,~ ~ t ~ ... .y ' =zt~= .fie Vitt** 0#11.F4.4. mu OHM - mama 'souk Wind dut,etisl• whisk vs quote to. iar i ins tie Iffsw Tak - Aikam... ib int Sri .we red'sigurea, ,tvikvaihmidul. - • • Aiik=r es ort of 71; death ot General Cull lialigirieritallon. It Is sot milted at Wash, pros Qtr. . : • - • - 121ailastoa wu ` Altai the 19th, by cite loitered sod , two Ohio: Baal!: wu posted • The oaeliaadredAred Uty "duals. The oily is iropreoutod as Wag sa s to vorlsh state of ay. iiikaislis font • : '2 ll o.l l ll9wip of risolus, as huagoralidai faintish, kis :Winne, viii be tesasturet .. 1 2117 teak oi A Bristol, But Tosaosiser viper 'pub of as 'ltStitotioi of a trait of rail ears loaded with usibiary otorer, so also a small 1/140111tiala bangles tet •Iritha" foreur Withlraw bets 'oefilltoaatloi. When Moto aro iblitoto ldiledrtth a poodloast• azokboo woooidody we main oom. 1160 , 1)11II . i of It tisfoyo io dairiliefl4oB from , th, 14th to &Unit last,; a arsolalklk woo am& to the Orifeell,Coagress Irioutrim' of Jet Di. eficli nay paten troms the -11, 11,0oessannist Ap i hidaxgrediedslaillingiess - W go 'hi° Conn trianith elm ileafadesatiltatel to SurgoUatslor ' • Slageranor Parbstalm, of St. .lohnsbalfs •lficmoitt, died t las residanee on Sanday Waa.widell Una, is :Um larantor of the tains delta *MA bin his same. , Goa Ben 'nide Lain Washington City. Rudy Ina Wet Withdrals from the Valley - of dui Shp • . waidosh; - u hal heat rumored, thong - hills atilt; aslant partiens'of kir trompahare been with drianr for 'the ninon of - Intereeptiag the adk; - *taililliersmas. whore morementlan yet, to as,latieided hi mystery. Ilea diruhali nil, to , have had a batUo,in 11141 foul if lite ffiteandosh, with . anseby. in - eadishlui is nit to; his. bin worsted; bat this • laelsoomilrmationt; .. 'Coarander Parragut marts thm.eaptaioof asalal yeas. • • . Yaealtla jam are matte; raids into lif ay. land the manose of cattle-stalling. answering the dolor-lotion - of Capt. De% the leader of, the Lake Brie Pintas, i.e. arrested at Toronto. Canada; oa Saturday Bab held by; thewithaltiss for examination, " tirilialal rota-a NoiTorki. about IMO*, or b 60Faore for the, liAlltillosat Vole% aims la Sithridids betas largely reisforoad.,. ' Abzaham Lincoln. , NW **elm** of tido gentleman to the Idskrifi'poeition held by any man *ow lirinp, by, s on listen., .majority of the emersion of: Ala eonatrymu,ialkeieryoridsaLtiumoes `...blgody and, momentous- atzuple that tbia or 45 ,7 9 1 " , latiA ewer aged in, ensures to lira a promineat place among the great - kin; Info alarming of the . It insetted tug be riradir Thirt - oltaratittr oemplete. hi 141 0 A At lid l ot Alm WM, kiwonld still Innyttetatipted loge fiseeln history among . ~t haltioirliesie* the tine; but now, with attlitXppMistion of twenty 1211110118 at iai~deat freemen enstamped ulion hint; he Statalibefai'iltimerld se the repregeritaf.we 'irsikpCile gnat topublio, Sad the ataodead. bearer of yreedoti inthe 'world. Iteseminith -: his Wen,' his progress, ilia Obeijiater and his peculiarities --Ids *lrina' and ids Woe s re/Nall be aubjeoleof iitariust. end s oudia egoiroli.b th e pidlonoplrer,'4a itatemin,araklittiodrion inquirer into ha- nutelienarairt,6lo, 'wade of wild= cad` lria thigaritio oajiap, hiepuubilo "diertoreata, ale leirotheepistTer; tali blunt tenrity , and eiestirnmete,sed cnn hi, tocatati testireg manners ant mere. - zatakitlll . all',4eize „subjects - of otirloim _been' tigetionlid study. • • tine him beck from the geatt! ‘ 41 4 , wallutt* - omapled, Lod: which? lfisei did tuoie ' :darn, - tobit!ai tornii3 l l - 1164 ik *ester* term thence lathe brenf yea'epi_foreet ;harp Ins, Sid brawn,-1 0 21010,:: billowed ihor.y . wardi.theitoe to the clumsy.. Kat boat olio% vith'ehe glint itiength of sirly Sllllll/Kkut he , guidetlao** the ',law Went,' current of :the lillealegippi,tlatarit; lank, Ja the asbill =IP Kentucky, where onr groat tailag Helmet own prirlueleg Whig ' Of tem edoestterrall that eau-be siblis, tkitt wss at school all his life. He reset boobs • Ilttlogli rsesidreen • uitioli; he read nature wore. What greatness be possesses be owes atere to nitire /statue Sul a inarveloulter itattllty, than to 41,111 extraneous advantages be over enjoyed t j , . AIISCHAY Ltsooxis lls a 'man who, - his sanratrynten eau and do trust. - m They love him neon than they admire htro. -He is n'favorite, brilmet ais Idol: his.obarseter is . roosaies atrani *nifty ef , beauties and bleinteltes4 and yet 'about ait'faultleel is it . thou to portal - Wan to' is not Ilke r etainerss, air, Ifearnier, nor Fasiorisiinor Wallowers)", tor tumor, nor f 7Aoxeoff.' la Wisdom 'ma spicily he Isnot inferior to ask lot tire4oioi, Tiltidt - ptaitj , sod ;blast eintgarlson; but he' has so pealltir of saying mid deist things, , eat thsirwlaforttfa ttoreidlately appae Asa; yiViiiken Ow words-sod, actions; are . ion obi' elk soiroutd end 'ioiroldered, even ' •434* wit :alltiff iiertitOy'erttltistel, - . ; are ' ; sifts Oddituisial 441, admit fist both wera just OW, *Akita fur - dote at...rotted, the right tilt. *fay rabid is if that ores 06 . 0.1 a id: ' dirdillii,tikdithilii ditienit and, trying, lines Imai olifigkiloisko to Orteretrotrade eteps. Ndowlteetiisi." li at old and homely but Si expettlrois Oita, and nose betteie:ax presswier 'auroral, XicaorC of Mr. Luiciiii'i aided &Flag thlittrorled of upalieled:agt getees...lyeaw:;bbiset- his itureient,; bat tkettirodi of bit more ardent friends molded • - ihin irr hit McCraw. • 11 *VIM: ht not tins .Liw. sake mu, ta at li be; hare be , so etre? •• WI -ibis& not; and ; nary likely, When th i . hirehrosi:etield4 - and lan can cabal., Orley • the Ittaffroi,disma,'ind see thelegiunliis, lie' Srrogreas trod the ~end,- t hey will 'oonfesi that "hawse fut enough. • .; I Kr.7.4toour, troillnos he hsi been laths oiled rota (viol, plies to ildok his boon- fry called uniformly and humbly seknowlehitd hit diiendenee upon thi 'ea ." TRUK, 'Built di the Universe,' and' often, LI. Wins of elfinexifi and ferret, has he celled 4 won hip countrymen to proettate themieires. • ' before llins It( Visible , sopplieetlek aid ' thaskrgbrity. ill With his ideselageneesse is Cattalo," wore f hie wordit,When; on ; takini lases of hit fai,,iiiidif,dtlibbOri in Opting. , field, litroggeottbdir rajoilsi'le:Theli - a 'Utile did kiorlthey then imsgitie tie teerible ordeal lizeigli i rddeh'lit was 44u( blase; but his iirdebeve beatxrerihed: - Tie Oh"-, era be 4..ychrst_wm ...ogeted.end.. answered, and htbseturoisided.... ....._ .. . ....., , _ In a word, our present chief magistiate• le just the m's for snob a oriole as this 1 for he Is alike litipsbie of befog . * 'popular !del,' is tyrant, oe a tool: Ills Sr. not the shining, trot SW bosiely virtuee.'" Be is. boxiest, yet '.bet 6l 7 Piatit'al:liffd,s.but. not, !mkt- a ;stateroom, without either profeesiagror sp. "siring' to ' he soh 'tfrong, yet as flexible that Lo bends berate that 'which 7 16i1d brut a , more sulkfro 11!tuirr, and really grattiwiths. curdle *id alisslig eonotmiltanit of grout; • . nets. thiroastie - Of a brilliant, or or,* more. -• tome el c aTlOtii itutsle, Would t ifrotexPying his viauf.luireataidaws 'on ti created of hunt si tiro- twitkorof 4 " "can't " W"E'' 1112 TON ilidiAlldlit/ tither; but Ltierothr wilt faj l i be' reisrdteltil 01l at 11.91TWiippointesi • Write - I 1111,*11.911,, guy, ete oi ls the deol lif Ah••:aliclokir l4 `l" 44" .1°164° 1- ° "1-- i-Itirl-.-••:-L,V.1:•::', ` ' • •••••? - .:.Ja - ,,_•'''r; : '3" - : .'• ti se ' -- ae 'lel , l:lta- 46 .. ; . 1 :;~:.` :;;j~ .~. '~ :'. . . ,Udine'swnpsw A ;; - tiesi 440:14 several letters' "tiel7nCa. daarria's fritinimk. whir* senamer la !Wag that CaL Guam voted frri • LuiciOur and did all he could to promote hie summand also thathe contribute/ all hide power to enable every man in the regiment to get a vole • The letter which we received; on the night of the Praddentisl 'election, containing Of Soldiers in his regiment to bejeesseseil, ant_ Piped by him, was, we are enured, prepared by the Adjutant and milled by him. The fact that the letter. was written Oat. lath,' 'aid not milled, until Nov. 6th his not been explained. The Adjutant,writes thit be sent it promptly, sawn is it wee writtep, and he cannot, so- count far the delay. From our knowledge of . the Adjutant' we have fall Contidenic in what be esyriand 111 be absolves Col AtALT.I7Pt frOIII ill blame, we freely take baok• all that we 'said spinet him, and ire' rejoioeti_lo - know that he was not justly listdeto our strieturax We did not know Ibis et the thin, however. have no acqualutanos with ba. GAT,LIIPX, and have not, and had :net, : any personal feeling spina him. • The eiroututluese Seemed, at the moment; to justify all we sad, and for that reason we said it, but , without . nudes_ or. ' hang: Now•thsi we are is. itucd, by facts that we . eould. not, than have -Pisefbly known, that the Colonel was not in any way to , blame, we cheerfully make ,the correction. . - Shaman. The heart of the-nation.'earns to hear !rain Suestrai. • When one thinks 'of his ,perils the palate &latest, stand still, in eery agony - lest s he should be ow:tome by theta. it is a most *Ring enterprise. and whilst we _ , watt and hope, yet ;C annot help but tear, let all pray for lie sueorst.' We hive great faith that be will encased. He knew, what he is aboatoand he has the alAllty , to .earry his dark through. Yet esn help orating the igessing of Heafen trpon_hira I - WE 1101111$ & diaDltal lals tut night, by triepepl; reporUng the 'Resell of a member of the Georgia Legislature: The sem° Wag May - be found in • this paper, taken from - the Oolusens of as fasters exchange. Tele-' graphic, reporters are usually careful to give late news: , • . ' r.' . The Roman Catholio olergy on Haman "- " • - Liberty. The Table/ diesel:its from some portion or - • . our' recent. striethree on , the attitude and tea dirge of the . Csthollo clergy in our corm. try touching the Slaveholden' Neb.llion and . Its causa‘--dissenta Mire espeohil to our re. :mark that the influence of said clergy coin- Aides with that of .the grogthhops in keeping ~our Iri sh born population in an 'Attitude of sympathy and ,virtual cooperation . with the. Slave Power now struggling desperately to 'destroy. cur Ireton, -Wo do not understand ~The taster to deny the '.stiletantlid tenth• of our aesettion, but rather to dissent from one grouping as .dierespeethal and Irreverent. But;the Mathis talways;telthe spoken when ay thing is, and it seems to as that this sub Mandel accord ~ between the clergy of. one of . our numerous bodies .of Chriatians - Italia keepers, almost without ..exception :of the '.nsunts oflowdlaslpatlon end morslAin pm. 14 Ay 'challenges investigation and reflection. : . Mhy should the great body et the-,‘alargy of. „Jay Christian denomination bs of one mind In politics with the keepers-and frequenters. 'of the hatutts of. ilea and infamy? Whet is; the tiiijitill tie thstbinds" these seemingly in-' angruoun .o.lseste "-in.: political' fallowilde lino is a grave fat .-41t0 printer:fa -greet '. . vendable Church and the keepers, of :the . ; dence.housea of Water mime; and the rum. heles of Co:lairs' Hook,- hiacktreleille and. ~ithe live Poltitt;:srdently aiiPportitig, with; scarcely an individnal,exception,' the - same , , est didatea in 'our . recent election: Whet! ~,purpore, shat impoilse„:ihet sympathy, have ' they In trauma ? - .Who sillily*. us the true 'reboots of their accord? . ... ... Do you troy ; hat they ate alike ,eppoiel ' to; , „intermeddllog with wait is none of their (or; joro)Slasiness? Then let on "Lift the scene,`' jand ere koW your eaptuatien adapts - lied l !. . . ',Ye the.realting parallax: , ', .1 qqc City. of Nevr_Orlensu usw 'nearly rian- i 7tul. akd'sthali 'old, was originally milled by; Iliocran Catholics, who have always beta Its' most numrrous led wealthy deb:cognition: . .13 is the residence of an Archbishop.: with s: 6411Xtrrall, and. influost lei nirryy.. That city , ; Twee very early, if not at itelfcnr,dilloiri-enie• 'ed IlitbAliver.Y . e for; oa its tie:neer br-Fnres , 'to'ttliain In 1;640t-its 8,190 Inhahitants, no; , 7eri than 1,225 „were' slaves, 'Bat 'New W.; lane had LO if, become the 'tsetse I elavioonart i 'on tart/411ms* and Dahomey not erupted, aid the teas of the harshest anti mat eras* tuir sit tint of slave- worklag ever known in' n Clestlar,'"whlie far cinder than wag ewer' leafed in a bletomedew country . Lo th ar 'oily of New Orlesne, under the shadoir of a i 'Roo en Catholic cathedral, crimes . against. ( . .e.manity and decency were constantly and publicly . pr rpett sled by` wholeath at been- „coons stashes anellocs, in ; the way of hend.l i leg, strirfng end selling women and female; ?thither,, who often commanded *armour ]ricer, i otorir silly fri the gratification of the ; most brutal last... At thearanotionv e hoar Ibrzde Wile told awry, from a ills, mothers ;lean Olt ir4etuig children riot ocouleriaity, , It sat by wholesale and alm ost drily,- for troves or years. - Knt of the viotims.si well as. many of tire.Perpeirelors were Doman Catho- 1 I l'or; yeti 'netwltbstanding that the Catholic , Church propounds end -maintains the most I rignions. and salutary; doctrines with regard to the sanctity and indissolubility of .mar-, ,ring,, ;We base ' never ; heard .of ..a protest by :soy Archbishop of New Orleans againalthese 'elave-suellear, which were the scandal of 'Christendom. The Catholio women.and girth., I Vent sold. by_ 'malteds -to libertine for the: most infamoue purpoees hasnever; within our t , „knowledge, evoked eon 'a spirited- rectum- Fiance front the szchliplempal.thatapions at . New Orleans Of. the Imeaculete'.Conaplion.. and Nay, more :. lornielana. has rival ri governo d lovernatents; one of Wm - located in New,' Orkanit and beset on the right of all men and; ',women to froedoi ; the other somewhere in 'the nextb.western :quarter 'of :lb. State; and fighting: to destroy tbs . Union' in the litereeti and for the PrePethstlult :Pt Negro. Slimy ,',And to-day the Arobblehop ef---New Orleans '',lll (or nearly ill) hlo clergy a ce the sr.! dent,' soli*. bitteriobatinate:partisans and, 'claropkins of the Rebel, pistil:lg prolltartry Government of . landidansi andtherelentleie, foes of 'its free 'tint: in other words, ihtli, are doing their tinsel Wetmore at New Or. :lease the crimes, thiamin and abontinations of , the system of :Melee ar-the digitate of ie. rositer's osprioe, met or 111 1 / 1 131414 and of rape,' , e %Sorbed, concubtonge Mid besUality, - . which , , bas.been .banished from that sity,by the tri- :mph of the Union anon'. - •.. - ' 1 ;.. Noir. if 'there wore any th ing In the era , . a svcee; the larnlcatioi 6, vette theditions of the Catholic' Cluircli Universal that vegnired -' k this, we osald'understind though` we, could not apprda or Justify it; brit thetsol sample be emphatically otherwise-than this: The ;anti pathy of . 'the race' •so often cited to justify Irish pi rietratkaa of;'asygere', Is utterly an- known at Braze, where a negro bleak es mid. night is received; in society ordained to the pricetho od, and conseointed s r bishop, precisely se if he were a white man, end whence the, most memorable'Papal Dull blued in cur time '_that of Pope Gresary, 1839—condemns and denounees Slavery as inhuman and em•Chris lien. Bo Bishop b upanioup and other eminent Catholics of our ,day are ardent condemners of Slavery, while Anglistin Catlin was re-' 'anal? lilliTi:g 1-7,7 the IV - Pe for his riimin. ffe7efiheiretng treatise showing the benofluout rein: ts of West India Emencipation.' 'We car- I ' :not recall the tame or a single eminenteetholle -In Eorepe wile Is an upholder or - advocate of Slavery. Will any ono exphsiu to us the pro- Shivery attitude add'-nurse of the Catholic clergy in this ccuntry—N. T. Veitune. , Cowmen frartossi undsr. stand, preps:Woos-are In progress , oolong efficient AO n toeail(' parties lot the este". liebreerd of 1 klatienaLßLek 'for colored de. positors at Philadelphia, The moyeinsed will hs ; Waiomplishtd,..in all_ probability, within a short time, and, it tiara no doubt it will lead to similar. sstablia*nts I.Worsts' of our large 011ie wt an early, date.: The Impiirt— once. of each, _ lottittillont;in these.'days of - large OY - ini . n sit:bounties to colored soldiers, laud of the :improved peconlary'imidithns of „this olsss of our citisms generally; will;upon Considerstioni - hi potent to. , l one ntions. , •,,, . ,61LUCT Patti:amnia, a:aaptui.of vejst L r iataolagr--la ialtsbipthe•fairilltita "Prlaoa.a.lo ll6 aa i!,Pvadaluaeakt farlllagst vOttebilatlrtpg; - • • • ~. Cam• I"".q'~xSc4::.~ c ~~3{t44~ti~~?r.. . 12321.811;91Nat7 Vo t to t ac the„Ootober Election for Con • groeldlmial_ReDreientatives. The following May be regarded as the off: . „ 11111 vote of Peruitylvania, for Couressiotal Itepreientalivos; at. the(totober 'Motion. In temipillng this vote, we , had to be governed by the by the return as made, by the different Pro. thonotasits; and se the mejertty, of _there -*t idal; made no distinction bewhat vas the "Mule" aed the.! soldiers' vote;!. the *pi gregate of both votes are only glean in. the ' tabular statement - In order to gel the aboute" and. the "soldiers"' vete, tiro:dam have been hinted !rem the State Department, requesting the different Prothonotaries to feunitlitatements of the tollein the gramis containing Pennsylvania - 201pm; and in'the different election •• districes throughout the State. It-is now ecnoeded in °BMW circlet!, that It will be impossible to ascertain correctly the Iseult. of the ' , home vote 4 .7lst' the'October election, for the reasoni:thst, Piothono• Mainlined to mate the necessary.dintinc• lion In their **Man& Ilia being the owe, bets watch were Made en that runic cannon., er be fairly detailed: - Indeed; we understand, that in. PhUseelpide 'and • elnwhere, all net bete are behtee withdrawn. . COO= 61(;111/i roric;'c t s 1861 '.. I Dillon Dam. Distries. IDion. I Dam. I Maj. I Maj. 2d ..... 6th 7th. ........ 9th 11th 120 ....:. 13th 14th, 17th - • 18th ... . ... . 19th ..... 20 . 1 ..—.. 21st 224 234 24th ...... Kejoity«. Neatness in Holland. Amsterdam lithe cleanest oily in the - world, It is kept . in Ms condition elate natioally, rind rade:oas a. rigid purification every-13st radix._ Every hones then, presents a anew et nntssmpled activity, both Wilde and out. Then are put into operation all the 'sopping, end sweeping, and brushing, and scrubbing and dusting. that . the hmisetrivel ofitle old school know so well how to maki Miek of in thenrsotke of their retention. This process is not confined to the threshhold and marble steps, a flight'of.whibh Is soon rubbed fall of *holes; the 'pavement, grails, windows, and each Individual brick in front of the building; are all cleaned In the same thorougtmenner. lipots'out of reach of the hand are visited by a well-aimed stream from • small enginekept by every :entity for that . Me result of all this wee y expurgation are sometimes disurrons to thtruneophistl cited stranger. On emerging from ids hotel for the first time early on tlatardsy morning, hs meditates in • pldlosephisal. wisy an-the mosprot of s'Aelinicrut * - alkhefore breakfast., 'lle walls on in a sort of delicious dreamy abstraction, thinking of the -.aolerismetidlne• pt salve appearance of a great pity in Hallam bile, the entire deterlden of streets lately so crowded, onidlhe:lbsenoti of Mitt .beay bum of indnetry, "which," he es,u .to himself, "eine eltorthonr will Mai in to fresh life and actios, how short" when be is startled front his revery by an avalanche o f water on his Tatinalkfer Ilfuntcd . that nin ;tarot has bunt forth front the nearest _ et he lakes refuge under the nice porch, end, slier recovering fright, looks forth to lie nothing but.an ambitions fervent girl, asset of water simply who, having pursued en Indiscreet 'plater; 41, 40. e. thii lop it the. spent, is throwing bowl fulls of wabrent plc .to bring him"to- ermee: After , repairing damages,.be again ventures forth, only to ni cely) en hie shoulders.' two or - three Weir from tt muddy broom, intended for a mooluito %kik! had bete 116 - ig.att' Air it; ride from. the canal wirers kw belonged. - A - - He prognoees Still Nate: whose Jt stream .; rept Er d from_ it iMall hand engine w lemurs than the vigor of Coebitnate, gemellable en tirely the elabora's tffeo'e of his leaden'. At length, becoming bewildered and unable; • frora the quantity, of '*ster with , orlirolt the ,streets are foiled, to AtiClOgllblb.l4llll (NM: • .hei cram]; 'be! oneopiststi Les plat/evillest rear by,weltirg Iwo one:. of -- the latter ant sling a.deitolana blthbefenl.break. feaC Be: log thence Mehra "liti,by tie neaten domeitio, he helpless savant is annoyed into tea Ito* is s state' of itabeillity. Mtn 14 Ainsterdam ~.crt'd 11403 1ife,..,.,, then7iMpibero else is ;be world. Thei rare has long sum died oat, and were p ee inelaithr appearance In the elmet be ' hind le kept down with eistectig arseisnd the rising of a . emni of difitis instantly reinsvid with the 'rune omit/gent rigors of the lair.: Dirt Ids teen aptly termed "nate lig brae thinti in the vren6plece,'• and as rep Ilellandera have hog preortectalrfhts dvanltion, :nod have a race for everything, and everything in lta platy, thus IS hardly any' substance in their t Gentry ,hat cow, nader the name of dirt. Entorder.: • ' which is al COOS smokeless and greatly seen*. in!: a fuel Is in Messrs. idoteland's Works, Landes: Thu. are no ins-tars in the for eseer, the air entering upon the frealt_surfaoc of the coal cawing a downward dealt, at the f octet the reverberitting oven slants down ward from the coal-bor. 'The gas Is thus slowly and continuously dietitled .until it icings in,contact 'with the lower. slittetied :burning coals, when It becomes zronolently heated to Ignite: - Tim principle. itdopteet ,seems nibs that of turning a common firs upside down, not fuslike a foists:4a bait fore-. reosti to that the' freihvoarito applied at that end whence the smoke of Ms drat ignition sots through the !frond Is cannel:maul, instead of being placed on the end of the fire, whew* the direction of tho draft carrion it off as 'soon as evolved.' The prticiplek is yttessimple, pad probably efficient; though bet novel: .PV7114110. Jr 021471111. 110 . 1I4311„ , ;•= - All fersees interested in uV th•Ondiag, Paling mad Oman of WILILIOII ITRALT.lthilreed. trails theallmarstrks.t le Sa.ter strut; villtatifiatkis tLf. as 001111 eructs Ms, biro assosadoisti can. !norm st sato of ti • Iticreatat Bryinktor, int , l 111011ILT..the 28th last..74ltar wli Vim. the/ 1 . 1 1 1 pups* LI tgaind.II3IIiMIALMIF coVeciko. C atagOWIA lialettog •Pltt_lh, got. LT, 16G{ - ANIVIIAIIII4II9AIcsi IlsyS4 - 1 •• • rutibunb, Ost. It% ISGL . GENICRAT: MEWING OF • wer STOOKHOLDINS TEUIS SOK srlWbs lisS2 at ihs Vaal tag Hassi,sello=ll4. Uis do er Nssasiter sat, .411 o dock 5.14- to sorstior sad taus lastbsSihts NukskisiLbsooma as Ls...WU* fat lb* tisshusiNssits , Andes Oislairs Of lb. lisitsti Mum, pad VMS's auselSo Sluspoiras essfisred by the ASS of Usi smut Du Mats, esUUld ...in let osistOst She eit stis Cblifecla• vasNif to booms am shUsas fat Baskfur nadir Sao :Isla otitis MOUS Otais."svorerad SU Augusts IW i Aid tottks say ratbse &Mos thid any b seosimery. •-' ity order dais Board of btriodoss •• • ,4 soZtass • • JOHN sovrr. Jr., Cash* not CITY nivel ' Ptrrenostra, Not. SWIGS, [7., ~ 1 11111S1NG iT&N , BTOOLT. NOLicnd 'ot this Fisk watt be hele at the Boa 'on 'ZIILIBSDLYi the Sill day et Li... ermstOf next. edtcltil:eLte decide viikheit this' Sint men !mow* an Alleviation en the person of • Matilifsg sneer the Laws of the Vaal States, awl late. It Urals* the nonsrenesfetsed by-the • Let ofittt Oeserst Asestetly of the Oetasonwesith of Prttglvaliga., tnUl.d r tee U Attrition:lg the Bents of ttie Morton. et lin to tem= Anotiatien•Set the porpme of Mettles coder the Seine of".ths appoted the 214 day of /mind. .80 1 . and to plehe any further action thee teas be sspediest. - itt2;tl • ' - Deer. or firmsramr, °reactor 16tIh 11014" NOTICE.-TD. BOARD Or. 'l/3C1'0134 of tbt Beak, We necrotic's pers. ed (11, Uri cettlered • • dill of . OSAlltteL yr irrpraliOLDlgge. tor the pot. pore of othattertht the expedteacy sectrieg_the melt het of the legtefalar e Mt . Jyteg tthtoh:4o, et the S oa k. _ .; cenforalty thertitith, th• alla , WIWI{ gnu bola *tp2. Vette tog Bohm oh_ 416,111UV0r Dame bit. prolktp,ttelDoclethje m. hint:oll4ml' Colder, • ' Tor , II.OI3IMY ~II II 7ITIC.PO. 001!&- _ DOED&—aders of :41wOnsini , rialto ISpado lined by the Qltt. ci AlNithany. bun". - &myna. alit Hinkond hank ant nntidni tat ..pra, pants be ' , anima by, the wndoralfned Ow Unpin., nnannnit In wild lines of tb• !Unlit g land - fa tits astirVennmbin Lt. ' • Mahn:inn! !Lawn Onotninmy 'edykeld • - - Vlttabtirgb, - . . . ••101A - TXX.T..1116.62.112103.4u5tr-reoem. J. 4tUsittiplf'ir jorklk" I:44.isfAssirsticareital t 1,, alvja Mgat. aro, • formiblti in!pseabwoholla as. "Vita . MMI. frieloass..Operas..L Ny.,.rawtog, asd coauck!n!fs . !(,lpys. altar &gob, ibirtrvt or Null, • JONI 4.111115811LW, . , • warkinialz.ostaimastpltil: n--- ? 4. ' 4 i .5.. -'-' 4. 'W' 3l ' , -•'.-'%..*..-' *PO'E.ctilaiitailii • pawn Bow- puns _',l box i l ia reimiT.4llllmnim, bY - 'VOID* WITSII9BOS, 151 witty Stmt, • 1P70C1LA9,009 IbB Chuioe Washed, fox vr- v a s ey t ee - rein Llbirtystitt. . ATPLEE. , ..IO.O bble choice Bellflowers Aak Conti' illtqlSziiiLizabra. tor oda by -• • -11 ,, JUDDL141.133 'Ater stns. 1; 68 V-4.t I nt'DO Lit ,4-114 .EXWARD..;- 011 Euzali iftigaialls krgs cwss rte Nit • 4.4264 , fr1and Lcialatialetaa ?star% Marsh Goa 'et IlaaeberAr be 111 w Stmt.. .nw.ra win INT/site at H. BI6BAIWIOIIII4IIOIate /lan* awl 111th mom. • . ExI'uTOBB:.BALE OF-.SEAL ES. SANTI,4n en'eoniatim with the liarislaiirlo the lut wit/ and tetheasiet-nr Nathan *bpi gleateserl, lets of Mies township; Weehlenttoneennity.- devising Willlider at pull* sae, nu Felder the 20th der or Droembez next, at 1 o'clock' p ns, the farm on which aid deemed budded, @outdoing atom 70 nem, en which berated aNraise Prune- Bern and ' Zteile and all other neessup7 cuffouldin, ■ Irrente. - A lima. Tenant lime with Stable belonged to the flume. Tern of nil lioninindstoo. The premises we an underbid wits Lireseteme and Cleal. Possonion &leen the let of Aprilnext - n0222t di.B2Pil 0. ilineto2l. Zuottar e TSB - .PHENIX , INSURANCE CO.. OF New KOBE.--Ceah - /Indus. March hi. INN; 1b22,219 00. el, see, 1221,11,11 00. !MTh= Crowell, ..Pnisident - Edgar Oromenilii Vkei "wasanurrox iNezplarros c0..,0r sisw ran. 'qubeivltalitlCCGX /mete. Tat. let 1664.058P0 , 030. (km O.- Saturlte,. get:eldest , a.. 77 Westee. .IneTreekleet. tn Pollan lima 01 the ••Tinhtego Jai,' entitled to 'pi/IWD tie, tint' made feript DM. det.oe'ot 60 per cent- In 1861, 1131 and 1833. • • . . . 131131TBAWCII LIMISST LDBB 8T . 7188, •- -end Baku .n 4 Diver etas taken In both ad 'Bova alatuth sad relish:a Catapanied. - B. E. lIIIYAB, node CO fcinta strast. Mathes Building.. • AT AN BLEOIION' HELD -ON THE !AM ?Mbdap. of Boissibsr. lb tbp city of .Pbniblelpb s; for P- truldont bud Directors ea tbs Ilnentllnfills .04 Dor:ahem Procielrauls CoSisay.lbs felt:miring PerMll was obasaa PlattMM. JOlll5 A WRI•Ht. Owns W. Gnu', D. DrehtsaD, D. 11, rear, 1. Rear. Uygur*, kattail Sturman I. bectt, Pala. babas. Sttaibir, L 23 lamb_ .0./6 blab% b. L. B=o4 • ET3128 INJ ()TICE TO LEE/MRS on BUCHANAN. realt.'olt ourse;.; • Francini. Nov. loth, la At • tuning of the repeaters and lan n or the Bacbsnsu rain, b-It on tha day of liontene en 0800 it was ihtenstard that' all lease* on nW fern Omuta beams null end nlf. 15 tha balsa sad tea& tlas • of sod hang an tst fury ix mpild with by the 11th day of Fonatino ,11154 Pandtetattas netine. (latch is tot nrquired by law. but la en* an an sot cf • eourtavy,)lt given loaf' potent booing (*.tea ea sold farm that sub= the bermi,and condithingtot lame we fully notoybod wito, lite tans* wW ba Lora/Ind and the pna hoe will 110,701 banponentedi thataire and( , so embect had bon ands On gni lntday of Docent• bar,lBl4,tbe voyneton °told term will be a: the emu of Mitten; known &Os, at boloseille prtg..nd to snake iron tarty Satin new loam o• sald Wm: Pst. On whiting to ontala linen will tot, In the inna ti6l. • t lot of the atm at • 00.1 pmcs e Inelud• tog the lets Inlet. 0111 kw to 1.1. BOOH•Nald cunt L 00, 4 • - OIL BASIN PVIELOLIIIRI BUODANda ItOIALIT OIL •- Itonnvill.. Nov. Itch Pitt. ,aolteld 081 4.MONWBATH OF' PENN -CS la MINI/ Allosh•iir Comity. 'u: So TROIKAS WOMAN Isomer of the LW and Sediment or 111011/A1 NoET&W. former Ganz. am ottb•Oontootwo11.11 of Pomaiyhasta,, doomoaf. audrilti MAIIII IfillftrAll. 611110111032313 DI Cabo TOG 10, ortil of WO forum Klatitar Palmy*. trattary of Stab, and ill others Intorosod as ias tats of 21/061111 duelled. InVITIIISUCII at the 16 I, rootion. as set at Asfootbly of said Oommonarealtb, *Utast ..a• lot to orosta • diktat ftod, awl to provide for tborstual ao4 cutabt pith/0W mot of eh. &tact Oa Clommtivisttb, ytost ea - 1662 May Of Apt% . You oto turd., died to Le oat appose Weis WO WM, SICHOILD3OII, Ylo•fator anis to , std for Vorroit tianty on on bolo. Snots% the 16th Oar In Demob., mat, A. R. 16510* Runt eat Woo* to rho. .oasat, If soy you bats,•by 4x,llitoral istbartiarte• tax apes tb• attars of odortssit doc•toat ibtali nos Do Odd atatikandift of about 0,2001 Ours tlimosid Um !nativism's of. bia Initial lad Wog to the hang* of Itoortsbley, bankdo4 Op lb. lino of Deane county, last id David SSW& sod (Oars Weida fatiet sun thopatia , ty that =Fiona. Ohm u, dor wy toad sir Boot it ono* sa Pitts. otib, OIL Ittb Oat of Ifoomotur. A. D. 1601. WL J, 111044.111/40.14 loglatsr. • soll.3otd RE B 7 . 11.14 TianGri l itiG " DINNER FOR TEE SOLDII4B.-- o.mortestion, eta b rot to ' • • Cll Y BALL , • • TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY,. It EIGEte& M. TO VOUS P. Y. ' Merin eatt ostl Orstoon Obtostrott.lllogs.sny city, bawl contoutot to toast 's team:toot for tho era tootth-ot LoCtlr rolL LAYS OP atN. P. IL =ELEBIDAN. PRIOI VI CUT!. Lthz or (GEN. WINFIELII; SOOTT. ; TWO TOLD, CLOTH. Ilk eadd.T . segEaok. flaurPos Ilth ulltia*. mod skpolor mug Zook ev.r 11%02144.rd. 25,,ionts • ituir - s Oti NAYS. • Itspict That yjresta and 012.t0.0i1.11.0g10n.. %rem 1,t0; Pickst fcrm El • EO• Mon tea Op. II ,p. V. road Ccunty of Ea,ti.n. 1'a105111,15.7. Poclut Gra }4M, Elcant.d $l,OO. . . vrvna TER'S DICT/O.WARI% 2 - iptv Pktotial Ltl•lca, Znyivirsd loprcrrol. PRICE 111 L PHOTOGRAPH ALBORG, - DIARTHO _ AI NANACB POR ISO& JOHN P' ItIINT'B, 119 rrna meson* sad.. LIBRARY LECTURE& • TRs iXOraBl comorria Or tax 10 , . 111(1 KEYS LIMIT 1110CL1T1011. • . •LaMollacl TII LT a 0 11 1111:•;TIC VAT •• - Tor Ilie:emolog coisoo,2•re rm./telly for diffroeo. • Consitttoo opct at hitt Issatcturri. 1155; 'lOl3 nated. 0 , 1'4 ial'allar d4Tbi tai la lab it. .- rola of tic b-o of fl.sembt•oe•AlM aolaeal.Agessitablie "I* tlobotelg! , 11 bo eetiff:W: : :// er tgail i gg i t/rfl. .W. B..IIDWAIDS. SU 4 voirseLt. • •-• • ' 1 . - v e t OLD • ctamastibe. ' 11E1U ESTATE Sit,IIIII6IBI.IIISTITIUTIONie.. • - i OS YOURTA OTRZET: ebtenowarAi itaitigiac 24, Ito; piii; HOW ilortqatiod braes at: Amoy • • • •Tins igooltar. air Sul fro/a/0..,..r...._.......1114 . 115 a U. ailf loondsoet 60,033 110 v. A, Oirgicat.e, : lls 82.00.1. 00 /atom' .3.470.14 Gob ..... el, Told. . ... ff ; LlABllittir.C.. • . Dee to btroolioro...'" .. 4121 Die to Depothers, kuts at Otmthat4l IszOi . b4ance 50 . . ~ . 1271,601 a . . , ./ ' .1, .. ~ #. A. C r ililtl 7 lti Tv.t. l, M4'. xi:. queordseni,./iti,llllic 21.isli11 2 • I ', 11 1 4 Vann. lota 1 64 biplgaof the Inatltutlos; She Dna and ugly'. Uee, and c0u61../ , • 660 616,• _ . 1 1 2 1 ,1 11 T! tempi mil "bop' . 616.1eoupt to b!to . otot. :W. 2 U . OPlttll2l' --• . i W.ll-2.81.11111. - - Ailaitic% .1.2...210911.112A0, 0n662104111 Nov bar 10,116 L , odd cu DhpoHt/I at , EIS PER-011NT. ': .' 10.1A0 3011 in, Pitolltont,. -.1 . ' Mot. Mon Y. Boom.- lion. 3. :-. L .,,.. a0Rth isi . ; Ist. a 3oltb, ;tt..%it,i, -..iz.:A.„ 150 004 —647" AP 'WATCIIIIB . ...7wwztes £ wear. ext—eit. lers, , Copatry Nortleastp,,Pallero , And iN*. two! trod... piake 0.1.1m* bauedne. ..notchao and Zoirolry oPoirrry:Ooectptlon. %Boy potion or 0.1 quaptity.volegen y an Papa rod .toolis to old , -*Ow*. or any clue of work Itmletted,.. q9l. • taseing ants usetilLTrikeet it 0 0 .41 *et:. &Mimi T. U. 111.1WOHAN. - ",,,;a„„• now Volk. r- ';•• i.4stroireel • -,:MPLES•Itst-GREATi.v.S.RI .27../.,,59:..z..',177, mar annenriasagh Orme Pili t staP n o , t i o r sisr 4 so I.f - QSAIJD PEO FOSALS IN DIIPLIAT E 1 1 0 "dabs noshed at this *Moe milt 12 it, TRUER. DAY. tto day of December 1664, far the nuordylm sad at this Poet, at rich time, a•wi to seek eoantitla atthevaderrigaed anyreetedre. BUTT AND , NAND BRIAN Of gained ir.arkedsbleanelity,sab• Sect to isspection, for (S) ate months or math lad time as thetlesnelesare Glossal may direct' ' , lath bid meet be semonspanlid dye r :apiarist Die caseation ofd - contrite in out the DIU be tempted. sad toot het snitch= seendly will be Port red for tam doe perionnasee tbettiOri' - Blink forme of bids and sweaters 'easy be renewed spylleetion se tide tw ee, penal, er:fr, Misr " Pinwale of firm mantas= all parties to Inch !tie popolle of Maws .net in ootdonaltt. to the Mora wisdom Ws, irtll sot.ba etnehlwil. • 11 dd.. mut topniont. wton the bps inroopeoet. lbe'rfght to Nett all the Ws lt= osertal. • tilde to to mimed, oPropoolo for Betse:! J OMNI 11.1/LOW. °Opt. Al 0.8. Oho comer Penn most sod Gantt= frHE - GREAT :ENGLISH -REMEDY— ,. • j. osnz .Lunmi mutat% ; • 'I cazzaa4raryrintAzir • '- Prepared fr om • yreemiption of Sir Chile, X. D., Physician Pactrsonlinsty to th Qum. • 'Thlk well knenni notkins Is no Impoition, but • ems and info tamed; fat Moil. Difficult:la aid 011ktrneilona. • from al:means. whaterser ; and although powerfolnws• edy, eoninth nothing hurtful to constitution. .To pd Ladles It lawn:Marl) undid. ilt Will, fa short timn. brim on the monthly period with tswalsoi - Those Pine hairs morn ,bun known to fall whirs el • dimity= en the td pigs of the Insphlet as volt .. • . . Tor Yank-oin gets PazOpitet, &mi. of de amt . 'SOS by slithrigats. • Prke r . At pa bettlit. - &Is United bts‘a Agent. ,• • -..-. ' • . JOB• ateems.27 Couresudt ENNA. gtsw.Tstk. B.B.—(lut $ pansy stitotps, - enclosed to , say law thorttett sgost. wl lLusts s bottle, esstalslag o, pills, by news anti. nontlydlittl - e;LOTHS, . - 006Lmeres, Ktßons , . Ter Eclir dulls, non' Ofercoafs. Labs' LA. Kim tub, Nate veer, te. for nob y , .. .._ • . WHITE, ORR.& CO., No. IS PITTS BTBILIT PUBLIC BALE OF THE -PITTSBURGH a.'A KINSBENILLa P411.81010= B.SILWAT.— lb. or dropgrwl, on ech.stat ol• the yrralag Mans of ht. oast. aaane., is ompolled to makesalog the Pitegßogb A Ilitensila Hammy .t • Pnblie Audio. The Seta. armful.. four mlls of 11,4 ran Nagle Itatl,erelgblelt thsbe Par Ma. sod aI.C R ralleer.T eall• (argteltre), ereliblea 9) lee pm yarn; ernanntlug•ta sato 169 X, Our. •Thens are seven earis, all alarm/ tokaele.ll. vallabh. Boan with all the ateastry Efar. te., ht.cluculth eboy comp's. set of Meta. sta. Ilea with hone yorerfur grinding co.. etc., tor! cut •, tam &Rhodos, and everything nitoesaary toearr) al...eager Hallway eumeado ly, Tim attire Road foal Of cedar of MOW: and Math. city o. 7111.- Only the terminus la 'MR 10 bittey ooze/don than It In teat for years sod node costal managraleht sill psy • hods.= &Wud on the la. yeatment; Tee chatter of this read la aver)) .llbaral 0. - ghtrytborght to clarion hlchar negotiate than. .ay other Pawner Vallany 10 041. der. ' • Tbeenlavill peettively tate sheet, ef - Pitts• bosh. at tbo,Onsuatercial -ales Boomer Ilicllvalee, on TUESDAY, Nor: la.b,at 7% p.m. •. - •.. T 0,.., one.balt cub. i. 10 rat; to be... clod by beading mortgage with' tatats; u the [lda oft p.r mut., mat,. 111151440611.17._ n019.t411 WM B.IIIIIIIIOM, • NOTlOl.—.Letters of Administration, cemslciarnehs manse, lutelorblien vestal to the I=felZorliiretVgt o t:Afk l i T aT l oo T alienate, oil puma baying delete on the Mae are to prawn* them. duly ma d,mot al no t, sad all patens 1•104.L.4 nal pelmet to *WALLA TIGItII, NNwer . of J3l eeicend, I heft eppoleted iny WO. WJ. M. TIMM; to rat e the waste of MITHOII2 oT it. IGHIC. dommadid, Ah menu beaten clew will peanut thaw SIMINDUado eattlienat, and all peeeone Warta& amok*. Jonah:al to the Mato will per Ms broke end seSeeritt see In hie gsseesebes; and Its cas be found every ballllollll day Wino rowthiSs; testal.-fitskillsclet .not, PWabersk. between sl* bumf 444 XtilWßi. • Seistsbitntrii, cees bebescan Swab, oc . Anlbelly NeTecbs, decosesd. • • PlEnbitrib. Nunbane MUM solelvt. SMALL GAWBILLE JEFFINGWELL'i GAS SAVING GOVERNOR Pointray tam ik to lOp.t. 04 7' ll E ONLY, PERFECT AND RELIABLE GOVERNOR IN ust. Ifo;Qpotedlrer, it !Om told rot to thl4 ottoos.its. x.c.b maim .bp bald tu Bider; &MI la to µa irIU ta bo tott u.sleot It somalasbot • ill ore 'mak MOH by ' EAILErir, EFOIRELS dr. CO., mall • 229 treats mina. . I deli - CITY CiOLLTIGE, , cintlaiat Paws aall It. Clair Ilureets, ; : • . PAL Sly seraa. alkaaparitait s ' ?seambil Busnees Slates College " •la Ma %Tana, Stela , 1141.1pra gator awl r,rrlsw . ai sal . . . aasennasa, anttalnina fir Ma so maa 044rasom •Plestial4:ls il;•4 110 1 Jelnalig eit 81014. ' iwiftiiwrtriTissvasaa. PLAIVOIVARE TAB Bitga o;s* lot so. as bawd. awl fifi . aal• at iw ' Ulla Tea aLnos saws, rano". o. boo Mateo it Um ptilo. la Ma oanatry. . • ' ortascom Imams. 71fth afnil., Bola 4pat. M • OTICE ..CONTRACTOB9-4ropo• ale aro lotttid sad trtU lot roottool ty tiro cbst oil too co *Moto of Ott City, of foa litlireitto until Wild- DA Y. llot tstb dry of Iltrosoloor. MI, C Ending; t f ouiltalt otroot,'froir Doak stmt. to Iloilo* • To. Oat. Poi Me uf milt lid owl., to the contractors ad soon ea Qs otentiotooto aro collootid ea Ito wworty of Iloilo o litrytrolo to be loft with A. dtol 011 or . 701111 wzaaar. Dal CY airman of °slats Ittio Olt Stmts. DWARD B. JOSE*, iro!“ wmain 'ham. rauaDiunts. ~. . . . eilitfoner,fosiblo I.loot 011 teats int fatalists la V 6 0 . 6 10 Pa::la •Wat Ylrel 1 . 4 t. aas bovhi Oil Lead.. ie.,' ta• es* taAtel 138,11. datezlpsksitsagi terms so atom' .14t1 1 ,11' , GE " ‘ 4" ‘ Ai : 41 ; . 9 k1/6 I TOOT& SHOES ! autD i OAVER)IB. ; 04147 Mee, mats andform, AV"; • 4 ;• 0 ; a Miloat tals oV: 1 1 b : Wl ,, ll ; strads. a: net.ir , 3 . lur NTBRBY STREirtr, • et, maim, JT.I 4 dittos for Ike - eteifetrot *OIIITISIT STU T, In On ell. of Mentes& ire non theme. porn . Icondhtte f synnnt Lit, the 0uut0r41444.1,11; ore hrittione min Jolloamoo• )4 1 ' 1 d - to : m o t. &Minn for the oler of ilititighonyt Old Too lb meet. nolathe °T OC iese CLP WORKER.-4amge Owen. 4ldeatte -Weileirf Paper Hanger end P,seteter. Ventres led Ol monads oral kiwi* ttaarrn edam duet Doak*. Alt ardent 1 tit at 23 Clengrees street., or at Itatioellt.W4ll Paper Ittote, 41 - 1114041 street. , ICH Is pre tapdy attended ne. sot threstosan AS. Consteeruat Onitol,l ,; • elttetertel, Sovembee fib, f. z'lleTC#lolo TO STOKHOLDERS,...Thi alt LT host *tete* of lbe etielihol len, 'Of ehe 11411; entmh end Ctlattelleillte i.itr.l Oceepier, *TII bit held id' theeedl of the °capes,. Um& nitanisr: Tousin wax's, la the et, of Nttebertth, on the s „ s bh m all, 11 , th day, of Dar Mber Soil, St It ViAltit orposs of„ehtottnig tett» Ifletotors for tbe6°l " l • -•F o. auattairr, nout.smoisx enntersza Treattintr. C04.1.115al PARS ' FOR BALE. Mt AIM valtteb.la propfrty, ottdeadla COLLIN f!, , _ stliii.x.fear miles from Itus ntly, cat, trs.retchsa byAbil Civirxellin Pik% tens .; salirout 24 . 1 ' , PT4 For to %done prooTty,..sad Ike% snit to nol7 _T A. 140LIIGLUID, aciert. F L . 0 1 I:l6ooßtttaLFLitti.)tUt.atit r • 2a DQwn • p lac• Gellea_St.e.f Far rtoy,ol the W. • ‘.400 Jva.,ktio brie44 216 snit lliestirt.V IroliNdt bi saaomaKaa taxa, - , • • CUBORB4LBEI§tDRICCEFOIIB4VIS ,N.,IN iorebt liilpl !balite 'Bibb a *bort -Atm leboi .e bore Albite, tree hrootore heinnot bropoit , am, bill.. Wee perforoaa.blibontise. sitting re/MIL dittos room, ilic:ote. Am ababberr, tab - , oblitabin . et tiro ,- b•lar bible, two obbtra, it#l il call Or wrier, I nod ili Ai totes; Ig, &pi stlw..ehriebire. nop biota.. spleeild 1 b,ebattbeObte bibbed nib. b ib zollat e, nitre. . 0 pbly .to . . pile ~, - fl. OUTIALII to FOND Al. Mast West. LTIIEWICILTING 011,-40 MAL, a supo.. : 4 11 . : ..,•.,UVII 10:41iitai, zi• I ,I:,?4fizrps4 . 6lo:. :.::'i HOWPAMCL' _ ntimputuems SPECIFIC. HOMEOPATHIC OEMEIES lits*batablhe at the had of reatedhl :anon lb ch..*,zelipeopo.. - ::.Thesinalliteream ed from the Winnow. thbeeeteben4 rdetielit ontsaskery, en tildeobeetraetialt be rabble; as.the astehate and perpleidag of the anal ficrneepathie honks sallaattoline: thaeletten at alb els melds lb the task= Eames RIM therms bletettnt.tra b the tots of ilmpty saw baits did *Pied at lei - Whale Willer dead na nor iamb& thertse the seedy 'Lief the parent Or abb. sad the coot of the etesplelitag sad Invalid,, ',het rail, these bibs* ahanteibi Thee U. !kebab-as Weir tan sib Roam thels ass. Sea, are shaple-yea /bap bete what to take; snd bow to tab It. They are oobanient-los 6 , 41 Oath. Prefer laps Pills at .s akonienre warning, without hesitation or delay. Seq.. are aresient; la {hoa=rd of caw dhow Liman's in oats, saft the algtql . Med with. • oat prostratioa a ddq. ' FO. L- , t'imirerrer. Cbgertion sad latatonattoss lest. IVA sad lodbotool l Sad tintless sienna the state had latbanbabydiseibr. Pries, 116 . obi& So. 11-Chtneifonne Arm, Warta Cabana Tot:Wm Appetite, Wilhite' tolled . :Arlo, NOM& ' ND, i-earieoollo, Toothier, Clatag aed Wakeful , semi Blow growth sad leetleasee °Umtata., .Psfa r . ,_ • _ 80. d—Coass Blantaai ia. otqadnia &hair, Okalea Wont= and Bann= OmarWa Prim id oats. - Boa. twat 13 cars ihavoan, cam of Bann& Diann oda • Ad. 11—Claria Inyatatuejce Bkody Mr, Cono,Shitp. • lIINBIBona Ootha 818 Pffildl 3 37. PS* m dz. • T—Van•`Moths, OoldN _Boarmark . r3ddthillo '- bagman and Ika• Throat: T 110133 canto. . Wham. No:1 nmr fall to' opt tba wont Odd and =M;= Hoototbsalkdc 801 l of to Ike .Prioa BO mitt.% • oltorotko 'with No. IN It nova WI to oars the -10=Ceree STdistedd. Wolk. Add di bigwig Slocesely. Cleaetteelles. Idiot Ceuirleint, or Stiles Vetaniefer glassed Wadi Siseetbsead }Slim Ao. D 11—Cars ta ilga,pprearacijdaoser, ar Sanity, ar Paha slarz Orsiilll4.lmart. Si eauta. " No. 1111213reil 'Leotard= a Whltia. pawing pan. toe Prof= Roma. 43 mu. . No.lll—Ourso Camp, Hams ikon Gough, IMMO sad ftgnsiod Embalms. •MS onto. - . . Mk. 14,--Clues Salt Itimais„ Crag') Itragliani. Ikall gad. Debra' Itch, rizaAat nu tbe r lama& Ho. 13-oand, MwmosHim. bler,_Zaammosta, if ion asolip Abe Obast. Boca. 1116..er at edatkia BS coati. , No. Tt—Omni M, Mama Mud of Inman, Boma or 60 mato. -, • ,Thtsesano6f, ban car tboasand lat tba wait pond. . . WO.ll-Canti Opriabaftigkwea or Lahanag Illy at grans Walling or w•sk 404. 00 =la. Isms, Wyatt borstion 0 4 .011 tar • dECa. . , , , , . . do.:t9L-Onrin enfant, mg**. Wank,. gry nu' I. AU hi Ito Mat, Inetanas. GO oaten.. 15-oamii Whomilma Meek ihimamdaz ma B m g InVll=lrr=2l. b...lll.—Oarm Astbsma, l 4mapal,Dfalmalt. mamma Saathhal, Clamii mud Impeotenik: 00 atm. Hartrseimlulm• bola amid hi it. - - _ 110.15-47 arms &worm, sal 'Ili! . Ur mad tbk want arms. -_ No. 114—Cncrum D•talty, ft aim= 310,, ro—coon vrOloq,, NUM' Aceoroot Smola lorolltooo, willSoraty loarraloos. soat... .. • 10. 13-4:hito Voweletoon, Irrostrotrom. !VA" . goossa.Tomitlos. io wax. so; irr.:ocem otrwal wYu,9ndiLli 'MO Mogi or Pohlad Ilmaum. SO mato - • Vows all obi cosoo.ot !Warr /Mom _ 116-rfor aoralool Nalimlook • /.ordorrn o r t i , ro &Om 'coosoment -Prod:Wks ova , Hod - Broolla *Moll Habits. Moil Dor marl olldiat moot, know!. 1101 1 101 21.41:10ne Mrs Kigali or, Illosoodr. ChoipsOr. MAW of Adolfo ar Cbarrooomel otra loom SU or Imo; Milt% IrolOot, molorrorare. 113—Clurrbao0o'of nth /enure ' Jai.' It s. ar ia. 61 6sOrtorboO 011 ifoor, train. lad ma Mimeo, U ifo r S3-o,u. Bpi= soi ilosvoldosa, 11011•09 1 isatoookkoloq Owls or et Tittor Daum; Jos 1, 24 1 1m 4 n1=124 Arb ? exiiid ;41 asoa io yidwe, B lO 61 Viols Emily ow • , mason .1 gi 1 . OP ritl,Pbniotoos 16 00 . . . . , POND'S EXTRACT OP ELTUICIIELIB. . . s w i ho i s ,g k Costs, I mina. Omar% Lasteush 4Mau, Maim* eeN Imo. Boit', 'Moo. Mt torsi 'Me r6:lttataol, ' "ads tar • SW.. !ISO O - "Ws. • Ile tads rippliall as New Iset pia& . , • - 1 • Gus swoons! inratau. .•-, - -- . . , sootom WOO, auillo up ii emeofeliliktalroa Mow, sao laalais Ur ssioant IN a =mat sob 0 stairk el !sien lo sor Mtn% sae Or landas VIII •• tat/ irsbersoll fig will.er nip% Its oillialp. . .. . ' • J, Y. rusmosr. - lIPUtk itintitt• WWl* adlael!A • ; Jae rosei*n. -mamma Gems ea memo sad 'sewer. -NEW HAIR PFUEPARATI4Ma LUBIN'S COCOANWT CREWEL, 0r14511 D 576521136 AND 1111411711T1111 • TAM s ti.. it r Per MU 1 gire l whlch It ntalnit bubo,' eke sling Is. Por i bumitgftlissa Priaolletito Fria of MAW' 4urt llll uocommT:earkur • - ILS 110 *her Fugal ' s" ' ille ' Mdilli , ;l44l; *Wilma aissaitialg sults De hum m' . . C0004.111'177.11 CRIME andll Waal in Ito DMeLLhmi 2111ati. Lad Itlntabsoutm lksatitylait Wide I.7id tt Us buil/AMR. 1111148 •. • Aaiiir4o . ll Danippiag Zinn - • - ,l4o .s 3 l = lltU atrsrt% alTift ; for WWII tR %raft tit itasikdup. Tar Duatui gßig g the= Prielatud 012.14 the 111: islity Dnumeleft Tor Itall IVAlDitablio; FIFLTOWL - - nunst*lN'is; MUM . . TG Ti TI 0 .—On —NOVEMBER 2bre .... .lEo3.lrrcbisod tam& K. iiiißekAir t ask lia . la day& n. lb. Ilea to matthketuri • LindeaVa 4anrove IL MOONlearrAler =;; ; It haat. t l .ira usathetzdss ttilnte Altai Us% =Tali. dot I Intiongto laslotai.,,al.l gin Isaias to Ma web. lia, &stip?* inarytatih arsoux• o t 11.111. raLTON slioeld ippost. Jill other, an optaisms„" and to dna., ird I Ills Votles UM 1 1711 3 7 toltattbn ot to usk trailog Ir 1 . will bi reatedlo.o* AO* Si th em r. ' • .... . . ..., . .., . ,T. 1•36.0 - • . '.- - ii qui1tr.r.1::;,106;tr..... - 44 int* Gooott.t Ands 1 A AQif GTODS.- ; MERE° ViSTB AND DitiWIRL prritftw:uabiut... , ILL. ITiOL neiaa4 ACIO3OII Nun' Nvotitszisdamsr. bt " leadm iz t L OF MITE DESIRABLE 'STILES Ea Pigs sa# rasa' • ' iisimuntoixim axe. Ammo looms .BUCKSKIN CLOVES inn QUANTLETL RIERMIECI 11E1 u ro ISUIPEADERS. tORSDALt 1; 0 ,;' f liBll3ll TAIII3, L ill co:on and gasman's'. se~rasei ~sr~ss:< , aperlor etilew and dal,blltee-ao thcia• !Myatt& . . o,2lftixtelitsltut4 Trimmings, • - , tortfiaki vorris.' Rich baled lendl4naset Ribbons., • - BILK AND Lissmovslayrs. smite irrivet =WM" ASS BkOE.ANDISIDE 00D1111: ' IVORY PIIIIPAND SAS DBMS. FOODS? BOON, ;AND TEAVELING.SAOS PEILIDEATIIIA DADS .PlaILS11,102113.• einiam&woosairrs. WSeAN • AND 01)L011111). DAIS ROLM LID AILIISICULNIZPIITSHAZIO DADS 1100t1S, , TALMAS.. - /WNW • SACQOPS, , 11011TA113 sad leregoing Sendai are Or Axiszaks lADLi• ',ASIDES, and was ' parallelled dlrecalf lona too Nakuni or theteAgeate, and will ammo favorably In pries, quality and Dyke with Foreign Coed.. Abs brae etiollllllollll, PISS, SEAMS, BIN D IIS sad Imp other SKALD WADES. Jost nee, a 'van.. ate of Amalicum. MERINO . aIVI While SOTTO, HOLM . Special *Dentin will hereafter' be Ova to oar aa. inotanat et DODS NADIR AUTIMID. , • - • • IoAirON..MAoqiiumac CO. .090 • I Bas. 1T AND If /iris AIKVISILB i O PENEr or L ' . ' NEW GrOo D J.. 1 r. - Bar eels, iier 4' . , _ 1 . 14-.lwricr must. inter biro= tin aria. Loll I , ; - • °Mg/MI S ; 186 P 1 RIOICES riCil2ilTl sas:ate 'pint Wholesale , and Retail DtpartmE . 1 am bow :4 unto! &v iN deal • 146 Rams PIIUOIIIMI 1 L..- I laws halo Oilimobseil to OLOIN_ _ARANO waw s . erg= bo,br. m. NNWINLIT. Sisals" Biaciabs'ifftm • thh t JOSEPH 110112:600 Tv uni6 tuxzis axis A BATI.BI Iruit'STßE Zf ARGIL ISTOOk t :. ‘ I Wire," DABR s i OW UNI. New Dre Goofh4 I POPLINS, i I v MERINO& ROW. Eivress -- 11' - 2 - 1 - - , New Oh SHAW, - MIDS. A. BATESi wririmi extEist". jyauziEl4l,6crkp::- . ..,,Tt 1 . 1 - 1,, 1 1 18 MD NOTION' REDUCED ! IN PRICE I PBOPORTIO AT It t ESIICT/93 ; la .4to , poke Of on *fe re:u. o n i thovid , tha WO inn. ptioo, tor Ins INMAN wow isoo roodoodl,load tat . a routlai .a opos It* =Nolo& Pecolmos !bola tloeFodorilpikeatvo ogr the rum, PAZTIC I I M Y. Stitiltitato est ~r 'dieser& *mom ' .ati . liiiios:' samba* omilloohoor wild 4o coll- oroadoo imlz, eta* Woo • 1 tITON, litaki!it eV% :sioli 71 :... ::L 9 . k AIM . Icting STRIGNI yopzera Yet; oF NimacoDS 4.11111. - BURCHRIELD'S ', - - 1 '..-•'-., - - 7-- - - - -: 77 , .., - - 0 -...i. , - - -.- - -- --. French ;Imi)itis (lath,: )_.- P ... Irish - -' ' -, ...r ! French Poplinsi , \ 4. i '; Plaid Popllno, :, - .!. , .,,,,5,.. ,t . ::,: , , - , -. mil l cotiprgq,.' .ancY. . - '.- :.,` ' - ; - .•::;:':-. j - i API3 i . ,-, --:- , • V , ., - , - --':, 2 . ~.:.:.:, .;.,-. -.:. ,doaks ant ShiwiV nontais is - of mattpteas of AV' toodo lost AZnia. • - • HDBTHLB7'AOB. DOD* AND lusarren. COTON rssiso, eU TL*n WOOL AID intik . i. . , . UND ERG /PlR'' Hoilozzr.4l3.; P/310E8, ait .iniiiii - ei . i*l aItMI7IIINWIL 11:rinferplaili /writ& atvIVALI stymy&l alan 1 /•1 1 1 6aiolooN!oo3ozoollotmeßiest Enstrixeso . se . aserib, • Jai issaissibtas oe an sa-zos sogToscoox. _ - • - mos IdDIIIIIII7IITZII,IIIII - 2115CVL •434.14—LANDIVIG ON 11111111sals•IPPL , • ' TIIII INDZA DICIaa or Lei itip—THl Actards rumor !su -.. n. tat Sth-7/111 QII I IITES4. - . scoops& POTLOTrIIIi wait' Was. . =OCTOROON 410111 ROAM, - • X OHBA'S% 'NtetirEtialt And en r~ .unto! dellag its vat ana Ti6/116111r, .111TX/iNOON at 11 oalock, Cele play will lbal••••)• *go in much • mlanaru LIV =Clio th. ligra*Uat Mad ' • WArindliaSON. MASONIC HALL - 3 •TVISDATi - NOTS/1111)3H211. - ':, V. 0.1 0444 4doirsieglaith andNagle. Arena:, luau= inttis.th:Lishi4itaimeai realm:- paor. aux,uts, Wa51et.044.4:. /44.110.: ,! Admission; salmi*. ro.iniopis stBtdi, _48148ai . 18 ' mammal at 8 *clad'. 2kltatt.sitY IbliAkma In Stamp, and at taalk4a Ma% ttat 1 .12 r A LIU EVE STOOKKOn VIIEStiAr • xr••130 Nov, at 734 ovoikets . at the Golomarctolgolook.Boom. a 4 Path .- -4 shun Pittatodah a Nettle do ..aloacagstrola Itallastra Ow,=, 60 do Pittsburgh it aboilDi B. 111 . .,414, : 4 . •, 300 do Alb:atom, allttabolla 0111.70 i StO do. Collodi= 800'...d0 • Banner , : . .yip Chem Sande; do • - do; 000 - .do 011 Creek Ind (*vitals CA . 04 900 eo lloadir Blood • LOO ,do Hoer =lO • • : • Volta& Aietir.' A DMINIBTRATOBS EALIIOr• BOOSIC; AVOTION.J-Will be sold by o.d.stol Mali; bander% o Imp qoastlty of &obis (ailasallsoati WIIONsfIDA.T ovals& at 73d o'clock, . Its Nan Antallou' Boom 60 fifth - . taxi , deaf thdig volt *Monk Amerlanif OM 011 2 14 atelstemet ,e , Yeebandes Wt. LaMar% _Lsoters% 1151dieri of Ensltad . Gibber.' tOO% llouldaai anl. illitandaor Shads. 7obartsas.4 ameba LLSI of ftroaktadiosA lon of Ms Vaned Ofttes resofteal Nnalhaar...Vtral% f pectstaft health& Cht.4:1.1 mai Bk.iab.lo7 Efm , s; 1)1sy, Cbtaboos• faerobredlo,llllftinded. togethilftrt: with • low tointitt sot ouinsttateil. eskftltias on 'meatus of gala. - - ' • ' • not! • T. 4,bIc9LIZTAIID. AttstioSta WML 101. - ADDED TO THE LIST vv MONS elsvadisdlnsibi:4, to to sell 0.1.1111:11i D A T .v.nh: g , Say. Vild..lll #4 7340 t. C!,!0U'14.61.j par Booms, Y_ 11101 strut : • . .6 Owes Dcrido O fI P 00 Qsi 1150 do .obefry Von s ne od 111,:od noo /pm 011 OOC 100 do 11100 d Amp sud 0613 lb doi ..• • ...• ; do, nelson • 100' -do Ipdllattdoti Sus do do • - EMI AtORES , OF' .m: 1111141TOWNSILIF.—On 'MIDNTAN/47 MIN- , • .1• INO, Nov Md. at. r>4 4 . 40 ck. at Chmuasrocol Booms, 64 TIM %trod, will be so:+1, Ats sore orpod Otsrlini bmotlyi glad, so fivittill 800, bolos„, • portal the old boom Moo, sejsorot.to 611 sad basoda by Inds 01, A. Nark Ind of- Eis. Torzy ; cosopraintioms odzoontooak Term or tole; one filni paw num; p;;; Kati, lath IltrzlA'aerarsally bond Not .. __ _ . , i , q- ra- r ittiatitialigEt,'79l , ll , lolo44 - ::: : 1 - DP OILIIIIIIIIIIB2TOWSHIP.-01 TIIIIIIDAL; i,. llTlllldo,,Novetaisir Ind, st stank. will On Stilli . .,i't an ttiusintallahs Poona IR Ititt Stunt, - i th n s=:' .-1 or land angling to Chartists tointilp, on tbs Sillslnsupths, Mutat this* milts It cow the atty. tsitstg ;, ... ‘Pirt DI lb. tam latslg (mud sad toosplst be Jings:ii , I!.o'tw. It ocr.tans 41 ions, :70 tenths% Wert* ...4 1 tbs Pittsburgh and Iltsabanalaßathosil, me. MAL ..-i - ,: 7 .,, station; Ms land Is sit host; Sun girt, ninths! Itr, , ~“ : bone loin Ssran litisbus. - -" -- .. ,- t..7 , - J 110/5 , , .:-,. Ai BP ELPittnnit nation% 1; ., ' , ; , * 1 patirjusileAid) .LOTlil4:4lii',lVaz. , inT Zvjural); Nem tar; at TA iN 1 1 1 41,14111 , ..i . : 11910;' , At to Saki 'llecotta: TM two bb tt Um !moth Wald. Otto/ PittaktaW Pe , tat LotWirao,lo , soit It 'Jolca Wow ot" , ,stioste an - moth Ms of No strait totlllllllo ,s o' taitotOrtzldll street. latitbwasoli Mimi =Pi 1110 W. t ,orlow. sad witestitec a* ISO bet to itdittotatfook.„:i „ ablotaltinfitS milk than 044 1 19 0 . 4144 doll L Mtn ot* CrIY.4sII3IIBDA , 2 =MUM Neitabor i t purtnu - zra=mticza, -n .1:: illtabtssOlty. situate S. ltivitalit Inds tot 4.1 stripit-100f roCcosta ank• metblllowsok o p , ' , 19 kat on int ainist,,Hi mad Ht ant extol:Abu backlio -testis/81D hipt.fulere. 1014 , „ Asa lisedullmis to ths 'neg. sad utioisiagauktmaaarp. aiatita calattkausilitegs.- Tows auk: - • , • - • MOISTWIIIfICIat4 VIPPOKEt AMAMI TON.-411ATT1327:5' , 0 , A.l3MtAll. W. 3 01 TALVABLI -8001LIkial Ira dertaint Lllortaaal n iclat=adaf p a n T,. ,.. . , i, szate._,____oonme=:gula rasierioviakit COLA YANA b., W 1 sunhat-tate 'veal, tliasuamlat flaNhe amosik nom stmt. astASWIViI I laza ads atartAsi, at atcat.:4o pat. cam ,lakaa . lllayli IttilliAtaa" pical. • • • • A. IFAILWAIDA. • 111,12112015t1M &arm: ' OITYkGROITND.SENT. , •OI • , Una.: Err. SW, rg Oalcalt..tetß ba , laU at eeauctal Salo- Moms,6k illta.aria4 - 0114 mal poiand mita MAO as tat NNW , . ta 1 111 11, , ifr' 'Ws or Pltintival t belt" *Wien at sail aOa icatirwaa eorawat la .11a35. and the *Oar am 114 salt lat,, trattlsaf*Bart;'l; ellaratraat„OattaattrAtil lattlia.aar tomvuomadx4_ AIetrATIPVISANK' , 81 1 04:716': iiitar=elortri.nkr riiiingC.aar:Wl4o ! 730.b2av_wkr - ors.wir.or awned, Inn las ataSAL.Comatistil !al" maim Aptuatinky Raitliteck.. • Vitt. !Sao leetaiumt• IN) MaunfelAitdc..:..,...,.. 1515 d• .31t I1s1m)1 Lin& etodle , Iki*nVl•our - Pt l I rifb. , eolT- L. IdeLWl% Ll* TTITLI3 AT AETOTLIF(:oz. fl ''Fi; lll-21$1 !q; Ot i ott(bo mad &taw NM.* Mittlinitomo; No 47 strait, filmy amortotest - of Wadi of UMW mod 01213Orma, lam IMMO' laufbr As Otte, boVs" ,, 7" ,- . 2 non AVLutimar, Etousigarn _ sonitn, sm. 1134haS 11 Web*. nein Ds Cosermersisl SAW Sams. aril& stneirtlivalallit nazi; 0 - 40. 7 4.: 3 stut Aunt. bilm7 egg:- • . .as9l a_ warc.warai. mecums. •, tr A n lin w% le- Bartet in the' e,i -, pieigumeg.st. VaaFTUK_Clou2smordeliV:jl and Johnsonville. l'autesauss Saila% tavaglisi van nde, 9111 ond UAL soli, 4eStsoasS s _ 404 .1 6011614: Litmus; asen l / 4 415 pee wain l.a finnan imnd Tanaststar lad ir t !reel lettnnotatlea. to Vasa of doldasttota find bon . 1 ? „ - 4 ,- . t. usiefLlowliratil/ iniebattfal. f aNn-seniolL.: ,• Smith' ableaballad Jaen tatty win be reostavd. ' • ,_ Jo RS WOollele, -0 7 • . anitini send Ambient Qtuuteranieser, U. S. d..;*•lllt at.. 111s0sisii dii iii ister 110-Weebitantos saanan.boinsea,Fnuaelq..r. ra h itir g o og. Leek - - „' W, WAIN; anal Arennso,lo • WABlTEllk 6 4o2tatt.ethtvattfmtg attite7ol tulettgoltsthet BoAßs.:Altp, a -storimesaam . tea* tier vettiirtlniatiat le the Nicoll. isetrgl.ll"ll;473l-1, Dviner 't, hot Mo." Nicoll. ao/brance I named der others-Alt banollesd..., sates_ - • 4 1 . IV . a NrS4 ilang:RA Ipint7 flood Cali:wan .4geets, torli tia areal RbiNoi, t Ohio:, TO sub, abase, pus mains WA j 4 1 , 1 3, hi usages. to rba nard Alva; • • " -1 4 • ' intinotr i - Now Witalhlliao. • - 8 . 17AT1019 at ItOlreldnr;S:. to Bran* arbolort aural over llonoistas as in attar bi".; tba may t bas bad aperient* be contiolUnt inewsi-r"I? o-[ 1001UTE1).:--- Arz TT .; . 'rlittg it 06 0 0 T rain*Tinufr, - banT. 'skit intitonso travion new - tee' 'Cell Tata; " I C 4 4' r tis 33,, ,ltlr Wet DePOS APIr MU2MI WaITED;:AQ fr=Wonted to =JR , ' Army nerit,e . trva. .eres.tiknortlit.l„ rag ' V. Aasa!APT • fIIKPBANE? COURT- 13/ILX- - Na of 02 ardor of thatiotaso. Coitito: of otoata I 'ffla awaits runs ask 'Ma " 0 ° 13 " nOtiMln Ow at/ d'tlibtgib; - L-4-V-To an Sut",kr• " 14 2183414 1 0 wg'xkl611•:;;-.* i% Two cisTitar- the eir anvil sit ut, .4 A. , 4 .. I"At t l it . tho u to t e 4 . 130 8 7.1% U 0 tee% &o p, owl Altana. voi log of mood so maw. s l e t t i ad laud It to telt* Aor t a's plan of calpihtatot ••'; - '1 lot Co I tit A C . Boors lOW *Si. itoo, sato( ortdoil E Iva* Mon to t latoly 41c0.ottto Wawa*, sad stpusoa of tootry or lOßZPH Y:`l la nir _ .<1.1! Otoillayst Watt tattOUreo Wraillg"7ll- 4,06, MEW NO. -- V '314 .Ell , 4"weAr - :• 14 1 tap WWI urt. Briketwaos wire. v*L.l 44.1 A siw J. it recitt•oo.o 10A , We the _. Ito a m 9aTW 70 `4 1 ,speft - - ~ 11110:11. qui MUM _coratiot lbw!, gat 4.1.444 , . I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers