pitt*utit 6azetit. TDEIIDAY MORNING: •::-.:Atrotrst 9, 1864 CITY AND SUBURBAN. R ADVE6TISING RATEM =EC! 1.1,..Yi 3 t 99.1. a 2 41w. a pally, ! 14. 4,641 c. i . 4 2 4 1:14 4 4 4 1/ 614156 4461 1 6 1 7 1 S 6 1 One OWL.- 5 2 5 .0 4 0 0 0 5 i 5 Tiro tiate*—..........1 1 7sl ;al - - I . r i 'lbrte ;kat.. • 1 in; a.ll .. I Taos ttema............ 7 gal 1 151 Ytn , 74 .-....... 2 Vll 1 221 I One, 1L...—.—. 2 18, 1 tut 1 0 0; 201 63 41 1.411 86 .-...... 4 16; 2504 01 1 70. 145 bi T 496 6 .614.......... 6 001 890 4Mt II 201 200 110 4.564 ma 111 .....„. 7 fki, 4 04 15 (4 0 5 Tot 2 10. 1 35 - 110,012.12.2115.......... 11 251 a . 1 1,54 i, 400 3 75: 2 0 'ltear6tla _.... in 761 7 f.l 9 161 4 70 4 621 2 30 612 secutba ..........120 45.12 0113 051 090 1 911 4.0 lane moatba.... .... ...27 10 15 5 / 72 (a ; 10 10.1 9 049 6 16 One 1te44......._:.432 (4,18 1,21 .83 12 80110161 6DO EITA3BI.I.BLD AD r TISMIENTR. For one ware, cheopahle •nettme each emir.. °en dued to the .toneedlate tnuineta of the advertiser. All larger adverriardoszte la mac. proportion : S ttmaiii timemil Usna• I. wt,6llr wet) weak. Qat 3 , 11 001 I 4 70! y 3 00 Three aloaths-- 17 %) .11 35 B.z 800 Its setandis , •24.00 1000 t 13 71 In 55 pp, ,44 OD 21 CO at 51 14 fit sirrist acnteti dvabb tboatxm c.Flletbbe" emlanstatitni Trots 211137132.3,01n1333—..... 73 - 11110110333.3413711333,i370. trii, ca Illzersfore ar adetthilthatore -.. 74 _ - of_C;onnals. mieitog;of dity bouncy' was had Oifi August 83. In Select, press:Lt . Mum. Allios, McLane:llin, - McCarthy, Moriow, tturnn, Thompson, IlaSs," Y. R. Reed, and Ilse f. In the *basa cane .Prasldant, Mr. Idotrow ism called co.thwebnie: , I Tiorvosednirofqtra - toltattes was diepsniad Aolteedittatittl thmtabjezt of the meet isg,te he—,ter duletng some mohns for ratting fonds the meal of canal:actors for grading and it's petiti9ni a.mr—Fina aDd owaku r»s,Ated, settiu Earth the atVieiditiery rite in . the pdee'othlber and =kerb'!" eines their confritati. wsza ThirisTtlijit'ointeirito &drums them some money OD thttir conftatto. Er McCarthy moved to refer the petitioni to the if.nancitCommittee,vrith power to sot. - Afters line& discussion upbe the liability of the Ontraclom and theahility of Conceits to 'Opines. inPey..npati columns oat' c 3 Za :' loted; Cenctollor, Mt. MoCargo, was called apert,- - by vote of Council", to make a few remarks .:13,1 stated that, is he understood the Ikaisfeercidinsineii, he had no power to issue warrants' for money inner [nob circemtenceo, nada e.nree would refuse to do to, evrn at the request of thePtuanee Committee. The qteatkot was' then Celled upon Mr. Mo• Ca•thy e motion. Mr. faqim moved t» strike out the words 'with power liked." Which was not agreed to. The qxrea tton was then taken upon the origi n/1 motto P. .Xlr, D.-And called for the yeas and nap, Whichjelatted . 10 folly-a: "Tent•Z•Mirests. Allen, McMillen, McCarthy, QttinpiTharopson, Rate and J. R. Iteed-7. Mays,!hicessa. McLaughlin, Miller, Morrow, fleollateek end D. Reed-5., • Th ertootiot *al decided c arried. •Elr. Reedralsedthe question of order, wheth er the resolution dbd . no; esquire. a. two -thirds vhte, ai It inthollted the payment of money out cf the treasury. Ifir...kiellarthy remarked that the natter had already beta decided by she chair, and that the point of order wee not well taken. The chair decided that the resolution did not onlsithe payment of money, and hones all not rallatta a CRl:OhirdS Vail. I The President read a petition from Adams CO., tekingloo abatement of besiness tax. Re ferred to Finance Committee, with' ower to ect. Mr. Reed, a petitient asking Councils to lre• vete the privileges granted to the Oakland and Feet Liberty and Mineriville Railroad Compa ny. Read. and referred to the Street Committee, VIM instructions to report en ordinance repeal ing taLl.prlvileger, granted June 27, 1501. In C. C. now-coaearrad Mr. Miller offered the following ri That the CoresoLstfoner of he Sao • end Cherie ;be requested to have Wylie street repaired immediately, and reheat the expenses tanned ' , thereby from the Passenger Railway Callopaty, as the iltnakia in very had eaaditlon, talog a.otilimpassißle , ler vebiblii, and the eTy liable to fine deny. Referred to Street Committee. ed.r..D.Reed presented seaport from the Street Cokunittne, meeting an opilnance granting per- . Witten to V. Zug S ,Co. to erect a bridge over Etna street, at their works In the Fifth ward.: Repent accepted wed u r dbeettee read three Coto atid . passed; • . The resolution seeped in C. C. Jolt itt• Strketing the Pinson) committa to report upon the cnadttney of providing a bounty fund for volunteers, use taken up and mon-concurred in. The repent of . the Committee of Conferasoe on the resolution *reference to the Pittsburgh Oa true, refunding all moneys recalred over and abtVithe Cent:het peat for priatipg—adopted In o'o. -Tilly 250.'—watrliblfed op. E y.ral gentlemen-m.lnd for tome infsrmation on .11, cat},,::, hfr. IlleCargo, City Controller, tees request ed to melts at, erplateatlon, and 'after stating that a email eon Of mlary had been eolleited by the . G.eitc, through igeor anew of an ordinance pitied some tan yea-, rime .and that the pro,sesers, a, even as Informed of the matter, him vounfeorrd to re f u nd the en. tear—remarked-that he desired, id a future time, when both Couneha were together, to explain tits mattot at length, as at. MOMs other things of a different character, which had given rise to Irma chicks. In certain vattor . Agar this pasha; erplanstiea, the matter vat on -almonds mil epee it, tuble The ordinance petted in C. C , I uly "If , th, mi st re to charges fn - Pa - setge.r Endear., wit , ntx• concurred in and .TC-!erred is City The rOSCilltii`,ll . l,l4AVO to hunks:ming, ptsiei C, C. July 25at, was,cencerred in. ItelclalictCrolnil:ta - to o.tructio Ifth pasEed,iirVi , o7 - ,'Jely 25th, Kai ;lotiturred 't..lc. Co.Nou CV.tr,rF/, pleaaut, 74tes,eq. I,4ray, AIME' 70:11 , ,, TaWilk", CAPID,' Cole' M., D avi - i, ,1 Bares J.=24...lolesa.rduaritgorsery, 74.1? A al i IePE, fice/0ir.41, elizal., Partareap,. Rabasa. t st 1' ,0 7 , Ith'itt t lid'Prinident 5,.e1. Idinr.tes of last rnretiok read sad approved. Tio rasilent stated that the meeting ens trait d et the trauma of the Street Committee, and pikedthecotaxittee make known its erjo.,t Sart Daife its'ea that the matatittee ed the ineeting for the pa:Traci de!rialegno=a mtaie of relieving ec!fsin eohlrictorl , who, by ;eaten of tbtainere,ttrd rr..tet if tablir, criteria! ,kr., ore mow tnabl; : tb- go , b#•wit ' their eon- v .. By COA.ition minemot,'actiol tree portpoied 1 motif ntter,,the me4tenteaLanted °wilt S. C.. • A rertintlan varied at- et peoions meeting of I Select . Cornell dleceang thpd Om gem of .82,000 1 , 1, to taken from Apprdi.liatiort . .So, 11 and given 4 to eiFfrerDey.artaleta x iiis milted no and a m)- I Mon =di to,tonce.r fkactlen of S. C. ' it Objeetion rirso ;tick, to - nontuning,,and a mo• 11 lint Inederte torpendthe elites. The yea, and 1 :=a)s Ittr il 'es i led 4nd - rani ea, )Ou 13, - noye 3. ! . .A.J.M..Vll.4l2enritsrAo fa , 11,*negr la 441 , 101 , at .}: 6 - 7m. - ana pa r vaitai-r ------ ', T 1 o full, owinganembere object to tto pause* .': of otdinenee trent:erring t2GOLI from Appro. i ; priation No. 11, Om Allegheny Wharf Commit -1 toe haying coneMded.contrecte for graction and peel zg raid Vial', in latch the mon t y refened 4 1 to to expoidod by 'Am eontr.els. ~., (S. garde'' . • ' A G. ficCrsnors. .5 . , • ' 'B. D. Jura. ' q Rla. , 0 fen of S. C', in reference to gr eating 1 .1 relief to Me. 5117, O'Neil A Co., and Mr. Finch, A contranterr, .tiltig iota- report* throng! the ....,,. clerk, C. C., hen corqUrred, and riferred to the tii Firemen end Street Committee'. l ij On motion, Council nO.l mrntrl. '.' . ./Se The Sanitary Fair Fruit Cake. Oar reader 3 wa; renumber the large, and tie gent flu:Venice exhibited at the late Sanitary 14 Fair, and purchased for hie Exesiloacy, Abraham Litcoba„ by visitors to the Pale, the proceeds to 1. 4 se to the Sanitary Fond. The following is the oorreepsT.dence which patted between Mr. Ben. .v.. 1 t or. an d the, President, on the oceasion of the -I:4`prerentetion : 1 , 4 H e artiatarnaa Ptirzericas Sastraar Cottantitos.Fant, Ppionnsce, Jot) , 7, 1851 ,r_i To 277: - .Creilleery, Liarobt PrOidf tee /..81i 1 rd Siete , —Tba bearer, her. Alex. F. flay, 1-11 has cbdege of a handsomely °raiment, d rata, ,C.:l which war given to the Pittsburgh Sanitary Fair g by Jacob E q , and purchased by Fi tumber.of yenr friends at a cost of several bun dr,a dollars. to be presented to your enrolling. f.. 1 /a behalf of tho purchasers, I have the hsnor to p/resent aberewith. • 52, Trill,o o 4fy you to know that •Cot Piltsbu - rgli . Eaeltary Fes; to which sou gave the pre:figs of tf. ;oar - natne,hatlyrrodneed over $350,815, watch sum, deduetlegerpinges, will be used In relies , - try t s the necessities of pen s ichand wounded eel -7.1 to behalf of the ` ' Executive Committee, ee1.7.1 .7.1 with tentletents of 'highest respect. 04 , FLUX R. Yarn?, Ottiryriat, _ . . Exterrivx NlA2reros, :ts;L 'l l 74ramerns, .Trc .16.18er-. -Vii,.. Mr. Fair B. .....lirozote .Dear-Sir , -.The ez splendid trait ea:re, i*.:4 l :ei Otei/X I ever µw, which ipn.rent .07 Mr. Lek'', was daly re. iuged IYttfOP XPTifflObility to acknowledge • It setzer.';: Veer* eerept for prima( wed ell eeirernee;t4 thinkit of arid toyaelf,, s' tO, -- Yonleitt A. I=l • A•!•gbety held • •pedal taaetink on l iczutor ciresing, August Ntl. In Se4et Conactil: Prassint—elieetre. Francis, Nil kpatrick, Knox, Hiller, Weight and Prcaidat Mar hail. Mr. lilrkpitriek, from the Committee on Ha ter, iff..:td the follow:11g lic.olard, That the Mayor be, an 1 he is hereby euthoriaed,lo Grotw hts.aarranti on the TINIERt. Or in furor cf rite following persons, and for the amount set opponta their name, Tate h 9e-- si"l.,rolobing end setting meters, i;2sl,Pa; Nut ell A- Kirkpatrick, Notts, repairing, err.,55.7. to: Jab,. Moore, h.atlog, sl.'2 (tiler ro„ iron, • a,O, etc., $34,15: I'. Grenangle, labor, $l5 1.11; J. Hopkins, hardware, $11,75 ; J. h 11. Pnlllips, rope r.eking,ls2l. ; Robert Ashworth, crude au, Jacob — llecn4 , ,re $155 ; Pay roll of 6uperintendont for July, $54,7.1. Report received, and resolution read three times and parsed. 'Mr. Kann.. from Police reported tlat they bad mode a thoti ugh in•eitigation lo t, the charges made again,: Otte( of PJllce Wills and cfltr4r Gabby, cf v.douption and fraud, and, finding Ur charge: fully sustained, immi diately dismissed them (ram the force. The re port vat ReetTat d. - The Co inusittee Appointed for the purpose of Istuntexing houses, and con•raCting for zinc plates contair.ing the names of the various streets,l ivenues, alleys and Linos is the city, reported , that the-lurk bud beeu completed. The rush% • tion under aLich the commutes was appointed wu adopted Fekrtutry u, lbal, and limited" the east of the work, to 'COO. to consequemos of boring to ivesere a larger Lumber of plays than *sit utimated in the cuttrder, the bill' sMointed ta;>:siiii d The coma:Attu °trued 'the fdtlowing resolution; it•toloort, nit As "Mayer be and he is here by ankhostrad todttair hie era:tante ah the Timis • et tit in favor of A..:.l.Mob:mons, for the HIM of to tell for plates conuittieg the names ht scepter., streets, mare and' alleys of the city. Report aostpied and resolution reed three times and pasted. Mr. Wright read a cmomaniution from J. It Pruldcht of the Inland Telegraph Campary,, asking the right of way -far the erec tion of the, line of telegraph Irvin the city of P:ttsimtgb rest through the etnets atilkelieys of the envy. Communication read and petition granted, provided' the poets be pat tigi ender the diteminti of the Committee onStreets. Er. Wright submit:ad toe report of the Oom mittert oa Suests. The oriFonAtt.iie rep .rk that R emir din g to in• ettutticta, preforara worn invited for the grad ing ntd. posing of the itzeell rind alleys expand thel.iinsnOad rgnares, and:that'tho trottraot wan alraTatd to Mertrr.kle,lntsra,fdoSanglier lt N. The corknittre also tutonittottlio following ro e 'int long Erse/arc!, That the Mayor he, and he Is here by as thcristsl to draw his Warrant on the Trean strcr in faror of James ,bl'firier, for the cam of sar, :is for lumber (drat:hod Street Commissioner. /:..&<d, That the Comnettnee on S ac they ate hereby acrthorize4 41[6111:W4 Walt the !twat/. sad beet bidder for the gliding and me tug of Pedertd-strcet, in front df City ibui, tegerber ?gbh the ride cra/ka and curbstones, f em - Ohio stitet to 6trantisrry Reigred, Tbat the Committee on Streets be, and they tre teleby isistruettd to put under eon ' tract, to the %wear end bast bidder, a sewer of et cleat • dispersions, tact less than flee feet] firm the railroad crossing at the corner of Irwin .117t17110 :0 a pin 'Ai s 'Letting the sewer already a:Lusted en the West Commons—a distance . Of IMO thousand far' : and that Metre. S. 11. Ilartman, lamer Richey, and Janes Uraham, 'be en - oil:dad TiCITOII, to Tioif and amnia the dactsgta end benefits arLting from the constrzto- Len tnerefrent. The' Committee also stsbmitted an ordinance f. r Ike grading end paring of A bdill and Road voter, in the Sooond ward. Report uocepted and reactances road three times and paired. like trdieanoa was thee Lai bee cp mad mad three times and peased. Mr. Weil cfored a resolution clunking the width of the sidewalks around the U.►moal square from twelve to fourteen feet. A lopted. kir.. Kirkpatrick offered a resolution instrucc.- lag the Water Committee to lay a loon inch wa ter pine on Marlon avenue, from Ridge street to Mariliall street, and to place a fire plug at the coiner of Marshal street and itlaricn asencie; alio a (oar tneltarater pine on Carroll street, *tout sla hundred feet to the corner of Carroll ar.d Monterey streets, to the Seeped ward. Read three times and parsed. Mr. Kasa prreinted as ordinamas increasing the fees for this irspection of salt. The °rill - nittVe provides that hereafter the compensation for icrrectleg Fah' ibsli be Ere cents fur every Mg, Ma or barrel, and for each cask of salt Ire cebte for every barrel csntatnad therein. U.dtraaees read three times and passed. Mr lace presented a communication Prom Policeman I: win. raw:Li:rating autinst the do de.ealts tri.m sitter 7 for the time he vas is .stteneince et the circus, b 7 Connell. C,smei al ales read And rein.-rcd to Polthe Committee. dlr. Atwell presented s e.msettniestion from the Safety Commit•ee, ukisg Cosnoile to mike an approptiarlos to sid it enrolling and organ • icing 3 It. Citi2:ll3 for horse defense. Ths coat • sauce alto taigas:ad thet a soostal PO:111W se be erpt.inted to coat: with a similar oomattee la 11 the Ptushragla "I he communication was received and Mr. At • well up:anted ort I shelf of 8. C. Maers. Me and Csnithe, Were appointed on the part of Ahe C. C. Mr. Atwell preyented a bill of vista from Sheriff Gtalem, wbleh end a war relat ordinal for it- payment Mr. Wright, from the C.datmissioner. of City Mall building, unwonted the following bill.. Whit. & AI• vender, three ziover fi,r City Hall, V. W. b 11. McCallum, matting. 52:1 6Pr 4. lb, ler lay tog ospot and rotting, j . : bilit received and were ante ord..* 4. r Knox entod ¢ bill frtst the ad. ettielog ached toffee. Rofcrred to tC f,irl o,:ttolitsso. 4 10 all of which nation 0. C. concurred. • Ga motion, adjAirned. In C;lr ..•, prcoett Banns — , wo, Cangliey, ban'ap, lirnalorn, cDo ea, Mellesn, rattllt 0., Srskith,Snilleiper, ado "..eßtitr, F i ntrs of last meeting read arms, 1 • Vr. Patterson prcien:oi the rep. r: of the C. in,g,ittee on Printing, al h . rae•Atillon LLir sing the Mayor to art* ;he fo,d,srinB war. rants Dz.P3 , rix monPas advertising, lt• .0 n 1 Co., print ing E. E. Cochran, stationery - - 1 4 - .3 'rho repast W&3 actopted end tho resolution ad rod. Mr. Patter/0k reeeotad the report r.f th, C.mmtttee on Mrrkzta, with tlaa I , llcw:ng prals of thelVelgLmseters T. bri A. White Diatnand Seater ......5 9.;.;;: Mtn F. Azder:AD . , Vara Saalee, 147.29 $2.12 Rum isle wrest of the Cotriwltteii nn Engiaer was pr.fecrtii by Alt. Ileanoy. The catum,sitre re- period a rut:rhino* arittlorizing the Mayor ar : dray warn:Lain favor d Can following per. scr.i ffe,cyhill Iti wsg , ,n for steam . sr?, ; 27f,; Bartley: .13ateatY Ca., lOU' feat of era tote; $1,322 19.; d. Fulton & San, hose f”.. , ,1 4 : 6 (fL0..A. Kelley - , sponges, et0.,519,91; , W. Andirsen. $ll3 ; M. Steel & Son, oats, : W: Berner, one loaf of hay, : Tate 4 SoclUo, Sla s ia ; A. A J. Mo- Ks: t a, dray Oates, 01. 54 . 'lle. reran was accepted and resolution adpt ed. jyr, ,Teba - S. Braun offered the IbUowieg, ,ee;lrck,pted Vat the Commissioners of the Of t,y Lo. mod WO hereby jut:lintel to psoSoo4 41.1.44124*-Ittlaittis.loo•Connt:lthishbiri for ace - ape:ay bi the Conneitt. Stara being .o othar ,bnslness, on motion sd janrotd. Met ttng of the Firemen'. Association. A r.goliar toortetly meotlng ,!!h5 Firamsz . . Arse• acca Wee 1,11 011 SlondAy iverklag, Ao• gust Prep,. r t, tat te:a. Iletre, Montgomery, ble..tiey, ;Yellin, Cupgitz, War., Tholr,m Creessa and McOarthy, Preet dent. itesignations of Messrs. Itesevelt and 'filthy, of the Independent, were road, A (car which cer. tint:etre of the election of Messrs. Davie, Sheol, and Elarriron, es delegates to the Attocietioe, were presented. Oe motion, the gentlemen were retreated to take their seats. It. it. Mackey? Treasurer, made his revert, wL rh was accepted. The report chows a bal. ante to the treatury of $322. A commanicatien fetal Felix it. Draaot, chairman of the Senitary Fair, was received end read, thanking the Fire Departments of Pitteberob and Allegheny for their services du. ring , the Fair. On seeiton of Mr. Th.teter LI t n It was rt. gels, eV that there Ge en plr.ti, ,f ..b, It re D.- pattmajat this year. ` Oct :Lotion, adjoumsd. NrocAL.—The Wattaingtot Cornet Band, which .hae Terently been et - gaud:s4. gave CID as °proMalty last . 47satag ja4,llog of that/. Aoratral profiefetioy. The Felanstta, was Ter, dettghtfol, And the , bantionlatil el./ads which they disco:alma arC7e Yttt7 accaptable, sal re- Berea the te.tnott,ny cf our olidui,fat 1 "While passing, plasm) call." 1:113TT street warehouse ;aid let., at the cor• ror of S,rewberry alley, will be told et the Or rtron.' rot rt Elsie tai. &conies, at eight o'clock . , it the Commercial Selo }loom, by A. RdaLl• ware. aeatioaeor. Ibis prep,rty belongs to the estate of E.:Wools:attach, &coated, mad it sentralfor.betineit. E 03111113710 Nics.—See those peke: basks, Stith 4trisi attached. at Praz.k Can's Boot opt Nowa depot; Chronic!" baildins. .nliTett.—AU the teagaeliee sal newepapen, at rent Cite's None depot. •r 6t, aAt 11 A.4/1(:, OL Ji C krn 110 MAI ?ABET, Nall and Ornemental Mats Roofer. and dealer in Penneykraula sad Ver. snout elate of the beet quality at low ratio. Often at Alen. Laughiin'u, new the Waled Werke, Pittsbargh, Pa. RIAD i'llis—Vrr :ha riota2 gem t of the aystem change of Diet, Wounds, Sore., Bruises and in:lntl:ins, to which ovary volunteer irliab'e, there are Do comedies so safe ' eonve• latent and sure as HOLLOWAY'S PICAS AND OINT&IENT, thoroughly tested in the Crimean and Italian Campaigns. Holloway's Pill. and Ointment are now re tailed, owing to the high prices of drugs, .ke., at cent!, .7 i ova'. and $1.40 per pot or boa . For asie In Pittsburgh by B. L. Pahneatock & Co. For sale at Thtlton's drag store,;Fifth street, Pittsburgh, For sale also by Geo. A. Kelly, Federal "treat, Allegheny city. ftestonin.--,Santinel Graham & Co., llerehanr Tailors, have concaved to 73 Smithfield Street. Wo are just receiving our second supply of spring and Comm.! good:, mei most re spectfully Invite oar friend^ and the nubile in c,incral to examine our new stock, believing it to be One of the Wiest Otacke of merchant talky gocde in the city. ETCay garment war ranted to give fall sittisfs.aticri, In both prim and quality. Clive C 5 a e-. 11 before pure:lazing elsewhere and judge for yourseivas. Gallus MCCARDLISSI. Merchant Tailors, No. 73 Einaishileld meet. orsorg.t. ]Sca - azt..-The anastion at ear tandem diretted to the brilliant assertmontof fluriag and Hummer Goads Put naseived friend Mr. John Wirier, No. 126 Federal street, Alio gheny. llis stock comprises a great variety of Panay Preach, English, Boob* ma Amuloon Canimeres and Cloths, and ftc.e Silk and Gas simere 4mM:ico r -an of which will be made up to ardor in the larval stales and in dm best manner. A choice selection of Farnishing Goods also on hand and for sac, together with a full stork c Beady Made Olothtne. well and fash ionably made. Corona, Bronehttts, Coarseness, Cads, loin. erne, A sihnus, Catarrh, nay irritation and Sonnets -Throat, instantly mitered by Brown's Brczebial Troches. To Public! Speakers and Singers, they are eitectstal in clearing and giving strength to the voice. Sold by &runlets generally. A Ran Exoric —The "Priscips Florettz," from the south of France. 'he perfume of Ude 11131 It delightful tloirer bet been Inemporeted by Lebir., et Paris, with Ms aim toilet rattultite, "Hair brittle/Fir:triable," en article beyond ell petite els beeetider of the heir. Oat a temple Louie and be isonvineed, luducturients holdout by oUrlits low prices; Litt an equitable las will be charged ha every use, !or thus brat materials will be used, end all the time and skill necessary to items permutes. reedu shall is spplied. o...tista and earrloge mile will be taken at the o=nib le elllcz o 1111 Penn etroot, day or night. AI2 ordure left at the above pleas will be proniptly attended to. All Galls meat be raid in advance. • Dia CM rot 1F.85.—A tall assort:nen t dia ries, for next year, can now be seen at Frank Cate's book and news depot. MARRIED EbTTA - ALT E 11.—W ILZON —On tat 17tb tilt by tho. ILA . h It c.a.rk, Il.r. JOIAS R K•119/A11111, AAA 11 ta. BILL/ . LSON, lA.Ab bieneb,..r. CEA/7 —nn r,ala, car alai, at Cap. Mar. from ca . ], • C••• ti - oct ma•,• and ntaa,..•l, Mrs. NANO , x iic of L. U. Graff, thil•dol;lia. • ouerod to: Lole pima from 11, rm.Jomo of Mr. J. T. Pay, No. a Cl9l Mrtm, Irs•osT Arrmenomr, M os , ix Y. Yt It 12.13 ve itorttocl intlArt.! withom farther notice. The romeion will tortiTo at th. Tvemoyl•mtis Eis Depot on Ttlookbty M.l p m. PH Ll•ll%—rm Pert 44.7 xnurehm tow., %It a: 3 ockrt, Hrl,tB7 FHILLI PI. i his 3531 ;..sr The fu•rral h ul thle plat* . flOnct ht. tat; meidcace, at Philtlymritle, hear the Oil 011. th 1 actory, on 'frau.; litb hut, •t rocr c4l. iv. Th. ftlet.T• , t 1 the fa 1.101 arelceit.,t th *Leal. THIED WARD, ALLEGREN Y.— carolled to ea and where. a wh, ward tr• .ozrestly serroccod pap their crths, - ripUoac to I' • Mock Carou.llaces, or 7 ',corer, Mr. 51oS1011Sa, 10. Saudroky wee.. on 4 :hoe en.hle the tut to amt. CO rthrail ro l orateer• to :41. ($46 quota ol tho and Th. arcencta or taboo.tp fru vill he. n ac ./..1 ie F.chp,l U odr ••oft. pr pce..l U. , 1:01. le/Wt. IKON Cil Y C 01.1 .1 Or, L=l 71, cLeartat re,st 1-4,-constal usinet=s Man's College Btolots rates ..4 rs•lonr M :tam • • —s, 1 ..t7mlut•- , rrlo Pv , st.rgia, B.TI Ei()l{SEti .11 f/Pl'4' "1.014.. ! u vt!l to ¢1 st Acts. bntzt • ABiTGLEIIT p.s7ab4 tr. c. rt:t. , slf. et I, bt 4u 7,1 thsn tro b. 1,. 7brvo , ho.w most te •••11 brzr.d. b..-tlre, 664 lr,t. ft.•co ail ,;•14..tY, f, lb 6 eat, bld ;rib: y.ltrs olt, , -ntb to hebda Mgt , . and 1., • littl not 44. lb= 10to poubda. 61te tow. Atol mut , . b • exCn.l.tt, t .1u1.• exunklard by • coop. , br.l .16 ,• ,:t•••nb. I ova coutorm to tb• oloy, tt•c ttza• nobs 0 C 1 1 046, • LI Col. nn.l D. 4. 51 Ctutt•ml. NM= MADAMS LOIERGI4 MW :ALOWELL Uhlr , U al • G. , l2Cr 1.4 cr—r. 11A r!vrn ,Tarirr. TL-y 6re 1: a. p• e,v4 , 1 u• troll, Cl :6 6 ....antic mat. rt••• trabl. and W e., C., *III It. y pu'olk to the • — alatirg dimmed cf my GMo ac.d csocllclne. to S.a 1-t.••t.st. mi.:es, • t,••.— e•ld.rc, rs .41 ti.. L.., 1,. sr• 1 El, 7•:. cts ,o) two. I. lc. pr,t.:.• a genr , io.lo over•-y.. It-r!hy dr ttt :v. dtt C. and p,uaa R. WOW. .LM 31. Si.',STE fiLas for:mass, . Ant I'm met Partlrolor ottnotkott Rt to tto- So 11,4, oud topoirlog of OIL UNFIXED. ES. AD ktotiO nt Ma:it , AND ILVIN IP' toady to ord. r. Alx DIIASS VAL. 4 IINO, of at/ 1tt0.1.. motto st 1.6.-.1..0-ntat &Olen. Ad ord.ro 141 nt Ntll. LI and 31 WAXED OTILZI/, ofor4,thert7, wit-. to pronto:ly attentod to. QtTLa .i.UllO.r. of Otto trot Intog oolotical ,Mllabtla• 42, ttt =soy put - frontiontell theft t.ttylools trol Da ti-Vn to E N rl, 'FOD:tact In o rto sers twct. V* I , n eti, sat ,t. for tiorttott ISTIE ot.ttiottn, Watt r. Crodu ..A 1t09nt.1./11., Az. j NO. BURGEZ..4:7". (Eux.e.... to J. A W. adIMAJ Commls•lou and Forwarding 21•rc Hants, COME llk.nr fmrnh.ssel the ''ffistt.a ITyaro/.. at DV City, t.b , l Luviti %mph. we Isrr n preTar.sl nrld I, AND :11/411CIIAN• DISE, .f ,rery isr.ou Ls azstlefas:tivrt to all who may favor cla with thoir pat.,nsce, CHARLES L. CALDWELL, (e...r. , ortr to lsnv Ti—troto l jo.) I=l I t•ltr In 13nIX.Ii, LARD, stu.a CITELZD /WIC 13 - .IIOgED BET.F, 001111ZIL &SETT ILND nEST maims, Prrrsz.ve , 33, P•. re IMy All? I,lllliNElt, AND BIIITir: , 11 WA.Cr. MANUFACTWIT COLLINS ik WRIGHT, arnfluturrer. of 6.1: LIG '• of L CEP riun,rm, LAN P OEAFoi, Ic. Allu-f.a•ur..r• of Wrgglat'm Yottnl Tlii JUO TOP rm.. TIN 111 C : - 7!111) 71.4 . , rat , Lt SOlsfiT PiPPELL rot., sr IE9 Sescald stn-!. 111:9 U . S. INTNREST COUPONS. 10.401, I[l6 111 a:17.1.17:. r4:,11,1 BILUPL J /OBIS, Dalai. *lB:fir. C°"'GN EN TS— '4,, box,. Wrotrto 800. , Cbtovr, to do Ore 0u Mote; O. boo}, Ono% ppl69: ::t do Ma, rost.t Boom. to hal: to, Cu L.lO, 1167614. 60 du do du 'IS ocd 6lulecut; Cce Old r MPI , s• 4,1 41. n, ,, I El.< or 1 . 74 444.P.r2,11. Ls POT r Al KZ :3W Liberty octet SIIARPSBURG BRIDGE BURNED Tor Peet as zit. for • rem Ca both dits or the dfirsterey olver, or • grafter rf s m'te te-lcrths math of r Crest. Partscahtes caa by had by call Oo m.. 3. 8. 110tleig0E, 10C.16•10. uo 107 "earth .treat STAR BRAND CINCINNATI ht rebteriber ba. ttit on ha.] s ffnpply of thla tr• triad nu.nr Cored Home pat tot , Ly 'o'n tom. Alynnina To, sale by the retro or .iogra ko k u, w sue ronl:l“ltnotry Etc:. of JOSH 6. itt:lB , l6,W, oaf tarot! Liberty end Trani 0,a.. VITM G. JOHNSTON a CO. Stationers, Vl' gli z k Book Disiebtanseri awl kb Prints r ~ Lis, Pi Ikett etre ; Viltsbnritt., THE LATEST NEWS „ BY 'RUBBISH. Our Special I)ispatehe4. FROM_ 11ASIIINGTON Capture of Glen. Bionen►zu and Men Confirmed. NEW MILITARY DIVISION FORMED Sentence of Surgeon Gan. Hammond I'AIMENT liF TiIE POPIM i ARVI" TILE TAX ON BOW., NAGAZBES, Supprboion of Trrasonab'e No \sipap:rs VALUABLE - 11ERVIDES ACK NOWLEDGED. The Came of Gen.. Wild Ittpatt Is tethe Pittobarch GS] t ie August R,1364. rU■ CArrVill is On!. BToanus 'I he Government hes received positive informa tion of the captors° of Gen. Stoneman, with shoat ell hundred of his Mllll, near Clinton, Ala. ilia forte consisted of 1,300 men, moat of whom es caped. In his ight with Ransom he lost about lee killed and wean dad. Umat damage was In dicted on the reProad. • ' ) By the direotton of the President,' new Wit tily division has been formed, to be known as the Middle Division. Maj. Oen. Sheridan Is temporarily assigned to the command, with head-quarters at Harper's Ferry. The division is composed of the Washington, Satqnehanna, West Virglda and Middle Departments. The status of each department will remain the same as heretofore. Is uLderttood that the sentence in the Gll.lO 41 Surgeon•rieaern' Hammond is, that he be si.spts.,l . ti !sum rank and pay for thrco pinta. (Mr. 1140 , r111 Mar Dot 'et bed assigned to a command. Ila was ..00zed a ihart it.,, of abochae, which ha it iip.ar.tly stfusaJ, preferring to enter at once Saw active lerriCll. Ws-:ante iv: three of dollarc, to,.pay the atAdiors of the Army of the Potazao, pasttd thrtogh tLe Trea!nty to-day, and the noy ein he mit rvrtherltti. Fend, to pay ioff the lreepo ite the Eouthweit will probably be re“u> the comae of the nest ten days. ME I= The Ccnaimiesianer of Internal Revenue has d. ded with reference to printed bo be, maga ai her, de., under act cf Juno 1.164, that when the publi; her lithe owner of • cony night, plates, , st,d riga ; hfode, c, be must tube out a Ife, are and ;ay duty on the amount of sales; but tl, being inch publiohers, other prircers F ut end fewth the publication on con:miff i in or y contract, he, the Gaither, most pay the du•y, tat is entitled a, coil , 0. the amount from the ruhli.her or outer. If, ht,wever, the, pal,- lieGirg be done by one, and the printing by st they, mad the binding bye third, than the printer pays the duty upon the printing, and the binder the duty upon the increased value of the Goictirg. in all cotes the intralon to by tat the trade rake of ail publics : ,be bands parties, which is 5 RE . ifbn.. a the cats. of ail books, 'of icy t:t preciously pe;d. (1 , 1 4. 111 al ri I t 0,0 terroeter—v•Loliml .Ex.:cza Lc- ==! 11 re el see Ai, T or roe Ponotev, !Jog. 4, 0,- • so B—The Clicrgiianding takes great pleasure In aehooteledgiag the t.:e ferries, rendered by Lieut.. Colol2ti e_;L ei,otte, ,f the it h • et:, at .I thy oGionre and men of hie I ex•arating ibe mine which was e• r-•!ni!y ertr.meti ,n the morning •f the 1...r...01er eta of the enemy's Suturing, in front .-,red lit titer., Ninth Army rorpe. Tbo • i•Lyed .n Lyins.eld ...tetra . ..tins the terse great credit upon Lielel Colonel men v: Cos regi. ,so L. Ile t slrt ordinary labor and fatigue In la :he prcserution of the wart to ooze , tithy , f the highest praise. 117 nom. maxi f ?dal. den. 31.1.W1. A. A. 0 .11.:1:•,. al v1,14/11-01312.41 •ZZSSJ•II I.L . Me"r.LlD. /: C0;:,..0.rig ford*: Das th 4.3 da; beau pro- . • :I,VE t M•s.ttlgr - Ith k)::.c.11: Ur- J.. .. WaT Aogust 7, 4 E....lt:sign, I ^ , eby al:ecmes c•ou.mend . tilidtary Uhs.lon, 4.00 - prizing the 1• aerartmaati . Middle De ;ll7l.a et L, Department of Deput 'u•.nt C;u:ltch-a.nne, bed the Department Vr, further orders the a; Middle Military Daision D,•pe•'e Ferry. P. H. SFEITDIN, Yaj On. Com asna!ng hs r• -eed:tcs n the 0010 of Itrisal.er use. F. A IV Id, lel, Tres Wed by a C. art Martial :ol I <tedie CO Cf orders, convened by crier of Oa. e- it Deldy Smith, have been aubmitted to ie: • l'io.er and disapproved. It app.., Lal rtor to the tittiog of the e,tart, Itutfar bad a an .tier te , ,,,iny that a majority of trod to try odleere C01:2221110 ding old he composed of a like class of 2 5, the . ease. The composition of the cioct 4,1 not comply with that order. The ca re ¢en•ilrg tientrel, hoverer, upon the merle of :2,0 announred tout don. Wild wintd he re 'asiea from STIINt and returned In INV. azost. trrTe mom 'coma R_mend piper, of the nth contain olDratchee fro m Mobile wont utiolng that oar infantry forte. Lad t. ken IP( !PO6SiO.II I.Penrhin 1-Ita4, which woot .1 Motile, in the rear nf Ft Gslose. A .ra - vOr t 111.31....)ct r=l.leJ Ft. :he 0.! of the chattel, to attach Ft. ',altos. • T!.e i.A:oo;rig are among the delta./ of toldiar: reTortei to-de.t. • Jcitio D Duaheot, E, 144th 0. N . , Spear, 11,115 th 0. N.G.; George I'. 7 hoar, I , ll'h 0. N. 0. The rece!pte from internal re ionue :or the pest week bare averaged nearly one million per day. itereir e from atl oarcee, per day, will a?onnt at. ut Iwo n.lllic n 4. Fevc-thirttee are selling rapidly. .1.1,1.1.61M3 t r 7r.LAIf7APLI LLITSP,II-28 It It the opinion of the meat eminent legal iir:brcittel of the Goveroment, end le concurred is t Gov. Ilttagb, that a number of trearmi• &At) new4apery In Oak, will be eapprevred. EC= By direction of the President, Capt. Jahae, of the 18th Illinois cavalry, hen herd dishonor ably dismieeed the zerrire. New 1 urn Stara and Money Mute! Lt.put,tt Mt , Cittaburgh Gst. tts. blew Yoad, Aare! 8, 1881. 6 , 00-1!s mil ha qa,ted flu nee. Plttabarga FL WaTne 115 Cleveland A; Ftt !n-e], 11.3';'; r• 6 - bilog, 41 ; ana year Cert , aea•es. Secen• nutty Treteury 1N0 , 911,108@108q ; I05:-,(0110. God h a Ana loner, tot aciettied, altaing at $2,,afit,i5914. Dlslo3al Fami Its Banished—Tobacco for bi tv lurk _Cerso, Aug. 8.--Sereral disloyal citizens of Colombia and Paducah, with their families, ar• rived bete en rouse for Toronto, comae, having Leen 'banished by Gen. Paine. Amititig 'aka 111317, ler are moschents,leading men, whose property has berm relied by Eleven:meat. Ico nee. fronkthe South. - . • . 140 bhds. of lobazoo arrived here from Pada. rib tinceBavard.37, for Now Yott. THE REBEL INVASION, HASTY RETREAT FROM MARYLAPIP lli. r rtat Drains Mar in r To- Wards Mama on tit RING :1 BALT:NOM, August O.—The Aarter; , ,n furnish- CS the following In SCIT11:160 St its publics:ion bore We teem from a gentleman who arrived chit morr:ag ::cm the Upper Potomac that the entire rebel force yesterday evacuated the Maryland ride of the Potomac, moving off in groat haste Their tear guard crossed ex chepardstown at II c'clork yesterday forenoon, and the talents moored at Hancock about the 51710 ti me. From the south side of the Potomac we learn that Gen. Early has been moving up the valley towards Winchester with his harvest trains du ring last week, scouring the country for con scripts std grain. The information, a weak since, that the rebels would: make a faint move ment on:Merylanoilmerety is oover t:eir return trains has been verified lo the fullest extent, and they era now all moving towards Staunton. Wsligmotott, Aug. b--The Star says: "From a gentleman who artyred here yesterday from Hagerstown, where to hes been roj turning for 2 weeks past, we getionce interesting particulars of the doings of the rebels In that sit) when they took possession of the town. They pro ceeded to institute a search of the stores. As the merchants bed net replenished their stooks since the former visit of the rebels, the latter got but lit:is with theexception of a small once. tl'y of oboes and hats. At the grocery stores. they filled tkeir haversacks with sugar sad their contacts with molasses, and In one or two eases they turned the molasses out and let it rat In the 'atrim. Thee trains of ears reported to have been burnt by this party when they aniered Hagerstown, wen destroyed by our troop in order to pro 'lnt their faillog into.the hands of the rebels, u they contained a valuable cargo. LAM FROM PETERSBURG, The Rebel Mine Explosion REBEL DESERTERS BILL!D LID WOUNDED. Deserters' Account of the Explosion July 30th. Wlsfintalrov, August "—A letter fromr the Army of the Potomac, dated Saturday evening, ssf : It le not generally believed that the pur pose of the enemy on Friday was to blow op a fort in front of the sth term but their intention war to damage a sane whiah they supposed was being dog in front of the 14th corps. Certain it It there was to explodes, whatever may have been the object of Our men were caneld• stably startled, ald every one rushed to hie peer, when a rapid the commenced from our line in the direction of the enemy, who were sup posed to be advancing. As the emuke cleared away lbs true stare of affairs was discovered, end firlog ceased. A tarty of fifty deserters started to come into our lines yesterday morning at an early hour. Our go loners, not k nowtog their intention, o pen ed upon them, killing and wounding about teensy. Nine of them arrived at headquarter% on Saturday forenoon, some of them wounded. They represented the Confederacy as being in a bad way, gave an account of the state of affairs et Atlanta, and tell how their army au fright ened cm rho previous Saturday when the mine was sprung, all leaving their guns and running beck some distance, fearing that other esplo• ijurs weals; occur along the line, but thoy soon regained confidence end fell back into their be rate position In •Ime to moot the attack, which, they say, au more than an hour and n half attar the <splash a. Tinto men say the reason why the a oldie-re do not exchange newspapers is that Obey are ortived not to do se; but this would be of on offect If they could afford to boy them, the price Laing forty cants each, and they have not been paid oil fora long time. Very little firing took place on Saturday. r01.7111/8 Mokkoa, Alp:let 8 —A territte fight to, k Van In front of Poterthure on Ad iky al te•econ, lusting from 'lO t, 7:10 p. m. It ena moured by a oba-ge from the Batter, whloh was repulsed •ith elanghTbr. They alto exploded • slny which did no damage to our troops or vcrLt, but killed tome of the rebel.. The (lea k, on cur side was prlndpally by the 9:12 oorpo, end wet most deepetetn. CCESSFUL OPILATIOS iGil59l MOBIL& Fort Horgan Passed by our Fleet. Of 1, RAI TEDESSEE SRELESDEBED Iturhatian Wounded and a Prisoner. REEL IRON CLAD SELINA CAPTURED THE MONITOR TECUMSEH SUNS Al: mast, Ir.sp:rro,i, Aug. r, T , ofltwit g sueonnroment suA;eurel gas. 3.1.1 it appear+ in the Rich ti of this date, and Is transmitted b. M rf. rot,: Btatlcr :r the Pretrom 1 P. At , Aug. A. Ire . ol oar g . tLe r •lAt ref •ra t ticen 'rem 41)pu•t D. F. LUT:.“, Mid. that ~ Au, —Lion J A Seddon, S, , o'y of S-0,0 0 ner• cf the enemy . . me3Vehl—l ..hips ;n 1 3 Iron outs—pa:sod Ft. Morgan this morn ing The Tecumseh, a monitor, nag sunk by Ft Morgan. The T.mnersel serrendersd, after 3.11,1100 engagement with the 611n1.1 y . 6 tint . Admire' Dechanan a leg, and II a prisoner. Tl'Seqra e•sti rapia.ed. The Chines WAS treeled tear the h,rpliel. The Mogan I. safe, 10.11 try to ion up to tight. Toe enemy's z.l.alre appro.:bed the chy. A re mLar has bee. engaging Ft. It ',wall all day. t d gaol, D. 11. Maca., !d.j. Gent. DEPORTED FIGHT NEAR MOORFIELD. All the Rebel Artillery and Five HuLored Prisoners Captured. !MATCH PROM GEN. SHERIDAN fI•tDVDAITIIB MIDDLI tIIPJ,ITTTTT , Ih •,rh'e FtlhT, August M-4 10 e. W. galZeck-, Girl' ',14 , 1", , • ---- BeFsdier Gen. Kelly reports that a scout haa just trtivod at Kerr Crook, and reports that General Arcola overtook the enemy near Inoor• field 3 ctterdey and attacked him, op:acing all of li= artlPery and five hundred 711;osters. theist kits Scan rcctived from General Avert.., ett cr. Signed, P. H. butiatnaN, Major Getcral COlllll to hog. Whitt SUN) ON, Sao') of War. Appob t men, of Hon. dolor Bingham -Ihe New 011 , 1 , nl7 Dlvl Qt—Prlooners 01 W ar—Coollso t-11 Proporty Wasuisorva. August S —The PrCSidollt his •rweint , n ex Congroistuen John A. Bing a a, of ( , hio, Polinit.,r for the I n‘,.l Siete.. to the Court of Chime, to fill tho racanoy crested by the religna.ion of Me. Gibson. Theresa Military Dlviaion whi7h bee jest been formed is to be knoa-.3 us the MitPe Military hit te.ton, and le o“mp,,iod of the depart oats of Washington end %Vattern Virginia. The status of each isartment remains as heresof.,re, Ali} them betog placed under the immediate sutorrlelon of Major geraral Sher , 3l.a, with headquarters fur the present at ilerper'sFerry, and who 'sill command all the 'neat in the field. Provost kfa-thal Ingrahma will hereafter is • nos no pates to pis tits dve.ring to vase prison era of war In tho Old Capital prison. creep: on the direct order at the Secretary of War, • r, au the trier of Col. flardett, acting unlor .diroo • none of the Secretary of War. I.l.lcbtamin papers of Saturday last or 24.2,3 I hut E ur forces have taken posseeeion of DAII • pb:D'i. Island, south of the hiatus of Method, and is tL• rear of F,at The C. S. Marshal of the District of CoMmbLa to• Joy sold the life interest in conllacated prop• e•ty rt eight porton/ now in rebellion) that of Jovernor Lotcher was very 85101 E Via inter• nets of Trneten Polk and W. T. Slithson were not sold, having been withdrawn. The sale netted only 15,000. The Neer York Pose'. speotai eels the War Department boa authair.,l McOleilan to rape 110,01 1 0 men immodlatoly for speotal service under hie commend. This report le very drebt. Gon. flosker goer to Ben Yo•it tosnight. He f..,litrlized the proposition to recruit s, now btrr, to bo co=snended bloantl. TRACE WITH STATES IN INSURRECTION. Modified and Improved Nadel and Re7.t. dation' Aug. Modified and improved -cite tA, commerci s. en tef,, .1,3 in States .:eclAre i in lovas . •., L.7,.1:1g teen approved by thesPree laser, are oEciolly declared by tho So-notary of rho Treaou•y. Ft,_u these it op?eare that the cc mtucjil intercourse with the localities be send the lines of actual military occupation by the I cited States force-, is alusoircely prohlb• ited, and no permit will be granted for tho 'runs pnruuen of ap.y property to any place under the control et the insurgents against the Vaited Sates. .4,apply stores at places agreed upon by the commanding General of the Department and a pettier supervielng special agent, may be es tablished by inch loyal persons 13 the capered,- ion special agent or assistant special agents shall designate for that purpose- Loy al prrshas residing in the district or county contigneas to the place, and within the lines of actual occupation by military forces of the United States, may Fa permitted to proonre from any inch steno, and take to their family or plan a tion, tuck Surplice as may be necessary to their own use; ar o permits will be granted to su'l err to transport to the tc;imeut or post antlered by them tuoh articles as they are authorised to cell, free of the three per sea - . he but no permit will be granted to grottier excepting on present ing to the proper permit officer the original cer- Iledeste of his appointment 4oin the commanding officer of his regiment : kr net, contatarldvaed by the division commander, and on application an affidavit in the prescribed form. 'Transportation is not jermitted to any regimental antler for se amount of good.. exceeding s2too worth, nor for over two months supply at one time. The testrictions on carriers and trade boats on western watts remain as heretofore. Clears snots and permit% to any port or place affected by tbe existing - blockade, will be granted only upon request of the War or Navy Iropartment. Alt extedr.g eutheritiss to ourchase products in the insurrectionary States are revoked, except that redacts pritchnsed in good faith under such authorities, and paid for prior to the data hereof, may be transported in the same manner and subject to the saw.e conditions es products raised by the labor of freedmen, and all author ities to transport goods, wares, or merehandise into any insarreetionsty State, are revoked. Agents are authorised to purchase for the United States any prcdacts of SLIbIll de/farad In insurrection at such places as may os designa ted by the Secretary of the Treasury at such pries!, as shall be agreed on with the seller, not elocedir g the market value thereof at the piase of delivery, excerting of the market value in the city of New York, at she latest quotation known to the agent pu• h sing. The money' sarising from the sole of the payment of the purchase money and other expenses eninected thereeith are icqnired to be paid into the Treas• nry. The Secretary of the Treasury has oleo pre pared regutationn relative to abandoned, cap tured and oonffecnted pancenal property, which will be carried Into effect by the come agente, and under the eater enpervise re that are provided cider the regulations concerning commercial Intercourse. Such property, required for public, use, to to to epprairod and delivered aver, white provision le made for the tale e,f the remainder. Ito regaLstiorts ooncerning abandoned and con fleeted ands, honors and tenecuenee, are am,,ng a•her thing. for the employment and welfare of freedmen. In each rptclal agency, one cr more pisme are to be known as the freedmen's home. Colonies are to be established, and, a superintendent of freedmen will be appointed for each of the 0) ;... nine. Freedmor am olassif,d, and the rainica,m rate of w•ires rf N., 1, males, It t, be ...A enty - five dollars ; for No. 2. twenty si N. fifteen dollars Nor. 2 c.rid , females, Irish • teen. fourteen sod en dollars. These rates shall nut restrict mechanics and ethers From coa t:se—no for higher wager, if the: can do so. Writ ea agreements may be made between the employees and empluer. Schools are to be es. -B.l.lished within !here homes and labor colonies .or.,cient for the Education of all the rhifdroy there under the ate of twelve years, and pona/• Iles are pre oribed :or 11l usage of freedmen. List of Exchanged Officers Nan Yeas, Aug S.—The tollowing is a list of situ ofscare exchanged at Charleston, sad will had been taken there to b • pieced alder oar fire: Brigadier Ahnernle Seymour, Wetiel, Seammon, Shafer and Niekman Colonels T. Groan, It. I.la , kins, Elabreson, J. 11. Lebo, in, 0 Li stener., W. J. Lee, R .1. White, H. C S. Brown, E. L Dane, and E Fardell Lt. Colorels, C S. Hap, N B Bunter, T. N. Hag ger.bc.nden, W. E. MoMohln, W. C. Maxwell. W W Stewart, J. D. 10..1e0, tI. F. J. H. Bombs on, I. W. Swift and A. W. Taylor. Return of a laucciesfol Scot:Ml:kg Party. Sr. Levi-, August S.—Colonel Barrie mi.- graphed to beadf; carters here tram N.. Madrid. that be hat jail returned L^An.a zeceet fez days' feint in the touts-eattsra of untie! of M.: ituri, and north enttern moraine of Arkau.., daring which he killed City rebels, capturing one Cap• Lain and three Lieutenantt; wound at forty, in • eluding two Capt►ios; captured two hundred artur, over two buutireff borate and muted, and City-feren p;ifonere. Our Iv,/ eat Captain Praxes', mortany wounded, end eirry.ftw, oth ors silgi.t y wounded. ILEARIEMTS. Wew 1 ork Lotafeet. Y•Alll. A. rr:n aryl pon., tvon upward. :1.7".:t41 :7 rtl t ftqr tt, itt r I h.nr—bra and Wr..tero h wry af I r bop,' ,Tr r. vat , EIV, a (.1..:., SI ‘l4 br Trado , brarda,tre noLrYwr rforf,r Leary Wtrot, hr. , l ,tar., 41 74 I I IA storla, t‘hwar and 1 tr, 42 , 52,21 a 0 0 $2.4r.,_ - • for Nate, ltd littarwrn. Oory and , , d !f , tht ,rtwr r cro!y 1,11 •.arrEo, . LI. Oat , at fl .r and i. u 41 oi Pork ...I V fir Hard, r Pt.- RM. 1.1,1 icari .I.rd ILIMEMEI Stuck aLd %one} Market. Anc,t ma., at I r.at 1.1,e at:t•. eiiag e;.. E.II . -sos 1. 111 &rip re , rt. W. 1 . tires t: rY Orotrsl.. tri I• St. 1.a.u14 Market. Lott., A r.,,,5t i.,--1 , , 41(C.0 lf,•• !WI 141 -11• r Flour taint 4.1". rant., 117."4.,/ I tor e1,1n6 • I.t • .1.1 f r k;2ll./c ho, ,Eg r avg tia..orLor.,rd fl t 1, um., ':.bk Baltimore Market. • Ausp.l : 1 . —l4 ur G • 11••••1 , 1 r 14,44 1 , 010/ 0 asi•l 111 d•nzi.td adv•acm,.., •41.1 Nu.• 61.1. te. • .1 .10,11,... W• (1..• 1 1 . r, w4:n it . 01,1, Y. llow 131..1 1 1. Wl:l2ky 1;M at :1 7! Nest Yuri Rau!: 'State:lll,w. s.—Leaas.sl,33.:•{4l.l , r, decrease, 1 1 17; hicTu5.10.,51 , 7,G2.1 tar- Is 1 0. g 4 d erro••• • Vira. 791.:AZ .1t11,1,:111. CL4IJJ FirT WOUSD-ED - - BULDIEFA W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, CLAIN A 132532; 144 Fourth strvst, Plttsbarity &re prnstrld W olllset tbs 8/00 1 , 57.7,ty del Wotraded Soldiers, lALIIIDIASCLIr. 16273 r W OUNDED t4-OLDIEgh C=l3 TO ALL IA On, D SOLDILLIA, ts Ace !sea( pest cen slth . .Istaeborgn." sturge Asses aatl . on. ,Is collected T. a ALTAR OAT. Llmased b 7 the U. 6- GlTereartssn, Nu ICC 1r slectL,Plctst..lo4 4 door MI. w ;Ls U . S. 10-40 LOAN ==1331 COVSII.2I2IIXLI7 10.10 L 0.1131, Itmotred as raw at LUMINA, BAST a CO. Wood trot, erikBoo 1M1R174 IT ANNA. &goal TENNYON NEW 10..k/K. E ZN" .) C R AR I+ R :ad nth, p 007., by Mbni Ter, nun. I rvl 19 m,. Prics 11,OS. EAT Jr. CO.. r i W.O .rant. IFSFI SA RDINES —Jnst received a Irob inri.l7 Ia bnlf box. Tor ni4 Its &mos , by Jy/IN A. ILENSUAW. .04 carom. IJl.arty awl tlan4 phr t)IL--69 barrel:: Amber ealorod o:cd, 0:I !:r•a:e by aHarrza a Lasiaa. •tnsti rOR FALK—ENO V& OrD 14011.13. 1 .1.—. A. A 411 bores powev lEvezte, win MO., for rep, 14. y le to operbtton by calling el OW prlctlni cE:ce ors 974 FESH SALMON AND LO3 TER rp iu c. ar.d two posnd thlk sue, 1term,21,217, ttiLlcd, Jelin:Mud irad Eta W.. by JOHN A. AVIC4HAW, Aul ' comet Warty and MO4 manta. riIIRIIANTS AND PLUME:B-30 casks pthros Currsatr, sn Inge fresePrame. last received sad Or east., .CSICIEL Ell /4 , sal 12/ IE:4 Weed Mint allite [C.a.& pn, Twenty Years Standing. CURB 0! Below will k wane . tertaants from km of tb. mkt rrcpeeable ditroas of Wilkins ITArIIIWp 111 marl to Dr. Keyser% Ltacimorm Stasi Ileareheri The Drove. artlfoatee ate wittla natty, sal ao oz. nad be 4red to regard to Ms preparaVone : Dr. Geo. B. Kew I Eemas a6lic44 will wt. la“t 1 , ....t1 T. 6. no, and every rear tb47 ..• growing wane, in ma to :rouble tn. Tall =lnch. ec Enoch so Kt times as to untlt me far tors. 9cme Um... I ~.. I=l they cams ant on me Is larte u t'hickory an:. I had tried • gnat deal of eiedietoo for chem. I tUlt.i to boy and take vbstArret I could bear sr or real of to dna aro and paropharta that ron I. MI . 1, 70 ,4, I could act get orrzd sometthisa they Iroolido ras emoe goodtor • -urn. trbilo, trot ►Rert`rardo trot4.l 'tot= Flo rer. I olso applied to nro Itor.tors, tr to vie- taa Haut in housing:id gut sae 1 , 41. osectiotlab bat ti 1:10• d• 1, I could not rct welL ()Tot • pax I ,rot I.!Tarti•emr-rt of your Lit 1437 s &weir. r, rue& by younelf. When you Kid it to m• pin ti.al ma our amid not tore roe, not that my e irgtna 'email lines to be renewed by the medicine before! ,u wall. I booubt one bottle end took it bane with me, sad seta it according to your direction. I Lb,. canal to use yea egoist, when you said I cot:Moot expect fence Is neat from one bottle. I boned It, ace bottle at . im. unfit I. had uited dee bottle*. Alter this ausuttty had infra used, I was entirely well or the Files, which had tot Mired me fat twenty years. In other nopecimay health it tagroved, and I am ae well u °mold be ex pected fog one of my age, being sixty yews pest. I bars boas Well now t. tll I=4i% and,lbrrs is so appear sous of a Mturn of the disease. I can do So/ rod o feemitag wart now without the pile omniog dowo sad taming to.. I can idiot hayi, chap wood, UN or do soy trod of amok Which Debts end to haft me: When I found out your Blood &ameba I kept on taktug tt se w I rot matinly wen. I ocneider It my deity to mete my use known to the couotry for the bauoflt of others who may be sufering se I was, and do nut Imow the estan of your medicine. Iron easy p.tai.h" Mbi If yon lice. I live in Wilkins townohip, and will ir plowed to sidielysny one of the troth of this certlenst• If they with to mil on me. ILLIOTT DIYIB. December Me t 351, litr - Loot out for the name of Dr. 630110 E H. EXY. SIB oo the tow of fkre bottle Lad puled owm tho cork; Coo to his •telep on the thated Mato* stamp oc the toy of tot Cattle, to protro: befog Ymposed mono by • et.orlace arttot. which Is to th• mutat. vir m old by clot Propriotor, No. 140 Wood Street, and by BUNION JOHNSTON, corner Fourth and Smithllold ItrOOtl. c.. 67 • HERMA OR RITPTCJELS. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture cared. Hernia or Itlapilli . ° owed. Hernia or Rapti:ire cruet Rends or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rapture oared. Hernia or Rapture cured. Hernia or Rupture cued. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia mired. Rapture or Hernia cared. Rupture or Hernia oared. Rupture or Hernia eared, Rapture or Hernia oared. Ruptlrre er Hernia owed. Rapture or Hernia oared, Plarsh's Radical Cure Truss. Ritter's Patent Truss. Pitch's Supporter Truss. Self-Adjusting Truss. Pile Drops, for tht topplrt sal sure a Pile,. Elastic Stockings, for weak sad rat icca• e veins. • Elastic Knee Cape, for weak knee joins. Ankle :Supporters, for• weak knee qualtonsory Bandages. Self-injooting and every other kind ot, Syringes. Hard Rubber Syrinzes. . Dr, Batmites Lace or Body Brace, Ler the care of Prolapetus Uteri, Piles, 2,1.,der01 , 1e.1 and Epinal Weaknesses Dr. S. R. Fitcb's SilTer Plate Stip p:Am KElrella will give his personal at tendon to the application of Trusses in adults and children, and he is satisfied that with an experience of twenty years, ho will bo enabled to give satisfaction. Offme er ttis •Drua Stone, No. 140 WOOD Sumas, sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons wilting for Trusses should mend the number of inches sround the body immediately over the rupture. N ORTON'S OINTMENT, MI SALT /311117111 AND BOLCIIALA, • ••• AZirsiTstSu.S.Sol 4 Sus& Misistrowssi, all Stchirj and Bostlag Sores sod &mid= of shs Oita. Th:s Ohattnout yeaatratee to the bash of the dle so—goue to Pal my sow ce—and tare u hum the float, baneath to the Oda ou the roams Wavy tttrpol. e. of the disease upward, lad teary partials or It h Ittchorgeo through the parse 7 the node at the disbar; Are rattled from the dab; ocurrooehttr, these osa hr C.lJBriers DR. laiiirilEi s ..o W. 2.1 ...I. iase, E , old by ... CATARRH 1 B. R. GOODALE'S CATARRH REMEDY. IS self...trot. to th: sr: I of this terrible apnea, sad ertermthata It. rest and Prase. bless, , 7 , OODALZ le sta ., Ors: end stir pers.. %los eve: i. 04 "lb world •Lat Osten% really gras—.bats Is ..raszseacml— and irlart 'maid care it. Dr. GOODALL has vent sllfetlime In battling with Mb MI &cease, exploring it. secret SIOVII• WA ma king Ithown to the world the fact that Catarrh, which has, the ysara, defied the akll arm as mirth Otaiediesi men and authors in the counii7 and in Larepa,ten now be caret with the name uniform ocrtabaty that m0r ,,,„, taw." eight. 71..ouatiude who have DUI every knewa cumin Ilan, Ease ELM termasontly cared by De. GOODALL'S GATA-LBL. lILISEDY, and nos praise it to this cams estravasntal terms of praise. Call at car DAME agency, Or mad a stamp tin • pamphlet. Tort. Davtud sad pahpars4 GOODALL. U. D., New NORTON & 00., NJ, Aping, 6111 Broadway, 5 . 11 Yo 7 t. DR. CEO. a XEYSPIR, Boui Aane I:10.1W WOOD 517.1151, 7ittgratta Boors Awl" SHOES. THE AMMO I'l=7 GREAT BANKRUPT BALE A LarLDT BUU3 LT Tall c4aDatrair Concert Hall Shoe Store GOODS wald BELVW'AOSL I=l .ro n u.n BGi . Ihm't f.rgtt rt.*, NIX' Doojt, TO TBII PE.M OTE Sig -rjwi LLIAM6' 01.4.74014,. ' AND . 511ER/14L ECEIDOV,' KR: .Kt.„ .1144 r 111 per Pclaoler_pat inlintat_o( /4 , llNlis Ip acarcce, Moan el Tinfoil DOM 34. I/LIM IP4 owl TS4TIKONTALS: la . /cr, 10, —I take plearate to tlaynqinLat am* la crampon; von:led to ens:op/Pi/4d Ip 41144,11444 .1144.11ng au l apeoldrp; Irina paw, 4441PetioaaYina gat...a, +Peru aral Imprean re tact. - _ nOBT. KI D, Pro/war 4/.14 atlas. B. -K arena AND PLNILI3/111 and Feronaratrp ha but iaclimperlor. C 1144. if Bain, Ike 7 La - peiro 0/10a. ei.c ofa I.is:k • . Ilcs-,,sl..lctirt selestAlc m reit ax.it tharnittily pn<Oral knosrledo of t h e Iw t ottani KDuokktspitia and gasonets can no vberesbtaln thiiiit4otrla4s ka s,st-for accost than sad, the taitioCit YtoL Oirys.SASIVELi2IM.IIIrt ' Peat. JOS. A. mosTconuity, L-1 ark. V. DttnuiDEtr, Etook•Gesperfcr E..0.401a10.Th JuLINS. Atturaoy a Las— my opinion, no raperlor as tesKUrokaa. to Liu: nonn It con than I can mr froyc;- b. Si. BETNOLDS. • 13:ok.ivnip, for Breirgon.ls.ll.ank, *W. apM.lo..ty • GRAY 'S PATILNT MOLDED COLLARS Are not simply ut pier. of paper out *Ate lots da collar, but are frotied cad Shaped to At Ofif nerd, pals • perfect mama /re. frt. tm,sfx or tonddli. *dab I. ob tained b 7 our pataated proton, trhlOAddin WIXOM othv advaidarl panmsrd frjrad macrootrar,—littt atom ato Orotot la the tabodotrinttlea tbablahla of alba. 11 goatee,' =Mb aoltroe from paollaiil ' mot's—tor ease, mottos sad doraallleg."-autyqualloa. 'Ail.. boat lb to 17, sad la Garrote t from 1 to 17 Ineht‘taltdpsclad to Wee hoses, of 100 teen; &lea to =an. sun 01 tb marh,—the Letter • ..my handy too wavelet; t array mod oar, oscort. ETEBY COLL :1 nampoi Gray's Patent Molded Callan.. told by all retail deems la Urn'. rairalsblng Goer The %tabs supplied by VAS DEIMSS, DOEHIISL & OOy CZ Cheat:rat etsaatOrtiiladelphta; a sad J. 5 LOW BST Q GO.. 1 Warm stre4ol47 ttk SURGEON GENKRALIS OFICB, Westrnsorc.o D. C., ktre 21, MA. • NrAifTED-81311.GEONS. AND A9l3' OMAN!' SIM; GEONS JOB IX)1.1111= TBOOY3 —Ctitidllsfoo reset be gro¬es of 110613 molor nedlcol Ihi3rge. La =Lc oramtned bye Dowd of Medical Ofhtire to be wa rmed b the Eamon GehereL The Bogird vat ?lota , =toe Ida Mar the comillote wlll be epte*ted ft= cr Areletan: Surgema, occOrthig IttOrit. A rims, tecoompsuied by one or more teeriloontala Crab renettabk cure, as to morel hherriiret, he.., shoal! be addramd to the dorgeon G.marnl. thlf. A.. Trot e. Incien, D. C., or to tha Laalataat burgObb Geserai, Q. b. A... Loaf role. fly. Boarde an noeLla remains id hoetoo. berg Tort, Weshintan, Chelohatf, St. L3aLia =4 Be'. (Adam._ ALA..,wanted. HOSPITAL !Tr - ALTOS SOB OM, &SID 111.0151XSTIS. ClandMotel malt- • flair Eagllsh education, and he tardily . wit.ILA compaelle• atd dirprostne of medicines. ,Arv.katioss must be , Wade Ibß to them of Bargemen and,:auealatast S. get.. Cbmpecati7n from rsi to r.i_p g r mantle. vitt nictitate, rations, fuel and quartets. JOS. SO/&11.5/21. d.,ticiZiaraion ISM= F IB NATIONAL BANg.;", OF FORT WATNE, INDIANA. Designat.d Drpository of ttit Uttittli Capital paid Presta'g—J D. SUSTVAY. Cashier-4.14 Mat& D1A.V,T0241: . J. D. HAEtiAsa, A. E EVIAIk W. D. TlEler. 0 F. 0. avitw. rdees M l etftactiomE 6011,ticEs 10116 Ir. mad* VZ &set pa low 1615-.10,. gas.' Hanna. J' Ord, Ntrd Jotaa Brvora, A.D D T 1 Eant U.N. Set . o s 7 &cavil+, p3tots. oroolA ott-ylict, sod tern. tk.losaq. Cbloo o BRIDUEW ATES, COTTAUE 01113%, G$01:ILID IS PtrEL L239zt6 OIL. 14 Mrests Drab klbadmi;* CIOTTAOI.S. VILLA% IMIA10.671)1V013. ta. A. VET for BOOTS, 84-IM. IMTVATOM, rszragr CAM be. aaaarzar rear I riwitsmar. . - aosir.aw astmozart, . . Cknaerai Agent, 74 Mddso LEA rim Tat. esbffeeari McCOILL dr Co., Hats, Caps and Straw Good*, Han co. In Eon Lb, tarred sal zipimte=grte stork of goods to 7. Li PECLIN GI SALL. k 6 M adered m Lb. .at vsizastall *so 1.1/ Lad exasiitha Ord xt.O.DIA , rii.P..b• rail 14 Tell km RUA. ss; ill Wood liticiPiMbnik. GRAir `IE - EPA EIUTZ Ell, POULTRY, X 603, Aan kinds of COGUTIVZ <4. ccatmlotalest, w. COPS, Ho, 14!9 misarr srassiing..4,4.kts. Prompt retsraa. Bstaxszta. Or. ioiiatr*L. 1:•*/€3:4 N Ew JEIVIS.I4:IY 61 - u.H.E .`S- . T. H. IK.E,AGES • -.-- Vronld mot rray r - .;11.17 Inforra tbo 77:414 Met be boa ' oreker, b:a h.' sr aters,u. here b., ko pat oy:tatdraa gaga.= beat isilectel alca. of w.tatt.. tx<kr,tad harsh', tit - ' tb. too dt.fts. ...':: . ...” • Watst and:Jer:l7 letrS dyke by IriEs. wrkmen, , awl vp.rrased to 'Ore ratlabw.l...,c. ...." , 1 , 413 . t .cri^,3 the p10y Jr2....1t0 V3l%Drlt&Lsratrr..Aat;hrtift,i, ' , rilEyNysoys :NEW lIINAL - , - ; x. ..,•, . EKOOR AltDß%;.'. 1 'Vol. 1 Gmo. Pee*, OAS PATH Clilas S CIO DID EJUVENATOZ—WSI poitively" ie &t.. OBEY nsra. to no oaroutar.• OOLOE. azd tDrrEHT HAM MOIL iriLLl4llO OCT. Of the sassy hecodrain el bale mstorerS.Shis b the's477 tie set discovered that will Um n satlefielna lSaa c directions ars follorad. For age bl• 2.11 . 70:7 JODATIVI7. ; DR. ow 77. ItIsCLARDAN d DO % JOS. Y.7..5.1100. Ir* OZte. a..151.1...tat 41 CO. PIARIEg. igao 6 !aro oolortlmmt of PCK - 1.17F ,Ar 4 GO Za HOUSE - DTA FIFA, to 1661--1 n po*rrij;ttletN,to. rasa. baitatiot Tartry, it TurkaktMoo—Oath gat ~4;e. aad with cartto O.l.tok.‘lrtao t_l•*• oLiqui . •=lelastic A;:ttar,.oca tto-Ammi.. loosen to toe very toot. For allt AtAtIIISCK .Abli [MN . UM. G. JOEMMN lit)4" Latlaar" 001,0,14•RMI .IEtWOC`i strpmoitc - AAcaints, Mat 4t sa. C 4 TOL= tifizr: N. 13 .- 11 1 Went real rrsa etables tae tet °rat:km merbar to any made mast /to no=tamir, a. 5. 141 MR. Sc. CS atrot;-- winxmax, I=2=l pRESSED AND COMINION BBICT1F„ 140,M0 P3MSSED ;• .o 400,0(x) COBILIOS Ou bsad=4 for ibis by DAVID Uti.r, 1164. ret74'E.H.-2,01.0 f. froah:iyail _ Bratt rormv.—..ov toseu fr.sztri; , - 1L511,--.. WWI lirbibrinak; • ii do. Lab Wafer. caram. ADc=ea vriza:co4olming rrerrirtas and Gar orb by - - 10 W. it DIME. 110 ME*. stmt. Ic.EW SPICED SALMON,. cues A t - IA ergo d Eslnrar., pear:. In tar A. knitrentlreit fen • Boston real to age et the retnlleareerem gtzt.gtr . * J011111:11=1311AW Llterty end - Read etnnter' Tiny TEataitts , Agratir irsztadi,;lll3 a degy - Ola A. Mali. AA fas ra.3l). 1. rzt.tty - . lEMEI Oteni Guist
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers