r, , 171 - 41;• • - . t. C". 7. ,••••, rq • • 'r 1. ) IriDVETMEY . _ Wimbi t - [ l - 16 a Sherman's Movements. BilEllOW: BETWEEN SAVANNAW AND; loon „ .1 •• . • 3 . . 11 n f The %Aws o maul an Hood P*Parlia , JOINING GRANT. knew; raramt I • T0h.: 8 ,71: 1 w RtekeiPhd *::of tb0 , 30111 Mott ,There is=nayert important . news hislalst.thassoalmallun at the'repirt — that the WNW hi rate otke*lbelltrittithi'dfqll€ilea- Small of day bekiv,Y.enet.dst • atraelcraWrillrotul between Barman/tit and uffttsilaild/Wliyambtiro, tidtly-six , ulnas . from . , Angwitar-and mid by some ha ham ydnudired 'a passenger Trahr.therotatonlaT.' 'rein. • formed the .raposlittOst _beet } figerevfOr aid e piat'of the :athlete • captured, and' the *St:tif them-driver. hack on tlimemeeN main • The object of his movement is redly seen. This party werecifihtdiwny torani the intelligence of Shuman:N.- p 1344, Op to his Government and conaditmlehte his tray and plane. proposea to Pane wail, themselves upon him. with a onarago that shell do thesn honor. • - "Thane-s mespitol difference between salon sad thstot Hoed; holt in the ennui% %Ma try whilallood le.amom: friends. ipeaerlfee of propertx„;ll9 activity Of oppositiontnust &dui— ted DOW Pr, roneidered etemssive. Tear down , bridges, block the remit, Marais, Mid deitaW sup pike, eat off foragcra and fight at aretyjaass. "If Bitelalinti , elHalidd!behble , to necomplish each a Journey as he proposed, foraging as he mea t tt will he a proof ho:.*at not baeom, ingly reek The WhiNalter that it is Arictly pro.; hlbitedfromgt big , yntblimlnformation.concern: lag Blienala; 7 Ftiyd: "visa olt woman Me", tither In the ACtir s Tint papers or out. tana, , we are. ' elearly oftkor 'opinion that Shermon-is maklog, as (meow Mown's:ore, ton Ittanrost; and thet.ltis' ultimate dvdiailsill unite forces with GrentNi. "Whether ohr trete will Le able to lady hlmor not depends on NI many ainiin : ti'melet that it Is itumithiti to furpt,na gaibick. . That heittitlad.' SM. - Mamie or: Charietton or AtiOlga'Nve . not - .fear , la the /&15t. - If he 40)2 4W:40,40 OVI3MitOOD, • • it; le more slum' Ire bcitcva •••• ' • • Later from" _Tetifesge;e;' SLIGHT Wlt i ltSiligilSlMG 1 I.;sTgßoly. :1" • - _• • • ' - Goo. Mood . 4 2l4: ‘ortortalt to Cross 'the `':.famberlaitil. • ••-" • cJ ~iimAtitilll);' 010r.WoorititiimtillDsolizr.trriarit. • r 4r, 'lO ---,.r.t D!saytettiOlistreiitlirkiStiedaili - 14 -rutil r rir*s-Pcf• ,_ 2 •__ *in s tate Al • misbinX ii s to rlthisausnay; on slay y., i.A. 'roma . I,:t#sniliinert eirc - ' ' A Pont= 0 1 our cavalry Riroo.Cilarl. Aired ii ' TonionrMlialrial sl "- - - sal es .l . , I ' X lc # , .f , r . Rona tolObti Nit' ntitta4 Itie. e t kleels Xwadd belphOnlistitridtnintine ttrinfli:ttlietni• 'Our (Tots IM.stilied towirdslim eity.A,l4 . etria„...Yihil'rfroifew e ileusg , inik 'its :ot.ti wercixs - /r lUlWStieforilUtilroadtsst n .. a 7".!l e Mt. thi taltibiethia With a Ittnns'enc•SiliY:forep."': '-' Ahno•texpealeneed offlesera predict antyingaso taint twimotrow. - Oar faring 'Who . - oceitrY ftF: lines tiOnnif tai cityinnlitlrne of battle: , TineeAmlttleri,:steni ' Shigund"lilled by the ' guardillnlbe streets ,of the city, thia,erening.• Tbqr vannewain,..!rathur L. Cherry Bth. Kansas; ..lollin Mt Catry;nolltTndlana; and Jescpla Brant.' NAlaaryttlat;Dee.d.--Gen. Woods-Deiced' Gen. Stonier In ioWnand of the 4th -corm Stalely. - bring 'WHO '9; take the. Held.: Ma- deal:Anne:. Dram."' fit the' Franklin' fight -mainly'. contrib. , sited to rani what threatened to be a disastrous-. repulse LIMO p s t - lout slitory... it'licis part- of - his cuatinnithlkW. MU tiway.lieforc ttocucin::, be tusbettltil4 that:. I ._ Ku had Idshhisesbcd lender.. Mm, and Awns Wins& wounded. - .Da atUl led on . Abe clunwe,trisbsg'his'hat and ' , calling : on Ida men to , - I , r.'-' RE 'willled hie faltering cops, repeillialteiffitiitit . "!4Weluiige:' - • - - Col. Schofield of tbelratheldo; tnitunanding . a brigade, esiseelallydlstingnished himself In the enmentint. r t rot Scholleld;briether. to General S.c.r.td, chief Of artillery;dlitlngtdslMd - Idrit.:, *elf by, ithe',adtairable positions La: 'whletti he r ticid Alai artillery; and the manner lax filch he c - gunitlexportanee. a f the victor-yet Frank: tin, &Mind lbe t over-estimated, 'as: R checked llootralmiwini tonne, and gave. the ..Tederala time tomiake due- preparatMn to meet,. him. Schofield:Mid - Shipley yonnna!nled tarps tu '1u, , 11. • ~.., • . - - - '11401i4 tn . littrANorthefu .Clttes.. -.. - llSAlowbOtilieeii3.—Tho veiny's-enured twin - . the nscOnn sti . .tymentoftlic parollwl toldter,' front .Geor,-. (leer guy • te4 with tbe'inUendiarylplot to lire -^-the Northern illthw, Is.undeMtoodlert to intone -.Nerds rltOnt-om ety, a proMinanf participant In .the moVeiratirs to this city, about ther tneamea, ', -ble Mith of - April: Howls at tbat tint du: ..n -. 4 cer in'tlie Maryland finard;suid leßlfaltimore aurtnta ar.aret 'scar of the war to join the rebel' . . e ranters' Strike In Boston. Bosttr,Pte. B.—The Boston '-iiteoerti. appear . an-day ; With their oolimuis as welt WWI as usual; - the strikeiof tat 'claims haring tailed. The proprlnoss will , coritlnno; to paYrul wages to. , ocinpat' ii" reverting the r ht. - to employ wht . t 4.. ele, and •genprally, manage "their , . Iniatiis - '- .. . 'll Astst, , Sizei , 6.War..—We - don ' t - know-- i - wheat we b are wad a sadder story. than Is em- sidle pn .-41 m, room : lig, under the; lead. of. Sat "Peat:HO:in Ake' t 1 tot gerrthi or ~. ambit, :,,f 1 - ..'',.'i ' '!.--- . '' ....' " = In Neiukatt SA . , netiipiCthiedit; - oil' tha.-• ko tii i .Instantolasnor R. Gnires, ugieditCws. *, :: On thenttrattatti;trauut T. 21.4:t* aged On,* staailay, Fauna ctio di 6airiti, agod 4 yeara.s?, lid lae- 0 --, ..,-.0 h.---: r,-.•..,.'-. . -On 4heltpdifts,34oeninstinirsts, aged Tltkotiaraitis c oa44ll:itiOie Wein children - of Ito. Cs; isak..Artry -Ana' 0 raves.. . four lambs .snoitted;'itrrnla• einght Cock—four Oohs mOde - sawmill -in Sidingle lionachidd—and all In the • -. abort spare yet' a -week !4..4tbany _Nes: Totowah- -• , -- Si _ - .''''.77 ......; - .-..--7---,;-,---•-• : .-.., -,..,,,,. - -Illtinlnweibu: 7 l - iii wisow of Senator. Deng- - . to; hillOnginandet retirement with-her mother , . - • lira. iptip,in the old homestead, near the Cad -401 tat dbee. tiO 'brother; Capt. Catts, who was: Wonn ,ed2O. one 14 the battles In Virginia la-u . ', ... • Shneiner;latinot let recovered, and Is receivieg ev ery pinnate care at her hands.- Mrs: Douglas • .says little ahoutpoliticu; but her sympathies are, said t 6 Et strongly enlisted to the _federal canoe. Mrs. Cutlx,la as. great arebel as can bu found in " . Jilin. frill. or even In- Richmond, and lost* no 00 (u ortunity to express her political sea - oineets . „, ilin will appear a Mile strange to '-, - thoso - ,WlO'recolleet that ber husband; at 'the •' ' dime of bin death, was ~ ti.. tie =Ploy. of, tha -,- siLineoln't Adnehelstration, _nod that be never coma a dollar. In his life except Ina, ,Govern ' anent egreation - . ..-- ... Coril•Llenthere la A coiiintiroYzalitzed In . frils'c'dyso. jnatoracti4•7 l 4. l oup, or the ibis; of ',"", - coal. ':Thefhlye d hicorcr , sd a praxis by which' il the date le formed fand kagt - In - a, solid compact tl Inass,•andlheirrspertmentaproto it So be a !try,. N • - Tigustbislost: qt-liorriii:fteelrand:thorensghly,: L .. 1 and giteitint: as -Pie,h . lira. naraoll4 anthracite.. ;. 4 . The OW 4Wit g* . o Stuidgnit/Pid, can he pareluiaod ' •.• ..e,* the mines, where there are Immense 44enthlea. "•-••, '''' Apt ll hillstl4lta sts4d> - tor the snff' price ot ltortt -•: ' !l9nta•lofmitom-4t cml *alit Pei (on /tpifted,.nnd . v .;, '. =1(15 eit led by the ••cryittlelllkent persons en= r.i insal In • the ontmdsc, .that a ton of solidi i • erldoefean be sold at flonillsp . rt•bilve;dol= -4-4 • iarl.ti?,4:•tf:r e k a4 . l i. l 4 o •. ie rr ' • --: ..', '•-:.'.. : 1,. t.nterrthonao loucatered Ix( : the Med ei:*w:defs• ego; teet tile** three:n*6lth 'CaroThat &legatee ahead, 1 0 , eftesti'thtl., fact that,thor claro, tilsocally Ibr a rtelfteto" the UnkteU Vine of those who stdoilbrtheut backed down opoder the prawn of 4171 avestchelmlng aiejority _ .egilnet Opel; but natant. ro,T. Eaach, Tomer; attd. LW/0 Stood firm. ' , Thew can be _pa doubt - .that a bugs itutiority of the people of Mirth Car 4 olloer are :for the 17rdOn, in spite of: - the whlp 4 .;.. • a.:. ,_~ .. ~ . ~: ...II:1.1Yr'; THE _LATEST NEWS BT TEial4ll. NEW YOlUizinD -RUM i : ; wards ther•Sea Coast.. ittlgtiALAlEMEDlitittak 0l SitAINAlt • Triisicia* pinookes Message., I - POSED AMENMENT TOTEM ENROLMENT ACT. Lto from Nashville. : EORRESTIATION OF GEN;IRONIS' FORCES. a.lll Ge Pope Assigaiiil • , •Aclive i• Seryke.• • • , . • ROWiii OF WAR AT: 13U IiEFS ROS4WARTORS. . Extract iroai the 'Souther:3s Press. REBEL CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS: NO Yoni, Dee. 3.—Gold extremely . dull. Pried opened at =l, and at half - Dist 'tit:retitle , clined to 211. Subwittently theto'vranwrally to =O. . Tim Com:armlet Washington special' anyi• Iticoutl papers rewired here today admit that Slierhuin Is making- rapid progress toWaids the eon °oast, but that he had erosml Ihe only for midaLte hLtadvanee, the °Noce. River. They exPress the Most intense' alarm for the safety of Savannah, believing that Sherman is aiming to capture or destroy that city on Ids way to coast. It.le believed that the Secretary of the Treas ury *lll recommend no additional tax on ligturs, bot .4%111 advise a tax of one half of one per I 1 a rre#l4l:4C4i2Oeifegf., wlll lwkccllit open.tlll the est.plons6nt ha order toevethalitat acts ifi -r all to the prt reeds of the 'war. '714e..15:4fa Washiugton special says : &ere tary Stanton, It is reported, 'will recommend to Congress an amendment of the enrollment art, so that drafted men . cannothavc pitch facilitlut tor maim. anew mailarrangernent. between Wa*hlng :ten and New York therewills . bc two trains earn way through In tenliotirs: ' ' • ''llie lattn.t official Information from the army b, ,C l Ber.eral Thomas, is that he has so coneentra ;tut hie • troops In the fortlikationsiof Nra.liville . are tie Is: prepared for, any ntorenteuty. hick than , fiord mar venture (elastic. - • ",.' , .1 ~PhLiiidelphia•spol at to. the evenjng, Teb.. ; he r s, dated Neshingtert, Dtle. 3.1, 'ars : The wryttnunitd. his teethed 'lnfokuttlon that Gm. chean had captured Milan on the Georgia O ,Leal .1 Railroad on the itiakult. Rb, army irio, ',ebb e T a t trnted and it Is thought has moved to -Savannah Pelbre Mg.. . . • . ,_ .. .. . - ..s Trazan:rt , *'/IlldWir;P4 l 4ll4l - spCda'. lett trhittlicir-TorlY'doted the 3thof Nevem— ' ter, . eiticlr• dark eorrespondtmts -allude very freely to plots of therchebi and their agents m illiliter', the peace of the Northern States by In ', ciaitilaristu, and raids from the Canadian border. :i:3 Paris Seta iltinka Um I'm& fiorernment ire - have done right In ' ecizing the Florida - she put into Brent for repairs. : - 11te New Yo.hotpers, to-day, publish full c. Or tlat`eaejutiOs letllfdler• ~. al ...' if • 'if „,:i T.'Ye Itiehmonal Willi' or tneiCtib mikes the 'arrival of Geo. D. l'rentlee, of the Louisville word, at the Spottswood Home, on a visit to his 1 r tu u s lsq 4.in • tbareisel acrvlcee , „ Mr.-Proti tiee " Ma claff . l4 piiinisslon ortho7anUtpr on both ' aldes. r. AT'tic Tinter' Wwhineton special - says : Not ..nitlattantling all remota to the contrary, Judge 'null , waktedell° riga" ~.o't4Furaue ruliand peed i 1 • y ee lied It; T ere are but about. forty members of Cormveas let wn, and the Probability is that thee will not teieuo nnu heeAl iondar. -. f e • ,- <,; - ' . Tribune Writhing on - special says : Pet e, , V,,4, - „ C. conamhsery,Geeral Farrell,. Stephen . 3 , 4„,, D , and Sanitary Ck.randssloner Man diy,t,re to id corineed on rho North Soldiers' , tnotorrood ci ,i , :4; its rearrniption iteltireel - ." , , The , troop , tom cozw indeti by: Wallet - IVtn. ;Cant le, of the Bth Illinois da".7 4 / 1 7, have been , natl.:Oared as a separate brigade, nnt'arr Pk! Pro. .sialotis of General Order No. 231 of the War 2'. ,- ' , pertinent, and will hereafter be designated as the First Separate .11rIgado of the: Department of .Washlngton." •T hr ~•he ere s Washington special oar. : With as .fieir to the inerealie and efficiency oft he army, Jorge number of Major Generals and Brigadiers Whoeis appointments or promotions were oceanxt .by political lnifnet:ce alone, are to be mustered oat cif.sersiec at a rem early day. Vacancies 'Oka epaiiiiioned are' to . be 'held as rewards far Tdeiltorieras conduct In the field. The Ikratere City . Point special says: Gen. Grant was accompanied from FortresS' Mourne 'hy Ma).GapeYope, formor,Ounmander , of the , Anny of the Pcitontae,•wr sal:am:Med to .Washington last . Thum and sent tiuneo to Gee. Grant for assignment hinettre The weather has been clear and hot for two days; but colder ..this.inonalpg, The roads -aro improrlug rapidly, rinl - der .- -The .7kraltra. ArMy spzeial of the lit, says: 'A eminell'of war`was reciatif heLl . Al Ceti. Butler's headquarters., • - ' - tor the pazt tweed yAtir it , lur. has laim'coiabiledlo animated pirk.st tiring." Ilieifkagnsta - Chroalck of the fifitftraay,r :The prize which was to be obtained' in-, case A!theta was captared, has been removed. The powder works 'arsenals, ; ntmOrks and machine!shops, located at this place,. hare, been cora tlisntantlo3,- and thiTrildiihia portion if .norhiricryheeri roma - rod-to a Olaec .of safety lea- t!w-aiencal. The- labt ear-lota left-to-day. :71^tniehhie-yy was sent' awayrnerely -as a matt 'UT 01,1AW.AUti011; " faith° rebel 'lowa of.lienreicidatires, oa the - 2Ptin Mr. Reuel napvcd.to go into:secret se , sion. Mr. Orr said to teat matters, he would call the simOnd nays,:whlchlrexordered, and r&nalted as fellows: .yetts'-45ensys.inl. , This was eonsid eredl EOMCW hat Itt the light or atestAare . on the, listens Corpus now' Pending:hi seeret eaull4 -Bonny seven. or,. eight who voted for-the Om et- session, will, IC is said, 'rota, against the The - WWII luta a long-article opposiumthearts: • pension of the habeas corpus. - ~ GOT . . Vance,. In hls utessaz, takes strong_ mound sgaYilic:o , l .I‘ o Onantro like Wllmliigtob, its a meek for pffeirreers. Ile sayii It boa tripploithastringnaga:uf.thaldock atle,gtnd has olrMdptalircel it d fin t -orniany caltddde,!teamers, ultitnately ‘ presoke 'the antraosfelreits or the, eitetorPaTeapture tilintturt. . ccimmenthYtt uppa tite,pinCiaaagy: 'of ttGosernorlOCtinientlon, kis ortllrtnattuttr . the hrmlogr.of the slaves was not In eartternplaz , -thin; at the thsolutions.odopted: , l'ite'meoStrze• gallop stronggrcmneht against Bustin pcille,s; as cu. da i ry SoYillgt /4 In. trurittenotilneere congratulation that the good serif(' and clineerratisat -ofrsar people hare ms cued the State trots rain' Or attempting to seek ce . On r hi r : repents ♦ action.. • Their • unparallelled: laleittiniltyht the pals, itas: . p4 to rest all appre. - bendlons,..and..salLstiod ' our enemies rind ode hitt*, that North Carolina kill shale the fate or the hereto FROM - THE POTOMAC - ARMY, Artillery 'Firing in'Vie Vicinity of Jerusalem Raid: pItV.S.E . NTATIc93I O s IT TO . . . . ,! Xs tffir - AnTrms UMT 0% TUE PuTOM/IC, f. '2Deceitilwr p m glint 'avid °tail Iner fltle..gWt pro:v.lllA 10: 'dap in the vicinity of the Jernsairm' }Wad; hat i without. any. readt,wortk, thighadr niong .the `entire line. the,.plcimts ..seetntng, let have. nook tired Of their ceinitnned firing at each other. .This morning the Maryland Brigade : MT. new flap presented to them, which were ordered for them Iy - . thel - ..egialalttre of that etale:id:lldlalh .sisdon. After thnitmada:hadlgnaglafik riki9We. GO. Miami tirade aPeenh•tontini office:slant men, widelgitWo Wlspondell to tn foaling towns br: Cot. Manion who -command* the brigade. r mot*. afethe Calutus:,.. - phe ,ilattrte% :.1 . ;.. iit. Gro 7, l il li goZtnionVof - illiNt4Bppe4i! ' t W, D ec. 3,..; - I I. . , AilabanlEi.l iitellesidealtallileav age WAS di" subject of a speelat Cabled tending It Rea Mated in the press Went= of Meshy that UM Joseph Holt has declined the appoint, • . recut of ittornei General in Once of Mr. Dstea, reilgned. - The - report. that Hot. 'Jas. Speet.ef . Genteehy. has Wed tendered tbeOfWO ut4lo, TOOK. AN MONEY MARKET. LATE I'CiREIGN• NEWS. ~. Ntltv Yonn, Dec. S.-The stock market is Idull 'pd the speculative spirit is unmitally ie.!. blc. The fancy list Is forsaken - and prices cen tral) levier. There Is Wstrong feeling in GOV. ertarienta. Under. the „change pureht.ers' .pri era lati'ti filittiFaiivintesl. gallrets irtiondstund bankatocks continue dull. The Railway shares. , marliet Is heavy at the first board. There was '' a•presenrc to sell for rash. In stocks the great -01 filling off was In Iludson River, Illinois Cen tral and Pittsburgh. State stocks firmer. Min ing find Petroleum stocks dull. The gold mar knuyl- nit ap. I liter il have con bisalfriff ilentro insilitlee, and re waltlng futtatinnltoff dr' tot eldinclal 101 l propciscsl to Congress noel week. The mon y market Wads, downwanls with still grra t i r ease. The amount loaned is at 0 per . tsn Interest on foreign account. The transae 'Oa were merely nominal as usual. On Rat tails the total shipments of gold for the week werylbeakfA 26 . o ot , At e Cistllat 7 starrwr.venttseEselumge , coldLatood ' at tr.T.l%; 1.4. 1 . Central, 19q ; Erie, le.o.ft Sind -1 Foni1 116 I; Reading, 135± , .;; Michigan Central., 128;i lietilgatt Southern, & 4%'; Illinois Central, 127 ; Pittsburgh. lOtty4; Cumberlwad, 4:1%. -7 Fest Office Department husbeen notified thathe Erie RallrotalCoMpsiny bate plated rirp uddi ional daily trains upon their road to Cleve land width reduces the mamba' of cars In their 'mitt and will enable them to deliver the mails for t e weal on the thatof.tlisir echc4nle, Ar tingcmcuts are being Made for certain connec tions with trains went from lialthnoro anSI Phil * adelfthla wh eh ,WIII respire about twelve hours titueibilEta uglicalnelhatitl' indliiiViitki j A kin c; s ip7b - foliiii Tit /.Iv - elikio" ttal'eetar tered three fine steamers, each i.XIOO tons- bur- Dan, fur conveying' refamtly formed contingents of Austria and 'Belgian troops rained fur the ect the of the new Emperorof Idexieo. A letter to the l,ontlon Times, says : Should the Federal Government sustain the action of the Captain of the Waelnisett, It is threatened to forbid any Federal armed .veseel entering into our English or French ports. • ' ' ' The Iferal-rs Parts letter, says: Dispatehe relat to the government protest in the ease of the Florida have teen exehang4l bettteen the governments of England and FraniT, but th.l of ficiabaction trill ho suspended' until the reports 'of affairs arc received at the cabinets hum Bra sil. , . F4OM WASHINGTON. _ . Arrival of Congressional Members. • - • NEW MAIL ARANGEMENTi. Some of Early's Form Sent to Richmond . • PAYMENT OF THE ANOEFISO Milli PRISONERS Witsmacrrox, Dec. l.l.—Up to *hi , evening, probably not more than one-rdth of the members of Congreialhatie , Mitred: • Ticiwelneldlietatero front the most distant States. Tht•re IA no doubt there will be a quorum present in both houses on Monday, a larger number being now on their way to Washington, •• Tile message of Pruldent Lincoln was tally c,..neldered In extra cabinet council to-dry. The usual caution is obserrol to prevent the prema ture exprennslar ItaleeVettla,f 40. 4 #'0 ,11 1- tite timotte or the lechltAry - Of the Navy' nd Post master General have been printed. Abpresmt,.'aoldlera.who We been atorcrely, maimed, have the adrantage.ln eclipse' to pen sion} over minors who elmllarly gaffer, and there.- ft•reoleostottetitea or ilterapploorte elf Cougrede 'prOvldo &remedy fire manlrma . injustice or ov9ellthi Inlegisbulon, Newarrangemmti r kir perfecting the 6Mitee. 11 . 1 4, Altlilltdlnftt. It* .1 , 1 11 "; sent North and West, more certain az= - hirelodtie, nF.O ror.ranning two [4.4sAAu t AnApeo WA.* IsAlen and Xolr.T"ln; will gnlnto_ arra bn thilgrat 4 , 1 I From reports which have reached this' city, litel*,e 6 ehle 14 bdutn: that soda Cl the 'titres of flarlyhave been lent tq Richmond with. in the past wee's,' by way bt Madison Court, A geolemaii, whcrerrive4 WOO, mys tiTe ibonsnrid toMemerrflinvp rzietad that plele6 t*M i AmlorAcnyille; M to* 03- It i# ;Nat ling 4 41! cher merge,: More - Thode who re mtly come. pi , inihe Conalltutkm,ata ; coma um in comparatively 'good . . no let) 4.l:,ix;ii vi imji 1 4, 'fj. i e ya Dates. StftrYons, bet: 11.—The United States steam tramport Felton; eartf. Walton, from l'on'lloy.; . al, tAke ,3 otb;;Jilliy.calttio Ilds',.gisfrilt4, The ateantoldn Iforth'Star;oo.2oll9l;,,qolV ..iPh t , • mired at Terri Royal,lloY.SSth, sho a rt of crel,fhavlng In totr.her convoy, the U. 8, gnu boat it egnita, ethleh:veloclbrokelter ploton. The' North St al= expected to fe,CiVe a antßalent gain- - thy f coal hy the lot itpdaut, anclthen salt for.' hoii Tore. The North Star has on. (night (.500,000 In specie. _tenons the pasa:m.gera arc: FA-Senator Lethal:a t - of CM. and Judge Flet I,rot ' the United States thiprenij Court. Francis W. Rime le al4o a peisenger on board the Nein& Star, • and has arrived In till,. city, per the eteamer Ful ton. lie atht, on hnolnore.trith the State De p.truient lu connection with' the : Savannah pl- Bytthe arrival of the Fitton, ;re have inteill nrdre front Fort Royal, to Nov.:lath. The pal,. . Pm -talon or netro.papcns at that place haa , proldbital fur the prefent, and all the eltlietio Mad enrolled for mllltery_duty; and the irrotee lion Of the place. - • , , A 'movement of en important charaeter had talica place and all the reenter toryo there had, ordetednii*. , 7ViEttl •.:.icedition ;Alba fro* , theilay ittiTlai,^ het undnfi*tfittlon' could he obtained In regard to It. F ' ADM GEN. THOMAS. The Ileftnses _of 'Nashville Belo*, s" - I.tiotsva.t.r., Dec. , 3 tl:. — alie'goll , s ,4 b contain' • the following...special this 110014 It dated - the 24: 'rho' enemy leur teeir Kay and.krut 4114 aSkilded "Ailth:lrrrat :Nadi= "agalassriatir ratite,. Fur. *tick f 9 esrefutly crunitrupted;:diiii erttluls from river to river with is radius of, two Ind -Av.. Alt.vollm;#9.43.,tittAlPltol PR, the roads south of the city, the enemies cavalry Mare , been., in all slay. ran the Franklin pike. Just before dusk our cavalry, earning • Me i tilrt o .t3re t t iF d a tt- (I =lMt ' llb rtibelaieinfore cal' took op tketr,own, Inc_ at once, threw out akintilebtan • rind 'some' sictrathifting occurred, Ochtier party sustaining nnv loss. IC%) rebel In :Onto,' has been developed:. 13Ontoartillaybiti* oeotrred this afternoon on the lett, bat few ihot# were fi red. The defenses are being hourly hateigthened and. no appriikut/loortcol be felt for tXminfety of the city. „kalesimrate Fight at Timber Ridge, Pa., .Between Deserters and Connerlata and tPcrtlon of the Rohl,. Pennsylvania Regimen Engler:mint Lasted omit ,an moue—The Conueripta were mealy Roated- - .43ne. Man Killed and Two Wounded.-More Trouble Anticl bccOosumasuunn.(Pn.,) Dec. 3..—A fight took. plum yesterday, at Timber Ridge, between a por- Lien! of Company 1. 4 , of the tkfist.ramsylvanin ._Mounted Infantry and delinquent' conscripts and deseaters congregated at a shooting match. The soldiers advanced, and Provost Marshal !hand went fie - ward to hold a parley. with the con scripts. They refmnd to lision. to Lim and Ira • inediately -commenced to fire shots at him, none -Of which took ether. The soldiers then opened fire; when a - general fight canned, institr , for ithout-imihenr.:7-The canal:10010SO di&Atigi: 'Were. finally driven over two little, skirmishing being kept uplho whole way. The fighting wan carried on' principally t in jro,o44,mtd ,the casitalties wcaraliktft.i.nha conectipa4iatti, 'Atte num killed and two wounded. One wounded man was eaptured. The ?remalnder being fact 'Millar with the country ninde4o9ktherMll..fig Into the, Mountains. None or our men were 31nrer. v .itItirrit'of. attic lclud:"may: ber. gMedl l 2 fOr, nc it id•derennined to bring theacont- Jaws tnyatice - .- , . A pawl slivevAr'i,lusglaivV4otHlMATlLP, tared by tatiermants ' Forees--prehrthite i' Liberathig. of tho , , I"plsossels, •,::; . I.i r- , t. , • i. inettrecirroar, Dee. 3.—Tbe Wellman : a pep= g re porminY4P ornir , ' 44 -' ?Mali AliNgleni:' ' rgie, by Sherman p - forrai. . Millen Me - been mo , 7 14 =f 9 r .. iyi ti m ronere, and n robeL Allier! PP I.a '. P 2 I l2, _ bat ... " - freed the prisoners. . Vessel. Vunk—Twa Liverisort . • _ ..„ . . BfrorArlmly IW4 was,capared tun Porttax4llfti &ties. Agtth of 01 . 1.4:11.yOurjutpr ... frairy stafm of last - ! 4- p ITTs PlTi4>Tlll,oli, MONDNI''', Additional :Particulars o the Battle at Franklin. RECiaISS BRAVERY oF THE El:nil& Besiietato Fpaitiagil :41,31 RI.BIITI GEN:ADAM =lag% 1311=1C2 Cr- , C I -"All Pee. ::.—The Ca-zitet Nadivills • Circe pendent ghee some addlticrual.partlenlah; of do. bottle at, Franklin: Theplan of battle was. , . . . very ,limple., We had do time togct Iv core-. plote ' len, se tee enemy pressed tastoosoreVosd. alt. 00 to tight , off hand. The original Plat . was o withdraw' the force of Clem 6 chollrld,_ I until eetlng our reinforcements and give brittle ., In t h ‘lthalty of Nuehrille, but over stingtdne the &bele pressed is too hard, and when Ethe r field mired he could not avoid the contest, be. depw p his little army In line of battle In front • of-F nklin, and et half pastthree the assault crud:deuced. Chentharrie Corps" was an the lightSmwart's on the left, and 11. I). Lee's Corps in re 4crve on the centre. Cheatham threw his whole corp. on Wagner's division with great !tn. prineitlly,. and after half an hour's .desperate lighting pushed Atingtor back on the second line, Wheretbey become inbrgled'*iih Cot's and Euger'stnen on one left and centre.' The rebels, encetiraged by the etteikers or drivitg Wagner bat kiadvaitexti with loud cheers on our second line. Their ender of advance was very peculiar. .1. Setni-otrele of two regiments deep, extending all amnia our lines and behind each alternate rtgimcnt we% plead four so that the NI -mating columns : were six regitnehis docp. Ifeed epee/wed übout four o'clock this morn. it gat Its head; pointing ton'ards our lines he .'3'di ". '.Erval: those mum boys, 'and you have tin t:bed the war In'Tennessee, break them and there I- nothing to oppose your =Alt from Nashville to the Ohio river. — Loud cheers anewesedlhe ro• het leader.. While the whole spree in hunt of our I rats woo crammed with the advancing enemy; t'r.ptain - Lyman. commanding the artillery ten.. Fade of the Fellith corps, had placed Ids batter: let to most COTOtable poeitions, and from these , shunts of shot and elicit were hurled Into the . lunging rucks, With most realess bravery the rt i Os rushed uu, and when within :a r w hundred yards of oar works, oar boys opened alien them with so terrible a lira of musket ry,that I sectautie If nothing c said Ike before it; trot no . suit g ik r as percelmed In their advancing Mel., ire flute came, rushing to the very parapet - Of our works, and stack emir. loyuntis under the is on opranttlements. en the Columbia pike i he preAtotc was no groat that some °fees's' and Watner's'eAtu'lempormlly give away,. . Up tothla time the brigade eanitnaudcd by the gellent Cot.. Opdyke, of the Ithltheldo, had been beld In referee. Col. Cfpdyko. by orders of Gen, Hanky. rushed forward Wilhhis brigade to res to re the 'broken line. • .The rebels, .who -hail cleated um our worts, hart not time to retire; tool Cox's and Wagner'. men, who were broken biol a ;amount before, rallied and attacked the enemy c n tbeir (fink, while Opdykc charged- in flout. A desperate' band-to-band t Debi mooted siltsbaronete_and, the _but ends of mnakets. Hundreds of rebettl.'werecerpoorml here, mid the , tine rettelt for lampoon 081 a ball,. Ile battle raged all ag.tricour The men' ortbe - lth rad Z.ki corps vied watt:math other -Itt.brarery. Itilry's brigade cf the 2.11 d corps fairly covered the gronral tp -enTtatit wtebnebel tend...aim • rsrol General halms was killed. Ile and his horse boohoo, the deeds itt Emote( the/00th Ohio. lantern disenet alancksof the enemy were re pelled. At desk the "Atli, were repulsed at all I One. but the Ulm did not mate until nine on'aletk. At least 5,000 ruins were killed, wound 0' and raptir , i v irtipt-Qur. ' The Colotal kw taken thirty nags from the ens eine. Some of the rte . :talents, among than the 't.dh Ohl, , took half a dozen apioro ete:Elchotleld three-lcd thithaftle Tram tin : , fort thei.north bank. ar tlitellittenit,Athdrit sonic (f the' heavy gams and batteries of t1tc.234 corps rng placed, and Whieli dblgfent mivicoln data ' !Our the them?* tight.wlng. 'THE lITUATIOLATIP 71e Rebels -l EnereArblinfl rikrft rr?" l SAe Ca JOHN SON smm.r.z, Dec. 4.—Tlicre are no new dere lop. mentslotlay, save that our army etill encirelos the city on the sonth l east 'wing testing; , 13n the • Cumberland. The enemy's lines arc plainly tiiha seen from the high points In the suburbs and at the Capitol. They are entreneldng themselves lb' the tonth.wettein pennon, about three miles Porn the city. paring the-day heavy skirmish lug ermined oh one 'left, and progressed along the lino to the - centre. hinny persons witnessed the cannonading along the' right of our lines. Nothing of Importance transpired to-day. The General opinion Is that Hood will attack the It dere' fortes In front of Nashville. Federal cavalry force has been placed paral lel with the north bank of thnriver, nt tine fords, to prevent the rebel cavalry (Mtn crossing, as IWnserobs nasuccessihi attempts 'Tye- been made Ly tbcia tb cross duce thelst lust. . . . Johnsonville has been and the road has been Interrupted, and . a portbin of the: trains frrm there ant advancink to thin point by land. It is rumored here, to-day that Forest has ph.cod a pontoon bridne - notoal the river above tile city. and that hlarmadake. had occupied lloth.tinnas rumors .are .without foundation. • -. no first blockhouse on the Chattanooga real, !tits . Milos from the city. defended by neer. oe.A. commanded by Col. Johnson of the 24th colored Infantry, whir surrendered Dalton, Gs:, and was enrolled, bild out until title afternoon, when ,they stitrendcred, Col. Johnson and a pertloa,of VI mot escaplw on a train. The remainder were, captured. The train wee final into, and lio, conOnctorotni others killed. Several leaned - frem2the train into the river aid eneeped, Vol. Johnson was among those who 'etcaped, and In In thistity to-night. lo A reeenn9ltering party, which wee' sent 'nt WI Thursday, -rcturue4 to-day, having g cm egl ty milt* up the ricer. They report no rot els •x - r•re cen& or heard of ensuing the ricer nd none app ranee along the banks. - . A rebel deserter who hi' today, reprts that Gen. S. D. Lel. leilaltlied :Mil bider. to tale Dirt en ' , tidily morning, complimenting them fer their bravery and detellon, and thanking _them for the victory won' at Franklin. Ile u ttered them, that. If they would remait trunin themselina,.. now - that „they. , were In, kont ?of Nashville; they-retail 110.01,i bd enabled to enter . luel take 110PBCP , Ei011 of a Vast amount °returns new them. " 'llw two prisoners brthight in tosiay" were L .- Lieut. Ifickmatt,-of the Oth Tenamsce cavalry, esliared on the !larding pike, four ntlies from the city, and P2. - Ye tinTifirief For Ci , ixt . b .9q "-, . There la nine feet of water on , the shoals and eyrie. .f . . real • at Wnehlugion or.lion: James liced,,, , the, newly ..rippotptcd Attorney thinent&-Illearly a quorum of Clingress- rr en,rkesent—Tbe PrentdmWe ;Mmmige,, • .1* • si,o6d wi,s m i.wroi r , Dec. 4.—110 n. antes . malty apdgintos!i 'Attorney General, arrived. here today from Kenticky. . • There is now nearly a quorum of member of Contresa:in , 'Washington. Many will arrive by to-morrow intoning trains. - It - gannot t •yet: be ascertained, with certainty,. whether the Preiddeut's Message will be trans. , mitted to Congress to-morrow or Tuesday. , The only:reports printed are those of the Secretary of the Navy and Postmaster General. That of the Secretary of the Interior will be plated In the minters , hands toanorrow. Reports of Other de. partinents are not yet completed. General Sherman Beyond . Millen. - Barztironr.,ilee. .1.--The - Amurean's olh, torrespontlcntoayii :' The Savannah Brink, /icon or the 30th ,gtntes that Gen. BbentlTA ent Price were mfew miles beyond Millen.. life ttv.; • airy-baying approached, thin pine° but returned without molertink She:mina it mating 10 fuzee preparatory to his advage to the rtil The Veins' States fora* Heald under rlen• Porter. Lmiledsat 111rd'il 'Weir; nbont 'twenty rears ep lticad firer on the'Wth, nhtka purthat }tad marched...toward. thallavatuuth and Glinflegion — lfidlread,"lii drietidirof IGnispt Sam*, but renamed after, a Aklensiab. wad summed thatan Attack to burn the Midge' srmild be made on the SOth, and heavy, firing on that day arse 'h 'card; and aluftrry Smoke teen In 1 i ~ . -Fro* ,81 4 4 F r a l 'Ost°s. , , .. , - f ,: rter4ilAiii3Coi FiQi. /115;-4tiii4ai ;pdyliii, redlieribetacfralletdasitiflhatusthal tabl of oversaw. the .. tjaireed , troops: as use. . ertion. wid took . Ott of - the towa. ' ' itkaGorditatit - ist ,aittt his forces,' -ahandaricd Ma - place the eight previous, so that no raditance was offered; to the landing of the French troops: 1., • ''- Iths. aim reported Ibtit" , _AlTortz had ,defested . an faipirta forte which were naareittag on "lines:: '62,:i.';-L.-.,..1;--Zi-'-',..1,1=-1-tr..--,:i,t;.:3`,:5-:,,,,-:::,:,-,,,,...,2,-:-.-;,...6,;-•44.-&,a4. DECE ABER- 5 i 1.8'54 POTOMAC ARMY MOVEM.ENit fiiicmgrui E‘peditton of Gregg's Cavalry, URGE ANOINT OF STORES CIPTEILED. Osacjitundred. and Seven Prito. - • -(i‘ THE 'Mtn • 3WOR thEICUGH A ~PRISONKR. Hampton Cavalry Sent td Oppose Gen Sherman. ' Ilssmarasirste Amu: or Tir. ihrrostsei Dee. •':,9.—Frexti. lifrottinutirbl •obtidrica tfiiongli ti&ont's . was . _ . , , .. -and deserters, It ascertained that the rebels' were constructing a Mllrma from titouy.dreek Sletton on the Weldon Railroad toward Dinwld , die Court Douse, and that quite, a huge lot of '_';supplies bad been accuounuirded at that phi Ce. Orders were coniequently given to Gregg's di. '.vision of cavalry to proceed In that direction Ind ',.deqroy all property found. , • 'The colutun started at half pmt three o'clock yesterday morning. On crossing Rowanty creek our forces met the,enemy's, pickets ,who at once retired. The 'Command at'onee pushed ou, paw, - .Mg Duvall's mills, where- the let brigade, Gall, ', ' .llevien`i were put In position to protect the , ilanks • the V.ll brigade, Colonel Gregg's , ertin. .1141ad:odcoutill loWto s Stout 'croak, where the :,cheer wt.N, MIA In a siren • pos . :HMI Oil' the s ':rotttit Ode with three gnus s - eepitig the-op:a 'llrlds. The 4th, • nOth and_] tb Tennsylvania 'Jig - Wars took the advance and.did most of the fightlng. , .:- The 4th formed in flue at the edge of the woods, 'and with loud your charged across the opening Nunn within lOut yards of the creek, when they ,dismounted, and crossing the bridge, rushed up the hank and into the works , before the rebels , -meld gt I. their guns to bear on the bridge. The bad previously torn plank.; up from the bridge, which made the creasing more MI • . Those who remained In the tort surrendered, ;about one hundred making their escape- Three Were nut by a squadron of the 4th under Capt. I:rry, ,beet had swam the 4tream at another pn'tt , and ninny of those trying toga away were, kitten or. wounded. • - Captain F.rrory has . roe:dyed great praise for the manner iu which he executed this part of the brortmnut. He received a revere wound In the Farm. The 14th, Major Strati, vommauding,mean- While, made a similar charge, and captured , an itlat work, taking a number of prlsononi. Iha I;th was also busily engaged, and captured six • wagehs and twinly.4womulo. •11trec guns were ' fc.and In the works, two of which were thrown Into the creek, aad the other being too heavy to Handle, was spiked. lied the bridge been In. a good conditioti: they crouhi of Oil been brought away. All the building - at the , station were then Reed and baniNfle;thit reeild;'ln9idels'lhe'fol 1 'awing ssipplialte iiicio new Enfichillitletiort,terge qpradlty of ammunition, 4.006 tacks of gratn,soo . Nit '..e!of ham quantity of eortiendeata,4oo bash ail of Meet pewees, 60 barrelant coal olio quart Etty of bawd., camp and garrisonmalppage and , rutailmad Midge about 'l5O feet long. The dram- I Inf. ud was thementerell to fall back, which it did ' 14..exeer.ent unite. - --, 1 Lertie entroy hy this time utade their appearance !, ltf,twetty zirmig o.ree and indleated'iteir Witco- 1 tam of Making a flank attack, but were driven ' elf by av PrF ninths horn liattiry H. tki U.S.wr- !Aptly: On etisteblOg ,DuralPit.* Mills, an order -Waa given to Are than, and tn a felv Minute, Nay i were one.. moki of dame." &di ,the vebel it , c try sad itutlorra.lbihimde! 'ritati. titheiiipted" . her charge. They were! reo rivet-.with a ' of perenahottere _ or ohrLmen turd a l'ate• directed shota:freun'the'tgatery, when they. Jlkiltirelz quickly, leaving a ittimberonlbe field.. I t atenralls rallied nod followed the eniumn, i , . • ' witUstundhulthe repeated effOrts to annoy, -dl balliv. any damuge. - •- ' -- t o ;.. AI'S' 4.,TtiltUtilg td-an.. l P. at 'eight' s''l l - 1( I e evening, watt a. losa of only twat-. tw-sevcn hi Md. wounded, all °bulimia were brotarM. away, They captured 170 prisoner. and Gil) ottniers, among them Major Fitzhugh, who, - will be remembered hi oognection with the. raid • intollferyland last snramer,' when he ikaiirt:AlP of 'et* foptolu jvhiohor,' owl after taking h boati or, made hfro ',walk twantz Izalco bareArvt b To wog. to Lis mind his conunet at tint time, himself was compelkd townik. Crum 9tonca creek to camp without his boot& ' Gen. Davies was struck by.a.epeat during the action; but inifferiditObiltrry. The acemytad quite a etreich of road graded, ties int, and Vella on the ground ready to lay down, but It la believed they will abandon that. Our cavalry can at any that Mau It in a few hcure. It la aald thalthe Ihnnpton cavalry had nearly all been sent off to oppeout }Sherman, and that the dorm found at the depot were to supply their hor:et, which* are suppoted to hare hem nut off when our treopa were found to be advancing. The satire attains eon of WO moat auccesaful ire base bad during the .esimpaign, and ritil great credit upon 411 conderned. Capt. Item who commanded the 4th rennaylrania, Is highly apoken Of for his gallantry on this oreasimt. He . had one brother killed and another' wounded In 'this action. Nearly ono hundred contftlianda came in with (ho column : they were of all aims and poorly clad. tlicy secined,rejoiced to hero machcdour 11MA. were sent to City Point yt.+terflay tube forwanted to Wash- AItRIYALS BY' TIT STEAMER FULTON. Roger A. Pryor on Gen. Shrman's Movements. TI I E PiiIATE SEM MES •Petitioning for the St. Alban's Raiders LATEST FROM SOUTHERN PAPERS Nrn• Yottri Dec. 11.--lfrands W. Woe, united Status Conant •nt Aspinwall, Who arrived at fart Royal on tho North Star, on !aptness with the Strata popartment concocted , with tho Salvo} dor pirairs; • arrived yeeteittay ou tho.ateawier The Ames' Arnarorthe, Y'otonthe sPeclai ;re; fiesta the storynfßoger A.lVeyor's cimveristion at fi eneral Potters beadnuartcra: states thot. Pryor said - Shrridan's : march: through. flecrtgin . was a irlempliantsnix.nitittrideentirinedihn ides . of a panic among the SOuthern people. , •• - Captain lion.; leader 9f.the pirates : that 'eV irmiaed 'to. capture -Vie fialrinior • .1010 'that BOITIiOCB Witta ordered; whihintf the Altietuibein, fu to, the ,Paellie, and dot% _not Ittura , wily he, negiertetTßifiro. lic thither lays that he wag or-' dered to report to Somme a. hut, would not say. *hen be exptited to meet late.. ' Panama advises of NoVember Pith ntention : Abe arrival:of the : steamer 0131tuttemsla trmit Cell. Ana American. porta with thirty. beim first pick. Central"lti Axpericateetten. The yleldpromises o vets large The counrei for the St. Albans raiders petition President LinColx, to allow a messenger to pro cceblo Richmond to obtain dqcumeets shoeing the rtfident to tie commissibuellity the vebei goy : Crument. The documents Lieut. Young : wishes to procure are the following: ills copy of coin =Mon as klirat. Lieutenant In the Confederate . States Army, dated the 12th of June, 1864, and copy of instruction of thp saute 44 01 copy of -.confidential Instrneticuts of the-20th of August," 12114, received at Chicago August Slat; copy of report and muster roll, list of August, received at: Obleagot copies of any' other - doeumenter at giehreundf wentlai or metal tithe defenae.... ITe adds that alishould be. certified.bitly the-Seem taryof-War and ids oflice,by-the Seetclaty.oeState, under: seals, and. hythe &nave of Abe Confederate ' Statile; . ander the great seal An application ttithe Governor flew' cral of Canada for a gumwronteit : messenger to proeccd to Richmond, antroittsiti the above doe umontswas refused:' . , , • Thu .I.fireirri'special . inys:lt 'is tat Probable that the home will assemble with a very large proportion of Its , tacmberh, Many not, proposing. to come before. the last of the Wee*. Nothing be done on the-first: day morn than to re. celvb the ronidenCs atealiw and tlefOnil'anltail doctotteatiratid refer, them to .appropriate cent-- miners; and change., in iteratnittces bean, ltouneid l on Tarsiday..• • • '. , • Geitirdlitt . ta%thne e. treaPrellYttitT,, IrLc k eZ Y ty ' flistibiingl=that ...mho of service to yassains /pries, andAlfeutti; 411.1 1 :.1nunid14.52 r 31 1A03 5, 1?!.% - tram : Rebel Papers. , New Tons, Den 4:—E 9 bel papers state tha Blierman ordered artly.hausa Imebat Tenumano to be burned and tha,cionatly dlaolated, Andre laaad4oynanlnd thilt'ordeCon a patitkai ham the tit titine'or , GAZE' ri!,FL GOOD NEM FROII SIIERMAA. The Rebel Generals Baffle& HIS THIVMPIIANT SFUESS .4' r, II N E3EN3!! NEW' IDee. &—The Err/digs' Washing tote spelist buysi` The Govirotnent officials arc unison/kr jubilant: over ihi .news from ticisetid Sherman. The Government possesses means independent °file ItichmonttiMpcm and more 'reliable of,obtalffing bdelilieifCe Bliernian's pingrris. It is confidently believed that. Sher- - May line not only baffled the rebel generals but -Wu so far adfaheed -beyond serious Interruption as to,lcac•c ElCl4kTibt - 'of his triumphant success. • . The AntrtistA 'Canpfittiffenalttt Of the -24th - an2.s {?beam's entire:corps went down the weft aide. of : the Peottee river, previous to the Ifight of the 23a, indicating the intention to pass Augu , ta, between that place and Macon, and make for theses betn•een Savanneh and 'Brutm A wick.' Governor Brdwn WAS In 3raeon where he had• removed all Ida.volnebles from Milledgeville: The Conantaitenati4 stater,' that rebel arairy are burning barna : cm eriba, and every thing dud may be of nee to Sherman In front of his main :army oath° Oconee river. The SAanntih Repubtierto of the 24th and !Niel contains desratchcs eta.ing that on the 24th there was fighting all • day at Oconee bridge which was held hy the to;oIF. In the ereqiag theredentla bad turned theirktute In the 01e:tette direction on the other aide or the river indicating en attnek in the rear. Wheeler woe Crossing eighteen miles below the bridge to aid In Its di.• Anse. Anethet• dearatehbtatet that the federate Led flanked Oen. lA' qua, at Oconee bridge on the. central railroad, compelling him to retreat, gild the fedeittla oleo crested at Ballo Ferry four mike hcimr the bridge_ Savannah audothei Georgia papers of the 27th, and Richmond papers of Dee. 14t, have bion received, from which the following ancernery Id digested: It appears that an attack was made on East Macon on Sundae. the 20th, the rebeLt losing n battrryi which they after /tents re tor:meth with n small less °literate rides. The attach was expected fo be renewed eta the 91st, bet It was co:, and the rebels came to the conclusion that the movement On Sunday was aleint, It was probably made by a small portion of hioeutn's A later dispatch from Auguste, dated the 22d, to /ire. Henke at Sitvanitah,•states that the mi cro% Witt teed driVen hack across the trionec, anti that Gen. Warne has returned to the bridge. The Augusta t r orislitelhatelis4 of the 24th says God appelienciters prevailed there on the 22d, in centsequenee o 1 ninon: that displitehes had been Tree:iced ennomietter Vie pnwsege of the Oconee near by the enemy, who were re toned In the dlreetlou of Augusta. t;nl'atituth and Augusta papers of the 2.5111 nit.; •,tato that the.foite that capttired remained there t t i the crenlit?, , of the ;4th, hav ing Nutted theStnte House, lirown's Hotel, and the Petiltentiery, and caramel' a small quantity of atnmunition„ The main boy of 2liermalis army waS reports on the 24th to be thirteen tidied west of Sault derscinville, toiniett towards Savannah, rapidly el - reading derdslation. • The Richmond 117,ig oftho 1,4 eaya: The new frOnt Georgia yesterday , (the 3Calt) shots k,iter mon to he graduall..,npprollehing the coast, but re froina from giving tile direction. - Bd has ma ..n-jat no .criqun, opposition some the repulse at ckonnn, cillints are making , to imullinn WT. . - I- Wheeler had two victorious e_ugagemetits with., Kilpatriek's caralry, In, one of which he captured' Kilpatrick's bat. • . ' . tien. ilardee tele;vaphs from Savannah that be left : Macenspe:rfeetly secure aid WKS making. tertainlibposToons In that , marttr. The Richmond 16.4.0trA nays The first offleial intelligent= of Shaman's ingvemeas atid_where :abGas was -itched yt.. , acalay, bat rlooa• not, • mention said whereabouts. It bays Onlyfontteett. ' nnaboats and transports were new Port Royal.. ''fbe Charleaten ...ifel'rery of the 24th nit, says: 11 enemy bare forty pieces of heavy ordi nonce nialdortia-Diand bearing, on Port Sumter 'and Salllvatesibliititi.. They are bass mounting mortars and hare buoy NI ont boll's Bay. They have a Sett of scone dozen moniffirs at Port Rotas, and sonneWhere on the coast a dozen and q half more.., Thetic preparations. Indicate an a tack on Charleston, and le ativaitie of Sher- 1 _ .. _ ___ _ .nar..s -- Atpila w a rn s ns h a t there Is titi lime to be lost in preparing to Mon the Issue. The Savannah 44a/divan o f the - 15th ..., ....,ge ... -. ..r..77 itetabled at Port ;loyal, Tybee, and behessa Ia a preparation (Or Sher man's arrival: • . 'The Savannah, Kati think" Sherman's , death- , nation is tha t e city. Uuleas bib army 13 either whipped, rout oi. captured he will reach that linen . . The Iffiton Dead correspendmice of the lli - roke , says: Gen. Foster proceeded up Ilroad river with an expedition end landed flee Mlles below Pow tango bridge, and marched on and captured the bridge after 'Tarp lighting. The rebels , cram- Vag, large nuarditlei.of cotton were captured and ticstroyeti. It Ia supposed the rebel force Meng the coast has been martially 'swelled, to eunectrtrete a roves against Sherman- A naval itiorrespondent of the Herald, oft Charle.ston, Oates that the blockade-runner Beatrice was ran ashore and destroyed on the night of the 27th-alt. Thirty of tile crew were captured. Admiral Dahlgren and General Fos ter are In cum, unication with Sherman, who to supposed to bit moving on Savannah.• A joint force hen been ownnized to cooperate with hint, while other eXpoditions are moving on other tar' portant strategic points.:-It . is reported ,-ott there that Lee Is matching against Sherman. . New - Yotu,!'Dee, 4.—The World furnishes tho folloWing extracts from dorithem papers, tele graphed frorefWashingtons ' . The Richmond Di, poni' of the 2.1 soya. The cavalry tight, in which we were victorious, took place in hat Georgia. On. Tut.day, the trin kee tenors, under Kilpatrick, weep attempting to ens, the Savannah river, when they wereat tacked by Whceler. c '.A tier an obsliente light they were drieen back in tiMdireilion of Millen, losing very,hcayily. Sliermateb main . army Was moving toward's the etaibt., A battle was tspeeted to bdoif lake place. , ' I , - , . .. The Tropdrec• Of the,ddsays. The cavalry light was semi:thin - 6; more thatim: skirmish, though hardly to be rated as, a, battle: Our loss was atxnat seventiklik.d, woundia and mis Sing, that of the enemy Is reported muck greater. - We have already [unmated our bellefthat Grant had bent forces to Port Royal, with-the intention of marching them up In the. country to the relief of Shennati..ll"romhis embarrassments; we aro now nearly et-Ilan that thin advance hattbom at templed andreaultedin.a.mompletniallurtv De tails hill be lira heard trout. the enetny'sJourn rod. ' We are 'satisfied thatilt will Ns. difficult, If not impossible, for Sherman to reach 'Beaufort or Savannah, and we 'tappet= now he frill al as et lilac point te4hostilttlitraid. ri;; t , -?t4;1.4 ~!' ' . The folltical ric e r from Otherparis Ohba . Tsth-' `anus and adjoining country is unimportant. , The linitiniore special. correspondent of . the. The at Annapolis, telegraphs the arrival of the steamer liable in Annapolis Roads then Say nunali,.with 520 officers. • Fitly-seven • died on thepos.age, and' ore than kill never '_recover. • .: . , ~ .., _ ~ , ,- ~..,. ' :: • r . ,The latesfagualrom She , was that ho nos -.within fortY'mlle , of Sittnnstah. All Gebigia Was in alarm,'; The Bevannob venom of tie 50th • ult., While adtnltting this, say. his pingres4 leis been'strppechr ' '' ,, .. 1 . ,' . - t! . .' - . - . ..-. 1 Tile ..Dispalch of the 2d, nays:.The .ffillowlng. 'official dhpateh'weiretelnedyesterday;:. ' ' , Yews,-Sec. „2.7--41ers..-.qcooper:., - Gen., Roddy. ;rcmorts fkom &cloth that the enemy evacuated . Decatur, burning bla large warthottge tilled With' provisions and ammunition, harness and pack saddles. Fllteen pontoon boats were secured by Col. Wind; who.pressed the enemy closely. (Signed.) ~ G. T. iIEAUIIZOARD. , The Whig ot•tho OA saysCOfficial, dispatches received hut Right bay our orgies-hadl engagdill' and Witted thq - Yankees at tirahamsville, S. U., driving theutilv,o milea.„, The Yankees left,their. dead on tiro field. 'GraltittntirlTß: Is On theroad ' from Savannah to Clmilesten, . about' thirty Mlles itortheist ,freta Saceintlth:. The, party.- - 'beatenevidentlY . Wan the troops scat up from Pelt'Royah.:.; , . . . The.DispairA of the 2d says there Las been no , more lighting:on•Gen. Pickett's line. . ~., I 1 . The shelling of Dutch Gap Mill rontittues.. . • ".. It was reported same days ago that from IoW -let's,lbettery' a ' steamer (maid be r,:nen , ll4 - pO-, lora canal. ,,- .. , , . . . . ... . . . The..Enqidrir r sayst alLifulet as :usual , on,tho". Richmond lines, but Withstrong• indications of.. app writhing struggle on the right:Of Pettraffirgli. the did'septa a lirant's fireoriteeyoltitioffig' . , ' TheWorifi s iunktitaifollossiug contents of rebel , paw ' The idiyird*otthe2kfllyfi: ' 'Ekren hundred: , :prisoners lance been received at Augusta, who wer4 captured while:oat foraging for Sherman's arm 4% i '. ' l -. ,'" 'Alcorrelirotitient (trite Attgusta Chronieligives ' an account of Sherman's. march. Ile, rays,: The - - • - - country through which thO 'Metal troops Primed vir7 graczally dcsalatcd. , Thum Wawa; whoor. remained ar tame .ipa watched their , pcoWIN. 406 t 1101 e, !art , ,ttoreirtopl. etpdt, : ; GOTClPannit boat =Dna frOot.),IIV toagesilla, • , Ttto 13 or baagueomaust °Ma ermileti tie pt tlitiitt %Abate handsotaa • scat anal feaatoatcept those pat to tor lifo,:wltbut mead • not •repriovo according to taw. The Svitisof of the 241 tom . Tho alsnothm of 131mrsoanlo foga force if voilvrtly & ulster/. uoraelloiiemilato be tin: feints And fool -711rit, i.y :thermion to inattli . his Main tinily, and to tstneottl' the march which. he mntleg upon $.l - Brtzuswieli. At the Miter (torn, th • forces which have some to the month of th lernee, are very fen' in number, and Molted I their , operations to . reconnoitering lturposet. lleanuhile ShOrmon is , supposed to beillol Mg' down behind the ()cimeo, which Ito . semi .not t.n Fa nt fill, if Eninewlek be his anal.- llieeonrse in that ease 'would be to- erctsd:llM - .Xtejoulgee near its Mouth, and move oi South of the AlMmala: • - FROM PANAMA': Mello Seize the Steamer Gualeinala, NEW fout,pee.A.—.l Paosinntetter,of the Nth received to day.t.O7the North titer has thit fat tening important Aftteh exelteiletlf ' lO Yanatnalast week he following - Miebtents, on the 25th , of , Otentierili& Antertenn'etntatil Sp Pa nama recieted deapachot , front consntiihnfeldt., at Bays= Ftetlng tlfst the , saint steariter.bring , leg the deepetehes , ; timid to,linpin wall a Party of ;reba pirates knteoding to, seize the steatutradataniala.,, , • ..„; , An agent of, the company. was 'notified of the plot, and sent the ,Ouetamala to sea before the, arrival of the pirates ac r oss the Istionits, conse quently they were obliged to nmain In Panama till Novemhz.ClOth.. the, "day. of the nailing of the next steamer, the 'Saliadnra„, In the meanwhile f u rther Infhthainion was obtained, and the plan for, the capture of the whole gang. intunred, whilst. it house in Valparlaso would send It to Europe by a French Man of War.' The steamer Guatemala, which arrived hack at ?enema on the 15th, rfports seeing many sas -pielons holden' persons anxiously nwitithr• the arrival or the same licenser at Laliberta and -AdJuflico, :undoubtedly aecomplices of the pirates. Thcselatler had comp across the coun try 'rin Ordoa from Ifavana. They bare probably:been arrested - ere this, as the Governor of eon Francisco has been notified -that they were pirates. On the 1::th, Admiral Pearson, commanding the American. Squadron in the Paeltic, netann panted by Comm! ItPlice, of Panama, and Con sul Rice, of Aspinwall, waited on the President of Grenada, in Panama. to ask permission to pass the prisoners across the Isthmus, In order to send them to New York. The President refased 1.1.- 1116.40 n, on the ground that be Is not iiiiipowored to but it Is pre,titivat they trill be tali.is on ii- re-i onsibility of American official, From New Orlesam—The Pirate. Sesames at Matamoras. en Route to Illebtaol.d. Nr.w Yonm Dee. -I.—The steamer •Merrinme, wbleh left New Orleans Nov. with, has arriv,A. No news: The brig Fainvoi Dean, front Attnamoras, - con firms the account of the arrival of the >pirate 1.3tr1L1P.13 at bthtamorna on the 10th of November, on hit I.b.SSAge Into Texas. - r, mate to Richmond: Gen. Sherman Near Savannah. Nrw. Yonn,:nee, 3.—The followittglq nn tract from n received. In thlteitylty the owner of the et runner Gen. Lyon . 9i.—Sherman L reported. to be,neer Savannah, and - the rents are trembling ,u thelr ,a4ors.. (Sh.mcd) (.'aptain of Ateamer,GccoLi - on - The Fttlien from Port Royal onNOt. SO, three days bier, brings no eontlrtnattett or the ahoye.- Order Countermanded. • „ Lobsco.tr, Dce: I::Wiesieribd after noon the rotting-dock Lotderllle arid Noah ville'Railroad ma, ord,cred today. Order c.,unternuelded...fttreet rumors repreactd:a nde ral repulse at Cl:art:sink Tenn. _Mike atOr9 grow ent - of a' da;li reliella Oto GAllatku yesterdny,. alien tlicy captured_ about, MO . headof beiye!. Our toms are pnrsUing, nut will proliably,eaz - • tore the raiders. . . , on AND-STBERBAN. The , Pire Alstrai Tarp., On Saturday toornini - nt two o'clock, the Com-, ;Oleo on Enginci' and licw:e, of the Clty,Cciati ells, together with a special Controlitccappeinted , by din Pirtmetea Astoeiation, IBA for gleyclind to Femme of eiamlnlng lino the mertisof, tiro riew Fire 31arnr Telegraph, Iltryt In ISperam , that In 'that dry. ' conttnY , „tO - e rattled by the Chief Engineer, f r i , napvi,Q, e; '. Arsilt!nt Engineer flatlerund urea in 12 . As% te r2tht of the Eiden • Tilegraph,un Q thbs c i ty, wm ,1 1 .50, by lovitoilim, .949. of the, ylarty; ‘ l 'lcbadi the cOlninitten_pro.• Upon arriving. ecedal to ,the Aro of Mr. :=6l MP, Wet: Enginext the Cleveland Ffre itep;Wtracra,T4o proceeded to explain the workings of the now system. - The Telegraphic Fire Alarm system was.intro• • dneetinta Cleveland, recently, by a'Mr. prawn, at a sf of tISD ,XI; for nineteen miles, of wire, one hundred poles and twenty-three, signal tot,- .- One of these boxes are located at each of tl live engine bonne!, and the other eighteen distributed through the city at proper distances. Upon the disco Very of fire in any locality with in the city, the fact Is immediately male known to those having charge of the nearest signal box, when the alarm is telekraphed through the line. Mr. UM, at the request of the a practical dernonstration of the workitip of-the systgoi. Engine No. it, was visit -ell, and Engine No. 1 sip:tailed, and' lu leas than thn , e iminntes the steamers wagon (the streets being too muddy to take out the steamer nnleaa actually necessary) was en the ground. No. was then called, and although located at a dirt tanc&of nearly a mile, reported in four misintes.' No. 5 was on the ground In seven minutes, hav ing traveled a distance of nearly ,two miles.. Sev eral other experiments were mad.:, all of which proved perfectly eatisfacniry to the committee. Mr. Colgan, who Is one of the beat pm etical in tel egraphist?- the country, examined the battery and signals, and pronnnorvd. them perfect—the whole system being simple, easily understood and reliable. Mr. Calmat is of the opinion that, with a few aherationa,the line could also be used sada pollee telegraph. A.similiu•nne has been In successful -operation in i'lovidenee, It. for Several years,. and has given universal satisfaction, It li estimated that a line can bo constructed In thla city, with ten 'signal loxes (one et the .Mayci's office, and . one at • each Of the engine bouses,) at a cost of Kl,200; bat if .it Is though, advisable toluive itconstnieted on a moroextee sive seale,(almilar to the one in use in Cleveland it carats) completed for ta,WO. 'At the latter priceocrtect•eatlslnctlon wilLbe guaranteed. _ Antitheryczy important matter connected with this sysiexa je, that it dispenses cidlrely with the' services, of salaried , Operatom,. and In this one item of 'expense Alone, an annual saying !amide of several thetusand dollars ahnnally. • Tho only outlay required le_ a• few Dttuutrol dollars per year for materials for the battery.. - Thol committees,. elide insklug a lidllavestigs- nein atlas systemotxpreased thennielyei fallysat -I,4loi:with It, andwlll rscOmmuad its hitroduellon_ kin this city. .The ma4efwillbebeaught before. the City Councils at their next meeting, when, slftatOctinite action will probably be taken. . A ;Suipliosed RpbbetTriitatlifactory Sonnel.! ' Onitalituidayereningi about arm o'elock; lir. - Nyint l i'criAade,": a riMtleit - of '3lanChottei m erited;at : ,tit cedalora og Ohio a Feet, eghe-, ny, Mar the,plamond, ler; the_purposo . of ;ma-, klug ponici.pnrehrises. : iftrient Into ,the . .store,.. leaving tdatcam 'of three homes and- a wagon _outside; but upomeomlng vat of the More wan: a4cuished to 4lnd that they 'lnd dliappeitied. ...NOOtte In the neighborbisiid s odulailve Idm ii any • Intel - platten ofth e ir w!iinOaboutii,Atud a pieties.- ted sOtelt.ivis. *de/ bit - liitiiiint. success: Ciii Sunday ; peening messengers - were .41spatehed . ;genital the TOMB loading , from the . e.lty to make inetirles In tegurd to missing team. A gem , tlonata'Who hid been tat Sharpiharg, informed • Mi. Crammie that be had noticed a colored 'mm driving a tram, answerlog the description. of :the lost' animals, towards; Butler, when aide- ' wept:tie dispatch war Sent to the authorities of ,the tromnghlo arrmt the thief If lee succeeded In 1 eluding. the. vigilanceof;the"detective' who hnil took 'that Mute.' - - 'Captain lileVlCker; Of the Allegheny night po.' H oe , also entered Into the starelW and' *Min' 1 walking along Carroll. street, In • the Second I . irtwd, noticed Mr: Crturimle'a wagon etandingeiti:i Abe street, and upon making-Inquiry the Captain o „,l,,Thed that a gentleman while.Tduldriialtattl 0304 m( onßuturdaymiglit about stereo o elockA `discovered thehorseastatuding on the street;amil , inektriscalsortina cfroits to. proceed, bit their fur: ' titer ipttsdiat wis'arnated, by O Post,whlch the,. lied i run:the, wagen ri,,iminst. The:',, , Omtlemea boring the-horses arid' took : them to a neigh.- boring stable, where tluT , went taken 'care of. `They bed probably started.lbr hmine, which tAtey Might have reached, had they Hell:ogle - Irv:ton: tact a ltl t the post. 'The mewengers bad zotra. 't. .; lag evenliiron:deeke .. ....- . , • :-• •• --;, • ~ . . . • rtanints in nut lior.rtvd..--itov..Niebard• Chortain of the U2B."llllltary Ifoopkal, to Ninth ward ? . reads us the folkining Iter de as.wblch Iu c oi•vPsTid. tulrid insOt.ifo. shicnour last retort ••• • • •••• • .• • • ; N6r. tieig) 3 . F. sr; t.-zo *we , . • - nt.? Ttrr. Wain -4M* 314111110,116 t E. turuil7' Tax 01171 T •WAirt Snaw:—Thie ex a l i tn i exhibition wiU remain • la the eltir Ike Terectit work, sad will be °pea exelyeliblg; . and an w'edaa4a3 . and /Wardell .linernikluK. Ott tkalartley'eirealait the attendance wasioplati 4t.,1 tt. oaro Abe. IN "1788. Jilf" Lidiew• . • Lan' ixt. o 4F tit'' , a lYoraar" Loia °M)hizeilfor the. pu Ne of enSo%mac-. g home mionfatiorys and dimittlflting af. , all ur eiti;rs t orem:pd in thli patriotic moVezninfi , sibein the following circular Issneit 3;,141t; in.4l.l.a.AcetVre Aswebn' ion of New imbllalictl In e recent, number of thelleplaaku To Pie nnmeinatapifitcationfaide to tii ft* '. • f ' - ' all.partiolthe et. nutty for wore- specific inihr-„ - . -_. minion upOn the various tordei, and piirtienhate .1 — ' .. Rothe best mode of Coming out the objects of) !..' - 7 the women'a patrfotte movement; Whichehialler: l the'different names'ofnathinalenavenants,,ecoCt+ .;' -* ' mule leagues, women's patriotic aesoclatimno:-'‘.::A . • hart-Amen . luaugarated" with the...put:moot dl- - min - thue - extrirraganeek , . Mtioutaging' _hotsti i r- ,1, • , Mandfacturep, aud'preerenitmit'the ecaiWfillilei*E - ..p?t preci4miou of car etc-refry bY the AP4 40 (21) .., , A . im in .w. ter fer'fortign Imittries;'we Owlenalt • . easy ...that .ozrAfter:part,.of the Attothetitet . 1. 1 ' ,. ;: , -') .to'aut v,we r have. had the Wm. . 1 .0.9 1 4 11 0 01 1 1 . 1 .r4 i 7;1 , -'. den of their ticteraihisdloti to ,cartlont t tese ~...i.. l' objec , lint that we bave beedniettryditeb kie l '• -*-L ' 1 1: chief on th e part of the manufacturers, trr3 I ..- chant and. retail daalers,, which Teorill.britlar, , ;, ; ‘.3 tl ia rrtt ' laro . b3stted by tlifferentSobletlis **kaki : ,,, 'Llt to all numufiteturera whose tissues could L bn *-gc . ~,,,,. ' . 1 , wined. The.etir,eulars rentolttlng almost vrit.; , • , ~! out exception annotlecd, the ladle o - Interostnff W I -' .! .,-.4 :" thrscnovements became sattettedthat - thentraint!i„ , 1.,, , .? - - some! secret.cause for it,;, and detcrenlncdtt4m, t .,,,:, „.I innate a serlisOfjitiiiiiries to **dab:L*9 pott7 • : , .son. :Thereimlr of these liatultieiwas,-Ihitthe' ! , 4 7-'-' were informed by theatoms of those: 7.. , fr 'l - ..".' tumid that they wercentirely 7 indeptgatent afaity,...•.-5 'such movement on the part of ttio publlt; initr , - ' • that, as they already had as many.oedera'ad flier. could; execute, they took little .thte*BC. * duo" ~ , 71 .',.: Mutter. A rew, Inver honest, frankly .adthitted .i• - • ~ 11 that it was not their interest teilerthetelabthistat - known as Arnerleaff? that they Wean AsProieditC ..••=,' vr to thajobbers and importers, witodirected - what• -,i,f s f T . lahthishould be placed upon ti On and that their': . . • wore under promise not to "dlsekie:e where or un.tr' --,,:' der what cameo they were 104, and . on the : ,,r , , - ,... , . jollied againsthome manufactures wa3 to great s •„.,, ; •,s at many instances they,Were sold'as rorolga , goods. . ' . - :. ... -IC . '.- '...' ',, ,,, ..:-....,3 The truth of the matter Is, • i hat: not coittentt , . --.; - ' .. . ... 'with ten or fifteen per cent. regaler &Wit, lik e ' : , the ElarortnO 'none theturero end betaglhus en..' "' '' :.'' theiyArresponeible or indifferent on to the reputes , ,—, 1 -, tion of his fabrics, if the demand Inertasat Jat. ~ „. . " prtrent,'the American manufacturer, as tho:ftai- -.,'" ' . • • tip Ortiele is' almost excluded by the; high pride' , ' ,• -.- . to chit it Is raised by the heavy tariff; raises hlo ;• % ..,:.- prices to the enhanced price of the foreign. kW- . ' (le, which. though his goods may he infeicrihe. ''- ', ':. Is able to do by the protection. or the tariff. - uttr.. - .-.,..., -: ~. _,.. immense fortunes are made py thefew, attheteto.,,. ~ I ....„ prose of the people and th e country.'" Itidectl,ll* him.: ...ere told on wmah Oeea3loll3;Ahat rtherde-;* - ' ; .... await was:now,eo„,^reat for every or ; aisy.klnd Or; wearing material, tha!guardituuot quailty was allk„ . • hat Ras aimed at. . . , • ~ ~ This desire of making rapid fortunes- on thee, . -•.‘ part of our manufacturers, therefore, is-Lbe raid.-,„ . , can-eoftbe prejudice againit Amermampadoi„ -.- ' : - of which they complain. 'As itb one tan bo aunt -,- , 1 of reeelying the same or a betterqualitsof goods -,'..i • , year after year, when purchasingthesame max, • at they Call when purcluming femit the Earfrieats, ~. manutartater, the ladled of theta irlodiom'enfu...,• , .'„„ - , tioneutt VD immerl'antieal , fiot* “thWfthreitoe , J.4.‘ - .1 % the public that ,all-Crutected .witle, Vie midriar,,,,-_-,,, . and the selling of domotticgoods have cot YI , ..-... ' fact aYaluet rifeniotement, ' On'.auhril °coif:7 elope; when difibrent tnemberiorthamisoclathini 'T." madoa personal inquiry ofthe manufacturer ber:• i ' , ,'i. • t gent as to where - the , „octds which they Um talt 'AY - - 10 ' their ihelves.tuubLunalled • could •be procured at' fortt,.,z _ retail', or by the Wee, or by the dozen, the answer? ~5... t... 'was :1 "We are pledged not to telL"- - e . , -,-,.,,„ - • .ArS the:flak} u•Atecriean I " " : , f f "We do not know: Would ; the ladies glirrani. --''' 'much for thou if cold Amciiian I. ~ • • ,il r ,t . .. . • 3. 41 0 1 . therefore; conient"witli is less amrbitink„,,,,, profit,. our ninnufaiturefs f jabbers'and ietalleirce.---4 , .._ ~ chants will dointerd•-ter'scifus our bonds libel/Ai J ! 44 - 0111(ki tlielr , t rap • laticit,' - the.well4astraing•Uulgav ,, -- 1 -. pateloilosignut o f the diffebent.,Pkldifutill - Itew . ;; ''''4 '" ' ;Tort,Boston,J hindelphia, tit asithuttorliCklmu., re....t go,-Pptsbutgb, Rochester, ltingnmton,lgiaw-, , ,.; .., places, must endeavor by their economy to m ` 'c yi =Mel a. . Mile Its • passible of foicign goodi Mit ', ~ '• itrrarles: - Persevery. ask . ftir Aracricalfilt&ri;";', l ', Tics, regardiess of the y . irony and• • , sorr:t 4,, , , , , , , , -.pertinence with which their tignanclik , F, , ,i. , ! . , , ,.. , many stedeS,Vlng - thevffe.fortTCC - . , „,•.. ifft in all caSoithi.lfk - lif - hiY" Y. , i' ,-- - •..."‘ 1 9 - • r t -, make nritaeltr..., • - siOcfda of Amedeark„, e- „ r•, ..„1, . ... tedged _ and sold aseirclu .And , ttititloni . , 0 0,-...lrditi9a9 011ettld carefully note •: %. 3{). ' suckstoniutrpent as will do-this la their rtimcm., ,-... .•,. We attics, and publish iheirnames for the benefit of the eAtmunity. lip ,thns appealing to their -`„ ' Interpkte wrialuill'coinpel 'Am:aka guniri to bet.'...;',: sold !miler their WWl' ilakiz. ,••• „- -..-•” 17!. ( ,. -a.tr. • ~-,--• • : F the eomfort,ganisa howcve rtions, ,f O inn Miattre elf laterat.o ~-,....- o dierender..oWte d then% ' ' AM " 'Quor their effixti home been in air ottieroespeets' - 4.1L,; •-; very stieccultd. 4 They have . calked the attentionr: es'YY,f, Of OM Wealthier classes to the necessity Os WinaVi.'"f„.4:' , . .echumy from Patriotic - ruotiVet;' and by nokbe.3 , - it gaid taste to be chteply and plainly •drassed - ' --; ---0. many,who before would _hare bun luihannie lIIYr , •r•f .',. , say "F,ctumbt afford a thing," now wear Orirlat.: f, ---. . pride old bonnets remodeled and old dressed I . e .' newel, and depreciate tbe- j litiputattem; of hub*. i ~ , -, indulged In the. purchase of „an ,expensivalulicita. ;-.-...--; .' of dress. Those who have less wealth; and up=- , whom economy la"afforoad by the presentl4ft- ••" ---, prices, are thus kept in• countenance and renewal.,. of many Impleasant feeling of mortincatiess. , While those who still in this - criehl 'Parade their -'• •,-.-'-' extravagance before the public ectpesetheinseheltm, — " .• ir. - to an invdions and contemptible cUstinctiont, ' Y - which few arc inellned to imitate. ' The FrOdmen's Rene Committee. The Committee of qixtoen, appolited, Alwit meeting: In . COneert nallpnYiednesday,ernsplog.„ met on ,§atnrda"aftornoon. In the office Oeneralßowe. Alter a fall and free coniniti... Don, a sub,eommiltee, composed or E. 11.1.r* ;, Reg., Rev: J. B. Clark and nor: Dr. How'sall„ ' : . was appointed to correspond with tile parent apclatiOn' at Phßadclphia, and ft* upon a tithes for holding another- public meeting in tide at which a complete organization ot art nasocla. Lion, auxiliary to the State Associnti•n,•is 'ex-. , petted to be effected. Thursday the : wassuggesied as the day, provided ft Would atia the gentlenien of the parent assoo.atlOX,llllo64l., r. presence is timdred. The Series of Union _tags of the chureitea will eloets on Thursday the, ,prl Row it the .P.alat. On Saturday night about teet,Weloek,• - a . . sulty occurred in, a house near the .roint, and officer's and 31esalce were, dispatcheektm; -• • arrest the belligerents. Oiniman Was takentobir . • custody by the officers, when an attempt wee made by ttle crowd to resole, the petierabr. - :TM; .•-••• officers were' reinforced by several iratelnifear;. - . when:a fight ensued, during-wide/UMW of the• r ' watchmen was ktocked down wlth.a Moan., officers wed thefr blares. very freely,_ add lqiured Several tht4r eithilarde severely: " , Dirriagtha ;. Melee officer:Messier drew a- revolverandixeint r !, ed it at the crowdll, but fortunately, for so r 7, ..-- Ir.missed fire. Thc.Prfsoner Was taken ta.tkw ~ M ayor's °Mee and locked ,nr4 , 'resterdajmire ..J.; • log the Mayor fined him .tenrdollaps and . ey_asts,„;: . for disorderly conduct. Death of a Plttaburgh Soldier. The Ifarrisburg Tdeflraih,of tie, mea l y asp Tourer, soldier • the Elitelnuth", - RlikeACefe:Jilall;) yDming at the 711111114easte'oititit=c , berrY?treet-rgil , Dmessed was an oxemplarylyotog man, *ore; soldier. 'Bieeelimo lastp be. was - elder "'" ' clot:under Capt. Mall,at . Ciutattendin i which time be won a larger3reL. la cur midst. Ills' remains - RA hero Lida, after— : noon, cu route fur his lute home, near , pitt,„ burgh." - • • - . DROWNE.b.:-=COMICT 'Clawimm' VMS C.1tie11)311..." duodoy to hold auletramt cui the body of Meet t••:: • Neff, who wee drowned is the leek alPort.Poti • . Ty, betw9on the' !lOU re of nine and tenO'clee.k Ltaturday treeing. The jury rendered:e terdietitt•••' accidental drownbg, • • ••; • • :-:•-••,••'‘ r NetsPititicK4t Thd"Kmertei ",- frt%al. , , of imattilon , "• . llioWlatt • Waila.V!‘littal' - ,' - ','.•, Flag," "Waverlgy "Barkkallti,9itiV`" , * , ' .31tvahly," antillo. 27 4 , Tt!nc , Cot: - h been .reclved attd an! . fgraglci,by P. INS, nth' stinct,. • - . . _ . • - Ontasia CaNCERTe - o,ll.74laslllplitgit; 111graistE;I:451 ' ii)tirclrt c y.rlll l e gtsen tp,.tbls clty,...undg. , Opticin of Signor Mtizio,'"'Ociltdchalk. - the libridl - 4 - ;frno*fed' - -planfet, riiiall.tsb Utley - 81tiott*;i0.- . , - ,: - ,.; cantaqiccs,rispj tiotie.• Ilie'o.cant„s faMilort of UR; city wilt grace tItV Mintrali.-LMits Matilda Heron one of Llt.:^r:ie..4: twat *Orme.. mitt° Allude:an gage* wino= • Menec an quragemvut At : the Theatre 1•1 1 4 111 p -. ; tug. She will appear aa “Canfelle,'"'Oe. .In wbleh rite has no rival.. We look lier . • • ( 'home, • 7. • ; 170,1 . . . . „ I)ATARD.—!e et4allie town.4r; air mint, : • ' dal morPlEig, Dee , ,,dt Ur.o. M BAN.appiAn:lo .af;v.. r The funrial Wilt" takeidari ' fro'at • vale hapnaid pep* and orwendio the Vilibait tipatattr4y,zosiwr . .alpiasork,at. 0 . ,101401 1 . 11 111411.1 , ..01i alie trline•pi: ttle , n , 94ls . are reopeegaq " E DIE ECTON3 OF THE TA , - STORY AND OftfltßY HIM 0 ham • • •••• • thll dat decLated a Dividend ot TwO PIM , , 01ithe 0 4 441 . 1 Stock. Pliable , to stoat* as. , •••• ditancithelol.&lndott the J .11[104111%, • , Tttlunantre . r , We VAIL :,...axam--stt. • 4 . • _ .:z~:~-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers