. • Re %liblaugh stakvite iIkOBINBOII, Ma,EAN & Coy fitock and Exchange Brokers, BUY *Wall ON COMMISSFON ONLY. . . Itsitak. fositiitate, Copper . Gar, Ttalirond MIANCLIL AND to,n3H 1111r..7,‘, 0109111 4 EP AND Ii.iIiKERSI 'HOARD. (001t3031 VIDISTROXIXSON.X'CLIas 0. Co.) , nimar, Pectic= 16, 0851. . I -4-.4 ~" 5 •-. OW& Aiwa. satei rt 3. Benda 54101, ^ AtosX ILfoonelhrvilloß R Shares.. 111— - do do Int - -12 - IPS** lir Stenlvllle 41 9 3=oloQidte ....,............,.... -- 2 19 Tar, Ettory.....-.4 — llben7 Run ii Pitt Role P lerat Abiorh ' • kiliery.... anis Central 2 AM.g • ..••1 ---.. 1L ,,. .8.,... - , , .Pitt&mrA h. Cherry Run.. -- SG , Centrstßagla. iterMa ._, to .011.:-.......... , too_ - ... Tho stager _ list of dealings at the regular Board todalTlfirisetently ethlblt the tamper of the stock 1 rearlp.4.. Nota,aingle solo during the Seaton Of the board, not even of Govenarrisnts, which are Windily in favor. Not that Governor - Cats are any kliliatiladyitelki,hUtßintladneyis excec.ling close, and Oinkrniep.nact deal without order* from the ertitaideirubtle, who, to tell the truth, are loaded down with 011 Stocks, so that they cannot buy if ihnsessrel. We are glad to belie% e that the •public are returning to their senees In the Matter of sub. innhlog to OR Companies. Same:lotion books are getting out"e4 Stier. • -." (told declined in Eastern markets today s to 2331 g. rive-Twenties 100 1 ..;. Ccrtifloatee, 900. 'lbs attendanee at the People's Stock Rachange i 410311 3 0011311.11 this evening, the miserable state , - - of the weather and - attractions at other places, lee tunt,`,slo6o,o; ele.,eti., taking the time and alien. - -Slot. of those who are usually - On hand every even ing. Therd were,ln coneoquence, but comparatively few stock* offered, and the transactions were un ' Miuslly light. I ittshugh k Philadelphia was of at 1,36-1.10 bid; Ritchie, 1.30-1,15 bid; Rosa, 1,20-1,21 bid; Stella, 83-0) bid. ' Tarr, Story k Cherry Run, 1,16-1,10 bid; Dote d Lubrle, 93-30 bid; l'edgral, 1,25-1,03 bid; Peopleia Insurince, 0 , 1 0.-33,1111Lidr "The followingialetwere male i CO shares 5a15e11..... as 25 tent n Cherry Run 15 Blood Yarn.- 103 . in addition. to the above„ the following named stocks were otOred, without any response: 130- , ner, NI Bergen, 11. ' Blood h. Farm Ohlo, L 9 15 Oen test Basin 1,49; Cherry Run Central, t,87%;' Cherry BIN ral4ttsburgh, 1,00; Chcrry Ran iaPitt-Itole, 1 ' OD; Culbeftsen's Run, 2; - Duck Creek, 30; Dunk italOreak.Union, 1,30; Eldorado, 2,24 Fayette„4o; neat' g k 8 104 4 3 . 50 1.` Ibilso'Neehr 130 31.00 city, SOO Monongahela, 0 National, 1,00; North Amerti.- ' ls9 ir SAN Ohio Talley, 2,10; 011 Reath, 10C 011 - Creek It Cherry Run, 3,70; Ti,37llr,rln, II; Pitts.'„ burgh It Great Westeo4.l,9o; Tack Petroleum, 5; Whiteley Creek, 1,33. • - Boston Board reports Indicate a renewed apecu lailon in Copper Stocks. The dealhip are Ingo than for menthe past. The ' , Yankee*" gloat take kindly to Oil Stocks. Franklin, Pewabic ir.Q,uln: 07 iwe moet•hielemand. We annex list: BUM AT TAM naves 11:1r.orraltS , tio.tare, Dec.lse It Rost Bnilinneo.lo,lC 100 illiDop Cam 13,...'i AO Boa W P C0.. .41. 100 do. ..1130. 19, 43 6o ]Mad COp Co- 3),, 190 do ..... 430 43 INI _„ do . 3 , 4 60 dd.....b30 43 230 Mann, Cp C 7,ay 75 do ... ... ... 4164 103 Nese Clop Co 7;.,1 NO , •00.... . -5 4234 160 , do . ... .MG 334 We - do ' bin 44 700 'Ottawa Cp C. 33 10 Xt Vernonbk 105 too Pers'e C (..WO 0034 10 Bab PR R. 064 ~.103 •a • do.- .... a5..5 es ohendre II aas ' Au -do 59 1 . 6 girt (10 It 11... in ..Sao Ain '-- ..,-. 3.15 7 10 Northt NEE 91 do. 54460 IN 410 .....1311 0 50',1' de .. .. .MG 61' MI lit &Masa 4431, nsi 5 Phoenix Cop eo 10 121 do - 3bly 43 do - NI an Acton (lop co I ..• 32 Pitta Cop co-. 81 N;vu1tt.'.. 13 ..!!! re: J a otku,'snfiecapl");', no - do . . . ..... N 4 100 Star Cop C0b30,41 No Doe Cop Go.. 4 100 do. ,13 - NO do.. --MO 414 103Surr Cop co -....10- al .30, - .,....... sh 60 'do.. . .... .....' 1 110 . do 4,tlf, 100 Tremont Cope° 3 560 do - 411. MOO Fr (Irk Aripplo.r '- ; 1. Ito d0......1,60... 4!,1 500 d0'....,. :. Su Cop Pails Co. 35 , 600 do . 1101 II„ irS 41.1 . ..::,",........„ ... " EkFtti„..d. YiiiZtii:2l.t 4 - 1 , 100 d0,:i....... 2.10 Holub Cop c 0... I n me On 343 , 3trl - do-- ...... ioli 2 LNearlrchil.l 7 . 07 " . .I' inO CIVAr ' u ggl in er-4 1: 1d tra3 --- t 1 04.1...b5/ 57 - : 00 1031,76 . .;054,: 70" 35 ,410.. . a.. 604 • .110 r d0....44 i. V‘v, 100 Hirer Cep - Co: 5 1 45 R -- .Nr., 4.1.3? n,.. 2 7 .• NO do 3!,„ 105 do 4, Tll l hQt5.Rl l O l l/6.,-.6n intelllgeot einve.tho,gglkg„ of thloUnitird Slates Railroad and Xining 65355e' I writes A.lfolloirm • : .- Pitrideum lands, at present, appear to be-the ruling Saanciel end commercial nrtide,ap m0.31.10,00c. that taploralluns emrentatatnil Font Ire 110folilligl -Dew regiOna to supply the demand for It. 0i1.h5- erns arenriMeroUe OW extroshe, nieuringtoßnassl• fm.arlhmst, Rev Brun; is lel. Ind .11k1,4t to as lode t= Lig Vt'a w n l atl e , '" P w r t n i n 'e s r 3 ‘ ITA I r ' d wL ( ' ) l. l c dt,t l ,_ =- Male Tennessee and Alabama, whin, II ankini the A.licabero- Mountain.'',rut on 4 rlAlln.ste rs nmx. may pioperty be 031 ed the Alleglicay basin. BS. nebg•hlbreeurl,Ransaa and Colorado hire 111161,41. deposlN .r.,,,t, and obl.t. oriror rocks. while Cali fortilit. It would ' appear trona invent reports. far ca.- ceerliac all the Pada° hut lee, If not in extent of it. prowng territory, at leut In thz. , ,,u,re, 4 woo- drafirldeduct of its freohowicg well*. - :,;.; . .''~~ ~: :;. f,_ h, l'" - , ;::-1,- 1 , • , :.,'!.. - K ,:l, ..,..,.. ;:,,,,:„...,: „::::, .:,,.:.:.„ 4 .- ,_ ',„..,..: ;;:i - ..,: . i ',..1 '-'•lf . . ;.: . t.f: ' '':,-:-.. ''.:, • A;t:'; - Tice air ocean In tt ftWeCtiTail GPr eet .trots and at different dcmi t a from the surface, and Coosa fLe lower co attata, which wouittee •to be ihr mostrelfelde b ore line from which t o re - ra s tliati the nicks. either alto., or beneath.. The bastouterop of the lower coal:tank memo near the attuncittidthe.hille not far North fryer the- mouth 01 Me ChtHon Riser—elevation; ne tr 2.30 feet shrive the:Alleghey River. At till City tho art. face Ming the line a rf the river fa about ,Ida feel be +teeth the ettettects f and ea it is requille to bore .Ate hundred feet to reach beneath the third !isol ator. (Apparently; where the isriftet...reacrrolem of act are ft /vela), making In all about Met Icet from tire Qat-Ma ta the goal Oceointaletitm. - Prom ;'the:..' premiers there can Irc but littla difficulty in eat stdishlbg the depth of the most - productive oil. steals oleo„ n vaiktys of the Altmiens or 0:11o, at lea al as far SMITS at Porkersttrj, VIr(lols., at whf ll.ey would lip ,ached at A depth of abaot• fottriren hundred feet There 'ere ra.rerril - Othflr strataapose Itepeath,titst#re,_ eaturatei with Oil cccm In Assures tract urre—ferticsi t , sioping and horlintdid Along the lines of upheaval Mahon , - meet. Three fracture, are in to rn ,, instances very;-. tars-rend filled' with oil. crater ant_ gob resullif3‘. .partiattrfrom the decomposition of earbonaceouS matter, of the Itiald of which .it matters not to a pr. lot' or economical point of view. whether It he - coal or nab vegetable or animal. The fractures Are fromcr localities arid vary to form and size immense tr_serrolre to small eures tr atut will be as portable In their produetee they ate ilk' theft dtornsiont` 'lt Chit the whale Mies of. rocks of a certain clue were, sato. • rated-frith off; and that wherever :local dispi ter.. nerds oraltidarbmittes.hAve wraff'nt ( P roh oiog' reserrOiraihey hare time ftlft , tl by, pure) dicta thloWill the porta, Joints. and fisaurea omit,, roek t with variable onautlties of oil, wilier mt. gas,: as-.' training, fry virtue of the difference IJ2 MI,L:tI., graeltlea t eertala Molder position.: - fort tee no Main ante ASts ail Garin do erfla fice•crgebar, mad doubt not dAtif oil midis t foondUtronekouf ifs wbok length and Irrapa, eat al. fare*. oil loriniellerorenmitortedr but Is no tilstritt ' wilrlt to found ln -sultlelent . qnsuatitice ,to pay profit to serious 'mineral oil-producing ormialss ge=firentlatit li t ut " %rte n W in ent e t r 4 l t h h e e r ft ocitTal! : equate to the formation of bare, reservoirs, thoi -tLmomaktnii room for the arcumniallon„or concentra •Thlttferre.torkPost ,!;tf num dutyst The oestigniedeliiiiee of GoierriMentl itecnittlegriirle crlthetanding the deptettilon'ai that , trroeserlin Ilona or I PO cul anelpal (edam of tplerest on,Nranstrect t 'hie morning. One of the causes to eithich this advance Is .aarribed is the 6- tfelpation of a renewal of the foreign' demand. lie. eenuovkies from :Oermiter torah claw this' and • stow= that the supply of the Volt/al filetee securi ties issdtetassieposte, The onlers fronton, own citizens ate alto inermuting, and In all parts of the dfatilitil7 the wring. of Persons, otomall means are Invest Leg In these safe and remnuerattre secorh ".- : • ;4 , %n I 4 . " , i ', 1' 6 '4 , 4: ' 1,) /• t:. i • ''' 1 ::4 ' * . i! ... ti Sti e .'' ....., :e 4 ; , The Stilifattonal !sinks now organised have a sap. Stet of p1.21,104„02). Their 'aggregate currency ' amoun{ts to re,Ont,llo,- enrehletr t 2 MOTO wero nu -ditrin"the past week.' The annual report of , the Comptroller of the .Currency Shows that two ,-.- hundred sod elghtpdiso new hooka ham been or ganlzed during thepast year, and one hundred and etsty-eleht State Banks changed .tnto National ones. 4.4- the one hundred -Dante last organtao4 slaty-seven baseborn coneerslons of State Banks, andapeatly all.llu papers now hied are for .the change 01 State Hanks into National Asso-La, Ilona ft h underatood. that - arraneelmmte arc In pro - Vltt4 P ll: e bV: 2 -‘ tit 11 ° 12. " ,ter). ° 4ltil ' o r r= „wader Act of March a, 1811/. It lx not apparent. ...whether the be wade by private nelintlne be th cf= foo; ettn:elittozo'llte:' or Lha there to Rule doubt. that they will be dienoaed .of by pH sede. The prlocoof terehdtleaare strong under tbereport. - ; - Tlll. Board of Director. of the Philips ..111 way hitiodeelared dividend Of two Per- mut. nu theogileill stook, payable on and after the 16th Ite• Tnelloird animator. of OM Crescent City' 011 °Company hsreletlared a otholdenol of (mem emot. payable on and after the 24th Mutant:. • The o,hote7 Run Petroleum °MOW innouneea a dttfeebel natal Per eent:; mania on the 2114 Inst. freest taxes. The transfer bnokastolason the 10th Anti 61142 Grain in -Sion; In Chicago ledlOtetng Is the estimated amount of roar and Oran fa iu ILlbloano, on Satunhtf, De: timber 70th, tOtnircd: 791 th tho • esespnndingto 46241.01 lint year - •4.622. ' • 22,816 . 672,122. .112,471 202,0161 .5 f4,147 3 _ ;116422 20,621 147,217 2000611 Medi IrkMlCre•powassi* .. . ie;o4so..n. . Tout 2,943,290 1,126,04 -ig2=eoClt:=s SATURDAY, URDU:BM 17, 1 sal • j_snd 04_151ocks. ..arnontiameat amines of an kinds animal' ansm =CAM '11.7.1V (IN PiTTSRURGII 'MARKETS. ! FaroAT, Dee. li, 1961 The general markets...me exceedingly quiet and neglected today, owing, partially, to the unpleas ant condition of the weather, which' leaded m.to terially to retard out-door operation... There le, however, a continued good demand for most of the leadldg articles, and prices are firm but uo. ch tin — Thechangeln the weather baguet a. yet, produred any effect on the Hog market, as the de= mend still seems to be fully equal to the supply, and priees. Consequently, smarm and Well sustain. ed. - Several lots changed bands at the 'Allegheny yards during yeeterday and today, at prices rang. • log from 412 to 412 25, end one lot of extra, brought Our packers are buying pretty, freely, and there Is no apparent falling or in , tho demand for shipment. . . GRAIN—The recelpti of Wheat Continue very light and the market Is firm bit unchanged. Dlr . ley Is coming in more freely, sonse.•Bso` bushels be. mg 'reported at SI 80 for Spring and 42 00 for Fall. : Oats continue in very Eight supply and the receipt' arc limited; we note Wes from depot at 9 582 r, and from store at /IL Cora la *ding in mall lots • from More Mil I 40. GROCER,Id23— market is quiet but firm arid • prices are wells ustained Coffee Is held Irmly at 40 4 00 c. &WWII UMW at 22e234 for Clubs; 26020,, for Porto Wee and New Orlesns; 294324 for soft •• refined and liens for baud do..Zdolaimes quoted at witch decided erate Wet demand; but Wets areotit hange, dill to 2f• : for smell lots of well known rand. of Spring and I Winter Wheat-from storm , Salts or. to Mita. low • grade Extra at 1414.100 do. low.grade Family at Ste 60; and 150 bbls goodSpringWheat do. at xlOl • lICRWREAT FLOUR—L.Ia good demand and I ftrin, with *Menai de OD ewt.; bulk. and $3 'ZS •,65 in sacks.. Stock light and receipts limited. • -MILL I - RED—Steady but •withou44 quotable • lehmare; sale on track of one car Middlings at $2lO firm with a good local demand and jfalr to prime Roll imay be quoted firm at 1161.55. I but unchanged; we note e.g.:Ulm. odes of .Weatern Reserve at dier..2c and Ham= ;burget.92c.' Goshen quoted at 211 c. • FA' 30S—Firm et Wets. 4. doz. ~• , 'f. lr BEANS—Firm but unchanged ; gale of prime small White to the trade, at {2 22 le bushel,- ,sad almat llr . oo. GREEN A eale 4l.4:n.-- In good demand btit 'un changed;-sales of GO'bbla at Rona 44 to*: 40, and p/0 bble, to go out of the market,-at an bbL POTATO , --Steady with regular sales from store at 41641 10'41 bushel. , • " rITTSRURREPETRORMITM MARKET j The market for etude remains qutet and steady, the demand being, only moderate, while the re- Celpianontlnite light and the stock on hand m be . cominevet7. much reduced. Quotations for good gravities however, may be fairly given at tOc,bblii. teturned, and dtc hbLs. included, with a sale of AV bbis. at t 13.4, and 1000 bbl. at 43. The market for Refitted, In bond, is quiet but firm, and prime city brands are held firmly at 671164 cts; wertote a sale -of So ht,Ls., deliverable in Philadelphia, at 70e, Free ollNa firm with a moderate demand for ship ment, and the market is arm with no upward tik- Ileacy; Sales of 100 bbls. at 87 and 100 de. at 00. Thereto nothing whatever doing in Nnptha or Residuum and in the almenCM of sales, we omit gubtatlons. The zeeelpts of (;rude. by the Allegheny rive Since our last report, are as follows :1 • St antob u. MeXelry. . 7ne. Gallniher . 209 13 Strickler 4Dexter.: 30 . uat. . Fav , v(iRK FETRoi.n MARKET. Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette: . . New Tons, Dec. 16, 185 L : Therein a continued good demand for Crude and Prieeshare still fuitherradvanced; Sales at 56, on thespot, end 56% fer all this month.. For Refined, to, bond; the market is so excited and unsettled, thatacciarate quotations cannot be -given; on the spot the...nominal quota Dons are 706430, 80for all Ude ;month. PO. for January delivery, sellers' option, and siwei4; buyers% Flee Oil, too r ls Otto . and.higher, sal prices are irnigulai-56 on the spot; Pdaellt 00 for all this month.. "Gold closed this afternoon at =6=l)4. PHILADELPHIA STOCK HARICOT Special Dispatch to the Plttsburgli.oazette. - . PISTLADELPIIIA, Dee. 16, 196 t. The market " for 011 Stocks was (mash and dull,. today; prices were irregular. The Closing mustations were as follows: Caldwell a; ..Wainut. -I; McClintock, ti s•li 311 Ple Shade„ . 375‘; Deicer, 8%; Cherry Run, 30; Corn I'lanter, Egtiert;26)l; Phil, as 011 Creek. 1 36: Hib bard, 21i; Great Raga, 3; - Eldorado, 2; Irwin, 103 , I; Pemilboie b!•It quibb's 1 . 1 - • _ . 1 --- - ggee, Dee. 14. ISege,Yogi( Breaggestra'We clip the following from the (few. 'York Mgr , dents' Orenferr. • ' , - ..J • l linganrarvre—The .lnqtifry for Amalie, been , quite brisls. in part. , -for European marhete: this unexpected demand, a (Melded falling °friss the-ar rivals, and advance intxchange; stimulating the 1 ,Iliquiry, and induct Teel , itsrand demand for State for future delivery, at , Vs . - 4i (dr the bet half Of January, And Alt for k'eb-• licitly sellers' Option. • tile here added slightly to. otu r lidock,"And at the cufreot high prices it is con sidered large, although noll.i•lstexersi of loot year. The dematul fat -Pros Utelatleacketa has been good n t for the. season, and we . ha o note an Adrian., *Wee out brief MlMl:ice bane/ on shipping broods; - while family-h. are ruled quiet.. Al . . !rel.* the market la s app : hut tulle., the m iry confined to the Mu...6We mainly. In wheat t eta has lien inner arthity rives here lmnres , eii) U i g o 691 eents.per bushel , . n-very g eneral - doe viand, in put for Invest:: -• ut °Moly for ex= Peri; the lesiva! of the .14 4 ,m3nd soon after our last spire_ a - do:Med you tone to thb Ina. ki•t, and greater art isity ma y noted in ail des ' e.ptions. The export demand ;has been -irately ! .nonmed to liming, nod nt ' th. Wane Ms I. heist • with much 'confidence. the 'ratherpone - lire:able. Aiwa from Europe and limited aterXf sr the sentian ' , deer/glow pm*, quite iraponsibk but the re , t erne appears robabe.he close he Inquiry , 1 .. light, but holpder:rarel AlAi tam.' Indian ears hns been 100 I milted demand for home use, lied with mode,. • 0.1, Arrivals. prices are without much ehan;, , e. The . id; pia - of new is moderate ast, and holdere fine r . The exports for [beat /3rlt }e Ain and the tlaati : lili •for-ilie• A eek.• snilli.„7, Doe ~.-:,1,- lac:, 1334 u. se: 5679 barrels doom - L . 2,551 qrs wheat:4lmo ..... • iiteni he r istageat, (6,99 barrehAti our. 172,677 qrs 5../ esitt - TiArre qqs-vorn. Seine tjpie pa,' 2.3t,t0n Oh can • flours 609,051 grs winint; 29,10 t 'cps corn. Ti- eipt• for , weeln.'endlne Tirecinissr Ilth , HQ, U ere: . ) (1.8711 .reel* flour; In= qrs3rhest; 7,75 t ma core. 'Since. f...eq „ emitisr L 2.15,4,1,472603 bar friS dour; 512,556qrs bent; antlme7 gm cure. hea t I n e IttiT, 1,741..116 barrels flour; 1,191,6t6 Oa wheat Co At: ma Corn. Malik:tame Market. Hee. • l'orurse.—We report slits of to) , hitts ;Gap.] .1110 av 44 rill 11 Pt. and sue hogs - dantsged do, on terms not Jr • ri.pired. 1%.01 11.—Tin e rnarlt4 Alllnues firm, ultliiSles or IMO barrols Oblo Extrast ell Go pt,rb tad. NO sinks of City 31111 s reported. • PPIO bush idso4l Lueltgls rest received; demsnd IcetetlvoWhite, u ji- lth sales oILGOo Wahl; white at 2 :WA: and HP *15.212 nd t4eo2 V.bUrhel. eofn was to fair sup- WT. 13,100 Loeb* tereived, and niarket dWh sal. f 'noir while - It .1 Ittial US, Go.tellow nI9I 19; 1199 Lush& ohl . whilo.brought RI %m bushel—no, soles of old, Fellow, Oates- Zak, WAIN. OXeredl. sales of - 1609.191119 se 91 eta snd:lso9 bush" *ft rior cc 1010000 terror. - Bye, smolt sales at 1 /110 - 11153 it luishcl. ' ' - Pnotlutose,—Are very Cern at previous "plot*. Lions, though sales are Ilmited to jobbing lots fr.. ktal wants. Sroan.—The stock herels reduced to .91Mhhds, 'hot mestly.ktoeery "rendes.- kenning Kradea are in tequest; we learn purchases to the extent of 373 •.1110111( kr Baltimore account have been mode In Pttitodeligslothe laser:ay or two. It oblenskPrc.r. 'ictrfirro arfolfpricesfalore' quoted. ' ' • • We quote re before, viz : for mover 19 01 1 to foreman lute; Tnnottv nominal at 1159,. Flaxseed steed; :4'43 bushel for coo:stir lota. • < Tar • 1 New YOr . ,:tW.ni_d etket,,Men„ PottierriC heia beWin fair deitrirobs.'ehe Emory being mainly fair. ensure end medium tradest price -oar* firat e and adthc ciosc teal u;,- Ord; we quoin nt.llocents It 10 for 'Saxony; SD mall OM Wine erinn;ll3 gents 611 a) I•Xell.lllcrintri and 11 dei for ustlveeand tf Menne: These 11=0Showeri improvement on ihe low,gradcs, pull‘lritt.7o6B3 • cent. for. No- 1, and no tentO6lll , ol fp3;superddir and extraresib, fon is at Z 5665 conlinr common and unwashed, and 30660 cm flneolin. Other descriptions remain quiet, but re without' ersential chingel we quote erican at feeott cents for common ..., ; , 44 11,16k. rents for unwashed Creole. Gss reit washed Oorditial336so_lsenfafor unwash ed tisat 613056 cents fordo Merino; 0560 cents ,for washed Entre Rion Cape Goor - Hope, 60610 ceshafor unwashed; East lons at 15690 cents for • washed - - African 30630 cents for unwashed and 65 . 6r4, dent! dot withsed, and Syrian it 38643 Cents for unwashed.—Tribune. Afftwa nice Market. '}~I.OL'R-nUIL' vin.us•Wheit unchaared i'miles this' mortals. ,011,00 bush No. Spring. to store, at sims ; MU: waukre Club, at 11,17 ; 1.,030 `bush do; buyers pp.. tlon till January lath, at 01,931203 do, buyarat op. 1100 between Januar, let awl WO at 94 15 1 sib. , on change 0113,000 bush No.; Spring ld'atcre, 111,111litMPA ; 6,600 do, aellerav 'lrption, all rmooth,' at 61,76; if,OM bush No. 2 Winter Red at, 61,64. Oats; rale of 3,00/ bush to store, at 870; Bilaqa de. livered, at Ite. Cora higher; sales 01690 bash new *belled on track, at ai,ts. Barley Orin and or. changed ; sales of BM bush good quality, delivered, at 111,6 a ' - PnovrioNt—rinn ; sales of Ito tea sweet Pickled Hams. at 11%c; ',Ribble City Mesa pork, yesterday, at 1:,638,00; 60 half bblu Beef Tongues at Sm,oo. lime—else Hogs steady; sales 370 head, averag ing 260 and 26.1 tit 1112,409'12,62. .Thetskay Twx on Stock on. Hand...4:ini OrJbalbe [Prom the Buffalo ExpreiV We learn that one of the largest stlllerles lu lhle a Icinlty intended 'to commence distll/Ing to. Lay were It not for the resolution of Mr. Wash burn. The min waspurctuiersl and the distillery yut In running order, hut active operations will he difctred vrtil the question of taxing stock on hand Is defoitely settled. Near. Mak. Markei. N'Yong. bet7 - 26.-urrux—leaa active, at 01,0031,02 for 21110011.. ;'• ' • • • Ftocx—clull, without-decided change, at am no ;for Fxtra State; 11111,2 6 0,40 - lITor Extra /t. nd •a 471,46612 for le GRAIN -11' beat %a Tnu ct, at ISABrands.R; Ambexallehlgan, 110,66. ec ityeaull. tarn italtedwllrmer.. tattaditt : Vitanx—eigteffildec . laedlyidgier, at si,Diri Cal for Extra State, and 111,007.00 for Weal o cti. • • • °caeca:ea—Coffee dull. Sugar steady; Illtelco -redo, 17463. alolasawaloa at auction, of Jars.' • Newetwado, at at 111,36.• • ' PaT OOl -Erin;—flrto; Chide, 6 3; Reaped la Hood, 770; Helloed, Free, 0630. • • , Paiivzsioxa—Pork opened active and firmer, but elated deckledly lower; Sit 76 for mat, 5130.3,50 - .for New do., 107018,60, for prime, and $11(011,73 for -Prime-Mesa; also? ,600 bbla 1861 - 4 Ness, 'Seemlier, - Gruyere' option, ilittaoeu,2i34l 6,stro.bbi, New Mesa, -January. and February, buyers , option, and 6,000' Filen°. Was, °Won, at 041,54 Bier - more actlye and .ratber better; 1116e70,f0r .NaW,i New - Plain areal, 6 3 1,6 7 0Z1 .for New Sid Atilw‘ Neu Beafiti taualerata request. Seer Nem steady. ,:flegtafai,l6lrdonUolo; WWII.' gat Shoulder., • I . for - lau'illrmer; • , January, era' Option, et 25e. Butter steady at 489503. Lercsaatillooa—Sure aid firm at Ilk, • -.— New York Stork and ?lon try Market. ion - Your:, 1h...1G -7.1.,,nt -'ile , ..ly, a 1 6 1 ^y7 1 er rent. Steel:nen 10'1%; rloi , l le.• net lee, ollrruing W. 231.4, drain/nine ia i =3;.,advancingto I 711%; cloiing Mail. . (lOVERNIMT STOCICA-4 shade firmer; V. S. Se I 111 Reentered, 101; 543 Coupons 1511!..., , 10-43 , Coupons. 1L2,4; Treasury Notes, 7.700 , 120; Tctines see CY, 90. Ranatoan SttorEA-New Yek Central, 117:4; Erie,(l*.'; Mindreterred,ligi3il 1t 00411, 45C9i Mich ; lean Southern. 12y.; Illinois Central, LW; North Wenieru,439;;; North Western prefurtedo7; Toledo, 127; qnhiey, 11714. Altnniti Srues..“-Quichnifrar, 24; 2 Lnrii.onn,3s?. Chigago Market. Chilean°, Dec. 1 0.-FLorat-Dull. - Gn AIN-{Chest quiet and advanced to ; 'micas' 41 , 7- 131f51,7v. Corn quiet, at sl,ou (or 011 Oats dull, at 630060. Rune. - . Flour, 2:4001 - .11,11; Wheat, Hop bush; Oats, 70510 do ; 12,500 hoe. : Wnicnv-Excited and lower ; sales at 01,83. 1 ifoßic--Ctulet, at li%Gtai. Dit.sen Hilo e---Declined 25e; sales at Itii(sllly,ic dividing on ^J3O. Previsions-Dull, and Mess Pork 111,00 lower i • sales at 44i13.10,00 for City, and M 9,00 for Prime , I Need $1,60 lower ; sales at 6371 13 2 3,00-closl9s at $37,00.• -Bulk Meats dull. .”, ~.. ; , ; ; - - IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. LLICOMAT STATION, 16-46 she corn, 10 do nuts, W Johnston; 9 ok. corn meal, Cala; 20 ales potatoes, Mrs Grove; 10 do: brooms, T A Scott; `96 bdltepeper 'w • Pittsburgh Paper Co; CO bales to, ond.tavine, li Gorwig & (Jo; IQ do: brooms; A Kirk ]•k COL. 4 bates vain; JOhtl, Eltiogbanq 6 drooled 'bogs, rt,. Little; 26 dos brooms,Robison; 20J eke ,corn, J 13 Spear; 100Ibbla flour, Simpson & Knox; cars staves, HemphGP & Co; IG &Ss hides, John , r-ehadd; bbts flour, Peter Peterson; 23 she oats, ;tern ik Hopkins; 29 hides, A C Taggart; I car hay, Yoeghtly & Kopp; 216 gls leather, U Grotrlngor k ' tateowre„rEn P: FL Dr.n. 116,-160 Tore , (104111ey 6, Clark; 14 toss Indse, Adams & ia .61clae;16 kg. tobncco, J Taylor; 753 bills palter, l'itte Slott:0;19 dressed hoge, 11 1cCullongli, Smith I's Co; ni2ti bgs feed, Schomaker & .I..nng; 6 brie and 16 ht brie barley, It dressed hoes, J Smith: to tons itf ilg iron, 45 brie cider, 1. 11 Volght & Co; 30 sks lisey, ):hoiles; 3 kegs butter, Oralr& Reiter; 210 Om corn. Hitchcock, SlcCrecryi. Co{ 16 bur Medi ' eine, Prrrsnt: ono, Font WAY - NE & CLnynnann RR. Decimber„,lo.-2 boxes eggs, P Tub barrels tour, S Unsay & co; 199 do do.Li Wallace. 60 pkg. grease, F Sellers & co; 100 birrehr Hour, illeDonstil 6.• Arbuckle: 1 car hey, JOrdon, Hollister 6, co; 2 Sky cullett, & Best/ 191 bags middlings, 330 Logs brnn, Dooingtou & co: 6 barren lord oil, :sines Darrell & on; 111 mks oats, Culp & Shepard: 172 bogs barley, 310110 no & Anjer; t car middlings, Isoopeon h Rues,• 3.5 don brroLms, Kirkpatrielt I. Brother; 3 caisharley J Rhodesia can mite, (201 Cruse.: ett barrels tont, Knok & McKee; 33 hides, J 11 lielstco; 21 dor brooms, J H Ruhlerntn; butter and 10rd..1 Colhlsots; 3 barrels hominy, ( 01.1010 .1 11 Choir; 1 barrel brandy A tlunkenhci in, 13. Lirother: boses,t °bare°, Shriver S. Lszcer. IMPORT* By RIVI• 111 •• Cevr:NNArl e1:0 AsNA, Der. 18—Lot :tumble!, lark 131 eke rye, A 'llallou; 5 , 4 pkg^e lord, C' L cli, t 0b...r0, If Delmyer; bias oli, 11 A Febnestoek ( ' Ol5 btAs NArnith, l'neLlner 1:0 In; 50 (hie •ligeor. A lock nen 74 rolls lotther, nls & Steivert, to boo citrate, it It' Jectkinsoo; afit A. 1511004, cncely & iiro;2s bet sotto, Little & thuble; 8 bele oil s kegs lord Long & 1)511'; 14 hid. hominy, S 11 Laete, 20 pkg. furalturs. Lemon & Witte; OM bbis flout, Sellomaker S Llogi 10 boxes oitileu, ('Ol. Whitely. lIIV LH I ItiTI.II.LIG FACE. The river nt this point rose considerately doting Thu.day night nod yesterday, and loot evening it wan 'till rising . with nine feet to the channel by the pier marks. The weather yesterday was wet end &mart cable and the Allegheny la elmost cicn tee. The only arrival we hove to reeord I. the Ann., horn Cincinnati. She hod an excellent trip, owl was so fortunate as to hove experienced but little . diniculty or delay in consequence of ice. The Roanoke for St. Louis, and the Onward for eizeirmati cleated last evening; The former boot had a very good trip, u hilts the tatter, we are sorry to any, had but very little over half a cargo. The Miners.% and (I. M'e. Porter from Wheeling: Golden Era from Portsmouth,nod the Rob Roy from einclnnatliare the fLest &MG dug. AVSLthterags:e, Trenton :411i vlile, Chanties, and 3.11. Ithickfont were advertised to leave Cinchona.. It for this oily on Friday. 'the St. frontv IhrpeleA of Wednesday says: The river in of the city in clear of ire, and the fcreyboats are running to fro with their usual ri gulority. The lee is gorged above, opposite the Sukbr Refinery also beinw a lso fint between t.or and Core ' ruillet. There la a gorge a I. blow Watersy but' from that print down the r.; vet to perfectly clear, but fallingtrey rapidly. It hes swoilen moor three feet ibis point, on sm. count of being blocked below. The weather him become considerably colder, and tl ere Is noprospeo of a resumption of navigation fur scene lime.. Should the. weather turn warm, with heavy rains, It would not take many days to e'rer the eleerl . but, from present appearance. there as little hope of such a change for several days. An order was Issued from the War Departments on the 11th Inst., for the discharge of the ItlLvidasip. Lu s te e r rice which has been retained In the nri ter rice sine. its disbandment in Athena last. This act ofluatke and good faith o t h rough of the Government haa been Attained the persevericg exertions of T. IL Purdy, who visited Washingtor for the purpose of preseettag to the Peron, 01 se eel sal from thriletnen for a discharge. Their rert ice towanl reopening. the Misslislppl to • n, igetion deserve. the gratitude of the whole c Rater. and the West In particular. ibmotice of recent steamboat explosion on the Combertard, en exchange ends as follow • . Tne Captain swans a shore.. s did the chamber. arid. she seas Inaurell for lifteen o Madinat dollars, nets lo - dad with iron." STR , d7IBO.ITS. • Et;ULAR WEEKLY PORTS .IIOI;TFI. AND PITPSIII,6IIII .Ph.Clit.7.—The fine passenger atanruer GOLDE : 1.1 , A, W. 11. Kerr, master; IL Bryan. clerk, r yrs Pittsburgh every SATtlilliA at 12 O'ClOek 31111 Portsmouth every hIONDAY, at a o'clock 'a The °olden Era tneac connections at Ports. .4,1:111 with the splendid sterner liostosa No. it, La Cincinnati, and will - receipt freight and pastel. Errs through to that city. non EG ui.,A:n WHEELING AND PITTSIDICUIt PAU/MT.—The r• w nvd bat running paseenn - et 22 , 81/1122 G. Wlt ank3l.lea pt. T. L. Taylor; Clark, I. F. Reeler. 1 ' , sea Plttfhoreb every TUYNDAY, .TRITIU4- S 1 Y and SATURDAY, at 12 o'clock ILL 2,41181 Irt•eellet esery MONDAY, 'WEDNESDAY and I , ILIA.I, at 8 o'clock /I- M. All way business prt,nptly attended to. Towing done at moderato ft. freight or - wilinro apply on bosi*or to 3A13. C(11„ Agtittl. Pitt AhUtgil; or noon', TTELLE t CO., Agents, Wheeling. del'af .tucTrox's.icks. , 110CERIES, TOBACCO, tcc.—SAT ^ I.HPAY- MORIN INN , Deerml.e-. 11th. ,t 11 '.nnele, will la.^ sold, et Oammercl: I :Wen 11.nts, nnh ar,ct: ealite• fine ew:ng Tt birne3; - a tvxl3, (t Caven<finh I 1:1•1, eeoleh Stuff Smoking Tolmenn• . Id loAxes prime Cub.% seg3r,,; 4 .• elmlMlßj 4 " l'irrnl= nodr: • -7 f'orn Rtstrb; 1 Spy Sago (Meese; .1 Venally Son"; 12 etnts poi hen l'ine. t A. ITeILWATNE, 1111ATT'S.GILEAT ANNUAL SALE Or splendid MIT ROOKS, FAMILY BIBLES* PHOT(X.IRLPII ALBUMS. of 'all aloes and•otylee of binding, fIOLD' PENS, I no., for holiday presents, will be sold all.acietion vtnt EVENING Tills, al Commen cial Sales Rooms, at Fifth street. The ladle. are Ineii of to call and examine:the !Hoek during the e, when Bales will he MOO at average auction I free. • PRATTSalomon. A. - Men:WA !NE, dart 1111'SSDT11011 AND MINERSVILLE vanstmGtat TUE:MA I VF;NING, December Mnh ot o'clock, will nt Commercial Nolo, R ooms , 61 Fifth *tree", shares)* the Pittsborgh & Passe • Ilway. The entire stoti: ~t the Company Is rcorta.oted by 420 shams, Via par - value. Its ch, els a very liberal one,' givirq the right to char; rate btferp than /toy other passenger-es h to I he oily, nod under careful mananomeot w It pay' n handsome dividend on Investment. The Leo oh re on the rood Is worth Ckfrlzi,ooo. The obov at 111 be Sold in lots of AI shares roots. , delft • A. OIoILIVAINfI, Attet'r._ DIONDAY,.Dzc. 19121, A. 2 tO A. N. ANDO r. Y. 15111 be said, on second floor of the Auction Rooms. ria. tN 1 , 11111 stmt, jarfie Stock. of Elegant Furs, FOR LADILLS, 3IISHES AND. CHILDREN • There will he only the one day's dela A. AicILIVAINE„ Auc 'r. rjVP BUGGIES AND FAMILY DA ..., ROUCHE.n SATURDAY MORNING, De ember 1111, ot II o'clock, will be sold, at the Com mercial Sales Rooms , M Fifth street: ••: I superior Top..liuses; " Family Raraushe.' - • dell ' • • - IIteILIVATNE,AueDr. DI ,EDF, MIIITESTONE, -a•••• URSA Y 3401ININCF,•Dee. 17th, et 10 o'clook, 4n the sale of prime Groceriaa, Tobacco, he., at the CoinmerolatSales Roonuf, 64 Fifth' alma, will be robs, a bilge quantity of superior , White Stone Chinn Ware, to the trade, embracing Steak lilahet i tee., in every variety. • .Belo A. MaILWAINE, - OM! 0/L1 OIL! .Neatafoot 011; Winter Strained Lard Oil; No. I Carbon On; flaxseed and Boiled Oil; asulYlah Oil; Vine Olive Oil, Mr table iniett Pure tkid Llver 011, 0.0,1 2 , ..n . Ahraye L piocurei at OEO/10E A, KELLY'S. 0/21TILAI.; D 111,41 sou Coieer Ohio end Feiltiel; Streets, Alleghen, dew • • In the. Market Lieet.e. ' pRODUCE CONSIGNII - R — NTS NOW IN A • STOI2.E— -bush.Obestnute; So Ilickory Nuts; ta>abbla. Orem, Apples; IMO bids, Potatoes; doz,fr..eand - keneties;. bb}. Cranberries; Main hairs my . !i'• 1200 beak Dried Apples; IMtritswie. ItAllieme; 116 creeks fresh Defter; al? anotlautter; • :RR heti Packed llutteri.,, aes . old Self+ • 16 Apple-nutter; le_ w Deana; '3la/buidi Moverseedy ' balliesh Timothy Seed; .1 bbl. Plus Tar; ' • MIMI Champaign Oden. 20 bble Tureler- • " Flint rnitryt .2 tonsiSi W. Floor; ' 00 • 15 iiWestmoteland oeunly.flighwlees; • ; seven yes! old pure 'Rye Whisky; For sale by.frldra) L. tl. VOifiT fr. 00 '' RESIORMOR FOR SALE.—MX acme; large dwelling betas, beak stable, two cisterns, well of wator, grape arbor, fruit and shade tree., ehrubanra. dell S. 4.7MI DENT SUNS.ed Market at. 1111=1 _ . BONDED WAREHOUSE OF .0 Phenix Warelions'ng Conepany, Fcot of BALTIC & HARRISON Stn., Brooklyn 702 STOZAGi OF imnind)Pirritoi*, La Tanks asulßsrela(See elrcullr.l Mire, Ito. lib BEAVER STREET, hisr York. 4 WALLACE & CURTISS, COMMISSION MEOWS. S, ASD RFALIim ro. oßtiit Aim Rxtlistai i93o.oLium, BENZINB AND LUBRICATING OGS., No. 134 SOUTH 11 . 714 R PES , PFILADELPiItd, PA • i AT Storage capatity (under cover) for 03,000 ?barrels. . ALo e.actllent facilities for ahlpping to , American and. Porde' ports, at our hart' on the ;Sahnylkill River, near the platform o the P.R. R. serAy BDOELU AND DZALZD 78 RUDE AND REFINED. per, .perry block, Duquesne Way, Plitsb.o Spec Inc attention given to the RALE AND Fin PAIENT OF m:rnoLevm and its products. VeneignMents respectfully solicited. 'Pittsburgh Ageney for VENANCIO OIL AND 'IIIANSPORTATION COMPANY. POST OFFICE BOX 14Y. ml `ICIIARDSON, HARI ~ _ - Come:salon and Forwanllng MerohnintD In CRUDE AND REPINED PETROLEUM, No. 19 IRWIN STEMET, - PITTSBURGH. • ' 40 - I.lberal essh advances on consignments for Pittsburgh or Enetern Markets. • rirfFurucau mental:Norma. • Messrs. T. S. bilworth & Springer Ilarhaugh, Esq., Esq , Prest ( 7 olutuereLll Bank. tub 113-6111 co., Ofilec.-4.117 PENN NTREET. (One dam- beloir 114.10 Coinniission Merchants, And, dealers In Pltt.hatgh !annulAct ores rind CRUDE• AND REFINED OILS, 00330 11:0N eltY OIL LYDAY & CHORPERNING, Mumfneturers and ReUnors pit Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils, Cry s t4e Petroleum. Q W orks s OPPOSATE SR ARpsnrrnG. °fa ce No. 69 RAND STREET, Pittsburgh, ]JREW In, BURKE & --- COM MLSSION MERCHANTS, AUEST. OF TIM Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil liorka Liberal cash advances elide on consli,nments of Refined or Crude Petroleum Cur. DUQUE'S:VIZ WA r and lI.INCOCK Ste., Se -'o4y PITTSBURGH, r ItOREIIT No. I NI. CL AIR NT., Plll.burgle, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEIWILIAT, ABM DEALER US OILS. 11.LUMINATING, LVORWATING. and PETROLEI'3I OlLN,ake.,emietantly on hind anti for aale at the Intreat market prices. Coaahra. meets end arden *elicited. apl-6at arhenT X. KISCI _ I:. PANG IV.A..ICEN 0 Itt KING, COIII3IISSION 31F.R(IllANTS PETROLEUM[ ADD ITS PRODUCTS. And rln.lacrs In 10001' Meter's.ls. ..:21-1• N. 23 IF AUKET ,t3T.. YlKshu rzh j -131 Es ti: I=l Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia. nr~rnlt, left gt Jolal I t Ottrrt/rid Ou Offiett, r.tt rr of MAR ti ET ant/ FIRST NTS., will receive pt, p attention . • 1 UCENT OIL WOR KS . A • DUNCAN, DITIMAP & CO Pure White Relined Carbon Oils. No. 01 LIBERTY STREET. , • , ift:.l,sl:ltY DEPA Ent ENT . trreire Lion r-Hocao: ( • Weans...o, Ceti - , Nov. Is. 11001. taearen Prior...at. Rltt be rereivral et this Of fice Alt Wehrle p. m. on Thunsday, the 10th day f I teerulber. for supplying tho Ligla-lunne Enale Eskruent oirh tiitrirtlintirand gsllona of the heat quality pure ander strained Mot oil, and t treaty I !i•i osand gallons of the best Mo ot four pore winter IftiLIPII ItIKIM oil, to be derlittal Infolobs, end I. I.e C• 11,1,1•17 at the timea undermentioned, along wde of Ike government supplv-veasels. or at the we whom.- 0. other place of deposit, to be dente n dl by the. Inspecting itncer or other authorized 1,3 at Or the Lightbbouee Fatabliahment..in strong, LA:I, ironbound. 'yeti-made minks, suitable for a Irvine, fn goral Order, of a crowed y,.each. of from on, to cirbty galloon—not to eased the latter. 7he Oil 1007 be delivered at lionton or New York. Either lot of sperm 01, or both of hem, may be deli . ..ertal at New York, i New London. t !AAR' lloatoo, New Bedford, Edganown. or Nantucket, at the option of tie bidders. The place of delivery In each rare mint he &Alertly ntatral in the bide, • ern will be embraced In I hecont recta: The four lots will he dense-red as follows: Lot No. I. Ten tboiniand tto,oool galloon ecoren, old oo the Oth day of April, teed, or an soon there after,. the proper telt. and ganging can be COM, plated: Lot No. 2. TIM-. thousand (15,000) gallons lent ell on the 1.21 b day of 11ef.6, as moon 11. eresfler es the proper test. and gauging can bra uspleted. Ten th ouaand(10,000 aPerm oil . ..on the let. day of June, / or es seem there-. ant, marble: proper teat. and gauging ran be corn Lot No. I. Flitgen thousand (MAO\*llona Lod oil on the Ist Say or August, 1365, or noon bereattre. as the proper testa atilt gauging tin be rote pleted. No bid will be considered unless from a manufac turer of the article. No 'Mot Of the oil prenined for and to be em braced la the contract, under this advettleement 111 be accepted, received, or paid for, mail Behan hors been proved, to the entire malefaction of the p^ison or persona charged With Its. examinallen, test, and Inspection. to be Of the beat quality pure torner stralued or bagged 011, nod freo hose ma= with other or Inferior olls and adulteration*. The Usual means for determining the character ! and quality of the opera oil will be employed, vie specific gravity, burning, the amount of residuum, and other proper tents to arrive at Correct roman. Cone that May be deentedneetisary. The lard oil will be fubjectrd to special teat., and Will he rejected unleae , found to be, in regard to ` b ery l under reductlott of femme the ' tine, In every other respect. equal to that of dandard adopted try Ike Bonn!, of which a soma. pit will, be furdlialted,on apPlication to the Light house Engineer it Boston, Mama. The pen on! Must be gauged under, the diroolleu and pentonai seperviskin of the IEIIOEI4Iw Oilker,' by a custom - house or other legally authorized and • sworagauger,aceenUngte the tinned States Stand.. ard, and must be marked and accepted before they are removed from the cellar Or warehothle.Of the contractor. Thiiniperature of the oil wilt be ao. curate], noted, the measurements reduced to the standard tern Mere of kW Fahrenheit by ta. ides prepared for the purpose. Proposal. will be, received and considered. for . each lot ecpurately. or for ell w i lln lots, a dare d op tion of the bidder ; but no bid be conel for n lets qUantity than that specified se one lot, to be delivered at one time and place. Each bid Must state esiplioltly the rater gallon, in writing, the number of the lot or lots bid for, and the time and place of delivery, Conforming to this advertlito. , meat. tilde Submitted by different member, of the same Iris oreopartecn,hip will not he rtonsidered. The Light-house Hoard, Uhler the authorityof the Department, reserves l ow est 'to reject any bid, although It may be the for other eon.' sideratlons than the price. • No 'bid will be considere l for any other kind or description of oil than those . specially called for ln this advertisement. ' A toed, will% security pe n a lt y eq ual satisfaction of the Department, ln a penalty equal to onc.fourtla of the amount of each contract made under these propessix will be required of each contractor con ditioned for the faithful performance of the, eon 'treet,lo be executed within ten days after the ao• centime° of Alm bid, , • • • EXchl elite 'moat be aemimpitnied by a written guarantee, planed by °on fironore,respontibba per sots, And known to tbeMiepartment as such, or terUtird by a United fitates - Distrlet Judge, atton roey, navy egent. or Collector of the custom., to the eiMet. that, af,the.hold be' accepted,the.bidderWlll duly execu te a - entreat in good fetticaloortling to the plovlsions and terms. of , thia - advertisement, within ten day. after acceptance; and that hfame the paid petty offering shall fail to enter late the contract as aforesaid, i.e or they guaranty to make good the diffbrence between the offer of the said platy and the next lowest bidder. All bids must ..be sealed and endorsed "Proposals .for till for light, houses," and thee, placed In another envelope, and - directed, prepaid, to the Secretary of the . Light . house - Board, Weehlnyttut C . % • • Ail bids aril' be opened, pub illy, at the,hour on the day apeorift.& o • • ' - ••• Payments will be made for the several lots - of oft , within tidily, days after they Shall have barn no calved by the United States. By order of the /4.1 d-house Board: AND ArEtfds4lollllrrSecetelio del;dtaittir ! PILES! PDIES I OF TWENTY YEARS , STANDING • CURED! Below will be found a certificate from one of the most respectable citizens of Wilkins township, in regard le ,Dr.Keyseit's Llndsey's Blood Searcher • . The Doctorieeetliteetes nro witbin tefteh,and ooe need be deceived la regard to hie preparetions. • Dn. Gino.. H. Kneennt i l. became omitted with Piles about twenty years ago, and every year the weer growing worse, so na to trouble rue very much, so touch soot times as to uhtlt me for work. Some tithes I was so'bad that I. cotild not do ttnytklng on emir:int oirthemt they came out on me ha large as hickory nut. I had tried a great deal of medicine for them. I used to buy and take whatever I could hear of or rend Of in circulars and pamphlets that fell In my way. but I could not et cured: some times they would do roe some good fora Utile while,' but afterwards_ they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors, who visited me at my house and Bare me sonic medicine, but it would not do, I could not get well. Over a year ego I got an advertisement of your Lindsey's Illeod Searcher, made by yourself. When you sold it t• me you told me one bottle would not cure me, and that my whole system would have to be renewed by ' the medicine before I got well. I .booght one bottle a id took It home with me, nod used it according to your directions. I then culled to see you again when you sald I could not expect much benefit from ono bottle. I bougl.t It, one bottle at a time, until I hail used fire bottles. ARer this quantity ws used, I teas entirely well of the Piles, which had , tortured toe for twenty years.. In other respects ma health is improved, and I AM as well as be expected for one of my age, being sixty years part. I have been well now for ids, menthe, and there is no appearance of the return of the disease. I Min do any kind of farming note without work be Piles coming down and hurting me. Ivan pitch hay, chop wood, lift, or downy kind of work which before used to hurt me. When I I'o4o out yOur blood Scorcher I kept on taking It until I got en- Urely well. I consider It ray duty to make my case known to the countrylor the benefit of others who may be suffering MI r was, and do not know the value of your medicine. You may publish this if youldlite. I lire in Wilkins township, and will be leased to satisfy any one of the truth of this cer tificate if they wish to call on me. 11YD.1:JN, Jl4 December 24th, ble4. aa- Look out for the nAme of Dr. GEORGE it SETSER on the corer of IIkO bottle, ant panted over the cork: also for hle tlmp on the United Sinter, stamp on the top of the bottle, to prerlllbt being imposed upon bye opurtuue article whirl Ls lb the market. Sit- Sold by the Proprietor, No ' . 110 WOOD ST., and by SIMON JOHNSTON . , corn er of Fourth snit Spithilehl streets, Pittsburgh. • 0.3 11ER—NiA OR RUPTURE. in-R?-L4 OR RVRTL•RE warp, HERNIA OR RUPTURE CORED. HEENI.I OR RUPTURE CORED. HERNIA OR RUPTURE, LIMED. lIERNI.I OR BVPTURE CORED. 'HERNIA OR RETTERE CURED. IlruBl4 OR RVIITIRE CURED. lIERNIA OR RUPTCRC MIRED. firrrynr on zinn.im CJR;j. RUPTI:RE OR nER.51.4 CURED RUPTORE OR unutiA'CORED. RUPTURE OA lIERNIA COALED. RRPTIRE OR tres..viA Cf;ALE!. Rurrvar OR lIRRATA RUPTURE OR 1117.07.1 CORED. lILVCS RADICAL PATENT TRUSS. Friars SUPPORTER TRIS..Y. 5E1.14 D 10.511.44; 'TRIM. Tes Drops, fur the support and cure of Pile Elastic Knee Cape, 1,.r. weak knee joints) Ankle Supporters, for reak knee joinee. S SelfAd y jnating, and every other kind of ringes. Hard Rubber Syringes Dr. Banning's - Lace or Body Brace, fur it cure of Prolapetus Uteri, l'ited, Abdutni al and Spinal 1\eal:110mm. Dr. S. S. Fiteh'e Silver Plate Supporter. 'Life. KEYNES. Iglre h personal attentto lothr application of nausea In adultn and elitldre • an he Is eatislied that, with no experlenceof tare ty 3 cane, be will be enabled to giro satisfaction. /Or - Ottire ot hi. Drug Store, No. 10 WOOD ST., olyn of tat. Oniden Mortar. Persons writing for Truorea "Arnold the number or inches around the body, Immedlotcly over the rupture. o CA TARIM 11. It. B. GOODALE.K CATARRH RE+' Y. It penetrates to the very seat of this terrible db. vow, and-exterminates %mot and branch, forever. tiOtilbtLE is the drat and only person who ever told the world what Catarrh really was, where it commenced, and what. would cure U. .- OUODALE 'ha/ spent a lifetime la hattlin Wlth thia fell disease, exploring its secret anstauth and making_known to the world thet. fact Ms Oar arch, which has for years .delled the mclll .0 a search of medicalmen sod author in Ibis timothy and In Europe, can now be cured. with thd snow uniform certainty _that, morning follows night. - Thousands, Who tried every know, cure vaiN. have been permanently cured by Dr. GOODALE'S CATARRH - REatErlY, and now praise it in the Most extravagant terms of praise. - • Aar Call at our nearest agency, Or rood a stomp for n pamvlilrt. Method awl prepared by bk . 000 DALL, M.D., Now York. NORTON. It CO., Solo Agents,' eta BROADIV4 r, NRIV rinnt DR. G.A. KEYSER, Sole Agent, WO9lO WOOD STREET. Pittabuna NORTON'S 01IsiTiibiT, For Sall Alieuiat arid Sirafkila; ; refll2lllelMy TETTEI4 SCA L D HEAD, iiniawciansa, Ana all /TOSEING AND .1113RNI:1116 'SORES. and ERUPTIONg OP THE REIN. . - Titbit:nutmeat penetrates to the buts of the dla ease—goes to the eery touteo—and cures It trent Zile Ora beneath to the mkt* on theaurface—throws the potion of. the disease upward, and brew Putt. ale of it le diseharged through the Tofu—the seeds Mt Abe disease are expelled frock the flesh. Una. tuently thereeen beta , reitPoe: ! NOn-T9N 00 4 !KO Afeati 112 BROAD Trt 1", NEW YORK. plwi,jkYfileß, Agent, ocll 140 ROCA .174ELI., Ti111+808. .5.11:17111'.117, PILES, Mr0.1_7112 attetldn pctoonnlly to the' cotton of TruNses, root treatment H o Rwpture. Physician's Prescription.s Our Prescription Pepnrtment Is always In charge of so esp.:fenced Prmrainceutlet, and All articles used In compounding. prescriptions, are selected With regard to purity, freshness and strength. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the night. Dietetic and .Culinary articles. lEJ , LIOTT 'DAVIS • Oawero Corn Starch. Cox'a Gebaffle, • Priee'e Glycerine. Reekeria Farina. Pure Minn. for cooklaq nuriaeeee, Burnet is Cooking trtracta, Caraway Seed, Anise Seed, Coriander Seed, Mace and Nuiniega, Salerntue, Pearl Ash, &o, Asc. Ptoprictari 3.lolclnes, viz In. D. JAY? ES' }:xpectorant. Alterative. Carminative. " - " Bair Tonle and Hair Dye. " " Sanitive Pala. - Dr. J. C. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Cathartic Pills 4‘III ASavu.rsapeautilml.a. - " IitI..3IBOLD'S eele iated Remedies. Mahn, for Macaws of Bladder " Rose Waah. [the blood. Sarsaparilla, for impirrities of I , r. 1101IACK's Scandlustlan Blood Pin - tiler. Pills. Bitters. Self ENCICS Piilmonle Water.. Sea Weed Tonle. " ladrae PRIN. K ENNEDY'S Me ll dic n al Ide t eovery. Saitliheum Ointment. WRIGHT'S celebrated Indian Veneta:de Pals 11l ANDRETII'S Mlle. /.r. It. A. WlLsfiN'S Pilla. 11 0STETTEIPS eelcbrnted 'Stomach Bitters. • PRAKE'S Plantation Bitters. rIrPTER'S icertine Littlish Bitters, an antidote ige Intemperance. hod all the tellable Patent kedielnes of the day. Paints, Leads, Zines, Colors, Otis, Varnishes, Prnshes, Tithe Paints, Pohl Leaf, &e. IVe have rnelit les for furnishing these articles at manatineturers juices. • Mr Mock of Drugs Odd Medicines see selected ea] 1-ealuunily, with great core, by an exPerk.md phnrnmeeutint nnd physicisu., and lee guararstoe al] drugs and medicines no Sell pore and unadulterated. Alt OW A 111141.0 I Ice'. we . nuy• from the esietnetell house of POWERS Ss WELSIIITMAN. An inquiry of your family.physichs will satisfy you as to their purity. Oar ern Importation, Ire guarantee fresh and re liable. Annetta, Alum Blue Vitro', Brazil Wood, Boni Wood, Cochineal, C ol,perni, openta, Cud hear, Extract Lectrood,_Fustle,hullge, Lae Dye, Legurondadad. 'der, Me Weed; Sled Tartar;Slelly Sunts'o, rameike iihße te- Fcreign Wines, Brandies, WWI, Liiinsrs, Otard, Re_puy Co. , e.Gettak.. Fine old Roihelle Brandy. - Pure Juke of Grape Port Wine Pure old Shorn,Wine. Purr old hletleirelVlne: Pure Holland pia.. • ]eagles ead St: Grils Rum.. • Our stock embraces segue of the !nest ballads' of Havana Cigars, ittas _. • _ • • • • Cabanius, ImpeHalem, Loaders, Regain's, • • • Ittanufaetured from Imported tobseeo,:lll.: • Lepttnotae, • Sobrlnas, Jockey ;Nubs, Elegauto. And a trarietr orbrande.• • . 1 • Our stock of (Agars was purehaeed In Ida; and We are. offering them to consumers at a alight -- ,vane neer our prices before the tax bier, when Pur chased!, untitles .of one hundred and upwards. --•••• t THE DENTAL PROFESSION, We offer a Large anti earetung mounted stock of S. S. Whltets P Teeth. Ornum, Armstrong ec Suitra • W. A. Durk Oo.b Teeth. Neal, McCurdy & Well's. Teeth. Johnson & Lund's Teeth. pedal theirs, Dental Lathes, Enteepg, M WI eela, ann; Burg, Drills, Excavate' , letankllag, cannaG Base, old and Enver Pu t., Gokt gad Ylq Folk, and Dental kLatet/ala ttt freq. saiwniptlen. aer oatektuos hid ftlapplACSUOi. ner ciiiwth and IdarketBtreata litillairuai,"/"In u, rA. -~ mss,=~.r.. : <s~.-:.~ .u, .u£i...~ ~"„- . 7 ... ICh STRICTLY I'L LE ARTICLES. Pittsburgh Drug Hc use, 4 AND DENTAL DEPOT. JAMES MARE, (Succesior to TORREIVOE k McGAlta,) BIP .11EIC E" CI AL Pt "Jr • AND DEALER IN • Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Medicines and Chem hale, Dyes and Dye-Stuffs, Alcohol, Per fumery, Fancy Articles and Toilet Soap; Wines and Liquors, To bacco & Cigar., Patois, Oils and Varnishes, Support- - era nod Braces, Dm prletary Medi dloca, G. TRUSSES 1 TRUSSES Ire mnanfnctnM al/ the Intl , styles of improved Trusses, and keep POllFtnntly on hood Marsh's, Fitch's, Ritter's, Chase's, Min's and all other manufacturers. In cares MIDI/ring ant peculinr style of !rens., or Whets partlek desire it, we will tuanafactUre to order ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SIN - WT.I , ER BRAI•lis, . r ELASTIC STOCKINGS. CAREFULLY COMPOUND/JD. Pare Crean: of Tartar. Euglieh Raking Bata. Grain and Powdered Glopperves, pare. 1.11 Pe, Alleptee, " Root " Ginger, " Bark n Qintuirnen. ELOC*_;EIIOLD ARTIOLS Voneentrated Lye, Purr Tiotaah Sal Soda, Alum, Sliver Suid, RAM BrkV, Tripoli, ho., Am. Hemp Seed, Kaye seed, Ottlltity Seed, Fish Bose; &c., kc. , ka. ALGe , 33.077 DRUG& AND MEDICINES CHEIIIICALS DICES AWI) I)YE STUFF'S, Pot inedtafnal use only, sit IMPORTED CIGARS. Priezi,;,;ll o , • 3 Br/taiga% F BI/ Ta r C tM: e 1 I • DOMESTIC CIGARS, DRUG, #.OIISE; .11. Vr F. Tt" S, . 8f•. :02 NIS lIIZA S6_11 ; 011E:5, CADFIAN & CRAWFORD, BlAnubtot um, of every ti - arloty of finlAhel LASS WORK I , OR PLUMBERS, STEAM . Oft GAS nrrEits S IAGRINISTS, AND tfOPPERSM BRASS CASTINGS, of all doseript low, made to order. STEAMBOAT W(BIR, STEAM AND GAS FITTING, arid REPAIRING, promptly af forded to. roc teulAr attentfon psld to fitting up lIEFII.ire MEN lOU COAL A.„7%D. CARBON OILS. Also, Sole. Agents for the Western District of Pennsylmmln for the sale of lIIAIISIL LADS. DELL 6. PATENT SYPIION PILIIP, the hest ever Inverted. Haring no yalves •!t is not 11.11.fe :sit out of order, and will throw more water any pump of twice Itn size- *phi 00.9. Mltjta'Tnt•tt..3. ussreur.r,• P. ILLIZTIIC 11t011 CITY WORKS. • ! ! • MAt.*U lOSH , HEJIPHILL E:OUNDIIRS AND mAcunas-rs Corner Of PIKE and 0.11.101 d, and PIKE and WALNUT STREETS, (Near City: Water Works,) bra filthier urera of stationary and other ENGINES; TOMLIN°. MILL CAST/NGS and INL9.OI.IINE! RY, of all Wilda ; and general jobbers. Irrut:pt attention given to repairing ROLLING . MILL MACHINEY. ROBERTS, BARNES L CO., NO. 39 Tbird Street, Pitttourgh. • • TIN AND SUNET DION WOU ,And kanufaclurein of • JAPANNED TIN WARE, We hare now manufacturing and hare on hand !balling Apparatua of all kind", Toilet Ware in Setts, Water Cooler', Grocers' Tea nod Splee Can, infers, Cash and Spice Boxes.. Tumbler Drainers- Spittoens, be., ha. A large lot of Bled Cage" for sale low. Oil Cans of all ,lace andvattern". Tin Itoollng, Conductor*, and all kinds of Jobbing IVork done to order ape • PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1301 PII2TIIIIIIXIr. S PATENT. Oral Lamp Chiamieyst, 13=1 XX FLINT GLANS 'lleac Chimneys ale Intended fur the flat flame 11,4 lug all parts of the glass equally, cities not en Acne It to cracking. E. 11. DU tutlnan, F., t Pitt Wars Works, Washington street, itp:7 Pittsburgh, Penn's. - • DIA3IOND STEEL WORKS. PITTSBURGH, PA. PARE, BROTHER /G.. CO, itinnufiict u ra of BEST QUAIOTY ItriNED CAST STEEL; btlquore, Fiat and n.tatton. of all tilzeo. Wanlnt bl eti L., I to any imla.rted or manufactured , Ist thla °wary. Office taut weirph own, Nn9. 119 and 151 Fin 9 .9 arm IA) and 125 StiebSo ,TREUTS, I'lttsburtrh. fell-I'd ALLEN 3I'CORMICK & CO., VAL -11 ,FUMIDICT, PR. Warehouse, COOS,R STREET. Alanufacturers of PARLOR and HEAT ING STOVES, PARLOR AND EITCLIEIsf GRATES, HOLLOW WARE, eto. Steel and Glass Moulds, Rolling Mill Castingis, Mill Gent lug, Gas, Water and Su g arpe Sad Irons, Dog Irons, Wagon Bones, Kettles, Pulleys, Dangers, Car Wheels, Couplinms and orally. Also, Jobbing and Allehlne Castingmode to onler. Patented Portable 311119, vitt( Steam Or Borst. l'curer. auti-Gmd J A; M. Iit'STEEN, BRASS FOUR .' • DEUS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. Particular attention paid to the fitting up and te png of OIL RIFINERIES. All kinds of BRASS AND IRON COCKS made to order. Also, BitASS CASTINGS, of all kinds, made at the shortest notice. - - • . All . mdara left at sus. 31 and St WATER street and LIBERTY, will be promptly attended to. $W The members of this firm being practical me chanies, of many` earns experience In their business, w insure to gie ant isfaction in every reapect. We are AiPO agents for pond, Garrison a. Co.'s STEAM PUMP, for pumping Water, ()rude and Bennett Oils, Mc. de9-ty pENN MACHINE WORKS AND ' FOUNDRY. • 11. ENGINE BUILDER AND MACIIILNIST, LAC.Aar STI.ZIrr, between. Federal- and SaAdd!), Crr, PA.. Ma tau fart tuer ALLCOMLNT of IV I G AN'S . PATENT PoItTADLE OSCILLATING STES.3I - EN GAN E-4, Mtn Dine, Pulley., he: Repabing of all kinds attended to • Jelly ( , 11AS. FOWNES, (Into of the nein of N-) Fewee.t.nieley.).loHN a HEREON (late. Of Mitchell, Herron h. C 0..) Iron rounders and Store Manufacturers AIX:R(3AI= STREET, • N int h Ward, Pittsburgh, Pa m)-2-IS JOHN N. HE RON WELLS, RIDDLE c CO., No. 215 Liberty street, opposite Sixth, Pittsburgh, manufacturers of WHIPS, LAS lILS h SWITCH ES And every descrlptlon of LEATHER BRAID EI;WOR.R. Orders sollefted from the trade, and goods prompt ly shipped Its per Instructions. fe&ty . AEVERANCE, 'NET. 53 'Water. H, • Plttchurgh, manuftsturer of BOILER RIV ETS, WROUGHT SPIRES, common aud.railread, of e" cry description. • Partila ed orahaped SPIKES and RIVRTS, large o s m a l lmade to order at shott - notice. A good assortment constantly on hand. . .my2CAsna W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of -A• 'WHITE STONE CHINA and CREAM COLORED WANE. • gutter and Warehouse at No, 7 IE:IE7U Birret Pittsburgh. tubt.s-11- GREAT DISTIiII3CTIOI7 ! Eureka Gift Association,- Of etch and elegant Jewelry, Pieen, 3Lelodeten Fine Oil rniallege, Engraving., he.,.valued at SlNocs,cicK:o. insTinarriorr Is made In the &Howie,: man vertltlcatts t naming mien artlele nod Its railer - are placed in SEALED ENVELOPES, which etre welt mixed. One of these envelopes vslll be dells- Card at our older, or sent by mall to any address without regard to choice, on receipt 0C2.5 cents. . For ONE DOLI.AR we trill send by mall or ex pot.re the artiole named on the Cliitltbaste drawn, et c.rchanye far any olio, ortide on oarlise, of MR kvar roles. NNE Entire sitistwilon O guaDlArnntee :3!d Ln nil roses. A. fen; valuable article may be obtsested for the nominal pries of ONE DOLLAR, been not bo raid until It Ls known what hem been drawn mini Otte. Cif - Five coaled envelopes for 11. Eleven for 11.1rty for :cud for elscular. Agents wanted.- Goolnfix, a - turr & . . 183 mad 197 Broadway, New. York. All Irtterailkould bo addreesed to 80x_6766 Poi °bier; lcow Tort- • ' 'll3l9diadawT • TREASURY •DEPAIITMENZE. • 1 • °retry Or VOLPTROLI.XII Or THE etFLUENCY, IYAFlzlngtott. December nth, ISM. - nr 11 EREAS, BY - BA.TISFALTO Y It (widener, presented to the underslgned,lt has :her n 'made to appear that -rho Merchants and Iltnnufacturers National Rank of Plusburgh,". In. tit' county of Allegheny and State . ofPeansylva- Ole, hair been duly organized under and. according , th the requirements of the Act of Congressentltled Anita to provide a Notional Currency : , secured by n pledge of United States Bonds, sad to provide for the clreulatlon And redemption thereof," sp. • pan rd 3 une 3d, 1861. and Ira/complied with nil the not IPIMS of said Oct regaled to be complied' With believe 'eciurinencing the business of bardslng nudpr Now therefore, I, Illron bleCutbesnr,.CoMpledb lee of the Currency, do• hereby certify that, The Merchants and Manufachlrent Notional Rink of Pittsburgh," ln the clty• of PlUsburgibirt.theenUne ty of Allegtiontrand State of Pe:twice/Ms, Is atrt thOlited to commence the businewsobßanking tul 'der the apt aforesaid; r""7"-• Currency Bureau, • In teatirentuy7Mkereof -. . Real of. the • ' • ieltnenamy hand andstrat Comptroller of the of °Moe. thin elerl2l day . Currency. of December, 1661.. Treasury Treasury BepartMent.l . . . • • HUGH MeOULLOCH. Comptroller of the Currrmy. prumBING, Gas and Steam FitAing, In all It. branches, eareSolly attended lq by expo. Meneed, ryntetierd workmen. A line assortment of (lAN ) IXTURES, SUAIIV_Eft; BATH% / 1 11/RANTA, Constantly 011 bawl And 'mole Orden.., • • TATE dr. SEVILLE, 40. ISD FEDIMAL STRE Alleghenri • l And 'Zi7 ISBERTY 2sTl3=r, Pltisbuilk :11A1111.tL. Chz /al:. Dr.Ar.aa-xic Pcitroleuxa and its Pioducts, STOCK moss, LAND INR . IMAMS S An. lan on hand •Atteghnrilnnoranoe, IJnkm, Lubne, Dunk Creek. Nntionn e i, kw' variclus °then. (Mee, Nos. HANCOOR. aodl, IRWIN FATE:Er. ttabuzgb.. • &law • 103 bags Mint, Rio i3olrein: • Alm oar now recolv gitE U : Vll 11T1317e. w h leh low. 114 and 114 Seoond rtreet. _ y_ _ dosi URAIST %%A sIiORT Lltil TOa . k t iaAgQi KEw YORK. 17 Hours Between Pittsburgh and New Yolk. • Leave Pittsbtugh 0.35 p. m.. Ant re N. Y.lOOO 030 a 51:15gcns, " 340 a. m.I 10:10 a The 4:33 p. m. and SLio p. re. trains run thrOugh via Harrisburg and Alla vtown without change of are The 300 a. m. train chance cam st 'Harris. Ml:ph only. P. 11.11.DW/N, deledm • Oen:Ticket Agent, New York. ' " 1864 5.-iy4)',N-N-Wgilln OENTniu. R . R.— lAINS. 1T train. Annancirant: --TXN DAILY TI _ _ On and ante AIQNTIT,October. will team, the Depot as folios's. MM,l.Hrundwil FAST MAIL, daddy except Sunday, at 1601.; lax.,, stopptag- only at nrinelpal Ration", and making • ) direct conr.ectiOna -at .Wirrtabtug for New York,, Baltimore and Washington, end at ice` • for Now York, Boston and interailldlate_ points. - - HAMUSBUNG nonOnntontalenolanyeso cept Sunday, at 1.20 a. at, stopping_ at all regaimry. • stations between Pittsburgirmid himilsbnaat making close eonnectloa- with Aram aa Branch; West Pennsylvania R. R., Ebenabltrig wadr • Canaan R. IL, and Hollidaysburg-Beulah.? F/TTSBUROH rt ER/E; daily -thet Stindeyi at 1240 t,. stopping at nearly air -,. - stations between Pittsburgh nal PhLtodeiptda,, and making conrction with trains on the, Emma 1 Mra umi =dtll , ll2T.l'dat,t7.4,-.4' JoiiNsTows A O pOMMODATIOK, daily; ex, .cept Sunday, at 11-ta p.3n.; stopping at regular sta. j ;Mona between Ilttaburg..h and Jelutatown, ma t e at Blairsville intersection witrina mg, the-Indiana Branch and West Penney! xR. R, • PIiILADRLPH/A EXPRNSS, daily, utt 4-SS in., - stopping at Latrobe, Conemaugh, Gailltsen„ • t `Minoan, Iltitlagolon,- Lewistown, .3llMhx; NO.. port,Marys rate, Harrisburg, Lancaster , and Dowse ingtown. At Harrisburg, direct cortnectiona MC. made tor Baltimore, Washington sad New York: 1, at Philadelphia, for New York, Boston and inter. Mediate pothta. Bleeping Oars run through on this • train from Pittsburgh to BalUmore, Philadelphia and New York, by the Allentown route. ". FAST LINN, dolly , excezt Sunday, at !A) to., stopping only at VOIAMAugn, uauttxen, Altoo na; Huntingdon,: Lewistown,- Mifflin; Newloniits • Marprille, Ilarrisburg, Middletown, Elixabet; own, Mt. Joy ,Landisville, Lancaster. and Dow ' Ingt own. At liarrisburg connection/ are mane fo New York. Boltimore and Washington, at Phila. delphia, for New York, Boston, lona intermediate' points. First Accommodation , Train for Wall's Stalk)*_ leaves daily (except Sunday) at 6.00 a. m.• • Second Accommodation Train for Wail's Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at ILO a. m. • . Third Accootmodat ion Train for Wall's St at Mk , leaves daily (except Sunday) at 3.90 p. m. Fourth Accommodation Train for Wail's Station • . leaves daily (except Suhilay) at 603 it ta.- The Church Train leaves Wall's Station every --, Sunday at 0. 0 6 a. m„ returning leaves Pittabuzgh, at 1 2.63 p. m. • 'Returning Tratni arrive in Pittsburgh as follows. . I Pittsburgh er. Erie Rapala it 30 . 1 lialtimore Ram. p.m: l'hiladelplibs Express /. 20 V. IL.; .: Fast Mail - t Ata. za. — Fast Line . , To:lnstals-a Accommodation • - 10.15 a. 34.; ' , Find Wall's Station. Accommodation... ,6.20 a. la. 1 „Second Wotirs Station Accommodation 9.00 a. al . i r Third Wall , . Station 'Accommodation.. 2.2 D p. et. • ' 1 Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation (1.05p.a5. , Baltimore camas will arrive with Plahomphlw Express at 2.30 p. te. on Mondays. • .. r ISOTICE.—In case of loss the Company, will . bold themselves, responsible for personal bagireawf! only, and for an amount not exceeding SIIXI. . pi.-.D.—An Omnibus . Line has been employed U . convey pamp a / a gars and, baggage to and trote-the,........, Depot, at et eharge not to exceed es cents, for emir , petwenger and baggage. For tickets apply to -- • , J. STEWART, Agent, At the PeunkrtraniN Central Railroad Passenger Station, on Liberty apd Grant streets. nob p • rfTsnurteu, FT..agmiglig WAYNE k 'CILIOACi 0 EAILWAY_, I AND OLEVEL AND tr. r1T773- SIMON RALIIOAD. ~... - WINTER ADE ANGEMENT: - On and after October 20th, 186 i, trains will.. run airfollows, viz. . Leaves For I For I For - ;_: .: ; • rittsburgh j l Chiesgo. 10Ieveland. I Wheeling. Expre55.......... 2.10 a. In; 2.10 0. m. 2.10 t... -- m" klxpress..... ..... 2.00 p. to.I 2.42 p. in. 2.46 p. La.' Express .....:3.00 p. to.i Mail " 41.30 a. re.l For New Castle and Erie 640 a. In. . . - nerencrina. . Arrive . at AlltakenT—e• r• w. a c. Realwir 7.20 ft. m., gen n. nt. 2.40 a. m: and 4.0 p. ei: R.' ty..P. R. R„ 10.130 a. re ' ' GEORGE PARKIN, Ticket Alien[(, . - Union Paase.neer Station, Plttebutgb, a. •••,,--- A. cl, cess.E.LIMI:qtY, TlcketAgent,. Allechetli Oily. Oct.S.s •F. .u ttent CTRENY LEY RAILROAD.-- OILANGE OF TIBM—AM and after MONDAY Way HU, ISet, the Eollowlag arrangement QOM( -.wilt tate_ ed"M. ' 311.A.11. TRAIN: Learn Pittsburgh at 7.1:91i. aniying at Kittanning at MOO a. m. Lem* taruithg ett tu., arrives - at' Piffatearitt al 7. EXPRESS TRAlN—Le.sret, Ktftenntai at . S.dd • R. w. arrhing at Pittatrumh at 9.M1 .Learmf Pitlaburgh at 4.30 p. m. , azfiv Log at lattanate, CO.ILMODATION - MUM— Leaner Bodrii. Works at 8.30 a. m. arrfrlegat Pittsburgh at 7.4 S M.' Leaves l'lttabturgif at Iteep. aniVbilr aS ' ' Soda Work, at 6.00_p. tn.myie F. IYRYGBET, Sepertzdeadimt:' FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFIdE, • PITTSBURGII, PENNA.. Passage from the "Old ConMq. The Liverpool, New fork and maxo Steamship Company haying A ppointed U. • undersigned their Agent here, Mee .111r-ThompsOnv: dereand, he IN newpreporerl to bring out or send hoMe Passeners the &camera of thia -Line at :r.,7 • UNUSUALLY LOW RATES. "The Steamers et thy favorite line leave Liverpool every WIIDNES , DAT, for New York, touching at Queenstown, end are amo2 the fastest, safest , and moat mogollieent The undentinied is also Agent for the Lis=11:::. and Londonderry Lane of leaving • pool every THURSDAY d cal gat - London ; ; : deny for IriMrP tid The steam, ere of this line are t Hattie strongest marinevy., and furnish choice anommodations for passenger% Hein also agent forTAPSCOTTiS DDT& samba brated Clipper Sidling Packets, leavi :ng Liverpota"- - for New York twice m week,' arid the “E” Line oa London Packeta, leaving 'London every tan days—;:::' The ships of Topsoott"s Line have long been no. ted for their quick passages and the - excellence OP- ' , Ulf rt r eatmentfrhtet vas% their friends brought out by sailing rummy, - by alt means patronize this line. PPassage to California nt'grestly reduced totem' , SIGHTDRAITS on ports of Europe for sail rotes, n,,Eira4. ' °reign Emigration 01110 e. •ned3 • en Smithfield sliest. i RTEIA 31 WEEKI,I TO IaVER-iit .-, /Tirol., tonehing wen - known• ENSTOWN, (Cork Rubor.) The teamers of ' Liverpool, New York and. Philtdelphla•Steanohly - • Company (Inman Line.) Carrying the U. S. Mails . are Intended to Ball as•followi. - , t.: `-GLASGOW ' Saturday, Rea. ye, , •-• 0111'i OF MANCHESTER-Saturday, Dec: 21. ' C'PRY . OF 13ALTIMO.RE....Siturday, Deo. D.. to Nort And °Verh Riv y succ er eeding Saturday, at noon, [coterie -. .'• - ' narsa or Royeble in gold, or its equlralcat to entreaty: PIM Cabin— , :..,f8" SO Steerage .. .. . - .....11gr to. London... 54. ° lll " to Lo . ndon... St • '. " to.Parle ' - bil , "-. to Paris 40 " to Hamburg.. SO 6.3 " to Hamburg...ll Fester:gm anio forwarded to 'Havre,. Bream Rotterdam, Aotwerp, i.e., at equally low rates. • - • Pares from Liverpool or Quee]astown—lst Dahl.. . 1145 , 4106, Ste.r.goiM' Those who wish to el ed for Abele friends tan - Any tlckepi heft at, thlwa • . rox,futther lnfOrmition.epply at the ClompedrY• •' - . . I , ie . 1,,,i I)(itfiß bd., . _ SCllift 0 DALE, Agent. . hi Broadway N. , NO. Cu Aaligaltid Let3 " l:o3 7 j er ' a . nufAGNllifl, CVNARD LIN" 3 4.--Steazi frotilita • LYVERP(XYL, aIM•IatrZENSTOWIT: Min gold, or Its egalralent In cinema, PEON NEW YOlni, N 6 la e THOMAS RA:mark:v. snetzield street, between ad andtsra, C°lll3ll NO MORE. ' TRY STILICRIdopoI" - - mmunuotra COUGH' IttISAIL . . .. _ STICICKLA.NDS nrcusexarms. 0017011- ; ..FALBADF ls. 'warranted to' mire Cousltst,Ctolde Huuvezess, Astluna, Whoopinz Cough,: Sot -- + Consumption, Juni all ,albotioos or Shit ; i i , -Throat sluiLunis. , - . - ' For sale bp Druggists. Clinessi:Depoi,;ll Esiii. :.'t'... Fourth itrai, Cinusti, O. - ' 1 Alithe 3ledleal men And thr; reis recommend '' ' - DE. SIIIICKLAND'S AN OI,EITA DICE. ,:,. 'TUNE as the only certain remedy forDLarrlitca and ' Dysentery. It it a, somtinatlen of 1 Astringent; .. Absetbants, Slimolantaand Carretnatives and Is warranted to effect a cure after all other meatus have failed. For gale • by; DOrglsta. 'General Denot, a But D faaatf 0.. TRIOICLAIW'S PILE REMEDY. DR: RFRICICLAND'S: 'lir. e, l r VY 4. tisk ,2 cured thousands of the wont nos Blind Rad - , ~ Illeeding Plies. , Drives Immediate relief, and ort. • "' feels &permanent. cure., .Try It directly. It is war ranted to cure. _ • 1 .",.. :. For sale by all urea..its: OsinerarDoPol." Fsilf':- ~ Ponitli street, Cincinnati, O. 1 I . . . . . .•. - . Dysimpaitti Nervousness, Debilityff,., - ,, Dn. '6nuoklaritos Ti:001. , , ' -, ' ,- '', • !Nire'em mem:mind those crafting wilit lose< In te;oll MZ, o t i n 1131=1 4% 7 : To u WI. IVIs vegetablerpreporatiok free from a1c0h014,,,A41 ; lirminnlt strengthens the .wbole nervous mina, It creates *good appetite, nod 4 warranted D r erd l a and 2. D re r r u " rr a t DebliftY lly - me r Alrtiamalfm:s Ca3 , .. lthitn.t, chloral. O. ' For raze by DR. GEO. U. KEYSER, corner 'ec Wool street lad Virgin alley, and R- E. SELLEILS...-;;?,,, CO., cancer or Wood end Second streets, Ercee,Alleghony. burgh; and by PAILK h B R IL L, Tja Ti rit4.44:4"1. R./lift cans. VIA ALLENTOWN TMIJE TRAINS DAILY DIO D. ID. , fitlrns.P.LXN6F. a ....v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers