ffiEMN atVitttdogit Odte. fro esterday% Eiaseite. . , • Late ;laws by Telogrspli. At itashotlls,an thillth'fast., - aft was gide. ' -Sam. rata' . Seatissedlofall; awd tho - roads wain Whitt 'oliditton f or - railliiiiirtoossionts. Hood and.Mostrmairdware 'Plorsioa;,Alaba , l !Oka hildnd,prisenara bad arrived holm atutit.,-Thai.rashed. tato' that otty for OW Plirtilsof -idsadir;rAtaldag it rearlatad, wars taptoitst:. label sympathisers' win Padptst ATIKILth• ooav,Setpti 41anall 8 . 011. .roportad to isTt 11l latiatry and tdae'thonsaad *paid . etiwy to „ Watswaddtlia.,rue harthel4tb,lsld,,l6dt add' . 201 k 'Anti Corp4'andtiii amid," fi otastossidii hj Kilpidrfok•--Ifikwaald` todohlit Itsilon; (IL ' • insia!iikasi'rit*Wttiafy plies- da liottrfttlltrattaalt SairtostaW,Z- It Ja tate-itttertjAspontblo Asort,Waiwaargo imp of stares at auction It dOiciiida, , :ikarili, last oast: ,:f'ha plass ; of rata sad Wolin, of boys sold stria, of authors and oktiket ,-are . gao tf with sonnet of a biol. Ins: air, i Vat 'Of a °Attie , mutat. We - 200014 - btfotono, that the 'price', of i itigton adisaeod eoae "vitt, pesonit." tot to an not tea pet : lloopp e efaeoiiiied bl the lasoletioit of Cloitiodirsio taper," Tkik!elittslattie of 81,1;10 bit 'neentij baaa • 006,10414 the 44cunion of ronlatione radial!, to'yeitoe:;- Afa l pi~iiOtili:ti teiaiellti, Men, kiniota the apt of fifty 'tad Any - yoers,:la' atrial thotanint • fit „lento* to. (kr St, 32111141 1 . ' half of thy' ; , nale'efOrelo, Oistfoti,of 'coo liee;; 14" teutipoyed teenlit theforgpa t usns, u* . ousgri teciirtng oompesdation for:•aay - Ware Alkieiart nay nortnp. - • ; • flenekal Sian tom la ,agaise. :Troops coptinni atBl4 fags kainkore, both of nentissail :stoning hi:desisted sold ha. 7tLey.' an Inendfittly• saki Aci ; eke front. . , , The Minteritate *Georgia Campaign ' . t The *whole 'width ishow musoted to ths • Imaginations .of the Northern peep* al gait.. Ithermsal been pinging off Into the dark, It* M , Dui; A of the asemy's territory,-buralig their T ' •Chiller beldia there, u Cartes his ships, mast to behead of tyre till the ao net remstt to 111 '00 1 " 0 17 Or 0+311117,1e oartainty amain drams. , tie sod noltitts. Tonsercits Sody of from 50.- 1. 01110 . 14,000 mew, aa a fliyiag oolootoPfor WM ~without emmootion to its bash, and living, la at part, on • the , tonniry, would, if tnetem. Ad. hi the =mit sedirkable aohlerement a Ote wai. eat haig lent, we irtnieeve n si l .% , 2,,ir tory. Remy Wit, that:days - prod& aro ill' to me maim! ow the bet*, and threat" da te' in • mamma sWagottaralliltind that eoastraotion trait*hi pootosaltithe ate.tomminpany the snuff, With -11 homy taus of artillery. Egah it dasieg satiate:lse math not ems have bee& raidertithea *ether telthivir. esposialy - for dm remoh th at lt nitrates a votersn'ormeo. • rittioa to saint tabbllliga • witersea lommaselo to bier weeli a marelr, with ifty or semety-fro pounds on' the bath. The Yenta. soldiusis the Zortallffor wavociotethater tarried - fifteen days' .„ previsions In so imaptacke, bat thry el not # havesitelsWeighteffratttallag tools Udall= Ifshield moths Cffisgaisid that a match of Gearilitentaa's smy through Osoftili(if With Is really bona teadm,)wthilitte opteur thing. IlookiWOuld delays thmaghled mother. or. the. -,;',' Mundy' by th e relate of his plans ulnae of 1,,i sorischosay Iwo pros-Us szemy ogtortnity to block wP his ow, to imartiloldps, fell trees .., oneithommtsaadeopehisily—wimstoost Tito to 'l' learega-to ewe.plbe &Mary of foragr sad ottit -4 idiom - riaitmealtbsi.ldit army Wooldle coa. - t. vhabehaeh`Siotabtawm of rations anti forage, andatight be mistatto sloth oomMone j or lees witlasio4yawoeo to fart boa. ,- - Tao to thoworst gwelatilityflost Mt ths-Pihar. '' side freimßhartaim hal Sahli favor; mvaral most asanilemadrantages. , Thoseason of the y e ar. makes it prebabie that the graiale eat b of Mae illation • itt_litteiltent Goa& sty Ifitt44 minikm6 , lads the Molnar region of tut, von. feimerty; imam luas wasted In =ease Welds of CMS Mal wham tar* bo th planted th ere oz tiot - old sks„Wat-londa , . Them are no hoary garrisons ' '' , h or layman troops who am delay tin savants "Ft • gag; aadmixone all, he dm oafelytookon on a -,- Louth IMMO PoPolalca, ready trVald Wm in ' Urging, to do c amp • aroth.or matt bear arms ~ if hewood therm -thatainly baltof the slates of Ai ' 4 the Pisfloisrath,otaat now bitloll.lllllallll4l4 la i . tall therm ,te= whlok be la &boat to laud& ~ -"ii.,,_ lie will lad aa math' of atiallioriet• WO -4 41 witere,cosiktre stake a mess damaging etOW to a l the lalatesnalWa . thaa jut Ola f ItSeathero ItAwaisliteli arsouthtdeir that Otorrames match to the ma will be a troth of ffesolation sad thio;for lot tothrtec that hnstaalty la war demands that should be shirt malsorialt- ' Irtowarfo/at , rtlita be reamoaltawinest in the Ilse of WWII* (ft ks by tending tor Ela vssoith)howillettikottadamossilts, tad it the poor Union captives left them bars any Width and stroarkiaft, he• may itt Air lo not only free them hat to tam thom. , Still Roma. lamb, • th rough disrawis is & march matard a kw, sot from it ; and whatever he reaches gaols* bile snot of aloaundlion and oupplhar. - it he'did to tort (as it tamorid) fame Atlanta on ths 12th, be may reach Awe:* W. Ito ndaylashr, and oar Init hews of come to us thremat the Riebroond papas. , , '*'<Tatting, i/1 consideration* la rim. we •lo *Mai le Wet_ ha, said befase,to believe that this vadat mistake made by the rebate to the war, had tsar ifooCe movement to cross the Tenanwelei an d , that, like acme of oar =imago' istwAsololy tor*► pocal commatatianat wadi It fr ,in, Um Saco of such s. thorough military, leader as Sherman, Wog &hot rebel °mita of the fionthwut to disaster, which in thitle use Will ~ bo itretrierible,--N. Y. lima. „, , •• '•• • . • • „ w k .•11, t szkik..ifv!othlitaw It bee been atatead !mai and oyis again that 12`°°111"2400K071,j kiTa 3t2asty U patitivicaftdarhyratanie Ltaahortht.Dffa., Thatiat ir, in/way -Amnion end anti , ft;Y: etyma tatillipaaalchows, that thotbutsattpa tad lownititate genially bun aalf-attyportiag. la the dayarbasat otiVattitalyttlaitair fondant are ea actual what; all thfiti_arholabo,latfatte tloyantadtt--come darts ortghtythantiati-4.- lad towed dollars sub ,ptr month . ; thlat. lam oat, WO pay rapport -t'aft tafaltaille ak and tallm- ,, 11ut myths', war and Abov• what tads.praden tins % for, vet inta , tha pub-, lie Trearsertosorport rnisdatus alsowtkirse-"A almtlat -14 11 4 , - basibli4adeptid, in Thalami cad, Maar wtro and elk rapiljtbsglibornwito 60110 *hi "Aftrottlho:ontomita.oa la tai aimkontii:6l, Opal& riatAtt. MA* zahyttlaa-bagatt. fatty tholaslidltliittiatltttailltattblsolth rataiyad , af thoreatiiiikat.. fools Melo mllta'ldatithr talittry - if hasyeatotri walla itarsh.ta rdottf,tttttatiatki; - -•-•• • - aJtviithfreth .N,a,imn"—Tbe raw up s' WAY ethalealthaYirehrwojuirtunit4, 'imitate.; tat the Jodi. the -Gotuotons o &het iii Couteritee es the amities of , IsetAttd,ftatio *ay kl erm fil (febrile I ti; beethrelestleait. - eee 4 =?Polt_t_ l-11 4 8 117.1 . Irt tops. jag: oviami *moo of ii4ounitteeierho bas bus' 1 ti l 'metal ttitl 6 ol7ll: ° V.ll7 sil tie sil lay _t i ll • the !Mouths etatemsat tail be. 000efeetea , eathentfo t The Tales of the whole torademed ' debt of Greer BAteth, el, the et ,the Ireton; eree £—, This 'ma Deetadee Wald and on. 0 i st deA'Aebt., , r_h . . 2 treble - of the' whets vare• ' ii d'"'"" d. . b `4l. ll :tinabliftrtiVita tibete to the ItlattAebt vii '÷.to 2.. ,Thu eaten of pm lebreedemed debt of Great Brltate, bladed oed aofunded,oe the late of January, 1811.1 the i ..4,--,." Tie value of the nerodeented debt of Iseleadifeeded sad depended, wee et the seine • period I '.;--'; Tte redo then borne by the . : British to the Mb Maim —to 2.*. ~. - It•! T ZS STOIX MI in Leuze—Bp, Zara kw oaf a Bitilas • of., Property Dertroyed-Tio De: trolr FrU I' of of Tuesday sues _ - OThe.sn tral of Oa largo lieu die fio.Like . afieldsut Pal lonia roare definite litellins • • 'ii,of the dangegef retained mum thi 'Upton ild 0 the pia; yet with ell the Infornaties it Yid. ono-101ot the numerous awful: lehleh n o n cousued azonothurd' of; =V tome time will ' l o upe', doubtful,. befoul Aber fun ~ .rosulteutly loom filmed. To eu that one million of dol. We eeill ned eye* the tOlailioraut of the fat of properly, mil. be "oonsldato d u :far' bolo*, the mud ortloata.. The lost of ilft will not nub. ably tioood Clip." yo 6; rungeoted flat oaths ntinefpletaidlotu ' by the QUIP tdstfora, *Wit aStialithst tit• Wit b e a n he illetian should. be otoppsdibeetute it you reuented through four you without 0404 les oljee‘the tam anus huff Donk. vuttoehOuld, for eat tau nava, deeistfotnoo• `lll forth frotanyfentO not Istfrofdos.l. We - ultim' -:y the iddlii,44o, gaPailkooOdoratioM., - ! 'PTi F : , uoutep,..'OrPik, 1 , 1,41..L"r47. 0 10uPaadlu t, 'Mani from livadgiartarePtsMi to the Genersrp swat rttbitateig tensors of patting es awaTo . tatallg bard labor at am at cpbhtnlTl bulge' e any* pritioteirs at trot% aai relates the followl i aglooldtatz. Yeotarday It wu mining to set air negro guards ondearortag to ham on the Tat h 7 tog out to that* unfortunate chivalry, wbeweier the work.. Wind Misery up r da—knag Ltln zogigtil? tai• ii3rdar—go , ow ilia dac are 'hob. Ito, Major." ' cra b, ar . plot, Ooppio, and get to work Ilbety, or, I'll blqw out ob aolsaksP,J.; , - ~ , ......„ „ ...„ ...... Xr.didiii:tiktliettatsO'—liiliatitidsed Bre ; °albite sides out of Ms own bonsevsbesdred tan lit..st Die 1.:41416i on=kla own . iFISINaty. - The Doke of Sathipti4C ilium the '.. sonntriertraTilaitandisiiifikleig scaosil..Ocot i laid'lrtoisi keit* DU: The Dike et Devonshire, tesldai blkosther swam; emir 96,00 sore to the county of Darby. The Doke of Illehdeend.• rhos 40,000 ',slot atpoodwrod, stad.3oo,ooo &ores t at Gordon Castle.; The Dike eV Rationed park ; l in'ilmssz; Is fifteen mantis eirealtV The tine &malts ore oonstantl7..krowla4 -latirsoo The. gnat 1111iteir Us abierbing ,thilailiil instable. i.,cas In 1736 this sat of '$ Vie otined by 350,. 1000.eo tato and Frpriokaok,.snlita 1.16:144.. ;30,0061 '" - ' - • *i0 7 4 1 , eifiiiiLristisiabol.ti* osel 29%:0f. iJoi3Ofst ow advonturoar viitlipsiCiot oak Vs/ Now , Tette to 'al. soWl• bOsi 7 barttly big, iii7glitotrite, stiolptlosi. of tho,lfordeltkor , .‘foitborio pfroppolos to. arofelhirAiloatio. , R. VOW; Yak. porn rosorsll* mods .A1'1.1:41417 I;I a l etal t i:ll:l=at a l tll though 2 '' ,ll ° : it li t - To . TibtabkalllrilitUillodi itt4 notiiingliis boon oaf* oflho tlVillost!".shloh , tcsa.probablygoso o tbs bottria of OM Alltatted wi th all 011 board, Iwo , limn, oral o dog; II tetan have srolleh Di • ilazgOr; there sreplontfot ..voli t e whlot are logt• folte,''boitioriblo, pad nsofnlb, AlstoVihero if peril ozoi!gh to isthry #Ap or! t roolcluf. Soul adiftlfau of 'Swint -Im-a small Italia towii loins time Aliso tesolyet to scrotal status. to honor, bat could only raise 1100 friums, besides a udestal,..whiols one tadlvidual had Arai. So they went to Bowled to know what • wu toles done vtth the mcney: "Ton want a statue, mild he, thoughtfully; , and yon hare, It teams, only got am far u the pedestal." "Yis, thit •to your ease." "And yon hero 1200 frimis insides towird your obJtat?" The oil:mitt.* bowed their sognleteenoa. "Give . tee the money, then, and stand esi the rides. tal half an him SieztTuesday.:i I aid him on lifadnesday, or I'd: repeat,the parformaitos." AT the metiow_userchu. et Bontit Hadley (Nese.) Fungi& Benloam' that .teseltita same. tittlal midgets for ten awitratei' composition . Lately one section was rimattsted to write any thing pertain's; to—the "theca " . cone,yottot *ay .• • • - • oLlitH Nay LION, may .- ,Lqoklblatl47,oolk Wei . e . And ipsyckr.trs k!, . ".. 11,.:2" . ?1 . kfk pow bLek! , ' - - • PLITILT. Pessont..—Ths St. Toe, Missowii, Iloald says that • farmer mar Coatury Lets wits Wary &meted is the woods by throe ultuted bashwhetkers, whq dieseadad his money. ' The fuzeer in a seem% rateed his pa add tied twioe at two of thus, killing them in atantly. The third tweed his horse sed mated Lie harry. .One of the bualwiteekera us:secant:ld u having lived nue K a l b, stedlad btu with Prise our three Tura, minas. old saolgswiest has bas tYgdd t 6 Vie odltora of the Now York :E66.47 Pow,-datia Avail 20, 1224, by wale& ft appears tlist Jolts Mdsll‘ was in -thole dip s tallow ohaadler I Tots Jots 8840, !isoclinal seap•beltar of 1824, lois the father id ;On Badadoilso4al2o4 eons Mamas Bandon silatoorat,ansfrwhositaasb - tat monied 'a Pszblwa booboo! Soap and lardssd ham Gi t l Whew -;.,Aliaggesttop for INIVIC, - 1 , : 1 4 iNilisto`e at itio-inr.a r.ek. our illri i tab e trlimbie.r/Fm ...,,frb,?; told fat n»ffaß - sixT4 mit" tostatd of nward. Ass Ma the =rep ftf their ean -"Lit ma laliVothlrvitf. tb.difildWP OtO : ).Dlfg b = t s=aVd_lfTeeri; l76ll Iry the Meted 'wad, well odavenss. , - . • Two Stomas', to Now Origami, resantly fought I s 4ml about difigroam,l24 bushiest nutlet* and ; cum k4tild'itholillatr. :Thoy,fosghtin *Y' tetlll mori sear Meal, norm. rITO ,r with to mots, and knives. Oao wag kiliod, wad the ahoy Jammu dhroarantd iyhtg, oaths laudbig ; rapt! tromslogi of blood from woorufir; dim!' the' ut•Ut day: • firiirton Virdatanto Biptbitintaigtit inral.Tl totky, Tat ' lately ednittipted for the Union •ei lay. Ells tong-regatta:vales notoito boy kiln tattling*, bat t. itti Awn, he would lead to rebel WM* aulayiaa eniabl-lollow Elm rather than allow a substitute to no into the rills! start tit 'Waist 'With 2i5 fol7i, tae Louisville Democrat says theh - Paul'lL abOmen,. late editar of the JOWltat. of that dty: Mho bad teen emkreittbrougittkrs, as* so .tuOy abated:Moab msYtiouthibm ber-MSG*. • - :ad ;a return to Loulsvale by the evoretery of :WIT. The DMICHArca , b unoMo to Fay plat, to one with . kim. .:z' ;scalars or Dumas' Li Esotarn .—The ridool Sim. of Narrator stl, soya it L palled ...toile* that the alstrers la the lioglhlt manta:. larlog districts to largely on the berme. It la ltujaght that irlth tha approach . ot*latier , thi r will &gym. , enprention to an Saspoltrittiounder, who ad tract ter a day; rid ifentineed by the titrate to one month's littptlajnitoent„.T • 'lnn Logisintaro of bilohlson 0106 i Union, 3 .ADosnootintio, 38 a .dnittatfal. if:•Linooln's in do Moto L own , .U,000,; - ICLTY AND BUBUIM4N. issok Etaatlonu : • (1 ti• 112'musi a"llau'i'POPhrettors of the' several Hacks of tune the hilne•day, and iiiiiidolf ray qedellylibero bang no oppoal tL ri at say of thelsalts. .Tlp halo uring to Alm relilt.l,- -. '..f, ...._-: Bonk" if i(unTniiih".:Tolin - dWitim; *lilliin )1.. lam h M. ff bitmore, N. Voisttliy; Jr.,*(hrorge Ay, Berry, Danis Leonard, John Mosell, Charles Heir, C. ,W...illoketion„ Bobeekrieerc . ,WOßsas .751onnion&W01* K. Wiboinallabust B. elotedehd• ~-, Skchemsre /km/ of A'gobs.re—Jainan B. Mu. ray, elexondar Nicola, Tobin ./in ehersborrn, Ilmirey Childs, John D.!Idol:lords Jahn Br Oan. *id, Mirk Wr Wslion, John Elamrsen, - Bibjii. Minik. Maw, Alexander Chambers) (Mules TI Boesch, lieNaniin 11Ase.hl, Jr., Byron 11., ' ra ini er: . c '''' 7 ' ' •-.• ' '' Zifflutnies - Bank of INltotoorgb —Wil li am 13. lie 10. Jonen.l.ll•Enct4,o4 Ximpin.:Gs.rie, :edli on. B.A. 'WV:Otte Orr,tiward Howe, .Chapek I.... Caldwell, Philip lialmer, Bradottek Whim, tarnse I.l,4omard,Dampbstlllellaffen, C fame..f/sah.—Trasets Bottom, int:ye: 2 :M,', worth, Georgi , lll , JObbil 'Trialt'llatn, Ater: SGnolds, Geo. Black; Thomas Zawestt' Wm. 6. Diseell.. Alabrsa 8.: usa....s. r..../.4o:•mpek6 Pbitt-ine.ftsarli WoMvsU, Waal bkOreery. •,...4/nOt s ty /3ank.— Jamie Minittley, John W. Clallani, Andsaw,T4loilt. li,SepirJsmine Da* , 1 . 1 igallari/ MIA* Irsii. , Dail* litasintems - --cpo Ward ,) •Darid Ilostettare , Jacolt L. ~,: T „ash , James Beridtuan,lllchars Ilayo,..Tac. Mat Clinxlstininnag ' . ."..., 4 ..:*; ,1 2 ,: 4 .r , .-.3 11 hey TeMb—Wnt.ltsgsley, O. O. nosey, The al 0,-Blalr, ;Ohms Modes, K. T. Leach, ' r am Cyanic Wyv.oohnitan, or. - T -- Wood, Win. dlilbeldtilli' , :i. • ,",-... •• - --. _ .-- lidrehanta and MOTinfaC4trk7ll,l3onh.—Thare was no no f election by Du, stookholderr of this but Dory met and teoolred to organist,' an the for .Banklntrandeg , tho . laineof 'Aka Val Stitee ,l llmiltheelf ttniAtioslittot will AM' a Dlerebants and blauufacturers National " Th. old Board of Dliiitors will hold '-ovre tll the second Tuesday! of iantury,mlum - Sitte ,olectlon will behold. The Director, are: LC i l Bothnia W. P. Dm*, ,B. 8.. Bedford, Walt r Brynal; W. Ctuudnulmill Br'hf. Talton, IL llmtlay,_ll. B. Stalin& J. F.TaaAel. , !falai/nation Wanted of A SoAthAin lit* , . . togA4 `x' : . .` ..- , = '''t " .. Cfdper Long, Chief of Police' ,hi/i. Xlmilidd- a oemmunteatiou fro% PhiludidiltLi; inking:him to malm inquiry hen fox one Rehert Hogan, a liborior recently from atohmond,Vm - Sin naMe area r teetered in- Phlladedyhla, In -thi end of Oetolmrelm Wilily put of the present month, as al Southern refugee. 11/V is obont Swingy tut*, jeans of age, dark hair sad ere, aaild/ vidsiims end =stun* slims' znediernt Wild, and adorned to work is a foundry es a lii bon Theatetsd that if ha could not get work. tab illelyblsilks troutirgo to Pdtsbusoli.; %od a is be not 1.1, tired bun heard oft; 'that edtnit '.la do posed that balsam( heili: , " Illt /Melt now /it ilia. James Verslo's,lo , l North s eventeenth stmt . , Philadelettlaidnd IS olddhol talollabo: A at our linden who may knee- Hogan trill Oafs* a IsTor apes him mid Ids fondly by giving •Mr 4 tl ds infoglaa. .1: ,- , , , ';' ,: :' --. -- r 3 :. ,iii ism— , . Ih4tia or sx Ilirrossta ChrtsiN÷.Ta stop's, mama will ha foudi II 0(41011 of OS' tosth of : lesiliost Harrisosos most worthy and highly esteeAted olden. _ Thee demised erai a natty" of,. uoS ' . -Coon i t * Poilo.a as ntsii; btt lisarsostastiltot.for cult% sty ye. by !musty, Industry ila torpris• tad gybed the .11.9fer-Ull ool . idesand good ephimi brills wow own: se .. 11,1 1 , 0 a Gahm oldie inn of Ilandson & Brodi-' . OM" Wiese irmovntli4t. 1 Ancoosilat. WWII soms. 1, 1 _ Ms doith'isillue disytrisgrottoa by a t 'PO rzola Of 4 1 ,1 4 .192 e.'-A ld -' - • - . MMMIMMWMMaI BUD QM Orn PA. lIIATY AItILIIIIT. I i AIM Pnait--aztast ) Vit.,llo'. Win. r ''' ins.-ittnirwt thegratalate - lis `WV We bah umbed,theemiterted adolkenAkt Presani, meat wakmmewldoka.traiudato fete KOithilt•BOAA 1114 0. atikilti• . 1 ... g As-rda were." ,- but l Sak. bash, : jell:ets we won pr spaded la mu mold Sabbath scram ' we. won ordered 'to prepare for, moving; in two, hours Mort., oratl4-toirt ma/ ter ktotidS. * ra t a 04 1,tb• aFt3,*„.„ ego POMO ' fuse 211111181 Pall. Ak the s wit Stu ekke. lotion, it went down with isqualrapllity, Vutkim were peeked, camp ognipsp bunspa to , the track, miner droned - and Pay to martioh, the sick ware matted dawn;hOtli am' hispitat and , put on the irsupti sera , awaiting thus OA the siding; theloll anived-tg tells re us, sad we bade farewollto oufbriof &oiling plus almost as tepidly air Ilk P oord tho int ' No one at hams nesdim troubled by the ime enation.P way puticalar suffariag on our put; , methavontrarp in oomparisoa with many bight 'oldies liv the Isld, ours wir a UMW.' It ter euld corpdoe you to is. the neatness end to ;Ws' the tentfort opth. drainage pet op :along ' our lines, of unbowed piss lop—good sense and Isola - testi wen strikingly itisplaged 10 - many,, ipottlimpeftlie turantand--siong the row sof sub. tstantial bonsai overruns, tainsp'satod - from the pine, forum anima pre a pbisnat aipot , to dm unpretending homes. But little *poor. ;Mail wu given tgr drill, bat the kildistly igaalltitt 03.1metnecs.. olosslineso and visSaus more abundantly ealtivated and 'exublateL , I thous seen few boilea.ol wierPof the , same ass, in - . which so huge a _number erbraid Wm& usenet pride and..ambßion _waned te mot to borough yonder a songs of patio eel: remonal, City. This Is due, I Wins oltiely to two eames—the high Loud and intellecing tartar. ' a r of the men, and the academe and elation elt by 'them_ towards, *sir . oMoers. It rally happeus. I think, that* Col. , and 10. CoL.oommand a regiment, with 111leA g -- instal en. junta:too end applause. Thor are few min in MR regiment who mudd not ralipto roseneeitt. r of them from.pertl or ti whom their monotone I , o this flag would not be as the vein of resietioss opes 3. •Happy it is when 'oontrieutd is linked PI wisdom and authotity is wedded tojai doe, na scoria trot and loos., Our stay on the railroad wu Oct striated by tray .formal attack, chiefly doe, I think, to the Olmsted ueuthog carried on, and the stenstani , end manifest preparation on our put, for any Sub *pima* of that kind, with which car friend Mosby might attempt to inturept the moveto- Ity of cur Cie. A small party of cur men, do-, Miktd u e Win guard, were in WWil kieatt Aso. i,ir towniked thssokre all, I belleti; wbo,itsvo' get beau under ilre..and hate good reason to proud or thelkoendeot and bearing..- , 1 Elution day puma run treryqaletty. That,' ',ready sent you the vote. It wu gloomy to company ..N.,',' Captain Stant, by. the death of ayo of their number, prisms luso 11. IUI1.r; in attempting to moss the track in front of the ern, he was streaky by the locomotive, and at • riensly jojored Cutt he d ied in a few hours. ,Bact. Mae s more in the pisasans and mutton garters of Torte Ethan Alba and Meru, and ig ail probability for the winter. We kin com minuted cerproparation for this Helm work of the oomiag opting. The noc.umunissloned 01118113 hove began in MESA the artillery MU, eider the supervision and instruction of tha as. remplitto d *Mow whose nimels forever steads'. tell with the 11l th ;Hips. IA VS motor Bathe I bloody Isla of Ilion . ' Station, Ilsousllsanontr. fror ihrmeraland spiritual welters of SUM.' - latent, I hone that some of Our friends lit 110 1 : 01 Mt te, Willies to contribute a Milo:est Twist t Mesta the WlTin which that um Ara donor a tedl . Weems trying to Minp It bulld Ma , og the cadregulay . lervitsm of oar holy religion. it. Torurnishripm Bookiandiksiaitkitt Ail tb wh ole erommaad. The lilt . Byrne Book ' go* t army and navy, an. admirable eantellatisn, cbe obteinod for foupoontiri Dopy.. Win any a . t n. /3 Os* One siskitMited with as in ituksi , w id !tendons good book, we amid haulmx , e. ss trogiments lot the long Willtvi' arr. Chilstiak*lplie et - him thinkehat a co tareethe to mudioritikey, add the dorira w kgonprally r iruhalking trouldiro dad help as Ito tours these ismasetd , sails and the pia osad Battu of us all. ;. ' ddmss anything of shit kind,iiikhe ...1'; , T - -90441416131-Trivlbelp Artillem Tort Ythan, Alien, Va.. Add teems of better reward thin Lea can be, ate*. - ---- , - - ' '' . 71, - • 1 • ;'. ; - ',' ' The VI:P,' TiLiei Veiii titailliarl: - • - • meeting Was laid i n the Smola United ' Pr, bilsatsu dittrabil Allitiamaii 'CB:. Clark's,) ,_ co ; Buoy instant; fox the pupae of awake n z . . . , . . Mg an late/esti& -the endownitint-- of -thli-rmyt el, t r a iditenditaryi — Rev: Toth T. iiiiiiti, D : D.,' .. p idad. Rey. George K. Ormond male lit - Sr. -dellerm.a. an -allanuse edit -a ' bil history id the Schools Alt. taeProphou um. do- thiAld.Testamont Dispiasetiott, and also.' tut:Mot lastity-af_ JIM* Thsolokisal , riontlain. , Bildt:said to the foot that, Aro* gib the amit. 1 ' cts4m of the intaXhomas Banns, Rig., the Bowl 'ln was pomessed of a gullible lot;and a ordn -0"410i, blinding , and it yes 'imparting to the i n tip of Om eadirdithaLlt sbulddhuatrall.7 - JealMa 'Poyeller, D.D.i follewad , in an f ad -... lir stitecthattliihistorfUr thisr•ni. , ix, y, at dumbed by D:: Priiily, wm tutomit , le and enbanratitigi bat what was to be the ht. Mu of ths Elidalaasti 2 If the Baited Preaby. ta Ohnioli wu to ills , the Elmninary must ba tainii&-N Tim - Prebitoemrl should -be Pro. fir and nothing else, and Amnia es enabled To eitotatter Whole time' and talonti to the 1 ire . .uudesa,ouriativies L5OO pot ..muratn, et , they tboald remits 84600, and should be , rellivad Proni all dulled' - -' ' '- " 11.70 J. B. Club, V. 111., thsnlid the Mullane* D Ikrayer. i - '- A -, -'r:awing to the heavy rain, dm mooting war not lu t And on. motion of Dr: Prosily it was re. tol ad to hol a mass Mee ing at an early day to con dim the 'subiiot. MUM. John Pima, J. T. NiCamiti sad-Charles Arbuthnot were ap panted a dimmittse Inmate arrangements font's meet. . lin: . Ur. John Diuglas, D.D., made the, rioting pm ' or ind,diter gaging, t h e Illiailstleas ttb • mit elirith the banyan:lon by Dr. Primly. . . United States Circuit Court. OltaLT, Novi 21.—Present, Judy" Grier and I the cue of Bowel k Morelli, of Baltimore, ve. . Plthers=aotlon for dump' enstainod ...!ly ration of contract for the d e livery of oil— <the sty found for the plaintiff', $11,504 nO. The ter et war enbtemomitly antanded.. by - agree mant, and !Mod at $1.0,1341.110. tr. / ler, Monads' k Co:we. flame' Ham and oth s. Action for damages for Womb. of eon. in BA delivery of twelve thoniand pounds Ofwpol. -, On trial. • - . • - -.-- ' 'n BAD Bera,Asst .. evening a citizen of the 'Soo d Ward i Al:egheiry, appeared before Mayor :Me ' der and Gatorades comphlsst 'stand lifti ' ' ti n you lids, who had seemed 4 room lu a house 'on topson street, whom they amused them lei. by cud plytsis esaidadini gamess . : Tb. ' Isom lainant" alleged Mit 'on Bandaydrirening 'they Wood his son Into their room, aid was lot I dog bias Into Ma .mystetLes of "smo'brs," ~,WD he Om father)visitan the room and took his soli . i f wif ' Thishoyalearisetrosttidandoonfined in • wstiti - •bouts during the night. This ' door:dog the Mew dlsohswpd Mim i upon their 4 1 ,71 es to Glo th• tom. - - - . ~ - pt y, m tenlD,—Thil following . sententers woo. :Tau la the Qttorserilmslotts t o day t TionS4:. Coss ate, oonsiefed eil- bloom>, war Hied dfiy dol and sentaneed to fifteen mouths to the. pest mis sy : ;mots fitmells, who plied guilty. to ill gal liquor selling, was sentenced to pixie dine MAW. dellsnirld nods :.. '...,. A , 'h -- , - , -'-•' . i t nin :'.oc .—A Gamin thong Hookadorn win, as been only a few mislis IA th l 4 4 xoult.Rio, wits ted on flatitirdayeranteigfar ireltll24 , Mini sues in' the ,Allegkeny , Herbst How& HewO need Ave dollassend eons by tnnlffeitir 4 Yoistnidey morning, end in default of payments 1 . Boi Ituraes. 'Lod :mail vim& friii 6 t3ilit of 0' rye Mold, of Lot/at fit. - Platt tOmtobt was ry blaredust one day lost *set, by t • upset !cg of *god to whlth he had Ideated er eolt. ,Um tosollsd:on. ugly ontiathe heed, and woe Mtsrwise bruised, bat Ida;lif• 11 not In ding Bo an Srovr.--Two men utook s lonia' at nutting, en Saturday; at the &end Street House, and UR. rosuttwatthet: WWI of thellt hod him aria 41100416 d mod Ida legbroken below the 1 Bair is New . Zonne—Amoit the alibi in Ff ew Fork korona' repotted' for the fortnight engin if ow:Ars liktri willed the name el Wil i - lie= . Snyder. Aged eightsome( Co. B, Fourth Penn Ivenistgyeigginterfilent)f Pittsburgh when }n . • . , . Ix ivalltwr,ddralo.fa. Le Barra Crawford debn - drieflgrau, of the ISM Foam. rad. mottoes at irroaat la raw p.rloi s t incaam. voItAWSI:. W.Panint. Oneidas! fllntiMeffiloid dubs? b Amnions Lilsno, of mins KM& omen St Alszandir lans,knali navels Wanit Works, Masbate', Po. linst&raos,NoclaPik, *mt.; Orfonspropotly attswirl go: AU *oft inarrastod wator•srsool lionsithig &no st abort* nofloo. eons izt relindni.Ploo l64 f to not abused eta LI Is nut on. Ai rarrnit Dry Math', Balmoral Shirts, Bball6.and a Large mak of Boataod Bhagat lamp stirOlinglei Altair Hois6l6 PIM Oral: IMU!M • • • :f '`.;',' ' , ? S"_ , , • ~ - , p. S .1 - I -/L 0101AlkilAtil BENUITIONL 4 ,A I hors•____ --- --' - - . BMW WARICHOUBS OF , • Heignietlan of ChrleitonArmoti 1 Pherh,Waietionsingeompany, sum OF SALVO 4 HARIDSON Ilek, 8110011128 Y.:tuataras at 8BP1311:11 PETE,OLEILIii. /a 'fialri an 4 Bartels. ten 01xe r.l ONlcs, No. $8 BEAVIENTANIS, New York eadid emu Emus ALL atti BEIWKYN 34 INIJ 60 lEdaA OF , Half the sale 11lavei of Baldwin Co Ga,., to be Imprested. THE RIOILION D MARKET. Great Auction sale ofGlares at Co. pmustat TAPER& Now You, NOT, 20,-6ln tbs. Lostslotas• of ,thiorsakaktia atti 4io c, a isrfts,,pf.rosolatiOns wets latrodusod, assorting the itAtof asotiEfot• ,to lot 12 Italadioldail eapociii, Ii ?stamina to !ofoito to tons* psioi, as will as Jri othar ttZ== 'Alden In Wei of a emotion of hostAtte, msg.' !footed by the Democratic party of the North, 'favoring the call of • convention, of ell the *States; and oallingersJelf. Darts - and the Rebel 'Gangues to make offers for such 'a purpose, to itbe ()ornament at Washington: I The Itlebmond.lihrdeer,SpeWnitof the *Moine ty of the' Ordnance Department, P. its entrinit:" em apparently beeomes unregardsd, and points outsereral 'valuable olsjecilone, some of whisk lien. Sherman may - deem 'worthy of hP atten tion, as for instatkee, In the Georgie armory, the laboratory:at Macon, and the 111111%111 'at Atli , . ens, Columbus and Savannah; In the North Clu clines arsenals, at Foyetterille, Roleigh and Sa -111122r7, and In Wain's - and the Immense poi,. !rimiest Works atilloluitorid. at Oharlaton on the 2d inn., doubtless ignited by tneendbui Ysiatext nituicularies, do. sarbaid, %tor *fry ext.:mire robot Givernneent • chops and armory, containing cannon, and • large number of mall army, tald:llTery 0011111 - Cllblillllllol2o of clothing supplies. Riclunniad papers give rather an unflattering WWI of the licentiousness prevailing In that city,. - I Gold wee quoted In Richmond on the 11th, at tiventy.seven . Mien and " iPtiVit cents to twenty eight dollut. Peer, $3,60 to 2,60 per • Card Tlielohmond Mai, in commenting on the Ginter* of the privateer Fliride, 'eye that the set wu e great indignity ter- Brazil ; hot one to whiob she, zo doubt, will submit. ;Jobs Oliver, &captain in the Georgia reserve militia, bag ordered all pereons,front 50 to 60 year of site, liable to: dety,to enroll before No. vesibir - on penalty of Arrest and imprison• mentits ease of disobedience, for duty at the .! r rl l' a t the Georgia Legislature, on the 1 6th , lost., an effort to-pro h ibit th e imprisonment, az en tailed fir elliteryAnty. of men between th e ages of 50 and. 60 years, failed. • • ,„ • . 'On the seateday, a bill win introduced in thi. Goaseempowering thaGeoroutot to !miners-env hilt of he nets slime of Baldwin county, to work on the defences szoniad the. Capital ; and that the owners of inch Slavin be jastly -compen sated for sage labor, astral as foe all braises or damaseitdstok sieve,. , ' lathe Seaga, on the semis day, Mr: *at moved to take'up MI -tesolationin relation to 0 4 • 1 11 16 15 the .6teta.to . a vigorous proaecation of kl7,l3sgaid. offered the followings - - That the General Auembly omelet reummend our Go v• 1 lawn t;' to mate, to the Gaited States Ukiah, .Hers et peace on the basis e f the jut prlacdplu of ouroommon fathers in 1716. .Iforthrg, that , our IllislsOll and representatives la Cengrusibe re quested to use their intimace to stop thisna natural strife, looking forward to the time when peace may be, obtained on just and bowlegs terath.`_ - ..- '.- i;:- -. Ci. t - . - - ... - - , -• • Thole' resokttions acre unanimously voted torn, and the original ones adopted-ieu.33, a '* 1 1 . 1:3111 . 11117; (Vs.) Emir., laeommenting even Dive' Thealugivieg ptholeaustion, says e- The cation'. - lied Amnia agonise for peso,. I We believe the people are heartily tired of war, and 'mitt terminate it it. °See if they knew bow to.. 'dont honorably: - One uteri, or zathei esivantir, • noldouithpasteksog the tam deillaget . bat ;pie - lack - the neemeary wkdont. We doers . peace, bat we know not how to obtain It. Let a, pgsy God to ealightera the tends of the'talent and peep% of both regions. V ri lichmoud the markets and buiness are sat gull active . Supplies of revisionists •ct ng ea more frigy, and stooks art *ow sou !..erally larger than they bare been for some ,Al sole Ploy continues seine &idlest. -Thews... veiling ititifor sapetitmilmings3so; for Sams, 4 3 3 1 sip.bbli.,°dimm.,ll,/!ttir.ritriialtz 1 „II we sagas, t 0 to 310; crashed. sager $ll to 13 per pound. • Meats, .((tech) vegetables I L, ::ire t, An., are tending downward. Self $3.50 to ; pc:1465; mutton and, vest, 4; trip% $1 to 61 0; pork ***** se - , $5; bun, hems, ( whole) ' $ll bacon hum, (cus)sll; seiddllasaad shoal der , (oat) fel ; genet -beef; 33,50; bologue sad ' nth?. 3 5 ; eYstml. 630 to 1353-_goiden: homiest, I. sls•per dozen; chicle's,. s6.to $0; angel, $7 to . Iloleacig geese, $l2 to $l 5 ; turkeys, $10; h ues, $5; ;islet - refs, $B. _ - . .. • - - The auction sea of narrow at Columbus, Ga., vreto, a max and Ms wife sad thus children for - 46,qe0 ; two Ala for 63,500 and 3,300; a boy for $2 .750; a woman sad throe oltildien,39,ooo; two betes6.4oo. - - . Otarleiton Merrey of the sth hut, says thee* is not a human breed in the Coufedermy butlicrese brume, Theme a party übleb elf mum this blessed Doted as the shibolsik of tie; orginisatioa; but, do they mean simply pima to h.norgailisationt ' If so, everybody ,beUnse , .19 ti; but, they mean eomethinn more. They . 1:11t41 peace with .'sulsalielon to -Yankee dentin aeon. They mesa reconstmolion. Oar Coned , elation Ii fp be:abbliebod:, Our indepindenoi tonenderid, and the vilest of all dospotinnis, to be established over us bye reunion with the hateful and hated Teske e. T thatmlupart of the Stge Otheptrollei of 'Mc gla steles - that the 'lneriaised - numbor of whi se' li '7,000• arm,. 75,006.; • &Mugu la. namixt. t - Ait.ipidls, '13,000 ; a:children, 6,000. Slaves have been returned at en increased value of shout °unhand:lg per sent.: - Lend, it St per' cent ; city taid town property, st 82 per dog.; me disonh9o per Ont. • , , - --) nth= T • nosipte;lits - thy truism ' for the - Tear amo Med f 0515,436 513; sall the distemsements - to within. $1,146,087. The total amou nt of the es ti tedtexpendlteein Ind 'receipts -for 1865, wet Increase it to 364,051 Z. The ought debt of 1ritatet4 2 .4 08 . 5 0 2 • About 69,000,000 of Atu bailee cads gni bind of war debt. , The lie! tie s and snail - if banks . hue been ear tsilea gent $30,000 , 000 since last 7011 . . ".. _ __ - DE ii 1 iaiiiiiimißEtkililiGAßD AT FLIMENCE MA ' EL Drafted. Pristkliera'Arrlveil 1 , Bsift '1 1 111rirAo 4 Ata- lit :BAD -,. cx-,... , ~- •-:.;',.....' ,'. ! • ' t --,' 'tdEiltrioN. j, • , , .• ItherSti,dithWin*ii,JkiTiviiiit liffislwille. 4.: • Ongetigiii; Viii. iik4S. 6 "ilef N ag " <thriate la dyer UM*, *Wen ere 111011 . 114 A . . - '-ucinf bad arrstivAt)l,4!l7l4l/ the "!qtiAs 131 El: MA Teliffklibkifo 'lli at tierenoi. lit • hisio4o4estett irtieosers errhsa in Nub, vino eiterfst mentizif. Waller** pitee eeacusted. they tubed in to pi11:49104 pith= dor,d were eakturid., . . ~ . .... ... Th rebel einspe th aeze of Thiamine train,. leg a i lk ccusal/its la eeneeqieno• of the entiatpa tied midi- of Sheiman's norretaints. Aocee. dons the army Uri, it - daily from, the North. Bherinan Hora-to lianan—Efas 50,000 Infantry, 9,000 - Cavalry, and lire lions for 90 Days, lire Vas, Nov.:L-41m Erna' Nashville special saps It to not ; The now to lay ; tbat Shantost With at MAOOII. - Ifs hat the • 140, 10th, 2/114 tait: and 17th Corps. tasking „over 6a Ou inj 'Mita.' 9,000 lobbed oarshy, undtr e elzkpatrlaki with iationifOr thirty *qt. - /1h nt 'Ohm aid parlor list are complete. Aft.?hriving at Macon, probably, MIMI. g 0 • to idtaidsoride' whertbs will dirldo hit army, swifts pail to Savannah and part to Attosta,,, 'whim, will fortify, and, 11041* his minium up thoLBollllll4 diet, to as to mos on Colombia ettatloston. Ms programme will deskroi•ths . . ails imams of Stories, as wall se all their' nissafsotories for st and shill. It is Impala.' hi. Oct ileizrfig4 t o latescaptplumun. SOWSTd aid Vella at; Vitianci- 4 1112,, - . .aor of the' Variation of Patera boTg .: ITO iroir;" waapj, ingtost spools' Wit-B•lrard and Wenr.sts•all• varlatto9 *Out ' 1164 . 6 ":"6 Pl.: 44 14 111, the . Mosta. • - 4aki• Use* Qs a lunar eturanb Intl*); MOW I WattgaiVAMOMut vilibeisiersaisted. ENE .NOTEM.R4'SW,.'24i-..; MU= WALLIL9B it CITRUSES,' Coirimission. Bles 144 &alas in CRUDE '& ILIFINED kutTR • snuffs mat LUBRICATING ILO. lita. 134 SOUTH WHABVIS, PHILAD FEM. eretorsige eopdt7 (ander sonr,) fOr IMO barna. Also excellenttllCUlMil for oblvplng to Aroorlesn and =ports, car wharf on too Schnilknl platform of SA* V. B. B. oor.2:11 lAMas WILKINS, LRD DEAL=2 JD CRUDE AID, RIFINED .011, ;MIT ELM; DIICMISIII '!pedal ettsittka item tolls PALM AND env laiT of Petroleum and Its palest.. . Ooadvszaests reypeothaly solidly& , • ear Pittotargh ' ' A for Ow VENANCIO 0111. N RANSPOBTATION 00PANY. rol&ly 3 POST OMON BO X us • ICHARDsON,ILLILLEY & CO., oonlinzioa.l POBWALP.DI2IO Craft iind Refined Petroleum, 1.. 21 JAW=crsncr, PITZII.IIEGIL Mena OKA iginmoas oa cowdpuoasta lot Pltfs• Listen itarbea. Room J. B. Dilworth ON ID...th3for Ilarboop, gar B al . AK.. Pm/ft Ca nuteld Both.: ... BiEratoN .ITZT; COMMISSION MERCHANTS., "ad driers la Pittsburgb lisuuracturts and 0.13.1L1D1C 13.31AFIA:JECD - OILS. Lib~nl MOO 04 ?LODZ. OBAIII, ic32m And Gams AHD ranero rauns TButt OITY OIL WORK& • LYDAT a 01101121=1104 glimtbstaras and Bibail °tumor 014 W. Mt /UM lIIIIBIOASING . 441,8, ;sad dodos b CUECIIPEIi PECT.EIO3Canna• Worth epos! , Irbarsaurs. ilks.lllo. 1026 !MUM diPWitm - BA lcvna, BURMA & W., CIONIESSIker WIRCIEMaIs • Allats of the PAOIIIO ern on. wow= . *Muni soh 'Annan 11:1&& Ilifaintii or_ o'*ids refroks,. c9l.olonmunt WAlt alum:idea Amu OKli fl : ,r4l3:u arg ASHWOR TH, 4i.. !AT. cum or. zerrissozas. !I rl Merthaat asa DALLIS!II. ems momwalbeat jarliGAlThigroulniakTr: uL so. taDAta. ch.:4og . tt r,rtko a. el irauma—. WARING &KING, comussioa Pekrotans and Us Products, t 17;441113 ' • ii.artimat 41111 el irlt4ol and tains Ammo'sls., .124.K.,:s Tortera,ll 01BM Omar • e1.W.11.1 . 11.111D MIT *•• vlll Inmost attontles. _ BOB= Olt WORICA DIIM3I.II, DUNLAP i CIL, Pin White 'lalblsti 0: Asa DM. Nail. art Ott IAI , ' , frig's?. VII I II . I3IONA,BLE p3IRA.BLE GOODS 13 . & TOUTS CIAPTB III , leo onxkfraz to BEA ?Lent IN PriPri ° Q 4 01% we zinla st I:1;47 17' -:-3 :4 7:1-4114: 1 4 ii 4 1711 llree t '' '. ~' , - , • , , MIME PrITSBIJSCIA PA Waco, sio7 PENN STIZELT. (One doer below H.A.) Itn=tMelk.g. ParrimoM Ta. .11sol Ewan! Vs " &al drama to Itallabg L , wo. as main IT. sitteante MERCHAMT 7.4111L0 AB fit R. B. NORRIS, zweektoir raw:6g; 19:118MPALOIT8EET illadin7f. vo_.l.!mk'nif,,pLotr,stoolpl KtlTil d. FAF.lak 'WINTER GOODS, - Itbir..bifi car .ide fl ar aid bilhotqaollo.ltri loso•sno,llo6 stanw.papanor itemake gyp_ Hai a short matte* =V ohl: MI& ! titabig Mein ' rtoltdr 4leaos sO4 U. pay.' 101100 i ..tooi LN l l tloptat am 6 alt 4 ultica . 10 b=_ _ 11:1.- Inmi)lE- W. H. DiaGEE, 10 ST. CLAD STREET, dada "attattion ',Wawa to W Itxtd tad. It Imam dialed : yak dist -an; sa4ota, did oreld avast stria Of toots to to Malta fld f time beam tistandafti lona dead mad s a. odor, plum all azd..nsides art fag...,Alro,a to ad amide Mod M. regnstaldrig - 6foode.. - . • • H. Amu, xaialavairiar. • se. fill:Mir d: at PdadY WINTER fkoPPR. , gAlrajltiw nyrron ZARGE assoßnratxr OF, suns.An For Boys and Children.' ; , - oriel LATEST EASTERN &MEL Alt a LOGAN en:awas-maiisim ffguoTiticesium-100 bags choice ice! .o.ncoino ad kr aft J; ocanott, • • -_,-,,....------- --...,--"7.:',.;.--- -.,-;- , - , 2 , -....., .1, - ..-.... ~,,,,,,,-,•—• .-;.- , ~ : irc ~..„ -.,-.....,..,,‘-- !...-.... ._- _; , , ,, J,..---1.: 1 ,- ...Ti -f i , ;: p , T,. - ! , , , ... - -,::: • • ,-- • -.;• .. -:-: -_, ,-: 4,;,!•-z: rt f-- :% - E, - 44:.:-!.. , :--. , ---: -- - , 4. --, ,- -6. -;,- -- . , - . -. .;.-,.-,i1 . 1..... 1 . .. , ,.- -- ~,,- • ' ...,-t-‘...'r•l''''.l7, '. ' ^,''''' - s : ~ • -• • • G _ . , ,_... . . ~..• rmures. JMUNIC. - puiNoB. t . . 1 ,0110,9 t WIC 11.1111tAIDEDILINS NEW vows; Ind scaoxicars It ci0, , 8 pigukae; OELEIMATED PIANOS' SIM Ind 6124 GOLD AND SILIINI YID UN TS• elltild vitiate. a month at Nate Taln and Tale alai A nada a hernias. New Took, In DONS 1 1 IL DRADDLOVI tor the • BEST PIANO ` FORTES. , . aosomacsait a 00. Philatelphts, rsadosel th• CRTATAL.PALAON PIONS dINDaL at London. bs dm hating received albonts mean= *gabs DIPIa tau aid Sienna Saporta from Maur lair. and butt team, Both Ws Dennallne lanes of reanerneaadatlon Om the til t hatt smuleal tot. JA 6111ANOGON, if. MASON, 01/41111, and *thus. ' • • Also, a dna aisartnarat at =ISE A 00.41130650 N illtnT PIONS AIINIGOAN ORGLID3 AND 11111L0.. DlOnth all warranted for dot van. • •W. INS. et BLB,It, , No, 1S Blasell's Block, at..Slalt St, or manse AND MAISIE{ done at shortest Daiwa SAINT DIUBIO bound to any MAN not A N EXAMINATION OF MASIPN & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS, • • Wlll wealth. any one of the tithefrollth of ftaa rake em all others. Serval of the losprovetheota ln. than lettemants are pstenteei wed owned by litho= a them. lfra • lasfith aseortmeat not on hate at the WILI4fOOI2I/1 01 the abberolber: Or Call end somthie them before parehmeng else. where. - CHAR c. =mon. at WOOD gram, Bob Agent for the Cabinet Orgasm ■ offasi* - 1(03013! 6 CO.. ■ ITLWIIIII MITRZEW i tt DEcIEWB E1A1103..: Milan Phan to sd K /CI PIANOS. :BROIL 7101,=-It splendid sesortment of thaw unrivalled NOM. which well be mid et • redaction of frosi Alty Joel:may 11,4dollyr. tom than factory prim. suer& log to MIL af. Plano. Testinsocheis of szosilenos from Tbabeirg. Elryckoseb and G. Uttar. Alto from yams of Ms mint enharnt 'Profeemes sad Ameterun to the 'oceostry.• °heels= ant by nal gyaly. .rep • 011i8L0123 1 aLum 8. 43 fifth dna. AT EILEDLE, No. /83 &maim= . L'r. Pianos lkusioal Instrusants,.. • , Imps oonitaatli =land Sae _inert:ad of ant 27.11X00. Rolm =TABS, Aboolololsll 111=11115 ha. irblob 4 will =Mgr low prices. y:# iiIMiNITS OARPSTS AT PANIC P#IOES. are wow t•aldni ow ow ran Stack Int pucka& tad; sad aft: II abotoo war toot of to• *twist patterns, Oil SALTO, OIL CLOTHS, DILUGOETII, 4or irtmr• not oAd ktiol *brew,. AT A REDUCTION OF FROIRTWENTY4III TO /NTT Via CEAt, Yvon prim ed• tew Torte NM. • XcPABLAHII & COLLINS, so..n Lin liners maize ►M Mot boon to 0111os. , wow so. NEW CARP S. .I!oir.opaalag. • lum stook of,. Biumis; mom DaTIORETI4 MEDAWONCRUMB OIL • CLOTHS. Wool, Dutch and Hemp Carpets, List, Rag sad Yarn Carpets. Carpet Bweeepers, BOUGHT DUNE THE LATE rANTO. W. D. & H. McCALLIIM, lasirrixo 4CiprJr=l. WEUMnio MU3I3N ilmzom SEWING MACHINES. . MACHINE& HEAPEB4• !HE' Foamy 1111:110i171111 1317111113 T . anti IM,OOO of then mialaoe. b.K2 a 314.-: .Orlia %Coo eat pa *ls bk PIStdAISICIL siut TB+.Di SALES GIKATEB , f ;411:0Wra,Vpsetbitsed; i rr _ ... iA.~i~s J do g nit_tiol, ON OF PAIMERSHIP.4 talitrinsa. "Ira /At rtiggir trolle,__T. Ibis d ip ias my module ornanat; W. li , Etta= • Isom of kts ontws talansit to Mt MIMS* .A.: J. BO D. ' Ms books and. sosannts of , the lab. fkos aolettlatbs - lands of , W: IL' ROMP Dr glottis.: .tsent,,bo akallasentbatbadtooolliottbsobll= Soo to add drio.mtillboatattd Sr. , to to bbiat the ' stand:ot tip' GUA , nM P I 44. dap the woo "lib sallittla dela u pocdtds:' . . i -le v, - I:k : , .. , ..1.... '1 A: J.IIIOWIAIIII4 ' ..', Taxistass :Wit: 41,11 4. Itotilassaitaitiir 1 ' ' eirklita l a - Ctila Agsata ' - - -• ' :... - - • . -- .;: ...- .: L .- - . - • !,.-f-'•.'firannowir.os:7., .. . . , . TB LOOK ,Evirroai. . . „, . , . sid• _Ow asomat..et Mar* imily amia* • • • *so to sal by IU 4011611 G UUTU 11L0111:11 , .I=Nraill boy • ar*** Illiebtas =Si they._ltas isaii**o .Wlllll/Mi *'; 'WILMS' ilirailires *so Atilailli/01101 1 _ inari***Li 1 . 10::Ere 11.Wrig. Mir". arlitwzom.soo4s.4imu , rikgr.eisWlliftwol ma U. `: pB*4ONI 3 , BOUNTIla: • 1- ilk J. &mu PATTERSORP army tutd- savy _ Agelciy; IRO: 144 . 91,1711 STMT. , PIIIWKIOWS reetrid; SOMME!" 111011. PAT sail PA= MOMS!, sad OOKIIITATWEI Of SAIKOHJI lof rebaud oilmen coThectii. - PAT Or PEIBOAIIIB 01 WAR aw b do iro b 7 AbAryiri!ifirvidomd Isotlen: cal W9IINVEBOLDIZAB. • _ 11017111111D'1101.91111111. c. sty ► tag nM b tcabc r a C A T. leewew LIII I AL• II!6. Z. tatimunOir -41tratbsio. 011/60274. ' .1C031311111, IaIIaTABY UL*fliN - BOUNTIES 111111 PiMOW, BACK PA. sod tusTAST MAINS CI 41 . . r1 docriPtion, collated 13'7 the str• thedbllaubli nigh vls Paudono, G 9.14 7 1 . 111 0. T. TI T UsMet ft nsump • . ratel&met &iedipathssallloo. s H s A o ! - w ail oilliurEatmd_ OLD I CUUMEI, MOUNT 1:19, . . • !sums* AID WlLilla r ON PAT. - . LIIITHEINS 2 a:a/W.lll=lM - - .I.IOBEPH :One!. a II t =0) IMMO* ' , _ -:. ''' ,.. s.J . ''' . •••- - -: '-'•'•-•• ''••••;-- ',-- ''' • ~,•.- r :--- • .r.r:f i ''•••••; ..,:'.••• '-:_-.'::-,f,••,:i'::.';':,,-..,::-..:r....,.:,..--:.;-:-.:-1•..:'-'•:•-,r--..,_i:;••-,.- --..-:..!•;,•••:.•_..: .i . - - . !. ..,:-• : •,. : :-y,••,.... - . .,',..: . --,:•,•:,•:: : . - . • --•_-:-,.......-...' 2 , ,... -.-. -, - ,- - . ... 7.: :,,•:- . ,,..., •:;: . _;,.., :r .,- .7 .,,:..,,, , ..::,. :'..-.•:--.::::;;.:, •'Z'l .:- :::•• : : -- -: : ;;; .. ., : •:•,... 1 '_.:: : : ' - ' ,j-'':'.. ' :' -- ' , Y..' : • . . ': i-.:''•:.= --; . 1 ... s . ,: , --1 :: : • ' : - . 1- . -. i: : :' •::. . : :::' 11 ::-..:::::."::::':;-• 1 .:- ':''' . - . ..:: - , 11- -:'': : :••'•.'::', : :'-' , ":•-'•-:TI: -. • 1-.. ..-; - : :- . -. Z-•. ,- - :- -_'. 7 ;- - '-': . : . : • '_•::•11 - _ - - 1 *._,....1./i0 -i :, :;i0; , 4: - .*4.'S4itk ,j 4 . Zi.tg,V4'i-*4 - '4A•Wiigi:g4 : -,4lgiigt4 ' j. - 45WZfkig.4igi.i f g l ligA•? : A4 0-rS ?: : LVA ',7 -g'Z : Fg -i' :'t a a:i ' kl. - • - - • rmw~~.~~sy:?a✓J7! - -- ',- -•‘• - - -_--.' ,'-'"." •:".".."----xlijeTaFt:-.4e-:.V;194.1"1!•;,4*8;',.' 70051...u.1 UJRi;#R B°° l ` 9 ' , DOWN IN TENNSSEE. Till now votnam. ity the .attar " Among es Ptues," is oolltos Ms wltil.firs. nog OMI Una, mad* so mot Os Memnon pone In Ou tt.•lt lama. on foil of motalm. moat lm , anent ,to Moro ono tow. ootod In omalo lannrr drpalittoil, War be; tog II unnoombil sumetloo And abomnlni _ln Ineenon and story am th e author.' *ate teelaL' jialth MOIL; gi 60. • 0. 04Wnova. ilenom sad trealb—pri to , =Wt . & bit Una, cloth, thaorl Awe!. $l. . - QUEST. ' •ww end inenieinei What b bend l even to thh thumb* ernth lino. cloth. tinted mem. 111 AO:" TEE ART .OF. CONVERSATION, tbr ii....; thattilak7 ace NO i nn i, 12 ' - The dr/abeam:end Swatter. en Dem^ "May Ilartfa," nooks aziallbn." Ilene cloth. 51 60. • JEN GUn' ERVERDRS Am, babas, aid per baste Laioi Btorl. hi the hue sole itho,dati, UAW Ptra• ti 60. Darkness and Daylight Kn. Holum' paw soul. 151 , 3:, cloth. $1 50. wades slum suit OPERAS,. The plots of all the oper at, to Cie shape of nada Ltmo, cloth. tl ,150. 11,01 A BALI RV HENRY MINER, 1 :71 AND 7i FIRTH sr. ALBUMS, ALSITMS, CARD rnoTopultrus, CARD PMIO4OGRAPEI3, FOLIOS AND STATIOMY, FOLIOS AND EITATIONW,f;„ Magazines and Books. DAILY AND WEEKLY -PAPE'S, imaitaars .Ases. PIrTOVAPS, 's aioa7i rortopdos: IL-014011 torieuis frecaPth Oltandod to NEW.. /14XIK5' e da • • . OrOlrgiry. Now lldltbs, two votorowo- . 510.0 0 . 610'01borapostlia, Nor rattles.. $10. 16 . . glade= 'Boothe* Now all: SIAS. • '• • IhTdoloos' }load tion- 7 . Jaog ta thoiatooorlo _ glad. =,rnaz.... no., by zwasa meg s T7tao Totii•Toiodi two Vol=ul l . - tad gold. OA. gl fairy sett. ems= salt asest.of GIS L1ght..111.60. 'library, glass Wan god Iron. faro Iregolopodlo Itandrrollaztloil Shophood. Aro riAltloo. 5/.73. pi.111..1 fneatrt milli. to. • DAVI4 CEralnti a 004 .1 ' - - - B°I3KB JUST BECISIVIWAT 78 4th Came BlerP ll .l. endings We. 800. A nerd oditiose. - Iran con stud . . „ lon. 111 Korner.. An ha study:. Banta* LatenL *en ants' Tleneddi .id Olds at, - Anne Oinks% or the Wand sad lea L labadale Later CrbrlstnattA 8 idle. - Wend, to rate. -annelid -Loaned Warta, 4 , de . . do. • • . Oilined Eton ' 1 do -' ' • Xedial. antenna sad gbenliwned Worts' is pa. .. (acklB.l .J. L.BX&D.Ia Sblutkems• lOW EDITION TEUEBRITIori YOWL' la Groin . wad Clakt CUM: _Gilt roll. the Niender vototaas atom. toady. • • •- attn. Pcodcal Worto,,two Ida - • 2110,11% do do ; .owa do., I • If Yr do - two do. 4 do 111),' 00. do. Ikon's :do do., - aohtl i fo do' do; ' " two do per '.=&2 a 00415 Wood iit2SH. A BAPS iMITA110: PAPIII is err roma rranr. It Wei 61tots that irbezi diatiooloi for toprhitg tt ortil barer bolt topther by Its awn voted: pi oar r zmu 1111/13, - waYiat' toot's. 4th otroot:Thllablobla. , . 19101110LITIVOkr#, a. • "IneLIITION OF - PARTNERSHIP: - *TtiaWdp betstolbre, abate bstlr t sp Albert Samoa ui Junte l ltraarr..nader ths Ass* of kattuto L AltGort, man tklt itydlneoleed bt :mutual =mat. • BIRD 1.01111,301, 20410 Int.GA.ll7l. Plitssortyllett. 11 - . ' •• , • . All clattsykilist the Ore a4allamomita do' 14 , 8111 trearita . dby Jana arr. pIIIIO,ILifiItD.THEINTM I Al ler of ToMoo. in thehPITIBBOIIGHD9. I III AND DBZITAL DIEPOTAVID TB.IIBB Nature°. 1031:: mold solldt ftoftWanoo oi lh Ilboral parasol, ortesdod the lftelw vitli mooronak• tbstaidll to coplootid iskolll'J the d_ btolm-1 Tatou rum • - " ,AMIEB •-• -1111$0.11Ssasaix ISM= tom:omit s PLeabority Ootopor , PBEINDENT-4.NlE.maEctro of 1k• 1110111110121 WING, OOSIPATiI Lan. irded arrieamitst of Oat .Pol;Int per Mum ca lianlOss Alm also my be itecebbel at Um aloes ot. Wawa act eKroalmar, lOth Elimiber put mirriali tOtbotrooonow oa.WIDIOSS. DAY, tbo'lltl Say of Irorloboo.' lama lag efta that is.a inocudialdeat will tiskik py Rut to D.X.X571%.14 JOIIIIBON. Bortomr - Nms. acisituat • • .1 7 Seastary and • , 'Onto lowttOscr Nal= Marin% •, ' • PlUatomb, Ostoton VOW& -- TTRZEiIIYANT - .AND. DIBECTCI or tira 19011111 OLISW =MG ODUPL.Wr or Dolma dime tortod anasstooot at Orkti Dollorta dime al th e %gill Motet with* tan* MT be recorded It th dos) of tomato! on SATOSInAIr, tea . Ilth of Nowitiber• nest pgablo to Um Trosiont ea WIDaIIaDAT. 04 day It Noembor, in-' AttigitatWedaltto tact data Ennio= etotabote will ants mmtnttolltuni.. J. W. mum. a, co, lasces, • 11102. M. WWII, oole.tooli - - -1 /canary ••d Trounow. sons 1/17.101.....11:1111M wrourosza. 1 - VrELBON, CARS doUO,. TT• - . Wholesaledhaters In TOBTIGN LSD DONASTIO DIU aooLs N 0.94 Waal sttilktb#d Aux as *AM Disown EATOW L ORIAI a'oo_.,Wholessicfaid Band In Tauntaxam,samunnsazor end DBY GOO at ,n dapletlan, Non WV/ eti litacuttna a G is LIDIA" r lD Ol sztpli esale pro _man Dmur.oooo4, IN Masi 040 1 40 ,. , " m "'lma i tlautoo W" edl Volieth.rittaivit6 • •• No: 841 4 74icasSiai • . sma.w ' and W BANKER .Wertaxt-sal To • stab of _DRY A Ws* 611, FPORTEMlN:•.‘thittinteitunlAb :Atilt cuspid p dock demi% Maui ad& 11Pirtiog Putts IR ibbtarkilt. , • Z. 104 Nuatiaoir Wed SUMS Lzm,t tzit• VIC TOIRE. Magazlttes and Eloeimi, DAILY AND WEEKLY -PAPERS lEUZIENS ' FOR .1.8659' ' of -my werErrr b•b g com+a-t4 the MICONIIIIII OP IT ; t !DKr ;GOOD& L - 1611E1), • • , • .. 1114 - LE-•FOXLMISJrIf _ VOII D &ALB , --A very Tguable - SARILkt .a 7 itrry saimktpOterlaimaila-mmak. Pik ium • tiI•1 averarivrOrat bluverk tin L i ha mei •Atm, • TASK COVIO 400n11 - ta • Westoonleall 000031 Plik . ;• . 191114 10 1 1 0 1 0 41 , • lial• of Ops bat quOty. 003 3332„ 11 ! tie* Mao,* 7.0133 OT 133 AOOTEI. hi Otillilol3o l 3lll Wjatexordlad want/. FI,. lIIIMIPP44I .• 1210 Ur, At • ream or 333 A0111N131134033 Watmordaad coanty, ?a. • ' • Liflao, am/mos to atoms. idadai Westo.feluid countrPa. • ••• ' • • 01.0 , 13 WASS Of L IT /LOITS,in 203310131 11011.0. . abfp,,A.Unturny ccialy Palabost 30 10101 WO& limegOse 330 110310 roe stiatz7,4lproodorsil3oloo... • 320•433. an at wear II tb. - -Tefoghloxbady Tl , 0.60, : TOUR. 33W. 11331.03121„3311303.4.1131004,410 itatiza3ll3 - 3 =Mr. - Tar father patkulsr•K• • - • . xt,vo Ewa - , . FOE ITALI7ABLEi REAL • It:, siae:trika othribr mg.*. rouowlas lad min tor belooging to It. btauol tbs WI 0 0 , 00 11 ,4-, • Tilos of Land siniat; Siatipto ASSY glow 000lityStinit 11 Olin fond tbs aibg. lode of /1. SaambLand °Mow MORIN! 0 , ',17170172220 D 12121122-212. An2/2_i too Oboe jlbe impoontinut ara • double Los DwaMigibilis soi • los Ham, with abbe, boof, to. t , `‘,"_ A Lot of Mond in ato City of Allegbais, MOM 27 bit an loofa Moo and onsing through to' Ate stoat— Then is erected Memos tiro Mink SIONOO fronting on Lona Mot, old • Tomo Boss fronitlO": on Ann snot • Lot Ff Orood Ms of A u.cbeni. frobina 7. Pot ot letdown snot, on "abkb to would ••tons i. 7 • ha vs oM be old st ••barges. Mannib;, ludo /Morn one cationto attar°, the W IMMTT, llttisso toromili THOOMI 01 pin stool. OR SALIN;-LAWILENtSVUXII , F Plums° raorsatT,hat boatifully tad and improrodpoorty &onager BUIL Mane Haller Moot; is now °Wad for ado. bonn• 7600 on Mlll street of MI foot.nad on Cantor Moot ore' Mt, titiM Mao la eroded • tarp hams 800 of tsain roomy, iarp. WI, good nollsr. ttt Donn, ao, ailin tosullotoordwrodth • toantlfni gnaw b front, • Ingo Oaths; a Maio •1141.131, of tridt..indit_ atoning . / War: This worry boo bon nanotil ldt :l ant. and Oil to dlepoild of as • idiots or in sooting to toil pmcbawrstbn sam Moral Oro. MI bins 07101 *boo grounds ran to pin at my ofltce. . 2bra • is aim • tow banatindly strutted lob frottegr CO DOW sod Motor Mott, nor Ms Onions how pr 'Wins Depot, osollant load= for boanneOr Itar pivots boom - • fmt h a bion 27 4 l Pa anti at thaafai matt art Dirara4t• Oda of role = , . FOB BA LE. VAiIiABLIII • , The oneendened ;obey lb! :sate that ;•eay dellheld6 A rem, late the pro;atty Anetirw BiOtll4. doomed., situate on th• old Bath? T anlVka Road; about MIS milts from to. dq, In Wester mmobitt. suicouttathag , stout led &Calf, striae =meal. Tar laprotogotalt ate a sapnior huge brick derallleL hot" a (mat bult one carriage bonny whim ntory fame Octant hoome. ant. apple and Foch orotund of the treat grafted frill..' . The lend le In • high •tal• of oulttrattofnendikur amass ars •In Ito! ceder. Thle fart mat e d / ottdeg Was , lightnor, Nog ,) team at tin mat dadeablopltog for ak, tonally gsalela Witt:bit, at tturotty,bstat - et ea= by 6 roe', mil lantod t o avallsat . 4 niighbottoad. non snout to 'tali plank-rosa.. , lsoint, •Nor tot= wso ncoanT, Crnalelh Or so tea ' Man ' Sr . No. sneak Lens. hellerltray Ottr, nalktirmita3tler Mae WW BaspsaMa~,Bttpr i • FP'' J& BAL3r , , ,-, - ' -.•-: ,: , d.,-.-,:::::,:; .7::A1,..1 -- - • :- .. ..040X013 - 001:INTRY. ittlitntr(ll" - ' 1 ommtilititi r ta4 l 7 ia b• .1 4 4 wObt 1, lowlibT: ms orlohtsg. to . mai* s , toms la. this aka .- Rheas!** fa ocustatotaos =data= of (MAI% v.4.. Istaisatsto'possuston: The dirstilor_ has Hz pima. Wash. . whaler* loth tunas sad *Athos. •• Cols atito o'zi bit to Clothlo ststa witassdarstod slits soof,:a e, 1 .5 Soot luxuatmsdallans asr. a dztveri 'sad aft • , reast torythtstea boasts sad cows. Wells at ... -,... • astir; admen sad answer' Min Otis* ors on tlik - ". - .., - 7[ l yottstoss,..2bo chotesaa ambits, at gespeasaa tralka4 el - ! ots and. The latalty is food; stadia here boat akautstis . alloi '' - ' t Walt* sod toaattite . t. Tao tract cantatas 16 mow. ~-'. 4 4 Fourth shut, Bastes Itallahtli *:+l* ' -.. ...,. 4tigteE t liEY RESPZ.IIIO??. ' : ,•• • Aped two tt•rt Itamt-.lkosei...•7lat "LW, • tam; ikal how 1,9-1.17 time, luntimi;Aall law* . lota llnod aen. ea • bancloottely lecitad let Om IF i VIEWg►o,. Latino of on tout pn_ . llo• of the Wolfs i • The _Om tboanits In .:de.. midis! of flt}yt! It 11^wIlbt• • the PAW:GM ItSikai OE fnimedlata iunnhbolliod,' of goad . attests ,•111 It. plate tai oacuothla 1:1 aiOns.ot 114,1W./s , -. • 11.11,4 anLI the fun, with a fositortyitztAstaelbtr:tbai , • Inv be conalitatel•patt O. antan blot arz clams, '" nay to - 111. BST fa, ; path "Oast, Ittn••• 77+ - , SUBOBBAN- 2 :111TBEI414 • - ITELLAGISOM alba rose Els••=-13.• =dXixentors tb•setatsof/cha Ustrem,44oll id, • mamba of holt ao•balt to to•-' saris //WA, stunterl Bier Tait minnfas watt:X*lo tarmtems of Os *lllll. agatral• Ilmeerga allway.. *bomb .11.•'`: locate:llw Nl•sts 68118••••.' - ,14 = E ILITucab.rof neslilet•la iltaMow etleum. e • tbsPeaseeicer SaillrayieVierstpr fil d tmot " Z trams pas So , tv• luateidlot diowt Tor tollboastso• seopttpt4.eltber.ot, 11/. 4. Binzuz i Meeks 0111 a% (• ••11 goaa►• LIM - • : Z. G.R11111031. • A ir*A7a, FOR WAINT _OF vie. _ . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers