C he ipittsburgir 6aztilt. invitsDAY, Ammer 4, 1864 ItTIONAL UNION NOMINATIONS. 701 =MOM : — 4l+l - 111BALIAll LIPICOLIkii of Illinois - ' 101 nos rastmossm: - ANDREW4.OIINSON, of Tennessee - PAIS? 71ATe4This be;ag fast day no paper wiljbe isstied Orem this office to-morrow morn o f ~.. - Z.LaULT or E , razirrion.—We here no re ' tone item I q State at large. Harrisburg aim 250 iii 'era) , for the amendment ; It is -. entaally dem ratio. The 1111007 ly in thii county will be about S,iiooo. PROCLAMATION BY THE PRESIDENT, RDA 00 FASTING AND PRAYER. - Rf STORATION OF STATES 111 REEIELLION. .),Fltounation Wertnita, the Senate afid Iforms of Repto. antedate, at their last Session, adopted a Concurrent Retrolntim; which was approved on the second day of July instant, and which , Was in th e wards. folloaing, namely "That the President of - the United Sates be requested to appoint a day of humiliation prayer by the people of the United Stater s geothartqaust hts eonstitutionlll advisers at tbs Breda of tho Execrative. Department" to PerPse , Withr MOO cc Chief 'Magistrate cf the 'Ration, attlhe ally of Washingt'ott; Mid the =timbers of Convert, and ell magiatiatee, all gad naval Officers, all soldiers, eaEcrosszd matiffee,'wlth all loyal and law , abiding .people. to ;convene at their usual . plitesesof worsh ip, or wherever they may be, -oonfen 'mod to repent of their manifold _ „ to implore the comparloa.and forgive nets of the Almighty, that, if consistent with His ; wiß, the existing rebellion may be speed. ily enpprrased,atiti the supremacy of the Con ,oad .laws of. the limited States 'tar le:tilitlished throughout all the States; to Implore h im , as the Supieme Ruleret the World, ritiVtoilestroy us as a people, nor to Matt us to be destroyed by the hostility „as minalvanee of other nations, or by °ball asts 'adherande to our own commis, which -ptilif.b• in Confitot with His eternal purpose; sad to implore Him to enlighten the mind of . .11b .nation to.know and to do His will,humbly ' believing that it is in tumordance with Ills will that our place shguld be maintained as a vatted people among the family of nations; - to implore Him to grant to our armed defend.- lautthelners of the people that courage, pewit of resistance and endurance accessary 'secure that result ; to implore Rim in ills Waite goodness to soften the heart; oaths mitids,..and quicken the emumiences, qY agile in rebellion , - that they may lay down their arms' nd speedily return to their elle - aranee to the United States, that they may not ha utterly drift - eyed, that the contagion of , blood may to stayed, and that unity and fn. t roily may be restored, and peace established otar borders. Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, Pres . ;Ilan! of thelholted States, cordially concur _ ` with. the Congress of the United States in the Pealtential and pious sentiments ex- . ''premed to the aforesaid resolution, and heart- ' t,ily approving of the devotional design and_ -purpose, th ereof, do hereby appoint the first :pose of August next to be observed by the people of the United State” as a day of hesitation and prayer.. . I do hereby farther invite and requeet• the flasher the 'Executive Departments of this . 'Haiernamat, together with all Is-gielatore, all /edges and Magistrates and all other persons exercising auttscrity in the land; whether stir 11,7rallitary cc naval, and all soldiers, seamen and trialinfa in the National rervice, ant all the otherioyal and law-abldlog people of the United States to resemble in their preferred placcs of publics worship ea that day, ar,d thcre to Tendert° the Almighy and Merciful Haler of the Uni terse anon nemages and (hob • ooacessions, end to offer to him such applica tion° as the Congreee of the United States lOrtre..lia their &foretold Resolution, so solemn - 17,*50 tarnertly recommendsd. - frittOitliziony whereof-I have hereunto eel stry-ItaAti and cansed the real of the United Sates to be. Mat d ... Dine at the city at Washiegton this sev enth sof July, in the year of our lord one thousrand• eight hundred and sixty four. and of the Independence of the United States the eighty.ninth. - ' ' AHMIA.II LUZGOWf. Lg the Preoid.int: • WU. 13:oreiary of i4...ve — r;"ab .17.1 1 iskr a clamor now, just as At hoard it bifOre, unit tho assault on Petersburg failed trceshro - of the cowardice erste r.egro troops : and the report has no little Fenn:l3'lon new as it land_ l , cfcre . ::Tbere is a elapt of men in the NortirwhcrareACeterminecl to believe that the nogg's will not fizbt,'andnothing wilt c)nvines thrift f 6 the contrary. They seize upon any Titile..lneldent 'that helps their vier of the ogee,-and parade it triumphan.ly ; but they wilfully shirt. their Iles to any eyideoce that tells : the other way. It is of no use, therefore, to eiy- word to change the injostiee and un fairaetr of their conclusions; hut there are (buss wbo ate disposed to judge rightly, and We are-cure that they will not deny the oel . ored troops a fair hearing. The first assault upon the works at Peters• burtafteitle. explosion was model)) , white troops; gird was a failure. They fell back be = yete:..the heavy enfilading fire that swept throughtheir ranks, and went to the rear. ' The:Aoloreci. -troops were then sent in, and thei,loe., shrank from the iron storm that beitrim theb.. : • They were rallied and push. — od forward agath, but without success. The lip:etre part of their officers being killed and Wm:listed; during this time, they teemed to be . Viiitcputquq,(4llo to manage them, when they Snsllpfellbacklothe rear out of the huge of thtficelleys of canister and musketry that - *ere :Pp - tilling through_ their make. That . ~..„- • this wire not a cowerdly . flight le proven bY 'f:. ---- the record et.their Tonne!. - 1 I _ Tik.23dr`B. (colored) Regiment had 15 of. I* -' ticemlllilaand . wonaded,. and lost about 400 care. intletding Sheath:zing. : .." tha 4. 1113111'.13. S. :(oeloroO) Regiment had 11 -. - - - 01Reseseintrahmak:150 man killed, wounded, and ',...--minsingri..`. S. '•- TkliAllit IG, (colored) Regiment had 0 oat. are and about 1600 - inee killed, wounded and Tie - .20,h.11. S. (eolored) Regiment Sad 8 I-'.7 . 01,11.,ni end about 175 men Li led, wounded, and Tbs. 31st U. - S. (colored) Reginient had 1 .- Icifisen and abtut 000 men killed, wounded, and 1 The 43d - ti: [colored) Regiment 1*5(5 0:S- I contend a large number of moo. 21.* 321 h P.S. (colored) Regiment lost several :of6cofe;iiid 150 men killed, womoded, sod mils -,, ;DR. - z ':. -, r , - IteOntinli:nis to .plecs in ibis irmy are y, anything - hat , cowardly. It is not the neat 5 time in thii war that troops have fallen back before' a destructive fire. It has happened often, and vtill happen often again. The Itehel troops have been compelled, many a time to akrink bs^k.with- terribly thinn ed ranks, before atiirresistable file, and HO have — oars. 41e—history , of this last attack proves 'that" the negroca out but men. They can do what other,snon can do, but cannot do more , fi and after theypitteo sacrificed half their num.. bera in.*ititiatterapt to capturtifortlfiestlens, s sane bitkeewards would dare charge them • Ater:ling .: of Lechers Solute. The Wialdngtonfintr of blonday tells why ti 00v: Lelairs Udine was burned: On the arrival of Gen.' Etunter'e troops at Lesington; the - residence of oev. Leteher iwas eared far and-protcoted by his, order,- as vas an other private property in that town. 4-After being there two days, there was discos a. era .s deserted: printing office:'a Mann aoriptliroelamstion, written and piped by .l e. John Leteher, which had been let up, exhort bg the eitiseruref the town; and' county:to aseaseinate our troopa from behind trees, F. Dual% discoTery _Ref:2omM Oen. r. Hunter arid his army that beeidersd the de. . 1 .. "tomtit:kit Xetetterli Ulna"— - • , . -":!.. , :i.::' , : -:. :'ii , D ... '-, .. c::i."l..Yi -4 -4 4 i--41;r,;"4',"','7. The Day of Puthig 71218 is the day set apart by the President ass dry of Fasting and Prayer. And it , eeeme happily chosen; for never had a nation': more 'need to eupplieate God for aid than ours has at this moment. Never had we need of the blessing of God ao much as now, and never ehall we be better able to look our real danger in the face as now, We have htd National testa before, and so equivocal, on the whole, has been the answer of God that we might adopt the language or thonghts that Oed saw or heard of the people of Israel after ionic of their fasts, which are recorded In the lid verse of the .1-lth chapter of Isaiah: "Whereupon have we fasted and thou scud not' have we afflicted our soul, and thou token no knowledge'' , And ebould we not bear with tied atten , Lion the striver made by the Almighty to there question t Ills reply was: - "Behold, in the day of your fast, yo find Pitaitic, and exact all your labors. Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness : ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high. Is it fachoa fast that I have chosen! a Jay for a man to afflict his soul ? to , bow down his bead as a bulrush, and to inroad aackoloth and ashes ? Wilt thou call this a foot, and an amtptablo day , to the Lord ? Is not this the fart that / have ohosen ?—to loos& the bands of itkedne: s, to undo the heavy burden., and to let the .oppressed go free, and that ye break every ;eke. Is it not to deal thy bread to tbd hungry, and that thou bring , the poor that are coot, out "to thy.bonser.slitn thou most ch. that - thou clothe him and that than hide not tbyallf from thine own :lash I Then ; thtt is, when they keep a fast 14 such a man ner and spirit) 'shalt tby light break forth as the owning, and tby health. shall spring forth speedily, and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord chill be thy reward. /hen 'halt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry and be shall }ay here I am. If thou lake away from the midst of the. the yoke, the putting forth of thy finger, and ope Ming unity: and If thou draw nut thy lout o the siotilflAby afflicted coal; then shalt thy light rife in obscurity, had shy dark tea be as •the noonday." This is the divine prescription aa to an ao ceplable Fast, and we may rest assured that noibing less riff be acceptable. Oa all 'pro- Timis ccessions of this kind there has been a grievous banging tack In cotfessing the real, g real Nat lit:Alain—Slavery. 'Mire Lave been earnest entreaties for the dominant race, and but few for the down trodden one—a confes sion of cur other sins. but a blinking of this one.: Happy will it be for us as a nation, if we ali . this day as a nation confess that we bath verily sinned et.ncerning our brother.' When we can feel that we have waged and are wronging. a suffering race and bring our. selves to the tack of doing full justice to It, we may Lave some Lope that Clod will hear atd bless us. The 4oidiei 3. Election The vote of this county is nearly unanimous m in favor 0/ soldiers voting. The vote is coin. partitively light, tut the Majority is heavy The Copperheads, generally, did not vote. I some districts they rallied a conildernble vote, but, ea a general re. e,: they suffered the e`eo tionto go 'by deihulL 'They did not dare to take open ground against the -- amendment to the Conetitation allowing soldiers to vote, and contented themselvei with keeping their men at dome wherever possible. ?deny, Democrats walked manfully up to thepoils and voted for the amendment. They. deserve honor for it. But the mass of the tarty remained at home. We have very little news from other noun 'flee. In Beaver the vote is heavy for the amendment, and the same in Lawrence. to Watidn'gtonf connty we learn that the Cops perheads, more spunky than their brethren elsewhere, made a tquare, stand up fight si ainst the amendment. We presume that in the intensely Copper. bud ectuaties the vote will be heavy against the aniettinwit : but we judge, from what we haye'eetn, that the vote of the State will be lec'iledly in its favtr. Oar own ocutity, k e gratifiedln reflecting, has done It, 4aare of the nark. A Value hetd4d In America. We Ameetans are the most wasteful and extralagant-seeFle in the World. We waste in . !ord, in:elothing;:and in extras. We waste (n tvely decoder day of the week, .<1 waive a double amount on Sundays. Men lillEie shamefully, women shockingly; boys sod Fir's, too, are omitted to waste irefully. iToo:ofuluess is one of our worst national vines, for if economy be a , irtne, then er iraragence must he a rice. The English den"( tea Ste hallos much as we do; the French net a quarter and the Germans (while in Oentan,a) don't Waste at aIL Hut dude of leading hotels here and through cut the country prepare daily from twenty to fifty different dishes far dinner, and out of .t'=e ft cm a half to two thirds are regularly wasted. Thus not only is food weeted, but a:so 'akar at the same time. In ordinary unwloiceome meals or half a dozen dish,e are gotten up, where a p . .ala meal viotid at once be more c c,nomioel eel whole. some. We gorge ourselves with groat num. bc:e of snicks, which are neither nutritious nor de ideas, but simply costly. Men buy `cur hats a Jest, where ene ought to last them four years. They throw away coats and pants when they are bdt little the worse for 'wear; and instead of hating their shirts meidtd and their stockings darnel, they purchsee new ones,' and fling sway the old Wcmen war very expenotee artioles of dress without westing them out • and, we have heard, are Inclined to spend and waste money and, material without stint. The prevent is a most excellent time for the whole people to begin to learn and practice . 11 e on tee tf economy. If those men vibe st• e etrihing for higher wages because of Ihs high trice of living, would, instead of this, waste 'ens in their homes, their clothing and their , toneltire," it you'd be much better for them selves-and for-their country. it des'ere would lloa lees extravagantly, and wants less, they could sell more cheaply. If rich men would eqttander Ins en their tables, their tailors, their wine merchants their fast horses, big houses and " fauey . nx inge," they would setl better example, would better enjoy life, enjoy betted health, and be more able to help the country. If the fair sex would pay some at e ttion to ibis mutter—rad we refer rim wers'y to the wealthy classes, but to those Is I! e core= n walls of life— bry recoil be linico bleated lbtl32lCiirti and would confer blessings on the bearded SEX. Among the mercantile, mechanic, avian!. tural and working clams of Germany the same garment 'veil not only be worn (or one Beaton or ore year, but for half a lile.time or tut re; and yet they will be no-Tees ootuforta bly clad than cur people,'who wear out a hundred suits of ex,p_etTSive clothes during their brief tristouce. in Dochou, the unterrock of the women will often be handed down and worn for throe gsretatione—which is a fact that might profitably he pondered by the daughters of America. They are no less 00001n2 oal In intiolts of food on the European continent. A witty Frenchman ricks the question why pork is Falvey!! Bodeen in Pane, and bimeelt answers the inquiry by Baying It is because they can't ralee swine In France, for the people themselves consume all the garbage. There Is hardly enough troth in this to point the joke; for the fact te, that the nice __s economical habits of the French, In miners of diet, prevents the sae: acaumula- Gone of refuse which arc lien In some other countries. Out habits of waste astanishitill foreignero. We waste enough in this country, of food and clothing, In cue year, to 'sustain the whole , popuiation for ere. The times are hard. The currency Is deranged. Wo know not *hat lice in the (attire, The whole country elculd begin to learn belittle of economy. And it is a virtue, which if it is over to be. 07D20 national, sherild at once be begun to be practised by individuals. 01Z of the Biedergutens in Boston has tultpted the wane of graduating the wawa •houra to the age and•advaniement of the pu pulkand the result has been snout, favora ble. yinagegt. Ohlldien come only from 9 to 12 a. in.--thoeo next theta coma for one hour in theutiternoon &leo, and the oldest two :~~ ,~ EOM P U t alLIC JrOTICEII. m - groit Tro iplesttleos.THl3 erratum() ; abo•vtatch Letweelj (MST HAWK and SOAP Tie. 2. for poo,s, ip to lan lb. ebaleo of track each WA*. Gni' HUE ba vragon.- Ihs to tortosoili• at one o'citAic. Adninfos .---,PRESIDENTS PROCLAIIATION— The ow organist/10a of the Church of Jews Chttst of •La•t.r Day Sainte lent held Blvtee Wor.hlp on 1* hrl d DAY, 4th ot Aal, at theft. Hall over the INTSENAL UXVICIerE nt urflOg; Toarth steet., ten Wood ILEA Market etreeb. Banton' 0.. 10X a. and Jp. m. Ste pub.le are invited to at'end ea, It SECOND WARD, ALLEGHENY. '''•er A ti of clthene of the Second Ward Allegheny, me wi e ho ll held the oa FRIDAY EVERING, Au vat sth, at the School noose, for the porp:se of re telring entetandiod rertifieltee, and nen etb•eriptien to tha Bounty Fund. There may be Nome importun. information to cominonicate to the enrolled men at that then JOHN DRAWN. Jo., President.. Wid. ANDERSON, Br notary. aut.:2l 'PUBLIC NOTICE; I Ite , ( rve Town hip hoonty Ttheotino. Ate meaner. hod .t LOl7 A WAL7Z'd, Theejay, !tuns: It was re- Wired that an election be bald on FRIDAY', Aninst sb, to tweed the bouts of It and 5 o'clock o m., for the J vac , of ascerteining whether the majority of ',Otani of Is, serer Tovnehip are to fevor of tee or no tax. Also • mretirg at the setae plate at 7% p. Ar. A gmeral at. tender. Is regaested. soffit TINGII BE. OF STONECUTTERS— On account r (the nerlawica elite the Journey • min SO toratters •nre ton:Tolled to at& an olvence of t+ war end arefete mined not to oath until the to qatred advance le contplod with, tto and after this data. MANY brulgEOrrillit. atilt PY H WARD BOUNTY CLUB— Caukt for oubtcripttons to the Bounty Fund a tto Flttb Wort Clot, are open st the otllae of ALDER. HAN TAT LOllOl5l PENN STREIT. All ptr. era lot t ,,, ttettl 13 lllinjtho wards quota, ars earnestly ro. quossod to ea! txtuedistely and outer [hair otittettp tko, B 7 THE 00AlatITTEE. au:, It IF - F:O.AI' A AIRETING of the Contractors of aburgt and All ahrodr,torld on 'BO BEIDalf, hoopla! 'V, 18. It mania:km.ly reard.ed that no a:da.ta on its pr.prot vrnee a !Baum:atom of NU ants, .113 be pald_bd the anlarataned dartnig the prot est yew John L. L. Knox.. ' J. P . aa. II Knox, /4 Ma it 11 . 0abe, ii. Ilarrfoon h Itenderran a Andrea., i &Ames. a Bank , Joa. Sbalisaborger, Fred. •r a bo•, I Dora.. Dell , Thom. Batter, Adair Etta-or, I Jona lin.nn. FOR. to a Mahn., andat THE DRAFT—THE THIRD WARD, Pat•barit, wall pay • OASii BOOISTT TO ♦LL VOLLTIITICIM tioneter: d into the raked State, melee and Credited open the quote of the Ward. f ilhoee ng to el:austee eitietelist No. 9A OR k NT IIIET, opposite the Outlet Ilene., •here tho Iteernit • log Ceeneatte will be trend et ail eseeenslite home. VOletnieer tied t• tip. the pending dreg, TH./INAS A. PAN DNB, Jon et A. 81 . 1141 N. L =tit SetTniting Cedi metre HE FIRST COMPANY Foe ONE S TEAD—Lu r e inducement. ollteri to One roan' Dtit --ClaPtah, Hall basins rocrnited a Ootopetny for ton days and th• greater portion of which have already of ten dto eblist for one ar, be now offers to man de sirens of enlisting for that period in his oompany a hotpot, of TIMED HUNDRED DO LLAILY—TWO LIENDEF.D AP lit "I Itilt-21( DOLLARS ADD tlrry OLIGTe, Omni IN HAND. cr. George R. Looser], formerly Chief Zegineet of the Tire Dem , Wriest, le Ist Lteetruant nf th i• mspany, end , _ „ be lona] eeuy at WILKINS fIAI.L, froM whum Ll otorteary Information may be obtalmsth Capt. Ce=l -=:-DON'L WAIT TO BE DRAFTED ! TEE fOUIIT9 WARD, ENT ,-/TI BILIIIST LOCAL BOC?iTI IN CASE( rot tocruita to ell the gotta of the Ward. All inn de. eh.. to neat and tonne the highnt total, torthor with tbr Gowernettant Botany, an Invited to rad at the OM, of the litrontiting Gozomittor, So. ati •IMEGAL EThEST, op, ogle the Pt °net Blarsbare oCdoe. tenuity own hare the ay:nth:to of any orgwo . ratiett they wily prehr. D. on t•Nktd ai str.a sa wagered W. By ordar of the C...mmltt ie. f aO-PROPOEAL9 FOIL LOAN TII i tiUti Df ISt ■PIT, July JS. IP6I Notice:, hereby Alien that grolderlptions ro rileed by the Treasurer of the Visited State% the emir huhu:sat Treanor,' and designated Depositaries, sod by the National Dankedestgnated and ritinlined 1 , -+Altsrle. sr rilaazdal Aiont4, for Tr •Iciry 47 able aorta yobri f rum Avagrut b. 13G1. piquing in crest at the rate L..t taran sad taro. Ira tar par cola. p. 2. acmes,. slab teml annual csapom attached. p. 7. t.l•:a Is less/ mew. 11..0 met. tell be ;convertiblo M the option M tb. 11.4.1+r torliy. into six pa coat. Sold touring Wad., rainemania altar are and pas abb. twenty ram ♦a=Vt 15, 1..,7r There Lich a rill l,s isrued in dermal/al/ono or fulr, Legared, the hundred, eno tboatoad and eve thor• sod • ill bo Issued luLsaY , os yayabh ti es .T..sy dtrnetai try floe tabsillib on. all mai optic - es W.% be for Ally dollars, or •3XII s'ly .lollara cPrtill,tei .111 be larasec,f, all Gspulto rbe putt man madam, upon the t tit at, the der alnstLwe of aotmt re.iakred, sad L, t thrj att. obe Iftektd is 14.2.2 t or parable d.r. P h•o rn t forted It as," A• 'Oll with 9/4 star r .ei•icq the aft, lo f.• E•rirt,lad :a nth Dr(4.l b•. trxtenittta trr ta• lyre.. free. et trent - jet.: tat'cne Charlet. la 1,. ate, lls ne - atipt ..t the r.:it:azea o. tv - ep , Asit CLI • 7 caa pr r-ot :I t 34•11: •11 pr.:. nolo yrkut to thot dot, on 4 nal be p, .l v t`tt.a:tmlestt .tputs t-telpt et th v ar t‘taal • r A. the n3tra dra. Ihterast fru= irtfrut IN, per /CM m Atng erpettta tvtheavuont to chat late m vat pay .- fhltrera arrrurdfr nt date of sot s:s.• Paws, 4f,phsitirg tsrnt)•hre thoesarld dol'ars 1.1.1 psare.s fur these spates at *ay the !Vas nal:I as a; ccznutiis:, ul o.e.quarter tn. yet ,EIL h t.o pal! b, ttb. Lryartawet upon th+ r -44 of •KU for the amount. rertlhol to by the other • Ith .6om Ito deporlt trat male. So la toctl,r. for 11111.*11.11 mud IM mad. from tbs. deposit* d,pnalts trill are that the prow,' so All cdbetry zatbori/ed to mei. depnaidd art I negeted t, w apllicant. All desired InfortnAtivi, and .deal .7 fscility for masking robscriptlono. W. P. PE33EN DEN Secretary ofjthe Tro.ury FlAscrlptiocs 1,1:1 be receind by Ilse First National Bank of Pittsburgh., Pa. Thirst National Bank of Cittsburith, Pa. north National Dank of Pittsburgh. Pa . ALL BESPECTABLE BA/MB A.BD BASE ICB9 throughout the couuti7 wW doctbilne A PP/ED YACILITITIES TO BCOSOBIB MS. •¢l:4wCaw CB ICE F. II INO PIANO, Ti % LIOBTLT DI BLITILD, For tale at 00 Lees than Regular Prire! I=l Fri taadici aiciierinf Plano, Nosutlful roeeron,d •fies, with bandsrdroa mno'dlng, and front and Lr t onroors, ovvorl marl, d.lk/ A. • True Aron end full. Tnto tostrtratenterns stiohtly damaged on theca,. In tranvor tattoo, wblth elfsdie ihe •Nosr•noe but Ilttn, hdletbe tons nr tut nine to not iniurre in the Ingot. Will be sold at $5O Lgdol 111 AN TIIE 1/LOVldoli PIIICE. CELAJzi. C. Mt➢LLOR. OPIIANS COURT `SALE—By virtue of en ..rdtr cf the Crybans' Court, I .111 tall at rat Ale 6.• at rho i.)&121, Home, In th. Olty of Pats . SAII.7NOAI", Anxnet :21h, ISO ISO LUNEN AND r. 2 POIIOHFYf, awl allowance of land, (formorly the r.tirtm-a of llobert Slog, deed, oa tho Saltaharg, road,) lc Piero foarohLip. Fold pm-party har tc.nw one frame Donning Hoare, roe taro end Dot bolll Ingo, floe Orubard, goof aprl 001 Honk, and ttoo whole to good or dor , abArt TA ser. Llama. toolocco Io tiorbar. , 4 7'insia--.oco. half Ca h balance In oat and two y.ara, 1•111.1 Inied‘st, bond and morw.ga. and parchapar to pay dd all riper. and talk, A...a. ROBERT DTCKCI, jytn,lawdtd Alloiheny Pont Offica. AMI INISTRATOBS' NOTlCH.—Lott2re of .5 tatOtetratlon ins the Witte of John Merely. late of Plttebiargh, Alleatheur county, deceased, haring been homed to the ooders*ned, aq persona le• debted to said state are requested to make lortoovltate payment sod %boas heaths claims wilt present them, propetty authenticated, too fathom-tit ELIZA,DICTII TIT 4 11.PSON, LISQP TEIOM PSON, Admi de:store I=l Look 'AT THE PRICES I ...._ W.lama': 00170.0 Nola% Oa ...... —fl 11* lllame " "....... 1 DO Vett •• •. on 6 0 0 Itt " 1 ao ♦t BOALASIDA, 94 MArket street, &toad tittra Oat PIRA BONNETS, FOR ID OZNTII, At 1101114111:111, a Mapitlot An* . ..~ -:~ SPECIAL A'01713411. obLyoirs ZATHADION. Rathalron I. tram the Greek wont "Ilathrd,r or tqln thatto," elgnipAngto cleanse, iSittronete and rostare. This art lawhat Its bane, to for pre warring, andbeautlyylng the human habit to the m Ist remarkable on In the world. Ms again owned and mit up by the enigma proptilstor, gad Lemur mute with the same ears, skill and attention whin/a gave sme °tower one million bottles per annum. It 1.. must delightful Bah. Drosung. 4 It erudicaue semi and dandrolf. It MT. the balr lb. hood cool '' so d R and ilerzy. It prevents the hair falling ffand turning gray. It reetortahair upon half heads. Any Lady or gentleman who value. a beautiful heed of heir should nee Lyon's Hatbalron. It is known and Is tablused e throughout the civilised world. Hold by all respeo dealers. DEMA3 B. BAIMILS S Go.. New York. inimitable Hair Restorative, NOT A DIA but stone gray hair to tie original color by stipplylm the capillary tubes with natural awn caber, imred by ago ortlbeam. ineteatorumu dyr am compered of horn the lits/Ity and bcanty alai* hair, and= i4Vl:e7tZeu nodreesing. Etlmstreet`e In Coloring not on7reetores hair to it, natural color by aa easy process, but &oath. hair LuzurUm4 M4autY, mcaotas Ita growth, prerente Its od, eradicable dandr, end noterts Wraith andg ir eseancocas to the head. It has stood the laat of thee, be the origLnal Bair Oolottag,and 6 oaemantly Increealng la ABUT. Dud by both gentlemen and Liam It la sold oft alloalpxtahle dealer., or caw Le ancenred by them of the aonuntrtial %ants, D. LIMED= a 00., 909 Broadway, New York. Two alma. 60 ovate and K. RAGAN' Ii&GHOLIA BALL This le the moot delight al rad extimordinizy article tele dlamtaretL It chatice• theeon-2Elml facelesoll hands to • pel.tly latlit texture of ravishing beauty, Itnpaillos tbo marble purity of ',nth. •nd Cha diatom* ap turit.t. g city belleoftaahkm....lt re tan. /mains, pimples owl tonginsein from the skin, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It 1.13. - talu no =Aerial injurious to the skin. Patrobilatl by etitetemee and Opera Singer. It la what,every chontd bay, Bold iemwebere, Preperal by W. I HACIA.X. Tro. , h T. Addreea alloNen, to DZINAS e. 11.111171:13.100. New Tort. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The gartios Eit. Louis and Oinchonati, who ban boon counterfeiting the Honi n g Liniment madame. wnee of proprietosehip, ban been thoroughly Wowed by tie Clonrts. So guard against farther itoposition, I home ;orotund trot. the rutted stutow Treatury a pd. ...steel-pate reoconie etamp, which lo placed ascribe top °tenth bottle. Each Wanly been the /as dodo of usy and withouf which the article conu• terfsit •vetuforone and woctbi-ss imitation. Examine tthe. This Liniment he, been in too and grow • is; la favor Er mm- years. There tautly exists ahem, cc the hganble globe that dam cot con sin evidence of its wunderihl effects. It ts the bon too-loot It, the sort& With tut present improved Ingredients, itseEecto upon nun and besot sit perdwtly rem rouble . Soros era healed, paha relieved, Hew seir d, 'tenable animals ands awful , and untold Ilisuounage.l i e outabrulata tyraino, cheninatwut then, bites, now,catod breast, strslued home, ii is • Sorereign Domed: Washes:od Lot be dirroused with. it should be to wet? family. „Sold by . sli Druggists. o R HAL One Tear.' ABOVE ARTICLES ro S ALI UT SI MON Jun NSTO N , Cbraer .9-.lll`eld and lowth sir.; nirgaggz, (tete neagager mr Llyoqueett • (1 , ;.) o aczegeo, (late of Ga(g, Hubbard & Co.) 11.1.1).. A. taxa. a: 7 5 PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARDS 44 LONG, Kaanfacteram of PATENT GROUND 018COILAIIS, warrun cod OAST OTEIL SAWS, of atm, dasertpflon KM, Malay, Orom Cott, Gana and another varlatim AS Linda of KNEELS 118!IIINGS, made from Shoot (Nan Stool; Extra Hamad /LUPIN AND MOWING, KNIVES, to. Warthomo and Worka, cor. WATER a SHORT STS., Pittaborga. Portlenlarattention given Komamthlng, Gomm:dug and StrOghtantok Olreolat Sava; also mars of all dada. rancitice utd Dritang !ow at romonanta ram. 423:17 WM. BARN/CELL & Boma:. ' MARKUS AHD BURET IRON WORK• ►IIS, Yead Bt.. Ff.. Yn, fff, 24 and dd. Rada' fo -tared • largo yard and tonolabstd It •Itt ths.x.oat Ito macbtLory,. If are papal-at to coanabbetuto dratrlptto.r. of DOILLRS, to Ms bolt nottatr, dan •nr-r.,1 aqua' to .7 matt to tn. oattotry. (MIX b rrs, REICHER, VILE ETD& STEAK PIPRi. LtPCOMOTITZ ROIL/IRS, 00IIDIM8Y321. BALI TANKS, OIL STILLS. AGITATORS. [IE7 TLII.IO PAS& DOILY= MON BRIDGE.% BCOkll wt. aosoollIctors•r• of BALRUILL•: rATEST 801L211.8. Bop•Irtn; don. cot ttla shot-toot OsUlttf :"..; -ROBINSON, REA CO., (anoore• :meors t, aurtmes, MEsns Cu.tsia,>ws¢utfi fOS IFOUSa, Fu:+osss a Mao:Emma, Pittsburgh ILLusahrtzrersrk , BOAT AND STATIONCII7 iTZABI ttiGINID, ELAN? Z 5611514 !ILIA. NA. CHINESL GE.A111.50 ; 11/IA7TIIIO, OASSTIIOB, it Xll Leactiptia;;; ; OIL TANKS STILL 9 DOILLB ANL !OMIT IRON GITTARDII PAT (T 13/11101011 TOR DOLLEZ.S. 1 1,,, , ; • L.ll BELLE STEEL WORKS. BIZITER dc CO., 4 , :ttootr-ore to DeOrr, Hartman A Do., Ettana:zotanors o OMIT 6TLEL, USING, PLOW AND DLISTILB STEIL ; P1'1111166, AxLER, CILOWBMOL So, Works, FIRST WARD, Allegheny Oily . P. O. Adams, P ITTSI3 ERBIL P. COCHB.LN & BRO., dsfartarsra of IRON RAILING, lIION VA ULM D VAVLY DOORS. WINDOW SHITITERS, WIN DOW °DARDS, to, Bos. 91 asocuND and ed THIRD STREET, b.L Wood and Marks.. Shwa on hand a ra. r , ”ty al new Patterns, fancy 4.4 p tta, =NAN for all I.tuncoss. Partleular attention paid to anelashas Orass Loth Jobblzryr done st short matt.. .09 DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, INSIIIINAL, I.IIIINANT AND B.IIXUAL SYB• TKALS—rarer sad reliable traannonf—la Iloparto af Bawd Amtatkra. 8.1 b 7 mall La salad fella enrek.ps, fres of cleans. Aaron D. 1. MULLIN 001/1211TON, Bayard Anatolian, No. 3 Ninth street, Flettadelphls, P.. nelently F.C.N. HOLNES & BONS.. Diimi rN OW FOBEION AND DODDS= DILLS ON 111 MUNN!, OLIITITIOATED 01 DEPOSIT, DANE tiCrtEg AND SPEOIII, No. 57 suancrr STEM, ritual:mgt.. Ni. Mr OaUeatkae male oa an tins priskalpal alibi throININEN LIN United OWN. on aNNEY a COLLINS, .POZWAR,I) 1110 I.liD coanuesion tdRaIIII.4.IIT aua wi.olosalr dealer ha' ODESSA BUSTZU, 56ED8, MR, sad mdse. marally. Ho. 13 WOOD OM Itteboort. PL . sal i I XCELSION. WATIIR DRAWEIt—Tho .1 1,..1 Arran...m.oi la be world for tal.tug rot. /rum unli• and far% ;•uriniseg. PATENTED 1451 P C{:nd 'or 'nr1:11 plUtroottli, • Prtni !or hot,' pcirp,.., Pomp. for 0(111.01.4,H., PUttit4 for Mit,ll r ton“ for dn., vreltr, Pomp. or err', drocriptlon. ou Irsod sod or rtslo by OAILXY, ViIItRIGLL i CO., TENN Yti.ON•ri NEW BOOK ENOOII ARDEN, I Vol. I 04204 Price. 111,26. • N. BIEDLE, No. 185 Bx.rrzunnto 61. Pianos and Maim! Ltuarnments, Nampo constantly too Mad a 800 astortmont of AFEW PIANOS, VIOLINS, OMAR% soooapittno STU MOS. la., which lit Pinsk tor low prila. ,AL`.imtl pA r gm ...4 AND .4 ENVETAZ i ti a WABJ. L OTI LElTlrk27lrdr, AP Ba, r itirt tu rregas, ado bad .0.707115T0s a gatertllllll $7 Wad al, 11=E!0= lISINTIfIiITYI lID- 9. DA11.111199, IN•yr V ork. MI FOURTH STECrT. Jost ticoi•ed 14 DAVIS, CLAIM .t CO. 93 Wood Strtgt 4,OTEASTABE.WEJI TB. -B°~'~, . WiIRTfh!AES, -ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, BILLS OF LADIS4, LANDLORD'SWARRAICIS, L /GAL BLANK 4 if al descriptions .t MYERS, 13CHOYEE & CO., N. 39 717TH FITILSCI STATIONERY ALBUIAP, PAPER AND ZNY CLOP E. SLUES, BLANK BOOBS, to, Ga MYERS, SCHOTRII & CO., ar t t No. 3) Plith ot, vet DIARIES, DIARIES, DIA RIES, • DIARIES, /OR TOIL IRed, FOR I;AS, FOR 1566 Nov 1. •••• tiro. to Ind, 'nut Mary for next ye. trim. wUI be amnia !,%L. cter =Lila Gall and nt • lot at FRANK OASES, Book aai Nslre Depot. IrCTOR JAMBS KING, ► su. VT SIT.EET Opposite ;he Proesst Mat - seal s ,124 rNNYSON'S NEW soup. ENOCH AR URN, outl otbo- poozo, by Alfa:V:2 o lm 11l o Pecs t;?! . . we ONE YEAR MEN. NEW ORGANIZ Lord B.roaty ..... Seouvai Bounty It inntfLr. T. , [1‘ , 4 els •13.:LAIL Ide Fourth Iffeet, Plot urgh. STAR BRAND CINCINNATI HAMS— ?,.l•erttfer Let snil ou Laud e of .ad MiC3ll pot up. to. hU vv. (am. l'y w t l.vL For gale Lr lb• or fded,l, Elam at I/ • radotly Groccu 1110, of /03t+ &. arf•ISH &W. •Ytfdortter Liberty and 11• ad •tr. 040. WARTED—A d IVatchmalor 1r In .1. nn shu nod rttooda hl. torooss won Lpp'y • I No. 03 FEDRILLA L SILL urr, iloalwot ontZt (1 RAND TROT AT COLLINS PARK— ," on TarrasDAY, tUGLIT 4414,14 , A, It 4 e'en,i, precisely. A premium of Alt* will be dive. Ltr tho :y. rrr.rtatet t cl the breed of b0r..... ta 1111= Bennett cetera U. y, Itc , sarg tJai Paa Key* eaten cuter. Wart ac'dinf. Brittv eatery grey awe, Dalla . Atm !is trottiog saorr...j . grounds. arOdd 10(1 MEN WANTED—Tue underlignett UUappointed by the Beroael Council am gimp, cativo Centonittea to have charge of Ailing titta quota of true V or..ayb or Laarronatrilla ander Mt following or. dinar.ra .d to aitand to all buelneea pertaining times to, at" pay the 810132.1 f 1.130 AL BOUNTY IN 01th to tht &bon comb.r of men ImmedfatOr. . . • • • .. 1f Ocalalttaa rW be Iv=3 at the offlo. Walut.ca ray, isq . Lawrevc,lits. WrLLTAII JANCKY, JONATII AN LONG s. a. HARBAIIOEr, Committee Condit Or 10/orrsonLri or ALI..c(INOWI to., IPA, / rlttntcruit, Ans.; 1861. TO COAL DEALERS—SeaIed propo3als rill bs reimived at thto oar* until [ha 10th Inc Instre, for smppl)lzttg tits Codtt Boats and Jail with Iran 10 000 10 1 . 1.11 , 0 brabelf 0(3.4 nuochantatts coal. I to front slack and &gra - Do did/vend daily to such quntlthitor soot b. nunntred at tbs. entrance •tt Tit h 4 Ross Ass. ttf. Or , Crectlon of Oonoty Comsat. lIISRi T 12T. C ;at roller. TAE EIGHTH WARD IS NOW PRE PAHL') to ;-as, as 'alga 13')0linlid far 'Ann am ad aft, ward In It. city. Umtata will cai on Csatata 11.4ws d 5. kilt, Clirard How, t. . lu Wij. aid., cc... Noarth and Beltl3ll,idatmaa. and Wm. Haan isf", year ti. Cornet 1.4 ascuttalabl Lad /woad otte•ts. rO-PARTNRIISTIIP NOTIOE-1 HAVE thb dey etwewested with a.. le the Bytwltte. H... lei end Hop herd. a, P. W. H. LL.PSHAW J 4008 hh7IX.HBOS. Th. bruin.. tell] be c-tHt.tuel et it, .13 *thud, e.Jruer Ws, ..d Utter'. all.y, ue• eiu the cylit of !Ohne& Hama. ete1.641 JOSHUA HHODZ.. HOFGANIZLT-102% OF TII i LOOMIS “ueu.D.9 —The n etro,l of tho Lo /call 0 ..4.1 ore r..ivotedb ovoi tu 144.1 Gtory of NI-Idea uVI T 41.7 we./ ING al 13 o'otook: st•ge...u.. or WI th. 014 rarrabotuaL fiarucol.l, rowabd. ord-r of Cer.lek. .211 leis, NAIs natBAR A f.ntoeno r, Allegheny. July 30, l 5 l THIS BANK 18 AUIIIO/111.13D . ISY Sonyelfely of at. Treosor, to nor , . entee:rly, k,,ff THREE YEARS 7-301 LOAN, Leariv( 'alerts.. with es ml.ssnutl Cww?oss ptt y lwrati , I• tarts' c.a.) 41 , en• net,e see papa le et =et lt, , s Legal Tender, or me, br acreetted at the eptlc.a et the suLte, tut¢ o per corr. Gil , Lit tetrh-e bende. C.noratrealivue a the nate. ere kw, drro , Ebb, Sl,Ler, 55,M). hee.lendser ...MN P. %FLAMM Ceehl r. I'o C'ONTRA.CT()RS —t , e Propoe zle tbe gradl tt'....1.1111,117. bridging. fa. niahltig ti• • 4.11.1'n: th • trac k on the Lawry.. ftni! n ,, a. from Wah 4..ingtaa . Y .I.ln ;Com, ab,rit 13 •11 Le rr ,, ,lTrd et the , Tl,e or the Moo CAC , - al • Etallrlad =put,. la ti•• Caod•„. &V tido k J. A ogn•t ece L , 1:,1 Th: 7tue ad! cf tbr, dir,sl r. ••th. 8•.!. ‘O, 111001ry mart wF•pa•sta. P ids •tli alzoin• r•rrival th • grallr.g. • and lay .tag .141 trick ti.aettiro Plaa• sa d rpecillet•tiont. 115 ay toe aeon at [hi office and alt•r avast !kb Th. Oo•apatry r.no - v• the right . tTjqCt 351 or all flan. I ST CIIAWTOIID Preit. W a ' , saucy. mot JOOll. :111. .n 110 t COPYL.%B I COIr/INS I MEM ILiIIOCLIT I • IJIZOOANY I caviar:lmo I ONDIIIRTAZINO I [INDI6T/003G I MEM WILLIAU, thrownzast. 012Lae. tio. 138 nu= MEET. own to tianataa. Didnigt laying oat and fare rarythlag naming for the prow teL • at to. Mir Keplendl Hearn and °ming. always oe tuna. V r.NITIAN BLINDB. I. A. BROWN, likeld'aotanor at PORTABLI VENITILIS BLUM" B. 121 2X111111111J3 32811!, t:::r.tuutrranr ;MTV! T MEMOS erkeiorrr tab 0111OULAB CORIUM, of the different stylit. OLD BLIND/ ' 67 1"4 '. " e r= Ityrrftl.Bll.ti. WINDOW ILO& "ffh. stows work all ararrnutad apl ADDY & LWEiS, CU a C 71041, PL4]fUSIL2 GAB AND STEAK FITIBRII, No. 1C aver ST, oPpletta TWO Mutest, Tltt.burgh Flltdre. HYDRANTS, SUM LEAD, LE 4D PIPE, and DAR LEA 11, .4 Pltunlnon . =Urfa! to pa• al. Ctt reaperive Iltkd op l du Mad approrsd =sr TscL Ituad ♦ttt had o. nipper, MK." Atiod ILL ...1 spa 00 Briars. 19. 11. 7 . AD Ordeal prOraptly glt.rd.lbx ap2l & M. M'STEE!..i, BRAM k. 0111CDZIA, J. 0.1 um Hite int./. Partied/a attention 1A. , 11, Dig Mug Itpand ropalring of OIL REFINES- I Vo. AR 11140 of SEAS O AND lILON COCKS tooWe to task, Also DRAM OASTINOB, of all kluds, made at tha ebortnst MUM.. Ail mares Isfl at Nos. 31 sad A 4 WATER WEBSZT s n. a. Liberty, will be promptly nitauded So. Writhe mombers of this Mn Laing peacrkal swans. ea. of [ratty years' espettence to thole businou trill to. seas to ales sitilafeacha in OTellimspest. We art aim *gams for Gond Garrison A to. STEA.II PUMP, for paraylas Water. Crude and Unlined 011 s, Ao. drOla t i No. BURGESS & CO., (Baconian to J. k W. HABlitt4 Couonalesion and For - warding Merchants, OM CITY, PA. Martha porchaawf tho "Mama Feral:mum. .t Oil o Clity A n e lt b l ag ore tolt room .nd t.rltitin ere m. as; ere o ve . ry dokr ptloa. sad prosolso satlaractloa to rd OIL AHD SISDOHAN aII who may (awl . 4ttb Math patronaga, oraiwonot FOURTH STREET UPHOLSTERY. QC IS MUTH BFEUCIT, waft. TN admit= aukaolloatan aal is" coastaattp baud alaq a:Oats to Ltrsir m s gnu= os, !GLIM. CIISTASS ODODB, comma, MUTH. baitsm marraassa at all ktzub alw Otto oak. WT BPIIIAGI B . Ants& of SHAM, BLUM aad =TOM Prompt ottmtkm to all alba Or Auks sad big, eon Val" OpPk. , ,_ a 11013110 i. r~ ~' u pox pox orvzuoiarpArNprEcis disclved InattQUawhat. '' 4n bake CIetaLMTCB2 lb...ld—am . 4 1 prctreTtbeutilinligial Meg Icr settlement. lath mantis, or the firm will alin in If quttlAttcn. J I PAINTER. 0. ZUG, -•T`ITER. C. E. Petklurg b, August ire 4. THE UNDERSIGNED liAvE •L'D • •04.t...bi, o: invt•r tha "a. a of J. PM R A 4 . . 4 . Wan . I.•• \ at.• st rot t. J. PA rt:Tt. R. B H. PAM:I74 . A. LW. PA1571112- UNDEP_SaiNED IIAVINIi CHASZD /10. firm:,! :CG .1 PAINTER lho Y.bk Ircin Korea, F4:l, W.M, formege re. , ner:Llp • •unn• •, e L d Nell. Th.. s••••• cf tbn Arm I. Ollce NA' A.l Ell 0 I E glp st•zr. Pittsburgh, A No. Ist, 19,4 Itu4 STA TION ER I MEDI! =ME I:JN:V I. LO P B , or rolors scd loco, *ad ors-yolk:No u.. ta the .ts Ulm.. Age, ud o: Cow loft iosLty, ot , FRANK CASE'S Boot 4.1 I's 4, few}. ron.<'.l.llarldiag. 5,1 strew sat LOtt. :i. LE--Mill Property , per 'ale, six I I: alter mm PilltburA on tte P.utboah rood ireohteato• Turr pike. 2 . •ie pr perry civitits of tErae wen, of Lard. oh of which le nod Id with coal. The Improosmeote are a liware t.rist 1121 and Dl•tilwry. 'a go trans , dwelling Hone filat 10. formerly wow. podaa • flow'. if riot dispoird of of Nis Ate •Oe It wlll t• en.rd et orsb:i. ante cal the .41.1 day of Of. Tl3lB/11 litt4 For further foirt,.laor o *WO re ~1 thosokseribeir, oo the pre wt.. a01:34•T a tDHEW 11111 , 11 Y, bc..tt Sown I.lp. COdL FOR SALE—Me t 0.3 oiber of- fire at priests aala, 111 coal privilege,. the on* tem:llb of 11 led of gronot. b.. , log n retinae b.toi of In, para.', mutant og about felt, err, A'erk, the ern , - neg. ( coal I ore oxide , Ito ait•ei tome:tin, aijeth. It g the shore, with at ;tut ettr,l Get d la eitcore to Bell ro• wady, , r•errocretitne county , brae I,l' a stared ppelto, on flu. N. W. Fiallroad, bow Dearly ocenpiered Other coal is , tr had adlolatog. .•r I. rua apply at tu, re...1,1w, on he lel.d. at 4 Ital. /Mean Vb. NOTICE.-IVheren‘. L e , of Administration on the ...tate of Kau 3e:fret, Nee of North •ayetta toieceido, oenake, deed, hsv , ne been Arlen bd 4 0 the al, tiara ne Indebted to the said estate are revert.. . male ho modiste pa; merit. and those hating claim , s palnet meld estate I , Nmed , 4 to' Preddrit them, 2rd2 sb • then, Jested for ....lenient, to me A. n CANS, ar aid oT Executar. 41. tiel.E--Thirty civil of choice I. at feral, With .princhof good water, to lota to .1111 pt tavern, .IN Oen hoodrid choke fruit tem; • lb. 11 .ear rev' then., and oconfourth mite. White. eO gl Of city, toooppoalin Rime.: tea Zni.121.• w• 10. tc ••n at Jack a Roth For wilco ••• e .l X BURL 1.1 l KLP, re. le r of ro Irth and Ma lid ea., Fititholgth or the ott!risly,tutli tio• • oYil • d A. Eh JA:IR. 2:1 Pia L , 341 Fr ald "li. iirens'ey tiv en to aerie. •• dt ie Er int J. A °ASTI SLR. L if, t • net near ter •I. - pp if if SA.LMON A D T. 0 13'..r1' R np iu en, s - d tarp pe end ..sts ',canna:a nly -ash.d,jaat ',calved sad fur asJa JOEIN A. flttiißAW, so I cern.. L.bacty sad Hand •trant., VELr'll SARDINE/3—Ju=t reocired frtsl, •tar.ply In 11..1f box-•,(..r ,5d• brth.d.., • • ce , t.. RILIPSELLW. .4 ror., I,llerty wad Hand atavot, . _ By.RminiA AB.Rowßoar, pts "p in I.lm s•ti.a.t,sl par, J./HA A. ILLASHA.SI7, corner Liberty sad Rand Burets FUN, TUN, I. a • ••11t • want •1, 11. 1 . • 1., an b. mut.. (w.ll. •ta.II IL SOW st 4,1,r Oiotimbli, O. piTISBURGH (iltA I F.!. TWAT. )fi elctiona t .o.•. Dirf.Clo. o' tNo.Ditts trZ.Tph "!nit. Kle,tor Onnipar • n.. 1 ,7 et ih. M. B:e No St*LIBEII.III ETERS - I% sttirb) cri DAT or AUGCST. tlaa :awn+of t•n and t•el.. &char, %. 87 uz:.e o' ths D 04.1. .114 O£o. D. 01...5.,,14,ret5r1. WHTIRSAB, Letters of Administration o! T the estate of George W. Warman, demetteed, have loon grant. d to the robacritor, all pentane ludrbtod to the Laid retat• ate Pequoated to mate Immediete pay. neat., and tints baotag rtafrps against the °stet> 111 pro.. nt the tame elthoul to W. P WETIAN. dolministrat.r, corner of Thud and licottheeld rittobtryh Joe. 11er 10,04 Jallagrdeve DON'T WAIT TO BE DRA FTED Capt. W. IL 130 F X. of nib nth Peonvitrania ite wl Tell, Is re.crolang a' ei:All.•” of one year men fo ib. tat Ilrgiony county rer fluent Ile fa paring in Fine , goiarnaient anti loeni it ana iii a ,fro. N. EC st DE OA L ST hi. ST. tJty; al>, or II L I NB BALL. Foal- , •I e I. Pittrenegh. H IGHEle'f BOUNTY will be paid FOE VoI.i'NTEER3, to en the vial. of tar 1101101308 OF TILIIL9TISII oneer th e n , Thing Lion Aryl to Orpt 8 tirMl3. 50...0r lit ars. 1- In 'kin 2 01IR & • 25 PIM STRECT, MENEM SOMME DRESS GOODS, VT ICE— Pro,osols o 111 bn re.•ri cad to s kTtIItDAY Ar, ,/1 , tb• eth to at ihroa. n.kp n f.ror4lll= Pwalag part of All, gla.n, .tt• fr , kap `lt Clwir at, t to Rand *treat. 11. I.'d d fe:-.brapaul...l by cool •n . t . 'all. The, left ICU, LW" uni•-ralgucl h ISTILEI: Y. c . 61'3 , S, ll.td oae,r.llc; riantilaWr. • IR S. l / 4 12F: —A. farm caataittinz I I.; JI: v./us, sliatatod In Scowls. township, &fleets's) 'tact, ono TL from Ultras'. and tea collets from fittatorch,ram ts troll scats.. I aol la clod starer fcc le tam rt r part Welts, r I it:quirt , p watt., cc of the sestet,. r, esg 1 Ira. 850 R TI. J . ( 3 Vr i *I woos, Lot.-.n I.of iil4llnl . ll Chtkroll and Oaoy .tut ;Knot, bedista Isb,r- Mt, d , lln , q r•ward DUI 6. paid by leaving 11 at tbir 4ffice of too DI4PA TOE. sul czi finil FOR A :•. , ULI,- , IITUIR,-UNE vvy Thaosstd Dollan •Hi bog•o• ror alien • Trilrran to Item. for thrro yews As Mprgratatit• lot oTREICT. (113 FRANS' COURT SALE OF MAL. till GoLoi LFC 711 PBOOZIVIT, IN LAW/It:SOK. VILLE —On TOWBOAT klottNINO. karat rth, at 10 o'clock, will be wid, 0e toi primate., fronting in Ore/204cm Pike. in Borough of Loorretertil e, the old o.lrnlm Leed, llemeol.6l, whi bat been sebdlvided biro the tallith lug 30 Building Lae, haudtuatell ells woe on the Oreoistittex pike end en wide Meets.. 1 I—l lt feet hoot on the pike, and extending back liently street, 174. feet 7% lucky deep on oae side and 1 1 t0 fret 11% to abed on th e ether, whereon CI erected lb. ial gr and eithetant Bela I known L 3 the Loee tonusten te each Ni feel hunt on the pike, each extruding bock 100 feet to Fairview alley. 4 loot, own 24 fool trout en the pike, and extending be klto Defley .heat, from 61 to 110 7.12 depth. Iriang.n'or Lot feet Rout on Oil pike. extend. In. k 64 Not 0 itched and Its base 97 foot. la 3.0313 tack 24 Got Bent on Liberty etnaet and Cu. trt.die• lu. k to aro Qom ri to no rt k depth. 1 Lei it feet 19 Inch, flout oa Bathe work entera l.; 7 wck to tali flew alley. lo depth 71 lest IN Inches oe . slc!, .1 34 fleet 7ic,, lecke, all ILe other, being no 59 t Ore roar. 12 Lob, eacb 24 11" t front on D !ney street, sod es. t -t Aug to kto Park. a.le) 12T feat Lot 54 feet 5: Juan front on Danny Ittest, and ex• tending bark to Park allay 137 fret. /law eat be obtetkad at [no Auction [krona*, ti o. SI Pllth tenet. Trovn or POLE—Oso tAlri rub bolonco to one end tom gran, with tutor t, oecttrod by bond bad roortsvo. yy lO.Yabld A. bIeILWAIIIII. Anorr. A I'CTION &&LE OF CONDEMNED 11011 M. Wee Dzesanfree, TlOlSatr,} Oalop of Cl%la ar Qut-rusarter, Wasuracnos, July 4, ISA& WIII be .old al Public Auction, to the highest Lidler i al t a time uld pluza naussd belner, oft : banou, Pa., Thumfay . Jul, 1118, 1861: II adipg, Pa , Thursday, Jots flit, 182 y aretatarrg, P. Thursday, July nth, 1441 i A toooa, Pc. Thureday, Aupsit Ith. lade: {1 hilausapert P. , A watt 11th, 1441; floodn d Czte.) ()arab., Hones at each pt....: T ua Lloue• ban boss croudeunied aa auftt for the Ca. Ivy & n'acr of the army. Y r Load sad lon. pummel ma n y food bare due may be d. BMWS 601 , / lu Vatted Bestow eurr,..c, JAME. 4 1:810, Llettvaard.Ooloael •ad 01Liar toutstarrnmter, Jy9ktanll Cavalry Unman IMPROVED CITY PROPERTY AT OISPBAZIS• COITTA dALIII —On TUESDAY XVIII. lEg, August bib, et 5 o'clorit. 111 be uld, at lb. Con. Mental Sties no-ems, 54 Fifth street, by order old, Onus Court, the following valneb:e improved oily PioSerty, Uri tingle g to Wets et Altdcolm /sea, deed: Coe h.p lot on rooter of Liberty street nod Straw berry alley, fronting 66 feet on Liberty alma and ena nbg beck to Obarch alley, retirreon Is the her sem Erich frarehonte, Hoe Maud AIL One for lot to roar of stare, on corner of Strawberry one Chorth atop, fronting to fest on Strawbetry with an •Tersge depths 4 50 het. wherein la erected a three-story Brick Smoke Hoe d% • &are Bowe,_. ow bk. and double Dwelling. Thane of Saia—Onit•thlrd ottah,and Umbellate, fn ow and two yeti, with lama; wand by bend wad ,goortrog. S. ?unman. nowt. .I. ILIZIIIIL JuctrDE 0110-6 D barrels Amber colored *ea ' ( 41-6 " " mune Lama, tr nails IhedualCorde. Jrz *.Lti.riOrM4VVY'Ss. RON:CLIO' rVE , protrlti—!semied M., , tbr ke bs i ti t "I rps wr *tihr TWO THOTBAND ROOM BABE L 8 OF /LOTS. The pm:eats-tin be tar what tnova at tale depot .. Lim 1, . and 1, and hide .4111 b entertaistnetbr ea: Tammy leas than the whole, Bide man be to duplicate, and am each voile ease?. ream sheet. of paper. The dplieery of the flour to commence with's flea day• Rona the opeatria of the this, and in emit quauti ilea, daily, as the (leermameat may direct, dalieemil either at the Government alireLecam Ia Cee,mitown, at the whanue, or at the railroad dept, P. c. The del., cry al; new as - ard.d be cr-zplefod al•his twenty day. from tNe ornlas of the !dd.. Flyza.Lt '2.1 lv [dada iu GertatcAr” of hxdr•buinral. smrli tuu.l4 as theGarT•rant-td may taa.e br fd.,Eraent. n,,.' G -. ,writlc.vertiou will he ma/9J.V. be lb. ,r Iv nor,n.t. KM! 64. Win 110 wLsch Le net Itt-sh gionorl. An ooze t f nit.,tatoe t0.t.1 reran:t.., ttel bid °fend:, Golder, wt. , . laea not the oath on file I. thlootrice, and no Intl tea: Le. enter:aloft] front partire litho !met: pre t c• •'a W. 1... or 4.4 . 1. not T.:t t eeht tt C.:10, C. /I CC STATiS - AERV - 1 an 7 01,1 ht .Idr...chi to the a sd-ratch....l. .t gn. ,n 1 G atm-et, Wastaht.tuth D. C.. "Vhnty , ”o• ta.r Flour." el. C. GCSES X, Oaptahs bud C. h. V.. Vrsokittirt, D. C., 3.11, 35 10+4. s-2:41 LF:TTCR Pig) pth , A 1.9 FUR HORSE '. NEVIS. (noes eel Orrice. Wan Dan...ruts; 1 Wks:moron, D. C.. July nee. 1864 invent.. trill bs tenivid by tin DapaMateal until buy.. MP It t lin, at 4 h M., ;or in delivery at the following r,. to!, of II ,no ti•pol, m-utt, Cittbd States notary peahen, Ma stativl At the Now Took Annal 10 arto tt A trghouy tt c,' re 00 a Atoo. I 7 h• tar's.„" l boo viwllimeatt et, to fornteb-I ectordeto, •titt the accord, et of horn brush arry• ,omb, Inlet, picket phi. book, to,. hart •po o. sad curba, ants and arena teeth, The bite maniacal,. eon am arm tit In not finteh to thaw deptwited at the *bon unbind areenaht. The sal/We Irro Mime:Ong art to be It. Octet d. The ran onto Nor the third thlth nen &n once, oot IN Inn. between the Inn on the molds of the pommel; toe aide bare of bard whin wood or Leach. the t nasal. an: nrtlea a f nnolk emit put I. /ether. AII the bent no, to b. bee or an loch thin, and 6'l ha IMO the V 10.1.1 to bee neon tech lb. toot oho gbtond cow bide. All other cenr• it o 111 mood. 11 . ot:calms eln b. rialto] .lb teal No. lb torpor I:arts. to shown In nouples. Thy Intianonit • fa to be nno-olAkin of no inoh ar'de, sad undon per amok The girth .tarrying to be dr. rtod Yin two D Tiny. t hne• et rp: two deer, ionic / end of gine: no axon etranit and all tve nit •bing tbrenaltoot the rots will not Le Ina than siglet (ii atitchet b. tie h ch. The stirrep hoop. will be Clli , red. The C .renal. Seeger tamp la to Let tnettcd with two No. In copier done The Ines art to be euhteci to in eponion dent r all stage. of their menniar ern, and if deed, d auto Mare, the teethe, to t net to the fabric. Coe of then • Inlpsenie to b • nay clot Woos matting Tee Ina] luept u tlon b-• roam at tha arsenal wh deltas:ed. - Delicortro mint be mach in lote of not len : s pu a.- teeth per week o the oho e lamonnt canneloni for, the nit delivery to Le made on trio —.-.- /aline to mato dolivertoe at a epecifkil then will sub )ect the contractor to is hrfoltetra of the number ha may fail to deliver at that time. to bids .ell costilderad other than boa pectin who are Invent to be regular mount% Wan, and ooh • certain of executing in nelc own ihopa tits work prcynot Bidder, will state explicitly the Anneal or Annan esters they propote to dolls-or, and the onceber of pro. hall. they propose to deliver at each plans If Me neon Mau toe, F,reta of Li I ono io obtodued ot tins above-n. 1W anions!. Prornal• net made out to this form will uot ' be • outlined. • Prop:eels no, mad• ot la Linn form wilt not to Co: WO ed. The bidder will is requited to sescapany her pbiel• torn with . guaranty, sis-and by two respooeible ro per. we., that in caw his Lid I. accepted lut wiff at Liner execute the contract for the same, with go•d and rodl• twit Runde., to • turn equal to the amount of the contract, to deliver the article proposed, to conformity ;mitt. the terms of this advertisement ; and In que the said bidder should tali to enter tots the mantra., they to make ;mead the differeoce between the oder of ask: bidder and the noel tosponeible bidder, or the par/oak° ...co the contract may be ..seg.:. The r.spsusitelity of tne goarauters carat be shown by the °edit] certificate of the Clerk of the warm* District Omit, Or of the B. District Attorney. Bon& In a Rua equal to or-teeth of the amount of the cot tract, elgned by the mates.or and both of his guarantors, wilt be required of the ruacembil bidder or bidden upon signing the contract. We, the underslgned e reeldany of la the want, of , and at to of Yen. by, jointly and wren/Iy, anal:Alt with the United Stet., and guarantee, in cue the foregoing bid of be accepted, tlut he or they will, withla ton days after the acceptance of mid bid, easente the contract for the same will" good and gaff dont candies, la a .mm equal to the amount of the contract, to furnish the wile. proposed In conformity to the terms of the adver tisement dated June 11, 18d4, ands which the bid woe made; cad, In WO the said stall foil to enter Into at .. .potty:4 ea ofottlaid, wt. goalluttos to mob. good Me difference between Oa offer by thfe ukl and 0.• toot lowest emponelble bidder, for the puma to wham the contract may he awarded- Wttenue,f Olema mode:oar Lunde ands. 1 We —day of —OM-. Seal. 010"47.1 will 15. WIA I, afef o t f o lr "n'' oce, " Rleshlng• ton, 11. ft. • nod will bc .ersderred rfol-amle for Ron. iumperiante." - • - • - za&A.D.warrxe.s t axis t llAisunano, JO, 2i, 16 t. UENEB&L OUDIBS, Lio. 52. • lonty from the War Department, dated fel, nth, Met., haring Ma day been rammed to rale. Ten 1. Retlmente of Telonteer Infantry under the ell of 11. e Preallent of sloe United !mates. of the lath tota, et Plre Hundred Thousand (50n,0001 men, ft is oreleml • 1. Sport. authorities will be granted. to rr. enea• peel-% to be recruited and oreatirewi atgreaddy to Geo .10 Orden No, 1:11. War beroaratdit.aariel inert. I•telen pee will be given to persons who hers been in week.. end bate Leen rionconbly ditehargerL 11. Application ter nyp dotenente en cuteter.l4 Lit uteri.... under the stem coder, will be Caine- I ately made to the olio. or the Adjutant Genera of Are,. 111. Ovninui4thwollici mof el.de or of run:instil, wk.: iiivo 01 .I,.r.simin and the Laurel Wit range or the moontains OW top .rt to the commanding officer. Comp Lepnolde, net Clttrborgh, Pennsylvania; alt e-o-t ut that tth. and rest rf, mai Inch:Ming Uoi.ilog. Penn iwaats. OM ',pert to tl,• commanding officer, Camp 017(1E. ilarrltherg. all oast of Rao.* and that line r 111 i rp-•rt to the cosominithling cfficer, thump vad.ala. .ler, Philtolelphl, . Up°. al rir•tton of the , on....cder °Oh,. o r at IS. =4.l.stct lag Der:tenant Ot • notcp•tly. to the Lao.?, of the etff , miat rnitreadeetep.ole• thrvughoat tritto,,,rl.•"co t r thn caeup of tet.d recur will b. fr a:oh. It Act 0.0 and at, nary expense, for baaraftnt 'oaf hw e tn, weep., nl,rd n0 ,,, r Oh order, will be pa.! by an, uttel &rho dlahnteing ..:hear, at the pr.per at • rate n ratradlog krty ceota per /ay f r ••clz watt IL I/ atvroAl into W. bartice of the [lntl4l :Petra, atod •rit of the ogi et InraishlnZ the m.o, sooported by the meelpte of lb. party to whom the , a - to pahi. Ii•otos of the corm, and the Cat. be t •• -o which each man ema boarded and lodged, moot be ete , td in the see - .nut rendered. V. The term of Ward" Win be for either oh., two or three years,.. merttita may dart. Mamma mart be muaterei th before Septam- Mr hint, (1h) t Ightera hundred mad six - Si-Gm% ( 11154 .) to enter that they may he chriiteclina t h e quota at tha State IlLafr the afarmaid . VII. lueocplet. regith , ols sod con:Tulle, which fag r+latioll.tat,rd. within •eale, able tine, .4. a I.rat =e 4:u4 la With com• 1.4...t0 iv ht•l urpthlintioos brhire that da:e. I 111. botiuties will be Pelt IL. I ratted atates t.orri noun t se follows, ofr. A. G. +IIIPSON • Fur /:Lth,ta to: oak nu ....._...Y..... 511:./ 1 1 " tbrte , yeara 4,0 Th. 0,1 lo.t.llch..tas of .Ol L. pll/1111 :Ls socturin: dtobstfathg °Meer: whoa tho recrail ../.117 - / :0, 0, folio.: M=II=MTME!I 2 years . butts 3 years_ luo,uu As • reward for merited:Ars conduct, and also to et. yr, ralnable tualtary experlenes, apeolannanta of ll:.'.10,/a-se. b. made, except undor peculiar car. conatacces, firm men who bare been in semi. sad have inc. lioueraLly dleclaarred.. By order of A. CUR IK, ' Governor and Golornarellev-in-Clivrt. I. frv,r, Adjutant General, r.nnolloanlo. The .mussed Irder is pablistted for ganetal Informa tion. •a DTrArf tiST, A ascr7 sal GEN WASIIINCSON, ktalth 11.1 AA. GENERAL ORDERS, t N. 121. General Order; No. 7A series of 1852, are hereby re. Pettaled, mod the lollowlng Orden willgovera hereafter, to lieu thereof • I. to rgyolaing new reirboreats or independent coos pool,. of rclonteerA the Goverment of Seetee .1 hereby anthcrized to apra•lett, is addltion to ths etaff carers itereictore anthottrad, ota Second Lbrateaant to. each con:patty, who aballbe e•ndltlonally mastered Into sec raw at tbe nate of hie appolettornst. Any officer thee .probated awl moment owl) be totaled to Upsid no the muster end pay roil of b. company, and should Le tall to tell.* so orgua,d ramparly • Ohio such time tie Roo D. perm:tent may dosignati., the man enlisted by him .hull be trturafvotatto sons. other comptar, his appoleocept shall be csocelled and he .hall be dug .d ritbout pay. oak. the Governor Aire Mona p-nition In thp couttoltdittA company to which his men Atari have been tranafevred. • • • linstcriog oillmrs will report promptly to the Ad jutant General of the Army the none at erru tog Lietaienent mustered Into theterelce to them, under unditi, nal letter of appointment, together with the coroperyand regiment for which be le recruit leg. Om ill be muttered Into O. ermine only on the so• thurity of the aorernor of the Slot_ to wAlch their regiments belong. lit Ankles of enlistment will be made ant to dupli cate by such mention: tincem, and will be disposal of . peragrapi, 15, pain. 09, keernitio; Rego. billow.. I .Inn tee, et trice l.cru its till be tent to the regimental rendezeuus, et Lout, le oiled. On. a Week, •here they will be icoureateely oxamt.e.4 by the berv.in of the regiment, .r other Buruen employed for that purple by the buperintendort V.luntner Ilecrail ing Serra., and if found tuft lot duty GT rolsoa of [...unguent duatdlity,atb be discharged from the sereip . forthwith ly the burgeon, who will report such dri charges in the Superintendt of Volunteer Buren/rig Bel-atm. and Mao to the !Ittiotent of the regimes t, noting pratienlarly threeeses where the dusbility WAS ebelocts at the time of ,allotment. As Boon as theerganl teflon Ls complete, It shall be carefully ltuipectad nod mu.nfed by • United Ettatmt no/toting officer, who still me that et least the minimum number clench company prxernt; no .d....uteee will be counted. IV. Coln regiments or Independent COMP•I2.te• nrganl4d and mustered they's - 11160 under the con trol of the GorITIM of the etleo, but all.requhrltlons for Questermsetcr, Nedknd, and Ordnance storm aR Sontra• to for fuel, straw , and milielreutce, and all re— quisitions Ice tronepertation, must be spumy.% by the Superintend. nt pf Yolltateor Itecrultitta tradT... La the titan or Dfrlolcx. V. No settee est. r expeiiee %earned In ratting es.' .treelettione ebatl be pat! by Diabstretniortlcen unless Knot,/ by tLe6npatatontlw of Volenteey'lLsernlt. tie Sergio, Dy order of the Secretary of year. IL D. Towaseero, Augrum A4s.t.‘t Deoerat. Chrettoer.. onst4t. .FLOUR -100 barrels extra Family Flour ezre and for.k , by amitvra a Lanka, onraer !seitthll6l.4 mid Elicond Ward& . VILNDANTS AND PLUMBS-3D auks *thumb; e) fffil% Prey tat main] =es 11.11111124 !M 1,13 aCival wU ist LSI 00l oft* ESTEEM GIIMUIIMM. GEOSGE .D. RAMSAY. Br Gea. Chia of ()alias.. sic, ' , l ems - M. 4 tuPowni' a MAIMm M. =oat rasa braa* HAVANA OMAHA sad all lthtl , at a/ HD CHEWING Tonlooo. fetvrr, CH MKS TOM _'*".. irdu risratrAILDIEB. TEM Si. OHLBLIa ob i ll %. I 74 N 4 . 1"' 11.-Skile applied on Itbir bras. . ' '',..i- : • SOLDIERS - CLAIMS,' - FISIODISO ItIID ANIMA= OF FAT. FroseoOf sanded to , NOILH W. SHAFEE., 111021.15112.ier-LAW, cut=Tivevag PlB3l y 088, n: ft ao & tnur, rnall rr, praw MILITARY CLAMS,' BOENMEI, 11•CX PAY and IMSTIMT CLAIM if evezydancrtptioo, collated by the-bib. uaibtr, at the Ibilvirtng TV" Os: Peculaw SIO !IQ, lin • otbastatorell 00. 0.• 41 TAYLOR, AK ozaty u' No. TS Groat atrooo. Plesobwirk. N. N, No churn ors toads lf tbs dais doss adroit*. • mi. and all Infcmccution erini grata. ' MAY -".. • ' ELECTROPATHY. **DAZES LONERCAA AU =WU Bare opened en orai ea the toren of lrlfth, gas Wylie attests crimes 143 MTH ETBAIII, togas, prierthre of Diedletrui. Thy are mutat graduategillett • lorreibair Diplomas on William at their ogles. They ere prepared to trait al esteem in a edtetittAS 111111•', ti , , Merges reasonable and arm eartata. They Tarr the pablie to the follogiug restiztergat Dos „. •-• Eiretter diapered of my ottic• anA menistrustlie Longtime di Osklweli: whom I hare airldimmei.te_ belle. are graduates the healing art,l de *Wig phenikilly recommend than to the polite In Dead, se tarty trey- worthy ci that ea# l D • dream:id patron " VION'TIEMAGIPEThicEPa .7. ..-,.. , OLSTERING.—RATiag ,11*Abit,-`v' lEFiggy Itcck al soots Iter OAMT ea W. War L-' , 7 gret4 lbenilas aS len..Wesi. - 711111Sia .. PSDB; Hair Ran *M. NATIRILMIZISt.4 , ..., ma Twisty . of ABADT_B,TAB AND Twos 4:10110; CABPrle• alffisOßSED. SAHLI OMNI • :'• MUM*nish Cbcoi iad alu m Sordoni 444111 , the bails illtyarde " .. , . •:', R y So. 1 =M. notaplii. u,: idispil i.. i 6529 K T l ms sami;= ; ~ .14778-20 Mats prima Rates 1 / 011 % 41 t . 7311 ." "i " airriMffiuM • EiTHEW.IOI/ bbls Calogsa gun w4Jrrs. - WANTICO—SISO per Month..—wo man t " tellable Cadyarssr la ITIM, terra sattiMasty We clawing 1150 per larnat ts , artilik.s..ll wore - wry daatsdrq append.. - Add..., ' JOSTS 1311.0T1101. ark s I...hass. 11a/tioadrari-Nd; WANTED--A HOUSE.-11, han scage I Homo, Ilium.; oa •Intat stmt. Alki*,;l,l fro= three to Ism roans, elth vra:ar and re: sk trxa to front e 1.... soot ..table with It re. torrof. rookeortm trontod iintllctitately. Ingram •S - ruts o nut. WANTED. PAYEE &NU BAGS We are lorarrir morn than erger before for olkiNati, without Wren t Pk=pk , ofk 4 ' 4 Ur: kroorvo p,ok, and ono-, Fiorito., of prLorad cr rokrorooht)„, Crlog an ycn kora, and the koio &kyr, and sAtso4 L„, tiro, at tto, Hook &ors of T. L. WARint. No. 101 Fottral skeet, Aulieuppy. VANTE D.-,TWO SllEVTlit.vrgs, . NOT LIABLL TO DNAVT, to *star tktierotot as riprenntatieti, to aiivonce of dm soot dratlL.::k lib eral bounty orgibt raid In addition to du (krted'unant botoity offered. &Urns BOX NT, Ptrubareb; ,Ufa WANTED.ik good Hamm BL,Arcg• t•airra aND asisca. aim.. am Ldp gca alllxtsTP. Hlghast sum paid to toad , r4Arelea. 1`"1".f- HUGH K. BMA Oar. al Fhb • silty sad DagrozadMay WANTED—A bor 16 or 17 pears-Ca g e to frank Ow. Draehribles. Anly s *MD ELS L eiritErf. smett=ydti. • Ott, UTANTED--..4 1,,y f rom 14 t o . 167:f ears eM, learn Watchmakt n . Apply at36/1 a.* TirEDISSAL 6:111117, , • THE • CROVER & BAKER • ELASTIC STITOH SEWING MACHINES. ARE THE BEST IN • Officer, No. 18 FIFTH STREHT.,,,. A. F. CITATONEW; Dement At*. &LSO, AGM= FOR • D. BA.RNITVB " SELP-£llMilit" TOR ALL %I •4 . : • •: -3. •, ear Trade rtipptted et lltarat &want. luYal CHINA MATTING 9. Etning pun:tut:ad Lehr, RS du Li poi" 111 1111411,'itelk W 1.11!, MEOW) ♦BD WAlial CHINA MATTING&. In al widtta sod ari3Ohasi at leo than Lawn rat.. The attention of the patac la alibi to theabonitlOlLa es they ere the cheapest ea:poles La th&Latkek"'.- We have also a la era stock of EmbrOldarot gill Wised and Cloth Core rs, which • • case ij low WAN OLIVER BIoOLINTOCIL k XERCII4JrT, TAILOR 4-, WhiRING FIRST CLASS fIARNIEMITIL made la the ISM re.enioassza sad r-A.Tmes'r xpricume. Imola as mvU to as woo i a. c. cm/ L CO., HEBER!? .?WM Gomm of I'M LTD ez. mats visits Debra parotgatm diswilare BOYS' LINEN SUITS( %%bite Duck Vests and Vimlei Brown Duek Tests and Panisi 6 auPPLI JrsT EVRITLD BY GRAY * LGGAH. N. ClLAtittr. - 347.713VENAT0R--Will VOsitiVelyt:46- .111 store GEIST LUIZ 50 TID. 08MMLL ODLOB. sad eI*EVEES HAIR 1,8071 rALLaso Of the many bundzsde of heir statarars. this I. tleOtsly see yet &accreted tbst Wears seitebistiOtt tbe tan.ti.se ere folbstrei. Yoe se/a by . DIMON JOILMITOW. • DA ONO EL ADraint,/ 8. ticttLAßlLibi 004 - r.' JOB. • IY. COCO. A. lEDLLY* 00. taiatraa a ariraa4': N 0.113 Pauth moot f"*. 4,lMAtad mirlt • ■O. 100 BUM /Ursa. Pittabariii, • El, WOODLILD. II - Rlthbargiu how Mb, 1.564. In CRUM SODA. lOi 13/18.1/IWDA. rac crumar- EODA. MiEIE!EM • at SOWN a alaClugs Le DOWN & 1i& OS "clad street; Alleshecy . ol:tk GS re .lAti.“. me c u m of*: iii= l 4o 2 ...-... ~• 1 . . t , .... 13 nth dttill
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