f gi Zite Witbintvgit Oak.ette. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER- 28, 1804. - 1111 AND SMURBAN, (TATGZ TICATIGWAT's EVENING GAZETTE.) Meeting of Councils. • A regular monthly meeting of Councils was held on Monday evening, December 20th. Le Med.—Present F Menne, Allen, Brown, Rerdman, McMillen. McCarthy, Morrow, Phil lip, J. It. Reed, Young, and President McAuley. Mr. Phillips offered a number of petitions, ask %gin abatement of busiams tax, which were read and referred to the Finance Committee with • R. Read: t report of the viewers ap pointed to assess the damages caused by the opening of 'Watson street la the Eighth Ward, on which, on motion of Mr. Pnilllps, further ac tion was postponed. Also, a report of the viewers appointed to as- Seta the benefits and damagei arising from the widening of Central arcane, which was read and Aiso, se report of Me , Street Committee cover ing the bide of contractors ter pining , street crossings, recommending the passage of the fol lowing resolution e • . Ilesolned, That the Controller be and he is here ley itutborlsed to certify a warrant wpm the Coa -• Idegent Fund (No. 13) for the above bills. An ordinance authorizing the .extension of Duncan street, (Min Roberts street to Arthur - attnet , which was read twice and laid aver under the ordinance qf Nov. SEI, 1884, was taken up. Mr. J. R. Reed offered the following amend ment "Also, Duncan street, from the east aide of Roberts to Kirkpatrick street, the eastern line of the (7th) ward, as leld out and marked In .the City District Plan: , 'Whicr was adopted, and the ordinance was rend three times and passed. Common Council, Present—All the members except Messrs. Ardarj, Dean, Dickson , Holmes, Jeretny, McKeown, O'llara, O'Neill 'tend Patter- The mimites if the last meeting were read and apmored.. - The first business was a meeting of Councils hi Joint Session to present a cane to their old mes senger, Col. it. F. Pratt, made of wood frost:Like 'old Shiloh church, near Ping= gh Landing, Teanegne, The cane was presented by Dr. bieCandleSs„ in a neat' spore. h, which was responded to by the Colonel In one .of his -characteristic -speeches. The Joint 'leaden then adlOurned. Air: Jones presented a petition from Elizabeth Davis, for.damages =stained by 'ithe bursting of the Peansyhanla Avenue sewer. Repotted to FICIATICe Committee. • I pin White, a remonstrance against the assess ment of tbe viewers for the opening et-Watson Street, which yens received and.illed. bir. Jones, a cotmounication from Thomas Davis, =reference to damogea from the hurtli n g of the sewer on Pennsylvania Aveune. Referred . to Finance Committee. Mr. Rebmane, offertedthe following: . -,_.,,-• Bemired, That the fhnnl Intent Fire' Engine and Rose Company be permitttecl to remove their . 41 house hem Its present ideation on' Wylie Street, ?•,,,... to the City lot at the intersection of Webster and •?, _ Patton Streets; or if found mere practicable, that - ,_ they be permitted to sell their Engine Rouse and erect another on- the site mentioned. Reported to Committee on Fire Engines and Mose, In conjtmction with the City Solicitor. • ' Tbe President iced a communication_ from the J Controller, with a bill from C. McGowan, for services for himself and assistant, from august Ist to December 9th, 1554, of P 49,50, with the • affidavit e C. McCiiiwan; sworn before the Controller. Referred to the Street Committee. On motion of Mr. McCandless, It was Itrioteszk•That the thanks of ads Connell be • i and are herthy tendered to our President, Thos. Steel, Esq., far the eourteona and gentlemanly. - ; manner, In which he has discharged _ the Maims _ of his °fled for the post year. - . Mr. McGowan offered the following: 1 Ilesoltred, That the Market Committee hala ntructed to inquire into the propriety of Increas• bog the selsay of the linpnteadent and Chat ' of the Markets. _ -'• Referred to the Market Committee. On Motion, Councils adjourned.' _ . oil. Isaias aid-Stamps. . Contreduisier annolinees a declaim of the Department In refetenco to oil leases and the • 'Stamp 'duty, which-wen .interest many of our ---readers. He SayS:s . • - • "Um. law makes the 'rent or rental value' the test which determines the amount of the stamp duty . ,:end •of course when the rent is fixed at a @podded sore In money the stamp duty is easily ."les the cue of these.oll lessee there Is, how ever, very rarely a fixed rental value in money agreed trpon. , --lis some instances the - ilium am, • tracts to erect valuable machineryor sink shafts , . as Well as to pay 's certain rata per gallon or bar-. eel for the MI produced, or deliver aced:tin por tion of the oil Instead of path payments, and in • others the ,tent 'la to be a certain pottion of the . oil or Its Man IntnencY7-the machinery in the. first case to becomethe property of the /mar st - the cud of the sena." "In each cues the annual rent-or rental mine , can holy be ad: unlined by estimation. 'lf the • lease Is of new and marled land' there Is, of course r s possibility that It may turn out ..to be worthless so farms the production of oil is con sumed; bat it would not be safe to assume that • .It vronld always, or, perhaps, ever be so. If the _ lr.auc has erected valuable useliinery upon' lice • premises, . or; made valuable improvemeets" . . 7 - • which upon the termination or surrender of the. lease, became the property of the lessor, lila et. ' ident that be has received a portion of the rent or combensatioti for the use of his landagrcol opota,! ' although rio oil is produced. - • "The rental seine, then, mama be accurately determined, and of course the stamp dray can., tiot be accurately calculated,: and - therefore parr: tics In such cases are adrieed to apply to the.. . . Collector undarsectloh 16.9, of the act of Jane • .10th, to bare the stamp duty deterinhax, which of course Involves the calculations of the annual "If the land INS been worked before the lease, is mate, or if the original lessee man* case underlets or assigns his lease, or a portion or cmdirlded interest in it, the Collector irlU , in such case hereunto reliable .slata to start upon; but ln all cans he slumid estimate from the but in- . formation be can get, the probable average ren-, tai value; and of course, is doing 'this, he will j bare regard tolls own knowlaige of the prem . Ism, the information derived from the parties and others, and the stipulations of the lease—and $ if the rent is payable In oil, the eremite market value of the oil Is an element in the calculation; and In .eases where be is In doubt, he will, of counse,reedu such - initru_crions as may be de "lnd fromthis ofilee.