, i .410 I==llllA - - -, , '•::.;'-:,,T•'..I..f.,ri:,i- ' t: : , - c T - ; ,7 2. - 37..'rP-,;' - - - 1'- . - , ;-:-,,--, T ,- : ,_- r • ---_,-,--,. , :-- —...... • • . E • „.• .. iiii .: . ,-,` ,-- - r. i _ _ .._-- . _ .. ._ , ..._. ..,. „.„..... . ... 1 . .e„..... 1 • kw Yozz,Dec. Ipnce has the foe c • • • Orr Cara, MEenr, Tilesday, Dee: 13. large naval Beet, aCcontpanled with bald foratestlft.trlttiktbrwitilk. triangactlbinifs this teeming, ateeringlln ksontherly dinectlon. The lamer part . of ;the iirtiiifathsporte lett daring the night-, • -.At Ms writing, the flagship Malvern and soverallif the larger vessels of the Beet are In the I:4Mkfl tett arthe Balling Order& hive - been sia-, - n 6 lefl , they - Will probably get' under i•Y- In • hilrf_thtte. . - • ' 'Matron-clads attached to the Beet were the Brit to move. The siagle narrated monitors go, - 4n Gt- - i&r`of - st6calin.. The Iron elide and the donbk.nurcted monitor 31anedonick propel themselves. 'lln:te'6r vilvherti been ftivoredirith Atte wroth.: ti BAC irhaßbleiring from offehrtre, ettlitinkh' Indications seem to point to a northeaster before we arrive at on/lot:lraq's end. Cl undeccr - pf.sleklinerionfwfil be Made 'known to the public et - the-proper time. Borneo it to rennet, that ample prepatation has been pro sided to walnut' - 4 .- vlgororiti eat formidable attach upon the enemy's works. In all probe bility a few days hence Will give Inc an appoint. ally, of - saidlng,yon, fail details of the- ox. pedition,. • MOIL NEWB . IIO7I EMMA Battle' Believed to have been ..Founitt. . . NO CONENICITION SWOOP ELLEN Dispatcy 'Cien. Bragg "rAIE,HICIIIIOND WHIG ON 'REUEL, INCENDIARIES IN TILE NORTH. 113.—T , 1e rerkPe • timis'ircial.447B*Blehmotaliars of Wednesday. Drlbanherl4th', ratite nit . td-hight from the army. They are 'it:4l"cent on in deorgia. 1 Vtie:Etarnbter :Indulges sin fpeettlatlon. and puts Its faith in Benturegard.-• It adirdis 'that Sherman to upo nSarannah, and bellows that a battle trap been fongtt !rthis. ThelSoiCutt - antl Enquirer are sllmt, and the Dilttreh protest-ea- to hare no later ncws thin that:ln Tnesday'i papers; fiividor.,;!ygege., from ttie tone of the papers that therd h no arm routtleatlon either by roll or telegraph month of dlnlen. • •", Anli , F; in ititilfßeittl distinteh * of the Vans* bartiflgh4atimrs that Itiheeler fell upOn a emiilj pstty • of,Our 111'trulry • Who :fell . back:alien - the main bOdyi_when Wheelerretired.- Bragg then' main fill - . 4 oniraniratlatt: at Bar =Malt and.Gra hammrille; anti Orgrat thn ProPloacr Put 'l4l the obwitrneilratipestalbte bi ethetman'a path. The Richmond 'Mart of the .13th .eays thiy are without defnttc adrke% from Georgia. It has no doubt Sherman holds the" same positlon before Barrumah thp4ood, does before, hash ? Me . - - ' • • `~ :i. py;.~; ICy. . ~u}. y+:~~ . ENE =ME 4 1 . . .• Is then appeals tO the War Department for new,, xhethier it Is.- Whatever Sherman will • do :ter", eapy,:irlft havirlittle:affeet oo the for • of the-wat'nwonpaiiienturoish additional material:for Ifankre - brag, but he has atmlood no :4t object beyond the rnfn o'f-a fielt . of country a . couple of mitre wide.. e Vida -has arMther ankle In , refornOoo•tatlie'rebtl Incendbiries In the North. '''ofesapj. pleimare In °battering that the 1- nnleeei!Wdiont,to make their country too hot to bold tin; 'Southern relbgeM, who hairs come hither toiriefi out bf the reach- of danger; and :hopes that General Dlx, if he cannot find a - law severe tmemei to sult their cum, wilt 91Z1:15C- A pew ..cmiscripti4 bill was reported, In the .rebel House Or Repr4cutatices at Richmond, on •thuleth lust, • - 191-- ERNE '5•1:•, • •-•:•:•:•,:' • -, The Notorious tuultrd Prot!. ably Dead. TER STEAMER ENPLOSION IT CIRONDIIET • TIZR MORE OP REBEL TORPEDO. . -~ ~ r ~L ~~ _. re Aik '.,~~~~!'' PNIIMRS', STEW; IN sr- LOUIS - •'4.'. ..,-). Apprehensions 'Felt for the Safety of a Cot • rrnment Tritin Bound to Fort Gibson. uiR ~ , ` ~ ti V.; ; . . Sr. tOris, Dee. lil.--The Lawrence Teibuns. says that the notorious brigand Quantrell, bad been moved in an ambulance in Price retreating' -column. •lla is sick' beyond Lope of recovery. he recent ei - pision of the steamer Maria, ,C 4O .. Pg r l l qr.Pre'llnPo9 reP9lde4,'lssalll 4 hive _teen the work of a rebel torpedo. 'An investi gation will coon be made.' . • :fliepripterea' f St:, - Leiria 11113 - on a strike, b - u . t the imbliestionoftliePapers 'manor, beeninsten dell. Itte,Promjetrteg offernily cents per thous and and steady work to good hands. - . • ! Illb .% ltf Or : oilt' ., , I Sl*lal : froth Fort Saki, 'Sit • thri.:4 - sayit . , yesterday a einnier arrived from _yak a*son*ith ilisristnnes, causing niipreken, aton Ibr the safety of a large Government train which left camp on . thm . Llrywood, ten - miles . esouth of this ploce;:ini the 2dd `of November. The P - 0 11 en 4 b AlPf : Onn. , hundred _ andtwraty gone:Mama vingittuy With' !lie 'yoke`Of oxen 'to each one, thirty sutler wagons, with six males toes - UM i all litandlt loaded for Fort ,Gitwort, -a - dhltaiiin'of one hundrid en a,' eighty; mil* and guardcdiy a few - dismounted • Indiana :cavalry: annetietalon Of Jetting* of about} twenty men. The ham la, now said to be on the .. , .. k Mirka river, about oneAtuylred,tollei south of ,:' , , , ,; . 1 :, ~........shis place, and t o men are t rowing up ~... -..,. ~,,, -.....,.. tiartincorke for defence, belog closely invested by the rt44l genial Galifesowlth .7;000 ;Men and .., ....:.•!;:„.:;,,,..,: flee pleats of artillery. Colonel Moonlight la Itported moving to tbeassietanee of the ' .. •.. _ . . zr, ',; • .:-! 4 .' • ' . 6 A sobller, Come Into our rooms in Nashville to yet an anycloße. Ire said he bad a letter to said Eome for one of Ids contend:a. Ile drew f • Ma Walla° a small package, -earetbll tom y wrapped.• and opening' It; hold up a scrap of a leaf from a memorandum book.' It bad bloody finger prints' on;t,C and a few words hastily written with a. penell." The writer was the soldier's partner, he said; In the charm on Kromer Mountain, he -- fousd him staggerim , .back from the line, the hiciad etromnlng Ikon:Ads mouth, and. corerlng hilhatids and clothes, -;A mince ball had cut off Ida tongue at the root. ' Ire. tried V: , speak, .but couldnot. Finally, by : tholisns; he made his parities. understand his want—paper and paten. . A scrap was torn from Um diary, and on It ho bey, held up by Ma comrade,with fingers drip:. ping with blood, and trembling In death, wrote, "Father, meet me fu.liearen.” . o la Pefiied ID wittethla name, bnt Ulm' to Luc had fled: Fathers and mothers, what wilt yon not do for your sons, who raking and dreaming, and dying thoughts oinowant ughts are b turned 1-21sn'illima, - • A warm in the Glasgow Heratrleatlmatee the . n u mb - o converts to airillatulttY--ht Chbut at 200. rie toe: 'we do not' maddev this re lied' as a great succeea, but we cannot mard It as allthgc; we may not vlevvitirltivtatlon, but do vlewit with 'thankfulness, and hope. _The period of labor has not really been more - • . • • iFATHER," sold a little follow," apparently re. toctlog!thtentlype something. ..r alia'ut seed Toll any of my wedding-cake when I gat. mar. ifid,o "Why not, my son 1" was the food father'a inquiry. "Beeause,7 said the young hopeful, 'yon didn't sent me any of yourL". • • • ~,:( '. k=== VOLUME LXXArII-SO. 309. ght fittoiturgli 6itz E MNO G.WfffE TELEG)LiMS. t rapyrigtE 01,4 i LARD I FLU?. TE a gxpediticul. Steering South t: , --DRAT:tove !DR A: COXINGMBX • • • • • s T . • THE LATEST NEWS BY TBLEGRAP Official War FROM GE --THOMAS The Battle &fore Nashville DECIDED 111' 4 110N VICTORY The Debeis Driven ~E ight Miles. • WAGON TRAINS AND 1 000 PRIS ONERS CAPTURED. Winn Pleat' '"of' Artillery Capture SPLENDID BEHAVIOR OF OFR TROOPS 2friB4•7llatfie:Proiritbly Renewed NOTHING L.ATER.FRONL EGOIRMAN. ..Srecial We. ern AmoeinterressDhpatch.- ' titrintW.+i, WastrianioN, ber 16th. t Gen. Dix, I'm York: The Decem following official !report of the battle before 'Nashville has been ireeeiverl from fleucral e, !Me, 15, 9 p. attacked the ..atenti'S left thistuorning anif drove It from the below the city, nnirli'to the Franklin pike, in distance of about eight We cap lured Chalmere headquarters and train nad a - Eccond train of °both twenty wagons, with be tween Ml and 100 6"fieisonees, attii 'artillery. Our troops behaved. splendidly, all taking their share in assaulting and charging 'the enemy's brenthroats — . - I shall attack the !enemy again 'to-morrow, if he stands to light,. r and, If he rclicpbs during the night, I will pursue littn;thinarlui a lieitey caralry foreC in Ids re - ar; : to destroy his train +,9f 'possible. - G. 11. THOMAS, itnj. Gen. NO intelligence haii been received from Sher matt later than the r published dispatches trans- Milled by gslar'''Oetlernl 1•641ci Admiral Dahlgren. (Signed.) F.. M. firasrox. A correspondent gives the following particu lars of the dal before Nashville:. , leiservrra, Dee - .trr line 'adranceil and rugeged the rebel line at nine o'clock this morn- Ing. The line was formed thus, Steadman on PIO left; Wood, CWll — Ferpsrdext. A. J. Smith next, NOM Cox. in re.erre, and the earni bcn!lmder ITllson, (dismounted) oceitpied the reme right, assiited,bythe. gunboats on the Jiver. Ittaittrtiii, arialls 'engaged at 'trmo, h at therausketryilsing bras' continuer's and Miry, 'f k 'ln! though the casualties have been great, the - though very important. Tbekt occupies the. same ground it did this more**, but the - rigid has advanced tiro !Mien, _driving the enemy from the river, from his en_. trumbineits, from the rage of hllls on which lilt left rented, and pushed his centre back troll' one to Ihrea, Intim, with a loin In ail of seven teen gum, abc.Wtt tltteen.linnq'cid ptiwinent, and Ids whole Ihic of' earthworks, except about a mile on his extreme- right, where no sellout at. tempt was made le di:U*oi **sr - The whole of Hood's army bere, except his cavalry and Ace ditialon of inftuatry,athich has NIA detailed tit .'etkon-IlltrtreenW°. *. 1, 9 1 C . atthat. of. Wday tray splendid success. Medici...lona commanded by Gict: Kiribati of . the Fourth cops, by Gen. Garrard of the corn. =mind under Gen. A. J. Smith, and . the cavalry nutlet Gen. Krum yrere under my:observation, and I have never seen better work. - Gen. Kimbalra division carried two fortified positions by astault, with very light loss, captur ing at one point four hundred prisoners and slx gun!. There Is no doubt other parts of Gm, linedhl as well. I only speak of whatj saw.' FROM THE POTOMAC ARMY MI Quirt in Front of .Peterstiars UNION 170111'TS MIDIDEFIED ./tack Soon ' to be •Made &c., to. UL.LOQVAWIT.M. Amur Poroatte, ' Derkianhe r 16th, leX4. Universal quiet luts prevailed along the line lu front of Petersburg for the last few days, scarcely a .shot being exchanged excepting In the evening on.the right of the line. Last night, ltutrevrr, quite an excitement eras kept nn from about eight;., ten o'elock,^when the iirhtg died away gradually, and after midnight not -a shot rens Leartl. Of course the pteliqs in the vicinity of the Fort are reispousible Gar the ientbreak,ad,, tbetigis sOme - other parts Ik - the line farther west *ere participants Thrre i 3 a rep?rt current that a nninb - ir of of idekete watching the rear of bur' lines, were taken and murdered night before last, and that In toneentience of this the force on this side ims - OChanges are being made In the dispodt loci of ne (rape, but there Is no indication or en early ' attack on no comy. • Thc troops antacid In the late raid ire almost -gall in good colidition• 'some of them returned from the trip with fr4zen handstand-fect,•and other,,lll, caused by severe ;weather which pre vailed et the time. On Friday liVe:ddertets arc to be hanged— two from New York, two from Now ilampshire, and ape froinllarylancL . • &IA 'dead - Kers are coming In daily, they re port nothing new from Midden). [iiigned] ' - W. D...MeGuroon. SUPPLEVENTARI 'ORDER- OF GEN' PE • Perform /riving from , Insurgrit Stale leglxlfr Their. Nemrs. THE DECISION IS Tith'ST. ALBANO ROBBERY CASE. Great Retictioniu; reeling In Idontreal. • THE MONEY ID BERETURNED.TB THE BANK. Num' YOWL' Dec. le.—General Peek haaleenad a supplementary order ' calling tier' persons arriving in the elty.from the Insurgent-BMW id register their names at Ids ,hetirtquiniall... its says the remit developed by' , the registry rally matinee the - action - 4.f the department, and the `decision. lit the male 'of the Bt. Abatis raldeti, make itlmperntipe thattlie registering be pushed A private dispatch received Izt this city to-day ,Ilvm a gentleman; lit : Montreil , says it vent re- Ported that the inoiex beienging to theSt.Aibans Winkle sci _ t that theie In eiaaf non there in rebel stock tattoo 3 ..Vednefklar, and that eventhntonsfeel divested w ith the proceed- Inge of thocourt, Presided over . 4tidt-e Conrail: • , Prom: Canada; ' -. . ,(tratec,-, Dee. 16, •-Axiother, cabinet meeting arse had toglay. - Parliament has been atuntnott ed to meet on ft:l6l9th of January. • .Btlpendary magistrates hare - imiit appointed tO tahe cognizance of-breaches of _the intern& tiottal pollee romleiNs a. , and they tun to be aided by a strong . sTbe Journal deQuebec, of to•day, up t : G Dlx's proclamation is Ohappnaved by he Wasen.h ington gentomcnt. Late Canadian---'liews RANDS OF THIEVES ORGANIZING FOR PLUNDERING THE FRONTIER, Reception of Admiral Parra gut and Capt. Winslow. THE FERIAN•BROTBERITOOD-15 REW YORK Prfests Denotmcing Their Meetings GREAT EIGITEMENTAMONG THE ORDER &motes the Pirate in Command of the Sea 'Xing.- EXTENSIVR FBAUDEI ni Ting MiSS ISSMETI VALLEY.' Loe's Army to be Transferred to North Caro M- 51.0.11M11 'Western Associated Press Dispatch. Nnw Yong, Bee. Toronto letter or the 12th says: The reheis hi Canada West are the result of the trial of the St. Albans ',raiders. Bands of thieves are already organized 'for pitmdering the towns and farmhouses on the r finutler, and wets, only Waking the releaseor the raiders, as a signal to commence operations. Admiral Varragut and Com. Winslow were re t•Clved last nigh, nt the l'uluti Leagne Club Room. No speech were made. There to much egeltetnent among the Fenian organimtion, In Jersey City, Hudson City and iloboisen, growing out ortlie action of a C'atlio lis,priest In denouncing a meeting of the Fenians, lasi Sunday, In Hoboken City. A meeting ofrali the Pentane In the three elites, it, called for San- Bay nest, In Jersey, City, to take action On tit, matter. A Loudon letter to the Tribune says; The Laurel, which left Liverp o ol early In tle levi with Sonies, forty (interns and ,ore of the erew of the .%labataa, jolted the Sva King at Madeira sat the llng of the same Month. Both la , sele then sailed for Porta Rico, where the Lsurel transferred ,i n u.lll.l ,SAS4 King. four IN. tu - u , ' - 'dfriginnilers, 'Three 'l2-ponnd swivels. and a large quantity of auturanltiou and rno Four men of the Laurel volunteered in Join the pirate. The name of the Sr,,' King st es eliang,ed to ".Shenantloali," and the trans- Ter of the Laurel's four into, teas blade under littnl6ll colors. The slily then,salledtfor Tener me; wh, ee the en, of the .bra King was put asbercatitr r k prtin_llso to'r : tiott ,thisVreck of their Vese•el in a gale win, off thr . roast. Tie: Shenandoah 1s,1;000 tuns register and very A fast. A letter from. Colonel Mulford's headquarters, loto,lit hP iLtertirier, givel en acentint Of the puf f rii e4 of Cblon prisoners recently relerLOA and sp. the rritela have ohertal. to exelmune man for vnt; and adds that our iztwerntuent. after e\ - -' t0,,,n0, g for all white wittlera,.will bare punt itott ,NIVEN !Mid a• i 10 .71:41,6 fur IlegTO, n o w in rt Ixt hnndc. 14 1, reported from Wallington that an inves tientb n alit ,00n be mode in the "Largo, urea tee-ire frauds in the Miasiralppl Valley by IV. P. tip lien , General -agent of the Treasury' rantannt, and bin ertnx , nitnates at pulnta along , the Hoer. it la tate& That Hen: iirayman, nt Nab hex, ha, forwarded a lane amount of wall-- met, In relation to the affair. TLe TrAtute's Washington apedel says: the • irotTel Courts Martial in se,,lon there, hare ken ordered not to entertain any new C•l2. CA till after their re-organinetlon, a hkh annually takes plaee. _„ - . • The Plidical Kialtnelcy delegation aro said to hove ineceetled Impo-v,lng their views upon the Previdcut, and bare obtained from bun au crvtirinet , that the volley of the tahnlnlidration should hercadet favor the carliett loyalt,T . of tbat J.h•at. Col. Clark, formerly of. Gen. NlcPber n'r staff, now Chill or lino. llowar.l'A staff, to-day Prompted to the reek of Brigadier • luMiatratinee—has loon received, which Is re ;cr' t. ad -ti'uetsxorthr,.that the,4 rails in 114. interior of North Carolina are Making t pre terit/lib for the expert:ad transfer of Lee's army rLa Virginia , to North Carolina. They arc emistructing, up the Roanoke river, two large ft—ruts, Intended as traturporm. Sitter the destruction o' the ram Alhemarle they have remodeled and are flt* atreagthrealug ode °a TeSaels to matte another ram. At Weldon and Clohlsbonrugh mike large siics of trtsops are actlrely fttgimed In /Malty -1.:•16 places. At other points along the line of the: Weldon P.ailroad exterior works are In yours, of construction. in the rebel Homo- of Represent:trier:lt ti, MR hart Committee reported the general exemption MIL The elanse in regard to the exemption of the prom is materially elranged. Also In rela tion to teachers, exempting only teachers of col ti gem, theological seminaries and military Acad emie°. On f t, ' Ws lniK , r . ., elm editor for each Paper , and mull prudery and foremen as the editors may certify, on oath. as lndlepth.sible. The ilieltmond lleafhoi of the Lath contains for the Imprc , Ftoeut of Ilet.rettOi no telatied I. y du- rel.! Congress. It bolds nit free negro st liable to perform cup nillilnn duty required of Wel nethoriZe. the ellipleyttlent of 40,000 g0,,00, 01 netas.otry labor, all.l prattle, for re 'n unending the owners la rase of death or esespe ehde-s. 'Not more than one in live shall lie t . .keit from any owner, and all Stater be mirk to e:Altrillitte their fair quotas. A FFAI GE011( S het man Still Moving Toward Savannah F01:11M4.4 .110,1)C01:, DaVtaflaZ LS, Via DAL,', .11.,It.:„ December 16.—The Charleston Cour:c.., of the loth, nays: Sherman's army is stilt mov leg townnls Savannah. We learn that the altdr at Station No. 2 was simply a slight skirmish. Prou the Charleston Courier, of the 9th last., ter Take the following The ugusta Chronicle says We had the plen,nre, yesterday, of meeting Captain Caper. of General Winder's stall; who Is in oar city on business In connection with the Confederate .Prisou Human, whose iieadqu'arters.are to he lo cated In this city. Captain Caper Inform; us that the Yankee 'prisonera at all points within ea di or Sherman have been safely retnored. Ile also mates that the vandals were so disappointed at finding that the "blue bellies" hart flown from 1111Ien, that they vented their spleen on defenco . less Inhabitants of the country. The Charleston I:mirk). of the 9th Instant, In fit/when Co Georidaaffairs, saytt . We learn that, on Sundaylast, Lieutenant Reynolds, of General irlieeler's cavalry, with a detachment of Olken men, crossed (ho Savan nah river at Harper's Perry, in the Ileaufort Dis trict. te had been engaged in a scouting expe dition, and becoming separated from. his Cara mond. crossed over Into tide Statg to 'tole them higher up. , lie Mint senta,Sherman'e army as ecelalOing Grant's bridgv on Brier Creek, et: mitre from the river. - The opinion Satan to prevail that Sherman can bo tally defeated.; A report wan In eirealalkin yeitenhxy, that an the arrival ef Sherman's forces of Station No. 2, he held off In Om direction oftliistcrs' F Which would indicate an invaalonmf South C erryaro , lina. The enemy Ward reported ;a bakg near Poe-s• Prisoners from idliimmt , ta's army arrived inthis city yesterday. • FROM NEW. ORLEANS General Davidson's Great Rai d; LARGE ARDENT OF PROPERTY DESTROYED i.;sMareliing on Mobile . AfiRAISGENIENTS MAKING TO RECEIVE GEN BANKS . . • •,- -- - . • . ... . ... . ..hlmw:romir, Doe. IC.—The steamer Mandug Star, from Neir Or/earis on the 10th, has arrived, She saw off Hatteras, on :Thentday, a • /arm: fleet of steamers steering southwest.; fur 3li • Coltd dlinht on . quoted atliew Orleans ' _ at #1,20 " g. Gen. Davidson's great raid hour Batetillougn - ha been heard from. /le had resebe4 Tango: .ha d . on the 00th ult.,- bunted the cell - script camp, 'destroyed all the stance and dwellings, yaptured a large - number of ,horses, and carried away ant:mimosa number of aegroes. .ltioblie papers of the 4th say:. lie Vas march- , isigen that city. Ile has a former 0000 cavalry. Price - claims to have aecemplished all he intem• dol la Missouri, and returned # Ms lehtun.lsith LI • hiumetwe stores, • "A large meeting was held la New Orleans to meka arrangements for the reception of Goaarai .. Rude. . PITTS B GH,. S CAP 3111!E OF,lminoL CoNvißium . . H c 4 OfflcialHo' Aof tile tattle, of ' , .„ .. , . , .. • - l,a DRP.UTTIT,' WAS/111i0TO Dec. 10-8,15 p. m. 'To Offer General A :—Offiebil illePatefies' from General Canby haybeen, received to day - , ' 4.ewing the cotopfele a, cress of no expedition stmt by him from Vic k . burg to operate with General Jithennan and eu Hood's comthunich lions with„Mobila, ~ General Canby reports . th e Prenahle`siteeess. 'tafaitother expedition - train IL i ton-Rouge, under General Davidson, the details . and object of whieh.lt Is not proper now to dis close. When last heard from, Davidson was reported as haeltioeausedipthe i 'iliac: in 'MO blie, anti to.indevatnatingtheeountryg•enerally. • Lieut. EARLE, irtlCOrrananditig... The Richmond papers of tay confirm: the e n= portalcapture of Bristol bY an expedition sup posed to be under Command of Generale Stone- - ' man and Bubridgei nisti the surprise and cap ture of the. Glade Spring Depot on the railroad thirteen tulles south of Abington, Va. They also contain General hood's official report of the bottle of Franklin, In w itleirbeaeknowledges the loss of many gallant °Moms and bravo men, MlTellg: whom he mentions the names of Major General Cleburne, Brigadier Generals John Ml lionm, Adams, GeiSt, Strobl and Gernbay, ttllc3; 'Major General John Brown,. and Brigadier Gen c-sls Carter, litanignah. Quarles,Qiantr;ll and Ecru, wounded. Thee state that on Wedne C a rr ay Sherman carried the works immmactay i ligt the entrance to the Ogtehee river by Storm, amt that the capture of this, mwition uts Gen eral-Sherman In communication with th e Yankee Met, and healtates the reinforcement of Sa- Trl7lllAh. Thu difpatehes of General Canby, so far ea In i r er for pubileatlon, and extracts from the Richmond pews giving hood's °Mend report of the battle, and our 6111Ceti, Is South.ivestern Vir ginia and In Georgia. arc vritdolned. Up.to thls hour (14.30 P. M.) nothing has been neard from Nnapvillevince tut night-, and noth ing from Sherrunu, later ttcm the Richmond m Wepapers' fermi. NEW (Minal.-ArLa.,lleciembet 9 ., --On the 2.ltb aMmo It Wail reported that mOvementa, coopers a; !ye with General •Blteniaan, lrunLi be male from tieksbmg and Baton Rotge, for the pur r...li of. cutting Matra comfmullealiocui /I!rtfle. • slot The expedition sent out from Vicksburg, eon sl-lit-g of atom. 2 .C.PD.ecarall7 and eight• Web' or and 01147r:flitter titearOnatta of E. D. Strand ,-; !he dud Colored Cavalry., returned 01 the 4th havlug met tritlicontidete Irieoess. Ar t, r an R4,11;1114 ,exectated flank movement on J,, , ,t,en. on the 24111 uhimo, the expedition 'dour 1 tor the - bridge over the Big Black rivrr,on the I,ll asbalppl lust- /taljr9ad,, which ;Aral r, hc,l da'"trei Olh, and, after a strubborn re e'tter,ec, calgured- and dcltroyed. This cuts I:taxPo army - 01l rerun the largo qualities of sup- Vie , and Ftnnts uhliii are accumulated at Jack, Mishisolppl, and makes that railroad, which Itutitt reliance, unarailatde to run for teenths to come. The following property teas completely de svroytd SO. miles Of track. Including enleerts; 1 1 ,e wagon hilke Ayer the Mg. Black; Vaught; Ilekett and (Zooduriii 4tationv with all the rail-, rued depots and buildings ;.1.1304 bales Of Cotton pr ovv moilres, 4 car% 4 stage-conches 2O hared' .r it t 164,000 Worth or stems at Vaughn's. stm • i teetAaithrl *AI roodderably harrassed • on mtnrn G 9 largn Labe. of the enemy% forces, tot .utfered no material losses, and brought back rchdr mm[11180)=1 Its entire loss In effective men. Mat...l. B. Cook, commundlng , the- rid Colored (*molly, distinguished himself and his regirnr.nt -by the ' gallantry .arliti•whieh the Come gll3l.liit g the Big Black were driven from behind their strongatockade, on tbcroppoalte side of the ric Cr. Our men had to dismount, with nothing' hot railroad tits fur protecticm, In the Woof a It tire. . (Signed) E. 8. CANDY, 34). Genl ilernra ft uuui AcMiIiENT &mai Peron; Burnel to Death le:ritUrr. Ure . 13.—A terrible accident ne curn d on the Grand Trunk Railway last night, ct,n,l by the collision of the western-hound ezer train with a fri;ltflit train near title City. After the::eolltAtlon, the oars took fire; tied .i , eeral wounded persons, being unable to saris ate' hent,elves, were hurtled to death. TWO. 1.4 mtrn. arc known to hate suffered death In this fi•Jr111:1, and it is reported that others were killed to tt.l. Ina:titer alto. The full totent of the lose of II:c not aseertained. /,at I...—GCOrge W. Miller - was the only person kllltd by the eollielon on. Vtrucul Tenni: railroad rend were severely wounded. There wits no dttr nt ion of the trams on the road. Sztvannalt Strongly Fortified. THE CITY REPMTED CAPTIIRM, !it w YORK, Dee. 10.—The Cow...rein/ ,Itfeer knoti,et va Washington special sayit Savannah Is wn to have beets fortified lu Its rear by a triple line of earthworks. It may therefore do. wand a brief siege ern It aurrentlers. RCV(I7,IIO Departufent has detected the Col- Irtt or tt Detroit in appropriating largo sums or army for private speculation. The Government sill Lot be a loser, as his bonds' ware ample. Itst.vistons, Dec. 10.—Tha American has just revelled a dispatch from Annapolle, stating that the t framer Varna had just . arrived from CltarleEton with news that Gen: Sherman had cultured 9mannah , Irlth 1/00 prisoners, after algid tunas lighting. New York Money and Stock Market. %Vett( re; Asseetateil Press Despatch. • New Tom:, Dec. Itl —Share market heavy and lower at first bonrjt after call. Market sir arty est quotat one. Dovernruent list St ronerr on e ;odd bonds, with a fair busineas. Treasury paper neatly.. Subscriptions to the 3040 km are on the Increase; they were over $1.500,000. StatiSbeinds quiet, and without any change. Coal and mlicellaneous list heavy, and generally lower.. Bank shares firmer and in fair demand, without mach stock otibral. Ibr sale:' At , the mining board there Was quite a brisk 'speculative movement. At the petroleum board tic:mania was the most active, and soli apl,lo@. 1,15, on buyers' options; Highgate" 1,10; and Knickerbocker at 50e. The milittery notes had very littio effect on the price of gala this morn log. 'The market has. been quite - unitbrin and Wady throughout the day. The money market has been abundantly supplied 'with surplus ratan,,. • beans werafreely of at 6 per cent. to brokers. Foreign exchange:was dull. Re duction In imports has.. %awned the demand for ... .. Mlle. . Thit PlfctilLaitilluar Expaitlon. .' i Ntwintai.N.. C., Recember 13.—The = s pan. thsn sent - ont from ßoanoke Island to ritth Lasiding on Roanoke river, on the 9d, under command of Colonel Clark, met :with complete ' (,success . Nearly a million dollars worth of rebel COl3ll3llDEary slams and eighty-three bales of cot . toh were. destroyed. A number; of prisonere, Wiles and army-wagons were cam:tared. News from. the Union exped[tion now moving up the Roanoko river baritieen received. The gun.. beat Attsogai'vrlien above Jardestowis,van Into, it. torp d es t ro y ed. hi mho was blown up and kindly The picket boat, , Barly, No. 6, .met with theorem fate, only two, lives,hwever, were lost. :.The ,m. pOltion prociieliet " Co to t in WI dftqlutitierri....' • I lt Is reported here this morning thatour forces have captured Itlngstown, where they have struck the railroad and are moving on Into the Interior. ,--, - ...i....; . -- - ' Meeting of the Electoral College of I.htsr Ton; Dec. "16.,--7'he Electoral College of Vonlslana met on the 7th; and east se°4eo rotes forllocoln . and Johoson„and appointed a - inns.. sdnimr to eonverthelr rote lireshlagton. ihe French comete La Mc re has arrireL . . Gold 'market. . .... . !Niiw.,Yoser, Dec.1.6.;--Ooid stronger, in spite of !ha favorable noire from Nashville and the cciast.,.-This.daraftd;forf ohllarlitot h-O partial clingy for ;he fonnei,.bnt there is an additional apeatdativo demand, althOukit It is not .scan ott What It is basal. Opened At 234 X; the price dna tuatod botyrecia .Writutd337X r WAR BULLETIN, frord'iGeneaul ,Canby. 6 114..H0C1Y3 COH:III O *CATIOH3 CUT WITH 2101111 E. From Southern Sources. MEM Dtituso the pursuit of PtiOe by Cokinel Ben , teen's brigade, - and after they had gone into .coop at* Carthage; 3lissourl, the night being the soldiers commenced to gather wood and aorta to make a lire. One squad of soldiers toned! what Abey look. to be a log, and,' a ft er: Arra. leaves and - broken sticks abc.ta add agafakt, ati they lighted a fire. Judge of their horror' pt en tbe are was started, to as that whal they had taken for a Baelplog was a dead rehel'a body. The lire was won quenched, and the MAL FROM 'CITir Pain The Captate bristo GEN. ROOD;Si OPPICIAeL REPORT , ' Misr: 1 • • ' Crn POINT, Va., Dec. l6.—The Richmond •Dlspeitchof to.day,after fully condensing the pre . lions reports of the captire of Bristol, states, litat,t 4 the enemy then advanced-up the railroad towards Abingdon, which we presume fell into their lends. The next wo hear of them; they And, at Is o'clock yesteidar morning, pounced 'down on Glade's Springs, the depot on the reli eved, I 3 miles thle side of Abingdon taking es i One threby surprise., and capturing all: the rhilmed employees except one: • At last accounts direction were pushing up the rallroadrin theof Marvin which la twentpseven miles on this Mile of Abingdon. hie Is a raid in Becckinridge's rear. Leaving Otis 7foreest somewherein •the neighborhood of Enterfillo, he clinic up an the north aide of Hasten river, and crossed over to Ihistol. It Ix :prOttehle that' the' raiders separated, one party :proceeding to Bristol; and the other to Abing- Won:3.lf unchecked, It Is likely, they will 50011 .strllit the railroad at Sabin, and thence escape to the Kannwhft, by the route followed by Hunter tauitmer. • It Is unknown who Is In Command of this ex. pedltipa, but it looks very much like some or dome hi ntan's Work.' None of the dispatches say anytng about Saltville; if - It is unprotected, It deeibtlesr been visited by the enemy. Hood's official repast of the, battle of Frank lin luts, been received. It confirms tile report of the killing and wounding or into officers soya hoslrove the enemy their toner line of works, which On evacuated at night, leaving their dead and.wililuided in our • lands, We captnied several stands of colors and 1000 prisoners. 811ys- ticromis , a Army lacreaslng.-The Issue of Tscetsly Year Nwer Tong, Dee.113.-.-The' TA:bane'. Washing ton special of the 10th says: It sr4s istnted.in concersation to-day on the floor of the Senate that the President had said that 13i:err:Ian tied come out at Savannah with 40,000 more teen, black and white. Mall be startoel with. It is mulersicael that the financial policy which .41:e Chairman or the Committee on Waya and 214carns will endear:sr to pass through this Cox:. gress, he the Wile of twenty year bonds earing eight per cent. lutercet, payable in Cor i, ney. It Ls Intended to rely upon them for the Means to finish tip the war. Gold orened at 2.1.434 - , and closed at 2312-j. Washington City Items. Wastrusnroy, Dec. 16.--. The Supreme Court Is now tinned with the iraixatant.es,e of Stork therm - 10st Rata,- involving the title of the United States to the farke and Taltrable part of the military reservation of Port Leavenworth. J. )f.•Carliste and 0. IL Hroxrnlng.; Ems., am for the'ilalinsat, and J. T. Coffee, Esq., for the Pnitedlitates. G.L',Mewed! has been relieved as Chief of Oat Vettitan Resena. Corps Burma and ordered to Sandtiky, Ohio, to assume, cominancl ofJohn eon's Island. • Col. Fife. President of the Examining Board, will donbtlees suerott Col. IVisewell as Chief of this Boman. Panic Ili Canada. Ilosroxi•Dee. 16.—A private dlspate.h.ftom a reliable satire at Slontreal, states that there is a ta - rtret paide In Canada amompt .railaay ;nen * err, in anticipation of non Interermrsh with the Cal k.. 1 states, whirl, Is exported, unless thego, ernment tikes prompt action to alley, the &cite mem on the border. At• - tlen..n'cloek this afternoon nothirg. was nor Bereat of td Confederate sokiers, tkere farther evelopmeuts In relation to the rwielntiou of the money stolen from the st: Albans.banka. . Southern Sewn. . e ln. • I. ALAII E T. I R.C.1111011,. !ay in an Official dispatch report that 811 crhas ovut dncloped hear Barnunah . 1 rtlT.llte com mands them Benorexanl arrived at Charl,stua ou the Ttlrtandimmedlandy. 17:11 far Thu scene of bontlitte., ittbeCharlestoo and Savannah Raft- G7il=l;=l Arming the Slaves. Llarekt Atari-Mean, oneof theshrowdmt women fn the world, traits the whet. policy of arming, the slaves As follows, Ina letter to Senator Wil son. • • • ' ".1a fay as I ran see, the grAttut Itlaw !id/wattl ed by de thorough-going Confitteratt # wathisra ..hs this eountrg s the serious. etetrakrate authorities to make soldiers o araong the f the starta. Our sreesn partisans evidently don't know what to make of It. We, of the Northern slate, are dying to teach than; but, probably, the negroea themselves will be the first to make All clear to their hearen-born . guardians and guardians' friend*. I do hope ~nay FOldlellll,, , will be at tempted. If not, the mere proposal Ia a great Miss Nlarthieau Is not better acquainted with be state of EnglishoPinion than with the charac ter of of ; and she is one of the most enlight ened of mar friends In Europe. Ile: few words contain the who`e ergonomist. Tim inopasal arm the slaves has, as It might have been erpeet ol, had. the eff et of bewilderment upon Close Englishmen who have been laying the fountla thm of their aristocratic sympathies upon the perpetuity pf Slaverv., Jellbracol Davis' last thunderbolt has turned the milk of Anglo-rebel kindoces Into cords ; and we may clearly tell the state of the rebel came from the barometer of British feeling, Those English noblemen • while disa rutting all partiality for slavery, oda:tired the Sonth became of its military genius and, ambition to rule, will not I.e !eel; stubborn enemies of the' North, but will feel privately disenchanted of the idea of chivalry.. A people professedly lighting Er bb erty, yet rolling upon their slaves to defend sla very, can meet only with the 4%140n and Con k to; • f the world earl of history, and the time retrihntlon of events which punishes tent Id when it becomes blunder. The fatal crime no eo.shy welch urges the South to arm tiro sta Tca only the synonym of dissolution aid Cannot In/nu - is the pneiose of the North, and, in appeal Thraid,only summons npjudges and execu cent lens to make the tiltimate min more terrible. Tile rebel rukre, WO Imagine, will not dare to arm the sin fell e XteThilVetf, or gm beyond the moder ate but hazes-dons request of Jefferson Davis. Either the black must march indiscriminately with the white, or the two hundred thonsand slaves—whcse enlistment Governor Smith recom mends In his mesaage=mnat fight In corps, and take their own part . At the Same time harvest • and homestead must doubly suffer all they have endured from the urtortloris of the commissariat, and file robberies of • hungry maunders. • What el i.•? except that. the rebellion will hare an arm, without htirlog stomach. Every observer of the war knows that tho South Is not able to feed bore than Its, present standard of malillerp; If' one quart& of Its , people ore not already starring, while an equal flue lon, at least urn robbing. - What race can Mr. Jetfersoto Darla pat to the places of those where labor feeds tho South? What- ensa tion can be offered to the planter, whose com cu p p of disaster Is so full already I 'Worse than all is - them:nen not that negroes *lll rebel, Mit. that the pro.s.lavery Confederacy will secede from It selalarrs f. To stun up all thuncecsaltyof keep - Ing the where they are - is - nulte as great if not Phila. Press. , r miner than the necessity of arming them.-- The John Brown Anniversary. be Richmond lso not tbrgottenotbeix execution of John Brown', and they have good cattle to remember the shedding of the blood of that martyr to bninanibeedatu, The 'Richmond Disponi of December ;, d spoke of the 1 5 merno . rabic day," and as if t Ambled with the Mood of "braVe 0 /4 Datlawattanile," declares that "the et cnta of that ,day, and of the week thatpreced ed it, will never fade from - oar memor3." 'John Brown, an hung on the 2d of December.,.lB39, and this tile pa tit was the beginitiug or, .” .It ad : We say we shall never forget the day wiran Brown acne hong. It 11119 °hoof tho moat lovely days that tier came font Maven. It was as mild as tboUgh it were the .middle of May; and i t n i gh t well have passed for such, , had it not been that theorem were hero of 'Vika: But five years, as time to counted, have passed shift Mit memorable day. And yet Die erreats of 'a whole century have been compressed' into 'that -space... When .we - look: upon that dayi over the, fire Intervening ; years, we 9n:hardly realise the 'fact that we era the aamoperaon, that We to.tha same Country' and, the Übe objects most familiar to us are, really, the same objects: It .ellacems- . .qlkc a phantasm or a oboe drearn."- 'We w h all, then,'read of' ee.; butatow few of us had ad any conception of what:kir-any wool : Lad . heard old people talk of the trlala and tronbla of the old- Rena inilory'and.theirjuidors eloquent.iXtbeitubjed lo~of tho MexteetiArar. -lint the meet I lvelyimag , % lutd,norg' formed: conception ortho gigantic atruggloof *hick that lay'a work tfaa MY AND SUDDEN N.. Corrertian of the Enrollment In the 23. F District. • . By a recent order, theLe r ominiesioner and Sur geon; Of the Dletriet,'. are directed to go to Butler and Kittanning, for the purpose of purg ing and correcting the enrollment Bats of Bider. and Armstrong counties. In pursuance of this order, those officer° will, be : ln Butler from Ton ;doe the 3d, to Friday, the 6th of January, and n Kittanning, from Monday, the 9th, kr 'Thom,: I day, the 12th. - All aped 'citizens' will be collect taport to aid three officers In theffischarge of their duties, by gtvin inforination :beating upon this Important subjeft. ThOordere4s • "Let It be distinctly understood by, -the people, that their only surety of a fair proportion of the: - burdens, of the draft, Iles In. the proper correction of these lists. Fray name.improperly left upon the Het °walls. disproportionately the quota. • It to the duty, thereto° of each good citizen to -bring before the Board, every roan who, by rea son of over acre, pavane*: pllytteal disabil or two . yrisrs''servict; shall 'be have hie name' stricken from the Dalai qpd, also, to For' nigh to the Board sa ry tisfiteto orldeme In eases • of death, remov.al, &e.o The greater the number of, eoMpetent awn there are In these lists; the less likelihood there Is of any particular one of them being drawn; therefore each citizen owes It to himself .to see that the name of every mull in his sub-district,- who is properly //able to draft, shall be on the • • . The Board Is directed to recommend to the sev eral sub-dletriets, the propriety of appoluting committees to examine into all eases oaqulring ac tion, and brings he artier concerned, or the evi dence of theft; death or removal, before the Board. • "An opportunity is now offered to all Bub,dis triers of correcting completely their enrollment lists. It must be done; and let IV be dlatlnetry understOml that, should another draft 'be Subtle (Neatly ordcred,no notice whatever will be taken of complaints of committees that their enroll ment like. are erroneous; nor will any ampere ion of draft or alteration hrthe quotas be grant ed on that plea. "It Is the dnty of the Board to add to the lists the names of all men who shish have arrived at thy legal ago, or who nuts have removed Into the district., and to strike therefrom the names of all Mee not properly marolled.;on account of-1. ailerons; 2. uon-icsidenee ; S. over age; 4.per manent physical disability, of such a degree as to render the person not a proper subject for en rollment under the law and nig - Mations; sth. having Bared In the military Whorls' Berries two years during the present war, and been honora bly discharged. The person eLaiming to hire' his name en !circa from the lists on any of the als , ve grounds, must present himself In person, Or furnish such legal evidence of his dismallft eat ion and inability to attend in-person as shall isti.fr the Board." Nearly ell of the foregoisg• is appliebble to all districts, and we contmend It to the attoothan of the people.. _ ;old :Watches thr . g.rialmas Presents. The practice of making presents, during the Christmas Ijolidays, Ls of verLancletit origin-- so ancient, Indeed, that we do ;not core about tracing It hack. We or* mention it for the pur pose of giving the custom our hearty approval. It begets friesdaltip anststrengthens lovo—lt en dram parents to children and children to par ents—makea lovers more lovely—aog causes cr. erybody—;clver and receiver—to feti In betttr humor with themselves and xnankindgcnerally. The season for making such presents is now fast approaching, and all are casting aboni to know what they shall select to present to the friend or the loved one. To help such as are undecided a hat to choose, is the purpose of this article. A day or two shim, we happened In the neat and tasteful establishment of our energetic and reli able friend, W.W. Wattles, No. 41 hifth street, a hese place of business Is well known to all our citizens. While In there, wo were shown many beautiful and desirable articles that would make acceptable gifts, and -so varied that all tastes could be accommodated; but what most sur prised es was the extraordium7 low prices at hich Le retafts Gold Watches Our. astonish ment, bowever,abated who he informed ns how he managed to toil at- melt low vitteertiotwith camillig the great appreciation of gold. • Mr. It tittles procures the movement of his gg atches direct trona the Importers, thrliettes the kohl and puts the cases on hlusseif thus saving tlw - prodt usually ;seeming to. Jobbers ; . besides knowing exactly what lua wateb-caseg are cora p,sed of. Than such watches as lifr.-W. has sor 'ale, we know. of. no more desirable, durable and comparatively cheap. Christmas present. A gbhd watch retains Its Intrinsic value for many yeami; It Is not so with almost any other article. We saw gold watches In his establishment ran ins from En to 4 . 3oo—from the small and bean g- tiful watch Intended for ladies, to the large heat h,. and magic cased time-keepers, of the finest god eases and most beautiful finish, for gentle men's use. If von Intend to make any presents doing the holidays, do not fall to call and see our friend Wattles. What he tens you can he d;; ended upon, for we have tried hlm and'know whereof affirm. • Mho Anni blekensou's Lecture. Notwithstanding the extreme inclemency of .I.le weather, Concert Rail was crowded last evening to Its extremmt corners to hear the Ice ture of this eloquent young lady upon "The Meaning of the Election." 'The subject was a grand one, and grandly did the speaker rise to it. With graphic force she traced the progress of (minion from the low paint It occupied at the beginning of this war, up through Its successive stages, marked by toll. and agony , and blood, to the grand utterance -of a nation baptiied in as pranouneed by the electien of the Sth o ISorenkber': But that was not enough; the goal is not yet reached; anti she pointed forward to the time when the Meek Matt 5h91114 Hef.t.t , frogman but a rostra ._when traitors slulthl m, et their just deserts whenthose who stood side by Mae with white men on the battle-field 51 .3111 d .rite to the enjoyment of equal political privileges. Miss Dickenson Is_ a good deal in advance of the average public sentiment of the country on some points; but If the march of public opinion 'progresses for three years longer as It has foe three years past, her views, so fer vidly uttered, and no bold and startling; will become the-calm and settled sentiment of the cation. This glitch lady, when In a state of repose, has nothing In her appearance to distinguish her from other handsotne young women. But when aroused by her theme, and-the burning. words leap forth strong, rlnging,•clear and penetrating, the hearer forgets for the moment that they ilow from the lips of one, of the gentler, sex, so Inat. culine aro the thoughts, and • so- hold,"and yet'so choice, is the language In which. they are clothed. Her peroration was thrillingly elo4nent and grand.. Attempted Infanticide.' ' - The eftizens - of Canal Dorm' lo were some 'what startled on last Saturday oreulng by She dlscOvery of en attempt or a wonian to commit karful crime of Infanticide In that place.. It 'peonslitat thienoman. who is is yet unknowny' . was seen to epter prley.and remain' them for a.conilderahle length ; of nue, Shartkrafter Abe. . had - gone, a gentleman beard the crietker!aehild, aid going to the place freon-Wlietice the &lee !eame, he dbmormed a acw,borttbabe,clown In the prier. nu Inn:ll6'lW* made 'linown the fact, andllelP being -Obtained; the'lluildhig Wes over, turned- and:the-AIM retitled I}o l / 1 the teniblo death which themother, In berahame and guilt, had intended It should. die. rt proved to be a One bouncing boy, and has found a home In the amity of Mr. Jacob Eider.: • Rani flTeringtonPa Benefit. . 7 ?prinmentias friends of the gentlemanly and aticoModatini treasurer of. the meant, trill take notice that bla benefit comes °Wilda even-, Mg. No one connected with the establiahment irarti.let eta crowded house than. tide gentleman, who has filled the - position now °cages ao,long teltb credit to himself and profit to the 'reneger. The selection* made kw the evening's entertainment, are of the most Invit ing ( bimetal', and ire confidently anticipate seeing the honso crowded to Its utmost capacity. The Ballet Tronpe.ot%the Melodeon will appear on this occlusion, which will add greatly to the yarletx and Interest or the parfornumee. • Aitusuotect Conwri.--'-A very superior oil well has heestillacorcred - neer Stcwardson nue& While some thi workmen were digging fflied or wate e r, they stnick a vein of 011, which soon ThWell; engine will boon the ground ln a few days, which will test the matter -their : ire understand 'that a good oil - haa also Wen struck on blationlog arc*, near bilitou,lli thaEccitaity:- , 7: • ' • . stion n everything '• 2d eV , ' 'Clelland'a Auc, - 05-l Fifth Etreet, Masonic Ball: , -,The Beech - inner be - eleeed 'ant Inonedittely .and in onier te do thin, theentho Meek hae been 'i rk down At lower Jorkve then ever.. EntinAcingSDO Bhanyle, These (bode, hinellns; Balmoral 13kIrts, Cassiznerev, Boots odd 'Shoes br.ereqsllketipitou indityle. - Those that' would ' BAIA money, gate OClC4ll2s4iixetrik nriis bo 3OTlraDd b !MT_ Amami Books and Toy-Books, In past va sletY, and at towat prfaca, at FrankCase'albok Books and GIG& A glance at the well lined. Melva; and show. cases of the 3letropialiMn Gitt, Ildisk Store., 63 Filth' street; Opposite Concert, Hall, wtll at once convince the moot sicpBcal that it Is the plam to - tiny BOokK" They hare now a;complete and full assortment ofall kinds Of Books, a great variety of rhobti l / 2 splaAllunis.'and late lot of Family Bibles, arranged with for Ilyportraits. As a - proof that the "bus Malls of the "Metropoiltan Is conducted in aribonelable andl4ral manner we givebolow the names of a . few who have b een fortunate with the:Bland- Inente: Hr. It. L. Bhelden with his purchase re- - :ccived a bdantlllll silver ice pitcher, worth Mr. Billings G. , Childs was , the recipient of an elegant card receivert.'John :Alverson with his - : book received as a gilt, a silver breakfast cantor; Master Geary Far received witiabla purchase of. .a juvenile:library, an ebony handled opera glass, worthslo; Mr—Genii Miner. received a sliver "Syrup pitcher; Miss U. 8. Clatial a pair l'afele-- gant bracelets worth SIN Which were_given with the parchase*of a $3 prayer book; IT. M. Gas - phi with a Family - Bible received 'a Silver ice \pitcher worth $18; H. T. Alkitd with 'a $1 50; ack received a beautiful Silver - ettraved batter diahavorth SI4;.L. A. Snyder a sliver berry dish, (lined with Bohemian glass,) worth- $3 , Bo; F. , mailman received a silver. 'open .--faced -faced watch worth $lB. Many other articles bothnseful and valuable, WiriCalsoklyen to Pardumers of book!. A handsome , present worth from 50 teats tosloo . accompanies each book cold . " BOW ItioUces. - r F.xoen Aswan. By Allied Tennyson. lkiston : . Ticknor &Fields.", The well-known Boston . publishent !have brought out Tennyson's last work In bin; and gold, uniform with their bine and gold editions of the poets, and all admirers of Tennyson will find tills just tire shape to snit them. We have before'spoken of this poem as It deserves; and we take occasion now- to commend this edition of it as precisely the thing. - 1 " FOLLOWING" TFIE FLA°. - From August, nittit, ter Noreinber, OM, with the Army of the Potrinane. By 'Carleton.' Boston : Ticknor tr. blalds.” This is a series of sketches, clever, lively and readable, by a correspondent of one of the Bos oopaphs. Tltd book is not. a 'ffittory, -- but it contains historical pictures--`ririd delineations Of striking Incidents In the war; /t is profusely illustrated, and most handsomely tainted.. Me think the time has not yet come for writing about the incidents of the war; but the author thinks dittbremtly, and those who think (Bahr ently wilt find his book an interesting one. ; For sale by Henry Miner, Fifth street, nest door to the Kst Office. '- ' -'' • GET the Eastern Dallies and Weeklies,.at • Go TO Plttoers, for I.larper and all the )la,, , ra zldee. Pinner. bas a great tart ety of. Diaries. ' Pcgiccr Boris and Poekei-Albums—the great est variety In the elty. Call at Pittoek's. Ffismars, Miner's, and other Abnannes,.a Pittoek's.. Go TO littoek's, and sec Ids stock of Albums Torfsr good Stationery and Inks, go to Pit Jour Goornres Foirrrriss, and other lite BctAt., at Iltrotles. ' •• • • Tau liosinai'sl—Don't-walt until the last day to get your supply. of Holiday Gm*, but goat once to Pittock's, whcreyou will Dud thnlargest, most elegant and cheapest assortineut of Albums In thc cit Pittock has. also an Immense ya: slaty of Card Photographs, which Ito sails at the old price ' s; 'and -If you want to see scorathlog nice; go to his establishment andlook at the Writing Desks, Follos„t 4 atchels, Tunes, Gold Pens, Pendia, and satiny other articles, too on. morons to =solve. • • Et ma - Trianon marble statuary, bnsts,bronse figures, r 163 and classical works 'of art. A flue assortment of the foregoing will offered at public Bale ou Wednesday morning, December fiat, at ten O'clock. A. '3f., on .the second floor of the Commercial Balm Room, No; SI, Fifth street, and mIR be ready for examination all daY Tuesday. The, above she importation at. ]lever, Vlti Brothers, of ThlladOphla." , ,- ;, , ,-..j.-..,„, . . "Goon Social's'," a noi:el . by. Mrs:Grey, his . just been publlehed by Peterson .t .Bri.e., Pala. delphLa. Mrs. Grey Is a voluminous and'lre Judge a deeerredly - popular :writer, and %INA t;orlety" le. fully equal to, her.previous wArks, Por sale by W. A. Gndenfenny, No. 43 Plfth et. ; GOOD .laussnorxr.—ldebsrs.- Bailey; 6Farrelt Co-Oiler for sale that desirable business stand No. CO Smith&id street. The location Ls a good investment. See advertisement in another. coltnim. JANnznr.—Harper's, flaky's, Peterson's, di. times and oilier Magazines for next month; at' Frank Case's. Pnoronetnu itavats, at the lowestpines, at Frank Casa's Book and News Depot. 1863.—A fall assortment of . Dlarloa for next ear, at Frank Case's Book 41111 NeIMS D 4 ot. FIZATT'S BOOKBAM—EVeribOdy ktiows4b Oro to buy Albums and ChrLsmas books, 54 Filth street. Closing sales. . . S AND MISCEriLANir. The Atlenge Nonthly for December contains an article by "Edmund Kirk" Gilmore, entitled "Oar Last Day In Dixie," In which, we firmly believe, there Is not one word of truth. We re spectfully suggest to the publishers of the -Wan tie, that a paper containing statements so from grossly Improbable, must neccssanlypublication. detract the Antos of te e ' Munchautten storhm handwhol self-landation of Afr Th e. "Edmund Kirke" Gilmore to the December number will work more inauru t o the reputation of the Agantle than the contrl lon of Prolbasor Goldwln Smith et repair, NOlde will not be lieve ;Let' ebiislloJell are ravished by negroes In the streets of Richmond, within the hearing or sentinels, who remain dont to their cries flu help, and that they are rescued at last by Federal prisonerd, finder doubleguard, In the fourth story of the Spottswood. Motel, even when such min arc found In the respectable columns of the 4/kmffe .Ifordlity.--Mleepo allnate. Tire SrlicOLA Cormv-Mawnst.—The costly and wearisome do-nothing of the Spinobt court nuirtial has evoked an order from the Secretary of War cutting crff commutations of fuel and quarters to alloilleers on court-martials on:atil t/cry commissione throughout the,United States; also a similar ratting oil' of commutations front all oMeers of the Veteran Reserve Corps, In any duty lit Washington• nice a pruning of the sol diers of that revered' corps, detailed as clerks or otherwise, and a sending of them /lack to rho racks, and saddling their easy duties ottoftleers. The ball ilea put in motion may roll through the imffre War Department , Cmcvnansxn Tow, who has COMO IMO iTheri dan'a lines, says the rebels are havieg'a "right smart taik" about arming the colored men, end the negrooi ere talking about it themselves, but 'the blacks are abutot equally divided on the mat ter. Bays d "ea half de colored mat think fey would ilia dlectly over to do Yankees wid de arms in their hands, and todcr half think dgy would jisa stand as' fire a few volleys to de rcorfest, fore day r--days all de differences." /r re' sald that.some of the fine cut tobacco which Is so pstpulat With Chewers, Is made up,of Atty. per ceta. pent to fifty Per cent. tobacco, - Mud Embryo is composed of fine hair like fibres, that, when dried have the color and look ottobacco. One hundr ed pouada of this, saw: Med with 71 solution of tobacco, is mixed with 1001:Quids of good; tobacco, which, together, make= pounds ore very nice article. in , Tins rebel Pothat Peres whose, editexa a re eagaStel proving Mod , Frantlh, are . unable to make m tv th r p y u b lished Ik of one hundred and fourteen commis- , stoned officers of the rehel army who were made primulas in that engagement. Jul= Ronal. 4n going the Western Circuit, had a great stone thrown-aphis head I but from the circumstance of hie sioimiug very Much, it passed over him. "Yon see," said he "had I been an sipriots judge, I might have been killed.". Asa broker's boy in New York was pawing through an entry , way with a bag of gold on his shoulder;somehody "shut up his eye" with plaster'and took the gold, but the boy got his eye out Cruised the thief and get back ids money. AN old man of sixty and hls Ave sons were ar rested in New York on Wednesday of last week. 'chinged with being eugned in fah e rated • inct marched to tke v loombs. excitement as they were Two" narremne Ave. mil' 'women and chil dren—not • a man among them--reyagets from Georda, ,Th recently • - mired at Indianapolis, ey are , pitiable objects, and enlist the syropalby of the kind.hearted. _ "Fun day for the race,r says a seek Leesport= Ing friend ono bright morning latefyc- "What rape," anvionaly Inquired the• friend. "Why, the iinumn meet to be sere , " Was the rePly. • Gram. Baarotan'a dad,' abOut six months eV, died_ test Week, at the reeldemes or Speaker Colfax, South „Bend, Ladlann, where 3ire litherman la sojourning • StAlt X 11014.811 Durz. - -4L shot window In the: raPd /theta I dtrAyrViCsfed the ft lowingnotieel "Wantedtwo'apprmtle Whowill trceted aslone of the famEj."' •-• —Wries.--"lncusever want a rice snug day, all to myself, I tell George my mot leris corning, and then / sec nothing of Ida :Mona in the Auperstition In France. The Caurrisr d,, Harr( relatou the follow ; ing extraordinary affair, which has caused great excitement in that town and neigh borhood. As a sportsman, named Lemon-- bier, was out shooting In a StliAll woad riot, far from the cemetery - of St. Adresse, 'he found • the dead body of an old Wontaii ;wrapped up in a shroud,' lie Immediately , informed the authorities, and the body was; recognized as that of a Madame Alhdne,„ ;aged eighty-two, buried at St Adresse .cua the 24th nlthno. It was at : trst supposed' !that the corpse had been disinterred tbr the ' purpose of stealing any. Jewelry that might. • hare been buried, with it, a ,bntcloser es aminatien baring shown that the corpetual been in part deprived of the skin, and t hat the chest and abdomen had been cut opea,..: it was concluded that:_count, believer In Witchcraffhad taken the skin and Tat lozis as charms in his indentations. It app that a: belief In. the magical virtiteattf-ho- , 'on remains is Prevalent in that neighbor hood,.for. only n. few months. abaterlaflitil mason dug up a body in the same Cernetery„.., pit of one bend, and burnt It to 'ethos, yridely be relied with gunpowder,,ily the .1 belief that he should then be able ; to shoot game without his, gun .making any report ; attract the notice of the gurd champetrc. i A Maw OP Parser - rut —A: man :mined Patrick Fitigibbon, u native of Rithkeille; who emigrated to America' Isproayeats Igo in embarrassedcircumstances, returned 1a5t . ...: Weekiritlia large amount of wealth. Afters ' : a short visit to his friends, he at once ealled . a meeting of 'his numerous creditenrlind paid them all the fall 'amount of their , elaino, with interest, die. said be.'wonki not, live in this country for any consitiora tion, and has again taken hta departure for the land of Stars and Stripes. —Ala . .raptr. • A MOT111:11 AT FOURT}W.N.—In hla.last report to the Registrar General, the Regis- !Air for Park district, Sheffield, Hahn' I helm' registered the birth of a child In my district. this 'quarter, the age of the mother being only thirteen years and ten months. - She teas employed In a cotton min In the neigh- _ borhood of Manehe.ter. Tnri.v SwErr.—"When I am in Pecuni ary dilllculties," bald a pensive' brmkrupt„ t • my, garden; my flowers, all fresh and sparkling in the morning console my /wart." "Indeedr . asked his sympathising friend. "I should haver thought they aquld remind you of all trouble; for,' like your bills, they are all rrer . CELEnnATEo phymciao, boasting at dinner that he cured' his ownliahui, one of his guests observed, "Docfor, 'would soon= er be your barn thou your. juttlent."-* . . . . . . ~ !HARMED: .. . .. ~ • .. • . RIDDLE — FERGUtiON:—On Ole evlmlg oi De:- demberLsth,lB6l, by the Reo. 11. W. Roth, at the mildewy of the bride's po rooter. Latrobe, Penns, Copt-ALFRED G. DIDDIAiIed Mho R.. I IINNIS EERGC.SoIc. Friday,_Deo. lath, ;three' "lock U *, -WILLIAM FFAUE,•aon 'of John and AA= IL: t, ag.ed 3 years and 15 day. 7... ' Funeral on Btr/cefl, at I o'clock p. m., froMtheie residence, IS - o. 30 'Webster Street, Allegheny OUP. , , - W , ATSOIif,;--In New (Matte, Lawrence minnty, on Monday evening. Deo. lath, Ales. MART ..TAYLE WATSON wife of William Watson, aged 44 yearir. DIF * II.EVM.DS - THE MANAGERS OF ME' ItiONON- - GARELAq.cuAL 'RILL TURNPRIgROAD, CO: here dealared DIV.IDERD OF FIVE PER. • • • siWaiXTIVILTII,II Tl.7l:in°:lPlt,Dalnasslda,Vo. k Co.. Southrittaborgh, Pa. • . .•.' - • deltlaw J. it-REA, Tresiurer. AN.. .(.10 , •. - • Perronuale IDEND , Dee. ?Rh, M.. • sed on o[ this o declared a dividend of euu m rs Aru n t.s:Lig is Prar. • - SHARE, free of United States tar, payable to the RRA.;itl Pirrsnanda, Deo 14, Mi. • DIVIDEND •NOTICE.—The Directors. of the 001111131111 y Imre this day declared a DON,. , ldend pt FOlll/ Ot PErt I. ott the 'Capital - Stock, out.Of th e prollts of the last month, pays-- • ble 011ond after MONDAY, the 19th Inst. B 7 order or the Bored. ,deitcla - F.. WESTERVELT Recretam - TIIVIDENA—TI i i -- ---------------resident tuid.Dlrect .4-0 ori of the Birmingham -Gas Croatniny have tiler day deelgred:a 'Dividend 'of FOUR. (VlM** • CENT. for the teat six months!, psysble on and af- _ , ter the 16th of Decesnber, at the Banking Rouse et Boblmon, McClean & 00., licr.76 Fourth street. *deriaw D. ROBINSON. Secret/a/. , Orme ryou,iL isa Mimeo Hoare ,tr y ntime, December 15tb,1864. —At a meeting of tho Board DIVIDENDo Direetors of tlis Company, held fi de day a dend was declared out of the profits of the months of October mei November, la% of FIVE PER CTRITT. neon the Capital Stockefree from Goremment tax. and payable forthwith. ____deldiw ORMSBY PHILLIPS - , Secretary. T TILVIDEND' NOTICE.—I;Os g OIL CO. -a , —This Compel:There this day declared r Mr- Ideud of THREE PER CENT. on the Capital Stone, payable at the office of Robt. Wray, Jr.,, No. 4 and atreekon and alter the lath Coat - - Pittsburgh. Dec.ROLM WRAY, Jr., Sem= Bth. MI. _ . 41JULEGIIE JMIVIMPOR.4.LINI: _ _ ,FOB. NATO* OW ALLianumr.—; SAME MoVIOREII, will be a candidate. 'for the °thee - of . Meior of Allegheny, rukieet to the derision of the Ualon setae at tbe at roach_ log primarreleetion. Weleat ' YOU 7 / 1 211(011 Or ALEIRILICIIIe STEWART ROBERTSON, of the Third Ward, will be a candidate for the above offien,rnb. Ject to the Union nomination. detdd MINGO COAL WOlitty Capital Stock, 9180,000. 12,000 81,1111 ES AT NS . rims imsirr—Mittt GRAFF. • „TAXIS GOecu Tatanzurar.--J. !doOWNE. DIRECTORS: . . JOHN GRAFF; . • . .i.-1t.., MeCtlfitlir; '.• t.. L ---.Wi11...„.„E}„... . E. Pit.WC4TP,/ 1,111., ,r 1 . LYDAY - Clapt:'.Y.fiS. ITIOMD ' Capt, J. P. SMITH. - . , •-, N' s • : Capt. I t P.B Tlf, Su perintendent - , • - • This Company Ownsthe Prope yew rt yew IN 'Ulf'. :Far m “lliingo Coat Werke? together with the olEttenaa..•" " adjoining, arid "containing I the e . ' 'ebonitThil -t . •! acmes. The property Is situated On West MIMIC . of t It* 21 fonongattela river, about one-and...Aat ' '' - - miles below Monongahela City, In the"thiel pool.. t t r, '' on which are situated 49.minert• dwelling hoq- . v, store houses, shops, &a., togethcrr with m en 1, ,tt,-., running to the river, with tippla4utment, an 4 n arrangements for L 6 , • The are already opened,dralned and rentl t .', • ated, and in good running order. with entriek . „ . driven and manor ttuand.• and all netiessary , taaill. -. • ',- tics for working eighty to one hundred men, and '• the coal Is well known to be of the very beet nualt-..... ' • - : ty,' The "Mingo" Is believed to be ono of thdrnicrik, valuable cool proPertiotie the Motiengabelairaltsgs ti The Company now proposes to Increase - thiritrU .' vitaefriellitles for by the set of as Ida, Y. - ..., al, railway; an are set apart 430,000 in 0444 , putives of 'making contemplated ittprtmet ' - ;'aients andryttling a working capital for the Dm, j . C' __Va l lf a fa t elll 4 ties which the Company will Vsett , nt si the Directors confidently believe that then i '. ; will prove to be one of the most substantial oaf. .., + rensunerative stocks In the country, ~• ;disc . . ----- ,--,--...,._,_______.__-4,—...-- .4. • , 1. . , • -,.. conainission.merthant 1 . r . olLEfinnjzia.4,4s:)**. and O ; ^„. Deal in re.. Mo's net Pratt finnan, Ciieellos , it '. ..$ anis su lasenn - - - -: . . e; Orden filled for all I/idtow, Pittablliet alai/ : undlneo And Reaollk at dealera and Inassun.„:, tunny lies, No. =is LLBERTY STREET, (map., .• : alto Wood street,) Pittsburgh; Pa: - - • Advances made and prompt attention given to fill . ' consignments and correspondence, & yrrenunou'Flarratnoint:,ll.all fit Npect-Llopd.„ Black, Wm. ilicCulip ir; 001 M onmula * Ar bu4Les, John L Hausa & CO., John 'DIU &Oa. B. . .A. FAN” • tr! , Sln %Co.. .' •.. • inarni•d/kwa , - - , B ,- P. 6 EI s iGEMERE; , ' - • '. ' - llLetlistu e io NO. )4 ILLY STILIZTotear Pesia, ;k - rzu °lieouirmine 'n11161.414' oplicExTs SnaDGE?,• expoure d wta:: -42 : 1 • Cs DRAWING. 80 11001,, 'dm aped & Grande <a for dlderenlaty/esd drafting. • ' : **- Jul , for Clouded and Pulverized-Loaf:lU sale tart Welts Sagan, pot reecOrA andlen attarl Grocoy,Store or . A. • . ;$9lll ; cOrner Marty and nand lessale - -rvtoicE . 04: juao.n3ce ;rub, wqpioly of !list onally pore 00l • Tel; also, very aueerior Young'. yaps,- "yrid auspOWder Ti.., for gale by.the halt *Sea Or Jangle Sarnad,ar the Yitonsof. ^t dsl6 „ , • , • corner Liberty and' fillint nidateL4';'; _ - • —Aline lot just received firm hero* Ise male vreolecele.aact retail, ottlia 011 Ciotti LOT • • e "41.4111.116911140119 4:- -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers