'; Vittibutlk.gak-ette. TUESP4X, .J.12.:11.1.RY 10, 184.1 CITY AND_SUBIMBA,N, XTEZIZU =Mt) • . • .Vinit ti:thellonse if• Refuge.• ellga„ The; Grand jury; b a together with a hom o pais: shifted 'route f Saturday for the purproe of =emitting. the In • •,.* stituften. Tim entire i:Ming was thoroughly inaii , eod:and leverything, found hi radeCtondition bot h f vita to co nut sad rat cleanliness. ". 1 . - • .. • ' • '' I • i • After the, Install= bad been anicluded•The Tialtora assembled in the chapel; rateroillatet. t• Iftg,fo oflludzed by =Mug . Dr. /icpandices' tS the chair, and ~ • • toting lion. John M. Kirk •.•; • ' glass, T.sq. Glass and Joseph Irwin, Esq., Vice riesidenta; Wm. D. ••• ' - ll Cooper and ' D. M. Bookiltscis., acted as Seem , Ur. R. IL -Kea the following preamble- • . `2nd tpeluxl IMO, after appropriate relnarks 91. ^tettrel gentlemenpresent, were nnanimotudy SaMll,- The present House of Refuge woe - ealled•for as an actor humanity, where novitiates . triineein be reformed, and youthful depreda. - tort Inonght. to ream their misconduct, order 1 , .• • benign, tateldi:gs and the instructive lessons of • ; these charged by law with the important task of • Etholsterlng to their wants,wa arepleased to find so ranch good has been ineulatted by moral Ga s• *lon, and from all we can learn and noW•witness - • we *repro= to find that great rood has reunited OTTO.thoestabilshment of the " Western. House of Refuge," where'the youth of both seges are taught useful employment, with a proper ktioir ledge of that Great Being who holds the. *fitly of men, as he does nations, lahis own tamping t 1 therefore• altwoh , (s, -.the taxables present arof mach , gratified at the able and alleluia manner hi which we find all things conducted, we can say;in all candor, so far as we are able to Judge—the pro. ,gres. mado by the tamales of ads useful and `chartable . iwylurn is tights flattering to the LUialan,;and feel confident in the assertion ihnessithinn donated will do properly anti pro ideetly expended in reclaiming and instructing The per: destitute youths committed to the fos. MA= care of those employed by the worthy Board of Managers. •' • Veatchwi, That the people who are Mc &naive of ,power, should - take a deep and lively in. tweet in Strengthening the hands of our 'fellow citizens, who give their time and attention In looking after and eating for them-aft:Ty of youths of tender age who here hare the opportunity of an education with ptoper'.tratning for useful life btreafter., It Is a ;rimy Incmnbent Oaten to ace and know that children teildelititute of parental care Ind wanderers In . our • highways have an asylam from famine and danger where they are taught to lore and adore the "Paivit/ of nit Goat' , RoWred, That 'the Ismislature of ouc State, and our worthy Chief Maglatrato, to *hate lIh r : r. crality In times past this loot itution is so largely Indthted,eur thanks arc eminently duer - and Tiewer the admirable 03/11IIgellftellt and milarged philanthropy of tiro House of Refuge of lycstern Pennsylvania. we beg for It a continuance of similar farms in the future; and we assure those anthoritleittowno'utons deserving object appeals , lio that trympalliler .threnghont the length and breadth-of the Commonwealth. . Resolarif„ That mdtmoder our thanks to the la dles of the Institution for the Modnese.and at tention' Manifested:,by them to all present, and wo tta, confident that the positions they hold arc well and ably Med. .- • : •A Minirder tharged with „Perjury:, , WM, iyncli, pastor of the South tom Mee Church, J.llegheiy,vras arretted on arturileYieet :theeir'ef Peden, Preferred by Johnston,pir of. the Ora. of Johnston 4 Scott, jeeiliti; Marti Street: The elrenutstaitols of the ease, at near' as hie : can' ascertain there, are these: Leander 13..1.Ync1i, aged about_nineteen years, and IS eon of the defendant; 'Witten inti, mate acquaintance of Mr. Seott, end frequently Tiated the: jewelry store. 'Last - stnnuterteme watches ' , acre missed' from the atoM, and some tune. after , 'was attached to young - Lynch, In' comeginuee of his baying been behind,,,the'eminter, at a time when both members of tballrm were temporarily .absent. Nothing was said, however, until several weeks after this - occurrence, when a gentleman Mamight Mat watch - and offered It for sale to Mr. Jotmatott,. It was; mniedbstely Identillodus the one which', had beett stolen from the stern; but the party Mitring It ter sale, In' order :to dear .' Ida aklrts, proved that he had ravj a nimeirmo timlottlaggpkrokg, • 1/1110s then made before Major Lerri7, but ',young Lynch bed la the meantime left Also city. Ile was —.Vested Id' Uniontown, brought back, andadmlitlng th e larceny,was held to ball in the sum of $3OO for trial—ids father becoming his surety. rAn'Adlbrt mac- made - to- hem the -ease and Mr. . Lynch, ' who - was eery snitch digressed on account of the imudllithrg pLisition In width, Ida. , son bad placed him, agreed to pay th e Table of She stolen -watch, and the menses -- watch, of the Init. This prn position, we believe, was accepted; but the mem bers of the Ortn„baving discovered other losses, -demanded MO in settlement :of thirir. claim, - Tbla Mr. Lynch refused to pay,- alleging that -they were attempting to take advantage of Ms and extort money front him: Thus Inaiters stood fora llnie,when the nocessarhialrus areremade oat to. calls young Lynch as a sub %shore for a drafted man namedThoms4 B e Stew 'ate.'of • LitltruneCrille,', for ptei the_ considdatioo of On the224of Aenher, Mr. `Lynch Appeared before Alderman Johni, and made the -wand affidavit in such casee.videli,amongother thins, Contains this clansel*l.have no'gnow ledge of Of ltertigbeen chaiged with; or con- . linctslc e n felorty,'!:Messrs-Johnston& Scott, natlselagleen reimbursed for their losses. en tered snit phis rXr. - .Lyneli for perjury, and - the . case strimnprbefore -- _mmissioner Sproul' on Setarday, - brd - by - . arrangement of counsel was postponed until Medieday next, when the ex amination will no doubt take place. „,, _ Co urt of Quarter 1 7 0 Ciitialii...”. ' . ,' , ._. -t MCP,...l).ir NORMSOOS, ;AM: 9.--Beforea Judge! 1 . 4 The first ease called' was that of des: Semen, i Indicted on :nath or Janies'SrCiellexid With"the 1 I: larceny or a. carpet sack crattalalog clothing, . li '‘etc., le tbnialue of about, forty4lee - dollitre. The A ruse wee nit made- out, and the jury found a . " madkaor not guilty ,, . .._ . Luelia 4 „'Nntllattr7- alias " Dunham, was ar -. tL . ,-- .a • dune of stealing a silk dress from .: . ,r - ma .-lrhoJury acquitted her. ',,;, . - - , ' - .., - , her Lodng plead guilty to a clUnge of ~ $2O segliquoenout licens flaitd asid-costs rlin .. - r lie a th lso plead gue, and was ilt 10. charge or aellieg liquor on Stinday, but m y a ade a statement jo the court to the eSset that the Siam hadbean 1., bold for inecUelnat=oises. The court held the V. - ,.:.Camline Blade plead guilty to a charge of pet f7 larceny., ..Beldentedsterred. . ' ". Inter:aid ilorinne. Tha following If obi • official 'statement of Cite smomitof Intents; .13crentlecoll*ftlto the Distrfti;- *Maid •ieuis ; .• - Y. , • •• • e • Januoy - ••• 2t, I. . -MIAs 72. 1 ,97111 . 7 fib ID . ... - 4,1811,1 , tlO,Oll 7 "'lnflow? ;-- .94,e1M 51 ?use.: ' ' • - ; 'WV* _Tr . ..! to? ma its .3 u1y...1.41:4 '5;14 „327:570 .August ab S et tember. 456 ram'eld • oat+ loo'osn ••17t520• Ncrventber • - • 101315 es 17 . .. tielAinwr• 17 . 1102,521' B;;INMEM . . .-. . ..- V Chain 011 News. . 1 `raring operations atillio on at Deer Crock had , . ~ Blyson's itun,und the ladle:Wong' are gattioz r -r ' better reyery day. .Tice :4XelLeMelli runs very (..: high. A derrick Is beings:reeled near fteldsburg, -..!..„,- r the purpose of boring for all, and the' - le r in that-vicinity are rray sanguine at 'flailing li o - . .1 ,' plenty of the greasy -fluid. ' Lands ererywhere i t along the Clarion are rapidly , changing bands ; t randprrporitions are:. being -made for putting ai A do wn a great number of wells In the • ilpriag. ...g. # r Strangers are dropping In every day for the pur poseri of haying land or examining . the territory. -' - r- —I D. Porter; Esq.', of Clarion borough, has sold !i4.,, hit properly on the Clarion abore - to, known CI as the `Xelley faris,"for ss,ooo,and the lumbar. - `.l scr immediately disposed of 11 for $9,000. Oil ' El- wit struck In the Black Illamothl well,at Slater's Dank Ott the Clarion river, this week, at a depth . t 0: ;?. Tiri , litinClVAlLl) Ewnortairwr ;Ltsi.—Tire : , enrollmentllst'of the birth ward Is now printed , e , t , nod ready Ice correction. . All persons improlier-, -5 ''V emv ilL 4- "Oult is to soy . Miens, thole In tee-. 4„-r,,1 , vice; those wrer-age. aid ell who hare ternored V frill* the want—arre:entitled to hare their unmet .. , stricken Off. , lter ntoriis of alkborie who have ter died sloe° tbe minillment abould trisio lie stricken 4. ' ~ - or: :.Perskint:lntsiestod In harlig this ilst car . , r , rested wili-tercirt to Alex. bruiser, at Alderman , . _ _ AT HOME oxiatArs.— . -Captaixi Jae. MeGrameof . Company K,1.40111 - Peoosylvente rotiatent, is now In this thy on leave or atweeee: , ' lie comet among wiUk • now inner Veu We' ehehhieti . strap.., having been pmmoiol-to the rank Or Ma jot. lic has sawed Ale (venter &Mira? and [well; nett, Is justly retitled to tilts hotweable pro; motion. wAkremato In the city for A weeX . 'or ten - - ' ...!•,. , 1 I.' Par of Caritale;has accepted a ' . 4 klAlty 'Lamm - 4 Churek . at Read -1 - - ~. , A. Mr.. 1.1 _J. yr I.y--O3:1.1 in _Matte; ...t0...t i r i „ f..t S. 11, t • iu-N tea Stolen. . On Sunday nicht a Lire iiiy of n singular char ... . . Deter wnii perpetrated :o Fifth etrect. oripadte the Haien Telegraph (elm, by a notorious scoun drel. named flugh kriattery a resident of Hard scrabble. A gentleman named Charles Dsvhi son, a stranger but reemtlly arrived from Cine,ie- Ati;voldle.Artili*:adong itifiii. Mime., slipped and ell, sttinidng himself severely. Slat. cry was standing close by at the time; evidently . i'vrelting for sornething to tern rip,” and.when .he sate the' pmstrate man be hastened towards him and helped him np. While thus apparently acting the part of the "good Samorlou,'A it was only to gore, him I better chatire - Co play the thief. As - e raised the Man up,. he . relieved • him lof his Rocket book, contain ing t 370 lahank Mils, and eight promLwr7 notes, amounting In the 'aggregate. to $1,431.92. The larceny, was disoarred so ginckly that the night_polleewere - gait tipon.ffintLebOn t and' chased him • a considerabledistance. They rack„ then visited his dwelling, bed finding It. barred against . them, and fearing to forte an entrance (not hay log a warrant) they ettatideined tartan/tat ef fort to arrest him. At an early hoar in the morn ing. Mayor Lowry dispatched a forte of officers in search of the offender, but helms notyet been arrested._ He Is. welly known to Abe Relict, and° wffimo &relit *naught &loner or later. - • ' A Maw Kai= nt Committal!". Cowirrr.— On Saturday last a man named Thus Vanasdien, was shot dead, at ccatroville, °timberland noun. ty, by noward Rupert, Vanasdlen, It seems, was a deserter from the army, and Itupeyt with several *them attempted to:autat, during the altercation, Rupert shot Vaeastden with a minivan tilling hint almost Instantly. , . evenlugs since, a large number of-thelrientli of ter. I. Aiken, peetorof Beaver-elreet M.E. Church, Allegheny, called' at the parsonage, and spent a very pleas ant evenlng--partaking of a bountiful repast, and leaving the himateirorthe parsonage richer to the amount of lam • Eutcnox or aitmorov TAR Parrnorruar, —At a tocettnu of tho Board of Inspectors for tho Western Peuttentlary, hold 0118atardris, Dr. Omit:obeli, of :Citlontcrwooros elected Warden, tot thocausilng el: annum.. - ButOn's - Doman Dfottnnur.---Ttio February number of this -Interestiug magnene has - jest been remit-al by W. A. Glldenfennoy, .No. 45 9FFCIA7.yOCAI.;zwngEs:- !Puma% w. PATIXT, practical Slate Roofer, and Deeler.bt American Slate, of tarkftsz•orilent. Oinee et Alexander laughlin's, near the Walter Winks, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. IS Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water proof.. Repairing done at the shortest notice. No charge for repairs, provided the roof Ia not at used after it Is ma on. • Lem GoMar just received at • tbe _Remnant Tailoring establishment of Graham de Nceand less. 73 emithficid street. We would most res pccifldlylnwite the attention - of aux friends and the publle gmcral. to Mir, new !Amk of fall and winter goods. They contain all the vary latest styles of English, Zrencla And American Clothes, casihnems and-yeatings, allot the bust quality, and Is selected with the greatest tare Gentlemen desiring fashionable' and' clothlng;wmdd - do well to glee tut atoll before purchasing elsewhere. Every garment is war. ratted to g ive full satisfaction in both price and ',entity. GRAMM & MCCANDLCia, Mettler:at Tailors. No. 73. Smithiteldstsect. SPECIAL Noncm—fhe attention of oar read ers is directed to the brilliant assortment of Fall and • Whaterlloods jest recelved by Mar friend Mr.lohn Weler; No, IDS 'Federal' street, talstmy. Hie stmk oomprises a greet, yarimy of Fancy FreachaNnelsit, Scotch and American CUlliMereAl and Mils, and dna Silk and Caul mere Vesting+, all of which -will- ber made mot* order le:the latest styles and in the beat m a nner. k chola! , selection of Furnishing Goods 'also as Yard and for sale, together: with' s' fall stock of Reedy Made Clothing; well and fashionably 'WAN Dminarg.--..1 he menus or those wb are troubled with:bad breath and, through one squramilltnetc' dislike to refer to it , commit a fosithe and ensel mistake, especially If they are aware of the merits and great efficacy of the Fragrant &ottani. Thls Is the true and only reinedy for, the difficulty; there Is no va li d C2CIIIO for a bad breath now. Potd by ail k-at:est& Oxicrwers and caniago calls will be taken at tbetnanlbnli .TTo. 4lo,'Penn itzWot, tlAy Elea. &dam 16ft at the el.:nit:SlM will bo protaSlTaltesdeel to. All ..ails 4W, bet paid Id oda atm* hal boea An talbnaatkon for pITTSBURGIT T I ". • TRE. • • .nrrwr ars zrzii sroint'. , Second night of tha e• went of the frog Amer. 'caul ragedlan, Mn NEAFL who will Oppoir to thedhooreorA's thrilthatTragedy of . • asenErn. • THIS (rueaday) EVENING will bef presented bakspeare's tragedy, entitled , MACHETH, SING} OF SCHIS&NO.• Elaeheth • , . 7[t. Neatle. bludutr • ' ." Mr. Henderson. Sitactmth Annie Eberllsc; 'Other ebb tan by the Company'. . All the original senate. • TUIMBLEI3 VARIETIES. ms - linatrel/.1.11 IT. &Ali: hew and siisCittiacih4 T1L1.4 EVENING. First appearaace.of Nisi ANITA SANFEETTA. the beautiful and accomplished Tght-Ropa per. • forum aid Dabaeusk. • - • First appearance of ler..tsAr. - miricsr9N - the celebrated Carle Toeallst. • • lint appearance ; of Mt.FREDEttIiSK karL• Eli, tberundvaled 41olletst: -- • Continued lucre.. of the combined alliance of Tenr4thorraa,ll3liiraplaa Au* .Deassatle STA*. Entire elapse or programme eSery sterling. Are engaged and will shortly appeas the great Wile. Anatttl StUlealsad_Reassal Eal/el Troupe. MASONI.c HOi la- ' FOll ruitri.BIGIML Tutmich Wedands7,T?nnesiy, „& 1111111741 A, , . THE 011 EAT ORLGANA.I ! ETIIIIO-80T lAN 114,6:tie -Aiaeixii of iit; t'aits, aildhititt retta =rifedsad t ua rV bui so=7 . l . VA . l. : CIIILDBEIVS GRAM MArikta, Thursday mid Saturday at tellioOnio Look out for the Ailundotb. Programmes to be distributed on Monday and ?tidily: . A nuission—Etenhig, 23 eta; front sods 60,th; afterdoni for Okildren, 10 ch. Donn - .opett at 1 tedoek; commence ate o'clock. • jarctr. ONOERT HALL. f O ELA:SHORT-4EASOIVONLY.:7: . - COM megclag FXIDAY *.xTratztiro.gitawristli. azauste 06 EIAWIRDAT ArtzEbroox, Yannary Mk, at 11 o'clock. • EWnger &:Foote's Great Mi)ral • Exhibition. iaa irnm WONDISFIL murnina, „. , rfot half no she of- Tom Thiunksal Wife. , .The ;Anost.dlmlnutire, sythiaptrlcal and intenlzent spec imens of humanity in 'intniatUrnevet - 00 OVUM- . • .. _ _ • .;p-COLONIEL- SMALL'. . . • , • - • p • .• .The pest Fomele °hamster Dineer.•;TorOmblos tion with these curiosities of Nature, Is their pre, MRS, - C. G. RUSSELL, (formerly 3flae M. C. Vlltoyer,) !be celebrated V.Cle ilioalst and COmposer, together with W. B. BiI.U.BISON, the TrA-Vniiiin exttrapt4Ancons ppet and ProTulalks Deitneatcy of. Eceentric-phargetertaind - PROF. I3ROOLS Vlnltnift and Pisg4t, led pppil of the Phil. adelphie IC■titute of the - - n 7 snideent e . 4 'Sae 7tie ua r Hage. entirely itearcety target thane bushel basket, built expreuly tbr Commodore Foote, for the season of tBa3,*at a Boat of over. 110,090,w111Aallse Ruttish the dolly, from t h e St.:Clak Hotel S. the Hall, coattail/- 4os Commodore Foote and Slater and CoL Small, drawn by MIX TRAINELL.4.I7GLISII GOATS. Doers open et 7p. Commence at & Adade. ilan-75 sent& Reserved Sods 60 eents_Adultv to Matinees, eettilrldren, t6aststa.; ,Tointivetz do half prte. U ELLINQER & PX3OTE, Sole RstprlotOrs t , o . llol3 SECL;Rtnilnesimikaster, • JAS. S. JAIEWAY, Clet!eral Aipsat. . 0 1.cttill; • ' • xe.ALU7.-/A' r rt 11•'1 a~__' JIM 1% 11, 17.11 111 IL t2th and 14th. PLCLIL T/Cf:S. .I.•N to k . - --,L !It; le.na. 'Cwt.' for . t.lit4e iliatrc.aing cumpLltuta made kit:4=Di a Trestles on Forelp —and Native Herbal preparations, prlbllsho ElTti—by Dr. 0. PIIELPS BROWN: The pre -acrlption‘a• furril,!,d blm In such a For i'lT.S--!:!entlnt manner that be cannot con:tele, —tiously refuse to make it 'known, as It tots FlTik—cured every - Lady' tell° has used it, nerer —having failed in, a single etas. It is equal- F/Tl4-1 y sure. in eas,.s of fits as of Dyspepsia,. —and the fogrc inarbo obtained from PlLTN—say.Droggbit' SENT FILEE to all on' ro -oelpt of five 'cents to pre-pay postage, FlTS—Adiltexa Dr. 0. PHELPS BROWN. No. li --Grand greet, Jersey City, Ja4St —— - . tar.WITTIBBtROIC SAW WORMS. HUBBARDS & LONG, YAIMPAOTI7II.I6/1 Of I'ATENT CRUIOISD CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS, of every le. - leriptiort. 2011, Alulay, Cron Out, gang, and all other varieties. . All Mods of KNIVES and SPRINQ . made front Sheet Out Steel • I..tra Retried . EWER, AND • ..W1- Warehouse and Works, corner WATER. sad SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to RetoothingrOuni ming and Stmigidening Circular Haws; also, ro. pairs of aR lands. Punchin g, and-briiling done at »mamma maw apaar carom. itanDrimx, dk CO., filer_Eilmha & Sheet Iron Workers, Non. 20, E 24 nia . N4 PENN ETP.F.ET. , Having secured a. large yard, and tarnished ' : with the moat improved machinery, we are proat s i ; ed to manufacture every description of BOIL ba the best manner, and wearantetf eajral to any -11 made Ripe coutitakORIBEN s ETURISIVE.N 31tER L S MS 13, t/ T N DEN I AR SALT * I TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATOR._ ,4 PANS. SET TLING- PANS, . BOILER:: IROZ"4. BRIDGES, SUGARPANS_,and sole manufacture:li of BARN. RILL'S PATENT BOILERS: Repairing done on the shortest ' &WWI wilwarrsoN, REA de 4.19., (=acmes - to Banorson, Panne Wailatigton Work's, roimDEßs Alm Pirrearroon. Blanufeetutere of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEADS ENGINES. LAST ENGINE' i MILL CRINERY, . GEARING, SHAFTING , OAST. rNo): of all deorriptione, OIL TANKS& STILLS, BOILER AND BERET IRON" - WORK. AiY•Ageote for GIFEARD'S PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding boilers. - - ig 9 1A1316 St SUMO COppet Kill and Smelting Works, PLITSBURGII PARK, M'CURDY & CO, Mcnufncturers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' fir BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER ROT. TOMS,-BAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER •SOLDIM. Also, importers and dealers In MET ALS, TIN PLATT., SHEET IRON NV'E., Constantlynin band; TES:NESS , MA011:P1 and tc TOOLS. VIA rehouse, No. HO FIRST and L2O SEO. OND sniEtzs, Pittsburgh. Special,orders of Copper cut to arty tieslred pattern. v 01... THE • CONFESSIONS AND Amyx- BLENCH OF AN DiYALID, p,uhliatted for the benefit And 11 , warning and caution te young men whtimWer faun Nervous Debility, Fro: mature Lirmay of Manhood, qto., supplying, at the same limn, Me menus ,cretf cure by one who has mood himself after be put to . gnist expense and lujury.through medisal =beg and quackery.. By enclosing a poet pall addressodenreiope, sin; gte copies may be had of the author. NATHANIEL. MAYFAIR, Barb, deildsndawT ^Bedford. Mao county, N. Y. tgu.TO - NERVOUS NVEVEREIRS or DOM SEXES.-A. reverend gentleman law log been iestored to health in a few days, after on sod = l :lt t i t :tmenltirtt ia l • cot= it hi. Lured dui to conununtu u te to his afflicted fellow. creature. the means of ewe. Reflood the receipt of-an addressed entre= e, be rendifree, "Fop) a[the Direct to Dr. JOWL fd. DEGNAX.D.' IR Fulton freer, N. Y. - 1 • edit ElydawT OROOOI 1t10T1111....W. O. 15Z0LZ11....1. COLLANK tarL/I,ItLLIS STEN& warn . It CO, , .." ouceenors to BUT)), I J iTw iaf. C 0.,) Manufeelnrers of OAST STEEL • , SPEINd, . PLOW and BLISTER STEEL.I SPRINGS, LT, LE.ocOROWRAPA_Sro. • Ala- Works, PIZST WARN '..plegitenp. Post Mice &damn, PrWSBITIVEiIi. • -. Jsuur JOHN COCURLAN HBO" Maattaa , IL hirer, or IRON :VAULTS AND . VAULT DOORS, IRON. li&ILINa WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW (MUM es, Non II SW. OND and THIRD STE • , between Wool and Market, have on hand a Variety of new patterns, Envy and plain, suitable for all . , /a-Particular attention paid cr u Xraslas Grate petit.- Jobbing done at short notice.. . Ana ii --- sp.IIIIIEASEIS Or THE NERVOUS. SEMINAL, 1711INAIII. AND SEIMAL STSTEMS—aew arid reliable treatment-4a Re. pc:4re of the Reward Amoilislion. Sent by moll La mulled letter earelope,lrre of charge. A.l.lNee S pr.LEN lIOUGIIVON,Itoword Laketatlim, No. 3 Sot:MINIMA street, Plif/a. •IIar.IIOILINFAI PiONN, Dewier* la FOR -1241 N-. AND DomErrnoßlLLs OF EX CHANGE,L_CESTIFICATE4 OF DEPOSIT BANS AND SPECIE; No. 67 NAILKEI STREET, FittabuntA, Pa. /Fr Oollealoat made on MI Oue 'principal city, throughout the trotted States. IIIERMY U. COLLINS. FORWARD ING AND COMMISSION MEM:IRANI and wholesale dealer Ls CIIEESF., BUTTER. SEMIS, FISH. god produca Ho. MI WOOD STREET Pittsbutgh. • uol InFm.fJrrs. );.- gic T rlii. AT Wb N o C Z;istn ( V C ke l e 3 Llß r ogine IA rce.. Call at once at the e.allln i 4; Ilebeeea Street, Allegheny. . beak, • .-_ 'I..INDAZY" k .1110OUTIMEOM WANTED.—Retamed and disabled OM seri and Soldiers, lo want of profitable em ployment, peculiarly adapted to their e ms:llM% should addreu BROS is CO., Philadel.. phis, P.*. dirdrasiwT WANTED.—A Book 'Keeper who bas Olioid " stga= l :Vige.tra l :Ll P a l ; B 94 ,4" . . gocORD a C0.,1111 Wood it. 'WANTED—By n revectablepoung man Y one or two [ED 'BOOMS, wlth or without baud,' In - a reopeatablo_prlyst• tawny. Address. O, BaN /it EOSIN:Pr YIN 11,7/4iTELI-A GARDNER; lo.take care uvira 41 raaaladet In th=ty=Zdh. atd ORT-MILL.S. Liberty street. WANTED-470 .A MONTEL—I - iAgeate everrebeze r at 100 a month, roam.' paid, to moU Wigs. Articles, the best melting mew offing. 'Tull partlaulan fire. "Won' unB T. #byrr.rir. THB:lirr 4;WApilc A lIOUNR.OT ABOUT TOVIC*00711; - _ . • With good !Miler, with - tit ten mintiteeerellt of the rmt Olhee Any potion having and ein see= $ good tensed—a gentleman. wits and one chllll—by addmatng SA. 8.. Gezrres 0/7101." &Olaf • lArdliTM—Per service in the Quarter ' maider's Department, at - Naudwille, Matta. noose sad Johesonville,'Tennosace; Atlanta, Gent. gisfnuvall's Blue' and Little Stook, Arkansas; and 2.tterTeatnateria ' •10 Petirdnitia'and retinae Free transportation to place of destination. Healthy, nble:iersileal 01117 wilt no veestvxd. JOHN L. WOODS..Tr Captain and Assistant quattormaater, T.T.S. " at. For further Information inquire of • • J. T.. 7. HAMPLE Federal.9t.aAllefebeat7t Or ta i tgrWitshindtow-Avetura4 between oeactss7 — W. OLAkK Gov't. Agent. I WANTED—Agents for THE NUR• TT AND SPY, the moat Interesting and ezeitlft iboolfevet published, embracing the adventures of a woman in the Union Army as Nurse, Scout and Returnedryng a most yield Inner picture of the war. !i and dlsabkd Officers and Soldiers In want of prantable employment will Ned It peculiarly adapted to thehr condition. JONES, DSOS. it DO.; Ito Chestnut aired, Philadelphia. no2sizo .. MiIFANTED-4125 . A lIONTIL--nts tT 11 everywhens.,to Introduce, the, new:7: A Mtn* ShefeenD ~.. Forallyamsfuy Nacetae the lovrprlee Dollar the country which Ii f ili , r .Grorer ; IV. Baker; Wheeler Alglion, , r now , pategern,' Co.,anachelder. .SAialland ; .werlarge commissions allowed Ail other Idschlnes . jnow mild for less than forty dollars each. are. fa- filapers t and the seller And user liable, Illustra. , red 'circulate rentfree..-AddeeusNAw*OGASS. Biddefold Maine.. ~. ~ . , - : r no2sahadawr - ; HANDSOME ASSORTMENT . OF orroIIAN covERL in , Tulled and Bead Work. SUPPERS, sante style. Also, some very eLegant r'Conarth Xtsasee„ to Gerroan,WOrk. SQUARE SILK 'MENET BUTTONS, In all colors, beside* every variety of othrr Buttons. KtEsS 'TRIhIItIINGS, LACES lIANDKEIL MOP FS, GLOVES, 7IOSI MST. BALMORAL SKIRT.% STEEL AND 01IYX SETTS, end SLEEVE BUTTONS, of every etyle and Amid) , etc., ea wi ll be found at :Lint itowsn Tatum; non z 1 . tiermt, pr.. 22 yomtni STREET sl2' TO f 25 PER DA t. 41.4gozLtal ^0170.2310c1. To sell our NEW EMPIRE (with 'late Improve reente) and r.rxviz GIANT SEWING 744.- CHINES. The. beet , cheep AASChICAI :In use, and warsenced for three years. We give the above eommisrions, or pry S 3 'rt. month .and expel:ma For particulani Adetrow with stanip demer. v. & GATES a, CO., MINA Wok. 10 IVII.1101,:4100111 0/.11111..11A71D WOAltDfalle WISON :CARR (LATE WILEOX J TALE! *hi:deg:tie dealers- fu'vottzroii-ANDYlo3fith WM DRY GOODS, No. 91 Wood „street, third hour 'hove Diamond n/loy, Pittsburgh. , apte ' CO.,LLB -216 . tabertylareet__, - o poCtifitzth, mum tu uisaacturers ot WitipS ARMED; S ar.d every deisoription 4 114,ItiLTlip.8 pe s t bolt kotiOWd2rogirtiteertebv-aaktioupro 42 mpt; BOOK& .11.121;j1S. etc. 00 , 1 "PL/7 2 * HISTORY OF IRE. ORBIT, REBELLION, Chintologleallyarranrtni from the COM]; erwement Of open treason and art,lve hoatlllllea, Aprll 30Ih, 1800, down to the, Re-election of Abraham Illzeoln. and the esignation of , General McClellan, October elh, 4 1951, is published to Hunt's Pittsburgh Almaruto for 1865; • Pricer Tema: Closa.imil. maxi, post paid, on receipt al' prise. Address JOHN P, HUT, Publisher, pis • 55 FIFTH Si, MASONIC UALL. NEW BOORS DOWN •IN TENNESSEE. Tbis new volume, by the anther ornament the PitmeOvia selling off like wild-lire, and mm be made in; tin t as the orders pout in for it. It is crammed hill of Material, most important to every one interested in pubilo affairs, military or politi cal, betides being as thoroughly attrae alv. sorbing in incident and story as the a uth or .ther bookaw. now, MOM: hi N. VIC TOllt E. A v Rowel, rigorous 1114 fresh --enre to make a Lit. limo, cloth, tinted paper. it 16. C;pl733llEvr. ch trem min ? w irelat . anther Is develapSl la tkl. Pee. fl ea • M... deal. UnLett pa DIE ART OF CONVERSATION, A aplendid rook, tkat every one ought to owe. Moo, cloth. $1 00. TIRE ALABAMA AND SUMTER. By th c e a oth. uthor R of uISO, htsy Atuttn,.. ,, Locke Almaden.' o, I John Gailderstring's Sin, • • A n Intense •od passionate Lose Story, le the hue ,Lyre style. Moo, cloth, tinted paper. 10. SZ , axlmara.eimes cis 3:1a.3 , 13413.t. Menßatmen. new noveL Umo, Glatt. $t 11. TALES FROM THE OPERA.; The plots of all the oretas, In the ehspe of stories 101320, Notts. /St 60. FOR SALE BY HENRY MINER, Ti and 73 171 th street. Sim:Q.ll3r 3311blost. No. TS Fourth street. D' lsßem,r s AMENITIES OF LIT EFLATIEFRE conahang of sketches tiatl char• Wets or Erc3llah Literature. Wow 33ctiticima. litverAde Press: In two reilumes. Prier, IN OD KAY & CO., 5 Woad St. , ELveixe.. ' hitherto uncollected writhes et ORAALES LA2d.B. Printed at the Riverside Wan One elegant Li me. valuate. Price, 0,24, . KAY it CO., CaPPETS. OLL cir,priffs. /a Dew pattern and colors. White Marble Table oiltloth. . CLOTH EtGs. ECTORE. CORD AND TASSELS, Philadelphia Greta Oil Cloth. 0 2111 == r artra G;ult opened tot vfeiaNs XePARLAIin & COLLINS,' . • WI TUTU EITEXLT. Next dote teiPeest (Mee. sepeneuS bone. elettO FOURTH STREET , k`,HOLIDAY own. - IZIBROIDEIIED NIX.4).2TCIi Cscrzrzirue4 The duet imported 15 41: MOSAIC RUGS. fq A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF4I Ad? NOW IN S7:O AE . w. n. KeVALLIM. t FOUR= =ELT: ig r - -, CARPET STORE.. VEMIT ITC/9, czdaar Jo'MPHIL. CIASZAII„. ~01L/Kirr, M. firsisattiL me4Asrzft _ •-• • • • •• 4v - orzorrons or CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTOBNEYSAT-DAW, ND. OS GRANT intzpr, rusbnroi. Llee;mei iy 4°mm:eta to tolled BOUNTIES PENSIONS .B/ICKPAT end d 1 , • 11ilit117 trauma' •Dtiza.Avit, charged on iunoust of -wound. rocolvq, 14Vato*, - vptuu at le arum eruErt, eptitsiite Uhd usthearni. °only BOITSWEb. F. J. &MIL:U=I{2ON, lArray and 14avv. Agency, Jiro. PENSlONtiourad; MONT ,lES BM= PAT and PRIZE MONEY, and comazurencer OY XATIONB of relealorfionen collootaL iirear,,Tang=gurtli—b*Pilli° WOUNDED BOLII?4RFL $lOO Bounty to all Wittoded.Soldtsro, Ta now being pal 4 to All 'with"; No sludge made until the money Jo collected.- _ T. WALTER DAY,: LI ced_ _b the U.S. 00veroment./ No. tO 3 FIFTH STREET, second 400? below the OLDIERS' CLAIMS, .BOI:II*TLE . 4 . PENSIONS AND ARREARS or riz. - - Promptly attended#o !Fri rro. tss F01:166/16T Pittob h drhoAhnclhwT tug M '.IIITARY LAIMB PENSIONS ,- , L - IsoinmEsomoic PA Y : and - 111:LITAB Y .0/4/111.9' el - army themription, collected fir the subscriber, at the - following .tata- els t Penalois .. t°, all e th er alai= PAL' TAYLOKAttOTTUYPeOdaIiIi _ • NO. OS GOLOt. Meet, PittabenTh, Pa. N. B.—No champs are made itthe claim does sot lammed. and allthfoteuttloe &fen hesels, eel:l7 11L~J1i'IBTSI N o sEktierinim.rmid , *..ommeitrAi. Baum-- of mAx. viva= 11.PAIV iE liA134.1bt WY by . Pla-VVPS. -V CW/C. Sc FOIL TILE 110LTDAYS. AMERICAN ORGANS, AND BIELODEINN. • • Jast .tvelived, • choice easoitaent. of ext e rior .13110131:111.Y. (New York,) an& SIZOMACICIaIdk CO.'S (Phila.) AT PRICES. FROM $375 TO-$l4OO • sacEnipur 0 8 AID BIELODEONB, AT FROM CM TOE Th Instruments areselmowledlged byjedges to be the in the =whet', and will_be sold at from twenty ve to seventrllve dollars lbasthan factory prides. All guaranteed for a fears. Pe bleeding to buy a handsome Okrietrats or New Year's. Present are particularly requested to call and examine our stock before going else. where. -Descriptive circulars furnished Oa applleaties.' WAKEUIgir • & BARIt, • Na. It BISSELL'S BLOCK, FA. Clair St. dendf BEST JUVENILE SINGING BOOK -ETEII PUBLISHED, THE - SILVER BELL Contains a choke aelactloo of nearly HO of the malt favorite SONGS. Dek:T, QUARTETTS, :fca, awl a oompleto ammo of ELVILEHTARY nit:lll'omm'. Among . the pieces see the following: When Johnny Cornea Marching Home; Vacant. tbniri Cottage by the Heir, Do theyghink of Me at Hornet • •Noldlor's Chortle; • °Ulcers Funeral; Bled! of Beauty: Juniata; • Battle Prayer; Which are alone worth the price of the book. 1.'7.-14:3c.. 60 aonitel. Copies mailed toanykedresa on receipt of price. CHAS. C. MELLOR, ja7 81 Nl'ool3 STREET. N. BIEDLE, 1 . 85UTLIFIELD ST., Pianos and. Musical Instruments, Keeps eozatontlx on bend Ape wort:men! of. New PIANOS_ . „ VIOLINS, GUITARS, AMOR: MIFP. sritutest 144 •• ',Ala he will sell for low CHRISTXAS PRESENT. J. L.- REM, ON'EI OF KNAllt h CG'S GOLD MEDAL -PRE2IIIU3I PIANOS Also, Thanes' Bros.' Pianos ; Grupe & Mud% sq.P4nce'. AugitalTlTELßrAtuE, del? Unit& street. MI door abbe, ?rood.) BOOTS SLICES. BUY YOUR BOOTS, sycoEs, GUMS, DRY GOODS, Balmoral Mark:, Shawls, at. AT _ A McOlellaufi Auction lionv 55. tel.r./11. STREET. Ifs WOOD se GILUNNDACNES AND GOLD MAYBE SAVED, ' HT BUYIWO TOUR Boots, She', Gaitors, palmotals, and Gaink 3340 , R.X.5.A.1171:1003 # • t the Great Cloilag Out Bale. Goode narked dews. lio.bumbug. Vett early and *Were lap gales. 130 sure of the place, which ts BORLAND'S, No. 98 Market, '241 door from Fifth 54,011,3 TH & ROSS (formerly StaiirM --- 1 Sorrn) have constantly on hand BOOTS & SHOES, Which, they are prepared to Sell cheap Igo. 54 Market street.. Jwidyd 9 6 FEDERAL BT., ALLEGHENY, YO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS, — I am neni . otrellng nty present stock Ekotstiss - I,to . e.,,itiMtees, - sstast sassameeds. !Trunks, Valises, And Traveling-Sae* AT siaziaani'itiniaso . To snakesomit for sew 60001 now.tm/nEFuhind• Can rind get stns. - . . . put se weiteiiii City. J A A /Eb jc l43o ;:. . . . Iro: se usirstet_stre.l stt.i.s nut , Tux minor mum,. Ara ThE 3 P 9 err, b l in!Aliar MlCDCrrierjhaV33 anNE4OXIM4 titan him* the 01 f ri t ,. biz ate _ • . - • .• • .. . nor RECIELYZ.D. BY ‘EORGE ALBRES, fiON & Cp., . N 0.04 WOOD BTREIST: Ho.g. Lad Youth' 'fleet Tharnerals u. , Oxford-Tim; . Ohlblrea'spoati4dStil 04111;:, - ' t These goods ate made it. out *postal. awl arowartanted wowitiallod muttons wotk. DIVIDEXDS . • Prrranono 2 .irTWirtint CroOsoo liattwar, :•• Mace of the Secretary, Presley - son, Pll., Dec. lath, net. • • DIVIDEND' ON _ CAPIT A L • STOCt • - •Art'D ON TIMID MORTGAGE ItOND;•: The Board of Ilitectrars of rids Comely hare dr' dared . * Dirldend of 2% PER CENT'. on the Cap I Stock, for the MMUS' Cll4lng Deo. on Irwt.a. 'the shareholders who stand mastered on that day dayable (free •of ,Government tax,) on an after the 17th day of January, leek at the office of the Cont poor In tent - any, and at the • Transfer Agency, Winslow, Lanier dr. Co., NO:trl Wall: street, New • York, to the stockholders as registered at there. apectlre °Med. The Board have also ordered the anticipation of the payment of the half-yearly dirt dead of Mg percent. on the- 27nIrd 'Mortgage Bonds 1 1 / 2 :I A Xd regraded on the Mat ecasibe h le e r hilt., at the r Tranger'Ageney, : Win ow, Lanier tr. 004 • No. 62 WAII street; New York:: - The transfer. books . atgk and third• mortgage' bonds will close on ..•- test, at! o'clock p. m. 'and remain closed • lbs gilt day of Januar/ tecreafter 16 af7p r . ) 11.• BARNM . SeeretarTri: • END , i•--Tho Directors of the. • 12,Ezdt"N3-Mm 131.00 D FAUX PETRCL • 2,E1. 72 1 - 00:,ltaire thin day declared a dividend:Of ' THREE per cent. on the capital stock of )the said • potopany, peptide on and after-MONDAY, ..7ann • sr, lath, at the ogle° of the Sem:dory, - Dividends' warstiSatter be declared Qqeajteity 014- 1 2 1 nbamatudtri as the DlrectOrs.nut s. • rjahlW J.H. MK, fifaer. , Drstosopen Oonrattra •Prerananon, Jan. 4. Saes TlV O DEl T D :rditi . ,PrOgdenVltinllpixtter of this Comp_stor bs3Atto. daSrlselltz, Cash - .Dlrldsaid-of }WYE „XlM.4,4l...RS'par , ot UM' ent,..'..02 -the peofite of the past panto** and ant, the oth inst. . JA GAIWZIID; Seer. • . • Pi~uos, PIANOS; I.] 4 •tIl A PINE STOOK OP CLOSING SALES , lIISSOLUTIOSIrS. br lIISSOLUtION•CIF , P,A.RTNERSII I'. .-Tho bualanaa connection or Hallman it Oar , tinny, And Of - Roth:On; 'Gartland Co.. was dia. Delved onlbelaPinMent, by the male of the intarelt of 'IL I,4lollman and' W. Hollman,' ^ • All act tireienta wUI be attended to &Gibe odico the late firma, na llmlthfleldatreet. • • - • • H.L. - BOLLNA.N. • A. -GAll RisoN, QEO. W. 1301,101A1 , Z lonrcu. RICKL7rsok. • Purri‘int 141 tr, January' 3, 190 - - ~. •• - • . In reth !run the alurre ItlVaubsaribeia t-, won evpreuv Meeks - to their friends for the patronage given during the long period of their business, and also tare pleasure in recommendirmtheirmuseeasors to the public, with the fullest conlidenCe that every effort scd attention will be given to render sails" faction. • 11. L. HOLLNAN,• - . GEO. W. HOLLNAH. PirrVecnou, January a, MS& • • = CO-PARTNERSIIIP NOTICE:. PITTSBURGILFOUNDER . A. Garrison having - purchased' the entire loon dery property, stock and witness of the Pita firms of Holtman & Garrison, and Holtman, Garrison & Co.; and baileg sseociated with -him in business John H. Ricketson, the medal-signed will continue the business under the name•and style of Gar rison h. ' A. GARRISON, • • - JOHN H. RILIKETSON. ,Prrrsetraori, January .7, IBM -'• • • Saddrn TAISSULUTION:—Ttui, paxtnership here totere existing- between JOHN-PHILLIPS and HENRY PHILLIPS In the Gil Cloth; India Itulrber, and Painting business, was.dissolved the death of lienry'PhilUps, on the 7th of Angus 1664. The business of the late firm will be settl by the undersigned, at the place of business of the late tire, Nos. 20. and 28 SL. Clair at., Pittsburgh. The business will be continued from the ed day of January ISSS, by JOHN PHILLIPS, HENRY PHILLIPS. and A. H. DROCOCILT, _under the tlrmnameoLl. & H. PHILLIPS. •_ - JOHN PHILLIPS, D. lIIMSEN, A. H. DElO4.7OUrr. Executor* of Henry PLIMIps, deed ASSOLUTION.—The' Partnership at • WEIMAR & SON le this dey dlssolved by thidtatloir. - GEORGE WEYEAN, , o • W. P. WEYMAN. • • Rettig dleposed m y intermit in tho Tobacco businese - to my - scan . W. P. and 13. Frank Warman. I recommend them to my Mende sued former Gaeta mem. GEORGE WEYNAN. WK. P. WIPTICIP D. 714•1118 IV EYMAN a' BRO., (successors to Weyman t Son.) • WEOLESME AND RETAIL TOBACCO MANUFACTURERS, Nor. •n) and 81 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh. • Jan:lw • 7 A PRTNERSHIP NOTICE.—The under. signed have this day entered intopm luership in the Olt Cloth, India Rubber, and Painting bust. near under_ the Srm name and style of. J. & H. PHILLIPS. Factory in McClure towinhip, At. leshemy countn'Warehouse and Office, Nos. 26 end Di St. Clair at., Pittsbumh. JOHN PHILLIPS, HENRY H. PHILLIPS, A. IL DROCOURT. Pirrsornmr, January 2, 18625 JaL.lts CO-PARTNERSHIP, NOTICE.—II luvre , 1 this day associated my brother,llll3llAßD H. HUGHES with tee in the WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADE business, which we will can. Moe at the old stand,'No.2v7 market at, undo the trot of J OS. E. HUGHES 6r. Jos; uumles. PITTFTMITUM, Jan. 2, 1886. pulawd TITSSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore calattm between the undersigned, under the firm named CROMPTON & CO., for the manufacture of Silver Pearl and other Soaps; has Oil day been dissolve!' by mutual consent. SAMUEL. M. KIER JOHN C. CRUhLPTZ/N, JOHN POSTER. Plttsbumh, Sept. Bth, 1881.. ZDY 8 X. WW2 W3l. ICENHEDY &CO.. • urocnctri to MAXIIIPACT.IOIII IP/ Silver Pearl and Superica Resin Soaps, 3c7, LIBERTY STREET, rr =BURGE. .~zDIU4L. D=?= nvimenNET , e. spEcano Homeopathic Remedies Stand camfessedly it the heed of remedial mean for the use of Ike people. They are alike removed from the polsonOus, dangerous, and repulsive dozes of quackery. or Old School practice, the bayonets.. deuce of eratercure. or the intricate and perplex ng obscurities of the timid llormeopathio Coosa an medicincit Conflating 'of simple ipso-ince for the tartan. diameter to wtdch thtjare related—put up In the form of simply sugar pellets—and prepared of Ingredients neither dangerous nor disgusting., they are the steady aid of the parent or nurse, and the comfort of the eomplaimay and invalid. Thy posseia• these positive advantages. They are harmless —no Injury can anise from their we! They - are simple—you always know what to take, and how to take it. They are movestent—you can give the proper Sugar Pills at a moment's warning, without hesitation or delay. They are einMent— in thousands of cues disease ti arrested at ono; and the system coed without prods - 14ton or delay. • - Rat—Ohmeirever,Compistionandlnflammatlen, RCA Pals and Restlessness, and the flint stages of the acute sad letlactunMory disease. Prim as eta. rro. S—Cutes Perms Fever, Worm Clone acid Yoe: SO me Appetite, Wetting the Bed. Price VS cents. Oolte, Teething,orying and Was,. tulhess, Slow Grow M. 4114 Pechlenem of Wants. Price 3.5 cents. , _ , 1 Ne. 4,-Ceirea Carding', a Children _' or Adults Cholera Iniantum and Siututer Complaint& Price _ . brow 4 sod 5 cure the worst casts of 014ronis tastes. No. 6—Curto Disenter or BlPody Flux, 001 10 0 riglap, Billow; C 911 0 7141 Diteatery. Price , Zio.7—Cures Comets. Colds, Boarsepess, Bros. data, Ittenenza oast Sore Throat. Pike sa Gantt This asallio. I newer tall to ears the worst Cold Mo. ti.—ctutte Tooth-oche. Feeoiteh . it, Menotti. aeon and Tic Dokueux. Prise . = cents. . - - • Pio.ll-43urea Headache, Sick Headache, Tettlge,- It nab of thooil to the Head. Prioe 96 testa. lo addition with No. le, it never falls to core the < most Inveterate came. . No. 10—Cureallyamela,, Weak, MU or Deism , 14 - Stomata, aleastipatloa, Lim Complalat, or Ballow Coadltlen. Price aa emu.. larrara,raca for all CAM ot Weak Dlirestloa Mid =lota Comith4 ,4B . „ , . , . leo. 11.--Cutes,Ouppiesse4 Xenses;tr Kean", et Palnitai Or Green Siolinesa - Vo, Llueotrst orAtitrtall Downtoo Profuse Meniuna .;...., 7 No. 13—Cures Croup ~ Mouse °roe* Colt: lltflisult. god Opprfta. *tattling.- 38 sent& . 14—Cures Salt Rheum, Crusty Ercrpricurs, Erystpetna, Bertht Head, Barbers' Itch, Rtmariet oa the Face. • 116,ceata. • No:ld—Cum Mended ,Iren Pain, Lameneie f Softball' In' the mese; Back Side, or Lind* tit lto.:ll—.Ctives Piles, Internal or External; 81111 Or Illeedlagißeeent or Obstbute. Pointe. • Thin remedy' has cured, thousands of :Alor eftnet No. 314—Ctistee tiptblnftgr*Weak. or Intoned Eyen or Eyelids, telling eskiLskt.- •to tents. It rmil earlobe rolled rltofilz a cup. No. le—bum Ordartly iVibt itr Oronler dry elif tßkOr 241 , ,1., 111 41t1ree Whooping_pouo, shortening- sai Ailitnttlarie.P.7=p.ox.b cents 44...thires Asthma., Monrone& Difficult. 1,1. b ' Ned ' lkt , "?' l . CoVr Ana • r " 1 / 4 •forittoa.";rries Hundred' hare been cured by It. 7 4. Is—Cures Scroful a " Enlarged Glaxds, + u4T i ;; l ;ji g sweljje"" O. "ao 61 ? SVI4!- HafAltlNAsiv - entlfia.• f. ; ; fihneral Debli ty, Phystoidor Moo Wonfunnor Of oonts. - „i No. DrOily, Plum Ammulstlons, qy mii..swymbsc, with bonuty Seninflods. to mita Ifo.TO—Oureo Soo:Sickness, P ro strUelon, Terrligh,t Nouse*, V omiti ng' , wcenta. . No. 17-Dare, tretruiry Minuet. Drayel, Nonni enkuht Diffloult or Psherdf.tfeluatlonlllo costa. Te =Won OSA otEllroir ro, its—Fee !Combat Emissions, Inioluntfu7 d debhornt Prostration and DcbUf.- IP', L 'A t Rw a jt o of Er mono. Prins on • • The ineilVeMalent.remoly known, sold can be Celled upon an a ante cum_ No. W—Oures Sore moot Ar.put.h of - Adtilte . or ChU h dren or anikeze4 Topilllrtiro(Prevant F an "' a lso rilleoar Melee. Warm. Curtest onto. ' No. St—Cures , Painful Menstruation, l'resaure, Cramp or Spasms, Prurittis; /talking, awl Lento. flan of Female sr- - et on It acts ILke charm. NO. Ml—Cures Suffering at Change of Life, Irreg.! talatities, Flushes of Seat, Palpitation, and crud DillealNlOlthCilearL- at GO- , , No.S2—Oures Spinosa end COnintstor lepsy or Falllnktilekness,-Oholes or St. VI Duce, yeekinp, lWttchloCsilipateeLi. it 00. No. 34—Ours% Dlptherla and Illoerstn. al lislig sinnt Born Tnntott..,lb cents. - . . 02 vial feimily one 20 vial family ease, tnoroboo 20 vl2l case,plaW ........ 01 . vial Phystclan's case • 00 POND'S EBTEAc For Mini SSOLIi, Otis, itrulitee. Soreness, Ls e nese, Sptatne, Rbetutuahrm“. BOW; , Ulm; OH , Sons - Stra,'„„ _Toottsteht• - 12 des Med demo. Price : 43 0949 . ..P 9 1/9! . 19 flippaed..at. New York pax* ; • Our TheriirOier 0r'21,411. . . ..-..... !.. "..' ' tilliivtirdaii:2sl.h;ls4:.. took over the list, niche Ilit & insets what kind bit. LiG A TU ff -D r‘Sir :it if with Peat lit, you choose, mid iodate the, sortmatin a currant '• iii.6;.lai,i, coriammu i,' gi,to, y ou tb..a bit , or note or stumps, br mail to my - addlotk and the ; th e *,,Nuchte• yint giro site, for .Wortivwheortas. ~..2 0,41, ,,a tne, ...,.."./ "Au!, tettattPthfillunt 4 5 9/ DMA'', i C04011 r 94 1 049 4 159 914444, Ana Js.ll. happy te stusi '"—.."" ....j. •' ' '' WADY , BO for recovered seer e , lir& Veer. t.DL ON, -•:,-,-, L,. • as- Otrtst,Stel ottltoStka t •ls e s Lika .r. ! •:-, , ~ t- , , .: % .: - .1 , ~,- It• -• •-•,'" ~ , we ehollloot Ambito toroteleorthsc ta Irina NirOto Mk/UM* ntiplierri• '•""•• li lt went ai t i serdeas Si. 4 It rutorwty,isholive; - ..5 , ',..t,',... geslaidifoOrbeliirth•Positetgli!•,' .11outtlutittiPSder,". ' • .- le- , . i et Pituites4ri meat for Pittston& mad tistilltir. , onei !Salon. Orleoutplowity, • - - . . 1)11. Or Mtn - 11K OF DRS. LIGRTILILL S 4 St. .Nark's Place, :rely rent, I NOW IN PrrnBURGH, AN REMAIN AT TITC St CHARLES HOTEL, Wiese be can be consulted until FRIDAY EVENING, Deegan. AlB6l, DEAFNESS, CATARRH, Discharges from the Ear, NOISES EN THE HEAD, ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES EAR AND-THROAT. induced to nuduithis visit on sconunt of nuttier cue applinitionstromPartiesnealdlng lOPittsburet and vicinity', who are unable to come to New York for the indispenisble penronategand nation render. ednecesearifrom the impossibility of prescribing with benefit to the patient without it. LIGHTIIILL will rerlelt Pittsburglist reg ular intervals, morning to the requirements of the patients, under hl Iherge; The bunnies in New rock don not .iu'fltbr any interruptlOn from enba6 of the &eve there Inconstant attenit. - _ . • „ . Ptriastrircl, PA<Nos. 6, Igel: This will certify that I have - been under the trite, a Dr.-Lighthlll for the sure of Catarrh, sad that,. although he has titte me for little orecone week, 2 feel that a pers:led rmaneat cure la to beeHeeted, add am so much better Le all respects as to warrant me to giving Melty to these-fasts , and recom mending' Dr. Mill to ya t1 01:. Settled with Catstsli, • • • . 7 I , • • TOrahlit, Bros. ai 6 lynch - [From the lime JOurnat, Jane 41A.J • • - In eveiy btlrmela Or profesitod, indeed in cede ', department of science or Skill, there is alwayepome acknowledged head—someone who stand. But In bold relief among his fellows; as a, sort of leader. In the study and treatment of Deafnesi and Ca toatr. as special diseases, Dr. E..I.I.LIGHTBILL„ this city, occupies just the .poeltion above de teribed. , Be has devoted years of labor to this umns the ribune, of • cent date, bear witness to th e D oct o r ..success ln till* department of medicine. We quote Um pars ph: ....ors or A Dear Mum—Louis Loowingstnel aged fourteen years of age; born in Germany, came to this city when be was about two years of age. Sale after arriving here he was taken sick and lost his bearing ; By degrees he herniae first dent as , then dumb .. or pearly. colt Teal, he wAAA mute unable t?,bear thelOndest valve, or to agile.. . ,-t.. ; ,o na m i t e.p y ? ! .M l be was. Pissed in th baud 'I, s- eteded In restoring to him his lost powers of hear ing mad utterancelhat can converse with those who speak to him distinctly and deliberately. Du-, ring the part four or dye monthshe has bnni under the tuition of AG. Benneche; and has Made' could. prattle progress In reading and arithmetic.'. - Haring been oupplied with the lad's address, we further investigated the Matter, and discovered that ..:terlotiltto,calling on Dr. Lightbill,' the youth's Cage was considered hopelest, and .he was for two years an inmate of it Deaf and DtunbAsylum. The .lisr. John Nott, D. 11., Professor In Union College, Schertectady,in a published letter, tenders his grat- Bode to Dr. /..4htbill for treating successfully his; ease of Deafness.- Bev. Bee. Feed. S. 'Jewell, Beofeasor or the StateNonrial School at Albany, iliso teatidei to having been cured of Catarrh; Dr.-Lig:hi ll possesses other testimonial and tributes to. tal. - mit from some of the wealthiestnnd-eioitprora neat and respeeted citizens, which may- beaten - on, application. It would be _Mcult to. %heal* any , :but term. of praise of his treatment; in Wake of these many proofs and *Fs testifying to' Wk..- Prom ItatPriNi. S. JewelOrafrato sf the state Itatit '; Mnj &Ann. gy, Seat York.- 3,3 1, - Dlt." LIG friliZlLL•Dear Sin UnillsZditi,oi Md 1 ; 31,17 - 14th; leen!, 'you a carefolatatemeat3a i rmy ease, its -I=l"tttaloriat4' 4243 ;41.7:Ut t Irett=t r , 91 a I t e utl i ti 3 ,I , beneficiel snub. . ...... I I haveheen,frola thewittfer orthe year lett, snit- ' t l , ',le tiithdenSpeetadlott attleeks Of O r atarrh. warn., l ed , str° 4 f"Cibb?.. ll 7 - c - toms, niolont.inlammal t Pi tbniiital of the entities - of the 3 1 3 . etSsotap elaph,tha drat 'stages , I'!i 'maul' L'• iTiAla-,•,#°:.;i0n,r4111.1147= I -ace. ectc,fettow,andt.„ • ,3 - .3atiftelos prtedatted.a pinulent and bloody .. ' ,these, . ' - '"loilinbtil Pro s _ 3 moot distressing. veldts othpsetsch., _ , " - As. tiodienily each depress period varyin g from ~.... three week% 3 1101 Roblnes so. violent as to ineapacb tete me for Madness and condos me to my bed. At " Mrrk e4.ll°,'"end.ll4ll2t,T,groraehrundli3, Zd tCICI2O44ItAn thnelitit'PodWPylertalts*litlhas of 'raft: r-ibb lo co ft */ - 7 , itirtOelonfine Amy for weeks, to lethl bed Cruet medicines and amdfcatlons ot 'Carlotta nun and other catemhal preparatioandf al( a down kinds; Application to the heed . ofaamphor, giant. and hot fontentetions of dine; ant kinds; and" fa conneetlon with these the usnal , emetics or cathartics employed to induce venter *than. ^But none of "these had - prainced any per., manent • improvement, and those few-lastances he Which temporal relief was afibrdett.lt was et "the' expense of eo much strength - as SO leave inc great/Y. exhausted.' Under these .eircutnatanees I was lay' though with reluctance, from the suppond anew* batty of the einem a ,to make trial of yottr treat: men t. I found It loon even beyond, my,. hopes teaching, the disease sae it had" never been reached' before, and 'alleviating its symptoms to au extent WM,* 'bad sappoted imposeible. At the time pre you my fonnerecetttleate. while I did not feel Wuntrd'of a campletc cute. I had obtained a mate; tied mint which amply repaid for 'my trial of ' ybur treatment, and- whielesatietled . mo - that. the treatment' woe at, efrbetlve as It was Maude and philosophicaL 'A eubetautla/eseape.from myosin" attacks of c e tarrhfforthounprocedented period of neatly half a' year,- and that in spite of sevore of . currenoes of , Mness. which would have formerly rendered such an attack inevitable, was, to me, , pfoof clan importaat neves. It Isnour eismoutbs since I lent you that statement, and while It ie un plesaint -to appear thus ,conetentty, and in title 311 1 ,115 e, before the publle, it seems to mo a matter of simplejostioe to youreelf, And to those who au,. . as I was, to odd that I am not only as, 1 1'11=Ty ed as to the utility and el/ 131 e7 ' =gilled 'Of treating catarrh as 'I wan MX' months' ago, but I am now of the beltet that If there Is such. ,n thing as a claw for cArdatc catarrh, la taigas, A stibstantial gate hag been effected. ' - ! , "Yours, reopectfully, ' "11ZEDERIUS S, yEist: Albany, 1.1."1 . 4 Seat: 4 1644 : ' - , - ..... 00 IMME AIEDIC.II. AM all the various DR.. LIGHTIIII.I. gams= .T7l sCEILL.I.V.EO P Ora: S' lIERIEETICAL • a i New imix..October.A.l36l. A. A. Tarte*, Lluery,ls3 Broalivag; trt have, toccired atourVard .Penhota r blty. New Jenny, au Invoke of )termed Petroleum front Tlt tuiv le, Po ,00e-of the harrele haying the brand of the “llermeUeal Barrel Co,” (Robbing' Petssa4l A careful *IA ettnallon of this cask shows It tbett In perfect order, (no eraporation.or leak.ub) eta the wood as dry no before IL was Oiled. The other bane/. of. the tr.volce,vvere in, fair order, but.lusl leaked or evaporated about twb galloon oath. - W6 cheerfully recommend the Etna tio.a Ita:rel to Neilsen mad Shl of Hetrotettm. • - LEY; Pli-ELPS Tametterteria's Pastotre.E.Weetbas jho ' - • • , Meow., 'frown. Orates, Mr Broadway, earner De y street. • • (Oil Depot, Jersey 01ty) , .. New York, November hi, L 164. A. A. Tarum, Actuary. 150 Broadway. Wc'recetred at our Depoti Jeriey City, on Chip lath of October lad, aa invoice oP Petroleutntlbot Tituevithe.ofwbleb were four barrels having the BIIIM of ;the-. Utnsdical Nast*: CO., Ra 14 1 .44 Patent^ ' , A tareful'eXaminatlOn of these Barry shows them to be 111 pea:wt order, no °vaporetto* or leakage. Tho outside of the wood of the Wrath IA as dry as before they were filled. - • We understand the &bore shipment wee three weeks on the road., and was- tratuddppedf thee( MEAS. SUMS they have been at one Depot, hays been subject to considerable rough treatete% and-exposure. to sun and-rain. A few days NO they were singed and found to contalit - all the QM that was originally put la them— • 'Melees ef Petroleum from leakage .lutd stloo between here and_ollereek, amounts= to 91 per mat. We have- no 'doubt the Bobbles" Hermetical Barrel would save this entire loss; - se: well as attains of Petroleum when .on storisse. VALENTINE, age.. r We will be prepared Ina abort time to friraba Refiners, Barret "Manufacturer, and dodoes i*„ Crude Oil, aanspleset Barrels prepared b 1 ROBBINS' PROCESS," which wumeinongt.te to su [mamma that Itstrel Li 01 . tztat . t.,49.1241 . 1pr lt, A Hermaical Barrel That it will hold /tirade 011, Bei 0 11 ,N5431 1 4- Spirits of Turoentite. etc. ^ • • • WITHOUT LEAKAGE OR EVAPORATION.' For months, without injury to the allghtcat affirree., The process of preparing Barrels by Robbins' method 'Livery simple cheaper than moat. ether , processes in bee, and IS EFFEt/TUAL. For furtherparticutars lenpamphlet, which san t be had at our office, No. It 2 Fleet Erect. • .1161 - Applicati one for Licensee for using the abets; 'rm through ' • • Lirrrxecrrr. FRY b. 00. MUSKINGUM OIL SPRING PETIROLEWM CO3IPANI4,, Morg,an County, Ohio. 482 Acres in Fee on Oil Spring's Rm;,: iluto mita from McCocusellevale lectorporatc4ltuuler ttu) lawi or Pensurivaigi. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000. 100,000 Shuts it. $ Per Share, Fall Patti Working' espitatreserved for development 16,00• shares, the subscription price for which is Ulcer abare—aot liable to furtherasseument. =:111 GEORGE W. CARR' Eiq. President 'of the P.. Et. W.A. O. B. R. U. . a. T. LZECTL„ Jr. /MtiCrOall deo. W. OW, W - . J. B. Guthrie, Beal. ewe% r., JUL Richards, D. F. McKee, 'Frank Balm, g; Tr Lew ,. 4. THE COMPANY OFFERS 10,001 shares of the don illserred IN This ate.Rxer. Books'of S#l?,sqx,:iptio.ri 1 , . Axe moirOpiia at the °Mee of ; a a -grraur, 59 toctuitit Bt: . . Where Prompeetnalind 3f..ap of the'llonsp4rogr PROCLAMATION.—CITY itt 11 0Orden. With provision of an Act At. enteral Assembly of the Commonwealth of_Panse,; sylvanl entttled ',An Act to incorporate the Ong, of and a lumplement passed the lv.k, day of . April, A. IX 19i4 A. C. ALEXANDER., Mayer of said city, do tune this, my_preal declaring th at en the SECOND TUEO4D,,. JANUARY, A. D. 1145, being the leth day of the, month, the qualiliedsoters of cash ward will meet, together at the places hereinafter mentioned, and - elect, by ballot, one entree to servo as Mayor, ars‘ ' - ale althea to were as Director of the Poor. The qualified ,vo LLIIS s oterf WAh the First Ward of Juke city will meet at the Public School Holum tri'mddi, ward, to elect, by ballot, one citizen to serve as at member of the Select I'm's:Lai, four citizens to emit as members of the Common Council, one citizen to • serves. Alderman: :me citizen to serves* Assessor two for &hoot Direttors, one foe Judge of. Eleo., Baas, four for „Inspector' of Elections, and 0111; for Onsurtable. SECOND WARD. • TItII6II4KTIFSI°II-lUA4("nil l i , kra oiati: at the s-u.....ct ocnool lfaltse WC ward, and elect, by bedlot. one citizen to serve ass: member of the Select Connell, four claims tO Servo, as members of Sc Common - Council, One for senor, two for School Dire t ors Par Suds* if; Elections, four for Inspeatore of Mallen/4 and Onle • The qualified voters of the Third, erd ' of add fr , city will meet as follows. viz:to The tint pres- Ist , will meet at the Public School House in sabd, ward, and the second precinct will meek at t h e, • house of Col. Gent, corner of East Lane and Seev end street, in said city; to elect, by ballot, one cittvi ten to serve as a member of the Select Clotinail, t i our citizens to, serve as members of the COWIN' r. Councii;one eltize.n to seeress Assessor, two altb.._ rent to serve as School Direotors for three Plum.; and one to serve as School Director for• one yens , , rice Rev. McMillen, resigned; ono citizen to genre, at Judge of Elections, and four citizens to ssru es, ! Inspectors °II:lee }. P :lo ßT'ns and one fa. 7 ~ U ' The qualided ‘arnittrdrim follow s ,rho Fourth Ward o(er:it... wID meet Its f in „ The tint prealltera meet at 'the Engine Denise, corner of Leoock. and Anderson streets, and the accord ;neatest wilij meet at the house, of lam Park, on the corns. Ole Chestnut iunl Man ineneu, In said ward, and elestr.„ tjkallot, one citizen to servitor a member of that .: -te'et• Connell. fotle fltizen4 *aye as =embank of the Common Commit, one citizen to serve as Assessor, two citizens to serve as School Dlrectonr, one ottani to serve as Aldermen, sksJoslah Suitt, deceased, one citizen to servo as . Judge of Ebro-, mons In each precinct, and four to serve a. Duper. tors of Elections in each precinct, and one for (Moe The Return Indies will meet at the Ns or'. f it Ilea, City Ball,' on WEDPfERDAY mommtar, January Ilik, result 'clock, for the purpose of 6e. - <teredning the of the election. ; • 'Given under my hand and= seal, all kith day DeCeeibec: %ISM. - , .s defend A. O. ALEXANDER . Mayor. rnis GREAT ENGLISH .REMEDY. • Ina JAMES cLARKE's am/RATED FEMALE - - '• cdeseriptlon of Ste X. Clarke, kr. Prepared froth .. ""calawu7 wMa queen. It . ..thrP/9'.45af4 rh • • • • t . :koutiatt, bat nal, %jell a cure and safe remedy Female almatt.‘. .- • : r.f.t. ObatructiOne,' from any cause whatever and though a powerful remedy, they- conalir noth: lug hurtfulp to the constitution.. in TAfaiiled '- Ladles-it-is perfectly aulted. It will, a abort time, L bring on the Monthly period with regularity. • • 'These Pill, hare never been known to fall wham - the tUrectlone on thb 'Page or th e Pamphlet art well oboe '. •• , Par full parlicUlani get Piniphlet,tree. of Me,: nerd.' Sold by all Druggists. Price,al per bottle. Sole Veiled States Agent, . • . • 71 Vourtiandt street,.New'r eik;''' of h.n_4 l and a portage ataniPa, encl.:wed to any authorir alma; Will =Mire a bottle' containing , over ao bills. by return mall." tieldayayaz... fIVIR IMPROVER .A. 11.1trle tilant Sewing' IffMthlsto, Prise Off{.Y, 1118'CO.' Enautparted far eertekat7s reliability and g In movement; arid for real north It beano rival. Per simplicity, durability machine it ta unequalled p ub l i c , ther cheap. heretofore °Meted to t and needs only to be seen. tote appreetatt.d.. — It wilt hem, quilt, tuck or bind. 'Call and.examlne Inc !Mg. 141114 •Every machine warranted. ' ' -' • 'No. 113 S. 13:BARNES, Atnt,' THIRD St.,oppivite St. (:lodes „TO GLASS: BLE , CHANICIB.--Wguated a tnnn as Sumintendent .to take- ohnrge. of a,' Glass Work& TO one who - Ls fully bompeteat la. all reverts—Who understends how to erect a Lacs tory—to.teansx-e make and work Flint sad Uwe. , 'Glass—A DISIBABLE SITUATION' ~,WyEE:r” BARE iIIDUCIZIENTS'IS OFFERED:- - ALSO, wanted one Pot Maker, one Inlxert . .ll4o MN . 7. number of Finishers. AdAress..l34.Ase .WQ l Kas,...*-- - Box 4..G1, Chicago; 111 r . --OeStal,, io ,::0311EFLX • • IflOlT arty rIIi.ATCrIr WOREAL , „ • Dilirorties-Hailteser---.-v tamer el Gnat V. 84 Seventh street', pi rk-te,tr-, pettly ;e;"... 0rc......., ATTBESON't 3441:111ANi ss Fie kti .4l. trateetato.ttlifiXw E st •-eta- tot MULL IAEL 11.41,2=L ay BONI-- GOO , ' 4 4=lllll (--.`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers