adit, "'THURSDAY MOENING=ITAITT. 8, MIL COMU- SAMS OP STOCKS AND ,poPirDS. "W M° D AIFTDATIFI Mumma SLUM. IT ' ROBESl39lic'thotlieisr & Co., .0, 1c mid. Tr.xotiatige 113rolcazzi, -I*.' ' ''. lo - .'13 80M1811 orsztr, il ihe kW and 1.114 oo eel:Lagoa= only, Bank, brae. Rapper. Gm, Railroad and Otatacka. Gonna:mit Rhea all Ida& aa Rand. ..itarmil.! , ~ Pre two On £.k Balm DITI 40 c 0.......- _743: Kay IS 6 - 110 ttibtogh .....,7- = 60),; II aiat0;;•.....4 .... 6O 0, •80 ...i.....—.. ..--, 63" 6 IR 0ity.......- --.- 6e n 6 NO a 111-........ —.61 el " 4 .. •,, IMO Nalostal 110 -- $3,76 ~. - , iilD3 4=1154,11442 . A1N iv ar e a1.441........ Pa Otioll11:•::.ali . T ..".". ...... .". 11#831 , 681,15884 /18-47..-..- 11.0 ipov . 40 IlLusimar Saving. 05( 0 I par taut IS .1 ".: • • kV Amu utit4l..;. • 7% 14ILir . • .._ 'TO &anent, . --- -UM —. 181 StaiitscnUls— 10% --. . 1' . • , 10 AWN , k lianclustscAs TO OS_ —. 11111,2/1na1neha5..........-- --- 4 /X . • - SO atima—...----- 45 ~ r ., • GO gsxK 6 o 1.00 31j 6 'f Dent. UtMnIMJ:B. FTM at Jew PA 6334 Hay SOO _..—:. 33 00 8 , 411 lamb .............., ~ 00% 0 4. 00 11111 . 21.,10 ... —.. Six tpo 3 . 93 4,00 111_116mohab..--.. isX I f ct. .11 - 61. Mar IStrat.--40 I pct. 110 Masi newt...— 00 - 61 O. ii• 11441141m148/1164—... 26 altalaitial .--- 35 0 1 ot. NIMi Lynne • 30 23:10 • is. Dawn _ny, liryi Li; lie Allegheny sad Pitta—• /0:1 100 ' .1133011:101 - 1.11 31 ti Ma i Aces - 1 0331400-Ikyr.L..-- I di 1310;10s7 &say SO Ia:4;AV do ST An t,' Alletsis V.ll Ts— low • 317batelhorfflo 06-1336 ' etelds.66 76 -- W0: 16 4 1 904T 4 . 77 ge alt low of thirtpolui ffitttaaa .ttBooto a good led of altaidlal in the out= =Ad, and is said to Swirl cO l . TE. loan 164:0640704itgi5 s 07iitimag Mar psesiooliwil 03110111.0iptawilr, 004.0 Is ttuerbsiatw swim ~ WeiewSn'%O of rat per slit I* . 44374 !4st Jun -00 00800431•1002,43,1 Dammam; 163 ; iss.!ah.oastki; dtudigsitlizeds . bore (ate eill7tlglriift l 4 677 6 ll cdb o 4 ttd 7 &it6 l 6t. Mot auguink 4:v1231,1..41i:a 11.3satessalasap ;dors di ileigqo.sailitutiadiithileit.:43lesatedsad Gl Md. niiiii•—asui lb au. aim tedrytwaisadltdl6 - trat . birwal., sad gum , tf.i &apt , . . TS: Yo`., Teri c 134A3Y.Irtsildr.stitos oaths Bank Ilse of &pod% Ws& preiiillisixisil4 Hook Staterasol, say di, wd. 11.iiViralalbav Mbar &Imam:ft of the *wars show Mi1irdii64,177117671911s from lass Ilcaulay. gds Loam lasi !pats ear a soodsrate pis.. Its Whig .03" la Deg elts ram pretty gourd through Waage Wake, 17 76 $ titsr P 1 6 1 711 144. far I' , "-. 1 4% 64,144 !ae_ofilotiirt'dira j ihr I,l2plwasatla.thi - cams. `( f.. . , ~,.. "' TinsithigoantespontUngobangetretberwste et-lien qthiThiater. 4e01. , - Vac bonbvink r to this tray Lit Seroh,-:iiii , 4*.w 6 ll- 111.6ierf - ufa mbB cat nosh glacrisoltra- Idatei r artili lendstainrgerstensa to ttie claseldnatinn . nnniV2lii izianitiik, - -arkine.i. going 'lan' Treataig Congtleit-teriiTatber oii:TheTnenana and thare Is a de. latS. W,Rd.9 6 l;4 l4 :'.4ffilatOW. PA - L ( 7 141. e - • • Tharectlistinehlizsthe • Bold Boone to loci &bang 11i1105 .theetattal3itanteattica4 :Ilene La re dery erserd-eage-. Vela lambing upon he,ops end _dawns dab*. Boom from IA o'clock •ortoVA p m and with li ttle or no ref. amain to the connect WaSsettenges'on adr4p. or (ha, lilt oat Or Ousted hones demands for Grad. The ex ., tnonseltostaintsl3s42,ls3Cfront,aterpribeelngnot Asostatiallg different from Saturday atone :ft; $4424210,5i CtletT+,:le!tc.. _.' 7• • •-• • •• , • Tam lemon iddiflonal del:wee:ion en Atop Itellway StinealsataNnt.theittock:Sixtrangee to-day. 'thee w.uld eissotto,twititif.ed either by.the present err pros-pectin, C o thb lid . or. the boatmen doing the It wdeaherosolwft.' Ther":eleteroserr-og this we inks taibit • th e plating direetteg *novo!. sod numbers or Sea . 'insetted rs on the Bear wde of the !get. The' tiffhPient-PiaklTote - toiThlvidn:Ler Itt - thelklrr inter: MAI appear:tate wtthout lendsoneothas the pronduog , tateptor of tha Street In the opposite dl scents Onoblat &doges otgailtheThendetatorelnrae of ew - Ire trerstee :Caner Govenneent Stacks ,are eta:lv There is • •lantnnisteutbee kw some week. In, Belion,Ttoo-rtgen Wind itaitintrAidSne tothe BListaelhenons Shane- „, at utolltooCly so d,.ibawa to-dey. taco. 14. Tr ..t.e Mant van twaiirsts' paymentaXs the 671, d0;000 I Ohne A . coats. of 18i1„ tObe weenier! on 1 / 4 41 1 ."6=TOTrieaor tkurt , n S. a calu.Huri , brtP bn:^ol+(r.ihey. ,4xitzirdlrtent literate from the Sot of Jana 'est. when the not env .e an thalliATettee attliw paid, ~"She orlgre lam 1123 r OXI,OCO, hi:Melon the drstof Jeneertne teapertscene him •waniSitidwitSbrinnes7l,entA72, fairing onstending an the WTI ea. 6711.973 443. 0 , which . awry t•rg• 'here tetrad let lb. nesnastioo of Merlon:l rltottne eat Its Hop Banks of shier Carnet nrioktro• es iturtfoteg 'bear:nag c,u& rto engooney; sad riot ser.k ger winch it Ispr_oponeate irceir them et per and totems; to phy • • nnot r ielig bier latant. In Gad theren grad renne t° beilialithats further enneldereht• non will be em. ptoyed Folio;' e eetotte• Ices, es li a eisdlerhogotte: Om in /now This .boaldre lace el; appr:heeeice of a 1 greesore Honey market. growing oat 4 troll:ending 'gale of >s' 000,000 of 1021 - Stook. The Conant ienel • Benton, whiehtbe Department that offers to withdrew smd eat oat; stint present :wither Olin! .td et Ogerancy, mar are they teldenth :coifs-tiers we io loresicasot. The toilowing is rrom the meek reprie of thet - tiew' Tork Coornernet of To. edey eveaing: 'insect% nee -itit opens this morning frith. awe buoyenof. The or. ~ - erwasgairettt cd'Aits :Tree:nor Depute:rent to. so-opting line pert:eV:T.oes payment of the 11111 r 1 - sm. her re• ' •-. Therentteaplort hens , ow ^S a stringent, mosey market • AlutprOdund triore'dlipoiltioti to operate in rooks. The beat Intattrd In: tagrad atrok. ninth:win etoona, but the nohnernslaceall•stollati.gni &on atrengtb. end tag merit erfnloa le that the toy* po Int of . depose • • Than it bat oneoplnten to the istarket or out of It ae - ..ktkaarldentniSread snake being far below their vat 'task Ibe h!gh price paid for money by the Swain -31.151:31311130 It.ltentragrood and other Steak brad:tun Boned heirs belpedle.otly to keep the Mak eantst depress el. When bbterstaeot. aro pay lag 13 tea lb preeent. ektatreaVotletrawnottles, p tytog way? Wit par cant te owned.. la prke at as nOlaboalt Ilveriendirdwitiahtbhad_bylherresatry illatandancy./. aft anioan aa !trews to to the CllthdtaWatikinrtellmenta from Matteis! wenroae.'l • Pattie • Trituretial44lrtnitbk.lmpolitei homes of meet. 110randiii3ondhiviaxichttled. raysthelSew York Vb. .otal • •ftel - Pittehiletkjlthetrhritea. 'the ImPottadort of dry" _ . pedal= talcOmi rebate:done that few prudent mee ehtiniel fiatteritadite do Much. Draw•rtede ant IWO/ NOtN,olpft demand, and llnteo2l,ll new the 11.3t131,3361, through the auction tonne won. Anne. ' .111113iteiliTeggrkbelte theft /3 - 31'it► ilotthoesth i'mpeted,ot the data-that tide i ..aibatq+rmt . reeththeat., that g e tty t of th*or was; bare Nude ethapstescrz . o etc. t= r walaldietiopieltitinnellowtera Oscan& seam: ways Warn to ie poth buts. TM. (emaciate the amiliesdelgthejobbtht, ertte,beld.tog stoctesthat• Welt Wry siot mood lotemiesseatn. tketnrant of logitMtwXeiat eat , toAmong Ow Anne -men— ,thteektte.g :thAloseLtatleask this ear, .to. Mews H 8 01ama a co; fie, Bath a ea; Boiler, C'eoll-4 nlienni.ktonee ClatimedidLagazid Galas• ahem AM miasma the aid :=l.prgierttbasirla - thejabbiag .Wel'arlsh ty .6iboandultwol the* we else thalamus only itiogiviturtanysorralmed In C612.4.Cti011 with ♦put. r :Alezethrs, wa 2,o st, hoboearsethes Aertath of , the Wdd Slue of the Inenagan cen . trial Railroad. OW dolor p!a_ MOO tea. 01 1.7 ;titbit!' ea duly* &Awl ill away tho Ilia arta,. road. 71r140;;;;Iai /40...104413,v00rnu0il of sto awmaga Old IghlaligtP. , l,otWbtrAaare wool from jrai bovatit 11#141 . .latt wwac.l4 Calif star, at Yr:Usual, banal two Ramie in Asa Adam , anal wool bays* ina aft' lloab a 133Caford tiaf wedboarr. Jr upco trami,stst,os; ala o, sms day mad : —,1v,030 pram2t,' , at 11,03 . Val only =j;lariakiii . lan Ittarl darldathe wsak: Tana, RilstiralUl)ellksllars Ind al nand,' 11.1* Sabi 11oa1 1:011116 lou. ben ilmojaksitt It iatisthatted Mat two Modred sad fifty , AltpahodlM.attu to lint bands,. •• .. • , . . ago 6-ilonr—Earba vast bat fil ; 6; w• rem" seen of lal bab Wegtarei Zctra et 1191111, oat wet we Obie Soper goody It 11,87%%114.a w a s .e an t ar g MaiiM rei n niAla Flax tor tell Supra -.: i g o 0 bush Artiet.t DO ili red ot fondttlitt ito:d to &It come a we Up imat"l.llo Wit et Wein; ter.nq some woo bolstim we taw st puns =gins from St to Afft Pe Vitliosifredi :meat trom too to lip pa .bliai,:cmostiarjer lrfleiro WO Nati ottnot v1it4.11r44 ill dilltad0. 111 1:: 111106 O t toani et' 'hdlg dWirletetildMirllN elbilt, rub stoliilSTOpor buw3; - 4Mis; =mas. or. arodiond 1124 sll6o‘fgritket limed , Away itt !11 2651 - and; tEeto tteonlC lir; !pia ii• Wifiktr,lllliiitiri!sa; - '....;•,; i.. ,^ iiikeli itailiiir i, ~ . tiirgir•Z•iiiiit fa A inal dant- _..,,' IRTAO-Bust ILWO bu, stet•t a MI6 100121 Win. ,iteCatu2ro-NriaritrlMVll - posatilui 0o 1 Obalio SOAR trn,tr 'Dean ja Mho iii 2f3as,AEO tai Ho II do at 1,93 a 1 . Wadi ; 2 Mt- , IVO 7 WO* ;k ark 111 , 4 Pl= 4 -14111 14 -' AU Ike Atooltri ditil46-04. OM. rinacet • lovebitileigi. Soar otl4la. _Om 24 •ftudet 1 oars to atm I MO pi Sir/q B4 ,= . 'OS OM; 11111t0 ..raom Than Out no new fosturee he the geneoelmartela eree• thy of special notion. Beefiest merely conflat-el my doll. nod .lthogb there Ls • slight es lOWA dipournousa traeloaret meths whole, there but Melted domed nor any of the leading articles tf produce, and then are but lew chanp to msko to quci. MARL% °BAlR—Wheal it coming - In more freely, rams Itt,b bob haStrit been wad from wagon at $2,00 for Bed and 4,10 fer While. Data &abut unchanged; aim d° tat at 68.9ti0, and frOm stem at 0245 for new and aeal, cr p: !resold. Barley siteDM born in arm hands •t g„th Corn la vary doll, there being no demand, and 4 lif inothre minim. Email W non Gala of Bye from lat 1, . BACON—The Markets aria with a good obbing dil. Maud, and icat, Merrell at:retained helm o di:maiden!, at lam Rib gime at 29; Plain Haw, 20.21,1 Pula Cal:maned trims, 22!%a2.4: end. Bogor Cared de strati' , ffl,oUll—th miles are Arin with regular sal. of litxtr► ratal y from atone at 111a11,60 p-r DM, as to g na w . petitlarge ihlornentalrare t his made rut, within tit two wee lb. etoch _La this motet Is Teri muz tedrued. to acUreatmand arm Chat at oar quotak /tom sale of SO td.., fA) imeratilisiokeret—at a3i 82 kilts or . d r .," paged at ilk and 10 crooks do at tame flgool. 2 he 'toot Is Wit szathe rousipts matted. .1 /Clog PO to gamma: mu of 40 bbla eatta mac at gag per Dbl. tGrelf—lltm with dm at 17, sod in the supplyto light; ft Is thmtght that pion will Milt farther ad• ream • HAY—la firm and blabs+, good to prime timothy bad. log .old al from $43 to 43 pm ton, Irldia :ash,ur and ovum= teased from LW to 38. NENIX4:-.T.mothy malls Bum *lib molar Wu frodt ludo at 40,10 per bath. Nothing dank to Vlore's. good. Pb, wad Is gated at 3 00. , POTATOES—gear OF 23 MA. New 'may Barad Pd. fatties at $0,03 per bid. Nashannocka are sailing at 4,- 10 par bbl. Pia121115.-13nt fay In andtat today, and prim roll biabar- we note Woe at, from $3,06 to 4,00 per bash I. to dating. ' • haN.P 011.—haa (ANL thrtber sdraarad. No 1 bang Qgnoted from sl,9saco tam adaira bat anclhangad. Bala of 600 Mr, at trona, as $3„00 per bbl, and Isar do on track, A I LA2=ady With ragular oak. of prima city at 243 ts trielttlar saliva./ Wratarn Bream at 21424, and Bamberg at 43. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Our 7-42 tent elasaintaially talsk dentaadforpmaa to day, and Calle light gravity told at a daollae, go4l groin oil, imitable An our :alms, brotight toll pri Ise. b b Wsrte cithotti Van, rsturtted, and bb (minded sake of 400 Nam tight gravity at Si; GIN 15N-rod gravity, at 314 Maud 142 at 41; audit° at 41;ij On. Zia. gorktllapatch Marta cbudo loser arroubUt het doubtleta stiffen It up bus. 'rh• rerelPti taus only nuelarat*, but de Ye., the supply It Vol dpail to tha deium4. Ballad continuo dull and nau- Wad, and while than. is no &nand that. doss not ay peat to be say dbrpoaltion to force atm Nayllta doll and Inactive and nuettled; We of 60 bbl. at 35 boldera phonily Wang nag.. Bolder= /a atind and atteitargrd. The receipts by the Allegheny river daring the twenty par bow. ending this onaning,ant so lb/10.3 3L7eart7/ 2 5 d. D }batmen —.WO Mbar II bro. 'SR Dulles% Dnalap 1c0....11.11 Jos Wlrktria . 17, W P Lag.- --WI II liarantech.......--....1130 , J T Bloo b sa i " . b:....,..._ _ .... UJI A daimarth..-......_...10. Ppecial Dispatch to as Pittenctsili Maeatta. Ptritaasitrarta, Sept. 7.—mho market for oil dial Vas sae bocryant and settee - thin •or mmiral days pm diho llo , rant •Uy Wail a fraction highes. A sltitit famthaa tockplies tam V the day - intrams, and pull Of the Improsemsat was loot. Maple Shale wad M UN; MAU:lock, 45c trelatimany. 9%; Maisel% IS; lfeberl, 1%; Densmore, lf%; Inira 6%; Dania. 3; Oorv limiter, 43. . vin - - . doeJal Dtapstah to the Ptlinteargh Gazette. Haw Toes, Eeptember 7—Chaste has advanced, any -the menus cksed erith • annidneed upward te , Sales at 50E50% and 51 on the gent, and 52 for ail tab month. Maned continms dait and nominal with bait hula inttafrjibialthar bond or has; the former Is ear ter! non:analog Mat, sad tbelatter at 117•83, Stock 10 Crude in this market 87.000 bids; do Itenne4, 89,040 Via , York ateek and Matey Market spwc4d I:0414gal to ill... Pittsburgh liNsidtA, Bl la Yoga, Sep. caaa-ka Ls aeint. and One hare danced—Fittabargb and Tart Ws) IA; Monied and Pittsburgh, II; itectulttie:' , EFSliOtea hill, lOTWON ; On. Tear ci.retl. Thrall. liCK;Bma Thlrtfa4 105114; rite Twenties, 1U 111$. 13 . 0 ht, he undersea be Little change, ckte4 thla iftteinon at Ill — ,114antetlitall Report. o.—lfo 9 Opting wheat vetoed atilt, lad silt. lareit'd to 99,t2i2,06, 'Change it fell back to 9,011 and closadwready - at torg. - Not Sprier WY vary alga Os 2A119,05. Whitat erhawe woo more active at 2.074 9 . 09 for So 1,E6a2,08 for No 2, and at 1.11511,00 • She /WU af flour offering weft vary llght.aufl the. tbarkrit Am tut qaftt al the former range IrcJi if Thine was a 'cod :r quirt for Cora, atutprim • Orewed la2e, with sates at 0u1151,13 for So I; 1,341,211 ter sot, and 1,28) fox ,lletectelle ail Ora clues tbps iterket rubed •Usely Lel for sot. Goosi Oeru 4a: t, Ina tate sale. It I SI Ad*, nod at 1,34 r. o b. to drlaand for Cote wen (.1; bat lb. remaluu wet raster and clewed a: IliKs fur No, I. and f r ext. g Thum wag • q xlee *a d radar 41,1* nark+ :or tits, .4 sales were cm eft at /II 51.1,31% for No. II ecd 11,31•1,52 for No. tln attn.,: Sale- war arra be Tsar ar. atom1;10.411I.Cor No. load st I ',be f r +tic to I The &aastd -for both Tim Atty Ele.ds obi VIM, spa sate , olge liberal at P.2:5•6 69 for e • prhaas timethy, aaf at $3.014,10 tn. j sx 44,61 gibywr Pond h Mae* and hatable as $14.00•13.60. (if - tery,-ttifru zs.l .11,x,c,a1 rit.l eialsoat 1111 Taal T 6 to Ownwry, and at St n for pith pelroroa. • • 1 Tim Proviiimi market continue* doll, and with lb, .option of • tot of LEOS bbl.. Mat Park, wo'd t t eztintnent Cl 647; store it nothing doing worthy o Wool conttniwo area and to good dennend at 1103.101 r kledinm to Dins, and at 6l°Sal 10 for now awl Tad tpry tab washed. Pertwarnan, Ys Warn am Chunnao B 11, Sept I to tio net, V &Ban & co; 100 bbn 14,0 Wilson. .41 /lc , Callous h.jr co, II blooms. 01mIck &c : 212 bs; s 1 Ins (Why nod, J B Oantiald, aka wheat 19 Ll,-nett I c Boar an, 141 twa wheal,) car win, Bt thowl, 4cOrsos r)- &co 60 hblis tads Cods, Macknawn It Liaison, 1 ow, Dotal, 0 8 Bryant; 21 sk. wool, J r.ll444Wstte; 2 car 41 Mango, L Lyons; 3 tab/ chance, Joha Doan; lot anti Oros; Bennett a cc; do if insins &co; 100 a s sc as ,,i Gulp & ohepard; 27 Laloa rasa, Howard & Onsroll; 4' hils anti, Mcolarkats, Barron .4 co, 1 44 111[11011,. 1 Longhorns 14 Dbl., &pales, Pfizer & Armotrsns; 9 hos Latter, l McKinney; 3 Woe toe, J 11 04/43 d co; 1: elmUesice. ' ram raan Jt PrPrzsoccio Ram N 04.0, Bopteml344 7-4 'lD4trx tagsr, Glallrey k Clark 8 daropples, ffi Ifoiltors 3 t 6 bra 4444 04 C C8 , 414 , 4„n.22 da liU P-Igt ca; it di B Cantlel4;l4.3 ski barley, Jcsba4 860d44 300 1114.! D• 4•044 .111 alastadt; 121 bbla aadd. Irakatall *441 riddles tobacco, wthon, Hari t n 3; 3 box do Jobll anslel; 4sessowlnt;•.l.ll Vooper;llpkgs 144114' Tv 1411141 1) , to /too; 10 do Z 11.440t0rt41Z NA. talus, J Palo! Lem; WOK, an Wr. 1f Ontify; mdo fhb, Watt k ma; 10 do! D Dran4:ll- klO 4)04 C 1041- Patti' k col 4 tbls tallow, Chas asap-, 0 ogo roe,J Pool; 3 0014 ei de , Y V.gorlor. 16 bzir storell, B B Title,' 47 do J e Beu.b "; IS 4°, Q uell, Imo 4.; da J.34.l.ckpairlok. 01 45 do awes*, ShOlifokorAl tan. tatticaray afttaiour, 6011--6 can Wl4oft. 11 T Rool lied/ A bro; s ears do I) A Sumgriaralpirdv butler. um tk.s. lu,ox; bbl• pdarl /wkly./ do ost tont, TiurF uo t GcC.E6 Ethcs.bitevr scsicus,L Gibodu; liionot Balm it'.l.4llce licks rug.,. 0 It 'ward; 164- 44 con., LSO .k. *beak atrtimon Rox; a aralna ball bbls eggs, u 5 Shine... At co: 4/ bbl Date; 72 bad/ ur/ust, bp do natio Ancit 1,1344 . age, Adam pppatt. • . . Import/1)y River. , remeeen ens Plume-1407'b1, wheat,: Ile 61. o ehhtb totem; ndo meal.llo b. stakili, d ro:101,14,, beam. abonblen, Hem...kJParlet;74, 4 W . mine trees, Dirk Ifeldem; lot b b pod., Nod Bala ; kt glateleano 16 loon am. (bamorgeliess btu lard otl, P bee ; ma, Blooniakeig Tang; big Menfirlo, W 1 , 1 knoll 4co lot do W D 13=1.0. ecc U. pickled eem, Oa) - iner & ; 1 pkg ,4 do J ileper loom 10 bbls lard nil, 'Kirkpatrick bra; 1140 bloom, , Joao, Boyd eer, 'LS Pb!. llgam, 1,5 do mustard, Lackner; MX by *h e Graff I Baiter, laepr.lot 4CoCwk b.; I pica tanauur..ll,a Balm. . Wxxxura rialltasava-4444X4,4 ware, &ht. .Hahn 6bls schrat, 8 bgs sod 4 bSI4 I box, IS htsds tsb•a 0, X 844 b trt - c•As, etc, 45 r4l. Issaber, brx bccoo thscsk A co ;Gs Ihtts tobacco, gums.? Saver ; I bale yart , Bradley; I bbl as; B radley; tons iron, , Caulant cc 4 I bdbotbcap *lBB,ll Lang . , 9 boo flanstel Wthiccs. Out i w; l 9 bbla whlskr,"ll Mare: 8 bbls, as • 1 box apples, J Scott; 16 WI. poen War, 7 Baynes; lot b b gocslr, Owner; 19 natty taw, Wooduide i Wa • CaILAPETR, OIL CLOTHE. ilt4 R Er. - '1 1 - it : f asa roma um= It=94 IMP! 4Obis Oommisaioiy plarolubnts iti istuidetriiiitssa. ckeniatrotiriTokii; inteMptell,r ermstsuaaii lIIMULErit UlNadia 11Pididli ear alb nitginnt asemaj WIDIFIZDAY, bpi 7. AM. Philadelphia. Steck Market. New York Peroloam Market ftlp4WWlbyBMholtM rAirgrivw9 . _ • " STYLES ow BEADMB ICECIIMED 11118 . DAT, .. llsO►r-BPSINQ irroca Cf p 333 T 14, - • rum SWIM= ' OIL CLOTH, T 111:111. letlY Bra WOOL 011170611 L. LAWS OF THE„IIIAITKD STATE& Phased he the Firsi Rados ef tile thirty eighth Cingreit. /Pm= —No. 185.1 As am to amend an, act entitlid "An tot to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from the Illasomi river to the Pacific ocean, and tdieeoure to the Gov ernment the ute of the{ tame for poste], military, and other purpoyes," approved July first, eighteen hundred and eirty.tre. [CONCLUDID See. 19. And Be it further enacted, That Intim% five of "aid act be so modified and &melded that the Union Paoiflo Railroad Contemn the Central Pats'ile Railroad Com piny, and any other company authorized to participate in the construction of said road, m y on the completion of each section of mid toad: as provided in this set, and the mod iste horde on their respective railroad and telegraph lines to an amount of the bonds of the United States, and of even tenor, and date; time of maturity, rate and character of interest, with the bonds authorized to be honied to mid railroad companies respective ly. And the It nof the United States bonds shall be subordinate to that of the bonds of may or either of said composites hereby author is d to he betted on their respective roads, property, and equipments, except es to the D70•11d0118 of tho six section of the act to which Wet act is an amendment, relating to the emission of despatches and the trattepor ta ion of mails, troops, munitions of war sup pt. es and public stores fee the Government of tie Unittd States. And said motion is far. ther an ended by striking out of the word t NM'," and Inserting in lieu thereof the wore@ "on each and every section of not less then tyre ty." Sao. 11. And be it ; further =acted, That If any of the railroad dompanies entitled to bonds of the United States, or to Linn, their first mortgage bands herein provided for, has, at she time of the approval of this act, issued or shall thereidter human) of its own bonds or enmities In moth form and meaner as in law or equity to entitle the same to priority or preference of payment to the said guaran teed bonds, or said first mortgage bonds, the amount of such corporate bends outstanding and unsatisfied or unmeneellea shall be de dueled-from the amount of much Government andtrat mortgage bonds which the 'bon:Tony may be entitled to receive modissuts and such an amount only of such Governmead bands end emit met mortgage bonds shall be grant. led or permitted es, added to pooh outstanding unsatisfied or nboakelled Donau of the cools pony, shall make up the whole amount pee millet* whit:hes company would otherwitt tale , boon entitled. And Provided, further, That before may bonds shall to eo given by United States, the company- claiming them • ell unseat lathe Secretary of the Tummy al affidavit eras President and Secretary of the company ) to be sworn to before the judge oi a court of record, setting forth whether /aid company has issued any snob bonds or securities, and, so, partionlary deacribleg the mime,. and snob other evidence as the &minty may require, so as to enable him to make the deduction herein required; &adult:if affidavit shall then be filed, and deposited in the often of the Secretary of the Interior. And any person swearing falsely to any such affidavit shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and no conviction thereof shall be punished as aforesaid: Provided, 'so, That no land grant ed by this act shall be coneeyed to any party ar parties and no bonds shall be tutted to any company or companies party or parties, n emcont ot an, road or part thereof mada prior to the passage of the act to which this act , e an amendment, or made subsequent thereto under the provisions of any act or lets other than this ant and the act amend ed by this set Per 12. And be it jurtter metal, That tie Leaven, ortb, Pawnee, and. Western It ail. cad Company, now known' as the Union Peed& Itsdroad Company, eastern division, mall built the railroad from the mouth of Kansas river, by the way of Leavenworth, or, f that be not deemed the best route, then the said company shall, within two years, build a railroad from the city of Loavenwerth to unite with the main item et or near the city of Lawrence, but to aid in the eonstraation of eald branch the said company chill not be .ntitted to any bonds. And if the Union Paine Railroad Company shall not be pre. seeding in good faith to build the said Rail road through the Territoriet when the L ,ay. enworth, Pawnee, and western R ailroed Gun - pithy, now known as the Union Natio Railroad Company, eastern division, shall Dave completed their read to the hundredth dhgree of longitude, then the last named company may proceed to make said road westward until it meets and connects with the Central Peel& Railroad Company on G earn line. And the said railroad from the the month of Kansas river to the ono hem /teeth meridan of longitude ehall be made tie the way of Lawrence and Topeka, or on the bank of the Klitl6llB river opposite said towns • Prot iced, Treat no bonds shall -be lamed or ands certified by the United States to any ~e•.tan or tu m1,.,.3 fur ties oucoLz action of any port of the main trunk -line of said railroad vest of the one hundreth meridian of .ongt:nde and east of the R acky Mountains, entil said roe d shall be completed from or near Omaha on the anemone( river, to the said ace buedrecith meridan of longitude. Sac. 1Z And be it further marred, That t acd after the next /demi" of directors, the Coe nenther of dtreetente to be elected by the s o kholders shall he fifteen, sad tie lumber directors to be appointed by the President ball be five; and the Presidtht shall appoint ‘bree additional directors to serve until the ext regular election, and thereafter dye dire°. lore, At least one of said government direo tors shall be placed on each of the standing nmmittees of said company, and at least one di every epeolal committee that may be ap pointed. The Gorernment directors ahtil. om time to time, report to the Secretary of the let. rim., in answer to any inquiries he may make of them, touching the condition, matiegement, and progress el the work, and than communicate to the decrotary of the feu rior, at any time, Bush Information 63 choold be in the possession of the Department. Tee,y shall, as often as may be necessary to a fall lthowledgeof the oondition and twin a ;meat of the line, visioull portions of the lae if road, whether built or surreye eat While absent from home, attending to their duties as directors, shall he paid their eetual traveling expensee, and be ellowed and paid such reasonable compensation for their time actrally employed as the board of directors o a V l e°l : e. And 64 it further enacted That de next election for directors of said railroad hall be held en the first Wednesday of (tots. her next, at the office of said tootopeny la the city of New Yolk, between the boors of ten o'clock A. hi. and four o'clock P. H. of said day; and all subsequent regular elections ball be held annually thereafter at the Baum ',lour, and the dlreatora slasll bold their olßow lor one yea end until their ouoiessors are Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the orient companies authorized to construed the otoreinid roads are hereby required tom erst and cis said roads end telegraph for all pnrpo ee of cninmunfoation. trAv , 3l, end trine pr. ition, solar as the pabito end the ,v -en/Jnela are concerned, GI one continent' lin.; and, lit snob operation end use; to afford- and Irmo to each equal advantages mud facilities ea to 'stall time, and transportation, without any discrimination of any kind in favor of the road or business of lay or either of said companies, or ethane to the road or basiness of say of either of the others and it shall not be lawful for the proptietant of any lice of totegreph authorised by this sot or the act emended by this act to reams..r fail to 00IIr troy for all persons regairiets the transmit elm of news and messages of 40 eharicter, roaL pairs of forfeiting to the pursue;pursue; irdttred, r each °denim, the sum of one hundred dol s,' and s u ch other damage $ll ho pay 'hare paned, on account of geld refusal at felbire t to be sued for and recovered !natty court) a the Vatted States, or of any State or Ternto. ty of sentient. Jariedlotion, gm 10,. AndAs it furtharesoota, That say WO or more of the companies authorised to participate Let Tut benefits ol' thill act are busby authorised at any time to unite and o • asolidate their otpuisations,, se Ohs same nay or eitelrlic Upon suih - Gran and oondl ozoi *nabs suchinsausfas they may apes tfildrul tbollAbi behtimiffsillble !it* this Or MC Inws:Of Iliilitate . OrAtileit '.14 , b the roads of mesh- companies( msy be, end to ../1111=14 _ and_ adopt snob corporate lame and styltas they may agree upon, with capitol stuoknotio nosed the actual coat of as road/ so to be consolidated, and shall die , copy df suelt 4 soaaolidation la the Depart zeal of Net biberlor, and thereupon . such ova:dead= so Inroad and consolidated shit suoetted io,pestese,imitlW-nlitilletrive from the Clovetanmalpflifflialkitlitstis "'- !width raid ein li t i l alPrkri t t li kt l 4 o MakonitietT galeauteeeemss d-i gs - done an pexfirransft,avibintrableokto,ibLinos UMW. mditioll; __restrictions and requirements Y !width YAM onapataiiistipectirely at tholitni Win se ch consolidation a m ay be Male/ 'or lubjetMe cadscads thisa:t r iaplacte and la , Fecchk or 1 b r -•-• - - ' atitution .Ist said companisti So oansolidatal rerptedisidy. :And all ether provision of this act, so far u applicable, Triages or in any tanner approtataing to the computes so minselidatn, or . either' Vaasa; shall apply and be of force se to-snob consolidated organ. (nation of the roads radiator of them of the complain so consolidated,- any other of the Ind or rondo of dilute of the other nompan lecatakorized as afereitaid (Lad forming, or intended, or neeettini7 to form a portion of a continues line from est& of the several point. cn the Missouri river hereinbefore designated to the Pacific nest) shall not have antstrint ed the nember of mileaoLits said real, wAtt • IR the time :._rein required, suokconspi4a etd ovgaalstitloale lettebfenthoilindlo tritium the constettotionsfilteriattaWnleg-s0 in the Loners' direction and route upon which snob incomplete' or etrickmetrueted roil le hereinbetere anthorizedaube built, until snob continuation of the road of such consolidated organization shall reach the constructed road and telegt aph of said other company, and at such point to connect and unite therewith; and for and In aid thereof the said consolidat ed organization may do and perform, in ref. erence to such portion of road and telegraph, as }hail so be In continuation of its construct ed road and telegraph, and to the construe lion and equipment thereof, or the elngular the several sots and things hereinbefore provided, authorized, or granted to be done by the company hereinbefore authorised to ecnstruot and equip the same, and shall be entitled to similar and like grant, -benefits, Immunities, guarantees, sets, and things to be done and performed by the Government of the Unitedstates, by the President of the Uni ted State., by the Secretaries of the Treasury -od Ulterior, and by commissioners, In re feree be to such company, and to each Portion of the road hereinbefore authorized , to be , constructed by it, and upon the like and online terms and conditions, so tar as :the 611310 am applicable thereto. And said consolidated °tunny shall pay to said deteulting company; the value, to be es. limited by competent engineers of all the work done and material furnished by said de. faulting company, which may be adopted and used by said consolidated company In the progress of the work under the provisions of this stollen' Presided, aseerfletra That said defaulting company may at any time, before receiving pay for its said work and material, as bereinbefore provided, on it. own eleotion, pay mid consolidated company the value of the work done and material-tarnished by said Consolidated compaiy, to be estimated by competent engineers,. necessary for and used In-the ecausttlaiiio6 Of the road of said defellt ing company, and resume the control of its said road; and all the rights, benefits, and privilege!, bereinbefore granted to such other company. And incase any company author ized thereto shall not enter into such consoli dated organisation suck company, upon the etoMpfetion of its nod, as herelnbefore provi ded, nal] be entitled to and Is hereby author ized to Continue and extend the same, 112100 r the circumstances, and in accordance witiathe provision of this section, and to have all the .benefits thereof, as fully and eompletely as are herein provided touching such consollda led organisation. And in cam more than one such consolidated organisation shall in made, pursuant to this act, the terms and conditione of this net, hereinbefore recited as to one, shill apply In like manner, force, and ant to the other. Preeide4 Ammer, That rights and interests at any time inquired by one such coneolittated organisation shall net be impaired by another theilf. it is farther roeided that should the tral Panto Rail road Company of Califo rnia complete Abele ne to the eastern line of tne State of Cali fornia lettere the lineal the Union Paei6o R oil read Company shall hare been extended west ward CO ae,to meet the line of said first named company, said first named company may ex• tend their line of road eastward one hundred and fifty miles on the estableshed route. so as to meet and connect with the line of be Union Pie fie road, complying in all respects with .tie provisions and restriotioos of this oat se to raid Union Pitoifio road, and upon doing eo shall enjoy ell the rights, privileges. and ben ch e conferred by this act on said Union Pa. e.tto Railroad Company. Bro. 17. And be it fortSer resoled, That so =nob of 'cation fourteen of said sot as relates In a brunch from Sioux City be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to road as follows: That whenever a line of railroad shall be com p'eled through the States of lowa or Minneso ta to Sioux City, such company, now organ ised under the laws of lowa, Minnesota, Da oota, or Nebraska, as the President of the United States, by its request, may designate or approve for that purpose, shall eroustraet sod tolerate a line of railroad and telegraph from Sioux City, upon the most direct and triai co nnec t tl sbl e u s t b o cosh thel a o p ws oint breach oa of and Lo thethe Union Pacific railroad from Ouisre., or the Union Pacific railroad, as suoh company may select, and on the seine terms and coalitions 1,9 are provided in this sot and the act to which this is an amendment, for the 0013815120. lion of the said Union end Paoifie railroad . . eod telegraph line and branoher, and laid eompany snail complete the game at the rote of iffy miles per year. Providad, Toat said Union Patine Railroad Company shall he and is hereby nleaeed from the oonstruotion of oatd branch. Aod said company oonstruot• log said branch slutU not be entitled to receive in bonds an amount larger than the said Union Pacific. Railroad Company would be entitled to receive if it had °attenuated the blench under this Dot and the act to which tete is en amendment; bat said company shall he entitled to receive alternate sections of land for ten miles in width on each side of the alma along the whole length of cold betrch: And provider, further, That if a rail toad should not be completed to Sioux. City, acne' Imo or Minnesota, within eighteen months from the date of this ant, then said tompsny designated by the President, as e foretold, may commence, continue, sod com pete the eonetruotton of said branoh as eon t mplated by the provisions of this gob Peon ...1 Lwow, That if the said comploy tio des. I, netted by the President agsforetsid shall not te roriwe the maid ¢ranch from Sioux Cal to the 40410 railroad within ton intim from the peonage of.titio toot; then, sad In that cabs, all of - the 'slipped vbioh shall haveleen entrue• bed by cold company shall be forfeited to and come the property of the United States. - • ' Sec. 18 dud be it fur th er enacted, That the Burlington and Missouri hirer Railroad Com pany, a Corparation organised under mid by . ‘, tue of the leas of the State of [owe, be an I hereby is authorized to extend is rite] TAO through the Territory of Nobreeks from the p OA, where It strikes Missouri- river, south o , the mouth of the Platte river, to some point rot further west than the one hundredth me (dies of west longitude, so as to connect by the most practicable ;route, with the eosin trook of the Union Paclfo railroad, or that p r o' it which rune ffom Omits te the saLl toe hundredth meridlin of west loortiot le ,k r , ' for the purpose of enabling, sal 1 Et tr. 1 Dillon and Nilsson' River Railroad Compe y to construct that portion of their road morel's authorised, the right of way through ihe public) Londe is hereby granted to said company for the, eonstruotion otesid. road. And the sight, power, and authority Is here -I.y given to said company to hake from the t oblie lands adjecees to the line of said road, t firth, stone, umber, and other materials for the con etruction thereof. Soil right of aty is granted to said company to the extent of two hundred feet where It way pass over the public !andel, inoludingall necessary grounds for stations, buildings, workshops, depots, ms• chine shops, switches, side tracks, turn tables, and water stations. And the United States shall extinguish ai rapidly 14 may be, cones tent with public, policy an a l ; the welbirenif Me Pa Indiana, the Indian titian to all lands fallilig under the operation ot this emotion Ind required for the said right of way and grant of land Urdu mado. Bea 10. And be it And" triada, That for the purpose of siding in the eonstrooUon of Ohl road, there be and' hereby is granted to Pit said Buillogtari and Maori Rtvcr Tan ned Company, every alternatseection of pub. 4 land (aneepknattteral,lol ( dlse provided in thts ac t ) disignated by odd numbers, to: the immint of tan iltirriste tektthine per Odle on esab 'idiot sold:04, On the 1100 thereOf and not sold,'Veserica, or otherwise disposed of by the trotted Staten /mid to raid a pre-emption or bomestoad chain may not' . have.attsohed it the ilme the line of eald: road is. deeddiely tkedi.,l?tordded, {ghat] said company i'shill accept, this_ grant within one gear,friA , the plotesSe Of. OAS .01, Isilling sunh:itom 09 .. i rith.theparorstary of the Interior, an dhoti biinniablish ths 1140 it /Old road, Andlie a sp thereof niiit the Seoretiry of the Interior ;within °as yea' ortlediteirleald acceptance, when the said 13drireMky 'Alit Arithilraw the dil..zot t race4 In thir great from market. Sio. 20, deli 6i ill- further einered, 'That hen sold.'lllillagton and Idhiseuri /liver galletrad Company stall have completed twen ity aensocottinileti Of ihtvidad mentioned in :the Ibregoing notion, In' the Manner provided lfor.other remit mentioned•hr this act cod thi get to which this hi 'llitnindelent A the gresi- Illint of the United :Slater shill 'appoint three gomndstrionerti to nimble and reffni fliht* lin 1111 ,0914hgretro'litud lilt Airs that twenty miles of sail road have hien lynnpletod as milked by this 001, then, upon evilf osta of said onmmissioaerfa] to that e— rect, patents shin Vew ottanglacthe rigit sod title to said lands to said company on each side of old road, as tar Of the same it Completed to the amount aforesaid; and sash examination, report, and conveyance, by p shall (routinize from time to time, in Like manner, neat said road shall have been oom plated. And the President shall appoint said oommissionen, fill vacancies in said oommir- Sion, as provided in relation to other mai, mentioned in the eel to which this is so amendment. And the said on IA 'au,' shall be entitled to all the privileges and humanities granted to the Rannibat and St, Joseph'e Railroad Company by the said 'ait mentioned sot, so far is the same may be applicatt!tx Pr °Tided, That no Government bonds shall be I hoed to the said Burlington and Mi e ouri River Railroad Company to aid is the 002- Struetion of said extension of its road: Anti Provided, further, That said extension shall be eompleted within the period of ten years from the passage of this act. Sect. 21. And be it /wan enacted, That before any land granted by this sot shah be °allayed to any company or party entitled Were° under this sot, there shell first be paid Into the Treasury of the United States the oust of surveying, selecting, and conveying the lame by the said etropany, which amount without any further appropriation,stand to the credit of the proper account, to be need by the Commissioner of the General Leal (M -hos, for the prosecution of the survey of the publio lands along the line of said roads, and ao from year to year, until the whole shall be comp l eted, as provided tinder the trorlsions of this act. Ste. 27. And be it further enacted That Con. i.reire may at any time alter, 'meld, Or repeal lib's act, Approved, July I', MU AildarlardCTUßEßS, Arc. LAWRENCE IRON WORKS, Xao Castle, Pa am v. ettairs.....-....--not mressia. a. D. RIMS. Jl. DITIIIILDO a 00., IRON, NAILS AND SPIKED. Tramott picot onkloot to °boort, of tho mvttl. )6301110 ITIW OMITLI, LAI/1/301 00-. PL. DUQUESNE BRASS WORK CADMAN & CRAWFORD, ilasphostans, of mry misty tit Waal BLABS WORE FOB PLIESTIVIS, STMLEI OE GAS TITTLES, MACHINISTS'. AND . . OOPPranniTao. BEAN CANTINGS, of all—domotpoiono, mod, to or der. STIAMBOAT WOBB,I3TIAId AND GANTT. ITNO, and 11XPAIDINC Al p Elf ptly sttondad to. Particular attealon to a. apaiIINZBEIN 11 . 011 GOAL AND 0 ON 0134 Also, Bola koala for nu West= Iftstakt of Pansy!. tants for tha sato of HARM, LAMM& 00.11 PATUT SIPHON PUMP, the hest avor battrated. ,01l 1t nn albto It to not an to pt not of beds, and NI {hm lrmora wets than any pampof Mina tta Ws. man IRON CITY WORKS Si A CKINTO3II, HUMPH ILLL 6 CU 1011HDZI18 AND ELLOIIIIRBSS. Carew of Pik. mat O'Hara, sal Irtita aad WsLint Stemita. at.. *ty Water Wortze) Itannfaetarete of stationary and other EBO BOLLING MILL GAIITINGB and ISAOHINZET, all kind, general jobbat. Prom attention eras to repairing nousso SILL HAM Y. deShly R OBERTS, BARNES & CO., Mil Third XL., Pittsburgh, TIN AIM gain 111011 Woll.B=l, JAPANNED TIN WA Ire .r. foom awartacturing .M b... on hand Bata. log Applastaa of al kinds, Toilet Wars In Beal, Water Coolera r t . iirvorro . Tea sta Elploellanlsters,Oasb and bpic• Doane., brattaaa ho a. n A . rcri mblor hfrd for al. to va Oil Gong o flal Ili Sal sod patterns, dna , Oondootoes, and al ands of Job bin' Wadi &Auto orbs, PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DITELAIDOW6 FATE OVAL 4.... A-1111. CH!QiNEY B. !Nos &romp aro totonelod be Ike gal gams, kat- Ica sil inns of D. I. squally, doss not repots it to crocking. IL D. prvismos, Tort Pitt Mao Worts, Woshingtoo am; toll Plitsbnak. Pus= BLACK DIAMOND en= WORKS, PITTUDBOII. PA. PARR. BROTHER A Oa. NWT QOALITI 11171IIIZO OMIT llllMalft J. oaubir., of on than Warranted !goal? an! Imparted at insonnactated In Ills cannU7. 111, - Moo and trareheced,Won 140 and LSlnarr"d t 9) and IE9 SZOONDEFTB=TB, Plttabaralu 11•11:1r1 ALLEN WOORMICK & 00., VALLE, FoIINDIT. P( D. Pt PWW•rotono, Al LIGKATT arms, Planotootursro of 000 K, PARLOR AHD EiRA2IIIO *TOTER, PARLOR AND KITCHEN GRATICI, not. LOW WA RR, .to. Merl and Glow Moulds, Roiling DGII Cooling% Mill Goarlfg. Wear ond Artlzoo P ye, &A hoax. Doir , Wasoo Dox.% IlList Pal. ttre=obbloog sad INM Clootl:= to an. dr:. Petentsd Port with &am or Horn Powar. .ail-rood 1 i - WORK ENN MACHINE WORt3 AND 101711DBY: H. IDIOUTAIAB 4 00er LaOIHL DIIILDEItd AND ALLOIIIISIBTEI, Ideas draw!, Montan ►idsial sad daddauw, ALLIGEZ.:9I Girl. PA. idantdastunese of WICIPIDNAPPS PATH_ M POIITABLA 08CaLLATING OVUM LISGUADS, Mudded, Pulleys, An Bepalstud of 0/1 Sheds attended U. Jetely THIRD MOM FOUNDRY AL RED DAVIS, Formerly Woman at Annum= • Phillip..) roipsothd hoforniss lib Mends and N. public generally that hr °rum! • Foundry at Monomer of Third strand Clhancery Inn*, oyporriti Fulion'd Bram Foundny, or 0.. puryani of mum hawing WWII YIAOHIEL UT CASTINGS, 'GLASS 610171.03; PtILLIIIrI. an. yooird L0t..0. F Iv= m Phuabor• wort. troylikdin CBAB. FOWNES, (late of the firm of Or mkhei, 1 1. 44 1 ) 1102 - 10 1 1121.149 MOVZ uraftiEt arm, ALLEaatisy BTIIZET. P. mytly JOHN B. MICRUON A 00 &LLB, RIDDLE & CO., No. 111 Libertytroot_ opporno Sixth, PM.; p•aottfacturen WIITPS, LA/3111:11 ufd •• •• end go.r7 description of LUTHER 13 • 1V•63t11. Orden W o4OW [rpm the trade, 004 tool •• Y Dot lottnacti. SEVERANCE, No. 53 WA KPloaborsit, mtamtfootanur of BOILER WROUGHT f3PLET9, common eadratined, of • sesiptlon. Psalmist dud or duped 111191= did B Imp or mall, moat to orlor at Abort stake. artrtaraat toostaatly oa bona. & Vi'..BEKNETT, Itartako .L.riwinn MN! CIErPrA and MEN PitCatew g la d Wadadaan ad MN it IDTB~ ar. ' UNDY'S PORTABLE B STEAM. SAW MILL= 'ad .BLANDIra Zaksgsd Postade alma &um. BLANDra Inuatoliaains sth. BLINDIIIINsastit r.a.thsWosbrld 0. . .8304, inanalent la the mod& !bit • • toa Ndboles, of Mats lad Iffsibmsl nem Pte. ppsd fOrbparatlan. Callan gollttyar tor. Roghrs, Pa.. dui 1 .150.600 bid la vim anstis. ending Ms , !sanding th. &TM ad nninte, AZ= lanrataut Penns. thslnyldAllaaStes•Sadibroarmtlea ladnas lad% W4Doo 0141Ath or 11,003 Inet ask. 114244/ M4 1 4 11 . 21 . 4 " / .1 1 7 "M-4"? , -Pe • , — &nek . Inaarstsd Ovular, swill •initdiatinasaan• rAdanat . '• " ' H. aF. - BLAFor, Clan* tans and Indarpnidosca son.. • • 14041;PP1MK. 2 ,... - . j • AIM •E•ininata - wkirm tararovitoton. 'COW IN ilk . wintarz. dralndketatand: ic••. , an kftsdn ,yrt: LAIEPI Emma.' Ysairtsstaami se. Ositlas • . . 4.6. ested s a w noP Palsai ini s td l M s * .A)SP F .I nnn i f Soak& Awe. Plisabant: ';"' 110A,0/1386- 4 - PHAAREBS, 41 4 ta b el . 4nrspyiril tfowtr *autteoo tolal 10/t lake, Mit kr ir galngLa GROCERIES, PRODUCE, POTTIL..—JCIZE L1XEL......12711011 L. LIXPLZI p:M orch. A.M.RIN & SECIIPARD, Coin ta sad Dallas in Yo=L . ah rt7 l DO. meek ratan, n.crom,surrzn, zoos, POTATOIII, and Produce penveally, Seo Meet, oneseita Pa minter Derpoot, Pittab'in. Marlene; 3.8. Thh.on• • o.a /ham • Cain, Only • S Mandl, Las • Cc, Jahn Graslar, Pitteteugh:= Boa.. cDowell.Tan Brant l Co., Philutal Tratelat • Bina, St. Loa.; BUlLtab • Qxant, New York: Stoke. Laval!. Cincinnati. mrkly FRANK VAN GORDEB, Produce and Commission Merchant, No. 10 81111THrIZLD EITEXXI. 00raer )tat. Deal, la IrLOl7/1, !TITER, DEMONS, BELL A LARD, CBErsa, rußic, DRIED ADD ORKIN THUMB, wad D roduce genarsLy, Liberal club advance. an constramanta. btl OIIARLEBC.BAISLEY, Produce and Conuniudon Merchant lIMIOELVIADD3I nitoicaa, And dealer la .11 kinds of 00ITSTILY PBODIIITIL No. IN LUMP= wralzr. mhttly Prrisatnais. PA. 'HENRY WALLACE Commission Merchant, No. 180800TH WATIB FL; OBIOACIO, mini Partiontar attention ;old to Ming orlon to HIGHWISIS, PROVISIONS, IrLOl7/1 • miilTAs M'BANS ANJER, 002M111111011 11111WHAB2S. Lad &Wen In Flour, Grain and Produsai 124 SZCOIND 4T., Octoroon Wood & amtvisid, pos. L McCLELLAND, F9tersesmar t ZINODADiad h D*ol4l 86izasi. 0011111/33102i 011 Flour, Grain and PirOVidlOt&j. o lgtarten D r t 71XD A4Ltzra zu r and Ws of Ito. ft WOOD EITTIMICI, Plumbargh, Pa. MA, joit . F. QUIMBY & CO., B. Commission Merchants, 14,11:10 . I/013TH WATIEB 8t... CIIICLGO Olve Itlp Damn= to porellrbas Flour, Grain, Provisions, Cic., 11. Y. --GTO. T. BROWN. cahB:l.7 0011teil t 150.•10, ..... • OWL. • /WO. •ZSOCKI.a, of the late arm of D. AD. le Donal 4 1 . Pittsburgh. A Co., Wellsville, Ohio.) ANDONA LD & A RBUCIEL Wholesale /IL Grocers, Produce and Clummisslou Iferchsats, mum. for COWED, N. 0. SUGAR sad IdOLABELCS, Dotter, Egr SUGARS AND BTBI7PS, HOUR, BAOOl‘. Petal:me ils TEAS, SION L OHLIGSZ, SEEDS, Itsa., Sca. Lard LlbeLt: „ :4l 2. Pitt. Play had 0. I=. Gosh Wrest:areal*. En Liberty Whir SHRIVRII 6; LAZRAS, Wboienala 0110011111.1 AND oommlealos INNINDIASTB, Ilan 22 and 20 tHdITHITILD ST., ear. Second. letlT PITTSBOII44I. fltiAhLtli a LEECH, FLOUR LED Huila 4 ...JAcroz est OoatetsstoeActin for the este of GRAIN, BRED'S, GEMS; PRODOGI, ,to., tad seat for the celAretz4lot:down GIIIENT, Noe. 114 RocaAd mid 145 /Int Waste, between Watt and Bmlttdold, Pittsburgh. Ne 3 teems asesuit. HEAD & METZGAB, Grooere and Oam- Wallas Plerchanta, and dealer. Is sit JELeds of Conntp Prolno• and Pittston..Mt Kul 919 Liberty stroot, apposits bead of burgh. • aptly WEBB & WILKINSON, Commission linchants, Whotosolo dealer. In DEBVE CECT-SS, DRIED MUSS, BUTTAII, EROS, OIaINS, tad prodoce. goloorslly. Also, LIL42/1166, BIDES, OILS, 80., No. 117 Llbor latest, Plttoburg6. Sir oh advancements made. o....tiosmoooli loglolteoL Jol2-Cood vi P. 1.3[... 101421.1.11. WM.. P. BECK . 41c CO. No. 165 Liberty Street, Plttabazgla. Pa, Wholnada Orman. Coda nasaakon Plerchanta, dralar. 00IINTRY PLO. DOLE, PaCIVISIONS, BAUM LA.BD, BOTTLE, EGGS, CILEESX, /NIL to„ PIIADOOL, FLOM; GRAIN, SEEDS, GM/MN AND WILED PEWITS, to., SALT and LXE.E LT'S JOHN B. UADIETELD COMILSSION MID Poseresonto tdszcsatre sad wholesale dealer Ls Ir =SLIM R/MitIPI =DMZ, DIPiTCII, LARD. POEN., BACON. 'LODE, TISH, POT AND PLUM SOULS, SA LICRA TUB, LINSEED AND LOAD OEI4 Dill CD FRU I T, sad Prot:Woo coaaraLly, Dlosl4l and 144 Prost street, Pittetttesh. :.taus. ITTLE & TIUMBLE s Wltoleciale Gro• aim and Cloututhala Dlershauta, deal= In MN AHD LARD OI IRON filfa z atirMl TABNIiI t mad Pittsburgh nutantactures gmerally, 111 and 114 a...W1 street ,Pitlabargh. P. aaraaa._._._~i.annCEL, RRYMER BROTHERS, (suodessore Berton a AnEcrlon,) Wltialess!* .lan In rot, SION 1/1101115, NUTS AND APT(110, OONTNCTION TRY, gr , " [-. L. .7 Woad Avon, AAA.. Pittebewitt. /115klY • S. rarmeous__ •DAN win ITATTERSON & AM MON. CONN ISSION NEEDHAM* MODE AND GUAM, sad pawl PRODUCE dram; Ea_ I WOOD lITEZET, PittAbergt. Ps. ahhly ('CHEESE WAREHOUSK-HENRY H. •„_/ COLLINS, Pornarthng odCoranandon Merchant I=raler ,CHEIMIL 2 lIMITMIL LAKSFISE, lord nenersll7, No. .11 Wood etrentolbore Water, g?thabar g li. mjy -1111.1.1/1111 nerD 101 IN FLOYD t CO., Wholewd° (4o t/ ers.d om.y:simian dierchauts, m Wood and Ord Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Jae fAHARLES L CALDWELL (successor to .J Jams Hoham a (b.,) POllB PACKER and dealer in PHOVISIOLieI, turner of Sariced end Irarab Mager. Pitteburyb. lad 1111. 011/1 ClU1.1 " & SUEP 11 AR D, C00113310N Mancasers and dealers In FLOM:WHAM AND PRODUCE., No. UT Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Mace brands of flour for llaten and PanUly ass cta dandy onhand. Partiedat attention paid to tilling are.. for Merchendine generally. cen,tily J. * T 11) WNSEND, (sureesaor to Jaakeon r yil vit t o card,) PORN PACK= mad draw In 11fixbarch. J. 19 roartb street, agar Liberty, nar/ 11./.•11L •ftVPII. .... ............ L. IL TOM. 11 , H. VOIUT ti, CO., onoccessore to L G. .1.4. Oratr, PUODOLIS •ND 00E13115610N id Ilt- CUANTS, 24T Llbarti dna, 3.l3l•Naryb. .. ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Whole ads Grocers, Ootintissiou sad Torwarding Mos , chards, aud dealers le Produce and Pittsburgh tusai airiness. Liberty street, Pittsburgh. DWALLACE, Commission Merchant, Std Wholes'. Dealer la ?LOUD wad (MAIN, b.. 80 Wert:, Wed. Meats Pmunylvaals ft B. Pessage Depot. Pittsburgh. Ps. Bens. Ware house. eerier Wane sed Pens ttrests. no17:17 Pau imetta.— .ALLA.Z. LAMBERT, SHIPTON 60., Whole m. GTE, and Protium Nolen, 24. 6 BL6th oreet, Pitubtorg6. J 616 8A.14111 DICKEY 00., Wholesale °commisloa klerebants, awl &Wars to PRODUCTS. Do. SO Water atm% and Frost =sot. Pittanargh. • eat ca ' U. 737;1: • tostorsto Droton a Kirkpatrick., WIIOLI. 0kt007.89, Noe. 191 and 193 Liberty etreet, Pttttotrgh. .pl 3 1y (93010 E RIO COFFEE—Jard received a V troth let or .hobs Rio Oofree; lee° prime trkilhe 1.. yaws end old Jere (afros. Tor We et the rethily po. eery etc. of 30E111 L ItEnLiAW. .1129 erre.. Liberty atid Buie drafts. TAMES neLzELL a; SON, Mannlto to turns of LATID ,pipw . and Ocanndskok auto for tho ;mane and ale of .080 D 1 AND Unarm PETRO - LW:10, NON. "a an le wit/a su,,,d,Pittaborek. Advancoo made on conalszunouta. B. LIGGETT & CO., CITF - FEO - IIII: J ' , MAY Adam sad streets, PtttsbuaPb, Pt illarOaPsrity, aCIP barrels per day. yP 11 , rOY Alt • ar . E.A.Na, Comasmoz liiiscitures sad whole dealer. to Car.00:1131- 71,0118, GRAIN, PIIODIJCIA Ao., No WSP TANIS, MUM WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Gro iloce I:l7 sl Pittabtr taw 1; G. /611 • Pitinbergb. §eLINDSAY J`'B BRO., Wholesale and stel GBOCIESOI,7LOUB AND wpovAD Medi stmt. Pittsburgh. sistet (AM ALBION, BON & CO, Wholesale 5H0M3,44.. Callk e:.. acto i c z rzkirio * ON kritia:thirri, OVAM: MOLIALitit. !AiLOALSIY, - NAM TY ilSOCaako PAL VI WoOd ittiol4 Mem 411,04431!linilnWl_ • 1 7 - t • • la d M a tidattpa l. -2.5 OIL Into 2 lard ralurant, a 50x,4, c 274%. ft e a mu ri Wild*•cb• • • °awl ani 11728/Xs, Ira ed Waininth Imo .0.110, Sin V'nvit 304NEXDON GO., dr4410 per -ANL Aliaa ikai Jo "PAM* e !WialtArloooll6.l4l, dPELt s li. BRILLIANT OIL OU - -Books of Sub. .reptias to 5h.111111.1.11117 OM M. via to MrA the Baakb4 Sam of RAM A, HAM A , Leer Sided and Wood Waits, al! nuadAY. August Bth, 18fi4. 14...Abite santabztag • rioniptfau of the prowl, haLd by tb. Clompecry can b. bad al the .a .so ptte.. on after tb. fib 01AI:west. Jei:htf j AMES V? LLICINB, 111101111 AND DKALKH IN CRUDE AND REFINED OIL. MUM BLOM, DUONVIZII W&T PTiTELB MOH, PA. =repeated attention peon to the BALI LID /REP Mit of Po/manna and Ito prodxsts.. Comyrsostansa TtiVritTlVlCroalpbiglßlMlGl° OIL AHD sabtly P 037 037101 001 141 RICHARDSON, HARLEY A 00., ooaszukaoa a TOR.IIII.B.DIZQ 1121iMagAzm Crude and Relined Petroleum. No. LI LIVIR73 13113113, our Libenl anal mdraatas I ocenescusente br PIM. buret ar bat= 'hakes DDfl.s * - 60.; LK 11=lon Pala. TACK A BRO., noun= Grade and Refined Petroleum, BENZINS, An:, pn WAISITUT err, Ikea= entnatad b oar ailual nod's= prompt perm:cud stiontioa. near to Mows. mamas" Harley Bmrsr, Stab a 00., ond 10o0tThoot R Dash, tittibscrgh; Mum 00., &with, ~ Pratt Bank IL A. IH. L. Tata I MoCORDUCIL & CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS. Noe. 211 area 213 South Water Street, CILICII96 ■a cknalcurent. Kaaba. letly & Crborponatog, Iron City On Wort'. Jacob Pabotte, of J. !Motor & Go . Imo. B. Oballnat 0113paag, Chsllkel•ON. tyttly WALES, WETMORE A 00., 00IIMISSION 19120118.111116 SHIPPERS OP PETROLEUM, 111 MAIM &&.UL 11111 lON= Amp* %alas Ibr 9143/14011 AND BBIeYINGI et tbetr yard sod WWI, Nes Mac pun uITY OIL WORSE. LYDAY a CIIIOIIPEMUM ataascheinzies mil Edson al CUM= fru, Bra. Nava Lan mritzwernia one, :La e.. l b crsuroia ywriaolasruarA oppodt. surpb.g. , oc , * no. HAM 11111Ert. %aft' I.rrarracre, Ps. MI M. WAILICOI CRITILL WALLACE be CURTISS, Cozszniassion Zeiarrahanta; OBUDE & REFINED FILTROLEIIIII, BRIII/0931 AHD unnuommse OUA Ho. 1011 0017273 WHAM VAL PEITLADELPH.72. PP' Storage capadty (®der coned 4x 10,030 bbla Ai noolleor 15.,./Littes for an! to to Lame= And Torolrri ports, at oar wharf oo Oro Bina, naar:tho ploidbuo of Qs P. /L. B. Ijara BREWER, BURKE 00NED3SION EXEC/URI% Unto of es 61,0134 PAO37/0 AHD LIZZ/317 024 POEM.! Liberal eras adleaces leads co costabroaceela d Relined or GS tule Petrofault. IXI2. IMMIR33II WET I HAIIOOCIE 675.. ENOS WOODWARD, (Lob °Ms. H. iroxtwied a 00"1 CM.TETfL Ikeda attaitice Via Co Ms Wit .1 Crude and Relined Petroleum. 2/.. ill MUTES rams? mar, TULL *mace Imo. W. Z0L1N1Ere...............-...-..............1331WT ZOLDIEWIT WOODVILLE OIL EKFINEILV. CEO. W. HOEDSELIP & CO., Mazodbasons al BUMMED OIL ADD LIIDSICIA TING OIL. Nap cantata, at baud Ca vay boa gal. Ity lIIIRNIDO OIL, clear gad althea aokrt asp, good LITEIP.I(LUOD, pro WHITI /3.17/30LA gad QII 01274.811. isareil ca&ri lett at No. PP MTH STMT. Boa Block, armed floor, will be promptly attended to, calf CiAI3OT, PEIBBERTON di WEBSTER General Merchandise Brokers, us pleau. 112813:11% littr York. Also, 133 BOUM num mode ws.r Pa. CRUDE 4 =MED MILOLEIIII. arttlMl) SODA, SODA ABB. 11112ZISPOWI, DUMB, one, 4.441.3. . I Qa6ar. to boy or roll promptly assamira tit . :17 D• L. MILLER, is, dairy, .1 waranrr OT. nrmuncrAnna: CRUDE & RUINED PETROLEUM Om Oa=ludas atchialnip , al/ aims r sod res. amabla rates. MELON 7011 BITIMID ha tool eeUa L lot OIIIII)1, oar food &Ada. Particular attemilack pald to OIL TOT max= rita Saus-414111PL10 SODA. 8011 s ALM ha owl AUKS & NEEDLES, InradMEGPLIU. VORIII3IIIOB 116608.1.11% :Particular Waal= paid b uccurtipurisubi tl Orude and Refined Petroleum. or Liberal attraueu Numb. wffaly ROBERT ASHWORTH, le. 1 67. CLAUS 111.. ITITS3DEMII. Forwarding 4 Com:dada Itnrotauit 410 MUM W OZZIL • WILLMICISATIACI,LUBSWLITIGI,CritIIMIP74 THOLII3II o=ira, amataatly aa band sad gar nth as Ms lowan pima. Ckassagzuesole Lad Gram aplAts pleat) HODGE & 00. 1 comusatoss Woman= Tat Ow vas et Crude and Refined Petroleum, as BO= trixamazus ATZUGN, I. I. 'rum; TITAIUNG & KING, if pans:rows slacauires, am *dun to • Odro/easts an its Prothatip askillFra edtazi Vo. CI NOM fft.; Roll'k PEARSALL, - Veciadniint Nerakviats 6 Bream% 1646264 . OrOgfco 2 S and ‘ 4,- P rOOFfe, fist 1614411 i am bans 66:2611i6: 16;6 6=W isurmichez. 1 864., Errlr • t OM !SAL lr. -- I.4FlXEltril iroateauor _ *mint win= baovemicusesamosia 01 Oat .xatlael-doetab aecstib aspienlotab. - owe mazy pcadtim amain Is adarthall baths asifad of pammagam mad ?add mozete•lCO Web& 'falai lan km", p aced nttsbastkai Wenn • ths 1213:01181k 119XMIOZI4L vats Peaaape dation dar. ( dang= m a klaVag h tedZ i .bab ift"l inntel i rllWUte bt jork P ineoucat nen. ra.a.ti4r. th. etrestsi Idalna anal add=dampt dodaaj at eta IQ w r :Mni r s d lilmaladat I=llllkßre foe. mad as etlllf Yard •ta T. MO= 11:1711238111.110mtam tatui LIM P• ll .dwildatala____ , WOna dati i egr aanactioa Wz • 't!: Sta n i i Medi karts tladiatda lady (ramiaao., do) as das olepptas atit prtzetpsl stadaa, to7l/at Us:Tabun ot Eddlascre Widkag te NW Tact Tim AlLekdoira roam- vltlati aunt of an( alga md natidetidim far .Immurat. ancommtazarmi *um:. 'UM _ lasalaoo3 amptaardayelXl amappltaa aLI Iran= au Mad mtaaaramalmalaa Vast 100114.114 Vaal= "Si" bay Omni am) at WO a. m g r . , emceed P" ,o • 4 lnzi 'Praia Ingfaira Bastin Meat Cally (etampt lacamay) mil 11•40 a 44_ ftbd amacmccomplatioa Tres to-I:fairs ab.fgaa Wren Many (maga ends") ma & V ma au • lommaa lamb **Nan etalkallonse eagp=mri a.m.') al Mdkp. mam'' . Mama trail mast wall's ma , at Maw a ; necnsama, haves ntaatattell la= Teat.aw_~ rats tomacrons tam Mates 12tal 71st Wars Shake Aarair=datiem A-06 a. s. Band Walllßbtla, eat Third Wa had= Youth Wars Manzi A rrrwrrwitiLra d. 53 p. lialitocat Ilazost RID arrival* Plinaaphta prim al MISD p. Er. an _ _ Tyska forMahrrGaiiiinhalripThr latirseetria with Threcab atcoJakailattem Jobategii% luwairairdiakm sad Zapraas Todd Zan awl Ida nit. moan aroma mad Johaattreathavialurhaica • Tait Trams kr thearbrah Anwar antralka PIM Irginas Maks soirMaillkalalrariorailrhk Untglasause, =Mks saltszaws Qala Esl . To !lOW re ilk ToP /A 60 To Liam tar...—. , naritrairm...........* I 65 To Altrar 7 16. abeclitd ta . art Baikal. en 1 I , Trusenda- Matra/ BaMad, sad' to P44sE96lll6,llfAkarra Nat *mane paVahA i tickifir 2 hi ie. *4 = 6 1 tretarkt0 km* tau 1111110 Can the Laaao• kit; 4 2 4 , 0:60134 Nig thuushir arposidia• toe paimil beEPP2 , 4% !Pk:. tae au mown{ Poi amid.Wpllloo6 V. IL-6sChaalbarldftebnit Didialderidtitinisr psmgas lad bawl to =Cigna! Mt Durptd i - 04.1 skull NACU karad 1:0 mirth "iamb pessime boom: its tfaksts spAy ; . . - • J. Al thaliliaratrizitatilathral ih=1 41 00 " _ I'ESM I E 4 WAY. sad CDIVIIEWED .11E,Pirounnaa" BOOM. ro, _ smarm . , Oa wr ITAT Wm, 18514 Asian° ,Arroi mir 1110cow,_ t 4- ript-1 MOA.:11.7 . 11610 &..'" M 0u.........-......... plO p.m. 1=3 , 416 • /121 PM. at". 11.3 LlllVelltftetblreb.-P. T. WACC ridikr - Atte 'll:.' t,OZ P. n.. MO p. rt. and tap , 16. sch..:o4,p. B. a., so k irO cu r i k i r i :E a. i -- ,i. 1.. , -- , . . 4000 A/14417. rat Alllarace. Par Thip:Bror tirpil . r Cllffif fibme• IWO p. m. - 4.15 s,j_ in; MO p: M.' 1 MO =I • TO aq. m. - MO oil • a.% it la Safl TWA tomato a m t Ilm 114dou via' • Iff•T LasUe and Db. - ., .:7 Ant» ot Amoww-P. it. W. iti W. B•WoorLIO:OOJI:, 1A.M00.0u.P3 p. 32. and ladym MA 1 . :B. - A..-= ASO a. va. man PAReditinckst in k . Maim Pman 41. apa_ 60•40 . Mt 0.0. •=2_ _ 'I" .- a. M. Pilaf:l2li Mg. Pale 1. , 1K. W., C. Nip!, Y. M. MY lam TlMut Agm'CLa , l!' A. ,:- LLKOHENI W.= _. V unissoe --GRAMM O.IP TIIIELI—Op sod after MONDAY, Ilfoy lotV l ll44..a* L ialli. ft of Wes oral am amoti . . SAIL T - --- Pilfallskit ootf:CO I. MA r K ' rfrfrtg M Elttiontog al .1.1tc9 _Ag.,.lsorimali... ofiAls* d.:O A u , otr arelvoo_a n. ll: J' alt. onleing 114 - Pitt#zoglo alas ii,pg lairs - irdito ", &INI,At r rmsvputpmj o ttMl w : . lt i i - • 5•St -as Pfttsbeassb , sirtifkass Lam -; Plitstssia l " l = p: ca, sirs.sos el Wa Works4ll, LW p so ®d. , 11. 18172046ossulataa/stf. ' 0 MEWS - i) - . . r:, , • POR B MN EMIGRE ON AGENCY' ~ Pittsburg% Pals. Cheap image tram the ;gat !UMW: BY the OW dos Capla WU stiaindar of Chi UM:- paqiaad Ixadzadarryitapal Nall = i t . Mv... -_-: - m=aa ...........I,lta Warta alus 4 ; 4 .00 Was. RI tadaa.......4000 loo.: . Dwa55ea5...........4208 tast. a . - ••.. bear B. ditarlaia—'-.1.8C0 toas Boldfddl.'..—..a u ar 6 - : nor atuausa Um. lampootidiut T. , 1 toashlaa at lamtaadiary kw Ur 101.1 sad laadvpiat t sampla sad ilea aaLts, aad bark ....0 ecersa• , 11.hkom ta crpra rani laaai at Lao da tWa r 4 lV ' T.... , z , ir t ia,.. , .4i 64.1 1itm,.... ~...,„....... Ltaar n r w igail Teel) l lirili , 6 Ltandar liik. "d ad liTror "L ltark as ana7 cl aa di4 , 4 7 =l l Adn-,' ; poolpldiia tompriad thelollowtag . . , . . =2IZ3 Ira Mama Amara—. Ho RUA C1u55.......1101.:1 Vangnard.....oo • Yana LlCAnowney. to Now 1' S:21• Caroasfr — Plttelterst, is ISM Amnon backed through to oaiit of Ur nonling enamor Oanadao wtail tovind. ' ; 1 of law dap - . Imo Hew York Ibr Unrpoot angry** haassmii on Uto oatonul 'ramp on toontlx. Sim Man Wm York to Univ.:A - MET MUM of all Saila or , gexossii be W d knnal kIPP I 7tk Ironing Mioadolo EllBii Mkt struAt 1712 ta.44ll...ubsata. - . ~PAtuburati SIMWICEMIT TO!rfartirt. ......afiglqvuNstiMr, Mort , Ilizter.y Tits welllman. of iM , New rest , ami PlaWalrn eassaiO4.omileas man 1de..1 Y. fa -Iscased to 2131 As. illibint 1 : .1. _:-.;:..- 41. • =nut a..;........_.......... ,earkiii.t,::,,. CTIT Or W.18111159T015A9R711. arr orrescanwrrx.....;.so.4o.lloASl. and .47 succetelng fkunta. at StSok srosi SOK ll ieeth.lfffar file. or ru[a~i . , Ivy* la liplS, az no ricao.: aseeleilf i • •, . e--. 7711 00714:11"=Pkie • la Prats——,.. 9610 _ds. . arta115...;..-4 IS i. - . to asarilmarg.... SO SO "• 0 Wastary.... ST a.' ' ' Was Sarrtrdas ta Itsrez w ltrcoms. Ica al.:'. .' bay U., se scuts low , • ; ,s._ ' : : W orn or Qiumasidsesk S UR 01=r: - ' Itreddtd l i ma 6a7taketi hint at VANN Wei. 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