101 Z.Z.;47 .- 7: - ., -, , ',.- - ` - e ' , " . "1"4„: 2 ::' , ,' .•.,'", , , 7:1: •,. - . 5" ; ;,. ; ,-, f.. .k k. ''' '_:::: - - c--...- , -.... t ..., .;:.- . ...,.. i.; :, '3, A 1.5.;',. ,'"!-';:'- 7ff:l ' . " --1 -'''''' ` ' ,- 1 - 1 .i'i '.. _ . •-"M -..A.3 - 1 '1' ... .:71.g - :.1 7 ', 7 , 3 !• ESTAI3,EIRLED IN :1786• ipittfibuvglt fit-att. Una .Mllllll AMMO!, • TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS. • !? 2.121- 20 ,1 k pabildMini of4stteidiii daily pa . 1,3 : • • ciardnalfyarr e breetto 0 5 ”50lY ...snore brines ri • •1 to their reayealve forreaste, ea usa after .; MO • = July 351 ledt • Montag Edition, per web. delivered by carrier. 25 • i= • • • " 07 6 5021 e 3 5, ./ 50 4 25 . 1 - " " for alz aroatha 500 , .. rat tared mraildve , 250 tc 7.senlng Zellttaat by cirier,.Ree 16 • . , ..b7. 2 1 211 ,..W Td 2 ro ll 21*abee... Id BO: - . . 5 . . . foralziaorttbs, e= 3 55: • votamy- 1 GS. .. 0 • "r::' ' • ::' .- : pin oinaomaix._ . . i I . r.,...i.is.'aii.eroakT:entkr....:.-..-.-:,........ -es; r.:., year, in adearree, seat by =IL- ---. $3 00.. .sreenanths,: -.14_ : , ,r : , :t...., 'n2.1:44.4.-. 4 - 60 ; Ildriacattbs,' -i.: . 4 “ - . - ''''''''4l.:;..-1.---. 025 D4...rr '-r7" . "'" - irlitrtalninsearsc . :• - • - - 4rits.p.*:itiipie 0 . . by .Amerta ..--,—.,.-. 151 li :ScriekOisiki , .*e;iikebi.iast .1-;;;«, v : ! ..:-.::-. 110 &II 11 tint nomins..-.....: . '.....4 ~:: .. , m,............-:.....- .6 00, t 411161"Ithgr"'''7.---in-----4.---....---.:-....-, 21.0! 0 .-- - -- 11722 azro 'nos , --",-- - - -- - .1 ,4 -?vd..diaditilfeEnlitrrt" - ' - :-'.•_ -- I 1 y ...-: 1z........,..,:,...,„ . ...rsibtiom;m4wsoy4lamt 1 Zi , - - iirrentrnoti NEWSV aPta sap! 2 54 - 5 ' - PF..1193L6113 MU PYXIS. I !en4. l .'Zl_„7":' . .:: ,__, , - `, l , `' .l ' Bulling - Matter from Yesterdiy'sf ii' ~---;";-• ' :'ETepin,..l..6o4tt.-, ; ...; -,....%...,.. _ . c! ~.--; ~„......_74liii- I pliiiiii..7 1i ty.:ikimcbp - misr4iri:isinfjcirif,Ool atkuon 0 on tnes47 . ; inttier. is nodoubt thatttls Sri.. dirViiistendreeiiNia been carried trinw?hant-; fl .. 47. - Tigilll4iiejliiiiiparoitmati raturis : . 1 r .- 1.Z. , :r r.:. y,i. u .'!:7. l Pie° lD " ! ii Erie 1 1 fi r PetT P ! '" 77 -"7 -. - - - -' -. 0 -- ladtalis- -7 7 ' 77'' '' '' .. •-••• • t e : •.Einphbr. - :....i,::::"-:.:: ti - , Wasbiagion...-1 - - ...,-.- 0 -olialon.:-...:--...,.....-:......-..• :' ~ Snyder... - ....4 ••••••• .."1,•• •-•.• ••• ~.:.. :"Intpigiy.:- - ..;:,,.;:.. . : . .: .. :.....1 P ' Lawrence' f i l ' , Philadelpi:4‘...:.-' 1, - :, -,Llibasten:.., ES.. ' - ,t; ' .-, ..Tilli;ow York .Dzilg Neal, irkilei:eatimi tol P, rtioesses fat ilitfol for obtaining in formatlen rei ~ .. speetlng the mova=eata and lataotivis of the' , r l.! abel;ferets as lah-loy alpine:tit do not so read 4 ii il l y arriiiii,prlnte a letter frail its 3.4ltlmeref ,- sitTre.Spondent„ in. which Mae sentences ace's? : !e4'llnd'lllshalleTed here,: hythosa who are the! Veit inicrilLact, thitilbS.lnviizt.liwirtraint lat: 1 that State: is being .'made by o ver y large to r. : Of the iseat.soldiere la.;.the.Cetifalerate army e i ,•;that the party who binned - the boom in ChaniJ. • hambugr As. is.mere recoluioitarifig pasty, What .. • , t 11111silip rapidly. from place to - place • that theyi will het followed in a few days by the main be iy i '.liftlia;foroni, deldie a for the invailora af..P6llb . . ..E71•01111•4 1' and that tfanisbarg=and l'ittstrTrgV .. .Tea:int - hal:di bathe tie peintie to which thel AolfatiesS i ttkonny WM Aug ?pealed. - There .I.i. -Auld ti'..bil.. abtindanclastintany ..in-.town to tile, . 4 411110% tthat Chic I riladle g army estabta of. a' , least 1 . 5.000 Melva, 0 part of wh om 'hale bseril 'o' i 0, 0,4 ,detaehed _front .Genoral '-ta3a'a Mfal.9. .4:21w-404 hliro not reached the, totanals, - •• ThtrNow.YorklW.ortd,' also very goo so:E d. ther.; ity upon reber strafegj,confirazt - the pliePosition that tho main tomcat the labels, reported to bi, irithe.:..Shenandoalf Valley some dare ago, hes., 11t0: manifested Itself yat--not contented itself. llillt:Thr bOr ti lnrof_Chainbrmbarg. - TO, fol =lowing is terelasion ! of a lengthy! leaderl , which fomsd place to- its= iolumns -yesterday r, igliel . will mow adopt &holder stialogy.. !laving ire/ikons d and" woria-aiay ahti form of <his ad, Ternary, and no longer fearing for, the safety ok „ . 41.1 . ohineed,;,he arftl • eompal Grant - to - change his poitlen, or Vlll'make - the Nordin:4am LettaltYt ~ ofprahrtingin a hopeleas -undertaking .by ITS 4 • -firin's:thalamie horrors of iireasion ertdob It had, bebirteflieting &the Sonth:' 'n. Talley of thei igrittoq&Al4.4.t.r.,,it.lialzitdi_opevied:t4 inliwil'•forces strong.inionsiti.- to hive eolleis sap lies fora great army from its teeming him . Teats r and if Grant , be riot promptly recall j ' Aiiriatingtert wlllrlettlild , tin &ye; be In gin ,•.iilangartltam - Amyl° which -,Rielitsosi3d. haa bee exposad. wisp. .tho opening...of this ill a . - I • y -4'44 . Idsjer General:Haoktrramixt the oily Teeter; , day, aleada - . way ari.Waltington.. Hs war re 4 stills own reiLemst,,..of.the commend.° the 20 lh,44PI:corP5.:AnnY, of the hfideiatetre item the fin - ctanlintra taut. Wi fiederatind this laden of Getter ;Hooker to-hare-resulted -from a hal/mg, on ` ;,..ft05 111 ,t..a7 1 _Y1d!x4*4 11 4 4ns /4lb/ th e 9i polnfinent of General Howard thocommand c Arf . theArrnfief "the tenitelsee; r 4Ceneneol bfo --Phentontlt wlll be remembered thst,Gineral Hecker tet:fenerallieward's 'enter In rank and -- lefelteDiftwaildt tomMatidtde rgencnallt - thi Army of the Potomac. 'lt I. anted that eel dimatilleotlan exists -smougether oetnars„ks thlatirtntnient, whirl was Mae by the author / Attu swel , f/enilleekitAirtitppelinneein the West rin lmaperfoedgallitit and enntilonentaerrlee .dan20.40030, 7 , Hit 11:111410 eberithe Glendel, on Lookoatltlonntabe, and the Important -part ho bore In theisplendldyleMij at AlLtelon Ftideej WI lac ineognisil tie nateertbe brightest riagey • 01-ans.mlUtarylatnrl4 , Daring -the present ? - Clo3Mdalte hinampa Mk *eery Urge Shari , --of the nghttus i and: wbtle groutl.reedeted Ennibarr, wan airier fn better- itell , otel thin when "'Gen. Wooltirt6tledfroni'lt.'aliitletril . til three of-thedneatoerlette antral:a the atm. pals, at Items, lEtallaevand,:st , Peseh.: Tree - Orrek, - the - lakt - ertrldfilv Nal Tiaiththy Itchletly; and one of the Mauer 41:terlee of the: arms We undentand that General Hooker repprieent) iltei - nrrey o f - Genatiff3hermanru helm eery_ no Canditicrn,Aud amply comfettetfor the eautet of Atlanta, andollfotal erUturnmeul.wlttt th fighting, for - ths acatitimhtd-ortato remnant a the Sae' ,111 my_ r,; lj I ',-,--,- !itspoyted Gcoda. The to eitioStaiicesof cansidirable quootit of teaan;fiCtre4s it leer Toile to Eaton* show? that the rstera- t ttlpos eaglet:l to cotameeee taro leen rals . td eo high . ce to largely rodee'e the dossed. It La true, as .11;h:oa Yorh Fix+ CS;T; !tr.: tV4 to , 1 E., rt., 10 a .rtes frvas tip. fact ai ta. enrylue etua Aarl:pg. urattaaolattel oka - the horde cf the Importer., eel tit.)re idea tai • imeeedietely•fairga tha,..m. The. import wet of- Clued diets the 1834 Of the fOitait donsateotioti, ~ . ~.,and mow% that thq,,are confronted by • heavy ,'lalilagj aff,h2 .the „driaand, they are obliged th — ie-iirrt qiiii Ti'aittle. Ace,. e ,to lice .theniseivo .;T he'abstention of the petpie 'is .ihno airssdy betanlag to tail tiro? Vat de:on:arta upwsql • snosottotot , of •prfcel.- •••Wo dtitOl tlhtlertilto to soy that ttleas,to Q:. 7 l:ll3 lol erg:Ok*bi . Pil,ob j'ad.,o' ed,lnt the, trot' met eten.:bet heap* tbkOn in stopping the rift WA oampellingllti-holiere off ;,, the:took an-Linil. to. eith or .lO=.llafr rates' at jr , " 1 1 4 ± 4 ' their turtles. it is, Idle to qunrrell .."' With opscalators ocapotalstion, :foes* long oh ..ale? ea? make Incooy : eatilyi by nineti of not* - Inal tele e,"they, will continuo:to, do so. Who* '' 'ecirtiontdi Int to Caught Tor,outpresentlal , o .tletioaloill he AMA fn a,etosay safutol to ate 44 'cuticle . that - con` be done without.—Phi{. -I..itorertow. e'• - • i tiirit op'Pi ' the' POpitstion of the t— %.,,Trannic wits!, :din-gap seams jastimazeil iry4bedlotol de- y to, omoootf now tort,aocqtat, , Contsiced le twant nrcoadisietaints, erdlitricte, , eat Wot which lips tidid ever by ageyon, Theta Atertheiefore. f7l Paiiiinaleiss_than.twoity-ona -- lifelOseilhe Pte 'being tho Chiethlayor, aciA reeldfsgaiiiell.- rtleioidliiilif these 'asinO r TO -no,; watch T r a looltlogover the r other day, x And thatatifnUbitef bistfelfn 'Paris last yeat, ' lissit. 5 2.312, Of *bleb, 28,605 were boys, .and 25,4- - "6lffilste:,,lNlha...wlaolo istinieet Tithelieensiller 'll 4 4mtviiiendli,62tr bon In wedioelt:' Til6 - 1101/1.- .- Ui of deaths wart42,lBs,and cheese:is of birtbn ---10,10,1 'Vie InerciagG celebrated w0re15,191. ', , ; ~ri :,1 :~ , Willattia4'as they are 411 11 4 hieshwitara brought as simian Atte* wawa -.lallataFew semi that tfiet~ rsielf in end lheinAm, indelt P r°o "" 3l ' Itetwthe tintwiluit Cartel'ariat' tot'exteo,:that watild owe-day.eome team over ;bt. their.salerd , Therkeladlani ',the — l/frri emperor as the, prolatgattprineey aad beats e :C 'statuteto!itipi with a nova OM) - -.oafaike .:%'. - .1 :.,,,......, -.„ ... . . ;, „ . :1 i - ~„.. . ...........,........._ ' . 1; ., •-•,,,:,,,- How the ktrillAsk Yr ere .Whipped the •Patee Zealand. • The gleaming?, defeat of the British forests by an undisciplined rabble of-New Zealand fare '. gee, at thitlate Pale on the 21;h of May, was, act ordingin the admissions of tlia:ocrrespeed eht of the London mud - ignominious and -mortifying disaster. The "rebel" position ant *lasted ortio peaks, one thoutsend yardiraptit, contented - b normed way, and sarronndsd by , ritle,pitr. sa lon inner line of rail fauns, masked "Dy • trestles of tries. - The astundiLitiforee in 'minded tha''Fottp:.thltd, St;ry fl Ib is diortions of tha2gonztainth,and Streentiontli 'Regiments, - Chn erems-of three or four men•of war, support cdhythlrteoft hOSTTArtustrortcrat, After a boisknididisnt - hinting attuf,lsson,:the storming thn•WOrks, - in the far, of a estroriAmaroisuceeeded. In forcing their way . intothst position. To their ins:prise they Nand 'thatffietallnest iesertedi Thrown elf theirguard,' theMen'flisperita and 1611 1, ?hindering. It so • san.ai i ts t - topctiok soisesposident of, the 2ruere': "there-opened--from beneath and from every: sidn'a tremendoisio Ora of musketry, pointed bp unseen' , hands. - The Whole ground 'was aliye Wlth'iliett 14114 it.and the alt rant with ' ascilaili.",•Thelkitish-i•Elni in tairie from= uptehnutolses ofoutirepep mato completes the story-oVihe&saner m portion of•khb wu at the lento time. aims _repulsed. in. an isSindti , open another face of: the pale, The 1044:0f As' I British in this attack - 4as twantrali Mid and aindltl-eight Wounded; arum of whenviva ' 1 slue died. The proportioned officers killed was • unnittally , Urge: Tina' • ootieepondent is 'forced to admit,' in order to *item somethiog of the 'sigma of 013;1 defeat, that-the Maori's are -in all physical and , moral qualities the equal of the British - soldier ; Shutt/my. hare exhibited an extraordinary ea-1 pacify for the stratagems of war, and that no; regular army in Mettle/ft neffildhava done what; these reveges did against a disciplined f0r00, , , provided .with, an ample supply of- heavy rum and all the reaction' and mannial of was.. , hoer ea co head strztesisme& The — tattezter Emmtinervoya t A few (hays bet fore the late rebel rald . ,-Is oopperhead eympa..l i thSsiiirlth treasnete no m a d _ .b - • Ale.Sparsen,residhrg in Peabhbottom towtehip,l Teak county; itall'itiatlV”intriiisied "by sextet Union citizens residing in the neighborhood.' vio.44 ll Vlofaitif ItEtbill*lfiniolt of 1 . 10, 1 Spinel), cod that he was willing to give that rebels all the information In his ponesion sitgalti the rebate attempt el; raid nit; feetteaant aoatil7- In ortier, l deteat-the correctness ; ofiltelr informs tint, they diagaised themselves-in rebel attire— dettingtthe .graybaoto.-lind , presented them selves allifeSparret's house. Introducing them selves as the aped.' frieoda bf Jed' Levu, they. were most bornitebly received end generously, entertained. .',The. best the • histin afforded was' placed at their disprool, and ever the dinner to • t ide ISleSparen anboszomed himself to his sup, treed rettettrietida. -; Ile told thine 'Where-tin 'hest fording places in the riser, cent& be fout g l, and the most aeon .! abforoadi th r omi Pidtted materterh.Caton man: who bad- the beet horses, fattest steak, and the' largest quantity of wheat. ems 'audlilita. After ! he had melt eared hinaseltof all 'bin informathen and abuse ei hie govenotonte hia trepan! total him thith - thoj tan to rebels, but - .good Tafon ' men, and that he should prepare to am employ' 'them JO Thai Air. To this liaSperien objected,, bet made a virtue of tecoseitfabdtdimgenied, them. At Bell. Air be icae:taken before an of.' freer, who told hid Sat he most take the oath nt allegiance. fierertfinglin dissented, enowlog that Le wcnld do no such thing. tie was them token to prison, when a fee days' rations of hoc ad end water ett • dried his batted of all north to inch a degree that be wished to joke the! or.tb. It was admit:if:termite him. After which, chop tater, and in no amiable mood, he wended' hL wayliczat!„. 2200 800 .... 100; ... 2600; -. 2000' 2 00 130 1000, 6001 1200 ~...... 20* . 1800 ; 0900 , .170001 1000 From Nett b a rn—.Expedttlau up Chateau; Blues. Ilia Tons. datust I..—The gamete -Da .I:ey Deett,-fromNewbern ea the that, bp- arrived. Palmer to; Chesnut river nndar; Lt. Willie, had retained' ;with :one' lutaiNd baler of coPon - and u large aMoisitattobacca captanditemthiene my, from; :Which - the Toiletry D apartment will Zeal z 'bier T‘,100,040-..-: The earditien alto recap:mid the' despatch alcamor Arrow, sad some prisoners,' bssodee destroying a large amount rebel coca, udessry s'ores. It appears that the ram Albemarle, In the en- gt 114 Di ad' Plymouth, would hare satrod the, whits '3ll tad Sur kunboate prod her aimtnen-; der art opportunity to bpan her port belie, as he' sipected the would go, down befell Plymouth." The agent ct the Present, "haajost oteared a' robot ter containtng 579 I..orrels of turpentine, lop barrels of tar, terisral thousand *Elegies secr sZnce cotton, valued at $30,100; being the first In stalment of theprodacts belonging to the Treai ary Department, coming trona abandened tatione. - Counterfeiters Arrested. - Sr. LLlVitli Angnet s—Col. Parker, Chief or the Notional Detective Pollee, who has teen beret :revered deg, on efflelil businees, hoe wheesedets TI fa:rioting oat the most cathode. and VIC 011111.• feel gang , c 4 connteafeiters era known fn the United States. Fourteen of the gang-won pot is double woos: Fir, large besets of motorist are new on their w,g to Washingteit.Otherl Fatties to be erresta. MOTOrI pzeisei, large, quontitiee of bank note paper, ink, twelve! neater, &eluding *2O greenback, •$lO and '1553' V. B. TreaatayNotes—ztow tune—and 50 cant pottal coximiey,,were mtred. • New Torn, Aug. 4 —The damn' Liberty, from Havana on the Oath nit., has arrived. The blcchade runner steamer Danaher*, from Mo 4 bile, with 474 bake of cotton, lirlred it nitaili on the 30th. A large deem/. anetteesd to - hi the Virginia, from Hamle t Wu captured by the federal fleet off Mobile. The steamer Ivanhoe me ,ashore and wan -brunt below .11fobilei - bat the rebels eared all her cargo and machinery. - vvis lifeastow Eiscara.....A few days LCO one of our ordinary tight draft ;unbosom, belonging td itdminth Lee's Scat; ow the Zeman. river, was bred at from • rebel chore battery. One of thd Ahellsitinceand entered the zaagorine,..tust did not Explode.. Upon a scorch being made for the rebolosivaile, it was. discovered that it had piss.; ed thratigh two kin-aro! ponder and laject is d itll/11 removed. • At the thud this kindly shell made its grand entree into eel msguins there. Were about .ane -handsel :sortiq cacti's-and racti.da board of She Mintiest, every cue of whom 'maid undoubtedly have been blowd Mitoses lied it exploded: At ;toren rememberi edrhot in constructing our light-draft. gooboatt( it ill imirceathdo to rink the =marine, ma:binary( and boiler, below witerrovark. • • s Tot 'flutes of lightning often ebserved on e( fummer, 'tricolor, - militCompanied 'try thundery and frpularly - knownitr..,theitt lightning," aril merely the light frow-diseltargedof elesetrittityt from an ordinary thunder cloud, beneath thei helieon of the observor, ,reilsoted from cloud, or perhaps from the atr4teetf,'ss in the cue o twilight. Mr. Brooks, ono of the dirge:moo the telegraph linebetneen Pittsburgh end Phil ndelphia, informants thitiiirtr'ene or:Callon ' t cr satisfy h , Ealf on this point, he asked for in: formation from s distant operator daring the tirRaMICO of flashes orthfit-kiiidler the diet tat harivm. sod lierr.ed the.: prceoedel from ihr.rder F • r7m, t buniiging fifty ashes eatterar4 :.! 11 re a cbte:vr.con. r , l F,;74r. 'cnrr,Cts v —An o M.', of t•rrj, who of the fl-nt on Ino 27,h; it.. y, *la 'be v , ,, M "d an ed~ ;Lay don.re nZt.oke, oho pit,i[CP os to 11 , to,d'il victoria., which, on the rtreogth of his' diriintchec to itichatood, thli App.l had implicitly believed, nod had accordi iagly isietlnad, iconiplarie tithe it hat be. )node thi rtniim of inicplited fronflenco; and then it goes on to eosin how many days Rood ban boon in ootozand, and bon lawny mon he hos kat, and upon ihnt ratio to 'demonstrate that very few day: will dlspoen of the bittnui4,of hl4 tamp M. 4.7 GM Domaine/S. eotetstaudlng, Ken; tacky, bas issued an ardor that before the Mb instant mob persons residing In the State a 0 hove teen banished from other States for Insur, rectiouary Ws or ret6l sentiments malt leave Kentneky;u - ot to return to it during the wari Oen. Darbridge revokes all safeguards heretoi fore given by him ovarry of his:district sebordir notes. If any person amenable to this or‘der fall to comply withltenrorlsrolee tbey . be EV:riat; ed and" tiiensiotted beyond the Iliotte of thO .United States. Tun Setretr.ry of War has &elided that ff the tonster-out of a regiment is dolnyed boy and the dope of ,the expiration of ttoterm of service, by Its detention to the fold or otherwise by the Goternment,the men. ors entitled to - pay np to 110 doy of the actual ratteterkrat r beitif the - delarb - ceensioned - ty* atrynotlon of the mem? here of the regiment, they are entitlod to payup to the Woof actual expiration of the term of service only, ae shown .by the - mister-In rolls. Tnoston ,Yriran, ,1C vebtliehe letter, says "Mr. David 'Dadler Fieldviade me out of hil Putl.. This it should be, for in attempting ti r atirtieei thiVjgeripttrm a which - forbids the yokllig of all pi Ltd an tdgether, would be violated, f If we sere Ur. F. 1114:. lie would Iwo 4 more dealings wi th a Inge who oiled ui os.—e iintrewur,rt• “Azx Too ieandr asked Dt...Dottean,ftre otb% or de', or to eld datltey vrho wits drifted trout ,Witt Avid. Aid pecteated himself looexamtnai Lion. PYse,"=vepaid the oantotipt # " T hive voted the Detooaredie tieltet 4 tltcre 4ridiffetdliezdfieon. • ..-- ',' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' A•:;:,: : ,:'..i,'",.'',:-.:, - ,;z:--t::... - : - ....: . , - . , ,.: - : - ., - ,-, ,,,, ;.. , _ -, : - . ,- , , :. -- ., - , -, .:.. ~: ;,.....,./.,,,,x.,.....1-4,1.<4,z,w47.i0..0:;,:,..w...,i-c-:::,:ki-v,§--Aiaakij,,;:2,!A MEE T.ELEGBAMS`. Our Special Dispaich?,s. FROM PETERSBURG. OUR LOSS ON SATURDAY The Ilandred Days Xen and ths Draft. Epecistl Lig/etch to thiPlthshucgb Game/ t Our loss in the battle of Saturday last, in front of Petemburg, will reach 4,:00. Of this number right_hnndied eighty-seven were lost by Potter's eight hundred, Wilcox about eight hundred, and Pewee's's colored troops eiventieti. linnared. Ternir'e division, 10 sh erirpt,isustained a imrs of-between three and lour • e' Cole. Clunossorad MoTatokh, eoremandingi brigades- ilt the Marith* . cams. •Aimy of the Foto mac; have IttittritadaStiPalei Generale., golattatifritm. -that. fioni of Tetanalmag says: There an ; good routine Jar balierfn that: the rebels are engaged in mining one °taut forts att • certain point Incur line. Maataiiihave liken) taken to rendtrattali operations ase4ess -Sollelter.Vihnineof tkhwaibepaitment, hui rendered artepinlort on the onbj set of the 111 of 100 days' men to draft The opinion, al- I though rendered upon a question arising in New York, is °flab:mat to all GLOMS furnishing this' elate of volunteers. It has been adopted by' the Sametary of War as a rule which will bei folloWed tr4llrinaler eaves. 'lt appears that at, the time the New York State militia, except thei r regoonts heretofore mustered In, were withheld: from the Imre - ice Eby order of -the Governor ofj New York, in conseqetente of an objection to a dtalation„wf the Props,' Marshal ;General, that tUie U ritillt6i 'Min are stoeby reason 'of their being enlisted Into the service exempted from t the draft ordered la.tats Vlltorl 'the s th day ell September, and from that time thereafter, milli the quota shall be Sited. That the objettlent raised by the Governor of New York, is purely theoretic:l.l,mM may never become: of the local practical Ithportakeb; ipPirent'from the fel • lowing etneideretion- Although It Is clear that by the tenth section of the set of February 11th, 1844, that such as! are rtjected as physically or mentally nett for' the testier, ail persons in the military or naval , etrvlceol the 'railed States at the time of the: draft, and all othe. - persons who have served In. the miiltary or naval carrion for throe years do-, ring the present war, and have boon honorably! discharged therefrom,' be exempted from the . dirt, yet thi" question of exemption of the, one .hundred - days militia of Now York will not arise, and - no Cliton},.' far 'such az.' emptiest can he • made ruder , the. act,' cubes its soldier elaiMing the a:Mention shall' be actually in the military serrim of the United . Stases at the time of the draft. 9..asstione of; exemption, by reason of - mental or physical in families, of ego, of two years service, and hon orable discharge therefrom, v.r exemption of be ing in tic tcreice, must be settled riots:alas to stated f acu at the tituo when the portion is t, he decided. Tto militia of seer Yolk basing boon calle3 oat to rare t an emergency for a time not exoeeding ono lamina days, they may all be disoh.rged before the-draft takes place. They tee, bo charged at any Sme.by the President, and he ir not - bound to retain their services soy longer; than the public necessity requires. It the draft ordered on the sth of September ehould be post-! paced or not be completed on that day, no ques-i tic! of exemption ear, arise, exoept when the; parson claiming exemption is in the military aero vice of the United States at the time he shall be'. portor.ally drafted. So dra t will be re-t quirod In blew York if that Slate shell Jet its quoto.hy rolenteming; hens% for thirrea-i ron,the question way be purely a theoretical ono. oleo, it skn be borne is mind, exemption from; draft is a personal privilege to be used by them , lot the bentst of . .the Dotson drafted. lie may" prefer to kalee file exemption and to remain in' the tetrieo. The .question the right of examo-: Vert arises only between the tlsverament of the , nited Suites and the individualernesraed. The .11E2o:tent of ,the law by Gen. Sanford in the. scrotal mderisabutre cited it founded in misap prebenrion of the meaning of the statute. It Is erroneous to say that the elembom of, those rep,brants on• mustered In for duty, wheal mustered into tonics by the United States for one hundred days, will be exempted from the: draft which, is to be made In September next but by the true 'construction of the art, pante, ooly who shell be actually in the serriess el the Vatted States at the time when their respective: tames !hen be drafted, will be exempted from' Chet, draft. If suob exemp son shall be duly' claimed. Very' rupsotfoily, your obedient eisr-i. sant, Wmums Wittman, Solicitor War Department. The Wanee as hand with the United States' Treasurer and hit egrets have run down very low. le „addition to the brae of threix per 003 t mitispou;-‘1 interest notes, the goMornmont de pend entirely for current expense* upon inter nal revenue and the popular loan to the new' s.a.e.-thirty. The realm from all seeress, including loamy, will not exceed two million tat hooters d and fifty thousand dollar( per diem,' while the eitponsee are between three and foot =Mims. Pet day. Oar brave eoldters in the Add, men, of wham hare not received pay for four month* and upward', will loins be rejoiced by the appearance of the army . paymaater. Is understood-that all of the available resources of the goverammt Intl.-at once be applied to the raiment of all arrearages doe the tromp*! Gen. Augur has designated. Late New• from Europe ITALTPAS,' August' d —The 'testae? Africa,: from Liverpool to the morning of :alp 231, vte Qatenefolen on the Tdth, arrived here thle morn-, trg with 11,0 days later-news. The II: S. steamer/ Niagara and :8-seramentol were 'a tanehnr off.Anteerp an the 19,11. reported m aril engagements are all sup pcied;to.be 'Canards." The dePertere of Capt. gemmed_ for Nassau lei nettle. . . Toe Leedom rums Pahßelies dartirpondeuee; frr m lt , cbmood to Juno 30th. The writer rep-, recent. that there ore no apprmiensiom for the: safety of Richmond, sad asserts that any eingleq , corps,9lthet.Conlederetet foetid boil the 'urge. moidiir..4l.eboit thehltY limbed any Consider-% able fume of redevale. Be sA de that the gres-i est jeoperdy for the Confederacy was In the! neighborhood of Atlanta, but Confederate troapel w, old be cent thereto great camber.. la the Boum of Lords on the 221, Lord Strut-; 0,4 do Its dolilD oohed allenti .0 to a now bully enisom, .at stsiing , bet.7l in 1 , , col nr,;• , l the G,•rx n..tnt to thte otej 3 ,uunt.re:rt its is - . ttornmer lit s• ell told he did not belle re . , f vl via of o h. , y ellkere, and 0,12;4 II ILI ndr.f there woe i• coos. f, .0000, and th, u ' ht a good urrderstanding bn'treoe Freese and Et-lEl4ld would be no lam:et:co fur 1/0 , ream o.iuropirt .•• • . • • Clt to "stittrotreed• that-Dr. Livingstone, afters erendlrg four menthe to Begland, will return t•&,. Atria:Am an expedition to put In train opera tims by the moans of: which the slavaitrode will ic seen:Telly put an end to. A Prnsalan force, 0,000 strong, entered Ponds-, bmg on thuTletittlad tech poreetototiot the town rot of the hands of the Federal troops, The, rot:trot diet ord,rod thaeral Hoke. to protect tt , Oprcoeedleg by &large majority. The Paris papers warn the Germso Bawer' agoir,st Incorporating that tictation in their pul ley, as Salcortg - fe largcly inhabited by D.lOOllO and potot oat ,theleor of retal Wien that exists, arid tf the Germans sot the ozomple of conquest, 'lb* others way not It. , It le iiportid theft:eremite, Owlet reeelvtagi a ccurta pl layettes at at Vichy, would go to Baden, When ho would hive ao Interview with lb. King of Prussia,- • - Bonin quiet, 83'. 250. • London Ifortertalerker.*Funds aro dull and drooping, merely tiering to unfavorablebank re turns, ',bleb likewise nosed &roan satire do. nand for mousy. Tbis..ninders Cho Impresaloa that the-fasi oelmillicintunt"mattran advance in thq bank minimum. „ iirerpooliVicly 23, , peine—flidt0itit4ltrItat ehmi leg quiet. Breaditoffs--Ideetro,Makofillit 'Nash & and R. B. kilo, - raped .:doti - quiet and steady; Whtat . qatet at Et 3d@9n Id for Winter. Corn to itiottroatiditioler.. Hales of oared at 30. 044 Prorltloni:=lfervießigland CO..' aore don, ilotieebist,Co,prisport beef steady. Perk nem. 'Dnod - bitojecit:' 'Ashes are nrmer, with lane at 30e034sior patron& poarbr. ar hal destined 041 a. Coffee Inactive. Messrs Inuit, Bosnia* Brandon revert nude petrol ism quiet but Wadi. • Linseed catesentitititio —-- - . jendm Coral steady,. 2 . 611 bill Olt clowiwaid.. Wide* .fiese Fiala; tits. Potrotett at Autlltsittrif 2s Ed -aperin on • wait:tat' Lin i• iittridvatCti ' ;~T ~~ ~ =i 'L'''' - -PITTSBURGH , .GAZETTE. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6, 1864 30;otiff aitrria' CRUD -OUT. Rebels Repulsed at New Oreek. REBELS AT HAGERSTOWN.' Court or Inquiry on the Tate Dis aster at Petersburg.. DEATH OF GEN. FORREST Waausucaut, dug. I, I The Rebels Badly Whipped at SHERMAN AGAIN LOVING REBEL •STEAMER' VIRQINUI CAPTURED. Pebels Crossing the Potomac into Maryland. T. Afnj. Gen. Coetch: The Goveratir ham called for thirty thousand! Too rebels enterethrliageretown at 9:40 111. Jao. S. SCHULTZ!, A. A. G. To Mo jar General Gawk forcer repulsodr the enemy agalzryswierdity at New Creek. Gen.l and Gen. Bradley T. Johnson's forme attacked that post at 3p. m. The fight continued antil long after dark. The enemy re treated during the night, leaving their killed and wounded. The enemy's lon ls severe. Ours not heavy; wilt net exceed 8k killed and fifty wounded. The garrison made a most gallant t r defence, under the command of Col. Stevenson, I Col. Hays and Major Simpson. B. F. Baur, Brig. Gen. Wssarsoses, Aug. 4.—A gentleman whs has just ietttrned from the Cumberl6ad TOO,. sep tette!' that . the people In that portion'of Poem s} Ivaula SA, still fearful of an silent/lei 'rebel raid. The merchant. and bankers lathe patient town., have sent their goods and treasure to distant places for safety / even so far as Carliele. Eleareefy any neoessaiy .applies can be oh• twined, ee nearly all the stores have been closed. he me of the ei.lsons of Carlisle were to-day ffertog their moat valuable effects for trans• pertation. Several military camomiles have just been or genixed at Ike feeling at the people seems to be such that a go etre' plan is only necessary to rally large tursbers of the people for defensive par pests. Alolo+lng rumors from time to time prevail ea to the intentions of the rebels, but there is . nothing to catabliah their truth: the telegraph lice aroe working to•dsy from Cat title to Hagerstown, but there net ao :r1.40 nlar infermatin. hinny term-ere with their teams, who, during Inet Saturday anJ Sunday fled in a panic, are now Teturring .13 their homes. 'the continued alaan, of rebel movements ha, trt ght all bus Int as to • tot, p, end a general or gtalsetioo Ito d, I nice oleo. If:Wally accessary to testere confidence to the public mind. hOPIO, I's, August 4 --There If DO troth in the ',port that a force entered liagerato wa 14,t tight. A telegram received at headuner- tcrr rr on there at 3 o'clock this nftercoon, makes pi mantis n o , the f reset:reef the enemy on this it:Oo tI the Pvt., mar. It is positively known, however, that a considerable lore. of rebels co- 1., en' the town of Springfield, who are etridently wetting to form • Jane:lon with another holy/ said t, be marching northward. Ll•llltneCon, Pa., Aug. 3.—Despatehe4 from Engeratown, j oat received here, state that a :a tor prevaits there, that a torso of rebels are • crossing the Potomac Into Xdrylani. No petticalars. LlNAL,or•ernal 4507 Or Tee POnlit IC, August 3, 1.564. .14Othipg.of importance 1 a.j transpired daring the pest terenty-tocihouri P.oket O neg to trout of the corps le kept nn , 171015 t illnelultigly, WI la some eholliag at. Ir.,r,trts Tupelo. E!!MI the enemy have been hey !a repairing their liner, and OW ekirtnieheas annoy them as math l‘oreibla Lila* data. go, however, ladone, as 11,, perform moat of their tabor at night and can not to tern on acccant of the lit:knees. A ci..tirt of icqniryls about to be convened to it vitro into the canseeOf the late disaster. extol amount of our fosses In the eation o' ricturday is now ascertained to 4.5,810. lhe hisepitate aro being rapidly cleared tithe • sick and wounded, there bessig four or dee herb engaged to their tracepartatioe from City Point. Foslacsa htoecoe, Aug. :l.—The !steamer George Geary sailed y iislisro•y afte.moon for Philadelphia, Boston and New Tort, with two hundred otters d women and children, under the care of the superintendent of negro affairs of lLis derartment. It it intended to distribote them must ng the different benevolent societies in Le above cities.. There Is no news from the front, twerything rtenaining l a quiet state. Nits - Yost, Ang. S.—The Berotra N &thrill* correuposdant of the :Sib, says: Etnerrnme's army ea• it motion that day though contraband to telegraph et thetime. It was mooing by the let Oath, and those'conrercant with tha titus• titn will etteptebenti the importance of sash moue men 4. Sherman'. delay before A•lsn ta vac only for the ;napes, of keeping the rebels t there, in which he has sucesetied admirably. Wsitetabot, Aug 3.—The amounts of sub-' aestivate to the? 30 loan, repotted to-day at the 'Treasury Department, is 0121 million day time thousand dollar,. It to ger.araliy understood that r rlj'i fares is in the Shenandoah Talley, 35,000 strong MS nary melemente are being made to make him; , change his position. Itimee Someday profound quiet bas reigned, along the lines in front of Petershm.g. Scarcely • 1,,,t lies been fired 04 eithet tide—the arohnl.l ed have all been removed to City Point. Brig. Gem. B. B. Poster arnved here to-day. A 4,,urt of loyalty has beau ordered by the i President at the request of Gen. Grant, of which Bitjer General Uncork IS President, to laYestt gem, the cause of the failure of the recent "suit upon the rebel fortification' before Peters.( burg, so sueoesefully ineugurated by the explo - pie n of. the mine which destroyed the most Im• pot tont works It front of oar center. • FROM :11ERIAN'8 DEPARTMENT. GLITI. STONERIARPS RAID.; De&action of the Macon Railroad. BUB FIFES ATTACKED BY GEL IMAM CAITUBEOi 2 000 U: OUR F32.3E3 Namarit.us, Aug. 4.—Gen. Stoneman lent a force of cavalry, Long and Lagrange's brigade': 3,200 strong, on the 20th alt., under command of! Urn. Edward M'Cock, to destroy the Macon Al Western read. They Lad destroyed eighteen' miles of the rend, and started to capture a train of Bve bruidred "ragout, going from Atlanta to, Madan or Colominut. hi 'Gook oaptared the train, near Newman, with Are low:droll men ,inoludlog' ono hundred oral twenty-sevon celosra. The; wagons were Waned with valuable stares in-, eluding liquors, and the private paper* if Gan ! flood son others. After pomessing thereselveej of what they wanted - , the wagons wore burned,: and hi'Cook alerted to return with the prisoners' and three thousand mules, hot was overtaken by, a rebel force under Gen. Itaneem, ao large im to, completely surround him. A datparete gegsment followed, during wilich many of hf Cock's men camped and found their way to Me-. rietta. The number of Pellet-ale crQuired, it le, eupposed, will mob ouppoeld, two thousand. This dia.; cater is attributable to the troops partaking tool freely.of the liquors found to the captured train, Leng's 6rlgade eonsiated of the 3d and 4th Ohio and 2dlndiana and:4lh replan. Patt of La grange'' brigade Was oprzpwoa of " 0 5 4 "" b 1 Gen. Itereeen in hit late expedition. Fermat to reported at Atlanta under flood. Two hundred and thlitty-eeven contederatti Pthowri reached here bet evening, inelndline • ;dein comialstoacct Astern= New Jersey editor, air. Ellen Wintoni of "the Berym County Dem9crat, wet arrested on Balirday . by command of Oeo. Peek, 43 the tem p :nersii7_,atisepoe of (ha. Dix, for su article disi :eonyeglarg enlistmeneand opposing the execution of ,en .xtraft. woo released on parole, to attend examination. Tuesday morning. — "Vivi' Ras,. Auguit 'Bszonts, rival pentheintflan the 20th, pipeed +Ma evening, , Ootten naiad. beesditane downivavit P*o` , l . 4!olflre”,el3,T.' comae gloved et 89,X190 tot 'F .,. ' ,-.. . i z ,:,.,7. '4: : i':*:'8 .. :: , :•&: , . ,.4 f - k:: . . l ‘-::: . :;,..`, - ,:• ; .:',".-, - ,:15',' ! :,', : -_ 'nVk';';'-f5..,--U:git-:.:!:.i:c.':.:a:a4...ii,4.';;41-17-1;,.'.Ei:&,, FROM HARRISBURG PROCLAMATION OF GOY. CURTLN. 30,000 'MILITIA CALLED OUT Tice Men to Rendezvous at Ruth- burg and Pittsburgh. Uanateurrao, Aag. 5, IRG-I —rn the name and by the authority of the commonwaelth of Penn - rylvania, I, Andrew G. Curtin, Governor of the raid Commonwealth do Issue the following : The advance of the rebel army has again crossed the Potomac river, and this morning oc cupied Hagerstown. I cell for 90,000 voientear• militia to, be mustered into the 'service of the State, to tarn during the emergency for the de fence of tho State. The men out of Johnstown will rendezvous at Harrisburg, and those west of that place at Pittsburgh. I. cannot too earnestly urge upon thepeople of the State the necessity for the im -1:00diala p_rcitencro of this fore.. The general Anders. which accompany this proolamotion eats forthilits arrangements for transportation, key, and th. mods of organization. • tae GOT 131201: A. G. MAIMS. , Nt.i Sure; Secretary of the Commonwealth.: Ortapaar. Canes No. 53—/kodyearMre Atm sy/mmte Nflitia , Auguat 5, 1864 —ln aceordance with toy proclamation this day made, It is or dered: ii Fuel, That ail able bodied men of llnneyl rani/ do immediately assemble in their respect ive bnrcughs, wards and townships, and organ ize zelepanies for the deka'', of the State. &med. 'Companies ' as ..tpidly as organised Initiation to the different railroad companies, be furnished with transpoetatton by the.,Lialted, States to the proper tendesions— thoirrYarganised wait of Johnstown, to Camp Reynolds, at Pittsburg ; those east ' df Johns town, at Camp Matto, at Harrisburg, where they wilt be subsisted by the United States Govern ment, and sworn Into the service of the State for State defence daring the period of the' existing emergency, and will be organised tote regi ments. Bl'order of A. G. Ccirra, 0070[110r and Commander -In-Chief A. L. licassm, Adjt. Oen. Penn's.. DALT] woze, Aug. S.—Persons who left Charles town, Va. early yesterday morning, report a rekel force, compeer d of &I oseby's and Imbo • duet cavalry and mounted infantry, estimated at 17010 11.13, were there, and about making a feint on finrpsn's Ferry, while EselY, ' with 13,100 infantry, was guarding plunder at Ban her /1111, and wee &boat starting up the valley. 2he rebels ore scattered through the valley gathering the grain and cattle, and would join Zwell in his march. ne rebels conscripted all the men they could find, and even boys of sixteen years stage. It is believed that the noels will retire op the valley as soon as their trains aro well advanced. naesteneso, August S —Dispatches received this afternoon state that the rebels were then emeritg the river at Elancock, and had driven Arszili's pickets Into Cumberland. Bead °radial dispatches received tide meriting state that the r‘itt a cscupied has era town In force. The great. tat cte,crnation prevails in the Southern per- Ilan el Cumberland county. Gov. Curtin has la in, tl a proclamation calling out 30,000 Yernsnanrina, August .5 —A report bated on good authority, e.yer The rebels crossed the Po-- toll, r at Hancock yesterday, strong. It it reported that there woe a tabs at New Crock, Vs., yesterday afternoon. Particularr not I to en. From lllemplAr , --Rebel Movement. V.rurz;B, July —Thera is great anCivit3 in nAltitary circler here in carrying oat new were menu. KtliaLle fatzirrebstion Meads <het tho rebel c.en Lee bes been relieved cf the oeconetni the Depertment of Alabama, Miesiadippl and b:eet Lcut.iena, and ordered to repot•. at Atlan tp. It it suppotel he will fake hood's uld nom• runt d. Ferric cherges the responsiblllty of hie re cent doleat to Lee and Dick Taylor, at Meridian, a neck ego. Tbeireport of the death of Forrest by bald aw, is we metered, althanalt his sawed is sr-AS:leni ty to prevent him from sour* service. Chalmers lads command at his torsos. The rebel troop watt of the hitaalaslppl tlwar ere r apected to erwas that stream and retakfurea Atlanta. bo left Mobile, J.ily 3let, coy. the, Rood bra been reinforced by two dirttion. from Beatiregerd'. corps from Richmond, two brigades is am Malin, Charleston and Wilming ton. It is said to be ready divPsted of troop., end tb. garrison at Mobilo w ori•t. only of two brigades of regualrs and the Mobile Militia. Great (evert!. entertained that Mobile would be etc:oiled between the eighth cad fifteenth of July, and M the urgent solicitation of the Gor en., and Mayor, the troops which had bre. scut to reinforce Forrest wore recalled. Prr to Ittt mptll9--Plgtit at Ttiptio—Rebels P.' 11 3" %, tArred--Thar Loss Over hS sairais, August 2.—lmrortaat mtverti<DlS are bamit wads br 0... Waslabarria •Etch •ill root be developed. Smith le again ca the •ar path. Tv quenionable Irk remotion her roached head quarters allowing that Forest and Leo were ter ribly crippled at Tupelo. Free Colonege were Lute d, eight other field °Moore badly wounded, old arm 2 500 men ktded and wounded. the °Motel repyrt ,bows that Smith had len than lid kll:cd and about 500 wounded. Had rzenith'a supply et pensions and areautmitlen been ern," lc would bore totally routed the rebels, ettr.Cet ly h, for op their urgent:scion. Adt.eet from Albans. report Shelley near Jectlll.ll,,t with three or roue thounnd rebels. Marv...lake Is at Saline. All quiet at Little t. rk. Adjutant General Thremag haw arrived. The report kw just come that General N. 11. Fortst died eo the Al of Jul at Columba), of Loeb Jaw. Enna Memphis and Riser Cato; August I—The steamer Comneraial, from has arrived at fdetuphis. She rsporta all quiet along White river blasts use rut.zing ■iusuut convoy, but the owner, for reseal mile. back from tho river,la the violaity cf ?Gott Adam', is reported swanning with but hwhatkers. • PI cps. mica. are being made a: Bt. Ober's' to o..tt an anticipated attack, from 81 mmeduko, who was reported advancing upon that pleas in foror. • An officer from Duvall's Bluff, refute that Basesn'a entire tome has gone to. iamden. The publication of the Memphis 29rws has been totpeaded by fienerar Daeltiond, for an article 'paha( the tolli.lacrganization, and Insinuating the teceptance of briber by the °Mears to com mand and the Burgeons inapeoting beard. The seater of the article, Mr. Synatt, Lt In Irvin arrinE.Arn& Dania or coo PITIIIIITISCI/S, roar w.rms} aan Carcaem Hammer oe., Pittsburgh, Pa., JaOy 11th,1664. DIVIDEND. -96e Poard of Directors of , otopnary boor the day ol.clotoel Ihrtiend of Yt. PFP CINT on elar.• the of 1,1,:al Otp , t Eftor . . .• 1 Iffvo of U.OOO matt 7.2, • r and one, •.'.l 0,0. t, fa 21 the tb• 41 top. stot• Is cat, , o f th• ...ler , vt, I....sseat •.. 51 50 .11 vs 51 , 3 V. M. to IL a•., e•tl-ten.,l tha reoprctln odlt•e sho Ttncofer II • Ics of tt, I k , npartr grill clots o IA. :Da of July, Instant, sr II o'clock if. end re. 04.12 clonad the oth dy of Auden thereat.= B r ordm of the Board. Jylg:terdo W H. BARNES, Secretary. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Of nos or Ptrresanan k Bove. Moms 00., I Pittsburgh, Jul, khd 1.64. f Th. Directors of the Pittsburgh and lio.ton Mluing P.. 11•1 ittly hove deol.rrd • Dlrldeud of EIOIIT Le tto P6ll 6110 Dg or; the 1 1 •51tal Stock, ea the ..10 may .tend at tto otos• of tottlnfmts on El•turtlay, too lid 10,1001, 1..y01A0 to hi Kkholders or their legal rvsn• 04,11..51 413 sod sher TIII.IIISDAT, the 401 of &ague' plertroo 6r..torn Stockholder..oll noel,. their Ms ideoft ra the Oftre of tb..6 , otfo.ny. No. 22 01117 .tr.et, 1 . • Titus. M. ELME; Tremor,. DriIIDICN D. o rice or ALLLLMICRT a Prression 211. 142 Noulb Th4Pl at., Jury 12 . MX f The Thrto.ore a the A IPalheny a Pftteburab Oil Boot. too hare lb!. day deolettod 13141Jeud of TWO Pia CUNT. oo the Oapltal block, lot a. month of J 0.% Of tea, payable on and attar the 13.41 hod. )) to-lot 4412 B LBsl2, Baeretary. FASILIONAELF. DESIRABLE GOODSI GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTffiNG. Yr. TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND KANNER, R. B. NORRIS, meson ANT .TAMOB, 79 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny emtitta CITY AND SU/BURBA.N . The President's Past. Thursday haying been set apart by the Prer• 'dent, on the recommendation or Congress, as a day of fasting, humiliation and prayer, in view of our prevent national affairs, it wan pretty generally observed in the two title', but not eo universally as it shcall have been. A goodly number of oar churches were closed, owing to the fact that many of the pastors were absent, and the houses were under repair. St. Andrews, Rey. Dr. Preston ; First Bofors:mod Presbyterriaa, Rev. De. Douglas.; and Third United Presbyterian, Rev. Dr. Brown, were not open on aoscuot of their Nita , under repair. Dr. Paxton le in the Lake Superior region, Col. and Dr. J. B Clarke ie absent with hie regiment of one hundred days' men in rho military service of his country, and Rey Jchn McMillen was performing the last sad eiliCe3 to a venerable mother. Their church • to, of Ct arta, were not Open far divine Serried. The churches that were open, were in conse quence well filled, and it was vary pleasant to witness the members, not only of different chinches, but of different denominations, unit ing. in supplication to kimighy God to avert the calemities that threaten our cation. We ernderstand that Bey. Dr. Ho ward ex celled himself In giving renewed expression of nn• 'wavering devotion to the National canoe. He declared he was more determined to do so is the future, and ho would continue to do eo though it might cost him VS position. No danger, how ester, of any snob eptlielaenoo, In this locality, flowing from deelarations Of loyalty. The Bev. hit. Snyder. of Christ Church, we are informed, denownetut rebellion In no meal wed terms. It Is raid that no copperhead could live in the atmosphere of Christ Church pulpit yesterday. We had the pleasure of hearing Bev. James Prestley D. 11, perching from Dan. 3; II: "Sbadrack, Meshed', and Abednego, answered and raid, 0, Nebnehasineezer, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter." After an ap propriate introduction, the Doctor discussed the glean:in of the trial to which the three young Hebrews were expose I. It was as great as any to which we are exposed in this day. Nebuched. Renal was a very tyrannical monarch, but the yerag men would neither violate their conscience nor their religion. We should not obey laws that contravene the laws of God, which are su preme In every land. It is hard to resist a stand. against the law of the land—to stand against Slavery— lioeured gambling Boomed horses reels g, As. It does not root much now to been . anti slavery man. Bat It did "In the days of rotten eggs." Gratitude might have been plead by the young men re a rea.on why they should hove complied with the King's demand. There is a King now celled Parry, which men enpport out of gratitude. They are Indebted to "the perry," and "they go it tiled." The party that is composed of seam material is eight times out of ten the dominant party. the forte of universal example might have been plead, or "rublle opinion," as we have it In cur day. Many always follow the multitude. There are some men who are always found In the dominant party. It is hard to tell how they get thore, but they do. Thee. yonng men would not go with the multitude. The church has always been In the minority because her principles are unpopular. The penalty of disobedience was very great. Life is anent. The G.d of Israel might have tee, tior.fird by their lives. Bat they had teamed that God's glory could not be advanced by doing that which is wrong. The I.meg men met their trial in an excellent 4.110- ILA') motttman intelligent spirit liasy manifested a digatfl..d and praiseworthy com ports, ile that belie veth shell net mtike haste. Th,y nits Vested a constant relying trust In Gad. Sever until within the last three years woo, I beta anything I:Fs a city that seemed s. t Oct Men need not be ashamed n! their abolitionism la three days. Tory may west tbename "Al.,clitlon" on their 310170 a it is a title of nobility." God amply rewarded the young men for their faithfulness and uprightness. Three were cart into the furnace, but II ^w th appeared, who es..e like unto the San of G ,d. If men will only do right, they will have the presence of God. Mar. tiny was promoted among the people, and the parse...llEl°e wee stopped by these young He brew worthless refusing to obey the inspione de mand of the King, and their not king careful to answer him in this matter." Departure of Troops At an early tow this morning, between two and three hundred troops were ordered from Camp Reynolds, and left on a special train for Uni,,town. Thus embraras all the troons in crb; who were armed and aqu:pped, and inelci,les the provost guard, and the permanent garrison. There are a few men yet in cam?, wh, will be ,forwardod as loan.. armed. A battery of four pone, from ItiewYerk, under comment of Captain Rates, strived at Turtle Creek, , toan the nut, this nocreir g, ant we, at oece transferred to the Connalleville Railroad, en route to Uniontown. It is the Intention to 43,,ncentrate a considerable force at this point, for the purpoae of aerating the wintry in that vicinity, and co operating in any movements against the enemy which may be tezessary and practice:4e. Defend the Border. rf,r. C:,,1-_ bt• jc..t mur to the relie residing sides the southern iwrder DZI•IitTIMIT 07 701 SOP I PIM burgh, Ps., Aug. Sal, 1364 Cft•C'JLa Y. P..p.'• of e her Canfi<s:n! l'eror..fro.,, Your eltneion is /126 that a rail by the ene my to not impossible at say Unto during the rummer and c,nalop fall. I therefore cell upon you to put your rids, and shot guns in good order, also supplyins yourselves with plenty of emmunit!Jn. r)II , elrnEtld., I:o)u:tains, fn- Pete, bulldlnsw, & • , rarni•h favorable plsoes for cover Dui at the 54.310 tirn t enable you to 11111 Ite marauders, recollooting, If they coo" It is to plundor, destroy sod born your property. D. N. COCCII, Maj. Get. Commanding Departmont. Degree. Conferred A r the neon: commencement of Jefferson College, tha degree of A. B. wn conferred on thirty-five young gentlemen, The degree:of A.M. in nurse on J. Me• tenthlin, of the [Army of the Cumberland. Jelin McKean, of Artamotus, lowa.' E. E. fart, of Dello/ county, Oregon; El. H. Leadoff, of Mary hied, Wm. Jaffrey Park and Capt Samuel D. Dodders, of Weuhington ...anti, Pe. Mao the honorary degree of A.M. on Franklin Car ter, Professor af Lat:n, Williams' College; Chia Remy Seem...M.D., of Sharon, Cloun.; W. liJe • enbro ember, M D., New York airy, and Benjamin F. Wilkie., 'Washington City-. The degree of D.D. on Key. J. Banton Smith, motor of St. Matthews, Jersey City, New Jersey; Bey. A:ca dres 'P Dapp•r, M.D., Canton, Caine, and Rev. William M. Cornell, M.D., Philadelphia. 'No degree of LI. D., on Ilea. James Veoch, Pitts • burgle, Pa. A Titxxxxxl Annum,/ —Yeeterdry afternoon, a inn° tamed Alexander Whir created gotta a dibtarbance on Filth street, by delivering a re ligione and political hattiagne to a large crowd In front of the telegraph office. Tiro police o®- ecru, happening to pare along at the time, ar• reeled him and took him to the Klyor'e Loring the ex +inhatidn it er, d.i,odr3ro 1 Lb ‘t C;11,1” r , .•a d•rertro thvv,l,l ho wax 1..r010.1 over to Pr :IF r.el and I Is the cne...d hero. 11, 4111 Dr tilt arrtsburg (ht.( treolag. RM.}, T—N•anocr E.01.P11-0a Thursday, as Mr. L. Purcell was driving la • baggy, from the Catholic pionfa at Breed's Qrsive,ln company with a lady, the hens ran efl, and, dashing from the road Into the woods, was nankin rapid pro • press towards a frightful precipice, whoa the Ta lkie came in contact with a tree. Thischeaked the prepare of the animal, bat caused the de molition of the buggy. Had the horse not been arrested in his progress, the meat aorlsus co rise • garners might have resulted. Cane Patsairrame.—Lieut. David A. J3131b3, of CO. E, 102 d Ittglatent,'" ho was wounded der-, tog out of the late deities, And 13 now at home on tears ti abstoo., was presented isidh a mag • ificent gold hesded cant last evening by some of his Birmingham friends. The preseatadan took lace at +be bone. of Mr, Shaffer, is the him • Ingham Diamond, and was nitneattd by a urge audience. deuce ItitLeoao roe SAIL—The railroad from Hodson to hlillerobarh, with all the fatannt• privilege. and appurtenance., including also the perform] property of the ortopaey, will be offer ed at public sale on the 12th day of neat Sep tember, at the door of the Court loose Akron. lurnormitsre n Fil/DILIN —The Franklin (intro stater that there never was a time In the, history of Franklin when there were as many' hwaeegoingapa atpresent. They aro Awning.: ins op on every 'Wont, and the town had addeil to it, on an ...rage, one hews every day. ATLANTIC A GMAT Ell/MINOS —Milk following axe the earnings of the ikilantln.k. Groat Western-Aailroad dozing the, first viz month, of the preen( year. January, $207,267, FoblustYri s il23l,o4l; Mardi, $320,733 ; pr il „ $197.267; lay, $214,679; Jane, 314,321; total, $l, 390,639. lo Jane Itll earnings for plain. , gun were s7s 650; freight, $10,837. 411ZWEIT iieaa CITY..-lailiolt LIM., lift roe Clueleast( yeetetalsy.on prieste badness. Ald. mum Butlct, of the lihtth wird, will *lndite delis& hp absence. VOLUME, LXXVII---NO. 209 ti cARPETS, OIL ctorma. CAN - TaN MATTLN G. lITARLANO, COLLINS & CO., Hos. 71 AND 13 MYTH anuarr. Holt Ivniss to P. G « ozootot cow. Han teat rerelved a mall lavolise of FBESII C 4177011 BT/t4 W MATTING, of the celebrated B. 7. W. - ¢atatlen. TM quality of them goods La , - able by any Ober snattLeg Imported. and the litallet qcantlty ...neees them very deal:able. CL 6 CO., Lave also lust 'revolved tew ex , ecedlngly alert end lanirdev:us et) les of Fancy Plaid Mattings, AD of iebich ban, Scat been banded, and an. thereforo, the PRESREffT -MATTING'S IN THS MINKET. Oar general gecko( geoaale still totnrpannel in es tent or variety, and U at all tinted otter our patrosa the lowest prime the mitten will allonL CHINA M.ATIINGS. Es.log purchased ham, the rivals gooda • large Stock CIIEWLXD AXD PANOT CHINA MATTINGB. _ln all widths andqualltles, wear. antbled to o.lar Utast at kas than bate= Tates. Ike attention cf the public is called to the sboregoods u they ate the cheeput cupsting la the:minket. W. /moo also a lons stock of Embrol ion& Embotood sod Cloth Pifizo COWS, .lio vtloottot at low rata. OLIVER bIeCLINSOK i CO., au3.1.3 Tifth strest. FOURTH Si BEET gNEW STYLES ) 4 WINDOW S Ala' S • r.ZOSIVED 11113 bAlr. g NEW SPRING STOCK tz I or C_A_ - 12, S, WELL SEASONED g, OIL CLOTH.. AT BPCALLIIM'S CARPET STOR TOMITH STUMM' PlatJroS. 011.7811‘, 4-c. WAILFLINK RR, EOLE Aar: 'TS OF VIE] Bradbury & Schomacker d Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, Mm SMITH Sz CO.'Bl American Organs and Melodeons, o. 12.141,9 E WS BLOCK, Sr. CLAT3 !-. ere take p'eeure to ref:rein:, to afe w of than , who poscusrre mere Instruments to rtittleugh and hle hard Pard, Esq 1 10. Qr.fan, F J.lltra, Ca7t h aka, J. J .. I WA, Co., J J. J.. teeth, Wat. ISGeketl, r It. Blecklearn, C. Et. Hun, Grant Pt Perth I Ch., A. IT ...teller, Esq., hoJ Donk. Efq., . Lt. P.M. Jiwe.dltet, J. K Kerr, renntlin, 'Pa Insectresa .NlS,lgnet Anode:tag. EOZzitt..Zir Pa. hi IN Farah McFarland, Rut I..ltorty, Capt. J. B. ConaY, Iffehe.Eiwen. hey. H Hot . .. Benelck , ey. e Deahtnty, Rounds:El°, Ta, Graham Ceocta, Callan& N. o.4l.lSett I irerpool, Beeman Coe, laq., Allegheny City. m. J. Rue, do. Very Kee. 7 tatllen, Co. hobo araseer, do. rt , a. Eeq., do. De. J. It McClintock, Past Ltberty. John ceenly. do. All Plan., In th.lectr.s, elf% warranted Be Zen yam. A her choice unoad..hand 1 . /Los Mr tub and rent. b.= WEBER'S PIANOS. CARD TO THE Primo. robArdber bar the plrarare of artuartucha; that he Las Leta appotrat.l Oar exclurtve .pent for Otte W., WEBER'S PIANOS • for Plattrogb sod sic:tatty- Mesa Dlootor, though 0017 psa attl sly Mt 11.3.0un hero, hari loos rutoped oll tl.b{e rrpotrAdon to oho eutera altlr, Doll. wadi .0- crilrot qaorttirr sill rec“ordosod Otto *A ouor to our coudral asorrurr. A chotro or.cdraLoat of Wa R Crl'a 1.1 Ahl A bar Jut beam rrcolvra by 0, .übrorluer to 8 - blob the attrolion of tbo public 13 United. CH ARLES C. MELLOR, ant 81 Word Mr.,. p &NOB I JIMINOSZEDX9I i A vlarp hotottromit of thou, add sII other !fwd. Gal /astruiamith ix oath tif HOFFMAHII, HMI 00, /1 15 No. 53 Fifth stmt. SiWads old dead. J 1,1 ABL, DIMOND A DOUBT, THE HEST PIAIIO9 MADE: Odd by CHMLIAYTTII BLITHE. 43 19.114 d.. 1113 Solo Agent for ritrobarzb 4114 W. h. 4TTORJrErB. MACIZRFLT & JOHNSON, AVITORXICYSI,II,T.LA.W. And U. B. maims= EMDIT.IIS° Mktg AG TS Menthe /or Win:ceded &Idlers collected In from - ten torreu.y Ceps Otrue. So. eo ClitkerT ETBSICT, Pittsburgh. Cali wish discbuts• sod two witureste. dralll WY OALBIL&ITII, &florae) , and Counsellor-at-Law, 1721Z120tii, Ammo.; Cuarr, P 3 NEVI. sr i i AM ES LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY - AT -L AW All legal flarlress promptly atteaded ti Office, Tio.ltb FOURTH EMMET. mar anima, Pine ap. Ai diASTElt 6c 144LVV Cllcb-'1.01±4 No. 98 GRAFT STREET •1•20:1 y t. SOTIOACEL, ........... 0.. KHlttl Q. & S. C. SCIIOICER, Attornerys-at. Olioß. No. 153 TroortJa -eavet, Pittaberet. 01L8. ac., RID g CLIME, 013E3L5131.0311 reticle= sad Its Prands, Qif 'mania a, itra. ittrOAD OTHX:LT c•waximi TOOMS . gar iipets for m . DDATLA 11D III203.1111:1 OIL mum lira: rots PLIWITISZ - 0,5.21DLS °Ott, PALI', Cr. • Itra (MAna.lL ik al% atitmrs W Water 4111. !twat arAL 12C' E/ i I :°ZW OII V- 5 :, DDIWAS, DIIE hFs et 130. , acrib,ctusiso Trao 711.04 CruWm -c man L 1! . ; 1 .0.317401L OL WICLIAM. BAJILLEY, Witc7asta anon% way. sirrhAt a r bucil. BOOKS. &LLB !MIR, arc ALLY ROUND TII24 7 FLAG ItOYAL LINCOLN AND 401INSON CAMPAIGN SCOGSTER, 1 , stb all the cos, wudyerldar UNION SdNGS4, JOHN P. EVA runt smart 1iA245t0 aacs //NMled pest paid es reeelptitif pries. 133* K INGS, QIIKEINS AND itai/Mai zurWittia: ae 10 .1477 EVIIILLAgNRILIOAIIig:• =rum ma to*isrotrazt • - a 0 S ': Our National E***liSers, • • Eagles, Shields, Starg and Flagg, Destosta the BiltitiOis • ANABOI]iII 64.11 D oOkriNri UNION PLAYING - CARDS. coLoazi. Lump or KllO. . GODDESS OF LIIINETTINIMPLD QMOR4 ZIAJOB INBTZAD or Jitox.r4- - - . : Union Cards us pat up la . Opst bos. BOLD AT JOHN W. Pit l **o °KIS N En s rxrrEt srasyr, oProsrra rom,orrioi. 17 IS N EW BOOE.S I NEW , t:00.113 lan Asp riocauiTor bhigrogny of. Bonn !nitro Ira d r x. „PrJoSs9. Power. I voL Price gl 00. A tr.A.KLIAI. OIG EXTBACTPOO:ITZTBz4OnagIg on the Anatomy of the parte Itongteni laths Ognrstion; than:Oß.oFront cm:in:ruction 01.1nztruntats. go:' '1 vol. IZno. BRAWN 088 110 MIL 1 II:C.1=o; DAILLICO thn BuYIIIIIINCL nfrdwzik;Pettkase large of the latter work Id7t rpoei7l4. Jab J. L. BP kr. - 78 Tamil iltreit; I '3l GOL CENSSIC.--This La the ostoo of Bradbary's new Sibbilb &beat - Skil* Rook, est cut. In trrsbosts sodlatorestat Is belitorsd to to Rolf soul to tiro flell,.flosletor Shover. Prissy . to mar comm., ts' coast slosh, copyi or $3O per toms .4r. In stiff. tiodta.s..W osiots.s%l4ls Ausr47l. • 'Sots fns, by tuft, in revlos or prSie. ugo .psoft.s. übblltiE S 0f14 . 93 Wood stusdsf V CTI 0.4," 134 M. 1 PR(}VBD CITY FiIOPERZYTAT n'..{..01382 bit LE —,OfiVIIESDAY EMS. a.pttst Bill, at 8 eclool.; waif ba 1019 at the at. noarlat tats Dn.., Di Bleb atiott.: by Otier 401 , nbora • Ccnot, the roll•wing taltrable la,anted 'city pmporty.belongt,g.to ablate lionil,/laerdt Loa largo lot nu comet-of ,tract tot ep-syr. tort alloy, frouttnt qoton "Litt rti - e rate and red. nits Lark to Clinician-9as. • io•ttOq i.orected:tnefoltg tic ry Wanitotoo, lit, 20, nt.12.44. Ono large lot in nrarof stosal tttilbtaoriorS'aimberTY and Clorr.6 alloj 2, fro.ting 613,4041r7 with an ,verwye Cop •I to tiot. Attitroo`t erectelo toe-vot r Brick Gee friOana, jfi9taro fi0.0.• eta; W./ tf. , ,ble T.,13.5 tlalo—uoo third tub. itgl:tiot balance In cab ..Ld too tear, .tr.b blttrest, *Jsrod by boid 'sad T.Cr/A.R. h rt bl: timid A. ORPHELICS, COURT 13. ,OF MdL COLLS LEVU! raortlett3.lsl'LANllEgant lI.LE —Oa TUB BOAT /110115 M ; 41.1tItekt 10 o'clock, nom Ca odd. Cra the pryttillia,,frosttles oa Cr ClD:bla, Ake. to tfcroagh ollatrteactrilre, lbo old la sham Lerch fierassteed, trbithlie been ettbdlilded tato the Cellos fag 3/ Bulldlag lay he:At:4=3ll.lkt. steel on the Greemburk pThe cod elltilatde straeK -' 1 Let 95 bet front on the tglei-,:tino eiteat= nom to Der.l7 etrest,ll6 feet 7% Seelvit. deep gm , entealtle a.lelllo :set 11% ltrimoan'he othekOrttereem la erected thh lttg, end totem:dial Back knern st Lh,o Leech CIM.11:21 3 Lct. oacb 20 fact frost on thelan, sad eztenitia; tack 100 tat to F.lrstois Mica.•• ' - • 4 Lot, cacti 21 feet front oa thrifty, any ae.andla, 1 to Dosiy .1 n t, fr-a 5,1 to lit , t. tsdepth. 1 Triasgo cm Lot 60 feet stout •e-g: et 02511114.• nc ta.ck fro: 9 Limbers L aud its Data 91' f,60. 10 Lots each 66 fi . et front on LihirtF etnet4 i 1122192.. teeth& bark 10 • 20 tt. ate:, foldiFf to 119 16.120epit. 1 Lot 26 hot 10 (Debts fruit on Raley street; attend. Ins tact 69 Fairview allay', in 9.10.27 2.626 . 939," Wails bn one elde, and 50 feet 7', 6 inch#6m . the other. Doing 9 teat in the rear. • • -• ILL°, each "A toot haat 011 .I*7 stmt. and, 4).5-ta:dint ta:dint la k to Put airy 127 tat 1 Lot It Let,Elnotrea front en P.ifzby este:, =A IX. tot ding book tol'ark alley IL - fact, • Plan can be obtained a the Aii4Ban Rams, MI6 6( FI tL tt.r.t.t t. . . . ~,,... . Tr.aza car Buz—One.::. - .lrd eashllpastotta or-4 ass- , t.O years. slit; iti.U.nat,..an.4Prkk'n 4 .nd InariPlP• bia42,nrid A. tile!L.W&llsll. antriT,: ... DEMO ratifl ---------------- FINAL REMOVAL JOHN HALL Et,' 1110. flint realond Met, PLOW W4 . 4a01:711Zt, Soo. IS/ & 113, ear= Vitiiista Liberty 106 171 ba-es l'ATl9l3_ MOIL IL. - DEMOV&L.--CIILP & . B.O,EPAILD tterld• al Commis:don 'Morahan% 3-13 to UT LIBE-1117 WERE= kW, QLLVEIi pymni, txter.';- - CRITIVEPTOWIra sal 11bcirtir.711444%. . Sole Propetelore erd licuccdrsrcererii far Weston ramie eyleenla, Ohio, Wiens, Mbcole Aso, comoladocnad of a suorrieViu Ude d , , Palm, Oenaan, Olive mid Baku Soap. 11XLADION81 UQULLIP LND soars. , Of cor rtizarza.ZZAUL WOonalsi • tbll7 rozoratosal se better for gond:111os aim irry other before Ma rano, sbsolif I.*Donso ..tsaSffio IsassoUllis Potash, 66.11,,L1as es Bathos suratbrs nt.Nalsisos tri Its sosortractrav 'stab eus' Orrfak rAlfdars-rhstirissilk bficr, Ilszkaels,:sl4 WoOkOf cal* vairrd SSD Opp rsyldlq_ of Dodos or Liam. GlDOosi wad:a vitt)* 13d4F-db ebta.baltagar laa Om, r0.41.r4,1015h W ooarsa israurOls war IPA SIMMS PRA.174:430AP - &mores Croine 'Dirt:Sbsoc;l3tl* Prtritsbeini, alma% end the :vont Delp Water-ft law lagelellSl4,, b .0 1 7 las 11 - . 11 h " pia protectbrg Windove, Oartt arid Suralturli ASOWStide sad dap. It Impart. U.lManop to - Platu rr . tramellsit fatutiuse and Rotactl. belba I end for cleaning startle and foorritelt has op Kea— n,. the Bath, and particlilarly lar FtmariOsosistAtia Bruza PHARLSOAFtra parigne2o3l. La a yam oil who two triad Da =parlor atiellttak ackacorlettpa It the greatral dboorrery 0 the ft‘r. TbloCkampaaptalt e trial fro= an vb., are latambi. • ra. odor Soap. awl nosy caos.lll refund the prio.af issam dada OLII to amo:len •thal we •&.-• kilt, If axed accadlax to our .Itroodorie. , Merchants from abroad will,do wen to SOS tilltalY7oll •00, a call, 367 I•Partly strelt, amigo Ponorylennla railroad Paswaser 1 Ju- liza.r• of all Imitation" t .11110 men, algal! no n cur ha do. nost--EILvEu..pEA=, ea noon?. ILa tlonel . r Jlt VV IsLItY STORE T. H. KLAGE.S; • j'•'• wotid atilt nap ctfony Inform thii,rzbltc b* boo orouvi Me o .v ststr,srhsrs he IWO on band tbs dam, ton: a Isstod moot of Watchts t .thoOk3 atrllotos4l. 4 . the two tithe. Wotett sod Ithrel7 Toni does" bs: - .llttrtolan waluoov. 015 Malreoted to girt t3tioiSaikla.',i,' • D :13 °rot the east vz; En et stßlEliansehaily.plty.• I)ENSELAER POLlTtbriNuatitvi - J. TUTS, TROY, g . ' IS UAL SretloN tbi> MICELI/13G AWD VAIL C.tle.tialli BCE, imam BLPTY.bIit 11th, litea:•.Abe boa la completed and ready for orztpaitagb t. , liew ter, ghbag balk Infaloattoa. day &val.-, tamed by addrcso'ra • • rms. CliAlli.E3 nitAwmt, Direel x , Vow Tarii., U S. 10-40 LOAN. 4.0 vm a= =raw zOtii - Enteral at 12.4 elm ALTAA.:-/Cgir a. enttSeAt :Gs rro4 - ,.irs. suir • PrzEH 6 ALMON- iiiiill„LOT wup in cue tr.d Pnlut _ ff.g.l7 ant - aware labstiVind Rana itteeti: W. Z. plerrEßsON Ar A.MllOli7 00.1211113T0N 1413#13.61M ' !writ Nz i ,c4 r wisi iri t4tfta z ras b •,PllOl3 ber and Beta 15110711-sa4 CIAXECIM-of nr.qr auctokts, lb. 91 -Irletsr tAsetia, • -- PL.:CZ 15 nth. MT=2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers