^'t: > ,^^' t ZEES • ) " . ."' =ESTLI, (Onittte.. gtholo% .11AIITIR freaSElo - ASSOCIIIIOf. TO OOR SUBOCBIOIMOS. IVl.Puukbilzre43mbarecr's of'llitaldastr.datty ,a• kon-zosttiVy weal to charge the prize. bd.. Welled for tbolr rterrect!TJ brash, oa and after KOISVAT, July 260,1141 i •40%Oszrrix. ilefAkkg Litttoo..pns s,et,.dtLforbd by curio. ti 4 sit* by - =Ol, pd leer, b ed. MEMISEM - - - for War renrrie;* — 715 a, 551,[91-o !Cairo, by arrrine, par , .15 bp soil, per 7.5!, la sirance V* " 11:m4Ln:wrathy. ^ 315 •«!!„._ -ftx.direr ^ " 165 TAE 9utr4micut. rears; la n..tyrri'.N rat by... . ... p ealnioracul, "r't •f: 4co Ttirt mina } t " 4,<-. ' r,VII_CRIPLIP LII4 I tzlirrnfticarskt yaw, I ryorce, oak! eat i M- •". 10 llrmair..stlo} ' 4 ' 4- d fa GiqZ:VE er..001LY.70,5., cfIABLIM 1 =tgbiOrt Eveatzig,V7aronlcle rinestrous NEWS? fall = IntILITING 003EL9T., Readlot'l Matter - from Saturday'r Evening akette. The Vat ele 'ln l'ennsytwan le. The eters from rfarrbbarg Ls smelting. It is ascertained that the Rebels meanly oeonpisil ti.stabotaberrthis rearnleg et - 2 o'clock, Pea utuloation between VW petit red -lliiirkoarg Ii consequently interrupted. General Cowin it At Health, making inch dispositions oi seem to o.;thefetigetielit o[ the oc'eisfott c Governor en= haaistned a erodes:nation esll log upon the people of Harrisburg to orpniee tottellnifix delete ol : Theirloknitiiiland 44 . are reputedtobi Fspor. ding with groat promptners. •The *realms Is„ the. gist O. the intelligence - seteired incining:Onnierning 'whit hie been slightiogly called the second edition of the R abet radd. - •!:;sl64.r.fess2ilit we'end not looked for such rime.- With-the large body of Union ',.terepa,re s cutly gathered at Harpers Retry end ;.its_wiiiinity,wirbid not thought it poesible for, • ' the e - dia./16 Crete tIM'I;Ob3131110 .* 4l!Vifki-/oi,s 74, Irv. rgrlrta ro Aare. If he has crossed the river, ,sereeptltad, cool:pied Illininhonitarg, we may be lure he is In heavy force, and kelt retreat lijlalgi! to cope with any army yrs oui gitazit TenAthid - intentlons Can Only be•gmeased at, 'aim' ire. dolisear tiny - spoeitations. The mites tkae,hqwenret reay, be regarded,ge engielantly itlt[f alto Mkt, the Mitt orrioillapprehenitins. • Vationhiedly,one,Stute 4..lntraded by no kalif clicalat: 'force of the enemy. Norther Intelli gence _lOl be anxiously looked meantime, we drop the,hint. b . > the young men ;of our city that [fie not Imprishable that they ;w/Ityektukled non daring-the day by the GOT. ernor to artist in detnding the Capital oi the Stateirositteloiih of-tha inesten Yp to OWO .Vrlcrlt_thts aCtarncon there :had Oren co word :veered by 'Ova: Itowley`frons Q. Costal. Tee ;taloa he known is that aim la no ettorannleatiow Nsitb_,Charibenourg, but rtil"r4 l ../ViehOitri - AMi l s b aßtAidlqi irliele ham iliabrelleft in Minim. We fafor from !hie that flew 13 no-great danger, for if there worefinretylien. Comsb smdthe-Ste4nantborittes sieiddletilimAtessleiknow. Larsio--Ger. Motile,' has tines remised • iflspateh fimm kfarriqorg spiting thetAte rebels Wrested tbii.Votoliao it Ili 'fiida oft *buy, t, PP. ,I ". gr Pr 34 2 1 14 Chao tinontrit fora at 4ililfettalt; oa editstrdai• mornine.• Own. coon eras at liarriskarg. rd.44.44-.4,corisspoitaint. tat :Alp Pirw Tot 2Vmcs,lo:l t4e army of t 4 Calabar laad, !lupe ' - ' Art ereiHooltsr, -Ism sometimes alrela, will the,torrnination cf the'Wer. Ho It elieultes bap. 110 teen:aft* /take hirenittence splint ,the execration. of-whatevor he it daly *Noistcd'tie , ct,ss'y Inn need not salinectidly . .heinet by the, Potentate' . frit rls. Wiliy,y'Soirn bad' divetlon far Alt the noble eeMe.. .of -the-army of the Cimbertentl, I ain mei; believe that tae-l:uubf acetic, abate: say other general olker, would produce the unlit rinitartel gloom and ibisclatien.tla4 grant tirat no emelt calamity may mute - keit/1n this eititinel KS of one:101110'e existence. ilinornt rceleocornoten wire TES DaAPI,- tar. Francis Orrin, 'anther of Texas fat the acy of .Feemtk, hie boon wetted-for interfer- Ag with no enrolling oUlcnx whirein the die • flop of his datia. P„tdek Behan, connected the proem. menthaN °Mae, hoe met with =utb oppod Ica is tho dleobasco of his denim, waif a few diqs vitae he War auttulted . by do and an accomplice, who gate him a corers best ing,. 01+15_17as szectaikaad held io anti to tho anal of $5OO to ippeir before the United Statat Vattiet Court at Trenton, on the third Thor,. day tf Septerobtr next. • Um Bunter - y.of the tiotannin Natrantt Cov enant :aye: ssltek,Cancestlant •era !MVO' 620`:- kilt elks suiae for drea3u and ribSoas for bon• zeta. In Eeenemy, Penneyiventa, benottfal vilyelh, both eat and• mama. 10. Philadelphia the beet of kbi gto.vei. There several ea•. 4sUirtit linen factories thisside the wa - er. Yllte tAtr:guasuu tuude illateadtaiette; the bat of stiffing stib, PA. thread hole, on lea obrie mat.. nu. Su4its..basp. but tu...,dciumiud Amorioan gut& andlbeir wants 1111 eoon herifppllad " eamr. Dim la she eideis'employistiiienesal now pcominently before ass b tea in Now Harapshirss 1 t 171 , 5; :Mantas was b.nu in Virar.bington isi 180 T, iletilarnand) in Radecki in - I.ik fdeade in 'Spainlet Anteslcaas parent Ke in,1817; Mater La New liamoblrs'isC. 1819; licokeria Messiahs" • -=sets 'l6l.sr.Btiermsts' in Ohio' in-1829; Omni b Ant- Fir:ilk - En is ,Pannariaasis in i8:2; Hancock boletus nista in ifliti; Darn- Oda in Indlitun 'fa' 1831; 61#1-in ihriasay in Jell; andSlactai in New Yurkla 136 r 1 : 11.1 1 : f . TILL asjif . Stirin•iatires..Lome.— Vino Trractsibrpartinratinire delightoVint'well as enwprived-to-day on. being :oMatally advised thatthe intr.:tripods to zatreiven=lblitil.iiit . yesterday in Brew York amonnted to $2,60D,000, netwitketar.Sing ali,ttur , dceiguated Itsrpasltarles and Inatefil egatits in that city hate not yet bcp fornisbed with the necoust7 blank foram Zas tertalt isleganslid is Wineries of the en. Mite and orcody stic.bes4 of the newloan. • Dc., - .trus,Storri---Ther-L•aigtiorn foriva hza the foiLiwing:'zoo oomph) af nittleteri."-fo Wrieno+-giatontailoei in their wrig—:whe have-been tuing to , sso how molly MO could be inaltiplied from one pate. - 'no g 4 ssaga witione px.to , when the iebillleihreke . and, or tho kittene hove grown and • rallti. ,pllOl, their aerator now reaches the ntsiber of .19 c/k4ll!lA4t , dosr! • • • P. • • znurtas blicstoss.,Tas tikandat Igato of ths onnirry sadths'filgti foreign ezohanga 414 Injuriously Jroo2l , the veterans of tab 11" fer•~esV I fo r ' iqitaal,.lr;t. bai obltgad to Wm* fizaann calling upon thentntahes far ad. aloval sattibriptrou to the amount of Etoo.ooo. .31km finsuelsillenrc and, , Augirst "3t, and the iaboard and its friondf [4411 rasa ;multi ty bit the *IV ,tar should irldsovith ifliesay debt Upon. It. ' To xxs • o ties' lb* mutation of Parii• and 43, tbe lot " a fable fottboassniii lima, th e thee' •c 4 talat th at lava ppobedttlarongti-kho VCR quartenrkai ftio — ioikeh aide of ebb fielno h . 4 aro smonetreno logos of oicloedmirrt.! , The irork • j zon wio :Moo them look loon_ abeam with die" 'rho pootkizaproibia • tbirottos rot irleole '4 , lt bonito ahoy Ina bISUL shift thol: bumble bowl. k c ati goods: ferfber`oitteif -MO wfaked city, sad oa-or whoa atm rowan that rear_ these pollee*, " - I, v ia elaak,ot- eam-M0 air - bzrial T•111041i of Lyodn , Ds nowbitimilf7: " 11 • , Caro Ise° b o o offiaznuot Tit/JD:reason Tao 'l4 _ Dubuc:kid, ProAa.o3stoitted gel off 4" ' 1" iiliftto Ids to 1102rgtalsicel'i'— d ofW on't fiqui%l B[s44l.l7Atcovlivimicitiritkibs It ; • &ft:orS, tlPittvZl4".,rillt.l4ll"44Yl 4 ! do h as tbr, 444,441 t. Tag Putoni:sioirp• ixii*RAziot =wog.— The beard or to whop' lll. , oithjtOt yob referred bsTe.ditorbi'Lltiftlihis tratipte oodont for *lvo clicitmStSoW ttodit,ktoltf•to totketttirro t kitiatoot pittonn.rf rmr. wralivi his steretibt to thb 49TerBillat iDodl 1114•41undod. ME EMI 2 TiTT Li 4124 -significant Admissious The rebels knew how to keep their ',erste ; bet once In a while they iladrertently reveal something of their condition. The molt impor tant revelation of this kind erbieh we hare lately met with la contained in the following ex tract frors rail Richmond 117.5 g tho Slit . of July, commenting upon thel displaoemett of Johneten : . • " Hotel ablltisa may be a.iequate to the task sniped him. 14e trust no.II ie may porters tho dinftionee oT ehearmy tine greater domes than Johnston. We doubt it. But the else does not admit of expefibr.ents. Too mush is at etsko. It :toy be true, at fie rteekt retlict the opinicee eatertaiaed in Ugh cedes der/are, that the dctOrot,old tasks life Lee, fletraregard and Abner. p eed, and the titae:laa cane for young men of the Dick Taster, Mole and flood .gasp o l•ti ets444 •to Nevieerde . riefokes. 'Nevertheless, we_ hold to the belief that, the sttstetton in Gout • gia doei not dinand c experiments, bet, Oa the contres7, calls for the odium of preyed obit. !trend of the Met order. 13E4 en ofilom..wouid not be bard to dnd sea! Pottriburg, if pang.- • nett jealousy, tnnarallad ontside the bottomless pit, mull be quenched by-the lent at country," Horeliartr-Ortat' kind 6hhrmld have pushed the :obeli, how Minis. has been their &sap - per . inintenest the posilti 01 the iiiipaigo; Eras =direst:lo* antletiplidene Of the future, in Maeda:led shy these donbta of the leeriest:id imp:WV of.Leetand iteatiregerVtgo, .guaszttle-in whoa the enemy had stadoallyin.g . tonne:nos three inontha "afroi.aa equal Ps any trait arida could be' let them. Draw they are • "Old fogies," and the mews determined and aria lots of the rebel leaders hare boat confidence In them radriliek.e•thcir Anita' post.° These dit putey as to the merits of their ablest commandem area eigniVent remetient upon the desperate Q condition of . rebellion. The eampaign.cmft have gore hadly against .them when the clerks of Davis end oempenione openly call Lee and Beneregard "old feules," and talkitbout putting younger men in.thair,plame.. Grant taunt here ha:Ala Leh - very tasetely "tea 11101 assertions of the latter's Incapacity mealy circulate 10 Itiebmced.—Y. Evening Not . tttn'tente of n remain Abetter of the Babel, Cause. Mn. Mary. B. Stewart, of lieltimore, haying been fetittegnitty bj . "Spacial' military even:Action in-Washinren, of correspond. leg with the sr:curb and assisting parties within our Reit ter cirrespond with the enemy, and In twalehtng letterset a centrabanct °hammer from thin snr Unto into Lhasa of the ensmy,bas been sentenced to be inipthotied until the termina tion of Ate- prevent rebellion, and 'to be em• ploys - dm:l,4o3er for the benefit of Union /obligee In taeb prison az the Scare/err of War re ey di rect. The female prison at Pitchburg, Worroes ter county, 'illaesschusetts, bra been soleeted.as the place of non Onement. Johnson S. Palmer; of London county, Vir hat bten - tried and lotted guilty by a , 'milling sot:minion, for wielating the taws and =atoms el hurling nitirthe enemy, and in furnishing th Grebe) commissariat with's:Mies of - temnthenig stores, and for ptirchnsing large _ ocsulitlM tette:trend behaem. within the lines of the cum.*, and disposing of portions of the acme within ear Palmer was sentenced to be imptirened in the penitentiary at Albstut, ',new Turk, moil the termination of the rebel- Tsui Iter&d has the following in a Toronto totter: ' , I eat:m(4olooe this commaticaticit Without informing you of a fact for which I can vouch, 'end 'which shows the eharsehMof 111 r. Graeley'e loyalty. Be aLevred Mr. Uokonibt that, eel, a. he was oonceenrrl, , l4 temild hare no . ohjeretiza to the recogaitien of &tide/6 inckpftdeace, provided they ?mud adopt a eyetc, f .arntival csaticikatlm. This todaeettaioly allying himself been and soot with our Eogileh ortemice x and shows oonclualre • ,iy,thil Ida loyalty•lias is bit bai object than the prorogation of an ism which belged so much to pluisgo our cowmen country intd roirolunion." sibowo law lie, otit of teliolfeloth. There wee never a shade r w - of foundation for it. If there be any,ono with wliodi our word's not con clusive, Ore to& btu to Prof. lloloombe, as also to Illejor Hoy, who was presentatthe only (very brief ) interview wioser had with Prof. heard . overyword Thatimi utteied. Whoiter :astbrte or :intimates that Karam OrealeY over disraised the conditions on which reams shoold.c might be made with any enemy of cur Gemmitment, or pioocted orooantonanood any negotiation for peace by imantbotited par. sore, to in the Nance boat with tliwToronto fabri cator.—N. Y. 71..bune. _ Paz Pizzas Diornettuooo—This powerfal or garrcation, it is slated, now hex enrolled in the t United States mote them two million members. Inible city recently toreral new Circles have teem stertrcL Theta new bodias,areinerely en titled rubsCirclnr, b utif stet time as the number I reaches one bondred andisrentietive„wh n they arise to the dignity of a'Clrele. 'B,, Well are the - IBrothenhowl. said to be organised, that at en ;hones teens one boadred thousand aimed mm tarn be ready in Ireland Iftlete, mad he brought into th e field, and after a week's mum, double Witt nuMber might be get together. Cholas ore testablinhod else la the heart of England, and among the leaders it is confidently bettered that 'lrcietd may be bolted in two years from the 77 ?e'ent cow, flitter ropnblie In Water, in Post land, many other foreign countries, Cir• plea or establiebad, sad meet, together weekly ln.privale.• Prominent FC21.603 believe that if the opportunity is not air= by Eogtond in two years, that the Order wilt make Ito inion taut. to Volunteers An order her ju!t Iten issued from the Adju tant (lateral's tan Eh!. og :that en and &Etat this date volunteers earring h three yours' or• sanitation: who may have at the date of oaliet• fi=t lass than dory days yo 'erre, wtcy 1.0-6J a.t. in the rseltuanta or eotopentos t. wn tab they !Crag (crone, two or throe Jean, as Okay nay it each tamp OW. , The saw item will commerme from the date of re-enlLstmast, and all men :o-enlisting will yt oritiOrd to the bounty provided by the art of 4.l—nemely ter one Tetr'.sloo„ 'or' two ylearo $206, and for tb-ne years $3OO. T.• men re-tannins, se hrsolo provided, no fprltoglas till be . promised, and oomnitemrier et manor and their aseittsatinrill be held rev • ips+lble that Tore coo dition lo distinctly an ler dood by all p talks concerned. A Lynn from Calais 'states that the Cref.d. flute ?carol Raopohaanoehlataly had ajudg- Mont prontanced agatinathor by,the - Chambn of Commerce of Boulogne, for commercial debts of the captain. It, appears that when the huissier eterged to amz tic', notice of sale made his ap pearance on boaid thcf vessel, the captain warn• od him of witbout delay, u no such errand should bo performs thorn. The ttnissier had nothing else to dolnit - to retire and draw op a pteu.s Torbol of the drosuzstanoes. Tivrin thottaindli.eaticky Degree. have en• listed la the army .ho--en credited' to other Elate!•. ElhitC or nice thew and are erred:rod to that Stet*, and foctleelf or Mutt thousand able berded negroce remote iteeeltsted. Ficm near White • Alves. Minims, July 2f:4*s...entry aulyaitiireo ;arta from UcloL; rays t . ArLupediden amulet. tug A tito:ssenung, a iortloiLef the 15th 'Otentry.and a Seetlen of a battery., Which Celt thatulnee on Monday =mann, in the dime• tian of White River. when neer Nelson IS miles. out, encountered a formideble rebel farm tinder, Dobbins, and ;dur a chart fight, were obliged to raurn with a !ore, 12 rrotuldado Cs! Brooks, of the serried regiment, and the Cantata of the artitleryous reported among the killed. The rebels pursued them within nine mites of Una/4 Whartloat troops made a stand. A sharp light - 1/0.5 going on when our informant Wt. The rernainder of the 15th oavalry and othsr reittfoiecalente watalrelng forwarded from Gem Washburn:a hes tuned an order, that all nerrogut Ak Wad Tralitrnitials and flidialimippl, • haviog totton, will be permitted to bring .ct to 21eMphis and store it - In the hands of the Gov-- ernmeht quartermaster ' natlietto reek dirpos l -. tie; as may hereafter be made by the genera. moot. Frdm Carve, Joy , eleimerllaperor Imes yes Orleans on , tho.2l.vt, bss arrived, sad -re ports thee there iv a rebel bitteirol fire golfs Meta mites above Stipwith's. laadioS. walob tired several shots biro a the 'clad gunboat ea the 4tb, dotes bat little dicing*. The twat:anthers Betl,,'from Vietsbarg for White river, t a not hale heard from, sod it is footled that thel-bee been 'destroyed. . Thestesmsitip,Yesety, fromliew Torima the 13 tb,bis irrived etlgetv °asses. ii doing :fa amtoa efoometbm. Sottariales private sod ,at. attetroa., .14CISSt. M oltaies is above the vitivrs'et bayou. Taste lea btlik dma - vadforall, deteriptiolu of Welfare te^cbtaa odyinoii blow. Otelas extra dm snexs. ' olo.,llaate, I , 00, 1.711 L dirio,lats alla arm. tto-dsejs at %HY "Thli I Ilampshins of the de• ids grave, . , . DI oktsa . sat Itu)ZaAstlraay.,. sate moticcit bi au , h'prited the puede:Weft. of $ll. 81120,tat aepart °l d , to bins b/ Hestlel OsldieStoo; -1111tissri Hemmed* of Sldedistriat, eantslnlng * tail txposlttoket • item( poHttest order, *MO IMtIh co the ge***/*t, ogled go 8 stia of Libm of *Mph 8. H Dedd U Omad Hemmed*. of Bist*LF6taaa,tuffns,platracastaciat OT,SOSiLll4ilsreistakiloasitsripAtilidlasses orttak.:tridisofitstssars:O.'l.: - Vellaiidlte** l / 4 Byrom 41140,:mesandsit 'dlaletter.'D•patl o : • LlNii***li Heettem. IC A. Bowles, P. 111111gse, *drew Etamphm sad Jolts 0. ;Walter an m4ur clam& fit biddies. I. 1 f ~ i DAit 17- TELEGRAMS. Our Special Dispatches Details of the Affair on Wednes day on the James. THE RESULT HIGHLY SATISFACTORY. A RI Lel Citizen ol Mary land tube Hung Iltotfid rttpotch to the Pittatmegh itso It. JOLT 29, 1854. a Mr. C. A. Page, tends 'the following to the Totleoe btrtsan bare : • Gil. Beirune's Iluosicalress, Wednesday July :9 —lfencook and Sheridan marched night before last all night, and yesterday at else o'clock in the afternoon begot craning the Junes on a pontoon newly laid, a little below the one manoting with. Potter's lodgment at Deep Bottom, on the Left bask.' Bariow'e di vition, the float Over, puked .rapidly ahead, swinging rep the river and aerating the rebel position opposedre roster. Two 'hundred and thirty men of the 1054 Pa., Col. Lynoh, of liilea' brigade, charged a battery of four II pound Parretti', with • loss of only twenty. The guns proved to be those of Asteby's battery, lost by Gin. Smith in Litz way part of the cam paign. While this attaek wu Melting in flank Poster demonstrated In frent,veriloh doubtless, helped towards the result. allatasek, then AA hls divisions Cams over, advanced a mile up the river, and Sheridan's, Sorbert's and Gregg'. divisions creased immediately afterwards and thread cif on his tight, and with Merritt's bri. gads, struck the New Dineket and Long Bridge Road at its interstotion with the Distrens Iltil read, some four Miles above the latter place, with the 11 corps on his right, then Sheridan's c.valry feeling rat tit the made and swinging upon the tneuy'l flank, the general direction of the line being from the south west to the north east. Bat the rebel position was • range of hills very stronn.and he was known to have two tall diyisitty, Kershaw end Longstreet's corps, and Wheels and It was anal' eight, end no further advance wee attempted. Tee casualties number perhaps filly. In deeply holding his line the day before, Foster had lost es many as fifty. Fo'ly one hundred prisoners *ere taken, two hundred was the number re ported, but I could not count so many. If the dey's operations did not effect all that was ex pected, and if nothing more should oomo of it, the movc.ctemsy be considered successful and rather =ernl in the cheering effect of the guns and prisoners taken without loss, and in the hint it affords in the breaking of the monotony that bad begun to look like a seige. Generals Grant and Ingalls were on the field. Ott regiment charged end stampededthwee 'hundred ethyl csky sky, taking a dozen prisoners. The position ntw is, Foster with trooper tram the 10th corps, w(th hi; left resting on the Asmea. Copt. James E. Sweet, of the 90th Indiana, bits b et assigned to duty on the perseael staff at Geo. Biretry, commanding the 10th Army Chula, E. Wilson, Brq., Secret:ll'4i the Le • fallen, at London, has resigned, and Benjamin Moran, has been promoted to fill the raeaney. Privates 'IL. W. Greallsy. Co. B, !10th, and Bartholomew Licaser, Co. it, /VA Ohio, died bailee hospital hors to-day. Wm: 11. Outer, a citizen of Maryland, wet tried and convicted an a charge of violeting the laws, in contracting tuturnish the robot guinea • meat with provisions, drugs, eta.. and hie been seatencod to be bang. The Protldeal has ap proved the.csntencre of the court, sod he will be hemp at saela elm and plea as the Commend ing General of this Department shall designate. Very Latest Telegrams. GLIN? ACOUT ¶0 lOU O gIONVOND. lie has been Hearn, Reinforced. SHEERAN 111 110 9i176 701116 ATLDIA Ifil IS AFTIR HOOD'S AUNT Nair Year, lary :.O.—A eyeaifit to the Rory, dated Washington, Jr.ty 52, toys that Intent. ger.e icons the Upper Potomac today confirms the adsires of yeeterdsty, that the enemy hare hsoo tho hoe of the titer, hes ins made r.o new demonstrators" daring the pset wettf-Scat tows. Whether Wry tare fallen Leek to Winchester, or, even farther down the riNey, islet =known.. Theis no loneer any neural for keeping !le arnt the Inst.thnt tirant's loot =moan:lent sgetnat Itiehmond le expected by hen and his friends to result in soraeLhing far morn decisive then any he has ;et undertaken against the rebel Senator Wade of Ohio, eel Me .110, 3011$ three weeks since, paid a Tisk to the Army of the Pottinao, the Eisnator feeling vary brae at whet be (apposed was a fsiiere of Grant's cam paign !spinet Richmond. Do his ;tense to Wailingten after his hoverer, he was is the boil if akirits and (Genie that be had no doubt at alt bat the rebel cipitel would ecnn ba captm-td. Orszt pl 3 lit= that his ions delay before Pe terebarg wax day eistoly to the extreme droeth which nadared It lmpetnible for him to more hie men end lalanalt from where freak water toutd to procured. Grant told Wade thatjuol as soon a, a eallmtent quantity if sin fell. to insure a sapid, of water, and lay the intolerable duet in the reeds, he would make a movement which would foll 3 ratty the idlest expectations of the Cannily. It will be remarked that mine hare jest fallen in the vicinity of Richmond, and Grant, trpe to hie promise to Wade, is now on the march to the rebel time on the north back of the James river. liciwittstandirrg the withdrawal of the oth corps, very large reinforcement/ hare been sent to Grant's army' from Tenons quarters, includ ing flu I . .).11 corps, ishleh recemuy came op from altratatippi. !Meat. Saxe hen the utmost centidence thet Gina will sehleve e brilliant emcees& A rpeeicl - to the YVAN., dated, Limper's Ver. Jr, Jtv7 so, says: The rebels have Gahm back mound Winchester, where, It to believed, they intend to concentrate mid Make a stand. it le :barely peccibto the rebels will try a 'desPetate expedient W ma4ng another dub en Washing ton. It Is impossible, there:ore, to predict clime 'future movements.- OS. eelltelot tau ea= be fore to-morrow morning. to spits of all that we eon he learned !rem scouts, deserters, and eitltens, the another of the coons and 0040 0 0- ettion it Lis %feet to still a matter of speouta• tit n. Nothing has heez baud to-da7 from Cole' Mul ligan, but it it Is believed that he Is atilt living. /Saw Yeas, July nth-4lze spatial in the morn ing. papers ; contain no new foots relative to the inoternonts on Jazzes river other than that tota ls:railedestarday. Tim Timm. Washington speotal says Though no lotto* operation. on Gm „part of .Shermsa are reported to dal, it Is wen known that that Gon ers' is.efrocting.a comblnatiOn which will rsoke the via, in the more valuable when It falls into our bands. The tenor of Sherman's dispitolea, beforaintintatat, MITOOSIITIW been or • nature 'lto Justify ever sangalrie expectations regarding thataptare of. Atlanta, bat he "fools that ho 'is Master of the sitnatiOn and perfootly oonniont of ultimata and not far distant 111C01111. The rriGarr's New Orisons latter, dated July :Ist, rap : It to stated that Geaersl.Banks has Ling rumored, sad that Gieszl Granger or Doan will samosa him. P$X7 - 2[35 Mono% AO 29—Itent hundred yrispnoss were eapimid epyoslta City Pant, and-aveived bat* Cu Wednesday.. Oar forms cis reported advancing, and Ewe captured Wee rebid salad's, with their Ones, do., and several gnat. Vie ash cms lad fihertilasei 'Mari are no-operating. THE REBEL . INN-AARON. TbeEnuaT Earthing is Cohlllll/1. PinaneuPins, Jay SO.—The Ituffebis has a• spate' horn Harrisburg to-day, saying that the ramie are marching In time Marini. It Is be 'Havid to racial °Wes here that the magi in- And !making Dadterd manly sad the meantalus iilloiont e zort of puma rsidraviins, It Is ad,. ' whaittat Ai/intik — au dastrypitig sal plinkklag b their Mosinee. Thos is eons of a s sl a m down aa plantain wrldant 4trpg iatuat r.bel taaaatailli; PITTSBURGH GAZETT. BURGH, MONDAY M PITTS I yiil~i;Ll,i: F : i:'J:i! ?be Enemy Said to be In Large THE REBELS IN POSSESSION OF CHAMBERSBURG. GENERAL NUM AT CARLISLE PROCLAMATION PROM THIS COYMILNOR He Calls Upon the People. 1 o Organize. Ii• ire era°, inly 30.—The too. t einselanood mllltary vien Reda post are oonst_need that the Invasion of the Bute ii, by a large force, cow= . posed of Sella of the belt troops of Lee's ari yi. It it glee believed that the Invasion Is pf a altar.: tater • too gigantic to be regarded at a 'inete raid. It would be rub to sentare att opiniah at. to the designs of the enemy, a:splint at efhlob he Intends tor deliver %%low or the territory he will (mate: "theeapltif of therflittlie forme a tempting abject In hit con taraplatioca ;.•• Bath:to:4 mutat its attractions, and through that city the . capital cf the nation it again doehtlots yearned forby these bold Invaders. The telegraph operator has left Shippana erg, and the pretomptioa to that the enemy his thrown out Arrests advance punier in that direction. Since 'o'oloolt this mortal*, we have no connection with Clumbersharg. at that hour the rebel' enterod and now hold the place. Major Omani Coal it Mt Corra/e, Altoctias the natatory weans of titlenm, trot dawns of which cannot of totroe be alluttod to. The pre anzaption it, however, that he will be able to c der a stera retittcaeo to any ideates that may be made la this infection. The Governor bat jut Issued tha tollowled procialridloti to the people of Ilarziatwag : reasayloaeio Sverweee Meader. it.vvrisSvcy, July ISGS.—Tho enemy have earn more enfamd Peens,lrani*. They omapied Cham hamburg it 3 a. m. to-day. with etvalry and sitilisry. A few hours will develops their force sod '.nteutione: It is possible their movement may be di:mod ageinst tits city. to view of hach a eentillgertcy, I therefore call open tbo tempts or Ilestieberg end vicinity to orgael 71 at 01:11:0 to defend their home.. Ana' and [mean eition will be delivered to each orgenteed com pany upon application to the Adjutant General. No ¢ooier In the service eitbor of. the State or tf the United 6littee will be remind. (Signed) A. S. Corn•ta. An lames. town mooting is now being bold is the Overt Bout, and the people are enrolling themselves for organiestion to defend the city. Adjataat General Russell bee jolt leaned an order which is ported ma the newspaper bnltittin tondo, to the Edict that arms will be teemed to sit ?citable citizens. CITY AND SUBURB/LB Outrageous Assault and Rowdyism On Friday evening, a most flagrant outrage not perpetrated at the bailee of Mrs. Eliza Davidson, at the Point. It so happens that Mrs. Davidson lira In the hones formerly noon pied by the niatoricus Dim Drawdy,and she to freeprently annoyed by rowdies calling there, - ander the Imprenfon that the character of thi house b.z hot been changed. On Frilay eaglet her men named Michael Turley. Lawrence Deecnifraair O'Neil sued PieiOat Him, allitcceid ILa toms end began' to let Se the moat ontre peeve manner. Turley salted a tecibler and trthe it to pieces ore: therhead of a Ilttlobo; natrial Jame Marren, a con of Mrs. Davidson. Delon and O'Neil both threatened to kill hire. Darldcon, hat Bloc did not sot so batty. The 'Tarlac were all freest:ad, sad after a hearing Tartly eau iced lito and covets, and in default W 63 Benito jollier twenty-one days. Devon wee Cord $l5 *ad noses, and ceaumitted for sixteen cap. O'Neil was toed Pb.i and rent up for a culler tem. Wes wel hu.d F 5, which he paid. ra. A sabeevieasly made an information '.cgafrst Turley for usteult and battery upon her ...or, soda et rocuirroe nt ela lodged egathethim. Desch and O'Neil were s'so charged with 6 wet; of the peaeo,.havies threatened to .0.11 aisle seed astend taker.' , Committees is seem letged agalost Ibsen u!so, and miens they can to a, tail thee. worthies will ha... to "sweat in jai" until IL. neat lotmof Curt. lite Railroad Compromise amis. Sohn Ilreerge; Hirt, the able and 40 Mat City Con•rorer, has ;ass returned from the eastern tflit r, britigLg with him .?r+d,Ond worth of tall. seed bonds, issued by the city, and which here beet earned over fur the purpose of being _crept,' mired. Ids abaci aneeeeded to tracing up it.... a ife,lind more of the city bonds wh . ,h ha will in due time obtain, as the holders are known to be in Eater of onimpronalslncupon the terse prep/ red This wool leave °lmella; about i 10,con—a very mall proportion Indeed, eve. of thing cc...id:red. its iLI, amo,ut, hdr. kin ago has airemized :bat a Ingo partiiia is held by putt :16 reeling Dire." The labor attendant upon this compromie lu•ltere bee been of a very acaciae aJ we 11.3 arduous I:hammer, end has been most akiltally fa 4.• :used by SI: . SI ti. 1, lie has und poiTlii so atAi wigs, :ad tho <stint of Ma eorrenpoodsoce srould'aorortse those not rocs ersanf with such matters. Lie is, honorer, making moat satin &awry progrois, gradon:ly rvooanttngatl diMeultlea to the way, and sorely approaching that carman:iodation in 'cog and ordsntly docked. Forestal Ms toe Market 'lt ere has been considerable oomplzint of tete m regard to forget...citing the °whet, it be • it g al:spa that ratilkdentors, grocers aad others eta permitted to purchase unlimited quantities of produce during market hours. width enables them to put up Flees on the:consumers. Today two informations were made by the market censtabto—one egainst French .1. ITelling, who was fined dee dollars and costs, which he paid, sod the other against Peter Dean, a grocer and member cf the Comecon Conacti frpm the Third, Marti. The Mentor imposed penalty. upin - lir. Dean, heal,. refitted to pay it, and intends to appeal to the Court, alleging that the ordinanoe is =constitutional. This question hes tong sines bees settled, and we imagine Stet Mr. Data will Alit rat 11 the lust by his 'scum. if the ordinanoe Is oppressive or wrong in prin ciple, be should sue his drone to hare it re pealed; but so long as It remains le effect, he should be held to its obierrantairtn common with other citizens. Strtct VI &l. era Arrea The Tramiel) Of walking" has become very common in this (Ay, and espedialkenpon the mere crowded end prelidnent thoroughfare'. -Fooeloa of evil natnevand well known to the police, can bit aeon. eury evening, Irons dirk till midnight, on the principal Oust., and they are frequently permitted! to loiter abort the corners, and la front of drenking saloons. Then is a low ander which all teen characters may be a tlyt h r ° dui ge i de w t e enTid g l i t! e t :for t :s a lt 'h ire had no lea than sir females before him to-dsy, on chirp of street walking, most of whom Were committed -to ,1111 u Tagfll4}.l., The Vernet M. ru st of all` we known street walkers (and they can beeounted dooms) would hero the effect of gartering them fajta or drivingthem eel of She city-,4llher of which results maid hi to the bantAt of the community,. Palma' Accroliii,L-116 mat. tog abeit s o'vloek,.the body - ef ntnan Inas faintiring Sant of loans, i s tavern, IMMO of Pint &la Giant 'street", al lat Proved to hos /oust lust named °Wens ' wad,. •. resident of ztb figure. Ward, who had served for. three yews fa the 20th Pennsylvanis --Regiment, 'wee recently disabused and. arrived la title pity forme weeks Once. Rs Wen drinking freely plebs:de* evening' and neared to bed 411 the third eters about eleven (041004 and it is apposed that slarthg the night he approached an open. window and Mr oat. The cgoaer baldaa inquest em thn body, aid a Tab/4k Pap rends/v.4 ialivoStAliavitlth USW NV's vp:Ottibimost.a..lafituLtss.(4 4l : ostrijaudir orluJoi,exand Boob, diet lA. PridAy filites 'ad the rellbsei otllelltgarau , lwattOq.. Tpritawll will .takissa Sand* go oriOlvataillAceolook, . - TsphiVtlYll Tex.,—lt Amid be , berme be mild by everybody sabjeot to tesone Ti,e that imbue tb. tax Is pad baton Anpst B—* wale from tin Monty-40 moon.. wilt be ulds4l to Ila oniosint. RNING, AUGUST 1, Patting Counterfeit /Money Mrs. Albion,a resident of Allegheny. was sr rostedyesterdey by Mayor Alexasder's pollee for pasting counterfeit fives on the Stets Bank of Indiana. She purchased come cheese from a mann/and Biz; In the market, and parsed one et the notes on him. Sho after rude bought some orockerrware from a yowls clrl, and veered another fire. The girl 'Ming an s • ble la Change the hill, took It to the Farmers' Depoett Dank, end received, small bills for it. The note 'earafterwards discovered to he calm titian. when Mrs. Albion was arrested ant heist to bail for a further hearing on Friday next::. She states that she will - be able-at that time to eternise for the manner In which she more into mastodon of the' riparian, money. Thonetce'are a rory, bad imitation of the gen. , Waite Iliad minted en doarse paptrs and not calculated to darelre an expert judge of money. hisa:Alblim in represented to be a lady who has boretaele bemoan excellent character ' end her frfend.i are confident that she has been impend Upon.., there are some other feats! conneeted with the cam which• rte do not deem expedient toglee publicity preiont. . . . .40 P. Itzrs, Afiesonte Ustt. P A -street, studs as the tellowtsig The Forest odp, ode of btdnro s tida dint doiols I the ilmertaita Agrl cabled kr golgust, 'sad dm New Tort titarettry. let* . F4lo)ilri, by d. T. Semple, Tederel street, I RTTERS'REMAINING UNCLAMED lho Tiltmlecost Rata of P 00.71. Ivey the MTh day/of Jain lant. ,10.algainsay at than lettois, tha applleant moat call kifierarstrck gh .11. data of tale Hot, and feaV ere nett for advertising. • .If nulsalled fee,witida ono month, they will be sent Co the env! letter Oboe. rev•zialtavapotlettera ty carriers, at tfie ntelanw of vent lei trap Le so ord bv °Warring the fOlbwing I Haut fetter, Sable to thaeract awl aeltabar sa , 11 , 11111 C iNevAddroa'atiorStato Iliad letters with th• writer's port office and 81St., 110/04,11fiT.621aer. alga thane plainly with NU nuns, Lad r_ecatat /that answers he directed accordingly.. 2. Ldtent to stranvss or teal:lair - at vidtors Is • a town r oily, .artioeceyncial adder*. may be unknown ' atroal b d e alltd, is al, lower left.tand corpse, s igh the acid .ttairLkint," 4. E. the pi 0554 trave Gar pc:t tuella; b. B. Arelin welter if unetatm printrdtrith the arras the ten In Ohio, will to row of pomp., push: ether.—Fen. a, II A nperha jkalleakt T D B.) an Go. Bred CeerCl rap gimp en the uppoimstithand epem betroth the stamp and direction without interlering with the .wino`. ..t for the nitorm at • /titer So the ocil within ItO dope or Ins, written or terlica'e 1,12200., post ottce, aroll Siete nod evil of Om envelope, col the We; plied with at the tonal pre -paid rota do whoa thz letter is doilvend to the law of Vi tett Yafah lise&lcer Jama itoadotok Pawl ItliTey GO :ricotta G •Ifellanly Este Gratify. /woes II lictinug,tilla :firibbon Job, Lloilos [of Vol a Chigt .Iteriar Dowsed 11cEllriAJerset Gilbert Llatiig.L tlefut Ltieftia Gaka War) , .41 15cEatl9rn Ittrg't moon Et Demur Nrab L I..?fiddJ • °item, it I DrUerowitfitit's It;:etwe Debt El bt bitely !moo 0 III& latedtil Co i bit rue Datt,,,, 0 , 110 Ileatsantgay En fist" or, Juan D l 0 (Unix Eteek t,tbie,e Eau 11.7 wee title WWI .totsads Wall. Edwd j i• . Ilenio Ail,. • Pealtelete U W Ilejte Welter I U I .8.i15..1.1.. Ir•tm Jouph rem Enewets .1 11,,t. I,:able Iwireen William lil r J e•Lint olle, 'viewed lia,Dice, A Jones .tes .44 Sand Nary A titteton .foltUUbort W kl _ tqle i.e, oprry Jan 14 yd Jaa M Parrett Jc vklt Buhr JoLn n Prank, Lc •d• Brea Mary U Nate, Mager , 1.4.6 an laarUn runts tap! W Britt n Wash 11.rgar Wolf Ble. Wea Vrao.l Itartan Vine 0 Crltal Oa t slava Airs ea DIDA 0 2 /*Saea:Maar. A trattlta Wm R C.A . Ne Aware .lamta tarr. Sloan ROL< P I artntri RUM, i .Lakita ruts Jule .ipli&zs 1:...4t 0111.411 Mirry - J R gratt . h +ma es D Se. Ma. • 5/serare Garr Damltt Trriale 0 ;RI. Margaret larattb Dern L Dcdas Lliba I 6 alley )Ir. UM. Oaarter De Mats Matti. R... Jar.; Swarts la L lca Panel . IRDkralriak arLeal Jahn Ptah; Crwie A • Ring ER 2 1 - 01,y fltatst Lf.•ery A. 1 Thayer AKrr e •• T illoAlistAL'. ' Relay Alt•rt P letrarta *a Ikeamost .4 gal, Kowa Lariat; V' Nazar It 11 Tk n; r frlal% '4' , .-I. irenver J. ee I) , aghty Dant Laid air TS ma. Clkrt 4 Dave .earrO Laglia Ka. !Doerr Ara. PliVfl May X Lreinad Motile PI trio &AA Davitt /eagle 0 Lewla ODa D 1" Da.. Won Jr rang Dra rt rloreut glarDla Droar Farrar Llageay XiMarl Virtu.. John - 8 et W lilll.l Ilan. P 11,11.11. Maar, 11 ,W.lt Mt OW. Earl. Ural J I litlter Dna . vriai....., Wit za.:4 Cl.. j Martla TS;;ta 1 cv,,,a tr., P illller Be. Rabe ; Wrigkt Marla Ferrrettr•Wltacti Dogger Wu; IA DUCTS tie, tk/ I attar: liage, WI.. Wm I Mater .1:14a 11 al....ast Mass 2 Mauro Mary • Wrlrrat leer re...71,11C DI la Ge. Wararr Deily Pagan Jo...;Marta Ar;oie ;WAllacoe LI I. M. Vaasa--,ta:irms 'figal&rCalLcaDro' r rikr..egaa Palrrdl ll , ' li .c a r Dalton. Farman! Dark. I 3TA - Gloala Ir Wm A JOTNT RESOLUTION proposing bon Asmam.o. (h. Cotortftuttou. Bs 0 rosobet ttetots inst lbws If Coprssensisesso Coassousootb Prim.grengs w fhothosf Amu* That the folftm:the, sassodsosuts at: pet:posed to the Co.o . th oof CO,s. too alrsatah socardaaa• voila the pr of %To: U trth a: this tasty.?: Tbsas.het pedistmal suction to the third ar• tick of tts Conetitattua, to a, dosittaabst as mottos font :a fallow" .tramos Wlssussor stay of :he frustlArit oltroton .4 this Cootwoalosalth .t:.11 h. la av noted tailltary strows, cadre a prgalsittat. GP= aro Preedoo.. by I tea boalmtits of Obi Itassasotaralth, ash theta:" Iry astaba tlor rlight : I soffna,.." to all etstivas the sit • Isms., .2st lath so : maths. as ars : or shall be, pre s-slbrd LI tsar, ea fishy se If th• y wort. Trfoltat at their a.aal taaosof eh , trfro " brow. t. $1.a.1 bo twit to2attloaol gorttoni to el...etre - ITIL uttlelo tl.m 't'unstitutt - tu, t.r bo deii;naNd ouctins• club; boil ems, to follow.: °Brow" O. fiebtll shall be ps.uul by tb•liosttlatate zontukilott ;too. abut otw cobloot, •rttich ,hall be otosity.,prettied 1, tEs title, except esproptistbin ttetsterttat O. No bin .ball be mood by tbo litogistuta • thetry po•otro, or partol'onet, to boy C". 29, whore the botbotily I. rtebt •uoitpowers Oi wood-rt. b a. bTo. oe to 13 t. , -I*-17“ , r.e4.-frol upon the ltourt• • y ft .3(.2 AMON. Epaan., of 4 , 9—.4+4..6 !PIS P. st in• Cirrits rig L COnatoxn aavra, t Ilmielatt.', Al,ll PIN! , , , YLVANtI., . I du itify that th• ft.r,nlc• '.21, Mo. ein• cern, tee priirl nal Jolnt nof the ov...ft! ',tem.!, Join% Hrs• kin". rornail.l :thtudGlVllly .a.. tra. 14.• tvici•lna RI, in C .' lb tid• cart. In tnitininny Irnt tint I h••• tv,r•nuto %it ntitl tad 11.• b. sel,ol t i,ar I.`l.dige., Verftric - , of tho 0,1341 %wealth The show. recWatlcto baring been agrord to by a erts poity of the members of each lion., Lwo showman estoas.4 tile 1.1..ral !Lassa - Ely of this (latnetuawos!th, tr. perm.: avelmisetsets WI bonus 1161 to the pw, ON for thei• eulypttun or rriottion, ot. the Mott TV I• L t T 011 tbrcr,T, In Cho yooe of tor t or.s t I.otteaud eight hertd.:l wod slaty-fur,to sccolianss with the fa Dri448311 of lb. tooth witch. th. Coostite -0100, eui4 the sit co 0:141 `go act prror4ibitg the dm sad rates of wabroltl tg to the peopin, for thtit ap• ; roralang rain.. Um or trierliol3, thspreptrol mine :toot to the Cementation " approved the twenty Abbot ay of April, ows thoros:nd sight heating &Id sizty• 4,44. eurso, Secretary of the GoorgoeTwsitt.. ety/tiawdril 011gINAISTE, OFFICE. Welt DIIPAILTKINT, SP,motsame, D. C. , Jett 12, tStl. I Meld Dropoente old se moaned of this Mika matt o'cimlt D. m. on 70 duAlf, the td dey f Magnet, forfqrstidost at to. Sew York Artmet, Dora. 5006 La All, New York Itt,nnhlto. of maro Lek. Superior fagot Copper. to,OOI, tti. of Zee eptiter. mh. dttleorrd as at.. statad; I as lvye sentinel and as rephltj taro; bli. ltdden, atatelhe rat., at which they , tae deo limy. Float of bid cm; be ebtaleed at .7 of the Masi Feet. torten., or at this °Moo. Propotalt sat made oat oo this to .111 toot!. oonotdarlAL OUL.4h7r. it+ bidder ern bo rscotrost to awspespeal hto props olltfr.o, with s ganto7, - ettntd by toe reosomAnif• Ps , nu.* toss 50 610. bt. 656 I. 11165 5 6 5 65056, to •61610 650011 , 65. 65 56 I ha coatoron ler thittllCO, ortY seal mei mg cis of ,111 0 .1.., in • BUM •601111 to 111, Rtls3 I:4,UL of the no gusset, W deism •km rtftla crotteoi 10 clitoral. Ity th the teros o, tilt .d.ertt omen , ; sod, fa ems the tett biddu ebaultl la to op:or - Into the Oootfloft, thy to rah. COO the'Srffermee between stto odor of oddhid. sr pod the near reepeaelb's bidder, et' the r,or• ton to ahem lbe nmtnt-t zany he awn Meth Ihe rettexitillity of &hi - isnorsoton mut ha shows by the rtfidal otrtiSeam of the Clout of the warm. Dattiotrourt, loot tbe.tLid. plonlctAttot no , ds la a earn equal to the amount of abo centred, olgutd b,y the centre ter tad boat et ha ghtsrastons, eta ben potted of the atcossetti Wass or bl,lecti opss etstag tm eantrlct. 10/121 01 GILIllitliTY. We, tta, stadlerdipast s gettdaola of to its ' comlr CL*7.taul State cif berth). Jointly euid act :sally comma with the Ifsited States, sad Yana - lata la oft, the *ingots: bid of --- aweptect; that Qs, Tall at area esscire ths ccatract tit-the wat t wl gtod sod tr... 110 eat tont kr, to a Wilt eclat to the =tont of the contract to tatal.b lb. 'arida pr.parat In condirmity lotto tee toms of ttie re•tlif.' mega, &dila July it. 'al, oasts •01 as the old eras alads•. sod, Is cosis tas gold gh,a; g qt . Iwo acortistt ¢t aft...mat. we goat...aro st teats good the eureralla bal.,n the offor of the eat-- gad tas nett beau resporsthiettomal biddy:. or the Ina= to whom the contract 1:6•1 to awardad; I CHTt2 Cade/ Ott hials imam dale --, tad-. To oat gtrartoty =tot hi' salvias tha * cat ,. Vilest, cant litaatkatd. -lash party earatay • palzart gala be allga ti Staff ti.ao Unite. wits apptsvcd ninth% for atal Lath. vatTO..taloa of Om sane. il l y rri . =e2 .l 2; ib flrfece. m. Viit Naas L. ll Ipal*stiricat testryt..itkkititt to resit Nor isz .111. thittf4i,!ir Pima zt.sell,:re tia arant, Witta•alt pratt altattrerltd3rt _t•llAnatar. rrankt, IMBAtIi li. ItaI•PAT, Mart of °renal. Wallin. - ap, ten D. ThEt, " sal onion ppm& far kart epwat..! r;!' ' I=olloll za.. n min AT, yyhrrtritlt, , .."114 Chang. tralota.o 02111046 7 1 it , . ow*. 06 Gams - 'tact at et ittrpriorAraits. • „ , ar ram to 4i 4* 'Art kg. WOW C.I.IrDID.ITES. lU—ASSEMBLY.--40116 &ItVAT, of the &alone_ at Tams-al:Loralte, NO be • mitt"- dais fur dumbly, Czcza tbe distri.4 lodtb lIVOr, .ti t trOO to tto &dons of tho ra,t(tbamts Cosnorgtirm. r 7 4 -- J•ASSEIIIILY.--Jorra GasiLLAlt, of Upper 81. Clair townaLlp. will be a c-41.11 , 1at0 ko Ann - ably, EU blect to c.l). anctli ,, u a the fate. publican Cry Coaconlica.. m)l7:tt WASSEMBLY.--fiDcopE F !laza, of Sent. layette .tp., eettl Eda etx4ltlete ar ea• ee=bly, retnt the Ittettioe &loath of the Aver, extiel to the Pelatesi of the talon alley Conetettiect. esit.34o jr":II.arE3ERLY—DATo Samon of Up wnrst. MAAJD A DAAD•D the Ur reineTlyzaJa =- sem: C•alry) te • esaA of MI•to Co. Assrattly, En= rha MAl:aw , n= d th. than, AIAI•et.T.4.M• ace= Ad Ma BA:DOM= Coca, Conml.S=. I=Ltity • IWtPROTHCRiffrAiIY.—Gs 9 . reKt.si ivltltAs c5m141:43 We emv, ?rut/to:w ftley, eablaa to th . o dedslau at Ito Mt= liaptiklldsa 'CrttstrCbtrreEttkm 10. , PROMONOTAB.1.—Jacos wit.- 6,cOrkai itaion 2. .4b11,120cr0rm1124 r t"" MOTH . ONOTARY.—D. 0. Hvg.6 "" sill b • eatot , Hot. far tho *Co at !Amour 3ar7 t oolloot to ttbit bad= of 131 tritsos Irogybma_ - • ommuran. 1,0"11 PROTTIONOTARL- - Tnoa. Si* 'ow' will Ito a cutlittots Sur tn. °Coo trt ?Fellatio tr a =ct to I.b. 4.c1 gm* Ca= Bar t MT COMMIESTONER—DA Coalman, of the Third Wort Alley. erSU be o ceodhlata for Good) ColdmEW.coase, waked be am &chino of the Won Soportdlca4 Csnamteors: efoMte .10'—COUNTY COMKESSIEWEA.—DArto ' ..a.m, , . et roast *wort*. 1M toe . caoellada* for itlle. air caw, oatdott to tba &edam et the Eats Dep 704 Coaatir Oadisatlaa- , . lattlfedastm --... 11"001inqr COM:1118810/03111—Joarg ts'Y'' 111,_ot wind. tmastio, VIII be a eacel4 date Cr Muggy OammErnlcear, subject to tha tletteltat the. Mato Ilataldicene Cloald, Occreatios. a11F......t0 IWC.OLINTY COMMESIONEER....A]tom tpasa Prue% of Lad Doer IsrexmLlN dal !A • candidate to the offfosof Omit/ Ci:amilm , .• o .l l •• to th• dorilloa of tho Unfos 1344161.1tan0.nvoation. I bl•titytte .PROTHONOTARY.—Gco. R. RIDDA will Co o candidata tor the °eke d Pothonota-, ry. =Wattkd stoto to the &slobs of the Slant Osarstillon. 11.11 . . 104380NER.--Joste hicaante, of the 3011 Wes* Antersny, rAn to osadldabi tat Onotter of Allottteem Ooonty, robject to the deed. of ttrk wombs Malt, tro3oo Gaon:Moo. itkltto 104)0RONE/1.—Atwa- &maw will be a candidate for the aka of Caranarontdoot to its &tithe of the Itopaltdtaan Cava Oronty Citnertntkn6 itthltaiwirta CORONER.—Sotomox SALA, of Bina tutouti, lon be itarom , ta fur Casaba , sbislssi to tbs doclidoz oleo ljalot Ilormty cbarantitm. cabil:tc TO•CORONEEL-51. O. fiscamus., of Binangbary to • cur:Mate br Cbreare, .abject to the declaim al th•lanisma Sepabllcan Gionty Ctzrectlon. zahtd•mto BOOK& WlLlialfilli. ire. I , OIIINO'S NEW BOOK. Margaret and tier Bridesmaids, HT ?HZ AUTHOR OF 'rho qn.eon of the Count'" ._.. « —...._.0 LT n =ME 1.1 _a7 ota• ottrelats tL. trastol• H girls; • laagetstawatralear of tkta work ta reooctonao la b fI oan ID W.W.11 a 11.C14"tlaS to rand it at tot. hoc. nag vlil nod It wed aurth stair 'rhino. 11.. sir qls sun latartatt g It is Ike history of tb. • bed fdlo.a. gillantqct, tho heroin., It of cows • monis la tha bigtortreats t porbakia D. betty -11.11)J tla stltul an , 4. Was., Geratiattag Latta—ts gqo of It. tool, sod •• form 021 . •aptos.ce I. nasal r, ailltwrses astel , aq arigtaal alum:tor—a gra. tea.—.td • van onsraarg "'not t• A greaS Om: if • :we, and the titte.ol • We dAYEABiIAA eIOVAA AntAti er Ortittet.aa.r for burro. toe owl totem, t t.g etektilfea. rivgarate-tee at.oefeto y, ih• ;et St 1.41 PI CI. ell; totrueetelblad by a. matey Valet Tbe Ilargarat ue tble a 3.7 4 beatity, santuctea, goall4lll. OfiLKSIOII. sod ore. dart AM, tn. lEed. no ob.ry that arena to er:r ma -sry 0.-teta,„ WA* Wisest this tut ttotol availeta, partbaterly tbEtetot the twitr ern, to erlerme 11 V e dO.O AVArit• "This fah. dfstingtriabrd L I%4nm. of ERR WS arid sTAI:i =lam or spiril, .ed berrtahrletabir flu prodsio twoa, or r.o °rata., Wont. ea it bean chars Lta Pre'. Om arch to tm,latit47 bore alorg 104 . 6111.T 1 0Z. I. T. to* We herau 111. r ewers young friends RV* Iseagiratay akar ased_ 7 Lae oho are lawrrated r 7 enniaa of Rana(, vQI &p -p" Kano el er.d box Brad:m..l4a' ..• "a I.r oEn• war. a pc. - elwrity m xy e. prodbud far !big 6'•. I. tSe ch.rartrra an, drawa crost a.lll - Euo-.tt . of torsan Intwrr, sud the sty!. 1.4 antot Al.fikitZT ARTS Mtn 1311T2trVil AIDA'. most p: ore O taw ewer h•o•It, with vat &totals to Loin, ts it it how sad hss tr. fotlews with it,. rassitst. Sib- Lwto.i'• U.vt.a Tallk.salcat fn 1. at HERBY MINUIVS, II It fIITFI STELELIT. at•t 400 r t riatat'. ..... G'. Noe Melri.no!t! n.ekte. ► ath Cerm:es Wheal. KINGS, QUEENS AND KNAVES NO LOSOill 1 NATIONALITY ETZBYWH BHT! FO NTIO INDLE4B Vial" 119:0110[1. Our National Emblems, Eagles, Shields, Stars and Flags, rsalguate th. Emits in ch. emzsiosu VAUD pounaara UNION PLAYING CARDS COLOBIL lIPPTIAD OP VISO GODDLd3 Of LIDEELYT INEITILAD Of latitilS MAJOR 111.5711LD CP JAGS. - Tlnkke Oates we pet ay le ti seat tax. SOLD AT JOHN W.PITTOOK'S Eli= TIPTH smart, 0PT09211 THII VOLIT 01111C7I. ,77). MUNRO'S TEN CENT NOVELS An nom by adrenal cessurA is bleat at itt tine maps t.ttia, It aU tistromanos et the Pat , lnters Grain the Signing= Mat aunt araat4 man haw ta n Ira t 111 spy...Luc, ar-d conraqtrat aatr b scar an of stsadtra eatiStana, 101 l mines, In tb• lIIIt pop ulna maim& Tint slab boob .bold b. papalrar I. say a antler amass. Lit m. 174414 chases farliaa seL errato tba rolloaso[ Wt: WO. I—m. ticatirs; 2—The Tropes'. Rehm.; Tablet Ilighersynan ; 4—The [leap d'Ontoebt ; I.—The 'hark of Tire • ti—The klest•ltaters; I—Jahr lotto' T. =pt. • 8-414 e. Peet frees • 9—The ladles tlrer; 10—else 2Jicetr of lb. Oresa. It—The 114nares Tr.cespli; 111—Ths Oceish . DL WI; 24—The teur Sternum. Its Llor.arte4 dont; 12-11. , emerge et the B.es: 10—vtoe , aperee 12.0.41.• 17-2erg-tem,e4 In ihe themip .t lb. Weals; LL.- Th. Woo Soon* of tbo libontobtai 1 2 — T tis If twit 1.411. e, rest. an Patsardisi :20—The sdttette Us. ress, to tte true/ Awn. LIM; ta...3.ttleshat. DS42. { - re' llooor of the Wlsesasti; to b. tooted Lag. MIL ' Mir paw alb by all Vim Agents sae Loblegb, we b. s itoeipt al yrict-10 beats each. Liana term. to *mato. =mu stub r or., 11PAlass Wm; 11w Tate 0114. ilre. R INE is MARI& cams= ninwsultm ism Maw , fitio,llllll and 111 rreyluvla,Alik t - oanazza, as, " Or ' ao vomairDiaracerism WO Mr T493y49 LAUTIO4 OAZFFIrpOW. IWAY, ft• -"Wise le were:* • Irma oft. ILIVIINTOMISNIBM .I!*=-• DInrOaX,A • " va,K t 'xw e i_ '7:rtft.lnitil 'Red* Otlttle3 OftOM w e ,° ll ", Ileum asAsts 1 .'• frnwrirmilas. VOLUM PIANOS. MUSIC, A'c. AMIL I EOt.7. AGM', NR a BARR,or ali Bradbury Schomacker & Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANOS, Axel satrrm CO.'Bl American Organs and Melodeods, Fo.lll BIS?..BLL'S 111. 0 X11, Sr. OLAIS sr. Ir. take leea.re tsi referrinu to a fore of ilige Lro prerebornd chars trairmaruis is Pltaibetrei and 'Hates ma 'a m ism. Esq., Joan Qat., T. S Be Ban, rap:. Umbras. Jame Bored, req., I %Tt., kayak c" *. . J..R..6111' 6*cl. It 0. E. N. Blackburn. , C. Dore, CrantSt,Stantlat CS., t A-rfcanaler, D. Bea. I Dr. D. H. Iliatetire, Cal. 3. K. Karr, rwkl.tv, Dire,carelakt. lifrireat's &cake., Toneuretairn, Pa. VW Posh licYariand. goat lifla. l .l. 11:•Ciurerety. - Ikrinifsighau. Dem Sica relatatts Iftecin.e.l.l3a, Cratafa ?eat, B. fietela,trant Ifrurprol..o. Bateman Oa,Al?gbilty atr. Very Bar. P. ptutv.a. to A. 4.0 Erato.. .d... .11.4101. Bari De. 7.11 kket15.1. , ...., Toot 1,11.00. ~ • UcOardy, ' do. • Puna, Duladeents,, et. ,u etafor Orb yura. 1 iler &dry alcionifiband Plum in as and cal. 107 • . 1 CB itrgtarrNO ~ 41 F AU; - - SLIGHTLY talcum, For gale at so Len Om Reply ?dee! E=l dpiendia chickerinf Plan*, • Zeatital askireed assortab basdaoss steedisp i rood frost est k curses oared =As desk, to. 'Taws ikep 'oat This listrameust was aliaNtly Stsosiarsd cs thscssoln tniatpcsuattos, wtacia Breda Us sppeasswes last tattle. adds the la ot tatwisr is sat 4 . al i ar a ad tatsci. M 9 Is gala pea TaMI "I H 45 47" Cir. clams', C. lacuraa.oit. St WOOD Min pIANOB i LIABNCYII3XS I • vary larry, ersorcvszst Nue% sad 131 Slots Nral cal Inausatto, tartar by 1103 , 311 AN It, HOLYTI ok 00., 13 No. 53 Stith alma. 11.13breaotd Mud. KNABR'S UNRIVALLED .v ...;•5- t • I PA,J3ZiO£II. Aim Duos]) s uotrar, THE BEST PIANOS iILADE t ima by cabstarrp mam, 431111144., iYIS Sea kienst far Pittloartb s 4 CARPETAL" OIL CLOTHS. tif e. MTARLMO. COW OS & CO., ca. la A.ISD TA turns =mgr. , Sat P. 0.. wzma low Bass Jun is a anal lannanaf Irnaiff CANTON et Ea if NATTIVU. a tbs cannoned EL P. W. ta m tstl.s. The grain - tot thin moats fi cum asepses:dm toa , by any other cu t c, latadt-d. Undte.l Ireasktity readers dans kin dres 49. (I'k 4.41, bast elm kat ircoloid s few es. mainly mistimed bandanna otyliam of Fancy Plaid.' Mattings. All a? w latch hare lot bees hada, aid we. therefore. the Flamm , sirrniras re ram stasis,. Oar la . =at Cart ot rat U atOl ratrarreara al• tout or noir*. .a woriggl Omar offer oar ortrcas tho breed ploy t o math vW agora. SINNER GOom. CHEAP CARPETING, r 2 T ZT w. t.m no: non o oigar 4 404 Maial CHICK tad LOOT MATIIIII23, At pekoe Wow thorn Ms Itotera markt& tots. Sba ottoottos it tIIs pabLts b oolloa to eto aboto Gtr..e.o. nt ibty SURPASS, LN WEAR AND ISTIrLAC. .air odor CHEAP OADMEMISGI In the DOW. ' . WAVER VOLUM:OI & CO.. ITe VI WWII( STEAM OURTII STREE NEW STI-IXI WINDOW SHADZS Fa:MUT= SEM DAT FEW SPIIIIS6 STOCK C A_ IZ , F. El T B, OIL CLOTH. AT IST!0 ALLII IiPB. ARPET STOR Ho. fl SOME IHMECE. JITTOR.IrEVAL Ml= RLL a JOHNSON, AT.LAW, ands. s. rimers= ecliptic= !num AGZHIM Eiomtior for WozostaftllLrer toltiotal is from tea to m ton days. *. ° g me. No:n azasT rrnarr, Coll with again, on& two vlttwases. . Wkly. W M.D. OALBRAIT)I, ittorniy a!ti CasellaNat-Law, 11,111111IIT, Ltzratvia Osrmsr, JAMES LAFFERTY, ALITORNEY.AI-LAW. sac at proaptly attandano: OEEa, 116.10070111 TH MINA ator Ckesqt..iltts• - spaitltiatar, mom9E=3. &.oAzzAws carlnclic. No. 98 GRANT 817131119. Pai . QC t g __EL • tiCHOTER, -Attornorrat• ,IN00.4:10..uo-rwria isms. ritu. CLALM" deleArTß. WPITNDED ISOLDIREA w. L a. Hill ,PArnmson. fear Mm. It-15 . 801054a streaturlttabcrip. ; • lirairtipoi to imams Ist ROO Bondy 410` Woundedioldiill• CNN ,woADO.Eiviunat • * I O O ._'EPIPFEY: - .. iriminiiiiegiO*.e. dew ostaiSi on Ida ,- litittengh" 3 . go *pip Erb volia me ram! gededie. • 7 la Va: l 4 3.ll.""tizad. figtairgh • 4 poi - FOAM ; LXXVII---NO. .90: 1_ 4vig . TierJr, ff44L6& _ VALUABLE NIOGSBAT ALUCTIONT.;• . ' Tlmpeor CfrAvut *A. st s atioak,. aaatall Sawa! .nia MMikaftcah Gs. 713. b eras t , st mallard Salfanal eaak; " , naa.k. • Id dz. A l ma. Iran Is 0.,? Allttaleay Haar, . Of de Prato4lstnts-lairtties " • hal • • A.;MicaItALIII Laa'r. LOT ...KR , KRVE IOWICI:THINLOK It I:511AT LT131150, Atraat asorls comm,ralat eau, Loam.. 54 'lva. area, pyavitar at 4:) , pbaal` G. atil t belatiaag 'telltales:aft or maw% Tixha et..atttl, aka areittite3 :mita ..atlatal9s at armed, la Zeferta.TattnstelN , .Ita: ' ?the Babe May' I.4ta. trmtbar.4 &goat tba nor!' littalllataatt, art rtilattar k to!. tftUtrtalscst. lll•itter other Italambo bred ate flu's:mints • Id Nay. tall ttr lycat J. B. Icaltr. 4 . .trsaa ear . ‘o2lilAtitt 11111411 i r TtnisDATarrivia.- - Attu it II 11**. trV. at t tbriallagunio Oillesikaler. 71.1b' thctt. Ilts" dailriagitirat ,Erlak Mal.. Nos .0 Avissapta 01:Yd4ope bow. f Tetti's CEirreb. sad at Wirali ceotySyt/.11.11154, 5,1 FM, Epp . 11.102 It WPM remit ira , Dtg64 l l llll . l 1, 1 14 44 , tb ta8c:IP.110 1 1 , r /ItlChallt b Ina cant, sad usidtioa oxen moms, matlat tar 3271. Taaaal—Cra. l i nt can ~1 isoutlff,, , ittna Tanta, acccred by bad 601 m te.3 -- • - M.onWA*L Asa*. SI. A UCTION SALE .OF; SONDEMLNICD awls • .", • W"MA"TmlaTONtiStral ziallr . stet WM .o!d of Pottle Auctioe, to tko at tbo tiout itkrplacso soaked tolow, ftz lolsome r l'a.,hairdoy..l4ll4l44l4St , • ' • Veitafne, Therlotas, ids tin. ISSN; Borrittortaif.,lboaday,JollUlli, 4ll44 ? `Anoint", ra..T'ttrdtg.Atttat >xt - F• 4 .lifiglosuipett.7ll artau 110; Inat" tiro Btz4nd (.44 Cs.ToAl game aim:346.44A Those 'Homo Iv* tom ezadoelog44l,ll aleph C.o.sts7 niceoftbe o•nor •d •.‘, TN. ll.md sad Taros parverisaiaTlVldlialrblaMPT I. b.& Zulus .1.1, duly. d z-1.2 '7. Totto*Cosiiin Zultat Etallo'corrooxv. _JAMS! S. 7.3etdesar..t Goland sod VadocStoortistsotio, - ty2nooll . • • ' ckTolerßlokog; DIrlDEXDaih , . 4 . 1 . 4 ' '''i . 00.rom or tin - r ttsioYassi Tea L..so CLuoLos ;Sumo! - - . • IlLtgargtf, JO, Wk. • nivirosax—the , goarrocutreorairbE .LJ 111 Otioyany hare thla ; day, denßlYl4 MAMA of t..% P.ED COST. en thi manta thaptificugParka Stens of , the Company, yiknitkin a-Golenrsit cr 'Ana after the Srlt of Ann% proxisty.6l..tlts Cato ottho ikapsny in this elm =fat tbo Thisbe Away, Wisalo.„l.a.neer tOs..lß&lnilrollitlsoVier To rk, m tb. 81.0 hotd•ncilfraistottd attn. ssi_. .Es•••- clan. The rf. anger . Bata or. thsClompitaf nala cn the Ina of Ja4, Balsa, of eax4=!.q. clowt =LB fla Cob thief &Apia By catica of tha Board. - • jrl6:tanV W. IL 'LATIUM Etcost.iFf • DIV iDERD NUJ:IO‘. ertiobsosa i .or/Icz at Prertasiaire *Morton Mitten 14 ,; :1" tr . ratabseshe Jake 5:14,11114. , a. ; 74e Dt..-Intisi GYM, Ilestaci Carneisty bats declared s Ideldast 101:111Z.00 Pllr BUSKS on the Cfsplial SW% offul 1.7 - sterol et Pe clot of bedastrinr Ott test, Chang pozable h> ntlehradars or their Iva tspriat ccutstlant en and after 111111f8Ddlf, Ctn tth of ansint posts°. Ecatera Snclthntdrrif slat Tata lee thate.Lity Stead .?.the Cdf.co of the Onflpsay. Rac.2.9 dosed., - Csaftm,'ld TllO5. httve • DIVIDUD NOTICE. • .. - i Me:atiaJu S l" UMUM. 1 C•p(B2 EWit..--.-„i.. 4 .13.1 . . , .... i 4 , ' 15a Dttector at thL Oozwi B•y• MB I . ste=b 2o .- ..•,' • Ditittad cl• TITO (5) Pit . Ctn. cm thellai ....,!. acct., csit,vf the p r tc3's at lad mottlyr-yspli•to 11.1) , Stmlicleett on .5 !Mir TEITYILIDBY ) tbp115"5.53•1"1 By °Aar hf tt• Baud.. , . . -.: 1;13:Iw N. W Mr/STILT. Boartimal• t '.., . ~. DIVIDEND. . : z 05.‘... eumorr. a Panics OS Cp.A.Cr -.' In eeuth Stud 4., nab. Jul/ 14 /8 64 . ( ll* Macron of Lbs tilltelory I Pittairsr. ..... agp.,,TO lA.U c le r tleglat3l:Crat t tf 3 R. rair - a tax. P a y 4 an sad Oar th.l.S . b fait. ~' -- ~ , istiaot WY. & LAIR ! bicritur.. t !•:,' DISSOLUTION 13. dfc ISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNIWILTr.. , D; holasesidp bantsfors stisilartodwrias A. IV&BB B & AIIDZBAOS. E. If, ANDES/NM 1 sad B aISbaSSOIS, seder tla ssma *Mt etib aV. 1 A. aTAlvil A 00.. Inv dissolved AO Wh, TAU .nottas Awnvesos yardman lbs wales et 11. A, C V sad Iv. Aida lillfols la said ez slisdra of Ow Ckets.ncolc Lomat,. sad At= .I.,siewl Poverty, It& saw flew assevologida Masi* - of all ditdo doses Ow tow of T. IITA=A11.&,&•10- , solidi/a all Mita dam lea Eras of T. A. SWANS r . Co ems . sow will rowels as busfofors.. Ifheadilld • Ito vwy Mend pstrassge isslca.ind to *soil Ina, : wspostraly s soullassuwo of We sostetvg ars Am. IL A. ILDDZII33N, I. V. &210113011, B. AZlDlSidiiilllfo CPARTNERSEIP. —T. AI EVANS S.J and ?BOHM A.E3)1311.5012 Awls ills day Mut • • Clo-Partostwela fir les papaw of estrvlas es les Olws Bestow. la this cd(7, =dor teii den Imam of -.,• IVAN!' CO. cvdsrs tlas&fally , or-MA - govintly ottes&A ts. LUNA, /7134 t TIIOIALS tanotssal . ... • nISSOLUTION OF FAUTNESSare, rxiberhte. beeetelbse !meg:3l6i =de •Ww..e.4 ve.ler the stile of WZMIVjf Weieti Las elst.r..=.dal& IfirEfigto SOIN netlike trete nee bum 'The beli• bees Abe occelioned bean% saber Ms Kelso"- • bee Oates. WIL lostrerov. tAls z t . ifail9s.. • reabb•Mb. fee. Ukb. FASHIONABLE DESIRABLE GOODS4;', GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOINNG.' T. DIADI~ TV ort.l3w.R. IN TUE BEST STILE AND DIANNBej R. B. NORRIS, 79 FEDERAL STBZET. Allegheny: ' •• ' • deklmini IRON CrITY coumpi, • 'Garner Penn and SU Glatt Street/4 ri • targe.t, cheartils and mat noneest Business- Man COPLOge _l* Ow 'gated. Bligia.:: = ~..,.... etknlicti sitar and airline al ismi them -, ' ~1 .-, ';'.': Ft. a~OVLeae, aataln at au .ri►E+;: . banild4nes. on nnitnintnn to th•Plint/pitt, JENIEVIS di 811111 W rrnisstataa4!: ==;- segnsitscrala r _ - perYx.dLTD, WOODS do CO I .• , nratortamizsti o=Arap strqicrotaanto?si!, rO., Oaten La. parchaat ay 00771'11,,, 111=.124 . /es. !ally exe , cuttd. BwisleAtention Of& to dapping. , ' Bef.E. r . pertain:on, tett Neon. Ihtreenwri Bennett; W.!fr7aat.' Sees IN be.ter it 044 -due" Skid y lalnford tte... fee; • Benitt7,, Woods jaisaigmal P St/UTZ Ird SIA. prtbrruas d i /. 11.4111111 -Ir a Intassits os =sr* • • -•- • IAS; itl3oo,laraie..k;•ti,- r wiaitifra • - TV *tAivir C I 1 14 : 1 - 317 P . P 1 'AteplaiLTlAl4lV olll kane : ' • I.l6ll2iSiri 1tr0.% CirbatOVlllaitashistilbelar fa se alley rim Dismal/13th arimd . rDlassle.ll , 4bA. 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