the Vittsburgil 6agttic. THE .TEST NFIWS --- ,SVUfg(gft .:WAR ' -BALI GENERAL SHERMANS ➢IOVEME A.cit ED POET MOMI • BviLiorst rs-roarrar Fpucz :Leaimp , • I n , rottiOiStill in Midi el lioed o 4 • V(. 1 1 , • •'. MICAS DIMITSIO• FSOR GES. ?ROM isrmictsi ntc sunua, rarER5.l . Wan: DevatilllßNT, YNALiIIINGTON, Dec. 97,10 p. m. moor- arta* Dix: The following extracts from Richmond . pipers of to-day, have been for- 1 warded to 'Oa sDcMutmeat by General Great. 9Ati official dilarraich tuna Gen.Beattrwird,dateil Gcc. 25th, and. received yesterday, atates.that Ilardro remit that &force of the enemy's fatal : dry, artillery and Cavalry Las moved from tirivartnali brwarl'Altamalia ricer. ' Gen. lfardee has redo"a proper dlapoeltlonio check the col . man. Its' object Is probably to destroy the 114, trironah, Albany aniiGuLf row], Its depots, fic. "'No reportbss been received from Gee. army shice.Gio %ill of liovembei." • , Tribal's/god, AI: C., Dec. •'X h—The enemy's sleet of over fifty vessels, Including two maul tors, several armed vessels and many heavily armed frigates, sud sloops of war, made a furl , utis attack on Fort Fisher, alarm ono o'clock yesterday, and kept. up at average tire of thirty shots `per minute, until '.night: - Slue? loss is twenty wrmnded. The attack was renewed at ten o'Acek thin. morning: and-bas been 'lvry fu rious . and contintious.. N report O repo of casualties Copp Coe d Oit larsdv, whole commander of tbe fort, replie to the enemy's fire slowly and deliberate ly. •Thebeavyfire' from the f ors-last , ! until they landed, about three brigades two and a halt mike above Fort Fisher. They were Inimedlate , ' iv engaged by a smaller force. - The enemy held ,:-..-Ilhe ground at night. - - . , a dmineues,Dec".2l3tii.-;-The enemy's Infantry attacked Fort Flame late Mat night.. They were ?erased with considerable lora. There was a heavy rainwlth high wind throughout the night. Wiesner' report that ow' corps of the, Yankee inn) was preseniundet Butler. - - • From our Wilmington dispatches it will be seen • that the Yankee fleet attacked Fort Fisheac r about I,r. a.' on Saturday, and bOtabarded it verely until nightfall,renewing thebombardment at ID on Sunday morning; and that, under weer Of the fire of the fleet, the enemy landed an Datir, fesiszelbove _Fort Fisher, which ...attacked tills fort on Sunday eight endless repulsed. Fort Fisher is attuned in a sand-pit, oa the Melt bank of the Cape Fear river, at its mouth twenty mlies below Wilmington. The enemy, we presume, reached their pod ' sloe above the foe., not. by pasting up t run the he river, - where they would have been obliged to ftiltiat/ At INI runt both of Fisher and of 'Cas well; on the left bank; but' bylandingdee on the beach met or the mouth of Cape Fear r. ." The enemy having effected a lodgment above Dtlott, it a serious matter. It will coat double Ike Sweet° dlelodge, Men that, would have pre drented hie leading. • -•-' t,,Dispatches from General '‘Zhornall represent ,hins'ai . betak self i n pursuit: of:Doors - braze •',Wed disorganised forcej , . 4 • Bainerthiiie, l'uLtsumai'astv., i ' 'ro)lliejerWCtiektalL W. lam , CAilje Ste: I:lee reorient the &Bowlegdispetch Sem ''.,- lieskrwOrs Caraley -Corp, -Depend Dameld. , • 1ke.%.-Thcee beans to he little doubt that the rebels bare gone tesßainbrfrirge, eight !amain* , -Florence, fearing ails* movement fmni Ste., vetoe s Alatemilo't:fale COG44/nart'a and', ' ' - .I.ces2retired• to Lexington. Cheatham:it- went i '.- towards Lawnestebusg striktng the old military 1 ,P, mat t eight tulle.bel ow rebels' are _,Laier4eliurg.rosZo. i Was say is said to be quite Ilt•M'e. ' ' &Dir. Coates ear Met the Camel Command. v ' tug the poutdea tnnlvottetion tolej him tie was ' going toßralistelrige,-and left here on Thursday mondag. :Chatham's transportation of fifteen : ` or' twenty wagons was, abandoned: Nero the , were la to help the prmtoons along. melee put Gm. Lee was severely wounded in the foot in I -.the .fight at Nashville.. Ws corps is now com- '.,' - znandedbylke v omete. . ' Tlesvehell bite lest geit eighteen erale 'killed, " wounded and captured eine° they started North. " Three eckturaisigeoB pieces *of a rt illery lest. . Joszen. IL Wawa, . ' .. ... Brevetldej,Geol. A dispatch dated G. p. ton., - 20th inst., atate4 ,-' that In paestag- the memy,llanswel'a Brigade ' came upowser Wintry, posted la rail breast i works, and so closely did be peat up, that ill • betas compelled to fall back the loss of one gun ' was" Involved. The peak& was, - however, Ta tra 121" tes afterwards ~ but the enemy led l'"'" . " ‘ "inti f , the gun ofL The rebel • forte was , eight .• beydea, of 500 or SCO men car.h.- - • : ' Gmeral Went, Maw ending the 4th co is. • In support of General Villarve, audboth will corps, n ' tinue the mann zealously. I base bawd from Stedman todaY. Re die ' - embarked hbffroomilritta the we Dec,t st•Limist;nase 7 CmT seven istg on th e n :place at seven a. m: A t:di/. mare -.. 10.). Gen. Gao. 11. ' r unup, f '''''' ' '' Comnarallng Department. ' I Linnet Wseeived any mores from Savannah ~ - except the telegrams of Generals Sherman and Foster, already It. tvi . . "Errelitcrox., .." -'. -, •tintrelary of War. , : . -.• • Advice" • from Wllmington, through rebel d up to the ral " 1 h al, ' t i b lltts , ll l o'. Te'eiu, the... • ,!-- berm; quite smooth. It is suppled that i . Potter's altetivrould be etude pet thomerning, , ..". • the Mar, ' ". - - ' --- ' • The tebel •pa are doing some magnificent .':' lylog, in fo the atrocities of Sherman and • ' his rams While on their mareh . throegh G' titre►ding . hese stOriea, .General StaternagiLnaintatietdstreadtlatteva4 atllowell-Cobb'e bow, and ii4ll ()flitted eTet7illing degrOie 4 i and th e Veinal , robbed of shoes and clothing • •e. Tbe- , Mactiellfroveya Area Meese:green heart `.' hy subs thlefiesi. Kilpatrick ordered Muer at ...-- a -tonne comely, andel:ode the lady at . -by the Bee 41641816'M bad three niece women . ; to him. It tells , stories, winsome purpose. ! 'The on:respondent of the Liver- i • _ poolDeue -Bleienteed lef slams baring hada person:dieter . %l' vie w iithGen.Lee on the subject of arming the . Lf.' ltegfeet. Gen. Lee thought. the South" could 'l.. mare better toldbss of the nei,msee then the flarlh could, mid mil he would -give them the .- promise of a home after their freedom, as the .. " North" hall'lleit. IGO. rerever was of the same 4 .-„lfejisebiku4 an Interview with Jeff:Davis, in which - -,' the leiter spoirala elisapMor the St-Albans ' m - fte ' sesta Able A-° "deserved Sher. 34 ' talrlittotTatatrad ec'eladt'antilrthetrtibet;. G"- 1 .---." 4 "rn Tbe Iticlunond Witto sees Conferl why the •••• ilioulhera People should be" discouraged, bat on 1 ' tze.eayntrary should rejole tebuger than j ,:e -The: sea 1 the mellni ofthielear's operations " 1.1 considers, I arhembi e Erwo ently faervuonerbit_ehatol. haws imery I ddistfuls next year, and even this year they can , ~.." ' be merry In thinking that things might have " - been a great deal worse than, they are, and lin rmines - laming ,airlatmas under Gen. Butler's - • control. • : , •,. ' ..:. • . ' mnation, Governor :Watts' peermentioned last night, • tit addrmeed to the men and boys of Ala come . ,''• bards; -.Gen.-Green tabsthe people to at -• i litiliiiirds,in aqUade an or, singly, sued bring y 4'. - • arthey may haves - ~ .. •,..,• - _ The' Blehreond .:Deseduer , : n sf a renews t i h s ej-Vit e , taw i': - . the ' rebel ni K milil ist ari j 11 fromtit. It is admitted that . • 1 . ''-..." Sh uch e t ° t‘ made an unobstructed march through 1 :. . . Georgia awl, if lie takes Sayannah, will make . '' Maliere ' tif the Savannah river valuable for strrl. ; mete-tarpons* to Augusta. !!sits , navigation - - " ..j,,7 - edits thinks he will marc h et cam to 4t . -IL admlts that tiooks movemeot was sadly . ; . unentenuratiVand'isaye Stoneman's rad ilia mat ' , Fro , st. Lo a. ,them lead was if nothing more. 'lt thinks - • . .- '• . ' •thelefabiWtriset" argue re want of Oen; but, , Se. Lome Dec 27 .1. H. Baker, itrch t ..".. -- ta management ott. the pat Of their leaden, lidinneeete, bas been appointed to the.pasitin of ~..,-. , en d herea d ssg be the u dinstio nder n eb of esc the rebel_ armies must ~Promorstealdli.arsDahvaleilenwboeiductial of . t rr4 he ' 4'—'2---"--:—.• . • Provost Marshal Gesseral during the interval -DePtheut,duar.-•--l- °.... - f ' '. l.-• ' 111115 !F. A4 P 0 . 1 . 1 ! 14 ?Pgf.t u4 " lud o - fellowlag the resignation of Col. Mre,-hat ban 1 0 :•••••-•;:••:: '• rivltkcdultiburemultterligb' DeeCitroM2l"-Loul gul"dontleoerntwinftwOrmem- "inticolgnixtroser.lottewliwthP'thltae :M t Ni ce. t t tio lm l. or liarer P eV4 the also km that Mosby, while - in a house near ceeded is Feat Commander 11 J; M. Wider, o Idlddkburg, Va., was fired at through a window, the lat..llissouri. . . •.. . . --'' • the abist.Wring iaectia tai bowels. i lie died on Jasnes• Morgan, convicted -'of being a rebel ' • • t Sunday. This gentleman professes to bare =O. ; spy and nail carrier, wee hung at amet yester., --"XunbrAtellulfall N2131/21.20:. ' ~,. , - • dry Matt LfrtiMs '-- , , . a I rl,-t-0..4 , ...'-:-I ,;•-••/ -.4. 0.... (...- - --,-, : . . 4 • .. • ;,-;1:-;--4.1,7,r. 15 . . . . . 7"---"7.-....,, .. . , . .167. - - • --1 6 - - . ".. . . , i ... ...... .. L 8..-t . ~..,- ,• .... , 4. ? •. ,:,,, P ; T ro I. .G , N. . . ,-• . . -&-ixt.cour.sesx...-crzkawwe,mic. • How the Ca E ffected pture of Savannah liras . • SUERNiN'S DEMAND 111111116DIII. Itardee's Mutt Reply and Cowardly Retreat. . -11ngrurgis., Monism Dec. 26.—The steamer . California arrived here at a late hour last even ing in fifty-eight hours from Fort Pulaski, bridg ing Important : dispatehfis from General Sher- Mon and glorious confirmatory intelligence of the capture of Savannah on the Slat inst. Sher man baring nearly completed the investment of the city nod captured Fort Lee and severarmi tam outworks in the Immediate whzinity of the principal entreichitients Surrotanding the town, and placing his teige guns Mauch elope proxim ity to the lines of the rebels as to command ef fectually every position held by the forces under command of hander', -- grit a summons' by a flag of truce to the effect that if the thee is not surrendered in a certain time, a bombardment and assault will at once oommence. Tothis summons. the wily rebel General scut backh reply that as bli communications ware yet open and his men fully supplied with t o scan and stores of army kind, he was enabled to stand a long siege, and was determined to bold the city to the last moment, and defend the damns and property Which had bran pd under lie protection, until his force. were over powered and compelled to surrender. _ • E a r' preparation had been made by Sherman to assault the rebel position the next day; but when the morning of the Slat that. arrived, it was; ascertained that the enemy had evacuated their Intrenehments. Several regiments of in• faqtryWerelnunedintely advan6ed, who took pas: session of them, and shortly afterwards Sherman entered the city at thelsead of his body-gnarl, and received from the hands of a deputation of chimepeats the surrender of the place. • It that General Hardee, on the night of the Stith , seeing the impossibility of holding the city, and fearing that the only menus of es cape left ispeuncross the Savannah was likely to be ct off at any moment, determined to avail himself of this route for his retreat. Ills tpe Immediately set to work to partially destroy - the -Nary Tani and Government properly, and at twilight, under the protection of two iron clad rums, succeeded in crossing the Savannah - river, over the causeway, to the north side, intending to ;matt forward to - Charleston... . Ttdry-two thousand bales of cotton- were storedin the city; - whleh the rebels in their haste neglected to destroy. - The two Iron-clad rams Were sunk, and: allthe government 'property mud stores which. they ould not carry off with them they burned or threw captured; into the ricer. Four small steamers—one - a which, together with the cotton end" a - large amount ofrebel munitions of war, form a part, of. the voila of Sherman's victorious array. The Herald's special from. Fortress Monroe, 26th instant, learns from Major Gray, of Sher man's staff, the particulars of the capture of Savannah. Tho, surrender was made by the. Mayor and Connell." Sherman's and -Slocum's. headquarters are:. In the city. The demand for the surrender was made on the 16th, and Sher man closed his dispatch with Hood's words to the negro troops . at Dalton, to the effect the:At his demand was not complied with, he would take to prisoners. .11ardee replied that he could hod would hold the city. • 4 Shermaa proceeded to complete his Invest mein elate city, but owing to the swamps on, the north side, could not at once eeteed hie lines in that direction'. - Gen: Batch's Division of Fosterslorce, held the left of our line, occupying the - upper part of Ildchlsoa's Island, completely blocading ingress.. and egress over the river, ' below, where a fen, boat was dlicovered plying between the'City and Cnioa Causeway.. Tole was the bola through which .got oat:.. Citizens. refugees and a great many others live in the streets. ; Nearly WO union prisoners have ' suceeded - In Nestling our lines. The - Milieu 1 1 ropers sr to be forty miles south of The reporiell aaptere of cotton et. Eniatutaii has canned a considerable Min the mutat, and la ei rubject- of s much- comment. One- sented to of the marnlng paperssuggests guts It Imi pre lillerman'a army, tis be divided. similar to -.prim Money In the nevi. Another thinks that If the same policy Is ?castled as at Memphis and Vicki burg, the Government rat -gm msryilitne of li. Another ettigeitelheitttenotton" be' sent to Eu rope and sold for gold to replenish the Treasury. A report is in eirculdllar that much of thefts manual cotton Is owned on English and 'French , • , - - - limunt ' - ---------.--.-. DRiiii. tir uvuteu BOLDIEW - £ 0016.L . , . Speeches Oi AdtiiiraT Ilariragost and Cossastemder..Dravion. DEPAP2TaaI GEN. ECURRON (.*A en. Logari in. 'New York Tag CAFTUREDCOrrON AT SAVANNAH , . - • The.Ezehange:4:Trisoneas Cinestion: OFFER OF TERMS OF PEACE ADVISED cosTurrsp rummy Is sr. D 0 ' Toax, Dec. 27.—At a dinner, yesterday, at the ,New York State Soldiers' Booms, Admiral Marra gat and CommedoreDrayton made speeth to. Tho Admiral, emplaned his delight at the. presence. of the - soldiers and 'sailors, and the ef forts for their care, and Madeaelciatmle4meuts for the cordial . Veceptlon he has everywhere re - Com:maid:we Drayton paid a high compliment to the galivatry of- the flag-ship, of the sailors, in the panagopf Fort ?dolman, and In the ndral annagenlents generally,' daring the war. Major GeueratHerron, • Inspector General of. General.Canbrs de-partmeat,leavea for the West . to 'Major General John A. Logan is In the city. The subject - of rellc f for our prisoners Is agita. ted to a long editorial in the Timet. It insists ;upon the acceptance of the rebel proposition to exchange man for Mall .until, our white soldiers are. released. A largo excess In our bands will leaTe ample surplus (or any scheme of retliation e the -Gcrrerament msy entertain respecting , n rbes. The writer thinks there Is too much In inanity !lithe Ifortli to reader wholesale retailer :Don upon all rebel ribose?' feasible, The World thinks, editorially, that It Is defies , lite for our Oovernmeot to -offer, during the the pros :cot military suebesses, terms .of .peaoe to rebels on a hada of rusreseriedisibmlsslon to the r!Conetitutlen. It 'matte offer would probably be . reicited by the rebel leaders, but would be favor. ed by the people of the South, and caus and disscnslon . e trouble News from Bt.Dotedngohal Just been nailed. The people are still fighting earnestly , to &lie out the Spantards and regain . their tunkmallty. A manifesto bas been widely-. circulated, which , twists upon the recognition of the Independence of fit. Domingo, as the - only (Audition. for a 'treaty of peace Clfeat Shock Felt at Newbein N. PROBABLE EXPLOSION OP MAGAZINE The Gale Subsicled J EST DAVIS' INCRILASOD SALARY Nivreinst • N.C. Dee. 24.—J1 great shock like that of an caribous'lE4,i- was distinctly felt hero , , t nit about .2 o'Floely rocklug the earth and 'rattlingthe windows. t is suposed to be an explosion of great saagnittide_ on_ the coast below , Seanfort, ha the sound came from that Way—. probably a magazine in'ts fort at Nrihnington or Charleston containing several' hnOr'eL . Pou of d 0 The gale which has prevailed forlln past few dnye subsided last night. Theshipping which has been detained leveret days at Beaufort - be :able to depart to-day. The following news is glutted ftomiSouthern Soren . Jeff. Darla birhig eaked - ati increalteet salaryr a bill has passed the tibel Senate to prirride fo 3.lgbting and Waaping .the:exeentire . mansion; and for a supply or forage and obremissary stores for the Cammarideptweblef ofAbe army and nary - of the Confederate States. - 'the Richmo "; Rzamfner rtSleades t h e act with biting sarcasm TUE 1 1 1E111110N AtINSI Highly Favorable Adv ices PROMISE OF ALMOST DIMEDIIIII StCCIDS. Sherman Moving on AUgillit9, IMMO NEWS FROM THOM Special to Western Associated Press. NEM Pons, Dec, 27.—Tho Commerciat Ad rirtiser's Washington special, says: The War and Navylepartments both have received advises from the expedition against Wilmington, and the Intelligence is highly favorable and gives a promise of almost immediate success. The ' Secretary of the Nary declares that Porter will capture forts Fisher and Caseirell, and General Butler is' prepanal to lopmate directly against wilmington. - : Gen. Sherman announces to the Secretary of War that be intends to move . up the Savannah river Immediately and capture Augusta. The news that lie hos already moved. Sher- Man alsosays that after this be will swing tonna in the rear of Charleston, . destroying all Its railroad communiattioas on the way. The news Dom. Thomas is also glorious. He has brought Hood to a stand on the north side of the Tentieisee river, it being Impassible. Hood Is without artillery , and ponfoons. Thomas pro poses minm! upon Rood and force a fight or a amender.. ' . FROM NEW . ORLEANS , IYMB ESCORTED . ATRCSS THE 'MISSISSIPPI 4 .sxs cdrrorr BtrEcimizis LIVIIL Notorious Guerrila Hun CAIRO, Dec. 29.—Steamers from New Or leans bring dates of the 16th, 19th and Wth. The eteanashipa George Cromwell and Calm"- be, from New York, arrived et New °titans on • the oth. niches correspon The New Orleans Times' - m • dent dated , oi the I:th, says: A. rebel force, 1200 strong, }sth, the swamps of the Black Nicer on the Nth, to escort Semmes across the 311.slcaippl. Colonel Farrar ascertained that they were eighteen miles below Vltlalla on the 10th, but codd lot obtain permission to attack. them. The cotton traders of Natchez are making pre parations for hosinm4. cotton Is making brisk ly, Lut not In large amounts. Butanes." at-liata mares was vary tys therecelputircra3oo halos • per day. At New Orleans, on the 16th, a Bite badness was done in cotton; 200. hales *old at full prices. Middltogsl.V@Va; 'grid middling, 24; low, 18 @.21-There Is no material change In prices. On the 29th the steamer Darling, front Mem phis ffet cinelnuati,passed eip with 1= bales of J. B. Davis, the notorious guerrilla, was hnsg at Fort Vickerlng;Memphis, on the 23d Inst. The Ohlo riser is higher at this point than ,at any prerions time during this year, and la still rising. EFFECT OF THEDSTIFt OP BkYANNAH St111411(1011 Amens Finontiall ud Com omMtallims. THE NEW YORK ; 60L0 MARKET Special Western Associated Press Pinata. Naw Toni, Itee27.—"llte cuirass ofikavannah pnxltteed a sensation yeiterday among the Suitt cial and commercial men. A large party assem bled at' elm Fifth . Avenue irotel; , and operated heavily In Gold, and afteWards opened the Even ing:Pa:hang* Ram; 'l - The Gold Room shamed much activity during the moniing,. and large business transactions.- The market was quite 'lron and the price lose steadily. The Railroad finseit-Markst is dell, but better ' than on Saturday. The wegyery was more sad dent Own. was gent:milt — antletpitted.—Govern ment Stocks quiet, but higher. Railroad Maas and - Rank SharesAull. Stocks - wore. quiet and steady at._ the Petnalettra Board. , Sales of SIX) stares of tic lEntekertiocker at Me., and Me stares of the Titus at V. _ Marls of the parchase of Gold to-day was for export in Its-morrow's steamer. The !ILI of Wil mington appears to be' also:mated In advance. Itoncy a little lent stringent than on Saturday, 'ruling at 7 per cen t . _ . stain arm nom pint EAT STORM ALONG TITR COAST DEATILOF A MEMBER Of THE RUSSIAN LEGATION Virsfintanvox, Der..27.—Theliavy Department has no later Intelligence from Rear Admiral Por ter's fleet. :Co news hag. been received up to this hour (two o'clock this p. ra.) of army and naval tperatlons In any quarter. Alexander Gay, Chancellor of the Rlll6 l / 1 11 Legation, died here to-day: • BALT/YORE, Dec.27.—A. letter from Fortress Monroe, detest the li4th, soya that a heavy stArIII had been prevailing along the meet for the last few days, causing considerable damage to 'WO ping. . The St. Albans Raiders A'FTMTED ESCAPE OF THREE .amual3T . Or ANOTHER RAIDER. Coecoan, 'S. IL, Dec. S7.—Throe or the St. 1 - Albans rataers made their escape from Canada by Secreting themselves ha the cars until across the Sae. They then proceeded •to Lebanon, N. 11.,:and enlisted, receiving the boniity.'hoplog to" Set tack to tolite et Uncle Sam's expenseA They were,, detected, aid ere now In the Stale prison: "A considerable amount of money was found IA their poseeselon.. Tonotrro. C. - W., Doc.ll7.—Anotner the St. ; Albans raiders . iris arrest._ ed free . oast OP TOR DISALI2IIO Bat .71LLPIL tion4anbatauts Postai= Bute:rill% Charleston, , . . :tsar Toot, - Dec. 91.--Repet • says that Windsor. the -defaulting teller of the Mercantile Bent; heti been arrested In London. - The Charleston Courfcr, of Friday, contains an order prohibiting - nomcombatants entering • the city, exceptlo pass throtagh'theelty... Slaves :of corners r ed beyond Uso city limits, except those left to take charge of unrstatedmtxta , , • are to be seotlibt of the city. • .. talents' AROICISUS Instructionws....ooccra • on . Leave of Absence, etc: ' ' . • Witsnrivross, Dik,..2L—Titti COmmissioner of Internal Reveatto is sending out instructions for the collation of two dollars per gallon on all spirits that may be distilled sad sold, or distilled and removed for consMoptlim or sae cos and after' the first of Jati , next, In accordance with the • . hill recently pai. by Ccmgvess, which haa been approved by the President. ~ • , - The Potomac river In again navigable, though . there. Is much floating Ice. . The mail boots have lately hrought to Wash - legion from City Point 'a large number of army ordeals on leave . . M. Louis Market. Sr. 1A31:11B, Dec. 27.--Tobaceo quiet Flour and steady. Cotton. --nothlug transpired. Improving. - Wheat - Inactive ; 'spring . , $1,50, . goool fall, $1,50r Whisky; adff at $2,15. Ifogi, demand languid' and prices lower; heavy and trust IravY, $11,50 and $11,20. , • - , Thi.itemalna of. Bile. Dayton. • . . . m a Yon; Dee. o f the are be . bag made, by °Mama of the army and navy and civil Venice of the Untied States, for thoreeep. now don of the . tannins of -iiinlater Dayton, now , daily expeet , td on the steamer_Lnfayette from Secretary feasenden and .tl!o Forma I Nrw Toni, Dec. ST.—Tha Coni;eleid Aciper-1 Harr% Washlogtcni *pedal says l It to 'understood '1 that Ur. Voisoadco ts &candidate tor the Ifrench . , hilaslon. - Some people colander Ws chances lea; P °ll- . ' r:-----------L-, = 1()=.441 and 7-30 subscriptions. ..L: iiWouismon, Dec. 27 .—. The subscriptions .to the ten-forty luatt 117,orted i°•t h e Tv4surrd e• part:nein to-day atnonnt to $375,000; ' and to the setts-tllirty loan, si,coopoo. _-_:-.-__ I . - • EVENING GAZETTE TERMS. FROM THE suminua VALLEY• BCCOMIOISSaIIee to Lacy Spring. REBELS DIMMED IN BRIM ESIFORIIS Our Fonts Millard by Ilosser's Cavalry THE TAX ON WHISKY The Exchange of Prisoners. MR. DAYTON'S PROBABLE SUCCESSOR The Trihnitsgton /Expedition LOSSES Il CM.. HOOD'S ARMY Nuw Toms, Dec. 26.—The TrOune'dateds speciald from the Army of the Shenandoah, 2:, says: Geri. Ouster's division, after four days' Oa; acute, returned to-day from a reconnoissance to Lacy Springs, nine miles 'from Harrisonlmrg. Rally on Thursday morning, Rosser's cavalry at tempted to surprise our cavalry to Union uni forms, which for a time produced much confa don, and prevented our men from distinguishing friend from foe. They captured fifty of the Ist New liampihire cavalry, but were soon overpow ered and they were recaptured, with the cep tion of three men and Lieut. Col. llutehinson. Rhodes' old division of Infantry was advancing to attack, and Custer having accomplished this object of the expedition, fell back. Rosser re fused to follow. Ourmy left Caeca dead anti wounded behind. loss Is two killed and twenty-live wounded. The Time Washington 'special says: Great pressure 15 being brought to bear Ott the Prt..ident by the distillers to prevent his signing the whisky bill, while on the other hand the whisky swum uhitors are as urgent that he should sign It. Major Mulford will soon visit Richmond to confer With Commissior Oald on the subject of n further exchange o ne f prisoners. Count Cb atrulniand, the new French Minister. will not sail for the United States until the month of April, being prevented from coming by sick ness In Ills family.' The question of a successor to Mr. Dayton ex cites a lively interest anti much discussion: There is good authority for goyim , ' that Senator Sumner Is not a canditiatefor thin and that be ls lending the weight of his leduence to an other name. Mr. Bigelow is being pressed. - • The Washington special says: Since Sherman started from Atlanta, 11,000 rebel pris oners have been exclaangol, and during the same time we have captured nearly 10,000 of the ene my. At this rate, three witaiths' further contin uance of the war will give us the whole rebel force as prisoners. There Is count anxiety felt h e In er reference to the NVltruington expedition. as the delay caused 1 by the storm has undoubtedly been improved by the rebels to strengthen the 'wanton. It hi ex . recto'', however, that some important informs , aim will be received here to-morrow in reference •to it. 1 here Is no doubt but that a desperate at tack will be made; unttlf Within the bounds of possibility, success will be attained. The World's Washington special says: Official Information from Nashville states that Iloods osmtroni the 13th to the ^4d., of this month l are as s follow': Killed, 3650; Wounded. . 911 XIt ' Prisoners exclusive of wounded, fii7o. With the wounded, the prisoners amonnt to about 19,000; Cforty-nine guns were - captured from Infantry, i sodded from cavalry. TRIM 101 t DISBUD EMS. 'Testimonial to Captain Winslow and 0111cers - Of the Idearsage. TliE SITUATIOT AT MANNA r,— • • - ahe Whale Region South of Virginia at Sherman' XY• SCARCITI" OP IRON IN CONFEDIUCT. ,ftlailan (Myers onAlbermast's Marelir. NEw Tome, Dec. !S.—There Is very ittlenews tcenigbt. Most of the newspaper and telegraph offices have been closed today, and nearly all `business has been suspended. An association le Wog formed here to procure employment for all honorably discharged sot dkas. especially those disabled ia the service. The enterprise is designed to be a national one. The Committee appointed to appropriate the motel collected for a testimonial to Capt. M idedrs low and officers of the Eciirearge, have dec that It shall be divided among the onleers and crew of:the Kesosarge In the same way that prize tionej is apportioned by the Navy Regent. Goa. The money being _raised for a testimonial to Admiral Farrago/. will be Into out In the pur . chase of etiolate, or be Sind xi to him. -The Trento,. cditottally thinks, third' with tire fall of 'Savannah, Sherman has the *hole region south of Virginia at Ida mercy, and can occupy It at his pleasure.. It soya Augusta and Chalice ton belong lour to Jeff Davis than Sherman. The Tribuni.has a letter from TeraS, deacrib ' ng the stateof altars there. Al :raillery sm Is In (tilt forcer no citizen can travel • from one town to anotherwitimut a pass. Nearly every town has a home guard company, of old men and boys. Many persons have been arrest ed and shot on suspicion of loyalty. The Rio Grande trade Is of great Importance. trpplies ofclotbing and ammunition were re ceived here for the Transient 'Mississippl army. Spandau ce of corn ind wheat largeraisSd this beef. . Gold trope of cotton and supplies of beef. Gold and Silver mettle only currency InWestern •Teens, except in dealings with rebels. Good at `.rotator al for $l. In the absence of traerps on the Western Frontier, the have coltmitted great depredations. • ;Tbe Washingtonsperdalaays; Col. file her *or, chief detective convicted before - JudgtiPtyl ',of rase imprisonment and arrest ofOrrynne, lure dUoVetil tin a new. trial on the ground of Misdi rection on part of tire Judge. A Tribune's special says: Rafturars from . Rich ,usoral r ebels the scarcity of Iron ,is no : great that the are taking up the water piper; from the streets to cut into shot. All the shot 'and fragment, of shell thrown Into their linear 'are carefully saved. The Ilirald's London letter says: Great ant- Atty. Is felt to hear from Shcrman't march 'through Georgia. Prominent British army of ;deers say if Sherman carried his army through the achievement would rank In history with Mannibars march over-the Alps- two thousand :years ago, and with Napoleon's Italian esuri. plan that culminated at Marengo. Rebel bondi are gtsdually falling and U 01111111; stocks are codling - Theyokele in Veda are working very hard since the death of Mr. Dayton toviecure something la the way of recognition. The 3tedrld Spero sayer Iftaltritillan has promised that neither 'Franco uor Maxi o win c :recognisethe Confederacy if the United Mato recognize the Mexican Empire. It says as uurances haVe been given from rrestdent Lin coln and Unit the recognition of Maslen !ILIA --do 'won. ; . . From Califtirnlct and Central ach - ' America, . New Tone, Dec. -Wt.—The stcanteldp Ivo arrived from Aspinwall. On :the 16th - instant. ?bums 'inhere contain follciwlnv • Seem wooers captured on board the Sal• wider, and ;who hove been confined. on board the United States steam:a—Lancaster, is .Paned Bay, bare been scot to San Francisca, where they wilt be confined In Port Aleatrar , . Acting Pledge Itoticeway, woe of the Saglrinw, actidentally Shot, on the Bth initanti bad enbscoucully diod - of his wound. , The United Staten flaphip Lancaster WO. to leave Pantime for Catino, on the 17th inst. The news from Central and Soutk-Amerida le meagre. Tho election for Prealdent of the rer public of Salvador has already begun. It is gen erally believed that tim provisional President will be re elated by a urge majority. The rumors that President Medina, ofdn dared, had termed league with Barrios, aren- true. Ecuador la tranquil, and peace perfectly re stored. On the munlog of the 18th November, a fire broke Out at Tumaco, on the botradiry between Cauca and Ecuador. Flfty4even houses MST'S `Mimed.: During the .11m, many robberies '. were comadtted by the- ntgroea. The Ore was the' Deaths or Dtattattalshet Mesh NEvr .Yeax, Dee.Curtla rlfoyes died yesterday of opoplery..-:oy es di ed of REMCAdo is Palma and hlemteroyfamo, died at the New York/Wotan Satorday. Janos W. :Wallach, the veteranactor, dled in this elty • EXPEDITION UP ROSSOILE 'EYEBAL INGIUMENTS 11T11 THE MM. THE REBELS DEFEATED OR" EVERY WAWA REBEL ADVICES FROM WILMINGTON Goedowsvtlie Probed,' Occupied by the Unload Troops. Nov Yon. Dee. 27.—The Herald's Newberg' correspondent says; General ralmer's expedition 41 from .Flymouth, ander Colonel French, up the Ilpanoke, penetrat a donsiderable distatidc, and bad several en meets, defeating the rebels on every occasion, ing their' , out of entrenched itlons and taking a numberdfoCra. mgu.wto co-ope rat e , Rebel telegraphic dispatched' from Wilmington, N. C., say that linicmovunboata and transports appeared at fort . Deana, - on the Roanoke, last Tuesday Wednesday ( and Thuraday, and at temptedlo land troops, but were repaised by the rebel forcee each day.' - ..: Nww YORK, T1eh.1t,7.-Theßichmorad -Enquirer of the 94th says , : otir derail were attached by Tomas' cavalry on Thursday and the latter grad r ' ually fell back on'perdowillle, Va. It was ru mored that d'pertlOrd of the Union force had gone in the direction, of Charlotterille. If Gordons ville was not menaced till yesterday (911 d) the pike wasitifAbwlog to the disposition of troops. The Richmond - Whig of the 04th says: The probabilities are that Gordonsville-has been own pled by the enmity, Gen. Lee, h's en • official circular- dated Old, says: "Itosscr.eltachod and drove back Custer's division 9 talle,S from Ilarrisonburg." This was the leconnoligance made by Custer already no- Ikea. lie fen hack when ids objebt was attained. Richmond Papers, he view of the danger of losing Gordo:n:4Mo, say it contains no supplies, and Is worth nothing. _ Late fro= Rebel Sources THE UNION,GEMONSTRiTION ON GORDONSVILLE. General Davidson's Raid. PROCIAMVTIOS 'OF GOT: WATTS, 61 ALUIAILA Noblle Threate!ked%by a Large Forte NEw ',Conn, Dec. 50.--The Richmond Divaleh has news that the Yankee column reeving on Genies seine has made little pragress,tdic advance of 15,000 cavalry' reaching Madison Caurthouse on Wednesday:, the main body reported follow leg. On Friday the cavalry had advanced to' within three miles of Gordonsville, end at last accounts sklrmishing with the rebels was report , cd at Gordonsville . , that the objective point was Charlottesville. It is rumored that Rosser Is' driving them hack. n; after anhoinV A dispatch from Wilmingto clog that, the ASK bad disappeared in a storm: - and returned *an, says: Gen. Leventborp ato* - tacked the enent a:gen:boats and barges lid rapier Past, on 'the Roanoke river, on 'Tues day evening. Tha ilg l / 4 1. continued three hours; and the esemy were repulsed with leas. They resumed the attack OD Thursday, and landed some sharpahootetw. The main heel of gunboatal and tram:porta rcaMtin below in force." TheatairtromeileAppce of the lOtt, basal. patch' that DretielOn'e !Wing - column, reached the Mobile and 'Ohio railroad on the 10thoind that Geselvd-Gaidiner is accumulating troopi to meat th4n, and Maury is• dainty -the same thing at map: .. They are rearehlng for Mobile his tbomand die bandied strong. Governor Watts:at Alelounfis lulled • ime motion on tho 101; IMYIng that. Mobile was thteatened by a lafp force, tmdbelleved that the movement was In ftjtutelleti with the gunboats in the Ray. Me etgla out all of the citizens, and orders them at on te: llabile. - and says be will be there to commalAC them. Re does as fol lows : Onetmore ARA Ind carman Walt* safe. 'Tennessee is redeentaldtand Georgia soon will be. terWlail bieham• being' Rud hMisstaa the race `And 'Green, of t Aare he Alabama militia,. pays: - the away is within twenty cilia: of The WoriXa Fortress Monroe epeeist we: , their Tbe rebel authotitlea,_are refining to pay troops unless they tape an oath to support the Confederacy lour years longer. , • FROM RIMIOND PAPERS The Ms . his under Stoneman and aurbridge. FITZ 111:dIl LEE AGAV TITE SADDLE • New Youx Dec. S.7.—The Richmond papers claim that the Union raiders and:l Stoneman or ' Burbridge, Who have done Co trineh damage and caused so much alarm le south.+AstortiVirginia, hare returned to EasiTennessee. They also say that Ike. Daviason'e expedition from Baton Rouge did ingdenable damage 'to the railroads and destroyed immense quandtig of supplies.. The Riches:od Divatelt, of the Stth, says: Slandwathe has clothed and armed Ids Indians and is to the vicinity of Part Smith, destroyisi Yankee wagon trains. Fits Hugh Leo is in the saddle again; in the vicinity of Charlottmille. Va. it is also stated that Price la tittanlring his army in Arkansas, and has 31,000 stand of arms. The Richmond Enquirer, of Saturday,. ec •knowledges that affairs In tbe Confederacy are under cloud. A. dispatch from Beauregard, dated vkarles ton, December 22d, announces that our forces occepled • Pollard's, Alabama, harried the Gov ernment, railroad buildings and retired: They .wens pnrencd thirty miles by Gen.' The Richmond &WOW says: The exchange or prisoners, will bergamot! at Richmond, in order that nine zthonsancl - due the 'rebels may be :delivereiL- It also says the lIVUOI are fright eued at the prospect of conserlptionond are leaving Richmond in droves. +- Late RlchmOnd papers doubt the report of-the capture. of !Savannah, but consoled themselves that if trite, It leg all for the et. ng anvannah . 1 _ , The .Dispardi saps-Yarn allowi cberieston,Mobiles and even 'Richmond to be captured, still the war is not over. , . . The I,yeebbarg-Dispateit of the VA says: Breekemidge has fought the encmy.tira days at Marlon. the of Smith cotintv Vs., and driven them from Ids !rant. .The Iferairri Cinchmati common cut says, Cen.llooktr..M. in possession of infortnation. that a Nana of "vdiels organised I n Canada, for the purpose of making a raid CM Chiang°. The llonend is metered for ihelr , reception. 'LATEST MK lIENEW THOUS The Inriefte,ot the Late rtelora TILE CAVAIIIY COTERYD WITII GLORY. good's Poiltmoi Equipage Captured _ Nair Yolk; Dec. sl.—The Times luts:the fol lowing r Near-Columbia( Dec. 96.7, -The infantry, artil lery and cavalry fkirly divldea the honors of a *great cavalry never hays sated io gloriquily daring; any, engagement' .in ibis sec; "tion.- - -General Ifaith's division r evered itself -with - glory; bard:ming fifteen gdna; forty4Wo, wagons, ten ambulances, 130 pOsoners, and three division , indtletags. Ills lose was four . hundred .1/102. , Hood', s pontoon! equipage has been capturod,.nad the cavalry of his army lutv. abandoned most o . r their witgotardins. . The cars run up to Duck river tomorrow. Rebel biewsrAinlasi Norco In Southwest Virginia idepulscd---Vrlce P i Army...; lOsw Yong, Dec. 20.—The . world lake 'the fel lowing eit' rads from Richmond papers Of the 24th, telegrathed from Washington. The • The -Enquirer says a There is ;unofficialfi Intel ihrence that the enemy hi denthweilern an d .has been severely repubod . by Brockinridge, and. is hastening back to Tennessee; The' Yankees 'destroyed the oilleca of She Abi4igacin Virginias and Brig.ittlarr. • I ' The has informattonfrom the Trans. uited mt thta o t f V ietes has o = and. brought IdourlT ,brigades; General Joe Kelly and Jno. Clark,Jr., have each a &Gallon. J'eff. :Thompson corn 'mends 'Kelly's brigade. Colonel Jon. T. Codes Las recruited aregiment , 1800 strong.: ; - • On the 13th of November; rade leis laming rattond t013,C00 men, , jELL expedition into .sew fi tted as completely stecessful as , his order* 'permitted to be. Ale aand We hugast corps'. 4n the Confederate army ) 41 . 4 erary pan a 1,14-. LASEbT FROM TgNNE3SEE Our Advance Twenty Miles South or Cumbia. VITUATION 'BiaOIJRAGING. lissnritts, Dec. 21.--Advices from our army dated Sunday, twenty-one smiles south of Co luMbla, about half way between that place and Tennessee river, Say: The roads on account of heavy rains arc nearly ImpaSsable. Good steadily retreating. Rome of our advancing troops.who have sttaggled behind their commands or who hare deserted; are behig brought in every day. Two hundred reached here yesterday. ,It Is reported that Hood Intends to tench Tea -nesse° near the month of Elk river, Gen. Thomas baring forced him considerably to tho cast: The Military authorities consider the I:glutton very encouraging. Railroad and telegraphic communication is open to Golnmblana, on the Alabama As Tennes see River railroad, and the road will soon be la running order to Chattanooga. The river is ate stand, with eighteen feet oa the shoal's. . hlstintman, Dec. 24.—River twenty feet, and Stationary. It is reported that Hood cannot cross the Ten nesseeilver, on account es ,oversewed stage of the water, which has, In realty' places, overflowed Its banks. Hood's pontoons arc said to be swept away. Thomas , headquarters aro still at Columbia, although our advance still pushing after the rebel army. battle on this side of the Tennessee river is coulldaitly tempted. Cars will run to Duck rivet to-day. It is rumored that 'Hood's rebel forces have abandoned their wagon trains. XGEITVX I- o"C 7 llEir . Cannonading Heard in the Direction of Elizabethtown. - EXPRESS TRAIN REPORTED BURNED Lortsvnzz, Dec. 2.5.-41 s. officer of the Ink of Kentucky, Watkins' Brigade, reports that 600 Lons' calalry , went from Elizabethtown to liar deynville yesterday, and cannonading was heard at NI uldraugh's Dill from the direction of Eliza balbtown last evening, supposed to be fromons' collision between Germ. MeCook'a and Lyon forces. Headquarters are advised that the remainder of Lyons' troops, estimated at 2,500, with but one piece of artillery; left Elizabethtown at 2 o'clock this morning, going towards Ileydensvllle, and inquiring en route the *ay to Gn:enshurg. La grange's _brigade, of .Nictook's command, was reported closely upon their rear. Lyons himself was at liodgerville yesterday. Ms forces did not assail's Itill this morn according to their previounly announced intention. The damage to the railroad was so \ bnv aught th llat it wi be In reaping order on Wednes day. ig O i l e n vmoildaydnht, Lyons' rce wan reported to Ex piess train fo No. 4, which con tained...detachment of 200 soldiers and three ore c 441 termite for Nashville to Join Sherman's anus. The officers and soldicrenwere paroled, theillwmer retaining their sidearms. Destructive Fite In New Tort. , New Years, Dee. W.—The premises of Beebee Hell, paper dealers, No. VI Beekman street, vrere destroyed by tiro this morning. Loss catt y:mud et 1175,000. CITY OD 8011111 BIN. . sr. Vatutenhoirs Beadiags. .. ' ruder the auspices of theYonegMen'sLibra4 . Association., -Mr.- Vander4tif gave cae of his. aphis, readings last evening in, Lateryittellail. Themale.portion: were Weaken fromfiturks , Peat's Henry IT., especially ids inimitably ha - momus choratee--liir John Falataff. 'Thlsteme followed hrsavend plums, both pathetic and hu morous; di of which were yerteiteesv r aaered, . liniunrinbagetho.:odtagle reiofaings`Tadthdyththeirmorperer,'lsee' th,ocroani: '''l7"'"etriMatelitithlbineTrir:rn6lb's ILawnwmirarlyworl..T4rge"ins Rrremand4l""statinlumf",Mr7M46.l2"haViban!tert:ftl: hod' patenting Mn:. Malaprop, Lyda and Lucy; and Mr. ! VmalealsOlf, Sir Anthony, Captain Ab solute, Bob Acres, sc.; after which Mrs. Van denhott will give her celebrated patriotic Reel , allot*. . Molders of season tickets can secure reserved scats at the Mary ROOM on Friday af ternoon, between the bears of two and three o'clock. After that time, the holders -of tan ' aim% tickets can 'secure reserved seats by paying twsnty-flve cents additioaaL JUdgfilg TrOULpreS eut appearances, the Hall will Do crowded to °eV-flowing on that occasion. ! In this. connection as, desire to 'urge upon \these who have the matter in charge Impor. lance of erecting, with the least possible delay, a suitable Minding for the accommodation of the • Library Association with a hall sufficiently latte to scat from two to three thousand pecple. - We are glad that the article which apparel, a few _sacks duce, in „our editorial eolumns on this ,', sul-Jeet was followed by a preliminary meeting, and that the mattes Is now .in the hands of a ' cciumittee. It Is to be hoped that they will pro- SecUle It to completion immediately. The Li brary Committee on Leanne find themselves `-very much embarrassed at the present time for wad of a hall, theese of 'Which they could con e-cf.! They are compelled now to have the lec turea on ITednesday and Saturday evenings, -path to the Inconvenience of the church-going community, bccanee they cannot procure a hall !on any other evening of the , week. We are as :anted that the stock fora now hall would all be _takenen In a ! few days: Why not go to work at pacer The Library Meal:Alen is a necessary public latitutlon, and should meet with the en anragement it deserves. . - The Women's Loyal League. -.. Professor 'Wilson delivered.* lecture last algid, before the Women ' s Loyal HOMO League, which . - . Wile an effort worthy of a great cause. The au dience was larger than anticipated, In view of the great attactien offered by the Mercantile _Library Asir:elation at Lafayette Halt. Those who heam h oset nto have It re-. *eta and those who did not, will equally ! &- etre to ' have as opportunity of hearing it.. We trier, the opportunity will he given. The cause ier which the League is engaged Is dear thavary patriotic Woman, and it only . need* such argu.- that; as the:Doctor advanced last night to make this movement as popular as they bale It is imporant.. The Leaguemeets onaaturdayat Fa City Mali, at 3 p. to 'epic at which time, all who do information on the subject Cr wish to join, will be weleorr .. , . • - - 24.rfit Vara -11ionslaustIonas. _ Tne Eska Republlcatus of the First Ward, Pittsburgh,' muunant to notice, assembled on 'Tuesday evening, 'Doe. 211. h, and nominated:the following ticket, to be itot:cd forlEBs ; Select Ctannell-'4l. W. Coffin: Cemmon Council—Abram Fryer, A. B:.lite- Schoq Dlrecions=-C. iGn6Oll B. flouteri Judge of Election—Joacyk Ross. Inspcuters---J; E. Johnston, AndrewTfutibert. Return;lnspeetore-11. W. Dothe Robert ,Gracey. -Autessor—uamnel Patterson Coustable-Mattheet.Eturp. College 'fin.thatArem at Dint - Mercantile pittsburgh--Dmary Gans,-; lffeumdsvUle, - West V 6 - Henry W. Gerwilt;., Anefitxx7-Plt 1; 4u Ellenbergisx, Lawreamthie, 2a.; Thomas - L. WeatmorelindSmith. - comi; Pa.; Alfred If. Jones, Lawrenecrldle, Penn's; Joseph Ellin, Deer Creek Vin.; James S. Arur, Alba .gbeny City; E. D. -McCoy, Tfagerstown, .141 d. t James A. Seele, Allegheny Cltyr—all of whom rased an honorable examlnatlon, and who no doubt, hereafter sustain the widely-extended, with long-standing reputation of this eatab li ehnient by superior attainments in business. Each graduate was awarded the Diploma - of the Col; lege, which is - never granted by this; institution io any but those = gamin g a - satisfactory ex - amination. New Tams Grrrs.---Ourfrierid Pratt, las still on hand, at Mellwalnes Sales Rooms, 54 Fifth street, a large number of family and pocket bi bles, phothgrath albums and other articles lathe hook lino which world very suitable for New Tears , (ACM. Mr. Pratt is desirous of closing out the stock on hand, And will sell at the very lowan. figures. Trre,frlends of Mr. D. Dampbel will give him the proceeds. of a select cotillion party, to be *lvan at Lafayette Mall on ;Thursday evening; December 29th. , Mr. Campbell lost an annwhlle Setting la defence of his country. - • . ; ; anthins of Martin's Celebrated make; • small but cholee lot comprislng the di ff erent stras,have just been received by Charlotte Blume. MARTIN Grivano-81x. of theseceloimated Gni. -tars have just been received,per noress,by Char_ tato plume, 43 Fifth street. , • •fTnn PLaci' ov Otat Cams has . been its. 'eehed midis tOr byJohn P. linnt, Masonic Hall,Flith street , :Sviames urirlte Milne; , . ,4 ;it BUM Presentation and Supper at the Mansion House... The- employees of the Adams and Union Line • • Express Companies, to the number of about one : • hundred, met at the Mansio n Howie on Monday evening - Last, and presented Mr. 11.11. Nicholson, . 'Esq., with a splendid gold-beaded Cane. Mr. Nicholson; far the past eight or tea years, has occupied the important position of Superintend ent of the iransfer depot of the Adains 'Express company in this city, and has by his uniform kindlinessof manner and courteous conduct won the respect and esteem of all thi employees, as well as the entire confidence of the company. The , guests - assembled in the parlor of the Mansion House, and about 10 o'clock It was an nounced that supper was in readiness, when the spacious dining-hall of the hotel was soon filled with as pleasant and convivial a party `' as ever sat at Meat." After the guests had been seated and order restored, Afr:Vflillauf Hewitt, Soper ' lidendent of the Union Line Express Co., on be half of the donors, addressed Mr. tilehOlson as follows: - On behalf of your friends who are gathered around the board to-night, and also of those who are not here, I am called upum to , present you this cane. lam else requcatesito say that the gift is sliply a pledge of thnt kindly regard and brotherly esteent . in Which you are held by our assoelates arid those Who know you best. The value of the gift Is but swill; there Is, how ever, a language spoken out, - in the act of giving, far beyond the Intrinsic worth; and, sir, it should he peculiarly gratifying for you to know that you are the deserving and honored reelplent. partic ularly from those : ith whom you have been so long associated both in a social and official — ca „ . pacity. • • - Ton will recalvt It as in emblem of that en couragement and support that we all find Daces. Rory In performing our duties, as fellow laborers with each other, and perchance the mmem- , brances of this night, with its happy surround ings, will cheer you on In the Journey we are all =Acing; '', , Tiike It from us, with our best wishes for your future .prosp&ity. and happiness, trusting that `Mar Intercourse may - always be as pleasant in the. 'days to come, as it bss baerrin the past, and sir when Yen have piked from the' ll . platform” of active duty, wh6 old age, with its4ons and In firmities are upon you, then rely upon this cane for support, as you now do -upod - the friends who'givc It. : Joi:MI. Bailey, Esq., received the cane on be- half of Mr. Nicholson. In a brief but spirited speech, dwelling with pleasurton the Arend posi tion of his friend In the estimation of, his co-la borers in the express companYend the commu nity:generally, and thanking the donors for this mark of their respect and esteem. lathenelu'i°n°f Mrlatree th e guests mlaigorouaon‘nt remarks, the 1ro:1 thingset them. he supper was excel lent, c ompri s ing n almost T everything good [ the table literally groaning under its load of luxuries. That the proprietors of the litursion House know how to get up a good supper, was fully demonstrated on this occasion. • • • After the hunger of all had been appeased, ..Judge Shannon, who was present. was called upon, and responded In an exceedingly appro. priate speech, replete with feeling and eminence, which was loudly applauded, and the assemblage dispersed, highly pleased with' the whole affair, which was Indeed creditable to all concerned. The cane, which was • really a neat and hand some one, had the fo lowing Inscription beauti fully chased on Its head llPresented to R. H. Nicholson by his personal friends of the Adams • - and Union Line Express Companies: Christmas, 1664." . Our Soldiers and the 2-30's. There is as baprciulon In some quarters that the subscriptions to the 740 loan do trot go di . rectly to our soldiers in the field.. We are glad to be able to relieve our readers from prehension on this subject. We believe:that all the subscriptions which hero boon made tetkie loan in this city have gone right into the pockets of those who are fighting the. battles of the !Union in the field, We know from documentary evidence, 'which we hare examined, that three army paymasters - drew ir171,000 from the Fourth National Bank of this city, on the 54th instant, onthe order' of F. E. Spinner, Esq., Tressnrer of the United States. Beforothe close of theboll.' day!), this muney will all Weely be in the hands of our bravo defenders. , Similar drafts, varying in amounts, are being made almost daily on the Fourth 'National Bank, and !Via this drily of I etery saise !who' loves his :cOrentrY .and tan tins means, to subscribe to the Gorernment loanside . • In examining matter we got an "ins rive of the .wcrtithigs of the United States Tweetrarl. !Nothing,inwirr view;could'briunwe. Vrefeet,-ft4-ewmerat - Spinner • is emote& tisslie . thanks of the nation for lhe iiindralde -nintiner in which his department Is managed. • Our friend James O'Connor, F the pu . tar President , of the 'Fourth National , Bank, po will. be happ y to accommodate any who may desire to subscribe for the loan now on the packet: Bonds s ' of fifty dollars and upwards are constantly on ;hand at the Bank , 55 3tarket _ • _ • Land Speculations in Crawford County. Most of the unimproved lands In the eastern . , part of Crawford:rem:oat-n-Bre doling a ready market at prices far abate what is usually paul ' for the best cultivated farms in the richest Coun ties in On:Butte. In many instances lands that were dull sale two years ago at $6 to $lO per • acre, have been sold during the present month at prices varyingfoam $BO .ba $l,OOO pet acre. ;Of coarse, remarks the Repithkican, these' ar e not 'bought for farming purpose 4 but by speculators who hope to sell them again, or de velop them as oil territory. -The lands are gen ; orally covered with valuable forests of choice oak. 'pine, hemlock, ash, chestnut and poplar, and If purchssrts do not realize their expectationsin ;developing petrolemin Vrofitable' quantities, they : can make a handsome thing in preparing lumber `,for market.. There is not an arse of goal tim ber land in the county that will hot produce isle ;llclent lumber to reimburse the purchaser for any reasonable and sensible pica that has been paid. And the land, when cleared of the timber, is.ez !cellent for farming or grazing purposes. Sixth Ward Meeting. An adjourned meeting of thi citizens of tips Sixth Ward, to take steps to hate the enroll . `meat of the ward corrected, was held at the licheol -House, last, evening. James Oviene, lisq., presided, and Maj. Jame& Ooslow, acted. 23 Steretarl. Messrs. , On motion Onslow, Iftmeleatt and Owens, were appointed a committee to procure from the Provost Marshal; and have published, ' !ilia of names of 'mesons enrollei in, the ward. ,• Messrs. I. N. Coursin,-.WIM Freeman and Job G. Patterson were 'appointed a cominittee to - wait upon the 'President anti TrE35ll/er of the Finance Committee, basing in charge the fends pertaining to thelasst draft, and solicit frouithem el final repo r t, - '- On motin ,adjourned to .mect at the call' of rho enrollment committee. el good feeling prevailed at the meeting. and It was understood by all,that the old Sixth Would not 'be ; backward, either in men or money. ' -:---------- . Christmas .atthe Newaboys , Mona . _ About, thirty of the newsboys of this city were, On Sunday, entertained by a sumptuoui dinner at the Newsboys , lICIEIIe, corner of Fifth and &nth lield strode. Mr. - Kramer, Mr. Carpeater, and' otherMO=oi, members of thelixecalive Gem- Witte, ;were present, and wittithe aid of ilium. ber of ladies,yendered the mansion a happy one fortlie toys. The tabliCwas. bounteously sup. plied with' turkey addressesn delicacies. After dinner, some abort were made by several gentlemen who take an interest in the welfare of theaawaboys. It MO 10.1101111 Ced that shortly after the holidays htr. Van 'Meter, from NoW.Tork;will pay a visit tothellome, when he *lll be aecompanied by tivelvn'tiriglit little girls On,thelr way to Western homes. They willhold a concert at tbe Home ' - • - . • • --- The Late Murder t o 'On City. ', - ; Fisewherowilibe foun d an advertisement of feringten thousand dollars reward for the cap ture . of the person or persona whoinurderedMr , 'ldcFate the other night In .011 C-Ityciti. - A ..ftiend , writing us from there says: "The mus are - excited, and a primal ridding out of scoundrels . will be the rmrdt; All strangers arriving here will have to register their names and residences. We expect to have detectives here throughout the-season inorder to looks after , the force of 1 thieves who have ,d are caught, e this thar pr red-handed, esent stop. ping -pines If any speedy justice will be administerid. . At least such appears to be the present feeling." _._-..-.-----------.. - ALUMS. 015 UlirED PlaDONEClar recce peiston Co. IL, 1034.; Y. Y., arrived at the residence of his mother in East Liberty, on Mon day evening, and gave great surprise to the faMr mi ly as his &dud pros quite unexpected. ' . Cleiston has been a prisoner In Andertionvllle for some time, but managed to make good his escape a few weeks since, by a dank movement on the 'examining . physician. It 'krill% that the phy. Melon had . pronounced hie heal top good to allow blur to take a place amen; the prisoners about, to be exchanged, bat young Gidston man aged to step right into the ranks of hte etch pom mies, aud in Ws way effected , his escape. ` Bawln' Willis, Ihrrsnreau..-I%.*taeetlig Of.; the-enrolled'men; and atl others ititerosted In Wing the quota nudes the -Taal call will be hold -at Oa school house (Vredneaday)assF la g. VA3OB , for the holidays; Kennel Iliffinlee ranos,llantes Brost.Celebrated Pianos, Drupe do Sindt's Plows; also funai from three other talcs char*te Blume, 4B; rfolidaY pinuer for Soidters. The dlnuers !gotten .up under the auspices of gotten_. up the ladles of the Subside:ace Committee, and of 'the ChriStian Commtssion, were, ',as they McCoys . 'hare been, A complete success, and no city is ..,.... „_. the Union can boast of giving gnat welters is our soldiers camera given yeaterday*the ladleit. A doctor 'at tea. 'Hospital yesterdayiemarked US , no that he had been In the army new threeyears, stationed at different places, and.niver to all this • time had seen such a dinner as was giv en to the soldiers In the Un ited States thmeraillospital le . oar city yesterday. Besides those that vrerepre, sided for In our city . yesterday, , every one at' 15,000 sohllers In the hospitals In and around Nashville were provided for. TO the tidies a • the Subsistence Comniittev'bolinths this &edited being the originators of these holiday dlintera to our soldiers. They have streeessfally . envied; them on for three years, and 'we know if the . war should tastier three years more, our soldiers may expect them at ,eitek-raturnthelioliday . AT TILE soinne, nosaa. , ta r o ~ ~....... At the Mine the ladles ; had; evcrY ella to give out boys ;a i lnixr holiday reJ. ception. The 'Home. vim he fully,decorstod , with evergreens and wrea th s. IThe names or Gvant, Sherman, Sheridan,' 'Fittraget - and - 'Thomas were made:of evergreens and deem*: , ~ted themalls of the dinieKroom. Tao. hand-. ( 4 some Chriatraai Trees; covered ivilth reirdeitnnti "flags, stood bathe. corners of the room. In tkai i sleeping rooms, two other trees and mammas. green wreathes and'atandS adorned the apart . ment. On one of the Salle was the folkono k . e, in .gilt letters: "Peace:on earth, Om. i 11 towards mem" which was made by . Sisters at the Hospital. ' • Sunday evening lime-W. A. raskavant Preneh;. l ed an appropriate sermon to over oneuhundredo soldiers, . most - of whom were Prisoners from, ; Andersonville and Florence. -, Over three ads-: teed soldiers received a Christmas dinner at thtit home on Sunday and lionday.„ l' Capt. Bates' New York Battery. were 'eater% thisumnedptutittsCdittnynelir,alimloienh veMoonineidahyavneoodonn9eSerodath a, to any of our hotels., After dinner 'the„Captain ` made a few - remarks , alter which theatring band' dtacoprsed Bomb beautiful:anode. The men then i; o left, with the beet of feelings towards thiladies: mho bad so bountifully entertained them. City. Hail was also, decorated with' evergreenstoad: flags. The wreathe weremade by the &adieu. at -, 'the hospital, and presented to the committee to; ; decorate the hall and - the Home. to whom' th e ladles wish to return their thanks ' lor this kind- AT THE U. P. OVrAILtI. HOSPITAL. • At this hospital Clariamds was a day long to ' remembered. The large dining-hall was :deco-: s rated with esergreens and tiagi;and'presented handsome appearance.. Three tables were set the. whole length of the rooms, covered with chinasnow-, white table-cloths and clean chin and glais wafe,; • loaded down with turkeys; tomatoes apples, pos.,- ' tatoesi-eraniserries, plea, cakes, &c. !Every man., • bad a mug iweet eider beside hls plate: At' 1214 o'clock, precisely, the ;band struck up the; Star-Spangledßanner, andthemen,headedby the; doctors, entered the buildlig and took their seats, After the blessing; rthe work of demigishing the ncodthings took.' place, and for a fhir i lialts hour the room presented a hasy scene. ladles` passing to and :fro with dishes brine' with eatables, the clattisr of pistol. forks . earl • knives. After the men -,had ,linisheff _their anw. per, a quartette of ladies and gentleman fromtiss) city, sang In most Ir:entail's:sr style,. the Soltlienit • Return and a Christmas* Carol. Woman?lig the &Mere Return broughtlears PACIC • • boy's eye, as he thought of his haute, and thous, near and dearto him.' After; : the singing[the whole audience arose and sang the decrolegy, ledled by the ban& to the goo& old tune of Oldllunsirod„; and thus ended one of the most pleasant celebrations we ever witnessed. ' ; • • ..As we had no one present tosget siewkinV from the map or Girard lionse,me can onlyssayr , that, at the Girard Howe, protision was Jmade . icor a dinner me Sunday, and nordotibi liwas via t enioyed by the men., At Camp Reynolds, tans! fquantity•of provision was rent out for facings's*, on Monday. This dinner was under the'; fiisicial care of Mrs: W. S. Haven; Mrs J.l Newmisyte and Miss Gordon, which is sufficient gua 'Hi rantee's 'that everything,passed oft . pleasantly. ,s hops. to have a full account from Camp Reynolds the Girard House to-morrow. The Med oniinty= at Captain Fosters and Captain Eirkeea *Ekes :had dinnefauck„lffed for• them at the ffilftirent, ; - Kieberis Pismo Esiperrium; .-- s---filtissteimt se* warrootrus of thls firm, sis 'Wood street, Fart x scene a linty exelletneett . . during the holidays. The Preto:St &OS if thisie;':', isles on bit sotirday went 'lira PiemassUld sines' - . Ilse or six .melodams and parlor organs; Ike , which to deli it toot four men end s team. .from Oven dela& i n . he morning. to , eeves'.i ~ ',o'clock at light. Thls should be a gratifyisig re-- 'snit to the Messrs. filcher, but not at allstet, .-* petted to those whuare acquainted with. the de- 'Ares of public confidence they enjoy. ant their :practical and thonmgh knowledge of the char-- atter and worth of all descriptions of musical In- ;struments. - The fact 'of not being able to be themselves deceived In the quality of an instrer .. 'merit, furnishes the) best guarantee that parcha- - sera ran no risk in dealing with this house, bat in all cases receive the Sill redne for their out- I lays. -. In addition to being the so o ts agents for tts 'great Steinway Plinio, and the Carbon Chum% and Parlor Organs, the Messrs. K. hare a large " stock of all the Intermediate brands of • Plans Porta down to the very lowest pricedthe ex- , elusion, however, of those instruments snick cannot be fully warranted hither's. Thetware - zooms, a few days ago,tpresented an, array :of •. 'some sixty elegant tplanos;and from thirty tie; . forty melodeons and parlor organs; and although , 'lately considerably thinnedout, they still exhibit r s stock of musical Instrument-shill few houses east or west can surpass for number and sartety - of styles, arid the reasonablemes and acceptibil- My of prices and terms: The music warehouse of the Messrs. Sieber is in all respects - a first, class ono and is well worthy of a visit. • Atlantic Monthly. We are indebted, to the publishers, Medrs. Tichnor Fields, Ibr the January number or , this excellent megazine, which.:contains articles : from Bryant Longfellow Hilralaine., LOWOII. Bayard Taylor, Holmes, Longfellow, and other dis tingniebed writers. The published say that st no time has the Atlantic been so flourishing es ' now. Itssubseription has increased soilage. ly that during the yea - r 1.864 it had an average monthly sale of over gq,ooo copies, - 'making mt aggregate for the year of more than liana n:ul - numbers. The publishers feel that a sue- cent so marked as this can only be dtietothefact. that they ham eulisted in the' service of the magazine many of the tint writers of our noun- -f try, whose pens are constantly at work to im part interest to ita pages. They hare' made ar rangements for a continuance - of contribtalius ; • from all these leading authors, and ham I•tt awed into their plan for the corning' yeavemne new featnregethich will give the Atlantic addl- Banal popularity.' The January number is phi;• tal .axednew and the publishers. have deli to mike lli mechanical excellence men- , mensarate witkthe remarkable literary. contents Published by Messrs.. Ticknor w, Fields, ton, at 14 per anpum. . • "lama eon 1112 Vansolagss,,l-7/tuaoftellrf t`ftruslorsi.—The Visiting Committeehej lean te actroowledge-the liberal donations roe - etre.; from the citizens of both cities. Thesessese•-'l owl contributions provided the chllann 11311 , excellent Muller and a beantiftir aftertnient toys. The lab:table and csreltd itelection'pre oof -.4 dented by the young ladles of the Methodist Col- f lege furnished a gift for each, and gladdened the 'heart of every child in th eyitute." Veil respect ^ • . . Mn'. rimy P. Sainwrinr.,: . Stns. IL D.' Tuoivesolv, • • Ton Onviass.-13pwards of two 'hundred of pilaus sat down to - dinner on Sunday 'at St. Paull Orphaes Asylum, Webster street, -- undeer , charge of the Sisters of Mercy. Fifty bops peons .; the asylum in Birmingham wens brOught , over to participate in the Christmas dlnnSr, and. enjoy the festilitiev of this great. holliday. ,- . It was a pleasant eight see the little ones aw cared for and none were inore - joyenor than - tba children themselves .:... . . . MACRIrdf.:.On S'unday . morning; Dee. ran. a& ii o , clock, , at " his late residence, Atwater, Portne Co., Ohl°, SPUN fifACRUSS, aged rd years. The Stiends of the family are .Inrited to, attend_ •. . the fusers' frOm the restdeaea of his brother, N.Q. , hiscrum,Duilueirnii Way, on Witvaintoar MOMS- ma . at 10 &clank. .: 7 ' -. • -7. ~:-. ,- . .. INGRAISL-On Monday, li iteee. deth,, IeGfiVACIE_.. , INGBAh?, relict of the b Thomas 'toy. r 1h a The funeral Will UPI' Osee from her fate WA , i Jena, IS Webster Street, on Wennssinat,T)e.s. IN , mecuET,.-011 •Monday' nlAtit, DeeMisbee4d.b, ": tiLlymp3, infant sr of W. U. mad lieds::E. Kew.. , ii- lie ic,...nt will take place on .35'spaineilile Wowsmoithe 29th Inst., at 4cl• cvcioqifrom the rei. - . Waco of the pima* tn iiiqi i ig i '* t r , 4 6 0 0 4 , ;.. The friends of the family are respeeUtilly Jarlting -, .._ OE.EN-Ds Monday creribir, December fer ~. 11 test, at the residence of 3. Kennedy, la gm yma: - 7 mond, Allegheny, ANN GREEN, a native of As= - - Adm. Conntl. Antrim, Ireland, In Ike 15 f4-11eht of - The funeral will take punsWirrarhanar:llol ll6 . -) tX3I It 14t , t 1046 to irtiotitil to XL Dcaliiit Otorhal L'!:(711:.',-,i-,' ''. ' ' ', '', ' :' ": ':: •-•---..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers