MEMO • tau gilt -‘ . 11 I faidt siontatftsil. 40,;1164. in:NM 011 ISTOCIIII MID 111M1011. - Omonsaumpea so 'mama sum, BOBIEEIMi. BIGOLIA4I A fAi: 4111tAck. and Ipitobazise Efrolcers. 110. T 3 TOUBTEI MUT. MEMiI 166, Ira =I sal es • ,PZEN 66116.21 a. sediiriiiita aids onax • . 1 s 0161:471-6 Wia eo *trump. 1011 Catems .1 ) 3 IP ben SO It a acs stag thabzug—uo ye &crud 5a150.L.—..,110 ' 'lOO 16116 Ha • 11161 roar& /14616011—.X 0 ,r/P.V1116246: 156 . 41,—, • Asti ask. Die& Majlt --- 70 111 66 " 6 611 ° 6 a a .! 4 •10. n ERMEa no askstions vidizt. 4- r - 7 ,1 P", •si - ! I-- am Tod Wers•-..... - %. leff — ',rig allnliani...... 40:. .. I '. in — Cliasellasiiii .. _ is —SS n) (auo" in .-- Ili 1 Inionn.'Z... ___ . _ it Inencinar.. .in —.— ,; • .r. - fridi4hus.--,--- a - 41411. - 150 611prtaaj 16 Stemagal 01491,41131. 61 aim SW 11111144111.—*".".. 63% May 1,60 stssons... s,OO 60% 4,60 - 316 11101 1 411.*- - 33 4.00 0, 00 ~:5 1 6,= "1/ 6 1 01 11.-'- 16— 663fk ISM 63 egust., 6 16 et. 6 11 et. 1113333g5b..--.... ---- 13$ Bt. Char Bersot..;-4 0 841:03 30 156 11133331311 133 1113113111333 as OIL 0013PLSTI3• 23 Lamm 23 Kyearlyl23l IS North Leorrl33l.--- .11 n i f„ asiseci..— "914 Llaibornai gra,-- so SO 001eat99.---69 12 Ina II Hers 1% I% 121 1 7,71 IVU97 6 di 0111•33_33= -- Jettorry Rae Cestna I% al? 1 Were& 1111111pi------- 1% -- 3141.• 4.lkleillaCbgetts .•-•• Nett, 73 g r, - 11 117 137***/ 0127 23-- 100 T Ile 433tal T. 2 R 73 122 - 03.2219,91119 99„,-.2Z% 9434 Staab..B. 12. 111 AV C. lout; al-- 7701 • - 119 - 9932 a , , 99,999222 21,3 h 1921. - - 8•118:001 tbagetot Writ luryincen. Lila no fiction tam raft ire tolling or deck. either, as sway of oil !paha - Its ambit tot atodnivaa doll ti-1.17 at tn. &ann. sold dostnitib• day at various ruin., from a to Vitaallittbeltatallntittftt /12 24 .0Plaiortilm r anias &tan= broolp word of u. uustu In cold to WC& Mom (.antral linty in demand attar the it.pote. loop Maims the atiJoininc sr!sodt ocomaionad tao doituouL *mit wale lapin salad to on. atrir =di IMg W. SOO,: OWd &it'd 8a) 111. Lair. ---—nox 11l - 4 aa•an------7...:+-Ais • es - ..Ckralloara...— ------ IS 9iyi ......-..--.. ISO ofi 664l llolhiay Oeholy P._-. _-e• ~..._. 'Weber& 1n5....................- 63 Moo 100----- ......-- .......p,,.....----, il ante imd. -. dttaohtflar N W..— 41 Pia ...--- - ,..1.. let r os Hat Bk alleoa7--t0734 vox _ -- - edirttray f/W.0..:.:*".....--e-- Cl _ Allattell7 &MUM— -- a -0111eh1501L......—......-80 16 ray tu.:-- -:---------- A -- - Tlia hat erldesea that the nteMon Is totaling to , I Me tall. an probably effrolled by the /owl:Lard worts of uslolhoe the late baporlont inmei;isimi of. the =ski atm, ad thew *Wring reepense to the neltisrlAtell ICBM Ihe 'moral o:eapettla. that 114bata as aid, IDS ealidatoo anta4 rho p... 5.111 irebfiliy .1 the . Ilyrypaltatt Daplatba ddspeiat iraffatiofirastaarit Ill eaga2 litre tWarre' le grroebell Collet*. Ittaa that: tie calatata lidicookttu•osoamays se. wow gamut= a moat than itatil over meta b., .1.24,11=111111 , tompaary Ilsetruaton. and it le tail raa that la Wagtail tetita fran, kitbag mans 11.12.1914WW01104 b 7 liclineres4l P, alkqe A4PiPsit toi at Wane tba 4:l of gold Ism write illiiii et. 41111Cieti OittOentserclol yams, thanOtt4he'ddethat a 4110 0 5 tatrar tap lesao.lass fa;-been aogoasecomr4 se e apes araiskri um— - .••-•' ,-- - ,__. _ - Ilatinta °riper JaSogror, 'sada dote of SeplTeseher flit. Myer Anew wall vas anak as:Cltaa7 rum on Naar , . 11471 tat which ISt= pamplag at the rate of 50 barns • s ' . May, sus tolViiiiiiSie6ili•WL:4. &O . dilticia2 , 11116111 dm thriesell won._ W. here not lama the . Illas!. et ate company ' Verai ibr wit; torthea t h an tat= ttptPapat aa hatas i Ant Satallatt. - 410/6 biattitthii&iia kaiak. il. rioro b4..d.atun t aeon the Itarkaarloarara taaaable. She Kale rturirell-coraray anolint • dividend 471 tarpada% garble wo the Sob teat. en. 0r,... no .t r zoo.azy.o • al die od of two TiCial,Viofibt=.7,4'lif tronotoe .. Adakaclaas id= 1:11S /10165,143 11 Caligwal stawasolf w'dlwlderad of One VW 151=.11.104 imam 70th hut sail which d. .e she The 7arla Dear =name a a Celia , one dad • all pa ems, seen cat= per share), kaly•ltde 011 eik,BBIA tat- Ita matt bat' am. on she 11l and apes artheafa Itudat- r : - . ' WA fate the follaalt-attadoi tare ;ao aiom lark ilibeiel l 4l l l44ift4gr , 44 441 " 5 r, illlll 4. ,'!' d ! s ' 1 .;., : 0..**1 11te 121•1goiaiii 1 1 1 1*9 1 . Cb.i . 'el 4 r • 070asiiiiqufgota twat *tans. lar4s mous/ -ash r. rfra•jikrP?ni ualti, um gleikeis tin* .0 adtularya Wart oda, put dotal prows 11i3 par lea. lie tedeffigkrtliitaterdayart erano t h Tbrikikiit"i 3 ir i i l 4 . 1126 tgr thb d".".01 COMINIFIX , Arbi SWIM It pond, tho resat of • pude, IWO, atili ta•c-Wwiriint tio trelAantrwl Macaw. ale. = 6"'.. c o ,: a . t . , =° , :rgra .A v ...z...trztr. ....., Qom tweardtated to eat sumo fail, walla to sae aleasta on abea tat wee rthema • • wad bll t a awat ail end. % • n nOlartand rattah, and Use price edveneed minima es *One In maws In the New Tort =LAM I. 814p11,111001 14- ley the dross erode of the consrlanhs 'rot 0611o4P — ' sad 0114alial to mop sp llama tarp nii ar• now bad by deem there II arm. PM° , dt aberaliaarodt rates' and that slaw may 11- A ., by with la poyeteltbsoltee al prize* ro other se Weil& The wimple scarcity of issolley Alt o te Ira; asa,,lawadraajag rotes of tntorost, eillikbahcalkaday to ca.' la hi lame Gana al taawaila aratourathea iollawatal • run alai Ursa 4 01 . =kyr lby la la bold ow to tosts•tocta DT , Vdt,=Ma,,,,dtitAWtlig c lis as to pradim on sap fa? prices if trogepotferpe tool lowest be slits tosses . - vistrasith7roirmbieln saw appear to tante' ,-6--14:Pairr.11.1.-J • ( ,t.• • 7 ;, 11(1 0._ iiitt Po**. ltbloPothlfel6u6l6 63l s63lit 1.10601:1 Tim es soya • !916611o•tro_tior of pays mood sofuron mot lowly 4011fitilepol164o fain:Uzi detty. int the ex :Wen of tagi:6l¢6lll66 fie d In . 11iptter jo "dap. tumors fu: Vol" preseiregit 02 of the 11616zoloilidlo,1141bl0ti ifeill&ifcrofttfty to =frond to go • attLio. - 7 rstollifshoPOlll £.r4.1 "f h .c l l. • ailitiOD.goiting wad ...tip; rut, which, it 1. eopoctod. -eggh geggirm'seeggeraiihileationsaao. One of thee, es ilartatigetipittiegpler Vera% eight .telred est! , tiV l »a -.t /166600 re Imo *Mato return. 1.601,1131T3111130 UW Sor the msnullsoture papa =pate E - miiiargaso w ad,aaiAs the fret dz. 31011110 goootad • t 001166,1604 ftio Artwoll66l 41Yolloo daring Um ssooo-Iffifiod- A,,.115i04 atter foonntrf. aro fotiozatql if -1163 gr.:66161i her b aro Dolor colistegeeed fatLaNatate' LI the grepastl.m. of 331111 trpormakire zee yin lag*Os Catort - 04461 116061ttfofoi .36444 4 f taitg nowlo Tube mopes of ps• . I 11LiTer.14;ravx or prtailbitlan. • Giila•NatCSt grir:r•—•""ol:rtlserero by thedeellnias 414 i/401.1. bill Wien 6.7 tbrougbant the ant. • *Atka wirtst, ferabientette e bee beenli drinertd 4•eleqatitlYette tad prints hare niteStpalsateoly, bat ' Wee prilab* bate riled all, sad prams In Woe Obey (*beet llama a Inaba =staid dielL. coal -40110 witL tilt c ioe e tho; prereenttg act. awn in .100/1000 any elteretion taciriby of riliat. liele ere realklyt Walk* brartarcUota as fotkore Witent..the ~,gpx a garottange lama taillogo.bush: Wee bocaprtae wt, CIAO VW toy tely so data* 110,000 WrabahllWroltaT tle l eart a • t s = t r—nciera 012 Cheap =braes alai tae.#*akitt *. er 10 aro Aft Witalibilltraaa ,k ri mkt itt=. lo . .4 goo4 o at a Tar VW tliattAlitr7o:: -t15204: 0 La", t .1N 1,6141,70,1r0rk IAI (we ~Sbrtapt•ta And jamPrit• 11/.4 earapaim 12,,c0a bo • railllkeee, eragirk* yeatCy at alklas:' liya.‘Yery to tertlyall kr KIM We %octopi= n o at talel,l3 Cie C3ftfl Batter dirket. egre.4Z:-Thern•wsie r O ng _ltailtbaraiarkaNansl rleYe. It le _bAd Ainmal 4 that eselnakbarara nave : AallnliitglriA4gottiWe day* le no eartattriar .14 XlPPliekioWarit'istabrulailtra Mtn. and ',4l6ordWlleiltbettitia agar. ets stare abet tblPlar. -Dlialatliblia, pet; m att cat te n an ewe beat aellea,ta• -swan be!k will recitnalty bace to 111fitebte-Ao2lWor.paloresoralar Ira* tie • winabllandratry ban alr•edy cope:m=4 and bilpira ,Apo 'eParAlbeloth to Wm nakt. saw tilt most vats • , ... -41•10•111:st at • priet abm ale. sad +mos ars gm :4•lllftrio iffr ail toe far prime Wow* Swarm CA lake =4 es• era vot•Sloa s 4•41.1. ama IPITIONIusan nws•ins. Maitbg - B tau Masan* glanstao flavisax. Sept. St . MN Goa boat /sorb Wonted two kettnired and eCtin at per purls who the Vivo it nip.; fie-m 7.5 to ItS, ace tadignant, that gold bas fallen sad prise:snot advanced Prima •are ...try high samegh tomato ad coosarears wince,and ace enough to satisfy all who eio not sod. to gra rich .10 of the very new and blood of the ;mph... Those who 'Nenyht rude to !11 oboe gold 1/....t1r.0. aweting that It wall mach SW sr 400,and held t* to thaw good. for a to. theorise. inle took • teloomseri excitemeot for their 059 .said y. 7 hay made a mi.take, arid must aow either hold on to their g-ods cr wilnalt to • lose. With apecreators, ce pectally In whet people hays Meat and drink, wear and barn, their will clever be any sympathy. Oaniblaretlone him pot op the price@ of tea, mffre, mom, coal and a hundred erticws, arid If mon conetrlnstlwe get detated at their own guee—aa they Mindy will —thy w 11 not receive mu. h ey mottle,. Ito &they donne any. 1111.41 N—There Mao was 4 (Maus faun nut ti ands hat hrldn appear awe/Ming to boy anion a c inces.tu •of fun, 10 to 16c per Doh la mile. We note • isle ol 100 rte pilaw ml—oo Oridey—at $31,05 Daley V tmaemled wd coonot be gnat d accurately. Al pre..t. Outer'. are .17 Oata—The only sob raportod was 7.....0n5tir from .tort It W. 1410104 &login althireorn cr rye. Bacon—le doll and ungleeted., thonghi an yet, prices g artryiren elatairred We , now owls at la% tor ettouhlent. toyo.p. far plain hints end ribbed eLtea; 230 Si taillight Is and Via= f. mew num& Theatxt cf antler§ Is ~.ecorning very Moon reduoad. FLOOR—The decline In gold and the unfavorable d eices from the onst„hel almost completely checked the demand, and. while [tare tat:ll , ore anxiety to ma; price; •ea ye; hem dergone no change. Vie teoLe MIL/ mire from atom at 81 un 0400 for oxi,v; and for extra atoLly. t bXhr.E—Timdtby se4d a selling to mull I to from store at 0,10--tot the dam U falling of: Tom aowl hunted nominally at gl; e•le of 850 Mud on private term. 7 .thing dolog to clam toed Bina g6 —Ocntinum exesedlngly ood mico co not be effectad unlese eta dmilen In the protons condition of Mb market, It la important* to give goo. lesf. EGGll—Ellsady with a fair demand, era ws sots nip. tar sales at 93421 per &sea. MUMTAZ - Qat.% Mit nootismpfd. Balm ofp tme at 53, mad Harneurse at 24. 110P11—W. gamest 33. per lb, old, asabOsS3 lier new, fea m of mom VW nom &visit the puttee daps. HI LL-TELM—Mde of 3 tons Wall from atom at $1,113. Ua—t. lee salsa and a abode Imorar—inaneng from 13e to 41 par am Ilsoolpes c memos light. LARD—Mao city rood zed I. mill idling at 4{)(,. 95 amt. • IattDOIL-11 goofed flanatl,ls3. MEET POTVlOS—Begalar Wm of Jersey's at from MI to IVO par lebl. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. tem. hi—Tbsee was scat inquiry for Grade_to-lay, prletipsUr for home use, and fiat a very aloe sap ply and limited receipts, thataareet may be quoted steady, while pries areunchanaed. The oti77 Bale reported was btas-2000 for as upriver red aery—at Zds,bit!s returned The Itoosetto.y ohieta has prevailed to the market for Refined. boo at length been broken, and we hare to re port ds et 7000 hb:a to, bond-on Friday—at 74, hat ed to Pheadelphisa There trust:maser transaction aerie Inede tbday, but. up to the prmient writing, we are Without am ,partienlars. Woere in hopm Row, as Me ball has rum mare boon started, that it will be kept to motion. Napaa h quiet and dull, mad in the abu►nns of sales, we malt vestal: ma Beademen to is demand and may ba fotot quoted at T,Tdeill p•r Dbl. New Tort; P.etrole*m Market. &rectal Dbyatch to dr Pittabargh Gonna . Paw Teas,&pmetker 24—The Groan market continua& eary . alull mad yilmilokys ars/a Itocilard, Glaring tom I , ally at 40641. lime la noilOyi; doing in either brad orYnot, sadaha nominal qmaattatts are TO for tin forum, and SEW for the latter. thpalta La dN and nom at former loaotala'ae. Nevi York Stetklind inanity harlot, gpeold Di.otab. ee Oirttelltarge Omens. Rey Tom. ttept. , ti.—The stork cartel con tinues very dtl ma prima have still , ferther &Mixed— Pirtabargh it Yuri Wsyns,lol;oiitelaad a Pitlebtirght Omenmeal Ittemitists—O. 8. Elms. wry e atrag; Om Tem Ormillmtar Bmo Thirties. MO Nn Teletiar,ll9)4l{o. 41.14 is lawar, tWrery tomsttleS, aerihiley t tad elating this afternoon at M. New York W,oor Market. . , Vier Yes a, Sett. 121.—Tite chid Intamet of Main:fat, lobos ..d lb* trade 0 b week bale roamed be the lane pobthe 'ode held on .71ared., the fen t magnetise. at .tiara tobsc sltesealher of roarrofft=ot hopog.oce The oemslo cement tootigti4 . gotbee flo,torgese mane- I, ,op a. mon rAprosoolaog thle faternoeverst e onb4 sat to thb mock.i. tr. crtira ifnmst 0.0. 0 : 64.14 , in4ll moo oty' ctoot to p/, ti. i p.S. to ...r 04 Stos parch... Tbs o.telrs. embraood 645 ft:o Itt. tundettes of Ditoietia Those. washed aeri unwashed. Enlll4, cad. wealsod, US babe Ideates, see 7 5 6 balm o.e. 0 In-Thews told there owe VI,- MIL .n 47 bet. al myonthiglor the 5r01174 ham fm)119 1 . 07 X Mtn i nifbel and half riishol ‘ trosii 655iiir OT WM,. Tub 76 4 lAD - at 117 X; and T 7 Wee hi , . T'oliedliD - e Of Om lbeese owe. and erithdraen trots - Om 110. c. .VW i MAX lb - instal and ll,too Vi. nrie onabrd, atidT4 beta Patioll,teastel early onsehstr SW. Oatekvse unsold. Of the Vertigo. Woel th.r. were 15 War Meatinsa. eitillit (O .ad el oafs, a decline el seems II lt. ana1414414 Oasseil oftirs Osiselft balm .14 at 60053)‘• denitsen.f SO:nenta from the blatant valet and hat bale resesd..' The Wait ireto twentOra so Sumter, ixeoprielrgOfteen 4 slate sal thirteen sneee loctouiro. Does woe vest' lOUs indeenlfeetal ..4 the bidden aid. not eielota neneen at 071.77 to ;rain. I be i sintersilteid fir theiNence W‘eal een a dn Ine of atone 0 nuts per lb from opera:beta.. -within en, dap, nail tar o IS from rape. Olsen Suring Oa o fen, elosp aro. Of comae. some small 4nof ca l' fernitlP. a... 41 as ejersteightrta St sentalin to be espen . • ollYeeta , 4l ...arid for Demo alo reams W.t. Lbeeb depend. an tbeiteasse 4 Lac the Inore, 'Ms 41 la woas im, spy me, I. 511a5s:0e0 SOUS lions to flold;t7*.e.speso nf featosiss Tor lzo rant of water. tbo lon primps oannerseial sten assent of the 0.11 mast.. .4 4tes pco pest of secOnannOtion of Owls.* fr . . C. army. Tree coalition In Wool dep.!. vary Wm on theroof Goo& ahloO no*. tpo the Amami,. 1n... • great Went. One sioneeissused in for 4, of isegb siege* Ossei Ales oesettui, miset'oessie before she lust diptioo be offer. to the toarket;dorliigerliteh I final • TIM . large vi.utit f or Wool MISS be If .7. 1 Te• lota. wax. or 5 4 hAlmrer I. 5 P•m11 . " . On— One thing, went. old of the suction ease Jess • Ooollati—lo woo .roLlgottoto no. and the Wen .41.10 fefilisibLeArelutnallseard of Waren tratuneollons•la. and thoorfoso on &bads oi Ea 1115 for 0.10 3 tip nee. !n rah ig• no tf bnpanance ha traneslrede— Jewess &mu , ' ' .' ' . Review of the Mew York Grocers , "(Pro& iltikkoonierrial List, &apt 13) "0444.•-jibraeloff.eroarket waa perhaps leaver more 0n .01.1.41 tbs. et S. case , at tn. -the *ben es of flat rosad iiwish• fat to trad„..oplel w adispeedidore t bring at..0.41°, as twin Hog war tat, reofored values .nd qo spa lutelfoularinaL rate , .zong be writ.e swot liva cast* lower steel oti, ten, wow 1.0012 below no tiler Eget of tar. ,g m keleg as ai .41 as before 13: is thew.. tlon or Podia. Chrinday, reperird ladow vbsi. ea lag p.stardna of Filo, int it I. wlttatrawo of -tar thi Woof ana rot. .h. pries. oif [tag. rot Wag Mae • et 7 to •by eitaere. /De es e by pi rate ere 211 tad° St "Don Ange, In Wu& oo orllste M roc, tad 14 •a/ !sit, WO Ha °oath ~40@til cents. 4 m flan , • °at 400 Dap begneyra I allri esetc lOW do Ilaranaibo,,Ws“44 and 7IXI do damaged do, 59,040%.rna1t...1 , sr ~„.,„..f.reirtuccd.wareetice ,our itotatloue le pie id, and errs lifitiorodittOon.l.y an al en .a •ver • Vrtnad.teaytabwat; in go 1. they 4l. s °rota for /lard. IWO% for Sufi White, .211:015 I. Tetinr .Ibasaisaa 44..1.. 2 0 la 4 cant at .4% 0944 cap.; 4 ,1 NOE Or,. 5. 43:44 OiariCled the 21, and ISt boa. a•ea•san 9%,11 54, 4 ow. steetyvetas day , wargS,lo2 Bad 63.7.13 I... Sugar • .ad WA ht.. Idaraol.., m woo niatett4l and picot of 131. , k .0 be writ ale W. glitenta balmy the polar On®ve tree dept.. L bat • 12%010 off, , rr bf chat. .41•4 brombt SUSI 1,6 Ward wad hav- tow bold at ot. time al it 031 30 An tavola. tit 101270 0,10. t a , •dc ti pesardai, us aftar the W. of dual ati.ta at SI 0- the renislotter,wai,witleilrawa, Oda pri.a ant taateg int• ,afactary to the evrow Molsea.—Ton :as bett r lagolry to atipplr the lea mediate wants of oc.ataero, tot lb. .ark., 1s g-rrs.• Iv dab and n .rettled, oat prot of r,rstgo wall. t I..aer Shaul. art 340 bhda Porto kideo a 114307 crota, 106 t. Cr.,. it 1:34; 52 Oeba rrrad •nd n•wOrleate, gl. if(4otl Mah e) l, 4 au. iMROM try 8331r0111:6 022811.222. .1112812722 2 . Bari 20sa.8spistabor i— t bats 1.12.21.. yeti I Obi. amp. b a irolott cuo,to.iscit—flso WWI Ai OW spirit.. rmat • -2<phssysr ~.Toslttip, o va, Dtte YrsnacicibilvartlN,Strault,bag 4c0;11.4 barlifj_lpaideg I oat neat tilindok 1.2. 81 k 8 r•&& 0022 2 , MO; ST2 Ina-abeam OLI Pa'als,; 180 mi. Amu. lihol leen If& etc .22, b y es / .212,2150c5. Pas • psk•lak• d'..B4llougla. dt; oft 840 b 'ma, jda t ara. )3 Id & • I ll* plat. copper, Park 110:ardy & oct 80 hid., J T. a 'Laugh); n; IJ sks rap. Borir.r , Doursil; SOO aka 10111 Iced, Doniogion A co; t W.. bsors, Pattenes; • )24 ' , Pnosskesalf. /14111 Maws° a a, fart jlt.; 10)) bides, 11 Windt% ikoilt 125441 MO. rtsber 150 ele .W[4, Liglett 111 co; I car metal, J'sha 10, it 28 mks cmhin Wtitcsr. As sar ley.J 22o.Jdssi scrap (son H an ky, Wale' &22 w; 923 aim. 0 Li 1! _Eaton; Y Ctrs strap iron. Jam Manta. Alq*evnal Ell7lol, &pie:2bn 82-1: au stars, op„frarlumbar,ll DalsotlTl dpAtstbstd A • rsiresp; Wars produca, 43.181.80 Klest..6 ‘attedi flns. 8 pr.sit batisr .ad ow, iltdism; dt twice and yarn, II Oar plg; 'as Esti.. a angpl. Imports by *ttver. • .►' • 1105469131.8 002 Jame-1600 Wm Omar, 142 Wad. 45- bocco., 1 bx-d0, , 60 rolls :either, I 1342 do, 65 bale. wool 13 plot bottoi„ 8 WA eggs,l we IL. med, Clark e 41; 44 bell. eggs, Adwas gspro • 8o: 5 Ms .224, % ssrr. , 1.141,4•4, Ye4lar 8 eroattziog , 70 11 obls drew o. l/ Co. 51 du do 0 tdad4; 75 dd do, TO str• coca, J 0 WT.,. ,0 pica sdalrles Audrey A soth 6 51,14 p Wes, 1 do frail. I Ma, al.; 19 Ogg sandilB4, r,=lol Et duolo; 4 Lot. ,g4h4e4, 1 11 94 lglzi 41 0: 14 0111 e oil, lf•ds, 11.121p•o.. 41 . co: 16 J•r• butler, l IwGorden I keg, otter 8111torth I co;1 ,- .2 mho, .1 0 Bunt 4 oter, '4 bbla 1142. seed. J 19 611Clatuer, 109 nosy 3.4 c. JAI; 44•141 Oarg • adr,21.6 , 0 1 4 plego••, 80 '41411; 1'44 legs, IA , 016.11,41,41802g4gandr1m, 8 Bon. , Otrar":l•pp•ce,.l4-"the Ileatert , ; -11"..3n r4 8 1 4 staa h re, l terd p fre r rilrO t lVl l 4 B 103 by earl*, aped 442 8 Ir Kau 181 bets sobstco, 41 r 011444•1162, Clark A omit washing. 424461ne5, 41 IEO 4;044, 7•1240 • k 1122442re01g, 42 .5044 apple", l'aLlar, Allan k 13nepont; 67 pep nip,' Vd426204 62 torn P. C01.17341N4- 880 .W. /Wall. a (35 . t n0t:1109 ,, b14 liquor, $3 16.4126 /hi la' 6826.15. A 14444 44 OotDc.; 16 Vol. lard O. 60 bxs • Inp, 1,1124 3 '1 rtostlle. leglo rolada, 0 11,loon; 3 623 Into 51302. - 11 S ' 4l 14.411 coil 14th4. Wass I OraysertB 1198 belt Gad, 441 116 - m'hiatl4ll,ls - 4 - •1012 p, 15 6123,12.4444 4 , 0 0 . 6 . edge, Clark SON /Sr hid.. e 8,,,e20tt0p, 444, 818 btrie 1 / 4 4 ‘ , .lipill4o4o I 4,141542 C, VP do do, Orsham i ,Wagata• Pei 112242•2-103 hbda totl4es, 44 '3' piper. (34,4 k k co; 100 51)14 a - qtr. 6 eke meal, J 13 Det .11ri5r.0c.21.11;trte01t7174„46gari,r.dec05,..N..1,1....411.1 ci.r a ..1. 6 . 8:7r, 9 l ba bb . l L . , ; , 4, 1 1 tovamilmrioi suit 1...“--4 bap cotton. It 4050681 e 41211r4 Mae Li, 84444 Al co; a peed, 1 trid k Its! 41124 -Boo& •14184!oara,41e_jan IL 4 ocher, 11 bbl• lad all „,/, Jgelipull-44; llama. •4•040 , 4 lobe' Gi1441 I n ' US lard oil. a i d eard tna; 1 , - 3 6,,,p•1r4 Ws 414,04,0 • 11.42421, ski 52e, nor 4/r. • fil 8 Joao,: 1 bz, 1 , 04-/ 1 bblbi•o4,2, 4 Dpi th ,,,,o rim4 ~ ` fit k crs; 4MO Id., wan • • 111111 , 11 tlisaos. Jobe 8 1..,y0n a rod ear , , rift& Bober. gam, 1 trz, 441 libm-dear 411 borrat SO 2180.4, 4 bor bog hilt, PSI ego Irl,e4t 111 Ledo t 0141241, 85 4114'03 4[ 11 8 4 woo 4 iv, 48 1d• bud, i .park ado, liege an/ the Waters Supply. oeweenti tele,Cireat. &HP I Res mu. old level bode; Leer dlap:atd to bop Chess lbe Man &Um', whilst flan IS as intrastlos linll44llowl'mtOlt. f e.l.n v. a ,„t R.. n " c a rT sod to the forepart of the uslk et Int,* to be de livered the feet half of Dergombee. Tor flemisober Ltb.y awm bb.kaht We think to veva . °tensed more ons , Pnio• than roe otiots sew . pooter. Do tDo tO Ocntroct St the prtoet The V ercbase.uoted above war made by m osidde fop co- I=l of pork them there woe hut nevem, •od of • food , e w pert,- gostity, Ate torn crop la testae. g moth bet ter them had two egmeeted. owing to the pecmlisrly month'. weather We month. Baltimore Cclh Market_ 1 err. 23—The Yednoed oast of loportstinn by the de alto , In cold, boa retard prima eltl further to no do etwe ehe dote orwor lost tern+ an invoke ofitfo bail filu es bark 110 on, wor taken for the Weld at 4k. As the close wo quote fair flu at 43e; wood do ken, and se loam hone 11'1010P.M ha Dwight eatelrlerably under stoo. qur Cahoon $o Imports thes week. lit et In ant heads 18,70 h baccr,fued iwamd lunar 1600 bap—told SK42lilhop Mo. Philadelphia Seed Market. PCP, rode/pt. new flavor era per ellata ly increased, and :CO bosh anti MAO to Et per 61 lbs. 'timothy baa la• pro.e6l, and bac town fa !food re quat. .yalea al 1000 boob fa 6,60 op to 1,25 per bto,b—clofdiso satd la taken on arrival by the crashers at S 006101,70 1000 bap Calcutta Ilvared, to corns fro* another =sari, .bid at 11,1046,20, au& STEAMBOATS. FOR CINCINNATI & LOUIE YILLE.—Ths sploadld steamar L. . owl ma. ospi. J. IL Porter, will lam as on ea TIT CI DAT. ':lth lWL for trettht or panwo COIL on board or to J. D. _LIVGWOOD " wan. JOIE FLAME, T; OR CAIRO do T. LOUIS.— .112 ibe Pao oftener CO :.17 BIK. Capt. It .1 .4 a4 J Pciter, will tom r. OSa abort and in ports !WOW. 21th tut. ter ttelibt W laaatito apply on boast or to JOHN 17 J. D. OOLLINGWOOD. Ar'ut. RIVOLABGALLIPOLIS AND 115' F.LOII3BIIOIIIH P/LOK6te fine 6 Y ream= lava Petra, . Le. w iu the Awes mid httemmodlahe OKA ports every MO aDiT, al o'ckck p. m. tot trehikt atpima. slap!, an bawd at to 78htt8 comma a 00, hgemte. mU Wham bombe:me .111mmugsbas 13114.0. DEGULAII. VITTSBINGH DE7 wuzsLrbo PaCIEST.--Ate Rae =Mg..— steamer 12tVEN178, 1110.10 man maa a., • • . a ., Pittsburgh ess.x IrlighDAT, THO .60 1.1 mid 13/3DAY .t 12 M., laies Whealuta averl WOW UAL WVONI23IMY and ISIDAY. 4,6 Fez freight eepastaEr gr t , E n brid c f c 'L W As .... tell Wharf Best, below 11.zont.abtas ettdlik SEWI.NI9_ X.dVENJIIICH. VI - ff.LBII& wu.soys IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, CIIIIIPEST ILMINS II Till MD kaomes IT IS TIE HIST liKthen sialibus Wm. bean tab% Cm* Vall aro L. w p m Pitad#2o Yklitty. TILED' SALES ABBE GREATER 411 Others Corshissed. IYEUX3 THE "LOCK EiTrrow mad anytime nab os•boalf the sweat Wood Mot b too‘d by the aasus .11TOR ilbo NIS Cb. No one obauld bay a Ilenr loglsabhts unta that kayo eviallasi bad tvt , el the. WEINMAN • WMON nay on warns WI lar throo yam. isnirrawanow FREIE galas - noon., u. 17 1111111 cramas. Irsi. atriums. es 09.. Agent,. u. gr Banamn% flagamer bar olio Masada and Eir .IX-.1101.? .arroßAner& MZ.. sualp . AOSIOILL it JOHNSON, avrafousimit..tomaTt. Aid LICCMILD SOLDITEBr await actenrra. sonatas. wcomud Bottumaaaattad to ems us • twinti asqa so. as G64lre MEM Pituba ru ._ Irtelk dindssesa mid tiro wit:mos. j'AzdOEM LAFFERTY, AMTOIZIET.AI6:II.AW. Ail Geed Bccimin . p.e . ataiwiteed ta. Mak TSO. iEa POITIVEH IMElolll,iiisr, Groat, Pitts ' Kaaammias VMASTEN & oezzems OFPFACIL No. 98 GRANT idatia Norm W. gamma. trfosarirr-kr.Law Ste. toe Watt l S t. ettb.b.ust. OW= for nagliOnn. 11011HTIL, goy Ora9oo MlNalaild. WA, imairoa. a MUM. le. ~aliEiiK - K a u geta idniall or Tax Bradbury lig Sohomaaker Ss Co.'s CELEBRATED PLOOB, Nisum emnria 400.15111 AMCliCall Organs ani 810116n2. 8.. II BtiISZLIMI BLOCK, Cr. 04LTB Go. Ws lake plaeraro lo 'Mania/ to •be of tame wa. I Sere pordasal these tretreaside fitaberya ead I rictsiter Ilotard Berd.Esq., btu Co.'. P. Z. Balm, bale been. J. P. bias, • Wos. Bricked. Dr. 0.1 fi.lilactlicre, 0. Dors. Ghent Bt. lisiAiirt 0b.., L. Soirribr, tn. Dirseties Bt visseid . • L 444 7, lonepWwa. Pa. Wm east llobrised, Liberty. Pat J. B. balmy, Berainhara B. IL Baptise. bricidel. M. 1 Dash=efierbi , iirsbeas Bear., U. belLibei rapsol, 0. Bass= Li Goo, tsbillielif oft. wm. I. dz. tory be. P. MS*, d am .. /Me iresele, IL etre, lA.. D.. 1. It lteCilietook, La liberty. • bee Maamd7, WI Maas, elsioams sto , warranted firyeas. • lbw choler oesuilasise Maros for lb ead net. bll "NANO VOWS MEM ixAmas tai W'H,33IOR , PI.A.NO HELD THE FOLLOWING: • • "Tear Mamma gut amtepg Mis laity geed rite. wade le P Twit, I, NUM.. "T y hey hays ad their equal le teach, iefelgl,eTV sad tege letqt. G. ~ I tlS.* ..Webeee ?Mei are ea geed, as see glees 01 the 4104 brated 0. Y. Vete, JOaq ant Ugtil . * "They atilablemeTayeeol !Web conaltate • • ISO ?Who tbe Mettle& imp.. 0. IlitiLD t. • Pieties atelein sepia towel Piano. with sunagli mirsintitt sorititeL lemted to the wit* metes of the submit*: atl4 azunice ILLO.IIIWiI , ibe peter, nano. Or The meant 1.7 lir solo at Ohlus than Reg Tglt. plus 0HA1313.1KE141. 0 .EL. 81 WOOD STRIIBT. plalloa a kigimosorta z - Z,ri: 71 • rtoa ReeSt a oval and • - 771 1 ff s ' ' AM'S CIELE•11•Till 04 re calved Eatonthe last &Wara in plot. Alio, • splendid enormoal of PUIVI:111 I Moll 1121LODCOlio 111•0 CIOTTI KELM 60115,*earl • large wertoisal drum MIST 11.17810. NiLUMOTTh MAINZ. 10 Ilan shut. NBI3IDLEf Vo.: tionssicip ele Paths and Mislaid •r • corounerimetio aI:I6,IIMTIMMI 411 ELV_Pabloe, ,T0L1131031113A.813, 11111210, wttalk ba sin attfor bat 'dam • tallear.4 w poDurauxut, r roaltway, A.w T.orlu BOMERAMER, EL. ]). ina.l.4.ollla4.Btzeet , '"Pitts, mete ashen salami to tb soma oat hulthsoos of Ohm& hotoblif hhoo of tbt tome Swot, &At ma P.m, Pb tots. Ofoosiphaos, halo •pi.thip Rama. Mostotlas .asi Strtotasi of tho BaN Ih. Atha tV Wt. • ' Ottfooth Dhows of tag skis* sows& ow mai"' amotwass LitOrtS OTL CO.—.ll3oki are opened tw4ololai no hew of otl4"ll.der 110114.1161. la. l t Won end . OLL CLOTHS. Ns. FUMEMIXI3B. GARPXTI CI,4IPETS. We arelto-day receiving a large addition to our stook, including everything from New and Beautifat Medallionc a irelvet and Brussels gar nets, to a rge lot of low wised In grains, Oil Clothe, Table Covers, do. OUTER 11cOLINTOCH a ca.. WE OFFISH AT WHOLESALK, AT YV tivw 'TA P 1110123, Lane cams 21111111/01D MITA MHO ID aad 4drrsio 010TH PLOW TABLE AHD STAND COVERS, 50 GROSS BEST MUTT CARPET 1311011113. WOO GOLD DORDIJLID AND FLIRTED WLN pOW SHADES. Bag, Prem. Brown sari 7111.1 Caton If) GEM. fIIDW Pnrare liV 1 riDeillr ffiEll ADE FIXTURES A 70. L LIDS 07 'BIWA OD BROIIIII SHADS THIIIIINGES IDU Plevis All Wool Imigrain Carpets, .en oemphke worteisat of geode In the OhB4IZI LINS •T 41TAIL, very Low Prices. KaPAILLAND, COLLINS & CO., boa. il sad 73 VITT , " BTUUT, , rwn Trod Trott Doll Lag, oat door to Entail:Leo en MEDII=ELW CIAAPETS 1.03 S THAN COST. Prootot to molting oar t:pLL STOCK 01.01 all goo". to hood, (rorobsood he Isb tolnotoos) at cooledtoraltly S than 11110FACTfREBW MUM AT M'OALLUZ'S. CARPET STORE. ►ovate maim wsKo COAL 001APAN Capital Stcck $BOO.OOO 2,000 MARES AT $9.1 BICH, Pwrosat-401119 ma GILAJr, 11 dectarcux—OAPT. JAMES 091103 Illaupwr—J. avas. DULIGCTONLI . MID °BATT. J. IL. Vern num. Airrarti.= Ildo Caommi owns Ms import Imam ii , CM .. 1114 i, Oosi Waite 'madam Mt tee . Kamm ompa Irma mgotntsg. and rossMigsg la 101 l .Dose II hi l = t. t std • belt the ryt Lesl nt re Vouch a City, to tits . third port: . an Mtn • • Mtn* LI mWrrit dmillog boom, ont ri hosumi dm so., meths! irttb • maim, maims to the rtsm wit =rural end 521 asmamd arinagimmg 15 Oa u t d il" lo;ircrel th"". .ortlas *'''i ord 'i rr ,"eritat7befolt4e7lere• calea ••4oul all ssamin COMM, for working pt . h i :7 to 7......, tb... i dial mirmu. l. Inll Irameli u, th. te m. b. ths rw mrd heed .n. tplel pm... l o. Tha t. t...... .11-tere the, de bado•lld eas. alk,. tat twining bp gm enstruardsh of in oddlitom2 t tad . nod tom mot mond 100,(03 Is oaeh toe the par paio =eassZstm litele mod pro viding ior Os sow arssainsiton. Man IMllltim : CM Challexty wlll doenot_ oce wea CM Ildosoidts rannikoadv balms Asa Um "I veep to to newel the Inn. eabetaattsl and renew" -es. U. staalocts tbsaostotry. A Ladhodgrgthill ..1 ths stook to saw ogond to ths potato id PS yid Bus. Pm!. Mil bo monad st Cho 1.1191 Ma. 0p11 DLNE.MO OOMPAIII, m denim:Ma TM. ostit . . IDOISWATKII PAINT COLOR 1:47 GEL ICI% 111 . b1 A LLD AND VISO PAINT AND COLOILS of *yen descrip.ion DST AND 011011110 It: OIL 15 DGIIIIIAMICII METALLIC PAINT ganaaw►+w Cowls roa V 5..., Comols. Is ILOBALLW nJoiriroLms, Own* Apo; Ti KAMM Lana. Uffi Taft T20..11 VIII at BT ER M ASTER OBNERALEii NZ ornaz. nu: DrvtaioN, Woototarsa, D. 0., eartaabar 2, 11164. Aft to obi at POD* azalea, ow, to Do blittoal Mader, at *too sod platoo mated bel ols k_ Po, iltantaay. Dept. ,a, 104: • ton. Pa., Toaraisi, Mott DI, IRG4I Dalton, !a , Skantilay, &pt. Mk limy Trt2o HIISDDILD 0/12' &LILY 1102.5121 /et DA= MAUR. - - hem. have b... oondasnood as oath tor Cu ca airy oor.lao or lb. army. of toad and tatentog purpose. many good bargalla NI b. hat. ones mold slaty. ono. c0a1... In United Stated osuranct. attar os Quartarnmuo GontraL J.A.LES A. ELIE, ••td ;Colonel In charge lira Mt Won Q. let D. Ilzrorr 012...1.11 077031. Pittsbavia, July 90th. 11 , 44. MTLLERY HORSES FUROR D IN GPIS 1:111.111.11S. • 110 1.01 b by Ow anderatitaa4, at Flip. • nit, Pn., tar guall LIII II .LIST BO R lS, parabla atithicatts ol teulabhmitma for not tte than tan Moe tome song be well bawd, motive, ea Itee an detects, from 6 years old We wt.( to I lean 44, tra WA to is bands Mel. maneneliht 1.0 low bonnets. while b0n..., and mane mill 0. eteinded. Tbey will be eulableed by • Judo. and all Ass presented must malaria to lb. above ' Li. epealllow Ildone O. 0110&I, 061. and D. EL 11. Cl•etnd. qi wiz Bco., !Wen ta r". 7f.X. FINE TAB Pi•paliki VS promiy tar saum. rut up Ls Bort ttJ piloga trot) bound 1311010ET8. for is by Wanes, and to barrels .o halve. Moo, No. 114 VISB7 num Plltsbeirg GOMA O' bTOCKB. UM obaroo Clbori7 Stun Contra Oil !t. qdo Odemb Ado to Bohol'is dm TO do D.llllllllll to 100 do Stoplo Mandl do 04 IMO Wiliam do; aegs do Ea akbockoz aN oda a. .14.111 k GO. Pisa Itramo TT . S. 10-40 LOAN, U GievaiumnirsT 10.*o oLir, Enolvei lia Ow saw id luaus. RAG? i CO Food 11124101. Ilaithtt 1101ZACRIES, yzAcires, nee I,Owtrtos bony tom ma so two bankrod MA of /nw Ind Itolowrio Rowbot lo your Limo w b 7 sp lar 1 , 41.1/.• ratioft tO - WALL PAPNREI— AUTUMN OF 186 t 'a ...gut. ,antutneut or benttrd rola 11/111011968 or all EtyleasrldAll eolors. Tor nlelrp art , W. P. IPAIMIWALT., STWooll HIKED BEE TONWEB—Of Au; y uttrlsevi mit tor bytb iS PAL INlFswam!, v xvzol, apmnr. (111111 MAlTEltrit—Anotkat t~r~6 let • 7141 manse to-a+7 lry.l•l:7l:ira bt r i t: " al":" 114.4 . 4 ; It .If 811.1.04. C.— 86 boxes 'Prime OreSsi OPP. riallm. eel Ibr ale es 11. BUNDUk 111111/1011,110Wili. _ _ _ BaILUANT 011 00.—Booko of Bob. la Ike rammoirt OM SO. Ale opfrAnilV 9aukterg New tre SIAS h. EMS? • Jo., as ikail uari Wool wow., as Monday. August 801. 1804 P..;"=. En—V./W. 3 S . 6..-0212 at ta. prcrety held by the Gripes, es.a be hsd st the moos Os" es sod OW the eth of /karat. / _ \fa (x]eja CU aTIB/54: Commis.ion rderohnn.e CRUDE & RISFIVID PE'TEOLEUM, DIEMEN!: AND LIMIVOATINO OILS n. VA SOUTH WHARVES. PHIL IDOLPH/4 Itorst• opacity fonder cover,) for la 000 bamelt /11. excellent 144114. a 14e ablpptigo to &Moro an atd forego port,. et tar wharf on ins Soto:Mkt ., E ve, t o ths platform of toe P. 11 8.. setc:ly T A WILKINs, 9801 ER AND DIALLN IN CRUDE AND B.EFLNIED OIL, PlMlilt BLOCIE . DOVIL - 48111 W &II Nerepacial attention Wen theI!ILLX Lan Mil" of Patrol , am sod prod.cla. Oottakpallunkto resp.ffidly foliated. eggmof 2. 00 OIL AIM TILLATIBP:POrtt11.10100-111rosTPAII17;712 Box 142. RICHARDSON, FLIMSY & CDMSBION IFORWAMDISB szacraurr3, Crude and Belied Petroleum, lio. 19 1.11W161 BT U% PITTIMUSGIU. Literal Clesl ...trasums as amsdrumerse far PM,. tare', co Ude= aserketa. WSLIMMI Mara. J. & Dihnorth • Oa, epriager H•tbsagli, Esq., Bal. Dn.. Prat Otammtel mbllkta 'ROA uLTY OiL WOMB MAY a CHOEPHNNIN6, talal".. sad kaanAkn d OAUOa OIL. DI 1020 AND 1.01181.011.T1NG OMB, sad &elm ti CRUDE JP=TEt,OLaiiIJ3CL. Wad. ops.dt* OSA lio. 0 FLUID !TRIM% BILEWISE., BURKE a 00, CONCUSSION NBISCHANTS, warm PACTIIO AID LIIIIRTT 0124 WOBES. Worst soh advsemst sadi on colutScuglasts d Refined or Crude Petroleum.. WE. D 14131127931 VIII /81/50008 Ina. WaTral . OIL RfYINExY. GEO. W. 110EDSBIP A CO., ILiacatummai sf 11131=0 OM MID LITBRIai.. 11110 OIL. Hoop coortan hard Ow my bed qoaL icy of suimiNa OIL, dtly ear awl elthocrt color ; Mo. • G LIIBILIOATO 7I , par• WHITE 111191.0L 1 sod OAR Mann ~Boor, at No. 12. MTH MUM, Bus M•ok,••••td floor, will atuald.d to. cektf ROBERT ASHWORTH, On 1 UT. CLAM ff.. Prrraß l M lll . Forwarding a Commtuion lierchant lOW VW= /9 (UM Nor ILL 011thATISO.LOOMPOISCI t aIUDI FS. de TBOI.IIIIIII a..matmkgy co had& 001 l ibir a the least easrlut Om. Cloadv....t. sad ordan *PM. WZBirk. Petrottuas and Us Prodacts, Jeers EMUS Ott of Vitztol and Lana Atunoris seisanWeraas 011" ersm Muzak. RIDMI a MARL Petrels= and Its Pretests, Mb a irefii 11111r al tda tar Dm niviLi SD inannium on We NNW Toni rsaanrun amnia con !ADM, voENT OIL WORK winio4N. DU111.42 4 CS., Pan WILL, laAxed earl= CIEs. Cam lOW 41 LINIEWrIr p IiNACIE PROP EMT Y SALE OR RENT BWARTO I % 1117RTIACLII, a ogle. tem Uion pnronoboill by Ott Entional Bond tree there. n THREE THOUSAND ACRES ORLAND which •r• Oro= 95 So 10 bmww. Is *Cored lor Wt. or oa3t.. al • Frt. ibat man ommand to. attmatio• re flow who dila intro • •0114 lan:Masai or • Icor*. it,. boAnt Iry I. lOWA /1 duo to•ci FIVE IMPROVED FARMS Tto. rotlt• erte, nlth bowel sad Improvement., .7 be bow7ht for Iria th.n 7.0 dollsrs.par Ap. y to !GYM:IAL ALBERT, 15 BROADWAY Asswrltith. lIM ALL WOOL 00,41OSED TO Ot ttl CARE tOL GOAD= TO SUIT TEI ot ABBOT. Oar soosslst• sacs ssltil sasastastssus Is sates:Wye, one at as lumina Ur to tae Wed Wads be tsars Om to. ream Ws saws. thst, casanastag badness Is Ms too Isrpst =Modem Os oosstry.'os otos cotostsson issmosl Miallies totoolsg Skate Waal to of tbs test Wads to Ws He' lostsild and ELIO Os Bless • Oar sosuslislos kr selling Is Os* Ow no nosy, sod 001 MS MIT. 00 1..12 vos Upon, holatill. &Ink tor rams Kamm; beyond this .ttrit srpostss AstoaPO ts dd( Usa. Ittcludes 01:1$ asTill co all atm, 'Moles Su cash or on tliss, .nd we averwillful latiatpata Bettis cossO ot so. DAMN renos-sd, GLUM" rot. for stermy. Ws ALLEI 10Ito+ . cseb pet,. H B. Y. AL&OWELL, Wean. .11 ilk Iso lIALLOWIDLL BROTELISS b.s To-k, Etaiscdr 1 lota tS MINA HAKIM APIA. S. IL ?MOT* 00. OKLA, Ars. ITEIMMEI PErrsa [moil, PA. Apata at Ow AMMML PA. communion Alai dada= la lialtatqa glaalrlaa. No. 0 11113irr IT o ••• .• gasanmaasse M a... 11 irate W.OHLTEILAB_ el • lits lhad P. B. BItYAN ..1.1 Heater sad Ilbafftway. host. ilrharth .11. ) P. lIA LLO WILL 1.. , HALLORIELL gROS New Sort Dosteat issas. 1861: Hoer:Lim. saw, atmon, &e., EXTEItMINATORS. .1.1 pats ostabllsbod IA A. Y. ^Only = 141. "CA Arra. toto ." W. .IYot dostrorooo to thondotsit =dr Hots atom pot of WI bo a t? ISA Cold by oil Drbsittls otary• t. sloisitiontletattiooM susses Doteb. l l 3 . =O. T. Sti4lllll, A. BON A OM.= IL SWAM=i 00_, Wbudoosh and Aston am! . piuoiodrh, Ps.. /Min P. 134111WAIPN. 111. A mud BALA Apo t t, Agositany 94y. ty*Ass VERSA IRUtTB, 33114aPii: &O. 60. doom Ito& 84awbontir, to , do Posh Nos llppl ein do: . .2o Oarruot !i .. do Toned SO do ' To* Ooni. tor osaid • •.b do VPs • dot St do . Item Doom do: 1 44 reo.orood ittodort Moja atm waft mask, 2 . SUS% 1116. US Nei 1111 111211211211112. F.SCI'II KERS. if e• LAWRIENCS IRON WOBIGS, wren, castle. Pa. Ml:==l DITHBIDEDI a 00, II•nollcm. of IRON, MAILS AVID SPIKES. !Mist pries =hist to cheese of the martel. WWI* HMV OLEIPLB. lamas.. 0.-. P. DUQUESMG aI:LAW NYUdditi, OADELAH CBAWFORD, of nor; misty al tottbal BEAM WORE FOB PLUMBERS, STEAM OB GAB TITT PLAORIBUTPs, solD OOPPErunintrito. ELISIO OAETTEGIS, A( denaiptioos, mad. to or diff. STEAMBOAT WBRE, STEAM &ED fl Ably?. TIED, and BlGPAlR7ozootli stsondod In. Partkular totenttsm to Stttng ILEFIXERIES ton 00A.L SID 0 If OIL& Alga. Sol. Agents for the Wedant District of Pens* .Ls for the ale of MARBR, IsSUBD (MA PA .. TE= STPLIOR Punt, the twat wow ELL In.nted. rt.t.o no slays It L. not ltsLls to got oat of order, and Fill throw moss water dun say pump of twice Ps dat sold • P. 10./..C10.1%11....4. /111..UU I.RON CITY WOMB. wavicurrosn, rucaurau.m. A cso., TOM:IDIOM AHD MAIIMOMEMI. Colmar of Pike mak4 (YElara, $E Slice eel Walnut Streets, (Bra Qty Water WottL) Iffsantsotursen of issliocary sod Woo. 111101 AM, BOLLING MILL CIASTINGH and LLCUINILT. of nil Linde, ..od /morel jobbon. Prosapt stteatfoo 'tr. to ropttotoog BOLLING !CELL If A CH INIBY. 6.30:17 ROBERTS, BARNES sCO., go. so Third St -I Pitt.b=l*. DUI AND 9R VT IRON WORINDE, ♦n6 Itsalfewtarers of J AP .A..NDTIL.I) TIN 1711 A-11.0. We ere ewe insnalnetarteg as hand Both- In; Amman.. al all kind, toilet Ware in noun, Water Cenderaiitini... Tea tad Oanistars, Dna& and Spice bier Drainers. Scituicie, ko to. A of of Bkd 0•401 tot sale Oil Oans of all elm and patterns, Tie Ueda& tiondenter., and all kind. of Job bing Work done to ceder. apleo MTBILLIN3III P619111T V A-L. 1...-A-NIDE. C13.1.151-NFLIrS, II FAINT 011•1111. Than Ohhomey* ere hrtesated Asr lb. Est 2.6614 bast ing ell pane at the 1t equally dags hat exam. tt Is areektag. n. DrragiDaz, Tart Pttt ttlume Werke, Weal th Plue hate :Om street, , BIAOK DIAMOND BrE&L , WOMB, PPPIPBVBOB, PA. PARK, BROTHSIt 6 CO» AMlClttetrisrleg 61:3T QUALLITI HIM= can BTII4 rtat sad Ou+6®. af dot Wamuctrfl ognal to sal linpartod or onnuflotored in tLL cocain. air wsrobacoNalas. 119 sod YLEVT &EA 120 end MI ItC0031:187113611 3 , eirlabTailk• faLlyd ALIEN WCORMICE & 00., Yuan I . OIINDH. rittibl LIMt2IOI. P. MrWarshem. 23POTT MOM, HaantM.. ef COOL. P Limon AHD BASTING STOVIM, PL NITIMES GILLTZ3. HOL LOW W 12.14 etc, Steel satIGIAm OrAtlAz. lOU Ganal.4oh. W atm SM DoelrcaZygon Dos^ Apr blAz .01.1!=r0u.ini= to or d.. rm.:b.: b p...4m. len. 'nth rtrlrai. a.14.4MA DICNII MACHINE WORKS AND .L. mummy. tai 111710HTINLAB a CO., EISOWII BMW= AHD lIISOMOM taco= Brum . ; domed Tadao' sad edutday, auxosiarr all , lr. PA. CraaraffstaxPriorWlGEMlLT PElTwromipowturta oaanaxruto =WI MGM= ddattidg. rattryd. Rapala: of la Wade stenadooll ta. FOWNES, (late of the firm of C i lre a Malaya 308 X B. IMMO, (Lb • Ifiorimil, Herron • Oaj NON FOUNDERS SOO STEW lIINUFACTURERS aI.LLGH3I3I MIZE. larn" arilly Ww4 r"'6'2ll'; /OHO e. amazon • GO. WEL,1 1. 4 RIDDLE & CO., No. 215 coactiawas ULIASI o r rAlPreßrir k' i M AD= t ES. and ...a7 dencrtytion II M VOILE. Ora., aolletted tram the trot& gebd Comb It=" dapplid rir twernetkros 4,..1 REVMANCE, No. 53 W Amu St. L. PI maaalretarer of BOWED arms irIioI:PVVIILIZS, ammo sad mamma, amity dr wripthoa. Porticotor &ma or gasped Ml= ea largo ar M 0.% sob Oa mein of Mort optim al = woortnarioa mutual, co hand. inrigkorl D. a W. BENNETT, Marinfacmarers .I.J. worm min MCA wid CHIi&M COLOR.. CDW /LIM Office and Wareboe. at 3. WPM ISSZKET. Pittebent4 estakir SILVER PEARL SOAP ORIIIYIPTON & 00.. •OT Liberty Stre•g• Prove:atom and Illauthniantrs tor Waiirrel PIM lylssiata. Ohio. lads.... Illtsgeb =A 11UNIOUL &low ex•sabacarma of • =posts •i *is el Palm, Garman. Olive and Resin Bosp. /13== IFOILLICV AVID 7/1.3/01r SOAPS 31 oar SLLTICII PEARL KULP, which vs sassldria- Uolly rocomasnod to honor ft: mnand coo Ussa say odor bats. the ;obi* shaald to . horns ha mfad Ise notthor Pot. Bs% lams or Rosin or say at.' hs wann ash footars atdoh a. tin s orialmo this twat ifs• brio Mom& sad Wool...mobs washed with ths 715.1 , dity of Cattcob or lAmos Clotho. washe d afth the Vl2 HURL 8041 . do not noire Eta or half rabbtog, which of ammo soros mat sad tau. SILVER PEAL BOLD adgfllM nana, Dtrt, Tatham ehdhs, Frisian' !banks, and ths world 141 g. Water Maths tethasitaraty. Vingro, l =Va Vra B 'e= " ll=. It hairdo •Widmer to Thort== , so sod Ibr deaths; mutts. sad Ithar ths It has no Kcal.— Tor the Bath, lad put ml ths BILVI2I ?MULL porroct lothrth. In • wont. WI who ha. triad Its sworn,* quanta', solutowledgs tt trial greatest tthosay OW W. Othopany sth • trial troth ea who nth lathrs untog Dona and b roma= nriand th• pea* of th• raw should 11 ' pp lbompU.L what wo .ta tor 1101 and according to Ithrobsuth awn 'broad w 0 do Inn th 6th. lb • 00.. ea Timm exas, Matte Ihtsarytranas &grad Passirgsr Depot. gar amass it all tthltatioas ; nous gond** wets h.,thing CM, -tr•dranark—ErlLVlCE athwithol hi 0.17/blght. mktlg pIITHEIIII , GIEL COAL COILPAN Y LOOO SHIRES AT 550 EACH. D 1130701111 LSD TITCTILVI 13 .(. 4 f." Chu. W. Itieketsop, Jobe Wats, W. Phillip% Joshua Nadu Ms MOM, bolds theft* ample et 1007 mu of best I enality Coal Land, Moat. on the treneentebela Mres. Tbe cost of old toad at 11116 par acre amounts to EA. 706- 7he rtmatetagSTT.2 9s ofthe mdtal stock Mil be mad I. baildlogn short sollrmicting t)nal Tipple' and ethos memos Inthrormen to dictator.. the tolto exiled the ocenomy. She distance m the rhos Men te the thal already opened I* but fifty fret. Maim map t ile. but Mil Mine irOta Quo facts the Toasters and Directors MOM MI iotilt lint with privor co oc tn. etnek of the comp. ay can he my soft weds highly remoneretive Thirty per cat. ea enbscrtfftlene •131 be called In, payable oa er belies the litthelimmobas, Milt Mimeo of Metal. mcob se see) 4 or by the Trotter sad Directors, sad se titasesomey regain. Looks end maim %Atom ese embed it the frolowite clam t IN Ita,olefe, a y Wool sad, nit:6.V , Rau, a ma j aarea. Vote 01 ea* SU Liberty Meat Jeehree Ab ode. a cle.. Wen st ie. ym 1441.101.• Ocotheay. Gomez of Tilth and Rod Aladdin Oil Waith IBS (MIMI otL TANKS -- 1864. lirfnio..46er. Aim at Allettos, Tau," vises 14na rat iron you rpo. Ainft t Ile office of aLSDOI2I OIL JD, 11 Nark.. lABILDOIPPROPERTI Nun oa .1 Borror-alghtleir of • ralstalkia factrfkry, Wert ball oat „lam • fad partans, fi r V•prisot as oaf <Wolfe cm, Wadi. for • burst iroorru I Ms of ground • the prim earHslightb ow to rod V diem". Also • lirs. Imo yard, girls re'4.4.444726145pr• Kata-ferret.__ la (*MAL 13811,11111 ill—A. Maori/ A,ll, "Myna fitat vit tee lair Lobar J • R. 111460•Alia.fhitnlogs. — THOM L. kIeGLELLAND, fllsamina to 1111•Olgtoad S Dada.) fil3111:11411. 03MEI7IS3Icd IiZZOILLST ZS Flour. Grain and Provisions. Dipad•l atsatkol gly.. to tka parottar sad cgs UWE AND UJCITISIID errsoLzum. in V WOOD tISHICIT, Plasbaria. t• AS:la D F. QUIMBY & CO., Commission Iterchazts. no. L wirru WATLI/ CHICAGO. Giro rp attentlsm to parohodng Flour, Grain, Prorisions, Xc., ►ur Fast.= ac.rant. IL T. --GYA. T. 1120WIL sa.t.LT H ENRY WALLLOB Commission nerehant, i. Lao sours WA.TII3 In.. GBiaLe% nll.O Particular attend= paid to alllate ardtuts to PHOPLBIONB, rLous a ,abiT,Na 3. IL WANE & &NJ Kit, OOLINISSION NEEOI3ANTS MO demon in Floor, Oral and Prodnee, 1218E60 HD BT., bor.. Wood ag emitkilad. HOW JUf -4TEPO. •AL11110,.. POTTED, AIKEN ct SHEPARD, COM Oltireol2 IldlOOCtoLOb sad Dealers in 'Foreign end Do creek FRUITS. /LOUR, BUTTER. OBSErE, EGGS, POTATOES, and Produce generally, No. Z Liberty street, opposite Paisenaer Depot, Pitttegit. Refereedir= 3. a. Dilworth a (k. .11ml. • 0012.1 Onlp • 8 1 .14.•• Atwell, Las a 4.10 , John 0191102., Pittsburgh; Rabat a Bro., licDoaratt Van Brant a co., puiba..; Tremlas FOrnsacrna, Bt. Louis; BIOCAISII aOr Ness Tort; Stanford a Lovell, Oinninnall raptly FRANK VAN (}ORDER, Prodnoe and Commitaion Merchant, Mx IB BELITIIITELD MISSES, corner Irtrrt- Dealer la FLOUR, BETZSR,I3II.OOIII3, EIRIPDS, LARD, CRIME, PORE , DRIZD AND ILK= FRUIT% sad I.l==uacas 011. anulgumemts. CHARLES C. BLLBLEY, Produce and Commission nershant. lIMVIRANDISIZI Bllo3= /Lad &Ow . In di kindi of GOMM'S! PLODIIO7I, LIFIZUIT sralser DONS4Jltaus. The. 4,1•90.3.. jot tbs Ist, Gm of D..eD. 11• Donald I Pittabstml. • 04., Welles - MN Ob MTON AID AIIIMICELS, Wholesale Prato. and Codazoisskna Elordbaa Jobtor. ; 7lll 7lll C., IL 0. /MAR sad 124J)LA/18EB, sinszp sooess Asp STROPS. Timm, DAMN. %%IMO 40, TZ.4B, RIM MEW& ta. S u. 41 sod 144 Liberty *rest, Pittsbtagh. oollAy SED3ITER LAZEAB, Wbolamb eacocorse can oosaassipa Boa. ET and StD ET4TaTISLD BT U um Beeped. Piga7 erronmsair. tHAELES R LEECH, noun AND Thum onmucc. Itnicaaws far the do of GRAIN, SEED& CIIIO2IT. IeBOVULIS. WO ter the warderefmn Uniontown Na 116 Second 6.4 . 1165 /Mt emits, tenni* Void Ca wsl la FAD & 1113TiG - A.ll, Orman anti Coca 114:awskon Ilerekanta, sad diadem in all klub of Carinti7 Produce sad Pirisbureb bienufacerinea No. htil Liberty Areal., opposite head of Wood throe; Mb treigth ap3ily BB & wmluNsow, Commispion irlsoleesle &Wer m WSSTIFIN aravr. otizzsz, Datil) Faux's. Burma, IGGS. 0/11.11i6, and produce generally, Mac, IMATICKII, KIVU, Ong, 5.., No. LIT Llbe.- street. Plititrurgh sana.a. vmade. N34-6cad • Ina. F. 1177CSIZZL. P. BECK A; 00_, No. BS Liberty Wtreet, Plaactatk, .P. Who Loads man, Oot. D O M, and 00IINTR , T PRO. DOM, PROVISIONS, RAOON, LARD, •BUTHIR, COO&CEISESIR A,toDIJOr, 111.004, Mini; SLEDS. GSM AND DRUM' FROM iv, RSVP sad LIMN. TWIN CAINMEad), Gammas AHD LP resmAlmaa lirsourr and wholesale dealer ta WYEITIIOI HW TE 0111001, BUTTES, 1.1.11 D, POEM DACUS ►LOUR, PIM POT MST) PTAH'. seunixrcra, tamarei AHD LLB]) OILS. DBI CD raurr. and Prodsos gmarally, Htaldllisd Trout stress, Plumbargh. .4 mos. crrit. SI T yrnx & TRIMBLE Wholesale - Ore anfloomfortost Ifereimats. rips o ls IaVVLOIII4II/10314, = l. l l ll A , / p i to n TARNS, end Plttau, iruauxfactars• Family. 111 sad 114 (Woad smolt tlal=r44.. * V.; (fraoCollBo/11 te Earner Ande=4) Wbobade Dad= he 11 ZIGNINIMIMIS AND annsoo n or = j ou. , WOMB, Not, Woli stemma above fifth, Plttebargla ,LYMT pATTNRSON & AMMON, 0011.1111151021 azacriums, 1110011 AND OWN. WI almond PRODIIC deslenk - He. I WOOD arnerar, Eltubantk. Pt at , !IT parszsE WAREHOGNE.—HrsIiIIY 0n.1.1.118, ForwaraM !:IdOosushodoa ItArcbas nd desk , In CMS:Mk B lAA-0111SL oat pndsco genersny, Ho. 4i Wood gthsaAbcnre W. tiluskentt. my 9 JOON . 10111 C FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Oro. ers and CommLyglos Mershaats, Boa. Int Viand and 952 Liberty street, Pictsbarga. jalS ("MAR L&8 (stmessor to J. use. a 0o,) POUR PAM= sad &.1.. PIUMBIONS, carom .f lariat and Ifroatb otrooto, Pittotash.. WK. CULP& SHE PHA 11 Cotonastor ITassnarnamad dealer, in nous,aftens AHD PRODUCT:, No. 847 Liberty amt. Pittaburgli. Otiab brand. of To ear Balmn, and Pasallyae au scantly onband- Particular attention paid te Ming animus Ibr Merchandise amorally. Manly G T°w l ' . 'SEND, (ourcessor to dookson rao.nturt=tibr i:3ll:;thkaat, 4°131" Pittilarch. .117 : VOidfrifir - ,SUCCC essora to L O. Le end; 1120 DINTS AND 00M111138.1021 caitrrs, 247 Liberty Wart, Piriabcirgb. 51:113.- ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Whole sale Gramm Consertadon sad imussrding Wm cbanta, sad dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh man orecrurse. Liberty sheet, Plttsbargh. DWALLACE, Commission 1114=km:it, end Wholesale Dealer In FLOOR mad GUAM, No. 55 Liberty Meet, opposite Penneyivaata IL R. mser DoW, Plthburgt. h. Stony Won. bongo., corner Wayne and l'ena strseta. mletly 113.1.7 .A.MBERT, SHIPTON & CO., Whole -LI oak Orman lad P•otaws Dealers, EN. 6 BUM Wes; Pitygburgh. 1•16 ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wh•desale Orooern, CamsLlinkm Ilarohants, and deems to PRODUCE, No. SA WaLor .treat and 83 'rout street, Phsaborgn. vs. lIIM•TRIEL*--......105. 1[11.111..5•14.4 KIRKPATRICK BROTILEIA_IS/0. meson ts Brava & Kirkpatrick% WigOL.Kr SALK 08.0012113, Na. 191 and 1119 Liberty drat% Pittsburgh, O.HOICS RIO COFFEE—Jaet received a N.J has ht of 01011:6 Stip Oahe; &so iMO •Ittifts gabyrs end old Jars CLAThre. 10. sale al the 0•1321117 DM stool of JOEIS corner Liberty and Heald streets. TAMES "DALZELL' & SON, 'liana= tams of LARD OIL, gaLd 0.0. 1 . 3,.n mot aurae br the are... sad de et 0111.1 DE AND BEITITTZD PITTROLETIII, Woe. el and TO Water, street. Pitiebnreb. Advana made on aeneigrid,OATA.. B. LIGOETT & CO., CITY FLOUR, J. mita.% .21161 . 'Abut, Adam sad strum. Pittsburgh, Ps. lialrOspacity. 600 bansb per gag. QCHOMAKER & LANG," Coaraatos lifssourrs end vtualoris &alas In 6E at VLOVII, CRAW.PION:NIL 416. No.= Lthervi .raver. Pit tabargh. Veadly ir err_ W ITT & WILSON, Wholesale Gro s 1 cea, Cionisainion iiiieretantz, sad deallin m Pn.• 'dam sad' rittsbeirgb teiszatictoxs, Nix 163 Marty Oaks PittaticaTti. S LINDSAY.Js. k 13RO. wiwlesale iand .tetaLl6110081?-8,mort PDADUCIIID AaT SD 6T I.4lArry strmi. Pittsbargli. 0610 GEO. ALRRAP, SON As CO.LPTlolesalo ...tartall.Deaters to, BOOTS, EMDEN a.L.adra W. ,1 noun Proamext, VDMIRTON & 13111 W----ART, Wholesales! 1... J (mom i.wb oomatusros •ASEDELASTEI Ra lOW IrobentrooL "Ithebtish Met, _ Nona , A CO., wholesalaGßD 4 t.l cr.?. Ls ASI. (~..111a12-SIO.g.AIRCOITAIns. miggpl ..flutitho.l.l sod Va... st...C...elladklrell. irrILLIAM . ;WM 31' • W oa.tpaza Ir i asopse, Nals. oat ost.s.-ettsp • 41,14,0 QI ianteleArle 16 • s Ibtosbr, MC MIMI Sl4l. 11—evatarzs_ Ed Mat: 0030.0$ 60000 ars..4oas soft: ss ths 57.1.4 0 .011 0 &ht. ex nstleed doalt.:* tesrk snd Wpm coats. rd onssy Vestbls can 091 Ls szesslssi ks SNP nossBo d. poss.sper one retr4d ct fr.47,5i you tsse. tbs Doltht - a— , s).s;, fans= : Tbs TI:IN0170.11 ACOMmODA2MB 1.10 Passussar 60.004 do2y, licad.r.y, 05: I 0 • .s= .. ;nl .. 0 .11 50.0=s tom.. Pitt ' and smcknii; d 1 l ec.r...t.tes dot gra Tart 005'0100pials. THICOI3OII HAM THAIS balls lb. 14000010'; 11.101ou o.ry tgulraret p Sun . ds . l,) 4.5.0 amam= Ilsrrtsnurs b,tdVodSl:o' too. md-4oessrlarl PS I I O . O O OO ThoIUCILOUGS ezr 174:69 TIMIS 1.00 64013 S -1 m .oorpag Iv 0 nrineoo:6o.o, asidss mnso.oo 1y.1.1-00c.r, far 130thrinrs, 0•014.0 se. Pbtadalphta. the PASYtucs teems Loa otartom daily Wand tuitl,;E day) at the p. stopping onlyat prizotpal rat,* eoaueottna Barest:ors far Batton* wed 1114~1 , ton, and tor Era Tara elsAllastrwo route. ethetaire chums of can 1 Ito. at Irtattalphla fn fhw boCc;. : , .I.OOOIIZODASSON nikrze. Tim Satassinarn asoninmOalon Rai, lama nialitll4. ; aria !iticadaZd la Ibie minim at aLI Siuninaa reaming ea tar ea Ocamixanab.. /lint aceotriiadatbr Trail kit Ware Magna lead:' WI, (cunt thantaii at 6.:13 ra. BecondTxsta for Wan nab: dal(=apt Bandlayi at Tatra Train tar Wan Matta (c wt : t p. c. kozommootalumk 'Fes= Malan alaai't pap (ssnopt Basutpp) aL Loa I, ?b. Marra Tram Walr• !taloa vracy p p pa p. pp. ; ne r tmlexp, bawls Pittabmth P. 1- Trans arms to Prlitteci6 es infirm's' , 'i . - 1 Boltz= woosiohla —......... WO a,,,,* 16116 m 14 - ear. datica........ 1113e./00" odalSoo---- 1101. m Ire li r rjoo4iitelio - _ osXlaikam.-- Lts3 e, lir, - - Baltimore Boor= will =Mewl* BaleileiptUlla r prom at 1.60 p. ea. rro Eozollsis. —• .---o 4 c. Wats Ea Blaimßer ono lialsoacasearatirill l Oo 661110 .',. Interrectico 111' Taraorla ArersorMaraca . accoomeoultml awl llopneeTroth Ilmo 10013:1= •" down ammo and iomwrougoilon 'Mir Teaka lor Boosolorlia ouaorore MAGrearoa ertia Ripe -- Barium and MallTnocriwt.or.,.. l with TO64llBomnira me aletta any lioraer Trott Beat . i 4 Vlllll .. , ,To Nor T _,. PS air eat oft-,—.. VD Tel. • 70 PtißelwPaLL*... le 60 To Laos ter....... ' LIB • To }UMW/6n.... . T 66 To AB= a............... ,tal 6=l=l to all Math= ao r ; • PealolrMal' - mull to raireaMillo, Valtiopro mid ! Hew Ton. . fist m.fl itcco=modbtica lint WON Stain ewor.d Wairaisatien .11Ard WXr BUIS= Acv are Steno. e..e was Farot=talodo to the ere gait to remo rt rtn•Vi 14= ebanui.. the Onspeny o tee' ot too. OUP OcCiplay Illemethne rsoocaillibi tor prentrona bounce 'Annie( Is on =mot not exceoding 4 l oo . 75. 71.--Ast Onmitos Woe bne Wen onCed „ pommy:ft tommy ta aria MAD , thIP34 damp not to sod wend 75 mat% for nob peteinenortioll towns. Tor darnel appli dTeroorylvantsGeorrel ItoTraim "r a= ll 6 l . an Idbortr eat areas most& VlZ a lvonroal, Tia PI P% '4 " :II . Vs7W , WA OADO BAIL • WAY AAA OrairglaND It PITTOMPSI e n • WAD. MINIM ARRANOOKEM • Os sad Oar DEMI BLS Sim Vas MOO 11,4 tovest. • •• i.. . Wl* - 011:1 .I:Mt Wit NV Vow 0160. and Lie Come. - , 4 1 =.1 - 6.2eles m 717beente-7. 7. W./t CL liatteei; Tat POOL 06 stri4.; I-4 In si e f z i re in t s tA illteue. 7pe Seepa Y.s ass 41E.; • we. fit p. ne. ea. s. M . IL IL. bur - ' lll WFam. Py7 g Iteeriteee Are» et eltereell-1, u.....v0r• a,.&le e. re-, p. eaA VSS p. MAIL, Idle a. a. Gramm Haan!. 4 - two. rumtglz va„i P1.113011,_ Pus. 7. IL tar si !. W. • 0.1171pe ilas..lsckee AtedeCLll l7 . l l4;sl,, A .LLEOUENI JCL • SLUM O7 RAILROAD ,ll -i. • —MARGIN ITICL , era ass 1707111 LL IM;y LeLeollee. the . • tat Lobo wM cake w = m I3ILL7.--leavis ettuuuth seam LiTarc - thau - Mimi al lUstasatog At IMO a. atEittlaki t zt . rieltr a l i tta WWI% al fitid=re. aS 4.4 LoM. et VI P U.ointirtar u trittiardall R 11111 .10001111011•111311 THAIN—Yeavo - L , .61 . 4 t. seart et Iftetetree ea _ :m Ardqua a.. Wslexr.e suLPPLCO. 0 NEULE :x FOREIGN BIUGR&T/ON INZIENPVI Memo. Peasa. Mg, Asap from tfi ." Off ;10: it.. ~ :t :: ::( dam a r tga nat..= a gikw. , kse•!., .a.gurAirmarla zwiss......i.- .„ , fr4.o.`"llBll=- , ~,.,- . " E. Lossfloo3L.-0310 tom r.:......1 -3 TAD. stomas Iwo -I.towp • iiarryADDIDDIDAXW Pik ~ - 2 ~ tovolltqg At LoAdoltfof IT far eaCir64ol4 NO - , ;:r, ; Also, 07 ?Alai -LINN of -. Annoy - lit. Nam. bintog Unsit . tlist. rod fail . ... ofrA tho."/" . t.loo of losollfr 112. flow ;oft ova= ' . * 1 4, ,, 4 "14 / 4 . 1t.' pool saiewevatmlb• 5v....35vacti.......... _24,:e - - -!:. cm j -l ir ,s ; . I I=Lfooot---. 3 . 603 auomPbcf Ilsoorch ol tboflos.--fAD --.-.111.1-; ~,, , 91L:o . „. ~..------000 • " lo t -..- - --- .-1 4 ,,t50 DMo l M tr ro kit .' * l. :,.. , - ' maT rmbommar. t C.. net. $ 73 7 1 1~' etaftash, pa al Jhotonals Imotadtarongh to oaf cl , Of 10.. ;MOD ; fan... Onoodam wheat ay. . ... Of obffs he.* Neo Tort Oa Lt....700t egy . 714 . 4rf00m on tto otronal voyage sr, f volts TAM ; troo Dow Lark to .e al l BIGHT MASTS oo .01 gaud Ittiorlot idA it Du Worst atm. ' ~.. Apply D. Olnafflo. Densolaig Chronicle Delfing. MA JUNO cma. WI ot SP etaditdold . otfOO wimp: S row„4s.lkba UNMOTOwn rpr ilok.x ISM ItasTar.) Tie mill talr, Stronra Ilearterftrx 4.1 ~ Try UM. sod PhOrtdpnrr SterarrOlt, Orry. ow Lbw) .rorthrT er 11. 8 . Wa ll . . 1 " 11 any ereagowerrau..—.s.&ra. . OTT -7 LOYD 119—..—. OTT Or IseLTIITO Oota ear eery norsering Astr.rdro, st orgrei Mos Pro ir Barth Then ono o moot data old, sr tti ...14 MO :11( , 11•711t ~ ...-. co ..-42 1111.--! • to Loadm...-... SI CO to-Tostb*...... 11 0-. n • 0 lOU_ .... OS 0 • 0 P0tu.'4....:. 0 0 .s: • tolinitarg- 10 a • 120.12200.... 00' .. , Proomo Ow 1 - 3r0v02 o 2 • 17 % palfl 24 ; 1146 f- ~- 1 dam. La **-00 .7 041 7 Ism ntlii i -, - lima tem or Q..... 01.11 %. UPI get, rteB ftrst• vs Thor VW, id* ti 3-7 6.0. idisa. ank - fmeileksb bans sI tbi14,04116 Voir MIME tdiallnika. fiii.."-- " 10 MtM g. ; 6121115. &VAL liMpltl2.• . D. Id 02. 033=21=4=12-:-f; CHNARD 1.1204.-Btmi AIL7 I : istieVooL iongamisairs. , , ro ti gold, sr Itsigudvsitat la estratro • a 18011 rya roar.,sasta. lalb wary sit harolt l• trreiksaay BLANDYI3 STEA *led mairram /MANI:IT'D Stamm PA DLANDTIII Nova* The Dm* inceisrta r era* salrlbttion. rb Esau Ns. Wm. B. Tice sewn esouths,k *t *tutu. Jet cat lILIVMS*4 Walk 190.01 Z kat ask Ptiatid tactroctlasi Sad toe nparti at .Pastors Orem", Halt. sall•ltea . CRAB W. BEVILIA & . v ~ tlatalderl ala 4 _ i ,: IF :: ="il arW c14711-fftrese7.l3:l-115 I " Tilt rWz2.1:1241..L4 st.r. ....,:..."71, 41.. Pa , tr '---41 .rts. _lawn. Tar?, Skaarr, ea > I ST!. , , unclip, Onldea;llad Iwo,' *et ,-___ ~..... !b b a p peb ebubkge t . o a bni llebt e l t iT M AU AO ' - .. W 7 , .0 ~„._......". 44,11111,.7 uNAL rOTICIV—Th o. r ibtetto ors. oWrezrA, Opel.herobr tiOtUipl ttepti.thp • Opel. Irtattinhei to WOW. SU'amill, • • wawa. JUL 11404 timamic4 mortatAkcifebtork • . am be said ty gnus li twoodleititeattera. wit..N4lannzsatZf-: SO. Eibsos slum. gottion PACKED BtELTS ,Er. •5: .1i ' ICO Ina Wwtirrn Dbli z rll :11b Rau pees do saw . AGE scr. • SIEMIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers