--eitt#tifilturgh (OReettt. 4,4664 ADvbgnstim B ATES lIITISDIED EATT[!. 75'5 05 $ 2.1 uo 70 D. 1 i po i 1 151 * i.. . 1.. =': : 1 ' B ° 1 400 95 405 2 - 2 90 770 4-9:„...t -- 5 09 a3O ego .... 789 409 609 2 TO UO the ... 11 01 COO 769 400 Tnetciaonths ....... 13 751 7GO 915 4 70 , .1111120.0165..,...... In ?brit 13 55 it ce ' - ItEoorzatbo,..— 07 vo l ls VICO 10 301 06• Yee........:.. $ 1 00.16 121 53 11 051 111fANCIIUBL11 rtr attr. artsrmatotrteL) —APUtr MUT -.. ka litittrotrttiostasitts bier • 3 • pro, . I Z 2 9.1 12 0 1 u i • 4 704 IS VIM 17 .uu 27 11 45 2 cOl ,15 T 5 10 60 . 117u2N)41 ' 40 P. :IP CI; .24 5 , 1400 Zirist docbbs Nn above rs. ODUl l oacla !Ascalon r.:7MlTFrtikaffirents. pas trip— , • ILlMOitiVortidatniarstoro•cotkes.. 414111DCIAL AND IMAIOIAI4 .41ST4 1 1F 1 19.1 1 314 1 xxxirs. (Belated epechili tar ttu Ptrubnme ousgt...l _ warreet ) -liiifielialiiOne; lot , T nqf FO n.• rni orbata! • bieg Weld hr ear to-day, but the price Jemeaili efl; ge,tionis Peateerttaralteive the •lew. of .ur re. 0124 wbo to riot eters disposed to pay °etc $l.OO tut Red artesl4ll, taus ,1ttn4c15,4 , .raintta. t'tleAlbort...l of Kant laarty. 4101/11.4.11111Catte, and watt inTtiry, Pe! 44dat z .47,1e .fitto tad dna ,and" Artatatiaa ' 7 ".ftgotilitaritai l7aliow, from dep44, 51,5, , 51,Y1 waud ion Ana atan. OATS.—lbtawartaa . ..ii to .41. • an.i vtop: f ro,!k OA T acounci, no i ta A.m.> Seraallalalaap - 4 24(0.1nub In dltsrent Irk,. al • and Vto busb, from it., At $1,47• irldtJULL—Cottioft qnlet, nod, tonna, LL. r. to no demar.d, the mute II arca scil etropet? be zee (allotßiau meth* start of holden toy; n • 1 4 1 . vic, eke." small dm of Extra ism ily, from store. larAillt eta accitrding Wquality. C 1L 6t oo tito...zorhat.t, iloriox i•ii: • litany dart. bet the tree ry trade been ar dull aa st al 2oust. no tit, demand ea woe/ ggetd, rb,. _:• oroligdirder.did Comae to have an bv1.1,11 atnr.r •ntfVely, 4o frd, boron., as pit... are COLOA MAI ti hor beer. . • ellatot:OL Char+, O&M , V.,,.rrlrteert scare and -rather dun, bet as the -- AliOCk (tatty den reduced, timer, re orr diatraelterra ra•aittard try,licldtri so mate see else., Na con • Orlogerliqttoto at If, for vhoulderc trili;al , ,,, for ribtrerl 'Crlder4acd-leedeN for clays do: ItiaLN for plata Lame: 126.14A•catorarxd; and - 231er for sugar cored. • ''grfrt tr—ls firm and In r no/ dnan rd, cni strictly /prim rta Sales of to r , reltool at road tkpaishal Go roo pt., rtirrael.gll i. 11145—Coatinoo very doll nod neglected, ttroagh Wags 11115 pendaally nocbLortel. Roe mot lour. .;coto 'Lot Ilatt per des. •11--I•lstreer sin+ • meth:lord fare ivbbing Illend, awl prim•oalocud Wrist, na Royer,' roll readily tics city cm - lend In One., I. Sea t and ' plot mambo rah. at ItralSN. dal, of S kegs prime 11116109'14. 20 . tdreviy, with a dentacd fully o.qoal to Lb, auppli o ,psio• I.l2 ; loadi from' Kolas tiO -to $4O per la fait deman d and Aria bat prima» un• Abirtigg;;", bolo sato off di; on track, at 1F3,0).pt0 : ,,,,MIOLD.SUULT—Tbora Is • moderato demand" "Tot , Matto, and an actolotalarlate• at 18 coots for qt.. ttilkis• 1%) meta for haloes. apple map to quoted 11193e16d lAtErallcLa. • . rittabtagb 'Petreleum 'Market. 56 , -Thate was no movement stunt:seer in PO txpioneji.67, aid the week closet es' It opined, do% taw!! art4TaVirintod, with rio transactions reported; ape it~tY.ipoeitibli initalested on the put of borers to Operates. 210adumea la gold and the improved ardor temedesTazk am , Ftimok.tx the mutat heat work, sal that arras peaty of room for improvement no arso rkz:mta. .Indeed, the dealers In Oriele Wave calm:COO tbat ‘ oolers there is a very deckled imprort twat Wit frw day., to obit, Mere it to th , .!ready a onsliiilerstile nnantlty • . Sits ilia terwatil— ida there hare broom. traatectlseis tatirtiZe for retail a wrek„rad node in Itellned for user tsrblito - 'll7l, to zits otiotett , ins, as thins iptsh.Oitststilik:llh/hi.. There is an Imp. nee feetttig to Booths. thorghois f.t 11. rr is tot tatlo .leinso 1 for net e t keiriOttisin intirtat flatly as tar .nerd. .tdattra,litapiesiiproted firm at Ss Vis7,Co p'r tot. the •41•-chrs7 rarer Jetta; the twerart eta bocis chi wog this es olns , ars= NUL.. s ILtie ....... 171 Value & 0i.a.0 ..... Olt I. as . -- Int el. S list:Th.lJ. to! It a It olloair.a.reia.i.—;%L7l.ll .... New York Petroleum Illaricet. elleKr.:ua Obratob to (I,: • Pftialoufgh Ga.tetto. !Ito •ti ahliVai - tort 11,04 at 51.. tbo tb for • ling.tobu:tthl. i'rtta:d iubmd 44011 but lhos an ukubbopcool—noK.l un tr. , grit and - hh f.a 1 u.,,00t. i no `. • (fr. aft , „ du I u..d n toin.2ln ha kin f"Ar • cueod n. ,! f I •!, p: • lifts SVeatlisr and the I p.. • olraeccs.so, ul, ./n,. stai••%-i• . pa-ta te. work, Rat,, w r) ri,..arf t .r sat ra..w at', andwa“. , l in ; ,lar. SUnt t..! tt.t 8V.1• 11,,t fall eta-at .. ,at,r • Tbn catn , .1, n r at this. to,* 1,, .r a nand., of arn, L a sw'a. . . 1a1.6 .- Titl , the pr. ago pis;,.. 1 ,4 4411 La caloir; ,ora the sror a I•tu • tlt, s• ••.• •• • • a.reiset C. to prj.,y `l,••fluz, hi.tt to. hater-ter 1,4 I 'ult.: •• • " I.e rr l!.y.‘tfaan't -.1 V. •tt •0.... r. for. •a, •toro.• VW 'NI 2:lc, that t r, gr , Li.l- far •Ter a. .2 of a i.ttla rd., on, • 4 nit, ~ tf,,,w4h.i .1,4...1.4 all caft.. aad *bra Dick It.s• pa; :rho, a4l Ate. .iota at •r•• .a2a, (bey ionic t!t:rllf.; liars tt We war I,•d r ;‘,,a r • •ga.rars, V..441;t:n (7. ti , cr.tal.aatlax Let.t4 harrtst•-1. - trp, rthr rr TM. 0;,,,A irit• ver tor, It.. u•nal Von lit. a. Ore rts, Ihrr ie • very p•+n• coon that, thn arrtnif« paat,d. (etc tit otatta-s, Ihr nott4.l arnannt planted Th• . - curly onto Eava ae atli trrept appie, •al cherfiet, nal th-ss are an ttfrrior tra , lty. riat.indartra goad, vanadow• also. ...den ....tablet Ito ansin. Isas baca gocol. Laying „ar , tan ••. -thing twerp troalf.- .. • Lasalons, Werrr'h Ornaty, 0., July " wheat • ' la Chit ra.anta fills • liftio chart of tin, arerv. • 644. bdA.C l *Yi fornrevl la.many pl.. by the wittier. • edo—a Imo inionnt a oral; creel genenilty thick on " • •Uilignalttni liddalreJlllll.l;.ll,o,noW all _cat awl area fall crop, rafo ; isti pot• Ion, which b bola ontratifelY illooted a ttrifro ducal" , soniaritent retsidad n ihalr ..• :crewide,by .tbildrylreather, bat hare apninal a inn. pr otaiania is,peszanco sloe, the doe rata are h.l on ilfsistlay bat- lheoraas crop, to some I 4stinsallslit, I. bnlng IfHI COO and pot illy to gxal.order. Pashas • rrr • r' •• ignanrally amt. Gardens, 'bleb war. to .60. &drat ', "Aired, gionc42l • more ttioerfoll, appearance .tam tns •• nal promising. Plan) fell Dona treat In the beer =Pier plentl, WO. of the : • • ' iarpsidaira, .not plenty, thoosh many shoats and pigs .• ' . 50:1001941.40i,0nd , la9g.Gqoperlinadittestarksi.• : • ' • lay ammoe t tbe alat•Than of this county not twang oan• SCIPIII-A4 14 4 Cr *n4. , Pdp.r at0ne) ...17 sh 9 ndkote ••• • ' , San CAW • blg pile of It Soprani:Lea ethos:nonfat Ariltio•itta 9drking annt gogorfinitlia) far a f•coilp •••:',-• • .'• • rotor.* hat( noun children. ..::-..:-;':,',•...t.corrtsporakcat of the Union Asti anal Pros, dui sk, ' tadonsi slit, soy ;,. • . the excenair• dronib ice harsher* ertffatin; from to .•. • , Ittils Vanity. as irell as • mart evirry•liona 'etas' , I coo • boor Ones. atnl consjogira. Ws. limbed -a filo Showell r.r.-afeatn bat, "likertarle obits, Orr and far tartiosaie • •andanntry dry sod hot lathe .Drib/that the moister* 7' 2 aotoo cdplatilnilm.arni the heat motional to inmost: • Tsely it rosy fugal.% that • tha I ..... as an tr tea: , cad `iihr Catthe, Lin or • Th. min cr,,n la rapt fly• -• Sap.Kd. son. aa 1-I..ass af ruler-von, Urn•tt h,• our principal aliplr, to bring thontilla a , e 'roma. fitaafartnar• not I. pretty : • • good Nand the cariy par. of Ow seine, bur the ant- • ' martin telt itnto r cel,p..s i ralairilingi stain, sakieb tm a . • *as . bps to •to "tawny" to enable thorn to tot • itYad 'not writ inirtat'sto der the or.t f•msble dr- ' moristarcpy,becsart:VitiiCoosplate tailors, • for t. goo iota 50,... 7 Pot high, and rye 9 ' • bight. groan an tar farm Warkington township. ••••‘• • 11.11.m.v*Pmar us la each - dell, cf nnich lii holr ' Oj r rrllle'• tLbos (leap air Pith siyar • coo naattoir has ben a, hot sad dry that potatoes, coca, and eitroen aides an h an, tawny iasnre I - ' WIS how almcokaulocossicanipaints of this ravage of : • tdiag:tr,,Wft)-9,thaLtields throontioat the country, • • la (onto) Taraliahi of rt e •27th a•yr: 'During a trip ttionsh northern plat a? Greene :rms. ty lot yak, wrinuted the appearance oT the trot. Ihikrist. Ws Iv owl the 'host harveetad, „ N o it le stack.. The oats into looking vary • watt, andereticabont. ready for barren. Tha its% orla ; • r ent,. rend„teni. d0ie • y3.14.. Th. cornfields nano • AOC tes t. J , plod a. oasis"). Om, worn. tau tai amend eat apPoirstico . traialitost nott.raly very poor. lea .arentokLot goadaniathar could herip• Barther• Ars forst tools of non isolcion rary.iretl. Many Get& ppg 40%,, r 41¢17,,110 , tonnecip of Bath .aact Bssver Orosdatitsarnany nano ti dd., ald the yield of corn, Itka ';- Matt yg so to be totter than eurcal. On tea ••r w o o ly. elf - fats Lottcr crop of cOrlt it.. that of •ITharnalerdtlinr. smatulkserp is or..te timely this' -.2 • lair. totoptood will fast. Orr sorghum crop 1, also - INten ccsn its for •dollar per. bnehal, tit, far. 'ffahn prefertiratng that, vd; baying Oitir =ltems. '. -, 41;(11 Oleo are woe good tieldt of sonbtoa. . •PDU6AelpLla Se ed Market. Joarltts-tbl the crop to the -interior of thio Alan acing to the dry weather. hag canoed gnat aci ae Cfloadoccondfqr clorciwod gad prloas hen advanced acatohitcahlo ,-with but - 11ktle offortag al the *dram. Bete rt Satfathathato/aric ruo , Ortoft. part fr om oecoma ' lamb, at $12.14rr bathe Ticzolky_to oho ocsre - o . ; j o u wow. pith jsalco 9t,loo..bulbee.ad 7536593 pot Ofrafeccod thaztofa9L awl Calm are light at Clevaald imr tt Obeli wet'lOO bl,li it V entries (warala Jtosit amuse _the sacket *OW okualuttioarf... A wins'az V0.41130.1541ter., itigkittuf isltq4ll49lPs; I • I .e..t.-.., f- .. :•••'''..!, , ..rk.42:i'1,.: - .'. -- , , , ! ; Vloar..auolfaraa, I N atm * la ONICACD. .. r 011 BALE--0041..iiitor* , , . . _ .. . Th. !abating a as gem* of dour and grain isi OB SALE OltUr ;:lausti oN ,hers u ,,M ai ,..i l OA Setarday, kt,y HA, DM, agl urea. F r.,..., v ita Du an roo r ositriginick of last lirsitt TAU AND 3VIIBIIII, aticatellti .th oilltli bar ells MT, so go oil WaAhhigtak . gook tag ar "If . 15 -11 ".. 1 . 0 7 U . /1 " . I.'ll4n:ch. Molting NO 111 Abdo, Rom Ito Pecs, blets.—...--.....-.......... -!Hues yd,kie lesyroseinetta eel:slat of ••lugs Desilhig. tam Wk. ". b " ----- --- 916 • ": --4W4 ' " I. 3 t/. 4 . 3 / allei.,_glot thin alba Tra Dosilngs, Carct,t0..4.44.-,.....::..1,7124 0 :1 04 .,•L' i (irks Pocking limos, a Large Ditak Brea, 40 h 7 44 Oafs, ba.. - .... ..... . ..-:-......—..—.:. 3V1:33 li ft= ' with eten:rho staldhsgan I orchard of the bed is Eye, 1 u.--,...,......,„_,„...—. 11,93 2. ..'' . '„ 07 troll, containing COCO tiara. The bun is well Barley, b 0............. - *....... Vent 'c'" watere with Bra na= %utter. adahrctoi . according to. tha above taiga, there ir la. re [Mut i y r rouh. i a. T . i i , th .,„ G i na , Li g. unn , or cy .„ docbleitis tincont of abcal la store 71W la Mi. c/ty w i g,. hap ttrro ared a. year ago. The some L. ''..""" 150,6i0 apple Trret-1. 2, Z and 4 years old. 4.lecrairetwithitandinc the short <rob. ghl• ill tha re. 22,600 Peva: Troch—l year old. salt of over • cr4dati I, by which arks, tare hoe, rm. 14,000 Cherry Troe•--.2 sad 3 years dd. op to inch a hi that it TM Loon teitsard m a for ably" 11,000 Pear T ro ve , dwarf and standard. pars to take Ito The old witos3 to stcya ecasttt to tw 2OW , lac. Trees Wooed Woes lite am crop mm:. L, and here es are IO;CLO Shade Trees, aorr tad. le the middle at Attryyst, writ*/ 21C,OPP butt/cis to store. 30,000 Eva „a - 1/ifeeeyi Iva, 9V.1300 Grays Timor. • 40,000 Seedling Peach, for bnd.ding. With a Lugs arnotasent of mall trait. hi. Punt alai "Nursery' la effort - 4 at a low yells and terms racy, to which the special tdraatt.n of capita Las aid soave, teen it halite/I Apply at the edict, of 1313 B. M.: LAIN k CO.. 102 Fourth tenet. 8 $ 1 I to 4 Its I. 2 00 1 ) 2 50t 1 3 375 40 1 4 55 2 300 130 ; II 00; 616 i b., roi 606 Philadelphia Provision Market. .fxs t _,—The matte& prwmaily arctic , . nay rota -G ea, let Ilttle diryonitiun on th• part of Innen ar w Iles. it operate to any extent, and rater are nominally tuecharapedi Itlne3writ U quot«tat . s3sat2 for thin and heavy lute, and' little or none here.. Leaf h also eery .oiitt at eniaZO per btl for °catfish* and tatty mind. Bart Lame are beta at iidt.M. a Ith.mt Wee. 4soutt move. off Cooly at SisetT for plain Ntid ifamery Lagged hem., and lenle)ic for OA:sliders Groan infanta are traree and told abort d a ta riot. of Ilyare. with tail rat" at IYaler salt onfrPickltd Lams, and lita m lfao for eLculders. 'Lard in' firm, and (taller lintel Entre ofharae arta raln.rted mustiy of aNts al diettte. Butur is itt owt., vnd tro ptst r,•tis,yll anis sod Ohio Lora chatipad Wangle 2,, for mallatta3l3 t a gal aal cliche hat a. Mn an a c • and r. rm, pri fee ra.g• ten at `.. , 1.21e I r Kiwi to I tame. err , an L.awer and Gat e at tiet- p.r • • 111111101133 L • one time whelk west, u vs, kd :the adfUtlitt. su •DrB66ttiori -- 76 .• . • tirrstraan - r." W. 713 ;LSD LlSlcaco H IL, July huh., I eu: LI de 11,1;4 d Nteerart; h I.llw rtql.. , Jchn P. I rar riitober, John , IlLillzr, 44 do. by am. Road a Iletzaw 1:19 bp wheel, Den Wallesx: bble: H 8,,a1b l ~,,110 LN.lf nr , ertkeovn a Yo‘G.Lenp: I emr ;metal, n mr cr brad: 7 car wrap,. u, A," , loTe Fpormi•el 1510(47; bas chem.. I amber, .1 1o;pCon; 1 fhb, J , he .11.4312 t r..; Rae., Seal D co; ti *a. I raga, Glvdtrey -Qua; 24 b<lll broom 110 Se ., sc'S. ae.GGGIGKI.9 GG;I:s; Ilia vheu , Ilrotra • & tr, 1 le , G^ 11.hderagt1 Dru 4 t•Gls 4 dm rbutGr4GG LI PGI4 whltty, John I &Mega.; 2.14. , i10. 13 W 24°11431 - 4.1 tSilp ar, berth lUD oai Susett,..n; J H Itet.tt•u; 11 du du, a•Tri.c..r; S 11,rivec 4 La.rar;:tputlga,T. - n .44}‘ r-q G totA4 , r,ro. I. n V, igt ACC; MurroA, 1 co CIA% rs.Glly $.31, PITTItat:.I.I Joi7 -bt•Ta %rat:EV27.46n A- non; r. baba wool. 5 Brad lay el,: 101131 - 3 S es., A Meatier . , 3U et4e lard oil. 12 A raiLlaiotiark A no; tOu Rlda,J T alet.otobtio It do do. t• Ivo gor A .on; W a lt line hart; 11• aka rays Illotilittongb. Saailt, A rag 2 cart brlgk. Iron, 56,0 .t NO. LW. sill a, Veto.,a Arm do, I. W. 2;0,1 Ao • .la.raga, laotilro, alark. 4* raga, 11 4LI. .crap Itoti J Atinota; AGAoll t.W. J Gr.; A roil . - .lriclip I el, llsoliblvld7.2 benh oaita.7.lli tin bah 0va.... A Greg , &y.. AL. untiil ti.+, .110, 7.3-1116 log, orbast, ken rely A bro; ala nitapaon 1in0...1 ear .[.Area, , C Y.berbordi bt.l. e.,,=a•J Adorn—. bal• 0h....., A Lap. part; 1 211 Lot tc•-, J Peek; 7 blila rtes LA, better, Willey A Woo, i; 2 ; tgo 1 ester and ...g i p. 11 flay .-.; 3 1; ho.olives% (I Kelley pkg. broter 'nod eisa. W bro-aoi. t tai.l v. 2 ba. ain-, 11 , 0 a Cilat•tihal r; I bbl Goo Alb try; 2. 21 ga Limbo., A K irk 0 r...; blots N a. pt... lb.". A Leitaxedys pe bas cheers 2 keg, butts, 1 bit egg*, bhcl.. Sunk g aiptra. 'An t. Q.11001'..i JOHNSTON, Dealer in PURE itittf,S ANL tiIIISHIOALS, VANCY GOOIS. DVIL.NTSG FLUID, OILS, PAYILT or start!, prime quslity, uhloh to oats et 'cutest 'mktg. Come-r SmlchtieLl and Fourth erects, Pittsburgh. PrelrOuttoor contpoasd• ol u .11 hours. Bd FAIINESTOCK CO.. Whalen/le L. Dreggists, a*, mazalarrurmy of WHITE LEAD LITILAAMIN, corokr of Wood sad /front aux". Plttlobrlgh. mhl III.:URGE H. KEYS ra ER, Dist, Mo. 140 Wad rtned, corasr of Tvgla Pktsbant. • TTE BLUME, Dealer in Malmo •i C AN4 II I444I9IOAIrENSTEDMENT3. Solo afoot Fa MINX 114C0.M P 11.1403. RAISES 11808. PIANO. and PIU CEA C0..8 MELODEONS. N. 43 Fifth oorpod door stern Wood, Plttaboret Pisa* to la, and taken . Is rotelmaga for nos. LAO II • AND Iit'SWAL rearrSIPMENTS, •a 6 .10 isgeras fra STEIN WA rS (SALUDA/MD P1A503, `Na 63 TBtb•Gat, Pttt•bar;L. my eDonlar in „..r ItUa t tipidYSS; En. So. Wend betvess If mitt. Knot and Diamond allay, Pittatmrgh. lA'S UWCE 4G EATS JGARDINER , COFFIN, Agent for the . Franklin, Fhilatelptais and getienaa Ituaranas F luatpanica, Northeam rornar Wra - ,1 and Third ant. Vir 1 . -JONIA Agent for North America, TT • Fri, of Pommylmola, sad Hertford Inaaraare , Conspartiath 87 Water smart. P„A 3 VC,F , L,_ RNA. Seeretary either& IR aor Vrant,hry, wren Market and Water et. F3l. GORDON, Secretary of Nh'etern In • alp.. Ocimpaa J . x wniH amt. 11... BOOK, Score-troy c.f Allegheny In- JILI • Gam,. C.,,spitay, ST sir , OST•glit. ME= JOHN HALL & GO. Have trzcsfed their PLOW WALIUSEOIISII to 121 a 1113, coma Pitt sad Liberty CSE/11ADAMS, Denals Connelly* et 1:04Cdlog. turner of aced mad Grant Argots. , itrot.oroh. Ceforoore—Dr. Ltl. Porlfwk. Dt. MM..* 111. , ..110 E. I bin, tl 0.. a Loot oro ORPHANS eALri t'Y „al._ (nit, IVP , 13 PLOPR , TY, L &WILK PCZ. 511 LP. —Ori TUib"Al 1..4111:1: PO. nnt..cr , a 59. Ist Wolock, to void, on ha. pr rn l• Cr rs.• tdrd Pte 1,,,,,ir.101 GeV . •• • ..1.1 +not tol-eseh Pctr....ed,larta h ts , baron L.La. 1- ~••) ^tie ,^ .hmOrennted - d ilia wale 11. t's ~ t rnwtot tto • a. rst, Itn, be•II teat 536,. tucL, p .td. d tt I •ha It)s. dttl L n ha rah tam.-. • • - _ t.. 1 ; i_i 1111 f 4• V r I.•ley. IrLot• alt fr,t a th tlk., A 4,1 ....nag I , :a. • a tit. o 11 1 to tsp.:. :rtaog , a t.t.l tw :rat r:clat Olt , otl.ad• at tail 64 f.. 19 :.r.olfra otoi t055...4 foot. If 1. 4 ,4• • t t . 111, 1 V' t 1A64 rty •t•aat, fold , a• • La I, ti• /. It' ~u. 71 C.: , it L.,.l.pth II Lett :7 1.00 . 0 lose,. tr..nt On Pena? r.o.t. t 1 Inkbach to t kait it.oLb 7T 'a -1 xl. mote.. lot lattioa oa. Ino 3aLer. i lo,t sta ..nt 19 La..• e•clt 21 (o.t front oz. Prosy sl.roat, wad*, t ttitog la to P a• ty 1 . 47 taat Lot fa ,1r.c!.... 1.1..•t0n Maul At- a'. •ad ott• ~oft sag Eta t • 11 •• Par , : -y 1.17 t. 1A... oat. tt obt.ida4a at lAA* asa.ra An 14 (h rirrot Ttors or. :131,1 oaati ; o on. sad ;len oar, .141 111.4.-s4, oreorod try bond and mortrLp. INK, an 71 5. I MYRON' CITY F }WPM; r Al' ll 01P/LAN (OURT4BI.t: —OnTUC.oftAT STEN. 11 , q, A ok,cnt 901, at 8 o'cto.k. CHI be told, st the 80,- "roortlat V.. me,Flflt st.net, titals' Cow', .1.4 fad slog esleable rit7 progony, be-co a l a to natal. e" 92 it cMI, Bar.'B ; de large t tan re: nor rj Liberty ttrootnai ; iny aldry„TOcutina rd ors on I.lb. rt, metnoo. Wog bock to Cbarch Jan!. • b non 10 oractoi tna Coat , surd reit WitzeLoor n. 8. tit and dtl. Oro large lit In star of at., on cotton of dtraertwny earl Clot b fronnag rd foot cn 9..Tairbrora *ray, uno onpober. , crrouni a thred.oory trirt rmoke BOW/. • o e t Be.*, a Ma. of dtaable s&o—One thlrd caoS, and t n balance to ono And two'. pars, „loins latarort, wean by bond and tocvntage. lyalgleartd ' A. Ofel.tirslarz, A,w7. FRUIT ICND SHADE TREES, ETEIRGUEENS, APPLE: et bat. Vr,, &De ors: , th. isle rkro La.. 1:4,A $./01,1+4 40, nth I..ostir.i. 'Sr La.. On! , err.% rko ;Carly Barret's: Ets.lo-•*.r.;:0r.1. 1141 :1144 folioratcr. Ostia. King of Tornp • kir, Mat.4..l•landl linen : Saco ambo, trwto.torn, Tobraolr Smoot tholtb'• Mtn. Le.. with "v t l a V at . oc ; k iz ortltßr z lil . aliST.Pa&CHip a n: MUT. OBKESUOtIBI, PLASM, ito., oar stock I. creep an .t Itrdocrounta to planters or otiolarola , porches... Creek, loft It tier Orosir • boom, C Pittrtrarzb Omni, will be, promptly ottrolod to. JOEfli WITILDOCII, Jr., briutoor Pitubnr . .,O and 04.1000 tror..rto, fiIk.DLE., No. 133 SIIIT2VIIILD XI ' • n..:.r lat kinstos and ffintrisi Instramenta. 4.01i11 d 1 7711)14.0.4 11 Una sinactennat al STRUMS. vtor.rs - s, crurrens, OLOUOLIDUCHNS . be, Wald bet ori e l eve UR , vac.. laSktomdl t) Ii O EX(.I.I3ANG3 FOB :Cl7i PIOPIEBT...—Thit LIMB DWELL- Mb, with . grout& att4wh . . aw 0313011 strut, thr. wady tttwybd by tihtiiwii `flaw% lat. 01 INI Etzsiwitthaot. Ptribilas and OhthiaillhiP la Its MIT M ex Ektm. YAZD. L. laxisini, triaids • lo;1 raver stmt. Viitibwrith Volt BALIE--A Lot of Grotuid, at the emus . of :Wulf sod florsonor ottioti, to Ili Bolcoat of StfO3lngtroal. Akio, ow Os or= of ego Dram Lod Lfooft surto, litifttO woo/. leM No spa tido inithrigablik AARON FGOTD. .04 Oen.. Mr sat Irani* strati 40It BALE OR SENT—A - y - ' ea rn o r Is =Dans tennaldp,: uttat.alms land of Pet= Piediamet, tad irletda thud Waco a U,. Psopylesels Zama. TAMP t1111:11411b* - • What door eras With. co Gram rout PEWF—A FINB STOI4II ROM TwoRIK awl 5.6110, an 14 at **lto Dlb. moss, ,ms haisr4 stark 1113•101.0 li g h t o 7 7. " TM ' "! ,`°° d 7js c tars . JAW Alleginsay pusna—too tug ciaoti=el rot sal bus s—too taismooram- 411 , 00+3 tr 3 Riatruaqt DR UGGLSITS JI - 41181f3 Cre. KLEBER Es BRO., Denton in Music 11t1E.Ilti1 4LB =711323 D E.MTISTR r FOR SALE. OAK AND PILAF THIISCR A tr.' t of 7LCo ACRES of Nue and Oak limbo% caw • nirat to lb. eft regto., L offered tor eaar very low, It ia kAted .e roils Waco the Allegheny river, al Corydcd, fu !damn earrnty. 0.1 and Iron Orr tr Cor', *ad thy for In, la arloodratenairely by Om No E• 412 00liaity Itlrmaterna Coal Co., a few calla from the .cr. torts. la loatioca at ret.tvloWn ate mid to by vrelbler. but ne raw:alt. - Jou have beer =ale. F tare !orctratarr on •prltearl. to 8. S. BRYAN, to TOLD.TiI 35.. Barlsis Helldio4r. pH H ALL ♦ t CDURBAN EEVI DElitAt Ito late toelderrs of the ger. rr. In Ile. Clore tt umeLls, suet Istyoai M • attester, an!oothettod *XII tbs. lienthreor &tattoo or tr. Farstages Sae set y. I. oth red for sale Tte.o tee tern ar..•ts of gruttui abutted with the chnte• eat trait ; h nod a regooy, • large Orlek alstens, eat we stLfetilts tepee q/ eroray voule• al two hedreate. he hoes,. cctaterms Swetes root.. The stable has tsetse for • gardener comacted With It TAO 131Iijkbetr Itento Is iterate, and the now boa the balm ustrur• ;Web tta beauty.' Apply to B. U %MAL Brul.er atd lora , ante Ageat, trig 51 hearth street. Banes X tallith& VOR SALE—A 0001) D;ViSTRE'NT. 71e stter.lic• a :he. waling • e.uttry home 6 mat d to • COCISTILT MAT ASO VIS.UIT FA.II.IS, Bon pinned Lr .Is, Mooted ttor. teller front Attegbo ny City, mod one sole fro. ft. Perryr•llle TN, property 1e tboroogble looproonL Good Urn* Retro, floretseer HMV,. Stable, fcn hove, and other out bstrio O. Tirol., nom of flee loud. olgOt of whlott Pretutott, of too b,•l froloctlon of hull, of 0,017 variety. It is ore of Ms boot sit. for Grays to the oonoty 1.11 ries* atronly Kt pit. nano of ott 0 onsno r nearing. —Far banter lantrtaxn - qt.l.j 4. .1. W. WT - 618. jytftive rhototropLor. fu Erth stree.. Fos PALE— A Farm of 118 eons, ir A: CIA, township, Westmonetssid nmaty, P. LIN , . • farm *I 110 =me t ill..a•Lik tt.yreahlp, At ley-vent' eonnly. Ain, • lams tyro -Cory Britit Roam awl LA to tte Einargh of Wnt lalsabeth. Alf., • FARM Of -141 &011111 4 . In Yeranlo• tp. At legbeel county. •bout un• sad • htll o Itm loot of to. borrAill el pica PI., •t valuable PAIII4I Bt. Cllalr to.albty taeA d arty, coLtairsing Use sm. Abe, P! 'BUILDING L le the be....thib of \reel that, th, bt , U 7 IYO feet, Tot mak-dare thqutre at De. ICI Toneth etelet 17 13 G. H. L TOWICIL Leal Iltets.te Agent, FOR bALII Freedom Foundry Property. The undentiguted Oren der nit tn. above 7cuadte. nbleh be has r ted aD fonts end eteleAnd convenient ellen for 'Dundee, Baru' fant7re or W. Sner-- baneg tso bulldtcp. The kneAry bidedlag L 001, stilt t, gent capots ne it, tend a. 1.1 a {Dud duke ; 04.1 braiding le MAKI, with • VW 414. vane en• 7 duct ey dud., sleek., eights. tan &ono due. intro In attecluA to It good etzblea Dad then LA. ttho, one goad TOTAL AND LOT, .Unreal ye Ken atreet, mid pl. ce For land. pea - tinplate Impute* en the pn..1 .1 hf:7:l4 J. B 121511 AD Treolom. on, IOIS SALTI BUBLIRBAN SITES &Ns ILLAGIN WTS. orbs roar fientes.—Ttit nte ftendexed, Lawton of Ouestets of Jetta BYTC3I. d.: 4 offre ate web • scan of Lots, from OW Silt b two sons mob, droned neer Ton ILtrows, and„wlVll3 ntr• toinotew er.l2 or the tetntotte of !b. Intetbarget a 111. Denville rowateger US way. The above Lob an becafferly twitted Ita prinbe re‘tda••cee. oleo, • cumber of mill Lola In the ellage of Klan* rltle,ltrccttos co tbt 1%-aeoga litellwaq—they to stet, feet boot cal Ora one to two Irandred feet dec. rce tunormat...a souxtro N ottb. of Mk ..sdar egnod. or W. A. AIWWI% Clectl Overt .A nageos JO D. 131.810111. R. O. 1:11110.03. Vtil4 SALK A FARM OF 11I0Ei, ,LIFIVI LA VD, Is Diarr•ll tenant?, nitilan ear, ay, Pena.. on xiCr fr ?clan Li, L .narie lbeneL Canna, reictalateg 111 AUkitel, 151 DICDP/IC 111.44•••1 =MO been . clean. Anse grid nu instn ; ban lb G. . I' pan .irrta! nate ark. Tbe imperaina nista Lig Amb tlrwq nal Da, Leg Dui, win nide 1 , 1. cattle. Tin In; is Av. barred, Anal la, <lova . TL.. IA IL,s • de. ID Di era fin rro•rl 11's4 en be run ere.; •bs• id tat I,:slisiar dine Ct. A ,lj a, JOIZt altal =IT, or ns sanest. A NM; Dint DD. So. lib Disand strat,Ples , t • 1 1 011 BALL Una taw Staun Enana a. Ir. cry tula, rirvka. as brary tr. trod telam.•••• va..• ;,,ventro „. <V1.1,, V) . .s.zh J. gok,4 ak a... 0. 7 Q.:ule. LA z`autt, l'rrr Uroxitst 7,41 . .X1 F^_llo. &Ira, Tine: .1 Coring Tool, Walls Use, kr ter, cf IL Et BO LI •22.15,h, - .7 Ear.. B. occr Cobs t ro —A t arns of :NO S•rrcs enr. rt yr, r aria Qat , Itre if *lon. rr ..1 M 114.1 at pr vela Crnl Ir.is rttltUrsi Su , kt.Ma. 9.. ka , s•qro) o cn rJ, V or.tl 1..0 • gtrod SAT ILL. • lc. 4.lALur 4.1 . - • g A flara stn) frt . Lrorr•::lt • )1. ay. .• r t Jar psr! o,yrr.Nme, Li. beta ~ r 6aL Wall, al r.l .ta 1 ,rr'a It I. L1C1.T7., •F Tle.a , r *lt, 7.‘ 7 - 71 ri R A.LE , -TEAM 1A W Mira r ), f I ray 119STICZIIT.—Ttra on• . 4.1 , a •a•i. to so tr.: Itat t.rtr SC4 rte.. haw 41141, •itt Tao •a 1 vas aer•• r' tr. read:an ataa.lattc• of and or. :al lot— oat. tiro 11,1 latch aorkod. Ornate at I. allogbaai 61 tat sad L.Whom. fur ado The ten I. my sod of utArro Loh& The Bah 1:91 , la 1.11 en t tole, awl is wail Iterate, baling roam roattlai to It to tat tttoo• Qood loattirit Sot lialll9/4 hate. Tt• pulloalora rail DT tb. trolorahrnoto LYDAS . L (1110EPLNIILL911, K-Ottl 90. LI 91J.,1 etrort. Plttohotlio, Th • VALULBLh ItIVEK ettoPsair FOR FA annr. It••• lm it—A. inswing • ":r0..4 Jim at WI 64 b 11,411 adJultiug ma • , ,-nanaln• 01.0 road, ccotatnin3 I aces sad Ti perch . '71. - In 13 so a4mtrabia rant+. As enmaatosnartaa tarring 0. - • ears in front and paW/ oUsat ane rallresd in the taint, and Oat diiU and batLitap %cam emir& Tar nusna. 3e., an p:3313011 TTIOTIEI, an pr 10 W. 0. 300111.0.133,13011, Ho. LIS Diasann4 street, Pltuthargh. fi'Oß SALE—A VALUABLE FARM. eft, j watt' !ek Rests. lead or, ant)', Pe .'9 Mire from Pit. neigh end 8 en In Dom Alwebewy• Ye ewe H. IL, at 1.0.13 . 4 rrj, eautolniag ZOO acm—aboal ItA saw I dewed ;SO acres meadow. A eu.l Dwelling limo r sad e.ew 13.11 Barn Thee le m ...Anent Mont or Amin term, be m ncll "reload by near bllth erzengs. Vr, eV mil well to dl ride Late two Wen. Toz IcAhar pettlo4an en.q alre of EL AL OkIIIIMI, ro. 811 rulers! !tree, M. 0., Olt,. FOR SALE—AS dial/in Oil Works, II Grads Psis*lira= Tank!, is paw calm, imbstssatlally lum alp:two Mabel; ea lass ts mu, Sod sal meta, scans DO burst, gab. Apyllostios cosy trs 011 U al IS. Smeary Anagram( tha OM,* In Pltlesprst. 11111.111:70g. I WHAMS sr .01 ts - 1 . ; ; 11. SALE—PENN S'l'N ET P MR- A A . 7l.—the tfirreator D•elitau, contsia• Ing aa rvoaA. O. If rtow•t. with lot, havtag '!tarts 0(.4 ti *nano, mantas book 110 CEI too: to lone , ailonr. 'nut ;Our, to an natrulent location Cur nuattlAttattat puryoun. ILTIre Jyrr.: , f T. A. MaCLICALaND, /Ma draft. liOit BATA. A TBSEI STOGY BRICK /101:MX Cearaining es :cease Acid ban, bested es tne ertrA , r L.K K vo De - Ct. AB% et, Abn, ntao-s , rr ZEI ttilta 1300 tilt, A4Jelnii,A the etpreee. fronting°. Lfigmtek-sii The Afar* prop. rtl edit b. rule moan sad of Bbeitii tete. /tray.. et T. B. INUttfilr. Adger. At Ste of 111Arphy A rkges, )) . 1 • er Oreet„ near Irony. ER SALE--A ' , wall 0/ 110 Ammo, in nes, tenenallip, Beaver • act), sad Are mita troy tb• chile elver, on which hi erected soon( ...table 413. fitnat 60 acres el•arcd. 134 goat trail tr the. plaes. F portichlaz. ma lair,. of o.BigaTalaNory btaHe. 10 Dlaronati. all•gh••• Ulty. Fos SAL E. ♦ a o &DEOZEI 51T,111103 / iIEIID6IOI4 Ott tot. from Mr 04t,. alre Okto MINN awl cositivol.3 7 th tv-1f o Sear tel Ear • apt"), to +Arno w.4l sort, hvat 11.57 star lama. tLET—Por 12 /ears, . IN A 01 rONIDUID TRONTIOCI 3 uOlO LA, AROMA ay OW, ow th• P V W O. IL 8 Shope, UM los' trcct by At Leo. nimbi. for • laltalina, Doop c_. els& mold. or W•trtomotolfbn , Apply rt Na TO POPLAR etaliff, Allestetty, or of tb• ohs. of . UlOtf /Al ZENO: `SALE.—The entirs stooli and iitares r cot 11 intablleDl TRENDIDO AND worms IrrNINVIs onered fez nip am goof Mhos LosiDeu 'Am= An ivarthar sarrand istienknOAD,S4 fee pultorLdre iisxm oktmot kmr..o.lE 14 Analluiej otty Pols Gam , • - Want - 1001UPALB—IINGENE aro 1 301L101".. r • re pewee beim, Ina Iltider. ots Shill as alr*lss q tal,a 1$ oar piLliat , _Pais VC% Mania IS 00. 1 PROPosALco pßoposAu3 FinsmATlicßlALB FOR ILL SATZ. NAVY DIPAIITIII Tr. Reseal , or thectewenra Asa Eicacrrank - Jody ISM ESAU D PEOPCIEI ALB to forestede insteriale for the Davy, R. the ye. endleti .trinL. Jona lAA will be re aired el the &veto of etiniptcent end nesienlting, oath the I.lra DA Y OF A6368T, ce It, It 10 o'clsee a. at,. wren toe bees oral be opened, 'Wheel regard to any a c do ft utiou of netts or cileor canote. Le acaterlale sod stink" erabtartyl to thr Jtseoa zamtd an risritrynsety deer thrd In the printod Jetta, Wes. eel of witch will be farolehed to oath no de- it to Dave, on orpllcetioa to thesectamandente et the re eye.. the tarde, or to the may risynt tennis there! ond these of u!I the 3a do coat eppllcatleue h s ,e u e thle elleAhn Into claws [Ohs for the coureatore— o! dente- • to meet, tort, perthent only will be ftroltimi no arc actually onpilln 'or We. The cutoromoilsot and navy aeon: of earl, coed n In I.44ltleve to the art.!). ek of laves at th. tr own porde, have it r lir of rho ertedalro of e a then yeerelofor ea &colon ti.rly, boat which it rosy t• indent le helleor It will he .hairotl to ...eke app . !canna for eel er the elven oft ov. Fare.. meet Le mewh let the worts Of the oleos at IC) yard open one of , he Fla td ache het., or en eerier c.vs. Levens therealth o - they alit net he a!veldoe.d. la °competing the rh. ars, the prior slaty! In the coke no of pel,e eta Lr thr eta nand, Sod the earegitte of sh dent will home th d out seacedles to toe pi Ineir strtoh It la requested a 1 1detcre to avoid erasure, and rob. siltation el Ilsurre, and to acre that the =matte an corruptly torrid out. 3bateratracto veld be *warded to the lowest Less Ache bidder who gives race, eeretrity for Its taltnlee-ct lion basest remota. the reset to rej.te ell toe bles for any clue, If Oren u oiah tart. /1:1 et tidy vows h. of the seer, beat quality, se he dee !Vend do tee navy ;nada In goad c. der, and Is rottatels enure. ated yoycloksr", rrotrrty tweed .!11l the muse of the low rut,r t to the case Mal too. at the exprewe sod slob I face Matra tor. wad Ito ni reaped. satdr-1 to the loorua mat mut rem!, welght, ita, of the yard whale eeestvad end to the entire eattetectlnie of the eom• to or doe t (bore: P. . . Stdp.7l,ornpri.- , T.+l nr.z4ltat at tile ragpar • Uw w ia tag, hatioet , ens, r p.stleatar dr safpalaa ar taus; ocd otl o bta (Wort beieg pol mrin tr, be 'Otte to tilniC 'II enatlfsrb..,. . - - I.to, oattr. r•ontral by Iv. 00, Ista, •“*.p, ,cd 11 • trolttoo puetratl, ttt, f.asto at whiz!, Is Litzlos Ut aria, and rho Or • tort/fiesta ttt "i tzt bl uhttlt l' • f t t , t.; 71 ' 11 ' ...7. ° 7;0 , . `br Coil la It • alit It blot, to trnrosza to famish ;or by Ittßdosit algt ell y tn.ttlf r.d Irv:am , n berm put. tomt•tsolo malt. rot mdca1t.1.4.4 tort, oath, to 'n• osttu .Itegot • t. or roan!=i Boater to, Itta artiol. to °tare to 11•10 j a ll= oso MSC LI u.ottatorttr •ealar. There t ray net o fr,11[167 l e eceepi..l trip be q.t. bed. rod tic 6 , 00440 • I be I.rvl , lllCod w 10011 them. slyer ito pyre ii-eltir,• Llott 1 1 ay roll be ow:loot to eze• rutu ithlo trt atto• oft,r ins rootlet tad 2a p.mi otbc• or t tent o;^er ty Lima ty tt m The ontsmotte rri.t toor date Itot del itt rtotilloatkm b Alton sod Lori. el • 11. to de,' .11C.4.1. etilei:t , to ILO to" =taunt min bG I . ..yn'red tart to the t'ot.•:l, cad I' Mr 'vr4.4.lolllty t•rt111.1 4. LI • lifailed dtate• diet. Ili ju.tse, Chattel et to dterrtot attorortt, et 0 ,,,y at as tteeltiounl tor rot t sot •.ti b- •ttlaretd tnust tar oatotatt at the OW. 1.40 it. r root .rt arab.m how, b=ra a yloted ;an alit y per r 1. la or ...hill, a pro. dto trititr ,tr by tho et rounonttoete Of it, resrtuctly. y•ril,, will Co paid it, tic ccT) "mania at stln.ry—an't.• 4itrortd 17 o- tro - tor to be hoLl •t asott.or 1..409 tea titty• tett r carrot. oh. ham b to tamed Ly tho-Seort t. ey f lb.. Ttrootery. It I• • italalotA tr shirr >ulna t that if &built be toady b., the t., •.. I tt t. rtht ant, bay *I lb, !utter. cmt.tio td IL au, dia Ltd It, is it,, OWL t, or thr florally a' tiro. act at me pro. .Lee not la that coo. •to , •ntr.tvrt.orl ht. tare. it. a.. rot. tt d t ttr United theors • Into of 0,,i p o t or, touti tot. Um ....Li et each =lent, mar he to...rote.] lose Liao tm tkostoorrordin4 to the .1 of ttc.ittreo In that cos. yrondrd, 14.p10v.1 Lima 3. It li. _ . tio L de LE•r more Lh11412 ore r ar.l (9,1. t4l *slaved ia ,41. 61.405, wd Ire rams mtut be C.:I ctl, 1,1 rre.4 dc.•• PS ; for Mo./p. - I%lv f t the inr.l et in.., • •• to lb, fl.ict of ifs Purr to of lvdprot ct: end ILL,. tag, :icy) nt. I* cal , Ls•tbli. D. U.- Srl,l. b, hem • 11m, man be el.y nee by a of a. mnti,. I, -, of -, la Ito State - or. to ftmniolt o d d. Ito.r to thoreeve - tiro noo, yard, . l' thy uniciaa nowt) la the ciao. to),o sunray., se -en atty to .Ix toselea no of onto Idol tberatar, • *el la e....Statalty mitt t. ooloortisetteot of the Hunan at Nairrei.l am! ta I:tp, fated J o!o Ilia, IP .1 obcald try eller t. ar.pnal, I mOO,l to boo addronad at and It. en) , tact oect to the %az, do,--nt at -, or to -. fot st(astazo ..1 to: tt4ylo ty,anotn” ) A. 8. Its ortteolo t. r,inb Ib. bidder • crlns•o ems! b r • Ato MLA rSor, and .ac Moe: tkorod tJ bib. 0ry...• sot. verb &stick to tiro ochedcl 1 OA. tolco igrotot b • ook lbob• s o, att, rte t. .P 001, mod ll , * st oraittoa In Iwo 1. I! , bo. .-be Itko I,blmocu4 • rosiAo boor • G.ro [to Ortlatto btoo Csltvorod, they swot nun. Iv link beer to coon to •b , m crool ro , tiono In to Co do/hared. 11,. 117 dr rgrowl or —, In lb. dr.!. of :ILL 4 II --, of --, .0 tb• Stale of In, on so. , .1., to c•-• ft. lor.C.lug bitt o 1 yofft . f:anr. %b... tat.fr.nd 1.. ...wpm 1, ho or do wll • Ithin 4444 tsp. war It. 1(1 , 4.1 Of the c.O nt tf. f..t .Dew own.nt ur v 07,0 0 d0w,..0.,4, erwxte otrs.l tw tb. rem. with crwri ond waft 0/4 4 1,3 SCILLII 4 4 4 , .00 IC r.. V., 1.44.11 - .114. L• 11 to • hr.tcr It Vt. 4.otract to ItAttavehA, t•thrahrtiztrt• I tatthla Its tltt:trrht, trttasett e: tm mud tt-t. mitt:2l m.f t..shrt.d • •,,,...1..a0.4/ IV R t.t.rhx.l.,r• I' 11/ 1 1.. t. 1 . ..4 t: • aio . ,• --- C.., ri •• trwft • ! stits it •. • , G H. Case r..t.tt it. 1:1,• C...t• • Plir .tat I 1 ru.). tu. co.. Nioy es. 71.• .11-1,••• .t tEa ',op. =133 l=l3E=l CI .1.1.. t'a P , ln. L.•' .4, N. I', L.-a r. 4, I.• I,ns, *.r In, Tay, . Y . ri , La. fv l f. L. a .ty l:• 11‘ 4 et ; b.• GA, N. L.:, .•r "II an 1 \4.t. CLISLI ‘704.1 , , Ila'be NUS.% ITN s • , f' , .e.••o • 1.1 Twit , St +.;.oru. ,N. L I , • N., Iv, hit. cs, Ste,. 14/ 1. SOI.. )1.% •••• N St. p d.O ./, d no .• , • . T.. S, • L.f.,.i 0,1. TortlC Ml= CEIZEM s• ", LPL VW.. ..tt Pit • It 7 t.•pri.• 20. S, to Iv; t ,, vetc-a, Ph I^ .T.o 11 , , ao 1G cut I .1 An.; . mol , I.rixst. l,o ; , • , Mr a II P. ii t. p . mat,.• tor, ti , vdt 21t , •••• • n 4, N... 3.. 0,1 PPILAI , I:I.FIII4. 3 . Y.N41.11.V•51 , i. 5 I. lIN Coist., • J Trt , e, , vpi , U.. ,• •R 1 trcr... 5o N• I t I: • .• TAU. • , e ert..t:; .5c .1. rdar.r , Ct.... , N. , 7' /Ire. toc4 Si , It, / e . . 7 51.• t IMEl==l=il • t 1.4,,, N. 10 Lo.th...r. 1 . .4 1••. 13 1.3• Irra .40, I.i. 14... 0 • .3. Dud ru, . N.. W, e 1 1.1p.0 TS, 1.3-444.01 N• 127, Dr, 1••••,14.; N. SL Older, 1 rem. Nn :'ll. Irt.n, 0,0 11 W... 1441.7., Ma, L•• 7 1401 43. 144,7 0144., 1,4/ 1..143 • pEuroz-JA.1.8 VOR MORTAR 13111.:1,I, ~, r;;:%7At D St .drINOTOU, D. C, July edrldO4 ' . IDLY LCD PCIIPOIIAL 9 *III toL rooodend et tato oat.. c BI6N DO V, lb. 1/1 day of koosot 1801, Ls 8. 10041 • It •111. LI. to be deltterad‘t th co gtotat 11..• et the asderouxosd itrootoolt, 010 • A. .34,00 Ater lad, el tt•-•tiltlfetve, 50 0. Al Ito Vretoullot Ano cal, Door. Tool.. 10 Old At Ibo Noe T . olt Arvnel, Goverttuee blood, L. Vert . 0) otto. ,et It. 411.0.0a7 Amens , . Plttodeuet At the eeototo.o r..eel. P. 7l ;vv.! , ft , too to to met, of *be Mott or metal, 000 0 wetted edit. tbe talcs teed door. In the Ordoeete ele , ovl, the tor..l7eetron6tb of tbe Aron to be sot Ws abon l ll.ouo pmt. Welt. They eft to ' malt auctoersoo todlt the trattoctloto glevo to the 001. 01.00 t'reotags Cala too seta et toy of the United btateo /tremolo. Ibe locket/1u era to be inoted et no Notary etbovt to• t. nod arc t., be delivered at tho *newel. to,. oberp for boodnett. Odder.%tits OA rate 01 *Mob they win *Ho .ve e ranore to male doliverfee et • epootllivltlrne .111 seb• Jed the coottetetor to • forteltaro of the ember be soy foil to dellerr ott thet tit.. tide", .011 &tete topllcitty Lb. Atonal tte &rowel* where aft propos , to deliver, and the ottabeir f pro leoillto they loop. , to &Liver et cod iltoo. o If foe more thee oaf. Ho 1.44 will to avoided hr. postloi *Uu thoo r.roltr fonzotors, or propectoro of Works, lotto , oro /worn. to thlol'rrio tour.% to to ropstlo of owoottog.the •ort t.r,.vote, -way rut: obtolotn., a ra, • rl,ll. oth• r Mao TIM.. east to the r woe f• •w• ••11 to relootad, as4l tke oontrset roadoroJ call sou >cid. rents of bit owl to fibtaimed at Otto sbor.oomd snot rola. 119;oFolo not made ott tLla lona will aot be couttrr ed. MT= Ttebi.Lior wilt be required to accomysay hi.proved. tint with • ;natant', rimed by two rooponsiblo per. can, that It cast hie bid is accepted ter sill at o wn exocatt the centre,: Cur the came, with good and suill cont mettles. In • nun own] to tho amount of tho contract, to &U tar the article proposed, In oonearreity with tho Lerner of Mb stilartlsouroat end in the tha said biddor throb, oat to ootw tow tho ocotrect, they to auto geed difforoato betwooo lbo offor of arid bidder and the volt rreponettio hiddro, or tau parson te whole the tontroot cosy Ito awarded. The rceponefhlitty of lb* (.mice meal booboo. by the cattle, aortif,coto of rho 'Acre of lb. morn t Mottle! Coat, c r ci the U. B. District Attorney. D0r.41/In • sr. 01 . 621 to one-tenth cf the mecca of the contract, ohm+, by tics ..enactor . and both of his guarantors, he required of the seemed bidder or bidders upon Opting the contract. arsaerrio. We, the ed, eaddepte of to It. berect) If , and fiteteat toad recteany. commieorftb tho union! Mtn, nod guarabt., to ewe the Innerottes bid al - - be beeepted, that he or ten aril. irittdo tea dam after tbe acceptaace of ..td bid, emonto the ooatract for the mice tritb good .od saddens anatiro, Is . ram owed to the maramt of tb6 coatraot, to twohth the settee propmed in conformity to lb. tomato( the dean thernerat dated June li, 1611, ands attic!, the btd am =diet sad, to ovo lW mittt shell fell to satx tato it contract.. alaremtd, Wetrat. to nue goad the Morn. borrow own th own Ur sail sod the DestOotrost remponsibio bi .0e lb. woes to atom tpe Otltteeet Mal bietwarlad. Wttabit, y Woo mamma heads andinnee this —day of —Add, To (hi, Rascoonis moat be oppeethd the officiel ocr. tidal. Oro. at oord. Tea, boot, obtobstrity • ordtrerl on bet oblygod loon. .ter tato d, mill arrayed mtrotleA, to. He TaLthhil Opnthe award War. mminisac.tell 61404,1 1. 411 aoteled fonstobedmlthlteoutrlcootrocf red lout _VW Awing.' :noaritribtbe nen So rim oil at ell I , d. ,bf etoldotosed mlYfaao Prrio tob oildzoo.o.t.to - Plllgollor - Gourd Input ty WAVY, add at Oidmmos, Wittbiaiy. at, p.p.," earl aftt be, motional i• traporsll Ihr 13.40 bloriorg. Peliptioirttass, or 0 Ptettela Itortari," so tao 5" . ‘ 9 1 be . tlololl b. titinti, wowing • We. liogo, Odd of PrdOulioo. PIROPOi4L B . °RON ANCE OFFICB,_ • - irAS DWPARTEINT. WIJITIERTOS. D. C., July }fth, INC j VIAL= PIIOPOUILI 4491b4 mem! al fiti once untrt W EDS' MAT, Assad M, MC at 4 :dock for Turutsltingr I.Zereln:Pnlnanos: IX) 10-11:011 81=1 MORTARS. GO .1110 H SIIOI MOSTA& Go 8-16C11 ELMS HON ['Ulan. r 6 MOBTAtblb, bro.. Star 12.41.3r1 awl Ittentitaara tara to be made la aoa fartatty with draminpartdrepultlnttioas tow tarntabed by t)., Orttaance Pry arttartst, end ar• to b. sta:art/4d the mat. ar.a and prvrta.g. Wore bat.; ra oatrad by 1100 Gata'd Btatoa. The trAp.ctiot 'rill ha made at tit, (monde, •lvtly eatt thAlvtrias taw; b. .t lb, lattimlag tat.. , ta t—Nal I r. than t•o crtvrta.r• or lvt•ritscre on at War. tba :nth any .4 ttoro:rabot, lit-tt, and at a rate 01 1.4 tote ft we or hotrit.V, t o, yrrx..4 tb.rtattar naafi the et, t ir. n. to, r acot.tra. too.: 'or la d.livatott. ['antra to male 1107 , to at a twelfttal blast, out oab -1,1 ti. cor,tc,ctor to a fura , tturo urth. [lamber be may fall tc doh,: at Mat Cato seat protaxalt cult nta.la roe raob arti ' ' ' t•• • . N. Vide xlll G tototie•rt.l arum N olte. other thno for-tare or inter 1. tors of •h•or.k.ors to th% to 1.• tet: obi^ cl eterctlatt In th Ir ow% il,entirits the teork in ;. reel tor Th•••tege tooetArt tootitettoo u.k• elute holt, re, ntttl n0t4,1 tram itl,f lotus, AL:: can be vitals...l st this oTr.. or •t •al ttsr foLlovlng Lrs.rnl• h t A nschttet . Frsurors. • • - rt.. T. rt Cort_ V. n , iet. Or a 1-",p4.10-to bal male . It& 'ormi will not :••• deleted Tic 1I I•ico •• bo oo . coft to 0r' ,.. .cib00.1 b•o rrc.ico lion ailb o g000rtoo: cofcmtl by too frotronssolo p•rs thoo co• • hie 1.14 1. ut.t rol, to 7111 of WV. rlllart , tbocanttoel hY ilas !trot., lath scc.l2rUt .al lout tor,. ay. Ittatala [gaol t i e 1.10 . 0h1 of tbe contrbot, to arhoor tto otults yfrpot•fl. 131104 71117 'With tortcs cf &Al La ran:1'8,110w; =al, In owls tflo tall WAY= Itcoola fall to entry !strap , . o or food, thorto tent • go of 'the difteconto behrzon the offry do soaft,bil4... tut • teat roope•boibt, bidder of Ito, orcso to •ot.cm [to o ob. tenet may be swariloal. Yte foopoofabalty oater room - macro swot bo by fh. &dicta! .rtitcato It Oho flock 11th. ono,. Mot, tot Cotort Or of thr Cr Rod Moto. L•f•tott Atfor oy. to. ocoloo•dorith ter Rotoloi. the moo • yea turbo sov.oot of ilas otratroci 4cooi by tht. n fatzoctow abol b••• b of Ills gotrufat• fo. 741 to :oquirod of lb. tv,r-711 . Udder or bidden op. lag, 'to toe act • • • .. We, Ibo nefforeigt, 4, molten. ..1 Ie IS., orwott, of sod Sint. ' and •werally rowboat with the 1 , b1,4 otW,.• tol.l .seethe werwot..ghol ,f tt• COV tbot he re the, "'WM iaxa•ctructo thee., t,.0 frr the mme oils good sod tart . ..loot ourta,, mm r4aal leek , ono tat f ti.. o bins, t, to !ototett tb• tali ho pr-44,-.4, tz.t~ ohrtolty w Lb the Wren of •Ibl j u t, 14. I trA, which th• os mule:m.l, In co. the wad .boll 4.11 I. • tor oil u ct.btnOr t wortwohl, no treoi• o purl lte ClOrr•ort twit. !er, ii, cr . or tL• •.4 the lowest rt. I.. , beible hinds , o• IL! , 1 ,, fa, It. • otrort toot 1.• trord-d. I t . r.r sot! •••!. W if toms : • ~. avy.odni th. 0it,19.1 csr abovr cuedli,.ed , . . . . IM aseened ra , eoseh4 he 4,4 tern;11,..4 •1111 Loral. l wettrlnct fl. Perekeetivent I+wv.n the r 141.1 to way.. bieia, If y Prep.e.l• •Ai t• - • e..l,lerzeed •• litrlgs4ler 11.410[. C 1 , 1 ,117. Ha X , bid teforauture, Wae/slttel«. D. O. '' .111 he enders fee he., lore. Firq• Be,. lll..rtme, • tet• to. MAXI; FACT 141141111. Arc . _ LAWRKNOL IRON WORKS, Aletv Castle, Pa WHINE & CO., WON, NAILS AND SPLKEI3 Promo* pekes onlje.t tc cbsfeten of the snail. 15£N CIa.STLI. tumor. Oa., P. sitesii WORKS. ODIi&E & CEAWPORD, litaaalg.tv. - eas of rim mist, al Waal 50.185 WORK TOG PLUNGGSB, MAN OR GAB EIAGIIINIKTS, AGO OCATILAZSI MIA. AMAIN OABTTtiOd, oi 0,.....10020, mad. to cd dor. ATICAIIIIIOAT WORE, IiTKAN ktili GUAM! prurerrly attenriod to. Particular aunitiou paid to Ultra& tip P.P.172i1/11E3 FOS MAI. AHD CAMPUS OIL& Also, Pole A geutallu the W,o . DUtrld of Pirturryi riot. Our Mr .1. Of 111110311. LAriIDILL A 00.1 PATENT 31 - PllO5 PUMP. tar Lwr .rue tuurrit-d llarica co rain. U tr act Relate b Fri mu of order, ace •111 talc. to rarer Irma 41,11, palmy cd tat. lt• Itcr &via IiMMEEE MI Atli 1 al TOM, II ICS/ 1 7 111.1. LL a 00 VOCN OLEO O. HD 111,.'.11L1912fTi. Cl , abor c 4 Plk. saki frliara, rad fa_.• 1q C.tar lrAm) Maentartureas mut-sag said sew INGI NEB WILING MILL CASTINGS sod MAGUINIRT, t art.. se! febbstst I rrsopl stauttas (I to repstrlng ILIPLIANS MILL ut.cnir:Ery d•Ss-ty =MEI I=1:1 J e -A-CNI t1..1) 'l' Vti A. li it• Ars oz• ¢AnAf..eturirdg And burr b,. B.Lth. lAA AvrAmts.." of ...1 :Jed,ilot Wan. Is. 8.4:a, W atm , A. tati ;1R 0...A.1at.r.,1'..b AAA I.r.int , mnblts Lc. A OtrJ CLIWID tor .Aio 1.. u. Oil C.. $.ll alw. sal . Tas It.. I 1.. CA.Alsa,tArg, Ar.cl AUILIA..t. of 7uto- La K No.l. to oder. 1.9.59 BIM= 4A.TENICb N 1561 OVALLC IDI h it: V XI !CLINT C.I.tHAII it Um:map at.Lal bt Its tat Rama, hatt• 4 .11,arta or rho Aareta.t aalv , a• It W k rorr rut otos. Witt,. eftel. 't Pittataute., BLAU if1A3101.41) &I? - WORKH, PARK, BROTHREV_A CO., BLIT IVALITT 111/1.1111) OAT Milt., Equate, nal ted Octave; of All ohm. this ettuti to ..7 importhd or morttlforAttrod tt t this wont's. IMP" Pew and gran&0re..,1910... 14G and 16111711.5 T and 193 LIECOND 61111116T5, Pittabargh. ALLEN & VAILtr Worm - oat, Pitt.b Pa. Wl' 'Northman.. 101 LlDE orgh, IVIT RUIZ nt w uractonn of 000liePARLO 8 MID 'MATING °TEA. PAUL() 8 AND EITCUZIS MUTE/MIL. LOW WAILS, ate., stool and Clias !lota., &Mug SW Beaulop, MU Goering, Cat, Water and Aitinan _ Sod Iron, Ilog trona, Wave Borns. Sugar Conlon, Pd. Lep, Cor Wboola. Conlin/pia Coding, mo rally. Alpo, Jobbing and Ilachim. 4 1asting+ n•.& to or dot. Patouted Portable NIA with Steam or Horn Octrpr. PENN MACUINE WORKS AND Teusor.T. H. wionTnear a co., 11:01111 BITLDIRS &ND lACHINVIII, 1 erkstl, F.t.eru reams! actl Sandn4k7, ALLFGHIIr LY CITY. Pd. - el.unfuststrrnot PAT tirt POUTaBLE OtitoILLATING ESCIIIMS, Muffins, Pulloys, • Hermit log or ell kluds &Malik! to CALUM BUIS eOl RNA N, MAILIOIi AVERVI, Allegheny any Umntr.tisrei for W. Flay & Grata Rata., of tbn rkonowy. Ern Szdko7 ood Prow*, Bird pot. rrocoloo, 1310111. &ND DAGOAGI T BROX& WEI lie ittlOtra, CUTTING BOILOwad Wag= work of •11 dorostpUrta kl.o, !MOM 211211, for Hay =4 Grata Rata. Ouroodowr 011.103. FOWNES, (late of tho firm of v.v.. A Hluloy,) JlOllO B. HERMON (tab Ai Elerne & 0b.,1 IRON rot:INDIES sail 2ITOVE Ilsoutorturers. Binto Wad, PittOberst,Ps. 0y1710115 IL FIEVAION I (10. ~77ELLS, RIDDLE - & CO., No. 215 cannufsc WtiPT, P 7stit i r . P rlttlat at sad Lora l docriptlom W 111713 VILLIDIED ctinnr i Ord.o wildts4 from the trade, sal pas promptly Y par Instroctlons. SEVERANCE, No, 53 Waal SL S. .. plipboriii, ountdoctoror of BOILER WM& witovoin o=s, comma sadrodroad,of di. kriptlca.. . Portflodoi god or &aped 1111.1113 mil:nye% wir or moll,' mods to coded short whoa, ♦ good aortmoodootaddothroo *Mao .&8. Letters of-Administration of Tr tb• Wats of Gimp W. %m a*, NaMw4 ben two grsa•4 to !he saostelbli4di gown t 040441 to th• MILOS 011. 411411•114 W , maul favaimUme pair. met!, Lid . thole bolo" el•Loo stilsal_WW 0.11,1 t• 101 1 moms tleauer.ttboot 4 um .W. P. W 11111414, 4424totittittE. . • iorstor of 'WI sad 4a1thit14•49. 4 % . pitext4miti Soiolittt itll. pOtainitir EgITTHIR-4,__(100 freibrlia :But,te! rocin /am bah I*B 1 hater Wb It e~ns Fkki ' 0/1712M. a 9 bans prior °na Ottioll 11‘. lecehtos w age r a , 119 LAUD 161 Loam neat MEMO GC,111:1C D. ft , tlt3A Y. R.+, Di... Oit:e.l thdc.4l.• ALLEGE:OI MEAT. lall ORA orat. mar FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE GOIPAH PHILADELPHIA. nue. on Jansel 1,184, V.,453,314 43. att . :rood Sotpl. .111loka) %waled Pronto:a, Proottloi I 8.411 Lou ha at min. 1=) Pot - pans! Lod Temporary Pollcoa oa lib oral t0r0..1 Chart.. A. Dascksr, lsaac TA.. Tobin. Wpritcr, Iktiraro. O. D.I. Eau IA Omni, G. Palm, hicut.. B. Smith, I Alfred Wittor, Geo. W. 11.1cbscd.. 1 Tilm. W. Immic. K. D. CHARLES R. DADCETZTI, Prati.inat, EDWARD D. DALE. Tic. Prididect. JAS. W. IicAI.4.IBTED. SoT,Pro. T. J. O. corny, Accot, ...N ocaver WticAl acid Tlllni aroma. FIRE AND INLAND. Insurance Co. of North Amerlea. PHILIDILPIIII .......,..„.n.aw.am I=IE Hartford Fire lasoranoo Company. $1,215,0(03. 41.11 - Protectioa au be scared G ttr• Jove nalnd cad .ad +lA:tibia comp... dm. W. P. JONES, Aam, krull D.logel . • Butlath°, Rata . groat W TERN INSURANCE COMPA V 1 NT Gf PITTSDITHOIL • • • • - . HJiILLJH, Jr., ?trawl. I. M. GORDON. Prerr...-y. (Moe, No. DY W at. street, Span kOn.Y Won Eons, op 'Mtn DittoLmg6.. WC1:so• ago*. all 101-to ty Piro cad /Isnot Risko, A flow, Iratootvo. no , roto-1 6y NI" , • - forr.. to G. oconuotsoiho' sod ort. two dtetowtood. by pro/tots,. sod GZeraltih lo tooteaotto t.t.ochartotOor takdolt Goy halo sottormsd, ao ofto-loy too bolo preoteGon to Moo oh* ttforkv to to "wood PIaZOTCW Andes• Utley, Alexander b o aner, Dalrd !IL Long. Ikon d . 7Enaa, Mll`-r, Jr. HtAtr.aa. Ciaokleil Item., CI. NY: Ekbottoo. Boni. P. Bskowsli. John 11. M'Oun. ➢L GOBDOB. at:4am 1 rITZKN'S INSUILkINCE CONIPAN N,-/ ur PMSEI7II4Ii. Moe. ourn. Itark.t and WM. street+, wwdf 6,0 T. WK. ILIOALLY. Prattsal. SAMUEL REA. H•nretory. rheum. Stetabb•hts aud Carpet. I.ll , lMet &phut 1041.4 dvesette le theeeelebtime •• the bouthera Wetterp Toren, aai /Jaye.. rte wet iistb , b or !ha hem, letsut-• agebtst heee seal damp by fire. oron-rogn. . • S. IL Kier John BO Ipioo Junto M. C.A. , . 8. Etarbtagin. • J. ealdrsolL Jr.. John & Ihrloorta, Wm. L. rrodners. dAthlra Wm. Barge/. Jam Part Jr, W. G. JO:ortaft, B. 7 . Jx Orme., Gm:. T. 21 Gun Budd, Pr..., Gr.orre BiaglAmo, psoriza INSURANCM COMPANY Office, N. E. corner Weed & Fifth Ott nu AND 'MIEN . INSURANCE. lama D. Terastr, Con. John 1.. 11,LoriL &maga P. Sbrine, Gitarg• P. Joun, C. Ih.nme Lon, Curt. Ist:melts. Wu. MD" Alma Watt, We. 6. Mils. Matta S. Bale% Va. •ea KM. lIILLIPB, WATT, Pim Pnadal. jaltly • C=2l ALLEGREA Y INSURANCE COAL -11.51 01 rirrsnincou.— 11Itit west., Lasase• %pine MI Limb of 11r0..1 Übe. Ittats /MAC 1.800. Proll.l.rai, 10E18 D. WOOD.D. 1%0 D. tl. BOOR, i..-+•oY. Oa" 5113. DRA7. Deese? !)YL boar J... 0. C. Baryry thAda, Gait U. U. Gray, Jots ir.rta, 4 TaLtaaGaG C.M;B. /suably a. : Otertk.g. • claw W.. Dray I.llleorow. 11.41X'88 1 - 1 , i611 - 1 ---, 6 Er /welt &rata:. OttAINTULTD IH IR4 Opp 4104 he. 9 to t o'clock, 11a01110 Prodnottay aad latordtp treetop, from May lot to Sorasbei tot. fro. T to I o'clock, sod Croon tioloosb. lot to Yap lot ?no: to II o'clocol- Do:omit, rcoolocof of .11 moo cot loot tkae Oao Dot actl dfeldood of the protto doctartd 101. ►par, ,Irmo mod reoccool.r. Wong boo bola tooled. onet-soolally. lo Jo. .1 Ijoonabor, et.. tie B.oolt too oessookrod. Vako mt• of .Is for toot.. pcu. Intercti, 17 ow drawn oat, to puokoll to coo onall the depoollot b prtr.olpio and beam tbt us= tatecost from do trot dap of loat and Dececolort, =Mgr:man valor • pw withoat trombllag lbo &putt. to oil.. tom to protocol IL. into book_ At tilt 7at., Eaton still aontree to lc= M.o. Coen took.. cot:Wolof. rho =t,r, By•Lroot RMm tot flolmistloop. forotoll coact. oo at 0100. FRESI Juba H. Ocomt.egsr thous Eiser:.mr... ?rte. A,wictro. Job. R. /I :radian, Jam G. Ilactoeas. a: limey J. Liven, PA. atta+,4all. Illzat J t.....Nigram. A. 11 Pvlkx-d,ll. D, iota. ElMil 1:=220 Mosso A. Cartier Marino A. li , ottoet 1... Es grins, Ilson Wf nC, SchmaT Alex aza, B;mr, Airx.anien• T. itc, WWI.. V,Vak, limst Ler4 L. Tahneetnet, Ja.bn Gi:lesvin, E., ter Q. lit:mixt, 6-0.21.11_ Wm. P. V0y.... tr,r , .tian Yugtr D. L.: Da DR 1 - G (PODS, elle C11:31 & CO., (Last Wares, Nyae Wd. leet.rs 7:::.17'011 AND DONUT/0 DISI 4,1,`, No I/i tl+trtl hum 30..r0e Di.mous rht-burgh. spllktf EATON, MACH & CO., Wholeoale and id., In MIII3IIEIGY, CUB I OIDI ILS and DRY GOOLIti, carry riptio ry N.. IT and t 9 elmet, MACRUM .t MADE, Wholesale aid Detail Drains VANCT AND ATAPLN DST CIDODA, TRIBILLINGS,Nrarkat areal, tmo tvrett DiAsond Angl Yourth, PitubargA. FL PALMER, No. S-I Wood Street, R C as.. Detr 1ng14011 . 17, STRAW TRIM. TIIL BURCIIFIEIA) Whalen& and F ou ra tort l t 3rJ. In ut virlr..Lit wd ANll2trar.tpwr Plltaburgh. TOSI3PLE HORNE, Wholesale and Retail IP Dealer to kinds or TRINIIIIIO3. DRY GOODS. to., Soo. 77 tad T 7 tlartoi street. T W. BARKER & CO, Deniers in an . kinds of DAY Goers. No. ts 1111a31 gavot. bg. firma Third kafl Yonfily Pittsbunkt. B RIDGEWATER. 1760. • COTTAGE DRABS, axiom I MCI LLISEMED OIL. Mx =mat Drab MaAlia. for OpprAOLS, ♦ILLS!, RAILROAD DZIOII, Was, DRT be SOOTS, BARER, IMITAOR% ration' 0A21% AA. OIiZAPINT PetZIVT L 9 iffill ILIBEIT. IMODELLIP ILLYNOLDI, aural eras, Ti Mahlon Idall, Ihm Turk. wilgeomad MoULROOId KABELS WORKS, WM LIIMHTY arses. • biaalltal Ea *arid .mat 1.1 IaBBLIs luirtma, lionaments and (Wave Stones, 11402:1113 rum, ZINISIIDALI MAXI JOlll3. TORE Ginn= roltilTaril JANES :A3OBITIBOT4 atrucro Duman orlf Elizartunoss.• hie ;1111cm1 I: of Baldtop, tad coortotoate that/ soot . as nonoootgo lam . .- 0Alfso; cis. SOfoluf. Aron. Whim Loess! .. Wawa strosika. Allioffboom oft,. , . Iump,VINS BMIMI 01LWKEMEI, • a. . • Mob et lie. 61 NOW= MUM, _ a4-ari ;diet wet iret eawbui taro refloat toolo, snow 1 97.. 1 A1 1 1.uwe etoestme. !WM& o.llllhatikitade mighty= Primaiss. r,uitait—imo bbl. Bosondale Cement NMI MST IL 479 MIES. le raicAL, P iiiibi Twenty Years Standing. SIDNIVO CURED! relov wtlf H SHIA o aerillicats tros. oal 4 LS. n rtt tostet - tobto r'ttoona ort Wind= tzerstolli U. apt! to D. itersees I.lLadss7`l DINo4 Ssftroasr; Tis Detect's earitScsUm era ►fßla 116 , 14 Sad ... ott owed be deceived :a rosord to kb pnpandesci I r. aeo. H. Kyr 1 bsca... shelbted With Pilci &tont twenty yam ego, Ibta IllI•17 rest tag wail vowing worse, so as to Iroutila sas isa7 ottotl,. at Lane as to unfit at for woos. 6.ms ttoss I *me so bad amt. I oslial cot dososythlag oa socomatof I [bey Immo eat tio mu w largo mil • hickory 'mt. I bad [Hod a mat Goa of wadi. for boo. 1 mood to o 1 and bk. fflutoror 1 email dor of az rood of b ck ;ux and pompktot; Mg* Pil In my var. Let r 0 0 0ld rot pt onrad ; sognattotoo cur 'ovoid dO zoo as• 6.4 for 1; UMW while ; bat attitrirsrds tbry 'mkt roUtra figs% tad sa wear. I also applied to two Doctors. who Tie.; Had mast my hours sad tan aes matt med4Olott, but It would not do, I maid not get watt. - Oro S yssr ago cat on advertbcotent of your Linden's 13roudifosraterr, made by yourself. When you sold It to me you toad me -set bon!. woohl not cu.* ene. arid that my so lots ayottero • let old t.se• to be renewed by Lb., medians before/ f; I , onIL I twocht on• bottle sad moon It Soma wilt 71.11, okr.d tiar4 II aooording to your directions. I lion 0.1:al t 0... 700 Kato. when yua said I ounlat sot ar,,act much Isestcs trene one bottle I tt,lgitt it. oo• Waite at . ts o e, so tit 1 had urea a., bottisc Aftar thts on:tatty hod seen med. I on. entirely wail of the NU; which bad tottursd au lot twenty roma In other ft:newton.) tallith II limpness'.; and I son sn w.O so ofral4 b. .s Prdoft 1... at .7 ado, bring •arty years pant. 1 ha” been wtdl now Or fax means, marl Mars to at *war aaa Of . Vet= at the &mac I ono d, - ray trod of w f atag vark tai. without the Ititos coming down sad hurtled to*. I can teach hay, Shag wood. hit, or do say kind of work whlob leave sand co hurl cts. When Maar oat row We'd atarekor I !sot ors taktag It =an I got entirely well. I coaalder Witty ditty to maks sty was koofra to if, aorttll7 for the 1....n0r others .ho may to enderink sat Irv, and du not taunt the e.t.a of yorte astatiott , Too may pnblith this if yon Ilk, I Ito. to Wllliar township, and will be pleased to ..t'•jae7 one of the; troth of Ohio zurtitteata It they wi•k to tall on oss. SLLLOTY Den& Docentbertivo SW Irv:lt out Exit,* all.. e! Dr. GSOIKIE 11. ZIT SIR co the cover et the bottle •o-i D•etal ova Lls.cr. ear, Per We ich.rp on the Milted ?Rota etestp on tbe toy of Its bottle. to prevent Wag betpeeei ova by • rporlona article which II m the starlet . Jr Sold by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood Street, sod by Sums Josastost, corner Fourth and Smithfield streets. mm OR RIIPTURS. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Racture eared. Hernia or Rupture =red. Hernia or Rapture cured. Hernia or Rupture awed. _ Hernia or Rupture cared Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia er Rupture cared. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia cared. Rapture or Hernia oared. Rapture or Hernia oared. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia oared. Rapture or Honda oared. Rash's Radical Clare !MA. Rittere Patent Ansa Fitch's Supporter Tram.. Reif-Adj tie ting Trop. o riropi , (61. tho .upped tad oure eil Eleatic Stockings, for waif ws.l Tar CO3w voirer. glwitla line* Cap . fur weak knot °int.& Ankle Supportscs, Tfor weak knits joints. Suspensory Bandages. Belf-Irdoeting and every othir kind of Sysinges, Hard Bobber Byringea. Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace, for the onto of Prolape-ar Uteri, Piles, .Abdominal and Spinal Woakneasea. Dr. 8 B. Pitch's Silver Piste Sup porter. Kr Office at his Drag Store, No. 140 Woco Bias:, sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons writing for Trusses should sand the Dunbar of inches around the body isemedistay am the rapture. int 7 CAT4.IIRH gt. R. OIXIDALEI CATARRH• REMEDY. It iwne train to the very real at thb terribb alsoisoo, and extertainatm It, root tad brand; farenm . Dr. wows& Is the Ant and wall Panne who ofer tail the world lent Catarrh realty wow—when it manned and what woald own it. - Dr. DOODAD' how spent' a Mahn to Want with tote fell . Duns, oaploring Its POI* wham runt ma king known to the world the bet that Catarrh. which kn. for yaws, dated the stlll non nasal , * of =naiad Knee =4 oath= In th is country and Ls =nom. can now be cored, with the lam nib= eingeraty that monolog follows night. ThOmooda who bars tried every known cure in vain. has ben yormanantly clued by Dr. 000D.SJA'S OLTADUII kiIIDDY. nod now praise it la the most catravagmat bin= of probe. Cali at our nand iogracy, or end a stamp tel Dohie. rtmad and prepared py Z. ISOODALS, Y. D., Hs. York. . DORTON k 00., Pole Arab, RS Droadork. lair tart. DIL (410. Bou Anal la 10 WOOD Bull'. mows% NAT Ijos NoFroy.s llliglk ItHON LSD 0014:44/OL, ideddosai our toddi &Witold, Illasedsosod dl iddlwodt Dondod dm dal Iroddazi d du in:, fhb Odadostpooldsdi di dallibrot ei dr drid-dds di do idly dra: isi.did diddititeda do Lod dirdd id the sito to du dada dim du pd. and Cu doom npused,, doi wirorpirded pi& lo anbsnail lb filegii id plan &las& ot Ow Mad; do addiod dad I:ii&idik od . :mord" add dadi ETURIE f CO. di Oldidtd& It.d. 41 by 'DL 11:110t - 1 . Of '' 411 INI4 OA 4410, _ 1~ ` AI 1i Cass a ~ s-` ~ s °~- - meta CHSEOEEE eraes.coirto Mtlf.t. 802ctaT011 =TAM kYD Mx ch. Obctrazti iMjladtarmas•-ol litagalsrlp tit AM =CI= ra., Va. Or 01.0 , 1411 Otos* n •rt.tri4t. , X. they care Supreard.prontsd • .tdr.;:i I % l = L 6. 6 ELs;iitass fatign. twioart Lman tau cue Or ricksufma ref ctn. 'Semi; ipal SigH Ilark sAd Ltworpart3 of tae es sligLt Pstpitsan of Splr!t% 11 - prtrea,l3la, • $ ~d, trl evoacrlng 14. can?r, and vita It ail Usa (1401410, as. la alth t?i - V7 ruodriv Ur i v arst - 4rtsg rep* IV; lim;powa a ttimpa , ~-.1ta,;..., et., aalai.'4 T r.otl.tsg dvlarriovs tel.) ev .lix bi t t bV•vmse 6611. 1 \ age. ttete fve.cr4oli io4ar Iv i av 4 amok ler . 1 Ina WAS, . veldelt, litva proprity i54 . ,! - 1u57 atm 64 1 They may is mbar laud as say Ar! sad at say ..Tim ae find Vine 0t10441.1T11y4 tidos the =Wing maw. of thatz actiatiliStd AU letttn sorbing haforassaloa or advice wail t. straoptly, truly sold alimony sannraS, raft dirrettosra accampazy e.oh hauT.. Prim I yrr t;oz, or aim baue Car VS ik.my byersil, boa of yoga" co reetSySor prior. • pat ty rarretab:a Drutiers. • • DZ. V. n. atcalik 00.. r 1411 X 1 */""•__ „ No. 51 Liberty straih: Sow pow Per aoh. In Pittsburgh by N. IizrI:IiSSAMILV comer of thaDiasonod sad DisrLsit tolittibrdavrow, • • GLAD NEWSI rue TILE usroarcreapit Till LUG SNOT FOR 6ISCZNE4O iT CHEROKEE REMEDY CHEROKEE litaolloll Cczpci trdsd tn.= .Boetv, let . arta LALes.iii. CEIIIMOSSZ SEMI, the post - dadlsa DIstoRK coins Mil dnesses of the arlasty oyds4S ? 4*** ad IndTo dainceid.tho Mine, Indarawstioa of }L's Maids, L. Caseastion of tba Sidney*, Eta. In I3nidtaddsr,l3nrin. Inns Grant. (Meet, 004lireSIMI, sad L(S*Fsoyily mended fa *boss arm of llnot A*. v ii (0* Siilb*..* Contsiesi anon .11 Ins old as",esni:2insllcisei ba, eare. Lit 14rclunal I. • bigtO acan:t fetal. th s. ;d®. bah; boa ass to tart to sp oon S' J bur LUNY*: Amy, It U Marsala sad altaraths to LL.r{b 7 mad L tba Mood. caudqg U iy toe to an Ibe ortglaal gmtU7 mbovibie.fivatlufitia• •Upandolato coats VbSO Was Sada'ctdY4eiu.: _ • • Chant.* !ejection b Intandall as.e:4l, or aeStant to CbeWlanualy,•ad Ana lad le aa4lan•~ ttoc elfb tbst maildba !sap cuts eigibaretal•Ulbal• Ems Awn or Wilts. Up ex. atebiallag,agabdat sad dtmclest; renaUna an absUlibiblost, Ands! ma WA, [batted glf as Daub* set atom can. ?hasn't .p.O mat b azwrisbeed . cheap itiaa takaibm. . By the oat A the CUSMOILZJII :' , 11.11111t0 ma 01111330=11 1:115.17:01103—tha twal4nollolus at . atzze tLz boßoyor dlo*apa attt room* aaa me weaketwa orb are . spoodflyoustitrail ia IV Agar ' ard ottoneth.. 4 , • . TA toll partitclars, tot oar paanittati. tay Drag. aWee la ear:mm7y. or vritt at, as/ WO will non trao. . to my Moron,* tall Motto. Fifa, 2F3IICDT..i per bolt* or • throe bottloa for iss. • tip 0111101(XL 19.55crn03,42 pa. WO; x, ,; Corm bottler fn lywat try min" iny attosta flhoratatyi air Salm- Boy by .it &saes:. everivbsno. Da. ir. straiKur cm, 804.1tepilatosi. • 50. F 3 Men) a!sist, Era TOM ica n 4 v 712... b by B. Stc(3AZILLY crt. fla *La .11.1u4 zr.h7.7ltswdsesowt CHEROKEE ERRE EIMI=IN INDIAN MERICINE Cscapennded from ItoOtedialTAadet torn& I do octal:god cue toe Brensci*d..•rhai,; , thcaftail Bostun.at 1.1i31110V21. and .. AU dLeeddee roam- • ed by rooh Loos orilesotT Volver, cal Lasattc.de, Point la the 8az.V....,:th TWA*. • • . Pet=alnre Old Age, ti rot Naves, DlTiendly ottlmoth. , 4og. Trzr.bll2.l. Waketubete, IztitriSCOs ci the hada Pale Countenance, Intanity, Ooniciiiiitt, and allt e• Croft.' eccophdats c 000 d by densiOnT from Ws or manna • Side teedlchie It &simple rerdootkextract, and sae on otich ell con rely,se it Li* been toad En MyTiethak"*, 7 .-.: itc many years, and with thounandiVoateL. tt haindd ; ealltd it o slciOe botany,. Ito te*F„ra powers been cud:Kt-at to Tao of -tory over this sand einbtrYt* ' , To Owes who base trlllad With tbzirplinstltritloa, en Mc/thick tbetnoltea beyond Yeaib the sodlool odd, wo would soy. Dcopcir not ! the,CharOkee Onno Via I mt.. yoor health and attar, mod after doctor hays Tor SO parCesdan Set o 1:6411 . 44.61N1 sty arts Ste= In the cannery, et Init. Ma itedgfetor. *he - maß fore to way one desiring the fl!, • fon Mottos . tam(.det Coma Prins its per bottle, or these botto l3 t Al warded by entrees to all tarty of thiClioaeLl.. Bold by ell teemtcbid antgite , Dr.& W. lIMAliffM OO. r - , , No. IN! Maly itint.-Now Tort. ' Tx oats la PLtt•barsh by N. lONSLILIGLIIN 034 after r.attramterk - e.16179...e.am50mi - - - • Daft RT.T*III. , , , na. primigair*_ UPMIIILTLEIG his; Or, &waaos or 14i1a. Plecw•d - r_vs TstatatiirZ! =Mtn: Lnitontoso to tat ticli.tiniva4 . .At Zdamattas Mt:dr 1, it main 111. ionnias 12 ea Torebbb kb.l4*telai istbsll lerw Asa abstiszt sestbal of rah Wisptthoof thi Maio tste . bzi bum tateeV *see saiemat radical lama? the dirj, bg 00)0 pecsisaml is IMF ems of Um greaten otelleal dlomosertik at the rmirrimm.'imstrm • Air &sea arms ardatica to• Ots tottla can PatplUnta atailzt. • fav dale ago= tbi arms ig , *sritials. ham ces to *no bottlai rearWri!•;•* lauttamil sa ha ?Igor of ircreii.. • I • TA Can roans thi &MAUI. • • , =tire WILLI =mita word eslifot lardsll47; • • frir Ikea aim Cr low obric4 4 , -, • • • .oos %ails adorn isimag poinek, •4* *Wes beigie Cu ate tot* Tbb tateadra tuMr...ss S asoll Mit tibial healtiFita roar, debilitated; win*lori u4lllllPer. Milneiza of send gamma; . . lb, Hakes. manta Tot* tte i5r.4461 ir bottom, tbstsita of mama doreaScia from isand es ften app logo tat" still an. Whamessi ttaa rie. mama :elle bi- ass atjtil. Zlsk or roma ge kaki ibt 5 3 . ea. ibt• Irks lb re Ctn. vst a a E7 . wnn..aWA! ssaa blba &lOW -1:11:11:14Attinbl *ca.. • numb' at ftebbergb by a. ataagaaaajtaoti mar d E. new trii atibbSoollo. Elebbeibrint - ~ r ~, s'c-y • 16 E!MIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers