. -.7.. ',-- - 2- s. A 4.- r 1 , - -1 --... ;, I , .;......4 4‘- I: ~; • , 1.-- 4 -- , . . , 4, IFI 7 1, oil -411 . . .. , , - - 'i•';i • • - .z., . .. .... A . ... :I%I:ESTABLISHED IN 1786 .. t~~i : <z.;; '"gilt VitilibliTglt.(6nOtt.' 117111.181DM BY luiGAi 'MEMO ASSECITIP TD pun SUBSCRIBERS The an,i,taigned, patillgurg of Plitsbargh daily pa- Om , , hare mntaaHLitareed 1.4 chart* the .Paif &id Lir their respa4l.l. - raals, . altar MONDAY, July 4:th, tti9l : ". • THE GAZETTE. Montag per week. &Peered by caret.. IS tee.t by lasti. lnr Tyr, le e - 01 r , gig 124201., 1.2 62 , mcc0...... 6 00 "' 6(1112. ingahr, 2 62 Eventrg /ditto]; b 1 carrier, per wtek. ..... 16 ' trs- u ISI , per Esse., IFS SO '• fares months, " 5 ZS Sm flago 4 . I GS TtiE OEnaoluOta.' Cer ortkoeilloszed by Carter-Z. P. ye., to.ruot, not by mall $ 9 00 'note tri 0 0 0 0 TOE COMILTIOLLb. ,Per watt, &Verve by renter Per you, La Advance, ernt -• g " ; t GLIZTIT AISFOOLATION. ! ' ONAE.LtS troIEINICIRT, _ rir t _pnkllabty_pinalog Cleron t e atiancraazwepArr. r AND PRITITING 0021PAFT. Heading Matter tram Yesterday's rpgriingrOneitt: The Loyal League. no aolino of ths Loyal Loagaers of Baltiiaore on .Ih6lreililia - 41321ii!a bet demons trs Um evil :Athol city, ham high testimony to Atte plizkotitto I , o„etleleney . of th9it -etganix tien; aft; tit the immeptitad. with which the taeatherf of the Ltagoe of Balti seta:ails; to do deftigeit at that city ulna I ' ftBsii ire - . At alleveat',tht dL play of energy and zeal they made entitle them +y, telt:to Nuennortnemmidatton of the loyal matt of Baltimore, end the hearty approval of UMon paaple ererywhiteCT The Tinian Lewitt of gaunt:a is well ander atoodio be apewerful esseciatton of men brought together la different lonalitios,tor the purpose of ' - iitonaifflsionreandart Cu Support of the °ovens • meat. It an tin no proper sense be said to ban secret oilittor ifs tßaeot-is andisraisea. Nor cab itim abused with pojitieal aims, further than co:opatatfin ifitfr-tho Goveramant in sub tervingthe ',alloy which it adopts for Its own pnessivatiott. eaa be Bald to - be 'political. The t sollating of teen forihe Vali* /atria*, the rais ing of funds far sigh and 'grounded soldiers, mud for thamaintraanre of their familia, and In els • eta etuargeney, like that recently - presented et • • Bakimoro, the volunteering -o in en or. ' - , ganitiot capacity to marsh to the point of dan ger and Maet the aoraniu of the ow:Lorry, It a ... Wad of service which cannot be °Masi TO to any layalasam It csanot be disparaged by charges Of partisanship endttio feints of men wh3 take a Irtaltolaai plaints th tbo work of mbresaeson ta *lon. Mos reeord made by the Loyal League at Matti:ere, the abet day, la a most tr:umphaot refutation of the mditiplied slandory pours 3 op. on Rita= Capp:hood smaroca.—St. Lost. b h.° • Tea National tateUtgeatcr o watch takes great pane to stands f.tonits columns everything it sloes not thinkit hat good serum to belleve.to be • 'true, end which if extremely 4, Comervatire," that word is now falsely aoderstood, permits a TElagara cOrrospoadeat, who has talked mith the Rebel emlireries (so eallel,) to say la its colomni.that "their toneaf feeling Is subdried, • that they half confessed the armies of Grine mod Sherman had put them Inc tight plum, and one the attaches , said 'he hoped almost another man - than Abraham Untold Might be elated err neat Praidentp then they would submit to a a. proposition ghat' wren the State of Vermont • woulknot reject:" , This brings out the precise point. The re - eladien ofhtr. Lincoln would be • oh= verdict against. the Rebels and their Northern allies, to ' oretitei with the peculiar institution both pries se highly, - and' would render it impoulble to so :: ,preeerrethslettar as.to enable it ever again to reward its subiesvienis with 'places of power In return for the beaded knee and Amelia homage. nonnative determination ea the one hand to de '," -. feat - fan Liticele; sad the equal determination -outhe.other, 63 the loyal masses, to make Mr. Igneolis *poly, in feet as well as to name, the , Pstsident of these: rnit4 States.-11.11.ny Eve. Pre-pay. Soldiers Letters Sbe LctOrrill.4 Sanitary Reporr,- &dries@ per .atkner *riling to sel4ltn in the Held to be certain 1 : 44 1 1/ilia pesGe on all each letters. Let tat, the vestige upon which is bat vastly paid, azo pc2t ,irtes tbo LI oat, nntkt iha'pestmaatar can Trite to the soldiers to whom dhoy'aro addreseed, and receive answers, wish amcnnt of postage. This takes itud.n3o7G perhaps greetselapse, before the fetters retch the soldiers bands. iritanwhile, what atralefy 'and disappointment may have beenvidured by the wife aka fatally at home, bereave of this carelessness or ignorance The zmnber of anpsid 'eaten accumulated at liethvilicand Chattanonge &short time ays els yery large The .Sanitary Commission has re -mulls, modal - ahem to discharge thii debt of so many soldiers to the government, and It oannot bedcubted Shit the amount of comfort thas pro- Motak, to say z caning of the material gain to seally valuable lettere, toW be proportioned to ,_tits hundreds of dollars expended. Mtn Marl - land Sympathizers. They* wars two noticeable !statute in Early's dad raid into Maryiend. o.la war the large Lintoberenf his toed tuYo destr.ed while rorh of .the Petri:tune- -1A is estimated that wb•re Early ..receired one riernitito his forces, he lost fifty men by •detersion. ; Another feature woo, that • many therehol sympathizers took np areas to *x71111;0 invading rebels. The hiaryieed de ommonists were for a long time a-formalable body ; but even they bare at last bOOOMe din •gosted with their whitens friends from the South. 'One of our cerresp:ndents in Maryland who is Weil acquainted alai tho state of feelieg there, - 'Rayed/midis' Maryland aympathizers hare been •osioled;and deceiend and shooed and retitled by • their own ratty until forbearance . Iles ceased to h tirtno,nr.d they hare tinned open those Who Santo them. Many el these men at? the 'korai bitter enemies the -rebels nave in Maryland and were the Mat to take ay ozone against Fo At • I.l ° l rudiene. The same state ot.leeling will yet ayipair and become dominant all over. tbe South._ Y. e- Treasonable OrganiraUon In Indiana. Isorattarotu, July SO. Governor - Morton has authorised the publica tion of an °filial , report made to him by Gen out. Currinston, Sfilitat7 Comm 'alder of thia 'Hattie, cotitain'ng & foil extolitlau of a secret political ezderantagenittle to the Ga yernmeut, oaGed ”Sons of Liberty," of which H.ll. Dad./ r - (hard Coma - 4140ne: of this, State Horace iforren,Depitty Commander, and W. ; Herri eon, Secretary. 'Yoe officers of the IT octet States are C. L Vallandigham, Supreme .I,aud t,),1 - mender Olo:hitriy, Deputy, and Dr. Searrata - y. V. A. Doelei, L. P. SidLgati, do chew Humphrey. rue John C. Walker, are Major Conotals fOrindiana. ' Tux m ay /7-vic , ,, of Last - week contains 'vibes may be railed the official opinion of 'the Suety of Priends on the draft, which speak, w for the loyalty of that _community. After Z•g th e feet that floaters are still 'permit ,:ooramote when drafted, the money-being applied to hospital' purposes alone, and those who etootataaerre being employed as names, ' Wasp an expression of • greasier acknowledge. je, dna for the oltindnese shown by the Presi dent,.the Secretary of War and Congress, in granting them religions liberty and immunity ircm-suff2ring in:the mi,itt of • great war." ^ Frexter reit -and she ought to know— "lt IS a great pl,gne to be a woman. I titian Tv mad that onoe ,beforo r hut it will bear re. miaMeg. Now the whence are a groat passion of mine.': lib eto fit en agile of boards them, with my toots danging over the water, and Jitten to the far DTrum...he' of the sailors In • - .their bright specks f red shirts, and sea the Tel ' -jos, unload, ir foreign *alto, and drown :away deaden* heir, imagining the places they game from -; end I like to;olinsb up the sides of s bfori, sad poke rotted generally,juit where Mrs. Gcuudy.wettld;lay her irritating hand on my aun and exclaim, 'Whet will the people think of yea • • VelOarn Mit the silica of Canada are fall of tairegds film the States—okedaddlers from the draft and rebel sympathizers. - A Canadian who Tm etly arrived here Isle the "natives to the winoet,corn" Wore -are- crowded out of their dum p." I n sone, workshops and °mom by 'thaaishedaddlem, Who nticlerblil them to sofa. and who, Indeed, appose to, be reedy and milling. to 'engage in almost any kind of dirty taboos la,.order to .earn a• llrelitmot. The ,igiXediene.very gemnally deapice the miserable , cosnirds. • Mrs llaetoa Fiat is guilty of the following: _ ofiktiingulwairdo without so long es I wear -•lsiblopublo th's tt es," sada vAlsga. belle soma ;',....thistettlhfsfltd bete dniatbil mouse's, .'but biting - Ph UhtiLltg Opte IlF4,1! , ?000.7 .• ; : . :i..• .; ;,i':;: , ',:.. , i: , : i ,:::,:,,, 'W:-. - ifif;:q..:,;•.;',..T.:;,'4 . A.' ,. ,:::::i.';;: . ::::::4•;: . .:: - Li:LL:.: ,, 4:ii - -1 ,,,---- " - 'the Infant Prophet It has lecezt &tooted that a baby Iran born dur ing the. past stack, and irnmediatsly spoke the prophecy contained in the following !ince, when it instant y died. It is astonishing that the In fant seer should Otter snots respites vane.. The prophecy rosy be tone, though the story it not. Ric boa os vr.draut ass. That cmustl. Irsm v.oihra •phare. The army inn ,had gone to net Fur tunny dal li In :I, n•rl awl Ti.. arm y moon rum !n the mat, Each noitit its trenel race teas du-ream:l, 1' mil Oa ehmp and doable born Forewent the dawn a, d fltt the nom Tto , smoky Prmsnent at stars Waged bloodily Illee nate Liam , The Lumen noon oppressed men', brain: The eold. ar " ra r' e l c i orc o' bdrte:.llTl:tile dos! No dews et night the gni , . rani. r.d . The cows from staled both 5e tool, Tbsir battle. way to land vas ; maiden bent MY eat Ituripst the iltiorier- , 0 e :ohm: }alb cried onto the ode to van In !oat or rootlet Feld to rah. War's grimipiataalei lietsi At d the drum ma and [stile about ; Dratb came midUcc`e-Lat every door it adept:tad till poll oil 'Firearm o'er t Rhe:t trm.Wtod watt Mothers inept ; LP td beak+bolt, sortare 'rept Brolltinefandltwurs b•OVIZS'er Inetesd 411ollOorlatind grace. , ALdrtld rol't data the brotkii +kYt Tlu trosopr.t peal end toltio-c r, Dolph ao o.;seladoltilt.d. • -re allktror glint t f Ali Pt< lam[: Sods portents may tto people am - It Andlor.ks thoorordo f peoples, /14 tolgtatot Mnettt.of A Delphi. bribe Is brought tri birth tobeicarce Into ens totortene ephora ontpeth s lame Ji *peels "Cm! ear, • • Fe petple whom the Lard bath chose Y -Ere three meet:, dy. Jew vatirictshed foes—. The fuea!nt fated ea and mestlind— I o chain, or-order Oa I yo bind; ff t r vottrycletelres , 1. itet, - at,? le dm 6414 of tell, trod Poapala thsebfid, s-td tease(' ill timath Instant ita lips very maid 14 death. TunshOals of Ihh isi'they coma to the Con tecaltritnoset title yeei are attended by many skirls, which hang upon , their skirts and make _prey of great' numbers. ' At a ?octant hunt of the seine, neer the' mouth' if the Connecticut, no lest than twenty-one ground aluirks were =tight. The largest were about-four foot long. - . Ax EISGQISII Oremzu writes - 0 the London Tier. :that, according to the etiquette hf honor, Cue - award of the vanquished should be given to the capturottorpot throtSn into the see From which he argutt that'thara was very little honor shunt the pirate Somince. All at which show. that the English are not entirely unanimous in admiration of the tonality ruffian. kr a Scotch church, • deseenaent lot Nebel having put a crown piece into the plate, instead oli penny, sad starting at its white and pm-- ricer Cate, asked to have It back, was refaced. In more, in forever, "Awed,. sweet," rooted he, "I'll get credit for It in heaven." na," mid Jeanie, the deurheeper, "yell get credit only for . the penny.'' We lump at a thatee to agree with the New y,,k ji.mtd It sly., “If Bea Wood had phi,- ltEbed his in Richmond, sod had written of deft. Davis as be hue o: president Lincoln, he would have been hung long ago. The fact that be still lives, still writes, still cries for 150103, still oppress the war, still mourns over Union sucvcsaes, and still ttles to stop rolhateerlAg, e,Lfut. a tad contradicts all 'nil I,iderb•shabout Northern deepotiam.. In irtl..Al7o, rather bolters any man thA7 arsificer fa the matter of charges; not !tot they ems not, but will not, be faithful. Should they tett you all the coct at fast, it would blest eyeing builder to the budding. lend therefore they soothe you up all It has cost you soceethieg to conlute Qum. The spirit of hail. Log first pos sessed people after the fbcd, llblob thota caused the 04 , 11ft:titan of laeguagee, and sleet of the ce tau e ['many Tkor,>. Br the new revenue law, each box or blook of mafebes requires a stamp. The whole valor carrot be placed upon the package of boxes or bh eke. This adds materially to the laior and cost expended noon tttie matches, and comes queerly enhances their pries. The day of penny matches, or of two for three cents, has gone by. The new regulation takes effect on the Ist of September, end the tax on each box it one cent. DJ trio time ;loser ergot law is agate amended, a liecial stamp will perhaps be ordered for oath moth. T.l DIIASIDS AND Vials liSANlNO.—Thoiollosr- Irg will interest housekeepers "Upon" means "tafore the rains."or ••BoarlslanE spring," that is. early in the spring; hence it Is often r %Cod ' Yining Ifysen." "Upon skin" is nonspased of the refuse of other hinds, the native term fcr slash in "tea skins." Refuse of still coarser dieteriptiens, containing many steins, 1.1 called "tee bones." "Dettes" Is tNo 1211119 of the hills in the :extols where it In OnliOnSed. "Pak.," or "Porn," mesas "white hair'," the dew. of ten • der.Naves. "Powehoing," "folded-plant" • •dori ebony," "small _plant." "Twstitray" in the nr me of a small -river in the region where it Is b• ogbt. "Congo," from a term signifying ..le b.r." lions the care reunited it Its preparation. TEL Our 6peelai Digpatches FROM PETERSBURG The Result of the Explosion It, Pitt Lure, An>.t , .. Aeu:se,o,r, A. !, 1,52 We have information rom the army to the Sect that after the espb.ii.iest on the rn.uning of tie 3iltb, everything bett.henad a brilliant ciet,- . ry, but loon afterward, matters aztame.l a dif !trlnt equal, port of the at:coking tore, gave e ay, Or the balance wen 0,1 NE ea to an Ottfi • !aulr. g ire from both artillery 1.14 infantry. Thu programme fur the assault was net fully out, eta a deafer, victory evratd have zrowned Gen. Gant's eflocce. the programme wan as follows r The mine vas to he oxplrded at 3 o'cloch, and the hatter ler to 'Span along the entice If at the same h. sr. The 9th corps, supported by the 19th, Alert' division of the Stb, end the 31 division of- the Id corps was to make the charge IMMO lately after the explosion. Ererytirlog was In readiness to carry out the arrangements as or dered, tot the explosion was later than the honr, designated, the furl having gone out twice ' slier being lighted. At 110 p. m. alt things were in readiness and the fuse was again lighted and this time the explosion took place, sad a deafening roar of artillery followed. At 2:30 rho charge was made and the fart, with part of the lit, on each side; wasearried in-a style to rr fleet credit upon he veterans engaged in the charge. It was decidedly al:Tinter:it agar. The 2d line of the rebels, a short distance beyond the fort wars carried brae 2.1 division of the 31 corps, which vres in the centre, and they ad nnyed a short distance beyond the fort and rested, but held their ground with • determine tir n hat mart tare been apalliag to the reeele. reh , eet a,/ hero about to be decided, when B.ig. den. White's division of colored troops were ordered to push forwerd and carry the crest ofd hill, but alter advancing in goof order as far as the first line, they wore checked by a galling fire and the main body faltered and toll back, although a number. kept on. The greater number, ho- srcr, seemed to become at testy demoralized. I a part of them took re. (ago in the fort, vihr.c the inshanos eonfusion skedaddled to the r.ver se fast u possible, and in. their retreat embers& 'red our Advancing white troops. An effort was made to rally the retreat ing force, Lut without suec.ms. The officers of the colored troops behaved nobly and bravoili andln their endeavors to rally their retreating con.parries, the majority of them were either killed or badly wounded. In fact, so great was the loose, that they seemed to Le beyond man agement; indeed, there was no one to manage tbem—thus they finally foil back embarraszing our. advanrlng troops, end got out of range of this surketry and cannister.whach had been and Wm plowing Its way through their ranks. The losses of the colored hoops are ex ceedingly heavy, especially In officers. In the 23d U. B. ealored troop. fifteen ofi rem were killed, and rounded, rad about four hundred men were killed, wounded and missing: In the 29th, cloven officer" and cue hundred and fifty men were killed, wounded and mining; in the 27th ;colored) six officers and one hundred and fifty men were killed, rounded and missing; in the 29th, eight Wilms End ens hundred and seventy-fire mon wore killed, whinged end missing; in the tint , seven efficere..Mnd two,hundred men ware killed, ' wonultdalidtoletring; In thetS2d, sir of and • large iiumb'Cr of seen were killed, wounded. end ideal:iv • trrita • 34111;)4144 liiraiffi, lad . gas . I=lllll= PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY ' lit:mare d . and fifty man were killed, wounded cod mitsirg. Gee. Ledlie, who commanded the 2 nd tion,/cat severely—from 1,050 to 1,203-wart re pertitttit tho figures larger. Among those tol zing it Gen. Ba:tlctt , rho reached the fort with his xalrokul."'Grii' B. has a cork fig, which was aeatticatally brahon . , and was una,lr to leave it aeleld. rrt . hold porsaision of the ground he ',AI . O . fdaied to occupy for sersral hours, and only sttrionder . cd when all hope of recaps 33911 gone..6Bnine 700 30. 5 30, k i t; 'black and white, were with bier at tho time of his sar• render, a few of whOm * tannaged to troops nod sot back to oar nare, amid a stn., of bullets. Nearly all of Gan. st.:l w rre cap. toted at the same tuna. The commander of the 21 brlgale of thin Division, Col. Marcbal, wee 6130 taken ptisoner, with several cf his st.d. Cc!. Wlld;ef the Snth Wassaciasatts, in also ray rod a prisoner, and ifoL Goull, of the 511 iyy glaa,actesetts, bort a leg, on did also Najaf, Burton, o' the Wirh Now York. Llsot. Col. Daring, of the 24 Pennrylvarilnyeras wounded. 11..0r Pre scoot, of the Pith Massachritatts, was kill. d. lskat. Col. Rom, of the filet U. S., col. °rod, had. bls leg anrputated. This division was a cc aelderabla distr_noo in advanceof the itguiar liar, and held their position for several :noon, but in , falllni - balk, which they wan corn' palled to do,'iraffisreal hesvily. • The lota in the drat and third divisions of the Yd corpx was also abeam; ttsrlatter having some fear hundred in thetionplttilf' • The 10th eorpi accepted 1 part of the line r on the right t but their loss wai not very great. We rookabont two hisadied and illtyptieonsre, meetly South Carolinians, end ave•battio All we. quiet' yesterdiy rooming. Several hundred wounded arrived hero this afternofin from City Polat. Malt •of them re ceived their Wound* in Saturday 'a battle. There were thirty officora among them, all of whom con= In theolatement that the explosion of the Mine was 100141 Mo encases, and otry fellers to acoompllah the °tient In view wee owing to bad conduct of negretroops. - After- cantering and holding for some time tbo two first lines of rebel breastworks, the Yd divistan of the nib carps, which be composed of colored troops, mare ordered to charge, bet being exposed to an enfilading fire they broke and run, and pitched poll well into the supports, ceasing not:side:able confusion. The rebels .taking ad yarteke of this, poured grape and canister In open our forces with terrible effeet. The 2.1 and soile Michigan regiments lost heathy In prisoners, as . did also the colored • Mops. ' It Is reported that Gen. Bornside war slightly wounded in the arm In his attempt to rails the oolored troops. Col. Curtin, of ibe 75th Penney Ivanta rogi.• ma at, is reported killed. THE REBEL INVASION RUE MHBEES OF THE ENEHY. The Rebels in Possession of Winches ter, Dila) leetown, Duffield. Hills bo: o, and Martinsburg. REBELS RETREATING FROM FORMA/Md. ALL QUIET AT HARPER'S FERRY FROM FORTRESS MONROE. President Linco:n and Can. Grant Oc nsultation • VANCE RE-ELECTED GOVERNOR 0' ' NORTH CAROLINA I ATER FIOIM ITIANTA Total Ethel Loss 10.000 to 12.000 RFI,FIVD OP V 1.4 L'•:.rtwons, August bare just redirect fActring rUtittlil:ll from Fredrrick, whir` is Gen. Runtar's headquarters Cp to Ica: Set u:?..ei it is certain that no rebel to faetry had err or ed the Potomac. The fords which entered Chamberiblorg are (opposed to be the ename's ti -1 cavalry force, amene..ieg lo all to 6,00 e or not including Marcbfs, be werer, eatim a ...I a: ftcm 'f:o to ltiO. No one seem. to hove rev tan ly when the Intent ry A train oat delay•d to-day at M 090,12; by r , lO !le t Mostly had again eroded the rid( and •.k. F.,10/aivG at t'ao :allreed at Point of R ks. Gee. Tyler, 'Rho Moloca:7, Icarne,liataly rec: a :c4ce cut to reeonnoiter, but no enemy arse kat d sierg the lira of tho road. The t,la Ilarper'o Ferry nataalerta l. G•n Creak's !wet. have ?affected greatly by 1, • .•.1 oato 'x'z'y 711211, tone tw:oty hr7tag kite.; rice. :aortal; Ihrrat'. er:y. It known that Ea-17 vitt oortlett the Etutattt• sh V.l;tty. all th- lovas rttlito.thsa t.trrellat:eaton, Ltusticid,ll:l.t.b.,.ro and itartlaa • A T•nr,k, nf rice. H,lre's ccalmaed f.pled the even.) • I tett at DoEield, and drove loam ia, Cu p•aring •erelve end killing et 10 rey morn, So: rut zee v , -nrr the= c ..v7e!led to WI beck bst.no CI, °term, r roperier number, N.A.'S is eta milts from Harpsr . , Ferry, no 3fartireln•g :Tad At iierher's lorry, shore tfen. Hs.e her hit brs'inerterr. ell it quiet, sal the forts In this vicintty ere olotely •etobod. Fissarrhrao, August information has reecEed here that the robots ere retiring from tho direction 'of Itedf.73 Springs oat of tlar State. General Cenci) is to-day in the western put of the State, making a rooOZnoliszclea of the de fea sts of the Monongahela and othor rivers. Nevi Yoga, Aug. I.—Capt. Marlin, of the steamer City Ilutson, who lett Fort Alonroe yesterday afternoon, says that Lincoln and Grant were la Oansaltatioti at thatplate when he left. A .epeeist to the New 'leek rt,.,. • ., .ci.,1, under date of Washington, August tat, stater the: tits 'rebele gaeaulted our line •Igerously last W e lags dry, at Li were repule•d disastrourly. S.,erman'n killed and wounded atiabve.l He buried 650 rebels. H /od'a Inas •11 4 00d • gentlemen who /pent yenttarday with Grant tepearint him as in good 9,1.10 and e:intl tont of .iltitonte A al.ecial to the J. from Washington lity : let6lll Of &tined:a'', opeestione before P•tis• burg have been received here. Thar may be gummed up :bust After the mine hod exploded in frrot of the eniips a ...large WI. ordered, .td the rebels tmwedietaiy opened s tenth, Ire fr•oto every put of shalt hone. f• u.s lop, /li • ble for nor uoop :•5 tri.hst.eat such a gosling fire, led they fell b ek in very good order, brit g'op with Ober/1 5 Li, pieces artillery fell Into cur nand., bat it Ivet to extricate tho rn flow the rains of she lion. Tl, lose of the enemy w Tory severe- Ozo 5,,‘,113 CarGllax regiment was blown Into Um air and a large t, tu hOr of tha mot 11.130 d. Gao. Iltrilett and Cot. V. 11.1 were of r..ttred by the retels: The 'Richmond papore' claim a victory in Nor ,h Coronae. oonliorvattva, waa d.feated and ValL6f ru-ecoted Governor. Ito IliDhmond Whirataltne a victory for Ear ly at Eaornatolam. n•c: %Via:theater. Additional di•Fatoh•• (roan Early doelara that he had dele. ea ire Union forcer 10,001 the Potomac into M Dry land. , New Yoe's, Any. 1.--The Chattanooga tho 27th, says the following despatch was received there the day previous Tho bat tle of the 22d was very . The enemy at tacked us seven times and were as often repuls ed. Our total 1063 was 3,500, and tee gals. The known loss of the enemy in killed, is more, that 3, 0 00, and we captured over 0,000 prison er. pl7O, 18 stand of entire and OM 5,00.0 stand of arms. The total loss of the enemy In killed, wcurd , d and missing, can't tell short of 10,000 to 12,000. la the Lulls of the 20th Inst., his loss at the' least was 6.f.00. • • • 11.1 . army i 3 right in Atllnta, and In gond nditlon. Ctierenstt, Angest .2.—A baud of 'rebels tinier W•bster wade a raid raw. the Southern part of Kentucky, yesterday, arrooted the officers of the tie otiott at tiro precincts, and destroyed the pelt books. A meant from Nashville to the Gazett. says The Majer lioneral commending, In a elroalart eongratclates the tioope upon the Inlllsrit suer cotter attending tbe Union arms In the late bat— tles. In the battle of the 10th, in which the 20th eorps, one diviston of the 4th corps, end put of the 14th corps wore engaged, the total Onion loss wee siventerq hundred and thirty- In front of the loth corps there were pot out of the fight els thousand rebels. Plltoan hun dred and sixty-three rebels ware buried by oar trecrus, and the rebels were permitted to bury 2:! thtasfolves. The 21 thriaion of the 4.h corps replied scorn a,ssults and captured 61•01 stair] t f colors. In the bottles of the 22d, the total Union lots wee .:.500 4.11.1 ten pier si of tr. tille7y. The rebel lees was 3,000, eigh..em star of colora end 5,000 small 'aims o..orrsi Gnerrd,ln rho raid on the Georgia Rsitroal 1e• started Railroad bridges and depots et:Cher:4, Curingten rod Social Circle, rad brougla: in 209 prinr.ers, with the leas of only two mess. On the l'f!..h the onomy made an Lute.: on Logan'soorps, but wore defeated. Gen.llooker has been . relieved front the cern rc.d of the 20th oorpe at hie own request. and guao Notth. Gen. Stanley liiliNeetb to How ard's emaland, end Craft eauoeode in CC ullanzal of hie oivieion. LATEST FROM PETERSBURG Cur lowa in, the Late Assanlt. TIZAD,DAITEITI ARMY Or To■ POTOMAC, July 31st, 1361. The exact lore of the battle of yesterday not ofEe6li7 learned. It is believed to be twenty five hundred, exclusive of the missing. Large numbers of wounded are lying between - the two lb.ee that cannot yet be removed. Gen. Butler cent a 1141 of truce to-day to the rebel line., but it was pereruptotilysefurea by the. rebel °Mora. They also refused to ex change newspaper, Many believe that either rheh lines are very weak or they have come ea t...ire movement sflost, end era afraid of Its being known; the raid into Pennsylvania may be the reason. The linos of both ericaes are about titaXame se before the heat battle. T o oriagen Mormon, July Slat.—Later advisee from the (rent show th-t cre were unable to hold ail the ground gained in the wean!: of yeller. day, it being meetly commended by an inner end that - most of the wtrke taken were tro captured by the enemy. We oaptured 50 pristine, lathe &Guilt. The lose on both sides was cionsiderable—probably 4,000 to :OWL Goo. Grant arrieed from City Point at 9 a. m., and was met at Fortress Monroe by President Lincoln, who arrived from Washington at ID o'clock. Both embarked on the steamer Baltimore, and after ping to the direction of Cape Bleary, the /tramcar retnrnad toward Norfolk, thas avoiding all tat+ rraption dot leg the Interview. At 3 p. 9.. the Pre/Went I careed t/ Washiog •oc. sod den Orint returned - to' the army.—Spa- The Rebel Invasion .11...itrsuoss, August 2-1 p. accounts received here Indicate that the alarm of the pro• plc at t;ettv .burg and vicinity it gr,tialosa. It believed .that the rebels have recrossed rho returnee, bat this L uncertain. CITY. ABD SUBURBLN The it ebel Ilablers--Lateed New. by The lierrieburg 7. . reteeday mon ing, lentains the f. Ileez".zg, as the later u•ez oo zho relding petty w hzch doetruyed Leesburg: "A ditizatih, jar, re,eived e sgo to pre., et•tse lb. Gen. Arerill had tome ap to the reb• I elide', eight miles below Medlionnetliburg• an! whipped them hends.nely. The isteit selvteee ore 'het the rebel, ore in full retreat t.iwee.le Idoneze..ir, with Avcrill to pnrtu 11 a lame paper ocean.. the following: rentrt haring gained currency tn•t four rozplllll. 01 one hundred day✓ men from Al ,eghany e , onty had been captured, In the Cam beland 'y the :ebtl., io late raid, It is well to elate that :here b no truth in the :tun,. These oompsniee paned through C 113.1- lxraag last Friday, going dlr.," 'o (Lager. town Ui•patehea reouhroti state that theme, Ore all safe, and Mat th. battalion his ruffered, no foes sines it left Pittibn,gla. Capt. Stewart, et 3. ler.on county, ha. Lees rlaa od Lieut. Cel, 1,1 of lbw b,attoiioe , had C.opteda b .k, ✓le, or • Th•••r• 1,3,1,04 naaalrymeo of the Irt and ,curoglereore, arrarheof re the ohare•ni t s A•ertll, areire4 at C.air Carlin laet rt r g Io the rooretioar agninet the tate r 3'• rs le the Combetlan 1 eaThy, thee. man be • rue dote. bed fret their ooarrnaole, losing Chile •,es erd • capon, Th•y wiii be reorganised at •h•s poet, monnte.l and tarnished with ATM/ acv .4 once ra.u:ned to Omit eoecroeurt." Laical From mildom Tat o , 111 Clty 17,;.0., of the lefth 100., lays TF.a market has been very quiet far th. past tea, k, and peleee has• declined. We glee as the inling rata per barrel At the Trtc.e•twOM are limited, oaring to tho anoottlod stet: •Ao ••st.rn x.orkats, 001 l'ati • e ireinaion of nootcetion. P. , ka•ar, way", teem diaper el to owait We, k•t 112.<1 bit firm. Prioe of 'oarriele, ii.•':2ll tar prime 011 0 015.1 hand, sh: 2 rrlthe new. The now well on the widow Me itcit !ern it now eat 1 to tni ylol.llng 110 har lot. For dip. 4ht wcll of Crlaweill tod, on Chewy - don b yieliiog 121 bart•ls, and the ornw.li, of tin Taro Form, 100. AU thee, zre it n wc:ts. Too work on the 011 City Park it p:c.,lna In tlerily. The rook leading from thi Coy to :leo Polk It nearly complotod, and Oa driving track he. b. n attrreyed, and is tote' be lug grade a. The P.O Al be ready for aura tiot •ee r .0 Sere= loon. al CI 111 illif We nnthretani that rental/tug is v.Z . , hrl.k, sr d flat rn are oGering fres/y for the sera of r. ?here ie a foor rt... aro:a:lag t•! .• . and three rear-. Th.,. aro, ae :i,er,l•a• usr•i•• . e r, per Ine local ht aniy of twe hundred dollars. bnt Ina foe let, the act tr.! rerrnet,g in a tee retie, end eritertetl wiil be rierterentlY at work. A camber of cohere bore tbtairetd eutbrtity to rsot oft ctempaheee, but the pewilmt eerie. f:a Laving the men muttered IS, have not yet to en arranged, and many who Intend to ••:antear are holding all until these mat ere are definitely settled. After the dorre,lltles 0:19, IICG, /Lull bare teen reer..red, it it conl hotly • trkeeed that fre.lonfeeting will kw wan...fly be oh. Only font week. remain In •bintt to fill o p lb. Lot If the time it well Improved the ...ipoot tan he enmity attnomplithed. Atlantic and firrat Western Railroad Co. of Ohio A a meeting of be SZootlioLlers of the AtLn 1k ~ rent Weetern It !kola, bell FA Prank llr, tb• following mimed goblltmen were oho:nod Illtracre, els.: Herrin Kent, olio; T. W. Ken no,ll, Famuel Malan, N. V., ki•vlorl Church, Will. Bey bold., Pa: Wm. LI l'won, J. H. Cb.n,bnrlin, JaorL Itibbott, .F.Jhn 5b erman, Jo • cob Croll, S. A. L. liototualleo, Joel W. Tyler, J. A. K. Knee, 9blo. At a aubasquant meeting of the Board, the folloslng ahem were chosen: Provident, Mt, vhv Kent; I lee President, T. W. Kennard, 600• rotary. Joel W. Tyler: Treasurer, E. P. Braln• e: d. A.oioveet tioorotary. W. 11. Grant, A'orny, W. rvf n. C , I. 1 , :c4 —We learn :rem the Winenington that a 'rioted regiment hat been or [nuiuJ ear that city by c ',vernal on t empl.,yees, under the style a the wt4lsboro Onard," and ibsi .ar former follow Mosso, Col. Joined A. a, Chief ~ !nortermoster of the Cavalry .11nreau, hat fwen eu t. the command. The oTtrers, It is or deistood, will be duly commissioned by the it. ..fretary of War, and the man will, if eat fully uniformed, at least have come honora' , ls mark of distinction. The several companies are drilled dolly, and, many of the Awl and men having former!). been In service, already mani fest a blzh dreree of discipline and prosolency. CI os!, a, ITEM , ' To ittr'RriT , x }ire n, scree. —Tre if. reruor Ilan appointed Felix C. Negley, the Fifth Ward, and J. H Campbell, li ,of Peebles t, , w thi p, agents for A Hsgh+u, et us,ty to remit In rebel Mates, and haze beet aellyneilto Geri. Sherman's department. They will leave for Nashville,. we audersrend, on Thursday. Tex Na., Tsr Law.—The new National Tax Law, as approved June 30, 1364, has been issued In a neat and eon•anient form, and dan by had on appiteatton to Mr. J. P. Hoot, Maannie Holt. Fifth street, or to Mr. W. A. tlibionfenni, 45 Fifth street, near Wood. Thto Beth work em• baser' a completo alphabetical list of the articles taxed, nod the rates Imposed. livery oitisan should hive a copy. llyttor roa rua CuattaillißOGA SO rrrrr u.— A puiho meeting was held at Ram'Our& 03 Monday evening, to mire foul for the roller of the people of Chambersburg. Ten tholoand dollar, were raharribed on the spot. A meeting for the Porno (Neat should be csiled hire at an early day. New COWPAIT.-020.. Derry nuendrem is or- , mailing is company for one year's terries. liii eadquorten aro In the Allegheny Diamond. ?he highest bonntlts Co termite ars pelt', ()apt. Bundrett. Tao WAR Aims, oa sas Raoran•e Rseaxoai b the anther of "The Renger•e Alb," eto.. er eIU by P. gtoit, MIL 'tett. MORNING, AUGUST 2, 11,564. FOR BaLE--FOR nzwrr FOR SALE— GREAT LEBANON Jetikt AHD le MOIST, .Rented I% mlk. fres the city et the old Washington road, adjoining Cie kr> Licit - li. Contd. 100 ar-ran all under from, The 1,1 loermuts ansin of • large nriat Dralling. built 'Pentlo, gilt* also tine other Frame Dwellings, king Even, • large Dank 84171. 40 by 60, P h • zincelie stablingsia ; orchard of the beat salvation or chit, noolcilbfrg6ooo baring Cr.eas Tlo farm Is wog witorid, with Bo! oweinr-taiiing .prim. Cunnscted a, the &Wee le the iSireat loannina Danitry," teas. pr i.i! g IM,O , 0 3roa Tteve-1. 2. 9 ad 4 year, ofd. :0.0r4, Pen h year rid. 1 1 .' 01,1 berry trocs-11 and 3 your. oil Min Doan Tien, dwarf ..d standard. 000 Colleice iron. - Fbade asso ••(. Evrx en nu. • , Ci a. t.Oftt Saadilog Peach, for nodding. Wltiv • Is: ge am or-in:out of small fruit. TIII• Farm and 5 ... r, le tffofrd at a lon prt t o and tarn. eati7. ta Ohl, h tin aioclal antral.. of capttnlotta and warmer, WI lard. Apply at tha off., of JJId EtAliftla&M&W,lo2ronatteana. FOR SALL. OA% AND PINE TIMDEM. A tract Of 1560 ACHES et PLne and Oak. Timber, coo • ventmt to the MI restione, to Oebrell for ate Teri low. It te hosted tan mile from .tne Allegheny Hear, al Cot; don, in - McLean catuty. Coal and Iron Ure C.M.d, and the former te soboal tatailieely by the 11:11, Horn tloass y it= SOWS Cog Co., 11 . 1 M anat.= the tract. Estes. lortasttoas or Petroleum are sala to be liable. bus sto zoodastkeetstaro beau made. • Reath" partknlars ask applicattot to S. S. BRYAN, I=l JJOR SA Lit—SUBURBAN SITES AND VILLAGE.- LOTS. szeu FORT Hatmea.—Tho se demand, Executors of the estate of Jetta Herron, doo'4 ram for olden number of, Lets, hum one half to two Urea tack, dreaded *ear Tort Herron, nod:within stuns minutes walk of the terminus ol the Pittsberge 11111- nersellie. Pametterar 'railway. The abort. Lola ere hidutiredly looniest for private reddences. Ake; • lumber of email Late to the Atha@ of Moms yi9a,frentSug en the PweengLrliellway•—thnty to dr ty toot hunt see from one to two hundred teed deep. For froortestson enquire , of either of the ender. o. W. J,. HYDLIOISI Oaks, Wort Home. WIL A. EIZABON, JOHN D. HEBNON, O. F OR SALE. & BUIIIIIII3AN BESIDEN7B. 7 tie late r6eideor• of tha 1166. Pr. Jacottna, le lle6 Clot , tt wt.pt. lc. :oat boyorol tncivater, and dsoota-t•fl tk..6 alantitetter ...two of Ito, 1 . •66.,t3e, BAIL inq, Son.nn Icy nada Teem an .00 sera of mond 6troted with the cholo •at 0011, a good gralar,, • 'erg. hal. G . obtern, and au rovalimg .6;4 otrfag tr. 'a... at too hTdrosta. lha homa “ talc. t4s6. rooms. Th• stAttio has MOM. kJ agard.ear fmlowerttd with It TOO nold taw,. bon. 'a pleasant, and ILn et >le from the homes gst.64 or beauty. 6,106 to 8. 8 BST All, Boole: sod to..' and Pipet. 59 faerth etre., barge'. Bnldttr. - fi - OR t3ALR—A (1001) INVV.SYMENT, A.• lb. attevtLn Cl tho,e mokbaz * country cull , 41 to COVSITILY SEAT ASD FDLOIT FAA fl, ram offemil for selit reenatod them adios from gllsrboi ny City. .o. .as me- frees 1/. Parrrsrilla plant road. The revert,' m,thoroombl, improm.d. (loot lirtiM (Ivor, Ciartiogr gnome, etahte, lap [lmago, and other o-ok. builder tie. Tobbf .ere of floe land, right of which Is Ip, r.erJ. of ter heat roltiosloti of tenet. Ail .1,7 variety. to eof the bmt lOU S for Gra,m to tba rector re ea alveoli set got, come of stkz an 000 apes-tor v F r, :bar part:( Mats 14,1.ty to J. W. WTHRI, 1,1!3 , 0 Plnt/on,s.b.r, 10 Stab 010 1. . . . VOA SALE A Farm of 11 aorta, in Bt. lAalr Inniuttp. Westmotalsod county, r.. 1.140, • Tam of 140 scree ta Zlittaboth to•ns4lth Al t.p:.ay craety. 00. • !arr.,. 1.0-elory 11r1.5 8..4• nod Int la lG PO:o•. gL cl 'Wt. glitttlan.b. Alf., • If AILM Of 145 MALTS, la 81 ar,tray taunts, ►boat en* sat a bid( mass ea-3.1 tom I....ftne/L of Bch sespatt. I 0 , • .•ry *nasal* SALM la St. Olaf, tstratlttp, Weatot2,l•l ca teatattatog 100 anew a 0,-, 11 81111 , 18 , 0 Ll2B to We 1/0:80,8 of Watt 11 , ....tett, to Ity 12 , 4.4 ref rattnolan Inictr• tt 160 TlJartli .treat VZ Co. a TOWEIL Bala In...fa &teat. FOR SALE. Froedom Foundry Property. Tbe -Im:fee-vigor!. , or taN !b. above r,oadrf. obi co b. Lab a•t, no Az tb• •tylo .ad coavebtaul *et! w , Le loot ,ti, Darr. fact•ty War.. hart. too botbra,..l TI.. !ctio4r, t.0(141,4 4 C,am iv J • • I g• - •o1 but. ra • rag. 44 .••., lota a Goad 014 W •.1.. ye ,loe 7 Itch . 41.4zateco. foot boiler, ...a , No, Mora u at..ati.c.l to a • awl *table sod tilt... 1 le. MEMBMWEiI Y- r Retlti par , iet.lare , arittre rho prem . ..., c.f . :11 10 J.O SNIC/111, Peeelern Pe. !",/, LE.. A FaAn or SO Acr,s J. m-re Ito, ofkmd pm.me eels mat'4 Me ISM •0 A • e rtst. erl,ll it 0.0,10, •011 to Phi al ptiseent eao bard tee petty triostad bt fait. 07 . Athlrmay emo te. to 0.41 vesiesrml, .04 • good vela Illtmalneustbal Iheelmen. bt.l.otuge are frame Ile. eel weft.. Deeelltng Ileum r boo paellro , l,l.loicire oo the prem:am, ore 6" F. V [Mb • CO. '0 PTV, n tme,eNoer el o.mgre..od lv )00 lamed, Pletatrergi., or et the Prythom.txree Ol• b. O. fiIILTZ, 100. tr..:.trsior of Zl.savr Weir. Lt —A to kt.‘l aNI LA SD, I. 15nrat IE I,•nah.r. laattaa• TO. • one ¢.1.• 11,rk >tati-m, I , c, h. Ba:tr>val, cna , tin Irg 177 ACRE 4. lit PEll.ota[ S--atto haradnal a:rat, total: atterri, nett>r gold cal, ta• Latan, ta Iry to vaal I.ltaber., prize Dlpali, ,Atta tJ. :Ea Inwtra-ta: >ls are latp and !race rll2^ •-d lara.• L,..3 Para, vita •ttal W. aattla. TEL kr I av!l ,naset , leant Thor, I• ale, • ».• •C. • r.,>, wt.,. can aefo' ale.l:. Ito .tea.• It t >a the preal•as ; • t:1115 W.I. 5o 11l Dlan»n , l etr..at.Pßt•. c•;: 2 • Ono now St..3am Engine. web cyltadur, NJ thel. Wake, ue heavy trrot led tCa.se.,• e a. , 2 u e v e ertan 2 . o '.1.0 5..cc...1•44.41 • .- 11 1. . ,y.auti.e. w leeti et.oka f.•zolet 2.1.,11en, 3 , 1 SO feel i rag. 19 S • cahl I1111:41 es:. •1., Meer Peak, C a PJ.wi. F 0 it SALE—STEAM SAF — ilAt ILL AND OIL ELLVINEIII.—Ths otwe.foalf o whoho hof op 00 11eta.,7 Led Slew= Saw Hill, with ten tad.. alf acres of gwoocul oh/canal:moot coal ca the lot— soloeopec awl Lenall warted, eft - nate cm the Allectoony TLIILr load A V. IL. EL, le °Sem, for tale. The nefloori to pew wed of modern Imfld. The Saw Llfll VLo @plea. did order, sad to well dm:toted, Emelt/ 'a cruet raualos ft , re W L.waltry for Imlldicrig boat. Pct part/mils:a ull oa tie caderalpned. LTDAT & QIIODPLtiBIDO &RC it Po. Si Mod Janet. Pt ttaburgh, Pa. F" Aladdin Oil Works, 116 Vrw.d• Petroleant Tasks, io prlmr order, robseserliall, boil. or prim. tirribor, oo Icr sod will cootolo mar 250 bwrrole *web. A: phew'," mar Co wads al lb. llollaory i..rmstroug Or, or Owl UM. l Pittoborgti. JOUNSTON 6 WILKINS. myal:tl OB:4ALE-A VALUABLE FARIS' uatr.l In 1Y of tr..-sr.lab.l oonnty. Pa , fff 0211. from I zalirs from AlbeighenT ViCle, R. H., at Lo tt o't rr), statalnleg 200 ...—reboot 120 acme clom.r.l, 40 taros enowlem. E rot bathing 110.. ,••• !lota horn Thta It an of cahoot atm% or itrbiti Wm, Lama .t.ll watored by novo, falling florins. Cf, u'd tub aoh to <lvWu Into two forma Tar perttealen en.ialre of d L. 041130 N, 11 r 81 Federal 4tseet, AlligheiLY OltY ti. A AT 0 A LE tfi% Lit nA ?UR 1.7 T PA t, rtnl LlRal DWZI,7- 1:.0,114 groat in nttaTimi,an Cam. rts.an, tr ert, nerertnd by Chrtnnan IhAnyen. Into od tut PrAtingh.syn. StablAng and ontbaildlup In the nor of tte Vvlrst arcr,. WEED. L. tutona , 101 roarth erect. Yittabt.r,th 1.74 - 1 E FAR S! or HO Aenoo, in J.' s low.ship, Beaver esanty. snd flee colloo f: :er tL. t titer, en wbinn U nr,tr.a s nonsf:rt...l.l. I.sru. Se. About Oil acres elesrtli, and good trail cu sa.stke.:ses enlclte of . . . . 0. RT.lll2lGrt, Nu 10 Dimn Al:NO,n, 01.7 VOR B.ALE ux ItENT—A Farm of 52 1 Atm, good lard. le Wlllieta towir•htp,' adiololog i.l Prl r P,relanin• L i arid willalo • .4t,rt of tb. P•ortsyhonla Railroad. Tyre,. ....calk.. MootWe of WIL WARD, Tint door from rim. az Oraot riroat _ - - - CLAIMI AG E.ArT.S. W GUN DEL SOLDI W. J. & NALL PATTERSON. OLAilt AGSZCIA, 1110. 144 Fourth •troot. Pittsbetrecy . Are rreo.e4 to collect cY $lOO Bounty due Wounded Soldiers, INISEDIATLIX. lefax I lb* , 0 . a Murphy e Bow, WOUNDED BOLDIEEK , Ws or soreet, mar Tem. 7 w VO It SA I. E—PENN STREET PROP ,' rirry.—Tb, tbree:tt ,r 7 BHA mutat,. Ing num.. No. If Penn street, erltb lot, baring (T. , 01 cf YO tot 0 inebee, running beck HO feet to le v.lol ell,v e &WV. In en excellent LOC•CiOiI tot ra• , t poepreee P.nqntre of ,1 T. A. IIerLELLAND,SS rtnla street. FUR SALE. _ _ • _ A T117112.57011T MICK HOIEFAIL, ennlslotng atz 'Cams and ball, looaftl on the corner of Ltg.n •no Derator Octet,. AJj a tan-e.nry 3111316 ➢uCIF, adjelnlng tho abort, [rooting on Logan 4/.43 The at., report, trial:4 tole eh-n+ and on Ifbaral tome roll:dee of T. ➢. adm•r , TO LET—For 12 years, A LOT OF .1. Gutman TitpSTINQ alr OHIO LAMl,Alletbs. ny City, tow ehaT T. W. A G. It. H, Pop, 100 WI Dept VI IS they, =tub,* toss trlaahko. O.IW. Bli6dc• ttotth or riasionmakerfnot, A Mild Ira mmat tour, ilhattetwor 09 tbepr.tritot. Itlf) tt MHO. OR SALE—The' entite BOA anl b.:tures .pf Awn 63Wi11011714101111131,,MD biolloB_ birQUI.I2 °tiered trz Nts ob, goal- 41noeb0; All - quaatloakanswored eglikb, and Aro partleutiri Lit= by 4,4*,minc,y,rna tux eutottly City PoetOtilot, - WNW CaIRPETS, OIL CLOTHS, qt. OiNT - 13N - 11 - A;inSiG: DIFARLANO, COLLINS & CO Um. it ADD tS rirra B'lltriT. Nerviest raceleed • masa invoice, of FREHE CANTON FTBA W TTIN , I, of 0., eelet.eated B. F W. too rrataticm The quality of thee .goods to ets. appmscb able 1 , 1 any otiose mattMg Imported. and the limisr.l gratatty r. adera them mry deatenbles. COB., C. a CO., have a/so lust tvoeired a bye es• scribe] twat and Saudaume eta Bs of Fancy Plaid Matting,=. AU of o blob bay. p.n. been loaded, sad an. then: dam the F. 4 / 3 11tiT lIIATTINGB IN TIM 11.4.EMST. Pox general stock of gads In MlI mentrpused In en• tort or owlet,. and we at Moen odor Our patrons the lowest prices the =dun will .Sorel• 31 SUMMER GOOD CHEAP CARPETING, M A U . T I N 0- S , We hate oar, open a eptendfd eaeorhheat of Wllllll, ISMS sad /SHOT MATTINCIS, At prime lowor than the rasters market stet. The attention of the public le called to the abort Cie.% 00 Ih.l I!OURPASS, WEARIN AND WE any otter CHEAP OADPSTII7O to the msrtet. OUVEIi OLANTOCK & it , 23 PITH !MEET. FOURTH STREET i KW 'STYLES 4 gel or WINDOW SHADESI• 6) IiZOSIVED THIS DST. 1.7.! , NEW SPRING STOCK " C -A- S, RLLL exesor.ED OIL OLOTH. !: AT ALL M'l3. g CARPET STORE. F14,4'09, J 9 US ore. WANIFLINE. A BARR, AOICUTI 05 ras At. Bradbury & Schomacker & Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, AND SMITH 5 , 5 co..es) American Organs and Melodeons, 50.11 BLJCIL, ST. CLAM ET. W. Mk. p'..nr• m refornel , • th.m3 .130 1.•••• pomemm4 them tr...tence,r.ti in Pittlirtr4l, 4.04 viciter7; kid:Lard Peril, , Y. IL , Apt Cv.-bnIM, i.e.., „ the 1114.11. A 0 J. P Pr It. U. Bluliterv, C. 11 Dove, 110,1. , A 11 , 11. Do. , u. Unot..tt.r, • J S,r..tratikltr, r.. Ihrecervadi P‘ Am./troy, Tour:7,ll4lra, Pa 1 , ..r.1 l'arland E. Litorl T. e.qt. 11 Cot wni. 8..1,110101.3 'Bar. U. Ilrprr..., dorrittley. Dar IL Dolsktruatl. LoatodsrtUrs, T. t.hato E,ati,P.kland 6. Geop.lP.mt I I vrrpcol, 11 Pml,cum,'Sty. %I In. J. loon. dn. Bor. P A ha 71.tt I. J. IL 11,.`1tra.,1., Fmll..hertl. Jobe M.C . r..14). 40. ,'t Mott., , srarr.ntad for fly, ream A it,. .414 .r.d rent. WEBER'S PIANOS. ' Tol •••11111 , jt ,11, • T, aul.ALyibvr Au 11p. pl.unre of annoncing that •a• •vvotot,4l 114 ill, %Int ` ca In. Sala of WEBER'S PIANO. 3 !Jr Pittatn,gla .a 4 wklotty. Theis InAn.,/t, thattea ftrerwit•ly tu.known Ltre, .24nyr1 an rm. • !.LIJ r point' .n thaaaa:•rn ci:l.l, n J any p‘. 77....78 qua-W. wt./ rec tntnl 1.41,1. to no a: atna't nr. 48.1ce amwrtza... Jr Waltga S Yl A 51.14 1,0 put t.nrn sBt,,,rlwr to tL. JUJeutinta of tlJa 70..77 la Inv:L.4. Cfi P.:.::3 . C. MELLO:I, at! al atraot. K NA Si S UN RI V ALLED. 1 , 1 A.IN TV A „., BEyOzlD a DOCIJY, TUH II r MADE : 7 , 1 by MIA iILOTIT diellls. 47 rifth •t., /YU Salo A(..1 for rittlburan and St mt. I'.. plem.)s • DIELODZON6 I A •.7 1 , .. , c• notaartmatat of thus, nod all otter M cal Irattrunieuta, for ads by BUT IrblANfl, frOVSL ,t CO , )5 13 No. 63 TIM atreet. Eleber'a 4.1 .Land. 131M10 DIi'IDE.NDS OFF - In OF Tint Prrtlarnetil. rO6. 'NAT. } enn Nick. 11,ar t Pitteborgh, P., July MM. DIVIDEND.—Ihe Board of Directors of this Compete.) hors this day &elated . Dieldend of 4 , 1, PIK GEST. oo the slums of lb. original ()sotto. 410,0 of lb. PdTdPid Mt. of Goreroinect Tex,. co end after the ith of h. livid, ported% at the 0l!h of the Oatopoty to lb!, city, .ad at the Trawler A gmlci, W trfflow. Laldear leo., ho di Wall etreol, New Y. ek, u lb. ogee/thee...len, as tecisterod at the rospective ark* s. Ibe Tratafer It Rk. of lb. , Cowponylll close . . Lo the tOth of Jul), Instant, at 2 o'clock D. m ..n2 math clotted until the 6th tity of Actium tbareektlar. By hrday of t h. Board. fylthtstut] W. U. ItAWSES, Pactetary. DIV li). IJ Orrfox or Prrraeosou 1 Diaro,l 31talsa Pittaboest, July r . I I he The Dusotor• of [Cs f tug/D.3;l'. aeol flogaraear lave flea reed IL I.fneeelesrl LA tea on ha elspital Scoot, to re* Imes. mar .land at the class of buelfloas Os :fall:at:or, tebe 214 loafaral, parable to Steckbol4ma or th, , .r legal repre• ntail,n on and after TEltell.blMY, the 4th of august ICeatara 6toekboldant aid recetve their env -14, nd et 15. 0111ce of the Conran! No. 20 Alll7 .treat, Barton, Mau. TELOS..g. DUIC6, troika:lrv, jgwit • DI VIDEN D. Omer er BIXCORirr t PITIIIIOII OIL Oa.. t eotuth 1 hied et.. OILLIa. Jety 1854. f The Dtrectofs of the Alleighetty A Pitutbergh Oh Ocaa. pat, halo Mb day decbtreti • Dlvt:«nd f TWO PER CEIrT ork the Ottit‘t Bt. a, fur the 1110000 OI June, free of tax. payshilc ott•r..l attar the 17.1, hot. fylD.:Ot ti /I. S. LANE, Peeretary. •14X BOUNTY TO ALL WOUNDED 11OLDITIRS, to now tolot pol 4 e 11 .tth 'Mich/0o" go charge mode antg the mooed L. collected T. <= DAT. Idoeur4 by th e S. Government. No. LOT TUVA ens% rittibmg24 4 door below the Catbedni. FOR RENT—A - FINE EiTORTI RODM, lila Immates awl ;MAIL az tot OM thinna mind, az redwal stmt. Allarsiz_Olty.,,romornae, ilptet •ety - : inecasrtr oevaptill lay Clawor." apply to . Jens Dam Orl3 l Ager k war %tr. L'ext hOoso to Y. 0.. wooed Moor, 'trOLUNIE „fik XV 11---NO:;-193 - BooKR. ./ La U.llB, Arc. LORING'S NEW BOOK. Margaret and Tier Bridesmaids, UT TEM IkUTROU or The' Queen of the County E5M5:1=172 SLo Load..ja rays " W may wee carmine. the lovable of ghicg say length.ao twit w of that work. far aro moommanti ell who ate in sonrch of n fascinating nav .I, to re.l ft far themalmw. They wiU End tt wellWrortn their while. 'I be storw 1. very interest! g. It 1. tba hitaoty of loot .11°0 tvilows. lianysrot, the heroine., Is of csorse a woman in the highest ttath of per/softest But Goa,— tte Bale, witty', vrtid, brave, fascinating Lotty—la the goat of Mal hook, sod u fu u our experiance Is naval. reading goes is an entirely original charatter--a ore•• tiort—ard a Teri obartnikg one." Thn•London Ohreerm says: none la wrest dr& Is f name, end the thi. of tide chersniew novel augests • wends bevotry for hero. fxse and Warted. - weeltee, Margaret—La tdergnesite —a dal., the pet doers of fe all; Immortalised byso teeny poet, I Tile Margaret of this story bbtaaty, wentlenesas, podnass, sfeeslon, and lova, giotiattalY tr t . Med. Flo story that ocean to oor memory matalna more Intsrvet thaw this for novel readers, partkollarly those of tha Med. sex; to whom It ti dear lavorlte." Tba London 5.14 ;Ay. ILL. tale lidtitingiebierat b froileas. Of feellogiind duttmetarm of spirit, end is omelet ...1Y Mon of co ordinary talent, as it beam a draft to tte pse•• tluet Wrest. lerlatetibly. We are terms Wong la admiration, in ityrupalby..l to pity for the bombe. Ile , garet'i young Mends are admirably ekes... mho are irderumed by vim. of fe.hg, promote 'Nana.. and tier Brit/rm.... The Landon Monday Poe says A large measure of popularity may he predicted for thht med. Ilia characters are drawn with mat abili ty sal laossiedita of human uutetro, and du style to ducat and poiated." '•2tABGABYT AND Rill BRIDZSILLIDA” most prows ea t11119(011e fs , ortts with ear &merle in Lefties, aa it le now sad ha+ Iwon for years with the Iftftllsh.• Larlaeo Boston rotllcallons for sal. it BEARY .MINER'S TI & 73 PITTEI EITItErr, Dort door to P. 0 *4l 55 JEKtooto Hun , ekeerer 1 75. Faith Get trie, 's 1 75 is 75 RALLY ROUND THE FLAG BOYS. LINCOLN AND JOHNSON CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, ttb 5.6 thn r. 95/ UNION SONGS -I.BIOE 15 016b73 JOHN P. HUNT, 69 /11711187RSZT, .19.11101 1 110 JIMA." 1101 , 1/9.11.1 :5 , 55x ,p9.ld on re9.lQl A' prim )) K" 08, QUEENS AND I.'AVICS SO LONGED. ' NATIONALITY EV - Ilt TV/HEBEI TO IQ Ull3 LEM USED LGZIG E 9013013 Eagles, Shields, Stars and Flags, Degignata tba Sults In tt. Mil.llll3Ali 0A.8.D 0011PA1177 UNION PLAYING CARDS. COLOBIL 11557ZAD OF EnCO. CODDTS3 QV LIDERTT INSTEAD DT QIILIN ==s! Ea- Volga (*Ell -- yct my In • nut JOHN W. PITTOCUCH NEWS DEPOT, Wing 6781E1T, OPPOSITZ 'MI eon ()mom. THE GOLDSR CENSER—This 13 the nano of Bradbury. nest Sabbath School Dusk Snak. 'cat cut. In ft . ..mean and Interest lt Is be11...A to to tail; equal to the Deli. Con. or Shouvr. Prins. covers,t; ousts stnalt copy. Cr tll per boo. st.l coot., nr SII Sut4r..l. Scat fro., by =all, on reeqat of FL.. 172 i DAVIS. CLAD% £ 04.,53 Wood streets OTTORArE Fs. NIACICEELL 44 JOHNSON, dni U.S. LIOEiSED S')LLUEES' CLiIN IGEVTB 14. m ties for Wo.ded Bolthers coUxted 1. from tea to toct,ty d.v.. Uffire. No. OS GSA NT STUISET, Pitaborgh. C.ll.lthiiutoblir...o4 tw• de26.1) G. GALBRAITH, Attorney end Counsellor-at-Law, FIIENTOB.T, ♦amanaJ Comm jyllm • PH35.541.V STA JAMES LAI FERT Y , all Legal !mhos rroiniqty attondool to. Orem, N 0.1136 TOUBTII frPSVET, low Grant. Pitta. boron. oplttalaira MoMASTER it G.&ZZAM'S L..A.W <-1 0' FICIG. No. 08 GRANT lIITELISWIr ap-Ttly S. C. SCHOYER, Attorneys S• Low. OZ., Ho. = folarth eland. Pletainnb. OILS, Sic. RIDER is CLARK, CVELISIL.IO3 lIVELGiIAIITiI 13=1 ratroletom and Its Products, Wit, PLVAD STILCZT--- --Hwy Tam ac iv.vms i 1= FROM' 6113..—.Prrraratut. CT 4 - .1, POSI - Lk HIT.‘IS:IIMI OIL w 031113, EIXW T 037: PA.B.A.YILITE OANDL3 00X. pa. 57, V^. S. 07.1.1L1T1A8, kat" OS WC.. A 121.117mkt RIL LUCENT OIL WORKS, DUZCA3, DUCTLII2 Ea N., ihlattn,..rr..l Pere Whits Laza Qtrhoz 011, Leo, la. ml 1.126160:1 =5:1323 FAHIION 613 LE - ,so DESIRABLE GOODS' roa GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING. 2 , 1..XL3£C TO ORDER, IN THE BEST STYLE AND' ANNED, R.. B.; NORRIS, 41g MUNE mos, • - 111 0 FEDERAL' STREET. Alksghenss Cl=7-100 bbts Rovitaar JrD /D.l TEi; -' ASSEMBLY.—Iore . Eii,it.'4 . . irt,of the rteretch of itraperathellito."l4lll be ...M. d.t. r,.r Arse•shly. Stem the dha.att abgth rof th. •:. ! . &cis!.a of tbJ 17/413 C6 . o:lty Coronet.. 4 , SSEM BLY. , —JOrte . _of 81. CLair tovail/fp, Irpyr—rarl:l , •r .t mem rolject to de•CWO ttE : ,;tlt. - p c t: ael ,13v....) • • A iNSE3IBLY.--GEGPf .Ith rapt*. tp., c1:1 be • IWididst47.7r.A.s -tobly, from Um DlAarist south of tha • -iitatortibie.t to tbo doolof , fvof the On Oor.ty .A.S 4 f..NiBLY—DAVLD Sniran of Up pr Fr. Cl•tr, (Mir of tho let Pettr_sylramt• Be mrr. Carstrr,) .111 bo • catrdittats tisrAssatally. from •ho District south of the rirrrs, subject - tit try .orlon of the Dtpublitsta zartArntentS9a. ‘ll•72tso PROTEtt . MV:ARY.— 'Smart. Till be scp. , l4&.fa Arc tts. orProtbssia Lary, catjact W c acct.'. of 44. A'.4 4 .a *Witham Octmti Oonveztlon. )142L-to PRO erthe Strt WU to. tho alto of Protborotsfroz.Vooe do the tt...e5t , ..r.,: no Union IttpallamOonivittla,l2Mto tl i Vor r t;;; *..a .,i ':4lVLTZ tuy. uttput duittcu ctr Vl4-s>ablicsa Convant... PROTHONOTARY.—TIIOI - Sair. win •• • ... mai% twth• deka et Swam. tu7, tobloos to tbs Cattail of Os rttlas I=ss Consoattost. COUNTY 0011311MIONVC4PAv1n VT.) . Co 1tO) of a-D . lllrd Wordy; flAllathigh rrilf be a eaarlidaa for County Marusalsiolar,arrtarritta the drclaira al the Utrfao Ifertter.a Crrararitoa. ap:fflts --- courpr-r COMm serdilsa= t ANT, Fenn torzahl.744 loa at Mist. for the above o@oq, imbject t6O. &daft of the Unita Ileyotlicatt 0,0r.t7 Gotrronticau:..- --lahltelerto UNTY CommrkwrOtle4Joair Hac~at Wtlktn.tonnitstp,4llll44.otadl. data far Comity Commialanar,subJect to tbstdecision a the-Dolon Benr.bl.t.n Goanty Cloovsolion. Wats - 11 - 7 - 00171.71'Y COMNISIONEIR,—,4I2.aff mho Pam, orEest Nee WOitahtp, esadhlate OR the othoeof ColluteWeleheedereiltahje4 to the deciefou of the llttlezt Boyelltfitept qty log. j 6.7loalawrie rremPROTHONOTAVY-1316. It ir ai will be • teadtdate for the llM.4tit lublect to the 4eotelon at the ljatli_Oolttleattort. ftlOnlaerte .7.F r Oßc lef i v 241.71 ., ji —o .y az Moat . 44#, At the dHM tat Comma at Allegheny Camay, j , tiffna eLe emenlng Canals Calc. Wa CollolsTEß.—Asss. Altai will be a cooadato for the GM. of Ckkrookriiaidoct to Mit Seciakat of chs Itcpublllcan Union CotattrOoltrattgloft. malc•Lavto • ' CORONER.--BoLoans tit i.A,'of tr.ghtma, will be • Mal:tato foi.iloirowsr.eiltdelit to the decloton crib* Vidal. Omar aeannuw iontaa (7, TIWER.-1 , B. • IkOtTr . of tellect to the== . oi l Ltatia l tlOdkaa °pant; Cloovettlon. UCTIOJr • IAI PROVED CITY PRO#EItIY AT I COCICT —4:InIttdDAT LIMN. !Sri. Aoscat dth, at 8 eclork, silt DanflEd s st the PON, rorrelel eaLts Boons, St Tirtb strentl - rry order Se tlti Ccurt, Its to:kw - fog valnsb% Improved' city p. si eft 8, Delarniieg to atoll , cr• Mine* Le^ diced . lap lot on corner of /abates-Inlet nor Straw nem alley, frontlet ES feet Co Litsrtitstreet and ran i:deg tun toClacrp arloy, ficinoct74 pie roar coney Berl Warsleotro, 18cn.S15 cod 2441 Inrrra ize io rrarof atom on eortirtor Snagelcarrs rod Cber are; r, fronting EU foot onfltralrborry aDdYs .150 an arcrogo dep.l. of 50 fret. wharlin b orsesd • ttree-rory Brick Oman Home, a fltatBAllostor. a Oft mot ds.abla BeoUiog...L . .TZTOM of Salo—Our third earn, .4 Viniganon la ow rind two Irony with interest, orcurirk:S7 Nara 'and ruct - 4 , 40 , ;103.!.e.rtil e. ada,lo'4l2l7.:tmeilr. O- FPI:IANS' COIJIii SAI MAL. COLI4 LEE 7EI pEcepa Tit,IALWIIHNOb LLB TUBSOAT Idall3l9o.i•Angtnt Wi. ak 14 o'clock, au be acid, on she grrrilitert. founting On Cr. enstrarg Pike. ht Boron& of Lawrentalfli; tha alt Ealtelm Le. eh Homestead, which ke.34Meninattileida4 into the Moe Ina V Building 'ou t •bandsonfly iltUe aced cn she Ounnekterg D. and on Wide .{create. 1 L:t n 5 feat trout ou the pike, and,entanding book to Vaulty .:reel, 1713 feet TX Inches -deep nn Otte bide and !lo feet li} ether, vh*.oottueat.t the tarp end eibetantiel Ihrick prellig knows iistkij Leech tgansten. 9 Lora reek Hi feet front on tha Dl4ltg3 ariehAsit he 100 fret to I , ...lrelese alley. • 4 Lot. each 24 fiat front an the pik94ll Zang bark to Denny .frost, from 54 to 11019, es, dirptb.„ 1 Triangte. L. 4 5.) feat front on grsalre, Int back 54 feet 9 inch. and it. basonikett. 16 Leta each 94 feet 19.4 int Liberty, strut. aid ft tendirg La:k ton Di it. alley, (ratan -41.10A.14. 1 Lot 24 footlo Naas front on Demrratreet, exited ing back to 74/rele. airy, in dentk TT hitt I% Lobes on one tide, .4 so No. 734 tr.i.kt Caiti*obter;beinc 65 feet in the mar. 1.2 Lo. ntr.h fret front on Dinanr strast, lila ex tpodlog to k to Park alloy 1? fres I Lot St Let s:iuthea frost' on Denty , 4rro!, and irg• trading book to Park alloy 127 feet- Plans yak to obtair.ed at the Arloaon:Soom; Ito. 6il Flab buret. Yaar•a or 6aut—Ox.tlaird cash; traWtce In on* sea t. .1 years. with ictardt, eaczred beat . an 4 mangier. la,Lalrld A. gcILWAXE . LOW E; A UCTION SALE OF •CO _YDEIENSO 110R9A4, Wax DCZAretYVNT, Clavar.atiltincier. OZ. of ChtefQvtrarttiester. W4112113 . 6Z021, Julie. VIAL Will be sold at Public Auction, to the tort Weer et the time and places anoint below, via_ __ Lthauon, . Thunday. July lath, LAW•4I Eel:Ain', Ps Ibtoaday. Jul Vet. Harrisburg, P... 'lbuiraday,July PAIb,AVA; Mtooria. P. . ihttreday, Aur , U 1614 4. - 1; Villincorprrt Ps , arrest tb, lgal; Elundt...l Lily Cherah7 Hers= stAlinb plasa4 be** lioira bate Ina. weir...m.4* =lt Cu the Cavalry 6 n iceof the encl. Tor lined and Tam purpoya many krAid berigaina mar be-had. • Flom .lurly. in United !tabs ertmeet. . JA-1113 12Kihr, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief tAuartiroautar. JyYnaullC.laalty Berea& SE Pri..irG .17.113H.M"E8. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE, BSPOSIB hbat tha witzEZZAZ k WILSON mbt. Ih, 'LPCIE StrtCal mad ranks bigheat, oa acconid* the olueteftry, permaacace. oesol . 111:4 general didlrableaaso et the 614,btsig two u doss% nal rtba yr:do rJ of Its stptisstioa." THE"LOOS STI.TOW t. talsamtfly acktrosrle4o tbs laq bat far all ktid of an d . R 'matron only cem.batttbal*:ixt of Thimiar Vlt that ts mat= ti* tas "Cltvi.lt !the," babinn, 1.1:10•61chg • sawing of SO MIS to 12.6 Q PAZ DAT. the WIIIELEM • 111001116 ' the only meat. wing t14!OLISII rIIPBOVLITLY79. Ctal ra-Iscrano, F. 42. 2? Irina Ulan- wrt, suafxEn ac Cu:; Agenta. — . Hz...? GRAY'S l'ktENT MOLDED coUARa Ar. bet el=piy elst piece. dr psper ordl4,The YR= ea rnllu, bet tar Hebeest es.l r3laied fa .f4:414 , ••ek,. barft • pi-thee corn pre frees osier. or ter*, skit/113 ette . 'su t ra by oar pstoleted lances., eddel37,4ieeecoo M/. otter eetrsattge roexand "by to ode. a. postto the tore-dotritelTe.l4:4iTirof A's* Her Ay =bolt aadtmo train pat*At, easklagapot corer—for ram, testxese aLd•derabttlii:—armgetatlitt.. , Thai are made to tarn-down style, {welted from LIM, and to Garrote from 13 to IT luebAkceuelpickeer W rest Use boxes, opeoo eacb ; stn laAkarekorgee earth—the Titter a :eery' had..dy padtdir 4 t fet trae*elyr . army and ase7 °Mot.. itcg-EVItEtY COLLAR b sta=rk' L. Grayfe Patent ISotdtd Cu a i.' . Eoli by eat, MAU dealer to Men. ripa'Arbir. : 4„Fr .. maa. , Tho tndo actplinl -1 YAM. Drums, korkgkr. k 004 • : 6.7. Maim.; J:6 I ILOVELICT t 00.,„ - ... • 7 Warrea str":l2Taviriet..... F" 8-u'R 11610E031:331TZ ran • ii_peotott* ' .1 On. wife trans Meech crezlo Mier, egg =gang g basing 'ear 1.2 Aro 2i nay to ' nuts wiaitsow, /71 -*-n roR BALE. , -At or Ofista, gictia k ' ti =me of &WU out florolost:irtnoth is the BOrgegh of airlntaftof% Alf% ens Ok Woo: of Tao !rpm aarrocuri Colt% Zi/OtN I V /OP" 02ralei Zoo sad Ifotratb LI3EO b ett for sale • It 2 a caLairlat. l =ti t .:; .•-• I, , --.-, 11 a '._. . .., .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers