414fttOursivc4iteeftt, MONDitriloisny < »i:::&110UST 1,184 L !ma. IN VASION CITIZE Ars 4 MEE Gen. Rowley lleanested to D Marital Law. PREMATIONS FOR HOME DE am Oinipaniesto be Organized I. Emergency. VETERAN OFFICERS APPOINTED TO ENLIST FOLUATERED. Order.o4 General Rowley. PRCOLAMA.TION oF . THIC _MAYOR WSW! ARRIVAVOF MAJOR GENERAL COUCH. At s7Ons 6'41)0. ; Sands, awning, in coots.: sasses of sitettina stirs from - liarristmeg, Io ta• two to tbi robot Isolation s pabife stoottag of eittoFutioss , tad:At HO; for eta pat po4s ottaltizgoao gassuses as might be bums& rudest sad sototisq, andorths slotting dr- MOW joinei Lawry;Tr. Mayor, was, on ma tfett of Major WM. Frew. ' walled lle tb 6 otalr, and atatod the objeetrolthei mooting in a few brief 11. A. Wenstr,-Etv nominated the following Mot Itmeldeats and fiscretaries, width nonelas tic& wen approval: _. _Vise Presidents —Quo. Wi I ant F. Johnston, Thomas Rellemell,Esg , James I. Bennett, Glen. Timatie M,„lltwe, Major Wm. Frew. John At nrOft'Sulre Faeisniogs, Christopher Z eg, J,:s :ph =mots?, johr, Falun, James SI sato o ',John, MoDoteltamificroy bleTighs, John 6.Coogrive, 'debit limper, WIP. Phillip', John MoQnewan, • ' Howdy Chllds; Al - Garrison, James, Park, Jr., ,Bsca. ;litstatariso—ff.. Scharer, Jr., Peg., Daniel Olitill, Win. M. Hen mill, Jame Ovule', G. - P. Held, John C. Harper. Appropriate and pertinent addresses were de livered' by Messrs. Win. F: Johnston and Thoe. Baltawsit. ' BlllingaG. Childs, Esg , moved that the Chair soon 44 . authorized-to apponst a Committee on Dike Tiefessi, consisting of tatty members, with authority to masult with Gen. Rowley, and a.aist in rho organizing of-companies and regl- Aho Insolation- won adopted, but after mm, disazolon it wasrocosaideted. Jamesi. Banns% 'Br g imoved that the Coin mitts* '',Mnshil." of t oo in toad of CRY mom bars which was adopted. Sie s Chtdrthenannormeadthefollowlog named „. patios:tense said Cazumoittse. Jamul I. Bennett, Choreal Dotterel', James M. lorry, Jr., P. R. Brzenot, ..:Thelatu arliowo, ' ' Jackson Dana to, ' - ~- , '.., - Jam . Park, Jr. • Alit'Motio „. n,li watt related that emu Rowley be segnittedtd &store actrelr,of law whenever, is his oplafros It latish: becom• neressuito dose: Mr, If..P. Ranee_ =ma that the ,' chairman of th e Mooting , telegraph.immellatoly request . ing Gies - SAonm bar* of Clair =Udall, Gen. Fre mont s:nd G,m. McClellan, to give a. the benne. of thous manna and tako command of the de Sense of the city. ' . Thionotion trotted- considerable tielicule and *ea laid upon de table. • - I ,` -- '....-Therdotton not being folly understood; tome [ gentlemen cemented the stover to redo.* It to I ' WritlogiWtdon head, after CAA it wearead. iWM. M. Moffitt, 8:g , &mooed the resoln• tier as utterly umlauts and Improper. 'MK Weaver enggested that we had tamers I bore who ware eompetent to defend the city, and that the m eaon of the resolution wo uld be ~ 4 na ansaltto Idea. °witty. . , Considatablo confusion allowed, and mind ' • gentlemeo, although -mot formally eaddrentrig the Chair, foot cession to denosmoo - the moo. , :can as.foolbh and improcticaL. • Major Itsusell Emit moved to amend Mr. Sawyer'sresolutioa by adding the name of James But harao.l. , This ' , capped the climes;' the diecussion i ended end the reso'ttion lay still-born. ll Air. Raster spoke la favor of an immediate ; _ erstactra ton for home . defenesi asidhopid to sett 15,00 D men In the fortifications and rill pits .111.1da &few loam. Theft; being no motion before the mesUng, it '.. adjourzed else die. . - 1 .litylcao 0: 71 . 1 r. texitrrnit 00 iltrecte etPIITT: Tto committee mat at the Mayor's office, at - this. -• o'clock,. today afternoon—present, 1 4 Mesiii. Balmoral!, Bruno:, Duncan, Lowry, . lione..Park, and President Btnnett. On motion, the notate of Messrs. John T. ho. gen, Wm. Frew, and, Reuben Miller, Jr., were added to the committee. On motion if Mr. Bennett, Den. Rowe was - ohatenTennutent Chairman of the Coal [elite". .. ..e. Dlostre. :its. Amite:son anti ciao. ii Inurston wale oPPotnted.Secroteriee. , , • - . .p on motion, Gen. Rowley was unmated to sp. ~, , taint keit/110 persons In the several wards, i• i trough/and townehips, for the purpose of or ; garrising troops for the defense of the two cities i . and vicinity. 1 [Gen. Rowley, Col. Faulk, Capt. Wright, and s., other ,metre were present, and noted it, concert with the Committee ). -: ,' r, The following resolotlon was piors!, and '.'y' adetted uttozittonsty; , . . '!..N Jlorofosel, That the butkets of the cities sad .1 vicinity httssispemditi, spd theta employers of '.„'-*` men In .ad al °nod the d:loe of-P.ttsburgh and ~‘,,.:. A legteny be requested to Iv/amble; their em • i. , sj ap p:loyoes an to•morrow. , (Mondiy) borntog, at •• ' ight o'c!ock, lot 'tlLO pups?. of ateorteinhig I 1 ' b . c .,l=le Me n. l a g oit il l i e7, l c U' oermin " Za h n o t m of e It ' a dl.:: r tries, be lagneatod to detail veteran wises. for -•:, rho perposo of organising saiJ men into eon ;antes if d coo, report to Clan. 'lonia, i" : forthwith: ''- - • • The Cmanitteo also adopted the following re - ,g,,,,afreei, That this Committee folly approve. of the resOlattonof the public, meeting bold In ',-.• ~5 .Wilitiria ll4thla.morning, in regard to a &Ma -1 2 , ratidn'pf martial lew ; and, in accordance theme ... ' witlerehinild the requeliti of the General end 7 7 74, , of ate Mayme tell to proem* the entire output. '.'.. elowerbtselnese; while that he declare martial 0: few forthwith. Atee - • 1.1 e. fesd,lhat a • Committee of six be appoint eel to waif upon Um City Councils of Pltttenrgh er and Allegheny, to Procne from theist an appro. ki'. ' .. i, priatimo_of-attelt hands as may be necessary for ~,...', the &Cense; of the.olGet. , i.:`,,,., Vie Cluiltman appointed the following Cote. *.,..' -. csittial t - Foi - Allegheny—Samea Park, Jr., P. .; 3- `1 'flt, Brunets, John T. legeo. For Pittsbtugh— '',`. Jlrklion Dininin,,Wol.' Frew; Reuben Miller, Jr. „...- ,Ort motion; lima' - ... . -:yL'eterra, TEAM” Secretaries be requested to I have the preceedingit of the' cormulttee,and the ',l - : - poolsottatiou of OsA.Litowley and Mayor Lowry . ,t Esblisited. in slips as goon as possible, and als the olorffiag. per.- -. 2': - ..t, On motion, lie owned to mom at the Monon ,'t gattela lions, at ten o'clock, same eveting. -.'3, . on. lowtsee wove. :1 The following is thervectest of Gen. Howley, -'.. .. lamed in response to the action of themeeting : u - y1 •:-- . rn tatmordence wltitthe resolatlois of the ,: at nireittee appointed' by the eieiltie I now re • "i' quest the tug elision of all business tie the clues ei •- : of Plitstergh andAilegheny, end sqladjoining ,„;1 iberoaghs, sp far is the same itprieetrolle:' The' .. 1 k • Zral tor prompt action is at hand. . -• Taos. A. Sorter, :;51 -;,- - Brig:Gin% Cotedg.' Dlitilet." ..:%l V. 'wares LOWLY'S PTLOCLAIIATIOR. '; The-tOowing proclamation iris izsued by his : . .5.1 Rotor"; the hispir, and it is hoped that, by a ,: 1 1 r empe response on behalf Of - the people the :: tql dze/aration of' to ettiatlaw map be avoided .; l . IfA ff ertt, Late newi from Harriebnrg points .-- Y,l to the fooPefranea.of toblagLatmedisio atop, for • ...,thete•enee of the tit); and nutrias, It a meet 'l its after pietas, bele to-day,' 3;0 7 al it , a zee , It' l a t i qu i ° t i e 17 a s ' o l° col d g T L " fi r pligtTg 1. 1 1 P, • r , :‘,,,, 1-,-,Jainee Levirjar., Mayor oi , thnetty . e a t .. - 'gl Pitt/burgh, do itemthi reTletdmy ' entire lutPen, f r .::4 'ion of butir,ertum the part o f tle citizens ttatit .. pit farther notice; and Ills .req tad that the peo ---. i.t., ple meet at the seheol bases, in - their respective 4 . election dlstnets,lo.irterrew morning at eight o'clock, .for Om rupees of enrollingthemselves V. , w. der Val?' c4aotr* into companies for home f., :-.,- defines!. Jew* Lowar, Jr., Meyer. ; ? ) ..: - 1 1.1.60 ' LIYATION Flolit MilTok ALECASOZI. E;;4 In--parspence of a reseitttlen adopted at a ' ..14,4 In v i ting. of the citizens. I. A. C. Alexander' . f.l Mayor or th, city of Allegheny, dollereby se: • that tho citizens will /stipend all bus , t.ii t , ,. quest -- , . , „, .. passed MO , Z:1 until Ilk? PBSOU; V.TX" S 0 L .. :;: • . - ... :-'A. O. Arituinsta,..idayor. : , k, ~, , ,,7„ , A iiirietei o - p.imatorrnme oilmen. The kilowing t lffictiLe, in ace=l o e i ta the f:.' l me °rr fo 'i r fir 5 t11. 6 8 1c..4.111:1 , .. the wattle slid .. - t-ii ai:frlotatowhich thoy are boleti iesigne d. They P 3, *ill proceed; eit El o'clock this day, (Wendel) ta 'Il the school bonzes of the:wards e nd a l and ' , orgaplse those who volunteer for home defense late ate •-- '. ' ---.-- . k .- • . . -. ~girt if etlrlasiitt. 001.. Yent ,- Muse Prlnr,. i .= sugeant Doningtoa, Capt. Crag. .V : - Oooan d War d—CoL Swcitiv. paps. JAI, B. '. K it s P C Z . tl k f i Vit gha46 tirW ib iero:.oAptaln 44 ' 4 " 61b.4-C f?!'Pt >o7l ;*q? ;V4oo,ra ....!. Youra Wad- - ej. Gail-ne, Capt. eolith, r. UV. Sohn o.,''`er 1. nth wettilreLleitt.. 'Seam My. Mo. Candiate,Capt. /I‘oeks, and Liam. Steel. Sixth Ward....Adjut. Harm, Capt. J. 8. Ka. zeds% Lieut. Alfred McDonald. Seventh Ward—Oapt. Barbour ' Limit. need: Eight Ward—Capt. Moore, Capt. D,oald, Capt. Dalulelah, Limit. Patterson, LncuL Nokia. Ninth Ward—Capt. Wm. Little. • Tomparenorville—Major Barnes. Pitt toeitiehip—Major Van Voorhais, Lieut. Barr r. Psoliles townie Murdock. McClure tont obip—Cacd. Benj. B Kerr. Scott toerr.ehlr—Cept. Conners, Lieut. Son tare. Resezre tonullip—CApt.. Conrad ESerhxrdt, Lieut. J. R. Wilson. Collins township—Capt. J. 11. Stetart, Lista Dickey. - Birmingbito tat Birmingham and South Pittsburgh—Major Patterson. Cart. Fairer, Lieut. Letts, ',hut- McClain, Lieut. I)ty, Lieut. Jents, Lieut. Duff. Any of the above toilers who may wish far• they Interactions will-report to Lieut. Col Faulk, at Wilkins Ellall , at 7.o'ciock, in the care on the scoond story. Veteran officers in the county and eoldiers, whether in the service or dis charged, will at once report for assignment to duty. The following citizens in Allegheny will roll Meetings at their respective places of holding elections, for GO purpose of organising'eom paales in : First Ward—Jtian Atwell, J. F. Jennings, Judah Xing... Second Wied—Wm. Cbanciimrs,./ftitiar4ol2 Davis, lea Ititkpatticin Third Ward—Arthur Babson, John U. Barr, Col. George Gust. Fourth Ward—Col. J. M. Cooper, Arthur Eitit, W. INCOvew. Dtlitirstee to the Ullon Cuu.uty Conrenn on Saturday hest elections were held in the rufous precincts of the °runty, to ealeot dele gates to the Union County .Conyention, which will be held at the Court 110111111 es Wednesday at ot. The following is the resettne far an we ozuld arcestain First Ward—Junes 7i:toasty, Timms, Iteu ttsectid Ward—b. O'Neill, Wm. Dir!". Third Ward—Firstpreclimat : Petrick liatey, c. Thomas Otchlum ; iedoad precinct : FL W. Mickey, Bat* W. Iftercac .Formh Ward--John 11. Ha e, John Spa•. Fifa Ward—First precinct r Joseph Kayo, P. ArdraprScesnd prodsat: F. C. Neely, Oto. MCI. Sixth Ward—Dr. A. 6 Mr:Candler., Charles Jemmy. Seventh Ward—Martin Frederloks,Johe Lief eai S. Fighth Ward—H. 8., White, Joseph Nixon. Ninth Ward—W. Mckelary, James Irwin. EIIZZEZZIF Secor.d Ward—John Hoch, John McDrnald Thirst Wart—Firerjuartnet: Arthur Ilobion, Samuel Eastlnge ; Second precinct: Jacob Roo adorn. Caeaer Gang. etr‘h Wm...l—Fast precinct t J. C. Pattarson, Wm. M. Fir frat; Second prc , clr.ot: It„ F. A. Fat, Umber, It B. Francis, Tempermeetrrill•---Wm. 0, Warden, N. Bal lentioe. Nonongahcl►--RSehard Perry, Thomas Roe sitar. Mszahestcr —Cap' James Mtilsr, Allen Means West Pittaburgh—Edward Spang, J. B. Mall &nth Pittsburgh—U. Moorehead, B. Law rev co. Birmingham—Seopad product: Michael J • TOP - 38B: re. Onion—J. M. Blacker, N. F. Mena. Venalliet—Wm. A. Shaw, Moe. Jones. Pebbles—S. Brown, J. 0. Wood!. Chamfers-- winos 31cOann.igle, Andrew McCarthy. Soo tt—B. P. Smith, Thor. Ciambia. Bert—Coi. That. M. Bayne, D. It tznail. SIM NIGHT SitT7lP-iattv•L or 044. COTTOZ. At ben o'elock the,CommitMe on Public Safe ty metpuluent to adjournment. I; being announced that Ma or Gen ral Conch w 4 on his way to this city, in a speoiel 'train 'ram Harrisburg, the Committee continued in 1151al011 until eleven o'clock, at which time the Jones - al 14fliTe4, and was et carted to the Mono:I -go els House by Geteral Rowley. On beiflrlsed lie to what cur eltlrens hal dine, Couch remarked that it WIL3 not socesvai or them to take any farther action at trait turn. Ls was here with full po was from the Uovernmeatto do what alight be teowary. and. he would be happy to meet the committee at nine c'oloik title /Monde, morning. C.tcm't co char nojturno4 to moot ot that k.cur, at aczerii on Fifth Stu , t. Pub;le Meeting la Manchester std Sworday srening a public meeting wee Bala in eliar.caesser by the,linfon citizens of the bon ugh, for the purpose of giving expre•Lic to their views in regard to the pro; 03i d amt adme LI ts of .he Constitution. At eight o'clock • very large concourse of people and as...able 1, when the meeting was called to order hj appoiniing Copt James Miller Pre:ill:int, 1142A1 31e,srs. Do rid Patternon and James Mewl. Thomas M. Marshall and .I..hn M. Kirkpatrick, E•ne , were present and addresseti the meeting. Tee addraiscs of the gentlemen wire elc.cuent and logic•l, and were listened to with marhad attentior. On motive, a committee °or...rine of No•rn, J Is. grad,c. ltim. A d'helpened it•-hcrt w••% oop.inted to dr,. rr ittutteus expressive •. el .ite et the meeting. After • .Acct the committee 531..L1tte.1 the :olio wing: ‘i assizes, Therday, the id of Anis-est, hoc barn ay vointici by the Legiclato-e at Peure„il teLia, :e7 the roiliest of Wang e cots of t h e people of 1:10 State upon a con.tiin .lon al amend meld allowing the aohilete ru v.- d te. died, Thteugh the enatLy at the loyal vot ers, a party in our state onponed ;he ,o;.lie:La ha ~e,t s right to cote may delta' this eminent ly !oft end l, yer went ore. Tber•f •ro, be it 1. ..r, d, That The ttg,l tarn out to a map, and give this :atom, llitif 1.1[17 CUT nor( That :he whose her actor hae teen Inily n ac:ftitrii to c7..iny tear, fought bee acs, I.r. defense Cl GLIF hater. and 5 re, I Jen, are pre•en_inently entti....l Lc vote is the selec tion of our rulers. • That :ha minting cordially eudarso activo of too IL:I: ..re Co:vocalln, in nnoninatiou of Abraham Liot, and Andrew• St:l.ra, who bare proved th0. , 044,, be :ho turn for the erisie which ie pow upon our et , -..tatry. the le:on:atone Were atioptsd tinanitanttly, atm which the mettlifg adj,arnsi. A Distiopc et Subatitute Daring the last draft, Mr. David it. Lialmes, e reel dent of at adjoining township, w e : dratted, and got cashing to reepond is person, offered fcr a substitute. A young mac netted David U. Cm zton, aka wee well known to Mr. Delmer, accepted the offer, provided he oeuld enlist in the wily. Crorton'e paper. were made out by Provost Marshal Pester, and the eubsti tuta sent to Philadelphia, where he was to re pot and enlist in the navy. A. portion of the mosey was paid to him before be left the city, and toe bellicose deposited to the meilt of hi. mother. Upon arriving at Peitedolphle, Crorton eocellided not to enlist, and being a good black smith, readily procured employment. In the _meantime Mr. Holmes beanie anxious about Me substitute, and finding that he had not reported, appeared before Mayor Lowryi and catered a eumplaint against Croxton, charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses. A war rant was issued for hie arrest, sad officer John Merton dierathed to Philadelphia to anprphand htm• After censid.arable 'Marsh the calor sue tee,b d le Ghdieg the fugitive, e.e.i t.,et him Inte•cuetc.fy. Craztou hsd deetroped the papery he hied meets, d from Capt. taster, but whin ar rested stated that be was wilting to enter the invite. Mr. Herron telegraphed to thie city and bad new papers made out and forwarded, end un Friday hat the matter was genic! by Cetzton +enlisting and going on beard the rani, tog Alp at Philadelphia. Creston informed the *Scar that it was his intention to enlist when he left this city, but upon arriving at Philadelphia he found that ha could make eighteen dollars per week at his trade, and oonstaded that it would pay moils better to remain a ai.illian than to enter the service. The artist of tit. Herron, 'however, charged his prospects considerably, and he plead bard -for the privilege of enlisting. Ulfary Oreattization at West,lto trader the ordain of the Chief Qoartermaster of the Cavalry Bureau, the TaS;cll.l empl, yelps of the Quartermaster's Doper'' , nt at the es• tatelve cavalry depot at tilosboro, 1). 0., ha'e barn tbottaghl7 organized, armed and rgalptrtd for the defence el towt imp,ro.nt A One regiment has bean f rored i and Col. Jame A. nth, formerirel ^itv. but at present CIV.of 4seatermaster of the Cavalry:Boreal, hae been Weetwil Colonel. The °Mean of Oh, regiments will be oommirsioned by the Beereiay of War, •fd' tie men uniformed. The org anlsatl roc. I, styled the , falashora °mode." A -Panama kinnteutt.--A telegraph di. patch was scathed in OK any yestesday. an nouncing the intelligence of the arrest of Freak Robbins, who shotlifr. laPlßes, Mahoning county, Ohio, on Wednesday sdnlst !Let. 2be anent wan made on &tardily, at Port Erie. by. Mr. Bradley an experienoed deteettrael Cleveland. . Robblise bee been taken to lifahordeß count, and lodgei in jail to- await trial • . Ihrterrutrra rumens lisormisr.—Thls TOWS* regiment arrived to the ally at-moon yosteraay, on tbali way Wane, Moir terra of eer-. nos twang expired. Th. Saketstapoo Oaapait. tee farnlshad; tha-regisawit with an taattlaat -,ll4lPrefi; City HtU , , 1 • A notd Attempt to Brea* .1.:I As attsttpt be &ads last week bs 711 is- Instil of the county jell to areal ont . tif that in stitution, but Lash. 'designs were discovered by Jailor White, end frostrated. , The parties roe _ termed lit fhs - editamprafea jail delivery were Si&SIM .Tcnng, tortflatid on a °Urea of murder, Patriek Harkins, its:, rolsert Rankin, burglary, Michael Donovan, highway robbery, and Daniel Barre, larceny. They were gout:Sued is cab $08: 89 and sad concluded to mebd their el =PO by digging •hroogit the watt into the yard lyslow. They eommenced their labors on Thurs day Idght 'act. usirg as tools two tate knives nod a chisel. On . Friday night Jailor White was apfrlsrd of their defogs, and wished to let them elope for 'a Cry or two, In order to see if they could dig through the wall. The Sheriff, how ever, concluded that the risk wee too great, Lad on Setraday night &boat eleven o'olock luddezi!y appealed in the cell, mach to the wor t Oration of the pthoricra. They hsd made a hole in the wall about two feet f gime, and could have been to - tics pr icon . yard attain two hums, bed not their progress been arreeted. We understand that they Lill be placed in irons to day. This attempt to escape was very ingeniously contrived, end but for the vigllance of the Sher iE andJailor, would undonbtodly here pro red lICCIM Excitement In the 0117 Lut evening tba excitement consultant upon the receipt ci the news a the rebel raid, was .t fe ver heat. Aleut T o'clock, e braes band paraded along Fifarsed Su i b field t nets t o Mans Hal. when Capra F. C. Nezlal and ins. Metcalf were organising companies of mounted scants to serer nhttieg the emergency. no ba II was immediately end In etort time the companies wore or ganised. it was annensaaci tbs. the companies' w raid be immediately cluipped, and seculd' .T. for Ilarristkrg Ibis morning in the two o'clock Main. T government horses at the Fair (errands base, by order of Ova Howley, been placed at the disposal of these companies. DOWT WalT nit 1191 DLO' r.--Capula C. Otto, of the 911 Penna. Revert", is recruiting • °Employ of ore year's moo, for the Ist Alto gbeny Cunnty 'Regiment. tie is paying the highest government and local Isom :tiles. Re making otiires, No. 56 federal itreet„klisgheny CAL}; also, Willti•s Roll, Fourth street, Pit i- Lurgh. Itur.saair n AILIGILLVT . -00 Thursday „fight lest the dwelling house of It rm. John T. Prettily wan entered by burglare,and robbed of two r,,ld watcher, g ;nta of money, and a quantity of weerfog atporei. No arrests bare yet been mr is. Tlio ILLYnts t r ISLt-oa itrt,ax —The many (rondo of Major Rodu.in will be pteated to town that the troken of in our paper of Satttr- Joy. was of scum ton does ego; and that he it tow in a boleti/ way to oott.oloho :court:my. Ft , t ir:oa Taste for Lao' groat sale of lot) at liraddok'a Fted leave Toth 041 Naorylroala acd CenaulrriOe depot., at i o'clock thi. after atilt o ■rat:mu *AteAl. St tITIllr,l Tuourie Paler, Ph'n and Oruaraeetal Slate Se afar, arid dealer In Peettrylvanta add Ver se= ebata at the beat quality at low rated. °Zee at Al.:. Laitilalin's, near the FTed.ed Words, Pittsburgh. Pa. Below will be found soartificato from a respect• able citizen of Allegheny city, who= son wu cured of total detrain' by Dr. Beyseit,,nf 1(0 Wood strut. The case if s noted one, toad ai each dorm - rex publicity. Le there us many eitr.flar 1111EtS wbo would gladly avail them: Beirut of an opportunity to get relisi, we; wil lieglj SITe it a plute In car ocancisn/. We pub- It firm the original certificate in the hand writing of the boy 's fattier : . l'lrtzsratve, July fa, 13 , 4. Dear 61r—I take pleveure In adding ray tes timony-to tl at of ethers 1n farce of Dr. Key es-es .e,strttentcf deafness. My son itsl been affected nr five yea-is arith deafness, redacted Smut scarlet fever—at times he vould not hear pi All, and re td oily understand as we .null rat Urn t, His speech had also ,wove af fected. itsvitts tried other remedies Iritlvnt re re'rirg en; bwaelit ab.eterer, I spplisd M L)r. azd under bin trectolent he hes en -11 re, rtur , rcred, ar,lts.o flaw how as well as erer ,e Lid. . :US a. 9 •aaerT, J. .7: Dearer street, Alleghezy City, Pa. Ittot.entreas Haan Ta le—For the derangement tt :be ryrtem, tbenge of LIN% 194,114.3, Sores, Crosses and Eruptions, to which arm volute:l is 'feta, there edd not remedies ea etre, eonvr ! .4 ruse If LIOLLOWA PILLs t u t - ;1m FNT, thnr , agtr'y twee: Is fan Ott:cells e:.•i hells= Catrpaigns. tieloway's Pita and Ointment see now re te...1.1, owing to the ligEprirea of Jangr, rr.t., et 1' cent.. 7$ cents end sl,le per pot or box. F.r este in Pittsburgh by D. L. Fahntoeblek' A co. Ft r ,A:a u rultoa'i arug 547, J . :fat street, P.; tiLulg.l2. or sale al , . 1,7 deo. A. KAliy, Foists' street, A.,;ai.heny 13asoren.—tieceurl art at= .t tb., Eisreheat • :ere rercrv-a 13 :3 ,aii,3eaLa .treat. We are tat re:l,3ring our eezonft tupply of 3pirg 333 !Ammer goals, end would moot re ecttelly io rite our friemil ad the public. in Kt coril :o el:amino OUT DOW 514 , 2 k. bettering it la V... 4 out of the dno3t Mehe of marohant talk, g,..atie In the ney. Srery gement war 1.11.1114 to give frll tet.:efeirtica, in Sot!. pricy eve2iti. as a :ell bete., purehering rir ~Sc:e era' juige for roareoiveri. 4Z•R.1.1 Ye. 71 , :t:tt.Eol4 me*. V" , .•1.11. 11 , T:1:1.-...riat g1.:{51.d.,0. Of oar realary. L 9 . .: St nceortsteattf Spring •r,nn:ed by oz- friend Tdr. 'r Wein:, No. 12e iirdaral ttrast, Alio t.cy flit ,took cainpriyat a great variety of Fsnty Frrt-h, tad Amarlast. CO-rbiCtICS and Ctctby, tad Can dila tad fivt ria.vre VtatingY,---alf el wbiab trill lne erode ap tn order in- ins Satan tad h :Li boot =saran A onnice 3CL0C1.103 kof iarnia.ling 803-1> e4ll ra Lend atd or 3112, tage-ier with a fan rtar:t 'if Ready Malt Clothier. wall aril flan k:ally tacit. a Dr rat bai 'if of that Zone flyer" In the Bvu.l, of FM/n), Caere the sepkird at ap:ing are , he Scatted end pureat, Prof. I...itun fettled the "Printipal Floret:a" which he •hae ieeoyo• rated with tile new toilet article, the "Hair Fioriiino,' the mort perfe:l and de lightful Hair Tinic tho world tae e'er prudue• ed. Try one cart•aw of it an•d bear witaers to the truth of tor assertion. No inducements holdout by el:Grins low prices; but au equitable fee will be abused in every ease, for the best materials will be need, aid all the time and skill we-nasty 'o iriuts—pernmenB rault, than be applied. Oust= bud eartive calla Till be toted ott the Omnibus elks, No. 414 Pean Knot, day or night. All orders loft at the above plane .111 he promptly • attended to. All calla il2Ollll he paid i• a4rszoe. • &'•ic T —On Ostorioy. Jo 1y 30th, at 11 da1..., W 4.1. 8., infant 4111gbtor of Woololoolim owl Kato Er bully. ocerel fisco tb• recklecca of her paroate, No. it Cong}ors etrt rt. Moot•T arrzasovs, al I o'clock. bicSEGIOII.-913 Surds, ooredor. /Is eirtv Alt.cantlcr J. and .11 erg et lOsOrwr. 640.10ntral arl.l like Van, on . .10111 , t• • !tuna tat, at 10 o'cltalt, tram tha oo I ...at., at her pa..,ats, della sued. SULU EON GENTI.E.A.I.'d OFFICE, WA/11AGTOX, D 0., 1001; 21, Mi. A.DTKO—srEGEOISI3' AND atlilST Mit SLR GEONS FOR COLORED 111.001 1 8 —lo,2lllssea mend be gosdastes of some resedu Medical Oollese• and mtsl La examined ty • Btard or llsdical °Sams to to mu • Pored 1/ the broom Oeoaro Tb. Etari Pill ditto :Mop Pat that lb. eamlidato oil be sprolntod Ramp. ,r Assistant Faroe acrordiel to moots. A7allos -1100., becolOp=lcAl by O. CT 0.000 testimonials from respectiLle prnura, as 10 moral chmeoree,bas, ••tould to addinesed to the efnopt.,) Remold D. B. At, Womb. tpron, 1). 0. or to 11111 Assistant 0000000 Can rd, U. tl 1,,,a3.411/1 Re. Boards ve 000 is reosollo at skate, Now York, Wisoltionton, iAncianatl, Bt. Louis and Wow Orlear ,100, vomited. ooserrez, 6TSWAROB JR Wit OECD REGIMENT& Candidates most poising • Oslo Ruttish pintail" and he Gunlear ssith the o pasoand loS sdi to oi Appo Pious mast be pads as to oho ea,* Oi Racrsorm oral Assistaat BAr• VOL. Compt APO ittot From r 23 to $3l par Month, veßit clothing, ratA.ns, fret aid quarters. E. E. !LATINS% A.:l/pr Jorsa® Eislaral j. 2 4adam orrtcLl IPlttabmvb, July bb. A ARTILLERY HOWLS PUMAS D IS QM 111A1M1.2. Silk mill be al en by the nosenl2l2•4l. at PIM• burro, P. for good AIiII'ILLIST HOWES. 6,l.ldvaltl of Indobtvdnta tot nA Inn? the WO totes. Time brace tenet be yell forOord, active, and fpm from •1$ eefertv, from 6 yew" tbleitevictto 9 J•on old; bow LS% to le Leads high, and to er..l,ght cot tan men 10% rvuttle. WLite boron and mune min ba Minded. lbey win k eva , vinell by a compote.% jai" PA all hon. t presented tenet mama ba t sbC6lo ssaveln,*{ldna• an. leffl - .tf Lt. ad. and D. Q... Omural. CHARLES C. BAIALEY, Produce and Commieslon Illorchiur. Incnotiamsa mot"' And inklar In allkinatal 4:1011111111Y IMODUCIA. No, ITO WM:STY Mat mbttly • Irl l mmiut. es- ~ THE LATEST NEWS BY MEOW% THE INVASION. Pennsylvania the Beene or Benet Vandalism. gm THE IIEHT CAPTURE CHAMBERSBCRG. Thty Rob the Ciifzen% and Barn the Town 11111 ACE RI AVERILL The Raiders Reported Defeated. RIM MICE RI4POETED II4YING d A MST Mil Mill lig GLORIOUS NEWS FROM GRANT. THE SEIGE OF PETERSBURG. A Rebel Battery Blown Up. A TERRIFIC BATTLE RAGING TEE LAST FLANK 310YEIRENT. lisearretuere,Ju4 30.—Tbs seneershic haring tome renews.' by the military luthoritio at this port, much that would be interesting sled im portant to the nubile omelet be communicated by tetegravb. This oration on the part of the military authorities must not he consented, be. eat.so it ill JWttlfabie by the circumstances our._ rauci:r.g the situation in the Cumberland Yel - Icy, and made necessary by the highest regard for [be public minters meson. There eau be no duties that the main object of the preset:a robed invasion ltss been already thy/arts& ?be rebels themtolre■ •:11 be kept exectalegly busy to estrimto themselves from . the poi:lion tete which their resbeem hsv led ,hem. Cu. usextvrett, July the morning of the ;nth of Jely, L-431, the rahele, wider the command of Gen. McCenselan'. with a farce of shut live 'attired met., entered Casmbereburg, p„ domended 5500,040 from the o.tileas under threat of butting the town. This requi•' tttttn wee in writit ty, and woe signet by the. Joy,/ I:ar'y. It 13 new establirlard by Ind Tumble !Too( that this demand wee a mere pretext on the part of the marauders to neer up a prepared plea, before they swathed the town, to burn It to the grr.und, withent giving any time to _remove pri• vale property, and barely time anbogb for the citlacar to remove their I/Sallee. They set fl • to the hottsel of cur citizens in pallets arty pane. Orer two hundred end fifty h,titat to the Irene of the town:were eonsomed, an the publie buildings, stores and hotels, comprieieg about two thirds of a tewo c,ntalo. ing ,t , t.ott inhabitants. Thee. 0 large body of cit'soie are redneed from cemparatlra wealth to b Wolof. poverty. [deny families la. re lost all their bedding and olothing encept 3 , 2 ,, b so they had on their parrots Ito less will he Largay over ono =Wien of dollars. Without aid 'rem abroad there will be gnat self sting in en- community. flieen atria, thily —Gee. MeCamels:id VW to et...mond of ttla rebel troops when they burned Chembentatig After be had taken kraal pot.3osEiOn Si ¶ba teen be made • proof, maitre demanding one hundred (hemmed dollars stn bold. noires of ettarse impossible to °amply with their demands. In tali tmtifidenne et Ito fat • ri•tliiiity, and ewe of it affording a pretext to t.• into the premeditated plus fro deitreyttg Ch iotrersbera, the domed& were 7ee foet that the omit flannel, rem f the 03.• L'a ndi as had been ,emoted, aided to dm. VW .1. I disappointment of the ,sleds, an tetra • hoy were thee exmoaratsd, the order no nosed to fire the .inurt been, town WI kuna banning.. A atreag hoarse atom art :cited the ti t...1rel to the t0 . ..1 ... mu Sin& be dogs. ?artier of soldiers baring Aacksd the 4, c.,61 drug and di - A.:oil ,'one, coanulae, wed torrtntine 1,119, esitib :hay thee. it all no, rotation; el many diffirent tomes in &natant !coalface, which aro,d,7 united in ore :it ortilairiciou., The enene bane..s heart err 1:og ar.d atf atAny. The orielittng and wo • *tog ti the d twat the ehriekr of women and it hit iron. suit the Pitiful ap era. of the old ; • .1 hato:nt, :armed a mete a! S.rnrt ta ds. -; 'DO, IlltS l l4l. poteal, had eel-mitts 1 to lad 1,4 *,,n appealed t, the Moray st 1: 1. 11 Vat nOthleg eta: I •parses the ; .f the mc , l valusb , e yat aia lan, nal private Ini'dispi were dutroye,l. The town wu tirei at aiocit II o'cluti. is the .'arena. The rebels tosained !tag stenF ` n to sac the dames .1,1.1 nod grg yndtr proptt 'headway, VllO2 the a arm tan' Aarrg.i was it imr,4iL ,r.te:ligen: a :.as raoeht I It arrisburg utte rer t. lag ?a t :I, •. ti A strili's stoa , k. It 1 , ::av,.:, Lather, at 011.,:Jedea In putt jib o, as:an,l vary oarerely. A tra,., s huien eem.ntuary stores, was ties ya• trop tote ally :his morning, to Chun r r•re2ls ',e'en: Weat.3 I 'ha h. c •. 4 , 3 of that t. r au trawl the antronad• id, a: NI and ror).!etoos of tr,....,00t a: :1,1. ~ /se • at.`_:rt I to: th., t•ser, j.,i..0irteet.,2, , 7 - I' rep•-tel hlrci`rit Av. r, nat rOels at M cr,l. A dler,ich from Ilsri,,bn-g to smiting Oct. tit« , f ova, July .to.—'ll, I' direct from Frod4riA,htataa that a body of rebel cavalry crossed into Mary lead at the wroth of she V...ll,eacy last night. Al:, part cf hic`Jacilsdic's cavalry 41111.0rati Pon ry ants. 13,...,1., Joty ':o,—the telegraph line west 1, rlurktfq boy,ad Frederick. rhe :bats under M.,teby Ste acppoaed to hare cot theorize, b u iem n hionoracy and Point of Rocks. There le dct.lt that this !aiding force are no• opesszirg an :ho DAltimore cast Ohio Itailsoad slat I:•Int of locks. G. no:tat:so, dais 31, a Y. hioCl." jar! ,or cited a diapatch from the operator is .to 5-Id, n few miles this side of Charc.bersburg. that ..he rebels furl that town. After baring a el.. t:afed :hot fiendish sot, the result of their rage nr.d ii•appointment at Inclog bees boleti in heir hopes of gathering an immure &mown of p:ur der, they left. They loft at their de pasture evidences of Increased celerity as som • paged with that of which they catered the 111- fated town this morning. They are now hastily collecting their invading forcia for consolida tion to defend themselves in their retreat, in stead of rendering themaelves more sucesssful in their aggreasions. Tae military authorities here are fictive and vigilant. Major General Couch thoroughly coos prebends the situation,and will certasnly use the moons at his disposal for the most effective end prompt defamta el the people and property within his district. A Use o.l,ltottail-iirto in ilhymteritrusg.uti Col. ItirClu.it't rtsltieses, were trod b.r the rob. e's and buried. The greater portisn of the torn is a mess of smouldering mite. We hare the plor;ool 1101 , 9 from Orent's army by Old Point, that the Oleg. of Petersburg bas bad an aneplolcos commencement. The news this morning is e. follows : The doge of Petersburg opened in earnest aft (Saturday) morning, and at day light we blow up one of the princlpal rebel bane:lee con:dons! of 11 gone, and had three tiers of earthwork& of the robele, Before the mail steamer left City Point, Wee morning, the glori ous news from Grant's army was confirmed., July 31 —All donhts in to the good newt from Gen Grant's army roam to be rot:moved. A late dispatch Jett remised says that the assault commenced at 4 o'alook on Sat urday monolog by a terrible explosion, whieh completely deatrol od one of the enemy'. prin oipal fort, in front of Petemburg am:staining six teen gone, which vs. rendered • mw of rains. Upon this exploebri, our artillery oplnel with one simeitaneene end continuous roar along cur entire line. Up to the leaving of the mall boat at le o'clock, we had captured two other earth works, and also the entire outer line of the rebel entrenehments. The battle continues to progress with the great est fury. USAL,CAlailla Ater or ran POTOMAC, July 30-10 a. re. The great eteatXn long natal:domed, elk: the explosion of the mine ender the rebel fort In front of the 9th' army caps, mho a this :iv ruin at forty minutes pat Cone o'clock. PlCket i firieg way knot no all night, and, In foot, all tlietime the math was applied to the mine, Thi Airs:latent we: engaged on both oldie. The volutes of dust wit tottuove, and thrown np . threa handrail last In the air. The DA corps at CAN charged the Works, driving the rebels thelf tsocad line of snersaohtlents and tak ing a nreber at pritosan, was of whoa were 'that an , of tordittirlitily bound. The solartrstitat• that 041,r about &sin rinatihiCof tkair resbzutst.—a South Oars has one. Aip i n u the implosion: ton plum ode bag dud%wetter 'pas . ailistAt*-o , suei_gik 6 IMMEM our trout, .bile the siiiihetry petered in nee calcines al• aloes the trout vi the ta end pert of thistktriorpti. Prisoners any Ohey_ttere completely inaprised, those in front bring meetly asleep at al, time, and elm ad there were four gnus le the forti fications whittlef cause were batted far eat of sight. One of the pH/10110a stated that they *re busy mining aids/ our works, and that in ma 4 .9 8 lb.; would have been ready to blow them op. But we got the Oast of them, hawerwr, sad it la hopsd that twig era this realism, you Petersburg will be in our patentors. =Er= 11,..1• 7 wry (rra e t , P"'"^.^ , Jay ", —:Reyorts jots in say that we hove ?no !CIR:011 of the entire tnt hue of the rebel works, with a large number of prisoners. On, loss be the charge was severe, as our men 12.4 to cross an oven Debi to reach the rebels. The troops ergticed were the D.h corps, with the 18th anp poring, and the 2d and .Sth in reserve. The firing is still going on with desperate foxy. Generals Grant and Meade, with at, the corps Genersir,lare at the frent.watshing the progress of affairs. The Toidecc'e special, dated, headquarters, Arsoy of the retaMILII, In front of Peveraborg, Saturday, July 30, Ba. m , says t The grand conflict commenced in earnest at daylight this morning. A loud and continuous roar of estmon along the line startled the whole country from its slumber, and spresdleg throughout the army the wildest excitement and mitintslason. Clet. Grant's new flank mastamantles entire ly changed the aspect of ►Tails ha*. Ry It his right Is thrown on the north side of the James withlnten miles of Itlehtuow:l, enabling him to twitch btu entire force an altser side of the river In Ina 41117 few hours, and compelling the enemy to covet Richmond with a lam f lee Al well as Petereburg end the 'Lash:utter I on, which tall would not de, end wauld have to rick a general engagement at the same time. The military duel programae magailleently at this hour. The musketry have not yet come much Into action, hat the whole army is under stool aid Id Hue of battle. 1%! rs Toss., July 7:l.—The Herald'. eorres • pendent writlng near Deep Bottom,. dated July : prisoner reports that wheillt war &seemed that the Stub *err was north of Jotter 11.4 e, the enemy immediately oonnuerwed pour nj in reinforcements, both from Totalling& and ltiohmond. gen. Lee was token entirely by turprire,And was obliged to use the utmost despatch to rash troops to the threatened point during last night. The enemy continued vtrergthearing the splendid natural position ha bold, which, in the or ruing situ found, te • gather with the numerous reinforcements, too stung to sitalL All the 7 oath to Richmond, between the James river and Whits Oak Swamp, were strongly de• fended. lout evening Merritt's brigade of cavalry d tore Hampton's troops from an Important point on the Central read, which was held until 10 a. m. the next day, when the rebels came out with three brigade, of infantry, making a steady assault upon Merritt's force who bad dlemounted, 'tiling back is order to % reserve brigade. They bosh delivered a destructive volley and than charged. The rebels broke and thd In CO3- lotion, leaving their dead and wounded on the Bald. At the tame limo Oen. Oragg's division Lecane engaged at another point with a superior force, and the fighting was very severe, Davies' trigeeie receiving the largest share. He was mbtigad to yield a portion of the ground, and lest one gun, but sums rallied And cbeaked the &d -rat ce of the enemy, and finally drove [bola beck. den. Btu•r. took possession of Malvern 11.11, which had been abandoned by the rebels to pro tect erne of the 11lcbmond roada. t Genera! Gibbon, after the repuldie of ilia rebels, relieved the cavalry wi b hie infantry and sklr• ruff heel rich the enemy, and at night took up a new poaitioa. otieher, of the :pith Marischassad, and Licut. Fisher, of ilea. Mott'. gild, aro acipadred ohe captured. Capt. Marren, at Geo. er• a'.f! de killed or captured. T. `.der-lota did good *or ire doting the en- &moment. 'ltem operations had the:elloot of drawing a Lary e force from Petersburg, sled grostly alarm • log Lee. The It'd:Mend F.,r•oier, , 'peaking of the eget on Ito .nib, pear Nor Market. acknowl edges • defeat, sad the too of d musty pond parrots. It also say., Uraut D. to attack three points mitr.ottanocasty: Deep Bottom, F:trt D:a • ry and Petersburg. Nor Y 061,3111, 31.—The fr.mbro lelth or?' correspondent of the 27th eays: As elootion was bald the dap bofmre whip& bi the lioath Caro • lies troup,,•attd, notwithstanding tho Intimida tions of the tebel leaders, nearly half the rose, ROM out for llolcoan, the defeated candidate, against Vance. Dab regiment gate • liVi,fity for Holomd. ' 1/lapettriten to General llotarley. The :‘,:lovriag tii,patoh w• 1 rocairod •t 9' P ,canata.riay, Atka last. S¢l7 34,1444 t. g. .4 veri , l has ree3pturad Chaaltartitarg. Oa ha!! of the tt ara hxr,t by the lithela. it be lieve.l that lireokinridge u,marehlair, virout. Pi trbstr,th mq har• to tats out anain thhuthad fcr defense. D. N. C 0,•,, .11•;>r Goaacul. YSe fullcgricg di:patch h jalt helm m. 1,3,1 Ay •lon. 1;1.1ey : C. vratlllaND, July p. Oro. 7. A larperr.l.o :cra: report tc ba is .. ccu :upr , ..o/ tow c..blad 314 osy ru.l. A Ff.-mid .p.. 41, date! Ilaehrille, Jely esa • ,hr olar."1 army 7 , 16 again put in motion yeriarday to aevornpli.h an imp:az/vat I 'cation, ,I.Ang a an early inecetment of ationta. The 5 Cblarday ntleTV,4 to rntereept the a.t•r.:.tnl by atir.rsing the 15th corps, but were Terulecd. Daring We coetaat we took L•mt. t.ie :ettle seectal regimental flap. Toe yal n a..y rz:: attired that everything ha; L.( n •arec.Jlt,.. M I r pi.eare that genera! Bragg oame to Atlan ta I•vm It chi. n 9, ant. at a c cr war bald `,e f. v. p,e. 31.4: •it that Atlanta mat and ants . 4 t, Cpid >t all hat tr.". Jo'vass-A repined that :a to it sratald r•Cluirt the eecaSco of the whc'e army to wht , h he ',cold nvt soneant, and therefore rettgned. The command wee then r•d t , 111 . 4.0, VOl, 70(11,4 'I If .11ilt Cra at ‘.111.). It W•al Lao 4 ict•lU 1.1 /al on the niition that he tecta:,l de"ad the city to the St•sthels are !aid to here oonstruoted strong Irons at Atlanta, and It te not at all unlikely that tho Maj .top all a: bly fur a felt' lays Inger if they remain In.thelr present paition. lint even If they do hold it they own eearcely pave the remnant of their army. A letter from a general officer on duty at the Iron:, .tehribes the bottle of the 221 ne both; the severest fight erer had in the West. We Led, at the time he wrote, ahead; buried 2,3J0 lasts and had LOJd met to bury. :Latest from Europe. Cu, Rack, July 30,—The .tamer Berman., Ircur Solehamptou on the sO.h inst., for Hew r red this point at noon today, and was it toros ...4,by the news 7 &slit of the Associated Press. Her adrleit ;are three Ws later than 1" , r • The Peri, McAdoo that the negotiatiora for pi An between Das motif, Austria, and PfU3- 611. /11l take place at Vienna. The C...n..irodousio sem the admission of Don• mark Into the Garman Confedersey wonld dbi tnecthe beano. of power in Bator*. 1 .44 , 1 1 .• Jury :O.—Consols dull at 90(g)90% • The Hebei loan 1.7 2 per cent lower, parpy ow ing tp the reelledion of the profits and partly froteansiety abroad, awakened as to when the SCllbella armies Will couture upon an invasion of the Swth. The loin is quoted at 7113713. A =Cal,. /tasks—Kee shares nas• relapessi 2 ter :tr.! ; prafarvild la Illinois ;entre shirt', Ea sad paid up shares, 21 ' New York Mosier and StoeC Market. Bircrlat Dispatch to the Plttsbnrgh thmett% sse You, July O. The stock market is entire, and rates have still farther advanced. Pittebirgh and Pert Wayne, 11'; Cleveland and Pittebargh, I 1n..; U. S. 51ze1,1631,1061i'r3106; One Tear Certifirstev, S ; Bevan Thirty Trearary Note,. 107',401109 ; five T *antics. 108%G.1.09. Gold ha, again advanced, elegies this afternoon at lid. The Remains or Col. Mulligan- Curciao, Jet) , 3l.—Tho rex:mini of Col. Mulli gan arrived by epeeist train to-night. They were titet at the depot by a large aoneoarse of °Waves and escorted to Bryan Halt, where they will lay In state until Taeaday. Installation July inatallatiou of Bishop Spaulding, Oki now Raman Catholic Bishop of Baltimore, took place at thy Cathe dral to-day with icayoalug 42/11111011in• Reported Resignation or RI-. Vico. s■nYosa,J. l) 7 /1 0 .-:-Tbe Erpress raja: Mr eine !Minium, from di* Bab•Tramorryon Mori day, od Mr. Jaerib Rime ! will probably lc coed to the post tam porarily. ' Pattamstaina, July Ls reports& from Baltimore rumor Is oarrsnt.thera that a rebel Orte 9 moving palest Gettysberg. A- 141311.-4.,gentlemsn . whose limo is A cat oath* occapled could Arrek• Om se Oink No cat Aims a,elaj6ta :1114., afif tia ) vilb4 o 6 -0 1 "4 110.1* . • o, foritale by iT r. • algagpetAßLlatii. • . PROD vex, ire. R l', QUIMBY & Commission ilerthants, Fw 1.90 BOUTS ALF= Irt. 401110&004. Ohl [mist atteltlon to memoir." Flour, Grain, Provision: ; , re., GZO. T. 'SHOWN F. QUIMBY rx.L3:l y NO. BURGESS & (Summon to J. At W. ELIJSWI..) CO Mllllll. 101 S and Forwarding Nero han to, OIL CT/7, PA. yercheseel the "Nen. Warehouse" .t OA Oity. end haring ample room and facilltiaa,we hoe now tolootd to more aod forward OIL AND 116AORAN- It 1.912, of every drecriptlonotad prodase sattafitetlai to elf who may favor tie with theft patrol:lain soar:twat:la TEl(ki. L. MaCLELL&NI), postoooor to Mo(Soltsod* Darla.) GINMIIII, COMMISSION lIMUCHITZ IN Flour, Grain and Provisions. El^"Lsl st , tatir. (Ism h ti• pstrottss• had Ws is! C 5.1.7141 AND EIFINLI) PVTAOLION. No. 77 VOW, STESZT, rittelocrigh, P.. teilly Thames eirr,41......10.X ittrws......wraest. ..Masao. PrEl t, AIKEN k SHEPAIID, Com d.A.r. 11verbants area D6Llsre he lossigtrL44 Ds. mar. ITILTITS, &LOUR, 8UTT7.73., oitics•r, 677174, POTATOE4, sad ProJetes *morally, No. 160 Litiortir etteet, opposite PLesen• R at Depot, Pittiblgik. eloolset 7.6. Dilworth Co ,/Heans P Cotbn, CoIP & Shooard i Atael Lor & Co, John Ortielis, Pitteibur4h; Mains MclLLei II Ten Drool k Co., &hauls.: Treinlaitt &Immune, Pt. Lira.; Eitterlitir 4 (ihrLst, Ism Twit letaitheil Lae/l. flivrittnatt .7,37 FRANK VAN GORDER, Produce and Commission Merchant, Pa. 18 SHIRRYIRLD STRZITS, earner P . iTAL Daalar la monk ELTPHH, BILOOIIII, SRIDS. LAID, Calilß.l, PURR, 1./111Z1/ AYR GRUA' THUM and produce generally. Isiland awn edranea o oorwircnanta. 611 Mae= ■ tros•Lo r _... -d ut. • J.O. assucAus., (of ttieth - so of D. & D. M'Donald & . Watbsrlllq, Ohio.) Dr . it A 1111IICKLS, Wholesale M Grans, Pr.'s., and Comestatort lieroDana, )utberirts, COFFEE, ti. 0. SEGA 11 sad MOLASSES, ISETusED MOSES D SYRUPS, rLoos, BACON, TOBACCO TEAS, !MI, CREWE. MOMS, Ma.. E.. 219 and 24 WWI= ===, Mtn/m=o- .o/..1• M.ACKEOWN. do LINUART, foboun. ►YD 131 Dine TACTOIIa, Pnaovr. scn 003110....011 , moors, for the tato of !floor, Grain, Port, Barn. Lard, Butter, Epp, Choose, BOSIIII, Tallow, Groom, Tooth. % Potato., Pot mid roarl LA. tolerator, LIII•0041 Lord WU, Drual sad Omen imta. Timothy, Qnvor, VIA: owl Grams Seeds. Club ad..ao.mcou made oe Oocul,vmonto. apt:l7 No. I'M 41b.rty or,t. Pittst.nret HENRY VI4,..LLA.cx Commission Merchant, do. tsc 50IITH 'NAT'S IST .palosno. P.t.l.nlar attentions pLIA to tiling .lor. fot 111(111WIZI18, I.IIOITISLOWS, IrLOUlit • (MAID SH RIVER s LAZ,t;AIt, Whoimale auccitis AV) C0N1A.198103 1111113011 ANTS, Sea. ;7 and 29 5M IT 13IILD 3T., tor Ectond J.5:17 • P 171513 f L!AbLE3 K LEECH, FLOUT. AND (Inas C .vreunv 3lxtreLierr La - the aele CLIKEhg. PaoltUe& dc., and (or the eehtbreted t;010111. , ,I) CICIIKTr, N. erb cood and ItS /int streetth Itetenton Wood and euttittield,Psmith-gh. oe3 OR. aulaus crads.a. HEAD & METZGAIL, Grocers and Coal mbralua Nvetbdata, sad dealer, Id Adl kinds a Cociotr, Pvs.l.B sad Pidsbar,b Alstddoctora, No. :..17 Marti idr,ot, applastto head of Wood Irma. rile.- Inagh. WA/ EBB Sr. WILKINSON, Commission Merchant, Mule.la Nairn In WEEITILIN 11E 82111'Z CHIME, DUIED FlttlllB. BUTTER, UK% GRAINS, and produce generally. A 1.., LLATIIIM, BID/a. DRS, ate. No. 217 Liberty street, Piidebargb. earc..b advanoemonia cuida.Uoznignmante aallerited. W It; 1 t G 4.5 Li bzty de.alent Ct:ti N . 1111 74 Pit 2. 7" Duck, CPUSEOAP`IO.aI. LAW). DOTTEit. usu, Ac., PRODUCE, FLOM Girnen: , GUEEN AND DRIED =MTh, k.d. 6A LT •41.1 L.lll JOIDIB. A 1..1 , 1 ELL), 0311411331014 AND 11144ratalrr and a...101.W. dealer I. WP- 4 7E3115 RESEEPE auxtia. Durrra, LARD, PI)111,1, TIACOR, PLOD% 111 , 11, PUT AND PEARL AND rs. sAt.rn , Tua, LINSEED AND LARD DLLS, MD ED FRUIT, and Pradnvy vaerally. Nuit.l4l 441143 fe, , n!aidaat. Cad I ITTLE TizotßLE, Wholc4alo Oro- Onotni.oloa Moro Luna, ,deafen. I,TBO. CS, VLOOR, BACON, CLILZSI, TISE/OABOON AS C LAKO OIL, IRON, NAILS, LASS coTrtai YA10.1.1, nod Plll<olooldb rtiannt,turai pnerally, 112. Ida •!II art ..... 5 ISt 115.5.11. ....OM. D. B~EY EItA: I; ROT I f ILI, (eneceasora to L 111:•..., Deal.. ID FOS- If t• N PA ITS, NI, 'lt+ AND SPICI:S. , CON FIELTI..??.. :tt L.A t.k. t , 1 , 1114, Pittsturxh. 11 ESE. WA ft EHO USE. N.N ft Y H. L 1.1 NS, runa-ardinl andVoremivirmnerdb.t 1-51.4 TTER, LAR.EIIBII. No. 23 Woul Icl - reut,.cive Wear, IT.. nee, eve TO!1 1 1 7 L4)YD S. CO., Whol,6ale Gro ,J an io.nd (%.+Cnviewri , n sl.r.rulian., Noe. 17% Wood and 2',5 I.' ttt • rt. Plt.ol,orKla 1.14 CALL/ W (nuacoasor tu J..' & C 0.,) firTIK PAt7K En a•Li IL. Pl: , )r (SIO corucr liarket end Froath Ct. Ll' Y 1( A KD, Co yrltTssrcrar m rcca An - Ts • , pl,l,slera to PLOCE, OR&IN AND Yr.GUI.TE, tin. :47 Lilwrty str,l, Pittsburgh. brai‘ds tt Tlrur Ml , r 13;.15.ril and u+s /PR ot.laaed. Particular attJutiou paid to filling ',len. bl..tchaud:z7 g,uaroll,• catially Tt \ N ENL. t it to JAckatto VA • t Tuvrnst n 4,) PORK PACKER and deal a. la PROVISIONS, Sc., I.io. 12 Yourtla arrest, near I.ltorty, Potatunth. n 037 sorrs....-- L. S. VOLAIT., E EL VOIGT I suoocossore to L G. Ore, PRODUCE 2,21 D COMEID3A101:1 NEU- C11.1.2:73, 247 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ROBERT DALZELL do CO., WILMA sale Grocors, Clowimisaton and Forwarding blur• thuds, and drab,. In Produce sod Pittsburgh maw. atm:torn, Lltsmrty stoned, Pittsburgh. TN WALLACE, Commission Merchant, lJ and WlioDodo Dmlor In PLODE and 611.115, No. SI-1 Liberty opposite Penney Wants Poreengor Depot, Plttabrirgli, P. Sloooe Were& home, cornea Wen° end PPIRI streets. Mil Mil 14111.........-JOIIN srattar. LAMBERT, SHIPTON & CO., .Whole , Gale Grocers and Produce Dealers, No:: i Slat\ street, Plttstenrgh. Jald ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wh lesale OTOCKII, COVIEIbLe. Vertalla , ),N, and Smears id PRODUCE, tie. SS Wiwi. meet and 66 front otrest, Tittsb.rab SIC JOB. {.....,11.119, KIRKPATRICK lc BROTHER,sao . .caw. to Drown t Eirkystricirs, WITOLV, BA ttebariLl GROOM, Zia. IN sad lie Liberty etrest, Pib. eaLtly (NAMUR RIO (X)FFEE-...luet received a fteTh tol er bolo. Tito Ooeree: s en prime white L.. guru •atl et/ Java GA.a. roseate at the family gro • cm) 3011 t s. fII.NBfPkW Pin e•r Ter Liberty .al Hani-tmeti. DALZELL n 6ON, Manufaa toxese of LARD OIL, and Consmfolon cheat" lot the percheze wed oat or calms ARO REPINED PETROLEUM, !toe. 8 and 7U Water etriset,Pittsbargt, Advances clads on coostrentenete. 1. 11. LOMAT. I S. LIGGETT it CO . , CITY FLOUR. e.,1 • INQ MILLE, corner Lalerrkr Ad.. and Manta, Pittsburgh. P. nnirencocity, W. barrel• per Eng. • eon oaks= *v. O. AIM. SCHOMAKER. & LANG,. COIJNIMON 111sar•mrrs and wttoloula dealm la GROCIIII. tics, nova, GRAM, PRODUCTS, 11.329Ltberly (one% .1 , /tiatraro. C..13n7 WATT & WILSON Whole . sale Oro ens, dimmladote lifercheati, sad daders Is Pre. dace sad' Pittabeergh osanalacterca, x.. 134 Liberty street Xittliburgb• PAS SLINDSAY Ja. & IMO., Wholesale and .Bstnil QCOCT.ll4,n,oua Lail) PEODITOED RIM. 11T Liberty .treet, Pittaburgb- SPide. HOLLAND RIDDLE, successor to John NcGUI & Rao, No. 1401 ['Maly gtr&O. Pat. rlfo.m,re PRODUCE, GROCERY RED 0011. MON NEROURNT. Coast&Somati rupeartilly, &&111,64. . Re&ly & W. BENNETT, Manufacturers of 1702111 OHM& sad OMAN 001.0 Z. cc Fess Mat . Farnham* in Ack, srasrr. wagsetblikb, T OBEN CAMPBELL, MantireWthrer of El 800113 AND SHOW, of wary thacelitiosi, •t 110. M IBlsitßilelst*wit, Pittsburgh GM &LORNE, SON & CO.; Wh oleo do and astall Wooten b 410029, flirOrdoto, bona Wood omit Vow* moots, MWbanik• ' ' e e N' EiTHWAST, Wholesale • • ,, ZON ignagairce, rittosse. . . atoll • ' nom jilnor I.IIOTRIB Zr. _Wholesale ORO. - AND OOKEIBBIOII 10180IIAN, UMW .."0121411110dirPtielltrlets• - ~ EE OILS, Is. ' JAMB WILKINS, ISSOILSIt AND MULLIS Li CRIME AND ItNIPINND DEL, TXBUT BLOCI, PII(117=31 WA'r. PITTSIII26II, I'l 1111 - Ppecial attorttoo glean to th•PLLII ASP IMP Matt? or Petroleum and its mot:LA., CauttmuseeMto mopertrally oar PltObstrah Agetv7 bs VENA2IOO OIL AND 2DAZEIPONTICIOI9 cqm PANT. oltly PM 017101110 X 11.2. RICHARDSON, EWMEY & 00., 001(1•Md011 • MIRABD/361 Orude and Relined Petroleum, Ns. 1.9 ILWISI STUNT, PITISOMML sir Idbend Oast donor oa ooaalawaiala Gtr Pitta• voiTA or Lana alaskota Elam. J. B. Dliwort.h /kV*. V= ire' l ItLringi 31121 L l td. ft:Manta • mh7oll.n. .TecK & BRO., =MI= Crude and Relined Petroleum, BENZEMI T itti, MI Well= Er. PlitraDZlß au. Bagmu entrusted to amain Pal reastridu prompt peroonal 'Modem. Bet., to 11... m. Bkbarilogs. Go.. Broom. Burk. 04., sad McClelland • Dori!, Piltabsrgh; Thos. Smith. bp., Pron. Beak N. A. H. L. rater Co.. Philadelphia. mkt, M . cCOILIfICIE k CALLEND&B, OIL BROKERS. Hoc 211 and 213 South - Water Street. CIIMAIIII. If ooudgisanat. artl.llPi EmigOhorposatng. Iron City 011 Wed= Jacob Pah:tor; of J. Palau . ,Oo Ina 8. Ohaille, Sp.& Magma • as. IrJarly WALES, WETMORE a OD., LE/ 8111111 1 1018 OF PETEOLETTBI, 1.11 MAXIM LIZ!. 211111/ rosz. tartlet,"llltin ter STOILLGII MID StIPPCIO at their pod WI Wharf. WM ROM m)14..-t! Iltun. CITY OIL WORM LYDAY & OHORPENNING, thustft=lca ea Bassn 0106.11303 OIL. Bli WISE ADD LDII3IO/73311:1 OLLB, •ad &aim Is Ort.Ul:llC P7L"I^.II.OIACT.J3I w o du. oppeatt.• ansavgimm *ea, Ifo. W NAND Jost c. ire.r.ura...------.....irustax W ALLACk & CURTLSS, Commission Dloroheatn; Asa dogma la WIDE & RUINED PSTBOLEIYX minim asp unsswernre 0113. P.. Itt 00W171 W11A27.18. PEILADELPHLIL Itanwesveatty(ander connOlarlll,olXl Mal kW .:re font OrLiuer for ahlpojog to Aulorlosz and tooo4m roan .t our wharf on Ws Schuylkill Sloor. aosr_tho olulfornt of an P. IL B. /aferly _ BREWER, BURKE k CO" . COMEISSION. PILEMLUTEI, Wane Ott GLOP; PACIFIC AND .LIBEELTT OM WORM!. Lbers. I ea& 1an..0 made so outelsomosto Refined or Crude Petroleum. 001. DIXO=I7 way • 11130,301 - irrissasee..ta. ENOS WOODWARD, • (Lab of we. U. Weedvard 0G..) =MEAL CIOUZLISSION apeclol attation $0 ea NIS 01 Crude and Refined Petroleum. Ho. In an= tIWI smart iana. WOOD . ; EL LE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSHIP • CO., BLoonolsciums of 'BURNLtiO OIL AND LUBRICA TING OIL. Hoop conslontty ex hand Ms ivy beef gaol. try of BIGINLNG OIL, clear sad Irilbout color also, • gaol LUBRICATOR, faro WHITS BLIVIGLIS and LAB GREASi ear..ku order 101 l of No. 25 irrrra enctirr. Busk Block, aocond door, i.Ol b• promptly sltoodod to. • fogad ckBoT, ini''At R. BERTON 8: WEBSTER. General Merchandise Brokers, 112 MM. =ITT, Now Tort, • Atm. 135 SOUTH MITT IT.. Pbtlatelphts, CRUDE & REFINED nrraoistrir, CAST= SODA, SODA ABko DBLISSTO. DIIDOS, OILS, ,H, IPI Orden to bay or moll promptly atbsaboi Pa. era ay D L MILLER, 31., ems, w watiwri PT., PIIIIADXLIILIA. URUDE - tk REP/3M PETROLEUM Oa Oarcznicilco ccricolnty. All &argot J nod roa• oncoble ratra. STORAGE YOB BEVIISID.I2 cool collon. Tar =UDE, raider good War& Particular attiritimm gold to OIL TOE lISPOET. fru, SaLc—OAUSTIOLODA. SOD& Lan, ‘l4. ALLEN h NTI;EDLEa, ratisnmegu: cosuasios Nagousn. Visticau attend= pail to erestgsualets Crude and Relined Petroleum. R Lamed maay JAMES ERWIN, Emslbeelnr el Oil of Vitriol and Aqua AMI2IOIIIII. Owdera lett AHD Pertinedd OoN Moo r mast or MARKIN MAIM tin 44..ernaroi stwilks. oda ROBERT AREWORTE, 'Va. 1 IT. MUSLIM. MUNITOL ' Forwarding et Commirrion 'Harahan LID DZarali II OVA wiruxuarizinnzaMlßUToATlN. entrDlPl 'unarm orce, do, condafitly Baca tad lbr atio af• tbo lomat. wiekst pace. Chutt,punsatt and sans foliated. iptim pit/Lc HOUGH & CO., oottaasixoa taraoHARTS, rot Ma sate el Crude • tuill Rawl - Petroleum 414 40=11 WALAWABZ ATM% WARM & 82i0, 1111310IIMM ♦aa Dmitri Is . Petroleum and Products, la Oda= to Haan , Itakaati. so. Es wain= re, 'mann* —mum mints ROB & FragiSALL, TEntall/PBlll, .anzatutgli* statiamats 4111 i Seeks esi. , .26tutntris • . - , PeOtiolcum. 'and;:its Prod:NO, - Inv appal Nut blame romil=pitall. &ARP hattiii tor dram al ressnable Marti ad,IUSU aids. - ' • adds' ... O. POULTNEY, • . Crlide and, liana etratala. • EtamOzTig. ,&:4511iiifoopiarniusiogs. 114 "us* ir - o - tiii7:toth Ssirikes4 WOMIES WILL - NEVEM OWL annfost tea great PrattlAlattater. ti Lift 147'. %a masa enflame ; at COMIC= HILL wars amasihtna at, tat Darer:WA datslatateata; eat Concert Hall.Shoe-StOxtl Asteashamot In opoo ovary tifid 14444 die maak WA low pito of Costom-Made Boats anetligiot:. ED V. FIFTH STREW: Inure crery par It orayotoba. art* Gorlkir . Enos ado to tomato at st2t boon stittil Go to lICCILEET,AI•FIVEL. No. 55 Fit* Btroat. GAITED; Boot% Balmoral% Sati,P7Sl.lW ♦t[q s ♦es7 !aria en,* a MIT CAM& 1314 L AEGE ASSORTMENT e HOOTS, SHOEB AND SLLPEIMMIV,::.f: for I.4dlse. Cola. farm. Bori a?'S 4301*10.1r HcClftltBck's Nevi Shoe Eltirre. • `"'. so. N romeAr. £1 /: B.—sow goads =Mal riga" day A NI W STFPLY OF LLDIESP. IirSTL=UUM lIIBISILT. TOITZW4 SO TE• LED 0 Doots 4 Shoes and ealteni No. 54. Market Stree.V. Prrnisraalr. PL. j Uirif. Al' TEE PILIONS.I • WM:024...1 Cesgnis 11 4 srae " Ict4tde " " 5 . " gs` •• •• • se BOWL,LSD'd,:O4II.O ‘, &wall 4,Aft-lINAN, NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS!" 4 , Re kin tut =WEI tau egtag stni et • BOOTS AND !MOBS. Willa in TM SO St l Lows's' Wall flttatak*:, erre Cable/gut sea beet Waded ank Itteaho star Calf Eqi 10‘04, Tot. fo &lo tht city. I&DrIS LAIIT 411USEig •TaaQanb. QIN 113 Oa. Jas. Robki ea Demme tesineurz;:. T ag, STAR WORK, Pa? ILECTITED 33 0110. ALBUM, BON & CO.;, Ho. 71 WOOD MEET. I'l'. ".1 T l ti..4 Oxford Via Kip Ecolwo. Wm. '. Gott High Boot*. • There lie6ll tr. maa to our roolai nit, sal. lA* -'4l ad auponott unotaco welt. .., - r L'.'",':. '', 1.45 _ - • BCLNNETS, FOB e 3 ceNTIP, 1864. - OCOSTARM" RAT. EIOACI4 AMY EXTERMINATOR4i4,i "IS years eatablished 1.1 N. Y. Olty." "Only infalltle remedial known." "Tire from robots." "Not doottorocut to the Hum= ramity." . "Sob come out of their holm to dal." Bob by .11 lersetlets evezrobses. Brorszs tot sal worthless ltoltstfooS. Coast's Depot, No. MI Dr.aderay, N. T. WSW. by 11 A. WAtINZiTOOfig, It E. ENLLEUS A DO , Wholmsle ettei BMA% Plttslmsgb. IlLtere'r P. B.IWirA.T.IIZ, sad Detail Agent, All4thsay Olty. WC ALLY ATTRACTIVE AND _ 't ..._ SPECISL SALE O H •-• BTh ENTIRE PACKAGES 6F-• • Domestic Dry Goodk , =.'7. Furst cestu F. N. 111tAX011 Ida a. . aaroara Km& J. 54 5721'` , .. 1115 at 50, at than Bum, AED 124 KAMM BM, Yttnaiaiabila_ • - •_ D; cdnesdog .ilornlng; :wiA • Tas eattra state 45417110, ziworsti; 254T7i0 , 00 . ': la orlahaal patita - ar: • ' ' SOO W,ruta, White Tallow a7Ol Noy I Tellad Lois sad thetatais. 7130551155 and Prlatalliatla/01. ' tO iteahatky lea= • as 40..%5ad 7 1" Wed Lialerc 15 Mural; 20 Wm all Waal Twcadr, . gats 6 4 Beams 44474 114 ml 4 /25503a1e 1115552 e 76 Matta rhaasala; 24 715klar oat Blot Prints; 75 Aaarosecigto. Lawiatoa 5ad,R55511451441 • Jena% IS baSai Valais; 25 Dro.-Dr225 60 cams RI/acted Ilasilan. i—mve. Ira Ile* attar Awls braata; • 10 Wes Craatn 1D area 115.4 azaoll-1 tra. tat 51k. 110 4 5 t 6 12r. , ?i..;' 25 is Striper an 4 Ctuakir • • -a • 55 bales 2.4 sad 114 Bum D. Cbaealnea. 77n Parttnilsr. attention of the trade la ad. 2414 oak, a 5 .711 cosaprisa **nod deetr4Wa =lola IC 1-004 a, rad fa tbs larval 055124 ever . Ti ta way Was 12.10104 cos 0x525152 t roollaara , . . _ all ha ono mat celled pa-34w - ,27202ar • DRS B. urns* ca.. AwYee '2' GRAT'S PATE.NT MOLDED COLLARD Are act amply fat pbess of piper eat to 110 • arnar, an ifoleapul Asper Is 1k lie 1 • 14 , 1 **17 , -" • peria eats Ira Asa saes re hear, wklob - taxa b 7 oar passel's! proem, Thkb.ams bsesselrear:r ottsa iescape prsessee F 7 so earcalar;-ebts Oka jer SPe' }Pepe In the tere.townstyb, ttta bade of *Ws is pee' •,,ottr ouzo scares trg socar4t.: N I , ittstums sad dttrabattl-and... e -•rs ards La tari4ownaile, to esessibea4elPs 17, sag le Ganes Irak 1> to 17 Leask - la4sralf 1:; best 610 boson. at 100 ash ; alts la aunsr=',; starb, beta • way beady rases ..ssiroa s. iirrirmy COLLAZ ea-not 41,Gzsy Fs Patent, Siotp Cd., Ocalreftl-. - . 12 it niFII Loins la Noes rumsger."4 TkdYlibilosaid • • ,-..- • tor Cheitzna ails.a.Lowasrt ; ;• ' ' 141.2iteta • - • • ' • • ARimi L CALDW I .4 ' " 4:8 0 AMPiOlalaill41. 1 11 01 4 -- ,L. t . " 1 I t igie,Sll.*OtietVat m - gr igenlika4Mia . resunwidistidtiffiroinze - vuonorklyie , 2 ; M „ 6.1••• 8E11E51910 laii GAITERS. eLAZBH * SDIIr v Baal4aiD'B, oz Mackat t. _~ e _.18: j :~, ° I .~;~,. :r~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers