Zhe Vitt ilurgit &mitt ..9AT!.7RDAt DtCEMliEll 17. 1804. VELIGtOUS . ,WKELLIGBNCE. • The Inauvonticin of a:series of: ger- Mona in city, by . the ministers ,of the different evangelical churehes, noticed from time to linielOthti local department of this r &produced a feeling of unity arrunig . • • igloos denominations of our con:on:u -m ~ i mpessior far the most eangedno ex peetatiorts orthe 'originators of theitove ment... We leolofor results of a iubitantlal character, not only in the up•huliding of the cause of God, in our midst, butht softening some , or' the'• aimetities of • denciathistiortal feeling:- It has been la subject of remark, in reference ,tottite slight diftereime: In the view's of thaminliterswho hive represented the denonfinitions in this series of sermons;:. on the leading of • the 14:iesphl. This tact-of .itself Will be ,Productive great good. We presume at the eiciser of this course of foititeert sermons, nextivook, , toe So well ;begun will be continued in some form or other 'ot religions' deiliaide; and conducive of theirkeittent 'ainotrit of good: It marks an era nf prognsi in the right direction; ',which we lope will be 'but the-beginning of mil lennial- --doys - long. desired - by 1 many Ohrhstlins: - • Tlie origin of the English Poor: Rate; , in the time of Rlchird IP s reign f 1383) arose from and order requiring the regular clergy. to nee,. that a -certain portion; of the , fruits a nd profits .'' of the living was : set aside . for distribution among the . deserring end, impotent Poor.- - This curious orderntlev,- . ingn poor rate worked well - for a time. in . aiding the worthy poor, but when the die... sellitionoT,.the monasteries leek place, by which itOSKKI . were thrown :epee ' : '",the wide world to gaio their living, it Warne a dttßcult matter to distiugiditir between* the ciefierVing and the unworthy easesi and it. was fcamd-neeessary to change the 'order. In Elizabeth's reign the first conzp4lsory rate wee - liaised, and fa the fourteenth year, everybody was assessett, according to their property ,- in nrder: to raise a regular 'fund for the poor; and. thus begun_ the ...present sista:able regtder. rate. According - to a Tyrolese paper, the 'Blue taws" seem not to be a matter Ofhia tory only In connection with 'Connecticut, bet appear to be in • force in some parts of Austria., The Mayor of a small town gave the felleiving order •to the police:-"As it is . welikacrwit that 3.tr: IT— hos nage lee to • .. • • • church fbr a long time, you are directed to repair to his residence and to take him there. If helimidd refuse to go, you willing' two assistiritsi_and take him there'b'y; force. : WLen . in the ehureh, you will remain bia ad& , if lie Pretend to- be ill and fall, you will leave him on theground, but 'the make a noise, - yen will administer to hlta; as reed: ieine ten orlifteen blows whit stick." Der. Dr. Thomaon, BbabiopT:orthe 31. B. Chnreb; who is now onsn'nfficlsl visit to India, arrived at Ceylon, on ' the inth of October, In gixkl.health. was detain ed At Ceylon for some time owing to thn recent • tea* cyclone: . 111 s reception by the rmddent ndasionaries was.most cordial. , —.rhe Movement toward a re-anion of the two :Presbyterian' General , assemblies meets with no opposition. The discus - lions in both . Aisemblies, and in rations Synods' and-Presbyteries,-- indirate elearly,that the re-tmion is exPedient and practicable: A piper will shortly be published; ,Cincin nati to be devoted to the adiocacy. of —=—At a 'meeting of a number of 'gentle men Jo New York"etty, to corialder the, pe cuniary conditiori,of the Union Theological, ; pecoioary, it was decided the; one: lantdre4, and .tlftY_ Manama dollars is necais to" pay efts de4giltreatablish est Endowment . —The Lflador Iteeord, a 1 oinn Capia. papdf, girea an, Instanee of iieFance Fatherlgrualuit Monastery, of a person who bad been condemaca . for taking the Peiny Post out - of the library - without Periniirdcin. -The pardshMent for this alight unintentional offense was to say - one hundred rosaries, all - . paternosters, and - repeat the Lord's Prayer. 0,100 times. —lle rebel Gorernor Brown, Of Geor gia, in. his reply to a note inquiring whether regularliorthillsti ministers are liable to miiititry . slaty; says therCis no Confederate law compelling. ministers to serve, and closes, ' , Their mission (ministers) is ono of peste, and. I am. satisfied God will 'never bless- a Government , which - compels Ills ministers to - leave their ' - high'vocation and .gnge in bloodistrife." -+---It was resoll at the General Con vention of Unitarians, held in Boston some 41riyet atici, to raise' one hundred thousand dollarsfor thWiteeds of the Association dar ing the current year., ' . . —Them are twelve hundred COngrega ' tioial 'clitiches west of New England, and one, thousand;-west of 'New 'York ' ills tribiited ae follows: .New , York, 203; Ohio, 101; Indiana 20; - Illinois, 211; htiehigan, , : 141; . . - Vilisioarin; - 108; lowa, 148; 'Kansas, 82; 'Minnesota,' 83. i —.-Queen,Victoria' has consented to act as President of the Pemale Bible 'Society; of 13e*.shire . ,normty..in which Windsor - Castle isSittntted.. " -- -—Within i brief period quite' a number of lifethodist.Erdscopal Churches in New York BrOoklyn; &c.; have been liberated ` from the thuddont oi'debt, In the aggregate, of $1153.50:.: - ..:.'-'.. . - -.. . . --Acemihigto the Methodist, Pr. New man; themost celebrated among all of the • Tzar .rbuiratawbolaire gone over to 'Rome, I ' will again_ !skew ; his. abode at ,Oxfordois the pastor di the Ronan Catholic Church, _ . and presider:dotsNoreen Catholic college, has excited tigreat hitereit in the' i Establish ed Church of England.: ,- - -,,-: . ~. • ~ r ---The - repOrterlrerfablishinent, in Owe- I den, ere convent 1 / I qiiitei gratifying wills Catholic *xis of Franco end IPAY. • ' • ' ' - —The receipts, froth - rations sources, of ",.._ the ?tiethodist hillslorVin India, tbrthe year, alneented to 20,000 itipeciy.whlc4 licdpal 1i.,. to 0 , 4,1500. ' ' - • ' ..—The seventh anniversary of thc Phila.. ... delphla &ion Prayer Meeting was celebmt ' ed sme days - since, at 'which the services • Were highly - interesting. This noonday meeting seems to be a pennanent, institu tion. lir. -Geoiips 11: — Stuart pMsided, aura aiso delivered iil3 address. Bev. Elr. Putter,: • son, lat4ily - of Chicago, made some brief re marks.-:: This service Is now held at the roOMs of the TOM* Men's Christian Asso. elation, 1000 and 1011,-Chesnut street. —lt is eneouraging to note that; while there Is a considerable falling off in the ag gregate of persons preparing for the Ministry, in the colleges throughout the country, =bat a hMidred studentame In attends:Meat the Union Theological-Seminary Isi Nc*T - Orlc city..:. Over. My now students hnvo entered Lin Fan. - - —: L ' =ale ilegryo of the Efacred ; congre-, &tient of Indulgence's, annotinces that the, I Pope hoe catonded to all; the Willful who use In any language: the salutation ,of. • 4 ‘Pialied IN! and ..a Mari; Or amens 'to it, ifow,And -forever," the Indulgence of ilftidaya,and the:Plenary, Indtdgenee at K the riOint or death; granted preylouslY by REututs;vitix l m:, L ', -- ~. :..'- - ...• . 10 - f0R4'4,7470 (ITl' AND SUBERBIN. The Fire Alarm Telegraph and the Al. leged Attempt at Bribery. Te Committee appointed at the meeting of the Firemen's Association, on Thursday even ing, for the purpose of Inceatigating the alleged charge of attempted bribery, for the purpose of wearing to Messrs. Kennard & Co., the contract for erecting a Fire Alarm Telegraph in this city, to-day waited upon Mr. O'N Jell, reporter of the nircnide, to slicer:aim upon what authority tho statement had been made. Mr. O'ffiell declined Mitre the name of his informant until he had Sint Obtained his consent, and at once addressed a tote to the party. That gentleman answered, not by note, but in the person of E. W. Culgan, the well-known manager of the Pittsburgh Mike of the Union TeLegr. aphCompany. Ile Informed the .Committee -that Le was ready to answer any Interrogatoriei relation tq the matter which they miglitdeslte Mask. Mr. Culgan was then questioned. at some length; and without Orin the COnsematkrniwo may slate he dis tinctly asserted that Mr. Evans, Secretary for Messrs:Kennard it Co, had offered him $1.500 if be would nee his influence to have their Fire Alarm Telegraph introduced here—end more, If thee sum vies not enough. • Mr. Culgan declined to„have anything to do with the matter, alleging that the price which Kennard..- Co. proposed to charge the city, (El 7,000,) was extortionate, and that the work could be done for p 7,000. Hewes Asked whether he knew of any member of the Firemen's Asso ciation haring been approached with offers of money, end replied that he did not, though kJ had -heard rumors to that effect. • Mr. Culgen was questioned by the Committee es to the systems—Um Cleveland and the Ken nard apparatus—and stated that ho favored the former. He felt himself identified with the Interests of Pittsburgh and acted in this matter whit a view. to the best Interests of the minivan- Ity. He mid It leas all humbug to talk of the Cleveland system being an infringement of the Kornard &Co. patent. The commiPte desired to know whether Mr. Colgan. would not undertake to erect 'a Fire Alarm Telegraph here , end he replied that he would be glad to do so, but lila engeon,, moots for the 'ensuing year were such that he could not possibl spare the time. If the city would pur chase the material, however, be would render all: the asidstanee in his power, cheerfully and with lout cost to the city. • Tire committee, we understand, will continue their investigations still further, bud report the !result eta future time. As Mr. Colgan Is a gentleman of rerptity and Jutegrity, It will be well for our elthaus to pop- Ater what be Ims asserted In renrence to tba baSe 'offer alluded to ; and all, In Councils and out , of It, should keep thelr hands clear of the Kennard Troltet. The Vieedmen's Relief Anwelation E. W. Chick, Esq.. Treasurer of the Pennsyl sante Freedmen's Belief Association, has pub lished a report, from which we learn that ha has received cash donations to the amount of over RO,OOO, and about - $10,1300 worth of clothing and supplies. The Association, as our readers generallV are aware, was organized In Philadel phia, and the' work of organizing an auxiliary branch Path's — city Is now in proaesa—the pre liminarY ;tops -having been taken at the recent meeting in Concert Hall: which was addressed by Mesers. Brook, McKim, and Mitchell. The association concerns itself alike with the . physical and moral necessities, of the freed peo ple. It sends teachers to instruct and visitors to seek out and relieve the destitute. A letter just received froin Mr. Mitchell, their superintendent in Nashville, Tennessee, sans: "We have at present , nine boxes of. clothes from friends ha Philadelphia. We shall distribute them without delay. Two of out teach= will visit the tents, inspect the wants, and supply, as far as they can, the neeessith of the people." The Pennsylvania Association is at present denoting especial attention to Washington and the District of Columbia. They have there thir teen' teachers and one Visitor, whose especial burbles:l it is to visit the destitute and suffering, and supply their wants from means provided by this association. •• • The ftillowing is an extract from their last printed circular: "Tie Pennsylvania Freedmen's Relief Association have raised, since their or ganisation, $lO,OOO worth of clothing and other needful' articles, and t 48,459 00-' - In • wine!. These supplies of clothes, ttc.; and this amount of money, hare bean collected without any es prase aloof/Mal:6M or salary. And of the entire sum raised, with the exception of the balance now In the treasury, and a small amount ex -pen4ed In means necessary to the association's existence, eery dollar ha; pone direct to the object for which U rut contributed." A society vith'snch an object, and conducted on such principles, is worthy of the folle,t con, ddcace and support of every Pennsylvanian. Copperhead' Sympathy. Scine weeks since we reported the trial by Court-martial, conviction and sentence of three men, in Columbia county, for resisting the draft, threatening to shoot the officers of Abe Govern :nen, etc. These men were severely tined, end &trunltted for a term of years to Fat Itilftin. The Carlhie Danocrat (Cowerhmtd) thus el udes to two of these men : f "Mrs. Rants and Mrs. Hartman, wives of two political prisoners, In a Lincoln hostile, - started • from Bloomsburg on Monday last to visit their husbands, in Fort Mifflin. Rants and Hart man ere both in delicate health. Mrs. Rants and Mrs. fLartman traveled nearly two hundred milei to net their perm sick husbands, carrying Well filled valises of butter, bread and provisions, etc., for them, and, shame upon the brutal military an tioritirr :viten they called at the gate door of Fort Mitßin , they were denied the poor privilege of seeing theb•kidnapped husbands i or even de livering to them the provisions they bad brought for them from their fam'iles at home." In any other country than ours, those " pont!: cal prisoners" would have been shot or hanged, mid their wires would have had no need to make long - Journeys to ace them, with valises well IDird with delicacies. The °Dicers did right In refusing them admittance, and the editor who *hints about these " kidnapped husbands" treat to be in Fort Itirdin himself. If a man got s to prison for tile larceny of a pair of shoes 'or a coat, his wife Is justly drobal the' privilege of visiting or feeding him ; but if he commits treason, and conspires to take the lives of the officers of the government, men are . found to. defend him, and heap abase...upon. the govern ment. There Is a'sympathetie cord which binds all Copperheads in one common brotherhood. A Bold Larceny. :About ten A-lock this morning, a packar,a. of Itionay, containing. over four hundred dollars, was stolen from the - office of Mrs. :ohm Thomp sOn, No. 7 Hand street. Mrs. Thompson at once sent a note' to Mayor Lowry, and officer Wray- was at, once dispatched to attend to the matter. Suspicion fell upon a young girl minted Kate Hardy, who was then In ,the house basing applied at the office for a eitostien. daughter of .Mrs. Thompson was cagaged In filling up a draft, when the girl passed through the room, and must hare picked up the money. The officer on bearing of the facts, at once accused the Iced of the theft, bat she -slowly. denied , her guilt, and desired to be searched.. Mr. Wray, falling to Induce the ladles to search her, bad to perform that delicate business himself. , lie found a large leather wallet, bekrughtg. to Mrs. Thompson, concealed abm'e the skirt bandit of the girl, under her - left arm, ad drew It faith. lit contained $374 in bills, and a letter containing SM. The girl was then marched off to the Mayor's office, and. will be :Uominittedd to jail for trial. She had been to Mrs. Thompson's house 'about a week ago, Inquiring far -a situation, and - On 'that same day $7O were stolen. She denied this theft at linst, but on be ing pressed _by the *Meer conflased it, altegtag that she Used In Sewickley, and afterwards said she hailed from Johnstown.' Union Prisoners at Calamtda, 9. C. Ciptihe John Donahue, of the inad Penisyi rani& Volunteers, who recently escaped from priSon In Columbia; South Carolina, and strived In this city oWSaturday, after a per lone Journey tlown the Congaree river to the coast, states that at the time be escaped, he left In prison t siell, the following officers: . • _ liobinsou, 77th Ter ment; Lieutenant ,Gamble 17th regiment; Ad utant Irwin, 103 d regiment;i- Lieutenant M'Call, 103 d, Company A; Captain Smaller, 103 d, Company D; Lieutenant Stokes. 103 d; Company LI; Captain Gratty, 103 d,. Company E; lieutenant Bryson, 103 d, Company E; Lieutenant Climbers, 103 d Company F; Cap. tail; Morrow, 103 d, Company b; Capt. Mackey, ICCd, Compan 1I; Lieut. Buena, 103 d, Company IT; Captain Spence, 103 d. 'Company Captain Bowen, 101st; Captain Freeman, 101st; Captain Bluffer, 101st; Captain Benner. 101st; Captain Clark,.lolst. "Captain Alszander and Lieuten ant %dater ' of Company 1,193 d regiment, es caped hom Columbia prison some throe weeks before I did, but I cannot any whether they sue cealed In making good their escape." , Alligheilx:Mayoralty. The City Dceetttivc Committee of Alkt-,hcay . held a meetin g last ef ening, and fixed the time for holding the primary_election for candidates for the cativo of Mayor and Director of the Poor, on Saturday, Demon Thelictum Judges will meat' on the TuesdaylellOwing. to enumer ate the vine and announce the result .of the can vas. It was resolved that no inter Who had not stipportedtheUtdon nominees et the late election should be permitted to vote at the pHmary elec tion, and the Judges of Election were authorized to 1114mi:tote voters, and receive or reject their votes, as the facts might warrant thim doing. ••• We bear of but three ciadidatei named in con nection With' the ogles of Mayer—John Morri son, Capt. 'Jana .MeVicker, and ',Mr: Stewart Robertson. The canvass:will be . quite' spirited, and the Mends - of the respective eaten ' dates are already energetic:o4 - - - - **1. 4, - -* t.." : ' , l 4 ,* .!. .. tl !rlsen.ten• .•, ,• o , l ti .r.1;:11Iy r, by .1, la) Gestnrr. th'a't' 1701 John Spring er, Is raid io in a dying condition The par tics, who were released on ball, have been re arre,ted, and nre now In the leek-up awaiting the mull of of the man's Injuries. FREEDMAN'S RELIEF ABSOCIATION.—At a meet led of the Freedmen's Aid Association of West ern Pennsylvania, Allen Kramer, Esy., vra.. elected Treasurer of the Association, to whom dcsetium may be paid et once. NrwToitz WFMILLTE9.-4ohn P. Rant, Ifasrm k Fifth smut, has received Frank Leslie, Yankee Nctions, New ,York World, Herald and Tribune. Also a "flaming" pamphlet called the "The Picket Guard." EIGUTU WARD IiSLIET Fmtne—TheCommittee appointed.to . distribute the Relief ?raid for the Sth ward will meet at the School House at two o'clock Saturday aftenmortlith inst. SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES TFlCritiAl W. PAILTLY, practical Slat Roofer, and 'kelp In American State; of earlona orders. ODlce at Alexander 'Laughlin's, near the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78 Pike street.. .Orders promptly attend -xi to. All work warniatal water Moor. Repairing done at the shortest notice. No charge for repairs, provided the - roof la not abused after it is put on. _Nuw.GOOns ;ult. recurea at tee Merchant Tailoring establishment of Graham McCand less, 73 Smithfield street. We would most res pectfully Invite the attention of our friends and the public in general, to our new stock of fall and winter goods. They contain all the very latest styles of English, French and American elothea, cassimerea and vesting, all of the fineat quality, and is selected with the greatest care. Gentlemen desiring fashionable and well made clothing, would do well to give no a call before purchasing elsewhere. Every garment is war ;muted to give full satisfaction in both pries and Games.Qnalup.' McCssrm.ass, Merchant Tailors. No. 73. Smithfield street. SPECIAL. NOTICE.—The attention of our readf ers is directed to the brilliant assortment °- Fall and Winter Goods Just received by on friend Mr. John Wrier, No. 126 Federal street, Allegheny, Ills stock comprises a great variety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American Cassimeres and Cloths, and flne Silk and Cassl mere Westin till of which will - be made np to order In the gs latest styles anclin the bait manner. A choice selection of Furnishing Goods also on hand aMi for sale, together NI ith a full stockeof Reedy Made Clothing, well and fashionably wade BENEFIT OF BIIED. triends of the energetic manager ofthc Melodeon, have tendered him a complimentary benefit, which will come off this evening. Through the managerial ability of Mr. Aims the Melodeon hes become a place of great popular resort, and tee expect to see a pod turn out on - the occasion Of his benefit. Osmrers and carriage calls will bo taken at the omnibus office, No. 410 Penn stmet, day or• light. All orders left at the above &tee will be plumptlT attended to. All calls must ba pald In ad mum. • PeArt's Bonn SALER.—Yon can Bare $2 on a Photograph Album, and about half price on juvenile bookf, by buying them at Pratt's closing out tale, 54 Fifth ctreet. Auction every night and private sales every day. ELDORADO SALOON. corner Fifth and Smith field streets. J. R. Dickey, proprietor. Open day and night. Every luxury of the season served up at nil hours, Sundays excepted. eIarUSE.XLEAVS. PITTSBURGH THEITRE. FIFTH STREET, NEAR WOOD. farzaras £507:11•111•GER • ittLYD66.4OII I3enetit of the Treasurer, HARRY OVERINGTON. Mr. L. J. DONNELLY. with the 'Misses MIL LIE and CLARA FOWLER—wit h the consent of Mr. Fred Aims—together with the entire Corps de Ballet, el:insisting of twelve young Ladies, hare volunteered their services end will appear ii the Great Ballet entitled TUE CARNIVAL OF VENICE. % THIS (Saturday.) EVENING, the beautiful ro mantic play entitled, 'WILLIAM TELL. William Tell William Henderson. lioutde Dance—lithe Sylvester and Jennie. Danee Mr. L. J. Donnelly. • The Misses FOWI,EII, with the entire Corp* de Ballet. • to conclude with THE PIRATES OF SAVANNAH. IFIr4MTS. Wmaa ' Tes Dep r a i gm g e e n n t ' s lee t irJr h i e ne Q , Chxt(r wags and Johnsonville, Tennessee; Atlanta, Geer . gin; Duvall'. Bluff and Little Bock, Arkansas; and at other points. ...Wu Laborers; wages, *lO per month and cutlass. Teanotters; " .ta " to Track Layers, ono o Free transportation to place of Ifratination. Healthy, able.bodied men only wilt be received. • JOHN L. WOODS. Jr., Captain and Assiatant Quartermaster, U.S. A.. :For further information inquire of .1. T. SAAIPLI; an Federal St., Allegheny; Or over No. 40 Waabington Avenue, between 4th arid oth streeta,St. Lords, Mo. or-30Am I. W. CLARK, Gen. Gov't. Agent. A"iiTD—PRIINCIPAL—At the Ohio Female - College, college Hilt, al kale f Otti o o, ll a Lady to s , t Prin . o elpalof rm the Musical DepartenenL Must hare ..rare qualifica tions as a 1 mar and Instrumental Teacher, and mul.l be,apable to take the general direction of that department, where there are one hundred and t aenty mode scholar*. The highest reference and rteummendationreq A. uired. Apply, by letter or tht ;nice, to President NIIEH N SO, et the In. stitutlon, or to General S. F. CARY, eine-lamal. 'deitlvr e 'C ve T ry E where, " to 2s int A roll i l l ee ° thee new Sham ar Garr. Sisiten Dollar Family Srte4ag Machine, the rw price machine in the country which is / yi Grover b. Baker, Wheeler & Wilson, Howe, idgee b. Co., and 13achelder. Sahli and expenses, r large commissions allowed. All other Machines ors cold for less than forty dollars each are fo rioneraestr, and the roller and user liable. !Rostra /al eireolars sent/err. Address SHAW &CLARK E:M=V:= WiliTED—Agents for THE NURSE SPY, one of the most internt I nit and exciting boas ever published embracing the adventures of weinan in the Union Army as :curse and Spy, giving n most vto hi inner pleaure of the tear. Just the hook the _people want. Send for Circulars. JOICES IBMS A. CO., Publishers, GOO Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Po. 1210 . - 1061 IV ANTED-470 A MONTH. —I want I V Agents everywhere, at *lO a month, expenses paid, to sell ;Vern ArMits, the best selling ever veered. particulars free. Address OTIS T. °ARM% Biddeford, Blaine. ritel92mdatiT A.NTED.-10 COOPERS WANTED, to make Flow Barrels. from Machine Staves and Readings. • R. T. KI2INEDY St BRO. SEFrIXI2 8r HEELER & WILSON'S • V\l4ifip,plol Fathily Sewing. Machine Cheapest, Machine in the World I BECAUSE IT IS TEE BEST. Qver uopoo of these Machines hare been sold. Over 6,000 hare Wea sold larittaborgh *Match:day. GiCaiii than all 'others Combined! Tt makes the "LOON STITCH? and amounted only ono•half the amount of thnutd that 11 - used by the •OHAIN STITCH WAOHINEZI. No one should buy a Sewing Machine until they have as and/tad the WHYRT Fa & WILSON. • They are Warraited for Three Tears. INSTRUCT/ON - FBI:Z. lir Salesroom, No. 27 FIFTH STREET. MEIER & CO., Agents. tar BABNlThili MX-SEWER for sale who!' We and retail. neminenwF 6fRPETS. OIL cLortre, Ic yENITIAN BLIND. TRIMMING, In new pattenas and colon. -White Marble Table Oil Cloth, OIL CLOTH RUCS. ENTRE CORD AND TASSELS. -Philadelphia Green Oil Cloth. The aboee new goal. mat opened for wholesale and retell trade, at the Carpet Store - of of IIoPARLAND & HOLLINS, rte..71a,71 nem avesrr,,, Piezt door to Poet Mane, SW"! neer. Beta REJUVENATOR, • • ". _ :WIII, In nature's Own ammier, eaten. Gray Nalr . to It. original Color. • • WIU make it grow on BaJd /leads. WM restore the Natural Secretions. Will remove all Dandruff sod Itching. Will make the fair Soft and Gloasy. • Will pesters* Mel:Mesa (lobar to old sge. WID Praline the Hair from Falling OM Will cure all Diseases of the Sealy Tor sale by-SIMON JOHNSTON de. comer SnUtlalleitankrourtkolgeee. DR' GOODS F OR TEN DAYS GREAT CLURAIICE SALE, SI.SO,OOOsWORITI OF Fali and Winter DRY GOODS! J. W. BARKER & .4110. 49 Markel Street. ~>iK:4~~1M11~1~4~tJ~'~,'~"!1ltl~;~;{i`~~:1i~; SILKS, x SHAWLS, CLOAKS. DRESS GOODS, MEN'S WEAL, BOYS' WEAR, Acid every article adapted to the preeen e.saa • NM salautaltr - sr ildrox-iallasaaatis Will litol this s rare opportunity FOR REPLENISILING TIM STOCKS. umnit.vauz GOODS 61331;01041 kin MO:MIN:4W FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. ALL WOOLEN TESTS AND DRAWERS, FOR GENTS. NEGLIGEE OR 'MIELE') SHIRTS. WOOLEN HOSIERY A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF ALL THE DESIRABLE STYLES, In Plain and Fanny !Maker, Knit and Merlon Plonks. U kcign i tra t ai atrn97WallikgS" LONGSDALE 6lN6uni UMBRELLAS. WOOLEN KNITTING YARNS, le ell °more ead quantities. ILIL:IORAL SETItTti, soy...l°r rtyles end dursbillty to those Imported. ORNAMENTS AND TRIMMLNGS for Maki • and Dresses. Rich Sash and Bonnet Ribbons. SILK AND LEATHER amps, LATRIT STYLES; NEW STYLES SIDE AND BACK 0031115, IVORY BREAST PINS AND EAR DROPS, POOREr BOOKS AND TRAVELING DAIS, PHILADELPHIA MADE PEARL BUT TONS, AMERICAN CORSETS WHITE WHITE AND COLORED. HAIR ROLLS AND CRENEILLE. NITS, AMERICAN ZEPHYR HAND MADE 105)1)5, TALMAS, SHAWLS, SACQUES, SON TAGS end GAITERS. The form rin Artlciee area AMERICAN' MAN- I , FACTURF., end were purentsed directly from the Meter. or their AneddA, And will compare i fs. Goode.•ot bl in A p i t , r, i rld igi p iB e 2R lean IMAMS, 111:4DIN(fti and many other &MATZ WAVES. Juet received. gunntity of Amc.doan 'MERINO rod White COTTON HOSE. Special attention will hereafter be given to trlnt eaeortment of upatE MADE AETIOL.W. EATON, MACSII3i• 11.. CO., G OODS FOR Tlie Holidays, J. M. BURCUFIELD'S, N. B. tor. Fourth and Narird Ms. FIGURED MOUS DzLAINES EMPRESS cLoTu, POPLINS, PULA and MO; FRENCH MEM:NOES, pluln and figural. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. CCBpacis AND FADNETTAS; ALPACOAS, bleak end colored. MARLS AND CLOAKS; VASSINIZIIM, for Ken and Boys; SCARFS AND LINEN SETS; LACE COLLARS AND srrs des . • Fox cola) WEATHER . We have ► full dock of very heavy UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS • As well as the after and lighter tildes,. Wading the rest Shaker Flasstel, made In the best manna. For LADIES and CHILDREN we have pi openeda Una et Merino Drawers and rests, Of the best quality, in every site GLOVES, The largest end llnest stock we have ever had, last opined, at low prices. Also, Wool Stockings, Socks, Hoods; Sonless, Shawls, Rubles, Basques, Scarfs, Balmoral Skirts, ha, 23213E11.9.32C1PAL151M Of the Ten. newest styles, and chotoe patinas. goat ;tawny. • JOSEPH HOB= 4 CO.. 77 MUM MAZKET ST . CANTON FLANK/ L. =um% BBETLAND, WOOL AND SIZE 11111XIERGAIMEMS. Mao Bids, Thimaings, nosterh acm AT RECIICED PRICES, AT zoiume, Imam eel, et MUSKET pTSZET. DR I' 1900 I k4V ANDSOME PRESENTS, Eror the Tioliday-st, CAN BE SECURED AT MACRI3I £ GLIDES, No. 78 MARKET STREEIT, Pitteburgh, • 3:e have nor open and are get receiving, that ex readily tor our Zit 7—BI 3:1 49.1 r SALL IC A bugs and benutifsd assortment of goods, both unet'ul and ornamental, comprising . Breastpins, Ear-Drops; Isouy, Shell and Ball, Tuck and Side Combs; Pearl, Steel, Jet and Gilt Belt-Boodles; Belts and Belt- Eibboray Cashmere 'and Silk Scarfs; Head. Dresses and Nets; Lace VeUs; Lace and Embroi dered Collars and Handkerchiefs; Worked Slippers and Cushions; Work Bones, Ladles' Cempardous, Portmon notes, Satchels, and a very floe assort ment of 3P2vo.togretiph . 81buse2/ ;Nesbit% our usual heavy stook of Hosiery, Clior .Trimmings, Notions arl Small Wares, AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. dell) BOOKS, ALBUMS. NV. NEW EO6lO. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. This new volume..by the author of "Among the Pine.," is selling eft like wild-fire, and can hardly be made as fast as the milers pour in for It. It hi Crannied full of material, most Important to every One interested In public altars, military or politi cal; besides being as thorodghly attractive and al. sorbing In incident and story as. the author's other books. 12mo, cloth. el 60. VICTOIRE A new novel. vlg-oroua marl fresh—aure to make a 411. 12mo, cloth, tinted paper. $1 $5. CZECM.Ierr. A new ard promising nutl - .or fa aereloped La this elmsming work of action. tgisso, cloth, kinted,ps per. 111 60. THE ART OF CONMSATION, A splendid book, that every ono ought to own. tumo, cloth. 01 50. THE ALABAMA AND SUMTER fly the author of "May 51e.rt.in,”"LookeArnoden.. 1.2m0, cloth. 111 60. John Guilderatring's Sin, An twelve amt pareloonte Lcive Story, to the Jane Eyre iltylo. Mao, cloth, fluted papas. 60. Tlaarixacupeses rlor - seilliait. Alts.nolmea , now novel. Moo, cloth. IS U, TALES FROM THE OPERAS. The plots of all the operas, in the shape of stories cloth. St 50. FUR SALE BY HENRY MINER, 71 and 73 Fifth street. ALtitilS! A. 1431.1318 I CARD ,PILOTOGIII,PRS. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. FOLIOS AND STATIONERY FOISIOS AND STAFIONERT MAGAZINES AND BOOKS MAGAZINES AND BOOKS. DIARIES FOR MA ramuluir'FOß less. loimils, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. N. 7.l.—Onlere for Flags promptly attended to. non Tnr. HOLIDAYS. A New Atmosphere. Gall Hamilton. Melbourne House. The (lid Helmet. • John tiodfrey's Fortunes. The Seer. Clem. Lamb. Gasses of Ella. Sen brine. Autumn Holidays. ••Country Parson.. Irvington Stories. • J'. rib the „Jew. Al., Photograph Albums, great variety. Prangs Album Cards. • A Visit from St. Nicholas. New. All the new Juvenile. hiarringe Certificates. Almanacs for latis. dela .7. L. READ, :84th street. A BASE IMITATIONor my PATENT COPYING PAPER. is now being offered to the public. • BEWARE OF IT: It le so rotten that when dampened for copying it will hardly hold together by its own weight. Be sure to ask Stationer! fur the genuine. ,•-• WILLIAM MANN no3:frm 43 South ith street. Philadelphia. UVEYILE 1300KS!—A11 the : recently pubnened Juveniles, By the best trritere, for youth. Beautifully bound nod illustrated; and n great variety of beautiful Toy Book.. For sale by dent KAY at COBIPANY, 65 Wood street, PIAJMOS. MUSIC, AV. piANo3 I PIANOS I W. B. BRADBURY'S Now York, and SCHOMAUKER 00.,.*Philadelphla CELEBRATED PIANOS! Eleven knit Mae OLD AND SILVER MED. ALS'reteived within • month at State Fare and Fair of the American Irittltute, New York, In by V, M. 11. 11714.1aMitY, for the 33osst ..Volaixacs scnowAcKtit al:CO.; Philadelphia, revolved the CRYSTAL PALACE PIIIOF. MEDAL at London, beside, having received at home numerous Millais, Diplomas and Special Report. from State Fain and Institutes. .cloth have numerous letter of recommendation from the highest musical talent RADE, and —OOTTSCHALK, STRAILOSOLL WM. MASON, G others. , • • Also, a One assortment of SMITH & CO.'S ea TON FIRST PRIZE AOLIMIOAN GROANS Ana • ODEONS, all warranted, for eight years. WAMELMX EC sena, No. 12. Bissell's Block, St. Clair Bt. rut- TUNING AND REPAIRING done at the shortest notice. sur.Er DIUB/0 bou nd in any stile HAT CRRISTILth PRESENT v. COULD BE MOUE ACCEPTABLE THAN. AN ELEGANT PIANO, on A SWEET-TONED CABINET ORGAN, OWA ommatirsa-1. MlAC4,l4::oclocrs3. - • for it would continue to be a source of pleasure a family for a lifetime. The subscriber is now receiving hies Holiday Stock of Pianos, "elected personally at various factories In the }astern cities, lif embracinglMicher. ing , s,eber's, Gales, Emerson's, tallier 0 ulhPs, Make in plata awl carved cases. Prices from Via to IWO. Also a choice selection of Msson &Hamlin's Cab- TN TUI. WORLD . - Prlces Rom a7 3rteo tam.IIEST Leery instrument warranted for dire years. • CHAS. C. KELLAR, dais - 81 WOOD STREET. 11017 MAN, ROENE & wirnit I : I , 771111 • Z2003/LOZoill Z 11.4. 1. 3.11:011N . /Kr Best rums !numbs. nolo N. SIEDLE, MI • tifiIITLIFIELD BT., Banos'_ and Nubs" kutnu!ients Keep wastaatly on timid a aas aleseitmeat es • rrw• FrA ,NoS VioTairs:dorrAng,•Aonoit...' I DEQNS, saunas, evs; 1,04 t roricq to. i • 4.1111).:7. XEDIC:IL bii.yrilii,i, -- - OF Tat 13F151 OF DRS. LIGELTISILL, 34 St. Mark'. Ptace, Mew Fork, If, NOW IN PITTSBURGH, AND WILL 11EIKATN AT TILE ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Where he tan be consulted until FRIDAY EYEIRND, December 23,1861, Also o FARM OF 114 ACRES, in Derry town ship, Westmoreland.county, Pa., immediately on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. Alich nFARM of BM ACRES, in St. Clair town thlp,•Westinoreland county A Pa. Also, a STEAM MOINE, for Saw Mill or other purpoSei, with the castings, machinery, fly wheel, /sc. The cylinder is nine inches in diameter end m foot stroke., Two Boilers, t 7 feet long and V. Mehra in diameter; all in good order, zuni will be sold cheap. For further particulars inquire of . G. H. TOWER Real Estate Agent, deli 'No. 166 Fourth street. Discharges from the Ear, I OR SALE. • DEAFNESS, OATARRH, NOISES IN THE HEAD, ktUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES EAR AND THROAT. DU. LIGHTHILL Is indueed to make this visit on account of numer oue applicathinafrom parties residing in Pitteburgh and vielnity, who are unable to come to Now York for the Indispensable personal examination render ed necessary from the impossibility of prescribing witlbenefit, to the patient without it. DR. LIGUTILILL will revisit Pittsburgh at reg ular Intervals, according to the requirements of the patients under, Ids chance. Th e buronsers In New York does not suffer any interruption from hole visit, ea one of the Ann la there In constant attend- Prrranclion, Pa., Nov. 5, 1594. This will certify that I have been under the care of Or. Lighttill/ for the cure of Catarrh, and that, although lie has attended me for a little over one week,' rep/ that a permanent cure to to be el:rooted, and am so much better in ail respects'aa to warrant me in giving publicity_ to these facts; and recom mending Dr. leighthill to any rine affected with Catarrh. JACOB FORSYTH, Forsyth, Rm. k Co., 74 Water street. [Frost the Home -lottrria, Jaw Ith.] In every b 116111.• or profession, indeed In ever department of science or skill, there is alwayasome acknowlalged head—seine one who-Stands out in bold relief among his fellows, nark siert of leader. In the study And treatment of Detente. and Ca tarrh, as special disease., Dr. E. B. LIGHTRILL, of Has city, occupies Just the position !Here de welled. lie has devoted years of labor to this spa- Orally, and is now reaping the reword of his Indus try. the editorial columns of the Tribune, of are emit date, bear witness to the Doctor's mincen. in this department of medicine. We quote the para. graph: o Cr ne or a Dear MUTZ.—LoniaLootringetein aged fourteen years of age, born in Germany, came to this city when he was about two years of age. Soon after arriving here he was taken sick and lost los hearing. By degrees he became lint deaf and then dumb. For nearly ten years he was a mute, onside to hear the loudest voice, or to articulate a crd. About one year ago he was placed in the bonds of Dr. LIGIITHILL, who has so far suc ceeded In restoring to him his lost powers of hear ing and utterance that he can converse with those who speak to him distinctly and deliberately. Du the pant four or tive.naenths he has been under lb, tuition of Me Ileoneehe and has made coast& yrable progress In reading arid arithmetic.. I tat nig been supplied with the lad' s addreaa ' we rut thee in the matter, and seovered that pi ca rgoes to calling on l/r. ill, the youth's care was considered hopeless, and he was for two years on inmate of a Deaf and DurnbA.sylum. The Rev. John Nett, D. D.. Professor in Union College, Schenectady, in a published letter, tenders his grat itude to Dr. Lighthill for treating successfully his case of Deafness. Rev. Fred. S. Jewell, Professor of the State - Normal School at Albany also testifies to having been cured of Catarrh. Dr. Llchthill poseesses other testimonials and tributes tolls tal ent from ionic of the wealthiest and most promi nent and riiipected citizens which may be seen on application. It would be difficult to speak In any but terms of praise °lbis treatment, in the fare of these many proofs and fa testifying to his sue. eels. F. VIII Rev. Fred. S. Jewell, Prolmor of the Side NO) , Im a School, 4/bany, lino York. • DR. LIGHTBILL—Dear Si, Underdate of March itch, 1 sent you a careful statement of my ewe, its met. treatment, my failure to obtain relief In that direction, my resort to your treatment, and its beneficial results I have been, from Me winter of the year 1811, sub ject to violent periodical attacks of Catarrh, mark ed by strong forcible symptoms , violent Mamma- Lion of the lining membrane of the cavities of the bead, accompanied In the first Stage+ bye watery discharge from the nose, subsequently becoming acrid and yellow,andtoward the close of the attack purulturVand bloody. These attacks produced a most distressing species of beadaehe, - occurring pe riodically each day fora period varying from one to three Weeks, sometime+ so violent as to incapacl. tate me for briainens and confine me to my bed. At times the attendant inflammation would extend to the teeth, producing toothache 1 or to the tllrost, occasioning hoarseness and partial' lou of voice' and twice within the Last faw yds++ it has so affect , ed the left eye a. to confine me, for weeks, to a darkened room. " I had tried medicines and applkations of various kinds, sough and other catarrhal preparations of some half a dozen kinds; application to the bead of camphor, ginger and hot fomentation, of differ; eat kinds; and IR cOnlinctioti with these the usual emetics or eatharthis employed to Induce vaunter action. But none of these had produced any per meant Improvement, and those few Instances In which temporal relief was afforded It was at the expense of so much strength as to leave me greatly exhausted. .tinder theme .cireurratances I was though with reluctance, from thesupposed inettria blilty of the disease, to make a trial of your treat,. meat. I found It pooh even beyond mY :hopes, reaching the disease. as It had never been reached before, and alleviating Its symptoms to en extent which I had supposed impossible; At the time gave you my termer certificate, while I did not feel assured of a complete cure, I had obtained a mte.a mild relief which . amply. repaid me (or my trial of your treatment, and which satisfied me that.that treatment was as effective as it was simple and philosophical. A substantial 'escape from my old_ attack* of catarrh, for the unprecedented peeled of nearly half a year, and that in 'pito of severe or- eurrences of lllneaa which Would have formerly rendered such an attack. inevitable, wa• to me, proof of an important encores. •It la now six months since I sent you that statement, and while It Is un pleasant to appear thus constantly, and In this guise, before the public, it sector to me a matter of simplejustice to yourself and to thine who may be auflerlng a. I was, to add that I am not only as fully eatiseed as to the utility and. eflicacy of your. method of treating catarrh as I was si* months ago, but I fs thing as a te: u nomi o raitle bellef=f i Te m p y lis e. sth a substantial cure has bete ct fit% B. JEWELL. Ammer, San. 26th, DR. LIGHTRITXPiee afr: is with. POW" - Meth= that I eisnmunloatit to you the: effeete er. the meditines you pre me, for detective heather. I followed your &mations, mad me ha t r e y idea , .fipptill=m far t r urto. feel mate. et:midden!, that Well and shall not need to prodeed furtheet • 'Be ammeed, tay dem , If .amessitrakonld'es. *quire, I should not hesitate to platketnytug umber Yount:Bo iespeet, - - D. • - • ;-4114014:0titteld L s . FOR BALE--FOR BEXT lOU SALE PENN STREET PROPERTY. A . 21.4 STORY BRICK HOUSE on Penn St. near Adam., now occupied as a Drug Store and Dwelling, in offered FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERNS S. S. BRYAN, Broker and Enturance Agent, VOR BALE,THE STOCKS, by STEEL DAILEY, W ilkins Blood Farm and Ohl, Petrol c um; Cherry Run Plttsburtsh; Tarr, Story and Cherry Run; Cherry Run & Pitt Hole Pitteburgh k Oil Creek I'etrona; fi l leartry is Pittsburgh; oil Basin; Cutbertion Run, I - Payette, DMUS, Rynd Farm, ObloNalley, . West Virginia. El Dorado, I Worth America. Danner, I Merchants, Ducally, Horeeneck, Duck Creek, , Allegheny Ricer. dela WOR BALE—SITEURBAN SITES an% - , VILLAGE LOTS, IteLlt Four Hannon.— The: undersigned, E a rcutors of the estate of John Herron, deed, oar for utter s number of Lots, from onotalf to two acres each, situatedricar Fort Her ron, and within three Weider - walk of the terminus , of the Pittsburgh /4 - 2dirtersville Passenger Mall way. The above Lots are beautifully located for private tesidences. ,- Also, a number of small Lots in the village of Mineraville, fronting on the Passenger Rellw ay— thirty to slaty feet front and from one to two bun. dred feet deep. For information Inquire of either of the under signed, or W. A. HERRON, Clerk'. Office, Court House. WM. A. HERRON, JOHN D. HERRON, .:. N.- • R. G. HERRON, F. J. HERRON, jeleOg ' Executors. FOR SALE—A. very valuable FARM in Derry township, Westmoreland county, Pa., containing about leo acres, well improved, and la a high stale of cultivation. Also, a FAItakOF ACRE4.Iu falrgaidtowcw ship W T ' he tsLor d iud o, era e nt b y ,, ,j ci l ia /q . Improvements fraestOne in abundance. DWELLING IN SEWICKLEY Early possession can be given of a very desirable Dwelling House, with three to four acres of highly hoproved ground, MA good neighborhood ()botched and Schools convenient. Two hundred yards from Edgeworth Station, on the P. F. W. tr. C. H. H. S. S. BRYAN, 69 Fourth etreet, (Burke', Building.) VCR SALE—ATARM OF 105 ACRES, on Big Sewlekly, three mike from the railroad station, well improved. Price $5O per acre. A 65 ACRE FARM on Ejlbuck, 3.5.6 miles from Glendale Station, on which le a Grist Mill, Store, Dwelling, Barn, and good improvements. Price, S WENTY LOTS, on Fremont and Tremont FAHSecond ward, Alleateriy. 1 , 13. LOTS on Kilbuck at Glendale Station, containing six to ten acrea. For sale by J. T. SAMPLK Reftl Estate Denim, Federal street, Allegheny. FOR SALE.—One new Steam Engine .15 inch cylinder, 30 inch stroke, on heavy iron bed, balance valve governor. One 12 mob cylinder, SD inch stroke, second-head, rent will be as good as new. One 7 Inch cylinder, 20 inch stroke, new. One lk ' II Two Oylindee Boilers, 36 Rt. dam., 30 feet long. Three " SO " gg 0 Two Wrought Iron Oil Stills. Alen, Three Sete of Boring Tools, fee 011 Wells. 'Cheap for cash. Enquire of 11. R. BOLE, • area ' • Allegheny River Bank, near the Point LOR BALE—STEAM SAW MILL and A. OIL REFLNERY.—The one-half or whole of anoll Refinery and Steam Saw.fiLlll, with ten and one-half acres of ground; an abundance of coal oa the lot—one mine open and being worked, situate on the Allegheny River and A. V. R. R. Is offered for sale. The RcEaery is new and of modern bntld. The Saw NV Is in splendid order, and Is well situ ated, having a creek running from It to the river. Good totality for building boats. For particulars call on the undersigned. LYDAY sc OHORPENNING, sped( No. 69 Rand street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FOR SALE, • A COMFORTABLE HOUSE Of font rooms„ within one and a half squares of the street can, in Manchester. Good water and every: lk,lft 7 rras ' rp S plr n t. f=i),LtvgFi=ter I, or at Thomas namer's Wagonn Shop, Beaver street, Manchester. nottg FOR SALE. 1500 lbs. of TYPE METAL.: Enquire et potiktt THIS OFFICE. Walt SALE—CHEAP BUILDING LOTS, situated in the Seventh Ward of the City of Plttsburgh, comiletlng of three valuable Lola of Ground having each a front of 24 feet On Mahon street, and extending back 100 feet to an alley, with a aide alley of ten feet. These lota are offered at a emeriflce. Apply to 404 B. BPLAIN 44 CO , 102 Fourth street IOR SALE.-150 Acres of Coal, also, 120 Acres of front coal in pool No; 2 ; also one track of coal and railroad, and other Improvements In good working order in pool No. 3 • ; one tract on the Youghiogheny river and tlonnellsville Railroad. Esquire of WILLIA3I WARD, aug - first door from Fifth on Grant street. VOR SALE—Several hundred Improved FARMS, in Ohio, Kentucky. Indiana and M oots; and several large tracts of unimproved land in Illinois, lowa and Wisconain. Catalogues, with full descriptions and pfices of each, vrrn be scat by mall, free of charge, upon application. SAMUEL A. SARGENT N. W. corner sth and Walnut street, del3:lSt Cincinnati, Ohio. TO, LET. The Three-etoried BRICK DWELLING, Nearly new, ecintainlng eleven rooms, with bath house and wash house, situated No. SI Chatham street, Pittsburgh. Possession given on the first of •April. Rent 6500. Enquire of derktf E. H. HUSH, N 0.103 Fifth 'street. aIERCH.IJiT TAILLORS. FASHIONABLE eND DESI.7rtAI3I.,E, u•CPCIDS, For Gents 111' Youth's Clothing, MADE TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. B. 8..N011815, MERCHANT TAILOR, N•. 79 FEDERAL sr., Mieigliern;. non -lewd BISSELL'S BLOCK. W. a MONK 10 ST. CLAIR STREET, Would call the attention of buyers to his stock of goods. It has been selected with great care, and contains all the ZIEWIST STYLES GrOODS to be found in first elan houses. Dents wishing a suit of clothes made to order, will Please cell. and .e.soutine our goods and prices. Also, a Pal and 'complete Stock of . w, NoGEF, atircturz Taicose, No. 10 Sr. Math graxgr. HEAVY - WINTER SUITS, FOR BOYS Fauna*sr Caztuwtay FOR 011:11 . ..1 . SACQUE AND CAPE OVERCOATS. 311 ST RECErvzo . BY GRAY & ;AGAR, No. 47 ST. GLAIR STREET HENRY G. HALE dbpsa., Merehrint Tailors; Ht. Pen kit. Clair Simla, JAVA 0 0 1PREB6:-20:Iniks wittieJAii man „itikieeetretkite, nthlterisful/F poets, 4 . 1119 kyllis r sistittpatiA 311.8a1. 4011 7 w 4 BOOTS .I.TO SHOES. A FEW DAYS LONGER. TIIE BARMS BEING RANDLT SEGUED. The Greatest Chance 'Ever is the City. CITY MADE PHILADELPHIA SWIM HALF THE PRICE OF AlSis- DISH ELSEWHERE. The Assignee's Stock h Nearly Closed lit. DELAYS ARE DANGEROUS. Concert Hall Shoe Store, 82 Fift Sty the People's Rendezvous, COKE nas Num ir •mint WEST .SIDE OF FIFTII, ABOVE' 'WOOD de!S' LARGE AND DESIRABLE MTV OF • Boots, Shoes, Balmorals and Giltea; Of the sooki:iii3proved styles and ousketi; ADAPTED TO THE WANTa ALI; Just received at ThIeCLINTO43IOII,,, ee FEDERAL ST., ALLEOItEIVir CITE. P. S.—Fresk goods willing every day. notil JAMES ROBE, •. SELLS THE BEST, THE IcATEST FITTING. .130CIOrEit -A-MX=l ISECCOMIIIII. Of shy house In.tho etty Be n ham just received a magnificent FaLBW*. . ogle THE "STAR" WORK! • JUST RECEIVED BY GEORGE I LBREE, SON & CO., N 0.93 WOOD STREET. Bop' and Youth's Reel Balmoral.; Oxford nes; Olt •" Bootee.; Children's Goat and Kid Shoes. These goods are made to our spacial elder, as. are warranted unequalled custom work.. nols CLJLW .IGz. ra. rosicrn oezraat winner ALKing/4 McMASTER ct GAZZAM, CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND . ATTOENL:TS-AT•liVir. Na 98 GRANT STREET,- Pfttillbergla., Lioeneed by Govertuneat . to eollect BOUNTIES, rENsiows, BAOK PAT And al . l.,other ,/ Military or Naval (labia Againet the. United StataL ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, due eaßtleta2l ,4 4 cloned on account of wound. rawly.* to 0 eollected Inimedlatelf. Arir Call at id 'OIaNT STIIEET, opposite tY Cathedral. coated pENSIONB, BOUNTIES.. w. J. & Ems PATTEEBON, /Army and Navy Agenoy.: No. 144 FOURTH ST., Plttitourgb. PENSIONSm BOUNTIES_ , NACU PAT owed; tad PRIZE MONEY, and COMNUTAT/ON RATIONS of released ptimonete collected. PAY OF PRISO NER S OF WAR cap be drama by Mete "Oyes or widowed mothers. . • part WOITEDED SOLDIERS. ' • • $lOO llanatfto all Wounded.Soldlera, 11 I now being paid to all with a "Discharge.* N. cheese made until the money is collected. T. WALTER DAT. Licensed by the U. S. Goveituneot.. Cathed No. 100 eaLFIT= STALMT, second docir below I ILITARY CLAIMS, PENSION :' AUL BO I OIPTLES, BAG% PAY and lIIL ITAS. CLAIMS of every description, colleited by Ili subscriber, at the following rates, viz: Penile'', CD, all other claims 11343. • • O. CI. TAYLOR, AttornepatZaw, N 0.73 Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pg. • N. R. No charges are made It the claim does set succeed, and all Luformation given pails. 'eddy . SOLDIERS' CLAMS, BOUNTIES PENsions AND AzacrAus OF PAT, • -Promptly attended to by RID DELL. No. tad FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh, As, dOlOoSoidiorT "frron.rmrs. JAMEB LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT•LAW, All Legal Buabiesapromptly attar sod to. sir Mee, No. DM Faux= miter, twat Gem Pittsburg. B.C. maexursa _ _ e. A. atmuoiMir ACgRELL .t JOHNSON, ATTORN EYSAT-LAW, MS. LICENSES SOLDINES , Bounthis for Wounded Soldiers eofeotet li item . en to twenty days. Ofilee N 0.16 enArrr irritureiTiltguA ity . OW with disehatie and two witnesses, NOAH W. SHAFER,' ATTORNEY--AT-LAW, ' rro.lollPrrra Smar t Pinot:n:l2lS „ Oaf= for PENSIONS, notrzar, MOIfEY, kg., rigorously prosecuted. , PORTSMOUTH SIX COED SOFT FINISH IS -V' 4CO Xs Co 401 or IP 4CO7Sfa A 1. 443 4 1110 i/ 10 a ENAMELED SPOOL DOTTON.• . Ttuese threads ire arena/gat at autoei.bar volleys; and guaranteed - : to measure two . hundred la length.. Claa be Lod to allislars sad asaleca„ • • . . ' H&NUF9 JrL RED BY TIES PORTSMOUTH STEAM FACTORY. , • CHAS.. - AIVE.OI3.Y. i'S; CO . . . . BELLING AGENTS, Ise artrßneg gr., NEW YORN,I' ISt DEVONSHIRE 5T.,.130Nr0N._ 2 . ES OUURIM'ALLEY,'DDIDAHEDDELLS. Act: mew! - - -MCCORD Hats,. cais and Goa*. Hare now in store the lergest hid Died eocapinti GOODS FOR FALL. SALFB. , ' Ever offered In the west. MetchistSstr• requested. to cell sad ekiuntise ocks stcwk, salt - De - - ' B9 I :RAWrs, PuT.FLOWEiIBOI — ii -- • From MLILDGUIVB Osklarel Greeahnese-__=-- kie with IL Slubley, 17 Four th /L &Met lc- Bro., 1= Wood street. Dunseith & 0m, . 44f11ra street, or at the Greathouse, timjaptly, tto.Bequete_ impelled daily at the store= b=s , „ Othlarte este tun to the Greesturawareerf cLoTas, - . of. all :veldt 1i nirl potterna, hood,nit aoy &rod hill et Mood Alamo stock onWhich In will milli* se. •titioaltates. Ofilt sad oaks& the •In OlotllVEPOsei of • ! • .". J.: 11 a•/111111.LiPlk=- tollazul 85,..010ir . 1-ITuoaam GLIII hhic 777., . ggrwRIAIQUAKI44 " _ . And THE MOST DIIELLBLIII, SOLICITORS OF . I Zs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers