fithsburgh 6azette. . AUGI7BT 1. 1884 KONDA 'UNION NOMINATIfIIp. - NATIONAL iv , on rantDrrr: NCOLII, of llMots. •6 nos ratainiii; 1 1— $HNSON, of Tennessee A.138.111A ;VI A . '4stostew •. Itsbel Invasion. tided an'. Rs =dry night Gen. Rowley re sprat Isom ben. Conch ft.nnottno - • itsi timers! • etrill. bed driver the Rebels fronk. Cbain• burg -and that they had re• treat:d sv.v4esvd. Penerel Con h erpreseed , - /bOetirdon Iha& they might intend to come viz wed that It would be best to he pre • Arita to meet them. 4 • . - ;...,;',,;4.lterAmistine with' thin elev. the 311yor ;. opalta* meting ' . of citizens yesterday, the ~4prooii9ings of which will be found in oar ciArvatti: • The Committee of eleven sp ~irolZtteQty t hat conferred ih the after -. ,siocin With 'Gen. Boma; and their heti= is 40..str;rer:Oricil etat edam= There le to be, ii - iiewilllpseer, a general anspealloh of work, . 1 '1.444; tintr:ie genus! effort to *Era men for , tior t tifftit3o 'tidal:Y . : ~ 4**.f.a:die afternoon "en. Rowcry Oeitt4.46 followladdisplteh'from Deafer& ' ° Bahrein, July 31, 1864. pit . gem tfurtey: Babel' left Meat:tire/a ;1;1'54 lido cricrning, gang southward Gen. Antauddltadosartrrtazit. Telegraph open to Tillgeitiattiet4ittg. No In this county. /ens ljzfair4.' About the ensue time a dispatch was reoitivell Tress tttroeter gentleman in Bedford, slating that thane/01 were Incising westward, torrent Wdbmil, instead of rourAmsost. One antaunt tre¢riittliwitt thins to only 500 strong, and thir ..- 4h6'otheita /0,000 String. - 'Out own the Orator there 11.1001140::1ffe believe that the brie 4.akettonanne,'and the route southwardtrom 41liCOniellsbral -la the -shortest and'esileat ;filo ' fletterittaess whore there is • doubt it Ittal, 40 1 41 - prepared for the worst. We 11itogia.tiett; our :ciiistris will resipocd warm. thrthe till upon them, and enrol them . litatitaineittalentnumbersto insure the safety 'oool . ewdridglttabtirgh,,but at Western Penn- , Spirenia.: 11 the • rebels know that we are for them they will not trottWe no; and iarrialtAe ipiest way turning them back is to 'OAT tI,C that weaze prepared for them: • every man; therefore, show his readiness to defend Erin:side today, for whaterer is , Ilincrniust be done at once. Gen.. Coven is , ttN end Gen. Rowirr is laboring inckfati .,tablpie bring things into military trim; so Aue, yipahall : aa lark:.ior military skill when, ;ortilkasti shiner' car military strength. • ' ti• •11.4 c Alltbnn Garden of the Rebels. ' :11te• iitre - Vork Trane calls the Shenan %dub ValtrY• the °kitchen gsiden ot.tho! , lysits:',-T-eln appropriate and ezpressiv; - it. ' it ie the garden spot of -Fir . .sl4siani although but a short distance frc.m • 04041f2014.1141 Rebels have, from year to githr i ,-traritered tiff precious product/ and tniTithe WISP cue of the chief reline:3 cr it ie time that this should atop. If we hat; • ' Datbretettough to bold the, Valley, or can • *At . !kik, de :ret t lhere id, one other remedy tefrit;f: Detente It. Render it uninhabitable' Gni 'vitiate. Send ifs rebel sympathizing pep- Ihe lines, and turn it into a • • ttelittleltiv t tandem fencebies•wrildernetts. If wf"pretriot reap Its harvests for ourselves we safre"ib,ltltar,, their failing into tiro , 114diriefthe enemy. in war. It is perfectly legitt- - ou/ttllrntflun to starve out the enemy, or to pretteibmplies from filling into his hands. Ailiqr :lie rebellions population of that val legion prcuz Floce for them is within the Rebel: lime. aught to be made to feel ytlikt ihnilebellinn is, instead of being allow ' • • cd tottive In'eLtsr and letd all poesible aid rod C'f..l2lfalir to the enemy. Root them out, 0v.14 ttrin to the full enjoyment of the itatettitesci Ihwrier:meat they sympathise • orttft: . tto sic In tooling war ur, trus 7ou snake it . in tilr'nes.t. Virse nbo will hare it, ought ta :o foe; the heaviett effccte tit ,ter , The. rohel future of the valley ore tudpois, the ninth aetive t - ikkose who brought ati:.the =wee, std-here hock the most'aclive, ' e s tiiPecirre 0i the .B.otcl cause by feeding its armies, and there Is no call for any obow of ..kladness fir forbearance towards z e - counsel the goctinment, therefore, to lay its ItZti47 hand upon them. Clear are valley of (I' heed ecoutdrels and leave the enemy One of st atorthsuto less. ; ".„ The :51,LoUls Conspiracy Was trey York Tribune ridicules the tieScl e at.nta 1 4 St. Louis, which have been eo . Vitic.ft telegraphed, and many other presses . ettlioh 'hut importance to them. The appears to be unquestioned that there t. mint organization, and that it would be slept el, thente to tato pert ngainst the oov ..4nment; but its capacity for mischief le line: 114 and there but little need to appre .. hand that the OOTC2III - Aellt will be attacked 4m4casly by men who hide themselves when "'Oil bare anything to do. As to such a secret organization,tellies up a Nortlivres tern Con- Ifedsiaci, we hare no fear. Bach' a scheme may barewfound a-pleee in the orszed brains of such fellows as Vatrattorduxii; bat no sane mindiercall..attertain the idea for a moment. Italp is,bmtv.or. pike - Faroe to which Ibis . steret *remission FR,,,y, /cab_ to lead iterit - and the porernmont almalts prepared (hr'c~a Ilp rota . That purpose is to'resist the Fombi draft.. This will not need any combined Or general action, and the move. ttreatn leitig purely local, may be, for that More dangerous. The ecnspir. sfor In catibliatilet or scanty, may . act for . . thra rani 'llrfael'etridne -their action to their rta ;I..egalllpe Ard ibrre are Tarim:es parse Saillillebiab such a encretorganiza' ion, if firafeinecienria not prepared for II," may" era greaf:dralsi troeible. • - That such ts - secret , irganization exiats, and. for Mat pi:tip — CEO, we tiara not a doubt. The tone alit Copperhead press throughout the biota is Indicative of it; and the-LlyalLeagnea ev*y county ohonld look to the matter and be pared for, any outbreak. If the first effort at resistance is met firmly nadir:wished Severely, the affair will have . an early end; if trifled' with, or permitted to succeed, it will Ds hard to guess at the cons! quences. Fore vensad is fcrearmcd. Now ♦ar+ Inea.—lf any evidence were Wanted to prorp that Jetts. C. FREMOI2 in • political charlatan, it wsuld be turniehed in Dili following extracts from hie writingc-- , .ella proferty, goal and! .1 do not bellevothm con ot pencils Lo'llermh nltoniftl to lb. . Maio of Ifflarouti who propeety of Litbolv, Is one abet to up arms against ticaolo and it It were a , 119 9 I Stakto, or , who Co not think it • tutesnro 1111/nU Et da tiny proven to of soiled pone,. It I. • ItITS take acute pail with question belonging to th• tbeiliesiem Lim intho &Mils p•q:do thetoselteSto decide, &stares tor ti e'cos ilsested snd it is • proper...eon - =to lbopdVfo aso and their for the vierdve of , Vonir 'laved. if they bars any.varo original and axerelo an. nanti &cui,cd from. n " dao .—ZekupapaCe• PracLelt, Orevesesi Nl=Saalbs. .1 • fiai. 410a0 1661. Ttutl i ittaburgh. PGA hake tp th'e clues. Ikeighbor, what right age to carry on war for therefraatten of the beet instUntleue Of the Boi l , that J. Davit . tee oottor- Abe httakteg cp the - govethment Itself f" - We ean't afford it. it 'ltrotad be OTestitig pestle before indite. - A Sap to Peinrytiranla Ti. War Depertromt has yielded to the pros. one, from Pnosylvanta, and given authority for the meats item of we regiments of one year trner Ander ato, 18 “ 41111 . ;hie Btaftiontm sae racemes to mitzty)ptithdfaron la U. litter of iSaising troops; es Pennsylvania; and yet slums,- M. has amirporare pal to keep awl:mite Mew from ambit bar borders. IWe Wight the fol ly of owr regiments was long Mto exploded. But as it is again revived, that* remain" bat one remedy. When Limit. Gen. tlaarr gam thus new regiments at the front, it will be rerfeetbe legitimeigtor him to muster out the Aims and put the men into the battle-thinned ranks o leteran Prenrvlvanla regiments that deserve to %Wed nft.—N Y. 'Vett:. - This ning at . Pennsylvania is most unjust. The authority to orgsnize new regimettts of One yen! men WOB first given to Ohio. it was not asked n 8 a train' &tor to this State. but baring been first grouted to Ohio, it was but foirolutt it should be granted to others, and wee presume New York will take advantage of tie opportunity as well as Pennsylvania. The fling, too, <tenses with an 111 grace from kw Yetk, which state has not yet sent it sin gle . rrgimmit of one hundred days' men to Washington In answer to the Prceldent's call, whilst Pennsylvania is filling ber quota with commendable alacrity, several regiments hweing already gone forward. Pennsylvania did not step, lel the bon: of periMks New York bin-done:to claim test her one hundred days* men shonid Leprempted from the draft before Vsking the field. Rill a higher eenee of pa. triotisno. oho has sent her regiments to Wash• Liston, rind left to New York the dirty hast ens of haggling for terma. The Price of Intervention. Ike New York Abating You alleges, upon what authority it does not say, that the Em peror Napoleon has proposed to 'the Rubel 60”11211111111 the terms open which he will 41- terfere in their behalf. It gives the revisit of an i nt erview between Mason and Slidell on the part of the Rebels, and Louis Napoleon, end his answer to the Rebel Envoys is thus slated: Be mild that for assisting the South to the toll extent of his ability, he should require a n ew:Teuton of the old Lecdslane purchase or, In other words, a surrender of Texas and Looisianai and he added politely, that If his modest request wee not 'complied with, ha `should be possibly obliged te play the game alone, and extend his Mexican 'retreats a tittle to the North. lie should be happy to receive the (*.operation of the dlitingnisted friends of the Confederacy, and to enter into enpgementr; but if they did not think it inconsistent with their interests and honer to come to terms, why Trance was able to any out her own "Ideas" in her owe way.— That, however was the ultimatum, as to any al- MatiCe with h is chivalric, sad noble guests from the other Aldo of the Atlantic,. nit proposition, referred to ftiehniond, fell like a thunderbolt. A French empire on the berders of-the Confedernoy; an mold Into which it would be impossible to Introduce slavery, be cause of the inveterate repugnance of the Frenoh mind to that blessed Initittition; an empire in which cotton could be cultivated by free labor to alirger_eztent. and on dumper terms than in any or all the Gal! Stater; that wee net to Os thought of. In the event of its moose what 'would betides Of those halcyon dreams eta stews 4 retublit elaapinegl the shores of the Golf of Mexico from - Florida around to the British ie. lazd , ! Mg would boom* of that ouprouguy in the cello market which was to render cotton Wag, and hie friends the Cam:rata which should godth the whi,le civilised .world? Would not the4Ctalidoacy, hemmed In between 'he French oe the toutlowist and the Tanked on the north, 4.,ean.iireedlrgly precarious institntion, liable L. ro S4l crusted er toppled over by one or the oth er whenever Ii ',tilted the pleienre of either? In threat. would this Insinuating Veatch volley, this amiable. Wife and bendable mode of assistanoe, Lea ehit better than a Yankee subjugation?— Wculd it not amount to the same thing in dreg, or in the end? Weald it, all told, irs half so con venient ate return to the oil Milos, In which there was prosperity. strength and glory: and to the old friends, who, whatever their defeats of chareeter, wets yet of the same blood, and who bad guano by the war that they were worthy of the respect of .inanliisid? Nor, there ere rightly Informed, has the Rm . pder etopped where Mesas. Slidell and Slade Left off. He •has gone a step further—he hes commtuoleattd with the feeders of the free color ed people of the "Louisiana pastime," and has • promised them the rights of citizenship, In cue events ihtuld, place them under the French flog. ; Thltbdcp, *lath they could not hope for If the fetes should seeded, which they bays not yet ; ',dived' from ,the government of the Unite/ ; State), Sepol3ol2 Odin to guarantee them, as the reward for their parent, their peaceable con rent to hie preleots. Whatever Mr. Davis may i think of thls-thlorl,gue, If at least shows him that be Emperor wee tot joking when he made his Bar of awarded toted Confederate agents, end sLissecild bur tans. He appears to Davie "dead in •alcost," to nee a vestal= phrase; an I f pilgrims of pence in there days crowd to the Sense, our readers may now easDygneel t the sees which bringtbdo there. Ergkriatee.t the Gemini Public to In fest in American Fonds, Prom the ;whiten rims City Article, Jaly alsILLs I:an:l.:it ;hot its greet rise in exchange . at New York bad kens met bra co:responding fall in the priest; of Federal stoeks, bat at the reduced quota t anekeyereorme tersest,' in such numbers ;Int Lot only large some bror.gbt from New Volt but tccn reruns parcels sold out by for small eptoodetors, could still be diepeeid of at an advance of four per cent o:1' Trion. aeon es these wire ,lootalione recatered between one and o to Cont. The eagerness of our public, .1 La ohs:4'7ld is invest fa American funds af. Sir CO Z.3.11y difllirNillll.leD 4 5, 13 ITO deettl. It spite of iLe political and yet wcrie dean let ro - port. ert:7 reduction in the prizes triage fc.eaDrd new purchaser., mostly small co vital:ate." The same :e 'rue in other parts of Germany too moth }le our extent. The popular mind ct Foote ban crowned tlfc American strug• sae with ',toter,. in behalf' of law and order add gcod government. The investments made in England in lho rebel loan are on many Frond eretetlatione, certain to revolt badly. The Germans are more control. Tog inrett only, ohm pn.babllities are likely t) be pro f dthlt ; end nithoug,hintrividuaLo do not sway ouch I *TO y rspit2l as in England, the MUMS , ate wtal,aitr, and it is the s.saas why Lre new lorratlng in American secur;tior. The character of the faith which learen Or many is seen in the dosing part . of th ertin , s. Ilrery " depression in on efccks brings out new purchasers, owl a many of throoprirchatera come to thiscsantry t see after their investments, we shat tiara o steadily growing Gorman immigration. Le it Foarinro to come. It and onreelvqs ,yril totfb be bent fitted therebi.—PhifiglYirrette. Mt. Feettaden .D 4 the Curieney In the last Inleperdqu, your cicallent Vittrhingtcu correspondent, whose comment cations I never fail to read, stays, " the fton mai situation loolts'more hopeful. Mr. Fes eondeacan tempi specie if he will ateadlly ?dove is issue any more legal tenders. The urreacy lorcume more valuable, the pre -.alum on gold will grew email, end the re puttee of the Government will be materially lessened." gble As all very true and vary tritasible; lint there is one great dillloolty in the I way of his bin this. lie .hue not the dcntrol of the Ct.-Macy. There aitisitore than 1,300 banking institutions that era constsutly exeseding their circulation as much as possi ble. The more the Secretary takes in, the more they can put out: It has hien ono of the great obstacles in the way of our finatudal system that it is effected by two different and ant agonistical interests. If Congress eighteen months ago, had laid snob a too on bank cir culation of all hinds as would hate driven it out of nee, and left us only a grdenbaok currency, one-half of our financial troubles wculd have been removed. The notional IS- DatIOLB cannot be saved' from ultimate ruin, unites we can have a purely government c urrency. The writer lute said this from the first ' • but the bank interest bee been too pow erful in congress hitherto, and we are going the downthill road to certain perdition, an. lees we change our course very feet.—Csirr. N. Y. Indeprad set. UNITID STATES 4 5-10 BOADS The miteeribers am now prepared to mein atibseriD. tkms for this nem—loon in ram ol $5O. SWD. OO •1 Ounitno 115 t 000 trstereet rem pt of Oa money leery person site o .I, ire PO esti place It entute ' rett of one sent • day mating S.SS4OO • year. !stems teryahls renal an:molly. Petering payable to ihreeYess cmvertibie into 1-1) nil pee cent boat% this interest al which la psyible Dein. Tor - farthsr putt:stars HANNA, HART & CO.riigenta ji WNW - riIISFOLOTION OF !PA - VMERSELIE.— - JL"-lte Aim awns? &sox Cb. the (ht. 44 estoros ivr aid coonlit: .AU 4010111101.1 , Lb. taki.ol bvpienlltt al +lo 14, VIM istide cur IttitAT. inua6 110131181' RHOZ., XL KUM • P UB LIC iroricE v TIr_FOUBTH WARD, ALMA; icNy— t Ms Bt•ck otaskitt.ats wtti essaL/1114.41Loadav 11XXHISCIpar% cedock, st the bolsi of II: V. A. ri.a.b.r,,,Cssststitt amt. Lot em , sun turn oat. .at. O.CITIZENB OF THE THIRD WARD, ABLIGIIIIST 0111—Too us called upon by • reeolettos pawed at • meeting held ca BottaSoy, the Itßh cf July to vote on Iin:ETAT NILIT JR o spinet • tax to be laird by the School Marton be Um pa-- r• * tattai Boats to per boantleo Voastars, to 11l (bo ats Of the Weal nutter ho tote an of the Pit ..dent for OCO,OOO 0111. A. HOBSON, Plat test. A 11. ENOtIBH, faretar7. of It ENROLLED MEN OF THE EIIIRD WARD, of thee . ' • o' AllegNorm, lona know thrzarairos to to olonoret from military do. by 1,2011 of altarotre r or oTff 45 y.lll of age, permanent dint! f y. orttiny cau o, an scantly regooldrd tt op. tom. at the Emu.t alarahafs raw, frder.l Oleo% Of MON DA 1 . . TUESDAY' and W EDE LEDA Y Anzam lot, 24 and Et. wl cre rocrokernt th. Camodttm will to found, and hoot then. emcee .Woken of Ike Enroll meat Hat. erdtr of inn y 11 Comtn,tlee. A. BURION, PrimiNnt ----- 0 - . FOURT H WARD. RALLY, RALLY, FOR THE 311111121E0Y ! I—Th olds ma of Om Youth Wood 'Rambla at to. m., at ttrs 130110016 HOTT3E, for tramodlata organisation Into (bespeak...6l Battalions. Tie folloaringotioant ars detailed to to. organ- Wahn, 'is: MAJ. OEO. 3. 0&I LOTE, RAJ 8.0 OMB', GATT. 8.0. HARt, LT. lig INN, 4th r. t. 1. Tumr dig 1. la dans= Lit then bo no cowardly day■J. US order of 0•a. Bosts7 OEO. 8. CII.LLOIII. .11 --- THE FLEW C-011PANT FOB ONE TIA6--Largolotoramenee oar= to Otne Tsars' Moo —Captain Doll =nag morally! .company for 100 Oa= end the meter men= of irhki bare stem= of fered to edict for ote-ntr, hl Amr efienoto all men de• elm= et =WU= far that =nod to lale maps= e =roar of ?HEIM HIINDIIED DIILLIaDS—T O VO MISDEED ADD UMW DOLLARS AND,YLErf QINTS, CASH IN HAND.' Dr. Gomm W. Lemuel, formerly Chief Engineer of the Tiro Deatmene. le Ist lasetenant of th te emperor, mode= to d awl ea WILSINO HALL, loom =oat nt omatrarl Information may to obtsl.o. 0 B. HALT., iff 3 U Copt Come' Oe. A, One Toone Men. I,DOIC P WAIT TO BE DRAFTED I TB 6 1/,OOllTa NASD, AIME , 11111:11 OM. WHEAT LOCAL BOUNTI IN CASH for toy:tits to ml the gust:sof au Ward. AB who aos site to twa4 sad mein tits highest local, together with the Gorenutwat Boowty. aro torltid to tall at the 0611t6 6t the Bscrafttcg Osematitsw, No, 66 1110116,61. bThb ET, opiweite the Brooosi MarshaVe liestralte tea hors UM solicitoo of say orgon'sallos duty may Frau. Ikattitypold as woo ow sawitated to. By order of tho Cowstatt to. JOB jI":".THE DRAFT—THE THIRD WARD, rittablergb. will pay • OAPH BOITSTY TO ALL TOLUHTTAIS areatered tete the United States porde, and credited .ye. the quote or the Irani. Urine &ening to volunteer ell! eels, 14e. 2301111 , 1 T BTlMlCT.'eproel , e the (lour{ Howe, where the Brorett• fug Commltte •Ol be !And at .n ressounble boars. Volunteer end to ape the pending draft, 111.441,11 . JOHN A.. &Tama. Jy3o:tr • Iteertettlng eammt nee. 0 7 0 , 1 MY UNION CONVENTION.— sap part the norablagn o to.. i of Aß M OVat ' al t i 7 Cltll and AHDBYW JOBNBO3I, and the .platforns of principle. seopted by the National Onion Convention at Batil• GK., and adhere to the Otto. party, are requested to amemLipst the moat piece. of h01di.4.1r011.0. in their W ean. Borough., Toonablp. and Election Prodecte, my:entirely, on Ii&TUSDAT July 80, WI, and gent two &Loma to repoment e;ch dbtrlct afernaid to a 05103 COST EZITION, to be hold at the 0017111 BOOM; to Plttebargb, co WEDNESDAY, Anitrott 3d, Ida, for Or parseow of nondostiog cantle:late. km the Normal cfScce to En Clad at the ensuing October .tea 800. The elective. in the Wards pad Botingtot Shell b. by bettor, behrten the hour. lbw nod wren o'olo p m and to the ton - whips betties. the boon of throe nod go o'clock p. m. Ey etdar of the Voloo Executive. Clonuolttee. 11 IL BROWS, uhalromo. Joan B. Errierenr,flecittory. Jrktd. a — = - 1 -PROPOFAL3 POE LOAN. AAAAA murrt,July Itel. Soft. lo hereby girata that erlll be re oelvtd the Ittemorer of the United Ststaar the - .l heed , oat Treoearers !tad drerlfrotted De yosltMtefb rote by the Ziatloast Booksdrolgaated hod qoalited Deporitorim at d rizomclal Agents. for Trsaaory lotto, ; 47.1;110 roe Jetzt from; d.o.gh3t 15, 1931, bearing to. trust int the rate of ;onto and thrmteothe per ma. anafacturaro of PASSIM' DII.OI7ISD 0111(7171,ADS, warranted OMIT an= BAWD. of ovarydrariptina, za.r. Cross Oott, Gang sad Gamboa. oliolitiaa. All Wads at K 1511113 t BMWS, made troca Irboot Osoi Stool; Tatra Dadnad ILDAPLII AND WOWING!. ILITIVIA„ An. War*lama aad Warts, oaf. WATER A 51103 T Sri., TitlaboiralL Paattalar attention gives Betoootbing, Ginaionlag sad SU dghtaalag Oircalar Bang Xs° ropaln of slated. Pl:molting and Drilling dons at nadonabla rata.. MI lundred, too handral, ono llama - and and dr. t)taa• I apfd•.t)• E;M=IM Them min will W. :roarcrtlbiti M tits *Mimi of the Lulder at maturity, Mt* itts per =M. gold baatiug bonds, mdmmabls attar Ore and mat& twoluty pout trim Lug= 1:r, • • ud Aullen , end will bp Lipoid in blank, or pxyable . Kier, on m• 7 be dints! by the pabscrib ern. Ail mbicripti.o , omit be for fitly dolled, or snap multiple of 111) dolinrs. Vorakat& csrtlaeatno +lll be Ism< for .fl depogitz. ilte put,' de FAH f,pg mast ro horse curom the wap...11 cr , tl9c-Ats the E, ,, alo.icnte os not,. rpulr.d, and I=l rolvlr4 th. drpc•lt. tok ttrwards/ to thiu Deport Er= ipene;•,til'an •atria an st,ra after the rtretpt at Lila .r•pletal Crr tit , Mete e.t Dep.!: at: tLry can tie pro• theentl. I=l p ct rior to Out Cala, =I will b, pavl Y . Detottteont opoo t , ..14 , 1 of I. °fleas( tor As 11, cot.. Craw lotrrost from &orast I:, per mall tog dtpaalts ant.myyttazt to that JO, matt pay rat 1.4, dal...tang twenty-tiro tab:mull Aollara aid nywaria for taeec note• at any cue time will ba al- .wed • come:Onion of orke-quarteer of one per cent • 1 , ch .111 W rad by this Dopartatat apoo the r• rt ct • bill lur fhb anattuat, corthled t by tt. °Moor wilt, I. twat the depodt eru made. So de-doetlorte for v.+ , mist kits meat Ito made tress the derails. (.doer. rt colviDg deposits efll eta that the proper en .1..3 • m.o. see wade upon the original oroitlcatos. A:; 2c. n authorised to ruire &polite •rc ragweed 000000 to appllcenle ell docind Information, and afford •cc, y te.:!••• fur moth, cubertiptlooto W. P. TESSENPEN, Oixretery of/the is•nenrn fu!,liptioue a .II ho receinnl DJ thu tint Noticoal Durk of rttobttrlL. To. Thud Natiougd Book of PAMburgh, P.. /Earth Natitual Book of Alttabargh, Po. aND ALL it S9PICTABLE SANK{ AND BANKERS tbrougLeut Oroannary wtlt dolanine A rrOl2D YaCILATITIES TO SU EIJILUIEIJI. al,grr. alr isr.airre. WANTED. A SUBSIPIWCITS. Arnwesontalltoontatituo 'routed, to whom . liborol tar.woly wLI be Ing. awl, .t 21.129 METH BThUT. 1712:tf wANTED—A Hooey. —A handsome Dom, Nadia ork •Vilet .t. et, Allegturhy from three tosser. maw, with .t. 11211 sae sWe hors to reset of hoot, and asteb , s with it prsterrst I'. or...nice...ant/. Immediately. It quire st - .17t4:2.• ittlS 0/IqOZ. IN 1.0 TED. PthICII AN, II&CIE4 w, are ps• log tool. that •r.e taro. for old Books, wlttrakt sown i , Pamplsiets rand NIA raatvei, glavapa• psrs, , sod erect particle of printed., ssussarrript paper. Hrlrg all goo kora, and the Hags also, and gst oast for them, N the Hook lit.n of T. IL WAICE/lAII, 1326 No. MI Vassal Wart, Atlegbasy. WANTED . A 3171•01M - 111ENDLIT WAD At&TAIS, Tar tbs." Hen Boln • nom." F.K !trawl. particuLus lequirsof noaxsoz nan., req., at Erszor t Eatua'a. 110.2611 L CU drag. ararr.ll,l3LUßS4 )n74lm &Dream WA NTED— $6O A ?dONTEL 1 want Agent. at SOO a month, ammo pad, to ten tap SWIL.ASTLISO Pilltoll4. OItICTITAL BUDNEIII3, end tblriasn other new, aural and mix= extl,l.. Fdtoon amulets mint VIZ. PONiAMArEiEZI WANTED —TWO SUBSTITUTES, TT MT LIABLE TO Dit&lT, t rroter tM mrrloe m vorceruthtlns, In &dream of the/next draft. &gib er,/ bounty win be paid to add/Wm tbe Government taunt) offered. harem DOI SOT, , Pittebnrigh, /ea WAISTED—A good Miami BLAME ' TV norm Alm gaLPsie. Alma by VelM& - of Wastata gum pal to good trorkitan. IngaLte ot td. DOLE, ittWttf aar. ot Pola sad nava= Way. p ENEgELAER POLY TECEtNIC TEAT N. T.—Th. VOILIT-IlitliT AN. 1.1.1 AL 11.11•01019 . f Mi. luiwniiiollooL OF Lli• 01011311/150 AND MATtlatili 80t103011. will nom men° sityrzungil lith,lB6l. Th. principal band • ins is completed aid nod tar oconpation. Tto manna Die Seri giving fall taforinatino, mil W oil , InlarA M inidnetrg L'Pril MASSES 211101,11111, 11t** Teel, Nos York. "WILL Ea ADDED TO THE SALT) OF TALOABLE PTO $, int , 1111.11) Or SIMI. MO, Attica te, st 8 Vedock, go OomestnLit Dahl 5 *OM 5488.888 TzucusieBBlBB..k. .el .1 egaLWAIIIM. Pat% BPECI4L .4rOTICIZA We hare &camel nab be setoatehed at any thing. Team of esperkeee and • antseporal. enoe exteadtag tttroonhool W natdorallttee of the hab itable glotw, bare turned Works Into fast' aad tenth- Bah a basis from which we coed not err. We sre ant ettrarieed at each pot... the following—althongh the weans who writs them SOS. We know the puma. sad druommripai, YIP fog • liberty to truism their matt. wrote . 4 vw-Banvoah, 21, Darr ex: I hate been .noted many yens trltt, u. tees priertrating cramps In my Wan, ife/ 4 fin and hands, and general disordered natem. Physicians and medicines hdled to rains. ma. While *biting moms Mende Is New Took who ware ming Plantatlon Dltton tray prevailed alma ma to try Omen. I cottonesmed win • mall arlea-Igianful arms dlnasr Dating bathe by dryer* In • Dm days I no astonished to fund the sold. ens and cramps bad entirety Int ma, and 1 oonld sleep tits night through, whin I hen not done fur years. 1 tral Ilksanothar Wag. Ity appotit• end onneh hate ono gently impri ik 4 , 7ll4ths nos of Lee Tlantattot Bit. ton, , JUITTTH /113138111,.. • allainesear, Wis., dept. 10, 10,511. • • •• 1 Amy beau ht the may hospital fa. tmar• tom matba—apeachlor and nearty dad. Al Alton,lll. too gars no • battle of Plantatknz Hintara, • • • Dare bottlarestared scy spoub and owed • • O . C. A. neon"... The fhtloerintr_ta Croce the /fewer of the Dales Bow &Wei for ths - Mloireo of Yoh:future ..noutaxm Itancon t 87th &moth Now Totl4 AVM SOUL Dr. .Brae: Toot orrrodorfol Plootalloa WWI hors boos 'lvo. to tom et oar UM Ottltd.roa nifortog Croix ...loon and mot Map wub moot hour ant. Ono tiny girt ingartkolor. with palm I. Mr %rd. toot of appottot t sod dolli waning owoaeytfsa. ott whoa oal motiteol AM 684 how gallant:Wl, hr boso outtlzoli ro• Monti. We coottnenot4 with In trapoonhal NW ton • 8.7. . 118 . Sad ateragth rapidly homes. 01, and otto to Dolmen.' 31 = 417 ). BlIDIVOL." • • • • I owe winch to you. Owl nutty bellow. lb. Pleatottos rhino Iwo swot /M 7 est% Bor. W. U WAGIGOIIIB, Mock% B. T. • * • Mos wilt gond no two Wan mono( thy liontatha =tam wife bat bass greatly tan rato& by that too. Thy *Wood, £M MUM& Thilodelphla, Po." • • • • 1 here bra • great =Clem Iltmn Deem eh, end had to abandon preecedne„ • • The TWA*. tioa Bitten have carol as. . B.T. a. B. OATHOBN, lteobottat, • • I bon oh= tho riantatlem, Bitters to bui• droda of one dWabd molding with the mot notallohbad ettect. G. W. D. AnDszwis, Sopertntradoot Soldters . Otoolooall, 0.. " • • • TIN Plostatios Bitters bass Gond tot of Comptatoi, of which I w laid op prottrato, sad bod to abandon my bmlnom. H. B. ILINGSLIT, Olovolmot, Ohba.. 0 • • • Ms Ptuttation Bitten ban <and me ea duaajoamat of the Kilasys- awl Urinary <hum that distremd sts tot years It at:R.llk* • Ghana, 0. 0. Noma.. 80. 774 Broadway.“ U., key .ko. glaststkos Bitters "sake Ms mak Wm& lb. ha rd' beffliaot, and on sabauaded Words gent ref"- ntr. They ars ;Wpm"' of lb. calebtatal Wm= Wtosergroen, Mr.mhaa, Barbs he., al ixsiactly pore BS Otals Rags 8. T.-11386-X hoot/ of ententasy babita, troubled with .educe, lealitude. palpitation otthe Mort, tack of appetite, dia trota attar sating. Imlnd flyer, coutipation, do., de mum to miter if ins, will not try them. They are ramemended by the highest walked Mi tt °rifles. and ere warranted Os produm an Amanitas benutictal elan. They an excarCagly agmahla, per fectly pure, and harmlea glorict—any person pretending to mit Pleatallati Enters to balk or by the (anon lea .Medlar and Im postor. Tt L put up catty In ma log cabin battles. Omen of batee intlbed with t. on &Wart= MA der which emend persona are anady la prison. See that area bottle bat on United Stated heel over tte met amistgata. and our an Ontter 1 to et/Wand. gold be mvivattdol• .ms throng Md the h•ptrot. g 1 a, F. U. DnAlEg 100.. trumitmondhanaw Ilroedwag, N. Ts It AN. E's PLANTATION BIT . TIES, tho poem artiale. for .SlO b, SIMON JOHNSTON, Gorier of Solltietleld 0041 Month ttrosSa. firrogrcoodonaeo o nesaants, Pats Mower Oa Lippincott it On.) • o eirnaniui, pats of Ongs, liontird 1 . 0 o.) • 1.41.111 M A. LONG. prrra au Roil SAW WORKS HUSBANDS & LONG, F - .-LABE SUPERIOR COPPER .1 .][ILL A eIfZLTI3O WORKS Ptretoomez, PARK, PIcICITEIDT at CO.. MozofsoWon of SHZATHIttO, 11BAZISBr LSD BOLT COPP'S, PSESSID 00BPSI BOTTOM& RAISED ST/LL BOTTOMS, bPALTZTI BOLDS'S. A:ro, firiparton ooddoslen In fdll :ALS, TIM PLATA BO SIT LEON, lirla; Am. Cloastaatly ca hand. TIP- I , LBW ALUM Iff Sr! AND TOOLS. Wnr*hoao. N 0.11.0 rlS9rs SZOON D STRiNTA Fl Pll. Bya :al ordora of Ooppor oaf to any dostradd pallor" lanefsAydro2 i13.-WRL BARNHILL & CO., Mugs 11kELIIS AND BRAT IRON WOBE LBS, Won Bt., No. to, n, If and M. Ilsainp o eared • large yvd and furnished it with Oration tot• ;towed combiner', st ars pm, armi to auttsuStotars mar" description of BOILERS, In the bat monetolso warranted aqua) to any made in tba oretatir. OHIN• ITS. BRICULN, FILM DEB% STEAM PIM% LOCOMOTIVE DOILIES, OONMENSERS, SALT PANS,' TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATOII4, SET -11.100 PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGE& 800011 PANS, and sole manufacturers of BAIINELILL'iI PATENT BOILERS, Repairing dons on the abort.: utak, 440.0 fra.3'ROBINSON, REA @ CO., (sticoti u--....r oescora to Sowasos, Huns • Mwl+ar,) WAAaIIB TON WOlllO3, loomaar A Ma a rnss. itttabwril. Itualfectzrers tM BOAT AND STATIOSIBIE STICAM INGIBM, BLAST MIGUEL:9, HILL MA CLUMLBT, GMAILINO, en:urn:Jo. OLEITUEGEE. of sll thar.ll34io.; OIL TANKS A STILLS BOILZB AITD MIX= IRON wom. f. gmts lin 01.17A117Y6 PITXII2 LIIIIIIOTOI TOIL TM:DOG DOILZII3. CONFESSIONS AND EX PKBIZECIS 4121 INVALID, pabllthwi for the Dm Stand ha • wwrolms ind molten 'yowl mil who outihr Crum Servo= 11•24114, Proastats Dmoky of Khohood, OA, inzpobitog, at no am. thas, lho wow 444/0/ww. NI one who hbo eared blush alba WSW pot to mot orososs and loinry through tufts' hum• bog and quackery. Hy endcefn[ • post-pald .ddremad ettelaps, dayla coos. may ba OAS of the .ashen. ISKTIIANIELWan, Sq.. own :rulr Dalfwd. 6.12,0 wise', IL 0. TO mvous SUFFERERS OF BOTI 8111123.-1. 'overead grottos= la setts bdat restored to health la s few days ! alter eadottahw NI the mood "Mite sad Detwiler expeeths mode of traidammt. Tabtat mama cocaldere 4 tdo nand dot, to anclattatatta to him etllleted Wow tit Wiz me the !ma iof atm tiaws, oo the receipt tot snails:gad =metope, be ..111 Nod, /ON. a copy of lb. pratartpthrn used. Direct to Dr. JOED ht. D•OHLLL. US Tel. ice greet. H. T. esitllll7h.T 0 - - LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. IMITEU A CO., Ilacatzekts M fl It r. Hartrasa k Go., sumitukusro co OAST STIDIL, SPRING, PLOW AND LUDT= SPELL ; SPRINGS, AXL.I2I, CLOWDADA Works, nun . WARD, AlkekkuT 014. P.O. Addrass, PPITSDLIDOIL P.. WM, HEM a COLLIIM &ammo utri: AND 00IIMEPOOD 10:13201UNT and winless's Quin fa causE, Bursa, /Mt nsg, and maps pascal's. No. 121 WOOD et. Ittsastab. r• — .T.,„ ORR COOIERAB & BRO., Men `•"-r andaresrs of IRON turatra. IRON VAULTS AND VAULT D001:43, WM/X I W 10M7T124 WIN. DOW WARDS, AA, N. sa szoonD szte errareD nu.srr, b.t. Wood tad Watot B.n osi bud • Is denrof saw 'Weems, harry p lOW* for tll porpoces. Particular stpintlosi pat!! to onoloifil Gear. Lots. Jobbing Cone st abort nottom. • sof (DISEASES OF TRE, NERVOUS, ezaraw., traufacy AND alliztal. Trars— m rt sad rasble treatment-4n Deports et th. Horsed Ampatation. fleil by mail La sealed LAW sulsialse, Cm of clogs. Mans D. J. MMUS noranTos, Hama ammtatkaL No.llsoLitb Math atrookPlLHad.elpllLL, Pa. fEWI". HOMES & BONS., Dining iN /0111IGH AHD DOSISTIO BILLS 01 117 L Gams. 011371710A1M8 or mom, BANE NOll2 AND MCI; Mo. LINEN? RIM Mutates A. Ir Oonietkor sob oa ail no pia Mos ordeloat owl:lona scon. ' splf DEMOVAI..;--Outs b fia-szazs (tenor JAI al 4: I O2MIWZIE liirehtllol. ban' t..Y$ Oa* 513 ea LIBUIT tit= .r wit - an nen 178.E.VE XTB. 67..ANTALI-4140 per Month. —We wa n t • ,♦ reliable Osbareer in em tame and amaty. ie baniagesti clearisltl6&per nitintta, .tact, ve Fiore soy &lading vplicaata. JONEIfI OTil lEES, ltimore, ILL idelteta, sot. 1-Same FOR LIC—A farm r ni Lig 11 ti alrtrahorl In , Saamdan tna nohlp, tolf.ainnay onnty.en• 210 tram gamey'. and tan mllva from PfttOLafgli. 71..• tam I. wail natured and In a mood state of oaltirat ma. Tor forth" partlenla, Sn q tit • as IbepresaLearorr of lbw rotrterlber , .ca. 1-em. a. s Presou. 131. °N r %1 A. 1 T TO BE DRAFTED Capt. W. H. HOPE, of the Stbmale n.. Wire, recrwhiag ccoapawy of ens ye. awe t.r the hat 1 Mil may county regiment H. }cartes lb. b sheet gonrement and local bruottaw Eaccaitine. ate.. No. EC TEDIRAL STREIT, AleEbany city; Ms HIL lONS HALL, Tenrib at eat. Pltmearsh. aul:Ile plritißUß OH GRAIN ELEVATOR CI) —Au election for seeen Directors of the PHU • bare, a; rultrillevetor Dempsey will be bold at lb. er. boo No MS LIBERTY STREIT, ;up stairs) co ta. ISt% D•T OW •170C13T, pus, leatwc•• dm hoses M Iva met twelve redact, a. ea. By order or the Board. salad gill D. OLICS, Secretary. C 0 -PARTNERSHIP M)TICE-I HAVE Mfg day gradated grith mo la clu Bra wing, Malt ing sad Dap Iradmeaa, P, N. I,ATI3II•W all! JAW!) AWDZINOIL The Fashess grill be mall mad at lg. W stud, aomor Ltraputot Way .ad HArlatel Alloy, no. deg Use Vile or JO:MIA SHOPS. A LrJ. JOAEM• ItHODP.M. MMNIINIM E 1110Cil ARD 1 Vol. 1 55r10., forlas. •1 .11 I=l DAVIS, CLAHF • 00. GREAT TROT AT COLLINS PARK_ Theft Mai Putt Aar:m.44lam wilier. • prank= or OSE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the, beet trotting bor., mile Inests, three belt In for the improvement of the breed of hon., the trot to con. cf . MO N DAT NIX?, A ognet Lt. 5. Peltier enters va: Itorso, General Thomas. No gambling siloorsJ Post grounds. kdnall lion ono dollar. 11 fro CONTRACTORS—SeaIed Pr *mils .1 for the graduatfelL amatory, bridging, faralobtag cram the aoei laying the (reek or the Lawrence 11411 Heal from Wah..alagtos to T,norelown. about 11 callee ern 1.. rtcrieed $1 the amts of oho Noe 0.. t. cod Beaver Valley Itallratl °clammy, la Now Castle, moth o'clia k IL, Anan.t 1816,1161. The Ilao conatet of throe d.lvtolcae of Ise whms, tack. We for among meat he tolerate. Shia sill ideates received Sur the reedthlte hrldeult, fonatehing the trea-ties he troth for the astir. live. Plus .drrteciftentlore may W wen .t lb* omc. en &ad of6er &cense 86h. m. 066.666;p003 nee .. theright to rrjoet buy or hll 86:d. J M. 0111W/011D, Pruet. W 0. DABLET. O.L.f. fug. New Castle, July SO, I 4 , A. 1141:11)t EX CELSI 0 R WATER DRAWER—The _LA bon arrannotorol In IL* world for ratting .star :ran wi Its kr Loon nod farm purpnoo. PATRMI4D Pomp for farm yotrports, Pvmr,r for toms porposoi, Pup [or 011 Retarder, Paste for Brower( nun?. for Cistern., Pump. ier diet, srettes Paulin of every dissetption, se hand and or tel. I DAILEY, lIMEMELL & CO., IN ►OUST]] ELBEST WEBER'S PIANOS. .AZ" , OtiltD SOTIIY PLUM°, t ' l'hesubaertber her the pleasure of anuoltoolog that be hese tee. oppolated the emcee le.r the eale of WEBER'S PIANOS pima are. la. defray- "tau Mason, though coreparstleely ualuoare henry her long enjoyed an au eloblo vputarlou is th. tasters cities; thole many ex celled opralltloo arD) roooasaiesad Was at °too U. our teusbal attialearS. & choke. aseartnout of WED ED'S PIANOS hall jut bees rewired by the ouboertber .141 ch the &atollou of tha public to ladled. C11•111.E3 C. ISIE.LLOR, Sisat Wood street. RAI LT ROUND TRK FLAG BOYS LINOOLN AND JOIIUON CAMPAIGN SONGSTER, R Ittt all U. .. and Tnnaler willi hawse anapeas altfcl.l wales erall.illilltoilli coneery. Muse aotie are persble at resterri ty Is Lespl S.ntQ, el co.avertib la. tYri tilli of die tells., nate Gold.liesrlus totursei a ;er tsar. Brindis ltio Mates willies tit dAarauLviiiciar of PO, 11110, 151.10. it 1.0 ss.Cfri. ri31•4213 a (..ttitit 10 .Ba tlp•9111,±1 will be .1. ;wird Pr, • Lino pit rettaea o. the waren% ci COs pricripsl. TO. cm. el rr—r slirsior ,11.11• ani Tlnnket, Jit.'sl42\ • JOSS D. SOUL LT. WALL,— o. nrril Slant 005051 W ii tLL. I UNIT= STATKS ii 0111.4 UNION SONGS =X= JIMA P. HUNT. Mr Satlod pod& pgd eo CLOB/Ipt of pt , . 1,34 GREAT BARGAINB Al J. W. BARKER & CO.'S s.. 511 NEILILET STREIT 1/1 SIMMER DRESS GOODS , 8114WLS, CLOAKS, &c. Deo laser S kTiONAL Masa or as I.zo tau', •Ilogrteay. Joky So. Met BANK IS AUTHOIIIZED tY tee Secretary o!-the Treason to rebetve submrty tloaa to the THREE YEARS 7-30 I LOAN, to arteg Interest. teith e.l mi.auctial Ocoryour attached, payable latarrfal mousy. Shoe note. M 5 mail. at maturity 4 Legal Tedder, so may be °obverted at the epliou Of the hetet, iitto 0 p.r retie. GOLD bearing bands. The ileumatrationa or the 'tote an $lO, $00), $OOO, $1 tee, PA?. jyttloadau JOLLA P. liaLetlll, Gash' r. CLOSING OUT Tit IS WLRIL Summer Boots and Shoes, GAITERS &ND BALMORALS. BORLkNrSi , JrID D 9 ILrtet strret er and door Orr= alit AND BILITABNIA Waal M a NUFACTOBT. COLLINEI * WlllO/IW, Macnfartnren of all kinds of LAMP 1311IINERS, LAMPAtt. Ilannfutarara of OaUlna Wriabt'e Pelmet Trn MO TOP, Patent TIN MOS. TAM) TIP. Patent BC/PSW PIPE= TOP, /W., No. Ileoxvl shoat, PlttsbariA fliff SOLDIERS CLAMS, BOUNTIES, 1771510E5 LIID A 73751111 07 rAL Promptly ottratiat to by LETHEaII • 1111)07.1.4 No. 1.73 Tank W=t. Mentzl, Pm, doErito,o,m7 SEVENTEEN. HUNDRED DOLLARS ptuctuwa • Ihnet of 8 sass Is • phassallwaw• MO %Mho Mask tbollatoophola alvir, on • brush of Pears Ceek, Omit 1.1 mhos from tha clay, s two our, bum hoe" frame bus, alto far • b dam, me & bomber of !raft trots, sour sera of shales coat from fosur tool: Ito* Oda.. lippl7 to JOS fl. 00111131t2 &BOND, 61 What stroll. • TERILLIANT fhL CO.—Boot] of Bub weepuis to the =wart - on. OD. wiu be vatil at the Dankiao Roan of Etithina, &Sr a CO., wax" WM sad Weed meet., ea Monday. August sth. 1801. ihasylilets Caht.lniug dendrlptlon •t tkis property held II tE. Cionspeal thee Es had at Q. ism rho.. on ■ao alter ttodth of Anvil. Iyhthtl QBAB1 4 131:13130 BRIDGE BURNED- for Rsat, ao eligible :Its On a Terry oo both atm o f lb. mtrirhroy vim, ins via :tar of a Mb Itslatutas math otlYaa Omit l'allicalsta. ma Ds tist by sell. WM - a.1c, 1110114 Isom, bag - lO6.lo7lcarttfatnist. T rammourn :WAND. DI NOW PB,Fe 1. PAWED to jay is Ur 11048th/ ibt Tofu. teon so sayinurt in Ur dty.: &watts wilt 441 os Captiga o libleul &Waldo, gontW t rizej Ws 11 2=lost, NM Za l : of 0W444 esenaik Mitt,. • g Fr D rE TIMM' -M. - - - - . flawaimatam ?MM. LeWitta Mind. t IladaMmits. Jai/ Z., 1861 . 4 j • • GENEVaL •. No.MI Antbarity from tbs. War: laapattrent, dated tat] - 27th, fun , Wing OM day ben received to ral. To Dee Itraimaota of Volunteer Infantry, dueler the call of the Prod.:mt. of the Pelted Wet.. of the I Fib tom., of Tim Ilundlad Thommul (500,Mi0) moo, hot indeed I. lipectal authorities will he granted to raise .oito • neut.,. to to nterwithi and organised isr,r, newel y to Llow • era] t.trders N.. 131. W. 17 Departertott, works or :MI. eiefritort will to given to ?mous who lam teem he rrier and basil tows bonen - 04 dischar,thi. 11. Anplleatlon tar apl , lnunente u trin•tertith I....ntensht•. hod, the etc,. or.ler. will Le tom, ti ate , t niadr to !Le ram« ul tht .1 tee Sin, 111. Comma:air:sr M'ce !v.( aq..da ...t r ctutted went of el.h.towe aod the Laura. HUI range f the mountalha .11l rt to the orauttuultng ohm' , , aenp Eel seta. hew Plltabargh,Pehtuelvarac afteaet or that lire mai ...tart sad hadadllat: Leadireg "Mt repent to the rotor-and!. eM,er ' Camp ChM.. 1 1 et , lahutt.; all mat of fteadlem land that U. tt to the chat...LA.lg ofhcer, Camp Thtladelphta. ( pot( the si.V . lcattm of tbs , o ta Tos •ff. r fir mo•trriug I•utaue,t f • romp.or, to :n• •sro • of th•dlffertat Trattrarl com par.ld ihr , CllghOLt too f t t •te, ITtarapartation to tbn Tramp Trodesroca will to for- IV. Arlan/ and sore , easry export.. for boarding and laden; of trocps, rabkr.4 Orr ill. order, rill bo ;and by the United Stat. Calm:Una offl'er, at the p. .por part, It • rata not excuollua forty root. pee I.y 'earh me] mustered Into the aerrioe of the if of teal Etat., on lb. nOtdarit of the 0412 rot farnLablag the soy, oorfu rtui by the rect!ptp of the party to bom the nay .as pant. Norma ante may, and Oar lab,. taeen rablchasch rasa. woe boardelstnituazed, mad. salad it. Ito bee.o,ol ruttier:4. . V. 'ro term at venire will Ls for etthar ow, Iwo we these year., a. rersaity may elect. VI. Meg bra tali 'awl b+ mastered to laturo bor fdth, Othi eighistar altilpf-ar.iltr.&/. in cedar that they may be mottled 011 tiro goats •I the &Mande, the/Aarmed mil. Itmlaplato mal towealm Which ta 110 empatre, will be masolldabe..l.. ..1 . 1 • mama abb. tlea., so fix to form mul be . alattirvi J. with t. 21.. pit le regimental t rasolaailms. /alb. that date. VIII. Bomotha bo raid by the ratted B:atea Covernawni as follow., viz: Fre lacuna for one yr.......—...............;100 ' the :go* Met tuatallsoeuts ol twenty wilt be paid tbe mosterlow oul disturelog otteere whew the notate le mustered 10, we foible.: To recralt who toulate m th• army for (11,57" 2 peers— 6e,ed , " 9 pave_ 10400 At ► reward for atOriferioai mudnct, and . 1 .. ears valtrablo o,flitari asperlone &pooh:muesli; of Red Q.t." WIU IA made, .except under peollat dr ,vnstarres,frota nro WhO bass Leen l• seterte• kayo hen Levorably disrhard.d. By order of A. (MUTTS. GoOsertor ►sd Canomattw-.1.-Ohl.[ A L lejatatt Uerrersi, r.ansylearkla The acimoluKl ardor im pnlyttsbmoml for general thrums Drr•atM, r L1A.77•117 G.L11111:1.Ir Wit W 1.11,105, if..C.11 211.15,4. GENERAL ORDEBS, Tie. 131. General (ten., No. .3, serint or Ith3, ate hereby re •rlLded, and the lollowlec Order, winceyette bentatiat, In Ike theteet . . . I. It. erg menu mom reftments or Independent cens• of scimitars, the Governors of enuessee hereby anthtriroll to aolorat, in oath,n to the Ada ofoTers 6. ratofore authothud, one &Tend lieutenant for gook cempaoy, who shall be eraditionally muttered Into ter vire at the date of his appointment. Any officer thus appointed and inneteree e thall only leetolitlad to be paid end pay roll of his ootapthyand should be fall to eolith as organised relapse; aith ' in sad, time as theresiear Departineat may delineate, the men enlisted by him than he transferad to eosin other company; his eprolormort shall LocaueelleS and he shell he dtscharg• ed without pay, unless the Governor glee hiss •positton in the consolidatoil company to which hit mon shall tutu boom transfin red. 11. 10.4mb:a aft.c.s.l/1 report promptly to the Ad - irtant General of the Arms the name of every neuron. leg Lleutenant mustered tote the eervice by thorn, coder conditional lett er of appointment. tos,ettaer with the compeer and reghnsot for wbleh heft recruiting. OA rem w O l . l be natestend Into the eerrlte only on the tan• tborlty of the Goreroor of the State to .tier their vestments Lennie. 11l Articles of enlletment .111bo made oat la depil ate by emir ecmul log c.Elrorn and will be diepoicell of en 'retitled by paragraph pazent, te,thirte. lath.... %athlete rerrtre. wet-stilts Idaho seat to the ry rutztal ,nderrette, nl AS unanimous. a week, chore tore will he tmintediatoly ...lathed by the the terillatalt, or otbur lurFeen employed for r tuts pritsce. by the Attperlntetolent ][Acute. anemic. iosServire, and If hund call[ for duty by mama of reams:neat dieability.slillbedttcharpod trom the mrrice eccrlbeeith by the PrirsmAL echo VW report witch Al. alarm. to the Erapertntmulent Volunteer Lernalting rt .cr. and en. tollie Adyntar.l of the regiment. oaten,. pertictiterly Incas, ether where the dleatilith arm ebeton• at tin Pm. of enlistment. As coos as the &cant cetioo b e. msbate. Italia be ...Ifni.) , Inspectel and cotter d by a Urtud Scans Itheterbact eolleer. 1.11, LIU we that ablreat the a_ tuitonnt comber 0.100 company i. piroant e ito alortitu• •ill Lc tnantal. IV. Votll sof, ettrita or independent rnens.lm are oriranlard end strierred It, they .111 be audio the con- Qol of the Gunner of the State, but a ll rogradtlone for ~Vartarrnaater, Venial, mod th.dronea atom, .11 br RA, etre., and rubstatenre, wad all n.• vas:lien. kr tramp irt ,tlon, lanai to approved by the tinforlatandent of %Aflutter Ifieernlting sem. for the State or Dledon. Y. X* rettetre for expenses tanned In rearing new eror.lzetitras WWI Wpelt' try Ittaborsteg pekoe. agree apparent ty the hove pctettleat of Veletateor itetntit rag Re rein. O. ^Picr Fr tb• Forreta y a( war. F. 0. lfor•arao, asetstanl A..ijutent General Orr enzlrat ?PST NATIONAL ItA...NOC OF PITTSBURGA (r'e• Tlthinvsb TraA4 R,mpaar.i y t t tt - S.< re: 4. 3 .,_ ,: t tg ,5 1:n t 0 0 ry t Ittrte leer. Seven end Three-Tenths • PZIMI WILOT • Limon xtuaca., I --- Erf g to a t, .11 the an.uttoo of Wet: 11-.346 sat. .1110 tc tea aloe magolpuai niabllshuke., wiFI Letpt of delta.. O. U. OP ,11:7151. tic.alea a nada? Dluireg a.n .41 Perim, 1t cm. tains nu mums* :enter luso az! weld rentilstad Bed reel., ell tuadoctusty furnished with sae faral lute theressbont. Tts levee:stow of this asSablitlasseat will sperm no carn oir one.* to co-Kt 1.1.•• Rub or their easy than by Ewing to shore (Merely In the public Introlusgs, Ayltkstlw ftir 70.01 sods Co Sets salvo:Them by hrier to (hro Isiss.A, will receive a preespt lettr W f:l3"f A iffireLSEL fiNEOF THE mosr BEAUTIFUL AND v dersetle lotattocs tar ccon•n lest, ensue Set 10 . 1-rtntr. tow oflorrd for :oda. (rooting Ja rUgklsad Avtiati• shoot FM Ma, sod rootalnlxis mem mom or I:u; twsr tha ruil.l.soo of Alersavi.r F. sod Othe.lll sod 11 toomptlble of theta... Impel:mt g./la. Than Yon tho VS, . two tt.J.y brick tomn, ring lo toe, taro, •e., 11.0041 ettlor; oleos ass OF• at htrn of young Meer most 4 Loving. 114 t mop rt 7, If dulled, will b dlrldal Into two, or Mar swim. moan GV , G4.• . rOt tens, Appiy Beal iota,/ ant roaotroaco oftlem II B. B&TES, 11 es porter street. Lawrormovale. N EW JEWILLRY STORK T. H. ECLAGEEI. Wools meet leap atfa'l7 inform Ito pabllo that be hes monad Ma a nir atara,whare ha taept an bawl the C1a312, 1.. • lected gook at Watchte. Ctacks and tawdry la lb. twadtles. • • - Width and .1.9,1•1 vrcs k J 646 by Are, ewe wok's's.. and sluvaated to give ma:lieu:lbl. Pon't the piaNe Jy2,7.tre 937/11.1117&L STILIET. Uremia, city. SPORTS.IMY'S RIIADQUAIITERS, US WOOD 6111111% JAALIE2S DOWN the attaatkos of Spos-Usloss sod Khan t his sploodkl Walk of GUM, 1112L111, =Towns, PIISTOLB, GIS= !!AOB, ?MIMES PLABSS, BXLIS aN POOC111:11, DBALII FLAMM sas ago• onsaittos of al ',took la dm -lama rims brosoghtto fhbarter. <WI RALLY I RALLY 1 lOCIt 001.11111:11T OLLLEI Z &00,000 LIEN M=IM=;IMUI • BOUNTY OW 8300! Orig. C. 8a.119Z8. late Major of the Loth Senn, soAllortattl to rake a Ovroproy [or oaf year . . Den trs. war atm at WILK I Its II ALL, when Bent THOS,' WKLCIII will be es head to Ulu yoar name. jyte:lir 100 ap At tx92i r e t ltZt E L ) o — it_Ti t it tonne Committee to um* thug:. llll l eZtar quiet. the gorcash of Learnetroville. ander the !batwing or. dimes and to attend to alibi:seem penalties there to, PM pap the RICIIILP BOOST, Ili CIASI.I to the &Wet another of mum 10peed1.41,.. h. Oninlttoe all be foimd al the oftloo of William Janne, Esq., Lawnsnotellie. WILLTAId JIMMY, 301e,a4.11.01 101!“} MAY T, 1.7.11/01BLUGH, jpiShit • Chnnittaa. HIGEfEST.BOUNTY Trill be pail FOR - VOLUNTEERS, tp. ell 16e quota of ollho t Boteratr OF vsast - crit. saw th. dr a figi . toC4ps. 6 It. lIIIILS3,Zoott ann. WASHINGTON CORNET BAND win Wand to Public. Meetings.en niulis, Ple-Nleg, se. Pavia. par., • Um S 667.01336 SEITNYINI D , 221111?. sad 63 Ultra OTIKILT. LlCti blooms, Lean. - 1766:1.61 V . a 16.49 . • voimunamist , inodtin ni in? ones at ,ItUaliii-Wnt 41 1 ". wood NMI% 44110. ape L JIER.CINAMT TAILORS. BOYS : RVIY3t White Duck Vests and Pant Brown Buck Vests and Pants ! • IrrrLY .117,T =MUTE. ET GRAY 4t LOGAN, log a. IT BT. CLAIR ET Gsr, - Ttsmes WISHING FIRST CUSS RARSIESTS slab In the HOST r63t/10111111.111 .11 L.A.TIC/4T STYLES would to wall to earl ay. rt L G. HALE k CB.. 11.ElICILEIT TAMS, 0011111 OF FUJI LIED T. QLsii STRIETI Itelosty rustmatme dieutin. BIMELL'S IILuCK. W. H. I!ArcagE. 10 14T. CLAIR STREET, 'fopld WI tbs sttrattes st hopes se bfs otos! of gas. It hu boa olectod wlttt an. .ad wa ttles sll ths sorest Og = ts od gwa. to bo hood ts tint dais hods*. Gotta a salt d cloths, oats Is oast stri abase otll rtambuf sox igtods sad prices. Abb. a 1111 sad =splits stark of Fisindshitir Goods. w. IL Moan, lindleat Siam Ho. 10 ot. OL3 SIELyER MARL SO.AT. CRUMPTON & 00.. ~1 Liberty liltzwit. Soh Prepiadqn and lbsostacterers t 11/14.tara ?me nlyscia, Citdo. Icdlm. DlLlcoat sod illaarl. Alpo. maelsatec - av of maperlar wilds at Palm, Oerzum, Olive ansi Rain gasp, CC= VOILMV AND IPAB9IIr MU'S. Of Aar daLliall PLR!. SOAP, watch es walla. recommad as batter tor gaunt oat tam sip W./ babas the paMia, should be berry la rata" has sunhat Rabat, "alt., Lima( Saila, or ray *tars sta stator asaradattrani arkkb eta rhrlak artalara tha ftad tato. Itmorls sad Woolens tabs Imbed via the at Cotton err La= Clotho aradorl attli tan 8 11 1 M B kraal. MU. do not roman balling err bail tb rabble", wbkb of roam was the wasr ud tsar. SILVER PEARL NAP Din, Ton e° Staten, Pelotand Int, Bourke. end Um mint Sege Water Stains namidlatety, by .. dyirte it with a awed Sponge, thee protecting end Ihirnitem frourrads. and dep. itss =lardy to Mae, Jewelry, Clannrano. Pstatiogi sad Patent Lead immediately end ter daentag marble and gran tile it km on ortnal.— tot the Dab. eanl nrnOnMarV err Championing, t h e ULM PZIIIL WANE•ped. Inzary. In e wont. irbo bare tried U. superior quelitice, acknowledge . tt the greatest ditareiry re the aga. This pany eiat it mad front Ol who as Irmerretoe la tralrgytimp, and In me., nom earned the price of the tames= 4 % fell to e=ifltetare Oi dm tor It, Woad to rim Iterdtante hour arced erla de wit to On CIAMIPTOPI t CO. • ohl. ENl.l= street. lippalte IP'llPltr Iletkoad t ere it' a lct i l ' i=e; none gwair maim bearing ter traddoterk—dEilLVlo. MULL— IN motored y Hational floolight. • Witty FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF FORT WA.VSE, / 11101 LNA- Designaltd Depository of the United States. cketa ped t so-000. Preadirc-4 D. bTUTTII&V. tlauddsr—ir.B. TOY J. D. Manna& a. S. Ivan; W. IL Manor. C. V. G Mayer, • =lt I= In soaking anDattfrat Galatia= will matt wi • • mate by draft en Sew Plawtaigla. lavatl Rivansi Joba Ord, .ted. Htzo Jobx Score. , A.) • TWA Mut te.dtai ha sazAdlA,' irdab inapt &Dr...tin, and rk, Chts.tosstl, Chimp RUCII, UAL is OR, W 0 0 L Commistsion Merob.ante. 31.1 EMMETT STREET, Corner ad Warns; ITM6EUZ9E4 PA. It; Rmt toegat sal oak! ea Mataraes• car:Utak rr ritTIVER, John limn A 30.' Soda Ash, comAantly noshing ttu cam, V 61411 be wirl adlcu the en,4n faaves.ble terms. This Ash to partloAsrly ata;tWta Vas laraalsotars of • C. W. qmcgaria, SOITZEI raosT ltasdalphl. 3612,113...1 McCORD it CO., =E=SEI Hats, Caps add Straw Goods, Haw eav to Was Oa lazgad end teat ecatfin• Stock e vain for 13E.R.12 , 16 arer ellorwl la Ca inst. IllactLOA S. equated to tall awl einem, = 'tab sate sold at MI low rata. I obS 11l Wood rit., 1P1=0:11%., NEW CONSICINNS{I.Yrd, now in MOO, 734 beshE is Oat,: • 383 Ocrin It barrel. fay. • r.G tip pa . k.xt Itan,c; tou, attire' 78 Lep Drkal Itiacboo; NObarrel& ft:may nom; L2O bastola Sinothyßea3; GO buret Daft. Apple.; KM 'belt byre' 80QP Pas., fv We 67 L. EL VOIOT ft 00.'2g 1864 m.rwi. - j a6 s -.... A I....ortmaat or Pocsrr AND ODUNTIND HOME TARIM, for 11 , t4-1.15 JR*, to cloth, hi robn. lb WWI. Tarkeg, In Tarkgy Biota:go— lath gtit i whin shit w ith .aalh aim—with blab - Wm*, clasp .2741 btu tic Whining. All dumb sac has lb* gozo gobbed so Um Wit 7 Twit 'Voir sat st ?war Ago bible bg WY. O'. JOMIEITON a 00» erstlabing, petamt.34ma - VI Wad street. THIRD STREET FOUNDRY. AZPEED nAmi. Irttr=-,17 I.r as u Andnrsos k PWIRWIII- I fattest kb Rani 424 tkorptibtto that • bae nomad • Ttandrt Al nominee el 71k West tat Moan Um, oppoits Tetea's Siam la=th7, or the mown sumshatttettlit LIS= 11111:11111M ST, CABIMIGEt, MISS 120W.M, tIILLIIII3, s. rata !agates ittvto ro Phobtatinelt.. eller:tot $l.OOO. One Thousand Dollars Wl2l be paid at. • 13011371T171%. • mcmssras s WIZ:UM Wier No. 29 Graze stele pernatsoN & Boos, Dtlaff Youghiogheny Coal and Nul Coal. Dern DDosAl l s o e WormA IDIARBACQFEI y IS . T p ß r lM p P t Iy attended to SIM Madam orders promptly Oa& mIICE.2AmIII • RERIVENATOR—WiII positively re .tan GILT BASE TO MI ORIGINAL COWL/ha PHATEDIT 111031 mum OUT. 010 n star Innfinn et ha ieye+tg thli to Meanly CT • 70 abumn4 that wllll Saxon ninfadnra 10in tbo dirntlout IbUowid. Tor nto 011000 50a900024 Da. GEO IL BETOXIA,' 00.; J 05.117.1111.11414, 1.1 4 ' 010.41-1111LLT000: Fpt : Ty TRIIIBIPILANT-42s VONDIOIB AB A TIIEBAPEIPTtO akour—t rs STBTHIUT3 SIGAITHG TO CLUBS AHD cruss OT DIPZABS. • . .. . . DU. - .7. A. IREZIIN. NoNeal Nactriotaa. Calm.= CONN IMlEJl7,4rhoro ill Noose ars no. =WO, treated irtli. Golescibat,_ 1 4; 541,01 8 . 1 elm ibc.lNtootiOno o f Itedzietty. &cam= WV . tn""i .Ike timbal p 1 oaf, stcho ofloo. No tomattatim • warranted Ithea d ieted.. .. . bastitiol piaBNED ,AND 003E1101i Mpg ==6 1 2 1 1 434 O s luny bad Alb W . by Man) HirTan,O 7,1,. - M 2441? 1 39T0 MU' MKLINTOME„-Jobber an Retail Usk* li-VM•STroTat ad 4 41&11111114 . 6 , 1614411 * 4 110 i W total stria. An•theaV —1 Wipe - DRY GOODS. SUMMER GOODS BMLLINGI anur sr 77 and 79 Ararket Street: Harpists lu Sum as/ Mona and Ooldna tralcadars. Wd goodast lns taaa Nair Dart tene, L 1 pleaknele, tom enanr.Sni.:An. enrineleleht inikre sad not savaadsd. - - - 1 11 -X.""" R....)D.r.kba1l h•V•Sbnij44llle lan le added buss.. Neelirbia ern , enetettein Dr"..Li. Duman and aft 151:dtua chap, Minns 'Wits . 11WICIstlars. Bed mans of Papa/ Uttlare, la essdkalas sad 'i s. ladite end Clandretes awns Cads/yam 87/Idag, Onsets, Duplex altizta Italandal Skirts / lisal Saba Babbaca, Ettad Maps and ant& Esatoss. - 1114pare Issas sad Velysi Sibataa Sara sambrailm. darn[ sat nasaa Breakfast Caps/ /a um latunas and colors. WHOLESALE ROOMS UP , STAiIti ; Sr Mertban:• .a.l Desk. are Invitadt rteoajb oar Notion sod V 1.t7 Goo& tat. JOSEPH aoazz a cs: Kea 11 AID 77 framreArr i• ..... A iiiil.- , .ft iitcick ci - ,:-: !' . • 4 1 : t_.. 4. . , ' • ' , l". . fitilli CO 91• AZD . .-- t f Eli 111111{. •„, ~..... Teb•wil elt 1 i 11 4;kree; . • ' ilassz 'acme:Tan _ . -,, ,, • . ,01 , , , i _,, A. BATHE', I== BMIVAINEt • _ . GOODS AT OLD PD.IOW..:•::i ....i. ~..' .'1 AT - 1 ' i ACRUM 8 CLYDE'S: No. ra liariiet twet, Wholesale and Retail.- Harms banalLt our gooas wens ttlirmag twarlrida:. ear at prt..-Is cooltdarablyier*RO•4loll* bouobt =prima pa Mu Lit, • %Tr ilealpank arouir of Segiaossabie Zfosiaw Off*es, 0126. bait tondo and domeetkaulasiadmih 4.11.0 E117 1 1M1.1... 0 laaln Volvo; Illtboa ":4 1 t_. Ettlatral. ,714, Silk and Bub Dna Batts'. g teed ausartaisat at richOtaparstaaCiltalit,t Jake.; MONO ? /*robs. Esio. actal;falcal,i6 • • - • Gentlemen's Furn i s h ing VOA% And et's liatesi rail bast stealc 401 Fanny Goods, , ... _. Notions, and . -,...) • Small arses., To be Found in ther.d#Y, -:CALL 300 X idei GOLD! GOLD! Great Excitement IDTVICE ON GOODI OT!& is . EATOR, MACRUM & Ilostoir tircoly to thoir stook beCots It=lll toocakoos adulate. la tbe primal' pit. &o floor to oat dodo gooda ot proms . . , Much Below the -Market pill Of Sew nit and Ma:Whig! insaaarm Asp CLEALII23 ea 1t guirrissito edrautaQa of bajtai la this acilftd, sallim4k imbibe peanut etocts mauls tall. - WrOlit =ME E & COO • Nes. 11.34 la rata arvar. LACE. MANTILLAS - Lace Poiats, Greniuline Shales, • 1301 c gamma AND ' • Eummer Dreu Goods, , CLOSING OUT AT; LOW ratows,: . . A.: . J. IL BUROHFLELDI3, 110131111LIDT VOL utaxtft:_ol3. DSz TKIIMIINUt?i • Laos:wore. PA2443ylie Off VIDIMLL.I4 & OAKUM" 11101V101 ITIROILIA, AND SWISS LAMM sarumarnk c eamson. • WHITS ME_ 111 UOSEMUN'i {:r.~ a ~~~i:~-~~3 Ai. tan anat sins' t /Li er, num, 'cults r ! . 103 sve pabe end Gal • =MA amirsiro ..774efiurdrEti.. AILERICANIN4 ITUTA NEW .7irortat. - 281LP0826 that tat AIIiZZLIS WILSON mita' lbw .LOOS imrai sad nat., !aghast. ea wool:at of 04 elasticity. tantatutaat. *May satt.. , _ Amoral desbablitscis Ms 'Mali* irtua done, and the Was nap at tick application." THE " : LOOIK .fiTiTpAP 'Ss tuateesstly isl,4lll46edi al very best •ffr all k4aite :DT ii;ertaig;..l , :o -- ; : ,:::: - . ::::::. i,::: tegstne may GU:bait .ths:aaocei . -N- Thrtad or 13171 tballs . coss! . fits_ , sQuiha tiecbr tucking', unsinatot states et 61# curs to PA* DAT. 3 'KU wainla WELSO:2IIIi -- 11,,, 04 1 . - =alai ai bit M. ; nu . 2IOTEMSIM • 04 4 al 4 kis them at Ito az- ststz( stazirr. ' AIL ni3llllLlt 4ig Cciv *Oita: RWMBING.- - • - - - Oita sad Raids twin es brisaiw'cirstoni amidst tat& s ad, prattled dattleid. tea atextddal eao Sdffi F—Thnuniooli o asits to ram - Cbutssity co I. >TATE `=-ADOetsestuipt, 04 1 11 11 rair 7 ; 4 ' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers