• .. So '.. , • •• • 'A • I ~ • . L '.. • . -3 ' ...-• • ta I . ....i.- . 01.7‘ , . . '... .. . ' • 4 7 --- " . . , " -- ;r .:- %'-' , ...3".... , .. , . , . , . . .. . . .„ ~.. • • , ' . . • • ..• tr.:lliittsilurg. 16azettt. I NURDNESDAY 810101130, II GUST 3, 1859.:_. . . . . ._ . ''''''.ol)Ull:7ArlitEttraill . ILATES. .>,..:..a, •-•► ... --- -- I . - ..,..5...., '..,.........: ~...... ASDlso.kittis. - .r..: 3 times • I 2 rz.., • . Daily. \ r_______. &Pi% Kr 1 .9,144.1 r ...__Eili..tl . -04 a. f1e5e......4.--.. 9 .75 5 I.a t. 5 . 5 5 , , V 00.110.4—.,..,... 141 '7O ~.,., ~ ..-1. ,100 \ s 4 v ltiet i1ErC1L........ I s sso fe*Cd4."."*. 600140 1 TO 95 90 4;, 4CrAt1ce . ....:...... 7 . 4 35 2 % 990 , i 3 ! I P 1 :11 0 i ' l ..: 11402:5412,435Tui115..."...........* j 6 l i : 0 1 0 00 31 t T 0 0 1 1 00 70 11 1 150 75 1 9 0 5 ~ \ I.l.,.i*Toos ' tlti::.. 13 76' 7 c 0 9 15 .4 70 465 2 3; -.7...Ls mott .'-:::—. 70 4 15113 CO 13 B'oo 9904 o . -30,mm0utt........ 61 00115 63 18 00 10 301 9 001 5 15 • TlOOlOl 00 nl3 13 90110 701 90 / Atiumaiusus ADvaonsinsprre. , , can. far, camaritusre, allasaVaible ans 'anaemia!, "'colt fina.l to immediate badness of the Iliteeller. &II s4voltisounet4 exact proporttan : - tralari e WI Is 'teals mull • a:loath 5 1 0 yuoeoacottui....-.-. 11 35 2o 61c scarabs .---- thoo 4.0 oo erne.tar double the store rates. lath eatr,•sch Werth=..... T. 50 pan lattrlAVertiseoute..rar,lPl • litha o•ol.dadnidr.tare 275 ,c--COMIIWIAL JAI) VININCIAL, vitamrqs. 55141net01l 65Mia 12 5' tot She Pittsburgh Gann.' Tresnar. /organ 2 . PSI . . SitrirellOteglegt OWlidletg the - . ..fe11e1l raid has, to a gif!aliatent, iitaldrd;but,.nothwithrtanding all our . banOmetonalell are again rp me one, 01..514 out mutt Wallas! dclpir,,z.. This, hoer, Krnalli the dullest ilmillia thli Tear, and tic mate:Wimprovemeet can PeM4Fably be expected foe at lout tidety days to cone. , Tlmgeneral markets imitinnes veridical and neeeeted, . . Oral then le no new feature In soy of the leading or . .. ! p-c.i.gr'Vvrtirrof.irpeclanotlce. „, 0351.11—Vbeatte quiet. owlog to the tam that Sher ' . -111010.11 iite*liat and ha f t eery, little coming la. Ye :y4O4I.6.'!„,;nOjAX,ITAtIS host beads at WO for to Bid 514,0P0i1iP.10 for white. tore is gimlet but firm with ' • • , , tentat Weir from .tore at 51.5551,60., 6ales of oat' at .111.olui A from ii ret,hrolil,o3.l,oB from 'MR , ~............;...VLOCIte-le say quiet, and neglected. hit 1,401 light Cod:and Improved aduiro• Irmo Sew Pork, he A . ' ors ....e. ayparently, limner In their views. We nets mily a la are lot ei tMO bldg (Dayton, Ohl >) esti, Fa *EDO per Dbl. &Wooed at the Allegheny h e el. at at DICOSI-144 Mindy irl.h a fox Pbbleig dem ...„:,,..._ -. ..9,91r.“2113 anotatlens. We que,e , et 1G fur 81,..ntlers; t"=!l:glitrbarilltarisl92llV ern'srillarsl-'" it ,- -- otocrama—m..t continues doll and neglected. althets ltsarmly enough doles to estabileh ootort..nt. • 1 ,-... a 11.40 tut gnoper to remsik, however, Mot, se yet, there . LIAO eretential change In value. demand and likl; 4istendy with a continued got j- . - . • ..311bUratelusdpts. gees 013 loads from men at Pit - .. . • . ''llmil3T-fniClorer and 540 to 515 for Ttmotay, according - gl/ {Mall. milVglit.,ll,ll. In g e ed demand and scarce, and rime singt teasthl lend npirsr4. We gee e good et 1.5. prints MAU- h Is Tit. It Arm with sirs LO ik. far extent .-.-- -AlitiAenoti-Torgoosl to prime Western BeitrTO. The re act.. alr secietiltapy'y re d Tory dull, though nom - , ',•. ' e.. - "_ faartY Moan god—lb 1.7 per des, ' ..e. GIMES APPL,ES2Come In 0.07, and with s cad ._ H ~ 544.111Mie1150 solithot may be quoted Attlee at Ild 00 to - .- lf.XlPrill t* q''''"'7. _.' , ed __....40.tic Tar rieLlarsixtellecoolf at oedema .' .- .- • le7ve—t. quiet Tnt r erat ali nice a; 53Z b .5. hid :"/ -On the spat, and 53,10 deliv:ed. ' P' ' ------------ • ' .-Vittablifgh Petroleum Market. /ititreek Ti-ineri la d epparentlyos better Coding al.- bY . thwholdris of-both Crude and lieflood Pe tro• lows. and, while the market cannot by any means be ittrattd ire, tbrre is eeidently more drawee, and Dwi:entiety.to sdi. Soine four thonrand barreLs of • _ends here 6 bean flipped to Philadelphia within the put two damported seta* is reported to have been /add at 00,411rettid there, and some two thousand bar . • joy time will tin:bald} be -Lerstanloi to that ba. rElireytbare Settra, yet. to be no demand what day, eeriiirfot errata, and, •aa there have beer, soles reported tar 1,20 da, It isimpossible to give quotations. There stn . Fetaaikable Incident to note In Bence& sebteh two-thane:end -iberrels.-10C0LW. In bond, Wend, dugust delicery, buyers uptl,n, at liematbrand and same option, for • lar . at 80. ?bat to the first cite of b o nded oil Wet la. 4'7l.raein 14. an-41111mo weeks, e ere its Itt4pea now Oast as the ball eel to lit will bed i kept •eotidigoin. tll 'l+ del and neglected, ant it leepieiedbte to tie. quolatiOrie. Napa. le still held chewy a .I'..ir,allteingle theni.appoers to be little or at ' rrmalns toot quoted. The rtielpta by _tees Allegheny ilvar daring the nty.filar boars wading thin ersniug areas tollaws 4oug.- ....... ...... ut rt. & . . .... ENNIM • 'York Petruleum Mark t. IS6tel lltirpateb to the Pittsburgh Gagetui 'bus Yoes..e.cursirt.t.-718 tuerket for e44ln La in pond is dultbut Tticee.are mach hug. , i; o.llo=loa' rs,..r. -et tbetptt, tie ?N.V.. Yrs. 0111 i slut 1.1 et. ry 7e 141 M tic I flesuL mark,l o yugyiluagtd 010.tr4 I.l`..tng hi t her tLo :pot. l'eptlis Is rw3girig .111 sen 13 toll. Week!) ftteleiv or the Nets Vora re ,. -, tneleum Dtarket. - 91 ,20-tea r ... 7 - 1• ruly or ' the I' ittel , cr4.. , a G. tto ) ----- -•-• ., NSW .y eti July 'lO,, lidi. Itot tool heartai,t,ll V.,7 Irre2olor . Cu tome • este- dote to Letall:73oßL • dvakilocil—tho exter•era Oth•te bong lowly tato* tho entre derneudr 1 by :be •tru•o. •12cr•ttelorteser by the fell of gold or other , ewe, Utter. toteelowtr. d O 1r I ertn,e• ~o , , a „-,y br ,„,,,. ha,adar,,,,, • p r e. li'. !'y el the txpott o rders-which 014-1.0g4' raw jim.t4l to 4. or Crude and el for 13, • r.rht in 1...1-et lel 11! a ga-d bro•how toot 1. • eery to . 1 ir,l-I•At giro , the-', ' relate hove rrtl,l It 2Lot -.oar, o ,oez co tvely litto ham been done. 1 csterd Li ilt Olpeetto tweed tl Or .Ist whittle. •nd freely elec .:a G 1 o Col 0-but to dors MIS,/ Gt. Toe epecoletorg ltaottatl.ollietrtertu Le er p o 4 up -hut with :re ••••• des locreiginc norly - L: 3 • 4144 11 • day-they hove rowed ituf Ill! work Isolpt to th itnovia'2l - event of ga•ai. tat lefty itnel Jo gal, docroaemal receipts-te•speCOLISAM lett• tall latruotab'r in th lc eft rte to port, Crud. to t-Ipx.,ta e 2.11.09 and free 51,1Ual 123 y .r.a wontb o.••all *etch roeUt route of ties leading ghat. n rot 4. , .te the wall.' lhore a own et pr•eent, to be no t han,. 0( omit! , for et, at. 11.00 bare get through this month -kr moth. !ergo amount. of toth Condo and It 11 od for rate.rie-Ornee at 4O•nfl and Defitted -.arty oe ell at 11. 'May hare slready tato I the elm= and M a t liteetning their a the townellogly V. aelee Gs the matte. cotn,olsa phout 15,4E4 ba,'. egatnta newly all ..t .rim 41 to 61%0 -rf which .2. 211,00 0 It We on the •02t-ohiefly for es gort-.i the bah of the bottom de•torable to roar et St trout 51 to we -the tirebet to day area Urea at 61-1.1 h • ~,d *Old demand at Out rets. Pies of Milord foot up O.ut 11,000 tibia at trot, VecAutglif pg`if;',srorTuwir„ w e t tV . 4 ' ,U t a h . ' ? Ijt;tlct the selletnebsre been f o export. Tee ''IDS.V.I l'o ISO WO tlttteir s.t 58153 on the 'pot mad 11 for in ;litecrlC o Of Trt•01 1 hos beao der2lll7, tip dodo, the Ilnert-024111•110afitt0:44 tralio-atifrom 81 to ei4 woe - frit peke prilzarAerste-ogrogrialog ab out MOW nbis at Ilklettflf told laird on- the coot, and teraluding some 400W.000 blia for export at Blanc, Ahe Moho; to -day log vaisnalsong.ot (4 37 . 90:. thipes-too mma to 4340 c-tar 11•Anat ea. 63 Itg-I.Ve 400 ga .Ihts. 151.165 gesaity, *old a t it 1 • tad 401 tada Pa dt,for ....t to cloth a oQa~i t 5C1611. aka it 01 that It *lll lAtesiea to 16,7".... lei thin loriclatutal PrOaptCtlir .111 Great Britain. • ['feta tbe Wart Lane Xxprotadaly 41 - `Aftlictudh-tto "tether feet scot rwas not bed, i ee t clutat was ' itit• .4115,3"011 rithil tO help (grimed the att /6141NOILOf Ito trbout,.ar the grarehof the tater core, . 3,..Ors!,fy,bitit beep-ge lance] itt fair order, 1- e t the 7104.42toetler01121tht. ere yoWth hawing bees nester lairyotget d tdo tot ..e) riedi•ts Ol.telt =storel in it. lattofrOvadt. The ware se base o: the sterstileg e. 4.0. tho moo ere gra vinvluated thet to eherleh the ete•ote• MCA lSt OP) eau; hie the Wooden. of het peer wooed .IPlotl.,_.llno Warr, eonghluo ant *reset oat tbrvia ail ,Se rota; lot ..tth the finott ereath.r Vet ^ ... ' irEtKet belt, ihifatli VIII I, lb • except!on in Co • core tog lietett. Ir abr. they or bat or It flermoty„ 'WI .h;irea:alaOtatteto bare re ha. alAdo an rho ouzo • 1310riteldAft-01•er touthcra gothertogy, bet the coto vd,FLAc akttir.l. cf North re Europe Lowe lawn very atetttot.Conotoithe trtgerorclot ot of their pieurecte atOiroly,hrturtns to ear roerodo expectattcllcl. relit. vovoi,p , sca jut tai ord tloNistsed, tot , , hatp.ly. 7101111. doom Datae pr oat teved frost mfiagling 'Alb tote ofd ne e etrile, theme" I. reni Val of the Ydeabh LI At., maa I,oi ll n .t.',. I, • t,i 2 limit eaci - o r e. go tg toolowerod prico ot Dentolo to 41. end 41a" „ - la t6-03.41,1•IitaRbent. a Itla . d• • ubt se 1.•• their eta billty. The neaaar otafgata nets, . yet, lit•le chano, • e If„ •• IblaftteirritAavith I, rexehroderp to l .o ,Ie r coot, sod ~...• her cartel Covet...! Jli. down .10 p w relit at• win: rush ~ .", _- ,„ ' 0 tdatO j2efttaml.:l.l,sigurc at.:ll;bej,u,;•.l,..ugerb reit •ol at: i a ~ 11•1?-; • ••,' faaleDllet isitefg?cle ma d e.t.d... wci.fl'tfeti'.(l.ler ' i".- - ' groilegarttrfe, On that...lBr reeolationa ( f lire' ululates, show ea los buoyanc bet With money feeler .1 ---. ', " • ~ ' - rtlirec'entt,.il ! b ox . b' . to o. t 'pTo i P 'l' ~ cr%opa f t a t beck h7ck - t° - Fa •; •tb, smodeaveurnoey The•ometr to that tu2,u4l er, e r e • - tare DM alOstatordloq areal • tiro et 1.1 1 ., and tot a ' 2 ''' • ....:110.tfehty 'lath tallow, botth to lard. o spectettong tt , 2, . lijii g t echrip th at Mho ors month canna:lol4a rot 1..- • . 4 . X -," -', —!:::-- ---- . ~ .... tr - , II ' r-- . 4 • '1 - - t• • 1‘ • :' T` it '. i•...r . ~ ' Ti • - - 2 e 1•; - ; C • , • ti;ti ••• I • . ',... : i :- 11 1 • i . , , . , , ... :::=',"l:•z.z`:: . .-;i:':I.,• , :i:, l' .- :, :::•: . :•,1 , I s I' . • ~. . ' - ■ ,- 401,eveittpd,nar ket. '-' a 1i0.,,,ma-Apa 3.m - tea. %1.. .. m ' n4 414: 7 0 1, X 5' '7.ste"}a %bit. sta,co..mat.s tn,l,3,:aabra-Lat a .r, sex temall mu!' m'''''Y " I '' v dull stia ":""M"1'41".. WhrbOlge.g sets ViktOUt 1P 441 1 dat:gaiatintoon; t O Da rad Vitt` ioated • the , a ms tmck 0 13.080 c.na f''T"u"l"llai3 al''rou•t stsa .5. to, m a.. 1 do da'at pp 00 Tr - o m . l d e , 0p0rt..4. u lit ag% off trikaka - Sa a dL rl, ' : - .1 - i •-• -.*"------• -L -. '"Vitiiefiter,lsltrittarket• -` ~._ ~ _- __,,,_ff „7,,,iir MO 0.12 Wood _rust 15--da Tit ° t......' — ntie. nr - say sato te anippias coettadyLack., fir -- ..,„ r,i„..„ h,,,,..,„„„i is +P&P , - Altifkß'-sofixmai sad s. Lad tbir:weeta4a. 0 .7.ulik pia:sumo =Man sat of to 1..../.." - AfriyhAiimissmic or :: wc-'l4OO litc,-406. ~.,.......,. s. 1.34*- _,. 104.11X6X'allItt*-: IMllb.."'"---- _ Denten DrY Gsimi • 1012 Xli et • • Tbe pping Lit of Jul, Gib fits: licc the past Sni tom been eery 4.10 t. boa all demdfiptlons of week trade gpcds maintain Oros prima, owleg to the nail pride, Om ere stock:won DWI. Ttiete4,Theireisz, some Ivoptossailf soiltilita tiaile r and the entitinued firmness -Of cotYP!' ICsodlOkt both that and second handsel:ism Otensisatinsetiftdinoato buyers. It .00111 be In opp.,- gap n to all ordinary :mercantile ulcuiatlon too antici pate. or preelkt aderlinelniheptlceaof domestic gads at tide season of the year. We are pest on the ere of the °peting fell trade. The .mille r amwhaling pl,l linctloteon nrcountof tbehlgli pas raw terial, and weey mull are foroeyl to dirnin.sb o perations by the ;rent attar:lly of water. Prime ,Mlle listam last week, but we eriticlpate and predict moth higher 0g• ordifor cottan fabrics. If political and gymnast mote. menu continue on ilatir present tuts. 'the great tub. IllitUti. of woolen ftr cotton fabrics mum an !sympathy betweewthe mice of wool and cotton. Bien rtiacturersot eraolens will no doubt hale to keep their mills In full operation to tenni, the demand„ and we look fcr wry foil prime notonly for cotton but for wool en's's°. There Is no clause of imy importance to iota In prices, and we omit details. In • week or two we took fur p 1110111 active trade, an. the prospect, of the fall blisibe.• look quite promising. - ... • taatward Movement of Flour and Graia by Canal. [From the Buffalo bennmercial advertiser.; The following will show the Mire/lents by metal from Buffalo for fourteen days endln •,tl., nod tm dnys from Cswego,..laing shipments ea the lattor pin. , from July 16 to ratti; lnetetsies, which, taken together, wil Mow the *mount of Floor erel (train Mont on the Oa • els desttnsd for UdePima water. Whose von Ode ity. 7,465 606,166 1 671.415 35h,110 6,710 .6,061 163,501 56,651 12,100 $6 00 \ 4 7 I 3 pc, 33 1116 4° -- 76, $0 1 61 OC 14 60 Total...ere-13.V0 85te6G.2. 1,01A,13.60 378.1ta 6,71.0 Tree week— 12,1160 1,=1,514 &Y 1 022 1%1,717 The mann Irby ulna days' shipments from C area" and fourteen dart from Borialo ma Akan. is that It take. boats ti.e.e periods to reach Neer York from thee. {dame re.pectiealy. :Note—Thera Ls probabl7 ranch more an thrf canal than the 'Arose still gaol., a. a hap number of boats have 1000 &Wind by-loa • sta. . 1 Chicago Market —Ran Report. AS ca. I—Wlar at ws• in light reitteet and declined da Or ... 1, Wog and lane on Vo inter grades. No. l Spettng wee acne.. and almost nominal. Zia, ltlepriog ;old at *o6W—closing at $1,90f,a19 1, Rte. 'roar market was • a dot and :ham were transactions oi l to Corn one doll and vireo declined lla2e, with tole, at 51.tnal,niOr NO I 11,:aa1t4.5 for lro: %ad at $l,lB a 1.1 9 1,1-I;rjectld—ePislng- a% the inside figures. n o ....k.t . Per Olt.ll erse.delli and 2o lower. dales ...relight atlic alloot ler Old net: 6c ka New e•ri l; 70a71e foe me ti ll; {Raab for New No 3, P/ad at 070 for Old Sett credo Bye Ina. *nay sad firm .t I 4 i. fur So 1. Bub) , Yr a• neglected and tiora . nal. 111gh•rioaaesteem:tidy doll and declined ts,so per gsro. wltio ligbt velem atill,Gpsl,67.--oladog with itil az 7, I.aders at St,ta. Provila.n.. carillrirae dell .14,11.4.1 for ever, tblet ...opt lard. wllleb le Ors, stidf? talc demand 011.3.16 1 , , ,. for steal] readstra. St. LOU/. Marne.* JOLT ..A..—T.1.,:c“.-4teuly and quint, The break was 341: Lbde and Alga:11d; wiles of verso at kat.: lags arc: common eLiFidog leaf 14,tt1ik - ; media= do lnitZe; t om; tottse34ci mientrio and maemfactutin; do 35e3.5c; gcod Boles et betern, too and Wu bble at.510,:15. • Graln—Vhest, no cheat" from the decline of yew. , day Pak. ef 175 sticks extra choice at 41..34. 2436 do ortmo Se 3: 130 do good eit 53,10. Coro—buyers Wan d:lug otl. Balm of ad mere yellow at 51.4 g. Gate with out spirit. Bier of 150 sacks at 03c; WO do at 3-1 n; and 5,000 ba arrive next monili at S: a. Wkleky—lltilders ate asking .ine !denote, with no gales. Progitione--talm 000 kw clear aided Ulb. Vilcietkattl• Lad at 19c. Whisky Beare In Nem , TOM. [From the Sew Toot limes, 2Stit.l 'Whisky b. been =nettled today. & bear ported .1.n(2.60 bbts Were= at 51,0 S pw istion Lot, on "clues examination," admitted that thol too not detiottely.wbo mode .oh wilw ate so d tuy eta bad to pa) 51,C4.1,70 per sedan tor State sod West e n. in =all lots, but townrds thee). the market w ray limed.. Imports by Ballroae 6 CLINTAIrD AND Prn..11113. Van.ll.o o , lull Avg 1- 37 bes cleave. reghtorm & Vakamli; 1 bbl ergs. J d tilroreb 8 M 171013 char., aa.er a vaaw; tw So do, lions kno; 25 bra choose, V Yangordar; 32 do do, J D Cantlind; 110 101 a petroleum, Dal Hirer. , 100 bide., Scibert, Hellerman & co, 0 aka rags, Godfrey & Clark;l car luMber, (10 8.119 F 11 cars metal, lilmick &m; 7 blibi trim W Joyner 110 aka cam, 51roprin 1. 6001;149 eks do Tim, Dell; '3 can do, D 0 emirates' ; 1 101 apple., J Casker; 2.84 WIG pown, Godfrey I Clark; 2e4 aka cern, Hitchcock, iii':lroary & co; 3 pk.gs sant lion; 8 Dradlay , Pierian:wan Tr Wallis ars Cate.° It 11, &artist II —35 .I. rap, 8 0 Howard: 30 din brooms, IrEiroy & ca, baits ma king Ptl.:1840« 8 bUts ezis,t Ws, Sou 8 en; 2 e ometal, Klem. & co; 77 dip ra 1.1, W J Andersee; 60 libla ernisiir,C, Vi dcaltb 1 co; 4 , 10 hi lea, 'lo4arre &Cbeatnat; 1 oar itt.ber, J 1111Ier; 98,10 re,• • tiodhey a 01.00. AG bra awiprifilari.r & baereari 0 re -1 abre, oln nrc.; 101 wk., 2do lo,acom - .8, "et ,01, ¢gust. I.lcit ogristioq. GglAte. lido rigrtg .11d Igo, IV t0w0.n.1.1. I cur flour lAble. I cars errbeit, liteluedi I Uro; T c Az lumber, LL gpel A co, 4 car. otmeg, J J a; I pk/g taw.° sea Ltr trresbity Imo, k & 0.01,311, .1.1) did ; . C Gilvt,ADE, Dou; bg• II A geOl. iD7 • darn ID bit O.IIA, G I . Coo I: ,DA dog bne.mg; Bock dS 6. iboioe, 111 A abeegc.J 11.05, isg, gala teed, lA ilia corgi. JA Toyler: 141 Ilk. Wt. MEd. tAuzel. . Phu P 4 • .• .1 blot* 7100, A . •t u. I .I‘. simrsit rtkilL SOA.7. OBAJDIPTON Se CO-. 161 Liberty Stre•ts floio Propielont atol rlonstsotorono fat Wootank Toon. otwouts, Obto, lnliv.s, lllin , es sad Bits ..4. LW, fano obetnnera of s VC:M.7i. orttels of Psis, Gorman. Olive and Rosin Soap, e nd Tantond 401LICT A3O VA.NCT 1110APII 01 ant SILVIIi PIAUI/ 60/0, whitch we wadi.. ,•10 1a,./ST,Cd . tett. fat F yn/n.l aselleyowo 'cher leihire tby potty., shoold be borne to mi.& hem c either Pawl., Snit, Lime of twin..? .y otbwr t ahttarice la It. ...! ninety. which can abr.& at Ultra* the 5 cent fir i e... 7'.a Cole yoil Wool,: °web. wieheei w eth the e•.'dt.i c: Cotton 00 1.L.... caa.t.. .....1., ,, with the 5..1.1 Fll II Z.l EL .C... 1 1. do oot reariiwi WWI.. hall ti” rybitiLg, wh.lrb of ions. env. the wear nod taw. SILVER. Man SOAP 154morea Grow, Dille Tobacco &Whin Printer.. Ink, Poo., wial Otos worst Delo Water titan. Irma -Itstoii. 117 50471ug it with • toilet Swage, thus i-at•'cuaz 1..50., 004.:W. sad Pituitary frotartde aol 4op. It Imtarts • brultootis to Plat . Jewelry, 01.0.1 ran , Ifatsciall•d Ftlntina " cad P•t ® t foother imcovitlat...l,7 ; snd Pit tram:: marble and foot Ms It bwe so «lasi - Pe t err- Emit. ieho putinaherly for aliarciorintrig , • the &IL WEE ?SAUL MO ts • perfect luxury. In ') wqra. II if bo hove tried Ito naperior aellnw • wait...lodge It the iveatest Gbicorery of the ev.. Thiellfa-wonoy wt e trial Irma all will'be ere lateire.., to uting 121,ap...4 tr, every cagy refund the prim of the. name e i nati it inli to eroothplisli arc. Ira adm for lt, tf cirl s a:eirGiener to oar StrectLon. Meech...nu from bras will lo well to gl. Cittlirl'fili & W. a will, nal Lawny W.I. opposite lhanwilerenattrailrodal Prager Doca. t .,./".rar,r1.'01r 2 1itrEV 1546 . 7L.01:4,7Z17" ari . , Li Natioesi Ootaitta. • l)fils 1111 IJb - ..'-- • , 001911,ADD WOOD 08•1119 SLAM. OTT ►S Lioool9 rITONL. woot.vea.r, oa acralu sti.s. W. werouvrELs, 97 sad 93 Third street, opproiit•L lidsonatsou k 0 snd o, lU !oath drost. egad pirmurzo . Sas find Stesacc - Fitting, bb.;:bref 14t.nYbd tbs by ..perlba . ret ib boo moratment • 51IMS, SAIB TUBS.- LEt 111TH W A rr. 11 hosrra, niimmista, /ta., Ona.,at, asad sad mods S., ardor. TATE ec SEVILLE, ZEIYAF.LL STSt.¢T, A 5,,51 1111 r.'l T 113SILT 7 8113.1rXr, VALIVISIIIS•WftIt Gut-cast Orrirc, I Pittsburgh. Jai, 40111, IPA A wr11.11,13.Y• PIISCRISED In_ 11. OPEN ...qll.lllilT. 5110 nig 1 , gi on re the andurslormi. et Pitt. bulge, rsii„ for g,..1 Ali? i L.. tZils 1.1011,E1, peysb:e in cerilEchine of lisiebtoilorms tor not Ism thin tsn • Tittso home*. must be hell formed. active...l treeb„,„. from • h • e' -mot tram 6 entire oti this .0100 to 0 yews Sul, hem if% tole bra.6l WO, hod tom. istst stot lees Mali MO pelitelMi . ... ~.. White hon md mini efli Da extlnNA, 1.1.wi win ha rawmmed compete.' ioliei WO bit hcriw4 pm:motel meet 000kom to the .bate specific.. • ‘P ilt . . : if ' Lt. Mi. sr.d D. ° Q . - r.. 0 71411,- . , • VLECTRICITY . TIIIIIMPHAN T.—IT3 .111 wONDILILS AS h. TIiESATEUTIC AOMIT-1 r. 3 M.ThISVITS SELATISO TO CA.91171. SSD. 0..11ar• 011:31121 1L . A. fIVALSIGi-lifilinal tiwi4ricinn. • CLEMo, b ob I'SVS. iit SEXT, where all 4.1m-simal rac.. otenfolly tnated with Galgantimzilagoatigm and atm , Cleo of Xlegigicity.l Simething some. Wire We potlaut. Sno olgenitt l ; , set min ma. oleo. Ito - c ; smgrgitelliti 4.0011. . • idne•Anpai : , COLIATXB IMISI,V,Y, Troduce,init Commission Merchant. vstrowamten soma, - trA tost.74*, Ocilltrart" n 1 ,611014 r • 7s•bir-l'"." - • . - SUMISIFJ3. GOODS MUM) fItIEATILY -4k - 1 'I 77 'and 79 Jeiariltet Sired• : .. .. . Hanlkul In Bowler Mows sad (Sidon MeWO. Lineno 44 leartrut NM I ork cwt. Bandkarnlt ele, In plata bards"; and 'hem stitched, bonAt long ago ani_ihnt tarsnosel. la Ken's lawn lllalr.meblat. w. bars lame Job lot. : to offer Itt decided • liart l s Thlek Gaut a ItVVll•Birta, Idnea BraWer., Jess Drawn =A Bilk Shirts, Brapendats, bluthin Shirt. and o.llara.• Beat make of Leper C 011.., In wrMY ats and dfle. latoeo and Children'. Gana, Baderrests, Belting, 00tobts. Dapiers Blies, Balmoral Meta, Bead Bete, Elbtwns, Bad Gimp mud linstgle Buttons, Gloopu • Laces and Velvet Blabous. 0' Bun umbrellas, dating oat ebeap. Bmkluit OaPea, in new pattarns and colors. • -4 WEIOLEBALE ROOIiS UP STAIRS /0/- !demists. sad Dealers ere %vital to look 6rousin our Notion and Variety goods stock. JOSEPH HOENE & CO., Doe. TT kir , D T 1 ISADSET ST T a . E A 1 nATEEf 1 „„ meal OF: DB • 6,010 I AND IBU 110115, To be sold Ma =IM!1!1 IN PRICES! IE! OM= BAMialiffs GOODS AT OLD PEKES. MACRUM 86 CLYDE'S No. 19 Market Street, Wholesale and Retail Baring bought au geode before the reoen t betel Taloa, we offer et plow considerably Meseta bought earthen , in the Let. • Imp stoa of Seasonable Hosiery lc Gloves, Of Oro ) boot forolgo sod damsel° nesnufbe Da neve ep 9 A tn.* vari al Dew Teratology. MI wed unrat BOA et Taxies, Orayments Tenet Albbores, lingto ate d. butellog f Jot„ Balt sod "Mb Dom Button& A very good osoatintinat of flan Lsogh2broAll. win. EdgiDp, PIIZSIOIS, Man and Atm CI Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and th Isnot sad bud stash. • cy Gooda, Notions, and To be Found in the Oity orlc ALI. moo v Is*. GOLD I GOLD Great Excitemen OUNCE ON GOODS OVRA ti PES CNN? EATON, lAKIIIIPI & CO Marino rohled largely to tharf *took ba ba t now . the praparod, [m.o. Z0f.1021. PdVl.ll, to the ;rt. gold, so odor sbotr goods at➢purr Such Below the Market Elates Of Safe 'ink and Plai.4,4ta. NEECI3 AN AND DEA.14.88 at ono* sue tb tt...0.g0 of Iowa; to Dabs toorket, to long an lb meet stools remota toll. EATON, ELACILUEL & 00., • 1999. 17 •AHD 19 TITTEI BTll7.E'r. rlill Lace Pointa. Eli enadine Shawls. Bilk Bacquea I. ummer Dress Geode CLOSING TAt LOW PRICES J. la. BURCIIFIELD% tiOralng in Cq3. CCU &51:0 MA.TIIKILS 51.3 [rK e 1 BABGAINS AT • J. W. BARKER & CO.'S SITXNER DRESS GOODS DRESS TELLUMINGb , ' teas wow, naalsOtak " illmittitssdaa a °ammo Krauss VICITOIIII, MO eiltlsB W idi ri i i . saaillattTa , masa aoi. ' will 6- .iralretra es. . aosisar. Euasslamislagandammt of TAM imam nen, istatho. ammo anazitgarim Parton* sad apts. w wiss. iii.. 80., • QU I 3 0:3( F. 017 4:31-ENEI3, tl.:e3 OFFICE, Livextrix--BuryiriND r?iisigegt " eh- GLOSS 1013 OOLOu.T.D Titool,B —nu:Agatee must be graduates of von» regular lirdira Galata, and must u, .saminesltry• Doom of ardleal Officers ts, Sr oon•' Wineni ale burgeon Clamml. Tha.ll9srd lan deter. Wine cb. Ow an, earididate len te appointed Almon ,s. auistaat lharg,un, according to *mat.' Applies. ttai, arxonspants! by one or more tratioldnlas tom as table pram , as to moral chars:ter, AG, should ite &mead to tla durgoou General, D. 11. , /1., Wash. intl." D. 0., at to the Anlstant Sarcoma Genera, U.' 5 a., Louisville. Its% Boards are nrci.4 maim at Ilesinu. New York, Wallangton, Din _l, 1% Loa. 001 New Orleans. also, mitten, ITOSPITAL STIMOS FOR 03fr ODD DEOIIITNTB. Candidates inMet pazza a tali ilslisb edoretion, end be farrailat with the APlAPir and. (115 and disputant al medicines. Applies/Inas most bc Dade as in the cam of Almost and Assistant Om. terms Cesupermalon Atari ps to 03 RerlairOtr, Cat c‘abbsg, rations, rota Ita quaro l . JOS. K. ItAKISINI, qp4.l.wd2co ' Acting ',neon Getiaral. TT a 10 40 WAIL eittICIDUM 2 " 1 111141...10BSON•& jr;„---,,anuasstow augspluorm ,-- „ , 0411Cona - likket ~.1, ,___110.1.4.02, At... 1 1-vmv";. ,,, -. 41 : 7 " 41 ` 1 " 1 ~........ e=.-..------.. :. q::;..., • '`,:' . .. iLk -Vi , 3 , ..'' ..., , i , " , :, ..' _ '.. .... 7 ' ' '' ' ''' ..f..._ :.. ' • - ....-----..------ - /T e a .H l s B Aa6Le.4 a im . 1 t O hem — AI M w l e lY d M a V :li a kg i la n as i. t Ent a plem doable trakralin aprem ronto, av may proala care will ba eze ma d for the aatbri r be ma ma sernera ml of trate& Tral t p will Lam be Dear La Yttlaboalas Scam t' The TIMMS 3.OOOISIIODMTIOEI Tadlli • • D m Pawner alba away, bract Itaarla7,l a bar , 'mo, atootattlall Stations between Pittsburgh aa a allearbb sad ma k ing direct go=lallow t n . Now York and Ptt iphis. The 1190.013811 San TIMM tram bre Parserepi st .is,„ ~,,,,,, ...stag burp. Miniay.) a '1,53 a. nt.„ atcp=dl at principal sta prr tn ano m mara alt dire ct direct akfsi o en tom and fa *Lbw York Ma I' all.o.sphia. The 0013 SLI.PALST,TBILISI Mama daily di pm., stopping only at prissePealstatlons, manias &Irma coneltion st Ilentsbarg tor Baltimore. Washington iledol__his. " The ten 'LINE tomes tha Station daily (except Boo day)el SMS p. no. stopple.; only at principal statlme, necting at llardelenrg for Dalthoore ond Watkins tort, tad for Lbw Park via dllosto-,3 roots witbont a m mo of care: also, at Philadaphist for lbw Torn. • StOoonisowsios Ti1L11533. Tu. Jobabown a morrammalma Tab bow alb be. oept Frisby) et f1..00 7,. co, storplag cct all illactioal and ronutog sa Ur aei Corkerasugh. re . Acmaorodmion T.Mo for Wary Matta tamr bay (trrept Bandar) at Ikea a. co. &arc! IcccoocSodottoo Train for Wan Stati.a hams dloli?a,rovl Elmoday) at 11:40 a. m. wroormwd"a Train tor Wall's Statile Immo bilk bzwat B=W/ W . 1,,0 Ec. t s ar tomoromplanoti Trab Mr Viralt. Matiorlaws. Mak bareptiluarba arta) p. co. 1 11 Obarob Tram mow Walri amen miry awa y y at 0103 A.m.; estanka, Mom Mamma t 6 p• m. vaibnetizedotatpli; rhie Zane Ltem..... Through Ilal Johnstown L.- Pixel Wars Steam .15.ea03 Weirs Madan Tata Vaal &akar eemarmaa"..-- .. • -.... fourth Welrs Statham 3:-..:.3esssKdatiaa-..,.._ a 6 . 1 p. _ lielihsearsiescreen will antes with alellaaelpUla lla mas atkT.soEr I.=larmaaya. • Traveler aral imams omussedatffialr gills .mouresakm war _Three& Ammesugtabee Jobastowo lummaa and Irmo Truth Tact and with Mal lima Lamm ma Sambas argammated°o Wok Testa lor awarbon-aomea slaws= ata =am labs WINO - Taft vex' =di elk Tfltoatk komm roodatiaa pad Mama Troia lair td IMES te ......... 612 taro Baltrawre..-.......510 00 To Yh0331.---. - 10 60 To Trfataama awn... 15 150 To werwabalea-,_ 165 To filumas-.—. 3 a 8. - 1-7 . . -1•2,74.24 to all &atom on aw Vanewrleaala Oietta 10"110, and to PtablaPhts, Ilattkame sad New York. ~.. Realbase . to a woramen *ado la Oa um will a an excewl. Imlll :tailgates trwralal, b a= to tbe station rater, moat tram itallarp Wharf Ow Gamaell ha ea, apse , " 1aT5197 -act ewe a ka, the bompala w3l kola tbaleakr. raPer,..MbLe far prootal baaap auly, and. ear an aroma oat mom4bo l o ll. 115.,aela0embral Lbw aw bees lard 19 wawa V. amma oslbar3p,a Amend .115 b Drool, 4S • W atitt-tio% IC stoat IS Mae. eW both POWNIMIOU/ bsegaP• .iktt takraapplyto. J. 3TIIWWIT, A It tb.'Pwasalunia Ceara Itiatealtielmas iwa Swan , es laertearslatitarstre.ll . ali93 --,....--,-.------- --_ 1864. - 1.,"1,1 1 . 11 ii c. -- 7 , 7-' 3 l, WAT NT. di aIIICIAGO ' D ID / :....=.---..---,-- -. WAT cowl OLITIL Prrranuusa eL. 1302. D. _____ A. ULTBS, fifth Street SUN CTS'S LIITIANGEKT. MI WI On ¢d Ozer MAT 16nt,11161, Mi ETI ns ran —...............,—..••• .1 1....00 Ik. v m.. 5.. 1 1.. r) a. m.. :6 1 FAx , ,io .. p :: IS ....---......--7.1 Ek.lo ....I P. . ' 5:10.. Arrive at ritlabmittr—P. IT. V. a . 0. . Itallaay,. IL IL, 56510 a. :m.. 3..:60 p. ro., 7:00 p. In. sad 7,50 p. to X P 61111 r. 4:10 a. m.. 6: 60 p. m.,.. 8 . 05 q, m. Loam Alhogimay. *OOO DATIoN Ts/MO -1636 Allisa Tar Now B.\ Tar New O. V= 1ic.¢6 . 6. SLID P. m. ir.l6 a. nu 6:40 a. m. 00 m. 6:60 p. 62. 3:60 p. 61. 4:40 p. DI. ISS: ' ,, :1, • at Ming _p, g- aO. Baillra.l, 1:20 I. 6666 p • ma and 4:60 p. am o.° P.B. 8., faftiL°Pl!NI.)AlP rl;;'s a. —GlialiGE or m ir_-c.orr- - --. Isrd dim DIONPAY, 114 161 h, OA , rS 10 " 41 .1111,1019C91 of train , will rale died: tIAIL Malbt.—Losire• Pittsburgh at ti.lo t0.,11, riving at I{lManclug ICOD ► m. Le a lit. Am. °:°lOW. 12'ilillii.."°17LorresPIM.11=bninga 1 1.4 1' 6% 5 • co i'itiviuffi:si Waif , g ‘ at Vas.% 6oara Pl p uaDa•Rt /.11. at~ ODAT[U9 211.A.12i—Lea's Bata i'orics ma 640 ► m., anisiug at Pit:Saba:via d 7146 to Immo '9'"l", 0.80 P. ....lona BadaWarks o 1 gip. Small Wares, Li.. SI OUSEL= 87:szis 811A.W LB, CLOAKS, ac. 100111110, D 21110 D lIRCIIT VIMON • :Fmvrou.ww isAkki.oks, itiered,gt kisrakoLis-.4ashezaks k 09 ckuukrussia. spot Ttata saiTo m PtaScrel m tame. ah. p. m ITil.O a. a za 0. tn. --...--- MOO s. m. saan---- COS s. 13:333. p. Par for Par Plmbargb I Chimp. LClevelandlWlrttling. - - GEolloZTickot Agant, Otago Pry A.. LIVZ atia.toz, PltUkbangla, ti P. 0.1111431.1.81111VE. &gent. Allestaay OCT. EL a. PAYSON. Ax , Y. Y. w. &0. al oz• Ir.& MINN., 'MAW Agoat, O. P. B. B. Q. I. IrMOUT. eAlPathiszlma. BIIIP P lurch. EE=I O'NEILL'd FORI I 0 N itIRGIUTION AinNiJY, Pitt3bur6tt. Penn. Cheap Passage from Ike 61 014 Country. , tura Stts Ur sr trat“el6'.:l;i4lE, 74:04:1n)11.11"7•Itt, rap. t . Colds ,Noss toss SZAX/ %0133.:Pgricvlan.-...--.2.6X) rod.- Darr.a.r.s. 2;'..1 , 0 tow. Illorsrlso--.....!nr,vm., iv r , A magstec tonal Odirglan. ..... •Orls al loads Lisagardl purl TEIUSSDA Y, louctln,.! al Lou.drr•durr, for Ito Irish .d Frcotoll r:useil. sad .l bens basarpasml 50 r.orassn ',Muds rot par•srua.ers fads trds I.oosrpoof ar Lon duaderry Lo tray V (dd. dli. T,Vrak.Ull%, LIST .0' 0.1.0.-00..1 011 pp. o. k, I "X"• t ol i.orrdno rack tra, lor D. ry 1.0 days 14s:cat's Idlrer• ' List <our to. ts, f•Alowt d .11q•. Tong .—_. 'a .7,.• E9en.1.1 .... .t.ho r•V ..... Aaro...Aar, ..... ..... r • dr .... .1.3 1 0/..,•an ......... 0,00 oldn, Yds .10A4- ........... tf.), V 1.1.0 ......... IliGpLef d : i,nard ..... leare.•ln:scarrnry, to Dios Tut, 030 , %brooch 0 Mat nrsa, $ll Y Ref. ~g, t••• • or (lured. arr. to . • vrlr rr , r. I ernry o [re aots ord •oy drrr ar: ,or,orylhndg. F or, N...LJvc-rp0 , . 1 ta) *lloll'r DRATTE as Ll pile.. of Earop• for Roy T~4"~ {lla D. O . EDILL , 414 : 4 trooing Chmnicla Da1111.6, VDU% xt2:741 . toJ rtmitbi - TEAM WSZKLY TO LlVER "°llrb"*Vg4 4"llrom ir2 :4 l 6 w 4 u:e Pb 11•44 1. Imb.ok 0=1.1.1 (LIP ruin L.lttll/4) or loWo.d.oa. to Latforit 6. , CMS VlANollfesTES...—...sorclay, lonm. tory SCCONI4IIII Dialardal, Si 124.1, !rota Pt. t. sm OP 111.4.0 Payable in r id, cd it. pitilyabiot in enervate i fltettabin..— ...... —FPS 00.biterny, ...--........511 0 to London.— .. M COIO to London —._ N 0 to Pada.-- . PS fei ° to Partt......—. 40 0 .• to Phisidturi.. —9O WI to Elatonor Brom s-- . Bab V It Patera/ro sir , forwarded to idarts. r • dam, footers, tn., St tqaddly low rates. Pena 800 leiretpcol or Q.116111t01111 : In Clabialn , t,,, pos Snorer SNS. lbosa who with top ft tiotr blend. ma bo; ticket. bars at tbailli tabit. for icrtbfer tsfotitstion appl y /OEM G. as nu lioiric Wk ty'S .. StilL &son, 16 Firn.4.ray, S. • D. olicii.t. Oa. isiZtVastrowt:PlVVit. CX.FIVOIII LLIC3.--Stasa boa immstroos , uro (11:1131.33T0WL Is tT i 4 rptvai. l n fang, j, Jw 111;ra TOM= ta multi pelts ref/ 5 , ■ut. ,71b t+, "AV.^ ii E. 71 o rd LS FINAL 'REMOVAL. JOHN HALL b. GO. 11eee removed thott PLOW W&R.EIIOI7SZ Ills. 121 12. 123, writs Pitt and Liberty 32. TMS OSSPIOSIIIII ADANiti, Dentist, Gmnolly I porn. , of Dleanou.l cud Otani. Weals. Pittsburgh. licferconc.—Dc. Pollock. Pm [Wms I •at Thcollirs nobble,. II c.a.! licc..et (y F. OF TIIE MOST BRACT IFIJ L AND desirable locatlona to country not, around Nut 1.11.41 t , is noir offered for tale, frOottna on Illybland avenue about SOD foot, and adOUßatts 4 4 acres wore or a re; altuoo near tho rosidenca of alCsandar Bradloy, il ei and °earls, atait toseeptible of the anent Smprore. tarot. More bi on the place •WO stet! back houls, ft:4 . lva Iv. nee, b•ro, &r.. all In goad order; abo • due er :Oa, isili ' et t drieT r ng . 0 1 :7 ' ; . Viou'ibeell: PlcuiToling ' cr.= 0 cLoratte,ear, apply at tn. Baal' Last., and G. B. Illati, jl2.te',aj°' larva , Lekteroncer ei 11l . 1, 0 0 • MEN pof lea 7 Oky WAN' b l :Ur of7g T h a c Uo n c e a r a " Zal• cotlaaCosamitt. to Wm chugs of 1111nait t lg , qa . oti a, of R0z....0gh Lawfancorfila. under can rut . to wl tte • dloszet aod to ottood 10 %lib. or pc Ig ;p ail to, tin p” tboatongsr atiIIOUISTI 2 tbestAmilumb.r of coca tooloollafolf • glof Ommictee ye If be foand at tho odic , of U liam "4 " L""""'"iLLTAIII Jal2ll2Y, • JOStetilsti aunarroar. 0.. J. woopan, je4. . moorattoo. t ESL. ELL, readst Jams 'Mahe' • 00.1 aoals.xs. iiaiiiiftigtBlAiV4l.4l4...Fl39lllD KU LA ~,:ir 2 .'.. ILILLLANT OIL (X.).—800 ko a oE Suulk entiptlon to the Bensuarr mt. n w . 111037 pelted pe r Third an a/ the Butting Hcao 1: 1 &NW , GO., d Woodareetn , en Monday, August Bth, 18G1. peaty contslutng • & Werth= of the property kohl hy the Geropsny ow to 0.•4 st the some pl., on 2... d a , ter tits 4th of Aoli.of- oe,tf JAMES WILKINS, OBOE ED AHD DE&LEIL CRUDE AND REPINED OIL, YELLEY BLOM, LILQIJZ3NE WhT P ITTS I:, :r, ri rcir speriul sttoutles sirco to the SALL' ANDS 111.: 111YeT of Petrol. na .d Ps products. Ccutiguments respectfully soliciteS. tir rgfi /S ...I for VS.11&1100 OIL AND Illit FSPOISTA.IIO 00 =1 'PAtilf, POST OFTITIS. BUT 151 colaly R iCkiA.►tLSo~ , HaRLEY ac 00 ootuns:iioti r TOBWARDMO w:agMurre Crude and Refined Petroleum, Oa lil ram ESTILLST, PITTEOUSGIL rir Liberal Orh narrow on connioarlti for I' ha math or laStati thiketL rorristrza l Wows.llll.er 13. q., r but g e.. Yom'o3=lo. ol3l Mak.: CH & BRO., mins crude and 'leaned Petroleum, BENZINB, am, 01WLLAH131 IT., nctraimussu. enema entreated to put este um metro oat romps peaso..l eteatton. to MestaSinn Ittatatett karby Co., Itto.tt Burke is Ca. and IleClollood & Dar * Pittaborgb; Tho Start., Do., Prost. Dant N. ; L. Too= Iat7CORMICS OLLIMaO2II., OIL BROKERS. Nos. 211 and 213 South Water Btreet. assatoo. WO TO Lriai & Üborpeoalmg,lson Ott, 011 Watt. Jawob Paiute., of ;. Paiute, & Sao. E. aholtout, of Bp. Obaitont Ob. 1r23:11 AL --- lES, WETMORE & uolotrisatos lIII=War, SHIPPERS OF PETROLEUM, 111121L411:105 Wilk urn WILL 'Leapt* tolntim fox BTOILLGII 6110 Searnaa, et their yard ml Wharf, Up SDar , sayl4..tf °I"LTDAY & 011ZitiN k3 Seactl•ctura-• Bataan of CAILBOII OIL, BIM 911516 AND LIMBIOL2IISO QUA inad dealas hi CRTJ Ll= elawncrsaculd: Work.. 0179. 5155 s ' w.9.b " Z ' Q 3 So. 60 UAL= STE. WALLACE CURTISS, Coansaiseion Aterohemta. La assays is CRUDE& REPUTED PETICOLEVX, 1111(51111 AHD TAJDUIO2.II:SO OILS, So. DS BOOTH WWI VIP, PHILADELPHIA. SW ewog. chasity (under nowt.) ku1.5,01)0 WA, A.Lw assailant fscililies Ws shipping W &mark. and Pa reign ports, at our wharf on We Schuylkill liltwr. near Ow t otiorco of the P. IL IL IsSecly_ fci Vi k & 00., COMMISSION ELNILCHANTS, GLOM PLC:RiII:3 AHD LIIWITY OIL W178.E.3. ilatherg cosh advances cads on constgasanto et Refined or Crude Petro/elms. COIL Dusicrvisit vial 1 3.A.N00011 Irre. WOODW ART), (Lau o( Wm. H. Wcad.raed a 0a..) L 00t11112310211 11611CII AVT stmailaa Oran to OA sal , of crude and Bayed Petroleum. 111 SOUTH 1110 ST 'MUT, PHILA.. oc2l, sr. ........ 1101.11./. 11.)DVII-LE OIL Kt:FIN ERY. GEO. W. lioLDSlaa. a Co. MaccalMturr. of BIIEIIIIIIO OIL AND L013310/1.• 'TING OIL Soap e0n...t0 Ton baud Lilo vary boo goal. oy of Str.P.lloll OIL. Cit. mal .Itboot o•lot i Mao. ..al LVIIILICATOLL lon 11(1111L 13VILOLE ..1 CYCLIt CIIIT.STE.. *kr An ortars I.rt 0 N. 3.' , TITTI3 eTlltlll', ft•Llt Bloolt. vecood Lam, otli De promptly attended to. oototf _... MEE CABO'I, t..M BERTON 1i WkAISf FAL General V.erollandize Brokers, 117 PILILL &TRES% Sew Tort, 1.1" U.S SOUTH MOLT ST.. Yh lodolphts, Po. CRUDE & 13.301ffED 'PETROLEUM, osoana atururrowi, "..2 buy or soU promptly stmadml ts. D 1 . M.11.1.F.K, Jr.., /143 VT, 113 W ALAIN 9t., PDILADLLPHIA CRIME & REPINED PETROLEUM Oa O.IIAIOIOSI eselowely. AD thA.S. dig mod rt. - It); 142 /OD SZIFINDD to osol osilays. ror "D"LcZArrud" lr:4l.4ol.bpsid m OIL TOD TSPOILY. You SAAA—OADSTIO SODA, SODA ASH. 6s. WA, A. LLEN & NEEDLES, rEITEADILPUIA. .':earteeerlar attention - • onnalVtansta d Crude and Relined Petroleum eLtr Liberal edemas owl. J Abige. IRWIN, I • st Porterll4 7 • IC4o.'s OZloe. 110.4 i 'efl°J.BThr.STR iLt D TIBBT BTBIBTB, will warmly' lateatian. -v ROBERT LSHWORTH, se. I T. imam we, l'lrroulnis 34 Forwarding & Cotudagion Nerchant AND DJUIAII 115 OILS, PIT r 3813110 1 1. PL. Ear ILLUEITIIATLISO,LUDIOIOATIVO,OUODIII P 1110LEI:d1 OILS, to., ennedarstlY on toknd sad tad . , ala IO the loacan naulLti. Odu.L;ankato sad ard , rs sni.dm 1,46.&0 BOUGH & CO., Crude and Refined Petroleum, {.16 sours DLLAWL AVISSUIL, Pctrotcurr► and Ha Products, ria ROE FEW:WA a LL TaIIaIDILPHIAL. 1829. FRANKLIN IRE INSURANCE CORM PHILADELP H I A. M 4.04 on /suer, 1, 1664, 62.957,61. 96. vesi.d lemma for Vet Lz. Pada si-r. 1,3 .......................... •,- Cerptdm.l...llec.wra,,y Palmas on terms DISSA , V 4. : (Merl. N. Banc.t..r,Lase Le, Tr.bles Weva..r. I Liivr).(.l C. D. PrmnclGrant, Oro. H. It. Smith, !AO. r, Cku. NV. 8.1‘1,1.rd.... Yra, LA-vris, M. D. QUA RLKS . RANI K F.ll, %DV:A ILD 0. DSLL. ' C Prvrideut. JAB. W. IiaLLISTC II., G. 0.4. , F V IN, Kcent., comer Wood an; Th,r‘l street, - [OM INA! itANL ts, FIRE AND INLAND, WU ran .. w ..._......_..._ liarord Fire Instasneo Company, , $ ,,,~.._...._w..._...._._. oar Yrotection exa to ward In th..bon named old sad rdlSb co:opal*. send', 134kgalsr• 111.11. 1' sr w.ur ar•el- INURANCI3, CONIPA. wSY rrrraBCBOH, 13.. MILLIE, Jr., Pre.40.1. It. 008‘105, Bamaary. Or. dice, No. lel Prater strest,ltimas 100's Wsts.hortm, up main, Pittsborgh. Wilt Mem. timbal al kiwis of Tin and Marten Mae, .1 lima leutitutlaa monicedDirmarts Wary ont/ known tri the asare meitry, and soh are determine, try pnmsamita ant iganatile, mat antaisimMer maid, they lima moaned, ni oforioo A. bosi proootioo o thou tolo stain to be inn/d. • g. Hiller, Jr., Jar.or Gettradel nein" Alm Nth:Mr, George Dante lierTo2l, CW'CI. gi.o. 4 "4 pDsu 1' ID.OO -.ITIZENS INSUIL.AINYCE COSIPA. OT PTITSBI73OII. Office, corner nerket and SLCIALIT. eatarn , aft. Sxrd.rY. Insures Bth assabosts slid Oarpith t,thisurco. southespinstru .ndloovradmdisraegegt,....int.kttie.risLirtiß.or...n el I d the ascription of the Sew lass.. against lost tsr doe by firs. remi..11431..Mr ~. tCra ''ohl; grpion, %V. ifl. Johnston, J sores M. &loner, U. V !otos, S. lisrbsagb. r.....,..r. Owns, J. O s idown, Jr. Ebdi.. T. 11. Dove, dol. ii. Dilworth , Barclay Preston, Wro. .. Rodgers. Churn Rine-- de.bblyd pEOI'LES INSURANCE CO PAN Y • Office. R. E. comer Wood & Fifth Sta. FIRE AND 13ARLfiE INSII3.ANCE. rhiu,pr, John Wet. wrn. n. 13.7% J..lan u, E. s. Polo, abbr aw.a, TED Hut. rim.a.s. ra. vuu•r aCM7ISB. A LLEGLIENY LNSUBAIsiCE COM reffY OP PITTSHLBGEL.—Log So. St illt4 •trAet. Sank Block. luvare• *Farat leg Datolcrre Manz* Man. • JOHN D. WHOM", Vic. Pnegeg, Avoca of *I ftrelwanta. r.. a.litrusatos xascraisM. lianoftettatt GA Vitriol Lad Avis &mmonis. OD UlllBBlO5 ILISBOIASTS FOT tlO WO at o rtru.an)ay. Awl ltrot•n In kal dasters to Bean 121.1arila. • H. VI NABS= 11T-____.....1. Cautailtstena lleraltr intalviay rdiegailiS and its Productg, for semi sad kola iaourit IWO 11012 , Itim .41=at twouble esti*. etrWoes orb. NW/ VIIIPITII3- AL. North &merles TAILADMLP )3I/. W. P. JONES, /oils: tumor.' W raw d listU DalTd 11.1.0n5. 11. m. Be 4, P. Ilakeve ll . John 11. •1. GORDON. flavd.,l,_ Dl"M7rVatn• D. V OW. Jam erna, 4 4 ° 6 " ammi P. Phrt , .. O.orgs P. Jarmo, Ova . Oturise latgt. ;PLUM P.Ad.d. A W~ ATT, 1n14.4 WIL i. OA EiDtiLli. D. 11..800L., Ewa -bap. Wll. DIAN, Gassmi JONA. 131.0 ,01 W, John D. 100.7 rd, Jaeobt, B. B. Busting. Cot . Km Dess. B. I..llcOrm , DMA. B. =6= C41.4.r c.o. C. G.'l JoLa bat, Jr., B. L. VT,1T..." OLLAR SAVING -8 LeiJil, O. 6 roo,ms STIPP. CIIAD.TABE DIf Opo dallj from 9 tot o'clock, &Loon Wadareetay and tat. rday arentnp, Ikon. Mar let to tiorennbortat, frontm •to 9 o'clock, and Croce Notomber Ist to ILO fro o'cbxl. rnitsametlnd of al acme not 1W Man Ono Dol. lar lk , and a dietdand of the prate Mtn= In Duos and Dew:*C IntsreatilipedP beam mewl -annually, In Dom and Docerobar, steentbs Dank cm organised. at 11. rids of els per cent.a par. Inteelat. If not &Moo ont, Is payed to Z.l. creeltt of the deppalb. •ds prlnetpl. and bean the Pa. tunas' frcen tip drat dap of Jpo and December, ootaPoandlnil mice a you wiut troubltng the deporltcr to call, or !Pea to prepol 110 pass lot.k. At this rata lamer ler hart.rme on elS.yatlons, furold pada, antic:tato Pusorkre—OKollol% ALBUMS. TICS rissLprlm. • • • Una. D. D. zu.d.. X. Matlock, Jaann••• Job!) 8..11,./s.l.lan. John 0. &beton:oil. l;nri J. Lynch., John Walser P. LWOW% R o bert Robb, Et.rj L. It.ingw.a. RIM.= J.. Scholaris , lf.nAutie r w ii. 1, 6 r1: 7 3 1, wi7,:r d . e zw r r T t4 l.Lf r l : :: . Ohrtatl. Tose.. e. s. JAcAre DlcAulcy , lot. EL 60.11At.rwor, awn. 13erdrowa. T,ter A. lll•dtirs, WIIIIAAN J. Anderson, ra roiloa. 0416 Jet. O. Blndity, 11.661, HUI 13nrvowa. 61.6,c0 6.6111, bsr!. 6. Ooitua 7,14 L, z•sus, J..bu 1. (1111e.plo, 1 , tx.r Tina., to<barA flays, D. 5,111. Fs. at•T.Ai7 a Twurcz NATioNAL BeNs.. OF FORT IVAIO4E, t, Desiguatid Depository of the tailed States, Cap Ile p. 14 14TI-1 D. NITDSCLA.N. . D. 11151113. P•mnel Hanna, John Ord, Fred. Nittllloger Jab 1:1 Drown, 6. It Branthilt Tbl. Pinot t..ders*ltLecrlic,!:‘,lto_ zak.tpc emortna. "t' co.& btlan en To: t mai IA attr0t1.09...nd.!,11.?, jrn:lnt .rk flu- BRIDGEWATER. 1760, COTTAGE CRABS, OSOUND ID ?U3 LIIIIODID OIL eta ditbrebt Drab WM.% IA chTTAGgei, TILLM, lIMLBOLD DIME% DRI fu,urriNoitWraoal cuss, *G. CHBLAPI23T PiingT IF Till 1114BENI, 601515F1T 11.161r1016011 o.olletla M. rithaw, WM. HM T.A. mnkez,d M ct-UKu s V4llotadpla Posit. La Hats, Caps and Straw to' IK ES,* MOM In owe M. Laves and mast eoa➢tata stoei of good. for 13PRIN 13A.40.13, I,:n".2Vlttuth.e.rstAtZt=alratt4' lob nus. oh% 121 Wool IL, Pitlabscrs2. ____—. EOT4BR, POVLTRY, MOOS• sli lklnts of COUNTET P401)1701. ca 50. nu la &La= trralXT, Prneopt returns. Sateen.. even If &wire& To num:ills. PUSSES FOR SALE. 0101, AD.S.III9' PREdd. Ptdtm 33.&0 Mama. 12'OXE TAYLOR Cir WHIMS, bed OF E TATIA)II POOALE UTIANDLIX, bed e3i th&11113 rod _metes order. IC.O to sold at • Uzip n. 'd'!"" warrrs. mow:lb. P. !M=LI FAV CONtiIONMLEN 13, now in store, qge tmshos Cate efe Gotha. Cern; 1G barrels SW; .7.4 Imp packed Da!ter. L) basin Mere; 72 lup Dritd PenebelT . 160 barrels Yam 92 2Loor; 120 brabell tirnotl* 644: • . so bOrgo Dried npler, 12.000 VO2 barrel limp Po les, tot ode by o L. FL VOIGT a Oa. :ett P.— ,900 Tbs. ?an Butte! AA itocia3 dais, si bra Lt 41 13:. 11131 L--.. Lai: Ob. Whits pa; Lai ida& • 00310:114- Wand" vstsm Wan mu wit** lbr otlo, t U. Man C pi a - - aroser• A crintinui T LWJ ON Viro .Weir Castle, Pa. 6.0. Q. Prrirlitz.....--.......... i... iirilf/Pd. 14. I,I7I.III I LIM LVAP. C. D. DETIIIIOIII,-..--...-.. DITHEIDGE tt CO. Uxuebetroct of LIMN, NAILS AND SrIli.4ES Preemot vrices sat.P.t to cheap. of the jr...Wim NEW CASTLE, L/wlirail, CO., Px DUQUE,NE, BRASSWORY4 CADISAIT & MLAWFORT, Wantfacto:rem of Imo,' •u4.V of dash"! BRAES STORE FOS PLEOSIBBISS STEAM Off GAS riTrzi:?, MAO:M.IIO'6, AND CuPPERSMITILS. DDASS cusrlNGs, of all Acscriptiatai, made to or. dal.. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AND OASITt• TING, DSPALILING, prh=gtig & mulls! to. Particular ND WA to String up BEY LtigitlES Fo it COAL AND CAHIroS OILS. A lso, Soe Agairta for the %Warn District of Pectuagi. tar ‘a for s tLa tale of MARS% LAUSDELL & CO.'S t PATENT ST it th• ew t.T 3.84- aatsg co raises it is not Italie to gat out of order, and v.ll throw more wear ill. sull,ll2ip of twice ICI sim . . • VW"; CITY wus.i.s. iimmurroszt, uricatratt.uL a co, TOITSDSZB &M> ELLOBI.HIBrE. caw a PM* DWI oMaimosa PISA sad Winlava 'triolitst co .. cns, Weser Wads) lisnafactoroos of stationary sad Maar BOLLING 11111. Oaffnso9 and auoussai. all klmla sad bo a prr. ropalriag ROLLIE Prompt site ialo airs* to deSaily B73I3ERTS, BAB; & CO., •9 Titlrd 114., littstroorgh, rein 110 au= mos woaxiss, !=I J APAr t IEI3 TIEN WA..FLIC 'Rs aro now insnikEsottirtnig and Ilan on hand filth. I Ira apparatus of all kinds, Tollsa Winn in Sena W.k. Coolers, Oroo. nil's.. and oploo Conistars, Outs and apits 805..5, 'rambles Drainer., dpittoow, do., its. a Lino boot Bird casco for ails loss • On Coca of all sisoi andi ;mittens, Tin Roofing. Conductors, and sli kinds of loW boas Work. done to order. ap3o -----_—, PATENTED OCTOBER 101 DITHELIDOCE. TATUM 0 - V A.L., LAM PVIDELIDIN 2r..1(12, IfAitlat. Of EX. 17111112 GLASS. Tb , e , Ott!eoewr gee intended for the fiat flatus; beat. • all ports of the glees equa C lly, does not expoas lt • aultiog. . D. DlVilllDClite Tort Pitt Glue Wort., Washinc.an streot, Plttsburgb. Penne. trl7 BLAU% WOKKS, PITTS B ÜBGH. PS PAILS, BILCITECCR::& CO. Ilanoty.M:ff,m of BUT QUALM azrurzo CULBT t ood Oct W.. sta. yismattsd rcos ßqwd l to ''' ;ar imported or mout.-tcred canary. 41 wsrebor-ohl6os. 1 laid 161 11T5.61 sad or Office srra, ratennh. ISI wad t 1 1 .2 SZCOND STS --___--- ALLEN NVCORMICK & CO., VALLIT Torlt.r, Plttsbw-gb P. IlarVildreboase, P9l LTBkarr IPIPOPST, Ilediatect.rere of COOK, PAHL-41 AND lIIIMING STI NES, PA 13.L011 Alill EXICliPai 1111/tTIS, Mae , I,OW V Ant, etc., Peel wet Mara lioulds, Rolling MU Casting. Id 111 GrOling, Cles. Watar and Astri PIA bed lren. Dod 'roc. P.' arrou Dor., Batrar c Nettle. M• =;U:"Ateu".'/Ctleo 4"-.ll'=Cnna.,,tx. Iv:: der. Pateuted Portable 11111. with lite.ne or Horse aol4:esod —_--, . ACLU'S& WOBIS AND L revtrosir. mi lowrnAN a. Co., twins' lIIIILDEES AND SIACIIINISES, Lac,ot 13141 n, betwocn federal and Sandusky, ALLZGHTNT Iligworaatortfa of ViIOFITSIAN'S PATENT DOBTEHLE OSCILLATING STEMS ENGINES, Susan& Pollajs, to. BOTAITID.; of all kinds attonded to. ----------T--, -ENIAN. um lIIIS CO cOL lIAEIOE ATENVII, Allagborty City Ealutactures fur see Hai Ji& Or•(n Bakes, at the Eet=otai, Estop, Sulks, imi Smirk Bird pa teroxOa, &TOBY AND BAGOSOITBDOES,WHEL BALIBOW CUTTING BOXES lout Wakes work of a doetirOusts. Lbw, VIE= TERSE, for Ho ant Oran Bkt r oa. kp.X*Scracodakir THIRD STREET FO .. former', foreman at Ackdarann i'Phllltpa.) ra•puttat• 3 W. 1.. tat menu and th . public ganneally that r ..• otctict. • • ottault, . UM Wry. koriLtip.. atroct tot Chancery Is., opFette yi11t...• Drua Doundry. r poro• ot nauntacturteot LIOLIT tIDOSIIIII- D'it.h.CAMGD, 01ASS DOD LDS, ',maxim, its. .41.1 attootka 40 , .... it , Bambara work- ULTISI:6na FOWICES, Meta of the firm of CAA Powriet & AE& B. lIIHRON este of Dittobell, llorron & JUAN TOT/SD&ES and STOVE laausixturero, b P. 'lO5 X 04 W. Pi tt.b ' n JoUN X. at s Nimo;h2a, I)KJ---ELI26, It.II3I)LE dc co., -No. 215 7 T I..Oxrry otreet, ,yfrporlte Birth., Pitrebargb. manufacturen a! WELIPa, LASIIIP3 and SWt I C = ar.d nerd deeeription of IiKVISSEt BRAD WORK. Orden ranted trrdo the nada, sat rads prordoO, rldpreel sr per lostnacti. Ps. WAY Si. SSICCI"&IC"'n I".c. '13.13111X3 BIYST . Pit tOur Igh, mut aSactstros 2a.iirwa,of etcr~ do- V. BOUGHT SPIESS, oom wriptior L a pod SPIESS and lIIVITS. r'''"'" . Ira " ord st ottost notice. & 0. 4 rag or smat , tt. rs 4.0 or.st""Yffs• $130.00 0 - , JOU", W11...w.,...-tr.sekt. w. cAns..•. WILSON., CARR & GO., Ne . (r.:. We...-m, Roo. it Co .a _ _ d•wl..rs CORTIGN ANTI D 05113310 DUI .14 N,..10, Wood sweet, third bon*/ sbove Diwnonv , splint J. p I:intl.:ma M. 11. 11.13. e, O. Ir. G. ]Sera. ATOS, MACII,I: NI .V. CO., Wholsalo and EDetail Dt...P. in T111711511:50.8.SIIBBOIDEBIFA nitDn,Gol"Os,.fs,er7 Osecrtptien,2ias. 17 and le h t t, Pi tts burgh. A i - - --- --- ---- - ---- ----- 1 ACRUM. S MADE, Wholesale andl33. Betel! leal , rs in TANGY Alito SUMS DST 5,201)3, lIIIIINISOS, tn., l ie . VI ktarket street, be- Diane3L,Llltnd lietrth. Pb. 101 R. PALMER, ":" . ..0. ' Fr% wood Street, M'os..°'4..i gl,:e/rr,.gaga°7:l4:• talw 7Rili. Nitall.lEl.ll Wholesale and J. Demi' Doolor to MOVE AND Ir/MOT DST tiort.teeoet corner Fourth wad Ilarkat otrects, Pittebragto TO S - Ertl. BORN E, Wholesale and. Rehil P./ Dealer In all lauds af TIIIIIIIIISO, DRY 1300D3, de, lid. 77 and 79 Market street. J .: W. BARKED & CO., Dealers in n➢ .9 • lsthell of DR.Y GOODS, Sio. SS Nartst bs. mu Third sud Poartargh. J. GARDINER COMN and,Be Agent for the . PhLladelphla lton. Insurna, Ontnrani,a, Ncl-thenst corner Woad and Tbird ate, ANT P. JONES, A g eut for North America, • Btatc of Pelll.l7li.la. cud IteirtNnl lusarscra n": Aor street. • , SAMUEL RZA, Secretary Clti!,:tneo In-! eltrumr IM SI. GORDON.Seeretary of Wedtern -L. • antauce Co.pany . We, West. TA Isl. BOOK, Se-ere:try or Alles QIMON JOHNSTON, Dealer in Lftbaitt AND ciumweLs, riarocODlstt VA NOT filtOD:t. DEDICINO FLUID, DILA, FAD.ILI DIEDIONFS. A:— of attic tl3 pith. otat7 which he oth vt at lovt,st rrtcva. Corner StaithAtld hittd F Hart wit t ta, rittbh righ. Prescri Dolts P 1 C"*P2 %me • "MIN ESTOCK CO., Whole +a e pat?,121., mahufacturera of WHITE LEAD :tfLAt,...ti.V.A.GE, comer of Wood *ad •I`rortt ttrettn, tea? TADIL GEORGE IL KEI t;:.=w _?c===. • . v . • • GROCER klticatip, • " Mattamorto SaCtillsrAll Do%) 010,11.n/.1. OottalLlE3lo3 NESOILISI Flour, Grain and Proidsions. csVinnlyril Vatiir ""*I. Igo. 47 WOOD Starn, Plvabargh, iil.dy -..---- TROY. rit.-....,)1i , • 1,75. .. rrxrur, •. ~an. 13UTTE.11, Alli.EN a. :-.I3ErAiLD, Com. .1 lialkan Blencbanta and Ts..aier. in V,.ratinn and Do ka.adir FflClTait I LOU P.. DI d"rtn. ell 6V.E. EGGS, POT.a2OO, and Plointe p.narally , No at. I..lnart7 opiaatte Pcd..: 1,241.,, lie, ,, n. J. S. Dilworth & C.., 31cana 1 C2ll.n.Culy 2_,Sbepar,l, 1... a a Co.. John Granivr, P,it.tabarila; Balsa, L 132...12.0,..re1l Nan Btuat & a...., rlaladad Thaalatt A Sirmr.on, al. 1..n1a ; tquclair a 01. t. Ss T o ok ; Staub- rd 2k Larell, eincznca:t.„.„, kayt_ty FRANK 4 - 40 Produce and Commission Merchant, I:, to stursrar.t.n .ersasor, c.a. first. Dein, in co ul CH Y.E.,a, co ex DIILE.I) AND GaSIS flitTadi pl.-native imrterslty. 1.11,, , ,d, ...h. 44, oinv•• Ca.. a ino. kancocut, of th c e 1.. ot &D. Pl'Ddrald Pdtsbured• Ohio.) 'IION & AItBUCELES, Wholesali .311- Grocers, Prolme aid Commission dleretunan. Jobber, b 120.3.71 beld nioLseams, • 11.STINED SUGARS VAD f i lattlly7l, ollll, ,D l,CON. Tort&CCIN TESS, BICE., CILLI36, MIME, de.. 143 sad 'll4 Liberty sinx4.-P 40 .-" "1"7 1.3.—"Y,r....................--..- 1416 , lk/tACE.EOWIsI & UNILLYT, FLotra - 1 1.T.1_ (Wan Etc2o3s PrADCCS YID C 0 117111.110 i '.lb nuns, for the mato of flour. fksin4 Pork. llncol. L. 11, Butter Kegs; Cheese, Beans, Tallow, Orestatua, " l assir•st astlst.a, Potatoes. Put and. Peal .haa. na/s Llo Lo,' One, Dried and Gram Irma; Timothy. C 4.. , 11. and Gram Send.. a. wisturcnutants made on Conalzatnenia. .. aptly tio. 237 tort str.t.„.EUP 11_2 11:FaiSY. F. WALLLC Commission Remnant. 131) 1301 TM IP ATILIZ el., ammo°, 111.106 PartlaLla ottositton pal to OW ttg nicawissa, isovisiosus, rikva• •;.1 eahl7:6a. SHVEII COlitftBsloll sasaaeßH/<" and el SNIT HTIIILD ST., sew Sews& Hoa. 47 rrresuratas! CIUABLES IL LEECU, Fhous AlSTA.Grurit"..o A-) TArrOs Cal...fauns Itir.norAis Sca a GRAIN, SEEDS. CILME. PUODUCE. &ga fur the celebrated lltdolatalra CE3LEST. 1113 Second and 145 /Inc Itreeta, bet~ws • Wood ow , ' Scald!mold. Pittebenb. 11' BAD METZGAR, .drocers and salmi. Merchant*, and awars in el kinds id ' - ; ` . Consul Produce and I'lttstrargh Xanufctnankta;,. BD Liberty larva, oppuaita head of Wool tarot, b opt urgh. wElnl & WILKINSON, Commis!'low Dien-h.ts,WbetzAsle amide+ In WEErrital Ilt: , SS-RVtiCaRESE, DRI.D FRUITS. DIME% UV% rat.M.N5. end proaorm gs.uenally.. AllO. linlara. ? ElIDl*, OILS, te.. No. 217 Labtrtl dn. , . PittAcrel. ,A tiro.- n schazeements made. Ckwagnalanta aolldP.A. :/r, je1?..41121.- . . ~. _::----------- wla 1., 111.4.,..--..—.---- ..... —— ... , -crv.... iracrellis..E; VIVIL P. BECK tz CO., leo. 185 Libeitir I 1 v srrct,Pit.fiburgtt, Pa, Wholcsoda Grc..115.0°44. i tukrarrya Errchsats, and deal," in COULCIET VW. ;AXE, PEOVISIONS, BACON. 1....k1ED, BUTEN!, ECCIS,. CURF.SE, E1.2 , ./.1, Sc-, PRODUCE. TWEE, . I GRAIb• SLEDS, GEESE AND DRIED TRUITE•EC. , 1 6A L 2 awl LIE.E. 0.14: ' 1 R. t,A:‘ IELII, Cosnasait4ipt, t railllAranrid 3.l.l.9.43llStTcriErstalld 7biltrrrle. um). WVraLllke PuT AND P. 0 816 . PAM,Bs7I.I.I2AVT-El, C.I.NSEL.D S D .. ..1.A8D_ DIU ED FRUIT, and DI -O M. , :Frost street. Mttabnrgt+• C - . urrra., TsCIALL -LITTLE k Whnlesale ;,rot lA et. and Commission Ilerciamita, dmalors Witlo DUCE, FLOUR, CAM CHEESY, YISEICKYHOE A nStf a rod O gl. ',ll.lrJfil":=l T act: l l 4 g"' t ,r 34" AZTRF.D DAVIS, I.LJAIGIIESI Frragrr, DR y) GOODS, Xt.. DAVID .0.57,7. z VirStirltAAVE AG EXTS DRUGGISTS 31,71TME, Dealer ingtrag 4 ‘ ) k" m usly" HEADY OO:B i l i tsianzoNs. 110. rum PititiCF. CO, 8 sxcad doo r stow, Wood, r IttabityBB., Pismo .t 5 srri tw> w 1p ezr bazse ter teir. 1101--11LEBER-&-BRO.Mgere usto AND aroma. VSTirinto7l3, sad sole sculte Cur 97611tWAVbersb. 8 ,ISALICIIILATED PILAW, Itto. 53 Fifth atrouti • tieg M. rsation,.Deion Puo D501i544...,.158. 81 Wood suet, Dalton .18888•138. rAII34 I IA. • ..Gll'VatirramAND SPICES, 0019714M0NN scasEs.'e act wouxs, ivai Wood •emet, olloore TiTtlk Pitt•blY _ CHEESE WAREHOUSE—HEN.ST H. .. COLLIN& Forwarding andGoscantsionmfisbant and &elm . In CIISESE, BUTTE% lokYLISIOS: and Prndnos Fenersity, No:C3 Wood streetAximATe der, rittabarg".• t , 1011 N FLOYD & CO., Wholesli'Gro- reARLES L. cALDvrELL.(...okulor to games a c 0..) Porn reozre , 1.14 ha P BOY19101(S. per oriCartat had Trual#.Wmts, Pitiabh2/11. 405 °,4 _ fi.cw.. P & Sll EP EL& R C ,_ CoMitados* UL,5,.... and daalsda TLOIIII.. GDlrlf 61fit PRODUCE, yo. 117 Lawny ascot, ritubarity, Moira brands b of non! for Bakers s.nd FOlasessla sranoraroorormd. Particnc:rr.ttantion ~3Vlttring G _ J. TOWNSE, (sureftatir ttiJaakenst G. J. ND T0vr0.04,) PORK PACKER aosk,:doids• PROVISIONS, A., N 0.1.9 Fourth &Croat, to:OL t,,14 1 .1 11 9. Ititlot.orot,. . VOIOT & succoessors LG. 43.. Q, PRODUCE 1.10:, CO2IMLUETUR lEEE MASTS, 1.47 Ltbari7 strost,Plitabargh.7-, 2 ROBERT DALZELI, rargrlim Ma sah, Grocer.. COmad.' .o nd pi t tAint t UAW mw and &steno In Prolivs? rtactrze, Liberty ALLACE, i:Ai,,6oAltreatraluasnt: ~titir:4l'";c:r.Dt7l4,Tr4;it, rea.5*4_t4_•21.1.• Pnares^TD•.p•'t• . , . cun,ox...,_.:W: w MBY.KT, Sill rroN & wtio.lo- A xxla Gr.,. land Province Dralers'Oro. B id Sixth sweet, httsbcrgtr. lAH DICKEY & .osole Grocers Coarabestcn uasuo.r. 1, 4 , PHODI7CE.:ISo. 50 Rata stcrat sad al!roat An* 11111- (.11110,TilICK..----...... -. --folltiltalllOL-_-_-_, 1 KIRKPATRICK —tt BROTH ER 846 - • . El • mino. 4,3 Brair _di 81espetria.: IWZIOLI. , , I SALE GISOCE7-'3, ISos, lit sad U 3 40erty etreoll.:... Plltikbalch. : ' ap1.1:11 , .'.. CHOICE RIO CO E£—J aiktzceivod. a tre..ll of Ctrs Bio °ens; aso t...•:toss sithtfts gosy ears stco - o o f o Java Joor Y sate at.5...5a fasettly goo, • o /3 s e: seer 7.7brrty sa7Bm7 strsati; DAMS k S Ma , JAVA Ismer, of LSD Oils. sod .Ca 41.2 ellsola for V. parr-hose sad !Ws 11,..}01T0 6,111/ 13.13116 ED PrraoLzva, 69.....4143 VI stmt. I.ltra. S. LI6UE' &CO , CMY FLOUR! -.._ V. Ilia MILLS, corner Liberty /14,4 m tz.4 atnegirVx.; I Pi ..Magi:, Pa _ . r _ , -•- 4 ..... gar C44.___ r be rmarr.....-_ ~...—...... —....-m .r. Y. Tarr, .. 1 QCIRAI A--._.Y% Sc LANE .Cocalmtoti .. -..,:: IJ 11=carsre and rtolerala drelOr lei 4111.0in8ir :.;;; IFS. MUM, GIIAI6, P801613CP.,:t5;i No. 913 Meng :i.', sine. • Piie."e r."'l" tnsa WATT s, iifliiiir, Vietiessie , pup. 11 crs,Ccuumiatiou Mord:mute, (id &stun tiatso dna sad Pittsburgh tssautacturqsB:llo. 156 161066 greet ,Pittabtrith. LINDSAY .1 & 13130:1,riolesale six& S.ll.etsil GUOCSES,TLOCIII /,..1011.081SOIDZiar , MS, Uri street. - ' apt:6la RIDDLE. foro,,,iur 10 Lr t, ritu. 4 URI !,17mr!t4 rth&sbiriAcita AD.coas r4 2,11.01.071. CtMAStStrutt r4r.W4V.11, & NV. BEN:JETT,. laitaxactuitre D. WIT 17'E VON'S cams 00L0fiD 611 E.-• Warebosco at •o;Arsrra ra cmxw t-I.mb. matear.. ORN CANTRELL, Natkuraoturer S.) POCKS AND snow, of arett-damtptio, a* No.' Si Smithfield meet, Pittsburgh ALIIREE, SO?.;Whole , s de &a: Retail Duals', in sours:Ai/ow, ac. ‘ astaie wcoa .03 vo.rtl amt., Pittibtixj), PDGERTOIi STEWART, Whotestae , 3-:1 (MKT-RS AM) NTAM.SqOI,I UMWWaIk: anit. lOU% 1. vossz....— ---- .--cov.tas SOITUL 10H.ti 1. SOUSE -- akiWholesste GED; . mus IND corattsatos:ldtacaisTs. corage .I,towntied end t. tubmrsh. 'air-fT----411131-BY Et. co., - D. Commission IWThant% Eb. 190 sou= weact ewe a w dg - sm.stat. - ii) ires • - our. Grain, PrOotsfassi ?/I:e•gr For Lei= *wan'. .3. 7. QtrnoT lotaly WOODSA !1.. • .nnitctuant ll *.V aosul, _ LONEVID , . 140,14. 44 bi lk. 01-&-ra ;archaia of 0?..rE14 '1.1414 Tisr ! a r s ' rir 'wl;eaux eked, " 40 1 4'•W‘ 11 0Y °1 151507,11 A - • ^:- • .«:-450 t,DiOWIf.
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