hg WittOurgli Cincttl. TIIESDAX, JANUARY 10, 18C00- RommoN, wcithz & co.. stock and Exchange Brokers, BUY AND KU ON CONDAIDSION'ONLY. Bank. iarorato arid ra. Copper,rilat, Railroad Oil lacks. 4ar Goren imeni isenritien of sr.kinds on heed mem, aru. UMIMICIAL. BRONLERS , AND BANKERS' BOARD. (COILIMOTID rr aonunot, X l / 4 ir. CO.) MONDAY, .Tanuary 0. 1865. MP& 412104.-138186. 101,28 15,00 15,21 tr. Telwija ' Company,. = DOM- E 5B, V. 1;•I1600 xchange Bank. ...... 16,150 Oil Creek k. Cherry Ran.— 4,10. 4 3, ,12 Paxton _Vetackleum 4.10 ' 1.2$ 3.2$ Ohio Valley •- • ' •-- 466 Mom 1103 . 1.00 °entre' 114413 1,10 ral w Tarr, ' Stella PittainegloWynat r Weatern, 1,33 with Ont aertnuttlos; no sales re. ported; buyers holding off, to learn the temper of the Estero market; atone the withdrawal, byaor troment, of gold bearing bolds. Board iftrafisi ne'port an advance.to /lye-Twenties of ,bne pc; et. Oborekateintara 'quotattOns: Gold halt pet cent lamer, 2,25. Exchange Beak Stock la demand at 13, Ito'itneks offJiied: tddity! '„ • , . 1,13 • - - 1,00 1,10 - Inailsore,notww no change from quotations nf but' week; Market for the better chtac or tale, 4titritliolit. sales. blew producing eons sten itenerallY heavy, and declining. Iload shares dull, 00110 changing hands; Allegheny Val_ lif; 'Ofrared at- fit, no' buyers; Pittsburgh:a. Ateubenvilte, 914. e learn, on Oral authority, that a flowing well bas'bren strUeb4n Little Beaver Myer, and at last accounts was yielding ~brout sixteen barrels of oil per dry. '1 he se Ills corned, and was put down by sin Poor n en, and they had bored nee hun dred and severity feet helot* their labors were re warded with oil. The "strike" has produced eon. aidaisble toreltetnent In the vicinity, and land pen, en, as n matter of course, are very . much excited. A. dispatch rens" received from Oil City today to the effect that thi l'nllo States Oil Oompany, of New York, hare struck allowing well, yielding 200 barrels per day. The property of this ,company is located near what inknown as Pitt-ID:tie Creek, or we understand that the Stock is owned almost, If nut altogether. by New Yorkers. There was a fair attendance at the Peoples Stock Exchange this evening, and notwithstanding the offerings were liberal, thud - were but few buyeu; sad the transactio k ris.'cOnsequently, were rather ,fight. In oils, Blood Farm is Oldp was offered at bid)Chetry Stitakritt 7 ifolp; . ll,l-135 bid Eldorado, 2,25-1,63 bid; Fleming & Blood, 4-2;tit thd; Federal, 1-60 bldg liorseneek, I—T5 bid; Riteh ld,,inisludtog dividend, 1,0-1,65. bid. * Sales of 100 shares Cherry Run & Pittsburgh ' 0 54 100; " 011Ceeek a.Cherry Run 4,00 'lOO u" Mogi • 410 1 . Tarr, Story k Cherry Run - 1,10 ZOO Whftelj Creek - - 1,15 Tan ''C'ofrund a Ott. Cotmany."—The last is ue of the Philadelphia Commercial List contains the following interesting and historic sketch of the abase nsydedollCompanyt . , . • • The anxious seekei after oil news,who inspects these columns weekly, cannot have fated to notice in our Wilco( ors ebm panles, that the most proml - \sent In the•-csluo assessed, to its, stock, and the amount of dividends paid, is the Columbia MOD., :I f t l At u a r n gl t ' he T r:WT:4:4 ° 4, i krllfrahr stocks or mocked thitt the sales of the stock of the Columbia . _ • Oil Cosolisny are not frequent, a fact Indicative of the satisfaction of the - holden with their own . . prospects, The Columbia Oil Company le quite indepeedmit of the ups and downs of the sloth ox =rtail!, although its great success • has been ib. theentivta to the formation of numerous • -ether oil cOmpanielyit s position has been ea remov ed fronithe excitement of oil speculation, as If that excitement bad never had existence. The Columbia Oil Company, Is an example of what luck will do In oil matter', luck which leads Ito favorites to good location% which'supplies them with thawing wet* when neighboring properties can scarcely get oil by - pompom inch wb ch. continues to press in Up on them as a consequence of tact and good manage tient. The Columbia Oil Company, le in compact ' eon to other prodticing assoalations of the same kind, an ancient corporation.' It dates back as far no a public company,-- and tojtee nal a pri vete Crin.g. Io tho latter year Ritchie, Martha Co. separtuall. tip coinlsoard of IL Ritchie. A. Hort „ROM-tem:in, ' (loc. C. Tinter, C. NVageforth and mime other& bought the Story lam , : upon 011 Creet, 'Venaogo county, Per:rutylvante, fir about Uoao in Iwo A Coca, companyllth formed to work:Ulla propnly muter the title of "the Colum bia Oil Company.” On the are of May. Mt, this company 3Vaachattered by the Legislature. The oorporathin purchased the Story harm front Ithityle k Co,,Toe-4158,0e, end organized a etnpeny, with a rtyttnl of eN4,000 Mien thousand Abates aT the par ofetOeacb. luring the year eg prospect a of tills company stern varied. the Itiiieceoold &slow t exib,And at WO A; Igo 'batik trust period.' .Raitreordbravy'deprotsion tie oil trate was the, cause of the scomingly hope. • Mee prospects of thi4cmpatty; ferit had 129:41)C: . I:44lpentla ITO thvfroable wan that : thee! wbb the most of it, were - poorer thao rho. Who had but little. The yield of the company was tftire bandied barrel, of oil a day In Mr, and the Stoekholdere did not know what to do with their yek , potty. Mist ra coon as the' foreign dectot for oil eel in, and the requirements of the country were also preening, the Coluniblx VII Company was req. , dy to suPPli the *ante of mankind. The profits fecittvita welts increased rapidly, nod no gee it acre' the gethettrat between 1882 and March WC:, three huhdred theituierid dollers had been divided among -- lbeiblee bidden. In April; 1861, serenty thous suul• dollar" were ' divided, in-May one hugdred theibrarsidollers, to /rne one hundred Cowan& 'WNW 'ln the letter month, under authority 'of the Legislature, the old shares were callei In, end five shares at the per of *lO each .were termed for one of the old stock. The work. Of declaring dirt &adz went ma. The dividends between July and December. were six hundred and twenty-flve thou. • sand dollari•÷Trilthlng a total of dividends declared. stare the formhtlon of the company, of one million , one bur.dred' hud alnety-ilre thousand 'dollars, more than flue tlMes the amount the'. erien4 e&yttaL The original holder of steck'paut for at twenty dollars per ehere;b as aleoexperiencrd the , benefit of his inveataient .th the high price which Cie stock cointhande IR& floc abases giveo him for tbe there which originally cost litre but t ',fay dotter', ere - now worth - 1816. — /U ho were Micky. enough to have invested "MOO, id the purch.se. of smatUubdred• shares be' now 'owns lire 'huridnel wottlint market prkeit2,soo, and has also , been Veld. lie'dividends within eighteen months 11,12,800—MakIng's clear gain of 312,01 upon. an In veltinesit °MAIL ' This so the most astonishing , weturrilor a small investment ever knOwn, and se. warding to every Indication, the dividends of the.: Columbia Oil Company dnrlngthic next twelve sionthil will he at the same proMtiolla rate. The good fortune of s com,pany. th ese a few Inhere In equal production has_had ffect-Of stimulating the formation of new companies to ; n Luanne &tree. _Many of these have a galore them as toes, as their lands are de veloped, others organized not for production of oil but for the sale of slouch attic= a cloregot ' experiment which will result In Itoe to all who are thktnin by the representations of the original spec • winter& The honest oil companies-will make mt. say, trutlbedlatemest ones will bring disappoint wog nod ruin to many who Unconachously dabble , a ta& ticks Whith they do not uhderstmad. . . • New.terk Mar' ket..January Postings., epUrATA?"7:Bl°cE„°r .oar rx wgve To= . Xtt,a; bushels..,.4l,lU,BlT - 1.,807,214 0:13,1012 4714120 - .11111 - NiZabels .17,400 .112,1911. Oats; bunbels . an,ats 4,341,81 4 1 - , ,1011 0. at BIM *7l inigibflim•lm; , , 1 % 84 4 6 6 , 4 2 X 1 • 304 • 1114 .. 400agrAliVririe rTOcr. Or FLOM& II- rinr — rolll4' . Jo.2l7Mirr • .. • . : *rm. • ;110111.',' Vestersi.liSeale 66,057 4451011. Claradlan Flour ... .. 141* 16,100 'botsjpern /lour M 1,6613 .15,106 37,463 . 75ton , s can,l47 soi,ettl re- , t'0110 . .,101 1 • 0000'.10 . tr.ca• TOIIO. Teta .broork - pf Pori, In - Now York, Ist,. . bets, let'Delmalyer,lNAtrkbele; Jae Ist, ted,ll a . m . % or cores% 10 new Tonic, les 1 'We ' eoimilease the following from the New So N II Jc Jewseinf COSI°MOr . Jaya. lieeeriptions 7 2 ,711) &Mk , IBN-'..1 30404 6,210 SOAR • ;1100 'UM - :o - • 4 10,0360 1,00 NONICCO NNW' NOUN. We give below the monthly statement or stocks and busiaes•lnthe Sew York Tobacco Inspection AVirehtiaie for the month of Detember, together with a oo?mrstisOrt et the stock ontand „Tannery ix • KY, Va. O. Did: Total hhda, 'Stoat:en hand Dee. 1,1984..30,482 t 13 f MA* Betelved - 1,811 t 9 28 I,lpa sa,me .1 21 33 X Teilvered since 9,456 .; Oteek on hand Jan. 1, 1865..24643 1 31 as 29, " • . 1944..24933 2 - 11 .. 23,9 g 1883-111,918 19 4 .. 19,91 1861..14,669 612 8 .. 25, .„ 'Closeland Matitet t Plone—Warket steady and demand rather better. Saks yestesday afternoon tin bids low grade XX red ... .10•10 " a7Obbla choice XX red at a range ofato 4611 1....42,ia1et. -Sales 130 bu Not red at 41,11; .oleobn Neared at We. Extra red wares and held aLltiliMreeel' phi and market Gag , at 11140 . for old shelled from atom_ • Osts—Reeelpia7m.light.an4 held at dltt -from ' Eye-quiet and unchanged. 'Sale len at .. Berle l: icrialfo 2. at $1,2t4 . 1. ear Not at ± t . - . lia . " -- i. 4 ,„, isso-soi. - .ban or cottaa that ever Tha greeted itderer gm - . --• era rat v , " hi seine la Nvir Denim la as - .ally. !.At , the eel, wheal ,Opp aalesnaware th 5......, tease , tar that u joesat wu wean" ... ' - we' a • about leg t u o i . ee. -la tee Aloe , le.. . heat - wee landelat br e ic Mesas, watch oredee , .-* 101 119,141aa Jou all, 0.,!a . 71 4 30 M1R. t'• • ' EMMA DAILY REVIEW OF PITTSBURGH MARKETS. /noun/Ir, Jan. 9, 1361 - The general markets, aa la usually the ease an Monday, were quiet and Inactive to -day. the trans actions. being Melted, witllekirlees turf* andendlie no quotable clung, [TRAIN—Tbe receipts of Wheal and Barley eon- Bane very tight, nod, to the paean; of me., we continue to wets the roamer s& ;12,i:002,05 for Red and IN berzor White, andthelatter 61,00 for Spring anti for Fall: Oats continue Very dull, .'}nth a sopat hugely to excess of the present de inand. hew corn Is selling from store at 61 r ttc4 1,38; sal%of . lstars prime old Shelled at 81,65. FLOM—Themil no improvement to note in the demandfor this article and no quotable change to make tiqFtens. Small salsa of Extra Family from. at 10,76011,25 for Spring and Winter Wheat bran . Rye Flour is quoted. 'at 1/8,-C1 9 . 60 bbl.• • PBUTi c AirlS—There to but a limited demand for the h ceittet, st,present, though priers are emand'SuAeined. d ßro: in Shoulder. are eel. 11,161 D .28 BACrl e ... 's‘ guattliss flu !seed—to go to Philadelphia— at $3,50, tree on boa r d cars. Clover Seed Is aelhng in small lots at 614,75@15. DRJED ;FRUIT—More active and firmer. tia`e 0f , 60 bushel Apples, to the trade, at It eta; 1000 do do to go tit at la; and WOO Peaches at 28 eta per lb.. BUTT .—la dull and somewhat neglected but unch=g mall caleseof prime Roll at (0040 CU. per lb. • EGOS—DuII and nominal at Sic. stead with regular ailea to a job. bingway, for•IN intern Reserve, 23e for Ram. bum and O 'NE for English Peary/tad Gashed. .• .• 511111.11iED—Buil but unchanged; sale of l'car Shorts 5t . 1.15 per cwt. 11 EF.A.APPLES—Itiny be quoted at from 12,90 to Ssno—the bulk of the susles being at $3,1500 10,745. POTATOES—finiet but steady with small nal. of "Pesch Blows" fsom stare at OM to 53.25 per s• to quality. HAY-4 unchanged—ielling at city scales at ate entb per ton. prrrisnuncat PETROLEUM MARKET hissanar, Jan. 9, 180. The demand for Crude continues light, but, as the auppli on hand at present is almost exhausted, the market rules steady at previous quOtatioro-- 39610 c . toblo retuyped, sod 4(6/ 450 bbla Included; Sole of 300 Lida at 30e. and.this, we may add, was the only sale repotted. There appears to be no de mand for refined. in bond, and. In the absence of wegive as thesiorninal price for imme diate delivery. For Free Oil, there is a continued fair demand, and we note regular sales at Naplha is firmer but u i r ‘l igetl73oe, in hood. and 400, free.,' Residuum quoted at 51,1-SiP:'.sn per bbl., There Iris been no Arrival. of Crude for avrerrti •Ina's i but If the woollier should continue soft. rye look foadan early resumption of navigation be tween herr And Oil City, And .um , •rou. Arrivnin. EW—YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. :51vciett Dimmtch to the l'ittni.ur,:h (larrtt, • • NNW Y Ong. 9. euTi. There was a Isirdeneilsi for Cro.le to-.lay, tint pliers ruled v shade towel:rules sic, on the slot. :tr.,' fee for Fehronm itellrery. For Refined, in bone, the market is steady . with sale, at 13aTIt.ie On the spot. The demand for Free Oil. wns mod eratebut nt slight deellne—no,yo3 , .f , . iptlin e.m tlnuee firm Wits a fair demand:fit sties,. old closed this afternoon at T 2,3! PHILADELPHIA STOCK MARKET. Special Dispatch to the Pltttburgh Gazette. I'nmwnt:r.rin a. Jaa.•9, lEIGS. The market for 011 stocks WS% Meetly to-cl, y. but very. Cull. The rinsing quotatioris were as fol. Iowa: EgtT" 762 Eldorado I 94 9 50 Oil Basin 9 60 5 OD .Nobls& Deleinekter.lo 12 . .. . NVshaut Leland 976 -Phillip. Clorophint..... GS7 Curti... Meplelillnde • 3760 „AMULETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York Market P: kw Tong, Jan. o.—Corox—lrregular. onset tied and about 20 lower; $1,15e1,18 for Middling. FLOCK—Quiet and fins; 91q le 30 for Extra State, and 11111,2te11.X. for Extra R. H. 0.. and $11.8.51312 for Trade Brands, the market dosing quiet and • . . Wition - r—Steady. at $2,.3p . ',(PLi,?..1, nearly all at the latter , price., Onant-i-Whet quiet; Chicago .1;20 Rice quiet. Barley quiet. Corn quiet. and firm, at 9t,a01,112 for Mixed Western...oata excited and 2@26 better, with sales at. 41,0041,08 for Western, °awe:iamb—Conte quiet and nominally un changed: Eimer heavy; Porto Rico 21c. Molasses very dull. . •Pernotersr—gulet at 51022 c for Crude, 23 1;c . ( 9,6RX , Pvi u il , e l . 3o n . d. end 9.1 r. for.Befinel Free. • PILOTTIMIIIP—Pork imened—exeited and firmer, but closed heavy, at .1 1 43 41 443 A11Pir New Rees,ttly gg42,lio for. Mess, cash and regular way—elosiog at ete,lM for ea15b,r35,16635,511 for Prime, and 0411,2 e. @MAO . Tor Prieto Mess ; slims kW/ebb/I New Neu, for January and February. buyers' option, at $l3,S$ 644,76, and 2,600 bbis 11M114 Mr.,, for January, sel lers nod buyer.' Oit . .ion, at ER,SOrett,co,.snd 1,00 bbis Prime Mess, Ilverablefrom the Ist to the 25th of February; uyers' •option.nt Ml,OO. Beef with modegate demand, at teoppaa,oo for Prime bless, and (2.6,5We1,50 for Extra Mesa. Beef llama quiet; at 1P5,61047,u0. out bleats unchanged, at l 2 tßsCe for Shoulders, sad , 194A 21, for Hams; Ibieon tikes In good demand miles of 1,250 boxes, at 21R21 1 ,:e; Cumberland Cot,ISISM Short Ribbed, Lee Ribbed,' and Long Clear. ' Pressed Hog. rather firmer, at 1714f1.171 ie for Western. Lard us- Misrited, at 20 1 eaf,1 1 ,4e, and small lots at taXe. Butler without ifrieldna change, at 13,ii , 19c for West ern, nod tr.rtoue for State: Cheese urichan3ed. Ntif Vtrii Stock and Money Market. • Pons, Jas. e.—Money stemly at 1 percent. Sleellor tauter at 101Easiv:94 for gold. of old quiet and oit IMut 'derided change, opeulpf, at 1.261:., de clir:tts to 220 tolvonolopt 2-11! t", tore Omens Storhatutlit and :inner; line Year Oteittittles ' f 1 , 1,; IMO Coupon.. ' Hag; Cou p. ni,708-14Stara ism Coupons,lll. :kr eke strong; Illinois Centrnleterle. 151; ❑'fere- ALA Pitteteurgh,l+4; Wi - th %Verdes a, do. reterted, 7t , Toledo, .1t0I.:4; .Fort. Wayne. 1011,;;; Ei 8.49„'; Itudson, Ito! . ' ; Mtehlga., Cen,rat 112 3 i; IfEehig/in SohtLero,lHX: Ern. Pre ferred, le; New Yolk : Central, 118; •Maripoaa, It; Ctuirkstiver,i; Canton, Hl,' Exul Yong, Jan. withont eren tic et - Frage 'demand for speetilatioti. The price o enril at =lt satt tiodlooit to 2...t67a. CluetunaU' Market. l'in; ix 7.111, San. 9.—Pr.orii--7 , n changed. 0 ItAl , ,s—Wlir t Ormer ; lied, at irrouild,os. Corn thump. .nt $1,06 ' 41,11 - 7 for Ear, and 11,11411,15 for' shelled; Rye, 111,45. Kirley,llt,ssDl,ao Wonds v—Dull,- at 4.70: sales of 160 bbl. et the rate of 2,70,1t0 be delivered Nlxty dap. hence r 'buy * ;.• c.f.; pay ragloterest from date. 1 . nov ;.;;7 *Quiet, with but little demand, and no ale of - reportance ; holders trot at , provious go tali ;a. [ -` . ra - e cull - ' sed:tatber dull, and no buye , xtept- In at de ino f ddner cent ; receipts, 701.70. 1...; wra—Unehanted and tram ; tlottLv, ase 4; - s 64 .....454. t • Jos Alanzar—ChAJ, 2%, Silver, 1.404177.• E h c drm,AL full rate,. - t 1 bden raining' since Ip. to. Barometer, r4O ' nd null falling. . . ~. .... Pork;' • --- ... .; Chicago :Market. i Cm no,‘ Jan. '9...44tovudonb—Clulet; 1 Hews 1; l'Hoili Mess, 11356411,110. Polk IXeata 'q let. 'Dry Satteddiama, 1634e..' Lard dull, at' o f • r Prirne,rand idd for NO. 1. If Irnwlt'sr.a..Dull, at V..,173. ' '• . Fl.ohallary dial. . 0 ffauniVhent.gtilet and %ate lower, at 13 1 ,4 V - for'.NO:t. 'Corn quiet; at MeWc We Rejected. 'r Ix ertaat eat fa , 0 ed - P-411utell_ , Mc; Dragged Bogs Srady, 111 <l/111Xe. Mild on 2•70.• . surnrra-41onr, 1,9110 bbla • Wheat, ta,ooo bush; C , rn, 56,000 do; Osta,67,llooeo ' ; nor, 8,000 head. Weis York Stock and Money Market. 'ea Yone, Jon. O.—Market very dull at Gallo. gi '. Evening Exch•nse Gold steady, int./24g. 'orYork Cootrnt, llrb Erie, 84, [Stadion, UM •. liditie;llftddiehigan Soutber6:74%; - lachbtan -. other atlarareeed, 411%; Illinois Central 120; •- ttehurch, tef i Clerelaaa h Tle a nat3.4; . I .mid, - , top,il Forth We.tern, ' .do, prefo rm , '7l 4; Fort ladyne,lol%; °Mak nlppl Oen!. a Oanton; 76; Ouatborfannd. thy . .uleksllter,-111;11.attposa. M.' ‘' • . , Jtaltlmare Market., ' Jpsi. Pe-41ot* dull; Waters Extra , . t@%M) II M. , OLV 2 C—hotat. finti:`,Sohreii Bed et,iseseo. • re armi'and scarce: Yellow 1111 1 . 10 1^ I I:ll.'"Kl'"PulANl.llatarro,t, New York *Amok fltilenteßt. 'Nsei 'ter:ix, Jan. e.—rasni, ileeresse, te,too, . •e. increase,- s4B,osSi Ofttulation, Isterezie, 111 Depoalts,thereose,r,7lB,9,l. ~Alehrd CoverliMerit'Cifiltillehh. A. 7 nt,....-Cs Pt: , Wm. • 11urrie, Ant want (drorteMnatter, has nwirdod Ole: following. con racts_onepposals eximlned by. h/m on Thursday, , F. L. Chapati/000,000 bush com, delivered as Mtequfred, at CalrO, at 91 it 9.10 per bush. Cobb,C' at Om, MAN bulibels oat; deth enble achtsy be required, at Cairn. at 96.1d0 pen_ W. T. Sibeir & Co., 109,000 bah oats, deliverable may be required, at Calm, at 90-00 cents pet bushl. Nolan h Garrey, 200,000 bushels ost9, deliverable as may be required, at St. Louts, At 90-700 per bushel. F. L. Chapman, 25,0/0 bushels oats, deliverable as ma; be required, at St. Louis, at 90 cents per bushel. A. riorthup, 2,000 tons timothy hay, at 903 191. Per ton. . At EVILIIIIViIIe the contract for tarnishing . 1,000 barrels of flour to the Clove rumour. was awarded on Monday by Capt. }lnnen tot}. B. and S..L Slay. ham, of Patoka, at 910 per barrel. The contract for wiaylog fresh beef for the post Was awarded to } V . FOuptilor at 913 00 per tot) ms. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD LLEcrtkaT &swims, Jan. 9,-1 cars Wheat; Kennedy &Bros; 2 cern Com, 1 oar Mill feed, Mina -11011. lUox ; 139 aka oats; Wm Wylle;lsobav wheat, Noble & Angel; 1 car st aves, Hemphill & 0o; !Oaks corn meal, Jss Narks. dos brooms, Chas Sleep. er; 6G hdls raper, Pittsbggh Paps/ Co. FizzoLC9o3l,2lll WeVosi 0. OHICAOC , II It JAIL 9-31:0 bbls Sour, Vitt & Wilson; 100 do do F W Hamlett ; I_ barley, Rhodes; nibble flour, 2 ears +/sheet. 00 b..p oate, Rea & Keil; I car wheat, 2 cars corn, JLi Liggett & Cc.; 9110 bbls Mir, Show. ter & Lacc;4l curs oat& Col Crois pip lead. 13 I., , Fobneetock & Co; ViS do do, s heet, bl4l6o trt4'7lli,Ttlit,Vr:b'"&italra. , rd & o, Jas 0 ardloer;lo9 do do Knox & McKee; 140 eke oats. Dan Wallace. 134 do, apples. A LI Klee; OM ban% i 4,12 W heat, . Uttli&KalellsWil k ease. toba Sod; II hhds leadA Clot em; 9 cco, dreseed bcgs, Rea & Kell; 24 sks noun , ,11 Phi' `earn husk., Idu clover seed, Shomaker & Lang; tie bbl. *glee, Robinson,. Miler & Col 14 dozen Cmisregesro& Itzuzioe& 'Sam 0.-; R.bblatallowi23.o hides:lL Holstein, itirralo whetd,' S IJimett CknEXI bare barley, W W imlergioat - t i.=drUmn Potter, & sheprd &gels I,eans, NWI4I &Gae , ban ebalta, Faelibler Iserlullgdo; Mater la Leiden II trai - okeese,'Wll' Bilaars, totislipples, II Voila a , 430;611 sks god 111. glaxesid,Oirsitk.-Beitar:ll earearin&*. If 6,..slizbigy;loll aim 11~ la do oats, T 431 OW! kr *PIO' • WEEKLY REVIEW OR TIIE NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Reported Exclusively for the Pittsburgh Gazette. New !oar, Jan. 7. The market has teen quiet dories nearly the whole week—yet ik proportion to the stook on Landhlie sales and re-sales have been comparatively Leavy. The export demand has been almost moth• ing,—yet several lots have_,heen taken for ship ment at extreme prices—for instance; Oleophine has sold for s h ipment at 78 cents i NTIN IN YARD, JINITANT I. 1883. 1364. bbts, 7, VA 11,51! 18,718 61,148 .417 6,073 too 678 Total bbla, 27,1.13 82,70 The following tables from the annual statement published In the Shipping Lia will be of Interest : TOTAL 61. - TONT IN 1864, 1863 AND INGI!.. . 1864. 1863. 18%... Prom N. Y. ga115...71,173,1% 10,647,664 0,730,273 Boston 1,696,301 ;049,431 1,0:1,100 Philadelphla..7,76o„l4B 5,395,7.13 2000,978 Baltimore 029,971 915,808 174,830 Portland 70,761 312,02 0 120.550 Crude Reined I . (mtha I:esiduum • • Tots/ exports from United States, ga115.31,192,9M 22.,ti30,721 70,837,101 There was also exported from Cleveland fill 00t to Liverpool BOOM gallons Refined. The following table, though possibly not entirely Correct, may be found sufficiently no to furnish some guide to those interested : Stock on hand at New York, January let 1061, or all kinds Lb's. tr.,10 , .. Received in 1664 120,100 Total supply ' Obis E 61,809 Deduct report from New York, bbla 533,39 i And Stock on hand J count) 1, Iti6s-27,2-26-4%,1,622 Teiken for consumption In 1064. 1863. ILThe average price for the year was as follows • Crude. herd free. In bond. Naptha. I F.G.f 41.81 14.61 I .. 30he 1[63 I 06.11 13 I 51:74 41,16 I '8854 7fyib stock of Crude it will be Seen to about• 1000 barrels larger than on the let ult.—while of Relined the amount is 0000 bbla less—making a total a• :those of 26,711 bids cant . usive of Naptha. Con sidering that the receipts continue very insiguill cant—lt being almost Itorissible to get the oil through from the wells—thia is a wonderful small , tuck with which to operate—hence it is that the occupation of a large proportion of the brokers and oesters Is gone. Notwithstanding the small amount offering. the deal are not so sanguine with Sevird to the futu AS they have been along hack. One thin here sold 1000 bbls deliverable la tlas month at 51 cents, seller's option. The sales and resales of Crude for the week foot bbla'at hi to cents, for 4o 11 gravity, ou the spot ;IL seller• and W!..ic buyer's option, de . Ilverable all this month. The market to-day was • ,!,.11 and nomlnhl at 530. 01 Retitled, in bond, the snles foot up li)03 tildS nt to 7.111 , (4., on the spot, :6477 buyers slot 7 set let's option 11 the month. Also, WOO ntilOns if 1.0 at !Cc. 'The market to-tlay %V an dull and norm est st 72e. -. lit fere the nnles ore about 1550 bids nt froon 92 to 1 ‘..1 en the spot, 96 for nil the mouth. tar market in..-arty woo dull nod nominal at 93411 c. Napth• one learn of vales of IWO tads nt 5i to 55.- for 601g63 gravity. Relined free--crositet nt uv . If bitii EP/Adman BOW n! 00:15 for a1 . .-Wailed I.lrwls. -- • - RIVER INTELLIGENCE. The weather continue. soft and elou ly, and the no, Is rapidly ilLsappearlog. The river. was, Apparently • about at a stand last evening, with ....nt eleven feet inthe channel: The Allegheny river was entirely clear Of ITC yesterday afternoon, • at this point, which Is good evidence that it id goe. .get at some point above. • There has been no arrivals or departures since Saturday, and business at the wharf„consequent ly. was not active. The ,Leonorit and Navigator . from Cincinnati, are due and may be expected in to day. he Golden FALL, W. P. Curtis, and Mist left WheelingonSaturday, for different points below. The popular and commodious Champion, Capt. Frank Marratta, is tilting up for Cincinnati and Louisville alai will be the first boat out for the at epointr. 1 he staunch and reliable Olive,Capt.l.lindrewis, is announced for St. LOull and sly Intermediate pointa forthwith. Ihe .1. H. Gilmore, Capt. B. W. Horton, is re. t eeivirg for Nashville and will soon be ready to Ica ve. • Cants. Sam Shuman _and Eobt. Robinson, a, rived here from Cincinnati on gSimilay morning, . 1 :tyingFme through byrail. ' The fol a lowing items are from the ()Indianan . ommtrrial of yesterday: I It to our duty to announce the death of Mr. Da. t vl,l E. Wade. He Mediu Covington, Kentucky, on Saturday, at 9 o'clock M. at the residence of his brother, Capt. B. Mr Wade, (Of - the steamer allove,) La the 3lst year of hid age, afters long "'and patent Illness, The deceaaed was a Cincinnati and New Orleans pilot by profession; and an exem ; platy young man, enjoying the confidence and re apeet of all who knew him. The mertha, from Louisville, is due hero, to-day, together with Those .from Nein Orleaos, with . the 313th 0. V. term or urvlc hu o:Wed. On Saturday, Admiral David Cillifon sold one fourth of Portantouth packet Regions 'No 3, sad tist area, and goof will of the trade, to ;tins, W. a. E. FL 'Moore. of Portsmouth, Chin, for faapou. email. The Isencora, for Pittsburgh, liumtnisi Mari , efts. on Friday morning. She bad been ice bound at Mlddleport. On Enda'', foe wan tanning pretty ',thick at Point Plealmnt. fhr Big Kanawha iv . falling but all the streams on the Ohio' side were pouring pretty lively. 'the Alice Dean, from Mem • phla,:brings 636 bile. of cotton—ono of LI. Largest votton trips of the novena. Captain Hiram K. Raw lett was in the city yestenlay, r e route from Pitts , bur- e h for Louisville and Evensvllle. We are pleased to fold that the Captain la enjoying excel let health. . ' Ili T "LIMB o.ll'B. . l' - - :- NAKIVILE atl 4 l all inter" T. . kesit 'rd.*ports.—The fine .)stoamer J.F. GILMORE. Copt. Hartdri. relit leave aneroi! , nn TUESDAY, January loth, a 4..o'nlock p. to. i ; l'tir freight trepronage apply n ?ward, or to JOHN MACK ja , - J. D. COLLIN WOOD. A4 '"" . 1 t Mil! LA RW 11 EEL Lli AN D ..iE t 4 -. 1, PITTSBURGH PACK 'T .—The swllletet running pas.enger steamer (I, wt., PORTER% igit pt. T. 1... Taylori clerk. T.. P. Dowd,. Leaves Pittsburgh et cry TV'E.SDAY, TiIURS. DAY 11.1 SATURDAY, at 11 Welnek on Leaves Wheeling every - MONDAY, W EDNRSDAY sad ' Fli IDA], nt 8 o'clock n_ to. All troy business promptly attended to. Toning dour at moderato rat's. Fur freight or ptsenge aig,ly on bon&L or to JAS. CfiLLINS & CO.. Agents. Pittsburgh; or Rfld MU, BATTELLIt& CO.. Agent?. Wheeling. deidt P — EG t r L If f. - AV BERtf PORTS" I MOUTH AND PITTSBURGH I'ACKET.,—The flue intseender steniner'GOLDMf }UtA, W. K. Kerr, master{ W. IL Dryan. clerk, ler tee Pittsburgh every SATURDAY. et t 3 o'clock re, and Portsmouth every MONDAY, et o'clock month Golden Ere make connuctioni at Port. with the eplendid 'teenier Dotter", INTI , for Cincinnati, Ittui will receipt freight end pauen t hrough t h city. 'nod! MERCEMIXT TWILORIL BISSELL'S BLOCK. W. IL IcOEE, ; 10 ST. CLAIR. STREET, • • Would call the attention or byyer. to his etock of igoods. It has been selected with great woe „contains nil the NEWEST STYLES OF DS to be found to Dna ells.; bounce. Gentrwish mg • suit of clothes made to order, will please null and witamine our goods and prices— Also, a lull sad ; complete stink of !c, • 1:1123* Good. W. H. !least., irST RECEIVE. _ A New Assortment of Childrerie Overdomts GRAY & LOGAN, put No o 7 ST. CLAIM STBEgi i t t y G. 7Lk - 1:E , Sierehamt Tailorwo, A. W. corJean k at. Clair Weds, pLUMBING, Gan andlateam Fitting. In all its branchea, carefully attended, to, by expo cler.ced, practical workmen. A flue enactment of HAS FIXTURES,' BATH TUBS, !SHOWER BATHS, 4 WATER CLOSETS 11YDRANT4, Constantly on baud add made to order. TATE & EMMA N 0.69 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny; And =LIBERTY STREET, Pitubtugh zahnelawdis R CIIARDBON, HARLEY do Co., 0003:113111012 afQ Foteranllng Merchants la 11:100:1:1,14:i:44...1:41V.044A9 - aktiLl a.. 10 'swot ernursir. I**innUkli. • 474.1br i rs1 essh oonalg4 , un a ents . tor " tlb - ,"I:rrprEcluirnlizrzauodeles. meats.l7, springer Ben i t ze°4 t oonuns Rank 4°, • =ApedCarbon Oil for fjt4l J. a 01121TIELD. Yom'>:~~ . DOLLAR SA V JAGS BANK, NO. 54 rovirrsi Emaxer. - - . - MIARTIMIMD llf MI Open daily from 9 to 2 phibek, also on 'Wednes day and Saturday ermine, from May lot to No. vernber Ist, from 1 to 9 o'clock, and from November lot to May lot from 9 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all soma of not lesatttan One Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually, to June and December, since the Bank was organised, at the rate of atz per cent. a year. Interest, If not down out, Is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same Interest from the tires days of June and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his ?rasa book. At this rate money will double in less than tWelve years.' Molts, containing the Charter, By-Laws, -Rules and Regulations, furnished gratin, on application at the °Mee. PErasinmer—GEOßGE ALBREE. • VICE PREVIDENTS. J amen. cA uley, James B. D. 3leeds, John H. Sbocnberger, Wm. Douglas, Janus lierdman, bane M. Pennock, Peter A. Alndelta, SWIM Shhile, William J. Amierson, John R. McFadden, A. M. Pollock, Al. D., John G. Backoferi. THUSTIUS. Oilein Adana, Henry‘J. Lynch, John C. Bindley, John Marshall, George Black, Walter P. Marshall, Hill .Iturgwin, John On, Alonzo A. Carrier, Robert Robb, Charles A. Colton, L. John Evans, ,1 7117 am E. =eels, Benj. L. Fahnestock, Alexander Speer, John J. Gillespie, Alexander Tindle William S. Haven, . William Fankirk, Peter H. Hanker, Isaac Whittier, Richard Ham , Wm. P. Weyman, 0 Jetties D.Kelly, Ululation Yeager. S.-aviary and Treasorev—(JlLAS. A. COLTON. rabilaissr _ . . . E SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO Ito SMITHFIELD STREET, (opposite the Custom House.) Chartered by the Lagi.1.6.....“, bbla. 212 . 314 161 OFFIOEIts. Prrsidrni—OECt. B. JONEs TICK PitYSIDENTS. Wsn. IL Stnilb, loahun Rhodes, Timm. Al, Mnoder, A lex. Bradley, ten teis Sellers, A. Itelnemau, 3 oho F. Jennings, Joann!, King, 1 lin, N. Blair, il. IL Hartman, henry Lloyd, L. Rabin. , TESSATNI... \.S. Fowler, J. M. Tiersoin, At. F. :Tones, J.itnex Park, Jr., D. M. Long, Dr. Ana. Carothern . . . A S. Bell, 1,.. 11. NN ollr, Jon. Dilworth, R. D. Oochrin, . l% to`. Strati, W A. Rerid, .1. W. Womb,ll, W. IL. Mirka, R. C. Stinnett; ti. E. Alcll.Wley, J. 31eD. Cronnninn, U. H. Pinlvn, i: AI. snl)th, J‘cob St uck rill,. 1;. 1 ollcunbcc, Alfred Slick. C Vrc, sr , retarry and Trrararrr---D. E. WICI.NLEY till 9 hotly, from 9 a. in. tot p m. Alai, Bain, hos en enmg, Bunn G nielnek Betmetta received of one dime anti kinovarda lon intend, hectored In December and June of each Dna ;Oporto ailecreil to rencinn ore !harm! to the trenn a oh the tiepoaltor m priupal, and hoar inter-• cot thins eotninntrntling it. 1: , oks entiteinirm I.:hurter, By-La nee, he , furnish :J. at tine oilier. Sir This Institution oftra, especially lo those one whose earningsare email. the opmrtunity t• - / wenn:taste, by small tieposits. easily saved, a sun, ti Inch will he a resource hen ileo.led, their liti-siey not only being Safe, hot bearing Interest , loslend of remaining unproillict it e. ee2o.3m. COUGH NO MORE =FLUOUS COUCH BALSAM STRICKLAND'S MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM In warranted to cure Coughs, COltts oernenren, Antlona, Whooping Cough, Sore Throne, Consumption, affections of the Threat and Lunge. For Janie b Druggiqt.s. Clenehtl Depot, 0 Emr, Fourth atmet, 0112elanntl, 0. 7:IX4IIMISCEILL. All the Medical men ltml the press reeemmene, ' DR. STRICKLAND'S AI` , TTI.CIIOLERA MIX TITRE as the only certalki remedy forDlarrham and Dysentery. -It le • enteblaatlon of Astringents, Alworbanta, Stimulants tun' Clermlnattres end warranted to effect a cure aßer MI other menus have or sale by Druggleta. General Depot, II End Fourth street, Cthelanatt, Q. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. I.R. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY las cured thousands of the worst WWII of Blind and 'Renting Piles. It Wes Immediate relief, sad of lect• a permanent cure. Try It directly. It is wsz ranted to cure. For sale by alt Druggists. General Depot,i Emit Yount; street, Ctre:install, 0. • Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Debility 13=1 Wa can recommend those ruder - Mg with lota I : . .rne " ga li ro tl u 'r. ty, o t r o I) rise P rl e r i i:OnniPs ° Tonle is A vegetable preparation, free from aleoholle Y:p.ors; It strengthens the whole nervous oyster& It creates r. good appetite, Ind la Warranted to our hpvpsia and blerrona Yor sale by Druggiats generally. Prepared by 1)11. A. STRICKLAND, 6 East Fourth street, Via einnatt, 0. sWie, b 7 DR. GEO. R. ICETSER, earn.* el Wood street and Virgin nlley, and R. E. SELLERS CO., corner of Wood nod tiecond streets, Pitts. Largh; sad by. 'PARK tr. BRILL. N 0.77 Federal trect, Allegheny. octl7:1111-gen MINGO COAL WUlth., Capital Stock, $lBO,OOO 12,000 611U1E8 AT $l5 EACH PAKA I DENT —3 oti ORAFF. Ar4-iter JIM KS (Wail 3rcellNE =EItrUMMIM=I . . _ W.. 111 F. . Meg E, j r. 3. FAWCETT. I J.W . I Capt. Jst,S. CUM) N, Capt. J. I'. 53111 V, Capt. J. P. I.ltlilt, Superintendent. Thin Company own. the property known an the Mingo hark.," together with the “linenan Ferro'. adjoining, and containing In all about lle acres. The property is situated on the went bank of the Monongahela river, about one-and:a-hall • miles below Monongahela City. In the "third pool, nn which arc situated 03 miner'. dwelling houses store bounce, shops, ac., together with a railway rusting to the river, ar Ith tipple, abutment, and all nereienry arrangements for loading coal. The mines are already opened, drained and ventt aged, end in good rttnning order, with entries ldriven and rooms turned, and all necessary foal; Oleo forworking. eighty to one hundred men, and Lite coal is well known to be of the very best quail. ty. The "Mingo" in believed to be one of the most talunble coal propert les in the hlotiongsheln valley The Company now proposes to increase their facilities for min.% by the construction of an midis tional railway, and hove set apart 430,000 in cask for the purl :me of making contemplated-Improve meats and providing a working capital for the new organisation. With facilitice which.the Compan will possess , the Directors confidently believe that y the "Mingo. , will. prove to be one of the most_irubstantial and ' remunerative stock. in the country. seldf FRUIT ,. ..AND SHADE TREES' • "EVE.RCREENtii, die. Of APPLE, we have some 200,0 CO, and of all the . leading nerietine most profitable for this location. We have extra floe trees, as Early Harvest, Malden Blush, Thailand Pippin, Baldwin, Fallbwater, Oates, . King of Tompkins Co , Itlurde bland Omen, Rome . Beauty, Rombo, Smoke-house, Tolman's Sweet, f tholith's Older, he., with a very large stook of PEAR, O'LEARY, PEACH, PLUM, EVER OREEN, SHADE TREES, AQSES, SHAUB SKIM; GREionicrusz :PLAP , MS Ike., &n. A. Out stock to large, we o ff la great illueemento to . planters and whatnot° .purohasers. Orders left-at the Greea.Rousec , Lbottand, or Pittsburgh Post Of; floe, will be promptly attended to. JOHN - 111111R00011, O~lalawv Pittsburgh and P-Iciand Nurseries jffatEBu.ISALPH, . 1 • i .ta-rChiltesetes 'repares EXPLICIT' Pli &WINGS. and 'APILitil: i Fit..AT lONS, for nil lands of buildings, and suitor- Intends their erect Ida on ntattuvable terms.. sr.a. . I Pire ou AIVIDEINOP: biTitlitiT,blitivves idutock rod Itobtneori. Allei,hcatv Oar. - -- CONSIGNMENTS. ' • Vr.o bushels Prime White Beans; MOO bus. Prime Try Apples; 3 bbls. 801 l Butter; . i w brs. Chestnuts; .. . p Okngt• Lake Ebb; HI bbls. Fresh Eggs; .150 boxes W. It: Meese; ~ MOO bbis. prints Green Apples; Just received and for sale at No.aSO Liberty street ' den POTTER. AIKEN' tn . 511EPARD. • _ COOPERAGE AND SALT. ' 140 Dew Lard Verona • '7'. 2sll - 0 . Po7k , llnrrebq • 117 Adeond-tmnd Lard T...rces; 100 bags Turkish blond Salt; For male by • , MIAS. LAJA.LDWELL PtrTSBIIRGEL SUNDRIES.—SO bush. Chestnuts White Benue; • 1100(1o:en huh Noe; KO lbs. treeh Roll Ituttert 00 hbl.. °holm Ariplee,• !cow reeelvine eel for by H. RIDDLE. CONSIGMENTE3- N wo bushels Corn; 30 • NO lb.. PrlmCea te Fresh Roll Butter. Juit received endfor Pale by • Jed • . WEB & WILKINSON. 11REAKYAST HOMINY.—Just recelia eupply of Corn Grits ofßreakfut Hominy. Per ealelpy the quart or buoheL at the Family Oro eery Store of INC. A. RENSHAW 3.t corner of Liberty & Hand its. A, LOATER HERRING.-20 boies of these celebrated Iterlinr, nicer smoked: juet, tit elven! and forted! et the I magi , • of n; corner V r W ibe A rty anNdMWte. - - (MEESE.— • 600 boxes W. R. Chun; I 10:0 .., Hamburg) • • 100 •.. Goshen{ 'Fee ads by 11641 , J. B. 011,1ME14,11 TWO BBLB. TURKEYS & OMOKENS notivo - and for sate by ff 32 ,, 8A1M`k must.— • , ICS Srond at. , HITS' BE • chola rift /fans for isle by • ' • , WX3B YVILXINSON,- It. ArKB Dili ECTORM >,....vt FOR sate --FOR - FORALE---A Very valuable FARM. in Deny township, Weatmoneland county, Pa., contag about IRS acres, well improted, and tJah gate of cultivation. Also. a FARM OF n:O ACRMS, in Fairfield t0wn .5h...1,12, Westmoreland county, Pa. Improvements The land is of the best quality. Goal and 6T - stone in abundance. Als43, a FARM OF ill ACRES, in Derry town ship, Westmoreland county, Pa., Immediately ma the line v.: the Pennsylvania Railroad. Alen, a FARM of nn ACRES, in St. Glair-town ship. Westmoreland county. Pa AIso,aSTEAM• ENGINE, for Saw Mill or other purposes. with the castings, machinery, fly Wheel, an The cylinder is nine lathes In diameter and lour foot at mike. Two Wlllent, IT feet long and at Inehts In dintnetc.r; all In good onler, and will be sold cheap. • Also, ei FARM of ice acres in West Whentflele ton nahin Indiana county, Pa., about throe miles from the Penn`a Railroad. . _ Also. a FARM of 136 acres I Conemaugh town ship, ludiatmeounty. Pa. e tre Alan, a beautiful rAltlf of ins acres, with a la 1111111 i HOUSE,' with 12 roams. finished in m - era style" wash-house and bake-oven attach a large spring house, bath house, smoke hour ; a large bank barn, fruit trees of every descripti n; church and school house built upon the farm. This farm ndJ(ll. the village of Louisville, and In two and-a-half miles from the depot at Livermore, in Westmoreland county, Pa., on the Northwestern Railroad. .. . . . . . Also, TWO BRICK HOUSES and LOTS in Ellutheth borough. For further particulars Inquire of O. H. TOWER, Real East. Agent, deft No. 166 Fourth street. VOR SALE PENN STREET PROPERTY A 2 STORY BRICK HOUSE nu Penn L peat Ad.., now occupied u a Drug Store d Dwelling, is offered . . . FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS, A-PPIY to S. S. BRYAN, Broker and Imminence Agent, deg No. 59 Fourth street. 01t FULE.—AN EXCELLENT FARM ANT).IiOAL PROPERTY,—Situated on the south side or the 01,1 k, Run, five miles from Beaver and onc.half mile awn' Industry. liont i sins Ito scree, 90 of Which in.eleared, bnltince good timber; has nn extensive front on the river. 12.5 acres are underlaid with two veins of cord, (3 k 4 feet,) of ex cellent ounlity; Intim. Mal of tire clay and limestone, with tIT 0 dwellings and ether outbuildings. This properly is well ourthy the attentum of farmers and con) rem ns it in offered itt. n !intim In. Apply to It. 51,ii.AIN h. I'o., jet No. 102, MI street. . FOR SALE. Third Street Business Stand. I offer for ssir DIM t titor-story DEICE' D WEI, LIN , : AND It 1:. , T.‘ rIZA NT enmbined, No. 10L 1111111,4 root, near Wood. • TFe lomtion Inn good nor, sad the property will be sold et n lair trier, on easy terms. 133EINEI Broker anti Insurance Agent, den tO Fourth street, (Burke'. Building.) V • Olt SALE—A FARM OF 165 ACRES, on Big Sew fait., three miles from the railroad station, well Improved. Price #5O per an,.,. A 6.5 A( 'RE I. ARM on liili n,k. 31.4 miles from Glendale Stat on, on which la a Grist Mill, Store, Dwelling, harm, and good faggot . ..4ln. Price, tite.Mat. 71VENTY Lk/TS, on Fremont end Tremont streets, Second mini. Mlegheny. Ft tl'li Ltrrs on I:Inoue& at Glendale Station, contnlolng six to ten acre/. For sale by J. T. SAMPLE, Real biltate St Federal street, Alleglieny. ' I; Olt ONE. GOOD BRICK HOUSE, Pleasantly situated in the FTRST WARD, AL Olt EA Y. Ras Kitchen, Dining Room, Do Parlors, And three Chambers and Rail. Posses —April l"' 76 76 ' Boiler Yerd Mee, 26 Penn SALE—Three new Steam Engi built purposely for oil we115;11....i inch cyli 24 inch stroke; very strung. Engine shaft, c and connecting rod of wrought, iron; best of • sand fo boxes. Boilers it:to IS feet long, 32 Mates diameter, tth two 11..fncli flues; chimney 113 in. by 23 feet; hot and cold water pumps. Everythingeomplete and : say to ship on sight. . 13101111 al. BOL ' Pittsburgh, 'a. Shop, corner Point alley and Dliqueste at 4 hank of Allegheny river, near the Point. de2IIS I p l OR ALE OR H ENT .- IMPORTANT . T BAN ERS.—it good business stand. at pre.. cupled as a bakery, is offered for sale or rent. e premises Cr, a well built two story brick f se. in good repair, a good lot connected with it, stable, fruit trees, grape vines, an. • To any person desiring to purchase or rent, a good op portunity ill'altered. The baking implements will also be sold 'to the person buying or renting the aboVe. For further particulars loonies at G. L. In; EZ7l.l , ll3Ettil, Dentist, 134 Smithilell et., Pittsburgh. 1 0ft RENT.—TI - 1.05E TWO FIRST CLASS WAREHOUSES, Noe. 171 and 114 Wcod st. t occupied by the understood and J. Mc- Cully is tn. for a' , cried of 43 years, In the prose cution of the Produce and Grocery Business. Each . 4 feet front by 130 feet to Church alley, with;osteet loot e on,. s and vaults under. the whole. WIN ba I , attd separately or toned her and possession giVell Ist Li April or sooner it I,4ll.lsaiL /iire of- SAS. Merril nqu IsLY, jay Old 172 and CH Wood et. I.ORSALE—The House anti Lot now occupied by Mrs. A. E. Oakfool, No. le ILL rock street, Allce,beny City. It In a substaft r i t al prick modern style; front and back reo stories blab, containing fiftee•is rooms, fitted tit tenter and gas. and bounded Oa side and rear by plied alley. This is a desirable property, as It Its to first-rate order; and located so centrally that It Is easy of access from anyluslnesspaelien of tbetwo Hies. fiIEFFETT k OLD, de2l:tf 127 rind street. FOR SALE, A COMTORTMILE HOUSE Of four rooms within one and a half squares of the r c:rr Ir. '..c.clic,tcr. Coal every thing conectilent. Possession given Immediately. For terms applyy to Scraper! Palm, 77 Federal street, or at Thorns. llsrper's Wagon Sirup, Beaver street, hianchester. To LET TYe-Tltrev.toried nnteic DWELLING) Nearly' new, containing eleven rooms, with both honsFand wash honor., situated No. 01 Chatham atreav Pittsburgh. lbssession given os the first of.. April. Rent fi..fgr. F;acmilto of defilf H. YRY.411. " N07103 Fifth street- REAI ÜBE .FOR SALE. No. 215 LIEERTY STREET, ojijunite 1.6 e mouth of Sixth street, colt house to the eurcer.of Irvine Sttfet, occupie d at present by Mr. For particulars, inquire or :Mr. R. RIDDLE, Jas Ai Md. IRO Liberty street. kOR SALE Busineskr Stand. That desirable Rusinou Stand, No. SO SKITII - STREET, none corner of Fourtl s, street, on which is substantial Brick Entitling. Or term inquire of BAILEY , FARRELL CO., No. 129 Fritath street VOlf SALE.—The unexpired tertu of a Lease of A LOT OF GROUND, in th e. Ninth ward, al feet front on Liberty street and 100 feet oft Rush street, on which Ist, FRASIE STABLE, with stalls for 100 horses. The Stable could, with small expense, be turned Into a Cooper Shop or ether manufactory. For terms. no.. apply at GEORGE CORRY'S Peed Store, is I:2wg Penn street, near Rush st. 11011:1E FOE SALE. A 11Immo-storied Ihriek DWellgor Host No. v 3 LIBERTY STREET. between Ray fill Merburystreets, containing thirteen rooms,. wi It gas end bath room. Enquire of del2:lta lit A. LORENZ.. .12 Water etreetl - . . . . . _ FOI L . IZOR SALE O 1 EACH/LS(IE . A FARM—Myren small Rouses, from three to fire rooms mush, situate in Pitt towaahlp, corner of 01st and Locust eta. hetween•,LlpentiolVa Fac tory ind the Monongahela River. The location is beautiful; near tin Rolling Mills, Olen Rouse and Shovel Factory. For parUculats enquire of JAB. TONER, on the premises. - jardwd FORALEA flesirablt‘ THREE ISTO- f 3 itir_BRICK DWMLING HOUSE, Oohistn itig roam with Alt the modern Improve mentsi thsch ae Bath and One. L Satiate an HA) et., near l'eun. WI II bo eob.l at. a bargain •by applying imuluelotely to the unclecnlgnod. 1A Its W. AttIIOTT,- 1.,7:7! I lifta evert, PittxbUrgh. eRAPI{ oAI . I.h;RY,, newly attar With all the cameos, at No. 6,,Wlleentrect.• If ear wants to learn the Wetness; he can havethe ehance to learn cheap and start sotto a small capital. For particulars call at or address DANIEL SHEETS, Plttaburgh, Pa. jecLivra` 11? -- OR SALE.-150 Acres of Coal,-also, 12 1 A - earn of front cool to pool No. 9l also one traok of cool anti rallroad„and other Improvement. in good working order In pool No. a} o ne tract on the Youghiogheny river alld.Connel 'villa , ItallrOML Ervquire of • WILL NI WARD , sue . 'lint door from Fifth on Grant street.. • TIOIt SALE--Tlottlarge THREE STORY - A. BRICK GAVELLING lapusE,•No. 99 Fa rth stret t, Pittvburgli. Possesolon given on the I of April next. El:moire of . , JOHN W. RIDDELL, Attorney-at-Law WeAmti • No. iii Fourth sire . viTTOII.IrErS. JAMES LA.FFERTY, . • ATTORNEY-AT , CAW, i All Legal Busineve promptly attended to. • - . /ET 011 ice, No. lal FOOTLTIII RTIIE6T, near Or ,t .............. Pitt,boor. - atignnini id . B. NIACKILEGI D. A. 1011M3011 MAOHRELLA JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS-ATLAW, AND Q.B. LICENSED SOLDIERS',CLUDI AGENTS. bounties for Wounded Soldiers collected In front en to twenti days. • • ASPOILIee S o. Gasser Brassy. Pittsburgh. iM Usti with discharge and two wioesses. otety, STOMA BIi.A.FER, •••. , itATTORNEY-AT•LAW, • • N 6:164 Wry Tlti+bunbi Po. • 'Mitzi for _PENS ONS, STZIS itorrEr..ac.; vipro• ty Proaeo,A. ;APPLE BU -431)kOgi No. to 1301141010 !NO."- • • ••• *ll ' • 'Tait oOaigl. •, JIEDJfG4L. ILES ! PILES I PILES I, PILE g, W TWENTY YEARS' STANDING, CURED! Below will be found a certificate from one of th most respectable citizens of Wilkins township, in regaralo Dr. Keyser's Lindsey's Blood Searcher. The Doctor*. certificntea are within medusa/ ■o one Iced be deceived in regard to his preparation. tied. IL Exuma: I became afflicted with Filen' about twenty years ago, and every year the wee growing aerie, se as to trouble me very much, so much soot times as to 00111 ma for work. Same • time) I wee so bud that I could not do anything on account of them; they came out on me as large ass hickory - nut. I had tried a _great deal of medlaino for them. I need to buy and take whatever could bear of or read of in circulars and pamphlets that. fell to my way, but I could not et cured; soma times they would do me some goodfor a little while, tit aßerwards they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors, who yialted me rainy house and gave me some medicine, but it would not do, I could nut get we/I. Over a year ago I got an advert lament of your Llndsey's Blood Searcher, made by yourself. When you sold it to me you told me one bottle would not cure me, and that my whole system would have to be renewed by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took it !mine with me, and used It according to your direction.. I then Caned to are you again when you said I could not expect much benefit from one bottle. I bought it, one bottle at a time, until I had tined five bottles. After this quantity an used, I wan entirely well of the Piles, which had tortured me for twenty years. In other respects my health Is Improved, and I am as well as could be expected for one of my age, being sixty years past. rime been well now for six Months, and there talbo appearance of the return of the disease. I can do any kind off forming now without work he Piles coming down and hurting me. I can pitch hay, chop wood, 1111, or do any kind of work which before toed to hurt me. When I found out your Blood Searcher I kept on taking It until I got en tirely well. I confider It my duty to make my case known to the country for the benefit of others who may be suffering as I was, and do not know the value of your Medicine. Yon may publish this if you like. I live in Wilkins township, and will be leased to satisfy any one pf the truth of title eer t ificate if they wish to call on me. ELLIOTT DAVIS. December 2ith, 1,964. Sir Look out for the name of Dr. GEORGE IP KETSI.I3. on the cover of the bottle, and molted over the cork; also for his stamp on the Salted Statelitamp on the top of the bottle, to prevent bring !reprised upon by n spurieus article which is in the market. Air Sold br the Proprietor, No. 14$ Wtlloo ST., and by SIMON JONI'. STUN, corner of Fourth and Smithfield etreets, Pittsburgh. HERNIA OR RUPTURE HERNIA OR RORTL•RE CURED HERNIA OR RUNTIME MED HERM/ OR RIITTURE CUED SERBIA OR RUPTURE CURED MERYL* OR RIMTORE eIVRED HERNIA OR RUPTURE CURED. HERR IA OR ROTCIRE CURED 116 i YEA OR R JETURE CURED RUPTURE OR HERNIA CRFRED surruis Oa nava RVPTVRE OR HERNIA CTRED. REPTIIRE OR HERNIA CIIIRED RIPTVRE OR timurrA CIRED I=l ilea Drops.. for the support and cure of Pile Elastic Knee Caps, few weak knee joints Ankle Supporters, for weak knee joints $ yringe'. Self-Adjusting. tuna every other kind of Hard Rubber Syringes. • Dr. Mauling's Lace or Body Braze, for the mire of f'rolapsus Uteri, riled, Abdomi nal and Spinal INt camases. Dr. 8.8. Fitch's Silver Plate Supporter. . - Dr. KIMBELL wil 'give h personal attentfo tothecapplleation of Titans Inaiulte and children, an he le patient thnt,wlth an erperienceof twee. ty Pears, he will be enabled to glee latiefactles. .I%r Ogles at Ma Drug Store, No. NO 'WOOD ST.. sign of the Golden Mortar. Persona. wrtUng for Toucans should semi the number of Inches the body, leereallately over the rupture. ens CATABAII DR. R. GOUDA CATARRH REMEDY. it pverwatee to tee very seat pf thin terrible 4W ea—, sa.e.vaterminates it, root rotd Wench, Meever. U00DA1.4.: la the end and only person.whe ever told the world what Ostarri many Was, where ft commenced, and what would. wean Dr: 000 DALE has spent la lifetime : ln hatpin with this fell disease, exploring its secret ambusk and making known to the world the het the Oar errh, which has for years defied the sold o a vs search of medical men and authors In this country and Eurove, can now be cured. with thel Mete unifown certainty. that meantime follows night. Thousands, who , tried every known cure 10 vain, have been_permenently_ cured 14 Dr. GOODALE'S OATABBIi ItEld-EDY and now praise it In the Most extravagant tetra s of praise. I? Call at our nearest nom, or tend a stamlS for a pamphlet. llselsed and prepared by R. G OUDALE, M. D., New York. NORTON h CO., Sole A.genti, BROADWAY, NEW YORE. DR. C. H. 4.EYSEIR, Sole Agent, No. 160 WOOD STREET. Pltt.bUrgh. N ORTON'S OINTMENT, For. Halt atheuiii and licrafkk4 Penuanattly cures TITER, SCALD HEAD, Rniow.oruns, AAA Ali ITCHING AND HIIHNEMI stunts . and ERUPTIONS THE SKIM : This Otateteht iienetfatea to the basis of the dt ease—eves to the very eotuve—and sores host the flesh beneath to the skis on the surface—Wows . . _ the . poieen ot the disease upwaid, and every pant. ale et It te Wachs:y.6d through the 'pores—the Beata of .Le disease are expelled froze the de* eoeae gnently Abate Gen be at ro/apea, NOWTPN 4 00, sole Asetts, :Bli BROADWAY; szw:rosr. 0041.7 ~- , , , l ! ps.musirstsß. A6er44 . , • ue.irooa-rmem MiTirevloo; AI ELDIC.IL STRICTLY PORE .9.RTICLE Pittsburgh Drug liouse, I DENTAL. DEPOT. JAMES MoGARR, : +• (Successor to TORRENCE t 1140 1 .EL 3E , ' 0 'T . MC El 4:7 A. Foreign as/ Domestic Drop, Medicines and'(. hats, Dyes end Dye-Stuth, Aleobel, P. turnery, Fancy Articles and Toilet Soaps, Wines and Liquors, To base° do Cigars, Paints, Oils nod Vanilsbes, Support- or. sad Drum Pro prictory-Molb . Macs, As. TRUSSES': TRUSSES: We manufacture all the late styles of imp, sod Tresses, end keep constantly on hand Ala Fitch's, Ritter's, Chase's, Hull's and all o hat manufacturers. In cases requiring any peculiar style of True , or when parties desire it, we will mannfact to order ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS; SHOULDER BRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS. DR. Me° ARR attende personally to the atsptl• eetion of Trues., 00., and to the treatmellt of nepture. Physician's Prescrißtion.s iil CAREFULLY evrtiporamE 1. •ur Prescription Department is always la charge of as experienced Pharmaceutist, and all articles used in compounding prescriptions, are selected with regard to purity, freshness and strength. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hoots of the night. Dietetic and Culinary articles Pure Cmard ofrut/kr. naglieh Baking Bode. Grain and Powdered Cloves, pure. Pepper, &Belden, " Boot " Ginger, " Bark " Oinnamon.. illsivego (kir. Starch. .. Cox's Gt.lnUne, Price's Glycerine, Seeker's Farina. ruse, Winos, for cooking purposes, Burnettis COOSEibruts r Caraway Anise Seriander Seed, Mace and Nutmegs. Safeness, • Pearl Ash, ae.„, ae DRUGS AND. MEDICINES. Our dock of Drugs and Medicines are selected semiannually, with great care, by an experienced pharmaceutist and phyaician, and we guarantee all drugs and medicines we sell pare gad usedulterceed. CHEMICAW- - All our 'hen - dean. we bit, from the celebrated house of [mints a WEIGLITALAN. An Inquiry 0C -ferns finally physician will satisfy eon as to LUIr visit). DYES AND DYE STIFFS, Our oars importation, we guarantee frealillud rs liable. Annotta, Alum, Blue Vitro', BrazU weed. Cam Wood, Cochineal, Copperas, Cudbear, Extract Logwood, FusUe, Indigo, Lac Thu., LOprood, Mad. der, Nle Wood, Ha Tartar, StcAr Sumac, Maoris Blue Vitrol. ace. Foreign . Wines, Brandies, Gins, biqtrers. roc medicinal ewe only, viz Stud, Wepuy & Vo.'s Govan Fine old Rodman Beguidy. Pure Julie of Grop e Port Mae. PurePur' Sherry Wine. Pure Rolland Gin. /males and Si. Oren Bum. EDIPOR7fFID CIGARS. • N. Our stock emiraces gime rof the Ilrost limb of Harm. Chars, viz :, 1 Cabo:lna, Preriaslos, Impede.les, Brit:Lukas. . Loudros, Regalia;- ' =realm DOMESTIC CIGARS, Manufactured from imported tobeo:oo, viz: E.ponolas, Sobrtruta Jockey Oft inid • da p . = Onr stock If Mars was purchased 1a MSS., aM we are °Ming them to col:tamers at'n alight ad vance ever otoricesbeforethe tea law when ptu , chased I saantitlee of ondloutdrat sal upworls. NOUSTROLD ARTIULiki Concentrotoil -Lye, • Pure •Potorab, Sal Soda, . Al Silver Sand, ' Tripoli, • SIINDRIES. Heap Seed, Rape Seed, ko., So., dre, H e el, PlLlttaikraartals AlLgorh.ov as For All trlisble Propiietary Medliv, ♦lt Di. D. JAYNES" Expectorant. . . • " Alterative. . . 114 . • Clanntuative. Hale • , Hair Tonle and ae Dye. ' Snugly, Pills. Dr. J.O. ATER% Cherry Pectoral. Cathartic Pills:, . , ' - • " = " Svrasparilla. • " Ague (lure. I I 1316.11.110-I,ll'S celebrated Relatodk..4 13uchu, fur disease, of Bladder,_ Rose Wash. . (the Mont.. SaninpariLla, for Impurities,- of: IDiatollll,oll'S Scandinavian Blood PurideL I Pills. I " • ,Ditters. SCHENCK'S Pulmonic Wafers. . . Seallfeol Tonic. • , . . Mandrake Pills. ICKNfEDT'S Medical Discovery., Salt Rbeutn Ointment. , . WRIGHT'S celebrated Indian Vaise4t4o Mk BEANDRETH'S PIM. . Dr. IL A. WILSON'S PHIL HOSTETTER'S ( celebrated qlosatioh Bitters. DRAKE'S Plantation Hitters, CUTTER'S Nervine English Bitters, an antiriot for intemperance. And all the reliable Patent Medicines of the day. Paints, Leada, T Eines, ()cloys; Oils, Varnishes, Druahea; Putty, übe Paints, Paid Leaf, ate.• We have facilities for furnishing these articles at manufacturers prices. TO THE DENTAL PROFESSION, We offer • large and estelulli selected stock at S. S. White's P Teeth'. - . Ornum, Amason a Juan'. Teeth. • W. A. Dutra Co.'s Teeth. Neal, McCurdy tc WalPs Teeth. Johnsen k Lund's Teeth. , Dental Chaim Dental Lathes, Poems, Pt lebeel;a: Lui Dellts, Excavators, 'PriWtll4 l 7 l l4. eaatte Gold and Silver Plata, Gold and Nol . l . and, Materials, of eveer teleilaoa. air Clstakysiss to be kid is applisattoal DRUG HOUSE. Qorner of : Fourth and IlfarketStmeete rrrrasvousera. Nrwsm AIE ,711f,C4/: DR )v. Ii 3ainviii J CO.'S coLtlntx FOR THE CHE.BOKEE , MEDIOINES . , . COMPOUN/ ED FP,Olt • a 11043 TM, BARB MU LEAVES., ~... , ...4. CHEUOKre lie ll 0 Pr ; AMU Naltrit i ihegreat Indian Diuretic, DIM al M MBE Cure. all diseases of the 11131. X X DIX ~, urinasy organs,such as Ins.. MM M al UK continence of the Urine, MM fil M MM . inflanimationof the Iliad. MM al M 'MEI der, In fl ammation of the MM MM MM liidneys Stone In the Ma MX MX Bladder:Stricture, Grav- MN NM MM • el, °lett, Ci ono rrhma ' and MM MM 'MM ' is especially recommend ed in those cases of Fluor ‘ ' Albus, or Whites In lA , ei , males) where all the old nauseous medicines hive a ailed. it is prepared in a high' ' coneentemed form, 01 tX,CIJO Jose only being from on. i CCU COO to two teaspoonfuls thy CO flu time. per day. CO tAI It is diuretic and IRS Cu live In its action: purh, CO log and eleartilleg the ICC hllod, caluting.lt to flow CO CU in II of itsoliginal purity co CO : a vigor; thus removing IJOOOOO from the system ail pert& • • COCO 'dens causes which have Swinged' diserute. T .C . nkaolicke IllsagemoN Is intended as an ally ur asidatalat to the OREM. Ors Ileums . , andthoUld . EEEEEEEEEE beinedlnconJuellon Is ith . EREEEMEEE . s that medicine in all cases , ER .• of Clononiusa, Glee t, EE .' Fluor Albus; or Whites.. EEIIEE It. elfects are healing. . EEECE • , seething, and demulcent; ER • ' removing all scalding E& heat, chordee, and pain, kitatEsilEKEEE _ instead of the burning and LEEKEREEEE almost unendurable pain , that is experienced with nearlyallthecheap quack injection, ' By the use of the Cher- bk. Remedy and Ones, kee Injection—the two lift ' RH medicines at the same lilt RH time—all Improper die lilt Hit charges are removed, and lilt • hit the weakened org,aus are • UMW il illilili restored to fulleirter and RIIIIIIIIHRIIIF strength. ~, 1111 lilt : For full particulars get i.: 1111. • Illi our pamphlet from any lilt Hit . drug store In the country, lilt Illi or write us, and we will - mail free to any address% • . full treatise. Cr nee gm •Co unfailing cure for Spero. • arorrhes, Seminal Wes k nees, Nocturnal EMI.- Lions, and all tllseases DDDIILDDD caused by sellimllution; i. DDDLIDDVDD such as Lose of l'lcutory, DU DD Universal I. a asit ude, 1 DD DD Palm+ in the Back, Dim- Lit. DO • tress of. ision,Premature DI, DD Old Age, Weak Nerves, DII DLO DiMctitty of Breathing,. 1,1.) Int Trembling, Wakefulness, DODDIMDDD Eruptions ou the Fore, DDIJUDDDD Pale Countenance, insan ity, COnsumpt ion, and all the direful complaints caused by departing from the path of nature. Thie medicine Da sinapi vegetable extract, and one ou which all C3ll rely, as It • 'has been used in our prao . tire for many years, and ee LIR thousands treated it EEEEBBLEBE has not failed in a ;ring', ELEEEBEBLE instance. Ira ur ative LB powers have been sun:- BE Meat to gain victory over EBFEE the most stubborn case. EEBEE To those who have trilled BE with their constitution EE until they think-them. EBEEREYIEEE entree beyond the leash of BERME:REEF: medical aid, we would arty despair nut! the Cherokee Cure will restore you to health and rigor, and af ter all quackdoctoralow - I Gilled. Dr.. Weir-neer! Ecru- Do. WEIIIIII . B Rmu wvreamo Etaxin; or En- • genet mil.ark: Prepared from litre Te&table Eu tracts contai ni ng nothing injuliOUß to the most dm trete: The Rejuvenating Elixtristheresultof mod ern discoveries in the veg etable kingdom; beteg en entirely . new and abstrAct method of cure, irres,co. tire •of all the o 1 .ltd worn out nysrputa This medicine has toned tested by the most end . pent medical men o g l e -.the ; dayouid by.theur pronoun to be one of the t- RIIRRARRR rot ced medical discoveries es of ILREERRRIM the age. Oho bottle win BEE- ERR • core general debility. A • • upic few dales cures Hysterias jam • S S',ll „ females... One bottle inuntrx.np • ERR RIM Resit;At a ERR ERR tores the organ. at goner- ERE ERR ation. From one to three bottles restores the man liness and face vigor of youth. A fair dose, restoresithe appetite.' Three bottlesoooooo cures the worst case of - 000430t10 - Impotency. A few doses CU .00 cokes the low spirited. _ 00 00' One bottle restores men. CU tai Kato . . A. few doses CO brings beck theroseto the 00 cheeld This medicine res. CO toms to Manly vigor amt 0C OCI robust health thepoor de- 00000(10, bUitated i worndown,. and 000000 derpidring devotireofacn mai pleasure. The Maxey. dun* Ityls• larks, Ooneral Debility ' • • Palpitation of the Heart, . and Impotency. It • ree torev mental power and 0000. for appetite, cad ea..) 000000 the rose to mount to the 00 00 . cheek .of to) and the Ott 00 "2 debilitatedman ' orwomas 00 " 00 to feel, vigorous and 00 00 strong, the young and am -00. .. • 00 bilious blood to courts 00 00 . through every vein, the 00 00 nerve, to became strong • 000000 - and the fire' of new lir -0000 and rigor to :reanimate the entire bodyi building up the constitution. res, . toring joy and ilfeto many , a sad and darkened Ire. side: Oadonces PILL,! So l:Ian-COATED Foxe L X NIMITLATOII, ti n • L Paxxximen Ordrrnio ILIUM For 'the removal of Obstructions, and the Insurance of Regularity in the Recurrence of the - Monthly Perilds• clue or obviate those nu merous di that spring from frregolaritY, by removing, the inegn.' • v rity itself. 'They cure Suppressed Excessive - • liter-Ite - dZion., - They u _ • Green Sickness 4chlo - Ws.) They cure ne KR RHKand Spinal • • zuz, ' K KR pains in the back. lower pada of 'the body., KK KK KKKEZ s H ll e girri '4 ertlo F traipit:- • _ KK - KR . tin. of the. Ilearti'Low. • •KR "KK • 'rodeo( Hysteria, ': KK . KIC -Sick •Headatle, KK KR ness, &a 11; a word. -, 11 KK K.S. by removing the ,Irregu--- • laxity,' they remove UM • rause and with It all the Compose-dor simple Tp . veg- effects that sprbegfunalt. . • etable extracts, they too, • tale nothing deleterhiue to any constitution. hew- - ; ever delicate, their tuna- „NNW IfN Con being - to subdltade • MINN 'MN strength for weakness, NN NN , Nit vhickerben properly NN . NN MN used,they never faU todo. rotyNN . NM' They Ina/ be Isfeirllmal .NN .trtt • at any age, and at any pe.• Nit.... .ZYMNA - : clod, xxxxx-rixo .ntraiao MN. : . NN. NIT. x f; the irtnarviourd KONTOS, :NN during Which the Lunfail- ITN . . NNN . lag nature of thel,i'-• setloii . • • • would infallibly rarviorr Pninancy. Pekoen or rat 0420 , A kin 1 1 1.r.otconnex--11,3kagez FrEEEEEEEE6' 'kee Remedy--q sobattll " . " • 'KEZMEIFX. 'aid bottles for $3. Cher "oboe mention---di,•• but ' . of three bottles Weld Cherokee Oure—lkarbot Ileor throe bottlealkw Ellido-113 hottle,or three boktiee cf), EE EEEEE SEXES ES sulguloSEMEE • mokee'PlS 1.27-MSESSEE females—et a boa,.or In briaes.for the Cherokee Nem • bars theunfortunatewill • • r ‘•'.;. 2 find a del of delivera nce from daY;lo'f/ini a nd fort • owl. when they atm I DO longer slider without cew ESEESSEEEE-.:1 m ,:;: on or repose, either SEra7F.l7alt. through m era en ary quacks or the inefficiency. ES ' • •,.;z ,, na of useous preparatlima.. ESEEE •. . .to The Cherokee medictned MESE e accomplish their. ransom SE •. —their emancipation. An ES emancipation BO grcat,lo 127SESSESE adrntrable, and so prolific EEtta - vvre„Es.. , ,,,, of unlrentaigood. These medicines will prove, in , any and every CAVP, faith ftd and never falling friends to time of need. We wad ali " ,the krc idenivinea'hy dwelt ' (eitsopg the-ti he rokall' Pillen these. are seater atoll, free of Doetegellla fillMElpan receipt of price;, EST fal lut ly th gtle i al li , e llsOW•a' • Et: mann er - that no SESSE . throbhhosehandthbr' EMU% way pass t .wouki 12C SE the eontents. The Cherokee Mettildiallal . E1122.2.2.1E=0 „ ESESEESEES are sold by all ete g. . druggists ln the world. Some. M g"iefleeeveOith:ll74l l / 1 those Which they NM at a otied,JPPricejliZldlntikii more 1 00117 aalltag' • .; SS•'/.'' ..v• theut eYoaa 0 4 he Sher- SS okee Xedklese. . you Ss valu t e l Lour. heath; ay, the •.• heal of yoarefil/Dring— doloat deatiVedbysuelt ss ss "163' , and hike d° others. ulna BS gy,: SSS ton..t. W. A:ERWIN. e Sole .?.T;f•.!".••Ni' - ' - • - • • tt e. 00 Lamle a Att In Pi/blush by X. nose of DLuneed and X • MEM un 1m - nu uu un flu nu int /111 =I un 1111 1111 1111 1111 HU Inl 1111 MI LIU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers