, • ~,.... , 4.,.. r • • _ ~ . , • , ~,., liip,. ___ _ :._ , ,_. ~,....4...42.. .1 . ,Tfj----' ...., ...1:41.,...' . ' • tOC" : , R , '4 r , i'ts.... ,„ ' 4 1 • 1 ,--7 --,.,''''''''''''''' ''.-' r. ' ::;.7;•'-''''''',''cr nt117.7;1FZ'2,7'7j • :2-r-71.17' ---"'-' --re '----- '''-'-''' -..---.' ' :::' ~.T '' I =‘- . .,, , ' , z r. :: ,< - ':?././::::;:::• 1 -% ', ' .!:- -- 1 _ . . __-----g ---- ' • i _ ' , _ ~.... ... .., 1 . T ... 1t .„,. ~,,,,..i, , i t 1 . ..c. u,_..,.., ..., Loi I EVA.. 17.,"1 , . - .1, ~ _, - 4 . in. 1 ' ~. , , t...,,iit 4 4 ... ..-..- .". ''' --'......''- -•-• . ..re` i. ~,,, ' ; t,. ir` .s.'t s- -ti , :.. ' 2' x .4 i ' ..... •44.4. 4 , ~..r A. O,Vi, , 1 i . .., ~,, , 1 ..vra,x,.„.,.• 1 . r S7!•;' °V . ; tf, V' .. . - .s. 1 1 V. I r. , . ...I ...,.... ..' ..,.. .._ ... •' .i, , da, •• _., ......,.r,„•,,,„,,,,..1 , 31 ,,, p -, • . ~... . a - tir „„,‘ ~ ~. _ , _ , , ~ -; • _..... 41 • , - ,, .3. ~. L • , , -. 7 , ' . ' -- Tl __ -' I:, .- 1 - •, L ' : 2, '''.• * - :-4 -, r., • , ,+, , , „ ,-, ,' 1 I .. ' ' :Woo' -. +l . - PislT,l ,...._,tme g ,t 1 -k, _..,. . 5 ~3 1 b.. .. • , ....j-. --. ...... t. ;.-• .ir "' 1 rn....N 0 , ‘ ~ 217 v, , , . - . . - ,_-:._ .-....,...--- -" • , naA - - ' -' ' ''' VOLUME', 4-1.2i2L V -11:41-1,131"Ze- ..f, _ SEEM Mfl=liZZ . 12 WM. 41111§, MUM BY b EleitiWt":"TIMEN WOURSr. g•-' - • •• i To ova -siosqviooisl A_-, Pitt ,ti.i..ii.. She caderelgobi, pablieely et sbene. i pass, thee ismccieliS ageolto doge the pcl64Delow ePecited fc! Melt velextbre l' = " l4 °2 °q- s l eet . ~,, 14)6DAY• inly,SZth. leers - - - loasirs. ~,..„ .11 ecnkterZattab, Per , delivered t:rfeerlieg ' • Sl' -','.l. Il " - 0 sovXt in week matt. Per Pee, Le, ed'.. , , " - -;1 " 0 Cm' sh( maths. In adcatoe...... 6do ; A" 0 1 - ort threo7o,F,',ll* :,, "._ i .•.: F ir.°.l 1 eveategtetisi;.bi esiefer, Vie ve5eh.4.4......- : - 0 by stall, Crp year, to whams.. 156 Se ;71 0 " • .." ,acriti,NuXo4. t .. -46 .2 . W v. 0 SO thlte o ee 1 CO . \ -. A , , ft TIES CIPSONIC/M---,..- • Per reek, de1aerenri5eXV.44.4:4.44.1......,..44- SO 1 Per rear, terideahoe Pat hy niala:»"..:-.: SS Cd ^ 1t"242" I . lll= . ~14--",-,--,•-• . ,• - .7!"" -: •"•-• 444 1 lUrea =ail; 0 4'. 4. .'.........*... •255 * -4 50 ' C0;152124C- 210; ' ' ' ---- - ---- I :ti Pee week; delivezed by order ~.......-...... SS r.,`• Psepea, ha solesace, oaths esellar:****/ 61,.. Slz uurathi; ". . - .• ' Wed meg* 0 . " ''' -." ."""*"'"'"* ° ` w- _, darns 'Aseoccaltol , --- - ',-.1 :-- •• 1.. • '•-•, 014040 movglow, - . r: •r, . ~ ... .• ti _ --VubilettnAractsl , . •PlT•asstittes non &PIS hlo` , . - PSINUNG on:ream • -• ~. —L--------__L ~r. ' '4 4 • HELL 101UlalleisralGE CB:-- .:,',. ;;',, An arrayi,oiresrpllnt uf , ,iltty,lrestO - OUrn... , f . g eine Adaceste:gitts an interOsidig ser,Pl7kt of '';',,f",, •••i . t a "Oonftderitto Soldierri'o Prayer-Book," which '• : I fell into bitibiat4itieci o 9fes e lt os p it s l3n9r •- ' ` . ..4,, the giice'd -liiiiiicAt. is' published by the °So llt `l''''Tnintlfrotletiand is a f 2.4 '- 1. 4 fir - • ''' oftan •••;:a M, flexibip, 'Oath' bonad .bOrik, ono .- - .....1 1 dzed sod fi11Y1,460,1% ~ , A.: 41 01? i , i , 5 .? ?.#6g,9, 4 _,,, ~., •-.....,: ii oral diri4onet-Alikuiv PraYetert _ , •i . - Steal Prarrnt Blipiel'r .Pen32olol3.llPriroio: PreTerei StiLl,P4l7lo4e34o3'ne.'°T.4l7lll, • ''''_,'• ••:, tun. The ititurcr 04WISCoV3ter:imenfidible, I i though the halo Vaned inlunnitiftheiniens '';'' '-' • 1 isobjectionable,d stows the irpiritind 5pa ...3 Ott _ _ __ - • v:•:: . •,- 1 'Attlee of the people - of lite:Conmuoraoyrin; 31 !net matters: The, Christian Commission might obtain the labors of somedLstiaguishod -.";" .. 1 ministers of-the-di*erut-dentrainstiona7.4o: ;; io•iie , compile a work of tbl.4 Itind i -sa iiisdp • :-- ....,:•% , ,:2 Grease the devotional' sprit in our . saldisa • --; .;;;;•.: -' A But the rosin Ojai iio'hirt litirieis,isinigisi -,. •-•-...,,:. it passages om DOMe 0 03.1 • , fr fth trayire Witness • ;::, ~..3. • 11 this epteiraenyteso,:ip :connection yrilic..Tor :1 Davis' message: - • • * 0 ,20ur out upon . themthy 02; for they tile - devanied our y wrs, -, -- . ::::::;) ,-,' ' 4: - , 1 mabstaroe;and laid waste otirdweillog places, ''-;*;:,... I.i . :j and burng.44Yitttlite" tan'lATelte„ds 'Pgek 1-4 ",' ',: ~ , 1 cities, and cogragtal our *omen, * eta, ,--Here '4 ':' ''''-' l l 4 is MS o from a •Yrayer-1o ut aek•eL"uer ,2 " - rates and For Pes:ell," • :1' • t Om 1 -- - ' ~.',":"federaos , hiiie 'briken' thn - toayinint - citsolo' '- ''''''!''''' .•'''''''' with th ;rti ialaiterti' sia ioilittrixo' i .:-1.!;.....1,..i,„.:-. t 7 ~., ___,,,_:_. ;......:,;:,;.,..,,,,:.1; chanteippenemes., ..,r?..A7nosedtalt,treoch,,, •i'..- - i-. , . '-,:-:'"' orotuely with .. rsi•• their . brethren, - In. thi=s ii BouthoreStates;lid, pot-piously deprisOTai, ' 6... of 'impartial justioei:s4aair`ithKguarsitteod.,.l ' ' i s rotection,..;nit honorabia_!Searnity __tor. ; our.. SlaTES,ltiOr. than bast brcught as Bo gus, and given charge over them, for g'orid and ' \tin world, and for glory to thy holy, wise • and powerful, ipioridolicer.'-jac...• VW glsei an extract from the Special Prayers,-with the her.dinVltEor :our Panfodersay,"•and the lest epeclinen: 4rom...iii•lfg,inning lAthellio , 1 thou has , , 0, righteous arS, amaiated the ni -1 ablution of alexery a' en organic form 0' -Inv , bon•ery labor with tby Church and thealr-g and piovition for thili temporal 1 wants, orate the *world the hero-fit of Berries not otherwise attainable." . • ...tit • * "By thy_ltoly, via, sad p owerful providence, 0, Lord, thou tint introduced slavery into these ••' :s;3o'PoPirle th is.te.tti:bilers:tattite4'd4-tn:irlbr".h.141"1111:1:111i:441‘::S6tillItall':Itintg;:e:e1:91 4,: •: , i...e1i.::,....; ok .# . • • .LODIS down upon neespeoist '',...":iri.:''';-::',..:,:-.7.• ly sea slows holding canfedOloy. As thou 1 4.ltz':..•:Y::i:q bast bestowed upon as the blesshag given in to.-.the posterity , of Sham and le.. -,'•::;: -.:. , _:i.:::t ',...ePerretuitYL..- __•..,,. 3 . --,. ~-,.., ,-- -..- * !,;,,,....-;.,.-....,:z.i,,iphet, [deo uen. ix, `..5 f2r,] di thou, in bless !' ''''''''''' '.." ' Vire* to i*. 4 oco^ slaver , a bits‘in to ~,,,•:"...t-'4-,•••-•••:. -;:•. : ing, -•-- •,- - - .... 1 ' '-'' ) .. 1 ''''-: ••': oureelete, to cap. elsras, and to tbe world at ...,;: , ti .. , e. -- -:t., - ,a; •::. 'is t +;“ •-• .Z. . -.:::•41. large. L:t the bleraing . of, Abraham, the :f.'",••:, -- •17,1•'::: - , , it ' " . TP:• . 4feeis of Me faithilii„ind. tty- frleoa.o CRI4, '',-1:,,-iY';'';,'-'.:-'‘ 44 . 1" . ..- 4,- Ma upern US LIA Ttical oar bei;attls. Pour ',l,•::';::...''::''::'': ''': , 4:::'•,'r: - ' ant, as tholtrtt4 zeal:dal:Ay promised to do in -;:i.l.';'•,,.,,rt•;tl‘fi;:iii•'• these latter dnyeArico Arts i 1,101,18 snt.Yo el 4,:i:;.-..,..;,,';-:;4,,,; li. 2,8, 203 the holy Spirit npin" our ions and i :`•ilC.4.-',.ti. daughters, and upon our Invrants and oar ,l'-'*>:1;: , .1;1;;::::.i•C - ?' handmaidens!, , ULU. they map . otiluPoA the 4!k! '- . 2 , ...ii;i:i-:'<:- Lord. - Preserve oar idiveafroia the riiiiitt: ti 1;!--fw ,ii,„ .. ,,:':, 4 :-'4; c ia v,atiazatieDs of car enemies, who would 1*•4!-::4?:• ",,:7..",ii''.:.:lf..'nelude and _destro_.y'lbere,-atit under the nr,s• -,: j ' . 4 •. ,- --1 ,1 1- , - , ise of. lib e rty Tv..000 them to poverty, bar ,s;•••-t-'411g.,i,Cf4141, bu i s m gp t,exltql *OW, ChTiti;On J! , 's*s end" •-,"-i-;.1.44,,,,,1'.. ..I.', .appinees of tlivir fathers" $..,L,,,.•..,1,!,,R.},.:,4 --- klenry Ward Sucher Ws to bear the - ;-.N- ' 3' , ,; 1 :::Y.: ' '' 7:" :' brunt of a shod many aerials charges relative 1'..C,i1-,''',:;--e-.!;,:,,•:''.4- to gertito4oSde! •ilbd°°4l2.-14:-netier?.. n ta !! 1N;f 4 ; : 44 - ' •; ;; ., _ late rbiliteitte - Giteilitioi 64•mon he' :P1 .1 ',:!:::: ' !:i,ilXiiti'i-i" Ives hie slows en Iota) depravity . . i n there ••••:ii;i-l" ':.;:Y;r0Y,..V.r...;•:1 . 01 , 40; tVhcre DI no man born generous. 4-*;:---,4-0:4,''';'. There is rio,mareborn so-tbat he isles to Jire. ;.'.•-r:-....-.%.-'?i:-.:'-i....1%?%:. otherifii,lif_k- pit anTc7 r binnelf Ii teL. 47".;''.37":.!;.51-,'11?•';:._ me ettario,to:mok_o an:Tite whe!,ern an. ~ , As, ..-' ,--1.,. ~-,„;,„,„• r,,.'-'-'-',!--,cj- -•,' 4 moot be torn, a n d barn again. ......';1: ,, ,; .; ~..:,,••••„.'.4•1""-'-t,;' .' l ,'„•;'":,•! 1 .....-- Roy. Dr. .e.ndati,..• formerly- of thin, ;..,, ,. . 4 :,•'Si•; 1 ,.:0 ; - ; • :;1, :';" -:r:4.F"l--city hst....iii.oo_4lv.l.sb..rlalmok, :tolinto 'lr-r":'''-•:!"'•!-f• :',Vi..'4'..;-.7_:_'`"; dora'sles on his way to Calkbrnis4' llll7 bilidi t: I *' l4 :t ) :'-'?''' ''''' •i - Itt C ital hp /ea ited-te the Bents 1--.‘",-,!-,...,'- !-! - -; - : . :r.',-,"; -n the -eneee, !P .P .C. ._. . . - •,•I"'''' ,°: ''' -_.4-ti" , .-"-: - : ;';''...;::'• titer the order found irtMormopdon. , . - ,_ , 1 , •••;',,,,`i,,j' .-;:.-': , - i. , ' ---,lt has ibliiaiteßabilaf - ttr an ' eeelo•l, i, ,4 -!" * .•7" :.7 -. '“ - •,-' , ' '- • -•: '' , l - '' .' .. 'g de etY•li a- 0k44- Fils#lo.2erielt-A:theri -1''74;,V•!:!:::::;;',-'•:V ?Sean , Sandal ,fiphool-traion for loos, , - --,- 'e --- t'' : - :,--'.;',-;',- ."-:'-'•':: itt Itokeif tioseline-rainth bat fOlgt-.7.111 , . ; , ,,. .7 2 !i: . ] , - .. :' . : - ',.:f:: - -,. , , N;; ; •.. r eh t s iti ' rle - W B°li ' 4l ' ''-liat e.C1834;' ):if--->l--,-;.,:?;-,:5_;.,,- T,4::,/trdurpe et:WV-tie, idols Orgenited (en ti .:::.4:s ,t,Yoroseirof 111,)-intairkeh were githerel ' iSgs 6. ,10bildren,•tsuglat by 1,653 ts.a . :l 1ti......T04 .7 re . ' '4111'"61.2:. t:l'tr''t'r7 trop,l3Kll'K -V3lloBile w. 3# ;;5 iiilti ..t'. , _ ... ....1 , , ..,. • , .11 --r,ota,/n•rir'•urPrV-,4n4t4:lo,o,Srkits.o_ , j'a...vial Brranhr of Episcopal ,Appointmente in ''•..:'. ii, the Pititonftarnie Mime, sfellornste ii„Corp,, 1 7i:Aettatio stgl be told it SeW Brighton; Sept. ' n ' ''• 5 1 .40 1 .4 9-otelni, Oe, _- tt0 1 3 ,14 11 P 14--, sth. On the u iretes hate lOU meoetwthi:ttettoa tif.. ' --l'f:Il,414•00014, :,_ -- -_ , -.-_ - -t ---4. , , ,. .2\ - . - , --ktoventigisisinceLiiiistiOrtkii ire .:. :ve the inligioni p ay er -Prosile Empire Moto ble ', ,-,,,,blie4sist -lamathin _bid : these ir 434 t nkor '71 1 0 ,„ .- i•So pray GO4l to gtiiiiiiaziaisia :;%:. ' . toembewirgyl L Tl4i isuns . „.. , d `* it ate sairgre-!:: linaoamarrutr*tbi! :.. 1 -ig gettisMk. - 0 106i514454i'1-y. it A "M1940f30 ct i ** 4 ! 'F I I -01$.** ' Salad fras44ololl4lUni:ftotilliokrow ,' .4,loseco, • 14,0 „,tits tiillailii*llefeetomlog the treo.Pibii-ljolkdk i ffiul' t Oar + ;44 6. 100 • i . ~ ,10"ii2i4*iiakiiiiw sor t uhe_4ooogollslo4 440es1bnioimii, 4 ,lrricesn • °haa i. were zi,.i...lloslgramXin IP t ,":,,. - ' -IX - i, tiolitslftes-apveretalrinwie#,f -11.4ttitz ~ .4. : 4 0V . ,.,. 1 , 0 i, {lsbell* handed gettel,WOOt4 .:- -?: fil''"WesTrieitestastm.vateslatiOlsai ' - ''' ' 44 ' -'-'3rlNlCOtiftrilli ti ' I,t - -1' _ :' - . ' ...,:-- ,-,:'-...........___•:. .-;----:""*OW.1114,•AOSIOnOttIO, • '. :." ' • .: - .: 1. :' : 64111Z wHwn 0142Prifilime-litlIPM-;-':as' .-., -,....--,:-...-- -•:;',. ~, ;, : ' l o trerlit - -4donOlatitit - (05 3 1 5- .,..- - e 3 efe*A .. .; — ;#, --11i,4itS , I. of tans ti c ' ' - V.,;1 6 tatiOntliV426S-,0, tt.==i - riLi - a Li.oirtdialtr"lllll:so:., 11 93 4 .. 0 - 0 15115grar ra irattarlit;- 4.'-;i41•90.10014-14.-Vb• $Ollll !All bite (--‘t44:011,11,1..' th at *My out et P..'“ to slew thi 0 1 2 11,71Za• taw Pigs, Cl • •inim — i --- wi: il , 1 , -± • rui,orlbsa --Q e v .. 0 1„„... .-....A ~ - . - . ..k.-;:lrespAilb4l69l,o2oP 7 --.-- , --, -.'.- '•;.; -" ' -) ' r- ' ' .--. ' • '• ' .' -: ': I. - .;.,, , . . < - ~r_a; • ; : i z t . : 4 • . .. :2 • rtr _ !.-..-;.,'• : !'.:' , ';! - ; :ii, .-.-•;!.::;'..., ,2:-- - ;;:i ., ;--.:••'!..:• . .4..;• , :•: , -:, •-•,:!!,!:;:-..,..!.:;:l..;•.;.:;;;...„1.;;.--. Signmassimm`"--, 68r _8 17111tterreOnt later lieS4lg. Gpzettf„,, _ . Bovalarder. Drabs' so have been the Oat! generally of the authorities et . 13.1ctonotd and their' myrsoldons in een3Snd eat the provident ot their eansmip• Rion aetf, none are' to 'deaortingof the execra tion of the cleilliod ?world, 'es the Pacing of _More lade Into' their-Armin& Among the slain upon almost coory,...reient battle field in-se .503 'diseoireted the 'bodice ef innocent Teeth, who. :although acutely In the' , teens, have been coca• yelled tol shoulder is.nonsket, end, with -their Onom conttont the bullets oar txoets.: We, are told by a eartaapdadent •evzitlng frct.notile Boy, that the garrl ndred 3:in Vert Galles consisted it pert of .four lia hays, between the ogee of fourteen and Mgt teen, whO haatilloOMAtegottieriLt had. been neat dose tha lost to Julia id cdpetling the undlio,of bur ..flsos.and tiddlers. , They wen tardily clad, ihalf drilla and so' Ignorant .ot the sad of thn nasket,thst daring their Uzi. lid tents pt sorvitOw.they tot one , ot, their ono . namber by aboacoldontel diodnigo-ot lb own gediand atxwitAieltaldialin ethers by the alone sist-thisir;owb.Otrar,iedie.' the To= hundred children lfesteid rtloorf.‘at in. 'entire . Tbillunn t, may at .be whioliStill dentition yet fall aietims puloppiesityisf end tyrannical noassalptipae-feun;”-Ttie-syyrraoldng. diesola ottiserno,o4o-,autiteitirwery.. tenAt; not be -nose !crop:3ll(4nd, .then: bftdda tinantel berbtael mode.-.kof 'nspienlehing. the thinned of to sing, ind OVID inn not the ferns "Oahe sAnitsy theiroupealortty otusagbars end. 'itAinetblnaitettnlnatlan .alid.eonregr enahlot to enter thif-,treltdont the I.lainip?tosit 'Polstr ,the-,..e witty final eantillie wait 'toren of theta wlonetther.P.sabaut-hos slid - arta the .tagobf _ _ A ,I;each Witicti 2.5. a i:/iiiiiii - V/ at. We h ale ofteci-Osserteflibit:thetwerxXVllle 'ifiltti a., dielLy4tel4)lo chewier, whdoli will re, liere as et the ttonblee of war. -IV6 way ever, accept it?iatbr-liPtoiliebilitt *.half,Peati may - 'prov!_ lei dOehlts - War. -, Ine:xclif rZsulte -Vim ''.llllnZe efluilill.,l;lo;',-Whilt .tfli.'cagbila-wo, 412 d, fitil ti:. dO; fune-liCeciltwriiitigevise vit. . We `find iblelntelligelkwernizgiit ecceiWubicatioa. 541/e4fecl iti-tWiii.heic.':' , ,;'-, , ~... i. , . ~ . . if r i sal} WO might hoc snivel:l4,4e is only. a . clittioiwzg behledlisti-eceteitigir dwitothae 411-: ,tonerehltralei.::.:Mot ''.;ei: 'able prop/. wete_wor .Wifl.x's .Proteaw.ifltee')cbriffere-.04 firtyeceeitto :Wee einatriart fear. When the eceSs - sub wit to lie whAed,-thea-assy WiedlV dalettit;t& hunk, zuptay. IV,hez orei4i; cob!** to 111,0rpt,at,-7 4 Q, \ repudistiotheliiney-the Oisplutettlimit to ue . -; uwtodorpr4itiaz ,Ziate,ows be no eiletyle:. ilWeapiWi of au neuntiplit apiteheltop pewee —ina dit:ito4lftiteck Mitt lot meth lad na y" tat cools Letwird tug ilo' - their :duty. If the will ceno It ,ta prompt shoat awl act with op,wo',„tre alseil - get have lotatile Govirnmoat, prosperen thites,-and a - noticed and happy peo r phs,,fkEbire- , - 4 I '` AII,,Ent -Intl= beck . • , Aboutslatiezlesre age,: . and. not lonilieforo :Ate Regrishhoware twisters of the PaCjsab, to Llndeiottaßalukj3ingh started a new Sikh esti, lwarthet towit of Rowel Piudeeroalled eJaggeas.z. aces,:!, _After making - a large reunhar of GOAT call; he diet ~ ,in Ito 3. '3 is hroe-favorit papits, 'Thietfilaglos carpenter, clla aIC4OII. t 2 411Z.10.3a. -liitcd'Jn min" , newite lb. doctrines of the me w `sest-'-nre:„ an improvement on the -Sieh-smed. • Beic Singh eradtures Custo, F4.lp-rechea taticte ,iiclotteise - tie etjoisu tb:o Wearier of wliee, -snasock..4et the bethroistrisze of 111 C.5.5te3. :BP itatellip alw.e, nor %Mays Ws followers to do lb. '. ifh 4or,Clctass drohkehisety,, wad e orgel .13151ini4 el person , eel truthiellieg. 11.1, ,howover; arows tco !sea hi luiere.iefio hatkeen the lezer,`, seal at hit fella math cowlethic of „OA s Ar.d. * omaY3, who, io thoweade, rave at his =tale. af.„, Theitioh' aro olsllvd to earl.* sta ff , with which they We drilla& pi liati'Sloch,aa notheel ihir-teif to he oG ihrrto i i'. achod," the eccohd oe military lona der of the Sikh Will; and he, but ..,:pitial:y the folldesers,, declare that they vitt very soon (Ape all the E.ifglish frCes The Viterable rtl.rytor.d Patriot to be Compettsoted. nearerirtsit BIIDOLD DIP iIIIMANT, 1 . l Sth d tory ct:onta, - Mg. Z 3, IS" - i "Sprda Over? No. 21.1.—{gar.rata.)--B;igatlior . . • Gehetol3 l . U. LoalsWErod, eltaminditiy,llDrs,g oda, SttliAtmy Carp's Is heroin-directed to detail O ct mrOtent spree toixt his command too'tooo Al tep to tho tiidOstea of Mr. ishrtio.l Day, Btiatom eottatyl, aryland, aid, 12111k 6 831 astbnats of the dassgo rstaitted by him lo the dot: motion the 1 ' his pro, . by tho ,1111:411 dorlog Molise said, assess told Coll sel:frOotho dtaloyit col latalrost• -ad petiotairesidthitritbla it . radial Of fins tillll.l Or Mr: Ilia'a lora 3. man costal to itl4,lllStOlat of Oilasie tostalood by hitni and to poi the isms, *bon . collectd, to . Me. Day. The Ivry will be . troilet.h)ei tbo ladislacols asoording to - their issitiop list: By 'eenir.tood Of Mal. Eton. Wallies. - watsast. ts. lawaasow, , , Assist-int Adjutaat General, .. . , e _ ejIiVTEPOII DIM' .doolaraticen- to Colonel Jon 'quer, " re receded te get rid of the role of the msjority," p bat tho. expreetion of : howled: . eats refublieun thsiaY:bo bee long advoested; In lfiSit, otiisetionihilstieoLeppi, refrfflring to the ptobeble tate:eel of bit polideal opponents in I lea r , ItLe said t "The twines of ouch a Derty would bideed producie an„"irreprosilblo ooridieL' To you would ha preeented the queation,..Wili ; Yot4 4106 the conetitutionel Union to be chino d Leto the despotineof a pottyoy I. It iJ IlingleSer that thi Democratic hal any iryinpath; lth men- who this • repudiate Its principles. T hus i o n of the majority, by the way, has only been mentioned by Southern leaders, end 'the _majority t oted to the interert of freedoma. Tlierti was no despotia, of course, in this old •ro-elstery roojotity.7Pl4l. P,e.e. 1110 rrisate.- ca. I 1.0... mac twelfth., I...best'? GOl.be 001,40 anoth.r be meet ? 1 Al:loathe he head', obriT am the Get 4 f Inv of tip, .4 gn274„tci r l Dery "" ".• whit,.. . Ole icar;*lll mini roust fell; •Cleespas the thrill, vl,lte tinh la Oser the pall , all flake...piste lur op-, t esike• them %'he rolns esseth . • 7. , :i Ut Me bootm thos.-:omofbet to e i. , .. "rf, ,notbror Pod Lirl.b(vltelbtorflo bllt, - ..- -peto-tbE to,reitak,Vad•tet tap Ims gut VI! owl. to =l. los. 1, --.llarpo? , Isfofs- _ ' l' , Den 41steTiTi tiiiircev—:The 3hoe =l'd L' , 43 - t 4 ', 7B4orut tart ".. i ,'-tiltin ebi dogs and oats, ntt.d Oat iveir hidsoesitomilvaitobto mei. lot .shis bon* . 7-bOileell tamte Shots be ~,tee moot the wattleof ,Titawast;s pt.; J.,. stigma some 1,3 00 votes see Roll: lafthe= ;stfoteltiisaiel.to be .sibont 60111 ',lop:, -wcatixi,!"4, banes curs, =W . oleos'', tho sotto ?nnisbetVof: cots, to. &put* 'possession is end riaout tto eionetell ~, 4 Oar =asserts sad uststroti .os. Wo soy hilt wad skin . them; The skint of the blsgast marttfri oro- ille to 1,0 towavri for lomat ieneo or t blob .1 filo ir oclovor; tb- Alot of bp. or 4111 e ~..., .o 'l!e4 :et Wt.!, iJr 41 , 1v , 6- J , .. , 4 • v.• I :iv , hid Ina ant ti fti so=o , oe toa:* *l4, a- e., istal liat ihttr nisei " and h , b .1 re a - b , i ' 4. - 610 ib" 4'401 of boes v =IA oltes=== ' __._.—--------- ' "'u., ..• -..;......-- suste,s-Miassms" hes thts: °Whenever ,yee 154 emestsihees, los he,- ;att. &boat odd -o.4teilletli or tsitiovirlieninu/tor esholueg assystalentsteiV of welter, yea , Spa be edele bly slur th.itt to is hot ei sphYsleitsrti Par the .11tths </mere sr. itiviiiiii r d.off;thii • pttle ohou . aro pniniod Molly. givosniea ta. Wiwi ,- pl., nosy wit mob T O souse .thast-th* has. 7 alibi el tiebeilf !Win ebelltellb eat it. Illtree , 12elel. Mho -elje'easiesis are like t,OVetitsiy tluita .thir stiViitillttgy JO Wu, ttio. ipliclatiitipabwiiiii liiplig of rowl molt.imielit -154t19014!1i --: Itil t°4;(oß4illi.:P.4l:4titi utast ; C ktiiii.ll Aueixosk 'llO4 VAil rep; IV_ it s fitly es Set sad ilitsier •.TP00100;',14,0 &a data 010;04 by Atgikareigy vs STA sus ot-imit ROW nava -roiniti,,iiiUM•s- Om •Aidatiatinasscidat 'of. the wsrpirblok -s coma 04 i iriat Wove lA5' , ItaitiCeriiitfted ;lc r :Irv, .ivviiitauggral to istalio 'OO4 - Ms ,Us Holiv4.44,fissiudwira___ my. peal IP Teeeallebee -Tecteetber, ;us ....itry, • salt tr.,....ferelsoerf*,!--,,,, vs!, i ~,,,,e . ..u..t.ii,„_._.i_._...ihlii.:;;liii.., ,43.4 if imtioodbrki,_::..rhi, belle de. risd , 1fi1f444 111 iciir Ili,' Nielteilitblie. WOn_kio7.l4 lo t ini, e m _Orriullisl ittum= go am a our uis la tbl ud/Ai-1w tendellato rout ttilytu lfieilte 9 1,011. .04'6111!, 4 E14 00' 614-14.14tAr64,‘„,„Pn. , Ai) no wig tit *IMO r.---- -, t ---'"W"411.-"girs4l4l6 Itlratnt -s e, : .t..-1..., , • , : c ~,.. , •01 , a . . ~„„,,d. :t 1 1 . 01 i r . 1 1 ro' • , --.l9olPl3MBl.olllr4t4ggatt. ,-'::Tericalrltrieb- - Os Textettl — ilt ..,____ . . 7- nattura7 araaaavetto . Ire. NOuunk 'A Ao'CL %midis. - %I. iistriiili t io; at AU hou -gnu / ! . pr o /8 44,, supra la &Ms eue. ir, _41114d - .ae list as • lutarri v.. * •• . I A I2 .--""--- . m t G.,„2.1,3 : I t Ilui ratitazAal mom Isvcos.—lary Lints: no. di ti l t i neo Ila f or the V i urd wo e, *say en I ambit r - . moat as sas sliac Z ajoa by:asad cheese il w r i r d. i al t irathstatt to . . tga i t ". -' • - - .., _...., - f. 1 'UI iii 43 1 .4.1 1 it..sarnt- ___ . . . hileVYtt ANL/ NIIISCELIAM V. Volunteering. 1 . r . GUST RIOT IN SO OMAN& DOM Ito urn t writ u ... 811toliall übrarktithil.l °B 13.11jg."Fpa'ar—srr. We are ' gratified to see a disposition in eve.., 1 . . , ~ 1 - -) ---'- .Z..-f---.MTRIt I--- - 'Pali Is old bnt ruggesttre r !Thereon of Coy- red o f our ounty to sn the quotas of the seer 1 .--... °B • ~.6....fter ciay:h.i.amtg...Eth.b.thuk.ipoary,__ TTLIAOII DOTS, frau Tort - utr welcomed her to thee town: sal rubdistrlats, and thereby avoid the nn- , defslipLed; ExecrattreoftbeentalieolJohrillette•t4 of . draft. This t, the i Attem pt of Gem can ny to E n force 1 LCtiTe Operations at Treselt Not , mri...k.. savaberol trod owl= ,we i • Wei men of Coventry pleasant reilieation ! Anticipated. ....." tab, sallaMitathr-lbart Le.% Law the Draft. 1 1 atattes walk al the laminae cl the run chub 4),54._ Are very glad to see , way. The she,' Lott am . , ....---. nevevilts Pallonge , 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 ,.. .„ k Tour gradual 'Majesty ; p ro p er spirit. It puts inert into the fi eld prompt. '----- , , inivni.fal7 Icatad tar - Good Lords how frays Wt" lv; it teem:magas and assists those noble eateries cartiel dismay I.T.La ~ ' elan, e eembesal man potato wher'f' litr.7l - th e nniqueTera repll :- the ran' of the rebels. Those who &she o teat trout tram cash. toralitarklibettleop.- ' tr. e'"6"l"' "-lit - t OVER FOUR 11UND%19 CITIZESS KILV„D \ lIIIMED PIPODIED la SitißrillUill4 .-t—tia—a.r.... "Iler gracious blejesty remain it hone are chntributing libmelly for , Ter hoiovalthoa en.ullr's of ether et the sauSer . le very go to sae the benefit of these who ohoose us tight, and I -_—. a:;:aad; Oi B. 11. ILMIlittS, itterril Oahe, CCM, - The men Of 'CGTitAtrj ; bt this Means the rigor: of acmcnition may bo - .s.e., wn. e SSZEDII. --, Good lack - , what fools ye bo 1" scolded in this conty. Brave and patriotic The Riot Still Ro.,ging. Any D. HAIION:, w-ci.wronnoll, :._.! .. 1 won are coming up to the is ork n )bly--minfully. T. J. lln.ttEG, A 00tD the -Al tha MAW Limit ltll , . 11,3. ,We believe that the Ova huh ired then:dna mot, 1 Ushcathre.-" sacweettl, the i t of Mtn feta l' , " 1.8 1 now buckling on the armor will ba "In at rho , .1':: es Year, Aug. 25.-A dispatch from Mobilo, cOWII XeTII4O9 with Emd,•bieb be reewid ere e.• death" of .be re b e llion ; hut whether they co., Aug. 21, soya the Cperator at Jo.:lrcha, b1i38., ' telegraphs abet a great riot had broken oat in I perior to any other substance for that purpose. k e t re . ii t ro euru o r, eergoortug heroor , or ra il lo It to aerie, ear, to lie upon, prevents the COM eof01:190 of their Government, they will barn . a li .„, orie „ .. . i , ~440,,,. ever 4 , 10 ~,,,, 0 ~s 0 wo. , 1 from Sliming whet reaching for food, is as es- record of aides they, their families int de.- Nit, Yore, Aug. 25 -The Hernia'. specie! &Int abiothent cif liquids, easily faXOTO/811 to 1 amdcmtc will feel truly sad jattly proud. la killed. It was oilseed by Goa. oE467stemoting , da ted, fia,,bville.Aog. 24th, oars t Aouvo op from time to come, their memories wilt be revered to eisfocco the draft. The negro troops Wa'a tyation; in this department await anticipate!. 1 and out, a superior divisor of droppings, tond is n exeellent sabotance to apply to oold lands. 1 eq ually with them of She ParlOti of the Heroin - o gled eta tc :oppress it, bat at last at • iaa t. tt For these 1.02841,e he likes sand for bedding, ~on. 1 iesults oLowhate. As a Peace meeting at Colutabus recently, a _ ____— was still raging. The Chittanoogs Casette, of the 23i, reports It:elution was edopted expressing high regard ----------- the rebel Goneral Wheeler at Stairt's Loading for the gathers, whereupon toversl of the latter, nn the 20th Inst., where be att ac ked , esptured, in order to test the sincerity or the • peace , LATE.s i r FRom filoßli,E. end murdered the colored garrison and nearly Irethren," groaned for Jeff. Davis. This wet three hundred whit* laborers. lle.destroyed the too much for the ' , peace man," who, with bogie. -.••-"- knives and pistols, rushed upon the soldiers and drove them,fecn the ground. IliON EL DS Alill EMIT MORGAN ENGIG iD. .e. s Z 13136011 A n the- e t "' ol G o P ier all iii":1110-fw:Dlitet:erieftstesn..tikill":20 one w :7 4 Tna mllitirry anthirities, for prudential rase. reporta that Gen. Dodge Ls sail .1170, but don ors, have refuted teallow allot the papers found gerouely wounded. meat the archives of tile "Sons of Liberty" to be ptibilabed., A.pration of those retsined are in _cypher end it. li said implicate some prominent tortes not hirsetotore respected as having bean connected with this infamous rgorileellen.-A. .-diustrEacitmL , , "%TRW anoint at maple at present in the vaults of-the Dew York Enb.Treasury is nearly tone teen millions of dollars. The present Coid bear it g pubao debt of the United StOte3 is 5385,- 355,111, involving at lath:est :harp in gold of P 3,717.1512. The customs revenue in golf of the past tlanal year wee $102,21.8,1 02 . Jests ll:P.Ensar.--Wo undersinad that.ti yrst ous,o I). Might has told eal his Kentucky posse freed his , :leggier, item them aaoh a mm of money *inept to commence it e Euro p world wi Mothre , and has with Ids family, gone to e, to CtlOSlTitill otter the war.-Nees Albany Ledo,. . AT Val Sturinotno.-ii All I. mused a Shea , perian Dyspeptic, is his oye-wanderisi Moodily ,alongtbescse of bi ll et utast hotel table s •ah" hols.trtte Othello's moat • • - ....., isTo Mist that vreheneell I.lw-0 bale`ell*atil %WI, .. Butnot tintrippettotsl" lisaittnna, Aug. Sh-Doentitin;r the one is very 'brisk: A great many aro His fo yeeo - celice• There_is but 000 ruin loft in charge of the sta Gluons], the balaciee hiving Wien appose. • AT...Troth- Avg. 24.-We hove nothing later Due Woos the' Valley. Ower two huedrel rain et plod Ina che”Tforks et the Pennsylvania ilea rcs4h!iv, ca11,i004133 the one year'e terries. /tribe marriage Drat ellorly maiden la ohumb, the elogi thuelt ay the hyMn ' rt.r•laielitbe Why; Pose bore swim . ,: And =maned Writs! I found tt not." . ALt-piolSOmoothis is the Now tramp shire tigittathrirroted. agaltsi the bill 'nibs wing this lohlierf of ttlid &Filo" toto, . • . • —CITY .:4410 88110103A11. . . . ____ . •:. ,• • mielipsiptemirenresine to rm two; quota. . . Ito Isgestmeetir g of eltheas ever convened to lAwrencovil.e assembled at Itehinson ' s - Ila ll, . .. on Thursday 'ining, ltt. consider and eat upon the rableet or lima; their quota ander the Rea bundled thomand mil, with voice tears. She Borough etIOSICIII had already appropriated $20,- 000 to lii'bcnnties, and awaited the action of 'Le tax fd4ttn before entlattls'mg ni , elditlansi 1. , :on of tia,frolo. The seating.: tart-night tiuMor vted this a ith r gratitylag nranstaity, end to-nir,t t the courrti will act in tbesnatter, and tOOCOSS la 1... eyordzakt4iii e7.; , it to iske o tq, win sit.ti:e lota was ed made et the taaet irsq , end 510,011 bsorit in ft.tettt shies.. An nasal:anent al 400 on enclt enrolltd men In the town, wee made by the meeting, aid i,gratif3l44 sesp:snse wet Itronedl ate, rann ; edema pot pnitian of those present sorscriblog at *cos. Smolt:moos were adopted designating licillitm J snafu, Wft t itrasinver of the fund, and un 'lir into 4 emu terootiVo aubstai piton* to ano en, end alto to thenstms !and of citrellinitmona eta : tribations: Gcntierson who dealt* to lean eta Hotoogh toooey for tltis pohle perrose, together i with the'ttimrs noble - to tires; are a?ratertlY Ts °nested to - cation him prvraptly and ;ohm - ribs. . • i dile ctemottrocs ore st work to forward the moven:let. I,st ill netprnd wtth all shortly. Ito botide *lll be issued to rauti. to soft the taram tis rids and root anti Vino prams. Let avrty Ambler be pat to the . wheel. Men eta eillitits by liondreda Money for bounty only I. needtd. Plank too cob! it3.aferee mu noble alleles at once ; gIO. ©rant and Shennin o little Moto elob, en a tiny wilt Onlak the brains nt of Akio rcbol.ido before the tail pit,os. r..strybody to a. costal:110AI ---------- ' The Etriplo3-ets of the Allegheny Alwenl ' . and the Watt. norabor of the ernistoyees to the !arsenal aris lolled into oustly &ban; the draft on account of the order of the Provost !ISthahat General, that !'etilltd,sitisans" frill, if drafted, not be repin ed to report , for duty in the ha s list them n not 'teen too he this reed. It will bloat neatb them. The order etas only et protecting the geonristerent let ...... tn oathtnto of the army, thett sths cannot be replaced, being drafted It tbo archarchat:malty to ttitp post, who, s p io the.. there Is is more than a &set employees in the by gnittiog work would embarrass the govern ment. The order 13 elem . of any amtlgaity. m thou, ' strictly couiraot, would not tato In more than Doe third of the empinloon now oil :pot .to draft, nod the places of oft cap ho lied 'readily. In deed weber been Informed that this woo clear ty stet , 4 to the saddlers the other day when they an demded AO increase of piry ; he d,imand was ..end whea the &Imitative of leaving anise., .t of replied withstrae spoken of, they were Vintrei 'bat ft they gaittheir placer hould end mesa be jil:.disa ao.s,.b. by awn fr.ca the ?Ay you: $4O ~,d thee macro yourselves In the lucrative situations you tow holds and tot the 6112.0 11• bave the prou4 onesciousnose of hem . log don 6l e l/ your !dotty re - the Guionament shy h • • fang in Po duty to yea 1 14dlitier. Killed. , . . , 9la Ticeday loot, the remains a Mammies De irmitt,' a intother of a Yenneylsaula cavalry regiment, ems brought to the resider% ot his e /3 family at 0111daysbnrg—ths appearance of th n k.r,a,'• directed to the_ ein of his w re. being i 00 fray intimition that his friends b adi of hts ionise. It had only by a tow ine she ionised • letter , Isom him, in which Am stated that be well. It atgairs, tweeter, that he haldbeen thrown from s horse sad killed. The • d-Mased Was i - 'e worthy - Mtn, ' and highly esteemed by the community in which Manacled. . Ills Other totmerly sodded ham,and was killed• bY, its !toiler esploslon se virituces mutual ..hart t, I.ltet4, street. ------- --- ran Cerra Tex --The foil .wing sotto %clitor is. a yes entitle. tax in titioiiireet and Alls.-,bilay ei,outirii to p 43 i,nat.tini to TOEllll.lKkrd, "NW op ' .eel r•{9.; :1',1`14: Pet. :lii it .ruaiii.il,Tilftf eta ivOln , l a •..,?.. ~, . ibar ,atii, 1. f MO , pf tiro4, s,,lNerscl a_d Alluot.iii,, 0 3 , 113Lif , 6,1 tilos 24.3 by ilia niatal rt.linty bot to lA,/ aud . f.,,, t o v., . bonilty tb toittetwari, Ite axe ate bireby aistbotbsed-td on e. rad *Meet trawlslob nialii taxable in soy ono of said d a is ` sub IDna u Elie paid bead tnayditadg lii . te noXio extend ate dalissa nyna aby dna pals& to l .o ol i` nt ‘ ' BO tore.--li tensed Marsh said bat•ven tau snd 'liven years, reeidlng on Creedal' latent, -tialX Webeter, ban torn missing since the Idth r tart: As an mail boas la_ tbe oni it• was '- ‘ isept bi biz siotbis la • posisy . to rsaiiii. al 14,d, des soma batter, bat did sieved= and' hai not sine* been sun by his parenta, al , tketreglit dlillgant sear* Us been made. Ws \.. ' - hair willed and *tants sad he heel ea • map Ito stilt with etripad breast aad sollar,bissk asp aSkat, sad light rats. Information of Ids - late ot Ids- •hessabdiadmill be evil Isastva 4 byide Wins Whit and iiieDits. _ ,I '"1:101tint ,dolgolultq• "A10r.7404 ; OA I. De. Bustaii O. Las, of Chasms- 1, Z ito hem been appointed; iiststaid Dawn of Plan Inaba DrieriwyDP WIWI of the; Oth MI • , -- tad etyma e1i.,1 1,3044410 t arelisont fa aluedid9lllDbifteL C - A thottragli %sealed'', et his pogo ea, added IV sp lits ittod datillielliNiliitliaSeaat•al dadaist '-sin Oa ,Isle,,sdatli•bly lamb Ulu to dye ,e=4.tbir diDat Ad Ike Ismaili* . loam: 1 Wu.......,--'" • , - -rev f.:tz 1 , 7 --- "aisrolicit: Iniirrni wriaardiiisitaw ~z i pir.,,i.,............7.,-, ,, ka et- tatiotrisashpittr Adharteallar, lam nlficar.in the Use Waster aaarea. These ster•over aro imatirstivitAtV , is satandanos daring Ike lOW SU% 01011414 r.ll°lt 166.11"6.1a0til *W et/bold sambas 1 tss Sig ahead, sanplisysil Modules from Autrows - i• fineTdohun pat naoatti ,- "' - lefeeling of the Cquuty Committee. The members of the Union County Eseentive Committee held a meeting this forenoon al the law office of Marshal k. Drown, Fifth street, where a largo Demount of business was trnnennte 4. Tte tint brIBEDCE. to cedar was the permanent organisation of the Committee. On retion an, A. LS. Dios, fe, E. q.,waa phones permanent eltalict D. O'Neill, SeceeteryTand W. Little, TritlSlll.l".. It appearing that the name of the i cendidsto for Coroner vas wrongly printed In the newspv. TOM, inetruotiorus were given to have the proper correction made. The name should be %Vuitton Clawson Instead of Mewed Clawso n. Sub coMmitiees of Lye in every election dis trict worn amliorisod, which will be announced hereafter. The cc intuit to a i ll' se, hereafter, every Fri day morning at eleve o'clx.clt.. --- The Elp,tdb. NI and--A New ll.psdleut. 'lbis wnra has boon doing, nobly in the way of filling Its quota, but owing to the apathy of a large number of the enrolled min, the bounty is cabal:Wed, and recruiting /.111 Ceased. This to is greatly to bo regretted, but we me pleased atneutee that too oommittoo has hit npoa a lep• py expodient of alearmg all tato oontibutars to ties land. ii., e rnbreriboro trill torrathemsel ves ::40„, m I: , d watoreth.t: .I;,cbrt,..l..t:,.beed sit ti r r: q te uir fr i natant, r.rd who may be drafted., tearing all otheratortaire CAM of iheroteliao. The word le so nearly tut that pot more than ten or fifteen men will be rtrir.lred to be drafted, bat tin nom. mittat is determinedTi that it not on right: and e of the sat, soribers tool! Oder. do no doubt otbertsards will pouts the same tsars , . By this errant went, acme Of the " lizagbrs" will be earthy caught ---- Lam rennet' Ills and tho Bran. The scanting last night appointed a committee to make rut a full list' of enrolled men who are staid to pay the light assessyleat of frad each, , and thus co-orcrating with the Urge tee payer', relso the nentvary Wads to ray bounties, and 611 the sloh. Ill.c ctir.ralttee is antherimd to pabliah (es t mon aa the net 1113 IA made Got ) the neinea of all oh< pey, and all Tha negteat or re , iive to pay. This ill a littS 26Ld • piilinire com hired, aid the mccmlttee will folti the crier! of the racotir g wita,ut feu or favor. While the e-calthy ay , I , orlog .7v.t tleir ccotemy, let the rter. or moderate Coate cot ,ei.t.h cid ttlr m A ice. • God I.L. fps these v. bo help chear.,ohlven." . zer , r ~, a .!./.lt-r, sad the qu,ta ii altd.t. rctrcattan Tin,spurtrtl thr,,ugti c -." • ,f e_' tisitr,sd Se lelTireg tctosini beierv,ip rie.,tl 'eyed tram the tent) Si the welie to ills 1.1 pasezlal eieani estinmete,l woe a,e a.z.l .as.u.t., II occaiisasy, isarreia a .o be ,liroi 1 , , the r..34.4i prat!) , lose that b.; Cho rt,iet thus rod co of ths eat ..t.aer, 6,1 ; i.e• u 1,015 in the 6.410[1,/ eras., ports ri tre to the eS‘et of rte VIII9CU at the terra roads." • IStinp.r Itstrtn" Coming liercao. Wo burs fnn tneetred • telegr*EV: from err. Sorituel Madly, commuudluz, Cam. Istry C, ‘,Eusp's Bettor-7 Vto ann . mono, 10. lorrairgla3 the% the Itetteliel arill b mustered rot Eittsturgt. 27th A 'NMI etsrt fo , hence ors Satarday, th• 27th inet., Comonar ou Itondo,7, the Vitt', Company Con Eridni, Fl,h. 21, sad Courremy D ea Thurtdu7r, BeP I tomb.* B,h. I,l4,asp•.—The For•rlotoos • of the - V-mile Cal bolizi Oipban Arylto teknowlelies the te• oolot of on- tkoncttoduoik.ts, bequtst 01 at& lota Itsoltl IltKetvcx, of rois towLablp, P Marl Clad SOLDIUS' CLADS AGENCY. N. J. & HALL PATTERSON. LTIDDAEIS POD CLAM LSD ITNIVW t 10.: Featti MEET, PITTSEURCH rwomar.4. Pacints , Tiack Psy and ani3, Nom, ifu1...c.1 Aboat.t. WOUNDEf)&I)LInNitti, Gii:M BOISIITT axa:Nvorninsoms.airno, Y err ban pat nrAre q".6're r.d.4.....vou s aln itar-c-s aT, • Llani+4l Of tho 1). S. fkrnrulorat. Fe. lON Vitttrotnel, Pitts.trab 4 firar 14.L444,41 ..414rs• SOLDIERS' CLAWS., WONT= riessiob AflD earamt.sa OP Mr. tntently [lt, dud to or saw -Po•Fals e,ur+lL.-a►. P .1111•AbIrlr A 4, 12LITABY ELLEAS). BOUNTIES, Jaz. PtoBlolol, HUM PAST sod 6nLITA ,S IN CLI,dPIE4 of .0007 deeerlodow, edlecuelll tb, irk Vribai az tho_fallowt4 raids VS% recalsze 610 00, e 0 . other ois6sello ta. ,_ ..._, ;„ 414 0. T.Tse.,ll, Attorney at Lew, lifo.lllorant era. Pleudwers. P. 1 lil. B. B. slums an mute 1f Me slabs deem set ef) I n& sad all tat rwslfo"cre • 101 _------------ S'‘,,TP.,J'al,"; -,11-.)'..4011a11erp.1T,,g0, reeler 11 ...I.s lON K. 4.... o. no KO) it..nr, .13101 W. •ea•to al 10.0.1 AL. Cone, elilll.sLi awl r , rurth ;ti1,...,11701;bm.0ia1.. . Prirlot4n. obrolutly•cuffitk.:ll4ll. • esule B4t,r'uc,...Y 6thal ' 4-m iirg l,..... , • trizs. c =7.,—..,:vi1 , ,LA dn.* mriktaz TB. °BOUGH IL SE oocoorYSEl4, Druggis sUATk 1.1 NO. tiO Woixt stmt. of Theo • LYE; U.R.4.XCE JoErrrs• .43A rg j.v.3.1)1Na COFFIN, Agent far the. noaa ofprONES, Agent for North Amorjos, . hite_styWW—Taatoolaa MONA lapegr•O• •SAMai Rte, Ssin= Chinni •a la otormr, wag" _ and Wive ex Mi 11, GOllDON;Sekiretary of Westeisak 2:# ,amoititionsos wave vireye.. D . , NVOTIVI, BILETAOI I- Clat. •4 Kali id MS MIPS MEM :71'1310417'1;1*mA Tea We cabs sato Mail Przwitlio urinate vvi'dli.ll.llll!Sebt . lie.jistitiek.'sxarealki ' 9 d i, A r eol toot Airily s nitirmaini.“: 4lo o la the A lii• - stittn bittnosA:n.4.,Z,Zra - lAW. s.re ascot/ to 2-7 - ses4. g ii trinin -"FAM,.....100 barrels extra 7 Flow ta stun a" lb ' sl" "SIMMS a LAMA •111 wino 00104• 1 4 anA 002 tilirse", . The rlaet Repairinix Dananme. NMI" 101.%, 4,3 g. 26.—The Elcrnitl has the fol. 'swing dispatch from Ifortress !Monroe: Tht laieet intelligencc from Mobilo rraslisd as bust evendog ty the t. S. gonboat Connosticat, rislelt left the-a to the 15th lost. at sunset. At. that Orrin rho situation was nnohan,;cl. The tron'clads end,rort Morgan were engsgsd, but I hot not very overtly. Enriagot with ono of I.lz ilagAlps woe in MeLilo Bay, visore our fleet mg reysittleg damagric• Fait Morgan Is very stimuli inrcstsl by en? navy end military foreo•i. Geti. Car.llß63 with rarragut on the II:t. bet. for coustath.tiOn. lie 1tt193131:i3113 for the final blow to bp struck, and the days of Fort Morgan ate certainly numbered. The greatest actis,ty prevails among the Ileet, and the health and spirits ofltbo mon are t rot rate. • TEST FT% Mlll ALL OUP/Jr AT THE rreoxr OUR Li!iEt COESIDERAZLY EXTENDED. OLT LOSS ON SUNDII 5,Pkl )lEN Rebel reountoi the Fight- • flrhin.lhharsoe Away or Poromr.cd Angou 24—Braving. All is {slot to-day except the wool CllllOll - Oar laitbiie been extended finer raven rod ve bold fircurely the cer ciao* radir,ed to Boamb &lotion. o &sumo* of wren =ilea. No rebels ern to be roan on oar lets frorat. The entire loss of the rp, on Sands), it t • ••• • latad 11.5,0tig. Tbri foutbt The vai,crE of the 2:11 c h ati z 'r lt lag cf chl Ist: oa Wart.a tie 114 We have tara..•, tr.any •. bra , Mar , L . It f r ca,r. 12:tg. 0.33. Satttl./. l tit boa 1, i is, La..n . .0.1.ty Flonnegt.n an:lAA:au on. pleastaa Lira rstien , l r.rn Loalia snd Ott Oho unda La AO; ba tua arth L.) 46... ns• A,01,1111: co Pe`:,abtarg papsr; the -tcribriza Lvadttedlg railroad 13 0, itictLtr Natlunal Convention Sti.; goted. tletaltdlZE: 43 "" n'ral Fremont',3 Reply 1105:0.11, Aug. 16.—Seratal tiromitisint sitoli tfooicts,i IDettlitng Eiisear Wright and 8. 0. Ilawo, biro Written to General Froakint opnolt ix; of the diaintlofaction la the 11-pahli:in ;nubs, and a tvicing !hat tho D atiosoro and Vs.:don:l r.,,a.....ne, b.. - th litt.itaia their cios...s az Presittonetal candblates, and a no• C.a.'s, A. Lien. Fremont replies at Innn, reotitraing Com to floes ant faal at lib.eu to withamo b, I..nrao aiihstat illat con,oitlng `.45 pvty tit tom...seed tiro ; bat saggoaos that s dti.no; di,rt l-etaa , '4 to obtain an imedici.* usleret ahaing ioiaoaa,tle Strep,ftc.ro U & b OL nontinoes, la vt -0..--, tbst tbay ropy 00.100 , end onto up ,a *nes ,r.rentloo. In :hit lor.or Vcentiat gap Jt =l, : '.f.itt,b boa been Mt t. .hoe: poata. F r race nieltial Lim integral ootaelishosent of the 1..r.1e9 •I' - brat elhver,. lieelii.e ,1..r1 - 5 , to th • ri.nren of all Vir p. 116.1 iiseenoletti, and bse,, , a It.. inettin I'4li:wilt ti o,ridoomed sly Lilt on -o.gbiensea and Itberni .011: Of ilia age. t t..., r...'t L'....4.,....(tA' .1,....iA,111. 07 pa-, '' AIITUOILb.• lllDDinar pIiuGGISM' : ,ESARDINAR- 4111 4 boil/tem:li wksialsgab.i377, Lis EPOBIS FROM '➢b SIVOUNDOIIIIALLEY , 3ETE34nO 1.11 IaiII•NgTILLE DESIOS OF THE EliEllll TO CROSS THE POTO*At Lan* Column Tl•vorteo 774,-Ing Down Voce of tb• lilt. Ridge. R SPAriPP CI 2,16G011 A Tit.SGNFOCND&D new Icau. Anynat 29.—The Iribtme Iva ttr falowlti oprcioi from [torpor's &arty, dated t he 95th: Bulk onnottoding was bassi from etovon to 015 e o'otook to•day, on Our .etrein* tight. It Mu clam [won ascertained that our tOrcel diet end engaged he talent' , near tr.,arne • t Mo. T do vault is not yet too on. At huff past' lour tiedook none on our right sgoin brake upon, and alibis bout, ire eatoolt, continues Miskly. With dim gumption, all has been qubt along , co - frolic dying the d ay. • ' A epeeist to the lima, &it'd NV sada gton, August 261 b, owls the right of Sheridon's tine, bold by W linen's cavalry divlolon , was this mortilog advanced and mot thognemiln • ...re •nirgttnent, which °antic Rea ci,) to th• time of the Ogyouture of the trola trout litrion'. Ferry. The 1141. k Intil made to ("I...gleam. ..f ito uv.icness, on the part of the o,emy, 'haul,; ••e•••, ,c et ereef',4 tee P , A.13 ta by a terming tut tremeo. ce the t , ,te ertegtO She:id v e • 1 I il kiliC t . , A. leave. .11 ace, the lactiou etill zte tisio.d the 0 winiment *ay All reperta attributinto =Dumont looting to garde noviliktiont for poses ea preumat, ale utterly witboat foundation. Sur. Ton, Aageot 26.—Th• Wm.IN Wash. tangent spools' of the Mt Sapit &Analog rumors ate snood la reforoneo to WI novo nitzto ,of the rata fortis in Northern it Vtr- Oil. it b Wre I that a large rebel °damn mixing down stood olio of the Diu Badge, andthatn ilarly , If be 02011116 the Patollllo at MIL 1 ittli CM" tear Mina% ferry, or cortainly Om* WO Wolf P 'Alt of Retch, and make • d u os this city. Irma the gems of trans - Pt:n*lr tk t il li G lita rt t ut o at turgemtuirylithii:7ri soy *tamp of the retools to wee mann itublogtos. Pamir* of Ittorisaosoluproollettloko ttur <tots MA, eontrup to tit, optolea putsl4 uprooted br the $ Gaon pros, the inoroment ' or path* of Gouit's ferries on tho north tido of the Immo verso% •• feta, but • boat fib u. , to rte is Ittehmend trot the east, WI Atilt •tito *VA CO the We Witold was map • faint -to to elf the ettettiou of Lae to* otter troollose"' Tido tappotiittony -t t to insisted, ispholaseft oaf lotwo btas. reboil:lAm' On. i ilbo fish of the WeldniedhuoLl Los !wrist been dtvididest esto:Eratectmeoutotorid hp , - thlint.', PIMOk 11. roPorti§t II utottoluttts td fool ir47 sou about the "meat a t ha In Ills' cop, ha Wing todoritoodAtt h! !ffa, 14 .14 upportodlp stieut otieorps: - - - - ire 0 Mem the 14,03kiin etnetus. 1 11 9 P. 4174.10WA1 715 1 4 . - :4; ciastior...iss„,,,,teetTho Ailittward bows to u ic apotrieworsAbasaglie lnimualos4. arse *own frose the vitt near literresietatg,, itunikittg...ttsletegte" l.o _ o_os,. laYttit trbsotest keenatetive,.stessfneee - surAtteteatig *lnge caw pun tatenfirit• Ansi -atiplentsli Woos— am saw T05.i.0.: ' McDteletd, hie gentlest earnest, rots an Me; Arsin,ibas magma antektre& • • ' 4 Tbutit ales, tares' antlers; returning front Omni %Gunship,' ysitartlisy, were throws tom • tom and ono lino, and the other belly lantsad. Colored Garrtson and Trld.tes Captared and .Irterdered. DEN. DODGE STILL OVUM. The Proclamation Forger Released• Nay 'Coax, Ang 26.—The Tina ear that Howard, the proclamation larger, has been ro -I,..ated from Fart LfifeY. JMUSIG, 4'. CAUTION Az It spleen koa . ad-rerttsensent tart 1 I turs Von nk D, ^, . 3 . 1 ~.fth7 le fistorday's acre:Auk, fthrutog through the en w i t ocaucri, fern eculag that he eras moo. end with ~ 1 cufuh& h. r 4.1, soil "aloe sod . diva Firths, I dee_M It cocas. nary to iofcgoe lb.: publta thst no Watt [...R00 trill WY , , •r , r ru,o ',clod by ran. 'be p , frOott I. Cce sr rthr o f es telog goontse free In hefeh•, sloothr both, Gat k c. 4011 n, batk hair, Ino.loo I to Carl; sharp tv,toroll cb-tio to. n ISO WO. thr-ti4t, it, apeut. tactou La 6 14.1,, ..d . ,boat a) yes Cf she 71, prt.ficnt emplifog him, t.r. co ga7 roaleozolloa for lila [wt. Cl-1 M ELLOR. St WOOD STREET WAMELIIOI & BARB, 80L6 60F8T5 Of TEM Bradbury & Babomaoker & Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, 2,-14zi) Sbtl as 00. 31 b.ratrican Organs and Melodeons, r 0.12 H!H4LLL•? 13LOCL,, ST. <MUD Bb We take p:tesstre t retorting to • tee at ttotte ells 1.. e parci.4sed the. Hitt...iota In Pit taboxyl sud 7'g,T{,tp p.A.S. te.g,, Scan QYHDn. !el.. V R. Isllors, Capt. (Latittln, nc,. Ilutv/ell, Esq , it'd's. Itlille .t Cli.. J. V. titt, Wm. Bei - toll. I, Ot H. H. Plactlonra,,, C. H poi, (trust St. lieptiot Me, i A- LI .t.a,llcr, E.I. I , V . 11,:., req., I Pt. /1. B. acOteltrr, ,1. I. F. KVIT, IsrataLlo„ V. Dl...tter, .t Vincent.• Posdoce•. Itennpatern 'Vs V.P. e.r... Horseland. Cep WI etti. ~.i.. J. II . ••• ..,y. unnu.thoo. • ...H Poo. WI, ......ir ,. ..! it •. L. P0..t,...0t.v. 14,42-13,111 t. V. ktood r_ G , J. , Fs, 1.4.,p 0 1 LA•tr,....-.1; 1.....1 A11.A.1t..., Olts. ~.. J I.t. e, vely 1t... I' 41c111A, to Al.r. 5t...r...r.. AA. X. Ft , .., S. An It..,.oittAck, Feet.l.,truAT. Jet.L. Ye , .A..... a.,. 20 rian,, t , ,42.0rca , et , ..A.rr.t.t.i f ,, .:7 seam t ~,,,,,A ct..........,...1.....1 Pte.. A.: •AJA Lt. tat. A •.-..,..,10.4t AfSSABF .00 . .3.. "YO 1 1 ata 1..11 E. .h. •I 3 CS., OSATSV PI A.A.oz, ro- Cet,du 0 . a.- ..... ..... tu p,c.a. , M..c.. tsPe•Ofl., tli •.1 ~I.l**ol* * 01•11 Al.l-01.11.A.: Mee ASI,I. 116:..ADSoatib, ...,1 • 1...r...••••,..Att of of .... SHEET TAUJI.,3. MAL:LAME BLUR& 43 In.h dret. • - tier-OLE, 'No. SIIIYHMLD I I • Piste: end liasicaL 13.520 .o.stantly as lad a 055 szscrmass of TIVR- Platy's, ViuLANS, 0111TaTia A.C7OURDR9IO 'TRUK'S. Be., whtet RR tom inic.a. pl r^ccicel • - ,t DECKYAL PIANtr., vrtit•tt In r-gyn! tO • p • • tg PL. DIA go ..' :lva. gboat, 1.1.0 ii,[1,41i1:11211 k,to ul pi sU ituttnuatutz E.ld go I' I wet tit Ira rorrlblv tI , •F It& ,00121 "n • n!e. _ C...41...a.epi5. 011 C.. 07.118, tsc.. --„ 111:TTEKG. ITABIJAD. COLLIEiS & CO.. Y. n L DTr WIIVR jest roostsscl a ptan Isivessof PIiFAFI OA ITTOB EITR/ MlTlllira, tn. csl.amstr,l It V. W.ppros IM. pottpti<, "Mt qtlslttTor tuSsde Is st• ch, ah:a fry icy other syssils•E imports& and tie if=tud qtts.ctsrs cssulsrs them very drstrabt , Mei. C. II (.11., ham, also ltnt mont•ed • 1:151 .42101030 et. l wr I naort*M...etzlot Fancy Plaid Mattingeq, All at 1.14 et hit. Itut been landrcl, awl are. therdor% Use visual. Itti STINGS 124 THE MAESEIT. Oar qnperal stack of gooda fa still ansasTamodla ta t.% at 4.oret7, aoa rn at e L tunes Orr vas patruha the Meet Olio" the waist win •&.rd.. Cause msizutca flaying iiserstses.4 bstare qv, !Iss 1a Koodo s tarp sisals mans, carom) raiz , SAN= HIN A 1g ATTINGB, eldtto , tact cinalltl., tbo eaitkul b oftet ttrear • :taru no Alamitos' of as public 4 allwl pi ths abovs'pootc Y the:, &a Tim cheap:it curtain; iatticiusik.t. W. est. 030.1:ants 4 ;ek • Xmbradorod. F4".4 SadOsili k! Otetor, Ola% mt., oat as tot of it OLIN tteCLINVCS & CO., O,TJ ETU ST EE T la BW STYLEB `' AA 1 „ cal :, • 1 ;-,-; ... ; , - . T ' 3 . WilliDOW- BEA DS. i. Asmara) me $!. . 1 IMF SPRING - STOPIL i '. 1 . tb.B.-Rp.P,ICI T S 1 • ! - l iii,•iiiiEinii: - . 6.4o4arii_omflte: " 10111Utc anti NM 0011A;44 .301111 AL . , thborianrowermaceroadtatairam yams, pat ii4:44 1 1 , 4 ot4 Me solo tr: tbs callesocionebeil al* taamAroctrer d mu . E:__.. 11 :::. Ai 8113slas. ' men COMM' 7 , Mi I____ tioTrkBll-I(A)Dtt usismx a.cc J. tat 5.. For. se•LE. . • - • - , . . • Preidom Vottaan Exowirti. ' st,,, =duel Cel otter• forrate the above Foundry, chlch he las fitted en to %behest etyleyond nouraniont either 1..-r Fogrilly, Barrel Tectory or Wagon Ehop -42/ 'fog two bnlldfugs. 'no foundry Sall:lag ia Was:), .t.„witha • go.l cupola= it, and a Int , f gond dacha; toe engine building to fritn, a - Ith • good slide Tali. on. IP% T lucth cyliader.3 Lot esolce ; eighteen fc.t. taller, double 6m. Thant l attached to I t • good &lASI* •Asi threeone lots, Alto, good not Err. AND LOT, SithS:o l on =OD Street, eta Oa. Tor further satlcalass lutratrs on the premises, of J. B . 132".__ 1121N.D. freedom, P. V F ox SALE. 011 Stocks for Sale. 00lureths. LaMoo i t tleghoeY 3 ritteocrab. Irand on City, etella, Fedu.l, florasuock, Word). rods. other Colop.t.a. Pa.t.tenlar attention raid te the purchase, e=lcelsts ly semmleetan. a /troche, Bends sad 8.1 Estate. B. 8. BRYAN, FOB sa LE. A COUNTRY RESIDY:NOR in thr. vil'aito et Id aaefidd, toor t,Uoa d tram . thea cr etsty„ Lot So. Go, matelot.; b,trixia its ari goon it Is <mt.d a goad tiro st,ry brick ham', balm, atelba, oad other baildirp. ciLtara sod sel of exes . tent f Vette, soot acres of coal with beak Wood atd to good working order, will Do KO to wet lot or tided ta omit purcliseopil. It no: e, , d b , foro gIIPTSaI .1110th,Ifta oa that dal be acid at P OLIO rIAI-X, 4 o'claok g. ea.. ettleoat mono. Ti o Indla,autdrd sad onr.z ot all ISM'S britlCA. : Term+ f ego =Vibe I.3abuctra Os aptllcatioe to -ODOIL4F, IVEZ/Ziti Tb przsactiffta kloo , --------- VOR ELLS — , 0405 new Steam Sn_lne, 1: 15 tab elllndwr, tna straw, ca b:savi 1.6= bed WIS. , valve governor. One 12 15a 01 monk M tad: Tett vin cow. One 7 Ina oille•ler. 71 Ina straw, tot,. Cow 0 " Stl •• Two 0,11.15rr Balers, 78 In. arm-, VS 5. 71 =5. .-oe " 59 Ta " l5l Two V , toraint iron 011 15c111... . Tivo,-bota orflattr.43 La: 0:1 Gamebar cash. Lovas. cr! 11L DOM% C 14122 Ant••••• 112 ntrwr Bank. nowr tt.sPola. rINE OF THE MOST Brsonyin. AND %...1 dtairablelliestiani for molter, scab alotaka fird Liberty Is nas , aGertd fat rale, fronitag au MOW:4 Ltsnas chant atti tent, and COritlliZill: =S= =tog ar has; [Waste mtgs . the restdenes of Illassadcr 'Smiley Etat , Ittal ethos, a d tuicepable of thelflue , t ra nt. lmprate- The, ,g on a, re vx. • Iva stary brick hmts, h , vta , , barn, he., sil In goaat ordat; also s Ana or chard of yonag Melt mostly besting., lads n rog,rry, U &hed, ta, hs ash: taw taro, or tour seattuns Coate ' porcbst,rs. fat tetras, apply at ths Beal Iststs and Tatar cats off. of h. nwrr.i, I___..--- 1 -- -'' 'd'r strast„ Lt , stottne , flls. A' SALE—The cotuatry seat of the Ilate bufterk Douglas, tfes-_asul, ettuststtl be Colt Duo Usunettlp, enfb toile fou th e Altegtuuty astatten, tante:ging alitres aCTe• 10 • trgb rate of cultivation , being veil etocaul wilts fruit tretea,ehrobbory,tc., 6-1/ partly matelot,. with a. al. To penis./ etubliUg Utb. proved pet:Tsai, curobtulug sa sanwp, a esey o,usa, ocesue y, heslth rad good vettreth,tose the *hoes oft Rude • late opottaulti of enteliug st once to the els• 167 Inez.. f • D ran. , W... For farther raulculase Minh" at the aMsa of !lc PDS le* et . ft Do LW ', flo. 60 rows stets.t at.ll:ln e. g 1 , Pfltrif.tAe. r, 0 B s.ALE _ 6TEAL4 S.L.W 'MILLI. ...--,' A ki CIL ta1 , T157.3Y . to oste-hslt of ea C4l it ..1 01".= day Mill, mithces sod 00. ..-re. c.: 41-.... ,,, , a.D . .r.auSutna , cc . .. 1 0. t. t 0 ...- 10:,,ry n..,, , 11,4c..a. .. glO Llicaht.:l7 D, • ,. 2 , , V. 11 TL, I, ,d,red too solo The 80-I.Deu U or. .d nu modern 1.111 - Th• ass mill b in r~sl®• did ord., ...ol is well nittotad, haTir.g • creel remass trom it . :.:le rtssl. lo,all:j Six tallildi boar.. 7c: psrld, - ;',.. - : ez3l c. , I}:e or.donlgnid_ IirDIN & CrHOILPIESELIG, ' H a . C LULLS limed- Pkir.brentd, Ps. 6AL , Y , A THSETATIOST ESECIIIII upon, Ooatotolog ids room• awl ball, tocot.4.ota.tne of=s ogor, Doss= otreoV— Also, 0r,010a.4..0r,• Et°Urn, id,b.,loboo theabove. (rooting co Lagoa otvot. The.b iNe prilyity will he cult thoop forma. lgoToLte of T.I3.II.I3aPHT.Lv oa Mara: al , • the cglpl /1/.lllThi 11Eloa.gm 'WA SALI- 19 . segos of land adjoining 12 Ilan•fabL all piautvd in halt., itt ...1.-iX• 1•to J•clio s_Stninntt3 nu 141 1 M4 ..d °bin titan 10 corms Gletainia Station v 611.1010.44 Tor • Lo. .at connn7 L. with a- [lvor and ralt.a trout.- ?sky km, For jnoilcultat anger. of =MI / A ve.gl g from t 10 loci.. Noloto. roquiro at tb. id itti3a cIDos bo. Ica nits , amt. _!° 9 •"_ OR EILT-F fit .Jaziddin OU Warta, ss Crude Petralekere Craulln. In prime order, enbetsnUnlll kin of prime timber, nc longin use, end emtein o= WC barrel. nub. Appthutton nay be Isou , e a% Uns 13.-Inerr Arnotusr.4 0, or the o:to Pltuncrex. JOBNETO unr.urrozi, S VILET33, text tom• to F. U., ceco - -d rim% 93 llftb %beg., iiromdtwuriviai%V AragrtS l l 3 .4*- _.. : edows2. , troon ' - fancesst...t, 5. --- 1 :130051 • aiIVA :-.4. 4L1MF _Acs-- 4 1 nee ' -5 rs:ST POI:=T 01_110. L-, 11 ::: , , - .-Lin . .. SHE NEW NAIDUL-TiLLAW ': ....k.;:a. - ... , APPROVED ,Trig - loftr;Ar k :..__......,..r... , :. ,„ „.„,,,,,,,- . . C 4 ca..tolulai a fmn an.i,compiettylbiet tal - itaits4o l „ ''''''.. .. ' ate ezeoent of tax =V W' .. . • ../ • - NUB ikBETICALLY, ARE, RGRDP4 aad of maLl CLVat-11107.6: Asa...lsicalt wag. FS ;" .o_lt. l'Vegibit or 2.-......,n, fe viti't‘iis..:-' •.: 5 , , ,,,,,,, 0:i4 , - , Etwis etEles steed postpaid on reOelptertileili • Feed at orders to In. cm rompostddamircu.awasivrez, tc, -.,,,,- .z0..v..t: z. 1011 N. P. BENT, - Pfibltibta— - V/ I'M strtet, . _ r!. Iftrilf. Brokes extd Insanace AVut._ e 2 PO7I/111 1rL117140%, No. 10 Dt.....er.ab.kv A .I.OT OP PP.AIIING Ft)11. Aeernieg ov , tit • .eset , one aed Hatt coalw fro . ei 2,11.,heej Cie,. war the Peeroellier Plata Bead, with • mall Mame ,ecesa ea b. Ettilrel, Smc.r sad trioarsuca Fig Svar,bDalt". 11.1 •• :..ALE, A riugueireati Wagon at a: • N ~i lr Etat:oo. tbo PPOLlig manta 0-btott raid, .bere a-UM mu est. from $1 oft 3 to 11.7:0 • pow. Ali -.tot sCo• tr.{ .1 • boa cm:M=44a Gaz.e. n , boilt• north of O Ortoosbars, Yoe paepoalearo call or addrosa D&BIZT. M taytor.UTT; S,p. VOA IX-150 In of Coal; ola — oi - 2 0 .1: wor or Wont mai pwl also a. V act o: al and Twar ond other taaprooaxcatt to good wort , crkrio wool No. 3; oaf Watt ahe Iroutdoiholy wild and Caanellerfaa I.itroad. er.qalro at WIL LIMO lat.llll, .00 lntQ»c trorwr tab an .111".$ gtre•t., -038. tall.'-YElo.ll3Titwr-4.F.tor-1 .0 SkY.—;:the tbraCt4ax+llll6lc-Daalaiia.litalte, In; flitAelp raacoar No:14 Prix tivreeet.,,,litik laTtag • frou• Iset • luelvsi, repsdpir beet I.l%feot ta lria . • anal. Tao NAKIve , It ea .aaralleat,:tacaiapa tasaatactprtalii . tkaitla il 7s ` rizi ' i mi, 105:t1 • . • - eTA:I 2 ,;` ;me' uswe - .015 riboosisci. Ical - uAmiwAsaDmmax. 116 I[4-1 SALE.—A. aria— contalnily. etaaff"., deeroVetraincrerl3"wrifs.l.ll. f .. test: thirea_ 2" nrora. Pittoocoib. the hum to roll ors to ing r i i m a new of galttontios. lftir farther. particulars Moo„cc a the sobocriblrk . 4 . tayscil. Foa se. • 'WO. a Milt .Irialch I. end a t . := 1 eggfa bl x=r, ontirillgn •• , - gm. Kr Boum., 70R3 Dam LET--One•frant and mat book Parlor, suite& latedloakos Stoma Attert,between Rea awl Nut , tr - rilltart et = - ' sea,tl EtsgmuciatsCotTnit;o vart. ak a: IRA & JOIENSOK, • , AUL Wir"ilialnrl4as may. =arm saunas , MAI'S acrim tor soaks Ni•NA:basotuailia bpi` ••• letrOaaakaft,4ll4lllll26 MainHt paDtlAlialscga swim • 1401111 SHANEW . • —hoc iiii431444 4. 14 I, • k 11 1110-11M,littaalfai • ast rignsusig.iiiiii4"Aniiii 7, k 404 ij kil---14 '.1":“..--A-liniS Tr, :- •-•., - a--- - : • • ,• 7 , 2,4: .ria .e.:-..- 0 , , :a2: . 7 , : 44 0 1 0 ' EsoUilletrell 1 ; ; f o43 !•_:, ICI P" ' d - s. iTh".;-c—tonam. a. scams 0 C% 13.-- SUBOYER, .B.ttot= . taw. woo!. zu roan And. atl3 . _ . TWO CIiARKENG BOOKS. n0w141. 11 ,,' and ferrate. HENRYI- tiINERII3.!; , ; -. . 1- , , 1 • . d', :-. r -::: . ~. -,-, , . -.g •.; :' .: /7 -'." Trf.V. 'L'' 11 I DIG 0 V L. i 21kr *II , DY JA#n, LADY BCOTTe A _ ~ . ,4 - 1. s ec Al, ..,:i„ .-eeey•l I'°• tols c3hter-•w of Sir Waller Scottowd .., r, - P . The lim-Patted Ilastalid." ,3 IVICT-11„5-'3 1 1 3 pd,PP..3; p.m.(4.,,,fi1,.; ;,. ~, .. , ,ii . 1 .. .4 THE PUMA or Lri. A Vera. ST .74, UDC „:,,,;;14 ,I, Fkot7. Ws miler to all kok j.r.kitastica bet ilia • . _, , r;,,,,, , ; reed fer sac.. the codinory twe. oe Ca '" . tee ' -• - 1 ' A tensely int , reatin,r, It. easily ee3 brrlitntly.3lrittreai; ' ' ,'• ''• '•"R" ite character, being wed disociailasieeLe di Atti..ol ._ ~ . 2. at b a eadrous aid atillel Wools., The bog Ala 114, ~ celled "The Pride Of Life." as it le a etatchr4.llMl' c , .I. 0100 of tkst cerltils tbs.! is BP pro=t.r.t. 4€-,eialiisiat .'-. ' - ' ':. t ..,:,,,g. the more praetors.. et erat3lo3-6. :'.. 'l O I ,I .3 owe erseolally la the bidher forties* 41g toelli',l : • ~,_-. l , I eetiety. 114 ir.rere rats <,. "pde , e gairitt- laza ~ , - ~ • i m ad for the wr,l3.'e epic:lo3,d eeolosinqatal ibtfte .. ~,,, tot. I that rtgards viers:tang sad tstilbcaitliritholl3 di ' :q. 1. certain =doer aid. - u infnier, en 1.3 ., %ra d adi •• • i .." . 1 .ea cis•-•are rebated irtak a Pod. Virg 3 itildft ~L!. i 2 ; masts Mtit7a tP tit 11-At tie lilir. dell arkt ritatlO, s i saris ho ooniOnapilk/0 llOrSelirie, csii'prie;d4idelitch A , , trae.tuartra 311 clear-fghted smiler ar-L,ld/ Ea • :4 ' •:„..,, The mon of the tate commas tho.rd4p Iliac.' ~d .4 Wel .0 erwilant girl, tied teLCAM of rieSx,-OlaiXe; , • -•-.:''ti ll sad 'coma an artist a merit. with a roLoni f....?,.* , I . s, :‘ 1.1. Mstr-krocy. Toe trnsimeat of %be lear•nd Si life . " - • la.das famis the staple of the boot, tus,,a drawing '' ' - , - 1 i - Load 'Lady Unronenr.LldwidsiondAteets. - :.. :--),) :. , alloy il 0 vniter, bat hot aobleue tsar, ...Y= l .. - j j ~ 1 .. 1 , . end their oral, elm, ire aloile Arairi, .rW'idie bait ''' ''' , ' CI .'; 1 proof a their et:Millman 6 . 16 t hat aral seiljiai dorpLela ,'t t 77ti .' 1117111:31t 171":"'f08":::::"::nfL11C 0..191:::57117ff81:2::::: .1:1 .Tho plot le adroitly rce:trod, and, label .. .At leidaili.,,t , - _ , ~ the vett Le exceedtegly tolemstitr., t'4; • . ~ . L .• LI -..--"'' '.'" ' - - 'l l , - 3 I LIBTISIO bl 3 IR 1 AS-ilplial htv- Ir ., DV OA.T Mini:42llk SES,Ck*XEL. , , 1 . 1 .h0r0t13,..u-ic..."l9P 4 r.it AP. 2.=0."! 4 ‘; 11210 A-111. LO 131 lawar.; s rgplarti. , i .. % "lie itstSci• of Pashto., has dlsphe bar rota abiLty Is tklrses rack- ILL , one of . tae rare cr. , tie,. tbst onlyhaste th,lr'eelq...acc..F..-1..3 0. 0 . ,1.T3. • .... ...a to the hum, ski. A vOrit Ms thlP2Asitrot felt lee ' W its same apoo ...tiny .3 . .. - oa - 4 . .., lolly 0.6001. I - ' aka It to mob 0: on , ra id' re es lo•Cs ro.lil IPA - , •;-,':, :t reek 'The BLit., d.r.l. tv r blewe.ri end left-wit -, A , , e , reeled ttlo deceit .3 srt.f.co of tzar:: *skis cre5.....,. , ,„; , ma tsminsti, : 1- v.,. trst <Soo _ ~. : Whelk del f, ._,, ~ ..,% sts my 11512 k t e r for nal ' v ia - rare 13=11.,4 .''''• -.-,. is. sr. .1.001, sirs s.loo,,erktila tirt4lPSlstis•3•ll•.i: ; ~.1. , :s :Or kr.. IL, is..p.tsr teblet. TheywaLlYtien liars .•, .......,,-71 IS -Cln tbrir psrt 11,:.::say .0 we teeoF,here one of lhif ;_ ',,r ~, t .ctSaro..: Ltd b;.t 7500 of tbif#ol4.:iiovolli of tbi , firmest der. ._... . p: I. Goyim of tta abal'e beck. isn't LI Ogi#. ff , “ 4 , liAlki t at receipt of price. anwavEirirrEs:'.' TI & TS norrix 87717.1CP, nal ac.im Kthue, tluttics LSOII avEs' L..oEc=l • UATIOIS tam svlC.2.l%l7Towne skisosaa r our L oaa-vouaat Stsr and 17 -4": 7 T : Dergnate ' ' ANaraOAB.CLIED CaßPoUnrii - UNION PLA.YrNrir 0132.013; - . , OOLOVIL 1155TIAD or corn!!o7 1,113133.7r124.45 D OW -Vila. tuaos rso-EAD Onion Owes are pr. 2 up 14 neat bat; ' ; FOLD JOHN Vir-PIV,ITPCII7/3 NEWS DICOiCiT; . . Firm sTxorosieZ .1 tz von crri, yl6 . . ... r:g "MEW BOOKS.— 0 . .. .1.1 i. Tony:wig Epoch A , ' asd olor Y044:31. 2.. Toe laor.oaootc, Or Voir] HO 2.4lnce, by Wei Gllbet. ...:1 3. O. If Welke by outbor o..j'lll..snyo rat Li 6141 1 .14 . 1.. 4. Annan, by liarri.4 •C PtOboott. '' "- • - . 6. 0111 iOA ooFIT. .oArbur• - ~---.., •• ' • O. rt. , C 4. C.. 0 to a.sogAl the Tr4tc 3 , tk I" Tr: - r-s-A. 7. The Wok of Corcrooti #4yer:of_ilso rein 1413'101,..j.,:. Tor solo by innifood itreat.. ---_ SCHOOL BOOKS -t 4 - .:• „ , .-.- : ..: .. t-. • AID'BC/iO-0L 17.10Paiti-:-- Of ail 'era , ;4nutantly on Orl u4lfatn*At tennolil ,••:: -.:„. able rates, by ... , . .. =all . Mal& 01.41162 t.oo.„lrEgreaaill. ,• • tr Ala ar CO., Boon lers 13. Mk. 65 Wood street, wag 400 to itoo cony. Pittimutb., Bciloot.,are”...4„vf mt pared. driFigelifitti RH" 7"";''S , -f ^•,) FIRST CLAS Cital • . =Waist leXel'.l%+6llLl na" • •; • -!„. 7) Tf.Ft_ OZ. •if,&' :.• , t 100114tganali . . a '1... G.TIM& 00.MaGEnlifLOV, s= 4.r GOT LE3112 4 V2PIING • mom or nem ogo caws roam. ostooraiggad's sworn. Bkomvs BLum • W. ail 11021-Erai_ 10 -ST. GIOJEIt.,.IOIItEET —. . . "• - - - --- - weanenfacesteF4u :?t. `t' tii:doltir \ iiaci. It, Ms ban IKK:ta with ;111 fig% ,lam :., / ,;:j tato op ',the smog YOU, allftda at Oar. lOU piss cari Alai mobs .sce . tapes. fp* at ''..•.: - 1 ~ prim: . aft:o6lo., 041 4 44. ,5 114 -, a>'..) -- ' 'r" it3BAECGl*lll66llildt - Ei -7' , ..,•,:', • i, - .t - . ,-- ,i, , ‘ , •.,;„ -.l' ) Botts ne •-, - , irakiS11•110114:40:,' - • - loom DtirX -1 n*rizarral • 110 11 4 = e otaeg 1 1 -03iST.1141111t---!--1-1 \lll Dew 141..."1,1 SIONI -1W• idantarr.lf RAMO .siuss .-Thi.monsom-4 16 • 4 Thrii „ vo w sassy- - • -- , 3 11,eC ed 4 11(0111 C rttnDaFO "' ADIV _ -04,trth eWlfMeNi o;tr.i Ite; anlikWOMOCT;=s e.nd, 016.01111410100,., L&B Or - J PEMBA"tak n n 11 E1,,,, ta age b" , p, ifixsa e 4 =3 -2 It 4 ,1 " : ti 1 J 1 "I 1 • ; 61 ‘ I t 1 1 " - ,~ .y
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