"...1* 4.,. e- • . i • . 11.1 t Elittfiburgh Matte. EIIBLUCEUID BY I - fa' am HIRER :manta 112111111.11ALY, NOV. - 12. ISO, Arming weaves 1 .-Tiltlllrolotltion to manumit and arm 200,000 , --, 49 WA° e119e3, to all op the depletedrinte sf the rebel moles, has raised a treMendous bUt so among the patriarchs. Writhe several test at loydtp that-has yet been applied to I ' - .-iltem, and few there be that seem disposed to stead it. One fellow gives his vivre in the rib - - Mda an advertisement. In tatlehmud payer. .dlie ups that, as 0 general rule, flogging, as • Intabilment, ought to be unlined to estgeoes `-''''' tht4Mle derogatory to um visitants. to Sags -'.-11114eraine; but that be is Willing to make an ' ireePtenn in this case, and emmdly, dog any - itidt&ilan, on the naked back, wh o proposes . Mt saseaudt mei arm the nevem. Under his -. fang, Jive.-Marts himself would be Maly Vette& 14 for nu argent tie Enruirlr, bdro ,..-Ilabellthe sesame. It "'yr. ..-. - die proposition to exten. f lthe iz onsoript '*l* ißlipttsttlit.:l.buitgais n o te as weft' set a wit i k wem t b dull torcasing In popular fiver, and We ti enure will find favor with a large ,mejority N' in the nest . Congtese >. i. 'The Mentgorany Appeal regards mew , rim Se. °unwise" if not 'danger:, " that it finites* serious if not'fatal blow %the in 'itiltatiort delivery. - the Mobile Tribune rather favors the roes *int_ baidoes not regard it as teemed'stel y .:Alloliiisty. It Is, however, prepared to make any marinee for independence. After re• rearkbg that "independence will justify stir -sarience-every thing is well spent that pur chases as boon"-it goes on to say 'This question of using the slaves for set ,.sue, to the army to not by any means a Qom - plegenie. It Is as easy as en elementary '1 • emithnieticad problem, and the substance is -'simply Ws. The Independence of, the Con federacy Is paramount. Ere-ything must be asonflood to that. All the negotiations, 'whether with Abraham Lincoln or General IdeCltillan, will amount to nothing allege that , doll be Waked. Less than tha y t's cowardice Itese than that is subjugation b the slow tit itsumeatality of craft Lass than that la put-- ling air lee'evil day to our posterity. Without independence, and with recoustraeilon, we BUB be subjugated finally, Jost as mu& as though Lincoln a army oeonplei every foot .•f our country. - ~z; l rmther on in the &rewriter' that paper ' gels rcleeka a very difficult point thus : „,. It b ap:m.od by I=lo that to glee freedom ;the the negro eoldiers Ls to acknowledge that . demideas la a boon, and hence that emery is t lerelirg-thett the strong argument which the ' vial* issokiatt the world, that slavery ID the •'' tiltid-sppolktted institution of Owner% will be 3 irettheued and refuted, if freedom is ghee so he. reward and prate of military service :hatif negroes are required for the army they %bold be drafted an mares, treated as proper . 7, when lost to service paid for and after ki Viz returned as sieves to their masters . But it should be remembered that whether treed= to the negro IB really a bleesing or s ,'that - many upon desire and are rwillbig to tete it even from the Yankees. Ifterdone is given to tie negro soldier, not be 'Came QM we behave that slavery in wrong, %hat _becam m ewe et offer to the negroes .ieduciacents to fidelity whisk he regards as 'eciattl„ If.aot greater, than those offered by the -enemy. ^'The Yankees make the negro free at :die North. We offer him freedoms% home. Verily those rebels &rein a tight plane ; for, do what they willoslavery is gone. Theis editors sad political leaders talk largely of sacrificing tun thing for independence , but the planter who can -live under Lorotrit nr well u wider anybody else, so that be has plenty of "Algiers' to cultivate and pick his . cotton, will see those pediticlau hung as high! 44 HolOttl, 0411• their .Indeyeudenoe'l in , To-I Iles, before he will consent to make any , each WILT floe What, would 0J31611 with,ll theasand sores of full, LIZ ao negroes, and who never thentbt o r labming vlitille own hands, da l f widigui "of/RIM 'Aran were the indepond emu of thsConftelemey established , off Artily an eireirikait 7- .. - - :'.- ,- Iwo -411. 0 -1.;,4131316 JO, Ilialetirawhert .",ilo a a hay OW - old fellOws have no altenat (ire, as choke. Veins what; excise they may, they carrot "torn their eliding matituttoo, tor continue to live, and. frolic and fatt.n urn 'he unrequited foil of their fellow men; for if Jane Deers does not lake their uegroes, to tight Ms battles, AEU HMI LIHOOLO ISM Mt every one of them free, when, by prcrila -milt; he dial/ give the whole country an *needed," conetifulton, totally and for ever abolishing slavery. This was eolemnly &- areal by the votes of- an immense majorlii of ilia American people on the 81 e November , end sires* the requisite two thirds et the representatives in Congress. have been return ed to carry the measure Into effect. In no tontingenry, therefore, can slavery be pre. served. If the Confederate authorities arm the tiaras to fight their battles spinet the Union, the inevitable effort will be to destroy the institution, sad wreck and overturn the satire mug eletein of the South; and even then they will tail in the aellsvemeut of their inaepertdertew. Bud/ they do not, then slave ry will miteldy be abolished by , the more woeful proems just resolved upon. Our imptemion is, that the people of the South .Will isomi give up-yield to the rseistleen current of evente-acteam...e. date thewaselreil to the new (condition of things.-tdeldieh share* by their own sit, after the sum* of Elauland, and Wain their laboring perdition as a free and, IsslidPadlobLe pepeantq, spouted in iiietP rights Or poison and property, and fa ir eiliT in t lif of ga l prkilloSel of miff' Mills and On right to bergain, buy and eidl. ist, other people., under the protection of the icrestiaws. By it strange and terrible process, Prem. \ identiv Mersa to be working eat the great s peed=- Oldie. abolition of slavery. For Rudy a genrition be permitted earnest mem, wider o.lcriny and abuse, and area ._ pareesiation, te dh what men could do; and well *Odd it rditg Eaftreen for ebb *affair/ 1 .- - ..:- Aid If liderarl ltAtt_ 1 ,IV:Va robe. But I '-h it Tog not. ride Clod has taken the work , • into his own _ band, sad tattled the wrath of fi ; ths °pram to be Ms bestriummt in ef t bating the lakigion •of the oppressed. • If 1 1„ elaeffi feeni t Ilte , Anti am th at Soaoa woe imptialble so lot% as the prime canoe of the warerLOA ' dsma it Ls uprooted. • The decree went f last Tuesday; and hence. forward we await ,. in calm ea joyful Eall, contlifendylhat, iaandate, once heard on the ... , eellileeti idt*-40.11 end email, but influite* .., ly,iitediel,-*Preaczt Bs ertttl" 1 . los-cotritioad.raParkalOhlubh comPalea z to acknotriMgCtith - discpu of Vinod; hang _ '..._ 1 , on e WilltdelpereKtitisalts, tile hop% that • I astir fueearrlia-rminulreatla aud'New ''. ' ''' T • ok. It did hi - ' -- -- We not -41 ' 1, 8, 0 It 0 440011; VII 1, ~,,„ {betwould4o like to any these two large ,' ""..." &MS, ea air not lobe left out la the odd, ' '!' ~. with ad? three littler States, polling the in i• ; elgulfbleat number of 21 electoral voters; I e 1 ,, ', 1 VIVI jilljOdtriall ialooll7 in l'entuyiesda, f es dr, pullished returnh is peer 15 000 on * 4 _, *abaft Tote. Allowing far reduction, that ltiflbe'mdte- by the °Meld rdamis, it mot 1 Wilt "ftra ' ail7 16114'16,600; Yet * the But, t _ -tho - ref 4 and tithe McClellan parrot bilk . „ .ed Whig berried the. Elate on the home Tote 1 •i , i e VOA acid majority , majority i n thi s county for t , en a tiotit la 7,6/10, on the home vote. The 1101,1° P t _ cio rlliocill Peke it ore? 9,001). The gala* tat her Tate It 1.401._ .:, . ;: - The Electlca. WO have cow reported majorities from rear tenet, la th.^l3taul. The rerun; Will Tit 7 then floras, marserrimr; batmotmitteriello: Omosod P, ta i 0 4U ...- 41 ..-- IV' 650 743 Balla Beant-.„.- Bogard—. was .... sr is KO. - Bucks.-- 75.6 Cnnetuo 920 ....... 845 12 1 14 T x : LAE 100 •-•-• = = 1117 09401,01464.--.......... 644 -- 643 1100 12311 Ma— 2364 5000 400 •—• 104 —. -4170019gd00---. 617 906 1707 _ IEOO Jeffenor 1102 358 6:46 911 000 14•199604.--- 1003 eo 711 188 lb IDri 100 358 150 146 ...- - 716 I T- 4 ,1 20= =. go 337 1972 473 Notttimptoo--- 787.71 656 600 e 71605 rho I pir 2 . 003 1.108 ..... —.-- 773 i 17f 2 2 001 . 5 ttd "'"" — —**. 176 -- 500 W. stmortl.os • Presidential Vote of the PennSylva pia Regiments. BEADQUARTSELB or TUC Aram r or ruk Poro• leo, Nov. 9 --The (dealer, yesterday through • out this army paned off very quietly—the enemy even seeming to &epeeist* the Impor tance of the occiasion, as firing wee almost entirely suspended during the day. The Penney - lento regiments on duty or. the picket line, were generally relieved the night previous, to enable them to vote, eyla it is believed that no one who desired to do ea was deprived of the privilege. There we i re, how ever, • few absent on a reconnolesanCe, bat it is thought they returned in time to tote. The voting is much heavier than ik was let month, SIS the returns will oboe. Two agents from Philadelphia, lt: Miles and ' Patrick Carrigan, were arrested by the Pro , vast Marshal, at General Miles' head carters on the °barge of having in their pesseseion blanks with the names of the Meters spelt wrong and Due name left out. They were taken to the eorpsheadquarters- Their case haste been decided upon es yet The following is the vote of the regiment eo far as obtained, a number not baring as 'yet completed their canvass: sera or re IMISB11.1r•III. asomma. Llneelni Mottlellan. 78 mod. ..... 17 m . 88 * 122 71 96 ' 65 45th Ponorylvaals. 48th do . Stet , do . llth do , sth do • 834 do 56th do do 88th do 89th do BSd do 81411,.. do 84th do 91st do 99th do 105th do .105th .... do - 410th - do 114th --- . , 1154.1 L. f: {ispoxt). 42 • a.....:182 . - 141 . 02` . • • do • 194 '1428 ' d 0,... 123 148th - - 60 • - 167th do ...-- 102 ' 149,1 do ... . . 102 151 th do ..... 1.8 11 1831 do 4T 184•11 do ,180 94 190th do ..........148 ; 55 191st do .........120 i 74 98th do ..........356 243 33 Pa OsTery (la ) 109 18th do ....._..216 195 24 do , 185 11 209 .120 .......„ 23 142 147 -4.761 ti 1 339 kjosity for Lino°l2,3B restmattb, 3,403. mplexton of the Twenty-Lath Con- . ';he ThiTtf-SlllolCo3lgfelll. as [4x aa moor inadorill stand 61 VB - 9p, Oppalition. 3 California . Delaware ......... ...—.... 'Music ...... 9 Indians a 10wa..... —........ ...... 6 Kane*. 1 Louisiana. 5 2darl lac d ....... 4 Idas,sabassua 10 2 ........... 4 Nomads .... Now Jersey ...... ..—.... N0wY0rk...............f 0 Yonstoylvani ...... Versant 3 Wont Virginia 3 Macomb ..—...,•••••••• 6 Union mrjority. 88 frf ro :tsar The following States here not bltoton their rt embc to of Congrrto. They stand W follows l ate grettli Hoar Reim:wiry ..... _Bow Simp.bire 11.bada ` - The Unton Majorities. The majorities In the State' carried by Liao co far at sacertalata, era as follow 4: I:loafer's' Yeti. 11aitc.......--...........18,000 7 114 w 114mpeblre ..... --. 2,400 . 6 ,V sung-....... ...... .:.....20,000 5 47 1 t, Ids as cbusots-- ... .......75,600 12 Who -island o,oeo 4 Cell Ectta5t................ 2,000 6 P0nt.431420114...........-16,000 • 20 It• Marybu1d.......... 5,000 f ! lifeltVlretils ....-....... moo 6 ' :0070 -'" . -' • ..:.71,e06 - 21 1nd1an5... , ..... —.........16,000 • 12 i Inblob ..........::...»:_.,.16,000- 16 '. Inlobtgan. .... ................10,006 6 • 1710447,416-...-..........10,000 8 • Min5ier0t5................. 6,000 • 4 - 1 10w5......1.--.--.—...15.000 8 i Oregon, • CsWends, flerstisi, Keine!, Teti. metres and Lon Wises are sll tar Lincoln, lint t,o havens returns. The aggregate mijority will exceed 800,000. , 3iietouri is conceded to-day to Lincoln. STATZIP 100 O OLKLIJI3. _ _ _ Delaware glees McClellan 460 majority. Kentuoky sloe gives McClellan a hem elority. New Jeriey giver 6,500 majority. Miter Sentenced. By the eteamer Africa, at ilelifas, we learn that Muller,' the murderer of Mr. Briggs, Ilse been tried, convicted and sentenced to death. A strong effort was mad* to prove an otibi,tmt it failed, end the wretched man will On. doubtedly suffer the death penalty. Ttus lose haa excited more Interest In the civilllted world- than any homicide slums the Burdett Murder. The Berne in the railway °empiri c:Lentz; the Um% the bratts'ity of the °lmam. Stamen the small sum renlizel by the Cour. 46ra l /a - Met thaltursult and °statue; ids reidition'and sentence have all been corn-: tined so .as to make the affair one of stri t ing dramatic:lnterest. The lusignitleantte of at ter himself is the only drawbsok to the e ns rational character of the Gash tu , idble to Mk. a hero unt of snob o w, gunk, with skillful manipulation, in -len, terprlsing play-weight might touch u make tividi dharleteristies so as toaks th e ce I figure of the dramaintersadog,....4.44 the Babel Clommissionals ii tho 'Pro:- ingot We reosived ISM wilt epeeist and_aathe i lia information from Qtieb e. thst Ge era N. fonder, and Clement 'C Cloy have sought and obtateed a guaeLeaciti interview with the Government there,lwhether With the ap• proud of Lord Monk or not, we tie not learn. The missitw of smite, wee suggested by an doirations of s paid:hie intention on the Fart o' the authorities to surrender the St Aeon's robber'. The emissante, however embraced the occasion to lay before the mem bers of the Provitietial Oven= tut whit pur onported to be the best of a secret agreement, onteired Into between the Richmond atithori knd the Emperor Maximillso. The agree ment inoludell the terms of an alliance, often siveland defensive in its character, between Meto and the Confederacy. dere took pains A explain that the com pact had the perfect went of the Enterer of the Eritrea, and that mate rill aid would be afforded by the regenerator of blexicto In sice big :effect to the covenant at the proper atc, trtent. The reply of Lord Mosses advisers wasthat they had, first of all, no assumes that what Mr.t Benders and hie partner represented was true, and in the next place, that it wu none of their business if it was true, as thtfy had no twelve relations that were not merged in so subordinated to those which the Home Goteroment cheese to recognisSand maintain. • There may be no truth in Senderee repre sentations. There may be no such agreement WO/en the Confiders's' 'sod the Hew Merle sad Government. Bat of the mission of Mr. Eters to Qttele:s there is no room whatever oubt. it showithat the last hope tor the ?elicit le now fired oneembrolline the United &sten with some foreign Power. ThiNiagara peace mien,tv was a failure, the Northwestern Confederse,t scheme oonld not be got into shape, and now the Volleindigbo= platform and the mixed multil ode crowded on to it have tumbled hopeleesly and irretrievably into the dirt. Sanders, therefore, could do nothing but turn his attention once MOTe o.foreigna@ai re. i Aid here be turns np at Quebec, with a Mexi can scheme to eubdue the Vetted States of North America. Poor fluinkeel Poor Con federoa)l—N. nieces. ' ft I i _ , general Wellaco's Ord • Concerning .• Emancipation in Maryland metrnioar, Nov. 10.—Major General Wal- IRce b e jo't teened an order setting forth hot "certain evil disposed parties in Mery— tend intend obstructing the operations and nullifying se far eik they eau, the emsooipa ton provisions of the new cOnctitutiott." tie therefore orders I t io.t. pervoos within the Middle iDepartmo t. heretofore slaves; are now fore, and ore under epteizi military protection until the letielature Omit piles each laws u Asti make military protection unnecessary. A Freedmen'e Barons is tweeted, the office to be in Baltimore, and AlajorWilliam Al. Este is appointed to have it in ohe.rge. In order to male the Bureau effestire,,„MsjorE.is onthor• lied to institute investigailons, to send for papers, and to make necessary arreets. The Provost Marshals of the various distriots are directed to !marlin complaints and report the 11111110 tp Major lista, who is directed to take possession of the Maryland° uh [Luse, which to now by order named theFreednien i s Rest; but for immediate wants, Major rtsto Is di rected to draw on Cot. WooloYi It is further directed that ehould the moneys derived from &math:nand from tines collect. ad prove inontßoient to support the institu tien In a manner corresponding to Its impor tance, Major Este Is directed ton:take a list of all the avowed rebel sympathisers residing in the city, with a view to levying such contri bui ions on them for the support of the insUln lien aki may be from time - to time required. The execution of the order be directed to be iroceoded with at once. iiri tux, taus emo The World and the Albany Argus both claim New York for Di'Cistase by 1,600 majority; but they figure, it out by exag gerating their own local majorities and milt stating ours. The Barak(' concedes the Smte to Lancoms. The Times says: The Electoral Vote of New York is for Mr. 'Lincoln by ihe decided 'majority of etc or leight. thousand. Oar oorreoted and latest return' leave So doubt of the result. 61r. Fenton will also have a decided major ity for Governor over Mr:Seymour. tit' ticket , or Rectors end Governor, we find generally run togetk sr, as (sr as they have? b^en Doper 'Gay E portal. In this city Ar, Seymour is t. few hundred 'nos a head of the ll'Otelhau -return, erbt , o Mr. Penton:leads h:s ticket five itontite t in his old Oppierhead district, rbate aqua and Cattarsuinc. The Gaon gaindu Congressmen is seven members o'er the result:two •eore ago. We ...wet dal the d: fast of Mr. W. E. Doudge, In :Le Vghth District in this city, will not allow ~ to call the Union gain; eight members. The new Asnembly is largely Union. The .....: c ate elected for, tee jean to 1,464, is the some tec.y. - 14 ft LOA'.. IL 5 lei es el uli6.lbinZLN Uti taki, nL 12.011317 Orrr, NVIELSIOB llALL,cortur -mock arm Rmler,LUIZ, 10.4 m.mtd . 7440; rma-m• !iam, ou EDNZSDAT ISTEI9III Rte' pear. sre c0n13.47 attuid. TEL OBS Y (*LEE f 11,17 R. w 111 eceot TT IT. ir Onn Hann, I. • 113 ElanT EVITNIIIO., .t T o dick. Punctual attendance le aw quaked. noln:T1 unstal ta•na, ploy tw. toot AT A SiIIgTINUI OF BoAllo OF DIHE TOHi, held We day. B. W. 1111.02.5 T • el; de.TA Mel. Twat lasebler - of ..tn Dint. u.2.10t J W. 00)K. C.at.• • • /...• swim" Deem, oesubes le.th AN ELECTION , FOR lITR ,, CTO!ot Or {LI. Beet Pill be hold .t the eenkine. Please the sta dai of Timelbei peel, between the beast , le deleolt e. n ea Seebeck p . J. W. WOK. fitehter. Luna Crry:lttxn or rddmndna., i ts OOL•b,r num, Ist& Tax ELECTION Ott DIE tiCTO .f ibis Dank will too Ibt.M Ltit B.nkins Hawn too De I', tbn t &le dm Somanbm next, Imtinell • hours of L and 3 o'clo-k p m. 1. hiseorrie.o.taff. 91.99G7Arti Aso 19.Micwortraoss Bait. Anstabougb. Oct. Vet. UM. ELROTION FOR DIREOTOL - 3 of thin /hut:19111 bit;t4d si tie Banklag Holm 910131).94. tho Mat Oaf of .!cronattar .it, !mammon the hoary • so. sod tzliad JOillf BOUTS. Jr.. Osadmr. tamest% Hi= or PrttuaseS. Vet. 20. RLROTION FOR ' ' rain E 11.11.tet0.34 of 1114 t - Doak, to .arr• em , waO be bah at tbaßedkfug Houle ral DIOND•T 21-tt,1144 telsetin trot boars of alarm a. to 0 two p mtr2o.lm IC RUFFtliLlf, Garbler. - • NICIO.IO , BAN. at Prrrearado, Oct:Owe 116 a, laal. ELECTION FOR DIRECT() of Ilia Book trill b* bald at tag tlaaktog ObDAT, tL. Ilatt day al llarraloar osot. W...* 4 basin at ,10 eticr.l. a. a, aad lVeloak p. 13. df a.f• 140, 0 NABTI.O, onk4er. Union. Opposition .. 3 1 S I . 117.. A..ti:iGUENY G'lT . (PA) 00M- C 2 B tonDtbe•o-easn. of tba Ooop•• Woo B r od . Nortad . y Cityof ..I.ll.4bany, I. t•• dm ono, of Lis Italltood f00tt••..... 1 -LOod Lb•lt Poo p, ,-lo oda t* mend-by oDd•trit , Lod ate tea Mtmtat in add Lto•do of the g /sad f.o the 'oaf 1-8134. tutu bemnbeclit,lB 6l aeolt••• " ' • -sous 41TWk lgt, Obalugast n are Mi Ooroolitt., ttiburgh, Pa. NOTWEL—The e.toekholdore of the Dmikitrd Creek Union Oil Company MONDAY, NOT. 14th. at * o'clock p• in 17.71111 , 1413 .8 BALL, tottreb cow tbs 330115 r bartogn 4.111 tboo=octo of T . t etss to this O .mpsoy *toad do ill to cal WI at Ho 7 Batlntlf lib tits soburtoblos Jtoolt vlllllO6 55313.3 w I.I.I.iLITIOE-TO THE STOUKEIDIAnnts Or 11111 OOHNTXIAVELLI AND BOOTH PEDIDISILLSMA; ItAILWAT COMPAILL— A. =a-OWD will-brtwad Saes Prellawat sad Dlrsetera at Oa .430zwalloM. antgaiathern P-EarrylatMs way Coryally,•• a He. 011 Basalt Taira olD*n, Ii CU o;sy of PbtladelpttlA, sra f3110123DLT,1 3 01. 0 ab d!iy at November IL 1661, is 3 3 sis wit D. M. RIIBAELL. W. J. 16 sfi AVM aTurZytAN. JOWL O. W iD,DSZEItADED. Ellie. D. D. DAUclaal, 0. adarClonlye JOB Oosesedminners SOP aLunrraoltapsra Batt, al eittsbalgh, Dos. , loot. EWA GIMERAI, MEETING 010 61'0011110L01113:07 THIS Bnbli win to boa at the hawing Bony; on 1110tIDA7. the Mat day of Zi.rostirr prat. at 11 o posh • in. to Annan and teefeernbetter tads Bank emit box= a vtattss tot The tosican of panhittr. MAST Ora, n two ths rotod Stara, and %bother ft abilbeyerclos the yourrs coofcrrod by Os Ant nf Stab Ihnthlittare of tots *stet esUbod "La hot enalliad.tlao boats of this oostmon• veldts to twone us dolga.. fat .:amiklsg.andqA.• to.' of the Untem Stitite'spproirS4 ll3l &WM, landS sod to t•lte asy furtive wilco that may tuDiessessry. BY order of this Blind ot esevam ! 'roam awn, Sr, Dubin. PrIVIVICU. Ili. is aril a 41. P weirs or woo edlol.l.llti. Oedriar VAL Lett griIOTICE TO BONDIJOLDEEV3—. 110 agrestorkt imodirying Pirst sal lhadoil thh Ordayany tiss Wes asecatad tb• Presides t sod Ttratia., , Rider the , DNA al , Tram, and I • "video*, of hat sytracisat to he atiaotaa to each ts bow ready. biralbolitcri may yresagt tbeir Wail O nits* 400,4, tae Ocsoreeop Treolo . b*, Vitssics, jahft , Oa. No 61 Watt suety. ow and tem the uresessat attiohat thereto, es they ay ...a so ettsical a,Deis •*••••.#•••• • hid datialistlen mud tisk ca star .141 r lb, ay reeros4 Oat be east to lb. .I'.roadboideT to be by hha 46114 4, Qs baa 4. ocean W. Le. DiAtird. ISSCrit•TI. WILOBE MUTUAL LIFE IgSM3,- ABCI3 ODEPANY. Or 114.1 TaELF PLThT rUKEILAII. Pasame. Zoos lAte-Forbitlng Oman Lib col Ike went rolloiss. Cm. Policies on • I other pnpat. pLnt No other kind of Policy can offer coal awslitti. T. WOODS. Chlursl &pat. or omen 115 FOURTH LITREST. 1417:ly a PIIRE WIN 43 VINSGAR. 12. 0 07 Tbri. muted Irttb • Prim liettg, of dal aziabiton, IA %Its latansaioaal Ithlbltlaa. Imam, sad ter to by (DYBPBPBZA AHD FITS, TITS—A am+ arra for them distrusting oompleinbi —now made known to • Irwin on Tonto and TlTS—Native Borba preparations, pabilshia by Dr. 0. - —Tann DISOWN. Tbipresmiption was fur lain to nob s providential manna that ' —ha unnot oornotentloosly nabs to maks it TlTS—known as It bas mired evorylun4l who hal teed —lt, Lew baring felled to a sew. It te TlTS—equal aura In cam of YTS tut of Glam.* the nignallents may bobtailed feom anY gbt. 01192 BS! to ail oa • rocelpt of —five ante to prosy bane, hs Agetrest PISS-0 P 1311 1 .13 BELOW fl, No. 19 Grand area, Jor. —se) City N. J. n07:61 Tr" - -•WR. BARNHILL & DO., Bolts o•rr ar..1.18.13S AND tam= mos WOILIL• ENS, re.. sa. GI and SC. Barbs Ito emad a largo yard azat tornlabed it olth the moot Im proved machinery, me are prepared to inaottaclicia emery description of BOILERS. to the beat mama. dam warranted equal to any mad* to the cocostry. CUM. EGIIOIIEti. JIBS BEDS. BTEAB PIPE, LOCOLSOTIVNI BOILERS, OONDENSTINS, SALT PANG, TA.NTaI3, OIL STILLS, KOITATOP-S, SET TLING PANG. BOILER MIN 0111 DONS, BUGLE PA-1111. and Pole mariximadrers of GAILIMIGL'S PATENT BOILERS. Bapairtng done on the shortest dclarti Sew Y ork. Wit mat antwalsallan on a 14 IL BOLLMAN. GERMANY, (7,...4 *ALL= 00., ismam2...) V. M. BOLIMA A, PITEBBURG SAW WORKS 11171113AROG At IAiNG, Z.afeetnrere of PitINT tiE.OI:II3D 011100L888 aretrented 0.8.11 T bTif..EL rtabra. of story' deacrlptlon. 1,111, Eln farm Can, tinng end &Bother tar - 10110 All kindle of ENTVT.B BPIIINGS, mate from ghee oAatErealt Extra Rellard 89aPE8 LED /SOWING, lI.NIVVZ, art Waterton* and ' , Scrim cot. WArril OUT 6TS., Pittabirgb. Varttenlar atrantion Otto Cblit at.! Saar, elan reports of all kinds. Pcnenlaff and Drtlllall th.a• At reasonable rata. Wally ) . T . LASE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL a 80.4KUTING WORM% Prrrrarasi. PARK, aIeCURDY a; CO., Llzaufactmews of 1512TATHINO. BRATIZEIB' MID BOLT OOPPIOL PHISSE.D . OOPPEtt bOTTOLTS, AIJ3ED STILL BOIFTOIIB, IsPALTIOR BOLDER. tam, Imporfar fraddrolon In Ifra.A.L3, TIU PDATD OR= 1/105, CnOIL. to. 00ostantk7 On hand. TW- O LW? lIWYELLIITA LBO TOOLS.- Waretwouo, N0.1411111315T 41.V811;008DaTELILVT% ritttbaritb. Pa. epmlal miffs of Myra goat to ►n7 dattntdd pattern. L[ -7ROB/38.017, TM & CO., (aucloes co s= to Roatosos. Emu .11 Stua.sza,) TOE WOBEB, roman= 1 Itasoroosna Pwatn:sh. slanalactscrora of BOAT MID VELTIONEIII DtLAB 111EGINIS, LAST EISOISIE, KILL ELS OIXINZET, OLLIIIHQ. MATTING, CLISTESO3, ct .11;doactipticata ; OIL WWIi *MLLE BOISE AND MIK? LEM WORK.' Azalea f 0 GITYMIDE PAW= ISIIKITOP TOE TENDING !WILKES. O.I72CONPOSSONB AND NE. nscia or en =vela% pabadal oaf tin twat at and al a imestog and matt= to rnas etas .co maw from iherroc. Dotaltr . ',testator, /WO et Itleatood, eta, eapplying, se tae aces Cow Waco. Gf ee4/ elm By ace alma Wu rand Ucayali after Wag pct w rut exyat.e cad Nary tblvoreselical best ag wad gorctcry. Dy eadala; s p+t paid jr.c`treseed envelope, stegle Aca nay be bad et tL. scatart, HATIL&NIEL MATT-1111, Vedfcril. same coca:). FL T. 20 HIfEVOUB BIJITEREILS 0 =ITU ara.te.—• rottonmel gooLlontso tons t.ter. rootolvd m Itoaltb In row dark sitar ustlorcotag net matt. tad Itzormaar expoustre mod* of tr.sezunt. wittlotit raeos.u, ooto.l.lors IL kW Oserod duty tstmtoOto to dV atitelotl fedlow tcootot . ol tir c.... 50• of cum. bean. 00 tn. reOflPl Of on odeltso.n. l •ucep, to. will ANA fr., • copy 01 the pr.o.ortyttoo Dino to Dr. /01:151 1.130 too stzoolL b. I. 0614 .W. D CyLLS46. • LA MILLE STEEL WORKS atenrurt a co.. .....A•ora to Bettor. Blurts:ma I CO., caaatssiarors o ttor erium, APUIP/O, PLOP/ AND BUSSES ; tIP UlbOa r ., cIitUWEAW 3 , to vas, nun wtiD. AltegbrAs f. 0. Address. PIiTAPITTWII. Ps. ; TORSI COCHRAN it BRO., Mn • a ccr.rera of I DOD DAIL! BeN VA rLre D VAULT DOOM. WINDOW IDIUTTIICA. WIN. .OW OD A UDS. Fa. GI NICCOND ...te TIMID ILLAT, bet. Woul alfl NArkvL Nay. oa 11=A s Ell Of 2141. rasterAA fanal and kaa, vollAbla tot a Payficalar **Caution paid co *salaams Gas*, Loan Atlst dons at dual JUST PUBLISHED, by Dr. Poa- TAIhB. • popalar aralmo oa DISIASCA Tall USA DDSS; alao,oa• an BTRICTODS6 01 THE r. lISTR lA, mad ova on H CRVOta DIM4WIT-1M aco• and con. TAMer ono not by mall for 60 omits Address Dr REEDY TORTAIRS, Do. 710 Broadway, Re• Took. asSOlSrad DISEASES OF THZNERVOUS USINXIST AND e1t1171.1 TEll3—mrtr sad reliable treatment-d/1 /WWII the Lloweal Asseciatlom Bent by mall to sealed MAW er...10p.. trio of chart. &Woo D. J. 8E.11J411 13000HTOS, [toward AZlMllltkal, Ha 3 Scab Hlota wept, Phlladatphtli. P. HOLZIEB & SON&, DILAL777 11 roams AHD DONESTIO 1311.1.0 07 7.1 (17/1.21710A77.8 01 DEPOSIT. i.021L1 AND 517011, Pc. IST ItIABILIT STIIILET rvals:wen. P. 00i1/10021111 ands ma all Ms ortmedpal atlas wrouir Ines Oa Otatel tear E -- „ ? HENRY R. COLLINS. Foiwa * MO LOD 00X111651019 WZOORAST ...missals bob, b GOZZIEO, svnirs, wad ami prodbe gamin, SO WO( I tub JOIISIN U. er■Ams, VW= AND GAZ7AM, BOLIOITODB OF Thom' TWO CEIITAIII LOTS OT 011OWND altuate la Ttts Tp., al lb. Ilne of The %moth Ward of OM Of Otel..argo, each lot befog 10 feta on Salaam afoot hi 10 het deep, end the cane rem lots of anroad tomboy la arl 14 la Teta • flergree t ran sabllrtslon of lo o t do otoA C. Bears third aa. ..d of rat& Peso Norrtedafcl7 41.6, bd. • Utlas web, tad earareol OCRollibtthr. JOS or tr prunftnev, Guardia" of rano. el:Llano of iron Haab, deo'd. oegleliedaaa • LICENSED DT GOVERNMENT TO COLLECT I NUL ESTATTI CLAIMS AND PATENTS, 43.¢-rort Nvive- r. vo, O 8 G FLAAT STREET, Plitaburgh. BOUNTIES, PIIONOVS, SLOE FAT, And all °lbw lIILITJAILOISIIA.VAL MAI= against lb Malted lisatta. - . , On EQY o9OD D duo Baleen disolybrg• edIMIKOMI I I ,I of wenn& roodnod to lathe, colloojud toomoilacoly. e:r oat a 95 OIZAIIT rranciT, BRIDOEINATIM PAINT ADD 001.03E1 WO RIC.t Taft andandinad, aadltfag t a O d o baamn tta u lhara a m n + . de d ,a . o kaa t b a t aa.aattonasad.aOu Valmont tab. cams. W. B. Writ.4.ll/ ' VII U. $BT?B. attne J. 11.1100111110.10. Cleaualttat. DELIDGIEW ATRIA. 2116TILLT.10 PAIR,. I / I "U'''./'" ••••••• : I=== .• , WHITS Lli9 AND ZINO PAINT AND COWES ot miry (heartptloo. PET AND 01t01T/iD 1.11 OIL. Dia DOMATIS 001012 I% 'Maas. Comas'. am.; azazaw nairstozn, puma arm, n noun Liam Vsw von, sitfAmil 'fibIMPROVBD • LITTLIII GIANT lINWPNI 011211. hlth ONLY thr. • thoorrand tor oothetzty, rellobtl hI and grew hi ornament t ozot fat real worth Ii tue z wd. T o e, gismo/Ore. donOtllty awl noothloa, le =Vold try, .111th other atop othebleo beret Aare aftmel to the pale; end mode only to to woo ut tor aporthlstsd. boa, 40111. took or Mad MN ant mada . t o , yowww% Dow soublw tranototel. ' Ito. Thlrd ftPcsi 31 : 311 % 4 Yetal i • Naha .giro 2"1.5E,J71Z-rIN 7;JB~ALE CHE! P; - - ~-^-J A EON OCTAVE ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, Foul, 6lw• lipp!, al Prat. aaaa*esaa • e, our Team Itest. tust2:4.l AL , TICAL HISTORY F THE DOC ars or A 1131178 C LITZ se IS hes orseall. a ali tattoos mud arm. b 1 WILL/ 8 39 ITN ,• TI iLI. ADAM To Isaiah to aspanied • certsplato histcry 13! he ottarature tha Dortritt% 0 , • Wats, Ltte Tee , tdre Md sad snsetea ehrsAelar... Is et Betas and to Latex of Lstton eat.l nob• hti Oy lm Abt sit. Third 6Atttou, Ose Pot •mt ;3 ISO EAT& CO., Waotl stmt. QPIECLi ' 1 NOON! M TAX -Notice is kJ hereby glee. topereone coacemed, that the Footle' too to lix to that 'goal mof the fat Owlet of Pe. tairylean embraced la the 0, linty of Alleghemy , an 12010 001001.0 4 4,110 4 .01 remain 00412 101 1,21.31• /04M0.11.01 the dElr. f the Ammo. of Internet Seren a..,, het th Water invest, Allegheny, ten•fl the 2.400 day lat. An sop. II .1111 re hold at the ethos pace on toe Stith and fh.th days of Ecnrember. Whiff L ULRIC% • dnianar,2sll:drttiot Pe-no. 8. 11.--/IlLoppeals is . I . Le made in writing, and specify the merUmlar o natter, or thing nee et. Inn • high a droleten req d, a,d .shall also meats the ground or principle of error complained oL 11°12:Stood NEW BOOKS, Groin' Ecrtery, Barr Edition, tiro voinnum 915,10. CBI bdspc !Alm Vow Vttlon. $1 , 1,C0 Bladed Di,therin, Mon./edition. COE. Ibrelolacie Band Book Ix IDei. 11.76. Jerk in Boa Tara:solo $1 Glypiine ef Donal' Bib', >p January Emir. $1,73. Bo.tboroo's Intro TOE Ulm, two 'ohms., 0160 sod goi.d. History at Ili. rtoOtSa and nem of Clio LlghL 13,50. rttrry, Glaor Ware .11 irm, from Ene)oloperila Elontonice.. Pt.SlOlll Ellorpbord Nov Edition. 51,T5 D 4.49 in every variory, fnr 190% DEVIL OLLBEII a 00., 93 Wooded:ma. . • riIkSOLUTION OF PkiITNIMSHCP. FL , jsirtherehla Iwratofon existing bet., ea Albert Torrence and fata.s M.G.., nodes the clams of Toe feu. , • McGarr,... this do, di...Wed by me tool court. A LBEET 1•0118lifi01:1, JAIIII3 01.01}18. i*T21.1.1.150w.111. Int All claim. assize.. the 4ats Brio •ad all ...ants du IL ',III betottsd by Jame 11.0erri Tot AVI N PITRCR AR Ft I) THE INTHR- L /6T k. Ten , et In tb• "PITT 313011 G D IVA /4 A T , I , IaITA to DEP , 4' MID T 1113193 If &SMUG. TOUT." teciald tell. It a .aiontemt o , b. d liberal Fetirce Om la. 13 rte. With h. %hitt it •111 be caadected in ell the 'eve • tateete eeto• $ t leez ES KW _,aa. 4.11.71 B` K''' 81110 ES AT VERY LOW PRICE'? c cz.r.t I.4IVD'S 55 EITH STREET QUA WIERMAt•TER GESEBAL's OF -07/113E, Tiny Drrutos, Wamtntorott CrIT, Howntaber 8, 1104. 7 I 1 be told at yoblla soak.. to Me h , gh.t blab, .2 la. placta vae.ed Ti.: 108EL,' THVBED LT, Rote. tor 11, 1864. IAT OA6IEIt, rZ3aBIL Pah FILIDLY, Rat maw 1/14. TZSIBSTLTANIA, TEIVEIthaT, Sheath. let, le-01. Two hazard earalry bottom at .aolt phtea. 'llaite hone* hare beau coadraktd at ataltlot the valr) tervice of the army. Ter road WO farming tali:cam man! g..d mrs.mg r. told etas)! Sah• to etvataara at It m' t est a. m. Swat • Cub la tatted Smite J &11 ES A rresey. rot rel In chair@ First Dirkloa, Q IL G. 0. ,ullltataa II WILLI/L.IIH it Classical and Commercial School, Do. 43 &T OLAXII 8111.38 T, TDIRD DZOBY Terms, El pm wham Per qoartar of 11 mats, la al mum Bums of 'WM= from Bam.MU 1 p, as. TCS!INOIFT OF iobllllB PATITONS, I bag. groat booty* bo laying tbs. Ht. Wham mo excellent St • Leo, tntogllrm - g, dnotoot no t fal4lofoL It 4- • prof osb n tot tta be I. Ist doecrtgri, sof to *bleb o• brings mot otly • tong raport.noo WO M.. 4. o ..ottorArsa. but • mmathabio ogorso•oomon•nm, 1. •LI•b• I eon tt • tit toom my v 1,1.140000, p.m.:A nod pst•orts may fatty word, SLIM. If IYI . OILL. Wg.. Theo. Bgton • Stotlßlto 1110 a. 11.117 oonono with Dr. De glll le th• .bon otstoo moat and ttoommundaty.n. D. EL OTT, West. Tlsso. Soto. Testrigg Is • plot.:l0o fyr .0001 h. m pegooltorly fit p CIILSTAS SHALCII. I.htn lbn ran`. of my totemlsts ace b. h.. no •to pet,. ass cock.. Jtls.hOgt P.OIZZAIL gn. of the to•t Tmrtlyora•Aso obom her. gra, WO my mos. .101114 D. WA 1LD15.11 00 .otlsler ENGINE FOR SALE, OCOD Pi: WI 11 FOS 60/11110 AND PLINPiNG '.I W, Its •M bs veld at a bazgalm, n laity of ===l •; ALICE Mu ANNOII•CES IYI v. ber (deck& t3at e s e W j[k.l raoolv•S ume bare...me SWILL LACS FRINGE, BUTTONS .rd C raar—sof. of .11 kiwis. Stool .o 1 Jot Boadlog. o , ots Sottotu t. motet... • boods.s. atm.. at of Clop Coup., with P.tt. to co id, notteis FO h 00.111FOBTABZ ?Inn q oar room•. orltblo ern .0 a half Mears. of the eon, le liorelrotor. Gloat wataf and sour hiLg nrrrnlmL Poormloo 1.1. n 10.11412017. mot •ppl7 to Jo•rph P.*, 17 0141.1 •trot or ho, Lta-prr'• Wm= fibrp, Was. a:reed. Has. ool1:01 Al.3( 1 1DIN61 ) PUBLIC eILLE OP A hOtteN thN O LOT IN TEE vILL&3I3 Of ht • tinPIEL I —Dy order of the Orphine . Ozmv* of ttllog 4vs.y orennty. .111 bot ote4patri to Potato ftalv, on ttn tolot•talhDALT. November Ith. 1854, .1 o'n ook p. LTV.. Ws 43 nod *4, Ist lionaftel4, •Iloglvvny oventr, Pa— on vtlttob In orodvd • frame Itor•Otnn Hoe. or 4 o vsbotatngt. it poach. Per tonne and pattottlare, nOtrYvh Oho Muni.. t• ars. ha NELOUNti, Onrano. Tr to DWI eto 1 ITTOZIAN. Artorntorm No la Poorth vttevt, Ptltalturet. DOILY Tolson? D PEtS 1300D8; French Merinos ; Plaid Poplins; Plaid Oashmares ; Plain French Poplins; GI .01Atior quality am abble• a:undue doeved by WHITE,OHHI3 Sc CO., II °MU W. IS erns BUM. UPHAM' COURT BALE.—By virtueO of au order of tba Orpress . Court of Antiletor .notio vat 'spou to unbar Wetu the 00traT =TAM ,to the Otty of Plthritrgh, oa lotuorday, Nov. AGIN U 10.eelook SAVINGS INSTITETION, Otatansal of It. oanditka. 30901.5.9 1a4166t, P . * 115b.4 so rogesinsl.s7 An of areambtr I Tins lionpvo On Boni 63 11. 540 now% at MOAT° U. B. Ontlflost.s; MOO , 00 O. IL 11331 D. oda. at 110,011 91 15en Tunttun EU 50 Tama ans 3,4.70 93 Oni. on 91,650.00 ... dsot 9:l sm Ltaziairis: • Due to Deposal ss N o to rwpostsc iz Zrot•=l:WW. L ISOL. 6,915 3S Crow Went rube, (balsam ) • ma) ise Oppvits Oxa OalbadraL Intone void on D,pcdta 41 . 6111 . 111 UUT. pre ionam TAWWWII_ _i o• ' PAAO JON I:5. ?Inflect: ~ . I Efrqi. not. W now,Hon: J. Calogaboado, Ww. Ei.l ,A G. Hismsei r - - W. B OoNaM. JSOLlblig.tar. Ibrlgy itts, Illthalmi VO•JUY. - ncltlmdma . CILAIM6, BOUNTIES, rICCRLOOR &lID Mall= OR ram -, no, ip tvullb elm, entetirelt, r• XLYW ,AD rien TM E.0.m./yrs. MaICAL NOVEI VI IEI3, WILL BE EXHIBITED dartng th's trio h. th Wdttlou i• s choice Id of du ht. f ts usts rt I NW s shssrstreststhas.s Iht.tcsi ttoullttss. Y. - sottsnl saLsA.4 by U. KUM LI, ths Misters Wass: Ilan an th• prlnelvl• 01 the MI,TV. .111. 400 bl . bon. mg Board, aft, penman ktghly to that I.l:vaunt. With a tenants sod oomph:0 tILLODLOs altanhod st ono sod; the tattoo an at trill be e`asaa op oat of Ito Piano on Worm tho atitel to bean dill 4 and Liu coot no higher than for an ordinary Paw. ratirdy now caeatractlas, aunt atraala: la abayo, sad alla only Ma if rile 101 dal= past aldttion3 paver •ad attn. ordluar7 Gurstatt, tor tbs. Isitenemts. H. HUBER & BRO., prOTOGB.APH ALBIIIIL,I, POCKET BOOKS. AUCTION HOUSE J. IL M084W1711. Rot L:6l 63 VOIIRT/I STREET SIT 4501 a A. A. CIABIIIIA, TrAscoar rrosetlllt ttte.dad to by am-crane * =Daus' TWO PIANOS, VINO PIANOS, TWO PIALNOS, THREE LEGS. Aro. 122 Wood Street, 0011 AGIINTS FOR STRIRWAYT PIANOS. nay DIARIES FOR 1863, STATIONERY OF ALL RINDS Al LL MAGAZINES, ALL WEEKLY PAPERS G 4 X ES, GaXES, DIME SONG BOOKB DIME: NOVELS FRANK CASE'S Book and Nowle Depot. CRILOINIULN BUILDING, 111 r a 8111.1CCT ALBUMS, AL AIMS, CARD PIIOTOGRAPIIS, CARD PIIOTOGIRILPIDI FOLIOS AND STATIONMIX, FOLIOS AND STATIONERY Magazines and Books Magazines and Books, SPEWAL INOTIOR , OtiTOBEll bit, PAW - ERT.pc; - 3DOWZT I 1'B; MMUS BTOUI II OUR , Wholesale and Retail Deparimen Mae Main nurksd dons sad la atred 6 ling 11111 . TILE PREBENT WU WU • av z r• ha : ,... u fttarratt . a n ,' 0 4 1 : . 401&11:21 : 94110L1 ofike Bueoial Bargains from this l); - ..._ i :omit sown aao IT AND TT amorr nip= FL 1Et...9.24 0 A.EiLtION, A.. M. all i A. "T". DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS, DAILY ADD WEEKLY PAPERS 1J 1 A.11.111:LS FOR 19(321, 111 A.L.LIES Ero BC 1966 PITTOC 8, OPPOII E.Poal 011 . 11 C 21 11. D —Ordat Lr Mem promptly attratiod to. Aull w EBBTBErtS rOTOTILth n OTIONARY, NEW BDITIaII, BILEIGSD ADD ItEPSOIRD JIJEM PULIEEILD AN ELOCUTIONARY NIALNIJAIn JUST OUT. Proc , H . . CampMa Mut; Intnies rlampleta Worta aap.e. ample.* Worn.. Ihyatd Staines enasrdeta a. Dak Oolaidela Worm, Kra tagniltwortna Uonspan• Wcsaa, Cana. Lee Il 017601•1.8 yll/La laraboakplota Warta. la mda sr separately. , dm u• and papalar ) avant'. boalm sad toy tuba POILTICA.L. VV013103. A LeftilE APSOATIIIIIXT aredey idoseLr Parlour Eddins,. Peck.; Pam ata rolLtt 11Ibtra, oil almm of Binding, Prayer 13ovka. Bytom Bts Its holm !Moto, 11111 , aelre Largo ides, +IMMO'. erge us of ;be World, on Blarenteri Proection, At ardor diem Vtrabilsand Oil oto., dor. of Posen .Ccnot) Oil Baotou—at JOHN E HITET'9, 59 rirrn BT.. IILSOSTO 13 ALL. N DIA - 24 - A COUNTY FARM FOR SALE ormtotrig two hmdred sem., coomotootly tomtdd r be lodtam .ad EbtatMrg olgtt tattoo from 0.. be tel. of ladtw, Cr Clio IN Liu Eros Mack Lid Piet iCII. *Mot me L. ondred nom fs drum , aad new, walta• mtlm ; rentakodar, good tinter Tallow Orook Mks mt.:4h Me groped?, sad thus It • gmod &EAT FOR A SAW HILL With ma* paws. Slather Olinda am, •a&I %b. Pane Aegean 1 aaly &day. &ravel dfttant. The Improravvata an • Fran. Dwelling Hawn 01 e. wen Icorms,a lame oval& Urn ..sty by MAprlng I eV., • to• • Salina Home revarlag a uevar tailing. ar eme•lleas welter. Ch•rebse, bill., and a Balm& BMW araavatle•L GOOD PASTURE RANGE, thrifty yowls otobartl of appls trots; good Gars -. labs thowlsobs /um. Vosstors CortbWn sad prize. saki: la wry lo o s Wiest:bon to B. S• BRYAN. BLOKiII A D (0111112EICILL /MST N EW ENTERPRISE. THURSTON'S EVENING EXCHANGE. for the Pas raA Mohan or BALL, ISSILItOI.O, CAS LIGELT, OIL OOPPIa and other 811) nett), 11. L 130116 d and SEMILITIII% anabtatbed ca.. rho pine& of tannage:tee not York Swab, Lo. thole* Snowing UM great orroong to Synagog% to • well nyronted nohow., for the gangers sod re •et thou ntorks wan% now enpae anal oat of entrnomaimulty..l vaIoPRI =DAM %VIM. InG, r molar Itch at 'Ma'am/it at Me BOAIID TRAMS It ,ObteCrit front areal, GOllll, of Wad sad notes lholonno THURSTON% EVENING EXCHANGE. The ran Mt of m the Stoats sal flottaitto of oar mead sib he called at oath males mattn. sod fall eats mid podium othardlid I t Be nth tollaiefooMmo oas Immo the reel rats, mid .111 Ward • Mahal Mix t. the commarty of the 'nit* of atoms sod Be imolai:2, so tell am 'offer the greaten fothltlas to bog. ien end Whirs. The fel detail' of the film will be owtommoid on no. Ord *motto. It fs intllieett to mip tow. iota cur. 'grill Mato thou , " for Sake =YU to this Upham% um for retaillog thotof but so Modal= he of t 5 oasts 1.111 be Margot Mumma an at flollathbo 'motor Illthengo, thaw Tort thole of adiateam 54 dell himod. Bellatoo AMA the SIVIONI .X/45avo. .1.111 641 ■ tItIbUII bcoet r nfWDIIS titha NS support of tho [athirst' pabllo. nolitlord GTO. 11. TtilniTTON. Glutt93 a Co T 1 • DLL:Sin Eliminating and Lubricating 011 s, cauiAlutrac. LLIOSICATIZIO AID rein. . big OWL Alto. gam seadarers and balm b en* Tcri±ty of LAMP!, I. aITIII4 OHAIDILan. wicosa„ 16 so • fit LiwistraY SULFULT, Oppeetto Solidi*, 'Wood IA ". prriiitmag p nor. cra stb ..W.on Over AIMS 004.' VIM CHODIrrIr mambo for OtOkbg , odstbrg. mud abbot:" bsaßandr; 08. Dittman," .8501900'" wiTomat AND O. within AT WINIABALL-841- 1„,., plate, !Eardrum. WWI sAll gr rural troth," yopyu.l.t ham* gass- Watsbii sOO Mural* ef ti•edyttoil la ins pets= criqualty.aai la say isssilti. eclat. ACT ou hind and mule to oak,. Bd u..t. as and alMa or work hanlAkeA, Goat ,cia. raids' . drew gtaxtiki: Frlcior sad tell *dstrliptiaas tn. /10dnai T. 13.. usual:um, TN Blind ow, `HA ark. ' • eaThlaulas rTNIVEItSIIIB CLOTHES WRING 89 tsar the aban axattl saddirsjetil ro. .ad n's at WI Indla EltaLtme. Vera; Sas. MI of sJk Cbleidzeti4 sr, J. I a. ME. L1P..% Sine Garb tar icelsenyCbasty. ' B &B era EXTELLORDINASTI J. W. BARKER & 59 MARKET frrnErr. FRENCH NIERINCES,I AND ALL KINDS OF AND PLED DRESS GOODS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS. &o . tee. CCUNTRY MERCHANTS CALL AND .*_et ANOTHBR OPHNING NEW GOODS J. Tr. Barker di CO's, 69 ILAIIISIT STIIIIIIT CiDate: bifida! Ulla enr .011 21 FIFTH STREET, LLRGE STOOK New Oiranlare, BAUQUEB, BAEQUE9, New Dross Goods, POPLINS. MERINOS. New Empress SHAWLS, PLAIDS. A BA. TEISs 21 FZIEr"rEI. S A.11.1615W. CLOAKS, CLOAKS, AT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Oirenbra, 13aeques, • Mourning Long Shaul% Do. Square po. DRESS GOODS DI GREAT VARIETY. athipackaa. Merino& sorm Kan cos. vozrain sam swim eris. adt DECILINE 11. UOLD =MB OD NOTIONS REDUCED IN PRICE! Olen " ■ Om prim of gad. 1,11. Buda , PROPORTIONATE REDUCTION - e in au' peer of an oar goats.ltLi t ar ZL to thli wrest price tar ma IMln nay amrpmm risme, iad SUS a matins ory moan to azoset gtl rtcri amid Lwow=ten ndtsatt loltb MOO _ P. 69-1•17.0 Pleat:7333 end soabiler laxelisami Its learatiais awl Dalai WPM N..n tossuotookeir itockbeise • PuMli SUOMI C 0.,. mad- MOD 19 icr a Matilire Ciente Platinla . ' imam, ennuni, Wign. UNDSJaG/MUIIIITS. White Shirts, Trigdathge,iosiecry; a, AT taIDIJOAD PRIORS, AT KORPLID, DOM RUA "Air _ _ 1 - 4.truszArE.fir - i. eintiBURIMI TREATY:3. Lars. and Kaaava.—. Fa-stmusas. ?matt all Ms" *nom-sore of Ka .f9F,111 RAMO. L..s aprotrarsa of the !amain ttal i 6 9mu WI 5 97. Riau Major Po MISS Ctiatql; :,. • S IflB (. Mrs '4E0,1,111 riti Psiestea, ametthrillLog Irt.latrastukcf irattare---..Uas Cladiatan Barney Wood So bc.dwitai LIBIO iratt 2WBB. Ur. WW. Moja, raallro ertbsao to rora clitrarto - ra Ortnester. To c000tord• with 1211 latltt LIMIZ - • IL. Wsl c• t j NIONDAY, Nov. 14t b 4 1884, raa 14013LD.11210*.itrii I4AGED . AND Minn BUCHir* lad Ilia beanttfal and .saautplio suss vtacals Whom pciforeneciinsbss4 , 4 Tlnalses et Qtaat grifibp. Atitealis, Crul 'had Anodes cep bus Loin receivedst tatimia. Dp crowded and badratable slab. :Is4yrixtotiabol by Lam Lebo TEE MEAT . ALTI3TB TUB AG ar....vivd. sae it;pesz ra atallal ma log, tit Boardsult's celomated 4:41. 01t114041, LONDON A3tlllljAltelfi 81: Hamad C105mt17...---N4OlO. itribrare by Llm ne.dl 7100 desk.) ~ tannest Spanker.- Mhz 940 ft Zneasoara, aN3• 7 , 4! - Tr AArrik ••• rig r lttt—For itstiln the QTa"r - tW V 7 marzes INsparto.atost ff•Oistita, Otoitt•ainel. sad Joblawctils,,Tsa• sm.; &dale.. G 0 0 ,4 11 14 Dt Istl's Mai sad Milo Lode. li,11403• ,403 at •tha P TA Lborm; 'ars, Sid p 0 • 001.14 aid table. LOW Taamstoss; $45 5 • 160 Osrposters; " , • iftsed•isb4s . VS - J.l" • ES Haman Illskerc • , •=o • 60Dlackmttlis. aaa 4 , • 42 TRO usnspartstlsm to Oast of itriitnstlaa. aad book to Et. Loafs II hosormAy digt , /m*l ham gents.. •Ileolttry sblato,!Lleo =so bs mean& Jolla iJs. WOOD 9, Jr. aaptals sad AGe.sts3t. Q•s•444resJudsa, 86. !or tartbar tafosmstion Imulis4,ll J, T. Bali, Si l'editsl Bt., Ala &raj; Or ova Ns. 40 Washl , gto• srs•iFek bdi4oa raw* WI YOU. emu. Th. Louis, "d 0 5e311.6a; J. W CES 3S:11:n10311 AteaL WA:NTED E 100 sharei VL AOC Sank Stork 140 OotzteNapil 460 Nadi: EcallkeeFnr Ira tiLtriak 11:4WWW4 SOB BAWS-450 sharer LuokeeVall Or, "82641014,0 Oke Op; - aliretwei Ineariass l 3s, We troy kirl edl ato:ka of 41 Made In tab orereek eu6 In atm York. Bolton aged ralilife. minims,* a 00,. rag fourth atm& Warman, . • A 8111:1AVO9 as rtorratuar. By ore who bee sowed over erre , years se as gatire Iv the army ; tou had etyrresre„ln ccaktrating MM. taof.o resnrcre emu sold Otasttal'Ars. VC ANTED—An sell . Patent Melia Ibr • Baca Boirisie Manua' a ig = Drill sail Warm Brat. thrw.tat Os Hai Stares Hart bare cool Warfare'. AdAns• distab, J. H. kUbLall. Lock. Hos 14 eitabeeek P. Warr NVABITED. ' 1 - ~. , THOLDE GOOD DIOAVIDITM3o; To howl cool with ono boos au. Apar' at 'Do Coal Toad. co Ohio Laxtraearpo Oa* DspOi Ana tdill.t - !DiTiO4 80110113. W - ANT) D 0 ermi*: protestant girl srke muse:nun& glasailixos•ort.ter,tit• to W. canners. • goOd rr•CaaVii ma rear a Vol pcd ..K. Or arplilag at Nolk Wl:lyd , strew, rufaba Ury so'sor. fii;xioat V work on • puce 1n 00,Arary; nada ttua .I.lllost alitd.en ploterrol mast. Imtlattaid the culture of grayer:lnd prdealnF 6011,refu001111 reqW. ed. Apyly 2IA .• • nc11:110 WANTED—BOY.—ACgo3d stoat bort° rY at•d rt. THIS 0/314Vii lamedistsly. 1.4 At TITANTED-10Cooperi Wanted to make • • 7/I.lcr Barest& liscidas .vss Hoft* WNW AUCT/OX :f4.LBS. DOOKS AT ATKIIIOIt—FRATrI32Tet• .1J menu, ems or Y.thoralui 8001E41a &pc talent a Lamina% f3ardr• aa; l art. 'nes lettlz.x Was , idi ' YbOTOGBAPIL .14 11...1110, Clatem rtcW Pt,Tt TEMA ODD?, GOLD PI M. dm, army araidag ibis at taa Occasandal &VAS aroma, 54 DkOt; streak lad at tort. ate mho wren day at about-ad par mac baba tbs YuLllaima* yrtauL LAttiniwansa. knot: nom elsoelom warm.- Roc SAWLY,-;BUGGY, Et&B.NE3B, 0120EDAT laoy. Mb, al*atodlr. argil be wad at dal Balti 'Boom 64 lTh u • a Thou Lind do. IBeata, ay. • 1 ad bapra harness. 6 Edged DIPIDIg&DB. la= mu.% V.sice Or Prrracracii n Fitton:l,o;l%e. a - is PiDECTORS THIS BANK ll thin M do declared dividend ai Tin PIM ". fI.Z3 T., on the Oa SW Steck of 'eal4 Soak, tots o ow. sr =sat tan , parable. on cmd nine TIII7IISDAT,Uth Ina. natal JOSH B. Urn SenTON. ' Comma On Ocurobasr. U Pernsnos. Bor. IL 1111.1- TUVIDENDDirect= JJ (1, Optvgay tbfa day awns • dnikad• at lODB (0 Pis 088 t as all th• Os*Osi Mask, an erne profits of Imo nit oth. pOnblo •• nor Ow 11.0 N. DA I. Itzb natal. oldo oral.* Board: W," Boaretiry. Plan Posxocas Bova 0* ellsaaessur, ra., Inerraaaasse Disonsoser cm' .rna Coma Priem; A.ex.corrts ra, NOT. g. 186 E , TiFPRIVADENT AND DIRBUTOBS f tab Baal. Pm tie% ,isy darlisol a ilvedoli of PM PIS OMIT. oa al Ilspital Bieck of sold Desk, oat et SU proles ol tbri east Ma atostaaanyabls .=I gbar llosses,y, 111 k. kaisset. arasolei Sas pail. aceeV.4 1 - J. P. MUMPS, Ixxxxxsa Ilaxx rtniassaw. No. tat, 111//L. T irs BOARD OF DIRECTORS have this iday &florid • Dlaidsza; of PEtt or of Ma sinew at tba taat .ftotitlai, payabla aor altar tt llth tat Ths Voitwa etao to will Da paid bX ask. It. It.XollllttT wit* w MACILLTIGI EILIMIIP Pitril64lloll, 8041, UGC, TUT PRESIDENT AND DIRECITaRE .L :of em. Book tioss &dim& s 'Mitsui of mil rzli mama ibe ammo Otaak• tree of Cement um. invade to sts Otottlottiors co or the Ittli ht U t4t/t/X Cl. 21.112211/ notiter • All/211114T .e4luci Nov. Ist. MIR PRIPaDINT iA - ND• DIBEGTORB 1, et tat. Bank km this Callogaral Wawa 6f VIII ► PIS OXIIT., on tbi 961,1* Stock, an it.th• omen ot tbs last ali II ottts, 10 - the 161 , 310 bolim. or their, legal reprulitsztv6s psi In stter. tie UM WI.. the of ifousummit minas. • IiXICIfAin 1111 litarmacerscas Basz;L; - - ;Pim Multi, Oaf 14, 1841. . TUE BOARD . OF,- -DIRECTORS .a,_. mu Nat& lint Ws SO &short a Milliard Of nn PER cmin. as the, Crivltal Stock, oat at the metro! the last SI- 11001 ilpyinable ea or 'allar S;tio lit Irsa.trips al ID taxa •, • • - , , ',..: • ;. , ' nard ' • JOt l Jl IiOOTT, Jr:. °alibi. • Igor Orn Ban or H0w.1, 11 WDIRECTORS Aft THlft Baia mOh day dadarad Dlrldslad of MN MB asvr. OS tb• Capital atookr'oot of tbs. milts otttso last an months, mask. to Itooth*l4sa os the, lopA nyresantatnta, Uproar:and Matte tnon and atldd satin - • LISLGOMIT. rabbi. - ornwernizutiwiazzia.e iu: Coakpaat sbursti, Nov. la, UK_ . Workaik Yon:moo baa a. , l* aar dal olt nil a D:11400d of rourt.. quzA la Zia ISO& Ems a tax; alit crib* eassad prAlto of tip, WS 111S sailutbff. Writable ma= attorlea 10tb • Pot gay , , , rat. ounnolosawases: 111VIDEND,, Otroo cat Oti iotzoia Cods:!. He. wooer teetirstams. Tim ti,lroloci of this Cott•stl Imo &Anal and Elcnthly DlVaral of TWO !U cam dist of py 14 ' " Sibo t " 404 0arf rersta le ts cnasti awe do le fort . nermuir Boas watts dart , tenant 19th to the 16th tut, toastits. • • - LASWToolotur. rausaainis, shff. •'-•• • arms Vases Clair =MOO Pittillohett,_4)otobse Li PB3ZSIDENT,II3iD DIREUTO . od elk 1101/lelf 0.1117 , 11112f13 1 3 OO P& Tat ILlCHldalipas aloe laded o4'atolomoca *IV • Donor pea fo.coa the CkpU al NOM L a.f, odaugoli- to recopls, it tbik don of,lxotatlo ao.nlffeir. 1 . 1 . • I 19th of Iflorriobor 11:1 11, Lyablo to ttottothoutt,. It co fDlireDLT.tbattid ot frosuitatf, ft. torestooaoci *la otos &to; fun littottoldas w oat. P l 7 moat tolf.efill4.l". CLASS Oft. Itoft,sto - Nom VIOL 1L 80W17.• , • oefittsof.l . ;, r eettstazy sod Troonfor. el.OB - 1 1 IfIliT 1 'Et., 0 ,FFION .1 , Ift s iff - nor &Ail. in Arcunatin trailnam.- 'and male 'Apt will 31414 aim allty-tre wr wt-1 on I. Gan. tealtnmud, Icenktl to Ene of the bent balsam Owns, tW elm, Palle halos tko tbonnsad, datnr4. rat IMO b. the elm 41P poll..esUmlat - 040 1w , anvisa tas4 l ! . a.. $a :war 'inert,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers