ght fitisburgh OWL (i i a014: ;i4421171 Oti :en Ctiss Tiro 1 ••• I • ••77' ••••• r. 7; • • 'P 7 I • • ys • . 7 • • • • ID • • •• 74 • • • : Three lima...—. oar thrm.....-- Ifro Toro time Mar xcunatbs—. Owh 13 tleseslit Itsmilklarea I Day. fa inapt "ask' sack. Osts mant.t. - SY&Si Thm• 11 40 one year • 40 00 11111111114 mottos AIWA* the Mon rata, Death notiaL each Losirtima eII anises- •••• tas adrwtteeramjs, pee trip— ......S2 IX) Ittgandorie.arAdostabtratcoe 11 MT AM SUBURBAN. ,=- ,PIeiRTERIivANvED 1.4 4 1/ 3 12 4 Pfr MI;odor can weirs pernmaat . yak sPrate err" by inalbsir ftwougliatesßlkatlea. a/Incident of the DeatocraUe Convez. thik l lnntinifieV of Allegheny aunty ware sends/ling their ticket on Wednesday, an incident occulted which we Asdicat time to note lathe premerlhau, poLlished_ in our, evening edition. The Convention found it exceedingly Calmat to dud It mutates* tor the (Mee of Pew BTrebtok.' Jectba 8111,Bsq..who eat al one of the Woe Prasidiats. was &steams d,but ha most pe remptorily asained—Making his head in a moat empintle andliguilicant manner. The mat- We Mr. Wesley smother Of the Visa Presidents,. W 4 teadatid the honor, but la a calm and dlg nuouori, be mesa and stated that he had, on a recent coculonitestad Ms 'popularity by running for that Important - efts, and as be had heap haredsomely beaten he must decline in fa tly' of WWII 024 else. Henry Ingram, Ern., mu then nominated, And as he wu not in the con- notion to"deeline, there "%la prospect tisat the empty honer mightbe foisted onlim. Maio how ever....ille friend and. neighbor,- Rody Patter e., took. the -liberty of withdrswing 'kb Rua., fading "astblied that be weld not and V. 014 not sure. - Jobrt R. Large, BR., 'aided , etta this •thing otiveryeandidater being per mitted to withdraw his name.. Mr. Ingram was lust the, men for the position, arid bad a. =Oh money to spend in the canvass an any gentleman in the minty, and he should not be permittedto decline.. Oar. Gibson 'varietal to brother Large that, Lesamuoisea hi belonged to Allegheny city, and bads poorhouse of ids own, he haw right to meddle in thin matter-4h* country delegates alone being intarested. =a vas &good point' well put, and seised a hearty laugh at brother Large's expense. Mr. Ingram, who was out in the rotunda, had by thin time got wind at *tat was going an, - nad he bolted Mt° the convention, tit inland, and very abruptly begged the Pros- Want to withdraw his DUO% On being informed that: his 'Mind, ex-Sheriff Panama, bad ei• ready withdrawn his name, he proceeded to thank Mat endemics for the great kindnese.he had conferred upon him. Owing, no doubt, to !bilateral vhloh the az Shedd bad manifested to odd:4 the name of Ms Mud Ingram out a the way, the thrill{ struck can of the delegates the portant the ix Sheriff wanted the °doe Minaalf,... and he was straightway nominated Body roso,iink willes countenance radiant with napes declared that ice did not duke the nomi nation, and could not by any possibility servo. A wag, who sat. emu .tim, rogtdahly remarked, "there's no danger of your having to came , Body:. This tamed the laugh on Body, and he eat down to =Joy the joke with theme& The convention - then nominated Mr. fidlauley, gent/amen who waanct prompt, and who seemed to hate no friends to prevent his being said- MO. . Cas Kauntz , a Chicago Speeb. Jlresor• Editor.: I see In your morning edition a note from Capt.' Hotmts, abouthis Clamp speech. ' He gins the "lie" to the Itribanes "report"- of Ills speech, in genstal terms, but does not 'neatly in what respect that report is a He admits his rancor spins' the Ad. nzbildisglm4and it le more than likely- that the Yielleseee report is, false in cot quite coming up to the redoubtable Captain's "spleen and profan ity." At alleviate he does not puttied, and aniplealledly deny that ize used prudentgusp attributed to him. -That wag n tke Captain. It Is well known that he Is a terrible back-ailder in politics, and that he is aollatad with eines On the 'kril, and net being mush of a "public speaker," it would he _very =bird fa the be somewhat muddled when ad dressing" the great conchae of 'Copperheads, end , use language In'the haat of hie excitement, whichts-woold - be vez*-sony to tee Inprint. Ii we , very Pendent, therollore, lathe Captain to - be diary In daylas whatlm did-say. Besidari having ialdslob on handl, the Cap tain vr Cid !Vs a big • e fibre; and ,wpcid yery naturally rasortto tha tame leaguese and means hewn act= toned to use when eommendiag his atzamboatj and wished to wake go - Ho 'started cat in the war na a "Conimouore - ' and, of ••=l*, a great Union min. • He made a for tune Ina short time and sat dreaming of mil socurooro, when General Gaels, disliking his male of doing things, sent him home. Smite. lj he discovered that General Gun was a great drunkard and totally unit be a general. He posted In hot baste to Washington City and commanded President Luoda to dismiss dm. Dot be President not ageing matters in the same llght as the titer Commodore, Mel believe the dreelierd es tr us) and - didn't distobeesum That mac , Instantly the salmi foil fram the *yes of the Patriot Haunts and he taw clearly that the whole country was fast going to this Devil. Be determined to saVe tt. He re solved to - dismiss Lams. He joined the cop. pa:heeds and stamped Allegheny emanty with wonderful immure last fall. Elated with Me moue he want to Chicago and rosde-4, spa:chi Al the epoch reported by the IV,beee lean mach like- the Captain—lo Lot, I thought it one of Ids happleat efforts—l most regard it as th e veritable spetob, he delivered, iota mime ether pnblieepestkar"tomes forward and claims the bantling, or at lust until'the Captain gives us AM !mak 1;4 . dlditalliret. ---- . 5./ ',:',l . " The:Coil D iggers' Convention. ~.., ;,,;1 The coal miners advertise that they rill hold ~.. '.4 . 't ecoenrention'to-day, at . elevsn *Week, on the 'ill West - Cometrin, Aihroatenty, when they siva" to 1 :*" beetle Ineltits that, they ate net responsible for the 4te lonAtins - Seams in the price of coal. _nisi, alialik Ars!, ths pit owners sat retailer" 31111" put up the Woe:, and that the respond. -,. i Witty - tests with theta.' .We hum alteadysuded . . that both parties sin to Marna and se thlak the •„' fseieliffeentellyestortained, will substantiate thisaiessties.- ''. j When %ewer teisrneed, the diners were , well sathillsiwillthwe Innis per bared. They -. instriesed,freat.tims to time, nett] they got des ~ r};, ont i tAr_Atothal ; ;lSow :r i szs u n i ld , like can et= ge bloc the late g strika . foe SKID and ..,-, debt oats par basket was *emissary. ; Qn the other hand r whea food was mined at :' two mats per Inuhs/,,the redeem and retailers '',.' ; litre tithitiki ilith Binh Fonts as monied to --", - thou Violin:is. to the contumsr at Iv* sad els ~".• conic par 'babel. WV, then, 4.40E04 ca,uvaera ', - *Mb, tionvoiled to pay perentesa sad rizie en l.'' eta Pa Inuttel , oven' alaittLog that it sons , y - lista oestalfrintrdnilt, - . - - ~... 1 . If. than toistions. era satisfseterliy deter. : 1 taut the 'eeneentitos =ay reinlVineotee W W pod; oh. &Agin CCifttel tbSi they aro 1ar4144 'l4 SA _d_ gallail — US ' fllmuild rater s Amply bevanse I the maim a . and. Melba had become aeon -; 1 t EStt la ilex ;Imam% they paste themselves „:, fp a most absurd and riditnloat light before the , . ;with 'Wis. The petite some Onnindinali will into wansittt their 'dedication .. 1 Distraitl4 Accident. Dr. Kfticattiri j filatlioi4onai *Wan of boy lkill •coaalyi was auldsusgrg kiga4 02 wetlausday izt god:a Anus:. ono oissmonstanus, according to tko Sri staionualoi Oho TSZLIA2O 441004 My of ha ms s d Uwe* =hoe at Loamy, abcod, four 6222 ,Pimgrory driving' ono bora is a boggy. rotoraing,he loaned ant wnsr tho groat or as buggli . -wittyour fooVon the Edo, to &Fiat soccuidag lama, tkikanus. doing this, ha fell, and wu mita in soots of Ma swings oh. Pions stastad cam suistig. about 2211• !sad ot ball sad - tba unfortunate girofloman Irao &soca to:4mM, --lb loans bat uss. algid, • doogatfm, cad a fella* of stoat a quartet of a soDDO72- tHo Iris,' ,Citaxl.stbin; and Mr- loss Is smillirsawg deplored. • • '41.15 4 44 , Cue of Drainin g . A . ge24l *Y - 1111/44 . : L W ,' ../! .11 4 - .16 - •bo ' id six .-- ~, ) zun aid; 1 4 1 drowned letneat6.ol. I au. Etsa.,' -I" Ueda': 1 :? - 1 itCreryasietaiii ticrthgi , :.ltsiral '161138 n a :of one auftLid -... sae ill--- "calla. a Wale ;:, li t en in b e l :w d ir: bi llt r At. h lt i nli n t ot, qr . , bon, itlitig i t of the first Vow York Aiitlllery l gi . Coated order , ihe Lost. -.Ms twfabrottum, 0 4 1 : .itandrea e "'Lin t:l, At t i Vra m 'A AV,,, at. (If c 'no s i 1 : 1 1 c sIA h r: . tit: .11 the 11 11 ues t i 11" bl 4 : al- P elill ":a4 . " /di. " iho an mtton.trae . . .14 , , ;---.' itdisents, Si MT WOlll4 AntlOill lanstorsetsit to- , -.Doan frowth - -' ' '' ' • Ike.rtver. -, Oste et a e-eys, beinev; told)* : ralk iLti j oun d 4: ,libdistt.4- of Luttia• Puff, ; - 1 - tatter,. when - s' tur wee:made miuthe bed - ' ..uste- "lkid' ' anti " O f 114:11 : 11/11 xemered...'27se sientlottikr doesesser d . t rac t f orm Mt riatittak aroma. i altiolirA Cst+33.thassltleinue,.. . i _ mum ," no . dnm !nd Penns of southern Pram . 4 Allearen 66.470 Tt0,.. , . ' 7 -: i gated sweetness criiirthsai„, -ut,th..... c. 0 ., t ..0.444,ii.-4tl, .. . ,A, ~ - ~,,,,07 . -- *,-4, ciao; attics win fi rm! ° ' -wl° 1° "" 1 14 4 . 0 . 1 *Apit. 3 .: 4, : i. ,,, : twiAr! , , ;,.. r.. ,... 0 ri,tvar.rtr,..%,,T4'0.1,6., , ,j t'''''' '''''''''' . ''''''. ' 7 : it • 41Walt an4r4 1 ;'.. 6 ' :<!..',.-";,--;,,1-,,,?-e-;:',Ite,._•;<..;,t4. I- -, ?1. , -", - -ef ...-.141::.x.,.:,-.0.%. , = , :.-4. 4 , ..,w-,,,...-. . c .. , - : - ..,.,:,-±,-.;.-:;- ~..-,::::', -::::, 7..:'-."r--'4E.lf't-,;:: - !::.......1:4g.' .-'''-''' .. ' - .' • • . *be _non gay Sued Clutimilon:—The Imitates. ibis case—Anemiar of the School Di? gesters—Argentent Of Counsel. 'CisSifediteirday, is the Marla Gout, before Judges Hampton and • Wilihmos,lhe motion for -s prolisdnary injunenon te. restrain the School Illrectera of Elizabeth township foam issuing bands far the payment of bounties to voleoteen, came up for Argo:mt. George P. Herollton, Esq., counsel fez Levi Edmondson and And. McKinley, complainants, read the hill, the substance of which has already been published In ens columns. Robert Wools, Eq., and Hon. A. W. Loomis, appeared as counsel for the defendants. Mr. Woods read the answer of the School Di rectors as follows: • Thetied rupendeots; reserving to themselves the right of a more full and template answer to the cemplaintent'e bill and the hats therein al leged and agreeably to the robs of court In cosily, chow for cause why proper for special isles:Mien should not be granted, the following facts: Per more than three years put, a wicked and unprovoked rebellion against the Government of the United States has been mercilessly waged by turrinotpled traitors to their country; and the Government of the United States, in charge of their constltetional duties, hare been compelled to employ large bodies of men in the army and navy of the United States; that eve. cue in suppression of said Rebellion required not only the employment of large military and na val forces, but also the possanien of immenke resourcea;;that the Government of the Milted Stetes in Its discharge of their deities were oom• ruled to appeal to the loyal States of the Union interested In the suppression of the rebellion, for aid and assistant* in men and meant; that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ever loyal, liberal and generous in sustaining the ins Matins and liberties of the country, has ever promptly And patriotically responded to every call of that description; the has ever been foremost in far ninths soldier, for the melte, and means for the suppression of the rebellion—thee in this spirio and for these laudable Purposes, the Legislature of the Commonwealth, on the 25th of earth 1864, and the 25th of August, 1864, en acted the laws (printed copies 'barium at tached.) in pursuance of which, and for the pur pose of meeting the call of the Presideet of ' the Knifed States fer five hundred thousand men, the clams of Elisabeth township on the s:h of August, 1864, at the election for voting for or against the amendments of the Constitution in pursuance to fall sotto, to that effect given be fore that time, held an election by ballot to ob tain the vets of the people on -the question of raising bounty by taxation, which resulted in a majority of three hundred in favor of the tau and that, on the reeling of the same day, meeting of the ciente of the township wee held, at which it was resolved by all, ez. Copt a few dissenting votes, that the; tax should be put on to vane tho bounty money for the district; that In pursuance - of the respective Yd's of Assembly en the subject, and the ex pressed with of the people on the townships, the School Directors immediately thereafter resolved - to raise a sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars for the peeper, of paying bounties to vol unteers, and tot exceeding three hundred dol lars to each volunteer, and did proceed, by doe sad appropriate resolutions, to Issue certificate. • of - indebtedness, signed by the President pro Ism. and countersigned by the Soo- Wary, for the purpose of raising said money, Much said certificates have bevfissuod, and the money raised bons fi de, and tick bonds delivered in good faith to the respective parties loaning the snowy at the face and on the faith of laid bonds, and the twenty money. has boon paid to sixty three volunteers, and they have been mustered into the lonise the United States (POO each), and the balance of the said le in the hands of the recruiting committee, who are hourly putting in more meta as fast as they can be procured and mustered in, sad that the whole of said will pro belly be expended before the hour for the hear ing of this special information; this in all the action of the School Directors, In relation to the preceding promises, they were influenced by the most perfect good faith and patriotic intetrtious, ea they believed in a just and faithful discharge of their duty, warranted alike by the laws of the Land, and the just obligations of theloyal citizens, devoted to the institutions sad the liberties of theft ethatry ; and still th eneneed by theta:me motives and considerations, and in justice to the persons Who' have loaned the money as aforesaid, they are determined to levy and collect the tax for the puipme of pay , tog the some atmorabig- to law The respond. eras further state that the men for tho purpose of fining' their quota have been enrolled, mu Used in and coedited,: according to the laws rules and regulatioes of the United States.: Res po ndent, state farther that both the um plainants are over age and not liable to draft. The respondents claim that all the foregoing securitice are issued in good faith, fall consideration pad and are valid and binding in law, and that the respondents are not personally liable in any manner to the complainants for the lame, as the complainants have not, in any manner, Invested any of their funds therein, nor are they likely to do so. Respondiettselalm that complainants' bill is totally destitute of malty, and they are not entitled to the apecialleranotion prayedtar, and that they &horrid seek redress, if Injury hai been unstained, in a diffirent lotion. The general bounty act, and the supplement thereto, were then road by Mr. Woods. Mr. amilton then proceeded to open hia ar. gament. ll* did not question the materiel Meta alleged in the answer. The great and para mount point ;end in this Issas was, the consti tutional power of the Legislature to authorize the Issue of bounty bonds and the collectlon of • tax to provide for their payment. This was the mato question. There were minor poll:sa— es, fcr lowsnee, 'whether the entire tax coed be collected within the year aril the right to pay bounces to volunteers rear ' edited In other mlli tity districts. In reference to the main point, Mr !Wanton erected that, by the Coastiution of the United States, Congress alone had the power of organ izing end eupportlng armies; and, having all the power needful to provide the nocessurmaaas, and having entered upon the employment of there means, Congress virtually excludes State Legis tateres and State authorities from taking any action in the premium Congress had already legislated on the &abject, of paying bounties to volonteers,ind hones any action of the Peanut -vent& Legislature, touching the aribjsot of bocut• ties ' was illegal. Mr. Hamilton further conten ded, that, vendor the Seventh section of the amended Cocetitation, the Legislature was pro hibited from passing eneh acts as the one! In question. These were the points submitted In eupport of the hill. Mr. Woods saawered very briefly. Indeed, he seamed to - reseed the question as to the son atitntionalisy of the law as hardly worn. an ar um:ratan He mad the seventh motion of the amended Constitution, referred to by Hr. Ilant - ikon bets:Marty failed trios its bearing lanais one. ' The Srovislan Citrons boatabsed was for quite. a different purpose from prohibiting the pluming of bounties to eolunteera Ito aid in the suppression of rebellion. He contended, mar,- ' over, that radar the very terms of the Constitu tion itself the State had lull power toprovide all needful means for the Suppression of Insurrec tion or rebellion, and that the Elena/al Bounty se: and the supplement - thereto were clear. ly tenant:Mom& In reference to' the ml. per point' alluded to, Mr. Woods an awned that the tax was proposed to be levied according to law—the assessment not to exceed two per rent. per Min= As to recrea tes from other district*, that was a matter that did not in :the lust injure °redact the eromplain- ants ' - and even U It did, the. Beate Courts had nothing to do with the complaint. Mr. Woods I read a letter from Indiana, in whist it was Stated 'bat Judge BuSagton had Jett rendered 11 dodder! In a similar tome, allinzang the °mei. totionality of thrigensral bounty law. Mr. Loomis followed Mr. Woods,. and denser eden able argument in support of the positions esissuned by his eolloagsm be spoke at some lengthipon the pelvis of the Stem end United Orate/ Constitution,, bearing erne ;be question. raised, and contended thee the passage of the bounty act by-the State Legislature did notooe trays Pe sty pe-acri or tile Ostaral p +retro:tarot d wee to ..cordatco •I 1. ens tartar farm/ o the Stage Coartitution Itself. Mr. Hatraltou concluded the argument, elab orating the points raised by bin Mlle opening. At the csnolation of his speech, the Court Sock possession of the Supers, and adjourned until ttaturdsy, at which UMW* decision may be sendand. 1 2 than 0 Inst. il=C2 1 t 6 00 2 • a 75 cm If 90 00 I/ 0 "1 1 TO I 20 2 TO Co 4 TO 3 00 1030 1203 1 1 9 11 00 IMI 516 5 03 se 4n( $lOO 1.11 45 000 800 1000 1645 'lOlO is on 44 50 1400 Dank lvie'Quotatkup, Corseted *specially tor ihs andio,by Mauro Told A Larevof t pA'atknal Zak Note Ro pcoAr. Bator comortadoAst Pr.= 1 p 6,0 .7, Agar =r/at New Tort Mat-- 3Y a S !forth It Park Caly...* pai &NU Bt.MPIW = Pittobeivb-, Latchieos 123 12, ~ Pk. of Iroyett•Copr— 444 BrownsTat•pr2l.oo P. Coanuy -.... Delavar• Pad. eo Gru r par VbecilosPrapaaa.... ' Oh& mei leseettester BoOengli: 82 eu . t o ehland Doges& k• " .. .41 assepter " 17 is Hierobarg Et :baser "61 Terminal ' l4 -19 riot Deer 20 ReCloare Tosellhip...— 46 Weer Peer" .-- 21 goes . 34 Fero " 13 Ohle . 4 1 21 Indiana tohnship Is progressing finely, and .111 wan be felL Reserve shows Hem of mov ing. liar:lean alone seems to have stack fast. 31.1547m5:51 19 Balooburg 5 Oonu Teeming 23 Band° w.n.hl6 20 Lessoister Clinton 19 noddy Oriek tp_.... 27 n Lode= tp—..;—...— 25 Irssultlin dtml .... 2u Cootretp.....—.---- 17 Oranberry tp-4.4.-- 25 Clay tp aacteon • Hernlotty.... 25 Coceord._._ .—......_ 25 B 15 Worth 23 Several ottuar thetriOta are working, and will doubtlets yet 4.11 op. Milleretown borough leeks bat one man. aanarkros. POOSIT-QCOT. rut•o. IS Wetting Dozoilub-.... 47 Ilrodre Ileod 57 tt ...... 6 'etagsr Creak 7p.----. 14 Lrechborg _ 9 3 j treaklut 61 8 . 4 1 41 1 1 ,00. :: .—. It Borth Buffalo 18 800115 Buffalo 27 Freeport tt 21 natl.:mins tp._ 29 IL•nor T. 21 .aytte tp Sayersl of the remaining tub dlatzlots have =ly fined their quotas ; and we bear (bat fund/ bays boon mad, up In all but tau. As volantects may be pat in ttp to the day of reporting, whlbh will be from five to ten days the distil. the tab-distrims yet in arrears have time to +Mar themselves from the draft Ai • soon u volintearing slacks of the draft will be made. • Anothar t Alfalr—Probable Houil Last night abcut hal-past nine o'olock, a cut- ting affair oochrred on the Second street road, near Lock Ntli, on the Monongahela river, which may reXt fatally. The following are the particulate!, u near u we could ascertain: A man named 41i'llliam Kerrigan quarrelled with James leitonell, his brother in- hi*, a few days sines, about wits family matters, and last even ing Hartigan filing under the inetterecoof liquor, went to Moonep'e house, and became involved in a diaputswith him. After some conversation, Kerrigan drowa large butcher knife from his pocket and mirk* Mooney a severs blow upon the cheek. M Loney endeavored to take the lin fe from him d when Kerrigan stabbed him In the left side Ltd initiated a severe wound. Im mediately art arithe affray the polies were noti ced of the reit, when they called upon the wounded man, 'when they found laying epee the floor of his dwelling, apparently in a dying condition. After some diffionlty they suomelled to wresting Kalrigan and conveyed him to the watch hews (thief of Pollee Long called upon Geo. Portuno,E•q., Secretary of the Dirootors of the Poor and pique tad him to send physlaian to alaZine hi4oney's wounds. Mr. Fortune oomplied with the request, bat up to a late how last night we unable to ascertain the revels of the • on. We visited Hartigan at the toombs last baght, but he was too muchjin to:lasted to glib any account of the affair, fur. than to dozy Ott he had done the cutting. The case will be intleatigatsd before the Mayor this morning, when alt the feats will probably be elicited. L Tao Cm . ..l—Captain Cyras C. Markle, who has bed the pl , ri . tion of Inspector of General Swain's Chile , of the 22d Army Corns for the put t years, has bout =tutored oat et tbs earelet , by the expiration of his Una, and is now ill t to atty. Captain Markle ill a roiddent of Wu °related county. No CHANEIN tallbruesentwm—Ospt. Moorhead resolved • taletaphlo aerate!' yesterday from Major Dodge, et thorizing him to manor In re melts for eme ye regiments as f rawly. There are three one yells. regimenra now being organ. toad at Camp Bstrnolds, two of Infantry and one of Haim Artilltry. LIDZIAL AID • PaunsworrnT Donairtos.—At the quarterly see don of the Grand Lodge of Masons, held in PhUadelphla on Monday even ing, they entarah.onsly ordered a donation of $2OOO, to be give a to the poor and intferinil oitt rons of Chamber berg. Snms wr A actunt.—This (T harsday ) evening at 8 o'clook, 'rill be sold at krOlslland's Auction Rooms, SS l'ltth ritrost, Bank and 011 Stooks. 2110 ". PAl 2 lis Kali and Ornamental Mato &robin, and doper in Penughanla and Var. ant data of tsa belt quality at low min. Sae at Alas. ;Laughlin% now Oa Wales Works, Pitsobtul, Pa. Tan Somali an Yvan. _for over forty years Dr. Hello y has bean supplying all the armies of Europe with his PILL 9 AND OINT MENT, they haring proved the only inalloines obi, to sure the room eases of Dysentery, dow ry, Bone, Woon is and Bruises. Erory time rack Amid thorn. Holloway's P? and Olotnent are now re tailed, owing to es high prices of dram As., at 35 treats, 70:oent and $1.60 per pot or box. for sale in Pittobturgh by B. L Pahnestook k Co. For rate at Falton's drug store, Fifth street Pittsburgh. Forgets ►bo by Geo. A. Kelly, Federal street !Weighers/ city. Sracties NoTural.—Thal actentlon ei ova readers . directed to theibriLllant secortnentof lE= sd (Innungt Goo* Just reonlyed by our John Wirier, ' No. 126 Federal street, All*. ghats,. Ms stooll i oaratirires • mat variety al Pansy Trench, gush, Bootoh and AM Ceedineres and C oths, and fine Silk and Cu singes Voltam-Lel' si whist. will be made up to order to the 14test styles and in the best manner. A oholoe clecaloded Perniehlas Golds stro on hand and for sate, together with fall teak of Reedy 1 "de Clothing. well sad lash lonsbty mad*. Teflon, hal, rina We an jut root, opting and ammo spedWty invite Sanest to meant it to be one of , taltm goodstg tb: ranted to eye fa tali vita,. Moorhen and Ad BloCleinnass. 1 nithtiold sine& In ion value a with to prevent yo when grey, with yen most use an It mime to be one the present time. for the 'Lora parp , tioni have failed. Smithfield and Hot! .Iroggists. Mule, Coops, Bowlines,. Any throat caned by 01 rolcor relayed by Troabsa." Raid by Drugglrl Carew esti aw l a:Mut cads, N, LU orders be riczNytly atter, tall In advisee. Dr. returned from Ts.d bL pisottee st hti buret. B►s us them! 8 , 111,11, sonabls I IC Qntl MelM—glept ALI X OWAI I tHLUCII Oita OWL Foisond to tato p!' SO, ot. O'clock. gestfally laTihd to lit VLACE—In Mehl rime, i4lll l B BLi list* MOO Maar, la II 'no Amoral MA a 4111 tiejoi 011114 sOw4 , a I,; el* Sib. SdkPas Fligl7 WAS, 1 , 011 par laol~n w a. Bk.airtia.e Wieconsli ; - 0) 11101ILD1111111/Aot3 VIIIIINGI lltnto Tint ukcpbuidid, toads. ./..**23, oaf gnu' , d ail Priv, ti Fromm! eso.A.inaris oar. Otto sad haall golf nussoLuTioN r am. ti=the tnislailm amuse on Adintood.. rittibarp. IVOR SALE-91 ,B lo4 k , Apollo HEBEI =Ern - • • Valente I fbig the 4 2.1 ist a `Dis trict: - TG sub-districts hay. Ellsd thtdr quoits . Lt Ward Al 121 fa ... 118' 213 &Irkltloy Town.hfp U Frank(in If Wand ha *. 5T.11.1111 COPITY ZOGAILA NOTIUMUL • •el Graham a Co., if ersbant bred to Ti Smitbdeld street ring oar second supply of goods, and woold most re friends and the public In our new stook, believing r • stooks of mercluont • city. leery garment wu satistaollon, In both. prigs . to a mill before packaging for yannelrea. °LW/ garahaat Tailors, No. Ti ood, healthy heed of hair, or hair from turning grey, or, rutorsdto Ito original color, nolo ogled Steroassavos, as of the greatost samteues of Suns to render sathifeetloq, Isu when all other prepare,' Sold by Simon Johnston, oor. rib streets, and by MI solvent athms., Betarth, Brosehltfe, Irritation or soreness of the Id es unusual smirtion of the ming "Brown's Bronchial !MiFEM!I 410 Penn dry 4sy or taft at tbs abcm, pisos aiD ded to. 6L calls aunt be Ood eo h om• r, Jr., hosing rd BVHn SSb b. 1 , 54111X11 011, 140 Third street, Pau— 7 Cuss Clooos--Conso and CloaSs and Panto sold rho , Llll.Ol, 60 81. elalr se. (h. 3V4.M Liewlektoptlls, 4WAnt, la the betb lefte of Lila fru arrnutoom, ISeptiabor ha Mtn!" of Ma (sally an re. IMI, Sept. 6._ of chroplo A., ma of illaabolb owl th o 97!1. yoesof 41e *so. I(is N i 264 oficaof W. U. Devon, ID p'closlr, es TIMPAT *UI. 14 . AR Alliglerry Glotartary. HINT WLZ, on olluigua nun a•ur. trarraettidteNoo. 11,11YOMO immure. • • 1101$ TAX 0115, 'II RUM IffD 01317N11111, LIOLLOWL MIIALIIDOMMI4 ,00404wids1NOWWW i3Off 1•41.111rta tfAlkile... IbublaKcy bristles balms 0. 01761 Ewer Klub* fb IMIXII /b ~ ,Au. 04 11 1 / 1 01414 8 0 4 . !a " ' Nal Ku OW, Any KA . 1 s wlllbbiseidet AN:: of Kw 0. IP. K 14/1111,_ AVOUKT MIL , 8. Ule4,-442 I - obaroo Columbia U. 10*LIIIIN 00, . , 11 1voliglow* -,o , 4 lrt!tti!,r..• , r?"—ocoNtr THE LATEST NEWS BY TEABOUPIL Our Special Dispatches FROM WASHINGTON FROM BERRYVILLE Our Cavalry to kesume Active Operations. SUCCESSFUL RECONNOISSAN CE THE REBEL PICKETS FALLING BACK War . Democrats Deserting' the Chimes, drominalions. 11113 MORD POLITICAL LUTES ROI CEA. 0 HAT The Bebel General &Ley's Intentions a Mystery IMIMM:!! Spool& Divalob to the Pittaborgb Gazette. Wuarxeror, Sept. 7, 1864. The following Om jut boon reoeleod al the Tribune bureau here : Barper's Ferry. Sept. 7.—Raln has 'Aldo for the last two days, and this I:l23rang, although the sky le again cloudless, the reeds are deep with mud. ==! With the Gumption of a raconnotunoe on Monday, everything has remained as um el along the front since the engagement of Sunday even ing at Borryrtile. Octr cavalry, which for • time was cut off from the town, by a skillful maneuver succeeded In rejoining our Infantry, and after a armadas' breathing spell, ere again ready to resume active operations. The ardnom ',Moe performed by the cavalry with Sheridan's fumy, since the opening of the eampaign, has rendered recuperation • matter ,of imperative necessity. ♦ 110JII0t88.I00. Another reoonsiolianoe wu made along oni,front on Monday toward/ the Manehutar and Berry ville pike, and DO oonilderabls force of the en emy was encountered. The pike war rotaehed without much opposition. The rebel ploketi kept falling back on our approach. The camp furs of the rebels were still burning, and there was every indication that they had retired to wards the Opennan;blit a few !ours previous to our advance. au. awrr's roiaftoLL here's. The report that Gen. Grant has written a political letter to somebody Ii true only to this extent: Ile says in n private letter to • prominent gin. tleinan that he believes that It is the duty of every man to do all his power to put clown the rebel lion as well by lllllag op t h e Federal army and couttilinting the means to support it, a• In sus taisg those who are, or have have been using their efforts to accomplish that desirable rssult. lie also expresnd the opinion that the rebel Confederacy is nearly exhausted that it would soon oollapse if the nation would put forth all its strength promply and vigorously. I4DQIIaaTW O! ell. nett. Information was sits obtained showing that the headquarters of Gen. Early won situated dues hours before at the house en the pike mentioned. The prinolpal moonnoissznoe wu made by the brigade of Gen. Biro, of the I Ilk Corps. An advance wu also made by the Ist New York dragoons and portions of tits 4th Oorps and the command of Gen. Crook. ♦B4DDOIIIO Tug ouseAap PL,TVORK The war democrats but bare ►beadoned the idea of supporting the Chicago nominatiou, srMic the puce copperheads docaaro 11 McClellan tboald .at. a war Utter, they woatd prefer Lincoln to him. viuSONT 'mamas Mr. Raymond, Chairman of the Natisaal 11. crudes 001:11IILitt0i, antred hers this morning. nue news of the Vermont election is conaidered Dare a decisive Loftiestlon of the direetion of the popular 'FIJI in reference to the Presidential elec tion. =En= .2 1/ILO/A:tor. Llti A1“..1,1.1 017. It Is probable, however, that in car next &dramas he will, If he hu not done so already, retire across the ()mean, &seaming the natural— ly strong line on the other rids. Sines the oapture of the ambulance trein on Sunday the road to the front ku been well guarded, and &journey thither can now be un dertaken with comparative safety. AORICRILIWI•l• COLLIS:kit 1011 P. The Agricultural Caliege earlp or the State of Ohio bat been prepared at the General Land W ine and Is now ready to be slgood by the Corot ndisioner, whiob will be done in a few dad■. SECRETARY STANTON'S BULLETIN, NOTHING LATER FROII ATLANTA. Sherman to Rest hie Troops at Atlanta. THE DRAFT ORDERED TO PROCEED WITHOUT DELAY Applications for its Post ponement Refused. Walk DJIPAI VVVVV WM11111(07011, Elept. 7, 10,50 r. ■. !b I, IX ,—Teas deputation is NUN without any dispatches from south of Nashville. It Is supposed to be Sharman's daslgn to with draw his advance eolumns, and give hie army rut is Atlanta. He will establish himself sa ca;ei there and restore his fur comma nia s dons, broken by Wheals, and Forrest, blare making a further advent*. No eperat'cZ2 L 1 u Ir. Or.]: or isberld..n aro reported to•dy. The Prevost Iltarehel General's olfro ii bully employcd la arranging the credits of the several dlirlets, and Le ordered to draft without delay for the defielenelei In the districts that have not their toots., boatman' with atone most In arrears. ()radii' for el:dualist' CU be al. lowed as long as posolble, but the advantage of Ailing the armies lausediataly roguing this draft to be spirals made In defaulting dletrlets. AU application for Ito posiposimant have, therefore, been refund. Signed, H. M. &tattoW, Secretary of War. Adjournment of the ■eUonal Telegraphic POII4DUIPII/a, Rept. f.—Thi National Tele. reptile Union adjourned this evening, after making enteral onandsonts to the Connlta lia, and the ananintons adoption of the follow inn reiOlatiotis Hooked, That the ethane Cooke *I the Con vention, th e members of the Telegraph Union ' 4O of 4111 8 11 1 1 bIlfs s.nerelly ea dat e and are hereby Inured to the bads of the Menet telionaph sompoota throe hoar the tinned Mateo, for th e ea on rit of nanlatty , and Joe, 11040 they have dims tower I their employers. larolvad, That raeognialen the fat that the Inimeste of the amapaala aad their employees ,are leantiati, we hereby dealer, our willingness at up sad all Uses b las 4 par fall too/traits to say massore *blob will further the Waists it lb. „woo, of onyonot 11l tattoo* Cl AO. .graphing. The alaripending a11i70417 N 4lrellie4 to api of Oda reioloti.o to the onlare et all the telarak ll " 14414 oat the ffelteit-flat.., Tire delegaiiii pertati or a supple yk ob by the Philadopkia operators et Om la. /ease Uo. al this ambit. , The aestivation It. will be MN at MOW, LATE- FROM NEW ORLEANS. Steamer Fired Into y a Rebel Battery, A lAROE REBEL FORGE CROSSING THE MISSISSIPPI. LATE MEXICAN NEWS. The Traitor tfrsuan Defeated Dv Cortina,. Curse, Sept. 7.—The steamers Author and New OrMons arrived on the 31st. The Bella from Memphis arrived later, and had on beard ISO bales of cotton for Si. Louis, which was seised here on account of an alleged irrewnlarlty in shipment. The steamers White Cloud and Hoary Chon lean were fired Into on the 20th by a rebel bat tery above Bayou Bara. A number of shots took effect in the cabin and hull of the White Cloud, and her steam-pipe well out, thereby dis abling her. The gunboat Mow ood, came op and towed her out of reach of the battery. No one wu hart on either host. . A large rebel fore* under General Soignee, le reported to have crossed the Mississippi river hem Arkansas to Rodney, Miss., OP the 224 alt. The New (Means Dehea has news frost the moat It of the Rio Grande that the klexiout Gen. Cortina. wet the traitor Unman, ten learns north of victoria, and after an obstinate battle of tire hours, rooted bint with heavy lon. It was the most brilliant affsir of the war, and caned greatnjoloing among the people. Oortioaa 11 reported marching back to Mata. mores to contest the advance of the Prima ■p the Rio Grande, and Stony Timis I. expected In the State of Tamanhpae. Gene. Hurlbut and Totten have arrived at New Orison,. aotton mitre, but too ausattlod for accurate cmtuttobs, Produoo sad provisions unsettlod, Bogar brought twenty-tour cents at suction. ADVICES Fllol[ FABRAGUT'S FLEET. The Capture of the Rebel Ram TellllBBBBo. SEMMES BY COURT MARTIAL Wesnmoros, Sept. 7.—s septic:nen in Pare taint'. dent, writing to a friend, nye: The ram Tenants, made a first.rate fight, and oonld have got away from our forum and under the gun, of Port Morgan, had her smoke-stack not gone overboard. Not a .hot want through her. The capture of thin ram is without doubt a great blow to the .comb to thin part of she world, where the robot. believed in her se much au the army of Richmond doe, la Leo. Allahtent Burgeon George W. Ellis, V. B. vol unteers, of Wlnohater, Va., and formerly of Bombay, East Indies, is missing, notwithttand lug the efforts of the Adjutant General to find The stipp!, Mesmer Union will sail from New Tork on the 16:h for the Golf rgusdron. The eentenoes et court msnial in the emu of 1 eolonel, 1 lisateonat 44144141. 4 major., 29 captains, SO Otot 1144stanontr, 21 second Mimeo - ants and 3 surgeons alp otholally promnigatsd, They wens convictoti among altar things, of aranharmads, shamefully abandoning their po • titian In front of the enemy, inducing others to 11113 away, stealing, lying, DWI" nandtarr, plunder and piling* of private ottistna, besiling oom stems, dasertlon,o pining pirate la ttatf, drink log and playing card:: with enlisted men, fa; roachfal and provoking apeach"" to soldiers, o: ptc brions language and tyrannical oonduot. Consolidation of the British Provine is Cnsatcervirrewora, P it 1., Sept. con• (cream of delegatm from the several Prosiness to consider th. expediency of nutting under one govartiment and legislature certain portions or toe who!. of British North America, haa coati:t oed ite deliberation' here sines the Out instant The preceedinge of the conferenos are kept en • delay secret. While writing I have this moment head that the conference had broken ap Its sit tiogs on this Island, and has adjourned to the it AL inst. to meet in the city of Halifax. lam also assured that after a °areal &mild/cation of the whole question the conference 311.116 nowal moult; to the conchmion that the aticantagu from ooneolidation to all the et:denies would be very great, provided the terms of allienm amid b. made masisferatory. Th. maratim• delegate., IL le raid, are to resume she ooneideoation of the detail. of the teheme at Halifax, and unless some formidable obstacle wiles, a duly authorised conference of the smut Brovincial go.efamsats will ehottly be held at Quebec to disease the points of earlanee, sad U possible 2116t2f11 a for mal politica for submbosion to the respective pit tlements. The Pirate Florida. Wesursuvos, Sept. 7. A latter from Tette*. vu., dated August 1405, says: The privateer Florida arrived here yesterday. She wu per mitted to take in oosi and what provision. she required, andsallad at noon, going south. Dar. log her stay eh. received none of am ecarteslet extended to versals of war vlsitiag OIL port. It L rel,r`el that ;be e:m., Ittrn i!rtnt trcm the tout of New England, when she Mei and de stroyed many vessels, tastuding a steamer with a very valuable-urge, watch the pirates regret they did not tam It is supposed the stammer Vag tbe Eleetzio Bpark. One of her °Seers and two of her mew left the Florida at Tonne:M.. Heavy Robbery liromanees, Pa., Sept. 7.—Judge Hamlin's *tore la Salem, Wayne county, Pc, was entered en Tuesday night, die oaf. opened and contents taken, emonnang to P 000; a number of Indi vidual notes'were also models, chiefly given by Salem men. , Tbe robbery took three WO Gov ernm.ntbiW, std from fifteen to twenty $lOO Government bins. New York Republican Union COnvenUen. 6711.017311, Bent. 7.—Renben B. Houton lute been nominated for Governor by the Repabliaan Union Convention, reeelvinu 24.73; voter to 69 for Lyman Trenrain a d 35X for John A. D;a. Mousy for Sol4lera New iOlip Sept. 7.—The Cowsewsiat's spools Says that the United States Tres/wet will, in tw:lve days, have ready money enough to pay off soar, Less to the United Staten envies. Dcellootton of Geo. Dia drums, Sept dispotob boo jail boon moafrod by Ward Hunt from Dan. DI:, porittre lyideollutog do nomination. From in Fraaebeo. SAN Faisousood3ept. d.—The Supreme Court or California hue deelded that it'll city must to l. boooda for $400.000, In aid of the Central Po ono Railroad. Thia will give the read a great 11,5p011i1. Rerominstion of Thad. •tevens LAIICIASTIA, PA., Sept. T.—At a meeting o the Ihitll3 Reedllean Minty convention to-day II o. Thad. Stevens was renominated for Oon y, rat by 'collimation. The Vail of Atlanta Salute. hummer; Sept. I.—A estate of 100 guns vu Pod at 110011 to-day from the Newport ►corset[, la honor of the moat vlotoflet. Democratic Nomlllation Bt. Loots, Brpt. 7 —Me Bt•ts Onnveutloo, h.ld baroto-day, nondootad thorn ti 1. Ptloo tot dorarso•. Nuanballun M./ murals. 800. Amu* Cobb was nominated u the Union aandidsts jot r.•eleotlon to•dy, In dm 3d Dbitrlab 6TE4IfIDOAT6. L - VCR CINCINNATI & LOCI& viLLN.—Th. •pbrodid mount. OM %VAUD, Out. 11l leant u Above f l it 41 DAT, Itorblus, for fratabl or pinto apply on board or to J. b OOLLINUWOOD ern .1011:1 WLAQB, Auats. Wit ST, 140U18.—Tho MAOOIIIII Otptoth Orkkono, loaro uabove ort TIIIMV/A4 Yor height or Nome n o i llln x borkrd orto .no J. 11, OQWWWOOD, I A t" U• F OR BT.LOUlti—Ttio fine sums. 04.1. 8 100 444 1 . • I,ll . le6: " gri ta mbo or y; ulk .o llAtU r i 1tv2 6.4 .1b• l a ti o t g A ll I. D. OOLLINOWOODiainti. JOIN IrLACIL, B CAIRO AND ST, LOWS. l- , . —Tu. gee ow hamar .etastr <-rt ..i lOU Onthla euvens, will Iwo tor • Le we ioupotltsta polio an RXDNIIIDAY, lib lest. Per freight erpenapply as board, or r JUN WI if II I LA I. O If It it i WOOD. lignitt. era --,--------.3 PITTSUOIIOII ,TithLtTßl Pm* vi 4 gamier . UZNIMISON,, Ma TUN Maws rtII to vtatost•O.Roo doamatio Onto aol drama wait al TUS ROLL uS TSUI SUUS. (lab • (H at/ *wins Imo) To aulpb Tub 7Y■ uslaaso volts "toti7.7lC364"lttUrliZir WI Wk. 1141:i0.41R111. egji#l.64ll* f ito fano, I.l._Ait3t it a. Mew York Market. N o . 2.—aottou b . sCubrulant sattlad; 1541.87 for Idlddllny Uplas Plonr—Stabr and illaatera caner, and ratios sore 0: 0 10 ; 15 0 ICAO for Istra Mato, $1 1 1,14611,40 f Alms II V. at 4 111,0011,16 ~.r.ra.ereve....walL•lwiAttra.a. walay b... 7; 01.711)$ fordtste . e ar 01A ter Parlors • Wheal dun and gloats shit • lsodeay SO favor tarysrz 0.0,P042: 33 for Cblcsio byrtny, 00 3312,34 for 11111ra0kr0,13,11.141136-li kro,13,11.141136-li tor !mbar Ilthrsulas, 02 37003,41 for VI tutor ford Warta.. 0 2 . 42 0 3 ;46 for Auzbor ladrcblearzr; .pd $3 for Me I Tot. ebox• Slag 'Uchida.. Cop lc IL& 01,42 for NV; stare, and 01,63 forchoke Go, Oars steady at 93%093% (or Werzernvary Woo 0 roll Cc &a qulta , of by amorist; 01100 bags Portq Ulm at U. angst dal. at 01%.(320 far 0. leolasoes quiet ...a firm at $1,160,1,52 for now Or. s. Pert/Arnim firm, 100151 for Crud., c4p,&4 :or Etafla•d In bard; flag / far Iteflord free . 1 Putt sr area in good demand , chief; for sport .- I on, 24 0 1811 for 11,.., 842,80043,1 far New do, reit gat about 143 11.4 tread? art • little more dol. g. Oo tar', 141215; lb packed Bros, 24211 Out 111 , all ll Lard don and to fair ds mood at 93 , ,t821,4 Putt. too attire ono firm at 1.5418 for Ohio, and 19 (c.LO for 21 w Took Few ork Money and Stock Market. N.Story s 7 and il. la at 7c; Sterling steady, 1083•if3 109 for gold. Gold without &chiral chabge; L•Prearrit at 1.123.. savoating to 243, and closing at 251. Govvramrut necks ready. Stocks rteady nod arm. I'. & to 81 count., 107'4 ; r. 8. 620 conpaari; 110; Trearnry N Ira, 730 r, 10914; 2 800, 00 . Yost rortletstos. 931 f ; Ohio 5 Iliorlsrlppt r.lificherv, 46 3‘ Orticksllver, 8135; 5.. York antral, 128; T.llO 800 a, 36; Sri, 14834; do 2m:tate/red, II: Pudwn, 122; Pradhrg, 19,?.;; 11 8 & IN 1, 8184 1111ro la scrip, 1960, . Pittsburgh. 11 I 1 4: N W a 7, 6288; 'Wed., 120 . B 1,.00%; Wabash Yrolhavvd., 78; Port Wsyre, 1a9;.. Ihe g Id 2.llte' attains:lerr. third,. The chief supBort of the market now 11 the uorettlid rhort contraotr, maul of which were made during the dsclibe In the esti, part ef Wit weak The fluctuations wer, , • °posting at 144234, &Aro to 211%, and weak at that. Philadelphia Market. Putt-arm-rm., Sept. T.—Breadstuff, racy dull and but little demand for report. Snort 510 ; Extra, 1111,60.11; Wheato , dull aLd sales unimportant; Cora dull; T. 51.70; Mixed 51.74; Oat. rmady ; Petroleum dull; Grade. 49650 I latlued u bond, kilahli; dolne than; Whisky dull. Baltlmors Market. BA Lnuau, &lit 7.- -Inioar quint ; Inuit anti. and ittivanoid (urn ttesfy 1 Whisky inteody ; Prowls luau Ana ud truillog uptiraina Chicago Nutt?. Camara, dept. T.—lrloon owlet ; WlTftt WI at M 1.4 an. No. 1; Cora doll an $1,11%1,81% . lon No. 1, aadsl,3l for 2ra 171 ; Gata dot and dan.load yb, ; ..lea at 94 hr No 1, and fan hr No 4 ; Wliaky annottlocl at $1,77. Frnights Sa!M;11 Shipmate—Flew, 100 bble ; Wheat, 30,030 ho ; Om; SLOW ; Data, 110,0001 RIVER lETELLIGEACE. The riser wm, apputintly,ebnat at a etaad loot Arreri ing, with nearly abates Get of water In the channel. The weather canitsame ekes atidiefiaant and al that cold tenthly to &sired for out door Imams. It would epprar that the Allegheny river has then but wiry little at Ito headwater., as Capsulate received tram Oil Oily thatonly dates. Inaba. of water In the channel at that pixel. Attlab point the Allegheny has Mean con. dembly. tut lyantat have twin prodacti by the mall tartan,o tavern beremd Oil Ott,. The arrivals dace our law tochtels the MirIVITS horn W heellng. and the/Won and Pilg ri m from Obticteowl. Tha two latter boat, bad full carve; the Imat of which wee coreigtud to the Eastern mai bets The Elbuirra for Wheeling left m easel nod it wm thought Shut the GU& art old got off for Oleclanettleat tight. The Natio awl Petrol's started up Um • legheny b., inanity with roil freight lint and pretty well add with poiengera They will hardly be able to get op further than Brady`, Bead. linsinese arm tolsralidy sc Ws at the wharf 'anarchy, bat there Le 413 pltsity of room for improwi meet In Oda r sleet. I" eight. eoatlaus wiry mesa., And oar steam• badman uperlance caatidarnbla dldlcalty to plating op a talp. n. following Items an from thannoisuutliConsnaw wo/ of Twindsy : Ilaratta'a Ca. Melt= Anna ease to frcus Pitt h with • Sir trip, and will retard this ens tot rr to-mrrrow. Cap/ lffaratta has displayed h nal good taste and j oddment in getting. oat the Anna, sr she esabrose puny now and etnimendable festoon. Captain Albert reels dropped iti• Parini dotrit to the leres, yesterday, and will load to Pittsburgh. Oaptata A. Q Dow/ new Et. Louts peek, will be ready far b, nes by the else of tbe present wsk. , aptala G o D. Doopi s's now illemphla peek.* n, will be nompletrd soot week Tee Zaresavilts p. tot, Jolla, ladae bore .ad • !1d01:A.6.60 band at life wbal to morrow moralog. lb., Onward, Caps J.. MoUoat aaw atassatz, Is Jul tresl to leave for Claelnaatl 004 Loa/stills on em. Hay sm., log. • Tba Debewase. Coyish:lSt...wens, and the Waggle Here, C.ptaln H. nerfol sou. beat !scot passonger steamers ere losnonneed to leave for St. Loot. ttlr erenitsg. Th. ;.4 'o'er Ar uvula, Gept..ol A. 0. Idcaalluza, I. aamyn. ad to totlow on Estardhy. MEDIG.aIL. 110M - EOPATEIO • 108 Tilt PZIOPLEI. A Fresh Supply Just Receive(' Sts. I—Cnrea Fans., Oortrartlon and Intlasetstlcro Beat pe.s arts Ileatlaqrsoaa ; sod tbe Srat stage, of all tooter and is areattator7 Start.... Prise. SS mai. 80. S—ceres Worts Fever, Wane GolI A.ep Irprudgal A petite, We alai the Bed. Pei., !3 Mat Ito. I—Curs. Doha, %Wilt% Crib( sad Walradhl am Mow 14 tont. sad Feebleness of L4aa► Prise U canta. No. 4-oarre Diarrhea. of Chilitraoor Adolie Ghat.= S iatom. awl Raman OorapLainta Price Sh pow Nos. 4 and & nit e Ulm wont uao ot Olienole Diarrhoea. 110. 6-4:llrree Dyetstary or Moot, limy Oath; 011p pap, Dillow Uoboy , re/IDThistsam. Prior BS act li—Oares Cholas, 0he..4. Ilicabos, Nauss WY Vasaing, Asthmatics anatatoi. 88 omtL sto, s—rursa °oasts. OW; Basassam itroaahLts, Wass= sad Bon Tbrast. Pries S 5 maw. sato sad Mo. 111. TO fat to cars Lb. worst Oald sad sad 00.•oit6s. 1114. 111—. Care. Toatat.aetw. Paeweba. Herm. patoa awl SU Dolmas.. Printw fa eta. ff. ll Cale Marianna., Itta lisavabs, Vartlan, s • Wool to Ms fload. Pries Ea cont. In gestalt°. 'Mb !o. 1.0, is tem fails to too. tits toast losstuats sum. to—turn Dyspagada, Weak, Laid or Deretiod Booasob. lon. Clon at Pr amipatkaa, eco 14par Gozoplain; or Mow Oootta 88 teraal mat km all our. or or Week Capallon and Baia= 11— Como firappromand dlornreo. or Semi', or Pala to', c ataytn, Orson Stolrocoa. Si coati. an. le—Carer tot Yrufroo Ilerrros. ]5 ceu4 No. 11-Oars Croup, Hoene Onmpy Ovugh, Dlfemat 'o6 Oppremod Ilmihitig. 0.6 more. So. 14—Cures Balt ram., Ornsty trapUon.. Cz7114.- flu, mad Mont. Barbon . It., rimy! e• . am ►ax. 06 own. 15e. 15—Curer lUsemmsttros. Pain, latmeasen, o Son. Ismail du Wort, Rank Elide,..r Lambe, or Elct•tica. lb fntn. ?IN Id-onm Tent and dins, Intermittent Amt. Puna A.M. Old Lermarst• Uwe. m ants. liana Ok• • oharm , lildb •• • pelmatlre and our., No. IT—Oar,. Ist...real or Ra kraal. BMA or Bloodily& &mat or OhiMmds. 00 mat. This r0c...4 has carol Ifwasszki• of the worst pont Ws oasts. No. 11—Cora Optht iwL, Weak or I:atoms/I Zia or gneilx 'Wing. WNIB g 0. Walsits. It m•y slwr yo Donal. nirook :or • ours. no. tO—Cotto Clitorrtt, mato or &nolo dry o hg. Gold tit itto Hood, toduonsa. to amti. DO—Oatea Wllooplog Onagb, ahallanlng and pal tor It. OF epaanindla Clough. 60 cant. I, Is Infallible,and slava rallevai and corm Ha 11-oEine Adkins, Oppnred, Di cult, Labarge 11 ...thin. Cough and Ittpfttoratima. Prim, 00 on. !lazuli, J. Lim brut carc4 tu It. 151— Os u Ear Dirrharps, Noise Is Um Hug, t■ palud tlautaig. Lush., ear mate. Is always suss. No'. Ell—Zores Borstals, anur i p.d (Mad+, wad %astir, &welling. sad Old Mores. SO amts. UN oared the worst owl. Ito.ll4—Co•ss General Dainty, Physical or llamas Weak... 60 mom 6a16-Can• r ropy. /laid Armcaricaltiosla, mid Wl9 etancy Ynrr, as r..nts Mts. J 1.4-er.ctuna, 14.13.—N Vumituyi. W mat.. No 11T—Varei 11rIsm DtsesseC Omni, Banal War, DlBlooll ar Nitta] Ortaatioa. Da amts. It aorta Mt old am of K. On .7 Dlaerm. efo. ID—Cara Son Mouth a atoms*. Oulkend Ninth of Units or Chlldree, sad atm 15.111411 and Twaltlng of Travail resuln. /SO sa& Oats at Oa* 31-9ures Pentul tisigenallan, Pmen., Oman. Or Entail Pettit% Itnenn, we /Mineola ot tunes& Cb. e In= E f ! No. 12-01uss flalforlog at Waage of Was limbo of Noel, Yolpt Ij* O tatift, and area Diana of lbr h Mo. 33—Cms Eporos out Oontuttiono, Itolloper or Talttog-rlokton; Otio•ot or Et Tate Mame ; Jerk; top, ',Mato" ilystorts. 00. N0.114-oorto DtpUtstis ood moarata or Italgiant Sore 'throat. G 2 NUL U vtal WO 00 ILO vials O.M. Co 113vIaluse. OA. 0 Co 16 ilal 600 01:11.1111MIDIES AtT ULM Lift cent lac thec * . a, mkt la gm d Mat btltal rel MI Ur mama ta • =rut aims 11 tamp. Dv mato sly Lifts% sad the mad ialm• via May Mutat Yr BM at .qi Ihs W okag“, L Z MUM mu. sumo, Apia mambo , plead Ow baby exch.., OCN. illitiamtliageage* rtaghuib irielatp. He P. GEN 1424131111, crat UO mum usauvil I:KIMBLE= Islo AILLTTIOLL MULKIJI. Mks luktEaLlsati, IMMIBBt Nathan MW -..0t-tr* ' -; _ „ MILIDIC4II GLAD NEVIBI TON TEM 011702PtIlkIll I THE Lon SOUGHT FOR MUNE= AT LIST CHEROKEE REMEDY 01131101EBE 11J803108 Ocamaandad tram /kola, Barb •oa Imam OHIIDEII MEM. Lb* root loam Dfontio, coon all Unmoor of tits errinory °rpm. mob .1 fOOOO of flu Mader, ta• tinsno• of the lid., a""'Wts. or Ihn Ettno7l, &owl tn Ca Bladder, stllo. tuts, Grovel. Gloat, Gonorrtroo, and lo opoolally rowan mozolod to thaw. mon of Mao! Alb= (or WWI= to toonaloo,) when all th old nouosou stodlobsod two oiled. It Is panarnd In . ►tthll asnonntongsd !bray tlta don bang tram one to two teranoontnua throe Nava par It t dlonetla and .Iterattp In tea oattos—port4los and oloansbas the blood, undo[ It to door to sii is• original parity and rlgor,thas ratoarlog from Mimi,' WI Mild= cameo whicb hart Indnood Stem. Camas, Injeotkro Is Intended as an ally or Sliktila to the abernkee Iteminly,and should be osed fa endear eon .tth that medicine In el miss ciaccutrebee. (eek Mot Album or Whiten. Its affect an besllnct, lomat:kg and dentntateit ; ranarlng sII en:dila& hest, abinles and pain. Lasted Cl the burning and damn men• itittalgs pen that Is szpsrlenced with =A) all the stomp quack Injections. E 7 Mew of tho OIMIOSSZ ;111,21111D1 as OSZEOKIIM lIIJZCITION—ths two foodloism al the was time—all improper dtreluirsee ere motored. sal Me limbo: old miene ere moodily remorKl to WI Or ==23 for WI Pirtioalara.crt oar poraphlot room au Dr Mon ha Sto soststh7oss wit* es, sistl ...N mat Its... to ►n7 Winn, I real traattoo. Prko, azisoKri ILIKADY, 12 par bottle, or Pries, CHIROPaII numonos, Er pr bottb, or 1==:173 ISssit li ¢prus, to smy aktnr, au LI. receipt 0 perk. bold by all draggists anarywhon. DB. W. B. &MIMI' & 00., Sole I;929iators. la. 69 Mbar* rtree6.ll•9f Tort. War do 16 Pittsburgh by N. IIeCILLARAD •00 • •roor of the Diamond and auto& stmt. cabinbovrfLamocrorlf CHEROKEE MEDICINES CHEROKEE PILLS. 13IIGIAINJOATZD WILL ILIGIILATOI. CAS hp BAYS Nor the Removal of Otetrootiotto and tha Instmarms of Regularity to the recericeina of the Monthly PartodA. fl.y me or oboist* thou antooroao Omani tba spring from irregularity, by neeerlhe the Imitator- 7ltt7 clue St:ppm...o4, 15...1ye MI Panful M. trualtlaw. nay otareChan Elkantams (Okinsiasi they osta Harem eitfl Bphal Slat/ate, Pane fa Pak ad lover pals of the 13c47, Mate= rattirm as ellglit azattias. Palpitates ot as Bart Lowman of ititrite, Enka; Sink Headache, Madison. fah is wed, by removing the !irregularity. they remove Lb mask and with it AD ths erases that spring from, It. Composed of simple remetable astrsete, thq contain mottling deleterious to any amstitation, hammer dell. eats, Mats tonal= ben to oesetolo Etrenta f gnats.; ertdcti, .boo rawly mod, en aria do. Tbdr. may b. Neely Issed at any ie., sad at any tom. =NO ihrfor 4s - Cbr. somfl4 eating eltlal. do Emil. Mug natl. of flab seUxn. pwvant j)m;emmt MI YU= maths latormatica se Mcßee I'M be yroutiAly, Coca Ista dimwits •warmed. Pa Malefic= eaccoopsay awls pas. Prima per box, arm bum for 13. mkt by mail, tt.. d padap, as elcsOpt al prim Bay by tII napactable Drag&lb on. W.I. =SWIM a ON Bobo Ponobton. In. BO t®aymscr.aa. Mor aL I. Meow& by 11. INCILIJUILW • 00. ooroor o thoDtmared bad BLartst amis. loolilawdowseoro EUXIR I ELMS; Da. WU.101177 HEJTTENATING ELIXIR; ct,, Imitcm 01 LLII Pricsarad twat P r. Vegstabb ixtrads, :4 sottar4 taptrkess to Um eim Brjrmr=lat Mar Is lb. mete or reverie. to tha =Webb Ithagima. Wes at rem =xi =atm= method of =re, trreepeative eld ireen=ll. mere= badlotoo bay boa fated by Ps boa medial inn of So day, sad by Mom proossood ow of lb. groodst audtaal dborrorby of Sr sy, Oss bottlo Sit area Gonard . by dais oars Estado I. %balm Oar bottfa any ifolpifatfoa of So Hurt . bor dor motors lb. on= of goasstloa. Yr= ma to Ws bottko sitars the fooollaos r.ll Spar of youth. A by doom saws lb. &Matta, Ras bottle. oars the vont ow of Ispoloafg. . by doom nom Us low ebbed. On. SUL ratans austal pouts. d be Scdad Wail Ea* in. to Strt Sae. it. mottles =tons to inuLls Sear and robed esita IS poor. dablittatod,, voeado•a sad ds tog Stand masa plows% SS balsa eyorstod sail, the csr.doitol osaa truism, lb. Setts at zursda &souks or lad doe .afertng frsa moral datelty, or tram weak se of • Sub spa, wtU AU Sad tosaadloto masot bald by 110 on of US RD= al E. Peke P pit bottbk nifte tOtthillfit . 1 m.rdßel norm, oft f 1400 of No3ary. lo dna. , •ow DI AO &mutes onerreters. DA. W. 11. 11311111/13 1034 &Ale ProveMa; 111 Mirky gram. How T. rOZ rt. to Plttrbtrib by D. ILICILABILIII aOM value el Lb* Oleseee saa Earful 'OWL .►ttme.a..e.. CIIDIROK.BE CURS T7llll ORIAT INDIAN MEDIOINE Ocnnranded Con Rooth Barb and Leaval. An, Waling Den. ter dporaMorenos, liandu Wadinsu, lgottornal Taladons, and gl Canon inns: ty nelbdollatton, mush as Los of Ibronny, 17ntnu. pl Lonnltnia, gnins in the Dank. Dimas, %bloc. Trniallu ON Alb. Week Iforgeo,l)lll2nadt7 at Berth: kg: Tumbling. Ma - ethnic; Yruptions on the Ilbc•- NA, uuumee, Imanity, Clonnuatica, sad all tb* Mafia anolalsto mud 07 donating Man Ur path dumdum pds midi:be I •dispia .bgetabb =WWI, soda.. oa oltdoki on ow rolltoo tt be bin and b aar practice or may Iwo. tad Rtthtpoebads tebb4; ll bos allad lb a dub Instance. lb cabby, pbran babo bobjraftlebaklo !Fla vletary ow the mob don= To thaw Irtup Ears billed etth , tb to camiltztleno3 . Ul thay Walt thrushes %Ma Nadi the elf milks ra d. we mold eq. Don Not Om Maar ample' noun yaw Math and ttgarOad Oar an Os,* bxtort hare UM I foe entl partasabui pt I &War two toy Dm lama to the coontry, or writs the proplator. wtio vfll wan boo to Goy amp thotrtoiritio Imo. I tan tniaN to pamphlet torn. Prtas p pa. betas, IR throe bctU br-113. as OR. Imola hi mop *II of Was veal • on nopiatous !mutate . , 00. 8010 Protaintoolo Ito. GO glotrio iteset.lo l lTort:_. I Ive Wik rt tabsrab y N. 11141413.11.11 eCO. sum. ma Kubik stress slaTlautivir• ROOTS AND S Of the my beet quality. Is mead MIS% _ all sivrrsatod, sod d the sow St* OM' ," tltd3b as bass fros_ttebtst Mrs. rims GIVEN the most petite satittbrtloq too= outmost fatal ' ors. Ism inspertor /rods .a mei elm -; 4 AWAY. and aro warinnt44 *Mai from II Mgt • pins& cent, will bay the boys • patr of Oaf gent CONCERT HALL SHOE STOBB. NO, 02 Brat door to ttpriii oar: , b..rm laten.d. .11 A DTSW SUPPLY or BOOTH 4.10 L41.13111:W. GLISTIJIMINII, arlatlEr. lODTIIII, BOTT MID OliaDaTIM Boots. Shoes and Salta% No. 54 Market Btreeti SLAVER * I OTIY/L COIRAI' SHOE STORE. IMMENSE STOOK OP BOOTS, . • • , , SHOES, GAITERS, . BALlKOftita,' .4•1. to IIoOLINIVOKIJ 51102 ETORI. Elie Fedora gtrietllkV= Gel sad we (Is 'adz. p1TT13131:11t011 COAL COMPANY: 8,000 SHAEES AT 150 RAWL I Ps. Bsgaley. Jobs VI art, Mac W. ,ea" Wm. PUBS" ,who. 11.hodm. This cossysny holds the t. empleatleettiera beg galley COL Land, Waste on the, lionongalude The oost of old laud at ILLS pee sae aneastato Yea, lb. YAM of as agetal Mak well tee wed la bonding • asart raitnnot ereethe• Qfa TIPP I IO and other hawser" Imacreamenb, to dentione the Ws- caul of the contyany. ma &stuns frau Ulf etvr Mikis the ease already *penal le bat My het. .rlt thew ahhip 04 of the dna t t n a m twenty bet water at ft. Cotanw! , new Coal Pa Prose these libets the trustees mid Dbautara bath elk doubt that prow emu tae stock ce the thaw ay ma be sury soon made Widely runumucattre. .fl per cent on eubscrlptians bes called in. payable ant • or betas the IMMO September, local balsam ot Mtg. - month as may b. cadamd by tbs Trusim and DIMINO", sad as the company Berth and sutearli7gl m ate mated at tha IteDedrthr pimp: Wm. Bag No. It Weed that, Pittsburgh • tither li aley ..the• , sou'th Doh 121 arid =I Liberty Meek imbue abodes a DAN Daquente War, tear 'UMW streets. Waal Fwles' losemanoo Oraapoky, poser of lift MI meats. moldy GRAY'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS A. not Ttrapty eat pima of mar ant in the ix. 04 • mOar bat .a Moknd mg Shwa Ta notik parts I t l n dort cam fivo from cyder or ends, whtah bdo • ta oar patantolprowsvblehabbwar. SIM.' **manor lonaami b w oTtaraalTerroti t=r,Z for 13. *vat to TIM tnendonnstyla, ths taddaot b math andfraLlV ro ynalzs, ataklall na yank n ods y ank nods In tdinoloon tfaattortilllWO IT, and to Garrote 13=13 to IT Marl. szipackal mat Ulm tank of 100 each; dr" to tanallarinis ash, and hater a vary bandy wimp tot tennis% Lti: arkg and nary atleann - ear =MT COLLAZ 6 ataaaped o‘Grars Patent Molded Collars.4;- Iced try 8121 ?stall diadart fa Mint Its bode sopped by 'Tfii . DZENCII. Borax:am' ca.- ezt antaztartraot, Ptalidatp.% sod ,LIL LOWE=lao.,- Wan= Meat, lint Ye% QUnionARTSBM ABTKII 440411ilitar o. . FOIST DITOODO,, „ • •••:-, WAJZINOT*I. D. 0, Ootesibes 1261.1 •1_ - 3 • Wat bar add at POillo 2.actioa, b the tilObitil at the Use and places namd balm, els:. • - 2. Sept• 5, ISM: • , Alums Tbunday, Sept, 22, 1E24: - ' Labsam, Pa , Thursday, Sept. 46,1868; f-” ' TWO MUMS= OA P T2LIS2 EOEIZI L 2.011. l 2 71J10$ • . i • Owe betas turf bona oaulnixtd unit tr Carahy Nirdee of Ow army. • /or road sad farabg parpsys away good-biortm_r, ray be but Hones cold strlty. Tema cub. 121 Onitad States carnsicr. 3 , , • - • By ardor rd the Quattano.astor GoaeraL .120113 4. 130211. ltd Olgoast in chugs Tint Dirbdat CI. 21 O. •., .4 pLITAIBING, Gas and Steam Fitting; In al Its branches, cetrantty attended to, try scporlf , ,, ~-, caQd.s d, pesettell warketuto. • One amorta ed unt . • . LINES, "Ul ltaalt ZIASW, `. • wsz~mo%' BI DLLF IS 4 Ain Oosatnatly on Wend and wads to *Man TATE it arnielaig,' 80. tee YEDZSAL STUMM, &Thogbann adaLlawdly6l LEM= exarzer.ris6e.44:,', FRurr AND !MADE 'ERRE* ;1 MITERGILES33, • di Or AP?L ,w bin salsa 200,1100, sad etali the WS; tig varlets mod profitable tee thiskcaStes. , Ws Woe •-• moo Coo trees, es Faris Raids. Mob. Eva. IsAff rinds. Baldatn, ranagmter. Ilisgefleome Woe Cle., RODS. Raabe .1 1 Ettoths-lasso, Tobesa's Sweet. szooteee Offer Soorlile „ij a r raW ars etxk e nWlMSlST,TßAffin i it i . : BERT, GREABODER PL,. to., tau As au , stode r =o, ere offer met teAteeeresate to &Om " Orden A t at ale erase L ' a . ma, coklerollristroar,k Pact Offeek rill JOIIN OMURA =ram Jr" , rem Ned 1i6 % 11111111 - - 11°MINUS!, MENBRAL WORSEIRS:' 2091, WHOLWIthLII DIWGIGIETS:::=Seet Dorton' ; =Wag mid Iffenatethertne Go. birth; stheiettiletene- , 1 1111brind Chatham of Ben toetan, are wet mar j meats untruth for milking 'and powdering Cowls , t and °thermally at wheiterer Ware, try the ton orb/ = the thousand toes They will etexely be preyered,epon the aomplethee their dethlphnistog end amides formow,aow la pew cen anction. to cantonal kr tomothor sitodomtotiovsl • and redoing the random isesiebt, gold, Whir, teem 4;1 now the mole owns al.,lFleignlay Etatalezi . unwed taste forth. continent of atuthelenettlortha .rt is powmrmiof herd indertthate, se bong Cato SFr den M.:tollsl, womb dint, tehhati Mt" 4780de , ` to., de , they ethr lala-g140,6. htehhi and cantdona i tor t z mizs. rettitbroad Sear-bezde. PAW. : To ma:muul Y. pgrgags TOR a i m ONO maw mat mas, Awn' 'roma k; balms. OHM TAYLOBVTLINDEktod 33.gan MM.` 1 ONE TAILOR Donna crnwza,lna Ms* brltes. All Is geed workbag oder. ' WM 14 =ld itS amain. or a4drin • ~. 1013ka GMECTlneilthaliSti;&.,;.' MT= THAN WIRE:ay , i t iati4l4 _ mobs armram Or imi.gunts r o# ll6-4 - , 1`,, bps Portwel.T wait igt aft bajth ceite 4 the. lammed a eaptelar II quilt, le way /Mak 4 ,1 r: 4 *tan, 'MM. gm *mum f ! lphildvt Tee idapa 1 =ON JORMlTlMalights }ha`6bts ' , MMM3MTM THZ COURT OF COACHONIVidIt, A. or Azzsearn aillThlt.,110.8 16 : 91111 0 1 . , '• • berneees et e r bieritt Mks that Q 1378411 *Luz' bee abate* of ' tispe-M1 mama sr essbteee et 4tTAIRDAL W.M Sad float. ebisoemet %Übe eased bytke oa. Uas =tap DAT or expuinuukAA.?4,.--• team woe tiedievatatbe abegiare.. , - - mitre • _ XATONibEt.le..etiettae.--ei 'wa rr 3, =DM ~ latt;;AC - i - inanstranwses l iaMese a % Put ArA am ramp arortptlaid 111.21WDZIP Oran 'Orbit from** 106keidtgaaer021% 1 II I 211 ' allaiumn 4 7ikt rail l lln 1411 aa t ; G r . ' It fi a tt I 14 1 0. 1 I I 47 : 17 ; • rim lux& sm.-- ft y nWs _'! l !: l . 4l ."! —l4lll,a -t," w .:_,- -- t . . L-Z.. . . --..... . , ,• " ...7.--; ;-...1- . . . . . ..*:• 8111012. 13 ogooll •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers