6autte. rusthumb BY THE, GAZETTE ruitionts ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1801. THE PaßEDDLtielii AID ASSOCIT/OW. ' On Thursday evening s =seeing will be . 'held in thnSecond - Presbyterian Chetah, cm Penn street, corner of Irwin, (Dr. Ifni ann's,) for the purpose of, organizing a Prrodnian'a Aid Commision for Western Pennsylvania and the adjacent parts of Ohio And West Virginia: the meeting is likely to be one of the most Interesting ever held , . in - this city, as it Is certainly one bf the most Important - The Rey. Prirmars Bnooxs, • D. D:, 'a gentleman 'of rave and impressive OliuMenne„, Rev. Wic *Ton Swam,, kvirnr, 41.,',Cerresponding Secretary of the PenzurylviudaTreedman's Relief As nOelntion, bo .present; and, it is , hoped, }Let.Syromun• CoLwarm, Esq„ Preiddant of thatiAsondation, and other gentlemen of rilladelelda, will to hem. Many of our own leading citizens, including n number of clergy, are warmlyenlisted inthe cause. This is a mighty work which has been i paddehly thrown upOrZ theTChristians rhid philanthropists of this country. Mlllions of - people are panting, as it were with a bound, 'Soils- &State of the most abject slavery, to Mithe freedom—from a condition of almost : 'fetal iimsponstbility, io one in which they- ]bust assume the responsibilities of rational And imuortaTheinge, and have AD master but • Qom' ; Bit Freedom without order, withnut ' Intelligence; without domeetic - social and re ' Beans organizations, isi not liberty, but anarchy.- Now it were tuireasonsbla - ami aliserd to expect that this vast multitude of emancipated slaves can rise unaided - to Condition of domestic and social life, fitted to . their new status isn part of the free peo • pie ofthis great, progresslie and Christian _ ' nation. They are here among us, and here they must stand in their let, be' .that what it may. They have stood in it as slaves; --• but a power mightier than man's has de , erred that shall- be Alves no longer. What shall. they bey we, by leaving them - in their ignorance, diaorganization and" degiedition, doom them to become the pariahs of America? or shall we,.hy a-gene rous and United effortiraise them,np end set . them in the same Path of progress . in which . • we ourselves are treading That is the question, and upon our practical answer to that questiori depend the safety of our coun try'', the perpetuation of our own freedom, our own progress in 'Christian cinlization, yid (may we adds) the continued favor oftuat who has done so much for us. Mow lithe pork to he done? A Freed min's Bureau will beinstituted by law in theMepaitinent of War pr of the Interior, bier s idell will be Committed tire management of this 'great national interest. Under its sarpervisieui the affairs Of these people, while 131 a state of pupilage, bah - al/aged and mired fbi;• - telioole established; the fields of labor - of 'Voluntary aseociations and other . 'agencies *Leagued ; *bums and w`ronts-pre. tented or mottled, dm. Now 'we kit* very well that the Government; with all Its . Myer. lid with. the' best intentions on the . part of the - lawmakers and the executive., • cennotof itsidfdeitwork like this effective-; 44 yet iii'pewer, Ha Protection, its gulditi&- and regulating hawk:aril essential, and can - - • rizebeldisitenspd ,So much for. thif; The neat agency is the smpudzation Which We gitAidni--11 generous Combi ' nation of the living power of the country, acting is Unison as a national institution, iii‘hout sectarian or denominational -char-. iater,..yet truly and essentially Christian. With, one hand it can take hold of the Mov- • ernment and - to-operate with' it; with-the: other it can take bold of the Strength ;Of' . the churches, with whiint It will tie nnited . by . ten Zealand bonds of sympathy in the per. sans either members, 'and enable them oar der broad and beneflient kl„ carry . on - their legitimate work Ofplanting church .: • es and preaching the gospel lathe poor, to - gather with the work of education in every form; witlient cordbsion, and 'without Wed culable waste if energy. -We axe -aware that several of the leading churches our country • have almmdy, re waved, se churches, to enter upon this great - work in stilts departmentk from the organ- • Indian of social and - industrial life to the higher and more sacred work of establish. lag the Permsiient institutions of the Chris . tian Religion among: the freed people. It is a noble resolution, and so far as its higher and 'ultimate aims arc concerned, we trust that it will bo firmly adhered to and vigor ously carried out; for they propose to do, and must do, what the Preedmin'a Aid A.s -' sociathin cannot of itself accerftplish. Mre cornet In the nice: point'ii` the dis. . Mission; which is this; Hew much of this work' can be beam , ' dorie , ll%. the united ener gles of all .13hristhine and philanthropists, and hew,rencir by the separate aetion the, -. different churches? '• • That some excellent men are in favor of the memhers of the chnrches which have -entered upon this work confining their la bors and benefeetions to their' wn denniii. national organ; 'ens wo know. But we am persuaded that In so counseling they nrake a 'yerteertotis Mistake. Such gentlemen • might-learn a lethality lesson from our tre mendous-national struggle, noW„. happily, • about to terminate.- - - SuPpose each loyal State bad-gene towork "on its Own hook" toxin' down this tehellionsistiPose - each had done even more, than itlntidone---rinp.. pose every lan hi the ranks and every man • . -atliome had bleu aninutted w i lth the high: est courage, and pstriotkin--vrheri would hive been to-day? 'Weald each demi , titY aid divided warfare, have saved the counttyr Certainly In alma' WAS or&st4rigle, and by, that, !under the bias dig OtHeirken,we conquered; and bYtmion We Most succeed, if , we hope'to succeed _ at a ll ; In the :word' before us. , But again: They may take Wither lesson by ilitistnition, frqm the Sanitary and Chris tian- Comeriesleins, especially the latter, Gould the churches, in their separate ennui ty, haie done the work which that , great national mganization has done ?—en ergaai= andler,. which . brought more glory , to GOO aid more good to man than any mere tem porary Institution ever did ' That instita, ' thin basin it the best spirit: 9f the churches, without their distinctive clunereteristlcs and peculiarities. It is a blendleg of all, In , whirl all act freely and in harmony. Ilia - like the pure white light of the gun in which the *hole . seven primitive ceders are idondetL In' a. word it is ilke wh a t this'' Institution of which we are speaking- . is ,intended to be: . • ' That Institution took hold of the dor eminent, lour "retiognizett by it, 'end wise' greatly aided byit.i can the - churclies; as such, become allied to the GovernMent? or can the Ooiernment recogniie them ? Cer _ Minty not -Yet this is abiolutely essential; • , foe without 'this, in a work of such megal tulle( there ' can be neither order nor ell.; Μ vildle among a multilude of drat leetV9PPognalm7 and Jarring can h itrdiY beivelded. it - "In 'union there is strength," thee the converse .of thoproposition must be equally true, - that 'ln disunion and disintegratio n paere7 - 4 W e akt i it t9/I9ivs4 ttigarso; -. • - F.4,.1 that the true puH,-y of the churches is to throw their energies together—not as 'Churches, but as individual Christians—in this great preparatory work of raising -these down-trodden people up to that position in which they can receive and profit by the permanent institutions of Christianity. TB LE CAPTURE OF SAVANNAH. Never was Christmas ushered in more gloriously than was the Christmas of 1864, which brought with it the soul-cheering tidings that Savannah was ours. The day was, in consequence, much more a day of rejoicing and good feeling than utmal. Site has kept his word. He said he would be in Savannah on Christmas day; and the promise. has been nobly fulfilled. His foresight and daring have been amply justified by the result. • IThere Is out one fact to mar the general feeling of rejoicing, and that is the escape of Manna ea the. garrison. Their cap ture would have made the victory complete; but as it la, the victoryts brand enough to satisfy: the ambition - of the heroic veteran through whOm It bat been accomplished, even if he were tenfold wore ambitious than he la. Mutt:ma took time by the forelock in ea caping. "Had he waited a day or two longer, Siceanten 'would have had him completely hemmed in. The Immense amount of. spoils that has fallen into our bands is not the least stypris ing feattire of this victory. The accumula tion of so much cotton and so large a col lection of ' railroad stock, at that point, shows that the Rebels did not expect Sewn max to attack Savannah, and that he had the city invested before they could arrange to remove the valuable property that has fallen into our hands. The.cotton, alone, Is Worth 410,000,000, and the loss of railroad stock must severely cripple the Rebels in their future operations. What is to follow on the heels of this vic tory, no one can foresee; but Sonnusis is not the man to sit down and twirl his thumbs in oontemplation over it. He has a, full month yet for operations before the rainy season sets in, and delightful weather for rapid mewling; and we may be certain he will not be idle. Augusta, Columbia and Charleston will most probably follow Sa vannah; but whatever Sitsramo'determines on doing wM doubtless be for the-bast, and we are content to leave all in his hands, fully et:lnvlimed that he is working out the problem of the Confederacy in the best pos sible way. sas-annan Savannah has been twice captured hy an invading force. It was taken by the Eng lish, under CoL Campbell, on the 29th of December t 1778. They bad a column of 9,500 midterm, besides a squadron under Com. Parker.. Their prisoners amounted to 38 officers and 415 men, while their loss was only seven men killed and 19 wounded. Seventy-one pieces of artillery-and 817 stand of small arms fell into the hands of the British. In - ten days after this event a large • majority of the. inhabitants of Georgia gave in their allegiance to King George. The Americans and French endeavored to wrest EliMiDinah'lrom English possession during the monthsof September and October, 1779. The -French lee, under Count d'Estaing, drope the. British vessels up to the city about .the 10th of September. The latter sunk six ships In the Savannah river to block the channel, where they remain to this day. Alter due preparation had been male, Count d'Estaing and Gen. Benjamin Lin coln, of the Continental army, resolved to assault and Storm the city, the French cora- Mender' having become disgusted with the delay - which had then attended the siege. The attac'kwaa made on the 9th of October, and the French and Americans were badly repulsed by the British under Gen. Prevost, who, just previous to the occurrence, had been reinforced by 800 men froth Beaufort, • under CoL Ihrithord. Count Pulaski was Mortally wounded, and_ d'Estaing was also wounded,. The French gustained a loss of 637 killed and wounded; the Americans 261. D'Estaing and Lincoln - abandoned the alege, and Savannah remained British until- the end of the war. The failure of the attack q'mos from the want of efficient co.opera don between the allies opposed to the Eng lish. .. 'What they Have and 'Have Not. It was demonstrated in Sherman's march that the rebels have plenty of God, as it was found in' great abundance. It was also de monstrated' that they have a scarcity of men, for enough men could not be fouml in GeorgiaiSonthearollan and Alabama to in terfere with the march. An intelligent of fiCeit; writing to th&Waihington Chronicle, points out a difference between the rebel ar my and our own which shows the necessity fur the new draft, and what it is likely to effect: Ile says: :.."There is this difference between the rebel armies and our own ; their men are in for the war or until they are killed, and ours are in for but. a - abort term of enlistment. And we have now, my dear sir, in this very fumy a good many who, their time having expired, Wight° be mustered out. If we arc to continue the war, I think we must hare more men.- If our armies were reinforced . largely, the next summer would be the last of the war. If-you wait until next summer before reinfoicing them, then I see no rea son why It should net last two more years as well as one.-.I have not read the Presi detWamessitge, but I sincerely trust we shall zee In it a determination to order another draft; and fora reascmnble term, so that we shall have soldiers, and not recruits merely, in Our army." It is the general belief that if the three hundred thousand men called for by the Pres ident Stud' be relied ky the VithoeFebruary, the war, will end-in six months. There are men enough to easily add this. Increase to the army, and there is heart enough in the men to Make them ready to aid their coun tiy in this great work.-- . Phffo. Ledger. A Petrified Bee Tree: filo.GrasaVallcilrational, of California, tars: ."Them was &dud a few days since the - diggings of John Chew & Co., on Ru:Veye Hill , in the county between Green born-Creek and - Chalk Bluff Mountain; a bee tree,' with elite -bee bbre, honey, and bees, all petrified. 4 The remaining portion of the. tree ha willeh-the bee. hive weafound Astwo.and a•bait feet in diameter, and forty -feet lopg. Chew d; Co. found the petrified bee.tree aerenty.fire feet beneath the sur faee' while piplng their claims. Tits bee Weis no matter of fancy, but or pure de , atomization. Before us. is a sample of-a comb full of honey, all petrified. The nor mal thickness of the comb,' the duplicate of cell', with their invariable hexagonal shape, ant all before 119 at distinctly as if u fresh piece of boner comb,. all 'dripping add just cut from the box, had been brought' and placed before out eyes on a sheet of paper." TOOT& Lrum-41. Is aateinishbrg how com fortably the. Richmond papers take 'every 'blaster to the rebel cause. The operdng of the Mississippi was of "no consequence:" The capture of New Orleads was of "no cinsequence." The loss of 'ficksburg was of "no consequence." Tke failure of the attemptslo, invade the North was of "no consequence." _Rhenium's "agreeable march" through Georgia is of "no conse quence." The fall of Savannah is ot "no conseqUence." In a-word, all reverses to the armies of the Confederacy, all excupa- Ron of its cities, all - destruction of its sup plies, are of "no consequence." ' Alinivar, or Alf 'Racer/tat PntsonEn.— Clarence Gelato' Co. 108 d. Penna. Yet, arrived at the reeldence of his mother in East on Monday evening, and mire great stupe to the Campy as his arrival wee, quite tmenected. Mr. Gelston has been a prisoner in Atidenonville tor some time, but managed to make good his escape, a Yew weeks since, by a dank 'movement on the examining physician. - It appearithat the physician bad tot ced pa ce alth too good to 'allow hthi ke a among the prisoners about to be eitcluutged, but young Gelaton managed to, step, right into the ranks of his sick comrades, .and in this way effected-his escape. , EIVICRAT.;--lt is stated that. when Sherman made his advanceupon Fort 3t'Allister, the rebels Mauled abridimeight hundred feet long, be prevent his approach. In one night the bridge:. was reconstructed brichermsa'a engineers," and the fort less TICE oil dlstricein Penipty,fr anis, In spite of the wild speculation with which it is as sociated, has proved a .most important a - cession to oar 'national wealth. The ex ports of oil alone during the past eleven months of the current year, amounted to 30,000,000 gallons, which, at an average pnce of 70 cents per gallon, is egnivalent to $21,000,000. If to this were added the domestic consumption, which cannot be es timated at less than one million barrels, or 20,L00,000 gallons, it would appear that the oil product of the Union must realize from thirty-five millions tit forty millions of dollars per annum. . An old millionaire, out of gratitude to the source from whence his wealth was de rived, and with a desire to keep it before his mind, has had a complete set of table equipage made in Philadelphia, made in china and glass. The embellishments of the plates, dishes and tureens are fae similes of the apparatus used in producing petro leum. The dishes bear on the center rep resentations of machinery, &c., used in the production of petroleum, decanters, wine goblets and tumblers are alike engraved with the insignia of petroleum. The com pleted ware is a curiosity. Tut Memphis Balle tin says that the re cent orders respecting the cotton trade has bad ctyaa redv i t v h i a n t g t ffe ct ton thtebd u wi e llss of that be pros ecuted energetically. The Governmeat pur chasing agent there has $700,000 placed to his credit. Five hundred bales have already arrived by steamers from below, and larger amounts are awaiting shipment. There arc large quantities beyond our lines awaiting the issue of necessary orders to bring it to Memphis. Ton fetnalupperatives in the Eastern cot• ton mills are adopting the Bloomer costume as a working dress, as being less liable to become entangled in - the machinery, and it is besides quite a novelty. 'lntuit thousand four hundred and sixty of the rebel prisoners recently captured near Nashville have thus far arrived at Camp Douglas, la Chl cago. Five thousand more are on he way. There are nearly fourteen thousand rebels in camp there. nunrcrsci our currency to the gold standard, Amcrlca La spending only as much in war time as England is on her peace mtabllshment. P uzezic-eroxis STOCIFLIIOLDERA•I4 MEETING.— The regular quarterly rneettop of the Mort:holders of - the PIITSEETEGH (IAZFITTE ASSOCIATION, will be held on WEDNESDAY, January tth. at 10 a. m. 7 at the rooms, Gazette LuDdlng, Fifth at. $. SCHOYER, Jr., Clerk. de2Sthl, 07 /3C4E10181: OP Rerun; W CrTYRff PA, t- No. 67 Fourth SL, Pittsburgh, MEETING THE ANNEAL OP THE Contributors to the Rau. of Refu se _ vtll be held at the office of the Institutton, N0.•97 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, on ZIONDAY, the 2.1 day of January, id66_,_between the hours of 9 and LE o'clock, to hear the Report of the Doan! of Mana gers, and to elect Officer. for the ensuing year. Dp order of - _ _ S. R. D. MEM MECRAISICS BANK or Prriratiastoill Pittsburgh, Ike 23. t&St. NOTICE.—NOTICE IS /EERY Y bly to Section 2 of the Act of the Genrar ' A a ssembly of the Commonwealth of Pernsaylvanta, entitled "An Act enabling Banks of. the Commonwealth to become Associations for the purpose of Banking, Under the of of theUntted States," approved the 12,1 day of August, A. D. 1261, that the Stockholder. of the ifeetusision Bank t ha thav say voted to become ouch an Association, and tt Its Directors have procured the authority of the owners of more Mtn two-thirds of the Cap ital Stack to make the certkleate therefor by the Lank of the Untied Stateg dektilm 31(0. G. MARTIN, earthier. lIINSCLIANTH AND IIiANLIVACTVEZZA—.. NATIONAL BAIL (We Weave:* 4, Nana ferfarrm fatak) • Pittsburgh. Lee, 12th, 1264. AN ELE F mar tgr or This DA CTION ME to OR serve fluting se the * ms, suing year, will be held at the Banklna ifouce on TUESDAY. the 10th day of January. 1663, between the hours of 11 o'clock a. m. and 2 p. m. druid -JOHN SCOTT, Jr., ambler. Fit __ LOB? NertoseblLurn or irrrentrwril (Late AltOtearge Trust Conspeey,) Prrenninow,Dee. nth. init. AN ELECTION TAN NINE DIR • TOES or THIS BANK win be held on the FUEOOND TUESDAY. 10th der of January next, between the hours of ii s m. Make p. wt. eetred JOHN D. SCULLY, Dodder. usncior dimwit Err INsvaAircis Co., December Nith, AN ELECTION Pelt TWELVE I. RECTORS of thin Colo say, to *erre for LT.7= 7 :4%Dl OF tIVIN t v, O ea the hours ot'lo a. on. and yp. m. destad D. If. BOOK ' , Secretary. 01710 E Emmet= Ulm= Uozne OIL 00., No. 211? Pena street. Iar.IIIIIIRCRIBERO TO TIM CAM!. STOCK of the . Dualeardl.beett Onion Ott Company' are requested to pay the amount of their ad...emotion before the sth of .faattary, ISO, or their stock will be forfeited. _ • WM. W. RERRON, Secretary and Treasurer. 017Ics OV TIM , NATIONAL BASEL Or' PITSHBOIIOII, PA. LARCIIIO.II FOR NINE DIU . MIS OF TRW. BANS, to Ilene Dulcet tie ensuing year, will be held at the Ranking Houle, earner of IYood street and Virgin idie.l, OS TUESDAY, the 10th day of January, DOA between tl e hones o f io a. in. end kg. tn. lietednt • JNO. R. LIVINGSTON, Cashier. EMIT reemioNez DANN OF ALLIIOIII , 3III litth„ ISM AN ELECTION Dece FO mber U NINE DIU TORS OF TRIS BINE, to seno for the etsuing year, wall be held et the Banking Ronne, on. the 20 TUESDAY - OF 'JANUARY, INC, be. tweet, the bout, of le and a o'clock. detktd • J. P. BRASIER, Cashier. * Inow CITY Ba. Pittsburgh, Dec. E.., Itres. NOTICE ,‘rn 1 Am ze t ztr t y t t i fl e mo o . f the i i t t i c , t o onh: Get vcnia, entitled .An t enabling Banks ortrut Commonwealth to become associations for tits put. pose or Banking, tinder the Laws of rue , mat states," approved the 23.1 day of August A. D. 11.61, that the Stockholders of the Iron City Ilaak r.f the City of Pittsburgh,andnotatyof Allegheny, Lave this day voted to become much an asnoeiatlon, Order the name and title of .The Iron City Na tional Bank of Pittsburgh," and that Its Directors have procured the authority of the ors of more Mon two-t hi nls of the Capital Stac ca to make the 'certificate requited therefor, by the Laws of the United States. . de"ailui SOHN 'MAGOPPIN, Quitter. CLZYCLAND h PITT/MI=OH it. R. ()0., . 018 cc of Secretary and Traarr, Clevd,Doe. N 6 , 064. E ANNUAL el an MEETING OF T igr-rit STOCKHOLDERS sf the Crier eland.and Pittsbmph Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Clompenr, In Cleveland, 'on the drif :DAY OF JANUARIIB6S,eat to o'clock a. re-, for the election of Directenfalso to vote upon a prop osition to lease that portion of the railroad known ro. voteTnaraerms Branch, for a term of years; also to tipm a proposition to purchase the half In. &Test. In the late Cleveland, Zanesville &Clucks. anti Railroad,. (formerly known as the Akron _Branch of the Cleveland & Plttabtagh Railroad.) 41 1 / 1 0, whether to increase their ()appal Stock un der the Acts of April Itth, LEW, and April oth 1860. The Transfer - 13001u will be closed on and after the 16th mutant. E. ROCKWELL, • deadd tgr-VITVELIZMITOD..IfrbeT,O,OI ,;1141a lorreh holders oh Wok the cake of Itltlllet.RD. EON, if &CO •ID Irwin street. detLtf ME sr an rim rzsExya-rs. _ _ YOUNG MEN'S MERCANTILE LI DHABI( LECTURES. 2EL4ILT.x., EATERDAY EVENING, Dec. 31st. IR. and MRS. VAIiMENHOFF, ere their great impersonated readlop of the principal teens Inn Sheridan's comedy of • WJECEI XLICPALTa6{. Wm. Vandenbodas Mrs. Malaprop, Lydia and Lucy. Atr. Thailenhoir as Sir Anthony, Capt. Absolute, Bob Aeres, , lsa. Alter which Mrs. Yandesihotr will give her selec tions of PATRIOTIC RECITATIONA Door open at 7 o'clock: Lecture emzunatioes at 7y. o'clock. Tickets, bo eintodi.to be °Wined at the Library Mule and Book Store, and at the door. THOMAS BAREWELL, Stu, W. 'Et EDWABDS, CRAB, A. HOWE, SAD. 5: DONNELL, C. L. CALDWELL, B. C. ALBEEF, ALGERNON H. BELL, • Lecture Committee. • WANTED. -a. EP1*33.01-7SIZI.I72IECP Apply immediately to LEWIS OLIVER & PHILLIPR, deem. corner Market and Water atreeta . . . _OI3BEB FOR MLR. TWO. BRICK' ROUSES, Woe. 1/1 AWL El Washington street, titee•etorlet, 'otontalnlog nine rooms, with gas and water, and is -Also, a LOT OW WYLIE STREET, adlobilag, 24 feet by JOS, on which are temporary buildings. ;The whole will be raid racy low for cash. Ralph* JOHN ORR, dirltaw•edp Market street. to 9 000 FIFTH WARD • BOUltill Bonds; . . At 1, 2 and 3 years, bay rpur sulthimortuxlia. dete - BALLET. WI ' _ _ • A e' :: • ' • i ' e .. the best In ono; * lams supplyalways lea mad. Von And ey.amlati then Ware - polohaaln o y ca Al polo NJ/ by J.& IL P , 1 / 03 MA 15 Eito 'Rik Ono. JrE eD7 t I? TIN fl.:711.!Or TS, •••-, rEA SE. —25 bbls. Ore. sititahl.Tf.r JAS. 1 I. deg 69 and 71Wit,r street. OZcDE NS ED MIL R.—Just receirml, a L supply of Condensed Milk, put uplonne pound cans, Borden's Patent, for sale at the faculty groce ry atone of • JOHN A. RENSHAW. - jAT 'MEAL. —.Five barrels fresh prepiut ed (ht 'Meal and.arma; also a gaper:or art IC/0 of Pearll3arley, Just received and far ede whole- Bate nnd retail by .11.01. A. RENSH kW, Cc Corner of Liberty and Hanna.. ~liAßPSiluno PROPERTY— A two story DWELLING - HOUSE fur sale; lot 30 ft. - front by 165 deep. Price 11000 cash, br will be ex changed for approved oil stock. • . N. CUTHBERT Vt. SONS, 61 Market at. THIS IS .PIFBLIC \Puthat I haveoUt Interest In the firm or & CO., In the Coal busineas, near Buena Vista, Allegheny Co., P. which 11510 took Place on the Vith Inst. JOSE.PII bIENZIES. dee/74M TN THE MATTER OF AN—APFLICA. CATION for the Pardon of Henry Holley, Notice la hereby given that application will be made to ILIA Excellency, A. G. CURTIN, Govern° of Pennsylvania, as above, on or after TRoultry io, leek d7-9tdoltur WEW SUGAR CURED lIAMS.—Ten. -LI. tierces celebrated "Star" brand Sugar Cured Rama, just .rreelved frem Cincinnati; also new Winter Cured Milker, for sale by the Ueroe or at retail, at the grrwery store of JOHN A. RENSII47, Corner of Liberty and H its. B AL F.,. _A _ feet, gentle and sound BAT HORSE, sin yearn! old, from Ohio. warranted Interne respect; a trial will be given. Can-be seen at the Red Lion Stables. lkitlLE3.—A pair of well broke mules; perfectly lotted; RI hands high. For sale at the Rea Lion Stables. dennetd. 81000 C t A oBf Point A and ILcteatCi if !. apple u . n e e t n fj front ü b b y k. au (4 , 1;74 of water, etc., situate in fihipplasport, op Rodgers Ferry Station P. &0. Railroad. posite de..9 S. CUTHBERT ft SONS, '5l Irtarketat. RECCIWING REOULAI'OIOI 1/161. A LL PERSONS INTERESTED In the paving of WEBSTER STREET, between Withington and Seventh streets, will take trotler that the assessment has been made and may be sern at this office until the,eth of January, tell; y/len it will be left with the Treasurer for crones. Lion. R. R. CRAW, Recording Regulator. December 1064.1 denaff f R ITCHIE OIL CO3II'ANY.--DIVIDRIID NOTlCE.—Oreler No. 116 For*Tll ferltrarr, Prnrenunon.—The Itinual of Direetort have thli day declared a divivend of FIVE PER CENT. on the capital stock of said company., payable at Dr. ofilce of the Treasurer, Joon IL tit ax sr. Monon gahela Insurance Company, Water street. on and after the 70th day of January next. Tiensfer books clowed from the sat to the 10th of January. tlet.liaer JACOB GLOSSER, Secretary. liTtitTeeoss: Svartox, PeN?el.rte na NIA ;- Pittsburgh, December 271 h, Ind& TEN DOLLARS ittwAnty.--A Barrel of Piekele weighing 410 pounds, marked Wlt. 11. ALLEN, Pittsburgh.nod a quarter Cask of Wine, marked VALENTI NE F.ErtL. Pittsburgh, were taken from Duquesne Depot, Pennsylvania Railroad, since the 6t h of December, by some per. coo or persons unknown. The above reward will i.e paid for any information leading to their recov ery. C. A. CARPENTER. ite2Sit Prel.rht Agent. - I)RATT'S CLOSING OUT SALES OF nooxs, ansi.Es, PROTOGRA PIN AL BUMS, &C.. AT A I'CTION.--On TUESDAY', WEDNESDAY. TIICRSDA Y. FRIDAY.' and SATURDAY EVENINGS, Dec. y 7, 2s, 29. an nod Slat, at 7 o'clock, at — rdellwalue's Auction Rooms, 64 Fifth street. In the collection may be found Prescott's Ilistorlea, ideals., half calf; The Waver , . 1 ly Novels in 27 voia, and in Ili rots.; Ertintrs Com pit le Works, 29 vols., Irtlng's Life of Washington, vols., full Turkey morocco, UNI steel plates I Ho garth's Works,.2 la vols.; Webster's Malone:, Unabried; tire's Dictlonarv, 2 rola:The Court of Ns 1.011, fen Turircy;The Imperial I !port, dn.; Clark Commentary on the Bible, 4 large vols.; all of the standard Peels, Am km. Private mare during the day ataverage auction_ pricer. A. IffeILWAINE, Auctioneer. .1. K. PPLATT, Salesman. dot; PRICER REDUCED, ` .7 Cloaks, r. .~IIfLR'ZTi~ Dress Goods, FOR SALT AT • HBEAT BEIIITTITOS PRICE. 'By warn, ma 4 co., 41C",.24 as Fifth 'Rare N ORDLNANCE—Authorizing the ex -C. tension of Pluton street from Roberta street to Arthun street: Samos Ist Be it ordained and enacted by . the Mayor, Alderman and Citizen of Pittebrugli, la Select and Common eon:We assembled, And it la hereby oreatned and enacted granthanty ot,the earne, ?Mt the Worth Ilse of Demean Meet be ex tended from the Northeast earner of Roberts and Suntan streets bye etrotght line toe point no the East lint of Arthur. street thirty-Ma tac) feat eouthwar.Uy from Keathuys Sir. 2. Mao, Duncan :dent from the East side Of inbertatO Kirkpatrick ntreet, the 'Eastern line of tLa 7th Ward, our laid out and marked ha the city district (den. That James Park, (Mk Ward.) Albert. A. Moore, and 'axone Willsrm (chandler) be and -they 'are hereby appointed appralaers to asseai the damages or benefits, if any, canard by the extension of said treet,according to act of Assembly concerning street.. Approved; January eth, IBM. del! A T COST. HOLIDAY BOOKS, Photograph Albums, ece. CLOSING OUT SALE. 131-rea,t 'Bargains:. John P. Hunt, 39 Ptah - Street, Masonic Hall, Offers the balance of his Stock of Holiday Bookst Cost to close them out. • • "..-i?.7acitcacepres.l323. 49.11::etzursaass: • . Morocco Binding, SO Pictures, $1 813 40 I. 50 44 (4 00 /I 76 and upwards. 2 Jonror P. If arr, • &'2T 50 Fifth at., Mmottle • TENNYSON CLUB LECTIIRE COURSE. Ily general desire of our literary community, the Tnyson Club have baked course tirkete for the it. mining lectures arid reading. of tbe %Id sewn, Arrangements have petit (rely invamide for NINE I. Y knfl NG ENTERTAINMENTS, and it la hoped ILet the numker will be Inner...led to twelve or fif teen. Course tickets two dollars each, admitting the holder to all entertainment. of the mason, and glsnting. bin,, without charge,_ the lint choice of reserved'aents. TENNY SON CLUB LECTURE COURSE. Jam 6, 1866 -llenry"tilles,.Erg., of Maas. Sub. jeTt—.The Study of Life in the St udyof Shakspeare. Feb.2o,4B6ll—ltalph Waldo Emerson. Feb. 1865-otace Greenwood. Subject—The Upton in Common Life. Feb. 1866-Br . -R. Shelton Merkantil.. flub. ject—L7gOts end Shao She l tonsh Character. Pa.-0866—Sr, . 5 . Mackentle. Sub ject—Utah Lawrind Irish Lawyers.. Feb. 10, 1866-8. F. Taylor, of Chicago. Subject —English WOWS; then use, abuse and beauty. /larch 8, 1 W 13— Rev...1./r.L.ll.plasyln. Suhject—: . Toe Old and the New. • March —, 1816—James E. Moloch. Readings Iron Shakspearm March —, 1866—janies E. Murdoch. ~ ."111! Era+, Int with the Ancient and Modern Foote." Mr. Murdoch has beast re-engaged this mason at the solicitation of the many friends and admirers in one cityof the great electitionlat and pettier. Single arbilasion Welch entertalsmeat,6o cents. Course tickets, W. Van be procumd at the law offices of the members of our assoalationj or at the Reek, Musk and Dreg Stores. MALL PATTERSON, J. R. RUTTERFIELII" a, PdefIANIDIASS, J. Id. OAZZAM, T. P.IIOUSTON; Lecture Committee. de26ltawtw volt SALE—A. very valuable FARM in ..a." 'Derry township, Werdnioreland °minty, Pa., containing about ble acres, wail improved, and in a high state cf.:lndication. Also, a FARM OP= ACRES, In Fairfield town ship Weetmorelaurl county, Pa. Improvements r t. The land is of the beat %utility. (Joel and estrous F ARM dan Also a OE' lid ACRES, In Derry town ship, Westmoreland county, Pa., lmnodiately on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Also, a FARM of lid ACRES, In St. Clair town. ship, Westmoreland county,Ta.' Also, a STEAM ENGIN}, for SAW Mill or other purpoads, with the castinga, machinery, Ay wheel, hr. The cylinder la nine lochm Id diameter and four foot stroke. Two Bolters II feet long and a ia cy all in geed order , and rut be sold c heap. also, a FARM of 400 acres le West Wheatdeld township Indiana county, pc, about three mir e • from the i'enn'a Railroad. Also, a FARM of Ise sere* In croneiniagb . ship, Indiana county, Pa. Afoot beautiful FARM of roe acres, with a large DEUCE HOUSk„,with rooms, duishro .in mod ern aty4waahliouse and b ake...even attached; a . large s g house, bath house, smoke - house; a . large bank barn, fruit then of every deseriptiotil ehureliand sehool hottse built Upon thefarm. This farm adjoins the village of Louhrillie, end iftwo. . and-shalt mike:front the depot .at Li vermore , Weeimorebyal county, Pa., on .tkaltorthweste in nt Also, TWO . BRICK :ROUSES _Lea LQTS In For further parueabue lama:eel - • Si. U. ;TOWER, Rod Eststeßgent, No. tee Toustketreet. TOR43ALW—TbatIaiIi:THREE SfORI . BRIOH DWELLING ROUSE, No. BO Fourth; *Mt, Pittaburgb.- POlllll4lll1 q • a given on the let of. :Apra next. - ulre of • • • • . Jimmy. Attioniapat-iii; 4140.11.1 t POrinitta drat _ Ark: TIS" aID rl-: T151.7.71 - 13.•1 0 FS. . I)IWCLA'ILITION.—CITY ALLE. GRENY, es. In accordance with gliravision of an Actor the General An embly of the Commonwealth ef,Peno. syl viola, entitled "An Act to Incorporate the Oily of Allegheny," abd a supplement {instal the lith day ) of April,,A4 Li, 1814, I, A.C. ALEXANDER., Mayor of sold clty, do issue thiv, lay O Btorocismatlh, declaring that en the tik.XIOND TUE , DitY JANUARY, A. D. 1863, being the loth. day of the month, the qualified voters of each ward will meet together at the places hereinafter mentioned. and elect, by ballot, one citizen to ser re as Gayer, and oise citizen to terve as Director of the Poor. FST ARD. ,The qualified vote lß rs .of the First Ward of sold ' city will meet at the Public School linage In mild , ward, to elect, by ballot, one citizen to eerroas a . member of the Select 'ounell, four ant za as to serve as member s of the Common Connell, one citizen to serve n Alderman; one citizen to serves, Ancient, two for School Directors, one for Judge of Elec tions, four for Inspectors of Election, and ono for Conitable. • SECD ARD. • The qualitledvlretor O s N o 'W f the Second Ward of said city mill meet at the Potato School House in cold wm ro of ic t ke t S eby c b tCo lo u t n o ci n l, e fcoui r zen toaerre as n citizens to serve as Members of the Common Council, one for As sessor, two for School Direct ors, ono for Judge of Elections, four for Inspectors of Elections, and one for Constable. . . • TIIIRD WARD. The qualified ten of the Third Ward of sold city will meet as follows, viz: - The trot precinct will meet the he Public ' School flouse in sold ward, and second precinct will meet at the house of Col. Gem!. corner of East Lane and See end Street, In s. cite, to elect, by hallo; one ell!. ;en to serve as member of the Select Council, four citizens to st ave as members of the Common Council, one ri ll en to serve as Assessor, two citi zens to serve as School Director. for thine years, and one to iterveAs School Director for one year, rice Rev. McMillan, resigned; one c:lizen to serve as Judge of Elections, and four citizens to nerve as Inspectors at Elections, rind one for Cormtable. Fotrwrtt WARD. • , The qualified voters n& the Fourth Ward of mid city will meet as follow., •ir.: The tint precinct ori/1 meet sit tile Engine nouns, corner of lemon's And Anderson streets, and the second precinct will meet at the house or Mrs. - Pnrk, on the corner of Chestnut and Alain stumps,. in maid ward, and elec., by ballot, one citizen to nerve an is member of the Select Council, four citizens to servo as members of the Common Council, one citizen to servo as Ansessor, two citizens to scree as School Directors, ore citizen to serve as Alderman, nice Josiah Scott, decentual, von citizen to servo as Judge of tie. Duna in each precinct, and four to nerve_na Temper tors of Elections la each precinct, and onil for Coo. gable. Thr,lleture Judges will meet at the Mnyor's Of fire, City 11011, on W El/Rh:SPAY MORNING, Innunry 11th. at In o'clock, for the purpose of de let misting the result sui t e election. 0 torn under my head and send, this filth day of December, A. D. lent. detectd ALES ANDER, M. 70. IDENI NG OF WEBSTER STREET. —The Report of the Viewers appointed b; Councils to ANIVRS damages. he., In the widening of Webster sttert, between Washington and (Mathew, streets, has been approrml by Councils and left my attire. The viewers appeal...al the damages m. (limper at thM5, and Made the fultowing sessinents to pap that amount, to wit' On property of Mrs. E. lialithuo W. R. Lowrie.... Jane Magee E. Lore C. Magee Pump.. Wm. McCandless Wm. Cooper T. R. Hamilton.— Wen. McCandless. Win Mack David Rem! • War. AteLnughlln. RobL Flinn !trickle's helve.. Mrs.. E. F.-Danny. iM9D. The persons above named ore hetrby noel tled OD to call at my oltlee and pay their rcapectiro ps. ments within thirty flop from this dote, or nid rialtos will be Elect in the Prothonotary • office pa liens, with costs and Attorney's tees for collection. J. W. V. Lit C Solicitor, ttel7aw tad Filth .1.11. BAILEY, FAItRELL & CO., 149 FOURTH! ST., Pittsburgh, PLUMBEM3, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, DEALERS 111 EVERY - VARIETY OF Pumps, Gas and Slums Fixtures All orders promptly atteaded to dell TREASURY DEPARTMENT, I . Orrice or Come - rem-men or Mrs Conasser, ' • . Ea December fah, Int. • . B BATISFACTORY evidence presented to the undersigned, It has - been made to appear that ..The eterchantsrang 7 klanufacturers Retinas/ of Pittsburgh," in the eminty of Allegheny and Siete of Primaylva. has been duty organized undei and according to the requirements of the Ait of Congress entitled An Act to provide a National Currency' secured ,by pledge of United States Bonds, and provide inc Lhe eg o and redemption thereof," ap proved June 3d, 16114, and haecomplled with all the provisioss of said act required to be compiled with before commencing the business of banking under this set; • Now therefore, Roan AteCvatoon, Comptrol ler of the Currency, do hereby certify that "The Merchante and Manufacturers National Bank of Pittsburgh," in the city of Pittsburgh. In the coon ty of Allegheny. and State of Pennsylvania, to aw thorired to einumeneothe bwdoess of Banking un• der the art aforesaid. { Cunene) , Bureau, In testimony whereof Seal of the witness mir hand and seal COMktroller of the of ettlee. DIM eighth day currency. of , December, 1064. Treasury Department. xuax bIeCITLLOCII. Comptroller of the Currently 17ORTSMOUTI1 SIX CORD SOFT FINISII AMERICAN ALSO AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON. 'These threads tire warranted of superior quidlty, arul guahmteed to measure! two hundred yard, In length. Can be tad to all colors ad number,. MANUFACTURED LIT TILE PORTSMOUTH STEAM FACTORY CHAS. AMORY & CO SELLING AGENTS, 541 MURRAY AT., NEAY YORK, RO DEVONSUIRE ST., ROSTON. - ,RO6 01WRI.Ili ALLEY, PIiILADELPUTA deal mewl WE, TELESUBSCRIBERS - , Ve this • T day entered into a Limited Partnership, agreeably to the provisions of the net of Atsembly ei the Commenwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the .11.ist day of March, Me. entitled "An Act relative , lo L imited . Partnerships," and do hereby certify t hilt the • name of the firm under which sold part. ;ncrship lo to be conducted IS CHARLES C. A 4 rIE(4, that the general nature of the business to be transacted is the Jewelry buCluest, the same to be - earriedon Pittsburgh tha t the name of the gen mai patine, is CHAS. C. ALGEO, and the special partner DANIEL ILUOUS. both of the City of Pltteburght that the capital contributed by the said HAMEL ILIJOUS,. special partner, Is Four TLootand Doilarcin cash; that the period at which ; the sold psitncrenip in to commence is the 13th day -of December, 1884, end that It will terminate on albs lath day of December. A. D. 1567. CHAIILES 0. ALOE% DANIEL: .11 G U en dI r rS I , P"tner; • Pittsburgh, Tice. Dith, 18 Special Partner. 14.. • delfhlawdflor • D. 0 ?MILT AK. AD 0 11r, a D . O , NELLL & ANDERSON, Steam Book and Job Printers GAZETTE BUILDING, FIFTH ST., PITTSBVIGII. REOZIPTS, BLANB FORMS, PROCHLIMMES, rxeszrs, HAND Btu" , g l e n g n ite m tlt ea raMtt tricods haltlzirinting PAMPHLETS, BUJ. WADS. posrizes, VISITING °ANDS, PAPER nogg, And all other kinds of promptnees anddlspateh, at manner, Wo Invitee ;to execute to nye us • e OFFICE'"OF THE COLLECTOR OF tam DISTRICT, PA. : • ttnltedl allatem Income T ax. In accordant° with the Joint' resolutlow of Con =proved. July Met, a special duty has a l lied on the gains, pronto or income for the ,year ending aist Deoeuxber, 180, one wild has been ;placed in my hands for collection, by the junior of tide District. Notice Is hereby given to alt persons concerned ;that imill income duty is now (Waned payable. If , notpald whin ten days alle ADDEDand, TEN Om , PER UIIN T UM MILL Hto the amount 'UliPald; and the moonlit of said tax, with ouch ad; liutinaktnirether with intereat,l end the coats that *fty Remo, will become *lien on all the property, nod rights to property, belonging to the Lowey er. which Will Oe enforced by distraint tf neceeasty Payment may be made on or before the bra DAY :OF JAMJART,IBO, by all permute In that pert of 'Allegheoy county In this district, at No. OT water. street, Alieghen7. DAVID N. WHITE, deal:One Volleetoe. -------- /BETING ON BEH#LIe OF THE freedman's Aid ifsoitittioi. • - The public are invited toattend hel d Win or the • Freedmen's Ald•Essoehstion 'to be at the See. cad Presbyterian Church. (Dr. llowerire,) Penn . street, at 135 o'clock on TR ENDAY EVENING, ' the NthtmC._ ; The Bev. PFLEGLUNEROOKN, Rev. .7..WHE11- • TOff•SMITII and I. bI. , NoIEIN, of Phila., and other - friends of; the cause In Pittsburgh, sewer,- reeled to -.address. the meetings and give stukrin outline of the great enterprise of educating sod preparing four millions of hoedmen for the duties,: as welt as the plowings of liberty, and to Orestat suet's picture of tbe condition In which they have been placed by the rebellion as will ' , wee the mad llas oral AitierOGUE, a s. see. 54111. GIL .I'F, 01' 411 7^ER 77.4 E.ITIFIXTS 111 - - • -- • _ . - _----________. _. )1:06 LAAIA'IIu.N.—CITY OF PITTS 111. Roll, as. Ia emordano. frith the proTintone of its• Act-of the Genera/ Amernbly of the Gonenonwealth of Penusylvare La. providing Mr the Incorporetlon of the City of Pitts. borsh. not of the various fropplomenty to mid Act, 1, JAMES LOWRY, Sr., Mayor of said Sty. do tame Om. okt ptoclenuftlon, for an election to be held on the PIRRT TURSDAY IN JA NUA RY, A. Is., tors. ton. ins lb, Mini) DAT or Tun llOortf, this Deemer of eats Word of mid city, qtralifiad to vote for members 14 the Dome of Representatives of this Commonwealth, will meet et the eeveral plum of holding elections b their respective want. and precincts, mud elect,' by bal lot. motor the provisions or an Act of Ansombly,pesnd the 11th tiny of May, A. D., lilltT, First Ward will eloct, by hallo% one person to be a membor of tbo &loot Council of said city for two year, .and two peonyns to be members of the Comm.. CotmciL &wood Ward-One person to be a member of the Select rod two persons to I. mem.. of the 00maton Coutll., - Third Ward-One person to be a Member of the Select and .la- per.. to be members of the Common CeoncLL fourth Word.-.lrne person to boa member of tho Or. tort end two persom to he members of the Common Coooril. i Fifth Ward , One Toulon to be • member of O. Select and six persOus to be bombe.. of the Combo. Council. Sixth Word-One persolgito bib member of the Select and four perimeter ho members of the Common CloarmiL ' Feventh Sit'ard--Ono person to be a member of the Select sad two persona to Os member. of,tb• Cows. Cot Concil. ' Eighth Ward-OM person to be a member of tho do. trot end three persons to be member. of the Common • Connell. • ' - ?Cloth Ward-One panne to be • Member of thy Relent rot threw proms to o.mm/boreal tlfeCUmoson Connell. Lech of whom atoll he gualltiot to mem ae a number of the ETiose of Reprmentativen of this Coommumealth. At the else tau se bs held es aforeeeld, es Toronsr, the &I day of Jane/try. A. D, IE4 The electors of the Pins Ward will veto at,fgos Petite Motel flonsw in sold word. r /^ ~..---- Ths eloctom of the Pecond Ward wilnetoist tho Pub. II: klehoof llousc In said went. The elect.. of so much of l b . Third Word as Iles not]. and west of Grant sterile. being precinct No. 1 of mid ward, will Tot. at lb. beim of Sohn Rem en the comer of Pin tti aud Moist/Reid greet.. The electore of or much of the Third Ward sus lbw • ...(01, =id east of Grant atreat, beingprecinct No. 2 of awld word, a/11 to et the hon. of 1.1. 8. Remedy, at th e comer of Wylie .4 Tunnel streots. -Tit elect/os of the Youth Ward will Tot. at.tho Pith ily Febool flume 1n said ward. The elestorcof so notch of the Fifth Ward ate Iles north and rut of Ademe street, being precinct No. I of mld wsrd, will vote at the Public &hoot Homo In mid ward. The electore oleo much of the rlgh Ward ns Ifeeeonth Wad wee. of Ad eme greet; being precinct No. tof told .n..111r .1.1 111 tho Public S-Infol Ifouse In tald word The elector. of the 01r th We. will vote et the Public Echoul 114.1 S to 0.1.1 Mitol. Itw elector. of the neecoth. Ward will Tote at the Pul4fe School Hones In sad ward. 11r elfoors of the Eighth Ward will vote at lb. lob. Se Pebool flame In mid ward. • Tise electove of the Ninth Ward will vote at the Public Scl,nol !louse to .1.1 acrd. Gloss Looter tn• hand and tbe end of the mid City of l'ilfeoureB. the 23.1 the of Drverncle.r. A. D.. Intl. /1.24n1te JA.MES LOWRY Jr., lteyor. - - - HOLIDAY PILESEIsITS. SISCA:r]ES, For LadieS, Gents & Boys. Ivory Handle Table Knives and Forks Do. Carving do. .do. Pearl and Shell Handle Pocket Knives TOY ./lITIVEI3, for Children. mm,41..3rt3t.4:)2:L ratic,ammus. PEARL AND ITORT HANDLE Gold & Silver Plated Revolver& FINE ENGLLSR DOUBLE BAB,BEL SHOT GUNS. FOR BALE 1W JAMES DOWN. Di WOOD STREET. SEASONABLE GOODS We bays Jest receive! a large assortseaet of goods sultable FOR THE HOLIDAYS FLOWER STANDSnaWain. VASESursinvo R&SKETS, Ar RUSTIC WORIC, kIi, FERNIMEs, Lug*o, w lutd mall, at various patterns, and newest ayith GOLD FISHES, WATER PLANTS. • Rocs WORE. For Ana FRiIIRES, ata Anaemia tarnishing. IMPORTED BIRDS, Of hunt song and moat beaUtiful Plumage, Wind ing CANARIES, aoLn-nrwars, LINE'S JAVA SPARROW'S, AUSTR.A.LIAN TIGNNWETS, and ROSELLA PARROTS- • CAGES of all kinda, with furniture. I hihiORTELLES(FIowers) ITREATIIS CROSSES, kc., U. J. KNOX, de N0..4 FTFTEI STREET. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, JAT THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE. 'EXTRACTS FOR THE. HANDKERCHIEF, COLONGNES. FINE TOILET SOAPS, HAIL' BRUSHES, MAT BRUSHES, INFANTS , HAIR BRUSHES, NAIL BRUSHES, DRESSING COMBS,' POCKET COMBS PUFI . ROXEg, POCKET nisirs, SHArING CREAM, SHAPING BRUSHES, • POMADES, and HAIR PREPARATIONS. We worth] call particular attention to our fine ...accent of TOILET SETS, embracing twenty dllierent patterns, any of which Would Wake a Handsome Present. , ityr Central Drug Store, corner Ohio and rederal treets, le 'Market House, Allegheny. • donating ifEJUYENATOR, FOR THE lyatt, . . Will. In torture's own manner, restore GraY.Hair. to' Unoriginal colnr. Will make It grow on - Bald Heads. Will restore the NaturalSocretions. Will remove all Dandrutr avid itch/rig. -- Will make the Hair Soft and Glossy. Will preserve the Original Color to oldrage. Will prevent the Hair from Falling O. Will cure all Diseases cattle Scalp.. For sale by SIAIONJOUNSTON, dee' corner Smithfield and Fourth streets. • Derwrit Q. ht. (Immesh% Orme; Pittsburgh, P. Dec.TA 1861. SEALED PROPOSALS win be received , at this omen waffle or. the Ober DAY OF' DE .CEMBErt, 1964 for furnishing DRAYS,'CIAITTS I or WAGONS, ee 6,4 7 be , eelhireA fee the P I M . " 'of transporting Governmen Reignt to any part of the Incorporated portion of , this city; also to and . The,bida will state how much i rper ponftd, and need-propose-propose who cannot welsh proof of I their loyalty to the Government. Two securities will' be required for the faithful 'performanee of the contract, whose mimeo must be 'stated in the proposal. O. CROSS, detild ,Lieut. Col and Deputy Q.O .. Af -. 3I , 2CLELLAND'S 4:Llcrcnrrc,m' =CIPT:I/3111, 55 Fifth Street, DAY GOODS AND SHOES, dale AT PRITATE BALL • ALLEGHENY COUNTY:. the District Court of Allegheny County, rit, No. 6211 January Term, INC _ln the matter of the tit 'and account of William X. Darlington, acting , uegr ii i , s , tgclAht e Sharattpf , linii; the Seth ec count and report of Wm. M. Darlington, Segues. tester, exhibited in open Court and ordered to be filed; and it Is farther ordered, that the Protium°. Lary give notice by puidienUon In the Pittsburgh Deily Gazette and aqui _Journal, by one irwertion each week for the space Of three successive weeks, of the exhibition end tiling of said =count and ree Sal t iar d thatiettrteru tru,Pardu."b to sheeont m the Reeord:a ba gh delklawdaw .7AOOB EL WALTER, Pro. Fos.se~. 1509 lbs. of TYRE METAL THAI OFFLOIS; 1117:1" GOODS. A'c.. CLOSING OUT SALE Dissolution ofPartnership J. W. BARKER & CO., No. 59 Market Stree The reticing• et one of the ?saner, January ss lat, 18[6, neeeitating dotage in ti m term, we win done out at • 9 0‘722.4=)1.4v0ra1e, cisacl Rota. 111 The map !Omar stork contained la oar Immense eetabllitoneat et the GREVIEET MOTION IN PRICES EVER BID .E IN THIS CITY. Plain !alike all colors an widths,. tram m cd ..!111,1' to Mock of TfiltV,.. } lr an ' d e T , 'se Street and Deml-Tollet, Silk. ,. FlAll I%ll ' lie I..silks, double amlslngla widths, Dlaelc Figured, , Ottoman, Vellum, Gros Grain, Gros De Mane, Taffeta, Deny, end Corded Silks. All of these 1 we will sell at greatly minced prices. • I Barques, Circulars, Basques. COM*(Ode, Chest J ache's; Paletots he., to Bearer, W. 'Cloth, Tricot, Broad Cloth, Whitney, (This. lxlcldlta, Velret Cloth, Frosted Bearere Plush, .l lAc., in all colon; also In rariot ), Plaid Clots 0 I:i6e:lxTy on do. at (*. m/ s. O r t eg r ctios of digrinnents, at the suns low rates. Cloaks to d r Ladles and Misses made to order at the sane rates. 'Cashmere, Long and Square, up to *lOO. illornehe Long and up !!:. $lOO. IdMedal Wool, Long an&Square. r 'W idcllenex, long and Square. atervliet, Long and Square. Washington, Long and Square. iWaterloo, Long and Square. Real Scotch, Long and Square _ W, Long Shawls, nil wool -as MI Others, low "low $6 00. in proportio n. ! W „ z .r . o i pl i i . n l .%Plain, Plaid, Striped aad Tip—d Paid, st,Vettd O I p P o optio m /Andre, Plan, Plaid,StripesndFi l_ m p vri. l i lepp,.Plain, Plaid, Stripe and Fig ured . Ti Plain, Plaid , Stripe and'. I'd.. !Alpacas, Plain,'Planilsa,,,, - Lastrenes, Plain, Plaid, tie -n d — r ed. red. tip I Valencia., Plain,Plaid,. ri ” - n - d - Erred,a .. 7C - o l b gu tirga. ret outer styles of , Paramatha, Barattea and hle desirable DRESS 1306 ) A prices lees than they hiv i eln h a llr et aq edleeti ."" time during this aeason. bought 1 le.:c Bearer Cloths, Whit .....e. Cloth, Tricot; all kiln ~,o' coatings, French, Brit Pte metes, Satinets,Onssi r i g Jeans, Ermines, he., al giE... .2 1 o-41 €5l tney's Chinchilla Brod 'Os of Coating and Over- Lich and American Caul: acts, Menem, Tn., ode, t equally reduced? ces. White Mane* Ned Flannels, Army Flannels, Opera F/srmels aek Flbnne Grey Flannels, Plant Flannels, Strtped Flannels, Martins Flannels, Frank Flannels, Country Flannel., Blankets, Table Linen. BhUM:4 Lk ea, Balmoral!. and Thhi sae Dal pm terms as above. f , IIRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GIFTS, To ow weling, Tels, • liravkina„ • Table Covers, Table Cloths, ftheetins, S P i th r gtaatng i Cotton Ticking, Linen Ticking, Cheeks, (kith. 111 Hoop Skir' tivety cone oft •u ttetheoles SOS. HORN T E & CO.'S, 77 & 79 Market Street. , Ire have 110 W ready t ar sale a stack of scalds imitable for rlcoliday Presents Whiob will be found CHOICE AND AITRAtriTvL A 11100; the many articles 'Gilead we meatioa LACE GOODS, In POINTE AND !IGNITOR, SETS, COLLARS, HA NDKERCHIE . THREAD LACE TETI, ,S BARBS. LACE BE AND CAPES, - LACE SLEEVES, tit Inest gooda In the eltr. EIITS Wit , C 0 X 73 .IEII.IELI gif INFANTS , ROBES, LADIES. EMB=ROIDER Elf ►&CUTS. To our stock of Handkerchiefs . - We base added largely in POINTE GAZE,HON ITON, VALENCIA TRIMMED, POLITE AP viaquE, and full lines, of EMBROIDERED TUCKED. new stiles of ..110IIRSIENG, HEM STITCHED, and •ll grades of lower eon, raluty • which were purchased at auction, and are °Eared a SPECIAL BARGAIW9. FANCY GOODS. COMBS, SETS, PENN, ' • • MONEY BAGS FRYE FANS, AL813116. And many other choler fancy article. TROCHE AND SILK SCARFS, NUBLIS, FHA W LS, and aline of ZEPHYR KINITOOODS. GLOVES, every variety; BALMORAL SKIEW H OSIERY. of all kind.. EMBROIDERED P CUSHIONS siSLIPPEIk PATTERNR • HEGLIGE SHIRTS. GENT'S NECK TIES, SCARFS. • CRAVATS, and FINE SILK SI7SPENDERS. OUR HOLESALE ROOMS, up stain, 111 be found well stocked Witt • Notions, Staple and Fancy Goodt'l 70131tPIC HORSE & CO, rt Arvin, num= sr CLOSING OUT SALE. • DRY GOODS, - AT J. •M. BURCHFIELD'S USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, rioirsED molTs DisLAttms. =PEI= OLOTIL, . I s om:NA:Pima and Thad; ENOtt BPMENOES;pIatn aad figured. BWK. AND FANOT grn B ... ? OBUKCIS AND PAILIIINTAS; , ALPACOAS, black and eolorot. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS; OASSIDIEKES, for Nen and Don; soe.nrs AND EDIBBOIDEB IEgj BALinedial. stIRTS.- totii A HANDSOME- ASSORTMENT OF • oTroatas coirres, In Tußed.and Bead Work.. SLIPPERS, idie style. Akio, some Vary elegant - ' 2Ecepirtaz aerman-Warli.' SQUARE slur VELVET inmorm la' au . eelfit t ur AteAlvz vretuv.imriliArteDlgn.. MIFFS, GLOVIZIUSIERY. *IIA.IXOBAL sKurrs, STEEL ONYX SETTS, eat SLEEVE BUTTONS, of - every style and variety, eta, eta., will be found at , • , Ald011111)Ifilr'.211111111.1M6 157014 PONETR STREET AITOTITOIC SALE.—WiII be sold at Pub Ile Auettotkon THURSDAY December estb, at the Military Dletblng Depolteubensille, Oki% About esoo pounds sky bine Kersey Cat Wigs. u. dark blue Fhp3nel. Dale to Kamm* At 10 Walachia. Ix, nu• Paymente—Cash on delivery, In aoesrmett de. ALEILU u mCDER CANN. - Capt. yid A. Ct. Y. StalthanyUlaMMtanit , CIII1114:61AS, 1S64::: NE lv YEAR, HOLIDAY GIFTS HOLIDAY GIFTS! EATON I MACRUM:Co; Nos. 17 and 19 Fifth St. Would cell ottentlonius very attractive steak air SUITABLE HOLIDAY GIFTS. FANCY ARTICLES: FANCY HAIR COMBS, elegant styles IVORY PINS AND EAR RMS. CORAL PINS AND EAR RINGS FANCY GLOYB BOXES ELEGANT WORK ROSES RICH SILK BELTS AND BELT CLASPS. FANCY PURSES AND PORTMONALER. ALBUMS: A 11113131 S 2 ALBUMS: REAL POIPiT LACE COLLARS REAL PUENT LACE.SETS MALTESE LACE gotran.l.AND SETS. THREAD LACE. COLLARS AND SEES: REAL mmtn AriD Titbit= VMUL REAL LACE ThillAtED HANDICFS lIICII EALBROLDERFiI 'UNMET*. FINE REK , S7/TL'IIED lIANDiCTS. 11143/1 SItE SCARFS, bat new. FANOY KNIT 2:1411Y11 BALMORAL slam's, choice Bilk& GLOVES, GEOVES,Lnoveri Parlay. FINE ELLE AND I/INC/ . IL= UMEEKILLAS, !And many other articles idapted esents. We lavite a call from who are looklatfor,a ty CHRISTMAS OR MP YEARS . , For their irlends, and damn* tkeak that Mon& not.'fall to and moor &ditties In our stookAint are BOTH USEFUL AND APPROPFBATE. WON, COu - • th ?writ JittzAim HermAy PALES. MIMUCTIONa 1.4 CP 2k. K S Dress _Goods, GOB WENTKR, STOCK Reduced Prices! MIOL.E(M4,IAM) MMAIL _ ALEX, BITES, PTO. ex ileum. au kLV -, 40 - PrilrisiNori4il For the ABC° CLLI4 BE SEOVIIEDAX NAOMI a limt Ho. .74 MARKET STREET; . ; we na gozzolpest ii,wr.,l4,wwitviEwrdslir.. . am zap - z3;:o.a.:lr_ as^:tizi ttaala2ezt sasettaina of topla. tqty, Shelland ILA Tuck and Side Combs; Pearl, Steel, Jet 4 sal Gilt Balt-BoekleWSeka and Belt. - Ell,bonsL Clubmen and Silk South ,ffeerl. DIVIMINI and Neter Lice Vella; -Lace Sad &are", dered Collars and ^ likrulkerrklehr Worked,- 011ppars sad Cushlo2rar. • Work- Sous, • VMmti4zywiarrii- *Bedded out assal heair stalk of Hastert QUM •g t Td ,200 11 11 ; Notions alitkasil Were, AT LOWEST UASII PRIORS. AA'TON FLAMlltrti. 9ED2LAND, 'WOOLEN° &Era 'IThDIiatGAiUMENTS. White Mist Tri=OA ilesieq. ati AT RITDITOED , PRICES. AT 10011/itilly SPIV • - 114121X14/41114 ALBUMS! '-'S " J>~ ' 3 1 31 ~, -...itt 4 ';1
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