c==;" . " Ire ills bur ,g It &aunt. trxmir :.:.4.IIGUBT 9, Mt lIIVEICIAL AND FINANCIAL PITTSBURGH MARIE OM (111.4014 ilmetany foe the Plttsbarigh Gasith,j Stommor. mtg.. WHEAT—Them I. no improvement to pot, a the . • 41 1 101 rd •.ZOlliinllo to vote trout tint baud. at CD for Hid and 22,10 for White. Sam of leas pritio ••, mord Lands; at ONI3--Ciaitionerto posse to pretty freely, and, *lade 4Sisicuszket is snit Npptled, them is but little chaos. to See of 2 can, on Intel:, it 'if, sot 4114;1 tabs ELM 111 , 011, at 51,03a105. COBS-1. la :cod laud demon& and, - with •my light supply, the marls; • fltro and pdcen are n.:l btu. Ward tale of 211) bush, itt es , s, to ant, e, et $ I aid 35Abushels shelled, In three lots, from store at 01,%••• • LUX ?LOVA—Mrro tw. improvement to note if, i officio...lb. demand light and rawri , b•fi dm ft •en t rety tbo wants of roosocurro. Wo riot, small gab, taw Tamil) fr. m etc., at 510,5fia11 tow bbl. ELCOIS-11 quiet but firm, with a raolerae ity and (Clary 4-tituntl at peut:o eat non ta•lnue. • SEEDS—There If some Inquiry for Clover and Tito okty4 cella and pricey have fairenctd. Solt of buth of Me ioniser at per bulb, and la bo.l. of toe Latter at 15,50. Ntisatca of flax seed niparied 1515121511-1. fr a active and laardly Grin. tooth t i il4lll:l26kt atilawanlndir as bast quoted-35 to :10 4444 lb , rood to sfrictir prim , roil. and lower, vita rake lo 100 of 10 bbis lit 40 plit d, ran The rorivere continue fair,: sod Oa, flarlir lame, In streamed th e demand. 4 -43aikrof 1000 premium • Two•binsbel .11. p at 154100iinbt • - ir,tftwa47 with rifts in Imo( 50 Liss W • at 55fiaiMe • • HAY —ls drm Lot there Is • wino .ranta to prtre• thus Is sten, Inito finality, Wet of ands at VS to 01•1110.1116 • • 11114314 - aiTLES—atetaiislth satw at prime rsng kg kola P. 60 to pp/ pa bbl. • gat Tt . •04•1•4 boa untheiged. w. coation •t, glob, Y Metier NMI, an the e 1.% And 1;10 dellyeml. . . '.' - IPittatitirfith Peirolentalliurket. w 7 4 4 l ",freaere wits more Inquiry Lr Crude. tardy ' abaft. ItifOitie Urn pyf , ard the wain were centaur Oyantl - priao. we • sbade higher.. We note ealia 01178.41 . 3„ and 2.50 bbls at 37, !ltd. returned; and tiOblArad:ltif Mil 'beaded. noillied'in bond !a le de mand for shipment. and, .Ith a very abort rupt , ly, efd3 i tweaking eratrarna rates, Free Cil I. owlet and dare. oda tot enough' doing to eatablish quotation. Oldltittitihein . • brisk demand Ibr Residuum for torn. daysfintand witted itnali lots hire changed band. at $75.0.7,2per I.ll—lebtert are now faking $7,75,,5,u0. WOO tut isggiot and Unchanged. W. may state, as an indication of a better feeling in. Cha trade, that wreral refinerlea, *blob tave>ren lying tale for Sateral week., are abaft to resume basins.. Altritaltrfihritt, tbo "Iron City" and wyer,o,o wort miii ZOtinienid ' Operatic., forth ith. There has been bat a tingle arrival of Crude Eadiddar . -7-2.7, Ws foe Jame. Wilki••• rates,- York Petroleum Market. ildotumMmateltto el Pittsburgh @watts. Itruat - tbas Aram 6.—Shen le a fair &maul P.r (Ituta and picas bare adrauced—clooleg at 32 on the apotiTkitutel In bond is ittastire demand and higher, lsittifithuiCab ShISPA,' ea the spot; and Kt tat• all thl. wo4b..tirre 1. U steady with a fair demand .t Va TYkeely Review of the New York Pe. trait= Market. (Iteparte6 Rapacity tta- the Platibetrgh Gazette.) Nair 'Yost., Aug. n, 1964. The market has been remarkably. steady during the peat *qt. sad them Barre occurzyd no marked rhsnrw if eithOXesirde or Bollwed. bond or bee; though tle. latter Ito Eilierither fewer, for the most part. nen bare Mrs .jorgo,e•part . .orders for:Crude herr all the week; trot !bit' piece have been limited below the Tien, of twiderntir rte. of which bnainues ha. been reatrkttd,- though the serinote Miles are barge. A. larie, amount • teas stne forward, however, mostly taken et from SO to S. tiaterday afternoon an active &mend venlig np and some mit , a7POO LI% were taken for export at Oes,ia IStr:thrntit Kites were out mtrany quoted 4 , 2.,q ;ss'; sod ernisitnfw;edi tner.ll below ate. Bet one or the large spesoolattra Ira, In promo of unloading; in view of swgcnd deed of oil changed heads as ,Wee, • fturit•ddhs bond was sold toe modwrate effect. chiefly •t frotsiB2.to —end malety for export. The expnts thaster.this , year are behind lan year. but they are bearrinnd witl uudenhtedly won exceed last year'. ' Sautes. hash beeri somewhat tmgleeted. nod Prima him rise ded :hate; bn: the wurket has ruled gaits firm at tkilowerentre now corral:it:the specnlatore mode leap othurney last wroth, but it I. thought to ...- ceectfaily dotbtfal if titer ran weather tbzstorre lade, Shintoist:lth is brewing • Lerge porsSxvet of Crn le warn mado at fkr. and contract, tor all the month am now rolling at ne,s L tame_porcios.. e f Free Bollned were made altruist al.os to 5t„1234; the ourrent prima are 115,87; , .0: . a Urge discrspant7 w4lr.h somebody hat got to make good. • Monk* for the 'risk are Wont da.'ooadi.Ctait barrels erode, udder all•at .53%.751%, no the stile% but to cLudlngsomo 6?; of aid, It;,a.a..Z.batto idea tot .4t, amtutb. - StideZbli tmscontract., sad 51,..;.0.7: btr aid celatesettvand 54::,57Septnutap,t, vita Di; titt , Memos foray; tbstturt to to at attsll4 Of VaLato 10-I,nd the aa'm catopnit. f.a:t tat-r.t i aid , Cy at:224.3X, but blending mute at "Ittlateind flant 6b4ifeil - Or fret the ,sc, et:abrade Ma at fr m 873481. for tiime ligt t ars, to vrMtc; ice otbne tam., tar the to VIA at PLC& tor Ova rootr.-t.,0kt..1 torpid do virlf blg difftr.ot .; , Italt t dt t t .16 Lltit, a b .irfet •rdrnalllal 45417 t.,. Tto spat,- lee" tap - et to.rirda ft up tit G5a73. but the profit—, do Catifordisgconr.ath p. • , • Sao tti ~ ;ti.ta ai..te York--mu Repo; /lretvle7-I. l he . ;ark: 1100 1 kce ll•etted t 2 per bblioe:er for , *ea enen u lelt yearn:ay, Ir.th the rite to g- , ln u pertMa el' I .lm &elite IE6/ nct cruel, TI e r erring rrwtatfop, 111 Pet tbf below thous [Ali-gat :lb., dale of ony 1,,r MEW, 111311 WE:110111y 111 , 10•0,1 for othur d. , :sempt,or.„ fins, WI , Idera yeaterUsyle tr,caect.oas at flls Irta 1 : 011 cr Cry men, cash and 104:_y,crod foe A. 1/ 1 5 ter Irdne, V 37 for prime mon, Pi (or thin do sty.l /12,1Id_1nr,h2tar:do; else 13On bbta cow men, fee Upset itnyn's oy 513,.i, 5/0 du Sry.temlnr mama eptf!ri, E 42; and 1000 prime mutt, for Antena, Lnytereli'ler, T. 77,50 Cat meats .. .re q-I,:t but dem Naleill2llo[llllpron,lo olderat 16 1 ,4-;M: hhd. ta-as In dry felt, IS; and 50 led snEsr C 111,4 1:1•101, Inc.lll/1• : it tomulnally it hove Ia M adeira. Gard euntinn.. In .mall alpp`r, a. ,•,.. bans earth...dr.:wet 11 :kg..., Intl, a fan den. snd, Vitt Ofelledatter; 1.;o0 YE .4 1,, , for ti nmuen t strictly print. tool, r-111.•tui, Can MOO p•a• n!lverable .La_all A egos', tusy.r . • tfd - tT Sic. 1014 1101/ da Slut half of Sept nahtr, CI nu I , rice,,2.lr rush - art con loses dull; ...I :•-ice, Ism, the tint-Int,: sties :len 1, 1 ,1 s; , 213.2 r. 3:x conntry tont, tOol For titan ry prime. ,s Nr.rePigacclir.esi;and - $11.:1 for trn. 03.1 1 . Tlerte Lulls ntsttet-d, nd gnu stl moan nominally 0:1 llut erl. la maree and prlhoa hare anal n sit any 4: 'e.., rata Western Mat.. nuts, atd grate 12410 as is qual , E, (TWEE. retl.4 Meads n , Ifarue for cammun to prim.. IRL a ftelr &inland: Ego are Tery dull at 11: runts ,r 42.11. Emetpts Flom our last— rwi , ~_, ' bbl. 4t31 tsrl. pk,. ;7.. CUI Onsts...-.-....pk0 TiT;:f Live h0p........... :s. , 1,.; - Ziport, from tit to 31. c .10v - '-- 1364 I --, :.2.30f—..—.- to 800f........-.-.....,....--.........,...bb'S 3 . 1 17 I 'll P0rk....—..... —.--... -..i t,G. t 11....3:: : ialad... r ....(eqvad 10;.- ..... .....-1.g0121.t.11 11:,V. , - -fit.,. La:. Baltimore Market—Batt Report duo. 6 , Learae—We notiev a 2.10 of 2 , 0 I..gs It. .t 463 . cti Milt. /Market my Sail, Stock itt imparter• handeaZ,GtO tags Eat. • Wbtat ifpo boltale "'Ono and e,nna noa.ede rod dared:Vitiate was arm, with vain N sa ;Attu for einter; erd ova don and-9e loner, win. rd.s sr= bmbele at 6%75.1.nf0r sow. and 35" t e e, eid et SI perbokbel. torn, 9gao bhahela offered; rasa aaln isecicltiwohOto at - SI:M.1,80, and yellow at 61 Tast rtr buottol. 04/1 ta(M 611404 eetotal; demand add all taXiat at 03 en weight fo T r new tfagfand and 6N bvabel.f o'd •t 80 CCIlt/ mas.nre. Eye, :1100 trttgblls " , ....M.45 rale reported of ITb trachals at 151,70 per • Protishoria—We report Amin to Governmeut of MO, Or. lba 1131140 Shoulden and Sides, In covers and to.. At '222.4 Ilait Ott po. lbtat.o, 2000 bbla Primo and thin wets Pork 6411•47 per Obi. Leos) trade qultt,lolt b .Idea boo or IT seats for 13b.scaders and IS cti to; aim, ^Siprct• par lb to. Thom atrpaiss—Are eery dull; ;to roles. We quote ren•lng -Arlan Manna If fotlisb Wand SP/a.21,‘ ets; rawer, ds 8101 a fat fair and V..4a.z3 eta for prime; 42a2Z , ..i cts for cur Woo , Mat% eta per lb for prone and Befitted Sozara-ILll..era t , .dA - y . reduced their Se Wove. For Pr4f r• I en. 4. . etrarsslated %%alma. t col •••••4 A lorlit'e . drab ishltaltifictev It vo3lla 7.7 A ea: 0 oAtro 0 98pte;clicla.0 sotto. 25% eta per lb. Slane -Golden 800 per gslon be bble, and 4 and 9 cents ad ll ama/a ON half - DLLs anti kegs. Philadelphia Wool Market. d Atm. 0 4 - I Thart , lies' born only • l'Anited Inquiry - , but •urp - Ilomcoroce forward very slowly, sod buyer. arri ion being .omewho,t apvt in their 11.4, th-rebut 60ee !misdoing: Tho aloe of rho treolt 1...4 up 15.01:1:11bs litto . c.4 ti .1011:001ba - VW Pe common 1,11, 5,0:70 umeizirototia tad 1.01, 13,0001b* medial* Ohio 1,10. &CC° titroollnai and 1,05, 60,000 'puked gred,s !valved fr.. 01 Cro ran)._ 00,000 lbs clips, term. private, =(O art. Cik!Caigo //lour Market /Ivo 6,lllcoetml, ZVI bbl.. Shipped, e,746 LW, let wife s' tire exid nnelnnq.M. 11nua,43 moltlT kw.y. grade.. Eska: Wird, Extrss—to.) 51allw n bbl. broad not nn -4 a: ;$10623.; 100 bbl. "Voloano,” low grab, - Spring aZISI.I-810bb`w, 4 lreielon , a bast .. .t 5 OS; Hn bbla ..C.ol.sl..ational - ' at 55.75; 100 bbla at 11 1 ,0 0- 41X1 bbl. 4 .linton" (11 Adam, M 57,75; Ulabbialwand twotbaot d at 50 ,31 . M1455.,,t, doet gofiva bbl. a. .0 1.,.5 ; MlO bbl. a 3 at So 14 bbt. „ zotuxbd Wluter Ellmwrilno -400 bbla braod named-a 5117.76. 65w1r.gwarollew -Yob bbl. "Book. eye at PAO; nye soar--. 100 "Stabs - at -aktalelLyend. . < Explris of Tobacco. .. . ',""ituezparts of lobar-ton - 4m the United Shang; • ! P ar 'WY. IBC! PLIVIILIII 6 montla TNECI Ponad, Packarr rounds Paoks;es • 'N 7'0rk.21.479 1,167 .9.,270,6Z7 7.1 6 1 ..166111t01e., 2.612 3.701 711 91 16 15,393082 6421 P9l . 6,101 193,730 81, • :•..18011%•••••.......:B4123 1.403.024 16,898 ~- _.....Cl,oireliUld ZUntiet. . a t e, .....r10p.r... and =neni at 510,04/nIOA t; 11 ,04 -td fotol 6n do XX tot X 1 . 50 • 1 ‘. 25 for do XI forldnu• ! b a it , -.D and insulin. &tail ran red on _back at 141:0. - D aly *ad nonstail st flit) oa ~ tubtatbrnbrUol:- DorandUght. -11435tf13,159R 0 0 10410-414 " 14 I " " Imparts by Haan:oat. Prrroscsort Fc Warn an Outages U. karma! a -23 bbl alcohol, Wooded/do k Wellace; 6 pkgeftlr.p jaaoun; 9do do! /dadsor d co; Icor Cora, 1 car na, Elltelrock, llTOreorg 11,m; 1. do soca, D ■ Court:toy; 1 tag tobacco; I A Mamrlo; I do Nonni, Ilona Pe RS bill dap, It eauar, a ao; d can c 00.13,,,, Wood & BOO: 30.1 Wet, Odense & Chectoer; 218. k • oats. UM • Kell; carsotoros,Speccom 4; tritoy, bbls pearls. K D Ditbrldie; 1 car lumber, I. Ling ham; 2 do do, J a Ramsey; 6 pkg. collett, Yltet. a Do; J Y Laughlin; lot do do, Haled Ilteworr; th.c.• poll, Had Iletscar; 30 d 4 .0,, C0t0... a ro; 10 do do, Graham A Thomas; Bdo do, 18 Lindsay it cd; 10 , rcoltomp; a bales hemp, Deo slall, Folke t co; 1 or me,. ' 13 Bryant, 6 A. . 6 '0 4 J F kottc; 22 dot broo co, Br BoLkosoo A co; 10 hos *fop, h lrert d ao acrodeso IND Parrserzon RA 11 S dc„ todo wool, 7.11; 41 a- balled:l .1 coo. boxes L cal do . blo nit. 1 car brick, H co, tee, blow trout. 1:0J do J F 0D0r.7,1, 7 pkg. jtedt.,, L 51 l'.. 1.1 it co. COI 001 s scud, a.aa,a• a on; 100 do do. i. D Illthrldge; ~ . . 'J hi. ms,Dfirrirk d., do, Writs k ro; ,bnir., F 3. o m r d Dan t..r 13 Bulger; 17, chr do, C F Moto, b. rl,..ea, F Vang , rdrr, It boadlr• lupe% ilrld 3 Lap.. 51,4 I , loome, r.k, Dm h A; ta , .nrart arar, , -••I piper,P. , rkina k 1,14wa yarn, II Gat aia d or. 19 pkg. prodnen, 94 . :14 do rlatta and wlre, W P Townsond Aro; 24 bltle I.llky, 'Slth Sao A re' 249 eko w beat, H T KfIITIP4 •r 4 a.arka, Gregg d. le.i.der: 9 d ;7 . Ihaur • Iv II • esdararth: aka oat, 2 b'-la do, JII daaar; 2.1 t•ga cars, Sintrann I lin , x; IGO bide, C Orruidln),-ar r, bet-. tow, J If Childs; 4 bbl. egg., 30 boa ,braes, blahs, boo 8 co. CORPETR, OIL CLOTHS. NC. CANTON MATTING MIARUND, COLLINS & CO., Sm. 71 •AD Ts rarra frraizr, Mold bora* to r. 0....... a non., Baca foot real rod a mall Invoke of FREW °ANTOS STRAW at 4277150, of the calibrated B. F. W. Lac pertatbm. Tiro quoin, &these rex& iro able 14 say attar madttrog Imparts& sad tha l = h ei quaattkr modern than "on' dcalrabla. Nalf.. a • 00., bars abo Just rocrivad • farr as coailigly ma anal baradacciaitikra of Fancy Plaid Mattings. All a wzda'n... lest been landiet, lied an, therefore, the MESH= JEAT7I2IGEi I THE MOT= Oer ganiscal stock of goods h &EU exumpeend in ex tent or -Textety, az& ire st all time atter ear palms the 'mot. Woe the mutat mitt eked. CHINA MATTING& Hayti* parcharael Ware lbs rLse t cootie • tug. .feet %MISR, CLISAILVD AND TAYOT CHINA MATTINGS. ism viatbo rat t Wain, oro ere onsteed to °So. thew _ at 100 Ursa Latent rate. he attettlkut of the pcblit Weaned to the simonised, to they are the theoptat oeepethm Fa tbel=nelrst. We bays &leo a lame stock of Embroidered. Imboaned wad Cloth Oovcrs, whluh we &far at low rates. OLIVER MeCLINTOCR A CO., OURTH STREET 5 • WINDOW SHADES' 7 BZCILVED THIS DAT. 1 iL l* VIEW SPRING STOCK -1 :3 M . 1 1 el. EILIBOHED OLOTH, 11 4 pip AT M'CALLUMIL PP • OASPET STORE. No. 87 FOURTH PSBR:CT. .19ERCII.d.X'T TAILORS GENTLEMEN WU3II [Na 'FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. erdye ba the HOFF TABRIONALSLIC 1,11.1rE73T voold do arial to .all CV= IL G. ME & CO., &ERCHAFT MOBS, 00711928 or PFZIN 62. OLAXD. sraarre &Coro parchaotog slasyturo. 1 0 1 B I SSELL' 8 14A.K7K_ W. H. McGRE. 10 T. CLAIR STREET, n cold till tha attention bilyers to hir itook of o di. It bus torn rilaftad with groat rare, and con• taloa dl as ors - ett atylert of goodi to De found to first G r ows wishing a tot! of Sloth. made to oder, nlll of are till and szon.ln oar oasis and pricss. Ain, a full nod comply!, stock of Furnishing Goods W. 11. EIoGZE, 'Ecrohant Isdot, ff 0.1.0 Bt. MI.. ..trost. Plctsbli BOYS' LINEN Burrs W ttle Durk YeAs and Pants;! Brown Back VCSIB and Plink GUAY & LOGAN, ERCELSIOR WATER DRAWER—The best artaammect la flx• mosid for nhfnernt r from was for bcfzio and (tom moot.. PATENTED 1460 Pumps 'or t.rro parpow,, Plups for hoots porponr, rutG F. tor Oil WN•rie•. amps foe Eirewm, Pntopi tot Ctirtnnr r EMMECEEMiII BAIL AY, FARRELL it CO., C• 1111 ADD WOOD CHAIN, WEIOLESALZ 011 ELTAIL AS. W. W OOD BLE, 97 ond93 Third street, orptetts 19. rams:tads. A (13. sad Ell fourth stmet. mhlo pLumBLNO, Gu and /Renal Pitting, in all Its !alumnae, earataUy attended no, by asperfan sod, practical Wortnoan. Anna assortment of GAS YUMA.% BATH MS, MOWER DAVIS wens bLosrrs, AMNIA/STA, dins Oonsteatly oa head and 111/1112 to order. TATE & BETLIsIa Ns, ty SZDZAAL MUM; Allartsem ahli And ly tr! talnatry STESIT . Ptttemlnelo dlaarst 18•ACI CR& I% llllrLallir 1:4.02.:9V LIAM 12.1.7ZE1M airs. E coluttunim bawl ir Luxe ard Wen. monad stock el DMING. Bon PLUM WINDOW E Train =IR LIViLtS SUB. aroa, imam =mach LAVA, PktISCLI, an., Ha *II a d rot BMVI9) WIMP Via pout* trial a=B at tatr rata. H. z Perim inatti LONG TIMBER or ror LAB areeMsr7 Iniltadosnatr.s sp*, clot( po GUT nbtatlL . VOW GROCERIES, PRODUCE, THOS. L McCLELLAXD, (aoosoolor to MAlMland I DIM,) 01217,114-1 00X111138108 IMAMANT re Flour, Grain and Provisions. canr 1 . 1 ?LT o r i,g " " Y' WOOD 87IIILKT, Pittaburgb, Pa. ;Maly B. F QULMBY & W., Commission Merchants, No. 190 sorm WATLII 01Te spocial ntscation to pnrchasleg Flour, Grain, Prortsfous, ac., B. T. QC15.1111, mesas /i 111,11..... 11 1 1.111E11 k.1111111,1“1. DO'l TER, AIKEN & SIIEPARD, rrhante and Dosirre In Foreign and Do nisifr IRCITn,II.,Or IL, lILTTED., CREEsa, EGGS, PtiT.kTOEL, and Pr Wf ace generally, No. Zan Libort! .tirot, opposite 1 1 111.1 1 11. yr Depot, Yltnetigh. P.,,/,,nce • J. E. Dilworth d Co , Neang Cotan, Culp & Shepard. Les & Co., John Grader, Pittsburgh; nciser Bro., IlicDoacil Van Drnnt &PlilLads.; Trrtrtirtl Simmons, St. Louie; Sinclair t Giant, Neer Stanford & Lard!, Cincinnati. FRANK VAN CORDER, Produce and Commission Merchant. 150.10 snmnrme el-Ezra. or /Irv. Dealer In /Lint, ErTIT.B, 8110011 D, 8 MDS, LARD , CLIKESS, PORK, DRUZ, AND OBUIS 1 . 81:11T13, and P Ll ' a=a ;anent ea consignments. 611 0033. • NO. •11.111,...Lt., of dm Iste firm of D.& D. Ll'Donold Pittsburgh. & Co., Wellsvillo, Oblo.) M'DONALD ARBUCIMES, Wholesale Grocer., Producer and Commission Merchants, Jobbers in COVVES, O. 8041 All sad MOLASSES, REPINED states AND SYRUPS, PLOUIS, BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS, SLIM CEIEFSK. BENDS, t 0..„ Nos. 212 and 244 Liberty Moot, Pittsburgh. nol •1y LW , MACKEOWN A LINHART, FLOUIt Gram FACTOII, PRODUIt on Cot 1.116110) • mans, for Om de of Flour, Grails, Pork. Bacon, to L Barter, Eggs, Meese, Beans, Tsllerr, Oresae, Isar e, Potatoes, Pot and, Pearl Ashest, Baleratus, Lined .1 Lard Oils, Dried and Green rods, , Timothy Cnt „ 11. and (Irma Seeds. , Oath adrancessotts made on Corminnenet,N. atokly N.. ml Lltorly even, HENRY WALLACE Oommlesion Merchant, No. 160 BOUM RIMER ST., OHI0•00. Mine hailoolaz attrotloa paid to filling ordoro for RIGLIIWINES, PROVISIONS. nous • mhl7:Sce J . a. 1.% M'BANE & ANJ ER, GO bilk( ISSION BLEROH .01T3 tat EIECOND s T., betworia wood Smithll.l4. SEIEUVER it LAZ.EAR, wh0L3.31. OROCEELS JID CVXMI6eI9N 2,168C11 &NTS W. ZT and av 6121 I TELFT LD ST., car daand. E=l2 i —, llAhLE.s. It. LEECII, FLors A.J VOirlol two ClNwitsum Mr. .n Mr Mt tale of GRAIN. SEED`, CHEI 4, PE.ODET.E. &0.. and Apra to the. rwlolwati--d I:rt wow, tIiIIENT. Now LIG ..d 1.• Flrot ttretwo.•kwtoroto lOttwi tod Oralthflo;,l. ritodowr.t. tea HEAD L ETZGAR, Grocere and C,..21- mlwag. Ilvrchaotx, .4 &ale» In all kinds of 12,11,17 l'ttidnct end hitiburgh hbonfactorita t Zit.. nit Lititz ty taster, trypoalt. 1...1 of Weed attitt.t, Pttto. lamb. .L.}:(,.LESX, DRIED FILUITti, E 0434, CailINS, wad produrs, Also, LEATILGE., OILS, Jrc., ],.:IT I.ll.orty street, rat“!,..01. 111.1 , Vad2 sdmnrerumts made. Oossigr. =sots solicited. j. W •• • - I'. BECK. at CO. No. l'ss Liberty Str,t, Pit.burich. WLI , -ma4. Gmoors. ano• blcr.Lzatu, wad dt.4rs In COrNIIIT PRO. 91701. PIM bIuNS, 11MUN, LAM), EIVTTtIi. rGul, TISII, ISODUCE, YLO(U . SP11:1.t!. 0111.1:5 SITU miry. TIWITS, "ILT eLd LIMY. /716 01.1 N B. Uti..•1 , 1 COMALISSION AND F11,1,...1.1,0 119 Lill ANT And wholAral.. doakr to WE,TEUN LACL•, 11A•10... VLf•t • rn YIPH. I'OT AND PLARL APB Ems, LAJI.MIATUS, LI NDELD AND LARD OILS, uC.1..1• ruuiT. is‘d • pt.., ally. ti.. 141 and TT... I . tti-tarlL. .2 ITTLE cS: THIMME, IV4rAesalo Gra ,,,,rra an..l Merchn.nts.COnlers In raf... DAGON LIIE69X, /I.ISIICALIION %SP LAIN) OIL. 11JON. NAILS, GLASS Corms T.IRNS, and rltt.t.2,2h Innrafst - turd g4n42.4117, 112 arl 114 6- , ,,nd 4t4.4.2 ~r.:tsbur2l4. REYAIIII{ k marrinms, (saccethiJra 1.4 A-pmor6 A.t.e.t.m.N; De•lr.rs L P. , h SIGN FII.UITS, MM. , . AND SPICIM CONVECTION. FIST..SUGA.U.S. PIGS W0C.K.1 4 ...Ith.. Saw., US and Irs WO,l A.re.-t. .401.••• Pittstat.rgh. ITN•I7 ILL.. U/01 . 0 0 , 1 1 .1' ,1 , oommi.iioN astr.ciLcc - ra. • Ler ts AND GNA IN, mod Fp.,.. - uf PR9PCCIS 6 NV LA , D 811113.7. Pittabsmh, r. (1t1EE:1 1 1?. ViAItEII()USE -11F.NIIV H. lit.rward.t.g Merch2., Ir. I 11F.E.SE. TTF:7I. LAK)S/SII. •Nti z.l •••• .nrl 1 WIN FLO VI) k CO., Whulesale tiro and ( s•Mmi.... 9w. 171 Ww..l.s 11.4targ, bag (1.11Alt1.1 , :::: L CALI)WELL, (Btacoefo , or ilb•Im•-• 1 - I 'IS l' A SS and d 131.: mt.! Froutts rtrott I It urg.b. 11.6 10 , 1.4 , 1 LT ITU 1111.11.11•113). f( ULP et SIIEI'H A ft D. Commms:oN M rarn V• 11. nud dreier. In FLorn, GRAIN AND :07 LILA rt, Om, Pi ti.burgh 1.4.1.,1..•1 Flow I, 13nk.,, 1'...211, as , ono ot.L4,d. rani( ular asti•col,a In Ealing wn1..1 fur .11.-rrhAtitllre J TOWN:"END.(.uret,,ar toJachmon PoTIE PM EC ru nrd deslw to l• No. Yolrib itrmt, now' Lib-rty, PltT•lmrztt. v,27 1 a. VUIGT & eoccoessors to LG. , G. Pri , ./DCUL AND COBLAISSION rs, 1.17 I.ll,rty greet, rittat,r,rztt. ,BElrf DA L F. & CC). NVI ole- Commission and Fcrie4milingg Nor • 411..1, anti 111 Aire) iu Prvilure and Pittsbargh mat, Vaticria, LII.rtF strmt. Pittsborgh. WALLACE, Cntatuiesion Merchant, D Wbulenalo Draltr In VL(ItIl sad OILAIN, nn. Literty intent, oppaslte Ponilaylracta IL. IL Panaecner Dele.t, Plt t.turgh, Storage , Ware• eemer Wayne and Pent mood. noVnly KIWIS LAM1MR.T.......J.41,1 •1111,..3. •.0 YALLL lAtNI BERT, SIIIPTON & CO., Whole -I_l 01. Or Yroßxe Dmlon, No. o Bitth Pitubarea. Jai* 16A1A13 PICKET & CO., 146•leealo Ono ~ Ontnathaton Iderrla itc and deafen tc PRODUCE. 160. 60 Wateg street and 60 Pront rltcalmr,d. Jr KIRKPATRICK BIRYPIAR, ern: . 8 ,r 0 7 0 . c .10 38 1, , V. , . & KuktAtrick3, wuota: 0.. 191 and 123 Liberty street, CUOICF. UlO COFFI(E- - JuAt roceiT , l F. Ccgr.• • an r•IP.O 1.•• 0 , , • 1.. d tta. f *En , •tL re .4 A :LI. h% ,4 c er •n I 111.1 •trtwti. AM ES DALZELL it SON: Manufac tr - turn of LARD OIL, m.O Conuninalon chr.rtia tot the porvhant an 4 loan ef (mum: AND REFIT:ED PETROLEUM, Nos. 62 and Tv Nester IsZrvot,:Plttsburgh. Actmacei mole on coamitoarrents. 1.03444, . .. /DM% 1.11.11441. I S. LIGGETT & ell'Y FLOUR P-/ . IKO MILLS, comer Liberty Adam md .tree.., CM - C.44,rity, 400 Imrn. , ll prn day. apo . . . . cl )N1 AR ER & LANG, COMMISSION er.d of h01e...0r &afro, Io OMOCER- I Lz, ORA IN, PIO ,D CE, &c., No. sz) Liberty curt JOYS. WILSON. ATT WILSON, Wholesale Oro. cr r,, Commir.rion blertlaultA, and &elm In Pre. dr i p and Plitsbnrio [3...1f5...v., No. 15d Llh.rtly en*, Pit./mare.. jt23 SLINDSAY .1 IL & 13R0., Wholesale and .110 tall GIRDVEDS,TI.4DVII AND PitODUUKD ElLe. 187 Liberty street, rittslards. 4,4ltis ()LUND RIDDLE, nuoceasor to John & Sun, No. 183 Liberty street, Pitt,. burgh yeuerel SW/DUCA, OnOCEnT AND 0011. 1411SSiON MIIICII&NT. Coulon:lents revel:46;lly solicited.. • D& W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of . trims' 81'0512 ORINA and (MUM 004.071. ED A U. O. and Warenonn u Ha 74 TIM/ EITSZET. rittsbmnb. Inn MT TOHN CAMPBELL, Manufacturer of GI BOOTS AND BIN ES, of oral 4aoript.lo34 at No. Si EmlttAlltld strOot. Bitbb.rib °only GF.O: ALTIREE, SON & CO., Wholesale and Retail Donlon In BOOTS, snow, aO. , come Wood and ronfth asjiieta. littsbarab. LIDGERTON & EiTEWART Wholesale anoosus AND comuaszos Itizsonserrs. NIN.oa etarst.Plitasbaral 611, JOHN L HOTISE & CO, Wholesale ORO ore& AND 001IMESSION VIVICCIIIANTe, corner of fkaltlctM =I Wote streets, etutbarsh. .154JrUF4CTURERB. *c. LAWRENCE IRON WORKS, Jrcso &sane, Pa. DITHEIDGE & CO., F.= rra,..stl prim witiett to chtzgoe of the motet. 'to..= NEW CASTLE, LA .ar...crs Co , PA DUQUESNE BRASS WORM, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, iffs.octsetarm of *my 'lrbil of Inished DUALS WoRA •OB PLOBIBILDS, MALI OA OAS FITTERS, jIACIIINISIS, AND COPPEAIsm/Til. .01CO. T. DROWN • BRASS CASTINGS. of all descriptions, made to or. der. STEAMBOAT WORK, STEAM AND OASIS/ • TING, and REPAIRING, promptly mum,i,l to. Particular attention paid to iittluK up REFINERIES 1011 COAL AND CARBON OILS. Also, Sole Apote for the Western Dierfet of Penn•Tl swan for the .ale of kI,AIISH, IntENDELL A 00.'8 PATENT STPRON PCMP the beet eves Ineessud Having I,n salve, 9 is not Uotle to pt out of order, snd wal throw more water than limy pomp of too Ite eles. esllll pox curry WORKS. ELACHIIITOSEI. EIZEIPHILLL 84. Oman. of Pik. wad o.llaza, sad Sionatuturen of flatfossu And Wm' CIAGIN.ES, BOLLING KILL CASTINGS sad NACIIINEBT, of all klat m ad goorraf jobboro. Prom atioutUm glum to ropoLrlos EOLT.INti KILL HAM T. WO:1y ROBERT 6, BARNES CO., 59 Thud Us., Fltbb.rd4 TLZI ►IDD SUMO MOM WOllllll.B, JAPANNED TLN W A.FLE Ph are now rianntactritiog and bare on band Both. ins Apparatn. of All kinds, Wallet We. to Setts, Wattor Goole., Grocer.' Tea and Sploe Oanistar., Os& and Spice Boxes, Tumbler Dral.r., Bytltoonti do., An A large lot of Sint Cht tor man: low. Oil Gans of all ohm and p. Tin Eoodow. Conductor., and all kinds of Job bilq; Work done to ordu. PATENTED OCIVBEE 8, 101 OVAL L,A....m.F. cninzitcx-is. II 1/IIXT GRASS. Those Chiainoys my taternitsif for tb• Bat lama boat. ing all parts of this to equally. does not PIT.. it to tracking. E. D. DM:MIDGE. Port Pitt Gliass Worts, Washington straoa apt', Pittsburgh, Poona. 176103:13 BLAtaAmoND sTEEL worse, P/71811 MOD, PiL PARK, BROTERRIZII CO.. PITS3IICIt6H ll= WILLITS Ili/IRLO OAT 1127.11 L, Bqaare, ►l.t and Outacoa, of ell ghs. Warrsratri .goal to .7 Imported o izannfactored W tW. coontry. A' 014c* and Irar.Saa.s.lscs. 148 awl 151 REST and 115 , and 1•E1 SECOlvir STREETS, Pthabtrit.. 411.1 yd ALLEN AII_XAMICK a CO., VALuir Tomtit., Pia:mtrarth, Pa 110 - Mcrehome, IaILISTY 92 BLIT, Matufactorwr• or GOON. PAILL../I1 AND CLEATING STOVES, Piou,oa AND KITCHEN GRATES. HOL LOW WARM, etc., Steel and Glow Howl., Ealing HIS nootoga. ?MD Gearnwg, G., W. and Art/:en Pipe, Sod Ire., Dog Do., Wagon Hot... Bog. Hattlaa, Put • el, Hansen C. Whs., Golings and Out gra.- -al/y. Also, Jo.lng .od rdt.ow Owing, =de to w oe,. Pasetand Port./de HILL with Swam or Hone Power. DEAN MACHINE WOEIKB AND FOUNDRY. U. %viol:mass dt co., MOIRE BUILD= AID MAORI NAM LAtora. Arm., between /WAN ILad Band=lty, ALLEGIEH7SI CITT, PA. vINEIGRTM AN'S PATIST PORTABLE ~ A CILLATINQ BELAPI ABOLNIA, r3LAIOAA, la R.I.Wog 6f al MA& Atteziel to. i•Lly COLUMBUS COLEMAN, T ILNUL, Alloghoay also_ o fa:turn for ale Flay AI cfralin Itak•a, .bo Conway. VD1 , 21, Yu/toy and Praulo Bird pal. 91 e RV AND !Mafia! THUOILS.W /I L - HARI:COIL 5, ULTIMO MAZY lald Wagon work er al. :an CiAlovo Lbw, biILIL TENTH, for Hay and Grata Bakal. ay3o3cooodaorl THIRD STREET FOUNDRY, franer!7 farormk at AEAlereac t th:lllpa,) roefroettel ) fritada Lod the pablie iproarally Lew ofroati I y the corne r of l 1.• 111 e•F • nd Chanrrry tarty, opposite roltou'a Brass Fortoirf i.fotr_w of w sr. nhctnrlogg LIGHT MA'AM( t- KY C.ketINCLS, GILAIV 1I(/ULDJ, POLJAY+. wt./ ...nom rivet .I . lcuabeee work wifrate FOWICES, (late of the firm of F. yr,. a .) 3UIIK R. incar.fis flair 2f AS nLra, U, rrr. i C 0.,) I Ulf!A I , ol;klDiflffi akd STO V E aLasafacturkri, Rica. Ward, El tt&t.crgh, P. m&t:ls JOHN P. HERRON & CO - - WELLS, ILIDDLE & CO., No. 215 Liberty .t,Mt , oppoetn Sixth, Pataborkb anefxctn ro n. of IX If I Pb, LA.Off ES wd S fir ITO fl ou.d cTzry dowaf pto.uo of LEA:IIIER DEUIDLD WOUIC. Omit re 14 !cited Dlm the tr6.4e, 6.1 goals prompt! 40, Ipprd u pc , Ihetnetl. 15,51, SSEVERANCE, No, 53 WATER. 47. .PitosLur,L. trotoofectoror of BOILER aiPWI WIILEGIET STIR LS, commca ond railroad, of every do rt r•ion. Particular droll or ottsped lIPIEZS and RIVITS, 'Argr or .moll, made to order st 'tort notloo. A rood essortrueni rotomorir or, 'mod. rarakir unr GOODS, :lc. J , 13111 W. Di YIDS 01.113,11 LSON, CARR it CO., Whnlaude dcalara to TIIREIGN AND DO !TESTI° Dal CMOD.I, No. 91 Wood al ra.A. thinf Lau, blame Danaord. alloy. Yitt•bargh. apld.rf ATON,MACIt Ull & CO., Wholoaale and De.GI Deal.. in TII/11h1INGS, YMBBOIDYBI YS awl Dia GOODS, of every garecriptlati, Nos. It and 1S I $(11/ rtrett, POD.ll3rlch. to PANTY A N s y v h, h d T o A 3 i lle it D ft ri ft tl y .4 , 1 - 0 I 8 11 , Tit ddINGS. 7tl Market street, be. Diattoqui mud 1 -, •urth. Pittsburgh. R. li. PALM EH No. 84 Wood Street, Dealer k BONNETS, LIATS, BTELIW 13111 2110 05, bTIIAW 0001)8 tarmralls. JT M. BURCHFIELD . Wholesale and . Detail Dealer Is STAPLE, AND FANCY DUI GOODS, Nottbesst corner Fourth soil Market street.. Pittsburgh. TOt3ISPH HORNE, Wholesale and Retail DtaOm In all kixicho of TRIMMINGS, DRY 000D1, &c., Noe. 77 and 79 Morkot marrot. W. BARK ER do CO., Deniers in ill U•tteJ.. of DIU 6 , N... .trees. t 7L itd and E.nlrl I/ Plt t,1,4,14 I.4'S UR.4 JrCE .1 G lEJE7'S JGARDINER COFFIN, Agent for the . Trentalp, Phill&d.lphla end Itohence Imam/Ito Oacupwit.A. Northoaau Wood TIN Os. Wl'. :JUNKS Agent for North America, • Bin. , of Frnt..ylTanla.. and Ithrtfmrd Iwurs_ 87 Wale, QA MUM, REA, Secretary Citizens' In /kJ woe Cusupsuy, comer aeries and Wstur Nts. M. GORDON, Secretary of Western In . samara Company, ter Wstor street. B il. BOOK, Seoretary of Allegheny In • gunman. Company, al nth, ntruot. Q.IMON JOILNSTON, Denier in PUKE lirGS AND CIIKMIOALS, PKIISUISISEY, VANCY GOODS, DORN !NO FLUID, OILS, FAMILY i, Ac., of 'eteictly prime unality, which he ufltre Li low.. prices Corn. Siziltiolad And Fourth P , Mbnillia. Proscriptions can:fully compound ed al ell hours A. FAIIN &STOCK & CO., Whole.tle B Progoisie, tonnalnrioron of WIMPS LESID AND LITHAIIin, corner of Wood nod trout Mrsets, Pittsburgh. mh? R GEORGE H. KEYSER, Druviet, D No. 1W w... 4 straA, cantor of Virgin .114, Pittsburgh. CHARLOTTE BLUME, Dealer M 173113 ZD eirswAL TNEFTETII7B. . Bole agent 11. 8.11A814 k 00:8 PIANOS, lIAINES DUOS. PIANOS. and MINOT t 00.'8 gr6LOD6OBB. No. 42 Ylftb et wand db.. abore Wool, Pittebargb. Pisaw b let, and taken to exchnige Sot aaW. apl9, ILI %LEBER A. BRO. Dealers in Mum 1.1. inn MUSICAL rirsTanallNTS, ood cgs &gents for tirglgWglFl CZLZBILATIIS PILIIO9, Ho. 69 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. otyfra Q MELLOR, Doaler in Pima, MALODZOINB, La, No, tI Noon urwt, Navin roirta itred aal Diamond WI, rittlinniu Pike aft Walnut Streets, Cliesr My Wida Wok%) V 21=1 DILTHIC DO E'S ?ATLI!! ALIPIIED DA 910, ALLEGHENY STULIT, DRUGGISTS . 1 q URIC K C. OILS, at. pItEOLLIAN'T OIL CO.—Ba•ko of Sub sceptics le the BILILLIANT oti. tut en h b. opened st lbe Besides noes e t BLEW., Wirt a CO.. Mace Third and Wool armee, os Monday, August Sib, leKil Pamphlet. contolntlog • deomiption of the proporty held by the Ono .ay can Do ha] at the some plum, on and VW 411. of J 730 tt MffilMil CRUDE AND REFINED OIL, Mart' BLOCK, PI:yi:SSI;E way. gar 5r.4 . 1•: tliore thc HALL AND iRI? Perna„ ,ad u. pr ,•ptatjiily swilcltod. car Phlll.are Avmr, f r VENANOO OIL AND T10.1961 1 08TA lo] ()M PAN 1, Intaly POST orrIOR BOX 142. RICHARDSON, HARLEY dc CO., 0011.1E1L'51012 a TOEMLIWINO 111.110ELLEUM Crude and Refined Petroleum. No. 19 lEWIIi BTrirrr, PITTSBURGIS. Oar Liberal Gush edranoer on oenrilsereente for Piste o crib or Eaten ELarketr. kmarit. I. D. Dilworth a' Oa, Dorritigarpirbomh, M igr . [ sq. Dr.d. Omussnstal Mot: TACK & BRO., ISCILIZI CO Crude and Betined Petroleum, BENZLNE, to WA.LNII2 OT., TISILADZLPIII/i. Blaine= .rou=ted to onr awe WILI nosiness prompt paraxial attention. 11,0 q to Ilmirs. Blobardmia, Bartell Co., Bremer, Burke & 06., and PIK - Mellon& k Darla, Nita/mei; Tbm. Smith, Yq Preat. Bank B. A. iB. la '=o.* & Co., Phßadolphia. .00.11 MaCOIMCK & CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS. Nos. 211 and 218 Booth Water Street, CHIC4IIB4. or Ocallosasata licfkl.tal Lri*r l Oborpekna Olry Oil Wart. Iwo& Paloti.r. of J. Painter & On. JllO. IL. etualfa.t. of 3per.g. (P.lhat • CM. Jyttly W ALES, WETNIO!2,E & 00., ODKJILISBIO3 M. 11114414,11114 13HEE'PERS OF PE'ISOLEIIBI. Ample 6,..111t1r lb, STOB.IIOII AND fIHIPPLISO tb.tr yard sal 'Ur!, Iwo fl myl4-tf IHu". CITY OIL 'WORKS LYDAY & CIIOIIPENNING, Mancritsctarera .4 Masts at OLSSON OIL, BLO MIN AID LRB sIOA7iHO OILS, Asa daalscs tv CIILI L) Ir. .L.' }CT ti (..). LACTJ BtLi Warts, o7pailt• 1112.trpabarg. Om., Sc. 69 HAND STROM WALLACE & CURTLS, Comm foal on Marokuutta. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, 13177,11411 AHD LITBILICATIM OITA, Ea. 1114 (Muni WHAIMPS. PHILADDLPIILL ger 13torage , cr parity (=der corm) far MOW labia Liao errawo• ta.llater fur enipplair to&marina and foreign :erns, at war wharf on the tfahoyit.lll Wear. Dear the ulatiaren of the V. IL It. 1W2.5:17 BREWER., BURKE dr. CO, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Menlo of OS GLOB; ?Amu) ‘4,,K0 Loaccrt ou, wosza gamma Nab adrsaor OS& 09 cosstimasat”. Refinerfor Crude Petro/runt COI. DINVIANNI WA% a RANGOON. MIL, =OEM pacd, ENOS WOODWA.RD, (lam of W m. H. w00d...41 a Om.) CIENSBAL C01111115510/1 MIZEtraIA3T, Opeefti etientlon err ta Us, ula al Crude and Itellned , Petrolenm. No. 11l SOUTH TROWT trr PHIL 1. oeVti,no W OOD V 1 LLE OIL REFINERY. CEO. W. HOLDSHIP • CO., tlahnlartatrar. a! BURNING OIL AND LIIBAIOA• TING OIL. Hee* . ColUtantly ea hand the very feet qual• rtT of DUANINt. OIL. clear and without rotor; alsn, c,4 per. GRITZ. 1/ENSOLE and CAR GLIZASY.. . obir . nu -- ;,;;.- , . lan at Na. ;5 111111 LITILCIGT, Ewa 810 k, aecotd 3oor, W Le promytl, at.i4.1.11 to, ocSaf CABOT, PEMBERTON A WEBSTER, General Merchandise Brokers, I 4 FLOM STREET,-Bem Tun., Ake, 138 sours MEANT BT., PhllattelphlA, CRUDE & REFINED YETROLEUN, DATIBTIO BUDA, BOVA ABEL BEILIESTUVC, DIIIIOB, OILS, Be., M. Ordort by or roll promptly attoadod te. sully D L. 9tiLLER, Jt, Loire, ;MS WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM tk Ootamhel. arloatraty. ALL ottarrta at moat raa• dooat,te talcs. STOIIAGE FOB EMBED to mad oast. Tot 061,3 DE, aoSer good 0 . 45 . ParticaLtr attootion paid to OIL YOB IMPORT. too Pau—CAUSTIC SODA, SuDA ASH. do. aoltly ALLEN & NEEDLES, I IFILAJALPIII/1: coarzrzsmoa xviaaAsys. rioticalar attention paid to tcsigtsranati at Crude and Relined Petroleum. OW Liberal wires= made. inlay JAMES IRWIN, Oil cf Vitriol and Atria Aninioala. Dreier. left at lobo Pottart Oo.'e Ottles, was, of inetucicr AND REST 871111=8. Et=t==l ROBERT ASHWORTH, ' M. I 117. CLAIM BS., ITITUIII2III. Forwarding & Commission Merchant IND DAIMLER 15 OILS. war I I. lONIN 11115r0,0111:1DI PIC TTIOLNI.II OILS, ormataraly on band arid for sal* al du lowest mutt prtoea. Oonabrumenta and order. apTtm ISAAC HOUGH ex CO., oottuumlos 1118011/119T15 roc Mc Pic of Crude and Relined Petroleum, 11l SOUTH DLLAWL.BII kr191711, S.I. ..,linenti a. UM. WRING & KING, oomaseloa Kanaiwris, E!= Petroleum and its Products, Lig Segars 1a553W0g 11555ta15. anal Ho. 53 ILLIMIT Er, Pittibiugh. FALLS= ROE ' MUMMA% FICLLADIIILPHIA., OssaiiaSimian IlEarabanta O. Beaker*, Comerstr to Par/Weans and *l* Products, mart and bear nit.. Mt* iti.mn• lor dais" al reasonable ristig. idnirsis orb. 404 1./ISUR.ILArier. QH~Y2ffi_.,,-. -. 1829. ' l ' FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CORPANI PHILADELPHIA Catata oa .keary 1,1851, 11,07,649 D 6. Acerard —...... ......... Cvned Clalros j Income 1°1 . 1564 Lon Paid OLE< 1 n 1 r±.............. Porpaquml an,l Tunopornry Polk. ou Ilbenni terms Chsrlem 14. Len. Wo.A.D.r, 1 Edw•rd 0. Da:s. S•mtzel I G. Y•lea, b 13.. Smith. Altrftd Fr., M I) Cl.l H.L.F.n ti. EDS . ..ARE' C. DA T. r. ' Via Preha,l JAS. W. MLA LLISTLIt. P. Sem. J G cUFTIN, Acent, cm - not Wood .L.l ThIN or,nt IIstAIRANCII:, FIRE AND INLAND. Insurance Co. of North America. Hertford Fire Insurance Company C=E9!EME! 0111• Protection cu be secured In tbs &sore u►med old ea rellabla compantse. W. P. JONES, Aaiun., hrhal/ :1 3 a1. 1 ..1 4 .Bnildirig., IT Water strtoL WEtiTEHN INSURANCE COMPA T 87 Or PITIBBI7I4H, MILLIS, Jr., Errtio.L 1. IL 05/ELDON, ii.ve.nr. Office, Kra 12 Wale. street,flysag •Op.'s Intre-house, my stairs, Plttabargh. WO lawn agaistoi a/I /ebb cif alr. atta 11.0.• Matra A Herm ingitutient manaayrd by /wow rate/1 koonton lbo and WI ars dderstiotrai, by ymmoptsers Liboralit Is nuttiratoira Ometbarodar Ittbki hboy law cur**. Ad protnetto• to thoo. eiesirt fawn& Cil 1 Aradn.y. Ackley, Alexander Spew, Dated Pi. Long, Bean J. Therurea Beal. P. Balm.ll, John IL Seth.. B. Millar, Jr., 11.11 N. Cdr flaibartiel Haim. Aka. Nthalek. Gloom Dania, Oaaaptrau Herren, 0. M. glotairaa, ria.T.JO V ITIZENS LN6IMILLNCE COMPANY or PITTSBURGH. °Hes, corner Harken sad Witte- streets, eamed door. I=l halril, HU, Beereesrp. Stemma Steamboats and Carve, thrums %phut lam and damage 1a tb. aseigathsa of Ms Southern and Western Rivera Lake• mad Bayous, and the nartgallon of tb. See. Is:auras against Ism asid damage by flea U. S. M. Klee, John ahlpton. Jelne4 M. C0.,,0r B.l3arbasgh, J. 0•1ds..11. John 8. Dllwort., waL. A. 114,4 mm de.3.1.1yd Wm. BacaMy. Pwrk, W. a ah.o.r.cr, B. Bow* Chor,a, Hon T. M. El.mr Barclay P?e,t,u, Georg. taugham, PEOPLES RANCE COMPANYI Office, N. R. corner Wood & Fifth Ste. PIER IHD lIABINE INBITIWICE. D. Venasr, ilvt. John L Lakoodn e Bnaine.l P. hrtver, Georg. P. Jur..., O. DAnP/n Chnries Azt.ckle. Rm. TIL Illy., J,Lr Ran Wu.. B. Flay.. Rtll3 E. Perko, Chur:n4.l latsse!i. IMEME! WAI• PHILLIPS. Aaax JOHN WATT, rico efilroot. WIC F. GARDNER, Seen:faro. I¢ll.ll ALLEGIIEN v ' COM- P, , ,NT OF Pllt9ot RGH Do, SI rim .trout. Bout Block Inonno notnot a!t lo4a of Piro .3 Idarlao Ratko, ISAAC JON - ES, Providesof, , JOHN D. ErCOILD, Pin Pm/4W. D. 11. BOOK, 86,-...c.ry. Capt. %%M. DEAL amazed A. John D. 11.ol.n>rd. Oa t. Adana Jacobi, B. B. Stetting. Oapt• Wan. DOL. L.lSlnGrew, anbt. B. th.is M:= C. C Elam CLnds, Cmpt. EL r• Grsy, J.br. Irwin, Jr., B. L Iran.tcct B.f.ArKS DOLLAR SAVINGS SANK NO. 6 /or.. &ram. CIIARTISEND ra Ma, Open daily Prom g to 2 o'clock, Wotan W.c1a84.1979c.d rday eccglcip, fro= May let to tiovamber Ist, from I to 9 o'clock. cod from tiatenatmr lot to May lot [rota t to 8 o'clock. Dtgewits rec.l rid of all nms not Ina than One Ail • r, and di, tdrnd of the profit. bonnet twice • year, in and and Deambor. Intereet Cu been declared rrmlunnunlty, In Jona and December, einotthe BAult woo oriptutged, el the rate of eta per tents yea., 113terrIn. U trot drawn cut. to placed to to. credit et the denten.' as principal, and been the slum internt from Oho Int days of Pure and December, compounding :yin . nut without troubling the depositor to tail, or eeon to prnent his two book. At this lute money vrill Jortble in Ica !Lao tweire pear. Boas. containing the OA liegulatlnnA furalthed rut! odd., runt newt —0 Ltd' rtar. 13y-Lavra, Elutes arid U, on apifficathca at tht MEM= INM;i Jure. 31cAalei, Jr..ha me {n Junri, Beriama, Peter A. tladelm, REDival J. And A. IL. LI. D. Joon_ Shidlo, John B. tloradhion. John Q. nachofon. UMM CllTln Adams. John C Pludtry, Cheer= 131Acit, ELUlLltrgeer, !atm° A. 6relar, Mettle. A &hut, John Lea^•. &KJ. L. Trehrettock, /relit 3 ()Weeple, Wiiitato S Bent. Peter H. Bakst, }Marvel Bays, Jame* D. Verily. liAcarrest l haus' Robert Robb Emmy L.Rbagvrsit William L &-bmeria, AlaxasderSpoor, Alosor.dor Tbactio, Wall= Touktrk, Witiltfrr, lira. P. W<•rman, Mule.las Tugs, AS. L. COLTON SE 1r1.4 - 6 MAC NIA" ES. TH N. AMERICAN INSTITUTE, I:1=1 I=l conecal d•nbablettems cf On stttoPlug em= THE .. LOCK STITCH' L tialvensliy acknowledvd a. Um ver7 boat fot all Linda of ittmta4. It [Notre. as otle haLf the masc.:it of • motto of 53 011.21Tfl m 11.50 PIE Lt. oral meta. Gulag the WASS ItirIICVEMESTB 0.11 ...a .c .m EMIEMI /fa - b0:00...r0w No. 111/7H STRZST M. NIMINER S CO., Agents ly2s.raw7 OILS. arc. RIDER 1 CLARK, UCZCZLI%IO3 BLISSICIIANTS, Pstroloan and its Prods.ata. Oilti 0 A NDLSiI, •0., AC. 61 EBOAD- .--.Hsw Toes. 6o Wel/X. Iln FRO= L:TS—.Prrisulass. TT Aguas !Cl the POIITL.t. ND SIIIOSITin6 01S. WORKH, NLW TORS PAHATTLEIR OAIiDLD CON. MIT, de. W. i 011111A.N Arm, Aster b id Front Oa. LUCENT OIL WORILb. DIJETOAII, DUNLAP 00.. hre White Reamed Oirbos LECEISTI .77:227a. NEW CX)NEIONNIIESCIA Toad in one, r3e beau Is Dalc SW breads Oorla le barrels real: :CS less pvkal butter, . 130 cedes Gave; 78 b.p Drkd Peseta; leo barrels P.m ay Thar; Ilabireskas Timothy are k co bards Dried Arabs; It. Sight Wad asap Dam for as by L. 11. TOIGT t CO. B ACON. BACON. on eirvastruaw en nem ISBOTTLDITI, no P JIM IW!L on 3 eceetuorim Q L&ZillnkLihrti stmt. B,IIIPPI.Ire. ON ELLL'IS FOREIGN EMIGRATION AGENCY, Pittsburgh, Penns; Cheap Passage from then Old Coaatry." Bp the are elan Clyde ballf steamers of tha pro' and Lor.doaderry Royal Line, as f01i0... Mandan . !PO. Pops ISIon 800tn.0.-. toot. !ors 11.0 n. ton.' rerortaa-.—....../..n0 toes. Daemons. Rico ton. florartaa. "....00 ton. tonal ...... GOO tons. linve wan." lane Ltvarp.l t hdlß7atoD.l tocekiog .t Loodawlerry fort p.. niers and the reeetls, and havevantrpanott n.toin for panappn. Fan (run Liverpool or boo. ilqlderi,to Itvar Sark, rs. ..14 F. 7 TA PSVOTT'S LINK eekbratd I:olpper ttatllhe P.k...ta, 1.. s too 1..:verp0..1 tor N.,. lark rain • eeek, ~ ao-1 the X" ....ar of London Packata, losatog t .•nd. Sea 'Yon day. laproot.t's pool t. n.prlata Uoo followtog tklo Ton.. Rm. Emerald T. Cwaatelbstion... B..cpanir. A•lusa rldermn ittr. ...... . R Sickly. McmarcL of the Sta... ..... 2.1“, Tsr,reld ?..Cso!Ttcrt,r7 }G , .r.. 11. L rrr. WangLt lIMEEMSIMEZI EMU Tort, $3 'lt .3 ; thmar' Tar', ta:ev , ..cl. ° Pittsburgh, S4l -Pageo.ge.. nrnileC Orme] to am, part of tb otata4 &Mee or reae , et wren rryntrei. Two of Ism aatipt leave Nast York for Liverpool every meek laseenaart on the outward roper are round to ttrarrettlai. Pare from Neu York to Cuero- 1 19 BIGHT MASTS on MI parts of Lampe for sale at the lowest tam. Apply D. 0116CLL, !ironing Chronicle Boildiug, Fifth Oran Ip2 or OCmlthf.ld .trout. Pittsburgh - SSTEAMWIKEIRIT TO LIVER POOL. Loachlas it Quireinows, (Quit • t The well known atesnunn of the Limp • Hew York end 111a4nlykla Sanalkhip Oompany eg•nP hi -iMad m sail sr am: 011 . 77: ) 4 ILLNOUEITES.--Istorlay, Amps I*. CITY Or LONDON— dards', Ae6oq 22. CrITY 0/2.ko,mt 11. Andr2sry 2222....1132s 3,2222 - 220. la 2 2 xal. Sara Brow. Payable to gold. or Its eqoltadons to narrow t 1 itrat Oablo.— .—INV OD Names .......... ......g5l. 0 to London.... t$ co .. to Landau ..... it V o to Putt— ._ 9.5 OD o to Patti...a... 10 L 0 to Ilatotarg— 90 00 0 to Ragbag.... rt V Panmiocr deo totaratded to Ham, EtieSl6l2, SAD r. dm, dattrorp, d...., at egratly law rate& lattellm Liverpool to Qom:Amu: Lot etZln so SID Btoreav, SZA Those who at& to' to Mar tea:damn any daltatt ban at thou Wog. For amber la lormatlon agpli at Ito Ompaara CIElm. JOHN G. MLLE., • Jima, L 5 Broad w ay, N. T. hel No. eto= D. o EI Pti LL e , gen. CITNARD LIMA-81eut Iron ta lb Is lAA, sr lb murabst b =wan, nom www YOWL, PI la samilrli T1C121.2 ILITTIMIIII . I 4 Agsat. MMIILIt04 1 • 0 -. 1864.7 P.B.llscill: mifig tt ABET. B. IL—IIDAT DAB AIIIIMIGNIIIII DAILY TALLEY. Coottoni aclltAra ate twin =GC to tat tollatto of fhb troollent double teach and apt... too* to mot pceefbla ewe Ell he ezer:theal for the C0100{1( mamas" ami rapid movement of freight. Trot, Ell Ewe the Depot In bars follmea: • Its THDOI/Gli ACCOXMODATIOD TSS the Penmen:. Station daily, (thoept armatry,) at Apt oo li ytog at dtattone between Dittehar.gh the Tort h r t a.b and ratan; dtrEt =hectic= Er Use Th• razotroa ELUL TltAni loam tlla Patasr.gri attaa mr7 r.ratt (except eanda7jooks7 a. CI., rt.,pplng oily at irriocipd statt,-r, tad tar lax dbart occoortlerts at litarrtobers k r /Wilson ard Warklaz tat. asil Ite Now Tart wit Pbll.tattptita. The 131.60170 1.2:121p:58;p1-4.911rartr_defir.1,14:2.5 ak...topplagooly at prhaelpal cation, =allay &rya oaeotioo at Harrigan far lialtbaant, md Philadelphia. The PALS LISS Lama ft 11 Stefan dally (=mg Pro, day) as 5t..15 et, ttopptettoaly at prtachaa , etatierar, maaecticat Elarrisbary for Minor.. art Watt.b.g tco, gad k Nor York rla LlU:dove errata withons chimp of cam; aim. at Phlladelphla b 12a. York_ ACCOMMODATION TRAMS TaaJ.:amain AccoasaaastloaTrala leavaid.lll at3:oo p.m.,stopping of all Mallom and running aa b: as Claneavagfa. First ae. ,,,,,, •&.1aa Tanta 11. Wan BUD= a:arm (ar.eat Bazda;) at 4M3 Eft. cc.l 4!..,..m0d.azi0u Trate for Wars Staring Mans (esorps Bandar) E. IL4O Third Acomusodadm Train fa W 5.1.11 Ittaikra tom tly (ez.mpt Sundtv . , 3:ZO p. m. Irvarth Atocararandalloo Train 4r Wairl Mann bans 11i7y (rxrapt enarlay) at p. m. Its Cbarrh Train 1v,06 Wall's Purl= ram faanday at 4705 a. ; ntarang, Ware Pltlabarzb at 12.!! fl m:natal Tnatm.ardia m PUTAbsrph al tallsor aalt tmore 1110 p. m Pt!. adelptda Itt:so p. m 12.60a.m rsy~ lt'sl a. 10:01 L , Fire WON etatlaz &OS n m , i , card Staliam Aamalamidatam—... &SM. ta. 'Fa tx d &sem Accommodation— 1.53 pm fourth Wall% Statim Acsammalatlmu. 6.65 p. Baltimore Mamma •111 strtra wlta Irlfadalphla Sa mara at 12:56 p. m. oa Meads" Tratca for Blatmallis Lad Indlaaaammaat atSlair 4a met. wi th Thronti Armommailatlo. Joiturawn m ..a. ma Rama. sad Johnata.m Axammodatlaa Wart Thal= fm. lamtabarg =neat aiShamou mita &apnea Trstm and Mal Trait West, and with Tanana &atom =dation and Krim.. Tr.i. Moat. To aw gar asltlaars—.....slo To rhilsdadybis-- .. 10 50 To EC To Brame '7' aLto1;1 .51 : 6 ta T tl o orl it''' os sts — P . Sas;l” 3 .l Csotrnd issfirosa, sad to Follsdedohis, Dahlman sad New Snit. Norman's psrshoolmit tictola to Ito na wfll stury.i. exc.., warding to tlandistaano trarabi, taitton w Le , rts.t:oz rota, c,..vpt hos inatloot vllsvo the CocuP.o ho. an agmt. StenCl.—ln caw of lola, tae tympany will 321• it.comarro ruporxlV4 Por roroonal loom=s as: tot a= or—^nont rot emo...llny o=Rica lam butt:ea astptairdat Cda”7 piumaptaaad Awarago =I :ma tt.• Diva; at a ebarre an to to ad 533 amt; dor nth pitalsazarAat baidtacs. Dar tlakatt apply to a. P1T47.4.5T. !gni. It t6a Tescrylturla oa2tralSallrsal raViti3t.pf ?tat!cn. en Mart• and Ontal gtrecta. mTIG SILVER PEARL BOAP. ORUMPTON & 00.. •OT Liberty altrirAtm 'Rae Prcprlato, nad ramefartt - ren to Wetter. ?etc zybranis, Ot 10, UAW., 1111.. t. Lad /111.0att. ream, German, Olive and Rosin Soap, 139=El WOLLIGI7 AILMI VAJICT SOAPS onr SS LTER raAr.L SOAP, 10111, ire coall&x• deity r,,c0r.,e2,1 r.rind 10-nr , cel nee thne any other tnterre tn. , public, elrculd be borne ln mind Cnd neither Pocock, Solt, Lar.c or or and 4n...h.:Aare in Ur Tannfertnre which tea 'brink ortnjure the Moroi fe• Ortre. recnels end Wale. =be wombed with the cyctlity of Ckdron or Lluen ClosLce 'canoed with the ' , IL V. prsaL SOAP do not requoreboUfnq - herr the nobble/. • which of coarse saver Q. el= and 'Zee,. 8111112. PEARL 80,11) Bemoan Omen, Dirt, Tobacco Stains, Printers' lel Intacite: and 7.1. e rum Br** Wilder Mains harsediately t anlytos it with a =alai Sponge, Mtn protecting VOLad.we, Carp•re and Vomitory frozen:lde owl alost. it I:wart. a brilliancy to Platt? Jewellt , Giwwwarg rs Enaciled Pah:tangs and Paint , atl , tr tnwilsrtly ; anE fur cleaning marble and door tllo It hay no egtukt Ter the Batt, and isirticularly for Ed:Lampooning, the BIL VSS PEAJIL• porfact Intary. In • worn. all who hare tried Its enperior qualities, ackatsrl.edga tt the grauton aII:CJTvI . 3 of the age. Data Ccznyany sat a tits! rant all who are Interested In not Soap, amt In c.c.,' cam r.fand the prloe of tho .11.19 11h0.114 It fail to accvntpilah whin we claim far It, Dowd according to our dlnerntnin Ma:chant. trot% %brood mill do vta to gin cra crt PTOP & CO. • call, 387 Llbert7 neat, oppatit• Pe...1311.1a lialtrlraase.yrr Dopot. Sir Bow., 4 .J 1 tr.ttation. to. prada• wag.. bes..-mg act. cr.4.,c0.:1-81LTXU PRAM, 1111/ILL— as ..,-cred 67 Nstioaai 6,:pyti&ht. "•CO!TAft'6" LLAT, ROACII 4 £4., EXTERMINATORS yearc retabtlahad to N. T. 007. - 'Vol) •sifaLlLlc. ramealea . 711.• from Potomac." "Nat danicarem to the RORacon a not , t7r "lista come cot of their holm to ale" fold t 7 ail Druaribts antral:ter, Pi. anal of all iniumala. O. tar'. P.apol. No. 402 111... a Vll7, N. T. Sola t, 13 11. reaNtsToce. 80N • 00„ R.E.SELLTRI.i 0.0 , Wtrolmal. ari Ratall Aimets, Pittabriaga, Pa. HEPILT P. 81.13WAR.1 1 7., wed Retail Avila Allog6co7 My. )7t..3m. FRUIT AND biIADE EVERGREENS, te. Of APPLE we hem eoMe rf.ooo, mg of an the lesi mrl,M, molt ;,,fitehle :Uf thts luatthr.. We hen so, to, m y w V.A.11, Llarrest, Elaidnaillreh. Rol lead Pi;.pla Faliewsur, Gates, Stag ofTetsp• Into Rhode Wend Green, Rome Beauty. Rambo, Smut.-lama. TDltalm's Emma Emith's GlAer, Ac., with m r, 1.1,re ittock If PEAR, CIHEILRY.PEAON, PIXEL EVERGILEEN, SILAGE TREES, tom, SEEMS BERT, 03111.NtlQUE.1 PLANTE, kr-, da. As gar •tock a large, we ..Ter gtmt ingEceramte to plantar, or wholesale yarchseere. Orders left at ths Great, ham, Cskiatel, or Pittetraritt Nat' Oflos, promptly *Rouged M. /OEM ISL'ItDOCEL Jr, Ser4ullev7 Plital=gh and Oeklarig FIO/1011111. RULE, SEAL & CO, WOOL Commission Merchants. 341 LIBERTY STREET. corner of Wayne. a- n=l !-. j ot c•S Main lllrateviia. .ffsole.es. CH Mtoll RE 3MIMBB. CHEROKEE PILLS. OUGAC-mercy l'=/14,;.1 mmuLirax. , atirrein L O eAra. for 10. Costars! of Oberetz4;dg 1.4 ths Lasuranaire Begalarity h th.a:tita.rnaes of ids lloat&ly P!irl,ll nez wart cr obviate Ito MO:zero. Comm rpriNg from Irrerantaritr. by sVioiring U./21nm% Ity They care Suppreasxl, Exceo . 4r• and PM'afttl Me They care Green Elnknesss tEattoroeis.) They ca., Aeneas And Splxiil Affections, ?Ales the Back .4 levet puts a the Hedy, Haseinen harm. 02 alight oxertion. PelpltatloOS late Heart tweca of eptrita, Ilystor*Ra florkeethe, °hidla:se, ae. • word, by removing the Irrralilirity. t e 1 senate the raker, .4 with h al the obit' that [nth/ Creak tt Composed of dapte ..gototAo txtractl, Lbw cattll.l3 nothing &Wee., to boy Irt.gitzgop, cat, their halation balm t 6 natpttlttlo otreagth the maim.; which, whoa propt . 4y us.% thwy now 64 The) sky b. mealy aced. it lay alp, mut al say patickl, arot doily flo fire mails, daring .I the oalhallai stature et thstiietbo .mild habnity: 1=::= LI) Uttar, lotting bstortaabla or otl.wkdo TOY be promptly. freely and dloormotiOtronma. Tun directly. occompatty 4.r.i boa. Mu A ber bas. " 1/ ' Seat by men, tree al yesSetesba reeebit ^t Fame. llokl by ell neepecteble Drankte. lin. W. 31.1ur8was ao.. Sa 5. Witty street, Naer Txt. I ft:, PMc%i2l GLAD caws •on Ta - a zrarnittrisami TEE LCE =or FOR OPOVEREO at usu CHEROKEE <REMEDY OHESOIOI3 WEQTIOB Oomposznixll boa 11.311; park. at 3 Lamm. • Cf/ZROSSI BIZZDY, thi4rieet /I:Atm Month; Ohm. all &miles of the ofirartherehe, elh:h Id Loot %teame of the Mine, loft.** of the Bladder. Is • 11112=11110a of the Kichtsys, Sthhe le the Madder, Stets. Cum Grsvel, Gloat, Glanorrhoi,liAd V e1m:m.1214 'vim oleoded In Cuso alms of Runt Alba.' (or Whltai Mole%) Sher* th. old 011t.11..r medic:tom kayo It le /f 1 • bleril .. knoootratos forgo. the befog from ma* Co mo tean_ . ol,lalle time timea pra, It it dturectle sod alterottcoh oct/co—pontrtew eod d. ene t h , the Wood. Osailing It to Bt. to on ill , origlast parity sod elgor,fbni teOrring trots tla sys6ma dt i;ternictosts now which 4avrt tricloael &wow Moor*. Wootton to intended Os so ally or oallotsal to the Morokeellomedy,ond steel be gaol la =jun- - Lion with that modkino to l (41e). of OonorrIloo; Gloot, 1..1b0x or White.. Itropol an beallng,soothlag sad dinaleent ; noloon./ ollittoldlog, hest, @hordes '` and pets, Ladesd of the DI:1*os and &moot darabla polo thetb Orporivoca with snotty all lir eteopqrsok Wootton. • th• use of the OREIVALIII MIMI ea OIILBOSFS 1207.0TION—th e tiro =editing* at Cho swag tizte—ali inmproper diach'iffieo are rensolidolai the vreobengei 0171,4 see Imetitty togtorol to nat Tiger Ind otrongth. /or fall particular., art ow PaiiPtdot trom wk7 141 11`.. burn to the =Wry, or writs I* sod trowill =SI from; to my addreco, thll trnilre. Prim. (1112151101CZEMipI, $1 par !MW. re tbrs bottles fcr Prices 11111S110YEZ par bot.tbo, three Witte. fo V. ball 17 all drnipytata araryarikily. DB.. W. 11.11 1 / 1 1WEIS • DL. Solt Proprtatom No. 5 Llbosie) areal, Noe York. la wU is PlttsbunS by jc gmesneas 00.. wenn , cf tbn DlA.a.tcrad mutrs stroll tohlT:2avdainovrt ELLXia I ELIXIR t vu. w viliu.a REJIIVENLTI2I4 ELIXIR; or, ms Nes ojr :Ara , • Preparrd fro= Pen Vtgetabitt-Hgrrritcut. nottArg tejoxioax to 14 laaal • Beprntiatt= ILlisis is iliii(mals ana ooserke ha thra sagetable litni4Sia. Wag as' lam sad iitsolract method of oit:O; hoorpoothosl I=l Th. medictets ham tsar. teirie,i4 :ha mast one of the greaten needful d ibice of auto. One bottle will onto Omura A row doses crane flysterics li;;Armahsto One bottle cam Palpitation-14%e Effect. ♦ fas dolma restoms the organd el reciaratioa. Tema one to thus hotline rothitea the minallsen of fall tips of youth. Oto dome reinter the appeaba Three bottles muss as worst. traas or impeititurs. A low doss. cum the low One bottle mums mental pc+er. few dun bans" the rum Oa. cheat. This medldra seldom to .Alitoly riper and Wiest health as poor, debilitated, .22m4lowra and des:Air. to; &mahout wand - Omani, The Maws, &Iterated roullObe we 11 balm., the Matta of narstrakdeptandoa. or Lod >ll, dual endeatis tram Amaral 0111th 0 A. t im emit, nem of a tingle circea, SW Mt linAlmtabllak marieut relief by the use Of ibla VSAIr of Iteliatil Of Ws. PA:* V per kattte., trlre• boithe far gsl SOS warded bi 'VII T1C•114 , 34 Maw, to sty 1! drew. MC ►r ICI &maim m7WX4116 DS. W. tz.:atzinna a M. No. 32 Llber?) amok 147 ry gale In l'lttar.rgb by friAlc4ll4lo2ll3 • CPO. corner of Ma Diazaoad sad HartlK Woe. 3:1•1,-1.,rta•Tc-sr CREIWICEE CURE. INDIAN MEDICINE.: Cuap..Exd fro= F.octl;:tiiirb sal LCI.TIII. do st.falling me for Ei.3„l7natorrbas, &Wad Wmkno., Nocturnal Italbsictir,: . tand an abeam goo ,„1 ty ant 147sa mentlry, tratrar mi f a una, ren, b the reek =lnnen, Vilinis Frmatsre Old. eye. West Nen* =knit, of Eirsaik tog, Trtn.lting, Wsksfalneati4Unptions en Um, race, • 'Pat, Ccanten sp.., Insanity, Celititnntins, as 4 all the direful complaints oanst-3 by tqyeetths than tbs pots of Latut, :47;1. This medicine is e elcpis Tertit 7 . estraot. gal Das oa Web all cark rethaa it has fi¢a med to aos pastbs . ro maw scare, end •Itla ttuiii*tds traital. it bas act •tt,,d la • dues Lattutee. UKT.Curtliva powers Um n ~.. be•••,..e.dact t * pin vktory it the moil deb= To Mare rho have bleed id* their easseatleit, tO the, think themselves bere4rescla t h staladka .ndd w. Der -air =Otte °tarot,. atra via melon 7om Leath sad alsoliatai adar all Plot doctors ham et !or can pluzenbrs set a tOil:ths from aity Stara to Dip country, ar writi fSei proplidaq vim awl ( Me to any cue 4c•trLag4bit se s rea lsttlw :;:arr4.litet Itsrm. - Priam 12 per bottle, or ttit4isottlee ter P. and INN worded ley *Epees to all partetkPeo 40141. • • Bold t 7 +n reoptetable 41remete oreryvlttero. , Da. EL WiIOCRWIN, CO. &is i? ÜbMittignigitakiff Tat - far data to rttiabargig by .iLICDOZ.WPI i Wes.- comer Discoed sad Notiot Slttlet • - obttelawessnym,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers