Eig voIJMI gite - ' "DELICIOUS I lELI,IGENCEL i c' ' - 'The eubjesitof die • 1 log eith'iltil Stolid ---.- preaching a#,vice n • - the . Sabbath, in order to - devote the tine to ho-Sonday &kw her been agitated igc od el of hte,espeo y in Now- PIZIAZ* .• in come phasic the er p ond German and Bernice held in the a ft ernoo has been abordoned, and a long melon e . the Sabbath.chool lubstitated,nt which add ' see are often macto by the pastors and others., If 1 -. the tenairlit'intang sterilierie held In, the evoniny, the letterman 'Mould ba dovothi on the Sabbath. Selma li . attenbstituUngl the letter fie ilti eiecandifirmoi is wrong, Mod will resell diettatroraly_to, any :con gregation - that adepts the plan. The class ot chnistiens likely to favor-:the . see Iterfme Are' of 'the indolent : kind, whine "spirituality is at allow ebb,, and who do:not enjoy thttglatobeth ant PuisifilMY Privileges as 0. 0 71 21001 d. i o, iterF finer the change witll • a view of making Gut % 'day; of greater spirituallroProverierob.aingdr ~. because so mach piths preaching nowl•days to hided; the test Merely' i motto, and hike •-•- the stliopitelly, spirituality and power Of ;the Quist of Christ.'' Per come to prefer tot be • Distant-at In...srldible ohm, or _temohhog the ' Word of OW to thildien ' littera' of the eta end preachintikervioe, on. account of the ?or. , Mal and lifeless essay eertionicis quite net -1 root the New - Tart Chin* in oecoment in upon this new Minot Progreeshentse, those , vary, conclusively thate-the prebable elm for- tide change has arisen mainly be. cunt =Waters bare failed to devote! more ...thee to, the =postilion of Scripture. ) Thin :' ' method of pleading, besides the opt:Ca j al ad -- *enters it affords to congreittUmmithe!prao ' the wOu'd do much to prevent the growth of erraseitur slaws of God's word. let the Word . of. God be expounded more l . end 'its eimpli- Ally end power would aitoorspllsh more than Me !elevator amen, We hope this new-lfang led sitewlingland motion" may never extend ' -to this part'of tbe 'country, and where It or!- ' pirtaled,•diatit may be abort-lived. . i —Tao Presbytery of Now York and s Nos Jimmy,. at a recent meeting heal? consider 7 ' what minute should heatade to the overtake re lative to a colon of the old and New bchool Churches, Omni the following resolution : Resoked, thit no titles of mamba's be hereaf ter_ used in emit of this Synod. .......-.The question le being diseased in the New. anicuolt," Can a Disloyal man be a ant ',, versallair! TUN. W. (Methollst) Advocate answers: We any or; end could, among others, furnish acme d ad hominess arguments. Pen dleton for lance - and Mr. ac•-Mao--- , well, )1 °teething. i —The orthWestarzi ildeorate oomMent 4. M -, ing upon - Mir 'jewel of tier same paper (New Caventairt)..lllrdtarianfam and aniversallacoi moo, , nnitarianism denies the amenity of an atonement- and universalism • ignorer ithe . :"eorditiozo., -npon which God-vropms , to taro the alaser. , The former denier' a Divine Christ the tatter &lists easel ":-..tlicr in epicsOf mnivented sin. Theifor. seer loam sulkies for Christi to dm chalet. Iffrpverrates what 9hrist late Aare. :. iz•-;-.4. Methodist =Mister, Bev. F. G. Hol liday; of Indiana, writes , the following glow ing'words =relative to his recent Minims: : Posciiiiiii. -weeks my tent was bet '.. twin_ Mai" banls of the - Jordon close ... down ?•ttj .I.he water, where I could ;tear thermermartng of the oofd tiMetior. HIT* : - ..iiiiir t iiiol at - bin - ling enough to musty the emenery, this asialt will I m00rd...-there was no:for= in the valleys, nor-terror beyond, ' Nut thanks to God•for retaining Ismith I I --. ',hall yet Mrs to declare Ms preaching In the - gateii oCtlielinglitinif Zfoii. —An editor made a stay - Osier Sabbath at .1 . itosheater, N. I:, and attended envies in the church of St:Peter, supposing mot; he mide linethy., that it was an Bpisonpsl ohnrob, but, de I le was Presbyterian, and named too, after 13C Peter The 'earelari was mush after the Ephatipal term, the minister eppearing in kown and bands, and entered - the palpate= kiddie Aniir. The serviceoll22iiiiiitn Hisl3,9, *ltalia It intoned orellsOtect hi* tivarteCe, aronapsiled with an organ, as were other parts of the service, all after the =oat ap proved, unimproved Method. -la the ,payllturgi ad performances Lbw rem:good 'fbele iiiiti arid recited the .r.3brs prayer and'asva ear 1e5.5 :(6* . 'Villeiood Bishop Ito% who acid, with iigarf. to' rayon that he seced eltherstiniA 10 a r eereint,'er h . sett es --. , -XiMiirrt:Mgr-i... lob= find ilis drm reflortary eb42alcalit'Gliants, bandy tle'slull•- , ittssti Porsileri: l •hsdlous of the eblldrenot ~ cBrtia‘d 4 rtilinpon a =at of rre..kry wad Imat. llsvert'llemirdentratekin ninety fathom di*. tar ' ll, ...sma , rertihs ..IF,Tieraz,". ' bee lien 4laymeilfrola itis p efeeexieliip El Re4hlasusPil 'Welitetsm' " -- XPhetletost o =riCSP4rarkon, lams . se breotreeterelessa nettsffn* ect=d - veer siart7 TTl,...tms teem 'aerate. Thebunghtphseeeted areeithanaletuared , 7 12 7 -1 44vedertbe =Vete et kr cZ4 4e iTisietten pa!esersi." • seiSgY ens ammissi ProPts• • 214 mailigkillitilkanddlayjelas s pia fits XctlePiridat up lathe `Ase,lfe.,Elssetees far -.l3sptitet indPias, of Miniiiscitas vrilts -1144,111 4(Zikcsfv_i - aptiire,:ltilreeciarabes and, lbsi Liters insbeleysrrestba mem Ilie_egeet of this Tr ee is theitiuntnie of erarkisvene ram cdfaibtiefithetoAbto elner_tbst, the Chan& - dacha Lae peerisan's beam its mike "lids no more iliftealty fn ethics - fluids by 44 0 431 _ 4101 4 . b7 Epteeopal Mutely Boston, bee fitly brie' disposed of to North:Bus+ asU meet Atelhodiet Eprsierial Society, for OOD. Tim Xpiseepal eettiptilb Fop! ibanikied. , • , kites of the Outset 8 yod . of the saiiit*:_itiforned. Chords unites 131,0 ea, the .Bralteted Chnitit DI et Gasasati tieing - an' Interesting imams .she prom:Hap, of the Teazentena Ty, els. isins#Cif ellesist:pareitaph; 'rho R a ti o '. Isietdateddiet , has end: clothed - ortth noir tastelit,inthodo; eta it has boom.. or Otirfriten - aiid deepVidt, that ihe.-Apoi ilea Creed, the, azolentemntord Otthoisten• 11tata1iaxaiLi ..41 7 3stx.Ittionisi Malan; of Prurience, , , flaftarien Inbristerottl Mrs, ree d. ellatufidthintheateses. - • • pia An irladi ;Me Etqatety_Butdi at ii hlrmeetiegonthe ad,donated marks tilliSkrea Ptltinutdll) - take Prishitaisteape the Presbyteries aqrk4s l 4 3 ba.. ati: 4l o 3 already - aellestel s I*.b.eintirealsehle sseetebtage of artteleit itial‘to the put litstispet the Chasity - Vdtiesuld flail probability hue bees Ise staireilbie to a kir ,yeafilad not the pusist desisetl.-- In present depository araiita seat: thieS thotsmd ,boned SONIVISe rlitipbtots, one haidrid end f newspaper% Tationi - thatutor :Etr ; tpunes grlfthsi and three handred=portnlts at*ii,t% adieu end laytuth. ti AS 'Lvor fillOnzttity_ —According to an exchange, it was gotta,rOLlTof "the - aiforme Ititchtlieseent PreerYcA, thst in every bat of them except snob as are In the strietest suite missionary, an enlargement In 'the salary of the ministers had been spontaneOns , ly made, and in come Oboes with great litter ; - -Bishop Simpson delivered his gieat I lecture on "The Patine of Oar Cosa y" to an audience of nearly five thoutand, In khe Academy of Masi° New York oily. The ttst audience room was filled more than hour e fora the tuna~ of commeneieg,_and puny hua ' &Sae 'tient' sway unable to get within the doers. Great excitement prevailed. It catiou• pied two hours and a half in the delivery.? _ --The French Protestant Church is at-the preeenttitan agitated' to ate depth t with ,the great question of Orthodoxy amaze! Itstibn.• Ohm. Both?pardes ore exerting themseDres to the utmost to secure a majority at the Ott ers,' elections is Jannaxy next. tit' licitwithei.ra -14114 faiitble gepajltteniessettoi; the excess of misaloas has been more then doubled. t —The Seventh Day Baptist General COn , vt ntion, at Its recent meeting at Milton, Yf i ls• otrlts,,ntanixtquitsly adopted , mules of react, , Inflow eitdOreing the war for the restoratloa of the Union, and the anti-Slavery polioiof the Government. —Rev. John Marlow:my, of the W i es- Logan Chun* tomer* , 'of Pitsburgh, boa been Gloated President of Adrian College, bliehigarr, tiff Mahan , resigned. War-Elottas In Liam% It 11 repoited front - Europe that the Empetor Napoleon hoe given striot orders for the with diairid of Wray available soldier frog Mexico and Algiers at the Inn possible momont, in order "that the army of .Prance may be quite free ill the Spring." It may be asked what probable ounpation oould that army then es. pert f The fact Is, a Convention hu boon en tered into by Napoleon and the King of Italy, by which. two year after the-latter officially make' Florence hlseapital, the French army of occupation wit; be withdrawn from Rome; by welch, too, the Pope; as • tympani Prince, would iniallowed to - retain that "portlou of the States of the Church formerly held by the P.PaeY, retaining, Om a small but sulllelinat army at his own, sowiluising part of his national debtauntiod - by'netor Potimancuid. It is admitted that the. King of Italy utile gulches. the 'design; t n t the desire, of making Rome ahl capital., The Basnal -City will be loft to the Pope. Bat it la expected that, es early /I poulble,Tiotor Emmanuel will strike • blow to round off hie kingdom by restoring Venetia to it, and it Ii thought not improbable that No poiton may aunt him in this, if neeenerl flint would give work to the gallant soltiLus of Promo.. All that is yet knoien of the new Franco. Italian Convention is the summary'of Its leads Ing providoris communicated In a retool die Patch from Drotly de Lhurs, foreign blhalei ter of Prance, to El. d o Battl There ti afrearanee of threat in wha Ii proposed, bat the Convention Is looked upon, in Vienna, as a seeend edition of Napoleon's &mons and fatal verde addresasd to Baron Hubner, at the Tonle:ries reception of the let of January, 1859. As seen as the news of the Convention resebrd Vlons, orders were dispatched to hasten tad armsunsam of Verona, pantos, Lregasno, and The Whole frontier of Venetia has been pineed in a state of dcfance,Or . as eheAtuttrians ssy,ott a war &alai.' New and extensive rola:admit are alrady'being constructed of( toe left benki et .tha , Poil•Ps the Other hand, Itole.thoetaltore wi take this statement frons,..tho Italian/ are redoubling their &cavity, and the war office of Traria tabu/y*om nine Veto= to the morning . 11l night. The hammer of the arsenal here does, net rester= during the, eight, and t o la me s bemire in‘those af.d'hasensa, Bologna, - Alessan-• dria'andffssile. - In consequence of , iles traneferr of the *spite! to norence„ordaraltave been Siren to have the lortilleetkui"nf B . t.drunagrehtly tormsaied and, etiengthined. - New tarts will be raised cults: left side of the Rirar - Reno, for the amnion of which ,10.000,0011.1 rand are reqatresi. The large rallwily Station itself riltbe turned Into a l l strong fort, and a flaw one will be built at Elan Paco gate. - There is a swarming of workmen from all parte of aka kingdom in the dockyards, of Naples, Genos,and flastellamars,whiah shows that Italian nary Is coddle, but preparing Itself to assert by deeds Its ruPerloritl over the re•ispri and timid Austrian fleet anchored at' Plea. T.. Italians, in short, think that If they are compelled tOrenwince Zotais,it least for the prim • Vonlat=the noble; ilte selfsdanying, the merry! Venice—will ba wilted to the Italian kingdom coot mete! than next spring." In short, it consicicia3 as on the cards, that there will be • second war in Itely, before many months of 18t5 ham p a / 1 08.-4Q, Pres.. We ware waited so, oct lannthS ago. by en peat of Mr. J. T...Lecyd, Map publisher , who dad ad oar fadortatitolit of that person'e Sisp of the United Statert,,,Lthddlt latieras largely . adios.- tieing fa car cancans, Mel of which a copy v u Sboya as which appeared, on a hasty eras. Mu, to be et cads abssiisattirsairata, Vegan the soilaited aimless:a pruzumbag that we were elestith' IS with and.ildintist cm If tot gat - asm ch. How osystss epee wu abased, it ere fated by unaihoitilitters which have ruched as, shoring that, atm sat eaullitsiashrsi ban tbus obi: cad and extessieetiidie:..t.%d is oar raiierans, said Map ass "ataaea:=ad late a Cap. r , h." elselinsCe„Aket , 44ll of lb. basal' sad lust Imp:do= tr...vAlmi titat widely el:wais ted, with oar •e'431... , 1da osurpdassally go'ated Jait aadu this placorrO, which Dr.osadi; to :en 8:2 ciatatte of " territory lest,lto the Unica] sizes the removal of Ban Mt. eit , Atnasfilleitanfne oaths Misatuipsdon Pro clamation; ' Imaltadty aorta Prarldirat Lincoln wl , ll rendes to exchange car Wilms held cap tive tad tortured to drstlly the Bebe% for fear ' th7.l they whald Tote against his ra.attecttaa; and gistra the loas.los ofoortdda . .forts amp; as .4 .sserktechitatraiiicherepoitiail Orlosham are c:kt fined btforo cecognica, or kept, In damp trails f, *oath, and years; oruntil dosth comes to . their mad," We ray cheerfully girt le r. Licrid a fresh certillatta;(thatif Vie Copper. be: ds 01 others should carer again be ha want of • ksr, c e atsapttblsriilaia , ieaJratilirilling to do theanar 'sad diztisr, cheating than any other 1:1.0 eta ado? would do, thegiteed hook la bat are placate Ind the clap fofthiltwork, and their sonsgerli, T. .577/".e.„ to Repsonr. We have apt reprised the toilowag doesaust bJ televspb ; hai zo eilifaho liaa read as Ma gss:rr,pohea et the Little lltspoleos—espiaislis that osseal_egraortatasSastallar : !Ur: fee= fiaraters Otharb; :eta lan-4111 di for sassiest Rs mahogany Os ULU Omrsat, on Oast or Na. Jaws, NorA—Usiatibt Horatio Seymour, amp H. Peatilstou : Bothozak Os. I bays lest this haws bassi,* My fords ws, t os UM/ L_ifitsla Mow./ Ims wet ramonsitds Wats aid I ray tt wit% the caraways, of a oandidma who Mata-ta his boat the km of 'ovary - Rood voto which has needlessly Um mwdlioad .to. dy. * * * * I hot toe sant esti: .tomlght. . I harp road kw taw telegrams from iiii mist 'amd immilo - ,'lsal Otherwiss thaw that ite - Doesseraoy . has not kept its promises with rms. If / lavamysSm sternal thaws sad infamy, I tali yew p -that Lays no Was to you 3or to any raki , of the Clidaage Comation. You hays dent yotir-iwil to rail ins. ' Cialistos firOuremurz Tan Jewish Afsawaper to that "Mr. Sal moot is simply the Nevi York cumospoadent of tha balsas of liethrebßif• 'that' Omagh's - row 17 birtb, he married ont #thafaith many pearl ass, fagot manissted w lit , a Zatith engrave. dos, and - ts - indwarsalip nyptidlided iis'a,low;. 'that theltothsotilds Itaye hirrirea 4 kiltertb."" Dal Trout* to - tha exteatiof a dellaif shit tbsti sympathy and amiss 00.0 ration hays beast i tte with the ilayrTsustoeLlnis ' eet: Uhaii7' Will main Prinaplejair 'mated y Mason liefftehild of ?mitten. to the Units State, doamd Got' staii-ddr./darphr; that the tarp bather of Mir urn whet:phyla this Ceafelants oasts fele- ' web Mr. - Baum of Parlsorterwtsd to Mai vim; tat was converted : to ditristLimity. and marriad4hif4ifddrathhitt,defe;l:P., Arf Than .hromrsaut,etka-Dstrott 14seo say et, T he ninon' otsulooto sue Iron atom% } tale, alsooet en the nip:oboist -Sf thps. riot, ontrlvalleg the ham' Iron snout/des of Idasqeette,osoma *nowttrio eassallons . for be t f, yid the fist Is .Y.d iroi r That ouch a iron. dothd attained deposit shoe d remain nedhoov until aTiip neent, doh, Wake most re. :makable haters of Qs whole eels. At the r • dilutor* of only, slant 45 rota front Muth 81e. Marie, Shia osozatalsi litci Iq frownthsreentalt to he altitude of ste hnedeld foot above the level of the plian t and Mee hundred tali shave lb. W tond of the ilk* blot; ihottt tabs as high tar &all= 111011ilitafai of illartseette. tom Tagass-tAidi dad - plied of the Akita den ,iletupe, at 841 i lireaelsoo.Ate , aetatilstetteeehea hie Saps, aid are twisted Cc an CY OYZI AID TILIELIML- —Bofors Judges Eit:rrett,Mellon, Stowe and Brown. 7 / 1 3MAY OGIIII/0 At the epenlog of Court, tbs.:Hs:rid Attorney stated that he would offer no more testimony for the promotion, and *lased Moose*. 11 C. -Maekrall,'opened the twee for the detente. He stated that they would bt kind to prose that Drawly' had bean struck Fasan oD theplo Ma around; ties t hit slater (Lisa Ilmewdy,) and fan. Wanooty were Mina ro -avlshed b- Pagan and others, when leavlog th, gremod; that upon the lnterfeteneo of the dr. 1.: dant, to EaVii hie liner, be was umneked by F. gun; that the shots,,! Seal by 11:aw,ly at all, we re in reit dean.. After alluding to the leer brasieide, the zentlemaz Pis address, and theta:l.ring testimony wad eliedted Elba Aleunhog was the first witness sworn. 81. a testlned, in substabeei that els* tired at 1; twdy's, And was a: the pie au num. wee a dttleolty on the ground, between Pagel and 'Martin Brawdye. Began add that Drawly 1. a the muse ef getting him i(Wsgsn) a .a tiok to,y l "- anew in , town. Martini Broody salt be did not Imo! ria he was the cum, se tit did not know Pagan. pagan said "I hare Jost got yon where I want you, ,on dlnyi 1221 of a " Martin tat& it was no Wm* to talk *boa this now, asked him his name, mad aftnedrtaktag to. IN her Brandy raid ”Wro are. Melds now, ain't we Peva osld, "Yee." Fagan thessiapptd aside and sold something twat. of Ids friends, who tumult zoned again and struck Wavily on tha - side cf the (fore. Brawdy tall' "What le that ter ; ' Began than atrach Drowdy an the ether tide of the hood, and the crowd skated, "go la lagaut4noos his damned hood off." The totteses went down to the holm, eta Worded mo, her. informed his mother and Mater ( Martha Jara)lrhorw,he WY, and rag:meted th orn to go to Wm. ItLuthaßrawdy, Mr.. Connoty and the vital= went heat torte ph, tag grtraidAnd saw the defendant standing at the beer stand, with a eats Jilf la his hand Tbere was a crowd monad biz, and some fallow ,iris/ hfra on Um face. Ba sates ran ap and threw has ants mood his nest, orntabatait—,9l'n God's sirs den . * broger,o, and take Eno' norm."" /igen then strut the de. fondant: -an -lbw other side of: the tare Bia lute. ems *took biz dote the kill, irben Joban7 Watfil cams opting took him from W..* tire crowd ,theo CMG dawn , after thorn ' halkolug there he tom Walls took him sal atastad dawn thane& Standee Wow a stow at Eiatritraird struck .lbw attain on the eye. ?he oitrati num went Co togtede tkatrittualuo indffigrO eight hold of her aid audertook to form hr away in !mother dtrectlta ; bat eta re- I fused, Ind attar 'sip:WU hOr. .(Pigtut) catlght bold of timiti• tad wanted to take her am; -Martha also refuted Whin Papa sturelt . her. The witnou then ean - down mad told Mrs. Brandy for eod'a sake go WO, that the; wore mardesini auras , d as - Mr. Conacty t Mr; 'end Are. Braw sta up, and witness ritutalned In the hau y te. • Martedr tin' running dont, lunettes ' ; ''f where's pap ' where's _ PIO ' The whitens said he taitatarisd uPeWlLMlLlffirtill e .altat maiming that they were starderiag Itiartla4aar, ortartert . back, followed to, triennia. When they got ea to the erowd, oho bank Ides. Betiwdy say du *mad . owe $5O to .- know who smote. Martha. Martin said Lt was one of this Dsw Drops. Th . goo tbut impact oat and "I'm the Dow Drop that struc k yore sleter,' ' will.l Ittilw you, too yin dirty sou jams the bid* - ateigeeleg, hits, whoa .theigbeta - lrent• lared;" . lawless •-• w as not elm" cough , to coo whether Neu streak his twice or pot, bat he strait Ohba • sewed time. .oitild not say whip' filed tits Shear, . , bat theoltaatte awe from Viii• t Bawdy She witness this described how :maw& lea, down zhosptiett attests Vitae ma pitted ap and Mast tan!' "blaettlas.; remain and - toleoU s and seat'aed aldratut its blood. EU ties dwerribad dada ANA follow . Oat the teem .;t4, Ihacresawaracmagost atlas eliaeu erg Wary . , litostbr. lusti-dis• vas sun= the 'staid Witali Chart took alma wadi two Voloefr f ' A Base trick. Efarnrylag Corp. of Bogbiatere,nn the NaviMeboa Railway, Insetted CM:lB4d on Sit¢rhy ;Lei, had are work. ,lag theft itay - trr llitese, /boron& put probably ;step the Mabeelog abort al/tonna won cribs bridgnit Nilit; Arid Join, ke Kaltman mtlad'at th e *do of Ulm 'MI% Oast:eat, toe timber tot Lbw ars hang *Pie all *long the Ma, And it Wow npoatCl tbir'reit will be la rate nine order from Nllos to Hew Lisbon 'by next Jill. Teem We and Birth. Therepert-Ottlur fidetrlsh Registrar General of births, deaths •id marriages, ear t Is kei weliknown tent that o recidenoe la towneoreak:- ens the vitality of persons living that, This. at yet, has chiefly teen sktatipted to be Orored by demonstrating the math Urger amount 'of alokneseattl death!wlaohjiirillttally result fa & town popaletibs as c , tapared with one residing in skulk 414'410. Bat the popalatio• of births to the msniages, arid, broker-14114 -the prop *. lion of births to the monied woman- st the end-twits spa, - drinneetratet the flee in as pointed a manor, rhlie it knot liable to aletlY of tfui objeritiensiwitch illght he ars rd sesta it . the ordinary modes of proems that feed. Thet 'Luker and.kainbend .roral dissiats gore • re.' - snit absolutely !dente - t ! only requiring 302 wirer, from 16 to 45 years of ege, to erode°. 100 children within tboyearriehtle the wires raid le g in the town &wrist hod their vitsiity so deuniorated by their town retridenoe that It re ltdred.ll.33 who to predate 100 children: Amoco th•gratifyinchincidrib of the tdealio oit . Tintiolarle the fact that - itaarly ell of our OMsas aiiisong voted Jre lir. Lineoln The vinarnbie Inset Jones; (or 'a long period en• of oar most distil:tautened merchants, nho votad for Genersl - Washinghaios on Tnisiday Seat • bal% lot for Mr. Lincoln, havl ' agrasched the antraori' (Unary age of ninety-hen - years. This vote ti one of whlcit our wort h Print:NW may tall feel ronad.,Z.7ll/a.%/ifoisch-Aasseefessa. Ds•oon JOOLPII filinatcor, of Grafton Masi., aged 116, who has voted at ''ors -Pras'ldantlal election ilisse Waablaistatea, voted • second time for Mr. Lincoln hut Trosilay. Garr. Willunire 0.4 m Hearzaroclandad Boston on Tualdsj; an 4 Ito mediatiily went to the poll of hi, district and voted the Union Gem.. Pitman's'. Mies , oat t t Tuesday 204 rotas for Lioeoln; non. sgainst hint. In 1800, it gave . him 100 votes to Ist Kohut film. Dubois Pincus., of Situinidga, ham., 104' )14111 old, earns out to the election and voted' the Union ticket.. &MTGE gm 917 mt,fority awainst Mr. Lincoln on nla Int election; now, 5,003 ton Win. OIL oa GAB WILLI to OPTS. --DI the diatrirte of Young Man and of hielsooog Ilion, In China, them exists a large number of mit water veils extending over a spite of about via loagoes,lahleh are actively explore by th• neighboring pool:Oa don. Ifreso the month of these walls arise col mars of it fliunmablair; se that if a torob bo ap plied to the opening , globules of aro of from to enty to thirty high foot artesian to arise,thlalltg wish a brilliant Ugh/. The Chluoca own one thrte sources of gas *in long bamboo tubas, and tto gas communicated through these tubes son-et , to illuminate the co/chines by wbloh the salt we!la and the places *here they rats situated are explored. It thou appears that gas, so Innott Nei - mit ed in Europe end Amelia*, was kaorea to the Chinon conturiee ago. rICIVIIWIT Tereirxtbrr.—The &Howler toe. fide dispatch, shteh we received last evening, contains imp: what testimony upon 4 polar which bee been neneb conitroYezted knee 6 o Rho 8 h huh Histarieal wegearchse will prove the statement of our oarrespondent to be true: Mousy raeacs, 0., Nov. 9, 1881 EDTTOE OBto BraTI;OTTWILL : — rh stet), Wlli(' that George B. McClellan tau a candidata for the Preddency fa at year 'eighteen hundred and sixtp.fonm Jolla 11. Rat ...LYDIA MAW, CBi intact that when h. heard Maryland had become • tree Stateit took tan years off her age at once, She odds:— " If I lad aotedont my trapnisee i I would h re ening my tourist, sad Oren three barrette; nt It is not proper for women to obey their impultse, yt tanow. 1 hare hope WOO Ulna or other, to gat to a world *here sponetztoltg Iv tot always improper. That must be the rattan why ttier no , el. grow_ old In tho other world." BTIIIIDIN and several staff °Carers wire pr ironed a few days ago at Wineirester, by some intwtants, tehleb, In a sniveled neesdental manner, got mined with their f+bd. They all !mitered some twins from the effsista of 'he polzon, but it did not prove fatal to any of them. ." • • - Al Inmat's., Oruro' or • F•gIIZOW•ALIi Stranctrt-"—Thare was an Indian ehisi at Ns s port, the past rummer, who ; seeing Boimont, the honker, riding withfmnrberser, asked n if he had es,..en so mush dinner that It reqntred four hories to rarry RAZZ. the Maid= buck itierdaror, We now the; he never Intended to till the cleft--ottig avant to fifghoen him. Shootings rumen through 'the hued to frighten Met le gala an original Ides of title Malden Green•& A Pauca accrete, At'Llik, Easier, baa been for tune le at Baden, having wads a hunt of VO,OOll at "Ma gairajle tale. Bat lileeda r emarked that ..ahe never played so wall before.' tr Lo/DOlll V 110111 reenacted with Sidon and with Jerusalem by, telegraph. Hoer stranp to see the old Bible Leads invaded by modern ismenthres and improvernanti. CUT .tUVD SOBTLEBAB. Trial of Martin Brawdy for Me Murder of Jamas Figiuu 4 .ITT'R 'ERG GAZPTTri' F 3 4 4 a AnoThar Coal Cutting Ithachthr. We tonally gave a deactription of • MU/ S 2g. lick coal cutting macafte, which brought out the hot that we here two maehinee,:jof • similar character, to prorate of emulation la this Idly. We sod, in • late English pew, au account of the trial of another apparatus, entirely dilatant in constrnotion irom say opal mating machine yetinvalated. /its thus deem:ibid. 'Vise machine itself is wimple in the et. tame, Its simplielth•ln 1424' befog one of its ithiertheattunendellons. The cutting is done Oy $ couple of strong oiroutar saws, secured ous above the other by two Loch bolts, and working on the same axle, the upper cow being-gout what leas in clastatierenoe than the under one. ?tie coal detected for the experiment watt from Seaton Deleval Colliery , which Is considered the hottest In the dL snot. The great desiderata at, of ennui, was to prove that coal could be out by • saw, and this wee shown most satisfootozily- 1 .• setting Ova feet long and Outman Inches deep being ao- compllshed In forty-one otlnutx. The se Ws were scarcely heated in the process. We 4n derstand that new experiments wilt hi made in the working, of some of the oollerlet In the neighborhood, w ten It will be own how fez the invention will be mthoessful for practloal par. Apses." Stabbing et Stay Between Boys. A meat anfortatusta case of stabbing occermd .as Canfield on Wednesday evening of list week. There had been an exhibition- of the Literary Society of the Aoaditinyitt" the Court Rome, and after the aiehtbition closed end the audience had lett, rum. votuig lade remained In the hall of the building. Sterile are eontradlotery as to whet centred previous to the stabbing, bay for some cane, Samuel Ohl, a youth of about eft,en, se. welted Orange Baler, of .About the coma age, end stabbed and cut him so everely that he Las been in • critleital condition °Womb:me and It is thought he cannot aurrive. One oat, In the left Imes; penetrated to the long, as was rietble when he breathed. Another out, on the left aide of the face, reached from near the temple to the lower ' peat of the pier, cutting Into the check bone Ohl retreated immediately after the affray, but Its punned and.errested on bin way home, end brought back. Bo was afterwards arraigned tore a Jutles for the offense, ahJ hie lather has given bell in the sem of three hundred dollars for his appearance at Court. Meeting. of the Return Jades. The Ileum Judges met this morning, in the Supreme Court Hoorn, for the parries, of re ceiving and enumerating the vote for Presidens, WI elector. in this bounty. Colonel Alexander tWiande ease:Oleo to the chair, end M . Ha. iltiems. Jr., and Wm. H. McCleary appointed erra. The vote less then reraved, ae retorted by the election °Seers of the several district., sad will be found elrewher• in tabular form. In the Seventh Ward, Pittaborgh, and in the Seoond Ward, Allegheny, tome " oonselentis.as Dsmo fle'll" expressed their disapprobation of Sartain Wm. J. Knott's, Doe of the McClellan elestore, emitting Lae name off the ticket. There no/ to other name scratobeuL Death of a lrittstiorgher In - Tennoaaee. Information has been received of ;be death of Oliver P. Perguson, formerly of this city, bat "Who, Jar throe or four months past, has beam see go god es clerk In the Qoartermaster'. Denart me nt at Johnsonville, ;Tenn. I; is stated that he yias killed by a musket shot, and burled by , comrades. Nn other particular. ore given. 'PEt. deoessed had been employed am mailing clerk in this °Deo, for eeeeee I years, and was at active and industrions young man. _ Flo was about twenty-ten year. of age, and eat holding a goad position at the time of bla death. lie bas many friends to this oily and vicinity wino will deeply regret to base of his melancholy fate. rTIC jr YOtrtieVrOWS, 0 —O3 Slturiay la•I I Irrlons Ore ogetrred at Yeangetown, Oalo , re• toeing In the d.structlon of the dry good store of Thomas 01. Wells, and the grocery s Ore of Wm. M. Fisher. The loss was as (alleys: T. H. Wells loss on goods and fonoltare, om $4, 000 t 45,000. Insured for 3,000 in eolam. llama klutnaL Wm. M. Fishers loss an stook thought to be oovered by an insurance of $4,000 InStbv Girard Co:, Philad , and $2.000 to the Home Co., F. Y. Pawl Mc*, loss In betlldings and fnanrce,gs,ooo. Ittsetral for 1.000. Andrews k Hitchcock, loss on building, $lOO Jasaph H. Br•reett, who occupied a lodging teem ore, Pit ht.'s store lost several boadred dollars In fart iture.!gree;baoks and clothing. ~..rn[Ctf LAI7OI re Ors Lsene,—The Franklin . aHece rays: .Lands are being bought op op all the tributaries of the Allegheny vrithln shirty sel,cs of this place. Seger Creek, 84_9:Ludy, Fo.r.t Essady, Patchett Run, and, recently, Clarion aid its tributaries have become pslusr of inter :ref; end loon the tall derrick groli be eettlatul the ;21T of tho seen* head alone the Tetley, of ail then streams. ' A eltellYlD Of Svemioe.—About noon to-dy, aduntkan man entered the boarding house el Zdyrrs, on Puttrta street, and rantasked 114 , 10 , of the rooms In the seeend story, but Val Mee:Tared been he had secured any booty. He 090 taken to the Mayor's oidois, and looked op :or a haarizg.ta Bettosin.--CoL Joseph Brown, (kW Be et ter of the F.re Department, who Is now k the Evoke as Lieutenant Colonel of the Fifth Penn -03 I , ani a Artillery, has tomer:ad his resignation as iChbf Engineer. The resignation hes been tat.ltired, and will be presented to the Firemen's tioetation at its Uott meeting WCOLLZI PaMnar DLII•OT•O.—The woollen W . :au of Jobo Robbinsennar 0611t011, Ohl°, was dc~troyad by En. a few d•yt ago, loavikor •Ilrga lot of wool. Lon, $411,03. II L. Norms, of Braman°la, boa far gale a oc-4ablo e..s.liootion of paper, ato., In al. which oar frionds to that vicinity oat ',op al.); their scat'. Ditco —Col. It .bert Galway died Itiftdcbly 3.4 1340, about twelve o'clock. He bad bails 11 .Lut a few days. Ha lasses a wife, sad a = rid andel of llelado to lassaat DL antharly d►_tb. T4re au Peacesen.—Private tieerete SO'S. faL , Usited States Infitatry. ala ftirrciogh on Dr fZeels's table, at the Glntra 11012110 yesterday. Zs 'clan base Lt by milts g for ft SPECIAI2. 500A.10 Jl!oraces. Toone W. ?atm practical Mare aokr , and dacha' in Al:aerie= 8414- ot esrioar oc , arr. °Coe at Alexander lanshilis; near the Wiser W.rk,,Plttabjtrgb,Pa._ aislihnoe • No. ra pak3 stmel. Orden; prompily &cicada! to. AU work warranted wateri_rwoj.. don* at the Alerted aortas. No asp xoripalri, provided Cho loot is not abased aftaa 11 la pat on. d manta NrricaL..4lo fateutiou of oar read• en lo directed' to the Minimal assortment of Paoli and WU* GaAs Put reewired by car Medd Mr. Joku Wen/, fila. lie federal street, Aingberty. Mr stook ooreprion a great Twiny at navy Furodb, English. Motel end dneeriosa Carstanno sat Cloths, and Ins 811 k fad Cu d= 're Voratthenr-tal of Indult will be made up to cod', in the iftwt etyiss and in the but mart. en. r d Atone welintioi of limilahing Goods abor band abd for sale, together with a fall (Wei of Ready aids Catkin& well sad fut. tow.tly made. st Slurp Imo roams Trors.—The fray/at &ardent has taken • protolarut phut among the most approved dattrlllors of Qup U n Is • limy popular arthis hr ths !ri ght, . resasprodad by all orbo \mused It • basil. Orr, sad prawns , of lb. hob, relbishleg mutt., arestentnig the Wrath sad atiesthas thir pagan of deal. Bold by Druggists. .r , 1/IiIOLVII. Drintrm Brinixso -i - ormazi....Au 'manful oxklbition of plunograptile "bin of the prin. eipal ;delis o f Ramps sad Ainenny Elmo/foal P4Wage, Inaideata of the liebellion,4tat_ea. via to givsn that nudes la the nth tr. P* Chunk earner of 'Webster. Amends hteu amt.. Melba= 25 cents; for Um bastettof the Sabbath &hoots. ' Ltiirtio Monne Alt party Bolos op Ss ittlira , 0 4* all*bost do --Tottlio lopto sof th e "(lasi kir air and dastrootloa of du wire puty.— Any Sloan ohoodas t° take • trip to Bolt aim .630 '4,11111 era! ehill of the oportuolb b, pttrolitelog - thic truly tosultal Gob* at W. A. hutut7ll, 41 /VA recut. „ .E.twortok weekly PAWIti et tkla week eontata the Allied** swim 'oadeepoleasd se Utak Osse'e News Depot, ho lemma, for napes, It tlestred. • Iblesaua}...flarpor's lirsivisLos for next *024 as bo bad as rank Oooo's Nova Depot, aroideit Handal Praalp, as bead a 443 n: of • Dbuis• 11181. - Diontaaa —no Dooesober num. bar at Burn 111sipsta• butbwro laid upon oar dint 111 4 1 Kr. a 4 :17 . 11 1 / 4 44, of 71111 Kraut. It to 'a caplet, amber.' yam lit/DUCH: 001 1 1310NMANTS, now in 'soli: law sw,llockwbestllzr; re Wi pan Older ► Ylownel WO balms W 010•44; WO dm COO bliLbientare ilpplair W babsw4 Pwwl;44O brb. &led P. alb.; WO tbc.:lwebb P 4114014 IMO ' Agwl44 W MC ibrwy Wrwe - " LAO " Clowe- Etc U 0 ba4Wrilmotb4 Oseb ; BO s. Walnut.; No gb 174.40,44; LW be. Whwewn . 03 bblb. MO, Ittuallsl4 UN bob. Oatioss; WO toillary ekd natio; 60 will tbrolor„ AS h; :!nob id( Blitteri 4 44* T-obwi lb 414;441011:4444..arrhw1 lob bosh. MOW rum.; )1 ft ..? rad . ISM 1:4: "aerial WV bbib. Weatabbrolszol C'oudyElistrlb -a Ihr Wall L. 11.YOIG? ill% .1 ,-....trce,,,..tmtne±ct.:,:.e.i.......t-,*--1.-•,,,,-., FROM SHERIDAN'S ['SPAR The Recent Rebel Movements. IMPORTANT RECONNOISSANCE MADE. Raid into West Virginia Ernstratedi GUARD KILLED AND ESCAPE OF UNION PRISONERS. Yost, NOT. 11 --The Harald'• correspon. dant isa..es The recent movements of the rebels to the valley to the right of Sheridan', position, It Is now thought, were designed principally to plocure cattle and other supplier, of which they steed mush le need, and not for the purpose of attempting to flank the Union army. Gen. Powell's division of cavairy started no itiltuportatit noonnclasanoe on Monday het, but tad not returned as the date of our latest dispatcher. An expedition sent out a few days ago steer_ tamed that the rebels still °lumpy their ea treated posh,, and remain to considerable force In the viebalbr of Mulford. Their arrangements for • raid, to West Virginia, on 'lecithin day, ware completely frustrated by the menment of General Kelly Mwarda hirserehald. Captain Badger, of GeneralPswell's staff, and eleven other prisoners, cantered by Mouthy, sue *retied irfew night, ago In killing their run, madmaking their neap", T:1: NEW YORK ELECTION Case of the Pirate Plorida OPINION OF BRITISH ADMIRAL HOP 19aw roux, Nov. 11.—The Werhi still claims tbefitats for the Democrats by about 10,000. The Trams demo It by 6633, the Fates by 8030, eac the ilsraki gives It to Lincoln by about b,OOO. Ise haloes'. Washington speoial saysi Among the ravers captured to the Florida Is a letter from the British Admiral, Hope, referring to the oars of t h e Florida In burning an American ship that bad taken out British papers. He says British papers most to all cases protect the ship anu has issued orders to &clank and esp. tut, any vessel hareafter guilty of the Florida's letitll. It is also aseertained that the United States mail stammer Blectrie Spark, was des.royed be: mane she °mild not be run into Wilmington. OTE OF THE POTOMAC ARM Pennsyivairtla Agents Arrested NIATCCAMTIIB AIN'T, or tel POTOMAC, Nov. 10 —The tenons of rifling in this army are netrly all In. Penosylrenia soldiers else 3,9T0 =Jab, for Lincoln. Western regiments giro melt majoritiu for Lincoln. The tote , yoteinthe combined armies before Richmond and Peter/berg Is stated to be 18,000 mojcrity for Lincoln. boser•l Pennejleatil• State •gents wore yes. tesday placed underarreet for having blanks with Duces spelled wrong. They are held to await the decision of the Secretary of War, to whom the matter Lea been refened. Vessel on Fire off Oape Hatteras THE OAPTURE OF PLYMOITFH The Town Entirety Destroyed YR PEV DI %APPEAL R Aa► Your, Nov. 11.—The Captain of the tuneport Roller, whlch arrived it Fortrom Monroe on Rupsd/7 lut, from Newborn, N. C., reports that hi sow a large retest ,n are off Cer• Ilattrnui. Further Particular' of the <motor* by the us tinsel ew'e's, of Plyzeottn, N. 11, on the show that the tows eras entirely destroyed by the shelling of the pleas, and Is still held by oar stmbows, there beteg no troops there. The yello•feyer has disappeared at Newborn. Important and Favorable News from tsherman, ME LOUISVILLE JOURNAL Locrismci, Nov. 11.—The bevi from ll'bar. man's army to Important mod favorable, bat eon • tr. tat 11. Paul R. fitiliontan, associate editor of the LookevilleJoereol, hes dissolved hie ow:agitation with that newspaper, on .op utit of oontrertsty of optniens atth flu proprFetor, as to Its fusers polioy. Mr. Proottoo and Catouel Walla., seal hesveJtereonduat the editoHal depertuaeut. Jett Davie' Illeseage—Reb -1 Debt Onion Generale all Fatlarva • New You, Nov. 11 —Some of the Rhihmand paws comment Tory cererefy on Jeff. Dees' ms. rage, charging him with obsoarity la Moss piztions of it referring to the arming of shires, and to proposed interierenos with the press. The public debt is stated at $1,147,870 208, without including the foreign and army depart. D►ele prononnou Sherman, Grant and Stoat all fathom, and deolarto that Atlanta and Ruh— mond are not vital points. The roll of Hush mond, Willabgton, Charleston Savannah and Mottle woaltionot ooequer the Confederacy. The independent. of the Confader■cq alone win Mare puce. Case of the Propeß. Georgians. Haw you. Nov. 11.—It belated that Genera Hooker, In whose pnwent department ars includ ed tha majority of the Rates bordering on onr nor:hers Lakes, has, after dna Infeedistlon, be • mike Whiled that the alegotabont the propeller Oso,glana hung !Wad oat for a lake endear la nneuthorlzed, sad that no &admit designs are entutelned by lir: Bates, who lately pnrehued ken In Toronto. /loam and the booth. New You; Nov. 11....—The Cerra Page authoritatively denim the ataterouta pot, limbed that u allleatte datantivo and °Sandy* existed between hiazloo and the Southern Con. feleruy. bluimllllan's Government declares that tboy haulm relations with the rebel Gove maul at Richmond. The Election in New York—The Union Ticket Undoubtedly Elected. &mat • Nov. Il.—inatilolent ?store, bays bete rscolired hos b todleate, beyond dpekt, the ettooeas el the Union ticket ID Novo York 841144/ by Aro to WWI thOIIIIKI4 IZAlotity. Generale Ilix and Butler. Nay You, Nor. 11.—Tka Horakt,, whit& yes. tads, 'aid Um woo antathroillo batman au. DU Aida's. Batter, sow ova then ippon to ao fattrogllo attar all. Congressman Wright Not Dead. Now Taos., Nov. 11.—Tai roport iN►Rdy that %soma wdshs Jn.t.leetod to Cloozzoso la Now Tomb ho. Med, b unfounded. 1864. -.- micOslrAlln/P. BAN, ELOACEN agog EXTERMINATORS 4846010,11 sa. T. Mr." hasnage nm"etlai amas.l ohm tame Adosi.. k 4 .Bus .Not ad at asisesma se the Zama raft." stoss Una Mir dia.. by inz i ssists snryssam. OascsesMx sal Broalwas N. Nor soda a. ‘.. mumareociii, eon a °Nair 11.11. es, ezlarranrizz a rtin= sail sae° astml. amestma (oOOaD a CA, Ivens, Ceps cud Straw' 600.43 1 0"s run iblaSzSest Inal =art suraii:t Cod p0;,14,31 • _ !I LNG BALM — . Ma C..es cCi-s-1 la Ma am licastsautt ars ma sts 'J ts s..t. samba tarsi ack, Irtsta tst ao dat MI M 111.7. mti.4-411014tatior Ols'D/CD WAREHOIIBE OF Phenix. Warehousing Company, POOT 07 BAI.IIO a HISIUBON am. , 0120OLLIII hr darars el REFINED PETZOIXI7IIt, Is Tants rod Boren!. No Oct rj CHlee, Ha 10 Bravricarawir, New nat. ea lid ?Ow= Ziada.....,....ccaE.--i......c..tritTfitv3;wasaLlE °VITUS. Commalsalon Meg CIIIIDE & RILPIZIED PETEDLEUX, BIMINI AID LIISIIOATjH6 01141 fra. 1M 8017TH wiresralr, Pitt/DELP/ill. Mir Stant* (totlor oom,) ttr 15.11C0 pares Al. ...flew troilitioa far thlpptoi to amoricata and /crow, port,M onsr wharf co lb* liebs3lkin River, ward.. platforms at dr P. 11. IL rev Ah 1123 WELKVIS, SZONZB AID DZALIT CRITDB AND BEITIffiLD OIL PEARY BLOCK, D1A117120911 WA?, VT of MO:allot shoo to the BAIA ARDBIfiP T of " Fetro/row awl Its pratoota 0 ...4r00p00t211y ordloilooL Pltubstro Bp.atybr YeIIAEGO OIL ABB XILIBBPORTATICJ 001IPABX, h l 7 POST 0171011 BOX Ia RICHARDSON, BARLEY & 00, C0N111133910111 a TOBWASDII3I7 Crude end Relined Petroleum, lia la Emma Mit% Kt Liberal (leek .4.411,C21 012 mad PA, Pitts arab ca Laser& lilarksla. Um: J. 8. 0 . 0.1.1 rba. B r zth ruccom , Eruw , lis , b..#4 j 49.. lattleatm rob LATY O.L, WOIUth LYDAY 4 OHORPENNIN9 I ILanntaolonn sad Sanaa, al PAM= 011., =IS STEM AND LITBEICATEISB 01Id, *TA &atm b CTRU-1.3.14 P.WW.R.OLAICLTZLI W.A... Molds* abarpetri. 02 .% No. eli VIVID BM= BRED BURKA a al, COMMISSION MMILCHANTS Apical or lan GLOB!. PAC: WIC LAD LIBILOTT OIL WOllB6. Lfbaral watt adman. sada as aoadiaauwa al Retinol or Cradle Petro/elm. OM DINUZ33III WAY I IILAY100(11. MIL, ROBERT &MEMO) Forwarding 4 Commission Iterahmil em I RT. OLAIR CT., rlnlitlllllo3, ILLITNIZIASCHOJAMIIar pIITIII3,OItUDI ti TEOLEITZ OILS, !d, cratatakalr era hand sad kr ma y at ells lemma walk/tad. kaalort pricer. Oorralgettaekta sad craws WM:a '43 & KING, 001111/851021 Lad Dak.r., Petroteuas a JA.M.EB 'EWEN, Oil at Vibsol sad /Lana Azimenh. 001 1 .R_ AIJEoDbs M IT nn AwnmrO maw •• . • LOUENT OIL WORKS. DIINCILI. DUNLAP 8 01, 'erre Wiuts &dud Orb Otis, e..., MI fal 11•111. • pia• 0.4R1 0 OTIS. OIL CLOTHS, Ats NEW OAMTS AT PANTO PRICES. • are ewer retell lag emr D.•l Stoat leer Phrhb.. ed, as,. a choke itrerricawat or tea ne. ee t CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, DEVEIGETS, &o &c. nary of .hfoh are hot tr be hod eleewhere, AT A REDUCTION OF VROM TWENTY-FIVE TO EFT! 1111 CENT, irrhm vice, of . few weeks ago. IlonaLtairD & COLLINS, 21= 71 LID t PIPTU BMW, ttrl Sat boots to Toot 0111 .. .Steed Mho.. NEW CARPETS. / s °.' syvatai. • WT. stack of BRUSSELS, INBRAES, BRUBSETB, MEDALLION CRUMB CLOTH:, OIL CLOTTI.B. _ Wool, Dutch and Hemp Carp% List, Bag and Yarn 'Carpets. BOUGHT DURING THE LATE YARD]. W. D. & IL IIoCALLITAI, 11111 W. sionox IlkathoN & , 061.6, ACIT MINN lITUZZLT. (01. Oar Nair Mad./ connnutos nuagousarr - B. • lcddWaulsPlttabtgblanntadmsa■nd 0143:71381 & Z 'INIDD OILS. Lanni adviser made ta FLOOD, MAIL SEIM waits AM WIDEN AND Dann nuns. T. J VHS 6 ON - 1864, XX PINE TAR Mara 02,' MIA Pal win, ass 4114 Ina begat moat= iv, aY tcr Wang sod hi broil sod Wawa 011 km. is.l3/1 =MR 111731Za. rumor NM. OUTER CRACKIIBB sad COLUZICI NALL On to kat at I* VlrB 8062019 13210Elat BLIMIZT, JAIdEB AL RALPH, &BOUT T■OT. elm Itcrwrk Dammam 11.110 ermargairgam, tr mklub bt of•lbstldhip, sad irwtstoadalliiir moan ' reasasus tom, Mks as Asulast. 'tryst; beings fairemit gar lames straft. *new ster. NowIB.THR TIM Hi TO BUY OR FIRLII 110IIM, is ofd.r•ths% Pur.Wal war km* Pate tm . aa Apt 9 Ist ILK at taloa aMtlauto to be avast souany of boom tor amf, ttoo tort way to m emo& r..1d000. to yaw tlDllt , to' to boy.. morns, that you m.y m vole o- the am or •pri, emu. Howes ptisot ..zd .13 .t Haim OCEIa or paransqa 8 J2lB, Mutat-skid. OILS, its. Lod dealt. ft PMlSinnito/3, PA, Prrnstraaa, PAL Mtmmix, PL. LID DBALXII 111 GILL Us Products, ISSIMELT BT. PThabozgh. /1401Uutgin, ef Csaitactaree Carpet Bweeepers, &e., 617011161 H ITEINT. Dtatha ta o, moxi @gums mates lanytres kg& Om %Oman la sai fa Iltaalarga mut Tidally: • TEZIE EALEB -ABE GREATER 20.4 Taft NOM. THE ".I,O9IbEC EIT4110H" imam eel = , N fie taapil at 'Cam" woe by the Vratal: IKAMMUIai p o p m y &oat by • asattes mai they bra k W/11111441 a WILOOS rbw are tar • V S BT 4U . O X.-Vaiut • Auziamoox.u. wins I!UIT. tStL sumn i za as Va. Mon% ta eZP•Zenazes trltancti tar ago Vulgar sail Et ' rupgiadt N.OKs. 4i.a umm,44. NSW BOOS& DOWN IN TENNESSEE. an%bur, by tbs antbar at 'Unmet tba Pima." b Wang d Win -ton. and 0112 hardly b. made ea hat on the at .n lona , b• tot ft. It al tall et malarial. ants honnaanut to avert au Wow lasted to -.Vona &balm ml Usary nr poetical, Madam b. In; as toteratakly attoaanno anal ab labbiaan • 51mid glory to Ms wane, o th er boob._ lb. 1501. VICTOIRE A ow Om cad hloh— , tan Co auks • ! al 19a; cloth, Meted pagor. au QUEST. A Am. pro, Wag ntbot u amgami fe thip $1 go. 40,Anima gnat of nA Loa_ limo, tl,ty, tlatod_plpiz. THE ART OF CONVERSATION =Tr,t6af .Tory Doomed to ova. Moto The afiaba.rna and Sumter it 4 t 6 7 Nadia." " Took e Qat,. 60. laden lhue, JOHN GUILDERSTRING'S SIN, La tater= sad prima,. Lora Stacy. to the Jac/ capta. Mao, cloth, Wad paper. 111 6a. Darkness and Daylight. Ito. Babas' saw asml. lama, doll 5 1 OIL %CALMS PROC %MID orr.a.es The plats of all the opens, LI2 the shape at 'tortes. limo, cloth. YOB MB BY HENRY MINER, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST. LATE PUBLICATIONS.—Daran's An. nes if the British Stag.; 6 vole. D. laraelts Louroltleo of ldtarataaa; k vol.. Ormeoey Island; by J. But Browns. Thu Sapp:m.6d Book about filayery. David Orkyk Poona. Nearer atud Nazar ; by Cuthbert Bede. Bmtly Cbestar, • tem Bored. WWI* sod Black Lew by Mrs. Ladle. lireskls travel.; by it:sr/ell Lowell. &Wee. Poem, .od Ballets m,• El and goldl. Baudtord Wert - a ; Itivenid• edition. lb Ittascru, " " Borternattou ob la the tto• of Oesly ; oLS Pb. Wien( of Slang; by 80b.,, Dahl Owen. S-uthern eLarary : a opt? V.Bkhop 140 of Jaa4 Pant I by 11- B. hr s. Poem. of t War; try Oro. Et 80b... Gob.. Lail*. tom lb. Bedell Poeta. tar sal* by X•Y • 00., 6.5 Wood stook GET THE BEST. WZBITITIIII ENW ILLIINTELVIDD Royal Quarto Dklionary, • O illastratkna. atoll amapkto waft the kin d. ver Entalichad. Lsteal and bam Zxcels all whoa la H • Ilpaolan. Of coneaslad aaportlally 13! hica 511. For We b, J. re- /MAD* 711 VocrUt Anat. Aft OF THE OIL REGIONti VICEIJINGO COUNTY. 0 1 / 1 0 AND WES 7 VIROINIA. /or W by iho2 XAY k COWPONY, OS W 034 steo ADM A BARE IMITATION of my PATENT °OPTING) PAPS& la cum Do ty otintal to tb. public. EMWARE OF IT 1 it I. 40 ro' tra that aim, dampened for cep,' big it W hardly- hold together by ita ova melight Be me auk dtavortery for the genbloe. wum mugs. o !oath 4th etr o.a. aet, Plll,lelphis i :rhos. -m vs it, as. pleNos OS • WD. R. BRADBURY'S NEW t I Tonic, and BCIIOIIACISICS A 00.'8 Phttadelppy CELEBRATED PIANOS Semen ant p 1 GOLD AND MYTH MAMMA is retina withal . mantle at State Tern and lair of the Asorricsn Instlung Den Tort, to la; 4 W. De DEADDITAY for the BEST PIANO FORTES 130110k11011IIII I 0 0I • hfle.dalphle, reodvad the CIIIhrAL PA1.401 Pain' EISDeL se Loudon. ba thes having remind al home numerous Wedeo. Digo mos sod Special Boworti bum Bests rata shel loath totes.. Both .an harms Whin ot Isoootioantlatiote h.-co the 24hett tnto.l. talsot-40Tre e TB.AIiBBOB. WBS. m ABUH , Gil&B/1, ow:Lathes Abu, Arts easortemet saITTI A 00.1 BOSTON rnuir MILS 41. 4 :1110AN OW/WU AND NALO• DEOBB, all . warta.,4 tor elgat 7oam WALIIIBLISS & 8&R.8., 110, 11, Biuell'i Black, Bt. Clair Bt. 11 1 111 . 11:121131) &ND azTeransa do. al abectuf ociew USW MUSIC bound In any 4A. AN Z.XAIdINATION Off MASON & 11.1131L1P,S CABINET ORCANB, WILL amyl:too any one of the enerlimitY of ebb InOm ores ail others. Grand of the Improvements In Man Inetrommato an ;atm teei and ogreoet kV AWN , • Sam• Ile. Large easertmant new ea heed at the mammas of tbe subsautar. 1113 P Gall sad exuding thus beibre vtrobad'ag ets. hada. CHAS C. MELLOR. 81 WOOD STILE!. Bow Ags the %Mut °mum HOFFILLY, & 00. I • r II FIFIVII STWILIGT. DECKEWB P 14 ,1 1013. 11111/11.3 Pima ta &swim N No. 183 Brirovs= Pianos and Knifed letitnaente, Keep. emutactli maid Lae anoctissalid BMW P1A505, morass, gortku /000.111:4110151 Br= be vkleb wftl leeL . N A BET. P 1'4070 4.. a. HAIM ZIBO'B. MANIN 12 W1 reeadld ..ri.r.t of theK_ltozentlid, P. Ithili .Llo4au at a ndscaloa et !ma l imr t t y tonaty OT• datLio kw Cu Mica Dffax. tog to gta 4 of Mali. , Teithiecrobb el steelleutos trots Twain, strsokossb sail 4..laiten -Also fres inns a do must saleont hobo= astAra s idemet to the coastrh alm try pa iars ant pM. r tat 3 , CIIWILOTIII BLOWS LI 111,16 desit. NSWPIAV'.B4ONIEJII2II. WHEELER m WILASO 211. ti lIIPROVSD FAMLY . HEWING MACHINE& CREMES? ■SOHM A fdß WOllO =CAM Er ES Tall ISZEIT. 411 'Others .ClovOrhAc t s. IT - FOR LAZR--IPfIR Fos sera VALUABLE REAL SULTS Th• ads toulcadgszesstsow Wft aL h • 11114 il llid iibLt , . aemed, to Int • 2...• 4.1.0 d ammo to = lignselk All.i. , tzl i .ta.: ,It =ln hoe tbo id u t ig EItrIIDILID LW> ItgliZZGLltb%%amudidillat--*• no ford a ard a dotal., Log Qom . Log Zany..with ahtugh cout, AA, . • i- , •, I .7 . • Lot of Ground fo the otty ot • is hat MI LICOII2 strsilt Boat an roaciti:=A-m.,; *net, Then la tiod Urn. Asia= **waste Lucca Myst, ant a Prim tsrs A Lod cf thincrui to ttio City et A STZeihaha., frostlair - . J lcvfo Isituss um% to shlch Imsoced slums - Its — Zis bo an he I heriiika. _ nada lasA oatodtt tho Id tit ZZASZOlcauddi 11101411112112% as. ill Ma etesillb V oc2dttaaav? . , . LIM ELLIS—A Tau valuablo:PAlCK r. 4: Derry towiandp, Wiutammtazid ein4s . hicup. Mintzat let imat,l•li treet..e,l,l4l Afar 4.1111 OF -te Thliddi aka% of the g l ist art, s' , 0•:1 ai l liceasiese he alemdseee. Alm,. FAUN OF U 4 e(3113, Du am the n 0011•11 1 W eatemealeadaamtr. teweedlidetr tbo Perueetraala Battreed. , aloe, • FARE of esteostra, to ;t om tweed* Wmtmontaod eseetty, • ah... • YAMS of 104 aUEF9, In Fatalidd linnalitto Wmtmalland comity, Pa. ' • Lhe • FAUX Or 117 &MU, to =mane km*. ": • •.. Ofp, Amoral meaty Pa ; about tea., &rum Ihmettee ma • tarmacs Amery. opted; Vett UN!. : ad, and Oen 110117 of wows to the logrbugheay dour Ala IOII>< FILW FULSOFA baits tad ftabilt-la • ;;. workmanlike mann. For tortber •matteadment • • ty a. To Real. atastaimmiti ate o. ill roma start, FOR BALE, A VALUABL PARE. • • ogit'Ms undlarepud o&i Ow War that :4•1114 4 =1 FLU. lad* propersz of Sa4mr itioxey aa• 034 the ofd Batter Ton*. Bead, abed Miss ". Wits hoot tos elty, flhalar knish* and alSoot 164 0884 ftriet9:l26.ll2, The 141”4,44.41•161 axe • superior Imp Meg - delling hown, • *MID : Catz Ins boom, • two stou trams taciat4 WM% Is mid Cireillll a the bartgratted Wt. 15is • dbto hf sem, atool Wagon, stgliksocelle lo &sod organ This farm (tortoetty *mud : by • Use Llghttur, Tog ,) le moor as moat desirable dike for • ti =may mitten= to Most:dotty tett. city; Wing of same by good nude, and !dated to as as oolghbothosid. esimmlaut to the plonk yogi, 'Silk eottocia, thurelee, 24 for urna• apply to. 111r4. MOUT, Vidal/. CI tbe Pmrl " l6 "10 thu''''4l'4l. l•Jlg9 No. IS Ball Una tiliegttsay 01%. cotigsreoden•T Items Who Boomed= BWgg i H t . 'l R SALE --LAWBENCISVILLB 16‘; ' l. ' .1' PEOVZO PROYZETY.-1 bat beatalf.fla dep. . i. t..... 1 tylkayrad prarays, trattet, ®lima c a ut e g • : Brake atamta, la [KR offarad for mho, ha 1 ilaga m kW mad al 71)0 hot,•ad ®m gtsr Orme cif fat. os artlea same I. mated a hap Inetw/MMUIst Boma of Imam rooms large Lail, good cifilar, Am . .f Ismai,ia., all la comptdo ardor. with a tataltflta ;gm' .1 In haat tare. atabto. • tbalcs 'salary adallfl a id ' ' ...C. 1 " 1 .ator• V.I. pal Mg boat nesetly-dasa I me, and 'du te dfayosaa al aa • shal• or ls statlams is ma yarcksasfsjito may Basal terms. She plan Otis 1 :,,A atom gram& ass Do ems tat my oaks., i •:_.• • ! Thum Is aloe • far boauttfully altastod lota tracdttg ..-.; as Ba il er sad Motor .test; mar Mal:Wm:l NOW i• 4 lar flatly., Depot, as aszallaat lacatlatf larbsidimism rl patrata imam. Tat nutter fatonsatlcaf MAYO gm Edla ' sa ,:,. learrsaas tea of O. 11. Rd, '.-4 l oaf rho:isms* • SI 4 1" Fo R SALE. . • Farms and Parnatree Lanett. — L bane to. We vorykn• • torasborot Perm, ansinVielp of Load, rotWdo f o farsdPs ineposs , to rATZEEN Cennvet, wends • maiaat. digaro• hem do ere, usKtra of rho Otiontikral• 114Irood, beyond tt• most tanalata ¬ of th• Lett to tootwolad, sad ludo leas. orpirlat to the swim, and th• remalaler, beg me . h.ll qral . thwi of tinter lira wild hind. to • iattibr tut sad I•4lmhot country, iesm ten espKl=ll by dr ndirood. and Ur leconals• al all on mom of thaw. boot purrs en raw bath= oIY ander hams, and with Gar prem. Ma leta be cola at prim "argot from to PPP per Eally and ore &miming dm Atte:Moo• perms, "Wm a loath. coanalertst to masitat. yply to can h. s. Baum. 69 tooth stmt. Mar", ELL RENT. FOU R ROO MS. IMIT•141 . Law, or Printing (Mors 7 Beck Blerlins or Woodydelill purl:cowCan recroloberi ab MOM povour eraraL W be l a ter roots! er doe/ er other, " vial( &Are& I • 3 pp!). at ass= im ornaV 1313BEIRRAN SEM . . Mat ESALI- alta 1 MLA= DM; osui Door ItiOnatt.—Ttit 10. datolipood, Drototooto of the aufato Watts BotoikilWlS otto , be ago a ontoterof Lolk a ;otutlalf to tap scor lath eitooted aow Tort OM ottoutto eta of Do tarzWans of tbo lt Mt morale Pasowzoo Loam*. rho obno OR losatitally located Ost private totidowtoa. &tat. matchen the Parsoortar of met WI. to ll Ma aty of Ittomi . l ota to WW2 ga l Arcel from ono to two luoldned toot 4i Sae to.formatwo otrcotte• Of dart of Do Who. Waned. to W. 11. B3F3DOtt Work . . OM% ,per trti. Js_ D. EEM =mos. .T 0333 01, - , t J . FOll SAUL 11 ACB-138 ofGß.ol7ra. 12/ soae toslarra, Near the G_a,esYbew% Bahtee rk 4 M rim am se t a d loiiCetyd ., u°oa b 11 . 1 01111:IISD 7C2 W VIZI WY. Anti te aD. 81L78.17, *Our sat tai ►wai, ea Yowl& exert. pats"! . SALE One row Wane Bktacc nodes LS tub uttada. Luca "pia at beim maim. van* Lnnana- Oml anh ‘7 l allta. la WM analkommiimit Mt WO be so and ate, • 0 )" Waal: isebencla anir. One 6 " " .2.0 Wads nollaz, SI fa. Tbsn Tao Wroaill has 011 MU' D. . abla Tan nal a rellln at ea yea, Map kr cut. Jaqulre 11. scria. wick _ Allegbact Shit Iltsztomarobt FOIL I'VE SALE-4 ; FARM OF 165 MUM: ea Blii t B= glum oglaa.froaa dhisongli l BAIA eitromMiroililimeft daia dtalkoa, as iraloh %4,12112; Thou, toe good hapayouoigda. ; T.. 3111 = . 7 0. % Froodod aad Zama 4"*45017112.1.Lirde Kadiod.l4 6.81a1114406 411.1 dabbed. to Sas ikans. - wok . ref .sao r TWEs‘ tibia 'an arestrlar; fill 0 R WM_ AND OM mummy - IP - 41 , ist on Oil Ultra ad No= Owl% t447ge__ PIM; an *WSW iID 7-1 — 7l ailoode 61s - iliNpir a gititasea ll. bed& Asti inal Is Anil a seat hum li t0681401._ fa pm:Ml= adl oss al= ND. Bardatied. A LARDS OIL simoulgothis ves k r isse i l=n i nda Bait Pus D. sica at 011 ?r7,DYor Skupdrui Drift ei WAanellib.: war stak to,..wates of W.E.A. Tbi sbovelroold nab igo,c,t time ROA BALE, 47: t- toodOrair hot teak, u 11•14 wile set ticam.-_ Ars so H. IFlGarr, woe Dqtra• qr o.= Fus Apr -,as -.4uwaa as omi:rpm orti`tans I, of.* mar. eso at eistetast Tsass DIP* al . pima 3-ttesti mat tams maw pp,. *NV at OW . pan at. 111 au. Ga• ri seldt ' . 1411 Luca Om& -- us MA"' VOB LAMB NORM cr DA TOe e 77 4 Trkelsb6l37 CV 1,4.r_ rArtirauswe ; Irbil POE; afiraf.--4hio of Simi- most . dogingarj. 4: anuamna tare to the Kell" Sri'; ; . hag OA stagiest tie% Mad etteeted as Meet Me * . trot en Cesar en tenetpaette the to Of 000111 an • et ailies!t ingiallo" ; teellj "V tsg but 1:9 teet ten r gaa. k, . :: •„., 4: ~.4 ~.;: 0418 t OW . - 1: ,-- ecird ii ,',.,: , ~- , .. sai . . , VOlSAlLLS,As4Ainceintram44 6 o Beni etkad acii le rid.114.1A. 1 16 11 1416._ amissibsidart obi klit after blood iet. smAi _bats Um . tlfe adAridatock sioni ur = ad • ibisargiesa Ref • strad:s7:byilk as weft& a moot va. toe 00,7 Wt. basoir, saltsbto 14. worahaess assatetwOrm ut . Twid area, Wyse* 414 . /yavispilit , Tar toss oppil Prillir_t• 1 c . • - vas w) i,tetur r, was. its; La rum gm CNN • llrt sot.' Ovka • Maori INN. 11••••• ilk sesaiseil. of_ ll l4 & • - . _ UDR 11.1097-411112719 viuDsaftqsal ea west, ear sad senst. B - • dirk II Ifni. toardiamagesd avetv to flag *RVEUX6I , l!ostzwit.— !!!!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers