_ PUBLISHED Et ?UK oImTE POBLISHING LSSOCLITI93 DAY, itirtrAßY 4 4 1 gqi[P . T, CITY , inning NUM ma !tarok. JOHN - MOHEnom, volt immonis or rarifXit , . • EMQRX. • .• , . . • . _ , ate `!ndehted to Ifeieti: end Omits; of the Hattie of &pre- Atektatire, Hartisbnig, for vefeshle. potato 'AID FOR THE REFUGEES. Re publish;to-iiay, a stirring :ail* in ; behalf, of the Wagers from,the South, who are coming' over the binder sea • nuts atidinanchii:creatitiite :condition, _that it beionieti a duty.to contribute to their re- •- • , • We do not know whit may be the tehttoni"Of the agent Sent here to make col lections forthese Redrew- but we take the liberty:6f suggesting te those' of -was who-take part In this charity, • shit: it "rill be well, While contributing to the 're . lief of 'the refugees In general, t to make ioine Provision for the relief of the refpoes fn #4elty;', many of whom, we under, ite in need of help. Thls soggestiori the inntributions not Intended to Interim, in the lesun,With . that may be' nude to time agent from. Ohio, now in -ilts city, lint to give - rise to some eo-operatlie ' movement that Will include thhi'city is its opemtiona4 e: THE 'DUTY ON PAPi.R., 3114 Idsnair C. Cann; the whilorn arm: plint ni' ,. .Tyiati - etlon to American Industry, • comes •to.the rescue of the Paper Moncipts. - Ihtts,!,and resists the repeal of the paper duty on the old ground of the duty of the Manna ment to foster hothe manuficturns. • .t _ lYe are and always hails been in fevOr of protecting ,hoine labor ; i but we are net in favor of reeking Protection. play into the . tends of Monopoly. The decisive argument in favor of Pro eCtiOn,'when this' was : an open lineation, 3 r:tn : that.Protection, by fostering home in- - . oittatry;lmtilt up manufieturoe, to that one I,lteteny'soon mune-into campatitieni withan other, and that thus competition eventually brought prices downbelow the foreign &handl and long as Protection operates In Mb way; so long It is justifiable, and no longer. The moment It Imllds up monopolKind so deprives the public of the benefits of com petition, lt fails' of its purpose and sihould bc;ahruitioned.• It ceases, then, to be 63- * • tectiori and becomes Opp - cub:in: • • been - the effect 'of the - Taker, daiy. IS yields: no • revenue, aid is, Mein fore of. no rano to the .Govenunsni; and, tbe:P l PPrrizaers isrd the cogy".parties bens-. fitted by', A/aiding neither ptotectitm fta the proper sense) nor I'r - entre:it Shosnd, a; MO be rePettla:* '," ~T he- paper soakers . of - the ' country; ily;combining together, are able to keep Itp.tte.price of paper to the price at which it onn be imported, duty on; and the effect jll4l ditty (twenty:per cent in gold) is' simply to. ut a'. profit into their pockets' cirial to 'the.duty, Which,' at the present' priti of told, to abelit forty-Are per.cent.• If they were competitor, with each othee,', net be _the Case; bat their combi; nation renders:competition oticof the gums , lion, aid yirttutily makes the paper,manti. ''facture a monopoly. The' myeal of the da *will, tweak this monotely up and the papep 7 makes, we - ventiii Will Bed try bay pintaction enough Without it, , British. Ottleee V s- fift to eke - Army tef ehs' Potomac. tne London 'Stor,of Dec. filth,lris en ha: - M*4W letter from a British °field:officer : %aka was recently ou a• visit" , to . Gnarer's , : araq. Ito describes Gen:tins:rt.; .The General is laciturn,:ibleh gives the matte his party. He must certainly hive. enough= his mind to occupy his thoughtsi= Monet zhe lets. net sAvto any:re:7er of wear. Irt.persen he -bears a very 'strong likeness to thelate Lord Oharle.s wfrom' I watt' perscnially auquatuted.' Indeed;' on i. coming oat," of torten!. - nett morning 'and acting the General standinc,:eigar in mouth, in front ofiris, so striking '• s Lids ream tre,_ecamtenarice, figure and 'appear artett;that lent I not ',known thattlie second rairlifAte_Puke of - Wellington lire) longer lftingi'4,could limo almost sworn lie wood.. lbeforemis, 'Gen. - Grant is about forty-two yestarotago, anti- was regularly-educated ; for the , lei - vice at West Point; bat finale• promotion sloW, he quitted the lied keen roti five years engaged to private pursuits when the civil war broke but. 'Af ter dinnerletoek Me forliii.fejit, gave Inc a 'cigar and"chatted freely. Penal hid an . o l l P o ,rttlaltl Or.Witnessles tke disPlity:oo44 • •serp,,rxMerhaßs.raciiily for acrlispatelt of basfitater,which alone could prevent a per:... son in hispordtkei form beingoyerwhelme d. WA were r?m!si9tlylnrnjit4:,d.!*inem'el gerelr ll o l3 l ietteli,' ttleinnliee. Bge•- • • With out- being in • the least- diacencerted, ho at ~, o nce idtended ..to ° the:matter: before'hint,' ; wrote the nectmlary_lnstractlins and then repined Lla conrersation. ..Twice I. MR to learn Vac hut be begged' me:to be seated:,- I felt boand to tell him that I must be very much in ;blowsy, And that.l hoped he would , • not outsider It necessary to 'do. More than - beMV ele-OVer.to a 'staff WNW; and. afford 1111.11milltleit for seeing the armles,Aies,•&-c. The - Eight was cold and I was frequently ineekety thelhingof gane, - and I conchal ed that 'Melling wee going, en. The heir morning after breakfast, tbo'viestlier being ' utglet, beePPlibili the General offered .to acnd 'Me, eccompiniedbyan WA:la-camp ; to see the lines opposite :Petersburg. . -. According. ly :Colonel -...--,i-ind"A and - two orderlies; with foisr bones,: started by iberlnda; and poised about Willie and U halt Winn Peteia. • knfillfhoOf occasionally a train in lirstat; to 'prevent which , :its".l fi ti Moat " expos e' places, unallinthaule liart.lreen thrown up. I observed as mo, - passed Along . a cirmilar , !saw et work dsiven bye movable steam en. By ttdirmeshs four - Men". were: tirt-- . tiltend pliingjap?. - Woirid" at .are incredibly: rapid %mei , • Aided - ions -are very In- In iabor sating' Uontrivinear. , . 'Of all the Ci g na duty fel .ithlch• bile men are %SUWON:IOdt QS of-cutting:.wood is about the • mood , disitutterW, arida venture, to say that , , a 111101e'lmftt :would sot perform the • - work *Ma Gus little engine:int doing. • = GisitOrd Gibbon Joined the - train opposite his division; and we Or went on togethet. Sill it stopped near General. Meade's head. m y, The-Xleneral received etc meet' It and kindly; mennted his horse, attnnded by .bis aid-de-camp, escort, de., necompardett me to various points of iatoresC ~ General Warren also joined us, and point ed out the scene amine . battles which took placstwo mouths ago. Tlio_conntry was erood&l,..with the exception of a large fact& of Indian corn, which. being eight feet high, gave concealment to thousands of Confeder - ates.. ,The fighting hero lasted affout three - diva hut, excepting Atte trampled state o f gba ground an the carcasses of a conplo of .latirscii, there , was nothing to Milli:ate •so fearftil 1 struggle. The trees had &Inez been generally cut dew - in - to- allow of the space Whig commandediby Cannon.' It is a mar vel to men how troops•move at ell' In this thickly wooded country. It is impossible to entydoy artillery; .ond cavalry are useless in • any masa, serving merely- as 'scouts, for aging panties, Ate.. Then the danger tStite ram m e d , nevus: from the ambuscades to - Irbldtivitioy.•.are •• exposed. and the deadly charade[ log , thtimernas4s-presiskitt now in use is so great that it, is wonderful.how any of them escape'. '' , _' _, The , writer elso visited General Butlers. =tr ., ~,.....t.„, deiUrthingliiiii i l,fllfut, 4ta34' iliwde firom , iiiiii: Pa e.nt eol. pon t o on: a_litlfe.balow AIMUL's Landing, Shen • .___ snasieitttwo miles anti iti half along '.vo ' ll la r rFr. llo,ll4 l llll ed petklltroughaforest , whale Atim...ctrectectserowU may , ' 4ool „lasboutosuriusndsed Ist tiritV-: hi. 4--..m.r....K.,....::: N. ... .SINt. kiltS .....11T , ff: i1.:,:,,,,r t,..7,;,.'"*"4- e 3., ' - '" 4 ' , ;”.. 0,- ‘4, ,, a at , i+ , 4; 4'4 1 , 7 :at ti c "•"' '..xt., • : " - - ":7•••• • • •, • • 7 --- "' itit#* _ eve [ 11 .1.9r, roughwiadder.„, Tlaikexploft„ norng so many miles inn military'sld dle.l found stiffish work. I was,howeveri-,, amply repaid. The Way was , wondeiriblly clear, and with my owsiracreglau rimy the steeples of Richmond and the fleet in the James: While at tids elevated lookout I may remark thatballooning as a military re source-has beenabandoned, and is consid ered quite useless, except for ascertaining the interior vette of a beleagured city: - As we rode back through'the wood to the pon toon, bridge, ray commit= I. observed,: yon•havo been fortunate: in. the" weather, and in finding usismuraged, and • I really think you have-seen everything of interest that Ivo - could possihly:show you."' I laughed, and saidl thoughti hadeeener erything but a tOrpedo, .which he .was so* good as to set about explaining to e; . but' good as we reached the bridge a-• -me;' was ending seven tcupedoes, which had just been fished trout of the - dyer. We re-em. • barked ourselves, bevies and orderlies, and reached City Point too lateifor dinner, and woreglad to sit down by dureelves to a yeah-' mita.' 'nit following day I left, for Balti. more. My visit had been a pleasant one. I was. kindly :received..everywhere, and would gladly haveroolonged my stay if it had beam • possible. • The inducement of a /deadly invitation' was not wanted. The General commanding as' halia ist(d;ret icentend most - Wisely .I The opinion I formed of Me plane was Girdle expecte, by the long line be occupies , to wear Lee's ar my out without much ;11ghting.• Ile can ob tain aamerry. men as lee requires. Indeed, I consider the facility of obtaining men has , caused these armlet to be too large to move :boat or work expeildotudy, and then the system of entrenching makes.,them relac tent to break up "ri home." , In paeans titaoghWashington Ipresent ed ,myalf at the iThite Mouse, and, it ha petted that pug before I was leceived.hy_the President news had reached 'hint of the 1 Confederate raid trout Cana , and the rob bery- oU tho St. -Alba& • .Thle' Waked en occasion to _Mr. Lincoln for in dulging .in a good-Immortal characteristic sally . -4 .‘We are not so well - off for money," said he, "that them is'anynetessityfor par: tits from across the herder to come and rob the banks." On going from •ll4tinaoni-to Nei York,' was struck with a feature In the character of the Americans- which-has often been 're- - marked upon by English travelers—the pa tience and resignation with whickitilay Sub mit to incoavenlences and :discomfor ts, which in England - would be resented 'ea an filtration of permsl piivileges or a breach of positive.engageinent. The:cars were so crowded 'that many pruisengers • stood , the greater part of the way. ..Think of persons after paying for seats from London to Liver— pool submitting to such treatment .from the railway company! Beyond, the ;request .to tome one, to rise and give a seat to a one. legged - officer no attempt was made to dis place - occupants. . • Tim Americans am becoming very French ia their appearance and manners, wearing uniforms in the streets,- steamers, hotels, cafes,Ake. They taken good deal of license, As regards dress, especially in their fancy hats, some . 'of them ?marbling the old ca valiers,' and really very comfortable and pic turesque- I cannot, conceive of them in fu ture.- ether than a military people ; • but whenever I inquired• what after the war was to become of the 'young generals, I met in all directions, some Under twenty five years of age, I was told that they would *LP= their paninfts, "for we are pectiar people and 'eau adapt.otuselves. tgeircurnistancek" found,. however ; that if topic was 'pursued - and the ere en couraged to talk on they -would generally end by intimating that Napoleon's prokge would, have-to be • driven out of Mealco: That Seemed to be a' fixed - reaolve With a great many to Whom I spoke regarding . ..the fiunre career of the - American armies., Before this struggle closes there will be so groat a development and improvement in. all Made of arms, - -both for military and na val warfare, that the world Will act wisely in leaving itself open to by - American ingenuity. I visited the famous forindryfor casting Parrott guns,' and the *role laoeess was oxplaised tome by the proprietor. I saw a"3'oo-pounder east, and., was told the establislffeent could.: produce - three guns a day. The streogtheaing the guns by:bands • or,. coils seems to have been so - : successful that, as I weirtold, no accident had imp reared to a 'Parrott" in either the military or naval service. aI also visited a scasufse. , tory of seven-shooters, not revolvers, but ri fles, loaded through the butt, each cartridge being fbreed up by a wire similar to what' we see used in, carriage Tani* rin utreii respecting these gums, when I was whir the army,., action, they lead,. to. a waste of ammunition, especially-In the hands of raw • turembut they are very, destructive when • entrusted to known cool.rahots, amid would enable a very few men to'„,defpld a..narrsy pass; a gateway,,ete:;rate.-• • have traveled upwards' of threellousand miles in, the Fidend States, and saw._ very -little to remind me that the eeturtiy was in vOlved in war, and certainly nothing Inds-. retire Of sunlentigorerhairstion. I. saw the rsi-tum of some onelrundrerldays regiments, a force most admirably planned for spending money uselessly, enriching 'clothiers and -untettliag younr men_ They are very mi ls vcirably _regarded by the regular army . at the front: I. m have- ar conclusron that the resources of thefederals, both as pc gards men and money, arepractically. Inez-. haustible.,,, And - so great is the advantage. they possess in their navy -and In the mo nopoly of water transportation, that it will in-no way -detract from the pfirek aunt en durance displayed by the Confederates avhenever they do agree to durum. , Lee, in particultor; has displayed the very highest order of generalship; and,- malting every al lowanto he. has derived front a. thorough knowledge of the country, and from the Is, citify with which earthworks, the marked features of this war`are - now improvised, the length of time”he halt held 'the, Federals the nt: bay fn *ill 'forefer redound to credit of his military genius. ' The Freedmen In - Diaryliad. The BillthnertlAMerfase 1148: .1411i.111i11311)eli ofthetreedmemaliether,from chbleoorneeessikr. will remain at 'their former Ithmes, mid makethe "scenes :of- thelr.compelsory.'tollthe/r counting Thla hum been the ease to 'a large attest in 3fei7lamlf 'Ole of Its Milts; we haraemthedlepasltionwo the part of the late thrrehos to 'adopt a aptegt bf, IltlMr Thleh . 'praetleallriamirosti 10 enslavement, and ;MIMI la effect' - ebroimtaVtlielamt latenkllor the prtitectleti of the Treeman i `The tide ni Pak' option has Ifet'so,, , enteizlr'hkelnit , Maio! eflbrte at fbited - appreotleashlp tniii tither 'cone tersictledis and- evasion Of the pleMprorielons of the: , new , ametitatron, that in many - maim thd. , slaselellilers ham doeisted /Min their , atteinpts." Bch, lanmeercom otlahrinetaness •they• lily. - par; severed in theirreeobewam sue!! liledreaces and reahlatteepand therobrdelhatni the Inter. bf the , Rattorm, or Qtragsgt ores NOWeLI.,C4IIO.r. I rmt*;„-- The disadvantaes, ~emperlealled• Prleudslo "hrotth Cmcdlouvirool fVfhtlogtu tbo ' midst of the deleterions influences of slavery,. Induced many. to leave that ante-lov before the ' rebellion tookohlacezEltutethattlnieother strodg m.crttme have arlietvfor removal,: apt we-mein ; formed that, for ameralsootatutpag,': a titueber . • of ; families oPYrieltdef , thset :North' Carolina, • ' of, thenthf3teetltute tirounistauma, -have bompasslog through Baltimore ottthetr way to Westemtitateci Fritudstbat 'ettyi' , learnlng ',thst ULM " is likely' to • rattlaue, have • orestaved Amide' Amoclattou of Baltimore to adiise • ood , asslat'Prleuda harm! thei&Mthmu Am:moments willkise ramie la Nor-' folk and Portsmouth to foollitote trle:_Pastago of ' through Thom aides. —Patteetphat Frteede-Besime; , • . • • . Calt.hasbecnlssmid„ and respeietabtysigned, in .ouitister state of New Jersey, for -a et:oven :Non at Trenton, on We:bus:day,. Feb. 1, to 'on.: pose' the efforts of the Camden and Amboy mo nopoly to perpettuura their hold upon the mg riiads of the state. The tali says: •.Thwe is reason to believe thit the. Camden Railroad Corapany sue preparing to extort from the • , ..islature r thiswlnter,-an eaten -slots of their buMensome and odious exclusive ptivileges, caatrary to good name and interests o f of the people of the slate, and against their kb:nom wishes; which loJarionstnovement can only be counteracted by the united ind rest:- brie action of all Jersoymen 'opposed' to the fur ther- extension of the monopoly _ Ifont htztatto Utscovvitma.—Theliet niviens from Paget's Bound, contained In the Washing: ton Territorr papers say the country Is In a state of ndtemeotr growing. :int of dlsoiyary 6f gold and silver-bearing quartz ledges forty or fifty miles from Olympia, mid within twenty or thirty, miles 'of 'water ' , navigation. Assays had heed: made at and tbeapselthena haying been fottud to be very tick =a free rein wear= to ,areemmlon end somofearordie cialMst -up to last ac counts, bad aliedy been located. Otrrocor sends a froth haekiroodstuatito Can; _geese who bad neser seen i railroad till hi Canto ud thje sown,' Iteltadheard much en* trick3' of Shiners,: snel detenutecd: to keep ' his eyea 'Ho Ireptgem rqms:tio *Mead:Whin the eondeefor emus and tore 'otr tho_caupdtrottiti. tie treket,lei *lnd -that 'worthy Winer by the; ‘tiusitit, -and had steady shade in end'_of hint be; foye be could be persuaded that no . weenglad A Theyataident's frlgnretw'r . It. Will be reineititW'red that in order to show that the loyal Statar bid In In PapulatiOn haspite of thereat ;deal* of men for the war. Presideitt Llneolii - appended to tali Message, written about the Ist of December, a, table or the - aggregate Toteeast at Qui electlon held only three weeks ineslons. To show the aingyar accuracy of the President's fivrm, l ln y Ike result, we print - behmr„ along, tilde of th e official results as condensed Into the Tralmne Almanac. - We remark that - oar first fig- ; urea for. Maine, In order to "foot v,'!.we.,re. con - slderably too small; Made* lisd not the rieces . ; deicess frOna Aratibtok ~sad-tither,remete complete retake from ' a to make the,table 4:• luckdl that the ~Caliia,ilol dlem' 'vote; orreteceitid only A day i n c e Tribune Presidentl - - Vote nr: rrnizei Almanac; Nessanc. 1860. ;California' 106,975 110,000....18,840 Connecticut •86,9113 ,121,616 i... 77,246 Delaware - 16,922 • 16,924. .thrnois 348,223, : 348,235.7.-..339,693 Indiana 280,471 330,045—.272,143 .OWa . • .. . . 18%,1371•• 1.43 L 48,83/. Sallaaa .530,182 17,234 Neatacky.. . ;.... 86,070 91,300—.146,216 Maine..:..:..:.• 115,141.... -97,918 'Maryland ... —; 2faraschnsetts...l7s,4B7 175,487...4162,533 241eldgaa. ' -153,722 . 162,413—.154,747 Minnesota .. . . 43,435 _,43,435.... 34,799 Inssortrlit. ... ...103,802 . .:..90,000....165,538 Nevada . . 1.6,42) New fraai..: 69,271.. • 65,953 New Jersey • 138,747 .:138,680,..:191135 New To rk 730,664::::675' 156 , DWG.. eioe .. • . "470,533 . 470 , 7 42..443,441 -Oregon . . ...,.•18,845 •.14 , 410 . .. . '14,410 Pennsylvania ...t572,407 5711,697....470,442 Rhode Bland 19,931 Velma_ .• ,43,844 Wort Virginia ~„ , 811590--,' 33,874.... .46,195 Wisconsin: . ... • 148 , 5 13....:153,180 Total. • • --- ...4,,014,964 -4,015,674 3,870,272 Almanac less then the Menge, 710; This trilling dightenee: is something remarks. conshiming the Immense - manor figures to be mit hrgettiug of tlutmartglos.. With anard to the Increased rote sines 1850, if we takeout the - .llorder - Ststes, - whore e greet number of seessaloo„mmuathMers did not rote al, we shall Menthe 5)1losrlog 11gures: Note in 1864.4::., Note in 1860,••• . • - •ji••••-• •• 3 1 4 01 965 111 C =creme titmote‘ .. 2&‘.784 This if °Teti eight . per cent., which to more than . halt the ratio et Increase et population during • the decade Immediately procodMe the . The Nathan division of th e iota for President, attar maldng the 14'44 . 4:ern:diens, and in the case et 18130. embracing; the entire vote of the 'Union, is is follows: • • ' • ..::1500.".." 1964. ..1;188,463 .1,213,573 ...s,sts,74l 1,180,886 Democratle • ' - Dem. 1e5)..,..; 94T 289 Union maj.4l2 191 Thal:Mien vnto actually coat haalnereasod (not counting Tcnncuee and - -Louisiana and a great many soldlerai votes received too late for the canvass) &17,190 ad ell exceptions we Mayput the Inc:tails at 400,008',, The Democratic vote; , u above shown,. has fallen .off 1,012,355. Taking only loyal States, and. omitting from them Kentucky, Maryland and Missouri, we find the Danocratio Vote In 1864 to be 1,675,543; while In the same Slides in 1860 it was 1,834,253; elowtegten Mama* Of 51,200 i n ilr if we ' coma all the Statm 'Mill is given t o". first table above, wefind the Demacratic tote tube 1,801,- 3EO Ls 1884 agabaat 2,007,803 in 1860, a fal li ng off of 2:18,41.74 say about 200,000. , When Mr. Lincoln was first Gloated tho Jorliy against Jilin on the popular vote was 047,- ; 939; now the majority tor him is 412,102. TerY IgtbradOrY, r 6 S l 44—lrait York' Tromso. • ti , , 1 114 OP, I 441 -4117111117 WALD. , s.oor BURG11;-The dolled men of this wait are requested to meet - in the 'BOllO HOCSE; THIS (Tuesday) EVEZeltil 63i o'eleek,. to consider • the • oeeeulty: .of Ming the quota ceder the lit. , Calm .the come. Reward promptly, tke whole Sahel= Will ha ehandoned. • jaloot —11". JiillTEß.Searclamil AclatN" °"cfrUntjtileC'ellh National Bank ot mown» win mr heid at LAO:. Backlog Rouse,. corner Of Wood land RIM *meta, on TV - ESSAY, the 10th day . of 'hpituary, MA be. tweet' the hours of 10 a. re. and 111_ - • jatet4 JOSICPIt MOLL, Cashier. t. ELEUVPDS" "-NCITUTE w ..- AN VON .FOR THIRTEEN' DIRECTORS or the Iran City. National Bank .g Flttabureh be held the litanklng Rom, TUESDAY the 10th day of January,. MS between the hours of In M. and i P.IL - • T. MADOETH‘i Oashlee. IPLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the Int meetlng of the Mwporatiolk to be called the ENTERPRISE OIL 004 will be held on THURSDAY, December. Nth, Jo b Elraday• ham, at the Saw Nlll Office of Mr. at the south end .of the Birmingham Bridge. et &clock p. m., fat thepurpoeeof orgenitaton.adop. Hon of By•Lawt, election of Onioces, ke., a nd for the pufposes &tithe/teed end more particulaS7 orro• miffed In an Att. of the eneral Amembly of the Commonwealth of Peanwrivania. entitled Aid Mating to Cidsporationa for Mechanical, Kauai& tzfinthhiinlnsi andQuarrylng approved ..a7niase • A. O. SMITH. See'y. protra. ~.‘ Humaxossast Dirroarr,OompAzy T A • • • Rumusoass Dee. ro, vol.! • A OLTENAL amylase_ or =eld artrttrßl4lNClTlTlTASGA'Azi.Biglitu'rt,',` Joe nary web, t he elltek- p.m:, to ounstrer and decide whether Company, that become ass Association for the-Hualmass of .13* king, under the Lowe of.the United States., and' whether - it shall exercise the •pmeer conferred br. the Act: of the • Legialature of thin Slate, entitled. "An net ea*. Fltrg the Banks of thls Commonwrrslth to become derortationa for Rankin g under the. Lase of the United Stetea” approved 2.1 of Anglast, lilt, and to taketaity-Darther fiction that mar Do deemed oo• ceraari.•-By order of the Board'of Dbletors.' '- detados • - JOHN P. BEECH, thudder. . . Amts Bear or Preretteltert; NOTICE.-))f ern ta. ;ursicir grea t agreeably to Section : 2 of the Act of lair Getters! `AssemNy of the Commonwealth of Pennarlyrudg, ehStled;.An Ant enabling Banks of 'the Commonwealth toleounteAmoelattona for the .--°- =" 0 "illokimS; bider the Laos of the United n. Approved the Indclay of August, A. D. 864 that the Stockholders of the Meehardett Beak . lave thla day toted to become much an Amoclatkot, And that its Dinsmore here procured the authority of the ounen of more than two-thin% of the Cao sal Stock to make the certificate thereof by the ;Lawn of tbe Vatted Stater,. • deSidet.‘- 3 :1 1 10. 1 1. - TIARTIN, Gukier. . - • • iron' errs Baarg, - Pittaburgeo bee. %Na ti IarNOTICE IS IkIERIOSTi . :agreeably to See:ll4 of the AO of the Geo= :cm/ Amemblyi of the..Ocinusonwealthior Pesneyia entitled i:An•Aist gambling ~Banks of the • i pos Mmtrar e owealth to Defame aasoatstkins for Diepos , et Banking, der the Laws of. the' Vatted States? apposed Abe 271-Asy of Abgriet, A. D. tees, that the Stockholders of the Iron City Bank of the City of Plttalm=leolooty , of Lik er s, harelhis name ted to e Inct same at n, ' underiatie and ttlefli The /son Olty No, Donal Dank of Cittaleargto"ead that its Directors lave procured the &nab( the owners of more, than tweathirds of the tit Meek to snake the certificate sego/iv/ byy.bai _Laws of Am United tittles. . detkint , • Aolucmeoorrnr, this Mer. • ' : ~.Xxecitelers eirsiatasils/recraess • NATIO:MAI. ERLEE. • - - vaknriftminni • Jr sLECTIO .ros Dimr,c79 'Or THIS BMX; to 'Erre datterthileo;• aulvir year, will be hi :at the Banking douse cat* Tia.9LtAY, the 'Nth 407-o Uallealy.telle, between Umlauts of it p'eloak a. and - dentrtd • -- • • .101115 ; PI/LBT NATIONAL BANK Of PITTSBURGH:L:6 (reit Plasisolikltuir efir7 ) - rdIkIutALECTION FOR•NIMB F THIS SANK bo•bel4 tbelitEOUND I ittESDAY.' tottreuty or:January peat. betuiern the hours of zni: arid Sir. zit; dieing , •. JOHN IX SOULLT, Caughr.., :" ;Velma or Aztsorrearr s 2 roz o t tA t.rturif 411%triwkill it Es of this Company,. to seiee foe . the et:mutat year' grill' be held at the office of the cotapsor,the few DALT OF 110117.8.D.T, between' the hours of 10 a-6 and -•- oi TIM DIM, PIATIONAit. or Pt:Tearoom. ' tgrAhl ZLECTION FOR RINE DER TORS OF THIS BANK, to seiredettutt the teeta n yeer,Lwtit A,* hem at the /Making Ilene, corner of WOOd street and 1f1041% nay, OA TUESDAY, the 10th day of Jennerli between the hours of toe. :Land so. in::, IC • delOdm . Mco.ll, /4 91 /POSTD..olswhier ' . r. . • i '"Pima RaeloNtAz. BAWL Olt A LLIXIMIX . 7I : ___ December nth, IRK WAN 7 , ,, ..Bwrioar_roa.siss DER TOBA OF' TRIM BANK, tasenre for. the Metal Mt Year, *III be bold at the .Baaklarßoose, an the ea T UESDAY OF TANUART: BIBS, ber tween the haute ono nod 3 &cloak. _' . : del td '. - ' .1.-P. KRAMETti Ullshien'i if:4 7 . , 111 trai lifi lii kii Er We' 'l. iiirtrait PETROLEUM CIO. will be paid to Pitt*. M . ! I L I %%V aato,ejr4tilh=o:=COdlictir Jmir divrwitrirs*Tae.m. yourt t . 1- , shelled (Nitil, for wde be ' • • tfuom'Airies LANG - . • jaw ; yt7 Liberty 'street, EAI,I3Tt Wens, fer7nidebi " . • - Slit/MAKER Joe .I . =Liberty' street, orin • WILL PURCHASE :A, TM) 0- , VI/ .Errony bricldweillat house of tour room, and Reiter; and let of ground Wiest front br ae deep, ajtuate near the corner of Sixth and Wool atreete,. fronting-on OhurehAlley, Tonna-440dd ttotstedne ha one and two Togs., • - . SOfts,. _Oa 10 • •it Market attee.t. SLEIGHS. -and :HARNESS., —On : N V EDNESDA.TVIORNING., Jest at 11 o'clockorlll be sold et the Onnitattelat Bow Itoonse;Pro.l64 Film street„ - : , . • 1 ene.tiotseSteldhs, entieTll, ; .Top Buggies; .I,lallo A. XoILWATPIIS-Aasi.i. !FMK svvea rw waits tat ?hishat gni& • 0.117 I~OSIx6OiI 0 14 1 4 1 ',:#414iGuaick:. biodzo , -5.- I, - . "•- '11?` • 3. if • V ANTE D -41- SrtITATiONI4B COPT-r -iiiit2Spbtgs YOONCFLADY of teppectibillty. Add ri Z .L.r„. ald azarrx o can gine -leftellett• Jatoat _REDEF;AL OIL C QMPAITY....There will- On be i ineetine 4 nf thiStockbolders of the Federal OduiPdb7, the 'Mai of the OolninutY)lo,27 Wood street, pianiniDAY. hbe :th day,ei Febra-. ary, Mk at . t t o'clock a. 01, for the transaction of Important manses. Stockholders-axe - at rmtison*-- to tend. By order. of the Board of D i re c t orn ~ jathst • - • ' A. B. WILLS, Secretary, FEDERAL,•OIL COMPANY. Holders of the drat isineolDertillostes of Stook FEDERAL OIL DORMANT. • • - 3.W111 Name &dread bate theiroortaidateo changed for new Issue. Otdoe No• Si Wood street• 3 • jam= A. B. MILLS, Secretary. • W AN ONE Fit : Mt-CLASS e LATHE MAN ox 'MANG CUSSING. streeh72l.tieet t end r i T a r . •• at th e !ate= • 7 Anettr , eny, •?a r Bearer LE • art 11 elestlon FOft DIRF.CTOAS of the CUlzetue , National flank iriu , a bbe held held at the .13.&fouNG HOUSE, en hifilfbe.Yi denturi, 1066, betlocen the hoursof x. an d 2r. jallbSt F. SELLEftsa.realdeat. IRON CITY Holders of that issue flertttlaates of Stock to the • • MON OIL 001SPAIlt WLI please call and heir . , theft eirtlecetea changed rot °Mee No:r1 woad street. . jitlOat 'AL .11. MILLS, Seel , and Treas. • rP.IfiST BAPTIST cairget! BURIAL la,EPhtoVriTtf‘lrAlltgrh° IPO'rPrtiteabLilejrt. will wander and remove the. lead bo f dies and_re Maine teem their Burying Ground on Spruce street, end cause the same ,to be. properly . end carefully burled ludo grounds as the Olturch'inay select for herb,/ pnrposen • 117 11.-EVERSON, jateoo6l:, -President Beard of Trtuteea pnpre vo TW IDE ND. — THR.TRUSTEhS of the GAS 0 011IPAITY have this SiVieslazed S dividend or T.ItHEE (a) RZR vENT. on of Me profits of.the Company, pay4le on de. *Land to Stockholders or their legal representatives at the once of the Ctoutpeuly. • ' ..jsunit -.I63iLISS OURISITY, Treasurer. & MOSS, leViiTPACTPlizia or SILTER-PLATED & WROUGHT 811488 WIRE No. 225 Swath sth Street, piTTSBU RUH CONNELLEIVILLE RAILROAD COMPANY )!TROT num r- GAGE, TURTLE CREEK DIVISION CON STRUCTION BOABS.—Hoiden are hereby n tl hoil that the interest coupons on the above H o nda, due due 'February 15t,1805, will be paid cis and after that day. on presentation and delivery at the case or the First Nathinal Bank of Pittabtirsh, Wood street. ' ' a: Maki An., jairclawdsw sad ,Tressurer ( A 1.1 FROM THE b , person of the subscriber. SIX PROMISSORY 0 ES are her and .ONEioned JUDGMENTnegot NOTE .. Parties eby caut not to iate the sant One drawn_ by H. W..Nabb, In favor of Yo Holmes, for s.= mg & for One drawn by D. Earle, In flipOr of Taste & 644 One d o, do-, No/Sleazy, gale W. One o do:, W. U. Daniels, Val 60. Ooe do. do., W. Thompson, 1181 27. tree do. do., J. G. Doyle, 1034 - One Judgment, by Ferdinand 'Max and wife, NM • CONSIGNALENTB Jaimit . „. . , boxea W. R. Large, Goshen C heese; ; “ Cheese inrects Prime Presh 13utter4 ICO bizelleis i PrisietriOns ; üb'polen Canned Peaches ; barrels lirab Older ; • Jemmy Ploklea . . • =Packages !Warted Lake p; • ra) barrela Primaltesty stmt Alms A,ppl . oor Just received, nod forzniz SIOL ;Dna ' POTTER, STEEN h SKEPAED. A NEW .ABBORTI -...-"TONS,.Dress and Cloak Ornaments, Bugal Oltajte, Chenille and • Bugs& Frlage, Hask—lf•Els, Tlndenberes,'Llnen Seta, (of the Ilnest quality) Lace and Linen Collars and Hamikerchlaft; Gloves, 11m 1 . 1 7. Balmoral and Hoop fikirtsr,Hmakilast Shawls and Elacquali orlii abut Hathwars En ameled Collars and Outh, for ladle. and rent/Aro_ ,en- Waah Leather Cilove‘in alt gust Houvla's Sid Gloves, to light 'siren' Blbboln ' Bet!, Blog±pd. to order,tber, with a new lot -of Wald Water Valls an Flowers. Wilt be found at' -• ALIOB MOWRY'S TELIBbLING STORE, No. Eourth street , near potty • Particular artanUon given to Meaning Mat and an other kinds of Lamm' Alio lilaak Lae* Tells. jalo • pluNTm9 - .STABLISHMENT FOR THE PRESEk.TYPEat CASES, akc', rpOn•Which the Beeffer‘Poirier was pelted, are for sale_, The rnaterlal la bestir now, having ben Mien only An menthe. It coaelsta or a n-fill anostmentof newspaper and . i9h Piles, a Wash. 'aeon pre" . .mu* stands, rem, an, altogether tonality a eery oomplete selection for country Tanis. CULSIL Address, .1259:114 . r.insivo'" l4l . t .-----..-----...----7 i ----------------I . 7l xxtuir.ox, . . _ z . • ~ • , . floe with Ca Olt;Desk.i • Folliwiti ZIAT7o*AL M.Allrow PCIT/lIIMOW4 • • , PlTTununari, January 14 MG. NcYTICE.-417 ACCORDANCE WI II ()mow. wsraucrioNs frcim lion. F . E. Splnner,Tressurer VilltedStales,." , -. -.- • Tins BA nc up S. zazpOsErkts . CASH AT NATunirir, The One Year 6 per cent. Legal Tender Notes. The- bee of the 'mote* end sestued -Interest to thtte of matutitY: ' 'WILL Br PAID ELV,PULL. !Those -.mare Laud unde2 l,ll .2ellot 0 4 1 1 -kx44 grew, 21(2221 2d, 1023. • . is‘aw- , S 4 !lERRON, °4ll`ler. . VALUAB L EI2 at FOtt it S iti r da U X . ...tr i E 3 )Pj - If4 at Cotouteriut •Bales Onto, 04 'lOO 222 res Ms Co. Stock; • ' • " .0212elicliank Stokk; 221, . Yorthsats Miknutatioarts nook: 20 • 4 .11122.haale. Bankr •• , • _22 " Bonk pf PlttAkurgki, , • :1223 • ' Ititchte 011 Co; 200 . 4 ". Blood Faint k ' 4 .. .1114 oo . r chtrry Ran," •••••' • 200 . Okla iFalJoy • - 100 ' , Tarr; Etto2y &Che . J n' Run" • • 600ot " • pberrtßtro Ittid Pitt Hole t ' - • . Auct,r.' • ITYNAT9y, , FOR THE" 1/ATE„.:. 11-111,1 a nature's own mariner. tatore army Hair tells oriannteolor. Will wake It grOW764", Sad lleadi. Will mtoestbe NitasiSeeretiodur * ' tamale. all landruft and Itching. ,I,7 lllanko the Hair Roll, .ad Mowry. • - 'Will Preserve the thiginal Color to old age. Will prevent tea liar from Failing og Will . turn all Diseases Of thellienip. • ' i FOViale • -' ,711 1.110NiMUNST . ,011 t • emone Raltbnold sad *VOrri, fllrewwow WisPernuarsoll Jun* Rmaxatiax . , rA4II7IINOU R. R. Oey ; T ..ArletrAL IdErrizta'.o StOtilioldern aide Plantaglia Blantarhaln E. Penmen_ ger 'ltalral,""Compone will haL 0.14 on SIORDATI,the lab' Ina:, at ,a y mist the NOnOngnbels !nine yOr Pittsbuiglt,' aa d . 0, „rnes COLLYcIOit we lierxxsuih_it --- s,, Ticeetkeeeeed tWeriftei-Distrki '' A i r l ' . . Pirtemittett San' TAX 141 E SPECIAL.' ntecitz- 1 c00 ' gr.. 86 4 assessed= l a n ta 'acterise . ce — withthe eet P 'GI ~,. . 4 on ond _ y lONIC' to , now Jo this coA: . I , l mi 1.,,, nady,to atter lit OrWAY, the 9th .Iziat4l ,i iter Tble v.. .ritei d. to t tisk r a l ..... Aiiii_litohneolunt bennterebtrhPliirhliiiZi idled. _ •-.,' '''''P.7 l !, l 4 4 74.l.l ° A ti't cent *lit he jetaele. .'i ~:,. -.- volleetoe2tdrlLLP4ri;:, - Orriox or ro Otitto ot. ea*. Arrantraitto. ' - • .Prrentinere.Tast. SORIA •• 179.121AbleCE•R!.44—§1711.,ED,1"ROPO. §ArAll lOat. locluelve. for turnlshint . nto Cc i r i Mlt h :- 1 ,7111 DREAD, for months from the 16th . last. Loom to WCIIth Two Pounds t d e f =t4V e TY• t . l3 , tde_ tO:t,,emtimprat sO'mtleti pe,rjoat Bralrao notixiiinty Coramiesionero, I.lo49_Eity_tr .... _ • _ : - IaTTY quAtenttraarLiß. Crix. , B - 61 . 7107 • :, .. ... . . . Pittsburgh, Ph, 2ast.l, lad. - '• WILL' BE'-FeLD-A.T PUBLIC. A C- Y T/ON. to the highest bidder, a large tl-. ty oYMANURE,-at GARDNER'S STAIR. ' toe.' aer of Jackvais st. sad Pasture alley, All . eny City, on the TENTFI DAY OE JANUAR Y, I' Thluts—Ueshi Govettuneet Duls.- ' , • 162' 41 - 1). QO.ll-I?Goß°lrera' STUCCO. -WOrfk - ER.—JAB. OWENI3_, ...J. Stucco and Nestle Worker, Paper •Hatiger no,t ilantorer. .Contren and Ornamentsof all . kinds, rwlsbeil on oboe. wiper.. Owlets. Inn iii.•• 23 VON' • REss , snumr_r nom W3•ll_,_e - oritt , ..P.nlme.rn Pa. per Store, No. el WOOD, sTgrlrr.lrllJ WOOInPG• r at tended to • L.; • telntayt,,,. an-Abk , 4,L TITESDAVEIrENINGi..InnusrfIOth. 73.4, tt cOolOrk, will le; lit.conunerchilbalps;iixnAns.i 1 1100 Mites Alihit&it ' • nnooA•h tandlitastidattitir*!aittki, l'OtliNG.• MAN: = wlk , Wfs - fits — To' .(4 perfect hlnmeltin ,the R. ln', `w ant of ri:Ortriatrtetaktrptdrater lessons. • Ads. va Ai; 1 - 4 7(ilir•RENT.. ----- --_ * R e , . "rowit,4 .:-sa Gibe arthe loOthliiiiltilllPZlfirtreiti' AMP orititeesit,utitaj iktdreeseLiter bor , l ung.ortip, .. 'Lloo4llr.t.' • cc:4l'i; „ - . • • - rSCOISEEI TS:lC.—listnifee is I , ' liest•bystreatitat I hard received . from the tiot, 'lector_ cf. t..4.2D1Pa. District, the...Spealal Income Tax List for 112:0, for the Townships of Sedation, Mi, Elizabeth, Versailles, Patton, Plum, Penn, _Peebles, Mains mai Colitest.amilitaDoron fai Elizabeth, West Elizabeth and WEeesport. relit receive the' tax sat my office in al s Keeseort mtll Hatzlis pu tsyT ,,tha ose a 2 1 t 2/Init. 1 Will also attend for the same Hotelißuena Piste,Monday, Jan. 'Sat - Manalon House, Elizabeth Tuesday, Pan. its; Dravo• stiliore, , Dravosbut,Wednesday, Isis Ws' • Ohletli Hotel, Turtle Cree - Tlisinday, Jam M; Reece's Hated, Wllkinsburgis, Tuesday, Jan. its; Union Hotel, East Liberty,! Wednesday an d; 'Thursday,- Felilat and 2d; After Witch title th e penalty otIO - per `cent will: be added. Payment must be made laGovernment' mosey. The amount of tax can be ascertained br callla at the Colleeter's Milos, No. it litsurth EX, - Pittsaatgb. Persons preferring It. may remit their' ehecksipayable to my order. W. E. EARIUSON, jalikatsliwT - Dep. Cot. 3d, SateDirlsion, DIARIES FOR 18415. • • A GREAT RESECTION TO CLOSE OUT HOLIDAY STOCK. 1 I. N L ORDER •TO FURTHER THE DE SIGN et the Natter's' Bank Tue, to provide .a uniform currency, midi; to relieve this community from the lote incident to the eirenlation of depre elated beak note* the fallowing banks have nrft,l that on and after tat February, ISIS, they will pay out trelyieueb money as will be r ecei ved at-per ow densit u ant i lia p f aymett:t all debits ue theina.Ttlea A ate l -lu ) ride alirltefl,'mwhieli tge,llllrg'reeeti In the regular canine of business, at thonet cost of sea& forth= home for redemption, but 17 , 111 not receive such funds no deposit as "currency -: . , ' will it verydently abo lish at this arrangement sp , eedlly. the existing euitom of keeping • our:el:icy , account... and by sending home the great volume of State bank paper now le circulation here, give place to a better class el notes not' subject to discount. To give full efinct to rule arrangement, the acquleseeeee andeceoperte on of the business couunualty is respectfully soli cioted. JOHN Di SCULLY, Cashier let National Bank. B. A. GEORGE, Cashier Farmers Depoait Bank log Company, G. A. ENDLY, Cashier Geititan Trait and Se wings .TOIRrIY.. LIVINGSTON, Ciuthier 14 ' .Ra,tional Bank,' Pittiibuigh, • J. R. hie CUNEg,, President Union Bstiklng Co. FRANCIS bl LLERs, President Citizens Nation al Bank, _ ~. - - - B an k. O. B. RIGGS, Assistant Cashier 24 National J. W. COOK, Cashier Allegheny Bank. • jatedfeld , - PHILADICLPIIIA. PRAMBITRY, New York. and BC114) " MACESS h. CO., Philidelphts, Smith's ,American Organs; The Beet and Cheapest Instmuunte man- ttfiiettired in the linited State. WAMELING & BARR No. 12 Bissell's Block S. Clair Steve B :.. • t • PRACTICAL PLIMMMk GAS AND STEAM mss, PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS Avery Description of lad:trial Constantly Jq UV FOURTH RT., Plitaborgit, _ QuesrattstaarasY Opsics, __ 4 New Amliwr,lod., Deo. a 0 , feel.feel. p„EALED PROPOSALS, IN DUE I CATE, Will be reeelved - at the °Noe of 001. O. f (MOBB, poly Q'r. M'r. general at Pittsburgh. reisaLe until 22 Welock ht. TUESDAY, the INA day orJanuarj, MN, for furalablaw a n Eopd boats, No,ooo bushels of. good PITTSB N'' COAL, each at Cake and New Odessa, at say thee tat. t o the day alms* assatbased, sad the NENST DAT OF JUNE, INE .• • - Proposals to be for the Coil la - Boats, without pay for the boats. A load with approved arcurity, wiper to one-third the prke of the opal to be deliv ered, will be re.oaired. or . Tae uoderatgaral reserves the right to rudest any, ail the blds, for proper JA sa M . nk. PZ DBOOkfl, Captain and A. Q. off F . . 1.7, .zeacord, Pa. A LLICOMMY MAW,. Irittsborgh, Dee. 24; Nat VOTICE IB HEREBY cavra Agreca, I t'embli y ilOieri = th ttig et t m An G" ... ,_ * 7 l". entitled •titii Act enatilit7.Barilts ° of ttis u t...m . I on , wealth to become sasoclations for the _purpose of Banking, under the laws of the United tei stes,rrap• r proved the= day of Anguet, A. B. Mt, that the stockheideas Of thriAlleshesy Bank, of the city of Ill y tt y ab= sa o rn i rt r tA of Alleghlw name and title of become Allegkenpleational Bank of„PittablusbP of that Mrs Wanton have peony ed the the of the owners of wore than two thirds of thecapital stock to- make the eertificate rwroired therefor by the laws of the United States. 'OrMato... • T. W. COOK, Cashier. • SLAZ CR&I013 OM= SAW XCLL, AND BARGE YARD, Craig Stinel, Allegheny. nel4zitt TO EYITERPRIS °AND IN DUtitir OM /MCNAMEE, LABORING MEN and !others at yeti - wish to Denotes. freeholders, and SWIM homos, *3IV la your Usse, while tabor s¢/ hnosey is abundant. Isw c ow seinen lota is iterations In this borough, for lOWA wo and 11 4tffe m pl i rj:nr• i rpiPV: / t i e:T . ll 4Z% Ins,and suit :year mesas sod testg.waue the lie jterest Jot trill be but a 11W. rola. as iron wlll'enJoy the rise In real estate.. . Apply at the Rear rotate and Ins Urine anlierstripot. . ,01Wri --n.4.13TEL11, - . G: i , STEAM ENGINES. '' ' - $e mesh approved otter on-wens end other pee wees on the sheeted, Wife. Easter ditincene 0 iyed Egghead en beo4y, ant entateing others, the 11 .1 bile eon , beneeohniodeted With 'lntranet any, gin hey wants the *ark to ehowtir Itself. - 1 ' . iel , wenni,N4stmele end /nutmeat' at 5 .: ; /keno ' ".Pittsburgh.Pet. . 113 oIfOtTS,'CUT ii.Or iVERS, 4 ... .: ---- ". ; , - 7 °°. 1: 11FDI trytEtth_,,' 1 , ,• ! ,- wpseATH 5 in d . ,;, ,-..,•,•; ...,.: , -_ -: • i 34,5AT5 , *IDS FLOWERS, tram IittiRDOWDS Gained Greelthouee. . Orders it With.l. B. itabley, sz,reout it. 11. Sieber Is Bre.. - Lft Wood street. Demme th ar. C • ea Fifth attest, attest, or at the Gmenhouse, prompt?? attended W. Inquets. supplied dolly .at the shove named E Oalnand ears eon lathe Greenhouse erem ~ ''lren minutes_ • . Osenared.. I .k.ORTBMENqi ALEADQUARTERS. , . . . 4.etk1ia1kUC334.Z)121724.-. nriterrthe etteteloe 'at Sporternen audertheei :Merl Arth opluNuttelipalpBlo ed unimatfoit 'u geiery kla Hie stook fa the rtturst erer brought to this market. ,rrt I 11, It pENGE2 , IISRET .,- ' • . 6 ". M et " haiLiP4 Xnalneer.' _ • ..• •'4 ItHAYSTIIL'ET, neat Penn,' DRAWINGS of MACHINERY, BUILDINGS, SIONUMENTS,Ao., exeouteti MIL% itecurney, on short notice. EVENING DRAWING SCHOOL, with spiels dainty flu different style. of drawing^ ' ' nit4l.l OSS' OIL 'DIVIDEND OF . TILE nosy Ort,_compA.- NY.—The Board of ' Directors ;of this Compenr; hamideelered eillrlderid'of THREE PER CENT., out of thepronts orthe lad month, pe_yabie at the Ortice of Boum WRAY, Jr.i.rlo..S'Mtud street; an bad MDT the lath Inst.' Subscribers rue rectum. tedtit cell and Yet their eertifteates ofatock before' thet ththlnst.;'and ECIPT ijnrutd Seel Rose Oil Company.. orPittetaßbriurrT. A 2o v i I to n +; E. daraerreit OrricA,' IDENIN AVG —The Report of the Vieweicappolmod Eloptcly, na to antra the damage; for themidenlng of getter ..tlyee, Dm- been left at my- wilco. 'preemie nterested ant hetekk tottded to call at yell nit ftett pa a i t „ ti g r ztazift4wAthto:thlrty dajk I e unto wjth coat, cod. lice. • led in 17°r1"...7,, S. W.: v. • City DAM:UT ♦ $774 4: I IIAILEY, toCkllieleete and Real Estate A' . 'Di 6 lokkait4at knikald , eselpitkety. 'Oa takepitill. sa , o2e4.tata-s •: 4 timiy , ft-1. , .1 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUNS SELLING AT MYERS, SCROYER & No. 39 Eftlistrwt: _PLA.INTCOS. SOLE AttErrrs, on Hand. ' EFITRIS_ OIL CC/Ilk/AT T.:TRACEY Prident; - THOMAS A. SCO es TT. Vire President NAMILILL R. Steen. fieeretary; JOHN. A. 11111116EIT, Treasurer. (041Zsri.r.ELX.4 M 5300,000 No. of Shares, 20i0,000.':, Par l'alue of Each Share SIO REESCEIPTION PRICE, ea //X: Working Capital, $lOO,OOO 8 0IITE-WESTERN OIL co Controls by purchue and lease two thousand nine hundred sad ninety (MO) acres In Greene see Pay ette counties, Peens,Titania, occupying ]lnes of territory along the Mo adar Hitler, and Des Sant 'Creek, Zig u.di , Cheek,. gun; Big "ably Creek, Zak lure adGrorgi pea. . All the . rerpetual loathes', excerdleo, and that one Is for the - period of forty yule. The company possesses lull privilege to mine for , . minerals of all 'kinds 'upon the leased lands (en or Ms MP under one lease) with a rosary& • tion of onoeighth or one...tenth to the lessors, are ' Two engines oar e . Do w open . the Iffeibaloo rive MOre emrinelfabotd complet b or in g sbe rout in post.. thin immediately, and. other. will be cont. mooned as soon as the anytime can be procured. A Lbuited Number of 'Shares POE SALE /NTRIS DIAILKET AT TEE' übstription Price of Five Dollar' per Share, STEEL & BAILEY, ZAK= O'CONNOR-J. D. ITERRoN, flashier. (late with Iron City Bank. FOURTH nATIONAL . BANE Or PITTSBURGH, • U. S. Government Deporitary, Pn-resu nom .Tanum7 FR OM 186.5. DV ORDERS RECEIVED FROM ROL of the 'WM. PITT FESSENDEN , V. S .' Secretary Treasury, the subscriptions to the V.: S. 10-40 GOLD BONDS, NILE CEASE aretzruaz-y 7, 1668 The 1040 loan will be withdra GOVERNMENT. THIS BANK AND U. 8. tiDI me G . OSITARY la authorized to reoeire anbacrip• 17p to and Inchuhe of suatary 7th, ism • _ roil commissions wilt be agolje4 !ill purclootte of title desirable investmeat.. THE -1 7-30 LOAN, . v. B. "17scosimmrzr mote., ootonortiblo - Atorost tech; lOC, tato SIX PER CENT: COLD BONDS. A? PAR, are n e w for sale by and w i ll conthzue to be for sale. _ The 740 e alter Tannatlll, ISM, will be the only Government Loan In market, Full commis' Mons paid Or all purchasets of 7.20 e. S. , D. HERSON:Cashler COANPLANTER- lilJ2( Capital 'Stack, WorCapital, Par Me of Each Shale, Boors: spit SciseenturTtow to the Stock of the Cetelian Y Pert Corapr will be opened Co the eth of January The PiO7 Of uly 100 scree o l In fee 'maple on the CornplanW. Bus, nea f r It. and Junction with Oil Creek, one mile above 011 City ; on which is a Well about Wer feet detpywlth Ara sties of a fa. plenty oftes, anti; new ka prOoo.ll of tablng, In the opinloit of oil risen, will, be a fine well. There Is ample spare on a ± Bun for hunded. of 011 Well., and is the most desirable tract 11; fee simple on - 011 Creek for CII purpose*. /Kir Persons ,deeirons of making a good -Invest ment In 011 lands, can. Inqadre of - all.persous ao. quaintest about 011CIty, when their will emertale that there Is notbluy bogus about this territory. _ No. 12,_DIaMond, Pittaburgh. January a, 180. Jame-1., HOLIDAY GIFTS, utarrzort AND vautro. • NriiMER 4 Wnixerc. HIGHEST PREIfIUM L t lek 6 tlW l Sewing Machines WM. SUMNEEI &60, • iota. rr .Frm t iykusx-r. . . . Itoi . I 1 tiSALS -- FOB or.'wour.mut.PPuros. • . Darren or Antri - Curratxts al es Eovneatin, 1 Sealed Plopmals , for, the .purshium.f outWOOL' arlarr/NGtb,dark . blue.and shy blab, at, the : MUSH' Stater rmanUfactuting . halls In thts atty. '' kiutiav the months' 'of January, Yebruary end, 'ltareh t lead, dill,be 'received by 11. 'undersigned, atll, and opened ; op, ..itOliDNlG::Jaanasy lilth, • 'A:Maw-J. ,k,iii:,:dio si4 ier. end tskeibeth: Inds,' to fuenish their own seeks ter yacht/traces,. nt at suety times as reqUtrad by the Supettadent, , o taks the . asme once or tarinstemth month, si re, butted. and to ray far the same ea dellreryatWd ~. Biditstit be acciiiitinitiMis ihe wiittiostutnn ft only* parttea , (ef this eft)thatihey will be.: -me sltreties that - thweentract; if *wanted, will' 1 ,e entered Into sad faithfulli fulfilled..., f ....„-- YUken bidder mart be pseud* orrepreenated aftbC. peals' of his bid or the same will not be tomtit. taken iotagetttia es ill:=lrtriatttbe::?lerlte; The nrotentgned reeirriti - tie tight to 4,Jegkarki br Nil Midi, If deemed tar the pUbtle Interest. - f llldar to be endorasetnPro Is for West titr Pin" . ~... . IL, S. T, Oapt. &A. f. , 1,. hi. •e' , ENV CONSIGNMENTS rtHOE/Vgo TIIII4 DAY -6 bbla. Fresh )1011flutter. • ' • 0 bexee Choler 801 l Butter, j 8 tags..Frei& • 1 2 baton Beans !trailed Wee-keys, ' 0 bb* , • • " 40 bble Old itreatmorelani county Ilighwlnes, • etXI bbla Green Apples. • For sale by . „ , L. H. NOIGT at 00. . ' 1500 lbs. of TYPE METAL. fuquire at noseutt - orrnm NATE Ofam 233 PENT 2 11 trE.t jeir MLA For the. cure or all 41senaes or a private nature, la itAZAt.°ll're . d = ll : lli 4e " alt i lfget e nl:irl d 0 641. pg: 7°l gtgd" l 4ll , 73l l 4artgarrPr a vesi_7- 41.6firesiCletters Wi23.2 n reon street: aoltsm . T -0k 731 0, 1 i0i&E.4 - 66:;: i *TRU 3 : 04, e3r-cm's. ma- neo. Puna - able - 1 i'/UNTRIM " ' PR=MbliToßsAtE. • , _ ' ' One TAYLOR aitrssElc beil =ISO Inchon . ' One TAYLOR.. DOUBLIC OOTLIENDIDA—bed Inn Indies; ad/ In good i workir =e 4 , Will be pad a& a barein,: of or address al!!''..t! 'j- -..--K•••:' Zalttaborgb. Pe. 0 nfiurfiiihts.M i,MWEIABE7A7ffrti ece /VA/Story Male Dwelling Bouniiiidl4o Ofeingls Nco-ndnreeg..:.--i - 1,,, :.,..ol ; ..,,,,,-.,1- Ijall !!.O It SONO 6 fliarket IR,' zrE rr ankEztrisr.n.r...=,s, A CAltD.—Wc,beg..lenie to iitu Gant* to oar (rferia and the in o pulite generally the fen/heir Metal patronage stowed on us during Ne po e ist—oar first rin busss. were well aware yea of the d ine ifficulty of at once introdueingPlanos which previous tn ourstartlng, had no agency in this locattly, vim the Bradhurj, New. York, mad Schemaker a 00., Philadel phls— yetiverywhere throughout the eonntry were con.: Mitered the best Plano - Fortes of the day. Our &oc cur; in so abort a time has far exceeded oar mitt-, al VitrildhurY has for Many years beeei engaged I th e Piano manufacturing buslnewl in New rerk, and is the popular author at many etnadnl . log works. His perfect knowledge of the many Pi aaos before the. path*, emitheir defects, led Mos some two 4eftlelatnee, Constr.uct. Ms NEW SCALE PIANO, Which, in the eitimatiori of the best musical ability ler.this country and eminent planints of Eutope,STANDS UNRIVALED. For Paw.L f Ridowes, Raliyal4 BiuditlY of row, Tf i I EXCE oues. Schomaker Co. (60w the Sahomicker Piano Manufacturing Co.) are the olot Piano makers la the United _States, and have enjoyed a whAiread popularity for the past thirty years th oat thar and other countries. • At the Wort FAB, London in 1651, their Plano was a prize Gol d -Modal, .For Superior Tone and Workmanship.. 7..•1a conclusion, weivill take Oecailon to-speak of the Piano as now constructed by liest class makers. Many are doubtless under the impression, (earth.. Warty alacell e late publication °F.& and claiming for ode manutieruzer 'Superiority tire. othera.) that there are cotabseascattal parts of thh Piano made and secured to them by letters patent. We are prepared to prove to aLI who may wish CO ex. Maine the subject, that such is not the fact. The difference bet weeei the first class oventrung Plena; lies la the SCALE of each: The perfect arrange. ineskof which regattas the highest order of Scien tific Musical - ability.' Olt Mr. Bradbury' ores emlnentingoalliled. Thr , the task which he has .o aucceinifully accompliohed. - The principal pointrin re good Piano are, a per. fectkaranouldrig of the tones throughout the entire seale—the bass must mot •overbalance the treble, nor the treble the bazdoind th combinedones pow. caul enough to balanee both, with ft line singing quality, so that a. melody will, stood out above the accompanyment, when played in a "Sfor. rondo" movement. - We are happy to be able to .state that the NEW SCALE PIANO' of Wm. ll'Bradhnry, • after the' moot thorough tests, has been•prormunced by the best musical critiquestispossess in the highest de gm all the eseential. of WO ft rfect instrument. WE CHALLENGE THE perfect RLD...TO PRODUCE AS PERFECT, k PIANO FORTE. Stip Inderoemnt of e gest End. • ueut e Planta. th The Moat eminent of the.mrudeal profession of New York City, after frequent ha v eorogh Miele of my New Scala Piano Vortex,given me the Most Ciaphatlo mid unquallned teatitilOnlikla. The following is a ispecimea of the voluntary teitlinotly collstalkyy receiving from gentlemen entirely disinterested,. and as all will seknoWledge, mat thoroughly qualified to judge of the merits of a nom Forte. - .w e hese osaniinid, with much care, Mr. Wit. B. Bet Dimly's New Seale Piano Fortes, and it lo our opinion that. In power, parity, richness, equal ity oftnne, arid thorough wotkattaillilp, (Sr. Brad. trumeatsexcel. b lZ);:s Ilmlrgreat brilliancy and a beautiful singing quality of tone most happily blended. We !Cleo rarely men a sqUare Plano Forte conhinlng Co too. ny of thesequeliM7s essential- to a perfect kudzu. meat." Signed, S. B. Mills, John N. Pettfooni Harry Sanders on, Charles Grob e„. 'Charles Firadel, f John IL:elder Robert Helier, 'E. Matthey4, Charles Weis, - F. L. hitter, , , TheodoooThomas, illiam H. O. Timm, . Clare W. Beanies, Mason, obert Sto Max Maretzek. S Rtrakesch, •epel, W. Berge, .• • . Theo Illoelliag, Carl Ansehutz, F. IL Wash, • • Gustave R Eckhardt, Theo. Hagen, editor N. ..Mturicsliteview,t! • John Zundell, Org anist 11. W. Beecher'. church, Geo. W. Morgan,Organtot Gosce Churoh..... The renowned Pianist and Compose after ' a care ful and thorough examination of Win. B Heedful. rvi New Seale Piano Fortes, mays: .1 have examined, with great care; Mr. We.. B. .Bradburrs New,'See Plano-Fortes, aid It is my Opinion , t hattt are very ilerz o i r z , s4nrnlr,.eiai7ttirhnersaieei.ma and the power, puityrrle d qual ity of their tone. I recommend, therefore, these instnimenta the public ingenisral. end doubt ant of their nieces." • L. AL GOTTSCIIIALR. New York, Ju1y.12,184 AVILKIZTSLI e WA ELISE & BA BE, - . . . SOLE AGENTS, , • Ifs. 12 Xt. Clair inreel.' p lONEER COAL COMPANY. OP PITTABERG/Ip A. Capital, @harem, Each, /Vorking Capital , . . The Organization of this Company is based upon tee ownership of the coal under WO scree (and examinations =do by boring, ar., it Is conlident aseutned that the entire tract is underlaid with coal,) sftuated on' the Allegheny Valley .Railroad, thftteetrimiles from Pittsburgh; and having - a front of ontakalf mile on the Allegheny River. with'lle and of river sutlsce. between the bum of the hill thellne, through which .t.he track of the Allegheny Va ll ey 'Railroad . rune the entire WV tante, allbrdlng sufficient space and ereellent low- Cons for two additional shafts and the necessary buildings belonging thereto, miners. /ions ko., for which imolai* a yearly rental oflllool/ it. • , The fetal thickness of the vein of coal eight feet three inches, and after making liberal allow ance for bearings trOlate seam, 'Jae., will leave about six feet pure coal, which will produce a much larger Amount of merchantable ooallo.the acre tharfle usually foUnd in lids vicinity, where the entire vein rarely exceeds five feel in thicknese; aria Wirawnentry less. The qimilty of coal as ay. certalned hy actual . trial, arukalso by chemical analyals, is of superior quallty,-belng free from Dui phur and other sobatmacts usuallyEoundwlth sold, and villic'h are oluectiollable. • " The (allowing In the report of Iff . Orro 'Mtn; i of thin city, of - en analysis...made him of coal from this property ; u tlontains 4 thee sulphur, t i lin h tt ri p: - .. _ZiTirelried nor alkig glipe i rlO .4 r !l o ' c ' V' we h i r l ; , mannfactnHng ptu - posea. The Improvement' now made, and on which have been expended name, WOW°, aro a. shaft. sixteen Teel in dialneta, with all *xxeceacta.ry nincialnery for iodating and for draining the mine., with an auxil. Inn' engine, tcc. to guard againet accidents or Wu tiugencles which might aline to Interfere wlth the operation emitting. ;Eat - ries and Air courses have ,been driven, pit tracks. IRA,. rooms :turned, and everythiag is MICA state orienrardneee. that with in a very few week. a very large amount of coal . could be taken out daily. - Pit-cars and large Call for the transportation ok coal to market, with the 'tummry side traclay._turwouts, he., are completed sad la daily use. There are also eight houses for • miners in course of . couttruktion and nearly ready , for oceupany. Theuvia,. at this time, a considerable quantity of foundng taken out dally,and a good market is ' for all that cad !Se:produced immediately on ' t hee line of the Alleghenyl • alley.Railroad; and the rapidly increasing number orraannfairturlng eater,- ' Ilsbuients and Fowlng . .popnlatiott-ttr the 'fart of ' the city and ad 'Wag districts, through wharf: th '', toad , w I continue to demand all the fuel` ' which can he produced In the Valley 'of Melillo. The capacity of tho proffent sha ft , /W., ft Wilma - l ted at about 10,010 bands daili ; which, with two additional : Walla and bur little additional ex c' • pease, could, beineleasedthree4ohL 1.. • ' '. The clogs proXlmity to the river, with good har. bora, offer facilities rarely possessed • for loading coal Into gala and liargea . • SEP Books rob Suntentrrthir to Ise fliplial Stock of the Company are now open at the follow. • trmce of ifirrri a. PENrrix_ ,iK II Wood street.. • :. o. 1 1,MILLER, - . • - . - Ml:.,Third fc Warket St a., Id stivi; amtwith Elf KILLER, Jr., at Western Insurance.flontp.y. ) JAMEY cerowion. --`"-- B. D. HEDIO34--- Uaahler (late With Iron Citillank.)- , I ' Tomlin NATIONAL BAD,K Or PITTBDOCON, U. X. Goternawaf Etavvary, . Pirranenon. lanuary al, PM. IN ACCORDANCE • WITIL 7111 E RE, A QUIREIftIITS of the Act of "Comma, ap proved Tune. X 1,1964, thtkfullowieg ,- et T IRTERLI7REPORT Dv Tllllctibrriok • $225,000 *25,000 $l,OO Toad! fiaitonai Bank sit Pitisburgi IS- PUI3LISHEIX ' •L.Hll.rit *se k•iptlat Stock • •IA • ••• • •• $$ r fe JelrculnUon $ SOs Sfue De !TOMO° Ov pooltorc stows so ro l nd uipa rm idaii ,ju zythle Da demand. 1,0) DO Yatta Bohplus' fund ****** - 3'573'33 of tile Board— • . 1e l e "!• 0 tfr°rder, rrO /4 . 0 . 114, NOT. 1%12 feet. • • lf, a. °"t6s ►T. S. Loads antj placoasda - ' .. ,40:iiiier rb,vnil -- -..---.' , .-.- ..... ...... - , 4clia U.S. 6 . 2 d. , Budtds and, IL S. , Trealu.ry-', 1 . - ;' --. Andes ' •' ntaftaiand Checks ' ' ' , , '.1...' .. 47,005.01- Obld and. Sheer Coin:: '. , .' . .....' .., ?. 4,420 82 . !ATM Tender I"; S. and ...... .......... - ' . 211;854 .10.3 , personally eppesred before -Ma,► -N0t.µ71.41.114 iluly commissioned 'Wain, S. 11. Herron, •Cashier of the Fourth' National Hank of Pitts burgh, who, on oath, depose/. and states that the above statement. fa 'true. to the 'bask of his knowledge and ballet . Sworn and subs - crib - id , before me, the (by nod mar above wrltttn,;S.. S.-..81T.YA1d," Notary Pitrentudii Jan dd. lats. jaitw lar. /I/ENING w' WIIIISTER STRMET.. counc —The da •Reflait of the Viewers ants:anted by ils to alum maes, Re., In the widening. of Webster street, betwete Witahlngton atatChatham„ atrerte, ho* been 'approted by Counella end 1:R at mj of lee. viewers appeal/m.1.00 dna:6lva of IVin. Covet. 'at 13313. end made the' following nu sena:meta to pay that menet; to wit: tlo'itnßperty of 31r. E. Galllhue " James Brady • • • 14% " Jane 3ta e ' • • .ITel. uttandleall—• " • • Wm. C. 001.0 . . ....... .T.ll.lfitiolltoc • .34•111 Black.. .. ...... Reed. • • Vreultetonishllnll.... Rob!. Flinn— iti' nn Pr•Ditikny, • • id 74 : re fumed ereVikeittleitta. oat! ruby OMNI , litl4 poly ti t y,• otedaivit.tdo thirqdsysttelas •• Oirtifi" lin/ 64 1 41 1E4 1 9-thwkrotiooeunv" a gue ur -I!.e..4:l!toditaxatt Attoraegik hposla. 4° S l tt ir . / ,ft tloticitatt • . . • • ;'nn WIXTER DREsb GOODS /1": BIIROHFL WINTER LONG SHAWLS Ai CC North Fast corner of 4th and Narket EATON, MACRUM 4 CO., No. 17 and 19 Fifth at., 43-434313 To wilclatitj call dm at tent lon theft *aim A sploadid assortment of DRESS AND OLi/AS TRIMMINGS; ' RICH EBIBROIDERTES AND LACE GOO SCARP ANDISONNET RIBBONS; BALKORAIIIND HOOP SEULTS;,. TINDER SHIRTS 'AND DRAWERS; - .HOSIRRY AND GLOVES,_. - ZEPHYR. AND ZEPHYR KNIT - GOODS; FINE ICNITTING_TARNS, all Colors. • A fall'issortneat of FANCY GOODS. lIIERMANTs and liEdllolB Can supply themselves with everything In stock at the . Very Lowest Prices. ; A mERIG 4 .II. • DRY GOODS! ,I .OLoAKs, _ - •• 11 synans, i DRESS Gods, CLOTHS, ALPACAS • RAIDS, _DE LiIHES, OA ogill"PßM, A tv7 s klud oi American od, Drr c . ... season, w P III% 'obit OLD PRIOE9 B-4 ALM BATE • P3: 4 " . • * O . 211 4 10, E , ,- 1 I[AIIDSOME PMENTIS, $130.000 $lO,OO 040,000 For the Holidays, BIACEM-& GLIDE% ofe s No. Init MARKET STRAtoasrre, . , lave now open aid nre pat resedvtag, ' • . A large IT large /WA beiZtif ' la 4./Aati/11•0 . . goeft, boa r,.e.l:ull!"d 9r!lecpzetisal, oomprialeg .. • . _ •BresstPiss, .• • .BFell l sn4 ••• •-[ Bids Combsr•Pearl, Steel, At • . ant Bolt-Basklar..llalts and 8e12.•. •••• Titaboall Cashmere and , 81.1 k Sew* B us 4, Dresses and Nato; Lase Yell.; Lsoe-andikalmil,:r dered Collars and; ifiuldkerablefti.,.. worked .6 Slippers and °tuitions; Worivlswass, - Ladles , Comrsaloos, Partxdoa- • • sates.- Satchels, :asst. a - • • - luny fine mood- • meat of .. , . ~ „ ! TBenda' oat anal heavy at oak ofilannyi Illierra f I O•analass, blotto/nal Small Wank .. • ! i ' &to ' • G TB-AubArt--- i ImoomitAT) DENNISON '• ik..00.,` 1 1 81 Market . street ; ‘,.. 1 ..• - i , .dut,E.DETERMIIIiNiI TO!. OLOSE- OUT. i alt,En Etrta,ESTOCE CfeCibeff: . „Getrta , Ctrade . igairraenta,:- White 'Vain; Si 4 I, Emlnerhierial,? t vaU eig:4, l %;4 &`• ft,dery iiiii, ',,, uong!,Point 41 , .e, collars, /Ohlrogis t Oa. en: -• r.r'• ./!!i_ -. , :',ex.mieraimuipi l t at. orsio. O! TUC Coxr - rtroLtan or Contiortar . .- -• • - Warittnontor, December at 1864., ` '-' '.WiLEREAS,. - - ' BY BA_limkaro it-ls evidence prenatal to the roaratra,,, lt kid' 1 b( ea.nulde to aPPorte that the - -r,.••, • ..„ . . , -IKON 'CITT 'NATIONAL BBL. ft ~17811116114 ; ' in tini - city :of Pittsburgh, in U4eCOUllty., of AIROI L ght.ny: and State_of.Peonsyleattio, las_beea dolF. 'organized' under and 'according to the emintreotaata. ;of the acts of Congress, entiflatt.An Act to pro.; side a National' thuTnty, mowed by a ipte= !Rotted:44'les liomis,and topro tide for the ••• tatfoit mid 'redemption thereofetapproved. .June at: .ISfA, and : haa, complied with an thepronatoeu .01c "s ealtequlzed to be conjqz WM COW' a :sensing the business of 8 Under said sett No% thereon, LUNA Kee tiomptroDer !of tho.oOrrency,-. dd hereby, certify - that,-. 4 T11E IRON WIT NATIONAL. RANK OF PITTS- rBTIROIL ,, tr, the call . of.Pittsburgli, In the county of Alimbeny, and State of Penneyivanla, 14: star.. 1 Utoelsed Weolnatiotoe,the httedheoalskataktpititfte , i: i ',teethe set aforesaid.' ; "In testimony while(); tritium' my beta i IL LI and seal of oltIo8; this thittplest day of —, - tßettisbals, 411/1- MCA • v .-., ,-- , .7..3 ;a‘', , — 4, '-. • vas Fe4slll.ocni;- , -.lsmnd Comptnoller *file 012111.11 Cf. '--,-.---• .. . , ~,,,,_. . .TREASIIMY DEPARTYLEITA , .:. - .11" 1 9 . 11092 or ClolirraoLuat or Trot ornaWMIIW•' ." ' - Witahlngton„ December Mb, ISM. •-• AV - lIE REA S, Ita' BATISFACTO r . r 04-, reatrin;re:rteilhrr'lr unViregrdatiattiP / ;Manufacturers National Bank of. Pittsburgh,. In ^ the county of AlLegharty and State of Pedantries. Ala. haa been duly organized under and -socort . i to the requirements Of the Act of Convent, Mitt .ekn Act us provlda stßational ClUrreney, by a pledge of-United Status-Bonds, audio Prosthir , rfor the circulation and Wemption thereof," asp..., eed JUSO 3d; UM, mad hancompilial with all the envision* of said act required to.be compiled with., ~ be fore commencing the bushing of banking midge. ; Now tbererom L Roam iteCnuiCar. Crimptref• i frt.( the , Currency; do hereby certify that "The • Merchants and, Manufacturers N National Bank eg -t ; , Pittrurh," in the city of Pittsburgh. la the noun. i ty Of Allegheny; arid Slate of Pennsylvania, Is ad. der theism aforesaid thorized la cow/actor . the business of Banhlng saw'", • ' StATe, - Cl7 19 . ... 1 ,thareney Bureau, . , - -In .I..sittings, wheregt Seal of the sr i toess my hand no.i seal .. ComOnoller alba - orogies, this eighth thy Lurteney. -of December, 1961. Treasury Department; . , 11.17011 IIfet3I.7LLCJIL OomotroLler of the Ourrener. i)IiOPOSALS FORREVENITE STEAM etITTIMS ON TUE LAKEN. - - _ TZUCAAC DEPAISTMCNT, Dec. ' • Pronosahr will be free:lent nt thts 1/Sp_Wor4it' Until alit, MONDAY,-the - Mb day' of I haw next; foe the etnietructlon of THRIM,GraFOOft REVENUE STEAM. OUTTEMSlalde.wheeth f a e t l r g'P e r P i ke'''. and ONE oamoatL, r speeFtleatloni In detail trill be . fatale/4d on annlleAtlon In petton or brletter to thin De', aritingittkoerwtorottx I .l,l l llf i szt A ori of the Ctijgonte the evneetoti At tlie "prtstolpP4ll,Zitiul°,trtl, Rropolals ehould(he sealed end stlaiiee . ett to . the s.retary of the - Treasurr,' end enctoreed:cilltali enfelone PF'Sepusele for bundle"( Iterentie Steam y Outthth;.." : • A. V'ESSENDEN; ' drioauiwur - .ceratauy aTibt.Ttouturr VD 00 0 Ott 0 SO 30 00 11 3 AO 1 000 021 10 83 93 21 073 4 31 4 all A 4 33 .Itr-conorms iteoutdvilla'a 07.10*. A- RES LLPERSONB: INTETED t in ming of wEnwrzn, fftltEßT, betweea •• tee ehnatoa,.elal Seventh streeta - wlll take notice Hut the miseelstoeat bee beeo:-madb;leal_Atelf starlit. tbte vales •antll th e 6th of Jaoaszz wbealt be left within...b....Mgt*. for::' me. R ORAntezecerdwir. ar, Asiniquiv l / 4 . DRY GOODS, arizzaw med. Winter Cloakd it Cc 33 almorals_ at Cost. ARE DAILY IN RECEIPT OF 0111 T Bt SECTBEDIT .=)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers