-s~[:3 tlihe WittOurghfikigette. PI:MUSEUM Br 6141 1 11 PUBLISHING SISOCIIPION SAM/MAY, .DgCEACESEIi IT, 504.1 11/W!11117i1AU. We hive Ito definite Information, at ;this writing; that SuEn is in Savannah, but we 1 as conlident of it as if the announce-' taitt were oftlelailfmade. We koinr that ha liall j rciched the coast; that be Is in com municadoi with General roma' and Com *doze •Damonart; and that having, set * pint on` tiling Savannah, he itt bona& .do HARD= is in comanuarthere r accordlng to rebel authority. He iniyhare alsitildmible force, but not elk:lush_ to cope .iiiiik r eduirrium; and by the confession of the relicliorelle•he =cannot hope for ittrther re lalarbertentit; as FOSTER commands the' • artail, *Oleg , Torth to Chiirleattin t.. arid - EllicStiFks)dintalf ;Mills all the other sic -notte.otioonamuolmi ion He is therefore' sttinilitiltti off from all' corntoatdcatiOrt,', ageippioio a front and rear ire. fiord biapateh of the 121 . 1 i well says: -. 4 oor•position of Savosttah is difficult, as. the necessity of proteCtiiik,fioth thlisiffi4o some ten miles' of the tila`varuUd'k' rid , Clbarleatton Raihoad, whieb, ;leaving ' tha'cityow , the West, curves to theiNOrth and cliaitiab the river eight miles shore." draws in lab forces from,itio" ,tClatttf itonfr?llt § l tlimif ,s ; 2 4 .• tonal to. isout-toth at bay, rnrvawkit's patiort:' ty •tie antihero will enable 'hint to: _beleaguered city. SuittsrA* • Mini* out from Atlanta with a total fon*. otliabont , fifty thousand men, splendidly. eptippodand supplied with every appliance' . • ' Thetilegraph informs us . of the sailing of tut`expeditiou from - Fort:vitt 31ouroe, scitith wad, end it is not improbable that General Giiilifl4licius dispatched a heavy body of felniircements to Fosrun, with the hope petimps of cutting of and capturing all the : rebid ferceii at Savannah. EIineeWAIMEN'S return, he could easily spate fifteen twenty :thousand men This force, com bined' With those- already on the railroad Savannah, would effectively seal up' thil*.*eye.or esaPe• CANADIAN Tuountr.. The Canidian Government is in great trouble abirat — the discharge of the St. Al tana =Sclera Instead of promptly handing the murderers over to our Government, as it wasliermd to do, It permitted them to be removed from the jurisdiction of a justice Inc% Johns, who" probiddy Urea/ have,de livered them up; to be .heard and finally re leased lift more accommodating justice in Identnial; and now, when It finds itself 'ea-. posed to the concentrated indignation of the people of the United. States, an invasion of its - open .10,11 time this side of, the line, and ii 3 very existence ignored, it wakes' up to the'da*er of - the situation and would fain* have,tur believe_that It is- going re-arrest the •culprits it kita already discharged. •• . ' . Ii %bib cilithials are rearrested mid ed - tvtir, Withlttli - promptitude ' which the OCCBSIOII demands ; thniact - iwiif do much to allii thetitritation—the exasperation now prtii.lene : In this 'cotmtry. ,Itat . if tiooC this silk:dent camestxiess; is only raj Onfor . efriiet,'-init the - incendiaries are thei r raw, the indignation nip find neir. force; anti., the Venadian Govern ment' become hiinlied -in • greater Iron: ;L:hl4 that; ever. • . , Thetptens oFthis eotuatry , is ithnost - Inia*: tneuainirustaining Gene:ollns in lila tidilf! to ray, no to. boundary inns In the pursuit art ihe - raiders, but to . ttointtlltebt dowit7oh'panattlan soil and brink:2loin 6at4' to iint,puniehinent due their erbnea'..frite retinal of thrCatiadian 41;xttinun4p.c to ob serretlf*ty'Atirditibnis . ibialrea ' all - oblikWens',,tl that Itioiettunenqif Infiniti &Aida by the law,tere ti . nieuacelde teeitatitilitd, to take the iatv, into Oit`r;so4...; • .- • Seltpmenition is the first law ; gf ay tury. If tottrpet9le on the Canadian holder 0 are ; be - .sui)jected to murderous raid4ioi up on: Canadian sod and with the ,cmrd miceof the Cirmdlan GoveirtMenti:thei must ~be a 'law nit° titemselveS - 1646_ bourp4try.llnes, and treat the' barlaßK" Goyenunarii as if It did net exist. if this' , leads to" war,:it cannot be 'helped.' ,The'` wrong is not with is- and the wrono-doers . must: j uke patisegnenees of their own-; CLERICSRIPSing DEPARTMENTS A,Washlngtori con espondent says that so importunate have the applicarrts for clerk tdriabeceine, that the membersAf Congress hasprevalled upon the' Heads of Hepart-- mente • ter declare that henceforth paiitiohi tor onli" be Siren to those who Twee served honorably in the Union eirmlit: - ; 'This will: • close the gales againsta host of young poll yrcl!o are foolishly seeking reward in this way for their Services during the past •aseapaign. The gnurtest: foily any young mall Cial eDillinit; 110 W, fit to seek or 'tempt 11, elerkellip at Washington. If unmarried, he may manage to eke out a living at it, but will be as poor at the year's end as at the beginning, 'lf' not poorer; and if a married man, he is simply 'entering npon a Welty but sure process of stir-ration. A nian with h's wife, canat find food and shelter for loss tharattlya spaddr, In that city,,and, if he Imione or ti o children It will tako all his ardaritoliyy their boanl andlcidgirig. if.ioutig soldiers can live trP64 Ole Balk: ries.-pid to antra at Waabizigtwa, they on& tikluiye the opieferenee,' provided, wayaibefnef eon:patent, doubt,bow; ever, :whether :they will dud themselves as weLtbittheia - iat_they wesrein -c c • Tbelleir York CommereiaiAdrertiie; thatju4ging from ilia renu4tOnade y the stlifidalii itE rcitirednesday, and the speech; it is very"evl denflhat'.?the'propoied amendment to. the Vontrtitutien ostmot,be carried' through the. Hous_e; arM render an ortm sexton mettfeldei. ' We cannot sec wisat the Demo; castle ! meMbers gain by forcine this delif.. They Matsave themselves from going on the record in favor of . , the . runendment,_ and so` mate out to' stnd WO with their, Sonibarifrieeids; but as the turiendment is one of the certainties of the . future, it would semi' the dictate of rhvidence ,on their part - to yield to its passage now as &cart:illy as possible: - BrtargT.—A Nashville paper has the f9l - lowing anecdote of a spunky infantry cap ten, before that city, at the time of ita • vestment by Hood As the Geier:lt - 16de along captain on , foot, with a company , behind' a him, 'saluted them and asked, if he could go out a mile and half beyond the pickets to get a Wag. . : on load of hard tack that had Wen.upset that morning. • "No, air ,"` said the . senior General,- finning, "the enemy is out there:" "But cai canl not -drii'e them away I", The staff.laugbed heartily as they looked at the few but.-undismayed. "No, sir,"-:sold the Genaral f , facetiously,. "I do not think you cawilriya •thein away._ . Mr. Hood and his whale army are out tere. Ho Ina taken the trouble out of your hands; sir; he has Issued your - hard tack - ebf * ixp lOXo i thg an og tnia,:an exthl* iTailld liffiM=2 -*2 , '9' • •. •••:-.5,.; a" • The English Press on Mr. Lincoln's Re election. The Bpretator, edited by Hughes, tho author of .Brown's School Days,' , and the ablest of the English weekly press, says: "The re-election of Mr. Lincoln, iron splitter, attorney, and President of the American Enion, affects interests much wider and more permanent than those of the ration whose will he is appointed to carry out. Never before In modern history have the two great political ideas of man kind, aristocracy and democracy, the rue of the many for the benefit of the few, and the rule of the ninny or the few for the benefit of all, been brought into such direct and visible ' It adds that in the , struggle , —"the democracy bas had no adventitious aid of. airy kind, save a powet of recruiting . which sittings out of Its own attraction for all men like itself, It has never had a leader above its own 'average in 'capacity, Capable of , doing more than expressita own 'ldOWly;forming will,act upon its own slowly gained-obialetions. It tOught at thit from au liMpulie scarcely, nobler and far less pow erful than that of its_ antagonists, and only arrived at a principle after years of blood shed and , auffering steadily borne bad ele rated its heart and mat.lally cleared its brain. No 'Marvel king'of men, no 'heaven-horn gittehtl,' Ito 'savior of society' hae appeared tO lend, tO' the North a' power democracy might, UM bare possessed, no' applauding shout from the world has kept it in its path, kola:tat of imitictive feeling has gelded it like a ievelation from on high. The re ticent, stattamtux.like selfish aristocracy,' he 'ow, -loud:tongued; unselfish democracy, each left ttiitte ff ,_ each guided by its own highest everage and no More, has boot fighting out foot to foot and. face to face, as the Athens anti Sparta of the New World, the ancient political battle of mankind. Had General laceleran been electekthat battle would have been Jost, for the. North would have announced that it cared not if it were won, cared only for the side issue, its own imperial power. As it is, conscientiously and :kith a full knowledge, after nearly four years of 'battle, after this oiler of pence with the end unsecured, it has pronounced by a thive-fourths majority, that, through hard ship, and defmt, anti financial ditticulty— though its land be covered with hospitals, and its cities filled with bankrupts—though every family weep forits sons, and the course of material civilization be thrown back cen turies—it is ready to fight manfully on, rather than freedom should be proved a chi mera not essential to a grand national life. The result of that perseverance must be in calculable. * IF • "The success of the North means, and will slowly be found to mean, that free dom and strength arc compatible qualities; that the higliest minds of each century have been the nearest to truth; ttiat the law of Christ has political bearing; ,that God made the world for the use of all whom he placed within it. The re-election of Mr. Lincoln niearilr . all—for the Lancashire operative as much as the slave, for the serf of Mecklen burgh Schwerin as much as the freemen of Maine—that the conflict between those prin. ciplee, which has been raging since Athens and Sparta, alike yielded totilien sway, shall be fought steadily out to the end. We may tindshall hear much more in Europe of the erbnes.orliemocracy, though all the masses haVe'coinmittel in all all ages do - not equal those< of the llne of Mapahtirg ; but we shall be' flee' itt least of thei . ttunt that libertymeans weakness, that self-goverment threatens national life, that a free people .mtuttlie it people incapable of energetic and .persistent war." -.Ate Mormons and. .tneir Positions. . There are in dications' that serious trouble . . may yet grow. out orthe conditon of affairs among the:Mormons in Utah. ~It will be rentembered that a,law of Congress, ap proved July 1882, forbids and punishes polygamy - by a fine of five hundred dollars and hiprisonment for; five years. Recent letters represent' that iltO Mormon lekders, and aa many of their followers tat are able, are in rebellion to this law. The - a - time . statute' forbids any religious or, charitable Corporation to hold real estate in valueabove ‘..X1,000. TheWhide church Is in deadly re . against this law- Of course no Fed shelokticer,-. military or other can hold friendty.• relations with them while they thuSchiailniMiniapertAfiance of his Gov ernment, Without. being guilty ofieruplici -' ty with triltorg; 'beim tar frona'reording him a criminal, Wiliam Young carries bimaeif With 116'A:ft:oast haughtinett, In . timing that the Federal commandeihtUtah t shalt recognize him as. his superior. The pcisitions and pretension of the Mormon leaders thusbring them in direct antagonism to the tithed States, and one party or the other must submit. General Connor, the resent commander of ; the Federal. forces in that region, Maintains that the only pos bible peaceable solution of the difficulty will te found In protecting and encouraging by torce the free uttemnce Ofthought and opin ion among the people, which will weaken their spiritual despotism by a multiplicity of 'sects, and take from the lenders their po ;litical reprobacy, and In opining the rich mines in the neighboring mountains, and in thus outnumbering then nt,..Jit the polls toby mining population. nnimtvrhile we learn from *a letter in the Chkego Tribune. the increase of the Mormons by emigra, _lion goes steadily forward. Trains number- Ing.as high tis five thousand people bare re, ell4Y crossed the ttide desert which divides them:from the &MM. When oneethey are pa effectually-walled hi as if in a prison, und rind nothing and bear nothing but nom Mormon .sources..' .They are set back in the kale of civilization More than a cen- Jvtry; and their 'preachers give them little leslde gospel work. In Utah, which claims a population' of one hundred thous 'and people, with a metropolis, (Salt Lake) containing route twelve thousand people, ittetEls not a single bookstore, and scarce ly a 1:ook is' ever sold, while newspaper lit ' mature, eacepl inch as the 3ionnon organ sePplics, Fe equally meager.. Iltysterlovis Affair. TLe Bristol (IL I.) Pliantirhasthe fAlow . ing:reative to a toratexiona affair in that town .t• : A large .rough wooden. box was Lorded . er nded beie - frimilheSteam Bradford Dui-. - .. , •t • directed fee, oxiWednesday la to "Mrs. Al Ice Rogers, Bristoi, • It: I." The box' was , __ taken• to a house on,the new Street north of 1 9P the Catholle. Oureh, • to a Limn) , , who re- Celiedlt =goosing It to sent to a friend .. of theirs; an kiiiii girl ( the Dante of Alice Rogers; WhO,'..age. learn, has been in this country but•skiliort ' time, -, and who is em ployed Ina Lewdly living on the. Ferry road. Mieitliogeste.on the Miamian of-the same day; being" infonited that,,,a -. bor. had been receW t .iiirected to her,: went to the house to above, and caused Iho box to be . opened,. hml. was very muctf - surprised to find that it:contained the reieutins.of a full grown.man, without clothes or rObe,therest of the box being filled with'"shaiings and hay. ' On the inside of the lid vnis written they following I. ' "Mr.' John' illeKeon, Orand - ' :street, `'Pittsburgh, Pa."'-, A is =vaii i li , that Walk mistake was made in , by those who sent . thp tannins, ' and . no otter accompanied the box to - give any "explanation of the matter.. The Presi dent of the Town Council, Slimed Sparks, Each took charge of the box and Its con tents on Thursday. morning, and deposited them in the. Town vault on Mount, Lune. TIM. PROFIT OF BLOCKAGE SERVICE.— The annual report of the Beer° tary of the Navy states that, after deducting the ex penses, over $13,000,00 0 accrued as prize money resulting from the saleof condemned prizes. One-half of this goes to the Gov ernment. The Admirals commanding on the blockade have been Lee, Dahlgren,Yar ragut, Bailey and Porter. Their, share of the Unappropriated $7,500,000 will be 250000. Lee, Dahlgren and Farragut will divide the lergerportion. of -ttds, as, few: captures Eve hemmed° by Bailey's squad-• ron,And Porter has only been in command :of the North' Atlantic , squadron but a abort ,time. The ormmanderof the aquadtims off Wilmington and Charlestowyrill also realize a handsome .sum—one 'fiftieth Of the grand aggregate . or:$85,000. • Tnom. the report "'made": at" tho ann!. votary of. otltt, Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, In New York city; we learn thAßo elety--hatt etreetated it,q7,64411 - tracts and pamphlets, at an eriense of $21,631 11." BiabopPottar and nes: Dr. MeVieker, took Tart, In Abe , eapixises. Tbo atunatl asWISOW wad proattlie b 7 Wt. • t • L PET; .rotICES cumusTiAllr Clit3l4la, Lumina, errs, lIALT dorner of Federal and Laeock streets... Pastor , *JOSEPH KING: .... Services at toy ,( a. es. and pm . Prayer Meeting on WED/MiDAY EVEN ING. The public are cordially 'netted to atterd. Subject to-morrow evening, (Dee. 18th,) the speedo answer to the question, -What must / do to be masa" UNION URINARY NEETINGS.— The Cabo voters of the Our of Allegheny are invited to meet at their respective places for holding elections, on SATURDAY, the 114th between the hours pia and 7 o'clock p. ns.,aa vote by ballot for— One cutler, for-Mayor. One citizen for Director of the Poor and also for candLlaterfor the respective Ward °Mines. TheJudges , of the Primary tlections wi'l meet all he Mayor•• Office, on TUESDAY, the 27th lust. at 10 o'clock a. m., and sum up the vote of the rc epective precincts, the person having the highest vote to be declared the nominee of the party; ant alto appoint on Executive Committee for the en suing year. Officers of Mentions are instructed to 'refute all votes Willed by those who voted against the Union party at the recent election. By order of the Executive Committee. JOSIAIi KING, Chairman. J. G. PATTERSON,Setretary. • del7dt 117.82 NATIONAL DANK O/ ALLioonliNTl ' • . , December 14th; 18e4, AN ELECTION FOR NINE DIR '- M r' TORS OF TIIII3I3ANK, to nerve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Ban king House, on the 2v TUESDAY OP JANUARY, 1025, be. tween the hours of 10 and lo' k. de13.14 . • J. P. ()ashler. 111LIZCLILANTs. macTo-nzw,s NA BANN, (Late Merchant, 4. Bank,l ' Pittsburgh 14th. IStit. igrAN 'ELECTION , ERECT° OP THIS BAS e, to uric during the es' WI D AII e a ,t i e l- iati L All l y Of the Bank ing ra&t i g:Rile o e n n the hours of 11 o'clock a. tn. and! m. •-• .de1324 JOHN MOO Jr., cashier. O//Ica 0/ nix TIMM NATA.NAL BANN/ or PITTSBURON, Pa. • AN zurrlON FOR NINE DIR C ar'? TORS 0 IRIS DARR, to seiye doting Atte: !rustling. year, will be - held at the Banking House, earner of Wood street and Virgin alley, on TUESDAY, tholoth day of January, 11315, between 'the hours 0(.10 a. in. and l_p„ ni. • dellkila SRO. B. LI VI NGSTON, sables. Crams or run tlmizines Deena Anna 1.10., December Bth, 1866. rgr.AN - ELECTION' FOR sTILINTEL DIRECTORS of thli Company; to serve during the ensiling year, will be held at this office AIONDAT, the 19th lint, between the hours of It a- m. and I.p. m. de9:194 SAMUEL REA, Seeretary. DIME ESN E HOCK OIL COMPANY. I —A meeting of the Stockholders of the Dliquesne Rock (Ml I3omoany will be held at the warehouse of George H. Anderson, No. Id 9 Liberty at reet, Pittsburg►, on SATURDAY, December 21th, M 64, at:10 o'olock a. E. Punctual attendance is re.. quested. W. W. KELLIHNER, deadil Seiiretary. CHUMMY RUN st I. HOLE PE TROLEUM OO.=NOTIOE OF ELEO- TlON.—Rubscribers to thestiwk of the Cherry Run a. Pitt Role Petroleum 00. are hereby notiOed to attend a meeting of the Stockholders of said Com pany, which will be held on MONDAY, Den. 19th, 1861, at 3 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of organism, lion, election of President, Directors and other milker., at the office of T. T. STOOR:DALE, No. I Duquesne Way. RVOH McK.ELVY noßktf President, pro.fers. blecuaktes Dena or Pirrsavann, Nov. 21, ItlB4. A GENERAL MEETING OF THE .STOCKHOLDERS OF THIS BANK will be held at the Banking House, on FRIDAY, the tad day of December next, at 10 o'clock a. m., to consider and decide whether this Bank shall beCome an Association for the business of Banking, under the laws of the Undid States, and whether Staudt exercise the power conferred by the Ant of the Le , gislature of this State, entitled An act enabling the. Banks of this Commonwealth to become ass°• elation, for Banking under the LaWs of the United States,. approved Zal August, IE4; and to take any further action that may be necessary. By order of the Board of Director. nannlm J. 0. G. MARTIN, Caataer. IRON ULTT aaxß kl[LsOu,p,or:2l,lB6l. A 3REETENO OT TILE STOCK HOLDERS of this Bank will he held at the Banking Rouse, on THURSDAY', the Hd day of December, next, at 11 o'clock a. m., to decide whether this/tank shall become an association for the purpose of Banking, under the laws of the United States; and whether It shall exercise the pourers confertrd by the AM of the general Anent hly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti tled "An Act enabling the Banks of this Common wealth to become Associations for the purpose of Ranking, under the laws of the United States,". ap. proved the 42d day of August, 1864, and'to takeany further action that may be expedient. , =Mid . MAGOk'FIN, Cashier. - Cuts:mirth iir.Yrrris•Knint B. B. Co., Office of Secretary and Treash, Cleveland,Dift. 11, UK. THE ANNUAL BIEETLYGI OF E STOCKHOLDERS of the Cleveland sad I'lltaburgh Railroad Company will be held at the office of the Company, le tileveLsmi, on the ten DAY` OF JANUARY, Mid, at 10 o'clock a. In, for the election of Directors; also tor - ote npon • prop °anion to lease that portion of the railroad known vs the Toaurawu Branch, for a term of years; also to vote upon a proposition to purchase the half In. temt in the late Cleveland, Zanesville &Cinch. esti Railroad, (formerly known as the Akron Eranch of the Cleveland k Pittsburgh Railroad.) Also, whether. to Increase their Capital Stock un der th..e Acts of April 11th, 1559, and April 9th, 191 CL The ThTwinafer Books will be close-I on and after the 16th instant. L ROC.KWI.I..L, Secretary. Prrthrtriut. November 30th, Mt. tap. PLIEAME TAKE NOTICT. THAT the fleet meeting of the eorpenation to di celled .11e Unto& Ltibrie Oil Co." will be held on WEDNESDAY, December Vet, lase, et the oftlee of Pang & Pennock, No, 23 Wood street, la the city of Pittsburgh, at 3 o'clock p. for the urge/elation, adoption of Ity-Imra,clectrot u fc , 7o,l, A . Orli, .16. C., and for the aut horised and more yerticniarly speeillarli=lcof the Often! An. Freddy of the tiommonweelth of Pennsylvania, ea— titled “An de; relating to corporations Joe Me chanical, Idenufacturing, Blining day and Quarrying app emcees? roved tbelb of Slily, OW. conkdtd HITSZL et EII, Treace, pro ten. 1,,_ - - EVOLVERS—A full 'supply of all the hest brsnds, for Web, - do: INJWN, IZI Wool street. 7.101.713 LE AND SINGLE BARREL , FROT OPNS—A new stfrk ,bod reeelved ond Ler sale by JAMIN BONN, Ise Wood street. 'FABLE CUTLERY.— A tine assortment n. of Ivory, Rubber snd Boar linndtr Table Knives and Carrera, just received and far sale by ,!et; JA3II. HOWN, 1.18 Wood street, 1) OCKE T CUTLERY.—A. largo anti J.. choke stock just received and for Blie by del7 3A:11114 SOWN, tat Wood street_ yATES—The beat aasortnient in the city 1, 2 for sale by JAILS DOWN, tat Wood street. CIDER -40 bbls Champagne Cider, a 12 'ib e r t. (4"Y'' ' ."t r'""1" ti0.2412 1 /den TANK VAN GORmEI. ,t PYLE BUTTER.--410 keg s for sale at No: 10 timlthtleld street— 'dhl7 'FRANK VAN fIORDErt. STEINWAY FOR CHRISTMAS The most acceptable Christmas alit Is a Pleast.cr If•cvs - teo. • Our stew Moak offers the greatest toducemasta to mite a satisfactory chotoe, compriates, as It does, sr nos • .ixty Pianos of the Warded Rtetoway Mar, As well as all sillier lint elms makers. Every taste Nall every pursi may bere be suited. Each PM= warranted for eight years. IL KLED ER h. BRO., Sole Agents !on Steinway's Plano, OVA No. is WOOD STREET. ROUBE FOIL BALE. A Three•aloriedlrk Dwelling •florin No. 73 LIBERTY STREET, between Nay and Marburg streets!, containing thirteen rooms, with Fss sod bath room. Enquire et deltdm A. - LORENZ. WI Water street. rio STOOK BROKERS AND • Real Estate elgesta. The advertiser wishes to form si partnership with a Stock Broker uod rat • Address BROKER, at this *Moe.Fatale Agent. delCht COAL "BLUFFS MINING GO. —oMco with that of the Eureka Insuraneo Company, on Water street, Pittsburgh, ylnuetrrose: R OVERT FINNEY, JAR. K. LOGAN, ALEXANDER SPEER, JAN= VERNER, JOHN T; LOGAN, JOHN FLEMING. ROBEET FlNNEY,"Preeldeat. linerazy rintare. Secretary. detalw AN ELEGANT BOOK. ENODH ARDEN, by Alfred Teinrii. * Tleknoes neir edltioe, 11. imitated with meaty teet/111uldrawIngs. Price • . CO., fie.llll . : :Wood street. ILANDSOSO ABBORTMENT OF 027011aN COVER, . Id Tufted and . Heed Work. siaPrEms, same style. Also, some very elosuut Samart3a. rit:n.grio, In German Work. SQUARE SILK, VELVET BUTTONS, In MI cola, a, beildes every satiety of othe r Buttons. DRESS TRIMMINGS, LACES, RANI/KM Cll.ll ES, GLOVLE., HOSIERY, BALMORAL ItTI4 A SRI STEEL AND ONYX, SETTS, and .SLE _ L , BUTTONS, of every style • and variety, ete., ete., will be found et . • • AKE BOUT'S TIUMMIX6I 52'6114_ dettit' • Ne.:l3 YOUR= STREET. WiIVIMIOV)III4iI , 4IWAiII:I44 ALL PERSONS immure} Pura ClcriaSeierttaruiv In the largest ratiet*nvei itieteth should call on Kb BLAIR, Noll. 89 and 91 Felora! St, Snieti, he eoiaUtgly keeps the tsrge.t ♦ulety,o[ FRENOMAND AMERICAN GOODS, ' Elm=ly for the retail ,trado, and all goadaaraa. ranted puts and free Iran Ison._,Also, meals armed at all boors, and "p stteatlaa paid taiwtddliat and party orders. , l defy sompitltlol. Ns la 4: al FEDERAL - dettaW 14 OR RENT--a small Stott "tnilDitelltpg pro. no wo 0 Xlanlade.iPlF Inarkfrddi -diarltneat g : VIII fyiprio, ' '. l* ""!‘"" ArE .4/1 VIE/I . 1, OR RENT. THE WAREHOUSE, WAREHMT2E, 233 Liberty St.. Patteraonla Now Block. Ponesslon can be given January Id, (866. Enquire of D. WALLACE, 351 Liberty street. FOR SALE Busines Stand not desirable Business Stand, No. 60 SMITH FIELD STREET, near corner of Fourth street, on which is Al substantial Brick Building. For terms,/ inquire of BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No. 129 Fourth street. CHRISTMAS PRESENT. ONE OF KNABE & CO'S COLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANOS Also, Haines' Boas. , Pianos ; Grupe & Xindt'aPi anon, and PrLtice's Automatic Organs. CHARLOTTE BLUME,' dei7 ClPlith street, (2d door above Wood.) N EW HOLIDAY ISSUES. Elegant Presentation Books, And floe editions of Staodint Authors, at HAY & COMPANY'S, den 56 Wood streak. VALI - JAME STOCKS.On TUESDAY EVENING, Dec. SRI, at 734 o'clock, will be sold, at Commercial Sales Rooms, 54 Fifth street: 22 shares Citizens Bank Stock; 10' " Monongahela Savings Bank; 40 " Monongahela Navigation Co; Illonongshela Water Co.; 50 Allegheay 'Valley Railroad. • del? A. MaILWAINE, Auarr. L ETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION ON the estate of GFJJRGE A. BAYARD, Sr., late of Venus'Res township, Allegheny County, deed, haring been granted to the undersignerl by the Rm.. bier of Allegheny County, all persona Indebted fis avid estate are requester' to make Immediate pay meld" end Blom , having elnirna'agalnit the same to I resent them for settlement, properly authentl. eated, to the undersigned, at him residende in Ver sailles townaldp. STEPILEN BAYARD_ , Adadnistratoe, or to S. A. fa. and W. S. PURVIANUE, Attorneys at Law, sth street, Pittsburgh. Tansairmes Tr., Allegheny Co., Dcc, 12, 1861. del7dandftw CARTIARTI4 CHIIItCH ORGANS! The oldest make, most durable and sweetest toned reed instruments are the ' OHIIROH ORGANS, PARLOR ORGANS, and IRELODEONS, From the celebrated FactOry of CAMUtRT & NEEDHAM, New York $A splendid stock received for the - Holidays, by KLEIDER h 11110., 122 Wood street, Sole Agents for Carhart's Harmonium" denat - HOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, BALMO -,-, BALS and GUMS. The largest, best selected, and cheapest stock In the city, at BORLAND'S, 0$ Market St. LOOK KT THE PRICES !en's Breves, St 50' Alen's Boots • .111 60 Ladles' Boot. I 00 Lodies' Balmotals.: 150 Boys' Boots I 75 , Youtba' Boots 1 2 Children'. 800t5... 1 001 • GUMS of all styles sod sizes. A fine .sortment of FANCY SLIPPERS, uld• BOOTS, suitablo lot Christmas Presents. Jam' Country Merchants implied at Nate_Yout SD 80670111 r/IICEV. Also, agent for BARTELL'S BLACKING, at Factory prices. Be sure you call before purchasing elsewhere, 11 you will tare mo ney. Remember the right place, at BORLAND'S, 98 Martel St., 24 door from Fifthill pifOTOGILiPIi. ALBUMS. DIARIES. FOR ISM POCKET BOOKS, JUVENILE BOOKS. TOY BOOKS ALPIL&BET BLOCKS ALL MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS, And errrytAing In tba 1100 K AND STATIONERY LINE, A. cheap as can be had anywhere In the clty, at FRAM - CAGE'S Book and News Depot, CHRONICLE BUILDING, FIFTH ISTREEF liunt's Pittsburgh Aintanne, A SPLENDJO NUMBER, Coataks a complete CHRONOLOGICAL RECORD OF THE WAR, MM!1=IMIIIMI REELECTION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Resignation of tieitorol PI eClollas ' port-paid, on receipt of price. SeoJ fora copy, to JOIIN P. MINT, Praiummx, No NI Fifth ptroot, ll►Mgla Noll FULTON'S VEGETABLE COUGH SYRUP. FULTON'S STNUP eons Made. • IS " Cough. Coln. hi the Heed. Sore Throat. Pbthisla FI.Vt,IN'S SITUP Tex Asthma. a. Influenza. Dronehttla " " Pain Lethal:lnert • FULTON'S SYRUP cures Inelp. Coniremplicus. 11.1.41anbal Alket lop. !i4 Irhooplbt (Jougli. 44 1 . Spitting thood. Quincy. • 13==. Fidlon's Yegetable Cough Syrup Cu,.e Coughs, Colds, end ell of 9 , 1' the Throat and Lump. Wl7 Ma 'I" CO MINIS RS 'Jr rt. 17.. r! h a Mildly feytable Coupon& THE CHEAPEST COUGH RELSEDYNaa be Lad at all tellable Drug Stores. For into %totemic and retail at J. !4. FULTON'S DRUG STOVE,i Nos. OS and 19 'Fifth stratt Also; wholesale and retell agent for the sato a celebrated California WinesAdquors.? PURE RYE MUSKY, 5 ' Whisk 1 guarsate• strictly pure, for meads' purpoSee. non L&II T I 0 N. —On NOVEMBER * 21st4= Pats, I purehased from Dr. S.' M . LINDSEY, or Bellidaysburg, the recipe bp .whlch he manure*. Lured his famousemedlcdne, know* es Dr., J. 15t. LLDIDSEY'S . • • .-Improved Blood-Searcher. Steen that. time I hive beim Manufeaturing lt, having Dr. LINDSEY Ideaseirmirt of the time evi l?!°red In milmlnteltding li. preparation, and shall - Watt=le to manufacture It In accordauce with the thatnictient and directions of Dr.f..trulseT. - .Those, then desiring the rentable article, should - sot that the name of J. X FULTON appears on gray- -bot tle i and to dealers I she notice that ;every fem. Alan of Ms, my trademark, will ,boproseented to the full extent of law. • , • • - • ' ' '7. X. FI7LION Na: tr ati4 Gil FIFTH sruzzr, Pittsburgh. /lir .1 eam pereparea to soil ILLOOD•86.&8011131R below. market rates, Call before ptuzbados eh*. • • SOW Ar!E D• .11) 1 T1.E. , 71E-Yr THE VESUVIUS OIL COMPANY. Capital Stock : $250,000. Shares 250,000. Working Capital : : $15,0011 This Company has the whole working Interest In the Haines and Anderson well, on the John Mc- Clintock Reserve, on 011 creek, three miles from Oil City, now Pumping 100 bbls. Per Day, And steadily increasing In Its yield. This Interest can for one-halt the oil produced. There is a rea sonable expectation that the well will soon be a FLOWING WELL, producing from 150 to 200 barrels per day. Also, Three-eighths of the land Interest In the 2 '7_.xxvcActs.aw Now going down on Holiday Run, tmenedlately.nd- Joining a forty barrel well. This well Is put down freeof expense to the Company. This property is considered as valuable as that of Cherry Run—no failure ever having been made there. NUMBER THREE. Also, Nine acres and 141 pushes, In fee simple, on Cherry Tree Run. This is all bottom land, on both sides of the emelt', and good• boring territory. A large number of wells are down and going down in the vicinity, one of which is producing fifty bar rels per day. As can molly be estimated, the present product from the Number One Interest alone will suMeo to papa five per cent. dividend per month from the start. The Stock Books of this Company Are now open at the °Meta of JACOB OLOSSER, Its Fourth street; STEEL & BAILEY'S, Wilkins Hall; LIPPINCOTT, FRY ts. C0. , 1,12'.1 Flat st.; S. S. BRYAN'S, Burke's Building, Sth st det7:tr iticri AND ELEGANT Tlcolidny _P'retigents METROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK. STORE, Ga. wurt.b. Strout. OPPOSITE CONCERT HALL I xvirw arsaort3, Neu. Hooka, um styles of Albums and Port follos Prnyer Books, Pocket BibleA, nod n superb collet: , tints of Fatally Bibles, reolglos to price from 34 FA to $5O Juvenile Books of All Kinds. TWO hundred and . fifirenses Juvenile Books In pu set blished.ts, embracing most of the standsrd Juveniles F,71 The in mew° stock of Albums now In store pre wits nanny new and attreetive features in the shape of new patterns of blndlog,k4t, varyint In price firm 111 03 to RIO CO, and hottlykg from 12 to 4W Vett eel, To those who am about maktftepurchasea for the hotklaps, the GIFT BOOK STORE offtvgiester lndueernents than any 'other ate= the State. Especially people realdluxat n distinct*, 1 y eroding for one of our, largo descriptive cola- Lifues, um get a complete U. of 8008, BIBLES BD PHOTOGRAPH ALHEM, it.thetr esteblishment. Remember In poreheaing Basks et the 3.trrIit)FOLITAN GIFT BOOK STORE, you. pey the xerne.ni at other etores, an& here the Adverting, of receiving with elteh book you buy., ...owe I:Cloorzio),....o;niNzt2t.44 sixth from fin ) cent• toone liundrrddollArc thii Bun'," nt the Metropolitan Gift Book Store. Send n.r cat ‘logue, which le nlllll,l free lo any addm• upon applientill. IY. 1.. FOSTER etc CO - 1;'0Ult,TII STREET -4 r IGLIDAY GIFTS. i-)!-Ll • • - • • - ERBRoiDER.R ClClrfsl,:ao 'tt; The finest imported Cs , e ti GI MOSAIC RUGS. • I VERT LARGE. VARIETY °Eli' r y e VELVET RUGS. !P • c?; NOW IN STORE. • H . W. D. & U. Me('ALLEM. deli 87 FOURTH STREET. 4: 4 i AIAPET STORE:7 I Prrerldelluft, k'e. Warns fs. flionArgi Ruihwar, (Mee of the Secretory, Prmune no rt; Po., Dec. 15th 11IVIDEND ON CAPITAL STOCK ANtI ON TIMID IitORTO E 13.1ND.5. The Board of Directors of this Company hare de rlared n Dividend of 259 PER CENT._ on the Capi tol Stock, for the quarter eliding December 3tst, Dust.,--to the shareholders who stolid registered on that day, (free of °overall:en! taxi on an after the fah dny of January, 118:, nt rho °Mee of the Cum piny In this city, and at the Minster Agency, Wu:sloe, Larder 5. Co., No. #l3 Will etreet, New York, to the stockholder s as registered at . the re .pect lye callers. The Board hove nice ordered the anticipation of the payment of the half.yearly dirt • Lend per rent. on the Third Mortgage Bonds, dire April I, OM, making i t t le on and after the 17th day of Jnototry, I to the bondholder. registered on the 31st day of December Inst., at the Transfer Agency, Winslow Lanier k Co. N0..55 Wall street, New York. The transfer books 15f otork and third mortgage bonds will clone on the 31.1 hat., at 2 o'clock p. In., and remain doled until the 17th day of January thereafter. lip order of the Board. A#8105.8.11 W. It. BARNES. Secretary. "WIDENING OF WEBSTER. STREET. —The Report of the Viewer, twos:toted by Ckninella to noSt.Il damns..., ho., In the widening. of 'Webster street, between Washington and Chatham greets, be. been Approved by Councils rind left at office. :The viewers approl.e.l the damages of tn. Cooper al ONO, and made the foUowlng, as. s anent. to pay that amount, to wit: On property .4 Dirk' PS (*aniline V2O 00 • k James Brady # 0 80 W. IL.Lowrle • 030 JaneMagee 54 NI V» Love C. - Magee • 0 21 3 0 • Wm. cOandless 10 51 . Wm. Cooper to 80 o Mai On 95 Wm. AloOntidlesi 10 73 a. . Will Black 438 David Reed 4 88' Wm. McLaughlin 4 30 , • Bolt. ' 4 35 Prickle'. belts 11 21 - Mts. E. P. Denny 51 71 $293 00 Tho persons tall" named are hereby notified to call at my MOM and pay their respective wear merits within thirty days from this date, or thesalti claims will he filed in the Prothonotary s orrice as Ilene, with tests and Attorney's fees for T. W. F; WHITE, City Nolleltor , gleHase lOC Filth street: OFFICE DIINK4 RD CREEK Union Oil Company, No. 267 PENN STREET. The subearlbere to-the OepttakStock of the Miami' CrOek- Colon Oil Company, Aie requested to call at the Compare °alai mild psi their anbactiptiona.. wtec: 7ff. HEBRON, lietolW-; 41:41Ctig And Tre4lo#4 . ,-,~~-,s.:`~ia :.> a..+w.x-. ~..'r=s :.'. i3x~ : sw<ucstv~.--„~7 ,+ a.w.,'.v:iba~-~~ : i~~ero„~xn - t`u:..~=?a.:di° ..- ~d'f`sip'4 ''S~v`.'~ .`c:~~ 5k r 3 •.` z~ »~ '.~ s. %.:4 ~"4 ~vv-, ArE: IV Alf rre T 1 S ' X HOLIDAY SWLES REEDUCTIONB Ic i () A K S Dress Goods ;OUR WINTER STOCK! I - Reduced Prices ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ALEL BATES, 'd No. 211. N•irda. Idenary SEASONABLE GOODS go tt d - e . lim bi j : st received largo assortment of FOR THE HOLIDAYS.. • Lacludlag. FLOWER STANDS VASES. ' ItANGINO BASKETS. BP.AKETS, RUSTIC WORK, FERNERIES, 41:;? Mr -EL Xi. Large and malt, of various patterns, and newest aisles, with GOLD FISKE.% WATER PLAITTs, ROOK WORK, FIGURES ke ForAquada furnishing. IMPORTED BIRDS, Of guest song and most beautiful Plumage. includ lug CANARIES GOLD.YINCHES, LINETS, JAVASPARROWS, AUSTRALLI.N PEROQUETS, and ROSELLA PARROTS. CABER of all kinds, with furniture. IMINIORTELLES (Flowers) WREATHS, CROSS, to., Ace. J. KNOX, Ywd No. n FIFTH STREET. PRICES REDUCED. WRITE, ORR & CO., 25 Fin Street, Cloth Cloaks, AT A GREAT REIiiTCHONIN. TRICE. derrat MUSKINGUM OIL SPRING PETROLEUM COMPANY, Morgan County, Ohio. 182 Acres In Fee on OH Spring's Run, Three relies from Neoonnelizeltle. Incorporated under the, lairs Pennoylranlet. CAPITAL STOCK $500,000. 10,0110 Shares at $5 Per Share, Full Paid Worklog espital reserved for development AOOll shares, the subscription price for which Is .3 pnr share—oat liable to further assessment. GEORGE W. CASS, Esq. President or the P., Ft. W. & O. R. R. Co. SECTIGTAILY ANDrIAMAETTIICILI R. T. wrEcu, Tr EME=I fr. Bil Be rd. lbactrell, Jr., D. F. McKee, R.T. , Leleoh, Jr. Oro. VI: Claim, B. Guthrie, Jos. Richards, Frank Rahm, A. 3. Hagan, 10.1041 Silures of Ike above Raentil Stock IN THIS MARKET. Books of Subscription Ave now open et tho aloe of El. B. BRYAN,' 59 Fourth St., Where Prospectus and Rapp: thnOonipany lst ot ertycan be seen. STATE.N.ENA OF THE • DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, FOR MX *ONTHS ENDING NOV. Ma, 1814, tumi..rrres. Amount due Depositors, June let, Inet.ol,44tAlt Amount received from *De- matters during Rua MOL• 0130 • 70 Amount paid to Depositors I ;4'Ul°Flast six ° M ils " ... 268,712 5$ Contingent Fund, June t, 04 49,775 55 lams Eft Increase of Contingent Fund • during last Mx 21,754 -•. . 81,65 t 89 plvidend due Depositors for last 5 M 4.1 os. . ,245 51 Loans, Bonds ir Nortgages;.s364,B4s - Real Estate 4,004 55 Stock in Pittsburgh Banks. 58,975 trl U. 8:5.50 5 per eent. 10,000 05 U.RF r cent. Certificates. 454,003 00 U. S. Oer cent. Bands, 1851... 50,048 75 Receivable 54,517 78 Calh on hand 113,487 51 - ~255 55 The Trustees have this day declared asl , Di7Mlvidend of TIIREE PM?. CENT. out of the Amine of the • . _ _____ -,. --- ~.... ur.iXT. out of ileOtlie of the last six months, free of Government Tee,payable forthwith'. If not drawn , will beer lacest from pecember Ist.' CHAS. N. COLTON, Treasurer. :Pittsburgh, December Si, Gal.. ~ . . . . -The undersigned, Auditing Committeo, respect.' fully report that they have examined the Treaeu rer's Report for the last .ix months ending Novom bet WO, lees, end that they have examined the. Assets of the Benk--conelet of Bonds and Bert. geges, Deeds of Reel Estate, erttlicates of Bank Stocks, Rills of Exchange. U. S. Certificates of In. debtedneu, Coupon Bonds, andOetb orklisrat—and find the seine to be correct end to correspond-with the same Report. ISAAC WIIITTIER, 3.'CF; rtACKOFEN, . CHRIST. YEAGER. Pittsburgh, Dee. 9,4841. . . delliMAteltwr 13RIVATE DIBEABES.. • Once 433 RENS intEET. a!41: FOr the care or all &sienna - or it private nation, te.. from two to fottr.days, by an onttrely new end eats tientment. Ale*, Seining Weakam t and nil other dimuses alba gegltal emu's, fad thMr prereattar e ; eaee wet:anted ot money refunded. Jutdeeso letters •"Vir; IGOPella street. ' .totteot CIFFICES-FOILRENT; on secondrrsiory © of Noit.sl3.liod 244 Lawny gran, war Woad. - P int MCDONALD & iktiBUCIKIA:3, , R et t Wbolesa le Groo c . • r.if -'' oc 942 a 13.4 244 'Medi' m, Ilt. . - .10 r.ER TIRE.VEX"rS. SicCLELLANO AUCTION HOUSE, No. 55 Fifth St. THE ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED IN PRICES. EVERY onscreirworr or Boots, Shoes, Gum.s it Buffaloes, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, &c., LADIES, I HEN, MESSES. BOYS, sad • CHILDREN, I YOUTHS. Do It Y . GOOD, BALMORAL MEETS, Shawls, Domestic Goods, &c. GENT'S MIMING GOODS, A. LARGE STOOK. Remember, 56 FIFTH SMELT. T~icac2~auzT ACKNOWLEDGMENT. STEhVYAY'S SLPERIOR TO ALL ROMS. Terimottrasposs As mad Distinguished Artiste, Wily Toxic, December, 1964. ' The PIANO'FORTE23-aJtartot, STEIN PAY Up right—manufacbured .by Memos. STEINWAY ..11. SONS, bare eetablinbed for themselves so world. wide a reputation, that it is hardly possible for us to add anything to their just fame. • Haring thoroughly tasted and tried these - Instru- Manta perionally for both in public and pa late regal it becomes our . pleasant duty to express our candid opinion ret's% their unquestioned supe tiority over any other piano known to la. • Among the chief points of their uniform excel lence are: Greatest possible depth, richness and volume of tonsi,loombined with a rare brilliancy, clearness and perfect evenness throughout the en. tire scale, and above all, a surprising duration of sound, the pure and sympathetic quality of „Which never changes. under, the most delicate ar powerful roust: -This peculiarity is found exehithely in the STEINWAY PIANOS, and_ together with the matchless precision, elasticity sad promptness of action, always characterizing these instruments, so wet as their 'unequalled durability- under the severest trial., is most surprising, and claims at once the admiration of every artist. We, there. tore consider. the “Stelawart Pianos, in all re spects, bi far the best instruntUtta made in this country or in Europe, use them solely and exclu sively ourselves in public or private, and recom mend them invariably to our friends and thepublic. W dare at different Man - aerated our- opinion Stout the Pianos sr rarions makers, builody and un- Arnratinyty prono anis Messrs. Sidman, 4. Sons Pianos tooth Grand and Square, incomparably superior to then: . all. S. B. Mills, I John N. Paulso n; Robert Heller, I Oft, M. Morgan, Robert Goldbeek, • ( Organist Grace Church.) . William Mason, I Alfred H. Pease, . • (Son of Dr. alason,)l Max Maretiek, P. L. Ritter, • - (Director Italian Opera.) Henry C. Tilton, Carl Bergman Theo. Hided; . (Dir. N.Y. Acad. Mule.) (Dir. of Philh.Concerta. Theo. Thomas: debb2t-WaSd-ux . AT bIeCLELLAND'S .ex.rrcrrxcorr mec•troszi, 66 Fifth Street, DRY GOODS AND SHOES, AT PRIVATE SALE. dels plp e b Ii . EZ w EIMIDAY PRESENTS.— STOCK OF CHOICE BOOKS, til ., every variety of binding, eo b orehendlng the o sh wised authors, asas welt t h e t, new books t tPl"Bs°°. P • Books, A i r. Books, - Prayer :. Paniuy'' Jules in line bindings, rh"°llraPhAl - Mig Desks Portfolios, : •- • - • JuvVey-Th4L: 111: to d greet"" letr. DAVIS,: CLARICE .k - '013.,.• Wood Amt.. 1311I0GEWATER PAINT le CO - L6N. WORKS , White Lead and nine Paint and Colors; • i Cfevery descrlitlon, dry, sad pound In oil. BRIDGEWATER METALLIC PAPA,. Bitroamennt COLORS, For TUlos, 6,44;3112!•0 I ; ROUT. REYNOLDS, Geniela Agent NAIDLV:LLNE, N. Y. c :3mdS •LOAKE3 EX77III.O4DUSARYI REDUCTIONS.IN . gtica, RAE= 4, 1, No.. 59 Market, Street. TB E_._FOUTITE - • WARD SCHOOL OF AaIitiEGRENY' CITY, rive notice , to holdenof certificates issued by the Bounty coot.. taludoners of the said Want, that the same must by presented foe conversion into Bounty Bond; on er before the 2 1 4htieeember,186f, u after that time no more /tondo will be Issued. Persons hold qset Certificates will present; tiretn.toßENl N,Presidcuit of tbo SAM, at hie beamed quial stmel, three. doorabelow Oluistantot kg& 110113 F VP me. Ifindoisonatreet; ,tte/Xoltaw • ARUM itEkSecretaryUltitensthisar6 jugsl/2 tiotopmisozaeriLAZlLLT 414 WATZR ,41" XZ Ell 7 .4DIrIMTIFILWENTig TRllnirll OIL COMPANY, OF PITTSBURGH, PA; 11: W. BEA.CIERY, SECRETARY AND TREAURER, pre. Ns, Calf* Stock : : $300,0041 Working ityspilid: : : 50101 k, uo,ooo Shares, $2 each. Thp property of thin Oompoo CamPrlie• tha (pt lowing deseribod tract., amounting, lathe aggro: , Bate, to nearly . . - - .. , , , .. Seven Hundred Aere4 Between four and are hundred of which is la kw simple. and, as will be seen, the daily product at this time la more than sullielent to pay a MONTHLY DIVIDEND OF- TWO PER CENT. ll= every tract embraced la this schedule is cos,- tiguounto large producing interests, and the great.. ,, er portionlre_o of" Royalty? it is confidently and seasonahly_expecte• d that with s working fund of, FIFTY. THOUSAND DOLLARS for the further;, developmEnt of their property, the dividends of Company will shortly be lamely increaaed. As a SA PAVING INVESTMENT, whether per... , manen or Ric speculation merel,y, it .la believed.::. the, induce:naffs offered by this Company are sec , - and to none. Particular attention is asked as to' quantity, quality and location of the lands, of this company, more fully described in the follovring schedule: . R. No. ONE, One..half the Working Int•erest_ In the well-known ROWLEY WELLS on Blood Farm, 011 Creek, no A Wirduelng from Pa6HTlt to LINE HUNDRED' TEN barrels of o i l' per) day, giving to thin In rest twenty to twenty-eV barrels per day. There is another well on this to a considerable depth, with a tale show -of oilre end still another wet! being bored with ton= fee . . No. TWO. THE INFIRE WORKING INTEREST Inn well on the celebrated CLAPP FABM,on (HI Creek, and near the famous 4 .W11.11ama,” midi* predawn' Wm - hundred and twenty-fire to one brew. , dred. and fifty barrels of 01l pet day. This weU, known as No. Eight, is now bored to is- d e pth of f few hundred s and fifty feet, with a Imola; batten , " ahow.thawtho ulTilllams" well before the latter. was pumpW.; (The "Williams" well is swamis , ' geed - .fifty feet deep.) Prom the lisdkettl4( and the favorable !petitioner Ma wall. (No. It is believed that - when bared one hundtedV • 1, deeper WIWI equallf It doesnot exceed le preddin the"Williams'f well. With this interest is an glue and fixtures. Yo. THREE. A LEASE. OE -E112017 „_AORES, 1 Nora or less, (George illtran's) on Duck 13 reek;.' Washington county, Ohto, , but.• a short : distance from the large producing well on this creek, !seek eral of which were but recently struck, and amog• them - the well of the DUck Creek 64 Co, otthis.. city, the stock of which, in consegueno of Mar_ great sums", bas retently advanced dol. Ws and Illy cents the ,mount 9411 las f to twenty.nve.dollars per share whie price Is - freely offered, though In' most C. 11,116 It to held at 1.. 1, much higher figure. Length of lease, We yeast., . Royalty, one-fifth hi bulk. Wo. FOUR. • LEASE OF TWENT TAME ACRES;''. More or lees, on Duck utak, ,Nrasitington county Ohio, (3. Deeker) adjoining the aboye—la cionO4- need excellent territory—Length nf lease, ten yeare; Royalty, one-fifth. Ziase of Thirty-five Mote 0 14e 2 5, (3:BOnear.} l Al 3'lllll empt• Into West Branch of Duck creek, about one from its mouth:, in Washington county, Ohba! A. - rein of teal Ida feet thick is on the property, and ft Is considered by competent Judges first-rote oU tee. ritory. Length of lease, ten years; Royalty, ono- fifth In bulk. • ' No. SLX A LEASE OF 120 ACRES, - , More or less; on "Long Ron," a tributary of the - Little Muskingum, and about three miles from the. same, In Washington county, • Ohlo, (John F 01..; bright.) . Property on this stream . Is reganka very yi valuable. During the present month two good ' pang wells were obtained on this strewn by the' rezeigiT,l, rt Cor:arleAY-k. and efforts for the dive- - cameo& of, n. sec tion of the country. ank being , richly rewarded. Length of Mane, tell yea* R0y.., :- . ally; owe-filth. TWO HUNDRED AND TRUITT ACRES; hlore of leas, in tee simple, ( Flendog) on Pest Hickory Venango county; Pa., with govt.-, producing wells in the immediate visinity; both above and below' this property. This tract le very valuable; and would alone, being held in, tee, be a . i. sufficient basis * for company. • • • ONE HGNDBED AND NINETY /ARE% More orlesi, in fee elmplif: Onlirederul creek, gan county, Ohlo; , (Alderman ' ) WlJOining the berated Bishop Farm, the property of. the "Federal," 011 and futile Immediate vicinityofthe hind' of the KihloPtaroieum C 0.," of Near York. Both,' these companies -are producing, and the latterk , ` -though yet in it' infanay, recently declared a 'deed of three per tent.. on a capital or one milßort-,z) • The.daily product of this company has for,: ; . " some time been over one hundred _barrels per The Federal Company, though with a more limited-' capital, have been successfril In obtainlFili, and its prospects ark...such as must, be gratif gto its stockholders. Scarcely en exception ex ata where . a well bored on this stream has failed to produce ; , .144 1 ,aying quantity,' valying from. six to ono 'barrels Der day. It is confidently believed •, thrcill,modende expenditure willprove the prop- • • ertyllfthe TRIUMPH OIL COMPANY as value. ... late an any. of the lands bordering on Federoloreek. Books for Subscription to (be Stock Are now open nt the °thee of 2011 N T. =De, 24 Fifth BUILDING. And ESTBEL &BAXLEY- BAr"th FOURnt STREKr;I:e I 11
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