VOLUME_ XXXVITH--40. 21. VittotriftW VERY LATEST-NEWS 1 , BY TELEittiii,":T'::: - - -,- - --.. - -.11 - JELISI33I7I;VEA- .- - - .. 0 ::. ~..•,- - Z. - Wii 2, ilki.. •T '') :7'37la..rrk' : ....!, , ,: -- ,..110118T ABU UOISLIAIRMICREDIMS. i •• ....:.„...,......,. i'. - 71 • • ••- le. czahr..7O . 7. ',.,...-.-:,-:.•:':.. OMR 1 Gliiitillitt INSIMit." ' 1 - - - :... -- i - ;?..;; , ,. -- --. 1 . - - . --• • - • :..- .. ~- . - - -...•••• •: ---.• ' .• - .......L.Slr - ' -21. 5 13. IT.O :.2.41...11 1... .;,..- Govern WWI'S rarrioitc Response. "' - ',.',' , 1 , '.7::1 - •- '',. - _ t ittita .7.::.1 •.• • • .4g..._ . , :.:• .! .: - ..... - Biptetel etch to the Wits& ilarette,„.,.. r. 7_ • ..••••:: ..!... - - - 'et runo, Annecy - 13;184W i. ,•• - Smuts. l Idvrilogrreattliblii - inffirritingi - A;: •?..:'.:, „Wilson trirage--otierHK -- -•-....::emeir, near "PliilllPlLlSldia) raiialli li.J't k. t -. F..--1 .: ..- Mr. Hall offered a roiolution requesting the 1 :, - : ...::,...."•...Judictaliy Committee-to report - At bill mcidifying l - , , ;.'... -- F,:l. State laws to extend their benefits to men mut i., .. ~ -., , .., , :jered intol - fancock's Cpms Ilased, , _ ; „, ...,. • . --,:. - -.-Adjoniii4-1411141 Id4 : V iiiir i --L [.:•-••• ...::.:.' - lioxit.—A pit -Ilion was presentedier inMease .-'''''*'-.- Of pity of ,juront and ,tralelleviAcent to Beaver .:,,v ~,:!. : connty. . Also;,• to .appropriate Incomes from i,•:'''_ - ...intis donated t'et„nie ,4.tainahy.Hoventmetta for • t -- :i - : , ir'_. - : . thOcnefit, Or teatifiii'AlN fliA'delita. -- " :f •'',.:::-.....:•::. • The Beneath - 1M elected committee; to try - the - :.' '-, contested elemiseltjuTt - of-Atrifit9n,viigt:, 1 -' ','atiPtillt, and!klermeni, of - Union and Snyder. 1 ; '- :11- 0 4W* 'jib. lii.ZdtlP:rai;;;;A , ; , .4l - 1 . .:--.-: . patch - was voeclied.. by :Governor- Cattin.:this 1 . .,........ - mornings._ , - - - -- • .. .- - • . . ..: . : ..JErnmace ditriAl3.4trate.*:if:ai'd til iiii i- L enter of I.buuyircoda.--Frez Missouri greet; r! • 'her oldest lister. - - . ... ''.. - - , - - t:;:- . -.• ;: t. . :,( 61, viadi..t10:1.1d:n Ztarattodeti. , l -2 - .. . • . .. . . . . - Governor of hileitonrh” . Govertior„Ctict . in,ii.returst, seat The- pile:wing .. . reply:.'• , .- -.- • - i - '1.7'.:1 ,- .,:ll la .. ..,.-_,..,., 1 a • - - "Heanicntaa, Jan. 1.3._,_70/Bv E-revitent4i, the Governor of IlLy?ori+—'?otonsylyanio, the , Brat ' born of freedom eleo a Iter4leentralied elk. it.. ter, the Btatelif - itilleh the tigoeY of the , f. nation found id the throes - of wanton rebellion. 1 lice in 4. Iciliberty c9l". -kalligatitit'etirl . ri t bl ood , a ndNS , bd. , le as one of the - crowning Whines 'l`. - I L : 11 1110 , x matchless heroism - in:dab Irencritle . x4 stlly. / ' • .::::: to pre.eiro and ip ittatfildjr skipalitp:o4449l4.; ik... • .• . • - 1 • • r=!..i • : «(Signed) . A:- G. Ctravni." Nf+V ~`t K:.. GEN. wrcutmin'MYEtAfe Toutt. "--"" editorials Vett . l9tette'lt . " - a? UMOI3. CONVENTION THE taissowitEMUItICIpATION ACT, rell.ll,Wt • 'l. A PrnaisentClliterlodstir -gosvFlposit', ,, ht• aiof v lticw Toler, lipd 0. tgti General McClellan leaves to halr-EnropainS Vinr on the Snit week of Fehniiii:aftapilecuned the offer of & private reseal, tendered by his Mends. fleissrarriznetatesunfertilliffratie will be gone two years. -- Near'," 6U IllsVtar 64 t i f,b4t'AFM'Sll , late on the peace runtort.'• ' - .The World sayslgr a _4.,l:haa . tin anthalUS ender tho.ConstllM).itietharratentity'bj the abolition of slartm and , ,fetr,... Dalin could, apt, ender thet r oiTederatOaktittliJol4, illocet4soch an oar. Indlvldtutl States atone, barektrlsdle tlon In the patter. The Timis does not-look fer an good result from this movemfit, pkietittniCattlitarhid periuml of peneelitly Indicate a brief 1011. Th. Poei thinks that if the rebel COlll4ll/4011- M are on their irai*lrftiOni 1 ,11 Marto; they will accomplialt n og. It thighs such a movement weuld be nothln less than a studied tomb to the LT pvernmgt. Government elkintdi `It A -them; It would equally ituailt the authorities of the Bonier States. The /bet eillidahrt , h64liitiiiiiliildMithat'bOi.' Brown. of Georgia, is favorably dispotted,.aud, would probably reecive agents (loin the 'B e lted Stoles. The HeraidadlOre . the!4o4 ,l , Ott , filth*B4l; Rinsing the emascipta=t4rilt spelt tated tiy Arkansas, ~I r reanessecr.end, Delaware. no Porta' rigs the passage otthe ordinance was a ; wisassewitaaalclutpirm a blear sighted perseption -of Ma; tendEikty Of eieatn, and thinks if the war - trett tihd to nedicsw and the Buttes tdcetaig ,lerisdictipiLoYerthe Jul, al would thfieloitlie.ititinataltor and Slissattri: Bletilthn — redmalers — ' .Lc Triiteduritsliriblie nti comment. , ' The J'oet points ontAti;ityaistagea.Pr. FR4' by th e laborers afaienounattractitierl Sin thler The Commercial thinks the actkitt.444- Is au argument In favor of the passage of the constitutional amendmenlm, rt .4, • New Toni r la iireitimiespers 161 day made en assault on Mr. John Ileeker,und would have killed hl.V*tiqr , :thelaterferan: of citizens. Mr. Meeker Is the gratleipau Rho Las obtablllifsfiiiititidetkii 'iigniiiat the illm,mlpayintbr4tyatithoritlea. -And thew stU.fii•eo. , coiitsider Aketritet• nizgrierett hhs,tvop,,,,„ ; , Nrw Morn:' Inv: at 21G,15 trodvitimnireditcfllBKoa4 titorkdf alined. to 211,14Ce—nte , lititiket ami'*ery vaulted. 70 r. a—tlold2Ji3.. - FROM - nal rolnitict4m 31,1.1 31-EPO 8 it 844(,. AgSgaTBAS: t ce,113 REBEL CAVALRY , •GONE;OIR , MR:RIAM, 41k; V! hT. •)•-• Beautiful 118 4' • •; al ti ;9; F9;9-100c • . , o • .- ;~: ==2=ill 4.,.._ Ilnain/7/9ffrair i ldurpr le , tr°3149; 1 - .: „ n it_...'• ~.,',,-lT i a nn til , 9 isilP 7 r;! ~ ... " i ~.. Several rebel , %yams usAcedayibiaddetk ~ f - ti rine number:dr ‘ititttliiid:l4 , ',.**iiiiii itio• I .fts wreteted.:4 7 4. l oroi4 6 *-iluThaat' • : ' traveled a tortWitottf,kil l tit . Cis*, ;gas d Wale: ,' ....,: -okketil of pity to 21 itio . saw then. They 10-'; . , '_ pott -that the fo4 l *4.,24o,*thAtiiona to • ~. • mektord, on titaateldote alattford; When they j. . ... hare gooeh?ta wiitFT c.4.klCrteeffherwein arm • t aed t°&11 ba ,titi t° : l A4PVP!iPw - losgt ( ittintsek . 4 : , f forage beiweekthationdlleauts' littitlon,'-ind also for lack 1 1 ofttra,nsportalkta,:owlttz to the day; 1 . .artructlon of therradrdadl&ttud dfistriptly Gen: Warren. TheyiSey,o4 l tareplektits in far a* i, - Reams' stations , the west Moor lltuper's ffi 1, .. _ run, with tad Iviakto of• Gen. Hill's Corps located .11; -.' • on the Boydstouto -plink Iliad/ The rebels bare El c been Ivry Baer rrlpatlnfr tba iailroad, north: of , • , 7•. i Mthford for the, ne.lefintof gags, but As. ye t -. .' - none bare been Pill dotrn—prOel4l because they ...All . do not pewees theta:, -,.- .--,-:-..- :‘,.- ,-.-- A- ',caul ifui deg ircet rettentlr - presented. , the 1060 New York:volunteers by hiller' of St.',lnn , '. 'rune and YranVin.eounties, N.Y. •Ifis a hind , tit some and conly tog; and la insetibed. With : the .'! i battles In rditenntie regiment Lie been ettgaked.. . It Is a welbmerifed leibutd "to•their bravery -and. *-4; ADVICES FROM IitEXIOCi.. th; ilatimllllan , s Piotlatitation Regard4' ; — fog Ecclesiastical - Property, l . frn! ALDO Pr THE BiLtIAN!. LEGION litatfOil;. t,.. 11,5 w ro.r.,Jatc.l2:—Latadvicei from Mot-,.. . • it,4" Ica state amigaximnitin tuts:lestia:4l%imixiitelso.. %,...A:.. , .... /I Irect log a rerfelMll l , We iniulatri‘at-llur titles ; . 'te an d claims under whietteenteelusgoidkriia' e.,..0. bee n for some timaiteld;:and' in efleetdeeirmir 'l l l;i 7 ithatif Inlougn toilte" B latt; ika.'th o fit.li lit the. ~4 ‘4., yillell of the menwernt tooiereisa sotoior' nn r ot over It. lc assmrs he opened etwzot*:: ,„ , with the Pope ithneln Route. oh the snblee,, •• , i , t.t,u his great surpOsp,-'filiniti: that the ,11 undo , • 'T. , bad Just arrived in Piezieo.".uitkaut,fastruelione . . ' t r ' . :,f, in. the Matter, and te:thOefore boldly adopts Ms' -, A. , ,lw i m i ll2: :: and It ils aid lt,was:-.,,,recelied-tillkh", ---- . - -I , —llya thonsand or 'tlih'Didgian .. 2 ~..4.itela4;4' 11 -- :lllr t it k hd inert, were cOeViag. . i ~-,,,, at 86,1Domfago." .~ +...~ l~^"~~`SfitYwT""^'",f .~4rx:-:: !i'~G.~ ~f~ .iLo:vw4.Z-1~ thl„nsr' fir. TH l-41 "cy - .A..SIIINU-'l`4o/T, Utter , from , ShVrnrbtltct,#* 44 . 1 1 0 1 2th e M111,6" .... ) 14 05 hi !; 4 t t ,41.61641..4 6 1; .5;1 . •,,13 .^ll,tien.l '•)rti.l: Gen. 101(V:g Concern no like ---1 :.:i , : onisignatetion 0- 7 - 7 ". ~, P, Z.'i ';s , 1... V: ,t, , ;.1...;:t”! q 71,1 SIGNIFICANT ' -NfT/PaCjiiN.:, TiGkrlgi I ..S,TOge4Ctir.IFAFIGIASON: ;i:t.l'4:-,. InkreStigattigiWfAiilorlliVil . 1 mingtotiViilliiiiii .1 E A 1 , „.„' I ::;,.. ry..,4: L i r LtlZ,:t..., -M . ,1,..)?!.,11 ,j 1 <:: :•.1,.: • Iti ..Lzimilm g‘tr/Avirkin.: . = ..,,,, ~,,,,, ~L,,,;:::_k•- . , ,,, , ,,,, ';;1 :A ~.,;:, 4 , -- • i ,-:...1 ~--...,,,,, ,:. , , 07,,,t. ~,,, ,:., : . k , • €l , , isiziar.riziveolocio. v i i . est.,.N. , ,01.1 3,0 3 , ...,1,—, • . ••1 1 J-;•1,..77`, 40 :VT .1 , 1 111 , 1 'ol' iy,lllril Of TiiEl TIYM IfttliViiiiriiiii . A ''' ' . .„. _ .. L ..- , 1,0AN: , •:,:•'!( f'? ~ f .^.......... :,1 , 11 I,' Tr ~, ,i ,fti,•!! cotu II , tiiii. . ti1iiiriiik . , ,, , ,.. 144.6 ,- ,. .: ei ...-i,. t .: ii;, . rot OV TDETCWIII6IIOIIII=O7 , IIIIOMiIUL , o ,r t ml :.Il4l,msd n ft.: w 1 infleitta XV,S . 4G E • ' tififrt. . THE'XIIOSSTITTITSINA,4 t A3/EN P METI C r APPM;WWF'' , ' 49. 1 14081 A w..,q 4 THE Seem: - SON SOAT.YSICHNION D. Extrai Scasion of , Congress .Question. Waltman:, Jan. 12.—Sleee :the Ten-Forty Loan cloiixt en Saturday. reams have , boon mode to the Treastary„antonnti&tpMooo,ooo t this weiuld leave outitanding about $10,000,000 of the r. , 00,000,600 loari: 4l '.AsOther ietiar s ha aro to be rade, thc amount ,subeesibaci will bocon sidetahlry • BiSjor Getiad Sherman.ain a•letter to Quarz . termastar• Gestural Kegs, &slid Savitaib„ earn . • You nasty use my name in any eir . enterajdneffid , to the Quartermaialcifitin , army, Wale effect 'tba11..4 c 2 7 F a ri9 r Al .§ o l , *mo e9untrr wllletot port iladr arta% by a judicious system of lbw ; 'lng:lipre eanibilkiireQt to your department while nina-Idlevltitched..to 'their atnellif, Via d rig,the lent and seemingly herd march. 'lateens dory. -, , i. ai ... - , .:, -. ~ Gen. e e iti44.,.. this - remarkabbs . ati t march Sid Ay al, and treinavfotand Abadan* of fang; and remonohyagd , ChlefQuarrargmeL. tar limy t .triA.'OsntlEniilFnitelMtl Mx& 641m0r , ttakilultiqter#444lonly Aratiln better con.- able% , ttan arlenttiletiarelt en,tenibliegC,o4ltr. tbunhnitadeterre 'Etieli.N.OlOrfes.ortaideit , pare required freart;,ecartiterit, depotsi ler rentals. army after "ii march of nearly throe, hundred miles th mhoetile'district: , - ,,-, "". ' ' .44 , Gen. in hlehregrelltdareil4tlterdi l ',' 0 ‘ 59 my of tihs_ , , fiaAlktigh 43MplIatent teethe' sendnet bis ptlo,the,firld ann,eataP, sal ,- rig - thitt they Awn raptured forta ,, erbleb theme:. my deemed Impregnable and held;thite,agalas t V , thelleitett amp*:';' •,?..Th:iiil44Wl I4fgr nom of - defeteb *0..1440344W koll'il , h2.and , ars _objects of tailiiisal admiration: Ile says, he ham, %sinned tei order nseiessigeritee anat.'sdiners; Icier* hafpir Waling' onnEetted MPl.dgrgtlett fOc MOM ed Vamp, :AliertiOn'of,flke:addresa I dircdt to' ......, I, 4 , 7Paii,iarawboteLbreviery and facility.csen-etintter-apealatin .thawrcierg ta.rms. ~ .-. ~ . ...-1, , ~-, •'4 , 4 , ' '-,. ,'" ' nlinajor een. 1 33,1 "4 1 n ,k l ,- s P4lostOns A° 110 Committer it Ittataktcdorfiem .1 abecondltiont of affairs n.Tottianarta _was anatbsettediellsot .asetrine 41i ,invelionatlon , ibr• sn ; dettion - whether Shsveryierai i iorWee , tat.. an isalithtetl4. reta g nin4 b t ta l i '• nc:; , Mltk A:I4YMa mas a F!' l J'i m , -4 _, mid,. 19' Traci Meth, east a wisher_ n'th , en.l PlM;4lo , aVatee,And Wake shit tired thirds of the intingmthation or theil3tathpitY titivated in the - *Wen: jilt , . acautioniefok tht: ' antfiMbe4 vete Ina the newOokleotioo7<iii the: , gi Quad that jenny falledlo, part.lelpatelleraigh , fear that (oagrens would not ratify ff. , '•ffaS de. . nice all the - 'thaws •of Interference: awith " the,' clai , tiota 14'tlie *Wary nntlazcittes., Ikelairaa "lib aeleah vote ' Inere IlAn, one-WM of . the .Mertkeb vole. 4410.,8Mte,4efore the war:' ille , 'aslant. Shut the popaLtion'tfatt been related 1,), , veriouticanses from gIe.4.MJ ta 45p,000. , , General 'peaks refers to, the Ingoineatit num- I meat of Napoli:DO, and claims thatbe welders* , , a convenient pretext, Want the French oat bri' ' -the west banks or the lasehisippi. Wenea the k ri c gt ITl'c'tt a u c t °1 .150 /0 3 1 10 ;thiThatollAatek .-governmens In Lonhaitten: FT ; , a 4'44 , ~',.. • • • i 4' .;', The Senate, in executive. poss Lop tovibacw , , llyrned the ifOffelltink infnltitithosionadasbeathe Presideut : John : Watson, of illinosilohelbled Auditor of the Treasury; Stoddard ar'Cblb.Y. of 11/ardent; tcsbe - Register of lbe Triabfityr.Flijilt. Si 4, 1t5, , ,0r 7 „.. 0 ;ra, to ne A _ndAttle Pt alle !treasury for, toe roan= Vanier, ,I_'l I. • tr.- ^t . TT • Thelrebate to received a message trot:dee - Preialdent - conceraing•atm naval annament ott• „Northern lakes., An clachasturo,lnata. the flare tary of State thew' not, a linettetlon of the force ,to besmalatained 'Tecat:night by, ibis Govern-i man, and that though thecoaren got trial Oral Mesabi raids somewhat Informal, yet it appears to bare been duly approved lay the Prmldent,rati di d by tbd Senate and proclaimed law. ' . The report of the Commissioner of Agriculture ter Noycm?,.er and December Lays:.nom:weir great the hole of faint labor has been, especlatly . in the Woltem States, the instant amount idt. wheat, ryei and barley has . been sown. The Weither,lo , been unusually fayorabic for putting ' 'Giese entren, and hence, the labor of the ma try ha il hahad°tiger time daring which to operate.- 1 , It hasbeen 'wily an favarabln for the growth ,of these crops, and should' they . escape freezing ' out.Springilll open with a 'prSunisa of an un dimintatted cid.ot three Important stapiee. .The Cota haelenor:of Internal Revenue has de eded Thal ,ether Stales arbereithe number" or ' basztelf Of - coal for theLpsiLlrepecifind by State' Mir, the odl-fersof Internal - Revenue will adopt • proadilatis orate-I;mM tbeassessmenaf Meter.. Several data ago the conamitthe on Jailiciary- It 121 WS filleted to Inquire If any - further We*. Ilan was necessary to enable the President ter edit an extra Scanlon of ' a ecemity of Cg,A'dl rl meet; the rncy maiogiypetlleenM ois , u ol h the rkilty ite,pc tOmnes elect, .flbe,_comnaltiteires. to-day dlaehirpi frainthe conateration of the subject, is nonfat , teal& bensrequiring flak,Preeldent.4o 7 4-give. '?nynolle4 tcver. ..-1,... ... : , i'....,,..... . , .4( least, members .- Of the lltrase have pre. x 31 '.= red rhe a yes. to speak the c daltl , 4lravery ationstittrtha Amendment, In addition to those The'"me" dr' spoken. The vote will probe bly,be. talked t week. The indications are that lt will heal . Its friends amnot yet satisfied us-4 4 malt ill be favorable to them.' hove", ;VW•Adoel Farragut culled the Senate to. I corn. day', in.‘oont ny with Captain Drayton, mender of -tb Admiral's flag-ship. The Senate 40 °k a recess ' f ten minutes to afford Senators ,an opporth . y of interview with that distirt• platted billet?. Tho Admiral anertrardellelged the Boum ofepresentatives, where Tony mem. berewero Int s eed t yltltn.2 i• . ~ . In .a party rebel deserters who arrived kern 1 today from City Point wereltrefal af too crew of the fcbel gunboat Richmond, who report that the craft is lylng near Charger. Stuff', on:James ; 1 4 c trilditk,EC -ly a snOlelent complement of men to workh r, the desertions atuOng her,men bad W been AMILN so an antar - Within a month past. 1 .. OTO ~ Jana 12,—The Senate having • - ordered an ill\ galgatiou of the,Withnneitott Sill urc,arrentral Ter Baas- actin ordered to'appear sea:eltness. - TLe 'Germain ,1 Act , •:TrAl's Wnallingtou Special any.: General Durnallic lea not resigned at has ire. nye,polied. I The bankrupt law will be pawed by the Senates `next weak. It hns been amended by the house. The Senste'm all i ndopt tint amendments. Weir Vprk tab:ark and nieney Matters. •- . , . .'siwcial iteettiver,Aasocinted Pres. nispetetteti. .. -.,- Nmo Yoine,ahn.l2.—fhe stock rotate talooros: , w.efe enkniatedi but with a aiming downwirt ;10..mleiwy e.icerti In Gorernmmts„ widen....aenan , 'very attire &m end. • Eferi . Mltruad brill@ Tot L reas ' low.er. • lehittior Voutrol 3 dee,lhi f}gt' Batitb, , lK;'Cle eland and :YlitliblirrA.AS,„*lsi rort Wayne,l" ; Maripooa'ortekt down to - 9 and,. . grterwerds, met tolio , l'; , :lktor - ttt4r4toelkw; ea,: . yoked for. :At ' A Atatitikko intais - pititial , Velt6!ltn:'''fbe goll'ltitakei opmed'avirst" rittlioi the'ecrtrtikitg hghollou ofmeseeskitleirijittil,A*; Itio OAT advanced there Ives a rallyTttb lier,eettt., :40tithe lowest' 00hiti l'lliti..aiatiei:niirket_ts ?eaeler , 4he tutu bcP,llME.iCtkirrOln tht , Walt , ' • The:aroptltt of Idle; erstntAl bete to steadil y tie - talii # D S•: ' 1343 4° wero-Y!PrPao,:c AL. /be •Po tthlm* Boird. I Sales of Germania ny diti Jfainkarbockee 50 . Ryad ?ann. 350 ; - Gaited •5titte5, • 45,0,0 , 4 i1i,40; ...orvde•f 04411 bi itSlik ' Ilichetitthr,o,letnettir able/1101st 51(4.134; Re. .•firall licaiy.:a 73 0q4..04 AontetAtut-firOt via • Ad". it ~1.L.1 t , .t 4. i DAILY "f !..: f.',. - .1 . -,:i i i...: •-.1. iiSBURG -13155 SA‘' . AN ; NAII-,.. Egi- v itEßEl f ,i6ol'Rai] • ~ ' ••••••, '''.-- ~ .---..•,•;.2..,-;1 . -., . ..:..: - ~:,-,1 •,,, i ~,.-...•.• ..t.";•.':.,...-. 5 „.:1.,„.,.,, 4,he, :ZoStrrEll i gitt:OiderMa'nfOnede; ~,,, ::....,1: J ~,) ,:lif ~,1 .1 '.' i ? ~../., ,.'.3 , i '.?,,'-rnING'BUT, ,P ' 'll' TiF ..,..., , .. ;.. 'of EllOsren..-.lEfttntired , J4avOg I. - Beeft&t•Difftrib"OtEer'..? , `. ''''', 40 T GAt , . yIt4SCRIAAS,F46.IIAANGEK ~-.: ~. -..... r, - : - ...;....-.,„';i, , 11,-. &1 10 -, --In 14 :- .4 $ ~.!-: , , i i 6 . 1 .t,,,,,.,T,, , 4A sktitAll*Mirif — s* stetta;OSist, 1 i :...-,, ',Pt VosseiltaticrSikr •'',': • -,- z••.: •'• :. 1 • ,:.; 1 3 3 t3IIIt' . . 11t.1., , 1...., r ... Atfl..l: ,A la 3.1, I i I - - r-C , 1L13 e4l 1.4........1,.. - •,,e , <,1.L . ,;,,, ',L - milt 3 It . I ' - . 3 . - r t...• ,!,:l :,:o 3 411 , i 0,3 l'a - ' 1,. ..'!/' ' CI " v 7 .111108111r4W11010,,; '''.4 " l'i - :' ! ' : "...q r ''i'T.T' ,- P l. ') ,- " . 14141(11604 tA 1 .0.400 „..„ ..,z,,iliiiittei,ith. Vittt , e ,. .. L'lll't .V.l ik hi , 11 , 0 1 ' , 'F ~,A * ii'inctaTii'44l , ;..l-.Pl .l 4 , i?Vcl4a44,thrsi ',V4•ui*,ll44l:4ll4asstromiliristmalvt , .-•', l i! illi l - 3, kFV ll bYeb , ti il ' .4 l 4ittaifir..,xters,itelms do , “'rt 71 " 5 " /0034- PkAlelc:itklitt L 'iTiliklil.. . the, Wiliam a , &again= who Oen ritintsatkflOrn ' V es lit:dist. , l ThelmisititeribeF. Order le-idalii, v"" ,teincti in the city , Mal viotadliiistid alit:ill:Ltd: ' Ibte.tere.with the elgtess-bi,isay; pecticalar.:, • ; t elaseiliWat l arristreditsylaiWunkten Seidler' afc days since; when the citizen knocked the asoldi down. The officer of'ffralthard, n 6 60011 , ter be arrifteVaialiriabihhig:Us ,thti`eittgn,bilt i / i. lied' th e siddlertakeliito giiiNtintoloi, ffil,*ed and , ' noun V01ia64.1 1 4)44 mlebehavlor. la i ttt , -i .t ;.t , "A rmen , aoldittrortibtledOrtedk th,erentels : :, , •d' ea treecintly, Old whti. 0%04 - fri„affoW. , 1 1 ,..fetr,. f kit,tit ti t taWslttikittfikgrniOititaaere.hyr. , ple' tn: . 1" .. ",,,' 3 -IV! ' . ll :I ~ , ,, ,f ILA %C/ II: ileig:tifi.D.o ibtOitlitillltiCOCOMVlloCi of 8.4;t1 rennet are oanside,ringttheOrtitlet;nf'4§,tBtilialtl.i. r , liv , ..14ka V4ii m e I It 1 =11 : 0 , :lo ilg i r e r = c .f.i. eteenicil. abd rtWed, preparatory. to tau eon}, ,meseement of business glAa*'',!,lTaldliit? are not' unarm], under'irecireryintaneovitisteyorLin, enter priiite inii;eucci..; Tlie r negrocs, in most . eaten,, arc 1 or4ciiy : and, quid; itrealnlnt 'with their owners, and performlag-thetr. ciesteitarY' .dutin;.; Weldor°, with . griatis lizur the. North, has already beenttepentd. - ffidliluit , hut green; ' heat e Ara In aliculidion. I v,....,,. .., • ~ . ~ , "The charehre on Sundays areweli tilled 'will . ~laBles. On weekdays ,' toweitr l tillt.'refr 00a* arc seen on tlie streets: •=- A aMjcirityaf llso,ma it .ipopulation hare:rentainelTia thecityt.,E The fateir'.: lly' ,of the inns wleihnie left snit remains rA", ~tinijaiity of citizens bevatTrovlstort§ •Mr',V,inhet r .; ..tinniso'come, - butt thira tali- siereAY,S,4ll/2vOrist, add GeO:Shertdatilitik anaontipeir:t Wa r , he will soon rem edy Ostalait . difficuliy.by..getthariracid;' th by a ulfcßailtuad and ,haulinglif ta t tlibt'iltF: To 13 , saleiallerteitta'any'Maie;fte:rii Jut logo', toward htetifj`i*iff 'ral t `. females,. going _toward ; t the city re thomedehly Searched,. ,I • Iffeven hundred loaves of good bakent bread, Whlch Lisdbeen collected far thosoldlentaf Shea." man's tinny, butfor Which the authorised ogoulk , did not leall, werttrceitTheirsday - turned." over to` the Pons Assochalort.of_Serannah. ttyshetzuw ~I mitten actin g hchehalf tot Jthe".llol.lliallf Illhaer-, , end were dtallbuted to the poor of the city; it :* , ..xfply . a kind Ana providential gift,. forth& city is ent irely out of ti tuffs of 'Mary !thrill 4aid ffoldays past laireigigin unable to issue a .. . . t.y/anutfo meat or flour,taltiel_hondredAwlior,suirit "Vinvlyin.need or it."' - , . r The lnriii-ssyerr We- are gtidl6' tilitiflae.! , the arrival of Colonel Mosby at Ids - filitiiKi rig:. vlpein 0 tAittherst.-.../114, . ..wonsidUdolag,welliarfiti - - I,b itliects to be'ablele Want t o ditty iiiiiihort - Aiii - or, The Tanked" will have insaibet•aceinnif Us ' settle when.he gets beseks , ' , -- t , .t , - r-;:,-, t., , . '',... - 1. ,?niv'Tortx,ffai:l.2, : Thettielittiend tlmiltt lie netv..palay of Sherman Is tall talilitj ' r.beestand conelliation,lat , ofiler Ito juldlfy Nash' tferiitutta. it fhinkilionieffeligilatiotientigia, ..-bin alllallent , Anildn9Liq 4 - IWittlist.Bhentian twine - sly sleclaied ' that the. lull.* touloto rlghtr -.shattrrell and referethlifirresbotosal4:tlie op,. ~ pitl, a t, the people td - 07.1cItsbortt jot Ida ordeta ' " 3 4 1111 ° 4, anqsL4 2 o_ lIISTOttet conduct littui. .01. 7 :4 lo t , deeelve,l4m.peoplattifiliGuirgkapi fe... . shams the 'flavor of Savannah ; atotidieliteeste Mahn iatettAtim meeting, where Union ;Nola- • tiiinawer passeitTlierGeorginissiirsit ppalsed is • t Atlghtflyat riotle, and the utmost c•oiraeue#4.l , impressed! thatfndiseFAUthein, t pd,ept ~Osa:3Layor mut seventtk , a elairus of /367,atittehi will .prove.' • dlslotal to thelSocali.. , , 5,.. i. . - ~.. , ~.... ---,,,.. , o.) 1., iilioldlo ttippoSolsof thaAk APPOPIrr ea illln 0116intt IlltS'bean,"4.elislaol , ;asS ' , ,riot In hlitbpez ,, . - ' , 7,''. - ., . ~, ~...,.. ~„ The . ElehattOttil&rdiiktas Aiitill. th il , LinclP:' irbvtlitadints ,I,..a.daTe sambas ot , ainds ~ 'lli shams empl oyed ran the Tistnieseisstabitiaif ildiefislathelinhagetieenstalh.Y.Sfqa§li . Tbassoft *MU' rinli6Stinriti IrichilaMin , 'IWO:W it fikiveCt4 6 :-.1444:1/111:4C.eo,s!ipl4efil: ' l littlin'.'.tuf lkooltionlitt'lilonolL' " ' ' '7''::;:‘ "wigitlEit q f.litan.tt , virktaib: , :,;.;..;,..,,, ~, 'i 4 russ i . z iiiiii4'4Y5.,.. 1 444:4:- ...£O4. 4E:etrist bee :man. t .. :,....iii -:' Trim, '.. l o#;,lt';' , 77 tib - ., l4" riiLlicte ' I/Sidle'' , ',ftt , tB: .„ ' . land , Telrt til eF?!..l ll ' l Atl* . n". whilegn la litt' : #o,t r ,,i§„ 0.04 ~t)nvie'lkelii4.lit', thWitiatili itli;at;trt;iretli:kr ttili,;# l lrtitt'#:,. r irenVittli arid iiiiinialitl4o,4Q4.wldeirWill: R T 'Fa" . :°C4 4 4 4! b °T t ' 7 *Al.4e: l . i futtialia '•. , west A eirger;on.:',Wlll.thaz , , thst4lssi.4 t ,'Sillati,el.3l lettle,,from.lfew",Fork, resnary , :fithil. , X.l6lllltuia lead: On the lit;, In a heavy storm, r. about nide o'clock in the aturtitilv...,•mos of; hint', bows wasstonstabys sins.l. The eapt4italereil'i, t , tient to , be: I stierelt,'Nhelt he, ,with. thq:4l , 4attit , ,, keg's; firsC oak one tedstan;.oo:sereval others'. .-wire swam ed lii It. ;.. The tessol:watrkept abet ' till the ilex monalng by the e ff orts of ell aboard ;:t. when' Ore in life !mat was, foie* but hefora thatady,phase gt* itcorthl he gottato It she melt, -,.;lfr: itaydon saw at . ..number. perish ; and meiif'' clinging to pieces of the wreck. At 'sunset he .loft. - algid.. of the .11forheist which, : issi fice - of ,wider,. and' Maned Alai& persona ~ ,twos men ,end:one lid . -There was n TC1661 la',eight.frism 12 alcieek a eight till the; lielvM6 - thundered, f end the inal , consisting of three newspaper and 'one liatir tog, was burneB, together. rith„every% thing ishic'ectmbustibleilit antertoaliMat meter , ;seLt .Ilicre !were about sixty-five pamengers, Orate whom were ladles, and aimed sixteen. of, pOrs : ind 0kw...,.c. • ..1..... ... ~.. ..,.. ~....„ . hew-Tot Jan. li:—The brig tartlet, intm : ,- Porto C , reprrts that elf the Bth lush. she 'Vete up a t conlainiag ;ttioifilstei PIM :'. 2 e - hoer and e passenres; - Orttle steamship Mel. tills. , a %Murton . was lost by the - sramplago the first boat which was tried ttsho ..bno/0. 1 0.' ftr.e44lwiwieztlaiiikligli-i _ . 111130)Ntil LEOISLATURE ORGUIZED. t. , ,;; c. Tke.',',Coli. OViliratat Delivered. ,- - ~,,,,,-./.. , AFTAIREI F., if Ht„litATE, „ - r.,Fyipm . ,:,.. ::, ~,,... •a g ,sa ttattl to .... at lic Jr 4 . ... r.... , '.4 311iws ~4a15,:12., }1 /ihr fl ind yesterda =the &tniteegatiag ~ E. Stew- Withinli , art Clerk, ... , aergoint . Thlatlasitis ' -hilfr' the Assembly reatfrigir...l4;jlfettepeaker,-Jitol ~ 8. Dean Cle isniCA.., Mena Slergem:3-Warms —all Union. The, Govta•noes: tuesstlec•a*e4 , ,f. livered before H het 4 OlatcdoymailflilViltilitl,.WOl ouse I s t ~ ' r r'' , p.t.. '4, comprehensive 'is wof 'the s te Of ' alibi.' The - State debt la , .vvorromoolii a hundred thousand dollars—all' bid one tau thousand Ineurredtroat: ss,,st• puipace, ma 'ly for curl': t r ay' to Ihmlitai of volauteera, fp 11 Welt 815,6111 wee cahausteillast., yeS?. The total re efOliiifellfandinre 11 . 9,i50, 0. ,i' , ' 311ibtnimments 81,44;018. ' Very little : of that Count:Teat F nd, for the relief .iff d, sick: , an / wounded soidi rs, has been exec illodi / ./ - . IF but/isle' hits famished 15,1.13 men for the army, beside the hundred days' troopt;'6,nd'' hie new in the icr/ice 42162. An onattnimcnyo the militia law§ - ' sir"' . ''' - nont,', , km,. , ..iii to= COOMIC66I^' 'vac are all In. a , flourish : r. ir........, 1t.. , Then favor of Jett a Mir . a n d , rini a -, £tantyMi 'oi) , c PoiFe Taming i'iiiiill ' i.... . ~... —.at ered dlettiet-inirphif ' , :1).-r;Sad , /!pr;rl)4 taintat, 11,titim . ntgFttrlf*: . - ; : 11 :- tir " S '': :' 1 ''''' 2' 'T. 4' t '“ 74;1-...1, , er 1 t '' i ite, ifilrot*:rf re?': ,, r' l . , •,'„, ,- - orvAT,,!J rtl2.:, Main/444 Wiii;t:bir4 ti ferrAirl 44 . is .teba ataStir,SeAor..enbi A' pc or ,Pfs PO Viardentbaratketnerd. taint ^ tlicrtoogitid InfoteothAt, town galllt 047 P cuill PV 2 rEtkillik46olool,•"aitiiltre" Ili , ni*olietra it coupnactlo? wikttat . p ipai" iimAmpi 1 Et idsouVigiii*•,:: ;.'„, ti oh • 1 • , i'' •' • - ' ~r~ J :~—..~--ws.~'~.:. - :,i Via = i .• )flYß3tEm,r;iow - 4 • • s. Your ; • - •f" ' .Cr, 7 1 C • 1 1.4.-1; 4 '..; R. 11! •EST..ANCESTAATING;M:P.AIIitpkEtijUtra - .4. . '4 . 1 :4 .0 . t% t t .orce ,Ituf,:T.F. ll l l r,e.o7g4: j . 1:11-3 7 , 'orf,( l =47.qP.; {:'lCl Jll ~ D R PARTICULARS OtRIIIRRSON't RAID. • . • t•'; ia? ,7i1.111. RelilgtiFf".!PrqPqrkrlrMlYl7 110 n: }.t 01,V) tja,,,,T1,7 IN TEE EXPZISTrION. 0 r ' • I . ITsilno, Jawt,..12.-rl4eAtteamiriggpTrClONlS sth ; has arrived here with flP 2 4"NwtlifillAWNYAithfran4WErlutili . boxed, and thirty-Ilse rebel prisoners: pingg; ,231 too. it TIT so4olll ' 34LC03,1c sonld.,lerra -New P.D. • leansifor lieuf - Trirk-ohltditint addlliektirriang Star du , d !,,111 Thera I•lv4llaopie 'hurilryafee mites of lett , prirert, but no salee.:!--petenboidrger Vehie hid: mixed al • stiorPfXo.oA.'" * PriihofttOtolol,-W:;;Tho pros duce Otarke;*s:*try,dulk.; •-• As** hprltscatedAscotioeptrating o bilge - three ht Park Tenn. A gre44. number Artmi see hiateNtlitetteid tit* honttUt to sos And focky; otttierlptlek,.ethhing.. aryl. 'lnukklrrog..VolOtiLhattn. ( - .ltoroonv prerkil.:4•Vt three helng or 'attaiik ?Maker.; 1 ; mitti o serehEYAlrd'i'.i.etel qua Rdeond r ft, r _ . fitiii, - . 7 01 1131 k41 04 0J - ATl'ra4 'ire _I *ew leatiljnoriteXtba= , Ipaiikettliet - the recunc•ralth, froth - I Venshley;reeßth: cutout! ,s'xiil - d%teth*llhT.,er - W eZher, oideerx; 1;000 able.tie4(ed,'hetenies,,l;ooohorses.. l - They, killed OW woundttiii.lso4ehe4,-IWr , trworit . • illevisotere WOrt!httl,flnir r ,' •;tri4 . stdlifg . :#.4l9lc.r. Geom.! Glaalroru 'The fortlfled„ph.ea.ealled Eiyitti on She anti Qb)o.ltallroad n , was starried-ty.rissotiltotua . • • `itliO jearrisoni with O , huh dred tebeiw,.'wetv eeri ihred. !whilst 0i hexal Ilarduer, was In. ; sight with 9,000 In fidetrY, , ertiti Chietton held ht:bdy.. lb° 7b olo eanuYl ‘1P4.11 8 4.4R44 -1 M 41 4 .3 time: ,rovesitcy,d :Oen brought trout I.l.peoni ... - 14toTeed try'Wtarge - tifituker 'Of tirlsoridrOddZ. Ai_ >SI 7" i'if* l lll - ;r9rde4 . jiAkt* , lTh.° , motild , nat'kei tabia l irtei to ' edseUitir✓opera. I liedirretcilbyaont.DonabMit!Ohtorkateroilitl4 l t:11'4114 foiNlekstrin•d. , .--.• auortyl tondo of thy- fdrib ll h Uri a . 4a* 'badly 1itat..13944. - irtipld:arnsyt , • • - r'e* TOhiwohlfs•gewc , wagans;- , hod s - taro amcnnt of supfsuaiiest+tirdo Ttfrltotst,', l . wereiie:." I ..stiroyed the' curt."7.Beildg' l lkh thettnieti; Jorge .altlentil of ulogywool,4dattter andditatee.' -mere., ,Sankidow'Also Abe raliroidt and property was burn ed afGrehada";firtd„' SOO wagons , and'4sollnOtr-Vagiftititutrblaes." thr; ! • r .s, apl jailie;mian4l4l 70. ` el 2 l4l iiil4- 4 Were diertxrd s Gmlidgi;,,,,,o} r. OtraliODA Welty-ilea 4,1114:Aq l e- i. 7 -7.,-.....1 qrll '741 ~,.; N,,,,, z, , gMe4o o l l 4otithe„:COlti, eil : endt t .:;.„.,,,,„, 1.,.. r : j ...::,,,..0, 1 6 31 .,j;:t,y, .',l ~,,, 10id • 441 7 ATlVlNTlftitilblitit , ~, 1 ,, i ,-- '1 !;:, ..I,.77"Trfrr.Vr.e . . , -. ~ ... ,, t , .?.,,,. 4 1 Wffiipi 0 Ade,Vijrie::tiia i i . ii; " '; ' , Z .: .47' :21i. ' 1;• . .h .' 1!1;• ' •......t , 4,-P i ' AT9CP ::iti, - AtronffEit' __.., .....- Jen. 12.—A hiMilamatt he •Wiehiniteit, wbohin aeon the Richmond En ;'/liir.°F.rdar;#4.ftAitt*iilini the nollowAg: A call la ont kr.a 91m_trcittion of iftie:.twedmite tzaentlon' tho Mathote this call laltanattslulktmlaithi,--iitii; ) iimPthl e dePosey4 e 109#045Agli mitodeta tong dlitiat‘ ln ;111tantml, rtt.iew.mulandentoi*tatmlei `ROOD'S DEFAAT . FA.l4 , :i I iii,,onßllegarditeGen.Thomtvl!. , . ••• isuttire_StplotithiCi,':,a:.'y: , ; - ; ..r. Nnwiatial.-4ltleamotidpaptiatitthe! %haat 1**•• ttill • ~. lloorl - ,. '6 Okirepart.er hili or ut . 4 ,,.. ~,,„„, . reveired. lelials.rivOirsealtpciaVit,,isipai4 . -,idtlik hid. eknowiedges ribs kis strorAiiip . 44 % ;011'5'47, , illiebtropt itwii4iski'llini. new I . ~.ackartUra to Ids.areitun the hattle)of liast rae ~wana r :,..i The Eittpirrod Thltdas Tlatodal l ifilltalic the half orhkilatudurs,tawirder,*!ittlAtesterle Virginia. .E.,re*Jsr . "4.6lnlii this would- be a stupon.. euitundi4aking with but the &latest ... lo4feet* Antreass,., ;le dank's It )110r0 probable that the sr ! terpoll 06 hept la Tennessee as a corps OA rtbigtr. l i tttloo,* lllo huge delagiatidii'laltfte wait& ,fornt.baSlrglals and aliens. - ; .Besurepard tel how Macon, that Ural turports haat 1 • lis..'that he irat ietrifek up.the Tennessee river; ea the 4th, with elx gun ' boats hint slaty trausportattoward Eastport. ..... _., :;:pROlyl PORT ROYAL. .14:1 16- op HERNIA'S egitt gimott: • • I • Thp:livlpnona-gektrurei pri• Teta • • . ATOW , jr. NEW Yon*, dant; 1 , .?-TheitielelnCr 'Cr. ll ElAltd; ' link from It RO,yaftintpc i bi bee rived i i 'A part of ennatiVirtny darrlied at Roan irTlPl,vn4c r - :!.I,t;il , I:'', .7/ :'T 4 The Rich ond,Evderyp(Arrk,h,aare: nal man would safe in Richmond who dared to TeWiThil. the 1 slidlidgpaa 41 fOOOnettllnt, CM., ',won themo iiiiiiiiiile tertan, — " i- , - , ' ,111 1 ' ' Y."' ' ' The poop l of.thla State tilec i lalietC.. 4 3 . 444 ' 1 Sherman. at Wind, and, Mein '0) gild it.out,„ 1/te toefg. - ey ought to hang anymat, l he lie' aeongraam or , leluttir., o f lenamon i .poe t n-,' climes, or yaw ettrxv, who' ethltail the 'tint art towards trmlealon nryecwweAnctlon,:andeett NO* the/' 41 dc. it: .00 at a. at . Ain: - ay igrevrn I 4, or yid •rds bo 1 , 1 . ! )1 Viol -: , 0 0 ratertl i gtritk trZfifiltt esiimOkiat to On t sfiln ipit h -• • . , 1: qgfo,-, ; ~ -unceilq,ATN poi. % iudilngeongrcsg . 1.611441,1 wie - dfiroo# a6eadment or the Const4tdjem tor_, : the 4131otehreq. - "•'X fn of promlnent , clificretsf4rWa .Columbus,- Tefterdny, lOtAke.rianseenvn telt Gen. Sherman,_ ..nneiledGrainital;‘onc.lmr, drcd thousand Idllth'r In tredro.d.Starenfitoclav l'he Auditor, report ehown that the 10103 num .ber.-: of , soldier% mnrlnei 111h:400'M ,Gle, .1 , t;40,1A , two tindrod and ele%en thinimild tiled fp the service, etstecn Abonnerid Ore hundred wed 411aolded and eigtillioccate . nem dbicharqd. ' • ..., , [ - BIMOHS F 1 T ISE iI3IIEVANDO.IIIi iiiiiid op i l llt-Ililllitilt i , 'Nril'Oqqna,: ~..., . - • ‘.:::.:- - 1' 1•:,',. ~.,',..,-.,,',: 'rw 1 , -i)i.i l , an.;i2:..rThii• Itcrattri- stietiml deali Valkteocrotpondeut e ar s Aimt•glicru'ard. runiom that the rebola 'tare mortal 'down .to • Straahmt,n btu, }t: la thought not of, apteCient . :strength On; antuir Sheridan. ',..:;; r:::, ; , • • ''• ' ' ' ' • ' 4 ,r,:" '',', ',--- - 1 ---- . - , -- : --- .-, - . T7.-•, •s •,.. ~..,- ~.... limpoper pi!teste,w?it t Wo44. 41;5.-. ....- IY:sBOSTWJan. 2.-IL'harloaLFJ tront,:coliectOr ice:the Boston ' (imam, :Rtoribr# Yitititec;haa and 7 ' dmi.t disiii , „taking:witErhigtiottitd,Yaniti • 'or' inciney.. , lle. twentprogi yeas °rage; dirk , oonteexuan, an aboard goe , :flieteltilit liddlticallal AcighlY;:l i c•ik - ihr bba',Li I , „ • il r ~,,r 4 reakylii dif dieeki kew Yeht.:l . .t !AteAlit, Jan. S.-,Th6 iiiicai4gthi'ilkein .4* announced t e feet:Tiring, comtuarileatbini -,, , "ifir. F.,,Q111.Q1 „ Tan.,ttet-To:Grort: Fent041. 4 7 ,- (4 7 1 Frets bUsscitui to you. - • .. ..',.,! • ;(Signedi) ' :'• Fur :l4:yietialt;,:o . dign - ink' lley! , ,Tall ' .of Alkike , s!.auyiVitjo ''''-'' - amino::: t. :,. .., :,, 1 , , :I --- ,4. 1 A”, .IsTi ..eiall. \li.,l4ftri'fiilto lac la, thy , day eanaw4e - r..tre ueutt- of -IW6aIC for f' ,14kailtitt fa: NO/4, 48, CaM illi rjra4 , t 5, "16, and TT. CA- .%:, ' , .. , tri , ',,, • ,-`-- - muses - m(1;0 — k, ,kV; TlW,:gorci 1.11( A j fro ' in te 104ro AtinOltitd • ViliteogcßES--SGrlltii — SE:slos • • • • AL'. OF.• ugrer 'BY' mar: SFYITE 'CI te VteTtolicise& A.m*A4mintr to 02:.Costittalw . , . --Ws - i11 111, 1 31 r7s 4i 1 . ,1 4, Istos le. -, , kinds - Pi - ad , 'to the - hails - A til l e-- r tse saga • , tolls Preadult, Ingo' . inforotattOd 09 too Ireldlt,tetWOU - ase Priilted atal.M.Ara. Urea La*, intieenning Shes;haval form on the lalecis, filth wed ordered - tot/a panted: ;.1 . ~, ~ Mr. a pommted timpaitionorMrsiTehe;-' Rwissb oakies aniderease of pay for female', IK O clerka.,_liefmtddo the Finance Commltioa s .if 11 "-'wrumladt; from tied JadkfitriVeinumittirs,/' to 11 , 00101.1F00100Cerrod • a' resolutlod fiectoeting, that a committed to Inquire Iffseetherle'44oll; vanftsc l a t e"a regeni td d a hrAfiresr• W th w ° ,l l4cal thou l tg 4nr. otlng l4n a c i 4 o l r 0 1 , 40 X • Pfitee, , lVOrted.ariel , asked' es be silo "Asir • Mg, Trumped' Hold'they coeld find go law requiting tharsiadeot teistroXintidisy,s'iso tice, hod tliat',W• ‘ ; no i len - rsitover was requlrodu Mr. Pothils tiMmtlterstuilletal7Cdninilltellish. -ported badly the peallohafcerfain idilies4'cods., .1 Nall" : tiAlth l L' Pe;ttaWldfitslft - 1•0 1 1 4,11,11 fosa ~ 0 Midge dt 2- 91 4 - =o' l 4 elver, et Mlle. I lie '' 1114 14 044 th9POtitlon ler etrenad to the COM , - Mit co on Poet Offices andppytitoads,nl,lt wits ',4loeodened. ,- ; ,' ;; • • , hiriDentialegallid UP are olistiOn in relation • to Onside of Italian lando, timbal* , the prim of the palms ehich. was passed. , • 1 ,, - '•v • ''' '' - ' On 'modal of MK Balance, the Senate prOL recited to the' eonaddetatlon of the, resolotion to, Istpdal thelecelproc , ity Tager/. I) s :...: •e. , - -• 'Mrelowelook the dote . Is , oppossitton tp the refit • " At 1 litliait - oneo 4 clochlfi. Grimes interrupt. c4.111r: nowt by askiug that the/knew take:si zteela of;tu minutes' to: allow Its , navesboto to • `roy.theis Inspects to Vice Ad miril rennet's Arlin' , _was npoelhe floor. I A t e rms: was taloa: , ' • Mr: 3111rn olfted the: 011etylog, vitt& was - ateratili, iriuti:tlll:3 annulate on tbe Condad. 'of CUM= hOdlreeled in Insatire info the Cassel, of, the Marti of-the latc gepolition to Wilatitts. loss. Northßarollea, del to rEPartthei inset luck to the Ornate. Mr. Moire re suraeffiltiarotinisu the RecionSiciry Ireetys _ . Mr. Mosoill !buena:sloe - MS. Ihstc end ~s uires.„ cased the'repehl of tbe - Trcaty. ; -•Mr. Cbandlegfaeored the repeal otthse Trolly: tepid ttle Nara; of Trade- 'Of 'Detroit :did reikl rlsant ibes - Igor Wrst's* *hen they opil". '.spbssestliA 1 t hei'reflOfilek9VlVic tatnr oeft ctraerchante t and t M Abe tanners of eh l. ifitutwere not' 111 rasor h *64n:etas. The peas pits's* Oanada had hem In sympathy . wlth tha ,rePHou ever eine* It comiefiinced: andthls was asulsegrearon why the action..recereauended by the Conindttee on Foreism iteiallans, should lie :eskett; Afr,` Foote could ;sec no , ueMsloHa for, pro ;Seestlgsi/ a debate on a qhMtliM` on Whirls' there rootel - Urdly ho a Oh hied opinion In tioegress, or id tbA - mutt". , •.:While, the treaty had-learnt 'highly bent:Skid to *elutes-este of the pimple - Of cantscip,i It had moved piejaMelal te thhinterests -',. hi - the pempla of the United . States... ft was re esseeld toady in namer.,l , ,e j , •, .: ..-1 J.,' . ' Mt. Ilalo arped against the repeal of the tin% stating that its advsuisugnsfW bele reci: ' - 311 r. nets Iller._ Pomo, rutting fanatics assume. 11 . 4 'Veal ortri o treathimma to relic tbd rub lett to.the Committee on finance. Mr--D r Mt a rtiPrpl i tllX ltilsliould vote f es - 441 ° 44 tW . Tli etri000400: /Pt= Or 1110 •:.... 0 1‘54600 4 / 4 11101drrtio0 0( tho •,‘ , 07 , •.. 15 ” .1 , '.. , . , t . litr• Vitki i lONA. itlid ttejkvad in stolid. i -matt, ; th t v %stela or fere fag '(bit -Octal al , votnatitt Itti l id gt) sirdta,a oar tresty..• . Saar tiMa•,,reusarAs me thematic:tit , *nee made'• Mauna itAisnumei Riddle and Ilitti , 1 objets", eetwofdrutents,,lier . aierf.ttiertep"4"4 4 ~.t.w4ternatibiseir. ..,..,. ~.,,, A mikl , 040$0410AliVi0014(4110.11;1101001 CciudilttiSC 10111010, ~* % : - • Ts_ .ydaa altsd mays•were AO ealidd Oa: the ressaii at Ibaltrintiftit'*,A 3lo l.44,,lm: yeas A, ostlntit. „pass! v Int , ul l4 4 B ;;Algt+T.' , 'vs* Mount- umtutor, , 'Hato`: - cs . ''dtli - ts i nk we, lhattad in gtsa 'Wattle. secretary r 11 .1 :44;VaTICE;flat: townnnes r cera of the command of,ike.,4- - ' Vida- ittgamialgallsgit of am et o Col. hiviegton la are /ate at,.. ? loch on ' WWI'. calf, stOld'taki oteet4, - and that all des, taken , .favanad s hes issitiluesu still bo. rtlidd.el ..a 4.,lsointedution was oaleced he he 1 Si Thu Be at* them ethektste.giCeoltlit'anesion , VI? fler adjourned'. '- •'' ' . ,Illa AU It intrirdi dlittiliti diAtett i tltdrie 'iless 1411 to rganir.e the rebel iltatm, providing winnirestii, f them thell.Ao_allogni,lo,resunser '`their PPII* I fisikellrettellh.the Itlslolibiatt ' largithluta wren:mad, republican In form, and , furmror preldbitiag, the Institution of slavery. Alai Tanta; tiatadam..that , Loaisisaatiltall It, 'sibs bisr Political relations' naddrelser cellist/M -*7n adopted in April, RE'. The sulastautewitsi " to he printed. .", Ilse novae reacted the discussion,of, thexus r Toted - CobstautUttidoernelidineat.: .7. r__ , s ~ - , Mr: Seal ,of Kentucky, frit it to bills duty , toliywed all personal conslderaUonit and pre -Indite and ovolelahuselfsaloste ter , hid l 4 artuar is Ms whole consistryi - , Nottlag, , hlPecoltekdatkwils sq 000tr0et 0 to-ota. pease as,lttitfritto or Wife H ta,"sfhtelt ,Ita4 indite:Wt. bilislattdo , claimed In bla 4qupg., 131.colvimi end ./Ss woad. subvert all he principles of theConertrulaskOd. Republican and tiring us to the, positioncelf pet feet des tualanditiins Ile Odor tha.:u. ti l ett l t) of la fh g ;Ti t gr a o gentleman revolution fro'lhio ete ( .l 3 s i t r a . a P t e l I n times, tut admitted - ,t,ltttv'epy reopte stould+he Justified in resetting to the right of ravaged :Whomever the government becolus se) oallits• sire aad derlinustoeseTba kerne, • and when there're a other lawns of slithers; -yet uelitle-• kukalivq, a bora tutd'andielons enough to go twymul *el most nltr stamitiutritm-ettices.. , If was thei !July of Coughs' - La - pass this jolit ' rel i bidtitit o if .Aftlex. to ...Ward the owls ito' 'orAtiontil•of passing upon the anicadmetirs, faad,tt Irak tp i e outtot stite4siiple,to -adopt It.- •WA aliPilld tatrov *henry, root _and bunch; ire oon as, possible: ' We - Mst • lave. the 1 -•L'irlbh without slavery, and no TOW 0(144 ahonhil. be Jpgei bats for that ,wkdeh Juke to 'Ms utter, ahrolutA,-•uticondlasunal alsolabeal or slavery throughout the linked IfitatosV:Her,ss,thimkedllega that -he had seen the -•eisivite/seisep pan -w/Pf - out °/"erl's and KeldifekTiitteqfilUelnif,in the acts will Atandamomg the-proudest States In theUettut. i , , ,- , , , atr. Stnineolso smke of the advantage which manta from freelabor Inlire. eoullibtShill - "economical no and patriotic impost. . 1 Cox, o Ohlo,•uld that the A 40111111" - tidiest' 'part had: made an antt-slayety =Cement to Ay, outlint on si part or. their. pglitiest eroedi while the opposition at enismn Fors_ 54 AA ti.r.ir i lute the cessatioteer'llfiglllM'r4 'Willa a view to the M 111414 of a. ilibilonal-Oooventiost ki parse. it gilip,fl la article erthis am:satiation. Ro ma Ws this as theamotpumatatelyafikallng .010i ,- alkolleo lho Chicago . Convention 1 '; '" 'sa .1 9T11, 11 Otte ,—.9tott:nne. 'in' '' nisttne , a c o o) intir- bar the 001111tlat100 of Air!.Pueiletotrfor the Vice Presidency, tieldieW' Ilin the gontleman eudontod the cstesual ,of .A 641111001 'au tie d calling of a Nall•tual..Oon•• ,ventlfitts; Xf la colleasi.* had .114 ft elected to: ant, nake. w eh he would Lase gene, l,9,Plja' he, would no be :appealing to the peep eo • toe 'Ninth sad : h to calla convention of All the ...Porta:. 0 'arils would havoyhddedoi'd hid; ,(Cox%) et:ott was tit* thedottahrtalla' 4 have held lo' lie incsudeded,to ;min mh.Ti 'is a state, of war , he , war opposed'' to • 'etokfpg, such a radical. eundsams„ although. • not %Imagong ,am .power, to - melte , ' `t. a If >S I nnight bye sodas tor the' emempu m 7l , , i he could sato' the Milani' he would dolga, !rho , thought all thettelvits aort a and south sliorad ex peadiketrysuchtgalithbut t e nt iii appealed to 'gfattitenesi to 44 whether he was bound to vote fora if Ise thoiAt Its adoption would prolong . , _the ,itar,—ilejoteitte M th :Poweri', muter the Plartle. of the uonstituttoi, to middle's slavery, or free institutions, or an entire monarchy, or no PPM Afilitureq, but ; lie had uo fur that the peo M ples would eleatroyxisclrilbenics.s .. • ' _r. fr.hayer, of Pennsylvania, spoke in favor of•tbe amendmr. , , • , • ; ' The -non* a 4 o'clock, sidjoruincti. , ItePta.tltf.Oikii.4iO4:T,'l':',:' , .',.' . .. • I.k43ii , tri Jan. 4.'l—The . ..(en (I,lor,the.' relief be envantlith' latoraly anbilitda - .t 0,4.35,000.. , The nthamtuarcylioind will be .ednt thitherbik% erday, with provlatena. . . ,-"• '• ~ ' ' ' -4 Coax inc—Zthc,',l3lltEild'Utvati;O•CV.4l.l4,T. ,7th Matta thatlinnattles intern/4W Xthttlweni , :ditmliCeryntaitgir id'hnitnaithrfrAltharramwm lie actively ennind bi.thalthig,picpiratlonsnfht the. entptalve m nufactunacif sups by the'new!" allethed, an& tha theywlllite Prepared'ici pnc the' tiCw - staidc'upon'therantirkelin ale* days The Commercial. stddil i t t "Developments, whicl; hWie' 1 iltitep raTaln c the tier was first annotdicer .ga .3:'' M e e tt I t i'l and ia ci' m t e t t. e ll r than e T. ft 1 I the "l9 t! edrntiomwbili Indahned-AnitrylttEeltlEEthl4 ' "Ogl , f. 0 1 , Eilltisk`: ' • ' . . ...... p g I „, ..:. ~, rf , ,,..1 Mai. J. it. Lam oana ofthe'llotteilt'eTtho din t:atom whn`ttritt ut ,ota.alaa ; original:loaf th o. ,war; 8111 , yen .. Te - the bttalnenuiglitidcln , , ade.oniiiino ilia eveleped hylimintithi'edwret pcmdence petals aomifitadi,44*,,llPfly.,ll4`,' E.lfisiat the itiUdt i t nlectitt4'.aeoently. , :keldinth laavirpauth.: Thu the nthelneenduradnin thit 'ailici'theiceutn maktviterocatting *pied all be staunch U _mew. . .. • .S•-._t••." - 5, . GAZP,TTF A tth IND sraur.rw. • ... .. • . , * rte7,ll. lte.:tittg - DC .411egheny Corm ens.' A :i et.h.: electing of Ailetthenipentielte. was Mil cIIV Thursday, eeeitlng; dinttarPllhll: to: ; ' ' 'lour she marital reparta. • ' ' l ' ''' ''' L'' ' it, • '. rit , ffitir et, MeSeni. 'Atwell Pratiets.ll o o:lll 6 r, `lrwin; Knox', Minor, 8. Male, Gw. k, Aiddle.: AiriAlit'4ial C re.4deni:Nartaisil. . •.. , "• ti .. ' • . :Ille„itnientle of, the prepeoltng 1111.62t1nfr.....:*- , . rind and and 'approved- , - .. A , 4e..linor presented the aeintif reedit of thii rplice C'citzurritteit. - Under tne rtablutien ,-t May, 1364,4dai'aintnIglit.polle_e his, Inca er 7 Ainiliee'; eOtiipb4l,FOT , ogfieibArastioitby and ' feljable inen;-wlai;Wlll'encopare f.iYbstibly, v!p.ti L yrkit ally , similar' tam"' ,The' report tras,,le-. ,CoMpaided itith4C'reselettim'lo 'pay Mr:,lloyd, dim team of 8132, In fall for making eigtitiretch i tiome. , ,,Thnieporewasi inkerded land - the 'font- ; ...lollop ref:erect tribe ;new councils. .'. ',' ,- ''= - - ". tlds. Otorguit t itiddlelgraientails; the. reliarVof' UM Atuliting Conamit tee Iron ttdcpast yeast. , Mho-- ":-Irceonalltidtlhe pacetsfor,:wisom: theroneo no : ', ritehtlideAdudalli;et4 o re rel/01 1 .0 at, folioltk :i: , ..'.:dlextindrt Maiwelk.lnSpeeto ,fir: , W, 4 s o dlamd :.hark} rtillicted 0f2.31, or 'which ohad rel4ttd, t sertnic-Iltsel 'per' c'ent: nit ,'Vottital lolit'acta . !lAPLl' i .the belaneeto the 7 -Treastirer: '' 'l' e bantOO 68c; 'is Inipeetor'of Balei Inspected d ift'a'k the'' 1 2011 lockagee of . milt,' the 7 1' ces , fei . .whleh : anfount .444902.19f...insPector's'Oiiininit6slati' ~,t CO, .59;1241.0 .Treesarer.tsB4:oChgunotint den' J 4 10: eitT: , 81W,119 , ,,, A ~,cielnk vemintit :Messrs: - Prrens And Xennerli,nnienctting. to dthl4.3li hat been referrgd;ta'thettit,r t 7vollellor for ; collection, n'7 ' 1 ho, Mayor 'reildris the tam' of 81,363,13 col - i . ' ',ld'eted' for gees met forfehieres, during thP,ieter, , flPgi iet 009, for:lBlso'.4nerease, it/AN',l 2 4 ,,- • i WM. i's .Atideriten.,l Wehtit : 6fasteC. S e con d: • wadi; collected it 2501 0; MI wldegldi'eonitemi. 401 , 6 0 trilited Im'ithe3.l.l7.' , Paid terTreastlie,ri , 41', _472,8ix.i . VC. SerhiaiCtt.. Diamond Scales, (i'Mrnrlfirdary- 1 to'nprit),receiced. 8321.10, Commissions; $196;- , , 16; pall hi,Trea5e55e4105,7.5. i, . -, - - I ' , ,i , ',Job° X...,i11h1t0,, Diamond ,13caluoi'(frchtrApril 1 ..to Lerendkr,) - ,repoiscrl $1,112,61,, Comoilsakonsi . , '4 , D.141 . .r..6; laid to Treasiwer, 8536.33. ~ • . - ; , , .., 1 .' Pabenti pillar., Clerk' of the liarket„, rept:stall Ilk' followhigr.reveAno: -llpletier's mulls, 85,- , 6611.611: tardtterhs stalk., d2,9tirt.tik ~ day stalls,- . .tt,;,17,r0i Corner mow i l s 3B7 Mi bona- 4 03 90, Aggregate, 112,957,10. ..'••c , - • . ' ',..• , • , ' -The - Tax ; Colleaters .fortel.FiatThird • kill Fourth ' wacilic hare -setted:. and' cloaed ' thus accounts. James Miller, .: 'Esq.,, . oat, kegs for the Second ward, has neglected: to ap- - pun!. infiarss the committee, anal hie accounts re main unsettled. ' The Andltora . than refertothe - tact lit 'h'eridii on lost taxes, amounting In this" Iris,' optima .. sealed to the sutmtif'B2,so'.3l.36; 4 1 40' O tillowig: „Over 4 1 ,300 or this Amount 4.ti did ill',lly ihe6,llector.of,the frontal worth,. for lttle, yeari'ls62 and 1333.;.43.141 if Otol.ptimr, - 'evl!frte* had 'repotted, It'iii,estliteled list the 4,44 anionht rot Intl:Oxen' ntitildnpM M *.t .5-fAXXI, for the twnsrears. , -Thereport minehedesh+ear-': betilly receinnerollig 'to khientelle lithe 'late. oreetsdly of ensile g.thezOlen of City Cent of ' ' The ecesmittee believe - that , enough i &add 7 4' eared cut of tlcalogle Item of Anst frodutkoha leeted text:art to. pay she, !Mary ofi a -mxigietent -, man for,Cotitroliq. t -. • - , :.,, ;1 . , ,, , 2 .'. l The report itet ecreOeir Mitt' referred P'.44; AUdlliPg Co;il4lfteg fur pubrientlOac , ~.. ,:p.:., - ' Tbeaugaikteiinct ofdbe CIO l'reitirer; lor; D. Meeferied; tras eke 'reireittoit, iitling :414 1 / exhibit °Cabo .inedutra• eieeleett -aid disbursed by him durim-kke year:r . Tkiratiatintrt Ml' hand . ' at the beginning' of theryear wari - 44463.X1; and the amotini In . thasinkleg.• fend i - eas: 8x{769.50, : = risking Is total pg-8 1 9,217.36.; „The:receipts rilis..! ,ing the year. .Vere.lll,2lhATO,44- C. The Wendt , ' 'tares were IlffEa24. 1 0 0 014, ft- hider in the. Trra6l3ry Or ;4 110.41. '". ' ' ',it "I' ,1 Read ardedereil teltedilisiteA., ~ ._' ' .. , The: report of Mr. ' Uould,`..3uperintomaehi e :.1110 . 8.00rlearnt, 'nib, 7d4.0 5 49.41 , 494.- , rCOM,ItrWIO : learn that thetainidet Cifir 81 , :ithe,. bight, Ming of ' thu- eitt,teas,sii . Iti shape, attled,h '°/ 514 ^ 1)1/11 ' e-1 ';f irl iI rt #1‘; !:;1041Suisdoc, ', 01 4 1 ' 10 1 -0111 04 1 4)7 1 30.t4 Oiloittht; dtedi.., •Ihitgleni ' l lSe 'lMutaler orEg: stilt, An .the?,. :Poor House' Tekq:ld 4iittao ,l 4, , , , Pie , ..iihoktoett-.4 , ' InalOttrining.theT,Vonr,,Was #_,012, .54 :NW recelota nerd tliti apx4wese 412,„4/414 lowing , th e I:tiiii of r. 490 O NO he Pad ttf .late. Nan.. Ile ~eisi , ouselipOrtlnk - earls - pauper was 81.43 per c--trunYtpoir wax ieeeid,4 and • referred M. ate. 'C'Cuittliumi orithu Poo's Farm for exatutaatioa.,' , z llrs:Wriglir presented The Armull Report of ..taieConsaintee on StreMs. The-amount expend- Adfer 'Meaning. bash Sepairiag.atreets,' bridgek!. A.e.,',Wes 84,11ifsIkk -The high. pciee6Stmalertat l'Ai4lkbc'rllitVon#o.l,:tie COmmlttett i teem ,6,,,-,;; rzratinvirgeoirtly sot Ograitinvend pledgf , • 9 01 * 1 _ 110 : sePerste ematreets'werwinw&ded,'toz '''WlrS •, oidelconet oldelt hatbox tootpletedoLint cite around theqatmetoplutrasporittel ate ,pot V . it .pet'cutlroly litubdied.•othatimonitheeeitiee%'; ,solier as et:legated, la: tli,32l.4o;ofewhiete the' .- .?TIPYI , ML,M.7, ,,, 01 the balance or 83;461:38 1 ,t 1 e - ., onnorp 1640 , 344 :co atreet.gradfog n end' ' ~dr i t,ti: l47( .l lr - o rd,, ,, ,ti e ktZ' , l lL- ae l, 7 'b il ig ree : duet : , •01 , 1709.93, ' hogreaderr yoctlon. of wider ils111 7 1111.; Rl. Rgol. Th e Committee say s "This eery giltl l- eralit in eat. wing fo 1114:,a4414Ligk, erg y of VW-A:, A - 01*N, 4.tieet . Coude; stoner, With aid' yoelll 4 lted i'lnntili ll u Red n.P! proftlatlons at Mx - MsPoiel,lte..Atis...kapit„thes streets and aria lii ai gpod,,ennAr 4is pesel l 'Me, and me hazard netting-Ansa ~tltdtt a Lis . done his whol a erlety:to,mirentlre sachebetbaace - 3 Sir. Atwell submitted the =nod report drthie , ;Vitt lolieltor, B,tichoyei, , R4ll4'ithlad;' - lethe ' absence of that gentleman,, was read by Mr. Al well. It Is a roittedbeiniaitriltifa' lirprepired ' &content. giving a ball and satisfactory , account -of the legal .PatesorAhe- tits; out ,0 0ntettg Anuneratuflmportait.ter:t . tenti' esdatidits'and 0-. ' gestiene: It was. on motion, 'referred to the ' (Mandl tee for publlcatlms, , ,• K . !“.•:; f• '.. ; ~ .1 ,i .i .',Mr. Knox pnaseitted aid Sunned Report of the 'Water Assessor, Mr. A. Darla, from -which .we , ;learnt:tat theamonalLoniitei aliaslidid daring the year (exclusive ' ; of the amount consumed *thrfnlgh meters') le 11 4 .7044431:.aimeastneataiorl ,fesetets'op to December Slut, 1831, $41,083.111. - Theinereasti of revenue over last „year, AB.Rcar ; as can be_estlinated, is, 86,091.91: „pig pgiouni . _succeed roc, britliese,fiaX,..Bl3lol:lll6o;. hang. an . ir i ,erriae of $271.1 . 5:: ' ';F ,r--t tie number of families now being supplied ',wit h seater la 6.91 g, tideg AU t'`.l. lner F ase., .., ',/ over hutt - Ilehr of 91 ran3lu ./ nid. , . fit.;.: t'`.l. , / U ~, a lUritg the past year Td new hilildioga were eg eted; 31,1k0,51. iii..,m9,473.. Of Shoo, braid, ) ...ines,t3 were erected lit' the Pik - wird; 061 n the &Tend, 11 le the Third, and 16,14.. the, .Tollrai, tat WO"' dwillinie:' , ' ' .. . I '., ,-, - •! e -, In"nio ion o4th;ii.eiititeif , kimititOn ' tittinta wee WiAri red to the Pnehlentilti - -31enihnn;* . , to the deck; Mr: liltaftererii fee the. aye - Mak-, nee In eldett , thef'dlicherd, - ;tlMlr . define' during the ;Jai; : , /in, Mhtaintßtitekonwledged , the cotevltutent, Ili a seet.end :Thera:lolAm' !I,Peeek , t , - ....., 0,4 .5...tu v,t ivr.. v3ial, : 1:. f .,...: ):.!' /01 0 1 , T* 'ettettei{ r‘',Preitsat4ddestans:Ben , ney, lints , Cam:pall,. pangbentpill, l •Diitil. - . 10p, Pat:limber, ..,Mantia, - . MelleC - 7 votonii,. eniith anti Pieeldent - *lllicit; : ,- i,,' . ~ i , : ' - i ", ' Mr. Aen it 4 POMO, 00, , luiteirt Of,litsCom .. wilco cc Fni , ~plik.c.Motittee elate that.i they 1111 Ye rillenissil =twice thrum stead gro g , i P6.. 1, 401910001444 "glit...4 l l l ii..h"..*lt'-, 0 I ealii/liainti tir 9 1 k togiu9okartm, - IleaPlim. hose-director s , et 1i , e054,,t4e is.,pettiof)the :eon of $2,045.63. I rani...horses have been prtrekanni, at a coat $l,lOO 'and 1;000 fee, of Ittelei'ot'et Alit; , of ; $1,624.10.i Thi. companies heis:lnut, ,thetc, .reelinttO, 0 1 4 Mgt oir4 '.4l l .o!*:..ina ) itaci As . triteient on organltniti . og tui bin , ,,!;:1ciiii,,1,'....,'"`„ ~ Kate: - neiwholtt Cost, Ana ; far AM,' been. 81.0:-,,' 1 1541, Therowit stilt under the control. of the.- . ouncilv , two hoes compaitidi;lhe"ltellritiee" 'land.' nyaslllagtett,./1." Thdr sur,ttilcationa ate; i f ei4eten t; Out piatiottteio,l4l •zromment oT %Twirl Ite,se. ,-The Comtnlttee'raCinitiand that the am. Connelhr procurO3oo tea Of !hike :for =diem, .pacy, kdd „plane, theta on" the , same footing; Id . I *don Inlay, as theta employo3 on the stelin. ora,, Theexpenstrbfinalataluingtliese companlea, bee beedllo27.43,.ufaiktilg the tidal' coat of the. '.Blre.Department for 1844.811,003.44: ' -. ~, , • Mr-Dunlap presented the repert 'of. the Coot. "•eem.hlartets; with tho fonovrtn ,, stetetnent ' • 'of tho 'di... , J •-.0 .t a n s... , .... $5,6‘4,50 Iteetipts how buten.... ... ;3,088,50 4t . . " ~.rontcuotnlbt•:.:. . .:,:... 5z7 7 80 ~. .•,, • itay stalls, . „ •$ I .•—..rt --, !taut of coin eri . obiui...... .. 1547,D0• m u m . ..:. • ..;;.......... .A 15,110 TQigt . ' .. .. ' ' 1 4 12,951,20 .I ) ert I tPil t i eredit namlu Coiones; 412, 50 Pa i d frr Au . . "100 30 Root duel. Itostkiloyard 5 0 27 . . UM , ' 113,951,30 ,rdr. DILL 1 , 021 4 421 i tul,the :report. of the Commit; tee en PdotlrT., 11. e unwind expended dtliini" 'the 'yeselbr 'patting:. etntlenctr, blank'bhoki, Rc., wasloPo,ol. •• ^ .1 , t • • Me t )Inane, presented •tha report lhenk .CO• , jijnee on-Gits: The - Whole,' together. of. puldie • lamps now lighted a . 20. ~The cots to the. city 10r.glis datieletlie year was . 0,321,01. Yoe ..ee l ,pales, W 20,13- 0.915,962 : • , P`nttere,on presented..the r.eport,..g. Comnil‘tCe . 'VII sod Xamtlino: Thatut A*0 . 1 . 2 . 1it col dunlog 1 801, ins:sl,4olMO, ing.so.htereons peer 1803 0f,p55,14.1ice' were made tu .1110, • - salttgeNrco 7q o thWtoiinill 41cclutomes . making Mail propiattbap •be the& Ita 4 . . anent of the Inuit(' All these A pudel'Reparn'iiiin Oilfhid,;:nitd! litatiedth (the: Audltlng COmnaltled for rattles "" ^ Ott:thotion o f• Idr. Hrowndtte th salsao7l.*Tirri cli were tendcmat,lfF:' Mpiier;Prmlylenoi tor.. hiscockney . - as ihr.ltahit tbuudt -Ptarotto kin members. , daces and.wouttesp sholint Di. the -. 4 • It f.i E1,•.1t.l On motion of Itr, lliktpAthe.titatdds cll were tendered to `Mr. McOouniele. Clerk, the • -the Atic- 4 13S.elcient .11t111110c.InviVa r e h:hh a d disrlarem Ns 4 attn. On motion, the Cannella std)ourned. !EZ=MMEEIMffiM • _. ..! Couirt of quarter Ild--.l3eforpladzu,; Ateryoh, 'and epFper Knoplarli %tag Fetqentat 10 p.lir a flue or tiCti tvstrufprolindlon, and. Fri monch:! In the ' 6401 .3 . cR -cbarge:af..ansaulc,and batrerr. Simpson and 1. ! 1.11,aws a ‘ charo Etiling irkbant" Ikemse',and were s :1- undettiaiparatSnb ors2o . and • • intend -minty Loa charr,c mold 11nuor witbout for , which be, btde*tt , to pa b nftlO'had coifs. ..3fargqrot Term, ElOtobcr Term, or ba'iloksold; liquor without U. lined and 'coats. , Andrinr,TilkaYerq4its' found 'grllltydf aksittilt 'and ',batten/ 3 nod7nkotenicedi hilltop a Otto of Hit and a quirtcr ceats,,oosts,of praoucation,and stz months in the'eiianty jdit. The jaTT atoe corind , ThaYer guilty of a charge OP larecny; and he was' entenced to. pitY c Al #Pc. 4 lCittit ,alndln quarter ceuti, ,poste , ,oftrosccution reatore I.pte stolen pro Perth; for jusy /bribe' , tqinte:'and , thidetill'in lmprisop lnrnCof-Aftecniuonths:4d:•.tbel este& Pealten ' ttalTl , , I, le '' 'lV.largareCtintiarn" 'plerid''gallty, qnnthst charge attuning Sold Tilterirtilionentonse; and 's.rda !Tut F aced, to. liqyaAlatt-af49ltrat costsV• it 'etas mile:red that a, See Rf b "_¢: hOlffiPuSn't mi each 'of" , tlie'rellthilat bathed peisons,, who, acre 'stuntenen et! andlfalled •• rck'appent luka Untie, 'Otto thitfir Jick, itloX., Klag, it,. 'Andierr'liedoret, MO' Mi . : 3l 4stqw,.lAarldlTttoinasiillotti WOricmen' 'Abraham Wlnterp.„ Ma Hew Ltedl; . 40111thq: officer, :wall ilgrui;gl the tofu* sithatgo , of lacnilbuthissouit. IMtry "War, tinasecutiltql, neonis find' VV'alf ' broker, mid lirought, iq ttilo pityi 'fit'm hilidelalila,“foni or' Die portions wheA be land t' P4'9Ltris stabstitntei4 . and ,. .irlinin Steel kit- Je,rwands, matted as .recrulte. This troaght on `ant tatiereation," between Wolf, 1111(14$1=1,, darlikg ,_U%rebr it tit shoot. A, slumber:of witnesses - were etirennei , tat' kre o'clock yesterdakcyealug theJory:' rydnt ... ... /bib Ffie,olr;t.lip.Needy.auo..llitllering.' :. L ltlelLlTat and . daily , inewasing .ciunbent.ot! 'refaget 'thrown epee; this', city, front the svos t; lb t and h-west , hag rendered It necessary:to an ' peal to deltas front abrond for aid. Thei Condition' is that or extreme destituil?n :and so cling.: For' 4.110 alio bodied mon ' and .bdiS, p nees .aSe;yerOillifourid where diloonote remup Ron for labor can bc.ol.gaipad,, but the, ..tnen a the iiaii'vrtio'ar,e able . to'rrprit are fent, I , ,eonipa d. with tbd !`r..omen and 'ehildren;' he need and the Infirm. , • ; . _, ., , , Mani of air* familles . haviyg given an their, male mtmhera of mener age to 'Ewell our forces 'Booth, ina,,rqourse ware:left' 'bin, to , seeept - the ptfer of tlietioverninent and shi? i' , ,'orth, ~2 , :. , .We' ita+e than non-; tvilll ipbtei none Elf, no ohjeds Ofaynipailly andeare, arid • sve must Eno , .10). thelt• trams by -privote,ohnr.ity,- , the Govern =exit &heifer ouly . afihrding . ineidental relief, -: Shine brtliesie'farefilosi by 'the desolatlOns,la-, • 'ffloffmhte rrpin - a state of :vilir,:haea had iilltheir arnneAty, approndated or- duituoyed,-. in %any:int , 04144 4ttbn' hands Ot guerrillas, oil non- all ' that,they havelettlatttbe- scanty 'and u-niehsan: ' ntl 4 . goillitnf Qt!yflielr.isersene,•, . t ., ~ ~ . . , 'To - irdeeit, this ,eublect In ita daroperlight to: public, and hi ' Cringress; thh Refugee, Relief "Centrelm i0n...6f;• thile. , h al' , ap r pointod 'Et; tn'' ;Cent,hl4`, F..aq.,,their Agent, r- “t •......••-. . •• ,Mx.Pl'onklin etas been long and, favorably ihnown.tc the elneinneti- public,-itil . to tali feet , and' indomitable !nergy*Ahe Plata Sinitic, Fair elteklia rot qu e(10 1 , .. , .0. .a .'t c: i " , ,l , .:•,I*,ri 1_ . • 3folts.beartily und - enrcuauy NO commend ; hint . Laud.the inner:which :he - iadvalitles to the ionidd , etatkii or the benevolent throughont:the.lattd:. -- • "'"Rev:'Dy. John Mertlson Raid, Editor of - the ; it(F;l , l:tnycliatfaia3.4Q..;k i..*l c i* E. Chnret.,vre ~_Li •17•1/.. ~ ••.,..... ,U. ...1: 4 it , '" L r..l)% W,loa4tlt4,,V.dlppr , of ...,Apoktgiftdee,n 'll;t:iviii. notise, - . 4iiilitia!!F*llcls °t i the, I 9., N., , ~A tfroci2e. "t•''' ''• • ' " ' '-' • r'' Ilef.'ll hop , Eo,„W., auk iikpyr ~n n: It I ,i,, '-; - • -- Td., — PL, .. ful.! ut ; ;:, C; 1 ;! . = ''SdnitAttitegian. ~, " 4141 It ger - hirtiVtitEWlbp`iikiiV;;6,'4'W., . lorlog.e pped`frotit tat:l46'lLT( hztab. l , ,'lruhttive aid; 111 . Ittbaitittildiiii/te Of 'Ws ''riatix meritliqossWork otartilaiiTell;Wii Via: isliaks bested seesneteed.r;;- Tide, letelliqrd rnterniAn; signed b tba bigtwan. ,l o l lkriels , datuieiter 4 1th r "the Sabha h sehaftls Ot'lheelt OflNpardlskleiel ',' .. 1 7. : r }II•I:NPv4IANAII.BIVE 2B OF. HSI. , ';'; ' l' 1493" mßiti4AligUkall!BOitiaartV., Arainsie iienVor keg/4PC ...' ”•• • byittrerti riteel art,- ' taHWitti'Mlith prre.i.i.' I Gendquer kpowlerigtetandaidilpthe hitrotlne. ,, :tionroffh h 1110r4 entertrAnta W1 11 0)410 Anti:brie presentleyi.ll4 ' mpros. iqns of. histing so'W,e woWd ~ ' - tints; tenettllti . ~and 'obi to em},..ra/t a , his Inge opportailtt dr ;,Witnesede thdie beanti paintings, for no one ; anises , t splendid exhibition without .behig interested udinierarted da , the tilatetYW the; i ll/d m ' , _... ;'.._ ..; -,,i ; ; Loi , ii' • •:. , 1 Jahh..... G. oath ; Frathlent•of-Neer Haug StraiZ '""Y''''' hu°l ; LI:4P. :-.,,,, , ,r . ! a .t.; ;'; rrl,i •t. Oliver F. Car, Sept. ildt. 4, lin_athetf, m.,E.,: - 'Sunday acketa. * 1 '' ' c/4°l2 P -Itid4 §' , ' 4 i L. F t:/ /4a Cr, Witui ii;i. - ; 'Sinn School Sc Sup? A. AleA ter,' . ,Ncirth Church Sunday ;t iH. 11. en,. aupti first H. E. • Church' Sun'. .pat School. ; innate . Bush, Supt. Howe Street Church'; , Sunday Sub . --- r,4 C. 8 - ttlaealt: .sv.pc,,calum.cborch Sant., day Selfetd . • - . ~i IL-P. It ten ariiii.verkli Sti :,'OLintk . ..T , w i ' Ebe l its o , 6l FPrtiMrlds Oaths., -, . , ' At the it: meeting of the Historical Seilety of Eennsyly la;Jantesltosaldowders iefiti ane l the . Seat ot Mt. George; li.-DaHas,' bird '' hie d ,. nypropriate;etharkieriii the cherietit add i11a.64, services of 8 dekeiieli. ile 15 0}; 16 t• 4i l ; the. list „of, our eminent `said:diatingu s tshed.eir ,leren,,, IMr.; Dallas iterulln .itte . tiOnt; rank. lie was favored by blank& willi Swat ;4 1 44 1 0 1 4 and the. • most grader* andettrne4renuusneesetiddmortn meat. Ilayhtg ',WlN:youth" the - begat, of ,a Auntie which wail the spilt of reftnementnud learn, ' ing; - add the !example deS listrnetions of his as complisbed atuddlstleghlshod father, Hon: A. J. ' „Dallas to gulOcrldwho was well papered Emile 1 thorough cdsication.tehleh;he;re,zolyed et NhAtian J . nail, whern.LeWeAtFadented with the drat hon. 1 . ors of his el a. ; s subsequent cereals= ffll ,6rhenor; And distinction.; '.Hu ,was; eminent,. at , the bar, whether,,knaupportiog the rights of As. privitoillien ;or representing thellnited States, and. the Co itwellth'orPors t ukylesala, in the ;Federal and tate 'Courts: He was equakly &a tingalslied as aidetiktor of thernital States, and Tim Erealde t; or the United &steal lio'repost' :seated our oteramewatilrerlatilia inbet Im. partga. „ ' s,in; Erman- - On his rottenfront' fro' the Cortit'et t, James in 1861, , he reared to pet- Tete life, an on the last .dayrot the yew just Cosa, Ite en IA laS U 21,011 and;honorable career, kl*P' le will aft gi Isgp:, . t t ‘ lt ra:e g i l eir ,p 7 o Ellen IR" Footers C ' clobinaikui , ! r ,t t rjr Pigie will wit, higot ..thet. Vibitti (W. nitortrio)•nig tiElbtnigen andFootegtre the Mid/ inbildtloriOf their gm:inapt:al eltbwYstrCerneitit'i 8011... Pte p eip oCeoturi ofthe @Wiwi ,l t 4 ithiPutlams ° rn in°d6 rt Fallen:i'ler i colopv tmP • ....• otlen nesodtmuuuaxon derr,Are Xfil, i a . l LA (this crdebreted yp. , CLllisV,.lstunitit and Croini6s4r;) wlth ttß a °Moor l ute Vt. B. Xfattison;`end Plot G. ll.' ninon, vio'lList and VOW: f 'rho txtdbltlotilf bizby syolten of by Illatlinese el. Vienne *titre th E.,to t o., shAtcd. Vat et hating - feels It,' we in:ennoble' to ape. 4 tee ' telyin'tvgard to the metite tof the 'show, but - WA foe fhem a ,prolluthuy,m, jont. amongst 0 , :, 0 , OY., I tely t. BoAct,tisii n ea ce.tvoyr.:.-LAt a - trieetiat of the CcutinUteird of..Eduestion,. held. on , toads/ evening, Mr. rush, 111)0Z AbOLCOMMIttec oa Teachers and alarlos,.preaonted• the following: The .CoonalltVe on leachers and lialaries • to I nbom wns reforrisl the application of the torch: M for an advar their salaries,peg' lea* to report that the arc atiouhubhpl,f. of, gm 0.1 , 404 that an advancp thand be allowed If fui:ao could be procured rod that purpose. /our • constalSice. -- "nldrecornruend , ihat this',Board Wapiti inalit • s - '- o to holeglahsctun for power.to odd pPlicynte. • 'ono Oslll•fii.lt..,PrMnt 'of tomdlou, 204 Weald law& adoi.llM f.llO ,acodutpszYfax resolution. • • ' Pn : Thiehrtf7l3 Aiii . tia.;—Tho•Erie../riedak:kanii • that the Titif deo( thoErla OIL Cott:many ate4toti' to Gitkeeloped it; their fullest tOpacity:.. A der.: • rick laid:en erratltd and the noel:wry. inachln:.' ery..prOCUTO3 to do tho work. • Tho compairyis co rerguln nor anent-Ts that , alarze waht of noddy h.. to he tam: e d . immediately in -the derear: ‘mani Of 'tiro fur Inc nnlia.a..Thelautliplog 1in...! 'ractlintnty.adio yr that..or .thd Vortama' welt; ' With' tlialrat. - of ;surface Indientlona; , .wesairpose ' Ahern' knot n•doain.:butar bah oil will•lialbnealth , :4V . 11t1i#44 1 a...1....._ : . , ..; -,•,--. ••,,,,,: i",it.Vr. !1. , . . 1. , .•. 11 , i2 , , , "r -. DTrloal,_Pli Chatd3c4a4i ( g*Pr:tUalnak Clevelim;;Okio, rtecitl:•..-NT,S,.CPWJeciaio 1 thenirly'realded ist - JOhnshab; to Mtn et.otg, , aju 2.. l , twice represebtell Cambria cod. Aomersa (Two- 4 110 illiWoVilittur.e. , SP , , ,, l),lltahrecauxha crlantar l b dna, 4 clap,'lno4 cite:Alva. . 4 - 411,:gluo ' :Country; and, BCC nr*,co . .. , ...Milk::: Aletheo Alma of Ms dent Mr.. qta . ,„4441malew: '. also emitted( ht n 11144 oftb a foxambiw, 1 ha returnedlatt 41nrigitAbriiniAk4dienith.,,;. , c , r . : , :';7777.7rfii•-irle 12 : , ' , .. , :•L , --,- Sara Stnimml = ,, L T MA l rirtThiA7Asne.Cla, I lift, "Wye t. ,, A band htEads - Pfr . raiietedmictinV last week In ji Fhb farmed to rah, thi First Ns- • r 3 ?ki,ited the , tfisidekisii tot 4,iiial. ir,ia k i r t ui,,,r;Lbo.eattarsJpletzith • iho enoitlV : roldrappv Mot:Flog Matldaill Bank it WM . :idle, Moreer county, Will also in the Mali. The partite wmaooulund.4.4.3 to jalitcle WA. ! - . 11==2=1 'ISM ESTA Getting% tree' from - ; tlie Drafte. , r? 1. , v I ai fl.tv , oblic spirted, chtscout In, moat or thl e wa 'r j'aaa I' ''' ram g ha t ar e iii9T o 4%-enic;.g. 44 . 1 11 1 / , -.1 cent commend-Ala cifart fflk Proctt r esY aa aaA a Tt-t0 lo cter the ,Iniiitdi7 oceitcer ,w),, tiPil : o t l 7. () ,,cl, 1 anti Ipatinz hide. resPect qu _tie 'otas' under 'MO Pre dent's last call far 3)o,ooo4l3lithid,a'a• • , ' .11 erst i step Is to 'toned a strilleient‘atihl of mode" from the enrolled rieKland fillie'eltlatamd;its X .:': offer a reasonable !minty to thtasa wlrrite at 1 1` ( ' ea 11, - r 1 ' .."E'. .11' it I. .. J .L , ' r.i n 4,4 The unl,coroa,l complaint allelime'heavms,4e,l".f , L by t ,c collecting andracrultinw,otgaulttewa i lk, 1174 • gie t n1114101:4 ttirOna med tr coma"forwanr „,, and ay their equitable abate af tra i sindintFosrVite ."'" 1 um I,wards. both in this eityamitia. 51 4 , —.... . Inv dCrttund,that It is in,,cimpkil . ['40' 5 , 19 4 cease; the • nrortitihtell hdd been diereets ; anti as la ' 1 ( firm italtediannelatlens, tn, such imam . fi v itol4l4 ,the p tection of ‘ thasedtscritters thsvolto)).4.24e. • i I-; I if vu mrol'etnente' av nuidioro krone of motto L r ,:, who eto blame ' Mk* , therenrelled Maar 'thiiii tiitive • If ttPciovOut Oa dirtlet,4l, 1ti.1.114: , the matter or tilling the quotas o the sealant-, tt I „ward • nod districts neglect ' their own tkitMtatfl% . r cast t o make burden upon their hsertithltensci ' ' '". lithlti >San 3 4 be worlderadat, • lf,tina stanniklent -rem I [, men me titivated, and girA up? ,ir i g m erlre ~ enrol a a tui,Meti konelderiblelvohloniir An. rtvtii, II) at oneefinek thedrooMmltttelrk 104_,rall. i Acribe P.M Dyer io lbe al linwirk pscordlogl•or vre,l: t then. Witt • the work% recruiting "nnizid In- , -,. hive ueli an indroms th fdirlittitdd t be: If add," ' 8 . , " , in the e cities', px,thcalitorothi of Bantam art ' l'Ad: ,depcnis euttely IlPon , the. Olirrileknteat•Pentilliwtri fore liettlat4reteß`to horn a efeeft In 'tan cam.. ' l miunit orals.. : JAL thentwonaldertaibethnilVgiul a Inotte I p 41.1 th reedy same /Wald et ,' , at thin Pro,9 B Yito !Maar, ex,.. 4146 $44T.4.., seroid peroonal IlithalL7 to drift 4d . I.* -s, ithrlibingilgitti thitan' i artl4.4t. itqa. Tho, duty, L Oria. that'dpatiog .11tF7 14009; ,r - • • ••• ~,, 2-1 i 0.:‘,.AL.A.r.r4 . , , =Dn.:4l'l4d' 'Proniatron --- ' ' We notiin amonicreatit Oiii&itiiii;P r iW'i.l4 .ll 3 ' ' t 'a r rta'y of the , Potomac — , that oUg . 'attatJiang' . "4".•! I 3 '''''''' ' ' Neller,: of. the W4' .I"cnna.. , V.01i4 r tolaiLleatani.* = 0 1 ' 4 'eat Colonel,atatEogeaitt:ll.arty:Cr Nniitt.i,'•%it'": 1 ' li l t I .it'ilff4 14 . a.11.07-rboth , 'worthy offtecia;len.V , ~. ~, I rair • litatle amiatinttnts. alter :hare .y,:i4hui ..../ -(E ,I iganiedtiel r. Weil in crit«l prop:o44o; ,batit itav , ,..::-...ii.'f itigcat retitbe servlee in the ranks, and worked . ~ ~, their wy to tlttiviirsant ittAtillitik Uatinint.. ' .." 1 Chlone Netter. ktllpn Llentemmt)L greatly , tillaX.T , ' , ..: -, ; . tingulalteir Ilifisself at Iltq accot4;,4,Ltlobori.i.l ;,,,..: Fredeticketrarw, wlteio lilt reglindnkaa galL3ntly . '.earrlettrarft, 114.1113 on; tho Stllit" Miy3M.l. ' May ba ti! ) ! 9 '` 3.8 " ° F.4c9P Areitottr, to Onja*:, their n ry'earnc3 ponars . .. :,. . . : ... ~, • . fp !. c:ty..Pabsen g er • A dispatuik q9m .parytibur g Matta .11 lonmidelt of the titii,ne Paiacil„ , „Nr Railway ts.:,r. here:to ry. and bare the, rates of fare .c en. 441 , -tha .411eghemi count! rendis.inezVaieq,!' ts .iwportailsnnt iicement,,an one 1n yridekthe, 1 4 : • Intetestek; l ' . l'ite bava`te paying handsome diridenk id 'timer ' .ruiatpin jgil h roni the araownl of trade wife ,1( 1" ' prerring, on' nea47 040113e.t,j thn,presant..; v 9 (if:a• year will due* ttteeptton, -It vidasittoitststil :t,l;`,:.a it Itifiradrailen , thif tided grant, but noillanie rut . - bi - ;illbetecl„i„rlihpat, l! „ . timely,notice tar the peoble: • , "Baranb,Tamont--We , are mad, "gambit t,,,, , , . ". • learn tb title dlatingtilehett Ararat riond Orritto • ~f il, l i ter will I tare at loy,fayetlmliall nevi +Monday a "...c.lit e•elliagi ader,Pla . altaPitcaror tbeiTcamg Minem,.) .- t,t , A " Nareaut a 1 -ibrall Ausbelation.r: Bilaraititlette ; ...) II .tt• 1 "Otauel anti , (10 trYterati , Ma" , .93, 1 49 a** , nto -, )r) I +1 EknifunYilotwabd.atliteTani ; lttegam.,l rt .17I“ t 1 iiiirgit 430,4 here as.ett-where.r.Aef Mr: Ta 6 eti - / q ,,,,.. 4 I 'will p It only'nuri learn+, aid Mae o t t,lvir e ~ J. , . T. i rbeepeak ridtn tr - MrY"Datge taidreadii ' ' ' 1 th.rit :i r•r- ..r, a I" dlr.; • , t,, t.,1 r hur t 1 f L: , . ?IST A llriemWalo Oflearn, Of Itayfial.l,S,a , " r 'ad i ', maitimia , ,If ly, !a!, .550,14c0cka ccorNdt)l v. , t , cra I iflaulditiwrid ei" lam+ .... "Min w . .. n,s,s eeltivfilincata t I 1r.,11+ 11 MthAL ca ttl e, It '. P fob be d. 0. ...../f—oore.rr. , rim •-. 1 , 3 _ , ,stdi or ciikago. The Em vf✓"'Acta ,)_.) .) An. , 1' frallin.'whiehlitraa' &WI Oilier a b they vrece t , „ I i.,„ ),, ' ) 1,14 sitting- af port, , and rthe tbiee Yingl44..„; ~,,,,,, Beat 'behind tianticatteeMartedleretatr*tiadVaVAl4 . ,r' i , rI. tablitg Mil the money,laad ittalderg".Wrosiape., - • ,„.J iY , , r ~,,,, ~) 1 ' , pit t.r, - mtra . 2 ,..._ lllll .lV A 7:AirialfarPeAvrtirrotavnlari Rilkult- I 'fill .. e , Tre Yon 1 --Ple t are intletac4,to tbe publish. 1 atl,. /oil , erg fir •a pyot,this. ravaklte wual, ~ Itaiontaati Warm-. , ,PflUll I'M/ . I.l. rat ret.P:calter qi,a PIA OgAgicatiov crq e.a.l • i complete til es of Ccinrw. e;Ormeara 'or Urn Na- i 'tirldial Go went, Important acta 0 1 rind"vatio s ttetakarhimportirtit th ' 0 /' , U III ' I if 010.911 M. Wereauttut It la toc i a*c bAr ‘ Gte,, t ,, ,frIT ,' 1 i i perlidleal rielatu:l ( ,•' i dr COLON ritaraßTGaTt'"..WA SelOtiltllo ußhi b, ,a,tltit . Colonel43ll - ghl rq' the "riallant • 71idJa Nam— . - • ' , = nien , ,t lo his homer liffraileitilei 6 tita'' I"" ll' 4 ,' i 811 "" "4 "t4 lo lV , ltirtleralk.tritoabattoredirt r'r 4 ',mat j ~.bbt , i'rb. s oda e, received, at 4...1 , 16,1, 0 (110'fr -j 11,,0n BlitrutAPti MarClAOtit i Citattanottga ~ t o. A tianta,has never entirely Nettled, and ho la. -';' 11 " r t ..''' a P ffelli ' g. l w • PI c9° lnfri3"iir-r rr.l J. liTl Irrit 71'. IA 171: 1 1 alli. resrg of pacthletiflithiuklbetsiiiaitdrio la , a -1 - 04-Item o coW4ideralllc lroportancei iifqpieve)! , 7)L. , ..%ii. laud..,,Tile unlearnt or mrenne.tax, , cartttpm.trativ,- it 0, ;dot) ,i ,of Waventr, paid by Gieveniicelea In that city “ , ~,, and neigh rbood, amounted 10 afMtlr.oool),, "'` ' " ,rePreaciatiat a ITsine., 04 . 1a40 4 004 giUQUalittr-11 . ~ , f f'f ti 1 ripg,the tnerniti,nr over two and a npari.g mi1z.,,,,,,, t , ',l, ' 1 ' "' i n ,„ • ,,, n , l a i i t i , , al, r'. ,I 'l,lV•ii. al 1ii.10.11 blai Y. 110 V) . t i Cottle ePSP- oil la , r, h. , 7 oarli I „fa 4 x is now, pet:lent In 3Ohnii Malk . blit' ' urea itre bang t adopted, wttlebi adz noperlywllf,c , 1, 0 11 ' , . , a g r e eTei tV ts l'''.ll4a. The. di z'' . Z.llr o A lo .“: , r...1t ~/r'i - a artmee ;"a t "Morristo . " „ Y.,„ clatia r t , ~, t, i at" ".. " proved , ritta! in t Pbilsdelpbta last iambi'. ". ' '_ , rl- 0 - _, t, airy ~,.: ~ , ,1 irr.i.,ov ,• 'l,2ll,l.'l:in's oir ' itt,-. 1 -176.stenlav was.anohpr i citall,„l„„r t ,,,,,A 0 dayatrtba ayorseroftlee,rafter:gre Diller, - Upbeat- '. . i Wore, were "siipsed,o4 , No groats. 'or may ne_ I. I -.": 710) t P.M4aVe w made, alid. all a the party othat, ri ..i,lanal ,to rymen but obehint bee'd vaeased on bat. . . . ~, ~ , ,tr. irte "'Sibiu> . r....--Lient 1'...D. : Plrak, 'basely: at: , : I JrA). -. . r :Nig 43tscle, its mdinter of the.130434..8../alt L. 1.,.. ~ .,•, . !•)!I tents}- *as oanii mtiritiried' iii-th's *Ogle A‘Liirizt ~.., .... ) ...,, I , i for Nashville Tp.pn,, on the:ill:oC dittbsf4Dth lilt.' i` '' '' T ' - e`...-, i _ •ii;' . ' . • ,I Oit iii.l.6.4&riiCri'.--Ttie o i lrefiii Itaabt*e.ck la ~ y. ....41+3 out:ln JiFgedtown, New.Tak. I.7olni'gibeletontri , ' . .„ ,„1 flutes.live Peen ; toppekami.proparalatts• 11446, Xllll,ll 7 . ,,,1: A 4 . tor sinlgni A number of 1(4118.. '-, ~, 01 ':.f:'../; , :: Gra i . .. ~ Oar. tad : '4 _Cg4itt,,t • iftefrmtere'rx•lli/vltiw.ut.j.ifie -• • • -- if• fietanite 'OP% Mao vottod 'and 'AM' .va,pliiniat if ~ 11. 44 11' z 2 it Boinnidi nr,e to he .tliaposed er,proaittoallut.L al xityr Mu , mrch property shall bo 'sold it - p4b.lic aQction.s t „ !; l o . 4 3l.64. ; 'ttnaltebest bidthir;iatO the:Oroceeds IsOldlittot/to ' United , Biatei Trcaeuri. Any norm clalmintlns7l4:ol3. ' • to,have Writhe owner of tha pmert,rmay atz.--.- '• ..' any time wit In•two ye.irs after tp,a. attp l tekre.....!" of tbo rehellien prefer Ulf Malta' tditie ' - lak '2 O thereof;ln thefrirt.of claimer tualkogi laboityal tog .- • • the eattafaetto of flint cotirf ot, tk,ompnitab3p co a ,l„ of the'propertyV of Ma richt MVlSEpeacepeas and • tbot be bee wieet.glltolnty uld:otteottlibei &UM' 4 L'i 1 .. al . . '• •-• "rebellion, he 1111 be tutioitho,emotutt Mcleod eV: , OW '''•°? tbeCiortnitmcbitbr t hOProperty,,,gt er,thc .put . - agif..... film 'of , tht if e nteaadiretritlideg"4"htallo. • '.. • .'' Tin g i c ir tipli. d.gal . beltr.. o ..,/ T., 1 .in.ll4.ll39tatflttn. ,'• .- • . 4 .7--;. ....- •• . . i i .;..• 0.. ioteskoh' :iii . ;.iii4 1,, 8 5 ,,,,, 0 ,,,,,,,d,•,,,tt t.-......r-,.........r -t . .. • ~;. ;.1 sibnista 0 , .i_pectittlketromt-itiefhittojdeedv d ' a rV.: 7, r, • " i ,,,„A b '' . .ii'lr i ll P Acai 4 ,4c 044 ytp , t4srr, rebel sumo eir!',4* , T 1 l'ofiard,,of the utebutoutl,l4ner e l .144bett r Itier;lelfa rye te st Witte tmilttuditeit there tie retit • • '' ' • i liat , V.l 6 os l . .* lf., Atom; t."black . awl; clVa'4 lolll4 ..... betumetti'em da''irliaterce that l•—erhitt .Mt ttrtlii of r'CIP ',situlahtit Ido '' diet e ettien.o l l:lo htuiPti:,44 6,11 , ...14) rag . 4 I frxr d,,, , 1 A . ,., - ,,,, i b... -g rig.r:::,.. b :,;:ctu,, , ,,,1 . ,,,ii - ,44 Vat eitrahili mitt, the tterchame,•Exchaurati %rt . :l 'll.o* i . • dui; ibirodde g- him to noq...e.4.ttCycoi fttenc.76" ,ban. ~ al 'the, 8b ho cat only sympathlzd relth )14' , , t but desired Itt Mat depeadea.• .Wc woi4als " !oihowl , ' 'VA -i l• rtt,Ay sit 'hemp, ill illuminate wbcApAmils.pro, 1 0 0 tutri'? 14 claimed, with Om Ihtititkrestai . firccak. cpyi,,..,., ~: l 1 , 4 1:i, 1 ':Art theleadittesor tho year isct 'him ' 061, .'" 9 '''." .1. :ITO btriMe,tiett Set before thelltlbllC bi the 11Cli;.* Ui r 7 ' 7 :"" . • ropers, .except the account pf the toothpietar;: , : tt,r4 0 . 1 . commuted lu sacb of the principal botch, and - . . ~0 ) 4tsb , rogunmpaps of the United &AIM ' Oiting 80 Stitt - . •. . • eitredeseness •ot num. waltent,..who ha ve very .- . : .tc ..it . . ~ProPuli been Paill,hxd-,-.-the retaraa,mc 47 In-.. - ; ,-, I 1100 panapiete 1.64 ba,i hntn thought better not to.; . 0 77.43 'il 1. „.b.., tie tab I; wbieh'migli otherwise 'have • '•• . ' Anew so imrort.vnt, vehialde, , andititerestin,l•. it a' . 1 ' , / .41 . 1 . .. ' bee he,tii. sattz,flic:orily ',raced, howoer, that ak ,i ,1:11 tiVgi .' .. ' the number of $.1.50 .1 eft It Inprcnitint.frnin jest la, . 7 ~Trt 140:': jeer, the tranruh,ptioa of tootliPtekeleernaies: • , e: ...., , --7--1---.rel.---,....,4.-.0.,....•-• it ~ ~; ,:i imin w.,1 - . 1 11. - e iu tha c il , m,: . ,r m an e d 6 B l , 3 o. ..Tan it a li, Ai n tore in p , r 4 ,l o l: 34 ,ol A ti rm aint: o i l , ;;: t i o T a ndor .5 4L 4 . ~ by. ibe madness with trhich'the pimple of Barata- • ,it 1,„;.: nob: qeknowicch: ed: the authority of Itie Garai:wife tiiit. ...•••” mtett,,dhe Ittelucond joemmle . are dolog,tbitirdat wani , U JOI" . .. best ie.:dim:my thelnnence of . the etemple., , wr •Imi'l Bet- k cannot be conecated or mtsintelikeVa •?° ll- . - • -- Tinto will, b low that 'the rapture or frPrinW; - je. .weeltmeellatt n nalinvi,viciol 7: 3l cistabn odt—:rn)). l . 611112"4. ' lb ' . . ' 1110 9 1 4 0 P aLu :a ittthsala-wri mit glib.. ~. .P2eleatras. • ' is; • .....4.01 • . :oil/mill Pepsi 011)tOr tH11111114.1. iOdleinhiu, io tted mot lit • no NI ire. 4.:. .431 telff: oit Pllll. :PAW *4* Mx "03 op • mr. 1 an t -ma A i J. 'War 713 ,3h Ism off 11"( I Fb 4 nr, A' • • . . . 4•Ais•Aineileitii nirimuk.ii ..rif wr 0 1 MO itlrseatheOdr.:bytee gig. bid ;bora mit: ri.fiAlreWPAs *Ant) n dens al won' NPAffifingsilsegglegagsg,ilvracil lel en ousi ItiPsliviipkiyiwnimi priniogia.a4 viturravitsnii iu feria (.1) flirt il Jr.cllll4Jeglt 110111l7Wn . .e. —1 , IF • sr. in allactUet Ma ,Nfliona e isi D E, r . ......mii, goiallWitril:l Ile VI ,n/tl4 E VifP/ISlONlinfl4ilAl Iv> 4:91 - 6 , i 2 ,, . 0 , !„„ ii ii :11 ,Illwriiingiev Lei ziorbitgileuveiiiit'llii -L .1 in0i! 4,1 • 4 . sal' Jean .2la:timi, tei oily naeltie milinWslitr tu --- _. - -. lAiligkehliipag Ciivotut•bq 411Ai deilritYatif4.c . ' emelt lual Ing 6,04:' rut ., ~.. to mwsol inrooi 1 . yit gifi,if.q,y lot ~..nsi ,ullimitra e'vlaoll ..., 4 —., c , 7 ,11 : -"..tttimax, 01 Lula bar ally be given to doily papira. .."i lel phis, issvg Louisville pisvirs .: ' . - l'..- :laisiailepki; • Tiai r .6o4ll4 . o', 01 41~4 , 15C' ' . .•7/4!1.1 *+I I FILICINSOI rI.VeLEW. W 9rVili 010 k. „2, ,c Q!4 h i. !for* Gem reakleo :vokit 4 loirlio4. long 114,01 Rona of how New York, PI pltlioo Cory. • \‘.) •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers