lil OMIM -. 6lltlittstittgit Ouvitt. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1864 ROBINSON sieve-y[2k Go., Stock.and Exchange - Brokers, y - • , Try , MY 'AND' sat ON COMMISSION ONLY swm;sionrasee, Copper, ass, Itsiaroed and 0115U:oak& - ,a• Government annuities of all Mani on band IFIANC4. I, tommum. .111120KEllig? AND IEIABILEIUP BOARD. (ocuumnso unurisers.Wotalair cen) • . TuEEDALT, Deoember tEgt, , Bid. Asked: .tiedtea sates .... Ipln 1,09 Allegheny lasusiu . kee CltttesY Bank . : Vanes Venlidgo 1,10 eta Netts Dan and Blood Fent— •-- . k l,Zl ot - Tier, Story and Uh. ny 1,10 10heeryItuo I.lontial 470 ..... - - &Maser 100 5 1 , - XIMM . The anti transaetkm at the regular Board today . "it a Wei nif BO' *tins Pittsburgh andCannella, latgreat bearing stock at 12%: - Clor4 Sennacate &MOOS odd 10=4 aarked very close. Tete•Vottleentreted at lel, and we note sales of ree.Tureatleti oa Vie street at ttei, Bank shares in oeiniad and dint, 'while 011 Stock, are quiet but . , . • ~ Thstoteridadlag eastrerrenybetWeen the'Oo; *able auk Italzell9.l Companies has at length diatliiettleil, to mutual advantage. We fettiatiet the Dalton Company have agreed to TO. eiebeteety trep, 'and, by the coarse; agreed upon, Ileitnietetvelllteen per eent. - ef the picaluetlon or the ate wells on the. Columbia Property,. which wtils.haQ esbn stopped.. . . —lle Ritchie 011 Company, as wilrbe seen by ad. . lreitiseracat, have _declared a dividend of five per , oent.miyalleon end after the 10th of next montli. ' - gee, of statics on Tuesday evening; DEO. 27th, at the ooiamercial Sale! Rooms;11.1 Fifth gtreet, • by A. lidethraine, aactioneer: • CitirenP Bank or on Allrgheny Bank • 70 ito Exchaege Bank - 1 60 • Allegheny Ors Co " 37 613 Chtrry,ltula and 'Blood Farm 95 . Chem , Bun and Pitt lick es Tarr, Storyond Cherry Rune 1 10 The Peoples , Stock Exchange will be open Again as usual en Wednesday evening, and as the dealers oil 'stocks have had a few days of rest, we ex - poet to see a good attendance and large sales. • This 'proprietors of the Buchanan Farm, (paw Oreekikave /cased ahout sixty lots of ground on Buclaanan-yarm, torboring purposes, to a • large Developing Company, receiving as a bonus, MP?)r which =mei to _Cr 011 Basin Co.C Petroleum They also have an offer for tbe un. tamed lota on the J. Buchanan Fenn, which, also, LArrely beneiD the Oil stn CO. , Tho Dere oplng Company will at once commence boring on , , , . faun aceordleg 'to terms of sale and agree._ There bin great railroad warfare,'siyi 'the Boehm Seildin, now going on In regard to petroleum. The Pecoasylvapla Ceara] road has purchased the Oil. Greek road, but unfortunately the latter is not euf . • Ociently. stocked with ears. The . Atlantic and • Western; sod Erie roads UV! , the needful supply of can, sad are. already on the Oil Creek road, loaded with oil. The Pennsylvania Central will .... not allow their tars to pass on the other roads with the oil, for them to reap the benefit of the .creme, while the other roads will not allow the ;Penna rt =ela road to use their cars to soul the e ll N• ; Made Delimiter oil well has yielded over 111,000,W0, the ghat test of which was hardly over $2„20 And we suppose that the total expense of thin well, eine the time It drat commend to dow, he. not exceeded 1110,000. , Thus for an investment • of IMMO, over 111,1ie0,000 has berm realized; this, however, it should be .rersdhadv4 to one of the le markably geol strikes. tTwo and thueelaimtred dollars per acre being elresed for lam: Om: the araloosing, Ohio. .Several" . OMB hare latently beim sold at these figures.' It Inhothered that patina nl we ll s will be found in that redden: Slippery h. creek le all. looking op • =ructions an oil excitement. in Japer' county. . — Petialebm bac Desk disetwerett to the. ledge or socks upon whlch'the town ofilenseelaer label% and the mono .chanastertstics pervade the entire Use of the Iroquois* rapids. Two !Nampa; "lee haw been farmed. • . _ *Soil hall has bean sunk to the depth of two thottsimd feet at ...Dickson, Miehigan; and It is pro - hawed to coati:tile it to the depth of three thousand feet, if necessary to 'tithe oil—a depth of four hundred feet grea ter than any well yet Bur* en this The Chicago ratans of Moeda+ sipi: The week joerelooed,bas heenane ..rmatirsh•U siring y j u ke: i re= ciderer h :exilleV wards thitelose, owing to the arrivals of lens pew Xork.. St. Louis and Cincinnati= • adhere front the latter two plates the low Dyke -afinoshange,tbe market uperimerW a slight relief, - cwtass*, mistomers who bad previously been • -10nand i away.treaallstled, were enabled, to, it It heasare, supply their wants. Today, owing to the ores "approach of, the holidays, and the weak tendency or gold,ahe demand for money hunt beet ilese umpat, and the hankers hav teen enabied,te recuperate a Little.- AU loanrare at the usual tee per cent rates., . The zrukets to-day are all quiet • . ALLEGHENY , CATTLE MARKET.' Reported tor the Pittsburgh Garage. • • , .• ' A../..tiortsur VITT, Dec. VI 1881 ,. • 43i-fete—The - rail-lots of Cattle were unusually, light during the part' week, the whole camber iii the pens being put down at less thin fire hundred, • Willing gains ;Mewed with the several preoed-7 tecciw of at - lewd - eight hundred head. This, - ' however, Is no troostial ocsturencentthls season of , - the scar, as the ma jority at 'our stook dealers re side-Jo the far„West, and they !molly female at borne to spend- the ho ys with their friends. With the very light supply on sale, it would data- rally be supposed that prices must, of neeomity, boo sdvanmsd._,Strange a. It -may appear, such • sear. uot.tbe erre. if the supply si,i light, so also. was the demand, and the nisrkst ruled quiet but ateadirZandi goOd.cattle, as alwaysis the mre, sold. ' readily et full prices, tchile common and Ulterior • Nock was bot wanted and could only be sold at low atres. Good beery steers and oxen: in good con• on, were. wanted by Government conttsctors one iroddred head of this grade changed hands at prices rearing from 6to T/ cents. There were two or threesartetn buyers in attendance on Mon day, tretanTst tddrn , corddlesra, they did not our obese Arnie bullockithere being but very few on sedenal v 6,4 Tor !shipment, andthort few were held • at - 16gurrir romsernat above their 'slaws. Nice stslonsth heavy cattle,' suitable forret:tiling, brought from 7K. to 8 cents, grope, while inferior to medium grsoleiraold all the way from 4 to 6 cents. The following L partial accoun t of some of the leading Wes. together with the prizes • • Masks k Tiro., report having purchased Pt head of government stock, - at prices ranging from 6 to a. a io iereenicald k Rahn; report kering bought and d 56 head of : mired stock, at aftdc. Whitilesy reports baring retailed Ire head of 'Meilen' Reserve stock, at IN6c. 'ldoses Weller wholesaled head of lair Ohio stock, averaging about Mlle at NM% per cwt. Seymour k. Co., wholssaled 10 head of good cat -13. Naar h. Co., retailed m 'haul Of small Weil. ern steers, averaging about 1360165, 6.31e7c. Rothehnds Bs Crouse retailed a mls, lot of 36 Itadt 61.1t0m 6 to se. ROyer retailed 20 bead, at tram I to Sc, for common to g 00d..::." Nirtlen reports having retailed 40 hood • Roos—The unfavorable condition of the weather fmrdaWllng-temether with the dring tendency repotted I n the Chicago market forthe last few • d Xra f well t r s i ll iti t t .1141 :k tIa ltf u relfle al tl d n - wo marked &alum :yen are as holding 11 in antici pation Of tower eater.; Quotations ,m ll 7 be fair • given to t ',i ttaltents, althoegti-We We% Mend the irf Led 120 gs married& at a fraction 011 following . salea - were re - -No. Menge. 'Price. Still, . IN • 0017 snows - - • Seymour. 111 , • NI . 32,'76., < Of. Weller. ;MS .12,60 Emerict; 7, " - Freest '716/0 , , st. Id addltlow to, the aboir, several. hundred held \ weld Malted bydiffesent pattieset price, Pineal' Rom Ilia 101114 per owl, gram. - Baur ;-. , Thette Wan nothing whatever done in eisoo or stook that we could hay of, in the 'kb. *IWO or Which /4U impossible to give reliable quo. latican "Thogeeelpts continua very, light and the demancl ogrpeors to bp/hotted. , 1140iiing Di7.Goods HaAct. . . Ito ~iv lie, of-the 14th, .says: Cotton Goode have iM4 varied materially lapriees,thono the tandsney hat bee in favor of borers. The *teak Ot Sus ha nd nd la very Irina% add the de mand toe . will pon us, emit* be believed that r um . stilis be sustained. Noterithatand; like marketis quiet, more toads are Selling i u . La. the stock oa hand. than is. usual Si 'season -Of -the year. Brown Sheetlap and Drown Drills sepals withoutmatertalchange,with =Mende salts.' Fine Bleached Goods have been In .more demand, and are moving offal toe same tle utecont last week.. Cotton Flannels, Denims, Stripes; Tleks and Jeans are quite &w and selling ably in 'snail lots, but at full prica: The market' la nearly bare of lirstelass Prints, and 'prices are ray firta;doubtlesa owing in part to the atarrolty. 4 C° "° .m. ale4l . I°l o. m.41 40 c, ant American at grA, . _Who Dunnel manuiacturing Company have juil.. etazted , 144"nd - - are, producing some elegant' medium. earned styles. Tile mited supply of. WWII led earton on the market .1 111 no doubt keep tiktidi binge or prltee the coming spring for all standard Cotton Goods; 'There: is no change in De Leland.... In .Woolea Goods there Is very little change. Desirable fabrics are in good demand and readily takes at Poll figures. Fall Goods are gen erally sold up dose, and I.beArdneg4 PreParing for the spring samprd...n. . .. ~ Ifew'Bedford 011 Mute, Dee. 23 EIEM=2=M ALLY REVIEW OF--PITTSSURU;II• ',MABEE:TA, t- TC=IIPAT, Dec. 27,1031' . The general markets oontinue quiet and tathir dull, the material decline in geld having crushe4 what little speculative demand existed. knotlar drawback to business,ls the very light receipts of produce, and the dtliully of getting It forwarded from the West, tee di f ferent rediroadi being crowd ed to their- utmost capacity. In prices, however, there has been so change worthy of notice. - GRAlN—Wheat is firm but rather irregular. Some of our dealers are paying but tam for Red, from wagon, while others are paying 01,10. The receipts of mane, were turaully, large tosisy, and prices have declined 10e .per bushel; we now quote at 51,70 for Spring, and 0,00 for Fall. Otte dull, with a drooping tendency. Sale of 800 bushel from store; at Ito, and 230 bush, at We. Corn lees aclive, but unchanged; sale of .400 bah prime, in, Ear, from depot, at $1,30. • FLOUR—The demand appeus to d ol l, or somewhat end the market in quiet andthough prices are nominally unchanged, 510,16 to . 1111,16, for Ssthg and Winter,Wheat brands of Extra,Fain ly. e our quoted at 119,..Z it bbl, BE FLOUR—Thedentand la fair and the market' steady•; with tales from Drat bands at 65,23tegter eat; sale of 3000 pounds from store 13TER--'116; demind has blackened up some. what, but. prices have not, ss yeti undergone any change; sales of 2 bbls fair roll at 400347, and prime roll is quoted at 43060. EGOS—LroU; but.unehangedat 40;:: • • . EAT—Was in better supply to-clay, but with a fair demand, prices did not give way much; sales or SO loads at from 1142 to fa, mostly at 44046. DRUM FRVlT—There -Ss considerable demand for apples, and we sole sales in the small way, at 12 erns., and li cents is being offered forroauul lots. Peaches steady, but unchanged. POTA.TOuIet bet steady, with regular .sales fromatore, at 61,0t1a11.10 per bushel, and 01A 0,25 areortung to quality. , - • • OR ARMS RI Es—q wad at 11•06 pry Dbl. virts E-41eported wales of 60 bra, at lie for -Western Reserve. and =etas ithathurg. LARD—ales at 2.111100 for (Sty. , • FOt'LTltT—The warm weather, together with • the fact that considerable mu left over from last week, un sold, has produced . very dull market, and (Mickel:lN ;lucks and Turkeys aro now oared - at a decline. PITTSUMIGH PETROLEUM . MARKET Tesins.v, Dee. 27, 1384. The market for both Crude end lieaned remains quiet end somerrhaFdepressed, ielthough prices are not-quotably lower. • :The destine in D.old end unfavorable tenor of the advice& from New York, has restricted the demend,bat MI the at kis exeeed. tasty Ught, holders do hot manifest ny dtsposi. Mut to make eimeeisions. ' Crude sy be fairly quoted at 294340 e, barrels returned. a. [1 a t .3 SU, bin. rein included, with a sole of to o b eet one. For Refined, In Bond, there laapparentl no depend at - present, but the market is firm at for prlme city brands. Fres Oil is selling at from Baader, for light itinii to prlmawhltecsato of lee bbls at 24e. Nothing doing In Naptha or:Residuum, and, In the : absence of maim, we omit quotation. There lens been uo arrivals of Cruflo slave our last report- There ere several „beats lying along the elver between here and Kittanning, and among. Athens .Ta men blew blitney expects about SOO hllds In tio•day, In hulk. PHILADELPIUA wrovii MARKET. Special Ditpatalk to the Pittsbuntt Gazette. Banaroanrnut, Dim. 27, 1861. The market foi OB.Stoeka waa steady and firm to-day, and. Caldwell and Olmstead rather htzher. The closing quotations were em follswa: Dairen; li);;; Olmstead, 2,116; Caldwell,7%; Eldorado,!; 'Great Basin, 3; Pktllipb 51/; Corn Planter,'; - . Densmore, 7; 'McClintock, 0; Frankii.. 234; linEl -4; Curtin, 16; Oil Creek & Cherry Bun, 0%; 'Walnut laiiin4 S 3; : `Noble & Delritater, 10; Perry, .4%; 2daple Shade, 22 • :NEW YOUK PETROLEUM-MARKET. Special Dispatch, to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Nina You;, Dee. IN& Tbe . aisiket Dir crude continues dulland 'avg. Jetted, and prices base still further destined, Om nominal quotations being 50.510 on the spot. Re- - . fined, to bond, also, is dull and nonlinzlidt 7 C 4 :1 tar present delivery—a decline. Free Oil, too, Is dull and toweriarith saes at floe, °a tb. spot, and Ilse SanuarY delivery. Net tnoventeat la Prapftta. IGo/d fluctuated this afternoon between li 4 Qft l7 % i.itlostrig it the latter agar& Chicago 'Markel, Inii.aclit• Pitisbulik aszette. nova—Dull sad nomlnaL .11hans,:tViteitt _opened !fp eenta lower, but eland flramei.' Corn. and. Oats irregular, without gfcir:l charge ._: : Batier goad.l% *Ye decibel 1 0 3 ...11.1ox ' s—apitued excited, at 0,1102,12, bit lapsed ittirt,lo, Willem active demand. - runv anternell,-Xarliet. dull and unsettled , sad I,elees ei ffinerally Icier. Prima Mesa sold, forme :eat Very, at 1•16,1:0, and for Janine, and Febno dellvary i at 105,16:036,110. Mesa Porkatoniaal, latilprigidAns 'Sweet Pickled llama pull, with eel letikkrKeto times. Bulk Meats inactive; Wee 434 eittie.l4oshouLlera at 1e cents. Loose Mere iii £nvminsi, ai . lrrifita for ideas, and 1119020 for laid dull and neglected; with free Clty at Vo. - ,LdiOi/lodß . -Sedei, up io last evening, to,ms head, at •11015,16, with a decline on Saturdare prices of XISe its. The market today bee ittgoi.aorovignii inarlive, with sales of only OS I head, at 1116,66011,73-14. a farther declhse of We Ito OiArzs t to rum . trotanees,, have sent stook 'to'Parking ttotntes, end shipped It through their 13ersts—:Sates yesterday and to-dsr,l7l- 'herd, at tia,tZslag; market less seller, but arm and un• New York Marke t . . . New 'York, Dec. 11.—Ocerron dull, heavy anti Licddolly lower; sales of Middling at 01,15. . . :ktutio-idate nut Wesitoss skit, licary and Lbc: - lower; PJMyto,lo for Stern State, State, $10,5012.11,01, for 1 atm LL.B. th,and 011,1t4iti2 for yew.; Brawls, the, mai ki t closing du1L........ s . , • • Whissx—Opened .firtct 'and la fair demand, and clerml Lull, with, n. damping tendency; 112,21, 'for state. nod 02,r:6.2,2 6 for Western, closing St * 2 ,12 fts,tra for Western... _ • . ' . . tints-.Wheat.dull sod nominal ly Yak lower. ,Bye quiet. Barley in -moderate request. Cora . Cull ct 91,1604130j0r.New Yellow Jerseys ideld (or !Lad and. New - YElloie Southern- Diked. et s sl for ; W hire Southern, and nominally 9t,niktil,9l for Slix. tctl Western. Oak firmer with • moskrate Mai, - inch; 6104 for State nod 41',05e1,011 for Western. : _Li umettuts —Coffee dull with no sales of import iam e to report. Sultar qtdet; Cuba NWICOV61:10 20 •( - e.c.lX.c.: Diolasses inactive ; I-wino/Au—Dull nod nominal; hOaSic for cr .ter,eBr4lik for Reared la liontl,.aud hbel9oi for . . krue. . , ruommoxs—Pork unsettled, with a (sir baskets ;doing; , t33QMSO for . less-I Mess, cash sad re-ular :way, c.usks at 1137,25 regular way, 430,75te11 0 t for i Now Mess, Ilititil,:el3 - ,76 for Prime, and BM for ;Primo: - Mery ts. 2,M.bbla 1893-1 New :Dem. kr tisk uary slid sellers' and buyers' option, 'lliiiil343, and 1,000 barrels' to -March, on private .terms. Ike! steady and in moderate dettiand_i 4119 le= for 'Plain Mess, and VANS for Extra Mese !.Heel llama heavy at IlenAtillkM,SO. Cut Meats with out 'derldtd• change, at lisiliktill4e for Shoulders, :and 141111 e for Heins. Bacon Sides In fairdemendi kales LOO boxes for January at Me for Long-BIMRe d, and:3%o for Long Clear. Dressed Hogs heavy Lind lower at ici4c for .Western.. Lard lower; Isaks 11,too barrels atiss24;, Dutterhcavy - 36100 for :Ohlo, and Beek for. State. Chefse ' .'quiet .and 'heavy; Melte for IJ omm on to Prime New York . Stock and Mane , y• Market Naw 'Tonic, Dee. 27.—Mnahr—Aetlya and Mat, ht 7 per cent. Sterling dull, at 109)0Ii09% for gold. Mold heavy, unsettled and lower—opening at Miti, Ole einclog_ to 017%, and cloilng at • 7.17%. Goren.- Wen stocks Muter. stocks—Better ; U. S. Size, of •-•11.20 Coupons, I 06%; U.S. Size. of 1881 Coupons, 116%; tt. it. btit thke , Year, , Oertilleater, !VA; quicksilver, 11"44; New York Central,- 114 K; Mariposa, 1,00; Idelaware. and Iludeon,,,elg &fade, WA, ; tiudaon,. 116; Beading, 11041-.Alfelligan Central, 115%; Michigan Southern and Northern Illinois, lo%; lllnaLL Central, 123%; Clevelmid and Plttiburgh, • ; North Weetern, it:X, do preferred.n3o.ltook lend, 105%1 Delaware /. W,,230; Port Wayne, ltwonx, tee: 27.;LTile following are the ann. ! , : t !? * ,C . ll' lew ' lif.rrt.fe g at El rafi cl nt s triey Sout h ern, tudson, 1 ; Heading, Ile; Michigan Southent 1%; Plttsbuilh. 97_,54; Cleveland and Toledo, UM; 'lock Island, 106; North Vi'estere, alikir_do. pro. Fund, 7r74; Fort 'Wayne, 104%; h. M. eertid• saws, 26%; Canton ,26; thinaberland, 4934; Quick- Idatiprsa, . I?liPOBT$ BY ItAILROAD Prresitalton, Fox? Warns rari Illittomo R. It, Dec. 27.-12 ears oat., Colonel gross; 47 toblishigh. wines, Lbert &.Shipton; I ear bar, Bingham, Sturgeo & Co ; 44 bales brOomoont, licaroy & Co; 7 licks scraps, Fl & Cot's ears hay ,L Barton; cars wheat, &moody &Bro ; tido do, Liggett & Do ; I dado, D Gilmore ie. Uo ; 4 bbls pearls, Bryce, Richards & 0o;.1 car metal, G Et Bryant; CA bbla dour, Jan Bryar ; I car barley, J Rhodes; I bbl butter, A W Ewing ; !mit-barrels butter Rea b. Kell ; 26 telltale, Jan Dalzell tr. Son; 29 bbla lour, Dan Wallace; 60 hldes,J EN:Laugh .lln; 26 bins highwlnes, Howard & Bowman; 6 bbla alcohol, Jos Fleming- 6 bbls sorghum, 1611 to lard, , aiusWallace t 17 Ms bbl. n - Long 2 bblr lcohol, J.l; Flock; 1 lard oil, Knox &Parker; 100 bbls dour, Culp &Shepani; 2.1 tea lard,FSellera & Cu; 100 bbla dour, Knox & McKee. • . OLLVT.LAItt , AND Pr/WSW/AK R. H., Dec. 21, 1661-10 hbda tobacco, J 111 Mortised; 11011 green bidet, Siebert, Kellermaim a Co; 4CO billets, Buis fry a Wells ; helf4idooms, Jones,. Boyd aCo ; 69 do, Park Bros & Co; ED dos buckets; '1 J. Orr & Co; 700 x. soap. W P Beck b. Ow 166 'eke wheat, Simpsona Knox ; 1119 sake Awed, Hamlltcra ;JO tots pig iron, Mock isCo; II green hides, Lisppo & Heise; oaks oats, Wm ltiehenney ;29 analogs, yydo P A lP P e i r e in t rlFl l drens U W V ae m ka l git h le 4 4, ! 3 & .1 Hagan; 100 ti bia ❑ottr, Jenkina - . •- . • ALLECIIIRNS tirtiTlON, Deg. 27.-6 bbl. hominy' ] , Loekart; 4 bblicider,4 do hominy; Shuls,Son 6;0o; 11l bgs barley, 'if IV Anderson; all bgs wheat, No. ble & Angle; 1120 bga oats, A Taylor; S can corn, Simpson & Koos; 2 eons oat', FL Speer; 4 can wheat, Kennedy a Bro; XI sks buckwheat dour; dressed hop Jos Craig; 9 ban soap, A Kirk & Co; . car hay, J Rublemarr, 2do do, Barney Grey; le Ma Domed, Turner & 'Newman; I car lumber, Gregg b. Alexander; 2 do do, J CLECKLAND & Prrrsoonon Thumioms, Dec. 11. bbls flour, Culp &Shepherd; 100 do Gregg & Clendenologi.loo do,- Simpson & Loos; 20 tons pig ironriiirnick & •Co; gab ids meat, F Sellars & 001 sis bnitists;; Behomaker At Lang; 127 (bbl apples, 'mum & . Kennedy; 28 DU Moose, T O Jenkins; hid- tobieM„:3l Heyi, pHs and I hit bbl butter, Grad& Reiter; It rolls Mather, Flacon, Fell &KM, LI akabarley, X. /Moan; 1 ear corn, W.IIIIaI4ar.. wood 128 sick. oats, 18 do tom T Jenkins; 190. bbU jour, Scitmeyer & Voskamp. • . moseowra BY RIVER. . LotrOtSlisz pin J. L Grisions.—Lot, eundebre. oeo..7l:4onesi l Me& seed, Nem macheewa;24 boon gleiserers4 , -Pittsburgh Mao. 0o; 4 blots to. bg000.4...80hantr.4: do do, John Greer; 6 bble oil, goi lebanao,•l6o bble dour, tie bags - (esthete, :Glut & Clatbbhatour~.. Ma. Sturgton a po;191 Air e&O.; KO bbl. flour, MEM IC4 • New s, Pas. 27.-=The torrent prices for the week, or ell of Ike markets, are ns followar Rear flarne-•First Sale to g00d,..13618,00; eonurne., Inferior, ifriV COWI;:4•AND LTALll.7.—ltrst quality. ICOrl5 • or dinary,4stit*oo euntinup.-•lnKti4 6 , oo tifekor, 1130e35,00. Veal Calves, find • quality, 151 , 4filalic ; outlaw; Ilattc ; common, tici inferior, Suzar -awn :teens—Extra. thifs , l4 - he'd . ; prise, 180.9,00; ordinary , 3512?7,03; common, ii 3,50 4,30; inferior, Ri1y.,4,3. Swaim—Heavy ; corn fed; ia1p131143 lb; light and scediem,l3@t3l,4; still-fed, to t 3%. The heather has been unfavorable, and exerted a moat unfavorable influence, and the dealers bad some trouble in preventing a decline in common stock then on band . and to fair supply. The receipts, however were - very moderate. Prime stock was pretty well sustained. all things eebaidered, but the buoyancy and thinness - or last week were lacking. Hog: have sold at our quota tion:, which are rattier lower. - :The total receipts or all stock at all the yards, Toe this week and last week, - were am follows: Beerts, 5,4 ,EiT• Cosh, 73; Calves, WS; Sheep' and Lambs, 18,337: Swine. 114494. Total last week: Eceses,l,ll77l; Cowl, . 7 3; Teal CalVell,l, l 774l.Shcep and Laialia.lo,277; Swine, 16,3 K Tort Weekly Bank Statinioni. r • New Titus, 7k—Lps' n 1t203,6ts De ertss, gagn. -11211/21 {{fes sse it2C,227. eiroulstiou,S3ASS,336 ; tease, tr11111MI: Deposits, $10,1303,909 ; Demme, 9815,946. RIVER INTELLIGENCE. The ricer oointnineed to swell at this point yea ,terday,-and last evening it wee rising steadily with scant eight feet Itithe channel; by the pier marks. The Allegheny is almost elem. of lee, which M ow:* lag to the feet. that It Is gorged above Kittanning. The weather.contliuses weft and sultry; withfedi: ration, of rain. , ' 111.411/0.1.11 isasn'ot very brisk et the levee, end ao improvement to looked for until after the brat of 3112t1/11j.' The . offetinge of freight obiatintietlibt, and the rem Iple hsve been limiter' for lame day?. A private dispatch from Oil City yesterdayre. urss the Allegheny rising et that point, with thirty , . inches In the chanmel. - •• • The only. arrival from below was the I. It. Oil , nore,•lrom Louisville. The Nightingale, from Cincinnati, and the Ontario, from Louisville, were one t night;and doubtless be round in port this morning.. • ' The Julia, for . Zanesville, clearmi last evening with a geod trip. . •.. ~ • The lion City, Capt. John Nowt, Will leave posi t isely for Cincinnati:it-nova tocilaY. She has s few rtnie rotor yet vacant, and tan accommodate n I mired amount of freight. The Of:leers of this !waters. tellable Mad accommodating g - entlentea, anti as - she will go through with the utmost -des -1,1 ch. chippers and traveler. Will tad it to their ialvartcge to avall themselves of this opportunity,. The Steamer Kati, sunk some timea Magoon the hewer Ohio, we ere informed by Capt. Koontz, will move a total loss. The recent rise hag swept her cabin rod upper orks entirely away. We were mlalooll% w In stating .that the lisysol scroll leave on her first trip for Parkersbrag on .1 sundry. Captain Saint is haelturamise Improve molt. made on her, which ;rill take thin week to nap let e, but she will be readylia sell on Monday rest.' Ti'. W. F. Cuing and Leonidas left Cincimintl for this city on 'Saturday, nndihc Westmoreland, liallgator, sod Guidon. were ndecrtised to follow. The i:01111WIThli, of Monday, 113111: 'rile tote boat Rorer, front .giuorille, passed up .yeattoday for Pittsburgh. Captatn'tiarn Mean Is sun able to "hold Mk oats," notwlthstandlr.ghls 'it cent oil speculations The Nick Long, etpt. it. El... Gray. came up from Louisville on the rusU boat; and bit for fit..Loula In last night`straln to :tool, after hie Intemsti in the Quincy Lard Oil hocks. • The staunch and populy Starlight, Capt. ri. N. A uutrong, is announced for.tlnelnnati and Lou Is villa forthwith, and passengers and shippers should 'bear tido in mind., The commodious and well-known Armenia, Oapt. A. McCallum, Is still receiving for St. Louis, and will soon be ready to take her detiarturs. The St.••Lonis Demand of Monday says : The weather has thawed for two days, with a Southern , Wind and pleasantsunshine. Boatmen believe two / :days more of such weather will release the river' 'from the quarantine gorge. • • , The river here is at gaud stage, and very still. There is a good stage of water to Miro. Our ferry 'boats ply without interruption, the turbot being, ',Scar Of Ice. r=Z;=M pITTSBURI T II_ B T sr i I T ET RE riERS WOOD. MA.lmasot WKathrloWal cHinsucts itQramt - rs. THIS EVENING, UNCLE TOM'S °ABM.. PROLE TOM'S OAMIN. Of four rooms, wftlda out Ad - *half squires of tha attest can, to llaaohoster. Oka* watoroad every. talon roaveaient. nonesuch gives bameollately. For tuna apply OD /*airs P4U114 Fannalatroh, 'or at .. coari Uarper'sVagoa SYMP./3mM , West, a2c2 rOR SALE--Several hundred impro - ved PARKS. in Ohio; Neatarity, banana and flu aule IRA several large tntats of IlliMa i rrell had , to Illhots, lowa not Wlactoaala. deocziptlotui and prim of eackoln ;sent by mail, free of auks. upon application. ..ISANIFEI. A. SABOENT, N. W. corner itk and Walnut Krona. .. BrlUlsot . Entertatitument To•Nlalat by 11- deiddlit Onto. ear ArtLtb Alliance. FFIIIMBLE'S VARIETIES. rrali wrairr, arAs tr. aims vf..C, ANTI= -:(2011111=0161 Ar B o'cxncc !lIEQTALIFLED BETEII23II OT TEE rrryc _ uukrupratarr. .oeoprtsiag e oaf yaitely of It.owas, , DoOose, Coneludlerwlth the laughable( note of SLABIIIM AINID .ACOLABHILSIL . . , Look oat tor a taiga sad oftietrat corps of Taloa t d totatr. . . . eas OW OPEN, A.T MASONIC HALL FOIVA S*ORT BEASON Itattalued amen The hall nightly crowded by eathealsette sad delighted eludkiices. The puslic voice empheUesUy pcoooonee It . TIE BEST EXStBMON EVER 11 PfETSBORGIf. MONDAY . . (Csati Three Grand Entertainments, AT .1i AND AND 134 r. at. ;F: NATIOSAL 1111111INATION CO.MPALSING Twenty - Star Performers, Who stand utuivalled hi their various, @peasant'. .titrgotralteleil attraction!' for We creek. Nine Ante —New . Feetures—New SenssUons. Change of Programme nightly. - The entire Corps!. of /telling t each perfdannarec .The EDIICATFD DOGS In tI r out-prising feat*. New CHRISTINA:C. PAN XONII3III.3. produced in a style nom before 'di nettes! in thy . Uhl OP. PANTOMIMES FOR ,NEIT WE n: magic Whistle—B.l3oe natc—The opers—The Brlgehde. (played oat,. brthe Merela et. 4 this Company.)—The Elva Lovers-11ot. ,to ;AN - old the Dthtt—llarber's Altpteatlee. Tabibittona eveff evening at .4 o'clock. - liBA.141) DIATMEEN Wedneidaysed•Sattnif Allen:0011S; commencing at 3 fYclOek,,ta irk& I.7i.lidren will be admitted at to cents each. Sri - Tickets, 20 cents;• EITUI reserved sests,_6o cent*. cleleant -<F O 8 SOMT, -Manager. I9TEaIIIEIO.I7B. ,tOR CINCINNATI & LOUIS-!jitajo }lEEE.—V t neno sod prima, ntonmer STAR NI% tlnp . kn. W . Armstrong, oollittenre no ado, trWEDNLI3DAY 25th inst. l'oofrolght otillitral o cn v o i( b;rl or to do;Kt TORN FLACK. I Agent"' PEOULAR W REEL LRG AND PITTSBURGH PACKET..—The new end fast running mmsenger sistamero. MATER, Capt. T. L. Clerk, 1.. Beeler. Leave, Pittsburgh every TUESDAY, THURS. DAY end SATURDAY, ae fa o'clock m. Leaves berth:K. every MONDAY, WIMNESDA.Y and ERIDAY, at o'clock a. m. AS way baldness. pri raptly *feudal to. Towing done at moderato rale/. f For freight or revamp. applyoaboird, or t.c; SAS, COLLINS tr. CO., Agents. Pittsburgh; or BOOTH, BATTELLE & CO.: A,gents, Wheeling. delal wygLAR PORT S. UTH ' AND BG PACK ET.—The One raiment.? steamer OOLU ERA, W. if. Kerr,muter; Vr. H. Bryan. , clerk, leaves Pittsburgh very SATURDAY at 1.2 (Aloe& mi., and Portsmouth every MONDAY, at a oieloek p. ca. The Golden Era make cionneellogui at Potts.. mouth with the splendid steamer .Bostons No. for Cincinnati, and Will receipt freight and pitmen. hers through to that city. noel VOR CAIRO AND ST; LOUIS. jag The splendid steamer ARMENIA, ! 4 ;4lfteitiiL - 0. McCallum, will leave as shore on IS DAY, with inst., et 4 . • hoc freight o n board or fa 11 - Mati RNFLACK. - • R MPHI MES 'AND - NEWAr t ip . ORLEANS.—The excellent warn. ger steamer 2LOB BAY, °apt: wit above on THIS •DAY, Lad, at p. la. For treed meager azaon board or to dal D, COLLTNG*OOD, t I tL McCORD it CO., Wholeisle Denten In Mats, Cape anal , Strata Goode; linen now In store the Inmost sod most emantete GOODS FOR FALL. ISALFS; Ever offered In the west.' Merchants ire requested to cell and examine our stock, which will be roll a; vers low. rates. . nol JAMES M. BALM, afI4•OII.IROCRe • . _ Prepares FXPLIOIT DR/MINUS, and' SPEW-. rILIATIONS, for all kinds of buildings, tied super intends their erection on reasonable terms. /Or Oftlee•on ANDERSON STREET, between Lama and Robluson.Allegbeny Otte. RIYEr& BAILEY J'ZZ '43!"``T Stock Brokers and Beal Estate Agents Stooks bought and pat exolnatody on comb s;r oake, wimuce itALL. A:LL FAlttibti INTERESTED. IR the. REPAVING OF PENN sister, betweett O'Hara street audflteveneetrallni, will take notice that the aaaeatmeet• Ma been made, and may be linen at the Moe of the Recording Regulator until. the ".9th lost., after'whlah time It will 'be left with the Treasurer for eolleoUon. R. - 11. CRAIG, deledd Retarding Regulator.- n & IlleopSacturenot -4,;• wurTp A RONIE CIMLY LORE D OIDa NCI .Warehouse at N0.74/IFTII Weft MIESEE ~.. FOB SaLE-FOR RENT Fon SALE ... 'Third Street Business Stand. Mitt for calCiligithiree' •sioiyDRICIC DWEL LING AND 11F—STADURANT combined, No. lot 7111 rd street, near Wood.. ?be location le o good one; the property will be cold et a fair price, on cosy terms. Apply to S. S. BRYAN, • Broker sad lesunanoe Agent, 6e fourth street, (Burke , . Belliling.i F 94 BALI% STUEET lettOP=TY. ♦ sly STORY BRION. ROUSE on Penn SL near Adams, now tweifpßd - ria a Drug Store and Dwelling, la °dared - - - FOR SALE OZ 'REASONABLE TERMS VQR SALE—A FARM OF 165 AOR ,RS os Big Swirickly, Mee Mlles from the . Mimed station, srell improved. :Price6o per acre., A ACRE FARM on ECllbuok, 44 miles front Glendale Station on which is .s Grist Store, Dwelling, ;Barn,rand goal lesprollentelan, Pelee, "BENTE' LOTS, on Fremont and Tremont street Second ward, _Allegheny. _ - - -FOUR.LOTS on Kithnok - et Glendale Shalom, containing sin to ten sere& . - - • = . T. SAMPLE, Real Esta,a Broker, pd. • . _ Federal - street, Allegheny. TOE BALE-BTEAM SAW MILL aria' OIL REFINERY.—The sine -half or wholh of an Oil Rettivery and Stearn Saw Mill, with. Unsaid' one acne of ground; an abundance of coal no the lot—one mine open- and Dein; worked,vdtaate on the Alleghenylliter and A. %. R.S., is offered for sale.. The Refinery Is new and of modern build. The Saw 61111 is in splendid order, and is well situ ated, having, creek running from It to the Hoer. Good loonittylor building boats: .. • For particular. call on the undentigneu. • LYDAY k 011ORPENNING, - No. 68 Rand street, Pittsburgh, Pa. StaTniEnTeines,. A. built putt/40y for oil welts; 714 loch cylinder, lal tech stroke; very strong. Ml{ km shrift, crank and connecting rod of wrought iron; best of brass :turd for boxes. Rollers 14 to 16 feet long, f! lacheidismeter, with :two ti-Inch fines:chimney 18 in. by an fen; hot and cold water. pumps. Every thing complete and ready to allik on eight. liUGli al. BOLE Pittsburgh, Pa.. r Shop, corner Point alley and Duquesne street, hank bf Allegheny river, dear the Point. deal ttf }:OR BALL.—the House and LOt now oe.cupso by 11. E. Oakfcird, No. 1612 L. Icock street, gliegheay Oily It is a substantial ts letnluilding, modern style; front and back three stories high, contabgrw; Saga rooms, fitted with water and •gas,A,l . d l b° . s usde i ll ;an side and rear. by .rirtratajnetr'ortler, and locrtitil'solcnralrityyih"atll' Is easy of access from any husioces portion of lire two Calico. biIitTETT • sumott • • 127 Pint greet. • :1 - 4 • 911 SALE. • • A Lot of Ground on Penn Street, Ninth Ward, aborellalilwin street, 3a by 100 feet, to an aLley, On which to eretted•Urree new two.. &NIT 'Brick Dwellings. • • For further. particulii apply to unovnt & .1.07 Marty Wert; or to YOUNG b. , yl.lo)..lluourana Foundry. DOW' Ward. dela:2w • FOR • THE WAItEIIOIFIIIM, Itla liberty st. Patterson's New Mock. Possession' els be eye January lot, CO. Engulfs of • I). WALLACE. deitanJal FOR BALK. Business Stand. nod desirable Badness Stand, No. So swam- FIELD STREET, our corner of Foarthstrtet, on lsbirk is a substanUnl Drink Ballding. For terms, ,inoolre of BAILEY, FARRELL h Co., derr-tr • No.,iN Fourth street EZMI A COXFOBTABLZ 110178E' Aosses sad !Lasser The T►reeeterfe4 Billet DWELLING, 'Nearly taw, reatatatng earedaew, towns, with bald bums dad wiud house, situated Nat St Oastluta strut, rittarauldt .rarartalas owed es Ur drat el dpriL, Bent *NIL ralut of ' Uttar,: Et 11:11tMl..dta. 103 RRh street. HALF S.ATierev-ateirlei atlek none* 74.'11 LIBERTY IMitßet between air-and ilifarbuty streets, contiderig thlrtees rooms, with jar and bath Nom alts &Mot .• X.A.LO LMinter street • • IiOR BALE—CHEAP BUILDING Lank' situated in the Berrenth Ward of the Illy of Pittsburgh, emulating at three valuate 'Lolaof Groand , havrageach a DOW of 'lt feet ao . Idabel; street, and '.tending back 110 feet twat' `alley, with a stde alley of ten feet. Tone lota are !Mired at assarillco. Apply to • : • deli D. 2PLAIN 11. - tot Ponta street. IrORSAM:4SO Acres of Coal:Coo, acre. of Iron coal in pool No. I ; also cma Dealt :or viral sod railroad, and ether Improvements In good working order In pool No. a ; motract on the ' ,Youghiogheny river and Dolmen/11411e Rattroed. linguini of WILLIAM WARD sus trot door nose ARA on Greet stmt. 'angent X DAZZAIII GILIMiti 11..X1STIM MCM&STER & GAZZAPit . - . CLAIMS AND PATENTS 903 GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh Lteesuott by cioventtotot to oollett BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, 13.1.0 K PAT I).NE HUNDItED IiOLLARB, due aoldlefa tlmrged on account of wound+. moiled La battle Oollected tamediaLelz. : •• • , ' air Can at. le GRANT trrazzT, ',Poet* at ratbedral. : ix2l:l -- -- --- prareitoris BOUNTIES. . ... W. & BALL PATTERSON, Army awl Nwiy A.genoy; ?iir. 1 , 14 F9URTH. ST.. plt!ab‘trilt PERRIOIMproenred{IIOIIIITIEfLBAOE PAT And PRIZE MONEY, and 00ELMUTAT/OLOF .RATIONS of retailed prison's% collected. • . 1 PAY OF PRISONWIS OF. AE mut be draws by their wires or widowed mothers. od Woumap SOLDIERS. • $lOO Bol*ty to all Wounded %Idioms, lo • bet to all with a “Dtscharse.n No 'sharp wittan•ii the mm_ r ls eollectod. • the IL 8. Gotrarnateat. No. 10i TUTU ersmer, second floor below tbS SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, ROVRT/ES PENSIONS AND kiEEss-s or PAT, .- • • Airrunts RIDDELL, No. 13.5 EMIR= AT.. PlNabiugh, Pa. j dtatigtmdavrP, MILITARY' CLAIMS, •• 'PRI.ISIOS • 431• MOUNTIES, RACK PAY and MU,ITAR CLAIMS ot , every description, - collected by t k subscriber,. at the following rates, vls.: Pensloas ele, ell other clefts, 0. 0. TAYLOR, Attortlepsit.Law, Orent street, Pitteburgh; Pe. N. B.—lle charges are made It the claim does 1404 succeed, sad. all Intomeation elveegratle sold/ ' 112 WOOD. STREET, FulgilTuAAAls 3 , OANE AND WOOD CHAD* Balms at, reduced prices, WROLRESALE OR RETAIL. JAB. W:WeODWELt. N 097 9a4 99 TECXRDRTREET, Oppodte E. Edniindson L OoN, - lak7 ?to. TOITSTR EtTR }MT. BOUQUETS, OUT. FLOWERS; &e. %um ' •-• Trout BITMDOOR , B Oakland o=knatan,t FLOWER UR with 3,11,11064 z. Fourth 4.,e8.-Xlaber 121 WO6l Weld, -Dunsestli 1100, FIRIt /treat, or at Aka Oreanhouse, protapft stkonled kr. Bogneta nopikat doily at - , ttnr - ~1 named = Oakland caul= tn theCireonholue every - 4tra.',.t.awar MIDEgli 8. - 8. URYAN, Broker and Inantanoe Agent, No. 6S.Fourtlt street. TZZI3 CL4IJa SOLICITORS OF AND ATTORNEYS-AT-DAIV, lad all other Military or Halal. Galin Aga . lust the Vatted Stara. Trcomptly • tteuded to by us 'ROBBINS' 111111:1I . . New l'one, October W., 1861. A. A. TAYLOR.. Atittery,.ltt firuirdiray: 1 __We have received at our Teel a POnhore City , Hew Jersey RR lartikt cf Reline,. Petroleum from Titusville, Pa „ore barrels ache tlsc brawl 'Of the•lierinetical Barrel ti..,” (1 obtnne , Patent.l A careful examination of thla eatik. rhoirs It to be In perfect order, (no crepuretiun'or leekage,) end the wood as dry 611 before it n.. 11.1. The other berrets of ~the re he Invoice we in fa r order, bat. heat leaked or evaporated about two g Bum each: i We cheerfully recommend the Hermytical Hertel is Rettneniand Shlpbent of Petroleum. TIIE:WILEY, PHELPS &CO. • - - - . VALENTINE'S F, aoor Erramal AND • Tnnounif Ticieler Orme, dai Broadway, corner Pep street, . . toll De_pnt, Jersey City.) New York, NovemberW, lfEl. A. A. TAYLOR, Aduary, I:s3.l3namilvey. We received at our Depot, JeMey City, on the lath of October last, an invoice of! Petroleum tram Titusville, Pa.; of which were (Our barrels having the Brand of the "Berrneffea Banal Ca., Itabbfas. Patent." A careful examination of them-Barrels shows them to be in perfect order] no °vaporettos or leakage. The outside of the wood of the barrels' is es dry as before they were filled. •.- ! We understand the above shipment was BMW weeks on 'the road, and wee transhipped three times. Since they here been at our Depot, they hare beets subject-to conelderablei rough treatment and exposure to sun and rain. A few days age ' they were raged and found to c„ ntain all the oil that Wall drisdnally put In theta.` I, •• ..” F.c. • ' The loss of Petroleum from leakage and event °. • *Bon between here and 011 Creek, amounts to from 6to 20 per eenL We have no dauld she Robbins' Hermetimil Barrel would -save tills entire loss; at well as all losses of Pettolenm when on storage. ' ..' • • • ' E.• 111 VALENTINE, Sol. • We Gill be prepared in a short time to furnish,* lietinera fiarrel Manufactured and dealers la Osulle Oil, samples et Barrels prepared by ROBBINS' PROCESS 'Which vellldemonstrate to all ti .erected titht tits . Barrel h all that la claimed for it, A Hermetical, Barrel 'Chat It wlll hold Crude Oil, Refined Oil, Naptlin, Spirits of Turpentine, WITIOUT LEAKAGE OR,ETAARATION. For Mouthy', without Injuryp the ;slightest Gnome. The process of preparing Barrels by Rabbit:La , method is very Mende, cheaper than Mk Int other protease* In use, and tS EIItXTTUAL. For better particulars see pamphlet, which can be hid at our office, No. I= FL-at target. /ffirApplteetlons for Licenses Menden the above proem. throtigh ,oranim LIPPINCOTT. FRY h 00. MtSKINGITM OIL SPRING PETBOLEIUM COMPANY. Morgan County , Ohio. $2 Acres in Fee on 011 Spring's Run, Three mites from 31cCentieUrrille Iseotpoested under the- laws of Penneyleant.. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000. 00,NO Sham, at 15 Per Share, Full Pia 'Working Capital reserved for develop hient hl,OOll shams, the subscription price for which WO pa abare,-. not liable to further assessment. • ' razarozarr:' GEORGE W. case, Eiq. President of the P., Ft. W. 5 C. Y.H. M. .6111321L112•11 . AZD TIZIASIINESZ R. T. LIEMCH. Jr Geo. W. % . 1 144 Jr .. . 11. Guthrie, Jo.. Richards, Magee, Frank Rehm, • R. T. Leech, Jr. A.J. Mph. THE compartY OFVEE MO Mires of the Om Reserved stack Ira . ' MEM MARKET. Books of Subscription Are now open at the race B. El. BRYAN, 59 Fourth St,, Whet* Pmspettas Lod AtLp a tie Comma = erty eatt be wen. 1),L1.T2411.NU, • Gas and Steam Fitting. . • • I. all Ito branches, carefully attended to, by expo liencedpractlcal workmen. A flue aarttment of GAS FIXTURES, - SINKS • /Lk/11 TimsUOw; • • . . • • . WATER 'CLOSETS HYDRANTS, to. Cosatootly on total mod made to ordtt. TATE SEVILLE, ; No. 6i FEDERAL STREET, Alloghooyi Anti Z7LXBEIITY STEssr,riusburm waitt.waty , T 0. JENKINs, Commbalon Merehaiit _Dealer In Flour. Bacon. Cheese. Dried and'Green and all Farcit Products. • . Orders ORM for all merchandise, Plttsburgli man ntacturee and Rennet! Oils, at dealers and maniac. toners rates. N 6.219 LIIIIMTY STREET, (oppo. "Ante Wood !Strata Pittsburgh, Pa; Advances made and prompt attcutlon Zinn Wail tonsignilienta and correspondence. • _ Perrasanott RimositencitagliallSpeer, Lloyd • it Black, -Wm. McCullyCo, McDonald is.: Ar buckles, John L House 1. Co., John Hall it Co., B rPhr.• tv. tCo.. . settlydicws , rrO ENTERPRISING AND IN DIISTIIII ous MECHANICS, LABORING MEN and others. If you wish to become freeholders, and were homes, now • la your time, whUa labor sup mdoey Is abundant. lam now selling lota In good locations In this borough, for WO, WOO and on payment of $lOO, balance to ten years, 11 destred. liy - this plan you can apply your- money to build.' int', and stilt your means and taste, while the la. lerest the lot will be but • little tenting you will enjoy the riae to real estate.. .1. Apply at the Real Estate and Insurance °Mae of G. S. BATES, • dein • Butler Street, Lawrenceville. TIISSOLUTION . •OF - 00-PARTNER SHIP.—The Partnership heretofore exhales between the undersigned, under the Item name oil CROMPTON to CO„ for the manufacture of MITA pearl and other Soaps, ha* this der been Mooted by mutual oonsent. SAMUEL M. KIER, JOHN C. PHSTER. CROMPTON, JOHN Pittsburgh Sept. Rhoads. • • WX. =MU & CO, ataavrAervavue . Silver Nan and Suterick Una Soaps von unzerr gnu. 7. PI rsonaou. PAM ) °IWO'S ,01:17i17 - SAW Vii. • AND BARGF., YARD. Craig Street, Illegtiear. TRE IMPROVED ' . ' • Junin Sian* !Fowler Price ONLY *lB 00. Unsurpassed for certainty, reliability and grace, in movementvand far. real worth it has no rival. For durability and execution it is unequalled by any other cheap machine heretofore olTerbd to the public, and needs only to be seen to be appreciated: It will hem, quilt, tuck or bind.-. Call and examine for:your. selves. Every machine warranted. B. B. BARNES, Anent, N 0.113 TRIED Shopposlto St. Charles EnteL • oceard PRIVATE DISEASES. Office_ ASS RA ffi. STREET, lear nand, , _, For the 0 WO Of All ibleasal of A pirate natorrOa from two to fourdays, by an entirely new and safe treatment. Also, !Seminal Weakness, and a ll other discasai of the genital organs, and theft. prevention. A cure.warranted or money refunded. , Address letters W. IMO Peno street. nortlfda .• ' - AND 33N011./. 1 71NG ORALLY , soontomo.wrimu sTEEEr._ , swop is B. eETXOIJ2. inst. A. J. OSICIOIS C• l c l 9. a 45 S C OT T, - , •„: • G OM/ corset of Chat 'sad Seventh dream, Pittsbutzh. fl_.o TO II RAHE'Eji Mr a mess of 'prim° 11 . 0. 1 Iloarkrist. OSEPH ADANS Dentist, emir!!4n Bututhir. comer of DIAMOND and ODA= PODOmMtn-YreMzf-Dr:AANfolloas, Dr. awe " stiblimasweillitt‘tt .c• IRMIRI.WW=MMWMWRNM 1i FaCIPJ) i.76:+. IVY D 1.; • :r311 , : NT, . Donsau or Sn - wfoe Exam roinfaci, • ecember 1814. ; foaled Propos-On - Will b D e receivedDth, this Duman melt suerldian, Janunry loth, 1563. fur the iron de gallica! In the fullowing elapse*. —Emit bid test be made fur-an entire alas, and the pet, to he a round sum fur the elase,delivered at the respective Nnvy lanls. No payment will be made moil the vide le Is dellveredslelivery toeoseinfico in l 'crave dale alter notilleation of acceptance of bid, to prof. recd coatinually, and the whole to bo deltreree In two months thereafter. The contract will be awarded to the lowest re sponsible bidder, the right Lein.; renervol of ;elect-. Inc the lowest bid Nit be deemed exorbitant: • The usual zurimritee - will be required, end thee contract will be dated the day the notice of aceeptn sure le given. • • Printed schedules and instructions eau be Obtain.; ed by application to the Ifureau. Proposals must be directed to the Chief of ,the Bureau of Steam Engineering, andendemed pinnate or Iron," that they. may be distlazpalshe/ from otter business letters. The Aollowibusre the chests required at theftw spectlvle Nary Yards: • - .• • WASHINGTON. .. 36 plates Boller Iron, 7.46, 44 by' .84 inches. • 30 " -3.8, 84 by. 98 3 .2 o " .." 1-1, 43 by y 100 " - 14, 43 98 • . 48 " ‘"- 7.11 V .30 by-110 " • •" -10 by 128 . 36 " " 6.16,40 by. 96 . 16 '•• ." 146,36 by-109 ". , t 6 ." 08, 39 by 109 ff. 16 " " • 046,48 by 14 3.03 • 24 " - 6446 by 00 ' " „ 31 by 46- - at . 38, 03 by - 4 3 - 12 0 "746,61 by 112 "- 6" •- 746,6351' 96 32 " " 746,43 by 4.3 . - 31 " . . 646, 43 by 71.1 ' 24 't " 048, 36 by 115 " 24. • . 646,42 by 136 18 0.16,60 ny 00 , 'l6. " 046, 48 by 61 .3 646, at by 48 " 716,43 by 114 22 • " " 3.8, 26 by 60 ° • 12 " 3-11 60 by 102 " 646, 48 by 109 ". 00 3,2, 30 by 120 • 12 . " 644, 36 by 120 i 1 , • The above to De erne beet American flange Iron • ' WASIUNGTON. - ' CLJOS N 0.2. '-- la COO pounds Lest American snuaro- bar iron, 3,1 Met, mitt) pounds best American square bar iron, 5%; inch. 2,e00 puur.da best American square bar iron, inch. 300)0 p,unds best American fiat bar Iron, 234 by Inch. • s,re,irl,ila beat American fist bar Iron, 2 by 7 , 4 inch. 4,c00 - pounds beat American fiat bar Iron, 2 by 3,4 Inch. . Sro poun,la 144,1 American Cat bar !snail% by% inch. 10,09 Oulu% beat American round bar iron, 1% inch. Coa,(Go) jiounths brat American road bar lion, 1,4 inch. 10,C4.1 potzuhl bent American round bar iron, jti itch. in length. at may be minimal. 60,CC0 .pound* brat TiingrlCatl T lron, 3 by 4% Indes, 16 fret long: WASISINGTOM CLAS3 NO , . • . 4too founds Iron ri•;ei. 1% by - it4C Inch dls Meter. 4,1,C0 ' " - " • 1.±4 by 11-16 .. 4,w) " 114 by IWO 4,(D0 " " 2 by 1148 CIIARLESTO ‘VN. 221,600 pourfis best :American boiler tiSo7.e iron, from 6.16 to 5.;; inch thick, In sheets of such di; n:,ensiOns tus , rnay LP required. IARL TOWN: CLASS , 54,000 pounds best American rouid Iron. from 1 inch to Vi Mehelameter, In length as may be required. ' CIIAIILESTOWN. 01,33 No. 1. • -2e,r01 pomade bet: American T ir0n.334 by inches, the r. 4 Inch . pert to be % loch thlek, and the t• • inch part !lied% thick. The langths es OILARLESTOWA. CLABO No. 4. 3..,,000 peundsßollet Rivets; I% I Iheslong arid inch diameter.. • - . dela:lawdtw TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ' Omen Lonrr-lioasz BOARD, ' WAIDINOTON Car, Nor. 19, lest. S• .SKALITI PitOrpsALS will be rect.-dyed althis flee until I o'clock p.m. on Thursday, the 'Mb day' of.Deeember, for supplying the Light-house fishmeal with thirty thousand gallons of the best t ' Vo li gnS u g r a e ll:rul t ri 1r: 1l b:el il l a u " ! 11 pTrie twenty attained sperm oil, to bedlyweatlnto four lots, sad to be delivered at the times zuidermentioned, along 'aide of the mrcerzument supplyiresseh, or at' the warehouse es other place of deposit, to be desig nated by the laspeefing (Meer or other authorized. levet of 'the Light-house Establishme .un a bleve, Sight, iron-400nd. wall-made casks,for . ship pins, of each, .°[:lll4'. The oil may be aellvered at B oston : or New York. Either lot of sperm ell, or both of them, may be delivered at New York, New London, Sag Harbor, • Burton, Neil' Bedford, Edgartown, o r Nantucket, at the option Of thebidders. The plus. of delivery In etch ease must be distinctly stated Ist the bit* .and will be embraced in thecoutracts. , . . The four lots willberlellvered asfollows: Lot No. L Ten thousand (10.000 ind.loeut sperm oil on the Oth day of April, tbZ5, or as soon. there idler rm the proper , teats and gauging eat be eon. ', La No. 5.. Fifteen thousand ( 15 J 10 5) calm= lard 011 on the 15th day of April, IBM, or. as won thereafter as the proper . tests and gauging can be completed. - Lot No. 3. Ten thousand (10,CCO) gallons sperm nil in the la day of June, 1955, or as soon there 'after es the proper tests and gauging ran be coat Ltd , No. 1. .Yfiteen Montana (18,000) gallon' lard all on tbe lot day or August; I tW, or as soon thereafter as the proper testa sad gauging can be completed . • No bid will be considered Suttees ri9ts a mantas°. Amer of.the article.' . • • No part of the oil proposed for .and to he em. • brseed in:the contracts ender ilits advertisement excepted, recelved, or pald for, until it shall bless been proved, to the entire. fintlstaction of the person or persons charged with Its examination, te t,end inspection, to be of Murkiest quality pure 'winter strained or bagged all, and free from mix. .ture With nth& or inf,crtor oils and adulterstizas. The usual means for determining the character =end quality of the sperm oil will be employed, vlz grevity, burning, the amount of residuum, ;and other proper tests to arrive at correct COOCilk• '6lo.llant may bedeemed necearare. • '• • .The lard oil wiUbe subjected to speciel tests, and 'bwill be rejected unless found to be, In regard to urning and fluidity under reduction of tempera lure, and In every ear. feapeek equal to that of the standard adoptal by the Rolm, of which a cam. :Kle; will be furnishes% ods o nottation to the Light- W.: l i z et e sona l a t t n b c e gauged under. the direction and personal auptrrislcur of the inspatiogoMrcr, -by cusioni.bouse or other legally authorized and -ow era gauger, according to tbe United States stand. Woad must be marked anti accepted before they ate removed from the cellar or warehouse of the L c:LlU:icier. The temerature attire oil will be an 6:lately:soled, andth o measurement* reduced to the standard t emperature of 60 4 Fahrenheit by to. bki prepared for the purpose. . • - • Props sale wilt be recaLved and considered for each lot separately. or forbid of the lots, at the op. Alto of thebidder; but no bid will be considered for a less quantity than that loecifted as one lot,to be delivered at one time and place. F.seh bid must Edo explicitly the rate per *Micah In writing, the number of the toyer iota bid tor, and the time and place of delivery, coaormlng• to this- advertise. 1!2=21 •.• Bids 'subedited by different memberiof the same - firmed copartnership will not be considered. ' The Light-how Board, under the • authnrltyof the Department, reserves the right' to reject any bid, although It may bo the lowest, ter other con aiderat lona than the price. • . No bid will be considered for any other kinder desefAdion of oil than t how specially called for In Jo. bond, arab . tee . utit to the satisfaction of the larrattment, in n pe naltycquel to one-fourth of the amount of each • contract- mad° under. these proposals. will be required of each contractor con ditioned for the faithful performance of the, con tract, to be' executed within ten days after the de ceptarce of the bid. .Each otter must be accompanied by a %written gusrantee r signed Ay. one or more responsible per sons. and 'mown to the Department as such, or certified by a United States District Stulge, attor aeY. navy adent.'qr collector of the customs, to the. of that, tf the - bid bi accepted, the bidder will duly execade a contract in good fatth, according to' the provisions and terms of this advertisement, within ten days after acceptance- and that in case the 'said, party offering. shall faleto enter into the contract. as aforesaid, be or they guarantyto make good the difference between the offer of the said Darcy , and the next lowest bidder . . All bids mast be sealed and endorsed "Proposals for oil for light. houses i o' and then placed In *nett er envelope, and directed, prepaid, to-.the Secretary of the I.,ight house Board - We City. . • All bids will be opened, publicly, at the Idler on the day. specified, • - • Payments will be made for thd second lots of oil: Within thirty days after they DWl:have been re.' wired by the United States: • , By order of the Li chi...bowel/card: , ''. ANDREW A. ILLSWOOD, Secretary. GRELT DISTRIBUTION I Eige)iii Gift Association, Of deb and elegant .Tewelry, Pianos, .Xelodeons flue .Oil P btingy ragratings, Rc., vaned at - *150 1 0,1:00. • DISTIIIBUTION Is mete In the fulkrwinit man. net. Certtecates,naming cactt article sad Its rater, are placed In One LINIVELOPES,whicti are Well mixed. One of these envelopes will be deli?. ered at our °Mee, or sent by traU to any address without regard to choice, on receipt of 2.5 ovate. For ONE. DOLLAR we will send by mail or ex press the article named on the Certificate .drawn, or wilt esehangslor any other crack on our tttt, of the • Entire elitist/lotion guaranteed In ail came • very 'valuable article may bo obtalnod for the nominal price of ONE DOLLAR, which need not be paid until it is known what ham been drawn and its KirElve Waled envelopes for Eleven for Thirty for ird, • ' Send for Circular. Agents wanted. , , . ' ' ilia and VII Broodsroy., New York -Mt letters aboold adilMeed to B oi 1301ce, lio. 354 Bronaitvey, Wow . Yort. W. H. BODENIIMiIat,‘I4. D. '. ogles no out strpet, ondough. Pa. Devote rater Mediates &Mottles to the Mao enctinWeal treatment of Ilhronloiltheaely eePle,_ daily Mom of the Lower So stl fi l i Vpir inef4lon ar2t 4 iretutro ll t e tte F Bows iUt. AMT.. =A I ths various. Chronle Weeseee et thlt Mebs 7000 SlZi or b a l a a 1111 44420 AC. --; "r!,-;;771::-.T.Nr. WASIUNGTON CLAas N 0.3. MM=I 'DT TUB 000pmrr, num, a 00., Mizaans, NM= JWDF.3L SFRIC Y :VA IGLES. , Pittsburgh Drug House, DENTAL DEPOT. JAMES MoGitPat (Iseeess . or:to TORRELWE Or. .1111'oGIJ111,) AND DIGALIed IPf Forage and Domestic Drum Medicines and Ohm leafs, Dyes and DyeSimla', Alcohol, Per fumery, Pansy Articles ant Totter. Soaps, 'Wines and Liquors; To basso istngsrs, Paints, Oils and 'Varnishes, Support. era and Braces, Pro ' prietery Medi- clan, W. TutfssEs i TFttrssEs We manufacture all the late styles of Improved Thome. and keep constantly on hand Marsh , . Fitch, Ritter% Chase.. Hull , ' and nil other Manufacturer. la eases requiring air 'peerdiaz stile of This. or when patties; desire we will inenafactnro iBDONIN.AL SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS. Dlt. ME ;ARA attends peraoanlly to the apprl cation of Traeger, • ez., and to the tteatmeat of Rupture. , Physician's Prescriptions oM4iXt=iT COUPOUNDED. On: Prescription Department Is always la charge of an experienced . Pharmaceutist, And all articles used in cmupotuding prescriptions, ere selectai with Tetrad to purity, freshness and strength. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hears at the night. Dietetic and Culinary Arliele. Pure Cream of Tartar. Rogllah Baking-Soda. Grain and Powdered Cloves, irk 44 " Pepper, AlTapia*, u Root Mager, Bark u Olatuunon. • llee Fox a. Yon wines, for cooking puma% ' ' • • BurneWaCaoa , llabraeG: - . • , • Aantaa • Corlarater Sawa in , t • . Mare and Yt.raw, ssiaistus, V4W AND MEDICINE& oar atgafa er Drais aid arecebas ira "wider adulAannally, Witt great eons, trnby asemperiesasi = d t ag e r=tiumiza, valuta. at MWMCAIAL All au Seusteaa Ohealoals ws fns teem the wheelie! boast at POWERS 'it whotolEtttArt. lahuarahtatt !`"tMV prE* DYE grUFFEti" . . . . . ... , Oar inn tailocatitlitta, we animates ben 'sal ter ;liable. Annotts, Hlns Ural, Beset= Can Wood, Contilica, Onaiesi, Logsrood,Poulls _lento, Dina_Lliansed, Ma , der, Mb weed, RAI Tarter, Simi" imam, Tana* :ForOgn Vmes• Eninthei , 04 / 1 4 . *PM, - , Tar seillakialaae *Whits - Caked, lerul k.oe.V,Ckegruat. ol.lFelle Brazuly. Pare Juice of Grape Port. !Ras. Pure old Seem Win& . • •-• Pare old 'Madeira .- Mao. • . • - /maim CrOlic Rum IDIPORTBD CIQAfIL Oar stook one sees opine of tke hest brkeilto of Rya. l ' 6wires ' • Mrgteeetti: IMAMS. Itanalsottred from Imparted tolissoo, sit Espanolsa, Sobrlsuss„ . • 'Jockey tit% TimityEi= Our dock of Mara was purchased to MA, mut we are offering them to' eezummen at a afield ath vanes over our prices before the tax law, whet per., chased 1 aniatitiat of one humeral ha d laliWards• noUSEILOLD - Airn=s. flon So iru d trated Lye Pura Potash, Sal a, • Sayer Sand, Bath Brick, SYNDEUES. I :Hemp Seed,• • 'Creun FLk zri , - • 'k.c..1#4;61,0-- ALlFoiaxnr For all rellibla Propiptari Medicines, lie . DI. D..IATITEEP Expectorant • Bair ,Tonto and Daft Dye. Di. - 3.0..1L1T3D.9 ()berry Pectoral ' . , Cattuuilo Pins. - • 111'.1.*1 SOLD'S eettlsted Itemedlea. ••• rebtli ir for.dlaesaea of Madder, w Saah . ( the Clots. 'l3a s fri za t a arllll:,.fdi impurities, of ,;D r.1301360K'5; Se vbui Blood P urlaer. hitter,. ISCHENbt'SPetstarate Wafers. • • ; Nun " Bea Weed Tonle: Ittel )inc°" l l. ; wuIGHT , A eelebrated Iddlaa Vegetable Pe , at : Dr. D.A. WILSON'S '' • 110S ; TETTgatt'S celebratet;l92ol23Ch DRAKE'S Plarditthn titters. ..... :.. _ otrrnws zterysna.pigush zutuns, antigiot. tor Inemperance. _ _ • - And all tb• reliable Patent bledieinea of the day. Paints,. Leads,. Zines, Colors, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Putty, Tube Pants, Pam Lwir, Ste .• We have fadlitlea for finaliddlig these astieles at znanufactnrerapriee•.• TO THE DENTAL PROPESSIOIC. We 9trer &lama slut aretuny 'dinged do* If 8.5. Whtte'.P Teeth. , Onsum, A rm strong ts. JaiAl's Teeth. A. „Duff& 00... Teeth. Nell, hieClardy ik Teeth. Johnson is LtuuriTeetk: Dentalof ' Data - littialitm ati . , Plusr. " Bun, ExcaratNst at unite Gad as atm rump, 0.1.4 sad Ilta sad Natertals of Mr/ desatigettes. WCata[o~an tali fM ea applb&Uaa; HOUSE, Mnw &Fourth =I IWketStreetil • ramaus" orris" rtaiLnoabs. ~ "- S ` II - (111'7' -1,71 NEW . 11.010i4 11 &bran Pllisbuigh and Now. :Yqk VIA ALT.Errrovr TELREEI TRA32I9 DAILY , , . Lerive Yttletiugh 4351,- tn.'Arrte N. Y.5:23 a. la. . 9:10 •••• 235 pao. " • '2lO ',ln - .' loan The 423 p. tn. 'n130301, trnine run thrnOttb 21211orrixburn And dile nownsrithout ohmage of, car% The 9,U0 a. zn. train, chnnee can at Kanto.. burgth only. , • .11. P. a.i.t.truirr. • • detGleu . 'Oca. Ticket .Agettt, New York: . . . ALLEGIIENT VAL. ' Rigoggit • LEY, CHANGE OF T 1.121-1-00 Eon niter MONDAY . 112T161.14 IbSi L the following arraukentant ot %WC , , T.AIL TRAIN .- Lea v es s. fts; arriving at.Eittanning. at tom' 4. 1.4. LeftveS KM. tanning at LOCI p. m.. arrives at Tittainagit TRArti-Lcares. ing ; ft. mt. , arriving at ..Pittftbuign atKittann a.m. , Lean Plitsistrab at 1.10 p. m., arriving. at Kittarugsgis. VOILA.I2,I3IODATIOR TRAIN,-- - Lesveft works at Sao m., arrivingatPitta3ninthatt,oll.l m. .Leavea pittOtugh at, 300p:: Ati - Arrimiaros, mylo Y. WitlClllT,StiperintCriditilL%-:. 7N; F ITN U I R : er9) l iiirk r tiogtg442A l l2' : RAILWAY, AND OLEVEI. AND AIIIEUE RAILROAD. • . _ WINTER ARRANGEMENT: • • • On'and after December Mb, na4, imam ant row tab;ig 11 14 I F : [ el Mud I Wheeling: Expreee 2:00 i m.l 2.eS p. m. 2.16 • Blasi: --;... .. nee a. m. 11.20 S. Arrive et Ailegneny—P. F. W. C. , 7.30 AAA; 8.30 a. rm, 2.4/.10. EaStind 4.13 p. tn. • O. P. 11. R. 00.00 a. m. GEOROE PARNTN, Ticket A4ent, - ": - Union Pameneer Station,.Fitturgni A. Q. CASSELBI2III.T, Agent, • • - Aliezheny etty. • F. R. MYERS. General radar Agent - • - 1864 5, - , 17.1',, - 1 - W413101111' VENTRAL R. S.—WINTER ARRANGEOIE NT. —TY.N DAILY TRAINS :.. ; Lln and after ElONDAY,actoberlist,lBsl,trilkfi. -- • • *lli irate the'Depot az follows. *AsT. MA IL, daily except Sunday, at 2.50 stopping only at mincipal atstions, and. direct connections at linrrisbur and g for New York,. : lialtimare and Washington, •at for New York, Boeton nod Intermediate points. • .- HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION,daIIy ex cert. Sunday, at 6.20 a. to., stopping _at all regular,' stations .betweiu Tlifsllcurgh and Harrisburg_ Indians,' making close - connection with trains on indialitn: - Ili/such, West Pennsylvania R. It., Ebensburg and Creason R. R.. and Hollidnysburg Hertnett.i • •' PITTSBURGH fc 1.31116 EXPRESS, daily • - • eept Sunday, nt I.2ostopping at nearly , the stations bet Ween Pittsburgh nnd Philadelpidine and mnkinr, counectloo with Mulcts on the Ebel's., butg and Cressnn It., Ifolildnytibtirg Branch B - f. • R., Tyrone and Clearfield and Bald• Eagle Talley! . • • I Branches. • • • . JOIINSTGWN ACCOMMODATION,I cept Sunday, at 3.00 p. m., stopping at regular sta..; • • tioni between Pittsburgh and Johnstown, and con: •••• netting at. Blairsville Intervection with trains OS , the indinnn Branch and West Pennsylvania - - I PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, daily, ist•L2o p. ra, stopping at Latrobe, Ifonenmugh, Gallitsen, Altoonn, Huntingdon, Lowistoivn. Newt `l -port,Marysville,Harrlsbuig, Lanenster,and Down.; ingtown. At Harrisburg direct commetiona . ars: •• made for Balticaore,Washington and N New rare s • at Philndelphin, for New York, Boston and inter mediate pants. Sleeping Cars run through on train from Pittsburgh to Bnitlinore,,PhHadelptilit and New York t l y fy the Allentown route. -" • • , : FAST LIN daily, except Sunday,' at San p. ,•• in, stopping o at Consausugni lisitiesen. Alton - -• nn, Huntingdon, Lesrbdorni, liewport„ , Dleryevilie Tfarrisburg, - Middletown; .Ethatfetk. • ; 7 4 own, Mt, Joy, Landisville, I,Rnmaier. and Dow ' • ingtown— At Harrisburg connections are mane - Vol" , • .New Nork, Baltimore and Washington, at PhDs. &Aphis, for. New York, Bolton; and Imeramllato ' -points. • First Accamtroielatien Tr in for. Wars StAt4s ' leaves dally (except Sunday) at Second Accommodation Train for Wail's Stakten •.' - - leaves dnily (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. _ • :,,,:. TWN Accommodation Vain. for Wall'a ststloo: • - leaven daily (except Sunday) at m. ' • .• Fourth'A coommixiation Train for Wallas Eitattal; leaves daily (except Sunday) at 6.06 p. m.: ' The Church-Train leaves Wall's tat every Sun i at at 4.05 a. m.,rettlenh ma kg leans Returning 'Praha Smite la Pittsburgh Pittsburgh k.Erie Express 1145 Ralthnore Expect* . Philadelphia Empress , • • ' LSO Fast 110 a. Feet Line the a, . Johnstown AccOmmodation 10.45 IL IL First Wail% Station Aeconunodation... fr. Stroud Wall's. Station Accommodation - Ltd 6:411. Third Wall' Station Acconunodation..' ILO p, Fourth WaUl Station Accommodation ern IL I Baltimeretrpresi will arrive -with Ex_ press at Ina p. ta. on Mondays. NOTloX—in case of loss, the Coriipany . hold thenuielves responsible far personal' Uwe only, and for an amount not lbslX -W. U. BECEW Agent. At the Proniftnis Central Railroad twatkm, on sty and Grant streets. , . 0.1.4" - .741 FOREIGN . B'MIGRATION- 07E10E -- Emainasan, rprziA. SU3Ck." *10" Ptusage flu) "Old Comary.". -vow Liverpool. New Torli'and Philadelphia ' L. ' 1 19 man,) Steamship - Company having appcdnted lit wn , =l their Agent - bere, rice fir. Thompson. he is - now prered Steamers ri this send, home Paanagers by th of this Limit- UNIISITALLY LOW BATES- The Steamers et`_ this favorite floe leaveLlverpool every WEDffLEW DAY, for. New Tor Mouthing at Queer:Jammu& &reamer,/ the Instierttlateet, W . :doted megurne w t vessel. afloat. . undersigned to elic, 'Agent ior the iiveret and Londonderry Line of Steamers, leaving T. ver r i i r ear IZEI=ATe Tae iLe.x.dut en of- this line are burt e ra -the e arn . rsen mansisr.'. and furnish choice accommodations for passengers._ L_ He Ls also agent for TATSCOTPS LOU: of seies, - bmited Clipper Sailing Paakets, leaving Livens* - for Near York twice a weolc, and the ‘ 4 3.” Line es London Packets, leaving -London- every tenders. L. .The ships of Tapaeott's Line have I:l . bota se tedfor their quick. passages and • the Ilene at. :the pi:alines fu rn ished ths passengers, d then. , kind treatment while on board. Parties who wish': 'their friends brought out by selling vane* bEall means patronize this line. • L 7 „ PASBege to California at greatly reduced rise !SIGHT DRAFTS on all parts of sale • at a lowest rates. . hotels Emigration Odlee._: - L. a i ms (*Smithfield Street. " , TEAM WEEKLY TO LIVER. NJ TOOL. touching at QUF.ENSTOWIT,RBEW (Cork Rubor) Tae well-known Steamers of the Liverpool, New Yorker:4 Philadelphia Stearmhtp Company (Inman Line., carrying them, s Mall. are tntealed to utl as follows. KANGAROO Sate May, Deo,at CITY OF AIANCIfESTRIL..SatunIay, Jan. V. : CITY OF LONDON... . . ... Saturday, • :.. .And every succeeding Saturday, at noon, from Plc td. North River Payable in gold, Cr its w 184 r eerage .lvaleat on tFtnt o London... bin on... 84 00, u to Lortdon.:. - at u to Hamburg.. lat ". to Hatabi;g.. ti • I'. al forarded to Ham, Remits ' Rotterdam; Antwerp, Ike.; at:equally low ratem • Fares from Liverpool or Queemstown-4400114: 8•401405. Steerage,ll3B:, Those who wish to mod for thole RASO& can .buy tickets , here at thews, • • For further information rip&ly at the Com M iny OlDce - JOHN , adw Parella DALE , Agent, 4 ' OB No . es Sastt ael.4 met, Plitab4a v IINARD •L I ii.h.r 7 43team frucka • isvirePoot AND QtrEetiS. :iKto! in gold, or tto equlvalent - 1a =met, jriv*iiw.lplui, us *afis! t ree*ir!**.% Apply to THAWKICS RATTIGILM gmalth stree4., between id and (IDori NO 'MORE, . - , • 6161191ELASIAI 101111FLII01:18-:011G11 lititsll4(-4 0 • . _ STRICKLAND'S 31:11LLIFTMADVS• VOUS • ''"•••••• BA /4411 - la•wannated to cure Oolighe, Vold. - ••=2:1 - Uossirecess,', Asthma, Whooping •• Conti, liars Clensumptinn, sad all strectioae. td-itte Throat and Ltutga. - - , •-• • - For male by iktregetata..aeriteal Depet,' a phik, rourth stzat, Cianlaaati;O: .• • • rriei.rgaet—VCClELl3.; , . . , All the I dedlera men and the nem reeontineag DR. STUICILLAND'S . ANTDOBILODEBA. EtBIL TULL es the 0 111 7 certain remedy foe Dleuittesandi Dysentery. It' s • etwithination of - Astrinprita,_ rtbsorblnts, Stimulants and eancrirmtires and is warranted to erect a cure alter all other means For Isle by Dniggists. General Depot; • List Fourth street, Olneinnati, 0. - 7 - • STRWEAND I S DIE JEMMY. 1 DB. B'II3.IOICLAND'S: PILE REMEDY . lug • awed tbasrls ot the worst esses or Blind and Bleeding PUea It gives immediate relief, and IS' teets *remanent cure . Try it aratli., war For fele by ILLlDratglita. Cteaeral Depot, slsat Fourth street, Cbscinnap, - NOMIDM+26BI DeElity DR. STILICTICLANDII TOMO; • . We ein 'recommend throe Indrrting. VA loss • • Aptte, Indldettton - or Dys'Oe . -- Rerverosaesi an & turveas ten , to use ridaawa •Itrata, It la a vegetable preparattzt, to tto. from &Waal!, it "l e=t g= i rgi_and I t s isWr u i a d i = Vi'Ve., or R. . ... „„ Im ind .4rlatt e""i ,f . t•ridl. bill - Preprond L"• street„ Ota • - • 'i•• Far B/di W DR. dr.o. 11 '.... 1133 1 , 374_00r5e5 , of. • Wood street and Vim's allq• and &Z. eIF.LLEIIII;* 1304 corner of -Wood SSC burglar and by _PM= 11-13IIILL, NEW SUGNEWURBD HAMS to arrimitlt i l - Awl tarisipi7 urriat num.% -- 112•411iiiormitotai031",::
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