.y~:: c `: YS MIMI ,Fittriburlit gazgilt, 041.76115/V If gen: iillteseatevirra iiifiefftWUP *Broad. The llnw c f,f l pia, road, felt, lirownarllls to 66 3. 11 *tP r ./1 1 J4if i l KV. Thews will bib .. .tall opeyation between Jllatal. 'town and Brownsville next month, and IL is ev .1e0t44 b it4 h lgi - - I . ll g/j,b I VPPM ,4 1 ° 7 6 1 1 ! ; =that thiiiiitien - litween - Biorrnsißle anifitatar,- *loo will be finielied'hy next - .Med i ' y;"Wecie Also Informed that the whole 4lne•frout-Taines. Lowe will-bireeravhitedeVOin the • ~..slatieff." - The 'onsnieraf'tlorTitteektOwn,:tand:' ' "" kun r4. 44 'filliii**.tiatlicei r muiaia.vdmixm•- zioritlon between' Pittsburgh and the oil ref rani' :Yla the Rriegnifrittibricsh arid IfewCastiv needs, and to Cleveland altithe :imagery' and , Ashtabula Brancla,;'aridilio Cleveland and Bade; Bellroad. . The road will be of great sanative, • to the ell region.; The supplies of coat will bn" '•xinatant,if thif best quality; Andean bi dispeittol l else nehioled,rateli; The; igteet, deinalitlfor this stank, lebyr sO ,thehuodratis • engines in the:region willAinthet at once. The coal is lying ill the t6titb of the read wait leg for coaveyikuce to This large and Constantly hteresildtgrnnantlij ofcrudo oil which lime* to tide city, wilt find this road a natural led cheap medium of transport. It has been 'w attled thaktlantrelght, to crude oil to - this cagy, ; by ralli4111;•be etie•titiid' leas Mantle average - . Vitra charged by river, taking the year all vaunt. , The whole oil region will rejelee to leara-that the Jarneetown andPranklin road is a fixed fact. Movement of Troops. The 19th Wisconsin regiment, which has in . .. • .misted for three years, parted through - the miy Mool,Yed_.4 :bitty days'firtiongb. The reghnent r nambers MO mew, and is under command of Lieut. Col. Elb:cmg.-, -no Subsistenoe Committee far. ilshed. 'the regiment with dinner, which was Tory stooeptable,.as the men had. not been pro 'sided with alviirm , meal tines they: • let Balt!. Mom They !eft for Chiesp het orninft. ', Batten; lit New rerk Artillery, Welt has been cn duty.at Uniontown for same Weeke,"arriied• In the city yesterday , afternint,,. and attraetedconaidereble attention. A company of eClored recruits froarladianap , an attirod and-were furnished with quarters st the United States Barman, on Pint stoat:, . - Thejlett for the Eief.Ott the two Welock; r Eizeciaty•fiet ram • from Camp .Itesztolda were sent to .Letentlfe -yestaralay. They will be placed to the Amy or the Crpherlszd. TbelStii.ls:ls . llllUt, BllL This bill paired the - bronse of Representatives ean; on Wednesday aiOnalaoi, and was bikini ; . . . . up in the Benaie.in - Thnitui9e. Mr. - Itopk r bos offered artsureftcpsnrsrebtcrh woo lost: ex 5 inPV . lag Shie s :oloa when - vaned; inierther:sereimrTt the Corniziostio' ,„.1011441/ service."' 'Aideridenreifipre4bUni. forAhe /tamer: dims enrolliriettf of- themilltiiilmplabeg of lire dollars fur every year a itittsen sebum or neglects So become Ismael ber of a volnuteercomr puny, id rtirldforfor the offer of a bprettpif' asp hmodred and ave..dollera to rolneteetin-U4. State tersiee, were paired. — An antecidniihrpro.. riding that persons,who hare paid cornmetationt money, .or are, for spy -other reason, exempt-' from draft renderthe laws:of the United Eitaleti shall be exemptirestfidragtsitider this sotiSru adopted—yeas : lB; itiyj The bill ipool.tutetk: to the noon with the tetnendments. • _ • Who tilkialtrilislor Etamplattlfectiblit • This topptost.Ull..bcpn ofilAdit . doolded „by CotronteditreFfiiiiititliiii - Ordttralixet•levraWassrsorile boundAtithe areoeliefor money lii I. Tie rat . is 4n. strcukent of evilonee,_refel .. only ti the person _ to whom iNis.thred. , -.11 ha newts e L reetiatilk . i necatuttylor hisrto‘ furnish tho stamper ta'. stamp ea secatpo(4.,ci required; before it Is atgoittt: The person whereeelves the =nay Is dot obliged :tosive nab/it:mitts tits ether party foralthesi the proper clamp. . if a person Wits iscaltisiittiont requir• lag that the party to Whom. It 'aim OW tat— atsh the lamp; thr;makerat renutpt: mast Illmtalf - ttanm thepapeibefore he delivers be falls to stamp It before ho delivers it. he Lelia ble to the penalty provided ; by law for the omh= atopi -- batthe Other party way stamp it iniatedl lately upatint- beim recaltratt,P-, Milted! Sista, 'District Court. . „ Bstoze Howl Nilson kloquilleis.' Aigasl2o. 7 Chlttea fiandall turd Butt, crested Zrmatii-11' __•• • thine, of::pygintig . ,acswitirf4it -Beteg, ofti.wbo turdlatin teleaUd -au b'sitaillal to appear, bit atiliolirruoVot thafil>otislikin th• Ai,:O tarot. M= - sicautic-Raddecu*.lndima ftglins. tit merebaddisissarlibisat4ratoriag.*.Gouratant Jadvxdat w/o sneezed in default of sp. pea:aims astield**,!: , 7 's • _ Psis* 13i4cf - • • .61eleseelbratoslit-tesilei Craft. Tem . .iirtke . are •realdsiata- of- Pk/isle*. oensei. - *** are chAtirt4 ,trith_neltnyusng- M==IIM2I=ES The I trend, Ist - Weiroitt ink anttreVlititw Teegragtr cc.T.l 42 ;it,t jut*. 'teett,tortiolttetect, ;ad are noir Witicionetietnilermint,_ T.hotwene Of the now :commit= le ..tbn 'Tatted ,t3tatoe Telogratilitokophoy.. , ' Tiendvaxitigis &Aired from tb.o consottittlotteseobrittre.wrmotnes, cut now be forwarded direct to all.ectintir r tnatc *void]: g the,dahltentindheuratits of reeling and' re. writin contenting or 'fictional Uses. TWoortsolfditted Itecoretroady_entand to .all gir t, fronth:einr, Ifotttt-owt, ond ...North-west, and tworartedj bang - tantitioon .ettuoted to the Watt, §ceth,wett,.galiforeia, the Tonftories of Idaho and Dieion, and the Ctn. addl.' We ootrataletetta , Ceeipanz,ntion. the am ntrAngt revs t,'end wtth it enemy, Ateldents LuMut t ter County. Ort Tneadr.y, Auguit,33, ;oho Worthington. and Dl7ld..lltutintan, while angaged'in -totting up the ratters Antii..barn of,,,Johtt end 'WAR= Virthiniton, were prtoipitattil Ircsa, the,top,of. - On building to the ground, a distance 'of 40 feet. Werthingtorrdied - thellame - royettittg r . -- Mr.; .liugman was veal severe77'iajnaed,bu.boyta erd entertained orhis recovery. Joireph. edam,. c_.OhPr 7 7-...Pr. 01 4 11 P,. pang littcself Weiceeday, - lontin " Tbo dn. ceased was acppterad to be 4bariaturniag.insan• - BA= Busitan.—Tbe barn of Mr._ Moyer, member of sbollgatn't.ezdslatitio.frota r :i.srsalP t i tee ootroty, was totally destroyed on Minday znottlbg last. This barn eantabsed Ms who's yyraln crap, Min hares/toad many saddles of ral- - Thaltisilneitlinaledicfroos salon tdelight 1211)111M2d dolisrsorltb only a partlarintarases on ths barFrallit"talntstntiolleroltbonsand dot= jam :-.1 9 1‘a Ma Is said lo hitio been the work of " 77: "' _ - .-. . , rant Lagoa Itan.war.--We learn that work will Orion be oonimoneed on the tiers Motion Math/S:-era being piat,in_rautinau. as fast as poultdiso'Arid Whoa tha, fearer* Cr. pat on the work !twill to pushed 'hood speed- W, Mr. jamas Elottenry, who ressotlg arlied from 'London, and Mr. Ster.nord: are''ezeeored along our the line . In a few days for the par t,pose of exasninintbajonte, and Oa and --gansnal Mitfattli . :; • NATAL Acimmn•.4;'fbe Clinton Elsnlet rays a fatal sceldeat hawse& at.tki - 4104.7„VItliztg onired*-a—last,watli;-:riank-Btisadss?cara of a. L.lltrostdsgs, ffhlirop, was stabsgah *arm lianifaith stone, mai by some siaohlent fall aff sad was risa ova by both .whsols. mutil ating hlm thosibts mg= ofaid klatir Thorirmort the tikaiiion field losto-bOaL Posatiylvaais Cososolls , Tine depots oil *look %Monday, for the g rea t- , Ws of foto. To jrnit persons of =ill moans the lota Vas gart a t io . j o i d .p two of znire,tog;attlio i .1‘.61:80 ainAT:oh, which uldrt P le -P wlatycoo lis . o °f t . titbor.; 'Go and see, fltratlianPovie otßrtner..:lftta - Oritran, • fad; about slaty pars of sge, near Uniontown, rodt. elning, baring cataract on both *yet, nansing total blindnitt, bed the= tate* alf, not TenS IMft,,.,,by_Dsi,Eltarrett4-of , thli any.' She new tatstPubsctiiiwlttiont the aid of glasses, to, st ir ao a tine needle:- - • sari, 134,F1'4)!!'Atly_iie611 - - -;---- efed y.are, of Renareei Wei bitten . Iris ineke on whfeh be ier - hile foot ythen_eretelnie kfttlit, Thueedef -faiL--oWwileig,Ootemeneed temieff -0 Ably, salt matted thelleakt *Want eh! - h,oeti, when thfheypiniedlefefy ennui). • - ,7 1 ,"--- - ...4011Kiailiii bp' ate- I-, 67111 VA'. ~,,.....,, ten d tat4thisi., bat froi24,,,_,,.—Uirall,putpirreand..lllol#,, -, on tt... %hie., =Avorifl at ifCa4 l o,Vrivedin, OWN' .. " 4,-- *... - 04; 'TNT Aztromidtrattly r s ] sateen fp' -7., I w i ll b e ieststa f ife Plintll2,:" u t of - r *..77 ':•!--'7",--:- • 57 ,i Antaill .'.''' •::, -' - - , ..,..,, , 1,7 pii , inti -MO, appo s ite lite _ 1, LAI F.,-1.17-ziz 0 gifib itroiChasvmbris . '.' ... ‘, t 1 k I jr ° k Ta - i: 5 13 - i s t . lo t 2 '7 1 , ri o itt a n n o i ts: t t • .. I, I tsar= sodgi , ~ i ..f.,-'4 a nte s. aria! a N.Y rink Wolk!, Tar= . . itree* --- ...._ 7l " . A L,' , go, has ago rottsivet Fri and If ernio i,,„, --4 i .V/i i ii a tlia-serheof Ained. 1:;.t " 'no Be's ret "^." , , , .7 . 1 ; - ;,f, - ?:;. - .ef ri4 Oa Tael-Rl.rk,•-.- '--.';•%-, ' ;,44E,--- , `• -1. .".'• 1,:, ,,, '5,, , •,•.- , 5 r ,,,, .. ,"--- ' ..- , 1 ' "V. ,-,E tp a , i•r(33 - '- , t=t=. -- • • . . IiZS The willingnete of a number of the Scats Banks to to ander tho Fair/alone of the Nation- . . of isst SIWWI, ellowidethee telltales the 1* cenatintpedji ttSer ifonsit. - requtrow theottee Staid gtirrii.aterlike, *side certificates which thq rebels& tretu'lli6Treae arerbf Ibo Comuenwealti whar..Altei--stel Fumed the stoney to pay ebb Interest on the 'debt of Penrirytvanin in 1863. aho preatont:ssics, theei specie; eert ideates le:: shout Otte'..Ttihnon three boadrid thousand. sloirateLl.htlinnizat _taxes plid by the — Biiki of tho-.Easter_ l is -threw hundred at:id thirty thousand , dolls e : r:e Banks, after making thlyhjesso,wiii-not..b9 ro eptireFeto pay abate taxes, the &Serene& between tho two sums rruhreewntelthe apparent Wrong to the Commoneitalth; "Bat this prclfit le only ap • twrees, and not real, Wattle the _ Buts will lose ; tho texas not simply' foi one jeer, but for ell time: Galrettezenttitr Weald not sign the bill talotOrig the Banks to make the change wadi the clause tritt:lneartediequiting them to eurronder the certificates. D.4 . A4 7,l X_4_ilietwitcnwi—eThe arrivals of oaf— inlet:we and substitutes attho Glzaiddlettlefrtioa the 21d faT.the,pootomk.. hal %imaged trim sixty to setranty• fi co =Wiper day. dv tho fifth of Haptembet oppidadiesi s- the num her will donbtlose bo_largoly I;:incanted, -W is understand that obott fifty companies are'being recruited in the two dlitriota fa the ono year's ricrice, and that a number of thom are being rapidly filled.' The various ~stile•dietriets in, this &fairy are 'Wolin/ oncipolidally to fill that quota, wittiorerr.prospeet ofedomaa. Marrami Cratroue—Ltent Cot W.L. Faulk, &riot Roos fitting officer of this eity,:has boon ordered to Erlo to tako charge, of the recruiting basinful at that placo. 1:1,0 Colonel will leo*. the city next week to attend to the duties of hie tioev appointment. Lirlve Wa3.3l, o lailicas, of tha Fifth Cavalry, hey been appointed to the pot iticu u.s4o vacant by tht charge and CC enter upon tao discharge of h 6 dull.. iliur.ediately. • . Tazerart.--Thle fleshing the dramatic Milan it It* Old Dorri" commence. :With the exception of a few old faxerites, the;.company has - Irma changed. The relative) merits of the new comers dll doubtlesa be dinaried by the wrens of the deems. Ike advertisement for particulars. , Aimee, —:Thatit , albtuns altcipld drop 16 et ilitte - res_ - Oppeeito am Pont (Goo; and plat charei lie IP3 Us at the lee eat prices, Card Pkto• .tegrephe et Moody, 131potc, llull , Hays. pod 5000 Moro, at Pittoelee Depot, opposite the port die. Fofarzt Wean,. ALLI.CLEnIT.—A minting of the enroile,d men and citizens of this ward will be bald this evening. at Falhanber's “VOl9, Chestpat street, to take aelen In regard to tits =razz draft. QUOTAB Fzunn.—The borough at Bak?, 6:m -4mi:l Of g litoopla and Adams tom:l./In have _hied their quotan-nudanthe ate 0 4 1101 '.4 00 . 00 0 ~ .. rata. . . Bo* AID B/307:5 ;--Groat sale °fa:muter boot', aria - gaters, ►srliw 'Eattitn 515 /late mal 0 4 4 . auliFinidszstaravatt. - - and fancy shirts, hosiery, ate., selling ohespat MeCialland's Anntinellonsa, 66 Fifth Sties& Hosts Tea.-4 • srlrl. Artesia yams stags, Is confided friths' Bhirltord amity a charge of bona staellag. _ • °moles LOCAL% -SOTICINg4- ?wadi *tit StAluiimpii 4 1 4 4 , Icaa}: • , azd r illesta Pinnayhaals =A Va.+ mots lalo t e. oft b t 9nil t IDi OHei atAlsz Lam'., near. 414 yfiter - 7 orky . . AsTnntton,,,Ccznant—VoltLotooro, who ox :riot their tondtb imlmrsited &ring the esoo-; must MO tOli Ittalitlekel I do not trust to. tbs. Army Surgeons ; supply goarseltes with ROLIOWAr PILLS AND DINT HEN Eterj,Engttilisoldiseakektnok onatins them. If the nutdsect tbli Cialiat.gela box of Pilloatrreintatonthont.tbe drug store in his splace,let the write te me. 80 Mableat:Lane, att. e.loslng the amount, and I will mall a box free .orexpense. Maul tsattern-vill not keen to. tadledros on band beesuestbay.canaci, make is -mach nraet se on other pereone'reake. Nollowarr: PAW and - Atinfonson are noss re- owitirto . the Mgr's:Mice of dens, &C., at neenAs, 15 cents and $1.40 per pot or box: PCP gal! In kittsborgb b!, IL 1.. Yabnestock ptub.t!Vkeio.br 'L)41 . 4. hawk, g/tmi' _lrgheTtciti• ',Barirmsit, la and Prolapses .11t1ri cored l:lrltb. ease siod. safety., Spring .Tritises puts ithe barer, Alloilia-aidttrieslainsistelit. Mews, *bock common sense, Walt tbe dignity of Alirr:bnman form, Irritate and mainsail% get out of plaOiaeastrabropbrettbn abdominal..sole by their aian grip, retarding in place of u kliting natter* Ms - perfecta onraisettartll tool aensidered as an Whiaik•r's reliesot barbarity. but oily bebillitered op for La time. bY lateresy iguanaa and prejoilloa. Balaban's _Ballet is • tbe'rake trith'the Intelligsat, and fifer. .qf iii the_ abets iimakeneess. B. tle napuaf 'Wed testaionials. oras., No. 59 Perry street.; !ism ejrati - TL to - 3 - Y. Id; days. Blandly ,"•ptisi dap and Saturdays. Ttlantoorro.—,Saftriai Gsrla.t: It - 964 'Aittohint „Talmo, bzre.'recnartek lo Ciaithaold amt. - `art fast metrics err encood supply of aprine and mimic goodn; and wont& atOct sPettrld/7 ipreita otm frit' adds =dna. Inibtic general tocidrainini a/rte./10164 lielleving St to bo ono at. Chat noetstnehe of =a:chant , tarlar Inoodirthsthb elf]/.._ Every garnient oar surd Were-fat eattsfastion, in both-price sad cialltr.n.flies, , ne a call baton, parchlarlng olanliore and jaiticcfor youroolvar. Gunitt eldcacrsoms" . Merchant Tallore, No. 'a Er arnir..rictrica---Tta small= of oar raadr.ze la &mated la.• Rhe biillisni aseozintontof Bpriag and Rununretioode: lost zocaired-ly bat Mr. Mtn Weisz .210.,1213, Iltderal attrat, Ann: eil=y; • doh' inm . prisera a groat of Feed Praia; - Unielteb, Satoh and Adiiiieln Cieeizeres and Clothe; and fir.o E.D.3- and- CU. - . dime Vastinge at artJA tril! bi ter& op to.ardar in es !nisei "tyke sad in Go beat inaziev. A chalogintootion of resenisbing idoods 11 la o on bead and for Nap, topear vie hook of Beady Mods Cloreinc. wall 'and bah- Tali rare sztd troloptuons heanty of the maid ens of, t3ithrberii Vilna, Li attribiittaki chisel to. the ore irt.ass.,!!Pnbeilta rierafies' i go", of wondrous fragrance and beauty; Ainfnif proper '-ties indigenous to. that Arcadian comet `The edic;naLandiragrant pronamits of this lovely flowss.form.tho Vests of ...Labia's notillse".for tbs . heti—tb e oisif initti of thirtinet-ptrfam 'et; 'lionizes the hairist ecyltssizadtoosittorr, lozeriant sad slush and inclines it to El theliabratory•l'Slotaire,lel Liberty New T 4114 m:7 he toned the .istest Petiest se ion; "La dies ldiaiihierl4lllne;” It to theantutwondertut toilet. &icicle afar *l covered, giving futudianee, eon and left:am-to heir, retattAn It In altdtrairtad goatskin . , and eu, hatiarthi - dilledif per - tome"( • thontandeu otle A. err—no drugs, no aleph - of-4W Merin" extrae of the Soirees of Southern Fralicte. Try It. S. dby an grata:dal', dingista ;TO trl=ll/11 IN TIM A111T.,-"8101011's Brol2. Obis' Ireoter," or - cant And' Voice L - zenges, c o ntain,. in gtP 4ll oo - a ttl, , te frniagh 4 t ia.nr • • gime et the vles - ..they halo hiraordiehry - - celenc4 in all of - Minos el the Throat and' er 'inximlstoring their healthy tole. whilio4l , 3l; , either *veteold - or - ever.enortien - el Abe Tolle, • end rOduca a dear and &titled - enknelstitnii there are ltr4tatleen,be entre to Otitis the / law ; Ade & Arrest eels . - o? lota' dot= oar id Idesdilsiere Field on jdowdoy weal. Woes tho nhmbot of lota sold at the two lisfsalis;the In- Atka le.tlcatothwmoistif not all the.romalabsr. and votyleentifttl fatties Maple's Addltlem be sold. 'Those-hiving- menu to limiest stiotifiF attend tteasfo: _Maim ore: both.rosis fnle, as : htformi ^ deo advertisement., - ETYIIIII3DI.I, hfo47ll. , •Pailte ' Soso dont--gresunt luxury of modem Dos and preserves the teeth: - The 'repoleire ,lesath le, rendereditv.l.freartnt.-14 4fr gave; and acidness by Mandl. be In ha:fines:li will now no longer be noticed.. fioldltry Droggliti; , • `` tun and delicate as the Mrs of Araby the Blest," II" aztrait •of v•Prtaci?a, Ploretta," the pridripal ingredient of tvlaible a Itiontlis," for, the bait sad 00 4 2 14? f 10ne , Tho Sseelpt of this wolederful article was tbs study and ,eragnfitt glory of Prof. Labia's Ufa , It witi be ~fotid to_able try all ladies of elegratott and faibtari..v ,agonty,l4ll'l.lbarty ;Minns sad carrili4eqine will bi si thi thacilbas ofriet r dal cm Att. 4isosik plaes•NlX t 4 prompt sttoded to: AIL ably mast be Cad jnactOeMelitliaald oVVW6Ealtfieb* Waft; ,tl3 =Annette teattrill - bet-ehenctiment7 au, for the best matelots affil be act, end all Potful, MI ski/1 netetteevb3puite *melees .-- ' 4 4tasetkbe,liPP3ll4. _ttlf:etta nraoo-- 0,003 ups.— _3lpudgy next. 10 o:cdoeli" at:, will ogegimeaappa r ia No. 'Alythstrost, Minh of ihtssaawara in giro. The Cale Banks Speclal papar.o to . Gactit.. . , . August 16, 1664. The stoarzba'Ocet 'goals:anis Milli/eelr men' have farther (Imagined. IPittotrargh Pest Wattle, 1111)( ; Cleveland APittsbovgb, 117 i U. B. 0 4 41 : 183 /. 708KI , Dirreav , Oertireates, fa; .Treavari Vatei, nogGiti I, rive•twon gea,lo£l3ao.ll-1 .. Gold Is ihlglasi bat eavettled, ranging • -Me , meeratie Meeting. - • Cnicadi2; '.- Au ' llig...A•Domoatlo mei most ing wee het& at tiptligeeld, nl 4 yeatarciey, and largebE &needed. It meolatich plectglejghn ear , nett thyport - to the nominee of the Otilalgefioh wealth, titheyald oa tlctitible. rifitaaotion who shbotqiiehUit.leeensidered, and the heletigiell adopted. Othemeoluttons um* then &del:dear' reaffirming boleadopied at fanner eantentiont.' 'cCtetllt4 p. ReavtiirryPelisenden. tosx. sauoncisi artivei 71 0111. .wniiiird mod Is ,se Va. Bob•Thairers, to irofemlloo Meow and other leading kodedal sathorittes. It is proposed todulie.ois . terms fainereldolo liirestors.s.new Limn of e-20 6 nor defat,;:boid.e. No ,dectsloir Us, horror's, 'it 'vapor bean at:hod Os. 1131. 1 _ . . 11IaTh --- elini Report. ~ rAnidokinio, Ane.l9 4.7t0r0 is no fri th . % The royiortid soordent - On Um C 543241011 dr Atbustlo Xiaglosit.- It w.u. o. nolo”li report-aocailoot lonia by piritivithe wens itniblito tank - is:Oil 4% - emastrolotOststdayomi to datt4 bt di' the noltdifil t..114M ; f ;..'r.t i: , f .."i , , , 1 :.' 1 , , ? zi. ..,f 45 ? -' r ,i ..,i =ZI/===iii THE LATEST NEWS BY MEMO& - . 40.1... i... . Our Special ,Dispakelt-35 FROM WASHINiTTON. ,OUR, POSITION ON . JANES LATE SOUTHERN NEWS lE2M3 Special Dimatph !o4toPittalrniall Oxetta tustawroar, Aug. 19, 1869. 'Otis forces on the :Leith side of the James Hy es are still maintaining their ground, the right wing of the line extending to WhitwOak.Swamp. Vb. Movement hoe altered the rebel lines and rrinst , , have greatly , weakemsd them at soma points. The marolAng and corn:dormant:Ling of large hotileut pf troops, indicates that Important move mcntj are on foot. At daylight yesterday the sth corps, General Warren, moved to the left, In the dlriatien of the Petersburg and Weldon rail reed,ip bleb woe the oljeative point of the expo. di Lira. The Sth oorps hue Joined the 21 on the right. It is probable that the railroad is now in in cur pcssesslon,Ls thero nu only a emelt reb el force to protect IL a. At twA i o'clook yesterday morning the rebel art illeryopitrd upon our batteries on our right centre, add a severe duel, lasting till right, fol lowed. The Ark g gra !many bi-eame general along the whole line. liancook's corps, in the movement on the north side of the James river, lost about eleven hundred men in killed, wounded end missing. He esp. bared about seven hundred prisoners, four hun dred of whom have already been sent to City Point. The Richmond &eine of the 17th *outsize the following diepateb, dated Mobile, August 15tb Thia evening two monitors and fire gum— boots crossed Dog River Dar, and ooming up to within two miles of the olutructlons, opened fire an our batteries and gunboats, doing no damage. One of oar gunboats replied handsomely. Oar batteries were silent at Emmet, when ta3intomy honied off. A opeolal dispatch to the Register ham Oxford on the 14th, Says that Gen. Ohalmeno daahpd Into Abhors!Le and whipped tho enemy, capturing twenty five prisoners, and then then 101 l back foer 441 0 4 When the enemy attacked hLn and were impala& Oar logs was Ate killed and treaty-flee wounded. Thee:may lost thy kit. led, two hundred and fifty wounded, andforty prisoners. Firing was Loud in thodireetion of Fort /dor pia Oda morahig: ThO Itichmond.ffessios/ piths 17th contains the following order from the rebel War Deputment excentaging &Malicia from the Hederal army. ArsirMar•ND honoree aseitiitve Orefee, RICIIII.IID, VS., Aug. timersardsre.Nes 164 la hones been retne,ented to the War De. vestment that there are numbers of foreigners eserianped by amides end fraud Into the military nod naval terviee. of the. United . Omits who woratd . &thy withdreli frOm farther participa tion the inhuman warfare.. waged against a people wiM have never . given there a pretext for 't n aid si there ere many inkabitantssf the Unifed Elutes now 'stabled lelthat service. spline' their wit( who are mema to aiding in the oaf cat war now being proseested. agalast the Confederate 8 taus; and it being also known that toe men - are prevented- from abandoning - snoh service by the ditbsitty they expertness in «gaping therefrom, it it ordered that all ists'a -Famous comics within the Duet of the Canted emote =lee will bo received, proteeted and stexplled Withemans of subsistence until .stieh of - theta that drills it cart be forwarded to the moat consenientpointe on the border where all [...Mies will he afforded them to retiirn to their brines. (Signed). B. Coorin. A. A. O. The following extract/ Sr. from the Itiohmond See Hoot , of the 17th: gloadarthe enemy advanced a large roma of infantry, cavalry and eviller, on theVentrat Cf Datby alma road, and alto- on Ohartee City road. Their advance wet Impeded by oar cav alry, and heavy aldmatalting occurred tltranglOat the day. , -Op /ands, the enemy assulted our wirba near White& Tavern, sboettrtr miles cram this city,' en the Marina' city road, and were repelled, with great lose to them. Our bee wee ye. y alight at the mina ware protected by earth watho,, Among our 'loontes•vms General Chant bore. who won kilted. Whailitt Ontahoontensplateta serious at'aak en Bichroend trim the • north nickel Ins Jana 'river, Orb simply anditsvoring by a &hew of 14. AK S" tort:vent troopellyes peing_ivat to Dui Vele.i. aro 416 not him', bat whatever Ms in ,toullon he le. will =oat with no bettor 'mean than when onoprovirms zoeselone , b e lila mars— urod his strength Ao efstll2Aiipittob reorlind e 2 TOrhy night 'tams ihat ezni.mj :ester day made • dates ' rclied,attaelt on oar lino befallen the Darbytown anA`Chailee Cl 4 road: and at coo Sims broke thno&2l, - ;Eht: writ repulsed, and' out original ph , siticns o=p d. Aa Mobil dispatch resolved at the Was Do • Fa-mien) yistoiday morning says, Col. Mosby neporti that be attacked the enemy's supply -train near llstrrviiis. on the 1514 iasc., oaptored cod doctre;in 75 loaded wagons and. secured over -two hundred prisoners, including several c Dios iv, sod about 500 horses sold mares, upwards of 200 Ix eta attle and many vsluabte storm. A oeneld citble, number of the enemy were killed and 'icon& d. Ices was two killed ani throe upended. Tkthe are rtporte afloat Mot Fitetiosh oevatly -bad de.evxd the .enemy near Front Royal: lbetSentirul, is speaking of the Tallahessee, ague 'le...lately stalled from a Bombers port, Or.d la or.e of the elelltast vessel/1 afloat. though Nor thorn papers soy eho,ls Ile*. Whenever there I.t es necessity hr . It, Csptalls Wood wilt show Peneral endure rims InlfOnn fun rut swell as fleas. - 8 etntearbeeff On Tucsd - sy last between John M. Dalsf!asjlef the Rioh=oni /ewers,, sad E J. Elntore,ws &Halal lathe rebel Treasury: The defendant, Daniels, was shot through the la;. Moore wee uninjured. rennillsanla Legligature Bpectal Dl patch tea. Plitikbargh Osszue. .1141Litrearzta, Aug. lit flonin.—Ket at thteo this afternoon. The Chi k of the &Midi ant 0 ElUlleed that that bt4y refuted to rebode, &= Its amendments to the. o.r.soltiets of Oerdc.tiiice were appointed on the port of hoth,lloll.tall !ninth's,' to the atnea ssmtz. 'Uinta digit= Is one of the dimwit to en the prt of the Senate, Chataberabarg,was return ed to dello:Ise with the Schati ateetiEtiteid re arpreyriationi to one handle& thousand , The • Macao received ft-SiLI to' 5 1 -• The aprtopiatioa Is therefore $lOO,OOO. TheSCDI6 reteltillen relative to rescinding &a - eclat:pad eettlen,was aansia'erea tad paned. Meat 4.04 arta:viola was spent coacl . .tat• Irg 'aiipidrceat ao.thit, aliment/ bents Wer t whlth.rat4t4itialti.' TE , 'Jertii:ecrctzdtteo ruotled on tiattirtoon ieilme,ute,llll, and the /joule eoneurredln the report: ' • 811 , 417.,..—.. ILI the afternoon the Senate preased• ed to consider the supplement to the general buttht3i bUJ, which snpplement differs frenothat 16 . 1 be il entolit its insister's. of conference on military at fain rcp . 44Fl,*andi the Smote approved. New York hock and Nouo7 Huta. thrum Vitro and Memphis. Came, Ang. l&—Two toldiers belonging to the 3716 lowa, e'er, killed, and moon badly Wcandedrby-beferemsehed-betwoonuotosecee . ing z e6 "'dad thOYAtilkikitirtsUlVlWPAPat. - z. Catuarfkag,l9.—Tisto-unecting- fast ,night foy thi usurp ;et of sygnrilling aliente guard,-wzit Lumpy attended, end email 'tab [miasma wye man s t&d. lot ea COicifailloeviweigiatabdistbly or ganited. Other. ore forming organizations for the tamp purpose, which feeling •hes effected Moubd City int other towns-.long the bowie, The receipts of cotton far the past two days have been f orty bakes, forty-one hisie- to bacco frcm Padocablaf bleorireekisttadosse thou goad:hair. tobsccc at Padacob waiting shipment Misopats, Aug. 15.—The Atrywo meittio at too ceptere &Ed pluadorfng of the steamer Ltdy 91 . 7 by goorrillasi but-does not city uthisb of whoreit ,occmircd. k_ , -., _ ~ There were also motors that the steamers 011► e Btaarit and }:d ward Walsh bad..bese rebbad. &unbent No. 9 tin/ trod into on the 12th _by the rebel battery et (lode's lending. Thirty arts Anti streak. No lives lost. Tiourous, August 11.--On the-13th General Smith's oosemand, oorizieting:of one brigade of infantry and otlir brigade of'oatolry, agtdaked throe brlgsdas ed Forrest'a command, who held • partially forttilnd position on Mirricano Orook, Mite., and after • abort hot sharp fight tlawrebels ware dielodgeil pod obliged to spirant, looting ilfiy.throw dead on thii field. Oar loss woo not over fort, killed and wounded. Gen. Washburn° has issued as nrdet regula ting the prices of proileiotas at •filamphti, coucq vatic° of tho ortartiotate ptlaai deal lad • ed by dealers. Latest fr,;sa Moans Warn tSGTOX, Aue. 19.—The latest ln telligonon from hlr bile le the following, from the Richmond Stenos/ of the 17th, received at the Navy De, partmey t to. day : Monte, Aug 15. Two monitors and Ave borne' COACI3Ii Dug River Bar, and coating ap wabitt ire wilos ci the obstructions, opened Are for three hood" on oar batterbe and gctoboatt, doing DO damage. 0130 of car manbeeta replied handrooceiy. Our batteries rare silent. At onu ses the enemy hattini off.' Heavy firing wee hoard in the direction of Pert Morose, this m orn• d. apa cit.' dispatch to the Rejiefor of the 14th, say s Chalir.ere thothed Into Abbeville, Wes., and whipped the enemy, capturing twenty-herr nflootere. The then fail back four mites,when the enemy attacked him nod were repulse., Oar Zoos WU Are killed eel twenty five 'rounded. The enemy lout fifty killed, two hundred and Ally wounded and forty prieenfte. Fearful Rzllroo Accident.. Saw Yost, Aug. 19. —The Ountmercitsl has the following : Wo learn that • fearful aetidrot oc• eared yesterday afternoon on the Oamdon A At— lantic Railroad, malting in killing several per sons outright and wounding a large cumber on the train. Early in the mornleg, • train non taining nearly one thousand portions left Camilla for AtUntie City to spend the day. About 930 A. Pd., the train wan crossing • bridge a few miles south of Atlanta City, when suddenly the train broke through the ,bridgo, throwing three of the oars Into tiro dear. An indiscribable /none took place, and niter considerable time and trouble the dead nod wood4od wore taken out, end the latter taken Atlantic City for medical treatment Owing to tho ►eaidant taking pl►x at such an out of lb. way placo, it likmpoaalblo. to tarttlai partictdari. 71ja Tallatikeset—Froili St John's Bovine, Aeg. t9.--Tao bark Alexandria, of fdaneetfroot New York tor Piston. was captured on the 15:14 by the.Pallaba3/ et, off kienbligan. The weasel, erns destroyed, sod tho crew landed - at liftibtgatt, trilvin at Itufii: wall en Up:if/U. 124-toptort that the Ciftain -of the plrat• !aid tosepts w Poet lendakand want. ad to captive come Portland vassals. fisrne of the crew state that the Captain of Oa pirate to coe fluckins, a Nova &sedan, who resided at Portland • few years ego. , A private hitter trout fie Sohn' ff. 8., doled Inth inet., states that the frost In that seance • few :tights previous to that dote to reported to hart itjured the potato crop. Tba weather bad been unusually cold and than bed been sourest/ sop waste orsetbor. The Shade' had proved sltncs; •Ibnil failure, and (cart ware antertsined' that the mews clatteoe would suffer greatly next Ishtar, From FOXikel2l Monroe • • Parterre Mekong, 'Atigatit 15. 8. ti es pi :al at•amez Comeetteatarrived at lona to de, trona Deep - Data:lm, Jamas 'eta, with (oar Smeared weezd it Mostly from the sattts of Wednesday, 'aid birosglng to the 21 and 10th army uorPs. Dy Its arrival we leers that yes terday waa amp:weaselly quiet, with the army re< the on bole aides of the James river. She left wing of the rani) on thenorth rests on the James river, sod holds the position_ gained az Etirday tart. The sighptring hue adratated, end Is upward of fear miter from Slattern [llk in . the:winietion of Waimea& .lobate to in oar y,stision, while the nnLeding line -was at Dim Bottom. Yeti heavy eaneattedles we, heard op the rtier, elmmtnetng at 1 o'oteet and lasting till 2.20, this merniag. Ths seats or remit Is PcteniiB Mottos, - deg. t P.M.—The mei etunier Vanderbelt hat Jest enivedtrom City Paint, at one o'olock, - chit Morning. The rebels made . tbriosui attack on oar Mies; or rather that canto* of, Ahem consisting of Darnelde's corps ' on the left, The fighting Whf WA gels dy with ad:Wary, and tuba two hones,. when the tebille MI bast without attempting ma reseanit upersear works. 'Oaf tom war amlal. Vilna California. PutO FSFsgcso . A7llllt 19.—Tha Plete &termer bi- Louts has r.rrleed hers.. The OtAraterr.John Seeroas,fraca Xitistleas, brier SEAM AmhalUcn Led a large qtrantlty of .13re i r ore. The caw. thot Urns tie 4 mats peals with the Iropc.tiolitto It confirms!. run country ketwen Oaers Jests ireit Moe co La in.. &toilful botidttioh. The raamir Sierra ITeieda naiad for Or - ipit and Brittai. Ce:hatbla w a /arga aniehat of mot ebeadizr sliChisehinery. The hurtherhealalagairawle gnai. 'Prism Stew Ortfermi. Camp,. Ail. IB—The Mesmer Olives Brandt ; from No Orlcatte co the 12th, bar mired. She war not rualcaterl as rumored Lu ltdouinhts. for cfßrere knorrittothlng of the capture of the seaport • sr Sadie, or racy other lint DIEM the Olsztbal aar ;raptured. New Orleans Cotten roarhet unsettled and do• altered; sales of the week SOO baler; receipt/ 2,1.21; exports t . ,356( stook on hand 6203: 0 ahrtt: to the rratrictlon its trade, trA111114:16111 is pro• due* and prasirtens unehned to rota;; Sugar and tiolautes held Abere the view', 'of buyers. Vicar doslinsdi choice extra 03,25. From Gm Hovers Command. i/DIANAPOLIS, Avg. lif—A dispatok tp clanoral Carrington frabo (irk oOmmsntitag: the foram lout In nrurnit of Alan' Jok:lvrea : guer rillas, says that he tff reached tforganiirld. Ho attacked tfivenomg M White Qat dpringr, Ity., motoring rv.ferr prisoners Acta auctating the goarrillm fatal dirootiona. den Hovey ;atiad an alassaanat on the dlr. !UM giunrns of traion noon% Kg. f0r,,g33.914, to ouvor damages rostkined If the gurerntavaa Ballroad Actideut Posp,aan, Me; Acquit b rioorted tbad.c 1. orlon" railroad accident ogaarrol pasta: , day ateinO'on 'on the Kounabati and Portland Itoliroad,nebr Boron Milo Brook., Vam/boro,do tbelenn o'clock train from thf sok, to /Laguna, by tbe breaking of a bridge The oughts, fonder and baggaisif oar ponied *Tor safely, bat the other oars biota lbtaitich, dragging the engine and fonder aftoy.thana. Twenty or thirty' m oons were badly lejarod, but none were oulf4gbl• luitifaly demol ished. N.ttvtsororr,•Aog. IL—Supplies of clew 7 10 trteruty LOUIS were sent to-cloy to esslitent treestrcrs at Boston, Nita YOrk sad Philadat • phis. Th i rt.:net.l.ho Interruption it littiog dub • soriptions herbtofore mode within the. last two tomithl.. Eighteen of the peoplon oasts clerk* have, resigned owing to the inelognisay of their' compensation considering the high pries of ill. Mg. Tbeir Iglesias Tango d from $2OO to fl.BOO. The vacancies thus mated hare been filled. The. subscriptions to the seventy-thirty leen reported - to the .Treetenty Depertnient to-dp, amountedto bi,214,000.. Eteconuotuence by Gen, Hat:mock. WLIBISGT6N, Aug. 19--A matt etosmer, srlstob arrlyed to-day, reports thous-those a rumor at Cityd" , ilat yerserday that a et . spag rooms a °Ultimo* was rent by Ganglia lianctook, and as tar as as Balt Court noose, . . - lit/blntM . - BC6TON• August 19.—it le smarted ' th at tho Tatham.° sea at , gellfsz, Ali morning, and a UMW Staten gaibsni:was mead* the barbor. • fichtoci, Aug. 19.—At noon, to day, boats 1100 Lent Oslthe.Tallsheede 'ewers t boats with , °Tetra, ;aid ordari to cease toalitig, which loos promptly enforced. Sho Intandad taktog 500 eheldsine, for a long voyage, , bat hste.lase than 800 of.s supply. tins let daring chi night, hayed a dont.; for North Bay: SD halnspossibla nSOlsteks all thy veseh destroyed. Steamer Bnptr sexcirtran, Amp I_9,7:The steamer 111Igttlaad Opal Sat mat Stta btait Ittidop Audio:atm' nelq Nara)); raw iNljtatTtlasi,ick4fituall. abioat nudilitfoly6:,..oAe man wacdraime4l. , GAB ALU/1.1101.4. 6a IFOrk 10 011110 Of 4 1T 3U 4 at A inue ..; B t rt P O3l/17 . 9h19. Banotia- Mthur. aad` dl's Praidirdelleplabiberott Pittoori. it•PLifook,L _Eton, 219 tis - , A. mend met.' w khe Constituthui—traiCtai The folio. in; to the ...Email and complain as tttnif or the Tots, nut . for the „canstipation* Ara " . . . 4095 451115ie.etrailif."0. 1 . 4041timet.tliok.A4440411. 3164. Ort m p g. /.65k75611:91711 Ilegte 9 6111 , 9.111,, ,0913 hroadmic... 1066 1,674• 2V4 t "o'l ' 7' 1'0225' 1.,444x 2,320 _ 266 14962 211/2-1 2,26 110 58 71 87,11 5 “ .475, --- .1,994 1,109 12075 13211 1,f55,.4/G246, 134 3 415 '6,317 11 WO 3,512 73.57 5,537 . 2,0115' "271 7.565 ;301 1,517 • 216 13, .31 11611 .4 WM 1171 4,863 223 1 , 1/ ....44. 4,897 4,012 4,359 1933 4,934 3:127 1'0,04 -4.. 4 . 29' 1;237 2,1178 1 107 2,257 1,141 C.l. ,87 01 X, 1,577 1,221 1,353 1,277 1,933 ..4 6:80 ‘2.202 • 14481 514 1414 vi 4 , 4 402. 014 4,443 773 4,326 x 0 , r 010,13301 . 2,327 1534 7.008 174 3,015 521 6 410 1,183 41,562 1,275 6.617 1,272 6,1 1,1157 632 1,163 411 1,15 0 420 5 rm. 1)..5_..,. 2.15 73 221 80 , tut 77 r 22 '1714. .... 1,222 2 142 1,131 2 1771 1,616 9,122 9 19.8 2,31 3 2,212 2 _,3'7 2,1'97 1 317 1,613 748 1,690 627 1,594 Gl3 f1r61661,1 1. .2 298 ,303 1,201. 2,071 1 227 2 ,079 D 5011615 1 711 1,501 3;160 1,778 3,730 1,719 Deass3wo 2,351 157' 2,410 87 2,412 87 11 rt.. .... 6 629 1,082 4 050 1150 4,733 210 Elk 280 232 257 333 255 334 /44• 114 2603 2,669 215.'. 2,440 2,5153 2,473 Fr6512'1717-..., 2 513 721 2,629 742 2,611 732 Y 5 14" 443 646 459 382 483 378 77 10 73 23 67 24 121.55. . 4 ,„„. 1 tr. 2 ' cos 1 G'4 s^lo 1,677 585 115ntg144 .4, 6 , 05 360 2,48; 303 2,457 303 15414 ..... be, 2 2.4 147 3,216 163 J. Rerwc _6666'31 97 1,2.0 1.194 1,923 1,456 1,223 .16415 1 , 12021 13117 461 1,011 431 L4rro.ter ~.10.537 1,504 11.421 Ili 11,117 462 Laurrnore.... 280 144 137 2 9 ,217 147 14N 0 o 0 ... 2,494 ISO 2,554 639 654 000 1.66186 9614 3,837 2,070 3,598 2,579 3,605 1..0r. IL 4.675 4,111 4.221 4. - 41 C 044 812 0.2.0 g... 1,314.. • 2,173 2.722 2130 2,105 2 , 115 3,211 22 12 3,' 007 3.1e0 2,003 14'6-e6_ 672 122 '22 1.17 054 )58 11:81 0 1.114 671 1,354 814 1,319 641 1144.0 -.-... 410 1.419 546 1,517 635 1,5,T3 Elenig3o,y 1 915 4,741 5.109 1,515 5,013 1,511 21531 . 465 7)4 637 CM f , 1117 400-. 2 175 3,171 9.730 1,701 3,733 1,132 r 1,164- 2.914 7 171 7 7,139 2,314 2,163 r , 1, 7 -- ... 2036 5,351 715 2 "II 721 . 167 160 814 561 1 03 87 1,093 52 1,616 61 ILI 5,4.; '.,04 . 2 6MII 1,65 6 4 .62 1,301 Fs' Mr......... 1,413 510 1,147 4.7 1,414 877. 6....750r444 .2._ 21'0 UM 2257 145 2,373 149 6 , 1 16513..-.. 316 741 391 343 38', 393 5.5.7551/4/5. 4 2,351 422 3,023 311 3,211 345" '7l ..... . , 117 170 9'_'ls 70 3,213 TT 1 . 51 .__ 444 1,521 434 1,233 479 1,561 41;4 Vera:lgo -.... 2,33'1 821 2,399 all 2,344 643 W.) 0,1 1,951 212 1.8 0 1 , 172 1,841 131 sr/.1.156t06 4.031 2998 4,0542,199 4,021 7,1773 5 5 6564.. ...... . 1.444 0,2.2 1,445 2,217 1,40. 1,222 Wre W 164 ... 3,708 3,81 3,753 1:.16 3,00 .1,342. 553 '15108..._ 1,81 710 1,227 438 1,191 414 19/1 ......... 4,345 9 811 4.269 3,925 4,192 9,272 ---------- 111232113E3E1 T tal 11, the first sterrhavnl...--.--- -,--.113,95D . epithet .• 4 . -.--.--....- M,352 / ll•J•wity for the rut oewszuhaeut.— -. .-... 91.64 rcear. roe IWO amonement--...---.210,40/ ..ershat . . Blof :sitl. for the mood ameadmeat.--131.2.11 Teal f. the third iileisedement kidierity Is the third misirriderrnt. M A. ie, S.3IITS. • New York Mutat. 77.7 .V . 7'.awingsrat 16.—Cotton I t Sob 11 -; 1,60 , a0 !Iliad/at Oplashie. roactr--dmts mad Weetwn o ued quirt and Arad, and aloud more entire end 5 CElOt I tlarq 510110,65 hr Extra Otaut 510,91,116,75 ter Extri B. it. O, and $lO leatlll for Trada liraloa lactudol 11 Ma ita•ca ant 4,613 bbla ',gra Stara, nada forward dEllerry of which 1,000 bcia'w.re far the la m 10 dat a EP 4 pt.mber al $10,50, and the rearaind r to private firma Wlalakw dna at $l,BlClt,ll for Wartara. allamat c p, wed quiet and cheat Lag c tenter , Ilatbal.3l for 01 V -10.R. rpring, $070,1,11. for Ellierauteo Oub, and 55;11144 for tflater Red treaters, OA" openol Can Awl unwed le Mawr ..154 5 51 1 . 6 5 fat •U•hel cf.htlf at lb* Inside prtne. liem boast at til,tga ter Wearer), 110 lln 4001 . etaitrittalive demand far . total lend if*atd; lawergrad of fstelgu are la tot ternqo«t frar:/terra" blantata .ad earpen,dantmla ce I Illat(11 15 for. Zugenflato pa let t bales at. It, 1;0 tat.. XLcreloi .ad Crimea At 501t3 . . And En Dale Cerd.A• at 1 00. 6.1 e. veer sad El...at or Iva and Is higher; far ulna tlua cAtemlo, ZLlttir..tor P. 0.. Bm. Aloluaew 441.1. Pet kola Ora ; Crude at 51.1540 Itellunt la /Lad at 81,417 r., ken, &tit at 1616 . ....63 • tort Imarr,ma t tper•r ; •or 21.. se. Errhiew.dca, retualar sett.: 63 for Y hnr, and $3.5 lidt1141; also tOoi6l;4llf.a.n. far cep elate% bayerf option. at 543. I.l3.frfouutlnore Primo Was. Bent unchanged. CriEltii#E,:ga me uot enwely. Lord Meow, at =aft • alityliiat: o fr. h.p dealer adieus' optic., so t 3 ,, :t firm with • good &metal. at l o t3the Tor 0 o, sad 431150 for amen. Chem. in fair .queitt and very firm, at .562lAtc. Stock and Janney linnet. Bird7last, Aciast IA —Ramey Mani 1 p, mat et. Hz/ dui at 106 X for sokL Gad . ohs le; ardor, ;;001.• a MT, odiralded tu 11731, do:110tu; c cad ca,alog Tot, at 03 . 13.$ rotesat toololo • Wawa. a our: n. ale 'at .o p,,' ; , 131; 1-10 ' ,1 11.' , 1, 111 0 .4; roglateloo. 11;/; 1 70,r co.t.ccroo., 91 1 A; 145, lorno .te 0 8 44 Oartl&atm_ 61 !Cl. LR. AN , lpm ---- H IP. /I, W. di 41----11.1 X O dist..l2 conaftrlatd-_.----- 1,4 Pitteurgh----.---1/6 I a. QulciA•Rwr -.- 0. :A. W.tmLrted. Or 43.068 A 81 , nal amor a Harlot. • D A LTII.... Astro 4 19,—Whaat atenly. Ours dull 1112 OnCii 4 , 111 Wulsky dub naauzal al /1.61. rt e•ta. Chicago Market. Gate Ararat t 7 —floor itatanood 25e. Wbaat adninroo 6(1]1O; 11,251,4 kw No. t. Ono fovi at ut lr•rro ot ; ooloa at St 31 err No.l, mud SXLYS tar No, OM , Drso ; nolo, ot (Plans. Wal.k, adv.:Wag No; Won al P.,75. Woo Pork 6 bald al Ilk ' i vistas ittedy. Ems•lpu-=,EO bb. near, 6,000. barb arbest, .120)0 blab t ra, 8.7.007 trash Oat,. .bbp ne44-2,M o Op.Whekt, 93,i La , bash Ocra, lOo(PJ bash Osta: MYER' iNrELLlGnitun Thu ...edict wal.ritte bus been checkers' during the line Scrt.ll4;b& h:wri,lho Weather g ita4z7tkod. ticady wttb 00ra&1...4 .shovert, TL. trrannt rive It ott 4 Lb .. .41:411.4y, and it unitieto.4 falling it; till 10 o ust': to f :Mar, whew it o3xieranol rilins TO 7 re?. !di; , end and et Co led wreaths these was 0 Lot of us a pn lts tewake of the pi,. of {ha Si:viral:a Ito dg Jaw rwihg at Ih.itsu 7, 1.1.1..• P/t beta. re. forth. Learn, kr Apt - Mats dispatch occslval at Orr, Lod a, Leal; o'oluck, that there woe so/ • half fee. of . rico at Oil Ciy, and still rlstag. To. Road. No. 2 ,fl Ir ••s for:011 Oity.at 1 o'clock. I•ki• c persor.gors mod freight from the moot% of Icar:o otsc•a. Our ;sot from 21..oltrutvilltrtrp .rt the tiro. fall. 9ht gr tferstills Ptcktt m.tooy bare brancht thole tvetro tl4. liaotr r.tttot.tr lott4l.9ga).l Mo YLIKIM L. 1% 13. tiorottcr 1,a,, from .“.ott tor tit ret..ott p 7 ha t f. Eatits. ga, Copt. ti szro, Itft. Ca Es. :orgy yet. I.tEtt.T. 1,, - g'r. op f r63-Aloe eta rog • alor Pool at, orti Capt 0. W J.th 4.0 , tato of the Minor t roar ti • rttosdo is tt NIT • orm - Th. Kato rettotin ( , -e w) hs•lng tots; tmflt ttOrilir tip sFeclal aoporeill..• et Lept.,Joltu /Medea nod bar eon. der,Capt. W. Atmwet, opoctatly Nue nub .d'ls 1..14trad.: I. styi...dll/1•11et“ will 11.4,86 spy tort Is the tradoi 11.1 .ireplevelhl aene• or, aubei.ptjalt.ul'dolud t tai oc 1414 p+tlo atyln, err etteeitl 111i4 /114de thawwhet) rer traveled er rp.d ln`ikta 4 in C•,t. Ze•ari.tt atal Mr. Jam I: no,, Du thpEv-titqamemt Lyabis , wnett FIJI to gir• it , . • • 9 euth.le•MPse4..ttet Est, rotnam. Stle eusctia.kd t 4 karate-l 1) !ot Oluclinall :tad T.Setts.-. I.lllr. 14 flintke,Otpt. J. SV.,nsteliotor, I. kindles tor Or ti she sr h•te,..o:lnco of r light dr.ut otes roi, raid le tat •ht sltheutrat aid toss hsett a 11. • tet impror•mente la tint ertlittnillop.' pl'nt h•r•re hunkatooly ont:I/motel with elan knob t•ais of tl 0 „tolltesof Lioerty, bootleg • gitatia la Ho a• d. Fitt will leafs today. eatot..J.tones of e !tottery, preitdis In thiCtnki, sad w.ll it.eud to nU Ca ti bra , ct with Oro hist. - GUERILLA 01.1talkTIOne etc Till 0nt0...-The Oars NM, . else. ilet tohowing ernyttrit tt the Into opww than pt. the OW, aspeoptts of which app :ere I In the • :pi pen on Monday: • . On St' onloy kit the enters (nun thlnctllbrd banal. I.4tn wl.ti attfe sod Goren:neon: •Lirti,, wit attacked by a le - go body of neonatal go r I t`Je Kett••c• y oboes, I 'ltt.s wren below 'lllbltirtietotOlte. Chosdkig em sti 8 00134 4 k" dAnt tmt r 416 boon t y the goo, rithte, who heat lip n o rtlet.lat Ire on the ban , tut *knout trJorluq •ity one Ire, shoat t• eke tri•les-tto Ming coot nuia,.uettl et the noon of Pollee ek onr riftheibtrgre,eten h the bit.. the st.im • nr we. hostk to won .t.—.tu her Sn' ••t i to g•;1 off thr hatre tl., roe httlet seat r,r 'gear d , a we, wee sp•••111.e' pinntiod hp ate/guerrillas whonS.litrancatt putthe'ott• tri in shorans earns •Totity tool hews. Toe Poe, Nixing ter renters Pte loortt.tblt. Cut be t e bar herrn.. not, %Toting hernsitio averoonnt, sue thhteria r ino et ti get inT the bee, sod made e - tot hoc canna amid OCsower of waren., oo on hood nil obotrstruck ibh bait, sea ter op.er wor , s Aro completely p-pp•rist 7 he Poe set ■ umber at bantit punkin np, whle.l mkt lot nte•d of •Itelr• sod torad be k. The grecas tw•a: a two coin .nor the Us•. Poe int 'oft, entl narrowly escaped Iwpture. She Wu •ist sport . byth. Ihbote tor., 114,..• five Itnbdrei bolls Cab n old plot to re , sod to Ice isel•em•ot b allot ellerwl• be lottrlk• V/A bar, whet, el, r-toslotql but kw thblttl'ot.,.. Ity for- Leg forty...you cot:- fie sr...board she lightened elf red inn ceded la getting neatr w.lgb lieloretns rtbil• to toe b trgne o And math her. MO It ate 114Inann bad bosh avowa on tho bar for • two dere, soo.l &H IM easy prey to the 0110r..who, eter a otonh.r of •sto ate/mots to got her off, rammed hat hp 'h llie to Oo'ot of tI13:10. The {ahoy Brasil's., Nightingale, leant, Hopkins, Ned Oates .111111 q 0011,1, tla.zpoctingly cad tow th. trepould 11411 tease bf iho goerslLlas. Illthtts• gate woe rtla. f.,r tl2OO, tie 004 for UAW. and the . pther blasts fo. dollars...urea 2 hey baud all a good paying lostrOltlon, as le add.tlon to the reAtanblloo inA d" obt.t eo a cons Ito boa'., Lhestoralge Shp barns frmi the Qua Poo out Arcola fall WOAD* bane. of the scerrlPaa, , —The fOTOOOt to. rompers, rarlonll7 eatillabh, PPS, • probably woe rot hoe xhan,al,,ht hundred. 41.47 of tht in,ws ro./. dant Johorol`e atm, Who bat, Wen hams log - wand Va . ., get El...Astacs esaaTlot all en•pmer I the ethane d,elired th markers to bed lam., not bl'ong. leg to aloy orgthttatlni, end Impanel to lb'. att .464 eraasseeleen.” About Yid( the ..torte would corer to the II Inttalbotei arowadig Lorthe put.. peat of lag to EradJettooorn sad Wearing a no. taibut*.lhtet reseatlrartreall4.4, aome_retordod'ool Mon and madded In brims at that place. We t..r they isenionnositud matey out Ages , ltt our ?gate, - Jolley *Ube ablod by Capt. Itelt's d:mpany of "Sons LlballYi' who Lard tWird;thihalawd to ,bara Alias- Irithtown. sad was rady-drtiond by four of Ihroletnz unro of,ltltf huPPriheed fllondt lath:dada CQUADMONPFX" • In ter hi*Fink Mega/ 'iimufat Q. Ord: /Wm, at "theAaatotay;'' talon, Sulk t 164 Thor% shl • ttrarge . MDR ANDBMXIMISTAUCIES,WEIMIV t rosows,...emniajtaxxswilracon irPi2 of AL . ' AINKTIPibr's• tarn turx, m - 110' 1 ,1804 soft 60043010 •leyt, . ..„ t;hleatto Market—Nall Report. Aos. 111-11. advimoe In solders:l lb. :tore Eason.. Whim tram New York to-day, tem4ml to stlatalata • !ITC* dmmeod foe docnesticz 111' l,a60 1,oa,,andprlos of stuffs clweed merliekth ;%Met., arphoolt/ipaamliZoiti litat m mete aed ok an V.d. *lnter kat i ran , to... i .f, so 4 says rather IliNl a w7;olLid itarwr lochuicetip hag &atm, o 64 4 . , I,,W i rt.re.d with ear y sales ;alms. prices bet the 'heir roPion and adr.ord 2. c imoe.ll4l 7 ,FNi.l.l.3o3rageolhe c, roar I ine 2No I.Bpri le•Len alectel ne;•.... or . Wlare , r cr . tuir:ikseiotal 16-1. I n g ;at= .:roar hi hi No 1.113 No. a altrioa novl4 1 111 11 . . 11 7 1 , 1? 1, 811.11 ...a 2,62. I.l4..l4BpmarriMMetirma,7l—. faster.; ' ecru 000 flnrier_awd piker adtaspd I,lo.ll4c.rear toot. I, and ai. sed d m er 31,27 for No. 1, .4 5 .25 for No r: The rem were M 23(91,2'.1 - tor 'No. 1 .4 81,2361,2.5 for No. 2; an/ 8120(41,21 for N 0.1.411-4111 lb ~of No. 2 afloat, .old at $1,2.% Oale were in gorsl demand firmer, an 4 pr:cow advamood 100 ) c per bmbel, and ciamd tlterat 170 for No. 1, and 1.4 1 ,40 'or No. 21a store. 11ia rates wore at the raoge 61).;.,1.pc. for No.l, .4 0368Cbc for No. 21a store. //e- Jeeted . roicl, at Plc. II; ma In betler.dem.d and prime advanced agto orei the dielitionated Neater sy—tha market closed drat at 11,25 for N 0.1... $1.83 for No. 2 in store. kw l 's• ntdeand and 5c d t••tier. it $24 !or No, • .tore and at 52,30°. 4 3 by 6 • n gerepla &uttered. Mighttindo hold •cry gm at 1.76 far city ockasca, trlth but Yew eeller,. Conittry packaged sold at 6426. TitiOnS quiet and unchanged Macs Pork was noailnal at Moan. Best Amt. rid to a emall scion t at ltd., .00ad. load auld at 21c, and Is onlot and tr,.. timportn by II ail rJact I . l , Tsrtrtrit Vt Wikr, Aro Cr rritml II R. 1181.r.0e , 19- 10 Im. Ito 6 8 D.rly. 22 bides A 111.44telne, 10 butts !at:. /4. 6 litrkpsirL.L L Br, ow to. J J 8 Dll,,:ila S ; Yrwr• r, Rionsoi 0 oo: 181 Los!, corn, WErl,r .7(s• bide n It .4.; 21 .4 lard. (1 L Caldwell, 17 .01 corn, Mau WI lore; 1 car ma sl Jchil 1111uorber411 140 blooms klasmry. Wells o.; 8 bbls cont., 11l 10 Coo; 1 1•10017 4, Nitil!Ck. S au, 4 bse 7 5 , or10 1 y: 101,01, •ophs. Colo S I.lsspattl S 1,0•4, • I, In., V54m..1,1,r, 1 cot roe4sl G S Brfsnt: 4, thrt pnll ctc t•berask.or A I.doo la do ds, Iles.olcton; 19 rolls 11010. cC has I:•.fk c 111 Dula. 1 S co. 20 do E". 711,1, Shppurd;.. Cp. S ox 44 , 1. I.lllle Talo.l I.; 25 J It Its1s100; I Gs soap, Pstg. Clverr4lio LED Perivrouou Elk rieni p. Aug 19- 10 biLa totstoo, nertl.ml & crones, 9 hole. r.g., Para iko, 5..5 kegs I ritri r, 5 do, lard O-olt 3 Del err; ISskle lilorilum. Storms:in d 00; Itri tors metol, ldimlck & re; 71, Fetes...l 5 rm.'s - one, 17a.k. refl., 13 Floyd; 29 1.01 , 9 rage, fool & Brie VI do do Godlier k ;1...k.5T bbl. peerl., .19e Dal Lei; & Coo. 9 ptg loLesco, Flo,d L tu,l do do Loofa& lllcharde: Int loruitoro, 0 V I:Tepper & co; do do, IS It Sot cr; MI eire pearl; II Kee Bid; 31 pkg. copper, T I 1 /loin.; 1 Lair wool ; Beal 00; 19 boo otos., Ileselt•ou & to, 22 do, Potter, Aiken A Shepard 7U do do, 0 013 do do Shermaer d Lana; 91: 1..44 Mx, Crete) co ;1 car Hose J P Mahn t tool se. Treutsisk / do to, ElawOrtlie, 1 do do Vim fluluko . A isicousin BUTIO 71, A ago.t 19-10 bL. liquor, &- A Oarsou; HA hides, Otoetsiogor & Bon; I cur ,c 0,., Hemphill a AA:worth; M mks 11001.1 . 1121p4311 4 Knox, leaf staves, J J Balsa. a pkg. produce, El Lou L2do do, J Hum; 19 dldo T Eanivrion“, plig• butter sad egg., Wllloy Wa.1.11 S do do, J Kraft; 21 hum oats, dy ()sons Hrute; 54 bhui Nes awl, u D B.ydam; Id eks wool. B Hurbsugh 11-.4 24•1:9 co',, H hiarrimir; 3 pkg., produce, A Llppart bbl. egvh-11 krt. cheer., Shah. Sob • co; IGO by mill feed, Vooghtly • K.rpp. )o'o7/171 OF HIT N NEW EL'S OttAT RAMC/MM.—a U B B 16WIL VB ROLIGOTIO PILLS.,..TELX TIMM VOUkt OR a Oa. THAFL7IO.--By the awlicaoou of tau Medical Lama. both character and swum, are combined la this most raleabis POI. To moat 2=134 lab the such qaantitlesol Indlgostible and talarlotts &yap cum., sill la PDL. that nquire from foes to ale to net • &oat caltarila, sod to mallet its Oftriv Pair so srro•soully judged to to. .skies' of champ. ter. yr Oa study le Oils development; The dam seldom ampulla' we, sad mow axon Mao to , PM; tattles the quern°, of sascanay, and oonOdenos sated as to their ttsw character la Dyspepsia•, Goals. neva, tillonsttoss, User Ocasplahsta Piies, all do., ranrsastats of the fitauch and Bows* and as atrste Family MIL Woo lifanckslbq are • cur. cce• EIMI 1!M31!23 Ilot aala by Wbolnali .4 &u I Dealers. ProiFlator. Ot=stitsl Obra Bart.®. 12.aa. awe by J. /kraus, Goo. H. Ilapror, D. 4- Tahrterrart. 4 00.. J. LI lotto. Lirertta tor Pitulp:sreai Oro. A. Melly. W. I. X..= and Dr. /own Dmrx„ Arra, ...I. Allteherm CU. BLANDY . B PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS and DCANDTI Patented PmiahLe Stank Lnadtten DLANIIT'fi Steam Innate. W. b, Xmteartile, Uldo. PLnliDll Newark Machine Works, Newark. U. The mast socenerfal In km world. lint% ceramic. .ery chibillon, at Beane and Nathnd Palre ren , Mott, reptdepad toroperatlan. Out tint grant; or , lam ber, Wm IL. Link y Wilmare. Pe, cut 1,221 feel inn.. a m - ardlag Ley, iMI, Including the Oval napt cI • intf r. Jam. 0 Lcjlur., Leertabmg, Penl 8 o,“ 01.1f:trate in three months: In Sane, Ihdt, 150 raln 1.4 mat; ma .1 Jr.. 16,0.01.6 oak. 1 nand and etts,s..l groan? plazi La 117111 1.411 kairhoe ilm-d for Illateated circular, with dermlpttona and rearm of operator. L. dram & F. BLANDY, at Zwoorrille, car r Amara.; Otis. treat., .felts and eccreepoadnum whoa el. anti tot W E6l'lll3.ti UNIVtaIkITY, Oxr.or ea 8099 LID DLAIIOND ITIMZE2I. Faculty—Ceorge Wood; L. L. D.. Ptnfdent and Pro. [mew of aleutal sod Laurel &Wipe; Jos, P. Grigg; IL A , Profeever of tb. Cauel I &agnate tad Llairaircre Ron. Ilcorr W. Wlllicem, Lf A., Proles= or T. tlytteeter Barubsee. B. A.. Protreor of lieth= Rewire V. Restrr B. Ph. 11. D Pitches= Of oats... Dore fie L1bby,15.4 , PrlealpeldProWiredw7 Dow. mect; Bev. B. 14 Widleou, 11. A. Primer of thplextla Language sad Literature; LT. Win W. 0.uull1; 1.. L. 1).. Profaner et PhpoDal Tralatag,Anall.. any. Ptgalclogy Dad 'rate Alphonse_ D. Dams% Teacher of the • reach Languege, Rudolph, Leonhart, Tieolior eidttefierreau Language. aleaut.gre an. ot!..rei to rtndeure to the preppy etc," Ea.,Usb, Maio! Collegiate on ticieuttlic awes Phs nett term will acausinece on SIPT43I tt WEST CIIESTES ACADEXLY and tiLirent ISSITTUT.II at WEST CHESTER. PA.: STU.). 1:0111118. A. 11., Pr toepaL :lONTED WOAD ALL, A.. LI., Ph. D., Stand. ate VRtottraL The aehotaat , a par hf tea months "111 'animal>. On thv //8. , T113E , DA T, the 6th of &Weather next. Tha ornrae yr tutlueflon anf eat,...0r0, .4. gamed to flt tor. aod ',dog man tar 0,14de or toaricev. htod...rn angrome, Pt:pan, rtvieb, Stasufah and Itali.n haat.:oe, cedes re tient taatbeet The tetiit • re ta De . paitment la nder the tho otordsof 1112.108 Itill[rsD..EVF *l'd the .ht:Dttr3 6 .tOarm'eaat.t. For che,frae to., ,apply eitLer of the Pelockpals at eat C he r,. Pa. St, Ptittripxt lOU be at 161 MONO9ri&IIRIA flOttSE to Tittaztigt , from Aoratt f.th to .t.o,nst ittelmmo. •bere he tritl be, happy to fornlth informs. .from Itbaut M00d . ..A. from to ■ m. te o p. st. daps. mal:: • ccinTHAuToßs Pr,.4._ , sws —l_ kr the andnatfon • tuna+ ry. bridgt tg, lo• ciao tng et., tins anti laying the Smelt on We I..aar- , tin, Nese Onto Walsaaingk, to Younglianu, slot: le rile. will to rnn , lsei at lb• ogle, of the No et Mena serf Dealer Valley Latinist Oaaapauy, he Nov Otialle, Idl Vein k lt., Angutt 181 t, 1464 e The are aN ccr.alat of three dirialma of 5% ralla each. Eida lo- meteor, most he eepaeate. rte. vtll a/aoitn ro.tral for the grading, boliging, , farniaidng tee craat-tiee and Laying the tract tor It. et , tire lire. Plana and specifinatione may ha eeeng at the &Mee on and afier Aaamt RI. The Company reeerne the eight t 4 relent any or ail hide. .1 M. 08AWFORD, Preen. W 0 DaatlaTT, MI. Lag. Neel Citiaile, July MG& anlitOt rriD MARIVACEITHiCKS pant by .c. c no 000.t01191,f00 which cosy atoregs• M, adstes to land In so= good ado prod:batsman*. forturlog todatteen, (Iron prrfdrrr.l4 h dos , r/ra of OAo• esttog ifirtth himself • resportal,le taxonfertarer, dlt.t in slap. atready tabifeb,d or ablat t/ tr established. 11. r adv. TU.; hs/ largo bard :Igo! asporlonooto this Ott and west awl with of mon! tears, rroorts t/ tako chsrgo of the tlnotalal sad bating. part of the ooncga. No person nold apply when oort furnl.lh a 'outdid:do roperlton of the capt/al rag ofr.4 for the so•yrs *my. don of dm Concern, and whoa., not storop'ets wits, of age iganadaddurfog Tula." to proposes. If the purr be no!goll.kooto to las &drat-mot, oattsfectory reference Ira' he 'method. &Urdu 80E 1.33, p. 0., with teal name add roaldanoo. antlitt VALUABLKIMANULIA aru KING t 41113. V —A larg e sr.tt coarrentapt lot on the oorner o!Fiao 'nagat•skt...4 IleacLt alley, mottling 'o ton bat 141.4 opep„hrnilag on bond atemt ;CO tokl, and on Eadonht alley 75 ion', lo nos clang for sale on reasun• We , term. ' It fa now ocoepted AS • metal yard. gad possuaton can elves very m.o. Tor Nana and p,rt1.1.8 apply to Broker not. &gent. ea FOrßill 131%. Barice• nmama 100 MEN WANT)underqgned oppolotod by the Dorottet CooneD oo /411C13, tut3n, OClMittte to tato charp . ot" alltu the, inoto 021 tots Dordolli or Lownraioslllo, undor the (blowing cc. diatom and to attend to .11 boolotmutportganfog thins* to, trill pryinelllGUES LouaL MONTI Id 0.6511 to thooklp uombtr of rowlakacdtate/P lha Clammittte .111 b found o t t,thoottla? of Mama Jug, N., Lavreatelll!e„. suzraegaur wet,— Itaxillj on brad s lug ii.":etrouggos t i rock of DECIMTO. ISOAT END Magr"llbrrk l 4li ,171, 1Z tg;I3IWID BTET/ eat 91F. oalredlltz Tll Penera let/M*l4;6ft 111113103 matica cs lary Invite to um!. bts .111191213 Ms,* Oast, b FApLiql. . WARRASTBD ISVPICUIOI3. 71:1 LAUD.' EURICSA LIIRRICItTING OIL% At „Belt the Pr.lee. 14,;,,,,b ctue db ,sr PrStSoill,. BA L L a l & . • yam. ligszt.l nemor ergs.AND Ettonst9PE ~..rri:GeriAMVA6c , AAA , ZIEW.QPIZ ‘ b er au tratettok aims soil li" V. I MNSTO2I a ix T ), rg; ' B1* ( 7 1 . 413euPsxtUs MAMMA • • • /1.2 1 .4-11 r, jutooi tea yew enables ms to ttnsdit Orsoltoot stautst to any suds vmt at ba . itte . ripap. lIILRTINI. 30. elloceth stride inthinni BuTTIM,-7,11001 lbo.-frosh Roll -Butt( ` g"l3 ""M a ooof 6il etrwit g itUt . = 4, , no st i va t inv. - TattirLeni.l4: 11•11 Wo boor oleo a Isms etook of E cobrollorrwl, EEO/mod sod Cloth Pizzo Covers, .blth we oflor .t low rat_., FOURTH STREE ORPb' COURT SALR --By virtue fililsi of an ofior of the 011,6 the fLaarr f eregheay mot,. I teill ripe. Publialate, 13A2111111AT. the 10th -day of &amber, L. 0..1104 at ai. Caert Boca I I the ctly of I Ltteberah, et 10 o'oiock &fa. of teat ray,. Ali that cattalo lot at gfresof irr Mid attach In !ha Noma, h of tlowidier, An - thong cosuety; be of lot Nei l ZI t. tlastail Petlehe bolts ran of lab. leatOg • Inaba: fpart ot tog twat "111,poo“ No. lt6. eqlrt. Mohr DIAN 31." basadtd and thswited•anfoltotrocto sit Btftltolotit lbe <Moe of lot No. 25 to u, k 1 pLo on 1111 i .t.tt 0 , , nod rosafOg thews al:sg aalthalll street H.:is° 66' son eight. porches to the sooner of lot Mi. 23 in.. lid oleo, ttomot agog the lista laid lot Na 27 e bt° 6 , Watt, Istatg peados ("W. NI P taLocatt attest, Itismattog sad Laciettetrostdooth od• 66' Nut ethl tete-ho(e. e P.) to tha llaa at lot No. 25 afar:hold, a, d tneoca tarot the Dna of said lot No 25 North 5 , ELS tioenty parches. lotto plane . of begin , lug. <potato lag t ft' "d%re h ll b la i r a ' so ct. 7lo47gor iw oo t ' tat .Don oqa goad sad cotspLetersofir, arta an cooalket semot avid pore water. 'mind bin toe eacalloot elate et .I.lraslon sod ooppltlei Vita a wombs of trait 1.e., a:witting of aphltt. pelichea and cherolot I 1100 • ,n g• foie,' at moU heiL sari—T no hundred dollar. In coat on the day of exAl the balance In cash own the conAnnatton of wile and denveu cf reed, pstronnuntr to ford .h United sump for deed of c nveyx.en. et Ws es;eso t. MART A. lILACIABTOWL. . . .a{7:l~d~t. £dm•a f Jobs 6la:k.est, deed. • • FARRELL ik Co., • PILiOTIOAII PLUAIDERS, GAS AND STEAM kirkERS, • • • ban atran on hand a bugs and aril smarted stock of Pampa 'Hydrants. Womb barna Data %Igo. 45../1", haw. ' Moe Lead Pipe; abee• lerl.te.4abkla oni..pat kr In Or mtat admienbUt manner. We ran line Aip.a. Astor; (blau,; Tankadta, witbant Ur asp of ing•—• e zy,' VASQB.LL 41 C O., •• • • anll , ILtt7OIIBTB 111612 n.uoa.a B.J. Ur 8.142,4.141111 AtlogOony. July 30, 185 t. T . HIS BANTC IS AUTHORIZED Y. Moo amatory of the Troavtry to ttiottra fly. ttoma to the 'Them rotes are matl•.tmstmlf7 Is Legal Ileadar, or m+,l b aterestasl et lb* option of the holder fate pre cent. 00LD bearlrg bonds. The deoomlcaoocul et lb. note' are $5O, $lOO, pock sl,w, 16MA 3011.1aa JOHI4 P. BHAIIIOIC. Oeaklet. TARO—OIL AND MINERAL LANDS V TOE E.41.Y. OD LSA6E—HXYTEI, PAILITS & 00., &alert In Off, Off Territory mat /A InofWlL•ods p opßred to sett or loam any quantity of Luna etas. dto the rielmste +ll no•Lxis of D arming Spring., Lit. tIo liscaorha, B•ich • Etna., No.. Neck, Doll brook, a.d .11 otber loralltir• of Itopatanee. V. hate Woo • Ingo isnooat of volnablit tonitory oh- el 1l koopm oil avriviof WA bin-Lo. realty, Ohio, And vele phone. 'Thar Wort Ylninla lon* ire also all fort:dog vlth abuts - ft:len of rakish% nalnerint, eltk3 wDI IroUrrpsy O. miner for Ale labor. .1 hesalanitvill be told or lan: In quantltlal to nit applinants, sal* etivonsble inns. Tor parttealars adtran or cal Oik bine, as Lae, Mulatto, 0.. or O. B. PAIRTITE. oor. Ler licocoak atreetaad Dcfranao Way, Pittabazigh. .aollata B 131DGR'WATER. COTTAkE 80aLl. 00TrAIIES, VILLAS. lIILTLIZOAD DIPOTS, aL abo. DBT mr HOOR, BA /8 OLUB, 84. armarzer 741147 us TED IfAMIT. .80BIMAI9 111STI3LD . .tkftod Oceenl Apr; 71, 21altlat LsaklNeeTark. REECE, BEAL & WOOL Coramiasion Merchants. .111,1 LIBERTY STREET, Corner of Wayne. Wool bated 1.5 sal= Drokersga. eterdu 8. S. BRYAN, 'MAO catm6; mx.timea, 'WILLY/Ai ;JA .1011Wrilth LONG' iTAA7, 111116.11417011., Coro witty EWE- • $5O, • LOVZ-4, POCKIM BOOS, r m a t u b ir otQr,to, tetrxdpelly Paesbutb Ea:AC - Am • note tar as drawn by Preelitte,ligatters, will pystle to J. G.l (V. 114.5impbedL- The tater will Ye eel tette abets tome by bettb=te et lUD; , lIIDDLWB Dlesend, D. auzga 4 sio's. RI rll THAN WlNE—ay using the : 4 # codas bIILPIEIIII OF ince, CIDICH buy b popet.ky Fret allt 1 . 1111;ir et tiny .. ..T4l dam, 42. 3 yo.orled bi Napalm to to Etsiribriods of wits, w . h.ob aro now so cotoisstoo. Resat; wlik btll 'Undid's. for =N by - 0011NTRT SEAT FOR SALE.— At leskla.: altaLL munr.o• Irtilqq”..xed wean' dwgiles.,-vt dirt.i -tam. oiMaWg Ilk linili!of tralland nem an sr • illOstmeir saiLittN. • 04AM seattruo ampErs, ou. moms. CAZ'ITC. ° N B=PMG. MUM. MIMS* Mi .ur dr.r.: 1 1..?.the_ i rr f i.. t .f . • • Cantos recatalcaalli-P'4: O 9I4UNE COMO" 8774 W tr/fai. of the celebrated B. T. W. Im• P' - ' 6 °D. , PAL .. 1 1. I f-alfterl.4,lM o 'KM* able bi odic. matting Imported, sad thaitai 9..atity mem:tadai / " . •-c. PCL.,kme , also ,tqat ,receirta,,pr.q.! ce.dl4l7. l ool.4l4Nadapiasgt7leact ' Fancy Plaid Mattinga 4 ,:. an or.tich Ei44 tLn FlizsllESl.-26 TT INGI3 IB 2THIC - ZUMCW. . Oor gmeral itoOk of goal. L still teosurium4c ci ;S -tant or mirth and to stet times <Wee eta pita= the lowest prior the =that will stlbst. • • Jr? CCHIN A AUTTINGS. Itav 4 .4 parclukeed ttfore the Mai In goods • le.ip stook WEUTS, CHECILID MID FANCY CHINA MATTIN.GF34, r. stl w2IU and qusllttret, sre remake t. star ISMS at is Mkt ..acorn rates. 7 I, erten Lion at the pabhe is called tt the above Chtods ezi they I.IC the chesett catpettng in the =Whet. OLIVER MoCLINTOOK k CO., a TUU etredi. xW drrYLEti WINDOW SHAD.EB =MIMED Tll7ll DAT. NEW SPRING wrocE CARP Pa rli WILL BUSOZIED OIL ,O.LOTH. AT . wcALLurirs. ARPET STOR Igo. fiT TOULTU 6731NX? THREE YEARS 7-301LOAR, GROUND 18 P1:1174, 141131131 D OIL. UT deletreat Dna Cos4r, tot isteioannionnoTiN sg uk " corner Itoltbaild tad Tomei street& • IGO I NCEET /LULAEOEIMM_ • ' - 139 ,1 ! : - :Ty - -ria 110012 4.X'D OBOES. Tba ry7l , - CUL AID EMPIWIRIIIIIISIIIII ![THE' EMMY 13134X61.53,,. Intge #l.yi mom rrsi cermet; alin LAzur-oeifiLlit, -I ,• iritrbe oda et the rKEWEIIT =lke% Zit* r:4w* • - 69 lEFTH BT/LIDIT. tiflosa 'FIiSHIONELBLF. DESIRABLE (3-001,S" GENT'S & WOE'S CIAO C n=om 7v 'lO 0.1X2.111=4, DI THE Bur STILE AND Rant R. B. NORRIS, EIZILCHAST TAII.OII. 78 PEDFRAL,EITEZZE Itlieghear: 06.1413 LIND wartro-unatiga tar= ant la amps wuorsams OR arum. sits. WOODWIESS 6 ,. • or.'i VT acd gra atnA.97 p1ba !d=1:02g40.1394--..,c and Ul /ooze ortavez. Darn (icruznaii 01:11114S;;Mrat ... c ; lit = PU S A RITLLERY Llsr Print !smart 8170 mill 14 ere* tye aolidetaismed. at brat". Pa , tor good AtTI .:th LIMELY HOBE IS, pa w able, certillostos of Indebtodatos for not lam thsa tor tans. nos tunes mut be well formed, idles, Sad tam- • fromdebris, trot:, 6 Th en old tbli opting is 9 riser ' ut, tram it)rtott bands bitty aml to walgtt not Ye • • tbsolo.sopcsubds. • Mite bonus. and Mares will ro siikuud. .11.1 biaddrognsd by s competent judge, sod Yr tones prmosted. most =form to lbw abort epitate,v , ,." , tiara. • 1 1, MOM Wad: Lk 0 4. Aid IdAtasur. - MCCORD 41—CICI:i eS Wham:ale Thatucts • • "' . Hats, . Caps and Straw . Goods,. larav• now tn Acre. sad met =OM • - of pall tor lEPUJ:Miret 111411112Z5,, Stet ceased to the went. Ilerthantt arc maids/ 611' loallw and rumba oar stack, which irrn to mid al MS rata. ens ISI Weed st.. Mews% &tams AL,BALI'iI, !ARCHITECT. stryrazr Daalma emzernirsoar, Mr - =a .of banding% lami spat:kind' their astailt omen al Laden= son. let, berm' Limo,* me 4.ban6r.. Ilrorts.6ll.lachra atty. 11 J, ORR it CO., - - - AL • Des. l / 4 cs Oa PiVE TAR. . Prorated. =pow* kir iXt.7:3. Pit at. la attar Boa. but bot , ta POPE= Par tato tor amain; ad to tomb sad balm Masi tic. lie 111LST Ptttotactids. •dookoto • NEW JEWELIAY STORE. .• • T. H. KLAGES. Woeldtorst nottrettolly token% the trobtlo that ti Wand Ltopro stolsorttero tit loom oa toad tto ' best Attempt roam! Wetcheo, Godim ooLletnitir du taro oaks.. • . . Width azttlJountv wok doze by I:Laicism itattailtk ' rod vortaotot to giro ntabottioth ~. Don't soma 4). PlaM • .filltiol. - &a inctiattlydrESlELT.ltroottotrioce, - - VLECIEUICITT TELIIMPUANI.-I.ta XJ 1V01D1129 AO • 111112,621nt011g =MAUS' 11111.6.13114 TO. CLEM MID ZOOK • :. Or MUHL _ .c a it Erm. mama - Me.= PtIdSVIJIMT Titers ell dlseesesareemet •• • . - nougats treated erica Ctte Mm mttfam sad owe Sadedcaldoas of T2aettlelly. Boeuelthig uew,trusiod • nEt ten true purstaX Ate cittelke; get owl gabs. celks. eoeiatattou. Oteut venruntad srben deans!. Milne& ^ Zo ring., PRESSES FOR BALL • - 01595 6,1)A». rth:=l. rEMI, ripat sue .„.. !Dam, arm tar-011 OTLEUXIM, 104 WPM Whai• 0141 TAILOB DOUBLZ OTTALUDEE. bod Ws= dll todra, to goal waits are4n. STAID; =ld al • tsmata; Mgeireog fdtraa 0)12181111: Pit - blunt. P. ONE YEAR MEN. NEW ORGANIZATION. liatkual • IL num.= YOUNG 73.cralttag Moor. sat4dllis 123 Poura" 0014 Pat:tun:b. QTRAY HOGS.—Como to the- premises $0 of thaaabecribar,c¢ Patarday Itiondat,• Angora IP, la* la thalormalt ot lawreaccrtra. elkahart Pa., II MO LAWS &ACM Ii.SD • WIRTZ • HOON, TBUXI L.9.120Z 'wntrie 11003; and ONI SHILia NORTE do Shammerb hasty notllled to come ihr card, pion maim th pay atimmamod mks elms atm. or OW) wdl bo sold aowrdlc6do lam. • • •• • auTitaid a..pluntar GALLOWAY &CASEY • - 110tRir t ILVD , OI3BIIKIMILL • PAIWIPALS. Y$ Ozrawr trnsisr,iii,/I=4, rtriw2rraaa. PL pATIZEIBON .1; BROS., Psalms la Youghiogheny Coal and lid Cott . °eon let at the Ceoth.oa..-D.SICELiCra 11111.1311 r. , _. i Dee Brsaine. Woolen rartory,AlL-4tetry 4214,kattotg*, ty ottendo6 to. • _ ^. orwottont orders DAD two. - ' • - 20310=...ect 1864. - DIABLE& 036# . A tugs stetottlAtnt , it ItkEET , ALArtt 0 017 1ftrerat - notsr. Drains, tor 1i64-1t p.pee. to cbikl. tmitstion Tarts, , to ,Totitsy w ft bAlair" . noiand with. marble eZpop--tritta Wet. Weal Cams elude. tutralArt. Ail ems, Ana team Itk:sts. tAr:aort to th. my Lett. trot val• tt mar b7_ .3 1 nt..0,101flignet - othstrlA:Wrttt st Wood Crud. 7 . . T. T o N -- Agssn:W s -IMPORT:MC .; 1.. a AND DEALER .la-ILA. nscG aka briar. at OF-STINII -1.1A.11.115A 010ARS, sad aD klads at -- Miasma AND camvia.se Tose.000; =trim . VAEOY ADEPJW2W77II PIPIO3. ,TUBS 3 . ay, ova& sarieu),lrtiDLP. USK., WADI.= UMW, Plcubar. Pa. - Trad. nulls?! as I SZP4 %Ohl; „ mr1.1.1111 flYll4l3lr2leueute4Ll4ktzaitiatslrti e 4 • Disks HAOON, LA-71D, SITOkt VOW ',t7 EIMOHLD BEreike,4-: gcgusisn', p,„ 47Fai eat BUICREN: ...a4sppußrawszvslizz.grotwomar,r. T cotluit_it Nalef*tmrs. of a klada. 01.1.4112_111,---- ' LAMP JlEap,,lbs. Itatozhaterses OrielleAV , ,.:: 0 eghtu 0.. t TOP,_Ptrit' .1111 P F- -;, T 4 RD TOP, PaentSOBLW PETPXII TOP. 6 1 ; 123 Becqnd 'mot. Etrabortt. _ •.114. 1040 UAW voymasnasour to-fift *mu . nogev..i 1161140 F Oel , Miikit-EITONEISMUL‘;;I“ Ins Cached tide Aar by comactL: The. str.esi -001 b. colitfoned Crinar ! : 11,0; ppllpsll. !MOM/ tb , Istodkum, ki . 14144 " 21 00 134 1 0 4 1 4711.' Viaglk. .447.4 - -
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