'vim=t.~:=~ - vet Olittite, , • WM) aTr. Ittepr '2(l, 4884. ~~e~ ON NONINHIONO. yes ratan lutamium raacozir, of Blinds. 1011,1X1311 111:116122111T I ainssw JOIIBIIOII. etTeantipee. UJION COUNTY TICIETIL lionnall—!i» stens°, tuna L itOosanD, Pittabagh Oeilinas--43D mime. IFILLIAXB, alleibcay. •Sffolll3 J. M011.&11, Lower et. Oleir ASIITIOAN: lona P. ouits j IL A. CIOLTILIA M , My. fl a HAGS B. IMAM UMW& OtIADWIOA, 021/1:26. -JUDI= Y. EMIL Hwta Wiens. oorictsalovia.: ~513481311,1) P.111.0W.1,„!±,,m rarnrcnici t ai T , 110:10B a. wesafr",„ 'bosom: NitrAdat MAMBO. all 3041 turscroi DAVZI4.IInrhAL••• TUE NEWS The ten •f the eeptare of Ilmekiraldge and iletly mid the total asolhiletlon of their army Bet me eltioet too good to be trot ; and yet It .diewee so dlrtot_thit there pima no good reason to doubt IL The rider! of Sheridan Is a °pia. Vela coo. Ile boa oepturo d the hulk of Early's am% end•iped out that division of Loe's bores sad even If the rebel goners , s hoes escaped, US) ere fugitives 'flitted ea army. We repeat It, the news comer through authen tic dungen, and go: can goo no good reason, ea let Prevent advised, for - doubting It. bnertdati , s V4e4ortes. The oily was eleotrifletk yesterday, with the glorious news !tom the Shenandoah Val i ley, and Cur office Isms thrtmged all day with met eager crowd waiting for copies of the • Oars slip, tested with the exittliarating news joss could tell ollaioa um, yesterday, any :ldetre an thistreeti, by the glad - smile Tunduating his feature & The Copperheads 'isrers not to be Bean. or, If Been, were engaged In deolarinitlisit the diewoh was a fabrics. t s Oen. Sasninailhas evidently eat their lines „TO communisation, and_ as they have no die. radio from Abair friends of the South, they I 'May naturally abstruse what we get. Still, the news is mot true, what makes them lockets blue? That fin amts has thoroughly whipped gala; and absolutely annihilated his army, tipped; to be beyond question. It is one of !west splendid 'stabilise of the war. It proves • diuszmas • great General, and eters that dlest.esessr, who planned the campaign, knew 31. lean whisk he =IMO I a azoondon to lia• Pena. All honor to Ssurunas enable brave "my underilm .He and they hive covered JiltemselveCwlUl glory and filled a notion's heart witkjoy. The people begin to see the dawn of day, at teat, after long, weary :gralshing„ and their rejoicing Is all the wester that iiey have waited eo long and so Gallantly for the present cheering time. The A Siff Navy Jeorma, published Ise week, otter the news of Szmunaa's first *stop, papa ovary high compliment to that - Oficer, and ilepraise is a praise indeed. Mier referring 4. - ihistilnailca before the battle of MohaveSri end itt'the result of that fight, it ma: The notation Alttur promises eziremslt well the enentyltas 'lost several *hemmed pria• onus 1 ea.dta.guns aid colors, and kiliaand wounded4 , ,A whtle army Gasps is lose to Lee ; lam aid that ed at a critical Ahab to , ne every man he ran muster. Tilttridants sonnies energetically, and as he i 1B may strong in tarshli he will probably) /,is ab e ta:hetress'Ate among fearfully, and take many. Stole prim:there before he is If. -be "approved himself an ed. Wraiths and capable ofrocur,. In a most trying 1 pittuation;:bis cuepaign is to all its parts ens !or barn of the Ivor, and now that the 'peculiar Mature of his cperaloms is mope. JO* ded, he sti.well as 'enteral Grant, who set jam to this task, will-reosive the congtioxla. talons of theenuntry, whose andldeame is rs- SOwtd arid `itdoubled, when le sees the fruit. ' Of to much pined and skillful manoeuvring. Oran' bee tace more shown himself Lee's Master in the SO of war; and the great cam "sign against itmlnuond has moved forward One most troportant'strp towards a viotortons -vomit e'en. ,_ Tie caber goat victories of Basun tar show Chat he bee siesonspllehed even mere than is &me 'anticipated tint His triumphant career Itt the Valley is ts' crushing blow to the re. Palen. -, 4045 rearm on einertaan. On Tniiiisy ilea last, Sheridan'e fret vier -iory over Beady area known allover the COWL. try, And was rtiololog every patriotiO hesri On that:. tame night the SlTlellan men o f Neil" N. y., got up • grand ABllOll. etratiefein honor of their candhiste, who was eporiihes wars mode tO him, and he milekvery briefly; Ur* , &ids iporoto Hy Friends—l . vsnisos :drain .tronn Sassing my pbtillotthin tar your kindness et thin grest,ienlonstritconla behalf at the grans, the.Coostitution, and the Levee. I wit expositor , thelligar done thee Yon eore'y Will wit expositor , to address you al length kit this time, andAtillesease me for not mak. ing • itreehap,Ll Itllow me tovetire• 0 ends gun, spin X you, and bid you goal. • OIL • , _ , Itotsmordn'ebou Ike victory tit - —ldanduz,nn.lkowthrglivii; Um palate heart, not Virartot con gratulakne at the success ot our Was; not • ward to Wiled° that he or has aiditirs had one particle of eiropothy with Pss brave Leber' who won the splendid trio- Whyl It was not become he or they siotjhoow of It; Waste, then,beeause lln vio'tlito belie field's , * Aided to there IBecetise all the 'CLOMPS they rejoice over lOC Ow of 'tie exi,re3l,.., Unmet. be so, else why Othisnininons siLtncel •••••••-. • ''. 'Slop SW Hiinstnirt• will bre to be stopped. He is -kurfing the f bibs§ oT our Democratie friends *yet terribly. He beiges' it last Monday, and 10,obesrs keeping it up ever etnee. It le erueL ought to have some oommiseration for item Ilbt , luts broken up the Democratic progresuree, 'Spoiled ISlTtrames' eltatteat sabgbtered hosts of their Bambara brethren, lin4 I:6ow be adds the revoradattug climax of oseeriag ilstsraxamara Wore ArbArary Arrests. men haves:Lather grievance• panegssranns. and Ear= have been arrested bigoottyipt7althout o warrant. Ara what ywkee in bre'afivairating is liint.F.Aair was , okbio Ray, oecoiding , to tlolltottmond Rs*. to ttianti Pannsiirinia and *srjiand ills outrage upon our Coo- Ittitlttosisk eglito to too molt ;or , V041.1.5s • Amtiostits to beat.• •:s• - • "" l!fie-sprs Battles. fer:IIII, 'Me speech st the No. eked eslotthers Weal& biegticir *OA until saes :480114 Oaf tisk. lA vat*, ?Ibis Demolratiordimistaapitayetono is grief - 014isdapidiroolue '41 "1 ,14 J o do Maburgh 4 11 L.WW. 041P '',174in - sto think the • (kMll;Mgak,lA'PloNllnaUooa. The Cosgreasicraal aaadastlmas Of the Lilo* area la ibis Sista ars now complata of the thirteen llnion members h the present N.- vox ale. 00111/ le-Driainsted_ The two not re-nominated are Mr. akin of the 18th dieiriet end Mr. To 0.. 11 t. ypt6 of whom were e'eatel gme la opposition to the iegnlar romine:k Re appoad the lief; ocriceass, Sint Dictriet--Jons M. Borten.. Second Distele—Cmsaiss O'Srae.." Third District—LxosaaD ?dress.* Fourth Distrlot—Witeun D. }iciest.* Fifth Dintriot—M. Einar Lt. TILLTNIL Sixth Merle—Ciao. BELLO= Seventh District—Jac M. Bacionst.e.. 7414,14 Dietriot—Wn. EINISTEX. Ninth District—TUADZlNS &IVENS.. Tenth DietTiol—Howr.m. F 13137.3.. Steventh District—Jas. L Sitrarner.. W. Kavousx Thirteenth District—Sareeas hissora, Fourteenth District—on p,ydit,t,,,g_ Fifteenth District—jos. Samar.* Sixteenth District—Wn. li Komers. Seventeenth District—A. A. Batumi. Eighteenth District—Best F. W Te.B2N Ninieenth District—O. W Scortst.o.. Twentieth Pirteet—A see Mesas • Twenty.fitet District- Satre F01.1.6E. Twenty second Distelot—J. K hicioatexto.• Twenty third District—Taos. WiLusin.i, Twenty-fourth District—Oro. V. LAIIIIINCE. Thule are all esoelient nomination& Judge Minces, of Bedford, nominated in Mr. TRACT'S place, Is a talented, thorough, earnest and devoted Republican. Mr. Karelian, who is tamed to encored the Copperhead DLINISON, is also a man of very fine intellect, honest, iceorruptable and true. We hope he msy be elected. The nomination of Jour M. &MUM, fa the fired. district, is also one emiently fit. We wish his chances of election were as co. We se his worth. - Wade and Davis The Copperlts& made a great deaf of foal over the Want and DAVIS manifesto. They evidently thought it a big thing. But they were mistsken in their calculations. They bare endtrted Messrs. Wino and Darts truataorthy, patriotic men, but Shay cannot get than to support little Mac. Mr. W.1.D11 apoke for liscoter at Meadville, a few days ego, and now, as we see by the gannet dispatch, Atacran DAYLII it ►lao out on the same side: Batilllcalt, 3a ptenibet 23 —The HOD. floury Winter Davis will speak for the free Consll tulion and for Lincoln end Johnson, at Elk tan, Maryland, on Tuesday next, the 271 k, instant. Another Lector from teen. Panels Train Curios Boom, NLAGLI.B. FALLS, 1 , • September 19, 1894. j To Gee. Geo. B. if Oiettem, the War Candidate of the Peacetafferm.—"Caesar had his Bra. lus,Charles the Pint his Cromwell,and George, if you keep on as you have begun, in Seven bar you wont have anybody. List Sunday I stated you would loss every State bat one. After ramming your Chinese performance en Saturday, I am confident that you will leso Ilicwleresy. Two more each shows. bed the Empire City will give 'Seen . thousand epithet you. When Pennsylvania, and Indi ans vote you down among the deed men you will Withdraw. Bonn minds must go through • surgical operation before you can get an Ida Into their head*. Maine nye, if you mild not take Richmond with Washington as • base, you will find it impossible to take Realisation with Richmond as abase. "Your 'pruning hooks' an changed into 'booking prunes.' Seymour, the pate candi date, la nominated on a war platform. Nr, Clellan, the war candidate, is nominated on • pace platform. In November you will see the difference between facsimile and • tisk Horatio sold Bachmocul, and Rick mond will eell Horatio. The stage wagon be , comes • wag-on the stage. Der are mean iltamcnds In de field, said tke negro old-de camp in the Richard the Third 'Hew ma ny t Aileben.' Tut up de bars, dan'elst say more indar.' The peace bolting are all back spin. 'lie the first time that ever rots re• fused to leave betaking ship Virtue meoteth with tie reward. t You can't bring no back,' tali Weed, Mpllaly and Ill'hissters, 'unless y en are stronger than we are, and we know y. n are: 'Thera are some few peace men who my lbtt ee principle has been speriflei by the Demommy for power—why not join the party (m it is only a question of power) that holds tho bayonets instead of those who don't. Bs. eider, ao you now bolt the platform, you are only a stump candidata for the White n um . The time has arrived to state emphatically that the people of the nation &clam to admit ate New York city owes the entire United Suite. Chime° beret that babble. Alsst Pca Ch:chalsominy rerla ma! ley your egg In this city, but you cannot maim; the country smile. hien made the one. Cud mods the mt. r. Why don't acme clever or. him draw a caricature of the DaOBOOlllU. ft.. A. man (your into wonl3 bs recognize], G,ners , l,) banging with a rope around his seek with the platform pushed out from under him I Yon are a railway man. Yoa know it 18 dangerous to 818.1111 en the platform By-the-by, General, your ocommiseion came fr.m year home in Ohio. Yet you live in New Jersey and rebid, in New York. Where do you really hail from' The masa 'dation prohibits both candidates being from tke same State. "Believing that the Thews here aprethel (as you say in your letter of acceptance) are those of the Convention and the people you repre sent, 1 AM, faithfully, yours Gce Peach Teas. Rs eey little concern's., the ' , Peace" ru men from duty to doy eet afloat, but the con victims we exprtesed two month ago that Peace is not distant, is strengthened by sub• sequent developments. But for the hope still wildly clues to of a Copperhead triumph In oar Presidentbal contest, we are confident that no rebel flag would be flying this side of the fattasitelpPl on the let of Noremb , r next. Of course, we lay little dress on reports of negotiating opened here or progressing there. Tory ate not all without foundation: but hope of t arty pesos rests Aot an any of them. The • tad facia the v the rebellion is a failure, and th-t. la military power is very nearly ex hausted, have far great er significance. The rebel chief. at Iticond may try to bold out till after our Presidential contest is overi bubo if they do, they will have little capital left _ whereon to base their demands for favorable terms. Ma more reasonable presumption Is, that, if not already intent on a capitulation, -they very soon will 1. Frit. A Preactlon. The Richmond ExamMe , of the Slat ult., &eared that, "If Atlanta were to fell, or Petersburg, or If Sheridan shoulddrive Early tool to Lynchburg, or if soy one of these e. cots ehould befall, then all the peaosprin• c plea and peace Presiden.e of Chicago would bent the election next November where last year's snow is, and lest nights moonshine." Well, Atlanta bits fallen, and Early lea been driven back In the utmost disorder, and we have no doubt that for once the &amine+ has proved itself a true prophet. Bev, with the annihilation of toe peace sondidotee, and the BIM discomfiture of the Iwo great armies of the South, and the destruction of the dream of &Northern invasion, what besomes of “the flattering prone:ft?! of the Confederacy itself? Are they not coon to be numbered with the fogotten snowflakes, and the or:returning entenaldne?—Paita. Press. A roue o man witnessing the display of the Cemprom ee Democracy in their prloesslon last Saturday, at Cincinnati, shouted, in reeponne Ina cry for Dl'Clellsn, ' , Harrah for Sherman ' The response come directly from the ranks d the nnterrifiedi t'L rope to hang him." Tide is • spedmen of _their 'bailments. 7'bey would like well to ace hang, the gran who, while be le dealing Titanic blows s►tbe rebellion, le thrusting; them between the ribs politically. I:IC[11111A RILIED.—Capt. Tuaradug. the I 'plundered chief, who has so long murdered and ' plundered at will throughout Openr and ad- Joining counties, has at last met his Jost doom. 'He was killed by Oapt. Harms. of the Self Lancers, a few daps aim in Opiehor ooupty, during -, fight between Copt:S:l.lPo. company • and commanded by the &mama guerill; eacuier M . narrowly escaped with his lifi.?•:=lfigelief.le#l. • FaerAilti untn mall' ho hazard,, ,Ml7laBoomcann cannot be ree• .ondiedr me Mr. Pendleton. candidate on, 'the owe ticket, "I would eignslise their de. *Ware by.tokelis of loin; I would bid theta foretell ou tender_ty Oak Sq. would intoner HOW 031 MAN MADI Ur Hu kitire.-621* gentlemen who, b nature and associntion,. has .treys eomm himself to Chs Demte cradle rut', Ms of lots been observed by his f I, gre'riOtrir orfroirel q min.! SI to tho course of &Ay for him, at a tune when there ors two campolvits In progress, in both of which be le evidently interested--a kai j 1•641 .ac, sup paced that la found retie' from his perplexi ty of mind yesterday, as indlottul by G re mark vet& h he made to a friend who said to him: "I suppose of course, you will to for the CV° igo platform and its nominee," "How can I?" was the reply "My son. a bola man than myself, a Beats g in the Federal army, and I cannot bring myeelf to feel it right that I should stay at home wnd Tote 14 Mint the mote for which he is stiffed lg.—Boston Trans -BC7IO. How the Soldier. Vote 'The soldiers of Vermont voted for Member' of Congeals ►t the election held on the 6th inst. Bo far am the retinas have bsdn reoet vial, the result is sa follows Celan. Deo. reel( Id Blijad , " 01.6100,...............7514 al 67 Ilth Steg't, 51 conspanier..... ..... .., 18 10 n 94 , 1 Peet. 0 mp1ete,.....-- WO 47 1 lush 1a...0 . , 7 0tap401t0...»....—..1039 • 17tb Beet, 3 t•m psalm, GS • 0 4hvalts a.. tnreal-p,............... fa ~ AI 0 5 0 • 01 Mists shootwrs ...... -....--. 17 .3i IM t. Union over Detaocrat,l 083; Cretan over.", i. 021 . The Rutland editor mays that "that). he way they wfl lola tel Little Moe." Tax New York it re', which euppo-ts NrClellar, says Pendleton moo write al,tter &firth g hL polder, or Belmont must call • new Cenret lion L.r tee nomination of aaew Pendleton'• record Is very bad, It ,aye, ard an that Cron the Chicago Platform Union men esanct Tote for him. But Poodle 'on stands upon hie record, and will neither write a letter or make ► epeeob Union men dovt lite that, whet are they are vitt% ri , out it' ' Foil. the campaign doonme , la the hi 'ClotLan Democracy are oirouloliv g the following: en•p Hopkins' defonso of Slavery on aeri plural geeing.. Fro . 11 ree'e argument In favor of el weir) on e'hical grounds. z ander Long's senoesion speech in'C~n g en. A elms of Bonne content passed over the face of a Peace mon at Zaneentle, when he,.. I eard Ben Wade Bay historleallr. -After ear sod a half of battles, and all Tis staff, and all their bones, came out as 'leek, as fat and fur ea they went in. Not one had blood drawn on Min. And he was the young Napoleon I" PUBLIC drorines. ir,FLITTLE OIL CRIME. —Books axe Opal for orlllt.+l ArAscripttonsto t6l st. et ere WA H INE 0111111FC FIIIBOLItoII 00 At tltstlft.t A KING, tt =tit ct.i. UNION 0608, FIRST WARD. P11'158686a. S6atatoaa.on ate eorsettl wrested to moot st otb , o 1 bones ttd. (locktai wesotog, avix, 'deer to tab Ina Ammer. lawn • .s am,. Int la U b f ib MAIM RIVETING ou too BM. Tlglasac o onitittOt toad at re'clerek tday) oustsg n, e. ntetraa, r-11..POITSTH WA above RD, ALLEM:W og E o Rile althea. of du ward aro tnestat t tout k the =O-Thi Fl Wog, cam r of Widen= Sad L. stock stook on MONDAT 111WEIttO. Zit& ton. o'slock, to taste ottmosoMa for lb. prommiss to tale place oo Ttternity tout tott-tt LINDEN OIL BliARBS—The Books for LI tab.:344km. to du thsroi of dm LIND= OM nitro NY wto M amida atotir Mot Soon flat 4 to= of bartzg • Ws is rtatmont will 4o well to orb. rc,iM.t env., nOBASOZ. dt:4% Ito. 'O7 Weida OWL, LyTIEIE IRON-CLADS HAVX COMB. elli. SHAILIPLIIII lassrasus lb. Mos(Uri al 11luau's) , t NAB 4110 HALL, TO-HIGHS Tian am progrum", u Perforwd 0 1 . 1 1 t I tkim ant...fat. cr , &Warts .criall bias. .usa... , WW - PST VIROINT k R&FIN OIL CO enn.rt..l.the Cl•otcalitt...l of thw Clompacti • • h s• by n0t..11. d to oattu tho eke. el So :Yet Nn. 1,-1 r., t and eu est, to IMOHDAT,S item •er nth, • •olf pat mrsen o'clock. tetf...3t TTX JOBS Pt tialltiT, sa4Treser. Le/CO .II CA -AN BLECTDN FOE T6141171 1 0T 0.110 D 11147 1 .0611 of the 1111- . .fiES COM 0 L Co , of flhaftla 1011 be held 6 , O. cfl••uf 01.0. • I 00 , en TVS , D• 11, too 17 h IS•y et .rptuo bet, ISM I,Am •• the town .1 11 Hr 4001 IS Wolf •. u 110 el 00 11.0801/01 10E -A SPECIAL METING OF THE tl sa 0111,811 V OIL COMPLIT or rirrsoueo 1.41 w end .t ilia clßes of tV•Oncipsay,so r Sitta elms, oil Tilltl(lhurstsl) /IR illatrOS. at ils'esek.. Purim's. et tra& be transoms!. J r n W. IlltatiTf. esarstary. p u - E VIM'S° Ya.:•Cluu• $1 I B & Z. BOLLISAN, 023111LAIY Yormen, M L r ibr.) : 1 lbe—saly Ylsrytex sinveliod 006 I Per. 111.4" AL.( I latlvzsilonsl Lnlou; rod r,T IV* bT B. pi. BOLLS a N WARP. PMI'S URaa —At. innir.log of lb.. Uspobl!CSle fa lk a Min tl O• of :de toards Her , Pt.etargt, tt g prrtrt• vele° tr. 4 Bloc: • ono:atom atm a • re. tinielrd to si re Ustood'oto attention to ttitMON i artlW i ,•sca t e t neetlt tA De b. 1.4 on DAY LI EF, est.:altar 2da u the ktical t toy , nuts Co.! —9 * lore.J.at*. David IL v,e, 'Ft w. V ollicbad, Jo.** B Mit H chell nue , a Do. 2-11 r 9 Mama Bmith, 'hams Hi calm J 8 tester. e L ocr, g , , A—lmam E Ditk•on, Pdipb Noble, W 81 [.non. W Aiken, Jobe 111r0frive 13 , eon o -Jett If 0va...M./12i B. John biers, V A ktionb,J , .. °torte Linde Y. Burt •o. 15.—i YAM MC Ilia,. Jam. B Parker, 0 ;tomboy, Jorn anirpotrick, If, cm To eastaL Pawn We. a— . 7 A Clam, Wm tonsil's, A P rboap• Poo. Pour Ilrosol.r. John II Nears. Manesitonamittee — J 7 Elam T"ollogra,W WSpeer,lM aharant, 6.. 3 IlMeOus, 3.3105 111“..0 LI f. Proaldwat. Clust.. a OM Pect•tary. Net4.2t I•PTIITSBURGII AND WEST VTR- M & OIL COM Aa.—awn far obt tt.. to the Capital Pink of the Pittabnigh aad Wmt *reeds Oil temples., en arm era at ohs oars of 1311011 gIoPiLLYY. Orrral of Hand Woof and Du gan. Way. in Inn of this Oompany are leaned In Watt 1 1 11.. glom, nd mislrt,f akentaner hnndred acre , of whleh am nit tone herdnd and Iffy as are Iran adsolei fa born* V 111... he 1L... non of Oda laud I. said fo ho swap' ON it. et If col Impala. to ono) In Plrglula, and la arl.bla • anon flotsam of the noted Dom Pack WOIL, of anti& "awn ate tour Or "Or. NI MO:MOW operation / Otenpelay appropriate. terean•Erre tbonmai dol. ion of the Capital Stock for tn. pr rpm. of deniaLqi bold land. una Wall Ls saw Doling and arrarai 'yin tenni down luso. as poralata. • furanans—u.orm PAINT'S% PIICZ.VrAST—IL EL WARD. Tazastrass—SAlLll KIM* DIB LL SOTOI I3 Jaatel Otd, Jain Ha% al, J sum Wittles. Eeirb, noseln leoreme LIMN Jr.. Jute Ma. Jews. !effort, Jr , .010.11 • COlsailsLaiviLLE ANIV SOITra- %BS PINS. , W.—Tba andendiplel Ooz tataiener, oana.d to an act, .1, ETZ',llpaa batty On 0r.a. u 0r.,70 , gt 4 fa wassaccoof lido act, opts tools for tar, parpoW o' roo,t•log aasoflattoos to Lb., Ospflal Bret of Car paid Balmy tbalpaarest the Ifith day of 0000/111111154, .1 Lb, bean of la. co drat day, .tea I.Id EGII .OII UOTS I, 14 tba taws of Bahama. t7. . ay I r na4srand thikt 0 0 0,, ..- madfcg to Law. JOELN OVION WILLIAM B. A. Lim= WILLIAM K. [wok. 113012.0‘ W. OL B3, DfaNIZT. WASIIAISAUGH, O. W. BARNI:9, _ H. D. BAILOS.LItT, 6 W. AbllnUalt, D. 0. 0311113,. IL WcaLIIISS, Wll.t. I all MoOLELLA D, J. B. 1051 . , 6111111311•11711 M. (r ' --Tlll3 ANKIJ &L NESTING OF tsw Steal:widen the PENTISTLYANIA MIT MATTPLOTCSI B O 00 en be bald st their 061*#$..117seam 7.1.2. 0,...t. Entutelphis, an ZEOILDAY, the Si et October,' atl.l! eeloat a. R., tat the election ot OEN I. , Tazorois, , to terve ter tha mambas Tete, and ST soeieLlear bottneall co tary them be presented tool tt OCAS. 1.3111110. Trralqr,r.. . rries Prensaaan OtS 00II.PASJ MC , ram IT, ELECTION OF TROSTEE9 h.. eu.a.halinot it• pawn. rg h Oaf o=l ol , .utei .an barrel's natldod, that in; 6111CliOS tor Hats far • of mkt morass, to serve Da: the Imo of three yearly asd of one'rrnrenh to aorta tr Ohs term of to r/it .Bibs held It tlvoelce of tbo weapany on Nodhlq. • • tbird day at 0013b0r.004, Irot.rsti the loin of II • 6 0'01ndi,R..34 JAIIM 11. (111111 BIT• • •el 7 61.. Mower; Orme Qui Ift.crese 11. 11401,Ae.1.13ftswau ft, vow Toki.espulaber sovlsoL ATCNIIATI MUTING OB 135.11, 147ellibelders ef OaspenLertll be bel. for nun Slummy or OotuDEt tho c em oxsop.7, iso lrgritliaisk Street, or , 0•01,xt 1. a for tbo tramollaia °Mall Walla RN L. MT, !Voided. A. V. Poaa Sew ofor7. NUM tr"&.PROP. 611103ATT "‘" nomad to Eoan ltolt =A. itirme• et. aw Sad. twashtt data* .4 1 thig en out itttito4ottoos *Hay ITICA.I. ArilTlCAti OLN AND JOHNSON ! ~}RSIAT MASS CONVENTION AT PITTSBURGH, On Thursday, Sept, 29th The 'folio. - in I.: di.tinguishud champion" Ipatri•t can.e wi I eddreee the peo- nor Gi DIONIIIISO2 I . of Mow York, He. Jen a wiciriworrra. niumui isiz-ewnrana NOBLID of Wllsoomoin, Elea. 1111111 S 16 011 GkaIBLION. of Poona.. Hon. OR 0•0514.. off Afraulorivonla, Goo. *ELL Or GORY col. G. of obi*, Von W. II a lILII.TRONG. of &Lt.° WAY. of Uhl°, WHOA. IgetrOVEor Etnoof4l=7s' T d /TIDY WS IS of Pews* 0. oni mi., p.m.ylvagt... .11IIDOS 0t%111.1.0 of Ohio sad pu BAR of Plalatlgilpols. Otis LOYAL FRIENDS Minn PENNSYLVANIA Oordially invited to unite with m in *slang this a fitting demonstration is sap poll. Of Imiierified Repnbllean Insillations FEDIlitkL UNION. ALL Wl4O Ile.te Treason and Traitors OMIT LOVE THEIR COUTO ALL WHO VEER* OUR GOVERNMENT LSD tEI 11111101 T Of as POUNDERS AND DEFENDERS *ill lid efleert7 Welseme and In Old Tim. PEN MALTA NIA HOSPITALITY, Men of Allegheny. WaskinglOn Beaver. Weattoorelana, Fay ette, Lawrence, ana other Counties In Penn sylvania and Ohio, 111 II? Yiltll lOU SONS AID DEMI 6.15 D VITA ONR DIY TO YOUR COUNTRY. THE PROCESSION will brander tho erection of MAL , arspm , JAMES NEULEY Oblof _NEarshall. By order of tha Catatratto of Arrange , . bent& ilat ;4.1. =OW N§ Maim. POLITIC-41. ArOTICES. OUR COUNTRY. THE LOYAL. HEN TEMPER ANCEVIL I -IF and vlatalti, sea. This (Monday) Evening', ♦T 7 O'CLOCIL. AT FERGUSON'S STORE, Bpo.luos—JOßD lIIPATI OK, 0 W. 10116, • oth Sono by PILOT. 1. W. POPS. Drs Sand for tbe orcsa be BOMBSHELL FOtt CJPPERIULADS.- A traloa motto{ • 111 b. bold la BELLES TP., ETNA 'VILLAGE, On Tuesday Evening', Sept. 27th, DANIEL HEIDER'S SHOP, LT 7 O'CLOCK C. P. M. CLI , TsT. Esq., WM M. ollasli r O r -q, ood Pros. Mitt Lrri IIILIBIA•Lit, to Orroroo, oddness be sess,ing. ,•N satRIDAN AGAIN NICTOPIOVS SW • Will le* • coveting 1 the LOYAL P MOPLIII SNOVI DEN TOWNSHIP On Tuesday rataleg. SepL:2lth OHM MILLETS RESIDENCE. At 7 CYC/OCU. Bon. J i. 11100IIHIRP. P. Kr Trq., lEltalel9 K. 16•1311.131LLL, Ly. r and oaten vill adiven me•ti.g. P•l5 Arz W do rEitTASEATEXTS TAY Kit N AND hum FOR HA% —Lily <kerns ,o pal c .414 the L IS gave. A% Vote. to the two coo bear of an .bog!. op prl - 11131 , 7 012 StpULatkrl to AItVICE, preil to NV•thoodal 11. lath 1051., Toireest. elm. Dote. lei bd. WI Sit FYIDAT, SR 23, 116 L • GOLD rums PEG PTENIFIRR PZ3I•L 'nth I..trals ..A. • bottrrro the Loot o Ways. oh. t and Mount Waiihntstos Too ttdas-gollt tvod.• 5.5 by 'bevies it el the idestaagehela gopoo eke bridge 101 l bones e tint or It vianl I:Mak, n ' ds'ell c.— Our huraery Stock 1: 6.1.1 i TUBB, VllBl3, PLANTS, &c mt , • Wl* wnd azd IL. Mad rellsbl osiffittri enly inted T. L. 11131L115 • 00, 6..taktri. %Agnes) PL p COAL Mllb-FOR SALL 1 7 6111/ GOOD miasma on.sian BOATS vitt. oar., swepa, staddlog, cheek rola and be•ms. VI 11 %m Had low at • In pls. J iltiskuri, eon J El MON enti b.{l4 J k . o.llY,l9•lrsum7l. l la. satA W ANTED IMMEoI_ATELY—in timmeed No 1 saham.to• wkole•al• moult ." 7 No.*. t• Nth clt7. •-o• vtio can I flout • • gooa •.¢1 nal o' Ore country •ud .to‘oltso.- s . awls. Dew oth.• 0.01 appli. So soot • one • good sad pommels al •Woo Is oven Ador••• wtiD tune oral eefervaos, Dos SU P. 0. awl& U. 11.11kiOLUTI , • lIE P Aftll4 K p lJ Der*l. botvnbst WIL 11 TOO S dB 4I 1 COB KY V 888 13) th • Tbnetbs b•aism. mod. We ern of W 1) lOU BTU • 0 ' Ulm day d•cmtved by mobs' et.. e•st MI per... ha , 1•11 , I• 1•• •••La•t •.Id Ina. •111 p)•. - - preen. lb. male Y. moO•• =RI, sad • 1 pt nose Who •-• 111 , boull -o tbk• 1r •11.1 •4••• p» logmad a•AS th.la . 11).0.• Omega brlti boOmf, ban . ) donby Wm B Touter. AU, old pl.. In■ r -p lb RI I rocariss, JLJOB 111.401/LB. sollik3L &pt. g 1164 ZSIALL EA.KhtS ,A -Er WK. cfl 4 1 arena.) e" ,{ gra h-stso. apelag sad ageing Ine s , Itable, *to arthard of apple*. elaa and Omer' rn e taarlng . Metal.e acres of on Is aaal beak apart, a note we... 3 le— art.. Sll.o{/0 reeves •eay •lao : fwages sore. (t. p{ rondo{ ag{ .lalag t lab re , : 4 able frame nog.. stable. g ape no. aeons:A..4 l . AX. Al.. , acme (SO parches) log bound halt U. ripsSW , . ¶b{r. pac are near Itts Brovao{-111er ram I. tarn,. I.ln boo tha alt 3, near as IP2II =sant. 057, sad .boat 2% tabs fn Gooks:own B. CCTEIBZILT l COSI. •• nl IlsAssi .trawl, §",,;NEPTISId BSS 2i,th —Fifth great Aciotion 1...) sale .1 thaw beans b tabltu A . al; 1htb 04: 147 . I Brat' teit's . rm . ,.. Atria lat•-141•-llard matt: balance to owl lad two yam. trult Hawed mord by bond sal martgsga MO MOO tO to pot on orb tot wh•o void w 1•K .b poymat • PO.. to rkadatla 54 TM amok. itientidolt WOW, lloOkloft.rs, Ito,. boa the Poosoylvesto poi 11••••11•41110 Dqpi et OP. moo 1.000. mit. <M OW, pr•cl4•l7, ilty or • sP, p•toett.nl a% to.lcia• gro• • par ,nt. (halm or g.4aluntso4 to aud how Ott AL 111151 01 011.A.4011. go tickets re qtdrot. mot •• Prys allowed ulna to• troth. apoo ate yla• Pima-wow .el L. goILW ASV/. /4441 ff B.' Y(1I AL E.KIRTS.—.-A low auU O( clud.olihs DCOIDIMLI and loponea 13 ALM 0 B.A.L. El rot pr wholsoW• anti rrtall. stTorr, F.. IT Yid 19 fir b • roes SUPY.IIOI 4 . tiOsioN TA-tNN, 11Nt Afillflllll T A•NS. 11,A Y 1 TIINQTAIII. A fall llno of .11 the &hot.. ofolor., rat 131reo• omfil • rt.. A 11115•11 ,ct of Rosy, Di.. tlIr.A tAnlttlog Torn, At ALM pot yoga.. ILAT4I7. tIWOBUM A 0)., No. 11 11.11, I th etroa. iwttrrui 1 , 5"1".A FAO AND Ettl''ECES. rive lucre of American Flags 9919 Oar trunk!, at '90919.9..1e and r.tall. lIAIOI9, 111.9 . .91111 • , 9.24 ilce mid 19 nets JUT IN SEASON. EATON, KAORIIII & CO la bog loavo to call th. otioserr of thole mutual • signal lino of ZEPHYR KNIT GOODS hand and roads to order at yt •M 17 !I Ili SISILT o. pouncLL MAP OF PENNS" LVANIA. SHOWING THE VOTE OF EVERY COUNTY In the State for CURTIN AND WOODWLRD Jrinober of Taxabk inhabitants BUB I% io II 1110111 M NICELY co LAO ALEGI) IlL.d, P-Pid------- JOHN P. HUNT Omni or tor &outs expamo 0.. Prrrnvase, per Mt I VOTIGI3 TO SEIWPEIRS 13Y EX PILSSB.-0 , 2 end aftar 151.01.11) Air. tho 02d ittot-. t othtoo Oct Per toads will be mashed to payment imams, oltbor to the office ur by nob Oatlvory Driv enffiln • OW. DRUMM. &Soot FAL PBESSES AND ENGRAVING GENERALLY. Room D. 26 Fifth Street. eo6:3ra L . B. FAMOUS. rt BALA /1,1111. MI OF FRAFI33O T!MU3, 'tottaim a-Rawe Ott st iC tna a " "1 44 130LWii IMPFISIk °415" tin rnv itera A LTAXIBENY WHARF NOTIOII.III mot wle w Istoridell us bad* witalad slut 41 WA, blow, bp, asettw, see., ets.lrese tb• 111mbely awl al Win our villas misty bisis, w tin bs vo.ll II net etstuud *MU tsaa Nam. /MID ALM, Inuirtaufir. Rad W dL VIEKTABAJL TI. rem NIW itima nrarkfune LUBIN'S COCOANUT CREAM, NOR 0111110, nacsaisa LND ISZAUTLVTIZIO wirir. HAIM. It whim. awl oils M. hair gad (Iv. It a porsisseat glom, loth& It poieklas tor dar odes I t. For looseltlyttoi awl pm:oth' Oho sorb a Um tub, LUBIN'S COCOANUT OB,ELN esnstyr DS 617H/LABID 'two:Wm pessen. Oat jewels. propel tie wlddi newboottlThrlaita hemat Sr gel !WM COCOA-TUT CALILVE Ur duo .1b =lag LL Tar dap after win It. Pm dale OW oft( Vat airs after sirtog It. irtTors DRUG ISTORI. DOT AT4311 1113L101.511. filtil 1/T2LESL 111=aetta went Drat . 3.11. LT INDBlltri SPECLLL BALB. PRICES REDUCED: WRITE, ORR & 00„ will ail I.cia flit data GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. FALL (3COM—We have just received and ssv ROW .pair( • HANDSOME ASSORTMENT nesch, Ream., &rib • and Verona* Busaltkas. Basques sad allyealare ; Legitsa Water Prod at.u. Esitted Sammie. Nulatae, Om. misty alskatino, Lam, InkUroldartes, Gloria sal !aria. FRENCH FANCY GOODS !pram Valamas Law Maar. sad Seth y Blvd Watthi, 11-stba's aa 'alma; remit Watley (p'sla and i.e.. oar rr.) e.g. ; ottani Drab = Palourai sad Dupl. llllptto Hoop nicht. ate rues Linen, lle.LLn sad Illegrino zulargar ata. In or; Mori ,o sad atagoll Mid" ; ottani Blips Davao., Cap ; led and Merino CItoW, to., al OYbTEE. CRACKERS and OM k hag .t KAMPEIII3 soma OSAMU BAKILIT OYSTERS I OYSTERS I wnoLzaccis SID P.UAII 210. Se L L cot, Bralthfosti sad ISnxgad eta, Pitts. SULPHITE OF LIME IS USED TO sena Fermentation in Cider 10 Ws to prolong tto oparkllac properties. It to pot lip to loAtlos rola rost.oloarq ortoaim for 010 bond. tollarrodoo o /Or lir am P do st tto. CUTRAL DRUG MBA moron of Data awl rf.dArol strata. la tn. Kartot Soo" allyd acky WV It Fifth rztrot, litstoolo DOCTOR JAMES KENO, i 4 VSB,SAL CLOTHES WELINWiIp —A tarp lot of the abaft seful artlelmjagit WT. an 4 bagq .t the Dull•Babtor Dep4, (liar steed, by J. a A. nemirrs, las Loma 4r IW6lsn7 Usanty. G 11001111.1336-; to bids oals• Mu; • • is Torto Elm; • Now Orleans espn 110 bus Ws ODNewO HO lib Moles M Oriasaitiolume, - JClMilei r ; Err' 211 , . 191 &a 1911t.dbat7 AMA- - WOMAN!O YklE39 80AP....20 boxes eiandet Carsicalgo tabtosfactlrellostr , = G Sten at mind awl b 7 th° P rog i re.. t. t. 11111017. • i naw, ita *mow mail aid Mind stmt. T ABD-30 trerces rump Paw Marl don sad for sable _ • POlVALlaanearki; AO It abates all It. llaaatta r a LUGO And la =Ulna all Ito &sant ag Went" Lad It retain. all lb Reran *lamb Intl it rotates all Its Ileastltylag Sim. Tee DramLai ma Wise tk• ELutiobil. Ihendas sad Mai ti. illtstanta. ter Droning and OBtK tie Tyr Dnoang awl Meg nu rt. WI 1= sal .i 9 ado Irs thstsPes. 2%r OW try s 2 PssssollL 25 Fifth Street. Raslins, OalleodS t flannels. Dress, Goods, IC.. FALL COODS: Children's Suits, THE IKIBOIB ELLIOTTE 8, CI ST. CLItIll OBACIILZR KELL Ho-14 loartk hrret• Oszstaasky se load ail I. T. GLILOOWT. OW). A.. KIILLY a 00 190. 97 YOUR STREIT, Oppcolta the Provost !Unties Meet sviALts cRr G ,OD 1 NNW GOODS rOS • Fall and Winter, WIIOLESALE en BETALL. WI ILLTI NOW •PLU 101 LADIES' WEAR', s..m and ret rt.ts, West stele; GI. dark chant Waterfall and Taros.. Straw Bata named Ribbons, Ladies Calms, Heel 'ilea sal ANYTHING YOU MAY WANT IN Erma Trtuastirms, Bates Ot spa, Oalrv,. Lsevt, Dr AI Om...tit end oovt ov,lo g o lf Dr.. 0m.... /.017, G. Agsta and IM ; Volvos Yttblooos, In BIALA wad Elcariet ; Wool Bottom for big noel little: Gloves of gooey cwt. Ai. deb end llotoogfcneato, esa. OF oBIiTLREINI FtigNlBlllllo GOODS, Alias” • templets Matt ea bands. snob as Travall.lad Edam. tederselris end Di...e Bhatar sad Chem MI T. Kelt &eke, Bona:mob at% book Ties Ms Wale; eta. ALra our anal emends* assortmont NOTIONs, &NALL WARES, TICS. N A.O X.S. MAMIE a OLYDR, i 3. TS 11111831 . 91a1i32 A LARGE STOCK OT NEW GOODS /VAT OPLEI AT A. BATES'. N 0.21 FIFTH STUNT, 311 mums. In U solar.. Zr TB, ptals, Ilinnrea and barred. , Pldi , bonvd, arsped sna ptsla. 21.1 e• 81L& Willa •If bIILWIB IMF SLOAKIZIN. IDMIOII A.. 33 &T El S. 11 IrilTa =l=2. J . M. WITEIJEUFIILD, Northeast eerier al lth tad laeltotlitresUi, I OH Halitil A URGE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, n re Don\ t wbrrw itib calm d od4. ALA klp ling box Ikea RUM% 'Adonis pries. [frost Goad& Fancy 811k01. Poplins. Hoop Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Ilainbarg Flowiti*S. warner% Satinets, Itlaaketa and FLUB eis. RIMILEICart :LIZ !LAM!. 7011 MARKET STREET sax( CLOAKS SHAWLS, LATEST STYES GREAT VARIETY L W. BAR= is ova.. B ranum GooDo ISWRO C . 1111:11U •t II add 79 Alarket Itr la. noriodas b poser Glans sad Oectas MUMMA. 111.1 goon n lon taxa Mr. Tat oast Lima inadkaroania. Is plan born= MA Ma siletbel, boughs imeo sal an nanaosa. is Itaa`a Tara alaMoanna an ban 'DUD* Ina to Oho at dadiaal baanatoar, Does Tata Moe Dienrahint Dra van. Jna Dragon an:l4M MID itonandan, Koala Mari sag Dalian. Dan vain at Pon rte, ta awry • sad atria UAW sad Winne Dna. Inlarratta, Del 0.. 013 . IMO= Sklirta. Illanuarai Darn, Mad I Illabon, Baal Slaps nal Sawn Ilanoar. Din Loansad 17.4.44 Irnro.aarlin. Dolma at anni- CAD. la am ponarao and wawa-wax 11.00.118 UP EMUS mar meo sal Prim an laillooll krough our Itetlaa sad Tadao enokstecir. 3653P11 HOSE at GO Zia T LEDA 129811112 N EN GOODS-NEW CWODS. 11.101 . 11TY/1 111 2 ClCOLlh oitnrs Ajm Tar Obierek. 1"1".. gIIA VOLD! 11111.19-k1 II Fr, alarm mow AID TOMEI MT emus IKZR, ZOITINT. (MOTE", _InEEONE, El VW W ul LOME sad PITIES °OLIVE" TBl/.9, lAILE GOODS HITIGOO:k LIME T lc. 101111SIZAD, DIEM h 1103, El ELASKET BM= ME PLUS ULTRA SINTRIOIOI.I BEL vi vas KODISTIND 1307.07C1A with Osthroeth sod P. lissom Lead P.. %owe asap &men wool; disbars wry Misty Dabbed tea f cloth trasaywrtsti Used, es that b tho comma ao !s -ry .0 on. Pew. to we betas ths vas I 'De bolero, on of lb. o st bas.hoots.t dershls iwartzwittlett ; are baavily elver plated. with as cam sas of th ree Magas Ail us env rted, shawl or es. glos tanad, swot for b moth .to ootmd by Asa ether. Our prices far tbs liskbeth pals, sold to 4.erwe wo.y, en to tallowy. Gas Du—Whoa owes, theluo latttl; tithed for 11. wart, three bast fa Iskirth. Prim ps bun {1660• retells at owes. 0.1 I f o— vies CP.. 6 tn.t. , lngtii ditri 4 th. sx tsars Is 1041 D. Ftt ratilin• sies;6Xisthrs Mr two pea* 'Xt. 'that. Trio Par d0...4 WAS nags at sad arrant'. - min Tara —Alum Grail( hobos Ta length ; flied ha the pookat. 4 Imam to ltagth. Pets per damn. tats rothile at la mad ap.azda. lm errs— spay teas In towel; clawil for the rata, {Minch= Nita pot fawn. ; atite sal 0131e111 MM. both& ties with to. MMus— WI DO DOT Eau. SU= 111178DATILLIf. Neitlve 4. T. th oles cadet' tar . t ift quality Oleo gas tlaaaa. Plea is/ Mathis at alms W.I. rasa) Mot &savior. wallas the Loyal Late t 7 Sopron: with Din aa &titan,. se ta loyal maxi mad cob lnadesathe se *grow will Li woad tram then. S. QADOValit, lithawfastanth, Ith Broadway. Noll • lock. N OTICSArkt rsited 13NTR&0T0)34,..pr0".1 sad berm:4,4 bitke Wm maw en Strada d the dry st ilksibinhlista Z. DAT. Egrt, Mb. 164 for th e eosin taus at 11, Barr, as tas Vest •Closuam , eras mar As apadas al A. Kouval suld snaksetto Iptenr:i ill. &mar old R wady WILL 012 est.Oo rums, dighltoli of fie 0,111.1j0i, The rm. , t ba. tr of good. , bud, ttinslD:Lkoic‘ctro Int I , vai aol onlitcattana,. la la of Om Sicaitiliat snialar. t o be left wftlt A:Hobos tatiota CIZAIMIX.O.RXOXI4./ZZZ TIIVIDKND PAYING OIL Brock irtiii .1." do : -1 1: 0 anti fa agAlitta _I rtiabsrei CO Malts oak b 7 MOS OWNED. MD NA 111 Finalluisii. 4.11 USE .11E-ir ax_ _ PTITSBURGH TaZATRt. - Ilnw• sad PUlates MLA Fat:, .N. arcr.• .1 C. , •. g .g.tar, 1. 111ZSS rtlxwiti. MOW .1 w t, .01 weer ulletwd Priel4. la tin taut 1/04- o • , -.: r...er .• ' ' 1 7,11 , . ! ..! Z3,AIL!!!•• • 43.4 1 3. 3 . Ah. • `, I,M, UT eNtzlil will L. ,•.,..w et , io.gadOc trans raltlarl TIC OT.LE Cl/ !TV. i 4; RobeTt B. Wily...—. -------Millwo 5..44. oh,. an.ix•ge-npAng 13 313* 0.341 1 I Z ---- - .'CI SAND CO • C i:II.T t ! b If EXCELSIOR HALL ALLEGHENY CIO O. Thursday b. lands 3 0 P , - 29,h1 PIIELB Cl MB.B E. A. BA . loaned by • areaer of near foam for the bonolitri!lt• SU 69151E?iCE COM ennerEsi.l PAL: flash oo c r tte nee. ,harus..... Boklbws' Chor., Ire= • i ** ' What's. the Slee ts s. ts? l 7 Chorea &ITO IL d Su b.ttische 11 It ..... • rs•ba ... Hosts" a ILt LEuss. Ouse to the Rs r....----- --.--... Co+ us o,4l.etts hEka, ..... Woe gne. r sod et. Jaen. 151, Was AG lb. *0.1 , 1 t,, Mrs Su:heady s. 4 Back ......... Ituts /el , * ST'lees. Mester J m e Dana On. Baal 'a Orsnd Elsr• • uus Itemasson Bo,ghtl• (Tee , t 0 ...... Airs. Teo pr, Mu les , Duals? laud EIVONSI 4 Teal es Daub., alth T./ pa. J• s_--- Els A, plebes., I ?flans Slat, Me. S toss: . T u Lisp slid SI. JAhs. Id. • .11. h; 51.., LILA. S. warratt Nombgbt l cis tttsch. Hip !.Cats ouros. L Bong—The Patzhell, J tv Pope. — ll — to • nettling. Ilse Bled Jeen'e. Selo sod Duet--. 1111.• peon .ad Lsulsp. L/WrtY and s laci • ‘sd ems et Mt cte . el ph, Po,' ebut Lsbasuu mater "- alAsa Drum. frredisst bets, Iba la. • rm. 06 wpm, Album Sc Jahn, Dunlap era Startlipngled Banner. eel* end Yates Betts . Doan Men et T. .Ckottect to conanunce et IroliTat d 'Vetoes St cents, to be heti at tbs 40 mi Drug Stone A alieTne none. ad on the clecaslOT beeblJnily t0...43 17 Mr. Chu. O. s alas. as IL U•IIIAEUNIO II ALL E=EIZO I WOR lOUS 1111311 f 8 - ONLIC‘S cum =GM X shwa. sirrirvillptb- RICIPIMS Op TUC revoillEs• SAM MUSKET'S MISSTREt:, BLISS BLND LND DDSLINOZ 001882411311.• TEI SLIZ•SS or & lIEIIISPaRELH. I Tiar. CIEIC&S 113.0111 VIA1:111. will wpm an above. loirriltems u Imelrelem moor, WI Tot soplosi Imp mem caw Im . t•• • admiteknk, BO MU. U.... open 0. • cto•&;;• essoras & 5...11 5 saIIPLIT, ideryr.: /RAPE OMIT. meat, VLSI & CO,IS II %MOTH 1.1 I IR, - C3 - Vbe &odd Ethlbillot of Iliaitt far 1844 Tl. 8V7103 IrlatTY-1103. 1111 T 1•11 i L DOI.. PIII.II OHL3III, ocrnotttacing d•egbtag wed tqatpag• gm t. • tr•••1!.1.g are•- Is we, :tablet& gey Pl.. o W,__ 43 _ , Kets modicum, espaliers d sag itrtv.ung Mar, Ida * e Casa the gt•t•S battOok • aziadirs3 ittatratd IS•attoiadergla et ?Wm.. NIILBILAII Ink) maim Mt • trig tin magical sacra • Itb aarsony. ♦•••11•orotIMAM d 11.1rItIg8 Lank ,rt Outman. s i tut ..ta tt ha+ ti. aus r sums ourWr id. wiluisint tress Or s , /7•57.3, two Awe liogo..kazg worm tr..• ONor AAR Wel crblott Al wroacery OM ' Il usmair orrsdo , .. 44, UN. 1.• c We. RAW! 10/2110N AND OHIO anon. t. P1T.E11111441 as TO =RAT orm*lvr . • inecregmet. reasci•ll3ialliTi CO, 'Mk OM, Utl and Oa 11 tenr isl.ii9.l !.4 4amectipa BEEP LION LO'. efononnoes 015 and evening. tenorseglien MrcY I °Weds . Wk.. wage. rero;4 GSM WS*. J UANTBD—i O • ear or ectsitr. • moil tftlorn &arra. SOS. renirt llltrbarsh W ANTED.—A. young man Inn dim VT charged trots Um %Am von r-Mtn- 6:1117ATIOR Ai SBRIIIICI in a Model at 011 await Go" 0 . 1 0" 3 ., A Alms vrrAnt I.l . lllezegA isect• WANTILD.—A wiccuignia • La. • • and/ 61......T.•1•• ricial••••.4.4 wit* Wm You sigli to Um IfflitkaidE In tin shy: cle *mow! • good Use.. PAM Waiesso 502 1.01 Pipat Car, „InttaxallgiL 43.7 21. ter • 60 ILS.ltirf 111311122, • A TIM 060 D itELTAIILIB to lei NI to salzx tie 1- It= ytr. Font • vet. To •Ack ems be glum 1714.104 as owe to Lt. G.....t . era wki cave. New WeeengtOjia. WANTED. WANTED. Ram !Mi. ?An= y • Lb* W.f. prim Om. far Bap .guitndt. Welt I~goadl• saber Ctul all •,llnol buera aO4 m Web: as nt= wre u. be but at esse+4.l:4s t" *. Z. OATAK4I/. W 4 = 1 .. :111 . •U. Book Dockli • D do (Dtacal do SD wad Y-So LBOtriod mid Yeg u • ti Ilosseilsolne tollee•AllodBo; • • • • Dolooll Lloyd Jo. Da widam, sod Olkso 11.07111 1 0, mom ace t ?Myth ot4d. WA.NTED-41150 per itoriti*—Wa must • Y • Isaiah» glum:oar Is Irrur ta 4 ,111. •511 s o rms9 ; ; l:kar , mlp which es vial Amnia, 41PIrra, & 05+ 103 .05.1 olairs4 ektladh WAND peg Mob tolishis sum kr wick WA.. Depot Jar =Me ADAMS ZIPPLIPMUDS O tumipm.Aga&PTIMISM or Omil M VIVANTIED—a toed liAuslss SLAM. T sum Ass mesa Al.O sir obi WM Emma sAisra liara Pad tw i rl 'd rad. IL PI 11 = 11 Or. AIM" t saT sea Maims Ina. WAliTisD-10 Coopers Wasted to awl Kau Dumb Iron Saab» .11 Ar sad Iliedbas. *WU S. T. Wei= 111 ( - la STOCKS, &c.—On i:, TIJES DA '. - • 1.../ L a. Sept. M, at S o•c* orM boldst,l SS' . Soo Oocosonoial Eska 80..., 04 TlntlOSzooS. 100 'Pun Slot Mons_sral Co; : t ln, do Dotal' On dlo: • Ise do Philllgoi 034 SO do .ftorry BSA Cabal oilu: . , leo do rick Donk al og • 1 1. , 100 do Ohlo Vstory 011 Ow • ' MO do redo al do .. ... lIIS ,do Stotts 0111* . X 0 do HMO Hock en CO.; I 1 WO ,d. /I rondo on co % , t sold A. EVILWIII6II, SloSSlSdro -, SUPERIOR FURN ITU RIJ, - *IEW PIANO,; te —Coe lIMCD&T 1108.1‘1314 Basfraber at le eeiock, will be sad al the dyttying. . 1 .711. 9110. ' oath alteet e almbe.7 drighetni der fr-cm the Stood' Ward Wand. lifam.9; tb i l* ai tsertlarip, ere 100 St Id teats ant, ; Tens.o2.loi Vi'W not, Bprlsg 11;.! &alai Racer in Glen, &ds Was, PaPar Inapt, arpeti, 13.arth , ftzs, Oil CLAW list B.i GlVioge Masada: laktber Bed. Itsttrieot Waah BMW; Glair - Tiar, laSNibrinirs:l4% oWAtuaerior fint4 l -us His* Plano, sumo am% lulls edi_ Alre, COOklAt Nam Westing Atdrileir! Eafe Mkt= Yunallaus„ - C eels WORN; C . . OOD PURNlTllltlikpl i ialk - Ul_ '. AT AIICTIOIL—Os sour llo l Var* . •1; 2v46 MID e•tock;s4 Mut tad MS MSc ,-, I: ...6 ll3. uk :ro sod....T all esaumm d ~..1 7,3 1s ap t.ekaiebo tiu t ra nsitz.„. a 1na: t.0.....70 2 , ! : ..iA m riving Walt ant Zatta** ".........2 11 M : : . 1 V übroto. Issq Sof. IS.st !WM p, . , 1 Waal Illazd, 3' saci T shigg, ossilEzid sa r . 1 Qv* ILltobei I MN. dm. -ii,- -- ? IV nat RA 61).170e1ni Llerl• Ot. ginDAT =maw seat es a otiros ow i 10 alioi Athermillista r: -d z ~`s •- y am ] •~ 9 ...H. 810t31AL rnmo 1111 r iLlefilt. averrox adU;)As. .13TOcKett.: - 1.1,11)0 le: de& LP lineal' 11,0114761 l'uttd., fey.. My Peck'Y. 94C c.tl • • • 0 • c FIN. net,. 5 - • - •••• WWI • Ilwar • ZOLVA" "t..Z.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers