'. 1. f,7..4. i!.i:71".... , ' ,.- ' l. ,i, .:. k,'.' . : , : ~1,4.;;',..1,t. ~. _.. VitiOntgli acttc. DECKBER 5 . 1554. NONDAY:::: •' i srArr . Sleek % ance Eiiltange-isroker; BUY,AND•SFAL ON COMMISSION ONLY, •39,..k. 'uminesce; Copper, Gas, Railroad y , 3 .. 2 1 1 11 11 ,4. 91 1te1ic5. ;II „ iiirOntrument tseenrities of at) kinds on hand. „. 111MICIAL !AND COMM i '.-15.ama.. 04 _4_. - -ti!u.i ~-,( 0 - 0 -.1:11 1117 80111211.014, 3ettl.it2 a co.) _ , DATUM:Oa, Dec. 9, tau. ~ ~, ,•118 - ...1 ,--- 'n - • Oirkt, VIV 4. , 4 " 1111 b r a aartic *.' aii ' telji STK City tt.5...k.... - . .se , :--, . -L- t `.lll La Ina - 40 , "Peentat I.:1:.1.,.: .: . ..:-- - asty •-4( • ,-- . - mkt Bentr-::: . ..'......... L'..- •`, . 10, —_ ie auk... .. .. 6151111, -; p- WI l at. - VAC:- . ~4-• - ,f••:.1 -1-• : 1 f Atitsbeny k Pitts le 1 ttiottnetitat...ve,:.tt..at..t.. 63 • - 63 • --.!'.r ' Votes &Nakano •:!4:l"=°cr)- ' . ------ ' :lii -- - . • . (iieriwala. • . „ . a . —...—. ' Duck Ckeele .25 • ; 25 I 'ollotvek kat 1tt..0.".. -- ..ii.:; gau ' 2 1 .F42lferts Ean & Ditthole.... I -- 1,--:13"ffix,A,t,,,4161.Vpi."",;=: 113 =..- .';'Oberry 401. 2' - , L.- Fettered .-. t!„,; tL. •. - i f i Z Virt= Dash.. 4 /grim Miele aloswdwitii • a leis buoyant - , holing In speculative stalks.- The • fiet le the market 14 losso3, full ,DErr34)4:114. :Wethought . month 1 ago tkere Wien° room left fuemnore, but wr were . talstalies. TiVeltaSrnt fully gauged the eispaeltf - of see stadia, tor.einc, the 4 a dow n or more of 011 ; end Mail OteePattieilinee behigittekly swallowed, i • - sod a quarter Mw toupg, rit toi• thrown to - byway 1 ...eddessest. r. 2.11 full Inside: , enqulrmi the host ,t ' II stage door. °I tbin't kiiirte how it is nlth the , . red,” replied Charle Lamb, "hut thst last pie did -, - tho thinfßei, tike.'. 4s ' 'Perhaps the anger tok - en •of 1.1.•lon Lubrie are in the lily I.lloo's happy i..",.- ons.dition, or "too fo2For utt4resom.- ~_ •••")• Velershos nr_nelinee n further riie in the :Tee' ' 11. 3.nrket. Ncody v cry abundant. The loan jug Isteurtea Cltitreidtheillirineof n ')'wren' y ')'wren' .. , • tits tad hut ',slightly drpresslngmleet en the , mar -4• - ket, libl Ronda sue quoted et it 1, a rise of two p 1 i • tent is-atakiViiiiio pa: s tela tialidn ,, : , cfreiiidall , 'I a Pittsburgh, 129?„-;; Fort:W:4.lTc 5. Chlevga,lo 2 %. , Onid, (lattermost) 229. -• t , •, ' 'it . • -', There ' Wag a good attisdi mee at rho ' , Peoples' •'; Ste& F•ZYnnye on Saturday 'evening, rind nut ..'wit/mixt:Meg there...vete it goad mshy tilindrent • , Peek, offer*, the titturasettoks *am light antra • ; strleted altogether to a few comp/mks.' ,The. Alf -Dream between the %lows • and ['collage of hui•ers 623 sellers law preiadrs;.tle formic: °oatenaid -; . , for coneeso relit" 11w latter appear una-11, , ling, Re 4 ' 0 . 00011 thing, to ruisnait. To illustrate n ta• retrlanlicatol6l9aV o r. k w..V , ...g irNttlAM `1 Of the 0111 , 6410 041 and bid.s.: Dalzell offered at i , • 10,1119 5,25 bid; 464117. Attu e.:4-11 trait 1,75.i 9 bid; .- DuckPrees, 55, 95 bldy • Phll.llpS, 6,00,,2,26 bid; rims ' leg is 8it...644ri0;i,g0 bid; Illood Varna k blilciPe. ~ •• -• tteletust,S,o 3 , 1,92 bid; Stella, ie t 1 00 bid; O hio. Val -- Dr 29:5, 1 , N bid; Merchants, 95; id bid; Iforseheek, , 99,90 bld; Columbia, elicfsiklidectilDreek It !Cherry Dun, 3055, 4,30 .. bh1; Ott Basin end • Alleghiny & titt.butiCh vDeli heal rdreWsltio;loo 44 *The , le et report of ilia sales: , 04$ SlareaCherriViii is' Wood toe ten . . Pederie1i.11?.."...4.1:::.'4'....i --DO 4 • ' COS • o , , r r.5. , .......tii. ... ''._....1•W ; - 3400 " 11114.14. i:--."..:...,;,..:V. ... . i;.'. - - - 196 1 .'', ' . 003 „ ,st•• *-" 7* .. 11 4 i -. 1 : x 0 . I:. . •, .. ••' • • -"r•• • •-' i ,,, lOa •- -, sted t-e fr% 4,0 I "irlkT-uUn4alT-VO.- ft " TtriP4.ll , S Smta - , BalUttloge 1114114:14le. 3,i - . 1-- -- ,, :.I , Mugsr—With a fair Inquiry - tor grocery grades °blear. Priem have knt= e"itt"'tek.iVlrf wren salmi at 45001:0 Ithdi common to PrilAe Porto Eico SA !MI& r e 15510 b liox Mar,qp,Allilloilltl,4kK 2,T= 'private Sada.' Teti* 4 t but prima remain without any material alteration, vim Cuba sad 1.7•14.444 ito *kid 'ttliclirt4sUli, 4 tans; do do erocery, tense, net; dodo prime s, Not net; Porto.R.IM4MSA2O* ,41.411,""er1-Veh sets 49t . 'd initial, to choice, .11.1.2tri Bruit, current quality, 1634 neat - st I months; Itaytna, No 4?.; Mr. Jetports this Week, 155 tilatel (rim - I.)eirertun; mi..; los mai ; 11440.rtleto Rico. '.. lialnerf *kW ...i•ingtetuilididenritt44at terra , mrates,.alz t Tictf and Cahn liar powdered' at 90,4 • . , -- " - ''orettrittintied, powdered a nil granulated 54144pr0tt J , . 1.: • - clutard A. white. gvi cirri+. A. trfl "4.11[4; 11 frll4 ' 'Oe. V I V. stra .-1 en '" : P Yeli°wWrtqtift/t' cw,. 1 - 4r 1 1 , -, .!.16ter—Tiem.li t i.tringi l lin aVigi ,-.',.';.....,..:_e505ee quality but lower grades are slow of mak ' -i"••.% <is.4-4.10515.5 for toll Icelt comprise lag Orkin; fell ' 'ottaatt summer peek 'western, at Or , Pal do Pill 1.- ' t alt.rk.st ; Ga4Scssmatner patted merge tram lid . • urlNlcoarklieeLial plcrorratio.nrlrmettoootar. I nary tortme, 60 - to 53r, and slth:ta 411041 te 441N1 ‘ who qualltEbut dull. - Olt' eloontl4,lth %mai mipply end .fair :demand for • inittlagespices sic steady. we report salts or sidtatarn at 403.41 ,e mostly at. Inslde price; eastern dogleg:Zeman teeth& nalry,l lig °dicta wile* dt alai boa Ohio at TO cents, and quote Connect lent at itie q' We e ! l ea rult — rular I.4:ht one 4 5 4.1 id Pal)* f'grir, et as rale . o apples at .lIM, - and goat:. the • _ range !Salto, se to quality—the ontlide tor New Torii 5. tate. reaches sea Aery, Ceatf.V., and rule o• high; IV "6"4"teift at WrimliC,OCC ibi , . terA alee—Arr. In United ripply, mut rot.. '` h.ga for good fruit. We ..part otale:s of :it•q• Nortt Strte.atA,MeteN gad, get tent S,Zettli nie td . , , : 13irt.1.11LlidChtAgti.'4iNciie.:"Fort; _Dee; 214 ; , . ' '.' ht , . 1440i40101( iii: : lfuttir ",'4'siti. blicc i A , ' . . .:,.. •,riv.l44/.4,-11.1f011ix'44.514.Wir5,,..t? •• .hter 96,a9nue 1/911ii9,. 1 •9,i44 , .., 1 494 - 4 ,11- 1 , 99, - '• qt.!. 41199.÷,..4-;!,,-rert•lrtek.--,lOng, c 9-It - rrr - larger•thau • datisE ; VA9t-lherogtite zOi.. .11 Ofittrryt purrhAtws twole oftioe DArytn.l9 for lietr 10rk,A99,19911: , it 4, li4,e , 9111. tot Illiyh 1 fhloo 4 ; -ltig tor 9.91199 1 - I•.'' - riii , reresit Au i - 9911 - Ont "E'..7,034 . , Weir Um L 9.% - c1; UAr . 1.919,11ke , ult. OW .. . ..' b;1 1 ;! , , , .19e, to MI lhot 5ert991,119.3 deatalsttett"llllll9 - : • . - of 1,9110 r. - 9 - 1.1rh:19r99 1 • - ,99,1101h 9111,7;o - t - ttut' A. 7.... 19utfr, 9191 tle tytt.99llotetl9 9 ,3hat , 19 c1r, will ro . - ". - • trttre KU gr,c,ritl Oa r1!„• . :11110:415.rill storliow . • - vonsutr4, Ada, t•gastwtore tr‘9ll toottndem 00116; .- artii9..9t i 191&99.' JtAviecti from I.,9ltrurnlll/11, - , . - still fat oilitil9;•forA i:919 9.Y.P1 , 11W-0/9 191 . 114 Ur0 1 ' 4411 ,1 WeeZn butters .re sltllftev9ry intiNtl-truptilVtiitlF •1991elpt, and good grpdet ism irlej , foy•t•teVar, 0 • -.,,_ gcod Par dr tcastl yriesitaitfft-th - b -, 99991ceid! , ,e the rrle99 x t butter for thewe9tent 91119 - • . i:he hetlr •• =oft tar9kll9,loetter 195 , ,31p9*.,- 1- ,ieli; - it re * . t it ycit L , 1.19/9., althou9h 9 1 9111!,K. , 7.... to some extent 1191 - 9 9 . 99 Wt., 1111.1."-L.e.ret-elt79197.11.0 deeldol- Arai . • 19199. . 1 39.! - :- quotations are 9.lthouLehdrigor '4,-., • .• OtSlXor.naSusigett-4reat -- patte; pa'rW:SS- WW. , :,- .. '•7. 1 1 1 4 :: j.: i rtid , ' 4 . - pou r " ry;i"' .5 3,.,„ . .7g 2 :::'. .• .-rtf tos4.WaßigirienAigiAirlial'. Sti.'' Fire Stote.-bittAl?kLtrtitbitat Iti_ :. L , 41 , 4,1,1 , ..!: •.. f ate o.todearttniryLn toe, r_z.6(l, ; ( T :i.., - rite StOW•PeteterWohth ttibt.-V ib,,..1.. ,, li:1,1•. - - reit to good . Fo!!.. t ltY.l l Xcr i kr bs, l l . ir, , ll4" - ..' • Wledspii(WigkitiWi,;,4lll.il9 96 L 1 to Pun: Atitrtri.-:•tirkini;l4 .ll . 4s - 11 ts' .: Fla - iottire Iteierixitins,.lit 11 , :;.".45 . €l9 •-••-: --' - --, The n'"k744 lgrelVirlYt:ot i rPt iCl 'W itt the i tt ' dira ‘ ita l P Uesl a. ! • •1 .- 41911919 1 - ,1191.19tapitiltin;tua of ofoelt .Otrlnitts, is comPtlattC l4 l,ts 3 .lt , ..arl . - . ' itnettotorics are bat Id inlets otit•nAle,„o on n.., 7 - lotgostW. - -- ;444f.ttf_l4: : , - :au .; vi aii..l- -4 -• . -.-- • Attie Dairies-factory 02Aff! . . - fille 4 / 1 !, . !4- .., StstoDsiti&Atstsaysootit‘entr.totood.2o:: ttr ' sudo topict-extto qtutltt ' - 19- 1 , 4 W. Zgi e Vr -Ostetto • :?,,..: / 1 1 " :: 11 - It• r • • , Ino*Apkte ,•- , .l)nogt• vaulty-4st ektmsuea ' _ , 10, - _ . . - pe. ll eg TrYllh• - . . , ... '. - tohisrettit xAnttcr, De,,,. I. , . The,nedovielsovlng all restrictions - ai ...i.,4,,r .5.i.....,-..,„, bas had the In fl uence to tklaptl i te v , h. • , - Iyeshitiee Pete/4,- and . l e2) - ,a b lii FIT; - 0 , 1 , 0 , ere ~...pad mip_for hogs.. , rama, m i t tli et h m been ':. llhinthei keWeiVv qj ° t• , t taattnytlieheh ' - wibminibie „tor • tfilirer, adman, RuncAD: - " uibbulunicd-a* ("Xi.; have with the' •-- '. itillteVatersoatatt. They have 2,00 n left over in Pea . , iLt4o , lllllCand filigr•Ying /i< O M ,11.213„„.vY ho ts.- -.- ....,, ortogied en drtivety ot their pees. ..... •••.1 , '• ~'' ~.._.!..: ak. vt.tate ii• Co., and 'II Oittano, Duncan I. Co., L . h a ve , vu-' Mood-sit Pelee tree . tr i gre u y= '..',Vo ll araret i . tee a ftr: l l o l" p ill.dr. by the , Intl= .' ,".... ....LM 417 gtiptpepi tigtuti have' purchased a ... , :le7 - I‹,t4rlo , 44flelie.sand a tot otheollty y tagt , • ~...., 10, 4L. ere, a 11c Om; equal to Stir, _ : 4". ' 41, eat et a rale ter tature.dellvery, et v...,.., lesre illtdC,lphrthe 010cit.,....nt te'4'"; ...- . .11OCAte.. ih 4 e ;h 4 lehh-r ,Dos. !.', Thl ,tateite ediftlatA tad warm tor hos t kellar,,. . ... - sad I.sak''iSSlXOSten7riltri:;lnlleoTrht4, a - te "' er.th'S L s I) -ti yards at .tinrEdtele.'huhr4 •• - " mold /It the ' " v ..- • dno ao. overo.in. rom4ol`:l:;',,,!VgiVait'otalV,,.....o.a ea., t • , -- day 0. the Ll:oaderay yrads, l ,t o4 h ,,, , 1 1 1 1 3 . . 1 _11r1LF., ~.. a ".' .. - ''. ,'• . . ' ' , .°..l2ltitic . .+ParVi."4 l 9 o ; t f. ‘ X .) . ee . ,7- A ~... g , ; ' . -' ..- iilo,ll o ,44t,t k i,, , ,droisit tdo treek.,,Xl . . , 4f. , -.--:` '.'Thr- A,,t y 4,,,tmik filltAte r Wri h r ii t, each '‘.oo? In ''' 'I ' ' et " 4P " l?'t g Wbvi Zs. , tilVlesits.-.llustizi.,l -the.. g . . . ''..... , , he hmair.-.4.B,4olBabeol,killed, tt„all „ t hltr:f 8 , 0, 41 °°. E W. PI" 'B ' W"''. $ About 1- :Ertina:O,There =re_ tdi reel d ie Z t b n „weak of. °° :6 o .Wllh U4 ? .— iiiiiisui,. gross .11141 n et t of Ctdehgh,, .4' tzt T:4,.-..'.'-.3'bouis..s.TlMeeandqu°Pkgetunati thir d ---ihr: a ny iir . , ee ' he :.-":,..! - -,--'' . ammo bela bad to trigv4tigyi .4 ta t ..,0 ~.„..., t.r..';'.l'.* ' '*:" .r. . ni 141011 '.o; lll, UV'it ' l t. tojdo - boaralttle: liana . • kW, ':-. ' rita ed mut t"' natal* dispapalls.l,2l4elecigremrOcile, .'-. '..-. ." - ffia ID for this time•ta the t. Intel. -' '._ ' ' .:bids Mr tote car , 1,3 '9 % - 2. - ' -• ' `-- , --:". '' . . -- :-. , ol2g.a 2 nrAr * aag4T ' • bwi c ,ri - mi. - Widt! , ehttilhleg q ui t e u r n trand prim; aro 1 .. '..V4‘1 : ).-. ' - ' ''-'l4lorf ir4t i t 1 - gentIACT tO t litgajtvg . :.. ' . ' I t a = emtlroly removed, the recei ti fr om 411--ollits ' _t . c . . " ...1. 6 icragng. tart y al .: Ii: ;:' -- ~... n.x.,l.Zulilicato,we hare elready.sfelrig )M lb ' .',:,_ r .d_it i 3% 131...11 tOtligh l W.4 i 47:!, 7i', -, '.. , , , 431. VAS I. T.' I lAI pi: ..:91,...147,v54i,retca1. !CtivAtTi;: ' ' 4, (coat ThPik , {i , lii Of Inoue and Mal. continue es. nfedingiY 3 1 344 and for the litter there lea good 1 Ityinand: at extreme pri , ea.: There his cot been sly anitil from I.clow fur tiottaals uf forty eight future, and bn• rail the recciats of prohnee partial) . toe light, and the supply of some of the ,iiailing'sirtictem falls far short oF - I p e demean. so k 4 ' ^41'..11P "es - -.• a tum A(' no.. rmaittkible rt.snle to mute, with the exception of sarggfeja articles arhicirrrnaellyag at An advance, ritur,e toantrelty-Altan any improsetnent the &Mouttyillil 'Armand' and the stook , is ear • light; silo 01 . :2'Citts No 3 and arnali gain front Illittlandta at for: and $2,10 White.; Barlivalcalastly" with , small Wei from wagon it 'Lager Spring. and 41,80 for Pall. Oats ,artia* demand - and scarce; gale of 1 car, to *e -1 ntb3,• and mall sales from store l New . Fear Cor n la seltlryt frog; litOto at 41;45. :FLOUR -- /VaiegY with a lOotirdernand.aml 1: 14 020 tittafkeMay be wow AM. prices hare. •. use.pas . kst4th - zto :,for,4l 4 l , rlsg au 6 ;• Whet' E 'remit 1 ° 7 4 14 iligilt:t s for W tester Wheat 40, 1, 8* „ Viitrali,on,wit 33 4 . 4 ; —Thielemsra is . tate and the market • oteady *di rd . sales of }lanai from eat 45, fnitietta'' Dice. - That trey little inquiry for nett receltils sod niery I 'stock, the tftsrketanar ticquote4 at to 't,0 . c..7.4tit h". Sabra tioth'3ltatta. 1.11L.4-150. t Winter Strained Lard Oil hat ad. 1-Uric:tilt° 43 ',replant. Sales of Duch Lubricating Ni!aline. I FERD-Zrlim but unchanged; isles ist lots VS Catiat.ral, 3 , for Secorulan Ira fon bnia. grade , dr; nrallit,Sil for.Shinotlanit , - 3 - o 1111.31414EltRI=S-.`[ales were made to-day at 4_1,0u `per iht—ienerpillytagigras.• POTATO!.!'—Thekv Is a continued fair loctil xiernamt fot ..Yeach' 131nan't and we • note.regular Salbs from store AO to 5430 per barliel—moatly; .31 _ •"'AISPLF.F—SaIiot 'h./barrels choke (tool store, 4 1 ;.•+'7^'1 lablyned small -sales :at from 413,03 to DINED IRVlT—bleets talth little InqUiry, and . to thi ahaeLor omits, ore sae the telling rates at SC UM for Apple's andl-15325 for Peaches. . on wharf. of 43 bales imbue Timothy' `at baZ tont - also, salmi at scale. At former quo. tattoo:: PEARI..-siale of tons at la, CILLINE—ta mends , with zeglaaa macs 2.ki rents tar Weatorn 'Rea: rte ointl for (70441.3. PITr. lILLU( 111 F:IIUU.F.UM I MARKET SATI Dm. 3. PPM The .I..mAnd for ("rude eout Iron, very I iebt, and the ma 11..., Is .tali and depee_ised IllouKtvprlcea are - numlnally unchanged. Ilinrnt• gravities. testy from 40 V* 2 ) are stlll.held tat I.i and to cent.; but Itch! can be ! had at.trom .3:0;1:434. and - even at. there , .11..;Ath141:lere 'are but few buyers. Toe re-..:pi. hov e ta!lro off %onto st - tutt during the p tot few days, `Vitt thet .reek on hand Is comparatively I tra . .•, and cA.r.sithlrably In e*pe-i4 ofAlteltresrot, drawl]. • I:tur ot.ly tuile ur hot eto rei.ort to-day 1::103 1....1n at ' i'dll - g.!: Th.ete appertia to be more Inquiry for R., llued,ft - e,fittpot Or ot . Utt-r3.3rz . ulrau .t rut ttoli re* ttirted r; sil;:dridta. rer.glnitrom Oft; Cr; on? liir:.... istrest barrels. Tea.‘y Are ndie a.Alei oflon and 103 Ablest Ist tin, co amt t.loql_ 61 7 ThrJno34 rooii,i -.l;reiiseilt we nave te,.note,' however. In n Irate of be nervt—ttAl labia fur lee: c at dellvery,nt no rag; nod ,thie 4s Cite flrst transsetlon‘ reported for several Avr‘e - 5.. , There Is nothing doing in Naptha car Rea ildunrci and, to the ahsenett of pOlO, am contintec to emote the former at 1.0 et, in bond and 43 eta free . , and the latter at p 7.00 }ter tal. , . Tiurrorripts of Crude by. the Alleatterty ricer slave 0111 . E.t. resifiii embrace only ISO barrels, as follows: :a) for Unierlfilitrili iitar. foilit. r . .. Logan. . NE,V YOBIL PEISOLEI3I4 3IARKET. N.eet Dbratch to the Pittsburgh Clasette. , lie'Market for Crude was seri dull to .I.ly, and i;rice44ssaybe quoted two cents per gallon lower; cloalnd of Won the spot. For Refined, both to bond glad free the market is dull and heary, but holderslose ;K- effect gale., seem unwilling to „spite 4051et.1141X61; AIM nelpteet quotations PR 4 , 9 Slot., sie SIM pr,ibe former, nod itlii.7,biN for t ha lat. tee. flothlnedoleglia Pleptho. ~..,OILY., iikiliOlo, illill• -NONE% „•• ,4: - .3 ..... ~, lIILVIRIF.E.T. tivi:l44l 4 4pat.cli to the rlttablusk Queue. _ &e t at -." ...-1 - •. , ••- ' • ' Visw Tong, Dee. k te6L .I , lsr eTfor 'Railway Shares was leas sates to: 'al ~ V. _ , IPrkell. ruled Loren Pittsburgh & Fort. A, 114414 Ckselaod k Pittsborgh,res i k- Gold , i . de lower, olotinf ibla anemic); at =, °Ti en= tifirm, W.' getterailr, higher; V. S. Sixes, 1441 • 114 i One Year Certificates, siX; Seven Thirtifs,,lASaljp,;;Kentles,,yaretql. - r 4 41 11 . 1 c. ninli Elk OF Tlit: PULL , 41yELFR4 writ ii '3Ii.IIKE r. ,:vi t .9. . rictugh - ttv Rol the • Climette, ..,. PRILA PRI.I.IIIA, Drc. 3,1 80 11.: 4.4 be taa , let for fill Stocks has brms unseitimi and wink during the 'reek which has'Just closed, and misses generally pito,: s failism off, AIM -wilts mere slispbattletVotfilbop4Mt ea holdbreits peallse, the sales hal, e been eemriratirely light, and I brie I Lte - •11i:a ern:tor violent fluctustforta in' prices, . u leg tO ttlitdetfig• teitiogs to rit to Striking all. ' MIA noticeable change to note will to Vries:ft Island, srl ich ssddlaiMrlylat from t, in, to G 1, ritins, again to 3, andolosed. et about ;34 : . cork i taut er fell off It leterit3.*:7.o s6 *l l '..tiffer.`"%. 2 : • r• p: :, r,.; • and Ihe Whale list Mosel welknol &neon ler. ite following Is n comparison of the qu 'ln. rules . P:-d44ituk ail zt Lye !),tanttrs " ~ ; T . , r.... , I • . Nor...r. • D.m. Y. Stn ell `,.....- In ; g, , - - A c(4.-ptoerrl:-::::.."...T121c••-•--- -al ',- ' '14..i.,, , ,L 1.1.44,4•(•••1=',.•••z• .1 .. • ' •.' ' ,3 , 1 , , It rPC3tMtV .M. M ' X -- e- ..:' i. t 4 . ii4k:..; I. I S ' h Z tl,74z- FATat...., •6 F.M0rd0..... , :,-..... Iktr vs I`l / a 1 u 7 l •• , ••••1 ~.•. i v ', ' ..,...;....•.•,..... g tii-tri - , liun ,/. VII /"Pig , Ai No lei isherie-, rnDelaater..." .... U. i :; ,Mc Mong . ...(,. . • , _ .0 , Pc .. .. rir savor , 4.. - . t p,,._ L',f sheaf 'Svc, - ; . J i: O 0010 .4.«...... . i, tVi-i&Drx?.....; . .. ..... . / ..,..._„_,...1.4., I , i cIigeigi(IIMAIIILMT.• Spools Illstratelrfo the PitteStomh fhrtetto. thrro (no, Dec. 3. V3.3t. -Pi or .I)irtistrsi heavro Vilere - eeeler. wLet'.'e ' , ll6itiiis eirttrely .. turreted: Lowoto oconuot c'Frite 'pang•Euftas ar,i'Suptifor in !tinder( de , r' nyjs avlth aa1ei,5 0 ...,- -1 On alu—tt-h e..Vlttlllachnier.%ffpring out., i Inver On CI9IKAIr4 t 11l ,Get: 6 ,lol4NetTokrii - 3 IA ia, inocit:t4;, Likle.?..!,%.t.itica Ito : 44ict Eri,ti.ioro—ln modemte4onMod.-Saesrlers , ,ra."Mfillifeeletdiet sha4f. Oa ta...Operredii , 42 for 'fk - piff?., a runaltantrd to .oe. Ito—More tiCtii'ent 'gr icier No I. Dailey —Quiet; sales NO. ilu xtore. , 1 ,1i(41,# 11 6• 3 , 02 . -, , •., , ...- r l :' ': gglnr)nes.-11rm raul l'ic'ajjaVel,7lSe., - ;:ity, „ l. t ;;ProgisiOurti.MMl?chib , atlibOdO 7 lllilfggrWriiikaf -- .'dkieml.rforeV,'64l, aceiitld'aang:Vialgisildeti: I , InlePtirren 1 / 4 ti seflrM , .. .'-ClrogasArrrigis held" Irlitter Mors ro r k, amooot l / 4 1,owssiew000 Imo rtimerlfLWßl,'4lilii4.-id -2 eritari4d. - 9*' oaavAda Primvaltomk at VA.:. Sweet.. Piektedifscus are fleMy and In light demand nt lIIWV. 'Some 'Tarry ',brands higher. -DrySnit:o ' l nman idair.:d and 14nical..I We cilioliZrkiiirt 'Pickled: 4 a loin, '' 104 4,4 , 7 - Malted AA lef.ifW POOked.i Mont of , . our bee pagliers No.ddaisidft leant: rAid.o, derriarni.at 19,4em..ftir Nig; 2040111 e for good tearitaidartlithmikettlMV,Miglisk - Wirth imeren , MMilitie Oleg. • 10411 0 1r.1 ,. .. ~ IP, 0 11 . 7 ,.. v/rffnrttlex' . . rcpt circular lots Of country .- andoOtalde bitedg, Mom nominal, lintgllffei country.; tit,Oolgrryki_!pyr. 4ilis ill ~oe,kr.,lNo4Tl aiirig;tertkrai,o for `' It , :.pe;s• ,. r Fronseris ilboo-rAtifer...'Salet at 11,5441:10# OC " te i a ed.Pligler iiellul '• ' s ' % ' . I .lry. Moorrfater tide morning; aboui3o,64oliCaa entettet sates, only itooslead it4a,ooftxo3-nioit ,dyot no,OSASto,M. Weather cooler rout more fa tumble foe business, and prices a shade firmer, but demmid limited.- Mang packers ooticillingowlegl to high ourreut sales. Shippers doing little. t t , Etas Carricr—pn aalc, about mom head, norirly jilt common.' and thin stook. Sales 1,04 head at frig4lOu, chlelly pi 1g.15#1,3. ?Wake!. quiet and slow. I No good grades forced, butrin moderato -re ! il, demon.. - Mier .. • ' • ; 144.Tv.V.ark :Martel: , icon*, Dec.-2,—cotltect dull and drooping, Ylo or dull and Mc ; tOo lower: 81 , Y,flefor Extra, ; 416ferfor :H. and 'lltle.,=f32,ud for Trade -..fleas the mead: etoaltm 2teltey. ' ' 416 h sky 6c1.1r0 nut darter, at 01,:r1111,uittir State - and Ardent. 11.:Viteut dull and about lc . • Bid t-leady ; Iyertermiel,ls in store.' • Cote dud and - nominal; and tele loner; 131.lxed ;Weptern...eiptoltuyerct r 1_ • .: gats opened dulland Oared }lnner and more so- - - SAVn at ammo for Nnettem_sectst - Mid W atere, • lueltetted Q 4 6 66 4,11 4 16 :WAL 3 1 61 :6 1 . et. fOr Porta luta; Aud*hitznio tee 3 /. 11 e• 1 Pet roleillogOielde Mutter, at. a t 16MA • Noted 68:Natettlfilecyfroeduteliat :W C.• POrk.W, Tweell IlleasAdidetelt6 7 6 tor, noetrynae old do. Meth 'mod; veladee-wan t6 14 6 0 18 1 d46 for Prilmr,:szd Pkte , rjru.,'NeitxTeF4 Stock W - 4 4 0 1 411/ 4 0 110 1 1 411 01 74 4 90 “ , - Govolfst aettve tad lower--epaube at MI:1, ad. l i t : rt z g tet i gd a t i ll a lligjo 1:00‘ and ad trauday The total Meets or speerelo.dayOr as $1,3003.- Government Stooks satire arid a shade drmert nefollewingeretheestesitt the Moak mat,ll9 Eszhaz today :- ISA* U. 8. ft - of 1961,116-lette AMIN efl6Ett Cots 18,8M1:14,11880ows , -.lo.. dirtero d, 11 , MX04ra oi OttuPotte; 1611* Bre' te, ' 6 1 5, 110rWc it 61 4 1 1....... 4 . 010 =. pmt,‘ lll. 1,6* 1 6s be Oa os.'eTh; • . • . :siln!lig Stlcki4 ' - ..,%!.IXl'f'd - c r 'T I 'liElt.S. Sr. ..- . , It,. ~,,,, W....l.—The 1,./11.1ming Are the prices or . ',• 1 11 :, ,`+ L 9 Il.d In ill. it ( 1 .4i.1 I , ~ , ,I leet ' 1 11.4173 .. ..h.,N 1... !.;:: Ass WOW:S.., t• 0.3 er - relli. Tr . -. 1 t Itidoey, Z ; Uhl:* I, 411 , , - ,.; 1 J../ •„.. reshMih., W 4; iittocoeli, liN; lite .Poi el. 19; ..• CADWAN dr.. CB.AWFOB.D. - French Creel:4UL • - _ . ~...i- . ,'- --, , Buffalo Market. 1 :Thacilinct or, of every ve Net 3of loin:ed . ~ ' RCYVALO, Dee. 3.—floor doll ,ind unialtliwid. Wii..t—AtAber, 11111.1.ignst. kf...At 3 I:hleagn Spring, w i . th.,, , t; ~,tincil,... t..l,te) ; No. el Chle,tgo Spring, Ell.M. • Coro doll. I - leap nominal, it 7-N-. ~ . ,I _ k l r elss. R• il "i:.91.9 1 4 , 9 1. Labe • Ml. rt 6— ilour, 1.15 bhle . Wheat, ll,iti Itsi; Corn, 22,13 h do; oats, ^lO,BOll do; Honey, lA% do. o,,wrgu . Mak ket. . • , k„wr.bo, iletirithl for Roil Wlitter ; *IL/x.311,15 fur White, ..nd for Double EXtrit. • Wheat Amber Miehigsb, 1131 No. t waukte.Cluh,ogtea. ••Cies eland 31arket...slase. FloZtr:--Ctotet. held ni 4.9,5E/n10,50 forX.X , 4I eto,ousil,fk for XX while; the Isttor for fancy .brneds etty mode. • Wheat—Dull 3hdlower. 'Salem lhie ofternoon bn 'Cho bLe 3 cars No 7. red on track nt 111.5*. ,4 1 6111-•Iroll: 'No tratilnetions on which to blie quotation. Odts-4,1111..5ita tawss.... Sates t e,r on track at. " Alta etais ao at tta. • 'B)t—lcomina. Alartel.-Aintet and titnottint. Held at $1,5511,10 lienaattng to quatfty. . , . ; RIVER iTELLictznicn. ore , wet Xinervi, Whet ling, Jolla, 7.anrat lily . Iron VAT, (llneinnati, orliorrn. Louts, !Ile Starlight. lo,urs .111 e, Argory, Cincinnati. Leslie Cemba, do 'De els, r lo revealing allowly at tilt: point, wait e.).11 h.( .0 the cher - awl, hp the IllEr mart, I tst onir.e. The weather enther )erterdify le3nnlenrand :cosset,the I , el• fuel our streets are to bet . t, r 10n.,, • ft, co inns rot ,111 much seri, It ; dlapla) ell at it.e le, ec on sot raday. and ea there were no meet sale, the receipt • were err) light. There •ppear- IttAr."l7lllrlll:bb:.Yrs . q d ' e ' e ' r u e ' tr tra o . f l tt * r i'r t b r t , '- The aid% during otorda) night and ).ster. I ere es follows a, from Whcefingi I , arit) set owen•. from l'lnelndati and laella t .abe sml from Louisville- rive Bnunt ;pi .11nzu Lunn Znnent h....due I'lo night. nail • PI d. 51.11 r oh. found In unit The t ,11:: lint( to e• tr , p, as, Al., erg It , •ca T!'. Hon en I, too, had a focal trip, 'she 3.1,1 a. f. r 'hatless nor. the Yorktown, for I fit 5.41 .1 the traoss), for rtuernnatr, cleared 1 It .1,) evening. The latter boat hut A 11111 <MAIM log. r FA`111011) of ro, not .tor,, the ortt nu rs, oleo, had a ve ry fele trip. t t Noss, fth Iran t•lty, undersUrnd, eon t..,t,t, c. 4 the full lemon of rho. Ivnt 1 lion. anothte tile. 11,is stillodd ro , ,leriall) to the appear sort. of the Iron Oa), and tr ((ter som le❑nay, will be rntreh mere . on, fort ...It - de...vane et for both 1. Is. ng .rsartd ere. the Evnncvtllc Jusenei of Thur.das last, gl,es Ito haler leg b a r i t eFrhnitres of co t pl la the lt no . The arrived h trout fur Noel, , and from her offs ... I, on that the explodr•.l one of b•r boll rs 0.1 1 a , st,;••al e rood, h.tv,lvlllig4 one drew, r. 11^ Wren, of :"I‘ l'onne Is, We, en,ll, 0011, .101.everel), and ).chaps (dill) • .I.llog another Hots. ma n qued •orto Burgher, v. het e rife re.ttle , = In tr,,rion. Tie ,lure 111. 1,11%011. tn, oes 1., If the toot,eat (gels Ind. trendy... 111hrr. and:, as tar re we could tenon. .vhlle uml•r• r ay, the mods . - er or • fltl:.er AllllOll Ihr kuo I,t • of the duel en,:rnee.., CllO4ll the throttle sr -.of . fig entdcu to peek rj. tnl, thereb) eausla the plosion. The boiler tmll toted at both end.. and th , fireman In front of the boiler, tons Moir•n through a pile of wol, but lived for several hours. Beecher, the other fireman, was to the afterport of the boat, off watch rifting- by the stove, and is tiorit,ly scalded ou Lis arms and body. If, 1. , m , olately jumped overboard, put was rescued, and all the remedies at Land applied to alleviate his tv.fferings. Ile nag comperatit el) comfortable lose .teadoy, end may recover. The were a kr soldiers on the boot, one of s. 1 orn er watt severely seolded, and In u oetliree others • he Juno came down here from the scent of din. 1.... tr on one wheel. , the Golden F-agle, hound down, and the SWallow I peed tit,. en IVediremieN night, were fired Into by errill flarrttt's Landing. on tae Kentucky 1P :01111.'he111nemAlkhle,bena. • ttathain Wade t.. l Unented he naliatetry, fire on the tiolden Eagle. Tla sallow revolved th•re or [.tor shota. The ; err Mae fired from behind, and thistle of an old I . use located on the bunk ol the r., er. There ore rote vereillor at r:Oynt Slung the line of the I:er.t itchy -horn on the Ohio and Mississippi. than At any peered, datriik... the war. On Ile reefht upwrlrd trip of the Darling, [cord . Xamphle. she r ocelot on the Tennessee shun . in the bend of Island Fourteen to the Just V donee was hocking out, four or five mounted guirril rode a lane to the river . Se, oral latter ere Stalatllng on the hurrleane roof et the time. Captain Batchelor tame out of his room si'ith o towel, wiping his hands. The ladles were frightened, and scampered for the robin, when the I' , olefin gave the tow el tome of the ladles, request -inn•lire to wave it, whith ehe did. The guerrillas ' responded I,y wevlag their has and shouting butt- Is toe Irff las le. lhr) did no: tie: on the It trllng, :.r , l, may . be at trlhoted to the prerstnee of the I l. r and their solgention with the telt log towel. It, the meartlme the Darting wad off On her w IT to rlfirkirnatl rejoicing . ecdoret Ilene) h.innb, former!) elect. on the r o no, trmtly alter OfVer has At I. meth found a resting, pia, at Ft. NS Arne, lotions, t.tnor bas-Ixen engaged Manor Sign taut thrre .14.01.... In keeping A railroad reetnursnl. If rhe lonel (nate the tiesefenet elsarearteieft under. • ,is 1... r -Jur% o ernit.,Tra•teloriclng - f etdiven: I't r s., there . ivtll be no danger of those who 1 ravel thttillUn.AU7lJrclAk for vrattof something roedtd e The ienub. and nileble puser.,;er steamer Data. l'apt I • narton, to Runcorn., fl to trove Or Ctn. st, and border l/* fortherit l / 2 . The Lent I.eott, railer her repair' are completed, will load for Muth- 11. e Minerva's 1.110 Whrel;n4 itsrYlt for tool , y. .• numn Grstron, u 111 rt.: urn io !t t . in. on Tersdnv. sr~:.aarao.rTx ,?-k:(II.7IAR WEEKLY POICTri - rsitt • thine I,...enner eNv Inr V:. H. X. itan.tert VV. N. fley.tb. elect. I- n TV: t. 6 %Tr RDA Y. at o'clock hind Perteramtth en eel. MOND XN. at 3 eelnett r en. The CI olden Er. et ~ ke entine4tltatestl Part. oral. 3elth the spleadhl , atetntor Ilasolaan. No. a, sad teat reeclpt Irelf;ht sad paasea :llltougl: to that city:. • acl- RVANSYILL 4:I :inn- • ilLti it/ogler LENI „ 1.1:(113, i•gpt. tithrph.irel. will Ipgse w. gbora-on h.lll!it PAN , a 1 Icrt., tp f o' , loek 0. to• lOr G. Ight or I, iggggq hrply board JOHN' 'MACK. ' J. D. COLLTIVt; WOOD, t Olt , CINCINNATI .1, 1.011- AMA ILLE.—Tne tine new ate.nier •11 , :TAR.1.0. Unpt. liar.tun, watt In.! as above ou f.:lltil.:-Sl3lO ,1111 In.:t., at.i p. m. Inc' (fright of palianxe!rtppli , on boor or to • 3. D. COLLINC111:001),} Age . • :-.11.1 AMIN "FLAME, CO - AL AVtlitht, Coi - pical Stock, 160;000 *OO SylkliES AT $l5 EiCII rst—JOITIP OR&FV. • ,410129 Mit EETOBSI .2 .. - t mit: fillifVF, J. It. MettiliSh. :tit .1, alcliiiii. IL r.vvriniTT. i .. .4. , A. lti - LV NAY. Copt. JAS. GOND N, Copt I J. P.. NM ITIT, :„.... i Call. J. I'. smnii, 5uper1.404 4 h . . 4 . . . . _ , ;:44,144 . 4,44404hy wens the p4p2mrt.y. 44,404,4,n, tem. `,.":lneoPoittWtritlOgothec" Wittig!. isle ' vs. tom"; adjoining, and eontaining in all about 110 Reiff, i The property to situated on the west hank s.i.,flir.; Monongahela riser, about 'one•and.a-halt sailva Wow Monongaheinelty, In the"thltd pool, on which err situated A.lniliern-dirci houlliM . store 100404, shopg,:illig.i tifigelhetisaithWlathlay 'rtiliniTto the it ver, with tipplo, abutment, and ail il!r r r: r arrangem ent s ar rah, tor landin g " ells d n u lid-ea.:L.l Lit„ good =:' Orden, man n _ o c tanes, 1 44veniand rooms turned; tpt iti alt nocca4tay_ f. 40111 41.1ge fi a worklng eighty to -ItintireArtnen, and • Oct U ITenktIOWII to boor the very beet quail- . .y, e ""i. wigoiliglelleved to be one of the most vildablecoal Nupectiggliathe gonoingaisela Vann' T . he wohiphoi.444olr*OpZeNi-WAuctalkse their faellitks for nit:Joey tha constructierrofon addl. item.; faUwal• and hove set alipt 630,000 12 coal (natal purpcl2!- at Inialrig idnfecii4lnted improve limas and providing a %Parking ea' tai for the new organisation. Wilt faeLlities which the Company Will phssess, the Metter' contdentlg believe that the "Mingo" will prove to be one of the most sUbstantbal and , remufgritive stock. In the country. sear 151:P31 BING, • • Gas and Ste= -F:441: tirt In nil Pa brancher, carefully attended tn, by elye.. , Senced,_proCtlent worknien. A Ana nissorEnent of .GAS YINTEIMA, - -' • SINKS ROI TUBS, 14ITOWER BATHS, • • . , WATER OLOSETs, it ~ nA ,• , i i iLyunetcr:.4, f:o 06notmilylinlinbilt 1,0 nk.a.b7 order,:, , ' : .3 , 3. 1" . ' ripge 'FEDERAL STREET, AUeehertii,c„.. 7 1 • • AntUrP -EARMILTrETREETitRkburgS: MX= "Rot MORTMAN, Manufne .tu,re of:WINDOW GLASS. Dittlocuns. - M 4133 wAF6, - 1A!..4 1 1 4 T. 4 4 11 .P 1 7.: l'Atattbente 63 Water 6114ttakteuren/ • 144,0-10er factotlepll4W belltliinfilnoPetiMont 'ant prepatmi torthlt...aay.attleleyair-our floe ?promptly. Styles hid quality equal to say le the A/I°Y it: EWEN"; " rakarl'aite ; -• . *AN AND STEAM FirfiENS. co. us wimp STR#T, pppaiitoyirst, FlLtu7ll POrIdrd i .DYDRARTS, BTLEET LEAD, LEAD PIPE Pit t and BAAL LEAD, and PlumbenVotate dal 1p general. 'Oil Reaserira fitted upto the moat approved manner. Tank. tined with lead or eon. per. 'Douai* fitted with water and Raftat -14. m.—An sedan. pronmtly attended . uras. neat j W. BARKER. &CO Deale - • BRASS' WORK FOR PLC NIIII:RS, STEAII or, U!4.- rirrEns, :%ra.einsisrs, AND roPPERSAIITILS. • BR AS:Ss I•A STI N", i,,of alt ale,lptloms, InAtte to order. 1:- , TE.AAIIIOAT WoR.K. STEAM AND ()AS FITIIAti, and REPAIR/N(4 ,promptly tt tended to. Ph rtl4olor Attention Pall I 4 fitting up REFINE, RIES Poll I 0 (Al, AND CARBON OILS. Also, Sole Ageol 4 for the Western Dlstrlet of Pennsylr:t/a for the sole of MARSH., LAI:S -r/WA ft (I).%. ‘ „PA'PENT SI PEON PIMP, the I beat ever im Med. Ilm lug no valves It Is not liable to get out of onler, doll will throw mars water thou ntty.puip2 .. - Alwit „ , aptti W. 7vii , lLF.Oinan.'..rtah .„ t r.t. ' e. Tr. 311 . A. s IRON CITY Wolnis. X CO. FOrINTILES AND MACIDLNISTS. Corner or and IrIINRA, (Near City hater Work..) llonuftelurers of atatlormry and other ENGINES. nomum MILL CASTINtIS and DIACHINE ..111:, of 411 Until, and general Jobbere. Pnnojut attain loa given to reinlrtng UOLLING 51141, - 514CHINIWY , • ,- )0111:11TS, ISAR:O> a;, C 0 it • !Ito. 30 Third Street, t!ittbiargh TIN AND SIIEET 11MIN ~COftlit4F:s 1.1,4 alazufacuiler , raC •_, t, • - JAPANNED TIN WARE. Me MVP not, inanufiot tiring and lull, OR hand list hint AO:. rai in. of all kind, Toilet Wate in Setts, NY ter Coolers, Grocors Tea and Spivs Ilan, eitere, Cash and Spiv° itc/Nerl. Tumbler Drainers- Se ittooon, Or., ae. :V large lot of Itlrd Cage , for s..le 14,4'. till Cane of ail sizes :ind patter.. Tin /tooling . , Contluelocr, and nil kinds of Jobbing Vnrk UMW 4.) order ap.lo I)ATENTEI) ()("I'()IsEl: 8, islii. • uu:rntctnu'.P.lTe",4 f Oral Lamp Chtentsewr. X\ I - ' 1.1 N T li I. A M '10:11 net • Ire lotendei for the Plitt tl.ttae. ~ o ,r nil ports 01 the trions rqullly, doe. no; e.. pure ti I er E. a DlTHltillit 1.4 Tort TM Wor&s, Ahmttoo str,t. t. 17 Pit t abuzz, t'eurk'n 111.1.31(tN1) sTEEi. wouKs. PIMAIT Wilt, rA. PARK. 111141TRER & 40. 1:1._ , T t 1 .% lary rrmitar e \Kr TI".}:1 (h-trrc.n, of nil .in Wmrvint, nsiF anindovtiard In in Aar Ogles end srsrvitouss, Nos 111.1 snit 151 I , insg rosi tlst snit 1 1 -1 - 5 Sgrurth whirrs, Pittsburgh. A LLEN 3rcoit)ltuK k CO., VA - i.SY ForNnnvi Pittsburgh. Pa. Hai-Warehouse, .=1 LI BEI/TV S'I'ItEET. Manufacturers of POUR, PAR LOU and DK VT- I :**.U bill( P.bl, PARLOR AND KlTlllinr: ()RATES, IiOLLOW WARE, etc., Steel and Glass Moulds. Rolling MID Castings. Mill tleir. lop. Gen, Voter and Artisan Pipe. Sad Irons, Irons, Wagon Boxes, Sugar Kettles, Pullers, Bangers, Car Wheels, Vaunting! , and hed Inge gen- Anto..lobldnA. and litaehlne Ueutitto wade to order. Patented liftable MUD, with Stearn or floret. Power. I 4s M. M'STEEN, BHS63 FO I• DLES, GAS AND STE.VII Farb:l4S. l'sitivolst attention paid to the fitting op sod Im pairing, of OIL RlFlNtiaLlb.M.' All kinds of .tiNN (` I .111 ON COOKS made to onier. 1114.kSS WAS'IINGS, ell kindsrunide nt the storied notice. All sl4c[y lrn ht 3I nrid 34 WATER street A. 'I, will promptl] attended to. 44 - The nbroft.ers of this firm beim". ?radical to, en a of MO.' yeArN esperierem In thelrbusiness, 101000wUl to fire fiatiNfitet ten In eveu respect. We air ntsorigents for fbilid,Oartiatin a Co.'s STEAM PUMP, for pumping Water, (Irude and de9-Iv , 1)E NNE WORKS AND xiwnY. •11. RIGIFIVN CV. ENOINE BUILDER AND .51A.CIIINLST, . Qt.% ATIMET, betsreen w redera I and Sanduery, ALI,V.OIMIT CITY, I . n. ZianurVitlrer of W 141 HT NI 1 , 7 • S PATENT I ETA/ILK OSCILLATING , STE.I3I Zihaflisor, ke• of on Icfn,l4 :atierttl,ll to I lIAS. F(11V S; (lato of the firm of FOlO O .. f.-411.1 N ,1-E,l lIEItRQN (Pao of 714Ifthell, Heron rk. 1.0 Lon ronanoin and nteVir Mnnninentirers it: lath 'Write, Pitinintretr. Pc. tnyt-ly .1010; 111:11110N \ Liberty Ames. orogen.. rittonunch, rulauficturers 01 111111`,.. I.itS II F-4 tr. nation SWITOH- E 4, and every ttmvtion of IMMO -11. WORK. detn solicited fr. en the tre, nod :.roots tirompt , ly no ter tortrantlinoet. fest y _ . , 4.1 tiliY It CE, Water..t4. L • Pittsburgh, ainnufccturer ROLLER. 111V rrs, R HOUtillrf Anti railroad, of terry ileceriptior.. l'altfrulur•itert or .J.2,11.1r3 •PIN ES. and 111%7: htrn of toren, made 10 me, ni *bort outlet, A plod soortrucut euristsritly i n 1111111. 111r7),11: • it W. ITEM P:TT. '.sl:tuutltt•tuttl3 of -1•• witru: KrOSE. sad 1:4:1 . ..1.11 IXILOPED %V Alt C. Mace nod Warehuuse ni AO. 11 F/Frii Street, Pit...buret mhls-11 1; noa.,..t.nva.i: .-%; lit/1 Par Grad's 4! Fotdh's Ctrofh!lig, IN THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. • mi:ncuAn TAILOR, Tra. TO PEDEIRAL RT.. Allegheny agt Ck. 44. 'do.; Merchant Tailors, •211cgUSII: 4.:1 V N. Wt corner Penn & St. Clair Streets, ivlwA ,ao4`r . ftelrlOVlllCl i tt&oiitl nttlyal of Fail and. Winter Goods, Wide . in'eholee of Selection nod best of guality, together with fair prices, being bought when gol d Rases its lowest figure, they are now prepared to .stralso pp anything in their ihielitillhort notice and drat elan style. Returning' thanks to their the public for put favors, and hoping by elo attention to business Wafture a liberal pa. trona in thefutona L'S BLOCK, 10 ST. CI.LAIR' Would call the attentifia of buyers to hie st'oei,of giacals4 Xt hag bean- selevled with great earth wait' contains all, UM NEWEST STYLES OF GOODS to be fotuul la first alms houses. Gents wishing suit of clothes infidel° order, will plesso call and examine our gouda and prime. Also, a full mad maropltto stock of • T 1., JEN • tpimplistoh -Diorchant • Den tr. ilts, lour; Stacust;-4 615 0ee brie -- 1 Auld ,F4 b 4902".A.. 6 1.1 01 4 , : a1 l _ t : Orden" fllledVdr nll mesitilindlioiVitisbeigh Stan , 'djestureettnd Ireftnett d mlOtlitind mssiutse.", teitni rites, , NO:l2ll LUIEET ft t3,l7,PAErriteliln , slte Wood street,lPlttebalgh; Psi - Adanbees made and ptelept attenqoqiirtsedtioldt conslpments and eattelposdesee. , - - Piimsistritdit Iltimenrscriffilt & Speir, Ito Er‘on sendydbans ORDSZS ,CELEBRATED TATI§-&-SEVILLE, PIKE %any STErSTS IMEE=I A I.T.EA4 nEs 511 ,1F T:i =EEO NAM: TO Ionia:II. R. B. NORRIS, W. H. Itc4Thal, 43t-coda. W:7I. 3teIDEE, MRZCITANT TAILOR,' No. to ST. CLUE STREET 501)0Z N Flantatiou Bitters, Tor tale by SIMON JOIINSTON, Corner Smithfield and Tauitti akeelah. ali r the? Strla' year mirrTund OF LIME, C o ! P . 6W‘lult . : W" olf CHOICE .BUCKWHEAT , ',LOUR —{ 1.000 PoSsad- extra qua,ll7.ll.oisionsa Buck; "Meat Ilattr:ott 0 . , In IS IN baggy Mr family use 4: 1.11. t v - 4 • r: ittUrrEll FRAlaitti FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PIHT.ADIII .Plll A. ',twit. les on JAIIIIIITV 'l, 3P 1. 112,-1:1LS 19 INE, ('slain/ • 9 409.05. At , •rued Premiums 971.(m0 Invested Premiums 1.094.... m., l!r•ettled Claims 8,410 Income for 1144 300.040 Lo,ses Pori sinee WM ... , . , 9,7) .. ,.. r : 1 t Pero:ilia anti' Tempornm, I olli 1.. , , 1 b WM. • Charles N. 111n.:14er, TAN.: 1,, Tobins Edward I: Da'n, Samuel C.': Pct George Fa . l..x, Jernielt. ,Ufred Mier, George W. Itictoirds. Fra. IV. Leu is, 'AI. 1.) Cll,llt LES N. AIit:FEU. President. V.DAV A3ID V. DALE, Vice President. c3AS. ALLISTER, Sec, pro. tern. 3. U. COFFIN, Agent, m 1,19 corner Wood and Third streets. VIBE A_NP MARINE Dimance Co. of North America. PMW)ELPIM. Hartford Fire Insurance I ompany. Are.l- ',Neer !on e•I, ,r,1r.11 , 1 the if.nr megled ..4.1 Lel:l4l4r eokupaniet. W. 1...1(0N1i.,..141r.,r, • fr:17,11) Bnpiky'• BtdldiuitK We, nl. COMPANY 1 , 1 I 11' I.ITTS.BI' RAJ 11. 5111.1. ER. Jr, Prrsidria, F. M. GORDON. .grrola..u. 1,:11,, No, ntreo. STA tt Wnry,; wig fog,. a d klad , of Fire 0 , 4 3ff.vi,d larL iloule.loadvtioo oll.rofoo Nirociora .rril tneara maluennily, rr.,;l who art dare.: ,•, hy promrthig. ro, .wittreia 1'5.4 idry hare, offertot, the b., ro.1",o.elo rho. , who r•rxirr br , I{. 'MIR,. .Ir.. 1 An.lrev.. 1..k1e). .1-ee I , Ste2ll: I.*, ; ‘lemtd . i r Speer, Nht Itautel Mot, a+.. ; MAI itt M. I.onl . ! Ale, N:I•Ce G. I Mee, .1. Tn(91111, h, '', , , Hepj. 11 drew ell. l':,,alLlie It B. I ler. olk i Joitin M. :Met lime. i , ra )20 , F. m. (ifOrofv, ,400retor... 111.:0P1.1i: -, ' IN:• , l. L1A..5.4 (.:03PA.N11. iiii in:Geo, N. It% corner of Nirepratitl Fifth St*. FIRE .81411 liaßltir : INSURANCE ••• • •• ,, ` , T • verner 3'"" fin • .I‘,_ ..... 1 v.hlk l% rat,. I I ''. tit. John 1... NA in. li 111 , , ... Samuel 1% Shrived, i JilF i. l-'.. P•ori.e. tlelorp• I'. Jones, .. ill . H r- N. li r.ril. C.,flasseon Lore. • W 1. A on[Kirk,Charlor Arbileicl WM. 11110.11 . 5. Ceeeideat. L il illN WATT. i i• e Preabienr. 031. V. C A iii f`i Eli . da.,te,-9. Jill itv CiTIZKN'ti , I NSURANCE CtINIPAN" OF 1'1175111 11l i11.. , -t Once, corner Market and M torrid recta, %refo naafi. i W 31. 1 d BAIJAVEY, 1.:ve1d...01 FA: WI - El. BEA. Nerritery. / lneurre a t edrataait a end Cargoe , .,.. : [ I tooltr• against 1.1,1 and &male in the novia..- lion of tie Southern and ‘V eaten. [RUN,. lAiceb i! list due. owl the tleviawlion of the Seam. . lII,It , ig,lllbt Itr2o, nmi Onmitte by fire. nitre:clot, 1 Wm: Ild.elleY. S. SI. Kier, Sot. l'ari:, .11., [ John Shipton. 'W. lb. Johrot on, Set M. Cooper, [ D. V.Jonea. S. Ilarbaugh, lieese trivei... Hon. T. Al. Howe, Duda) Poreton, (Icor, llnc Itido, .T.. Campbell, Jr., .. John S. Dilworth, [. Win. A. [ 4ll4Gilra, ilfilOilyil .4 LLEIMENY 1N8lfRAI:I - AM CE (APA.- I • NS" DV PITI'SBUItt ill.--Oltice, No. TT Fifth et reel, 'Bonk Illoeii. Inaures egaluit all kinds of Fire IA Marina Risks. 1:4131" JO Fsl, Prmfgfrat .111115 D. 31*(11/1111, Eire I': tsfifent, P. - 31. 11110 K, Sorry/cl. 1,11:11:oyCroll.: t' ... Ita.rvrr tltitdr. I npt. it. C. time..l.4 rv. In. Jr.. Vatusrtitork it.l.llL S. . iDiE STItUTIoN, a RIIEIEI.II fop omit el I be Colount 11..11.0 'natl.:red by the to-410.0.0r0. orrif; 'ins. prr.idrnt—ClEQ. It. JONVN vn.r. I.V.KaIDE.N Tr. %Vir. . H. S.mlth. loghun Wooded, Ttn.. L. deader, , Alt.*. Ilzodley, ..Vraorli t. , ellera, ' ' A. Ilelnemsn. It. , lin F. JratalUg , ' . 1 ..1'h King , 'I hoc S. 'flair.- S. U. Dorfman, 11..ni, .Lloyd, Y. Mann. Tnt:oTers. 1 Jal.9 . ark, Jr., S. S. F.I.VIMT, . lA. M. tang, . ' 3. )t. Tiernan; Ln..l,it. Caroller., D. V. Jon,t, A. S. 114.11, D. It. Welt!. J 1 ,4. Dila may . R. D. Coehron, \C.,. !oulth. W. A. 11,ed, • .1. W. Wnoilwell, • W. H. l'elklrs. IL. C. Srtnnet tr. D. 11. Alvli.lnley, 3.11. D Csn.sro.xn, .. t . . H. 1 . .4111140:1 V. M.14111)311, .TaeoStituckrAb, , U. I.4lenalwo, Alfred Slack. • : C. 'Ard....- . I Stri (1.). y add rerafuntr—D. E. 3.CKINLEY. dvity. from it m. to R Ir. tn• Also, 41. 1 te . th.) eVvning, from 6to tielork.. 16116.116 moot oil oitll. dime and upwerds.! Dividends deel:tretl in December .tud June ofeleli vter. Dlvidetola allowed to remein ere placed hut the 4,011. of the depositor es principal, 310 bear int or . tEn% compounding it. . t.toitaining Cherter.* - LVies, I;e., CtUtlied- rt. tbi. ontuY. re- Tlipt ItudAtutlnn otters, espo,htly to thou, ultoszvarnlngs pie small, the opnortpottity suet:Muhl., by limit depusltY, canny saVesT, sum hiVh w ill be a resontre when needed,,titair m 4 y not only being safe but b,atlng Interest, tn.t etsd of reuuntuing unpro:luct e. .00.3 N. - 1 )(I)t.tar. BA.viNos NO. -- STEItt:T. Cif 11.11TIITZED alai. - ('poo dolly from a to 2 o'clock. also on Wintnaa• day rood Satortior et eniog. from Mr) to ... dal tat, Ironer to o'clock, owl from N ovember tto I:ty tat from GU. n tielock. Ihiporita recelved of all attrnO of not tars than (Inn Dollar, and n dititiond of the prolltK dontarotrtrviao raor, In .tone and !Wernher. Int °rest taa Neon deelhred Bend-annually. In Juno oral Jlonamlrer, KIWI` the Bank Was OIDILLIZed, at the rotoof An per coat. n letel,wt, if not drown 011 t. I' placcol to the ctodlt Or the. depositor as filociOni, and boars the same Int Crest from the fret dayr of June And Desimabor, corr even coding (what y ear without troubling the Aiaft or to call, or en to ',regent him poops link. At Ida rite mOney • .willatOntdo indeai thootavoiNO. rears. (toots, rontalning the Charter, .11y-Lava; Rules ml Ittgulatlona, furnialted grill% on application . at the attlem , ' • I.nrationcg.4lll 4lll . oll rite rnmointoTo. Jarnerk:llCAUley, JAM'. D. .forar,S. Shoenberger, . t Jtuneilleniman, Irang Pennock ° , l'Oar A. Atatteira,.- ". jattra 'I igillhun J. Audermon, John It. McFadden, 'John Lt. 13oaknreni t •• • (lalvin.Atlnmo, • • Henry 3: lAiieh,q • • ' John (1. Malley, • .Tohn Alan.hall, , (1001110 Black; • Waiter P. Marshall, .lilll Surgarin, ' John Orr, 1 Alonzo A. ()artier, Ilotrort 11009,. 1 • . Colton,lionry Rlngwatt; • John Erni4; "-. IVIIIInnt K 104: LiTahritOtocki• • ' Alevinder Speeri • ' ;lona J. Ofliesple, • • AreganderTindlg,' William tr. Haven, •. • I.kter XI. liufiker, • • Irian - Whittler, • • . It 'chin! lit‘.3..' Weynnirt, JiLnen ut D am . 1+ , 1;1 It Chri,lintk I cap*. oturry-ri.1.11/01, 6. COLTON% _ :014:JVIBERS # Gas E'ITtERS. 9 ,„kALL GAS BILLS. ki • JOIDMIIIS GAS. Saving "Conran', Posit!Vely Raven Worn la to is per nerd.; Tho'Only-perfcct and reliable Governor l in Ise. . .• No kulelfaillver or othetilluld used in thlil =anion. o. El.—Each maehinets - tented hylhe Meter, and 'ln no i rise Iv 111 It be loft unles!l It accomplishes all .we '; • BAILEY, FA!/11EL1..& CO., • • 0010 . ' • _ run,rsrvitug. ANT) I. OANE AND ViTiOD'CILVDS-; 6_Sllt tr7lµgcd prices, I i IVIIOLSALE Olt REVUE. WOODWELL; • oppgette E. Ettrquadlort Co..i; and . mth : 7 r t , - 2- A .ttar . BB 31. BALPII, - ' • 41..rolatoct, Prepares EXPLICIT DRAWINGS and SPEC!". EIGA.TIONS, for all kind* of bailer*, and stTae- Intends their etection on reasonable tansaw, ,, rr Mace On'. ANDERSON b itrait , -botweenk 7..nonelc_and Itolditson:. Alkalies/ 011 1, ' W -111103e., NCA LA Mary lU{nn 6111321111 M Y'_'.:?'. A;;TIC LES Pittsburgh Drug House, DENTAL DEPOT JAMES McGAIIR, outc.,•ot t, Tourm,r:E ow mr. Ash. re. Jr. *1.7w0.0n0 Foiyign anA Vomeatic luturs,tstedlauPs ou,l irate. Dye. tmcl 14,Stolti, Alcohol. Per fumery, Fancy Article. end Toiler SkStiVS, IVlnt, and Liquor.. To- Paintsjoil, • and V arolS 0. Sllppoe .4 :and linweo,'Pr. prittary bletll - till., do. 1011...PO4.W1) 0 TRUSS EN. TSI U. , * 1::,1 We trin nate( fire All the I Ate 6; yleg "or improved Trusses. nr.l keep coast:MUT on bawl Mnrkkhi, Chnre's. nnd nil other 10,111lialf tureen. In <no, talpt 11 inr; nu) peeelikr pryle Trtee, nr when parties th,:re /I, nc vllt mnaut 1- , ,re to onier ABDOIUTN AT. SUPPORT Slit , t - T..I•ET: 11111 i 'ts. I OCKIN(*,. D 11.3141 Attrirlyt td" to thr appli rtion 4 Tc,..,••• ..ott to the tre...tntrot of Itoptrrr. Phyt,zician's Proscriptions eAnui COMPOCNI)ED Out Prescription Dena rtment Is al wars In charge or an extierienerit Phisrrancentißt. and nll ertielca used regardPludlut.' ptna,rlPtinwr .carol trith to ptirftr, treshneas and et rength. • Proscriptions cnrcfully compostroli , l at All hours of the • Dietetic and Cillittary .IL•!icier) Pure emarn of Engßah Bat-Um Soda. Tartar. Canto sad Powdered Claret. pare. " • '• Pepper, " Allspice, ^ Roo,* .- faleater. " • Bart " • Mammon. Owego Ciom Starch. Cox' Celeriac, Prier's lilycerine, • Hecker . . Farina. Plar Vigor-a. for tail:toe purposes, Butorlt.sUoolrW Untrue', Caraway tiee cedd Anise Seed, Coriander S.l.a Mare and Nutmeg., leratw, Pearl Ash, tu. Coneenlmited 14o; l:PuluPutliaih , Sul Sodo, Alum, Valuer Suod, Both llriul;,. Tripoli. Ac., ko. MM. John I). 14674n1, H.H . Illapt Adam Jaknab H. Cain. Wm. Don Jl44irent, Itoin.rt 11. Davie. I • tyc Sca+.l, FlAs inttombpuargla. .11k.fgcai.op l'or nU reli,ble Proprietary 3tnllrine•, vla Dr. B. J.A.f NE.S , Experlorant. Alterative. . . . Clartolnative. `• DAD Tonle And Bair Div- • . . , flatillive Pills.' • Dr. i. l'..ll•En•s Cherry Forlorn!. •• . Cathartic, Pills. " Sara:lip/IMb, " ' Apse Core. 111:1:allttiLD'S celebrated lternedlea Buchn. for alseasegeof Madder— ' Bose Words.. , •f the Mood. tinreaparills.• frir impurities of Dr. I:OIIACK'S Sennetunslan Blood Purifier. * Pulls. Bitters. SCIIENVK'S Fulmonle Wafers. ties Weed Tonle. • Atanctnilic Pills. . • KENNEDY'S 31erlIcul pl.eOreil. San riro'Alth Chalmers!. WRIGHT'S celelrrated Indian Vegettibleyilla. 11RA ?warms rim. Dr. R. A. W 7 LSO'S'S l'llls. BOST ErrEll'S eelehrAted Stomach Bitters. MAKE'S 'Plantation Bitters. , I•T'TTLR'S Nert lee English Bitters, artantldoto for intemperance.. And nil the reilnble Patent' Illedietne. of the day. rma, rts, be Colors, Olas, Visfnlahee. Brushes, Putty. Tube Paints, Pold Leaf,' he. We hove ',sell!, leg for furnlshltsg. there Article's At rn .nufuoturers pries. . Our stook of Drags sod Medicines are selected recol-onnuolly, with great earei by an e;Oerferceed phormsocutlat nod physielmh and we guarantee MI drugs nod Mediebiel We Zell part and soodulleosted. All our American Chemicals we buy from the' qebrstell haulm of POW KM b.:1V121,11T1NIA.11. Au Inquiry, ut your family physician will satisfy lon as to their purity. " ' fen. o mflOWOlliitrditeill'nniaiiteeffeib ' Annoktclauto.lllWAlßo4.l3elwll Wood IS,, m Wood reochloeol; Cloppwas, Cudbear, E%fraet LO3VOOII. toile, Indigo, Lao Dyo, Loprood, Mad der, 11 Wood, Red Tartar, 'akar Sumac, Toronto Mot Vltrvl, ho. „ Foreign Wines, Brandies, Oini, Liquors, For mcdtaltiiise only, viz: Our stook emtascos some of the finest brawl 'assess ants, iris Cabanas, Impertale., Lout Imo, Begsllas, • Illanufactured from imported tobacco, viz Fwpaaola•. Sobrinas,' Jockey Oluba; -Elcgantea, atad a visrletr of bewail'. .thir stock 'of Cigars,waS purchased in 1983. and we arc oliertng them to consumers nt a slight nit. Talmo over our prices Wore tho lax 1:1w wh pun. chased In quantities of one handred nu & upwards. Yx. 87"iiEET. ANt) 121E2.1.F:ft IN 1101 - SEItOLD ART 1(ILL:. +csnntv_. DRUGS AND MDDlfetit, CEIE3IICAI , S. OYES ANP Dine STUUFS. Otanl,ltlephit . Cchti. Comte. , Fine old Hachette Ilrandy. : Pare Juke of Grape Pert Wine Pure old Sherry V. lee. r Pare old 'Madeira Wine: Pure Itelland Mo. • 3 numb= arta St. Uralic ILdmat ' -IPIPOUrEP 4,11PA,115. Preetsedr ... ., DOMESTIC CIGARS, - . To THE DENTAL kkOVESSIO)I, 3 ,;‘,,' We °She a largo etatt.oarerully selectO 5t0ck,..914 S. S. White's Patent. Teath.• • OkAtua,AnatA.rocurb..lwAPS W. A. putt& (30. , s Teeth*. 212 Neat] Wall ' . Teeth. EtaOotdy ,' • t JADEsoak.Lupil Teeth: ncotal Chaim katalLathe. Tetoapraruggrii WheelSs: nta Drillsg . Exeavatort, rranrsdny, aerate Oold , Plate, fillver Pe, Goldrand Tie c roilsi a MaLais/is 01 every dasurivtloa: • CateloclM atappliesikelt.':•• D i rtllG HOUSE. wabwmtstrkoa EaMM===l Y: 9s s' I'.l iC .4:01.4rA1N CHEROKEE MEDIGIN ES COM rut:: 0 FRO3I ttoirrN. BAIMS AND I.FIAVES t•n R r.x rnr T4TNInf )CH3I ' ti..err , az Idurette, Bill M AAA n:I disonevel of the MM M A MAC ' orient y In- '. , 111 TA.SI. eouttheare of the Urine,' Ani Al IntinnAnationuf thelilad• 3.1 M Al' AL AIM ' er, I nnatnruntlon of the AIM 151.31. MAt hidneya,. dean In Its . MM MM :Am Blnatler, Stricture. I rny- B 1 .I 11111 MM el, lilrPi. Gonurrlnen, end e IIAI Ant Ant I erravially rerummend ed In Ilinte onion of Fluor Albu , . for White? , in Fe- • ntaleei as here elt.tlic uhf nnnerens Incalcincy , hale to prepared isilhl,ila Ir runceatrated futon-the (3 coo Jo. Only being from one Chit: (I 41( . tutnoteMPonnfal... ttitee CIA CC Berea per any. 11 is diuretic and ittert..' (3tl lilt- In (to action: Purify . (It In 4 end oteariquo i r, too' (C wood. enwilroc it trb ante co (%! 1.:lof its origin 4 Iptvity ( C 4 h n.l *lour; relOAd log C. :o :(7CI • from tue eystem riot, ne11.4”, nate I ndu,..l dbooeoe. Calenoireg f , Jention to Intended an tot all% or aged...tent to the Ettence Kee Run stte... tied! mould ELEEEEEKEI: he t.o.ett in conjuldlon . Itn Et EEEEP:KEZ: End ntedlelne In all ca-nee Et f (lonorlittra, G let , , El fluor Alto.. or While.. EtEEE lln rdtets are Leanne, 1.11 . 11:1E: ttootbing, and demulcent.: El. 1 r e rat: , 1 1 lit; nil Peal:Eng' Et heat. rhordee, and Into, Ell KEEEeInEE inetead of Ihe Ourrdng and .... El. EKEEEEEE ttlnond unendornlllo polo 11,1 . experienced et all ..,13 61111, cheap quack Ey the itdeet ./.an. use of the Men. olo.• Henke Iy end c1e,,,. Lee ird.ndion —Ole Ited 1111 1111 :al-Undue/4 at the• _same 1111 1111 time— ell lonprfwer die. /11l Mt ell a re , ore remove 1. and Ell • Elf the nell..ened oer, a - /ire 11111111111111.1111 rehtered to 101 l vigor nud HlllllllllllOlll odrengtl. . 1111 1111 For full p.1E...1a , get 1111 1111 our pdaddilet from any 111( Ell drug Afore to thevoutdry. It Fl LIII or r. rite 0, mail free lo aft) addren will nt full redEne. (•ID - miner. CI cn.—..to tinfa int.: rare for SpeM ulna hem. :seminal W,al nes, IN is 4 itrnal Lei i.ions. mar An tibteNtA ea p.esl by reiflpoltut Inn nil as Loss of :ilianory, •.. _ I iiii ersal li., pi aalt ti Cr, DI/ ID/ Palm , in he li Dimwit Dim- 1) 1/11 DI i I)I \ libel, ore till 1P Ind Age, Wea 1,. :Seri es. 1)1) 1111 111111colly of Brea , hint. • 1111 110 Eremblins on g. Wake( illness. 111 I 111 , 110111ili ruption the l'ace, Miliiiiiiiiiii Pnle Connie:pa t.,1.1.10,in- II y, Con, amiii ion, and all .• . tlae dtrerolcomplaints enused 1 &palling Dam the path at :mince. This medicine 140 tAitriplo i oretable e xi met, and Orir• unlatch all ein rely, ne It has been used In our prise t iee for many )(Pars, and • will+ t houses& treated, It Et EEEEEELE haa not folio , ' in a Origin F.k EEL:ELEEE imitative.. /Ca cur atl se Lk • poa ern have • been . sift- Et ' cleat to gain victory over lop Er.r. the most stubborn ease. , Et EEE To those who have trifled El , with their conalltalon .EY until theY think them- EVEEEEEI:ED fictive teryonil the mach of ELEEEEELEEmedicaI aid, o e wooe:l3lmldsay despair not! Diet:Pipo - • Cure will restore punt to health and vizor. Iltili'elf. ter all quack doiitors have failed. . DE. WI% 1011 T., it F.Jr- V', AT,,. ELMIn; Or 11. , - .rrm.,..09 t.,Fx.! Prepared - Irom Pure Vegetable Es-_ tract. containing nothing Injurious to the most del icate. The Rejuvenating Eli.tiris the resultof mod ern disco. cries in the veg etable kingdom; being an entirely new and abFtract method of cure, irrespee tire of nil the old • and • oven out systems. This meditine has been tested by the most emi neynt medical men Of the da,and by them promo un • cod to Ito °nee( t Ire greet- RICERIZRItit eat medical discoveries of RI: U:ERRE rt. the ago. .otott bottle• will BRE • VIM cure general Achillty. A RILE ERR few doses cuges Ilysteries RILE • BEE femolet.• One bottle ItEREERRR. cures Lion of the' gtut men - apot: - C"; g.. torso the oCgluts of genes lIIIR nun Lesuza!onc to throe • bottleszektores the • nt Ragas. and full vit;or of youth. A few dosestestore WM - . . . appetite. Three bottles. GCCRICG nave the worst ease of 0000000 Impotency. A few dome GU lltY cures '• the, low. spirited. t.lO ,00 tine bottle restores awn- CO .tai power. A few doses CO brings bnektherosetothe CC check The medicine eta.CC fIC term to manly vigor and CO CC s' , ratted hesith thopoor de- COMIC:CR bilitated, rundown, and CCLICCC , deepatring devotee...Teen-The ELI= c .01 pleasu. cures Hys re term Ureteral Debility, Palpitation of the Reset, - . and Impotency. It. res . torts mental power and (HlO the appetite, and causes 000000 the rose to mount to the 00 00 cheat of pslor, and the •00 00 debilitated manor went= (PI 00 to feel rlito r ou a and 00 00 strong, the , young and sm ile) 00 . bitious blood to course 00 00 through every, rein, the the , , Oil • fur nerves to becomo strong, 000000 and the tires of- nen...life, 0000 and vigor .to reaninsate. the entire body,.lmibilng ..,a the constitution, res. tinltigiC.,-Anddgeto many a. sad and_ilarkened fire. Olds , - . ClilteOKEY. P 11.1.4 I Sl7- o‘toLpoTl:b V.e Lt ALK . .. , I Ilvorl.A•ron. H l: A I. •I• II /I t, VolstevelL IIenTAIN es ' ut barn. For the removal . jilt , of Olotrucllons, and.the Lilt . , „ luettrance 1111 of Regularity 4 - 1u the Recurrence ofTey nu the XIII Monthly Pcdpils. • (Alto or Obr isle thaw nu- XIII erous disease , . that XIII . m eivlng, from Irregularity, . XIII by removing the irregtt- nc Ity itself. • They elite Suppromied . EaccsaiVe, .and Painful Mei:nitro:Aron: They Mini • Green SICknO3S (Gelato. &Ls.) They cern Nervous KK tE.K. smt Spinet etreettorts; - . KK KK . pins in the Kull:. and KK KK l ower parts of tho, body, - ' KK KK . Ilearinese, Fatigue -on la-KKK- - slight exertion, " Pelette. ILK Hit . Ulu of-the Ildtti, Lem , Kir.. Ktf. :news of Spirits, Xilsteris, KK RR . Sick Ileadaele, ~ G iddi. KK )U . ness, kn., &a - 1n et wo - e, KK • KIX by minoring the .Irrego. laritk, they rcouire '.the. • ',. gamic and with it All the . . effects that spring from it. Ifotepotett of simple ITS- ",••• ekible extraets, they C on . ' Into nothtne• deleterious to any eousfitutlon; Rd's'. • , • ever delicate, their funet •. NNN NN • Con being to antthti4uttt NNNN 'MN strength' for Werthorss,• NN NN NN • • xvltteh. tw ben propos . ty NN NN NN used. they nevor fan to'do. NN NN • They rosy be ssfely mica NN . NN• •sny age, and Warty po•• •NN NN NN • lacSl.ll3o . NN ...NN NN the rfitsvirßurr.tossus, ' :NN. • NNIC•sf during which tho unfsit- 'NNN tog astute of their action • • vcculd Infalliblirukokser • ' • • '• • PfeNh•r•Ut: .• Dittoes OF.STISOFIZILO . • INS .t EF.EF.EENEED hes' netnetll-44 'a bottlo ENELF.F.ENEE O or 3 bottlei for . Cher- EN ' °lice lejectton—s 3 a hot tie, or threebottles fores. EhIENE . • Cherokee Curo-M o hot- ENEE,E tle,or three bottles for O EN Dr. Wright's EilXlr-4 1 bottle,or , threobottles for, LINECEENEEE „ 115. Cherokee. Pills,. 'for EELTEEFUTIE Denies-JD xhos, or'lit ,•hoses for f 5: , In the Cherokee -Medi eines, the einfort - uns.teerlll find a day of deliverance from L aulferlng and pain. A day spiel:did and -giori. ous, when they shall no longer suffer without cc*. EEKEEEERFr• ration or repolle, either EIF LEEEEELI.I through mercenary El quarks or the inefficiency - El • of nauseous preparations. EI EEE The Cherokee bledlcines lIEEEE . accomplish thel* Tanana'. t, EE' • -• —their emancipation. 'An - EE •emancipation so great Bu •ESEEEEEI•IIiE admirable, end so prolific EIIEEESEEEE of universal good, Three - - - medicines will prose, - :•- any and ever) case,.falth- ••• , fol and nevar [flouts in tplle of nerd: , We seal nil Sic ()Icier. - • - key aledlclriee.by express - ..t • . • (esect,the t . Sabi; p thone Bre scat. by , • • : ' • mall free of ostone) On 'IM'ESEVIESER • melon of yelee; ',part of theitillt l2 . l •Wong • • I:2i , • securely paekeil,ln soon& manner;that •tio end , • .. tlatougfiNcliosehands they. • . ' may . poen • would - know . the contests: ••, EE• • ' The ChetolkeeMedletnes' IMEEESEr.EE i are sold by alleterpristrot lIEEESESESE: drugglstaln the civilized. , • • ' -Nor '.,`Some ~unprtnec • r Died dealers, boerevar; try' ' • teiselltlVOrthiess row , Pow* , ini!.ww. or t4ele — . these which they nen:PULS" . . • ;at n ekeoppriet and makell.llll. more• money by selling v. 133 BS `thantboyeanonthe Cher , 'SS SS okeedentklnen As you 3S , value your health; ny,tne SS • - health of deceivedp SS _ donot be by such SS SS u ncip cd dr ugglat s. Ask these hfedUchaes, SS 8594 S . and take no others. • MSS W. arenvirnt a co. • - Nev. IS.T..therto aloe,. New York. • I ) CIENTE AL R. E.-Vt - INTER A RRANcir.mest. • -1 EN DAILY TRAINS. lln and after MONDAY, October aist,l96l,Uslas will :cat e the Depot as , EAST. MALI.. dadt except. Sur day, at had a. in., • •• tenpins; emly vrtnelpal. stations and makiws ,• our, voia.axtiow at Ilarrisbunt for ten York,, ." Ita it Intent and, Washington. rend Ehtladalphia for New 'York. Easton and intermediate . • ILA VII ISBE MI Ai a 0.11 I.I.OHATION, daily eve a, crept bunchy, at r 0. . m topping at Ali regular S_ station between Pdt•teurch and liatrlabs,-,. .04 making clo, roam , With tr. rol - itnitFl , af [Damn, West Ertuneylv anis It. IL,Prenthlognadf;:j Crew.' IL R.. and holilthivaburg ERIE EXP it ESS. mid Sundry. at 12. W ell wing nt 'marts the stations beta ven 'PI testae run attetj'hiladelphla, mad making COntireth , hu it h on the Enema, b A re and t.fres•en n..• Iltelltdaawbard. Ilvtaah R. .•rone an d .1 field (I it• lit ' Salley .; - car an Branahes. JOHNSTOWN'', 7IEBOMBODATION.AaIIy.ek...: dpi Sunday. at 3.00 p. tn.; atopplog eta: cwrziTtwrkil.itt3trurgh rand JohnstOwowaud nect lag at Blairsville interaeotion • with Credos as • the Inaba. Brandt and; Writ:Pennevivatils , R. li. ; dallY,lt mil. m., stopping at l.elruhr COurtnatigh, Ciallitarn,, • Altoona, licuatngdon, LeirlatOttm:;Mßllitli pMt,Marysville.Harrisburg:Laricaskat,and'l l m arn-, ' nutmeat. At .liarrlsburg direct laemeslßaßL'olt.''''i mane for Itallintore, a •hinr,tota• and radar at Philadelphia, for New York, Boston.• and War. mediate point,. Slee r lag t Mrs rust throtbyb DO thle. * train from . PittAburo to Baltimore. DMlLidellgl9l and New York, by tun Allentown mate. • •;• EAST 1•INE, anise` ret LSI; tr 4, atopOng only, nt tAmatunuth. taltaxeo, Alba,' net, Huntingdon, !Lett Won't, hilt:din, Neanart Pantyoville, liarrlabure. Middletown, ElMkrb.'„ town, Mt. Joy; Laraine, ille, Lantraater. nod Dawn:, z, ingtown.. 'At Harrisburg coruscations aro niade.faie New York, Baltimore and Washlngton,st . telphin, for New York. Boston. and Intermediate plots. • Viral Accommodation Train for ITslPlßialio% travel daily (except Sunday) at In.' ScooneTArconunodat lon Train [al-Wail's Statinw ' n‘ ea daily (except Sundialist 11.40 a. oa. Third Aceommbdation Trot.. r Wall's . for Staßan leaves dally (except Sunday) at 3.40 p m.• l'oartn Artonatr.ntlation Train for [airs Stadia •'•d loaves daily (exempt Sunday) d Cod p. nu • • . The Cantrell Traiu leaves Wall'ii StaUott ewers.' Sunday at a. 41 a. m returning leaves Pittattargit. .j . at I'_:lsp. M. , arrlt e in Pitt aborgh a./1011partl. IV-111 Whip 3: 'I; Bet at fling Trali.s.o... Pittsburgh IS; Erie Express p.ta... Baltimore Lame:, 1 l'hiLidelphie ..... ....... as , ; W • Fast Mall t. ' Fast Line llloa.nr.. -+ .lohastown Areontmodnt ton ....... 10.15 a..ta. rlrrt Wnlps Station Awommealstion... +6....%) 't Se,er.d Wall's Station A,.-eoramodation Iran a. ns.. ; Third teslla Station Acenmmalation... Fourth Welt's FLn4un Aceommodatinn 6.05 p. Balt {mon...avec-4a will anise. with I . taladeligaa.l7 4 r.(incE —ln nose 0 lon, the PonTry win only Iltemeel‘es responaible tor personst bagrogn only. and for an arataint not exceeding' 9r.P. It.—An lAnn has hero employed to . cons el re.rengery aml baggage , to alai frola the liet.nt, at a el. rge Ott t o exceed 25 cents, for esebts. , -: passenger and baggage. For tiekets apply to . J. STEW ART, Agenti At the l'ennsyl‘nala Central Railroad iNsaeft et stntlun. on lAberty and Grant streets. rios IIITTSBUR(Z11. FT. Mpi-rzlZtAgt WAYNE ILA lI.•WAY, AND C'.1.E.VC1.4.1...N14 3 . 1.11:10.11IIT WINTER AIIIZANGCMENS. •,'•• RIO after Outober ...4.4101364, (rates all! etui. 1 ' AP (11110IPP. i..PAVV.• I For'For For I Pill skurghiChieftgo. {Cleveland. yWheellOg. Expre55..........12.1 3 a m.i 2.10 a. 1a..1 f... 10 I:xl.mm , 2.M) In. 2.(3 Id. 4.43 p. ea. .! Espnfa....... ra) p. M.; - . a. m' - I 0.10 a. se. For * ..New Castle and Erie 3.50 a. m. • =Tugs I.No. Arrive at' Allegheny—P. F. W. k 11, 11.11.1 way • , 7.3•) a. m.,•8:30 a. m: . 2AO a..m. and 4.43 p. 84. C: P. IL 101 a. 111.- GEMILGE PARKIN, Ticket Agent. , Union Passengur , 'A. Q. CASS] A..1•11311IY, Ticket Agent, ' • Allegheny City. F. R. 'Ari - rits, amwrit Ticket Agent' , '' - - A I.LEGIIETSY 01;120116A • Al. LEY IPA I.IIOA W.— ellANtrit OF 13.11}:.—0n and atter MONDAY '- May inth, tam, the tullowlng nuangente.nt nit tits, U take Orem. . MAIL TRAlN.—Leaves Pittsburgh at '7X1.1.ta. , .1 smiting at Kittanning 31 ,10 . 00 a• rd. LeareaMt• , tanning at 4.00 p. m., emit - mot. fittatatrgh atlt p. m. Exrnms iltAm—Leascs itt a. m.. emitting at letttrburgh at WM a. ra. "Leve Fitt though at 4.:0:p. r 0.., nutting atK.lttnakterglttr. - .. 30 pp m. A !COMMODATIOX LeAreS $O4ll. Worke at COO a. tn.. arriving at i s ', In. Least"; l'lttelatrgh. an 3.00 p. m., artirtn'atn.; S ala Works at A ro.:W p. tn. • - • • .• m3IO , FM.IOIO, Superinteaddint 1111 1111 1111„ 1111 1111 fill MI un nt nu SHIPPIJra. EtisTt3=l --"(JNBILL' • FOREIGicEMIGICATION OFFICE!, PITTSBURGII, PLlgNeko , ,••• , *Bch:: ixEsch . Amigo Eta the A'Olit ~.- Conn - Thq • some ere Philadelphia ,s rwesmshli Company having appointed. tit I undentigned their Agent here eke air:Thotap 00, defeated; ho la now prepardtet bring 0ut,..1' home Passengem by Cho Steamer' og L _IgreATALLI LOW RATE-3. The -Steamers Div favorite-line leave Liverpool every WEDNES. DAY; for New York, !molting et. Queenstovai.noW., arettmonttle - tsstest, sagest, and molt msgrlticona ; The undersigned I r also Art for the Isietril . It.i•V'°vned°ry-nflellltTlll.47)ll,S,allm errAtiregiiiftleritsll., Nlchy e for Inch Passengers andhialls. The' dramas enrol , this line err built to the error:gest 'mann% andfirrnivh Choice accommodations for mssentens. Be is also agent for TAPSCOTPS of bested Clipper 'flailing Packets, leaving Larealigial for New 'York twice a week, and the trite Line Oa Leaden Packets, leaving London every ten days. The ships of TapscotCs Line have lour beep no; -; • tad for their quick pasesges and .thit.emeellanee of the providons furnished . th e pamengers, atiktheir : lard treatment while on board.. Parties whit M4h their friends brought out by artiling . l6lll4!f by all Means patronize this Line. Perfume to Califotnie at greatly reducediates.' PRAITS on all parte of ZurOpeforresla dt i ,- -.:, Appl) to , t.c °reign Emigratient Office, non 68 Smithfield 'street. STEAM WEEKLY TO- LIVER-Alit pooL, touclung at QUEENSTOWNeameas ((Cork Harb ors . The welt-known Steamers artier , Liverpool, WOW York and Philadelphia Steamship Company (Inman Line.) carrying the U. S. SAG, ; are ietended to sail as follows. LINA P••• • +•1 .... 3aSeett 7 , Dee. _ lapliiEttilall • • %dental, Dee. lit GLASGOW' • • Saturday, Dhe. tr. Areeverto forth woccedin&Saturday, at noon, from Pte.:, ~ naves or ramming, • Payable in gold,or its equivalent in cureendyr klret Cabin ate CO Steerage - if to, London... 0500 . ' t o London N to Paria.;..:: Sii to Paris 10 if to Namburg,.. 00001'to Hamburt.. P6F4OOp I, OYo forwanled to Havre, Bremen. Rotterdam, Antwerp, ase., ot equeny low rate.. Yalta from Liverpool or Obtleenatown--lat OWN • ant, am. Stec.rage.VM. Those who wilt to send for their friends GAO buy tielreti here these;• rata For' further information apply at the Company. Mice: . , DALE, Agent, . • ti.Broadotak N. Y. • Foreign Enalgration ho et Smithfield street, Pl=rigti CUNARP E- - Steam LIVERPOOL /MD 417EENSTO,T,-_- - 'Pai;4 6l,l, Utiti,eovilentln cuiieocq • " ° B r ' tu r' e X , - • Sells every week... Apply to. TIIO.I.IA.S.BAXPIGArt,AIeast, street, petereen.rd sal 1 1 / 4 .1 ratt-utictu . . . C01.1611 . 11p!. - 404Fi. SlinitStAlarx MELLIFLUOUS:DOUGH. lllSAllif'"i,) grurckTATilrg: - ISELLIPLUOVS' courts • lIALSADI la warranted to Cara 'llougba,*.Ooldah . :" . l lioaracnoss, -Arahasa,;. Whborang .tough, Throat, Consumption. and' all afitellona of thlirr4ar, Throat and Lt 1143.-- _ ! for wasta. Zle r ie - ijd ,Depot,! 6 V.61-.;-:9' ~. . . 3 : 111 r- 4 . 41 . 31 1* - ZILII 3E C IE S 4I64 lathe .3 kcal Men trein'reeOtannit , ..% - Irlt. STRICKLAND'S ANTI4O °LIMA - 151 X ~,, A TURK as the assists remedy forTnartitealiselli I)yseatery. It lay e..eoaddnatlonnt AstilniMonsittefi Maori:rants, Stimulantannd Carminatives and irk*tte wassailed , to cerect, a, pare after aU NUS mMM have . • . by prut g iiii:', dismal I - )e 014 • .•, Fourth street, Clot STRICKLJNEVS. PILE REMEDY. 1 4 i' sritioxLADites PIT.E cured thousandis of the Worst cases of Mind sod Weeding Piles. It hires Laminate relief, and-el••“-' ,, feels n l ermanctit cure. Try it directly ...1t is war rancid roe stile bytttt Druggists. Genet , • I .t routtiSstreet..Clocintintti O.- .• Dyspepsia f • 4 .. retiliitatentt Thine Bursting with 100, 14i,, Appal te; ridiketitZVoe insperta, Neefott Bll o.zr - .NerVola 'Maury; [cynic 8 ricklastate , lisslte ,. .! - , It Is n. etzetsble preparation, free 'trout stSobelle liquorsal, sterstgthens the : mtholrs . •riereotis It erestese goo d appetite. Is Warra nte d 10001'04 t t r n,m,s, .and eterreus er ir 14:-.t;i! DN. /1..!-1114:11.7621.1.1%811rt5t Fourth sattet,lllll. ls .' - Fer rob 11:01X1.. IL. N.EIINF3I, Weed street sett Virgin tkllq4 pd/I. E. SELL‘Nese Si CO., "corner qt Weed and Seemed streets, Pllt o tr ,, , burgh; end b 7 ; P.11.11N. 8 1111 - 11.14 No. '7l ~111 . CoxSIGNMENTII_ Bwret Petstee B l, 4 ' 61x0 blab. Pasablitow 'Powtoesi Id* bbts.irrtersllBe B Al l l l l o ol OX. boSes - IV. 11... Cheese; _ 600 gallons choke Algr Turret; Dls veee • 1 loVFIsr. Seed; - Aust.resetreet mattes" eels et Ifn:1160 Llttertysteso74. no2S POTTER, AIKEN k b•• AHD. • ',.. JOIT:PItiRTLtiG u k 00.,1P0. 71 Fixterid street, Alletherte. tetessel log Inerasetst their frolUttes for .1011 Pftl ttoorile.w.r. i1,47r • ! • , • r;:' - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers