ght Pittsbur g h Ma r. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3,1864 AiIIONAL UNION -NOMPATIONS. ANNA.IINDI LINCOLN, .or 1111nolc Mt nat I.IE.SIMITT ANDREW JOHNSON, of Tenneesee On our fret page this morning will befou l : i d very full telegraphic denote of the assault on the' Rebel works at Petersburg on Saturday sat. The Opens one of the New Tarld. The New Vor Compirrcia/ Adr,ti:, cam &tem that the ow tariff Ls driving foreign goods out of the country. did bas been in ope ration a month, and it Bays that during the two weeks from July 12 to July 26. foreign ' goods were expotted Allred at $2,670,157 'mirth in currency $6,7000300. In other • . Verde, foreign golds worth nearly 5'....,00,0041 - = In gold, that came here to Seek a market, were Dent Leek whence they came because the iti• tied lien so high. That paper says : . ttfit;was the intention of the framers of the 2, ibmthat , those goods should have paid about - r 51,00,000 of gold hate the trateury ; the aotetal : • .ittrestilt fp that they pay no - revenue, The goose rs ,,, fgleing teen killed. that wos to lay the golden aim Under a moderate system of ctutios,•l, "leoot three quarters of a million of gold would 7 harle been cense:ad; which .hasithus far been ateatiflced by the folly of oppressive duties. The receipts of thelut four weeks have fallen iR nearly cts•-half from the avenge receipts of -121 g 1 Cerrent year, a signitlasat, symptom of the ::f:Steratuna of revenue likely to accrue from the :t Ittririew;" :the Intention of the framers of that , bill, ifsuidemrtand aright, to check the mild land reckless spirit of importation which was Nit disking the country of is gold. The anal : _eiffltsagance, of the American people eulneue policy of importing for itstsitda and luxeries, and nothing short of an almost pinhibitory tariff seemed likely to • "op' , We araabid to ate that the bill has f ,hed-this -.-. effect—that it -hart In two weeks ••:. semi as $3,1:40,000 in gold, and that it is • daffy sating us hundreds of thousands. Bel ': to send-.the foreign goods back than to stand - the gold -to pay for them. It was high -- 'time - to- put a check upon the national reek ' helmet* in this respect, and we are heartily ,glad to find that the law is operating to that • desirable end. The Adecrtiterltirther says: 'anti demand foi foreign merchandise has been nu:strionsly - Intericipted by the necessary ad ancoln pricas,lhat Importers have no call for the goods they are importing, soda very large vier:hien of the receipt' is ironic:silently pas. ;I=rto band, the bonded waraheetess being from basement to roof, while private startnium to be licensed for the reception of the gammons bonded =ryes!. There are lbw portant - commodities that will at present sell - seat, and while sash is the state of the mar- - -- -quetimporters hare netrulneatuent to take golds into .stoek. This state of things clearly fore • - stadcwe thehaturevonnie of importation. The • duties put up prices so high that oonsumpti le • 'blithe greatly limited. Imparters foresee this, . mad hare therefore curtailed and enuotermaaded -their orders. The import leone will thus be greatly reduced, the people will suffer by de - prevatfon of the articles they need; and, at the • same U1:15, the public revenue wilt be curtailed. ' Trade and the Government will thus suf. far tcgother from a nitature that wee blindly de- Mended -to regulate the ono and enrich the other." The Adrectieer speaks in the interest of the importing merchants, and this is Asir view of ' - . thp,matter. There are, however, other and - feiglier interest. than theirs. 'rho people can •-:;weriiriell do without the foreign goads; the ravenneis a secondary consideration to that of.thir public 'good, and west It lacks in one quarter can be made up in another; and the 'government will not become bankrupt, we itust, - hecanse we do not bankrupt the people by rending all our gold abroad to buy foreign Toiuries. The importing merchants are the ir•litilystifferere; and while they keep a sharp eye to - their own interests,. they need not temahle themselves about n bat the government et the ',toile will Buffer becalme tl-e tad? is - ..-2tooJrigh, for the importing traie. Relief for tha Safferers .It has been euggeeted that a public meeting of bur citizens be held to-day or ter-morrow, `to devise ways and means for the relief of therenffereis by the destruction of Chambers PPM' The humane and Christian obligation to relieve the two thsceand hemelees sufferer& is admitted , we presume, by ad. It Is not fa?' is to make cur charity dependent upon the acquittal of the people of Chamb?rsburg of all responsibility for the destruction of 'their property, but it i.. our manifest duty slave to-elothe the coked and feed the hun gry without stepping to inquire how they be came naked or hungry. In the present in. stance, no critiO/HD %bat can be male upon the action of the people of Chain bersborr can, by the Mc'et illiberal application, be mode to ap ply to the wcmea and cd•ldren who were driv en. from their homes in , o the open ti Ode. Let there be prompt action. AL few thou sand dollar; which can easily be spared by this rich Comintrnity, will alleviate a vast struntint of auffertog. Pittsburgh should not now :argil, nor do we believe she will, a chap• ter in ker owe history, when a Calamity sim ilar to that which hoe befallen Chamberebarg. celled fortis the material aid of almist every city in ,the Union. Let OD therefore resolve to ace .thi manly part by promptly providing sacmey'lind clothing for the Charnbereburg nafferere. Philadelphia and - Harrisburg have carcocly-mtede liberal contributieue for their l'elief—the latter city having reified tea thou- Band debars at a public meeting on Monday nighL 'The Negro at Petersburg. Already tko Copperhead hiss is heard that _the Where to take Petersburg on Saturday hat xI d0n, _unsoldierly conduct of the colored troops, Wo take an equally early op ltortnnlCY to'nell the charge to the counter as Ike baeeil of all Copper coinage. But "Born. ed4ols Differs" 'need no elaborate defense of -their conduct on that trying occasion. The Ilse of Thole dead, wounded and lllialthlf, tells the .etory of their heroism more eloquently than aught we oeuid o.y in their proist. ett d the enileincd figures, ja r eiouderere of barer and truer mea than yourselves, and then king your heads in shame far daring to • Wife? mean a falsehood teens ox rue acorn Atilt' cost'" . Twenty-third United States. coisred-eFif firert•cffieere killed and wounded: four hun dtadji/ent inoluding the missing. _ Twenty - eighth United States colored ttleten efficets, and one hundred end fifty kiged Wounded, and mieaing. Ttionty.iieventh United States colored—Six officer, and about one hundred and fifty men killed, wounded and missing. Twenty-ninth United States colored—Eight, insets and about two hundred and seventy.. firemen killed, wounded end missing. Thirty-first United States colored—Se yen officers. and about two hundred men kills d, weintded and miming. torty-third• United States colored—din of. eertrand'a large 'number of men killed, ,wounded and Thirty-ninth United States color ed—fire eral effierre and about two hundred and fifty amen kited, wounded and missing.' `,STODDARD B. COLD; of Vermont, baa been appointed lleglator of the - Trelaury Depart-. Miltl4 , ill place of Loirsz, E. ) puirrica l ny rcaysed. FE spies= PrESlaiDElf expressee mno h gratification ad the manner in which the ne w loan ,being Men by the people. Esters's Sri Si ;it received from bat comparatirely few`pointe;'bat theaggiegate reported, o dilly aid uneacially, is already o,er ton_ Spilefirded by the brava leltaisel Pay:wassceured by Geo. A. - W. 01,iikir 'of , Vermankitho,br. volt igi L lklaitozi: tha t Btete• - • tientrat- Cloaca: A statement ,has teen made to as by an old citizen of Chamberaburg concerning the burn ing of that town, which aide additional weight to the charge of incompetency which has been made against Gen. Covert. The statement is substantially this: That General Cauca,' commander of the Department of the Susquehanna, whose headquarters were: at Chombersbrrrg at the time of the late raid, in forund the citizens on Friday ifsernoon last, at two o clock, that the Rebels were coming. and immediately afterward commenced to pack up his effects. and actually left Chem bereburg that evening, accompanied by all the soldiers then in the town, number. log, recording to our informant, about finy. It was, this precipitate action on the part of Gen. Coven which led the people of Chambersburg to believe that resistance to the invaders would be useless. Our inform- ant asserts most positively that, if Gen. Coucn had remained in Ohambersburg during Friday night and organized the citizens, they, in Connection with the fifty soldiers. would have been abundantly able to prevent the burning of their town. The Rebels, it will be remem bered, did not enter Chambersburg until Saturday morning. Our . internment also says that, if Gen. Cutcs on Friday afternoon had telegraphed to Ilar rieburg for assistance, it would have been p . °Maio to reinforce the soldiers and citizens of Chambersburg that night so as to have made impossible the burning of the town on the following day, by the insignificant detach ment which perpetrated that outrage. There were not many soldiers in Harrisburg at the time, but enough to effect the purpose indica ted. Harrisburg is connoted with Chambers burg by rail, and the distance can be trav ersed in four hours. Snch is the statement, of a gentleman of respectability who called upon us yesterday. We do not ,'vouch, of course, for the oorrect nese of his Information; but, if that informa tion Br correct, we cannot come to any other conclusion than that Gen. Cocci manifested great incapacity on the occasion referred' to. We cannot otherwise account for his failure to aeoertain, as nearly as possible, by =emu, of r coats. the real force of the enemy, instead of taking it for granted, as he seems to havedone, that they were in overwhelming numbers. We remember that, on the 4th day of July, when the invasion of Maryland was about commencing, Gen. Cocos, then at Chambers burg, acted in much the same way. Without knowing definitely that the Rebels were com ing toward Chambersburg, he sent word to all the farmers in the neighbo(bood to drive off their horses and cattle at once. The result was, that the people were panic stricken, while the Rebels did not approach nea r to Chambers• burg. Here was clearly manifested a precipi tance of action that woo not warranted by the circumstances. From the statement of our informant, and the bitter tditorial.i of tho Harrisburg Tel•yr,r2,s, it would seem that that precipitance was more than paralleled an Fri day last. A Brave BotdlerY Opinion of Grant and Sberman Just presiots to his thoth, General Mo- Putruoa wrote s long and confidential letter to a friend, which has been cominuoiclated since the herds death,:to the Hew lbrk E Tort. We copy his eulogistic remarks concerning his superiors in command. °BAIT and Bunniun "Lientexant-General 11. S. Grant I regard as one of the meet remarkable men of our country. Without aspiring to be a genius, or pcssessing those characteristics which impress one forcibly at first bight, his sterling good sense, calm judgmen and pereisteacry of par pot e more than compensate for thole dashing, brillcant qualities which are apt to captivate at is first glance. .know and appreciate General Giant fully, one ought to be a mem ber of his military family. "Though possessing a remittable retiotnoe as far u military operations are conoernal, he is frank and affable, converses well, sad his a peculiarly retentive memory. Whin of opprte,el with the cares of hie railoa he is you fond of tailing, telling anecdotes, tie. 11;9 p urity of character is unimpeachable rid his pau-es tam of .he moet exaLed kind. Be le generous to a fault humane oat trae e atd a steadfast friend to those whom he dims wcrthy ef his 0,138..t0nne, and can ai rways be relied upon in case of emergency. klajor General W. T. Sherman in what might be called a briliinnt man 1 , 0.0+440, • broad and comprehersive intellect_ .1 rapid thinker and rerily writer, fertile in his re- Sources and untiring his exertions, he pc mimes thane characteristics which forriWy impress you at feint eight. 11 1 has mingle ( largely with the word, sod leas tt led nations profereionis"—hoe read and reflected much, and 1 acing a remarkably: retentive memo-y, writ informed on most suljects which come within the 5C pa of human thought. kin is of a muchinure excitable temperament then G.tri-eral Grans, and more apt to be swayed by impulses, though hie judgment is not on cool nod reliable. In other •oide, though a mare tranni dec arc he does 1,:,t poirese that ster g yc.od twonion s-nse which pre-amitontli d..atinguiette, Gen. Grant. ((Ile Se, dowever, a Inert brave and generous mon, thorougitly , in earnest and retdy io eaaiffce everything for the good of his G*7o - He true friend and thoreneVy un •etffsh : 6 n•f (here are na better men—or few, at leeit—qtan Gen. Sherman. lite Late t. el. Mulligan After a 13! ri,a of contrailolory ruoccre, the I -port of dm death of Colonel Mulligan cctftiztel. _rev braver nob:er, more getter cue men bare fallen during the present un ppy rtbellien. fie had ((re superi.,re as ea co: ater he wan an able writer ani a ripe ectular. He wasp Roman Catholic, of coa t attett proftesion, and was an honor to the citirth. tie met hie Leath at the head of his com mend. lie received two mortal woaad•. and was found on the, geld by the robels, several b ure aftetward. Be lingered two daya. The brother of hie wife, James Nugent., also per lobed in the eamo scion, btre. hfulligan, who pad acccroparitd him to West Virginia, "aide her way to th a rebel lines and obtain lug hie body returned with it to Chicago. Thutrhas fallen-one of the most prom! sing and ellgoient cfgcers in the service. Col. Mulligan w;e b)ra in 1;1131 N 1 . .. of Islet; reicoti, to ;!e.; is Germantown, l'a., the ether day, Bona email boys were eittiig on the sidewalk, near the 'railroad depot, making • kite, and as they were shaping the paper for It, a citi zen perusing along that way saw among the covering Intended for the sticks a five butt. dred dollar United States five twenty bond. lie took the oend and went with the boys to their home, and there learntd that a woman belonging to the house had found It in the street. She did not know its charaoter, and picked it up because there were pretty pic tures upon IL The ownrr of the bond, living in the neighborhood, had lost it from his pock et, and had returned to the city after IL lie reecniered hie property. INCHEABED PIIICE or Pares,—The asleep per manufacturers, not content with doubling the price over last July, and tripling price? before the war begun, have made fresh de mands altogether beyond the inoreased prime of chemicals, rags and straw. Already a gond many country and weekly journals have been suspended, and many more must go the tome way. Some publishers are reclining the eise of their pages, and others arc threaten. log to print half sheets as at the dauth. 1E21611y - the printing of erupplements has been Mopped altogether:—S. Y. Etpreet. iducia regret is exprceseirat the declination of Mims Veylor, of the sub.treasuryinip at New York. No other person is yet named Cieco'e succgssor. Mr. Feseenden will take conned with some of the lending ;,biteinese men of New York upon the intbjeot. Ton German Central Union Committee of Kew York have passed_ resolutions plainly disapprovitig of the Cleveland platform and movement, and deolarlng:for Lincoln, sabjeot tctfalr.rmtenationteand Just oritloisom. .VOTWEIL IooTHE DICKi N CON.ThsoinCESY--• Haws. Jklitess • —As there NM=fob. aota• in terest b enuring to ho manifested by the public to the prooredlop Of Ilia Pat burgh llar with • view of aped- ILog obnoxious uetoborlo—perbsp• • inna.l portion of .• of your columns world not Li, m`upproprlated, by Inserting the Impression, which are mad. on mm who thinks for himself, upon a pintail of the facto, as far ao made known to the public. Ilia Vadat; Clroltir's has a tiara signed '•Oteerwoo•, - • obi LI shoots that more person, than myself barn cam to the corichwloa that, the cry of isoaenalify raMod against hlc. Merin Is a were rreie, The Pittabargh Bei}, one would sun., was a most Immaculate set of MALI To bo • reeagolzed church member, In good algid nr, ts thing;--t a• to be a member of this body I or ppom 007 want Its to “requires • morality edfag the MAIM. .on of what recognisod aa ouch be the costionualty. But dm. this:stimport with what nil snow to be, the falling. of many or them, wbaa con• don novel Malmo has art Ls -soeed.ot censurable. For my part, I bodies' ootioloded that It is with them, as whin the rest oFtnankind, "lea.. go by favor eri•Ll tient ,• Why Mr Molten lotto been slogged sot so • par t) for cengure, Ie certainly not di•cernaolo r., thou. at rtaftitsd whth, and, oberrving the general sot:duet of th .1, known a, mend.. of Le Bar. Indeed. A 3 far In f a r , known to .0 , would dlienallnate borg-ly In ha lie gives • trier attention to businesto, le al ways (amid la tits taco In imsinem hours noir r pro• hasinntally engaged ...where, and I orror herd of h froonen tie g grogahcp., loafing emit the morn of the strosta, or, even roiling occasionally In the gutters. To short I believe he attends to his own btalutoo, and, ouch no be is rmph pod to do for other revipin, and ha. few of the ricoe aerial to the clam And If thin should tura rut to be the morot of the .aaalt. upon Wm, It wontd Lo no occaaron of wonder • for, nntortuaately MB to hu man oa• um. • We cannot like • malt whoa, example is a constant reproach la ...arson Lib come olhem of the profsesion and are therefore *oily preJudisei against him." Let the gnilress east the 'at stone, Are those who releases to lead Ihtru•br. to ro , ••••• Pf el fn, without eta • A TaNstas Boman. r" fc7.--- TEACHERS' 'EXAMINATIONS.— -* kppllurit. for &tools will moo for examioa tico u follows Pre'eatteenl esszo/nallens Ihr theme teachers tr'u are err. en St turday, Anstalt 6, at the elecend Ward helmet Howe, Pittsburgh, at P. 0 . C1001.1 m. hicKezeport, rentalltee and alttlin —At MeEseapart, Attroat 11ft, st 9 &deck a, m. w.t Elizabeth—,ll Ellzabott , a.,mt 11th, at U o'clock. EMMSE;I6= Snowdn and t.' per St. Clair—At School... No. 1, la Snowden, Anna 16th, at n o'clock a. la. North and South Toretta—At Noblestown, kattatt 18th. &biter° and Clhartiira—e.t School No 1, lo:Robla eon, a ognal 19/b on 9 o'clock' a. la. Tarantula and Kant Doer—As Tacatum, &avast Ilk at 9 o'clock. Jravra and Ilarriaoti—At Eaat Tarentato,'Aagast 2.341. at 2 o'cicck. Shaler and lndlana—Al NeargebargeAnguet ill!. Pet n and Plum—At Hebron rttercb, A uvut 2fith. W. et Dear, Pine and Bichland—At Bakerstown, Peptem her filk , at 9 o'clixlt.n. M. Hampten and 11oCandlees—S.Irool No. 1 , Ileouptory Pr ptembar Sib, at 9 o'clock a. or. s—Al P. rmirta, Poptember nth. Franklin and illanthell—At School No. 1, Franklin, epyruter orb, at 0 o'clock . m. Not n—At Echool No. 4, noon, September 12th. _Findlay—At Cillutan, Peeptstabor I,3th, at 9 o'ctock. tine -tore are requested to be present et the time, and pieces designated above, that they may N. able to inflect teachers for the Pcbcola on the days of the examluation Iv the several District. The examinations wilt com men. at precisely It o'clock In each ' , atriat, lad leach. Cr. a ming at Italf.paat nine will sot be admitted to th , execoltatlon. Teachers will also ho requlzsd to enter the fleet examination that they attend, or be °sanded Outing the time of lb. examination (ram the room. No private examinations Ti neater. will pleas. ton., pr.• pa ed with • stamped envelope bearing their ad te-es, and canoeing their feat yeara tartlet."... also a flee at reeenue stamp. A. T. Dui' filE fT, Supertutendent. EIGHTH WARD BOUN CY MELT -7,- ma at the Ana liter et Eehe , .l PJ.1,1 TUTS EVENENG 7 - A . o'clock.—Bloat Ili: tees. re pectee• to make toll report, au:. It L ET - 7y-PRESIDENT/3 PROCLAMATION - In. 11111/ or;aalnallon of the Chore, of J.Not ( brief cf La . t.r Day Plots .111 hold Molt. e Worrhtp on Tin C t snal(.4tlt of A,:;. et, at their doll arrr trio 11 , TERNAL 11.11VIAVE uFft43l, relrth ems', •- Wood and Ilarkot ttroote. Son lore .t to tt.nt., .I.lllp. tn. 'The pub le are tovitto3 woten 1 au •It t: - ;-7 - .TH E. ENROLLED MEN OF THB ••• TIDED WARD, t - t tra cf r ot Allsinano, who I sow themselves to he ex•ra, t Durorat:Mary duty ty east allna•go„ m art, AS years or sio. yormans at dleal 1I• , or any °to 1. as, oranottly rrynrattd ap • par at Ins Trost. • raarattra's oftlas redes.l strata, Do 1011 DA 1. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. knortsi Ist, ral Sid S 1, ort ere a itioratos of lb. entranttOe .111 no t.allll, and have Unto our.. otracrata rat thy Cat Al ;rant 'tat ord•r of Ihtf 7 v ,t:. Cour aft,. A. 11013fiON, Przni Nat 4 kll ES GLIPH S-crelarf i St rf -- ,11,1)3 FIRST COIIPANY FOR ONE T EMl—Large Ualoceautat , olarsi to One Testa' 51,a —Captain Hall bating ntanattod •ctreopaly tor 1 days an tbe frrtat. porttorlb e yhteb Law,. atraaft to • d cllat for 00. rAr, acre *Nan to all am &- t. a toallatlnA for tbat poriod la Lis odzapaday a to-oty of TRUCE HUNDRED DOLLIFI—TWO LICNDBED APDIIIIB-11' DOLLARS AND fIrTT C1NT14.1:0.41 I SAND. - - - r. Game W. I cossard formerly Chief fdlgine.r of th, Tire repartrmmt, Is led Lieutenant of Chi, company, sod ran he Coon daily at WILKINS ©ALL, from vb., al unseal,' lr.foroculacc may be ebteload. 0 N. FULL, 633.1)1.00. A.. O. r....• 31. ^ --- ='DON' I' WAIT TO BE DRAFTED TEE 101:16TLI WIND , /LLD:HEHT MITT D3GDEST LOCAL BOGSTIIA CASH r..rults WCU the To:tact eh* Ward. All who 4e. to It 14 wad males a. hlghost lowa, to..eeer •tth 11. Gorernmet4Bomtj , are Incited to cal a , :ft r.C.a cl the Hunrcirteg Committee, O. fra riDili & t•Tb cpycwito the Procure Idas.haOs hr,rnlte can hat. the saloctioa of may orgam•tat!oa T1..7 n prefer Pr• ~ a ltrald as ..roo u motored 'a. By or !ea or the Or am itt •THE DRAFT-THE THIRD WARD, - Pittittnrgh, wlllpay . CM a BOUNTY TO ALL VOLUlrrriai trprort Ito /acts of tn. W.rd. .11,cto dAstslog vnlar temor Na.k at N. Pd J.N 1. NT ,1 uIVNI It.. icon 11,as, lobar. rlr N.cratl • In, remtattle yr,' b. footad at all krluuteor ay. lb. Lroding iraft. Tli 'MAN A T•xv Nut JvIIN A.NLINAIN. 11 , ,k.rf hacaltlatz Cam mill-., . COUNTY UNION CUN ENTIO.N.— Tbe loyal Toter. of Atkin., .-.nosy who rap /era the nonaloattoo of AUBAHAh LINCOLN ANDUILW JOLINdON, sod Ma platibrso of prin , dp'ne by lb. National Untan 039 , 1 • 110 , 11 at Ball. no-ro, anA &Otero to lb. Colon party, aro rornuatod It .r.+-rage at the utaal plat.• of bolding alrtts-rat to tlorit do, Onnonfta, Townahtpli and gloctfrot Prance, t—;•sti•tly. on bAlaktbit I , Jot, ho, IPM , and alort .., drleistro to ropraant Port 9Adr/..4 antroa•ld la • Loll‘ Verrib, a.t al,o U./U4l YOUSR, In Pitts/me - n, on V( EON MOAT, A.ngotat .rl, sit, for lb. prom/ r montinatlor t.rrat terns to Cir./ ot the ont,/.4 U.nonru I‘l.•}A. Thu oiacilona to On. War/. wad Cltrotirb• snail ny WNW, I.tat,/ the Irrart four a... 1 ort,to .. clot! p ¢, and In fl:• t. , •usblpa ?JR/two/a tn./tau" a throe sod O. o'clock p, ta. crder of tit. On/on Min:KU.. flonunittro AL 1f 1111.0 W 9, Una/ratan na B. Ertsta•ar.Oorrrtary Ir. n 1 PROPOiALS FOR LOAN /9.'1" La Ezra., :Gat .vbs, rp• .101111.14 bn I=l Asatoact land dr.l, - ;....1 D•po.ll•riaa, .oJ by the .slbVous! bankideollysubtA bbd yba:lbed ; , ,tarior .rd F 155 5 ,141 A4.ste, for tr•unry 1.7.6!5 tt fee• from fkrrt 15, 1155, bnarluif to• r•rt.l lb. rate .51 so 4 Orr . .. Mott. p4r crat I=l Th.e cote. 1011 at M. ths boada, rod.omWts fultur 6+. sus I pay sb:s t.atty 7.v. from Argrat 13, 11147. Thr!re Batt. •tll be 15r , 114 In lAnomtaatloas or titer I no booth od, Coo bundled, moo 0.n.0d sod tiro thou •tl.lO dollar*, at d will ho tutted In Wank, of payola* to cr4sr, s• may be directed by the eabscelb are. MI mancrlptamis must be fur day dutlam, er 11D.14 lo of 11 y dollen. les veil, d.p:NtluF mast *new., Tri.j.. rf n+-t s . tho dan , rinathos or nut. re lelred , and a bother they ore to he trwevi to Denim payable to or• der. When so ewiersed It most ho eft with tbs Aker recelstsg the d. posit, to 11. forwarl.d to t4i. Depvt Intent Tta not. will to, trlntnnitt. t, tSe 41.1V15, tr. of trinnpottAt!,o rbarim co eao:r shAr r•calpt of tb• orfgl.l Gertif,at:a of DegrAlt m ILry e to iprs• wed. Inteont wal to allovoS to August IS on •11 main prl4, :o thAt date. sad ..111 be pall 1Y teo D.p.rtmeat 'pot rnaLpt of lb. of Waal oor A. :L. •om.. &O. m:...: 'tom AngAst I pAr mel log Crpo.itx toloaavotit to [hid d•le my. pzy thl• int-tett acerutd fr,u date 9f mota:Ln l,p•nit Portico di/pool:log twant7•fro rhos:trawl lol'sra odd opwardl for there rioter at try oo• tiro. will trir v. I=l wh!ch will be:pald thta rnartment upon the re ccipt cf • Mil for the account. certified to Fy the urns.. •tth • hots lice deposit less tutsle. No deductions for o aged.. mut made from tbs. daposlu. Officm resehiag depaalta alit ate that the proper ort• Lrernmaisti are made upoo the original cortllcatoa. All t trona dothoortaad to noire deposits are reqaaated t 0 viro to applicants all &Aired latormattot, sail and. erry facittly for ranking eubecripticnv. FESSICYDP.ff, , Beerstery cifth• Tresaury Eut,vcrioione 1,111 be received by the PITA' Maio* Boa of PlitetnirgE, Pe. TWM Netiorud oink of Pitteborgii, Pe- Bcarth Manila Moak of Pittebrugh, Ps. D BESPZOTASLEII4igiI dliDB6llKlilta • thioughout thecoaritrywill donbilets itrOfitiSiOLLITPIES4 TO igf EifidlitXllB.9. -_l-_. - _ iro Twigs. _ '.LYON'S KATR&IIION. llatbsdron to from the Greek word "Eating'" dr ills. audio,^ signifying id reluvenste and radar, Otiearticia to what ID tanteet. Tor preearring, nietor inuand beautifying the butt. hair Das the matt rdniarbabbe preparation to the world. It image. owned end pet up by the originaltor, end row male with the 'amours, Ail] an d bi tiou which gave It a tote of over one nAllitin bottles pm It is • most delightful Hair Dreaming. It erudica.s scarf and dandruff. It hug" the heed cool and draw. It toakes the hair rich, son and glom'. It prevents the bole Iblited off and turning Army. It mesons hair upon bald heed,. Any r goutleman who value• beautiful bead of helr .head use Lyon'. itatheiron. It is known and I. cand throughout the civilized world.. Bold by all re... table dealers. DEItIA9 B. DAMN= A Co., Dew Tort- =MO inimitable Hair Restorative, 150 T A DTI but restorer gray hair to its original oolor by supplying lb. capillary tuba with natural stab. nape*, impaired by age or disesaa butclabeems ton ore anaposod of hoar omits, deatroying the vitality and beauty of the bait, and aZord of thronasives no dtwalag. fitintstrerot's Inimitable Ooloring not only rayons hair to Us natarel calor by gnaw proms, bat (inn the bale a Lugairlang ltgaaty, protitotraOs growth, .prownits 11. falling off, *radiant*. dasar, and imparts hsaltb saw. to ths hasd. boa Stood the tart of tim e being Meader...l Hair Ooloring, and la cumataully lnoreasing hs Amor. Mad by both voLlautenand ladles. IS fa mid by allrespectable dealers, or oast bs procured by thou of the ocontsereial onisi, D. 8. 8A11.81178 A 00, MS Broadway, Her Tech. Tyro eta., AO amt. and $l. HAGAN'S :MAGNOLIA BALE. Thisbee matt delight al .ad artrundjuto arebie emdlaarared. It ohmage. the warr•lattrat taothad hands to a pearlyeatto textare of inflatable; beauty, Impede/ the atarblemityof youth. and the Adams appearaace ea Inelthay in the elty balleof Whim It removes taa, freckles, plerples sad rointramae nom thealrta, leaving eotopleadoa fresh, transparent sal eateoth. It cos. tarns ego material Natio. to the tkln, harem's.' by extreme sad Open lagers. 111. whatever, lady thould have. &old everywhere. Prepared by W. I. HAGAN. Troy. IL T. Add, ms ell orders to DlElei i. HAULM a 00. !.• rock, MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. The parties in tit. Lorne .ad Otornmut, ate Earn bornoorntectfelticta tbs thataag letalmeat audarnta. born of proprietorstelp, hare bo rn thoroughly tonged by tb•Cloaria. Te ward %Warn farther tappable/1, I base paternal ftom lb. Ilalted Stater Drumm aprl• vste beet:plats teem.,, shln ►l. tonlid Otel tbe topbottle. Leh etemy bear t t fse data. of toy elanesana and wlthout •bich the beanie It a 000 n• terbill -envenom and worthleb rnitaboa. 21111=41/1 every bottle. Tbb ['Mimeo( hes barn IS use sad /pros. ICg in faror for malty years. There barley existe• loan, let on the habitable glutei that does not eon AM Olikkho. Its wonderful elfects. It Is Om ban mode./ In the mid. With ita present Improvrel lairrAlants, igen-Um ape. men sod Lest are perfectly a...tat:As Bow sr;, palm rsalavewl, I Ivaa mayM, veluable attlarib made asela4atul tantoid atatiusta,col Per notatratme = chew:lamas .I.ol4mit, bites, entamarnd tweet, bowl, bis, It ia • soventro Remedy tharnhoold ow be die mast ebb, I t shotad be le wary fealty. *la by all lrusztatea O. 111. BARN MN New I' cwt. 1411.6....1.....a.. fr" - -THR ABOVE ARTICLES SIMO if JOH NEMO N, Cloraer or imue.aia s.l rcVlib Streal. le.apece.rNr Llppnuoit 1 00 , 1 P. t. ervisuluh fiat. or Gem Habberd i Op.) PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HVIMARDS ,S, LONG, of PATENS GROUND 0111017141,113, warranted OAST STERL SAWS. of awarydatwriptlon M. Hatay, Gnats Oat t, Ga sad a/lat`car varieties. .111 k 1... of 65l VES • SPRINGS, mad. Roca Meet Owe Steal; Satre arengal REAPER AND MOWING. 651 PIM kw Wan Swam. and Warta, Dm WATER • SNORT d 19 ., Pittewtrgh. Pawl:lra:se atteatina dlno Ertwootblag, Chanting ani Strofcleralrag Ofr,sclar Sawa; Jew rrfudrs of all ktn-tr. PnuoCtac &AS Driltlne C.w al rawasawbc• raw. • an2S:ly •WIL. BAR.NHILL et CO., Boa.= • IIiAEMILS &SD 613/L . I:T IRON wont. SSA. Penn St.. 9,3. 40. C. ... cured /area yard end tarnabed It atth the tort ha peered nenat.lce.ry.' .. prepared to rannaLecture veer, Aemetptlon of BOILIIItS. In the in meter, .ten a-frac-2yd el, to en) made In the oluntg.. ITS. 1111/CHICS. TIZel BEIM, STEAM PIPICS. /e ,O 2OSIITTIVE DuILISS, OONDIL9BIP4. SALT Pb.!. TANKS. OIL STILLS, LOPTATOII3, 31T. TLING PIJB. DOI LYS 1840 BIIILKISS. SUeIA PAPS. .15 acl • .en eat - carers of HA 15111 L L PaTINT somnai. hos on W. In -.ROBINSON, REA & CO., ( over. to a 51111.11.1. Mtg.,) WA.3111:10 NH WOBS4 Fina.m "Ltamn, Pitesbarie Ilsathacotrom W DORT AND STATION ZIIT STEAM RISOINILT, FILA9T KILL 111 cumrra, OKA RING, ISEIRITINO. CARTING& a all dere_ropCum ; OIL TANEN A STILLS BOILER &ND SRI= IRON WORK. (grata fln GI /VA SD"! PLTZYT 12i/ZOTOR MS 1 ELLIN() Ey I L 0.70+• karma rxri_rr_ _. J. r 11 ,./ . LA BELLE STEEL WORKS =lll2 Ii ,rtatsom to Dattae, Hartman A Oa., manteaataram a CANT BTF.Ht. DPIIISO, PLOW LND 111.1.11911/1 ersmos. evta, ( - sown% ZS, le. Works, 11143 T V.' AHD. •Ilether., P. O. •Mnms, PITTIDI:BGH, pa. Isldlly 61:IBLB COORRAS & 88.0., MID. Owen:ere of 111031 BAILING, INOIS 'VAULTS AND VAULT DOOD.S, WINDOW 8111:1TTZILS, WIN DbW GO/JIM I. Nom. 91 3SOOND .11 II TIMID ISTILENT, bet. WO.l sLed Nvin.. firm/ on heed • re rlet, et o.w Parterr, farm and, ratbebbl fu ell I Of T. 1.11. Natl.:dm attention paid to onitottag Gaya Lots. Jobbing dm* at abort notice. .9 ), DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, BZ3IINA.L, LTILINittIY AND ataudia. N. 7Z lid— oat awl refloat. troatia.t—la Downs of tat !Loud .etimatottom. Boat by mall la waled letter to •otoper, ft« of chop. Address D, I. BILILLIE EMPOIPPON, Dear( Soonlotion, No, J Itoutb Biota las wt, Pallsttolphlo, Ps. mbadaf N. H OLDIES & BONS., MuLsq.a tY /OHMS AND M4llOllO 811.1.4 ON Itl (MANOR, ODUTIFICATES UT DAPOSIS, DANK NOMA AND 6PDOIIt, De. AT ALADNAT ATIMET. Pittehurrh, Pa aur Doilactleut etAle ea mu the gittautpll ottlet throughnet the Vetted &stem. opt: HENRY H. COLLINS, FOILWAID LBO AND caanatastbN MEIIOIIAXT 424 vhdruit. deal., In 0/I=4E, DITITCEL, SILDS, TISD. asd precise* gastsrally, so. d WOOD Wt. OtaberOL Pe. TENNY`.... , ONS NEW Bowl ENOCIt !MO EN, I Vol. I Omo. Price, 111,13 It.beelvel I.y DAVIS, GLUM. d M;= N. SIEDLE, No 193 Burrunno LS,. Pianos and Musical InstrumenU, Raw um:lA.lly oz kar.d Anerortweat of NVIV PIANOS, VIOLINS, Gurreas, ,&000UPSONS STRINGS, to, whit]: ho wIB sill for /aw 40:tired LOOK AT THE PRICES I --4 Wcatere.. Omitten Ei.sled Gahm .........5t fp Blimp.' " .. " t OD T coati.... • `. ~ .. I Ott Hoye' " - " .. ...... —... IWI Ol•dreee ••.. •• ..... .... 50 M.'s At BORLAND'S, 03 Market street Bmond door from IllfrJo WtTHER 8, Letters of Adminiptration of 13 atum George W. Wevman, damned, Wave ham grenttd to the inalweirttme, all Indebted to the mid estate ere requested to inemediste pay ment, and them havhig data' •yelnlC the estate will preiwnt the name without delay, to W. P. WZTV.A.N, Admialstrathr„ mailer of Third sad iirdith listr.e . Plibbargh, Jure Blot IU4. hallawdflor pITTSBTIEGLI GRAIN- ELEIVATOR CO.--As slactinst for a evon Diagnose of the Pitts. Womb Orate Illosator Ootopony will be b&d at IWo of. ecolio t LIDEUTT !MIX sr, (ow Shin) on Ms Win DA I 07 /0301:032, pros, botweso tls !unroof iso iond twoho in. by ordos the .1114 • 0M.% 009, SsOrstinT. Jrzwr f OrERTIS E-11 rT-8- GRAND TROT AT COLLINS PARK— OP THURSDAY, AUGUST 4th, 1.34, it 4 o'clock me . i . dy. A prmtam of gwo will b. glean for the lle prcromaat of the broad of horse, William Sweatt enters black atraion, Monolog 0.1. Eam hey§ caters eaten black gelding, landar. J 0.1..111. onion gray cocoa, DWG. Wviroc. A.emtud,. st. No bottlzog allovrot oa the park gronntla ourtal PROPOSALS FOR; i ORM 21! I 1 ;lENIB. OLDVINCII Oren r, W. Dreattratter, Wwrisorste, D. C., Jai, tti.h, iiV t. Prepare's win As teeth. 4 by this Detwetmeat actin ringast 12' it, Ir4e, et 4 I . M., for the 4,4i . ..5ty at the fti.ovitg awcasis of il.rse F.qc ipmehte, C01t.,4 Sista. tevalry petters, as herricaner eater! Ad the Now T..rk Ames al, 10 INV, " Irtnkfort •• n ts.). t• tang:telly tt, •• dl S. tail 7 set. of hot.. 00 ti 11... tt ere to L. (amt.. t•truno..., smill the except, on of hors., ben. carq• •oth, tatter, packet ;do :Ink, natio bag., tpurs and ...Inning brill • and meet loath,. 7he curb bltt and stirrups are to conform strict! , In rat• tern and Anlstt t these depoomnd at the shorn umnel mile ohs. The u Iron t•ituttong Sr. to be Jo totentd. 7he tree. are to boor the roguish. petters, 610.101 limn, not lees thou , inches to . ween the ben no the , ntidn of the Donis. ; the tido bin of hart white d'uod or bwo.h. his pommels and tartlet of twnoh, well put Mirth,. All the Irons are to he 01710401 an of en Inct think. est s'l let Into the wood to bet , vered with the lem ;blend cow hidn. All other corer. It us wth b. a forted. The holtors eo to b • rlvitod with seise No. 12 capper rlstits, Re shown in templet. Ths Iwidlo-selos is to hr ooten-nlihths of so loch tede, end tn....1n no for amp:, Tbn girth erresping to be 11, ted lho two D sies• Wh sees stop; two dealt In ea. tad o f aimb: no mom sewmtg; and Si; toe slit 'hies tit wasti.heut the •ett will not tie Ime then eight (al sfltehet to he It <L. The el Ir.p hoops will he omitted. The 1.0 . M.'s mcket heap le to be rholtad with two N 0.13 copra. diets. Tim trees are to he enbl.t to In egret,. Marisa ale:ages of their meaufentOrs, *ad If &wand nemesan, the leather to he media the tahriese it.of ibwe tquiposale lo bt ituip•elth beam chitty,. The tine Inspection will l.• male at the mental whets dollmotd. Dellene.. Lunn b. roods In lota of not len ono• tenth perverk o• the who,e amount contracted far, the Orst dellret7 to be made OD the - Path: me to make delitertee at sopeelfled time will .ab. Ject the contractor to a to: feature of the number bo may fall to deliver at that tines. o bid. .111 be cuawdered other Mel from partite •ho it. known to be rex Aar marmite to erm and wle m• capable of executing in tater own .bops tan track prcp. tut , fur Bidders will eta:, exp/icitly the Arsenal or Arsenate where they propxas to deliver, and the number of pro. hotline they ptopo•e to dulirer st each pls., If be mum du& one. Forma of Old can ro obtala.4 at dm abor*.asustrl smash. not made out on thla form will not b. COL eldered. Prop:owls no. masla cut is thtss form will out be cos, riforod. E=! The bidder wOl be reccoml to mmompeay Me proposi tion with • ffmgenty, signed by two reepornible mo o r, eat.that in cam hie bid hi accepted ti• will et oace ear ate the mistreat for the mine, with rani and milk ment eared.. to a atm wpm! to the amount of the contract, to deliver the aruce proposed, to oonformity with the termm of Chit elearlimment ; and in came the mkt bidder Omni./ foil co enter into the contract, they to make good the differ'''oe between the offer of mid bidder the nest reeponeible bkider,or the permit to wheat the ccomect may be awarded. The resprasibility of the raareator• meet &whom' by the offichti certificate of 11. Nein of the merest District Wort, os of the C. S. Dimtel.l Mtormy. Boole in • corn witmi to one-moth of the amount of the cot tract, emnr.l by the contractor sod both of hl. gmoamarm. MI/ be micired of the maccamful ;Adder Of bidder. two. Maiming the OOOIS•Ct. QUA 1A517.7... W. the smdcraigmed, reeicleute of I, the runtity, .d Btateel bare . b, Joictl.l and seismal', soren.t with the Dotted enl guarantee, to cam the Ihregoing ad of - - be smegclisi, that be or they will, within ben days tnor the ......entanCer of .14 Mil, egrimicle the coottsci for he same with good and eufbolesil eartake, la a sum .4.1 to the anwitint of the contract, to fern),h the ant, . viewed to conformity to the Lei - rase the advor• n 1 dated J._ce 11, 1 1 101, meet which the hid vat iced.; sat to maw the - shell big to enter Ic l e a minimol se at . ..Mak, we instanter* to mole veil diers.n• net... the offer by the sett - .1.. nest •loweet rrepottaail. bidder, or the persoa to whoa, the weateact may be serauled, 111 ra uudor out bands and tosJo / tu k 7 f(BtaLl ;3 .10.1 wt'' •••.! G.tooral VOII.I D. ILA A 9. Ch.t. , f Or4oaac., ..tar o. n . , a4 E 1.,. GIT•)TiGE D. ¢& 13&T, Dr, 0.u.0.4 of 0,1w...a Z.EY TB 11 . LOTA—On PHI D Y 1 , 1011 J. A. 1.44 6111, iILI al!i b. a,LI U. prep ink*. 11.4 tv II ..la4 I..trati• prro.lly la I..aton •;. sn th Set. Ward. ilaldboxtely •I•natod tear I. I! I htlll, Itnyr,.4 pravnr,l Sore lots co the comer of Contr. P0t,...-t. saner..fl situated for teem*. le wrtdr. hs•ln es , -'1 ,r 1 9 Itches troei oa C. ai . Avermo, road ex hooding h•-4 100 (so to iko &Few Two toes on 0•••••1 t vt•-•• , . opprigt• tl,, r.. 11.1.-• of M. s lloor•Eoo1. 801. not r•en Garr. •rs.l 7 mottl• est. ••• I, • u•oh 7/ feet trout, • u.l szlov , l to, 41..1 , r 4., • tro-b•• to •rt 7,. fsr,•••• par. .an .12 E. r IDN7‘. c I No. al Gr.., dtrevt 'fem. .1 ••1 , 2-- , Dor thirl !LAI.a op* as' two , (11,6 Ida lut•ssoi by boa 4 and mxrtg•••• anO A. Mr 7LI7AfU , Auct'r. poNs• !C SI E'N' ll 1 , M... W..t. Jiooerv• Moro. Pota Mow, 30 Isar rels Grt.qt Arploa 31 do slvorovriot Boons LO bolt ba, o!• Lsi• Herr, as 150 d 113 r ..t. tt 1.41 v am.] Iltto AWL Afol. 0 ao Mar . 1:11, coed go Iwo 46r Ivo! and Vve vslo FUTILE, 1101, 1 IMIX,PPLILD. MO LI:only verot. •a : t , f- IVM Y sTABLE AT AIZIOTION—uti TILIPAY 4 .0E91N0, ari .1 SIP, as 10 o'cl.b. Lt. Nall...awl Wm." Blabia, int eStest,ahaniqu'tb• I '4 • 'tl •t• ••••lo • Itb• r ts torre•. 15 ••t • otbl• •ad • q`• b•••••••; 52 bor• 1,1•13 tr, • pair Inn t01t,..h b ••• •4 t` ig•••• 1 baroccb ; catr.••••4; optioz sl,b• ••••14/..., 4•1• tot tot, srld• ant col••• art. ries Wei Vt.% w It••ry •ta4 7. 4 •Jce LieLLtMID , 4.5 7t7tb st. ALL KINDS OF FINE id, .uJ nun Edge 'tenth h. Barred, I st•s St., sad Lettet Itnrabpss, s.. sad st• for sale by WEIIMIIMI!!! 1. 1 ALU BLIT, FA li!tt FOR SALE, enlacev n 1.• truso the .1 en the rertrslille Z Ilvo 11 , • ree. 1%1 perches, .11 tiulags 1.4 .4n ,A row A Umber, 1.411, g heels* wee A ak sera. 04 I all evccuer) oat buvr.s, ercherd, well cc este/. see veto 1.01 wercced emit,. IPer price .4 ',re, apply D, CUIIIIILRtd 80N3, Imi 11 h 3 ar tot street. BouTn AND ! . . , i1()Isi AT AUCTION n. -LA uLtq , Lsut EOTE , r , N 7, A...guff at 11%. • I / .. .1 !"..A.. fl•tet 4 / 1 I b..i/ '.• r/.1 "We, • Cllll 'N... t • t I ..1.1.31 work, ...tag t • ...v5....L.1" • . l I • •• -.tall BALO% I'aCES nem DAKP C o r (soles SS Ot3LOVIS 110 PILOi3 8:110 51 A II CU 321 Lli•orty I,lvat . - LIB I. DE 014 7 ..1) !) ,rreli. A utber of rat .o by laatrEc. & LAZSIEL, ar, ZY street, hl!rrly extra. Fmuli y Floor 4.. Ir sb a attd b", 6118.1"1:11 1.17.1:201. 1.1!, c,,nx !,11.!.:1.1.1 sad Drvcd atm. sa. ilothe-r :4()Aps—pp) P•'n owl T../.t .I.sys t.t nrolve.l 103,1 ILILIXIIII* 01119 £.s. 124 119 wool atro.t. CUARANT . AND rtustzs—.{ I •,ks h, • $O. 1:6 a. 110 •:• • Mate prime Date, no, , in sr. r• sad bar tee by Tara 111141 a 1111/13 rIIFI E. EIGHTH WARD IS NOW PRE- PARtO to pay . 1110 H 1210t.NTILS a.r relax- ,tar• ma any wsnd to the city. 11. c nit, will call nE, eaytatn &Iva d n. Wrlaht, tilnard How; Fecund Wit. ccrtor sod Scoltlataldetrosts and Wm. Hulce la. o, cent tLe cattier ui Soalthdeld and lianond 720,t1 00-PARTNER:4I3IP NOTICE—I RAVE Lbh , dn.," ••••Xiated m. to th. Dr•lring, Vet. lI.P bo•lng.i., I'. W. H. tilersaaw • ,41.14.1.X18 .DZELEO.N. Tl , ••• • , 11114 c oil .n.. 1 U., sIl Dian .1, •41., . w., r'. y, tt.t• • •.l.• o• .1 AR: nll , 00 • t , ; 0 •11I'l all MV. p F.(O , GAN Z AIION ()F TII Z1,00N113 OtAtarld —The n errat,ra of alas Li/JO:1101 • gads my reQuested to meet au WO .tor? of Of Maas , Tcnd.7l MORNING ad 10 o'clock./ The eV outlana of all the olatsostraberete earooetty rugasoted. By Older Of the Noble. 114.1 t DON'T WAIT TO BE DIiAF'TED _Capt. W. U. HOPE, of the eth Pona7lflltlill U. Mr, tNII, IR reCrlatirg a . ouoliwny a 0., wen far the Ist A Ileibeny county reerntet ne IA paying the tegbeet government sad 1..1 boontlee Ittettattlea. epic, 'tt FEDSUABIII.ItET• •-t t All. Lot - /. ttl-ta TLKI hirtlA LE, Fourth et Pl•teeer,h. utttler BON NETS, At BORLAND'S. 0.1 51ae.t..t. street VOR PALS--ENGINE Arm BOILER.— I! A ton holm power with Bain, ..le Nay be Ma to Opera/WS by yAfilog at oar prlcttal POW W't WW . a. JOUNSTOW • no VOR t'ALE.—A farm emataining 1 If, Mum, taunted In Snowdon tonnehtp. Illegheny county, one mile from Itspren's m lU, and ten miles from ?Mahwah. Th.. term It mull worern I not to o good rate of cuttlentlort. Tor further prallculnm Inquire n thepreinlem. or of the entamlber, nug. 1.2. m. A. O. SI:UPSON. WARD—LOST A 11E11013,LN. tJkY tal BOOK, with a met/arable am :wit or menu trivia. Pr Brown. church sal Oaey male. Sae mesa lindlng the shove, fifty della,* releard wt be Paid by besting it it the odl of the DISPASOII. saliat SI,OOOFOR A SUBSTITITi'E--ONE Thoceerd Dollen 1111 /kr &Tea for en Alen er • veteran to NM for throe yesr• as • reprotesotatles octet Hots. Inquire at 112 an LTIIIIMIU +IT BE CT. statly N AENSTRAL, IMPONTER DIALER to the omit seteet brand& of CLISIMUL LEAVAZU mesa, and on runs, of 011ZWING TOBAGO*, SNIfYP, Ulll TIIIIt9, dn. An., as WI PM CHASMS dn. PV • 'has,. "Nile emptied !le 11:henil terms. gant.4l, ME Mr 1/ID rER 71/lieMitif 1111. daI:NA MATTENOS. Havirg parclipmed 64am-a Lie :Le to tools • Large atot.k WHITE. CIIICIAND AND TAROT CHINA MATTINGS. In sll wid6he and ,lalltics, wa are enabied L, o.le, the— ==== Tb• patilic °ailed to LL. el/uve goal am lacy are :he heapiat carpeting In thoficarlet. We 116 , . .•.0.1arre .tock E.l>otael and Cloth Pismo Corers, which mbe o.7at at low rat", OLIVER IicCLINTr.CK & CO ill•rr NATIO.," Benz a ALL...encl. Allegheny. Jelly :c! f TEM BANK IS AUTHORIZED BY the Secretary of Gm Treasury to recoil, rubscrlp. Goon to the THREE YEARS 7-301LOAH, interest, with re all-enamel °capon= attached, Para.!. m Iserfol =one/. There notes are payable al rereterlty is Legal leader, or may be converted at the enthem of the holder into 6 per cent. GOLD bearing bends. • nee docominallone of the note. are Sfd. goo. eva, Ivey. aelmd., JOSH P. KRA/MIL Gorki tr. Om. or iniscroosnara or onceonour tn., Po., Pittsburgh, tugnstnd, 11064. TO COAL DEAL R&-.Sealed proposals will b. maimd et fhb oast twill this 10th inst., inflictive. for snrplying the Wart Homo and foil with from 10,000 to 12 On hi:chola of g od inorchuatable ill. from slack and dirt to be &livered da/ly in such queorifins as mon be requited at th• entranas en Yit h I loss Wrists. Dr dlraction of bounty Commis siroors. ECKERT L4IIBIRT. ardia. PROPOBA.L.9 FOR FLOUR— Sealed Proposals torltad till August 4th at 12 o'clock 31., for furnishing the Subsistence Department with TWO THOUSAND (T 000) BAR/UM OF FLOUR. Jbe proposals will be he what le knowe at tbledepot se Nes. 1, 2 and 3, and tide edll be entertalued for any qoantity bus thus tbe Bids tart be In duplicate, and for esoa grade oa ap- Te there, of paper. he delivery of the door to ro iment. within dee days r,nra the opaing of the bide ad in snob genial. live, deity, tbe Government may Croce, delivered eitheret the Goventment arnhoitas Garatoern , ot the ohavva, or et the railroad depot, Washington, ne dellsery of all row awarded to he somplatad within twenty days from the sptainit of the bids. Pay - views will he toads Is certificates of ludebtedoem, . •cch otti.t fluids asthaGowerumont slay hays ftw dis bursement. The weal Ckeserronent Inspection .113 be nude lost be. fen. the floor t. nvelessl, and new will be uosptesi trtoch Is not fresh ground. Ari oath of sllegisare meet smosnyetty the tad of each bldetsr, win, hes not the oath en tie in this ogee, sad no bid 11, Itt i.e entertsiteal frusta pert] ot vita hese pre. elonety tatted to comply with their bid., or Irvin Ind. ,srs net percent to rte.porad. Goveratnent reesrret the right to reject say bid br any [1.1111114 DMA to be adder:rat to the wade:algae& at No. 21 street, Washlnsure, D. C., eottoraett "Propena!, for i.our." S. C. 0E.66N6, Cap,. ao3 C 8 Y. Wuhletzton, D. C., July 3, ant.4t TO CONTRACTORS—ScaIed Prln7R - 3,11 .1- far the gra-1 , , att., maw, ry, brlditag. fa: estag reJse and lavas. the te*olt on the Lawn nee HAP Eleat.froet Walneoltsgt,,a to T 01.1,3, •••.55 11 er . ...I Ise re,elved at tae 411ce of the Ne• Cast , , s" BOSVIK Vsel.^a Ltalltead C mapany. Castle, • .2 0' , ./o. h b. , Aort.t igth,lss4. .the:et of three dswltl ns , 11=1 ra4 vrtl: AL.*^ moody./ tbr at, gmlin,,, , -114. antoblog tSe ,rosr laza !• .nz ttaA a • ,tlt, lic, rant ar.1.1,...fic0 t ttlA Its.; 1.. r, at tht • t rt,gost sth. Ths r# r.ett ttr rt;oc.t &II !etc El= I=l WH7IE, (WE & CO 2S FIFTH &MET, EEEI=I BURNER DRESS GOODS, ORDNANCE OFFICE, WAS DC PAJITX ENT, W 11.71,17,.. D. 0., Ally 1304. I nIA LSD F L 3 rd: Do rneofred U this WZD)VIDAT, hag,. 1464 at 4 ..clotk P. kgr (urn6.l3lng the IbllorbasOrdnanoo D 7 MIND H 31111.112101HTA519. 4-111013 3111101 - - 3--1".011 BUM UOWITZEB.9. 50 1114167A88. b Th.* manors and U. Mart sr. to be made as and ramify with drawlrge sad epectflfati.. to be (omitted LI the Ord..* Ireyartraent, and an to b. =boatel to taw attar ta.rost'ona tad pi - ovine before being re mised le, the CaLkel Ma.. The irespectise will be wade et art feradr, what. twat. matt he at tee following rates, rt.:—Not i tt tbaw two to:rtart or towttstn on or baton the 3Jth 4.7 of tlept.nebar, Li., and at • re. of oat Le. that n or tcortarer bow itr.ra per wealthe...tier tratU Vat awake dolt.. I. at • epardaed time tell rat t the contractor to .• at the somber he may sill to debt-1r at that time. 141 ante pr: p.ani. a act to, 9,a, tar ...II artitic. bide •::1 be ronetderod troy parttor attar than f. ohd•n or propttr ton of 'react, oh) an kaolin% to tttli Itsportearta to be catata• M •aetnttae lee fluff wed loch net tam work t npa•d for. The sires mortar% wad t•tit - m> axe to do teat Irottele, .ad cooked From thf Yorzes al bid can a obtaterd at Chia °Mee, or st any f ,41 ‘.t..; armee . ..lestwpr. FranVori. o. Tcrk Westr.m,n,, aglea. or et. slilwrif ••••••••••ru!. o.rt wale pc' c.." WU 'or= •Illnit be am • =MEM The bidder ..11 be rtql rei to ac,cnitely ht. proposi tion with coa-ectt, mane: by t•o reipeotl . 3ls Meow, ttat, la co.. hie bid Le Lacey be will et oat . =mita the matt . for the 'ate, •db ittodand all. lout nue tur, in a ant Noel to the aotoott ef the CollirKt, to ellver tit 'Akita proposed, la ottfertolty with the ram of thhicletrttee oat , ad, In am Ito tali biller ar • tll.l hit t, ol.trul. that to tale ;oil LL e difference tetvern the offer of WA bidder and au it norp , oeibt• bidder, or the ter.. to atom the CZ, t sus.; he •trorded. 71..nerteellifilly of the iresorsotors most •butra ty the °Metal rt. - Miro., 41 the Cire% of the o...met Dt.trot Cos:ft, ur of the MAW Stet... District Attu, to be d otth tho h Deb J.. It the sum .45.1 to the emooot of LI.. cee tract. co 4 by Lb.e....otrectoromel ho 1..4 ho utter...tar •.. - 1111 Is teottind Of tt tutees-NI L...f10r or elder, 2p.311 the contra-L. FORM OP UUSUANTT We, 1G• undertignll, reilleenta nt - and alas. of rtly sod • ...eV,' covenant with the Ignited diet, rail guarantee. In CAB. the toresologbld of crio rd that he or the, v. ll'. one.eleebtte the . the with good and suillasot ntraidak la wat. Nosh., the amount f the edotread. to Itiontsh to edit, ien prod wed, Itcatiforrolt7 w th the tercet of tbi• dee , tie , meal. dated !illy t 4, 1354, noder which the bid as nand. ;and. in nage the said shall fall to at.r into a id...tract as emerald, ere guarantee la make Ind the difference between the or of the said -- wed t.r next ~ant nwp ree bidder, of the pa tem to *h. in the ciotradt may oe •erardei I 01,n ni let oar hands and •aals, V."tnau: I —.- day 4f Seal J rtLeal j T., this ananktt“ town he appand.d the of-lal ma t& ale abut* tosat4onAd. cI,o .ward bang mwl, Irtmvs•fal lt , lldan vtl: brs taut tunnalted forms of corarral sod p.m I, The Depvtrorht eraser./ the right to reloct hay or all bida4l deemed orcrwasy oo any error/et. Proporwls LOH b. widnewwd to w Dr/gad/re Ornaral GIL/DOE:D. HAII9d Y , Clete( of Operlanew Washington, D. and will be .odor/eel /Prole/wee forlategv Mar tan. Siege Dow/ter., or O.rbon blortwrs,“ ea the our C• GEORGE D. EtUDAY, Brig 1.1 , 0.. Ch -',e or.lnsuon. HlGlitsr BOUNTY vviebo FOR COLL NTEESS, to ET the quote or lb. 1106011Cla Or TARESITL'M ander Ibe corqping traft hprly tooapt. 11 D. 1.11731L9,D00tt Ilattse. 1130:11• VEW STAMP DUTIES IMPOSED BY 11 the lest act. of Coe/pets of the Vatted etatel Antetice, Inn. 30,1861, •Citt to ha ettforeti !toped Lit, et,L. PahlWant Lot the conec.ieoet at BROKERS SOURS VINVETANCERSaI TTORHYS ani . lltr o tlic generally. Pri,, 15 TI , ang M Waal etreet. SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, ramose AHD ABILLAILD or FAT. /18111UE8 7 lIIDDILL, 80.. 113 Tort! rtnot, Pittutmgh, Tin. amamsa SEVENTEEN HUNDRED- DOLL&RS .111 ;stems • farm of 37 seem In a pleasant loca tion VA miles from the Steer, on a brartoh it Peters Craelt, shoot 13 milts from the city, a two etsry frame brine, frame barn, at. for a mill, a dam, be A swat.. of fralt trine, our sores o( choirs asal from four to Os Coot ran Apply to 1 3 n B. OUTIIIINST a 610113, 61 Yartat streeL NOAH W. SHAFER., LITORNIC&T-LAW, so. 100 Wirth Wrest, Plttlbargh, 1.17 Zy, Matsui v far PII r ,15,1031, nt:S BOU . M', rSila ICON lioraaly prurie UM, IiAILITI.BY CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, MA TIMMONS, BACH PLT azol 213LITAIIT Roa . MAIM of wary , aotlocfol by tho 'fob. arril=ko_fll_A= l ns: Pout's+ tb) 44 au. . 0.0. TATUM, AtWari at Low, No. T 3 Gaza stmt. POOtobarojo Ps. D.O. Do amp. On aids LI the *Wm loos oat so MA 014 la museum One rot* sett; WANTBD--$l5O per Montb.—We wont • reliable llothruwor In emir town sad manly We tan aiiroab eleartnig pw month. which 11, will pion way donbtleg Addres% erg. WANTED. 3111361717177 T. A remotrotathe =bet!tato Irsmod, to whoa s bomty 'KA be poi& Apply at No. 120 rocrern STBEET. ly WANTED—A HOUSE.-.-A hsadsome I Boon, natustn on again stmt. Allegany Cly; h.: ILI,. to Inn reams, will rater and gee, .Lade rt In (rut, of hone. and • stable vita It preferred. ettco waated immediately. Vegans at e , ne TB td °MOIL weNTE.D. PAPER ANL, RAGS we ars paying more than ever before for 0 . ..1 Books, nit Lout corers; Pamphlets and Hatssines, Newsps. trre e end ever, particle of printed or tnanestript paper. •'I CO.kv 1.3 the Bas sin% and set osab i.r.rro, of tho Book btu, a of 1=111!1111111 WAN TE D.-TWO SUBSTITUTES, VI , NOT LIABLE TO DIIATT, to water to atrl.lx as r• prestntattroa, to advmkta Of the next draft. A Ob er, bounty trill he paid to addition tto the GoTeraumat toonot3 <dared Ad .a DOE XO7, Pittsburgh, Pa /71.0 AVANTED—A pc.l M&crn &Lox Y PiriTH AHa7 112Z3E2 A. • tow gooS klet 3"EISTS. liter -rat • sic I paid co good workroom. ,mlrw ot HUGH H. DOLE. 11 , 2731 Co:. cif Pctra alley sad Daquanao war. WANTED—A boy l 6 or 17 year, of age to t.n Lbo Drrg tomrleass. Apply as 31 rID. titlL STREIT Alirghto, watt IAIVII`9.—A boy &um 14 t. 16 rears o'd, toloar, Watchmaking. Apply st Jewelry Stem P tED/1/I,,ALALTSJIST, Allegheny. sultAt UR COLLECTOR'S NOTlCE.—Elevirg • remind the Warman List. of Lecthiseet, Taxato !names, Garrlagas, Bit,: Plate, a , and., the D. 8. Internal Slthanne Laws, for tn. Id DiTiliOn of the DU Pa. Diet., comp...lath. the Itorruthe of Birutingbaut Nast ID:rube/ham, !oath Ptigatrurgb, Wcaortgahela, West Pittsburgh and Twnperancerilla, and the Town. stint of lialdwin, Snowden, Lower St Clair, Upper 8:. Dnint,Cleartlers. Itoeduath, Berth Fayette, south Payette. Ifindlay, afascuut and N 67 Dlet will attn.! fur the racciriag of told Timis, -tn., at lb. office of A. B. Stamm., req.. Birsolnsham, dotty (dun ii•ye and Saturdays excepted) from th e 18th of Jed, nn .ad 6p. ra. Alai at the folturing plasm Triday, 6tb, at the anon of John Hamilton, Shostutown ; acinday, August Btb, Das boast of I. 3. =bait. Itchintrin townahip,• Tuesday, &noel 9th, at tha lams of 311jah Marshall, in Mum ; Weloesday, August loth. at Roblartown ; Thursday, Augmt Itch, at the Loath of Peter Direr, Elaowdan township; Monday, An gle t 15th, at the beau of G. W. Bpd, Washington road, Upper Bt. Cl k township; Wednesday and Thursday. A nowt 17th and 14th, at the aloe of David &Muth, Tamper...villa. I will also attend at the onion of the Collector of Internal Barontte, No. 67 Fourth atm.:. Pittsburgh. oo Saturdays, until the 20th of Artroat, Dom a.. or. to 3 p. m , after which than the Natant.. prucribed by Law will be erica!, =farad. Payment moat be lathe in 17 8. money. 31314 A. 831213432, Deputy Col:actor. 34 Division. 224 Dietrict. left 2thdeerteT piXCEISIOR WATER DRAWEit.--The . bo,r. arrnocement In thA world Dar ralatag WSeCT from Well. for boos. sod farm parposaa. PATENTED 1.450. romps 'or :arm porporml, romp• for holm, p,rpoem, Pamtm for On tioaserlor • • NIELI 01 for Brewers, Prop. for Oletwa hanepe fer deep wells, r rani.. of <met' , des:rep:toe, on hand sad .or gale Isy lIAILEY, FAIIAZIL h. CO., RMI.I" RALLY! TOUS OGIASTRE CALLS Pat: NO* le goer time to Vs3lenterr tor One year, and re cal" a Mot lsi - rw OF' 6300 fleet. 0. TURBID, tate Meror of the Ninth aoeerres, Ca *lath, (rid Co mire a ernipany for ono yea?* pantos. 003110 N i, CrOlgt ALL giWOUI:r or WI CIO NY HULL, when Socgt. IL , II 1.:11 be cock 5..1 co take your name. ELECTROPATRY maws UNMAN MO city:mu Hart crirtatrOl COP ca the ormher of Fifth Wolfe garrote,ntrarere 10 swim =BET, for the p..-moot Medicine. They are regular gradaarea..d hare theft Thelma. o rothibl/loa at their aloe. They exe prepared to treat all Gloom. ha a ecirottlflo mu- Marge* fsaronabLe mad =rye aortal]. NMMMM:=I ••Ilarhig dlepteal of my Mk. .ad medicines to Knew Lniergas dLivia who= I hare evidence ti Cobra are graduates to the healing act, I do moo cheerfully raxactassod tb® to the mf6lcted , and L7:1: poi4ler ft general, as every way worthy of their circ deem ar-d patron H. WOODMID, Pattbargh, June Ilth. I: 4 JLLO URdlti, au yr..asir ALIAGIOINT OM, Loop. ocratantly co home lux, and fluoroaßta. 11631.1 cxok of DECIEMIG. BOAT LSD BOTTOII PLASH 9T1T17 lamas 1,-,a, -r3, II" 2:1 orders ft.r. SAWED @TIM/ WI) peva* rad at fair rates. U. B. Ponces vomitus LOB ?I B=B co POPLAR evortrolroiary Inotto4 b waste, his drat. VW oe OcaLleirert. Mal Stobtstse. ett=3l' NITED 6TATICti 1 3-10 ROADS 7h• eat,: fibre" sr— uow pteptee4 to fecal. retharrlpt vote ter Otte new loan in cams of 153, POO. 5 ,0 ". L 0 0 ar.d in,wo latureet cheamettoLag oct racept of the sunray. !very pertaa whe c .pare 850 can place It o letrreat of cue heat a day ak15,8 8.55400 a year. leterttet pry :Litho accal annually. Prthelhal payable la thee. 'care, or coacortlble Into 5-00 at: per coot boltde, the Itetercet of hte It la payable th rah, for farther putt:Attar. apply to EURT .4 CO, Ageat j)96..11rd pHOTOGRAIIIS DAN BD HAD AT Zoe. 1.13 AD D 114 ..ttIfrILTLELD TIBIST !worn. ES, al • rcpertor 4.410 Cr Pekoe to nth att. torsi D. M. °DATA M'BANE A NJER, 0011111s510'S MEIirfIIAHT3 bad &Wen la Floor, 6rela wadi PrOddoe 121 SECOND ST., *ewe. Wu.l Btulth4.l.l, SPORTSMEN - 8 HEADQUARTERS, 134 WOOD STE/ST. J..A.Nnind Et CI VS' Di !settee the atteraloe of Sportlawn and *thereto tan rpiteldld Met of GUNS, RIFLED, RIVOLVERS, P PISTOLS, GAME BAGS, POWDER LASES, SEIOT EiLLTS nod POUCH - DI, DRAM FLARES, era sat mtiattts,n of trot) kW& 81. .cock tt the target eret blvortit to this market. can pRESSED ANI) COMMON BRICK 10,003 1'12.5.92D; sad 400,070 DOBSYLON BILICIL On band and (a We by T. J, ORR it CO., XX PINE TAR, rrepnini czynnaly for LIZ. Put ap to mat an. &allot Inn bonnd ELT.Tarrd. for cgs ky Vat &nag and In barrels and halve.. °eon tin LK /MST 131/ILLT. Pittabarida. ans:am JAMES i,l. BALPII, ANOHLTIOT, Peepsere !mum" D.V11,124 LTD StInIII.I.T.M, !DI ne lands of Handles., .ad spninteade ans,:e emcees: oa ruksonable terms 0190 cm endemics street, hawses letsami eel liobintrat most, illleabea• at.. PA WESSON & 81105,, Daiwa la Youghiogheny Coal and Nut Coal. Orb. left at dm Me, on DAIVIAGH STICLET, usot Stutters Wool= rossori s allszbetly City, woona. ty ottetsiset to. iffirlgestans orders promptly llSad. oatelOettoudtt UENTEZEST couPoNs, . 10.10., Aug tat EIMPTVIDIZZ. 5.201, Quist HOIIINBZII. Dot at tot war by mail.' a MFRS, Banana NEW JEWELRY STORE. T. H. KLAGES.. iostd mcct tap . Wally lirfdrt a the pablto Mit he bit opined tic Iv witereorbere hi tiers °shawl Um dant, th bid e the • hscid Wick of Watchsi c adds sad /strati' In eiUte. ' Witch sad Iswittir Tut dem kg dist shisstischatit. Ltd itmersated to Ors Dial Rapt tlycidso• 1,71,11 a tt,; LMiQTrAlliitoryaty grAAM. JONES BROTH/83. Daltnuom, T. H. T . /AMMAN. 2.1. IC , I ►adMl •trwwt. Allwg-hmay IL kinthathug 'Chen will repertpratopidy to the Ad jutant General of the Army the nanie of .eery Ithernit- Lientootht mastered Into theittereths by them, under conditional letter of appotottnint, together with Um oompati• and realm./ for wlloh he Isracentllng. OA n wlll be =mitered tote the Wirrioa only on the au ihorisy of the Governor of thei.iiitate to which their repl mt are be'ong. tit iartic!th of enlistment eitilbe made out is doN cste by tech recrohlor oflacen. mild will be dlsposed. eL . ptovid.khy paragraph 15, pagifin, Bethuitlog Vogt. tedious, Volonteer tarok. t ociiiits will be snot*. the teen:motel undertone, at Ithstj la:often thence a wart, where they will be immediately examined by the ettrieon of th e reglmont, or otheiZtir:won employed. for-' that purpose by th e Snperinteadmit Xlionteer Retralto ;- um &thee, end If Lund nnilLim duty by re:m.l4 pormthent ditabllity,will be dthellirgni from the ten** forthwith by the Surgeon, ttb eat report that dim charges to the Soperintaudstit•l oldness. Decralting 41 , 1, sod also Lathe Alijotaithat the regimatt, noting particularly them eases who= ;the &totally was • etithoot at this threat eintistment..iis In as the orgard. xenon fa complete, It shall be threfrilly inspected ant mustered by a Guittil Stake Ithalating Qatar, wbe will see that at least the minimum tintaber of sachem:upon is present:no stheitees will be anted. IVi Until regiments or Indepthdent contharilm bi or-gal:dad nod mustered It.. they will be wider the .00. Mal of the Governer et this State, Vat all rerpalidtionsfm Quartermatter, Medical, and lieduanth storm, edl COLItf1:211 for fuel, Mew, anderthelistencia, ended! woo cuisinene for transport:Lon. ninth bwayperivst by.the Oupezintendi tit of Volunteer Swthlltinglierrini tee the - State or Division.. prrrsau ea H DA.TID FITITORLSO3 THE WEST aIEsTEKAGADEILY ant MILITARY INbTrITT; WEST CHESTER, PA... =CM au V. Ett7Ed, &. N.. kiinetpal. i. umrra srcu3.ltALLi-4.. et. D., leitool.i. ata Prtscipst. .• The echolsetie year of tea tmoot.,tbrObtsuo,_ . ‘ tib: „ the YIIIST TUE,DAT, the Otb istbleZetober next reettoo of thttreptlon U thorotbh. and elttoulte, da, dirnod to fit bop and "Don tatOiltti Milne or boshousao Madam Lehgratio, Genus, :I.teueb, epsaDh Igor ttaLlan teaybt by =Hee raddlottembtrz. The tolD• - hazy Drpattatess-ts &attar the the thane of woos'. ECE.DVD/1” &Oa tho blttitirtboperbotandent. For (with:4lva Or., apply ,l4titaa: of the Pxtborpgl et No eat Ctu.stor, re. - Tbt Ptincipal will be at ,*1 7[ ON O9 2lll.OEitAl HOMY la Pittibargh from /term Otb to /latest Stb, .._ .icelstelve. others be will be happy_ to tutaltb taconite, reetka abcr...t hie school, fr0:2%113c at. to 3 p. tn. daily. att.lak , :;.;: FRCIT AND tiEfILDE TREES, - . , g 0 P . Z 474 1 .1 4110 tort. r: Cu:clad 1... 0f th w e . leed- hin aura fro treat, ea Early Itarriet4 Maiden Blade Hi. MaePsppla.l3elderin, rlloweterAalre. Maga Temp. - Mee Co., ILtrede Wawa Omani- tome,Beety, 'Samb, emote-Doc" Tainan's Stmt. BM W& Mar, Ale, e_rbb ir v gtoat i ll' i ltl4-013141.8 yavaL,PLU tr y s: DEBT. OREEIIi'HOUEI PLAId, , Le, la ebe eteeb leas% be erbar great Inaecesoaete to leseteel erbe/eae4e ., pr vl clmiera- Ordeie. lan at tee Orem- beeee. COT rieubtugluf_Tost.oslce, Illebelaurpiftennt i .4o4le- plarsertal, MAIM :V.3 MAMMA: I • Ina. at re. etroti#s4 - H.B.—My Went r . 4 mera:esables mew tomb% Recker' mspeziet wan made 4ere of be Kebbiebe' r PIOIMED SALUOIC-4ast reitivad a fresh ellyply a tam Pteslat Wawa, for gab bl OS pound; alma rstnk tad etttie• Tio.-1111aclurel lntttstti WI tits for tangly sue, tor axle bi JOB* a. arse:rum s IA mut Tatlev sad UFA Snow 4-: A.,....;,T i . I- XERCII4:r.eII'LQRS. Boys' LINEN sultSi White Duck yeas and Pula Brown Duck Veda and Pants • PPLY JLWI. iiiCIITZD BL ORACY & LOGAN. -v.. IT ST. stars sr GENTLEISLEN WISaING FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. msas la tb. ItMST reszlolkinu.l irocli is wen tioaLl opao R. G. RALE & CO., NERCSANT TAILORS, COROI7II 07 Plant AIM T. MAUS smarm oams mobaidsirsim•Ssii. sp.!, Tai CROVER & BAKER FLARTIO STITOH • , SEWING MACHINES; • ARE THE BETZ: 1.1: USE., ) Office, No. 18 MTH STREET. A. F. CIitATONET, Osumi Anat. r - LLB% soi ro3 D. BABNutrs " :SELF -SEWERS; ' " TOR ALL ilittRISR. en- Trad3 awned at liberiidlscoant. . ota?..3t ettanuouwart• NOollittoranta H,entaacio, July GEN/MAL OItDS,B,S,} 7.1. et. Authority from the War Parte:tent, dated Inf.r. hith, Oat., haring this day boovrocefeed to role. Ten • A ea Breomente of Voltuuteer Infantry. antler the call of the President of the United Suites. of the Inch but, . of Foa Hundred Thousand-C.7,00;M mon, It fe mimed . I_ Opt-dal authorltiew will b4rantori to rale& OM pewee, to ho recrnited nod errata:el wriestayreeaby.te real Orders Ile. 121, War Depattntent., of 11164; Prefetwoce will be ;Of. to [entolis who have been in eerrice sod have been bonorahlyilischarged. It. Application for spp.'etittutents as ennsterins, LL atenont under the ahoy* order, will be Acta. • • d'ately etude to the Oboe of 110 Aeljutant General of tie . - It!. Commardlnß cilimm el_ininala or of natal/an/sr rtervlton west of Jot:motor, ink Um Lomat MU roar of the motratatan vrill sea rt to the zontmaallag atm. Camp 'tornado, near Plaohntr,h; Potaarylrantu allow oa bat lit, sad west cf, a.d Inandlna lisadlnkPaallo sylviisila. rraott to tbo maninandlng rarer, CiLlip Ell tin, fiarrioloarg; ail oast at itraelfag ma that ICU Neill r p -rt to the commattomp, 'talker, Camp Clatatala• do, Plattelelphla. . . 1:poot the application of tbe , klawmler ether, or of the tacolming Llostoasat of 6 ilDmpaay, to the sputa of the daletzent Miami compatilet throaghOat the State, transport/W. to Um map or. Send.zeom will be for. cashed. I. Actual and riscrsaary eipotese far boarding mid loening or mem raised underAtils °War, will. be Wet • by the Cate] States dishuteing hißear, at the proper pest, et • lute not excecdint.llirty cents per der frr each man mustered into the :Service of the United • tares, on the allhlatilof the otit*r tarnishing supported by the receipts of Abe; Pert, to whm the to. cry *se paid. Nears of tbeesae, end the•dates b.. mem ybkh each man Irma boarded nod /plod, meet be - stated in the account rendaredr. _ - . V. The term of merlin will hi for either cese, WO or b.* stir.. re recruits enereLst.V. , `VI- Beg kernu meat be Intiefered in.before Septem ber fifth, (Sth) eighteen handroillisei sixtprour. ((MI In order th.t they rosy be eregit.o4 on the quote, et the State under tbe • atbroml4 cell. - VIL Incomplete regtomat. mummalat which fa I to orient., trill b. a:molt:Wad, within • ilaioa !alb ttroe„so ae to form and Its , - tflostorei tp trlth tom plats rrgiment4 craaolzatlmui agora that-data Iloottlee will be mtbll4 the tholttaf 5t at ! Gcrwermatat as follows, rlx, For tetruits fur om • two yests....— •• Tlw first Lottailmentt of bandit will . be pr.ld by the • swatting and dialwazolug °Moot* when the Mend/ tiottisd to, ad follow.: 2 - . To a recruit whO maga in the kmy furl par.— 16 ;3 •• ••2 yeArs..... 6466 .• •• •• 1379,03 Al a reward or metitorlostaiendurt, mud daa t U. cure valuable military expetinn% apakeiutneint OS Fie!d (join 101 be mare, an tle r peculiar dr curastaccee, frank neck wen bU been to welts Wad have beau Immutably dix.bar6'54....,737 order al -1.1•C:11.4 A L Bcs.3uta., Adjutant Gentaitt, P.nturybrattia. T 1:. aroaszed order Is rabligialar caned Winn. tine. .-.... . Vea Dcr.urrxrn, Aturt.Ntlizzall.AL's °rms.) Vr. , s.ncnCNalch 31,1344. 5 GENERAL OIDEIZ, t . . Na. In. .. „ 0.1...ral Orders, N.. 15, scries .'; g :'- -,1401... an tllrob/ re. Windt d, sad the !...11owin OixtercirUl govern bianastAr. i. 11. them( la srg , eltine new twitiesente or Independent can• rob: name, the Governer* oflitates are benitty authrrized to appoint, to addltiOn- to the staff odleert b•rrtrfc:re anthorized, one &co'l4 -lieutenant WON* cvsupaLy, Wto shall be conditionAtly aattstsrdinto m ew" at the date of his appal:lto:tent. July alley, thee a sphinted nut mttetares,stuall oat beintitted tzebepaid r and psy roll of hat F 11191,4117, and latenl4 be fail to enlist rt organized onnpany fttMn nob time as the War Department may detglate, the teen Imitated by him aball be transfemd to specie other toa;lde eppointmer.t shall bensatelletedGE he than he Carg ed without pa(, arilese the Clonsnor give WA .potties ha the cansoltdated cenzipany to:ithich hL gun ABU tiara been transferred. X. No a:Ten:tate for exetteeerirititrreel la 'relator neer egseduttotte shall be paid by Dirbtrralr.g Wavers 6/31ent pproved by the !lupe:lntendant-AA Yolosleat llectalt• rig &nice. Dr ord.- of the Secrots - y of *kr:- E. D. T0N1C.11.1.. ..11,44:acrt ant EVEEGIIEEO, dm. e. el. NAM& Scq Pssentrame. 71: m723:trica
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers