ittSburihalzt rr :t•SEPT. 26, 11264 TERS WANTED. ad newspaper compositors, can rmanent situation% at the highest main applicat'on c this Office, sing Forematt Gazette, Pittahtirgh utle Valet Demme=Um oA Erat- Evening—Speeches by Ex-Gov in and Otter'. • ' d 47 Medi& large and obthattutto eating trio hold In front of Fiaro's total, ratrakiinai Blftb. . At in earl; how oru artmoiod, k anA It was almost fropos , •um alms it: The performaaus aa braes bariA, togithor irbh • btauttfal Of Aro works t ontartalud anEance bur armoutiod for the of the , i • I put seven o'clock the meeting was • order . by Mr. Dilworth, from the hal •• dllte following ahem Irmo erestbuntud: itMt—Ron. Wm. P. Johnston. Proddeacte-c*William Phillips, A nW SJ. o::Baabofen, Anthony 'Tighe., it'efi` 0.• Edelman, W. 0. Da , Jos. .k, JameaGaltalher, James hi Gave, . Peers, Joba K.. Roberts, Joni!' Ham P. Tamer, Jared M. Snub, Odorp Col. -Georg, Gent, William mph', Pastor .rod Goers* K.'fbresble. retssies•Laiebert W. Mackey, hew - rtandefoldi V. Bur, .... .. mar Johnson on toning Um . War culinary conies end 'with the pace- II; n maidens *IUD kind, I re rn my for the honor clonferred.. ce emay prefer the present earallciale, so a few. 'tea might obese another irides y yogi shed to Oman, •to the chef po Rua in attar. Gen. rtemotit nitres framthe eau nd mounts bii late suppotUrs, to unite Abraham Linea's. . In compliant* with epees lAo so. 84 mueh la esplanatloe scuttled:Ll did and us do hold., Deputtlemselatlidate cos, boon plaud tit Id upon* stung war platform,thoop not Gag Is that occupied by War The • egad° prty thought proper to' argue env arum. 1 out say . hat the men Ito tramti atform sit Cbicep torn? llllllncred to !W -IWI iloitll IS it was before the rebellion cut. note Is to party In the estuary In of theConstlitalsup it was," anal doubt ere Is ea ititettlgent man who does opt wl e the 0 asentment vedtabihhed with - • suarmasos to the rights of Beams. • party :with which I scud wanted the d unon.framed so as to-abolish Cauca by • la beer.lhe Gepubllun party say this the willvdpe thiamine from our beloved laud, God grant that it sup. 4eff... Davis Cava •nstictri - n4a Imelda:that In MO the hern Stake nennot control the ballot bim will hersw lb. right to swab. Give aril , and they illiimmobeek to the Union. U hardly useneaty to say that I am in ear ' look open IiSTIO as the wise of All Illea—thiserealt point of Slur canary. The rung of slavery can neveriesist in *CODS. controlled by. the peoplo. Either one or the t must :Yrs • eray. Are' you trillion. that try sluidd gown um f I am greatly ads eo, if Uto potipteirilk submit to anything of tad. Imes:also ineniii theo anotonoo who • their living : by the sweat of their brows, • who wilt not-b• gradually tnera**ho tu bed Ituultut Ole, and intend to transmit it Glair abildroa. - Once_ ca. the other Duet give y, and li.hisit-T isa tome ntdoaoe surround me duet it will hot hi iu. '- - • • • have bat asps* at Mobile Be;. another Atlanta, and anothotln the Chestandrudi Tel ,—and it. bee • be e n repOstod.' -We have had world spitelde from mon fighting our battles, • who intends. do their owl. Ightlag, their a %hist:on and %bar ownspraning- Men pass . easy.' Problem Idarsdn mill, In a w yestro.pase trout the swats of earth, end el. ough he may .be volume! In history,le will , forgot= In the great Sash of salmis; Ira the mit principles of !rah will OUT bo MUM. Tho spasm Gould not tee why men who have coped hem •tyranny at bolos, skosild comae all country and, V-- Car votes, ende a vor to 'rot the amine of slavery upon other,. There l• odd be but oneeparty--tld of Universal Lib • : ty,•pa Own tgainj irbstearat At A church dignitary will write a bock id at op to prove to you that you arc booed is • d by . e, rayon that separates husband and Us, paint androltile: Tam rallgion•ls not f reltgios, _nor his Ged my . lied, and If I am ondernesd,-7.shaU nand 'condemned both hem a bassatuir, I have nothing:to say against ireloindi. 'an an kiaw Vat, end Yon , know Dim to bs to aims of sating theirs - don witli dowry: Arta . d in tho ObioNto plattams a plan tombs ros • Urn of the Union by oanatton at gonna. ss. Whitt ois - duit umlaut Itamison fiyon mast withdrew:Tons at miss, and bring yoneca mats to ,thair :bonus, : attar laartng.looPOO your test , and lorsvad young man is soldisra nandingin mossy $1;f00,000,0011„.. %sl , and sig y nits who tallinsbonitati oll OOOthat tiaikw: Is • traifir to his oosuary..;Vassia hainlitlas I Siltra issi'lrour inswondor that ts rslstidibp t,_lltdide,Blinply Mitigates man who steads anon do Chicago paw Pliattlfin• Goirinsoaohnstan spots oat one tau, and ids spine ginnighant am most andindsatio pypisa so: • Mr. JOIMICO wit f 0110111111" by tim him y i lllallothabad hats s Orisosin in Libby prison, sad who gamma intassisslng sedans of lusaso- Usliy.: - ,.."Daringhls synch Wigwag ihopatdottb, Soda . var•papaiF stag, *ltaly and air," am sa dis m g, Soya" Cultly, -gallaistr sm* Plainest the Muni. Elyesshosawsro also dilinraa $. Y. Y. Chaim -Igarolsnaaoliti Daro sn and T. 11. liarthsil;E qs :abl' tally sgsiallid ausy of *air psosbins afro*. sawstloa slit= three ranting Sheets tor the Death .of,Capt..l P rati kU. Parke.. ' Tllyipat to attnonnee the decease of Captain Frank . Amain Parke, of Co. B, Foarth Penn trylrania Cantiri,frosa the eons of a weird reoelsonn th• Wilt - of :j3Lata's Otailot, Oa the . . 22d O Jf.isopm . t jast. -. The allOaafeda to the c OOlO- —.. Ille 021261; enlhasidlithe Nitre CLMiry for • . • ~ tum'of three plan. On th• &hot BePtteMhtr. of thaimmtlistrahe woo oommistioned so Pint Lientattant of Co. B, aid on the 20th of Sept, 10.62, - Eti, pintiotetite thoposidon of Captain, made t Ity the promotion Twang to. jor of the regbnent. lie always erjoyed I tallest oontisenes of his men, and de rtorpco and esteem - of kW fallow otasers. Daring the Lesion at Itstanes Station, on the day above nu ed. ht was_ in command. el Sao regiment.( tamsnted Cot. Comb haring hi JD all In beat tome UM* before,) and 'his daty Mahe tit 0 iltelltion of diver, be was Minch by • hallo thetight arm, which so 'Uttered lc that taps Laois became nsoosstr - . He was thou re to Waehloston, an. irom Oman totPhlladel his, where ha had the best medical • end Mee . attendance., and It Ls bat a shart Wall 4:101 were lafortned that he we, almost ' wall MUM to mut • hams He took a relapse, helmet:, , d expired on - Tridsty but, He wut • tallit , i, dens mai:trees ostamstaderr, and'hitt death deepftisgmestd bill', end:gimp 1 mitt li bintiastalarSned Om extol nunhood whtatbe tared the eirrioe,andhavingraWilyed • Mural • titian - trw gave , bright prossittst of Wart met too, Bat he has gtvtn his Me a wallet tit bisi 'eountry;androne More name • sdeed to e ions hat of heroes who have nested thelrisatri do devotion with their blood. BO bine* take pita' on Taesday, (to . morrow) - fropthrs It sadism' of his Whir; John It Parke, .E,,q.;la' • • cheater. acting fig SDerpsburg. A most pirited and enthrudostio meeting of kbe mdse a of 6barpsburs sass hnbl. on Batarday arcait4 , t the Veloric.° Iron Works of Horn. Ist lll, , B ils7 '&" Darin. pilaf, mating ~.was (Ailed to :Air by the oppolatuteat of Re,. 8. B. maguey es Chairman. Marrs. Jacob 11ovode, F .oak, 7icob Tome, tile others, were o b o i..a V co Presidenta. and Idestra. J. A. Paul na-drlto rt ()rile, Baratariata:. ..rho C irman, afro making lb few appropriate IfefOlerlie, introduoad Thomas J. Bighorn, ii.N., mead to for Stoto Eleuator, who delivered o a most I tending and effective speech. Ile de. averod II MD of his heaviest blows against the white- fa ther party, and was attentively Won _ gd to Ali watmly &pram:dot. Ora. Thomas William followed in • s 'orb of geruidifeblo learth.-snd of . more than ordinary -*.t . ...,i1d0e0s co. Ile hold the sadism:* e at :keatif train tie fleabag-until she M o to of his 'Adm., sod, was Irsquautly interrupted by laternf rounds of applause. 'ne modtaglol4 0110 cf the Urged OM Meet Pititee afar bold to the boronsb, cod proles potalytbst:h,..... == of, th e district wideseimerd I!thd-idid. i v.... Pou Bingo ii: Defitesei Solodoe --_. Me Sat - 44W toyealag, ii . .. la, r Itino?lr vole was '.'..:ltsisedbYetto loyfd.inea , ol Ibnquasta Biroash,, ..ledeontet the li e d Bank 'Bono. any pole Wee: - - - 1 : ,. teitekill4 find, set - iblat eigbr o'OTtfoki after . . c.g::" asrldeb Ter,ec aciaanhau; rig idiurind wa"- ,:._ ativetb.• Tie vse.followed by J. 7; SlD ir -5-I. '"^ • etirEiqvta Cirmab.. Alamo crowd WO In AttenPie a th e , meeting %'-•••• Ps Ap e was Nov antitnall . ir.-f - -- . -;','' .-.-- , • , -, -, :17: ..."\, leepsi—Wto. Wiree Beetle will meko'his 'lint oar'city *lv cycling la the deteroLopary f Da bort Btierlr,la Maybe of grhe J . ;. ' .-alekrat..ofaraeake Man.!' This' play hod tall so Alloprevoionfedlan in the Eaiteraeltlea,sedwos • : viereekil tato egry-zioronfallY 03010 lelehe utttast.ala ' LllceUag at nraddoi62.92 A voiy lair awl entburiastie meeting of the ends of Lincoln, /*braes' sad the Tinton, was • old on. Saturday evening at Braddoeles la **Wog was eallwa tout Sus by d. ea, q., of Swissvale, who proposed that Colitnel ;amnia Elder, of Wilkins township, 'herald act Ptesident, which was agreed to unanimensly. • he tame gentleman then nominated Jas. Mo. &by, of Wilkins, and Sloan Stuart, of Vault - Ls, as Vice Presidents, which having barn see. - ended by Dr. Linn, they were called to their re. epectire pile's by tion. The opening speech ins made by Mare. Woodward, E q , who delivered a 'Cuing and pstriotle address. John M. Kirkpatrick, E,q , the efficient Daudet Attorney of Attegbeny county wee to have fr. lowed 20. Woodward, but so be had to leave in half past Qq o clock train of ears, he bad only time to make a few remarke, but .they were sub .as will be remembered for 111001 e time to come by those who bad the pleasure of bearing Ulm. General J. K. hireahead rollowed Mr Karg:kik in one of his obaraounistlo talks," aa he is .pleased lo—style his speeches. Ills bow ever convinced Ms healers that be Indy cam. prehinde the luau Involve/ in the present able, antstrat he toe meet earnest and melons laborer in the came of Liberty and (felon. At the Mittlesiun of the General's address, Mr. W. J. Pope took the stand, and delivered adarese, intareperead stilt patriotic songs. We should have mentioned that between each of the speeches, Mr. Pope, who is really a Ace doter, favored the midterm. with one or more soev, with which his repertoire apperee to be weal supplied. The people at Broddoeit's Pleld appear to be alive to the approwthing Convention, and are melting arrangements to oneetthe same role was waved on during the Harrison campaign. They will come to the . Convention in wagons drawn by from thirty to-forty horses each, and will be beautifully supplied with banners, manse punolts, do., open which will be pitted ap. proptiate devices. They, are dera.mlned to sestet old Allegheny minty In !calms up an ins- Inerilfo mejority for Lincoln and Johnson. .. . Coal Exchange Nesting. ..Yrynircaon, Best 10.--At • .egular meeting of the Paulm gh Coal if:change, held ti if Jay, Oa =titan of :611M13 0.00=07, E ,It was man immuly firsohmS, Tbet the genuine thanki of this d - sods.ion be, and are hereby teadered to on able repraventettre in sitoverme, Hoe. J. K. Woof head, for the seal, shinty and tlielity ha h 4 0104311 D roparty promo-to c tb• ,t.* , to r.. , 1 of the Coal, River and Steamboat cumin the various Important matters Met nate ermen - it Watbtogton oily, Reioiced, That a en y of OM rinds ime, eigt• ,d by the Premdent see *Vested el the Seem• lambs handed to G.n Moorhead. Ihe me• ng then adjourned to meet again on Tatsda), Copt 47t11, 1864, at their room. es the natal boar. when tt is very desirable that at full ittcsdas.oe of all the members as possible. will •bo ears. . B. W. Cowes, Sedy. knaptctar of Ordnance. Capt. J. M. Berrien, 11. & N., has been u ntied from Us potitien as Inspector of naval ordnues et the Putrid Pont dry, and 010.31 .11/..Yesd,lf. S. N., has been appointed in his place, and Wan span Ms dataa to day. Capt. Benin hu filled the paltion hate fat the hit, two yeast and a hog, and kaa been relieved 't his own request. Dosing Ids b stay no ha, by, way frien who will mamong em tila de. porter. t ho bap. al: ds Totowa to the command' of the M n dna k,a' doubts turreted Monitor, eettlinviuox Mean Mob sons, and .011 probe- Ws be sans on coast ureic.. Capt. , Yard, be biz eueeersor. in, we batons • Pata.mrsbar, and le well kDOWII CM oommitnity u a gent I w tooled gentleman. 13., irdi reales • nearly welcome tram his old Wands. gheridanyo Victory. The following order are lamed on yeitardyj by Gen.liowley, commanding the Dhtriat of the Xteongehala: DMILIC7 feVINCINOIAMILI. Pittsburgh, Pe, Sept. 24, 1861, Gems! Orders, No. 4. Agreeably to General Orden, No. 24, of the 24th Inst., from Headquarter', Dspaructent of the Bourinehanna, there ithe fired one Maas died sans from Battary "A," let New 'Took At- Mai, in honor of the great liotmy whirred by ?dojos General fiheritbso and his automata, ever the robot foram on rho 124 inst., at Fuhor's Vll, Virginia. Tao time for beginning to are will bo seven ealoalr, on Honda, morning, the 241 th Inst. By command of Brig. Gen. 'why, A. M. Miran, Asst. neje. Oen. The Great Union Mass Convention, We would ask our country friends if they are making arrangements for attending lles great Lisle* ,I. lass Westing in allsghany on Tfimiday next? ' Let any Valor, mat perform that dory. and gins that atm day to the cause, and we eel have a rand Glitgaglin of the iced samell, a good old fsalimsd mesting—a flung up of 'llts smote of them cities soon as will atimatitsev arypatri,t to renewed effort, afirdimatrrage and parslysallit weak attech:, .4 t h e o,,,,,,erki.d, to-make • divertioa a it the great popular arrest tsr TAinalln, -- J maand the Slalom The wariaand baronets lall Makin dat a:W M M I .preparations fir a grand demo estration; we ar a n d in almost every dixtriet of ths two tidos and vicinage, Ranhals and Committees of As rannemstitsc have Wen appointed, and aver,- :time pronesat tam the Convention Intl ti e all Last the Union wets could wish. Lee as all do - Oaf part. ----------- Another Have Meting' A very large meeting of the Union men of MagresPurt and viclaity wm_ held in that bor. *ugh on Saturday might. The =Goma Sraa very eatimelestio, and tba rotation terribly la 'matt ,The meeting wu addreased by Gm. lir °rhea, Mr. L W. Piper, Billing' G. Childs bl q., and Joba P. Drava, E.q. 'DIMON' the /prams mush) wu dimness& by • braes band Iswas in attendance. The people at Mo• Heesport seem to be thoroughly named. and are deuundned to do their whole duty daring the present campa%go. Tint fotlowlng artless appear in that starling magosine, tha Atlantic Monthly, tar (Weber: A 2i,ght an ilia Wslir, by CoL Thos. W. Rigs ginsan ; s Rate Vondae . Th• Rita to Camp, by Oct, B. Baker ; The ?roe Eton of Lnltis by Dania B Prescott; Comamnicatlon. by D. A. Wasson ; House arid Hama Pews, TX, bi nu, dot Boaahiss Stowe , Beryl* by J. T. Tiow bids, ; Madame Deiteader, Her Lovers 'and her • Friends; The Welideet Oysterman, by Usury D. • Thorson; Charing Leinte; Uncollected Wrimngs —Third Paper; Works end Days, by T. W. Par- SODS ; Paul Awls and Dead, Dalai, by Pas Carter ; The Paters Batsmen Domoctaay and U. Sccession War ; and Literary No. times. The prim at the Atlantic his been advasteect, o ..salted by the nesossity of the dams. The toms of subscription are as follows Sipe. SiaweeiFtiooo : ttper fear. Cob Rea.: Two cowl.. for $7 ; fire eoplas for !1600 ten copies fors3o 00,1nd arab alationel copy $3 00. Tor every club of twenty gabs nib - ere, on extra copy will be furnished prate, or twenty one caplet far $6O 00. • - Ririntisa—Geerge K. Mite, E.g., returned to this city en Saturday, from his Haropsan tep. -11. mom la the •'Oily of Loudest," from Myer -pool, via Cork. He expressed himself as highly delighted with the trip, and his rejavinsted ap parities glees ample evidence that ha has been well treated by his fritulds amass the water. He moms In excellent health and 'midis, and will receive a most cordial welcome-home. 11.rosiery's Elltzaol or Posstor snd Apels. t.res Uzi Gold• for Clobber, has* boon re. osived by John P. Huse. Also "Vi'averly's ilossette, American Union, Piss :Cone Union for October Bch. Po. 12 ten cent novelette, sn. titl.d the Ducal Cornet, and Thompson's Desk Nate Reporter, have en bees reed ...a and are ready for rale at Bunts, 69 Vifth mast, Kum& Ball, and J. T. Sample, Pedera street, Ally. ghe3y. Basartarr's Murree s —Thia Wesel troupe of tcoaltsts,_give their ant entanglement this evening, at Dissent° nail. The simple announ OS - met< will be sufficient to ell the visit e d • sire pf pular or talented bandloss not our atty. for scree time. They give bat fear entertain.- att6te here, and the lovers of male and mirth must make their eugagozzionts somirdingig. DILOIDITZT CONDCM.-1111,12 glattetly • II are rested yessredsy, °barged with haying &owl la a disorderly rnanner.stontbing In tbe m15(1°160( bia brother In leer, a man by tbonnll2o al Lairgt,kt . lin,whe resldes ' Ilerdsrdabble and earronlttlnil sundry' other bits of devilment for hit own pri vet. amusement. Us wu locked tip for •II•st. its this morning. • Tat Atlantic Monthly and Continental Mon'h4 ly; for October, jut eat, sold the &metallic Am rr kat, for September 14th, have been neer, and an lot tale by 111. L. florthn, Bracco tyLls. ExcVJIIOI TIAM/ (liota froo) Brill convey permit oter the Pentaitrante and Ckreoetlevlit,,.. Whoa& to Ind from, the great Ale at lot et . Braddock ,. dad. ettornoli, lesitos Put.- burgh at 1 o'clock.' torn before 6. ta Ifforererre er lzoors.—Tee 18th Marrone ri gi rmm t eh Mei, as 80U:why amorm Lag, and Imo forniand eilth supper byths Bab., "slatiaie Compute* at City flal4. The Miami :was remitted no ens year terries, end Is on its .way to Wastisitoz, PC.St?l4lltrivits, kiitvu dIUUIt of tKinittutor; lias Put' rooel..d,oor BMW*. shlp idiffdpktisfr,-s-flofititupply of Para Mae Var. r. Opt. al:1010 .11.13t,0i • yell 41:0- ar14116 diiii4Tiosii*HipipalbißSOcrtaldnop l a Atka* U to lea 01 (tiaras xi the 33 I)lstria'. By an order :•ceired by the Beard of Derail- Went of the-736 D the total gnOtti of that !Istria la reds:el from 2754 to 1216. By the Estee order A' At- • tion that camber wit= g the revival enb &Mists, aceording to the nom'oet remaining on the rolls et fh e 46th of F•1-•1 7 . 7 7 ' latest report. Tele will account fir the large redontion in the quotas of acme of the suboilis blots, as compared with others, as for example, A'legbei y towasbip, Armstrong county, from w leh some !event', men had enlisted for oils! sub 'dietrie s before soy effective efforts had been mode to MI its own quota. Thattowlehlp, how ever, by I. vtgorou., although late ellen, 11114 ID quota of fifty men before the draft was made. Thee it has now a surplus of 19 menc L whies viii be geed against any Demme rills. The surplus of three sub-districts 'Web have filled their gootatO ' may be found by takingthe Et:11111er from the larger number. T owing table exhibit& the ciente' based .roa 3166 sod that upon 2316 in parallel col t toll: 111.1[GIMIT COTM, G4l • W rd &Po gley _1 9b 04" .-128 2114 ° y l ._193 16 4tk 188 Ilattlatetsr ban_ 82 7 Watts 45 37 llyl Vp.-- 34 28 23 17 8. ir 28,.) 8 21.1.1c.11., loom-- 16 1J k•, t'p--- 11 101 v.. ...--- 10 0 111,0and1ass Vp— 10.4. Pln Vit.._ 11 DI urf.l Ballo Vp...----.- 22 y 14 litddieett p. 'X 16 .14.1a4 • . 20 lc Jackson 1 p 1 liar IZ. 1 6 11armard t'r.-. 154 1681 Rao 1t .14174.4r4,...--- 84 16 4 .Bexonbats Winfield t'p..... /9 16 01.6.11. d " 15 1 • 3: litcommts " --. 18 11 r_.-.84141 . 10 17 taw Dorn —. 71 11 Omprquim - viii ep 23 1 11 21 9 Znadygrack.— 21 1 Irmaklba & Proopet 28 81 .1•31.031 it' : I • : • rE 111015 tp g l : 4 Damp... •• —. 17 15 se. ea •' ._ 61 to ate .• ._... 78 66 Ougatme (pro--- 48 41 to. Peon 34" Ica .* t'p i t 40 17 Cad D.. • _. 51 17 tu tot.. tort...—. 14 15 atm 18 11 Elan trot 54 24 o l e • Osetre I ' p.. 1 17 : 14 Uakland t'y ....-22 11 '13.33131 11 9 111Fleratown k/ro 4 9 adrelee 2 6 15 ketektl -- 20 14 Ley .• 14' IS tired) " ..... 13 11. i Worth " ---, 23 12 eti ?eery Bock and cettlyetll...._... 16 21 ty s'y —....-- 19 II wash Woos e:p...- 24 19 -1 1 rkst illegtmay .•ld 13 Veuusgo 17 15 ' 17 13 .91ereey 1 ' 16 12 Nam 41-84110(‘—.—. 42 .I Elder•ou bro..— 4 434784818 g 241 IS Manor " 21 IT ttlano4ng baro._. 47 ri Ti• 64 7.4 Pis. T' • 38 31 /5.4127 n Cu.-- 19 Gad 2104.182 t'y 21 C.Bl 88/414 .. Y 5 2 W. 17 .4 " ••••---- 23 tbescasanock Vp.117 23 Parr ep k Que..- tow- 27 B240)- n 84.8 t'p - .._— 67 • 4 22 7 tltagar Q mr .k •• .__ 14 1 Wathiazoon 4. ... 18 16 11 . .81 • •• ... 63 42 Worthington taro a 8 North Satre.° "c._. 18 17 Brulb Borigo " 27 23 Tn.4.95‘ torn —. 21 18 Zoors2oarg buo—. 10 8 0 7i 2.14404•1 1 . 8 6.) 2 i R 1 komthaothl ep— 488' iterra3l 1 p.— 18 14 llPSui.ub ao_.4.atfr. nuTii;BIL 2E01111.1.11 PASZT, Pbila and Ortionr.rund Wow &odor, and dada In Pennsylvania and VOI. init dots of the bast guilty CO low rows. Wm at Alex. Loughlin% rear the Ws= Works, Ptttaborgb, Pa. Fsw Fools Just received at the Ritchie Tailoring establishment of Graham & IlloCand Sass, II Smithfield "treat. We would most re spectfully Mini the attention of or :_iends and the Fatale in general to oat MAI ,took of fall and winter goods. They ocrt a s' I all the very talon styles of English, Fro :el Aussrlema abate, cusimeres and vanilla. , all of the glut quality, sad limbo* eta the greatast emirs. liontlaman desiring • fasht. - nable and well made ibstlang would do will to give as a call before shaelns slenwhare. Pam virtue:it is war • canted to give fall satisfaelon In base pries nod • Onatilla k eloOsamans, fetroluutt Tallori, No. IS Scathe'' , ruse. 27 Fifth su.set. uilkis trits - os Ap-i-,7-415-10. , Iteturday. Sept. 2411 lbet. u eI ch p. m.. MillOattlLT •.D121.1 Berman., a...0u, at Hobert sod Katie Liddell, aged three muotha H. r foseral. 1.111 take pleas from the tattoo., of Mr poi ant., corn , rot Winos. tuz,d holoPmer. einem, 12 loth Word. et to., OD Idoeuar, to proceed to 1311.7e1e °metro. Weep Cot, flearparrota. my Mae It spent, To 1 to )ms woo only lent; Dot now for me no narrow mak" J.. L. my .ate. Pal:MP—At Phltearlehlu on /edgy, the 27al fort., et II K, terlielt s. m., Cott TKO K P uN PAW 2IthLS, of , ump•se I 4th Ponlion•olas Ooralri, ha the per a ht. age. The lercerarwill tete play. from the patina of Us Pater, Rm. John 1C Parke !Lanni ester. On i M 0 . ,. the efth Inet,et 9 o . okok, r... The trbutda sod no gm,. tautee are ravutfully toe teed &Mot! IC OLllNSET—Uattuday tneolog,_l3..r. 24'h, 18211. et the. streenoe of tam . rather. Jedli Want. r.ftestAley, Pe , len .111. 1 1 , ,T M.. wife of BA,. J. T. lleartsen dtht fame eud mouth , 1 oilers/ I,:ure deviekley all 2 o'doet ram (Won do)) es r. he •e, sad Lorslageoirlll Into ottani et the Another., 'Levet, no the arrival of the New BM, ht, Av. tomodathet tote, at .bout h 45 p. - - S. 01:11S13.0V bESVICE. MISSISSIPPI. SQUADRON. 1,000 Men Wanted linmerriliigely. for omits In the latt:totptit Maseru°. Ou 1.14111 i7t , l stow Cud • dudes!". oppurse.%ty to mtar eh. lievy. with large pal and Mr., met ouet•ed wale pet Gel. All ,vutilte ora' over it 'weer see, owl nut noodle , 3.• peen, Govereuretrt Donate erfli r opertionueq &veld tuue• tottering far two ue tbrte Porttett.e ..ttltttlag $01,11110113., wstttiar Itt.tort. afitte . lbw tmellaild any bawdy (no th e Lett.. Btatua litAreruattsztt. TOR 11711111118 PABTIOO4I2 I I APPLI TO 0011111/JEDING OF FIORE, 8. NATAL BaBDIZYOI73. w17:51 Tktrd Btory, liarket ITER KIJKKKA 011, 001APANT UP IMIT ‘1141.51L. Capital, V 500.000. DRIDEO MO 100,000 SHARER 'AT S 5 PER SHAWL SERECILEPTION PRICE SOO PER 911 ARE. TLL a ruuu, awa wm q of the twee valuable oil for• reseryin Went Yfarltdw Juste on H 011312 8te.112 and GlatitbaLl43 Dll2i, within ate palm of the OM that At Boni. Neck tits {may hate ens well already DI. , 23 Ts per 4.7 with 12 horn power merges on kat:earl meadow, fur pro snow sUL lashes moms of GU. The Oorapany'e lands ars sorroanded by the Grier. 011111 mi, Wallm, Tack. eatt attar lane pitClaileg we Is, and the o 0 ob• tairnd is or • moth hatter gustily than that totuak as Oilcm.k, 'lb. grad - Talc wa.l. varlet bat boon &whet Weet bstwels ahle• the 6th of Bea tetaber, L to the Isimatets nedgliborkort. awoke of enberelpiloi , clots at Ow ono, of .11011121. ! 0 11ea d* yafvtitc a tn. selthlw 3005 3. HHOtIIS, Tramcar. • 186.6.0 CRAIG, I A. OUTLET SAW-BIEELM BARGE rABDi ia - Jobbat wad BONA 43Cr nginorin- adloiliklyin Dister mos assio„ &um.' , • - - mane. vi THE LATEST NEWS BY TKLBUILtPII. Our Speri:ll DißTlqteliect FROM WASHINGTON. 1 ERMAN HEAVILY RENITIOD, Eve/jibing Being Done to Sosta'n FROM WINOHES‘TER 6 000 Rebels Prisoners Thera ,1111 Y OF TIM WM TO MR TUB OATH. est ry ellen of LSE CANNOT SPARE A NAN Lynchburg. Fall Special Pinatas to rittstursil Ossetia Sept. 20. The following dispatches have jest teen m oolved at this t liareau from mu correspondents at t; snared Sheridan't headquarter and at Win chester: Woodstock, Va., Sept. 24-1114. Our .let o r7 111.15t0DIttl.--T.hce femoo-s4all the armlet of the rebellion, the corps that wile so of. ten led to victory by Stonewall Jaoksen, and which till a week ago, retained ail thesplendid drill and magn.licont tooldente, that great lea der bad given It, it toe day, disorganised, &mor al sod, stripped of three tonsil.' of ire Mitliery and many of its best officers, sad fleeing not for monger positions, but for flaal map*. The but evidence of the completemem of oar victory it the member of rebel officerslwe have Limn up to to-day. We may fairly lestimite this number. ezelnaing the wcundod, and oonet• ire only the well offfurrs who have fallen into our hands, at 301 Besides these, thel wonndei Boers taken prisoners are largely in iIIICSSA of the ordinary proportion between ittemi and th e wounded privates. Such of Early's ars y ',ewes marmite& le the VaUIT, him scanned to their ho met. They will presently b. pearefal farmers, o.en good Brion men, then coven for the resinetresti 0! the Eta'. under national authority,end claim • ante for the fat cite v, on the grounds of their lost abiding Unionism. The rebelt,oficare have no lob ter boy control t I their men. What Is left to geOter of the army of the Shenandoah is not boliered here to be of any worth whatever for fighting purports. Let me briefly endeavor to mita thelstor MOTO. meats dustbin oulmlnated In this Magnificent rerun: Wednesday night 01111. Bhaidaa gore orders to ern. Crook to Joao. Strasburg by a forced march for the LW flans of the enemy's outreached position at Saber's 11111...Thundsy morning Crook began his dlfilasir movement setoffs the North Mountain, and over roads which tad hitherto been dimmed impossible; for en a-ny to pus. In four lours he had reamed the loft flank of the rebel pc:eldest. &mother hour suf ficed ft t bald nom:mist mace, and bylfsur o'clock In the afternoon, Its had worked kis way over almost to tb.eir, riar, and began a fistioos attack. , r ely- Sank O rth nabs ,riff nt • I were •111,11 front, tee front awl nu tattling Whoa. . norm front of 'he I Otos( 00/SO of tar near ,halo re• ..orshair's had been Calpepper trades* had 'tartly attar id about the beginnir.gof oar attack, brit seemed to shore the confusion lad demoreilsation of the roe; of tkm•r Wiry. We pursued to Wooldstook. at 0030, boding the rood ail the ereyi oovered with lb. ndot cd mostreu. On Wednesday morning, Rene al Sheridan had en* • ntrong cavalry force into be Laray Vat ; thin farce is now huffy placing up prima te; bandtedi of stragglers Dr. till' Valtered rip , • a many more are coming in bad voinntartly I'lemsetrts up. Several of the thews among there pneonere hay, r•pradoetia heir• force to the Ant Oght lasar NV Mobutu: t 22,000. The opirlts of Oita riatorlouni army we op to the highest point of enthnifoste, and on to Lynchburg U the general orji thtrughoot the COCA pi. It Ie hoped by ebb time our ottrealry hoe re►ahed flarrisortebuzg, jetty miles enthcaot of this e., &IL 41 - I . IOEM A L. 1117: NO lIIIIIIL Ini .7/T. Rebel sflicats ALIO en tiro!) fr,ank in admitting th•lf thorough defeat, and maify of them do not "trial theft belief, ltd it will end in the at -1.0 delIJUCtiOl l of E 111. 7 .11 army. IL seems to be act:tight ems ng. them that L p o cannot fp. , s. , roan for Early, end that If the letter culot., Vri h the fragments of his beaten army defend Lpsokiburgi It must fall. hie later or further details than these from out own GOrt espotmento hare ;Mee remised here to day, save whet the War Department batiatini furnish. • . A BO: trek!. sot PVIII, IN ALL. This place is In pert e hoepltel, the rat Is a prison. What, with the captured wounded and the phonons hourly' coming in, we have here eitepther over six thousand rebels, and this, too, after we hod thinned them out by sending Often hundred privates mid one hundred and 1 twenty-11a (Meets to Herpels Barry yestsaday and s number mom to-da . In the mein the t. provisions for the wounded ere are asiatisfee tory es could be expected. even hundred were sent to 'lmpel's Ferry yes rcay, and mole to. day. 01 mune them wen only slightly in jured. vanasear. manuals. To everybody's surprise, the prisoners are not only well dressed, but they tiara evidently been well led. They lick heorSy nod healthy, and might certainly lave fought better If their 014 leader, Stonewall Jatehsen, had bona at their head. A good many of privates ask leavarto tate the oath of allegiance and jemein at the North, and they all profess to be very tired of lighting CEBala MIXT, en~aauu. i MISTS CI VII MELTE and Sallow for pease. , • swum" 11141.02 D. fiheridan now has al gan army es When r he begin his orsralloas li ' the Valley, and bag F. also abundant supplies. orythlag possible Is done here to sustain blot. ono VaCIDED /f..TIDZIP 100. All our seriously wavadea are easel for here, mostly to the boom of t,s wealtly soLornione tits. i Our Situated. Salute. t New TOIL, Bop!. St.— 'nay ea rregreudeat of the Road states that t •tebelo olnage4 the troops In front . of but es to tesuseuttutos of berry desertions, Wks hittod salute en the ltd pretty effeetaell nee up the, rebit Boling ULU Uttary, and Potenb ra souotAlve suffered severely kern the argots o aroptrioathltts 'WU • =twits for thltkr, 10140 ~The job* hardli 149.M4•4. ~.• :1-.. 44 .: , . .4-11:71.1 - ..... m z;,: .44 1 LATE FROM \ASIIVILLt,. R , b14 1 FArrert 0-( , oai”r Tenn9gePe CONoteitiAiliAllUal SOON OF PULASKI CUT OFF The Rebels Conscripting. FOR REST SAID TO CONRAD II ?ERROR. {pedal 2:1 patch to Pitted) Ceeette. Netrivits,a, September 2S, 1845. Boilable reports say, Forrest was yesterday crossing Tennersee River ►t British Landing, Perry county, Tenn., on three rafts earcying forty-ave men of each part of his command with three picots of artillery. A rebel force, two hundred strong, struck the Railroad last sranlog, between Dee►tnr and Allan's, end was tearing op the [reek. It now appeals that the enemy reached Atha ens at flee o'clock on yesterday. A tight of two hours end a half duration ensued,in whioh bury artillery was used. Several buildings ware tired. No details of done or the remit of the light have been received. All communieetioas truth of Ptila;kl have been out of Important b ads's It Elk River and Salphar Braneh, art sato. Though all reports make the laymen.; Cores • f,oniblabla one, It can do but Rini/ damage to the Railroad, u all important points are veil go. rd./. Another tm4l form, two hundred strong, te repor'ed near Decatur. Them. forms "poser to be these of Roddy, latell ena...aped et Shoal ChSek, Alabama, mid hare now Grossed the *fret sad passed through Roprevilit, made another attack and ale destroying the Railroad. The term mentioned above sa oroseng Tan nosson Ririe as British Lsad;ag, Perri county, is .opposed to be tinder Forme, and the 1,11116 eaterna. Roddy's movement. are prebobty in tended to draw attention from Forrest Lana—Four hundred of Forrest'. men trout. ed the Tear.lll4l) River, user the mouth of Deck Ether, Mit Tuesday evening, and aro now at Linden, Tennessee. The country on Buffalo Creek is thick!) infested by rebels who are ecn• sorwing. The latest from Athens soy, Forrest 011111:1- 11111:41 in person, and that his faros nimbler' eigot thousand, and tub eight Mom. of mill levy. y D. WSZTIT, Brigadier fieneraL Affairs In Worth Carolina Naw Yotc, Sept. IL—By the arrival of in L. 6. .tamer Alb coy, via Fortress Monroe, we have North Carolina dates to its TILL no steamer Pawn which was reliantly cape Wed and burned by tiro onemy contained the New York teal*? the 5:1 and • .1 luta, a large portion of which hex been recovered from the wreck and brought to New born. AAmg of trues recently brrught on to Newborn a large cumber of rehrge..*, many of •boca belong to the Last !miles of the State, who ere on their wey Wirth, having last all coulidotlo to the Coufed Otte cacao Ricca the fall of Arleen Alhatilr the huinber was the wife of the rebel General Marten. The Salisbury (N. C.) Warcheate hat the fc'- 1."1•6: We Protest egetrat the tohtiesen treat ment extended to the Tastes deserters, who ore subjected to • atone of treatment *ILIA melte life fa more uncertain thui the tattle 11.1 d. It self. A general pardon tram President L 121.1 at, would doubtless relieve the Coufaisraoy of at, least 60 (00 of these mieereAle b Digs, provided they have etre:hill enough lull to enable teem to make their sloops North. The federal teem ceocisting of a Clolotel,Lbeta. Compel. Maier, and two Captetts, who were die• heterably espeDed by Gen Sunman from kis army and cent into the rebel hoes for speaking disrespect...illy of the President of the Welted States in the presence of the one...zy t while Cs, companying • tag of be have arrived in lltohmond, wher• they are to be colactod dudes the war Joe lighting against their principles. The redden of peerente of the tiongostis• chills mid billion fever in Newborn has driven elf the tratetent penoas oat of Dila department, itc'tiditg many estebashed hulloes" tees who strpoted they were fleeing from the yellow facer. Surgeon D. W. Rend, medical division, S. J. literalism, chair Men of the Ward of health, and Dr. Doughty, past Istvan, inaleding the other strewn' of Newturz, who have hems em ioyed tight and day. making every 'dirt POl- Bible to 'Attire the melody. are, through %hoax rail! sad tirisg looms, meeting with grikry• top sorrel,, end now have the suUstaction of imams& material abatement of this /Leese which had reamed the form of an epidemic. NAVAL AFFAIRS BOATS Fl BED INTO. 6,540 Prisoners al Point Lookon EAure 11 MAT I N PIOHIOND The Payment of Ehesidan's To pa THE ENTIKE A:AT A.ND vIVI T) BE PiID I`...JE:3orLig, Sept. 24 --Commodore of !be Po ramie flotilla, scoomaaloatas the • • • e'og to the Picts ta.fy of toe Navy :Otte if the beats of the creamer Comstook White, in ...rob of bloctmde runners, at the MOD , . f Y loom° liter, wee fire d into from the shore. W. b.toy, the Captain, who was tn the hold, wee m• calmly killed, and Ueo II McNeil, landsman, wee severely woonded. Tee un was promptly retevued from the boats, sal reports are current that a Mall exploded in the midst of theshum party. Tbereare now about ri . SOO prisoners oonfined at Poles Lockout.. Frey retogess croesed the :leer from the Yirc girds shore, and succeeded in reaatitng Paint Lockout. Rome of them are from Richmond, and on, that the news of Rely's eretdefsat had r .2:1 -, d there, and caused the greatest oonster xit om aid Mom. R. ::al camera brought la Washington tecdsi from Point Looker'', to be transferred to north ., r. primes, will not believe that Bseriditel has achieved the Victories to the Sbormodaah valley, r • motel:end in vadat dispatches. bit paymaster,. under a heavy esoort, Matted •or tmrtdon's army thu mornlog to pay ott tbe ~cops of that command 'S r WWI to complete the payment of the se of: and navy to diva, hav• been elgoed b . tseoftitary gessenden. The entire armies of the limited Plato. will, therefore roods' pay me;; as soon as paymasters can arrange details. There are to colyentiod regateltions in the Trt smry, other than them swatting rocs-range meat by order of the proper antboritlei. ANOTHER VICTORY. Rumored Encouditiono/ Sur render of Mobile. Osseo, Sett la.—The Memphis Betta:e of ire tarday publishes, on what It regards reliable au thority, the substance of a dispatch reedved at Deily Springs announcing the uneendltionkl inrrander of Mobile to our gunboats. 110 dates are given. The gunboatilanprosehed the dry 60 does that they could harp destroyed it with oat differ it'. Later From Europe FAItTlinP Polar, Sept. 2d. —The 'toenail:4 North America, from Liverpool, 121,bu ortived et t hi. place en route to (plebe*. Bhe :took the place of , he !hip Damernue, disebled. Li o ,po o /, `'.pt. 12 - -The retool loan In London doc.ltod 5 per cent on the receipt of Americas adrieaa pet ates.mer rt Cnltoo rale* to-Any, 3,000 bale', Including 2 000 zi multi:ors ma expo:tort. Market C... Brt.cit'Uff+ In.etlVO, boo steady. vieloo, fist sad low, London, STI. 12, evertigg --Congoli clewed at flA®Blo4 int money. Illinois ocattal, 41( 4 )43 di"tu,-,; Erie, 41@t3:. The London Timo and other papers dismiss • Ile American nows received by the dila. The num on;.: Never has there born mob vigor displayed slam , the war began; -It oom menta on the Chlorgo Corrrention, and thinks that Pre/Mint lainooln i e polio, hoe received a heavy check by thieserolostion of hieelellem. The London Pesillanke so McClellan hoe been dlotingnliked by moderation and if he Is in• stalled President end mulatto:44 by plidgre he would soma to any arrangen sot tor peace. Hebei Pirate& !UT You, Pap'. 25.—TW abatis! Susie 6ageraparta at that aff Caps Bahia on Os 18th shi V•• intbn doting pinta, A 'chaotic 'pagan y the Sarah Gage rarrtect haabgant !Asa a mall pott In N o ra Scotts af ter ilistr:Ori nantbar of tikokinid brhinß vorelNiend wit tioataded ba rir.bogs, hats ;WA it *li 4a.:a Pr.= Gen. 111! . erelae , e I.l.pme.ruet.- Atiosva, Sept le —The Louisville agent of e N w York Associated Press dispatches of Cite 21st, contain one from Hawn, et , the 14th, an - • the lint t." 1.• gtso tom Altana, wit. i,ist4o.l Coat Lauf ware robbed of everything before being out into the rebel liner. Of roar., that to fate., and it ,• fr 7`-,14 o tiod, for they porposed It at a falsehood to mote o wit olitevous public opinion The truth Is, during the truest tour 6u.ndred sod forty so battles were moved South, meting 705 adolts, 8111 children and 79 servants, with 1657 pounds of intuit:aro and ho.hold goods on the overage for elsoh family, of which I have a perfect rac , l holloo. by iOO,3OTi of the 11•050 S Lod articles. At the end of the hum, Col. Warner, of my staff", who had general supervision of she bosiceas, re °steed loom hiej r Can, of Gen. Hood's staff, the following loner and If.edy, Srpt I. IS6l.—Cot.: Odd 1? COMMoteiOwtloo Is &boot to aloes. You •til permit me to hoar testimony to the uniform 00C rtery you have shown on all occasions to me and isy people, Lad the prompoon with which you have corrected all Irregularities arising in our 113;0re...ors*. Hopiug at some fu..ttra time to be alto to reciprocate your courtesies find the many bowie= of your positive kindness, I em, with respect, your ob't sory'a, W. T. Chas, Major and Adjotent of Gen. Hood's Staff. To L• C.. 1 Wm. Warner, of Gen. Sherman's sod. I W.uld not notice this, hot I know the per: 0 of the North am liable to be misled by • Isla,- hood nairm'au d for special nurpotes,and by es desperate enemy, .00 will be relieved by Oh. arsuronce that not only core mad real Sind no. los been extended to families who lost th.,r borne: by the tom of their ate protermors. (3.gried) W. T Senesce, Major General Commanding. Re teal Viaw of the Situation. Now YOl l , Sept. 05.—The illottwond D;opuca of the 121, hae the following relative to Harl,i's defeat.• A report nu to circulation at an early ht or yesterday morning. that • fight oinnarrod nee, Winchester in the valley of Virginia, on Mot dee last, which retuned dissetroneir to the Cor federate army. As tine!, erten any untsvor stile nese is afloat, the grossest exaggerations p anal the following official dlspatnb uom Hee. Lee yea given out by she aorhoritlea. Ileadersarort Army of Northern Resrinia, Tan cloy Bey!. 20.—Hon. d es. A Seddon : Oen. Earl, r. r, I 111 that on the wornins, of the 19. h lint the si.‘sisy &drowned on Wwohestor, Door whish nisei, he a et Me attack, which was resisted f om ly in lb. deytione. It was near night when be was ci mpelted to retire; after night be fell back to Newsrn and this rooming to PlA:toes Hill. Our lose ir •in),r ed to bossier.. hilaj.l3.i. Rabbi and 13” g. Gen. W•odsein wele killed, nerdy a n their duty. Time picas of artillery of ging'S Battalion were lost. 'Deeme and itiopliet were brought off wafoly. tif good, ii. B. Lea. The game paper .peaking of matter before Petersburg, ea, st On our extreme right, and the ant mi'e, both parties continua to mambo:Le another with sleepless rigilanoe. E soh return • log day adds strength to the defensiveworks, and the tag of war, come whet It may, w.II be one of t' 'bloodiest of ibis very bloody war. The Richmond Repairer of the 22i, gravely st•erted that E poeldort at lithe? a lIM ers. imprognible, from whence he would adrenal again on th• enemy. Two Tremor, official' haat'obaqsatalated from Richmond, altar converting nearly a million rebel Treasury notes Into greenback". Ibe Eerier" admit" the first defeat of Early, which adde to the gloom, oonooquelot on the fall of dUanta. Late Advice. from California. Bee Faze°lioo.Bept. ti—.dateetintlaitio 01,1 oz ociterisic caw held Isn't algal- At the close saver al bandied disorderly partizans of McClellan etizrapled to brisk up the precentor', and a gazer•i riot seemed immteon•, bat the forbear .l.o of the usalled and the aradvicy of tte po llee, prevented it. Cal; one man was injeral. /he receipts of bahlon sines the lees steamer are ever two millions and a anstruir. Money is abooo•at •nd easy. Dr B rows mode a f bla address is be holt el the 6.,11ary Commis& on this evening, tad s , arts east 04:narrow. the mailatus , , r Balled to-d with three toothed and sees:omen presagers n , and eleve A ens. dyed and Mt) -I,e thousand I hellion ft r bezirsen to dace to east ITU ei AMMO. Ottr r, Gov bills 110 per ant. premium. Telegrah ,r, n fen 5% per p a r Coln bills 3%@04. h eT Vhamber GI oGmmprca limpid animal. pointing cot &facts tbe postal service on thi ooadt. At rival of Vriaohers al Harper's Farr,. W•6gl/01011, Sept. 2d.—The ftrisablissa moles the wing atteormosment t The Go reroment received dimparstries from Genets&Stovertroa dn. morning, dated Rupee. Ferry. annosnaing that 2,000 Strasburg prisoners relabel Win chester last night. Ile also rays I 600 prlsosers captured on the 19 h inst. near Wmatiaster ' ar. rived tot Hierper'e Foul this morning, and 1,610 more ate pot epualeg. Later dispatcher reoelved from One. Bterenron this fawning, announce 1,600 more prisoners ventured all as on on the HS, riveted Wancheotra thls morning. When last heard from, Elmira anns tea flying down the Valley panic strieken. She/idea le In bet pursalkand near Woodstock. AU %Wet in Front. HIUDqUILIIIIII MDR or rim Porro I goo, Scpumtbor 12, 186 5 The firing between pickets haat, of ebte 31 division end 2d corps mid continues. The bat teries LI. End 2,1 nerve opened on • barn flail of rebel rharpohootate whet had boat annoying our men for tome bizne, tend dared than burrisdly to decamp. :3.—Alt quiet this formroon. D. hfcGazotoe- (Signed) Tbe Bermld gives a flit of the rebid officers eapturod by Ethetiden at °Amin Creek oats, griveg 11 Colonel*, 7 Went. Colons% 1 Major, Ctaptatna, and 75 Ltratanants. The Baltimore and Otilci Railroad :xi ann• Ding order WAP.I.OTo•. Sent 21.—The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad hu been redeemed from Iva/hose menthe derangement by the 'victory of fiberidae. Th to result L1t.1160 II a groat importance and coo , h beightene the seine of our moons. of the t reek bore Wen restored with 6 bring. and 4 miles of telegraph pries, be- Odell ea.or etetiont, do. The victory occurred on Mynas, night last. On Cnesday night pre , maxone for repairing the road were berm end the whole line tool hem use again by Toeedey next. Troop. iv Ithdr awing from Herod'. Armv— Stock•—Gov. Deno tion. SI, Yost, Sept 22.—Doe Brown of Georgia, tuts 'steed an orate wltadrnwing he ntllttla tot arm). Tt ere Is quite a Fuddle. stooks. Gold opened st 2,2 nod told down to 200, than role to 204 12. • Cowisteedor's sp•o1•111Ultal that Do,. Den elect, will riot reoept the Poet Master General- Pall of a Building. p I 111.rt,IA, Sept 24.—Whiles number of „: IL, were engaged in altering the Peal. side It ha. end E.ta reilrond depot, earner of 18th Motet meet., the bra we gave way and the •hale building fell down. Steen men (ow.- peeler, ' cocoa intact] injured, but none kilted outright, Business In Baltimore Betnuoes, Sept. 2a.—llosinsee is at a Haul &Whin consequence of the decline in gold. grata ic drooping and prices nominal. Vicar neglected ; Howard street arkp.nfloe, $10,87a11. IN Weil hoary atll,e4. • - Gen Sber Prtim.,ra NPR Teat, Sept. 41.—Tha Comseerciors Wash ingiun special says: gam Sheridan's prisoners see so awnsrons that tibias been toand nsmrsary to dead reinforcements to him to aot ss guri. Tp► attars In Grant's army art betting that Psistsburg trill be in oat possaulon in ten days. • Rebel Prisoners:ln:Baltimore. ALM 0 111, Dept. 25.—Larp numbufe of prim Gnats are atrivir.g from Harper's Perry. Joon one tbonsand have Just palmed down Prattatree nudes guard. The 6 .30 Loan. IrArsIAGT:,II, Beta 16.—Thu .nbserlption la the !It Loan a. monad ansonnud to 40,- 2800. KICK SoLOILas ru YOU? Holt& TO Vorn.— Sorgren•ocneral Barnes has issue! °Taar to the Superintendents of El-spitaln, directing teem to permit all soldiers able to travel, and yet Intl' for duty, to visit their homes and re main unttl after the Prenidentisl Veation. An the order is general, and makes no etrep• ttons, there COL to no ground for complaiu t tf the "'trews" do Dot show the wind owning frcm a quarter le snit the Cepperheade. Issonno General Sherman reeding to h's soldiers, after the captor: of Atlanta, se, ad. arose like thin °Soldiers, in the language of the Demo cratic platform, after your four years failure to restore the Daion by the experiment of war, 1 tun authorised to say that tho sym pathy or the Democratioperty le heartily ex tended to you." " A Llseoin Eatifleetion Meeting"—The meeting last Monday in the Bhenendosh Valley beteeen Bheriden and Eerly. "A Ilrelellan Denionetratlent"—The dee nionetration last Tnea,lay,.of rebel pirates end Copperhiteil eptas at lianasiy. Oto of tho LA* 'Erie pirates o "ew days victor, offered to bol ZAP%) ,00.114 olcotion of WOOD& Mff=ME= 3SILe_I2,IK:I3I'I I 9. New York 'Market. rim Term, eat , . Tt —Oottoa doll b-sv7. &ad Oat 100 Ira r, c 1 ,1% •me.“ .ealre. • T• •. • - tgo OM) for extra &Ur, 1111,21411,00 for ..otalk to , y iza 816•10,M, t.) itoorl sprias ra ys, oats,. 0, Ito , for trade Grant., clewing r 7 ay so, ad .blelley, bleary tad lowar, ra.l7x, e rat, dull and noarta. a. as .1 non:arm:ly salt By*, 7i tel. li.rlry and bmlay ma t, anu as t aomiaa', n. Mars, and moni 10.3 lower, M use lor mired Veen**. BCC town* and firm, at O'c for Westarn. n.,•, La I. C s Zel: r c L u i t . ll:: of ooua u s b o a. n t o l ;It o . u vi ol:l,l v .4 . t 11M. Ildonottru. dull Pot colt nen lescti ea. but prieou wow lusL oat. dub lona nosainoi, osrlug to the lame deeltut gold. t a It, d eidedly loncr. with modto deconnat .0 14- ly f• r floor. dalltery. at 140 or now men STI4I 41 fur pelt. 6to WI; nvn ctlt fly f r Octobcr, .4 bra) cplon, • t 1 0 . 62 20 - itof, dull, at rtalSc for country ate.; Waldo be ro• pacit d mere, and 10.454 , for extra mean prime envan later a. tlrol contrast. 14. are, unsettled and dectdodly 110•30%, litter prise Is as extreme. Bert., •.ry much mmettlett, and prices nominal all 21.1.16 tin west , . Onocoo, call and netottral, .t 15x. New York stock and Honey Minot. Ode, 44-I.tootyr3larkel--54rady. !Wiley., noted at 10SY,t,. Quid crctract, aud decided!, lona, opal. tog at I! e eclint tag to lOC, advancta; Mt, coMo• 1. ato 2413. mi. an Mg to M 64.5, end clovmr 2d4•244 . The tc.ral vapor. Id ',paces -day v. $74,1100. lievernmeat attend tomer; U IS. C,uposa, 07% .1 11175; ; 2.20 Occmons, 1tt1.34•1 tv; Troaanry hot., Ooccbsr and A IF, Burial° Market. Bares., Sept. 24.—Ttoor lasotles. W eat ureulaal.y quoted far hitiasateaSpti. I, 21 73; tile. I Macaws dls ring,; Wister Bad. $ll.O. Cara Insults. and ellexad at 51,./4 Car No. 2 ands quiet and held at Wane. Barley valet awe o at 2.2,154)2.111 fur Cassia and Westwn, W. hay luartleo and , Rend at SI,7M. IVlthcot bids. Cross; 71-...aht• ti. w.a Tent —el heat, lea; Odra. 15%011.% Oats, O. neer° Market. Osernao, Sept. lb —rival dal' wad h rower, wr seat q alas •n 4 no tales. ;BOwe dal.; tales at in 1111.1. at 11,50. arb., dad .1.1 dr 7 (Jaunt fetish... dab onto' hl 11, 51.4' ea, Wheat, 13c, Ourn, 11%; Barley, 11c. &WEE INTELLIGENCE. The tiro, ...VII receding at this proint, and sales. ne Lave mere rota soon, the prtsprot for row 'sour 1, mom encouraging• ilc lathe irrivale from Coro. report bet resat four fret le a:er on iiCilnes Elpp a, ' eutid boats drawing more 11,1.0 this are c impelled Sc lighten balm. tLey can get over. The weather =nun:. mild and pleseant, and vary favorabfi far oat-door operation. The arrivals from ts:t from (ne andun in& the Iline Staliight, rrs, from Wheeling ; O'T Durnoet, ati 1 Lowlerilir, and the Columbia, &matt. Lola. She 111.161,1 Graham, fr-m Zane.. 111 s, wren Sae last nightl and wrldenttle.s be f and at the wharf ,her morning. The SD rev CI, r.ll, it f r Pt teals on Baur:toy ono tog with • fair trip ; at 414 .1.0 the Gl.d• for Macro , natl, •nd tl. Jolts for Prothnillis. The irom - ot brought up among other iterool. • tarp number tl nd tkm•saan ma. 6he loft ar Case ftla LG: uh.thstrosti as nethuday ro tes eying beat. Toe Gulden sal Ilob¢t slow loft eine:road fee Pittsburgh on Iladay. sod It. Uookot and Wetrenits were ath ertiaed t• fol ow on eaturdhy. Ihe Cl , L all Cromwewci lof estarony, monomer , . the arrival at that piece, of uoptato /Ml= nod h ea nno4s near, to take otmege of the Ile , dn. The tai either s, Capn John Gordon. Is the reeler packet for Witwelog co—rley, leering promptly et IA Coi•ek. lb• stomach nod ratable Sate B. Porter, Oars. I It. t ter, -h- oat boat for Otaniosatt ant oriol• 0,40 PC. St, • 11 yeti..., get wooing Tut. Imo and Lima- he•dml Uelainuta, Ciaatato J Tur, er, orui be cy nerd, ts oannoneod Mr at Los,e, aud oi l 00011 to bete very mon P•••••• rots •ad typor• stoke • anto.f tit 4 Met AftVCIWYT Of Par so. Lirs.—lvorybody In the Vol ley of the is he •Ipp. In , mr• sari orprete. wog 1,••• an. tbs. J•slid od-n anal Scotian on ioamoads lb. "yalsius.. rigostowr Situ or, of Aldo's I Do— aytoin h. soy 1:1•cipbell. and o eraryb es sell •iday We lA lowing. Is too g o d to tot tow{ iSt of print o A inn tribe ego, tee 'taus., shit.* tts,ri mft the .10.01bms at gala° for new tnie•ws, .1(h .0 Maim 0 ...t o p.a. gem esd as arse a cargo of I- uight so :or .1,111 Ind • smote?. s7a. aeon ` th• passengers ewe visa al:nub:a 01 ladle. '.teato mat husbands 001 blot , an Mr taa r TOr, and 1•••• thiptat• Beery took mder ell own Wog f a more= .1 tame a. • - h. g•tta yeti. her chickens,. ana they wart g Moth" tp the kind ateraloo sod fetherly cam [Wpm.. wee on 15a.d, too the tot =treble, trope...l - , fun "velem and fo,etisaibag Boaputan of she ;Mee eat -ho m u &hmnoro.•ed b-outo .12 , 11 K dm a nowt onto,. than any other im he Jon, s he circo, a• • few omen who t o to Imo Mot the, o imitt on who tome to Malik that the v y might Get," co esaning of the 1104 dot ball Mantled sll below to d.knosa, hont.runt of 0.00.3 feet had bottled ,wa to .0u auestuen of llionahr. .the dock hand* 'ad g.saed their sallight t as. lro tt, and sztfilass• s.aroktus, ...apt by the ea stool.' PAN and rattling Wave of .ho pautoa, niao.l Deer and armed all ma tmord. L bomber of the tody pammgees had g.tiared to Bump tam'. wad to mug the fr eh Mete 1•A Lletoo to toe ...pre No *to ot the a end river. wearying of which at lam some one mgr. d a song, or d•nee, or •ptot of ease kind La relieve teernmntony. et MUM, spiam "bit" In en teem.. Be tho-tht of MChaonopman on hi. moult. qui. atlalincera.., and twat wag epo s mop md ez. big hl. elf he asomded tu toe canna, wheel, he Chap trying to reel the sam and notelet Dec of the boat throne. the bottom of a oat f. 100 •foisol therms I 'antra " meld Betq. "That ga . • pity or ifo LAO • Lo the tout, ono 1 •rant vOll to go up az d mare th. • sail uut OP . .na • 1 ft 1.1 venal•e qui= Too can /WI. • pig. or dug or ess molar ths totewbrre Mop aro MUM& net play any Ind of Gelato Mosel." -LI, right." meldChlimus , 'l'll be ap there= woo " ard • .vatlltWey •litlet Chao. a -Wt..' 1 he I I II sport hi. Ono so ploy • trick awn the Capain m vellum aria Metall& nu up ha Irma to ths t-z.. sad set about Cl. Ihift Meat. eu..0.1 toed th. t.gar th• rals -a standing al outands smiktna WI atty. anti goo oien.srily .z.,,eositti, to boor hom the iedim and tim reafillognias. Ths b e at *Si bumper; tin itmtnalome More Jmt above Pod Pie t r and the oonweraatlen kid tom. 0 ob Porreat'e het raid, when made pest on tee moil aboulad at the top at hie widae• wi ahem. ob. boat ia that !" °Mesa , &radii," rotated dm Cap lat., e• 601 00 you no woo, ou the twit rated, 0 ear Go '.bout 000'.1"0 Soy farther dot., apt• rt for tbmela about bar hundred part fah with . 1 . idsm. o4 to tit 'el sh/i • mils front hod, •ntop bar " atoll Elem.) to toe "moo, and in a nio =mot the boat ow propelled only be theforce of tem. , mot "and her up S pelled WO .1, h. oh so N A . mom. rid," was tha Drat order. The craft clummed 00'0000 oh le the ladle-. tightened belt out of their wt. had ...toddled as the cabin. nindentatily ii ting to be he ,er4pl-nt. of • volts, rebel maudlin nta Chap. of.n fodavom them down, •- dation anal Vern tho.lap• ta Id theta nu t `e Joke md mob aesuriag atom te. there woe the least pa tide of doom , •Illoh whom tbet beard, tber .termed beck Mir their old guar. bedgm tee Oasts. oo the mos-blot tea sell, The 00•Pre0r0...ce of the .10.• upon the tint, their !ma ail . tor with d telt •peued the 0107 stn 'e e 7 I. sod es mw e joke la all of he eo Or .boated ag du to the pilot, p 'be head dowa stream and mto Asa • 11,.." I hitlors• the • goal tor • rata. ontbarat of ...y ht. front the e loollowl tart" the party im they o. °Wm mL, °opiate ''" 0 T 005 g dog to will woe pa. t" 'Oh, lea too go d, while ..• moo rem •rkeet, 00....0.10, Mite Leant er's Ga. to re to stam," which he got La, addition t.. dead Me= 1 lot et Om the teg .____ DAV. ()BANN FORD, LLTI. Or SELOINBittGZEL 1 CO Dftln ta, as Oonamtaillm. Pig Metal. Blooms. &cs. Sloe 191:Water street, varier EL gabs's. Ronne. n to O. It J. kl Skocabarger, Eihmorkbevr It Ca. od Wu: IL Itaneakct hrs. Radvs.. made. Ckza um Bo rl t. :...d - - rrl IMPROVWD 1.11 - Tlia 01 &lar ISNWISCI MtUII id, Vt. rka lab Lt a 1 I. 0 o•ii. passed torrutoty. liy gave la wsniavai ; sad ra mrod vairiti is bat • rival for amplidaa, dursbillay and sasvatisa, it by ass atlas . stamp missal , . hastataia darted tit Os giallo, sad and. 0.17 la ileadi to Ivo appreidaliviLi will biaa. jai% =akar Wad. Oall Ida viraiabie Oa rginiales. livery daatti roa lla Warrants& 14 B. tB, &gout so. itJ 1141 rd Steed. agaidialiciat. Marts Hotel, L AMP BURNER, LED BEITLEHLL WAGE lIMIUrAGTOIII COLLINS 6 WRIGHT. Soutifootstrort a WI tram at Ittti? euas .11 sas, LAMP BRASSES, to. Wootrihetratook of HOB Wright , Patooi JUG TOP. Parrs TIS UM. TAW) Tur. rovolt 817t1EW PAPPILIi TOP. to, tio. Qp Socond Weer. Ptstototritt. ITO LORENZ a Wlulirlsiati, minufa turen a WIN DOW 0.139, D &OGG ABB N vte L 8 sael BOSILES el W LAU. V176.2.61tk0na6 69 Wat6st 66.1 Oar tsetcatta now balm to tun operatim. ar prorated to %Vivian say artioles la oar floe tao.ptb BUM. and taint) tog to any to the market. rart-tna Volt S&L& 1: 101 Sims Lunen. on ox 20 do Edisignoy Monk SWV; 106Iftbang Vo leg II ZS do Vol , lo and D01.64gr Olt Ow; SOO to /losing & /Mond Oo IVAAVTID—roIsgI oU Sikora, I. Sank &soar, Ossmago lia^k /10/11131601g, lgo./Lt&osrti. V , & CO.. wse 76 VOm& somarsommon _ _ pitonocE Now KIX ea Lrdi. 403 tisstrols l'dme Old Od4 60 do Bbelleatka - fd Pp bold Prtao Cr.= dhow: i 0 *adds Melee appler, HOll. Trdb Ssll Maden OD damn Teo" Arc 6 f,ddls Edds4 Coe Own Nod, 4. indeby If. BUM IT, Tin- irb".47 I.4.lMitai 057 VAEHIONLBLIII, Boo m shoe., Gagers and Glum lathe Cl Is to be lowa at 101. 130Itt. • nal No 111 IN.7ket. ft reet. 24 &or hover a- Cl/1:&N APPLES AND Pkwuk..,Re, od.ei AT Ws AC T lescadhusZe6l ri.44IVICIECE Too leg Toe, Po-at, end Shoes, b 1 sVX Conts:t Ball au:A.:Le, po. C nob tercet. .t• sr Baby's Ohms. cos!. row 1344'. I=l 1,11.-V,!=rodtp,tua. " Tours FINE CALF BOOTS peal mkt, asd CIISIOY NUDE. A NEW SUPPLY OF LADIIIr, 0 ISISESEF, rouges. BM' LED OILILDILZIIII Boots, Shoes and flattens No. 154. Market Street; BAP 511013 ell ORE. 111U2.11811 STOCK. 07 snosd, eArreas, sgoaurtrovvs BEOI VIVRA foe ft:Wm' street Meg= Oat sad MILL rth "STAB Wl 10137 =MUD DT ONO. AlaiSß, SON a CO so "d: v ISTIZEL VT' and Itstth , 9 t o llalsost . • 1) Scams. 01111dres's Goat S Pmts. Tier goods am mad. to oar spoefallortlx, ea natal utequalloa carte= wet. Peg, . FALL AND W BOOT 6, SHOES AND Balmorals and Gums. Ai e UGBT ADVAZICTB buss 01 ,1) r 140114 JAMES BOBS, 89 market Street, BE 418 TEI MST tar ar.,17-tt VATI:3O eany boyea the cl.. F • b..: •}sat neolrad y st • agageant VALI 5200 K. Try 61m. TOWi CASITRELL, hianalaotaret of BOOTS AND 81:101/A of orery d•madininn Ma. 114 Beettenald stream. Pitestrurgb. oanas Metropolitan, onard, cutaway. and Garibaldi Salta, FOR BOYS' 'AND OBILDBBN. Engllsb Jackets. Walking awl flack Coats FOR 0 T MEW. Fall took Now in Store, ananaisina.w. TEI NEW STILE OF THE SEWN. T DIFIKII.4B. Coo salsilou Plarchant B Punhasiig 'pit; FLOUR, BAUM, CHE ALL ESE, DRIED ARIA . CIEEII MUM . IND FARM PRODUCTS e los all anrobtaadite, Pitts/Mtn RI la Vtt r eed 011 e. at demist. and ataaelsatar , ta taalttf erritElT. (mom Ina' ettut " d prompt attend= Atm Asa . ad sarropeaSseee. aay.....—liali I apsts. Lierd.&,sl.4 I t.ka., IlloDaaald I Arbacklem. haat. eau Hal A U.. 8. A.taltnendele• ant eslitlyta OP and mt.., No. sumo) P"."1 La111:10S .• Vim Houle t Oa.: - PITTSEDIIO II , PA Tb Patkotit TaiLad cun Dada= of i5ea.—.......1 ft ~ . Tee iiiir , r at Moder. Dem.:T . .7 D.Toccqueval.'s resommay la letstao « GIS ', .---.. Ibe lea , rell.t--- it:O be wa TI. Tf &rent, e fre0n.—......--........ a TS Thl , m.eicsal ContoteteGalee.------a.:—.— 1 CO TOO A eay Text Bokk ...,...—.—...... 15 Velem sad Egged' Oettbrotfol 5peectiee............. .'al fXsob,`• Estate of 15nanc1iat1uti—...........—...... /la [...0s •Inery sad' n---....... 4“.. 1 2Si Troddiet Jaamoom's Adze:OK:Mkt —,....... 1 SO Life pod Campdgra of teen. Ortat---.. ...,-1 WS. .6 Lao and S=Tt aro o• Got. Iletadla: ler -,.... Kea I th.).., 66 Root ortil. , , o • . GENGERI3IIE, . ' u . on op MICHMICILENSINEER 4%f • oortorizeura AND arix.ritois, cati?s:*-• ora moss ilea. U ALT 11130 2 ••••= 1, 7 1 I , .ioit i ~ , ..,.; ONE Yuji BUM NNW OSOANIZATIOH..I,-; BU'L iIILIICTED m:M=m l T "nl 11111 a Ittttkmasl; ronzth iA.1.1N , 1 4 .64 "ORAL ESTATZ FOR 8 aLlt—Fo'cr — Kt) tali' Old kda fer-0.0104 Imo mad lolls whit lama age winsnicas fag POO; vain Oaten end ' Oast Anode 1,113 to-goldvia. tervito.' "we rousi* rho trugh;valostibilittab ingfor • Univ.:pa leg ft , kaire ,llggensdagif tots. sa. tams, Anti POI! fr, 61E1111st duet. • • -• ISAViti ll O, . . • • • • - ler.iX . , • - •••• Jr; 1.4.4 GUMS pot rro.l , S. SLATIR lb SOWS. J. B. BORLAND. Is Karkst. vete. ' and an MOST DtIELTILI BOOTS LID bRO GRAY a LOGILIf, 0 81. Otafx EDIAL a 00, WOOL sion Dtlerohante: A LIBERTY gras,cr. . Wasmoi I , MSUMUM ri. bonint sold on EtralunCn. mai 1 Y COLLEGB, P4llllll and Bt. Clair llltreets, p r BUBaU, PA. ch.:apart sad =xi succomfull ess Man's dollege In th. Ilatsad OWN. eater and review si sal dna. content= tall tviteststlasi, pat 0dr„.,,11 an spyttattlask to tba Pintriab* JENKINS & 611[214 • ermstrada. FOR TEES TIMES
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