ii... 1...7f1- k.-.7.::;:_. ~., ittsbuqh 6Rette. 'DAY, AUGUST 9, 1864 (L I TION UNION NOMINATIONS. innil rzszum2r7: LINCOLN, of 111inolL oz MN ralminirr: MITE 'ANDS JOHNSON, of ;rennessee UNION COUNTY DDIGHTS3-21D DM? JAI XS K. MOORHEAD, P 1 COTOTJU-2:30 DIET 771011 AS WILLIAMS, !klieg SULTS 711021 AS J. SIGMA'S, Lowe ASSIEVELT : JOSSP. GLA...‘S, City. It. A. OOLVII.LIs, CS,. ALYG7D SLACK. o .l:eglson7. , MASS B. ITZEILOS, llcenarlless. ematigt. CHADWICK, Colin.. GEOLGE Y. SWISS, Bonn, Pay... commlSlSoisi: mit...U.lOllD PILLOW, PROTUOROTARY : JACOD H. WALTER, Ci.y. Coupon= IDWAI R.I. CLAWSON, City. POOR DIOLOTOR : 11. 13, Brwtekley. Wm National Loin . . .:twist (hostel 'Bootee iris serenaded in 'llieterbingten, a few tights since, he 'said, in his saldietly way: "I did tot 'tome hero to. make a speech. nor should you expect Oise. l 'lrthis" rebellion was to have been put dovid; , by'rpertbee, enough have been made alf;Writs comnieneement to put down Ratty , rebelliens. This war la only to be ended by bullets and bayonets, and thought do not wit - artily know sone o f jou, jet Mere will JiO taundant opportunity before the termina tion et thews? to make pour acquaintance upon the Sell' :True for you, fighting Joe. Therelise been abandon= of talking and too fifrla 4014. The war is to be ended with &acts and bayonets instead of blather and blernifinzd , the two things most needed by the olrernment, Just now, are men and money —maze, to buy bullets an 1 t ayonets and men to net 'hem. Of the urgency of the necessity to \reale neck we hare spoken before and shall eitadi again ; *hat we desire now is to call at tandem t.O the nooeseity of a well-directed ef fort t) easlaixt the fiaanoes of the nation. The Government is now before the people loan of $1'00,000,000, and it is depend• ing open the people to take lt . The banks of New Yolk were tried with it first, and failing thare, the Secretary of the Treasury has ap pealed to the peo,-10—to all the people—to man of largo means men of moderate means, men of small ra \ Mtii, large banks and small banks, large corporations and small ones. is a chance for every one here; for loanins low in amount as $OO will be taken, and as much larger i)kany one °hoop to make them. The interest on this loon is 7-30 pee 'bent. per annum—a better rate of interest thin any other investment equally safe will bflnt it is upon tho success of the loan that the Otletment depends for carrying on the war. ' Unites the money be provided to pay the cur rant expenses of the Government, the war for thnprotereation of the Union mast languish at IL, eme when, of all others, it is mist men tiat that it should be prosecuted with the at. mast rigor. It Is the duty of the citizens who stay at, home to govide the sinews of the war, far if -that be neglected, our outliers wi l leek the means of support for the families they flare at home, and the weapons and ammo. nitisa which are so much demanded in this tegother with the subsistence of the armies and Cho thousand other necessities of thsee.rvier. Tied threwd eaplt_llists of Europe aye just naer :svckYlleg largely in cur 1.4., They vr0..,71 not do lt if they did not bc.liy re the. to' he,..akaiitisYt'y Rat:. .Ind if they are safe far , 11,cca they aro of for nv. We bare, be 6eids. cfssfv:y. tke 3 ! , liciou.s.l aae 4t * they have not and it thrg. lopking only to the monetary eldo of tt, ease, reach 'tortes the ocean to go, hold of Oir yitite . ,6l sieuritic., We, With the syld.tionsl icapalud'lzepilcd by love cf country, ty:uld onycalvcs eciiy.r to retain them'in our ova hat do. Title It en Jiffers from the which here pre •lt, in that the locrrst io psynble in grrnhnc ;'s iettrntl of end it dori not, tbargore. weaken the 11,1 inn by a. tistiog to en- v^tt a fsfee seine for g..:41. At ,h; eel of thrtc;:tert. - stbrit the wrrnitt be ti•tr it is ortr•erritfe into a i n thertro•c nil Ibt• pin p:c2so ma ns 'stole €el -beating loans. W:ommend loon to the attention of ee'et7. aan sMentamunity why hoe money to :o :fit. No matter if it bo bat $4O, or $l9O, er I.JV.t) Every little heir , . And the ' , Pi Ito ~.h elp eat thing. Who e that r,r c e , ari e:: -: ;s entry. If the 'spirit which prowiaci fee wen re of other ccowrit s to east in Owlr kite! into ihe national treasury, prevalle4 maicng our mer, tie national ..teptesitorirs trould: . :te - ne .crolvdtti, to-day, as s }tilling• can tltelion day. The Election. We trotitinue our table of ofaciol majorities on the toldiero' amendment: IL.gto 10,1' Pteil --AM" 7eci Ede Upton /0""316.51.--••••,—..-•-• 1031 ----.--- 1736 - '' 7,•• ----. • A. Vibe Bl t - ttf Übtory. , . 3y reference, says the Troy Tismt, to the OP, siltation& orNew Tot k, New Ilampthite, fifeitatebuieftd, New Jersey,. Virginia, Diary. Tani. North Carolina, fcrroed before the date of the Cenetilulion or the United States and in forte at its adoption, and also to the Con- Stitctioniof °corgi., cod Pennsylvania, form. ed sccn nfterwords, it appears that It respect t o th e quedigeations of electors for the most Isnzi,reas broach of the State Legielaturee dim"; cli,n cr; account of otior in these tire. States. Cinnecticut and Rhode Islot 3; leing under the old 'rayed charters, cow le. have none. South Carolina, by its Coo stittmion of 1775, allowed negroes to vote, but in '7S` the.privilogn woo restricted to every ' , w alto man," Sc. In Delaware, by aM of Feb. 3 1,7;7 eronocipaied (daces end their leen; were debarred "the privilego of voting at 07.tottons or being electsd." And oven this steno to have been a violation of the letter of the Constitution of the State. ft to we ll known among intelligent men, that the reales of wiaaittieg free men of color lo vo a. obtaitmi weiterialty at first among . all of the original itold „thirteen." In Virgulia, negrou ,ottd ehr ride with white. men unfit 1830 . Low. Catirntit REDrvivrg.—The notorious Chmpbell, who was shrived out of eight Ceara ago, //a inined up again. lie heads a -call-far a new National Canyon lion. Ile does tot Me Lincoln, and ho can't swallow Fro zi,nt therefore, be says, let us have a new ebtfle of the cards and anew deal all round. He argott-the Union men of Batter county to b2.01r him ell in this movemejte to enable him to get his head.obove the turface spin; but, ; r : after- talking it pier, they concluded to &salt stn ettentlon: The faargy little fellow; how ioler;w111-tiy; hie chance; Till kick up &little drat and-then sink, lato oblirion again.. What io -the , Lewin' these dead porttioisne firing to Met to 11f0104113 ' • The t.erman Repub!lcau., A n surche,nsion has beenvery gitnerelyfelt the because a few Germans took part in the Cleveland Convention, that German Republi cans of the loyal Stales were all going foi Fe £IIOBT. Events, however, have failed to justify the apprehension. The German Union ists of the loyal states have been among the firmest, friends of the Government from the start, and staid, reflecting, intelligent men. as they are, will not be likely to take part with its enemies now. Thu St. Louis De.n4crat, after referring to the efforts that have been made to : induce the Germane to abandon the pulley they have here•ofore pursued, refuse longer to cceoperate with the great body of the friends • , of the Union and of freedom. and assume 112 independent attitude, in which their influence would 'be :ort. er indirectly thrown in opposi tion to the men nod mcaodres th.y have here• fofore soy ported, says: There is no drnbt that such a count is the aim of certain ambltiout man among them, who are really sexton, for the form ttion of a German patty, of which they expeot to be the leaders, not that it may help the country, but that it may distitgLish them. This is the true secret .:': the oeurt rhicb fs inits =ado in certain queue 71 • for pat the 1,1.7¢.2.3 element into a °Mies: c. stion by itself. Txtn Alert won fill. The good since and pa triott.= which have eliernster,es .1 the movements of th s ottomans, heretofore, no a man I. to tie an. 'lent guarantee to that tflcet. I The feet that their ate ambitious men among them, who • o f t • arsenate their support tenni t he teinoiptie and party they have heretofore aided, :a a. statuary disnarenement. Sash men ere to he found. in 'eery . commanity: Bet if the p .tt; °in std unseltnh evict of the German ma See heretofire ete.-e not iullicient guarantee ...r the o notation we have ahoy. expressed, we hove such *narrates in the pret•it poet-ion of , be men who era this real leads s among the Humans cf Aar rte. We do not mean the po ineiaef, the noisy fellows who openly aspire 0.. leadership. but the solid, refloating. men, who, among the German), owing to the education sad intelligence prevailing among them, consti• ette at least as :ergo a proportion as with any other totes nf sue cititenei . They are deter mtaFd tint to be need as an adjunct to Copper teadii m, or as an element of disorgatiieetton is the ranks in a blob they have heretofore honora bly roavild.,. Th, Get men Union Club of Philadelphia some i n e took strong ground in ft Tor of a con• untied and hearty ouppr.rt of the Union came Union principles, through the agency of Ihe National Union party. The Garman Re p...llion:a Central Committee of New York city la:tly taken a similar position, and the enure, l uroued by the Germane of these two leading pities in d?,cates the goatee of that ele m•nt throughout the country. Henry T. Jones, s member at the 49. h MiL raohueette teeiment, has published a w Life in the Forty-ninth Dlaseaohusetts Vat. unteets " In it he speaks of the "bullet se follows: "Already some have shown symptoms o' bullet fever—a fever which really prostrates a man. Rallying from that he may be the bra• vest of the b7ave. Imagieatioa pre , entiog danger in every form, he win find the reality so much lest, than he feared, that he will not be nearly no apt to be panio stricken as he who meets that experience for the firsotirse to the presence of the foe. This is the fiery bap tism of battle. bad jost earved 'Forty-ninth NI. on a tree (May 27,18C3), when some one cried out, 'ln fifteen minutes we start" A morbid 'ear come over. me, and a deathly eicknes.. It teamed 88 if I had taken ell the emeties and purgatives krtown to Materia Medico. I felt I could not go; I was unmanned, and, amid all, my mind was preternaturally active, bring op .home, friends, things poet and things to none. This was my bullet fever, my baptism sf fire. Summoning up what will had not eubmerged, I gradually became my srlfagain, resolving to go on emit “:vngth !bona entirely leave me. Not there, not there ,o faint and lag, aas my prayer. Let nature rot foil until 1 ere the fort. That baptism over, int for the rest of the day I woe as fro! t om fear as lam now. I can truly say tta• I felt not the e'eslatet eremblance to fear, and was never cooler in my study thou on the tattle tell.' ' Allentatioa to Clergy. Gail H.% milieu thus satirizes the "sloth: • Way en x minister ever known to me the worti 'wile' in the.pulpit? From the msccer in wiCch be veers roucd it, one would .sappofe ihat - iilntierance me a han. Year • coast'.'.. companion," the partner ...I pour •;.s oe•eorrovie' or 'bosom,' is recage•r ut rccii:dy ever 'prays for your wife. 1Y ay tt :t Let just a well to say Cast Mr. A wiiL preach in the el ernonn, vs in the 'after pat of •hr dvr'' Way not say tbs• the man white iitolt.o ore sketching was mrrri•d at a Ttie, terh.r ibrin that bo ' ctiterel into :Lerner, tendon '• Why iu the pulpit ebb:: we not /icier our own tongue in which b,ri..? 11 dignil csnnot meld 87 .1.1,11 tyc wo•ab fur di s o" ) - (1»1, - ernir o haute.. racy, I , ltom'itki warde pLzotte are bra ordy the str..nigtvt, ht.!. ofr.ra ;Le m e o.l4Jeut. Tbeektrobraus eupbr air pulpit pa p,, are neatly,. plevea...t to he a e.• nor t am for fowl " A Reb,l meoonare; . ton of ag..•etcan, a sr et TILLt by the 'Union 90,41.8 evening near al' state line . M CO! asys tLai he helengs to the Pies , Miry. sad navel Ty anti has been in aery es for eel , are p. fs . We underetani that when he eras ht tusk t to ebstat erel - ,org jettel-Ity. he WO at ot. e • rem . gotsed a 9 owl of th , lesl• era of the hl Ca telond octuF.b tror.:a who to .roped thstdoovtd piaCf.. The residents o. that porlirn of the sit.te alt r etgoir t )111ii I se a had men, tad we bole thse .he goveno mt iv will trint him trithaeverlty, as he seems to hare made himself especially obnoxious to I:oitn men. Ileolll was lodged in our jail I , steerning. Isaac B:lnzt, J. 8. Allis and 8. J °Brame, sir.telanging to the uth forth Caro ;.sa . ..egimuni, were %leo Committed to jail at tt e at ma tin a__ The parties came lute our .._ea Leer Ilarilsburg as deserters fro.o the t.el army ihtrr•burcr T•ltgraph. Leis. Bunter !Relieved . . Ti t Trt , grqpii coy 9: Gen_ Sheridan hos tavn pined is coat , nt.d of all the tfrces now operating on the per Po oaver. Gen iluntrr baying re-o e • r , IVA fast will revive the bnpes of the c..ovt7y that what is left of the old a - my of Ir,bte• n Virginia aryl whet bee been afdei (3 three foots, will become of come service to t• e ration: Certain lids that Gen. Hatter has i 'her-committed some most inexcusable bl An ders, or le has harp the child cfcirctuacta aces, cat of trltich;itodthig but mortification to his ri:endihl44i.theters to hie country hart thus . :ar issued. At ti o'cloek last evening we had telegraphic co.mmunication threat with Ilateratown. 116 ITO The More Will. )(lig William of Wurtemburg has left a la , her cue i• no will. .Hat ing hated ceremony al; my-life," ha sail , la ova of the swan brief purer apba of CAA the doeum , ..nt consieta, I will rut lie 4 state after .Ica , b as I pled byAlght-mere and lovers of a: quate. I beg pardoki of Idlers for robbing them of an option al:ay of looking at rain and unmean ing ceremonies. My corpse is to be buried in the presence only` of my chaplain, my °ham berleo, and the of.;utant du your. My guard will do me the rata" to bnpply an escort for ihe cofiin on Its way . to Rothenberg. The fu neral oar is to leave the palace at night, to aril; eat Rothenberg with the first rays of the son. A tingle gun is to be Gtel at the termination of the fon,al." 11, Mal, is form for a l fight thing, and •ma a Tensible and reaeonable way, avorybody Pays, ooliew b , nutiful ' but where a men is conetlmatlonally.form, and is obstinate in lit. tlo things as well co in great things ani sticks to a thing if ha bas tam sail It, no matter if he ...Id it in a passim; sal will net takeup hie hand when hehoo Tat it down, jolt because he las pelt down, and Las no p , iability about Lin ; and, ineteu I of ',log like a tree, that when the wind blows upon it, is always at the same place by the oct, but never at the some place by the bough; cambial: g perfect elasticity with perfect firta• nets, Is 1 ke a cast-iron tree, that ie stiff in trork, and stiff in every twig, cleat:out to the leaves-1e be lately 1 Not to the one who has to live with him —Becher. Too Rtrea SCE.RE.ANN•.--ihe wafer in tie Susi - lethal:ins hes rieen within the last two dal e tnsuch an extent. ihat all posaibili• ty of fording it with cavalry or wagons has erased. We hardly think it plssilole that soy rebel cavalry or artillery could have fordo' the rirer at this or any other point, when it WOO mita lowest step ten days ago but all danger• is pest new, for which we sincerely thank a kind providence who has bleseed ns with on abundance of rain, within the last week. At thlifeetteen of the year. the river generany contirinta to rise, and wa have no fear that it will, again be low, as it has beenduring lifeananotr:—Derrisinsro - - The Ballet Fever Tug , rpu, .1+ Vtl 3flcr the live , rite Irr - I I:4.LE-41,-131-Ft lee" sod absurd, mule the folltlfring lesson to—lakka Bull: 'You declare you Won't fight, andatiek that declaration in your hat by ray of s cock ale. Ste what hsppens. You sign a treaty , -it is tern up; you Wert:cede on behalf of Poised— It is exterminated you protect Denmark—it is crushed ; your anger products i smile your threats derision; John Bull, r+On lily do you, who are perfec,ly at home with figures, keep up affect and army if yok deo't mean to tiso them' Suppress your float sad army, honest John—pour credit cannot pos eibly fall lower in li.trope than it is no w— and lOU will hare economised from seven to eightThundred milieus. With that comfort. able sum, you will be able to weave cotta night-caps for all the long oars in the nxi• verse and if the barbarians should a•- lack you, you can always put off their at tacks by paying tribute." PUBLIC .4"0 TICE g •THE. GRAND COUNCIL N U or Auyh,nr cooxity ro:nt . WILI“ No HAIL. off TI - E9DAY, Aufmn• 9 11, 10 ..'clock m A !•1 I et 1.-Lflanco of flelegote: le de:1194. nr.6 Pr order of the Prisldeol B 1 ILEt-b I'IGNIC--Yecond or 4a 11 t.11.11 BS' UN 1. , P o 11 I. • n... 1 pt OL Zit \ VOCDGIto .Vt on WSDNEt DA 9, Ant."( Mar, ••••rved on W. atom.] by Mr. foot.. I • •.. t 0,,, t 2 ;11R.m ; 1. p nt.; y. M. . . LIE DRAFT—THE THIRD WA lib, P.ttsbargb, alll pm • °AEU COUNTY TO ALL VOLUNTEIRS mastered ,into the rafted State. eerrlce and credited epon the quota of the Ward. Thew derlrang to n loschma 11111 call .t the. ga,r.T ST/S If rr, oppeal e the IA ort El .or, whore ••• 11-crult • Ina Conatalste will Le &grad •• •11 re•aoneble b olre. Palnateea ate a ape the peed caa draft. TH Had PRISIDLIL JUN A. 14 FHA In. hoer o.tinfi 0.1611:13 i Fiftza kI?ANT FOE (INK 4 , - , Tull—Lu z * ladoceweat • °Novel to One Ye•rs' —oaptala HW 6••• Ina ractaltei a company tor IT• Jay.J /tad tLa grjaer porilwa of walca hare ahooAlv ot• to nolist foi• •ne par Lo DOW •Ar.,.a to all men iv Aron, of enllnlag for . •that porlod la his =quay • la•ory of TI/lISZ BIINDRLD DOLLARS—TWO al - NDRED A• UTSIR.TT DOLLASS AND FITTI CA NTN, IN NAND I. Chrome W. Lennart, formerly Chief (veneer o , tha Tire Dapartnassa, t. tat Ltaatroant of Oa i•nonapatil, and ran bo focal eaby at WI LKANS BAL L , from whom riannenui rforsna. may by obtained. U H. HAL', Jr= tf Ca,pl CaOd'a Co. ♦, Otge. Yeah' Usu. r WAIT Ti.) Bn DRAFTEL) THE FOURTH WARD, ALL.II.9YR2 CITY, MILL tAI IDLEST LOCAL BOINTI IN I:AS[I for ragrotta to fill age qn tag f the Ward. all who do 'tre to on!' t and rwwiwn th. bighoit lo al, inseth.• with the GOTTLJUIteI Scamtg. are Invited to call at t h. tgOto of the Betrultirg ComtnMoe, No, htl rc DER& L sTw T. , Pioalte toe PA owet Blarglar • uns... Recttgit• nu hare the selection of any o• gao Lateen thry nay pref., n loon et nomteted In. By /miner oI the Committ re. sahil r-c.RROPOSALS FOR LOAN Tartsral DIAIittNINT, July 25 1:451 biotice Is hereby gieen that mbitcription be re. colvod by the Txtuotor of the Coifed Staten, Um onver a! Am , e'sett Treason n end devlgnatrd D•+olltar:w, the liabonal ItnukedEligt,E4 and ~^a.!ifted I , positark• ar ti Fiufte.o6l Ageotl, Trounry { able tb. roe Jew" from A agatt 15. 1561, bearlai fu t-n•t fts tho rat., ct wrn and Uinta-tenths per cent {. 7 sr rst., snit .troy ...um: C.JU ter]] attached. papa serer Theta tact. will b. :tutavertible at the , ptlJi3 of the holder m maturity. Into .In p.r rot. gn!.l brnonj !funds, ruder xuLle arta: deo Lutt yfy uttle iweuty 51-.1.1111 A.EOVB ARTICLB3 TO itALIt nS CS.,:ser sf bralsat,;.l sad I:Est! street. .sod dollars, and wlll n. board blast, 0.1 payabls to I 14115.a15..,4.a.a from Atlgrillt 15, i 7. Timm Notes •11l U imued lu donomlostiom . Lusiked, dye hundred, one Choheand and are lb 'a ~ d. r, w mAy to directei by the rab.erib.rt. AI, aub:criptl Mht tor or Eft, 0 7:lart, cr 13 • I=ll r.ar, , rste certir.catea n I:1 b. 1..1: f.r all tlaw.sit The party depr-•!tlni must eueo:se tpo% erthlcale the dehomlaattone of no:e rrtatreel, and el :tiler the, are to 6: hurried in bleak or parable to or r. RLen rt. t.thtoreed It—mast be tett with the cll.- n.r:zs the th.potit, to 1. fiswartled to this Do.pert 7: , e coated •al 1. tr•t cznitted lo lh• owner. fr•. o rt 4sr.a• a.* • 3,, after he rwoipt of I,:u.'. Ger :),p.411 thy b p}l. fea ritt ..II to ellov.l to Artitsmi 15 ot, of d vile c 1 , , OW and 1,11 be p&p' u Prtnt:ectut • rt.ceirt cf :•r s. tr, artra draw Internt from &avast 1 lwr• , &akin IN "att. tt.'oteitt•ot to that late a•: p. Ps.4tes tra.ntr,F Metal TS tbscreasl dollars s 4 lards fur thK•, nets at rby roe t / al will be Fuld lq irp•rtm.ut upon the re ..‘ll • La zn IL* depc.til m..l+. :,:tctiout t• tt• thus:. 1. rn Idr from lba dep.:l,dt, = E=ll rf fecati) W. r. TI,SENDY.:4 $- rntary agth> Tr...,, -7 et.,nvt ,Il M :(CeiTtA: Ly ,h• I int N•:1,10.1 llAuk P P. I=! 7%.rrlb t Bag,: A P:thl.tzrez. Ps. D ALL 11...PfrTARIA.: DANK 9 AND It thiat.,hput titeccmusry win .lAubtirr.t I , PittP FACILTTITTI9 TO St BSCILITSFIDA. 41.11:nr.-•sr ONE OF HU N NE T W ELL'S CL.SAT UNDE 'A X L L' ELLECID. TETI FOIIII OF A CA• l'All'llC.—Ly the applioation of true Medical Lou., th character and economy are combined la this most .stile PUL To prevent putting to to the stomach .-. ~ quantitice of indigestible and iniuriolo drags non• e'.3 contained in PU:s that require from four to ale ,tt a decent cathartic, cod le prevent the Griping • ne cc •rcooeonely Judged to tee evidence of dwec t lens the study in this development. The dose 'lcuto exert/Inc cue, and never mom than heo Pills, :lea the question of economy, and couldonm I. as to their true character In Dyspepsia, Conley. Dilioneness, Liver Complaints, Mae, all de. o....,rements or She Stomach and Dowels, and as a One recoil, Pill. For Worms they are i rare cur.. for sbis by 611 Wholceals and Bolan Deem, JOHN L. HUNNSWILJ.., Prooristor, Practical Chomld, Boston, him. wd. LI Ja..lwafac Oso. H. lf,yar, B. A. 63nestuca & Co., J. 6i. Talton, Agents for Plitaburgb; c ,, . e. EA I 7. W. J. Moans .0 Dr. Jas.. itra., A.nti for Allegheny City. c r, HENRY H. COLLEIIB, Foamy IMO AND 00111d1831019 EdFROHANT .ad Lcieeala &.l*? BITITZB, ANCDe, MN, %ad prod.. tormaDy. No. M WOOD Wt. Illea-r•yert... I • CON-qONMIINTS -75 pkg. LAkelf,rlr WI 25 do du PlakorrA(' 10 ba, TO th, R h P , 0., 25 du/.stn Futon. Plcr,r; 20 casks P asn llama, /0 boos. w. R. and Hamburg Cb ^sei 95 barmlo High IV 10 co try Applta, In .tore and !or .10.10 150 10 EralAlield stmt. T. TAN (HAIDER, ant rtrifTWASIIINGION INSURANCE CO., of 7 , • )n.l ..... _.E.91,473 TE11: IN Xi YGL'HAWOE ro., of wow York, Corttr,l 4019 20 5... 13 Aent, flo 41 , 1 Votutta otreet, Burl:* 1 : 11011EST BOUNTY will be paid FOR VOLUNTEERS, to OH the govt• of the. DOIIIIITOH OF TLELSIIItd under the c hang &eft A opt) , to Oept. 11. It. WWI°, !oott Bowes. Ish(olet A CCOUNT OF JACKMON DUNCAN, Comm+ttoofltriNECre n sLE rr, edit the Court of CFlowint Ph. of dilnyhetty county, int No. 90, Jure,. tic 100 toll a 000 t will 1. c .allrete4 *Mohr ell, nod wld CorticultFo dinchargail frm hie trust nursitiribie, n tig. ichh, 1004, at 10 lint ck, a. m.. lent coons le sh n why the ea se tit b dm, diAB9flsLl DROWN, Aar Fat —TIME% WILL BF A MEET ,--*--(yricF IN IBC of -. lil.l 4 .l'o ' re of Pitt•targ nod o , o TUE.DOY VitibiltiO, icy,. 9th, . t . 4 Y% n o•L i oki . " It Tomp:ar lien, Fourth Air et. Dc4 ono} imp,rtaco to be trot ask& By °Hu of 111 Committee. itt'yo - h;r Cammitt 81,000 FOR A BIIBSTITO'P&- O; ..;ALlTr.r.u.lsottirmimrestvrati.- SOAP 'STONE-50 barrels ter eale by Ira =MI U. OOLLIM. II Arsci.i.i, Jr°Timms Q7LY03113 ViTHAniON IFI ;0h...0n 1e from the Greek word "if at thro," , o• .• .ame, ' gullying to clean., nymmate and motors. Tble artlele le what Ito mute shgulatee. /or prmerTn., !motoring and beautifying the human hair I:o them.at rematkaLle preptumtlou In the world. It to again own d ud tot " by the original proprietor, and is now n..le et. 0.• wanneutre, akin and attention Mach gm, it • 1160 0f pr, Cue million battle. per lumen. • It le llama delightful Flair Drettelna. It erasW-stra scurf and dandruff. It tows the bead cool and elem. It Maec, the hint rich, soft and It prevent. the bale fulling off and turning grey, It Tartoree hale npon bald Muds. A ay !My °Tonne.. who values a beratifol head et Mar Mould rue Lym's Kelthalrol2. It le kr.. a and i. 0.4 throughout the civilized world. B.ld by all raopee• tab!, dealer,. DMIAS S. BARN6B t So., Be. Tart. Inimitable Bair Rest orasire, NUT A CUP bat reetoros gray hair to Pe original color by eupplying the eapillary tube. •lth aatoral moue _mem Impaired by age or deseme. All It emoneeem dyes are emepoomiof holm ammem, dattmyins tbe,itallty.d beauty of the halt. and afford a themselves Ileltostreetle Ildmitable Coloring am my rosttre hair to Its natural cola: by an may prmem, bat glue the :mar Luxuriant Illsarty, ben cool , . • Is puirta, prerrent• Ita Linos art, 0r44 e. lia<l dandruff, and imparts heal th and p sastu tn... the be. It h. stood the taatoftlme , bo.og thy,.mstnalliai; 00aSsIsIS, and Is constantly Morowitz, I, ray.. Ilsod bi both gentlemen and ladle,. It IS told by • '...iyy-rtyyi dealtro, or tao procured by them of the ooramercial worm. D. S. HAMMES A 00.. MD roadway, New York. two idoca.M/ mats and ,•teit dollar. Regan) MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delight at and mtraordlnary article ever discovers& It changes theism-burnt fautlead hands a pearly utile texture of ravishing beauty, Impairing the marble pu rity a youth, sad the dialeeee appearance Bo inviting the eity boilsorissitten. It removes tan, treoklea, pimple. and roughness ham Umtata, leaving the complexion fresh, traneparentandemooth. It son • talus no material Wartau to the skin. Patronised by Artesia,. end over • nen. It le whatever, led)) should ltuse. Sold everywhers. ?rowed by W. X XAGart, Troy. H. T. Address ,vetery to DEMAS S. BAHN/Ci 00. New Tart NIISTA.IIO LLNINFMT. The partite In 81. Lonla and filaclndutti, who ha. I wen counterfeiting the 111. tang Liniment of dderpria. dense of propriatevehly. have Leta tbAlVOlghly eiltOpad by the (donna. Te grtard agalnet further imp:ninon, 1 hare procunmi from the rinitcli Eltater Treascr) a prl. •ato eleol-date ram.. Marty, which is planed neer the toy of eaoL bottle. Fisch early beam the /or rimele of eimmtlyry, and without ablate articic to n cone terSit damyenina and worthima Imitation. Examine eirry bott://t. This Liabnent hem Lam cae .0 grow, InE,Ld rarer d na.) yore there herdly •21.1“ a 4.. n. let the b habitable glow that 4,e• not con eln edil 4 ne. of It, wonderful ofieeta. It la tbe belt emodent In tat wrrld. Wltb Its preerr.l t0:tyr0...4 ioreedd,h., upop man Waal a, perfndly goo. a - Lahle. date ter. ridr.ll relo•ed.. 11l es .1 A. pni=j, mad, ...tut. and ' ,11/ a locad. a. r te. rot,. I, no. t` nn:,:,, •• 4/ cum. esked tar.: .• mink hoi era, d • It • neil • ar. n'.' not be Wei et.".l al. 11 be r 7 .slip. OO by all Ilryypiats. W. E. 11.1.11AES, A•se Tsrk a a. lares4.a, alter fur Lipp:o .k (la, of GYM , . 11.1 , ..4m.ru a Co ...LI. • LON, PITTSBURGII SAW WORKS sy, 1iar:1364.4re% of PATZL4T GSOCIND CIACULALI, we:I.VA CAST STEAL ;SAWS, of ereryolanaripreloo MIII, Malay, Oroas Cart, Gan .4 Aare., rarl•tios Ail A.& of I VISS A SPKIEGS, made from S.-. Carl St.; ; I`xtrs Relined SZAPIIS A 4114 111•J`X Kt% EWES, &a We, boars awl W4r. cur. WATER 1 s ORT AT3., Alt.loargb. Parac ear ete.. Fe4.4lLivi, Uezzaing Scr.lghte.ri ne., also open of el 2144.. Pub. i. and Drftliar st rouroneolte re.. 'Y . WM. BARNHILL & CO., Bon.ra 01AKEll3 AND EIEMET /EON woa&, C as, Pecs 9r., Nee. 20. 22, 21 sad 20. listlog w wad a lard, r.srd sod farolab:Att. - nth 014 tro yroTtd oawc:.:4er 7, we aro propwr.,l to mdamfactur. every 111-8,,1pt1,,b of 801 LEM, to the bed: =v.:, d.o • •Tif.lt, equal tow]e to rhe CHI= L TS, ratICISEN, /7S.F. BIDS. STCSII Lot triIt, , TIYIL BulLrics, CONDENSCUS, CAL? I . S.NS, TAKES. OIL STILLS, LGITATOILI, SE7 TLING PAN, SUOS PASS, or a l awaroctur-reof BA!NI:LLt ' . .STS,S7I L.S • e. ROBINS ON, AEA & CO., (tu: -Le ,11. lIILLSZt..) V 7 7CM 1,T,D , 110 11 t—or,tl , 7l. te•circ htalach.ctsren o , BOAT AND 57ATIOYElt I 14:KAlif XSCIINSeI, LSOINE3, 21iLL SLIAFTINa. MEM X111,4,1y Irv, _ , IL 6111.1.6 ANL SLEET IBM , W'.BL. Ak - ttta CO` rERDINC LA BELLE STEEL =CI •sc, a..rt.mac I , mancf.ettren u&isT STEEL, SPE.IIIO, PLOW AND ULItITITH TEFL, srLINWA. AY: Cti. , 'W BA Wt.fl. El Ls.siT WARD, Allegh..ly ray P. O. 141411,.., P/rISBULLOtt, P., - —I. A g E SUPERIOR COPPMS • mud. / REMO !NO WORE.S. Prornotes. rARK, isscourtny & CO., Ilanntoctorero of tiBRATIONO, BEARIEJr3' AHD DOLT ()OPFER, rEsasso COPPER DOTTO RAISED [MILL DOTTORS, OP/LUTES SOLDER Al., Importers ooddealors In SIR :ALS, TIE PLAT/C, BITER IRON, WIRE. Ac. Ocrastmtly a L.d, TIN 1.4 KBE' NMJETNES AND TOOLS. Wonky:nem, do.I4OUtST 1120 Slet.ll) tit ItLE f. Ilmtinrgb, 1.411.1 ordsro of %pp.r cot to .7 deslrwld pattern 77:9:17d11rT THE CONFESSIONP AND EX "' PET/lINCT. OF AN INVALID, publislonl toy the lansal and as a warship and caution to young am who Ratty from Fence Debility, ?remittal. Deo t‘y of Ithsn.aood, sta.., supplying, at the wale Was, OW mains d .4" csro. By ass who loss eared himself agar being pot to great papoose and isqury torlagh medical tom. Jan sn4 gnscktry. By incioelog • poet paid addressed ...elope, dues costes May be hod of the sntbor, IiATBATITTL HATT/LIB, Zen.. Dedbrd. Tam nottuty, F. T. clrl 11,1.4 7 TO NEP.I7OUB STIFFE'RER9 OF DOTII Iticie EC. etv. rcart geotienten rertu been restored to health to • fa+ dere, after uroltrotng ell the tumid routine nod lereguler attarnette roc& of treatment. without ecru..., conelders it Mt etwred 40017 to otemamoloate to Mr eallotal Wie+ creature+ the Steam of ear 1116.,3. , 4 the rtortpl of au athlroaroll .volopr, ho 1411 teal, /ref, a oat., of the pa ~ .o.rtptioo Rood. Da.ot to Dr. JOLN DAONALL, 154 Pal. tais stmt. B. • =EMI THE HANG MB OF AOOLIHUL • TI,LN --or slaws; a• It Is tcrtasol, last lent I, • change of stmt.:rose ton bl•liorticilmits South nr Won ere eallros •sniLlcA t r tie timely sun of OLSCIDO INDIA CID/ LA h. It sl.o, lDe comsosuani ;co nppearrssn ll:sea/1:m1bri11 ,, ?... Loin .ras, Th. potion of ;nap:Los, lerarinyes of bo0•, AIN:T..IIos of rso/: moat 'lit stomach, pain la the bona, u out D. easily mlst•Dra. LI drogglete red mee.bito Ar.sirrs. an 2 E - •JOHN COCHRAN 4 BRO., Man. olsatarrrf of !NUN BAILING, IRON VAULTS AND VA CLT DOORS, WINDOW SIIITTPICKS, Itt tit' (KABOB, in t Nog. ei LiZOOND and BA THIRD d'INF.ET, bet, Wood and Ilarted. liars Oil hand • va rlet.) of teter Patterns, fanny nod ft do, 'affable for all tratywei. Partitcr.l.sr attrntion paid to ...dosing Oran Lou. Julthtcp dens at .port p9tlce end • DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, PEDINA L., URINARY ecrD BIM STS• PX11.9-11ew aDd relLeble. treaDmae—la Reports of the Howard .I.l..wiat:oa. goat bf mall to sealed Inte-Ar neelorw, free of chargie. Addreas D. J. BEILLII: HODGETOH, Howard Asnoefattou, N 0.9 Bootb Moth growl, Philadelphfa, Pa. eahlisas JI_VN. HOLMES & SONS., Dew.atts Tit SOILIIIGS AND DOSIESTIO DILLS OF ■E ORATIGIE, CEIMITIOSTES Or DEPOSIT, DANE VOTES AND SPECIE, D. ST nuaarr STREET, 211311=rgh, P. Ear thelmtme wisstpal aides Itemsbact for ValtildVt*tos. vll2 =El= r'i UNDER.4IGNED &VINO PUR- A. 011ABCD Erl. the We firm o , ZUG t P itNT6 the Feble Iron Work.. Falb W.J.v Pluer.eure.h, been 1.• meet • pat iyer,6lp 'for t. teener Kan. of tem wed The ores. , cf the firm I/ zl J h eO. 012. tt ~ n7 RR STREET, (up stalrl DEcRuiTiNG(4IINTS—The etia ed 1.61 iug ..1 a'. rJIL t !ler Guy • ecrnor of Penney feeble oe Et ri !tiny ri,,ta th• peorila and Al Alma, are ab,ut to Lore for the ob. , - Stake In dischorre of tbetr duties. Town ship, isiivis mud t LAIL tr:ct. wiabitig to hare thoir ;e. flee ..ip , tm hired C. participate by paying the hee....ory r.ude to the Tremor., John B. S. pla , at Lc oat. .1 Yorhple I Jones, corner or Third and Wood rtrt. , ,, 1 ,, e 1 , to we refer partler Interested An further ittirrastleir. The reercett.lll quote. of district., telll be NIA rrat!on sr laude met Or droortted trite the T ter urt r. Partin interested therefore... t h e me . /.r, reirpt 3 th.u. Ftlet.l C OL 3LET, ca! tr 7 . II CAMPBELL. lwarlr g Interact, with V ml let,:al G up.•1111 atta.o•4l, wat..nou mow, iv , palat a l. l at amtcrtty I o•ty,m3 th• t..,1 1, 1•• ,t. to 001.1 hoar'. g t•Jr•d• The d,tonnt• allt.u. a the are $5O. $l3O, IpYrt, Pt tar. I, oa , ‘l.l reda• GOoll 8 FOR 111 E PUBLIC. 21.,1 h.i.le all tit, •e:l to can and examlue a• ,A L. fore parchating DOCIOII JAMES ICING. Oppeette the Prevost Merebere Offitte eue.eut .)PER D 'ER T. N • i .1111'g rs s EA Ds &LA 00 _1 t.s ou 2 t,,T h L :t a t5 3. 2:b 3 1 ; ., E t. b . " j 1 ' Gr °LDI GCll ` l ' MraASTIE • a•••• FO.N CITY ()IL (1) —7 II 18 EV s,t2s(i Great Excitement ac, 'IF —IIILe • 1.1 rhp Connv.nlQ ev.e II . roarls, 54 I , Mb t••••• 't el , arts 1, n Vlrs Ogee ,•I L. Ltr, 1. ~j,fils.ll‘ Axe r. 1\ 7 ()11( E-1 e ill br a rttlC tloc, .0, a, 3-1 ithe ;.73 .!!• sw• • r.. r. r• 1 Nlll 3 r It • 11. . 'l3 • •.3. at •le L. 113 1 72.1.3 N 3. •1 .1 r. 31. .; • ...AL •I .1 1' r• 1,33. Ail-PAN:IN 1.: 4 H1 i..0.1t , !JAM fit HI ISG ROT 611 - r M t.' Mci, I Ru, 11=111EMEII \;P TH, lllrl I .ts I .4 na I I •'.t ',11• .104.1. FOR \I E EIMEMZEM C. • n• rn t, rn /I•LPHITY; • F LI 11E, C , Ykl, watl -1c••t y r .1. I. nr,•:.. Tl.. ;1 II r Irrr. avi..nur ~ut/uty t.• • L 1 Olt Wl4 rb nrt , ru , s - to ex; For ulat •ttr r•tert t t.to , y 'EAMON •• TIFTSTEri. r(..lEnot,•:lestl•ttof T . UI Ji DREiSING PLA)RIL LA !NZ fir rr u 117, up, pr. , Fr• h.. d tFu thwo .h. Ws r ; B? •• T. ult., /3.4Z . V, • Airy. D,m; 1tr,, , 1 A tnl roand• • ,ot. MBA • - , 1 1..1 11,1 err Briv-rm u • s,,t ft A. K fa. 1.1 • Co . & trenl T•, .; a ;err, or,r Oh t Ivra) v.r WI in 114...t.et TI• A ;4 1•11, I, 01P .`O'ffli , (;F. PROPERTY IN AL 41S 11T - • tttt, 14 Itort •t, 11./4 , .L. , -au ~t • RA WI, ne‘ '5 • It•• a.t 2 A.A. an vhicli fist or.cted • • est s storT vo.:lrr vI.S .la Nor/ •rtatle m... tea in p.t..1 Pty'e: es and reliVr. atd :be tat neatly fo• r•d !xi • pg - t 1 Is, et, h Will OS :.nn‘o for • p t • of pound, •• untsinlog lu to I+, .• •ny•horv• I Ao.. I „ n.le. •f rho cit. Art 4 ann iti .1 0 1,, Frprrj, Ltrtva, FUR SA . J.E-15 re* of g a;; p 1.,. In f . .r.ea bolo.* .Neaa Ran. fr, , ,tini 11...11•16.1. .4 Imo. ...:1 fot a ABM V• 1,1 4 ~1114 • I .13.1 'A:1...0wl Enrol.P • For paeltnlara ea it!re . . C. PIS;? , 088, Nsmnon, A - i itLeluits Ott tif:KNiA. AND 1: I AP-!2m :1611 , kl • //Galt T ,711 L i. I r • • ,•1 lista rtimou,l. h ve- ,AA an, • • 1. ", tee I n J, C. 841111 W IP PA RTNE R 4 l l 1P— ?1i.,,,Vn• xl , l. I • I...PfE t t: n I .1'r:I I RLOPYK9 p.a. and Alt C V. wrr, bI, .1., b,ro • .A , s•ut r • ArGE., EL. : C ••,•rxr: ...• oir • +ta a‘,l ..t.• ..t 01 , C. V' U.' I. I Al o'. AT A I, .P.FIE FL:t.....•14,1.. A nangt pEEPLICS A I) ( - ol,r INS Tc - • Pstr!Dll•an forbids the tu dr.tt iu )c.:7 daarku we yt.flipity fur ON E Jr. rrcruits t, rt.. iv, att. 1110 it E Lb(' t TNT awl one muull.C6 p.y sl , 4uuco, cp 'Aug acute rtd theYerrive EVIL a , 3 .nth nue.bll.l of vh lob A p...d At t‘l't Holt • t..tal of (6.11 st ta:at, am .• •••r tr.r. on. Tko pay ni* •t k rar 1. •,,,nt.t 1. at leo. 2TI CASII, Oct 0 lug atrl tat EA. Ilt ?.a.at L I ,cbso, E=ISI W CU 25 FIFTH ISTRNWI', COMM AT BE DucED PIIIIRI LAO/ POINT'S IILeCK SILK adD4ULd k—RACING y w M. Ind Alf M •_.‘ El 1. , 4i :TT .t OA, A ,• ••,1 N.• WO. •1 e. I 1.., 11.1.1 V r s i r.,o,tmitu, r 4,4 .11 .. •.1 JKIR I I K i• St I. L. LACE At 4 A!. r , • tk• tuts- •u.l ••)). wS I.Lat CA TT 4 , , 0.1 • r : ! • • AL. 4•-• , • :4.cu •‘ , 12 •.• NTF.II.NA L l'F. c of sd.: ..ta n :1.1• ( 1 1,..". a.S• 10 h• I • P, f 1.‘".4.• ar. 4 • 4 r 4744 t j .d " to•!1-.4t 4.44act4-41. 74.4“ 441 *4 44 • 4 . -1 4 14nrt Instingsztm,r 61411 twf, r ,rt erlth tlr.• Imo 4 •.4..t.u.n. r4.r b4..41'.. cigar, n...” 1 which n.p....41 by Loa 1..a0. WA/ lb. any p. 144 n .S.- rbc purt-h Ile r.4r. 44 , art • ;44 . 4.• t .444 /4.144t•t0ya:1 ft- 4,4 d 11411 • NT IN In, on. p.... 1 4: it hwl so T. 4 • ply 4 • told• t.•. permit, .1 CI y 41,411.: t 44.4 It anJ every And any perr.n itrba shall pot, bent nr nlm r tory .orb tolaedJ, noun, or rt,aro, fro-a soy .ro, o, •.. • .•fte Zu tudonttl.. - tor, 1:4 t : rich art: err, 09•4 4 to 414 p • •.ty ..1 5 d 4, .1 (1 , lar.. Ind Io 1.l r I Cur, 4CI attle 4 , .414. n lt 44041 • 4.1 - 1,4 u I :001, .1 tbr .4,4 J-4 ;144,- l' WEA Eft, Ao , 1,..01 • / 44, orga, Ann. 4.41.. ~,do WS FIRM OF ZUG A' PAINTER IS ate any d 1... 1r..1 t. nuotrtsl c...ut. All llnvit.g .rtr. hirah .t lb. 1.14 hrm will pre.P.3l them te h m,.. meat. Hub cmimber a the hum 'ad] Indation. JAC. , II PAIN 0. ZCO. B. H. P , INTEB. O. H 7.00. Auirnat !, 4. 'ITE UNDERSIGNED II E FURIIEU tv•rer.ersh p r,r the Lotiltalctors or IT ar,l uuis • (h..f a of J. rani rail a liqel2l, W.:e ts. Wale t:Te.t. IPAISTF.6, B 11. 1 . /INTIM, A. N. W. PAISTLIt. ru urgb, &carat IftlS4l. w 1 1w F,11 , 1 "103". liccc ot A tt.c.,v,t, 411,,ny. J 18c1 1 1118 BANK IS 1, AUTH4) cIy ‘!I/,EL) BY ih. , ..rielart tbo ltvetioty to went, tob.crlp. TIREE YEARS 7-3 O LOAN, .1.:41ti P. EC RA MISR G....5f .r. BOOTS SHOES. GAI TEAS 00 BALMORALS cinoaral t" o,t 3111,, C.k t. Is I, medc r‘vaa (‘or 6 oda. EORLAND'S 43 MAREET 6TREET, E=l ND. 97 FULERTH STREET, CEZZEI! ADIIVE OA GOODS DIEa of PER MT, EATON, 11ACRUM & CO to their •Virit riGr eityrilurie :be of sr, vc cLet their gr .1 f , r rig Much Bplow the Market Rates lEEE= Of 21.. c3d rEM•delVal.r• itIXECIIA tilt. • j j urALsits advantage of Dc 'nu e 7 Ira I , Inowsit stocaa 1.1:3a: &t, DS, ZiACRUII & r 0 I COI rt Aunal.l Lo•tl T... Tanana liarnal, La e .1 In 1 1 , • c...0p-a 1.1 tn tfaet gLara, out!. Ptltabd,h, 131 m. oz. %Pet I rh an • Tempera.. oft la 1a p • loru elan .1 Bald air CM rdnn , le.arer St Clalr. I pryer v .11,1t3e U.....trUne. LI rib navelte hk. ntb Fayette, rA, ert.-nt aad Merino. I aetend for the reca.vlna of want Tnary. tc at •b. etney ot AD. Steven•-o. 141 . nlradlabara datly. (en,. If. and Saterdanereepfie.,,trom the la I. et 1.1.1 na c.rtha 3,1 of A n)nat rice:. Gatneeen tn. 'wars .0 I .red 3b. In. Al. at th, tol.carlbg planet alley, Ate • It). at the attn.. .n II eond ,n. Sir , n etown. Anatet etb, at the Lena, or t N. Indbal b. I• .Inaeb Irl‘lrbeLoP: in, ..at at the E. Jab ilarsk • I In ,II ...I. n 1.14, at Nola, town , Than lay, Ana.lll ...k. at the ^onas of Bator B.yor 9 ue.4 aenblo. Mtn/ay, A,. en t 15tb, at the ban., .10 ft y.l. Waalutienteo neat niter bt. Clair toarnahlp • %I:o,oMay anal Tburrisy • area ITIII and Pub. at tb • on3ce of Band %Latina .e, romperannt Ma, I attend at Ile n. of the 1,:.1.-ct..• of Internal arecnw No ..1 'Fourth a 1...., Plitabntgh or. no nrdny. nar.l the Int,h of Au ',lt, ttonna. m. to p m, *Jr r ch4l, e 1... the prnaltbe Preaeribed by lan will la.Ntr,tll en'o cad Payee...et moat be mad • In 0 R. J & D•yat , tai tetor, 3 I Div:sloth., D. 141 t116,•6041d0et...r Pea .S AT it)NAI: Ni •i PITTSBURGH Py al:EQ.oo[y of the Secretary of the Trovenry P.<.c Iwatttl.< reeal••• soLaterlption• to the rbree 7 ear* '.seleli awl T:aee-Teut .a• •tt• I /044. le(111,1,10 J. a uy. TL.n not.. a-A p.. at amt Tettart, et the aptt of tr aLl•ra told hew lat lat e reel a I et. , ec, 800.1411. . . 140 J<tos "di t c m J. uonunulae. cot Pa, 7 f'n), Siuip s I DI wad • 0 aval trwarit MP 1, al. • •rd ins aster of ova ror c.Ltacc, au .ho a m 0 ,.. of prit.clital. anal ct u‘k• a,l Est.. rt Iralm • nth A L. Sao LL Y. Ga•hf-r • r o TR '1 ()RS P- L Aar ta. g — ad , 4l , nn, msg., Ihr11:1.v fg tit`igz • ,, r • to• aka t. • , og the k u .T Le.,^ r• Ital• I k^ .hum IN, 6.4 r h.• r lln • -• r 1 u. AI, wekis• •-.. .1”. sot ....at of thrt, el.i4 t. milks rot m•• , ,cry I out 1.. ni a••.. 14. • .11 alaw4t, ,b- grAir.g. •!; •, 1,11 nishitia Ihn t.eu . 1..• owl !>, t •^L .or .; • ....Ire Nang mt.+ p, ti • ...1.1.. r o.uot &tit. Ita, raw e the right u. rqect sr, ta: 0144. J N. W ErORD i`n • t W (:. PA CI P.T. 61.1 o: , •.; t 7 :\ I TED !.,TATEs 7 3- 1 0 Et IP 1,1 S .r.losr ,- ib. - • sr • DOW ODWDrV. I OIDOWW4 tble $1)0 'ln norl 1 1 . E in , rr•wt •rn, polo; rm.., pi of rry (wrik ..11 who c eporr. 650 rLO plow, tr ,t•rr,t ou• ul i%; . r.tk.qg 3 . g/n,Oltif s• &nano,. Priu Olt. or .• . I.lt 'at. ...to .1‘ ,-,t !. .o Tor for:h varuzularo sr; • o HANNA., CO., A.-i 'us. tom. Cirlasaers and ro:..L.rs, soar_.v 4y Bra •• GI bad'.; ..I c.p.trine oz. !..y rorut,, :r. strset tlDis a.od 0.11.1 str,t. r!tt•t Cl,hrrr.. E•troa,b, %now &ad Shlw,r• tarytr, tare, 0.7p,1* .14 ran"...' T.als; r•. Laso ° ns, Tw.lors liooomo, WC. t... 1 I ror, ; I I • 1. f . %TX a t ea. d cor.:y att., IA .., 7 ‘eavrebr• OLIAILLEth C. 8.11.11.,EY, Produce and Commission tiercho.nt. 13=1 m. ilt I tin MHN {SA 7s. ui top. ntvl by th. •4 cu-lar •t. a to ad Cr,! 4.$ t,, ••• .111 Fry lb. n 16170 JCAL BOON - ill :1 1 , 4 shove numb, er,n han..-14" , '11.• .1 1,4_1 tbe ,.",. L•vt • -7- - - 41: • U!. r: 1* w 0 d'• i[.ITI ls • B • • l•• R 81 r. fr T. 1 .1' 11”, , ,t1; t •r. Tr4cz , , / !. f TCOAL DRA I F —Sea'r.l l'• • ,t 1 Is • 09c• !au t`.t' 10. n tr, t. ewn-I Elluow ..col /10 with p 6 g o'rtnk .ad dirt 41, M 1.11..n.1 dell, la ..trn d e 11,12. RI lILIS LLI 1,5.2 f BEAT I' ratr..ller cal? lw FYS ELAF.K POl.l TECHNIC'. \ n lI.T CTI¢ Tltt , 4.N Y —The rim tr.rlll4 r kg. b UAL 05... 1e,4/ Itp.slout...(iiK.L 0 10:- fiLLEING Anb NAT; itlL o• X, •qt cc maznence ALPTEM LB 11 , 11, I , 'ol Th.. Ma.pletr4 sag 4 TL, Net" 13,d40- tar, givlue fat! IniAtuattou, too, Lep ob [.teed by othlremotrit Prof. 00 AII.I.IEP 7311 , WN15, ID+t-1 Et T , • A•••• E. M.11:1,17\.T.Y, Crude and Refined retrolaam No D THIRD BTRICZT, Pittaburitt. •pl9Sm El:Are-WORM SE)11 - ARY FOR EC= Ih- Ts iaat selor will open 4rt lb. SFR 6D NOliD A T en tiErtEblltEftit I beat advantagam aro as ahtleA, abet tak.reast nutle rta:a. For terna. . send or. Clr. tartar.' la V. 6.. NY ILL UM I, sua.lauStavr Sewickley allk. r. 0, MO, 0. n ZOO G MIDWAY & CASEY, 4 TIOLSZ, 810 A /ND 0111SAUraltAL PATNTEX F.. 98 OR&ST 3THSET, nesa4lft6... note drawn by Geerge A. Torrence sa Chimer. Ala dl!Ct. payable ninety days. ft, dare to the order of GEOBG g J. ASUMAN', foe three thumard d lets, and endorsed by tin age Aebmev. Is,' , a 6 in., eel again by *aid 0-urge 3. Asbrnen hee b en lost or stolen. The punk see bomb, caus:nral 004 to titjOittlt , o MA lota, as pas melt Lai tees' et-epp,d 0E0606 J. A.1 4 1121A g, ljerr.ellarllbs. August Stb.—aufat ' 1 OTICE—As several vacancies hart curre^l is the Night Watch of tht shy or Alla. ghomy, a heattona to OH raid 'recs.:reef e onnefr.4 ly he ommattea Fonce entil TUICSDAY, thc Ath of Attiout. II 4.0, bat wt cc, e ieLle m. e d Applitatinaa may Lc Lft total K. 0 A LIIX tayar no J. L. L. KNOX, Chairman of Ca..madoole. amkttl Cl)-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE—I tiATFE 00. Any xarsctatra • bb tme In the Ilmetesi. Melt ing and /lep P W 11. L,rstDW ft JAOLIB A bidllllSC•ti. The tl,.ildtes elll be cd ntl dual et 11, • Id .tend, cr mer Pr Vi'l and Cad'..dtds sd , th . r .'fl. 4t J uen CA lIIIOVE^ d UV. JO3EII/A BEIODES. • parsßriF H GRA ELEVATOR ( 0 —An e, etten for vw D4eai•n or tbe Pttu• burgh t ralu Elnentor Comp, ) will be bald .1 the of. teeNo 35•/ Li B C Llr Ir nTILK CT, pop .t.lnt) ca thn b!th DA SOF AUGUST. prnx, between. ehe hum, of tea kW/ lodes eclnck, no. /I: ore, o th• Board. nal CEO. D CASS. PeeretAry. FOIL SALE-1::u Acres of Coal Lass 120 wret of front coaltend tio.ik one fists of tied .20 . t OVA , 4 Itnprotenrnato to goof mark ing rrdet in ro4 tin. 3; one tract oa the rottglilo g heay riser and (tooniliss We ILIA:owl. roosts . * el WULLIAE WARD, sod first door from Ft lb ou grant *tried.. DON'T WAIT TO Be lOIAMS.O c.pe. W. H. HOPE. of the Eth Petineylveett• Re %/teem Istoesalrfatr a or. moony or ortt sear men for the let Allah., County regiment. Be Is paying the b•theet Ineetneoeut and local bowatea. SAcroltlus eftce f10..613 INIMICAL STUNS?, A drab my cats; .La WILKINS BALL, Tenth Welt, Plttomarsti. nsTrB:-20 Mats prime Dates now is mg for tale by ba3411% I /31393. Doc!' A.VJ 19 {lst* Plttsbvlrta Trust Ournpany W , LL'AM ~ N tiCZY. .1 4 .olinTli I kii . II! , • 1.. e '•!,4; eta ae.l Ent 1 Cth..l' V. M ETM it. seer-tery. • [sr itrnithrtens:7 conthr in th•t•ier.. n:11;‘, th e hu;e,rn o t method fDr butt. - OLMININ I. LEEDS, thneedin l , c•T of it. Asurth-cin lestanto. 5. 7. Ti/E NEW ADD ENLAIIGEo EDITION OF DIY I Bfrafta boat Book-Keeping, tut Inhabited 1,3 to bath,. Prim 12. Sold by Ile ,ebt•ratir -A pc fec: s)r an fur ka*lng ful, ,bolt and ►-, J. OASO Naha s'wo't• roborte .'m• fa worth e priced ths book.' It ft k OWN: Lots 1 hof 'twat, roma Tet4oll. •'1 °Gobi 'ee ?Le loot form of the Ateoraffie Protest .. vet tf t Beret I. eve port •i h c of the t.c..a teotoo ' A U. 31r I.LLAII, ' Captain steamer Arcola. Theo:fly work pall an. la. t> the Ft an or's LeSormiliar.' 1.4. J. AL 6t.ofi, Formerly CL• rk of the stow.. Torten, "TL. mat F. fret ryctem of Steamer'. Are:otters in o.s.lffilsßEE, PIITSB CMOS. PA Form Ceptal Irtes.aer Nuitylll, \ PUFF'S I'ENMANSHIF 1 . FIRST PRE:1111. - PIS Tor Iluainrna aoJ Urnam , ntal Pellalast.ilir, an at - a. ~ a i jarta,af raarnau, 1,3 lb. I. wk.: btat... , ni CP, .muti. it. Forma tira+losaa Elm oa U. 3 Gore amtect Dep tit tnte. /..cgatt 5 MEW LO S 2 -bit hs I.‘ LI , at nal. foto 6-VD Elva " da,paytbla ittrrett Im gold. tats ha.. bf lit satborf sod to ran. Iva no cd roll ell t ..ottro c...mroVto per twb" . Beta, Co mat %a b.w •. "tha =mat ackG:lst P. 11. H0..110.1, ru la kr voratale4 him Sm LA WFt hNCE ViLL .„ h, v. 1., Ai • —ohw zt-ac IB=IM! ITM=SUMelinial MESIIIM== , ru• of ti.o twauum's urt * —Yyttu , n/ui prqUatu.u.res ,au vuly t by th ALI I. en3•1.,11.t.11 11,1r.,14 al, 'l,l .1.1 rentmk‘bl-. OUR TER:IIS F., 0 • 01 asiaataa; tar., tudiudt.-1. !.111 00 flag , !. ea.! ,Let. a r . , astiag AI .1.. uh.r . YOO cv o nr,4 -.l.lthla LutFa Ba.ok-Kerping....... 174 Oar Illauks an made of flag extra 10/.. ral.d catbi , it fulityt• ilircrl,S. • lia IterdutO . p.,ont ILO andante lan:lout srl h the IMPORTANT ADVANTAGE 9: 1•t, We bate 11. List penman in the Went—p.cbsps thsla , l Ibe rolry. • • y WE DoraSnt-In of Ilcok.kseplag; (sanctioned by tba • Ina ObavMr of Coatecbta , ) taught by Ma, anthot. it,h. A sawing al area or right arras in time of ataly. SQ. A souls of tba some camber el yak, board. ttb. A taring at in er al in book and rattortary. 7th A bilyklas atd by 0!ong sad ao lavarabll ,nrptor, BS 03 ikllth,r, bt an ocecaltsol, and so • mot -bans. Oar For Nil porticatora oetol fkor oar elegant new CI, rpm. with can lee clear P,mves Brains.. and Ornamegrol Writicg, lac/oiling ceate be postage, to V. DM er 8014, Principals. rerrsenau, Pt, *a e . ttek.erc Jrar: w alllr E R rim edit eJrri. I,`CrTli RI IT, 17*-1:(•1; I'4 FOUNDED IN 1840 1 f. 11 U'JI I !IF. OA I.l' I 1 I'ION lIMI I'df 11,1 :I 10 800 his Prircd r Led crr, I , • 11. I P.. 1. 4 ., by Sing* Fla y W:t %if 1::• •I 14.• PL. •• r • Berms el Uouble•Entry Books, 11 ith SIX .0, eiti , The rthl ' l•at f,,,snd, AL: i tb. ortr, tl7 r...!wnt.l. the n• I. rzar. Opening' Book," rr , o• • I_' I •Isr,B•>t •, lo••1•••dift, op., I c•tlltiva t, • eft, nt• f • Itls In 1•1•••••••. . • - te•ot vier Closing' Books Froze. .••• awl peoiltar /I itlcat Th. hstrzi, alw lhrsirtrss FOrtllS , •I Not J”.lAmet , l IN I fln, Orri•r, Het. bass Letters ... 1 .,, .n. ...1..1, •I'' Liatirrx upon Book-liceping rirrlairr r •1 k • I Ltanrcs on linsine.sB Subjects CniNtlorrrite I Lau, • yet. ,~r i~m,.,,,..,,.; t eonaterßß Bank .rotes n, .... ~ .."r .~M Our >Railroad Rook-Keeping' la want • r,t, • thibit• ~ .nigtar.tatton II •' 47d a .1+ •leo.l Th••• B , ‘IL ar, ••• •1•• .I,i, o 1 .I.ttt r. :•• 1•If u. • syaler• sof Prircte flank Books, ~~<<', , ~::°. ~ Ira mboaf 800 1:-ke, Ir . air tl. , 11: 'Tat U.. 5 L 10111'11 •• ....c.a. 3,1 ta a and t 1 . 31 • t.t. t Int' ra: wc• r 1 , 71' LII • • NE.3 11•_.•ES, 1..rl •L•ts ;urn 7 It eel, . J.ar rtso., L . C.^ h ks. ILsciz• !a C.I. Bouts, I IL.,woht b0..11t, I Chock G 51.1.:, - , r / Bezl, trrs. I .t.flmnfs -. 1 irri,la lElkolk Pars,. 800 • 1 Pal) 8•77 •- d.k, r•-•-tittl sit hurilrs3 bn,. 1,..11 P 1./..1T• ork.nesl p . oks I ;_ 10,54 e.aarasi introduced years Sp. i'. X t.r .11,- La.. to c n 4.1 is Ixsitstiag /um VII, 1 , 1 t 'ern Le 14.1 pspers sad uo-t• • ;s,.lllw.tL th, r :oil:Late,. of t,ls lost,. \I '1FG1:1 , LIITONnr DUFF'S B 0 0 K-K EE PIN G, OA D IrtoUß bIISER mgruLs: T!, .I • t• -1 , 1.4 , 111.:. it, 11 , .• lb. (Ea. ncter:obf • w K •-; exp'.: • tha 11, • Baaw. wrl.Y ma !qv, all ~. apartaaarit• thia c' 12t>, Ltr, V.S" 03,1 !n th.:ateraLan II ‘l.• (E.l 1,, 1,..,/..tat /%.,,L. N. Y. t ..• • e, •r B Prm f or e,-r„ - ,„ I,o' • •. Lall 1.. - 11, • .: 1 1:01IPTON .1 Is I me.; .z..S 1 !. I•,•••• /114.1.1..1.1Z 111.11.5, No. Frvni 1 • • IV. N. I i• mrs JOLIS M. 1 0 TA VLW.3lrr• Itaur talu, •t!.-• t. Nem Or . 3.4,1.••.! th , 11:•( J r ~;.. II A Itt F. 3 M. Lia:PP, I. E1.1 . 0!.1) n f I fl. nollg MT KELLY. • • : E .anrt 3flitne+-1 EgEMtMMI =2Ml=!M= • ANT YD— DWE! LlNG—n4a 4 4 ,1 R r vrt lltt anM 12 TO lb . fitoll2. xs.and .at , ., In city If?Trtra of te[.. - 4ern no•r t• 1: In n 1. • •-•,:ion -.o.•asbin L 1 1 , 1.2. AL 91ST i.• 11 Ar-pV /21:1, bra," arse I ratarrtn• 11170 SS Totirtl. vrrre., Bork VI. • A .. \ - 1 t. " !671 • 1 - i A .— C. L 1,1 11 1 :1 ( 1.,1 h . " 4 if :11—.' a errata`!. .0 3' I kn.l.ro at _ P3l tb• a o tear rt• rot r is : sad Irar.'vr tr, oor I of ttio r 1.5. 51 U11..1 o 1 PI EaNA /ID 10C-3“:. =2== - • _ igveNi Ell-I' , Tt .i,thers fur rfte. ,, ,Ev/olb T 7 of Rot lo.ou rao r. .2ror tatn r fax: c10. , 1 •• Sc p so at t. al,ctloa u at •• JA DAS Fir " “ti at.p. taw!, al I 1..: h. Board :Sat I. J r.trin .SS✓ Tt , , ' , C• tr. pa .pg leu.r, Kiva ~ ,T t...gre . .,r 4r05....k,, .„,...,, ...•rv: reropb etu.l Ka its le , ;ieis wee., ~ .• ea .r...r., yast.c/.. 01 prl,e. :g.I lo .1 br oa..eds4 kyr. I x ..l• T• n , •••• 1.,.:1 Ih. lia,,• o. ••, .0.1 ;..1 I.r th. 1.... st tt . 11.•,3 pt re of *.P ..vi'Vt. : 7..1. br__ No. 1 . .1 Twderst tts , ..t, \ 3*-1.....1y. M.mt h. —1,r,..a14-3, proee m..y g *KW, , Iddr J(0 Fa It 3. , 111 1 , .(X) iIuANTr D CANVA 8,1 NO AGIAICTI, 1 entnr fom r 0 CIO put torte'. Natant Got, boos be; 3. Aiests aty eloutog Irmak PO to Ito per mouth C.l 31 .I''. IL 'UN. Gel-ral Aitltot -, No 'I, Oro street t op .tot , • • IVANTISD—A Rou.,aitimied on lot .1 .rivet. i11e,00,Z40137; fro= throe to 3erreo rooro, •ith 33.3 . -er ~241 ehts4 trees la !root of boos, and •t•Ye 3 , 1 , n It Met-not, Poreestott •ealted imeloctlately. lulnlra at..• fy1:97 . 21, Tan IV ANTS D.—TWO /T 2iL LIN BLZ D 11,11•7, to •+ tar Oliiirrile mpres•blet.l.l, In bdvatre of b. Debt auk. , ILI. mt,y 1 , 1:1 tv_poid ID wil!t, nlo the 4.erestamet boottry offoral. Aare...BJ.l 937, PlitabbegkA , c ~071t1 U 7 AI TED—A good NI via ; 41i =. V rll Int MID /11.1.1. CA also, • tom Ellgtust pal 4 ingtotri of 1113G1.1 W. BOLA Cor. d Pot. +olio, Zejd-Cin..o:74:ty., H g3IEOPATHIC ItEMEDIH 3, A Fresh Stipp!, Just Reeeh.e4, =MEI Vo.l—Fvr Fe,r, Ocavlttou .on latirmatl , Alii Heat, =E=3 No. 'l Worm T 0.., "A r w - la 6311 x and fdfactans F' !L - Te,thlng, Orylmg oabl 81:, or, tlOs Pit! uf cfsc... No. 4—For Diarrhea, of C11.111.r. o or .tialtiiVE.otoro lotaritcro, and fluesmaor Coroplointa. Prk4 No. s—For Dyslntary or Biwal7 Flux, C.alla - ,'.llrtp plug; INliovi Cohc., Fall Nyaialory. Pl-1.3.5 11111:=1! t —Fur Cholera, Clre:.ra Itlurbet, Ba2W asst Voisdtlr.g, Latlimatic Brt-g.thing. Z 6 amts. No. I—for Coughs, Colds, Hosraorms, Nrontshtst. to flasaus sad hors Throat. Ptlca 33 coot.. No. 6—For Tooth-echo. Verx...sche, 6.larroto,lSera. Bearaliis and ttz Dalproux. Price .15 maw No. 9—Tor Homd.scho, Slt.k Rea Vatt!Ce e &sod or Eic..l to the Bend. Price eetaa. So. IC—For D7spopoil, Wont, Add or nHart Ciaolaprinoo, Liter Complaint. SS pip t 4 ro.ll-7or STEprarasod Manua, or Sesaty, Rrileth: or Delikylng Eilcknera. 33 coma. Ha 12.--7 or Lencorrha or Whits.. Booing D 06.., to ?mica* Celia. 36 ands. No. 13---For Croup, Hoarse Croupy Oongb, .1)/i.611 nal Oppre Brootkaa.g. cede. - gwr Veit •ll.hena, eruty irtyWovu, Znslp• n... 54 Mud. Barbera' I.h. 33 coati No. lE—For Sthoomarlsok, P•ltt, LLasenois, So:« no. I. the CLat.ll.4, Lola. or Ltona. LS ct.AL:',, lda Id—Tar Terry and Ague, LuterallttnadVaa. Duds!, adrne. Old InTaterata Age. O cent. No. 17-1 or Pile., 1111.1 or Blredlng, loterweit tercet, fiercer or ObstiLate. W coat S. ra W—For Optbtbalmtia, Wrak or Intanstil tyr it Eyeltis, it4llrg of Weak Elett. E 0 teat, • r,2. • do. l - Catarrh, setts or abroata. dry Wllam .tg. COM t the Htxl, latteurs. 60 watt WhcopiogCoxygt,ahortanlng sad tr,g floc lipssmadic Cutigis. m cex,.. So. —For Lethal., Opperacl, Dreatlir.g, cough and Ea pectunitie.a. Price, bicr' Lai Disciniron, n,ins inilk. pan - e 4 liciiitne, Larsen,. UP crnln. , No. 4-3--f or E"onaltila, Color - sod Monti. =4 Vault. 13w e oLki Oki Moors. 5.1 coot.. 24—For Gimerat Debility, Phydeat or Nerve= Washer. W cents. No.°l—Flr Id Aconmalstio., l'r=ddliveltlattorttl Sr..ty Secreqlons. GO cents. Sna.eict um, ProetrULxt TAtius, .nrzt•, 60 ts. rr—l'orAry Mows Oran', Ez3i.sl (faaittll. Itcalt or rs.infra Crit,tioc. boc..nt, • ,• No. 2—roe Pesafnal Involtuctsit,bta. Pnarre ant consequent Pruetrut!ou osn#Lay. rice .11 . • ••• So. E9—Tor Soto 5.1.-cth or 514ormett, (10155 rd 2lvrtl. of Adults or Cirahlfro. 51 00, No. SO—For Ortnas7 looontisong, Wattlag Itii4ed., toe frequent, Wahl or ..Mud Ortuallou.-,thto Cote of vials caropirie. In morocco, mid cone of viola and nos. . 1.1 ... . ..... Cone of 13 nomberodboxra .1.1 .mss._..._._.:; G.. of 6 boles, .d. sad ramrle nur.:lrrrd b6xer, Strgir Ic Itrry‘l boa-r, cid? lirraloar. .... Largr role of 2 cm. 'tale, for pl.r.ters sod phy•..... OUR ILSAU:DI - BY MAIL. . - Look ores Ito list, mate up . sun of that MO T.,. thump, wad iaclaw the amount la . rarrout jai or ots.tapo, by mall to my oktrooo, and the ct•notiiat,rlll Le July rctr.rced by nail or express, troo of J. X FIT.LTO.. Fifth litrimt, (Ditoa.r.i Bui1114,) INKoa4 bar balm this Pot FAA". Who!esal• arm: to YU:abuzzla acl T 1E WFST.OHESTER ACADEHTF and 1 /IMMIX INSTITOIII at WEST 0.1-TESTER. P• WM. T. MYERS, A. M.. Principal. itilfh - TEit WOMIALL, A. , Ph. D, M oe Prtrcipal. The achohutto you of too mouth., will count! tu the r /MT 7 DAY, the Otb or B.tembrr nriti c.von.e of luttnettost 6 thorough and ectenallG sun& to Itt top lad young nun for (141ege or beg. ilreletut lonsragro, Osman, French, gplotair. itallin taunt by native roils - at toa amt. Litit: it. seer Prpastroana L under the the geoor i r a It hSg Dt.rsir and the Ell:Hwy flown:Mrs gt.?. - For cats:m..4 la., apply to oltlitr of Mil tattli Wear tat Obt•n•r, Pa. The Principal will be at the MOHO, Rautca4.. I.IOUEZ tu llttobargb from Aural Silt to . u/insittly, locinotro, Chore he sill be happy to tarn! • iltfolitta nt+tlrat shoat Itla achug, from lb sr= to 3 p. rz. doiLtr..T Day 2:1110, aoga.t OLh, at 10 e be &old 013 'be prembee, by orderot the Orphans . tlaub • Lola Boa 10 end 111 a • Vol of ; lota bad oat by ii•bea{ edminUtnOcr 111 sled% Lech, deoneedlea (rooting Yi feet en Botta; street. eat% eztaiilag. tea 110 feet to Loots Meet, to tleiftrougli of-la reeelllee. Tema of We-01.4111rd cub btltnoe fa otieOLtd her psis with totems!, elcarobbe borzoi axial*" auti 4 - - TALTUBLE bTOCKSI AUCT/05. , :. —on xtraßDnir, Evv. 32 49, - at a . :i t 8 o • cic et Ort stand 11,0 T gc=stercal 110144 04 mitt Eras: e ere.: lifteltaxdo Visit M --. att; _ • - 10 Co itoiatno th elliNayi `t100.130, 0W _• -Llfr an • 8. •• c.IGWAINToiIIOVr. V X ECUTOR'S . SAIII . OP, 8 COCK "NOR ill To Ary d cTs: tug, Aoßtat 9 It.'it II D 9 0100.41 ; 344 edd at Clonnernlzl A Its S ac &I TIM atialred# Or. AT of executor of t.te tato,: JAAry . Atzt "Ae 0 0 9 . 1 6 deemeed, • . .17. - ty *... M EltanA 132232 of Pi barith Othet. ar.B A. XcILWAPro !MEW k CARD.—A gantr.;' ..• irbeellr _plug, =Weil occipted a41:11 , 6114s boon a fty lainithor, A= In:lllitter Um ama Warn " MU' • • -.: -w..:n~>s wr - Jr-rys E C.l L 71 1 41 - 1 P a i nyot i. r 44141a't • Afiese 0610 Oat
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