'l' EME!illiii git Pilau* audit. • Paulo= DT AU EURO MIMEO IMMIIOL . . , ",;rcr.orrie saruscuturits • . _ vnbUsurs at l'iltsberrp didaY rN pets, bite-meta:ly.R•edker the VIM ? elm i:masa 'fri. their rapectin kiclirszth On *a' Ift gl ISOIDAT, July nth, Ins 1611,0A1SIriM iainig Iteltion,ne Ina, delivered by =lbw ma* bi man, ' " ger etc months, la odmaes.-- 600 1 • • ibt glow Watt* •k 60 &yaw Samos, bl.uakr. pre " • 22 62 651 , Telx. Oadglgem... is as - • Abratz26ooll6, • 26 for Orel, to 242 011n01110L72., Ter seek, dammed to , ci:ntsr. ---- to Piz m r, b o4mxii,.orat`by p oe micas; . ~' " 3 60 Y. Thesioragstl 2 : ••• " • —.----. italtyttea P Put bk 841 1 10 ‘. 03:Aby'iaba—.--. 4 / 0 - L.• •6 ge: lausosostlip. • • • —.--- 10 "auseyrlrsatioobsTrog, • enemas nstanualr, 'lololblur Zrogangearonlc:o4 " • •": nivel:Mau issynsrapsse sosts. "'; PRlNTqabOrm,Sisii.. 8 4altigliatter ::real -Yesterday's Evning Gazette. _ ttit.„o ,,,, H u ndred and 1 ?kb Mots li t lirel ,„, 0 t .„„p rolur ey Ile. 1 ~ Tereluid Pedudin.„,..ll umg. ti stroled-14,:ree '" si g„,.... Mot la Ttno fOteidn,:,llllll7 ‘u BCd ' itsb al/ A n d ,' -.' t tau tuund note In 11 "mud" ' gruuraidnen7l ..s.ri ThaltaiblirtiT— 0, °tiled& o f l-41-11litue... ) l ' gillUak i t e 'l4 l:Zoilda ID a t lnan e a t brink . , km azol t tr i gib, deter Wool 11agago obi ows Ind 1 5 t w ,,,,,, or paving ilwwa lot Wodula il bitt-..i.,6oo.oa—matt,,,,cianny that -1 r'' I''' I"' ' ''' di g= of scr•momrair ' " am*. nwizat. oc i adayinAszare lig 1 1 Z it i Pututtuptudf b ar ".„, :moil .iir 1,0 41 4 Tat 1 4, tommOdue•-o:eake town Ail ..I'littrult .- D924t4l4l; tglron a gtundloobe—Pd) 1, tin . up to d.....„_foal°ll,aseggdmou Add N.,_ lll° g e e tut ~ e , and 0.77, du o, *end deotiol," ivis maths - t 4 etirriariltkodou2"tA boon fiarili , " , ill aitti4B6"l.4llbeilflicaltAX: wocaka.canAratnbiee, *0 tildltdil tut = us, ar gety:popidadod Ii pa nto, . I. ;-4 galled ' - ;:1 . It b ultogothot ,„ utt elto. etdolttubMir s4,„uured,r/1"1".-cy:TO I. ittil. hit;iii d • Vaili iindf 7l: l lltVZOOP aLe t 92 17, 4 1 11:31013-443141),104 Ot‘arltng." i , .. The Dublin Stumm a with laFitmlaa " Autol 7.7 t, It "a on u e ll bn i n h dro l“ d " " t d o b WeittiOlditi eigti;;;d ItOt Waal. or l'i "ill's fighting a l : Tuesday the Norarro to at di .r. Y rs t• '' 1 1- : t" figa.. a ,. ..........., at ... , ~. "At for battle, and co boo am dal. q Ilan " oesedlods ! hrotil l n u . iboudad ~ 4 4 : f ki A dli boitt'inun iiKt ... l.ok , , 'L i r o rth e .7hailiiid street,..d ~. mob ariellldZl i Zl s t, e le ct, Tom e. itz...t. 14 Lodge r01 d 5 t . 7 0 , 3 47,,it e ' t oilet d ow s ibeu dre boo. '`. 1:i I l a r r,t;,to g r There woZ i a: thji gu . ,an I the mob 'il duldkcatie. 24o Cr .n,13.„ In d, , ,-.; opuned-neddig- a t.p AOS . With . umts ea uot wratue ode an - 4 th 1411" bat piing the .I'l w.edowt, t• u t tif101" l? broke it to , . si, d al ; a ato . the i • , t Abont duo o doex_ „ rown „grate and , . oburuatar took place ; Ti two ic .. oppan virtics '''' ''. nsi g htmtmd fib i t o u end, stones betod_P_,_ 0 : I.., came Into ea *bi t i l l Inuto& a lb*Zirr,pplfad -t • in shall &SST ....,, appear to bs up ,„ r u s of rtgni& ilirk” r-- ;270.. riotraged f o r reedit' men , 1: with hoar, to the imam of "hit& a i r o_ . so= ___,. , la Ü badly wounded with abot.bt3Ling ba to n ‘ • 1:1 were tattled actor. Fourth lag 3 .11 w i t h bludgeons . A . ,i , i ,„ ; „,„, ,„., a large `i bout two ~ b.nri .. idday btOCLitt to 'f• ear& • tocir, ware 4 %way •. 1 numbs:ea coat __ 4* .' 1 ' theail" of cotton : Tie -o cin t tte vd ti v l 7 / 7 s ci ert"P .' . ' ed„but. of wil " ' dis Pin bi g beau don& daraudy p The aftiveatent that Captured Atlanta. •••/: is the Capture adtlanti,is tine eirelalned bL V a otarsayondent et the Cinaintiati Gramma In 1 4the abssossrof deatii, this will now be real with 1, Pat ems Welled vans CO rdall ."4 - j hut to match from its polititan on the extreme ...••421 , left of thalami', and on the Chattanooga rail. retail* thdtear along the nit:road, aud i t:gm ± l petition in the readopted, isolating the briggs-lusressilw Outtabeeeltse , Aver:- •Thbt •• was dons with emusßile" en Priday sitmereni the purpose being, Impose, login the enemy %L. an idea that Werehitent , MOWN • one 2a÷etnyzheld Tista,l`.llarE at Point '0.'1144 sad on the stunts of the anny,Seitellald moved at dult. the tight Amato the west of gist Point." The rest ofthe' army Mewed, the 4th ' 4 amps bath* zeta dinar taking an allerobronte leirywittheMlerorritlfMeh tedrolarestaiirsoa lonsly fed Ill.P:94l.titit boantilallyporrided the whole_ermy days_ rations for the hssarioug reavenamt.• • For twenty dere the army LU not be heard from. Then banger will compel or let us hope, victory will lest it bar: to aemaintatation. In SheSmestattet what becomes of Hood? If bir rolletra - ths'iOth - carp/ It be to let Sherman intr. Atlanta with all his army. If he follows Sherman, in comes 810012 M with the 10th corm. If;-be seals in Atlanta it is stsreation siareada, with Shermaa south of Ma. Of Donne flood is not going to stay. He goes one —retreet3—hite doubtless done so already. The moment he gees'out. of bas works he to shorn of half strength. How long can his 30,000 veterans Ash% Sterman's arms t An open geld fight ought to, if it does not, ruist,biso. This what - the movement of StermazAeroto, and lt is whit lerattant by oiling t u sits. of Atlanta . harbeati-Tairsii. Althe end of ate or two / hale ns doubt we then hest of the escapades of Atlanta. At the end of the twenty days for which the men had; feed in their ban:marks I • bops to hear of *great victory won." ~.11itttindoll:DoellittellM - : tle satiStJ o 4 4 tt.-1110fattotato. 4otetofore indi -otedittur Union- Confflotttette Committee will and the Sebes (tooth Walled. • - - - 2.-.,ltthettotwii.otgeoott. . • • , ft' Or, 910:F.071N the Wittetieet of the AW,Wolgt4tiow up eld ant 16-4 12 tAmod• b. pesos be enduring, mast be otowituned.- 6. A historri3fol;*neltiatf,stottittotithro of the SaVellfon. ••,, • T. Srld. oa ptth. Copperho4oinspitaff la 6. tit ' erteltio thitruent Conroe. Ot sib 4Oottihidid_hi Itin be auia it sull4.,,iodie,eiltis4srsestiszbes; *see‘isie. 104 - ~: E _: ~ j? ,~ The iteldlers Can — lrsts. Connecticut Depots inbilet% tii4:44colantation cf Oov. Bookingbsta, sox onnelcs the ui,n ion by the people et Inc o &initiations% uta“l4...ient AlloWing 60Idiers la lb., field ..to,kote.3 T he iol• Dia* is the oficial,irota for And spinie, by venntlat Now 5q10131.2 *". nejecitY adze p do l tt_= P e:Tr/en OaltoAan 'tb of k gre a adtl rut— inns.' ~„,o and withal • oolong Deatoorat,toolo ooar ion ? lietthe day of the Chica a go M li ag eltitnittlens to Zeosyhoily throh ths uabe, sh Wino with ,ug or7iwg Ales lllthe AK, and stk.. e teg up tuswalutintaustephorically with a long poia IttlealialtVgated,zuttUre, however ,l tat SisiantirSt,fitattem&tim• Xater_daY the treLaWsei-coominginttlown, tha jolly-fenny was dimmed .diepflaittlossatis his news. -paper, oeidentli thediorpo,;A-plot wassoon loaned. About Arty good: boye.got Dees and al they , lila Putt Atiog: gild chip , wade one insisted 110011; A, TfitOro4ll shaking of the hands, and odielnusly conetinir„ elm the capture -of Atlanta. It Ind pir and letowsertelb enottle/IZ, When Fe= , u l shuesq shaker would and, ustow are you Little Shot tat heletni If Ithes'ernatiptrp. 1;.7 . yf caervctM44:4 - ock, l*AfiCisAfoilti7 774 o ; 4 traniltor ortaitits • iota rouswni -4 gatiiiesrpettuLogate4seilit".!..l.4o6 T Tw i t and llegiriatillonh) GelloVeriff4l.ll/ 11 / 1 144 — be 1 1 4 410 , L a ra Yliitigenon '0 lageol!lench ' noel Velelitselfrinatigt,weentatipt & P' i parviroot lam* tharnar4 • „iu, a 5ati0utut404 41 4400 1,7747814 A 7 4 " - • Be th e order e Mair k2pers s.6"ll . 1 11: W ririr liffrlo 1 0117W: the; W ei ttsx deattelitb. o 7Atuist eus , Lair K . 4...„... t . 5 ,4,e 1 e:a an i50rp_10 , 04 . : e * t ai ii l4 :4 9 " B l, o /il i n t e t i rwuritt e W4 -'s a p e aCsreasortiabir-dtiseas were fndlgdant Alt ' Ire t weipsttldiCit Yon TWOS: glum jt eaffatitra uNana 4oooo4 C l / 4 63111 ..." 1/441 ' , lialbes.vo rjr..., 11610 r . 0 4 11 99/1414411191 " 1 0 4" -- 4 1ripeig,rfoly . c urie ,7.341A;LE.-, - , . . . • • ' . • ........ --.. ...., '.... l i -.......---........... - '''' ' Ar I maws AND NuorcELLANT AY OffireOrir:foithra"M'sofal wield ego on the track of the Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago Bathos& Aptesirattede-, strongly, tad:aced:AM bellel that billed been Moramed. Papers totted pion hie person identhietihimate Captain Bury Elliott, of the 28th Fernulliskia, • eon of H. H. IL Elliott, of this atty. . ile had accompanied the remains of bin brotlit*OlM late Captain 'llamas U. Elliott, to this city, end d e return. 134 to his commentliw.* -holed hie sad fate. flu father on this, bll douldilierceveutent, ma its and teCOITOO the, unfeigned sympathy o f hi. LIMP elude ofbientli. , .4ldl, Fwd., 1' aChusui Saurus Is pursuing a Fabian poi- Wy tnthe Shenandoah Valley,dmwiag the robe his es far north Ward is posallste, :a lidding them there, while Grant, pursues his •opemdione around illehmand....lf_Early retreats, Um au. airy are Immediately on hie heels, picking up etragglen and other prheasers,Mipturing trains, Ind otht Twits titillating material LOUIS on him. I. he advance., 211waiden falls beak terMilines, tlithoutolieririg mime battle. bench e. gams, arly erUt be the losing pert[. TDB non-combatants in Mobile Softie to Used be city. They have no place of asylum. Sher, bran is in Atlanta, sad there 1.1 cot • city of oil: e in Georgia in which a man would care to life Interest, and pay a premium for M anley from the Yankees. It goes to show that lowly but ,o n ly the circle of Federal steel is ntractlng around the rebellion. The people: eve only to .back - itp_ the Government for-one ore vigeneTaatfortoind the rebeilleavilli be a 'fling of the put. l x, Tax New York World of yesterday commences tirade what General Bauer in this refined d gentlemanly style: . ."A rumor has been ont nt for several days—on what authority we ow not—that this cock eyed hero is to be sent o this metropolis to supersede General Dix and py out Copparbealitteuett" The World is the per which so strongly deprecated ibruilve per. o n a day or two ago , and intisted in the ue of General .11PCIellan that "It has got to .„, p I "—.ll4adelpfsie Prep. Fotrints LOD TIM GOLD lidsearr.—ln relation to the late decline In gold, the Le:Cr/111e Demo trot nye : "In seeking for the cause we can only and t In the rapid approach at ihrsday.far LOADS a power tone the hinds of-those Who have yed the country." Why, then, did gold advance immediately Sher tlatiominatiott of McClellan, from 233 on t4Assag 0 2 ." 9n Friday . t/ I • . . , n.. ... The libleago Convention amen at our "four. jean faihtre to restore the Union by the exper iment of War." Bo with far greater show of truth might Benedict Arnold, in 1782, hare sneered at oar "six yew' failure to secure our jjjjjjnnnnnndepeadenca by the experiment of war." It Is e last - year which - d etermines whetter • war s a success or a failure. In the eyes of our enerales at home and abroad we OXpOOLIL La be ivied a fait= until It is ended In our favor. 1 Hiss WHAT Ga. Guar BATS —We learn by e Cincinnati ggsrita that in • letter to his to. the received .toss Wedierlay; ; Ovneratierent says that the Southern ConfederseY cannot poet OW recruit th*.annice, let they bete already roobbedite_aeauindems pave for that:purl one Be indheratore reiterates what he said omE days lines that, but for the -Northam oppotttion, opinVition, the AbidliWyeoltdd, bk completely tquatched by tbe . t,iiiient tinipsigo ; Cisi, the 10th of September. 1361, hi'Clellan Made the telfeldnirjper An Ms eddies: ..13ounui : lire hive ' had our last retreat. You stand by me and I will stand by you, and henceforth victory will crown our efforts." M'Clellan made • ~doses tetre•W After that dpeeeti. The Soldiers rt.cod by bite. He beg basely violated his promise by desertl mg them Tie now stands on ayeaos, platform. Bcpcsearm Itsceenriao.—The draft wtdob was to have taken place here on the fifth did not 00. cur. 7 We are happy to learn that there is a pose dtMty, — eotning doss to a probability, that It WUI be altogether avoided. Some wards may sot quite fill their quotas. Others will exceed the number re far, ho wirer. that the requisition *pon all but five wards wiU, he pet in a, very tort tints—Nardi dateric - da, Tut " Demuusta" of the-North think it is not • Ira election witerejebelslnst. ecturuel.from the. rebel - war ire otqainad,iii Ii Ventaeky, If a.ryland and Delaware, to swear to ampere the Coartitutionof the Ilnitedittistee before they Ore pqmltted to, sots .1f *nett neeihenaenitlt. menu we would recommend that the ems oath he administered th roughout. the . Northern Ialoe.:, :: Tas Wilmington (it. C.) Joswaai, of the 1811 alto feam the remarkable baumnity that plus has had from attack, now that the ilobiLs forte irostakeif, willatot belong stiffe'redio exist, and ascordinspyit advisee immediate preparation for 411', The Mum* of feeling, the North,. m It yad LOlNasetalessai t idtio * .fehreak up reabrt nest of blookade.ronams. Paintrros the pews' l oandidate for View ler.t, while its eczema, voted ;Wm% the increase of the soldiaii pay Or 'its appropriation 1 rarer? insoeniuoirtre tlan tuT d A2 l -16 -Pf l i rd 2 D i an t. Voorhees, were coneWntly nrer g tg rim; tfla Cor i Moment was res ponsible for the ion enatalned Iby the Booth in slab ripely. • 1 Wso m PlemarosT—The tf<e-id says be Is principally !mown to the country os, ingthr 'Malted lawyer and a member of Congress." It should ray, rather, that he Is chiefly known as besnattirlio pakdordy "Mocked God that Imbed afar voted nr given a dolor' in rapport of the ar or in payment of Abolition soldiers." How To TELL rata—lt you wont to know, stye . . y& the Albany horsol, who is going to rots; for NaCiellan mention Atlanta to them. She long face an d the muttered growl ass midi, e...nt. Or the other band, every Lincoln man bears ',face Fray lineament of which is meant t ' /3.44TH9. DOLLAR SAVENIII3 BANS, NO. '4 Yoram STURM MU/9M= 11l ina. Opm &Ay from 0 to 8 o'clock, also on tratoestay and tisnerday ninny, tromPtiry Ist to tionnener nt, nom /to 9 9 . 9199 k, owl ham Nom:Am Ist to ! Ist tram ' 11 to 8 &clock. Deposits &e,t'rel of all sums TkOt he thm Chn DA. laronol • dividend ot the matte declared twins= It, Senn md Daman. Interest tem perm slontlmtra to Jmn. and D,. tar.timmlbo Bank M the nos at do pm ossAM Tem. rirrmr &sem ow, Is pnood to km atilt of &Traitor ne totodpe, cod bears th• kame Mumma Ann Mat Ant We of,isno met Derenntest, ono:Tom:Atop netes Ow wlthontinaMll4, tin depodtor to or Wm tee ptielmt All pm, Pook. A 11111teM., maw sill 4onlen bl Dm IMO Mtn- yam 1, i o 0,1 , ts .. „ =Means th e Mortar, Splamt, Dola s andg.gui 0 , tans 111011:71M MAMMA at (ho Pimmearr—GDOlLON LLBBIII. ..., .. mos imonmitnt e IMAM IffeAdope. Jamas D. D. Wstels, John li. Ilhomberpor Wm. DottAt aa. June Ettrehoso. ham X. " r A. arartnl/2Janos De f... William J. Andean* • Aim a Same A. M. Pollock. U. D., John D. , flants ohn m Ai n ielt, . , RettS=Mob, ' lark. . .Welter P. laannoll. Ei Mi Jolla Orr, Alamo A.Darrtse, Doted Babb, Marks L. Ckaton, troctilt=to, I if.. 1.17 4 1..... Alemandor Bpar 'rt. J. Caen* , 1910:Z99d9r findA • Walls= &MMUS. , .. s Willtam itanklrlte , Pater It. Ettstkat, Imo° Whittier, I a l oITMOI-likiriT Wm. P. Wayne., enisttantrateir. , 0 el= A litainimi—OHAS. A. ODLTDII. mhtlolas FIRST NATIONAL , .r. 40113. o'7 - Pit TBIIIIO.OH ky satteeette of the bertretery of the hewn" MI Bank r lusthogisod tcrrinelle mbsertp Wan to the Three Ardre-Ileven 'end • Ilaree•erent , .. s ub iitered coeignOgtobpl yojsblo esml-Inuital,:, Let cternspcy. Thoeczoteliora. 'mettle at a.= rAria Taalsr,at egrovrtlttler,ALll6 Mien of the iptogold,lieirtnir Weed 0 pgiteat-130 1 30: ' rzioteswill b. in .31110mUstioltiqt,S69. Pk& PrA ken= depositing $2.5.000 and upwards will b. I. " un'A"res".°F . r r corJu°9nA9, !Powta at tae rind Mut b. Baits an 1,29./so 101311 D. 1901 ILLY, CIA*. _ . . rOPI7SATI9gUi /Lint PORT WATNI4 , TIEDIAPA. ft/ I MM Nolam of IfttWel glides. ovitopda e9:11011. I:n6r*-4•l4zummAs• apiar—w.i. mon: • 1 eulawl a•sqlsd : . . 1 Z. V. Hut batosa. ' 1r.2.1$ John 11 , 6 1 Prs, ' . V.'S. lista John morn, C. 1 ,. G. , t 4 r, . _ , A. D-BnuadAlL ' : Ws Silk titan" lb tints la making collsotioni dial meow. RAWL.; Oollaanos• will wet idtb ~ .pt s uiniusi,4l3:lltaturto paok brandt 011 an etk:Olnetalati. atOlto c." elmmu.a. lystkus Our Special Dispatches, IMPORTANT FROM TENNESSEE, lIETBFLT OF WHEELER'S FOBIES. Roads Butroled tad len Comeripttd. SEVERE FIGHT 'BEYOND FRANKLIN, 4Rtpulse al Retreat of the theta. PROBABLE CiPTEI33 OP 4ll6llitfl FUROR. --r -- ENCOURAMNG HEWS FROM ATLANTA Bhermsn's eneoilasfal Flank Movement GEN• 1100 D yoLLOlfiliti JOHNSON'S TVIICS 14.1,1 Dispatch to thil Pittsburgh Garotte: • Wsirimrome, Bept. 6,1664. teen imiezurilt guff Wheeler, yesterday, passed around the works et Franklin and orinpied part of the town, not within range of tar grins, and he destroyed the road in several pikes, at different points. Ho conscripted all thd able bodied men he could and, and marched 'them off in his ranks. Amos- Sean, with his total, though inferior to the one in In number, arid mush worn by continued titmice, rapidly tilleered Wheeler, driving his Mar guard out of the town. Yesterday be taught up dith.thrl main forge two miles beyond Franklin, on the Chmberland road, and immedi ately attacked html with cavalry and four pieces Of artillery. His Infantry failed to get up in time to participatd In the fight, which lasted two hour. Wheeler lade several efforts to force Famesean back by- flank movements, but they were promptly Wet and repulsed. Our little form stood up , to the. work gallantly, and inflict.- ed'such severe deflate on the enemy %bathe Was finally forced to rdtrut, leaving his killed and wounded in Itousiloto's Lands. Among these are the Hotel men. Holly, commanding a division, isortally woundedL and a large number of lib men. BOOMS= pubsti blitualry In pursuit of the enemy, and will f, illow to-day with his infanti. Ili I'M nazi:ail:hail:li ihfrol Wheeler aarou the Tennessee river, end PI determined to Inatot store dues.. than Clinton dtd on Bans nen in th e rald Alabama. Lt. CoL )3rownlow, who narrowly soaped cap ture when attunes , was eniptined In Georgia, was severely woTtioded in yesterday's battle. Official reports say our inns are not heavy, though onaideralile. Nothing has Oen heard from iteddfmadiPer r;sst, aid it is nut believed that their forces are riot north of chid Tennessee river. In cove cluence, the position of Wheeler becomee danger ous, and it is new reported that by the aid of Minfornments, and with the eo-operation of Etteadman,ltortubinirill yet dispose °tor eaptciro the rosin body oil the rebels. He Is prepared to posh after them. Wheeler will probably be near Columbia co ntest. Cot. John Wilder of the 17thindisnee Is hi ettOneand therei' - Wheeler Will be l t:mid to go around 6111Ilibil, Al well as all the principal towns and rivirtO, for they arc sb well fortified that they can Leigh a slogs to scorn. Thedamege tip the Nashville A Matta:Loop itailread ill COSI idenibia, but so large • fermi§ already at work repairing U. that by the time you vial:lib tl • , the train will be running through to Chattanoomt, and doubtless Atlanta. ITLUIFTA. The news froth Atlanta is bidet, but encourag ing. Nothing has been remised farther than the annottneateulutef • Ito oempation. - It is ap parent to those acquainted with the plan of the late flank mekunedt of Gee. Sherman which ocilminated in this Important moms, that Hood wisely forgot kip last ditch ruolre, and con cluded on stomptalsion to follow Joe Johnson In fin retreating Wales. The big Heritnekne has discolored thatepen geld tights ere not his /i.i-os, and when Stientian effaced him Mei:tutu of a fair Mend uptight tir in a greater scarcity of rations then he 1....1 skuoi...4 osinsewd, Le ....i...1u1•1 that Atlanta wee of no value to/hens= to hold. end so irractutted It end left as the rosins. It Is hollered that the veterans of his army marched Out without being mash damaged. ROM TB SIIENABOAR VA mann The Rebeli In Full Force In Fron THE DECO CLEARED FOR ACTION Oun Col7BtllliCaiio9l Precarious mild Hazardous. The Yreeirjent's Opinion of the Pro *laed Armistice. iHB rKOHllgligt OA TEE EXPORTATION OP ANTIVILCPPE GOSL REMOVED, Hoczrble ,ondltion of Paided Uitlon epedal Dinaftb I. the rittibtolti OW" WAllift6ollll, Sept. 6,11361. The following has bean received at the ',Keene Bureau In this alit ' ilorts'ilit!vy, Sart. 6.—Car porltion at Ber ryville remains the same as at our last slalom. The 013!214.411 aisslclyed . himself in fall. form on our front, end the, time his been faithfully Improved on the piker ant rrtaimf In strength ening their politicos. All isperioous material, train.; La-, whielt could by 'any possibility em barrass Our *lotion, bate been sent to the rear, and decks ol6ared for sotto°, which by many la believed ocrilaln sad emodnent, and by otherr, equally al *WI informed, as more likely to be *voided. .) to thing is oottain, the taro armi es now omicron t oath other,and any m the part orailaterray preelfdtaManengagemen t. de our Mont Is now twenty miles out Ikon bere,and the road not over well guarded, com munication it getting to be both proration* and hazardous, , 1114 intensilise the jnterest in the situation. Sheridan its making curb 'headway whist Early, In Valley, that It will be mammary to put the oad to Culpepper in running order at an eerily day, and preparations have been -134,g1y. Mg Cal drninCiri COAL 113310V1D. tdent has decided to remove the pro * the uPortetion 'et Anthracite coal. *war tide prohibition wee caused by 1 satinet:it to compel blookiedi ran- I Ditsudwasui cost, sib. ust the emote 1 I them:VlS'. rs lol 04 . 11 °M ° 4 ° Oigiatitri97 WI:10=10V the i ' ' - Wig' lima wia I 'ihe expas .no . sailers L ,__.....lloif,___'l:":::i ; ;, ~" _ _.l . 11 rusOlinuilLOWLlFTlmalliTlM,' - 1 parideditiLlaiis sad inesaardesd as" . ' As*, mini ot iiiiiitikaYeil i e k• t4Sis4law; ~ Igiata;.4(i*,.os*l' ~ 1 dr wounds dressedeiness AStalk ..,! 5 4 6 : . .__ I tbair ease was at litbthlVillai 1 n are Worn et, ,, TitelrfTwildlri.. , Or bresdad th orM iisien'di iidt: ~. 1-Ikitywurio?.oggq APFTAIPL,.. - ; *:Jiita 1444 ,14.40,4T6t!up0uti.., I it tits- arm:mint :h3 WO - rof er 4:_tila.rrAelllan 'WM : Maine Ail"' ypatelpilke iiittotimilriptffike milt eit :42467 b !eureargetiTsarie br 46.1 !I to. Plttstoorgb Trost Clomp Otticers and Men. The Prost( FerryoPti Early la ea tie hisa7 aura to OH &WO hot Ose Oralaidon ate gota ' raw= sttotsf4o denissians 0 22 /.44 kayaks/1 U liorrlble as time the ammo at TUX TAX Adr.lat; tits -Atm Oath, Or I tkmistlet stfiratig' falt. — :t l s iistolol - „- ioisits. %don Um Otnui-xiutlil. • . . ... , sf t. , I, •.t. 11111V118rp 111 W . " ..' ."': " . -7, "'''''-'`: ' ' : 11 ai . L.T. .i A ilii Z - .o3.ita. t; 4r, - ' .1 1 . ~ . : . peon OlStars chimed math purloining Govan inent horns at ealsix.roorill render genera chaps nocassary at that Impartial{ post. emus G. I st* Cbiof of Ordnano►, having made application to the President to be allowed not to be retired, asi sweet orpoeerty, etc, has been appointed as Inspeptor of Ord,nanoe. ALEXI MIMS/ TIMM Dor Common Council passed as ordinance, lest night, trebling the city Ileenie tar aliens, Gimlet each es Ws been hens:ably UN:barged from the military melee. HANDS RECENT OPERiTIONS. Details of the Fight at Jonesboro. I MIMEO EFFECT OF D 0 9D'B EETRELT The Rebetißreoleing for Home liFralIAN FIERCILY PRESSING THE REBELS The Capture of Atlanta Crsomerrt, Sept. 2.—The Ocen.,reici boa the parfacilare of Sherman's operations up to the id inst. On the 30th ,et. the 4th and 23d our ttruek the Macon rood, fire miles beyond the sistport Junction. While the army of Tonne.- .. and cavalry was briskly skir mishing 'with the- enemy on our tight, driving Chem &doss Flint river towards J onesboro, the 15.11 corps took poesession of • prominent hill, Which was the key to the enemy'. position. The 16tht, w h aomewhat the retired formed e extreme Ugith 17th on .nd tie left, h e 4th and23l ;ups .forrning the connecting line and extending leyondthe railroad on the left. The 15th torsi spent the nightt in etrench ing, and next day, before the gt and left I:nits had taken up their advanced poeltion, the emy beret in muses upon the 15th wept, but ere steadily end repeatedly repulsed, they losing eseeral general oOlcoan, lnoludies Hajar- Oeueral Anderson, Mortally wounded, and ere Colonels and Majors wounds! and•taken prisen- Or¢er, lesjdu one thov&nd rank end It. killed, sounded` and captured. Our lou was slight, dux men fighting behind breastworks. Thel next morning, the 11th Corps marched altog,the Macon road, destroying the trick for ieveral miles, and at 4 o'clock they took up flier posttion on the left of the tech Corps, which was - formed in line of battle. The enemy had In trenched throtealm In front, and the 14th Corps was ordered to &moult them. Oar oarairy and infantry adranoed steadily louder the scourging are of musketry and artillery, sod altar • deapsrete cordlict for two borne, drove the !Mem, from their works, capturing two batteries, one of them 8. Loomil' battery, raptured st Chickamauga, some battle flogs and • large number of pflsotera, Men Bog Gee. Garen and tits Adjt. Geoersi and Brig Golan! Corncobs*, Mortally wounded. While the 14:13 corps wee thus engaged, the freer or Tennessee and the 4th corps rigorous's pressed the enemy on the right and left. Hardee appears to have commanded these fortes en gaged, and early in the eight retreated south, finding his situation in Atlanta desperate also, burning thousand' of bales of cotton and del l:prying ids aruninitica.. At the break of day, Sherrost put his whole army to motion with the object of getting be tween Hood and Hardee. He ruy not sucmd r in this, as Hood had twelve hours start. . The difoat had • most porilysing *net on Hood's army,regulars and militia breaking for home on all sides. When the correspondent left Jonesboro, Sher man woe throaty pro.elng the rebel rear, near Fayetteville. Atlanta WIN quietly taken possession of by detachments of the lith Penn's. and 60th New York, who hoisted the flag from the Court Hens. amidst the 'been of the eol Hers. Four locomotive" and eleven 64-ponnders, side. other propety,wu captured. The town is -Ouch damned. Most of the Inhebltents have Brit- The weather was good, and the roads in condition. The Battle at Berryvllle—Present Alt. Nvw Yost, Sept 6.—? he Titus' esrreettendent vela Sheridan near Berryville, dated the 4th ray.: Oser& Ellieridaa's entire army to now building b, pier, entrenchments, be. Our wawa line I. almost the game as we eon. Iliad when tailing back from Winchester, and la *paid' of a strong sad stubborn »stetsons. The mat aserespeadant gives the following iceoo tit ot the betels of Berryville. At the first sound of hostilities, cur men turned ant repidly tender mins, etarolly welting for bugles to give the alarm. Quickly the 9th Vtritnte end Sntli Ohio farmed I.llllnedflasttle and .mcred etsultly nward to the line of plake . ta who were all this time bet I y anger d disputing the forth,: advance. Ur the rebels. The enemy at lad tort l lo. .retetee Me teors charged vowed, end - an went oar aoope driving the rebels before them, and regaining the,llas of tide pHs held by our skirmishers be. fors the fight.enemy seamed determined fp bald these works II peasible, and they soon came op and mama s heavy fermi preparatory tp s charge. No sooner wee it ascertained tlitt • strong body of the moray was mat:wavering In oar front than Gen. Crook ordered op Davall's and Tharebures division, and with their support our 'advance calmly welted the attack. The disposition of our troops by Gen. Crook wu rut • issinote too lent. for Berl, hurled his force epee ns with redoubled fury, only to be met with a stern and if:abhors, rastrtlntle. Ulti mately resettles in a cemplete repulse. Again sad again oar lines received their ferioat oberges, only wound theca beak bulled and diturganieed. The battle lasted until attar dark, sod the ar tillery firing was cc-ntinued almost until mid. night. Dutch Gap Canal Completed. Hair Yeas., Sept. 7.—The Trawes's special from Batler'a headquarters, on the 6th, says : The Dutch Gap =et, as a canal, Is so fat com pleted that Remotest le beyond question. The Indoozes taught• now and • better obaunel, nd oo:agree will be for oyez [militated, bu t of how mach, u tweilltary neoessity tt may be, re- mains to be seen. It .111 by no mean. open the way to Mascot& Rebel gunboats ars now • toile or two above It. Port Drury 11 above it, and there may be obetruations In the channel. ilawevor, by mesas of It we shall denk Bo.tett Boast battery, which II alumni is formldeble as Drury% plue, and 'shall out off six mules of the dr. r. Recruiting In New York Speech of Gen 1100111E1r. isier Yens, Sept 7, 1854. Hersoe Greeley telegraphs to the Tribmw from tiraer.la t "I have cheering reports of rtontitii log throughout bar State. Nreryishers the spirit prevail,. Kee are going forward, mainly Nerdy end strong fanners sons, intelligent end resolute patriots. Very little exertion will be required to All one Stets quota by the middle of the month.. Gin. Joe 'looker made l effeotive and ear ring ocar speech at Watertown, last week. .•OoITAA•s^ BAT. /Lomat. 11469 %XiTERMINATORS. 7 .l,lr . ,== r a c-1, fro. Mom." "Sot Mow= to lb* Mans "amity." ff•ltata ozzela oat of Mato boles to Mo." *old till Dreargata artorataaa. nom= I of all madam looltattont. Motu% Popot,Uo US Itroaduay, N. T. R Bold by B. A, 1A1111103T00%5, SON a CO., and 11. ammo . * CO • Illtoleasla sod Eatall Plttaborgb, Pa.,.,132311T.P, 84111WAATZ. Wb" sad Mall ape, litatkony glty. Extimr lemanctsween OinsiWsOrnest Pitubmo, 71dt Soth. 1864. AETILLKEIT /lOWA. FIISCHAS LS OPEN zeresr.' • ' , eI.TO ,tol %L o ll m i nifor u sitoad, 01311114 trowel, Pa.. for rood AR ts cortilladis at ladalidsdnas fanlot law We to Taos hams mit bs will torial, sodas, so . ew floto all deeds, from 8 rum old thla uPaioa ,0 le bands alga, sad to we/itla 1 as. / 033 D 94.16 r _ , , • Whits horses Inall two 'wlll 60 taoladod. botaltolaal p 7 a competent 'eV. sad td 4a riPutad !lag faadassa t o . t h. .t ono wido, 011 • 111/10" AketkLiad,ll. fia. x. a ura ' ' lir , / 4.: /t ....... IRMEN, ' BIAI I4 I/0 3 — 7 -- k r. 1 . 401VAll olOlLSZninal• ‘o,2.l43AlStrst n awn muse; a% 91 suitor wow I ! iiiirrilli ) Aa i cr An. ...,_ via b 4 tkcbt w.LI ~ al, 7 , ,4l, r its_s=. 1 at gamit=4., la iltont, basinsa *al* w i virdararatibi. a winsthit 1 ti a ir . ofoin tr awakor49l4timpisotowt oft ss Q o 0 1 , 9 pi =t• •• ,• H tirils t FS 7 . sale ta. 'too ••=in CKILL CITY ABD SUBURBAN Democratic County Convention. The delegates to the'llemooratio Connty Con ven ticaii appoints ifor the pinnace of nominating Comity Ticket, met at the Court Hance, this morning, at eleven o'clook. D. 11. Secretary of the Cotuat Exseinita Committee, (the Chairmen, Judge Ptah!. being absent,) called the Convention tq ardor. Jose;L A. Hinter and Jacob liThitesell, Ergs., were *boson temporary Bearataries. The arid, sties of delegate* were then called for, when It appeared that elity.eix districts were represented, leaving eleven districts of the Meaty without • repreaentstion la the conven tion. !deny of the districts were represented by but one delegate, while the names oi quite • number of delegates were placed upon the list without regard to the formality of credentials. Meters. A. J. Baker and Thomas Donnelly were nominated for permanent chairman, ani .eiou vote vote ordered. The vote resulted as follows s Donnelly, Baker, Mr. Donnelly, on taking the chair, stated that ho neither.sunght nor encored the position, but be would not decline the honor, and would Ondoovor to discharge his duties faithfally. B. •U. Herr, Bag. nominated sa Vice Prui ttouts, Body Patterson, Jesse SIR, Victor Saabs, J. Baker, Joseph E. McCabe, and Wm. H. cQualde. ' On motion of B. H. Kerr, Esq., the temporary S•cretaties were pormanontly chosen. , R. moved . H. Herr, Esq., then Mod the appointment Ea Committee of three, to dietriet the county r legislative noministions, and to report a rue don endoreing the Chicago nominations. Car rind. Wm Linn, Esq., then moved that a committee of bee be appointed to prepare resolutions ex pressive of the sense of the meeting. H. U. Herr, lisq , untended that his motion Comprehended the appointment of • committee on resolutions. Mr. Linn denied the assertion—the only sub. f, at on which the former committee would report was In roderencetetho Chicago nominations, and ;there might bo other subjoin upon which the Convention' would desire to maks utterance. He therefore insisted on his motion. Joseph B. Hunter, Esq., endorsed the slow titian py "Benton" Hen. Mr. Hen then appealed to the choir, and to the coluition, as to what him motion really ampailtended. . Col. Junta A. Mut!, of Pine township, see log that confusion we. iiksly to grow ont of this Mutineer, threw oil upon th• to by moving an amendment that •co mmitt ee of Ste persons be added to the committee raised by Idn, Herr, and that these gentleman should have lull power to district t h e county wad pre pare nisolations. The amendment prevailed, and the chat: an ew:mead the committee as follows • It. H. Kerr, James A. Glibun, John M. treat, hmu it. flapkins„ltedy Patterson, Jost::a R. unter and A. J; Raker. The Convention then took a roue for a few liaides. The Committee on Flesoluttorns than announced essueins ready. to report la reference to thodiotrlnting of the County, '4, Denton" Kerr reported that two legislative members "maid be allowed to the city, one to Altegheoy ; one tenth of the Ohio. end one be. trace the risen. : The report was agreed to, with the under al kidlcg that the entire Convention pertraipare la rasing these Dominations. Mr. Kerr, ea Chartroom of the Committee on 4 solutions, then submitted • the following rat: /i,,,01md, That w• bail the nomination of Cleo. B. hicCutlott and Pendlotoo, aa a second deal.- retire of inrielliender.co over military tyranny, rod dollte power. Theft election to called for by the esErring peoples et a &tidal Ualaa, welch *ld to restored by their coloration to power. II• ask andinsite the co operation of all loyal boasted nun to. moist in displacing the present corruptfus administration. The Constitution oaks be adhered to in dinette of the lis prociesoe,- ti, la "To Whom it me; Cascara." hits men shalt inD Arteries. For thou who will odium to the Confutation will be found their 'apportion It guardtog the tome of car common mantel. H e endorse, with • full heart, the whole proored- Mee of the rational Convention. tienstudi That we might rut the nom, and Warr of our candidate, Ulm. M'Ciellan on the language of Gan. Dtunsids, (a broth er offlorr high lath•conlitionce of the adenlolomation); "I have lumen him (dw. McClellan) suet lad- Motile, MialludentitaePtiser, os eohilsze be the livid, and .es private Andante. For year' we have lived in the came family, end I know him as well as any human being on the tau of the earth, and I knew that no more honest, atone:so li.. man exists than lire. if aios. I know that no luting or ambition beyond that of the government and the meows of our sane ever enters his breast. All that he does is with a single eye, • single view to the mecum of this government, and to the potting down of this re bellion. I know that nothing ander the sun will star Induce that men to swerve from whet u• 'snow. to he his army. Us is an homed ohris den-like and a occultist:Aim man; and now let me told one thing, that he ha. the soundest head scil &sweat military Perception of any men to the Cnited States. " Essolrod, That the resent victory obtained In taking Atlanta by Gyn. Bauman, deserves the plaudits of all Use friends of the country. All honor to him and his gallant army, fighting to maintain the Union as Washington left It. Let those who would dude the North and South to tree negrses, Owasso of an oatrage4 people. Democrats sand pledged to save the union of the slat., and will do it, ander the bond:inn wottls of Oen. McClellan, "Frame Mc Uoioo end th, Cone:alias. for oyes yt-t to C 0..,." it,roleed, - That all the rafters of the Repub lic are entitled to the grouted thinks of the people; while they are battling to preserve the Briton In the held, we will se* that their rights and curs us protested at the ballot..box. The rasolutione were unanimouly adopted. The Convention then proceeded to receive the norms of candidates for nomination. Among those nominated for Assembly was A. Si. Lloyd, of Shaler township. Ife 'toted that he was not &member of the Convention, but he was in favor of General McClellan do a wroth, way. He had fought under General MoOlallan, and would vote for him If he would accept the nomination an • war pkgs./ono,. bat A delegate here called the gentleman to order. "Benton" remarked that he bad known Mr. Lloyd from tioyhood,and linieWr he gal a paraimel conscientious man. A delegate moved that Mr. Lloyd have leave U Wine his position, bat the motion sou not opoonded. Mr. Lloyd ow:Untied. He had been nomies ted for dezembly, and be did not desire idle placed Ina false position, orpormit the Canvas - tion to piste Itself In an awkward position by nominating him. He therefore sated leave to • ithdraw his tame. A delegate suggested that as Mr. Lloyd hat no Vail In the oonvention, he could not with drew hi. name. ' Some one demanded the name of the digerati who had nominated Mr. Lloyd, bat there was do terponse. ' Wm. Linn, EN.. mods a few sharp remarks, denouncing Mr. Lloyd, or any other Democrat Cho announced himself to favor of M'Cielian,wlth ®.f. For one, he would not vote for any candidate who was not ocrandltionally In tarot of the Chicago not:l.ol32es. General McClellan would nom pt the nomination On the Cb1...g0 plokt(3111, reed any Man .' - • '"• ' . .se/ en that , ...• •. - .._.s Wit tonsil hi. support. Mr. Lloyd's name wee, by common consent, stricken from the list of candidates. The dation was thistly made up in the manner, and of the material following t Mars. • " Janos D. Dobai Jams 84212227 ...... —.---.--27 2212. —.--. 2 Dr. Hem—. ..... e wm. Jobs MoCiarram« Dir. kleOrmry, not having I sukjori4 on ant b .lbt, nomhir♦ted by accilmatka. J. 7.. Beckbam,o w:4wl:l:db.t. sad. al Pfr. Victor !a@a,• by acx4iiii,itlais. &Pilot Rtnirs, Christ &a 64 Zinn J. Salim Stint; by ateloustalcu. ===l I Clarks Brom,. by bcclikamtbys. 4:010111:16 roo Wa " k b le e •Lellasidft. Sand Q. itaCtialiti4=ilas. CMITIMAIAS sciPaintill with three Wl"' fit Occuluz-va Pandiatos. - , e Ooscumnoptu. stortiumioits. Thy caniaatitin this dlitialrakilse dalgst tha 23d poniromilanalpVlininEldtia , „! - dtattlat ta,,P42 room. too it► C I 9DEAP a~oaool=ma, and 'tha indanas that ijoit, lentils* intgabli to sistut• a candidata** , 221fitt4101,-P*Trat vs! sf 1 I'W! ihsl war ql co; 14Zatisis 814164 vii prommbod, butt letter of de lineman from the psalm= wu rood and his mama withdrawn. Smith, Bscp, was also nominated, bat Ds ni was likewise withdraws. Sams 11. Hopkins, Egg.. wu than nominated by acelaniationth the usaidato for Conrail. sinswei.airtals nirruor. In this Distriet Messrs. B.'11: Seth, James A. Gibson and Wm. It Neese wets cleated Confer set sad Enassimonay thitrnetod ta support tb. claims of Capt. W. J.iHmustz as a candid ate for Congress. United Presbyterian. Herne. The Synod of Pittebtugh ;net MCanotisburg tan Thurody, lit roes, at R o'oloek P, M., and was evened with a stamen 'by therettring Mod erator, Bar. ihmenel Taggart. The attendance of, members was better than last year, but not .13.4 v. James Prestley, D. D., was chosen Moderator. The sessions have not closed It this writing; but thee far the proosedinp have . been harmonious and Intimating: . So eases of discipline, nor any Vastness of an unpleasantne lure, bad been presented. The time of - Synod was given to the great interests of the Church, and the action In respect to thee* was chino tulle d by commendable harmony and heartiness. Bev. J. ft. Boyd, of the Presbytery of Muskin gum, has been installed pastor of But Union— to labor half time. Mr. T. Beiph, of the Presbytery of Mutters, has accepted a call to Mount Prospect cengregs tion, and hie ordination and installation ap pointed for the Met Thursda of September, at Mount Prospect. Bev. J. B . Johnston to preseb pesermon;Kennedy to addresa the ople; Rev. D. H. Breach to address the patter end preside in the ordination. At • late meeting of the Butler Presbyters'. a preaching station was establiehed at Boverd's Mills, called New Hope, and preaching was granted it one third time. Rev. J. B. Whitten was appointed to moderate • call at Outtreville .ben invited to do so; Bey. J. A. Clark, hi, alternate. Moderations of cane were granted also to Portman% and Mountain* er Breeden to attend to the an dform Bev. Sam uel Herr to the latter, at inch time as the people may designate. Rev. J. B. Whitten was &e -nacted to labor els weeks in the service of the °ha:au Commission. Presbytery to supply ht, pulpit during hi, absence. The following action was taken with reference to the Increase of pastor.' salaries, via That we recommend oar congregations to pay their piston at the rate of eight hundred dollar, as the minimum salary for the present Quotas PUted The following exib-dietriota In Allegheny And Boller counties, lying In the 23d Distriot, have fined their quotas and ere dear of the present draft: ALLIORIXY 0017 m 13eaond, Third, and Fourth, Allegheny City. Beevegke—Manchester, Sewickley, Datineine, Shaspilmri and Tarentata. TeWeetire—bleCtters, Role, Ohio, Sewickley, Marshal, RinCandleu, Pine, Richland, II nap ton, luau, It/diens, Rest Dear, Watt Deer and Fawn. toe nr.dentand that Seam and Harrison townships have made Ilttls If any effort 'to Vt the:nal:tots, and of coulee th &all will proceed. NOTCH COIIIITT Rl:wankel —Zeliernopla, Faiontarg, Batter and Fr.speat. loomakip.--Batralo, Clinton, atddiasax, Ad am., Crensra, Jackaon, Forward, Scalar, Von twqoanazalag, - Laroastar, Muddy , Omen, Ramp tut., Canter, Clay, Corword, Brady arid Worth. City Mortality Dr. Q. L. McCook, Phyla: on to the Board el litaltb, reports die following interments from Aug 27th to Sept. Stl, 2 White..--. 12 ToteL Towable 11 I C010red..... 1 Of the diseases' th ere were : Typhoid fever, geouloforer, I; peritonitis, 1; general debility nod old mph 1; enteritis, 1; choler, infontom, 7; conititutlonal debility, 1; hiarscepluilus, 2; con voidons, 1 ' dysentery, 1; Isar umis, 1; sore throat, 1; unknown, AT ilons.—CeL Jacob M. Campbell, and Ad jr eat Brie of the Mil Itcglntent, P. V, having set ved thei r of enlistment, were honorably discharged the marries, an the lot Lust, and re turned to their homes ittJohnigown on Satsrday. They rat= with the proud cessolonsnetv of baying served their cocultry faithfally, and of bearing with them the esteem of their oompen. tens to arms, and the respect andiratitade of their ootintrymen. Eicoscrru or Caere —The scarcity of cants aoutinties to be the subJeet of complaint, though Mier are being wined at the Mint at the rata of about 1100,0t9 worth a month, end ars distract slid as last as coined. The seartlty to attributed to the hoarding of cents for sale at the high pre mium paid for them. Pl.llJrOl3. MUSIC. arc. WAISELEta. & BARB, sOLL SOLITTS Or Tar. Bradbury & Sohomaoker & Co.'s OELEBIUTED PIANOS, AND BMITI4 & c3.'81 American Organs and Melodeons, So, It BI88gLL • B BLOCK. BT. WADI Vt. Re cake Vearare in re (art..; to a few of than erla. tows parthand the. Instma... In Pl.sbargh end vicinity t.rd, Bag., John Quinn, T. 1., 1 . dawn, J....8..1. Esq., W Ca pt. Oorbran, elh, Bunn. A On.. J. P. Mulin, W. Brick.. Dr. 0. B. M. Blnclbsna, A. B. 0 MIIi St. Baptist Ob., A. Unomeller, Zsg., D. la. Book. MN Dr. D. A. Hortein., O. J. If - Barn, inakils. Pa, Dileatron St VI...Pt deaden), P.O.Dww.. P. NW Borah EcTialind, Lltorty. Ospt. J. B. Convoy, Iffemingtuus. Dn. H. 8.0., bnrlckley. Pon. Z. Delahunty. Monundwille, Vn. Gra. Boots, Onlannd. B. Onan,t Unit - P= l . o . Bnlnnum Goo, 1.5., Aliaghway Olif . Wm. J. Bo." a.. Pnry ltes. maPon. do. Ail. Bran., do. do. '11);.731."A.r12131Mt0ck, Liharti. John orgy. do. All P.m. liModnona onnanta4 far dos roan. • few cawlew .mood-Fond Pl.on br ante wad not. Mr N fiIIIDLB, Ncs. 183 Burrinino di, Pianos and Inidaal Instruments, See2e oceeetently as Mad a Ilse issartreess al Haw rtssoa, Mint% GRIMM. k O O OII DZOI B grillV l l 9 , vtdcb rlr, satin tertaed pLilsiOs MBLODEONS. A vel7 Ism dock of INAIII 00.10 ! I .od 11,415155 OVIAMULTID ' z 5, n. uolvad before Om 1W advsno• m pTlet• Alto, • *lanai salictrtmant ot P 111503 k 05.5 MRLODZONS, 5.112.0 roma lIIIADSOHS, and slaty worth:oat of um ware inuno. 011 411LOT1 IC BL 0 BE. CI tits stn.- Jrli - IrOildrA rB. yirc‘ . ". —. .TS6figs - 67 - N; 119TrOILISTEI-JLT- 11 L 1 W , e■c 0.14 L 101195111) BOLDI/118 . CLAIN AGIINTI. Batstl tt es Watradolsoldian 060:Waal la trom taw 0 mar Ma data omm.No.le Mt= WiIiWITT, Haab= 0011 with 01abarto awl Ow sitars. JAMES LAFFERTY, An Ltgul BOW. lirtalgil &Omelet - ta: co*, wile roma MUST. war, Grant, Pitt& bitrib• spr.miss ArIABTEB k GdZZAISII raa.w ovirlow. • No• 119 OBlltl STUART. ~pia Urn- CI t30)10YEB, Attoraeyres um olio. SA VS) P!Ortil and. riit.1...0. - DIFITIG 114113211. MON jOIERSTON In PURE u Dams AND moretiaitA 1111LITIWIT 001 Goals, moue suup, out, roma; ramumus, os Rttiatti pima itulleophklibs . GOMA low Owner daitia46-and Yoartb IteMthrtabeltal. gait= Cemp3o324.` B 14,FA11.53a0tIKA C.Xl.4Lhol Lssn bealei Ow' ,T,-,ltif.-siEr,irTruzAl - 4agogiali Vlre..l.o.lrotd etttowth. FOR S&L --FOR Rzirr F OR RENT. FOUR ROO MS, Law, or Printing Oakes; Book Binding or Bicohaniul psalms.. an a feralsba sits swam power ti yenta& Will to routed Amity or other .lie If &grad. Asp, la GAZZTTII 01110111 Viol BALE Farm of 118 acres, in BLOW toiromfdp,Wodmonnoo woozl. e = d ni. l 4 bittrAorka on du o tomttred. omo4 I' M• to - tr - y Taluab le buto In Dem towerhip, Watt. mombusb scanty, Ps-, artoodatzg sates Ira sorsa, troil ?urttaretttlting: i tto * u t tt " v'ti tt mining th. Aljr:tiony county. P. I 07 US ALMA on the Iltotorotahals Moyl3 U th tbfroblilpot Awn Etta:too from the barobgb at. 11•Somport. • klms• vogq Islosbb WIN fn Bt Clair tont,* Waßtmortlind ma" oonnaning 160 acreL ID BuiT 6 DDIO loton lb bormQb of Walt Moo, illuteb.'eaby 120 bit. lhartkahus wild:tat Maser.roultb ethos Q. 8.20W38. Bog Rotate Assaf. LOB BALE— BIEBITABAN arms eary 101.2. /74X .3 . 0112 a131141,-Tbl ea. ollZVll=ttors o f Me estate at AhrtHemaa, me a d este • number ef from enahalf to twe Km owl, abutted Tort 'antrl4 o ll three tolnates mel t et sae tarred= stabs AI ILL Aborts ers beetatitalf 10-utte fel issue:Low, mad, •=awe of =ten Lois Is Lbr irWsV of Straw trestles` am the Poomagor Batlowyty to exit tot bast .0 trots me to two Imam! fret deep. tor IlLOwtostoao ormotro of Wage of Mr andow 11=4. to W. A. ar.B.SOLI_ Cledt`e Cele% Coen MLA SOHN E. G. f. iteecetteeta F os MIX. A COUNTRY RESIDENCE In the vitiate of If entflaid, lour mike from the cite'. Sot Ko,a2, content , between eft sad wren acres ; you Ut. cross d geld two steny brick hem= lab* tad other bedldinia einem tad wall of water to wet of ccal with bank opened and to good warklita order, will be sold In one lot at divided to nit methane& If not odd before UMW' ES 1004 ertli at that day be add at PUBLIC BALI, at I o'clock p. .. widest reserve. Title indisputable . dam of all hantmbrence. 'Terme of este will be nude known on application to 421:0110r TOMS% Terneranoervillo. it 1; OR SALE One. new Steam Engine, inath cilsolloo, ao Isab 'trots, oslo oo rl toOs boa was. T•tin irowmar• ow IS hosla cyttodsr, SO tub drots,moood•bcoi , istlt 'litho ma good so now. 0.1 T tnch Winder, So bob Moto, sew. Ono 6 . SS " Two 0711ndos Solloco. se Is. Cm. SO ins bag. Slum St " tvof irtooght Iron OS Stlns Ob., Thom Smog decent Toots, 10 IXI - Watla. fey WO'S. . Sassier of H. U. SW" . • Snoilhoga. Blow Bast. noOSSbo bast ONEOF TIIIMIOST BEAUTIFUL AND mersuk.a.see.tbr enantr, tett* iinretent Ltd Liberty ts new uttered tor akin, tragting cog H and Axnae shoat 9ao fast, sad containing 23 nano mare as km; our the residence at il , •••• • are Bratish Coq sad others, andis ossesPeitaeerthetha.l in awns. • lOsers hran th.pla two stou .1:1nt bone, tank, gas, nil In goad orklenslerk a Ina or young tres. _mostly bearing. Ws ,tr , iestreZeill be dl Inlertvb, es lola wiCnoll rthaw& For Wma. antral tat itrw Jamul sad mu, sank aka a • CL, 114= , Maki , aired:U.l, OR BALE--The country- seat of the II: late state& D. ll LW. moane d . eitarited fit OA.' Mitatoirusbiwnee toile from the niloileral OECl.terro co leetang etas. of coitleuldon, ef=t end slotted lettb treat tter,altrubberyian, and underlaid with csel. To puttee waking tat proved. property, orenbliting selesatages am .orrery,health and good neighbuthesd, the al= toe ee• rare opp. - =iis of sinning at owe to•the an• lesteof a rani how, farther pertioulase legate at the aloe of Ito- Will' all t DullGieLd, So. if Teen street. =aullthea . • 8. DOUGLAS. Fog SALE—STEAM BAW MILL AND OIL ItitinflNT.—Tho oho-ball or wane of as 011 Bohner) stal Naha Bair Nil. lathiest sea au flt ache of • ea aboadessee et cool co the lai— witiothen taw ' _lrostal, dant, eh the Alloorz Piret mad LV. SS. Is easel fa mu. It. ie ant era of matzo WILL I lito Bow Nil tt kt Raa• dl! otter, estells Tao ilioated, hoaxers shot n I INNSI hue B to the der. Goal lecetty tor boilabh Wav weritteolon call oil the astelesolgesd. LIMY a CHOW et,ekt2 No. Eh Easel street Pil:llo:.,tlsEgk'et. FOR SALIf A. FISST OLASS anspituog. • s grans& a nd stabling iibtanboil. dinged On tb• use of the listictimt •i• &root Sailors, in 6114hua7, Is Weed tarsals. •gply to sodilar /IL 11211111D2. ICS Wood Arcot. FOR tiitht, 1,000 FEET Of FBANiNG TIMBRE, Averaging tram 8 to 10 nacho Kam. &madras* Os &e et lEIVE & MPHIB, ogroodtt Mo. 103 Iflftlr ewe& els eiALB—At Aladdin OH Worsa SI Crud* Petrolowa Tufts. la ?-tee cedes, eubetwettatly halls of prime Umber, Ito testi to as, wed trUl wedeln NOM 120 Wrote est& Application may be saute at the Itellhary tsar -- ON at the Olhoe to Flttetetreh 1/111IIIRON. JoausTos • WAX taila:tt Wit ISILLE—PENN STEKET PROF zaTT.—Tt. thr.e-einU Bret ccat.t.. I .7rwat oi ' le) fret elt.lies?...argliek 110 ltet to Iv whiz e 11... Tb• sbova I. excellent locotl.= km ma:soften:nog purpoete. ltaqulrle_cd timktt V. A. • e , efLII.J.LA, 63 filth Meet. F -OR BALF.—Beaver Cony Farm, sitn etod to Oerhexten tournehtp, 1 miles froze the Wined, matting ITS acre., groat 103 sores cleared, endtrlald with coat A pod Dwelling Rout. Stable rod ottotercor• outbuildings. An erolterl at 830 of bag eclectton., Apit/Lt_o soZ 1d01,e1.0 A 00, 101 Youth street efOLINTRY PLACE FOR BALE--C0n %.../ Wainam al: gala, otta sad a bolt man, boa ear ADhany Otty, nut th. Parpotrille Plink Bowl, with moll tow now , on VOA 84113...-150 .aores of Owl; also 120 wore et treat oral In Woo OM. tracts , oriel and Whoa end other te in good gum ing order In poet Be. am tract on the Youghiogheny D. river sad CassasEtsvals Wied. Swirlier SiIttLIAIS FOR BALE, tooulro of roal.l I'OB BAM—A farm eonftining 114 /1: Lem, dratted In Froydrrr torrodoV, rPrel ocroty, on. rolls from Om?, ISIII, sal tor sailartren Vituburet. SE. Wm la ..all ..farad tad Li Lai Oat, ot orattratioo o , For tortbor. Wok. on Ms premorres, er a r the sobseribee, 105.1.232- /1.. G. 11131110 U. - - KENT—A 'FINE STOBB , .rict. Dwelling awl Stable, on lot above Ow tra. woo& ow federal street, Alb' bay ati._:!ammodoo nuns am. Diongledi t y IL DIA Ogli OM Z Jalatinv tts. Vvlt BALI?, Goo eocon4 Dona OlmGar Sow. Stint:hes. Good • j r. Erqc Ire col DRY GOODS, iNc. awn. imaoa w. teas° WILSON, CARR co., (Law Wawa, Pwww 1 Cb..) WhOleteedelaqtl • • gr., I I'D • • GOODS, liss.t4 Wood street, third tunas abate Dim alley, Pittsburgh. , _ . spit:kb( s= EAION,IIAOB.I3 II & 00; Wholesale and IWO Thaler' In TIMIIfrSOB, CifIIZOIDTIUMS 604DILS GOOD% of cirri iloooripticao, Hogan awl 12 Plfth street, Pittsburgh. ACBIRti-VGLYTit, end, A Nita Natal In /Ascot AND rapt' DN't amts.ndauxas; i 51.4 No. tit asciandssert.l4 *seaias:mut awl Tocutb,Pittobargb.. IL PALIIEA 4 o 84 Wood Street, pi s 111110, MVO, OVUM VIA. rut trissW 400D4 Pz.rdt/- hL •BURCHFIELD,- and . Baal Dealer fa STAPLE )12(D TANSY, Go licatlseeticarrox /Math and Unita *LIN% Plttablut6 T Nit,,,,BABEERIt Droslerii bi LI • kii of DIM 000 DO, froi, *pen Third airdidirrgh —...duu1.31;L00 wrsuWrom .etonfim. .616BDENZA DON N, -Agent 'rot OA eoz6z a snel4 riski=ibuskraurn urixfaso n " 1 " 1 " P -00. 114, 1 ' e . J024135, Ago% for 71 orth)Anseries; s' State at PentintrialiNsaa ituutat worm% Anal REJVSedteel4 sum= Oacipsay, come ISOM bad Water sta. GORDON,Searetary Of-Westiri ,1 suraisavoiratavAl A X IL 'BOW' al:i;lkdscr • 44 ;2; •,' ; • - -7\ - • AO I •,:i , fl ... • i`ii , . . . ; : j t ....., 1. , • • LXX VII---N VOLU SCHOOL BOOKS, UTPricsr low a. u• b. Obei& VEST POCKEiEDITION. , NATIONAL TAX 'LAW, - .. f p,....1 . .7 :: =54; Ar t ;rpm unizirtst LiNcoLN AND JOHNSON IMPUBLICAV CLNPAION sonaTst, THE • SHODDY EONGEITEE, riiwo CHABEIING BOOKS now re*: HENRY MINERiS;, -rum PRIDE OF r..zirsig Detightse-la-law of Sir Welter Moti ve _ ere! "Ite; gutowl. 11110—51,50 PAY= y PILE OWN, spimixos or &um A,IIOIIOZ a. JANA Low , eon._ Wagwate thupwpo l 49 44 cOri m O bill tar irdbmaicovi 'et the . y* ImamdlY laterbitilst, it is 4de27,"natiiminstryiimeisi lb. nharattere Wasp , ;;!g trek xlsorm * 2 4 04 1 # 11 lima*: sot hooksitr.l: Byrd 'The Tlaf. of WS" rq N ts a loatatal 11)-. you et thst worldllaeo Oa sopsnoildiat tut • .;)-; mom ithe, bum proven= = reabland a - 1 !1" mad - 'tome otprdealy do blgteeePectbse ll = cleq,.. Thetas= folly of "pride of tire?' of =OS .1 1 r 4 for Ibo wlatab=e l ; Pt telotatimersat pa* ;;O us,' that =girds IRS as nub etaybody =No= 1 , 4 ;tata oursor. choke sa ===r,•volger. ttlimod amoll ; 3 so on—ese bantkad with • pcc of power., a= ft la go . mow **sand to Cs the eager cleo - oombitee• ;!• I 11' near* the coateroptible noessobb tea litollookola • A '';" tr=tcarted sad slarr-elghtea =bar se =W • :4 The story of Iles ooacerns ihe=== WTI sad =ale= girt, the dourittor of • poet Oak.. 1 r : =dhow= Ma art= toy merit, vdth4 ! [Sion.f fiteobillte ' 4 „. ] tab arlstoccac7. The =sato.= oyhe lady and of liqg lbsilly drabbes= =tote ct the bo=„1)=. dbeedie Lard saws-m.l.d. a.m. Kb% /flidralta =d% ell An= horistlf. Lady Stott loul =elm • atilt:, Y. write, bat her =We= sem a trieseek -; clf Woe are flaechractera r ibmelYpiattell , The mad 'their ere*, also, are - alear draws, oc4 the JAW proof of their elletlaToleotAf=t o =l"tufiff="l I the= from bothantog as if they.irere , • The plot is la .I=l;llP4arraosibpf====ll:l4 ; the =A I. AN,f tateratirp. ;, ; - • ) ELIRLITIONB FALEIHIONABIrI P7ll - cm.2l Author of .-Beattia," "Node= Admotehlletrialableletti 14 Y4ION-4160 IN PATZIt; $1 IN alarm "The leather of Beattie. dlmployed Übe ebilbey thim ow wort. It Is ow= oteee 011*. tkosa cely make Oar memo= at booN tnt • thm Moray sky. verb like tlas cannot fel legit tte west Urfa society. sad mor loomatabelsmillo mead it to moth of our reedam es lan . poll boa. The atelisr deals her Lao= dskl and leN;;—;;M• ;It poet the dm= a= arttaco•;at fieWotablesmoat [bar •kolo Z Vosole=teek her for,' tirts tm ram tolok.o now-ea that book, sad ta blet. ich alualtatatle O , we op= the lewd= ta Ttom potables= lumet do= theft; pert aad v• hare hare ear at ipr b and .rd I= larase of the la swots at het y r` =mat day. - Clop= of the shore teas seat by meat= orlsomtlied — `l , l et telmdit of Flo) rl!s HENRY ; fps _ _ I. BIIYAH, Water lniazaaa. AL, I, BD fade). c or net,Burke. 8. , ' n& M=l==ll troa to 000 AOC° OAK /LOOSING. fIoQUKWADDOUGLAS , IT hos aryls. G. IL. rsocrtos. No. ti Pens droll. BOOKS. JILLEII7III2, arc Wail dude ued to the PUBLIC SO13.00103; and all ether !dimly to the ti f. Of BCHOOL BRATIONKIII. OHAS. a. BIFJA.IOII4 sir WOOD itiratim. plitel 15 OIL. Contahgag aH the . - . 'TWO/ AID POP01;111 BONGS 077312 Pstriotte, UntimAulal, o=act. Nara, Aa Luse Mao. 111-Insted Rpm. Oola• PtiosllS Bt.& owl.. maga! pcstiraid eo Todept • Itbend dlm:4mA to dm lasi. Adtrto all ad.,, to twat* prompt itte,t4si le .. • . JOHN P. HUNT.- 52 Fifth .terit. Kanto HAL DT JANE, LADY seer,. ft IT3 rind frfaXlT, oaf door to 06 t =as TENNYSON • S NEW BOOK. El KO OEI wsona. l Vol. 1 Gme. Pzle fh dart Smelled by CRABS too., NEW 800D3. il 1. lawmen'. Teeth Arden eve stiorrloogOi . " fi , .. Tbs lionotaable, or ettirlarlbat ealteneelaf Va. i • --. . Gilbert. 1.. S. eatewis..bra.tho , of .1.1.-gmt thtliasp, .. 4. Asariaa. ty_flarriet IC Prescott, ;d 5. Out In the - World, by T. el. Arthur. 'l,ll Crean Cope OW to ads and Ms Tlosco. by S. lib !.1.1 bibal Tcia. m . ~ 7. he Beek of Coma Prayer el the PthabYteeille.r - A , °blush, call eselesi. For estibs (eels) EAT a 3 00., Se , Wood egeepet:ll: SCHOOL AND COLLEGE TF.11 . .1199E/I All the varlets SLIT 000E3 awed Is the TIMM, obl Wet &bode and Cottages of Pittabliigh sa3 stotaitg4 kl Tor esleby :. sage ELT * 00., VS WI - - ---.- 3' scuooL ilooir.i... 9011.001. BULBS' i A.L.L THI 513110D.U.80 1 ; 01 L5 . , , , . asedln *la .:. . i;..t PLIILIC AND pumas soickous tit rrriti*rOgji, ..., d.r!cl 117 for alb bt pAyis c&NI l a tA 03 Woad • r.• PtS ;;v oils& R1D1321 CILABIC, 4aStizassminsousiorss:‘ : 't 01 fit} Iron f . • ?stroll= sa its Traub,: Olida - OA/MLR& dul. In IP aosv irrinallY " ......—ltrigiraz , , 0 e. war= •1101 MO= 1:13.-44211.1111m .0 . .1 our Asian isr au Forms an mom' I . .iX : '4 woilx4 nzw Tom' nuumrs aims 00 1 4 NOSY, at. Ilr. L. 01111,11Eil, lart, k; 4 1. N Water s tat Itadels.• • LUCA= Uth WORSE, Duzoes,- WRAP 4t - itiat#ll:#Tl . Tars Wkliti Ps9aa3 .0160 a Wires DOM Lim 10=21 NEM • EDIfediT t fOX.AL. WESTERN ENITEEI4[Tt :,., _ cow ai 11.933 AisD max* min% lig, -., tisoi" T of Xratal sad lr ttt I. Brimu T4l 4tra. L: fita. ''' : l ; , 'A., Prerreser ot ths Grist laornso asEl - r Ma+ BIM W,-Vallasc,ll. AL; Rra' et 1 Brlastir Ittoraam, B. A.,_Patowar of_ Gump If. Bata, X: Ta7..;13., Prallrarer X '''''' Warn Dram. Libbrks,atitztut -, of ur. a. I •,- - /L l , " = . 1 :ark tal , IM sat idtralril4t:. war .. u.D.,XaNmar of Metal Ustrist, ..- mart, iladoktY sat lirester •Illtaatt - V_ _ __,..- - 'Allan °IVO Moth IlauldSt :Vokwi l l' .. Tartar alas Gonna targarra - . 'ritually's ono atiritita d e ila!". ta , e ' .ii SretwOff altai, Camicachal•gre• pa* .., cei.... int tera'lda .11211.10*01111'.." iSii lOW _ 1.:4911". 111611NAll 131,tDIAN3V: ros *wows mom orthwantsam tovallONDgi,wwitarin-- bzwon . don roues, A*. 1111 ral Mad. 0/1415q. 1311111iiirttaicrial eligarbig—WlPlONPUO" is P:orristromenitti. if-ibis -64d, 1:4 41: 5 4:-=.2.M! ,c leAtV utba, 'OW 4 OMR' Jame -.--- ----------,-- - 1 , An ,.. WM*, 76same as 2 _ ...--- 1114 .„ tw. 500001Watillq.STOL , 1 4,, • 9 .11 Wtxxl etead. MEM
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