• . • • . • - • 0. 4 . - . - . - • , r 3 !` 7 7- 17 •1 . 4 7 '• -;". • • •••.- ' - • •- - • 11:1.1 • • s,. _.15) . 1 ~..- .- . _____ __:__.... 2__ 1 ______ ____—____ _ _ _ _ __. ..A . a..'.. 4'7; 4.1 -''... - ...Wrrac..:r - _ 1 t)). -, .- ...,..: . -.••• 3 :' ( .77 , .•!- ' i , ,, , . . ~..... ;r. ." .•7 .')::':.:, )i - ... •-.:4: 1 -...P.-, .Ll , l ;•• i "tli I Arcr r, •. - :. Iyi 0-1 ;•••J IN' 4 • .. U. I ,i. 4. TABLISHEt IN 1786, -04 plitsbur,git Mazettr, s:::,71 - ). - :-ri _' .' PUBL,IbIiED DY kanna ascetic. oro,ottimn4dgibarig:'—'7.; e , ~:. woilerebyned, publlstare of Plttebargh dolly pa -3 haw ripaps e jek to ebnirpor place bold" 2 505 W' he'll irepectrn timirea/s, oh " sic . I altar reDat July 26th, 1$51! ------Tinr¢razErri. tlog =Lion, par mob, delivered by carrier. 111 0 .. tent bj moll, per year, In ad s 3 6- '• .. far el:item:Abe; In idi.ice... - -'. "sta . . for three, menthe. ~ 6 60 . I Jog =S on , by caner, per treat............ 15 by mat per year, to oirsoce.. 5d 60 ifl.' =,:j "i A :-... i , •lo4l l o3Antla, " tris r"' ' for (brie " . 1 . 1 as il ttcH Oliitobacia freek, tellverod by earrter,...._...........--- •kyear, to adrenal, seta by re01L.—....--- Oe mouth., " " " „............--- ,9 M 6 cti . uSizaolec. 74:week, dellrenelbr4rrlak----.......:....—,. U, ,4 sr, in sa4 l .ria", se,;,ti'itr..ti—.:..:—..isto do z itoooths, " " " --- 6 00 'NI mouths, " . 1 " ~..«._....—.. 260 t. 11 13APETTS MIMI:U.IMS, ...' ii CHAT Lt 1101INIGIIT, f i ' F-1.:3 '''. l i r:' e lbl Ll bl"T lLGli = g r ab" al l lttir. li PUISTING OJAI Pala. RELIGtousLr CELiiGENCE •,!. ...--- • ••.111e leadigrodßalial orthe - Chrieffass ..affe ß .;' , • fit of this' mty ea ailed, , lieal, Themes in ii' rulPil:4-die . 0 s lbis question with - itualithil-Di'• iti,- ' Ville vßiee.•attherlfo. To Psran i .oisegeWisn :kis - thezte,' 4 Phe P.Alpit'," rid Dr. J. W. Aletrander'e adsica to young , •, tinistere, are embodied in the article. .DI ' ' ' , ',,"bat tepid,: taidagg Witsite I iiitteg,'will said* Dmita condensation of some leading thoughts • kte artleleinglieifills dieleignetlitothi Seise . ei"n of proper texts, et for the most part they tbit:ate to relleotifg*nti Altilkbid '-ainii .•'... ! tsallty of preaching that may .be expected • , - e thsoice of difficult, loaekild odd texts Ad: 'oh as are of doubtful import is te5,...133 avoid :!lL It affirms the prevailing lititie - er thd' bnerican pulpit, at least in the-grant cities. - ! Athe substitution of tosthetical culture f or .. : ',lviag grace- The pulpithtersucii_witibles • '"'-.' izeoher, Melville, and Jinbarteon,-are ! hardly_ 13spel powers ; Oistii, f esrmaiailY stiviiirpi*- - ' '••,.."*8. These men RA ,safoinnera,-plarlstiaa•. ' ... "}irtktr, upholders bffitalliend : rellgion; bat ',Fin are tot preachers of such Cretielitientr - ,p i quirk g for the way of life would,. ask. l'lben follows a recommendation of - - beitslin ts • . anemes ort,e4 gnat ditainctive. : Wasetc re, `•'' it'ealed.religlezi. 'Snell 'ire tie idele arCiod; ..):S l' ilbriettlutunivrentitutiltroTblelautiradeteiPtiori; ! ',....: .. sight, duty, loves; pardon, rigetierallea,lrii ';::';., •iittriality ;,.the father of Ge 4 the brotherhood .:-# r man. 6tic ..preast Enmore ihan mot. .....„ . ,!„.,f 4 hzusg. It vitalizes and enriches the Dispel •,,.... ! Illiessager.!- :It Apreads:linto the Xieoguriee a -"•-, od a fionnteous repast for the hungry soul. -dinisters more than compatible for a defl. •'.'," : !`` . l-iency of viogrong logic, rhetorical grace, and 1 .'!lStstmat'ilifuyncfe,,' Wo IlipPyLegibtßefing . .;• 1 ,11 - hemegof diecusalons Dr. Alexander urges `-!; ! Tiroung anyliettense to; begin. early'-to .grapple • ' '..•::::-eirith great ..ttbjeone.:ttAn-athlete gains might • ;i . .. 2 . : ."-filidy bfgebblbleititiiis.' : Efe that I' than - ante' .1 - Not oveiiiiiiiltiikiiiii4 llun'oinin lie wrest- "-,!' .4es ' thelpater,; 'lbse . ii t ,mpittogreatip,.-and not ' b .. ',.. • ! o‘erely divan aver it-tere , plerritithlt.:- , The- ! , 1 . .,..„ . ...jic eta tilipaPjutunanen:minislitt - preaeli AWeei . ty ., •, :' . ,,,ietirs, apkypi,lieteq Zelsli,tinAhs . judzMini., ;•.,,;•2t. ell, ,thisslestuolizioti, - “ , nee on - tisiealgeqt :•.;!', .. enteavibleh In all ages affect ohltirt;ii,inet "? . .]4.. i , ffect the common mind, ateh as the deluge, r2::1;1- 0 Bootlace, int ended it kva.w,_ . r.thivel t ' .i.beelom, l tthe Partible of lasortis. Die Metho ;..lSiiis, ts coruitoktlfpfoklazt A mite striking things d h ;gaits just - Ai la Th '......:. ! eTe t 4 van go. a."74,fee. - : '', l :.4l",cabi - while it regards the award of thledW' Alitiniptiitthed Presbyterian divine, a just mead • : ".4itlf Penitul.49,. Melltotlist minisAers, at least of a . 4ygonefititi adisliethattiiiiime of AB Me th : 1 . 7 ,..',..kdi5t pulpits, the distinctive - doctrines of re -...!. -1, oiled Ithiginn,auitriatunaced„legelebaciently„ ',..' t•!and dirtily litatilliey' IRV° hain. It ftirthit, Illaffirnse we make AltettsocrekdoskAn oducotor t '''' 13of pbllanth.ropyi-latiL'interpiitti of new allies: ;..:: : 4,titio unfolding, a pattern, an expounder of , !..;,-cteithgtio callitrk -- - . Bak pis:Vnlsintitritifinenten s•;,1:. should at once be tigerouely arrested. ; .!...t.fia,..—Actetediag- to ,an =tithe in the CAurels. .....47j4S1cmcfaref; an Episcopalian paper irrEagitiltd," • :2- ' : lthe Established (Eggeopal) Cheetah is fast be: !coming an established chaos, for during the ;post thirfryeats theta have sprung up tweet ! ty• five heresies andecbteme. — : -Alielt4v,,Pablia Kling,li . D.,, rano mle. elollsritiliO , Ae4 , 3 : riturztedthoute! some. day, slues, aDenters'estiantanfthatp-eiZrjegra trim ! the Uniteepialeil is the of the Amer-. lean Itsard.. Jot before his departure, Mr. glag s irealirifted bP the ling to the palace to administer eoliths and his family thesordi ! mum .of the lard'a Supper, which duly he cheerfully performed. ---The..Lotheran and JNision.try, Zia nn edi torial•tazder the caption, "Is the New Theo- logical reitalitify'Neidel," gives the following , f l ee reatongoritich au elaboreteltdittotigark in a coluoin and a half, why the Institution is needed; L It is needed for the tittle* of Awe Do:islet-2We to nci Theological-Seminary in the Drlled Stake in which arefeilli taught,:' In the English language, Abetioazirresztf the Deformation, as the Lutheran Church then bold, anizoilbilds ond - nonfestreeihein." " 2.' As the zegy_Thertingical fierainary AB „needed for datxne's bake by . our E oglish: if tcal.o3:lA so is it ieidge ! fOrlki 466 st- ltioromlnass by DentAintithints4 !- I•We laigtilf ift,u!lla sake of iltinenenuitteri; among'thePeAcoths • sze 'Cr h6o:4inaLfeir; the Latheittilmlttietiy. , 4.. We. *VI,4, .fee _the . sake. edge, Arne oe: ordizallifatilliartitettiats - ,ettosking:of the two langtiaiiiglititt ind Clermea:. Cts - Tiff homegercelaness,.of doctrinal:. Joilliestoa, Oita, co-ordinal:ter language will tend to produoo un ity qf Rj4t7i inthe ministry,: and throu gh: them, in Church. ---A. MI has „been.Antrodinscd, into iho Driest Paathatt<tequlritr the clergymen a the Betaideked phelC/440p . mit as a part of the firitletennivilarnit ma y eettnpert, the glory of Tobilltalhe Pet: .• " ' - --L-ThlSAiting- the "heated tenor wor. shippers srespt to human drowsy when snug ly meted kr..iurturiaturpesm especially if the sermon is ,431,_thelolioleing . irroldeut., II in plugof . a MuntrY pen - 04 irhile.piesahine the chief of . *tie parleillaiere, 'Bitting "oar the PulPit,"" fat ao l ieP . Wberelki , elti; lie Seth ..iforr,belordtriendej am in agrestatrait; . for iti 1R0i . 4 , i - etnit4illesse.at the other end' of the honie ilikUltat. ibtaibie; but 111 talk too loud - I ishril*mai.thei.ilief man in the par tele ~: ,.. :,:.-. , 4 .';' . j :f , " - : , 71 . -. ':- ''' S - ,‘:-.:,, .- - -;-it isAmprtofi.,l* . Afte Prabykria, that""iiigiUrus*PP4_ .th e. litl educated of the Patella clergy kflorineeranditaly, ere luot idiWokmied Co"thilquiarrd power . 4:4 the Peg but regard the , W o g. man Of the druseculaheoneeptionititimaibitaled contempt !their alev,feetr the raecessity . of , karroor4 7 l ' ~..„ _. gy,witksoinea, and oon , Sider . foroe " . a hindrance, rather Quin. '. dsate 0 0 4- 15 1 !!l i F 1 „ . 14 1 ~- 1 1 4 3 , :4:1 67 "P;#:, cf ronirliitiA4o:o4.4 l teXPll l 44.cuaiter. , . , . , .----Draffeilill, l th e stiietleliikbi f Ali tom , Eehool Gemini/4014y, hew just published the official ;Statham of the Presbyterian -Clurrokforikeyetar,eruptur.ty.ld!d. trim. t_q•-,-.,.-.-.------. . , - -,: ~..:,:.., it 1.! .:,- , 1%. .) ) - ;''''r !-)./ iff 1% ,- ..,-- • I ..• ~) .- t;, - ~.- - • • :-., 1 ~,.., I p _ FE„ e,•i ....„.,„ ~.. -;... .1 . . . . . .1- ........ . ._ item s : Eiyr.ode la connection with assembly, 86 ;Presbyteries, 171 ;:Liemitiatee, 202-, dates for theiniihletry, Zot - :tuiristere 221151; chortles, 2,610.; - ebitatchee drgaxisttl, 68, Min-. iitert deceased , tailAillieFe ta!4ed exlin. dor-obn, 9,25 e, en certificate, 2,016; total num bsr of unametticagiiirevited, 231,080, adults baptized, 2 . 6.80 i Infaxtis.haptieed, 0,841; total &moque contribltSd for eabgregational and pentrolont purpose. $2,46,671. —;•HAccOrd4g, to the retort front the Bap tist hlissloOsi7 Union llooMe is the Jubilee Fund is U nion in well, already the ILllloliltt exceeds $50,060. =From the European correspondence ot. the N. Y. Ob(rever, in an adcoulit or - affeirs at Rome, we learn the Romin.See has contracted a new loan of 50,000,000 trade!. The regular reeenues of the Pope are 20,000,000 francs, ant his annual expenses amount to to 05 000,• There Is, tun, (rex - y . 310.r a den eieucy of 46000,000 trotter. Peate Elf:Meru peionark aud. Germany [Frt.= ttio N.tr Tuck Pcgt I We were right in apnea - ins, a few daye ago, the opinion that the peare conference cl \lane would soon be able to occomptith its nark. The .. . Diet Sitting of the conference was held on the 2Gth f f July, and on the let of:August the Dan iell ylenipotentiarios algae,/ tho prelimioarlee of . piaci* i i Th principal condition cf peon, no one corn mini expected, to th e abandonment by Den ton gen claim, to the three durhio, of :3/11.103 • wig, olnein and . Leurnborg, too.her with tho droller. Phi. glues ialethe important Islands which pertain to Schleswig Some of these isiends had partly belonged - to Schlrewig, and pertly to the Denish,pioveccool .1 inland. They •rit , a Iberia the into of Schleswig, and Deumero will meets.° for their cnelon a territorial ladem .nification be a e`rectiflastica? of the southern frontier of Tutradd: Abbut the retttcation of the 'peace by the Dante goverzmnet and the nautili bigtrasd Where can be no doubt. The coarse', of the 1 1 .0 Inc. is entire ly , bria an. They know that they °sande expect any aid from abroad, and that if -they Condone the undoes draggle they will only aggravate - the rendition Of bean. They have, [befoe, made up thtirinjeds to simapt what- 'Aver illittons th if ithiel power, minild over. - lie in there likely lid any seilithe oppoittion :to thf teems of . pence from foreign pvwere. fieglere a freelanced by her recent experience to ..be relations. Prance egpreinee greet dlasatise fatiop that Pineal* and Auntie have refaced to renegeise • the netionalbt , priewiplii, and they 'pow claim the anima. -tett the•-iferdeti ind • The Garman districts of Schleswig, but the will .cantine bereelfievatinbityrottess.' , - 's - ....: -, It la not yet othelelly anticlinal/in Whst ma iler Alfieri* and Preemie intend to dispose of the duchies.' .Wei — rbgerd'it,-314wevieri . al 'certain that they will soon ireogilell - the 'Prince' of Angurtenhurgaa the. Legitimise* Deka.. . . Thee, the - Mitnith neestiOn seems to be tattled, mod forayer "errand from the list - of Mortipleh Ohmpitialetto....But this settlement.besteonthe • rife In the inner tlartnen complications. The 43 - ince amen Governments _and still mere the legis tureazfetbethritnitin Senn theater th em• • !nixes so strongly against the policy of the Pens. .11eit'gifvernarent,An4 in_ favor of maintaining, ' ittimppiici,theetttirniiiiy - Of the rederal Diet tea the two great German powers; that a 'tea lent clllielon.beeomes. highly. probable. Count .• Biome* meets the project of gliforgtbening the authority of the Federal Diet by Intimation, that ii, the calanal manna= in Germany be -1 comae too strafe,. he will •ally• .with - Acetrie, I gtholialt th e Federal Diet altogether, and divide `the ' snail' Shea; 'among . Alletrif,.. and. Viiilit.", This, at all evocati;thowi that Pronto regards' the appraching-ctortiet between the nutria* .etwhedions of the German people - Ur unity and . the pnisent position of Anent* anti Pmeath 63 :lirepressiblen • ' .. The ticsnutpLiun or Operations on the James 'River. A reasouable sitcveas is army op...rations nu. seldcm • event¢ate without the hottest report thereof beingArstittdicipatod bye series of . eggerated rattan. Titesatlefeetoryintelligance of h ; r4oessacuhnxseated• nada. the dlrentlon of •Gen. llazteeck at Deep Bottom intitilday ear Bgatii'hutt r wasdnagniiled-yutirraly !Tao of ohming 'paper' into in 'nasal:at niciin Tort • Dati4l44_4'nd wa Gaeta!, along with Wises bun :Anaheners. Tee pt }tory, truthfully told, appears to be that the Bacond Corps; wish - addable:Louts from the Eloreith and Muth, landedat Deep Bottom, on the nofth aide of the lamas River, surprised the cia , myfs tome, consisting of several' hundred' aeldball euktiorod there, took is large, som ber of theta priennera i antlocptured sik,of their gets and two mortars. The movement Demme to have been afflicted without exalting the aaspi oions of **label General, and the task having bent assigned to a thorough executive officer, its exenettort rtes naturally sign:sus &adenomas- • . Whether the movement resolves itself tato" alego ct Fort - tiaileg, (which ireiceedhily Likely),orinto • reccnad l: essaos which shall de termaze the enemy's. etrength'on the north side of mini slverews hone good asset:one that is Heneorit's hands it win be effectraily carried ono jc le,:howaver, proper lo amitlen,tha .gajnat ;Eating tor rcialts which cannot pas • Oltiy have enfend hfoi the mind of the Com ran Chin General, and the expectation of which moat nooses/fly lead to di - I - appointment. Tie prime isthfccdon to be had trim thl3 Intelli gence fe, tbet the Army of tbo Potomac still re ; taint' its old vigor sal epirl°, and that to too -handl pf truited leaders it will be ready at the prnptr moment to ontahlrob thn most briaiant Od -tta pat ataievements.—N. Y. Tina. The RebtlP In -glean County., _On the 2d not., six thousand nine hundred and forty. tit an {virile' td.i malignant Copp:- 'heeds Wont to the ptllt. in Berke county, and voted re preveneetm 'gallant - -whits soldiers in the Cold exercising ,the, right of suffrage at the text; eettion The tint day a considerable aurilret of these same . Copperheads and enemies of their. country, held a county mooting in the city of:Reaffing,4ind in order to glee-still mote al r and comfort to their friend endrusater, JiH •Divia,vaseed out and cut rebel resolutions. 'A large reek,rity of these rebels are the lineal de scendants of the Tulin of the Idevolationary war, who, fought under ,George the Third against our pat-lotto forefstiters !It their eteaggin dot Liberty and Union ; who wets. taken prisoners at Trenton, ka, and removeito.Gallows at Beading, a thee yet-known as the "Hessian enceornment," and who, after belngexeleinged, legated themselves In Barks county. What also can be expected Irom such Tory stook, than that they should dre in favor of preventing ear pa triotic triton soldiers American, fredmen,,from exercising the ivlt,stinurtgertioli df suffrage? ,Wa tray ;Tod 'hit seer blool may bourne ex • tura Journa. • • • • Dettna co. Peace! Hypothetical. ! prom ttoitt , lantant thisinittet.l " 45 Pnocria . wants paaonon,,ltia own te;naa,,,tro ata'alto want peace on, ours, and the terms mu, tautly azolude and destroy eiatosthas. It Isnot, Abibtfoe,„- the aam• Tema we desire; and tha •twb-td Ural bandied about in this way, iota' ,all .intaning,'indaigalbas literally nothing at alt. Abbas kecomo.sv itst•:ul work, and should be left , azolosiyoly..to dim cue of bu ff alo orators in a -noigbbbiteglkati, If any of {hat tort It'll drlr et . stdirell . ' Let - or gte rid 'al the ,hole vile cad, ; c l . l .°V!'a fre crefor mar, and nolltin2 tut War,, "until cr OW:4 mid to law *aid, "the but of chi. pest:caps fall. is bit bails;" and thus that sesi team to;past et do thinuct oe on inberitzsca. It is' Jet chow who ban' . a justly and wantonly invaded our tawdry to .6A•r ar peace; and when they do, they will 'tit; offer st ua vain until their armed men - are withdrawn fro& tfie and of thew OaVedererel Stem*, and she fee. fa g ,of ea4pee w 'kaled doles foes . ettry )aye teithinuar harden:. • dlier east, it will be Aims enOgh la prate about piled. thi 'very word is itonacnoe. • • 19 7 9 a the: Fall of Von Morgan ,'Ceneedede The Richmond papers merely concede that U. All cf 'Port Morten b now only a question of time. The Exemiew of Aug. 10th, says: .w2"hotelegreph Infoims na that two of onr three forts tfitet . paraded tho entrance to Mobile Bay ase gone. Vert Powell was seacruated Ind blown Fp, and Pat Eleitisa; lt;iiiiini,:yrer basely tar- Son dared to ibi.ol , lln7. Wks , Art Morava win follow. 1 Hari fdoroulatonda on, the lon g , nurow strip of, land on the vast side of the strait *Met' tienudn'ttittrallat to hfobilellav Hottentots L a mnia Cen plinatillCT/11115d, whtehls an the west 114 e of the strait... ...The cbennel of theetralt =no oldie nadir therms of Fort Morgan. rido:triOn a Imall feud in the bay. mile oitlierialsotiti north' of Sint Gainon. .ra , PwoitiOW taw armed aria ibifineof Dreg te. Tee Zoltan Jotosorapaake as foam of the, roma— ita obtained *broad fbr..thtit city; -uot'aray pbystrally a flue cc; of. i. iamb boa tiler appear ; to: dolgiOy4ataraitesttla cur gorsigeo. with atitrotrap. aid.llatrray. They ars In finitely gaPaffax aa'a?..olgsglo the jmajority o f those usito- Ara balked • about- by substltuto broken, latl:llll,,roaialii lalOhcally to.ohdr_aa igagosaintg and tria . gool . igiaagr • 04 4,. which th o bars attllabld4- East 4, them We had istailay. =l2 ijoilismoonra rai Itrz DIMICIL—The Con gressional Convention for the District, odorpoced of 'Lorain, Medina, Ashland, Wayne and Hoban rod We dnesday at Weansr mad nominated ' I c $, ISATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 20, 1864 MIZE= BIYORS the Examining Board for offthers of -colored regiments at Washington there bare been examined to thin date two thousand two Intussited orstlibmlif - teen handfed and eittl ,o44 /. 7 e tifitita pa end, end nine hundred and fifty eigat rejtsted. lithato recommended for comilllSlllOna were el fat lowsi for the positions named respectively: Col. anal. twelve ; lieutenant colonel, thirty ; maj forty-seven; captain, three hundred and tern ty • trio; first licirteththt„faitrTtithigte.o 1441- Adze; second lieutenant, seven hundred and OLIO.: Total, fifteen hundred and sixt;.the. A New Year merchant, on Tuesday, sent a. „boy with a bag oontaining f.then in gold, in ton • dad 4or p broker in Wall street. Arriving et Lisa 'e rams of the broker `the boy placed the gold on the cannier, hut was told by...person behind it =that the principal . was not In. and that he (the ,%spe ekes.) had nothing to do. with the °Too basi• Lone. A man who was• standing outside the counter, and who probahly hoard this reply, ep., preached the boy, saying •'alt right, sonny, /care the bag; they all - know met T'll'tond to it for you, and see it's all right." She bog was loft, but disappeared soon afterwards, about 1113 same time the man did. Va. J. B.WSSON, son of Orestes A. Brownoon, sillcd htntsclf moths nth ult , by jontalog out of a ;thee, three and a hull mile. from Virgioio OttyiNevada Territory, while in a sloop, proba bly 4reamin g . The /8113SIGII IL'ere healed the next dry by the Catholics. About ti7a yea,•e elder brother of the decannad Jamped, in a fit of somnatnhetlero, cut of his law Lai a wen• dew z, tin €4. Anthony's Fads, and trafhillod. A bast., 'HO:mon La, been plr.ing ilium!! off as an es-Conkdernto soldisr in London, and stioseled in raising quits, a aura of mc.aav by al solo of atonewatiOsekson's autograph. 1. - a. fornyately ho wr,te them Thom, j.J„..,„ L ; ,,. son, ',stead of Jonathan, a very C,11111,1 error, only .exploded of Into. Bence the parch, era .di rottred that they ware like the photogranhs— (l,, 4 Ta Toth (Pr..) Tru e Democrat understands that uito a number of recruits for the one year's servi , who prevlout to the into eleetisn had inten ed to credit themealves to .ho 0 w-s,leips in welch they reside, now positirely refuse to do PO It lane° tho:c townships, by I majority, de. elated that the soldlor bed no right to vote. Tni St. Paul Pr....says Coe hot summer push ed thel corn ahead In that vicinity in a remarka- Able Manner, and in another tedele it will be bo• yond the reach of frost. It will no such a crop as has. jetbaps, never before glad lanai the iar- Mere Of that State, and will soon be ready to be barrette d. IT to estimated that 50,000.000 gallons of wine ate consumed annually by tho Beargariarra They export bat 8,000 000 gallons. Ererybody that works oven a garden patch has plenty of gropes and mates !drown wine; Tad liepubliort Convantlon - Of the 10th Dis trict Ohio, metMednetdaj dad tnattleannity neirafated Gen. Gatheld toe reelection to Goa _ • - 1 Prom the Gil Region. The; Oil City Register, of the Ilth inst., ou tlaw tie folleets :,..2i strotig reaction has taken lost re port, plaice in the oil market 11 1 11;041 tin lut report, and prices i have been 'advanced $2 pei barrel at the went ; The demand; has been bruit, and eeems likely ito continue, to a moderato extent. We estimate the production of the meek and tivat at .6dg° bids. per day. A large number of wells have been bored, from some of which we shall rarely have returns. The demand for good oil Jude is on the ineumase, and the steak of the Osw,mlicopsnies keep; up remarkably well. The yew cempanies are developing their,posressiont as lutes they can, get We Doe.skliriEl"hin6TY. We give the rolieg tate et the wells $lO par WA., many holders asking $lO 50.00 10 lo balk. The L river i still lc ye for nevittatioe. Print of barrels $1.32 for prime new. Second head $2 725e 7 00 for rei a, -freigh A tolntryburstisl.7s per obi.• i siCiaithe 10th of June, Couguss posed 0 law rrgoirtog that *Weil should be removed to the bulled warehouses, except free alt which had paid Oadui. One month (July) Wu safferad to ones, 4 s, and no notion given to the Collectors, so ere ; Vinderstand, with regard to the new forms of bonding required by the law, notwithstanding .hie fact that toe set we, to take affect Immedi ately an the first day of August.. With° It air - , leg any previous notice that we ciould buret, the government official shot down, refusing to permit the extort of any oil meters thy papers were In the new form. Thus aILoU beaded since the Gut day of July last is held fait, and irlll belle ho be rebonded according to the new forme.' Thle proceeding ha. been fraught with rebored isconvenience. and pOiltirs' loss to pir• ties here, who wll} ass; get, their old boats returned, and send thrum once boats on before they eXiik move their oil. Out' collector has thane, bond, now ready, end wilt sochmmodate the _parties concerned aa list u possible. Alt oil _wended eine§ the first pt July Isslorill have tn be rebonded with the new forms." fie'cits Aso Baenaete'lrseunttarse.—The heavy tut Imi:weed en wheats hat aerionety interfered with Ups trade in thatartinic In New York toe number of cigars Menufatifitiid daily, before the at was impised, was over a milieu. Some two theusand,porternan were .employed la me• kit., these, and dials salaries maned from $l6 to y 25 flew week. Now a large number snout of emptoyntent„ and they will 'probably Life to follow ether ;kin:ills. The result of the tax n that !this led rewly.onte'intf the emitters to abandon the use of cigars. Iv is estimated that there are five hundred tbourand of the con sumers of the ' , weed" abstaining from IL This foot is proved by the proportionate de:rease to the manufaliture of cigars. VeTIOJM 6.8 L IE9 TVIIIRP . GREAT AUCTION BILE, AT oiviviocKs HIELD of altae larvotLul balld• Sub•Dirlii. on 21i2204.2 ere - 0•1.1. AnClt 22,i, ill 2 as too pr•ail.ses. • ertui—...oe ltdid cad ; bal. CR to ORO i 2 , 0 yvnre secti,d 10 A od ear mortglog.. 210 walk to Ds t ad on rect. lit 01.0 t. p .rt of Carh p yooftut. Tien nom ro.n t etnt all; 101.0 Y th .11.• 0 .1;••ll sad PtarmylsAola Depot. a• t • • also* how% one o'•lact, p •crly, Lt. •he (l ido of tzds.ret•lrotog at 332. Ri d rover:lvo.i mod e ;Heaton) to bud &ma time maim o! cl arje. Ho tickers m mrs.=. for r mtl4imcr - plue the • Aultion ZA Yitth m.r rt • at 19 d ItIoTLWAIRE, Ana% viNg FARM AT PCTION — . no un .l d. r• Ipgpd WI 1 Tor .d. pablld dala.on the poem les, on {a SOttWil aguit hb, 1821, at 2 D'oire. p. m , Wit taro tontafik ;;;;; 2.3 an. and .7 p Eta. 03 0.0 P,onyl i acta Vsatratd, 14 Milts fiso Plrts burgh. near Wail',Soil Telt Land adloloslands of the Ista Benjamin (Ise. pents,, doc'd, had f Wall arid et arra. area Miser. of Coal In raid trict. Land 'eon cleared and a' ea .1. II no codas ; well w.tarod and In rood *tau 01 enlievs ties. liss le *Leo on mum ' two Jan log. and or, goo. barna. Acc sa to oaf from W.ll. I Wl= and rittaturgb four and are tme•s ddp. . Tbe abort ,wllll be a Id other •t%er or lo tw, ar three parts, r may brat on:t pal cars,. Fel 41131.4 en. a Immoadlatny T , ram made known. day o sada. Wm (nether pottcolara cad ,111( blatron,Attotway at Law N i Ilf 1/Iftb street, or on anl2:.. • -. lw Yikt, PATTVLSON. A lICTION BALE OF CONDEMNED 11023E.3. WAS riZtArltisirt, CaruaY 211711LV, Ofeee of Chief Quart:en:enter Weslnsoson,' An tnet 3, 164. WHi be :told at Puhlte Analoo, to the htittunt bid la the tittletmd tataea ',stood btlow ti:• ' 'IW Mg;lte; qtraneine, Lope f3th 1864; trcTO Pa., 7ilered at Mote t 'L I ; 13,e406, Elt...flturedSeitomhtf ea: 18,4 i T he Ifendral (11.0) t ee n 116moi et wt. plate. • These Xliefoil plot:teen condemned eat tnnlt far the Osestry ey_feeiff the aml. For RosCpial Tartu purpws many conniving may be Hems sold Oxley. Tortne•-•Osehln Vetted Retie Marne,. JANES A. ICETN, T foot/moat Colencl end Chief tlneet wirder. .avlSair $ eeentr, Screen, • Dlt 117170.1r8. rITSSOLUTION OF P&RtNE %BEI P berttofoie ittetlng bstoeett 0. 8 boPfria. And ft 01178 It VIP PS& under ths ',time owl elyte ofo. & 00.. h a thte ddy been d'osolretl by the ghtort4 ...p e nt of v a on. 4 rY i ne !WO ArtIDET L0P1.113 rptl I, end I. rattVelhgthe Imola...et the eld stand. y llobbt• tl.vtgalot mold fate arm Pall bte•ttlot by olther of the nAnnilited. 0. 1. K. LOP FES, AUGUST ramrris, Vt. borgb. - Aogtenti, 1164,--rat9 rillsSULllTiON.—Notice is hereby given that the petweeettl* Istety mee.i.t , et beim«. WNW WIONTEtAIi Rod JOH of KIS .3 &DT, uneer the Arts, of a unpar NUN, was dirolvet the bet 4” , of . rotf.. 18 ( 11 . Ds rutted tomtit, TOUR IADY ro- Wet tram the fit-n• • .1 • .714 debts ete to the Odd putnerselp oe to Do rile, 'sad that. Ste forte the tom, If teoharge Ss: IR LA. 000 K 87., where the Doefotes 1511 be motto tcd br die said •it.. Wiv.tarso. . • " 'o7lfllerd rtO-PARTNERSEIP NOT.IOIO--WO have ki simian] irtihn. In theGLASS MB -12711,110,31bV15, IWO kteLAIR,DY Atli Mini bICMTY;tO bib, Ora Ims ant slier karst IsS, SOS The style of the ens "Ili istatki se reessalorar' sag..l.sielts WIC ,B101:101.Llt It CO. • . . 1 ' DIPII.IIEXIM, . • . Ors= a Is' Prnicimuri, 'Oa? With • AID °mama BULVAT 9 ,4 r • 111tatatrgb. Pa., 704 if* IV. • Dr v i re nt - afie Bo rd of 111,1,c0 dors of NB oolm,igy ea.. th is • da/ deetuvd'intr ul= of 2% P2B CIF= at atesharot ormo. priisfat r* tal S tee OompatT. Ore. pk_flo oat TWO col gad stun se ; 6m or itagaitt,c • kroila • sno:l%, 02* eft. 03 mPurT.Ifi Itl 41t . y. aul CM Twat.: ,Aprgy,'Whatn.Lostat o , a, 0:53 Wall. Snot; 156,1 *- 11.116 u"b. kV ° , 141- ' 4 Ow 111PWIVI °Son. 'Atm "Ar Saks of *pp *LK", laftsat, at trcjock. P. sa4 tqpbmd26lB tbasLlLday of In4cus -. . ft r. crlim cif a* Ikerd. - • , Jalligra,,gorntsgy. tiorivll+l4 Aug- 19. , -.Adlspatal from:Chile!.,. T ufe,,Tenn., dead 19A. are: A. mall vonting party Mt out ifete,hOrn.yestarder returned- au Pint delight. They matt - goo rebels, oennsmady4. % bilr net irredfrard„ At liaTrettop.r g , IA gates, from n e, ilegaloarlaetAtith, They, WO!: well m oled, and amok mostly 'wlth,rmyy r .., t vat • Velum and wane orenelny hunt and males, be %dlsotim MOW. ' I y hey are - ettpleae4 to be oil nos ph - Adam Johnson.,. • • ,Cter i'dey.,lfr:-40 seeook, a, M.....1¢00&.] welt tasken Hopkintrille Meek 4 o'clock thle : ilaretn , and fps repulsed by a oompany of the fdd R. tuck', estdrloo Rome Guards, and In the second chary Weediest./ wu mortally wounded and taken Flamer. Two rebel soldiers were killed-4m lose on the federal side. The rebels are OM hoyeling . tround the town, and another -, • .4:. - , s J . 2- , - , , Clot,V#ltit ott'Ocuarlar', -1, 1 I , —L. -, &pita Ineek4tral UM shots 60,CdOot 11.93 es*. TOTDEND NOTICE—The Directors of .2.1 the Comma, bile , tbt. day doltrett . ateldsci 01 kw per.ceat. co the Cyttal stlek, onto , the rote of Wt IP oilith, payable, on and litter 1101 IDLY, the 16th I -,' . aS,s. '} LAM BOX •GRANT Part of oar tines'ildvanced tiva TWO MORE RIFLE PITS AND 250 PRISONERS CAPTURED.- Our Loss About44.oo. SEVERE ENGAGEMENT ON THURSDAY, TIXE. .IE.E!ULT NOT KNOWN WAEHINOTON, July 19.—Thaoperation! of our army on James Rorer op to thif morning re t,,,l in cd,an log port cf our line two miles furtbor, End the capture of two line; of rifle pits and ro rti,oners. Our irre tl killud, wounded end miming is rA^u( am \toe In} croo, Aug. I9.—A letter from the army ,! lie Potomac yesterday noon, says that the second corps, having been unsuoimarful in an sa, 1.4 on tkc enemy cm the north elde 61 the J. te.4 river on Esa ' Jay, fell hark to a snitioh, Cloil we eecopieJlll. yesterday, when an:ther nss,tit woo determined on and carried oat este em fatly., Tee enemy as driven from their vc.ki leery lose- The 63c+ed Tics also cat to ed sot oral hundred prlrtrod.h and /On" he svm gone. 'Our lose was quite severe. We mill !Sold the poeltion. The cavally under Gregg had as engagement r We the salmis and drove shone from some works near Fowmarkat road, but we were finally taros] back-i Colonel Gregg was eoverrly wounded. It If reported that noticr . troops hod a severe rofr•Oonot witilont :Aran tago to either silo. 214. day, Aug. 18.—At one &cloak this MOM tog tt race's opened a most vigorous fire, welsh emended along the whale Line t;oet -th3 A ppo award/ to Jormalem plank road. It lasted •21011 t too hirer. It waa thought to be the prelude to an a , tea. Peary tiring ohm heard in Miller's direction, Lot nothing known about it. HORRIBLE MOLLY OUTRAGE& Iritilica near Lit(ic blue Ai led. HOBBES AND CATTLE DELIVENOI7 The Indians Pursued by Blunt's Forces Br . . Levi., A ognef —lnTormetlon from PJft Mile), Gen. Blunt', Ileadrartere, say that three ranhee near Little .Bins Meer, eierobarnad by the Indians acid the stock run off. The inhabi tants were killed, and beg were found in the at,bee tt the building. The citizens of Tfeab ington Republic and Clay 4:l,w:dies hare been armed by Bleat. Pon r bunter,' were killed at Salir•, male, west of Fort Riley. Etetiroen slaty and 7 bodliii were teen between Pißebnrg and Little Blue. 210 ranches were left .tending between Big Sandy and. the Liable Blue 41,a, pees trains were cantonf ea theLlttife Bias. All thd stock ' conalating of 450 cattle and large numbers eneflee were,firivnn tr 3. Vital:ken be • loners to. tbeeetnlnt escaped. • The Indians' weee , well mcnllted , mnsi Nita being arniod with lops range. gnat. Gent. Thompson, with leventy•five men .of this. 16th 11.13,14 aurally and one hositsw, is pertains the ladles:se who ebromitstld the outraged en the Little Dine. Dispatehei' take hied, dated the (en, salt: The Indian, have moved towards Depettot.tin river '.with Ipoo oxen end a large herd of horses and scenes. Gee. Dbirry, , wl:h the Kansas militia, - het also joined the puma, 'moving north of Thempron't cammax,d. Rigid days have elapsed since comnonnics• Con has been had with points' farther west. Fourteen child:ea have been muss:rod. every dwelling hat been burned., thefamiltes and set tler,riot to eettinmeata and the man tanned up en the. Indian Gen. Blunt has teat word to Netlaitareed, Tenth, Bilsworth and Satins for the poramands of theme points to silent. in the tired:lda taken by the Indians and heeping ready ho join in the general purtnit_when their trail 11( Zoned. (ha. Want is doing everything portibin with tbainiall I<Tees at hiccomMind. LATEST FROM ADMIRAL FARRAGEIT, The Fleet Ordered to Attack Fort ice• THE LAST REBEL VESSEL BURNED. SURRENDER OF TII6 FORT DECiNDED. All the Channels to the Bay Hell by Oar Forces. Five °ILIAD. via Canto, Avg. It —The stearr,r Sate Dale, from Port Gaines harbor y!srottirty morning, arrived hate bat night. F aftlynt had r, reparod ths Oat for sotion, sod hoped orders to attack Fat Morgan atelght o'oltck 6 yesterday morning. It was to receive a ninon. enfliodiog fire from the neat. the land twee/ *•lte rah, ave Sat& to hove invested it wherespr there was a joot of gronad to stand on• The rebels have destroyed all the out build• toga of the fort, and also burned their only vat. set lyirk nr dor its guts. Trorythle a about the fort indicated a determination to contest the bat tle to t4e lost. . . The Orme,' to Dog Elm ir.'nnolittraeted. The aevat and lead forces are oonaltat of itteoestf At a late boor last night, we Maid that ear. raga bad demanded the unconditional surren der of ifbe fort. Fartagat's demand for Its stir r.tder on Tuesday was refuted, the oomaarriar of the fort 'eying that he had slx monttii• pro- Tit iAIDS for dghtiog , ratienriand would crab t to the ISM 1:13M1111:11, Before add Granger's foreea Iv the rear had cr.tthe o mmtadcations of the. fort. The tem TeDllO6l,OO W4l to ettiek. Perregat wee cot.ddent of reduetag the fort. Hertford war badly trjortd. We hold all the abenaela to the Bey. OPERATIONS AT CHARLESTON• A BLOCKAP,X,4UNNEIi WRE.MPID. Emmtem and• Charleston Still Shelled Now Yoax Aug. 19.—A Ililtah,lleed letter, dated Aorost ' leteito' the &raki, that lerAe yore veldts. ltirrithalliminetider.' ran tbringh our toot od Oharleaton .end got aground on Falai ao's friend netirVort Slonttrio. fihe net disoovered therein the teeming et Or. light. and I ohota were fired et her, aearil every /hot doing 4r:erotism, Welting being kept op until rho wee a complete wreak. She ..11 now holidays and yank nearly ander water. A Portion of her cargo) was evidently destroyed with her, bat eonsldereble wilthe saved by arebel wreaker. freit car Best 0012ghtICI Og Fort gitimW and the.ctiy with i most grittfyiag esearatutr: A &eerier. who came ia reeentlYidearelval that ear thing dons great clantgo,andie diwtated et the weakest ppOfnts of the fort, nisei %Uri= butahleito Gan. Fosteee knowtedgi whqq Wooed;there. The "rebate, It 1,41 .eald,,exprese great fear lest the continued bombardment of the poilits, by no mean Impregnable ,-rill rudely Interfere with the safety Of their asNe , mints and ranch weaken their detentes. Rebel Operation's Near Oltutsvllle t Tennessee. ATTACK ON HOPKINSVILLE REPULSED. Betiel:Leador W?tindecteald' Osyturel. ... , .. FROII I.IIiRM4N'S DEPARTMENT, / czrY 4iND su.zeuilitio_. Later Facts Regarding the DON Attack on Dalton. GED; STEADMAN SETERELY ITJUNDED. Colonel Stroizht Reported Killed REBEL CAVALFT DEMONSTRATIOSS ON TOWNS Spa Dl:yetctqo thePlasbargh Galata. • NALEviu.s, August 18, 1861. TLe fOewing interesting and later facts re• gardit? Mw attack on Dalton are jut in. Wheel er made Me a;.Troacit before Dalton on Sunday element' a , d mode a formai demand *for the Ferret dor of the Ores. Dozing Sunday and the fellojing eght,4l Le Bold held his own, in flicting col:siderite damage on the creamy. General Steadman arched to hie arsistanee with the poet garrison at Chattanooga, and arrirod at Dalton by dal I:ght. On Monday the oolored troupe wollh in th 4 adva•me, end immediately el.orgrd ea tle moony. The charge iv droeribod lohvirg bate very creditable to the command, with ea et, area raw rce,;nr ant The enemy old vet stand to rect.!ve tb,on, tat 11,1 cf,er a low int irectes/ Um. Gal. Le Bold rallied oat of bin Net he and ohorge the enemy also. Wheol. fleet, ihandrbing ttv , atteek to °err} the work.. Tto entire Leo to Oil 'about thirty men. The rebels left one hat dreti cud fifty dead and roar-d -ad matte field. The railroad tre not materially itjerh and wax rare ired Ina felt howl. . Lonimrt um, deg. 1g . ,--kn agent from the front report, the.: nn Tueedo7 Gme. Ste:Alien atartml !:em 'Climunco,go ono meta rebel force node? Wlll.tief at Gm" ttllle j elyhteen miles dittedtte *hen is Elmore engagement ensued. The federal i 10,4 I not stated. It 1, reported that General rimed LEI I,:a Ztvereuy2 ...med.!, and that 0,1. Strai t, o f the 6ft3-6rat Indiana, war kffled. A rtbel for it roportad to be at Cleveland, reap/ A7o , krigado from Cdattatoogi left for ClevciendVeaterdsy. BATTLE NEAR FRONT ROYAL. Brilliant (tarp by Caster's Brigade. THE ENEMY'S PLIAS UNFOLDED. • Nair Your, Auvut 19..—The Times has the followtt,epeciak 8.1 re, Aug. 18.—A battle took oboe at or near It sa t Royal, an Tautly the 16tb, between port n of our cavalry aid a' heavy forte of r -rebels of Longstreet's command. Portion' of Wlitoi's dishier, and Caster's brigade were en gage Thu fight wu • mere one for the num ber. c &rating. A ihargi made by Costar at the be td of his brigade was most irilllant, re tuning in the eiptetre of two lambed had Llty eight !prisoners and two stand of colour. The fight It °moldered an lmportantorte,a3 it anfoids Immo VI the enemy's plans. Tbe'lforkf's nutlet from Wathington, dated the 1 4h , clic The now+ from the Sneaandoah veffeyha. day is favorable. -Tikre to no truth in the rcgcrt to circulation bore and Now York of terday Mut Sheridan' had fallen back' to Win.; ebsetet, rod was fortifyiniS there.' Oa the cony Crary be is etiif pathlng Early nakhe valley, and bee compelled him to retreat front point to point Sn every encounter that for. ' The Iroported reinforcement of 142116 i Llng. street oud corps must be lintrue, as these two corps have been proved to be in Grunt's front en the dames rive. NTERESTING FROM LOUISIANA. rani t of Gen. Ullman's Sant lateen. iLIOIIt OF TIM HMS IS cONEIBION New Yong, Angnst 19 —Private letters from Ilorgaseis, In., give the detain of Gen. ua -131117.,'11 recut cocoon to driving the rebels from the right bank of the Chrafray river: It appears that Ullman moved from Dlorganala on the 29:1 Ult. With* brigade of cavalry, a brigade of in fantry 'and Cape. Barnes' New York battery. The gat:slower* found strongly posted in • posi tion enilladipg the MLitt road with their batter ies. Oir civet, • drove in then skirmishers, eeptnring seversl printers and killed the noto rious CapuldeKelly, a guerrilla scout. Onr bat tery then stponed on atm rebels ant a spirited engagement ensued, heating from D till II a. mi. Crl. Chrlsler, commanding the nvalry,, we. billed.' Pthdlog that oar position sabjected us to a heavy loss, cur force, were withdrawn a stets distazoe to reconnoiter dating the night. Next morning It was found that tho rebels had llot in confusion. Oar Lou was two ktnea, thirteen mining. Deserters report the rebel loss at tiny three killed :n1 wounded. CONFLICTING EE2GETA FIIO3I TIE VALLEY. Rumored Advance of the Rebels aosestows, Md.,.Ang. 18.—There are exal ting end c:nilletleg Terns from the Valley to. day. Gen. Aeerill hold' Martinsburg, end et noon list drawn up in Ilse of battle outside the town. No rebels were in sight, and the indica. Cone were that the rebels are not moving In that way, but toyrar4 tlawShanandeal. Refugees from tho Valley and hiartinusburg are beginning to mrivo in lugs .numbers. All have Intelligence of the tobetadwanee. Conoidernble uneasinelo Ii manifeeted here, but meters are so condleting that it V Impossible to obtain easel : wenn& of the state Of affairs to the Valley. PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE Special Dt.patcb to lb. Pittaborgh Gutty Brzaissvz6,. Augoit 10,1964 florax-3foraing geniee.—The Senate amend- MeDU to the Fifteen Regiment bill ware the t et ihitg to Pt del. The How reamed toS con- CUT. b;114 io Ficsu.-13Upplement to the Bayonne isw of /est seesion pasted. flapplament to the Boonti Mil of May, 1884, passed finally. . —Morning Session.—J Ant resolation re• minding the adjourned session. This serslon will bo the only one. Members will thus get twenty one dollars Instead of ton and a half for tbe,while lime they sit. The bill for the relief of Ohambersburg vas considered. Negatived to -tWattnituse of the Whole.' The Senate reinsert to adopt that re• port. It wont to i 'second reading, when a long dlsenufsz ensued. • ' `' Steamers Plundered- Gunboat Fired Into. Blassrate. Aug. 15.—The Amos mentions the capture. and prouder of the steamer La ly by guerrillas, but don't say when or where it Ooonred. There so. also rumors that thi steamer, Olive Drench and Edward Watershed been robbed. Onnbtat 14.3 was fired into on the Idth inst. by a rebel battery at Qal6o'd Landing. Thirty three shots struck her. No throe were lost. J?oidlers Injured. enteringili, Aug 18.—Two soldier" belonging •to the 37th lows worm .badly wounded by being cinched between moving ears uLdstate wai► at We palroad depot. • 477011,X1CT8.. . . 3/404,11ELL 8 JOEOTBON,, AVIVOMILTSOILT.LA.I7, - And U. $. LIOIOI3IIViiO4III6IIkIL &ITS AGirgl"rd. Pendia fat *oust dog isubtlimostlacbsd fa from Ha o roost dog.. . 611 4 0 as Po. la GRIM/ STRUT, Pittsburgh. . dinalriCti and too alumna. dead/ 10•04,H W. KR, .• kTOII2IIEIZIdar, Vol /Of Fifth Stelist, Pittsburgl4 11. .sCIZAIDI 12* rxwecolii, Emir& ram mow. . NT, 4 0 1TISOMMI , Oresxnud. itg jegua. , , • - , ' "ATToszerli.ki-i.v. Its4ites itottpthr atteitilad • 7 • 111:1, ,, 001 isIOTOORTHBTIOUCT, near Gnat, Pitts WO. 6923:3121ni .111111111101/1140.1010 1 111 O. SCHOYER, Attomayelik• . law. Ollca, Eta. lii Yuan pleat; PL GAZET' The Local. Bounty Queetion...Coeivintien of c czonatteest-.Coed Bounty rue One Purstuit Weal!, a large timber of gentlemen, - representing Cho recruiting committees of the several tub district!, assembled tit the Court Ileuse, at tan echoic Party morning, fon the purpose of devising some .one for establishing • uulfourt WO of local bounty. The Convention was called to order by:W. W. , Ward, Esqand.-ea motion, J. -P. Jennings, Et q., of Allegheny, was chosen uturores7 Chat, man. Noun. W. W j . Watd.and litistS. Boater. temnorary Secretaries. The Hat of dens:lass was then called, and about one half of the county was found to be represented. • The following named rottemen were then chosen pormuoutcfbeers: President, J. F. Jen. tans; Vtce f r etidents, W. White, E S. Ward, A. li. English, G. L. B. Fetterman ; Secretaries, W. W. bard, W. S. Foster. J. W. F. White, Fro. they submitted the following resolutions for the action of the meet— tog NS MMUS, In °emery:tepee of the imprudent sad tuitions entree of semi mon in running up the hearty one year volunteers, there Is great danger of utterly detesting the object of the draft, by erecting and festering a purely lawc•narv. feeling among the yolunteers, and errs . ..saint; Moult:ll:Wee by Amore:tens and on - r,r.rooaaln inertia; and, whorear, we believe the q aetesA.f ell the &striate eon be filled mac aily and mr.ro ttraitably by fining a unito',' :Ivo Ice Lennties;• thereinto, ti,ctead. That we will not pay more Mae Pate knobs Inr coo your voluateens,doo fo: two 'yearn, nod Y9bo ter three years; and we pledge out tell es upon our , hotors not to pay directly or indirectly more than these ettral. 2 It,.olocd, That a Committee of five be ap ointb; the officers of this meeting, to act in con junction with the officere, it n Vigilance Cam• umttoo, to eid in wearying cat she object of this Conventicle—to . keep a vigilant eye .upon all bouoty brokere and hoenty jcimpers,•and aid in overy pendent way in excusing dnitormity in the bout ty. 3. iirsolrrd, That a Committee of three be ap pointed by the officer' of this meeting to procure the soma of the Committees of all the district! of the minty who will alga the following pie do*: " , Ws, whose names an hereto rubscribod, reptetenting the districts of !Illogic:lay county, set opposite to our names, do hereby pledge our selves upon one honor, for our reepeative trietS, not to give, directly or indirectly, more than $3OO for one year men, $5OO for two years and S9CO for throe years men 'to llu ot2spoot • sv e districts strider tbajwindisig drag " On motion of J. E. Stewart, Esq., reatilu• Mrs were sweep:ad and talon up eeriaries for adopticier rejeclien. ldr. Montgomery mined to amend by zodeto log the price for one )ear pun to $250. This was vigorcuely oppoced. and finally withdrawn. Mr. Purl Seibert of Ross trownehip, moved to amend by striking out the sum fixed for two and three years' men, and Laving the sum of $3OO u the local !seaty for one yeer., This motion gave size to an animated end wu finally adopted by a decided ma joriry. The report, u thus amended. Ind adopted fixing s3eo as the highest local bounty for one year, and taking no action In "pferenco to the bounty for two and three years. David Aiken, E q., then tested the foilonlitg, which was adopted: Revolved, That the Committee" of the cur reuniting counties be requested to unite with as in securing uniformity in the pries 'of bounder!, believing that It te as much for their Interest as curs. Mr. Ward offered the following, which was adtptedt . - Resolved, thatthe fey for prettying volunteers tholl not, In any ease, exceed the earn of ten dollen for each volunteer. Mr. We'd talowing, which Was adopted.: Bemired., That the Committees appointed by this meeting bo instructed to report to to ad•' .i.urned meeting to be held at the Court Buse, at 10 o'clock on next Monday morning, and that the Bcnnsy Committees of the varicas Districts of this county, as well u the Bounty Commits teos from the neighboring counties at present remolds:lg to this city, be invited to attend, foot the purpose of allowing Ly their premiums that tbey are c 4 sporatiug with we la the effort we are makingjoreoder uniform the rate of batty to be gium soinayeers. • The offmers of the meeting then appointed the following narcissi gentlemee, under the reso introms i (Ader tA. Recood liesolistzon:—Captain H. Wright, Capt. C. W. Batellelor, A. Hobson, 8. J Drsodand Jobs R. Large. U.der ths nerd &solar:on :—Mossrs. P. H J Marshall and W. W. Ward. MEIMMi= A Pine Chance fur Voltinteenr, We have already antionneed Chat Major Gab lope has enceeeeed ebtelning authority from the War Department to organise a regiment of heavy artillery la this oily. Ile bas already entered vigorously upon the work, with excel— lent prospect of success. Capt. W. IL lope, late cf the 9th Reserver, and a moat excellent r Baer, waisted by Licata. Albert resat aid C. B. Mocahrschs,have been authorised to recruit a elem. pony for this regiment, and they have met with very flattering eaccoss. They have already sent a large number of men into camp, and now leek about twenty more. Torte who desire to enter this favorite arm of the carries cannot do better than enlist with Capt. Hope,,in whom they will had an experienced and competent a...leder. It is very probable that this rest• meet will go Into the fertilization, at Woshtrg• tva, to tarp!, the place of the hundred day men, whose terms are cocoa expiring. Recruits can apny at Wilkins nail, 2.ferth Watt, eta at lie 56 Federal street, Aliegtasey. Itallrcad Acesdent--Plan Killed On Thursday morning, about Ave, &sliest, co accident of a fatal na tore °scarred at a water station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, a short distance east 61 Greensburg. A freight train, bound Weal, stopped at the station to take water, and the, flagman who was. to have signalled the' followisig train w4l sitting on the bumper of the rear oat. ji Is supposed that he hod fallen asleep, as the other train approached, and seeing no signal ran crashing into' the roar of the stn. • tints/)' train. The loan, whose name was Marlon .Altman, was instantly killod, his body being shout a.m. ers dln twain. Several cars of the foretoost train, nod tho looomotive of the other, Wens considers • bly smashed ato This is the teroud go:ldiot or this chersoler which has cavorted on this mad within a week. The detteued maid at Ludwig, Tic etrooreland county. A Deserta Arrested. Yesterday amen named James Dourolly, who represented Himself to be citizen of Caned*, pre,. tented hit'oself at the Pro - vest Itiarsbere °Dee, and InKSWO7I2 in se a stihattfate for a prominent citizen, tecelTlng $1,e66. Shalrily afteriarde tur wu recognized se a deserter from theld Penna. Deasy Artillery, when he was arrested and placed in lb. guard house. Warrants were alto tuned for the arrest of .two witnesses, who had sworn positively that they wets arqoainted With him in Canada, and know him la be en alien. Donnelly dtst outs t d In February, IS E 3. end nal . only In the service one Month . when ho desettel., The money which he received yo,terdey cannot be found, and he states that he sent it to his wife this morning. The Use will be Inseittgated this afternoon. Amortize SOLDINI Gora.—Jamse Hoasktian, • price.° to Co. 13;77Th Regiment P. V., died in the hospital at Nosirrite, Tenn., on the lath of July, in the 191 year or hte age. Re was from Peon totemehip, Allegheny county, and enlisted on the 16th of Marsh. He perthipated In all the different engagement/tend skirmishes which toot places - t 6 th Binggold and Al e t ' o G on ' t Irtere .cram ht 3l trk igi the *.e4 tr; phold fever, and finally sunk under It. Dan* Rana* - Ltvzsrooto—Thit Eae steamer .Bity of , Linteriok," of the Inman Line, advettired. to te►ve New York for Liverpool, 013 the itfith Init. D. O'Neill, Bsq , agent for thla city well krill& piriago In tbil,yeerel, for $46, paper money, on application at hit o 01», No. 06 Smithfield street. ..Penona desiring to *lett the "old eouatry"..should not overlook the present favorable opportunity. Amorrrin Butane—On 13atnnley of bet week, a men nulled Alonso citsgersl4, Using somewhere DRAMo ehtempton onus*. snields et theitlonongshele Cif , wharf !ky Jump iog Icon the boat into the river, He was reg. eaed when cbontlrowne4L, The =intent baton, tooted 1114 dine. bet byvi vigorous rolling upon a convenient whisky barrel, he was restored to coneolonruces *sit sobriety. - Pru4--Tha bam Jo. Caiguit; ! Fall field toroshii,Vol ° lngion aoimtf.wao destroyed by on Senday night of :last weak. HU new, gathered - mops were - wholly deitrogod, tuft or with tho_building; robot slam at about$1100„ lanai:kW:a arm Sound sneur tronialtiel, tits shavings hod tonnt eplit. to hindia Jthollereas, auditors bwo doshVot tha traiwlng 00.1ftrltot Younn.—Tho Grand Jury of the 8. Dlattiet Court, thie morning, baud s tms bill against ofaasr Hedger; of the Allegheny Po llee, for intertaing with U. 8. deteetes whils in the &laborite of their dotted. rho oam has ton oontlased ;ISA irak.ttiva..__ POOKS. JLBtf✓+l6. etc rriStO OHA±Olizt+ tsou uo , q' re4ay .iarrs..m.o . ••• HENRY E IN ER. T=IC V' IC DON Ma .14. ET JANE, LADY SCOTT, DarOter-In ; ! , av ptior.-151,N0 IN YAM.; IS Clara. TILE PRIDE Or LIVE. A Floret at Jens, Lent E, crrr. Warocur to ilia new gabileatlen becanseit tee lamed ,far emote the ordinary Immo of the day. fe. tersely taterestLog, It Is easily sod bridiently written, the Characters Laing soil discriminated, and drawn ori b a vtgorons and akflfal tomb. The book is fitly called "'The Pride of Life," Si It Is • emtchhog esp.!. Lion of that t. orldllems that I. Co prominent an element tomer ti, the mars plosperons of mankind everywhere, and mare especially In the higher portions of Angllsh .och ill'. r 1 he Insane folly of "pride of tlrfb;; of modes navel for the world's oolefon, of exchtelvenest of feel tee, that regards everyttdrog and everybody 'without a "set tabs lour ow circle to l“foo isr, vulgar, 111-bred nod to cn+sre rebuked with a poc of power ; and lt lead most • onfreel to no that oho sumo eta. that waste. morel the mocomptlble nosteree, can groin. etch a /rte- Darted cad chatoortheedlnviter al Lady * forty The I tort 01 Oho 4.1 e cooneryi;the Mil Ting Of i 11,11 , 1 • • tittl Sod too Trent gl , i, the dinglotar et as:a:l,volt: i i and h .4 en orris , of roe. is, alike sena of Issh:oods, err 4 , =,. / 441V4V.M'.°1 1 ,21 ,, t1..t..1-`24`,1 -0.•.,1.01 0 . •.,1.01 •o`glintfltadis/leron, Mr.3lnggrloga sond,s;esr . : r0..0, ok toe; h Ulf, Lady ticOt has no: only atiown hoz al flit 1.0 writer,lastLegnonlane •w • ercorhan. All of te e 1178floocharcans, ihrely.pe..o.toL .lLhe Evelyne el.d t .or crow,onlso. are ninoly -draws; a nd the best proof el thole rffecavanom 1,1. 1. 1 it tone heartily deopire hoot doom tea onlio4 to std.. , If they wore realitlea: The pig Is adrolVy a tulLeCoand., asbefore tionsidted, the with is excesdnostlyintermaing.. , FLI it TATIOIii3 11, ; 11'4 , 911 ABLE LE£E, !AY CATELEIIII3M siarczatix.• TRIGS-410 F6Ptirq.g.tp_CLOTll., "The anther of Beattio• Iwo .dlspfayod - hot , dota l' abll,tse In this uew work. It la ono of gaceiltnenterear th.os that only mate thtir appeltraneettb lone - toldrtn'ai In tht Mem, eky„ tt wo:k Like this caurst tatrta: lento Its mart open :Oolttl, end wo bbt,141:7_,..00.4.. mt., it to Beek of car trade. o. tore • r6I.M , rol bosh.. I be ...bar deals her blows tight antlefteice wi rr... tpg the derAt .1 a•ttOce Lf fsahtosabbe one m s. wad Iheulcatiog hazes that , eve, thous wham oho ',cone most 'kirk her f. e. 71:11. la a rare b. .... 1:11. V and then both, and cue which shal leavens i.:' 000 y apse , th e popnlar tablet . ;lbw pnalfsbant ' ef; d - oe theft part Ilrarally. and W 4 han here oar of tti...., handsomest and butt WIWI Of I.lboLa.atmovelsOt ea infteat day. Coyle of the 'bolo books sold b 7 waU Env irt mass roodit of prim HENRY KINE t a; TIL Et 73 .errrn ErrnsTr, sett ikootigf,l:V NEW mlw soorFou taTEMM. TEEN SoNe. GEAJECDECN.....if lIF.COID BOOK. ET Da- Laireitlll4loaosaasrissdi;'," maniacs a bay mailer sod 'Stoat viiistpat Nine ka f t * , Ae4swith twe,teefienti of. idsn 51s1 Sotatida. .The sodas II 4,84 . 0 ad N testicle eh .a tack; preventively ea satasd, b tan eat wattle to lhroit. Th. First sad Third Boots mat be Mee of -11UNIM'AttrgNi Broosi, 13001.. VIA per dose": Oati copy will b. Mot pan paid to ans Saadi. r. far eframildsilazetirstaipt - or tiny Oats. Far imle b7J 1:14.86N a FiAtILINVILstmf, Ildriahfd 67 21,84,4 1180TyLERS, 2lavioak..l ' NM MUSIC Boor—Fos C 17.01113. TEE r, -zg'vtwxa. • • EIT wua-ran n: - ttn.int3vrtt, • Thiet , ork. la Vevey': of Vv. Dreparfs yeller:Meg sod polol3g rev terfiral y eadieerveryertere beteg received erre the greetert:ev r ty the mod exporteowt Mtge,* std agoeledarts, The =tett et lir. 11.4bdreir pagoliztty tra7 be Acted bona rte hat that of hb bock. the Jetbilles, over 2A1,0:K1 he*. tectiwid, agtotor - hie etif *nalatho - e then . g,14d,000.. • - id eagle. -to Its deb chilettleaorraw sad. An. argue, the Sri liore Imainsrtaisu Exaregai.r. sad tight Hie Morena. salted to noise or tlls~nx- Poh<ot • e, sad ha every p•rticular ft Ir believed the - krtessl at good teuelaat chew-11.44kt hems the En lion jett_adept d to, their eraute. x &lrle.. s ooph et iby •I, pe;peld,l6l,lso. gab by 11, , Boateit, .Pub t.h.d ' " r ulihgt =PON 480411it6, New *bra. -• VEST POCKET EDITION. • ' THE NEW NATIOriAt - TAI LAW, APPROVED' JIINE 30th, IBM. 00019104.0 6111 . 1 and 607 4 1 , 0 1 161i5t: slats WM, a n d ALPILIBET WALLY ARRANGED, sad oi otallanaymbssa .as. Prim 10 aealx. 76 mix pa down, 61 pe hundrn, • 574 pet thoaand. 60416 0,1189 .126 d pod mid on reoelpt 01 Flee. &sad en order. so 10.wo pzontpt and cared astastion to JOUR P. lIIINT, Publisher, sul6 59 Filth strftt,ll.asenterils-11, Kt.NGIS, QUEENS AND KNAVES 130 10801:111 NATIONALITY ETTSYWHKItiII YONNIG raulimus MED LONG ILNOVOILI Oar Blf Miasma Emblams, Estilel, Shields, Stan-and Flags, Deedgrate tke fide la the Drznir.vi OLUD OCINPAitre UNION PLAYING CARDS trot osii. IserzeD or Km. GODDESS Or LIBERTY TESTE&D Of GOMM. EILAJOB INSTEAD la JACIE. Onlon Chute •n pizt go fa • newt box. • BOLD AT JOHN W, PITT 0 OK'S NEWS DEPOT, sans ovum orrosna nut Pon ornax. .1718 • W .BOOKB.— .. . . 1. Toosi l ooseg lhoeb Alton sad elm Poem. 9. The NoomuLlA, or ablelay Hall 'Aryloo6,by Wm. .8. 6168icatEce bianthor of .9-I.6rgeot 919811666.." 4..iis.rari; 67 Hared II Proacott. 6. 011, Li the Wortd, - by T. endth *- _. 6. Trot& Coo Choi to liU:l6 do Toptc4 by J .31. • Kik. 7. 6'ho'Bcok of Common Proer of the Proolitort 6 9. I, tre,o'b. reply torlood.- /or salD 67 . (6616) MAY 2 600. 65 Wool strut. ', ririnrEMrB NEW 1100 K. moon mums, l Vol. 1 Omo, Pile% SLIM. DAVI% OLMIS 00.. - • ViAX 031., Bookaallers, and Stiitioiqrs, No, Wooden:et. sett door to SID occger PiSibargh. SCHOOL and LAW :BOOM ,coanastly SEIrIJIM VIE JaipllCAlillklETrariE:, w Vorikc.- icEPOSTB "4,0 sod mks Wart, tin Amoco 44 the WELK I N" 'wet lo rzuci : • I slastisky, perzaansmos tow* 112 t ' keziessi d is fesisTiti;ltttletdsiry — , , inbon•dossmiAl tess Adds is sons • .BTITCIH'_ samativistftoirscaget is th. '.qt-rl,?rtat3"l.iftrag- I piedesi Isse.tat Sand at 1 rtmodorlSlllthstlieen;iimabiika ' ' POtudnetiteeliatriithasitailiS . !,*s , Al 941 1 1!*1 1 . 6 .5*:, tres. m. wrEFOs. an, F ICITATZIECtiIL Odl sal assai. los think id ths isr ethorxes. is•. sr 711131 GUM wit. amnia as co, wend. , tal ^ VOLUME 211. imsz &ALE—av*ltr—ri: Treat itt 'rani -bt ils latair,ll e• Q.l township, WestaaratiP4e7ll2o7. Zs. alto, .P or mama La XliteptalMizikfiPt ttOanny. cour.q. abo, • e.o-tsars hick Ef.o9;iyUi LA la-the r.nrcket of 'Neat Siwh Al.o, • ve.7 awitmble Ism in Datrtovv4lktp..Womt.- ~...iar,d ...nag, Pa , contatnitre, - Mdtt.lo Tar I.lnrrored, •••d 1.• • high auto of caltfnittion. , 3aa • tract cf sand ota4o.ll.l74'itgiall Albiattng tilP bind& of Elizabl.h, &Iltghecy cotnine. Pa Hirer, • FAUN OF 118 tOhrS. Ittano.pub. Hirer. in Illtalbeth township.. ciaf, p61 . .a.r0 berongh of N.chrolpont. :Alpo, • nary wan:table 17.40111 lnlllls Man . toliws24o.. Nrertntoreland county. arttattlng 1410 Also, 12 3lnthi kbid:`Ro[Rat- Sll;,aheth, f 0 i - kbietigl Rat- Cy Iznot. .. •13 41 Tor partirrlsis inquire at Na.lFox4:4 - G. /I.„,Tpliln/. - EA LE— SUB lIRELOORIT.ES AND. 2, •::.•)i Tont 1121.a05.—M14 aoralfir-ed, rum o r, 1! of the astatWor/oliii gerrao, dada atler for mi. • number of 14ti, balrto bind,tee eactoltosted near Fort Lie thri canettw wet of the tormlncs of tb* • orA 411 Mk, towline ['.mentor Railway. The ;epees "I4Pl'lief' beartifotly located-few privateewsklteanis. • Also, • nointor of Email Lola to *PORNO/Of ffilnoii, erne, fronting m the Paisoare Raflne to =lf foottrout end here. caw to. ton linnif.bei feet date.,: • i • • For Larcometaon months of_ citioezZOl, the cumilia, eigual. or W. •A. =MOB Moil& 02* VOUS Rome. • e JOUR D. 115118 R. G. sn son, r.1.E11.00/2. • • "i Z•montars. arty-- mei und.r.kisid:Ctreilfor: tlie4iara wpm% LArland tut ll7' and coannisit. roivirtißtrtiLlsotolyaCWairpn - 340p4-" 7 tr. tatt.ir. it two tuat43.o..' Tim raw24rittamor gtect. , . sl , k g , alaut4t: *ad w• tot !4, Vba fladt: Lcilding is bo , etch tcjila sbdo r,44 . ►An. gir. lll..att cvindrr,Z Lot atroke ; tleAeert foot, Coale' throe kts. I:met 1L r. =Rawl ta•lt**o.ll stalls ear • a) Alen, au* good 110GSM AHD LOP ifitistod ott stzutodd phod, , Scr tartlnc' ptrilethrs Ingnire on 10 prein 'et . J.-JELBSSOX om, Ba.i • Fi4 SALE. Zi: . O I S I IAP:r,RES/ 11313 Ei Ft, -40 r.; tici4 ri ft7 l%l7 ° ! ? l: l Cidii e"Ut trus .i s tu :D al" luit l:. mble,..tai allot baLltart. cliter,a,o&Lxlsll exoplunt water. ion 'acre) of sitlibant. OaaW. aad gaol ' ,-- • walks' pr**.,',ll.l.tritatrt la cap - ODratapers. 4 , .,,uaLio:d before 6EPT.SII3 • Slat 411 '•WsoMi•CPtru Willtdia . . laiUscratgliksad 'Ur • , r1 ." ItsvabrAties..turaas of Wile will ber_vvid.litova antlealic*l,ll TOMB Yousrms,lbanpizzaceirflls. I • •."r -• sa:a• ; . WOE ;HALE. 7, Ora sum .1414ata Sugxte, ems mu.'d= SD tub 1/1 4 . ) , WIt s rg i "' 1 , 94 • Cr.:ls 134 ayltzdtz,.9) tathAtOsoemaliailekri ' _ 201se 4i147::: 132 Two Celift Boat;hiAllae4 141itS Use, z 3 Thrte 80. , o ' - - • two 46=64 troaft • 5. " - 430. 1 349. ads crib:elm IWBettrigl4.l adap for cage. Staptos )I. .2:4lllliVankylkisicßlLU4 liMalzkr -.1; NB et linrk oststittiM 7 3`l &than, lotasoni taracimpi Woof IMOD 7 I.,,buti Is no. otrenul far ro.lo, fronting on alskliul 'A, , reinuf &twat. (-CO foot, .4 oonWofitteree nnxt •/ 31 4 1 " . .M . 1P VOA. 0 , 0 1 §149 1, q4" 40,Btadlai 1 ina ono% 1041. oulmVIN 4 6h. tic= meat. TWITO4k of laininoet:tirsottsotftettEdr - *Aing brio.lvernAinkoLU InPak4rder.stro Ains4r.. Auk ot youurtivre, stolUiThitAl s rriz tl" dindo4 intalni4or inott . y a . taz=; apply al Ow sal tali mai • `:141,1:4 - 21 LITA s t - 1 r a i . 3321r Balio-rstreetjamezwrins. R BALI—The :coontiiilteat . of; Ws .t thassi, Dowelm,doocitza. lottaatia- Oat, Ws township, one' zaLl• tam the'diteithist Owattark , amta6Ling sizttes Acres wh:ghwliSlo,f ciattrAjoool.,, dpi (J Moog with fruit trees, ihiabblWY. yortlo zadollold arlita oal: - To: lOorglcoooklortsol •?P'S 1 1 17.14n7. oomblaki loPuallirOs .1 1 .7 tibilth and goodwelghbothaM: the .tend.' ovo.opporiainto ot,onoortalli moo IDsh,m . :Irza So) riunts cr. raralLomt.• , ..:For further putimstoss biontroaptbo oaLliac mew Qtrtwen a Dt$ll9 . LV, No. OT:Poa Moot- Irr.onc - kux—' , .sTr'o2o OA* • i Asa ani niumsrlay. - -rtife bali.a.art to whir assOilLtAsvanyanA Asa= Saw WlAoaltlacts madam n,a ' lulf *isms - or as abarAiztas" Alpxcal an the - satAwials dballALsicabd, istastasss , TAM sad- A. V. IL 84 It Ward tar Biag: Th• 4ll = . nfs salt at saoderantreild. 'Ma Sim ktin It to altos. • • nala order, awl la veil siteateA, bandAr,,a mak; rasscASO ss- • ,is' to al. rlaa.. Good Iscalllty:fs,l, banclists bads. nr partAnalantiall on the asid e, ai - • LTDAY A CHOIS - -.a emu . SR Hann ear* Ellasbargh t lia? x' • ; Fara-64'50 Acres • mese Cl hes, is aired at iiriearwtl. until Devitt* • of gram; when, limit gold, - will be *OatpablioLta .: prcperti b eitanted *Ma 14(..callegb=g tg, b sell weAtired. mad • peg taw arDitticelnautilwil • ' we sr the Tata. The balletoge are egad Cam Boa • and Emu. Dwelling llama For rather particulars Inquire ocktlispramisesor} Eri ICVLSB a•00:13 Drag Stam, - eclttla.:ol four= end Wylie 4=144 fittstrtaxn, or at thaProtheeetars'elile , • L.: a-3' , =Z s, , jeltdemleehr, ' • - pm sA.E.E. • A TH31131-ETOBY aittokftautti. Ocralatatag aka rpamai sad hall, 1aaa1.44121a oars* Dwatax al:meta also,a tlap•eary /BUM TlOUSE(sdpluitg tlto aboTe frottlevcrt, Vrogila•rstraeL. ." ' The at, , nsmiraty be 2014 aad as Want Wan. litaqatre of T. D. 111M.8.T. A6ca:r. At tim clica ; MurphyA itogPi • • " jtttffm war sorai r otiaaar ropy NOR IEXCHAATEVE; EOPIIiiY IN AL , SZOIIISIIS CITY—a P vsletabli tiiiikTettoo.au • ; lad , frocton IVialthgtad otrcei of 15 ft'. 50 500015 Wok - 12 tot, with odete allor of Mot on, 7 . 2 A u o rtraotidll Dud 2 dory track &rank% with di "top e mato; • 11216h0l to gad oty* Nand irstor • Met* with[ 'mod In • goed otztet, for wh-kltw..s4llcrshanre lbs y...t grolud, two and, cootatobly:trsro 10 to I.0.) 10 tantoortywiesillaill 5 grit:, cities at tto ray. Awlx, to SOI,ALN mom recrui.uwk- Fos 6.6.LE—AI '-abadiii ', . ••„ • • its Cgada Patrolosue 'A•4II . in F t:4 orda-, rngginntially 1:m111,o:time timber. to tong in sae, and will contain. 'noted Application clay En made 'tb• Si/4ra A.zzureigt : 4 Co. or tito OPAe in Pittabargb. - , szusron, Jotatelvit*Nniazack: •- - - waif * - • . F"8 A 2.0.--li:ncires of •.•*l , i,djoin.ing-D'• -• ; r Manakin, all ylant,4 tn ' • . 25 urn; bctor Jacrii-ltrut, liontlat an Eattrolo;aln2 - Onto river. 10 Lana at Glandatee tattoo troll ittitatedlon'S ant country lame; trttb, a river indTraana hire Icy. • i • . . , For particolani anglers of • • • 77 u: mmirture.. arm 80.70 Diszacd, . hasty • , • FOR SALE, , 7-1 Lo:1 , OF FRAMING 11118,43. 7 Atotigtos from 6 to i 0 litairfOrraitit 1154ithest ewe 1 - tf6oo ~ • . Mindtltc.2l6l6Et, 1-0; uott, F A togaerFiA* o ol4on,- -1 - -1 Irwlea etsVon;trtitheTtetziriviixliVnttrat • read, arbors as witifssa-42.4;44ta1t sooQta. SLIPhaAt "loan. Ala:, for seas tract a - wo:9lugzar,!,mg:A; _ J ' cons Wits =fit of Ortatabint.: • It.P.Ate°o l F,a4r .a- ifinht• .713 ?", . - . F°R B A- 4 . - • : fries 10 • M i s /5,0 1 :0-filitah • _•.OLLZLOORINO. - I,j • raglan . if ,D1 , 041/11VWf a - D01:166A 'astll; - - • - • Z • fir Pala 'ttesiEJ f • tl FR EtALE.A ? a - seek altuatodirrllnoadin - traidati; mummy, cos ralleNtio bprerslllll;slai tehrolledtrooNq •.7 I'2 .19tUttursh... The bra tumuli whtaft-N• hart IA IN tool r• ,; Mato of migration.' - Nor-further Nutitstauci troluitor . ' oath* or V Voirobsorrbered • • • suur.l. ' - ; 44a. encrsos. - 6 1 01; i3ALE=;;;ISO Acres of Coal; also 124._ . trivial !reit cora fo pe„,l Ho: V also or,* trod a' ' orNl are 'aloud Salid diGTprOceozotets goodoroolt, • ~, lnC srdet la tool No. V owl frNut_ori the Tourchioglazi , . itvor salt Gousellortile llaitroo& eo INerrolrd • ; ,• .. . • .Ft WAVY. out ,-tint door totoolrflth elf Griot etreeV! 93 Fetid Ott.et. 'WOE P . ILLE-t.Z•aIIICE sari tsulrjert,..;. e tea bora 'whir 1:1111:111%'•ItlaiOngt, Jar ef•Y be 1. 03 12 CPS:MOOR , tnnutiz E ii. 42l :o l3 4er. ,- cthca , • mow Inc v:iotlWwit".rora-cm MICELI BENT—A. FINISKORB, ROD. vr . with ttillißghwehtAis,ilo4.l - Vtxmlitolii! 4 •` = • r w.wd, ow &0.: 1 074mi, Jan& i t. a c • 11011440 . 11 tight way, pit:9*d otwt. _ Apßty Jourzsart. i 4GEXT&.' S °Ll)w . r Gi " Au!ql". , . . , 1[C;):..1 7:4 i. r T•• •-‘ IMIAIIIB • Eut - railerk • • ran . -`. OA num: sivit.riITSISVISLI 1: 1.2 : , • ,McmT j • : . - ,!itarkgespecv....;l-$5 , 36,41w: alAleded tzithotiestillar pii.45116. " Jain r t a , e7riTi • •• • .NVOlThaPPatiiarmaif = l: .r ; ••,,;•• t WOO *Anne! o.:1:,;17.--2 aosinzu, r liorw betaraide. • _ 01001 9:4lthetil‘ a o gy e.t .Nochir O nt'utiL". way . N 4: l 7arizan vat tal.gsmea saa.t rizabuilb ingrrAlict • V•ID •. • , u #4, ir/.4.1,1 7 3 4 e iii I'L 1 . ' ,>.% -I .1 =IBM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers