term. . Oats gather.dull and u sunup); gala of 100 busts Lew &cinema il 96; anti X 6 bail.utixod at 4 00 . Vora-aaloof bulb in tare; froartepor;nt g 1,65; and • 700 antra, On prlsate tour.. Bye-fla b of car at 51,66. H[A.lox—ls Arm withstaGjobbing demand at 'about prortetta gnotatioo.-17 for bnouldors; for gin. bed titian .9X,•20 for riuto Rama 2..1X...nt for Pants CUITIMZ, acoiltuals7.4or Ungar looted, glu.Ull-stsiatill 'amt d'omrwhar . niteleetal; though - X onntaally no.hangtd, good W.storn branda befog how at tscm o,to to tobl, natcrof 60 bids "floaonia ' 'bate at119,7t sorj....traanditifor Extra Famiy rOCCIPta or raaaani waro-quito trot the{ amy' I. -I tulPeSpni I 0 ;ha mrpti , y; nomo waS bra thaag..d buttes - 2 fnm aS t. 6 ,00 PG oz, ao to 9...1-.,. .,. Ity. • tippna app:ar . to no un.sulesula. • heroes/ continued Girdemand and . the mar kilt is Om, dionsu uncOttogod. Baia. or 24 10.4 a. Luta tp 4.5 por.tmt.. l . •U lirrioet exhausted, and the nougat,. to complatsco, may . be guonal limo at 23c for prima atty. MILL rZCD—Solar of Gl= cosr,n iltddlings at S 1 ,85 per cwt. _ ,••• A.REIL—Haa adramced, b.ing qaotod now at 11,13 por barna._ olles , 7Z—lspract..but firm with rerolLsr mixe of W. B. at.'2liLtio. It;&-Xnare of 1 loaf; 7,50 , prr 7ou._ , MUM tn4llrescuanugi ""' Loc. I.liite receipts of erode were nonectsli to-dayoresetting nearly ele,rea hatred Lamle, or . with pi priMPIX,I of till kraer Orrif MS, boyars ereh,ta int oft in matlclpatlon or • deolloo la mime. Holders woof:poling gas freely • 33, barrel. returned; and 43e 43 balm& Melado4, but, los we tuare atom lotlmeted, buyewdo Me/3 pipoeed to - take hold at them quo. tollotta. Dote the riumket bMomee more rattled, mod PUMP more uniform, we look fur more actiTity fed in lona Is Tales tfintini, icßd, tOille Oat.° 'le' itet Teo, Endo engoby,Atte dock „in very t hare le no apteldmi menlrottel by hol,tere to ;Coree:slalti.''Vr 104.11. pie 4 1 . 0001 .1701 . 4tinthre,' T itr October di:. Alittrite,ltlJarg3l33l l :444tatMetrtrEmt,otottigtt dolog Willi 00 to er.ablkh antattoo. 211011aftud.Ruk., antiarsix*Aelit ; rtasoodiaiai-Alte-d/lagntayaioar-durlag 4lte -twett• • 3i,lbtt. balm% M 3414 nits e ronbm 6 Eamx:l7,4 61eatlet5j taw& . Peutockilksiiii . *:.:9lBlifistier . 15ste j•-"' gevr.ilf9rx re,troetwogtriet: ei".-tant.p.ter, to the Pltablt , rgb Gazette. Thr.:diagoa . t 1,0 , t l;itere, rt icriit datnia lb,' 011 4 itiaili 4loo l3B. l 4 Author 41117411:411: ka" "NA" .pot. 21"2" to coal' 1 " 7 _g h04 " . * 4 4 6,11 r° 101134 g,hig_ r&tai-843ifot li.w.t .44194. into Oit Luta with a Alt demand 11 , orole 41141 r &mud for Hapths st 49.50. Plallaamptua Avo.le—The Stock market was unusually actirs s lis. ends/. sad the tarogit o 4 sPlMUMtroemees haver Mao en any day for ths last throe mouths. The great . fee tuff it thi;thimerno Ilene laco4 etockp, of whlf,h.. to o f abotttftitAMliio atitis S ai , we 'roe prime Tem gmaerally higher than on the prarloos day, and the snooks; With act extiptionqm-iwo. elondt In the tostimmessa: two In • Lich prima were kiockod gown, the parka's' weaeseminalp,Enfie wtMoth, °Went buy -log to et lowtettgarci man of eilltaa out Toe isms • pnee of O r an" watt s ue.t.:lcroratos capons Ira. toe 441 reenuomhtt monia'y diakmodo 4.4 an . Mounoad end paid, hare given an ampelcootolhoottane that an Seep to..ney market favor to even e. further ad tahbeof pt awather noticeable esatieri of the amir6i la a Mums' eras aegis 00=1 for isomrtunente, !rho steamship Atilbr.o4,64effttant. ' ehletly at ocomat. arebettos executed. . Coup‘n CJII of LOU, ope.od 11:10534,,,, Moo-Sweat/ moopmas misancel 31;, , • Sen•fortos hove beau Gold x 1,03 X. sof oerobloates sa %NI Lmtlts'• . St Louts Marin, 17—T.bserd7liesIte4 ' And-blibp,lareed rater ste bus nt inofio I;') foildp,glTeb434, idadOlDirldtg Adel add 4; rap .s3f.xnesaciaLi ssat, "IVO far - Irani bod grotAgated gar tnlaiiin3.l:lPrArdi for cotwi'n W / 7 9 , ; , }91 q&a, • , L= lour—Bonyangpettes gralta insetlen; eeLd repartod • of HD bdldirtgrattgf id117, - 310 1.07 -On& extra, at 5,75; and 10051ils'e.nrota7 dont& extra, gretarday alter;ObangS 10,11 per to:14 cv Grad—Wiest aid; astei-0d1.060 its and 37 bbla lair to good tea 0111031. 641 do goad add grad ideddal.o3; ,7111 ant , . fl eb^4nitat 1.90 e and SOU , dui; tts late purr -to ed Awogro.dt 52. per asoret —Air 4630 ake, =Mod and yellow au 43.3; 261 du du whlta at 1.44, and ~rd. at I, , Cdtkr bee •elits , lnglied,';eltll dabs of 3500 eke pane, In prints oader , at Mr; 150 du tt- LOG 4101 n amend band sks a$ Ilder ddrinosfitgl an d 7) ia naddltrlA r tr, dd. pig. seI;ITIN . :7 'Oa at Ms, Prorialdosualgarkatd PM kr liewoneloar eldest bdteto . 'gm repotted.d2drdltrad arid algae IldidardOeurtry • steam tendtatedlitlaa; ad ltd, do. conotrk ketde dared et 193rd0 par lb. - • jrbed,r :•rlateatttroterrittlia 91919 0 ! 6ujgr{,-,gop , • boos obiturLine in the . slictli43,t Ventral - . '+' l ••••' Ratireisa. • ' Ellea—Yating 14 to 02". U &Chapin bootht tkni lay weak toorelloani=riba ' has Leas taught at any one point on the Ilan of iha road doting the hut week.: ":••• _ Down4ao-20t005e. /Ones t Oa bon.tht the hat walk Paw Pew —No arming. Megan Sherman & Elena, hare utak 10,C#J — 0 . 8; which.- they' hold at I Kalantasoe-90 to Ofo. Not Dyer /900 the taken the Batt e Vser.k..s to 90e; week.aerel. Uone taken the Lad- Etarattall-r-1304=2:c ' - Alblon—SCl 1/53., JacJteon-,80 tonne. wor.lrbor—••94.ro UnTo:' : Yp Itaitt-93t01000. Y•ast & Alexaoder ix./ the last wink 1.11,0 arenee • ---. Award of Contracts for pate at Loafs. stlla. , , . Thera wan remin-stir-to : dsy ammag pale Oen!. to h..r ,1 :. .1101/141/10 , " Vs. caltract tor.bats all d.in far ,the Quirtvistataral)prq't, part: to be dailrerad Mew, 4 ,:. 4=l Inr; • Sol' 00.,•7he bids logn,opeant. a•dat, sad the fol low 130 1 1ra4 Mid. :c! : ,I. . 'Lt . ' :_ .:- ' . .." Tim et* , ar,01.1.14,61). - ,wereAssit4gd 07 COP !: • folo D 0 NO/fOirAAlL.dollalnial Anaszei for : - MAO bkeig,t,,„,a,.......:*. k ........s& DX; akcairo 160.0:0 . 4 ..• ;,......; . ......—......stgigr.ott Louisville •' . 1E0,4100'.. ... ..;.14 - 4. - .=;.^..L...1.47.-...iit 964 Cl Laaarrtus .., Le award- am% forenp-fimisolilirPresi:- ... . . Army AMards oreSt. - Lottli.: 0, : 0011 " Eargc - rilalof Gomatiiiry, lairs the _ Coign Swards of contracts, Tillie/ay. do - put 13, H Smith, 5003 b'. double extra lbetr at 111 D 44 per a.l l. Ilalth,sooo single extra floor /3.97 Per baraN,• ..a. H dodtg - 5 - 003 - iacti iLoile extra dela r at I 5,62. p3r II DI 'llnropion, 100,000 lbs hard broil oill,Mpor 100 liss. Trltarb .1 4 1 k45 3 i.0X1 --• 5, ; 751.;1 - $0 Donhast,lrtlreijr,lo3,o33 braid at $7,75 cod Clogowell ett5,10 , ,003 la, do d e at $7,73 per 100161', ' John El Atwell 100,0001bnaa do At 117.15 per9oo /be. —oh.. Hobos, 10)h000 ta do do at 1475 per 100 lbs 1 NU I=ll rldi 'v g: re t e 4 dt par tp . 1 irsekorona, UO.OlO iba hotolarott $5,40 p.r 100 a. • . peroberlf ditid[Hadird; 400,000 , lbs sitar at IS)(0 IBlctiarith4r Hr 0,500,000 lb. do it 25y e per lb. cots meil 117,21rp0r . /Mermool.lrarae - d:pa, aco bb to dolt 50,95 jot lAir n nibs. Imo tattaltat sl,llper.bn, _ - 0/07- w*SObireg. : A . : RA - CO, . •• • • Ai.oge 60 g.rs rankqZ( ' VUUMnM2 ‘ Da . Is 000D8,11o.o1Maxlvthme,=atioLse sa: , ,lht‘Dt.... • _ . VATON,ILWBUIit* CO. Wb.oleaaie and x.l Beta olerstei TlMllititiddilißOlDElll69 and DBY win*, of .. , a7;449n4. nalos. , l7.euut ID Mb Jinja, I...grealmigh. ahIATATER _No: . Wood 11:1:613t, ZTSOUTZ7/W 2/111. Xl2l6l:sadrt ili ia vv 4 00 _ ra-sou •. X BURCI:WINIJD, - "Ariii)Ie81110 - 11 • Wail Dealer lA.Stdll,l6 AND rAlier DS= GOODO, Northeast arose 7ourth andllarkel a•oeta; OSEtEtIII 1911Ata,Iiid saw : f i tr=zmuesizqi ! .:ff Gown, :Nir 'BARLOW& D esdoia` is ithultof Dar 4200D3M0. Marko t, greet, ta. itimo.llol.l4lForth,, r i rrsouritat uArrAttiii . • - CO.—Alteleottte roe wrestmlesteors *fib CILI Onto .117610th :Cb11321 , 44:11iU be bled et sheet Ice Ll.3* . f.lBlg6TY tlTllll.37. ( watibv) on the fah per or 440.02,,ipteebern.ei le? r . Abele* weiper,aeopopy eir!Fer iließoerd. ) . 0 . 1 . 14 d. fen' - . I.leo 6,14 g. ciso:idikersar., . . . /in 2.llAt,44o ‘ igEtilecrtMloid f=a7c•MMtti= l :l. l"M " . 2 l t/ rbk • -C 2. KV , to T.* 0. OA , ltmtdiplay. a =Mara w "~'i~'< JIMIXOS. JIWSZIN ge. 'Amu:Dal a 6 °".tuang_ Fr Pin 13r)dbn.t7 Babomacker d; 00.'8 osinsitthiErlimos. .k . ) AND Sletript 'ci"..Bl An*rleanitrgansand Melodeons, 710.19 - DthEiLL'El DLOaK. B?. mara.er. . We.talarealate ta'ketaistag to a tsis at thcooltko ban Iparchsend Muse battuatinta ta ki:td sicinttyi Eickulrd Dart. . ; ;lOU VtaintlitE4 &Das, " Chipt. Oxlimur, J Evaucli, Esq., Molls 111411. tOO., ( 1 7. 4 11, !h1ek _ . Crust Bt. suiptist Cb., Eats, ki. Book; ~ K. Bonet " , tcLi J:PLAtert triattirti• ' ' • Diveettreall• Viuceat's t,:troargthouvo, Pa. DWI Push dtcVsritad , E may, . Capt. J. D. Comes,. Bumf Bea , 11—Eopkialutiensickley. • - Best E. Delshaaty, atoms Vs. Orgasm &ell, thit.istag. GeoutEsse Liverpool, O. Baton= Goa,•Allogheny City. Wm. J. Ilene, do. Vert ECM. P. Masa, Ito. Alleb Emus, do. • M. Vim, Esq.. do. Dr. J. B. McClintock, rest Liberty. :ohs McCurdy, - All plasma, Lislotevas eta: warranted tor Do pure. A few uhotoo socoad-hopd Plasum for mils sad rent. TATES NE'S PIANOS. 0 -- I.7—'tk• CIARD TO TEE I'2;11LIO. I • 1 . Th hm oun be. bacrl ip bc po r in has ta t a. ha p = leasure u.th o . f . ln:ro for eha th g . that o f WEBEIVS. PIANOS • for Pittsburgh and yichilty- Theme Plumy though , lompatatimely mksoard hate, hes loarentoyed an en. Isbletr.putatlon In the eastern cities; their many ez oelleng gumlike whl recommend tbm at onoa to tear moceical mateure. A choiee;asiottalett bf WEB BElli PXYLNOS has Jut been matfett by the eubmlber to wbkhho utterttion Wino public to bathed. _ • • QUARLES 0. MELLOR, • 111 Wood duet. N ;ETEDLE, Na 183 Baxell7lllLLD ISt Pianos arid Musical Instruments, +pi a:64=2y Cal laud• illnearaatmestal . BMW 1.1603, VIOLTIM QUDrAIIO. A00011=0213 - 5T8123.0411,.. 'blab hi Will sell ON lon prkes. • Pl.ANDSNuJustreceiTedafine sewttneiit et DECEZIi PLUGS, " sildrk !hi nitre to taco,' *cat azd v . & " I I Uctintskatstrlep, hays:Loath. It cacti In this country. klas_acksogs stock or cheaper Plants, llukstoltuas Cad Ilalottatas. • 411 14Ctiments sold at tbot.areat cakes (kcal,. . .- • /30117441111. H.ollfill • 013., - kart' SI 11111, Part, Elabselo old ttsa L B-Irrss. ' O LAB SAVINGS BANK, 10: E 4 anus. ----- - ' 1 77 -:mitsiresiins 1 In ~ °psi &is sa t ss ssa o'clxly slams Weanosehey arut Wont Jig, ist to Noreembee lot. froze nat' 91:7 tai 8 l A n a y fitailkentablen IA io Ma ist from A. Deposits reneffed of ..b. .. On. Da. lir, and a dirt:kat alto molts deelanst Wks • to Jane and Doseneber. 'lon:cyst tise been daalafnd sesat•tnualtr, to lone sad ltscontbsr, sinestbe Back was wpa.t.ig.the redo of di per =Ls Pa , . lithalahl2 not dream oits; Is Owed to UlO andlt ci th•death= te PriadPni. and .k•ers actis interest tonst swam ot.Pand: p sad . compmutupg twin .` year. idtboui trooblisqg the asps:liar to can. or *lt. to Drama his ppesaoo hick}. Yri thin sato money win • ...,...._. Donne. St=3,7 ..2Y-La"* 80b."4 o — eos." . - , gn4l4-4 "' ain4lcsti°/' at the 1 HittitHictlOUCHl ALI3IIZI. :wan Pleidascr i . , Joan U. D. Km% John 11.13hosnosrger , L , Wite.Dettglas. I - Jamas Holdsnan, • , ; Imo X. kennesek, N't. o 2 .• /Warne / Jan= IWO"; WM= J. Jessierras s John D. ititiNalos ii. EL, Polio* N. D., . Jolul O. BarkesSe. Oast' eidisees, . ~ John SLl•odley• - , , Mill sslanh l4444 k,Aterrler, Obschst•Alotton, John - Imo, 13ena.:L• He%Y........ inlaz . J. Gillespie, Wiliam . 7. Ham, Pm:ern. Hanker, Dfricitd nat.., Jamey D. Ea Swim= • nehllkkes FIB Ravi J. alual lnneb. Joballar. Walter P. Kaaba, tah Barri Robb, Haterl..--Ettairrelt. Mats= 11.11ctusterts, klassallea *icor Merman F . W ir lraldr?", T E =VAAn t .3: 3 A. 001W)H. :1' NATIONAL' kviNK . . 0J P1TT941711611. !Late Pltabgb TrunClamp% th of tbo B;enstltti et the Treasnry et -Bank LI altt3to noostrontniariptiono to tn. "fail •ieimirSeven land 'Tbres.Tent Note', 41th ischiren a etresi ennhed DePti• in 1 6 .21,424 er in nu. nun hots* nit on ebb, et last= ,Leen As esseenibie, at the god= of the tan dobearlz: interest 8 per rent. Doan . pp eh:Sera tan apti=!pausou or goo. FrAN pa) . .pp litnettheit D'S.oots' stia pp.prap wai be el. &reed ace, or one pn patient on tits soican of tbTptldttpstl . The 13713i0x0096100 Wined I:glints rad Rsase.n. , wsiam 1011 W D. SWILL!. Guido. NATIO:NAI03011, - oF 'FORT WAYNE!, lip, lANA. ... Disigilated Depository of th e Unite! ititee. • , da pita snd.d. vp,..-..........—..,81.50.000.. - - . Drag/TS-4. D.1117T115d2. Geshlitr-lii. B. risaisi , • DiIiCMOS: ' A.! IMO 511111211„, .. ,H 7 JO) . IlJttmsa, ' lexas, .'.! irrd . 14 1 i i r il lig ei., .: . wß. maw ... , ,W. , 7,ol.prqvp, -: , _ ...OF. GLEG , 7:.. .—, ,_, , AL rr 13rnadrtr.. Tbi. Unk. teuden ita orsvice• irl: mating aillectiusw cat ell heasOle. pgatir. CWllecalimivwill meet irich ....o pt attatttlou,aauLpturr4 eigitett.y kin Ant Het Y. rk. azdanal. Ctot+4B. Or ftt-strstgb, •••jytkim ' I6I LAW,W•L'IY7 r :T 4 IL 0 fa I - - - - I FIRST CLASS CARMERTS. mai . ths ZIOST 741513101ffia1Z110341 u&srictrz torsaca, ...aa'6' . .lit;ioaiii;ipoa , • 0. G. BILE & CO., lifEr.Clitri mom, i/OBBIS OP is= am sitaint encere. r 8 168 i BLOCK. .r W. H. MoGEE. 7: ST. STlllitT s 37041 ioU O. attoutkna of jilartoo to hit gloat of mat. It ho. toca ooloctott with vast core, one on* tab:4lo Ito newts! AOh of good. to bo fotttd b *rob clocibticoos. Gents orlobtng a salt of olothos mad. to lon bests can 4654 ..m.tna car pcds /aloha fArimiLeszplete s6ch of Faxidshinit' Goods. W. IL iffifj*. WeFoltsat Way - yen • No. lb Bi.elsh. street. Mont. TOY& LINEN MU . Wlgte Duck Tests and Piintslt 1 BrOwn Duck Yeats. and Pan.% I • L sum: nrr norm= BY- may a Lo (#AA, ito.ner. &um )1? -OMB, Riblackti "rim' rar i imr rz;,:raL tr% " fittripliAtta; insai./00.40. - _ rcifi krr... n Rion) Insize-4",-1, - for du MISTLIBD 133/MIXI Dm MI 1411; jyastitc.":' 711Prirr L Paw, = & as. eit fi rteXte. LLWB OP MP; UPPED 'OPAIEWL. Poised at . as Ara Benin ej the reirty eighth Cieivreee. [Pintas—No .149.] .4x kce to regulate prise proceediage add the distribution of prise money, and for other ptcrpoets. lfe it sneered by the &nate‘ecod Houle of Rep resentative, of the United &al, of Americo in &egress mumbled, That it shall be the duty of the commendingeffieer of any vessel or ves sels making a capture to seems the documents -of the ship and cargo,.incindlng the log book, 'with all other document', lettere, and other papers found on board, and MAO an invento ry of the same, and seal them up , and send, them, with the inventory, to the court in which proceedings aro-to be had ' with s writ ten etatement that fluty' are alt the papers found and in the condition in which they wore found, or explaining the ebeenoe.of any doe% ureenta or papers or any change in their con: dation. lie shall send, to said court, as wit. weeds, the master, one or more of the other °facers, the supercargo, purser, or agent of the prisei and any person toned on board whom be may suppose to ha interested in or to have knowledge respecting the title, national char acter, or destination of the prise. He shall send the prise, with the documents, papers, and Witnorses, under charge of a competent prize router and prize crow, into port for ad judication, explaining the absence of any cruel witnesses; and in the absence of instruc tions from cuperior authority 03 to the port to which it shall be sent, he shall select such port as he ehall decor moat convenient in view of the interests of probable claimants, as well at of the captors. If the-captured vessel or any part of the captured property is not in condition to be sent in for adjadication, a survey shall be had thereon and an appraiee meat made by persons as competent and im pertiol as can be obtained, and their reports obeli be sent to the court in which proceed.. loge era to be bed; and such property, unless appropriated for the use of the Government, shall be sold by the authority of the command ing rfficer present, and the proceeds deposi ted with the aestataot treasurer of the United States moat socessible to said court, and sub. kat to its order in the cause. See 2. And be it further enacted, That if any "teed of the United States shallelaim to share ICI the prise, either as having ;aide the cap.. tare, or atalving been within signal dis tance of the vessel or vessels making the cap ture, the eommanding oflner of each vessel shall make oat Written of his elahn, with the geoundson which Ills rested, the ptineipal (pots tending to. show- what Tee , eels made the capture, and what vessels were within stigma distance of those making the capitate, with 'reasonable particularity as to Umes,i,distanoss, localitieseend signals nude, seen, ,or answered; and snob statement of claim shall he signed by him and seat to the court in which proceedingtushell be had, end shall be tiled in the cause. Sett 8. And be it further enacted, That it shall he the duty °flits prise master to make' hie way diligently to the selected port, and there immediately deliver te a prise oemedit. Sheller the cloonments and papers and the ie. ventotythereof, and make affidavit that they are the mania and In the - same condition es deliveisd to lelm, or explaining any absence or change of condition therein, and that the pries property is in the same condition Bede. 'leered to him, or explaining any loss or dam age thereto, and he ehall further report lathe district attorney, sad givo..to him all the in formaiion in his possesiien reopeating the • psis and her capture; and he shall deliver • over the persons sent 113 witnesses to the was tea: of the marshal, and shalt retain the pie 3 In his custody until It shall be taken terra ;from by .pmeess from the prissoonri • Eanat 4. And be it further minted, That the attorney of the - United - States for the distriot . shall :Immediately 51e a libel against math .prize Properl, and 'hall forthwith. obtain a warrant from the court directing the marshal to take it Into his custody, and !hall proceed diligehtly to obtain astandet=milan and die tribution thereof, and to that end shall see that Momper preparatory evidence Is taken by the prise commissioners, and that the plate tommiesioner also take the depositions de bane wee of the prize crew and other trans ient persons cognizant of any facts bearing en ocedemnation or distribution. It shall also ba the duty of the district attorney to represent the Interests of the United States in all prise Came°, and he shall not act as sep orate conned for the captors on may privite retainer or compensation from them, unless in a question between the claimants and the captors on ..demand for damages. The dis trict attorney shall examine all fees, costa, 'and expenses, sought to be stained on the Tins fund, and protect the Intereet of the captors and of the United Suite's The district attorneys of all districts in which any prise causes are or may be. pending shall, ae onen as ones in three months, send to the Secreta ry of the Navy a statement of the condition at all.prize causes pending in their distriote n in inch' form and embracing inch particulars as the Beeretary of the Navy shall enquire. Breed 5 And be ft (ether enaettd, That say &strict:cutest may appoint pries cal:amiss:an. of e, not exceeding three In camber, of whom one skill be a retired naval eraser, approved by ibeiSeefileiry of the Navy, Who shall receive no other compensation thaw hie pay in the ravy, and who shall protein the laterestof the captene and of the department of the navy in the poise prcporty, and at least one or the ethers shall be a member of the bar of the court, of not lees than three years' standing, end acquainted with the taking of &past tons. ; Erc.l6. And be if further enacted That the prize vommissioners, cr ova of them, obeli I ecdvi. from the prize master tht documents fad papers and 'inventory thereof, andehiti coke the sfliarit of the prize master herein befcre riquired, and shall forthwith take the :e;tlroOny •of the witnceate sent In, separate term each other, on loterrogatorica prescribed tbe court, in the manner usual in prize totals, • sod the witnesses shell not be pet mittd to etc the interrogatories; doCaments, or papers, or to eonault with conned or with any @@ arson intereeted, without special author- I , y tem the coarq and the WltneinitS who Aare the rights of neutrals ehell be dischar ged AO !won se petal:able. The prize corn femioners than also take depositions do benne eased the prize 'crow and others, at the re quest ut the district attorney, on Interrogs mritn ,presertbed by the oourt. They ehelt also, as loon a any pole property comae within the district: for adjidiaation; examine the same and 'stake en inventory thereof, founded on 'tla natal examination, aid re p..rt td the cutlet whether ety port of it is ie. r. tooditiou rrquiriug immediate Bale for lie, it tercets of all pestles; rini notify the &ain't attornirtherto ; and Litt he cemetery to the t main:Won or making of the investor: that _the °ergo be =laden, .theY 2%11 apply. o the clot for an order to the ,lnellibal 40 Emilie the carpe ; and titan front time to-time report to i hit court anything. relating to the con. ditiontt the property or its custody•or cal wt th may require any setilin by the court, but the custody of the property shell be only in the marshal. They shall also acsaonably return. into court; gelded and seoured from inspeollon, the documents and . papera which shall come to'lheir hands, didracheduled and tenrobrred,. and The whet peeparateryevidente, and the evidence taken de benne ease, sal their dint inventory of gtepriseproperty; and if the captured eeseel or any of Its cargo or atom are such that, in - their lodgment, may be useful to the Gorertiment In war,fhity report!the sante to the Seoretery of the Navy— lideo.l-. And be it/lather muted, That the itarehli obeli Safely heap all prize property under iitarriust from the coUri,„ and shall rap ' port the court any cargo or other property that h tlolyks 'venires to be unleden and hiortdifir to be gold. Ito .shall 'newel prize property, if in his judgment it is for the le -1 ,tercet pf eldconcerned. - Ho' shall keep in hie 'Custody ell-persons found on hoard a prize 'Ord gent in sa Witnesses; untif they are reheat-' •id by Ile. prise omemblsionera or the Ifs e of property In .ordered+ lie. 'Alai' cell - ,thitetlioe in the Manner ine4hiteel r hY the tirc: arid called tho Pnitheeetnesey, and forthwith:_ deposit themes proceeds dike) sale wittrthe.: Assistant 'Treasurer We s ' United Statea; nearest the plaosof gobjetd-to the order , ante heart in the particular ow; And Waal -, marshal shall forward to the flearetaty of the liary,lwheneverr and es Often se he may re qtdre fell Stablutaut of the lezentitten" doh *lte Mil Of the • dlepcieltion'oßds there. .1, 04 B. And 0 it Arai! meted That when ever any prise property shell be — tiondeneed. ror abajl at inyttsge of the proceedings be found, y the, ocetrtlebeperlehing; perishable, or liable to deteriorate or demolat; or when. re/ the.eost -et-keepleor tel . sare--shall bu ette:Utile its iratne, dist lher duty of the court to orders 'elf thereof; end 'aeheeTer, after : the rehire day ' ' on Us' libel lath parties in-bileviset,arhe;harr append; in limey:lse shall agree t thergliVer c=ue le' : atidhoilsed toitieero tkeolt Order, tirade appeal shall operate to prevent the making oreseon thin of such ordirr. The ii>eretery of the - - but sole shell be conducted ander the supervision of tha marshal, and the colleoting and depositing of Ili glom premeds shall be by theituationeer or his agent. Before any ads- the marshal shall cease fall catalogues and othedulta to be prepared and circulated, ' and a copy of nankin be returned by the marshal to the court in each cause. The mar. shall shall call all sales to be advertised fully and conspicuously in newspapers order ed by the court, and by posters, and he shall, at least five days before the sale, serve notice Unroof, upon the naval prize commissioner, and the geode ehali be open to inspection at least three days before the sale. Bin ft. And 6d it further ended, That In esee a decree of condemnation shall ba ren dered, the court shall consider the claims of all vessels to participate in the proceeds, and for that purpose shall, at as early a stage of the mute as peasible, order testimony to be taken tending to show what part should be awarded to the copiers, and what vessels are entitled to ebare, and snob testimony may be sworn to before any judge or commissioner of - the the courts of the United States, consul/or MP' menial agent of the United States, or notary public, or any officer of the navy highest in rank, reasonably sensible to the deponent. The court shall make a decree of distribution, determining what vessole are entitled to share in the prior, and whether the prize was of su perior, equal, or inferior force to the reseal or tenets making the capture. And said de• area shat l recite the amount of the gross pro- ceeds of the prise subject to the crier of the court, and the amount deducted therefrom for coots and expetures, and the amount remained for distribution, and whether the whole of inch residue is to go to the captors, or ono-half to the captors, and one-half to the United Sides. See. 10. And be it further enacted, That the net proceeds of all property condemned as prize shall, when the prize was of superior or quid force to the vessel or vessels making the capture, be decreed to the captors; end when of inferior force, one-half shall be de: creed to the 'United States and the other half to the captors: Provided, That, in case of pri vateers and lettere of marque, the whole shall to decreed to the capture, unless It shall be otherwise provided in the 00111MiSSIODB issued to such vessels. All vessels of the navy with in signal distance -of the reseal or vessels making the capture, coder snob eirecenstances and in such condition as to be able to render effective aid if required, shall share in tan prise; end in case of veseel not of the navy, none Shall be entitled to share except the •ea sel or veesele making the capture, in which term shall be Inoluded vessels present at the capture and rendering actual assistance in the capture. All prise money adjudged to the captors shall be distributed in the following proportions, namely: First. To the commanding officer of 11 fleet or squadron, one-twentieth part of all prise looney, awarded to nray Teasel or noels ander Lis Immediate command. Scoond. To the cennausnling officer of o division'of a fleeter squadron, on duty under the orders of thecommander.ln-chief of such fleet Or 'equadrat, a sum equal to one fiftieth ;411 of any prize money awarded to a vessel of such-divisien for • capture made wale underhis otiamand, the said fitieth part to be deducted (ran the moiety due to the United BUttai If there be such moiety, -other-wise from the amount awarded to the captors Pro- Weird, That each fiftieth part shall not be in addition to any share which may be due to the commander o the division, and which he may elect toned's, as commander of • single ship making or assisting In the capture. Third. To the de, t captain, one hundredth pest of all pries money awarded to any va let or *sterols of the fleet or squadron in which he is seriring,ezdept in a case where the cep• titre to made by the vessel on board of which ne is Raving st the time of ouch capture; and in such clue he Dhoti share, in proportion to hie pay, with the other ofhoere and men on I oard ouch vessel, as Is hereinafter provided. itcurth. .To the commander of • single ship, ore truth pertain the pries money award ed to the ehip under Mccommand, if inch ship at the time of the capture was adder the command of the commanding officer of a Heat er squadron, err a division, and' three-teren ticths if his ship .was acting Independently es such superior offiencr. Fifth. After the foregoing deductions, the residue shall be distributed and proportioned t along all others doing duty on board, (iutdo dine tr. flat captain,) end borne upon the barks of the ship in proportion to their napes tivo rates or pay in the service.. No commanding officer of a fleet orapeadron ehel be entitled to receive any slum cf prises captured by any creed or vessels oat under his command. nor of each prizes as nay have been captured by any ships or ves sels intended to be placed under his command, before they have ended ander his order,. Nor shall the commanding officer of a fleet or squadron, leaving the station where ho had command, have any share in the pelves taken by stops left on such station after he has gone out of ,the limits of his command, no:lifter he bee trentsferred his command to his suricesor. No dacer or other person who shall have been tempotarity absent on duty from a vessel on the batiks of which he continua to be borne, while eo'absent, shall be deprived in conse quence ofnuch absence of any pries money ti • bleb he won't) otherwise be entitled. And he then continue to share in the captures of the ,vessels to which he is attached until seen:any discharged therefrom: Sec. 11. And be ft /nether enacted, That a Fount, shall be paid by the United States for each penmen onboard any ship or vessel of war belonging to an enemy et the commencement of an engagement, which shall be sunk or odd, noise deetroycd la such engagements by any ship or vessel belonging to the United Stater or which it may be necessary to 'dmi elm in consequence of injuries sustained in action, of one hundred dollars, if the entelfe vessel was of inferior force, sod of two hun dred dollars, Hof equal or superior force, to to divided among the ciffmore and crew in the some meaner as prize none!; and when the actual number of men on beard any etioh ves sel cannot be satisfactory aeoerteinef , it shall he cettmated according to the complement a"owed to vessels of its Masa to the navy of the Tralttl'States, and there Shall be paid as bounty to Ebb . captors of any vessel-of-war captured from on enemy, which they may be [alienated to destroy, or which shall be lame• diaely destroyed forCtbe public lnteiest, but not in conetquenestofjlnjorlesnoeivedin no. lion fifty dollars for evey person who shall be 'on board at the time of snob capture. All rtneacie moneyi salvage, bounty, or' proceeds of condemned property, accruing or awarded to an versel'af the navy, shell be distributed and p id to theofficersandmenentitied there. to s i i m the smite manner as prize money, under the flirtation of the Suntory of the Navy, • l*ec, 12. And be it inrther endeted, That • every 'aesignmenot of prise money, or league due to person enlisted do the naval service, and all powers of attorney of other authority to drat, receipt for, or transfer the same shall be void Unless the•eame be attested by the eactedi , or ether commanding officer, and' the paymaster; and in case of any assignment of wages, the Immo ethellaspeeifylkepreelee (line when they commence. But the commanding awe , of every vessel [enquired to die:enrage his crew from selling any part of their pries money sr wager, and novae to attest any power of attorey until he JJ satisfied that the same is not granted in consideration of money, given for the purchase of prise money to rages. [re 116 0021TLEOZDA . . . 1864:777 - -. '" --- 1864. OAT. 8041.011, 6*, 0 115 plitt. establisbed In N. T. Oltyi . 00edy inntbible remal.ke known." 0 1os L om Poisons." 0 151ot dansterons to tits Malan gamily." °Bets Oome mat of their lodes to dbl." tii.td by 111 Drosnitts wrerywbsne Drunks{ of all wohdisas tmttations.' OcotseN ti Dept r ir till a ti 3 ailseti ta lt. T. Elballif ft 00 elilkobrals o'd n a i s l Pittsbn 15; BOIPPIA.IITS, Wheissalt dletasl . 4l4tMV/disekeny Oily. FRUIT A.NIYtiIIADE. TRIMS, .g*PBORF• I3 Bref. ac. OfAPPL ,s a ttpg onoottleAoo, Ordatall Ind+ log varlet:too mat praltoblitor toortion. We W. oar* Ovo trots, an 'Early r ni,l4ldro load Nobs, Voldotto, Vollotratorr.Gotwlltnierrouip. Wm 0., Shod. Waal Chia; BOZO asurtyi dtorebo, Satoh. , 4trobstmerforrOVlSmlth`s CWariwAvrttt it r m t stork ot PV,AI CaIitaMPLAUFE, K. WM, SHIM: . DIST ,CIss•VHOIDIV ay. oar ite_de#ro, oVor prat tothicametto to photon .or v Prim jolt at Qv Onsam• boa* or Pittlitugh Poot Odlor, Will to tattNittr to. Ratrintwoosag.. imbutinrr ItUolvvitt cod Goldrad Moreartav -ozesTEE— 100 bbla. 'Caloined rat was brA EIZEIRT H. 00441101. pLA6TRII-100 barrels fc'er sale by MAJMUIMICTURICRA IR. LAWRE.SCE IRO WORKS, Jras Castle, Pa. DITHBIlltil & 00.1 ==rl DION, NAILS AND SPIKES Pment pima [object to obtozgoo of tho zurkoi. leakter, ' HIW 014,Ern8, Lawacaaa Co.. PA DUQUESNE BRAES WORKS, MIKAN 4 C3IAWFORD. Nam:daft:no of mry misty of Inkha4 BRA/38 W1)E8 TOE PLITZBEES, WILE 011 GAB FITTERS, 1L1V1L11211.812. AND OOPPELanamin. DBASE OABITNOB of MI descriptions, made to ce der. STEAMBOAT MOBS, STEAM AND GASITE. TING, end DEPAIBmO promptly attended to. Bettinalar attention- dto Stttng tcp BITINEBLES FOB GOAL AND OA ON OILS. Also, Bole Agentafor the Week. Diet - riot of Pennsyl vania -for the sale of KUSH, LAUBDELL A 00.'6 PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the beet am Invented. Havingg no salvos It to not liable to gat not of order, sod anti throw more warm than any pump of tertoe It. .018 IRON CITY WORKS. . . CIAGAISTOSII, 11E.SOPHILLL • CO i o l.ll.o 9,, :naMarT.P.k/14.4 Omar of Pike sad °Wars, ond aim: City Watts. W9xLII3 Ilfanofacteltra of stationary and otb.r KNOTWILS, IVIALIIIiO KILL 04.82111G8 and ELACHLISEILY, or all kinds, and general Jobber ,. Prompt attention given to topalrlnit BOLLING MILL mecmEnsT. d...tly ROBELITS, & Co., No. t 9 Third at., rittaburgll, • MI AND e11t...71. MON ?Tomcats. And 21sanfocturazi of JAPANNED TIN larA.Axr. • We we now terancfactortng ant! have on hand Bathe log Apparatto or an kind., M.llot Want to none, Water Cool." Groner:Tea and Ogle. Canisters, Comb abd nplcs Boer; Tut:lob/sr Dmloam, Spittoons , do to. \A largo tot et Mird Cages for sole law. Oti C.Le of , all Oka. and patterns, Tin Mooting, Condattora, and aft kinds of Job btog Wool done to order. pAt ,, ITF.D OCTOBER. 8, 1661 OVAL L.ANM. 104.115INFZIe6e XX 1 / 7 11117 GISAIIX. ?haw tiblaingi are Wands* km the fat gamy ter& la g all in pu 8 D ts ot au glom aqually, t. DITILII nks ob mom It to crackg. IDGE, " rat Pitt alma Watts, Washington semi, a 3,1 1. Ntalbarati, Pawls. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, 1141148G8C7/4 PARK. • BEOVIEB,:a CO.. B puma's', 13.11112111 D CMS? OTKIIIy gat t.. Thd sad Octagon. al al Wannatad arral aar Inunsted ar saaaafartured La this coaxal". oar Ofs. awl ararahamalaa 149 and IgIIIE T.ad 12) szoont MISTS, etwafamb -611:41 AV • LLEN BITOR MICE. CO., as* Porrna., Plttrborgh, P. larlfarahmaa, LIIDESTT EMMET, amfamorma of COOK, PARLOR AHD 117.ATIN0 PASTAS AND EITCUZJI GRATZ& ROL. LOW KATO:, at a„ ur g edmat Obam Zooid% Ho lltas KIU Crallip, Comirg, Oat, W sum 2,21.1550 14a , 111maa 11:14 !Mon, Waken Soot, e sad mir Kau lm. Umitro,Carinmett, Comiloy. sad Caattop pm. ran,. Jobbtos amaged., °WIN" =do to on der. Pima** Portal*, MU, with Steam or Sum =Mold. 'OWN MACHINE ' WORKS AND SOITHDEIT. H. 1;171011TILLN « 00.0 Liam ntrusmna Ain meotatrures, Loam Bfsss*, haws= /odrs' and Soadosky. • .41.41170/12017 MT, Pd. Itoonfootorn, 0/Wl6B'lll6lra PAU= POUSLOLII UOCILIATING bTLH rainars.abarms. Pulit7.4 Ac. NW:lm of 011 ktods ottotadot to. Wag pip STREET FtnniDaY. ALPI/ED DAVIN, li , rsposly tins= SS Andoessit A PMMips, 3 . h islo=o Ihestlo mad b•public y W thatd • Tombs st SA* owner of Thlnl e et• 6r ¢p Ism. asp:rite Folios'. Brut ransdrs, •• tt•• salvor of mastaissurtog LIMIT Ilf AMIN.- ST CASTINGS, GILABS MOULDS, PULLITSI. !us p.. 4.1 dstestles siva& te Maims wort. esslikSsa OHM. FiIWNES, (late of the arm of li To*am B ;Iwo.) roux B. ammo& luso of I, If itcb Zat mil, Harms • W. 4 (808 NOUXDSII3 sal OTlawheranni, *IMMO= SWIM, Blatb Aare, PUtbazgh, Pa. .0117 JOlll4. S. BABSON a OM, WELLS, RIDDLE & CO., No. 215 Mery 'treat, oznotscreren of WllllrCiltr, th aisd P LIM ES .4 may doscrlytkm of 7,,:aanza mum whit. Orden solicited from the traas, goafu promptly Ipped r per lastractiocs. May Q SEVERANCE, No. .53 Wkras rlttaburgb manallearer of BOTLE RUM. WIIO UGII2 BPIHYB , common and rarood, ef otes7 do ourtptiop Pm-Molar deed or shaped 8711CMS und lasi. os m. 4. to =Oar st short riots. r An scoOttriMit 001:111410111 0a %Wad. n a W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of te;a .VVEl ir MONS CHINA sad WIWI OOLOIte Mks mut Wariboas at Ho. 74 TUTU EITIMET, Pgialmrgb. tobt&ty - - - SILVER PEARL WM% ORIIIVEPTON & 00.. $67 Liberty Streets Propriebm end Elttateetereri for Warta % Penn ry :van* Chia, Indl-sna, ILLlncoll and 111.Lootal. Liao, alfooctootcrols of • impala" la Mb of Palate Oerman, Olive awl Eosin Soap, Em= TOII.IG@ UD reNOT . SOAPS. . X oat MYER YUIIL SOAP, which we made& nlovitteteadaa better far general ore than an) ottom beery the broblie, etesald by Wm. to oshir bee neither Nisei:4o4ft, id= Oritatln.or any seer substance to It. ortnafeetore which on shrink °stolen the &Meet 0, We. Maeda and Woolens emote waehed with the rapidity Or Cotton or Moto Clothes vatted with the BEL yr* MILL 804 P do norreqtdre boilin or WI the robbio& which at come sane the Inez and tear. BIITU PEARL SOAP Balms Gnaw, Dlll,.TottatcoStslat, Prlntan . Ink Backe, and the treat Botg. Wilt. Mans Imotedlotaly, apapaq i elth • mast tpaars, etas protecting To t = is and Triton tronstods o oot cop. I pannolled P n antlap I lean nd Pat l on . Thtrhe e r b ilittosdlllpj and for cleaning Warble and floor Ills It has no equal.— For th• Bath, aut patlonarty tor Sharstancing, the EITI. Vint MUHL 804 Pb • • pleat Inuri. In • warn, all who ha t Wed Ito alratior qualities., acknovlap It Mr ,grestat ho of the no. This Gatwozny nob • ITU WAIL/ Vito 000 Intemstal In tang Bap, not It sorry tam I'M aloud th• airs of the mom .hoot It hal to= what no dam for it, os•d socordlng .10 oar sa t e en= abroad win do watt to ea atllllllloll di 00. • all, ttsy 'Meal area. Maeda Pransploca• Ilallroad Newsom Derat. Mr Betray of 111 Imitations; nano tool.. onto tsarina our tadwroart—SlLVEM, Pleat, lIMML..; ss Kama by Motional Cappighl., nah.ll7 0114 a W. SEVILLE di 00i Grinders and Polishers, grallay Y r '" Virnnl i rtga l a:t a to 819 r td ali ;4l sy, mar Wind Wadi Mahwah. Dangers' Olearenr, Sinsage, Btraw. and Minutia moon Oarpontettr. Magni' and Tlnnnri. Thais; Bala' dank Baron, TOW Shears, Sadler,' Endres, Moving Eactdo Odds. Bad bona, ina Alljobbiag tole lee at TAT'S 41 OITILLra. Ha. 69 Iterlimoromerr, Allogkosay, promptly stmadoi • toyTOlomdem • . J NO. BURGES3 & CO., (80x41102.65 Jfi • W. ILLTX/14 • Coatadillitoldrnd lEarirsianag Zilizettataa, OIL OflZ P. Rada victual the. .ThOinlb Wilifillon10" at On bay; an d hobs asat4 2040_,1141 oAttltiooks ars am ma% teasoni=d io rL 631) =smug: la wt. =Z. oadWitiele painaag..- • • • EDGEWORTH DERDE ECiR ARY 101:1110 LAMP; AXISSVINCOT — PA. Seal= Via Oplia OtrthrranD VONDiT TIF Strlllllo33B. Tha Asa Mrs:tap:A ererafrbeile,f *Ol4 zeirmabli nt i. Zeal Ao..Andl_tor►olr. 11111 r. A. WILI4AIII, • - autametts• • Sablekirritne.' PA. "' PISSED AND .0011110 N BRICK =WC 11 , 3301Mu_mfil MAUI ODIUM DAIOIII OR OCER/ES, PRODUCE, Oft THOB. L. Mammy to floGlelland t Davis.) QXNLBAL MZIEMINSION lIIIMOHART IH Flour, Grain and Proviacnu. oi tri=t ir t r ar g t r ,..A lown t. and sole of No. ff WOOD STREET. Plttotnagt. Ni. WAY DD D . F. QUIMBY & CO., Commission Merchants, Ho. NO MIMI WATI/I. ST., Give rpodal attention to parchaelnis Flour, Grain, Provisions, 4c., B. T. QUlMBY lahtly --GEO. T. DEOWS anima, POSITI. •tecar._....arcurn. S. 1111LPLIS 'POTTER, AIKEN & SHEPARD, Com miuloo Merchanto and Dealrro In Foreign load Do. 'nestle FEITITS, FLOCS, BUTTER, 011ES.E, EGOS, POTATOES, and Produce morally, No. IGO Ldberty street, opposite Pattaanaor Dupot , Pittotegh. Brrraa a , : J. B. Dilworth &Or M A emo S Coffin, Cotp & Elopard, Atwell, Lee S Co , Juno o:ttaior, Pittaburgh; Selo. at B•aa • McDowell Van Brost & Trrnalett k Bunnaons, St. Louie; Sinclair a Gilant, hlow Toga; Stan ioni a LorriL Olocion•ti. my2lll FRANK GORDER, Produce and Commission Merchant, 110.10 SUIT/WIELD STSSZT, eorr.er Dealer le FLOUR, BROOMS, SEEDS, LARD, CILEESE, PORK, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, and prodtt. gas:loran,. Lthtval myth arum,. on conAtipmcntc tall CHART.RS C. .13A144A11, Produce and Comrdasion Merchant 21112/CILSBDI6X DEO/LES. And deal. In ell kWh! ct 00 C14112.1t PBODIICX, No. 114 LlBElllrf STRIZET. oh4ly nrsra• rrnowALn,... .. . ants. a 190. alarm :t, a lb. lav arm of D. A D. Plttaburgb. A C.d., Wellst 111, Ohio.) MDONALD & ARBUCKL ES, Wholesale Gramm Produce and Oommlarslnn Merchants, Julthare In COFFEE, N. U. SUGAII and DOLAMES, DEFINED SHEARS A ND STEEPS, FLOUR, HAWN, TOBACCO TEAS, RICE, CHEESE, SEEDS, &a., Nos. 212 and 2* Lltatrty meat, Plt tatisscd. nal,Lly aFLLFP IIACILOWA— MCREOWN LINILART, FLotri Plasm Victors, Porn:rocs in Oolgaressos a - ussra, for thew& of Flour, °rola, Pork, 81.211, la, Butter, Egas, Chrome, Beams, Gres., Froths 6, Potatoes, Pot Sad Pearl Ashes, %lentos, LlaSotott d Lard Ond, Drlo4 sad Qom Fruits,. Timothy C4.n , Flax sad - Crow Surds. Cash advaacetaehts Made on Coasigammta. .N.. 417 Liberty stoat, Pltia HECRY WALLACE Commission Merchant, sa ISO BOTPM war= thr, moan% W 1 hmikaar Rttuattaxt pad tg =lag orders for 111041E20111, 17.01711 -. oabl7:om MOB E ANJER, 001d51189/0151 And dealers In' Flour, Grata and Produno, 124 U 2 501:1D BT., between Wood 8 Bat!Wald, SHRIVER & LAZEAR, wbotmas GIICKMES AIM 00YENIEGION BILICOCIAreS, Dna. 271. d ES , E3ITTIITIILZ am, cot Ekoml. 1..1y PITTaD CI.IAHLE.Q B LEECH', Flout ix° Quers Teem iitie Chtietastosi Itrioonssr (or the sale of or.m.x. SEEDS, outrEss.g, puovrca. ke... .4 asteit fur the eelobostel Lluienheam DEMENT, N. 116 Pe.. .4 146 Pint streets, between Wood end &ValMehl, Pittsburgh. se3 novae 0502.05 arrldes. UIEAD & IiETZGAR, Grocers and Cora .l-I.l2ilaston Merchant., and deafen La all kbille of Country Prodnoa and Mubarak, Bla.raffecares, No. 419 Liberty Way oppoakto head of Wood strand, PIM. horih, biL3:l7 Weß WILKINSON, Commission erebalats,lnge &sin, in WESTERN WE SE/LYS MEESE. WILED /BUM, "firma. EGGS, GRAMS, sad prodnoe genitrally. ALo. LEATHER, IDES, itc. No. UT Mem .tract, Pima:nest.. NarCitah &dual:meats made. Clocedircumaata motioned bal-ersd V. P.-MUSA. wM.. T. BECK & CO., 2 o 185 Liberty Strea, Miasmata P.., Whaled. Groc tatssloa. Lothanta, and dealers In COUNTRY PRO DUCT... PROVISIONS, BACON, • LARD,' BUTTED, EGGS, LIIILSSZ, VIBIL A.. PRODUCL, 'LOUR, moors, SERRS, GREEN AND DRUID FRUITS, ta, SALT aide LIMIT hie 101LN 11 CANFIELD, Waco:not AND u Palma/mac M.trnaer And whofeeds &Alai WKSTEIIN RESERVE. CIIESSE, DOTTER. LARD, PURR, BACON, FLOUR, eisn POT AND PEARL ASHES, SALIUIATUS, LINSEED AND LARD OILS. DUI ID FRUIT, and Produce amorally, Nalfl And Pam% oreot. Pittsburgh, ocS fib S. h t - T — RWlTll, —* * * Vorlr "6'.(ro and Conandmian Nertn.ts, In In PRO- DnOR, FLOUR, RSOON, PINRCARRON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS OOTPON YARNS, and Pittsburgh mancNott.. genexally. lIS sad lit 13+Jhuslatert ,Patsbargh. REYAtER k ra7BROTHE . EI, (reeman to tt'NUTS Wb 14 f 30414 0r UOAMS , LD 1119 414- ZRY, S , FULL WORKS, itc.. Nam., 120 rind IA W.d stryet. xbovf Fifth, Pittabv rgh. SIM FAITERSON AMMON, 00.41111E51019 MERAMAISTS, /LOVE, •li D GRAIN. and 5.a.0rd.1 PRODUCT" &alms, Ma II WOOD STREET, Pisubareh, Ps. witl:l7 C "1 -- NE WAREIRMEE.-RENRY EL 001,1.108, Forwarding and Commie:duo Nerch.sat lard dealer le CIIEF-SE, 0117n:It,, and Produce morally, Igo. L'S Wood strect e rldre Water, nutiedrol, OIIN FLOTD & CO., Illanleeale ersuul Commisstun alsrchants s N0~177 Wood god P.Ui and street, Pittsburgh. Cuer:LES L CALDWELL, (auccossor to James Dolmre d Oo.,) PORE PACK ER and dealer to PROVISIONS, corner of Karket and Treatt arreeu Palsborah. INA WU. sm.r.nt•an Otv SIIEPUAR D L Colousarox hinintnorrs and 100 In YLOCI2,OII6IN AND PRODUCE, Do. 347 Liberty am:, Plttnblargh. alnico brands of Flour fur Baker. and Fn,aly ma ten etnntly c34l4arni Particalan atteatton pfld to fitting orlon. for Norrb.dlso nonEtally. QM:4r ( . 2 . J. I.I.):WNSEAD, (aurcessor to Jackson I.A • A Townsend.) Rons PAOKEII. And &saw is PROVISIONS, kn., No. 11 rourtti street, near Marty, Pltatwah. .027 mar. B. VOIGT k CO., sucleathmors t 4 L G. 11. Graff. PRODUCE AND COMMISSIOS CHANT, ` y. {7 Liberty street, Pittzburgh: ROBERT DALZELL hCO., Whole. Go Grocers, Cononlselen. and •Torerardlnsr afar. dente, and dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh man &amino, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. DWALLACE, Conimiasivn iltorahant, . and Wbolreale•ldealer In FLOUR and GRAIN, Ho. 353 Liberty street, gppmlte Pm:Writ - ants LA Passenger Dept, Ptttsbargh, Ps. Storage Warit house, corner Wayne and Pent streets. mainly EIPPIZT 0 W. 14.11. LAMBERT, 811 - IPTON & CO., Whole. We Or.'ecra .t 1 Prod." Dealer', No. 6 Sloth atm t, Pltteburgh. Jai" 'PAULIDICKEY & CO., W 1 10E11110 431 ,o,wes, Comml.oeim dlerabs,a. and 4.1. ‘ l a PRODUllrylin. 80 Water gnat sad 65 !neat streak Plttelesreh. IaRKPATEICK & BROTHER L u • meson to Drown a Etrapatrlcka, WHOLE. SALE Onocriais, Nos. 191 and 193 Liberty street, Pfltabtdah. ' apLlely PWIVNIUOMPFEE-41101'0001V0111 NJ Moll let df 'lu*a !!o Coto.; i.o prima white La snayra and old Jaral:ktleo. Tor We .t life Walls gro• cery at= • • JOU 11/El5Bl3aW. U 2 .9 WmarlAberty.olll,l4rhmts, JAMES DALZELL k SON, ISJanufsa tamers of LAUD OIL, and Commis*lea Mac chants for the Rani:mos and sale of 0/114/8 AND DIVINED PEIBOLEUkt, Nom. 6 and 70 Waifs dine!, timtaborsh. Advances made on consLuunenta. JB, LIGGETT & CO., CITY FLOOR. • SSQ MILLI 3, 1 Liberty Adair sad straits. Plthdrorgb. Pa. laireapaitty, 4.170 Wade per day. •PO w ....... r. Laza. QUIOMAKER & h&NG, Ccrmagator 1..) Yardman art whole/We &Alen teirflOalitti.. 1713, r OPP. PBODGCS, ka,pto. ass Liberty 'treat. ' ittnbargh. • • ....wakes WAIT • . 7 * . t . to!mai On:: sr mrkoannortkol - M.A.a2 .mt 11.0 - - -duos and Pitlabargh manufactstr4,- 21" Mil " hr dbotty "l:' mod ittatnugh. • '- a LINDSAY Ja. & BRO., Wholeial6 o.l3faumoluximzs, nova kIinVesMIJAU :111/ Literty street, PlLteburglif r DIT ibbeal _ „ ••• • L•., • rtEtt ALBREE,43OY 03; Wkolesele ,x)r - Retgiliosim ii,813b114, SlWltS,ft..,cora W ood •bdstsidb: . o4PL . : ll l4.basrth.,., : s r si s, EDEIRMION SZEKWART,- , Wholesale altoonne.saiD 00/130135= - 101201151T4 Na.ll:lTlacesa Fittobturgh. .riskily JOAN L ROCHE &CO., Wholesale ORO. e, 4.111) 00111111111.910 N MllloHAtillk comer ,eBallt!qsvid W. ia1•16.• . rituberel 11QRILLIANT OIL CO.--BoOks of tfub .LP tostptfos to the 11817.ZI•it? OT On. ea to optood at the Deakin Room ot SUM. BART • 00., Wan Third sad Wicipennins. an Monday, Angast 13th, 1884 Pamphlet. maktstahlg a dastaiptlam of tb. property held by th. Ootepeay eon be had at th e mom Om% ea sad anar the 4th of deccet. lyStqa JAMES WILKINB, MORES ASID DEALER ER CRUDE AHD REFINED OIL. PEII/21 , BLOCK, DOQITZEIAL WAY OMCAGO Perr Special attention given tha SAL' AHD 1113:IP tNT Paterlltenee wad ita produeta. Ounalgnatenta respecthilli solt.ttecL Pittabargh AptaTT for -VEN.IIII2O on. AHD meNseora.taioN anaresT, • mb24ly POET OTHIC2 EOX. 141. RICHARDSON, HARLEY & CO., 001MIESION A rOBWAP.DEIT6 Crude and Refined Petroleum, No. 19 111Wra STEM, PrITSBURML. Sir Llbaral Cash advances ark conalignmezti tar PIM. orny,h or Saatern iforketa. Limeys. J. 8. 158vort/, a Eat Bprin,g , cr Flarbangb, Thornron BeLI, Esq., Prail. Oort.maztal 1512 L: mialo:6= T.ICK d: BRO., =SU El Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZIN - E, &0., IZZr. WALNUT Vt. PHILADELPHIA. EMMEMia= Refer to Rarer. Richardson, ilarley A Co., Firmer, Finite & Co., and Elelleihsnd & Darts, Pittahargh; Then. Smith. Esq., Pleat. Dank N. A.; EL L. Poster A Co., Philadelphia. anSay MoCIJIZI:ICK & CA LLFNDER, OIL BROKERS. Nos. 211 and 218 Beath' Water Eltreet ICT Occuivizazda itkilisl. . Way a Ottotponatng I , ron Ofty 00 W. Jetob Painter, of J. Painter a 00. zoo. H. Ohs!tont, of Bp.& Cctualsat a Os. Jyfarly WALES WETMORE & 00., SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, us nannui UM. nrst mai; sopt. tialties tar 13TORLGEN Kt e, yard sad vtarrt, Earl MEM p url ()arm inc wde LYDA! it OHOBITIME(4 - Er= ulletaren Sawn of 11&11230N : 0114 BE* 00/1 'OW LUBRICATED* OILS, :aaddselas to caitrrroic panTiacnacubs.: War*, °matte Sturpobsrg. oMay He. 62 HAM urrare. PILTIBBIIIIGII lOUs WALLACE CURTISS, 003nZaiallipli Me=haata: hatorib CRUDE & ILEITISBD PETROL/MN, 111121EINS AND MIZIBICLAZINO OM% • R. 161 IJOVTR WELB WO. PHILADILPHIA. sir to rap ahleclty( =der ccmsrj for MOW Bbb Alm expeller fa...11111m for alllpplag to kmaricav and IN:alga porta, at ora wharf m Pciamll,lll Stna, aaarj.tba platform ore. r: lit • • ledlkly BRXWER, BURKE, 00., comassunt DIERCHABIS. Arizta oe Ike pion; PAGI7IO AND UMW OIL W0P.10.. LlE** wb 'lnman mob as catidgicenati of Itstitsed or Crude Petroleum ooh augurs= Nair ammo= arcs., IhMeezny feAlk ENOS WOODWARD, (Leta at Wm. IL Waedrara C10..1 ourrata. 'mummy uzactuear, Special attaatlan Cm to tam cgs al Crude and &fined Petroleum. 80. 111 E 013311 =MIT 8711XEM. MEWL oc2sam sto. ODUSIIIII% W OODVILLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSEIP k CO.. Itanntantances al BURRING OIL AND LUBRICA TING OIL. Hoop constantly na hand th• vary bat val. Iryd CIURNING OIL, clear end vithont color I &so, • good LUBRICATOR, vas WRITE DENBO= and OAR GRUB& aar All orders left at No. ES TLITE liaas Mock, second door, •ill be promptly attemlal to oedet. CABOT, PEMBERTON & WEBSTER General Merithandize Brokers, 14.2 PlLAlLleffrarer. How rock, Also, M BOUM rum' Philadelphia, Pa, CRUDE & REFIEED PETROLEVE. OAIRITIO SODA, SODA ABII, IitEMPTUFII, DIWGB, OILS, ar, . Order* by prhaaptly sally D L. IP LI. R, Ja i lonare, 123 cirmams am, ranstnumau. catrink & ERPIMED PETROLEUM Oo Oommloaloot oschahstr. AU OiOEVI 0 Wad rOO. woad., roam SSTORAOR TOE BUM= to owl yoUsro. 711 a OBUDEI, under goal sheds. • Partloolor situation paidto OIL ros. WORT. Too oalsr-lOACEM.O SODA. SODA LEE. so. aulay & NEEDLES, razzamaxau6 COSIUMIIO.I3 maseaarnui Dia:nyder Wattle= pada tOccadgcuittgb N Crude and .11edned Petroleum. or'liberal saran= toLia. 1 . surfly ROBERT ABHWORTR, ' IfT:calum sr., prrrasuggx; Forwarding d< Commission Kerohant ARD DV= 11 Gm . ILLtrzmurnroxonuchurnnurettni TBOLSIIIII ono, &a, =atone! co twad UR/ !brad*. Wile lowest mar ket priced. Clonslimmala Wd astaat 1.4 kited. aptera ISAAC ROUGH & CO., aniuusatoa =mums. For Or dog Crude and Rand Petroleum. In sorra DILAWLEUR APSIOX WARING A moo, oommasang topunwiTe, And Bram fa Petroleum and . Us Productii; • • Jkall Wan to Ridataz lbas...W. - ... . , ' • achy ' Ira is Lilian et. fiCianik , `iniaiacii _.,.... win p. 94 a PEARSALL, • sh r. 4 --- ", appusitartea surouratair infraers,• • • Po 2. rtant= and~. its _ Proagrns; f4eirCOri at . kipti. COMMISIO, .Aate;i l ,4 l / 61 nie5011041115111, , , . ' - • , tt-z '" u Ranshatene el of .. A qua oda :, Oil_ •[l./, eta P1=78072011, Pd. CLECIO4OO. pEOPLEB INSURANCE COMPANY Office:N. E. corner Wood & F h.Bts. PIRB AED MARINE TNOTIBANITIL ALLEGHENY "STRANGE • CON- '',, PART or rrrrsouset on* No. ES . INA ' elm* Ewalt Block. - Imam mparme all Me AO lded M Itreimi Proddl'Embaltmibiy,-.. MHZ% y m464 .- - • .70ILN Danny. nit ' - zr. BOON, &xx•ermy. Sept. WTI. DISAN. , mummu: B. Stalin& Capt. Wm. Del* R. Laid:in . Itobt.l3. Tax WASHINGION INSURANCE - CO. 1 of Velrlort. Ospital old THE ISM= altar York °vital awl Asa NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS! ai bin fad ,receludtar emu stalk of BOOTS Alin SHOES. - - • mien 'aids Linv ltio Linea sad bed wildctodifXck of • , ccv xuavi Z vi Te be foundth the etq LADS? WIT GUMS OR abmlmn. 61Ta cm • 411. T ELE a GUM WORK I ,T 7 EtaltlYZD DT GEO. ILLEIGEB, SON CO.. Iltew gad. as =dem ocz vethaerder, sad war : - mud tinqualladcastom watt. ;145 A NEW SUPPLY OF Boots, Shoes and Batters, No. 154 NfOrket.' Street: BIATO 801)74; to • . BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, GOOD NEWS FOB-RTES • • .• -1.7.; SCOTS' SHOES, GAITERS ANOBRUSSISALS Balra. et smstzval yea. to dO3O .GiS l2 [ l otrilail :1: to make room, for fall: rob.: Oovatnr sosithooto writ do - irtil to eon and rixtgiblWlQ _ ratt before 9 99 thertne/Welaze, dj ;. .BORLAND'S SS NARKRT STREET, • • • J.:a,' • _ ' 94 diar !mai 1/12116 •;-, / 112 dE 1 IEIR• 4TOOB .OP ;; ; ,i BOOTii, • Bliot3, QAfYBBB r . : , . . • -..;! 4 rupLISTOOI4IISIIOII-ATOmi, - der S4OU'rblEtE, --.115T00101511011 glom, -1 r - •—•-• . - • Re remit stryst Ane • •s:„ v fi uairidsc : . • 77as .4 _ • 1. .:.'& lit 'ITEMBEIT - Itisit.:,..Fgaviii v .! < '.' sr." - aas , ixtraTtaicirnejuk.: - Pirtteimba , attotts.qt.l:z I Wt . 14 4= 77 : 11 /M i grotosil lmn ada n t 1 ims... , tbnames!aagenciNcon khosk ?woo ill.'' . - 1 - abos , . ...,..., ... ..... , . .„ o ~, - -.:) ,---.1-.. t .!, 5.. .. ATtilslS st..liii.gl a" waratiEPQMArrt , zorz Liurer,vm or 0,...pb evii,,,y4 u.. , . __,,,,,.., ~..t ,i4 ,... 1 ,a1 iiiiiirrtiehmosyw or ttairra Wog _._ .___.r.gr''.l ,I;T: i . <a, at EMI platr. ktparilikill Ili Oak' " :"'....C00N1.,'.!, , Otf4 r ., ....t. PM illiallUtkag to Mill= . - " . ; ir iiiii d•:,,- ; :,_ , 1 . Tharp aim swats Sir e 5134,, !Oat ~.„ = MK SIO: i r I:g 'lXl 2 Rgtheratirs Omdslaa llama '644.1° ' '''''— 1 1 / 4 , 7a siti,dai, 'trio'. ottra tiaid /eine? a 1 41 i: , iC,'''.ll Ise bra*VbllEglimPlatese Was ihtl ttplkr 11.hogri. Alitit .4:...,,, , ,,,. 11 1 atir . lllB bjpgli , Vlll . ll6 Co 1s Una srati!!....V. , ~„ „ . lilaill . bias of - . 8031141: 8AX154147. , .:1-1 ~...;: % al !' : ~-, , p. fr*Y;b B rl7l l, 4a.ind , W• 4ll, , ij4Zl .7 tresh *.xind ' '.4! : c...t4 1478 AND sabo RIATIMS-4 14 ; 0 emks ii 4, , . sad lor ra7 11117111 IS a asos i ; ...1 C.N S Vai. in end 11X Wad west .4 -17RFSF...SARDINE-Ju'i retlei" 4 - 11 3 1829: FRANKLIN 11,1;. cE Op PHILADELPHIA: lastra cei :man 4 LW, P. 45740 id. Col kccraed Start , Inveted • .. R oUg IN i os perinea." • so Iflraso • GONj rdvatliGele. . Geo. MG . A.ltred ßA2f m.. zi ,... m.m;4, • ,, , , .. DALE, Vim Prefidetde See. Pro. art Pirimi, . Wood God T Greolir ro acol.nax Clurlea W. ll.sailar, Tobtaa Wagner. Samuel Oraat, Jacob 11. El=lth, We. W. B.l.chard.. OIt&ILLES MEM psu - seNcua, A.NI) Leib. Insurance 00. of North America: P.SILADEL PHIS. Hartford Piro Insurance Company; Protection can be tecural m Ma &bona namadoli and rallabla cor.panba. W. P. JONES, AGrim ltdtratly :Bagger' Bcacttngs. er Water stmt. WESTERN' INSITRA.NOE COMPA! NT OF PITTSBURGH, B. NTLLTIM,,D., Preddroi 1. IL GORDON, Socnsus. Orue,lis 92 Wahrstruoi,Eps-B drOo.'a Wen-house. up 9telrs Pittabsrgh. W 22 iss. ;xis call hub of fin oaf Mouth Si*, A Moo lidgitsolo. swooped 97 Dir.:turns haw ha hoes fa L cotrsueOrp, and 001 mr hershod, bu prayers owl IsZerahs to osisech fochnsh srlichAlso lhon be egrINA Or bed Pis To Gum rob drain b Roared. nuronnull Andrew Ackley. Alexander, tboor, Dslnd IL Long, Ban J. Thom^ 11.4. P. Halunnall,' Jahn B. Weans. B. ElEltr, Jr., Jarris McAuley, Esauratel Holm % Altsr.. hi' mirk, GeorgerDv . da .... Nerrl o Q .m otacm, iaj9o M. GORDON. filevis% C nu - Ewe DISUEL92.4CE. conauNr 07 ITIRSIIMIGH. 0211ce, =no' Mark.! Water lamb, WIL WM:Wait PrWl4.4 UM= BIM Ea:dam . . . Insures 131Maboata cad Ougem Inincre• Agana Itse 1.1 damp In the =folks 01 tbi Boutlusni and Wastana Siva% Lan sod &yeah and them rtgatloa of t h e Dna Immo sa.d law sad damage fir.. Wm, a ßagalsr. Partt., W; d Jolzubmy B. Y. Jess, Barclay Preevey George Bingham. J . . ShilAna Ooopac. H. Hartiffluo J. Qold.nalr, John B. Dibrorth. Wat. A. BASMaya DlM:Can= j Jour D. Verast, Q pt John L. Ulm* Sa.muei Y . Rafter, 41=Janes, Chu" Wm. PhMlipa. John Watt, Wm. B. Itam John Z. Parka. elmtioa 8 Blx.ll. Wm. Von ffillt. • BILLTII3, Prodini. WAIT, Prmidesi. Julidf Wit. F. GAILDNEEL, =ECM o. o. = 11- 1, 71, • • Gray, Inrta, IL L. Takneartock. • • I ' &P. 1311T6H, =9 4Th &earth xtmet. Bufts's 000T8 41.4°D SHOES. Jess. Robb, =war evim. No. 11 WOOD 6TBZEIT Eon' and Ifitth`o rietlastrids. , 13,t4sis. Chlßdmia'a Gant The. kW& LAD=S", KIATUCZUMN 111115:18, YOUTH% svnximp. GOODS,O- • sdik g ctunp at ƒa WCLELLAND's AUCTION HOUSE, 2q )c anl3 ^ $6 FIFTH &TRES?. - HOO,OOl -.1171,41011 8,144"
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