4* . fl: o:_4, 14.2122bA5, AZOV'S! 27,1881 MikmAmtuLzioilLiAma. ttliCokaf 'of Millets xipmrigri ' raonNBols4-of, 11 3 Air 1 oft N COUNTY COWL 7n7 - % CORtrZint-41* s b iid r 110011111 LO, rittabargii. loomw-40. aunt= 1 1 Wn&Luit.lxteslatti.' SUM: • T ..mo bc4 T44 .4PAP.MRAnCROAP.,:: t"...1,, iOES ?AMASS, City: . • 7 , Um 1.1‘1104: 1 .1=4, 1 .' ' IS I. OZADWIOIgri commons anc rtrzow,Ao w laaritiE4=Ag.' . . 0a21,M2.17 zoWigliCOLANTanrotaiy., _ POOR nuncios: IL IL pine. nuncios: . „ luta 'llppes. The stictAce-Icqurrctlate! daily that the ba t ektbeprzterfii, of !mama apes asautttiiioy 'er , tEirPenie patty's! oar jowl,* Pfeeldeatial- eleottoe. The know. ttbi 7 s led NMI. *di() lefirtioyar ald o not have the ghost of s o-anee •1 ""' • 01 Meg i t. they , kid exim dist en bolinitati gafn c ted "?....-flierrrould korai 1 „. „..,..11at 1510201 nm Autreitneeveacourii; di e will.. 'think otherwise . e n, d tiftoiaint! ::144see, sinned '.TrprEsSou Dam, ono Ms Skirdsl7,Wl IVsr,'lbat the ihroets of Northont •;-iatfes woulikidiiittkiiod if thilioverAment iniengd attptoptieprAie.iffe, Smith. -Upon the -itiattigth: of -Seib and-sizoller 'assurances, the -Wee sect td lrom the Union tiad fired zpost• Vest Sain:tii;``.':iithii"ildhi; 'contrary to there EctejsiffQof North, but to :day the ffirth qa/d63,. and year has passed `_idace the pre:dfatton of hu:sgrani rallan Arto Mbifllled iii:#lo ci ty alFeif Vaik. In hie stead Older/fife: with Col. :ago= insatfest • Ad great ineredulltY tlien told by these 'self - .sippolnted - iiegettatent, whet tirs tho fact, " that Ittroatete tuenty talons In the North •::elefitein et tentrialf the Rebellitin. The Bob. It President new:lbettei than'the Ignoram : gtatni who Trers addressing hite ;Oat wee the leap atatoyfleeling in .tha.North totyynt his - florensinela, Watt hegira°, Ids head =NUM . tat there - have been recently itnoee ing44 :216*Cill than those of imp ala:moo Davis the the Ada the Ida repose r it the &MID". of their Northern - - ;synipatlitaeitt le'effeict'ic&Taman which will end, the w*in 11; i toPt !O-c°P/ ' 0 4% at the boldeet deolailitteny It to tali Ifew ; wteke Since the - Atlanta ilia) , Cokerheads to Staled In their hostility to the tierrernment, sad addet: uW• maga* nothing by , denottacing them, Wessel. boat keseating a tomtits front to oohed*** etuseratatt. Live with theia eflu , the same Government western wiiL Bei; Ito the secemoltife,' if th.7 „mitt vim Gs L. let .- aim' tvatut Sfr,.ltracsfe.tedile 'ace use aka Eiriri:l 9 - 44 Vetch itca. law bo a ;wiper to akie ofict, and both de sperate fa atzrooptialt4 tho greatatteerhtedYie' awl* mid tiff coating:ardente wituared." teat eatild he exp!iedt non& to an= _ alertdocd by all who Iciew then:miming of the theglich _ lttbauege.> But 0. still later. Rebel Otterittot pints with yet 'more diettnotneve (be agency which is reliel upon to Insure the hindepeittnce" of tliitroulhern aktakiie of what itage4-4/4411, am neat eta weeks, the Blekoiond Sentinel of , the Vlthinet. rays:' ss ;Wait Gat time ilia alstoer errors** tint the „proneltieg Ghicae, Coisrention will lava amen ate Apple oydireord and destruction Leo the area, )teettectetrawl disawdemt Tooke era. North. It " "toy fovea tersest/ donoraidepeoee. At tomtit mitt be ihre,' to _ tattooer' te loans rather "`Shen ;mute the peculiar War potter of Liu . gob, humease It believes that Ills war r:lcy la equally directed eiiiiist - the lihorty of the ash mod tha ir.depead mace of the ,Satth. Let omit Ptlintly too results et that m:mention ibeßos Arany comtotttino ourselves to any specido derma of peace; for they have =oh to fear Arms that result, we nothing to epprehend from AL It limy eakessast the r teraremi Ftgrpotes tte tear Fart/ a/ ; the S'or. l , ft t , ,,ty move, but annual abet curs... o, hero we have it I The South is to be Waved, If eared at all, by the Chicago Correa , lima, It 10 relied upon to throw the "apple of dimmed awl dealrerotion" into the ranks of the _ ~StOtat. ! 'IL may eurgest terms of honorable pace"— en hoscrothi peace in Rebel eyes at says meaning tbe recognition of their Con federacy And this article in the seernet. Aram witteh *e elip, • hazi for ite caption nett words—u twords-- 4 118 Cragged State of the if ~ s2hmaoglicut thewhole of Wit araote thowtiter Sham that. he is Impressed wjth the conviction that the nNt ,itrilt . lll . et th e, Confcdersoy has 00190 at last. litatarely enough, he looke to Male fee htlp, Ur ire ?wale Let sal le7al men male a note of these things. --- • Plaint; ttie Devil Bine of.-th&Cipperkeeir. yarn, have lual • Ake mints" to dem that' of Ameil- TheY, l o 7 :4 been londiln isteliegFtplit4stliqii‘COnfeeSiOAß if Cstanisit'l. lioar, Oriisid C ommiadsr of Ossr..Orderia.Wirsourtisto.4loi B. &Emu, the Florets:2.lot 11Ittreititeitaltiii'tiritOttslialt for 4.1* tome State, were; eitosd . Sretn them inkier t.temitte; thil they were not reliable, dies lilt details they Eme of the thississtion t t nli i arreses of peillegel Order ' Were-pure. griaoll, Tiirie111II8014: aniab in In dianapolis have; howesii; illanced 1 -. 4ths;Sali .Corytrhead potty. There cones Tesgmuiilnui their - opts:, Those !vie " von sad bones of ammunitt at, and ibe letters DODD; Vlll_Voonalese r live proved the d,. *wafter-al:foie and - fintin to be' true. The L 7. law-yarta r end Voanuara, We Lose` et tA I !eon) 'ft 'pntii lake `.: Saw_ 'FOIE, :dug: A, ' 16'1' kta GiniyanylnFattays 1 the ci‘ - e,-ac.7.41,1izg .to topL:ttf. "DJeti 'at Ua nto imp tetto am, of Cro ttlandi, arid does t6ept cut poop!, itf fot%dlyiroo7 (an !dollar. avast,. out lx6Ple by Ili =ln' arj.o tte'.lcpj ; I bass • gad with deep in. in - cur Bata, and am anztOns to limn' more. .•' Writs to ma if you can dad ltdsura. • Direct ida of ' ol"/162inita'P:ikkara 00., - 40 111411attottEcVo;rylria.,y • - • TAN , Bru.rr. , Perm iyts sada Itetrgaaes ifr 01itasipa. Itia tolloi!ng la it iataigetellat area-dole gateau obratm by tlitattaa*atkqoarktaLttils •atate to th.o k i i e ele.:P...eiYeigeiT..i! Ploy ire tint -: comi c aolaalW ., ,Air tl prinsiplor, aad are Xll dqs leo ditri?er en - t 6 ferti4t4 to iiiidtdattase-- . ' - . madam 'al. ' iait.' -..' -' a 4 4„,„,,:,.. w 91..5. P1t403%, vim . as isek . er, Gabon. lionia Sig cf 1 1AE$ LW, V Mcqxtirse.-Rills., v, 1.A... Ci. Wag. , . X ...JAG P. HA.% Dr. Gte__ tt:Yrk =, ..,...... . D..Foßeubers ....iii,.l4 ;51 - 04,77,2: ...frieriftidiiitte, -, ,;731c1 ,hd A ilentitutzeittlerf limard /doh vow- G. W- tWiA r_ 21340ar Dower. teed erdomendaticat of tbe Priteldend, sul soca Enr_wriiim cart', x. -res. r A. WA.104 .. Hmwa .w. w. B aneu, B ... J. D. 8.14. o d u ee te ld t e . 1 wi e r z to re a e s eed uccei de s t r e ui tto w t7 L tlon tq be p pe ro s e c e e : ....., L e Cm4i. -- 1. , : . ::-,- 1 .4 . - a,k/jrt on os ..ttmill Text,. lad an 110.60911 AO meet ... V. 11: k t ' ,o :;L . , p a , g 4 7.1 n herr, 11111a0 tut il!tio syv?ysvitiz." , zrj ir...a. t i.j.wwwfil...7.2 _vi xXiet....bee H. Orr% TIAr eiti - Nirolediee'hieliti laf sebUta be, i . ' ..... rip =tor - -- " x e c ty z ,,,i,"•=4 alith ,EjEersx,,jourests are speialsting ...': '""',":43.11 It 7. .-,- +l td opt.n 1 C prtbable isonsiitiedoes of dent r. ? Irmi r wts,. o7: -...,. —,,, .8 .1 .1tr,...., .lite s er i , en e: t i es es i tle yell.* old. Therar c e „ % k wo i ' -.• 43C " -141-44 1nseeae. 44;4' . 1,1 ' 3 1! -Ilr : 3 W. : ;Nstree.t . ,,..k. ' .. x dt i 1 4 11 mbar& driedecna et il lbres " 'X, di. i': - TD,Waidowafl L e , lifeLietlede's'unr , "4, 'ibteile is lfdo , , Had Tido: rider , t'EgefetrlftyieemeL.r- , Xidexe r -met , 'Ault 4 pular., erterthrders to 1141). 0 . ,i v ii Id7 i=„, ~,,. .-ar.B.Frab . Tax 101 , aoltddlateWallesksentallsieribed -. 331 .,,At=„ 5 - 7 a7Mnr r y j°4S4; ;ID Iltl4 ca little Infallifi,'-WW14,1/01idepltesd:4 .> ,•' I • ta. by bind, ad 2 ctiliplt 4 mirk it from the C GS ' . 1 Birisl - ' 7"."- `lll apt hi iiii*" re s PI" SIP Ogre Pli obis ) ) , Gael ,--..- 11 , A , ' L _lila' gst deybreek; tbilesdete &erste Ads ,PtlWtlifW l ATr. Aff_ _ .9W. 4 4 4 . ... lead etste fil l .istempzn, 1,,,At4 Ark, yelli / 34 repeßealtedeivesbiteddipliteesslei Sailed *teen ay bebT viconairaed 1 7 1001 finakil Ar of Assekka-the.----- ' ----: ---:--- 1141 ! . f' . ..i -.1 ..* . •*, -4, - , - .... ~..- 1 . ii .qi...1 1.6.:Li ife.lil 7 l i-'l-,T;'''2 . :ll i -Tr) -,.. ...01 ;AL. X: 4 ' ' 1 1°": ;') ,e, • ire 3.1,:- -3-;.---.:-..-.., ' - '-• --...:-:• ''.-- t, 4..,,-,,,,71---;,.-•:,-..,,---, ~:.•,;*,;--iT,.•::7•..--, 1 - - .0 --4 ' -- --e.,0•1--',:r1YL6.76,..i5.,k-,":."' 'l,i`4•• ~1.; .45f,1,.,;•),',„44,..44,.?2 4V-1-...iif''''' "--::. • . ---..- • „. -:=,;.•••••; fm• i---.,45ai1---,---c'"l • - • - - . , - - • ,%„,•„.,;_,L24•--..„1---,-_,,-,-- . ._ • • ;„_.f.- , „ ~....„_,.- ri .::-,,4.c.,: `,,:,, =- 4 ?-:-.•.- - 4,..-4 1 1.: - : •- • 4,--- ‘ , .. , • - .:-. , -. 7,-.2: - ::,:.,,-,;;••---,-. .• :. • - -- --- '. ~:.--....'. .--;-...,..':,:',..-:.? T. ;4,q;fs , ! , _ -,, 1:_.. - •_ , .----,,,.1, 4 „5.,. :2-..-i-milf-r---artif:_<„----,. --4 • 1 9--' - - , ,--:-,J. --.--,..-.1-•--...- - .:, - 1----',•--,'--,•',L-.,-.--.4-,-. !--• - " - • , 1- ; r: . . A was non. phlllo/Ik—assent ha= ditleb=rail ViribtOrlatittiloithriAtnett Babel stfaation: The &miner 41 lb. 22d sari the a the dajs eat ars parsing oiet..* tehearj headr Ars truly asp of. ett.th+ z A. per: bars of peril." The actlOn.ot Ouse and Einnueut - aad Of :erne forcifit Kolas and in "Stegidh, ;kris ed*j,"Otstly, in re viewing the prospects for rasce at the hands of the Ng* kirtzli;Mosplinterist _ee knifes any, and.that Peace party at the North Width our roldlera:: - hiroc'prested, and now . !again, would stni; oierwhelond, shads; and silenostf,mititer-11 •renewed mut ousivensal shriek fort.."1„1"; tkv taufml,3 o Roroirrozvreeppeared on Wettneti4infteinimepinattin..of aural Atelkettsfriabithe bonntatt - jf thif:pfaci - nt the time of the late Bobel telt to Ohambefe _burg. The met .10 ,nonieniSt reduced to -dimensiene,_ - .• . -WhaeWlll l be Done at !Chicago.. ,', r.,nov t i orwerwred.erwe of the Alhsoy tre,ionyeal. '' l t - ''Vriratioi*ANgati:22: ' What W., c ti lliii_DeleOltit ' dt. tle . 4 4(0'1i:40'i:hi ..a queetibn Which ;will kOdrinier - Mote pressing' it ifitturattlinpnatnet. ;011ie time approaches for the meeting ef,the Convention. The honor • and lettere of that party Wm, never presentel with a finer opportunity .of establishing Itself oft' the immovable basis of practical loyalty. Atittleadeze shall determine, it will be made cro,- :red. Saggetous patriots' would 'alto advattsge of this opportunity, and 'ware to Ihtmeelves a V3O 11718 r thenonfifchoe of the, pe•ple sad the gratitude afthd friends of free government throughout the. world. Have thorisprho will constitstothic Convention this resirictiy and patrioleint . „l3,me of them may have, but ihe.ludiontiona now pre that they wilt ,to OTErralet . The - Convontionlvaill- te composed of three clop:tee: Firot, theca who are for an items& tee armistite and a Convention of the States to•ferm a now government. Second, those who ITS for an immediate peace, and any concee. al-n vat h the rt bele may exact as au induce ment .10';remaitttie the Galan: and thirdly, thaeo.who are for peace if the Rebels will re• ..torn to tte'Vnion, -on tir.preeise footing they ittowtheforethe War. ;... ,_ _ , The first Clam wlllia.lF4Yallandigham end Weed. They are the 41 P,Stoe." men, pa. aced knee, of the Demtiorsilhavirty, and will con stitute a Itadbupartyla the • Convention. Indeed, :Wits claimed:lsere that they will =trot the Conventhin end compel the adop. • ilea of their platform or a bolt. They will no semitiently apposetr by - two classes, v::: By those too proud end tie'patriotiti to stmoumb to rebels is arms, and by those who are actu ated by no higher motivashan potitical expo. - diancy. i To do what these desire will not may ellegraeqhe Narita bid Inevitably' destroy the Democratic pariy..,- . _ '.. Tbd Second elass':are in close syrapathy with the first, and will t -aet with them if the Woe is pretented ofvfpotatte an any terms ' " or Who 'Whole raion 1411 - eras;-if we have to continue tatfiabt for.it."- " Ills .class prefer . Union," end ittheY.loillevedit could be bed without Ili:atter struggle, they would twist/ upon it. 'Rut they believe - the South never will submit -anises riateilit aW,Sintages 178 cent:laded thene Co -they;ara..for pun:basing pesos with the Union, Conceding- to the iinuth all it ever 'claimed lo.iiiiirdlo slavery and stile rights. The third alas, ire War Dem 3021fi1. And they ere inch. They to are , for peace; but they area forth.-union first ; and will have the Unien, if , tbeylave to fight for it. Tine men would be profusely liberal on all Ant:i ds:as] Madera: . They would open 'nage de time with the Rebels, professing the pro *neatest reVerenee and respect tor them es old hieledeend Useful allies. They would Promise Soigivencia and forgetfulness of the 4ast, reputhate confieeation, assume nt once the debt , of bah Outlet', denounce abolition• but ondall affiilatien with it, but insist upon !'the old Union, and the old Constitution, as 1 fillet:oiled Mind received by the Demearae,y, ,Forth and South. 1 . ilunilliming as each a platform would be • India liberality, it will not be satisfactory to Sta. akin peace men of the Convention. They will °ppm any terms or Stay proposition ,which idvolitts the idea of compulsion. Tatty wish; aim, to atop.: the war, and second .y, to slop it in such a meaner as to give . 1181112.11109 • biticaionak - tfiat, in the end, they will get all they ion desire. The struggle in the Convention will be both gcligßled and, bitter. Reoent 170 1 / 2 17121:1t8 re mode .the':Vallandigham wing of the party hopeforendrinsident. The Democracy ham been gradtapp-tiritting toward them— mit litinticti:ili, to the extent they suppose, but freed thrieWttitade of opponents to thee, who sreentrusted•lsith the protestation of the war. T 1 antiiontirm will develops itself when Mt d'ecitemen of peace and the terms or peace ebsll c.me op at Chiosgo. G. D. VitatlZL'llt Oi _tie 'talon prhiguera to 11:.1 1 . Georgia. A Irlrfnclifairlift lbe. trbilSl prironets et itideremmille, (leers* bee jest been trans- Milted Lb President Lincoln, giying an aostonnt of their ireatntent:in 'the rebel prisdn at that place, and their general condition. There are thirty•five thousand Union prisoners at An. dereoavilie, confittedin a field of about thirty ewes. Upwards. of thirty thonsoni are wholly Without shelter, without shade, exposed to the eon altday and the dews all night, ly• ing,:fspon thet.earth without any other promo. :Lionitais the chnhts on their beaks. Upon gaming prison EU!, man is deprived of his motley or other ;property. lEfusdreds are !Wined pure and hursite le even withont even drawer;' to cover their nakedness. Each man • receives :triree.quarterM of a pound of brtad,ce mud end one eighth of a pound of meat rer day, The meal in often milled ant Sour t and the:Meat each as in the North is eonsignid, to - the zees':taker: Snob are the rations trifun,whisit Ificion - soldiers cif) led by the zeta sitherifles, and by which they are ..bizoli bolding:unto life: -Ccitrast this with the trespneut of the rebel soldiers con nod in ;the Mite, comforknOlT.cled., *oil 'abeltered plentifdily ffir r and-their-general appearance of gccitikivilifkiii4lAyelacciiinforekand one ansylaiesiMictdeluefrthe inexcusable and i she d s; I , lserbari exhibited-:towards, our liirleon ebilliiivltilfili, - - Stale trees cost nettle in theti,S.CetkitE;eltatie, Olotliing Lood Me d• mid • . • • Watt seposedin m‘d• sum t to ! rot •,..n2tigoltins IND, 1,01- 012 t. on Mrdtruki• r• ,• •• . 911,11 an act the Algeri soWeept••• thshismedsolf. The cap. sansartfro Ly y, • : plisonsiacest the liras off tite lino • riiinupse dij, or nine theusdinisaisseettlitiklifiottoferer epidemic in the Alaine amount of. poptilsaii. Bat al), who did aremismanytatkew 4rots the Linton anniee . q`and Awe tontlkinsktu.doink constitu tions, ma Ildstrestmenttwill be exchanged juet as j elf ircolkidelisid hearty rebel prison= era whrlopeFfinriirtored. .. 14 ,..q r Att.f`rerfa On'. lintatfc: , br.o.stidsg•frAbabltity tbst by the tt r_ Isf v. pl;ifilma tr eiWatti - a furiber si • , bro. i .11:. +v.^ a At ~ 4.111.. g 1.14 naafi • ixitzil offilithivcaltlolii..! . a. •cOncerted sr • Airm at: siilb: tbnt'st d in slew, is si re ily t..,dritT4y, onst. - tho "probble resOlt will be, that six algal. instead of fear will be chars( . .And: tion't_be eurtrised lf, in the course of a :brief period, one ,or two .of the areehliers shtulck sttejmnd operations till this . cruel lw sr' Is;aXerg fio 'nye a 'ffitir Tpfir letter Tithe?. , i ,r _ 4 ' Col, I'XIIIIR Brehm; of the Seventh Texas cavalry; died at Eingston,.Loulaiszu oa the 27611-,tiltimo, from !the effects of a wound re .Calee [I at the batilenfhlanstield,Aprite,lBsi. This fiX the former mtmthtt of:C. ol 4ms in= CalifOrila who nostle.antell notorious in the winter 1857 Ihr...killipeoncl of thereon's. • at Willard's Eptel,:in Yfaehlegtoo. , At the owbutilt of the rebellion:ho emit kin fortunes ;lathe rebels 'sod kined a Texas regiment, „a - the tuntand of;whleh he riceired *wound sitlirsn field,:which, finally. proixed mortal. . 4 - ~,A. e respondont of. the.Bringteld, , ,Bcpo, qieon,l o ritinittOns Clilaigo, Sys: . This eV le the gblyloysl4 3. lo !to Ibsen between this Unit'' Wale Central Committee. ?Ilioefebre th•enks Mite eigted Oametteawllt _t• bled at al lcasaitts. * . as. fillip city anal*. 411 0 ,111 . os Irlondth 840.. 1 1 1, difilr Vella." se. ii.guivestod ihaf marsinaba b. PLIWItill ittendeneNes boln zest bipeds:te etll be brought been the seedieg. =ION A. W. Ihencalera Was Touter, 15°20a =ION CUlERON,Presideat, PUBLIC wrOXICER. ELDER JEL/10 lIRRETr, of Detroit, _ -Inebtain. pint, Exonstos HALL. Alle-gbeny I:nwtOlitial DAT, (Amgen tb,) lag and clinnzW-10% aaa 73‘ p. m. .27:11 jr&C. Linhere of the Order in the several Welds of Gds Oily Ora requested to inet it NMI= He 3 , au ummel, Azto..t SAO, at 8 ceettek i5t12314 By order G. lc P. OHIO VALLEY OIL co.—Thero Itil be la 19.0111111 of the eubccelbersto the clove "Etcck, ev BLit:WAY. 27th bet,. et the ROOM' of the Ecluet et Trildtp,ltrorth street, to elect calm= PAtebuti t h, 27th, W{.. stabil ANNEAL MEGENE OF THE W I t I a t i E )OBHOLDP.B3 of the Plltsbarth !Slang Cfo indlnhlratartill to hold at the dam of W. P. ,Toneklin Waster itnet, Pittsburgh. on TEMPS. DAT, lleytrmber let, between the horn of 10 and I o'cltek, for the ;wpm of eldoJag Pandora of add comyary,' sad the transaction of any odor badmen "loch day dint twfore th.m. rdenugh, Aar. 26th, 1864. iTHIRD WARD, ALLEGHENY.... The enrolled men and others a Ude warders Bloch rort e , s r! t?re%rtZl: to Dr, E , endorky Ones, and thns cr.b'e the Z.teentles Corm , tie* to retreat sonsateen to mite quote of the word. he =ovate of ape entenalption be re tnad,d Bobcat Bonds as aoaa N prepared. au9 - A HOMO'S, Pres'L [O , OLOBE MIITIIAL LIFE INERT LANCE. COIDIiAWT, Sal, Tong. PLOW* 71:1IIIIAN, Purtnere: In urea Non-Tartitin,,Ooiinos Lro and Bladoir• tutit tolieica t Also, poll fuon Cher popdar otLer kiwi of Polk, C•1112ZOr qui bsonrlV, T. WOODS, Gettral Ape.. NOWlLearo, 116 rOFFET a STIteRT. su T.IT . [O.EXOEI/110.11 INSTITUTE. • lbo Sil ruld Wined. Banta of ttliLLool. trill =cm Catret MONDAY, September 15th. Schtler.hip may be se,nred by calling at the Boom of theinati nee, corner of Penn and et. °Alf Moots. or by .041rttalog ' 5a9.5:11r tcr.--, -SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY. =MU= BOUNTY BONDS OF THE SUMO WARD, ameishmi Are vt /irony rrriarard to pay over the amnato of MIL. subscriptions to D. raorzsgott, Ist., at bla ollos ha City Ittill. She tn.! sill he put 111 SS LI: a, the mosey L 3 reeelvrtL Hy order of BOUNTY CONXITTIIL ?I HE DRAFT—THE THIRD WARD sr '-r Plitaborgb. wglpajt A CIAIDT BOUT TO ALL vouraveres inart.red Into the Mattel States terrine and mental awn the quote of ins Ward. • l'beas deetrtog to vxdunteer *ID roll at Sand QUINT EMBER, oppoethrthe Coon Howe, where the Await- Ing._l3ollllillic Will be found at all reeepasble hottra. VOW:deer and met. theOltdrihsoln, JOSE'S A. STS/LIIS, Bectstlttad Clontatlttee. PITT TOWNSHIP AROUSED ON THII DRAFT —The althea, of Pitt Togusafp bold a erre entbuttaatto meeting hat Witt, at the Oelland Wm.! Hoara, and appeared to be f 111 •1112.1• ea and determined - to MI their quota It paartbie & rahmuiptton list er ts opened, arid g1r.003 gobtortbed at ono and the &Moat Baud r gam el to tom Banda to flu amount cf $39,000, all of which, from tta fate - mat of the day, mad be cobamibed be galistypay Th. aammat onbaerlbs] by each hub.' tact le only • IMO to then brumes[ to manta It to perpetuate • CI instals oar instigations. Bloat Clommittem ar• appoint.] to aH oa the ell sena and that. dodrorta to exordia [ha ma ter eau call at the aloe of X. P JONIS, Na 5$ Giant rtott, at which plea the Oontrattteart can to timed. are G.tt MEETING.—A, meeting of t ot r "'". "4 ALL CONRUZIAB9 OP COAL, WM Da held .t the ROLED OP TRADE 8002113, on • MONDAY, AUGUST 29TH 1864, At 5 eelook p. at. Iho porpote of the =coil ,g• will to to lake proper towweral to rottat them. 0 - 6ltnts loons • dewsnowl to the psi. wir coal he tale It m mot or of that itoportewo, tot. hoped oh re mil be • toripi lad ptamttai. etterttleaco. t • Mat, MU WE CO.. k U0 4 JA 1[ au., LI Pin i BLACK, WC. aItOOLL kOB Awl othrs LWIYIu4. Tko titiriu at Lairreur.crlEJ, TM meet Even Evening until Further Notice, AT ROBINSON'd HALL, To tete tb• noontrery =sea, :re Offing the genie with et hatters. let all +Le an In Ise, cf pp /oltllng CUT mercenent. reinfereleg ace alble armies, an! rountl - blog the rebellion attmd, sod re. thtle settee es-reerstlon. erZenf GRASIVIET 1104TWU E E.neteel• Tait F IRST CO •.1 PAN Y FO q. O Ladanimirattollersl to One Tear.' , 11..—.Caqbailt Est. Lavin. reca.n.t.l• \AD I111"1, abd the==ater pardon o 7 w tab bare ntreaS• et. Smd b 7. enlist Cor one if lir. ha now orlon to all elan &l aim. of enlisting for Out parka to by company Donuts of THUM* lIITSDEND DOLL AIL—TWO HUNDBKO AND VII t.tir DOLIAIIS d-NO WIPSY MU, man tr, NASD. nlr. Onores W. beonarl, lornterty atm Inenewr o: Oeparunant.l. let Ltantroant of Ude company. ala teat be lowan dab, at WILKINS H kLty from whim • linecresszy hafannatina may be obtatnei. O. U. HAL L. Opt. Omega°. A. One Year.' n. ward will b• laid THIS (Fatorday) EVENING, at the 6011 COL BOUEZ at 7% o'clott. .11 toll att.od sate la dialrablo. Ivory entoVed man is •:prated to teas go , pared m .bacrite totbs bonds cr make a orb donation to Ms lota y ins& fight cl to. thousand dollar., In nab anbaor pti ...ill: to looked, or !outdo may be, entroodescd to Out i 1601113. Heady 1.9.000 la omit sere &using lad sight. The gnat. !snow away tbaa bolt dial, and it The otr.llod do their part Ito ward wlll be "out . ' by Ttmeday or Wodooaday nest ey A. /I NA /11, Beerftary. [WITITSBURGH THEATRE L. and Manager...._ .—...Wal. HNIIDEB9O7I, Beccid Om* of 14 OulDlas Venni Ducat a 411141 711 C OLD auraE ON 213 N 14100 E. whirls 1.1.1 b pr daoed 144441 coen.le edDcta od caraplata ocstaiza. THLI (44rday,) EVENING. 14100 Win tad' the Nr!aull prima astIDO 7Di OLD DMZ 017'7811 BBIDOIL Tilt OLD BOMA OD 711/0 DitiDOL Iheeettre Company .01 appear 4 Us prodictlaa of 124 Ocoll 4g (1.02•• WO. gringo? _2o concletd• .tt6 tW ro molt% drama .atillsd PETCHIVID qtr dui rigitTIBEMICIrra. CCirPER— 230 bozo o'o oo Rio in store and :ot t al,r, 2 .e6la t arrant. - No.. 1, u u 1%.r. cu °Haan, I , •nr- an.. NI vs, U, LIIT E • 7 , t/ 1:11A, aoLE No-. 112 and 111 R.cond •irrrt. MEW ORLEANS rzigas Bow Crop fat MOLA.SSE-225 lABT it° Ira k : VII 4 7 0 LS, M==ff=l QUILTII u . rit —A Veteran belonging, to lb. gad P. V. with.. to to • 801MITWog. Pon loan ,rxesa. evvisai bc ,l o. V i. 1 1.3 1111 moIIST2P HL SYRUP-4.001b1e asnortod brOids. eraiku notiez allollll3-1/3 Dbla, 111(4-49."P*- I an 6rA ,f Sp pf • NU , liana thisgoatt , CALL-LuD ei:u Nthir #remlum Butter Churn. cejb I. tail. ibtire `tulo a u 4 couary WOW for .all. /No Morn sold Lars - P. Al sT:ouiatu noTst,. 8-0 trINWARD-y--s • - • / lOW LOST-41 POOKIIT /11001., - . toStsisiPSOnss 3oo ttladproLorllttrltrer Scam alitittadtsfoe. In, drama by 'moths Wautara, sat PrOtabla Q. •w. ti l L s zkpbeat ,ThellatcrwlLl ea. mitt rba abort rend by I n Om tams at HAUS it 101/DLL'S Groom; D ; Allot bra or at - I rr • ' 0ft264 00UKT. ' OF. 011111510/1.21A45. -07 ALwaerr. oorNrr. mi. lin mid. ef 'star ost-ntfla l.ltmtb, do MOW t as 0108011 atiftlini has eshiStlid owl SUS Howl I waist mi Asitess,st gear, °gab. WO sit: tied sestnt Wilt be 7 Ilbi Court "iibs aILEIR.pa P- Pr—plt P rX/ClPp s I. ak War teroWilmetitimi Imrrfi • ----- - JAWS WAVATOti. tr9410401/117.110g 1 1H a 13 TANZV4 % ' :; .; ;; i;';;;;1:f:,...:i ' ....:t 1 . ' 1.1 ~ C.: , , IL:PA V"' ... '' , ..r.. ‘ 4 --..0:i 1.4 - i . : , r ! •';: - S . itil Ari - ...: 1tigR411441410 - oiL ', :"..j .It itetOrteNlVitiriallitaleMlikte irk , st.-1 tie JerTrere-iilmt; Tod to kinetiei.iirlD.; MUD ~A kisol;:rfelAritib' sw...'Panalird.l *nets i•itilvirad , Wines at teipottisee.ftl t UN ilp4 toy et_ - 4 , '":'IIDASEII, The triedist. "--•-' " ------"....--',%',-:-,---,---- :', - ig":•: - 1 .. - . -"A.1 1 :..=. 4, , , - ='., !,::,,..,-: :; +_r Y~ti SPECIAL XOTIORA 10. Ns haft Wood tai to ti ideal: ad al apyr thing. , Tun Of inerlotto, itso oornixed. lab Veleadlog Chrooghool sII emtlecalitio of tbobai ttiblo globe, tan nomad tbsorla taco toots sad east. II&•WM from valott - vs - orkl - mos err: Ws she tirpetetd at nab hots as Me bilooring-o,lthwo th. =rztta tholi sr& Ws tooT Os Nanny jag SAM fool a Ilbart7 to Wans their rt.- =MU ' .Naw-lisierszn. Nam, Nov. tt. ?Deer Mr; I bare tess salami many years with sa. Tait. prastrattog onsorps ar 11=64 rata fast and bands, end a ..rsl disc:tetrad trItIML Physkboas sad medicines failed to !slim um While witting ems frknds In New York who were ming Plantation Bittims thouprenilled open me to try than- I esinizonneed with • small wlawgbissibl after dinner. Feeling better by degrees, In a few days I was astonished to find the cold ness and cramps had =Urals let me , 6.41 I mold elm, tho night through, I lass not 6n. for years. I feel like another . Ply eypetits trot strength have also greatly Wore by nap of tea P/antatina 4r.• Sup strong. lIIDM/ 11A1P3Fh.. ntliClMßußT,Sept. 16, 1863. • • • • I hats teen 11. the Gnu harittal foe noun tam Inontloolgeon and nearly dad. At Alton, 111. tnny gar* =a bottle of Plantation Bitters, • • • Throe bottles initonti nty spew-hand oval ma. • • . C. A. PLUMS: The bllowtog ashram the Elootwer of the Onion Ems &boa fox the.ftiolosto of Voltutteers: "Stun Macros. SUL Street, hew York, lingso R, 1242. Dr. Dreier roar wanderfal Plantation Bitten have hoax given to some of ems Utile children entering from I=and mak lane with more hem effect. 091 1 to particular, with pates In bar head, kw of appetite, and daily Inman oneraindtion. an Vent al =aka) skill had bean extimied. has barn entirely roe etoral. We commenced with het • tvoydontni of Bit. tare • day. Efer ayyetlte and ,tree enyittly Warned. ad, and [he is now All. Itexpectintly, *to. 0. K. D 5901.1." • • • •t owe count, to you. for I •ally balm tha Plantation 13Itteni hale .area My att. Boy. W. IL WACHS/ONYX, PLairld, H. IL • • • • Thou uilLlt gond ms t o bottlas coo= = PlE:tattoo Was. Ey nib has bona (matt, by their use. Thy Mod. Uttrallll, Phfladalyhts, PL." t. • • • r baro.baro • gnat snorer frla Dropzp ea, Od tdul atarolon reaming. • • Ths Punta Us= Citron harocured Itachatcr, S. T.• • • lam atm Vao Plantstina Dtttm.tahcn. deeds of ctx dlnbl madLtrs with tha ram; utordshics elket. Q. W D. ADDRIIWS, Scpeaintandeat Sol ame Mom, olnclnoatt, 0." Err. W. •. 68AT • • • Th• Plantation Bitten, bare rued m• of Liva Complaint, of which I was bald op p:oatzat•, and had to abandon my bonlorst. H. 13. KINGSLEY, Olsnalas4 Ohio." ..• • • Its Plantation Better• hams nand tan of a derangement of the ICloaeye and Ortnary Organs than tube dirtnend ate tar yearn It seta like • dung C. O.IIOOM, tio. Braadiray." aa, its Ploatattam Blttml mak. the auk stalls. ha gold tor ttlfaut, and aka ctholottod nattutsa mos. tat. Thai eta oomposod of them lobrattol ya Bork, Wiattagroook, domaffss, Doom, Berta, Lo., all presmaol In porfootly pate St. Oat: Bon. Perim or sedentary habits. troubled with wantons; lanshouls, palpitation of the tart, Lai of smith°, din L.= 0 , 1. tortid tonstipation. =we to waltz U than to.. do- M.] wit not try They orb recommended by the highest soodicat an. Morttis, =a are warranted to prods= en tamerdiew fe i l ly puns an tett. harnitzt Tin ars szcsodlogly ignr=ble, par ozonte-dny parson penteruling to mil Plantation Bitters in bulk or by to. piton la a swindler and ppo..~Sera of 4s ß.wata o tat trp . c 2 a onf iz r ats. g cabin bottles. dui& to which several prisons l Vito ed already In pita. Bea that ezety bottlo has our Milted Steles Kam mei Ohs out reellored. and oar signature on tail plats aids lab•L Bold by rtaipartable dealers Chzonsisonn the habitable globs. P. U. DRAKE • (k)... tableittonsturult DH lirondway. N. T. [..D BA B B'S PLABTATIos BIT TIMS, I.lk, panto. Wird. for lab by SIMON JOHNSTON, Omer of llooltialal4 ors 4 Foortb Moan totkranood-m. S. W. 2011lAWS,(lats Nazism fn Lippincott 0.3.) . to. toinsamiAiate of Gym Hubbard at Co.) E[rPrITBBITROR SAW WORKS HUSBANDS & LONG, lianotactarars of PATS/PP GROUND CaIiiOIITALIIB warranted GAWP BTLLL HAWK, of wary dalcuiption. ELUL Malay, Crow Orin, Ganz and another radon/ma LU kind. of 61 , 11V1S A SPRINGS, made from Short Cod Steal; Extra Delined MIAMI ADD mownsa, a.. Wareham. and Warts, car. WATIZE • SHOAT En., PittaburgA. Particular attaution given ltaincotbing, Gumming and Straghtaning Otraciaz Ham also repairs of all kind. Pandang and Drilling dano d rserionabl• rats. WAG/ BAISIVIECLL CO.,j .6011.101 1211111111 4121 Dr• ;MET MON `Walla. na, Povn BL, Bta 10, Itk K sad 28. antog =mil . Lane yard .ad foltdehettlt atth the mail tor prayed machinery, ire an prepand to mornalhotare rem deeariptlsei of LOILEDS, to the beat onion, den ..r=anted eqr.ml to any toads to tho ooisotry. 011111. &tn. 11111011 M, WWI 118D8, 8T1•21 LOCOMOTIM 13011.11t8, 001SIMS81018, BALT PABB, MBES, OIL /TILLS, AGITATOBS, 81T TLINO CAM. 11061.1116 MOH 11/11002.2, 811022 PM:18, eom sots imammecturom m 11111111/111,1/1 P 621.1512 110172218. Bavaria" dome am the ahorteet motto, selittt 1101.1LN8011, REA 6 CO., (gnome rent. t ...9ostssa, Eros A lirszass,) WALSOIRC4 TON WORKS, Itonissas A Escatsurrs. Rittsixtrik, IlLuantamarvas os BOAT AND ISTATIONNLI MN UMBEL MANS !SOME. MILL N - mum:7, arastwo, swam , QINTINGS, al all domelpsloaa I OIL TANKS • BTILLS DOMES ANN DION WOllB. Agents tot OTlYAlltell PATIINT 11M07011 YOU TLYDING MILEIR. r.PL AK 13 SUPERIOR OOPPER KILL A SMELTING WOBNA Preruviss. PARK. Meet:JODY di CO.. Slum!sauna of BONATIHNO. DIIIMILLIS AIIO BOLT COPPEIL PIII3TED OOPPLN DOTTONIS. !WAND BTILL TIOTTOND. APALTHB SOLDER. Alm, Importers onAioaloss Iv BIZZAIA TIN PLATT, BUM LROF, WTIIII, Az. Omuta&ly oa Asa. TIN NCR& ISAOIIIIII2 , AND TOOL& Waesbinoo, 19..140 11:115T1141120011D 8271.13T11. Plitanargh, Ppetfai ardor. of Ooppar oat to say dosizodd patigtni. myttly66lll /Am CONFESSIONS AND EX. PNIIIENCNI or AN INVALID. pulAbhal for beadllnual •• • wmalsi sad at fo imam me elo rale tram Nerve. De/DM Proaatts• Dieu of Plazl,4os,etn., eapplslngod lb. wpm thaa do mom grojf lam an• •Who Ass =tad DtErall after betas pat N>PAAI sayame.od WM throw. monad but. bag end Armen. By and:mints a posiiyad adreos4 ea dope, daps goyim Boy PI had al Om watt. BIAIBABIIL 111AIVALII, stirdtasir/ • Bedlbrd, Man *may, IL It. [rp. VOUS SUFFERERS OF monk autB,-4. monad itaatileaaa asvlao Wu mined to health to IL tow don altar aatlosateay on tail eta& males aael.tretepalas entroolva mods ta totottosa.t. Wltaolst sosomos.oatulleolv LL bar satoodall/ to aomasealesto to OW olllkord team matzos OD UMW 01..021.4 Moos, on the modal et as odarssa.s saveloy., Ile win scud, fr.., a am ol tee artstelPliil . fared to Th. .111E17 vir 1,11114k1e. 151 t-v, 1!1 1.1 BLUE STEELOB.V."B Bowsaws. so Usitar, War Mal & 00., mansfsstorers o CANT IffSL, BriaBo, PLOW 1.110 Mann BTXICI.; SYWIEIOO, ASEL6B, CE0W0.4.118. 10. Works, SLIM W A tt.D. Allistssor CUP. . P. 0. Add.... RITraDUJUIR. Pl 4. JpHa COCHILLN & BRO., Man *toren of 1T.074 nAii.l6o,•mon V 4071121. VIEW DOOll2, WINDOW 811171111 BS, POW 0 AgPS. 14:g . O. 4 0 0 2 M. 41 4 1 kpintto w ittr,P ll 4ll 4 ` et 40f, P _OlO jt ottontjon veld W .4adualai Onto Lopk, • AV • Acoo,sl diartantkii. • . ~ lIMABigt or Tall NERVOIIBi. AM ta IM, übiltl i n!' azxau, ex& TE • sa c‘tfikiti, troliamis4i, pjnyof lb. Aimodatt9l4- amiCbi niat t?' * 44 4414 t 80 • 1, 9 4 , tre..ol thami. 'Lamm D. J. 11811444 :novotry. Egmont examtatica, VO. II 11=0 al* mot, datistpbta;Par..l , • •• ablW,ll • B: 80Lffi8B 4i0313.k DRUMLIN sr swam, Dolman°. Dna or Da Gums proyma; ow tomoom;-Dkes ri. ; # 1 ; X.ItVi*IL or4#, a;...4a:Vitsir ca.arswodowiri . maths valuta Mats: : 4 . COLLEW FOO , OlOO 0 laWoolllootitial siii Vir . loo "colanagAnzoly 040, wings; 'ni l g,wooD at ti` OYEMOt - fi.h;4l22l'rettlvittl;',At oderettrifOoti utfir proararr wile Jon kt.7 I pror;tbretvias44wpippisilft =II S. T.-1800-.X. tuorrza a co., '...• , ::::;?:;;...,.7;',:- .- 1 ,-- ;:.:, , ,:; , ,r . ,.. - :.;.::::-,:!:::.••• , ;,=;;•;7:, - -' 1, .;i. , .... , .:',.' , ±:...AT ,- ,.'...i-:.:.7 , . ... -_..... , .. __ .. XXlr ADPARTIU3B.II2,II7& NEATSVO(Yr 011.-4 Mts. in stare and fat elV•try NAM DiCatiVlloo. NOTIO R-A PROMISSORY NOTE, drawn by' Iration Dina yikyalne b Zraik. Brawn. dam Lund tidy will be pied as prawatatlan at a la se27 2s7 as Mem atnnt,t7 It H. TUG?* CO. Iffilai BE ADDED TO THE BMX OF t 3100138, on TDESDKrZYCHLI9IO, Anvil We, .1,8 ceelonk o nt Cammonnat Mak* Enos; No. Si /fifth suet 1.5 aunts PlC . tiburgh Insurance Co Mock. sal ittelLWA.l.B3,. LneV. JUST RECIIIVED. A lama end of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Cotoprialon all the latest styles of Gentlenterel. La dle.'. Bop?, Alla& and Children'. Boots. Shoes and Gaiters. Which erill be Eld ray cheap. J. H. BORLAND, 98 Messer rir., a,.1. 7 Second door from rifth etrest. FOR BALE—FARMS.—A good Fa!m of DS aorta Ibr do, with dwelllag Doan, barn, or, card, dc..; Mama la <alUratloa, remainder la good timber, well watered, alt.te on the P.sakatowa road, ltrairs hem Las Mere,. MMiM= El CCIIICItIIT a SONS, 51 Itarket street PIANOS I PIANOS I FORTY AN OS, pi k flu...tort of mnrvis of of all style. and perm, from the lowa t to the Wehrle, lon z oc,lrod and formic! at Emtera FoMori prlw, bl H. ELZBE/1 d BIM., 122 Wood Ana. I' 4 114jMITABLE STEINWAY PIANOS. A iT te , 7 l. w. a rgnerl4Ptar or that colobrotel rake tocoT. lILIB6II Sole Agoura for the !Rehr:rap ea27:11 Ho. 122 Wood Amin- Tth POPULAR CALENBERG PIANOS, A choice new stook of OA Littlll ITV 19d York, col brstrd Plow o, just to:aired and for sal* by B. TELMER BRO.. 8010 ofonta for tbo abate , twromont, satrat 121 Wood stroot. CAREaB HA BM uNIUAIB. rir Th. f LOEB? add co Al popular instruments o" th kind. Per aro la diarchoa r ech.ls, ledges, or for p.lO ProPopos, they aro altogether undrsUod. Oor wind pal . thatcher and private Deallias aw • CARHART'S HARMONIUMS. la preference to ell otter • Pas .took jest received. fee egrets for Garbart'. IlelederoSlMMS A BRO., s, ant7:lt 128 Wool rt., alga of the Ogden Hare. pROFEBBOR WILLIAM e" ULAKSIOAL AND COUMXIIOIII, 0011001, No. tit. Oils street, • I I moven on tIONii&T, the L9tb of Autput. Terms 1111 perm ire's r3.or quarter of 11 weeks to ad vance. Holum of Tuition from BL. m. 01111 p. as. Trumsotrua.-Iffitract trout • letter of Protestor Fldd to tffr ••Write out whatever you would like token ma eay of year atilltr al • reader, sod your quallticvtiona es • ember of Beading sal loaatios. los l ell] endorse it with pleavure Do out permit your maimed, to prevent you from making the reo lua mead. Dem la every nwpact MR what you would Wu so hare It; for I am ecru!, It will not utreed the rosy lave able opinion 1 eat ...rude of your to eriaollfy sad to teeth the no us readlog.d neeklug With a., distinct. me..kyaao • Mere sod imyrwalve effect. st3xwarffly BLANK BOORS, Memorandum 3. Alb u nis, Stationery. Envelopes. &o. nizaa, 'WHOM & CO., Apths z INES FOR BEPTEMBER AT HUNT'S ATLANTIC MONTHLY. GOT IT'S LADI3 BOOK. fAHSTINVTAL MONTHLY. LAME* . YEIIND. LIEOTIO MONTHLY. PEI EBBON'S MAGAZINt. ALTBilh'S MAO &MINI. UALLOU•e MAGAZIN& LM.BOx TUN. LBO LILA CHIA? PI &O MINX LT - L OAZLTTL OF FASHION. LADIC , MI.POSITOMY. BNICITEHBOOMAB MAQAZOTI. MADAM DAMOSFAT.S 0 MATTA OP FASHION, Lo . GI &al tatr Idwat'as aid Pal'''. VI loin All pat, 11.1 Ind. ere.lvei at tent rstee. et JOLLA r. /11131/Ta Wheesati and Betel Doot, Eltael.ntry, Zdnnzlnis and Narepapoir &moorlnia, 89 IFITTH STRIET. MASONIO.HALL. T ABL E LINEN, Damask Napkins, Huck Toweling, Linen Diner, Cotton Diaper, Jan nasty.] and for We by WHITR ORR a 00., n.. 0 rirll,'ATYLii nVit S&L& A ham of 118 sores, in es. (Sur township. Westutweland amity, Pa. A ho, tie beet Joe/ Wurke on the Iloaongabeia river, chem. d 1. Pwl bo. I, onstabsing swo hmdred .al torty .ore.. 'la. aye-, sabred* Gem In Derry township Wed. tooolaug Awnty, P. coat/Mien/ shun , VG •onw,m/1 in,peurod, • iu • high N. or calibrail... A b . . troll tr •ana o! et, ~t so area . twining the noveggn Of glisebob, Allegirmy *Lamy, P• ho, or 114 401142 on to• Monongahela (Ur,. In.ll.llsabelk to ershblp,• Irma& &damn Irani the torough of lieseeeport. 4 bru, a very vocable IP CBS la 02 Otair township, Woetineelth dcounty, containing IS) acm. nbql2 BUILDING L .T 3 in the baronet of W. 121gabetg, 00 by 120 feet. lea paytirnlare inquire at Be. 100 Touts .twat saga 0. D. TOWIIIL Vaal Detat• Arent. TO CAPUALISTS AND OTHERS. The o•flon• of a nano aad non valuablf Patent for MI In Fiartil sot Steam 8 Urn, ba'ut or al./..012 aeunont of other badmen, 0, stand to It,' fast erd Waal. for nic In who aor in inn TARNIM rollilldttiff, Ascot for wrung, tu2B fl lOT "Pan stray, Phdadolphla., MILITASY COLLNE, I=l •• r rr rt 4.1.• ntt 1, • .1, F 4 .1, t. d .K.rlor n r•lg t rtHit• I. r.I n •n, r. t .tt n•I e. •.• t 61, •••• ... , dr.ar MOT. ft L. Al. A • , Hr. .1..1 u.ru 1 • Cr 1 7 0 LEN —Front the pnetureleld of the rL).oe.ynoer,ln Penn tv.utbtp. TWO BAY It &Bei, onunt ertich has • I.gs scar De a. 4B ;ay, en • o her slit oh us Mar to her fool. A.y ,ete r l Aat Inturol• •Ice o 1 WO on , rosaonts. or Ito dee:once of sat lalrvne. ertll rocoloe • Liberal rewsid. 5t.20.13 ISAIIOIIL DD rr. VOR; BALE—aßoarar Cburi_ty Farm, aka. , sod In Darlington tranship, IM wiles from du asihusse; mist dn. 17, annonni 103 man. °hued, tindsriala with soa4 - • • tganst-Illoalling Roue, •131*.bla in di ...raw notonDslings., 4 s /niggard of WO . Lnei, 'of bni Alsalon: &Pols. to • - • . .. alio • P. IDosonlal & DO., IN Tee th littlish ~„„...., semi wuotrsitin WLrirn 1111311.123 t • 'loft ucry . ce lwd IrFsalto . 1108011SAKIM &LAN% VD. :Pi lottrisy ...to'Pfttaburrail. LNO girod Psrm, onittitulfig E. it mraii-ns'itowl;:ti4mbe wreiditasitur! r) , g oo etad tem, ti.tatiihato. ;OeethirttolACP Pull T r..... wre, ibaticlaimaY /MAC tillage new the ralltaal, =Who 1 /trllastosaleavve «mob hors. • auv 1 1 411141,.! 139 , ..114 zmiek.,ol4, 01L4 - • enrai.'aniTam wzatiair oiL Tor t , • J-7./lABBIULLI 4 , 11111 Marty stmt., • LNO • Elelig--00IINTR R2SIDENV 1 31 B B ort fittentwiroisr Dram.: otos Irtol • tztc4 Ital.. Muhl( ani 3umulo ; y i acne of wind; choke halt Cron, grilimi strablop7,ll3 - , VIM poilentairoll orOo lobs/ amt. Sant . &Mutt OPAL SO/4SL tiobt '644, , LICE SALIZ-4-IBrok eMe. 10 43lar Ml%iv Rum Maass, mob Captiating tow new sal belly... lot W. by-. - - • — 8.,0011/11Iny 11V4.61 Market ste 'BROOMI3.-40 2 dozen -Baste= 441 4 41 "4= , sttivrti.tra artim-nik tha:ftsu ot Hutt. id s invaqiera«costoni kt ies t=rnattiatiltorsor_i A .t 4.1. 4 ,1.• - ' ES= XE W .gll rEnrirs p.m Exit's. DAY! DEPLD Pwerat, TAIDI MED Ansa A.•=h1361.1 p L EALED PROPOSALS, for each class ooDolatd7, sadornd orrogmaks Sir Qui Mx Outs Navy Yard at (tunas the yard,) • veil lee reached al this office anti the 19th &panther at, at 1 o'clock p. at , which hoar ths opining of the bite Ell becrtumeaccd. far forsdahing and dallseeng II the severalties, yards named. it* reeteclohl and,. or . Vries stebractxl in printed echedstles, watch, with RD lastroottons, trazdthed applisation, sad soot by ntal4, lfs nalneet•d, to parsona dtening to otter to cat t rest for say 0,410 the eta OMR! therein. by the ratictead.ta of th. enema navy yards, tor the deem far the yea nodal. t:eir ezainurai, or by the 0107 meat ntareet tharet,, or by tae Bataan for any or dl.c! the Jere. To aroma. confoolon and mistakes In ~aunt; the of fers. co bids alb De rocadral which contaltra Ohne. f more than one yore to fee envelop; nor any b:d which Ls pot perfect and complete le Itself naoorditta to tte torte era, and rmna tea, rad cm* !nitrides! of a Min meet glen IL. bid and eottram I:bide= are hereby eantiolned nod partici:they notf fled that their alert tortll be In the forth havina preen , ire d, and be otellei in tithe to reset their Coati natl. Wore the hobo rapt.. mom: Do bid sill to consider - ad which the t o pet tad statcd, and no ellowsnee will be nets or W ares of ate malt. All offcs must be aeconapnalad by et certlfh a copy of the bidoere Unser, To goad .gels at oters being opened Goan the time eppoinud, bidden ere nqneated to entd.ne or the on ee ales. the address, and draw a tin. Oder the ector.stannt, thnti: " PloposenLa Clan Ho (name the clan,) for the ratty lard at (neme the )pray." To the Chief of the Bateau of Yards mud Docks, Waantopon, D. 0. /astractions and corms of offer, with deletes of the Istes button on the sateen; wIL to fotnithed by cono• mondani. of yards, navy agents, ar.d toe Dorua, an plicratioa 0 all rar Calm of nat. POIITSMODITI, H.H. 01.14 No. 1, Minis; elm No. 2, B:ctl'i dor' No. 1, o.k aao hoed no.d; dui 80.0, Wbb• I Ine, myna. No9lnOr at d cypracra; eves No. 7, Lima, bale and Plo• cr, elan So. El, Oemont eau No 0, toravel and • •ni, clefs No 9)(„; laorodlng avd floonad and Ore day; also 00 10, Sims; 01.11 rlO., 11 Loo, lea 12•113 mad Sew No. 12, Ettal; elan No. 11, 21; Iron; elan No 14, fn.: clan No. 10, Pointe, oils sod an. clan No. alolponantlerr don No 17, Hardware; olan No. 10, 'nfavenerp, elan No. 10. Pltawood; ea.. No. 10, Hay 'and CLAW', clan So 21, Provender, elan No 13.2. dug lio. V, Belting, packing and boa; elan No. 04, 81cros and lobrocaeing oil.; el ••• No 21, Iron cast clue No. 24, Arm.; elan No. 27, Ant ora.dt• mai; vival No PO, 11/lainloons encoberlaad coal ; clan No. al, Copp, and cooopoidtlon nails; elan No 02 :la d, any end noon; elan A. Cacncat paint. BOSTON. • No. 1, Thicksi class No. 2, Stung class So. 6, Oak sod hard wood ; deaf Nc. 0, Wolk. pins, :limos, lohipT, nod cypros.; clam No. N 7, Lime, halo elotplas• h. o. • • c No. 8, C....m , sit; tissit o. 2, OrssolNNl csial; OIL, No 9%. tiotoding sad Ere soni sod dro eta,l cures No. It , /RD, iron Op/kos and soils; shun No. 12, hod; o's be. 13, Pig irtn. oleos NI 14. Plot class Sr 10, Paints, n a, 11.45, class No. 18. Ehlp Ohmllrry: eta.. No 17, kludtrot o; chi." Nu. 18, 81a:tarter,' clans No ID, Ttrencr.d; class No. T 3. Nay and stray-, claws no. It, I',o-ender, clan N 0.42, Ogmcoal. class No. 2 Eci log, pocking and hots; ems No. 24, doorni cod intoirsting tits; clam No. PA, Imo culingr c nos No. /4, dogns4 cows No. 1.7, duthroctle cost; c 1 .444 n 0.24, nituntiotoo Oraubsrland coal; cissi No 1 I, & m aw... na'n Itnoad Top wot, and Plcton citst No. 32. Ho lds. rp ond tools; case e, Ne• Joiner shop; Os° B , 11. B. na.th's pount boring and onortlstag mscht6a. NEW TORE. a„,,, N , 1, Bricks; aeon No. k, Stone, clan no 234, 84712.1 clan, No. 4. Yellow plaa Inn*, elan No 15.0 a, and had wend; ciao No. 0, 2201!* ping 9rue.,Joniper and rapruto; claw No. 7, Limo, hair and Waiter. Nab No. 2, tem:not, clam no. 0, Orson sad rood; arn No. tal.f,, !avoiding and .o , e tua and are day; class No LO, !nab; rinse No. 11, Iron, hen *plan not tank data No. 12,41.11; ohm! 'No. 13, fig Iron; close No 14 nor; eltoll No 11, Nara; INN and gibes; data No. 16, 201,0 etandiery; elan No. 17. Hardware; viva No. 18, BM. I ;magi clam No 2J. I. and /Straw, elov! No. Al, Pro r; *der, claw No. 23, Ohara:4l; dab no. 21, Beitirg, pork , ' goad bon; elan No. 21, rpornt and Inbolea•lok olio; .11J. No. 25, Ir. n work, p'pnig. 50.; Nam No. 20, a agars; class No. 27, Anttu oar. coal; clan No. to, bona Nita ninonr 11road Top coal; don. No 21, Cbppor and bompaatlon .1/s; calm A. /Ire trook. Ea. Clue 17 r. I. Brio.; el., No. 9, Stoner, Mete No, 2C eSor ydse Tarter. Clan N 1. 6, Oak and hat d wood; clean .o o, WM. plop,pr', Juniper and Cypran • deed No 7, lerne, hair and V laor. clam 21,.. 9, uravel end aand; Map No. 11, lota, Iron splk-a ant nadr, clan N 0.12 Steel; claw No 14, I ilm, Nam N. /6, 0110 .41412..., clam No 16. Sky ohm/Nary; Clam Na. IT, Mardaare; Um No. 18 Stationary: dna N . /. 110. Fire wood, alma N 0.22. hey and Mr.: Maw No. 21., Pro. read. ; dam No 22 , Oharooak elms No ilk Belting, paokrrg 6 6 4 6 . 46 7 Mm. No. 2 4 r 6 norot and 1201101.10( o clam Nu. 22, Alfgere, Mane Nu. 27, dathr.it• odd. clam No. 22, Eletni•lNtasairmae, Br.' Top oat Man No 0. , Machinery .2 llole; alas A, Bilge water fedi catork class 0,51/ark arrartara; clam 0, Paell Luttux Biwa Clo.l, , 1 , 11.1nr, c'►m boots, shoes, ne.i cll. N 0.3 Proalmona; clan IT, g atocerloF4a•a No. D, DTI goods clans N'. 6, Brand, No.; class IT.. 7, teoscco; aim Na. 8..0,11 clam No. 9, Paint+, sods, eau, de.; tla.► No. 11, Locator. chug No 12 /Ito- sd; cll. No. 13, Prossodor; class No. 14. MlscllLs tone; ciao N 0.16. Elardasts; elm No. 14,81stIonerr Ola•. No. 1, Near; elan no. 2, Et-56; clan No. 4, 18.41 w ph. 10., b,.; olaa. No. 6, 046 and hood wood; CF. NO. 6. Whin pins, spruoe, mitiper NA annual elan No. 7, Liar,, halt sad pintail cf.. No 6, Comm'; class No 6, o.,xi ..20; d6O No 034, n. 6 1 1 1 ,4 ~ d Yip and dro otsy; clan N b I I linobb, Iron mall. aad spAben; den N.. IN, 86.1; dose No 13, Pig Iron; elm, N., 14, 116 r.; ena Na. 12. Polon. o 4 and alas.; claw No. 16, chip Octanolwy; elan No. 17. Hardwan; elan No. II Otbaloon,a; car No. 19, Illrowied; elan No 20, N.l nod ear 613 dna No 21, Provender, clan No. 53, a!l•conl; clan No. in, 6846118, pactlog sad • van N uperdo and 16Orliwitig alts; claw No. 37, enthe.dl.a ad; elan no. 26, Elias too., Clambor. land real; don 1501, ldwohLoary and wo.. rioafoL 11 .11" - 1.."2:3==: (Tau No. I, 13818 kin class N 0.3, lolls plot timbal claas No 4, Tei.. pt.els.mian No. 0, Oak and card sued; aim Rae, WEN& One, .pots, lunlper snd r7yr lasll3 • T, lase, bar •81 { {latter - , 3,1 , duo N, • •3162...; c C 1... No. 0%, N stilton and dm asod and fire ; 0 an No 10, Ohio: elasa No 11, Iron Wan spites .4 .4. Cluo L, In, Steal, cos No. 13, Piths; claas Las it, 111 0, claw No. la Paints, olla sad 0811 .laas at. to Skip caanteery; clan No. IT, Hardwasett dans No. 'B, Stationary; clus 10. Paterood; oast No. No, Hey and straw, class No. :t, PT. - end r tau ho. 21 thueesk du, No. 0,11.21.1 e;, patkmi and boa; thus. N 0.2.1 ;sperm sal Inbraatlas 011 a clam 15e. ' e opus c os Ho. 07, Antnrsetts coal Cass No. 23, 11..t4/14•4111 t121331.1.1d +al; ot•ss No 31, .43811 Olio ad.r.ons Top coal, lamp: OW No ni, Copp.r and compsstlon 8 , 11 ,• eau No. N., Illarldnery sad took: class 0. tube, glazed. Fr If, PA , I P . t. VP, 11828 :.r.; N. 18 Statiooory; N.. 19,11. I; oho N 0.2 Poi .81 atm., clan No. 111. Pr0n.c0.2.,, clan No .4, Sprro. aod 182818..22 oar ; elms NB. 28, 224 ea• No. 27, A L.tir arito 20•1: 0 .424 .0. VP. 11 , 20 1331.0...124 lAtmoauland cl.a. No. SI, M....comory asd to l. aunt Crn a, owes, Otir_amsaar or boastrresoa a t Wm oreoros. U. 0., odor: 15, .051. pROFOSALs' FOR FLoUR— 8o ed Propowals uo Invltsd UII August kith et LS o'clock err tarnishing the B.lls.laterice Department with TS 0 Tl 3 OttElaND 01,1X.0) Daltltliase or 111d.1 UR. The proposab will to for what I. known at this depot as 11. e. I, !and 3, and Ws will be eatarbsiwel for any quantity law than the whole. Illds mast be to duplicate, and Ihr eanh grade as sep arate abwela of paper. The de firm livery of flie dorm to commenee wtrala 3n a dam Gm opening of the bide, and ln michqsantl• Um, dolly, es the Government may direct. delivered .tither at the Government warehotwa In Gasrgntosm, athe wharves, or at lb. railroad depot, Washington, D. 0. The dellsary of an data warded to be completed within twenty days trove the opettlaa of the hid. Payment will be made in reettflattas of Indebtedrema, or each other fonds se theGorernmant may hare for dis bursement. lore. m Soar ud Gorentatent thapectlon will be made Jest tow the Is receivd, and will will he scra which is aot bah gronad e iand wade (rota when/grou pe re dn is the steltdiy where stanufactured, wale ta of a eery p.pm be quality. Me /ions to be delivered Is nee oak barrel; hail in cat% of alileylance wortacoornpany the bid death bidder, who has aot the oath on Er thir 021oe s and no bid will be entertained limas partite eta hare pn. dlewd) failed to comply with their hid., or hum bid en not pnwat to Depend. Garrertasent men. the right to robot any bid bar m itldo to too addlorod to the tiattotolsood, et No. MD 0 lomat, Wooloingtutt, D. 0.. osteloroodl “Propnato lbr Mar.' L O. 0/111NL oolOtSt Captain and O. 13. T. ELECTBOPATHY. MADAMS LOTEBGAN AND CROWELL Have opened ea atter tra the earlier et 11fth sad it'yUs mrauoe tN PTV= mum, lir UN males Of .4.lalklea.. Tan are recalar 4:radiation aad hare their on exhibition et their Gem They us prepared to treat all disseriChi kadtatllleitium. • Manna redo:m*l4o sad 01VIM tirtalt. ex 4tIE9IZID Lta....Ta thaw win. tram atakr, Talmo° or easdkw.l *dyke, bay. bseoew• •attallef 4at eayrn Is what they nqnl.• to ba.aa tiaa.thi sea alorma, • a w ell e.y y o oar m.ttipitllarbr 130114 st ou• GM • t , t, s^. ..propotol to sec tnt oVolatt s ortelt W. 84,1 tao Jones end Scrattalotts I= I . 31 .1 JT kit UliNEtta.l:3 P awl' DIV /OWN, Waesoraunt, D 0., aa.ratt IA a, DM. Will be eold Pabbe *net wa, the blzbeet better, N Olt eboro.D 0., ea ISloh.T. /mut 80th, I&4 ONX /11319DSOID TO OAT. 11 OlDi‘i AHD /OTT COVALIII.4t , BODS. Shots Imes isve bats a tuletaaett at %MO ft -ilia cavalry 11•1410.1 e$ th. army. I cm. rood WO Oman imp*. away rod btrgilts, itoy to too Banal sold defy. Toinscash, lb Collet instal ernmolble - • By anis: al the Quallastaator Gorttrat. JAMIUI t. MEM, santr Solptotttt ci•rr ?pot Dltittto Q. At D. •191.0 710,•14,10IIRTIrliTaITTA • • • • Pirotost. 3.l6haPir 121E6a; ' am. • • ./.I:Aza , ,I)::A ;1111:.s . _ * _ ir;NNt - NEw =NO air ABDO i 1,,118; **Lib . . 1 04••• .DA lA'OLi IS S 01:6 - I t'• • ••• tair: l 4 • • • • •••• „ W.ed 01114. BB THAN WrNß—By.utinettie emPti*tnilllTN-QVUIVI4 tact pOnarrioruciteimprieglase nitas+4 rivensmsapdsseia Vows is aim* bmile ica lore sow a! . agippshs: Ira gbh *Mika -• PS aorpot estnital iiitlroWlll Walk QUM -PISA 1 :111 444: „. 0.0TRi CRS4cn 11314" Sca . 400. ' ry 0 'AP tr 2 tktrz ikATTat4TAxtoi ,l • -4: lari.. , I WANTED—S7OOz-ONE YEAR—Seven BandMl Wham, ts Onedeski. yin 11* hr • taIthrIIIMII, ET hall Mi. licztre ihs _Bunn massy/ 07/112L WANTED—A situation as BOOK-E3DPBB OB iALLSIUW, Di mu Ulm Is not addled so Ms droll. _Address BOX NB, A Ilibemy Qiq- UTANTRD—A Fay between the ages of 14 and 16. Oao veto con *zoo rocostmeackot by 114 pinata. Apply teimettlatoty, at lb. ao 6 - 4 -14 PIaSDYTIIIIIAN OAHE= 017111;19. ANTED, AND , rocd WOOD WOLLECES. at 31.9 Liberty rtmet. IMMat W. W. WALIAAO C. WANTED --A large quantity of OLD PAPE% CLD BOOES, meGsztar.s, tap. Wear. new girl a Madsen,. pries for Chem b cub cr goods Ing or vend them , o the Book and Papas Storo, So, 104 Stdecal n vet, Alloctoolf. ca2o T. S. IWANTED—SISO per Monta.—We wen; I • reliable Caelvssoor in over town and eetutly. We Lave Kent. awing MO leer month, which:. will pro.. to any donbtins applincnt. A•lldrews, B BROVTLIta, a 00., wog, I•nme Bad -9 , " ILL WANTRD— CANVAS:3IND AGENTaI., enable of Lev snag from 5:0 b 5100, to sell and put en Barton Le Petted wag House bells. Agent■ ere clewing teem to TM per month. G. T. !MOTION. General Agent. Mrs, No 74; Great stmt. (op etalne.) au 414.1. WANTED—:A. igood Maim= .11T.A.ox. nren ISH ABD II La LIEN low v.! CLUMBIS. Meant ~ no pal! to mod vorkozw. imaro of MUM U. EOM POW OM of Po!ol I alley and Dogmas Wog. TV AN T D.—TWO EEISSTUUTEI3, T 2/0T LLLIII/12 TO LISSIT, to rat= tae menial at rn,nwnlatlno, advaaap of the anxt &Vt. A.M. bo=t7 to pill in 2/121Unti to tn . /Pt/m=2ml bonnO otrared, Afibon VOX SOT, Pittabargb, PL. WA/ 'WANTED, HANDS.--Any umbel' of earful:dm wanted. Mghtit wave will be pad to tompaant Apply to ' WHITS A ALLEANDZII, =MU' Tate* 0, bettremo Tedtral and Elatutoky. WANTED IMMEDIATE Y—Twogood V 'ELAM EILKER3 mid smral PATTSBI.I WARMS, sl the kWh Wiwi fokadil. • MONO wailed 6141711. PACK ![ 'U) ED UCATIO.4IIII. IRVING COLLEGIATE INS OTR., A SELE:T OLABSICIAZ BCH FORotrz,4 L.A.r} .1 Es. Cora. or Etat, Stratt and StoaktoA /mow, (Bomb osmatar,) ALLESIMIST oiry„ FL. , • The Math Fand•kancoal &scion *mar M ele- U. DAT, 8.14. 6th. Deautlfal hcation t I - a and gant!, fir nbted Dooms. Common !be it '.6r blashmatics, Attic= and itodtda Laninai r, and Or. namentalDtancbes.tanint. ationt.oo to Thd. Wrlttng and Or mpoettion. air Darattrazat ran Stunts • • For Mit Llataat tot= apptp to tha salltam. M.ts. R. A. alum . WESTERN UNIVERSITY, " Corner Of BOW AHD DLAZIOND RUM • Pesalti•—Geciide 'Woode. L. L. D., Pniddart and !ro tasor of dental and Mural &fence y Jor. P. Chins, IL ta. Profeeeer of the Greet I wad Laltaratare Ham W. Wiliam, II fa tenor of Low Sylvester Darohlet, B. A., ,Prettriers of Idathsmanor l Grate F. 'Dutra. Ps. Pb. M. La, Preform. of H Karat &derma Dorval* Libby. N. A Prfeclpalof Preparately Deparlineet; Dee. E. R . Wiliam, 2l A., Preempt at a liantin Language and Llieralanin Bev. Wan. M. D., Protean et repaired Training. Anat. *my, Phyla:ciao and Hygiene Alphonse D. Dan" Teacher of the • reach Language; Bardolp.h, Leonhart. Start= of the German Langone, The dna advantage. are Wong to adindeate Dee Preparatory Zaidtob, Musical Oollepdate and Sewall-do claire. /he next Win will apainsease en 81PTZra DID Len. =Ala —SW, • • . caw to:mien onnunms MOHDAT, loran—Per EtMin of ere toontba, ths J.lor Sect 4.0. 430; Is the Radar, $4O. N o extra sharp for Prer-ett, German and Dialang. The P,lncdp44 may h, iomd at that, mans. did, from 9 a to tit, to m.. after the Ell hat. MiUiNgia=ll FEMALE EDUCATION U. A. TWINING'S Werainary Ibr 'Young Ladies WIII r• open the SINS! MONDAY IN 870=11- BCH. on I.9mand atnat, opp••• 1•• the Coal% IFIJam. Aplikstloo way 1 mad. at •he prapri.tur's red Lace. We.t Oatland, Odoogh tha lust OMory •••• 00. • Bock Store, Wood •L•tot. aulttlr •UT EL WAICREI INTS . Select School. The rester Tel Emden KU estatroaceoa VONDAT. limb saber ath. As the tu=bes e. ;axis .J 1 be at:dot ty lid ra j stades:do an tegasattd is wester -tuts sasses as soca as passible, at Ms WAIIIIIIA/113 reds Sauce, ea Mug pea==s, sari the asheei Boom atZS:ir EDGEWORTH MEILINARY FOR TOIING LADIL^J. AT ISZWIOKLIIT. it. Tal &nice .ill open on the =MD NOWDLT 119 BIPTIIESSitEt The trot aleantagte are adardad. and at rees,aetta ratan. rcr Um; tn. land tor•Olz , ca.. @IV. 6. WILLIAMI, ane.bnatal, Regelnltterelie_ P. ucrioir SALES. ... • palrA TE LIBRARY BY CATA -1.05171.—en BATHE!. LILY 1VE141191. Losing th, at 1.i...re1. alll be tsid ut mottos o• snood amtof Commovelat Palm Lwow, 54 !Jib .rasa, the nand,* sainabla private Library of • Uterus gontlo• ma , , &cameo, frochtdang copies of rare asks, .boles old editions, to , latoreadog teth. atoden• and lover of Stalin Lltenation. The &damply coo:python nab most. so Lord hallatbraks'a Wo Its 9 vela Horan'. History of ran, 4 rota Oct tla oar Poste cod War, vela; lirstalgose'a Jig Ran. $ Soho , Voltaire's Works, 94 vas; Ilms-as i=cella ore. Wane, 4 sets •B Essoants. iced 8.911. Larch, ( drat odltloa. 1418,) Moline edition of Drollah Poets, lo vo/r, arida° era es Treatia rolls Burgles Politico, Dlsq Vigil. 3 robs Atbootati Urania 4 vela; Amadeu 01,4.., It ao; d artiste'', Diccasoary, 9 vols. gordorathm• tram the allaainlyyt to the Falai. 3 robs, Japan ray-Moon, vela, Fl nacre Itoglitar of Poronsylranlalr rely, Bar. yrs • Chualc.4 Library, it •..tc, Harpor's lilnataaray ifonally B DI.; Dictionary of the four Loa. avows, bsoa: !E.t . a Comonerotaliaa role IllartaVa law Blcflonan: Bbeilor , OP Lam sr flallorays, 4 v ola Bier, stoma 9 rota, tc rt tools Ore a sea cots of an. aids of Cowen, see Proceedhovr .rd Debates, 16 vets, yerect bad prostyles. Erma lb. begfatolog. A 1.., afo van nyerker barge /Baal Plata Macrae toga airmail: .franted pad an origami Batwing by rndl, and the Books eta be to. salad alllrdai n r a, n day. sonZe A. litoltoW&LElL Lact.r. A UCTION BALE OR CONDEMNED 1401/olla. WAn DrrazrzenT. CAM=AnII7.I . Os.. of Cbletkaartrywainen, Wassumwm, Au.aukt 8, 1864. Wm be sold set Public Auction, to the bleus: Nast at the time and places caned below, eta .1 Bea Ans, Pa , Thursday, Animist 11.12 teal; 'Altoows, Pa., nor/dab •ogust MIL lief: Lel:awns, Pa.. Thorsday flepumbrr Ist, 1664; Plarrlsbury, Pa. Therwelay,sePwintbm 1661 : Two fluadnd atin Cavalry Homes at urn Pia. These Lions has. bens condemned as mat by (ha Within. nice ot the army. you. Had and Parm pupates many exThargalas smay • - be bad. llama sold anti. Roban Cam la Malted nat. =rearm 1.1110211. SEM Lloularant Oalonol and Ct Ist tbasatannuter. saktab UMW/ DUNG& .. THIRD SALE OF THOSE BEAUTIFUL. BIIILDIeO LOIS •IE NAP .1 OGOILIrr c6lOll or hADEIOIIO3 .111ILD. co HO COAT AIMS& Alknt •t 200 k, at t iso lb* matte% Tzano.-ftiotbtod *sat, Wad,* In ont and two devil art* Wawa searr-d by boat and nottrica. .oM:wok to to patd on twandat wawa sold. as pan of Aug par. ottzt. . . . . • Witcann ini trains... lwroinfori, win imams. bath tin - OcianolloUlii sad Piwaillvaiii• Depito at Um was Fon. 07.4 Oeloct 1111,1"ey.00 On) Of •110—returOlOg al O Oroe finis perxwic (Wks or g nits 2 - u.) to iita him t,. i.le :ir.... o , Our... Se tia.ts rot'a'ted. Pl.n. IQ 1, i•ba oi Aar.L.O.o Loos, ~ ;rn ^t,.,. .arG • A. IncIIIVrAISE. dirl`r. ' coNI , I4II'I4INARY, No. 64 balltialnbu brllN.rr —Ana a:runner ILo , fltilt 0, doh-net - 21th, at In oVoek. will be Lila. at Rave's Clenfectsoaas7, No. 13 Stottbdeln etren, th 3 sa tin elect sad limns or yenta nom, taboo, combeleing Mart!. Counting Illnerst Water /Wad and tlannfeetentag Apparatne, Etta* , Oars, flanibedloners! 'Dos, Cierely uN a.t. N.attr, Cala, runup* Haw a 4; 4:4444u40, Jilts, L 34 Mat, Arla Mari, largo It trrenr Oto. itadA. ffeITWAMIL Ani • r. • • OULUStKIa OH, TUIVALLY• Vv 11T19176. Mania Mb, se it o'clock. sill ba 104 (knoloo.clal Bslos Rooms, 54 rdu, sera* . • lA abates Mb:Liable. CM Company. IfoILWAINII. Amer. nalli4ND lidlLWAYAlO.—Ort TUBS DO" 10331NG, Aug. 9,34 es oaLealc, will be •d& •ithamerrld Faze Maim 43 /I,3lu3trost:, ODds Oskhad 16aLl1 1 fi,s34 3 : • , A, 11,3LITAINI,, last% Orrytt or a stlimm-Ort•rot i o•rna. t. - - t.. vamsza, llit.,4litun I. IBst. I 4, paorosALs - Cut' duplicate) valLbli re - I. o.ind of Ws . et., Pr Art' fox 41,tlturt tr: , M I= 11 _ 1 . •-• tlut VI o d4•ai 1,, , `-li 7, 1 - 1-j '• 1 1,;" i lislatirt t oitt Yost : ••=. • sum kilszen.la lb . city -at Loalstillo.-11.7.: I m e , wiles to PitOnoo Wl4l to rocattod tar tit '1 ,get be ,dttlrOd t 4.1.1. torarrpiro; 144 to this' • .dttg Id ' • • ~ ;fob al:lila Oil boittr ttliote•eof ti the ilif pertwitouttotot Or O oottratt, ou t s fro.o.preo "Ortall , 141000110 1 / 1 4 broordliongialktoopoot tmi: roOploalble porsoms, a Aglow: . • tilt c:(NIFfr• , , of Ito am* , of ra tab l e =•".••=t '..——.- - .;••• totrrett gurontooTblr===. 7 (t(tt OW 03 ocoarasoislactrthaterma "nu (or %bob" ..Pror , , lied *AN Pb -40,.04411. o p be - .0. or 0.3) 'MO 04.ai ontot Liao a Oootrlet. le tolotli, ostler' ere ptopont-WA*X.liii '..112 (or Try *m.. lit" grilmtdi •iitttlit. tiositt, .__ ~ . ~.....1 .1 ..., .117 - - o_ Atto enootttlittrtt total* *tyro : ,Do lbw Scum Asitillotwat Oak at its. atiroot,'- ' Dtllll4 (knit:, orot tto: ti (Motet 11114410 t Atior,,: octi tabiiiitt trot witty each tilt.': - Zritairest 471414.: f lio tOdo.,..sll.bo movies!. lotati.ttraOtatodyro., lrilktloo regal nnelita of ebb wtrortitoottat. _.• • • , : :z l rajti to ntool-aarittatott-• asitta b;- Jade ittl to ' t vtl es now*y dour tiv or ip, 0 ,.. bra' ItSt. 'oi t ,o dtrit •tk...to : at Iblettlet.: jortrto trM Usti. to 7 0 1101,,T,llootialte ittj It*, Its wept At Ilrla.r.t . Orki 41114291111 dtl.l.l ll ltrt, ' tiArtemuliapti , '••F • t.11••••.,.-' r ••-• / 1 ••• IL Itiar-a • -: - 1 . 1111 " II M.:•.., ; it.: • • ' s chttott. 60 O ki ! 4:1 • 1:7, ••[...'! 4.- f - X.. , ", ~ t , .7 T; - i .4.., 4 . , 1,,.., : . ~.. . . . DRY stoovs. p#, TAIL TRADE. ?WOOLEN Lid/2M xa 1200 lbs. Blue Grey K. rpm' 600 Fine Eaatern Yea; In DILLS, SECIMIInk liugzolm. Eta*, ow . YZ2tEO, and otter &nimble ca:t *mg at Well Felected and Assorieg itotlc DRE£L9 nW:MNEIS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 11 , t • iAT THE LOWEST pimp FO an,- NOTIONS, aztd SMALL WARES, wainzihum AND areas. sF NACILITH. a Grit% No. ri IMMO *Mr &Zig • AND AT .44 A. BAT - F. 21 FIFIV 'sraFEr, • vox - S I 11111:4: DRESS sow . it 25" Per Cent. - Rednition 54515. - • GET THE BEST. GRAY'S PATENIV MOULDED COLT RS, af/Zi Br TAX Tice:sErr corauts Ent ilasmr. tdgis erns • mint tank etdetr doodillatbredt tab canna as 'lotted fa all other collan.4 Et tbs acaldlag of thon only, tbo odgo if aroma rad Erna the nat. tbas saoldbag ollr4,rtg total of the rank wad the ego at tba oallar.boangstatag from dateromen try polypi:eaten. Wbila h lredbat greatly Ares grlan led ed, sad Oct =PO &My, • In tan =Ear tb. manotaatarn bas obtaif.o being of =tine ear to the wearer. sad musbat% Mr toasty an packed to small bozoccf WAG arm scanaleat package tar the thanks, agaimist for a month`, Journey. Sold Wholasolo sad Ecds4 by. EATON, MACRON a REMEMBER THE GREAT, g CLEARANCE 04LE CLO/Ot% SHAWL lIMMI sintnamg sollpsis, J. W. BARKER & 00%; es Nest's Waif: C y eIJ Nettittlitt eor, lonstk and Mulctreets; J. IL BURCHFIELD, Sr lipt, recant • iroPel lot . NEW FALL COCOS: . . .5..,' . ; Alad. ' g , L ... A Large Stork of 'floods on nand; ..'-- ' - _ 7 Wild' ars iillisa at ,i; e. Less than Wholesale Pricsaasti , ....-.' .:..i , .,. —. Am Uts' 1 R o ot Is ttil, than irius ting vxdi 4o oil ' 1 ' - ' 7 bah, -, Eg :. .1.. E - 4 is/eau". a artruans maim om.r. `, ;. , , , ,ise • t -,,,,. • SUMlttitict:G9ODS isszwaro criur ur#• . Ttand-i0 Ararket sired ansemiiisimi.tnii. cistd. fiboefij w ", Old goads at 6. ®&0 Haw Tort am. • Mem: gandtarcb es. la Om tarries Uri • • , 1110 chat, aotOt lost *to sad act attaaer. - Is M a%Liam Ftwattszohlal* in hare socat-jat: ;* *Bar la 4.cliatbarnic*. 5 . Ewes Tata tbacscfl a•lstsb:rys,'ltaca Drava* sad bilk Stir**, 13calatalars, AtarttAttct sad Cattats. " ion *eke of rctike cadlais. stcfis ackpc/415. laftir age Obetrici% Gnu iladerretua irHst ammt*,' Daplaz et}rt.. n.L.rm Sawa, Haig _ Nets Itibbeas. end camp' ad Uggl• ScUaluit taint' • Laos acid Velvet too gdoVrellasogadri etts elm/44 04 • Bruflist Capes, oar patlans sad .; (c 4 WHOLESALEC BOOMS UP 1361113 . aike `Defier; teitue''.' Nerrebants ars 1.7• - •- traq,lo cat &Goa 44 - 76.11100016 .brit.,; I 11 -' • 14) 4P H - HOBBS 004" -i . . tris VID - r• 11 1.•. A 1 IP*3- Titrm X08..,-- i , , ,l,:zias iooopek. riskVaari; t:':4:1 ;.--, , s ew 4 . .:. .ir a thrall/a araWiciai ~.' , ''. 1 .`. 4 flaol2l. LIIID SWIM LAllai .- 1.t.: ! , 1 , 1.2,:: :10 , . 111.11ThLukN 2 . . ... I=nnicrmirivt7 74E. , 5 .155 - 2 -ala -- 0 0 11 . 1 n .- 1 . 1„:1 , L ..... , ... 1 z. ::, • A P la i za li i r lr i . - 'A:AA . 2 . 1:a . a . Irocargafmairmaitt r a , ma ~ i . ;7; i %,!.., 474- iiii-s a si, ma adalia 9 , i 4 .-,_,„,' • - -- .. 11,-- . ' "'i; 6 # 4 .. ,I 1 t •-:::::....t 0 F.l c r - - ;:'D.r .7 73.74 - itt.l.;'.l 341 1 ' Billllllll4/11Wi9itt'LW- f. il'il ~-•,.71- ,-`,!, %'.,. 4 4 airMiii..,46l,::frs ,-7!...-!...,......; P" GRXOim futt; - 7!"--. - .; 4 4 .:" 1 : ',. ; "", 8 . * -. .- t l , . I-, --i, ,c. it 1.114 (.1 fign s t..a. V.a1.1--.sit L15515U t ' 1., anenweiteminivairatt '' - ITOVITIO AVII AldWiat f .2fiatire 43 -4 .-, . A'.,l:4cs .--..---- . t.. -.p.0--.... , 71364 digtratitkii", . 144 111iTielleic:4- ;..f.latart l'Acro. 4D , VIA ." IP VOtt , r :ar_ o os .1.1 L: sew* .. 'ii niesdilliit : Is Coo iptarftlekk titmor-ftmot wit . - ..I•4lllreltdriv 'l5 bri 2 . . MO , kalill 111 . e -IbileiN*ll4l2 7 : _ nr .I g 7rlvrripsiiitoplion ai ii N 4. ....60 liaistilip4:Wfr-1314 4 3- .4-1:41. 064 4 lati f sf, .: -Al lll .W. 1 4 ., ....::- ~, , ,,F . ,,, ~,,:.... - •::' t:'. - ..- ...-:. 5-4 - L'''''.liz....,,,i 1 _ . . toV*9. L.' V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers