vinaurshonac RDATHORNW=OIitreUff,27;IB6I: urii - mai 800 . ?4"v0mi11...,, 1 N 3 G: ,1 -.• . , •. , . raltDrllia Kalil ' ' I La ... . Y 4 ' li, 0 ...... .i . , Ic 7::. 1..;.....,:. '. 4? " 4.1t ...;!" tk...i:- . ...... .....: "0dui.........t 'rear- a ... 4 = 'p0tb,......... = Z!,beadlci= ,t 7 \. '5 75 5 40 ,7 V :70 1 CO 115 ltoo 145 •2413 - 1 •.• l:30 1- 435 13/Z 0-08 1120 7 50 a., 1111 0 00 13 751 7 00 Y. , 75 15 6 0 ! C °7110115 0 32 00:101101 43 E-Aro=i;ni'ADuarirsElouvrk ;3 0 2. == =1 , 1 , eta +Stag Ba th wok bas a the siltartirr. &dm tbeazatit In met yroVartlon:- llateteelll tthie•lltlzbei 15 m 1 al 10 0 1 3 ' 11 20 11 . 45 880 ...„8 24 00 18 CO 11 75 15. E 482 • 18.00 4 144 in mikes dgubbi ton abc , oi c , notical. each Lusart...--. eam -ag* oa tore oa. lifeczni . t!ng in tun elty. istorttni*n/n boo 47 yith tho want ref; I ,2tag committees. From early dawn till tit. •I:llllMtrreartriting osi binrcloda and an uneasily large nom* rat!{„ 10,re obtalati. The Third Ward etads;atio F t Sae btfidied end ;,.11nos naiad .T4inninetcnin;nad IrikO oancretiownef.Col.'Ziallopo'il' r'l Ari4417.4m4n out... Borgia of, the.othir f,;ls rrorc b vm7t a corrfni = :#oe2l4Ft4riaiuit : Nwcunilianianca't4i't4e .`citiotas Unaras' to-doyi •Tbo al fikh Verde bate b een very sueeessfut 'air4 , fuliiiittalriano;Us fall ea *Fa 7 244ti27iu o iilro74lt4ltl4l7llPr' It will alni4ntBo to4b i st t.jiot the - tie:rine deelitertakeitur mare •gasn. We lintioipani , thet recruiting - ‘lll-:bp , bilk to do/ end MondTh as a ala2 l: Of large squads are expiated - 0)14 the cowl, • Odiatriels. 1.7 4 11 °8!‘9 1 :17itil:fittitsznont continual nit ted, sad itioiiiittglicog*.re sworn In; -le Ilg rba g. ofsse..zug the w e an •Vtt the rntroa . ' eitatter el .,Vap a lte - dri a Zabile taree ,:7 that_ dlittiett froze the,' eetolog cotiterfp,, eerIOUS JOUe• Wheeling /auTigateer-of getteidai *ail* p~ who bid tilchirie - ilotaiinelons;:ealigir. gird a 'teamed nom Youdottki'.azia waited to what the captain-woolinhargo to take tha ;lona and himoolf.tq'Pittibimgh. waain; b o na that if he trotdd:ptd the melon: dava is , ;'....511 hold; go dotritliiiii theta himself and ilia • .. stew they eatitieldi ha 'would Mho Him I atotSLps..:itther tam agreed to this, am/after :. rmeiting,hiOntirmsdi tae hold got.down ham 2. Tbo Ofoicsition had, boon mods is &Joke, 4A no clieettjapdili4 Put thafoliow wasin:tha ' Od, tholiticho:iurtrolOtad and 'nothing mot, ~a theoght of the matter notiliata in the tdghto a search wu inatitntid for the Man: could not be !Mind, tote ;bi Ts:kr:lapsed to !alien atarboatd. ' In'oomidotation olds i i. " . ii'lanoltoly:alisir the craw dreided to Sat a W 1,14 /, • ' t;;;aslort to his Inclazoiwioin the hatches were sed far U jitPa nit e. , nn A d e ttotor tat=, with a tauten Oiseoteredlite man lying tilt i"lon lam blotting Lira a -Parigat sod sl'P"; vigezmdsty attho mnstottoos, whack wore arming ahont his sweito hi nnL, , bo i d a I d b . T it th= ' ' .'2 lllB..l 2 trtotisike t' tTlt q g oart.ra that ' 1: miutinitoas„ wenMonbLotomaP tat.F . nptnt.. (mono dltmaidini diggers cool Is it mietterot importance not only to tie iloturon,ap; acte4itappers, : lootto idnni In the conizonntty-If Lamedtstotnini;. are not toltOnAlitt:lioopio will be taxed ImUYrg.fitelr wittor inV.l.Ol , Wto aro this Coal dtsoelstiott.toia salmoatly refuted to pap our Are owns pet 4 b i r u let . ditiantroad•ar• notawith pleaimro tar pone meeting to beheldon. Mott., ; sy, Angina =lb, at. three o'clock - p. m:. tbo Bond at Vadtriteomitile 'take props!' autrrts to ,abtala -coal at a - tassonsbb pruu4 Nary coo if/limited to-tato - 41nd we Oast all .or cold tota,,4llottaniatistfaeatters, cad all oat al ptostiotors,afio.pseafte their °oak by rail-- as stodi ,aa eat. tiiistiss tffd prcsoptly. Now it the tEma to have trotted lon be 'Alibiing aLjiii 'damindt - oCaoal Ts and to arrange lot a eapply of pod aim, iinable prices. 1 . .... -,'• • .....LareeLty. or 'a :Watch. - - ' ':-.:,•.:1,...1 On_Thattday, Jceapti - adapts, a 117111dUltIlf, Veirleitte.l*.SßlVarPd bt fotl , *alor. Wily,* ~ urea ii.complilnt ogainet two of hie neigh. k , -.• `‘' ' g d'IS ' An' ivi - ' ~,- ; ,oto, an e m. en= m...Larner,iherg : I''' g than wig.:--staiiling :him him a valuable Id welch. r-Wattnate Wire homed, end ofileete renrind . hteetleillbpatated to Bewiekley to et them. .le.xner in the meantime cants to ' it City, and wee arrested on the Monongahela had .by the Ctief of Pollee, and locked. op. nen wen arttattd.ebont three miles 'from Be ichley and btanght to title .city. They so. owhotea the theft, liad mated that they had }!edgedg the welch at a pawn broker's e hatzblith c, on lEhnithdeli etrtat o for twenty, Ave dol . The °att . :al...visited .the paiwnbmker- and 1.. d the watch. Yesterday afternoon they t l , id a betties before the Msyor; who committed am to Jan, tr. &Wilt of tp9o halL emelt, to an ew tha charge at Cote. . -. , ,',,i,',::::i 'lt.teoll Market. lt.._.* : I The Hil_CltyXoniter, of the 21th Inst. con- 1,.,; , 1,, : 1 tbeiolloplegs,.The =tat continues thlu, iisis th a good dtroand. The producers sppeir to i- ~ , se the control of piece in their own hands. li 4:1:1 a have a repo - 11l onto of Reran he:Rye& t t, = , ,; . )arrels on the Toth Farm at $ 10,50, which they :3. 0, quoted as the emote ,prtee at the wells, and 11 to $t1,50 at this peat in bilk. The Phil iips Olt Company have streaks new well on the pidow Idetitintook Pam, which. posopeolyeeter day thlrti-totthels, with frequent, stoppages. The if wee knack at the third sand rook. When porly MOW, it wilt donbtleu pled 100 be,.. ipro ;'',4oll l l l :of._ V b r o:g . lter Te 1 8 1 1 : I tt f e h 6 o M ln . fu btvcag clt a a ,: r : ' ~ ,, depum of 300 kit , front whichtw o ' earrett l a day '' ' VC= be Wiped wilt tbeinand puzp. A. sixteenth . tereth In the woll,ftrst olontleuglar via VON • few dell since for .o,apo,ina slues fitiold for ''••••- $lO,OOO. i‘i , Death of Lientenant.Choof ca.' Long, I latelliatqcsrmine?l'lii ells' city 'ester- 1 -- 14 asp of ft:iidiath of abatis: 3. Long, 1 42041- '' '"' ‘ ; :t aster ,of :IL 13t!b.1`p.s.nsyloonte,,Itegioacitt: 7 which tots it.o2CT VG tiisday itcht - , O:, Hew - „F• 43. Iledoveigtj.l s f4l; Alva er.a. 17.11tpcats , , E to totop or-or-tr - tts. fairer.- Lo . vrFur-, Lirs; mina tho gervico Angina 22, 1E62, a L 5..4041 ~ L i e u t enant of Compass D, 130th Hoglment. and ;fur I l tre a lte c n f aceliit i rb S ess v e: li e l' a r° ste r p °M en 4 f. t° He 1 eras thertly attorwards appointed Regimental ,- enerterronster, whlcial4insillin .hod . it the . . *se of Lie death. Tile deloused, although hut . .:.. vcentrtero gears of Age, wadno able and offl.. ... ,toast otnoa, and blesootintiderbrilkfigretbi: ..q Warn Of Ms untimely death. - 110 leaven a gonna' write end chiltte =gum hie logo, Ms brother. 4 , „ Identatellhotaiietif %Vie NVltistuirith IWlms" 1 1/110 litiolt at lb. bathe It Brettertataborg. 4,,a , r ,,,A rai ii- . . - .t'f - i V.' r,2 . ~1: 4.,.... ___ e Snbetitute. ~ 1 4 The retetitzte brokers atlfliiii:4 - iy4140.47; k time CO Tuesday In searnial a nen& One of ." 0 .them opseged a hlgidaleibitalidlitibr $3OO. • . J Ara:rubor of toffto3.llol4 if tithstifigentdAitis larger offers. After ji,„ dump 'm ath, it - . , ..„ , .., ea ir .41 - f r i r; e : c 4 t al 9 r k le. 3 4 r a t tr oi lb o t el r oi ld k all o gir t :l ; l',' Tweet 3farshalli' . Thp f l ot t „:was 1 , segneed Oli having thtfin3l.lo6 an sob"d i i ,f. lea to term. Ano th er lit 0 6i iir 11 , attu i rm . .. v .,, 1v. ity ,s, - . ...• NA, to the fun tat for examthation.-: Thoth nth i re i ;e 4 of lit tit gs. ° Mx. lt jlio .f.,1 vow the int. the drtver of the haat jointer in ii ift• H s ibt• 1 0Ohth dattheioef t ke Plwitreitfraldtfativitti . " 0r ,. .4: g i ," ~.. __....plifitistaillio , . .10 .1 .. .... ‘ tlt .. Wc#o .. :: . W.. - „-Tf" ., " • " , 4 6 '1 . • rzw-The Theatre ?al - , Werl,` attettier. .(V I 1 , - , Consirkcce info k•DAft* -41 . 6 . 141 ‘.!` 4 41 ' -; •:'' ...• "' , tf,,,e,-,:,, Jul. ante& notheditutandlog the heavy rata. P," ,- . 1 i'primum"''. 'trey!! Oi_ri f 's L4:9 ' t. omama....virZ. - The seedy of altateliblatet se. rendered In 'IOXWEL - TO 7 J VHF„- i effelp - f li .i. -; ..., , ,, t l n ., a s i sr ibir.STIVINIP len the Attantio end- eses t utple.,,An eutaltes l l7 good tati.h., l4l e. "'"" i1 4 ,-"-'s'3‘lo Vfr 74,2 - '4 - 4.- l' ijet,F,3l;iiWeettnrifint: l 4.. air/001102.1310H,r,W3 in a tor ealreveglNt. - 130 ndfutifittFar ' riiiii N nii.l:ii i iifki l aV" l % ” ,-2;: ..e - otoTebod.... /10 Rao etualleneed war erme f Ja I ,,, J,'" . ; , ;oll2llThirAtrirttrialb Sr" bl )I t. °nen. al l' , 'f- a vonto,-Cfornellafeuln -' ll - lAO`l 3l shb -, ig",. tot rti too& 1ft13 4 %1 0 4 131- 4 , o o oVoter, ~-,-.. . 1 05 a _ _ ...,. het jt.foltaxeseltsetoraspcsties, Istteetrtot., 7. 0 „,..., who - is tos epee et et oh, ottmsputiteot • 4111f. 1 '.- - .'sr 4 " 4ll ' - 0 - ' . 1, 1 6 "..4. SNP .10,3tqk,sbant. rlowettie still '"'Pr• l i a - '• Gaol ateroutier Apra, • `..,5,714'00.. II?, " tr. , 1 , - ! s ue' ' 4.- -.-------- i-,z2e .1 4,....f, , Z4 , 4 r : -.1 , 2, -, _ 4 V. /Wk.* . LtranagWi-eira. , - . ,i,:, , 4„14.1awr...t , J ** • r__ ,1, ...,12.,„_„_,.,__„ 1- 124.- _____ ' '..,,:s o•-oit'J'SL, - ,.. ii mil ', i 6., .- % --,•-, ,„ . ....,,,,Tgeko ,N,,g VI _ .0.1.7 '.. 1 1 '4l il..TVV.lSllTVlßP•Maeltpirdsi4l%estla; mall a IF Ak t kr co tifiII: L IEFIDW MO rasa, lOU blAMOtAlliiitte•V . alia ? . gt 6 • CU I 43 ° 113 ' 88 *i ll be beid / 41 7 1114 - -lea •I• 4 11 - - rirrgr•fretittialo, 1 ,-- ~ ,,-- , .-0.0. .-... Is. x" , .% le P, ,,, i gleku , few g. ' , ~ . -an ,rife, ''. ' v'stgliffetateerwa........a....e ,--i":7;15b101 „.. - . --,,00 baron. off Oookfo *,l Mr , 0 ..3).. .... br .... -, ,,.....c...,,110 .1.” 21 r% t( ''• 'I 4 . •• - - 11 -•••• :t ' •.' kalkil Wooroosble4 wafteldi re -944.1..t.•.,4 •i•-DOE .. ' '" , --,,-. ',.„ ' - , -IteX) VI 1, ~ , - , : it....,......., 1 ,40. Toed A a 1,- ..”-O . ~ -f.- , ,,k,....- l.l. A ‘,..., ~ 1 • --; i ".... • '''', ~,'.", • e. 71. ~ ...* r.,• ~ : :-.., • ~., ' ' mssrt . • P'.ol It ir . ,..!,1 4 A ri,,4*-11'.'.41F4.-:16,1P,fW 4" fi.2,--o ,0....' ,- a loll' 0. Of - tn---•, ,-“Li ~,,,, ~,,,,,, 1 ~,,I 0 ,?.......,,rt t ~,, ~.1., ,S; it 17, , ,, , , ~.? T . 044 ettnt.4l4ii ,t, gra ghitailtV?l, l l:7, 1-- 4 - .,.. 1 . 11 . ~„,ir ‘ , ..:F1zt.5:4k. , mr,-.7 .t.. 14. T..„.. , ag.v.t „ , ,,,d .T. , rezi .7.5. A.,,, ..„..t :4: - 1..;,,,,, ‘• - -, •.. ,T. 7 * 0 ,4, 4 ” 40 W 4 g 1 44 '. • ' ' - ' -• • - " 1 ~,,_. - -,' "-- --• - ' ' •,. -•:, . 1 v , ' ,_ ,;-, - .. •_ - _ -, ~- , - . • ..-,-, - -- • '' • ---"! • - ,- ": - .f` , . ) - -' - _:": . ....i,,`.. -- „:-: ••--•':- 1. ,'•••-• F - '."-:: - . 1 =-‘,c,, ~ i..."...1-, -.-..."- ''' ::-- .. , ---. , I p- , "•-• , - , -- , 7 ,, ' - ,, , •30.t,i. , ,-.:',. ,- 2 ,-,;•• ...Afki.,-, :, .'r : r ..,. r i , - ,. , .„ 7 -. -, ,,,,:,-4...."....k, . %,-, 2 ,,...„,..L. - 1 , .....-..— ,,, ........4 , — ,,, _ , ........ „, t.. , .4.--- - ,„ , ..,...-4..,..„:„,re.. , ,5 - t4; % :.--„;', _ r,! :1 - :: : , ..,,,, ..,,..,-, , - ,_:.. ~- --...? ..—rs„ T.. , --, __ , ..1 , .. , ,,, ,-.d,...2•,..,..::_,-......,,..,(,:,,, The'-Dra(tla the Eighth Ward. .. . ... . . ; _.... . , ...'ißelostwo give teitiningaddrassto thetarollsd AtHieini iir ibi - iiiiiiix lissa t ii.gdation .10 32uk daft. ... . . The addreti was preened 14 W. Zan tlllllotinartirset - ellere a vigernexend Well lif.xiti a iltpit...W-tailts Otpei4ht:Tl.Lciiiiii. .. ... _ ... . . . . not subedrthedotatew doubt Siotbielinetalwill. exerelsoltappy influence - in awatiendmitlue en lefled man a eettleint; their duty in'tbe prem- Ira. H it tho, address :,, , : , To do rErirollpitisiiii ei.the Bill lie : . The undersigned : hive been appointed a eammittoo to prepare leitddretaf to you, or more property epee:Ling:that portion of you who briVe thus tar -refuted to give any innistanee to these who are DOW banning so zealously to fill the quota of the vial' - .'llfhile It gives us.groat plasters to pat ient' shy duty required of as in so good a work, err most heartily regret the alreamotanoes which • renders the pa rfonnaucto of such a duty aecensury. There are three duties which are peril:nut to all otters, which every intelligent Christian man • frobligeled by religion, patriotism and honor to perform.; They are, first, the duty whiCh he ones to his God; second,. that . which ho owes to . !ilk ennallyi, third, ihnt : which he own to his = Sy. -Whether - yen perform the firettif these uties Ot not we do not lino*, but to hivO no healtation in athriabog that,. in refining to give al your aid in our efforts tofterithe ward from a draft : L yon have not performed the second and third.... By your nations dill ye be judged," - Iriin old rule, end, though it Is not an infallible one, lt if oftener right than otherwise, and con hi teed , in your Caro without doing yon the leash ialtustlee. It is a matter of -great - cur -1411.0.' to as that men, . !atoll/gent. , men, men who are 'abscriutety certain that they would be unable to purchase a substitute •la ,she . avent of their being drafted; motet* love. the toasty of their elves, and the prattling noise of their children, ' wild - knOiti - that - they would tie deprived of many comfort", ;and Pre , la* sent° of the ntiantatiet of lifei-by,you ..bit log compelled to lane thin:lei—men who value I"..tbs; religion' iiiiiiiegifilifiltyeifebley,inid the stole relations which surround them; 'non who I ale - Teri well swine of the .IAI37IIINe 03210- Alle_lkeellilitliCh wilt follow the &ening of their ;,neries.eiit of the...wheel on the bat day of next .'Eapdernl r. - wti soy' hie a matter of great 13tar prise to that men who knew all this will not make t e effort to avoid Airs root:Wade may -eresh their families.. : .. _.•• ~ ~. ".''., . . I -..Row, two term to you that if is ceitela that -lon in lencepe the draft and ants disagreeable :.eontiquenens,ii.. you . will C31%0 forward and Mit , tribute to Our filld;: , -Wsiliptil loyou, eintollad - amine* ge EiflibMard, to ::dOlay no - longer. .tifflen au nt glee es fifty dollars, give ue teen ...ty; drip arid - If you have not 'grit' the - money, -:borrow it. and glveionr-hond InvOollaterat ea - corny. ; If the Committee do not find you, memo 'ft wpoint to And the Conizattee., Dome to our meetings, end give to ertootirsgrOMent . by your presence, and aid no by your counseL. In ton• olusicnoreLapPeal to you tame-sacra to come up - 1.0 Me wort: - Vet us give a long pull, a strong ;pall, cad a pull altogether, sad. lf Iron do this, when the *hada of night fall on the oily of Odittabnigh on the sth day of next September, tbedraft will not have rimmed a single pang of entree to have crossed the • threshold of no en -sidled manin the ward. It you fall to do this, - y.vrktflileat a sacred Arty which you owe to year .try; =Lyme family. Tor:LEH. litiLls.. .Rstex.exio D. Joints, ' ' SewueL Moscow. 1L4. : , 200 250 S 75 4105 000 111 POO 070 LI 70 • I 70 tO' •$ CO ID Ea WOO 110 105. 2.03 933 4xo' 6.18 6 03 Fhe Death Of Young Hager. jalsoll.B. Bogey, the young man who was kill edlithe carson,fiaturday last, was not mitoses, . de stated. He mat standing outside the truly inthe'tirost tie, Tallman the roll. Ufa atiam tkit7w4 utttedlutby the troop traingoing wes t.. llq . thing near the e ism Mulch - by somea w-catch• er of 4 train going east instwein -Derry and Mllwcod dation'. -Herwas struck on the hood— ne other part of his body was touched. - if. was thrown loins distance, and was insensiblearlien Weed. ' , Ocassalonstiess soon esturniti,lend in` sewed intelligently the questions Asked titer - told hi[ name and his father'splace of rasidenee, which was near' the Intersection, &boat eight miles distant. Whin told that the train was appreciating which wet to take him. hone, he answered, " I glad of that." When he ar ived b.Once ha wu epeechleas. Tao physicians Immediately called, but the brain was restated in, andise died at ten &Attack on Sitar . day evebeing. - wee nineteen years of age, had teen a resident bions city for ten rears Past, bid 'studied the profeulon of dentistry, . and. wetald beve been a proficient in 'that. pro lusion had be chosen to tallow it, bat his mind had Bean tumeeltaward the ministry. He mu , purstdrig a 430121111 . of stadia with that view in the school of Mr. Newell, Penn street. He -waea lonarg min of the . purest and most un blemished character, amiable disposition and accom , ilehed ruled, and would no doubt beaten honor to the profession he had chosen. He oeme the city to make inquiry about the commutes meat olthool, and was returning _home. He leaves intros, brother in 'the a-my, sisters, and many friends who mourn his untimely end-- not velt,bout the firm belief that•qt Is wall with !Third Ward and the Draft. The enrolled men of the Third Ward hid on entituabutio meeting at the School Mown Friday Granter, and_the bounty bonds were tateurip rapidly, at d large , cash contributions were route. .The Weed only requires about thirty torn to erode :it of. • the draft; ands unitadatfortis aU that- in required to secure them. A resolution :was allotted pritikling for the entrintment of a committee of ene for each block. whose object is to obtain sebscriptions to the bounty fund. and .also to,take the names-of- such parties mutes@ to -contribute, sad their reasons , for so doing, which Is to be published in the daily papers. Tie :following ars the names of the commit tee aproolnted tinder the resolution: Louts Heineman, Robert W. Mickey, Serum Down, P. SCA, Henry Dsub„ Thomas B. i/lem. !Don, P. Brogb, A. J. Griggs, Lode Gent, A. Ifu:clafson, ..Yo„hn Duly; Peter Death Waltzed Drummord;ll. - Diaker, Themes Coyle, William Bat, O. B. Duncan, Peter Brady, Tltoinu , A. McClelland, W. I. Montgomery. There will bei another meeting at the eicanol Houle ittla evening, to which all the °Ultimo of the ward are Invited. 'The Weber Plano. The, tam of Weber, familiar to ail Madera connoisseurs as belonging to one of the eaten ocroposere--for who bar not heard of the tensor tat kroisehuts,",the moat popular opera of the great Carl limbs von Weber—le, however, now often mentioned In a different emmection, ere; longing to a fart rising manufacturer of pleura In one city, Albert Weber. After a critical es. - - Imization of bla instrument, we believe with Alan Zunde I, who says; "A ten years' equate ' tepee seith a Weber's' pialto boa eorivineed, me I - rug they are as gcod se the mettle of • C. A V. Weber." And what triode could be better? The Weber pianos we fast' risinefir favor, and , are now sought after he many of our boitarttiti and emitters. They 'deserve it, too, for the !merits ere too prominent to be everlooked, and entitle thsmAo the confidence and Ortion age of tliiptib • tic. We do net eartionlatise thespians of excel ls nee pf she Weber plane, huspreferragonewortd - irg our readers to all tat hfa wiritorrei,.ind iponds !time beatezeraining and- Jedgingfor toemealves.., Thwaheiglfi leWleitaid firm. the liari.Torir Ireeifiy. loaf, Jib high authority in miusleat mat te* Air: C.O. Mellor li - theroleigint tor Wort, ereyennrylvenle.ior the Weber Owes,/ fer Una assortment may now be seen at Ur i nate - roam' 110.-81Wimslatteit. - • - . phi Dratt..inzat-Th=UAlleghens..- ibt4 !mulling of the °Wahl -ortbp ward, held ft the Behool" Houtujest eireulne, .To shA Anil, Eeq., in the diiii,' lAd Mr. Henry :rein, Secretaii, - tiiii lollnitingnOrninit tors tire apirinted4to reperb tosn,adjonined J A :iit i , to bi.beld at tbo ann. prosoothi! ,l ? 41.1.1ite , on L Di5i.0...1 of Booldo ism.' by the &AOcißoord.-Joelab Krb g ,%Vm D .jraloy,Georgo Black, Hon. James L. Gmbam, Sao. Fr. lan- Dirge. Henry Irwin and Samuel Dyer. ' • mitre. on Soliciting Sul.riptirms frog the Ear *WI Mn -of as: irani-:-Tvan Ct. 'Saheb, Charlys:MitAle; Dg ? ...Witt, Thurt, Via.- Ma-- Zoe rMd Simon 'Drum. , ~.ft. Doge and haterestiag muteting.t(to bet held VII/ 4iveutug,, yhtsult I; espeatee sneepstee "nu be e r t u . illUng At 4 ,c 3 to: x elf grr • Ma - . . ward ' from - li P - it kaffer;.l4o4oPOAlo4!.4:•*#4,, atolla:o4e, friT ' rl it "Wilt - 11' AnoriMirrmatt.—Tbff Ob I ant r a • l i ttera Po n imam; bated 4 414. the Jr mall -tali g with thehlinfierwitslipeitielillfeel- I Bier all, Allegheny eityi.eenonuriedwg at 2 r. et. .on if day, Anna, giltb, awl eantienhei tilt the, folio initißdidSYX6~ . .o3(litlMill Lard Day, taming, afternoon az erea_ag, 103, Lai., 3 rat:wwil 43014Litzia 1404 tlt eier Llaaeyenett„pfDetMt;linit.Leoe en& Pm WI; • ~ .• ' rit.WiZilk v alliaK . ' - • • .. lAA. tali ' 1it1aiiiiia1i......,,,......,.... ' ...... ......, rs - .- - - ' ..: ' f' '...3 4 7 . tii:;. ...John Anteti,Ake,whlae.,_,near aSiste tic was robtaMitethtoday.ribarlaftilettt, !RI 000 . 1 n Government kaglaftf PitOln Ws. 'lto tot enured the hones wlllietho lewdly 34 1 4"VtebalalitSlittatetfintagAtta bola:l4l*d viajeten, le track. The ouppoatal OW, ono D=lWllliateeetittiarated.wzntelodgiod , in j , bst,nomfAlr.pagyl. piLtex.A.v been New Publlcatteas. Nor Dun T, Cl .Teatreim, Lather o! it 'Dorm— , 011•• Mikes 6;041 - Work," te. Now This storylima open tbs-nddsk dimmest , ue .0 the hers, a young painter, Edward Sethi, who only diopo cat of sight is the latter; put of the work. He ban becalm's:died by L cir... corketances to go to Homey..Ea/Wad by a friend also named Smith, The two, however, appear in Mutilate, when It is discovered that they are bait brothers. :Here, after a relies of adventures and misfortunes, Edward becomes very lick, and is gaily' left tor dead. Rupert, the otherEmittr, then makes for England, .where.titentwetdi to cagy out a ;pleat Edward by personating him, hartegJenived that •Ediesal . is heir lean estate. He deceives everybody and gets the ea. Azle, itrea In fine etre, pa's off old debts, and Has a good time generally. Eat Edward Smith, left dying in an dustralLan digger', hat, Ls ”Not Dearl * Yet;" and murder tangent. In dole time; therefore, the reel Ehnen Pete comes home from abroad, to and that his brother is a lying knave and imposter; having married his own me love, robbed him of his name and inheriMmoo, and proved , laszelf a villain and a prollgate. Of conies the villain now miner to grief,of tho sternest and moot relentless kind. eis dragged from his high plane and dignity, and branded as en imposter, and before the law oan take etarmeary vengeaace en bim, is pistolled by the head cf a moneylender oho boo helped to expose his villainy. He dies In °Curial cross lloopitel, watched, by the woman whom ho'had galled Into marriage under the lying pretence that her tree love was deed, end by the brother whom he bad thus botrard. This Story ends as alt each stories end. Tho true heir has hit own, .and virtnethawarded. Tbe boat Is elegantly yriatod boated. Mi ner. en Fifth street, las It. Wzitscrr.'s Letaza Dritvolusirilleon. het and Brother, Lies lark. We bare sham regarded - Willeon't series of Spellers end Readers as the Per, hest that eau be entla the hands of children going to sehooL The nix Speller can he hsd at Ulmer's. FOE TP.2 CRIOAOO COISTANT/OL-A, Imo dole• headod by DeoMs Brass Band arrived in this city yesterday afteraion, OD MAO to the Chicago Convention. Lsockarr.—A oolorbd waiter at the Monongs- Bela Moro named Addinon,waa arrested yeti's `darbn a tbergo of stesilog a pocket boot con taining GPI dollars from a boarder named Goo. AL Greet. Addison was committed to answer. orr,cua AOCALA Noncra - Taxis Pau; Plain Ea Ornamental Slate Reefer, caO denim in Pennsylvania end Ver. =nt stain of ea but giality at lest mins. Ofbee rt Ales. Imughltres, =a the Wrier Works, Pittabargh, Pa. Tar. Sonatas'', Tatra Fenteto.—Por over forty leers, Doctor Holloway has dawn mop lying the Amiss of Europe with his PILLS AND OINTHEET, they having prayed the 'only medlcinteable to care the worst cuss of 'Dyson. tory, Scurvy, Sores, Wounds and Bruises. Every kos - psook should contain them. Hollorray's Pills and Ointment are now re tailed, owing to the high prices of drags, be., at 13 cents, Tb cents and 51,40 per pot or box. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Yahnestook ace. For Ws at Pollen's drug store, Fifth street, Pittsburgh. For rile also by Gee. A. Belly, Fodaralotroot, Allegheny city. Bluoirio.—canottel Grahtro Co.&blerattnt irellorsihor removed to 1 dmithlkeld street. We aro! JzvY receivtrg our mood waylay of optlimk end summer goat, end would moot :a spectfaity 'molt., ova. !Gonda and the public in gezteralLto 11EZEIIII) oar new stool, leteving it tole ono of the finest stocks of merchant WIC? goods In the city. Every, gornoent was rsahrd to give full sedatleGott," to both Fire and quality. Give usaosll before purcharbag eisevihere sea judge for yoraseiv.a. & hioCtirobssa. fdereitaut Tailors, No. IS thaithield street. BP:OLL'lleTurt.—The attention of ozr roadon Is dirattedl to the brilliant assortmentof Bprin3 and &Amer Goods Jost rooeivod by or trim i lir. John Welor Ao. 126 ITedlbld street, Atls s ghmly. s took comprises a great variety of ' Fano, Pronott, Snglilb, Cook& and Am-witan ZWISLIZeIreI and Cloth:, and lino Wit and Cas sino:re Vestings,—alp sf which will be nob up to order In the Watt sVles 124 in the hest manna. & ads* selection of Ifonsisidas Goods Aso onhand sad for este, together with a bill t.ctit of testis Liao Clotting. ipd Wh— in:l4 trade. • ' Is "Latin's rodlles" hadileStilthoim in the day! ot, the Patriarchy, the grsieletrioys oho were dearoyed by the bean fer es" Ing to 11411 - 11. erebig gentlemen, "Go up; 'thee 'betdheal r worild bare escaped 'their' notstproo tar, fos' no "beldheed" wonid hare exist:ad tepthan thideg theft tikes upon. , The PloolUno .will surety make the hair grow chid ere It'ttie anon gloat peculiar to the hellion due et and berooty4 Try ens carton. Iv 3to trebles good, healthy head of hair, or *irk to prirehtyour hair front turning grey, or, *ken greyorith It restored to Its original osier, "you mutt we an article - called Itutreuarea, u it come to-be oat of the greatest lonessies of the prerent thus. Fare - to reader cattsto.tion for theabole purpoaes when all ether prepara tions hive failed. Bold by Simon Johnston, one. Sceletdeld.and Fourth carcase, and by allotment drugglits. 1110Iirraten's third sale of thout beat:LUSO tots edvertlierrio come off ldonday,.29th, at Brad dock's Fields, will no doubt be largely attended, judging item the general intermit, large mood, and number of lots sold at the last sale. Those disposed •o invest should not fail to attend, as this zusy be the lest tole. Free •rcurelon train as heretofore. Bee advertisement, and remem ber the hoar. Bata of lots at flraddook's Pisid comes off on Bloadav tort, litth last —thil sale havlig bon postponed from last Monday on neeettnt of dm witatber. These lots are going 'off sootily, and those nho have means to invest or wish a cheap and pleasant homo should attend the silo. Free .eteoralon trehai leave as teretofore.s Bee ad— vertisement. STAND not upon the order of your going, but go so °tee, end boy• bottle of the tonna.. 62. sodaot. Yon Will never regret it. It not only beautifies end preserves the teeth, sod arrests dchey,,but hero, *loath cool, end the broeth es fragrant as • re dzsiggiste sell ft. Cr.lll2lls and canine calls eV be taken at the 111:71bno ace, No. 410 Petri strum*, day or , ell or&ers Left at the lams phew .111 attended to. All °Ws awl No vs= in advsneo. L. 4111 F'srlas.-1. W. Fittoek. Fifth Arent, bis - remised litu - peed:Weekiy, Wirerly &tags• step, Preek Ladies Mast:MO, Nee York Clip per., P;ellem Gazette, ko., for the present week. A Variants Ovate Library will by sYld at Mc Midas's dilation this wrioning. Catalogue/ ready, i and the books cm by izamined dubg the day. , Bea? oarasts, slam, baste'? and .gljerrt, at rdeOlallan'a Anadan Hamm 51 ,- Pifth strte4 . . .Booire. glutei, gaiter*. mitmerriteck,,Bellieg at V44floqd prim. iit...fficiLllallizitri_Aninion House. Apea'allg• eall boiti. loos thoefaxid gatters:-. statioti fologlelland'o, 65 FMK aired. , -- CLotas, catsimerca, - satitskoli• „tit& jowls,' a La rg. I,.eki nt 151eCinilsicd's Azottivzi gown: • L.thre C - rt0...69'ev. 1 ..1170n0; boot, gni . a.; 31,c;!*11.....e. At fints.—tio to Psttooh r o, opposite PostoEtio, w.hete )onean find an elegant assortment at the lowest Flees. 4 Casopi of Moody, Ilays,-.131a0k, Roll, and an isomenos sotortment of othomat the ettprhun, at Pittoelei, - opposito l'ottorloo. 4 clu.,.rsooom !JAI! gr !lid, t.. Xthe e ItriChs - st • •" ' h the . the aserbookiiit..Plttookie, • Pds=4-plittmf M kltiook'siroPP o- • MLA . it 4 --- • ge 1313 7, 1 f /IA s,t v )i s osmi ' P'3 2 lor 4 l 4 . 11 * ti LOPS—At Akasadrts , Httutt 14 k, lowa. OH . J -LUX El *uulanaat• c.r isw.eittaasCrevnt,•*- • •- • vsai ',Ali Or:WM.4 old. Viittir:iasiOral-Tridx .14ing l t loi .. 4; soi dai e,vl 1401141;11. .12 BC Varamt inlveat. - stistippsoa nit; =two t1i.47,441i1014C4 THE LATEST NEWS BY -IE=MLPIL.- Our Spedia FROM WASHINGTON. HANCOCI'S COUdED BIM sans STATION, DESTRUCTION OF THE RRILROAD TRACK. Cavalry Mannish onthe ffinulddie Court Roue Road. THIF: ENEMY DRIVEN' BAOK CoViidence Fos evailio GL:in the Army A VICTORY PROBABLE ANY BOOR Fight Between Rants% Cavalry and the Enemy Near Reams's Station. KEBIL ATTACK 0/ GEN. BUTIZIV& idxss, kr-, ft., ay. leyectel Dlotatcb to the Pitutisigh Guest, Waearrreort Orrr, Augairid, 1831. A eertespondcat goads the following to the Now Yet*. Z-iiomo *hiL1.61311111113 Arty or ns PoTomo, j August 25, IS6L The entrems left of our line has been extend ed to below Reams; Pkatlon.: . Heneoeirwithpsrt of his commend reached that plena on Tuesday afternoon, when MeV imintiftetely hegsn do stroyleg the ranted treat, white Gen. Gregg went out on the Dinwiddie Court Eons° mid in search of the enemy:- Ile discovered e heavy cavalry force three miles from Hennas' snitlot and e brisk okirmlsh ensued. The rebels were driven .back, leaving 160 killed and wounded on the field. Oar leer was about five or six killed and about thirty wounded. Yesterday Gen. Ranee& was still employed In destroying the retire:o, having restated a point two =ilea below the etatlon at noon. Oar cavalry In the meanwhile are protecting hie front in strong forceeboat three miles from Pe tersburg. Oar istrenchments are Lsoprejszteble. Of those of the enemy r eon gbre no discriptton,bat omit soy bie lines of defense are rerteinly well 'than mt his artillery will poste& CIPTIDESO. Or THE POTOXLO /MT Theni has not to ranch eonnienoo prevailed In the Army of the Potorene,'ef one Anal memo, since the campaign opened. The feeling to ant. venal teem the Catrunandlng General down. A tight that will brine no anotheneletory, Is liable to take plate at any hoer, and most, before many bcrirs, e,,,lapsta ET= Glenetal Barlow, of the sth corps, has gone lase on a sick leave. Gon. Milts Is temp us :ill in ommand of Ms division. G. Knee's revalis, it Is reported, met the enemy near Reams' station on Tuesday, and mat tered come loss. All the account. I have been able to :glean - of this afar are 'fry vague and unsatisfactory. IITIC3 03 37,T uta'a Lrirs C. A. P. sends the following to the Tribune parearthere, under date of flesiquarters Gee. Butler, Aug. 25,1834: The enemy roared quits a forte upon a point tear thit tight of flan. Butler's line at daylight this morning, probe* , with the purpose of detrrchlting whether we ware still here in any .strength. They drove in our pickets and, occupied for a few minute the advance line of rifle-pits, hate, soon es a fores eoeld be brought to the support of the ple.kete and &kir mishers the rifle-pits were retaken and orerAftr prtruners raptured. Mesitred by the eatualtioa—bat twenty In numbed—it wan but a sklnahh o yet it was so . 11•11 tottgbt, managed and ended that itdaservas a:Nation. When a long line is held slenderly, and depends upon the strength of the works, the utr.cet vigilance Is required, and this allele In dia:tenths presence of el:glazes. 1 a 3. TIIILNEL don. Turner, commanding itd dl,Lloh, lOth ,ups, goal Noatt 14-4 v, typiwid .TOI. Millard T. Minor, of Conneettent, but been cppolnted Corset Oexand to Havana. • 41-DTANCIIIII MOB. Plotir edrentx,i ono huedred dollars T 11ASh iscad ca the receipt of the news of the capture of the Weldon retlicad by Werrei. Few York IktoCh .Ad Stoney Market. EpteolPtrylatob to th 2 Plttabargt, Gazette Nu You', Magas{ 20, 1884. The stook market is decidedly armor. Pitts burgh & Yen Wayne, 112 X; Cleveland & Pats• burgh, 111%; Government Bsenzitics—U. 8. Stres s 1881. le9g@uo Owe Year Certificates. 4634'; ' Seven-Thirty Treasury Notes . , 110) , i0 [12%; Five-Tryntlet, 11*)113 ; Ten•Pordes, 103%. Gold has undergone but little change, closing This afternoon at 2563. ........... ...... sCOSTAIVA. SLAW, ELOACIII, EXTEIIMINATORS. •_ oia years setatalstud IA H. T. Olty." lataldble trossAlea ksoiso." =Free foods -Folsom," n "ot deogarous to the HUM= small." s.lEals mese oat of Ousts holes Co do'xi by el l• Dres-gl. ts • rorywhona Darkest Mad trossolos•issllm ayP. s. W's N No. WI Br * plaid by SA. A. renzrzi Aill rouics, Nos a OIL, sad n. paLtaniga on, 11 Wholesale . od Dotal, = i s PlUsbassib. Pa., HANBY P. ,311WA1112, W 154 Retail Aaaall, Atleglhany 04. • tytAA • UNITED HTA7sa INTERN/kb ligVlg HOC tXES --The Anent' 1.4 t for 183, bettoo, ar 1, c.o. a ••••••tied 13.11 Wet MIMS, ter Attf or t•c A•••••••••• , . sear, fr tf.r. lee 3. L ip .;:o, dm. 'PICO II G. lx tr•r its* LA Carr et, ru r • • ,,•1 roe. tb •e• .41 1.110.1 ttlea ore rwmr dot.•Eaboot aigulf.d to tan tort of Alle‘he ty 0.1,4 ot rto o: N • 0,10 tool AO4O ay tlfuto, tlac•otll..g A. Imbe•ty tit) Icon pay at ta• inttvosi -Neon Who% On. 47 Watt., stroet. thne does •att of r.4.,,,t rtrwt. •Lere 1 bill sties to toocre and taxa, until the lath day o•blvtem , fr next. After soli IMb day of RettteMber, tan per amt. will b. sated to tat tato. on Maumee, (Umtata.; raid titre! Plataquad Me p.o bblii,Pti ail toss. on Laannts, on._ pat&Tur , the coatesecnot of tits-psyars In Oa utter* put of than:4loW X atilt ottani 0 Alta natl. or 11.41. pm IN In Tifnitooa on gm Wit 4 , 7 of eePto.tb,4l bot;fte o „. the b o s o n alp ("al: . olt D oi. sod 4 o'clott P. nt.” 4 Wm 0,,,,at,.46, oaths Stet day of MIME; at 03 . 11 0 13 " 0 nt. John RAE, ii Pi! 11 ...4q. , th, of 54 4 14 1 4 Y. ft?" 'SU, t ... • MAP bp; an - ._ .- - ' -- ' •_ . _.',..; Ta ta'atta gra 04Vbfet. Oat tbiNft tyl?:*7t 4 g!. , 4. 4.1 last y: at It alb ba: attiar ttopt - albie to attioor to min n tinittal - camber on oa4 ilki, sod runt rya pa cannot cotton the pranttlas - . : 4;nAvin,116ttetei. An sp. Aortort 21,11014 an 441.• ,- N . . . QTl.tgo-6Tha:-proprtty tioidera v a she illaiLiwteg Alt tibtt*Meet it'd On* are tior#br'ao tbli.dehet the .Vat, tit 4 , 0 10 g. 1 . 11 1 earalat a" bats toricalfeooraiti :;371 . 4knay. ea 'Paaai;vids artlFE:aiialrEtfflia reni co Molts molt. '- "...' ' . AdaW That, fr , al Alai lei 41:o: • , '" ". `. ". " , li s iltial ,, athit;befrrrarrilp Eta tweet: • '• ..-" - . as a allq; tro ear,aor linot to vrauttattia at; ' '..1 asa•dvadta cl-allAbi above •jialsof bawds,* Volt at AM tan be alma El ate etkeir of the'lkeAlthilt 'pain ctair;iintilt Ural' Mir. lb* MU 1 astait :Altar -arbte Wu. 144 wig is 014.4 .1a Ik, haadt-ICala Cal, taassor. . ' ' " i .41"111.o0 . 'JWT11, - ;,±:" ~ a . .AV ', - -:- ",'. .- : , ,..- .. lkloa.reJ fa a Riialatar:' 1800 FOR A kitifSert,Ctilli. We WILL patiaD iros cff AI3LE-ndlpak arlivikruml watiwiltts.qAtkr PP! ILIAPv.-., A i outqlrinTSA WANTow ' ' . - ...ha 1 i I RA 0 0 OR Tito-171*r -, v & - biiiiAjuit - t1;111 , 1 _ed . ;61r;Iiiir : t ' n A , i 4 ri".1.."..04°T;f9047"41)C3*1it.grr1,i V , OHNStONAL.CQ,..drAtiailefill. • Blast Soot ClusiaavantlXia )12,1Vpi41: 7 Void R0W0 1 1 2, 104 , , r.a .1 , ,T a Y . ; I ~r 'F'^‘ 44''' N. 4.0 9,,,,k!.444.ff';',:;%-,3 _ EIVREt INTELLIGESLE. Tbs rim is atilt reasdiag steadily at tsle point with slant ax het di lashos la the channel by the pia rn r. . 1 !Ist enMfig• ISe math= rett.riklyis amsettNt. w ith as genal eirlahltni dtr/In' one inhale since birlea"e thehble thilibsini, Omit rheelleg, end lbw 21ciancia . ••• tram: Minixiisti; both • hating good Cepa, Thilliate Taiticeind theJnlis from Cinetensei sad ebo (t g r igag, grog Zenertille, no the next baste das • : Tito 13 cres iek far. et. Lapis jcitaiday affornion with a dritkato trip of b indMisidra . M. Arran other Ham s of inked, oho had 6.,C11:1 hunlred tons CI railroad Lon Itsti.nod for at. Loula. The Entio will kayo for Cincinnati and Lords - rifle early thto monolog. Ito Echo and Petrol's bad not arrived from Oil Ci y up to fire o'clock, althcagb they' were momentarily or• pared. Thy following Items are from the Wlucling lakZigtver et yeeterday °Merles , . was hallos yeetenlay arouleg, with 12 feet water In the cornea The ..ether era bright ami Moody at interrals. with slight, &Malin rain. naps. °maybe:ll timm - ney hie decided to call hie new boat the normals. a. la-go let cf coal to going, down owe the present deo. Boren] tow boats resod ye,ter eay. There were no arrival. or departures <muslin of the rgvlae packets. Iltprain Wm. List la loading the R.. 107,0 for tit Lwal. end will Imre on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock.. We axe not p allies, but ere presume that the Julia, after her snit.] Item Cincinnati wilt again ant the tittsbursit and Zanesville trade. If ea, she argil Warn here on Patn:day next at four o'cloek. As will be seen by card, lam. J. H. lifarrata sa ne - tees that his new etearner will nommen. loading for Cincinnati end Louisville crk Itondsy, and will he ready to leave. Tuesday. The n•tv and patty Vattllniti, Cant Simenan, Is now at the whirl mail to receive fr.lahlaud pwweegere for St L. - eis, for which point she alit ybe ready to leave thtsetesing. Capt if H. DO ilonty, n gentlemen long et d favetably known in stcaruLost circles, will have barge of the office. Ctspi. Unbent helinson, of the steamer Cato Coble. cn,hse bean bore for ; merest dityt, on • visit to his hut ily in Allegheny city. The Hato la running in the packet trade Wow. The Dtlattsrti, It is thought, will he ready to tome op tadey:lrom the marine railway, why° eh., bee Ireti dergoing repairs. Capt. etavena lute net folly deter. =lord ff r whet point ho will load, though It ill proba ble CLuelttetel and i.tilsvtlie will be the deatinett.n of the !viewer, this trip. IN'E OF HIINNE WELL'S MEAT IMIXDIES—H HA ncvst, leB 001X1ff HIMEDY.—The balls of tbto tray smsybsrfal Impal:lm, noir of met, yrsibesrosd otlobrltygls n freedom from every component eatenistod to dobititite, sod by mob to glow the grestut trm. dom of ass, day or night, ea the onlytruv theory by whirl Tbroitt and Luny Camylolitsten bo offasztally ears/. To proront esarlug attontlom to lons nodes of great mum, =bon kcal mum maks almost all tuch com pliant' dldentrt to afoot. I would oah cotaldanas, irblch =ID I= pond, la add,. Omaha, lloaroodom, 8or• Throat,rob. sod Asaunatlo llomithants, Whoop• lag Con .and to all Throat and Lune Illomplaato =bleb, =boa neglected. end to Ocaunutiption. WAD flout Pnysiclam; or the Whorl roSpootablllty, and trom boriabla, can bo =ma at my olds by all tutoresteall Par self by all Wholsaale and Basall Natio% JOILH L. HELEWEIWALL, Proarisdno s Prnrilma Meads; Dago.. Mara. Pot al, by /ca. Ilauans, Ow. 8. Heysiss, D. A. Palmostoelt & Co., J. ?IL Volt., Gouts for Platsbargl; Geo. A. &dip, W. J. Mau and Dr. Jaw= iltorn, Ascots a= ADmatemy Qty. tr.16;30-6-too-au BEirldfrG .111.110EII.VES TRE DROVER & BAKER ELASTIC STITCH XLS Oi MINOR, BR UM ADD DURABILITY. Den•l LB to k ttr e =jilitt.irl.tise MORI isL EVERT /I SOUKS WARRANTED THREE TRAILS. OFFICE NO. 18 FIFTH MEET. A. F. OHATONEY. •sr2 CIZItill&L MUM. r ut AMERICAN INSTITUTE - ZilL^OT sonic. rilPOllll9 " %has the WELEZZLIEII • 171L8051 man. tlas 'LOCI eirraa, .ad maks Mau* U socoant Ik. stastltity, pertosasnes, Somas me rrssFst ttsehmS,-,•n nt trw stitetqs g Iffa&D dum, awl tho sida nag* 0f Its pcpuftucts." THE "LOOK STITCH' uhtreslly eciusowtodasil sa tsa inn brsi tin all kladt of ;wigs. U , vicortre! at Oue•half the as® at Thread cr BUR that b emsa teed be the "CU!. fetch" Est Men, tbni meth* ill IIinIIII of ISO OMITS to $1.50 Prli DLY. She Winn:LlZ 3 WILSOS U omia amatn. =hag the QUM INVEMEVIMICIITII. Call gad two- bs tw►m. at U. lialorroom. 7177,11 131=T ? WIC BIIBINER & CO., Agent. 1715n17.fir/ HEAVY ARTILLERY. GARRISON SERVICE. I hoe. ontiptity Orto Zotettesey. ths Onornor 4 1 • 11 tOo. &Mated by the lloooroblo thoottory at Woe, to tolos t One . Regiment of Heavy Artillery, TO STOVE TOII 081 TSAI!. Highest Loud Bounties sighs Paid El V a lbwrcitlng (Mem, toad,* lb, regular United Matte RAW; cl • OP . -1.; 0-11 -INLIP L1:11-IVs, GEO. Et: VALLIIPE. $412.2:11. Nl/1101i TO cONTRACTRS 'O.—Propo eel are Invited mid will be neatest by the U en tutocests blush of the thy of IA gherry, until rat. vet. 0. 'orb feet, Ihr the irreAtric bed peeing ci /OMIT; sad .heed stnete. , ln the Smoot Ward:. my for tro gradhor and polo, Of Crete Muhl, from➢Sub talon Street so ritllhact Meet, and of Mulberry street ham ltetrmatreetto Wirer rtv-on to the filet trardi totethilr -ertth the broom, stifirralk, int 'oil/titans for all thoo:ftetrtUto. ... . . Proorish •111 Olio be rrooolrai it Ile mom time he its dm. 0 him and Pernu or 'llo.. ceiteruy or 14444 from ladaitiort to , strairtianalb7.o l lf.o4 el' tborl Awl). Is 019 cooteMPhtbut... Pals A P.Tt m tho r roll, 1.4.0 ff of %COO Mal stofroMti Tt thou* oft kit' rhos Mt Yorbotlttolt.‘ Wan *II lido to ,loofr4oroomalft)ttor- malt for acid, Orr* hole& raofforntotil wide oor foreper ulnae Lot tafilog ',IBA, f... It f. tirliott of ths stty (ha ilorr, Or 'Woo , L.frarti toolleeit Ike OarbrOoK % L.' Ahrttrirt albs let gin, Okla. statioioiroto thud lif f"rooot;Wittlite !Esti iiih A". zri ' lltsois, 616,010=i; ,talettotorr: tr - Julill , Innomethitrz.n'.i • Commit. tee, ,, ( v.— ~: .:. .. , .: ! sofa. ..1:11117WHAP - $OlltlR • " . ~ yt.lixs,p - tarrlcE.• • • - F. 4 73 3, T aw bu 'or'hial VaVbi l yireVal i k4Vradl i r t og fllllllO, trait'', al:waled( tazowa pith* WM ► ' etbriths waft anal 1,10,, , ;11,cpulillepi.4. ehab al u ttl 09,04,.-rga sad igatC AMA; kik . s gairwooyainnowriesm— • el, °fiat OdYntota.lriror auxesixt iqy RONTRAUTOlitudesVrevp3assi IlltsitratnA *Ss bulb tird.vtanta, • ;21WC , L1. 1 4 rtgSV,WtteDIAJITILOtLIRA •94Mit 110111UM11 . 11a311, - 013 3130 Ittid fir 114btaerin Tarivraldirtikt",. Taal"sad llastlontaft**licndbad • • , 4.000 tilf.Olourf. Oralit.-lo•ent. • . td Clildt.l.lLlolllllf, 1R.M.114N0 brAi OPIZALLISB O ..., .1 1 40 1 . 0 .11 31 4011 . 4Mr,111° T 0 " I fI Ll t ar • ,OFICO , SOMP I TM"X O r. 1 . 1 r" " • 'UDE . 01.,-601Arreli Amber colored ' 4i°ll**rtel6".'' '.- . ''' ' ' ' '''' g' ' isiowl;,4cvt4;=i,bil -- .44": ~_,,-.::...... onnlyem 4 LAT 1.45 .4 ' s . 4t.1 1 :LI; " . 1 !" -I'.• 6q.'` A . 4 tg lI A- 1 1 at. 4:1 '. if . v.;.;: , ^i- , .-: , Vrl4 r Et , } - .. J 4 al --, r:t.: e ...';) c - ^".. - 4 .;.:,- :;,.. , ....Ic, i..1.3"1,0.1ta r 474 !.., ..,..,--; •t-s' . .- s N4.1,...P ar ~...# Ir's. , U :7.. , 3 r ii , 3 11:.'.1.1 1, ,2.rei lor 4-,--c - - -,-, ra ~ A ,,, Iry it -k c. 'ed , 9 ' ,,, :1•1" , ‘ ,., " 1 '''''. ' " ' A '7 , 1 “•"..-..,:' t .... fl ' , At. i•A - 7,i,'.1 , 4,..'1".1 , i-*t 5 7.t. ,, ,.] 1.!>; 'i'? 1, , - - 7,x4„ , :.,-1 I,g-r' , 1 ,- 4. , t.' 4.';'. - A "..:-.• of tl t 4 :;,- .c .1,7 i [ 1. r4' , 4 •<', 1 - 4-4: '' : ';4'• 'f 6 Pa ± - ;L , ri- , . ~i liz. , k :. 411..7StAra-ti3ti , tt-444", , ZA:1-ri, , ,' 4 'iZi3 ;4 . ' ., :_- ..- - ,-, .r. _ - .. - : ::: , r - -_ ..... -.,- , _ ' • -'-':- .-___., ~.,,,,-, -- , ; !'" - ' - ' , .''f;:.::•1 1• .;T:: •: ;: , .. 1, - , : - ;',,,; 7,- --.. - --!:f, - - --- e r• - • - : ,-.,', = --_, ..:.• -., , --,... 3 ,, • .-..„.,:‘,.,„ _, ~, , ,_, • . ; --- ,: . ~,•;.; - ,,,::....,:._.,:-- - ' l,-. - -J:-''- f -i'.'_, ., • ' ,'.:;7.,• - :::_a':,, , ;nl - .L' , . - -1- , •_-',4.11,4-24L-p.',;:',3, - .., - , - 7 , , ,. ..-.:::::-..-‘,:. ::.„:”. - , ,- c-.-z-T , - , '' t albt • . -'7 t 41 MEDIC4L. HOIECOPATHIO SEMEDII324 Ir, FOR m mon.* k Fresh FePPli Just Ewelee& 80.1—tar Tarr, Cammottort aad hancasio:a ; 'alai to. Price, 53 Ho. Worm Tem, Worm Celle sad Vorsdoss Appal:Ms Cilmr. l s.=l 2 . 3—for G Ue. Testitiag, Crying mod Wskerstrosis Row Ms.& end imblenem of Lagnits. Prim 36 cants. Ho. a--Irar of Children ar Adana; Malan lataaram, cad darnaer Oonaidadats Price 33 cads. Ho. 8--for Dydatory or Bloody Floor, Ckato, Gap. pkg. o, Billow Collo, Pelt Dyolotary. Pried SS ch. No. o—dor Choler, Malmolttbas, Hama •nd Vomiting, Asthmatic limatbing, ys cents. rio. T—Tor Coughs, Colds, Ileirrenen Breech:l t, 'to fkrzaza and Bore Moat, Price 85 mete. 6—Vor Tooth-echo. Pace-oolie, &rem Yates dilartalgla end Tie Dolorosa- Price 93 cents 13r,. 9—Tor Hcalinete, Birk Heactschs, Vertigo, Crag of Elrod to the 11=4. Price lid cents. No. 10—Bor N 761,61414, Weak, &old or Derangod Stomach, Comst!potion, Lhor OomplaLit. M. coots. E. 11—Par SupyrEseod Hams, os Bealai7, Plead sr Delaylzg Omen Siete.% ad mate. No. 12—Yor Lomorrhea or ' , Flats.. Awing Down, toe Prot., 4eruks. 3.1 coats. Noah—roc Orom HoarseOrctipy Octet, Dithatat and Opprassatt Brolablzg. Lo amts. lio.l4—ror Balt Ithciont. ervsty trur.lons, Erptpa. &Old Head, Barton' Itch. as cents. No. 13—rin. Rhertmatlat. Plan. Latium's.. or Bors creels the Ctrot, Book, Laina or Lista. 65 ob. No. IC—Tor ruler and Ara; Intern:Stant Tau, Damb Agno, Old Inutersia Aguca. CO conta. 30. 11—kor Pila, Blind or Illzsdlos, Internal or Lx. Waal. Ituzeat. or Obotnate. CO cent 17c. Li—For OpththnlmLa, Walk or Latwaed Eyo and 63x114 1e0113r4 or Weak . Slglat. CO unto. No. 111--Tor iTharrla, &cute or chronic, dry or flow. fa?, Cold in tholLead, L¢dimir.a. G 3 mute. Eo. M—Par Coaxh,ahortenhig and Wits Log It, or Epaernodlo Cough. GO mate. Iron 41—Far Asthma, Oppreeeal, DlMonit, Labored Etaathitig, Cough and Expectoration. Price,6o eta. ti—rer rm . Dlalsrgas, NOW In the Had, Ltd. paired Rowing, Earache. Si cent.. • No. W—For Emrofsla, Enlarged Ohne% end inns➢s Snelling. and Old Ulcers. 60 cents. So. Ll—Tor General DobtUty, Phyrdtal or Sorrow Woattoo. 80 Ceuta. AG. 16-11161 d Ameamellattow, Th lisalass, with Ecuay Eioustionl. 60 oexits. N. Nl—Mm ItaPaktum", hrodraticlim Vallm Num%Ung. W mita. No. 21—Ins lirlinu - r Mamas, Gravel, ILsnal easiralP Mailt or Waal Urtiustion. 00 mats. Ha. 211—for Seminal Eirdirsions, lavolsostary °harps and cumquat Prostration and Debility. Perrin 00. So. SO—lroz Bars 111coith or glocasob, Oankarod Flottb of Adults of Claldten. 11 CO. EN—lnr Urinary Iniontirossa„ Wain:Zan bat to. OD. hequanit ) . palatal or acalenay Urtnaticas. Prk. A Owe of d 'talk complot• l7lO 0... of Sh.talsoortplefe, In [notary°, and boa-- Case OW aod tnAt, 7 Oo 0717 numbered boxes, and 4 044. ofd holm, numbered, and dines numbered Woe., with directema---. Single batted boom, with dinettious--- Large nue of II or- tor Odder, and pby•_ , Ed OWL ELMIDIES• ST MAIL Look arm the list. make ay . cue of that kind yob chem. sad back. the mount In • current our. a Meat" by mall tom Wrest, and the medidos mill b• duly notamed by mull or exprem o tree cf char. J. FL FULTON, Arum Street, (P 1 Brialhtg.; Mam. Km! tar Pitftbv-gla gad wthfrAlt7• asl Dar GOODS, as JO= W. CaII—.—DAVID WILSON, CARR 41; CO., (La. Wilms. Nom & (b..) Wholes.ledasken Ds 'ODEON AND DONZATIO DR GOODS, he. tot Wood gaol, US$ boos above Dias:tom alley, Ilisatnugh. apilktf R. IL PALMER Na. 84 Wood Street, Desleir in [WRISTS, RATS, STRAW TRIM. RINGS, and STRAW 5001)5 ipmenaT BIJHCHFLELD, an d J. DatsU Dealer In EITAPLOY AND !WWI' DUY GOODS, liarthe•st corner Fourth and ilarkAl Wens, PitpEtnagb. JOSEPH HOKNE, Wholesale and Hated Dealer le all kluelb TRIDAUIDRI, DRY (MODS, Re., Ft. 77 sad T 8 Merict *Reel. W. BARKER & CO., Dealers in all U • Mods of DRY GOODS, No SS ilisrtet stmt. E« Fr.,u Third and Fourth, Pittsburgh. LUSTRAL WASHING FLUID. El= It esyss mere 'bas hsif Ills lehrir. and finished this whits 4 61. Ir , th a breath:it 'veils wish: and instil ti • wand clothn mons to VI sot to toe r Gnio7ll r Faint, 011 °Wit • end bon v./caning cnnorshy , t lc steorpuseri It h.. ,em fiOrly trco br moor recnotoical:hotucek eorn to this city. AM on petrone In tre .ity ens 6 "commend I. for Ito rale onto and c capons So robbing oft rrreht, +ord. c 11 in 'tot se of .hl. • tint* I Ile Cothee Lost (wk. or lorg, old the Fluid nor. It. =at lu &JO. QO4/LT—lrtab IrM ID 16 to VA ro lhateraota.ed mad told at No 114 Water street, aoi att the petiodpet D.aS .1 family Ornery Stores Lo Pitt...tugh. antttlterod J A. OPTIC s CO., PmprietArA NO. BURGESS & CO., (Pocomoors to J. e W. 11A11111,) as nerchasits, 911,01 n, Pi. Haring purchased the "Hamm Warehouse . ..l Oh eity. and hartog ample room , era ars now mewed to Mon and CommaO lL AND 11.101OHAR., DMZ, otever, dewription, mid promise mtiatiotita tto all who too favor ea with their patronage. witawdem r un, AND /SHADE TRIM, EvEnottUmirs, Of APPLY.. we blesiworue giAOOl4 u 3 of all Mabel. lug rarktice most profitable for this Ixstlost. We hero shell One tre.ei pa Earls natrest, nallan Plush, Hof Plyils..ll44trig raLoientor Oatoi. Slog orteesip .lsoreoo..., Ightekl.Jand •Groon..n.u. Llosoo, .4uatto, elhoke•hotar,..Tolohan's Smith's Wee, alth • v.l . )l.rus. rtbet...t PSAL ORSRRIF.PIiriCIR, F.VEhlatrEV., smum 11.09n9, 81111.1311- ORLYNIIOIIB2 PLASTS, 00., ,te, As our stook 19 large, we of groat todatementa to plautom or wholesale purchase*. Orders left •1 the Ore, holm. tab. Or Pittsburgh Atel Oalas, will b. promptl7 intended to. JOHN Itnntooan. er2butaw# Pittsburgh std Oakland Nerewniell. RIMS L. (LALUWEJ..L, ' (gnu:camp /lair Ttnimes a 00.1 trfszo li tk ' LAMP BURNER, 'iraTw.- Nrattf**7,o,l7l7:-,•.1. UOLLINB * WBIOHTvI Itomfteteseri ot, all jdnag ZAP,AD . IOOO. LAM? ITAILMA. to. etatienetairen E aonta a Wrfirbt's Plant TIN V11317-10POPotiatl 116' 7'04 Zinn% 150:100 1 7..8IIMA&MOPi /MA Na Lri ..rrfth iswa k pf..•• 141 I 4 1.) ,.1 • •' LA.2. 0 0 FLZ gA9 2i ' • VtiVellterestk eleittreetwees, we Dellittopiatudveragtitatretude witrast 'off 10.derepte`dreet, Weems Leepet etr.neft; •, • pAT/Dro' •D. DiUDS—)re, stet Ph]~lS ind grvitt plri*tind mon began, thui lvormo ttt i bm pt.!, Fr-Ota) s weroval, ir toppouga a‘&6711i12. 400 11 41 a Adotaid Par t .14Thlot.J.44•FalliNetkotherr --- 1, v m teddLINTOOLA anal Heti& . Lypdar *MI% awls Amillatinvm VI; 110101tPekee :W. 'le -ff.ttOrvlß.._."9, C • e ". " . A 911 EAT tapmv, -1 p Im ;t:Paict.dtria6VAlViii.Pcra. 'hit* _,lz . -' ; i• .-, a?' .. : , ',:-,: . '... -. ':::?.:1:.-,,: ,•'.--_-1,...;',',.--c-4;-42',:.:,:::.,' MAD 'CALL. P''' Tvien j ty 'rears -Standing. CURDDI Dam IrM be feted • esellieste Itrmy ems of Ms m:s: re/pis:tato ot"&ara d Wnktaa tonsild2 to np.rd Dr. Keyisesl‘tsidars =load Starshczj Tit Motet meant,' cm erithb rele.% s2IIEO ore cited be deceived In regard to bisprepleallons I Dr. Geo. H. Lena: I bra,' sMated with pile &boot tree:Sy. years ago, and evarg year they ercre growing worm, w se to traabla ist tory croah, comma. sa at MRS to to =OH MO 2r warL ea= tic= I wer to bad that I andd not do anything oi ac== of them Eke: came oat on me as brim so a hickory nut. I had tiled a greet Mal Of =alai= for them. I coed to bay and take whatever I Matt ham of ce rood of In then , on Ind pexcirldetttlial 111 In ca way, but I could not got cued oromSraMe they would do ma some good tur • Mao while. bat lifterminki Coy woad return simM m bad ea nun I 5210 mast to two Docars, who is it'd me at my boats Won ma Kum malloino, bet It weed not do, I mold not get wort Omar • your our I get on mitertlemenna of your Idalsoy lissunimr, made by yoarselL Whoa MI sold to me you told me ono bottle would not con um, end that my Iv-445 system would hate to ha renewed by the nexlicina Wore' got well. I bons' , one bout. and took it home with roe, end end it according to your dlrections. I than. called tosee you main, when yon sold I could not aspect muck besiege from ono bottles I boned It, one isottlo at a time, mQI I hod mod Oro battles Alter this %cm tits had Um mod, I was entirely wall of the Pile., which hod tortured coo for twenty year.. In othor rcapoctsmy health Ie Improved, and I am so volt as coald be sm. pentad fat ono cf my age, Ming slaty mars part. I hms Qua Rol now for ohs =Mks, sod there hi no &ppm once of a return of the diocese. I can do say kind forming work now without the Pita coming down and hmtting me. Sqn :2 , 0 hi), chop wood, lift, or do ony kind of murk which before mad to taut som Wham I famed oat your Mood &molter I kept on taking Is =WI I get acctlroly well. I oonaldor Italy duty to man my man known to the ommtry tar the benefit of albeit who my be mfartag si I was, and do not know the maw of your matiloina. You may pnblbk Wm If you like. I Ills to Winclas township, and will bo plamwd to astbilfinsy one of the troth vitt& outlfloato tithe, "bib to all on ma. Deosebtr Item ..(7. L:ct ant tr the taw a/Dr./MO=7 11. RIM MR as CU dorm of Co battle and puts/ o.a th• wet; alio La bit ramp am the /Wad States stew ou the top of tte boob, t• Prt•t•t ban b•IP•••• tit*. b 7 • natli• o3 seeds witioh ts la th• isisztet. tar sold by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood &tint, and by Sutox Johserox. Gomez Fourth end Smithfield streets. lIRRNLi OR RITEIVIllf!. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Runt= cured. Hernia or Rupture on Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rapture oure4, Hernia or Rupture mod. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Rends cured. Rupture or Karats cured. Rupture or Mania met Rupture or Hernia owed. Rupture or Herds cured. Rupture or Hernia eared. Rupture or geniis cured. Ratan Radical Core Tram Ritter's Patent Tram PRO Supporter Truss. Self-Adjristing Truss Pile Drops, for the import and oare of PM'. Elands Stockings, for weak and vet loon reins. Elastic Knee Cape, for weak knee joints. Ankle Supports:ma, for weak knee joint'. Suspensory Bandages. Belf-InJeoting and every other kind of Bylaw:lL Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace, for the ooze of Prolamine Uteri, Pile., Abdorainsl and Spinal . Woaknesten Dr. B. & Pitch's Silver Plato Sup txnta. Ds, Erma will give his raysonal tendon to the applioation of Trayses in adults and ohildren, and he is satisfied that, with an ezporionoe of went yams, he will be enabled to eve aatiefaction. 11015 - Orme et his Drug Store, No. 140 Wool) BTIISEIT, sign of the Golden Mortar. Fermin* writing for Trusses should send she number of inches around the body immediately over the rapture. tabT , CATAltilli DL L GOODAIXEI CATALFIRE3 REMEDY. pitottstos to too nevoid of this time& Atiosto, acid eatartaltratis D. toot ant hash. Ittomr. Dr, DOODala &the I.tat sad oats want vto OtOT told the world what Warr% natty un—whoa It romunahood-• and what totula ma U. Dr. pIOODOLL boo sprat olliettone Ir, battltag wit! elm Coll elbow, oxplorloit IL. soon& taabooti and tos klait Ipttorn to ltut world the tt of toot Wanly grata boyar rata, dead tha aldit and etooarcti al msdittel moo sod author, la Chia wintry and to Curilpe. etio ooOf t. co.dodth tluostnelalftelt awhanty taw.. pinta. Thatuanda who two triad snry !mouton to eato,iltato DO= ttitotoaaittli Ooriot Dr Dtt GOODAtFIStATABBII • apw, pro.* in ti.issoiteitrtragsattertuivt . 04 (4% .iilaiirinikrizefitit :Vet ad PlMimi 61 it• GOODLLA Nig gala ..,-MOSTV*.°O4 ' 44 a i al . s !".. at ihvignii, ley fiat. :,!... 7 .;I I B:'CUMA;Z;MI,Mk".-' , ';' ,-, • (2.,A P110,4g . WOODpZUNT, 241,170 IiS tRTOWI3"O.I2UMENT,' ' ' ' •-- .;;iit t `- ' . Ircal" f t 4 4l ; aiL A L l ll:s4a i l ? i r l i tift i t . „‘,4tli . :.. ,g6i i" .. x . 1 4 .4 , 31 4,_ . 'sovilitiiikeiritiikattilt : vatanimps ervotrokoilfrif ottkilaij, . 4sh ia tes o. sio . 4ovatilomoll4llaitll.frosibi r , . ._ PliPa t .fi1eti34 1 4. 6. ",, =F a ;k *wawa:4.44 :a siwi 'wesw - 000,,_ „"ettiort.9sllo.o?llenol` imam, if obteareb M= "neci ri sli/41 , —"'-' Cer t iftlnkliyiNfitimOrtriF4Xvi '„,,1, SOM:7.„'Z,V;,Ingt7I9II4II N.:, , ...y 01 , (F' 17tF1 , ...: '-.P. Viairt49o,l/ 1 4 . 4 0 inesk4orvidec 4 h - ,ASTIVOOS.IOIS4+ inorriv.atiii.ffial es • - - - %`4 , 1C 1 1 . -; noln _ 7,5,1..,1_4).1.0.4144,t5,.4 • • - ?—ta • , • j - - - - ,7.-.1 MEM= z „. -- BOOTS AND 111301111. CONCERT HALL 1311011 STOW! Itsamiwaftam The Zest Elegant aad Complete, In AND SHE EffABLISIIH6I IN THE WEST. NEW STOOK JUST REGEIVEA Ar..d will be mia at PRICER THAT ARE URATPROACHABLE ST EST mum 110179 E IN TEM 00-UStai 1111rAll were warranted, at NO. 62 FIFTH STREET• TORN (ARNIE LL, Manasetaree Bomrs AND BBoia, of ovcry liceSeeptira. %SO., 34' • ihaltbastif street. Pittsburgb. FASIBONABLE DESIRABLE GOODS' FOU - - GENT'S & YOUTH'S OLOTHING. I 3.sikim. 1.0 unman. IN THE BEST STYLE OD MUM R. B. NORRIS, /121tOILLITt TAILOR, 79 FEDERAL, 87.11.KET Llleeway. BMWS, FARBILL & CO., I'iIAOTIOAD - PLIMBEIM GAS .AND STEAM IT/TEEM hare 'lifers an band . large and le . ellanortad dna K ' Panne Hi drante Weah Basins. Bath It* ads ,"., Mee, Etta Lesd Leed,dx., übleb pa. ep ha lba adadrab e manner. Weals, lb. Agiaie Wan. ldabasta, Tank', do., sigma. the, tug cA solder. BAILICY, FAIIJUDLLI di 00., roma entaar. FUEII.4IIM3 GADD &BD WOOD OWASSO EGGLII64I 017 12 MILIIMIZ !ZED% • -40 , WEIOLITILBI3I OB WOODwramb PI and 09 Third tt..-r-t.. , C . l.c.s.Tto n. Ltdmandsoa & =ld 11.1 Fourth Meet. cable Dream 4esazstssraa atagram.'s OrnaN n A d e ilstsbare, Jal7 .20th. Ifraw A RTILLERY Matta{ PIM Al9l- LI( OPUS ILLEKLY. • 9170 bo glen the tuintivid,Al ' boxdb, Pa., Ow good ARYLLIMaI , HOWES, pilkyodill la cortidadso of 13:Labe:dm' far not leo thai Mit • hams. • • noes boomm mot b. well 92004, ottfee, 04 tree Irmo ell Garotte, from 6 soars old ttds spin to 9 eon old, trots 16% to 16 bat& WI, and to Irolett ft. 6 /sea that 10t0 woods. - Wblto berme ILEA more .in be 0113,1411, The? 9111 to summed 6y a coopetest judge. and bonze peontosted moot mama to tbe o above speolloo. 011068; 091dt 15.4! and 0. Q. Osomest. CURD—OIL AND BILNEML LANDS te-1 TOO MALI OR LRAEZ—REVITI; Pmisrras * 011, &dere in OD, Oil Sanitary and Rinsed MOM see peppered ye sell or Inseam qeentity of had dime led 1n ttre celebrate! Ml realm at Binning Opt4ese4 hate ]tugs he, Mph • filvea . , Hame Sedg e Zaill UMW, .rd Ether aatehtlea d Mpattaran. • • • •• We Mee Mee • bags amount dr nimble MIMIC/ the ere Li known recto , tot W.hingtoe Nasty; Ordob &ad other elms. Their West Viretni• bads mesh,' ell le. tabs loth stenadenes of valtable Mande, whirl will well repay the taker tor Milder. 'thee. hettaitat be acid Er los * 4 la qr_amtrtles to .1: app! eantr. MOM remenads tame F.partsculail addrom or call ma J.EL IPPTEt.A.S. form us Law, marf•tta, 0.. 4. 0 B. PA .oTilt. net Hancock street mad Drionme Way, Pit4tretzt6 ..10.21=4 BRIDGEWATER 1760. COTTAGE 'v® 9120 1 M1) IS PIIBII UWE= M. to dElsreat Drab Made; fat DGIFT6G73, VILLIJ3, ItAILLUD 10720113, Oa; Also, DST tor BOOM HAIM, IMITATOR% IFBEFIRT =atPL67 PAINT LD TDI HAIM; /Wren. 11011=IT EZYNOLD3i Cltmeral Ages% Tf Hat ka Lea% Mir To% rettsrNad . MciX)BD a 00., Hats, Caps end Straw @oft tzt mare Um Urged ea iscall =Atte UM gmei4cre 6EPELENGI. iLELIALS. Sm. dbrod In the wait. 12aebanti sromaids- 4 is- . can azt oat 'WO, 'daub vat by sold as via „ . kir mtgs. WIZ 131 ligondt Cfw PWalerki T. on Oa, . . Dolan to XX PINE TAR: Pftputpd .1 7 .4.4 tem PEED.. Pet ep Mai la Wee Jr= wend Xle.N/ Midge, sad b Panels sad Iatee:BLVIC. Jrll* • • Oft., Few 11/1 It ERIUMT. 2101 2 / 2 1326 .ate - • A 1.1.10" • . , • •' n • • :reshot" - - . Tonikloglteg Vaal. and Ant v O al; weat MI 0756, cal tassacre arum B '.eCice l ratan l'attorigillilhosty WO Wotan otdos vlcanttr sibltramitt ;;,,Iftif ,i - DIARIES. .a. A Imp ‘worlaiwnt- of POOH!! AND C6M7112301 ' 1 BOWS NAHUM, Or 1684—t0 popor, to dab, to ram. ' '.. -.,. tsk tudtotkra ta t = h acreoooo with ea •,-._,` odgm and *lib Web Wont chow' • '7 sod ol.wdo tuttotot it. dook sim Worn tbs ass.' ".." ,",..% 6.....4 to lb.' 666, 11-or sib at maw JAW Moe- - ' :.'' Z b 1 vast:LJOIEMOS {OD, ISTatioasaiL . _..• -. . oclaslE•nrair -• .. . • . 67 Wood anon. •_; •'' -.7 4 . LYON ARNSTILth, am DVS= In ms idea - bisodi" 01113INE RAV&Sid• maims, sad - mans& ab 0812: 1 0 4 -mar tMII uso - TTACXiIIN97. ntinn4Bll94l ,*' Y H 9 ' Tls,a,igio,4lloml tamp h ; anrll4ll. ' SPTIMMIXIS - IpKADQ6ELES/ 2 1 8 , ua • , Pla 114 1. 01) mug-, , a. ~, a %Isuck -or bt quzok stria IA ot, • A OAMS BOGS; rI W • -* 1 ris: •• .. t 8 sad POUCHIII4 - 1) . .. 1.18. Ing as- ormilikc id Mid twit:tine . . nipsimpiget wa. •. 3 =l * t .PL R o o i rookif,' , l z'..7, ,Jr. , „ • , AM. ti; a l'rOt PtillSTAlWism do 101.1,, , :, t• ••=1 ..0•0•1,40. J. 11, mi.* &teas, • , 2 4 :;,L, '-?-• II ••••- , d l , 1 1 ''•-• litit- .osa ,imgui traiidlit sizi‘lptititi : Ativell4:4-- - T Odd ?ATMS IddlitlldlitYbdidiolibidOol-•.. , zol l rl . 021 aosi!oa,noonzai .mmus4l o4l lrialw - i ' l, I ,,, ,atiregtsasigaiii:Platibiiobisobenteig. - 4 lt ..4 . _ 41.iipinArt silinia.-- t , -..- ' • • ,-.* •-i 4--; - ,a . ' sg+ 9o4 :' • -v , ~ ._. -Claatrri;rebblgrk Pao i N i_o4/ o noi-T 8 . 1 ..; , :;.-:.. - • ,, . - ; : ..,,,, I.e-e. ,, i ..,,,-,..•-,, , ,,,........4:0 as - do Isidell'lodlf Mid • ' ' • 31rodildrsta , 810100 , - • .... . ^-4 . _:::>. tra _ ,Eitozer_oo.l6ardlloildondlOn • ;. i it i-lotdle ta burae Dtb MONA - - • It+ •••1 , 4 rdr/ll4lo4llloSMO'dod__...,,diealdi - ~/ .., eggnogs aremik.,, , • .s.TAXiowl.".* - •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers