rift; es '4111144! VOLUME - "L% I , lle iTIBLIBMID BY II UM mom usitega TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. .IL mulentmeed,lpabliehabOaTheacilb daily , pa rat bare mutually way& to sharp 214 Wow b i b' . catpectlm - 1e ..23 ONDAY. July 25th, 1$ . r7IIIOAFETM. ;: •0212513 8 155125 , 0,8:18+88 82 7, &Masi by Order. 55 sat by 5a21, pa you, to ma . 'vases y: " " tor 8822080.58, ~ 6 00 " ear three SOD/Itto., naming zEBBB2. 27 barrio,. P. k•—•••••---. li 5, 1 o 1,1 - 81.211, yery•sr. m admace... SO 58 " • Oral: month% 525 " far throe " 0 166 , sms aitscrenara 41 41 Inset, delivered 23 rsr rear to siltr3m,s t esat 13 mall 32 00 montim. " to ..,--. 125 E==lia rErs.opmanicriu. Ivet. ?.ir year, tzi advraek bent by !;. , -x maths. " " bra mantbs, -- QAILTIER AJM007.0103, 011ABLZ5 YoKEITTEIT, ThibHiker Zululmam:l3st .Imm:um= nirivenrsa neurniso amtramx. leading Matter !tom lesterdare Evening.Gazeile. Fl Thoule.P.:ll Iprghtnn Fluty trwiftsdrpwire• Tory Ihietikr frees the turnanddah Vellejilfrentont her withdrawn; - " : roi now Mentseinery- Blair hu withdrawn.. fa"dwThir,,olonde _that loured spot our ',.torte am het buying thezierigeit la the deep ;;oloso of the weal. . Japrei Victory Want little Phil.Bhvtdaniidoing his Welk Inneely and . thoringhlii. Weise' not pease, - Ike lintietaos, to. give his iinealy laite asciar, int. fellows him ap cloudy eamd ;195baziy, asidneitteri his argil Ate ehaiLbafora ra wind. We Aka scion who take • ;;;de;;;dean Job of theirlir anpsi and hem* every cose Oottene to Sheridaiii4it. ho h belit on knish• what holies' tiegiyi.. BebSAndataton to prise cot Bally, and islit he doing it basatifollif The nation owes a ioavy .gebt of thanks to ! .. :.itairidan, tor the waritke hairsaramptisbed,anc;' Ke Grant. for &ants% What was don% and idea t r.Ag sash a wets to do W. Grant, Inerkha and ,iiteraisa tie in/ retie Poses Cemosissiobeti4 - 16...rmen of OM" grow neeratroas irThdon sham. What likEnpneted at Elztimand. • , 'auk Rinininnit pipe! gt riman thnnpyon Eikortclpet In% attbl greater putou t, be imt. tirTikilitn,titkiiiundi on lUntanend, -. ..7t•Srad that tbninittwo bleats will wilannan nams .hot the bloodiest battik' of the war. Ilay enpint • tiding ti bagreatly atrenOrned and tint ho !=== lan •• t derma.. nto 7 awn filsolltio Moto ,' rllieJad Is Scl„ be flacad . between the ibisof - two '' ,oaf V sicii;:wfiiii - iiiiiii; the atsiiiii to: limpl• Jelin tinag-no Lnosiow,says I _ ..... • , -,4;. orbs aisiiiiiii, `the Garanunent to loot cal '• ,- 1 lb—bnt son the papPle - of Babsaond prepared 'l4 • delps,- .. witp - all -tbn: salliroada gott•orad T ..4.21 llamas*, population that now iirsodif the ,'" of Efobasolid ` bad • Potter botalts. aim. ,Is ' idiowhifo.' Thar! will' be auforitig• bt ';;; end Ude fall and' winter, which bat not • ••••••_ witnotabd dosing thts star. TbOt4ty cam i k . b , 11 baled for Do stamens, Pais - sequins* ,TOot - . , ..ar .to .dolion,d_lti",ttroaii 4 tr." .may. be 11 . tax team of btoody butitOor It will be-defend .,std no other-:ptatavbss been. Upon bolding ',, 4 - - -,• mond &ponds for em *seat -Nis-4k Ein.._,__saaa• "- R:an • apoodp-poaaa,lattnro and Interwanatife 'war, , 4.. Involved In - -the tocaag itruggle•ror. Bita t - • 41. 411 may , be. attlatid that the &moist .-I'. II bo dospiwalw,aiitLall'borbottar pto;nnwo ' •'' T lon Insatiate comfort Plsentazo.." '- ' - ilookii it the 'Eldon League., .••• v - • '--] ; 3 ' • ' C ' .. -. 11- 1,,' ' ' the Vaal._ ,oltio.. ••:• •• f... , ...' at vetting, and was 'Welcomed hi lisreil . 1 . : ..- attemitaned iii. Miroltam la whpedbehilf ,i.q M • P. IMWS I .6t Marreithrate•64,l64.,sed bizii... ..,14 : • .7-5,•: ,. ••••_:. -7+; : i I4 aitteA l i Ma is. apt . • pais= Club, ea scatty; i7 l l primNbaSis•Club.whaw,4• lll rOd obr ii r li to , chats A iiiiifii oid talon, end to 'icicle the . 1 to saitidWit• authority in toots lIMM wain Mabelllton, Wodegreit with ItloClellasidahialieport,prigi 6 .6 l „whoro : ;,... k ezpreems thawalaion: ...After • cram, baw -14,., , patient ardeidtiotton'of the sublaati Lhasa • neotireary prolireirien Satiterp.rtabltsbnient of ''ii the Union, Le,ths entire 'Wool or'itittoil de,: , Mica of ibi • Orgsnised military rower of the •:ii, C fedifilsinsisrd:that =cusp-a- resattilinald bil ''. '-•: fobyseettiolildtory-utiissares'f , -Billotbs• • , i' , , will*liiiit ikistidn-Sariaaa whergoes wpm. -•,. ..thu n dbiii..,...moirdoe• pleittcrxh • with each j -- t* a as- ildis - Pendletar•Pf..Okto. Mstool-Wto' .`,:l morwronsistent to do honor to tliori Samara' 'II o .eprojx — iso to lied - it out an tali th;ilf IS di. a Bummer." Seseral of those sie•Mith - ; -- .li to-night. I bare the honor of introducing to • • •._! •Ctui that gallant aoldita hlajor-Generat - Jo il II b Motor. 'i' Gen. - Hooter In . reply, °teased . that the loyal League 'Wore not aware of the sarree ~* bod rendered the /rimy. They bad formed i „.„ .1 a good msermi, and tor AU the army felt riots •• • •,fl Li front. Th 6 fighting Is now nearly abased, a, There will bs a few opumodlo plunges, bat the, 'lj we th e natant marlfeetitiolts of -dying. The :,I*4 aosernment :has boon slow [ the people - hare . ....11 been fast, and has led 'the Administration - 4 limi , ~4 the barn boa coma along, =Conlin Whole,. i i done bilsrehlyrwell. ' . lt Is aliturd to suppose the •• 3 lain cartirom other thin one way,: Tait will • • 1 as they bare fought, to pat &wash, rebel.' f.; .. We hare not only fought tie ' Mislead. She hail fumbled the :shah with f, - theit•ezma and clothing. and - jot thou the i a • ronrillogo cm thiewhOl• South: ' ! .. don't 1 she wilt opidortete to toneless it. on. ' . her father remirkint that of tiad 'trio time .--.1. anyJleabt ofitha,suotures of lb • war for tho t,i ._There ; bad betoi mitt:am and mis t. 'gement in its cienduet, ye -na Union arms •• d" oath r steady program. 10 that the elate of -- " year _ had torn the area of the • nihilism wed and - Us' Wades power materially •,•i lb crop6 , lroSy haired that we . • ader-1011 SW the 11.114.1141111 than molt - ' f liabatir , P;l,6V - Sat he would hams no overtarat ' -1 , 'Llt - - Sid 41 ,ef at Um prepertiiietthal, tilt mai - . tau taiglnteep. - -11 t. , i f. 11141*21.401114 1 4 Vet; whenWO 14 1 0 ) t tbed6tUEg. 1" . It, 1141 j - yetaxari3t, trtill - vetrarr- whlppaa 1 lard &setae intherept 'ore, the cease °Ube , ,' ebeilltpit.r. The Creattitelon smut IA Joierpts.• - .:I wed laloorlstwo with ihiptinotpleiof hisotal.. a ey„gPlen wit ham a permanent poop:tilt 'en'tito .:1 t s , e3fßi mg# -- ttot Rot . -make a Puck fir sorb stray ~.: , mother faille bretilont agthihrtet4tee. , ',i '..yetityahre kin-been geiptilis roiritigletosoor` i ••nsialesewren laaitin •- •rind.... _thrit, l, lfF4l l r 1 1 worastried ma bray bierearroPlM. , . - - -•.; The Sonerirwas treadle:ail!' altered- daring ' , l the Plostespoi his • nmarks,liati. al rimy close yo, was greeted with froloageil aid hearty sp., !-- latiso.—.T. Y. Traum a , /lithe Union =sating in Qs Brooklyn Azad. aang of Mnall Zoo tat t iloanint,':thu i ppoaran co Cl Lp for an ortbi l ifikllt &W a il% 'r ight: before was witainsaa la that bißdinii. crowded enaembly, pf wlteh at lout la MA ' ladles, fiiinnu inaolsintarily to thee kot o aikaffe• Thing 111 , 0* deaf, flio !adios iiialin t ....,k ,xabiai with -bandkaroldats, an& theipindit. : T i e: lkont a 14 1 7F1. - 7 0162 • Wasoisladgments; ut i a • Sigiss,'•- dad- * a • Wild wpattthramirlag ihi • yank . olitippiltififiAap7' forth. Goiraninbena. AM.: 1/141aill IP 'II . the SOIL .14177 Ili eas Cliazni27tilll6 as 1i0n."043.1r. Bent= 1 ' , oak (00. Nulls= Cott. Theaters it* - taA 1 4 0. 1.--ri . vizi. • • wools Or too io liotast% GOO —Too of i mbed itoottinto witted in. tows' yootoldoi, . 4or guard, Mos, no so imotint. bouttog : tiguart.iditiotati fowl of zionstingdboir " Ott:l. ol stAkini 13 .3 / 4 tb, - an d „ rim i*dol., fit morscOlortNpLosetonsr t. sa.o4l . 4 lo .o4;Ax)ittitting otoy ipatclo. :.. 0 toofesstoloorint:Attororgoolos- : A 'to lnepayilnal sod asitst dem.; ..... . . 4.14 . ri .. 406 . apho a 671 Cory aro . sititimit .":1 ' :?'" . l4‘ .g 'wisps, go grid - do their- now. i 611*a ';'• itortiend.' tOlstao WA Ito 5* otoltt.l f a, "_ . .",,."V" — " , :11 1 :74 - TOr - lotiitijcs?irlf Moto , about Att.: 19114.1alikiiionlitiatellia: Li* imi ,4ci: stot.‘ thtak'.thiledia.shi r man trogniaziiiiier obaut - pofituc . is 04 1- i . 4 4.6, 4 6, ma .lisksillmr. ..,, -.- cifactifiseson 3 C: .-.l:', ... . Aiiiwitomat ryas ,ttittst s!: I > I=l=l3 A Holedees Estimateotftittkrelitipfum • Odeitii•A Prnizievk eio: 8, NU. • • • • Upon one point, vet least, the lean folk Will be sorely • disappoluted-7/ . o'Ciel. lan's popularity in ths army. Waiving ill dlf forama of opinion tare Itiamilituy ability, sad, as to the efficiency of "masterly - retreat," In the subjugation of the rebellion, ha hoe undoubtedly many frlands--fat lass now thin formerly, but natertholess, loony who aro...loath to girl up theiridol, and who ate - yet willing to bellavein his loyalty and patriotism. • It few of thee. will, bat most of his fried& wUI not-vote for him on his present platform. Afar fighting under him, alter Implicitly trusting la Mt troth-nrid honor. after Indignantly repelling ill suspicion oat upon his loyalty, patiently waiting for the day Iliad, by abold Mort ands noble word, be should free himrell from those who are striving to rain him, now to eta hint endorsed by V allandlghlet, flastered by the fleynortirs, mod side by aid. with George Pendleton, this indeed, Is more than the blinders devotion can staid. /la onset agalost "Little Mae," as many of the old Army of the Potomac yet love to• Ball him, bat • profound repay an suasigned sorrow , fait he should kayo chosen • pith upon which It will be impossible to follow linable to comprehend his weakneu ' they Cr. witting to forgive, bat not to follow hie lead. Many wham I cundited - for ileChtibut, knowing their faith and auelliiiie In bra, hare plainly told to., to my great ilinprise, that Ms, ahould now vote for Lincoln. Say they: "Don't misun derstand m ; we think aa much of bit obtlitiss as afar bat we are not of kb politico " Mad the topple at home understood as, this mistake • mold never have been mods. Why is It that douPs are thus Oat upon our loyalty? When wilt the nation believe that Its soldier' ore is Gomm, Lit. In the treadle' claws the mental bioa wonderfully. We know of at two sidos: against the rebel lion, and no pence until ivory rebel to arms shall surnmder at discretion; or in favor of the rebel /lon audit Southorn Coufederecy. We wish to enter upon no discussion as to the propriety of en armistice and convention of the btatos. W do not are to know what there and other rebel device' Mean; refinements of arguments, when the Rte of the nation is in porll, we leave tor In, stomp speakers; Bat we 'know coil; and sloth tog can convirres us to the contray, Met them Ulna de hoe man a visureasprossectien sof the war until the nabob one for pease. Therefore do we stun them as we would taro pollution of the leper. Tb. array Is ate for the Clittego plat form, whoever may he its nominee. Tilt my for peaces I—you who are at home, In the enjoyment of life, of porsoost ender; of friends, and the ondearmonts of home. Oen you more eineirely with for pose. than de? ' Life at all tam b unierrialn, but is the crowded city, to the pinata homasteed, one at least is not comedown of immediate peril. But to him • th•tha flout ranks, every shell that burst., every , whlotles, lea earn alma:doher teat the form preyed for, prirkiyeby the wife at home, dreaerof by the pure maiden who Gallinl hit h.artaaxt to her own, may the next mom.. t lie a bleeding, mangled, distorted corpse. - Is it not . had to think that the Lips that would kiss von, the'fase that wadi natio to yours, would ehrink in harm Ire& ernshald; Oat,. and limbless trunk mats so by the shell f ` , Cob the other day a young /iffiest, mauls mar ried, was killed, shot deed by a rated bullet. Sib tarot of linker had nearly aspired, two days only limn:hat heves-greet* gotoonie. li. spoke of bitpLans, his hopes of tutors enjoy -sank, -bin *IMF in Bail tineeross--death wu farthest of all from Maim:lnd Andre be out - down thus I It seem, hard, but this is only one ens. Seely we have some raessubtr_dealria,gl place • at least we have en geed . right to crefMr Um am Copperheads. Yee, we want . pesea; but whoa/sit of pease? It is better *Afros shotildl see for yansef. Pass down the ranks, speak CO thou who ate just in front picket Aurae. • wearied,thed end hungry ; tell them to theme down their musket. and p home to their and children. Whet would be their tinewit,f 4.4 don't know, but I woad hot gnarrame your 'personal safety. woo, home," with the enemy In front! heat davit our deg and oak, malteu, with the -rebel:as dua.ing dadaist], in cur ficharmum • err aeroxistioe" wib • malignant for, t hold a 'are:Minutiae" with taitiOnVoldiltOrooppottemt . 'stood upon sociality with those whi hash -violated their eats: Ana • -odds& treason to : -stetjery f discuss attientbneitur to disrllOnstltstion• With thole who spit upon-and spurned it! you ask too much of tr. We have sabred too l =etc to be thus humiliated, and have, I trust, too mach patilotbne they meanly toruoidopromtir with bleak treason. Teo we . anent a pima, bat it must be one which wit; wit nasetho law anatldlation of the rebellion, the dalmatian of these pernbiout •dootrina on slavery and State rights, se iota loan tree gair • enema; the min of that moist tabrie whose "oasis! Inoue" It. alaray. wrong, sod villainy 4 and, last, that width. inoludirom, hhore-estab listunent of our Union upon a free white basis. 'Shia bi the peace we as fighting for—the only Paw we desire. 11TpOtritICIL1 Milli Thief, @windier, - and- Bast Deceiver. On the fist of-D.44rd arms main bland, William Bouts, went to Petaad, Mahoubag coun ty; Ohio, and put up at the betal in that place. lie professed to be a wealthy man, on the look out ter a goed farm on 'which to settle. Remade the aequalittaneeof sevaraTh famtsis,crid allangth seLsoisd the farm of a man named Lowo,lsgrast ,44 to buy it fors6,ooo. De paid $2OO down, and was to pay that remainder In a bow days, when he was to receive a large Stan of money. He said be came fromWalortown,Jeflarson county. N. Y., where be . was well blown. - We bad 52 0 , 000 in a bank th Haw York, which was to Missal oat trebles. Votes pomaded Lowe tots! him have a hoc Week horse, worth ormaideilbly more than this VDO, arbiett he watt to pay tar with thi; farm. `Lowe bad a daughter, Ida whomllossa en deactued to gat Intimate, professing a grant de. me to be in her company. Miss Lowerns not at oil expo lin his favor, and her rather also a-cm - aged any farther instaian. Mese* thsrs tatted Ads attention la other dinotioas, and suede the acqtraintanno , sf the-Bdro. Wtlilsm Jahas'on, a liteotilat Wester who bad long Weed is Poland and saved cep sememoney. Mr. Johan.= had two daughters, maim Bettis re marking' to• of the neighbors. that ha was Salon to settle do= In the nolghborhoud, and 'mug be deekiag- , tat for , a wit., the two oldest daughters were awaited te Dual* choose from." Clp• day the third daughter happened to 'fide by, when Rose, remarked that ails was to be Ma wile, 'or he bad driamed of bar. Eta than ands Mr. Jtimston's aequointattes, and paid marked attentions to the yowls lady lo quunon. hilt visiting at the home, Rosa profaared peat piety, making long przyttg. and talking with great religiose hotessoy. The old clergy man was oompietaly -taken in by Ws pretensions, and beds. ed that nothing wrong scald be done by ao good man. t Itosea talked freely of his wealth and Ws In ger:along to settle down,- Ile snake of hie par ohms of the Lowe farm, rod said that eau did not exactly tout him he Would suet it, and glee it to Mr. Johndes to Rmon, In ease he should marry the old man's daughter, and should hey ta form tile:saw swan, for tilituialf. The old mba gave his 00:111:11, to ILsea's marriage with this daughter, and the wedding took plitoe soon " 'after. - Inuring bit stay Is Palau , of a deposited lc the Bins Hatioeal B ink at Youngstown $l,lOO, teeing acortinoata at deposit tinnier. Boon after the marriage Its got • carriage and drove to WOO Liberty, Lomeeeounty, mum* they pat ap at the hotel end be Mute the awittaistanoe of Da people In the neighborhood," and made bargain with) Bun named for • farm, agreelogots pay a tits 01 *beat $O,OOO. lie then Want batik to Poland with his wife, and pretended to hay* lout his pocket-book with his itertill6ll,ll tf.depenit.fie wanted to dr..e tka mousy from the Beek , bet the °facers milted to pay salsa they were ludemallied by a teed. Dr. Joinson and rats two tent, dectivad by tho 064 of Itoles,entarld late a bend, and ltbrea irate no 1,100, binds' obtaining adult WO iromltitt biker-id-1W on other Preserve& Me then dans tau to Wail. lanky again with his 'Whilst at Waft Liberty hs profaned to arpeeting $lll,OOO from blew • " York and would pap for Ids farm aid a Wok It; 13, get snow oar. l on., for which be smog, te pay V:110, ant fres 41tother man he borrowed notion hams to many , tle one he bad already obtaineY -Ho told alto he wan going out to boy eons 110:0 cote Wake some money whilst he .. was wafting for ale farm. He weal away, leaving his wife at the Inst. !situ , days ohs reweiref a dispatch from Eases as Toledo living tte„t la rad .mght see lead of bogs, nails:add be• bask on Sztorday. He wee not heard of again- ; piles wel;ing lateral daps the parsons to had Swindled started after,tdm, and , traced him to Upar Bandatilty,wherseti tram was lost. • Vbe goosad•al had in• only dinned Its wife and left her peasilessinat had robbad hie fattsr- Of st,igoe; all be had• is the world, and lait Ili In debt: Mir tattotinnalows conduct ha 4 •0. downed the old ininieter• and Lradiant um artistry prel. paW e doesdey liltthe brother and aster of -vsainiferntsiittli „girl flel ed elensband, and put -the santes im f tnaltands 0i1:444013"n irkltaa7l send "MxiiirNio wtotta iii idfonautiau shodld he addressed. • ;Ssewesd 01 , 340 0 - X iProd fa r I: ttat =toot al 'lb* c „ WiWunt loin to about forty - yea:at.% et: bet m befght, atoopeshoaldsrede ;Miff _" 11114 # ittdgba luttr i .kao a dolts V 9 On: 13 71 large =lib; tot% taut We* mild; itittatq has = ae ti s toAtaltotokto Cantu aka as Itu rash . . - It DAILY PI CITY AND BDBURBIE. The Bout. 'y Bend grteatton—.Hlghly um pttlnt D. etalon—Tbe * anatuattosallty of the Bounty Laws Al!typed.. Eton. hi. liempton, President Judge of the ifiseict Oc@t of Allegheny county, this mora les tat dared o decision in the came of Edmund too sod others against the School Directors of El rebel' township, being a motion for • pre liminary injunction to reekraln the defendants ham lining bonds and levying and collecting a us to pi t y bounties for voluoteers to fill cheques of 'bat district. We he e already published the bi I of the complainants, together with the an ever of the defendants, and the arguments of counsel, so that the whole ttbJeot b folly under stood by war readers. It will be remembered that the vest and paramount point raised in this Lune will, the constitutional power of the Legislature to anthortm the LIM of bcosity bonds end the collection of • Lan to provide fet ever payment. There were minor *Otte, but tki, was the main question. Tim beinsel for the eompialt.Sote armed that, by the Constitution of the United Stetes,Congress aloes bed the power of a getteus and supporting ar mlet.; and, having all the power needful to pro vide the bemuse?, mese., And having entered upon the employment of tithe. means, Congress virtually exanded Buts Legialnliirel and thaw strboritiee from taking any action In the prom i.e,.Congress bed already legislated on the subject of styles bounties to volunteer., and teem an; action of the Pennsylvania Legisla ture, tortehlog the sobjeet 0r bounties, was null .12d void. Z hi• point. wali dieed6lll4 at great leng le in the (pinion, end numerous authorilies eited in scppost of the constitutionality or the sots pus ed by the Legieletnre to provide for the payment of nrunties to volunteers. Ali the elinte relied were ably treated. and the policy of the Lenislitnre Itilty sanctioned nd endorsed. The I ,lilirionry infunetion war re. fcmd. f . We had intended to lay the opinion before our too4sis to duty, bet Ito groat lengtt l taken In menection with the fact that no copy has yet tees made item the rough draft) prevents to from doing so. The Court will :urnith ►oopy fm publication in a day or two, and hence we prt fee not to attempt giving any abstraot of it at pretedit.] Judge Wllliama delivered a verbal concurrent epinit-n, manly in Telefono, to . the allegation that th e bounty not was In oontravention of the seventh section of the eleventh article of the must dad Constitution. He remarked that the his tory of this "seventh motion" was well known and understood. I, had bean fondled to pre• vont county, olty, burougo and other oorpor. Silos. from becoming ircoothoidon in railroad and snob Ilbe companies, but it bad no reference • hateter, to mote such as those now under con sideration. The Judge remarked that it was perk Mpg wineweesary for him to add anything to the exhaustive Opinion of Judy tetepteelbat he had a tem Ideas gt the rubjeat, which he might commit to papa' hereafter. , These opinions win be reeelved with the high eel tiagree wf satisfaction. not only Or the peo ple of this county, but of thaeutdre State, Allughttuly County Teachers' Association. The reenter meeting of the Association took plats,. nits morning in the Fourth Ward School House, Seiv. &ail Findlay in the Shah. After player by Prof. S on, and the-reading of the minutes, Prat. Dull preeteded to speak amthe &aryls of Buiteness in Grammer. Se dwelt watt the oesusity of method is presenting any e inject; that it should smear bit left to bitaitJon 'cries n-tormaticao of a meiliodaktite moment of tietivul, :bat Mould reastio-due preparation. The Profeesorshow•d that groat efforts had boon and were Wing mode, to break down the old mulled of teaching grammar, and aubsidulting the modals one of mere statement of the •111- tuantin74rarto of a sentence, with their *annum non or nation to each other . The- Pt-Unser coutend• that this modern system never made each gtsitimarlani or writers as the old einem; that it lootecotoo immeesarably len of tree mholarthip or the philosophy of the Language, or the beauties of method. Tauber* should- -lack into. Ws matter dor thseneeins, and altermature conslderstion, adopt !lit rtstem that poesesses the most ad vontagea and Is ealosuarsd to make the best scholen4 The e7etem by which the element, of sen tence, are presented to the eye in the form of die gr. sual . posmsies its advantonrs. Bat It pre lames a owledge of tho pones:don or relation oi the aria, antecedent to following tit, die grr. ma. ! It to alto apt to bengal: the prominent featare t -aad to obscure all other really...import- . ant Manderations A. on auxiliary it is umral eed shohld not rejected De rise proceeded to exhibit what his coesidars to he the best arse tem *I disgrano,end by many ingenious and in • rani* licFemorshmered the cmineeimon of tha He Wu followsebj Draft Schee on thornily.; jeer of d Objmt Lemons, and the ezmot to which - they Moue 641.0100 la toboolt,.. Prof...oohus wee waits at home with his sulijust, and present co ti: ill • really lastre Aloe mutter. Prof 56101 foliewead on the mamturto, otterwiblah the reg ister leMtnrert Dr. Sill, dotter/rod bit tutors on the subject of teeth. lie spike of a Sae est of artifitiaiteeth, being rt*rrdad as a great reoommeoilittloll to the &satin, but this is by those who forget that a c.... .1 of auarai well are bi t ter a.veater beeuti and mere desirable. ,- ...i'l Ha. Sontsadmi that the early oars of the teeth ili thb tender went would to se.gratti extent dosliay with the dentist's Oiroteriton. When OMfr temporary teeth appear they should be mei it) attended to, and Matadi Med it will to found the mineralise', little pain or &Joey will folltowt Toeittb-letuithsitTibremeltirat , Or ,inet pomp, ehoald may he extracted In the lest ex• trinity; life is shortened often al many as six years by *attesting teeth, -.bop there b hut slighactual Demi:limy The cruelty of taking a hemje hill to the &allot tor the peep.. of Oi -1 tractiog - its teeth would in ~ a ry, ..so.besa. ' Niecliid 16 - th.i early and matinnad ceroof the tatlyalt,to that by tbe time all the permanent teeth men loosed, the-habit of oaring for them . would hate been acquired, and the child onild sofeiy be left to himself, for he would Sad that •sr y aeoelit would mass-him couldemble Jama s-minim The subject wastably treated by Dr. Fill,: cad was most attentirely Listened to thringhout. • A totter having .boon received from the Stes Superintendent, requesting to know whether the Umbers and &leads of education In Pittsbargh nod /Wait, desired the Cmuntioa of county Sapnintendente to meet hero r it .was molted demi Si the ectillo of Ste meeting, inch was high ly deihrable--stid a oommittes, maststille of ' Mears/tent, Munro, cad Findlev, we. appoint td to make goitabba arriangsmenta, for the ran irtatioia. 06 moan, Mr. hionro was appointed a com mittee to .weitei ta theilitate Saperintandant, 66. lis clot , him with this action, and tweretteln full hi 'se nation to regard to•ha convention. ' The &adenoma then adjourned. The Habeas Corpus Case Kelly, who was committed to jail by Alder man Minnatins some day. lbws, on o.toplaint of fc ejor McCandless, Military Commander of tee p.•.t, ebargea wire retaining • portion of the b o unty m o ney of tiro mcraitt s was VAC) Mame incise Swim, thfi morning, on a writ of habeas Apse, tr.d btu amitosis asked for, on the giOnnil that be wa• Illegally restrained of his lib.rty. Jfldgo latcStedinfittild4hat the commit nt lodged agalost him woo inentssient to head him, bat remindful lb. prixoner to the ashusiy of .tbe Sheriff anal Monday morning at to o'eltek, to order to gm. the Comfannssesith opporttnity of addsming farsturskreldanos, 'The First Word., Allegheny, Avirakc, : The Vigilance Committee met at treivigiurrters list evening, purrusnt to announcement Thu Ward woe divided trite seven - Pica bloeke, and stakeoomnittteise appointed to make • thorough earirses of there rospeedivs blocks, in order to obtain the assiessird political preference of the entire 'piers, so also the acme, company and regiment of 'every ribldisr who has gone -from She Ward, with o view of having such sowed, sod the Oetitirato float to ibera, proTtons to the s..to election. The follirtieg Committee of Arrangements was IP'poinicti., to make preparation. r.r the Kars C creator. on Ther.day nest: Wet. Widow, jiivrabal, Asetfltante—Copt. Jae. Gordon, Ohs.. ArLuikle, Copt. a. Drum, Robe. White, At.. ,P Reed, Copt. Jos. D. WOW, Sam'! !Ohs!. Cerny, Jr so Rood, Joe. C. Scaltii, Chas. Irghsio.. BOSE areaubley, I Thor ' B. Vestry, Goo. Fr. Miller, Oro. norm, Bohol George, sad John At flak .Ttris State Aviv:Mural Socitn7 enema entai l= of three handred•dollars far the best, and two bondred for the second beet trotting horse, the " trial of speed" to take pleas on tho rally ground, at gasten. daring the exhibition nest week.. Thor, are many fast hones in this et. deity, and their owners should hove the energy to nrannt these hboral premiums. going 'Oat of the theta. We 100 Deformed that •nuaterone entries of blooded heran from New TOTk end flew Jersey:have airfoil been aid.; and doubt'' , his there etti be an exciting tonteat to obtain these desirable .zinnia . -Kennett was tate* Wore iritca Ode monster Oa a charge of per jury, prolozzad h 3 Vat Umtata. Iltomott to so• mod of two. ring that ha haitbrattr savolotafi with s ran named Jetta llctfaititi (}ho ir"k" to witty the as my aa sidiatitaia) ter i ; 0,2,10,0 ! 01 ). ow e talk. it is alined that haw/0 only tn. 7 uoducee to Alm, yottirtaty. •Iffailtiotto was own riatsed fez • rushes hewing epldeaday. rtosmx,lar,Oztober, to 'Just '644liitissl2l:4o l 3dla; 1 %. Us% SUMO - stiligatt at-awriVedlodetal '• ' • :.~aiii'%i-~ 5:: lH -i ~ PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEVIBER 26, 1864. Glorious from ttie Valley SIMIIDAN'S BECON I O VICTORY. Capture of Another lebel Strong hold. VERAL THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN. 1 EARLY'S MIRY DESTROYED. GBRAT 2,13311LT8 !M I TICIPATEP; The R.bela RetreaOsse Toward Richmond in Dtboreier. Rapid Pursuit of the Flying Enemy. THE liolD TO Li OG11111;14 lIIIOB9TRITTRD WAIRINGTOX, Sept. 2.4.—The newt from Sher- Idea's army ails morning has Created wild exalts. went throughout the pity The ompture of Fish er'. 11111, the grant stronghold and key to the upper part c tls Shonendialt i rallery, and an ad dition of eiztown eannon an neural thousand prisoners, to the trophies already won by the victorious army of Sheridan, fs regarded here mu sentinel's 'eidetic,e of the idestruction of the rebel army In the valley, aid opening of the whole route to Lynchburg, ' stdch necirmartly noel bring show the envoi, evacuation of Richmond, m the capture or the rebel capital and Lee'. whole Firm,. There are to progress old' lioyameatt not proper to be disclosed now, Mob tend to render Ow result probable withinry few day.. Row Yost, Bea 24.—'fbk Herald'. epeeist, dated on the right of Rondos's army on the 22d, op . The !mooed morning, Tuesday, whoa isheridan advanood, ho found the enemy hadn't Z .. bon Idle ddring the night , t, on the oortirary, had taken advantage toot! much &steno* as possible between himself as the Federal,. son, in moving up, we bed to en age in skirmlehing of a rather hasty eharaoter.! Tole gees rise to lb* oportei no doubt, that es lore, ai an annh fighting another battle. Oi . Titekday our caval ry, both on the right aad is was salve to at. l ticking the enemy'. Sauk s $ harassing his re treat. Oar infantry, too, di good work. To day we are again on he more. The for• weed morel:font this morales was sithendiel with mare dabtiag. A. we lode Olio the repot is that Xatly will make mother eland }au shoe, bet as aresreach sash point of . "ust aliesd:' Early's fora to found to have retreated. Bola. my thin morning that the line the ribels Intend ho light it out on, le where one Orli of tkio Shonendoeli river onuses the volley pike. Our hope Is thou they will do no. In the lot battle the loss lin laid ollsore to the rebel. in WOO end wounded, aeons to hers bet a very largo Wmixilliftlf, Sept 23.-1 t boo bean 'monad that Soil'. shattered foredo, or what is loft of th• m, hare abandoned the road to Staunton, sad are tottsiting In disorder, via Ofrpepperr ant Goidorovillo, directly owania Iliohmond, leer log the food to Lyttobbniii nenbstanmed. while Lee IS arigible to vane men! from Us army to op pose, the preareu of the vistorioss Sheridan. THE VICTORY AT ESHER'S RILL Dirpatch from E hfridan to Gen. Grant. IHE REBELS BADLY ROB TED 3,00 4 3 ARE PRISDNERS CAPTURED Our Advance at Woodstock. akial/OEtElli ATI 1110 146PrLIES FOB- One Hundred Grant lITIMS Ordered to be Fled in Honor a the Victory. SECRET/II STMTIVCS:OIFICIS.I. BYILLSII3 W Al; DISAITIMIII, WallKl■o7ol, Sept. lA, 10 .. m.-4112 Mof. Gee. Di. .-Iba follow's/ ofilalol dispauko bso put bean issal rod from Geooril ~.rithm, detailing so 4 or the particular of the bratior sad. victory it *Winer 1113: b4ll/11L. DlvEsion, W.vrroca, 23 7 8 A- x. ..., • .„ _ Lika 17P0. firmer, CifyfteLea--1 cannot, sut ye:, 'ie. a.ny definite account! of VII reruns of the b. ttl• of Seturday. °unto. will bo light. ..Gen.Crooke • truck chili left dank of the enemy doubting it up, and advanced down their lines Basket'. divisors, of the i . lth corps, swung in and joined Crooks. Getty's rind Wheeton's divisions t.t-ok op the same movelzment, followed by the •ht../.3 line, attaisking beentitally, and curled. the works of the enemy!' t , The rebel, threw down their WWI/ and lied to the greatest confusion, abandoning mom of their artillery. . _ "It was dark baton the buil. anted, and I puttered on atter him dnring the night to ibis point w itk the 6th and istin carpe, sad hare !upped here to rest my JJJ Men and bane ration!. "II Ganeral 'Torbert l Ypushed down Lora, areerdieg to y directions, he will aohlove vest reinks. "'"I do not Udall that there aver was on army so bsdly routed. The volley soldiers are Mang &Tay and going to their !inmes. cannot at present five you an) estlmete of prisoners. I pushed On regardless of every. .bleg. The number of! pleas+ of artillery re. ported eaptared V eluteja. Signed, P. H. Saszums, Maj. General." You arc directed to o•uee • national o 100 gun. to ba tired for the victory. .• General Stevenson report. that 1,000 prisoner. from the Sold had reaob4d Winchester last night. Seditlercoments and ittopplies have boon for warded to Quo , Shesiciati. , (Signed.) E. M. d7•llTOe, Soo', of War From Few Orliaana and Texas • Bay Year, Sept. 94.—The lILroGC. New Orleans eturespondentj says: Toe Yro.lisat Immediately atter the Red River campaign, ten dered the War Department to Gen. Bazar, but be declined it- The mart 'saran.' of the rebel General Page, commanding Yort Morgan, for spiking guns after surrendering, 10 sail progruleing. The steer:lei Bob Bei arrived - Atli 1,190 Wes of 001.00. She wa. tel.d by oar treasury agent for violation of ap order. tionersi D.ukr has issued in order against the grrest sod 000ftnemer, of persons wltbout tri.noify Log 011.11tga The old Alissimippl mtrine brigaleisve boon arrested, chkrge r d with ImUttn.T. The Herald's ISlssamOres correspondent says t Oortiime cop/tared at Brownsville one milder, dol ls,. worth o 1 goods, and also captured Laredo, Tenor, with between two and three thonrand baits of odtton. Steamer from Europe B►lirn[3 Poise, Beni. 24.—The steamer North AMiliCa, bona Livern,bal on the licit last, via ,Lrodonderry on the 1..0 hist, was signalled. Tnr. London Toter itt the most tostlgnane enemy of America 1. Enropo. It denounce. OUT cause and hoe so .t men liko Manta) hlth er to mlerepreseat ad belle= It byttesall ed onr honor and e ndeavored to depreelate otr morales It btu covered with Adulate every public man, and hae found no means too ignoble or nutou.kt to did ite vine% The London Am.e le eloquently In favor of McClellan. Ia it n.l fair to Judge p man bY his friendship 2—B la. frat. Tel reprottntstlvo)of the M.l3blies party is New Bogisod Is Mr. aleph Story Po=sh) pro, 4 , sided over the Cotes astiftssitork mooting. Is PosesU Nall or 8102 doy, and who oslobrotad too lost Worth If J . by hoistiag , tiut State Sod &Opts st :toff woo over his writ boom Azd Ids milli to lb* Altottoati flag lit sdesittsdisat e p . bold by do Itl , Clellsti . popao lo Dont-.4f. T. _-.. :F -_ TSBURGH GAZETTE. A STDMKII3 YiresitiL—,,emrin. Hood teat WI rowplimenta to General Howard the other day, in the 'hope of a east iron window wrignt. wo)y,hing rearm pounds. It la &nevi a motion& sod an inch and a quarter through. Tule of destruction I. bali•v•d to hero been thrown from a Whitworth gun *ld mart have carried a thatanoe of two miler, biJoody ass hoot by its arrieal. The rebel nook of ammuni tion most ho kintewh‘t exhourtel woken obey hare...area to oath maturials of who, Newa a I. PotErl,r- L3 finpems from the newt by i Palm that the egent of the LlOyd's t o veefa of • large and swift steamer har t 13.emerhaven, whioh 6 •leted the ClSMltenra des, and is said to be commanded by Stafwas. Official information received in Washiagton state, that the vessel to whieb .11.. Men Is made is one of thole belt it Bardeznit' stinneeed on rebel aeoottat, bat whletv was said to the Prussian Government: So the latter pert of the agent's atop l. entree. Te■ B Iston Clamovaieroith, a inict eccentric, independent aewepapee, bitherse oppoced lo Mr. Lincoln, now codeine. him• In its Hirt 4aa►ltai+ken thin SOY P . 4°' "They seem to Wok d , trasintly , not and ig nore the general lilac.' Ws imemrto bit)rl them to it. The people mean It. litre Mts. Ltaaatm, Ueu,a, no Lilian?? ; hicOLEILLen, Diemen, Lao I Choose ye " Union Victories to 18111 MAINE• UltdBON. ATtaNTI. V Elil3o N 3. NY I A LI RHODE (BLAND. MOBILE HARBOR. Fls Li ERE MOUNTAIN LWITH i‘ 8 RE.SIMNING OPACLUSI D 1. the Poet etSce al Allegheny, State of t'49.1.171- eau ha, the filth day of 'lent tabor, 1864. buffo any 01 them lettere, the applicant matt ell, for efelfeerreeed /even, give the date of tali lit, and p. 7 in and for adtertfelon I not canon few with!. one raonth, they wt 1 to rant to the dead tails utter n..drllvvryof lettere by carrier% at the redden:me of owners. met tenwerstredby,dwereing the fallowing rnlar. I Din, letters tdatoly to the et rent and :another aa well ea the pal altos and State Head letters well the veritor's post °Mee and State, • .n 4 Lurth oo . Oro thee. plainly with tali • nnriefft tnnt answer. t. diroctai Amon:linty. I. lettere to stranger. a tranoien .filter, fa • town o w boo. etwelod fantenee may be unknown, shoold be mated. In the lower left-hand corner, with the word trandeat. 4. r:radi the pkstage stump on tee wren . , and bare gum bete-two th. • Marking vt wheat in iwrfrrin• N. B. A regnmt th• return writer, It' nnelattned d e y• pritvwd with the writer's own., poet ilLttAtll Ins lett bond rad of 4,51 side. will be cntepliad with at th• t pp )obis when tie. letter L 4••,18, taw of 192. •rd.none.n. ti. CAW . Drab.] • It:c Drool tkkgentkr Otorge •tw neki liephts AP , el.l Job , bderson John 0, Altedar Ju W Allen Shoo AndionsWlnagni awc.hald )1 a SoUley unna B.J. LI J Ling u. , J • mote Snug:4ol Ds.. I rtes 641.47 Smut Be do Szottr 0414/ Mello . lln oungssooo. notos Bsron t roost Jess A Be • Jae tb Bator Josteb Bork Jeunl4 J.eob awns Jo. 0 hey Inlmoor Ilynat r 111Anbli 800 IT a sotto Butt , it nessll Hat., el-.b. aenrce IL .bt Gib... Mm Graham Itartbb 0r.... ADE. Ilk.yer Loctod• a e.s Jam. ',l3tltoo Jim 1)...r J 6104. Q Übe dinkr.aboloool. 01 cs, L 1 IG•prkart 11.C.1 ; Cio,rm dm, ltdith Li lit.e Itobt 1 1 171 'd' Im: :ory "' r , itcmttor Tb.,1 1 I.llnrs /oho El.z• John El. a yroun Sotto .trbo.nsb Jua 13 c. ,• sh 9 11. or 11-nuv. g 1-1.5.1. b liourt tt . : Elrabork Watcabrtbi Bar vIC. ha b. 11l $ loans ..am4ttors sm. Brown W B. =slam* brrir4l• W J B rimy Wm BIB°, iiimß Big*, It co Bock Will Cr wit. • tHro Culbert.. I:bapb.rm • CL! Dues. ••‘.l. Orr wford gams) lasar Pre Lovidsis Vets,. 11,11 MEM= Ca4.l3lLr C... Donn C-4.3 AIN 07..8.14 0c4.1.4" 84 , 4 P C •••brd, B P 0..r:14 Bea 7 14 Patow.g Wei II I•ourd Vim El L4l. I•• W Eilwort• ft 1)10.-11 41.47 Eavf• C4/1 P Fulcodry seetu•l tionalibt• 1' Ilit gay • r bur Iluisslb Yt left I n Inhott ltstog mai Evo ISn Sowtng hpt 431 Fiddly/ n• LOCO. nu ward EL torftaxa habem, f rgraegi J.. Welter J a F. =UZI A I felitCHA AT TAILORS. pF. aimoNABL DESIRABLE GOODS VoR GENT'S & CLOTHING. NIL.A.L)Ff. TO DRIMLEL. IN THE BEST STYLE AND KANNER. R. B. NORRIS, 1111101 LAST TAILOR, 79 FEDERAL. STREET Allegheny. G ENTLEUEN WISHING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. was m lho roer 111111101F16.13L1 nod LATHST 'sir tam. oroold do moll to codl toms H. G. SALE ti cO. , lIVECILINT TIIIOIII, MUMS OP Ft= LSD 0141311.1125119 T. Won paytesdat elsreses. lan BISSELL'S BLuCK. W. H. MoGEE. 10 ST. CLAIR STELEET Would tall tho att•ablon of burin to Ms :iamb of tails. It bw bona selected with mat cars, .ad tiara all the bewo,slatylm of goat. to I. for.ad In bra alma boo.. Gouts w lottlag• rots of alotba• ma* to odor, alb gleam .43 tasallb• oar gadda pita. Moo, • tall and ompl•ta•sook of furnishisir Goods. vrs UIL.d.JrCE di GEJVTB. J - f - GeI:DINER CAIFEZ , Agoat for the . Frruklin, PialadelphLa era Beth.. anus= Ooropsules. Northtmst center Wood ea. Third es WP. JUN ES, Agent for North &merino, . Mau. of Peaskillraals, and gorefart larcira,• Companbn. fit Water .treet: • SAMUEL BEA, Becreniry Citizens' In Gummi Oaraptai. comet Narks& sad Urns." et. FM. GORDON,Meerelnyy Waters' In • r,, o Oompeay,ll2 Water end. I I A ., * or e.: 0 „ • I gay j 08 1 = AD AM& Deng" 00anegy . • is aid Own amlit ruabink. Ilikewas—nr. ILlheloalti Malan Mask Rand llama „ a OP ,:( , f F. DIM SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. L 1 o Mint/ IS LD MILT, (opposite du Ow. bra Elem.) °Sauteed by the Logistamß. Ur,. Twrk, Jr.,. l'. lUD. craw..., Y. D. CwAhrss, D. 1.. I..mg, 11/U EW.Ytth W. A. ItAl.d, Dr E. I ...whirrs, 18,..P.Ilwassub, W. IL Phelps, A. E. Bril, D. E. IdsBlnley, 4. Est, Jet. Dilworth, .8. S. Yowler, 0 H Pas row, Wm.' Smith, 11 N. tiers., Drrob Strecirrsthr A, V. Wwwiwre, B. E. Jct.., Mind Att. E. C. twillArris, ID. IL Wollt, I s r.-wart rad Trearstrer—D. E. IDELICLXY. Dtstanni.olloirosi to remain are placed to tits ends of tint dots , ltor priactpli, and boor louse., Um tffittprattd it. issoks euntalniste.tlurtor, basuilfsell ths Delos. SIT This Institution .Cols, espessiony to those w as., wlsone nerabsir Ivy 111141. Nos easilopperwmity us.u. tuttlata, by moll dopcslbs, y Posed, • sos• whish .111 b• • moors. vlsre dm.. money •at only being safe, but I.4fing int•test, tastroS of rosnalutn, umbroductlre. sollauts WIZAR SAVINGS SANE, NO. 64 J-/ forst . . em.. Of DI Open daily from Y toA u'eloct.o/roon Wadrumily and Saturday emoinanr, from Kay tat to Nommbarist, from T 9 o'oloolk and horn SotamMa lot to flay 10 Mtuo it to 8 o'clock. Deposit. received 08 ad gram of lea. Mad ..rtge Dol lar, and • dhldeed of the profit. &cam" Swim • yew, In June and 181rogenbee. Waren ha. been declared sentbennually, in JIM and Devon:her, ainosthe Dank wee arganizsd. si the rate of .la per cents rear. wrawc oak b placed to the mull , 88 lkiwwitot gg• Prknelpti, and teems the =as Uttered foga , first due of J'arre and Dgeosintier, cempoundlin ,mks • pees without trigOltnii the &pawnor to call, or rwego to preser t b lig pees boot At W. 0080 money 071 gruble la 10 thuc. teal..inn. Books. coot ...loin the Mart r, BY•1.8.8. Bab. and RetpuLationa, oh aaplttatlon at OM aem. Pang mu "..GM:MB /LLBUZZ. toper-mat-band tamp and tiroctuo3 wall th wriOug of a toner to the or taw, writtan or t ofOco, and :Rata, atop, La the ho. • oal pro-pSli Mao Salty...ea to the Mc U.. Illsl2 th licAltstor M 11,10 °oh M *twit McVict•r Woo use 'll<li.btest Jot. aty, 8.1. dattio tic , rd Se.rab licalaren Ladled& Neal a II S dads /Jolla. t YlcYoll Au. U=MI ISM • Nov rma at ck IS Oliver Wary 47 Kari a Pril A Op torts P ',lo Pd. u. tta 11.71 I •Ittt•evat Marti. 'lll.te• 1. P.m., Brat 6., 11 B ft 1 0..1.11ar104 itiIWAUK it ~ a enalla Ryan II ann liobla 64 I lagtill !at* 1 am 14.111 tbd. J... 1 Jan. D AA. ./ &odor, /s. Ilne• RI .•grton Hey 114‘ Remo bt Ro a adayout 'II Kaaba 4 .02... Jane t‘ot , Ja.A.6 itakp dEsPh Jolla K r.e. II • K• r khtttla K Irby Marla Lout 'bawl me Krrb. Kailas R. no. James S K r J.lll r, a, James km.. Jut. Ls r. Ali IL 41. KM Ana h. r a I L r9tnitJ3 num. CIDIROf bnlisb, Eno., Dantal Hprlqkle 4.2•11/irl 1.5.6 d U Unary t . m .P-b p.Ott d Ae U la •••61 , tlobscos . aubt atil.• Wlll.lelmina It-ad• W D [bump.. 15...51 Tbompeoa Webb noon .• , 4b o•4{ teeoau Iristotal WI Z 0 Will.rd 5 Lee W A List Pl•r• IC Wm, J Lute Jruke A LIT Ag•ton Juo D L.tr r Jut& L 1413 cap 13 V . 1,31• 11 Jf "• 11111er 11.07 & M 111.1gast Staged M... haul V. t♦ B Nem tt• P 1.., Malay, Illally Mews Per, ylargerll w Milt si• Icdraer 101.... f Darld M -arm Line. Merbt I W M IKarst a 1 F. Yar.ar 11 t 1 M.. t•ema.l alma. Mow opt eartla J 9 !deft harn , b 'a lallloar, Jamas M lan y Moo Mc Mr 'roorba Jobe McKaaer McCready Jas IL vensbe ig•rell IdrrYellwad Wra ' W..tnasa Elk Wilson D 0 Wiloox Ora 19 a.t.t. Wtt .1 Wbft. Sarah 0/, Igor 0tt10164 M Aid! am* 1111 tznao• J 6 ard John altar /oh. alt@ 11. %V 11 Karl I ,:; elfit47 Taang al IT ang 0,0 P ,loangJ 2 Ric art, Wm tl r'.11.411 Att4 WaL. Ettlll.4m. Jo. W m. B. U. Jobs E. Nem, sArt.. I Mario 6.131.41. Wm. VV. Kirk. 1110=31:12 llcebso• Rh. I I+ E IDD w. H. Mooll2, Marchant Talk; no. to ot.. Chit ie. - 1411019. DeJrTISTR r. o - .r,il 7,3 1 BAJrKE OTTICENJ3: Prssidrct. , 320. B. J 0211.4. tote Medea, Alex. BrsdToy, Wm. B. Pmlib, Tboo. P Fsaacla Nobs Y. Javalnca, Tbm. firm, Ward, 11:=5312 *ton dolly, from 9 a. ta. to 2 p. m. gator-day Dler., fro= 6 to .poattfirooetved of Dv dune wad upwards. Dlvtderide dfcL6nd W lonottabor awl .h 146 r met M%Nil REM J•naas tie.rdmaa, Pet.,r A. Modals., W 11.11.213 J. ir..1.1.31, A. It. Pollock, M. D. jamas ehidlo, John B. AI 11114 d., John 0. Backatea. em' a. rf t =oh, Walter P. listiball, /oho 0. IThadlcy, Macao Ornir, John On Bobcat Robb. Ham L. Bistroslt, JGhn Dram, DEN. 4 Ts!meta:lL lot.. J. Oltionda, waft.. Peter H. Ilankles. ISchard Hays, bk.mso D. a.! , • R&Clif&al • mhll.lllnr Alesnastor &pser_, Llas.aador =l= =D=B laristlin_•. MIAS. 00iena.3 Lir Rif .u.sJrc& COLAIiTEII 1829: 103PCITIAL FRANKLIN ETU HiSITRANCI COMM! OF PHILADELPHIA. J.P 1, UGC MOM= M. 0.91151 .3,e 16 ° 21 U=anttlrel Laves. tor 1864 &D.® Lao had Ante Purple:Al Pilabe UAN berms _ POSCRon: Albert. 111.84.111 LT, hese Lob. Tease Wegner. LAlrard C. DLL.,Belenel Gnat, Tam, Jabot. &Smith, Alfred Puler On. W. Maa* Free W. Liol;fia, 11. D. OH ARUM PANUILIIR, Preedebt, CDR' AAD O. DALE, Vice Prefaukt. .111.11. W. IizALLISTEYA 4... Pi, Tem. J. O. ODYPIN, Ageu4 adab weer Weed bed Tblad arebtA NSURAlicas, IN FIRE AND LAND nattrapee 00. of North America. ruit•Dsuraia liertltrrd Fire Insurniuse Company. •--- _sl.iskrKo. ear& b prosoorwl. up= Wrernartl.r. Moir denVbarlaing riad .malting turnswa, now to pro. .20 of agouti= to contract for roasting, .m sliomattng rod relating the prods meta* raid, 0310.0, ovpor, NW; Po* the Ws torlidri WhnlPlng d &am . " orrsrel plarrstr for do trammed of Islam...l.l=d far Os poodarilor d' turd oulatazo.• se Ulna, tag, Aro °Jay. Waster, bat .tat, erne 14sper, ez% dyertaf. ..afor dr= lIAIII7Ti. 13T011111, imarrtrar, andekltneed .15 ort.bante Floe. FIBS AND EAMES 1313118A21011. m o oDB,D & OD , • - . . am to weal ba am inbare naiad 1!2:1:==1 W. P. JONES Am, Bagaisfs 13a111thp, IT Waist rtm.k. PEOPLES INSURANCE CORPANTI Office, H. E. corner Wood & Fifth tr. l / D o . x T r ". W Samna P. ' dhrt.r. 11.orge P. F~~! MiIEM C o TIZEWM INHORAIN E COMPANY N PTTISIBUBOII. (Coo, comet 14~ .d Wow streets. osoond door. be.GALIT, Praidlosil BAKETeIi RSA, ignireasv. Ininrcelittneenboats and Oat-gm. Luanne against tom and /woo to the tiseigstlon of the Southern and Won.. Rivas% La. tad Ilayoaa, an the navigation of the Sam Innis. egg./ leen and damage ti Ctrs. 8. IL Elm. John Shiptom Jamm 18.. Cooper. Harbasgb, J. Onldwoll, Jr, John & Dilworth. Wm. A. B.odiwro. &marl W. oJobast2m. B. Y. imam, Donor ficm. 4).'17.7t0vre. Danlay Pragary Moira Bingham, AU.EGHRNF LNet U HANCE, (I.Mi PAST OF PITIPBUSGIL—OIIos, 19/A3T 1110. b strewt. Flaak I cram AgstrAt al Mode of 11r• sad Itarlas EWA. [PATO JOSS, Pn.64.14, JoEIN D 00 B.D. Vic@ PreattaL D• tl. BOOK., 6.-tiors. 011...0M111 iJohn D. McCord, OW.. Adam libeoba, B 0 Mediu& Clapt. Wm. Dam, Z. L. Bleamr, Bobt.. H Darts. MT= 0 0. ll= 13 nr.oy 0.0.11 G. Gray. John Irwin. Jr.. B. L. Ihhnoev eh, WESTERN INSITRA.NON 00hiPA , T V ant or rrrraauaaa iIILLJEEL, JIT" Pmaka. T. %L. GOILDOIT, ammenry. Ofilm. Po. MI Wear area, Illamg I WI Wnseatecom my gam, Ptmamrgb. MU Mani *maw al we. a Ans Illarlme Blab. A Hem , Lrtamb. Numni4 4 11 "*". "/ I. Om mama". smi ikkermiaa, b pmaphoos lfberb, mambas Drammomm Istidal kom smoma. *An* dr NM prauskm nem gas do M man& 110.1101.4111 Azdrom Aerary. Alexander Ispeee. lvd ILL Lang, Bees J. Theenes.. E. Wier, h.. Nom Nr.nally, Nathaniel Haase Alan. 211tairt, D. 4. P . 83.k.mrat. G.orge Duals, o.apted B. Hans, C. W. ZULltatoati. mvllo E. 4 , 01111011. Benda,. HE WA.BHINITON LNAMANCR. CO A o He. ork. Oapttal uza TEM H 111513 INFIUPIANOS 00.. of Hew Tort, and 20 BhYttlif, Aim!, Toa•tb•tme. Rarte's R.lldixtz DRY GOODS, (Pa Mos, Peva & 01,J Whokcal. &elm In TOUIGN AWLDONTATIO 00PDB, Noktol, Wood Wet 4, bucumo.bov• Dtozoood Way, NMl:with. .010,11 PATON, NACJNUM .tt 00., Wholesale and .IzA Saudi Dialers 21t11111111G9, Euxuarazsas Din WOW, or STOI7 dascrlptleti, NO. 17 end 19 Filth stmt., V( AC -ond £ GLYDEj i Wholeaala and Al HAHN thlalara to TAXON AND .23THPL1 OUT GOODS, THINNING% TS Mutat Kn.; bat wash Mama and Youth, rlthathairx. RH. PALM No. 84 Wood Street, owe. WATS, STRAW MX. sad STRAW GnOreg genez.ll7. JM. BUBCHFIBLD, Wtioleanat and • Botta. Ds*a STAPLE a WEPT DM .000D15210thand tamer romia sod Serhot !trot* Pittsburgh. _ IVEMPH HORNELlSrhokede and Retail u mate to ill Wadi ofyannualas. Daikaocum lan. Sac 17 and n) Ibtx*ell "trot • ' J]U W. BLIMIra Peden in di t 1 widsio of Dalt GOODIgN.: wittaitet Tara sal lon% 111tOsit, ~'`~~ .. ~: L:a ~'}':_ BOOKS. 411LitITAWS. Itc A GMAT HlSTfl)flaCult. THE DEVOTED BRIDE. ST. GEORGIC 2IICKIIIL 2111071-111,50 IN ?APES; 51 1.3 MOTE. Pliibwir/Oosi Eevabag felegroll. IBS DEVOTED ea DIB. .tly at. George Tether. This ts a stove of as...rig ill. in thy ..0121 Doultrifou.' !La 'aerobe to al that Hew:aunt like, canar blood, which maned through ltis Tains of the mill. early settle.. of /ifiastem Vlrginlc. The tall la sAmtrabir wanted, and hare .n. 4 UK,* ore ob.erre toslortcai catchall, which take ita back to our boyhood on the Tauten - alai It I. • noel ol toe , .move rho e who red Ito fish. with chivalric arms, and the noblest Wad -I,,:sa Th.. is tiosal .Wok, In peruaal, will twei , nel a. of It. day of Virginia's prints In ad. lightleil varrativs of real Ms, and Bale thr • 11111. .1 beast, this civil war of ma.. He innusaserdthe took he ..y, wed hole it may be Well rzzeineg, A NEW AMERICAN NOVEL THE RIVAL BELLES. J . B. N E Author o' "Wild Weatern Swans," "wae Southern IVAgies,""Len and Krim. ae Aitetenneery in the twker rjinr" "the Wee Path," eat, eta P 6IOZ-11 . W LH PILME; tit E 3 CLOTH. 6, PlAterd.rtyAsa Eorsixo raz BI VAL BEL' ES. Hy m Mem of ••WUE Wr &met" 'Ms mem amo era m e.mmimn - . noint of lea road -.alders oie drn=stlo rawer Th. Soma are lald In la. National Capital In Plelladel bpi., Now Tod, aal tat datinentione of real It*, mamma panciptra elevartng and oecaellue morals, en drse, with mate hand and a eery p oaring gets. rlot and Passion sr- In tar arum se del icately .wd ustaredly ea to ram lb. trannelt of tan made* tbreassli the arra. and suable the true tainlc. to wale/ and Aperient.* Its Waal at The tabs pests of son. or oarpeople ratans truthfal Ospatam la MU war/, sof at almuct every tura w.thlng mamas. The Ms.-atlas of ca. period -pus of 1 , 0410 of oar intern« ture brartbestalagle , .-..e Wan maissacsar dlap.Ctof. This nom Is Wall written, and. girl., lip In tabr ant. . Pyle that creararatris• tha pnatishas, Sad wee Lava au duallt it will neat with • MI larg• SAIL II a 73 nrrE CCHEM?, sal door to P. C GOOD AND USEFUL BOOKS. SADLY DAVIT, by the author e the Bohozharyi Ova* resally. Ter .CllOllllllll4l eOrre. reLIITLY. 8V1915 trtelirli2l, WITH aeoratcyr LSD AT TICK JIAB lIGKLOWIt POLK& • 11 1 00 1 H BADEN, by Teelnyoon. AZ ARIAN, by 0 B. Pnyeee•tt 11 1 VrOlrlil POllOB, Douro Matra lo Toßasa. BOOK Or Out:l6lyd rE6.11111 Or au FKIMT TIBIAB ORUBBIL ybKNALS or an AWAIT Or TUB CIUMBIS. LABD. By an oeleer. DOMBISK ter PUSTULE LtrE By Viger. 11.0.1rKthfit Orttrtrl ll Alrl:B—Whomsele and ne w.. 0 , co 10 oat+ to 60 mato. yreat variety of Marin" gad els.. 20016-4rryybqr.llP9l, layers oa hsod- PHOT .041tra 6LOI/105—Whoteesle Led retail. Ir. m CO amt. to WI 1:0 ()LOW! &t. add #lO7OOlB BOOKS TUB Atriums BOOK rmt roblished. I. L. SI AD, and "berth st Celt door to Iron ClO4 7106 k. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS nu. 1111113011004 MIPOKe MIMIC AND PHITASSBOHDOLIS LH r di:Ott= d vicinity. ter Ws by DAVIS, MARE. Ca, pLulson:Ne, Gas sad Steam Fitting, to •11 t braiscbenontwellyottani:Wel ta. .11•6114 c0d,15 steal orken. A flan emortment o 0 rwrinuts, steno, /LATH BMA BASES tie ATM' imossra, • tmisuuns, sou Owesmatt7 ca wand and made to order. be. el 17CDIZAL ITLIMOT, allawbum nag Cif LINER!? lITILERT. IMIPCWIL rtvJ MININies MINE 4AL WORKERS A £BD traoiseums DitEICIGISTA—Thr Boerne Milos sad Kaaufootarlay Oo basing =toad Stria Villa and Gushers, at Nast &aura aro ao• rally to meats eastracts tar arastibta sad rag stag roasts otbortorm, of 'Weser maws, tho to or by tturassaktoorS. BA% Caps and Straw Goode, num la non thstarralS •214 !neat =OW" tca roda for. OrrELLNGI. EIALACS. i.Of Oland es Um anat. Ilteratatta reqsatal cal nal coma. pa gook, which will tar arid a raj lov "atm FJBIoITUBS WI AID WOOD OVI/LIIV wuoun&LN 01 Arran.. VT and CI TWA amt. Web I. rditrementi a OP sad 11:1 Vow% aroma. oil ( lARD-OIL AND MINERAL LANDS 'LI FOB o ALI OR LIIIIS—SIIITII. PAIHTIIII h 0., dash.. Ls OIL 011 Tarrlems ass o.lnarsl Lash la p 4 .pared to c.ll or Woo futy hominy of luta Wt.., lid to dm oehbras. t.O racism of Burning Spicy, mamas, Wash • alma., From Beak. Ban Msa, and .11 other Soahltfoo of Itoportanoo W. bars ahe . fano moonlit of roloablo torritto7 h tho writ 11310011. ii ue f W..blogtoo coati% Ohio, and othor Ohm. Their Wool trtro lands ars Ws all topnotssi with ebs...hane of valuable ail:prate. Stdr... .01 well repay tAx mina. Ihr kat IstXcr. %bow WA/ in t. mat. Woad ta 000rostles to writ slpticalte. aryl co ramosabia Orroat ror pastkolara wit:moor as ort J. IL VMS. AY woos as Lao, ilartualo, 0., or O. S. PAMIR, sot% 0 0w.m.4 WWI hod Doqiemo Way, Pitioborsti. aalolool rmANTritscruastit3 : ,--A Partt e hay Ira wPO C. 2.3 ow to $11..,C00 areal - may b. re..- •d, 'Oahe. to toyed In WOO =Oafs pr./SWAB craw, factoring barloree, (Um pre ) to dogtrot.. at Ihin•- cistlar, with tqmpolf• reepersaolo vasoufacturer, bastoesa already estahtlehot or .boot to be estabtlahed. SbearrrreOrr hr tarts hams exporterd to nth elti, owl wog eaul wand mane years, expaeta to tat. &rag of the ananclal boolutos part of the amorra. No p not o aid apply who ea Allot ra nll4 h • mow:moats propagdos Ditto capital reqttreal for the sottre.epars• that at thstagassm, and whoa.; oot • ooraptateaseter of tir sualdliMlitts Dachas be proves. 11 the party It. ...ulna known to the tidvorttior, oat hrtattory reforms will he revered. .4Attrear ISpl US, P.0.1.• ass* androids.. solltmf -V1R 7 1. 4 7k SPORTSREN'S ELEADQUAUTEIIB, JESOWZI Vivito the stag:Aim of Spartans:. and others Wh r*1ar..11.2 stook o ODES, 1t1T1504-.Itr.VOLVILSS P7STOLB, RAGS, POWDES }LASED, MOT 1151111 and POMMES, DRAM STASIS, and an. W/Ditlett of ovary kind. Mt stock to th. Was* Ins lambs to this zal.rtert. ochl or sll~h2i TS loco b T 1 goo Oaltsoo; PO Mb ',oi bgrost Potato.* • 0 barrels Nam 3 bomb BotelOlden 6110tabolo TOOOIP , O 20 Op Las Berrh4o • tOOO Apo& Dattv: 13 ilbfo Oxon .ILoptoo; 30 bids 1% eshomooas. to Mars ant ty • PRANK WOE GOILD3I4 alb comer of Sialthfhol44d.tirel dada& Flu - BRANTS AND DADinta N...) so a elaMth,r Ito bo•ts Bowl 'co hou 'fts • lop r 4„, boooonooodo de ixt balm Leiter - Ail nester' end tar t*Ll b7iiii t ' Irlpr.l • tools woototrois • DMI•116 AND PRIIVER.7 . . . .s. -- lobo 4.idlto bowl Vescakilikit 3 • .• i ID 4. cram PrIes,iMV;INAr , , ---7. 77 - 16113111artil Lam!, " ': - `l•6* .14. i z—or; 0./ tkr, 3-1,-44 •0 , " , c." . ° 1 ' I 44 4:e --11 q11're • , - • - , • -• iteA;ll•l,-- ESTABLISHED IN 1756• FOR EIALZ--Abont One Hundred !Lam of kik dry ben. .1111 ea the A... LI. 11.., la Sanaa teersktp.Vemaixalind.i.eily, IMP roam= Buckle between Ittatill onwier ttoomo 22211 twin of Jodge Arnold. end th* railway sag drat, • • he Woos good brick beam of Ara room; busy rata% Abed., cribs orchard of 150 bearing app., trileiraindlar Wok, 160 patch treat of boot .gated soittloo, attwactS, It. ocarucse to oft prodadad, .art-erenthal4 iL cal errEctora. make It I,a-thy of attoutton noet= cal II moo and deatere la coal _InIO AWN% amoul t out of the rattrap trill Ito add, If delattedle - The prim for the part of lb. Lam tretnea the nat way a.d the tl.. r 1. POO per aoro—oawfoarth of at that way be (et/eloped, cad one co at per 5.501 Oa to • coal that map be obtaioted. True—Ualet ea flatrery of Ohs CeeL Ofve .111 be mei red foe the while tract oa the r-sereatiativai=a tione,l shoes, and tliat Ito h.R of the eaaddaialtaa. The property is adniirat..ly wiltod for the Ito attoa of LBW, _Or A/ [ fret. residence*. for deacrlptireterms, U.. address 2Cf, Kocathath. sllrd I , oft BALE— A Yana of 118 saes, to W.ertweisni oninty. Da. Also the beat 31 Work.a on dui Llahoagabas new. dhuted to Fool Ha S. costal:alai two leentinad awl ' 7 rosy rabiabla farm ha Den; township, We* awake:4 ooanty. P. , contadalay aboot DU lons. via lancond, sad 1r • high rad. of ealtiration. Abe • trawl of laad of abact is sere. al wialap bonne. of Ellaalwh, illaghway minty, Phi Moo, • TARN Or 114 40/1131, on she Itestaziribits Elver, to iillaaboth township, a aborldithanOl ChM AU bartnagh of liospo 1. W a von ble vd...01a FLEE fli, Mar tovadt% Westmoreland onion, am to nia's.' Manna. Ai., 12 Duru.axao Lcra Io Las bonnet of Ind 112nabetb.30 by 110 hot ..1"n hum!. at W. 193 hands stend a. H. Tow= Rod Enhlaibgald. EARNER FOR PALE.—One consisting of stoat 105 arras 1 , . Bernd Sornattlp, Is di• . county, afoot al miles !m Ll a Black .k Bari UAL c• that Lallal• Branch o , the sittatsktwasta 8.8. road, of wild. 60 •tr.a aro under . sisstl S. 51.1.5• soca w.ll that, .d, U. la.d baste stadartals cod: to whs. Is crowed • dzrclitag trace, OW% aftlw a tin. w all .1 yaw, she pia. Salsa awl of sox= .51••• him of lOC ...a &Nike two 101/witrtikrlllNS: Lhk Pta ion sad drs aria from 111•10P1111, „Milo burgh sod tsropfka paceag fatrositi . lll, of which "sat eighty sorsa are dears t. .M 1111 valcabl- gob. ost .ho nosalsdar; • fat! bats- sod bars avea d starnon; • mdlof go. WAIN w 1 1 1 00. RENt. ;HENRY KIIIIES, Los, K eriattegr,Dek.si Back }Boding or iliadionike portrwow. Oak bri TartMita with into mew II .tad. WU/ to rooted Oriel ar oast, apply . e•zrry 01111111 IVB BALZ. A COUNTRY RIBLDRNOE la the ritlaita of Iffanstleli f tow lens ban It= Lot No. CI, contalalad Daman six wad wawa apes ft U crowd • toad two aro, brisk holm atabla, and attar tonlilnds ototern sad wall gt ter acne of tv.l . l. 6salt e . and rad Lrldaltw prnbao.a. If ant nonl bibra &Ertl 7.13 tedla. oil that day to bald of coma esus, all VoLodlti. alumni mm- 1111. indlontable and caw IL alltactuntwance. row of Ws will ta apOioatton to 41:011411 roma= a, 001 Volt BALE—One new Btesza rangteerc I. 00,10 0120 a, 0110016100, as case 000 101, o .l=o 0011)1 1 VT.". ft. Is hoc_ cylkascr.,ll isnats.ollololooolo 051 val bow good ow usw. Ons T 104 00.10 , 14., 07 inch rola, all Clas • - 0 " Tye 00300 . 100000, 10 tO-000.. fe 00 -0 1.e' ' • ibra * 1 01 Slav wroseti hos 00 800 s. 400.1%00,100, of bruit Tem, lee 00 vireo& cbosy tx ax.. lexofoo 010 of 11,10. ay% eoallo. •aselbsratm, wed to the ATALU A BLB CX)At, Nrti FOR, se.ras, T —The 8.=2.1 rum aartaibeetiWalithriera 4,e tat tenor. offered lot ode deld land resedatlnig ei eig bat dun anat. more or Lee; la &boat to Josue ,Ifotry, 031.1 quality. Lajgovementa thotays batch Adlingeglia— alum, rounielreig al dwelling honeabara..gia gas ti....goe trait bu - titg orthando of orations to goon o , dw, sad all ender thalweg al.a. of orildfatitige .. TL Wasblugten intrapite rams ow-ins:toe tam. U Na ,borer is out sod by the ant day of Ceolobet uat, raid nnwerty arid iv web Melded end aoll to antlawarobewets Aker trewsaiiidY to ./Q:121 ruL tacasvn, no. te Wood arm% • trauttlar‘dra , -•r e watt! "...„ • TATS & SEVILLE, ILL W. WOODRUM& lES WOOD era=T - FOR' 114/./e--FOB tt dw ; ale , two toßwer baling co , lit; 105 UM etilit focus archwtd, de. Pot tow sat •;;;;;;It ta W. C 11:10911111.1708. Ho /11 Ms...wad street, PUtabareilt. FOUR ROOMS. VORSAL/L—Two desirable lote of gr 5 0114 1 , 114. townshi sf tea ewes end°, bet.g iArti it torob °Wien et tie w e Vann thee la , • In the towtoweeteorper of rile taro. Wag the lot ft 'un. 'twat& tat.oo, owl the other II la thil north-wen earner on the Sams' astatinel.mM le Ch• lot whine/a tee pa:titles of s atd tare ti my/ad be J. ■ th4raTealr Bite fats within • gnerser et • nen. front ftesetnowlgoeteoten on tbeettetdbargla,ll%. 337.0 La. Odom? 3324 idea etc WOW trum Ib. on.. MID ted'epattble and tense edgy. Apply to 3. It ogusra•t, raw she premiss% dit , to 11. R. el 1, art. lit ruttucr.t, 711:hanrgli. . ("VI E. OF THS MOST BEA.IITLFLIVANIP N„." dsdrabls loostlein Ittr eosstarsestnallltelbsig Ltd.. I* a. or.ed be yak,. &maim;. • A.-tnte absat OW test. a. awash& its CI Om own ottr.nsts WOE the, rasidessa olasiss4sr q farm& wad I. wavolAibto ante 0.4 fasprOan ,l - man 11.• . tles place a twd. story bet. balmy vela bars, ,Its., a ll Oa [b ordar, pisss ban s, et pail; met, ttaltbr bt.lutti• emettl% &end, silLba &teed taro tae, stioss stostoss total portiwasts Tor terms, appis st tbs Bast , Matt sattl Issntonts, oaks of . •TLVICII ' Bad. street:Le.• ••: • ' 0 8 BALE— RTERitil BAW MILL i. AND 01:6 1311:7E92111.—Ths ball o Vol* at an ou Thottnagend Iranni 13• s 11.111..withtan silicon la.olf gam of connil; rtn aloondanong God on *to Ion.: toinonpart and bobs inatod. ottlatean Um, 6.11181mr honor eyd a- b 41MM-ft nalo Mr plena" ill NM NW A uncolorn band. T. 5.. WU bto R. okl artlat, owl to nett Wonted. Win • mak =ate' tram It tattoo Ayr Cloodlooollty - tooth:tog lo;n6r. To. pardnr.bin call on tho anclotsnraint. WWI 111 MOE LOW UL.. Salf.o.dotrest.i= FOR RALR. D4O AGSM 07 GOOD WWI LARD. .11 'Wag to a. tract To Kaamtb nannt7._forn, alb val,•at • FL 148SI.Tr. ad.tt maw t and Ditomans c§TEAM 84W MTLL FOR SALE —43141- &tad on We bon/hot the Ohio Ryer, In the tairo . M 600rickloyvIllo, mato. agles frouirittellarM— liM to oory ouhataziatalty WOO. la 0.90 1 . 4 f a t umboreftpssro tot 1.4 length. too Moonlit . 1 lalth It, load la la good rwradAs Tor yu ulame - JOUPS G. II &AIM fico.o7, 5400410e7010 P. 0 , rx EaLll-1313)3101BAN SITES &NO VILLAGEIMO% mum iron,Ezoloo.—Tho isoutors agog Dilator Horrom• N*A rtfAsalo T • Rumba of • /4013. gam am loaf to t MI was each. 'Maud Crane Tort l %dor too mak of gm broatuas uW the 4 BM nernels Remove Itallcu. Tha iiivo • MO Mozart* Masted lb, prleatremAformroh Aim, • samba of ..mtual Una dr CM rfige•of =WM 111 k, Cmatta•mt ti. Paora• - ir Itralway—ttart7 MIAOW SA Croat and from mr• to two Anftd 1W MM. 7fai Mkomosso= rourgor. 'Mg at_gur Ingle& sartml, ar W. A. 0 ,5 .49 i. m ar Coult" lOU D. exescak, • E. I. ItISEDIi, " • F. I. =MOM , lox SALV t . .1 - Ow.&Goad Wail Cbtalar Gag, sm. Matalroot leelmesd Q. Z. PRAM% 158,1 i TIM stoat' tpoa EA LE-.4, fans cont.i.;nr, 1: ...D. attys.." la aatintaa tatrasktp, aossty, gas gars tgasa Islam's MIL, east tea stliabra . 4: Pisabatalk. brat - Aral Was; sad la • psi as. of Putt.: preassign lambi prsarra4 or al Csasaboarlbsc, sag. 1-ao. A. CI. alaillar FOX BALE—ISO Aare* of Coal, olio 126 wrote [mai coal tri pod &boo.* erea• coal aid railroad no:lento traprovereeste ugoollrort. f Ix; order towel Se. •• eoe taxi as Ms Yeezlllll dyer and Ovaskinerine IldarcsAL Nagndre t vmalut WASD, 5:01 ?rot door in= TittO co Great wired. VOR. ~ g--PSYN 151'ILEIET- mop takoro-407 to wortarlo to.; Wt... rou= 12 s, ;614 rrits starri, Ida Wt , batty trout OW •os I luettet, rooming Imok no ike. a Tr. trier sor.r. Tha stow t as =viand. ensmil.enrun: S°7 r• If fre&ti S. ffoCLSLLARD, 63 etren emit, - Lloit KENT—A FINS STORE' 130022 1-.1411.4 and I,sablo, 412 lataban. r .014, meet, iLLlsibm Oity. Paso** rbbs moray. taracrly oz=eirel Mem. • .• : I V , ill JO= IMAN• - Anal:mar W. -1 FOR an'T.-1 - ba two stars brisk sus „' boos. Po. urr ritsr grEZEr, lakiely ocaTtill ' -• Jahn Oidak i Co., se • Yilter•l Wasellatiaaecry, co .1 Zeolis du Ineyoisesyos.4-114-1.21P9Er it ewe. misc um . . FOU - RALE.Bb ..shares tklumbik. suds. 4pi.Sr H. ZAMA & Ca, T YON mamma% I VPOSTIR: JLA 41.9 D b mast ft bri.a. WVINIII HAVANA MAIM ma lit Itadollik, emosraa - Atm CriUrgla - G TOBL.XX). 5231 Uirt., 'FANCY 1111:618311,011 PIPS% Timm. he.. - In tau inraaattaz az (manias Pa i ngt:nstlall t wit tramit tram 8100 ems -- M0N03.-Actiwand raw bb• g likes bib" army awl immrivide• t . tb. :MS berathe Imbue. intoim. Ilanorible rya. Addbeed cr *ivy to 110.10=1140:111. QPICED EIALMONPut up iu four, pos i tapratswl.trum.r.t.o • JOAtt 1. 82111111 A learts ./0017 snajtamt ~sreleP — tifllre,"%tltt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers