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' • ; , • . , - ''''---?•,.--.... :- . . -. . • • - - . ' ! • ' . '''" . "" .z. . .. 7 .• .I, - • g • . - \ -• .1 ••- .. '',-•' -.• • ' -,. -- -- '• •'.: ,-- ...• _ ::, ••:' .:- —.' .'• '.• ' - . ' • . . ...: . ~ . . .. g . - ', •.• -• -•. -\,- : •.-:•-•-• ' -...-: .• - !..... ••• ' - •.,•••• • - --- .... - .. ... • • . ... -- 1 ' .•' . . •. , " . ~... : '... ''' • . A - -.:-• .1 .- • ... -.. • .• - . !--• 1 . '• . - . ..,.._. ..., II - . , . . . .11 ... r . , • • .. , . ...... . ... ~.--0--4.. . .') • • , . .. ._•• ...•. . .... , .... . . _. .. „ , .. . •. .... _ .... , . . .. . _ ._ _ ._.... .. • .. ._•••••-. : ... _ . .. .. .. . i ._.vcitcrin - LXXVI.I.---N (i. .. 294 . • . - . , --- - ..--.,' '' .:',''. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, , NOVEMBER 23, .. MI ', • . . , , , ~-._ -. .. , ~, .i . ESTABLISHED IN ;173. ' vitourweitte. !Wearing Matte.r rioinftesie Casette. 1 • r 4 •The Mews • . • Ga. Gassy' bus non* pad *visit to the Hophe atty.- His pistons** vu kept a Oiret . ft-cm Thilippulsoot; He 'Fuel's' 'Mehl,' vita las fioidist ! ~"114•144•094. 0 11 ablest almerila," hid is eon— ‘thlarr'sppeuidCkfor• the isbna at 1 - tioOpt oitoo bout OubOtooLiii b4 - pkieieg, Iki; . tazkod ni!Ft . 4sy terlhe froiti Heim iatrtap,,orkry man. fltspyi at a . allot ;se deep that *0 ono cis" faiboit policy tiatthimkiraid: • " The pepleet tlitrobol/lons States ate booms.: hi soli ipoid is tisk Int oomplohts siolost WigtalSgi •Tia 7 .11 0 ,1 1; Tho otsildosoo fait the mom of ilisarai tias ia — Kyoli silaatispla sate( Siaddsols bilis Mita. Shi des* sll, 4 oossoisnnsths, doubt sad, doom links tioo liolt Is to GU ore us' of tip whiSialsoilt bt to. Final Wilda std.'s/senior, I,3moskis '50 1, 44 21 foliating ea Peimodi lissi . stalie disposal of Frei. Neat Llao6la~ " Tot, it...pin:rose of aeonsiiii . s . _ _ _ *Simi, to it grate orsistl , gh, ilA,elltall744. lYq FaiNe.n . W gho.llllillllk-112, 01)419/idatbil• tiib foriesAntt know lit what qthrter - • 'thOrriro,solitN biektrardi and; for. I Werte,ll.lsra slap unlit Is *M fogs elle* ' Thu will desoloit '• Bherathee sine ithoW• , Nests la Os runlpt d sailor - dire basin ; testi that those le no variance or difitialty : ea. . haat Uhl ima tho Bearetationd Vas sad Nov of the United Stator, Grotto(( oat of the ositat , lig of Os Mat steamer Ileride. • SeerStary' Wirth' jtublirrtho sot end b', rastathed by:S110. • rotary Barash, • Dow:aald'lL be othorwiii? No satiori , hoo ricooplud the anthers Coifed .• emery so cosi of tho atuathie or anamartial Poise* elute Werth. Balling; thareforo, astir - so neegalsod asp ;ler what mathake be !Eaten whoa parsthittpoit, the oeiaa'oroe of the AO •• - mu T. ksirtto. iiene wtll surworlhe law of Lost at Tins; itotia say hennas .Dstitearat say that it an th e States of ihs Datil -1116idd vote to the nig tEi niaor hi Pratt-, deatta‘eltetios wasn't bialifeteat frau Inlet it . L, Pot do. hint the saieleleitya Ghat. . • bit* IneCl•lnui the ealini elietofat Tote 'at the .- nave Butts, the vet* Inaba niiietaral Cagy vaalkatsad as foUoirs:t *-1 -- 'nocath. 4 oal 16.13■33?01.---- 4 Clotamielleat.,—.—.-- 6 Ans'a • 3 n S. ie llaskpOttes..—.4... 4 14 Now Test _!7 , 13 21 3 • Einar* Pc03311•6213...1... 21 Tam& 1.3123.1 . 4 T 111.6.6 WbconaLk -- t Cm • • - • - : :'...r) 1 1 .1 F t f a1444 ' 3 11. I...ruldsts .1 - - 40 1 0 6 0 1 6.... X, North 06:011r 'mlstraso ••• 6 Lira 06 , 01166........;.. 6 Model Term... : . : - Ifltgfali 10 / 1 106 66 6 1 170 4. 5 Illortanil wars for V. calm . /1010611466 1 teslier =cola's ailorifq as Tots 11; , G , Ways We nertilliti - Aznang Va t} . -.The . pilot -of : rebel oomphstarei aidad head abetted by Ceppeasatt sy mpallasere, to a release the citations priscuto la Chicago, sal lay vests mite cod pirate pc:opt:pp thers,,hOlug 'Alum ailsled In the' bed, thole who escaped strut natarelly elftwberiv lad it /NM/ out trity lietheen treats:CO: i spenbaira of Adz style. Bkftylast Meek the militant: aathoritlea bare be. . Palk swifter the presafteet eariain au:piano .nlebsr ebancten. The menet tecretiag cral the .- ?mono Ina naractar et the daring saleonsta,: wutaken In hand by Captain Cihazio IL Baine s Adjutaat Genera. ti Gaunt Wililith.' 'ph, whit his dettetne, I. H. Soberte, sad one . om two assistants, oureeeded la genag into their 4losidimeslarbandts for th eir eatiirptimi, They fund that 'over a dean of thine 'Won rue ' quartered it Mont hotel, in the city, to a aid ' suspicion ; Mut they were arming and equip lug . ..thanoleas to Na Captain Biwa' gang of no la Ireatucky, and some or this said Eisen bid..!! was In the city. sionted at the :prints louse or • :Ulna.; On Thursday Sight a di: sant was nude upon , he Paolo by adabilan detail. vita arreetad in et them at, the Bread. way Betel, three at H oes eate faland two at the MatUiene. They. and their baggage were fond loaded with reyerrto,Mas- Cailiderate ens% new tidies boott, spurs, es. Their ft:Ptomain was, of coon unspeakable .; They made non. obtains, end ' aired no preteatatlons, as! the earldeaft stool tat so boldly against them; It - was simply restarted that they had been; be . LWtary lExtesUonpla Kezitneky.' Sea. Barbtltg. Unthaneeto Qui* stet bit or; .der of retaliation t rtko . matder of trees eltl. sue 1 - Y gierrilles, to the letter. 'Piro rage idiot to: death at Beadsmen on the 13th. is tinnier the toutder of Union men in that region. Three of than were brothers named HOrtod,:and the two others named Kermit aid Fry. ;The , Bertcho and Purest _ . wero arustad Eransyllte sate time ago tar guerrilleminter, and made - theirescape, end were afterward captured in, Kentialty, armed u guerrillas -They were ex *mud - bye dotal from the aolored mightiest '• statirroed at Henderson, and fell dead atthelirst Ella guerrillas, eiptured 'With 1111 . 1 in their. heads in Kentucky, lout. exceeded seer LULU. • villa, by order of enema Barbrldee on the 17th, , fa retaliation' far the murder of-ilitleavitisans.. - The order is severe, bet It *priers to • be fart ridding the border of the Sonde incereatiw - Kke Lealeville Caen Prrm says "the country border. lag en the'llltle rites shoes that city leutteleg down lite the -quiet of old. Nearly Mil the. Sewed baadehave departed for. another field of operations, and the elder:is are not annoyed by Aker puma. Kobel doge and snob emblems .lueve entirely dhappeared—let -as 'hop.,,; for : Auer." • ' _ _ . ' Apprentlrtablp in Maryland. • • . A late onaber of the Nell (Yd.) Tfkiy Ulla us that since the adoption of the new oonatita. • Sea to Maryland there has been a groat ran on • 4101 .Orphanal.dtoart. in Cacti sounty - to !bare ordired - children - in&matured as sporsalloas.• .Ttossii children were slam prior to the adoption' •e of the sew . wourtltatias, but haring ben - tat • •troo r _by that set, Omar fanner or* now - irtiking to :stain them in slavery by means of • this system of sootantiorsidp. Thettheyo.t atl - 4 'be orphans la seam/ ammeeirabls, and Abe plobability- le either that their omits ---• been 'sold 'oath prior to 'the war or at • they Dare inmett 'carsiod off is soldier' ors& `.• card to the North, or *be that some "hap dodge h muted to la °tart° retain the ahlidzeu • basso and amnia with the hired &ditto. deralopmmtstsemonsilottave Gomm& all inrar iferytind.: 01101 indsotared as soprandass R., whore gig bad (trimly bean "brow, it would ▪ be almost trapessibtelorrumy of them soar to tall t4viten thy •mtcrt• of adult age. C a n. taw. • Willareareoent proolentatiolt wit Wooded to prevent any larotittozu onto the colored p i mpt" of - the alder end &Prows to turn szerolasd sc , salutary offset, for one of the corms applied to - is the opf.routtotattlp matter Totutod to sot, and ; sarigutri as a reason +hi' prcolamostlon of Oss.' Norib Amp-sews, The Opronam of Man., • On the 30th !natant tho opposition of to - Ile Feu will tab* place, sod, to astronomois,,will . be VW* an went in astrolonical history,' -This • t , ' ' Vinci zolyoir be, soon—on any ovsaleigi whoa ' ' ; ,Sho sky , Is 'elesr—in . the northwest, soon *Ow, ' illinSit• It has a most tow-natal, film red brit. . • - Ilsneyiand is rapidly aoprosahlog 04 mitt to :i' - wee Lo opreelttouto the ann. The last two op. „•• 'edam:act Mars occurred to July., 1850, and oa 1 • October 5,1862. Ihst which edit take piaci on e the 5411 instant 'all be followed by another on % ... - Jositery•lOth, 1867. There oppositions, via's. 1 .„.. - oaltatlons, tronspiro st intervals of Montt two ..., ,jeers, As tbe orbit 'of Mars it gotta 0003tItliff,• ' - in departs very oonrlderably front a eirele, tits 1 domes from the earth st its snotirtsive perlgree; il.' tot tits same , bat greatly varies. On Jay; 2L ;11 Sery near, or only thirty-wren and -..... 00 Tel eas•tbird millions of miles from Wit on diptem 28, 1802,; its taut distance was tblrty•elkitt and 1•• • Aldoe !manor zoilltone; at its next, mints* on ~ • -",-- t Morambir 30 it will be noarly Afty-onetaillioss ~ .;glom so, sod ',borstal:en at the opposition of _ •.. -Lastly in Jaastary, 1657, is distant* will not be 4-1. llesstban slaty and one•hall tallilono. - .. t 2, A he OM SICIIVI.e..A. Mr. Glare, wh • digglog • let tenter recently on °tidier r te, ens Bendy 4, `. ~ iteek,.ltt.nango-ecusty, streak gaits a thaw of '- • -: ' all et the depth at tea teitt—the tester being** 141 , , Ainplegheted etith the oil is to be mit tot itset #.7 j:. -cfne dinotyeeey has rafted eontidernbleigeltinten. Ra p .. Alttosig "oil scallop." .w... . 44.44•Z'i , berman , s May tr. trptda DinitelAolhi S. Y. ilsir ..re 4 iAcentraband now to Eats that. It Is known that Glen. Sherman will tout at /deem He ham five eorps of veteran infantry—tile Tow tomb sad Twentieth of. tha Amoy. GU the C. ht fiend, and Irlltaaa6, illiteenth and Seven. Meath of the Army of the Toonetaroorotuirtik, In alter ever 411,400 iettn. littioit 9,400 plated cavalry, under 84'41304 and Ass thirty days' , mikes err man and bust. He jou finely fetaPPU fa aierf beset system mad ecatterlise 4 so complete al loisastil &plait the posilhinty ease, of,: s 6 Mims. The country _Mouth wbloh ' he goes 6 abundantly supplied 4 wlth:-Iseatillattioreld; mid hie seedy Gentry, .trarierad 1.710 few atrason.. If it rain a west .osas olsetekit *lee op or make dove ism the chi, la a fear hoer. Atteiasilvfag at Weetnr,.he.Witi . probably go to hilliadayfille, where he will divide Warmth osialles • part of it to" fievannalt, anSt • Port to Anima. Ile will fortify the latter pliee,eati after receiving supplies up thortlavaasah river, he will be able to move CO Cambia's- (Tharlietes. .The programme, If anted ontsueeettfolly,eompleteiy dtmolislive thy railroad - trouts of the Wats of Grote& The 'Westant - ead'Adeatlo,' mates Chatteaeoga Atimltoe ttato.boodiod'ood thinly 114,14 sidles, to almost totally dea.aope d It will tale • yiar to retrail4 It, with no inane eeStWier alitalalas trove'. , 'l3/4 Going La► Railroad; (a State institution, ma lad Atlantis"; and to wide& the' Oiaaftdorstay is Indebted many millions lir &Dart) rusalag, WM Atlanta to Minds, 171 is . ditstroyeci from AOraiti to' °Magma, 41 tallaa. , ' - oecapatitn of Amite, will , add twits .destraction: 'Phi Mona and Wesitarn 'daffiest!, rimming from - Atlanta to - miler, Ii entirely destrosod. Pan tl9l fob Texans from Kaman to Savannah, is, 191 -miler, !and- au no doubt will monism. Sheruian'a attention In raw days. .Idrom , Au. scuts to Climiesbin is 137 Dallas. IrromAticusta to Ooltunbia,l3. 0., it la 141 by rail. Mostly all the manufactories for shot, shell, Azad alumnal. tlcn, and' osnaim, Sr. at Miami, Augusta ;and Columbia. Mail the ?coder tla cabala ass is ride aistr Avant . If Haatcregard attempte to Intercept Sherman, or follow biro, ha mast and his moire army, with all its paraphernalia, .by rail from Corinth to Meddles: It mast .lersgoaroh from Meridian to Montgomery, a distanonf about 200 milei,trlth only a abort oleos of railroad, with no mamas of trimpartaticir, runnlngl from Uniontown to Sol ma. Bt.the HMI Benuregard reach.' Moon Sherman would bak oat of Ms reach. Thomns is watching O. P. T. 8., and 1s bitog hsavlty .forced (with new trropt.) Ina week from Mo w, Theme army will Mara 53,C00 men, berldra.J. Smith, vitals miftoperating with an army or ob. senratiou. Oil Ricßeitent wa,Clartou The'oillever IS preluding through Clitien etunty to an exteat almost equal to the early ezeitement slag Oil meek. lb. Clarion river tuaalmost parallel with the upper Allegheny, et s dielasee 'ibbut thirty miles, emptying 'tote it fifty milss below the month of Oil meek. Geologists desalt, the strata" formatho is be the um; and It Would not De image if lc were equally dolt with adevelops& stores of peke. leem. . TM/ ago tails boring for salt on the river, ollwusteaekand gathered ln small quatatlea, llama then deemed worthless. Lou 1.9.0211114 Lyon Shea & Co. stack what is geld to be a p0.,14 wall at edge Femme, en one of the,tri hatazies of MI lower Chalet. Soong ineestigs.. aloes have diamond tbstilstenee of oli spier all Moog the stream. A vein of ell was steak by the Clarion It ear Compile, la their litif the minutia Blysaa's Ron, and we Ma Imp 'of s stillest Alum Beek.— Capitalists and ash of lents miss sere allato the hope:taco of thia re gion. The head aloag the - Clarion alma and its tribute:lse km' neatly all bees parehased or Mar. eel by ampules and, ladirldaste. A large tam. bar of sagbaian beat put top,ps (den Mks )rtU seen au platy' aim ill along Me Allegory, in Vaingo manly. Eren es high up as Clitiegtou Is Ideeet , `eoanty t = l :liens an asisiag to for lorcead, — Ter tlithoop.op. take. on Cieny'aiii lath the for sear the atm meatteued Wadi hieitleziot the shin theta to 'heir the Toot Veal to develops the alarm m- an wealth' ete*Peauspboluda: t inesipitol belbrettild to boa cm the OW. lan tertiary, ad would not les gimprldog medusa& arts lag that stream were emoted by its seem "lade the wit twelvemonth. A Great Railroad .lladoetattold Th• work Of tunneling tint alp for rallpt porposea Is so slow, compared with them Asa of balling badtaw*Waratimtwass o• dad Icaly; that it la ouldadtdikattd a ddl road overatimestatalas on ors (Labe tettamy road eeniseted by the trot lispeleea. Th• but. ad villain ite , , could:tat it , tees that twelve ' railroad oa bo bath -- In-two. When it is remembered that the summit, of!the pill? Wags% the mantas= Is turn Wallowa teat shore WM hovel of theses, with gredlenfs at rose petal, of one la twelve, the (imolai oqiipty uric; thodimaalthl of tto andertatiog map be .gel hosi.bed. A locomotive axprossir tor mob suceate'sad dtartatt baa beau eonstraeled., The reliway,will be twoored with ipalhnieirof word, Iron sad stems to protect it from door dill t. odd ovotatelps. Tao ot gigot has booadtv. orAly ricairad . ty 9s• goternanat, lad Haatith a-optionale propels to bald li. It Wilt' Action tike os mind toots to India in lodated DcArefe# of the Parket. latoillgena reader is aware of the esol_ that Are Papal throne at Homo is now atMpoited b 7 the Hmparor Nspokmo r vith Preach .troept; . sod it la instanced ibM to the year 1866 lien .trcor s will befall zatithdrewa, this learinethe papacy to eastda thelfliy each strength lit Katy to goisessid of. - ..A London paper calls 'at.: tentl.s to the slgallimat fast that this very 'year (1E86) is the one which Burly afloat most emit sot oommentaton On` the .New Testament aid writers on prophecy from the than of Bishop downward, hays, by a wonderfal don- CUM I ot optslos,l aided as the year In which Pepiry is to :active ill death blow. Stow Seale tx Warier, Weiseatosnrsa• ?be snow fell in Rine and Heath to the depth .of eight or toil inches an Sandop and it wee good sleighing on Monday. In some please in Booth the road is sie bloiked_by drifts shat the to had.to bottle then oat with their oz teems.. Those wsegood sloighlng in Sultan's ; . alto Fn the selAning town. serrate the Catineati. a 4 In Litchfield b aatj, Oonnesitietit,the snow, storms of Sunday woe very arms; and the stage from Norfolk, to Wlnsteed,, early Menage, snernlng nos only ei•At en nnnnn re, bat tipped over throe Uwe he size nate in osissognanals of the scow&lSt& _ . , A PATRIOTIC CI. vto —Cotton Mather wag famom, as men them tiergymrn bare been, lodadtn g Bishopath partioutarly, for the dm- Mr 'nitration of Emiptorre to ertmatttopies, A !spoon of Middletown. Ct., rectally won no riot; by obany ol the. same Valley. Ca'tbe oocaslori of a Union 'torchlight dellitsll sizamod, be disslidimi a. manop"ioncry over Ms door, emblosoned with this quotation from her. Hs 22:16.4 0. Thor angel of the Lord collet unto Abrahant eat heaven a serand time." lasstra.—lt ds statad that .Mr'. Bastard Ell dreth, well lama la literati abates la the UM. ed Save', is said to how heisoiarhopelesaly de mon*. Epos the seeeralott of Er. Lincoln Er.. .11114relb—tlies in la my bad atsta of lualth.... was at:Totaled to thilloatalati of Urea, whisk peal•ita to still held& Els dlaesse, softealag of the las% astartiadsoothy exessaire Uterali labor. his - heart dvidealty proposals's for so= years. untitst length his lateliaot ha; ben de. s tarcatd. • - Cam en Hers' Our ?-.The Weekly Maas, of Ron county, says that • yosog lady of Rost Theist, thalami:dy e bid *a offer of monists fromlysitot gmothman, is tallowy That h °suns] M Clallatorso *haul he would many her. to oldish*. wooded, and if he orjut not Weeded s sr to racist& shed four ymus lodger. Pour yo is • long period is life a. • nartiorstd• youht - Tady,sat we hem souto doubts that—if ode it handsome, mod realm very many proyoSts:.- ohs our toad out. P sssss LTIMIA OpAL Tuns.—Tbe tonnage for is season thus h rata*, eta very larga Agin of 9,110,82 c tons lagalnst 8)333,366 to corral - cordleg tema last sear, 'bolting an meets's* Of 486.08 tens. ..Iformlthitandlog .hts largo fl aws in the prodttatlon of col, Aare is no emir, stork la . any Millen, that we learn, leaving faeig t lence that, La demand ler coal next ass son will Le seta gloater than it Is now, and his %eon anther ye ar.-1111. _ . A MIIIISGZ!111 I:i i , lirterst.--At the all: or Al. & roan- 'rebind, I, Phtiadelehls, en Thartday, • part! of gantlerten met ea !madness. By an odd telecl4ezee ibtlrasel wets wholly quedrupo.. dal. • Th• party e adited of woll-tnawe eltietes li of ICetalegten— etsr.. Lamb, Wolf, Palate! y o z, Boot, dad Carnahan, (proningsaad CaanL) .They caned tbanifot a oonformaaa with a Kr. Han ter teeardlng tdippointmaat. - 2 . . . . . • Ex•Goy:ZAVISJI. ittiworttp id Broth- Bero. lton, wbo ;RI It tly -be remembered by hit meth calling Northern workingmen “mitdatilo,” died on the 13th blot., two duo before the eont• Illation of bie Intl ear: Although midis fervelit Input of free lett and laborers, tho-31•Intnet ~, WU daily one as M e from a Yankee, Ma falba kelig a native of istnohlustts. -; .- .. r i .....ivrats llti nu, of Vermont, rued to Fay that tba bast ritlrlsta be-arer , nassive/ ms lisprosatang was from srlittli boy whinst as bis feet, Icoktn i , i gj i t , tato, his fsoo,', as he was. warning to a aro d !loam /is be was golag ow veil *sine ,tne , littli follow spoke auk cYces aid tlitt•toie." ..... • _.. .. • • . . ' AND 'CITY The URBAII. Meting of the. .hod • rate Wanton. • A Sleeting of the Coal Exchange wea s held this latent:an, at their room callow* street. The attendance was units large, and eomdderable interest was Manifested la the messages. Oer readers will mm=1661 , 110,1, some time ego, General Moorhead, Presidentelthe Konen .. ... µWs Bleekwater Ifivigsllon goinpany, won "taken to neeturet" for the =eau la which the affeln of that eempany 'baleen iniesaged with reference to the cod Intimate efthe Monongahela valley, That gentleman, try Invitation was pres ent at tie meeting, azd by:lects, and lijures in his potsmisioni exhibimd snob • fall, oleo? end satirfseMry.vindloition of the - polio, mfr. , iced by the 'corporation, that the members of the Exchangepassed a resolution ezentratiag ebe company lions all censure, and also passed a unanimous vote of thanks to General Moorhead ft.r'tha interest which hie had • menifested in fostering sad eneeariging the coat husinms. The Ganeeal showed molt conelisively that the chirp, made In reference to the policy pursued by the ocrporallon were not only erroneous, but that, op the other hand, it had 'beta the °bleat sod aim of the company to extend every' fatuity le its power to all and-develop the Goal trade. The En:hinge tliewtook up the quell's° of the cost of digging, and en animated ghtauslon an 'nod. The tenor of all the remark; _suedead edly in lam of pot paying more than Ire tents - For hosteller digits', and all the itensbers pre rent pledged themselves to that deMnnlnatien. It may 14 proper here to remark, however, that the Intonate of the trade are so varied-and our Mating gait the publiq (we mean. our own . eitismos) seed not expect mach bluetit-from this drennination. There era throb - or four duns of coal Interests mpretentad lore, sod them seen wholly irreconcilable la ante 'IIIIIpIPOLI Par to. 'stance, there are those whe float Goal to the low er markets, in 'broadhersts," as they are used. ly called, and whose works arrnearly all baste - on the Aver. The -p prim of coal in the fewer Mertes will not justify this clan in pay ing evert dreeente per bushel, and hence It pays them, coder proaent olrownstancros, to suspend operstiotua Thera is another class of deniers, those who low barges by steamers, many of whom have heavy trostraela to All at Cincinoad aid other points. These dealers must meet the demands 1, open them, oven-at lois, and they cannot ' weld paying almost any price demanded by the Mysore., • There lea third aism—those who supply our manufacturing and other establishments, under penmen, ..Theee cannot suspend operations • Kkent greatly damaging business, ;and leg /on upon thenadvevand their cultomen. In addition to these, there may be said to be an. abet class, by whom small consumers, iamb ties, etc., are supplied. The greater balk of coal emplaned here Is hauled from the pits to the Imo Millets vicinity of she city,or 'applied from the pads which draw their supplies fromplts leered on car railroad limes. Fuel cow be had, end when the dlgpre stag for an edema* the dealers at once eel to work to nicotine whether I' will pay atres to yield to the demand. -Emcee it is that, while one alms referees to emplorthelr men at more than Jiee cents pee bushel, another daeswUl givemests mats es Noe as demanded. We him ft Rated tro.ley that all the pit 'own• ere alerg the railroads have ;eased to pay tore than fire cents, and that . the diggers have turned 'ant- As a vonseqinace r several largamanufarm taring establishments have 141611 compelled to suspend operations. doodler resort le, that a tarp oeal merchant has propasai to deliver neaten - She wharf, fortes rats of the ' citizens st tea cants per bushel, pro vided's no wharfage will be ehtzged by the o ty. IF this be true our clement eon be expelled. through, the whiter et about twelve cents per The fuel question Is jest now one of abiorb lag interest. Pad We hope some plea may be speedily edopted to-;!lever as from the -tbreat coed "Samba" Destructive Vise in - Henning Townablp. Is elm morning edition, to mentioned Mad, the distraction At Hears. Holdship k Co.'s Oil ilOsoil,lOwitoil et Be teka ' s;Bw,ta Bums township. We visited um Josue to-day, and found that 01111 damegi was musk greater than . at IPA reverted. -Thar - -Herakeallb Bethany of . Mews. Pennock, Ball k Co., adjoining, also took dre, end a Annaba .ot ths .biudinv. rite, with a large cease* of oil. were weed: A large talk in the establishment of Youtm,lStildstlp C 44, litiedMith oil, took Ire,: wheultrat. sea the batting oil ran dawn the pint ABA let fire to the chandlery establfah. seat ot,Wr.liacipiek aelaffar, whit* was wise destroyed. A number of basement houras were also keened, the old Bandelmanstin being moss its somber. It pse feared tar &abort time that the whole valley walla be laid waste, end nearly ell the inhabitants commenced marina their household effect, to the adjoining hill,, bat fersunnhely the eantisaretion was stayed. Tie steamers Hope, and General Greet were apeodily en the round, and es the Are was but alt4rt distanee from Ito airy Meta, they made attachments to the pleas and rendered saatent service in saving th e a djoining . property. The *temper Neptune of this city, was also panes, . ;ma 7ctkc d chit lota tour aortiog The sties of the fin Is net known, hat II Is surtosed to have been caused by an aeouesula. tin of ps; The stills had just been fire! up, end Ihepose-neoltswenirunningbensale. Stow was telling gaits fast atthethee, and the rum. Mikis It that the &wing of the apertures tits ogh • the roof • premmed the mete of the I as. A sliglit explosion totems& Immedi ately alter wltioh the lasts beret out, and the re. Awry was soon in a taw. Another statement msdit to the effect that the explosion eras tarred by the bunting of a letup: The estab:hatment of Mews. headship k Cs. was to. of the most complete of its vise to the eent‘my ' and him been in operation about four seers. Ttostr ion Is estimated at betweed ten and flesh thourend dollars. Ths firm have an inenreurs of 110,000. spotty dirlded between the clarets', of hew Yost, end fish Charter Oar, 'et Hett!ord. • bens. Peancok & llali will loth about $lO,OOO, Ata all the oil consented la both the rallaorlea be oared to them. They, wets elm latured for $lO.lO ola the Oltireste of Nee York; and'th e Charier Oak. We emit /not aseartath the amount of loarsattahted by Mr. Schaffer. SABlttl* 60100 k Caraitaknos.—The eighth auntie! Thankagivlog Cebsbration of the Sabbath Pcbcoli of the Reformed ant United Preabrter lea Mambos .1:1f Pittslmre', Lawrenceville and Ittnotegbam, will be held in U. P. Church, Seventh West, oe Thunday. 24th Instant, at 2 Addreasea will be delivered by the Rev. Joseph R. Ron, Rev. Robert Trsoy, D.D., end Rev. John O. Brown. D.D. Those ealelbrations have proved veryinterest ing on formerioCemions ' and we hope to see • hue atteadeate• on That sday. $24 Lori.LA poor methanie had the =Wor n:toe to lose about Penny-four dollars, so the railroad neck between Harrisburg aid Rent 'tidos; Tito mom Will la • Itather-pooket embracing three departments. Please. honest Ander, band the pothet.boolt, together with the 'mew, over to Adams' Repress, in order to be fares:deli to.Pittaburglt. Pisani address J. N. - dlager. Par conditions regarding reward, eta., pleamecommemicate with the before Aimed Br. pine *Moe. Newspapers please top,.. • Titus Tamen Cocart.—A. puts of fifteen or entees ions thlowee were eanght lut week Io Tglor woosts, West Virginia on their way to Dizie with • lot of gluten stolen .horwee. Two of theta soma Leeporltail Jackson are aim in Fairmont jell awaithig dmityrienwoes sal* of boats on Mamas' owning, sylifsClotMiro suotion; 55 BIM area. Uus'ander ablztt and drawers, tom wool Odds hookah glove, and odapoodorl, at Ida CdollaiWo asoiloa, 65 Fifth argot. Ladles', pate and oldldara's hoary whiter boots acd slam tol li ng at print* sale at law prise, nt MoOlollaud's &sada la, 65 Ptah stroot. Is you Irma , to got s gdod and °hoop set of Ladles cr Minn' Fars. go to the solo of Fars to morrow (Wednesday) shampoo, as 2 o'clook, a• ht'Krlsey's &motel: home, N 0.47 Fi fat street. The ladles ars partreutarly it:salted to ahead the IC', which will to wlthcut Wnrtxu—Old winter has at length given us "tenon of his quality." Asia set in ou Mangey Wight, followed by now, and today the ground lambed in whits: The air U haven andbraolng, and hteteforth we may enpent frost, Ise snow sod "'lush" In *bandit:a. - D/VIDIND.—The Directors of the Flrtt National Binh of Brownville, deolore a an Idt sol of al: pot cont. on the aspics' stook, eat of the prOati of the lut iii south*, filo of Gar• ernment tax. - ' ' Bel OLLIII%;Tie restdostot oi Mr. Hooker, of Oil. eltioirao.ontorod a for Welts slues and robbed of ;145 In Rickey, and slot a dry goods. Ono, _lndiosinstits 'aired boots, shoes, sod goiters, at McClintock's, 98 POdorat stops!, . dcc trine of boots mastoid' chap atLoOlin tellNidoral "treat. ‘, • . I:km's pals of those fake glovo kid gettrta, a SIG Pedant street . Diplomatic. - Stw Yong. 'Net. 23.—The Tame Washing!** eorreapozdant erosionen* the story of an-taws. ?tow botwear. the PrenaiiXinistarsal itattreiso7 _ . coward, olgati; . - GIN. GMT TO Tail Tagtrk GIN. GRANT WAS IN NEW YORK. Grant and Scott . in Conference.;- , , Interetting Interview. OLDEST ADD ABLEST GENERALS: The Confute - racy - is but a Matt. SHERMAN IS TO BURST THAT SHELL Nat[ You, Nod. 22.—Eineral Giant left thlit city for the front, yeetuday afternoon. Bp IGO . :rscistubhhf presence here was kept as claret aS possible; and althaaph he wu at the sestina sof the GOTIIIIIOt oleo; of New york, on politer+ day, no .mention wu solidi of the fact, tai the emounb of that affair.' • • Before leaving, the General milled on General Scow, and bed an interesting conformists. Gene Boots presented blew With a any of his ',silo , blogrephy. writing on the fly leaf, "'from Una old tistre the ablest gemsi to the wort:Ls To a mile:non of thin city Guaira! Grant sold on Sunday:. The Confederacy Is a Were shell, I know It, lam sure of It. It is a hollow shell. and Sherman will prove it to you. • 'The calm, modest oonsol of power with which thin was said, more than - the words, boa; vsyedto kin ThitOf an urqualitted eonvictlins of the tenth of 'the General's remarks. The sumer to • question whether, in. hie opinion, ninety dale would bring the end, he said with • grim imila, sok° not• prophet, bit we shell see what shall be done it sin months," FROM REBEL SOURCES. Difficulties of Trade In the Beath. lIISAFFECTIOR WITIITII6 Alan ISTN4IIOII OF 7BYF,• MK NEWS FROM RICHIIO,IID. Reported Captures of U. B Steamers BEAUREGARD DECLARES AN ARMISTICE: Independence of Thic, - South to be Acknowledged. - 1 •8W! FROM MERMAN GOOD Neer Ten, !Nov. Harald prints lengthy repot of the experienie qf northern serehantia Georgia for thil , put ihrosys ars lend who has Ist* soaps/ Loom duilionth. Hs giver. en itteresting statement ferWtht auaid ties of trade in the Efonti,'eonsequeat on pm, striving of the Mashie, and doradoMollal of Gls rebel carrenoy. ' Ihe.disaireotion of the people with the i t talaistretien and UM Simians of d.O ta, Colombia, Wilmington and Macon, and the no Mon of the country through which filierandtb: tow warding, Are fully Tbeltiohntrad papas of 13attadityarersosited: 'Tiro annedßalbld BMW steamers are repotMC l to betes& sphinges Big Randy fife?. I t Genial Breeldaridge, to bus Tanieueet is'. endeavoring to win - the people in that distrist to allegiance - tpjelt Doris ; and .liadlsolmeC an amnesty I. aryls will lap down their Sas .and mane bukwisoking agehitt lb troops. t t In therebel BOW of Represented's', ea Us: Iblithak, and in the Beasts os tha 19ityne' a-: does wae.olibred op Iliesars. Henry lad tthi , of Ten., that thews erm to be marled on iltj the independent's of the Booth was aokadwl4,: 1 t. STANTON AGAIN ON Burr - The Reported Death of Gem' Canby Probably True, REBEL PAND CONCERNING SHER MAN'S MOVEMENTS. The Sixteenth Corps AbolL•hed. E FLORIDA AFFAIR Taw YotE,Nov.22.—The Trani e.Wulanigton sw mai eau Elearetuy Stanton wu alga at his othu to-day. 11. has ao WU of leaving the Cl.otret. Mr. Lincoln Informing hli new cabinet will retard Young America. The repotted death of General thaby Is feared st the Wu Denartmont to be too true. Ins death will be a great lots. G.mer.litowlinp,Grant's thief of Eitaff, thinks that there is a sump/akin Hiolunond concern ing Ehannan's more. moot. Ste 16th Corps has been abolished, and Gan. Bier, ordered to report to this Militaq Daniel id , the Tbere le no srsaissoo between Ssoretaries Wens and Seward, on the florid• •Bair. See. the aaVand Seward It hunting op satbirity. 8 Court -of Claim—Lostsiog Cot . • tou Plantations. WiMISGTON, NOT. 22.--Tbe D. 8. (Lod of opened yeeterilay, bat adJoarnell over to Ogee:tutor. Only Judge Loring Was Institut. Wipe Clairon, of thi U. 8. Scion= Coiart, iit a from Hmhville chat bewon't be obis to ke in the city, at the opening of the Court. Tto South !Carolina Tan Commtuloner.will commence leasing cotton plentatloas for ! the tinning year at Hilton Hoed, December 4th. M!=l= P ass DA Ke y ) N oir.l2.—The steamer Mire also trout Liverpool the 101, arrived this morn ing. The bank. of Eoglend reduced rate Bth. The Danish Wirer Iloutohas adapted the treaty of peace bye large majority. Liverpool 11th, cotton bonyant, with an advance of Id. Moiling opverd: Consuls doted on • the 11th at iity,49l%; 1115.(7antra1,61,W5234 ; Discount Erie, Ot@tl. HENRI G. HALE L • 11E80HA* T Th. 11011.11; Northwest cot. hot and IL Cilia Mtge% • 1:" • An wow nostVeg lath. mecca antral of • FALL*. WINTER GOODX, . , Mob, ill aim** of sauna sad bad ortaallty, • ,to. tabu wttli tats rites bola bovibt thew gold wu at tot lowed fp" they an now pruned to IMMO op ustaing tbalr Itaa oa abort Gotta sal . Out data uspla. ituatalog tanks to task Pleads and to pab , lie yr ton final, and hoping In tams ascent td maims. to Oat. a Kauai loyalty's or lb. ratan. And ATTOMINMI63-AT-LAW. I BiSEKKLIAI BLOM; Eleuthera Papers Paine Ruin to Misr- Mir Yong, Plan. 32.—Tho noes' iraoldas • tni nodal lap : Elate:ma aspen of tha Mb ua ramtrad to day. They cantata itotatag farther from Strar. alas, tat they talk boasting!, of Qs rata that await' him. mum a. tiara MoMASTER AND !Anal, soutorroße 01 CLAIMS AND "gATENTS; 98 GRARTZTREE r, Pittsburgh. LICENSED BY GOIrERNWENT TO COLLECT norrirraa, P.11:11310FM, BACK PAT. an other 1111.12.1it2 _O3 _R.LVAL vipitr.et too United Motto: 058111:15 08,CD D3LLABI, duo Salilert Midi grig. edort arc-cat of vosmils rewired bAttla, whited lamerflattly. ' WrCBll at 98 GRANT swissiT, I=l _PRESSES Foil BALL -1 ADAINT rLUfIT riu* &um =NU ON6 TAYLOR CTIMIDEI, boa 531460 lachm CISZ TAILOR DOICIBLI_GYLIHM, b.d Me 51 AU hz good vraittag esiat.' Win be lel4 - al bersela . 'On ; .eel - wowairs.ttlabgroi, 71W. A MEB.-2 0 }bb. °box°. Bellflowers,• iso *. hd• Idamd ansauo. for - tDDLIt. • OIL 4 Arc. BONDED WiligEOWE OF Phenix Warehousing Company . , TOM or BAUM& BARBBION BBL, BROOKLYN lot atorsti 112121 ED PZTROLEITH, la Teaks and 2 11arilla. Pao Mai Ms, N 0.921 ,8ELY1C8,8112311.,117 Jona wiLLWE mann. WALLACE ; & CIIET/EB, ' Commission Mos ' Lad dealers In • ORVIDE a REPLIED PETIIOLEI)/1, 11321=2 AND WBBIOLTIISO OILS Efe..134 SOUTH WHABF733, PILIZADZILPRZA ti/'[loege Wulf, (=dor wawa br 15,000 barn& Also ezeellout militias for ahlyphig to Atconicau arid Joisto • ports. at car wharf au the Schuylkill MM. oar the platform of tho P. V.. 111. wetly JAMES' WILKINS, mum LED DIALER TN OMR AID REFINED OIL, rum imam, DOM= WAY, P/22E11 (MOH, PAt IMP Special Ittoitlcm Won toa.adstmak m TENT of Parc& not sad its proarsta. • Clooafinsoonto rospoctfdly nolkf THAIII I NZVIOMP k a n"IS43° "LAM Witty roar bmas BOX 1123 RICHARDSON, HARLEY & 00., 031111113510111 a rozwestoure wimmuns. Grade and Refined Petroleum, It. la LBW= erusr, minnows. OLT Lltrirol Orb Mumma on oonlinrunanto Inr Pitts. err& or Loran Markoti. iminses mum= g Zama. J. B. Dthemth /I Oa, =rpm% 1101M i rrisi. Oamaretal ti 4114 em vv. Lts. autos. a.. HERON & CO., • Oaks, 281 IMAM WREST' (Omit= below Ewa.) COMMISSION MEROMANTS, Ace dreen V Plttabost Manufactures •nd CRUDE is ILIZFINELD OILS. Liberal ad, ma.l4 an 7LOIOII, OWN, EMIDS, maltm And GREEN AHD DRUID TI MM purl vITY OIL WORKS LIDO I,OIIOBPANNINO, Illaxnaftterrin end Belmar c4CLINIX OTh B E EN. AIII1) manuannea 0114 Naul algal Its CHAUX).MI PETROLEUM[. Waits, meets flarpdmirg. Plat, No. If it&KLI MEM. §9ll.lla_ . !mama, Psi B REvw., MUM 00., 001/111181031 IKEICSAII7II. maw GLOB; PlOlllO AID ,LISZETT Om WCIIKII. lama grak ammo .ii` am einilicesali Rafted or Onfide Pelsoilestas. 001 L 000701611 - 1/4111 I IWIRXXIX Mir 11. was ROWS= ABtiliVo,l73, ihk. gm mars Ift. 1112•26111=1. • lerWaraing * Onissiulmt Isrohani ..4uus murals se Wra ' MILL ,LIMEICUIIII3O,O3MNIIPS. 1M01X011 . ., eocataatly as band ant liar Woo tle bawl I prkata Oasolgassaala sad ordeal WARING & KING, Petraleast and Usk Products, Aid Cvslas la &rain ILakes& 80. to imams? !Pr! Fittlbttreb. JAMES IRWIN, AU of 1111301 and £au Anomie. • • =M a ra , riw AnarinhAßZOS. mtar NremittatinalleS. LOMNT OIL WOBKH. DUNCAN. DIMAP f WI.. rim White *nil Cubes OM. Mrs .911 ••• ,1 era X T 411.0 as FASHIONABLE DESIRABLE GOODS ioa 61*8 & YOUTH OIMMI =Arm. ortxmat. EN THE BEST STYLE AND Min, R. B. NORRIS, 11.111361A16 TAILOR. 79 FEDERAL, STREET Alleghsny. W. H. NroGEE. 10 ST. CLAM STREET Wool 4 tau the attontiost of buyers to Ids Tito,* of oafs. It kat berm solo:tog with great atro, sad orra. atom al the sunset stalco of roots to be fooad la VP War botulal. GOlttl Wildl64 Of Obthee Mad* $ll odor. will plow, all and azamlui oar goolir prior. Alto, • foll sag toreiphat gook of Furnishing/ Goods. 110312, glarchattlagag • rytA .14.10 Ilt.Clarr street 11110deit WINTER 0001) --Ava Revs OW lIIISTOBS only/BENT OP onscons. • d Children. TEI RN STYLES. • 't a 'Amur, a liMink IPUMIT." L411161E 48 BIIITS AND For Boys ~..•:.,-,, i , . :7.,:,,,, i i:g.:,,..gq _ :iq.i* , .::.:-?,:i..,,,-,J:.: , -4-: , - :- . ;'*7 - ,,k,sm, 4 '.;izaw•A - tzwisaa. a Y. ~~ PL N'oll. ifs mli,. of t. prams t, - • PIANOS! iiii4ffli WM. B. SIitAOBVIATII NEW 1 OFULC t sad saFonAcriuts $ coo naiad/di • CELEIIRATED 6L PLINOS , . Mira end pest GOLD AHD' ITS DI/DLLs re. Meta lethal • =ath at Beata Yalta =a NJ: of the •••tfao Itutitastf, Dr" 'Pak, to LOW by EXP. D. DBJ.DBUDI !or the BEST PIANO FORTES. autquouißrA c0,4.'14 missincl the CATIVIAL Ii'LLAOI NUB iIZDAL at Lambs, itli• ltcu battag recalcal at tome museums Nadas. MM. mu sad alimlal-/Mcorta ft &am Fairs sad Usti. tato. lkta lan numenme lotion of recromamadatiou tba b' at musical Watt-00TM ALMS, XL/1130)5. sad Mims. Mee a ea. jiff:talent or nava r00.n3 BC IBTON mut t num Au manual °mum ABD mita. navae,ut.trranaa far Apt Iron, WAMELINK BkRR, NO, I!, Shell's Block, St. Clairlt. eirvinnito AND IMPAIRING don. at Coded DMION MINT NIIIDO bomul In any itly. AN EXAVINAnON OF !IWO* & CABINET ORGANS. WHI emrtnee say one of lb* svforlorlty of rbb funks ores OH others. Several of las Improvements In %bow Inktrnments an pa Lente' and owned by llama a Bun. 11n. rasp Sin ortment now on band ea V.. wierrroants of du subscriber.: i► OW sad ezazolso them Debts pecrobsiog U.. 'bus. CHAS C. mEts.on. II WOOD OTEXICT, Bole Agent etr the Osbteet Organ. 8 . 0.41h1.16N, HOINI DECKER'S PIANO. 11011ort Phalan b ameba gNABB'S PIANOI3.— I ft HAIM BU' . PI/1151011.-4L Weald mortairat of thole' arifivollod Flamm whl.h vi U tiv sold at a ndortloa of from aft, tovevesty.d. donor. Ivry than tvotory prima ociald• log fol.], of Plana. PonlroontaLl of ozonllanec two Tbalberg, btrackoich and ft. flatter. Lao front nom at 0 b more verforrit Proonic. and anuffears In Ohs caana7. Montan soot by well grotto. erPh OtaBLOVIB 11L0P.7. illth attest. N. SINDLB, IVa 185 Sairrasnia Pianos and inakral Instrninenti,,, Lops exwbuttr on WA • An*uwatmabi of , • . XVW PIANOS, MOS, Ss; ISMS k• TIOIJNB, GOMM AOOOl ie sO3O. = PIN bw pr %Mind aducriers. OIL CLOTHS. Ns. N EW CABPIETe3 AT PANIC PRICES. wood mw nadving our , ror POI Stook Joirt - purotoW ad, utt Our a choke asoortomat 01 tko mead potion, CARP= OIL CLOTHS, DRIIOOII2I, * eta', t &a, &O. llarq wldcb, an sot to be WA *Mum AT A REOUCPON OF F_ROMTVIENTY-FIVE TO FIFITJER COM hew pria . i 'of a tavr wadi ilea morauLtin) a COLLINS, _ „, .4t05.11/171111 am mu" = Slott boon ts Mot. wood Ow. NEW CARPETS. !tow opening, • lup stock a BRUSSELS, lEHLUES, BRUUSETS, MEDALLION CRUMB CLOTHS, OTL CLOTHS. Wool, Dutch and Hemp Carpets, List, Bag and Tarn Carpets. CarpM. Sweepers, Mt., BOUGHT DURING TIES LATE rApl W. D. & n. McCALLVM, ~,a ST POIMTH SZWIXO 074CMIMES. W EIBRIAIt ViMe3oll IZP/OVED HAMMY SEWINCMACHINEEL ente WOES? !MINK IN TUB WORLD imams re is TEO MST: ‘ow Onr dam* otoWnos hove boo m% On Op, ors to no Is Prilabacfli and tiotalty. TEM SALES 4.14 z GREATER 411 Others Combiteed. re NAM i. TH1l• "LOOK STITMEI" ea UM MO soy onoautit too am:NA of Uri./ Mit to .o:4 •Of tato CHAIN sTITOR NAIIONINID, No co. bof IBM.s Macis, oxittlAoy mataall oaf to metitas 1.1,491. tboy on irortarbot tOr large non pirsrattcrritox waste 1111,111110014 No. ft MTH IfRII!. WIG MIMI= * 00., Alrialih 1111.31Oralmm Nottamos tot Noto !Woods allooiso.l owl Li CLAMS AWLS' S% W. it HALL' KTTERSON. Ar' inv. and Navy Agenciyi NO. 144 ectiaTtl STFEED PITTSIUMIZI 'pusaroins procured; BOCISTIZS, DICE PAT and PkIZE nowsr, and 001[11 CITATION fiILTIONS rdralaaut prlumarr coneorsd. - • , PAY OrPRIBOBVIS OP WAYArea be &fen b 1 tindayrivra or widowed mothers. • oar , woIII , mBD SOLDIERS. no° Bouirrt • TO £IL woutimo itormitaq : ti sew t tas POI matilw /0 - 44gliomseal tlt.ao nov • otamild. Monk by tirs UAL Cionramst,' • no.lotrlfthr Nat, Pittsbarxl, Lea balm th• airtslsus Vl' MARI Millar& BOUNTIEIi - rszinobri -SACS • PAY zed lIILLTPART. 0 MB et every demi:Mon, eolledixt by the it. ledber at tb•lbllowlng ratas. si - 0. O. TATUM, Awei ' Lmr. Grant 'asset; MihwO, 111. 4 5 0 eblulim us auk If the elan dm not see. bbd AU Inlbrmation stub petit • trfaly SOLD. CILAMS, 11013.NTLIKEI, ammo= axa iaitamia or raw. • , rres.pfly ifterded to by • ' amaze a atpax4,' awrriusTscri ran • ADM! tiL i ta rt zi ••• Omen, i loam& Irmo' lot as Ma strati.' • fitk IMltiarde.Mn „ ~ ..141161P7Allilik MIMI _ , 500&E. 41.517.014.Eie. /KW BOOK& DOWN IN TENNESSEE. Thb sani votes%by . VIM sathar Of "Ames the .Phies,t• betllin ell Wm wlld-hrs. aid out te made es as 111 wiles Rem hi me tt. ti lama. ed fell of mamba. most in ertent to mart oaf Wm voted teemhtleattobs, ail Wary or pollabel, beektes leg as toomughls sib-mass and sn.oomacln tooldeet and .toad ie the Pathos's other boots. hft - Sloth. vicsotaz. h. new soli, etztwocul sal trosh—esze Se isake a fu eket, timed pew. 11 T 5, . QI7EBT. AL new mad prot_leas Who* lo fevelaies t thi thensum iron of 12.10:4 cloth, Waal paw. 111 THE ART OF OONVERSLTION a ot rirt e ri. est ma one ought to owl. U-, The 4/abanue and Sunder. en akdk. Dor IK4 ," .911sy Rutin." "lexits /Lauda." Iltmai 11 JOEN GIJILDERSTRING'S ffiA f la fates= set pariaasta Love Rory. Is ail hal 11Jre style. Ltaao. Nosh, %fatal paper. In O. Darkness and Daylight. Holmes. saw aosiy - ISIzo, cloth , a 611. TALMO /ROE WWII OPMII.Afh The ploto of .II the Opens. to the 014 i of stotito. Ilmo. cloth. $1 50. • ros saza ay HENRY MINER, VIAND 73 MYTH ST. ALSO MS, ALBUMS, caw PHOTOGRAPHS, ' CARD PROTOGNAP ELT; FOLIOS AND EITATIONNTLY; FOLIOS AND STATIONEE'r, I _ Magazines and Dom. • Magazlana i and Books, DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS EixAwns IP 011, ,1865. DIARIES FOR 1865, Asir:Poops, •orrearnH ran Onto,. N. B.—Otani br rags Frani* ottostot to. NITS N EW BOOKS, enie• Emory, New volioteu $15,10. eta klberainatirt, NeW Weidea. $l O . O O. lithde miThe Miffs, kaw Weldon. *IAN • ShmMime Hand Bookfor II!.7 , • • 'Jack fa tbalreremedf• Ottleamt Dem& Dyke,by JAulturs Said% 51,75. Ea, Unmet Werke Tole 'Um. two velem% blue one gold; IR,•• . . Et Mary Melia Pram and men of Clef Mike. VIA 0. lraterry, ellam Ware Mil Doe. from 'Weeyelapeels Zultaalcm. atlo. Bareura Yrsetlool libryterel Row Weldon. Diaries bendy variety, • • • • . DlPlf r oLLaint a . BOOKS . JUST BILCRIVED, AT 78 :4th Cir... Euldii7. bin; lame vols. sm. i new - idUloo. tots .ton Stories. -; t . Zartost—J. trim story. . Lars to Ma" Itga an bitter' tal study, Salad the in. oil say Hooke, stroll By Gatos. 41 et Grimy or th. World sad tie Wads Y dissa's Inter Ohrlatlsatty.lll vela I .11 - .- nea Wools, 10 vols.. latoortlts "UM*. stab's World, 4 Ws. - '41.1 . d.). • earl/:ea IC Ala 4 gob. do dI. . , AMU& . Elated,* sod IListollsaeottoWorlus foga. and. NolBl 3. /...111tAb,111 fourth woes. AVM EDITION OF THE ERITIDE One. le COOS aid field Cloth) Gat Tops. ille brawls* Volumes on, stow Wendy. t ; Brno: Pntkal Worko,_two 7,11. - Campbell% do do, mum, do. • Pcoll'a do do, ' tow, 418 . Swiss . A, do, cool de. • t Ikon's do de, throw do. Belmar" do ' do, two do. Prier. 61..1S por _ sole • ItY It 00, 68 Wood gust. ABANE MITA lION ;of my PATENT 001111351 WWI Is *ow bob, oOkted to the ...ALWAIttl' OP IT • It b re Wren that when daiapeaaS for capytig It will baldly bekt tootles. by tta 'own verestit. Be tar tea& Etatlaaere far the geradais. - •I WIGLILII t 111,11133, 13 font\ 4thatrfth Plattadelphte. DISSOLVTIOXII. IC. TVESOLUTIONOF 'PARTNERSHIP. —nu curcumblp 'imitators odyttag bytw,ua Albrrt 'Somme. and Jams McGarr, under the 0111110 It 'roman t McGarr, um Oh day dlooltml by mutual =amt. , • ALBERT .TOllllll NOty, • =n=!l Ihmatitaff,l/cy. 11. Nal ' • . MI °lslam ogsbn sae iste Ana and all (.unit, d 1.41 L a rlll . beiatted_DJJai= McGar. •• - • ' icrimG ruRCHAISIIID TWA INTIM; ' MIT of Tcrnrce la tbOPITTRIURBRDWG AND' IMATAG DIPoT, AID: TRIM MatillrAo - I would aolidt • cauttosmaas of as patrosste otteaded Ike Onik,, arnrino• i Walt lon t. ooadastadlaall the e•Palianti %Learn. ptsatpurnowi. JLVI.Z3 XoGigiL • . N N aOLVTIO OF PAIITNERSIIII;—. The Tortaeraldp hand es aloe* behroartas alkaloid. fa tla Ara of BORLAND a HUHU, Is t is diky dhsolvoti sy moral oronaL W. AL BARU 1 1 82ltaV et )::&1=I n orroZat t s li o7IMIt Cia are MD In we hands of W. B. BUDA! Ibr tall,. mat, eboVcaslo salaolsod t. oollstdobll = m Oto said Ina, sad al lonroad as to roll op Ida at Us stand aOs old ?at NU% de* As saos lath so Mao dqisy is portals. A. J. BORTMID,: Saisator,Nor: it. Id 4. 1 ootlawddwatiit nrrmaNnsi pmovA aut = o rtamta manly , PRESIDENT- or: OOMPANY bard WY as intact salosionaal vt Oa& Dollar pad sun es th• 011;ddd Mack. as thy Was nay be "small at. ta• eon of badere aa 1101IRDAY. thi lOW day af .11 . 9 mdbad 2 . 4 % 1 'MaTIAIII SO lbeTreasonroa DAY, lb' 113 d day of drodattr, with latiriat addad Oar Mat date. Illadani aeoalholdara maks pay. • it to HIM A. 1011/11BVS. Naq., Beam Lim VIM =ARV d+etary ant Snadaria... Oslnta Vans thin Iran= O M t avcrisrr, L Pittubcriti,' Octolm. 11, T E • g! " ___ • ZREMD 11NT AND DIRICIITO al tha NORTH CLIFF IItBIIIH COMPANY , OI MIMI' AR lam tide day inted s memimentof Ca. Rpottes„per •here on the Gept•al Biota, e• the um•ay gam• recorded •t the domed beentem on USIA omr, tae .19th day of Resemble nett, payable 'to lb• nylons on V EDISIZeD.LY, the 13Ld•j el November. se .R• to. twat added lota u•t dot.. Real ntoothold win make payment to Relant.4). W 1 CLaSE & I,..mrtom Rms. • , 2110 A. A.L.ROW.E. • - ootatiadS • Iloirotary rot Trouarnw. DRY GOODB. 7011111 1111.110........JU1R IF. CAll/t....—nmrto team:mks. WILSON, CARR EZ CO., !, pais Wiwi, Parse 001.4' WboDodo ded a.ln ronsurs AND DO/MATTO DD), GOODS, N 0.04 Wood Arcot, tldrd tkooseADon. Diamond PiNstough. 4411dAS EATON, MACRUM di ',CO . Wholesale and WAD Dealers to TDDMEGS, IaIDSOIDZOIPSI and DAT GOODS of nary .dininiption4don. IT and SI JIM army PlOnnwidn.. - . .. ••MAORI:MI I GLIZ)A. Wholeaslo d 13J ItetariDeatirs in /ABUT AND - STAPLE Y GooDB,TLIBLIMI6I3, itt..i tio.: 71% Market strio bet ween•Damon4 and Anut.b,.Pusburgb. 1 ~ • ~ . . • P ....—__ R.. /L num. IazuIBTELLW I* saa—Ty. . eje k W trids . B ef a D MIIIR RY .040156 k, . .••••••••=1.•••••,•11•111. ITI 0 t•rowrsmiaz.in. .1,r4:714:214:.; -.74P"-171944- ;"(44)11:11''' ycintpments =. O Ll c la gtANl , Sl 2 9(fr‘ AK'Nym tioi vii 4.144 „ I :rb l a rd a t , ;;: ~;..--:.':.,,. i.i, k.g ~.,.;, . , , : , ? . ,,..i., : 4 : 1 ,':,:11 $-',,.',---;;',.-%-7'.;4 FOR.SJLE-=FOR _ . WON SIIIX-4A Ten' ”Iliable FARM i 1 .1 Nem w....l4.lltoolsonlasi coot" Pe.. emb.. Uinta Oast 110 !orogen haproill.•••,• • ugh tp l Vs4= l "el" She land is of ••• biota., Out mid 6.150, a /AEI! Or n 4 AOBTI3. ta.Den7 Inaatmaralsztd constr, Pa., trainediand, z tlaa Oaotl th lttarlinTonnena . .ollll. o . a !Omni* Wattstarehkadeoasty, sreut at 101; • ORM% to pal . l . 444lnrinlnk . Wunaaaaland coma Pa. • Ako• .0P 127 1.(M123. to Ilinatann loft ells, Allenbely amity Pa; about 10 amps dew* Unrest.= • sad • assoton• 4007. gilma;Wi Menai. ed, and Inn. Ow non to tio. loogidoilma *pip aim lOUS an.o IMF B•lifilla; NM and • For Whet Artirol•i• edintlro of • • G. u..rowlft. mid rasa ykt, ' -11.4 • ,tio. It 4 tout& s ate . VALUABLE REAL EETAtE. The ant. dad ogee br bn;ldolt Otto Moues( to gm oast* ot . ta.tw Maio litott.ty Leah Vlttict of jAtte . . =of It. l7 l,llstoglo t *IA othorg, oortititTiOal BLIZIDBED AHD LIM t/411.11. LC E! sonar tigi. .Itro Improtomouto arg agoutis Log oil/ log Fa gr ulth 'MO& toot. go. • •Lat of . Grassi! nom: gposL u i t iogg tholas. 47.k0t on Lma street sak.vittatog of to Lag Watt; Ibrio Is moots& tholes* two Bete Itismo, Modal oalmoock ottootoad a that nollottoattl , on • an wtroot a Lot of Orant4 fa tbs ats of s morn. IhAttlis I trot oo Übluscli Ittro*t. on: *MA Is coo , mid • front Wm ;rogue) bo old et• bibrpla.. Total toads luoro on opollaigosi to ottbor . of thol l u i WILLI .1, 11WIT,11.12gto t 10541 Iflaan slant, • orgtAtedawT • ' -•• AnittbasS, I'OR gALB:=LAWRENCIIVILLF. 1.00111101 PSOFKIVIT.-0 hat boantlllolll dam: tad and loWtorno tannarty trading et 11/11, Cattle alai Baehr :b.* Is now MUM! tae rob, harlag a ttoall on Nal sued Of 700 bet, a:0 on eantst atm% ot 000 ton, on ankh arr. lo *mond • tarp Mari Dwrillos Dome of Coal. nom., hap tall. rod ando 01 , home, all la omplatoorirr.vllb brataUld la haat, a Wit, dean, a °bola,. variety •of rtott. earetteat water. This nrotorty Imo bum rreland lan' onto ad via be dlnooed at ay • alio% or la imams* la nit chaasta:ea very Ittorid toms. Sas plan atlas aboro rousda can be ma at 10Y 0 . 0 0a 0 : - ll*. Is al:o a tow I:Matt:ally aituatrd Tats Maim CO antler and Outer lamb, war tn. Ult.flail P.wra for repot: anexceltailt &autos fbr private a t .. . . - at • , davik a idi 'L " par anther inferlaStiali 4 01 4 7, 10 . 11,161 . M . 001 Fos sell.. • , • - A VALUABLE.. 3 • . Ike no'fieragerid .7... for ,tbat :rea7 Wale/ • . -VMS, litter theaaperty of Ala 4ir Masts= Its old Bailer Tempts Seal, aloe, meta mike boa las city, in Sheba curably, eal ochtsaltni about 164 e. 06.21. striesateenta. Tee lapreNhaulte rue a soperfor lugs brick direlltu hone, s frau bent an* ourbge boare,• ten story frame tenant Itesii apple and peach a chard of no hest grafted Dub.•Thir hod le Ina high state or eltrratlea. ad the babes aes , la good coder. Thee farm (tonal by ovoid 61 Isar Lightner, Irk ,) b one albs mat dedrabie slat for • country talleuce tai threidalty albs city. bats guy of accts by gad seedt, ad located -.l* la auteellatt aslghborbeart. coanialent to the plank - rad; mold. For isnot apply ites. lawair; the tenable. orb the aabasigaid. • • -•.- JAKlSS.ntaarre - • . 110. 4111ank Mau. •ilegtieiy Anty.. • ex24:3wealatak lieu Wire 6upsealon.Drider. " • • Fuli EIALIt.....BI3I3DERAN:BITIN mum sYse..ftts.nwricabalm• diogood; Itcocatoof of thooolafo of Wm 8 "Asifl *Sr for sob • number ofLottl i ;osolloillo sass attuned fooz Tort o= to do lON stlioltom f ly of thy teraftwo of Os A I& nooof Boaffo7.=ro lossateftty !wad for prhsto Alio. a =abet of DM fa lb, ‘lo2ago of RDAs. vModfoatfaig cm Itio Perseagfre ODA, feet Duni fai Cm calf to too boodnid UK door. _ War brkerostaos o= t a f fittbor,:f = l . °r Ir. a. Nut. e. sisao L ir JOHN D h . roxusfous., J.111 3 / 1 011 6 • FoR E1d144 - CHOICE COUNTRY nionliatos. -,an opportaefty array to bilattlettb, be sow Mani b any or. era Mag to onua •-lameln-the minion oarsman In mamma:ma mad mum of e. seem ark ttosadlete paeraloa. lea' bafflin Ina eat roma, atta wash boom bath sad althea. thoe•eitse to Mahler st 3 IL w4Ja vartsgsuid eta, etlataia. fog good sooommaations for • driver, and a= room for Inhales, bosses sad ems. Wells of Water, • damn end • sem Wang sprat ore 04 ta• Prewar. no eboteest eoliths at yaks! sad _ &Ma . The I. te,. U tt good sal the otew tiets Ihshotas ac teattee and besattol:• The tract so:dabs 111 sorsa. 6111ourth strait, Barbs Itstldtag,, FOB SALE, BEWICACLEY A gall two dory trams heck .Kb atitam, curfap homme, cod hooey haw, won- Maw, aid them tura hind moss, ea a hiathotholy loathed lot or thins ar reweave, la ono! the brit pails= at th• etatirlekloy. TO • Om - ebooads to "eche tarlolthi or drop% Pioche., Pasta: Phase an/ cull bah& .•• • It thalthth I fah yards ft lb. naiad elrtloot pad la the laaandlato qtalgteb•iheal al goal schools sad . „ 29•9 lace fa o ado - indtd •by mama of Os P.l. W.B 8. IL. and the fir.orlth a vanilla; 1114•1991 - 4, taut It D be o, t anaktved spat It lII* sem brat ow 89188 8. 811 r ado 89 rowth 481*, Mato 11811118 s. FOR SALE, - • - di FIXE regmtur 1101118 g, FOE *UT 01P. ME. Young and Perleeardotind. Lll l re " wr. Pains STRUT] 'MB SALIN --Ono new Steam Body JJ.7 lb bob cylinder, IC bah Mtntn, at heavy boa Cal Om IS bah Water, 110 Lodi droM. ammgMadt 'mat wOl bs es good as now. • Om I Inch ailinder.lo Inolk Mob. met. ' - 'nro Ositodee &Mrs. al fa. a1e5...0 Ma km* These sets of Bony Co far 0111 Clasp for cash. Cognize of IL ILSOC4I. IP= AnDaMay liffseßasa.mar Ms PM& 1001 t ISALBA PARK OP 1135 ACM% thns Wks' tem the ttetlemOval tmem&. • Mot We . %acnt. . • • VS AM Dr A •Itte Ettntek. ealiteifrest Mr, data Int talon .otlst stet. Detain& Barn, and we Imptntesnsati. Pd.., ss&O. 1.0111, en Samoa end. Tremont Gerund ward, Alleghtny. alma LOre on Ellonei. at londeb Btattosoeue. far; ale by J. T. SAM e 1.2. Reet L a thoili: FOB BALE= STEAM' STEAM' IFI&W -ItELL JUND OIL zureasy.—no ono•nalf or idols of on Off Below fold Blom Saw 'dela anginal Ulf sons of poondt umbondonao sol an tan solsooplasof Won worked, oltoate on Ow /hoe sad A. .)1.1 to offfrod gala. r awa,A at.amW.a boll;& ma &or KM lola Vow . did agdorotod fa won ollsolotanton oh* netttt to tturefer. good todify Wm buffe= ' Ite Panda= fog otakhap . Add/ ID Hand stnot.Plllotonvolni • • • . - A COMVIIISAVI 1101Z111..' • • - • .. OVour limo. vigils ass sad • bolt Warn of Li guest ow, to Iliwouster. ,GFoott7votor and nor. Wog oarnalsat. Ponotalca shoo tamodlitsty. It, tams.. to Joimpla Pak. 17 Ineduat-vievoL-oit al Um. Harpies Wog* Pop. Bow gr. . • Foa sfPk. ..• . . . A taiiiin OIL !gases, lit f . et lone , tO het ' wide, 7 het deep lettl bell Wit : Obis. Belk - Out be seen - at tilsekeeenee 02 IMF ism boor Obargbart Brielios tt o n ggl i re": pdorote.ozvdre • - - • No. 167 abersireold inks Omit 11Tatii - -.lbltettbiThlr FOR EVALE— Ono of the . ml3eVileettable BUILDING LOTS Io tb• 612.11ClIstd1 ralittostL: Jug on excellent eleer r eettetattot imernttentrotetiterotte Chat), oppeolte the noxito 'et Oboire tiontek-Bittalt --a treat ma Beaton street of 12-@.t.lletotheseseittri• tendleg tact 100 sett to so elb y. Nor tome, eta , Inquire or - • a16:11 • ". • "1, . WM SALB—A. EI'OCE- Fillitgaia- - " • - 1: 1., 213,grft, 116 , olorred - a0 'at lit "t" , l= _ • =caw, bakitc6 Fri, Iv 'Mbar; - Cloptdire. 'el antfir, binrllo-ery ON - largir vneAsai.7 . .. ... „....,4•l4:::altartsditulltrrrarsovrja • Ist d *Mitt: as offend at* barv4a 01 .2—. . ' PFOA SAi';l'4:4l3o.latfitof.lls4,aliella saes afraid. calla -21146%a1ia to/ MO* f•ftee indnami &swan tuotkull4 91 i au talpeol 50.4 art Ad. ea 1431•40.iviasq, -Ma and ohm Maros& andre • WlLDlAlatiralik ate os WWI Nod. TA itlalt icslrr.-paliV,i/MTA* us ffenar en Wal vis bir Job; .otdoi, 1 1:144 10131 1 4 1 1. 1 1_ OW h , "•P O PF-. r. 0 .1 1 ,4 1 , 1 .' 1 0,05 n 94-47 .. pm Britm.4v.ttne",ti row :,„...„....,.6...r.wi a ,,,..,.. SLOIMIIViIIiW V t:illitit ;:z: :ac ;r-r.:r..sk" - , z4 , :i=?• it••= .a . ~ :~ml ,_ .1;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers