll - 1 , 6T5.,—,0a TOES- . . DAY "EVS:lll2G;ilanuniT 17tb:mt7Igteetoeie,' ::will .be sold at Commercial loaics,itoonif,6o Firth . ' • ' ', street, on second floor, the folio wing Building Lots in the .llh Ward, near the Toll (late andoppnalte -.-• , ' , . the'Tamenger Railway , Deyot.' • One lot- on corner of Rirkpatrick. and ;Mahon . • attetts4 fronting go feet on iiirlenstrich ;greet, and • .. ...- , . extending , bock same whit); lee-feet tears alloy. ;•• • ~.' Four lots adjoining on .actrpetrlek , •stkeet,sa' xe ' ':,. .:. • size as above. - • Three lo •In the ininvedlate rear of the above ; . each fronting ;fret on Sinhoo street. and extend- E • . • : Inc park 'same ninth !turfed' to 11111 alley. . • , .- . - Terms of Sale—tlddii- - '' ' , •-• ','. •.: J . ia • . •A. hiejt„WAINR, Anet.r. ~:. Clo CE AN VALUABLE B-0-0-11 i- iirl D VATALOGUE.—On BA I'IIItDAY EYE. .4 IVlNo,43antaary o'c!?ek,mlill. be sold ' hy Batalorom, Co eocond Moor of ....ommercfsl Sates Booms, at klf strtet, a very choice sa l 'rateable.. collection - of Books, Begibth and Amerlmuf . titillate, men* in, superb bindingly - and elegsittlr ..Illustrated volumes; embracing tare w.orke on - the - 7! Floe Art the meet desirable notion " of - HfstorleaL /and otbeiworhs, late, copyright :beaks, Theolost.:- cal and miscellaneous, valuable tlyclopedlas,:kols; -oLTlder's Coristalele and. -.Ugh as English editions Em) ire, 9 rob.; American NationnCllyclopedla,e tots. Bneyek,. C;fl4' Z°briePtilist`Pel`h4alsi'''' ar iztr Vttotles,-Itukhui.-34,11:11:% t. = - :Painters, an vbbe.; flicuttbly..lg viall4" ..'" logweablegtorr,' Stophen'o- n-.=. • ..,...14re.drjaelosen,; 3 - nals.; L' Maya Viel , l;Mlit to Faith; Barnes , Werke, It voLel B and M- - inlnpq worksi' Tol.•;.Potti • Oil •Pbetry , dr; tbe ' • . Nos NPenttr. War)44l - .l* 80e,.g. Bwlf4 - 2 volgylloodU etits, 3 vole, ke. ...,ClataMmunellte now .re.d7 at the, Salt, RoontA : ford AstribAleadand the bleeklterllt be Open tO • - AviloAflrsi g,t 4 P, 7 S lo :o 4 . l 4-"'s • • ' • ' A. ILWAlNEertissfr:-"!-` +oaa n.uußi A5Et.)„,„,,,.? 1 , 11; halo bt DM' GOODS, Se. I I iAST ' I • I r i ltIC.V4S The - tonlnnee at the Stook on lima • 4PACAS: - 4iscilOrs: - BM% CLOT4B " P0PE7213. - raZITEIL: - nanWEI CH/EFTZES, rORGAZIDYIaiIWics,' FOULARD sums, FAT MM 313 OF Wit ygmt,; ALEX. BATES,
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