• - • "Emit le a ses, whether of oil, coal, or mineral landsarelbeld to to subject to stamp duty. as lutes, Mao stamp .ns an agreement or contracts is of coarse Insufficient. • "There net - Instances of farms • in the country which are leased upon shares,' as It Is termed„ and, it is of course impossible to determine its given date What .the Pup will produce for the emulog,Year,tbe rental value must be estlauttea, wad tbenisingltr' sa. well as value of the severs , m;pclucts . Mutt ,become clematis In the talcula tipsy and Yetwidifticnity seem; to have arisen IW -eqabealec , The oilenlatlon Inr the ascot a coal; °eon' lease ..maybe. more complicated, pFli the principle lathe same. ' The WHO Ward:l , l'll'mi Nominations. - The rolleartne eeliet fins beef pieced In norm. nation by the Union eltleeniof the Meals Wadi Jobe votel.thc Batarday next, betweenthe _"'hams of lotu , and Steen o'clock in the evening i; • The numbers in psrenthesbi Indicate tho number . • to be nominated Ibr the several Mikan lazed : , Select Council (t). -Henry C. Wither John' OconoMel , , (3)—Norace 8. Snowden, James. idetney,ZohitJaisob Mier, Reuben J. Leon. Thomas Nees, Min Patterson. udge (1)--Edward Dlihridge.... Inspector (1)--Jobn N. T. Noble, Jos. Castle. am. Inspector (I)7Brsiest W. Marrow, School Directors, years (I)—Thomis Neely, Jahn J-Stoerr, James J. MirtlN Joseph E. John 7 Mon, W. 11. Desore. itsBasol r :iircctors,.,2 Isms (1)-11.: IL De Ar i Aldermarra)—C. W 4 Smith. , Assessor (I)—J. Alexander Mille. Constable (1)7-AndreirJ. Noon. • Fair Ger . the Benefit at Sick Soldiers. _ This afteraeon . s od evening the Fate - tar the benefit - at "The Allealeily La iles' Soldiers' Aid Society" will be combined at the room of 3rksik ifskaiialt E. Darts' Toting Ladles' Setabetter, ear- acr.of Federal and Water streets, Allegheny. - The young ladles. of this Institution here pre . pared many fancy articles, and hare s their Wks amply supplied with the geol . things of the season, such as _oysters, Ice cream, In the midst of our- Cinist - mes. festivities, let lus remember the sick Mounded soldiers who • lava giren up everything thr the country, and An us who remain at home; La. the rosult . of this effort bear =pie testimony that our citizens s appreciate theiturrical and selfdenhtis, and also the services of theft. patriotic young ladies, u•wal as Mose of their teacher . BrielltZ.:-.4ants C. Pettigrew committed sul ; on Monday, at tho Marine Hospital, by shooting lannself.-: The deceased was well known i 4 In this city, and at one time ran as candidate .10r ZdayorontheDenulcratte ticket. /le has been , innana for-.some time, and this will account far -' 'Ws self-destruction. We hare not obtained the part lonian of hits death.:'— 1101.1:DAT BOOKS . L'OIIT.--Adit P. Mat; 159: Fifth sttvetvit closing to it Ms Wawa of his. 'tic* ottleptrtAnaturandiradaYearkilift,' atfirn r- C 11110 . 461110111 .1 01 " 9 / 0139110 1 "3'"~..:'~~: _._.~s~>:'3~a-. ..t0m......, ~. +~ ".: na:.. _. .._ ~, ~-,_ ~_~z., , . _ ._.:':'? ;~"s s .t`2rnx: sr, :^.... _ s::~i:;. Republican Primary Plectione. , Primary elm:lons worn held in the fidlowmg Ward. on Saturdny lan. The First, Tined, Stith and Eighth will nominate on flatarday nez - t: SZCOND RAW,. Select Connell—Wm. Phillips. Common Connell--Thomas Steele, D. O'Neill. . Alderman—Abraham S. Nicholson, Thomas Ou - ston. Jtidge of Elections—J. IT aldwhi. Rtturn Inspector—R. H. lager. Assessor—James Block. Constable—Hamlet Lowe. rnlllrrit w Select Counell—James 'Auley. . Common Connell--John IL Rare, W. A. Tom linson. Alderman:—James Donaldsmi. Assessor—A. P. Thompson. Assistant Assessors--dames Verner, 11. Rays. Watson.. Dire, etersAlexaader Speer, M. W. Watson.. - • Judge of Eleetion—Renry Rays. • Inspecter—jaa. P. Donaldson. Return Inspector—J. S. Itcymar. Constablo—Peter Dressler. Select M'Clintoak. • Common Council—Thomas C. Dickson , W. J. IPGreggor, Frank Ardary, John M'C. Chas. Bock, Thos. Harris. Aldermen--Joseph Albelts and Sam'l Lerris.l Assersor—Joseph Behool Directors-Joileph Kaye and J. Caroni en. Constable—Jas. Bell. illagte of Election—flannel Moore, Ist Prec., Cbas. Manch, 2tl Proc.— Inspectors—Rnbt. Graham, Ist Prec., Frank Ralston, Jonas Smith; Id Prec. I=! Select Connell—jamea.P. Young. Common Council—W. 0. Davis, C. H. Arm strong, David All'Clelland. School Dimetors—Joseph Nabbs, W. Young, John Harrison. Judge—Mr. Ford. Inspectors—S. D. Mil. Thos. Gillespie. Constable—George Keyser. The 'Drat-.Address by,MaJor •Doace. Major - Dodge, Acting Assiiiiiht Provost Mar shal General, has issued the following address to the people if Pennsylvania, In reference to the approaching draft. The suggestions are Im portant, and - every man should *mist in filling the quotas In the manner mentioned: The President has called for 50(1,000 troops, to be raised by volunteering or draft. The 15th of February, 1E45, has beta fixed upon as the day of draft. If your quotas are not' tilled by volunteers by that time the deficiency will most certainly be made op by draft. Ward and Town ship Committees are earnestly Invited to com mence work at once. The longer you delay the more difficult will be your task. The attention of these Committees is also Invited to the necessity and propriety of 'delivering, up to the District Provost Marshals all &- lingua* from _former drop. It Is Impossible for the United States authorities to find these MITI, secreted as they are by their friends and by personal:mac to the Government. Committees, United States Stateand comity °Meer', And all good citizens are requested to arrest Chase men, and deliver them to the Provost Menthols. Every • man so arrested and put into service by the Board of Enrolment counts one towards filling your miota. Information, by letter or otherwise, fur, misled to District Provost Marsh u s of the where abouts orthese delinquents Will he thankfully received and promptly acted upon. Provost Marshals will cause lists of delinquents from 'all former drafts to be made and distribu ted, to the that all so disposed may under standingly assist In forcing these dellnquents to 'perform their duty to their country and to their own people. Bring in all your delinquents; ex ert yourselves to put In volunteers, and the ne ,cessity of a draft will be avoldelL . Our armies and meets are fin-us-Acre victorious. - The dawn or . peace Is_ at hand. One powerful blow now given, will be fatal to the Rebellion. Let us all, in our several capacities, and as far as in us Ices, mite to make that blow ettectlee and final." Rehire . iitan Escaped PFAruner oetyliilen, Sergeant Major .or the 100th Pennsylvania regiment (Roundheads),arrived at his.fathor's residence, in Elizabeth township, on Thursday lad,mtich to the anrprtse of.his pa rents and the neighbors: - Mr. Allen was cap. Cured, with °the/not his regiment, at the spring.. lug of the "mine". In front of Petersburg -last summer, and taken to Danville, X. C. The rebels had detailed' the most able.bodied prisoners to chop timber for their fortifications, which the TrillktO bey* did not. relish ray wdl, and eon ' chided to make a "strike" for liberty. One morning, as they were going one to the timber, they overpowered the gourd and escaped. Allen rays about one kindred made the attempt, bat be cannot tell bow matiyaucecetled. - rtittooth2re came In with him, via Knoxville. Maj. Leasure was among the number who made the attempt, but has not-bet:reheard ft= since. • • Ransessaazolt.,,Among the many , unlit and nnostentationscrpressions or regard which char acterized the Christmas holiday, was' the presen tation of a beautiful, gold chain , . to . Mr. John Routh, the gentlemanly conductor of the Wall's Station Accommodation Train. The chain Is. a Ivry fine one, with lent and costly ornaments, and wee donated by a number of the regular pa tmus of the tree, as an evidence of their regard and esteem 'for ldr. Rath. The presentation was made by Frank Van Golder, Esq., and tic speechee, although brief, were pointed and ap propriate. There is no more careful, competent nr necommodating conductor than Mr. Routh, and tlientrons of the train know and appreciate his ag Crib. Camp Buturr xo Duitt:—On Sunday, a Ulan grand-dati r lliter of Mrs. Crane, bf bower St. St. Clair tcrwnsblp, was burned to death from Its clothes taking 'fire.. It bad boon left in a room "itbore, and when found was lying on the floor with large portions of Its body burned to a crisp. died in three hours after. . .WILL DE BOLD, to-morrow (Wediesdan-atiter noon, iii 72 o'clock, a large lot of _Ladies* and Children's Fara, at Stc6clry's Aurtion-House, No. 47 MTh street. Sale without reserve. 'SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. /11031.1.8 W. rte, practical Kate Roofer, and ite.aler in American Slate, of various orders. °ince at Alexander Laughlin's. near the Waite: Worki, Pltteintrgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78 Pike street. Orders „promptly attended to. All ;work warranted Water ;proof. Repairing done at the eaortest notice: (No charge for repairs, provided the mot Is not tattled after It la rrat on. New Goons part received at no .Sferelsant Tailoring estaldlslnuent of - Grabeut & 3feCand ler!, 7 3 emithlle l 4 liticet. We would menlitei: peethally invite the attention of onr frletids and the public in ginieral. to our new stock of fall and winter goode. , • They contain • all the yery bleat styles of English, French and American clothes, cassbneresand vistlngs, all of the finest • quality, and is selected with the greatest care :Gentlemen desiring fashionable and well made 'clothing, would do well to glee us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Every garment is war ranted to eve fall satisfaction In both pries and . Gamest* MeCesungss, Idercluust Tenors. ► No. 73. Smithfield steed. Brtan ROTttra,--fbe attention of our read yes is -directed 'ttir" the . Urtlllaet assortment of Tall and Winter Goods just received by our friend Mr. John Weier,lfo. 128-Federal street, Allegheny. His stock comprises a great variety of Fancy French, Entlish, Boot& and Americas Casislmeres and Cloths, and flue Silk oedema met Yestinp, all of which will be Made tip to order in the latest styles and hi the bast manner. 7Ccholee selection - of Yurnislilng Goods also on isad and for sale, together with a full stock of Beady Made Clothing, vrell and fashionably ' A Yammer! broith and pearly teeth are easily attained, and those who fall to avail themselves of the means shoiald"not complain whim amassed of gross - neglect.. The - ilowdont will speedily eradicate the cause of a font bristly locantlfying and preserrintbe teeth SO the oldest ap.,, Sold by all , THROAT Dictums, when reaching 'to the Larynx, the 'TOlee„' from this mad other causes, becomes hoarse, and by neglect an - entire loss of voloo Is often incpcienced.' Bnwvn's Bronchial Troches will be found Invariably efileaelons. °mamas and canine calla will be taiom at the oimillnis oillee,No. 410, Pena abed, day or nig*. All orders ledt at the abomi place will be promptly acceded to. _ All calla moat be paid it HOLIDAY- GIFTS, OY Anzonmir Ara muairT ITMLIta & WILSON'S SIGH:EST PRIM= Luck • Stitch :Sewing Iliaehinei 11VM.591yINER & CO., tea no. 27 FIFTH STSBET. SPECLIL -rorieEs t gy- PIAIE RISE VINEGAR, ILASISVACTIIng3 NT E. & • (Formerly MALLET 4- CO., Bordeaux.) The only Yitiegnr awarded with a Prize Medal, of sixty exhibitors, at the International BLUM; tion. London, and for sale by F. M. BOLLMAN, jeal:eodtf Wear MANCILIZTER. PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARDB & I.QNG, ILUSI7AO7I7IIERS Or PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST. STEEL SAWS, of every des scription._ 111.1 1 / 1 - Atulay, (iron Cut., Gang, and 141 other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, made froze Sheet Cast Steel ; Extra Refined, REAPER AND MOWING KNIVES, to. • 111 - • Warehouse and Works, corner WATER sad SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. - Particular attention given to Retoothing, Gum ming and Sttalthtenlng Circular also, re pairs of all k 1 , 0 Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rate.. apinkly LIKE SUPERIO Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGIL PARK. M'CURDY & 00., Manufacturers of SILEATIIINd, BRAZIERS , & HOLT. COPPER, PR.E.SED COPPER Ilol` TOMS RAISLI.) STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Also, Importers and dusters In MET ALS, 'TIN PLATE, SHEET 'IRON, WIRE, Ise. Constantly OD hand, TINNERS , MACHINES and TOOLS. - Warehouse, No. led FIRST and 120 SEll- ONR STREETS, Pittsburgh: Special orders al Copper rut to any desired pattern.. mytMaydsarT 1V32. d• CO., Boiler Makers .& Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 20, 4 4, 26 owl 26 PENN STREET. Haring secured a large yard, and furnished with the most improved machinery, we areprepaa ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, In the heat manner, and warranted equal to any made to the country. CHIMNEYS, BRIOILEN, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CON DEN SEtIS SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS. AGITATORS, SET TLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS.and sole manufacturers of BARN. HILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing dew on theshortest notice. delthtf I.... c tt r PLEASE TAKE !NOTICE TIIAT the first meeting Di the corporation to be called the ENTEBYRISE OIL CO., will be held on IIiI'ItSDAY, December 2tdh, idea, in Blrming ham, at the Sow Mill oMce of Mr. John Redman, at the south end of the Birmingham Ilridge, at 7 o'elork p. m., for the purpose of organization, &dor. Lion of By-Lown, election of °Moen, &o, and for the purposes authorized and more particularly spe cified in" an Act of th e General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ent Bled "An Art relating to Corporations for Mechanical, Atonable t :mg. Mining and Quarrying purnoses," approved t. It:1h day of Jul, y liA3, • uel....tawdew A. 0. snrra. Sec'y; pro tens. flat-.;-, ROBINSON, REA 11: CO., (aucce-Csors to Romsses, MINIS 8. Tact.t.rns,) Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Pyr - mltrßoß. Monufacturere of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES LAST ENGINES, MILL (MISERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, CAST INGS of all descriptlone, OIL TANKS & STILLS, BOILER AND NIIEET IRON WORK. Agents for GIFFARD'S PATENT INSECT. OR, for feeding boilers. gEOLEGX 11111TE11.....W. 111EMW.11..:J. 1. ROLLYAX BELLE STEEL WORKS. . MITER & (Successors to Rrrreu, RULTILLS m C 0.,) Idsouraeturers of CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW awl BLISTgIa STEEL; SPRINGS, AM. LIN,CROWBARS, Sir Works, FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny. Post ~ O ffice address, PITISBURGEL jaWay THE CONTENSIONS AND EXPE. tar .BIENCE OF AN INVALID, published 'Tor the benefit mad as a warning and cauUon to young men wb serer from Nervoug DeWitt y, Pre ,inaturribecay of Manhood, etc., supplying, at the _same Usaa, Me meats ed ll sty cram by one. who boa cured himself a ft er be in g put to great, expense mad Injury through medical' umbug and quackery. ghr co y pies may be hatiod enoloslng a post-paid the a rmed envelope, ale 'thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esot i f• dernimda*T Bedford. Kings county, !b- TO TO NERVOUS BUTTERIES'S Of BOTH SIXES.,--A reverend gentlemab hay Ling been restored to health in a few days, after cia dergoing the usual routine and Irnegular expensive mode of treatment without 'success, tonaiders It his 'attertal duty to communicate to his eftlicted ',creatures th e means of cure. Hence, on the receipt 'of nn addressed gnzi t 7e, he will send, free, & copy 'ef the preacriptibn Direct to Dr. JOHN ix. D.S.GNALI., ltt6 Fulton trect, N. Y. mhtlaydawT JOUN COCZIOLAN a OHO., Manure, tuner. of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT -DOORS, IRON RAILING,. WINDOW SHUT. .TERS, WINDOW GIIAR ,De he, Nos. at SEA 'OND end 8. THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new pentane, ,fancy arsd suitable for all purpose.. Birrarticular attention paid to encloatag Grave .Lots, Jobbing done at short notice. aol -1111SEALME8 OW THE NERVOUS. SIEMINAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL 'SYSTEMS—nw awl reliable treatment—la Tons of the Howard Association. Sent by mail 1 'tic.lesl letter envelope, free of charge, _ Address D. I. SHILL EN HOUGHTON Howard 'ASSOfiII lion, No. I South Ninth street, Phila. 110LIII.N HAMM. Dealers In FOR EIGN AND DOMESTIC HILLS OF EX CHANGE, _ CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, , E,INK NOTES AND SPEULE, No. 67 itARKET STREET, Pittsburgh t Pa. ala..Collectlons made on all th e principal clues lLionpinna the rnlted Statc7. 2.--7 , ....11EN81r H. COLLINFI. FORWARD well IND AND COMMISSION MEHODANI and wholeule _dealer in CHEESE, BUTTER, NEEDS, F/Sll,_end produce generally. No. 20 :WOOD STU rM' I!litabarett. nol Pregt. : WANTED-LA AR DIER, to take care or a .matt garden near the city, upon which n vineyard; remainder In orchard . Recommend- Atkins requited. Inn fro at the Ci.Caftf ____CITY KILLS, Liberty street. ""f ANTED—Forservice in the Quarter. • master'. Department, at Nashville, Matta. .ncora and Johnsonviile, Tennessee; Atlanta, °mom gin; Duvall's Bluff and Little Rock, Arkansas; and at other points. SUGO Teamsters. " $4.5 per month and rations Free transport/4ton to place of destlnatlon.. Healthy, able-bodled men only will tic received. JOHN L. WOODS. Jr., Captain and Anistnitt quartermaster, U.S. A. For further Information Inquire of J. T. SAMPLF., 63 Federal St., Allegheny; Or over No. - 40 Weshington Avenue, between 4th and 6th streets St. Lonls, Mo. 0r30.6m J. W. CLARK, Gen. Gov't. Agent. Av ANTE D—,PR C ll'A L—A t the Ohto Female College ()allege et : ratios from ..eincinnatt, Ohio., Lady to act as Principal of the 21tialcal Department. Lima have tare quaLlilea . Dona se a I• mil and Instrumental Teacher, and roust be capable to take the general direction ot, that department, where there are one hundred and twenty music scholars. The highest reference and Yerommeridation required. Apply, by, letter o 6 otherwlse, to President ANDERSON, etthe In stitution, 6r to General S. F. GARY, Olaeinnati. • detalw _ _ NVA,ETED—SI2S. A MONTEL—Agents I everywhere, to introduce the new Skase Clerk Sixteen Dollar Family Boeing Machine, the eels ow price machine In the country which is Sanwa y G rover & Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, How% Inger & Go., and Bachelder. Salary and expensed, r large commissions allowed. 'Aliptiterldnehines ow sold for . less than•forty dollars each are it.,' thicnients, and the seller and wet liable. Illustilt fed cireularssentftre. Address SHAW IittILARIE Biddeford. Maine. - . nteithamdowT IVANTED—Agents. 'for THE .EURSE •41 AND SPY the mint Biterestingand exciting book everpublieh, embracing the adventures of a woman to th e Union Army as Nurse, Scout anii Spy. Giving antost vivid Inner picture of the war. Whined and disabled OMeers and,Soldiers in want of profitabje employment will fled It peculiarly adapted to. their condition. JONES, 13505. & CO., MO Chestnut street, Philadelphia. madam WANTED. Two or Three Itooins, Suitable for a BaruMeg on c e. Address BOX 079, Yost Me. de222t ATITANTED--2,000. bush. irlazscod; 600 Clorerseed; 200 .Tlrciothpowed; For which the highest market prioa will be paid by dolt . . L. ii—VOIGT 8c CO. IVANTED-470 A, MONTEL—I want - tY Agent' everywhere,htslo it month, expenses paid, to sell Fifteen Ankles, the beet selling ever uttered. Full particulars free. Address (TLS T. IiAREY. Biddeford, Math. solliamdewT STANDARD 1 3 EIMOLEMY1 REFINERY. • CLIME & SUMNER. • Worklaral °Mee, COLLINS TOWNSIIIP. ` - Office in Pittsburgh, 21 WOOD STREET. Thesemorke being of the largest capacity ha the country, ens prepared, tti till large orders. The brand stands the highest hi this country and In Eu rope, for quality and flee test, and the oil Is put In well seasoned barrels, prepared especially for as. diEbly . ltitlSKTheinti AND , , ItlloB CHEEK OIL COMPANY. The Books for qubseriptlon'to the Capital Stock of the Muskingum and Duck Creek Olt Co, are now o the store of REYMEU BEGS., LIS Wood street; et the Auction Rooms, of T. A. McCLELL A ND, Fifth street, and at the, PEOPLEN , STOCK EXCHANGE, Wilkins , Hall. ' de/a:weed 0 1:6 pn W p ed EL t I 4 4 , STEAMINGINEES• , am— STEAM ElfigniES. . - - So much anproired of , for oil wells and other pur poses •on the aborteit -notice. Raving dtfiment stud ',Engines on band', and dela/dna others , the public can be accommodated with almost any Inn they want* the work to show for ielLLLead FISHER, nfticw% between Itleehanle and a nti..Anderso trea rdeATEl3—The lest assortuma in tiuyOky, for Eat by n Jam= Bovrrr, us woos atm% :iSil:.y .U> `~ we~YafC M.L. Itr2.7rK S. FOUR ill 1 , , At tu N iL BANK OF HITSBURGH. 11. S. Government Depository, Ft 1719110011. DUMMER totes, Ll6l ThiS Bank has on hand, ready for lonnedlabs de 7-30 U. S. TREASURY NOTES, In sums of 100, .100,6500 and SLOW. The following entracte from Official Uircular Letter of the Ron. W. P. FESSENDEN, Secretary of. the Treasury, trill show to the public the deatre of theOeverw meat for all to subscribe to this E. ALTFLICIPTIC/ ZaCILELIV ",TREASURY DEPARTMENT, p • Throextiza Inn, leek "Sin: Desiring to avoid any further Issue Bonds, the interest of which-la payable In coin any further therms° In Paper Circulation, I itelt your now attention tothe Seven and Three-tenth Notes now offered to the public. It Is believed that these notes present advantages which SHOULD RECOMMEAD THEM TO ALL WHO HATE MONEY TO INVEST. The interest offered Is.at present rates of other Government Securities, such as to render them attractive, and their convertlbill ty into Gold Bearing Bonds gives them an addi tional value. It is only necessary that people should uhilerstand the advantages afforded by this class of Securities to Insure sales to sufficient daily amounts to meet the current demands upon the Treasury, he. • • • • • • [Signed.] • "w. P. FESSENDEN, "Secretary of the Treasury. "To Jaime O'Cotnron, 'Esq., President Fourth National Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa.. FULL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION ALLOWED JAMES O'CONNOR, PIIIMIDC.ST, S. D. HEREON, ausrmrs, Fourth National Bank of Pltiaborgit, 4e 99t 55 Maricet greet, Pittsburg* Ps. - lOLLAR bti. V LINGS BANK, NO, Si FOURTII Starer. MUM= Open daily from 9 to 2 o'clock, also on Wednes day and Saturday eventng, from Way Ist to No vember Ist, from 1 to 9 o'cloc - kc and from November let to flay Ist from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposita retelved of all RUMS of not less than.Dne Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a 3 cw, in June and December. Interest has been declared send-annually, to June and December, since the Bank was orga.tdred, at the rate of nix per cent. A year. Interest, if not drawn out, is placed to - the credit of the deitor as .prinelpall, and bean the same interest from pos the first days of June end December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his pass book. At this rate money will double In less than twelve Team Books, containing the Charter, Ely-Laws; Rules and Regulations, furninhed gratis, on application at the (Mice. Pisseumnry—GEOßGE ALEIREE. tics CRILSIDENTEI. James McAuley, JAW., B. D. 3leeds, John H. Sboenberger, Wm. Douche, 11111$1.• Heninmn, Isaac 31. Pennock, Peter A. Madeira, James Shldle William J. Anderson, John IL BleFidlen, A. M. Pollock, M. 11., John G. Backoren. • • . _., Calvin Adams, Henry J. Lynch, John C. Medley, John Harshen. • ; I O.IC Black, ' Ho! Burgsrin, Walter P. blerakall, John Orr, -- Alonzo A. Carrier, Robert Rothr, Charles A. Cohen, Hen L. Dingwall, John Evans, W=em E. Schmertz, Benj. L. Fahnestock, Alexander Speer, Johrr J. Gillespie, Alexander Tlndle, William S: Harem, William Vankirk, Petrr 11. Hu ys, nker,', Isaac Whittler, Richard Ha WIC P. Weymin, James D. Kelly Christian Team, Secretary enteTrraszay^r—CliAS. A. COLTON. Lahti ilasr DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, NO 110 SMITHFIELD STREET H iA 4=e e the Custom House.) Chartered by the OFFICERS. Prrrident-4FEO. B. SCRIM. 'sign riunirsuesurs. 'Rm. IT. Smith. Joshua Rhodes, . Tl.os. I. Messier, Alex. Bradley, Francis Sellers A_ Relnunitn John F. leaning., Joseph King, Thos. S. Blair, S. IL Hartman, MenryF. Balm. . TittIXTIC.. James [Mr., S. S. Fowler, D. H. Long, J. Si Vermin, Dr. Jac Carothers, B. F. Jona A. S. Bell, C. It. WoitT Jos.-Dilworth, R. D. Cochran, Wm. Smith W. A. Reed, , J. W. Woodirell, ' . W. U. Phelps, It. C. Schmertz, D. E. McKinley, J. Mel'. Creasman, C. U. Panhunt, R. M. Smyth, Jacob Stuekeoth, G. Follansbee, Alfred Slack- C. Zug, Secretary sad Treasurer—D. E. WELNLET. 0; en dully, tiom 9 a. m. to 2p. m. .6.11.2,-Satar dny e.ening, from 6to 6 o'clock. • • Deposits neceived of noel dime and upward.. Dividends declared in December am i June of ands yes, Dividends allowed to remain are placed to the credit - of the depositor as prinetst, and bear toter.. est thus eampoututts4 it. Books, containing Charter, By-La wa, funds& rd at the omee. Tbls Institution otters. especially to thrum promo whose earnings are small, the °mutually ;Mall deposits, teeny waved, a ,um arlach wll.lbe a eellenu:: .ben need.d, their, money not only being sate but baa. 1 . 05 10, !reo , " instead of remaining unproiluctlre„ PIAXOS. MUSIC. Sc. FOR THE SOLIDAYtI. Pianos, AMERICAN ORGANS, AND MELODEONS. Tuat received, a choke mortment of auyerlor BRADBURY, (New York) and SCHONACKBR & CO.'s (Phila.) PIANOS, AT PRICES FROM $375 TO $l.OOO IMPROVED AMERICAN ORGANS AND MELODEONS, AT PEON INS! TO NM.. These isstrnments atoseknowledged by judges to be the bed. la the market, and will be sold ft treat twenty-eve to seventy-five dollars less thantsctory prices.. AU guaranteed for 6 years, Persons Intending to buy a handsome Oluistmas cw New You, Present are particularly "quested to call ant eau - Mine our stook before going else where. Dtscriptive circulars fundshed eta applicaLlea. W.MEMII.& N 0.12 BISSELL'S BLOCK. St:Otalr St.' de 2:tf CHICKERING'S PIANOS, z7Oll CHRLSTIWAS, WEBERS PIANOS, FOR ORRISTRIIs, EMERSON'S PIANOS, FOR , ORNISTNAS, GALE'S PIANOS, FOR ORRISTAAR, MILLER'S PIANOS, GUILD'S PIANOS, FOR °IIIIIBTXAS. OTIMSTMA.% MELODEONS, FOR curummus, CABINET ORGANS, FOB OIiiISTALLS. • aii-Prioa; to suit evetybody. CHAS. C. XIMLUM. den al WOOD WISEET. BIEDLE, J. 83 'SMITHFIELD BT., =CI Pianos and hbolitial Instrtunents, eonsisatir on nand si afo assonsnent of; . New MAYAS, GUITARS. AMOR: RUINS, STRGIGS, e.ww sell forwn low Priem ' . - • Isino HogFHAN, HOENE it' 00: , , , AaRM arrirra eqiummy.. lasusssy you Siftais,osiii am*. , o,tl r ^ rst - r. - svgs:..~:.~:~?'ds~:c~~.i:;~w;~i~:~:.ys; .- •- .~':.x~ BOOKS. aLIZUMS, Sc RICII ANP ELEGANT Holiday Presents I. ♦T TILE METROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK STORE, No. 08, 1113trecot, OPPOSITE CONCERT HALL Ervv• New Books, new style. of Albums and Portfolios, Prayer Books, Pocket Bibles, and a superb collets Lion of Family Bibles, ranging in prise from ti to 08 t I Javenll6llooks of All Hinds. Two hundred and fifty eases Susanne Books tO setts, embracing most of the standard Juanita polinthed. 1;000 PHOTOGRAPH MMES. ' The Maumee stock of Albans now la store pro mints many new and attractive features la the shape of new patterns at binding, he., yaritsco price from 111 00 to See CS, and holding front t. 400 pictures. To thomearke are about maids( purchases far MS holidays, the GIFT BOOK STORB I otrefre greater inducements than any other stem la` the State. Fspeci c people residing at a distaace, by seeding for one. f our large descriptive cats loves, can get pieta list at BOOKS, BIBLES AND PUOTOGILAPH ALBIIIB, at their establishment. Remember Is purchasing Books at the METROPOLITAN GIFT BOOR, STORE, you pay-the same m at other stores, sod hare the advantage et rocelylog with each beak you bay, some ELANDSWMEI wrath from Ell coots to see Inutdreddollart. Bak your Boole at the Metropolitan Gill Book Store, Send for a eepologue, wklelt in mailed heo to aa) address upon appitentlon. W. L. FOSTER & CO. dc , l7:Nassitia2 Silt.W BOOKS. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. This new volume, by the author of "Among the Pine. " is sailing oft like wild-are, and can hardly be mallesta test as the orders pour in for it. It is . crammed full of material, most important to eveiy one interested in public antra, military or politi cal, besides being as thoroughly attractive and a 4 sorbing in incident and story u the author's ether books. Llano, cloth. II 60. VICTOIRE •A am novel, sf6drons and fresh—ewe to make • MIL unto, cloth', tinted paper. $1 4:;?131M1390. . ektn a ZVor:nt:a. nth = l :ll l lZ i rit " p a : per. 61 W. THE ART OF CONITEBSATIOR, A splendid book, that emery one ought to owl Moe, cloth. *I ha TIME ALABAMA AND SUMTER. • By the author of 4 .265 y Martin,. "Locke Ausidea.f thus, doth. $1 00. John Gull dentring's Sin, 1 . .112 intense and pessimist. I.oee Story, in tie Jane Epee style. Unto, cloth, tinted papa. it ii. - 3:3o.ilraaossim cis 7:1 111, 71 1 00. Mn.Holises , sew soveL Mso. cloth. et 'Si TALES FROM Tam OPERA" (The plots mall the opera, iltitw ' stnspo sr stabs. llans, cloth. it OS POE SALE BY HERBY MINER, 71 and 73 Filth itreet. 'lo* AULTA.ULE. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. A-1_41313315, 15 CENTS TO $5O; -.Lqrgr.st and East Issartamt is Ate sity WE BUY LARGELY, AND CAN :SELL AT LESS THAN EASTERN PIICHE. IMIR'ALBUMS ARE BADE BY • THEmmEr meNurAcTußztas, manila . DEsKs go.racNi4 • yj TOY lIIOOK ~ Sy , GIFT BOOKS LADIES , SATCHELS, • LADIES' COMPANION, LADIES' PURSES, LADIES' WORK.BOIES, O m k t. Mama% GASSES—Cbeee, Chequer, Dominoes. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, • PLAIN ANb COLORED. ear Call and see oar stock, at JOHN W. PITTOCK 4 S, . fTFIII STREET, opposite the Post Dace. denr:vr A BASE IMITATION of my paTgrri COPYING PATEIt Is now'belog offered 40 the public. BEWARE OF ITS la so urn that when dampened for copying it will hard hold. together by Re own weight. BO sure toe Stationers for the genuine. • . Wll.Aaekt MANtf 43 South 4th street, Philadelphia. I ELEGANT BOOK. ENOCH ARDEN, by Allred Tennyson. Tlekiiin% now edition, lb. lustrsted with twenty beautiful drawings. Piton WV. DAVIS, OVARIZE a CO., lIIIi2=I HOLIDAY ISSUES Elegant P'resentatlon Book., And Ono edltinna of Standard Authors, at KAY a COMPANY'S, wood street. AGNIFICENT 11"aarsailzr $311.143a. J. L. READ, No. TS 'Fourth Kane: I ETS. OIL CLOTS'S. Are, ,FOURTH STREET 110LIDAY GIFTS EatnikororEED iCB2VO C 10172321.16; The Hach imported MOSAIC RUGS. A VERY LARGE VARIETY OF VELVET RUGS, NOW IN-STORE. w. D. & H. DeVALLII3I4 dell . B 7 rournt sTtiir CARPET. STORE yENITL!LN BLIAD TJMMIia, /a new pattema and colon. White. Marble Table Oil Oloth. OIL CLOTH 111 HM TIME OOBD AND TASSELS. Philadelphia Rua Oil Notli. Rte mear just "'ma t ed MI . W . remit trio",... t4ii!.rps,s.l,.?e, a( ,itorittuaTh COLLINS, ' - 26":11to iirrivaiiinere *or torossoftor 1111014114 k iM • .711E111CilL. 11031EOPA.TIIIC lIIIMPUREVS SPECJWIC Homeopathic Remedies Stand confessedly at the heed of remedial mean for the use of the people. They are alike reprised from the polsonounalangerous, and repulsive doses of quackery. or Old School practice, the Incense. Diener of watereure, or the intricate and perplex ng obscurities of the usual Hoteeopethie books= medicines. Consisting of simple specifics for the various diseases to which they are related—put up In the form of simply sugar pellets—and \prepared of Ingredients neither dangerous nor disgusting, they are the reads aid of the parent or nurse, and the comfort of thecomplsinlng and Invalid. They pones these positive advantages. They are harmless—no injury caq arise from their use! They are simple—you'alwass know what to take, and.how to take it. They are convenient—you cam giveihe proper Sugar MIA at a moment's warning, without hesitation or delay. They are eMelent— in thousands of cases disease is arrested at once, Mid the System cured without prostration or delay. fi'o.l—Cures Fever, Congestion andlnflamreatien, Heat, Perin and Restlemmess, and the first stages of the acute and lufiamsaators disease. Price SS eta. . NO. E—Cures Foram 'Fever, Worm Colic Mid Tor. earl= Appetite, Wetting the Bed. Price .1.5 cents.. _ Nis .I—Clures Collo, Teething, ()eying and W4ke fulnwe Slow firowthi and Feebleness of Infanta. Price all °eats. No. 4—Cures Diarrhea, Dr Chlklrea or Adults Cholera Latantara sad Summer Complaint& Price Xi cents: Nos. 4end cure the wont cow of Chroato arthea. 6—Curee Ilysentery or Blinody.Flon. Oripplngo, Milo. Colic, Fall llymentrry. Price Si cents. No. T—Cares °Sighs, Golds, Roanenese, Been 'chins, Influenza and Sore Throat. "Price 85 cent. This and No. t lever fall to cure the want Odd and (loughs. No. 8--CX;ros Teetk.ache, Factutche, Nerveao• nese and Tic Doloreux. Price 3.5 cents. No. 9—L i nrea Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo, Bush of Blood to the Head. Price 25 cents.. In addition with No: 10, it never fails to cure the most inveterate cues. No. 10—Cures Dyspepsia, Weak, Acid or Doran& ed Stomach, Comillpallon, Lirer Complaint, or Dillow Condition,. Price 15 cerna. . • larat.sanhs for all cases of Weak Digestion mg Bilious Complaints'. . No, 11—Cures•Suppressed Memos, or. Scanty, m Painful, or Delaying, Green Sickness. an cents. No. 12—Cures Loncorrhen or Patten, Benda Down too Proton Mennen. 36 cento. No. IS—Cures Croup. Hearse Croupy Cough Difficult and Oppteesed Breathing. 15 cents. No 14--Cures Salt Rheum, -Crusty Eruption., Erysipelas, Sdald Head, Barbers• Itch, Pimples on the Face. 26 cents. • Igo. lb . —Cures Rheumatism. Pull, Lameness, or Soreness in the Meat. Rack Aide, or Limbs, or Regatta., 3.5 cent.. 17—CureaTiles, Internal or External, Elbe or Bleeding, Recent or Obstinate. OD cents. Thin remedy Imo cured thousands of the worst possible caeca. • No. -19—Cunrs Opththalmis, Weak or 'named Eves or Eyelids, Foiling or Weak sight. 60 cents. It may always be relied upon faro cure. so..lS—Curry Catarrh, mute or chronic, dry or ■owtag, Cold to the Bead, Influents. et rents. No. SD—Cures Whooping couuggh, shortening W paneling it, or Spasmodic Cuugt• an omits. It is infallible, and always reeliYteves ant cures. No. ni—Cures Asthma, Oppressed, Difficult, La. loon( Breathing, Cough and Expectoration. Price SO cent.. liandieds have beta eared by it No. IS—Cures Scrofula, Enlarged Glands, sad Tonsils Swellings and Old Ulcera SI cents, Has cured the wondi apes. No. ta—Cures General Debility, Payer-id or Nan vows Weakness. NI septa. No. Z--thices Dropsy, Fluid itesaisnlatlou, Te ma° Swellings, wtt► 'Monty Secretions. BO costa No. n-4'uns Bei-3101mm, Prostration, Tertigs, Nausea, Yosltlog. SO cents. No. ifi—Carea Urinary Diseases, Gravel, Maid Difacult or Palnfal ihinallea. al oeata. It cures old oases of Kidney Diseases. Ne. ts—rot Bandied Entissimus, Istrohistary Discharges sal onsimquent Prostratten and Debili ty, Bad Results of Dill Habits. P ri ce 'ht most 'Malta remedy knows, aad am let relied upori sea sure cum. r(o. Sh-Clines Sore Tomah or Stomach, Cantered Mouth or Adults or Children, and also Nasesa and Vomiting of Itegt Jut Tomlin.. • ea moan Curt. at once. No. 21..entia Painful Monstruation ' Fromm, Cramn or p or Spar an les. tal.s, Prorittia, Itching, and Irrita tio Feru It acts like a charm No. kt—Cure• juefeilol at Cheap of Life, Irreg. utarillea, Flushes of Heat, Falpltatloa, and ere* Ditteitaqf the Heart. ' II 00. No-SaLCute. Spartan and Coaralalass, Et= Sr Falltor-Slekoes• Choler St. Films' Jerklay, Terachlagi or t,.Hyteria. NI. No. N—Cures Diptherla eat Ulcerated Sr IlLally MEd Sore Throat. St vents. Mavis' family cam 1110 MI Mat family ease, morocco t 20 Thal case, Plata• 7 011 la Mal case • app M Phyiletan'a CUM is 00 POND'S EXTB.ACT OP HAMAXELD3 Vnr Mons, Scald., Outs, Bruises, Soreness, e hr., Sprains, Rheumatism, Bolls, Ulcers, Old Sim ami Toothache. L osts like a alarm. Price SO cents. The toed. supplied at New York prises Our Remedies by Wall. • Look over the Mt, make uy a cane of what kind you choose, and illtipge the amount In a current cote or Mumps, by mall to my addrece, and the tradition will be duly returned by mall or duress, trco of charge. • -J. N. FULTON, • Fifth Siresti.(DlepsdaSolldlng, Second door belowthe Post (Mee, des Wholesale split tor Plttsbustli sad vicinity. LIE GREAT P'RIFIER. ITEMAPANAKA. Since the introduction of medicine. the origin et. Macau has perhaps been that subject of more se. Mon. and scientific consideration by the most learned of the profession than any other connected with thelawa of the Great Creator; not a few have contended that all diseues have their origin to the unmoor; others,. the sonde of the body; Others again, and by fax the greatest number, contend and reacon that the uOOO it/elite thevery fountain of llll—that it it becomes impure, then disease In Ste rend form r , -Scrofuln, Cancer, Ulcers, he., appose; and indeed, experience in treating that dead of dlr. caret by purifying the blood and thereoy erecting their eradication and cure, prove this to be the col rect, theory: acting upon which theory, the med. Rice ROW known al lIRRAPARARA., WAS composed and brought oto !prompt*, producing the most grU, trying !vaults. — • its use soon exercises such nmattery over SCROFULA, _ULCERATIONS, PIMPLFM ex Ties TETTER, SALT RHEUM, - LIVER coml./arm LOSS or • APPETITE, DTSPEPSW RHEUMATISM, GEN—. . • SEAL DEBILITY,-- ire.. aux. ha. u to give, from the time. tt la Wet takes, CIROUR. :iftotltlia good t to the tst . it . r c r i t u , t bl o te ac al= p lila s t i t set t r w at i l Itorigbt best t t o put it up in bottles at Mc. and We eneh,—es many persons are disposed to hr an nett. eletnit axe often deterred at the ex —a, the trial here can be made at a modemate utleLy and Misty the purchaser that the article Is 'chat js claimed ice' It , to be, viza the greatest REALM arrgalT= brought bcfore: the people. Delicate,Femal ro es will and In it the medicine they %tat Harphblic may form some idea of its 4M10%. liar curative Meritii .v. we subjoin lint lathe pellet. S * lll p art ia" itardadaptatio' with a short n tar ken from the highest auttiorityksown•to Medical HONDURAS SARSAPARILLA Is used with a beneficial effect In easesiof Rheims. Can, Scrofulous Affections, Cutaneous Maculae and other depraved conditions of health. • • • DANDELION. • Is tonic, diuretic, and aperient. It bas 'peal., action upon the fiver, exciting it when languid, to secretion. It has been much used In Germany la diseases of •the digestive organs. • lODIDE POTASSIUM. Thertare few dismismi In whichilt has not proved beneficial; It Is used in. Scrofulous Afibetions with ;rivet benefit; It has also been Used with muchauta ee Ain treatment tor. Inflammation of the Eye. It. generally 'muce y. the appettte and Ileala LAVENDER -IZOIVER3' . .: Are aromatic, tonic, and highly lieficerittag canes of Novella Deblilty, warm ast.rrar Ti modally Iraltiable - in.essecoliasrotala at Rheumatism. CILAMOJ[ILE, fLOWEU ',- Are advantag:t ualp used In cane of Enfeebled ill- Ee=b&t buity „ ei r enc i t,:z applicable to cues _NEZatEOX sant U famably uan alterative Ia Ohnon dir• feoUone, elninda DnaLosum and obeli:We DI. wanes of the Skin. - • • • • • • • • • The : Wince of the formula Is withheld Ilia re tectlon against fraud. • -• For sok b• 11.1:031 701018T011i , oda: eirinnitsr Asir rotaith : . ' , rut .tour inteliteqrbrelautbis orbdon of liglibor• PAM OUtigett Dic LIGIITnu L .17L'131CaL CATARRH. DR. LICHTHR..L, THE AUTHOR OF "Letters . on C.atarrb," "A Porn/IF Teel• Ilse m Deatuess," IS NOW AT THE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, PITTE3I3EIRGH, PA., AND CAN BE CONSITLTED FRIDAY inaiDD3. Deo. 888. 1884. Deafness,.Catarrh, AIM ALL THE VARIOUS DISEASES OF EAR, THROAT AND AIR PASSAGES. SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH: ' The first sensation Is usually a feeling of dryness and heat in the nose' and a frequent inclination to - sneezing. There is an inability to breathe freely, as the nose becomes stopped up, sometimes on out side, .sometimes on the other. Soon a clear watery, maid discharge makes Its appearance, excoriating , the nostrils, and - edges of the lips ' which become red and eomewhat swollen. Alter itfew days the discharge becomes thick, yet. - lowish, extremely frequent and continues to be a. marked feature of thedisease, ands source of muck danger, and the greatest annoyance. After more or less time, It becomes purulent, highly offensive,. and assumes anextremely fetid odor. it is usually. so profuse as to require, when confined to the nom, the frequent application of the handkerchief,er if It dropsintothe throat, whioli is more particularly the while the body is in a horizontal position, constantexpectoration, end sometimes both: Sleep infrequently disturbed by a sensation of choking, caused by the presence of the discharge la the throat. Owing to the heat In the head, the watery portion of the secretion often evaporates, and assuming a condition of solidity is deposited upon the membrane of the nose and upper part of the throat, in theshape of crafts or haniened The accumulation-of these incrustations produces a feeling of discomfort, and narrows the nasal pan age so as to embarrass respiration. Therefore ire • quent efforts' hare to made. to relative them, either by forcibly blowing the =me or by persistent hawking—a practice so disagreeable to the one aS• • [acted as It le" to those around him, After the re. moral, that aide of the Incrustation - which adhered to the mucuous membrane will sometime. be found bloody, a fact whirls explains the force required for Its dislodgment.. During sleep these incrurtations accumulate more rapidly, and the feeling therefore la most uncomfortable lathe morning, Sometime the abets to clear the throat are fhtile_tintil after breakfast, after sontetfung warm Is swallowed. Same enta state that -they are not successfuluntil ey have iwallOwed some whisky or brandy. The discharge, which Is at that without smell, as. Mimes-sin the progress e ate complaint, an guest. hely fetid odco the, Mparticlpttes in this, and. becomes occasionally so revoltingly offensive as as render the patent - an object of disgust to himself as well as to others. likeratioriof the mzumouhmeta.. franc of the nose takeeplam beef& sometime* -.even - : attacking the bOnee.when particles of 'substance will occasionally be folthil mixed with the discharge. The accumulation of the discharge, together • with the thickened condition of tine the membrane, renders respiration through the nasal pussies very difficult, and oftentimolins posaible, necessitating respiration principally through the mouth, a methodvery deleterious to , the general health, but mere particularly. to the 'bags, as will be shown hereafter.. The unpleasant noise produced during , sleep, known as soaring, originates from the same cause. The Wilco lams ins musical quality, and assumes • harsh and nasal character; the sense of smell bectunes much be. - paired or entirely lost, and the same effect, though less frequent, fa produced on the sense of taste. Occasionally, while, blowing the note, a crackling or bubbling sound: will be heard in the ear, and hearing will be found to be thick and stumped up, but return suddenly with a mapping sound.'. This phenomenon le usually repeated untll, at one time, :hearing does not return, and remains immanently Injured. Noises lh the' head of every conceivable description will make their appearance, and 10d to the distress of the sufferer, and hearing be loet so - gradually that a considerable degree otdeafneas may exist before the person Is really aware Of the ..fact Their eyes are apt to become weak, irritable and disposed to water on exposure to-wind and cold, or after the slighest. exertion. A pain more or less acute, or a distressing feeling of pressure Is experienced over the 'eye., atm sometimes on the back of the head, and also pain in the lace. closely -resembling neuralgia, for which It is etten mime - taken. The distress in the head weakens the memory. and produces irritability and moroseness of disposition. The stomach generally matters more or less, is weak and irritated, the appetite Is capricious, and is nearly always beet in the morn ing. In severe cases the system becomes feeble sod prostrated, and there is en aversion or inability to Mike: Ay cal or mental exertion. Not dare-, t egittly catarrh proses Lata t t li elthe t s by debilitating eling sl u s p w u fge . and p ri gu o c u ing s e ole 'a tl nt :t o Mt t io ra ni, bronchitis, and finally consumption. It may be safe. ly asserted, that hereditary predispbeition, catarrh, is the moat frequent and important cause of this fa. tot complaint. . Catarrh has been considered an incurable dieeose and op the strength of that supposition has been neglected by both the profession and the;publlc. As It is the exciting cause In MD half the cases of lleafnett, Drs. r.:PstakUl have . o'lo years past,' made its & m eg% c e a n " . 4iit a nal kb Zet.ri stud y , atud ,hya ys to. complaint. Obis rip mere assertion will be readily comprehended by ,the annexed testimo. niali front highly respectable parties wao /WM been, under their mire. s TEsTrasortuts Prrreirrang, PA., Nov. 5, IM4. . This will certify that I bare been under the care of Dr. Light/kill, for the cure of Catarrh, and that, o. though he has attended roe for little over one neck, I feel that a permanent Cote b to tWelkot- Cd, and am so much better In all respects at hswar.: rant me in gtvlw publicity to these facts' ILIA re , commending Dr. Lighttall to any one 'Mated with Catania. J'AGOB FORSYTH, • New Ygic, frov{ Thu is to certify th at / have berm &Meted wwith Catarrh for same seam which produced tie usual dlsaareactds. etlects I consulted Dr. Llighthlll about nine or ten months dem and st.' MOO Placed myself under ,hliLao eadreryfreepect Co. tarrils,ray throatia perfectly healthy, and my health. L very ranch Improved. P. z. NOLAN, IMles ale italtroad . toot of Drum street: From the Hon: In Fish. P attonMalos. Dn. Zursrrlfftx t--Deer Ertr,-2 send you *state ment of my ease, which y7oou may use as you think proper. Iheve aequalntaaees in different parts of the States, have served three years as Senator of Penobscot county, and three years as Represents tive—ln all six years—ln our State Legislature, by statement may beaellt some of those afflicted For - several' years I have been • &filleted Ivith Catarrh. I have tried many prescriptions for it without receiving any benefit therefrom. I hire taken your medicine about tea months, and it luur cured - me. I would recommend to those afflicted with this disorder to apply to you. lam cool:Meta ll they will sightly follow your Menelaus that core will be effectedi however inveterate the rase nnspentfullY yotir4 • IRA rms. • Frani Rev. fr.. P. Rumen, Lynn, Masa • • I have been much - troubled. with Oaten* of the worst type for some twenty years: 'lt gradually -. grew' worse, Indueing - cough and. hoarseness, stroyft the muse of emelt and breaking down my generalbonito to such a degree an to compel me to' resl madeign my-S sushi ig net° and suspend pubUi oeeidee. t rue of the usual remedies, as snuff of /dean nitrate of Wren tar we er and Inhalations, but without any very 'Muter/ Abet. Last summed heard of Dr.l.lgbrbilPs sue oesdulnekt of treatise - catarrh; Batted' WM; eE'r put M Under his treatinent, I begamtmmedb. Italy Improve, anlthit Impiwunent has goats. on to the icesent time.:, My Wars t &tea gradually, melted away, my tough has illmumeaurd, my votes hen beam* natural, and I Ara taies Iramelt.trui - blamed ear.,- Les. me-. Wide* , all, troubled with initanh • I Vitra , rep. Li'. 303144. • BOOTS .41XII SHOES. ErEGANT AND USEFUL ' I f . • - CHRISTMAS PRESENTS , AT CONCERT FIA:LEAL . i. SHOE STORE, . , • NO. 613 in.rella. 96 FEDERAL BT., ALL4REDI/7. HOLIDAY SALES, Of, Boots , and Shoes; - 1100LINTOCK..at No. 96 Federal Sued Ms Jed retained from tho East, Where he hail w t teeted with CISIIII vin, /srp and deatiablentesit a 5 /Lathes', Gent'., theses', Boys' and Glibtrea's Boots, BhOes;Gaiters 'Mad Wawa& Suitable for the season and at priced which elitist_ falt r olait all b :r r h t e h rglZlglr r iattivAL ur. : Allegheny Ciy. . . .. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. - ' . GREAT SALE OF Boob, Shoes, Gaiters, Ba'morals & Gums; • AT LOW' PRICES, So that every one can buy a patr of BOOM Oc SHOES at a low price for a present fora friend. Call and examine my exlensive stock Wore per. chasing poor goods elsewhere.' Goods warranted,' an i cheaper than the sale goods can be boughbin any store or auction home, m the city. Sk.Recnamber the place, at . . BORLANDI4, - 96Market Street. ' , doors from rift& JAIII.E4 'ROBB, N 0.89 Market Street SELLS THE BEST, THE NEATEST FITTING, _ = And TEE raw Dtraanx1 0 3304 C 0 rEe di-m 17 : 0 Eizecomusis Of, any hOnse In the city. Re bee just received a magnificent Try him. ,' TILE "STAR" Wi.: I I,LE • CI ntsr 7.unmmz• -; . . GEORGE ALBRI24, SON 4 et, 624tioD sranir.. . and Youth's Heel Batman* °stool Vag !.‘ - 11Thildreo9 Goat and Kid S • Theis goods are made to oar sieelal atter, till .ste trarraoteduaequalled cuatomorosk, l - XSUR:AIMCE. 1829. - : ' '''' '-' 1 -1e omsarralt .: -, : ._...'•!. .. • - rum INSURANCE 00hIP.ANY - PHILADELPHIA. - • ) , Assets on •Inutuary 1. MM. 1144117 • 111 till SW; . .. . . . .oardtal. • ' . - • • •Aeoroat Premiums MAIO Invested. Preadusui ' - • ' - - I,OBSAIO ,tnettled Claims.... .. .. . ....1...........i • ACV ,Lones Paid ohne rase.. -. . ' • . ' ' • 1000Aun • respe,a aad "rempOniej . ' EVlOle . ; . 4as Uletakt L Merlin N.l3aneker, • Isaac Lea, - •'' • - Tobias Wagner, . , -Edward O. Dal"- , - = Samuel Gnat; Geo Pilate - ' -• Jacob B. Smith, - Paler • 1 r - - I • GeOrge W. Richards; Eras. W. . K. 111 , . •' ' ' C ED I W ILII N. l) 91 7 14 Prendest! . TAB. W. isr .!Ll“).....A.L ai lv r e o s i .i. 74. odliN eEL A4ent, wadi • comer Wood and Thild aroma , FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Co. of North America. panalem:m 411,500,00116 `Hartford Fire Insurance - C,ospiuNr. $1,255,6”. airProtectlon can be mimed Li the abase =Mat and tellable companies. , • , • - W. P. JONES, Agiarr, • - Bagslers HuMk" 87 Water st. ; W nislatAliQ4-c9Nr4l`it 1 UP PLITSBURGI • • It. AT rivrini, Jr., Prerldat, P. M. GonDON, Sartlary. _ Mace, No. gli Water street, Spang if. Co.'s Waft. , hOus e up stairs, Pittsburgh. trot -ins ure against kinds of Fire an d hissmser !Mkt. A NOM Dleihaiol) managed by Directors who' are lASI *mown in the annoutnify„ and-who are deter. mined by promptiteu and liberality, to sialarain elierader width they have assumed, as offering as kit prof cation to those mho dabs to be 01411114 B. Miller - Jr. D Andrew Ackidy, James McAuley, , . Alexander Spear, Nathaniel Holmes, David M. Long , Ales. Nlmick, and J. Thomas, George Darsls,: ' carrell B. Herron, Jolut R. , McfCturty„, d mylin. P. M. GORDON; Sioretary.' .PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMPANY • •. • Moe, N. N.corner. of Wood and Flak difiti • FIBS. AND NADINE INSURANOL: Dutscroitei • .7ohn 'Watf., P !' ; 4:41 gh 7Jo I Wll2.k w yt • " 4 4. Zahn E. ir AN Charles 8.-Diseell, • $ r .:1 .WOLVanIDrk, h ries WN. raps. .70 E 11N WAT, floe ulig,e.. l ' WAS. - F . F. GARDNR, &tertiar T . • • ! OITLZEN'S INSURANOEV:IIII7.4III. .ka OF PITTSBURG-IL—Odle% eortsm DlselinC andter streets, second abor. iottmr. WM. lIAGALEY, Preitinst.. lln . Insures against loss. sod damage In this aarlaM tlon of 4/ts .Southern and Western Elvers, IdiUsl.." and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seas. . Insures aialast loss and damage by SM. Jai. Par Jr., — 1 John Shlpless,r • W. 0. Johnston, , James X. Cooper, Beau lion..T.%n gh ime, John S. Myrna, • ' Barony Preston, - Wm. A. Badgers.. ALLEGHENY_ INSURANCE 0011P.16`, NY OF P/TISIILTItaII-Offtes,No. A PIM , Insures against. all. Muds. or Fire ant Nubs. ISAAC JONES. President._ JOHN D. WOOED, Flee Freebet.: V. M. BOOK , serrerarp. _ - Isar lons John D.'llfeCkulk, - - Kuese i pi . • Cae,. 411 ; 17 :p 1 - 4)(11 . CrAirt . Deaa John Irwin, Jr., - mare' sr. B. L. Fahnestoek ' Hobert 11.,Ossis. arron.rzrs. •WESRJTY, Ail LeNd Swamis Prom Par atte 2 4e 4 ts: • • /Op °Nee, No. is Foultra mare, near Grit 11. C. xeciataLL....• ..... . ... . . .1/X11,11.: bIAOKRELL & JOHXBO/1",.. ATTORNEYS-AT:LAN, U.S. L ICENSED SOLDIERS' crareit*thrrir," • Bounties foe Wounded/Whiter; 1 Umcel l a 98Unay /Turn Pittsbi• can with disetuinee and two witnessour NOAH w • 1141 - ATTORNEY-kr - • •-• ICnabos for P/a55T.4tff:2;,.. , ... tgiiX., NONE; . 111144, - • • • , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers