M=* Wittotniqh 6a floe. YUBLIBTI6 BY ITHE GLlE'fig PUBLISIITAG ASSOCIATION'. • acyfurwr, DECEMBER 5, 1654. , SIIERMAWS MARCH. The letter from 4 - 64ritain of a steamer In the_ Sivainiah:i.rim,,publithsd In the Net! -York Dapen . rof..Settintay arid dated Nov.- S'7odatlng that 'Gen. drutuarma was at or near Baranneh, has not been Confirmed by the itralval :alba Fulton; from Port Boystl, with "datta to Nov. Nth; and theatory was doubtleia one of the numberless canards al; Ways flying aboit through a fleet 'oran army 'on tho:ese Ot tie at' accoinpllehment. The -.NOwf TO* Firm Post of Saturday kleitsOatsetat Port Royal,- South Caro, line, ltioy. 25, necked to-day - by a gentle man is this cllY.from his correspondent at: thidAricksi • - . I .Thenerfs good news to-der by tlag of ',lfliee- , 41103021. :within forty miles of Bay , -aimaktrl"•- ./ . 4ig • ~,Tult,tht. klingir us, Si a days' later. r' l -zettra than th4ii is evident - that the news by - .lteg,of,!lititce WaittriudttlenV, An Augusta d'ispattdr,:of thittlega oft., in a Richmond per, u7littiat tiny was 4,5 lOU* so far alas not:-, Thiti'qr prottdilj ilue, and Is the lattat, news:lite ,from Skterman- -But if was only! forty live:miles.sonth of Augusta ...COl tilkStb;ll6'lad hundred and: ttilrtymlfea tntisviarse before he could reach ...Sami' . 4rtd-; that Mhe him - ten' cannot be: there before to ' day or tninerrow. Thati.cfen.. 4 Bfiebnaii trai',Crriected "alie tik neighborhood of Port 84 - : al, is evident from the news by.the Fulton.' Gen. 1 0 ,C#1,14 F rrasgetting up an expedition of -some Idad, . the. dmtinatiun of which tras . :rmknoiri;• but in an - probability it was des ' , tined frgthe main liana (our" forces occupy- Ing only the: islands on the roastnear the . bonlers26oecegia and South 'Carolina, y to ltio.operatewith Sherman. He might do this effectutilliby cutting the rall-road between 'Charleston and' Savannah- and Gen. Sher , marl, eviMif he failed of taking Savannah, at the 'grit frial coidd reach &new base - of supplinsWhere this nidroad crosses .Broad Hirer, It siturVdistance above Hilton Head, end aliont half Way between Charleston and Sayannimi from - : which- he could opurate against bath those places. But „itta uselesalo speculate. It is eel.- ..i tile that ' SITEIIMAN was. not in Savannah' as lattilts tho *lth ult., and that he could j not' rem*. there.. at his prevcons rate of mareblittri heft* the sth or 6th of Decent i her. We juay, therefore soon expect to hear of his arrival ou the coast. • Tor:Chimbersburg 'lit/vials , * denies 11Autt. the Claims upon the State for damages inffieted,by,the Rebels In the - Border Conn ' tiel, !aye:been bought ult. It `says': • -" Itet - e5 claim has been transferred or puranutedLat • Ley- price that Ate ever brawl stf; imdzwe Imes- that the' holders of them, haftietralule; determined not to dis-' • •poed of , theni:th , '"-f , • I Very well. Let 'that go. We have lx:en informed /otherwise /a not =gerbil. • As to thtelsims/ being Crioibltant;•lt• save; : military and-civa commissions' bare catesl.certuitc:chtsses. of these clalmt l / 2 :An -the 'testimony - of every officer who e any )of them is concurrent • ; thattr t r r ee 1111 V wet sought to , extert fu We yfte:tto( beim or• this teatinway • but weAtfach:britc Ruin weight telt. Er- .ixtrte FcltatttifFdo!isate*ckt evillore , ta'Ain9 •oiorld,l whether • ''•Evirrniontr t iOli fads own-c*nie, hitu his nelgh.poi'sriii•AX::aild gearehethAdorov • Of CO OM Oilithdroonto do not think their. c'.atn4riort - ilttrift; LWe never sor'pnelch#:, • d.d Win this whole i s, fb thti!aim that the Staid Is isoitnd tblilikl 2 ; ". 1 good IIAo r gietea.: l 6Afa: - peoptie4i*cik, thin g i li - T4444 - iiiiii4; ioaresott • •••i;aßy . . At/ into: o:dny votTnnzuty VoN4 A l 4. ,et the<ekitnikote. strodl,lcti Lela "by spevilators 7 nr- , noyiti minor dcntsl l tgbcetiona, the giro _Tritieithin, ie,.• • shall the tine PcoPi -eni#0001Y:14:14,;114E. _ menirhn, _, to• lire memo \border, and tcolissir itiffered soy notii.o'eltidintleatlY;' 'Nce,soy, becetton lie priiteipli upon whrelrtho claims are I.ll4.6lfe4roriernieci . Jldiritmiius and to rna doe% have laid. whOl r e waste; goodm haieirtrepttatiriy - in•an liette hr tn tire property of tliousendit upon thdusand§ pf itaittetr 4 Raaa mien; and tires have laid tle;e: thes - O Ca';es roe deselaflOti has - leen a', rcat as thaE drjitl;3d . tY the "r i ror tlte Joni u 3; Tel the, legislature has mot felt called npon.to malie any appropriation, l'or the tollef of 'eufferen3 ty fire, awl en et true whyabdulil It any other &o w? If the go:aticyery• Von's losses 'by Stith casualties, the Sato will need longer purse tharishe eN - er had, antithe tieople.may prep:wafer ennui. lied taxation. 31 - e_sympathize deeply,with the people on the -bonder; their 16t a • hard otleiltrithei.tuiisillif other *iris - Witte Weild, When dt , ,aider tr,qr: takes tliirlii;t:itoji Up tlicii:Oeeregiine,got; work, and t tirretiie•;e - their `fettOtter:.„ and nonaiirikto ariorertiFdpeoPie ic!truPte good 1 1 3 0110 . 'i It May:ladt-Oeiftfposiroisf to. Speck of the • Gasette,:iti one, of. "the reel less thee or it's., tire;" bufAnitieedoei not pit entleroned la that reg!ott*chndvely.; and there is such a thing eai•iiireFo of 1 40 State, se welt ea to the unfortunate aulferers on thebehlbt; 'We are the' stern , foes of Mender; and ce set our fiteefi: against This attempt to `quarter. an entire ..eBnirminity . - , upon thii:iotitte.:Tretisury; as We would tigolni4 PAYI*Yed attempt from anyother. putt °flap state. The funds In , the State, Tremayfire to.tram on the State Govern ment,lsielAstiol„tilenaneveiWerr,l emended for tittrelief of local•diatress. . . • Rsisix* Iteekulting is busy in Ifiw 'fork- ;fur Sione'dther' elites, about one half of the r ,yeernits being , substitntes,' awl; the, other - 41f molunteers.: , In New York, they. are obtiiiiinilfol abottt'l l .4oo, for' NTO years; and minAlithie, tO;tit:ift. clad: ti.to tholi in. tercet to obtain substitutes nose. The Price would at once go -- 41f iidriftWero - irrile.red; and all men liable cecina), should therefore saktrinto , considendion whether tWp..irraot ,- thetiest time. to provide _ agahAintaxe con-. tingeneles. t - We 'llo' Opt: „ray that it 419.il h. probable, - nor: innie'ire be understood as 'Wet all likely; b u t it ig - one .of. the; Ihbagn'.thit may happen, and , pruderti - am(iho are patriotic also) wiu, c alculVer whether it is not better to pnt'a soldier In the tjad - a comParatirely low rate, and-wrbe Mire t6tinat-whatever. may 1 / 2 1 ) Perr.: 1 2'. , . - _ porrnicir. -- . • The elal rote , as icituined to tbakkol. • .... crtustfrom this qistriFt, elects Kiss (ilnion) bj tint; btmdred and twenty-taro majority -•". over JaNlisl4_ (CoPPer4eal) ,The 5 3 0, erstoretis Waco f dance with tlin'clilnknior The AttorPlo4oo l4 4l 041.n. , C9mag4 413 . altho doe Atari or certifies:a - ManWrianfa -7ndg€4:tifilthels 'clectrd, , obitdist fe filii'otgtngont sa9ittsy vo{ee. T WIT [I kr r vsrat jrn3o T ..•Ft • • ki • ' •.1,C.1 " f••:: .1r -,`,` • • -;;;,-1, !.•. : ?•1•,V; • ,••• A gcuthera Peace thimoeral Mr. W. W. Boyce, s ntemher of the tub-. el Congress, -from South Canilina, is known as a leading representative of the Southern peace party. He haunt various_times tried to induce the rebel authorities-toimake over tures for peace to the Presl4 it of the Uni: ted States. He is one of thO, chief of that class of FCACC men in the - Eimith, towhom those of the Northern Deniocratic party, who honestly expect any peace and Union front the election of a Democratic Adminis qation; litok . for co-operation: Mr. Boyce has recently been brought be fore his constituents at a public meeting at Coluinbia, which discussed his recent letter, -and introduced resolutions denouncing , his x-race policy, and requesting him to resign. ,31r. Sops was given an opportunity to de ' fend lutateX De thereupon defined his resition, stating ttUlt his - -pea ttme ctrhowas plirely diplomatic, and designed to strength en 'thp Dernoeratie•*aity and divide the North; that he never intended reconstr uct lion of the Union upon any basis; and that in his last letter to Jefferson Davis he omit '-ted mention' of Confederate j independence' • simply • front strategic reasons, because It would be time enough for the-North, to eats fkruth would accept nothing .allitri:of separation wheu.it..had been duped :hare Convention.. . . , • Kr. :Boyce told his : Constittienta in this moment of confidence that he had hoped to heip-tho, election 'of "M'Clellan, because it, in connection with the .Chicago Platform, woidd thailltate . the purpose. of the South, and ;that.- he hati.almed at dividing the liorth-wcsterst from the Eastcnt States and that jvhen this should be accomplishe d, he was in favor "of offering mdueements to the Northwest to enter the Ccmfellemte and drive the New Englanders into Canada or the ocean.-Ohtefortati arattl.• • ' Therojid Las a rebel eotrespondent Baltimore; called Druld,'.l who professes ,lo have - peculiar means of information from .ilichtnoud sources, end whose, highly secesh colored vedichiations, although 'constantly exidoded,by event; afford much comfort to the Copperhead press of limit country. Who he Is, and what he is, a correspondent of the Cincinnati Gazette relates as follows; "Druid Is a shyster, and ought to be ex posed. Ills name is Plynt. When the war first broke out be was employed in the Chl cagoJenrurff, and wrote liepublicanism to oroler".es he 'now . Writes' bogus " Bouth'ern .If I recollect tightly, he next flour -idled for a brief period in the Cinchinatr .Enquirer. Afterward he came here as an assistant in the New York Times. Next he . was in the Herald's corps. After the battle of Autietam,he attempted to abuse fileCilel .len in a dispatch to the Hera!d, which the Seeretary of War would not let pan over 'the Wires. While 3lcClellan was running for President; he wrote several elaborate puffs of his generalship at Antietam for the New York lrorld. I might cite many other instances of the tharlatathein of this Indi vidual, who claims to be the mouth-piece of the Confederate War Office. Instead of ,being in the confidence of the rebels at Richmond, be is simply in the employ of thoribeis at Baltimore—paid so much for doing What mischief he can, by writing lies ionnier. He is :a gun whom a little truth will Spike'mdst effectually. • . • ' 'mistake not, "Cleveland," of the ; Cincinnati Ha4tiiier, "X, of the Chicago - Tivier t and - .."Divdd,". of the New York Word; areinne ..iftitd' the same person, and One and 'the nineltumbirg." , • . The 'Lest _Of Mutter. ':- 'The. 'and - disgusting speciaele of publivexecutiaMegaht took piece In Eng laid, on the-14th °Dust month, the subject , being Franrittulkt —the victims the good 'pciirde'of Madan.- According to custom, the galliSivis.Wei stalOundett with *thieves and tenn - calotleg amid unearthly Ycntlitad curses, gouging ana.robbing went •Meat Voot. jigger,- whn Midi:teen suffer . ink Moults pdbectlion'lroM a ruddier of :coafessors,_ protested his innocence , almost to, the felt . MA; when as if irearieibrithlie .-Mid, he'said,-!'1. have done it," a reply of ..uniertaPef Meaning, as it. was given in agi -tation;The Cie •inritt 'not 'even attempting Aci repeat the Anettion, 'and the Pris Oner next nrcansinj-lAhig hurried-into execution. We -have-obirave 'thought Muller entiCe 1 to re randv* this seend:to be the opinion, of ift„rman ettuntrywien t the Dukes of Saxe Saxeleolnirg, - end even the -King ~-' hesitig sent private telegrams to .Windak Castle,. urging- respite., But the 'illinglisit_publie,,dcreidined that he wan 1-deeei gWty or baght *Jost ex- Muted. =rip sort , Agairdsftrth - 1401LWTTeidmit.6i.iiqt-ait-94freTtif 1.-Verrittrirhonrihe: 'wurlr ' • ' r end Mnlier 's ion r. Dled, wtil tietillidakotiiirtrek ail mind. Wenotice that immeilM4l iter'the seppOsed 'cifinfe iori of litnifer:' 're-irtingetWted Phrenologlirt ;of Liniclon Made chart of 4istd4cloianentsr in nem.- Inch, . Sito*Strais rsTr; Wmt.-Park Goodwin, • , i tik,tilirr!lngltrltt: in New York recently, Enropiiityssi`e are - fixt,slow. - I 'velem -1; r that he grear:Welli Wellington tOoksix - year:a binpolebe out - of Spain, a country :4 4 greutaa:VIrt,inigi, and'then he retired be_ crudA:bets-hem . Four.nations,. , :tcolc tiro „years to occupy the. Crimea, a rounitTnilarge-as New Jersey.- -England ' tr.ok eighteen months to suppress the Sepoy cbellion, about_ is great an undertaking as. 'to put down a-rebellion among the neo„oroes ' eti , 'SmrtlfCarolitut einuttr. • •Franet has In tecife.thhiellifear succeeded* in piling only eehilititt fine , ' kindred ' and eighty rnilt.4 into - ,3feali4;, - Where 'she bolds a rerylXlSeellrepo -sition...'.We2thint that . gttgland , had better, kiok hcsne ,before Criticising. the more= ineuth of armies.- !„ Ficumact .the rebel aim', -Father ineareetitted in Fort hleffererr. tei the statement, he was admit -e,l into our, Amp on ,a ptsa from Generat ' Wilglit;:!io . lMnistnr to the' apt - ritual wants' tor bot 4 snileey 013(i•Wall submonently sent • to pilsorilki,erieral Sheridan. - -The Pro leayAthat Sheridan.will rfever -,l:e ;allowed. absolution for hi:, d e . if i re d eer poi,teitmaa''thetehfl Prlet. • '''tni.: l 7"-m( a 'weekly paper aril et ited by Her. St taut is now", sojourning In - Canatla4aqqaltl:of his open and erotica yrsparaysm)4l44:6.reliellicip, has been sup. pressed forder of 004. altrbritige: It was fahnerlylthettlenotuhullkmal organ . ot• the 'Presbyterians; hut dthis been sustained by, and thertirlphraf,ttihnl: 7 systipsthiters of all :elassesterid =sitten , . the rebellion. corn mencdtto, -.. it f/f..4tc _ Anripm.ilroo_Abglirrrreo , •roul /Ker. DAVIS rw,targ.ffA.,. 7 ogrtnettieynolde, who cane taxitit.a ,year4ozwe,iteom..Kenonky to _,t,ste.rette iO,tegide;wria jesterday - atterncion • arrested' bk tVithr Mlitiodd .3r of einefal tioVore eusff, , otta'rlieriel+behig eigeged in reentiriogibr the rebel , briny. The evi- Once ie st.M to:bo conclusive: , Fre will be " I ' l imniediAtelY to Indbittipolis tor trial. bie,mistairee was offered:." l - *".• Trir.*.ale oi . Comektlitlt,iu ildlol 4 thm of another mill ftwolroops, am already of work' recruylog.raehe work of • raising Men fOr 'the • arr :abouldbe at ones corn mance& and vAgorottaly prosecuted all over the; cotmtry. / ... 3loyeabalt . that, it should not he allowed to Aiken; for • a moment until the war cadet/. , • . - • ;A= dnuskEn prlsonei in the New York Toiom; , while labming. _under delirium . tremens* Friday attacked other prisoriers i With' a poer,, killed two and" mortally. wounded athird. A policemanothile en deavoring to secure. the maniac, droppo a idstol from his poeket and it was discharged, :the ball wounding another urisoner: . TRIS 'PLITLADEL*IIIA. LEDGER.— Tht,Ptibtie Leper beenptuthatied by GeorAre"W;" Childs; the well-known thiok publisher. Messrs. Swain twenty.eight - years' successful management of the paper retire with a Ant= estimated at kiertansillloris of dorani. - • • ; . • •Rsraarneit CO wea Pro air southern localities on and about the 22d inst.' A man waa frozen- to'deatifin Nash and in Vicksburg the deep mud which existed the day belbteltOlt , adsmah4 , _ ' ._ : .• ,-;.• Trio' latest iltuttriciturEngilahnlin; :Who Las sited , our sboces, has, gi'vert it; as Ma °pinion that our young _nova are saioking .thesiaselvet to death.:—.: , . 4 - 1 - • I 'lt, I - :-. l4Flf.i.nty?;f jxt~ • :Wu, ,;;;!r,. I=s The 1 Tcinf returio• of the ITOluo and Arr lute of 03,:o :for Strrelary or h;:ate nr the OeU..• her election foot up a.. fullowb: Cop/exile:hi. Union 1.7A,471 1241.43 1 .1... • Ikme talc... Midlel , ' Cot It•ZALSS =M23 1t3,0`4 . Loion Maj The vote for Pare Went is.os follows JAucolo. S Home vote.... Sol,lien' vote.. . . . • • • YoClellan SHome vole • ?•Soldiery vote LineNn's SIXTEENTH Dtsmnrcx.—The Harrisburg Tckgraph publishes the official vote in the sixteenth Congressional dtstriet,which gives KOONTZ (trpion) 68 majority. We infer froin this that KnONTZ Win be declared else. ted by the:Governor., Disordirs IU . 15pith° ent;onni. Dominion The Norfolk Oki of the24th Mt. has . . .the - received late copies of Raleigh Cwt.-maim, which, says-the.Dent;nien, teem with accounts of excesses coMmlticti, by deserters from i,ce's ar my. in'es, highwa3r, repheries, assaults, burgla ries, and ut slim* the nholesale sacking and pil lage of entire villages and towns are nil chronl leled the Work of these men,' There are verj frequently,tsillisionti between time deserters and the Home Guards. in which thelattcr are consid. .erably notated. Watauga , county was recently the scene of one of these conflicts, In which Hai. Bingham, with a wholcbattallon of Horne Guards under his command, was obliged tee retreat with the-loss of/dam:4,mm third of his men., Accord. in to the Come rroatipe ' whose various leading ed itorials uttest the fact, thingsdo not move on so swimmingly In Dixie as the Davit Government would have the. outside World believe. Its col umns arc. Ailed with'lviteperatlons of the rebel Government; and Its own language lu upholding Gov. Tanen Mehl"; various measures demonstrates the. Constantly widening -breach between the Sung Governors and the rebel Executive. • NEX6O lIIIPTILIGE IX.B. GPM Brown, of Missouri. has ‘irltten a letter. In which he advocates the extension of martian to men of color. 'The St. Louis lkonoemt, wltilo doing eminent justice to the honorable fraulamss of use Senator to avowing his convictions, &s cents from the proposition on several grounds. It thinks that the attempt to Ming about such a clutnve, Inn convention not elected with n stow to the question, might endanger the success of Immediate emancipation. And,„utorcover, the ikmocrat thinks It imj ethic to cucourage the immigration of netrrees foto the State. Tun Budd° Coorkr, heretofore oue of tho sauciest and bitterest of the copperhead jour nals, has absolutely given utterance to this para graph: WELL &In.—The best thing we have ever seen purporting to come from Mr. Lincoln's pcu, to the letter published In the telegraphic dispatches "of Saturday morning, .written by hilt to MrS. Bixby', the Boston mother of five sons who have been klllid In the war. do more beautiful, un affected or appropriate expansion could-have been made In such thtln the President's letter' embodies. STATLSY/CS show that the amount of land un der ettltivallon In Ireland lutes been Increasing (Or several years, but the Mame has been in meadow and Sax Instead of-cereals and gram' emps. The land under cultivation this year Is' 10,173 acres more than last year, but the amount "devoted to grain and root crops is 124,Z4 acres les., than last year. The small farms arc being swallowed up In larger ones, and horses and cat tle Increase, whtle men and women are obliged to emigrate or starve.' Since 1531 the etnigra dna from Ireland had bath uaarly two millions of persons. . Mn. Fax•trneEl remark (Governor elect) in Ms New York speech, that "New York hereafter aballbold heidtatink or equivocal pc*ltion" in relation to' tic' prosecution of the war, meets withihc cordial approval of the Union men of the state bat makes the copperheads _Wince. The position of New York for two years past has greatly entharraas:d the Government, and en couraged the tebels. • It has likewlic Con the nation many thousands of lives and millions of - Lreasnre.'. . mils is now to cease: ' THETIE Is trouble in• Poland about the ladnan ping of Jewish girls a . Wartmw. The Jewish emitted() bad litherto.been silent about it, cause none but the lower dames hadboen snb keted to this treatment. But about three months Lgo the daighter.Of a tien.hractitc,hsving been eutieed Into a &went of Felicitate nuns, and then forcibly kept there, the lobar complained to the bishops, and after innumerable efforts his child was restored to him. She sold there are niand. a dozen Jewish girls morn In the 83111 e convent. . . Tat Lonlaville,rournal ccrmfals the people of :lint elty with the information that reliable' itate itenta - are made that Government hornee, th2t de in that vicinity, are &reit zti and the meat ', , ffrred for Bale In market. The ANITItai Bap: . . . The neThrions scheme has been In °penal ni k r setae time, and It Is believed that much of he fine etenks offered fur sale, and purchased as Wen nOthlug more nor lea Mon 129reeneeti, taken from deemat thtlApertyof the Government. 8M:r161111 TaXOII.ANCII OP ISIIISTAItY STRAT- I:GT.-T-11e Rledrikonfl Vi7llff le severe arm Sher man: Tt f . ,11S Mathis present movement Is "an ineolent disregard of all the principleiof pirate -I*. as explained nud practiced by the mastere of :the military art." That Was precisely what the ell Aug Ann Marshal, Vi'lmnser said of Napoleon .his first Italian campaign. • S' • PATE'S!' VP 1.1!(1) !intent has just been tweed by the Land Office .to 314-General Halleck fore tract of sahtable.land, vmbracing about thirty-fire thousand 11CMI, known as Rancho do Los Americana.; In estifor- Oa. The land has several mines upon it, iu Which a - number of business house of New York ;And Boston arc Intcmded. , Tux Davenport (Iowa) Gazette sayWrock-, kts ofa peculiar blue colorhave been thrown up recently of nights, from a point cippo- Lite the rebel prison at Rock Island. They are-undoubtedly signals toile prisoners, in the opinion of the Gazette. 11-forNci lady married a man by'the name of rust, against the sishea of her piarents, not tong since. Atter a short time they Tired unhappily tygether, and she returned to her linker's house, tut be refund to receive her, saying: "Dust thou art and unto Dus; thou. 'shalt return." AccottnnO - to a-Turin cokespoudeut, Ring itior Emmanuel has beromn to Unpopular as of to be able to ride and drive about his capital ithout a military• guard. thrertus COLIZOE has 001 students, male and remain; In all lts departments, preparatory, col legiate and theological. •. 1 n. o irtu. alrumusox PONEILL & ANDERSON, •+•-• • Steam Book awl Joh Priiders, onzETTE- BUILDING,.FTFTII ST., PITTEDUROIL PADIPIILETSi_ liILL I:IEADS, RECEIPTS, SLANE. FORMS, PlKlCitill*S, . HAND BILLS, . . ' prlnttag execute 4 with , lOW La the best sad nest nu Mends Itik Printing 'IV' • , :', • nmameod Inszump PAPER 800KJ3,. all other hinds of promptcsna and dispatch, .at manner. • We Incite of to execute to ere us a cal 1804. A KOLIDVI3. • 1t365 micort. x.x=sameozd%rmies. In PRAYER. BOOKS; HYMN Books, In elegant binding, fine morxwo and velvet All the STANDARD WORKS, In sateen Wading.' AU tho NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS, for and Glrle GAMES; or all kinds. jo b litgr 4;,r . R( 127 " D% 3 /, '" A c Citl sa Ali n lT l n Taper Nacho, Mahogany 'and goadwdod,,LA, DIES' WORK BOXES. - Yu/addled and unfurnished POWITOLIPS. GOLD PENS ' in Black, Gold and Silver Eaten. akin 'and Desk Holders. • r - powEBB.BOOKS, and,alLtho. sounded of tie r -*aeon, now ready, a targo Wd Dowletaiitopk, at - HUNI v s, —, 'cots% . Ai. firm STREDT,ldationto _ _ , 102annIVILL PITIMELS2g . .,k - (09.0, . fie yu.inu OK: OVITELLINCt .110U5E,1.4. A: or tight rooms and cellar, welt Aatshed,and.o„ . - der_,arlth lot.".) feet front 'DO DtdOmt at: - A ;it Thick - DWelfing House citiksll and ede u t i , : - tooi t trraton 401110. or three nxfou;n . nd two .lot J &waft.= Pother Istitotp,;• , -.- .-,;} . :,. b..is., , maitiont!,N ; l**ekeritt.,. • ' 1 ,•.; ,:z...,, , E .t:,,,, , ,, :,,:,,...“), - -‘,,,,' i ' , L.:. 0; NI , `, -. i A.: — •''.'4lA- . . t.'/Vi:. , ' ' ,'', ' •,", r- •-'' s F.e...:.":": .1 . . - :',...;gt 4 '.5"....7:1',. , " . ..;?..'," ,-,....;'-' . - •:4:At-i ' .. , - ?., ; ~:- ';;;•:4::-.A 4 '`.t.',5::11;' , ,;) Yr. _,;',=•-:;. i,cii , S A . 2..er41 , I ifbFri§kic .rorici: ar U. L. HETTI:Vi - i r t Cot •t OF 111 E U. L. 1,. s ttle man's Alsoclation liou.n,"uarr thr Mark,/ on TrLguAy, lar,e,brr Ctli. At 111 Wel irk n. ra. A •nlratteadeAce Is urge!, a ImporLsat buiineis! ce32t, . ltronler,of "Lit, PitE-7IDCNT. • THE CONFENNIONN AND EXPE MINCE. OF AN INVALID, published for the benefit /1 - ..sid as a warning and caution to „fpnag men wb ; latter from NerVOUS Debility, Pre sitsture Deese- of 3lanhood...etc., supplying, at the name time, the mans of setrivre by one who has cured himself after being put to 'great expert.% and injury through medical laumbugand quackery. By enclosing a post-paid sdilressed envelope, sin gle melees:Ay - be had of the author. NATHANIEL DIATFAIN, / deUttredssa Bedford. Hines county, N. Y. yrrunronn, Nee - ember 30th, ! PLEASE - TAKE NOTICE THAT 'the first Meettng 'of the eorporatloh to be. called "The Union Lubrlc Oil Co." will be held on 11,1MIRE6DAY, December MM. Itaft, at the off* 'oPßingrarennockiNo.lle Woodatreet, in the'elt; of Plftsbnigh;et 3 o'Clock. p. m., for the purpow of ortranftstfort, adopt ion of Byeleame, election of Offi cers, he., and for the purposes authorized and morn, part lcularly 'Teethed In an Act of the Cieneral As sembly of the Commonwealth of Perensylvardaten titled "An AO( relating to 'corporations for Me chanical; Manufacturing, Mining and Quarrylrk purposes," approved the ISth day of July, IWI3. no3oaltel WM. I'IUSSLIat, Treas., proton. >ixcnx A GENEMILL MEETING. OF lIE the Bank ing OF THIS D DAY be held at the Banking House, on FRIDAY, the 3.1 day of December neat. at 10 o'clock s.in.; td consider noddecide whet her this Rank.shall batsman an Association forl Windom* of thenking under the laws of the United States, road:Whether t h eh Le e= the,power . conferred e el' 00 Aet o etas Le..l alstqure of this State, entit An act enabling the Planks of this Commonwealth to become neso.. elatlonslorßanking.under the Lima of the United States," approlorißd August, Illet; and to take arty further action that razytit tleasseuiry. ' By order of the Holed ... of Director, noZtlm .1. 0. 13-. ALARTITS (Dishier. A Drew Ltt M I . E zI T ANE, Pntsoorgii:Not. 2r, mg. , E/Blit TILE S'l HOLDERS - of this Bank will be held at ,the Banking Blouse, ort TIIURSDAY, the 224 day °II/member next, at II o'clock a. ni., to deride whether this Bank shall became an emaciation for .the. pumas" of Banking, under the laws of the Unitert,States, and whether it shall exercise the powers conferred by the Art of the fitment] Assem bly of the ,Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, enti tled "An Act enabling the thanks of thin Common wealth to Deemer. Assoointlena for the urpose of Banking, unihar.t he laws of the United .tides," ap proved the e2d day of August, 1061, and to take any further action that may he expedient notttd . J...111.A0011 , 11i, Cashier. PlTToDnizOn k OarnnstreXttr.lllll - - Pittsburgh, Nov. 9111,1881. NOTICE, TO FITOIVIKI1IOLDEI*1.•• ThcvAnnuat Meeting of the rnockholders of the Pittsburgh and f'onnellmille Railroad Com. 'lt l t 3 a . i lj tun ° T, B e 'ril n Wi l e d ATAlrtre, street. to h.; .C.l ember next, at II o'clock a. m.. for the purpose of electing twelve Dtrectom for the enanine Tone. W. 0. all:Mawr, nolB.ltivaitottital Secretary rind Treasurer. 0.--a,-..IITIERaIr RUN lit PITT BKOLE PE- W- 7 6' TI2I.ILET3I I.IO.—NOTICE 01' ELEC. Tiff:V.—Subscribers to theft ock of the Cherry Run fa Pitt Bole Petroleum 1 . 0. ore hereby notified to attend a meeting of the Stock lo.itlerg of inid Vino. pony beheld on MONDAY, Dec. 19th, 1F , 61, at 3 o'clock p. ot., for the purpose of organixa lion, election of President.. Directors and other craters, at the office of J. T. STOCRIDII.II, NO. 2 Duquesne Way. 111 Melt ELVIC, not.:tf President, pro kno. Mnot: or Trie ALLEMIENV 11:11.00., Pittsburgh, Nowennbar p e;reetal meet tog id the Ntooltholdont of the Allegheny Valley Railroad 1!0., will be held at the ..titre of tLe l'onvany. in Pitibhur4ll, on the lath of December next,, at II o'clock, n. nt. for the pur pose of considering a contraet with tit alnhoning and French Creek Rallroad Company'' or the lease and extension of the Allegheny Volley Railroad, and to ratify or reject the same. By order of the Board, FELIX R. sni:xurr, no23:td President. PITTSBURGH IC CONSELLSVILLII U. tt. °Met, Pittiburati, November 9th, L99L NOTICE TO STOCKIIOLDERS.—The A. , annual meeting of the sl ockholdeni oftheritts burgh and Connellsville Relimed Company. will be held at the office of the Company, Jones' Bulld og, lUURTH< sTREL - r, in the city of Pittsburgh, In the first lllonday, MTh day, of December next, of II O'clock n. In., fur the purpose of electing lunette Directors for tbeensultig year. • W. 0:11UGIIIART, Secretary and Treasurer. EIMEETI=I Fl• AIIrERTISIEMEMTS. AV INDOW 1311ADES-7-rall styles- and 11 all attes..on hand and (or sate cheap, at Nos. ‘..•G and la St. Okslr street, by deb ,j.. _ 3. J. la 11. PHILLSPS. --- _-_ 11 - A.tip ifiL.-710 Mtg. No. 1 Lard Oil; A 4 30" N 0.2 " • ~ Intit are and tot salej.r JA.NMS DALZIML hSON,! des 69 and 70 It nter street. I,'OITSA.LE—LOT No. SCi, front 20 ft. on Wylie street, extending back 15:1 t to a co feet alfey, on it Alen in erected asu antially bnilt twoctory BRICK containing nine room. an tke front rod, *ad a tcrootarg Frick rltb lour rooms ondko back end of udd lot. Po,- Tessier, given ist of April: For further information inqutre of dealt STERR ETT, 277 Penn Arent. • - VALUABLE STOCK S.—OnTIJESDAY EVENING, Dec: Ith, at 154 o'clock, In addle tiro too Ust of OH Stocks. be Sold, at COI*. sorrels! Soles Rooms, 64 Elftk streets . . S gm*t eltltem. Bank ritak . _ . a Mannheiter Savings Bankt di .0 Monongahela 0 'Pittsburgh k Steubenville R. U.l A. rde.ILWAINE, Aueer. VoTICE.—AdI portico indebted to L. 111.11SHFIELICate hereby, notified to make immedlatemartuent, tkeuudasalaned having re. eitpower• of attorney to collect all accounts; and tun thole that do not comply with this notice. J. D. BERND, ear. Fifth and Market stereo, aeoond door._ Bittaburgh, Dee. a, 1684. 'Clea:be F — U.itS , . - FLITS! FLIES! • . ISt .6.lacrtioms. Will boaeld, of TUUNSDAN, Decembtreth, at crelrelt In the afternoon, a Mclielrra Nouse. No. 47 Fifth street. a lime assortmegt of all lane. or LADUN' ANT) FUNS, .n lots and irr the eloale piece. Will be arranged for culmination on the morainic of sale. dent • .7. MeKELYY Auct'r. li6BT I'ICIIistOTICE.—The• follow . log pniagraph of ihetruettone to Poslinnsterr, dated Norrrebtr 23d, 1961, le published for publle lamination: us. The uniform tents of Puct Office Beira and Lock Drawers, at offices Arbere Letter Carriers arc t tnployed (Now York Clty excepted,' will be, on and After January Ist, 1885, double the amount heretofore dinged, except at ouch °aims /whale e:ready increased the- de. Each hex or drawer. must be restricted to the Use of one family, arm or cotripatry, and inert he paid for at least mar quarter in advance. See. a Art Afervira. 186." In accordance with the atarve, the rent of pricate rinse NISPS. In the Allegheny l'oet Office. will be FIFTY craws and leek boxes ONE DOLLAR, cr quarter, ittrictly to advance, from and after January set, Iwo. .Ut dea tiAIiTIEL RIDDLE, P. St. - - FOR ROTS lizaxL4,7* OLztawa►y SESIAL!tom, SAME AND CATE OVERCOATS GI3AY & LOGAN, No. 47 ter. 01.1 IR STREET. 865. THE . 1865. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE; iWO DAILY Y.DITIONS, : two WEELLT.EDITIONIL Morning aM Earning, i Wednadayand Saturday: Fhc tittaburr.h Gaulle tablishing laudation Raving procured a FOUR CYLINDER. HOE PRESS, a new and beautiful set of type, and ae cured the services of an efficient corps of editors, the pePer enter upon anotbenpesr.of.)ta long eon. tined and vigorous: life, wllh, _high hopes apd en. The Glascrrs has never been,known to utter an uncertain soul* and to Unsteady and anttrlng ad vocacy of correct Niftiest principles is to be MOM. tried, to alarge agrees the proud position which Allegheny eounty bold among tbelayal .clotontuni :Use of the UnItAK Matta Its..voioe the future will be CIO 1 , 41 1 tleckled slid Piletatio• IRE tataitarnacnariniaimoy THE outman 111 note subject of pride to the publishers. With a corps of energetis and talented Special Corte. spendents at the netts centres of the day, they are enabled to pare. from day to day, RELIABLE aad COPIOUS .Dt.q.l 3 ATtlliM., and place It cat.a par. wlthi the most entertnisher journals of, elm' day, East-or West. it wee fDrrat outtny for early and ecushle. news by Telegraph wilt-be continged,l notaithstatedingtheirar and the intreasedespense therefratni 9ilitnry from the-Army, H t our bint Speck' Uorierpondent, nod' from 'rot =tree , 000trioutord, nhati oorktpue to ban promt mot Owl interest togfenture..• COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT . , IScondnoted by one thbroughlyquallfled•tofunalah rbliable reports of daily transnetkata, from actual . .ales. The quotations-of PRODUCE, CATTLE, PLCrUIt, OROWERTES, OILS, Ike., mny be relied' upon as the - actual - pies' from. day to day, thin fundebt*a most Interesting and valunble lentos*. los all classes of renders. .Ro expense •Is spared in , procuring Telegrnphis quotations .froal abroad.. in, annipon to honin 1TP9110.4 ' TERMS: • PAPER'. 11 " f De ing rtdile n *P er i , Or week, dettrered.(: . ... 'Everting ,Eilltion, pet veal., • mailed • .fer Week, deltrerad • " IirZEICTAT PAPEII .Ithiti e O cOptee, pear, M ... . .. Fir eoplee, per 'rarity olel, each I , nr Teo ; or-o: ore eoptes to te added*, tett .otie • free to club, each Les, • Aad- 411 imbecriptioriO lnrattabip is oitrorioefadd, the *spire lobe !topped at the expirathzo of the E----- tlwO" t6'whteli they were Poi: ' pwri • iiii-Remithr.•b r she be diegistoreol ; ate IN ihfcloi the not Odlo!,kt Pabliditre eiak. 4 .134601. e Orem - 014 - 28 M, , , 4 Arra " 1 0 3 — , L_A;54% crls ' • "e4mt.E 2 -: •=t! , L , ": l-0 ;•cW-T , 1 4 +a , o '* ) I'7.`4'-'-'- .t. Pik • ..i rt:24: II "5 At:Ai E.ir 1 OSITIVE4Y LAST WEEIi OF IA RUE'S GREAT WAR SHOW, TIE ITQNbEIFEL STRITOVIETICON, WlCitiscosalo 811, IIIMMENCING *MAT Deireqier 41ti Admission, e 4 (TENTS; no half price. (mots oven nt T o'clock—to commence at 7%. An Evbib tion,lllberiven on WEDNE,4IIAY d n'II.7RDAY ArrERNODNS. (M. the nomm- • °don:. of Ladles on Vhiblren. to which the pypils of Public Schools will he adulated fort) u ats each . • /toga - War Show will open nt Kilgore Stouheug Jlq oo Wednesday erenin,Decem- Der 14th. . ...debOw TICE.-1-the fiTsiitipetinz f the Co:- 11 potation to to e•Ileal "THE CHERIII( RUN AND EI1TS1311114:111 rk.al39l.Eulg. cog. PANTY will be held at • .• THUESTON'S EXCHANGE. O MONliii AFTMOIN AT 'I O'CLOCK', DeoOniber sth. 1864. • I or the purpose of organization tsal adoption of I . .lairs, election of °Mee., etc:, and for the pur authorized, and inore partiadarly appalled &i — tui . Act of the , General Asse of_the Common wealth of PePntylvanla, Act rel,ting- to Cor i oratlomi fOr Mechanical. Manufbetuling end tt u t i a y tt o t Iliro:_nies," approved Itith day of , dat COD GLOSSED, Treas'r, pro fem. .VO l1 -13 A sTREL & BAILEY, Moak Brokers And Rent Estate Agents, WM KIM. }CALL: I , plon Lnbrle fllood Feina & Ohio Ritchie_ dor Cherry Run & Pittsburgh din Cherry 'Ann h. Pitt Hole do; Haled' " do; N l= & Pittsburgh • Culbert stin Hun do; Tarr, Stay and Cherry Liu* do; Ti Donut° do; Ilynd Farm ' do; • Ohio :Valley do; Plttsburdh h. West t a. do; North Aillerhert do; Munangabelcnsuranee do. .11•3:tf 011•151EAS . Dlinl. l l , NS.—The under algued will attend at _Lafayette Hall, Wood - street, between Third end Fourth streets, In thi city of Pittsburgh, an TUESDAY, December 12th, sad WEDICESDAY, December 11t11, between tha hours of 9 s. .m. and 3 p. m., eaeh day, for the pin, pose of meeting the mother% or nearest relatives dr-frlends of destitute ()rot ami, between the ages of four end fifteen years, of deceased Penmtvlvania Soldten. note n oldent within the county of ghrny, .d of adorling Information In relation Lo thy edocILLIoLt anti malnteonnec of sold Orphans by the State, find the mode of procfnling to eolblo then, to . ..vote the benefit of the law on that aut. _ . jert. TAU S: 11 BUIIIII.ID - ES, deeeat Superintendent Soldiers' Orphnos. , . 77111'110WD CITY PROPERTY.—Ou . TUESDAY EVENING, December 6th, et 'TN "'dock, will ho sold, et Commercial Snles /looms, .61 Flit h street, that saleable improved property in Second Word, 1 'By of Pittsburgh. being three lots on Second sheet, 'bet wren Smit Wield and Grant streets, et enema. of Cherry niter, fronting each 20 feet, end extending beck co feel, ton to feet alley. The lots ere well improved. with three-story Brick wellinp add Back 'kindless. being Isle the prop ray tif James Stuart, deceased. Terms at sale. deg A. !Ilellll' Auct'r. - "iI ATT'ti G ItE.VC ANNUAL SALE OF' noon t 4; AT AI:tITION.--On MONDAY, .TDESDAY .AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS,. Dec.sth, fah and 7th, at 7 o'clock, at the Commer % cial Sales Roo. 61 Fifth street, will be sold, a spry Circe and valuable collection of standard works in almost every department of Literature. Also, Rae 'FAMILY BIBLES, splendid PHOTO. GRAPH, ALBUMS, Commerclal NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, GOLD PENS, kr. The Ladies are incited to call during the day, when sales will be made at auction prices., . A. aIcII.WAIN4 Auctioneer. MATT 11110T111.11S, Salesmen. dc3 N DIA DUBBER AND OILED CLOTH ING risco" on band and for sale, wholesale and retail. at the /clla Rubber Depot:No. 25 and CH St. Clair it mit, by da. J. & H. PHILLIP:I. OitfSMOUTH SIX CORD fiOtiT AMMICAN Bpdc x acoyror co . LE= ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON. "fhiipe threinds ton warranted of superior onallty, gust *guaranteed to measure two hundred yards la length Can be had Wall colors end nUmbern rumurthru - am BY Tfix PORTSMOUTH STEAM FACTORY CII.AB. AMORY & CO., SELLING AGENTS, • 111 MIIIEAY ST., NEW YORK. HS DEVONSHIRE ST., ROSTON: Mts CIIHRDII ALLEY, PHILADELPHIA diek.:lnec2 GR4T[intyrKEETTION! BY TIM._ Eureka Oift Association, Of rich and ,el.rgant .Teieelry, Pianos, Melodeons, pue 011 Palut lags, nlgrarinip, &e., valued at dialcocsCK:ao. c : merßnoTioN 1s in,ac tz, the following man. Der. Ceitificater. naming each article at:4lU value, are pinged le :SEALED ENVItLOVES, which are well allied. One of these earelopee trill be dolly teed at our balee,or teat by mail to ani• address without regard to choice, on zreelpt 0111 mat& For ONE NM:IAR tre ou t tend by mall or ex. Prem. the art eki named .00 the ttectlemte cfrateni or meW 47(41.z ye fur guy dig: ertida ox our q/ Na Mate Wilt. • . • SZO BLANKS! • Entire aatiefarl lon g[umnatteed In all rases. A pry calnable artleit may ix , obtainer! for the noinlitalprlOr of ONE DOLLAR. which newd not bn pald until, It la known what Una lien drawn and It. valior. jirklse pooled envelopes foul'. Eleven for et Thirty for VI Bond fortiroular. AgeOto triinted. • • ; GOODWIN, lit'NT MA7rACltit% • • •j UM and WI Broadway, New York. Allietters should he addressed to Des OXI Pos . Orem, New York. nYD:DielawT Tar - I.ISDEHEIGNED HAVE THIS A. day fort? o Co-pertnership' for the transits, tine of G •eeral Commission and Merchandise Itrokernge Dirge. .ILENRY 0. LIPPINCOTT. D. FRY. • WALD. LIPPUICOTT. 'Pittsburgh, N0v.:2,1E65.. • 7.IOPTNCOTT, FRY Ai CO, Commission Merrhants k Merthandin Brokers, Tk.nlern In DEFINED AND CRUDE OILS and OIL STOCKS. Oil bought and sold for Eastern and Western Markets. • Especial attention given to Aconslgnmenti of Crude Oil. • • ialUfice, No. I.= EllisT STREET, (in hilutlak Co' eWarehouse,) Pittaborgh, Pa. n029,2w 1)1S1•74LIITION OF CCI;PARTNEA2- -., SilIP.--4he Partnership lieretaore enistiug between- the4i i mdetsigne4l,. under the firm name of vitura PTO, ts CO., for the manufacture of Silver Pearl cud other Soaps, hoe this dny been dissolved by mutual ccluseut. •44A NUM. N. KIER. JOHN (1. JORN WATER, Pitt &nub', Sept. Bth, lent. . . =GI • - . . ICENNEDY & CO, - UMI'7:ON C 0.,) NAITIMACITWEIIS OF • Silver Peirl anid Stiperior Eosin Sohps, LlBirtry '..Slll.E'tTf PITTSBCRGII. denlyd I G.; ro.rizEL - '3sliinUNetuter and ArbOlendle Dealer In OABBON OIL AND LAMPS No, DO SMITHFIELD =Es?. • Beizine slid Patent Axis Grew; Lubricattag r0,,,,1 mecca i.PII; Lantnutplikettincry OIL ,IP3r promMtprepalrecl. • eryn ,;SWARD:-43t0166, from tho;striblo clP' .1 of the subscribel, at Irivih's Station, Pa:: 31C, A DAEK.F. OBEW 11011S1., about elgteen, handle:high, About sin years old, high caniagel one: Madam, iron, the knee down, a shade Slighter than the Other; both front hoots erglikial,.and - n slight , sore orilbeinelda of the right ear. A reward of , • fifty dollars Will' be scimi for the recovery of thej horse, nod seVenty-live dollars for horse and thief.: • . JESSE: &SIMPSON, , '• ; /min's Station: RAN DEL ' T,. • Ann Dr...wen Petroleum and its Products,: OIL STOOR'S, OIL LANDS, INSURANCE' STOCKS, c‘c., lma on hand:Allegheny, Insurance„ Union, Lubrlc t lnick Creek. National, and various o m en , office, Nos. 2 HANCOCK 4210 IRWIN: STREET', PittoMinch.' del2w CAW ; _ y(yij . ALWAYS PROPLIBE ; . great American tippet:kits , Rlchart's Pine Tree 'nu. Cordial. . Lindeera Improved Blood Seambet. Boodand's tient= Miters. • ; Speer.' Hamburg Port. Wine. Neutial Sulphitant . • ' '111e'604t20RR . :51413.11:23211111.413t0re and Federal Street i t i leglimiy, • et H.w • GEORGE A. KELLY tCO 11.—Wco bare' on hand dome very , NGr.BULTrfibtikat er aP4 gentile -sherfrentePiokligi Giuketir elate atirwp& bandoindotthe boa UWilde „Lir. ti4PvalLra, • et'U -11.4, 1,1 1,4-10.1•7 DAY'- GOODS. F°ll TEIv DAYS. GREAT CLEARANCE SALE, $160,000 WORTH OF Fall and Winter DRY GOODS! J. W: BARKER & CO.'S, Ala. tii9 .Witricei Street. GREAT REBECTIONSWILL BE MADE THr. PRICES OF SILKS; - SHAWLS, • CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, And every article adopted to the iresen! lesson Clousat:ry Midewc3liustaa.tais Will and thin a rare opportunity FOR REPLIMISHINRTREIR ST,OtTkB HOME LEAGUE GOODS. MMORESTS AND DRAWERS FOR MEN, WOMEN. ANO COLORER. ALL WOOLEN TESTS AND DRAWERS, FOR CIENTO. NEGLIGEE OR lIINTELEIG SHIRTS. WOOLEN HOSIERY. A LA.ACIU ASSOHTMENT OF ALL THE DESIRABLE STILES, L In Plain and Fano! Masker. SUM audAeritub Seeks. BUCKSKIN CLOVES AND GAUNLETS. 1413130 N NECK TIR3 Auld SUSPENDEIW • i . • ' iLONGBDiIt GINGIII3I .LrIBRELIA. . . • 'WOOLEN ENTEEINO-TARNS„ id all colors and DAT,MORAi -rsicuerrs, supetufr i ed. n it's 4s end durability to tbonabnport ORNAMENTS AND Dresaesi TRIMMINGS focCloaka I and /glib Sash and Bonnet Ribbons. 'SILK AND LEATTCEDI BELTS,' LATEST sIULE3t - NEW STYLES SIDE .AND BACK. c(13111S, IVORY. BREAST PINS AND EAR. '.IIROPS, POCKET BOOKS AND TRAVELING HAGS, 'PHILADELPHIA MADE PEARL BUT TONS. AMER WAN • ritntSlTTS.' WHITE AND . ' COLORED. IMIR ROLLS AND ORENEILLE AMERICAN HEPHYR RAND- MADE 1100 /15, TALDIAS, SHAWLS, SACCILIES, SON TAO and OAITEILS. Thd foregoing article! area AMERICAN MAR-, UFAEITUREi and *aro 'purehltett dlreetly Hoorn " the Makers or their Agents, and will compare fae torahly in price, utility and style with- L'oreiffn • Good,. - Mao. % Domectle 'BUTTONS, PIES, Hilmns, BINDINGS and many other SMALL WARMS. Jost, received, a quantity of American MERINO and White COTTON uosa - • Special attention sr 111 Detroiter In, Oren to our a.nortmcnt of BO= MADE ARTICLES. EATON, MACR,U3.I & CO., - Fop COLD WEATHER. We hive h full stock 61 very.heiri UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS As well as theAnee west llghtes, grades,. incluAtag the teal Shakes FJSrusel,'slaLle St• tho beilt mums: Foi LADIES end CHILDREN we have jne opened s , full lino Merino Drawers and Ftits, MEM Of the beet quality, In every maze. GLOVES, The lament and finest stock we have ever had, Juan opened, at low prices- Also, Wool. St.:zalea, Socks, Hods, Soutan e,Skirts Shawls, Rublaa, Basques, Balmoral 1 1) , (; ~, 4 1 , g zeg y. neirest stiles, anti !hake pattern!, JOSEPH ,10:0013 & CO., _no26 ABILIS,DIABLE Circulars, Brisquo. • Mildretes Cloaks, PopMih W.brkoV =IPrfDOPIMI L BATES, 21 WTI street. C4NTON , 243:31 . p cO, EcBEMARIN woor.AND SILK IDIVDERGARMENT9. Witte ak% Thaming inesier7; 4t6' 41: . k.8.E.D1174M1:114CWAT.L ., : , ''.'r',''.III,OI4IRIVDENIRSIKIIOOII.', • r , t :14 il.`rah7tc--t-a-4Ztai%:4?igtOtliganaikiii4 Present Panic Prices! No. 78 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh, IcAVlMidtMix;,cl:4)ll):4RlNli RIBBONS, BATSMEN. , E:urnishing Goods and Notions, Hatmoral and Kpapllkirts SandOgo,Belreramt Turban Hata; Blue arty Kn i tting Yarn; Break-last Shartis. Nutileo, Sontag., ,trainta, Sleeves, Settr, COMM, Cunt Mum,. Lawn and Embroidered Handketchighl.H, ea&Drmiairklitet•OHW ItlidatH -Beit-Hueklea; 'Dress "ilitnings,and Hrnaments, Corset... &e. i Wei offer the °bore and many other articles in tine, at very moderate prices, and -we,solicit Windesate - and 'Retail' Pureliasete GOOD*, M. EILTRCHFIELD'S A large assortment of every description of NEW 1:100114 just opened. 'ortheast Corner Fourth and Market Stints FULTON's VEGETABLE COUGH SYRUP. FULTON'S SYRUP cores Cold,. iS ' O ' r u L h itt the Head. • Sore Throat. " " Phthisle. FULTON'S SYBUP cures Asthma. Croup. Inticiensa Bronchitis. 0 ' " Polo In tho Breast. MILTON'S STISUP c urea Incip. Consumption. CatolThalArecticoul. iu u u Spitting "Whooping Clough.. UMW. -. " " " . Quincy. • • Cuts Cough., Colds; end all 'erections of the Throat and Lung*.. err-pLimr. Tl , F t CILEAVIAT . OOI.IOII. RESEEDiI .esif be bad t rellakllDp4 §tpreet.,, Foionle wboleiitle and retail at ANC., lohoicsale and retail agent. tor the sale of celebrated ralifornia Wines, Liquors, Which 1 guarantee strictly pure, for medicinal purposes. L none 116e.17 . n0d IR Fifth Stroet. A li T I ON. NOVEMBER 21st, I purchased from Dr. T. M. LINDSEY, of Hollidaysburg, tho recipe by which he =nurse thred famous tuedletne, known as Dr. - J.X. LINDSEY'S Improved Blogid.-Searcher. Silica that time I have been manUfactruing it, ridg 7)r. LINDSEY himself part of the time em• 103 ed In superintending Ito preparation, endahrill • era Inuit to manufacture itin accordance with the udructlions and directions of Dr.Lindioy, .Thme, lien; deeiring the genuine article, should see that he unmo of .1. M. FULTON appears oft every bob. le ; Ind to deniers I give notice that every Seifert. et this, my trede.nare, will be prdoectitedtra be fpli extent of the law. air I am prepared ttreell TILOOD9EARCHtII help* , market raft: Call before, purrdlastog etW WhMe. DOW EsTATE BEvr $3:1M33, St tement.of its.coniUtion, Noiember let, 1881, publ lied aa required by Act of Asaernidy . . fd 17 -Mortgages on Heat Fatate . , ... .. .......... U. n i6.20 Mad% at phi - :: 20,000o U. Ft. Certificate% at per U. Si ISSt Bonds, nt coat semi nu 01110 Furniture 217 do Interat accrued 2,17) 112 Cash on band - 21,5,50 Total aatieta ).• • 4 777 , 57 1 27 77.uND XABICET ST Due toDefasltots Duel° Depositors, intermit, Nov . I, Mt. 6,9113 SS Contingent Ytmd (balance) 10,83 S 60 TheMuLtt.iStl, Andltlnx.Oommlttee, have cx the boo of the tamtuttoo, the wads and relitlea,- and Daunted the-exalt, and , have found the ,pore statement to be correct . . W. It. COPELAISD, ,W.St. H. SMITH, _Auditing S. K. - 31.001111KAD, Oocutalttee November tat, 11363. , ; Interest paid on Depooltnat, SIX PER OEXI . per annum. E L TAR=. BAILEY, Rork Brokers;and Real Estati Agents. Stoci kaxeitt - ixi;ivild 'exquiliciy , on cpgzu4s.' EWA,' _ vgt.-: on, • OT,PT.IIB,‘. of - if widths ..s: patters', ciA toenit any abed hill cir room. A:1 Welt 'on Itend, , whleh we wilt tell - et - re. de Nam,: Cattail wee,ist the Oil-Oloth Depot -..... , ...... , •..W5,. _ ..- s d .. . ' T•B VOLUTiON ,- 4110 - . CCNINnti/V, 71 heretofore extetlq‘Joetween the trade ._ 1..,f under. th e firm come of 1PH..1 1 . 1 %1APP.4 is ,____ o, 7 , - tumooitea by .Ikriltitiost, rarne oarrpt . btil. i . 4 . .. :3145 ; .with the ' late ' ttrirt_t be' either - of' ttf:uarterettioo6 ,i, ~ srilli wi teesllrd, lira M , „Fifth Street, Phalan% Deur. ~.. ~..r , , r buil peconeinpoti t. .11c2,41IILUVL r-1? -,..-4.,- ~, v• -' ,I, ,-, ~-,'- .4,H•rtIALWItri : I ~,!#•,....,-..!-,,, littavioalb;rigtALlK, FA , il , ...„',..: ~..,,,:, ~ , ,- . 0;t1, - 7 , 1, a , • . .- - , - . !', ;••• -..''', L'.:'-',. ~._,.,,- ---; 0..1 ,- i_rrillA",i,'4", ~ ~,-,-,,,,",,,:•., ,-,: ~.-, : . - -,,..'l .r.-..-: , -.,.,_ ~- , ', ..-_"., ,_! 7;7 7 .-, '', - ' -.': '' -" ......7-''';„ •*'.. • 1,, ,F,„ ~ .:- ~ I f, i. ,- .: 1 , 1 .17..3 . -1 ; ,! - ' 7, ... , ^--,,,.' ~- ~! - ,1' ..- \ - ::. ';' .: 1- . : -!.. • :-..:'... ,;; ;. 1,::.1,. ; ',. , :' ,:, .., .. ',:...? ~,, -_,-.; •,: f ...ul -:.:i. 00 ' .1.!i' - , ..; r. , ,... --,-, ,i , .!,, , ,'7! . ...1; 1 !,:' ,c.:3 .; 4 , ,, : t! 1 1-, .: . .;:: , ..t. i r, , , 1 !., .:,•,..e : - „ , ..,: ,- ,; 1 , ~,..: ._„,,, .;. „_.- ; ~,,,,,,,....,.,...,,;••• ....L . , ..:„ . .„:),106 , ,... „ 5, ,- .. t .pf-'' '• -. ..' ' '.. '"' - r-,'-'1"-' • '.'--!. ' -7,' .-...- 1 : ',', ",'.:.:."'".. -.' !-:-...' .._ `,,,,,:7.1,1`..,,..-;.11:-...1-f,-:.g.7-„„- -1.. - ,-, 7- .:, 1,7.i,..;.-5.1.....,i;1t1',..•••.,..,,,, E: - .1 - ..,••••. , :r . • ~ ,- 1':,:-.:.----,,'....'.:.6,-,-.4-,-'1,::',,.;-:-.,%''.1.'"..;',..11-z-,:..1•1'.'.7.,E,,,,1---2-1;',:‘...4', -: „1:fi 1 a.t.44 - ;; ' l_, -- ,i , -;4/fl- . ..;:',T,',J,T.4•e , '. . :zr.i7%,•.1:?.>41 N ,i, i -. E 4 ; - •e 44 : 41- Vgi:.ce.o_24;-.1.t. - -• ,- - ' , - - WM ;Mt) -WHOM' :171111A. (30b14 IMIN.;,The 115 thutoralleft,it asyt Itont, via ttkenAWIMAD AROWftI9II.-Aol4.4laiN lOU be . : it 'Ft MIME, tei Lp?tetylitteeL.• • ' rtyilp --• i:ei GOODS. GOODS DOL'GRT Er 4 micifirm a 6LYDE, Wltolesale end Retail Dealers Irt re' Ex,' •innNE,ouit STOCK WhIRIII te, found Lage and atteletive. PHENCIII MERINOS, !Earrnis.sbbYrir, IRISH POPLINS, WASSIBItITIES, for Men and ti REV TIY mANNELS IMBMII I=l REAL WELOLI A CERTAIN OTISE. Fulton's Vegetable Cough Sirup • a Slirietly Teviable ColapentiL J. 31: 11:iLTOWS ,DRUG STORE, Nos. Cr arid 69 riftb street PURE RYE WRISSY, and GSFIIIRI STBEET, Pittsburgh.. Savings Institution, 1 63 F01311,7a A. A. CARDlER;Trcuurcr., ISAAO JONES, Preslileni. Thos. 1i1.../fotre, , lion. J. K. Moorheint 'Wm. A. Smith, 0. G. - Ilussey, OTmlend,. Jneob Painter, nanny Childs, Nicholas Toogtly. nottmdawy " JNO. D..1144,1ir SPECIaL .IrOTWES. r ...+ frAPEEE WINE VINEUNII I=l E. & M. WEIMAR, GERMANY, Formrrly MALLET 4. CO., Bon! tera.r.) The onlk Vinegar awarded with a Prize Modal of sixty, eshibitore, at the International tion, London, and for *ale by • Y. 11. 11OLLM.IN, Je". 6. :eodi f WRST MARCRWTf.4 rge.PIT7IOIII4II SAW , IrtISKti HUBEIARDS is LONG, PATENT GRoU'iD Warranted CANT STEEL SAWN, nt every de scription. Mill, Alien', Ilion Cut, Gang, and all • Alt ads . of tricrvr mad sPßl?iftni:ade rms.' 1 - L f 4. Sheet Cast Steel • Satin Refined _REAPER AND MOWING KNIfES, ax. litil"Warehettlie and Works, corner WATER and ; SHORT STREET:S. - PROW/Mitt Porticulor attention glt Endo Retoothin. Gum. mine and Straightening Circular Sawa. also, re. pairs of All klis tpunek i tiniii . uall•Dsilting done %kn? 1 mos.:m.llde rates: 4 ~, ap%lly - • .. wm. istitkintii . Bo r Makers dr,. Sheet Arun Workers, . Igo. to, tt,;-. 1 o. i .e zi Pr= leat.l4‘.` ,-. 2 - ^ Be lig Bemired a 1,0.4. 1 yard; Mitl"turalehed -• with hr . most improved machinery, wo are meant; • ed'to autaeture ei pp description of BOILERS, in the n bes Manner, "nod it omitted - equal lit isillr"•' -1 .,' mndo i the counts e. CH lIIN LYS. RRIOREN.' rum nEns. gr ea. %I Pilit&••44.0(101tIOTIVY; nontns, t 3 OIS D ESSER iS, SALT PANS. TANES OIL STILLS. AGITATOM, MITI TLING' PANS, IRILDER IRON, jtitlDOEls t , • SUUAII PANS - 01nd Kole tnetatibilitirlefacitHAßN- - - ' 4 ItILVS.PATEND uunalas.. ,Itiluarbeir ;done •v ; 1., ,ow lite 'hottest notice. . ' SLOW • __ _ • ROBINSON; BEA At 410...(04F01ieg , soul MUM h Washington Warta , • " . 'POI2NPERS'ANO MACIILINTST4,OtA, MotifiktisTA of TIOA.T ANT) STEAK INGINI1 4 .4. LAST -ENOINVAI MILL • ;4.1211141tRY, , GEARING. SUAITING.- CIASTV INCES cefdescriptioni. OIL TAN Kfier. ST JAL% WILES—AND *ma= mop . woßz. •• SO- AsTntA for 41i LEFAILU`S PATENT INIEDIT.. OR, for frAding bAklrst. ' • . or9lion •Wl. u.1m1.tm,..4. Y. notaataxl F.T.EEL.WORICS. nitiTtat . - -1 itintaccturere of in AST STEAM; SPItIMI„ , PLOW. and BLISTER .*FEEk SPRINGS, AU LES, LIROWDAUS, he. 411,W . Werke, .FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny.'Edit Office stddreca, PITTSBURGH. Anlffily . Coma 11 and. Smelting Work; rrrr:munott. PARK, M'CURDY & Manufacturers • or SHEATHING, narairats• BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOT TOMS, RAISED STILL' BOTTOMR,RPALTRID SOLDER. Alan; Imtuntenound•dealets In MET ALS, TINPLATE. SHEET IRON. Sat. ComaauOyon hnon L TINNEItS , rd AMINES. and TOOLS. 11 orrhouce,No. HOECHST and 110 SEG OS D STREG.MS, Plttaburgh. Speolal orders of Copper cut to any desired pattern. TO NERVOUS MUIFFEILEES, Or . BOTH SFY I, S reverend gate:Dolan had.: log treed vectored to health fa a-few days;after for d ra e olel i oTt t r h e e ntmeel, r At i o t a frreetcoVizezala sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the aleatueokefeece. • ifelleeedll the reeolPt *- of ce addreated envelomite will aeuddreei a copy -' of the petaniptiou used. . Direct to Dr. JOHN IL DAGNALL, ISO Fulton street, N..Y. , • othitetylawT 'a#.11414 EAMES OF TOE • NERVOIIIII. SEMINAL, L'IIINAUX:- AND SEXUAL SYSTE3l3—new and reliable treatment—ln ' ports of the gawped Association. Ifinst,by mail In ...et. sealed letter envelope, free of charge. _ • AddresiD.LSKILLPIN ROUTEXTON,HowarI - , Association, No. 3 South Misfit street, Phlls. mbdtidy 1111104Matintate .4thass ofIRON VALVETS AND 4/ABUT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT- • TERN, WINDOW GUARDS, - An., Not. et. SEO , • oND asidAVl/URD STRELT,letweenWoolt and - , Blartett, bare on basn'A. variety of new' pattansii tt.e3r min plain, suitable for all purposes. ' are Particular anal:Alen pitd t6tneleulins MATO Lots: Jobbill4o oll ostlallistPllEltie- :11A0*. ..----.w. HOLMEM a 'mita. Deniers in row ' b...' EIGN AND DOMESTIC - DILLS OF EX • . • CHANQN,__OERTIFIOATES _OF DEPOSIT ~, , BANK WS' , APID , SEXTIBMtI4I MA cf.' '', •STENET, Pittsburgh, P. • Sir Collections made on all-the. principal cities . throhlthsut the tintted,Ststes., , ' 2 • igir! i"l :l r ll4l33/ 4 11SS10 1 7 . J.BIER0 41YRW H A A. R N 1 4.i.: , - And iisholesala 4exler AUEESE,,BUTTER, 2 ' SEEDS L _ proctiace"gmers3l,l 'Zfo. , lll' *:•-• WOO? =LIVITUXI . ..OttstnnInr:•., , nal_ 4u.0 70 . 4 ",i4/ I •Ff. TO . OIL , MEN;-;-FOR - EMLE, --4 tme : -Eighth ot, all the Oil' Predate& on aro acres of laud, situate on the Ids er,pt -Tidioute, Warress..eosnaty, Pr . This Is • one o f the best ultimata:on-the Elver,: and lathe, one !en which the..Thiloute 1(0 Warren Oil Ones, f•,•::Y -puny WINO operated 'sr•lth p l eat - 11111410111.f0r four - - year/. 'Ahern, are eeriest erelleOlutt4 trecd•PrOo , '.. l '. duct*, , ell daily, and -.mond. new wells are beis—gf,`,l2 out KG. 'Though but a mead part of the tract, la :dery , rioAlatdaYtititatrgvhi good rtierotictnirt • eves that as- the tract le further skweloped dic dende will • be imateasoll: The I/detest:we s.s.rs.' °MT'S& &clear land interest or Itoralty, tree °talk 0e", , ,',,• drasslde3th asseiaments for hosing or• operating s. - the wens. it also embraces the undivided otteheW th e of .soil, thnbir- the tract, and tltere,ts. • lumbr enough In make some hillitou•rof feet' of Maddened - palm llMinand. cords or viand, •Por further infortnetknaddress the entlsodher onte,tWarten totally, •.• • _ _ __'• - ".'' noapier., - ,ALEE.A.I7I:II2I. WALLACE. • rilficli i iireTTUßCH - PEWOn _ DAY. EVENING; Dee.eth. at.l% Walookowill , , be acid; at the Commercial - Sales Romp; stplith street, that 'elladdr situated Pew. 27,' Trinity= • • Cburell,' fourth %cat from the front, on.ielt ,hettd . aisle; •'• pßo*os.itir:, , Merpri litua'Aritertendas Itios.ts,42lerrena . • , • Plitsbsuli. Pa.; Nov: MS, Ital. •:7 400'00011VSHET' QF COA 9 , sealed Propels's will be received" • at lids. ogles; uldll cVelock: M.' tad Id day of : December, 'IBM, for foretelling and dellrerlng,t-..r.,;:. Four! lieltdred-Thouseed,Boshels •good Moe. , chantoble. Pittsburgh Coal ot Steuililde ; Tenn., _at , — The~ibov ve e a coat is to , he delivered fa cod and the Ms must state-what each boat le to carry • as Vet as theprlce each :boat. Alt barges be excluded: but ff delivered in berg., they will ' • returned when andonded,azelses.thePare required:li atMemphiii;Tene.,•qd - that cam the "Atha' alnO beyald for each tmrgse taken.- ,Theabovemob to to be goofed at metWlic.• • Proposals must be marked propcisats for UAW foiNemphis, Tem:it,. and addiessed to TA: Col. o.,''‘t •!.” . ":•1 Ceoss,•*ery Q. 2d. Civet!, Pittnburigh, Pa. - • : The _Ability of. the bidder ,to the 'el:xtract, should ti he Guarded to' him; annitlYegstareniced„ by two responsiblepersone; whose siguntittre must '• , be aypended to the gunhantoe. ' .• ' • • • • • "".. The Mipaeldblllty of - the guarantors must N. chinva by the official certincates of the Clerk of the . nearest District Court, or of the United States Die; trlet Attorney .. Jt Bidders moat beLusienbl6 Penton »ilea the tibia: ere °rental, or pie proposals alit not be ecem44. 1% ,, Bonds equal liiitenunt• to hair the auto to be T 6:. !eyed, on the contract,. signed by the conleactoe, nab both of his guarantorA=arlil lei required of . tae successful der nyon signing the contract.• As the bond 'must accompany the contract ; it mlnt/6' necessary for the bidders to have their Madames, • wittithere, or to - have boudgMned In Ontielpittion .a , and ready Ao Ta predated when the 'eonttaet signed, • We," t-tt-i . of the &tu ft y of and State of ••• and of the county og.f.,Tand State of hereby guriutee that:— is able to falai a con. . tract, in amonlance with the terms of his prepoaS; Moo, and that: should him proposition beraeceptedi oho wilt at once enter rinto a contract. therewith., . Shbulti the contract, be awirdet .bko Weep, pre pared to become birsecuritieS. - _ ;To this guaranies most be appendeder a..:... : : the niftier . ' • .certiliciate above mentioned,}" - Proposals from disloyal parties will not be eon, tittered, and an oatirogalleglimee. be immured of successful bidders before signing contracts. -The underalued reserves to himself the right.ta• rt.ject soy orail bids that he may deem t00h4h.,,,' Payment to be made upon Uurcomplettomet the contract, or so soon thereafteru the:tinitertirmitr , i. -shall he In t- CHOW. polka& .Cot - and D. Q.,lg. • - DROPOSALS FOR FLOUIt=4EA.ZZp . pßopcksatsvo'invito until DEOl:6lllEff '1 1 ! 7TII, at llioiciosit,Zt-" for furnhibing the Sobsist....- • encellepartnient, pit h !.. • -7 • TWO 'IIIQIIISANII- (1,000, 111,11.4. Ptinnt, proposals wilrhe nerdwhe Is luiOnin Ilspot its Nos. 1, it /mad, bids - will be entertairb ' ed far any quantity less than the • ' , • Bide .be in dilpltrate, *editor eaeh vide on "tarnte sheets of. paper - - he delivery of the Flour ie - etimmeice . ivlttli;,'; live days front the opening of the bids, aid In suds • •••':.; • qtantilles, - dnily, no the Government mity direst; • ,7 2; delivered at the Governmentwstehouso in Georges town, at the wharfed or,raliroad depot:ln Wftsile o f it Flour aWied to tor'ettlltplePi' - ell within ten der:froPm :Peeing - the bids. •• • Payment mill be made oettleestes 6f Indebted+ nest or such other funds de the Cloverainent • The usual (losenunent inspection will be made •• Just before the Flour to received, awl node vein be' • accepted whichla not fresh groUtd; and snide Irons • .' wheat ground La the vicinity wherayeatatfactlf.tedst•-rt - - unless of a very superior qualify. - „ • 'l%TbeTintle to be delivered In now ' 9ahrDOrtelet An oath of allegiance must-accompany . the , bid of ench bidder sambas not the oath on Wein this , older,.and no 144 will. tte entertained from :particle :mho have. prevlonslylalled to comply wlthlheir - - bids, or from bidders not present to respond. . • Government reserves the right to reject any : bid • Inds to be,addrosird to the tmdersignel, at N. 223 (I-street, endorserProsals for Moue". ". deidd S. 17.0 XENF,, Crept. twit (X ir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers