WNW Sit flittsburgh 6azette„ TEfizzoiDil, BEIM. lib 111161. lIMON NOXIILiTION3. 162 • east - 41338A8AJ1 . • OEN, of Multi. 4NtIIIBW JOHN , of Tennessee. tOrlin CI • TIOILES out - DUKILIP" MOD • s3l)' OD tartans : " ,,, to, Paabont. 001101.. JAMS K. 111001 23D ntenurr : ' , US S Alloghses. THOgiLi =Z) MAI% THOILUI J, lIIXIMIN, Lam St. OW, =UM= : • JOHN P. GLUM, (Ht 7. A.,04. .YALTIOND BLACK. All NANO U. aassoa. sintraL CIIADWIOK, OoMas. AMIGA Y. WWI, *trek layatta. .01711IDALD ruadmr, VROTEOZOTAXT Jleoß H. WINIXS. 014. OLATlrta ra Nty. 3. 3. 14 poo . initat.ei A Rotten Plank TIN spiank In_the Chicago platform which possesses the most 'significance, and the one, toq which logelltil upon to eleot IfoOmucen . t♦nd give peace to the country, le the follow ing,hoing the second of the series: RembB¢, That this Convention doss explicitly SWIM, se the mute of the American pore; that, after fot, years of failure to motors the Xfalon by she experiment of war, during which, polindiwAlie pretense of military neoessity or war wer • higher then the Constitution, the Cloisti. lotion itself hat biern disregarded Inevary part, sa¢ ptibligaberty and private right alike trod. au down, and the material prosperity of the simmity essentially impaired, junior, humanity, liberty, and the publio welfare, demand that modleteeeerte be made fora caution of hos • 4llitiei, with the Taw to an ultimate Convention Of Al the States or other peaceablenreans to the sad that at th ei earliest practicable moment page sante iestoked.ox 'the buds of the Fed • Union of the States. The Snit OISUlte of this molt:Won easing Chit !which eres7 private soldier knows to be Mitts. The war has not been s "intim" On the, contrary .. .notwithstanding. the dead vothts which the' army has bad to esnry in the persona of snob geeerale as M'Cararae, lime, Pm ;oar Yon= and the like—not. withistandingthe,eitione failure's and Meas ure which their wait of general:ll4 or want of sell in" the saws has entailed ppon a too people-4he wu tutsbeen & brilliant moons. When the South, not tulle tour years egoy proeeeded to make war upon the Union liked seerfadventage that eonld De dielred, ao lhelta4ef which was tt DeFooratlo Ad— soirdetration which uttered ,no •resdetanee to tho tretoordsble deaign. Under that Adminle trOtlin; State after state went Ott{ of the Union, issecial sitar areenarwas seised , sad military urge/ideation& in the seceded States were mud . and drilled, United State% forts, one - km houses, awry yards, eto., were taken psiiiisten of. by those orgaidostione, army 11041 . 1,pr1y offices of experience resigned, and Southern members of Congress left their sesta With treason wain, upon their lips, Thei . TrftitutrY of the nation was empty, and • tto IoW nad the public credit become under the . Idltribtletrathdo of Dlr. BIJCILUNLE that a tem porary loan of ;o few millions could only be ;obtained at the - ruinous rate of twelve per - So disjointed And disoPganilei had Wefts become, oed to such rtireme and de. tient hsgtht had the Rebellion bean allowed - to go, that-the new.Preeident was compelled to' slip into Washington by stealth that ho - might avoid tbe perEnsl vio:ence which had been tlireistetiedbbn, and, for the same ream, to deliver - lds inaugural address with all the United litotes soldiers in Washington tinder annarlinth the impetus Me Rebellion had thee, 4teilulred: ;Oder &kin and itithlir.4soatzrpre:audnip on the 4th of M‘hitilBflf Mather many nor sarannyc and 4 7itaiiditiby,aplerstzta traitete in the Oise of felefois,•it is not to be wondered at that fors tiine ehriald carry everything before it. And, it. did. Pater Bentham, Mates seceded and'Qs. artne,,,, until, in the gioi o f igg tam Imislisit Coil dome; 07;r or wry slave State except Maryland and DAaWare now is it now? Ras the result of threey ear r(uot burr are) of 'trawl! been faPtue to restore - the Union? Let the 'hearth= dimensions of the Once dtflani Uen hero Confederacy an swer. Let 'ill wasted aerate., every where Mending on the defensive, anew( r. Lit New Orlesne„Vitheburg, Gettysburg, Mobilo and . Atlanta sniper. Let the Mississippi Valley, 'stash:eked iet the Union by heroic -skill and . Valor, acd the Impire Stale of Gaulle, now rosturtid„ing with the tramp obSurautaa's toriouslegi , r.e, tell whether thei,was has. tuen a "failure." No, not the charge ' not trite. • little loam, until Richmond is taken, and weir will he over and the tinh:on ; mid • yfe4. cm. Gran.; himself has bat recently, Ateleired-that.tif AO had poi buts -hundred thdoWild'freeit men he maid iffty days do up all tbe fighting that needs. to be done dnr• •• , itiec9o war." 4a, he u getting the men. The concluding clause of the resolution, which calls for a " =Eaton of hostilities," with the. view of inaugurating "peaceable Zweite" for restoration of peace "on the basis of the Fideral Union of the State;3," is one of the moot cowardly utterance' that ever amanaled froii any Party in tide or any other Msuatry_, At the very moment when our gallant- soldlers'ar/ everywhere march ing to ` ~ "" tore tied . ' , needy victory over s oral, and remorseleer foe, the Democratio -party proposes that the Obeli stack their anal and that the Natlonahull sue for pesos Beg a dishonorable peace from a treasonable srgsnisation in the last stages of dissolution e—a.peare that 'would make cur children at. ItUf Ohnireika Children waresv.s and curse our bezel! Telehowhet the De:Four:soy aska our soldiers and the people end **Government to do:Datil Munts without itellueL - 11 litigates ', ‘•••• Pale; it attnaes trial toe; , majotity of the • Murk= pulpiest. as `hate cravens as the snot who met at Chicago. That majority knows too well the nature of the struggle in Which we 11211 engaged, and it knows that any decking down now op our part—any display 'of the white feather—would result In disaster ;ei well se &ova., in tholes! of Liberty as S. well all the Union. They know that the prop millitimitsrpesee- in the Chicago resolution would be seeinfally" rejected - by the Rebel Goithunent if it we:eternally laid before it. Time and again Ithie the 'newapiper organs of Lb. fleitthern Chthelfiney declared in the Most •eraphatle terms,thal they would make ge opeeMeWltkihkVnited States unless eonth.. ern independence worn first acknowledged. • Jiminitiois Divia ,himself lately said (see floottntry, ;,14rIscist'A circtilar) " th at (ho f ems f ir . thi 80iieiews:assceovlifiel loci; no authority to, Moire proposals for iiiiellatione exceptby irirtue of Ids ethos _ elainesidentof fen , Independent•Confesiersay, s ic. o lo*.hopls.slone moot propooils be essltefii html' 'Putae , - the_ potpie ow tusk •"" aoslider there: Ms i* they are .foresd , to beii 1106;1bs44&iii thec0a110a44,41124. act • 'llsollaisOiratslvie 'Would - ore usseta 'be pessi;ii ASSiS 1 - 4101 ;Pes ict if Sista thisrer_adhiserired,, dlecoriesh beflige tat. - For We they sub not reeelittor:Tho: gter will sot volor...Bat Windt .irsti4a;kohili • in juntoc.oaklrkkrietithy4hit4thr woMlio;, Denitie taail, and they ll so ;vow Is to ire fort' ft,ill-111klirekis4161.04 this 014 emniffy—st;etielliitit.:MOtisof dirositte:trilthrS :;:t! , •.- • - r" fireeda and the Presidency. t ' !Whir Tait !Wens lks tibia opine out his editing article in favor of Efr. Luton'', reelection. It las heretofore teentined from taking a positive stand in his behalf, hoping, no doubt, with othef Unionists who did not prefer him as their first choice, thatoome• thing might turn up that would bring about his withdrawal and the noninsUon In ohs stead of some other (to than) more ecetpts bit candidate. But Ur. Lutoons Is not to be withdrattn,,and we cannot but think that the Tribune now sees how impolitic would t he teh emirs.. Be this as it any, however, Mr. GREELIT certainly =attests, In the arti cle to which we allude, as much warmth in gripper( of the Union candidate as could be desired by those who see in his election the only sure guarantee of aroandivided country. We quote the concluding paragraph of Mr. remarks': "Choose ye t Pot oar part, we have chain. Better a perpetual dinner of herbs, than thestal. led cm thin& °amp:ay—though, for that mum, but tittle of Me stalled or email fall to the shire of Mote who bellowed in lighting for the Union. Henceforth we fly the banner us Abraham Lin coln for the next Presidency, choosing that far rather than disunion and a vacua of a century of wars, or the Union and political servitude whicit cur opponents would eV* no. ke 'he country shake el its apathy ; let it ruliWerhat is the price of deteat--. peke neither we nor the world can afford ; lot It be ands/retool bow near we are to the and of the rebellion t ad that no cholas is lift us now bat the ins lament pat into our bends, and that with that we can and mast flash it. We grant, from oar convictions, mush that cal be said in criticism of the printout Administration; for the take of argument we will grant anything that any boo sit loyal van can say. And then tbis oar rejoinder—Be. Lincoln has dime SWlM 'dear et the work altar his fashion. there must he virtue and wigot enough '• t in him to do the other fraction. The work to to bls hub; if it pasted oat of thank, It' will boy, as there are nate batter, hat far worse, to raotioa it, to one otter rain. We moot ra-aloot him, and, God helping al, we N hat are the Chances or Success? Never did • party enter upon a National campaign with greater reasons for anticipat ing success, than the Union party in the pending canvass. It hosall that firmness of purpose and calm perseverance width altar. Notarize those who know their cause Is just. The Junes pending do not relate to mere ex- pedleney, as is often the case. They are of tabliabed on the Immutable principles of a Free Government, flatlet, Humanity and Tenth. But the party bee not only hope because it is right. It presents a united front to the enemy. Lee and there a leader whose em bitter' for exaltation has not been gratified, leas endeavored to break the ranks, bat with out ITIOCTSP. The: rank and file are firm in their devotion to the Union, and ere deter mined that the individual in whose person the majesty of duo-Union and the sacredness of the ballot-box were defied, shall be the in strument to vindicate them both. There menet "'lough bolters from the Union party to form a respectable electoral ticket The Fremont move/moot, and the Wade-Davis manifesto, are already forgotten. Toe man es of the thinking men of the country, who furnish the unto: :Vote, are solid in their fixed adherence to the Union came. The elabblnars and treason of the Dem ocratic platform, and the deceit practiced in Owing McClellan= it, has still further con vinced them of the utter degradation of the Demeastio party.- The Chicago demonetise lion has coneolidatedonr ranks, disheartened the truly loyal among i the Democratic panty, -whoare already turning to the Union party Its the only hope of the conntry. Our make lints consolidated and reinforced, arc moving forward with firm step to the music of the Union, with the full denotation that victory is theirs if they but charge steadily, com pactly and forcibly. ' lite bare every reason to hope for snarlers, also, because the army is fighting for us. Victory has perched upon cur banners, end our allies la the field are steadily gaining on the rebels. This tells far our cause, and against the rebel allies of the North. And our victorious hosts are likewise to fight the rebels with their ballots as wall as their bullets. 'We have therefore every reason to feel encouraged. ' Tat faros of prestige is also on our side. In 1860 the:opposition majority against Mr. Lin coln in the States that will vote this fall, was 160,000., In 1862, the Administration party had a clear tatejezitie of about 50,000—en in. snare of 121,000. In '1863 this majority wa lamest& to about .850,000, or a gein.of.filo, a 000 since 11380.. is there any reason op pet:head a falling off or change Iv this-vote The eients of the past leer have strengthened, not weakened, our cease. The end of the re • billion draws near awe: We already see our way out of the wools. One more pent' home on rebels in the field by our strength.. cord armies, one. more rally at the pelts at hove by our hitherto triotorinn. boat. and the day is won. Mr. Lincoln his been sustained by the goptiar rote every year (haslet, sad he will not be forsaken now in the hour of victory. California gave the Administration 20,000 IsioritY last year. She will increase that this year. Connecticut gave 3,000 me..- jertly. Her soldiers vote will largely add to that.- Di aware gave 100 in 1862. Ste well do better then that now. Illinois gave 30,000. She will toll up much more than that ter her favorite 800. Indiana gave 9,000 against na in 1862. She will redeem herself now. lowa gave 16,000. Sho will largely ire:ICUS that DOW. KellBl9 gave 4,100 in 1F62. She will brat that now. Kentucky , cove agtlinot the rebel ticket last fall. She may ea do as well now, but she is certain to bs on the right side. Maine gain 17,000. She 'sit] improve on that now. Maryland gave .20,000. Blois safe new. Massachusetts gave 41,000 She will go higher now: Mizinesots save 7,000 and expels to, make it 10.000. In Missouri loyal rote was divided hit, year, aped may be this. - New Hampshire_gaye 3 000, and goes batty tow': 'New York gave 30,000. flee eoldlers will roll that up largely now. .New- Jersey -arse Demoaratio. Oar 'people there think she may be turned. Ohio gays 100,000 against. VaUandighano. She will re buke Pendleton, his yoks mate, more sternly still. Oregon gave -,000 this spring. She, Octill be behind now. 'Pennsylvania gave 16,000. Her soldiers well largely augment tbaL Rhode lelmnd gave 3,600. She will better that new. Vermont gave 17.000. She will increase that now. Wisconsin gave 16,- 00. She will add to that now, There will be pine everywhere,, for the people will not, brook the .ineult to their pa iriettom offered: by : the Chicago Convention. lint ebonld tbete bt - no piny, we are certain of iodates. If .every man who (festive Bade else SOW, TOMS, we cannot lose for we have ?pd the votes from ;liie very liret.-2115. Ems. n i I .11101tal. .• • The Washlagtoo; J Ohronieto's regular one eiondent with , the Army of the Poems, vide? date of Sunday last, writes es foams New men ate bolas drilled in the menus of arms every dey: The weather le favo-s. tit for inch exercise, being cool and delight - About linty ;-prisoners were sent off to day, the prrduot of small scouting, patties, who seldom return Without a prisoner or two, gathered-up during their ride. Owing to tho ktiown unhealthy character of this section of country, and the great accession of new men, to whom the eolditie's life is unknown, every eanitary preoeutlon is taken to preeent the baneful effects of malaria. (Inidne used in Masi quantities and with apparent eao• ceee• The sink and wounded are shipped off regularly, so that the few patients remaining in the different hospitals receive excellent attention." A ciasserosnm of the Boston fort writes to that journal the! , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thumb hose got a baby—it real, genuine flesh-end. blood chip of the old Meeks, end three months old- at that! Those who have seen the glilesited lust" downibe it as neither a world's *l4er nor a gaffe fright, but a little, can ning, crying , doll iof a. thing, and in no re. speet pesulter or semarkeble, except In the promise it eICS of being a full-sired child, sitd, if it lives, of becoming WI big again se either of its biunedlate gumlike's. !Air Eason. the Eaton of t4a busintiTost-:-41 laid - that Admitollartaratis the first oomudesder,on Pittard whopurizig al:tattle stationed himself 14 aurecaithead. lidt is a pcidder error,* tad It la basil:Ws Pudic* to state 'that it Is Claimed for Cie . McClellan that, daring the battle of Malvern i 11331, be occupied s similar position ort_one of the gurboatecat the James Kees: Pee testimony before Committee on the Caleductof the War.) free kaiiintanad trout s brief Thai to ths .mountatna .of Ida astir:l3We, ?A r t geopoilm eiekd le at the But ItesoK. - Wz , 4414 • - 411 PrtKRUM! - Gengieltrit: Ida to Pittsburgh Pod that tat is behalf of our he wishes to mks The Jil i or Inform the appeal rizoner- Written by tn • friend of President Lineaitt r saw Or beard of the Chicago the same enbject. The remark high places sometimes mistake lined for honor and fiitesv, aimed at at the President rm himself ... as • general remark, true, glory of the pres‘r.t ruling party that they are not afraid to say think to the very men they esteem and most cordially is an exclusive trait of the en Democracy to applaud every .y their chiefs, whether right or .Tits A1:171101, or THAT Anus. • lit as olitionist before he resoiution of that "men it pride end of although, not is neserthel and it is the in this noun what ib most 11101 support. It slaverrridd thing done wrong. Hos. AMAMI' 8. Warr; who. sneoreded Hon. Caleb B. Brdith as Judge of the 11. B. District Court of Indians, died en the 4th inst. at his residence in Tippecanoe county, of hemor rhage et the lungs. 11 1 : 1 Uag 1117. TEili. (h.YDE OIL COMPANY— .," Feats 41 milacrlptios to the stook of the OLT Di OIL 001111.1091 ate now °pm at the °Moe of the PLOPLIM INSOSANOII Ou., *mar MTh sad Wood etreete„ eed:St 10..?1 o'l 1 0 8 . —TII Et BIRIII GAB I 0 V PABY the ttottoe t. thrir ca4ca•n Pat from as after t. • of of USX , lINDZB ten .01 to *Mod to thir. •82 :0 par as@ thou a. 4 feet ad apt a to ft. • thee attest tax. %slaw ' D IrDIESOIt, P•cratary, Omar or 'MIR Lamm On. 00., No. li Ware IST., Prnitheth, &tht. ft, 1864. f DIRECTO/CS LIF THE LII oo, CO., bath this F.d deelthed dirt. DOLLitith PEA SUMO out of the tale mouths burthee 0 IL 18 ELL, Sermetary. t l f decd of TEI pn Bbof the se3 U.THEI DBAFT- 7 First Wind. Pitts. ~,..... bnrg The Zaseatlire Committee of this ward woes too roc ed at • hiset'ela of tae albums, held oz rkIDAT It NTEIG lest, to protect Da.o:rollsd man (rem the hanatter for a Lew rata Cum rim COLLAR". All imam ander Arty dollars .rin it. to. mteed onlrsii donations. ma OHI Iria.l4tY OIL CO.-Babacri b.n o the its k of the TO Oompeay are ernbr• cotlf e/ that an aelactiptione mast be paid la fall to Ire td.artuer O. EST Ids& 90.76 Mood. street, oa cr have the nett het. Lae eabeerfpUeee remais adi capald dfter that date .111 be tart.tkel to thee., party. JOliti 11.LY11913. Preal.tent. .e 3 fr" - -- , z , FRANKLIN COAL CO —B3oks for subetrletif n to the 0. yttal whet of the Trent -011 Conniene, ere vow open.' at the ararehenseof ore. B hen 1. ET, N 0.13 ter od sawn. Th.landa ir the comp& y ere hosted in 'femur , 00., l- ranee trim the Urn o Trani. lin Oa 4 from the mines dtl h 6 delleerof at the torn of rrantile by call. mad, Where !cal Is In lame dementi-in thirty cents per bosh.% nei prernecte Sr. creels 1 , - ewe s taster ;clan the ripply le not eat alt 4 demand In that cletol ty, the od Inteees dim. re golden, more then this ern. Prey could 4ell m ver, the capital bent smell, the pree mete for lases dleiden , e growing oat of the bursae of the unnyanY ere very favorable. er,B:lW .11 - 7.T.0 TIBET OOMPANY FOR ONZ 6 r'- , MLR—Large indsteenten ti Miami to One Yew& „ L itz Ittnn — OßPt Hall taring racratted • compel* tor 11X1 feed and creator portion of which bare already on. fared to eall for one par, he non eines to all emu as dram of for that period la hie company • noont7 of IMIIII=D DOLLULEI—TWO IIIINDSTSI AND =MAT 001,LILIt3 AHD rim 0/ LS BAWD. lir. W. Leonard, forinerly Clined linednerr al du lira kir lel iderit•nant ot thin enosienol. ea (rube I d Wry at WILwIHB HALL, from whom • Duras= tatonnstlan may be obtained. Cl. B. HALL, Ciapt. Oetod'it On A. Ono Yam' Man. u . TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS 01 TUB OUT OF LT.Lll:ol7.llll7—Notioe I. ben by &into to a/1 parsons who hoes oat paid their ral T t sew holes or astrannennt En eald city of Alla s.oreb"tiiell as th" D a AOM7lO ' lnitTl ' irc. o l; to; Pm is psid oa or before the Ord day of October nest the. 177, PIP OM wi 1 twadded to and mode Mobil, the l e ir and that If the arms be not wad ao or ben re the . DAT 67 N0VE11217.11 nett fol Low• tog, wares will be directed to properly onaliard w efts ornaiandlog each of them to Irey for obi taxes, with all teats and charges emitted thereon, of any geode and el:atlas of the dahnquenia whoresoeror found. and to rostra elle thereof, after advertiser:rot. al in caws of dirtreas toe tent. D. SACIfIRIIOfi, aslaw City Tresearar. 11(THE ENROLLED MEN OF .1 1 11. TOWNSHIP.—There are thr Wee bat deed of ),n that bare trot oontributato the liannji land. If you mil than. Mate y on the Treesonor. W. It GOBS ...Y, 2TI Liberty street, or the Conecting Om. mitten., a: d subscribe your fair proportion, yonr Con- L al...gonsantee to clear you from the impending &nit If a mt not Is not made np the thrall:ate. of thews Are y °dined Ira be withheld for th e Iseult of be atibpc to the fond. your Committee hereby pledge t 0 tee to also miry subsorther to th e Pond from th e , thing drag.. Thoth who do net enbecalbe lin. madietsly will hare to take care of th..... 0.... &awn SWART, E • 8 '1 OtSObDY, 111511 T W. Hbrif Elk J. lee' :1•41 geornitins Ckensta.l%. ii-. ]LOAN OF 1 , 3 S I. 2.--, FROPOSAL I S FOR LO/tN. Tarstaar Dresseerert, Ancet Seth, no- Est Ltd otreri lon bersegval .t this Department, wa der the Ihe et Hardt 1, 1863, math noon of 1111/1)/sT, ln of t eptratber., 1814. tar bonds of the United mat. 1.1 the .ascent at about thirty-ane ends half calltion Callan, tetng the a meant of Inman ted abr. nedleptafed of ander the moil. of Yrolfosale fir Wax, dated CA Jane last. The baud. win bear an annual to ms al a per fn um, palable uml.asumus Uln coin on !be Mai date of July and January of each year, and an. tee malls after' the WAD of Jan; MI , . Rath Orer mast be for Ohl or one bundreel dollen, or ma ettlittple rf ou hundred dollars, and mud h.. •be tore, atelading premien., offered for each hundred to 03 bonds, or for Arty, when the offer L. for no I.llore Olaf fit(. Sinc per mat of the priacip,l, excict log pe, einem, of the • bole earmerat offered moot ho be. pan:or as trar. ty for pry. of tabecriptim if 1. ,entedo grab tie Thaectier of elm Mated atates at to too, cr with the A.Wtaot Tresvorcr at Hew Irk Iketoo, Philadelphia oe fi. {cols, or with the doubt...tea repoaltcry at lialtlmora, P.m/burgh, Loularillo, Chicago, Detro:t, or BONI% or .lth at, Puncher Hacking Amodation authorised to r c 10l dry' site which may condone td tattoo% the bap toe a *Meat charge. Duplicatorartiflcate. of dowcalt will Whetted to deo' atom by the othcor er esiociettow receiving them; the wig:Ws of which moat he for. wards' with the odium to the Department. All &omits shoollit he made in time r advice of ems with *atilt cateagh reach Washington not later than thsmoredo& ci &idea bar oth. Bo offs mot soca:myopic/ by Its trope t art ificato of deporlt oda to considored. The lOonpon and Registered bonds hear/ Will b. of the tehoreostte no of WO, $lOO, WOO, sad $l.OOO. Bog. istores Beads of 115,CCO,afill ElO,OOO •in aso b. Maned if aphis& All From ramired will be openedost Pettey, tht 710 of ~ .t.Wkor. The awards will be made by the Pomfatary to .hd Walled offerer., and notice of acceptance or do. dinviion will be lonseddataly gloat. to the neve:tin ...today, sod, to cam of tem:onto:toe, bond. of the Co. • , crlpiloas tissi dintrolnatiata terfserfee ate met to r Othecrlbt re at the cwt a the depart:Moat, on Ana PPYtIn of of thotalcoonts. The original dopoett of tee er dor. t sill Ea tecknaod to the lent Instalment paid tp fere...seed offerers and .111 be Immediately returned to tines whose offers mei eot be accepted. Tth atonal of accepted offers mast depoiltethettla the trailesther cr other odicar as asz.latiou authorized to mit ender data tiottra au Virtue of wept.m of offer, or Wham a Oupthird cot or baton tbs 14th t on*. tblrdoomthetora tbd 11th ; and Oa blenw. fathludlud tb. ifreintam and original pro per . mit. Olson. tro to ore the 24th of repteother. Interne oa bond. arlll ' a gth with the das•cf &veal. Pant. ptiarriog road pail he arer.d ILI, rest from tlaLta of bond, Atli 1 to • st • of drpoeit In coin. nag coder this ratios .h• 1114 be =domed br toep," aad addn mad to the Scorstary of ho Tremors ihd right to bonne sll offers not ooneldered advanin gea be u teseaved to the govornment. W. P. YESEIPSDIS. 15ooiotua of du Trostury. 160 for deb Lose are reedy for lleuaselloor lire . PAOTONY AT PUBLIO SALE IN saw 11111011T08.—Wth be dieted at =Man on AT. reytembertOtti, the OM andlrtda4 wee tlitrd tarp tam wary Wltairt, with abeam:ll water er. Tim pretest blab print at aced ataltai water , • eastrwte for maarlactarieg Daepww • my ftrther intotwatiaa 00L11, 63 Weed swee t , w ea the aculer TlloKasi gee4 ll at Sew num- eetain .TITUTKB— Gentlemen liable draft, In say pert of the State, cam to . fang . &id b Substitutes. god hare them mustered Into the ler- In italadOpals. and credited to their men dire • ts by applying with certnketee et easel= of to ElTEAll.—Etrayed from the residence of asconlyod, Ho. OA Bobbroon ow. AUL. sb g;:/ n y a ms ol& gl a rbis i rll t t taboo. • 14111=4 r* a Irstclts i:41111417 a A. WIWI% Olt rodsral Ansi, &MOW. N InA :ID :4181:: I A; FM LIABLE TO Duer!, , .be rat pirt Irsl an take 11;&150W21 0114X014Dfaiscrwl,Pittabsir Inp. st II ' STOCK EXCHANGE—RAVING eff,VgiexTbg e • ct: to of the pundLum of OIL 1920011. JA0015111,083221, EW TURKEY ritllNElkof impala q v:um:tut nostrAtiasewervigania ournau. liarioULabl• or nitatistib• Taw+ Glecenifitost /0101/14112raw. ste pieffittalet/ , 73;tY. , :c' - ; : ' ' '...:- - ,-;:.4 * Prie f C '; ` : •. :41% 4:71 ,1 &• 47 ... f-71. xerzaw. gr GLOBE =VIAL LIVE Env. NANCE CONPANN, as 11w This. !LINT nmA3, Platesam Irma Non4arkitats Ommias Ws sad Mdse. mast Midas. Aso, Pon-tame di etas, pow., No other Sind of Polio, ma an oast moan,. 11.. WOODS, Goamal Amt. INrONak, 176 rourra mare. saft:ty cs. asisaspAlcda Esaagea Ibr LippLoa= a Oa.) . avaasia,(late M Gage, Unbbard d Co.) i]i'llitlßTlSCM SAW WORKS wresasos as LONG, Bloaotootan. of PATILEIV GROUND casatrutta warsoated CAM' VII= BAWL of rio7 deaciptlao. NMI, Malay, 000 Oatt, 0.01. end allothor variation. All lamb of EIfITES I MAIMS, suds from &best Chat Steal; Extra Barad REAPER AND WOWING, EMMA, to. War... and Warta, aar. WATER a wow ETA., Pittsburgh. Particular instal= &au Botoaablug, thanzahts aad 6haladttailag Otrcaly Barn, also maks of all lamb. Pouchlug and Draft/ do. at rsaarmalds ratan. agighly 0 - -IWIL HAIM:CELL 00., BONER DIANZEIS AIM SHEET IRON WORK ERS, Pam St., Nos 83 22, 84 sad IS Hotta' es oared • lasga Yard end fordshed It with the meet Im proved toachttrery, Ire ate plowed to otgoonleotaxe every deectiptleu of BOILERS, In the beet :mow, den grurreated sgaat to say made to the country. ORIEL NETS, BRICREN, TIES BEDS, STEAM MIA LOCObIOTITE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANB, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING rein, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, sad tot. maasuactoress osi BAJSIMILLIS PATENT BOILERS. Beyaltios done CU the shortest not:lm ...IMO. I. iollllol._--R W. arROBINBOISF, RBA & CO., (=one- 000.011 to ROMEO.% Ilinm a IIImam) WASHING TON WOMB, h:moom A Marrostrio, Plttabargh, If nontactororo of HOLT AND BILTIONEHI TRAM =WINES, BLAST LEIGINES, KILL NA. GHINIBT, GILDING, SHAFTING, CASTINGS, of 1.11 dooortptlacs ; OIL TANKS A STILLS BOILIB AND SHEET IRON WORN- Aiwa. M GINITASIME enrzirr mums ron FEEDING BOILERS. LAKE SUPERIOR COMB -'' KILL k IMEIELYING WORKS, Prmimaka. PARK, XIeCURDY a CO.. Bannfootman of BiIIILTBING BOLT COPPER, PRESSED OOPPER BOTTOMS MINED STILL DOTTOSLB, OP/LET:ER WESEL Also, immortals •addallon la RIL:A.Lit, TIE PLATE, BRUT IBON, 'wax No. ane..l4 boa, TIN . BM' ELLOHE6IIB AND TOOLS. • Walston" Ea 110 NUM SUMMONS STREETS, , P o. Smoak[onion of Doom ant to say doeradd patter= ~ U• ONE OP HIINNSWELL'S GREAT REMEDIES-11IINNEWEL I'S UNIVERSAL COUGH BZWEEDT.—The bade of thin truly wondarfrd preparation, now of =oh .of-earned celebrity, is • freedom tram may component caloulated to debilitate, and by mob to allow the great.= free dom of nee, day or night, M the Pulite.= theory by which Throat and Lang Oomplaintaran be efiecoally oared. To promni asking attention to long aerie* of gnat tors, when kcal mum make almea all ma con plaints Miami to effect. I would tat ambiance, which will be sand, in Colds. OonithA Brertintodt. low Throat. Bronchial and gatimatio Own plaints. Whoop. tng Oongh, and to all Throat and lima Oomplardia which, when nreleard. and to Ocaamptlon. Tattles. able from gtiyarlans of the highest respectability, and from tnnatida, can be men at my aloe by all tnterested] Poe We by all Wholesale and Basil Degas. JOBE L. HIRINZWILL. Proprietor, Mahal Moab; baton. For tale by Jos. Ow. H. Zayre, B. L. Taluxonaft • Os.. J .11. Talton, Agana foe Plitaburik Geo. A. HAWN W. J. Ram and Dr. Jame Brows, Ammu is Allegbany City. liddigo-4e-raymn WEER CONFUSIONS AND El. maim 07 AZ MAUD, publighal hat tha lama sad am • wan 4g 6:14 cut to sit gap wto slater boot Nam= Debility, ?moots= Dual of lloabaol, eta., eapplytag, at the saaa• ttma, A. mom ef NV wad. By use oho boa cored Ohaaell law bang tett to great Quetta. and Wary through outdid hoar bog nod quackery. By eautorhur • yoabpald addratard eutelopa, deem antra mar to had of tha author, • unuartax, mArraut, LK- Bedford. Elsute eocary, ff. T. nyirLiyaa.r7 [;• TO .11KEIVOUB BIIPTBILKEta OF BO= 8110123.—s rosvasod onttnoun Midas bran motored to toga In . r.. daps, attar andocsohai an Do asitai maim mad Dragnial u'• mods of taostelant, arlthoof mow, constdass A ON sacred thin to tommottwito to lab afflamd Wow onatorma n. comma of wataa Berm, on Du ramtpll of so 'damson aavelrap, ho cont. faaa, • occy of ta• raoutptlos too& Dlraot to Dr. 30E8 M. DAGNA.LIa LM Mal mo atm; E. 1. call11.1ydow? DIODES D. WILXIL..- LA' ECUS STEE L WORKS IBITEa a CO.. Pelee., Wolves , a an., In eeeteetereee e Van' Ernsm a 8711X140, PLOW MAD LILDIII3I, UTZIL i BPBmGB. /SLIM, CROW DADS, Au. Week; IMP VP LSD. datsgbeaa My. P. O. adilvem. PITTHBLIBOIL IsWell ORB COBB:RAH & BRO., Next cinnamon of IRON IM/DING, IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOOM, WINDOW SBOTTLIIB, WIN DOW GOMM, I. Om el MOOED end all THIRD bTRIZT, bet. Wood and Market. Han• an hand • ea. 'ale of pm Ptten* fang and pain, anitabia foe all 1 , 11 , 7M1NN. P►rticnlar attention paid to cantos:lag Or•w Lou. Jobbing don► ►t abort oaks. and j , DISEASES OP TEE NERVOUS, BEDIDILL, lIIIIIILET AND APICAL STS. PlLLS—err and tellable I:marmot—As Reports of the Howard Amodattea. Batt by man to waled latter eltre , ePe, tree of Warp. Lamm D. I. MUSD )10170111014, Howard Aramlattom Ho. S Booth Dial/ street, Philadelphia, P. =Mb raff. RUNES & SONS., DIALUS Is 1087407 AND D02773T10 =AA 07 EL 004701, 010771:710073:0 01 D7P0103. BOX SUM AND EMMA Ha 13? MARE= MS= Pthabargb, air Oolanotfour =do 'w 00 tis 0024* WIN Ouvoisboai tba 1:10104 Rao =FRY EL COLLINS. FOIWA3D LIG ADD OODIADSSION MDINDIAH? whAlonla &War ta ODDI:31. BMW% AZEDA, 117311, 1320 podia pswstly, Da. W 1 WOOD gr. POWbcneo. P. KINGS, QIIKENB AND KNAVES BO W 30131 211170IIALITY 1•11IIIWIIIIBI w WORMS 11111111LEMS INIZD LOSGI /NMoa' Oar Illatiosal Wadilsms, Eagles, Shields, Stara and Flagg, Dettremts nu Ilcdb la th. AMZIIICAB CABO COMPANY'S UNION PLAYING CARDS eF31.021/L IVISTIAD OF ILII4O GIODDLB4 Of LIBEILIT LIOITEAD Of QOZVO 171.1011 0767ZAD 07 .ILOa. glir Oat4a Ova IT pat gap la • neat hot COLD LT JOHN W.PITTOOK'S NEWS DEPOT, FOB SALT —MANUHNSTER PROM- S: TT—A two don DEICE DWELLING, contalntasde axons on Cleastlere and Fayette Meets, •3tp • lot baying • front*? U het by /113 Ant deep. to In Illy The abate will mold cheap Lie mkt. intintre 00 lb. vendor or to ISLAO ISTIW•ItT, settly al Pbelpa, Park I Co. aloe klanobsetar Two Lou Ix xAWILENOEVILLEI, ntl ibr MANUFACTURING. .Irty deatrable fbr natdami MOM mama Oa Lot ail bawler wale ea mem firma. These WO 100 by and 60 by 171 GM having .000 Wm HAMM, treat% Za• quire of 11. Offtm, 189 Peas Mork PlittbargO. irT a 10-40 LOAN. V • MoutAnti to 001f138111111217 10.40 LOAII, loOnd of tlio dawb of 114/1114 1 1 / 1 22 a 09 Woo 147011 i. =Mb :031141 11111i1S1,"Aitsaii, BLAST FImNAOZ YOB jag lIALS-4 )2* fro m Dot Wont of 411 olnight with fruit caosiootkors from the Mast totWoon, all to good ordom - 41to,Amo atom Mini, 16 tachmiladar by 6 last abets, with QM sod told water Wogs mid COP:MOPS snarl. of 1111213 1113 SHILL • co. REVOLVEDB AND PD3TOIO of all 7 __ wadi ammo/ es_alaa lbe We by Vl= 117‘75, 011 foot ova grEpr AD rER TWICAULAr7I3. good HORASITOEB. end W TT ... gu ms irtki - Kon N. WITH. Nc bat • ral Nod Dud me,. at 1.901.12' RHOP. with cad of alflu MOM phalli Wide. oat fIiVICER WANTIM—Yer a BAY MOM taken up by Ms cat, Hight %rata , . as tho Mb of Mott. T. mrsek t ropostm to moo tonna* pro,. Norm, pu aorta, sod tato bar stray, Of tDe will be odd acmrdhlg Le liv. RAP eiarb LOZO, Caddo( Pollee, RANK AND OIL STOCKS—WiII be edded to the list di iltocks to be told thle mom, at Meeohto Acottou Bona. SS Fifth z 100 them WWI Ofl on ina do onto od 6 do Citteeas' Beek /toot ted T. A. IdoCITALIAND. Acct. FOE SALE.--At Aladdin Oil Wnrke. 2 on rDic 014 TASKS Is prime cam. Also at Agegasay Falb; Depot 10 plants 3 lath teat iron testerpips. ApPil office of ALLDDED OIL CO e 8 4:t Dastet was, HITE COUNTkY FLANNEL, BARRED COUNTRY FLANNEL, GRZY COVIITRY FLANNEL, Just rt.:avert and for sal. by WHITE, ORR & CO., Era= p ENCII 8, PL Pit( PACKS POETTOLIOB, PAM BOORS. PAP= &MTV! PEOPZLIIISO PLNO,Lk PATINT PAM/11111NT 00 PT CllO PA PIE. [QOIUORAP 4 ALBMISS, de., do MYERS, SE:MOYER & CO., N. ES F REI !TB B L'T 14 IDEND.—THE "FUMING AND ILOOD YAR! OIL 0111:12C PITROLItUaI g DRAB] " hie tale day declared a dtahlead of TWO PWR ea the capital .reek ftr the month of ecru:, payable the office uf th Treader c'ecreta on or &ter t 10th inst et free him tee.ho o k. 1,111 t e eine. d until sfter the Inch last. 7:lGt %Id. T. GI •111) et]; fietretac 7. F oR BALE A TOUNDRT, 111 GOOD BIIMNING ORDIGB, with••t• < t..66. auk., 1., togirther with • wall • mor tad ph. d basins Y.. toms, real sw, Box 1351. PS t•burgt Po•es. .. e 7 t. OFFMAN, HOENE & CO, 53 FIFTH ISTIIICET, I=3 DECKER'S PIANOS. ==l SATINETTF, TWEEDS, JUANE, WILTON'S, GREY'S acid' OASSINCHRES. Oast !Wiping la than at WOLELLAIIIPS AUCTION HOOtig, gel I PIPTE STREET. DTPLIT (.11,111316111/TROmaranacir rimus,l3. a 1 Pitburgh, Sept. Si, f SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this dare until 19 o'c ock L. the 10. h DAT OP earreetioseoece ibr ferelihieg the 11. 8. General Flapilei In this city with moo bushels of 000 D KIM OH ASTLDLI9 ORAL. melees . has per mouth, •ron the Lt et VOTOB3B, 18 , i, to the 30th of April, 18119. The earrawfol bidder will be required to file • bowl In the so of s.s.ooofsr th e Peithrul foLtlllow ut of the cos. tract 0. MOSS woktd Llaot. DoL aad Deputy Q. M. G. MINGO COAL COMPANY. Capitol Stock 8300,000 2,000 SHARES AT 325 BACH, PIZTVIDEVI—JOII3 OR 4 IC IC JAIIZIS <WI Dig 11414444.44 a - J. B. II.OVB B. DIIIILOTORS t J •• 1111 GItAltY, WIC MERL., • raWOFTT.(Phas.I J. B. LYDA,. /RHO !Mini, eupreiso.'.t. Company twee .he property knowsi al the /1.1,0 a.a Works." together with •' Hamm .41n1,.n? ••.1 rrmt•4"l., ti el. shoot 714 sane. The mop.' If is • mated us the treat Mak of lb. Wonmgabela nn., aboutam and • half t•low W.ougahela Clip, la the third b0 n..., which an diluted 40 mints . dwell ng bonne, store Moms, &op; de, tog• bee with • ta.lom ...log to the Most. with tootle Na meat end all momaary arningarmiata lbr leedlog The tint • Mel &Pt.:ly OW •I, dm 'mimed min snot gotd tottin or. r, with start.. Criy= rOOMB torti ml il l ne - omary fart hiss for elghty to one hoz dm 0 ma, and the coal le .11 letoon ot• of the nry tatt tastily. Th. Kluge la balk veld to t. Of th• m.; T11.111sbl• coal propartim In the /A mocha'', • y. 7h. 6 top• ay too propose/ to Mayas their lartil• tiro Cr tainting the molar - nett. ol an additimal railway. and h a r t y •st &pea 1:0,000 In cash the par- Imo .1 making co template . Wpm artrointe and pro titling • wort lug mplial'or the eeC orattamtlon. Rah teetlClrt .bleb the Company will posle. Ma Dim etm• cont.:Wally baiter* thai the "Hinge ta till prom to I. oath( the mote subrtantisl and Minn rt. ay. 'twit lit the cramiry. A limited mot on . f th• dock la now uttered to the attiett gig per thime. Bloke will to tpent.l at the 1.1.10 N BANKING 1:011CLIST, on t opterater ft. 7:rt if. DIFEOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP The Co partnership barstolara existing bottoms W I'LL'S Pll 4.1110. WILE and 1111,4N1L tinder the woe sad style of PMIII,PfI, Ilitl2llt • CO., ha. tbla day even dlorale.l by mstug aolaaeut, (to data ow July Ist, MO b 7 Ito' v:thdrawal of YlikbY DI. LOTIII from ad Atm. AU debt!, due Odd firm to be &lack& and .11 liatolttlat of said but to to paid by the r. otatolog part ners W. U. PHIL" JOlll5 L. PASKII. FIUME IL LOVE. Pittsburgh, August Si, IPot. 11 tTAVING DIPPOSED LP OF MY INTER II•T Ss Ain of Palti, ?AIZ 00., I CS" , telly is ...sc.! my scissor. to Ms passage 0 , SD, f,1.e.. ABASH. Y. WV R. Aston Si., ISt. TUE UNDEIISIONED WILL 00N— tins tbs Itteelwright basins. ss hosiers., sder the smug nod styli. of Pastas, PAWLS 00. Having a lugs stock of meow 1 lambs, sad sissy (sally tot ms.,s'oetnrieg silk di•pst h. and al •Ite loss I &es, d sesipilions of Wogs., Ossts, Whs.' U..rows„ Toads, an Ao., Oass bop. by pri - mpt at. l•nt!sp to all order; nosissi to me it s onithnss of Ss instal patros•ss, buttolors socord.d the Ann, their blend. •od ibis public. W. H. THICLIII JOlllll.. ?mutt pletabme, ikpi i. al. WI teed UNITED STATEII INTERNAL REV& vox Taillt—The &metal Ltd for 1914, Wog or the 'taros wound oo L/OINSEI, CARRIAGE% ILVilt PLO for tee Lesesottoent ere, front Hoy. TIN. so Ma y,n. end INGO 000 for DC, for Melted District. Pe hos born tenlnd no. W. Aus nor, and weld tax. or , . ony to X••por•rx t h.: pert of Alterenny onnoty atnh ol tee Onto and ntlegheny tinny klucaullug Al. legheny _Olty.) pey et the totem:m.l navenns °Mrs, 80. GT Witter street, thn• &tore ant of Inelend drum, when I will attend to rendre odd Una Ontll the 10th da igr el iald ILZ r i day of fleptembe ten per 0401. oID be Wed to all team on Licences, Ilarrlegesd near Mt*. 9913 dell Da mat. on all taxa. on /nr a omee, one VAL For the conrerdents of tat-pawl In the waters part or the county, 1 •1111 attend at the boom of Wm. Brown, 11 Tamar= on the ant fey Deptember, between the boon of 9 o'clock m. and 4o'clock p. m. grill gm attend, on Wu UM day of Anson, at the Una on, of W klr. John ay, In tha Borough of BoHcklay, fromd to 9 re.ohnk pen. Tot.t y an advised not to pot off paying total the bat day, ill 1,111 be utterly limp stble to attend to woe then Situated on one day.sug those 01n go Lewd entmot wane the p i sneeltlea DAVID D. Willi% Oollector. Allegheny, eaglet 22. 1101 int . /LOW SUBSITFUTES OFFERED. Still 'moth's absaso TO OTT OUT 07 TB/ DBATT. by proondu • OUBSTCLUTI, whkh ow b &no ey asllln epos the andentgred si N. UN TOUT TVILTING,—G um and Leather Belling; A.) alio Doh PaC. Oaskats, alms owl ttir Nis the Jan. Hater Dapet J. • H. PHILLIPS, .53 so ad SS St. CWz and. It :1 : • :+• :I : 200 -TIERCES PRIME MU' LARD in demise.e ale II side _ D. WILLIAM. GLE AND DOUBLE BARBEL OHM` stray:—Tbs boa ands ta min tar ca. tir miss amnion woodstoseL PEACHES. PRAOEUCS. PEACBEIS. 4. we air reander Was itto Peakainsea lialmaTast IrraMa Lice; aaa la" c k°l l . , 119 . wag Nataylaa Emma otlealaalaln aa4l9 : • • • -• • __: ;•511 r ' ' TOIGIur • FALL DR GOTXD-- At I' J. M. BURCHFIELD'S; BRIGHT OAMERE PLAID% PLAID LUSTERS, PODIUM; Almon% lierthOPA WOOL DET ATN:P_S f BLACK WOOL DCLAIA Ed, Coburg - 8, Parniettas. A Ml sankttakent . DRESS GOODS. L ;et of ItIYBARTS ohm., we paw. It wets beauttflal elmatto MiIII that As. not F OF IMISBZEIT TO LADIES. GET THE BEST. thew dap of proctle.l Went, nobody will delay Wet Bowing II Lalalm Is az indispensable institution I• rtety welt regulated Wally ; tbst the work 16•410 apou s good 1111.hizto 1 quits as donate sod more boottltd tbmt the bat hand sewing, nobody will doubt ; and tut Itudll go Ihrongh much work In . day ss could tw psrtormed In . wask by bould. tan thnnsand workat ana•sn times ten thousand hresldes mold tho varloty of msehlooo trhkh .. off.rot to Mt pubt'o; It I...anode:to. dlfllmalt far the Nacho/ter to do- eta which b tho best• A trial of .er two ye., ea. bias ea to say with the greatest coandenoe that there to b. ter =robins tor mend funny U than that man Vexed by the On.. a&Aker Batwing Mehl:tine o,ea rip or wow with wwtheog, roc. almott holrolouly ; i. pleb, olospis, sari to work, arid not Usk!. tort ont of •pittr ; fasten. the wadi obits petal thread sad thread. and elks directly trots the wedson which they are bone:. In this opinion we are ststal sod by the Jed. et in all part et the eoanthl, wkt. B.'. ... 1 . 4 the Grayer k Baker Ilthblase the that preatiaaue .t ark b. f t.t. 11.1. u d....—Pnwa. L.. 1.. Illetsseied arm E very Machine Warranted for 9 Years. INSTRUCTOR FREE. Office, No. 18:FEFTH STREET, ...“:_i. A. F. CHATONEY, general Agen /a- "snore are Invited to ea/ sod snugu o zurros-aour. ueoetas, m&3l ATTENTION, CITIZENS! GRAND I.IIIION RALLY! THE LADIES INVITED! OUR RIGHTS HOST BB PROTECTED Binh Meta and extortion Pat Down The boot iray to accomplish our put pais, In .npp..l Shoo WHO WILL :BUSTALIR US. Use Groenbacks for votes, and deponit them at CONCERT HALL :SHOE STORE, No. 62 FIFTRASTREKT, Tor (biro youcan got Tains moire& Thto Hem asps down the pricon road oar dm Obit droll'. Oboe. (or 10 coat.; Boy'. Oaf Shoos td costa Nent's Hob hail Boma, (0, ac. Or bloat door Co 111,.r00s Oovitry bob voila tad era PIANO COVERS .—A Splendid, :assort ...nt Or RICH NEEDLE WORE BIBBOIDBMI CLOTIi PIINO _COMA Of our owe Imporlatiatt, locludlng many a'. and to... Offal pastanuotawar Calera otfarod Lo OIL aim airy, operud thla day at it NEW CARPET STORE - . - --- M'FARLARO, COLLINS Li CO., n amp Ti r rrra man. Wart ctscr to P, 0. mend em. WEST VIRGINIA. OIL COMPA.NI - This comrany h.. be. (tryst:Lied m • corporation ~hr the pnend manufacturing and minds( lag of Ointey.vania, and • onion of It. neck It atm offered on Ben She company hae I,CCO acme of land In (OF simple to what Is bettered to he one of the Snort ell trine of the paean,. go oompaur perh.ps, offers as floe • chance for prefttalga Lovostma ' n.t. It le donned to hate all na atnk taken to this city, and a few days will he glint for snberniptlons here htiOTO it In offered elm. schen She books are at the oft'. of the endarstgoad g 7 YOUIITII 11111.1:ST, wham mbar:Option. an taken. &femme can ago be made to J. W. Y. Whlhs, Masan der Bann Joarpn Rome, Walkam Vanklrt, and Thee toowdea. (me4lo 5. B. 111111WSIT, Teem. VALUABLE COAL LARDS FOR SALE. V —The Sanwa" Vann having teen withdrawn from the market Wooer eared for eats Bald Land oonsidlog of eighty flues Isom. more or Ida is about three miles from Jona' ,Terry, underlaid with coal of the beat enallty. The improvement , thereon teeing in good oon onion, consistrug of dwelling bow" itsen.ipsyry, and two doe fruit beating orchards ef earione tin& fence. In good order, and all trader the best .tab of nnittratioa. The Waddnitoa turnpike rutts through the term. tf the shore Is not wad by the Wet day of Octoter next, said pit party t• nab divided end sol 4 In lots to welts putotweere For wets ep O. ply to JOSH VOLLESTOS, B kg Wood street, HOLIEST SAMMY, larcators, eel:tf SEAL PRESSES AND ENGRAVING GENERALLY. Room b. 2( - 3 Fifth Street seB:3ra J. IS fiEWOUR.. RTIFUL PREeTIDENTIAL CAM PAIGI3 N NOLDILLIOIitiI, with photoriph Unt o! your r&YOBITZ 0111DIDLT16, •In be sent free tom, *dame, on receipt of Moat& Also•eokortor etjte for 26 m Dealers supplied. ddreas, mo 00%13W1S & 00 , se&ber 197 Breethray, N. 800 6706 P. 0. $ . 200 REWARD. Steen last ro l e t, from tbe stable of the undersigned lo CcMrs township, 2 sICT •fl SI LItE.BIIOOBTIID eiNaLs RAI:O4IM Ms allows reward will be paid br the arrest aud (mu. victim of the thief. Apply at tlis clllos of the STAB DA BD OIL 111 I INERT, St Wood street. ssoLt I,IIOIIEUT W.O TWLDDLI. Or ms rim Amax Via' VOTICH Trara l f= IT EX. 1.111.88.-0 2 awl after NILONDAY. the 224 that., ootbblb WI par toads will be rorstrod to payment of inlittols, either In tie aka orb} the Annoy Driver. SLISVAIX GLO. H150M.114 Avant. AT VIM LOW PRAMS OHM. 1100110,_ BOOM IN GLIIIIIAL, "LIMY WINDOW 8 HANDS, 'MVO WAND& WALL PAINE, to.. Wham& sno tots.% at Ds that ma nn ra , •o. N. 11.—C6A1 for Boa and Pam II Ho. 101 laurel Wed, Alleabay. sea liosarudneme. 1131 De Omer Septenbar S. Mil PUB PREELDBYT AND MANAGERS idonoopled• Dap Oompany ban Ma day !Wand • dividend of Soo pa em t. on the astral Stock. payable to tM Stoekboldera, or their Weal Iv. easentativey at the Dotted Homo of H. Mimed bons; OD 112141 after tie Sille last NAM H. HOMO% Tredarcear. • to :4: • 1 1:4 . I i't i t t' area to pet up the bahhes 48. INIGHT • 00., ere tsed•fug Utile dep. Ise had tatter look tut Ibr than pen Om tab author rls. • asS 'TUMMY S D. and 6r thylkid. No big b, J . KILIKPLTBIOff L 880 OLOTHES WIMKGEBS. 1711-allftt th e sten %mild . .rildas Jost is. eslnd:and ea. at th lath Depot, 11at.34 sad r 3 at * a i lr " nil ' 4 TiTtl f yrk &3•Agadailzr 4114bursunay... NEArJAPAIC IllEati23 'half ep ands Isms in, sopsiorn the batiossalirssm s , comas a ma L. sasb half at Mat. WI sad vitt. '6, lat. 111 1411117 OM& -I ca-iocD - Ds, Of ALL KINDS, GO SO W. BAB= & 001., 611 MUSK= I 1111111 . , 006111,47 owellszas .hold see otcr .tock befOre bay FALL . CLOAKS, FALL, SHAWLS, FALL DRESS GOODS, A. BATES. NO. 21 FIFTH MEET, SILKS, SILKS. MERINORS. FOB FALL TRADE. WOOLEN YABIATO 1200 lba. Blue (key L Yarn 500 " Fine Eastern Yarn; In DRAB, AZUZLIIII. Eruxosordr, 8C1.111L117,1101. 11211110. dad Wad eu.traa.domr 1 tadattdm eta Well Selected and Assorted Stock DRESS TRIMMINGS, HCPEISSY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, antl SMALL WARES, AT IRE LOWEST PRICES FOR MISR WILOISILULA MID ZIS.IL, SUtdictEtt GOODtI lINLLING ClitiLf . 8.2 77 and 79 Market Strxt. Bugg= ta Suoustaz Glans sad Oottoa ft sualript. 014 good. at is taaa Now tack ems. Lima ashadkaruhuts, In plata bard= mat Imo altub.4. bought long a o and not adv.o.a. la Itan'a Lb= Flauftuablab no Oats swat lot. 141. to IN at Bedded KINN Thin Osaaa t l i =ta, Lbws Draws, lion Enamels sad BEM Malta, Ilaipaudara. Npa Mgt sad Callus Bat make at Papa Malan. lB arm a Duplex Cbildreet Gauze 174darnala t Omits, Duplex Balmoral skirts. bat lota 111b1.444 Bead libap. sal Bagels Batton., Wm 11 Luxe aad P Ribbon.. Bum atabr.ll.4, alcatug oat dump. Itnaktaat Claps.. la now pattara. 544 WHOLESALE ROOMS UP STAIF El Sir fferctuata aad Deem 'talk lavit•l brattak war 119tioa sad Yarlat7 Ow& eta*. JOSEPH HORNE* 00 GET THE BUT. GRAY'S PATENT MOULDED COLLARS ABM BY TAB THE BEST' COLLARS IrTBR ELAM The edp br e • oerftst corm. witheh does not brash tom cornen a eothoel in all other span. By ens moulding of them Wiese the Inver sip b tbrown Etna the neck , than molding ending bale of the neck end the sip of the enllab bolds ante b Base defacement by yeorptretton, while the ogler b greatly 'inn gibened, and • 111 not eon break dawa.. - In this eau the naansheaturve ban abseiled WWI at =Ulm ow to the arum. rid dersbutty. Thom mama are peeked In coati bone of td—• eery • Ones o Nakao Ike the ttsyder, and sdl for: socattlee Ym- mr. list Bold Whdenh end Boleti. by BATOR, MACRON 4 004 Tai. .11 mid IP tura :Man VMS T/Uhibini c LILO GOODS, ralialPpla "us "zrunVz a wawa Nun= TIOTOELL ANDISWIES ws MGM noina li WATES MTIA C0_1%17". T. 11. WASCIIIIM ....... . . Alan salallant al tor wan ate Ca d& • - low MOO IMUlrAillgelliti . - - 111W11311VKIZA THAS arm TOBLtal— eo butaxattetenowies;' fi T 3 bases 11 2. rona ttroir, tweed unnaWiwieb) lo 9 o ‘ S° "winu-k g li ePbillieli 4°Lll axiatinantrispou r 112& NUTS-2,000- fresh Coos Nqpi la noshed *Li dwanatm• - - ZahialsairniltoodstarC:' T Amnia-4o itsia X!ze„, licatWV blansftitspitia rasa • - - •.• -AVM NOWlltiValtr• 'WANTED -10 Coope rs Wanted tB ntskvi: rloorliorrolo bora Illoobloollt tor aid Z. T. Minna a no. WANTED, A PARTNER, either t ;e A cial V T or oaths, silk a roodasto cub cool to tin ; • Wool sad Ooorollskos Bottum adder YEW tf els se., for ems do" rosoostmlealows . .orloto 000liderdial. eratt 1111LNTIZIX•i—A quirt. efrectiortate,. little eel, eleven of Ileum yen al, to act m IMO to g: . D 0 and. Elea will n. 1.1. geed education seat beard In every respect bk. one of tne Mae. nt, mg= planed. •ddron Cap rt. D., GAISETTIki, 14:11 WANTED—A situation in EL general rer,Ll tall„ our .tri TILLAGIN eons try • passeq sow hat had messy pars imparters* la t..• Address, 4;; Hossarusendaelosul of ths tlni order can iss seas. s Address A. A. S. oAss.rrs Orrsc .FM4:flee's/i s .111 recd . . attoutlttn. mid* ;Ili liVr ANTRA to purchase for cash, a smitti to Wick at Crst=o..ith- Bo tll3 ' ttb e't7 Alleitteny. Addrnax it% r4:11. 111 WANTED— 4.. HO OArms !. FM Bata SM.*: q CO do Minn' do 6 n .d 7.3. U. B. Boodo—lligboot ono. Fatia FOR El iLl—euegboozr Volley Ballozsa stock: ;- i Bunnell's do A roonialanDa Helmut Dcodl 1, Dirndl, 0,..a0am L Dearman, lasi othF 111.811113011, lacCiaratS a ale 1:6 - V TO 114arth MOIL fili WANTED—The attention of the publil. TT to waste& of SUOOL BOOKS. An oho last books regal, ad In Public him* , losrla. Amacolaloa sad Collo." gasp oa s o has& Also Statfol try. Wail Naar, WloAow RANA. WI Ali' the Itmatt at arks. If. WAILIIIILIL a 0.3 . IC4 Festal art s , WANTED—A Situation as Book-keepeii:' Tv enbiant bosk-keeper. or auk, hi sum issastOo taring establishment, or whaling. grecon, by • youiti men of rod educative, who bee been baok.liseper kel,yl naosalonarrtem istsbilitanas *sr mental "woo MOW! mfili woe en Er eon. noon sanikEnclitt 114101; - " burgh P. 0. as.looloSalf,'; MUANTED—SISO per Monts—We • lf . reliable Oadresser tb mr tova and aeoltatr W. two Nt•mto darts[ tuso par =oath. indert we vlk lame to aa:o arsibtabOasolicant. • Mans. JODZII MUM= OD. .r,a • sal= lialibberraNO, WANTED DAMEDIATELY-20 v dewy rabbls men revert at the Depot. ilae gate aktbe ADANA EILPSIOI 0 ITIOD,Ob Ot Dragarl ;Wm& GEMS DfIiGH.A.I4 411,paiap : ; fuel ' r 3,a1.; I I AI . EFLYaig MED-- goo 4 BiLmarga Brruit*l Alska . a faw 12411 fa, ems. 1... r.. • wags pakt to Rood Itrrouv• of HUGH FL DOT" Cks. of Foto • els sal MORN= WNW, WANTED, HANDS—Any number; • V': carp=ten vote& MOW Two trintopillti' to competent au= to4VA • - It ALT/ANDES; , 't,; =Mt! Iscookrt.„ tame* Yedtraloca 19dmiteitcri IL&CRITII * GLYDE, w T MID 111 :111.11521 COMFORTABLII DWELLING, WANTED EICHEDLINSLY—Two TT TUSK PLLEnd wad amoral Pp It LINOS, at dts lath Ward -t mama red. 83[11 8 . TA ,-;,17,{ .4,XT 7.41/iORE4 AIERC WE ARE NOW EEC WING OUR , Eli FALL ATOM: OF CLOTHING. 0 13407.1. Teams , luta chuares. at au 1144 stria' of the .easolok GRAY & LOGIN. /-1; ~~r~x •wixffixa FIRST CLASS GARPIIENTL z.ALirsJwzr ssTuza. emu day to L G. BILK 111338CRINT TlLELOlit i ll i 4 0/ ?ZEN *MD CUT' ornuers.' B ismus mum. W. H. MoGEE. 10 ST. CLAIR STRUM .rk't Todd sin Os a:tattoo of time to lihr'4ooo4l, soda. It. Ito to= abets!. with peat- aoro. 111410*, Saba al I** moot MIN of doted to teats boom Goals wishing& at at *Br moitt;to odor, lel oboe told and mad= ow -z pion. Ala., •Mt and completed** of • c: :• Arelrititating 6/00431. V. 8.. Bon& StoodutatTotiok , • 80.1 D Itt.Clalr stmt. ) MUM "46 SOLDIERS' CLiaii AGENCY. W. J. & HALL PATIERSOII;t,_ MOBBED! FOR CLIMB OD esiitqlt,', ID. lAA Fatrali: MM. PM111:18234 SlPParoftta procarCl. Boort7. Back Par alltil i zbir Haney coDssiedbashart44 class pat2l4. , 014,11, - - WOLINDBD BOLDIE2II sum BOITNTY fir.: • ra ALL woiraaar sommosa, r saw Itatirta oh .1t! ^Dlieherge." No chimp sahrtottroute meg zea o. ALL t tr a imillt% Arse& a below the Ceitteleal. 11=' drUCIIIOX nAMIU4,;,i A lICTION EILLE OF 11311811 T TCSGS.—Ori 11112 DAY, Sapbsober SSW -Ai!? urtod eek ,,, k:, I..L.AliLbt,attt ri r w Okuda/ Depot, aux.. Quo tha ldsloot tdeomAtoml 6,000 " Ekl BUN Immo Oattlnge; ' 11(00 Dark Bloc Flannel do cooCottos do icidoodi - do,• Suns of saIo—OBSPI, to Germ:mot - • ' ALSILHDBB.OOII*. letitVostok' erul64.lße WOCKS AZOTIONe•••01i "FhaldSt:,- IJereafa6,Seerpptemberalb,dao'acok;ellldttdat llomodc HO Auction Booms, 65 Fifth strestikue 644, limbo; s ICO shares norioatott (.11 DU- • ttc 100 do Beamal do; 100 - do Stella - del • 1.2 60 - do 111Demado do; . Ito do Bliemlog Blood Oo; • 100 do 4 100 do ilMr l dep Creek do . 100 do Irtm City 103 do Palette. a.; 0, • •T. xackLE.C.LAIED, Alkee. UOfION SALE OP 00NDE115119.7.. JOB.EOSS - Was Driuirmar, oAvAiir OZ. of OW talemrlamr,. Ill'Ainorttor Lanni; • *Me Bald at roblict Anaes, t 0 Us at tb• Um sad plwat aampd '" EsSaParYlkiltairebtindijignirtUthillft, AltiXiaaonlany&lSClt 2 SttS . Labswas,Ps-filmestsz,Beptonyme 134' 4 , Ro n =stt r' ftr=:S r Thaw Bonet beta oculeaund • ne 14141PurPce0=4k7 Car 4 11.awitivist i • • Torsortill La lasi Masi etrirmer.' 4 7 Waitaistt Coked scul - . ZiEJNOrdirall. WAIL itovnabin:iineksit'woragratO• *, 411 • 1 1 1 "k 9**fivrusaati imago 114101 4 111 11 .- • - 1;1. 41211611040116 DEMOVALe-Cata2 nfaeamminsm 4asari Lumnir muss. I at/ITNY ttEDirlfilllE FOR Et - - zi - , -' ta 'atralccausarir iv. v .. l . 2 tmtaiiiii al. ar, a iino, from Co . ;X itjeloat.:. balyenrotechltlyeatt eistomL tetastuntli -, *stow illtt *Wrist% ant tam aartiltabletilt ,I *. utyybon.aml ItgLar Illtja ItinOtisidUlbrip 0r... f altesattt I.= to IMF tato 'at Ike bed i- , ii osAL j, 1 . lop wietyartletat WO yttitholentas It, , OrwlLriltilmittitar* Reno *lola,' til- Wt. ate InalsoitiLatiatabylirs, Immo mottiyoutryptdittrsoi, Atatentottlitt, , ta the latar tiryt, 'Mutt4 o44 slthtlitet .I try statryitlt it luottra'imtry.y !tS'ArAIk : FI.O , ftsthtt fartUdiktrft to ipan i • _ , 11. , _ ~ , , _ , _, ‘.• illeetZ; fF ilM t isi , -KW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers