VII I/ tte -I We 11 . 4 e AY 111XIMIIIER 5. 1834. - _ CITY AND STBUIRAN, Es!ridlicept of thi 4.3.4 A 4 l6,lttg tat the nutehtTior men on the rott:i of tl.e ts.rabtifci; itibiect to draft, lattyrepntivt cm the Nide of tiScetrther,' AlSRnit E%l' COn Y Ti ard, .%111.... - 27.1 XeCtuttlktis" tp.... . Si 1 . an]. " .. 600111clitatt tp..... 51 A. :: . .z 5 v,na."t . p....... , .... ...111 • ertr.r..D..... 558 WiciT'r tp..... '. ::: - ." ai • . re tp ' „33,14 lhigncene Bor'p.. 227 9- .. •••• • .. 159713barptiburg Bor*o.. 155 1. .. .. • . ..'.... 'lOl !balm& ip.......... -91 S klq tp • • tioWest Iktr, tp.... "00 - 94 Bor'a ..' '79 Etat Door tp 9 7 . le iti) - - . 26 . Sirenttuu Bor'o.. 193 JAIL tp . 50.1 0 awn.W 3 '69 1.: ..... .... 96.116rrt90n tp.......- - 139' atii.rit - ftorterr,__..- - " .-.13....... - .' - .lo2lTetikke tp......., llt 11. ......: ' , .,7ll,Centti , _tp . F4*D t . e...„.._. 92:02u55u1tr...:-... :1 419 . ty.:.:•.;':• 4 o4lnonrp t ie..:'.. :-, . 34 :11:.. :...'.lll3rllt.P . i.dwu Itc...r._. - 11 tt In ... .4' -US$ isltxl4B ., , tp....:1- ‘ BL ople jio'r ; ;„.., .271,Ci0nc0rdip....... • ; 82. ord... !p.,,.,.... c , 011C1 3 7 tp.. , :...........• Llat tr., ....4• , .'3;', 89 . Brady' tp - ,- ' ';,....'- 05 Rli;?:;M'';',37lW9ll4 /P....... .212 ,tirg D0r.... % . ,,Sllop.m.rocktp.:. ,3.2 i 41..... 4 .'.;...,.,.f.1511.1herr0p .. :.. ... 117 t • ldtvi ' ..V. ' . ,— :TV,Wiisbitigton !P".' - 74 ' rtnlt !p.;.'..;... - '' 4T,Bniter - tp.•:.,:..; • 77' 4. .f . r ti...,...i.... .. ,p6•Allegbaky tt.... , Jo: T BOX s. . 101 5 11810 n tp....:;,11 , .46 ; eff9;92, ffr ' tp. • 109,511810 n tp......3 . ..:i 48. tt , rtp.. - :3.. i'loB'lltrt4:r•tp:: .'•. 3. ''• 74i ct . 11 0 ,41 1 .1 . lOqi s .. . ..: .-. i ~' 1 Alairliosa (44'g rr ~ ::...;,,,, j : . tpri,. - - , :iolllSatretlAp.,..'..!.:. . - at , 'a Bend. „ .e. -114,71nta.orrek: - ....:.: 103. r ertet. :3: ..." '27 l lr.tdettott bore.. '..— 21, ttngtep t •-.-,L.....„ #.E.lll.4t.neltte,tp3... *39 kite' . ',.A.lifauqiip.• 101 Ixriigracr 1 , 19 r. :, . lir tiltttvinlng bowl. '493. 34164 p. t .t.' • '491 V9119y - tp,.-. .• • •,- -83 `• ~.- UZI rine" tp I.l * B . 1 .et 130r4. - -... ~11.19 AbrlDult tp........ .92 16. , 193 't %I. ;Ik. '43.31.ab001ug tp ' 1 128 :lo ,4! -1,...;,. 4ll•Stedllonk tp..... x• _ ..110 , 18.tir tpi...... .117 Waype tp............. 158. ' iltllueta*4ll..; - . 11 ricnrfinshannocy;.. Als. lel itrpintrict.. " •• ' is very desirabte tlistlhese rolLt-ahould be farther purged'itud rritreeted,.,brbil sting tlarn the unmet. .num now in service; of • wholmve, abrade *en:ea-CVO years or up r'; of men exerlbay Gvnwenrs of age; of , manifestly or 'pennant-1111y disahltatc . •• I; ond,of .tu ern ' who hate dital sinee the en.;•. rnt • WO* raltdei.nad *Lathy the addition of antes of young men ache have arrived at the twenty years; end of. any others - whose Co (algid to to cntollul. I•'• • •• • pa:Keam - ap . vomiresfilte affidavit of tie' , Ih pro — per person, anksirtid by the oath of . substrihing„ witnesses, who souse be citizen.. , mace age rcoeires.theWrlnal affidavit of ' Pasty; darrbborated by the oath of two sub !ling rol4looes, together with the best 'testi y the party can prodnee. The. best is it reg faxrdly record, whtch ought alwaya•to be ± • , or 'a' copy of it; certified by a Inagis endorsed. on the - affidavit.% The next beet ' , e , taatit or one 'or both parents, who; - be - the enbeeribing•witnesies . • thiricatntorty of older •brothers or sisters, so on, being the boat'that can be offered. other vases the testimony:of any nood..elti-, is sufficient: - The BoardtamtortlY invite pore; ton of district' committees, magtstratea . citizens is thiswork; Oka 'advantageous to nselt ea and to the iticnvnament.... . • • e ott Ilittill., , ,Elteeeta—Los., hie inotedng,:abont fltgo:elock, flee Iraq din . red lathe oil pull_of-Nlessie. 0: 0. lirtam . cdtitbr of reint - tind Itand atreeta. . . The , Entail tiFel.-siely building, and thvilre 1'54 16 0 exegbi beck part'of °Mee, In the ,yort!: The tre,acion einotatml to llia; oil; ` an4 yna rclr . 11111111/p3 the yark a sheet bt dame. Ytßy berms hi , itihaed, • a eonaiderableAtiantity of credo ,oll„wat. i. itiblepn. lean also burneil t ;V•lth a h9con .fidatiglog• -to Mr. 'Wade: e buthlhigines laded tkii Cinukte edeondthop, the bigklidhiMealed tinhVilitt winelan= ly destroyed. Thatintlifielilltdahltits4, •ti Which therein ,vu inn trance. Some :t the fire wastbe worker an bacendlary;ar era claim that yes_ acektentally. - p- t 7, gro exattylog eladerakethe .e firemen were-paintptli ob tillage:rand, and leacutlone -atacceedeitta keeping the (ire. neditithgyagd: The.flitineotif Allegheny dered teldaiid are entitled lathe: as of theettlooath :tho vidahlaghood.. Vern, 1 . icatuket, -unity* to- the Carols ser' e wiiititi*tfto,"htsiterti t et Ilburagrtgr star allowed tOl?tiatell "alter; ag . (PiaerOed. l .4.afifve,rime34 • insbector,r. the)"tiOnee!ing.Perred.4l'• atone that wa aolll)oB4lXittleittailaiabiesa. J ' Now • tit 15,111a:1)610a bet never;been' condemned; allY . Wft. ) lo. .PVectlif thle.• tbe. daear, ,hoo:l44.ouverni. years .Ito a cotapetenLatat“ Insteadof Int ottolotadood ' atal4llxty pounds of steam; aUr . 4l; be netts one' Milian* . ads. "..Theteliapacttlonilo the_ ptPlarldara "ran the bor. to themstiveN natant Op' . .Thiost. run tartr daylight till (hitt; oftk eb a's= Is =llll dent, Wane?. The ttiptl; • Inada,tOarplt. t•ltabe aniFlng bp the. juitiacoger and• rattilc: gen •aally Arn intbnlai I, the. manner in which the baalnesa la con.' •ted-the:atatanient-fro ilhe Chroniee to the tttury aotwilflatandlng: .nA D IS#T L'7I, - Nreil i- M r t* C-LVTIT.E ON' S . rlyrentindi.••— ..H, Willey, of 2dorgst 13, ; Herbert L. •Danharn;•of , rgbellY Pitt t Charles Dunlap; of Po; hatteu„: • to; Oreof.r.; Kibg,•of Patsakl, Tentiffiva. : Wm. J. SteClure. of LibruiY,Tenaayirania ; D. Fireatottai,.of.. Canton, Oblo ; Thornaslt.: ckt o n,,, Wanblugiern; ';Witnsjiirmda braim 'Black, of Now Caetbe . , Pcnnaylranitt ; Julius Black . of Canonaburgh, Pennsylvania; d Wm. J. I'M', • or:l'ltteburgb, all wpm, e!"ed atcbeffiolibleexahntuarlon, aud_wbo",irlU, • doubt,. Iteridtter:,d/alingnisit tbernsellby, proficiency in - lantana. • Each" grad a te s awarded. thd -etegane . Dlpimna of •tho ol wbl It never awhidnd by thts Instittdban, :dry but trained business Dien' bIINWSC.IS I II O Di' EOT4-- • • IM was recently - arrested': for desertion, tried by tut m.irtlal at-Citaltaueega, - and Senteneed . to • shot on%the..3th 'of I;lceember. Barre was l apty na -assum d name, tinder which the young .n bas lived slave his denertion from his regi nt—thel9th'llichimm:.....abont twdyeiis since Mecnfalh'• -rPo rag name Oli v er /I.lWhial: Wheelei ' was a pun, man not over twenty- e, of a go:MAU:My la Allehigant and .witL e talents amino bad habit" had before him a • .inking 'lie enlisted soma - three'yeans arid servtakeleven months, m[llol6 net of sCrtlon at lictiplds. woe an excellent median, and played an _ cngagetdent here at the 'aletics".ln 1..1. S . 451121re-: , Thiti wu 118iaCTRUICI J ii:dlC33%est. on &Tenth greet; on y. afternerani mimed by the. ippearnnee young man, wandering about -crittiont any •thinn• lie in% 4 IIbY , I I RWA 0 2' and •en Into a stable., where wan' tiroThl with 'cling ado: flont . fettr, and beatmulitglighty, haei - jum • out ;4 ; 40- at 3 moment when his eurse.was t of bilivoini otagaifila.Choftlioet When e cause -become' known. the excitement noon beldond : • ..s 'As _ . .. . -- Orrithithraarv..i.,--rdliCrinner. was. ed and bald to ball to:tiny, by Mint' Low ", , to answer* Oar,. ..of.osssalt (and -battery 'Jilt criminal blictif;1011" -- ile.pethedi - Of 3fts. ltharine _Homey._ •The , dr occupies romp I na banjo Ti* t he CTlrlt, and last night eaner Matra bi throe others cateredlici room d attempted th e outrage complained of: • The Man'irrtf , considerably. abused, 'having been' klicheirand beaten' hy the ruffians. Penner was` .Dmudtted to Jail In default of bail, and a 'war- Vont was issued for thlealter, defendants, v i a eva:rn=talu.k - Rauitao.. - t - The ears on a,,, pitttourret !and' Etettbenvllle .Rallroad ~. aro . , Alikirig_ . mauler daily trips . from Stenbeuville, flrough .Noblestossm, tomithin eleven - mils,. of ,e,_ city— 1301110 heavy grading this side of No-. stained 'them from laying track t e r st f o bafid our oe'fite days:' , l They , commenced this . Dornlng Ogaln. tO. Iv_ track,. after..which It la rpought there wlll.bOnOttlng to detain them till . I. get to the ricer, - 1 ' - , , AN d'riazeVena.FAlli.or.—Ephitdth and Lydia t2m Varner , Of Germany township, Adams co",, >st Oro childrou by death, bettreca.She SSA of .I.,.y.tober math° Gth of 'is °ember._ -Their ages !c l ose Cram tbreeto fourteen years. ,The dlseaso. lielif dtplaberirt, Width seems to prevail :onkel . .. ral cadent In scant parts of the country. -." Alsastbt PrOS as-brstdtn.••;-officer Chaska 6 'arta, 'Of the'Med Police, AU as: ralllted Rita, night. by a mast tamed Max alreL nba officer aireated _party for. dlsonkoly. rc.nducto and tha,atiaek - ,rwas 'wads upon. him to ,• - tirs, the ; istrnera. tot. obOrtOlaitt to ' otioM, Wns, bad to ball by Mayor botty to an 7 Pais the 0 14 '0 14 **toga istSoats. • • A Arst• Towitanir.-61•too coast of I:Pouter thlr. no s an s tA - ti nottytovot: ship mit, - •,3' . 70tt00d out of that 4tt 'L'oablati,tootro: as 1.:1x0 putt Fecincti- itaratid-F!Litiorty,'!,whtto • ).. , :he iccond prectneitttalts immitof • - • . . - • ••, , ;a?.ti . • •• - • •_ , •:3 , int ,,, W sr , PA I I •V : 10 - . . MlXffla . . . Book lietteeo. . . , rti ...S .Fmow.t.;ir....o,l•lSAr..E. Designed for the It•tA t t ,yrtveg i prothr. By tthartelt Lttutb. Boston: ' . lhokby R Aimmottb," - '' - . - Although this book Is by Charles Lamb. it is not an attempt to travestle bind.,pente, Gut is a serloot 'effort to portray that poet for the benign of the young. The Pull plot and story of oath play are 1,1 - rtm. in ; ; roar, and In writtur them ht ., ken used ts.h akipettre'ii own - words usuflui atel ns musk as possible. , The stories are to as neaten:lining. uhlhe Oa)", and young folks, who 'cannot 'understand shakspeare in his dramatic forin, will be sure to understand than n render "ed. tn this volume. ulleriftierie MLA teak. A. Inmk hie Mel, By 3lrAt L. V. Tuthill. iio tgar Cruelly& .4.1.w0rt h." A delightfnl store. Belinda is n very rota:lnge girl; given to building =sties In the alr„rind al: 'ways on the lookout fof the wimairftd.. Her en .xlaue experience, and her progress ftom youth , fat dreaming to a proper-sense oftthe realities ! of, Ilte," are told In a most Interesting way. - Xining% 111(16111dB find tt a pleasant If not an excellent book, trod If It serren the purpose:of owing an y •of them of Minantlelstay l vitt'not hake been written in vain - ;' - tiTnit Abvmenstas or,Bon Roy. By Jas. Orant. •-• illettrated.t•Boston4.l,•rosbya.Atneworth."- - 1/003001.1 . 6 . 1linTelit nor 'of thnt ilk, tint In_liante, , by an author =Vs° welt ,Itturini,; and we cannot but think 1; - allttie MI; fartunite for the author that heattould hitupon title to similar to the great novelist. Still, Mr. `,Grath not unknown., ills. "Jack Manley," :: : ''fflghlariders of Glen Gra,7 and other works, have zivcsi.littn 'n very faeorahle positlorr as erlter of great merit; and . bets a Highlander; I,lm•ei rt t, be is peculiarly filltd - ior tolling the pc. onllarly 11Mbland dory of Rob Roy. lie Cells_ ailery rczEy pen; and readers will find his Rob: Itoy a very Intermit:nit and exel.ablc book. It to 'equal In style and Interest moot of the Britisb- novrlr. of the prasent daY. - • . , Li tr-rns.lronos. A.bey's nnerattre of the ad ' venture. of n nettles'afandly fattened,. Edited by John U. cielkir. Illtbdreted, Itnelont erne , b) e. d : - - - - - not a Robinson I.:rn.soc book.but a Vert-. table story of :a hoy,'s a4enaturm hi Canads.., tt • Is' a ;tttrhat of :in 'English book, and the boy .whosematrailve it contains , does , not seem to think much of Canada . ; nr-lcust he prefecs tirin g g 'ln England. The story,: however, details in :e very, readable um the varied expo:Jane.* of 'a settler's family la the bush, and it gives n.very full and, we judge, faithftd account of Omuta, Its ellnlate, its pr due:lons, lit advantages and disadvantages, nail of all the. various troubles trim - mote:lA by scUlcra Ina new country. The -matter is looked at, froth the-English point of iview, by one.who, prefers the comforta of the Old to the chances of the NeWVorld, but - ,the book, on thun hole. contains a true and graphic an count of Canadian :life. "Tnemiars,t to which are added a few Sonnets .. 1,1111 yereea.. By T. N. Taffourd. Roden: Cros. • by .1; Atosvcoit TfiC'troJedles cobtalned In this volatile are ‘.•10n." "The Athenian Captlve,” and Tnifourti Ic bed known hi this country .as the nether of the tirid. of thegrtragediess bat -the others being equal to it In merit, we aro glad to see them gathered into one volume,-so that Its gifted author may reap Um credit of all; It would he superfluodc in us to uralsc ' l ion," fur .evers litcra7 man has read It, and every play gott hes been It acted; and What "Ion" in, in litcrarv'ivorlb, that is, also, each of the other lingedies.. They all stanip bite as a true . poet, :Ind few volumes of the same size contain as much truly excellent.poetty ab.thc volume - be- .r.cmcisas wrru THE ASIS st" BOY C'cosby6lsl , This is ti series of , Sve essays, delivered origi nally as Sabbath. evening lectnres.l . They touch upon the prominent points af bane In the debate between the Church and scientific skeptical crit- Jam, and, earls question ls handled in a very able - war. The Bailees treated are the "Anti quity of Ilan." the "Mosalellecord Of Creation," . ' ' the "Deluge,"the • !lfontimmts of Egypt," an "Bishop !Clam . - • - axtv-sars • orhow to mermen - acre dish at mod- - orate ettilease. ,, Mrs. 8. G.,Knlght. Boston: Uroabyts. Darbols. - '; Alornewifesionst not taint alarm at this title, as the authoress Bourn( us thials not a "Cook= Book,`" but only a collection of recipes tested by her ownexperienee; "Cook:hooks" are limed ,callyinelesi to pee* or ta*lftE4 wealthy classes, en account of their evtravaganeet and our au, thereto being one who has realized *hely expen sifeness has given;i t s here, sucktlecipes tier experience of years has enabled tier to - gather; mut the motheroc the family.wig find that they - an: not extravagant; It Is a molest little work, well worthy of general attentiontr- , ' .431 re Qt•cmso or Tici. Corry - Tay. : the other ate , Nott ad. and nee' licidondakth- Itaticinjtorr' • reprint of an English novel -Tory graei . t&lly, dedicated by the authoress to her literary ignore • eimetica.' English 'authors 'are not. Maned dcknisidedge that , they bare ever method any 'benefit ar Om - tut from liddiAinerican co-labor ern. but this lady • franidy • acimowlodiar her hec deldedocsatnthan fotoemariy -hours'• - of rms. The-946cm !gibe countrr is an Eng , . Nth novel wink , tl e - unlinalT:. chara*riato or ,Mrigilah novels; bat Nerywell written, (*Olin in idol and ilia:tag Interim Novel•• readers_ will findlt worthy of their notice. I IL _.. -1411tIte obart.far sale _hr—lleury - :hlituer, Fifth tared next door tot - he - Net Mee; - 41..S.trLi AST Resent—Last -night m • ird and Dresklar.irmn, In the discharge dater . do the vleittiti arl.afayette ifill„lhey etc dP tee a fellow ftir alisorderly edndnet, -and were , eonveylAU: him to the loele.ap, when they 1 ".3 assaulted by John' 'Kellum; ' YVTabSes Ire; Kennedy and others .. Tim - :oilleera.,*ere • bodl abused, and Oreseler.hiat his 'watch in . ""'" Tho' Trimmer sureeeded. in malting /he-Aare. the pollee grated Robinson ' nuedy, upon InTormetione for iltimitiva - d ' e e ult and battery and , reaette,' and - Kayo ltd oio nat o . thoti to. J an to answer at ; t , . • -. A -IC7.'Cll.t,iiai:Ptritteknox.—We. hare re ceived • pro!preins.6,ll.he Religion Prest6l4l-Inty - to pnt&hett monthly lit Cincinnati; ifieliOn., untidier to be issinal - in Annioy next.. The per}, Mika! In to,be deroted , hi the promotion of thn ronlbri .;4. the OM arid Neve fLehoor Branclici of , the Prinhyterizin Church:AL will be ',edited by , ' N. 1.. P. lbomopion, Pt: D., Ear. N. fi;- ; D. D.,. and -Bev: d. (I. , 3lonfort. U. D., of Cincinnati. 'Full tnformation ran be Obtained by otift.sslo c ,..: "I:contort' Viesbyterion, P. O. Box 111, Cilichansti. n . ' • - • : bony 'ofi Patrick McCarty, a 'fO , ldent of borolgili; 'Cambria county, lON found In the First Dam, beloti'Johns tt,•crn. on Tneadapilternoon last.' The deceased luta been mlg.lnglor ofteral days. . SPECIAtXOcA.I.- ' novas Patter, practical/31sta Roofer, and lk,rler In Atnericatislate. of Taelons orders: 011 lee at Alexander ,Langlslin's, near the Walter Irerks, 'Pittsburgh, Pa. Ilesldenee, No. 78 Pike .street. Orders promptly attended to. 1.11 work -warranted _water root jicpalring; done at the shortest notice:: - .ls.o,eltilige for repairs, prorided - the'rbof is not abused after It U put on. • - Imr Goons Jest ' :mired •at the .Ifereltant 'Tailoring catiddlshinunnf tjraltam & McCall& „less, TS . Elnaltfilleld stmt.", lirn - m 'wouldast ra. pcctfulty Invite the nnentlaii of onr friends ~ a nd the riddle in general, to rodr new. stock of fall and winter goods.. They:contain nil the very Wed styles of Englbh,'Frencli and. American clotbra,,cassimeros and .I , stlngs, all at the finest, tltutiltvi and laselcitol with-the greatest care. Gcntlimen desiring falthionable and well made clotlang, would do-well to give on a call before • provhaslng elsewhere. Every garmendls. 'war ranted to give full satisfaction in- bothprice drill quality. GaULLY lacelaDLZets -1 • • itlettluntitallors, idmithfleldeiseeti Erma, Nerrici»iellialtenthxt of ear read. - ers Is dlrcelted to 'the 'Walnut, t.istortatent Of Fall :and Whiter GoodiAnst :nk:eitet brfOutt• • friend Mr. ichitWeler, 1211Faentl :street, Ms stock comprises a great eariety . of Fancy Froort;Engllsh4.BOoteli and'American Cassinicres brief 'Cloths, and finlll3llk and mere Voitlngs, all of which will be made tip to' drder In the latest stylewandln the beat nuituter.. A choler selcetion nwhibiang Goods also on band and for tare;tataher with a ftratelit Ready :blade :Clgthing, ::and thaldotiably' . . BnOwses Bronchial Troches, advertised in'en, other column, aroldghly recommended for tint,- lle"ocaters and other% -for- the relief or colds and lb blear tbo take!: Thele;effic.x4lestronKi lynttested by Cougtoonnen; clout:emote - daft:l.g; era:who use them. .Aniong the certificates to their merits we obse.rre letters than Item Ward Betcher,..N. P..W111.15, examOin, sailcloth. erc,of eminence.—ifete, Tork Ere/ging 03rmars and carnage calls irlll be taken Alm omnibus onlec ' No. 410 Penn street, day ot rdgbt,., Illl,ordersleft at the &Joie. place trill be promptly attetidtil to.- -4.11. calls muStlc Pald to To Om 'ltlrs.—Call'and get • a pair.ofthose Enameled water-proof llootn• and Shoos a.t.3lO- Vllvtock'f , Fedtral 'street. - .O ES for ralc by Frank Case. A CornT/Vr senliot.-Tinsenun, preparing for an exhibition of his school, selected 'a class of pupils andwrote down the ques tions width he would pnt to them on exam ination day. TIM day =lced, and .eo did. the hopefuls, all but one. • The pupils took their places as. had been arranged, and all went oh glibly until the question of the ab mute() tame, when the teacher asked, "In whom. do .yon believe l'.'- • "In Napoleon ,Honaparte I" was the answer quickly 're tented. "Neu belleveln the Holy Clatho:. lie elturch;-110'yoti ." "No," said the -tt4uester;atoldthe mars of laughter, "the 'that bellerealn'that Church hasn't come to school 4fg . , at; bonny 81pk •, • ' • :a. 1 •-• • , ••• °lf Xrat f 3.4 set Used. raft:cu . R.'l4o.lll%tig is t 3!lcttlteu Po.f. 011 ••• tettaberO& 11s 1 4 Adams Alter E *Wel (leo 2 Ada ma SVIF.n A maerclou I. Angerldaty Allten Mary B Blackmore Brumes r. Bar Ellin Barkor Eliza Bats F 2 Bcckezhoupt Bars .luha 31 Beatty John ;11.1aleabh&jr - • Btisty John Bradford Ant& Bat - 4144'0bn Burry Louisa Bettedlot M 43 Miller Diary Brady M 3 Burket Bowen Wm • Fknl W Billings Wm Bullock Wm Bouhau Perry Barr Prudance Bradshaw It .1 Porn Mali 1' ; 014 0 I.PI ...dwell II C ' • Sll (Dunn C W (is-en rtham ' PatterilanAnnie !Ga' Ella , IPntterson ISIt - 'titliinget E• - • • • • !Pulfer lohn It iroia Sarah ., IPattenion Jas .• iGalon - a Jane - • 'Polio Tillie • florid ias •IPlatte Mary i Gallagher lintel 11 lollien L • iltodgera Dar id Graham DI . Reed Sarah inindv Peter itoldinam Jane Irren • ll .1 ' Robertson .1 R ' GOniley Harry Ilieraritey J -_.t 11, - • Itheinhart J 14. FlayssAntigE ' litiderldhis ' Hood 0 I Souls Thomas Hill Caroline Robinson I. illughre Edward' 'Seed Dlargaret Hood L ' 1 - ' S 'Hamilton S Sterling L W 1 'llamillin s Simpson 13G. ; Hur,tera S S haver Barbara ;Howells:4 •-, SulderChns-H• 'a, uchison J • ,SlOan.lihraril !Renck John 2 ; Stewhrt Mita 'Hodgson John ISinger P If . J - ISisitser T 2 'Jacobs I , J__ !timber Hannah I Johns l n . llughl i gl t t e ely a L i af . ri t ali s. ..0001: - .Diandy 'Kerr Radek ISharerjltrolv2 _Coagrove AdanvKing 'Hair — lit -L , Sterling-as fhuboos 0 A Ifirey Henry Simpson JOl • CollinstElimi KllngesndtliSPlSeherriakilno -Centerford F KlingeramithJ tSteremionltlary Conkle Sarah..i, Kenny Margl. iStoup_Plary. • ilinnamondJas IKreya Mollie . 'Stele Mary • . CowlesJ KIM% Prof 'Somers - 11l Mary Colater Jaebb. I - I. Clark J C :Loag,l N ' r Diary • mpaon Diaryi. : , '.ls r .. • Carlin J P 'Lynch Daniel •SteWttrUL•ml - M Campbell Ts].. - I 3 an Eratie4Stesssis.Mary•A ('olmaty Wm :Louderback 1-1 ,Stewar_Robt Collins Wm • I.amlle JohuS :Sellers it E . Campbell 11 A :Logan S S , Sole Herman 111 • i DI I T Darlington A V,lllana At Carson:ThornpaonS E Dow lenson E ,Manthal Elizath 'Taylor Thor Derellen Bella ; 'Melvin itlirab'h.Trinahle Mettle Drippajohn 'Martin John S 'Truitt ac Co Duncan St I. ~ . i Morrow Slimy., I' •W • ' - ••• -Imirs Mary -•- ' Miller l'ilooollatWeiiver Ilavid Podgier It 11 ;Mtlierlrm'S -- - 1 Weller Frank , . Barb Mary Mclntire Mary Ikklitney Cleo A Dotknon James Mee/n - 112'1,am I WArner 11 E ~ tMclattre 8.11 • Walker Diri.JW • Evans M • 1 DicKowilHanst Watson .111 '*alt Maggie • MeKtran Liztle".Wearer .1 R F 1 MeCherrY EB•'Woods Jos Pone R 'McCready I) I Warren Jar Fry Chas I Mealanmon B Minters Jno B orgesOn E 2 I Mehtlire Alec %Vert Margaret Fox Elisabeth , N Wilson Mary A I'r4y John INewell Rer, A. Webb Tan _,_ . Fleming M,A . • 0 • ' White' Matilde Ira zur,Wni Ill'Sulliran Ihini I Williamson It R SAMUEL RIDDLE, P. M. .. - .4.7tIUS.E.J'ffEJVTI3. 1)1TVISITEGII THEATRE. • FIFTH. STREET NEAR WOOD. lasses tis - D 'Mewed en Wl[. HENDERSON The linnages takes pleasure In announcing an engagement, for a Malted number of nights, with the necomplished artiste, • • MATILDA HERON, Who will appear in her great creation of Camille, Ike Coquette. EVENING,_TIIUSDump. • ;,,eat sensntlort play of CAMILLE; or. TEE FATE OF A COQUETTE Camille • DinlllLla Heron. • (hupported by ihe entire company.) No ether pla) - IMa e s ening. CONCERT' HALL Gottsettalk's Positive Farewell. . Signor Maio bee the bailor to Inform the citi zens of Pittsburgh end vicinity that he has sue reideil In nuking strengemente with the world re• pawned Pianist and greet Com?oser, cs-cerrkici • to given aeries of grand Concerto; lo the principal °Plea Of the Palled States, prior to hie departure for Hatana and Atcalco. Air. Gottschalk'. Farewell Concerts in Pitts burgh will take piece ou . , . WIaIiCTSDAT ktrlt!tes,lmr.Tili & Stk. - . Signor Musio also takes mat. pleature to an nounce that he has secured the services of. the foie lowing musical artists to assist hitytiottschalk at Concerts:. MISS LUCY SIMONS, ... • the l EntlnentCantatrice, (Pupil of hla.) whose un precedented success during a wales of Om:merit In New 'fork, has been cheerfully aelatowladr,cclby the press anoalestic pubic... • 'SIGNOR MOR EL LI, crlehzated Batifone. KERR DOLIILEIL the famona SIGNOR MUZ.lo....lllcaltial Director and Cond'r. Tickets., One Dollar. •No extra charge for no. *erred Seats. Ticket othennpen, commencing Sat 111,18Tx/Vcc. 9d,'at. - 9 a.m., at C. O. Mellor's Musks Store. (Went front. the ;country encloslng the amount for the number of seals required will be - protoptly attended to hy 0. C. Mellor. n DOM' Op q. /V.. °omen to commence at It. o3Oged . . TEBON -= Mr. J.. 711 E CEGEIIIEATID ngtunall 111 Id Be owned Allleritill 11-elce two of hi. 113 1 / 4 - 811ALLE11 .11.02) in Moi/nri..4.o7ttei • Et.NDYI & ITESDAY ME :SINGS, Der. b and 6. • 3ir.: MURDOCH has been .revelved with un • Imunded enttomiessilk-thLslleaMM,Dwtheldins l P 2 l cities °Elbe West, and ft lahoped that this great friend! of the Union Soldleist will be received with rival honor Mous mussily. • =srlis of admisslon,2o cents. Reieried scats, Saki of reserved seats will begin on Friday morn. °log. Isee. 2d, at 10 o'clock, at the Music Store of U. Mellor, and continue until all ore disposed or. . Readings commence at &cloak. precisely. • PATTLILSON, T. R. BUTTERFIELD, S. C. - Met/LNDLESS, • .1.1% GAZZA3L. T. I'. HOUSTON. 2:tt . - .Lecture Committee: AVANTED:LFor sciil6c , in' tlie Quarter-- ' ; Sstesters Deartment, nt Nashville Ch attne uMI onrelt=4s,Ce i z g = a yl i i 1 0 pt ~thcr points. a..MXI Laborers; wears, per month rations.. a,too Teamsters; .• NA • . le Track...l.l:qm"; .IP3' Free transportatfou Oak. destinstion. . , Ilralthy, able-I.llml men only ,wlll 00 reeeti.mll.: JOHN L. WOODS. Jr.., Captain mill Aselstent quartermaster, 1.1. - S. A... Foribrl her information Inquire Of SAMPLE,I4S 'Federal St., Allegtampi Orover No. 40 Washington Avenue, between 4th and •5111 street, tit - Joni*, Na. • peaCteni N. CLARK. Clem Islovq. Agent. ---- M.TANTED4I3 A .•MONTH.—Agents • everywhere, to Introduce the OM , s l .= - Clnl'R Sl.rfre:n Dollar Farlilg Sewing Machine. the onto .lowyrlee'machloo In the country, which to liernral by. Grover be Baker, Wheeler be Wilson, Howe, Singer t Co.,sod Itiehelder. Salary andexpenses 'or - large commissions allowea. Al other Machines now Sold for lois Mao larty:dallita each are ate fringeinerds, sad the seller-and user liable. Illustra ,d d=ulors matins. - Address SHAW &CLARK, Mildeford4l4l.6,- ,"- c."-• ma"mdlw'r WAn.Epragents .•fo,r THE SPN, one of the MVst illteMtll4 sod exalting boot:serer pilbilshed, embracing the adrentures of n Daimon Inaba Vnloo Aimy as None and Spy, 'Dia Ina a most field inner pica are of the woe. Just the book the people wont. • Send for Circulars. JON BROS, h CO., Publishers, OA Chestnut street, Philodelphln, 14. , Dolteam IVANTED47O A • MONTH.r-I • want T.T , AseateAtrerywbese, St Ms month, expeosor paid, to sell 'Fifteen Arfktu, the best senior ever offered. Foil ptrtienlars fro!. Address OTLS T. GABBY, Biddeford, Moine. noßdamdowT —.__ vr4NTEM-4 ,b coolorng WANTED,. - to make Flout Barrel , from Stara and Readings. B. T. KENNEDY &BRO. ' srprirm miormiwfv3s..„ WITAVIVEI Family Sewing!Machine Cheapest Machine is the World I BECAUSE Tr- IS THE LIM: . • - . . "O'er te04000"of these Machine§ have brut .old. Geer li,ooohatebveinsold Pittsburgh and vicinity. Their sales aro • Greater than all 'others Combined • It Makes the ul.oClE'Farren," and-co:mimes only , one-half the amount of thrend that it used by the, STITCH MACHINES: No one shoUld buy Smving Idhine WILSON .heY base ow =Med the WHEEL= & They own Warranted. for Three Tears. nceanuorrow num. . , wrBket.P2o9l; Fr/Fin IfTILEzr• -. W7l. SITICIER & CO., Agents. nenNvws SET EWER for sale winger sal* and retalL • -- selSentMwr iyoLuITTEEft RELIEF FUND . . - dosnemstouswe Osssasafflir.TlfVfNA ' The Undetelicamifibmed Edict of •Alleyftsar county would respectfully monad lho alt Dena of the weremlWarda. Boroughs and Towitahrhfbill 4 - .couotyto meet at their reepective plata nolume . elebtions, on SATURDAY. the ad day of Deoember omit, betweewthe hoary hod seven cvelbeli, P. iin n anpoluta-oonsmlttee of THREE-SSW iiONlA . artiobadaty It sheltie Itsaotan eouluactlint with IMIL - Soardawthe distYlbuttost Of sheaf... . ISei Funds. v4ONATITAIT NEELY,4 BAnTlll9!_fiv Qaminissioser.S.• z *- ADMIT SIDLUNYr entlal,Atiw : • _ • • i - ... , ,i . ..11,....1:1 , 1 '. - st - 1 1 • 7 „ FOR ta4ILE.4OII REA?. VOl2. 6. ALE-.A. very valuable PAM In Orin township, Westmoreland tonal) Pa, contatiung about 133 acres, well Improved, and In a high state otettlitratlon. Also ,_a FARM OF Mit) ACIRE9, to Fabileld town- Wrstinpreland county,.. Pa. Improvements Coml. The Ind is of the beat quality. Coal and tinistone In abundance. • - .Plen U. , I-Ulat John Iteer p9s. Also. a EAR-51 OF 114 ACRES, In Derry town ship, W ti morelacd 'countyPa.. Immediately on the line of. the Pennsylvania' Railroad. Also, a FAII3I of 10 ACRES, in Rt. Clair town ship, Westmoreland county. Prn Also, a FARM of 104 ACRES, in. Paltilehl town ship, Westmoreland county, - Ps. Mso, n 1F.,111111 Of tr. ACRES, inElizabelh town sittP, Alleghehy county; Pa.; about 10 acres cleared; limestone and a flagstone quarry opened; welltini. bertd, and very easy of access to the Youghiogheny ricer. . _ Alm, FOUR NEV.' BARGE'S, hall( and 6.4theil (n n work.mnnllkpinnniter. • . . . For further particulars inquire of U. TOW.F.R, Beat 'Exteite'Agenly not No. 166 Fourth ntreet llt SALE--LAAVREcEVIZE IdI PROVED PROPERTY.—That ,beautifully sit, tasted and improved property fronting on 11111, Centre nod Butler streets, la now offered for uie, hating et front on alill street of 700. feet. end on Center street of WO feet, on which there is erected e large Frame Dwelling House, of twelve rooms, large hall,tgood cellar, ice house,-tso., all in com plete order, with a beautiful grove in front, a large. stable. a choice variety of fruit, and excellent totter. This property Ilea been recently laid out, and will be disposed of as a whole or Itoettlons to talt pur chasers, on very Mend terns:: The_ pl4a of the above grounds can be seenat my , There is Abe a few tniuntully lOU fronting on Butler and Center xtreets, time the tilt. terns Passenger Rallway',l>epot,,siti excellent loca tion for husiuots or private houses: For further infertnation apply at the Reel El tote and Insurnuee offive of BATES, • Butler Street, Lnwrery,ville. _, • „ Thal fine trick Etwellintllease Contains ten rooms. Fitted Arlth tins, lint anti Vtdd Wnter. LargoVookinn Range la the kitchen. Lot tlrenty-four feel, on Wylie street, running Lark to 'Wide nUey, r - • . - . • • For price ill:id tenon enquire at' the S ---- 41.Lt—VALLABLE COUNTRY' RENIDENOE—The taluable country revel Once occupied by Capt. James O. Saint, situate I nllind township. below the Sharpsburg bridge, Thai - Ingo front' of about ?G feet on the Citizens I•mesenger Railway, nod extending to tow water mark on the Allegheny river, containing about two and threo.quartera acres, with the new and elegant- IlniMord TWO.NetIIII," Blirllff. MANSION, containing eleven rooms, with abundance of young ehrubbe.-y. fruit trees, commodious out-house, and well of excellent water. • • • !fern. liberal, end will be made known On apob. &Litton to It undersigned, et the otriee'of Mitchel Fohuer, Attorneys•nt-Lew, N 0.87 Fifth street. minuif • '3A3IES G. SA.INT. I,'Oit SALE—A FARM OF 165 ACRES, en 13Ig Sereickly, three miles front the railroad Vat ion, well Improved. Price 650 per acre. A 65 ACRE FARM on Klibuck, mites from Glendale Station, on which is a Grist - Mill, Store, Dwelling, Darn, and good improvements. Price, Fi TWENTY LOTS, on Fremont nod Trethont 111 I 'C ote. I P. Second ward, Allegheny. FOUR LOTS on KilbuCk at, Glendale Station, containing six to len arms. VOIigALE—STEAM SAW MILL and" OIL REFINERY.—The one-half or whole of an Oil Tiefleery and Steam Sow' MITI, with ten sad one-half acres of ground; an abundance of coal on the loti-one mine open and belns worked. situate on the Allegheny River and.A. 1. 8. It., is offered for sale. 'The Refinery is hem and of modern build. The Saw Mill Is In splendid order, and well situ and. haring A ereekrunning front it to the river. Good locality for building boats. For particulars call on the underaigned. LICSAY k CHORPENNING, No. Za Rand Mire; Pittsburgh, Pa. r ou SALE, FORT LOTS, on the south aide of SARAH. ST., bet wean harmony and Meadow Arcata, 24 feet front on Sarah stteet, and extending back VII fee,t, to a 24 feet alley. ONE LOT, on the north able of Sarah streccoppoolte the above, 2 feet et-¢ Inches In front, extending beck 120 feet, to an alley. THREE LOTS, on Ncluirton street, between Men dow and Josephine streets, 20 feet front and SO feet deep. ,Apply to S. BRYAN, Bnakerknit Ina. Ag't. del N 0.601 Fourth street. VOR SALE.—One new Steam Engine A- .5 inch cylinder, go inch stroke, on heavy Iron bed, balance valve governor. seco nd-hand, _ One 12 vnelveylindu, lacb stroke, refit min be as good se new. One 'I lack cylinder, 10 Inch stroke. new. One 3d " Two 7tlorteritollers Bo ,31 in. SO 93 (0241089. Three " . To: joined him Oil Stills. Also, 'Maggots of Boring Tools, forTHI Wells. Cheap for cash. Enquire of 11. M. BOLE, atM Allegheny Elver Blink, near the Point ~i .3.11TP:, 4-2) - 13.:•1 - ct WYLIE STREET, PITTSBURGH FOI•NDRY orneE, 10 Smithfield greet For sale by `. .1. T. SAMPLE, Beal Elate Broker, oe 8 87 Federal street, AlleTheny EAST BIRMINGHAM LOTS 11;6 . 1t BALB--BUBURBAN SITES an LVILT.AfrE Lars% lIICAB FOOT Ilaaans.— The undersigned, Executors of the estate of John Herren. deed, ogre for sale a number of Lots, from our-half to two sere. each, situated near Fort line roe, and within three minutes walk of the terminus of the Pittsburgh tr. Mineteville Passroger Hall wal. The above lots ate beautifully located for private residences. . - Also, Cannabin-bUsmalt - Latir to therritlageof. Irlinerwrillr, fronting on tt-s Passenger ,Ealleray— thirty„to sixty fort trout and from one to two hue. ;dred feet deep. -For information taqulvanf either of the undies alensd, or W. A. liEltliON, Clerk'. Mace, Court noose. WIC A. ilEalrfni 30111‘ T. itEnnok; R. Q. HERRON, F. 3. HERRON.. E%mutori. L' 31 AR FOR BALE.—The Fr..,seriber of -3 fats for sale a Very desirable FARM' of 211 Al;itlr located In Columbiana county, Ohio, four tulles from Tcllasi ie, on tho river, 60 tulles from Plitsburgb. and 46 from Wheeling. The farm is in good condition, and well Improved. Thebtme_two orchards .on the premises, And two good tamed dwellings, with a ,•teat abundance of coal, lime- Stone, nod nevcr.talllng springs of good water. n more detailed deaeription of the property and terms, apply to , Dleßl.22h, of hieflane 12.10 f es, 121 Second street, nraelwilattwF ' . OR sAf;k7 - .. DEsurABizIrsIDENcE. • • Th. Oren-storied Brick Dwelling, No. 57 Sortand street: Pressed brick front, slate tont% containlim elm co rooms, and furnished with hot and cold o stet., gml./.tc• • ppls to S. S. BRYAN. Broker and Insurance&rot, del Fourl b street. Burke's Building. • - 11}11 BALE. 1500 lbs. of TYPE METAL TILD3 OFFICE. lqatre at nc,4:ll:tt ;O 11R SALE—A STOCK FARM, contain -. Ins ntiaeres, 120 cleared, SO of which Is natural meadow, balance Tubas timber. Good. dwelling hcnre, tenant house, barn 40 by 00 large orchard I .water In every field. Situated In Unwell township, 'Westmoreland county. Is offered at a bargain. Apply to 'rn2l II.II I ,I4AIST, 101 "Fourth street. li'cß SALE, • That Desirable Business Stand At the comer of Llbertr street and Virgin alley, al seat ocupted by inroslserski fr. Bro., stot reLl foe one thousand per Somas. APO) to 59 s. S. BRYAN, del rourth street, Burke'. Building% r lilt BALE 808 of Msaactel. Ton miles from TMWare, Warren county, Penna., murb or It Imitable for oil boring; but it t. undo.' %eloped, and will be sold at reasonable figures. ALEXANDER WALLACE. Tldloute, Women county, Pa. F oR SALE, A COBIiOETABLE MUSE .01 -street rooms, _. within one and a half squares ot the -, in Blenchester. Good wategand every. thing convenient. - Porereeton given l6neant.e l 3% For Lerma appiglOJossen Pee a, Ti Federal street, or et Thomasßerpers Wagon Shop, Beaver street, Blanchester.nolid.r . .. . . . _ Tull SA r s -160 UreS'or Coal,' 4 6 ' 6 0 20 urea of trout aotil *pool fie. $ also Ono aok of coal and railroad, and Ott= Improvements in M i g i ta i gp °i rrat l a i rr a o a W i lli tu ra got? Enquire of - e ft MID, nue' first door from Flab on Grant Wee: - - , • rosy. BARGES. • Stx. fled .ciao 114E(11? tseleet lang s ,btslWils the Gest mel i ttr i zedal. ao2Sttcsog streetr-Alleghea7. TOR RENT—A FINE STORE- ROOM with Dwelling and Stage, on I:Weber° the Dia mond, Federal greet, Allegheny City, roseenion right away, Yptentgy.mecapiee by _lll, Olean. Apply to • • ' JOHN , DRAW, j)22tf Allegheny. DIVIDENO NOTICE. ~,, • _ . . • - , - F4S , ITIITTI NATIONAI.D'x or Prrnintinoti,PA ; j t Pittsberxh, NoventherfOth,'lditt. ' The President and Direatens of this Dank, of risterving the surnithe - fund required by eat of Doti. greys, entitled an net to. "provide National Our' Teary," approved lune MOON, and also reeeiving, an nciditinn&l sUrntue Nfld.have' this day desisted Dividend at of t he profits of the het *lx months of .THIRTEEN DOLLARS PEU rilialitE, tree Of United States tax, pay-hlo forthwith. ..011 0. De HEBRON, Oturtiter. ISAAC CRAIG'S OUTLET SAW SILL, E&LiQtY.A.RTERS; . di 5 19 . 1r83131N , _ l3' ; r __._ . i - . , 9,717000, !WORKER-4AS. -OWENS, -"-';' ' ' ' - lot WOOD STREET: '" " .--'-` '. ' ').-. 7 *Macao sad Mufti° Worker, Paper Wonder sad r Mattes and Ornaments, or all kind', - - ' . - .- -'' -' lr . • tee. Order* left at la CON. . aee irreduell? : • • ;,. ....„..... a • •• . - --"!, • • • ii z e ici : .., . ~ I v = ostabort not .._ . _ --4 "4 . °I v°l4.- -. ' ' a . - . - - -:. t- . 011108 STREET Weer _W_gle±_arst remora ra. wad rata u"P adil 0 + 0.1.0‘ g:itt" 21 - ..., ', '." 4 1' '!- '-'. ''''• '''',-`-'•'••• ''",.''' -' -'-. - 1 ,..', o ` t - h - e i i " .--.• 4-0 , -.Stoitylicadi WOODS' "a!VrlO , . b d e e team inum ado _ OIFI;XLTS and POl.lO __,,,... th 7...0ir, _, .. spiv . ta . oatgt taiiiistri,x.. ~._ . . t i IF, eseamailloa ofildfary•k .. ' V`A . '" %w l l4 -I d .. - - ' .P.FANV,Ig!"!,I, ~F,1 „ nC!...!?W . 4 M 1• ',. 1 • %Mr: a , ..,, ~ ~ ~,,,,,, ~B AVAIiRY, " ;.:Who look , 1 , «,i v5 ,,, u ,,,,..... vigeK k l 3O. I t ~ 1.., ~..,..,,,,, ...„, ~... n thili" ith-61146.."4"1411111' 141461:irl • :' '.--7- r - Ilt :- : ,_ li t ite ,,, l i tszal t" stt d eTai l & n taaic: o o7:ll o : S it r iiii i. t O m t rANl ,D,:a. l64:" ... /04 1. i li! * tytutto 9K at i lt : l M°4l l,.. tr i° i lt " , ... ip :r e i ,475.....„ 4.. ..,.. m , a b a ,,..„,,, : ,. ;;...:,,,,,, .i..1,4 1 .: - . ) ' . i .'"...,"..-..*, -',..,-.',',,,f.i.,:1'.,1i');.,,,,.` , c j r -,!, , ,,- ,'.(,.,, , 4 7 ,..1 -- 4 . ..„iif. , .. 4 -.- . . 1 , 1 ', .'''.,,' 1. , 1 .. ,-, , ,r';11 .; ;r; ,,, ' , r' , '4 ,4, ' I ' : i'll:' ; .V ' '''''l Y l. , ... ' ' , .)74 .- 7 -, ' - :c , ! f ,-'''.4.-,....-L' ',.":'',• . :". % :-'' ' ''.--'.71 , 7 r. f • L:- ..1 7 : ;I: fL -;i :-0 1: '' :; ' , . r , ~ - - . .-, • . . i, - , .. 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'„•_:', •-...,..:• .}-•, - i'l .•_' '''- a - , t'" t' l'‘ - 7 f.--;'42,•:- .1t..-7.t,t.i.1,ta5itt1;a4,..;-,,A-4Z-ti-1,11',.---ti-taAa',..o.U4'.4:-sl4":''''''"l'''''''''. ~,,,,,- y.t.::: - , - ,',t ,. ;,-', ,, , - , - ; it.',;•...t,,,ir,:,,,,,it,t`tXtilYhtniv,".,.,i,,,,,?.,-1A..,!..7dg5,y,w;1tt- .„4..t . ttA,;tk...tqt."-t , ,, ,, , , L. ' ,::• It:, , t.' 2, ltt:ttt :t., )*, - .. , ",;:ttt;ittgl , 4l- o .t'vtaw , t , a , . tts , g , w. - atAlt".-5, - -,,,,,..,X4..t.,, . ' ~ -, - ~, AND BARGE YARD, casts Str eet ,, LARD 'OIL.-8 bbl& No. :1 Winter; Na&ubressi.4o444 4 O l ;:g4W4 4 2 dri • ISAIAS MIE`DICAL. tyt I CATARRH. DR. LIDR*Hlt.t., TilE AUT'Liail OF I Letter on Catarrh." . 4 ,4 k 'ropollor Tree the .n Deafti7V. CAN DE connut.YED AT 159111,T i rr ROTEL, FROM MONDAL Dec. Bth. FRIDAY MIRING, Dec. 23d, • 1884, tleafness, Catarrh, .ND Al.l. THE VARIOUS UIsEASES OF EAR. 1 ; THROAT, AND AIR I'ASSAGES. symrii):+ts The find sensation is usualn a feeling of dryness and heat in the nose' and a frequent loclinatlon to sneering. There in an lnabliltj t,i,breathe as the nose 'ATOMIC" StOrpeti up, sometimes an one side, now.etimes on the other. Soon a clear watery, acrid discharge makes its . appearance, excoriating the nostrils, and edges of the iipe, which become rid and somewhat enrollee. After a few Jaya the dleeharge become, thick. yel lowish. extremely frequent end continue. to be it marked feature of the disease, and a source of much danger,and the greatest aunoyanee. After mare or ime, it becomes iv purulent. highly offense, and spoilers an extremely fetid odor, it is usually no profuse ns to require, when confined In the nose, the frequent application of the handkerchief, or if it drops Into Use throat, which is more particularly the case, while the body Is to a horizontal position, conatant expectoration and aomeftmes both. Sleep Is frequently disturbed by a eensation of choking, caused by the presence of the discharge in the throat. Owing to the heat In the head, the watery portion of the secretion often evaporates, and assuming a condition of solidity la deposited Air on the membrane of the nose and upper part of the throat, in the shape of cr.te or hardened lump,. The accumulation of these Incrustations prattlers a feeling of discomfort, and narrows the mood pt.. age so ha to embarrsis respiration. Therefore fre euent efforts have to be made to remote them either by forcibly blowing - the no or by petal.t en hawkleg—s, practice so angreeable to the one at. feeted It is to those around him. After the rem moral, that side of the increetation which adhered to the m erectus Membrane Will aometimes be found bloody, a fact which explains the fore* require,) (Os its dislodgment. During Sleep there Inerustallorui accumulate more rapidly. and the feeling therefore is must uncomfortaide in the morning. Sometime, , the effOrts to clear the throat are futile until alto ' breakfast, nr after something warm la 'wallowed. ; Scene patients state that they are not successful • until they here swallowed someew hisky or brandy. ..The discharge, which Is at nrst wlthoutamell, lUMethlillthe progress of the complaint, an eXceste 4 ively wt. odor, the breath parlialpatee this? end sbeemnes occasionally so recoilingly °Bei:Mire as Pa a render the patent an object of disgust to himself ale .well as to others. Ulceration of the muctlOUJlmenn. brute of thenotetakes place frequently.aometimee - j siren attacking the bones when small particles Of readapt . ° will occwilonally be rolled mixed with , the discharge. The accumulation of the :together with the thickened mutdition. Of -the mutiny, membrane, renders respiration. through filetomilruweitfn very diffirtlitsand oftentimes in 'pos . .treeraaltathsg reerdratios. Prftwilmilf through the mouth, a method very deleterious to the general health, hut inure particuboly to the lungs, as will be shown hereafter. The mtpleumit noise produced during slewknown sisarliW, originaten from the saute es. The voice loses its musical quality, and salonsMe toirsh and nasal character, the .ease of smell becom. much Im paired or 'entirely I.t, and the same effect, though inn frequent, tit produced, on the sense of taste. .tkeaslonelly, while blowing the none, a ersokllft . . or bobbling sound will be heard Le the ear 0.0 bearing will be found to be thick easel snapped up, last return itutdenly with a snapping smut - This phenomeraux Is timidly repeated rural, at one time, heating does not return, and remitnn pertutueutly injured. Noises In the head of every conceivable deseriptlos will make their appearance, and addles the Matters of the sufferer, and hearing be lost so gredually that a cor.shierable derma of deafness may exist before the person is really aware of the fart. Theft eyes are ant to become Weak,•trittable zed Atepoecl to water ou expostue to. wind and sold, or after the elighest exertion. A pain more or lean nerd*, or adlatresaleg feeling of pressure is esperieneed over the eyee, and sometimes on the back of the head, sod asp pain In the lace, closely resembling beuralgta, for which it is often nib. taken. The dlstnsis In the head weakens the memory awl. produces irritability and moroseness of disposition. The stoma& generally suffers more or lea*, Is weak and irritated, the appetite is .prieteust, end iinearlyolwaye back in the morn ing. In 'evert Wes tne aritem • beemnee feeble and prostrated, sod there is no aversion or inability to either physical or mental exertion. Not maim quently catarrh proves fatal either by debilitating Oar nyetern or wearing out the patient, or by tray. *lieu opwards and produeing sore throat affections, bronchitts, end Anent couramption. It may be safe ly nnaerteel,tbat hereditary predisposition, catarrh, is the most frerfuent and important rattler of this fa• tat eomplalut. Catarrh has been conatdeonl en ineurable disease, and on the etresurth of that nupposition has t.. 11 neglected-by both. the protesstmr-and . the public. An It la the exciting cause in full half the caws of /Marone, Dia. Lfghtlifflhae+= dews pad. nada Its proper treatment liter 'emir; * - bp theft Rumen fully manta aired the curahUlty of this complaint. That this ls no mere aasertlon will be readily comprehended by the annexed teatime,- nIal• fromblghly rospertmble ',Arlies who have been under their care. 1111= - Prresurnarr, PAk, Nov. d. MM. Tide wilt errtlfy that I have been under the care of [Jr. Lighthlll, tee the care of Catarrh, and that, ae though he has attended me for little over one week. I feel Lbagn twtittanent cure Is to be alba. ed. and am an much better In all respects as tower. rant tee In giving publicity to these facts and te. commending Dr. Lighthlll to any one aftbeted with Catarrh. JACOB FORWYTH, Raw Yonie;.Nor. 2,1864 This Is to certlfir that t hive been afflicted with Catarrh for some years, which produced the usual dhutgreeable effect.. I consulted Dr. Llghthlll about nine or ten months since, and at once plaqed. myttelf tinder awe. Jan .ellfingfrtefroOg&' Gawk, nlp throat Is perfeatly healthy, and my health te %cry touch Improved. P. NOLAN, • times tirie Railroad foot of Dunne street. vrtrm dm non. 1/710A.ratton'.3igie., . rdoirrn mt. yon - stae!• meat of my ease, which you may use as you think proper. 1 hare Acquaintances In different pails of the {hates, bore *erred three years as Senator of Penobscot county, and throe years no Representa tive—in all six years—do bur State Legislatkree 'My elateraent may benefit some of thoseraflicted with my disease. ' - • For. several, yeses I here been afflicted -with Catarrh.' h er!Atod- sonny prescriptions of it without' reoelring any benefit therefrom. I live lakeasoitr modicineabocit ten mouths, end It has 'cured nut. 1 would - recommend to those nttUoted with Uilavlisbrilcr to apply to. you. "I am confident If they strictly follow your dircetions that ,a clue will blP;effectel, however Inveterate the crille • Respectfully yours, FISH. From Ras. R. P. Rumen, LynnPima; I hare been much troubled with.Oatarrh Of the wand type for some t*enty pears. It gradually grew worse, Inducing cough, sod hoarsens* de atorying the muse of smell and Meshing down my genera health to such a domes eta to compel me to resign my pest Orate and' suspend - Public 'peeking. • I made diligent use or the usual remedlea, sock as snuff of dl!b,eot kinds, nitrate , of sneer; tar wa. ter and inhalations, but without.ry very salutary arch /AM internee' beard of Dr. - LighthtiPanuts , mural mxtoof treating catarrh, visited idin, and; put myself under hie treatment. began inatnedl. ately to improve; and this-imitgovenuist has gone, on to timpresent time, My entail has gradually melted away, my Orman has disaPOMM4i,my voice hie become natural, and ern oboe more Able to preach the tame*. Let: wok Viva& alt troubled , With catarrh dllhoulthal to , apply to Dr. LightliLL - . - it. P. ittr.33814. 1 I;tie;R u• qoa2I,7IIIW&FAI BOOKS. ',ALB be N EW BOOKS DOWN IN TENNESSEE. TMs nese rolumeiby the author of "Among the Pine," to selling otP like wild-fire, and can hardly be ramie as buit as the orders pour in for it. It is maimed full of material, most important to every one ititereded in public affair., military - or petal eat,rhies being asAboroughly attractive a.l &t -ooth gto inoident and story as the authOr's other boo . Moo, cloth. Ot 60. . , NICTOIRE. A new novel, vigorous and freah—aire. to make a Wt. tihao, cloth, tinted paper. 51. 15. QV~7BT. A l i audt,ronlising anti or indeveloped in this aha ingpsaitlot, &Von. tnmo, cloth, tinted pa. pee 61 CO. THE ART OF CONVERSATION, A iplondlA book, that every one ought to onris. Wow, cloth.: el 60. • . ALABAMA AND' 4UMTER. 7f> the author at ~i tay Mai( Isi,n"tockci kos&n." rum, elothi . . • . Jahn • Guilderetring% Sin, An Intenne not parolee:tete Lei.e Shiny, In the Jane . Eyre style. 12uto, cloth, tinted paper. $1 to. roarieam.c•iiiai Mn. Holmes' now novo/. rinocoth. TALES FROM THELoymnAs. . • . Ile plots or all the. opeios, te.1116 . 51151+0 onObilh 12t00., cloth. 01 50. FOR SALE EIY . HENRY NEM , 7t and 73.Flfthatreet. METROPOLITAN GIFT 1300 K STORE, Tuosdo,y, Nov. I,t, 1804, Aud t prmnnently lootted 11 No. 68, Firth. Igtroc.t, PITTSDITRCIII; OPPOSITE. ADAMS' ESPRESS orris r. This Is the largest and' moat liberally conducted atalillahment IN cat of New- York. At thin estat. (aliment you can get Any book you may desire. looks in every part of Literature. And you hare he advantage of receiving, with each book that you buy, A. HANDSOME PHF,SENT Worth from FTFTY (71!‘,i'TS to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which Is given with each hook. All books are sold he publlaliks , prices, and you can select from the largest stock ever o ff ered in this city, including all the Standard Works, all iicscrip thins of Photograph Albums, all styles or — des and Prayer Books all the tete publlcallot Abe varieties of (lift ßooks, ail patterns of IE, Books for all classes, upon rill elects, .11 every etyle of binding. and in endless va sty. Remem ber that in pprehasing books at the Metropolitan Gift Book Store, t 111 yap no noP t " e ,ntd I ve g VALUABLE PRESENT With each book that Ton hay. One trial will con vince Booit. Buyers tent the piece to make their purchasetla ate es Pll , lll STREET. • OVA STOCK OF FHOTOOIiAFIIALTILFAS, D • : ei • = - 80Dir..4 Sm the insect h% the ens, and will be mold nt•the LOWEST PUBLISHERS , I.IIIOFSi sod a glft with each purchase sarylnit from fifty cents to one hundred dollars. $ Descriptive Catalogue!' malted free to any address upon pppllentlon. W. L. POsisa & CO. AfITOTI rkCIiUMS OAHU raoTeGe.,tens CARD rhomntarns MAGAZINES AND BOOKS. MACIA.ZMES AND BOOE.S. DAILY AND WEEDY PAPERS DAILf AND WEEKLY PACERS. DLiiiss FOR I. bums Fos was. OPPOSITE POST.OFFIOE. N. 8.-•Orden for Flap promptly attended to 0012 N LW KiBLICATLO.NS Lieut. General Scotts Autobiography, vols., Price, e.s CO, A flew Atracsphsre.. B Oall Ittimiltrys. Price., Bow to Oat a Farm and Where 'to Find One. Price, Si CO. rout Don to Beersheba t Varela in the 'Holy. Land. By Rev. J. P. Newman, D.D. Price, Si 15. Arirtous and Suaors. By, Sylvester Mowry. Price, at 60. • Familiar Letters from Europe. By C. Fit ton. Price, it so. . Essay,. Stn. - 1 and Esthetic. By Heo. twit SptruNfr. Fri^ tot oa. Lyra Anacticsins tireless &LOW) writers. Price, 44 00. • Saxon' Poems, cabinet edition. Price. se 00. Proctor's Poems; cabinet edition. Priee, 00. James Rtueell I..trovinr Pocutz; cabinet edition, Price St 4:0. • KAY h. CO., ds: ls Wood ,Street. %ium=;mzU,tMuk= IIMMI!!1!!=IM irsluatort Storks. Jean Ingelow. • Eamest—.ll. true story. ' Lou, In Marriage. \n hiltorial study. Being the life of Lady' ltaebel RusselL By tinizot. Silt er Casket, or the'urkk and its Wilds. blllranne, Later Christianity, e rots. flallen's Works, 10 rots, Itlverside'editloa. Lamb's Works, 4 rots. do. do. (larlysle's Essays. 4 vols. do." .do. Medical, Ilistorleal and Miscellaneous Works la generaL [note) J. L.8.E.1.11, %I 4th street. Ile'LE IMITATION of my PATENT comma p.spEn t. now being offered to the public. BEWARE OF IT 1 It Is so rotten thst When danipened for copying it will 'hardly hold - together by, its own weight. Be sure Wash Stationers for the genntnct vahromat DIANN, no3n 43 South Ith street. Philadei his. OiRPETS, OILCLOTEffiI, DRUCKLETPs. AND. WOOLEN CE17103 GILMILE, MEDALLION• CENTRES.. • apleadhl asiOrtulent OC,IttN PitteMs lied btAt quanuf, Imparte4just iipaiked bY • ScrAZIA2I:64" dares.- - Firm srarxr, Next door to Post Ornee. "Decind floor. non NEW CARPETS, :1 IttST OPNING. . .41.19 Ce. sireercia2irrail; CRUMB OLOTEISii OIL OLOTESS, Superior List and Bag Carpet* CARPET SWEEPERS; fr i o i nte; prig?' were . the loweet !Mit ? r WAX . di 14. XeCALLIFIE, nose - . ..ioroureB Fnu,mr. BONDED WARE no us& OF Phenix Wirehous7ng Company, Foot of BALTIC & HARBISON' Sts., Drooklyi? sea STOtAGIE OP I=l5lllD - PETROLEDIE, In Tanks andßarcla4Ses 'Circular.] No..9S'HEAVLB. STREET, Kea- Tort:. or.-341 JOCK x. WALLACE 1 WILLIAM cvirrign WALLACE'& CURTISS, comAnsszoN MERMLINTS, CRUDE MTh REPINED PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LUBEICIELNG OLDS No. 131 SOCTiI iCIIA RV ES. P lILLADELPHI A, Pt SStorsge esparilty (under corer,) for 16,000 barrels- Also excellent fsollltles far shipping to Aiterleso and , Famish ports, at our;wharf on the t3elja - lklll Etter, mar. the platform of the P-.11.,1t.- jAMEB WILTINS, Dam= Df.lLtC YK• • CP.IIDE AND 'REFINED 011 r . . • Sleek, Irlkullaealie Way. Plttstegt. Rpecltil tittetßio nglven to th e 'SALA; IVNI) 811/PMENT OF PETROLEUM and tt protlucts. Coltslgnmentoirespectrulty Pltt.burgh. Agencir for VENANGO. OIL AND TRATISPORTAIO'COMPATIT. Sir POST OFFICE BOX te. itIeIiAHIMON, ItAIME 1r at CO.; Commission •nd Forivanilim Merchants in CRUDE AND Imam ritmownt, N 0.19 IRWIN STREET. • • • SirLifoornicafli advances on consignments for. Pittsburgh or Enitern Mftrlzetir. rerrenennir Mews. J. S. Dilworth h. Co., Springer linrbatigh, Thompron Bell, rm., Pre.t.Conlinereltil Bank mint6-tini HERRON 6; Co., Oilier, 287 PE Y( STREET (O. eel.. Mote Ilend,) Commis . gion INlOrchantg, And denim" In Pittsburgh Atnnufact urea and CRUDE AHD Rama on,s, Q Liberal ad La ncep made on FLOUR. GIZAI:V SEEDS, and GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS. no 3-3131 IRON CITY OIL WORKS: LYDAY & CLEORPEINItiG, Mannbettuern and Refiners of Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils, Crude Petroleum PPT SIIARTSEURG. Office No. No. EA HAND STREET, Pittiobnsh, APO-6.* ER, BURKE & CO., COM3USSION ,MEROILINL, Globe, Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Liberal mash Mfrances =de on consignment. of Refined or crude Petri/feu-xi: Co r. D LIQ CESNE W4Y and HANCOCK . . Sin, ROBERT ASUWOUTIT, ms. I Fit. (!LAIR ST.OPlttsbaireit, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION METICELI2cr, AND DEALER' ILLI3IdINATING, LtetIICATINGr,.. CRUDE OILY; ke:, constantly on hand and to. sale at the - lossest.matket - Conedgco meats and orders - U.S. WAIUNO wAItING 47 KJ2W, pETRoLzum ABD ITS PRobuers, Ana wiamc g ma l uta. mt MAIMED ST., Pittsburgh. JAS IRWIN, Oil of Vitriiif Aqua CrlC'Ei, Ai- Orders left at John Porterfield & Co.'s Wilms, corner of MARKET and rutsT STJ.,aaUi receive prompt attention. • non LITE . = OIL WORKS., DUNCAN, WNW & CO.. Pare White Refined Carbon 011 e. No. 191 LIBERTY. STREET p!.4.ros, JWUSIC,; fit: PIANOS l PIANOS Imaw. W. B. BRADPICRY'S New Torlynnirgl. and SCHOJULCKER ar. CO.'S Philadelphia CELEBRATED PIANOS Seven first prim GOLD AND SILVER,MEIb ALS received within n month a Strite Darn and Fair of the Aniericnn Institute, Now BLISS; by WAY. B. BRADBURY, forthe • • : Bost N',•Noc•rt4,ms: .StiIaYEACICES t (30.,' Philadelphia., received' the CRYSTAL PALACE PRICE MEDAL at London, besides haring received at home numerous hi edals, Diplomas and Special Reports from State Pairs and Institutes. Both have numerous letters of recommendation fre mthe Whist mulbal talent —GOTTSCELALE.STRA.K.WIOR, Will. MASON, °EASE, and others.. Also, a dna assortment of SMITH k CO.'S BOS. TON 1 , 112.91 , PRIZE AMERICAN ORGANS awl ELOI4I)NS, all wArrautF4 for eight .yequs. Hi:12..131314'a TWA; Bt. Mir St. az- Tvstma- AND DITAIRINDF dom - at shortest suit:tee.' BILE= AttISKI bound' in'any; style. : - _noe FIANOS 1 PIANOS s FROM OEiIOIO3BING &SONS. One oplendidt toyed 7 alive, finbated baelt tout [root, with b camel Irign. : One *verb , octave, rcun4; float e mu " , mi l l° T octave; :Omit carnal' hart and front, Sae In Tw "id oTfegehr it * imp . wilim res *Ono splendid awed, oetarg awed tree, k.a.• Ons pandeoine ootareolou on co" Cothle te ri;* 2* plain • TWal444" UrVedtnitioveCindeibrOtillit Two POVll4onflestithea rnotrll ) Sree, • CHU.Cr lIMIIXOR, r • ' - • el-WOOD STREET. .HOFFMAN, HOENE 4t 6.,' . ,•, - ' - 501 M AGCrIII iron' XACNO3S-031 ° M Ite# Pianos fu,Anierich, Krwuwa PIANOS Ann TUE BEgT -MADE: 1 A choke In note on hand. andlor sale at less than ntery price. Also, BRINES. BRO.'S PIANOS, the ea. Planes at the Price In the country. . , . .. . - ' - I CHARLOTTE IBUMF., N. 818DLE, 183 18811T11FIELD. BT., Pianos and Mnsioal butments Keep. eonstaidly on hand n•dne astottmont of " Rew Gurressoicant- DROSS, asruaNas s ani which te Mill len (below . „ OILS, NC. mairr.ox, .111 AND DEALERS iS PITINI3trRGH,PA. n anat. nun), I=l 43 FIFTH t3TEE'ET,SoIe Ajgep.i. onscir. DI ROOTS 4orD AN ELEGANT ASSORT/lEn OF Christmils: Boots, FOR 131,15, Suet recorvi.a nt the eetabeetnt CONCEIT - BALL 'lllOl 'HOW' : • To w gether u Ith the 'greAt4.4 - vniiitiof•saiiitqiiitil 3:table 'Shoes, Gaiters and Bali o*al~ P °l' 9! C Y . EFI7CESSI'Y, miccmc.k:eka!‘-ir ist.ialaT,er;" • Mir 00A, while : yen ewe 'Need from the audit I . 'l.v:wit Food. , lbet tse.rlti warrant he rive retallts!, WHOLI:SALE AND arr An. 'LAUDE AND : FRESH ARRITAI:".OIT: ... Ladies`, (lent's laws', soya', Xnuttills ? %lJitaw..i•t - .. -drens, Babies aud Doll . . - NO -NZ Cb Just reeelerd, and will be sold ns low as they. itiMs,ler. be bought for any - plate. . • tall and examine m entensiCe Doti. SO attligr that you get to the rig ht place, at J. H. BOgLAND,,.., No. 96 Ilarket •t.. 2 , 1 door teem DESIIIA.BIiE ST OF 77 7 % • LARGE A Bouts, Shoes, Balmorals and Gaunt Ot the most opprored styles 111140111k1:14; ADAiTED TO THE WANTS OF, 41.1: mcouvrociO4.;_: jAii.FEDENAL ST., ALLEGHENY CITY: P. 5.,-Preah gad. arriving every day noI9 LADIES"" MISSES' 4; CIIILDIIEWS Meiret, Ito,ys' and Tentlen. BOOTS AND SHOES,' AT McCLELLAND'B AUCTION BOUM 66 FIFTH STREHF nol9 J AMES ROBB; Fo. Se Market,Street SELLS THE BEST, THE NEATEST FITTING, And TILE NOSE DERABLA X2I(=MCI O TiI3 JithM=PlecErszozim. Of any bonze In the city He has jnei received a ins•6a4floint FeaStaiel4, ``STA II, 7 WORE! .TUS,/ , RECEIVED BY • GEORGEI ALBREE, Bos it A*, No. Oa WIND. at6Egr. . azuy'rolth4 Beet, l Etalzrub; " Bootee_n 011 1 .14 101 .000 1 1nd Kld Sh o4l . • THesifiroods:alo 1113110 to 'our spooLst Order, suit ere warrisetedurnuened rust•FF , ' , FodEr r : ?',- . . -.4661E4Arr1ik17, .• '- POIEUri) x. oAzzroc. - .. . MCROTER4 • • - • ; 1• - z , • • , .1 • • tkimartoßs-or cLAnde, AND PATENTS, ATM '. BNET'S-AZDAW.r ! No.:aeouvyr - fresszor, riet449o.•, Lkeoaed Gtormt to My!iF!, PENSIONS, BADE PAT,;: 'And all *Mei Military or Naval clAiss • 07.4ri HUNDRED DOLLAIErs due eaddleesttia , ' , : charged on attoaint of wounds reaeired tartan at Id aworr STUEET,.erpoinite' OA' Cathedral. , • . ectitky PENSIONS, BOUNTIES. = _ , thr. J. & HAIL PATTERSON, Array and NIVVY 401;1..05, Fa 144 FOURTH ST.;. PkYSIONS onxneed; BOUIT_PIiti.X.I3II.OE PAY - and PRIZE DIONEY, and CONNUTAT/ON Of , RATIONS of rleased_ neje:mere collected. PAY OF PINSON >=s" OF WAR.Wan denwit • by , their wires or widowed women. maw 000 Boaidy to all•Woinied giftin g ; To now being pald to all with a; ntlioltalli.“ - . chairp Pale until the money" to collected. T. WALTER DWG Ltecneed b y t he 11. S. GOT eenweid. No. Ite L IIFTIE ETRE=. eettOul door blloW tIWO •3/ . 4oKprr T, do JOHNSON', •.. : ATtOfINEYB4I I / 4 T-LAW, :vs.LicrEtisEDSainnittss CLAIN arkEtfrrs • - Botudles for Wannati Soldiers collected is ham' ea totwentsda . airOdlea o. f3RANT wrairr, Pittsbunelni Call:with discharge and two witnesses,. demo . IYriti TARY CLAMS of ever, descriptloa, .hy , tit I. subscAber, at the rolkralng este; ett: ra!mosik 0. O lla all other . TAYLOR, AttAnt_ol!ll..t•L - • No. 73 Grant anal, mom N.8.-No champ ate nude lithe del* 4/01$ lONS. mowed, and fotormalloa itstragrette., . SOLDIEThr qi4. 13 41 3 , nalsiolts bpi. - -Ne.lib roufl 8 fii.,i**4 . o, : ipk. • .9lTT'itaillgra. 7:1 JAMEB - LAFEU:UT, ATTORNEY•AT;t:AVV, ~AllZegai Thulium piimptly *toad air:thnoe, No. Ua r0011:11( . 61 - casr..l3tiar. nt.tabueg. ;.. ,241234m1ie5t N O 4l l w-taugaTtli, ATTOttNEY-AT.LAW. N 0.106 Finn Slikira. 'Wabash, Pa.' (34thrir for 14NOIONS, BOTWTYr Mina MONEY, 15c., alga,rouily prosecuted: • • z.CHEA.P WATOKRIV $5O ; Owli'AND 2 EWELICT'AVVVIIOLIII6 8/Sat...Salm, tloaaltyliterclumta,Pmaklleataadt..: . general traders an mur& at .111121M11143 hargalAllar Watch& aad Jewelry of every dcsalptlaa, la ' pattera or quality, oanataatlyonbardaa4 milet - order.; ;Estimate/of any allure or wark, rurradel. Good,ordwasalny clerks wanted. "Priers aid NS •delarliptioaollree. , Addriu T. Sr. It GAUClllalti - lie BROADWAY, Now. York. ; pitrirwEE'DIBEASES. ...-; otag4,ll4riknis For the mire of pilrate eatgtp !t from two to toOr days, by an entirely new aid**. treatment : - Alta, Nominal Weakneei, and all *W!' &sautes of the genital organr4 awl their preMtUillata A:111111tt warranted or 'money refunded... ' Address leiieni W:.15:1 - Penn street, -notedea,-.! 9ENGE*Blity.,- 'ar«itaadimi(gegie.4.- 4 no. 14 SLY Errazsr, ben Paws ^ • inuariNces or irwouniswir Bunauga• BRIDGE , S, eseenstlA „ t t a r ghta i rt&Vaii va.9o fmliatrestotssest onwiar. • , lIITIBM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers