: . 1 - t .',:t .. 4 ' - tt-L r . ...... .., ....--,,-..1.....: . ...; ~ .. . . NATTONAL ONION NOMINATION& `;=: trr_ton - Stare Central ciktnittee. • _ A meeker crib. trial,* 8441 fr 9m3 Coratlttre . llll hod Aluw§piisattiViocaniothlthi,etiar &lON+ sumfiv.,s;:oal. p p. It la teztjelly tegeeeftd 1* illeSi*mbet be fonelstal atteplaceir, teteineee Cr . eat lea2ortme, will be Xecight bi&ecetla m'Ceting: 7 - entort mut A.W. Bs i tarttarke, • Ttkseass! : talerairkable that, -wailer few-papers , f„„ t iblo to the if.andatatiatfolx distams log auktrottitioso °trete aad O loans'tli• on .which the trotost, ain he togee e t, th e , BastEslteirMs and athetestssestactSatitii; ' int Pubits Alta tss Ssatart P il terillegstait Utz -any termsof <l en!, that do not • recognize their indipeidenee. In the jacomit published to. tie l ittootio Malik for Soptembef of the. oiiit to }lilt tolood 0 090 1 01141MQ177C8 -Aid Mr. Chtatoos,. thie to '*jtelnclpoi fatok which Idutlionges the atteitieitsl the reoder. , in ater frank, fulrouti ; =TeStralied Oainnatkii between them gegtt"emen : and Yore Dam, the Uttar • - aslataltV, Prlff.,.elt /seat sfeePt Etemdet4iiontoo siolttdepezteno‘ • Tide %nit ids-tote tot, WI-4W ell the time: istatinnit.lashelki tits end of the,witro*So isiet 54001164, withawarmth asesualisSlS asitee'rthel dosed 4 4 1 W wineijaw and barl;toity-biLhliat th• ton* and Sowlll.43kokre trui countile4-191ilit tiirev-aze a &Mild bitterli hates the N P9 1 ; 11.- saa'aTeas " 1 4 61314 s Ii l zier .Wawa' sib, and we *One 'o the va4E4,9o2.,,,Ti*"i.witia#For cloy TOtalli: Tie mitae.lieltishrit.pmeot in 2the eat,- gals of,evekKiroitherii•pcspele4ini•lillelisri - • Isis of&Effit•b? . • - gnat' rliA'Oi•ntaVadatant.l fhb§ and - the de dint;tone aj-thhise papeafaijibe, fa intin's satiainarivrissuiterigat if, thiiiti'lzzatiatay. teat desire for pleaescarathezterni;-Sidelen= oes of llitentld l 4e)iiittl;i:Zs ; itzul. - thairi, In nide ofiall-tifortalp coneealltl,tundonf this INS Witere,4,tieigrente4-.16A IhAt24. - , warn icrAt-lids natter, the tiddifitiiipkW zaan othispeaple. Ile saarbe a greats item end " derool lldWoliti - siiiieeintleieaird a A.: god bbfg bat dooolaogoos, wikalt-roz-thoTs .. diastketikfinbikeentiEent witir[ibeiezerivit oyes,iltiirhen - rhey pot th eir*t-411WW. armly,taiussureltheritrit ilett.dttii.,; Why , :itethilieditheirlendii - of:tho ornmentficludetheanel i es wilt the fda tha t patois at etißroet. tpin pity .. term itcpeetilee - to the, OonaLry Why should thii-NCtitecfriendir-oTthillialniss, *ream 46,,,za !rook s .gaeetlon ai be oillot.CPgelittev peace," tiya4 sischf ' •;`-•.t ; • ' ;The Olden dceltited..44- 8 1 0 wonld hare'pesee ill the horse if the hridAtc fight far tobuindetel the asthsary if !flt., • 'want Peace co mast "tight peapa,''ss the perm ran In • the time of the afeelain war. paaszknet Rogue ard_4l.-- _ • nicer era *titer Zeptialans pro . trezt,, than e arzunfgraftiairp anatosta-'ara gia Closestsdeetlritrattlt bzak nun zed aielerlale thry need,. we 'nen in short tinttiiliteihtiaints w peace with * - ‘,„ , • All•dirigz plortof 'ho .torros orptiza., zip* le idle 'll ' er6 l l l-1 /6 :# 0 9P? ,- irintet„f# t 2 1 1 1!: With na. Woiliase totmo harallo ilea 'lnte -1 indddi tl s trinket' ea, the 'my o o put Ideli *IA" on the attaised net nif.g tie W terms Irtritrati •OfNr ideziar-how:antah-we stall aux •of the ultra dentindt lit op;CM It ao mbottod is Bub saltrioa,ani -p , innune ha con have It; at hew lie ought trarsee, if he:wants it. sdbitilllitie talk abotit_ezicanibutllliAlazesaltraltdalitta-a betcArtidahintiett..i.k. - limes: to `rental 'it *lo4, attl4, 011antatIr4410,11,i7Ibi, swim dealan , itten,ef ti.eneatti; net ttindans =thing. ehgn it be Well whiPpid, and not beau}... litat_ 14,1 was serious task before Ift 'Aß 4,l ls ll l l 9 '4" we mast now eddiere our.o iea ;; iagleani of deba r Lag whetliefire 41 better yield el/tittr . tzer7thing to brlnithiat back. nen are builirriVriyi'iriei•birdsZPASta side the e.Ser ,- tareattlY---.4Witko.iiit t Pic „ Ale. titter will iitlriblellelteliiind beteg 'bent peace after Cheriieftion---Ler-wiltend: tt P ert *gifioi ' art4iWuzil4 , 1 ' 101 ? be • easilyirrangealrhen the time -ems& • Lei its bide &hire the Om Conviction 11114 2 po, only, lead4o iiatarable thettooay field of battlei 14 , .ii' , not our fault that it Is gad Al*, Rebels 'ant luvrepriace by Subtle:ion, at any ilia', bid they ntiVirsie,Skiit trail* as at vomit =aided, and militia no tilfer • - native brilitrigieA ihira"Str - Webetter aged. Taw WILYWAit.'B; temberii a Ltd fiOt: lt lOU be t4arnct / 4 4 1 r ,41 .ForPoOlPonOlt T, bostr'' zuldiet to .- o well - fiepantit it—by loyou l4 -14dItuu or a' 4 4no , oer - lox# 4 nzt.., ling (heir Lr set Dries" to? obIo"?toir•b' •fe they choose',la.& tislz:,personaileortiee„ - . •]- Skald. thiiitrifer Assialbr'filliiig their* tiosteoibb•voimgo th 15-10 noPol? in saint lifilir , dtetzlots. --- Teryore• moley , sew; it rat do it siliswit. the draft will earaitay teite,p-Ndir ~~-r a~~~ ,c,,1,r4.-:,;,,,, . - - • •liirati - . Atils-sliix4lP . uI 1 , IR 1 rt" 2 4 111 7- "tied, 1414:1401ta; '.loli4l,7#ZotZir:l,:lc....jed i ahem, fii49l.4ne Iv, etr itti9T , / 3tv 76? 1.12;11 . -," tor for 4nui yer :ixid,lake_atjgget...l4ll4,-; botifOrAvitikeigtitgthaulg94lAV ' et siTtg r e l l 94 ! * .iiik t if r AV. l l4:gf-t; ". 1 P 0 4 ,_ or , I,rt ihey,--‘l:4ltOkb#,lllitek I ellinen ' .4 . y,,,,,, . _, , _ .. si • i witting us * l6 a P a m°. V° " this ral:Ler,ll2 1211. , Trot Lockport •lt iiisattet aMtitiat•t _ • 41rio offer a neat! of , Ihoieand dollars oggo•Jaw shy offer or pectiosidoti; thee by • the- gotqWeet"Of tieleikbelleidpo4 fitaleo.te the 'reciotif irovenunent, e Cr offering terms of pesos breed upon the la toots the lyelokag it was and the ottaed. .Ration as it onhiartlferFitill pay fa geld the reort who can P*Lieeettourvii- i.C. '_rt't I :'t:; v:, Dr at liirture of Fir laroweitt and Ganes, *ffild/ f lOO O -61-511 PotoPIA NA arkinds. Wet;of the fins wails - 0(14;1 a t maw ,IP; 0z.,5" 10‘. : 04fici! . .....4.. - -: - .i! . ;..itzr..l,i,';j'i,T,cor4. .:.:,....,:.,‘'..::. ',:i-,.%':-.H.::...-,-,-.---:-',:..f.'7•4.::27...-=i.i.A... . .„ ,t,i • L .- ' , .-..„.- 47:;'t ;`,..'',47:=',.--,-...';::'.:,:,:,.:,::,:.--7, „-- iftburolt ignafte, #iimwat, 4tuattsr 20,1854. sus rummy: EOM niD . ot - E4pG: 'floo!oli• _ Winsloi , , at the. regneetot theiNney An,yeetieenyhar Arrilaled a fall etstement '..of the tight of the Keareargo With the Alab lea e. 114 lettere:niter Jt - the 'Engnat ChanselTjuly' :BO; tateitione the tbatiest previous to the enstnnter *he: bed. Skintereime. with the piea ,chiAdierrai artherbourgearid - Moored 11Mt fn the.evatiorSall7senion;theirmel. dale of the Shift! airelatT:lia• no far. - Iremr the :aboretbatme-gmathes 'could tea advanced abort., the linelitjcirledlittOrt.:2beitglovbe-! :late'beats W . ' ere boring betireen the Alabama and Cherlxitirg, and in the morning , strange Men firers seen 5 tionett; a! Ciptaino of, the . • • -amcnie thSmllentenaltA3ineleir, who. °Snail ler at ChErboiarg:' Tbepoli prevent: to:cilheis frank gobs=losatt repeals,: Lb* PAL . " =l4- 0 - 4emed,,undeie the garli'et. ffiehdohlfc we. .afte4iorassintaitoo 4o,tbi) Alsbutio.-s • r •`,: - Xecrulitefr in tfie-Iliiittlitetati L'-' ni Hartford Churaeiltwothe.fidloifluri; 1 "The aubstituie agents seat to rebel Slates e,o rect for Connecticut lute° all witinied; ,exeopt ~,liemewty, agent for,llartfordeOltd.': tYi imal/ar,__. Bit* At nl i k , Z l ll9le - Noe Ot 44 Pl ,O P 3 k. ag4ntirk pig hie Tutu, t- Ilueve 4 g TO tqLtbelr mimic, ,though Ibex tire i t meetin with Lige s uomm.' - Corßoldoti, at Perin Mourne e ff orts 'that% him obtainaci 024,7'0 fifty recrui t ,. We had little faith in this to luta of e*lklegibe quotas of Litreit' tolleehig that Utrat - Itome,wrerk void se• • oomplialt ustlylutoirt, sad at tite same time pme, Juke. aril*, kind Otmekthaf Gout fad Shismeu ntoulli , ::t , ..1: - '1,...:,:-. ' , „.. .7.6. - 3Me mrsalloallr demoustrates the eystiht to eiffsflse, Mi wit wittiolpatid bymba or the" M u illailt^itkliimel* , =',.. 7 . 1.: • I i - lar,3 ',Till ..Nt BM= ; Panama. Patience. We are. Wait swift Promo toward ill. cad I:cr aileittiurie...wifter • - *7ll llfttft gskt4 „r, ow.rr base d operatAarakidtdri#m mile; of Rich- mit- vilhotaitrpibmi,. with Lree whole snot 4 11 . 1 kkallatitlastaulbk while there rosy .be,- very-asoarthe eotmd: of-Tatattee alum tlusideringialref it ilie Yoilllicatlinsti' Of 4b 4l 79tilte) tt—Rl, Ye tr rO b7o 74amillY. AIP - ' Ems &lien - de Babel Eour up the Shenat.- 43 alt to Prott4tord and whtMd luck la the eght of TnesdaYt Note :how tightbilinis t ia keeps Me hold on Atlanta f and how perfectly. he, .tsaintaloa, Ns Snap of 'Wgcnnualestiont ti" 6 no kn g ee “Mta* ht.--t1.1P!1!/S had , eiioigh of that, and, When samaxasVerein.. ; iforcimenTit,' stew on , ; the - way,'4,i e k e ,,, th e: , of eystone of, tlus:Contate arch" will fell -.I ,15 its 1 11 104 1 , 11, ' he will be, mutt I pheette thit - fOldiel a priMsripal port of , ektet As kiehel bhmkade-runners, has:jest .beew eland in splendid: style by Paanse rr and hie Wet" We - *remaking' progress all ,Idizi! Ite?k•t_L„, And Afieinectillaiutille 'srtarte--., wo aro mekiitg progrees, too.: The deoltration of Ja' DAM, that he VICUId Ro. (elit 316 rental/ hid did not guarantee the In; dependence of the South, hag CaßifAiniad the Union eentlweist and, stimulated the war spirit In orrery loyal State. Theo, tott, we are ripidly, in Aiello Al3lllBf d!kie, Cp1 . "; . 4 tic .- quotas, under thfP.residenetslast call, with willing yetutteeri, -We are reinforcing our euvaletywhile the Betels have their teat man l a l , the Seld..And when the W 10913103 and th winter - theri'ivill not thie /ear be suy 1 'of going .into witner - .quartera. s There will be no - *ter in Chorea; or 111•01a/d RicheiondthisLeen ,serimudy - liiterfera witk military 'operationis conducted by. Northern 44 Tajo-4411i/ a "fall . campitgn and - a winter campaign, and, with our A:111'1%0E 1Ft : both will go' hand with the Rebels. Hence forN then, lot there he hope and not despon dency in the hearto of loyal men; and let theM berating . while ell is going well. The Commencement Cl the War. Sflow titary of 1,101118 PremotM to the inatignratlonlif ,Ltaeoeit on the Finxiii - of ?dank 1801"eildeiteiniate • - 1 ! - Fonitiient. answer to the edpperheid charge, grate coon now flis7s..; th e tube i50014/inga"crmthu r4Anthe : • deditts_toted, most terezettieredooeurrei a~Rß7Ansi Boodazait's Admtnistratton: , •==-December 20, 11 380—Cantare cf. Fort Hold; tideand CastlePintbaey by the 80111. 0 're f Jaabaar,y of Fide Pekoe by the Bayeetegt troops, • -.Angry 0--The United States arsenal M "fount - I r ernon,.:,;4labates, - with .200;000 - . 1 etatul:,ernirtb, - 'egged by 'the /debuts Morgan, in Mobile Bay, taken •, Alabitusatioopa.f, , ••,, • ' •:"" Ji~-B—The United 7 Slates, eteep t i. Btae of Ai(feat ;Wine - Aret , Leda and, driven =off bffits rebel.batterleal Ort•iderrie Wank ' , Mei?. Afte*PlinZtO_Artilekrat Stutilq-lei!h-enO-• - ;,. ;. : • Ant 10 .---Vortlicksett, Forts Phillip and Pike, niar He Orrearni, °spinier by the Lomeli .troops: din.; 14..-42ap tare of issiseola Navy-yard ,and Fort idallaa.by !Llabares tioops. • 1ani.11 6 8 , --fithender of Baton Rouge-arse nal to tabu* troopar. 0 0414 Mi nt 1 9xHete taken: tfi Feb: 2—pedrnre Of Little Reek 'arsenal b y Arkenearireeps. , FeW T ,4-43urrender, Of the, rwrinteeoutter .. CestlelotherAlibanue authorities, : Feb; f-1 7 4-=Terigge - transferred the _ ‘Stetes preperty in Terns to the rebels. Jiiarebß—The United States reremze putter tines eetied,byehe rebels: to Toxtia. _ _ • -----.— - • , ~• -,, - • . : 7 het; efeet4eattal Campaign. ' ' " With ilaitiritidi of 'Mr./In:oda . "' raelsiotion the, poll owns pi_ *Ed .the military are irir effetely identifiort. If Aho , , leanipliga-lof te ; Lersicort Whoad becense a deoldoi success if;lloblie ateul.l hof takea, 'ciad.: Atlanta- should be icdootd and became ottra--thase trio thfaie,ll . lolle would JaattFet`4l,r. Anoolit'e r-ri'efeetfoW.- Ostiii4tritteratitiretaalhicil.l- ,orowttur arms, and it should becortralsvident ;shit th'e eattie t o . ia j irt a. zoilitary.oeoary ittor. :e'tijghlictiteter or the . .sittutll.4.lhere.catt be VlV: l lol3btl,lbat the pretreat stolen:lt of the , , rtifideiittel artea-adehtwilk owartheocoree. . pay: there icats.possibla „ be •erc . .lortbt tirtf the .resJority of the people ofsitite country desire ille:dfltraofloa ofrAtte ttoi.tttaz7. power of the. erhelpon, the abolition of alt.:try, not ti e :ttertogh disorganization of thet..pollties . 4 1 , 7fgr 'WhicALAZHWI. {4' rite' freed 1.1)e &awe 4yatitni - The people know that the pretest gdi4tt wi elata air:teat to iltelieraqtrif- mheie - trealihj.tote, - andi.htY know that no . _iffier parry. la. If we are of defeated 1 . in-diteicaropairnilite eyont VII tell t.frih Ir %: 114.#001, targaps dedithely. It it not plow,. ont - tec!think that they, party In (hie aonatry . lip , ilfl ihritiiiiritiztircrutetitel dleaster,.arld,_ I I;;sseolii.not NE:ZLI-,Co in...very pletrawat ;skirls . = i kloae-toituth s i.aily - . bril of the taot wo elate, lsbere,'Oats be nodottb ' . - So. While oar neigh rilg4t, npLetalm for their candidate, lot, pe iimslr et the tr'el ;' NO twitter for roan C.l.ie irgior,roppyoorikerithrieltierii 'Victory toile Au story. , • for thieloVreahiontialoattpaigo.-'— iFifi l l ' 4 l 4 e 4.l.ze.D.Ofie.rs_... ' -.. ._ . „ One 114,ae1t,,A0 „, ; hie 4ticbmend 21' eon , tains an editorial'ai Ito elarerr-oneetion; from ~thtch . a clip tho following reference - 13, Co/46;410 'politician of Ilia gni kiitanlier or lucre Brien:isittra•Callitat. We irmy t t. ` tiot •lleras ll 4/14..danbt of . thaztruth of iht Erimitteeir etotement; In retritery, 1861, a diplomatic o', the UnlteddStives, returning homet from. ear 'iiii,-reportedNbintielf S'yse 1b Wathatzton. He time: foontd itEciatiooe,p4lef.. With thls,inattl. awto elmelt.for-..elie , o6ncereatiorf- to expret -- 8 Other* eentimenter, heAalked ahont aim ap z , portolfpg troublzie, antrelleded to thentattel ,Voitterny... Jraeltintorspplod•hinterith Wel •olaveryi : in hat - in accident - ft tlli r(ttrrer.--filavert-la-mity and Riebard Sot- case, in iibiiiii4437lfilOctie4., ijoestion le to ' hiflicided.,...almther yonr Static-. .5EB'l eontintes. th t ir , oraelltgety sad softie gorernment, eighty !foals:am rosloAties Asti -11,07r.-,n4ort and allot pint-maths), pleaseari - aecordinglo their own sepirsta-intereek :iky .not *plot of alarm coartalen 1 tberwpold try it en other points-fest the . genie: Bo_tetticir p Illioli; icy? etitice.4:4 rAiie7, in the oirommt, gime 410ald! our de :lamination to' react; as rthei :only tootle by rhichwonottitthops tonOntljne :free:VS:ens." . - Mr^ ‘ tr- -. - • - Grantio Campaign. Thew seam to be $ good doal of vitality in Grant sad Ids artryrderpite the inerrant •,• • ,g• pf • failure by the 1144.7" r ••.„... braked t;.l "j • - • bag -• • ked same , ;ll . • • are abandon / 46 "'• ewer to It. _ ~1 g• 1.-1 "; ea •• wn • . Ter, but whoa dark neee lot bi - the transports were turned up I gird just below Drury. Bluff, where the river sakes srbend of six miles, enclosing a petals ,aValtblaiiikuta aka of smile whittat its -neck. Aorta this our troops bare been boy • ..ingaimial;WhicEwill enable our vessels twat much nearer For Darling, at the ;tame time .that Weill put as to the rear of some of the fortlficatiens of the rehab( 00110trrustel for the defenie of Itichmond The litiatresults of the expedition are not,-known; but arant is not iciii;,indlistrodpe ale still eager far the 4w:faction of the iii6el capitol,: Let as not an liana* the inch" ea tlavett may not suffer from diehpPoilittnetif. 'Ba t lotus rememberthat' tide is only one of - 1 the expedititinf 'mind fertile in reeourees, that Itmisia-no such .word en fail.-- Wash. • leema Nora singlWltetaaldioin of Union man In •the great Sage of Pcruceylvanisyotedon the 21 lost. in far t r CefilepriTlnifoni,kallant eoldien in the field of a tote at'the next election. Erery :rote polled_ ligllll7St the Acadian was Cat by a Colperhiadf We challenge them to dray it_ . • Erc..FEsitssuss is expected hack ott Satur day or Sciadsy. The reports that be will soon reslgn,•or *at he has decided to resign in thrio Months, or sir months, or at any other uptelfed lime, are Meta. bosh. no will remain 111 the Ticasury Department so long as he can lest serve the country there. ' Tor daily Richmond papers are sold for • foxily orals a piece to tho Soldiers at Paters. burs. Reading is n luanry in that a•rny: . VA4ASDIGIWI. le annonnoed 49 deliver an addl./mkt Penang°, Crawford comity, Pa, "on to-loth of fiepterabor. _B6ic of the towns in Witteozoin already Annouriselhitt their quotas have beau filled by 1r olantettitir. COMMODdille Vanderbilt has five horses at .E.sratogn valued at $76,000. - . yrwOURTH *Ann , AL1,.7 - , . Tbe enrolled men and ea tuna of the ,evit Xt , ett TIM (flatnrdan aVZ 4NO, .4 a. T . V T " Lga. Atuve,tb.pnu alma, at.73i Web& .Lacs er i" Urn u. 4 u Lott a u Mint be tweed d i e'en nn Our quota dlleL. aneThlt 11,..F.11313T CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Ar.- r d,„3 tr aT L=', ;Mug largieu Sonars at tON a.m. and tU PrapeN. eating an , IifILDNES_DAT EVAIINCL P `Tba patio atio annually 0321:Ctit lilyntat_a ting , etas Stpelholdesa of the Efo unlock 011 .ptoir, an SCILIDAY. tho f&tk at., at 2 Watt*. P. 1141 at the ttetz 1230 s of 2: &Item k Co,coroef &mot oat Wpm te: gonoralitteokoafs ii dtstret, .2os/owe/ harm ti ti • iffli tuntuore4:' .42223-;t -• • 'XL a WARD, fleerstuy. Nitamol7l ,-- 7 -- ---------- --- .131t UNION COUNTY adme xxxotorrivx COMMITS& Ind hslitaopedea Blarileun an 81011TBDAT. rib ot xo, a ws et l ItlilrowWW office, MID an tom.. d. Durum ., of lonartelooo will Dona up for Newest :biz, 13 LIM • MO orzonatibe le mauled. Dr order. sulttd , D. 041 ;11.i&cretruy pro tete. '1 • aa -W ;A LL Menid min dttum of ttdo wkot B otfr ty re ktt to&tro= tk i n rat lOt estolooky okra dad thoo onAkkt tooottoa,. Odatottke to escokft on/maws to 111111d1 outs of tha :word. Tko amount. of Ito otaboodp .ortlf by to. Auktod laltokoot Bonds ii soon so ;Towed.; A. El° MON; Tref t. jrrtis D •241 D • Plll3h, •111p0 • , , - • _ BOUNTY TO_ALL TPLIMFTS4. "tutored Lath theValted Matte culla° tod audited bpoo tbb tomtit attlbt: Ward: • • Thom degtrina at 120•INIORairr STEIrT, ctptote th• (kart El 'dun 21to & Oomatits will be haloudl al all am% torsotable lama howt Voltaire, and amps the matte* drat{ 71.1•111/18 A.. PltDl4/.. Juan A. era_ •&111; • • Recruit/1m Clatmlltia. 111 N Mika 0011EILlsrir FON o MlA—Large infanYthente o'&rel to Ote ban. --LSptain Lanza remelted *comp./ ler 100 4 /.7. ern On greater porn. of Wile. 6..lready of. land to rand o. be tow often to all enrol do o - .1.7. madierc for tbat tented la telt Inelan i t r 6. env Of 1)L1.4116-7 0 ISDHEJI D TEITY—TY 'DOLLS.2B 6.1.11) ?MY 111.11a1511);_• xr..fhoranWepuna nt. elearearl. Vorteesir Odd Engl.. of Aye Firs rln Ideetraeat thlrocealnal. an fee too tweed dell. ViL.KUSO HA/Atm:a w6oaa /!aecuaatpa. f.rmatlocfpny obtalend. 0 • Cagyt..flenerg Ai Y e ar; Kee. JIM 1r AD VERT/6 . - - .. IVOR VINCINNATI AND LOD-idE t e .. isvir.rs—T.p O. now wow nor Put : ma, Capt. Jot& IV. .tworalti 4.1 irk' •I: .1. D elay way ko , eas stow° ?LIM 4 *r. a' 4 r... 24. • ' • "Wr NIA t crt pump apply an boar'. 1.41 I 66 pamtiPs ofl Osurdesiri DA ,toryteMtbe oarthair.tdtet4rat 291/oJli , Prdltil. sor lisultrd . xximirr ot.:ahti linftell a moot.", teh:rs the took be cloud and ...Mined to. Philtdelphia. anta.3: S! t NWER 071. i" VI —The . Root , " of Pub . or , pika:kokba-atock a this Qom paar aro VOW particoloq, rra of orgaoistilm, h. a &Astra' ho orttotistaleany'e lornrOlt a• 2 ,ill.-at • "felony* , Ott City, me, be had on ap loetha at N 0.19 wuomargur, 'fihi g to totem!. ars rugtokt d o call hale it E c-hsT.--on TnESPAY EV/MIMI lmt, .14,at thafFAR STA,llo,;imar the an•abesse Mom. Gat.. • anew ' ,9144/3P PO :ELT Rood. • 215 t, ow,er it apex,. 11,11.111. ard rrrrk. is d -to torie , ,f our famitri •1111 nadir 0111 et. , ttre arlhoral reitard sod the thank. of tit...enter, h , • Oa 4$ at the Oer ttetioo la Lawntionfillt. lt ,o-EO6LBoi D . BO/300S, BZATIONVIT, 0",e1 Wide, tcr;tantly Land and for gal. at ream , .tge .nn 2 : l , rAvis, CLA/lAt fa, Wo..;d mt. F LI ZABATU, SEMDIARY, Att . taurvi otus:r iilW;„r, 67:71 - 8:47., ft d,,7g: =4.1", nn lL v.onOr Prieripla, 111:11.1:4:Wr rt.'sedlAil B. liISLEg. TIE INLMLIBLE • • " STEINWAY prAtun. fill, var., reverter klenox of that celebrated make rr.eiverl ea.lfor salohy • ELnstia 8R0.,. • SolirAgoati lbr the [fedora's, Do. 122 Wood street rdi vu• IifiWARJ. From the rwv. •otiortha*,'on (hi old Wishlagtoo - goad, 10.0. rol'ele !rem Pittdosogb..• BRIG3T BOY, BOBS • nut When beide bfgb dll pump r J• white ...hi Pot, ore viola puten• b2htud, sad s, dlltli elite teeL..k.' Tie hoissou tooth, together oltkrosaddla and • t We , oo the Wohe of 17th. Thotebovo..reerard ill ha tield for too recovery of th• unlEhA ALLEM:IE2a 00131117. tio. 2 . 10 of /larch ;Ttraidtr. • In:Futurrt,••• cf ordar_at 'rad *mt. , Ipribrxtve ihtforthlt GEORGE ALIKEZ Me exhibited aria !lot tartlet occolot iirAsloce otAL , .BI:DII. Clllll.- tIP6 "std - th., or'dse - oratiriß boallow td bibe Wart bli the 7/11RD; DAY' Or IMP= REM Y, £ D., 1.11M,' Anhoils cater. be otkohatotho'cOstea.7: iettl Sw . Xhavti. Prottootim . LLE(TIi SCHOOL., NI ,PENN STREET. TIT • 31.71iDA7. arms:gala att. • . . , I Totest-Tir amain of Eve moons. tb tbo Juellr &etti, OP: in .the,ticator, 00. .R., atm rigs. tot french, Evrann mot Dvatolog, . ,_ ~• ~ Ito pa.cf mil may , Lo' tonal it th ei r Mimi alai Amu 81 ho ilblom,, Cloy too bid Mot. • 7,II.IIEWELL moil. A NEWELL, Pvtit'palo. szatalt ' ' Stfs t I 'lsTHAtlif. $4511 ! 4 zitrxhYour. ete Stypephi &they, by the ..lattate. Fume: • • - . . cow cameras ; ' 25* !sot Antrat.Ouce to Lbw 6g of 04 Lino hors. • ' D. 013 E4 , 4 NO.4. l oolsllllyid stmt. ogbi pa nay put of Pampa ' 83 . 000 " IiTH. Or tjaCENSWAHEI e'rjazprzoti..•., TO. THE - TRADE. a...cedar s iIiniDAYTM jo , o.elock; pia aftertoir 2 oco 'clock. and biluninit'iltr/VoTO.sts -- 1061410 mu/Mg* wittrat4W nt , rni tbs. , . s:"ft at"t4aura•de atitorelcoo% 40.' LY Irearth 'amt. embrieta • tenerarauort emit of ISDM:9:-Pida'n.-2TelppliT.:Dlehe% Di4lllll.L.rta, &op OfteencitteeravLifreivt-Pansi'lnal*ber44ol'm a; a rala r. ...1l fletaa'ai Tap, 14. 1 ' sunk i. s. YOUClLtligtitnit 4 1146 .•«: • (°11)' _ 481.1401,1) PENS • ; 0L9051,111/1: • C. r• or new 2 t o r t,n ,A .o •l. ll s l lelelet4. uud V*lo6 , c. 0 T eletonet,•o44 Owteui_Pra •+. f• Bubbe ray 7:. elf a ,•• WM oo 'S GELATINA. yifai '-utdiAttrA9, wl JeAt•• cazelsatlyp lava 1-4:0). Mesa sofSheet fitpithas. Infra* .1 1 4/3:M78 . t 3 •lranalibolegeW•dL- , •• N. ;' - - JOlClL.nroam - *it!** gnat, •1•1 Essdankok--, riOLQATE•ff TOILET 130AP.;.:3tiff"tek, %Aetna itu:'« 'oirtylki.t "Atli.' Paha; Wow and mit* Ittotobj-Wlmtrtor sad TAtt4 Baca, also bons CCeareltolift.to? adelr 1 , 1.: asni ,cogosr' Llibirtyj°lllltalassairassis.ll' C.C.2 : - u; •,^ t.. . ~~~ Thhi ll'i tlike *thlr 'bwhirlis c =diAleTtr gad =ribeesolityrngthirhuniutlittr ft lir Li . = prepox.lion lathe wadd.-Ltbagid•ostbd nod Fit op by Aho obbbal priubiltor, And L. now =t. with this itortubbre i tkill Add . annum vliklt gin It • ate Of S on own battles par mum, It b • meet delightful gab Dreahm, it inatileste• scarf and =dna, fteh, hair Ho ion ..8 It piwreint.tha halt Mind off sadtom:RlM It reboil. her upon had meg. • Any t or gel:Warn= who nine. • besig hbd of Ma &mild me Lyon'. Hathatron. - It L. known and Is bad thtoagholit the civilized world. 801 l by all nape.. bible diodes. DM US 8. BARN= d 00.. Now Tat. immtkusr a Awn/Rabic Rair Restortive, HOT AI DUI bat rattan. gray bah. to Its original odor by tragyk. cagillaty tabs witb aunt. sans- OWN; irnWrOd b. 7 OD Or baaatoomat are anapoitxt ar bom tassega. dostroong tho vitality atof dyof beauty attba Wt, sad attord of thumbs so Etrintabtotb Inimitable °doting not °WY bat tO ite natural cob. by ►lt easy pritcast, bat 04.116 tub a • Lull:wham' glaasety, prernote• Its growth, prevent' Ita falling of, eradicate. dandruff, and finnan" health and ' , l:anew:linear to the boa It Ilny stood lb. int of time, boas th.orterwyhty When& and la corn:tautly inereaarnit in favor. treed by bothpntlerm an d ladies , le mold by alinePootablv dreier', or can üby than of oh' cortuunrcial Leech; D. 8. Ildttlig.9 d 00.. 21111 roadway. Ti.. Tork. two slue. 60 =bead one HAGAWS ZA01101.14 BALE. nisi: the most delight el and extesashmiry art,o'• arm diseorozaL It chmegt• thsant-tneat Lacsfand hoods to &T satin texture of ravishing bracts. Impairing theme blaparity cd youth, and lb. sliagirm appetran so fuelling Lathe cap halloo! laa.lon. It remota. MN fir o pimplea and rongluano lnam the ekln, leaving tho psnopina Eresb. traasparoseand manotb. era• bias rm malarial IW:trims 60 gm &Ls. Patraatzad by Laramie. and Opera angora. It ta at hatgeop lady ahottid tuns. Sold Mr/Them Prepaiod by W. weaelt, Tray. Ir. Adams all order. to DELIAS s. Benippaoo. rurwyork. lIPZIOAN ErIISTANGLINIZEHT. The paroho Ita atd Obtelatati, rho Ran boon coautorfolthoil tho hhmhang_ joholcaoal tualorpro. tam of progriotonthlp..hooti had thoroughly totopad Omrto. Ta turd azahtet /tether / • halo prommed from aha Malted - Stater Tetuan a pd. load 41 z.P. thialatilaced aver the top of Loeb olimpboaro ! rho dm ao of ooryaw=ra, mad withoot ithrfah- the lea Doan. oaagorms mad onathhms .1340 Ltokmat haa Natio oar omd-gmr. tree tome fa sun"- roam Thom haolly itticralumt lot cm the habitable ea* that doom hot cotrain ootdrom at Ito ImmoLorthl offooto. It lo Nu Not omolatm to the *AU- itoOnfohttlOPOncol -14;rx.ihmti k , ldalma Nom hum and e a at aro perfectly re.m.tabto. Bores ara healed., pew dam& Ilres mated, aloahla Lohman =ma% osatalaaamotail Innitir47%,b.dial bm.a.4ko..tt ' • li l r oltograda aoothd with. it ahouldba laimemy k7.l4lThhlikftta: ' ai • • ft. 5. ne,turas, a.. . er wort.. ABOVI'ART/IILE3 re BALL DI B . IIMO Ar JOH NErtoll. Dana BadtSlald sad lacrth stmt. Settatosodars.T tr. v. invu.l.% Vote M. • o urimmo„.(toto reze=r,r, & WORICB, EGIBBABDS' & LONG, noonfootoftro of PAYWITT onor3TO ontotrwts, eorrsatolt GALT BUM sews. or ott7d.raivomi uto, bait, aliattusr klotto of Wand eta PIIIINGB, zoo& from Slum C. 2 Stn:el; )341Pial 6.5 D nownto, 112:11tEp, do.. Warshoomoitad Worth tor. werga a oonT PM, Plttdboret. Particular attootloo atm B.ox•ottilar. Ocomalos azuf ElOrAittsetror Otroatu ..1.; aka frrafro of WI kinds. Pandang sad thintos ..* at r0000tad:o CILIM ":";,-3L 'BARNHILL Et CO., Bon.za • IttAXIIILS AND eacrr num woes. tro, r..m. et., Nos. E - 1.• 4el and Efeletnir owed • baize Yard NA ftrna.b.qtttrita the most la prneed tooclaioory, Ito Oro potrionol to coloatiotom ~.al glatcripttgo of BolLntts, la jit. beat =met, den eters:teed eve/ m toy made la the 000ddry. 01111 d. )1:C78, SERUMS, ETES 'DEW, STEAM PITES, I ,, OONOTIVE 21:EILESS. 00fIDESSEES, SALT PAN& USX& OIL KILLS, EGITATOIA TUNS PAW& 80/LEN LEMS 811.1.DGES, BMW/ PA NB, •Att mia .tneadleo RANZUCILLS PATENT IX/ILES& Ilededeted dose; as the shorteet oet&fd rm. o. roirstoa— r. WROBISCON. REA. & CO., (miaow- ea. on, to Ammo, arose a la mosaic. 2c H WOLUCS, lamas' a Ilaumusra, Pittsburgh,. Yrzeyetornin w BOLT AHD ISTATIONNYT WEGINELS. ELAST ENGTRES, Erna. ITA ui, tz. Kay, CIEMIIIIO, STIAPTII47, 03432111 CA ell Clogialpttor.o; TANES a (MILLS EOM= AS1)611:11E7mor wows.. OUTAIID'S pax= mucomom Loa TZEDLtia BOIL111:10. -,--- ZLIC.II3IIPER/OR COPPER arr.a, it 9:srinzto worms. Prreastrsta. • PARK, SUCTIRDY & Maticlactczere 4 striteTunia, nammao SIM BOLT OOPPBB., PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, BaISID STILL BOTTOMS, SPAT.= SOLDER. Alm, Muler. netdimitcre to MB2ALS, UR PLATS, BIILLT IRON, WILLS, Re. °mien:lll,y as 6=4 TIM. BLEW MAORIIO3 aND 20018. Wariboasil, 80. IfOIDSSTa 120SLOORD STBZITTLI, Ttemberph, Fs- Apetil orda s tes et Chipper eat m say UslreCd plttern. myßiardaT OONETASIODS AND ES PISIXRCIE Or AZ INVALID, 'onbUsbasl the Otiotatand suirosolito s 4 /*Mon to roman= •10, waft from No - roots Dtlat Promstors Dam Idanbcol:sta..nßafilng,al es IMO thas. Ow mans cwt. 07 one who tuts otorodhkato/1 tftv bolas pet to (Mot oiPootO and Warr WOlO intdital hook. bag sad co:ackerry.- Ur 1,11220a1ig a part-peg addfcase.l envelops, stales oi:tif MO be bad at the asattai; HeTBeaIIL ZEMITAI3I. Tag tedbrd.E.truts arttaty, H. T Zll,ydrtrY • pr. TO BEIIVOUS BIIMEELERNOF cart akaixiki,—.& manna hhathanass having bass restored so health Ina As dap, OW! naFgoIUJI an the mai iontizte sad !nerd's asponstre mode of treitetinit. irilhOzt shoos., osiuilaore Tlllisearea hay to osalscrustcste to his elided anon aseaturos the rochas of. more. Heise, on the receipt of it otherestmet envelope, he vat sea, fres, loopy of the prosasiptioa • sued, Direct to Dr JUFB 11. DAGUALL, 1.81 Pat- Ea. .treat,.; I. ,r. 1.11:1yd.r? too'," 'l3 EN:A.I4X E& • LAS BELLE STEM, 'WO.ria-i3 .• ILIUTZER J11:70., • . Baoeemota to Zan:. antrall d 03, zailiainHiirnil OAST 878 EL, BPIIIIM, PLOW AND LIT mat, t,BPRINGB, AXLES, caocatergi, WOW 01487 WARD, AlleglusO 014. • P. o.4Adreq PITTEMIIIIGE. PA. i081:17., . . ga - -..rotir COUR/LA.2i a an., Man at 111.011 BAILIN% thOISIII6EILTB :AND YAM' DOOM, WINDOW EIIIITTrae, :Drew OQAmp, .10.; tros. Ya BECOND sad 88 TIMID i ffrurZT, ti.ti wood LDS lisrices. Have cm hand arty if 1110 W Pattern, fat& Will Ptlb, raltahlt tor 'AI PtgMuer , Part4 - dler steopop p . at4 tp tllt34fanC , Gram Lou. rob itiatr.*4: o,aFa rrri,n3Eisse Taz =Mous, aztpagu., =Neu. expAtazzi4 au. 122fgynr sa4 Hasa Stakaassi—fa Itapasti of ffss 110 Tan! Aufatioa. Rent by soaft a - faith War melops, tea sf dame A.:Wm D. 1.45.811L111 sinost,Pkiles DOtegTo2l. &ar! fassediss. lifos &ma 51154 aft44a. Pa. luta Aomm 4,30316., ThLuau as AND DON6=O DELIA 0/ i 1 /RAWL 061 1 / 1 11.10,t/E6 or morn; nksz 11=6 INEDDI7/004,, DIA 61 61A311=q1/AZDT 1 01r,Opectlam atl pkyy : bud* _t*e i thq u e th e ITattott Mite • • - =ll, AMY EL, Cotlil9t AND 9211131115M1X 'lll3lnOun t d , 12 , 1 cr tn. 0)13=4. invpr. rtePrimdlor.. 490aTi1k.4 7 A .ip.tita—A gentlemen whose time is 'Ara, eetiledliety axlghe -*ea deroUtira,ielbret lima to ta is ertnos. cas "Was to imago WWI *Non oritm puwos I PIANOS 1 ----- los stock of spoor& of ,or-tr . .l4l)Mor,fibeiNt- totat a diP psfog tiaJolioot te?iho blapoot, 64 total° ailfootaro "lector? PrkoO, ISLZIMIt into., rss wo.a dries. C=PI Ihrn. or me /Was E=ra= Cb, Ptrisroani, 4.f.nl UK , 10 - 0Trell" TO SHIPPERS hi' 'IIX 4,11 PlS7Bs.—Oli mad attar MONDAY, the .92d in.t noth!nr bnt ptr fond+ will be reairod In payment of lnorlatkoither In the trios Or by the Delivery Devon. or.Mlm ORO. BIROS Alt. Agent. DIVIDEND NOTICE. cm,: or rat Ynrsaceort Isstraarci Co., heron . The roard of Dinicton of this Company ba lBB4 re this day declared • D.lvid.cd of FOUB DOLLIES (SI 00,) PIE SHARE, free of Goternment tax, oat of the pronto of oil months eodlag doirot 130, 1814. 111 00 cosh and 12 00 stock—on and Liter ElOtiDdr, p du.: VA, 186 a, an 010 t i4II COLI,OLED, Secretary. VALUABLE STOOKS AT AUOTKIN.— —on RUMAT 1 6 9 E.41H0. August 217. at 8 o'clock on wand floor of Ocanzaarcial Bala Itxtra; fird• 64 HIM Wyatt 10 ,Itarta Padang* Boat Mot k; 10 do laftka Icouranco Co; 25 do PlttabltrA 10 do Dir=fogh no Bridge 0o.; LW do lrvo Oily Oil Oc; auD) A. IIcILWAIISIS. Anot`r. rill PUPA.; LA.II CALENBEIN PIANOS, A clad.. to. Kock r f CALRNS 6E3' I N. York, cAla. I rated Plata... fast masts - ad and for sale by RLEB2:II S Duo., • Bole agent, for tits abate I. , racrolut, 122 Wood ai.nret. CABHARTB BA2tMWJNIU.XIJ. Tbn (LDEFT and m at papnlar Inetrameota of th. t:nd Tor uso In do:If-char, erbrob, ierlooe, or f.. 1. port.,, purtnarr, they are altngeflod. marlesqed. Our prfual I al.ohLt chew and prJrate Waffles ma CARHART'S HARAIOEIIUMS preference to .•l ottor mate. 0 Gm stock Jrr. 13. K 6ole ape d tur Octrhare. Lleladeone,LE2Ell 6 OHO, auxttlt 129 Wood it, ttge of the Golden nem. Darin Quan.caUSITZI S'EOs 0/IICI. U. 8. A., t Pie.tinn gh, PUBLIC 9n. 1441.. n STALE CONDYMNE .) PUBLIC AN ILlett4,-WPI ba told at Po ductl to the b'hhoat. ot the Mr Good In thi. 01 , 7, on .ho ettn day .1 Actgod, 1854, at 10 o'ol of a. tn.. the Ulort g stays's, e•odaton..4 pubile sae , vro., oto: 40 Box. Et l MADE; I DI tlsn. AND OOLT ; 9 911:11.11 Aloe 111 Etabla Mat an and Broken Lumbar. Tonnie nub, ghtnrtmea.9 fando. atelttel Lt 001. and Depat)o.Q° 80.99 lIA RTE h MAbT.EII OBNER.AL . :3 ()Ifni& F ;BSIVI6IOII, Wumogoorm P 0., eaowt 18a, 1844. r RIO be gold .• Public too, to th e blEbtot Oulu?, W Oltaboro, D 0., on Oltll,BY, Ants% 113:11, 1834, OSZ [MUDD= TO ORE a 11141D8ND PIfl T CAVALRY H 0149243. Theo, hems too. boon condem►orm oval for clrlary aloe of Um WM,. ►or mad and formiti purses suiny raw b togging may to tad Horan gold atriry. • oUb, la Loaned Btat. 00.0111Z7. By ordgzaftlte Quo. Ignagotas GtootraL JA CM A. LK ID, sa2:3d Colonel In chug, Tint Wig. ct. DI D, OLD PRICES Call and azannlat en. lsrp dm* ct Boots and Mow. Wtech vo ire eralog GS it OLD PIIIOt3I JOB. H. BORLAND, MOB= LIT , 2114 ms iron FILL . LUSTRAL WAtiIiLYG FLUID. A No. - 1 ARTICLE. It am more Ilan Ile! It . labor. and dubber Qs white eh tt es with atm:Wed abbe po LS. .n 4 matte tt • colored clothes more brtll eat in [tea. oolors It r Palate, 0:1 Oates sad hcateeleaalog generally, b mud. It b. been falai trbst by rose, secnotalul:h ipasease-k cp. la tbb city. All ear p‘trons 15 tee city eta stootameed it for Its tfiloattot and e septum rebbing on ass'obas‘la mlttlred la be see of this t i de ; cabal 1.. t tuba ist long, end she Fiala area lb ad a cap. rti e. t 5 ORN 1050 &sox. 155 PER 017/kItT tn. 115 —bbleb .111 stub t! sr efeotnatl and r 514 ED 81 Water street, cell ell lb• ptfatipell),ati sat fatally Orucaty Stores in 1 tatborgb. • tetaaat .1 A. (PIER A 00, Proprietor. /iVING COLLEGIATE A I .CLIS . 7f CLASSICAL SCIZIOOL. 1 1- 40 FL V OUNGF L.AVI. Ed. Comer of Elmirar 61.01 t Stacktoz (sonth Coxemon,) ALLI:O3IMY CM, PA.. ^be Math IN.I .60.1 &Palm colorreital ROL 8.1. t BM Do.&NI ix•tica3; Lula .4 GI. OS.cd goat.. Gamma. taial.. Ifigbar hlnattolatca, /.I.‘ and iloJern lan.acad .d Or. Dr.d.:tazght. dal attotatoo Eh.. tittlting Copodtton. Dpartresid S.M.. r M. 0., of tense apply to the Prfocipal, I. /if llzn E. A. -, 417R. WAX, FREII 7------ r w A g , 12 • TO! SULU° /OMIT 0156 bIICITLOZJI BEACES, wain. ladtosalYst7., FI.VE uhero4lso Exra.tuTa. 6TZBLINGI6 AMBROSIA FOR TEM HAM aoLLuwArs LILLS 6.ND 011tri11EIrr be rttanted at GCG• A. ELLIN BAL DRUG SWIM, r. 'n ib 4.llexal Oa, A11440.4y, ta Market H, • or :i . 11111'1.; Ottlt et, Cu NO. 25 FIFTII STREET, I=l IIaKILTDiQ MUBLIN, UT!BTINQ Nye :ix, Of micon 'WV. or.d or roe of roperlor quality I.7 , TSBURGII 1". A. ten.e. and Manic r OrairkNiibt , -thiTo.l2 . 7)W valoirhur cloud 'grit 1. Irr A. 01310 'Weld, -• Moravia, " IWO " Julio B, ), lAmter, 4. Zllltra, rIBMDII , I4II. Y 4Y SNINI, Lerma 20. It *IBI 7. 9 Er. r k; au , 2270 Ve . rrrt,. Burt. A Hardy, Jtaufe, 122. J. 0. Cettlri. •, 11. A. Weigui-vtb, "P. 061293zwa15, " Vag, 11 L. eintn. H. Limh, lIITAIS AT RBA. art. ludo .gith t utiarsais, Banlan, /d 0. Andrew', I, .0117 , (Nadi Pellorroanoe—D: 0..0g Ts wool TUE NUB A SUBSTITUTE WANTED, FOE ORR OR TWO YRARAI A pl u nd bounty yip bs p.l L E maim- ut.E.7 Ltbs 7 .Ire. PltUbu 701, or to ElL,lnnay. aulf.:11,11 OYEAR MEN.—Tho ara/3rsigned bid rewind authaltr from the Wax Dopartmoot to north a oomror Iron ONE TZAR coder Minim erran , zstlon The hlghent laeaibfnnty to pcld in crib so onnk a tua.tond In. Mu la rare teams Lr thoso who orobr rolontoodan hn Stn. &Vt. "Meat r. taw:Ong Oillcor. Zrodqaorioni, Oddl'ollow•• Mal, Sth otroct. • ont7;lod-• rg*iL 'ENGINEERING AND BUR 110 I , DattCatT.—The andizelno,4l pro vivo ea tourrinrr_ F.pp ether rat lbpt la the room of the Co.ll‘l,Boi'liL BOILDIBO, 70 TM fornstrust NO 'D L itt. br.n.boa oh. 01.1 sinew, En, lizonn.lool and Pnyttcal I Land g 0,,, Thearst4ol and Penchi:al • Mottonnat an, <anther those Olt, btatnbiaalcolly slosh/ lunar bqt Hobe.or - tnrator pretkulari onnatro of JAS 8; ED A,C03,1d itM2 owithlw , ' • • ISAAC ronLrr. . ' • aria az pareata a ALLIMILIZET IMP. 1./.., 1 . . ~ . . PatAtFith Aaireun Mb, Wt. rrO ME HOLDP MP OF ALLEOHRN ii. vairtt..Yrrn as cesT. ClulSPeOltial nnipg-Atte!Claadataas of as :yank la arewaaavith Ante al Amembly,elll 'My, typy.. artz 111.00biliD DOLLA BO /0 tluf l law„,. beads; at the moot nmorable tem.. boAlrd:proposa's vtdsvad tothva 5H11.1.1 cats', vl7 nortvotti Mt Ise—, anlll:6N4ti. wmtrtAtimpre.annuttrei: Onaa - or taz Comousa ar.ALiar.sarr 03..1 Panama'. Am, Lab, 1831. commyrosst.-solied„ri va ,„ l , rarolarrat h Oho linal 30th . hale. .ao. at• ertalon of LEW WOODElhnftuorcras the twice acrwa lisblraoa'4 Mai, cut ta !rata town llradfa Ihtlame lual•lhab hat** Lansaap. PartladafaadvDdlealoa an spa halal, • , - , dlealiga of Comfy Ocala' &algid • nratirt eateutist oopteenee. . nAiinv.9.vmsteattle i rka.-.;40 : 1 00 Vf 1.4 of grmdi boating:ea thiettitizi# :tut above atutabor thilbon T. . tot . us of gaiters .Cins saA THlllbs • Tin be pi AIS Boldeet trout-on Ibenatite:Aosi, by A..p, wit, b. tor 11103; A 1pt.,141 trouttt 104 do* boq SW. ottw.l4a.ta prp 04 bad numb& the plan ff pttz Mica; el bbirkerst , set. ". • ' ' 0117211 DART • ' . 'Rad Ilitstcypak,, ~/ - SEWING MACHINES ALWAYS BUY VIM BElrlf..-4 &rat obis. savin g Afactune..-0/16 that has from its first introduction to the present time, sustained an unenriab!e and worlditricle reputation, and despite the opposition• of jethus, ti• cols, for eleven years has bean accor.l4d uoh unmistakable evidence of public forjr as to warrant ns in terming it the T lAVOltra I THE VERT 829T1 IV ' IGACIEIIIS2 WARRANTED TOR 3 TEARS P Office, No. 18 FIFTH STREET A. F. CHATONEY, General Agen D. ILSZNIINT "13XLV4IJM8EI Tradempplled aS LLprai ellmat. IPIaIsITH LIST OP APPLICATIONS for .I.:1 Aosta t doll 11 th ing Li B69 quors, flk4 in this Clerk's 021ce up to Moms. nod. . Rem - r , vdeda..r..bs, .u., h.:" lot ...1. Pitt.h , gbi Mar yfMina, tavern, do; AE; lonway, do, do; atural Tame , do; !Serra Derek., do. do; Jobn Mellor, do gg, Jobn IL Heckman, do, 24 sru•d, PittsburSh; T. 81 Milky, ctLergimds, • d , ; Lenard tdolodhas, do do; Zara Eintiltgen, larsitt do; Wm. Matey, • other go:Nig do; ' C 0.,.. MAribarn, inithig bane, do; is Lo 9 to,h a Backesen, d attar. o, 34 w..rd, PlUstrargl; Wolf, good; Psorick MD= tarsal. '111:7 Ann Weare r, de, Ith ward, Plftsburghi mimael Han, do an; S to. Carr a Cio . othoigoods, 41 d. .161oCrickligrt 4 CO.. dd. do; Imago di Co., tavern, do; D. a Chioay, other goods, de; .94n O'Dounsh *worn. 6 th *mar Pittskii'Ski lb bt Drown, do, do; o..spor Itainerschruldt. do. do; 141 1 / a li 8011, do, do; I' J. C 0.4 t 1•14, pi/14r goods, 6,h ward, Pittateorgh; D Oroun, do de; Wm. Maxwell, tavern, 'ltt. ward, Pittsbargh, Ciaiherit,la Wien, nth", goals, do. I ewts n.kowlta, do, Bth ware, Pltaburgh; J-mig Campbell, de, do; laubsel • cowed, an, do; The.az btrosts, do, Orb war!, Pittsburgh; D. P. Little, do, do; likessa P ark", eating house, Li ward. All% heal; Lampert !Loath, io, 3d war, All. g Isar. Z. tkalth, do, dthd. dilsAkany; 1. lif Iltilen, do. de; 1 1/nation Steads, tasoru. Dirinktgbas. Samuat Idegune, 40, Danabeh; Th mess k Flo ki, eat . * alma, Lawnorizerills; klsav-A. J hnstnn, do, do; 111-m-• Butch, tares., do; Nign 80b..,,, titer goods, MelLearport; Lindh 1 eddie, 2' demporstme•Ml. J bp Danger, •. do; Joba Marko; do, Parent ima; J.hu C Dewy, other grads, do; Glary Enintazt, t alkalizing", Redo.; tp; J."' Whiter, tavern, Dampen*, P. Kflikchausnr. do, Pott; Samna Tenors. do, 1. nu; "mud Bolder. do, Pe ® a. ii 13 , 4444 do, dll Jacob 3 nitiodingsr, eating heavy Dewy"; I .hrt ri.own. tavern, Us. l'Egansalr. ritlzir, 40, Itobborzzo; lid 0. VeTin tile, do. Lowni!L Ma'. J •Th tieshosso, do, John Wilbe.t, do, do,: dal John P. klz•ro•nz de, Cola. Pet.kk licortars do, Vorszlike: The ilkert wil l . meet oe IPSDNMSDA.2, Angest 1f7.1, at lo .'c1...• a. no. D ...r....944.r500ns ;444 Le [Hod on or habil. that day. Llcenri• meet i, . taken out Mier fire &mond within thieve den after being granted, or they uurb e revoked aorprdinv to kw. doplimatts will bring their bond. to my "OD" ' Join thaday of hearing .nztoz.itl W. A. 11K17.110N. Cie*. pIIPLJO SALE—ThaI undersigned hay. I log moved to Pirliadedphia. offers at enblio Pole, 1. Salem, Cklutublana county, 014,, Wrt 7 hU relay. A yr:cult 2rith. 1904, At 70 o'clrek a ca., eit hI. f7trrfier 07,074 00rti, 171 11. 7 70. o. d ouirritodiel. Three-Story Brick Dwelling House, fle L'etedi etwit, with .boot &wen .tree of lend at. te. Ltd. 7 hi. hi use Is evil, pew, sad finishol la the le: et old to 'et Improved Stile, with enoiners•lory, gal 3 all the reed• ro nonsoutterver An lee Hon.., Grew Iliewee en, . meet 06.11112: BHA Etwhisi with C. - dare norieo ern the premise, The grannie ••• bewitifally Grristrwriewl with Trees, Elrtitiltnry end Fountai as who [fere fir title the Hotel known I/ ilian,. PI3 I L'l.l E. /3 Et OUS EU, In Salon, kept ty haws Beaton. It la Os langat .ad ocaamodlona four 'tory hated in the county. De Mao of r, for ads, at Ws late ruildonoaca Lisboa attrat, Ws entire lot of PILLOW Mat73Ll2f HOUSEHOLD AND Erratrrs rI77LNITCEE, .1 re., oorghtlog of tr. host misbrand style o! odor anl Dlolnd-a - ren O6atrt,lst I. Cla bla p big 21 , rrotg, Bede mod B.ridin of tho Oat qualltr. eleg,ans Dutra 'or ball, parlor mad al Mug no. to. tow that with warty other artm an no. 03[1610t, Also, • groat ra lay of Plant., Into trash., tin ter., Visa, Co. Abo, torn and rotates., Stolen; hi. lth Heil. aed OWL.. Implement.. HID.% to. IDtlr All artt•las offered for We are oattraly o iw aid of Is. brat quality. Ts. nr. =ado known On day of tab. ABEL PHILLIP:I. TEMPERANCE LECTURES.— DL WE. HENDRICKS O'LOUGIILEN would reerstfolly nll the attlotian of the eitinfut cf teburgh rod ellrebeny 411ty to his lee.tone pa de liver d In OLD YELLOW'S frALL,sena.4 She, na• occupied by the Chelanso S'ortntieshats, occurs of nab in. u rod Federal etreets Alleghtny a'ty Learns.", to tamenes au WEDNESDAY, the efth hasn't, at ni ticker In the evening, end continuo the two mom sin careti:ge. hdraittato-ES rents. p Oat the dont. Shoes trito attend, thil phase Wing tbeehange. • lust us—Tint Evening The number of gel:lone of liquor, ammo:Led 10 the United 8 rho attnattty. to g th.ritlth other esteem lassuite tualtSeconsesin,thes. boN nd Eraning.—A optent of a pirumastt temperance totem d, the gefer.h of the esile esti lists oestanen , e the net rptant. Mint Evening—Toe Cbn diti o of listn's perterity, S tozacqunce al the me of wine by Seth. watt{ psuvEKstiwintiLLlAmte uLAs . oIuAL dc3007.., No. 29, 81, Cho' erect, oI l re-aped an Inv etstALY, L.:of:kb cf Affirms, Tema 811 per aabolt per qoarfer or II amoks rano. noun of Tnitl. a frame a. m.llll Ip. m. ELOCCIT/01.—.6. tier hellortnnon ail be organlmel et 0 ("clack • la., and alio at o. 1516, eh ruld • aufftclent number eTply to/ mitt IL Tlllinalma/c.-1/Itraos from • letter noill rrafesair Kbl.l to kfr. William: . Wthe oat stbstamr you woUIO like lobar. ma say of root abtlltt aa a roadv, mid poor quallfloallone an a teacher of Vaaling an/ liknotion. 1 endorse ft erllb pkmanra Do not paranit poor linden, Dom making It la ovary nowt. roes what you would Ma to here It, for / an amnia Lt will int ex. craft Oe nry Aim khla opinion ontariain of yore sb.lll, toaanol,lify and to book the sot of mat Irapreeal kg and spooking .11 effel. ran, d/ftlaatnen, dokarold i maw and le aL EL Bn- ELL Ilk :CTROPA.II4. INADANES LOHMAN AND CALDWELL Wm. °Mod mat on 111. coma, of MI and ptla Malta. outman 14 STIIIILT, for as Paella Of llodkino They ant [meld onfl.L hare their treat on aabibltion ot their all.. Imo? of* PoaPaled treat all &name In • actual& /WM. 1161: • t • Mena masonahle and mad Mta. O.IrAGINIZZOASIII.o thorn who. from stud', num or zontlicaL advice, have become aelened elm Ornee Is what tho.nqatw t 7 become bra &ha aml 'home; • e aid y.Aeao be supplied oallhog M oar eke. 1r • are a/toptepar-d secoramodatl pattroM •Ith Dr. Bardeen's lie nee and &tendons true; et Auld na lia.nrxx, BUM. r; SFO,RM AVON CONCERIent ITIED3 DRAYI-7.6. 011.70'Ith men of IS, tatl Matti, AAA othtta latErwied, retptattnly latatital thatatt lagatzlet a - A.trdlaaty tallectt • amasettd lath tit, RtIROLDREtiaDBAFT, RXIDAPTIONe. MADILL .21R3 TO DRAWL URIDIDA AND AOOOO2YRS ON ruzarten iplaituDieriaOstoutibt.dlioned tow, .411att to the Proton Ilarsbat Goma]. . Ova the tectipt of AD cromatirlestlaatirtaUtatalt nada.; ea the. in/D*o, ,a 411 1Attoa . ilLtat mmptty tantleted. lip wft of lb. Pro,s.i raLal CetivroUr • Capt:ndikiclfii.va • um. PICL I, Pa 4 Onnt: 2;d Dnnser. 1 . t.:•,, • • r RI7I34TITITTE.I—AVO -- beloikSthg to U Aj . 10 . 1 tal - Atithatta ta • Ettlßtrtya s t,soit TXR • Amp Tat 756 10 Cireek • • ..., . AM U% AlLtitiaa - T im - CROVER & BAKER lIIGNEST PfERIE3I ANTED -4150 per Mont'a..:Vi r e want • tellable Oadrassor to owr town and as=.l7.• • Wo lane ocelot. oloorloys 5150 ww =oath, wblth ow will prows to woydowtiting Addrooo, 5 11 80111=9, • Oa. • 14.0 Balilroons, 1:1d. ARE THE BEST IN USE. W "NI ?LO ULTItA THE MOST POPULAR ALSO, MILS= Won FOR ALL REALMIZE/7.1. tGA PA it& OM paying epeeisPot Poe ttd lam *a. jim. ti a ta m lkor e. oraad thelitthrt Or MO amwisr oLH - Ivo4 itki' at the_ Hooltani paper 101 /Nerd stew, Allegbeez 7 : 41 TWO 31FA-41400—5700. —rourrsza HITADILID DOLLA.I4 .lob, .m 160 ti NN , to r - Platnat- taw sadrattallAtaa. to may par tar. yam: a: OWES .111711DILID DO um each, .reverubiLeks." wto bit paid to tyro am to sou ..Mutate. for vas van aaLS-AA Apply at lits - GaZIPTIII OrrlalL U7ARTSD-3,000 Men - limited to 4.0 to Haskell:lo to work dm the golarnattat at $l5 per month and-beard, and ItACtO Madam= • t ISO and $75 per :warn, sad time to start from the day to mploy ment. sod at the rad of s'a months tkey gat trans. , =tlra home. Ma! tsrl Tormaratr, Azetta Aft ~t WILLISEt PASS LS, er next Monday maralmr. at 11 o'elork., no V. p11.4t0. nut be recetir b t AS the day of th e age is tad. Pia. edit erase at time. anIT et ANTED CAN VASSING AGENTS, cnam. of tne.gl2ng hose 1533 to 510 n, to roll wad pot epp Genoa 'a Peteall wag Boa. bel:a. Agent. ere elm /nit front SC° to MG Meta/L- G.?. 1:1.11 . 211- ON, General Agent. Office, Ho 'II; Grant at. (up ate,. ) lea aria, WANTED—A good MicrnNß Etx.scra On AZID HILT , Er... Aldo, tow good ruk urreao. atoms viva Po to vartmen. &Taff" of HVG BOLIII, lodat Oa,. of ,Pofdf ark, .d Dcacma. WI/. - _ • "WANT D.—TWO STBSTITUTES, T V 1102 L1A..1114 l'O Daerp., .arriot, ”preetatatives mdwimee a the nart. &-31 t.. A 11.1.- oraJ b=ll7 P‘tid . l ilitl,l et. (foremast boscutr °tared. Ad.trotA Ist/S 147, Ilttabstrzth, Ps. lyT:b VIANTED, HANDR—Atty number of corpentrts 'noted. 111/06st 1/111 be pal to ecmpttsbt sum. App!, to - • 1111IT6 AL= aNDIrrl, alelr:tt Leto.,2 el., betw•en Federal • ' 'data UTAI'^T`R. D lIINGIDIATELY—Two rod TT FLASK brow and several PATIE 11 tHrlla. a: Ma Math Ward locadry. MOW warm WI 01111TH, P&Ea A vJ. .MEDIC.SZ. OlfEo PAM() EMIEDIFsS, VOA TIZE PEOPLEL. A Fresh Supply Just Received. tio. I—For low. gor-grotloo oaf traitor:atm: MA Palo, to. Ftlna .W amts. Ho. 2—For Worm hear, Worm Go* mid Tomato= AppotLta Price. EM and. tio.ll--Mss GPLa. Tirettgag Oren and Wakettrlnaaa Moir Oinartb anal toolgoposi Pr 'saints. Prins :5 walla No. 4—Poe tddretea; 4711fldron or Addita: Obtain radadtam, and Summed OdiapLdate Pride 3S cent*, No. 15-14 Dyrtstery or illood7 /Mu, eon; Cirtp. Ph 44 Sabo. OW; rail Drex.7. Price E 5 Ca. Ha. 6—Far Obsiors, Cholera Fracas; Massa sad Yosaciag, Asa:mulls Braahtag. 35 sea is. . , Omtabs. Cab. ne.vmon,Broaktilat, aosum and Son lamat. Prim 35 mai. HO. IS—/p' T00th...4;A. laaa-achs. Hamm Pats% 8e is Itta Warms. Pries db COAL Ho. 9—roc Hood-oche, iSkt Howyobs, Talk% flash •f Bind to 1.1.4 aced. Prks 95 "cots. No. 10- 7 1rar pympepds, Weak Acid oo Darragati Bramart, Coist3;arlon; Ltrar Complaint. 15 ar Sio. 11-.lar &wawa! Nensas,or Ikaary, Palatka ar data&adman. 35 mita. N.l2—if or Leaconbas or Whiter, Awing Down. tco ;rot= Assam. to came. . A0.13-Iror Choc*, Hoarse Oroca (bajit,DitElaal. and Oppnemad llrtelidag. lb &mi. ' No. li—for Solt Ittootay Orosty Itropttotts. Equip. tom, goal Bead. Hatboro' Itch. Mt, 115—For Ilthoomtlem. Pahi, Lummox, or Bar* wpm In the Claci.. Reek. Lotha or Limbs. 83 eta ;lro. /6—lror ra , at sad 6.617; /titan:Litt:ma lava plumb Una, Old Istraarda.agr-es. 60 amts.' , . ta*o, I?—tor Paw, Band or Bleeding, bdetrasi al Ilx• rns', llama m Citatinata. 60 Qua a. 10—dror Optfitholoda. Watt or rodamod rdos odd ;Ml* Soiling or Wood BlAt. CO odds. 10—.1ror Ontnorh. rata or dry fog. Cold la Oho }load, Lottoonon. 00 or 0010. EO—For Whoottogeoster add waist log Id, Id Dioostollo ()nogh, 06 onto, Asa.. opmems. D ftR Choral .74. l g, Ck , 41 1, lad itipostatalL2a. Prioa. cm. no. 53—for ft:Mai:tam Rabe ha palrod assaltg, Saab..th. 7m. Ir—see arrahls. Laara!! artup gadol4 M =i. co . Gitniti sad *met. Hw SI-1* Chmeral DiaMc,. P 1 .& ar Noma' Wataeha.. CO pecan. No. 1:6-111.bl dzowardailco, Tozo.l4l3watltoga, vtra &Ott; ea:Minas. CO moat. Coo-filotoon. ProgltroMoN Wrap. snow, ate. pmts. 27-1/4 Dinee..vs, Omni. llama asulcat , Dillcolt or Palatal Ihteatioo. BO coati. —hr Em cee!lt•sitteLvy P,• 0 1 - 12, • sad caullocut Pantnakos arid Datalty si& CO. Efix P9—Tor Sore Math Ziro4th of Adults or Ceuldreis. W.C111122.4 tzoit3o—For illincry loom laaace, Iretttag tZtv /14 hquent, posiurd or-am:6,y' thiratto. Prim LI 06 Olaso,'Of 23 stab. CvnTW 20 •Ialseortplote, to morocco. and bock._ Caaesd'2o slab, and book, plain Caso:of U ' , manned burg and Coos:ot benot, MlElbered, lutd 1 tOonle numbered taxes, .111, dime:frm Sink , lettorad boxes, dlmettoo.... • 1.. n/ go Quo at g oa. for planters anr Malan. U CO OUR lIRMXITLEs RI "LAIL. La& oyes u. Cot, oasts by cart of - what laud pm ebooti, FA Inclose he unmet In a current cote or MartS,• by mal7 to my cddremo. and the roknotoi l eW Dc Gni, returned by moll or awe; Groo of chirp. I. FL FULTON, 8t.,. (tea snue ln Hewed door beim the Pea Oft*. nalead• sgaps:or nteunnb and Kauai. ' , GI/US, omit 0 3XX1.1.1411( O. ronsteresoy Wsi uniaren, P. 0., dogrel 15, idi. TIR9POSALS MR FLOUR - - SeaL Prepasehi ern invited Widmann 25th 12 cOokhik U.. de fin - ebbing the flutelstenee Department with TWD TLIOUSASD (2,0000 DAIDIDUIOS 111.0IIEL. The proposal. will he br what is known at thls depot as H. ei 1. 2 .d 3, .4 tlaa will be eintertetned to any mointl . iree than the whole. Bids twat be in doplloate, and fur eitoh gralsoo sap snag, sheets of piper. The delivery of the flour to commenter wtthlo try dope from the opentog of the bids, arni in Inca quaint &illy, as the Glorrarmetit may direct, delivered on her et The Golernment warehouse in D hams Georgetown, W, or al the rah!. depot, Waddrigton, ,O. ' The delivery of all hour awarded to be coniplatod within Drente. days Iran the operatic of the bids PATMODi will be made is cortignente of lagehtednem, or inch other anode as theGoverummit, lumbar& pr db beraemdnt. The mend iikeannisent WMbernadejealbe. fore theidloar le received. and none will be nothipted j which .snot fro. groond,and made treat wheat ground la tie *Jointly where mennfactumi, mica of • mug mirer:erenality. The IToor - W te del. eared in now A. hirmir, head tired ,fr An oath of allegiance canergaceonapany the bid deeds bidder, pho hag not the oath 'on die to this °Moo, 'and no bid Viii be anterterned from partim who harem. riosisly Mai to comply with their bids, or from dam notipreecot to rreictid. l = t manes the right to reject any Did for ari • mat Cl twaddreand to M. onEettlzted. at No. 'FloatiirtgLon, D. 0., eadonod "Prcdossis for 8. O. GRIM Captain and O. 8. Y E._ . gm,. or AmorAwr QUALTZSZ • gra, f . L0u..., HT., Ao.rosi 11154.. DUO SAM (in duplicate) will •be re , em.e4 thl• ca.., for harti'alliat empbertee eseeteeeleverfisees, ooa.tract ) with 150,000 13178 MS 07 COAL, _ _ .......... ___ to be dellterd tree of obese, at the Ooejerazient Tad Yerd.e..,A ether plane to , the city of Lbointilhe. Ky. me t f ri .,,,, versus le hug:mite will be rerairti for the tical to be de bated at the tiorenuesent'whiirl la thlt city. • • Meth !Ade, mint ere bud, , wilth pal iseeitty for the mitlittil perbtalanos of the bentrack sod thereTti b'd must beetionspeaked ty a 'UAW , &minim ttli of two ttllcteriv t • 11 " * . on:: follows: create f the teertae dui -...--; la (or re) alellt 5 .- o - a • rentrate-lo ecoo ollrataa rdeente with DU brae of hie Or Buhl prop:a:floe, erA attould 'kb • (or their) _to:Tuiti o n be aerepted, Bei tex,tbef) will et oboe enteriate cannot fie ac.rdatce therewith, and we are premed to lumen ' fat cis faltUmmt.~' - bin (or t.toir)rebtoittee;et len Tod sibistiliciekt. bends cf r ieti ' The in Ability the Turkistan outeAbe slminti , by the t Ontee.tilliate. of the auk of the bearelt . Ditbitt Wt. cr of-tbe Lotted States DUtrice Attar-, bey, to be acted with each OIL Xttlasee of leykity, most actiotHopsny each titt . ' ffo Wel will be trootnlsed . stibh '2O not Oratira with tied reTtl•tmente or Ude ednetiremakt.--- • . . The !Tied to reject eoy bid deeautPutinesonable b res , rrect i 4, - ,Blea I. be gnarl on TiIIIIIJ3DAB, the let deli of ' Septa:etc , Bifit, et II •o'cloer be' Of , at this alai,. loraists Will' be nide ,in BELIDAY4 fiatitnither id t BBL • •By order et: /rig Gen.:- QZO/1.22.41,L13t,,0hker Qtetterewiter e •. -• : -._ ..A..11.. ITOKIIII, . nu ~_11.4.48 , - ...- uniptoto Junk .A. Q. X._ - C u 4 — P) tn , • • r. •Et-A T _,.0. 21! STRE/Wr, 808 SUEDOO I DRESS GOODS, At 25 PPM pent. Reduction I REmEMBRIt :Tins GREAT • CLEAErANCE SALE CLOG, SHAWL% SUMMER i 0.111E98 GOOBL • g 14.1 • I J. W. BOER & 001.1, J. M. BUtICHFIELD'EI, sown:mar coan - Orourm a Luisa Bright Plaid!Ppaottaa ; Plain 1 do; Wool Flaida';! Black Figured ; Fancy shim* Flannels; Grey Sainte Ottnels Grey Twilled Ido : . Mar& eta. I FOIL 183051141 OF nw edam. GET THIS BEST 1, GRAY'S; r.I 3 ATENI I .• • I . • --•if ; • : m 0 tr -.COLLARS; . ' ABB kit BAR • TBE. BE i Ttrozix4 l24 _ jav - mum ,. The ego tetate aortal ittF, Pb'!. whirl dial'itt btait ?1 into°gram is aotleal itlrplher eallarg. : I By tbagagalgtag af thiday:pllus • the upper 01011. i .. _i-1 thrown of tram the netki, lbst arnt;thag chafing bat/t of the neck $a Quietly' at Oa etear,badgalaiitair It • hem defaarentist by *preggralag, atilt. the k' 1 greatly streagibsont, and t4rt staa break dawn, , Intl* collar lb. mantle bat ob Ward basl" , at 4 rate ea the stailk.,aad dgratillty. nimbi COthirli 4Crli pack. 4, eery agmentaat portage fat gam*. and =Bakst for a regath's gooney. Bold Ego, IMiauza rim Num imuUr ' 8 41 '"i4m% GOODS.: AT 60) . ItlegEk' mACRUicii iIiVOLYDWB2,, - , . No. 78 lithi4o, street, Wholesale 41 .Roti - • it Pertly teoggf oar goods IMO. the neorat hem alb: mom so dbor et viers ceseitom than ma be mock at boughs merchant la the beet; 'IL isige aa6 vallseeretel Seasonable Ilosti* Cr . !Wove*, , ~ Of the bast Dr thth l o..l34 dal • 1 - acei_44zafictam, variety al artriecdabla; W and Bogy. ohm" ; eak 2..... b• cor..a., ireirt, 74 WW2; Nagle awl • ' - .ll ' Lace at:MULE ; Jel. Bilk aid *file 7l! ,( 11 mtba ,n.. 62,, .4. ~^ -. .1: wiry Ira! mazna.atot riztl3l4-as isabtal. ~ 41 cup, Zde,„4l). Parteals, Zalti *id , pasty ' , li t GElitlezden's Ft' • Joods, „ Li- , , !' ma the Lazipet trdiaideXical ' ' . -.1 r4 ~!---• -. • ‘ , 4- ~ Pane* Goods, il ' . Notions, a 0 , _ ' • ;1 Omail•Ware; • To be Fctuid i i i the city las fa" CALI, 80cogiwut SUMMER GOODS - amnia ozugtift . 1 , 7 and 79 Ararkl Street . . • ... t n • ._ ._, _- - ~,, Zorgrlas in Staxamor Gloom EH thgtan thartapso - 2 04 Pads at 1410444 5 raw Int kaOrst. • • ~.- - ...:• 1 - :!. I Ltrosi Itottlarob 44; , 4 Sank' tadra 414 MI • •• '' . garbed, boagin bag era sad fat ofitaaria.' - , - '• - • la Mull Lama Huribrout, pot ban oasetojat tot ,- ;-.. ••••-! to only at dames na= ' ~. tab`allda Vans" Vatorobrotoi oor•L000 Drawn; lea ' ; ."" ; Droomos cod tink"gartr. naotOrti+A totainfa Blass o:•a Canon:, Sart woke at Paparnoora o t -n arm +di I '•-• /-; : : ; • an i2ol t. otad - Chrldrior`s Cam f iliiierveoir; Wile ''' '' --- ' Omit; Dapkx akin; Balcoorat Mots, .1:444 /01 t_l • - mbar; Bird 011tpo oru•I Brut? F WOOS lal . . iftle Lam. sal VelmolUbboao. . .: , 1 1 Con +=trona; akodag =Luso.; • Mukha: Ono; fa ms partelDallb r 1 edLa;" . . .. WHOLESALE ' num. . - 43-merth.f...a o ur , Notica aad Yarktr C4of1 1 :04. , 7,1 el 1, r„SEPH Rom & ..JOSEPH '•;* f. 725 MOLT AutifAiturpFt • - t• Lam smil e rAimsza, 61 . 335 maLE IFAVAtir atkais mums ' ric r i thWiptlats64, wP: Mi tu arj% " l2 l l6 . #ona. EfAS - fall fisscatppt woo ruzi, azzisci, GAIMANDS , - .3 a . . 111 - 41, - • ' ' z01E4416*5.4116,:,! , ECClutin, puma km, • sill tit : .:JOH - 111 : 11ALL • Haterardm,d 'limy 'lame 2 _riti_l:4l,obiel'y 7104 IF u.s.motit. a 8 Gener`• .L% ClooadulanAteetakiN balfsistrid telt - SU to UM= . :1 Sr MEE
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