~,,,...-....-4,-, i - 1 ' _ , • . I n :;..- , -- ; ~- ,a,ll- (I)ittesbltt{th Oitztfte. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1864. . CITY AND BUBUBBNI. Linens nt the Election on Amendments to Ibe Conatitntion. 1 . 122412 . aan. - Plnevar 8,272 d ward.----. 310 Illid ward, lat prct.....1 1t..3 ud Yotb we rd ... —...—.. 243 Piti1a....22, I.t•prpt... ! 1.2.." " 2d pi t. .... :' I.mj &nth eard... ......—.i 131 P0..21th watd............ 121 22212ttb wild ......-.I ICJ Ninth ward...._....„..., , 221 LL.111,.. I Tint ward. ... : ..... 3.56 2hlrd vatd..2l l 24 pri.L... 1.1.4 7,11t2. inull 14t pnctXl ••-• vet ,StS rkaJr4lT4, Trit UNlAr , ViVaslnmenttl -- ElrialubmOny - I " Tower* tp.; •NosMlca held to An Appeit For Aid. The following "Appeal to the benevolent *hi zenaof the Nortit".has jolt boon issued on be bon of the vtifderiniePulatlrof era ;of 4tt 861finf Satz, 1364, the X•bdos ?linden** command. of General bleCaus lend, with'a forte of *boat 503 men, entered Cbanthereburg, Pennsylvania, and demanded $500,000, Isom the citizens, ander a threat of - tinning the town. This requisition - area in writ ing, and was signed by General Jabal Usrly. ' It Is now established by indisputable proof; ,that this demand was a mere protest on the past • of the marauders to siover up • purpose formed beforeithey reached the town, to burn it to the greund;iititout giving any time to remove the private- property, and scarcely time enough for • the oitieens to remove . their families. MTh*, tired the houses of our citizens In perhaps • Ifltyntaoit- Ilipwarde of 'wo hundred end di's, bousei the heart of' the town were consumed, ' Including alt-the gublio buildioge, stores, and Litels.,oomprising about two-thirds of a town containing sin thousand inhabitants. Thus a large body of citizens are reduced frouteompare &We wettlth to taro:Lae poverty. These tamales ti:vti lost all their bedding sad all their *thing, • except saint they bad on their persons. The less'will be largely over ono million - of dollars. Wi,brot aid from abroad there will be - great mitering In our community. The Bev, John B. Warner, of Gettysburg, Providentially with as at this time, is t'e ac credited agent of tilt citizens for rooolying sub scriptions and contributions Tor our ?Rig. F M. K11403L . Beaman,' Wot rr, And many others. Enrollment of the 3lllllla. • A meeting of the Committee on Home D•- tense WB9 held at the *Moe of Gen. Some, on • Tuesday afternoon, when she anbj sot of enroll . leg. the militia at the county, under the plan embodied in the late order of lin. Connie, was ~ .dieanalai at conelderable length. It 1,113 cog .' salted that the State Legislature, at the op - . . preaching extra session, would take - sush meas uses as would tender unnecessary, If not useless, any eationwhloh the Committee might take. The Committee, however, -eras clearly of the opiniztthat ttuoenrollment and organization a - the ilitla fumes - of the county could be eff•ettsd st) st three week, in advance of any result ili ethic the Legislature might accomplish. This • • lengt of time, spent In drillieg and disciplining the eniWould.he all Important In case we moats w , calle upon to meet an invading force. The 'gnat necesoity of smut organitatlon has been so, gustily and co painfully demonstrated, thitt a Committee feel constrained to urge this matt _upon the consideration of the people. A reool tic% woe adopted, authorizing Mayer Lows to proceed immediately with the enroll- Scent. n the several wards of the city, and an chart ill be made to enroll and organize the I "entire militia force of the county. Th - Arrest of the Murderer Bobbins. • By' , ...Buffalo papers of Monday morning we , . .. leeru 4.. us perlienlile of the smut of Bobbies, 4,1 i 'Shay:, derer of Mr. Ward. It appears he - , -atathe Buffalo on a freight tralo;having taken It pro lity at Weateeld, that being hie avowed intent on - when he left the woman at Nertheeet. The to breached Beale tarty on Friday mom ing; I d ft is supposed Robbie, at once aniseed the lit e into Canada. Duly Saturday morales Depti Bbetif Gallagher, of Cleveland, with Chief " slay, of Erie, arrived in Dalai° after . thole Rise. - Chic of Police Dircey, of DBffale, joined the arty, d the three immediately proeared a - -68,1. drototo to 1%-r: E..4.ra..,S ..i.4t r:.:.._1 _ that....B dbine lad been them, and started to .. ward tallead- a short time - before their arrival. Thiy . ;vare abase, capturing him after a severe & knot. nearly twenty miler, and brought him betekto Fort-Ede. As they vr co about placing him en hoard the Ferry boat, a hellish Ofbilli interfered and took bierbackko Welland, where -'he waiplatted in jell. The °fluters fat/owed him - to they:il, azd awaited the arrival of the prop • Or - Papers for his eztra.iition. '% . Itepreeentatlve Substitutes, • f 1.,. ~.. 7r.e onorary corLiEntes of pentrn al tepee ../1 aeatatio Mile army of the I; eitwl Stater, hare i bean la e• 1 by the Government, and are now in 1 • :! are,the ban il eo form e t t h m e . 1 o f e : I I p P I o r: v . o , s , t c l l a p a: h a i h: I:i helm Tty 7, As TtYanand_and handed dove es rarmaiiats of pa '4 I. •Is triotisni I , of theirited States loot being 'reqeired by law, ' to netts any military terries tins voirinterily, and at Is own aipenge, famished a repretaa - .t, tense r t, to ',nein hie stead, in the mill- T 4 tary fames of the Vales ; hels ' is ear•ordanee A witiVtabS foregoing order, entitlsi to Calf ao • .•••• knowledgmett of hit disinterested patriotism IL , end public epiiii. :9 W * giant. hope that di eitizsos, who have ,f,• the means; w avail themselves of this oppor .?„' Malty of being repteroated in the army, and ~ ,4 at its saxoetime diminish the chaneaof a draft. ti i BaLms t sleeks Tuesday evening, Ang. :4, ,1 at Non= ,Fc!nl Bate Soon , Si PHA street, by 1 A. Men 00,suot!onesr : • ~ ,"1 . Ailesher Bank ' 60,09 _ do do 09 .2f. Gasman surandfievlngs Bank ..... —.. 30,00 Alrogbea Insurance Co 106,00 ) Pittsburg "lfColtualisTOre B. B: Bands 27,00 1 Matto Crsei.Diolsion, 82 ,?..4.' pos cent. Cosomoo Stosztrorra.—A clrooior bu jolt beta t uned by theAssistafit Provost Marshal Genusiyat Wubiesttoo to . thsethat thatsubsti totes are to he oredltelto the sob districts the principals MiTaelect. Thus willpat a stop to ths guts. 'shish his been to togas to some extent, of substitutes. selaog this:assts.*, to sub -districts after rereirieg the boantymoney from the prin -eipals. I,.l‘3rt.,er,laur asAttc.nos .-Friday 121*T3i g, Anii.t2'stb; et ten reev,ek, will be .1 , 31 J rid:MUG resurp,:ohdi homy, natalage,, bniztol, wagon, bingo. &c., of the Nstio23l Livery Stsblo, ' Fist ;tract. above Sto.lthfield, T. A..4foCioltani ' Tau Irma Courtr CONTZIITIOIr.—i'6e .deta gatai electftl to the Unica, County Convention ea Ebtutdij !sit, will bed b couvantioa ta: d‘y , at the Court Roane, at °luau o'clock, for the. trams. DI zettiasting easdidazes for Sen. atoidtitelairrProtbolotitry, Corner, et:. , . DIEOSOISLY CO,Dtrar.-24ayar Alexander, 1,2010 / 4 16 .11204 2Vaxaader Sahromar, Samuel (hard mid- Wm. Shaffx two dollars each and anal for Slinsdatly 'l°l)4w:a on the preriea. West. Thai paid their gam and wera die. charged. Pantie 'Conan" 'ewir flosir.--John Bythe wnetrrettedthta monoitisfor passing a noonter felt two dollar bttl In Market oa Mrs. Elisst.rth Hannede, of Me townshrp. Th. case (MS set tled by hsiha tedsonazg the bill and paying A.auturrsa • Wou•ser.pliart Xctris was Arndt,' a i whileralfezhany teat itszlog for a matting a a t parring aloag thaw street. Tbe paid mayor [triad him Ire dollan and coal, which Se - - , . Ts:gCART.—The rooms of the AM:- elation, after a at/roust renorathon, will this .r.orT-6leg he again open for the ass of gle.abora. • ' VAILD LlD.Aoossr Orsz.—Th a room ,. or 03. Y. M . Library - 4esociation -WUI.b. &gotta 0;on to this goo of nos abers.tAle morning. /Icor. Tamp of the tow Gorpel of Pasta, it mem out, aad mai had at Brunk Can't News Sept, chtonicht • lisv Tax LAIlr..Tb• - seor Eisen/xi Lam, ora -11/aid Go neat Tsraphlot form, now rudy et : rank Cass's NowrDepot. Mee only 10 vents. Tag Comittosiott Ilitai - Defaturs wil3 mast this sconatig, at 10X Votook, at the 'case at pem Uotre,.. A fall attadamq• desk& bb, • A lad noosed P.triak fleag•ti, aged eleven years, and ion 1.1 Michele( (toga •, laborer, re ' siding in tholes' of No. 67 Chatham street, was frowned In the Allegheny river, yesterday ref Ner noon, shin , four o'c'ock, whi s bathing. Ho bad gone down to the raProno bridge, in com pany with some other bogie, where they all stripped for bathing. Young Itagsti coald not swine, and getting beyond his depth rank and ern 'med. ooupar.lons made no attempt to save him , and niter giving tbo alarm hey dad es h, 9:1 , 7 as possible. Some atm w ere ettp e , t . ed to the epee, sod afters search of over two hoe" the body was found and dragged ashore. An ingoest was held last evening b 7 coroner Moi.lang, and a verdict of accident •I death was rendered. 1-ii "A' 21, . MPECIAI hIJOA.I9. 11071C113. - - Tacoma PALM, Plain and Ornamental Slate Roofer, and dealer In Pensuryivaltie, and VON mont slate of the best quails, ac low rata. 0124 e at Alen Laughlin's, near the Water Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. , 2 2.19. it I C J 4 20' 1:7 :SG Ivll :Lie le 4 .7 1 9-4.1 I> LIZ! 121 99 1.1", A 6., I'7 a .6L , 11 3 6 9 3=l .0 I, i 4 7 ti 1 2 - 41 45 , 3 I 3 d' 1 1161 67 1311 151 16 152 1 I lOSI 1 31 166' IS 3 Ramovero.—samnei Orabw& & C 0.,. 141 "reheat Teams, have removed to 73 Soolthlsld street. We are just resolving oar second supply of spring and summer goon, And would most ro peottully invite our friends and the public lo genera/ to examine our new stock, believing it to Le one of the finest stocks of merchant ta o ilin good: in the city. .Itvery gaxmout war fantod to glee full satisfaction, la both prix and quality. !live us a call before puraheshog elsewhere and judge for yourselves. . tiaanag ItfcCientials. biershszt Tailors, Nu. 73 Sulithlitthd . etreilk, , • C 7 119 1.T . 1 811 ur3 3 1131 oil' l 42 171 oi FrZOLILL NOTZIIS,-The attention of our relkillia la directed, to the irrilliaat arrortreentof Caries and firenraseElootelast reerdsed by oar friend Mr. Zahn Waler , >d, Ltd ll•daral meat, Alla ithsrry. Els stook comprised • great variety of /Panay Yrnnol, &ICA, &stab and Mae:Joan Cassincoree lad Cloths, and /toe 811 k and Cas ewers Vesting:6,-4U of which will be mats cip to order. in the laGist styles .12.1 it the boot nignret. A cholas sidertion of Burnishiag Criods also on band and for sale, together with a fall mock of Ready Mete Clothing. well sad fash ionably made. . -- Vomixtexim, Arnie-non !—For the derange. 'meets of the system km:Monts' to the change of diet{ wounds, eruption. and exposurre Wile& ever Volunteer la liable to o there are no rime. dies mute, convenient end reliable as ROL -11 LO AI."8 PILLS AND OINTMENT. If the road r of this .. notice" cannot get a box of PIN or 0 almont from the Pug store In his plays, let him rite to me, RO Maiden Lane, enclo s ing the ciao nt, aid I will mail a box free of expense. Mat dealer. will not keep my medicine. on hand betattn they outfit make to much profit as other persons motto. Bisdoway's Pills and Ointment are now retail ed, eking to the high price of drug., ho., at BO centa, 75 tent. and Sy() per pot or box. For sate in Pittsburgh by . B. L. Falmostock A Co. Per tale it Fulsoes drag store, Fifth street., Pittshurgh. For sale X4O by Geo. A.. Kelly, Federst street, Allegheny. "Ile that answerath a matter before he hear etb it, It i.e a folly and a shame unto him ;" and the lady or gentlemen mourning ore,. prem. tore haldnere and decay of the hair who will not make Doe trial of ' , Liabin'e Floridln." deserves to be forever bald and unhappy. It 'arrests batdaess, beautifies the head, ad do new gloss and 'Are to :he hair, and lutists is atrium.; and duratiiiity of perfume all other toil - et articles. Try it, aad if dissatisfied, yoar money will be re hall de d. tic tednoeneenta held oat by offering lOW priCae; but at eqatuable fee will Do cearded fa ovary Cue, for thy best tested:4 stilt be reed, Led ell the lithe and Atli eeowwwy w it. 81.11 prevlstal resaltealtall be applied. nelletaa. Oudtars. and carriage' calls will be taken at the Orinibat odic', No. OA Pend efreek, ds y or td,gbt- MI orders left at the abort phab will be promptly attended to. eu walla mast be teard In adYanoe. Sacra at amnion to- night, at 'SoOtelland'a, 55 Fifth street. tritalt-NS—TIOLD=—.On bey, a 1 L , at minister's irrrem by W. A...Darldroa, Mr. SAVA:MI, Melt U 157.4 ratd Was LIMIT ANN BOLDOdt. b At , of aar city. 7u.rlsLy, lugut. IL, 11. L.., h.,N N. PlcOld.STurt. of lirmt Vstel....er. and Ulu 3.1.iff4 D.S.VIS, a Ph, town. 6rIDIM-03 Panda, ereulog, July Mak at Brook lju, N. T., JENNII WATT. lufeat diughto. of X. B arid Kum. C. bus dim. seed 11 ...(pw icJ one d. 7• Trot funeral •ll kora the re.l4lraett of Sir. W. B. Copelaud, corner of Canal and Cheat:let street, Alla. gb. ay et tea l'elock. Tat, iR -lotat.f) kka"to. T.l Ams. CLASSICAL . coatnEwiti, sraorsr... N.,. 23, 'St' Chi , etrevt. Terme 1)11 per tel,,Lir pct.luuter 0' 11 ale., InWiNO:I,I, H 0,,, Taff trop froth 3a. at. 1311 p. TT-57121' ONIALI • )a —1 titreplea-or, to ”ylt, !h. WO. Han, le •rtilee oily qtratlf,4l mil, an - 1 the art lteadhog and Speaking vitt. ens-. 11 cu.... ell: ettorgr 134 e • . E0.13T. KIDD, P,k.naor of Pl,ntlon. Boos-Kate:au 000 PLl4l4l,totil,—A.• a tr , • 410.10 of J. LEO., c./ Ata 41, Ere A C.e. rau d—ar- a ,- wal.r.l • an at, a• • preetl , •l ',nos - ledge of tho r ‘y•tetal Maoll, eptug and ar,....ut• :an no sbero oh . ao that klao+l , hee In eupare.l ttrlttitlOT Hader tel , l. P.a. Wil- Cept SA 51 (If.:1, T %I:14A C.T. Prof JOS. H. M(;1 ct.u. 13 11.k.i.inay,Inr C. te .34116 0. ymEers. tl..raey at Lao. fLtta'"ln'o:enlsmin.ost`falal.,..t .at h. 'A 11 ,, nk-keepo for Eere...t, af--,,dur CEICii PIANO, ELIO i1T1.7 ED , tf For Yale alga 1A44 than acaular Price! ?Ls auhicrit•sr tw oet t5.c...1 • Splendid_ thither: mg Piano, ro...reed es., with hkodwnee med . disd.. mewl freed sod k cwittere, der. 1 4 k• dt.p nod tail. Sat. twatrateer.l.l.... ktittilly I daci•k,i tak. la trauteortiwbe% witch ad...lb. L , en. - t, Lot tee,. or L. nx I. a • ILIATO4 kart, Will be will T THE HEGEL/LS 731,7.1. ciiLiL.M. C. flfEL.l.Olt. O RPBME COURT SALE —T37 vin.ue of se crdtr a the Ory!,..eus. Court, I 11l ftp. Pe. , Ile Sta• st the Court FLusve, la th• ftte buri,h, net PATTTEI).6 Y, hare t nth, 141.1 '1903 /114Z15 Shilt CI Ptacss slimes.. a tw emely rftlGrece ef - lieort &cull, Jet the .ssloh act m 4,/ 1. Plum toltrztiblp. 'aid itrierli but thet..79 Y.,. fr.." r ,, F 11,24 G. ram t/rtleere rot uo , uer Cue! iliuk..l4l the •bhie leseol order, "rut 76 seroa clesofd..blelueee la timber.. 4 7rese—Ou•-D.lf ...D, halite, le u•-• t., pure, etith Weal!. Loud sod cr.or - A•ge, au-1 74.1,}4.8/ Fsien I spec, t &hula. Juier.f. Z.01:2.22' Id //Pit CI, Jikl• favPA ' t, b.. Poet Otte.. NEW BOW:L.6i NEW RODE A t _ I. 19.13/ AIM 7 . /. 2 1 , 2tZ52 OF BM/MT V./.3 5 Y/L2l-2 toicataalyl goPoi.. talt,' es sad W. /az. 0, irsai eo. Fan, lll A 11A5CAL 05 LX221.2.271 . ... ..210 aa 0 4 4,44,C, luvbr.l it ttn/illpir r.x: 'v. caarura i.ap aav•-osa,-2.5.2, I to!. -I 13 2 Vls3' OL'I2 151021 Z. 1 val. itre2. D&P.ING • 21155 ISL7I/C/156. 257 Ls2as. Potioamer A largo rangy of 712 lanat 14444. 1vG114446444. J. L. =AD. ie 2,,150-5 ADMINISTRATOFI4. NOTiCE,-.--4AV•:(11 N elltalutstratt, . at,/ /yl-.4 co, 144 at Pittol.7 cr 6, bil•r•Atettol Logo 1.0.1 Pp Mt gui•rtettool. fAro,.• &W. to daft vta.to oro tttht PoSt:tact, tk.c.•• Ater-Lig daOrLY 0 , !: 1 ;.-/c/ra-,t ZL/Zl.trZTlf TU••iiPou7, MAI EZEMEI . _ PLASTER— P.P4 114..) J. by ' utzrzz7 U f ,,,,, Lutniff.:. Q HAI? URI; Val 1743 K 31 , .: tc. M. Fir • 'Wry •-• 444« DI ...541 , 4 • 444.4 f! • moth 011:14.• -• 44.:, ins , tpv I. X. 3:".}74J, e_we, THE I'o 1131.6. CILENBERI; Pr k!..).; A eboice Day vtazt W CALAN LICS•i tffated Ptsma, put Itcelyni ,rt II VE3IIII k fly, y?.5,1t 5.14 OINI:411 for lb. low .1. zn,at IZZ If .11 alrey< E INIMITABLE STEINWAY PIANOS. A U. *w7 grAdor f la.u. of Out colobre.ol ..{.4kls.alt” talc by M. HIM= k 11110., 11430 Le n E. to ttt. fiCotowaph No. 171 Wool Et not. piallos r PIANOS t Da. 5t.,341t ofizpv. of POLITY PIANO 3, odsti Styles .od parrs. Go= Or loyal to the atowo norlsid sad fusser .t Lutell Tutors" pl ea ., b, U. aZialin ON, Iforl ak.t. lOUS Buy Drowned 1:3233311 ILs • nicunt of enbsiription to the 7 tI loan .ley wee yszi stt. Rapid program i. being made in the preparation of 'note!, and prompt dePleerisr, at the time premise& will undoubted. ly bemade. The regiment widitt wet blown tip Sy 4-an t'S mine in front of Patersbarg, was the let ?forth Carolina regiehemt, farmer!, a loarkine bri• Bede, and crotilianded by Col. 11 , ..g0i. At the time of the enpiotion it numbered but :vr r han dled gad aft, men, having been badly out op In pr, elves amine.. An epparemily well federated deserter from Lao', trip) at tit, that'he 7.7, , j rebel troops op.raang In the rolled , Pleat,. of lied, and liter uridge a. Earl.o troop; were drift rent op tie valley, and on the sere of starting drew ra -Pas for 13C 7 yen. H. r-kinrt :gel tomman I to o tel,nombtring 11 GOO men. There le n... tarn in the rumor he care, that the raldan h et been' ininwe Kw A. P flotf . a•aaa f.” tra• •• Tiu • idsy lam, Hill's oarre war tatjtliattedsh• ma de at Petersburg. r 'Wished etaremont that An terson's,and 1,7 e..h's do were deta,hed i•olia Peters b o•g sat s o ne to Itiobniend to look after Listarook, g A: P. lINP. corp. within the defestoos at Petersburg, le also boor's.. II • uys :onto divismrti compose corps, and they tw..l I trot have teen vent away, for II II was to that illtretrAttntrltt at Peterahtirg. t..ttallea, ARMr a: rue Pinola tr, Augatt 2 --.1 flog of trate is now rie•isitinl, and a party Ita• a rpt, cat to burr the deal ant bflog in the r nded. The neon borw arc rri.rts.l LI being o Argo. AlTit al at lrr s 041e3t, of r..‘rhxoze. , VOGL, l'r Isk nets —1 ht fr Pitiable I. lot, ( "Alan, July 30. —tiowli me th vs.sn es -7 -7, a nr.rmary , Jll it•t rrr rst • re a , regrel N•,• ?t, . 7 1• - .5 • S mojerro , of in.., bolos!, ,t ta ,rra 4,1 r ththet, t•eb,„, 'pre :y ff.ptC401.1.04 The ta), tS., prl•vat thor tzsmi pltiaLls sp - paavans•, aving bat • ler. sad .hulas.m.prot •r• •IMeut se...Lc - mat cll.,thle g to cc rer thatt rrakoloasr n.,y are aelmatad •k4ea,ni rest loft b Lad uJiiika in lbalr travilV, navy or thaw barter Leta t•elys and •ilt..en asstliv la teptivity. Taal' are ca. fort lirtalltasoi from th. p iso.a at Camp Titer, Tails,. wiwr• ft , au (-my en els thGutuad ars • ,•114•4 la ran, ct a rat., at • thvas•al 0, arr a , e 7 cflcal, tLair tras • tar of 'f's4l 844 ja , ./90 , fat Leysliol crtge.b.s. M.oy at +.r , 111. ale • lag Ler• IL" IDlrenr , ara4 tql•rlag :av sad elatattg. T• 5 ' Quil,44 •1 clam• pd.aavivi taro :Como vantoalatil for ciao pre•ea is. ssi its. riaall pan, vita •• 11,44.40, au lamcotataa arta with r,,,se, divracat. itara•diaLtly tbsir arrival It• - p• ••t•ataelv• Nattllte Bawact, :10villavv tkialato Aislisv• of lowa aliV :,.4214.111 lintL( ac 11/Vrit N 414/1 Walr c.a4a• Et W 039 trramer. •I'4l V. ‘Pxt...ll, direeti.q 91 . Orr . tri„,L oo , coda ;vsl 4 1 4 4 44444 w 404 , 4 the gawp it 75 00.c.c..”,.tu: iriAl Aktith • ‘414 • wititagt.e..lp t 4 peri.Ait i.. 1,11.410, us. 44144 14 41d01•LI 0 4 4 1 01, 044 Cv54[44144.4d 444441.1,4441/ .44 t 41.• er 4:41.4144 .r...14.15JC Ltv!,, „„ Ect Y 1 iti, Gars rthaa la Asa aCuar IPACaaci ita4 Aro 2 -4i.• /14.4...44 iIVW 2.14;44,, fe - pcl"/ tbert t#v ..1 , 44"+;,5,AtzLii,..,. kwir 44 V , :iv.. /Ai , 5.41.41. s4,ty Geut......16.0/6 L,di, 94.4 n 541.4 (14 , 1,s A rd.rty , A b..eurt sr,t • ye wirld ts.a, 4 4 , ; 01-. 4r.rroiiP,.,4 .7,... , Pa0r a , r,ae,d4nal.ie I.or it Cl.O. Nett. Nt44,i,../..,vi .vt I 0.7, es-1"W. t.,0, 1k0141 , 6v14 F41141/4 #.1..c4 tlart, !K4 .1, Ws* t 444 i 4/40 .%e. yr Yvrs Plural •l 4 t 44,44 pl.l 14.411 4.44 t thin )v••, theot frshst es. 4 11.441 2.7 t 4 f 4.1 4 ,1 4,44 l••• V4v. f.r Weir at. iittrbv/rh is 4 rt. VY 4y. if: 16,1 Pictsturgb, 112'4; J., e. elssr, fex t, Iv::, ,;• , 9 4 . 7.0 CO/ 4 06%% 'd4. '114,1.1 lesuary Mt**, PI, Plis4wssiiha o (101 !• tri4eof•or cul 0f,"1.0.0 4, 0.41/4 thit z!tart , o.r. at 2;4 IV. w ( Prtionelaritt, 42.r5, A igoos 2 —Tim itswarr 04 9 ,1120ri1i1, °fistful, 26. b, bar arrtryl. . lirlisfry (or rott.ro; Ora and ten *onto logq ibtA portour quptralora, Vol 6414,0 wirrtiffailf tb meta rionnortrors. Or4h.r , itirhpgi nidlisarb 15(4'2466; (Joel /414211r0g, if;pjito, Pto,filans—light, bat bight 0{ fvtt prlctiv. 114 fait tuxar, igeNignatwn oa.urksoti UlfDonn Neil . PleuJoittrits, Angust a , --regrpolt 0111041 ging rtiljaild,. knells lireouth4 111. fur. 111411Atilitaatliargina tliaml.dlll2ll,4lPlatitlph Netsfare'. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH, FROM GEN. GRANT'S ARMY. iffE 1111 Ch ON PETERSBURG, GEN AVERILL CENSURED A Large Body of Rebel Cavalry Reported Near Leesburg. REVOLT 01? REBEL PRISONERS AT ELIIIRA Mozeby's Guerrillas near Rolkville REMOVAL OF 6EN• COUCH ASKED FOR .4o RN btls is+ Penn tylrania AllEilh AND KELLY MEET THE ENEMY The Rebels Defentea St., 11... .1,:. Nan' Yale, August 2.—Ttts Cm:.,. rpiar • Watbincton dispateh up Gen. Grant rogards the attack on Petersburg a dentonattating that Lee has not cant any force to !nude Ftennap ennia. Lien. hweria Is content] for allowing Cbambenburg to be bona. The excuse is that he wee engaged remounting. his cad►ky at the The Past's Weattlngton special says: The War Department boa been informed of a otnsidera- We body of cavalry near, Leeabitrg. Oar own cavalry are in good condition to prevent tioir °roaring. The Pr., my,: It Is repotted that t4la rebel pi-leaner* at Elmira bare revolted, and that a regiment has been sent to anell theentbreek. W097310070V, A npret . 2 —,The Sur may,: Last night at %boat a o'clock some two hundred guar rills., supposed to be of Aloteby's command, made their appearance at a paint three mile. above Rockville, having Grossed the river at Yo• • lan'. Perry. Patties living in the vicinity imagining that there geterrillna were the advance gnarl of a large invading force, immediately skodadited, which ccenstoned come excitement in this titre, •'laa. for a short time. Troops wart soot front here to intercept the rebels, bet they were no. where to be &and, having gone beak over :Ito river. At. 1.001,1, August 7 —General Cameron, on behalf of the Vigilance Committee of Har z skury, has adjoined President Lincoin a let. ler, risking for the removal of General Coach and the appointment of General Cadsoolladoi to the posit inn of commander of this department. I Ile excitement along the line el the railroad against General Conch Is Intense. It Is almost Certain that the rebel hoe! so longer ponies our soil. The Pennsylvania Railroad company still have their scents at the front. They report nothing. A report was received at 12 o'clock lannight,• narjeg that Averill and Betty had met the env• my and defeated him. There is no now, concretising the railer. is Bedford county. They are supposed to here been driven towards Hancock. WMIRISOTOX, August '2.—V.riotj rtipms bean In circulation here to-day of the preaenoe cf I Confederate Into. In Montgomery cettaty, Md. It fa knows, however, that It arm only a *rasa raiding patty shieh entered the ontaty het night and proceeded as far no Gaitheriville, th:111J miles from Rockville. 2:” people in the meaty beCetangreatly frightened. This eeening's Step mentions • report of the capture of a stage coach at Clarkabarg, by this body of rebels yesterday. No appointment of a Reg:ster ot the Tresso-y lea des Leon made to GI/ sae place of :dr. Cha r, lso, as VW stated to many if the Saw Y,rk rape: I R ailroe de re. kts Ike. strike on th Ad- Ucn iaok Co.'s A Sea Load 13 Th 113.2:11 ferinidsble e then it was stipposed. Th• rioters, about 800 strong, are driving the Berman laborers from Shalt work. Several arrests have been sande. A collision between Irish and Gamin laborers ie teased. Death or Prof. Darby. N. a- Y. 71., Aug= 2.—A telegram waa re, eeired in thie city today announcing the death of Profeeepr Llodby, of the Union Theologtoal Seminary, en the boat from City Point. Re hod bean noting for the Relief Corp. of t.ho Saul tiuy Comniifivd. Ittbel Mir er Killed at Chambers burg. Ei.k17,,:t0, August 2.—Forgone who law th. body of the rebel officer who wag killed in Cham hamburg, std vhn knew Harry Gilmore Intl mately, }withal) , deny that the remains aril his tinfounded Report tiLmrsiss, N. V., August —The report sha the rebel prisoners here are in revolt [4 nn feundtd. The! ware never quieter than at pies net. IVI_A_RIicUTS Few York Market. NI7IN TOto, I—blet ton 142. boil,. It 544 I , s,r-11 evert, 11 :WAS nr, eau! as, lot Jed:mood Std...". for 8.a.,,..40 fur l'sode BcOodo. In, a-o , aso s *a' es. bba, 111,23. ss 1.-doe K 51,73€81.,7335 for dials.. :U.': r laitar an to troy rs,lb r or it sly, ribbon, slealdod I :a CI, asoo, os slog r_aid,"4,2.,,,,5, Billowasskoo 'Club 12.42 , sor r 5 ,,,n2a2,138 for Win ter .io est, b, 52 , "t's - an.ber. Hyatt glialnd oyo ,Lava a ,L,20 4, , sr at 51,6714,31,159 i I r /•.w r1t...1 Wear. rn, AI 51.5 d, •16 , 1 111,00 for Whit. ••,t• In. t.od , dull and.* eloado lulrtr ; $l O , for Wafter°. Co << dells Costa Saco 43e flowor Ao• 15, . 81 0r0c,v.,..., -V: far ; Yaocy Bonnet dolt at td..lonsos quiet; boar 0;55..35 51,12.41.15. Poteo f, I, up, 7 VIC r f'srds. far Reflood In Band. Woel dot.. Pork fair bis B.lo,tentBs , for 11 ..:b 40 g..1L.trs r: , No., 935 for Prime, on.d Pliar litre .100 I,aO bblo Now /Kw*, bar el.'eptiois, for Anfoust. at 71;20 , 600 Dbl. do., for pep. itoilsof, tam. opp. , - , 's,, 553. it-of lull nod heavy; las it 1nC.5150 for venial., tr.'s,. oat, the skr.otry Paulo, ncrae for Be:socked !drat, and 2200.6 c for Extra Mon. Pomo lien 14.-f InSes et ~ ..k.anne.. eat &loaf. sotedlee and pal,. fat, I err ; 1., fat Sbeolde'ro, and 17, for nit. I':' 1, - •• Balk Meat* al 16140. Lard .rea d y lona so fair den , ass.: SiOna2los too , 5551,51; byre,✓ eptiz.n. . l - •- Ob's be the finfillat of 'August * umr Sills 6, nt IstS,, wad issaa bbl., buyer.' optic, until August, no Cott, aeareer sad 37d011e fbr Ohio, and isnio , t.se for d are. (lee. qu,at at BtoeX and Money Bleulzet. Nn. 5 Anguat 2 —Nom', actlve at 7 Pitt real. Florttn dull at .1171;423:1, ertyr. nry, Gold without gna t, it•. ^ ban 00, o,o•nlng.yat doe:loin.. to V.. 11 g to yY.4,1,. sod analog quiet ak 1n7 , 4% no-nt otodgs iwzyhont 4 ntded o.A.u.gro; G. 3. 6 It l Ckut ona 10 , 0 ; f3 , 7pa (.5311pona 107 . .. Yltucka bettor: 17w, l'crt ' 1 4 1 ,..• P. Ft. W. d C ...... 0 Cartlilcaloa..- 61 , 4!0. t R. G, 21 W...... ... 11I11thIgaa ftnthara... 0. d. N. W .proforred. 90 134 Bendln;; ........... —3_130,10. B. a 1./ 1111.1,..n Couir.3 LI. t P. DuC ...... I:). 4'oottal Scrip 1.:'.,1 Clue:neat! Market. 4 t•. I• • A ~ ,tnat —t dtal and p 11...• 10Mi rap, nyeb,ued, nr.d sNlell. B=4ll salas Prnae gi 5! I .1 N 1,51 I.t• ter 1,41 t, u , tat,' ra. hrs.! st Kl 5, tut bnpn• fret rfl !! , atti +7, W 1,1•43 , 5] tiothing d ma In Provision., and ptl« o:trtnal Aar 'e. It, error d+ob•nd, 4. ara Snitor Vlni at .1f..614 4 , ffias, a .d t 2,43. and a &wand. (,• ;r1 advanc,l and Eller to 2.:1. If,,,banga Duilalo Market H. IF It n , Aa.;a.•l Z.—rt. - nit Sp , ins *atm lon 11..1 nntsro Kn lr. litara do. iff White Vrbeet ka•ra Worst dull s•pd I -el • : N 'TM V. It :1,, S, O. sante antis, o 1 kllllraaLaa Nn I ' hn - sgo , n• Wbiskv e 1,71 and non , t. ( anal Ere4;lata arm and no: Inttzed. Cal, imports— VI, IsuAt,{o, W.6 ;C.. "ma, tl Lamb. CaLst F woe ta— }lour. 579 (Ma , Wheat, 27m11 LWp 0.., Loeb ; Oats, n,3", , 3 _ AMELINK & BA !AB., No. 12, RISSELL•S BLOCK Foie A.zents fix- the Oelehrete,l ELELADBURY, and 8 1 01011.11CILER 41k 4110.1 3P I Jii IV CD SI I tw,raper, gad r.qulre tan/ay th aety otha ywatlowiar«l re eh. rowwtry. S. D. SE H. W. SMITH'S Harmoniums and Melodeons, had MUHPIA L GOOD, merally, at the 1,...t 'Can In. can Ppcos. • PLINO3 TO Lit, Md.& irld &Taftlas dorm AA , Douce.osO. 11 , 2 , aec 13 say • it.,l FOLICITED -, ANIERICAN CONFLICT ';HE GREAT REBELLION Dr N'.❑A 011ZELY .. • i I /.••: V. 1115. ary .cr e.t FRANK CASE'S B oolr a 11‘_I Nu I)epot F:Fllit 31. , ITIIONT'7LI BrILDI33. cZt_ M:4 hi: 1:1,./ . ..Sd 1,4 )01), 0 -g aadte3 1 J1C0C1..9 ! G r.:11 !um a :a at iIID2;,•Z Vi ITR, ORR ,1 CO., • 4. ,• lif ru RTLIZIf Ak'.0.5;i1.3 HALL TILE cuLiroaNie. rAvoura, .111 1 495 uerstiog • Jlr nl 01•11 TWO pl •Ig Ylll)Frfiif g V 40, :Hitt •011 OM, ax,op.ahod It 14s Id 1..• I 464 11.1411/gd “11,1, .•41....1Y4, ...c ~ J 1.,..u..CU Iha 1. 1,1 4 Lt. yrcu IL. tigglag 1)514 pi A:44.114)N To the 1111 , 111'1'.1 Hoga, 14i . <1 . 412 4 :10 4 !::111, 4 P - 1 . •4:1 ' 4114 *I I Lil, at.. 1 L•r e okvn: .4 444! Ole.lbe. with • • •.•4•47.4:1 LF4 :44,4 1/..st 4/ //se ao 4 x.44.11.4‘5s t,..r 41, 11.1 W, fr.do 4. r., J.. # I 1,4) 4.4 iGa 41.1 ti.DteiLDOr. ~ a 41.1.31,4C41 sur/ 0;4 Wit``• 44 ,4 4.-4144 t.tattol (41..144 at 1444. %fa . QM t 4? 4tl .1, 0. 0 , 4“:4441 i p 04...10u,u/ or y lil {be : ,`' czr. ‘il.•• 1./ Lak, e:jd, o4lGldd.,b; i 1./r t I. bt 111 IL oF II J. CI), Y.. 4 b44-1411aUS6L, j tiMd 4 ri c dur.. 1,1, • t f ; 4•'' tit,' .4 , 4 ,i 1 4t4 jr.i.,14t1r41 lut:/ 1.. • - ;• Uafliitß9'b U*AMUHIUML I, j.kiat.l4 c übo , iai i 4.„ 414,, ;4 , 44 - /14/9 tAf 4#1•1*1)- gjoi.)4 40..1444 j.4..1fc4 t• 1 1.4 I,Moi 1,7 , 4 P ti 114, OCUM.:4?, tv A A gam. 1. ay lf A. 4 inniptapl y simply! ,ty 'OM 4+44 A w. 1. 1 3"; "37' wt 0,14.+4 8.4. f , 144. 1044* 44ITIPI#P1 ~.11.XYAtirfi'MU"Vitl"filii.:141V111141411 115. Wwolllll, 114 , 44 Diko.if i t; • Asti! twAyiet,)”, Plititt i trtAt i .. l.4 et t ri44 , l 4 i1. 4 .,4trtP,13/4. Zit rIATaI AAA 1010 , 4404 , 1 ...Zrot+r.trt ll ll:l4:7:ll l ,l4;',l:4ltoN AI Pobstairliir ettikhtntis it 51 twiCLNICH. CHEROKEE PILL& dINILB-00ATICD rEKALX RICOULATOB. OUITAILI esn Bill. For the litemoral of Obetructioae sad the Inrttran. Ikralarity In Ma /Ldenrranto of the Ilauthl,y Perlals. Tlej oar* ar 0111144 thaw numarou filmenpa spring frum inagol.rity, by rot:loving the trrognlS Tt.y oars Elspprnesed, E=cr_•tre sad POl:lfni MI Tb.y euroGrama Hinknra (04kuoddk) They care liecroas aad Elphael Adoetkon, Pala, th Deck and lower put. of the Body, neer!mese Yethp ea 4101 Walkout, Palpitation of the, Heart of Spit.lto, Ceed.sche, Glddlama, Yte. 1. • Word, by maawring Lb* leregalsztls7, tt;ey iset. the cause, sad Irian It a the eSeate that eFrring from tt Cloowood of timplo rogotablo extrooto„ they 000toto •otbtej dttotorlovo to •nl =aft:afro. Downs'. doll- or, their remotion barn( to substitute strength for erearencein which, when properly need. they usrer 611 They may be safely mad at any atm and aj any period, cant darn* at Art Orta DlOSikil, daring teach the meattlag ltattas of theft aatlzat aroaltt All WWI peeking Information or stria trli b trtsly sod discreetly erisendelle, dlrectinna womapsny mai OCIX. Aid. 111 par box, Of boss /WS% UM by null, tre• of postai% au saordpt of pziat, Coil II ►!I rapactibla 17raniati.. DLL W. B. If ERWIN i 00., No. 3 Mat, otroot. Now To& hr ou. Iv Pitiotanb beg• etocruaalp • 00 corner col thsDLstrwad azd ]lariat stivott. ==l G LAD Nit VY 6 I FOIL VIZ 98702117517111 IRELAND SOUSRT FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEE INJECTION Clcalpoacice. tr.ut Roc., Dula sta Lama. GEIZEIOLLZ M.Cllta 7, the greet Int lee Diareth., cam all atm... of I.la orinary arsons, awl iso 1 IBB , Otto of tboßclw. lalloomaatlata of LB, DitoLitt, to tiolootattoa at Lb./Ado*" &ono to Lb. Bladder, Strto- orsTal, 01. 2, Clonarrhan, . t. =pet. NI:, nri06.414 In Moos moot of Floor inos (or W) I. In frcc;inj non w. old =Aso. modloina hum It to . rrrparsd lo h!gbly ecoorotra..4 Dors, ttol ft.. 1.114 trr.l or. to tiro Gay. 11 Ls Elarsctlo intd altarstlrs to Its setiss_•—parlfying end eloacslng the blood. condos It to flme to all Ito arizt at pur!ty sad rtgar,throt ramovicz from the Jr/atom .11 r antic tome ransom •hJct tom Indnood Mums. fbefobeeicafoottoo L hatooded r. oily of onolotoot to the Mob*. Battoty,oad should be ttsel to ooaJ ono Clan .Alb tbot utoilelnotooll wow of Ekularrh oft, Woe; Fto AMMO, Whites. Its effect w hooltub, moothlat mod doetoteeht; ftmoottog VI wefileg, hoot, chordal sad plot Inroad of the buret:az ood almost note• durable pato that. sop; rifooef with early on the cheap oe.w.b Wantons. By the hoe or the atuitoir so CfEllreOLKI INJIWTION—tho two thadldnot inr the ottb:a lopsa-par Coehocroo aro eof moved, sod the !Mktg:ANS *ego. on oporlll7 ..stored to WI vt,of 004 strworfa For ftell seenteatars, re Wu pderspEelet tense awl Drag nen lit tta ;smeary, or writ• es, we We erell Celli hew Co say lwArisa, • Fell Unease. prujiptuorgs grancar. TI per intl.* or thna for !S. Pricw, 1:n111106ZZ 111/ECTIOS; II par bctw L 113.• I..attze for' I T. 22. b 1 2222222 to 227 rlLlrcor, 02 120 evestpt SaEd by ell druggLet• DEL. W. IL MERWIN DO, bolo Proprlston. So. S 2 (Abort, .treat, New Toy!. 7-or total. Pitts Sore. by N. mr..u.s ULAN A 00. corymy or tb. Dlow.oad o 4 MorkYt Moot. ELIXIR! bad). ill/ REJUVENATING ELL/LIR; I=l Habil ratra,la, I=l St , CS; ~,0 0f!r.4 :11114tf Oh o r 0 0%.; of cono.tor to Mr, vogolot , :‘, kinglum, toting of, no • ,,, folvallsoil,l..l of cue, tisoopoolls •of I=l La. bunt bntab bp tba rant aunt at tLv Jay. lauJ op tatua pt..a.tutt...l ace at tha gnat.. suutb.al Utpaavertaa at tb. Ot. tu.filbt Will awe Gas.ral Dublin P. A lint boast .nnam tlbaletioa in faatalaa. uu. bottla&ttiut l'alpttattan Cl the Mimi b faW dun r 1.1101,11 tba OT(A4111 of rauuuttlott. u. au, W Musa I.tntint ...tams Me multi.: hil ti.. of iouttk. • Quoco, roolon• 11. oppotlle. I o 1,4 hail.. 01.10 d lb. trunk CAN of lcup4NNoj. 4• 410•4 Oulu 11. Inv UM. 16L,111. roali , ros mov1•1 power. ' No 01 , ••• Pitpisa IPo i , a Oh. 4.1 i. 7 - . la luadl,dh. nutareal 4 , &Mail 11;3 to•rt. LaailL IL. plrot, dulillllafek wrn•dova 404 4.41 Aye If C 4441110 plosauta. .oat.ala.l youth, lb. .aar.Na..d Nan I , loll= of ii 16 4 .1.41 dap.aulaa, 41 Ink' Rum (001.1 dablllly, of tovAI **AO , •C•an, vill/ .11 Pod IsaN*11•1. 41 Ih. boa of MU SII.O or Bana . 41 113=ZZ 1,0 11144 Li i , el. 44 4511.46 r Li ki I a 1 4 , t+ b.altas fur IS. got I, Wro ol 'm.o.), I. &al A N• 1..1 1,, .441 , 41 .. 1111:112211 1 44 .01 .. 10 11•11110.• 411 W 11 1111111W101 p.oprlalooll. Lla 00 1.11.0c11 010001, how Votil. 1, • • 1 1 / 11 U 0 ,1—% titt4t4 00 1.4 A 11•01.•1 stints i. .0 =TM b utlish, 711 E UMIAI N IVIEIIIOINE i“,u. Outi. uuJ lasus. A 4 Li 4.ilui/1,4 i. 4•-1, 5..4 4,..t 4114,.11. I 444, 61641441 ‘ 4 " . i 4, -.. t• 4 4... ,4 ... 1, ....41 Ail . 14 .e.ii .11.• c/ c 4 s .: ' • 1 G.,41, At 1...• ._1 1 11“4.“*,• liulfut 1 I J: , 11 4. 1. . I' " 14 11, Ila 4., Ittuwl43a. V 414.14, i . 1,4 J , -, OW * 4 , WC.4I. 6,1, I.iiitiailig 0 k1 , . 14 • I,ii 1., ..oI ~,,,,. ...4t..11.i,...., in*“,04..... 1144 Y44,,a, j ' .ll I. hi1e.,44,q; 1 44 ,, 01 41614.4{44,, . ,..l iii ly. 01.14, ...atillv.l4 .....L.6.4 Ii 4, 14 {,14 44 , 44 IN. 1414 11:.14,4. $ k 4„ togai44la 'straw., uoi pa. et 1444 LAN.. NW IN Not 0.4.11cte 0 .1.1X11N ILuNaaNla tia4t.4l, 11. Pam 401 tei14 , 64, I;, LN4ll.a jeum•ta IN /6idt Pt.; 14a U.l oliii4llol-% J. Li 0. n... i 4 ti .1 • i it 4 1:14,..1 oilili iIIF iwoollotlolk, oi, i. 0.ii.., 1.4,44 .44104 4 4.4 , 14.1 464.,F:44 f 11.4 1 , 4c.V4.1.‘• I••$ ills l , 44.4 flall{, 04.4 ,iloi oil ,r.,.,0 .41 44414 41.41 littilitt tL =SE I.li roll,. Cli4: 14 IL. .4411 mob ft. 44# 19 Hip 41.114 1 , -44 e11..11 04 ilk.. 1,/ *144 4i .110... 1,/ Pop, 4466 661 6 .1...161 u 6.6 64a, 11:6, 16, 1.1 6{l{6 460 V.+04.11.:, v. 66 .111 •fil 4 641116 g 04160, Gy. 4414J4 wr U,.µ4 hi 411 It. atai.ll. h, VV klio4Witt A tki s'44 rtortNi4A io4 gf LiNftp ilrQl, Mar L 46 V., 10.1 A el!illiArAA MAGAMAAN A 09 4 wtgiitot - lAlT7aeAou , , ,, Atir 14041 r 111`4IN - FFSO 144141* tov P. 4 6 fins p. VOLLiatk PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS FOR TIM ISM. NAVY DIP ARTRIN TT, BMA, Cr runtrarwr Ann inatCantlntati, J Int SRA LID PROPOSALS to hat-Lisa uly mater lBol. ials for the Navy, fur the year ending Nob J 14131, 1004, will b e re. calved at the Berm, of r q uiya.eot .cad Neornting, until the 13Th DA Y OF ADJUST, rant, at 10 o'cloct a. Itti„ wn the bide will be opened, without regard to any accidental detenthon of maile or ,rther caner. Ibe matcrlala and ertlchs enthreced In the chew. revved en partici:duly dose:R.4 In ins prints! sched ules any of whlph will be thrillehed to finch at dewy, to : fhr, ou oppllnalton ID, crtuniundulte of to. retpvc the tures, Sr. to ..he nary agent attuned thereto, and those of o f the oa di opor application to the Bunn., dir'..e.on into clam. Loring Ivy themnver Move of deacons to ouch, each portions MT tarnltheit are attcall, riqulnwl for bloc The Valantattadaat nod nevi agrnt of each stool In addition to toe voted ale of se at for tr own yards, haw a c.,p, of the tw. whednlio of 5 - ottmr yardslor eaamlnation only, from h It may bo Judged whether It all! be de:Ur/obi* to mtkc al id tut lin for any of Ibe dawn of rm. lard.. Ogen most Le mace 71,r the w Jule of the claw et nay letd otwo Moo if the pun ed tote/tie, or!, attics ran k, wit in, rew ILI. 07 Ih.y •11, out be c naldertd. In compating tba clov oat, the prim Fisted In thy colo en of wires wait he the .tae derd, and the aggregate of th time will he car rkd out stcotdiag to tap prim:sl4lnd. It Is tryastetd of bidden to avoid ensures end nob titutlon Cl figura% and to we anal the amounts an corwrily carnal out. The c.stmocts wit! be awarded Jo tho loweat bona d.. 4 bidder who gives proper:! y for Its foldifinwit. The tiPtellt3 revolves the mgt.. to r., ct a!I Lae old, for any clew. If tr.m d r s 0 bloat. All 51 Lida!, matt nn ttta Tn*/ t , att to Reorml In the oavy yarde In good md: r, aml sn oultoble fi le and packagoa, pr/per/y matted with tie name cal ha , cutructor, as LW Saw may he, et the ettconse sod Isk .1 the m otra. Our, and In a I respects "bleat to am capectlon,toreatrvmmot count, welglot, , oft erd Late received , and to th e exam satultution of this.al• dant thireof Bid's r• are referred to the commandant of the rap,- tire yen!, /re santslas I.tonetionf, or particular do saription of the 11l bin; and ail o'her chino befog reasterfeu proeartnne will be Linn to articles of inintek. turs. iriery once, ea regained by limo! 10lb Augruit,lBlB., Moat be eroompanied by • written guaranty, the Corm of cbich b hereinafter glees, sod &Le by • rertigoote signed by the colleutorer irternel recence for the & • 'riot IS abith be tamblea, that he het • bream to deal to i boa sea les shish he prepuces to harnieh ; or by . 11121devit Signed by himself and Gwent to before cos mailstrste enth,ised ti adnaluestoc inch oath, that he ascii 'suture, •f, m reviler dealer In, the erUules he fifers IVtopply.aud hat s licenser so, cuenniceffirer perbr' Thor anti lancesnifnes may le accept,' will be nod- Old, sod the contract chi to forwerdiel ea soon theist sitar es pi artifeble, •tdch tr o y will be regairod to a.- cub. within tee day• afterreceipt at to.. pat oince or try score, named by 11.2 The contracts will bear date the de, tbe notincenoa I. siren sod deihrerirs cwt be detnecilet 8010 ftnristors, . . banal.. to thaatull amoun will be required tosilto the °manner, end ti ei• lon motel I ity corned to bra Oohed ante. district judge. Valtel iSt atm diata iot atteraer, collet for as eery agent &a edditionsi *aunty, twenty per cent= will be withheld from the •soluit of the Mil until the faunae: shell have town eartiplated: end afiti y per carom of finch trill, a: pro , d N triPtleom by the cemtemouents or the mamma.* yards, will ne paid by the n••y apron at the putout of ea:ivory—unto* m queen d the codlrlea.r to he pal." on another navy gericy—wlthin tem r *airmail el:alit:arm ham panted by it. &Cie. ry c.l the Taealory. It ti syellto4 in the contr. t .0.111 default toi made by the partior of the ant part la deli rerlfog all or any of Me m.attired to Um . elan tld tar in the eo.- Ue or Oho qnsllty such time and pLee..bne pre. whilld, them mad in that CAN 'be r atrackaaaa his sum. ties anti fallen ..d-pmy to the Oultaid Mates • 1100 of utoney had ea* eding tyke :he await:at of nat.! Ci. 423, winch owr im racovemeM hos tine to non, aceot..ll to the init of nrugt en 10 that cane yr - ay:Jed, aporeved March 3. la 44. No bah :or more flan al. yard mod a enbleenni in le 131,1 Nipe, and U.. earn, =cat be distinctly eadvreed `'Propaaal, for ate. - inta far Nary, :112 \.rya yard of (nano. tn. .• d .:drevd (b:..1 ?Solna - a of f:,ulpsnoot and 11,..-exult• pg. Navy Darnartaaent. Maabinrten, D. D." Whirtt, from . flrey,caun be 416.4 by .H of Lb. • tubers -, or , tbefltat. 6 , ntby tit Imni..h Acid ;ativear m the ntlpftti. aa..mardt .1 rho art/c/n rumed In .benhereto aciatrx•d, as .. atly to :he pt7.l , lvbe cf tba schalt.L.. [bor./or. a.d 1• cm.un!ty ix she u.l werva.neot the Marcel 0 Epstpr tlt at.] 1141:mttfrik , e . a..‘41 July lath, !A. - 14'd y ctltr ba acosptrd. lu slse.l to -, wed the arattart teat to :k• u.ay 44.015 t - or in --. rsr AignstnT• • 1.11 cortAcste ;114.1, (Stgastars ) d . B. TY< tc I dole onicit :ha baler moat b. iitat • oft, •nd *nen thorn data by hip, opt.- oito iimit a ticla in Icheiale Ma price aunt b. .at, tb ninotrzt bo fa riad „int, the agr4r?ga, foorod up to .1cl:I a••, and lb. amount Mewl. n in void.. It b. + ultra Lti not roateo non' Elia place tt.a arttoitio at, tots. topy must u•tto le tier iottor • yr own to • hato ord its on Mem ant to to Irilirortil. =l= F'qik or GUAIt&SiTT 7br. ,r4.l,,frxred. of --, In o —, or to tb• 5c.• of —, brr.. 1.7 gna,,,t..•hat I .. the bid or for cm, ‘1..• clam ,tim e n noesptel. to , or ILtc Ira!, ettLl. ten I.T. e'er Abe reoelpt of [te coo. frog tet tbe pvet 4. ca.nonall. or o• 7 agent dealt...W. eemu the e. Stott 14c. Lb moms tab good owl clout •orett•gt, ant in ow, t.. 1 rL JI :ell co ewer I:roLtra. - -1 I , Jrcakl.l, •••jo t, s./to K. nd .tifr.ret tho bowl -- IMEMESIMIN I t , s,hy oft ', tiny :}n .Lm. usael - omr• to cos 44 psoporly, sod fal.s ask. tt-ir soars Tut» tircod 17 tt. Seat. Dtittrict /gigs Ft.t.ta • kt I t!,rxey. l`titvy 1.1.1‘.41c10agi., the clasw r l . »l at ltke nusp, we navy I. Flax fltss,as s-,1 7.11, • 51r,,,, C .Lit ,u C 4 tvg;9. L....1.1.er, N- 13,sc, Co.l. Lastsro, au IS, Tall sr; 74 • TO., El•Cloa • ers • No flard•ssrs. HO ii SLIp atm:Wm 1 , ,; • ow Nv in, Txt Oil sal t Ott aTA ELIA TOWN. MAESA 11051 re 1, In.: Coats. aul111.; N. , 5 2pwrrn ' , .1, 7 Grek log 17,00.11, N • I N, 1 , , 1 ws/wr: No 11, Lowtr.r Ve.., Nu rl, ' In 41 , twr.; Nly IJ , Strwc 1r rt N. 11 :q.t., w . dtstsboy; No 117 • -.y. 75 11.0 lasts • 21 Shlt rli. it •O . .1, Na •`• T.. >nf Hestodoot 0,1, CS LOB, I. 1 N, N eSW TUBS. Tw,orr, No 3I• Nal o. ;hr*, , No 4 TIO, ZI.C. No 5, dyers , - I :ow D.7szk • rasyrt, Ka • N.. 7. C..rolt- Li I'7 •••• ft. No s. n 0r...0d 5 , .. , .k.r0g trrwsay, No 11, 41W1.... hr. 11 1, :b.. 11 rw No i 2 1,11121 1 , ,; No L. t -tw so 4 N.., Nrwy, •1,1 Trelow ,No hrayL•.. 11. -r, No Yr, El sylv.rry N, , N. .7 e• . Dry G .rur , rire. N • 31, t 011 4 . .14 r, PK:i.NSYLVANIA. LA% (I,tx• ar f Trite: Has Prorrorm 011. NI C., ~“ 41 , 1etia•dier, .ot 1 . rre, .1, T.: /A aa • .3, Tyrtn• :7 7 1 Tfil at .1 '3 , ) £2. 1 7 i.a 13 iaet^te• 774 Tall.n, N., 1 7 ./tp7l,wr bts7a3nery, that J... '7 C• 1 I- 7.7 .7:7 .17,0-r I 4 I (A) F 1A; =MI DEEM UCIDILILIALI.9I: c CSEWIEL G 9D Ian:ASIZiO • CIiDERTLEINO 10BiZILT WLLLIATS, llootztLrirs. Is! rutratu =mar. UnnlvtAlluff v:01 Ifs hraitchfs. DldAtar . for. :Arta( 644 ALruLnly infrytAtny, ry fur th, prepay it. 4 swum. ArneAptlf Its A flstrA4l4 1.1 , 4615. AAA LAkyrlyoff silmrs o 1 A.Ad. • our t 4 itru• 1.1. IiNITIAN BLINDS: J. L BROWN 11.1.0“.. ar runtima nsinls 6L/SD/ Y•. UR OM IT.U.IIILD 937L11ir, ea band a lams assertasszt • at yrerrnte 0.% et lb. latest styles; PL&IN, 'ANDY &ref 11/LR Thllt11(11400 elliAlliEtT &ND OIDDITL&D COI4D/WS:, Om dlrecral loyha. OLD 111.1.NL1 ,•ronst r4 rwOriad and trfamot. kW, WINDOW ell Anal &Rae% atria, aad 6IILDI ItAttittl• INC& be abetslisg&jkll searreatat art A . l) - 1. 1 . a imias niamott. rLusumn OAS AND STRAN EITTEILD. h lea ll'Vet. wantto Mat 004.rek, Plusbargb.. WYDRAirtII. BIM!? LEAF , Lipp rirA l' it , •.. 1 11.111 LICA laatortal la ps. oat. itil mluarla, bird ay th th. eral aypro.al ammo a. , taut§ haw., altl. Veal as yeryst. Rya,. au... ann•loe4 h. 1 1 . — All not." MAIRIPOT iti0114.2p,1,31 HAANS Nerinsut, LI • Gl,ta thAt• rtryzno, r•rtfctslitr pmi.l .01PP fltiltti up 10,4 rplAirto, ol l•IL UXYI . INA !lb. /Ai ►h.4 l r tatArtt) AND IKON tX)ol:AScits.l. to Jul. .Al. hit 444 tlAdt 12:41:5, al .11 klub, atmle th. 61 , 01.1 poi to.. A/10 , 4..141 4.1 Na., 11 achl yl WATIga Snarl. 1,114.0), WO; watwoly pa. i4rth# Ihir t1..1 belug rra.4.l a a 1 asaatme• tr,,,tl .44tNiamor. t!..01 1.44.ba1w tn. 411 r“., IA vt•oliroarl. W. Myatt. sp,..ialw tUrwlovs4 401....eirrram 9lgt I - , ihu 04.0,4 11 - .1., (hod* ...4 h.OuW 041.4 piihhii " tit Luta UPUO/Slt-etY. Ma 111.1h)Plerit 1111111111% mous weer. . t 71,41ri oinitiottte list, ..uttaatt, 6.4 Wotwills lulh* FtWe 444., vts, N 04 0 ,411, rA , N wow, Doirvar., r Sll 04 WWI, 4rri4 pow* w kw.). 011~ 1 0 tai* tki WM All \Mph et anent; ed to.a .tewevi 'meat,* h eft% viti alias 0,4 atoms ••d le 6 ti • ittwi Oto.W. UM Oct st., WI atm' pointtot. U 1.31411,!1T1CREN0,-41witag peroheeeti • 0411* Walk 0.841 tat OACII,I as ail k.elbe il i bilt4:1 11 1:44415k4141 c 463.111114 :1 15(0"ii h nil it * % 11:1 114 11 . 1 1 ,4,4):,44m. wni ,,,114.14.= 24n 44 "1"" 2 "itareoZliigair •Aihn , „ Iv „ (-4,w 944" 141111.11141kri6 ii illii i f7 tr•LO -- gu - arkar;Thiii; Vierultra liVircr! " 111. 117 =l= ll= • NV:old call the arteation ct boyar. to hl• stock of •• Jo. It bits been selected with vest care, .d on, ;acts All the tamest mks of goods to be found to first class housna 0.1 t• vrtsblog n 01l of clothes made to Art, will oho.n raft sod "cacaos ocr plods and blast. Also, • 101 l act zomplet• stock of Furnishing Goods. FIIt,T NATIONAL VANK. Tty eothertty et the Seu-r tory of the Treasury LW Deal ts wthortsed tot ogle. aelteculptioos to the Three Tears Seven and Three. Tent with loterrlt eovpod Inttrched raystbia aeml.attnaal. L etirreacy. Use wits see payable at nuaterity la Legal Rader, az cantrartibta, at the mdott aft]. bolder% Haw Ould• beating liabrat; d ror ,eat. Bond. 1 L. Nctea .111 bo to deaamtaatloae Of 00. SU*, 53.30. ran.. depantitn, $l5 WO and upward& will sl• k••. 1 me .4 attar of ota ?arcade. an tho ssioaell 01 tho petolll,l. The saa wad... aC. ~.ta to Book. a. Bantam Ofjalta JOUR D, SOULUY. Castel,. POULTNEY, 129. 92 TIIIUD EITMT, rlttabarti, sptram LAMP BURNER, AND lIBITIVRIA WADE tt.usurecroni. COLLINS WItIGHT, Maonfarfarrtv of LAMP RORMEILS, LANE ERA,SSD, 2e Meroarbetureqs of Chinas ► Wrtgbea Patent TIN JEO TOP, Patent TIE 1101. TAEP Wl`, Fa4at SCREW PEPPER TOP. to. No. IX &toad atmn, Pittsbarth. WeititilNOTON CORNET BAND Public , Meetings. Pk.Nlep, Private Pir. tlea, Berermatel, _4617.0111n ILUTZIFIELD *TRIM, attd 52 rirtz UT DUET. J /1001111, Lowate. • j30:1%..1 EICFSELA Eli POLY TECHNIC INSTI AA , TVTW, 'MOT, N. T.—Tho YONTT-VINST IN- NUS!. OROVION of this vslt kossosio4CTlNOL ON IN- N) to AIMING AND NATURAL ISDIENCI, can tow. lUt ll / 3 18111114tb. MIL Slu PrtmAlLLt baNi• 100 b ovaltlstod onO sksitty for otsvps:took. Tom ti , nr Ppemal Wit, let, /Nisi raft thrDroallati. NNW b ct. bi Whiserlf Crsa.CIIAZILE3 NECWNN, Ntroclor, Tim Nov 'lasi. DAPSS AND ENVELOPS WADE. Jr)CWW-4qtp•ie•d • Ism Ito& of SUM LWMI AND WM PATS= WWMOPIWI, (Mt ',Watts., WWI e•lttio. lot nwirtaals. male ty W. O. Joaturcoor (XL. althimigni ft ft JTIEDICAI. I'oll E 0 PAT BIC BE 0124 !OR TII.III PILOPLIC A Fresh Supply Just Received. Fla. I—Far Polar, Urtiset:ou sal laelwastlan; Pain, ic. Price, 15 ceate. No. 2—For IForM Form, Wet= CoNo and oonM• Appetite. Pr!te, 3 matt. No. 3.—10 r Collo, Teething, Crying Dad Wakefulnes, Mow GI o wt.! Foe Weans of infanta, Frleo 33 cents. Fe. I-1 , 41. I'lLerrtaik. of °bill,. or Mhzits; Ch. .4 5..ur Complaints. Mee 33 n No. s—For Dyentery or Bloody Collo, Grip plop.,lioao Colic, Foil Diota.l7. 'Rica 25 ego. 80. 6—For CittoL-ra, Cholera Morbnn, Naas.. sad Vomiting. Antiunion= ➢tembing: &Soon tot No. 7—For Cootrha. Wl* Lloararoa., Bronichrst Oruanza and Bore Throat. Price 33 arras. No. S—Tor room-aeho. Tace•aebe, NdelOtlO Palnd. N.ralea and Tlo polornaz. Pelee 33 acts. 4—ror [lead-ache, filet Ileadaelu, Vfft.lgo, 11110 at Blind to the lle.d. reci33 cents. No. 10—Tor 'Dyspepsia, Feet, dal or Deranipxl Stomach, Constipation, Llosr Clomplain!. SS mots. N4.11-I'ol . Supprened K. m ar aunty, Palatal o Dviaying ate. Stckains. .anau. No, 12-7 or Leatorrbeaor Witithr, Vaulty Do.ro, to Prolato hiermon. 36 mats. So. IS—lsns Croup, Hoarse Pronpy Conan, 41.11.1 t and Opionsawl Breathing. 36 cents. No. It—for Belt ahem, ()may iraptions, Egli po Las, ekald Heed. Now' d. Itth. Bs cont. So. 16—For ligimatiArte. Patn, laubmage. or Soc. nan tea Melt, rack, 1,01.3 or Lira. .15 cts. Na 1•:—.70r Fever and Aims, lotermlttant Yen. Dusab 44ne, Otd Inentsesto AcneL ID cents. No. 17—lor 11oi , 131tod or Bleeding, Intern! or Es ternol, Somas or Obottante. 60 cant A. So. 13—Tor OptketSalm!, Weak or Indsolol Ey. rad trend", Tolling or Wuk Sight. 60 coot, No. 111—For Catarrh, acute or chronic, dry or e. 114, Odhl to the Road, !Minna.. 60 ;OLI.:1.. No. 20-.4her WhooptngCoulD.iCMcotog load p.J[t Utz 9, or Eyasorrdto Voagh. tr 3 cents. 30. 4.l—Tor Lenin., Oppmwd, D!fllcm/t, Lsbotal BrestLL.g, Cougb and Exptctors:loa. Price, 51 19,a. rror Inr Dlscharrn, Tale In the Mad, Im plum! Heasing, Ursa.. tJ oanta. fferorula, 1/Slanged Glands, and tatell Sveill.a,p and Old Ulvtrs. .nes. 24—10 r Clenweul Debility, Ph7rl.l or Nan Westrtess. W Mal, No. ts—Fhald Acoemmlatiet.,, TataldSwaDlap, with 6,11111 ty Co acres. No. 2E—Tor Elauovs, vosulttsg. 64 arras. F. 47—Fr r Orlorkry Mester, Gravel, Ronal Carted( DI :Skutt or Painful Grata Ann. ODoeurs Do. M—For Seminal En:lialont, larielentary Die cliittitiee and easeeirent Prtstratieti end Debility knee ill lg. •15,c. Kw* ManchStomach, Cloakeral Slouch of I.la/ta or tALIGL-os. S or t W. So, -Ter Vele." Inaorktictence, Iretthus the 11.4, to. t. pe•elal or scuPlicta Orhavann. SI W. .40410 Ur. 20 Tide complete, fn taorouo, arid back—. T Coos of Difelds, 1\12.1 UP*, Came of 15 me:tethered bona, add Cave of 6 bears, atualatroi, and Book..—.—___ Kazis 130mternd boxes, slat dtreetlfdta...„—.. Single lettered boa. with directions Large came of 2 og. vtale, fur planters sad pLy •... 'W OCTIt lIMILDIES By ItAIL. Look over tEv Liat, auk. op a CAM of •Cat kind you sto.ve. and haatee the amount in • current note or pa, by mall t my sallreal, sal the assiblas ;12 b dcly ratarooY by moil or oxprsoo, free of aura. J. IL FULTON, rite" Strnir (Dscpaai BatLifav Nalr..l &or SoJaw tha Past Od acri licbotaisla %mat !be Pts=tougli end dalattp 186. . - - • 1864. 13,041.CEL. t 44, EX TERIVIINATORS. yeat4 e.tablbar7 to 14. Y. IBty. "Ooly remudlt. know," "Fro. tram P0i..." Not danarrom to tht H 119.1.2 :1114 Bola y4l pro/Otto tomprbaro. Bt. Any I of all werthloso Imitatto.. Camera Depot, No. 4111 Broadway, N. T. Oar Paid by B PLEINE37OOSII, SON a 00...4 B.t. 5E1,,1-ILBS 4. CO Wbolcale aad aeratt. Plttebcryb, Pa, EM MY P. 7:IBWAIITE, Wbota.la and Botml /went, illtg!way City. bdOot J NO. BUROESS ‘t CO., (8 I:mammon to J. A W. BA3 A.) Cammlitslosa and ForwardLlag 71srobaut C=M3 Hanes. pyre - hood tha "Henna Wealth also — at Oil Cut., sad baring sample raet and ere are pew ymitse.4 to store and fortrarl OIL AND MERMAN of every Jea.ertpttnr. and pe - eettae tatter:Mat to ul tehe may 6vur us with their pstrenao. no,Steadtca BIFSELL'S FiLtiC3_ W. H. MCGEE. 0 ST. CLAIR STREET W. H. 1:1,211/. iffertallil: T.llm, No. to !N. Clair ititnmA. Pittsb't, OF PITTSBURGH (Lakia Pittsburgh !nut Company Crude and Refined Petroteam, /311MTZLNIC.. Will iittetii t 4 WONDIRS WLLL•NWER os4!Sg. Em f moss, et. Croat Presttiliitatot, bag roast, Um &dual rroafitte. ;at 001gotaT llatit. aror la Iwo rarnothlu of Ma Dareztortf4.rabgttrai4 rat at Concert Hall Shoe Store Aelool.broset 1. depixted ova - Airy torsteautoo at Um:emu:able lore price of Custom-Made Boots:-,and Shiest' -• • NO, 62 Wbere try to otarattl44 141/ treat eats To caatoomai at IM.ooA'nut .13 2. 7 GO TO ._ 117: &VOL EL1.A.N1313; wj • -t ,40. 55 FM 801%4 _;• MEME GatiTE f -- Boob. Balmoral% Bilrpel.4-241. A Le, • rer7 larg. stock DI Datcoora. Lax iSSORTAIMiT 0,1 GAITERS. looTs, SHOES r Lowe, ckut., nu m% Sot lod e cbStrakiit Hcaliateck's New Sloe_ Store, is.. Pe rzepraer, err.. ex4ienet pods arriving limn*, )3 111 IS,Z CLOSING OUT Tuis witiennis. Summer Boots attd-SSOOU GAITERS AND BALINIRAI4I. ' EIBEIE Stwitet etrnot oecOtt.4.lloar nroni-,044 A NSW STIFFLY OF LADIIO3', artrx=!ny,,tit KLEBZW..ZOt=e3, 8446' Aso crEumats6l Boots, Shoes. anti 0111tM14.,_ No. 54 Market ILL= sow= Vr t3llplki I NEW 600.1!11 • We tan Sul remind oar spruicrtari BOOTS AND SHOO. WWI rill sal/ at the LOW (161111PEIC1117..Wil Dame the lerepet and best ra..apri teart"74 a.'.. rums Calf itaari,4l.ll 1/44er lb be nm.nd to et. atty. 15..1D113` usr, . BAfiiJa,ii egzsdae :a. Giv• as • caLL : Jali*:ll !maxim erwar. " STA R WORK I JQAT RETZIVED ET Arammx sox &CO.. No.ll WOOD biILERr. Eve' acd Icallia Za VaLzonikk' Orf44-3 idf "ffip Etuoteet. Chikketelitfool glib I Th_ goods az. =sesta *or spaclalt*e . r. 0.1 . 1„11, Lir • e..<l ologzalled ccatoza Sack. skr. LTNIJEUALLY ATTRiCT,ItkaND SPECIAL SALE Oir 875 ENTIRE PACHOt.§ OF Domestic Dry Goods, _ F. M. HEAZOB. am sell, thtri, Units. Z. B. XX Lai • 60. , z; Weir Storm, ANT 234 211031EZT ST., Vai141.54101112, Fredntsday 4 1 :Torning - ,.4figr. gds Tla entire fleet of desirable D033E131141:4t; Goons In orisinal recta est =Amps Hod, WILMA', Salle" and 211124. Nab ala Settled Flanneis and Backlogs,. • 20 tares Plain and Prlated Batinera. 00• Kentucky Jeans; 33 " 1 wed t Wool Ltioacya; • IS 0 Miners' flannels; 20 bees all Weel-T.arovil; 5 ...au n&afar *Batt; 3 2 50 " 11-4 and 12 4 Eoclidab Mistika.", • TO 0 Galin Ylaitsels; A nails and Black Prliatr; 75 Androscoggin, tawiation and ifilltikLlAtlai Jonas; . 73 balers Sick_ • 20 Bro. Dellis; SO GSM Hirzel ad timeline. 44-14/24i11.31H Id train Croab;tliatillt otter staple brand]; 10 ranee 10-4 and 11-4 Bro. and Ink. BEdidlagg Btripe• aril Checks; 35 bales 3-4 sad 114 Has Bro. Eiliiiitiegth Ste particular attettlen of the trade le . -ealled We, es It will car:Trim the meet iiestratils Mpaltos.ll4 goods, and la the !swat oZerlog ever ziortAt in dr: my other coarketuritb one exrepyou,Me dl to orate aetd 1)20:211, Inn 2.. iliSa s ttgiiflerts e - L 7, ONE OF NNE *it LUZ; Gant szurzrEa.-11 4N N WILLS ECLECTIC PILLS.—THE TRUE 10114 , OP A CA. . TIidETIC.-11: the appllcatton of bete Zeikel UM' both cheroMor and economy am comtditedtn thfa secit e.un.we PIU. To prorent ptetttrig to tirtheitontlelit.. mob quantities of imilatottble end War/oil deliplisio'" contranrd to rmb that moire femi tent tot lati to gat • decent callamM„ and to preTtnt 4ho Thipdfc: Anon so erromouoly indCo2 to to wtd of thane' * ter, am the stlitly in eft dentorment. Mb* dew - feidom amending oaf, ond norm more than ber Pak settler the qr.:Mt. of economy, and ,ccadtdoneo :• mend m to them true character to Dyrpopida, Claithio—^ tem, Ittlionenece, Lteer Completnie, Mb; cep QM manta:map of the Stomach and Hover, Hatt eat Pres — Family PW. fur Remus they ore asses vim". tor gale by all Wholomle and Itotall Maim J6I3E L. atralizmzu, re..orkt,,, f ; Prectiol Clumnizt. ROEtest, /ECM For ewe By J. roittng b Om H. POW s IL ads% Yahooscora it Co, J. M. Talton, Agents toelttlabortii Goo, A. Efiiy, W. J. Motu 14 4 OT. 4 441 nrovas Amore tar 4ate,theny arty. REEL E, SEAL a CO., _ wOOI • - Commission Morobinnto.,::l= 341 LIBERTY ST"tti Corner of Worms: ; . WIT Wool booths ircr3 mat Ambrsgo. '• • EJOV.KNZATOTWiI.I D6siel ' etly._' rep; 'tam GMAT ELM; lr-ir pamutak, COLOB. "s 4 razircar Ears mom rwanottocri 01 the many hundred' erhaffradasets, thkb Ileatdr — , rt-IdlettrlTDlol kna w?Urf=L-tr t Of y """.;' maws im i nieusr Du. ato Esui2„ -• Kea., hlTit Or 04' - • 7LIVITH ITS- j Hzo 09. aztzfiat. alga. A tarry saaartua IPOCKA'r 110 USE DTAZTItS, for $64-4, fa tat tatinela ajar, odmet mg laubdio • tA sad dadki liatostalagr• =malt WO. alma b Tor solo ' WIA: 0, AAWAUME+ , aidaArrar McOLINIVOIt. Job . Dealer in 13017111,101012 t mr/ *AMAX" 110 f "SO tan BOALiN'I"3, Streit: tbk - cal•• 0,10 . 1 a;: 7irga4lowt. - - atid Retail gAte alt
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